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EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD COVERING OPERATIONS FOR THE YEAR 1931 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE W A S H I N G T O N : 1932 Digitized forF oFRASER r sale b y the Superintendent o f Documents, Washington, D . C . - - - - - - P r i c e 20 c e n t s THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD DECEMBER 31, 1931 EX OFFICIO MEMBERS A. W. MELLON, Secretary of the Treasury, Chairman. J. W. POLE, Comptroller of the Currency. FLOYD R. HARRISON, Assistant to the Governor. CHESTER MORRILL, Secretary. E. M. MCCLELLAND, Assistant Secretary. J. C. NOELL, Assistant Secretary. W. M. IMLAY, Fiscal Agent. EUGENE MEYER, Governor. CHARLES S. HAMLIN. ADOLPH C. MILLER. GEORGE R. JAMES. WAYLAND W. MAGEE. WALTER WYATT, General CoiTnsel. E . A. GOLDENWEISER, Director, Division of Research and Statistics. CARL E. PARRY, Assistant Director, Division of Research and Statistics. E. L. SMEAD, Chief, Division of Examinations. II Chief, Division of Bank Operationsi CONTENTS TEXT OF REPORT Page 2 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 Reserve bank credit Member and nonmember bank credit Money rates Credit policy of the Federal reserve banks Excess reserves of member banks Composition of reserve bank credit International gold movements Credit agreements with foreign central banks Earnings, expenses, and volume of work of Federal reserve banks Building operations of Federal reserve banks Branches and agencies of Fed eral reserve banks Changes in membership Bank examinations Bank suspensions Bank consolidations Banks on par list Trust activities of national banks Change in board's regulations Administration of the Clayton Antitrust Act Meetings of the Federal Advisory Council Conferences held by the Federal Reserve Board Board's organization, staff, and expenditures 13 16 16 17 18 18 20 21 21 22 22 22 22 22 TABLES FEDERAL RESERVE BANK CREDIT RESERVE BANK CREDIT AND FACTORS IN CHANGES: No. No. No. No. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Annual averages, 1918-1931 Monthly averages, 1917-1931 Weekly averages By weeks (Wednesday series), 1927-1931 End of month series, 1927-1931 27 28-30 31 32-36 37 RESERVE BANK CREDIT: No. 6. Reserve bank credit outstanding, annual averages, 1915-1931. 38 No. 7. Reserve bank credit outstanding, by months, 1923-1931 38-39 No. 8. Deposits, reserves, note circulation, and reserve percentages of Federal reserve banks, by months, 1927-1931 40 No. 9. Principal resources and liabilities of Federal reserve banks, by weeks 41 No. 10. Resources and liabilities of Federal reserve banks, in detail, December 31, 1931. 42-43 No. 11. Resources and liabilities of Federal reserve banks (in detail) at the end of each month 44-45 in IV CONTENTS RESERVE BANK CREDIT—Continued. Page No. 12. Condition of each Federal reserve bank at end of 1930 and 1931 46-47 No. 13. Number of member banks discounting paper at Federal reserve banks, by months, 1914-1931 48 No. 14. Bills discounted by Federal reserve banks—Holdings a t the end of each month, by classes 49 No. 15. Bills bought by Federal reserve banks—Holdings at the end of each month, by classes 49 No. 16. Holdings of bills discounted and bills bought by Federal reserve banks, by maturities 50 No. 17. Holdings of United States Government securities by Federal reserve banks at the end of each year, 1927-1931, by classes 51 No. 18. Holdings by Federal reserve banks of United States Government securities in system investment account, under resale agreement, etc. (average basis), 1930-1931 52 No. 19. Holdings by Federal reserve banks of United States Government securities in system investment account, under resale agreement, etc. (Wednesday basis) 53 No. 20. Holdings by Federal reserve banks of one-day certificates of indebtedness issued by the United States Treasury, 1924-1931 54 VOLUME OF OPERATIONS OP FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS: No. 21. Volume of operations in principal departments, 1927-1931-- 55 GOLD SETTLEMENT F U N D : No. 22. Summary of transactions through the fund, 1924-1931 56 FEDERAL RESERVE AGENTS' F U N D : No. 23. Summary of transactions through the fund, 1924-1931 56 MEMBERSHIP IN P A R COLLECTION SYSTEM: No. 24. Number of banks on par list and not on par list, 1924-1931-_ 57 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK PREMISES: No. 25. Cost of premises of Federal reserve banks and branches to December 31, 1931 58 EARNINGS AND E X P E N S E S OF FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS: No. 26. Gross and net earnings and disposition made of net earnings, 1914-1931 No. 27. Earnings, by sources, 1914-1931 59 59 FEDERAL RESERVE N O T E S : No. 28. Federal reserve agents* accounts at the end of each m o n t h . - 60 GOLD STOCK, GOLD MOVEMENTS, AND MONEY IN CIRCULATION GOLD: No. 29. Monetary gold stock of the United States, by months, 19141931 63 No. 30. Analysis of changes in monetary gold stock, by months, 19141931 64-66 No. 31. Gold earmarked by Federal reserve banks for foreign account, by months, 1916-1931 67 No. 32. Gold imports and exports, by countries, 1928-1931 67 No. 33. Gold imports and exports, by months, 1922-1931 68 MONEY IN CIRCULATION: No. 34. United States money in circulation, by months, 1914-1931 -_ No. 35. Kinds of money in circulation, by months, 1929-1931 69 70 CONTENTS V DISCOUNT RATES AND MONEY RATES DISCOUNT RATES AND MONEY RATES: Page No. 36. Federal reserve bank discount rates on all classes and maturities of discounted bills—Changes from January 1, 1922, to December 31, 1931 73-75 No. 37. Federal reserve bank buying rates on acceptances—Changes from January 1, 1922, to December 31, 1931 76-77 No. 38. Average rates earned by Federal reserve banks on bills and securities, 1918-1931 78 No. 39. Open-market rates in New York City, by months, 1927-1931. 79 No. 40. Open-market rates in New York City, by weeks 80 No. 41. Money rates in New York City—Prevailing rates charged customers, by months, 1927-1931 81 No. 42. Rates charged customers by banks in principal cities (weighted averages), 1919-1931 82 FOREIGN RATES: No. 43. Discount rates at central banks in foreign countries—Changes from January 1, 1928, to December 31, 1931 No, 44. Open-market rates in foreign countries, by months, 19271931 1 83 84 MEMBER AND NONMEMBER BANK CREDIT ALL BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES: No. 45. Loans and investments of member and nonmember banks, 1914-1931 No. 46. Deposits of member and nonmember banks (exclusive of interbank deposits), 1914-1931 87 88 ALL MEMBER BANKS: No. 47. Resources and liabilities of national and State bank members. 89 No. 48. Resources and liabilities of reserve city and country banks__ 90 No. 49. Deposits subject to reserve, reserves required, reserves held, and borrowings at Federal reserve banks, by months 91-93 No. 50. Holdings of eligible assets (United States Government securities and eligible paper) compared with borrowings at Federal reserve banks, 1926-1931 94 No. 51. Classification of demand and time deposits on call dates, 1928-1931 95 No. 52. Principal resources and liabilities on call dates, 1914-1931-. 96-97 No. 53. Classification of member bank loans and investments on call dates, 1928-1931 98-99 No. 54. Reserve balances, by months, 1920-1931 100 No. 55. Borrowings at Federal reserve banks, by months, 1914-1931100 MEMBER BANKS IN NEW YORK CITY, CHICAGO, AND OTHER RESERVE CITIES: No. 56. ^Deposits subject to reserve, reserves required, reserves held, and borrowings at Federal reserve banks, by weeks, 19291931 101-109 REPORTING MEMBER BANKS IN LEADING CITIES: No. 57. Loans, investments, deposits, reserves, and borrowings at Federal reserve banks, by months, 1920-1931 110-111 No. 58. Principal resources and liabilities, by weeks 112-113 No. 59. New Y^ork City banks—Principal resources and liabilities, by weeks 114-115 VI CONTENTS REPORTING MEMBER BANKS IN LEADING CITIES—Continued. Page No. 60. Banks outside New York City—Principal resources and liabilities, by weeks 116-117 No. 61. Bankers' balances, by weeks: Total, New York City, other leading cities „ 118 BROKERS' LOANS: No. 62. Loans to brokers and dealers, secured by stocks and bonds, made by reporting member banks in New York City, by weeks . 119 No. 63. Brokers' borrowings, 1927-1931, as reported by New York Stock Exchange 120 No. 64. Member bank loans to brokers in New York City, 1928-1931.. . '.. 121 No. 65. Member bank loans to brokers outside New York City, 1928-1931 „_. 121 BANKERS' ACCEPTANCES AND COMMERCIAL PAPER OUTSTANDING: No. No. No. No. 66. 67. 68. 69. Bankers' acceptances and commercial paper outstanding . Bankers' acceptances outstanding, by classes Bankers' acceptances held by accepting banks, 1925-1931. _ Purchased acceptances held by member banks on call dates, 1928-1931 No. 70. Distribution of bankers' acceptances outstanding, by months- 122 122 123 123 123 BANE: DEBITS: No. 71. Debits to individual accounts by banks in 141 principal cities, by months, 1922-1931 _ 124 BANK SUSPENSIONS: No. 72. Banks suspended and reopened, by years, 1921-1931 No. 73. Bank suspensions, by months, 1927-1931. No. 74. Bank suspensions: Number, classified according to capital stock, 1921-1931 ... No. 75. Bank suspensions: By size of town or city, 1921-1931 125 126 127 127 CHANGES IN MEMBERSHIP IN THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM: No. 76. Changes, by class of member, 1930 and 1931 128 EARNINGS, EXPENSES, AND DIVIDENDS OF MEMBER BANKS, 1923-1931: No. 77. Earning assets, capital funds, and profits „ No. 78. Ratios of earnings, expenses, etc., to average earning assets. No. 79. Earnings, expenses, and dividends._, 129 130 131 BANKING CONDITIONS IN FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS AND STATES CONDITION OF EACH FEDERAL RESERVE BANK: No. 80. Bills discounted for member banks—Holdings, by months, 1927-1931 _-- 135 No. 81. Discounted bills—Holdings on December 31, 1931, by classes 136 No. 82. Discounted bills—Holdings on December 31, 1931, by maturities 136 No. 83. Principal resources and liabilities, by weeks 137-148 VOLUME OF OPERATIONS OF EACH FEDERAL RESERVE BANK: No. 84. In principal departments No. 85. In branches . __„ _«_ 149 150 GOLD SETTLEMENT FUND: No. 86. Summary of transactions through the fund, by districts 151 CONTENTS VII FEDERAL RESERVE AGENTS' GOLD F U N D : Page No. 87. Summary of transactions through the fund, by districts 151 MEMBERSHIP IN P A R COLLECTION SYSTEM: No. 88. Number of banks on par list and not on par list, by districts __-_.. — 152 No. 89. Number of bankB on par list and not on par list, by States, December 31, 1930 and 1931.. 153 EARNINGS AND E X P E N S E S OF EACH FEDERAL RESERVE BANK: No. 90. Total earnings, current expenses, and net earnings, and disposition made of net earnings, 1914-1931 154-155 No. 91. Earnings and expenses in detail 156-157 CONDITION OF ALL BANKS IN EACH DISTRICT, 1925-1931: No. No. No. No. 92. 93. 94. 95. Total loans and investments Total l o a n s . . - . Investments Deposits (exclusive of interbank deposits) ,. . 158 159 160 161 CONDITION OF A L L BANKS, BY STATES, 1927-1931: No. 96. Total loans and investments™ No. 97. Total loans No. 98. Investments . . 162 163 164 CONDITION OF ALL MEMBER BANKS IN EACH DISTRICT: No. 99. Net demand and time deposits, by months 165 No. 100. Reserve balances, by months, 1928-1931___166 No. 101. Borrowings a t Federal reserve banks, by months, 1930 and 1931 . 167 No. 102. Number of member banks discounting paper a t Federal reserve banks, 1924-1931 167 No. 103. Principal resources and liabilities, on call dates 168-169 No. 104. Classification of loans and investments on call dates 170-173 CONDITION OF A L L MEMBER BANKS, BY STATES: No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 105. Total loans and investments, 1929-1931 108. Total loans, 1929-1931 107. Loans to customers (exclusive of banks), 1929-1931 108. Open-market loans, 1929-1931 109. Investments, 1929-1931 110. Borrowings a t Federal reserve banks, by States, 1931 111. Number of member banks discounting paper a t Federal reserve banks, 1924-1931 — —— 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 CONDITION OF REPORTING MEMBER BANKS IN EACH DISTRICT: No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 112. Total loans and investments, by weeks „ . 113. Total loans, by weeks „ 114. Loans on securities, by weeks 115. All other loans, by weeks „ ., 116. Investments, by weeks ... 117. Net demand deposits, by weeks. 118. Time deposits, by weeks 119. Reserve balances, by weeks 120. Borrowings at Federal reserve banks, by weeks . . 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 BANKERS' BALANCES OF REPORTING MEMBER BANKS, BY DISTRICTS: No. 121. Amounts due to banks, 1930 and 1931, by months. No. 122. Amounts due from banks, 1930 and 1931, by months 190 190 BANK SUSPENSIONS: No. 123. Banks suspended and reopened, by districts No. 124. Banks suspended and reopened, by States . 191 192 VIII CONTENTS Page EARNINGS, EXPENSES, AND DIVIDENDS OP MEMBER BANKS, 1927-1931: No. 125. All member banks, by districts No. 126. National banks, by districts . No. 127. State member banks, by districts- 193 194 195 BUSINESS CONDITIONS CAPITAL ISSUES AND SECURITY PRICES: No. 128. Capital issues, 1919-1931 No. 129. Security prices, 1919-1931 . 199 200 INDEX NUMBERS OP PRODUCTION, EMPLOYMENT, TRADE, AND PRICES: No. No. No. No. No. No. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. Production, employment, and trade, 1919-1931 Production of manufactures, by groups, 1919-1931 Production of minerals, by industries, 1919-1931 Factory employment, by groups, 1919-1931 Factory pay rolls, by groups, 1919-1931 Wholesale prices, by groups of commodities, 1913-1931— 201-205 206 207 208-211 212-213 214-215 APPENDIX Recommendations (and directory) of the Federal Advisory Council Amendment to regulation G of the Federal Reserve Board Directory of the Federal Reserve Board Salaries of officers and employees of the Federal Reserve Board Receipts and disbursements of the Federal Reserve Board Salaries of national-bank examiners Governors and directors of Federal reserve banks Salaries of officers and employees of Federal reserve banks State bank and trust company members of Federal reserve system: List of members, with location, loans, investments, etc (Summary classification according to capital stock Fiduciary powers granted to national banks Banks authorized to accept bills up to 100 per cent of capital and surplus Description of Federal reserve districts Description of Federal reserve branch territories Map of Federal reserve districts 219-221 222-224 225 225 226-227 228-229 230-237 238-240 241-255 256-258 259-282 283-285 286-291 292-293 294 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD, Washington, June 6, 1932. To the SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES: Pursuant to the requirements of section 10 of the Federal reserve act, I have the honor to submit the Eighteenth Annual Report, prepared by direction of the Federal Reserve Board, covering operations during the calendar year 1931. Yours respectfully, EUGENE MEYER, Governor. ANNUAL EEPOET OF THE FEDERAL EESEEYE BOABD Nineteen hundred and thirty-one was a year of continued depression in business, of reduced employment, and of decline in values. The volume of bank credit decreased continuously during the year, there were many bank failures, and severe disturbances occurred in financial conditions, both here and abroad. During the first nine months of the year the Federal reserve system pursued a policy of further easing credit conditions through reductions of rates and through open-market operations. In the autumn of the year, when, following upon the suspension of gold payments in England, the system was subjected to heavy withdrawals of gold from abroad and of currency for hoarding in this country, it met these demands freely by discounting paper for member banks and by the purchase of acceptances in the open market. In the first quarter of 1931 banking conditions, which had been characterized by a large number of suspensions in 1930, showed some improvement, but this improvement was not sustained during the rest of the year. In the late spring the number of bank failures increased, and there was a renewed increase in the withdrawals of cash from banks for hoarding. There was an improvement in conditions for a brief period in July after the announcement on June 20 of the American proposals for a moratorium on intergovernmental debts and reparation payments, but in August the downward movement was resumed, and in September, after the suspension of the gold standard in England, gold exports from the United States were in large volume and withdrawals of currency from the banks were accelerated. Withdrawals of deposits and declines in the value of investment portfolios were accompanied hj a large number of bank failures in September and October. Gold exports practically ceased at the end of October, and in the last part of the year there were considerable imports of gold, largely from Japan. After the organization in October of the National Credit Corporation for making loans to banks with sound assets, though these assets be ineligible for discount at the reserve banks, there was a reduction in the number of bank suspensions, and some return flow of currency to the banks, but in December bank failures increased again and were accompanied by renewed withdrawals of currency for hoarding. When Congress convened in December, a bill was introduced for the establishment of a 1 A ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD Reconstruction Finance Corporation with a capital of $500,000,000 supplied by the United States Treasury and authority to borrow up to $1,500,000,000. The bill creating the corporation, which is authorized to make loans to banks and other financial institutions and to railroads, was passed by Congress in January and approved by the President on January 22, 1932. Throughout the year unfavoraole developments abroad were an important factor in business and credit conditions in the United States. The European credit crisis, beginning in Austria in April, spread to adjoining countries and resulted in June in a collapse of credit in Germany. Efforts to arrest the spread of this crisis through the extension of outside support to the central banks of Austria, Hungary, and Germany, and through the American proposal for an international moratorium on intergovernmental debts, were unsuccessful, and in July there were heavy withdrawals of foreign balances from England. Foreign credits of $250,000,000 obtained by the Bank of England and of $400,000,000 obtained by the British Government were exhausted by the third week in September, and on September 20 the British Government announced the decision to suspend the gold standard in England. This action, and similar action in other countries, caused large gold withdrawals from the United States, accelerated domestic withdrawals of currency for hoarding, and was followed by a rapid contraction of credit in this country. RESERVE BANK CREDIT Volume of reserve bank credit, which as a result of gold imports had declined in midsummer to the lowest level since 1924, increased sharply in September and October, as gold and currency withdrawals occurred, and at the end of the year was near the highest level in 10 years. The course of reserve bank credit since 1922 is shown on the chart, in relation to the demand for currency, gold movements, and member bank reserve balances. Increase in the demand for currency began in November, 1930, when bank failures increased in number, but the resulting demand for reserve bank credit was met until after the middle of 1931 by the use of funds derived from imports of gold from abroad, with the consequence that there was little change in the outstanding volume of reserve bank credit. After that time, however, in September and October, when a large reduction in the monetary gold stock of the country coincided with a further large increase in the demand for currency, the volume of reserve bank credit increased by $1,000,000,000 within a few weeks. In November and December, however, there was a reduction of more than $200,000,000, reflecting in part a renewed inflow of gold from abroad, but in larger part a rapid decrease in ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD 6 member bank reserve balances, which accompanied a further decrease in member bank deposits. RESERVE BANK CREDIT OUTSTANDING AND PRINCIPAL FACTORS IN CHANGES MILLIONS OF DOLLARS MILLIONS OF DOLLARS 6000 6000" 5500 5500 5000 4000 2500 2000 1500 1000 1000 500 1922 1923 192^ 1925 1926J 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 Monthly averages of daily figures The following table shows on a monthly average basis the changes in reserve bank credit during the first nine months of 1931, in the last three months of the year, and for the year as a whole, in comparison with the changes in gold stock, money in circulation, and member bank reserve balances: RESERVE BANK CREDIT AND PRINCIPAL FACTORS IN CHANGES [Monthly averages of daily figures. In millions of dollars] Change between— Decem- Septem- Decem- December, 1930 ber, 1931 ber, 1931 ber, 1930, and September, 1931 Keserve bank credit Monetary gold stock Money in circulation Member bank reserve balances. ! | l, 273 4,583 4,823 2,415 September, 1931, and December, 1931 December, 1930, and December, 1931 1,313 4,948 1,950 4,450 +40 +365 +637 +677 -133 5,133 2,333 5,611 2,069 +310 +478 -264 +788 -346 4 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD MEMBER AND NONMEMBER BANK CREDIT The decrease of member bank reserve balances by $346,000,000 during the year was the largest decrease in these balances that has taken place in a single year since the Federal reserve system was established. During the first nine months of the year the decrease was gradual, amounting in the aggregate to $82,000,000, but during the final quarter it became accelerated, the decrease amounting to $264,000,000 for the period and reflecting the rapid decline in loans and investments of member banks. The decline in bank loans which had begun in the autumn of 1929 continued throughout 1930 and 1931; until the summer of 1931, however, the decline in loans was partly offset in the total volume of bank credit by a growth in the banks' holdings of investment securities. In the third quarter of 1931 banks discontinued their purchases of securities, and in the fourth quarter they began to sell investments, with a consequent increase in the rapidity of liquidation of bank credit and bank deposits. The decrease during the year in member bank deposits subject to reserve requirements approximated $4,875,000,000, of which $2,675,000,000 was in net demand deposits and $2,200,000,000 in time deposits. This decrease reflected chiefly a reduction in member bank loans and investments, a decrease which amounted for the year ending December 31, 1931, to $4,300,000,000. For nonmember banks the reduction in loans and investments during the year was $2,200,000,000/ and for all banks, both member and nonmember combined, it was $6,500,000,000/ or 12r per cent. The accompanying chart, based on figures for all banks in the United States, shows the course of bank credit since 1919, with separate curves for member banks and nonmember banks. It brings out the fact that, while there was some reduction in bank credit in the last quarter of 1929 and the first quarter of 1930, it was not until the later months of 1930 that the volume of bank credit showed a rapid decline, either for member or for nonmember banks. After the middle of 1930, however, the reduction became pronounced and continuous, and after the middle of 1931 extremely rapid. During the last quarter of 1931 the reduction of $3,700,000,000/or 7r per cent, in bank loans and investments was larger than the reduction during the three preceding quarters of the year and about equal in volume to the postwar liquidation of November, 1920-March, 1922. At the end of 1931 loans and investments of all banks in the United States, amounting to $49,700,000,000/ were about $9,100,000,000r less than in the autumn of 1929 and at about the same level as in the autumn of 1925. The reduction of $9,100,000,000r in bank loans and investments from October 4, 1929, to December 31, 1931, reflected a reduction of ' Revisedlfigures. ANNUAL EEPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD O $10,900,000,000T in bank loans, offset to the extent of $1,800,000,000r by an increase in bank investments. The decrease in loans wTas continuous throughout the period, while the increase in investments reflected the net result of a growth of about $3,000,000,000 prior TOTAL LOANS AND INVESTMENTS BILLIONS OF DOLLARS 60 I (MILLIONS I I I I I i 55 A L L BANKS I y OF DOLLARS I bU T J i 50 y 45 / * * V / r\ **U 45 / / MEM 5ER B/\NKS or 35, ^ — •ac y ^ 30 30 or nC *s N O N - M E M B E R B A N K S ^ . - ——*s —V p>——- 90 ?n ^^ 15 15 in 0 1A ! 1919 ! 1920 1921 1922 I 1923 i 1924 i 1925 i i 1926 1927 | 1928 I 1929 1 1930 i 1931 n Figures beginning with June, 1920, are for all dates on which member banks made call reports; for earlier period they are for June only to September, 1931, and a subsequent decrease of more than $1,200,000,000r during the final quarter of the year. MONEY RATES Continued liquidation of bank loans during the first half of 1931 was accompanied by a further decline in short-term money rates, both in the open market and on loans made by banks directly to their customers. At the beginning of 1931 rates in the open market were already at the lowest levels in more than 20 years, and during the early months of the year they declined further to 2 per cent for commercial T Revised figures. 6 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD paper, 1){ per cent for call money, seven-eighths of 1 per cent for bankers' acceptances, and less than one-half of 1 per cent on United States Government obligations of short maturity. These levels prevailed through part of May, all of June, July, and August, and most of September, reflecting the combined effects of a limited demand for loans from borrowers of the highest credit rating, the prevalence of excess reserves at the larger and more active member banks, and a low level of indebtedness by member banks at the reserve banks, accompanied by further reductions during the first five months of the year in the discount rates of the Federal reserve banks and in their buying rates for bankers' acceptances. Throughout the summer, therefore, the cost of credit in the short-term money markets for borrowers of acceptable credit standing was low, and the possession of excess reserves by member banks reflected the inactive demand for credit from sources acceptable to the banks and a lack of confidence on the part of the banks in investment securities. These conditions prevailed for somewhat more than four months until the suspension of the gold standard in England on September 20. At that time the demand for gold from abroad and for currency at home absorbed the excess reserves of the member banks and led to a sharp increase in the volume of their borrowings at the reserve banks. CREDIT POLICY OF THE RESERVE BANKS The credit policy of the Federal reserve system in the first nine months of 1931 was directed toward the furtherance of easy credit conditions, as indicated by further reductions in rates on discounts and acceptances between January and May and by purchases of United States Government securities between May and September. During the summer reserve bank rates were at the lowest levels that have ever prevailed, the official buying rate on acceptances being at 1 per cent for the principal maturities and the discount rate of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York at V/i per cent, and at the other reserve banks between 2 and 3}{ per cent. After the middle of September, in view of the outflow of gold from the country and of currency into hoarding, the Federal reserve banks increased their rates on discounts and acceptances. The discount rate of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York was advanced by 1 per cent on October 9—from IK per cent to 2% per cent—and on October 16 to 3% per cent. Buying rates on acceptances for different maturities were advanced by one-fourth of 1 per cent on September 25, and advanced further on October 9, 13, and 16—to the level of 3% per cent for maturities up to 90 days and 3K-3K per cent for longer maturities. Between October 9 and November 14 discount rates were also advanced at other reserve banks—at Boston from 2 to 3% per cent, at Philadelphia, Cleveland, Atlanta, and Kansas City from 3 to 3% per ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD cent, at Kichmond from 3 to 4 per cent, and at Chicago, St. Louis, and San Francisco from 2% to 3% per cent. On November 20, when the gold outflow had ceased and the currency demand subsided, buying rates on acceptances of maturities up to 45 days were reduced by one-eighth of 1 per cent. The accompanying table shows the Federal reserve bank rates in effect at the beginning of 1931, during the 4-month period from May 22 to September 24, and at the end of the year. FEDERAL RESERVE BANK RATES [Per cent] In effect Jan. 1, 1931 In effect during period May 22Sept. 24, 1931 Pato Rate BUYING RATES ON ACCEPTANCES 1 1-15 days. — 16-45 days.._ 46-90 days— 91-120 days. . 121-180 days. In effect Dec. 31, 1931 Date established | Date es -pQ+ft I tablished | R a t e May 13 May 19 do May 13 Nov. 20 Do. Oct. 16 Do. Do. DISCOUNT RATES Boston New York PhiladelphiaCleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis Kansas City... Dallas San Francisco _ May May May May May Jan. May VA 7 8 7 9 15 10 9 ___ May 21 May 8 M a y 22 4 4 4 4 i\ | i\ i\ 4 i\ i\ Oct. 17 Oct. 16 Oct. 22 Oct. 24 Oct. 20 Nov. 14 Oct. 17 Oct. 22 (2) Oct. 23 Oct. 21 Do. 1 Buying rates at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. 2 Sept. 12, 1930. EXCESS RESERVES OF M E M B E R BANKS During the first half of the year, as indicated b}r the chart on page 3, increased currency demand was approximately offset by gold imports, and until June the maintenance of member bank deposits at a fairly constant level was reflected in reserve requirements that remained close to $2,300,000,000, or about the same as in the middle of 1929. Beginning with June, however, when deposits and reserve requirements decreased, and continuing through the next five months, the banks had excess reserves in considerable volume. These facts are brought out by the chart, which shows for the period 1929-1931 the reserves held by the member banks, the required reserves, and the excess reserves. The increase in excess reserves at the middle of the year, to a level in June and July above $120,000,000, was due in part to an increase in monetary gold stock that exceeded for the time being the growth in currency demand. An offsetting 125554—32 2 8 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD influence at that time, which tended to reduce member bank reserve balances, was liquidation of dollar acceptances held in this country by foreign central banks and deposit of the proceeds with the reserve banks. This operation results in a transfer of funds from the market to the reserve banks and tends to increase the demand for reserve bank credit. The transfer of funds from the market to the reserve banks, however, which began in the middle of June, did not result in increasing member bank indebtedness and, therefore, tightening credit ALL MEMBER BANKS MILLIONS OF DOLLARS MILLIONS OF DOLLARS 2500 2500 Ik 2400 Reserves Held \ 2400 2300 2300 V Required Reserves M \\ \ 2200 2100 2000 2200 2100 2000 Excess Reserves 100 1 1929 ^ 100 . . . i . 1930 . , . . l . . . 1931 Monthly averages of daily figures conditions, for the reason that it was offset by the purchase of United States Government securities by the reserve banks. COMPOSITION OF RESERVE BANK CREDIT During the period of transfers of funds from the market to the reserve banks by foreign correspondents in June, the reserve banks purchased $60,000,000 of United States Government securities, and in a similar situation in August they made additional purchases of securities, bringing the total holdings of the system to $725,000,000. This amount was maintained until near the end of the year, except 9 ANNUAL KEPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD for temporary increases at the time of Treasury financing periods in September and December. At the end of 1931 reserve bank holdings of United States Government securities amounted to $800,000,000 and showed an increase for the year, as measured by monthly average figures, of $133,000,000, which compares with an increase of $436,000,000 in bills discounted, $83,000,000 in acceptances, and $25,000,000 in other reserve bank credit. The figures are given in the accompanying table, which also shows separately the changes during the first three quarters of the year and during the final quarter. The accompanying MILLIONS OF DOLLARS U. S.GOVERNMENT SECURITIES HELD BY FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS MILLIONS OF DOLLARS 900 900 800 800 700 100 1928 1929 1930 Figures are for Wednesdays; no separate lines are shown for 1-day Treasury certificates or for Government securities bought under resale agreement, both of which are included in the total chart shows by weeks the course of reserve bank holdings of United States Government securities during the period 1928-1931, with separate curves for United States Government securities held in the "System investment account/' through which system policy in respect to open-market operations is chiefly expressed, and those held by individual reserve banks, which usually vary in amount in accordance with adjustments by the individual reserve banks to local or temporary conditions. 10 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD COMPOSITION OF R E S E R V E BANK CREDIT [Monthly averages of daily figures. In millions of dollars] Ch £inge betwee n DecemDecem- Septem- Decem- Decem- Septem- ber, 1930, ber, 1930 ber, 1931 ber, 1931 ber, 1930, ber, 1931, and Deand Sep- and De- cember, tember, cember, 1931 1931 1931 Bills discounted Bills bought United States Government securities Other reserve bank credit... Total reserve bank credit 338 257 644 34 280 259 736 38 774 340 111 59 -58 +2 +92 +4 +494 +81 +41 +21 +436 +83 +133 +25 1,273 1,313 1,950 +40 +637 +677 INTERNATIONAL GOLD MOVEMENTS The movement of gold to the United States during the first half of 1931 was similar to that which characterized the year 1930. Except for an import of $20,000,000 of gold from France in April, practically no gold flowed between this country and Europe. The bulk of the imports was from Canada, Latin America, and the Far East, and reflected the continued fall in raw material prices and the pressure of foreign indebtedness. Up to the middle of June about $230,000,000 was added to the monetary gold stock of the United States. In the next three months $190,000,000 more gold was added to United States stock. Although the movement from Canada, Latin America, and the Far East continued, by far the largest receipts during this second period were from Germany. Following the threatened collapse in May of the Credit Anstalt—the largest bank in Austria—confidence in the banking situation in Central Europe was impaired. Early in June the withdrawals of foreign funds from Germany assumed substantial proportions. The Reichsbank lost $230,000,000 of gold in the first three weeks, in addition to large amounts of foreign exchange. About one-half of this gold was transferred directly or indirectly to the Federal reserve banks. After the withdrawals from Germany subsided, with the introduction of exchange control in that country, withdrawals of foreign balances from London began on a large scale. During the first half of 1931 the British gold stock, like that of the United States, had been increasing. There had been a constant flow of gold to England from the mines of the Transvaal, Rhodesia, and West Africa; and a substantial amount in the aggregate had come from South America, the Straits Settlements, and Australia. Early in the year there were losses to France and Belgium; but from the end of January to the middle of July gold reserves of the Bank of England increased by $120,000,000. In the last two weeks of July the movement was reversed and $155,000,000 of gold flowed out— ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD 11 mostly to France, Netherlands, and Belgium. Temporarily the loss of gold was stopped by the purchase of $125,000,000 of sterling bills by the Federal reserve banks and an advance of $125,000,000 to the Bank of England by the Bank of France, followed later in August by a credit to the amount of $400,000,000 granted to the British Government by private interests in France and the United States. These measures were, however, insufficient to meet the continued withdrawal of funds, and on September 21 the Bank of England was relieved by law of its obligation to redeem its notes in gold. Suspension of the gold standard in England not only tended to immobilize foreign balances still held in London but also to impair confidence in such balances held elsewhere and to cause European banks to convert large portions of their foreign funds, into gold. Since a large part of the realizable short-term foreign balances of the world was held in the United States, it was largely upon this country that this movement then concentrated. As a consequence, the United States lost $725,000,000 of gold from the middle of September to the end of October. About three-fifths of this gold was taken by France, and the bulk of the remainder by Belgium, Switzerland, and Netherlands. These were the countries which previously had been drawing heavily upon the Bank of England's reserves, and which continued to draw gold from the London bullion market when the bank itself ceased to pay out gold. To a considerable extent the movement reflected the desire of the central banks in these countries to increase their metallic reserves with a view to showing a stronger gold position. In the final two months of 1931 the general movement of the first of the year was resumed, and gold stock in the United States rose as a result of shipments from Canada, Latin America, and the Far East. The flow from these areas had in fact never ceased; but from the middle of September through October the shipments to Europe had been much larger than the receipts from other parts of the world. In November and December, however, exports to Europe practically ceased, while shipments from Japan, which was endeavoring to maintain the gold standard, were in heavy volume. Even after Japan abandoned the gold standard on December 13, Japanese gold continued to arrive at San Francisco. In these two months the monetary gold stock of the United States increased by $170,000,000. During 1931 as a whole, the monetary gold stock of the United States decreased by about $135,000,000. Central gold reserves in Germany declined by $290,000,000; in England, by $130,000,000; in Argentina, by $160,000,000; and in Japan, by $180,000,000. Meanwhile central gold reserves in France grew by $600,000,000; and in Switzerland, Netherlands, and Belgium there was an aggregate increase of $665,000,000. 12 ANNUAL REPOKT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD The reported central gold reserves of the world as a whole showed a net increase for 1931 of about $335,000,000. If allowance is made for gold in transit between central banks and for gold pledged as collateral for loans and thus temporarily removed from central gold reserves, the figure of the increase during the year is nearer $450,000,000. This figure compares with $440,000,000, the output from the world's gold mines, and an additional $275,000,000 representing the indicated release of gold from private holdings in China, Russia, and India. Proi3ably not more than $45,000,000 of this total of $715,000,000 was taken for industrial uses in 1931. The remaining difference between the amount of gold coming from the mines and from private holdings in the East and the amount added to central gold reserves is nearly $220,000,000, and represents largely gold absorbed in commercial bank and other private holdings during the year—for the most part in European centers at the time of the international financial crisis. CREDIT AGREEMENTS WITH FOREIGN CENTRAL BANKS On several occasions during 1931 the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, in association with other Federal reserve banks and with the approval of the Federal Reserve Board, entered into agreements with foreign central banks to purchase from them up to specified amounts prime commercial bills bearing their guarantee of repayment in gold. Such agreements were made on May 30 with the Austrian National Bank, which at the same time entered into credit agreements with the Bank for International Settlements and 10 European central banks; on June 19 and July 8 with the National Bank of Hungary, which on the same dates entered into agreements with the Bank for International Settlements and a number of European central banks; on June 26 with the Reichsbank, which at the same time entered into agreements with the Bank for International Settlements, the Bank of England, and the Bank of France; and on August 1 with the Bank of England, which at the same time also entered into an agreement with the Bank of France. The Austrian credits, originally aggregating about $14,070,000, including $1,083,000 for the Federal reserve banks, were renewed for about seven weeks on August 30, and after reduction by 10 per cent on September 16 were again renewed on October 16 for three months in the amount of $12,660,000, including $975,000 for the reserve banks; the Hungarian credits, originally aggregating about $10,000,000, including $2,000,000 for the Federal reserve banks, and later increased to about $21,000,000, including $5,000,000 for the reserve banks, were renewed for three months on September 18 in the reduced total amount of $16,800,000, ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD 13 and renewed again for one month on December 18 in the reduced total amount of $16,570,000, including in both instances $4,000,000 for the Federal reserve banks. The Reichsbank credits, which were for $100,000,000, including $25,000,000 for the Federal reserve banks, were originally for a period of three weeks, but were renewed on July 16, and again renewed—for three months—on August 6 and November 4. The Bank of England credits, originally for $250,000,000, including $125,000,000 for the Federal reserve banks, were renewed for three months on October 31 in the reduced total amount of $150,000,000, including $75,000,000 for the Federal reserve banks. Reserve-bank holdings of bills payable in foreign currencies, which represent largely purchases of bills in accordance with agreements made with foreign central banks, were reduced during the first quarter of the year from $36,000,000 at the end of December, 1930, to $1,063,000 at the end of March, 1931. They remained at about this level in April and May. In June they increased to $10,551,000, in July to $34,371,000, and in August to $145,215,000. During September they declined to $48,804,000 and during October to about $33,000,000, at which level they remained throughout the rest of the year. DETAILS OF OPERATION In the preceding pages there has been presented a brief discussion of business and banking developments in 1931 and of the policies pursued by the Federal reserve system during the year. In the following sections of this report there is given a more detailed account of the operations of the Federal reserve banks and branches and of administrative matters with which the Federal Reserve Board has dealt during 1931. EARNINGS, EXPENSES, AND VOLUME OF WORK OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS Gross earnings of the Federal reserve banks in 1931 amounted to $29,701,000, or $6,723,000 less than in 1930, and were lower than in any preceding year since 1917. After deducting current expenses of $27,040,000—somewhat less than the previous year—and adjustments for depreciation on bank premises, reserves for losses, etc., there remained net earnings of $2,972,000. Earnings, expenses, dividend payments, etc., for all Federal reserve banks combined for 1931 and 1930 are shown in the following table: 14 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD EARNINGS AND EXPENSES OF FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS DURING 1931 AND 1930 [In thousand of dollars] 1931 29, 701 27, 040 Total earnings Current expenses.. Current net earnings. Additions (profits on sales of United States Government securities, etc) _ Deductions (depreciation and other reserves, etc) Net additions to current net earnings.. Net earnings Dividends paid Charged to surplus Franchise tax paid to United States Government-. 1 1930 36,424 28, 343 2,661 8,081 3,187 2,876 3,475 3,568 311 -93 2,972 10,030 1 7,058 7,988 10,269 2,298 17 Not including a depreciation reserve on United States bonds of $8,158,000 charged direct to surplus. The reduction in gross earnings in 1931, notwithstanding an increase of $194,000,000 in the daily average holdings of bills and securities, was clue to the decrease from 3.25 to 2.20 per cent in the average rate of earnings on bills and securities. The average rate of earnings on each class of earning assets showed a substantial decline during the year, the average rate on discounted bills declining from 3.93 per cent in 1930 to 3.01 per cent, on bills bought in the open market from 2.85 to 2.04 per cent, and on United States Government securities from 3.06 to 1.86 per cent. Average daily holdings of discounted bills, bills bought in open market, United States Government securities and other bills and securities, together with average rates and amounts earned on each, are shown for recent years in the following table: E A R N I N G S ON B I L L S AND SECURITIES [Amounts in thousands of dollars] Bills and securities held by all Federal reserve banks Year Total Daily average holdings: 1927 1928 _ .. . _ 1929. .. . 1930 1931 Average rate of earnings (per cent): 1927 1928 . _ 1929 1930 1931. Earnings: 1927 1923 1929 1930 1931 . Bills discounted Bills bought in open market United States Government securities All other bills and securities 1,124, 538 1,467, 371 1, 413, 058 1, 056, 895 1, 251, 058 442,287 839,942 950, 580 271, 727 326, 217 263,258 327,806 241,399 213,201 245, 260 417,480 297,499 207, 659 563,672 669, 013 1,513 2,124 13,420 8,295 10, 568 3 60 4.24 4.86 3.25 2.20 3.83 4.56 5.03 3.93 3.01 3.49 3.97 5.00 2.85 2.04 3.41 3.64 3.93 3.06 1.86 3.88 4.34 4.94 4.09 2.90 40,482 62, 275 68,683 34 365 27, 565 17,011 38, 334 47, 791 10,672 9, 821 9,207 13,021 12,064 6,081 5, 010 14, 206 10, 828 8,165 17, 273 12, 428 58 92 663 339 306 15 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD Current expenses of the Federal reserve banks in 1931 were $27,040,000, or $1,303,000 less than in 1930. Reductions were effected in most of the items of expenditure, the principal reductions occurring in the cost of printing, issuing, and redeeming Federal reserve notes, and in expenditures for salaries, insurance, postage, and assessments for Federal Reserve Board expenses. The average number of officers and employees decreased from 9,797 in 1930 to 9,426 in 1931, and there was some falling off in the volume of work handled in the principal departments of the banks except in the discount departments, where the volume of work increased materially during the latter part of the year, and in the fiscal agency departments. The volume of work handled in the principal departments of the banks during each of the past four years was as follows: VOLUME OF OPERATIONS IN PRINCIPAL DEPARTMENTS 1928 1929 1930 1931 NUMBER OF PIECES HANDLED 1 Bills discounted: Applications _ Notes discounted Bills purchased in open market for own account Currency received and counted Coin received and counted Checks handled Collection items handled: United States Government coupons paid. JU1 other. United States Government securities—issues, redemptions, and ex- j changes by fiscal agency depart- j ment Transfers of funds 123, 000 443,000 145, 000 526, 000 99, 000 415, 000 113, 000 513, 000 251,000 2, 270, 555, 000 2, 929, 091, 000 887, 997, 000 196, 000 2, 427, 330, 000 3, 239, 709, 000 924, 449, 000 208, 000 2, 441, 989, 000 3, 325, 555, 000 904, 975, 000 221, 000 2, 269, 292, 000 2, 900, 462, 000 864, 615, 000 28, 765, 000 6, 461, 000 20, 935, 000 6, 504, 000 19, 362, 000 6, 388, 000 17, 322, 000 6, 927, 000 6,682, 000 2, 011, 000 1, 833, 000 2,139, 000 1, 417,000 1, 868, 000 2, 435, 000 1, 663, 000 $62, 412, 961, 000 $60, 747,124, 000 $14, 067,117, 000 $14, 555, 590, 000 4, 240, 669, 000 13, 315, 551, 000 451,125, 000 301, 703, 814, 000 3, 587, 478, 000 14, 782, 429, 000 478, 219, 000 367, 215,123, 000 3, 873, 698, 000 2, 998, 415,000 14, 262, 809, 000 12, 668, 638, 000 537, 534, 000 585, 945, 000 324,883, 021, 000 248,172, 956, 000 543, 373, 000 535, 612, 000 AMOUNTS HANDLED Bills discountedBills purchased in open market for own account Currency received and counted Coin received and counted Checks handled Collection items handled: United States Government cou- 499, 111, 000 479, 960, 000 All other. 7, 414, 440,000 7,185, 384, 000 7, 528, 014, 000 7, 321, 814, 000 United States Government securities—issues, redemptions, and exchanges by fiscal agency depart9, 002, 383, 000 7, 018, 844, 000 7, 245,189, 000 ment 17,543, 480,000 148, 749, 027, 000 170, 789, 669, 000 198,880, 880, 000 162, 095, 081, 000 Transfers of funds— 1 2 or more checks, coupons, etc., handled as a single item, are counted as 1 "piece." None of the Federal reserve banks reported sufficient net earnings to pay accrued dividends in full, and four Federal reserve banks— Boston, Richmond, St. Louis, and Kansas City—reported an excess of expenses over income. Accordingly, dividends of all Federal reserve banks were paid entirely or in part out of surplus. In addition, a reserve for depreciation on United States bonds in the amount of $8,158,000 was charged direct to surplus account. The surplus of the Federal reserve banks combined after the closing of the books at Digitized for12 FRASER 16 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD the end of the year amounted to $259,420,000, a net reduction for the year of $15,216,000. The total subscribed capital of the Federal reserve banks at the end of 1931 amounted to $321,000,000, against $339,280,000 the year before. Gross and net earnings during the year and the distribution of net earnings of each Federal reserve bank are shown in the following table: FINANCIAL RESULTS OF OPERATIONS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS DURING Federal reserve bank Boston New York Philadelphia.. Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis. _ Kansas City.. Dallas San Francisco Total... BUILDING 1931 Gross earn- Net earnings ings $1,800,619 -$140,230 7,555,213 1,532,081 2,714,016 884,172 3,038, 083 78, 545 1,389,086 -156,646 1,448,835 4,143, 601 609,895 1,188, 631 —61, 263 936, 604 45,805 1, 555, 084 -185,486 1, 213,987 111,982 2,717, 520 253,211 29,701, 279 OPERATIONS 2,972, 066 OF FEDERAL Excess of Reserve for expenses depreciation and divi- on United States Dividends dend paybonds, paid ments over charged | earnings, direct to charged to surplus surplus $709,139 3,891, 599 1,004,836 936, 513 340,360 313,247 1,170, 633 289,409 180,455 253, 621 254, 878 685, 070 $849,369 2,359, 518 120, 664 857,968 497,006 313,247 560, 738 350, 672 134, 650 439,107 142, 896 431,859 $410,783 3,138, 747 458, 716 473, 331 133,767 95,405 964,743 186,470 653,001 138,274 1,168,455 336, 576 10,029, 760 7,057, 694 8,158, 268 RESERVE BANKS The building for the use of the Pittsburgh branch, construction of which was begun in 1930, was completed in 1931 and occupied on December 14. The addition to the building of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond was also completed during the year. At the end of 1931 all Federal reserve banks were housed in buildings owned by them, as were also all Federal reserve branches except those at Cincinnati, Charlotte, Portland, Seattle, and Spokane. BRANCHES AND AGENCIES OF FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS The 25 branches and 2 agencies of the Federal reserve banks which were in operation at the end of 1930 continued to function throughout 1931. As was the case with the system as a whole, the volume of work handled by the branches and agencies in their principal operating departments fell off somewhat in 1931. The following table shows a comparison of the volume of work handled in certain departments during the years 1928, 1929, 1930, and 1931: ANNUAL EEPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD VOLUME 1 17 OF OPERATIONS OF FEDERAL RESERVE BRANCHES AND AGENCIES 1928 Checks handled: Number Amount Currency received and counted: Number of pieces Amount Coin received and counted: Number of pieces Amount 268,814,000 $68, 273,066,000 1929 1930 277, 778, 000 265,300,000 $72,034,805,000 $62,834,956,000 1931 245, 416, 000 $48,079,197, 000 535,352, 000 $2,939,837,000 594,449, 000 $3,259,688,000 581,697,000 $3,106,716,000 522,933,000 $2,565,552,000 453,200,000 $67, 949, 000 466,152,000 $75,846, 000 572,611,000 $84,394, 000 593,425,000 $72,550,000 *2 or more checks, etc., handled as a single item, are counted as one. Current expenses during 1931 of the branches and agencies amounted to $5,703,000, as compared with $5,987,000 during 1930. CHANGES IN MEMBERSHIP During the year 1931 the number of member banks decreased from 8,050 1 to 7,246, a net reduction of 804 for the year, as compared with a net reduction of 472 the year before. Membership at the end of 1931 included 6,368 national and 878 State banks, representing decreases of 663 and 141, respectively, for the year. As in other recent years, the decrease in the number of member banks resulted largely from suspensions, mergers between member banks, and absorptions by nonmember banks. The number of nonmember banks decreased during the year by 1,995—from 14,717 at the end of 1930 to 12,722 at the end of 1931. Additions to membership during the year may be classified as follows: 15 newly organized national banks, 7 nonmember State banks converted into national banks, 23 State banks admitted to membership, and 31 previously suspended member banks that reopened during the year. In addition, 197 nonmember banks were absorbed by member banks, thereby increasing the assets but not the number of member banks. Mergers between member banks account for a decrease of 209 in the number of such banks in 1931, and suspensions for a decrease of 517 member banks. A total of 125 member banks were lost to membership through conversion into or absorption by nonmember banks, 20 through voluntary withdrawals of State banks from membership, and 9 through voluntary liquidation. At the end of 1931 member bank loans and investments constituted approximately 77 per cent of the total loans and investments of all commercial banks (i. e., exclusive of mutual savings banks), as compared with 75 per cent a year earlier and 73 per cent at the end of 1929. Changes in membership for the year 1931 are summarized in the following table: 1 Exclusive of 2 banks that suspended at end of 1930 but which were included in the comptroller's Dec* 31, FRASER 1930, abstract. Digitized for 18 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD CHANGES IN THE NUMBER OF NATIONAL AND STATE BANK MEMBERS DURING 1931 AND 1930 1931 National Active member banks at beginning of year Additions to membership: 2 Organization of national banks Conversion of nonmember banks to national Admission of State banks _. _ Resumptions following suspension Conversions within the system Total additions 2 Decreases in membership: Merger between member banks— National and national, or State member and State member National and State member Voluntary liquidation (terminal) Suspensions Absorption of member banks b v nonmember banks Conversion of member banks to nonmember banks Withdrawal of State banks Conversions within the system Total decreases 1 Net decrease Active member banks at end of year State Total 1 Total for 1930 8,050 8,522 23 6 15 7 23 31 33 35 18 7 48 29 76 93 151 26 8 409 98 19 17 15 1 108 8 168 41 9 517 106 19 20 158 41 4 187 109 25 3 41 711 170 880 565 663 141 878 804 472 7,031 1,019 15 25 1 6,368 20 1 7,246 1 8,050 1 Exclusive of 2 banks that suspended at end of 1930 but which were included in the comptroller's Dec. 31, 1930, abstract. 2 Exclusive of 197 nonmember banks absorbed by member banks in 1931 and 165 in 1930, which increased the3 assets but not the number of member banks. Includes 2 compulsory withdrawals. BANK EXAMINATIONS The board, through its division of examinations, conducted one examination of each Federal reserve bank during the year. Two banking corporations organized under the provisions of section 25 (a) of the Federal reserve act, generally referred to as the Edge Act, to engage in foreign and international banking business, were examined during the year. Two banking corporations organized under State law to do a foreign banking business and operating under agreement with the board, as provided in section 25 of the Federal reserve act, were also examined during the year. BANK SUSPENSIONS A total of 2,298 banks (and 242 branches operated by 95 of such banks) suspended operations during 1931, with aggregate deposits of $1,691,510,000, as compared with 1,345 banks in 1930 with deposits of $864,715,000 and 956 in 1926 with deposits of $272,488,000, the previous peak years of bank suspensions. Of the 2;298 banks that suspended during the year 1931, 409 were national banks with deposits of $439,171,000, 108 were State bank members of the Federal reserve system with deposits of $294,357,000, and 1,781 were nonmember banks with deposits of $957,982,000. During the year 276 suspended banks with deposits of $158,187,000 resumed operations, of which 25 with deposits of $26,182,000 were national banks, and 6 with deposits 19 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOADR of $27,762,000 were State bank members. The following table shows the number, capital, and deposits of suspended and reopened banks, by years, since 1921: B A N K S S U S P E N D E D AND R E O P E N E D , 1921-1931 [Capital and deposits in thousands of dollars] Banks reopened Banks suspended Year 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930... . . - Deposits Capital 501 354 648 776 612 22,802 13,743 21, 943 28, 358 24, 441 196, 460 110,721 188, 701 213, 338 172, 900 60 65 37 94 62 1,918 4,003 1,516 2,815 1, 994 17,493 35,565 11, 674 22,462 16, 618 956 662 491 642 1,345 32,804 24, 763 19, 715 32,254 111, 643 272, 488 193,891 138, 642 234, 532 864, 715 149 95 39 58 147 5,134 3,906 1, 540 3,052 6,802 60, 610 35, 729 15, 727 25, 829 61, 599 2,298 208,120 1, 691, 510 276 19,102 158,187 .. ._ Deposits Number Number . 1931 Capital The greatest proportionate increase in bank suspensions in 1931 as compared with previous years was reported for the North Central, Middle Atlantic, and New England States, as may be seen from the following table, which shows the number of bank suspensions, by geographic divisions, in 1931, in 1930, and from 1921 to 1929, together with a yearly average for the latter period: Number of bank suspensions 1921-1929 1931 New England States Middle Atlantic States North Central States South Mountain States Southeastern States Southwestern States. _. Western Grain States Rocky Mountain States . Pacific Coast States.._ Total, United States .. . _ Yearly average Total for 9 years 33 250 611 13 32 286 2 9 50 16 82 449 _. 152 245 174 87 276 201 21 103 77 188 929 694 _ 717 62 54 413 25 12 291 59 15 2 620 534 130 2,298 1,345 627 5,642 __ __ _ 1930 „_ The average size of banks that suspended in 1931 was larger than in any of the previous 10 years, 23.7 per cent of the banks that suspended in 1931 having had a capital stock of $100,000 or more, compared with 15. 8 per cent in 1930 and 9.7 per cent during the 9-year period 1921-1929. The increase in the average size of banks that suspended in 1931 was due chiefly to the fact that a relatively larger number of suspensions was in the larger towns and cities. Percentages of bank suspensions, according to capital of the banks and 20 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD population of the places where the suspensions occurred, are shown in the following table: BANK SUSPENSIONS, BY SIZE OF BANK AND SIZE OF TOWN Per cent of total number Banks with a capital of— of bank suspensions 1931 1930 Banks located in places with population of— 1921-1929 Per cent of total number of bank suspensions 1931 1930 1921-1929 $100,000 and over $50,000 and over 23.7 43.6 15.8 32.2 9.7 27.2 25,000 and over 10,000 and over 5,000 and over 13.7 19.5 25.6 9.2 13.4 17.9 5.2 8.4 12.6 $25,000 and over Less than $25,000. 75.5 24.5 64.6 35.4 59.0 41.0 1,000 and over.. Less than 1,000 53.5 46.5 46.4 53.6 39.5 60.5 BANK CONSOLIDATIONS Bank consolidations in 1931 were more numerous than in any previous year, 812 banks having been absorbed by other banks during the year. Of these 812 banks, 315 were members of the Federal reserve system and 497 were nonmember banks. Of the 315 member banks that went out of existence as separate institutions through consolidation, 209 were absorbed by other member banks and their absorption, therefore, did not affect the banking resources in the Federal reserve system. Member banks absorbed by nonmember banks numbered 106, as compared with 197 nonmember banks absorbed by member banks. The total decrease during the year in the number of banks in the United States was 2,803, and the number in operation at the end of the year was 19,966. Following is a classification of the banks absorbed during 1931 and 1930 through consolidation with other banks: BANK CONSOLIDATIONS—NUMBER OF BANKS ABSORBED BY OTHER BANKS 1931 Total number of banks absorbed by other banks. National banks absorbed—total By other national banks. By State bank members. By nonmember banks State bank members absorbed—total- 1930 812 (0 275 261 151 26 98 143 22 96 40 47 By other State bank members.. By national banks By nonmember banks 17 15 8 15 19 13 All member banks absorbed—total. By other member banks By nonmember banks Nonmember banks absorbed—total_ By national banks.. By State bank members By other nonmember banks.. 315 209 106 308 199 109 497 140 57 300 0) 2 135 2 30 1 Complete figures of nonmember banks absorbed are not available. 2 Figures for 1930, of nonmember banks absorbed by member banks,[are probably somewhat incomplete. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD 21 BANKS ON PAR LIST At the end of 1931 there were 16,427 banks on the Federal reserve par list, which comprises all member banks and such nonmember banks as have agreed to pay, without deduction of exchange charges, such checks drawn upon them as are presented or forwarded for payment by the Federal reserve banks. During the year the number of nonmember banks on the par list decreased by 1,775—largely as the result of the reduction in the number of banks in operation—and the number not on the par list by 230. Of the 3,207 banks not on the par list at the end of 1931, 1,753 were located in the Southern and 1,329 in the West North Central States and the adjoining State of Wisconsin. As will be seen from the following table, all of the banks in the Boston, New York, and Philadelphia districts and all but 6 in the Cleveland district were on the Federal reserve par list: M E M B E R S H I P I N P A R - C O L L E C T I O N SYSTEM [Number of banks at end of December] Nonmember banks Member banks On par list 1931 United States Boston. . New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago _ . St Louis Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas San Francisco. _ _ . _ _ _ 1930 1931 1930 Not on par list * 1931 1930 7,246 2 8, 050 9,181 10, 956 3,207 3,437 373 841 715 655 403 349 903 465 579 824 617 522 396 914 753 757 470 390 2 1,079 513 642 871 684 581 234 340 358 792 445 150 2,586 1,240 386 1,633 468 549 260 395 451 936 523 186 3,200 1,404 497 1,917 572 615 6 381 792 248 405 881 216 223 55 9 441 862 238 417 1,007 191 211 61 1 Figures cover all incorporated banks (other than mutual savings banks). 2 Exclusive of 2 banks that suspended at the end of 1930 but which were included in the comptroller^ Dec. 31, 1930, abstract. TRUST ACTIVITIES OF NATIONAL BANKS The Federal Reserve Board in 1931 approved 41 original and 7 supplementary applications by national banks for permission to exercise fiduciary powers under the provisions of section 11 (k) of the Federal reserve act. Two thousand three hundred and twentynine national banks were holding fiduciary permits on December 31, 1931, representing 36.5 per cent of the number of national banks in operation on that date. Three national banks during the year surrendered their right to exercise trust powers, under the provisions of section 11 (k) of the Federal reserve act as amended June 26, 1930. 22 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD A list of national banks holding permits to exercise trust powers on December 31, 1931, will be found on pages 261-284. CHANGES IN THE BOARD'S REGULATIONS The only change made by the board during the year in its regulations applicable to member banks was in its regulation G governing the rediscount by Federal reserve banks of notes secured by adjusted service certificates issued under the provisions of the World War adjusted compensation act. Section 502 of this act was amended by act of Congress of February 27, 1931, so as to provide that the loan basis of an adjusted service certificate should at no time be less than 50 per cent of its face value and also that the rate of interest on any such loan should in no event exceed 4K per cent per annum compounded annually; and on March 2, 1931, the board amended its regulation G so as to conform to the law as thus amended. The complete text of this regulation will be found on page 222. ADMINISTRATION OF THE CLAYTON ANTITRUST ACT During the year 1931 the board received and considered the applications of 300 persons for permission to serve at the same time as director, officer, or employee of more than one bank or trust company, in accordance with the provisions of section 8 of the Clayton Antitrust Act. The Comptroller of the Currency reported 662 apparent violations of this law, and where violations were found to exist the persons and banks involved were required to conform to the law. MEETINGS OF FEDERAL ADVISORY COUNCIL Four meetings of the Federal advisory council were held in Washington during 1931 on the following dates: February 17, May 19, September 15, and November 17. CONFERENCES HELD BY THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD The Federal Reserve Board, as usual, conferred with the Federal advisory council at each of its meetings during the year. The governors of the Federal reserve banks met in Washington on April 27 and on November 30. At both conferences sessions were held at which the board was in attendance. ORGANIZATION, STAFF, AND EXPENDITURES Mr. George R. James, of Tennessee, whose term of office as a member of the Federal Reserve Board expired on April 27, 1931, was reappointed by the President for a 10-year term. Mr. Wayland W. Magee, of Nebraska, was appointed by the President on May 5, 1931, as a member of the Federal Reserve Board, to ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD 23 fill the vacancy created by the death, on November 28, 1930, of Mr. Edward H. Cunningham. Mr. Floyd R. Harrison was appointed assistant to the governor of the Federal Reserve Board on September 16, 1931. Mr. Chester Morrill was appointed secretary of the Federal Reserve Board on October 7, 1931, to fill the vacancy created by the resignation, on May 31, 1931, of Mr. Walter L. Eddy. The total cost of conducting the work of the board during the year 1931 was approximately $744,275. Two assessments were levied against the Federal reserve banks, aggregating $718,552.77, or less than one-sixth of 1 per cent of their average paid-in capital and surplus for the year. 125554—32 3 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK CREDIT 25 RESERVE BANK CREDIT AND FACTORS IN CHANGES No. 1.—RESERVE BANK CREDIT AND FACTORS IN CHANGES, ANNUAL AVERAGES, 1918-1931 [Averages of daily figures. In millions of dollars] Reserve bank credit outstanding Year 1918-_ 1919 1920. 1921 1922 1923 1924__ 1925. 1926 1927-. 192819291930 1931... United States Bills Bills Governdis- bought ment counted securities 1,134 1,906 2,523 1,797 571 736 372 481 568 442 840 951 272 326 287 324 385 91 159 227 172 287 281 263 328 241 213 245 134 254 324 264 455 186 402 359 350 417 297 208 564 669 Factors of decrease* Other reserve bank credit 2 Total Monetary gold stock '168 141 158 46 41 56 50 68 59 53 40 59 38 34 1,723 2,625 3,390 2,198 1,226 1,205 996 1,195 1,258 1,175 1,505 1,459 1,087 1,274 3,158 3,129 2,869 3,291 3,802 4,061 4,439 4,381 4,452 4,564 4,206 4,283 4,460 4,704 Factors of increase * Mem- NonTreasber ury cur- Money bank memin cirrency cula- reserve ber addeposbal- its, tion justed etc. ances 1,477 1,251 1,401 1,501 1,604 1,736 1,757 1,755 1,743 1,774 1,783 1,785 1,781 1,774 4,658 5,016 5,478 4,950 4,535 4,822 4,879 4,869 4,932 4,892 4,783 4,763 4,532 4,959 1,497 1,719 1,835 1,671 1,781 1,873 2,023 2,167 2,209 2,290 2,355 2,358 2,379 2,323 108 115 67 28 30 27 27 31 28 31 29 30 28 97 * For explanation see Federal Reserve Bulletin for July, 1929, pp. 432-438. 'Includes Government overdrafts in 1918,1919, and 1920; see Table 6. 27 Unexpended capital funds 95 155 280 341 286 280 263 264 284 300 327 376 389 373 28 AHKITAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD No. 2.—RESERVE BANK CREDIT AND FACTORS IN CHANGES, MONTHLY AVERAGES, 1917-1931 [Averages of daily figures. In millions of dollars] Reserve bank credit outstanding Month Bills Bills discounted bought 1917—August .___ September October November December Other reserve bank credit2 134 181 320 563 683 Factors ofl decrease Factors of increase1 Mem- Non- UnexTreasber mem- pendMon- ury Money bank cur- in cir- reed ber Total etary gold rency cula- serve decapistock adtion posits, tal balusted ances etc. funds 455 521 737 1,005 1,173 3,183 3,152 3,151 3,153 3,153 1,593 1,634 1,627 1,558 1,559 4,001 4,061 4,152 4,203 4,342 1,141 1,130 1,243 1,409 1,439 143 141 140 144 151 279 196 147 153 195 152 166 1,170 1,143 1,263 1,381 1,412 1,554 1,631 1,750 2,073 2,355 2,416 2,491 3,152 1,563 3,159 1,589 3,162 1,583 3,163 1,563 3,163 1,521 3,162 1,471 3,161 1,392 3,157 1,439 3,156 1,411 3,151 1,402 3,155 1,378 3,156 1,418 4,306 4,280 4,373 4,423 4,401 4,448 4,520 4,666 4,911 5,134 5,183 5,243 1,467 1,468 1,466 1,504 1,482 1,512 1,448 1,459 1,507 1,539 1,520 1,586 63 85 95 126 138 124 126 121 130 131 117 150 116 161 111 107 144 128 119 168 140 136 212 2,359 2,341 2,480 2,451 2,498 2,467 2,599 2,559 2,636 2,847 3,038 3,203 3,160 3,162 3,161 3,166 3,176 3,169 3,087 3,114 3,143 3,120 3,070 3,021 1,400 1,286 1,207 1,277 1,233 1,231 1,207 1,248 1,254 1,209 1,230 1,239 5,050 4,932 4,942 4,970 4,941 4,891 4,896 4,913 5,106 5,208 5,342 1,635 1,612 1,652 1,656 1,686 1,696 1,719 1,740 1,769 1,793 1,837 1,820 118 114 123 126 135 133 121 104 108 99 97 100 3,205 2,961 3,314 3,413 2,859 3,364 2,821 3,385 2,835 3,382 2,854 3,344 2,862 3,353 2,855 3,495 2,847 3,522 2,855 3,467 2,873 3,442 2,894 1,256 1,241 1,338 1,409 1,412 1,426 1,454 1,456 1,429 1,468 1,475 1,458 5,231 5,285 5,398 5,372 5,414 5,448 5,478 5,509 5,600 5,673 5,662 5,658 1,883 1,858 1,878 1,870 1,853 1,853 1,840 1,807 1,817 1,815 1,782 1,758 94 98 106 103 88 54 46 38 27 27 25 2,931 1,463 2,975 1,435 3,040 1,411 3,117 1,427 3,197 1,485 3,254 1,508 3,305 1,513 3,392 1,508 3,479 1,510 3,547 1,534 3,595 1,575 3,643 1,577 5,401 5,263 5, 204 5,078 5,042 4,936 4,857 4,771 4,752 4,721 4,673 4,718 1,773 1,728 1,694 1,665 1,657 1,664 1,639 1,621 1,629 1,652 1,663 1,673 24 26 31 34 32 31 27 26 27 26 28 27 4,527 1,326 3,672 1,551 962 1922—January 4,451 1,233 3,704 1,521 769 February 4,483 1,207 3,736 1,576 638 March 4,482 1,210 3,756 1,572 572 April 4,450 1,208 3,768 1,576 479 May. 4,429 1,192 3,776 1,600 437 June 1,170 3,803 1, 595 4,443 425 July 4,448 1,102 3,840 1,613 396 August 4,552 1,180 3,860 1,630 417 September 4,643 1,246 3,884 1,657 486 October 4,671 1,265 3,896 1,650 623 November 3,917 1,690 4,827 1,377 660 December » For explanation see Federal Reserve Bulletin for July, 1929, pp. 432-438 2 Includes Government overdrafts in 1918, 1919, and 1920; see Table 6. Back figures.—Not available Con monthly average basis) except for series shown 1,707 1,689 1,711 1,733 1,783 1,820 1,812 1,799 1,811 1,836 1,825 1,840 29 34 39 40 37 34 28 25 23 21 27 28 1918—January February March April May Jane July August September October November December 612 529 537 751 897 939 1,162 1,333 1,604 1,683 1919—January. February March April May June. July. August September October November.... December 1,731 1,765 1,863 1,920 1,976 1,840 1,864 1,798 1,776 2,068 2,140 2,115 1,760 1,765 1920—January February March April....I"" May 2,136 2,297 2,377 2,431 2,536 June Ill 2,456 July 2,513 August I 2,596 2,667 September 2,780 October 2,762 November December."..! 2,718 1921—January February March... April May June... _ July !._._ August September October November December 2,523 2,400 2,297 2,129 1,959 1,811 1,719 1,548 1,442 1,371 1,228 1,180 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 315 313 278 239 208 217 249 354 374 346 570 541 480 413 411 400 362 324 310 303 276 242 3,110 2,918 2,798 2,564 2,386 2,211 2,049 1,863 1,767 1,669 1,544 1,548 in Tables 7 and 8. 29 RESERVE BANK CREDIT No. 2.—RESERVE BANK CREDIT AND FACTORS IN CHANGES, MONTHLY AVERAGES, 1917-1931—Continued [Averages of daily figures. In millions of dollars] Reserve bank credit outstanding Month United States Bills Bills Govdis- bought ernment counted securities Factors of decrease Factors of increase Mem- Non- UnexTreasOther ber mem- i pendMon- ury Money bank recur- in cirber ed serve Total etary regold rency cula- serve de- i capibank stock adposits, tion ! tal credit baljusted ances etc. funds June JulyAugust.. September October November December 547 608 628 658 705 741 834 809 845 873 799 771 218 190 234 272 271 224 186 175 174 185 265 324 421 356 316 229 193 153 97 90 102 91 83 106 63 51 50 55 53 60 62 53 63 55 57 59 1,249 1,205 1,228 1,214 1,222 1,178 1,179 1,127 1,184 1,204 1, 204 1,260 3,945 3,960 3,966 3,975 3,993 4,040 4,061 4,097 4,123 4,155 4,182 4,226 1,724 1,709 1,690 1,711 1,740 1,738 1,743 1,747 1,745 1, 753 1,757 1,771 4,679 4,672 4,713 4,731 4,764 4,779 4,812 4,833 4,901 4,941 4,953 5,071 1,918 1,901 1,873 1,869 1,874 1,867 1,867 1,835 1,848 1,864 1,875 1,882 46 ; 25 ! 22 21 36 28 24 22 22 23 31 22 275 276 276 279 281 282 280 281 281 284 284 282 1924—January. _ February March April May June July August September October November December 574 514 476 489 433 370 315 268 262 240 228 301 300 273 228 170 80 50 44 30 92 180 268 358 118 135 244 274 324 416 467 539 575 585 588 554 49 33 42 48 42 50 53 44 54 52 51 75 1,041 955 990 981 879 886 879 881 983 1,057 1,135 1,288 4,266 4,302 4,340 4,383 4,433 4,471 4,503 4, 516 4,515 4,506 4,517 4,507 1,750 1,759 1,747 1,720 1,766 1,759 1,763 1,763 1,763 1,755 1,771 1,768 4, 847 4,832 4,870 4,886 4,866 4,830 4,810 4,800 4,853 4,891 4,970 5,088 1.911 1,892 1,915 1,905 1,922 2,001 2,046 2,072 2,120 2,141 2,164 2,182 25 22 22 23 | 24 21 28 33 31 27 30 32 274 270 270 270 266 264 261 255 257 259 259 261 1925—January. February March April May June July August . . . September October. _ _. November December 267 340 390 403 397 437 480 545 594 619 597 688 329 314 298 287 279 263 231 205 226 298 352 369 464 384 376 355 361 345 338 329 335 328 332 359 65 56 58 65 63 73 69 64 72 76 71 91 1,125 1,094 1,122 1,110 1,100 1,118 1,118 1,143 1,227 1,321 1,352 1,507 4,468 4,392 4,340 4,340 4,353 4,360 4,361 4,372 4,386 4,391 4,407 4,397 1,765 1,778 1,782 1,769 1,762 1,744 1,764 1,742 1, 749 1,737 1,735 1,740 4,863 4,805 4,814 4,803 4,791 4,790 4,794 4,817 4, 908 4, 945 4,960 5,119 2,194 2,159 2,137 2,123 2,132 2,141 2,160 2,151 2,161 2,203 2,221 2,219 43 42 30 27 28 25 27 25 26 30 41 32 258 258 263 266 264 266 262 264 267 271 272 274 1926—January February March April May June . July August September October _ November December 520 526 557 537 511 473 549 555 640 663 615 668 324 305 268 234 232 243 230 245 265 295 348 385 368 335 336 371 398 408 380 353 316 306 302 322 67 52 55 62 59 61 62 50 57 58 63 70 1,279 1,218 1,216 1,204 1,200 1,185 1,221 1,203 1,278 1,322 1,318 1,445 1,744 1,719 1,707 1,722 1,744 1,771 1,753 1,755 1,750 1,746 1,755 1,749 4,891 4,854 4,864 4,882 4,871 4,881 4,916 4,912 4, 969 5,001 5,005 5,131 273 274 278 283 282 284 281 285 289 293 295 294 481 393 425 447 473 429 454 409 422 424 415 529 343 304 253 248 233 205 190 173 216 282 336 378 310 307 345 341 291 398 381 439 501 506 579 606 52 39 32 51 44 49 90 72 48 42 47 55 1,186 1,043 1,055 1,087 1,041 1,081 1,115 1,093 1,187 1,254 1,377 1,568 2,236 2,208 2,198 2,183 2,199 2,206 2,212 2,201 2,211 2,219 2,214 2,218 2,243 2,212 2,240 2,248 2,262 2,301 2,289 2,283 2,300 2,326 2,373 2,399 30 26 27 26 26 23 25 27 30 27 36 32 1927—January February March April May June July August September October November December 4,407 4,425 4,444 4,448 4,434 4,438 4,460 4,467 4,471 4,472 4,477 4,481 4,527 4,576 4,595 4,601 4,651 4,606 4,575 4,585 4,584 4,566 4,490 4,416 33 26 23 23 39 34 33 30 30 34 44 27 294 295 298 299 299 298 297 296 300 302 304 306 1923—January February March. April May._ 4,903 4,843 4,856 4,879 4,860 4,831 4,851 4,849 4,917 4, 934 4,936 1, 796 1 5,048 1,760 1,757 1,767 1,761 1,768 1,777 1,780 1,780 1,776 1,776 1,790 30 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD No. 2.—RESERVE BANK CREDIT AND FACTORS IN CHANGES, MONTHLY AVERAGES, 1917-1931—Continued [Averages of dailyfigures.In millions of dollars] Reserve bank credit outstanding Month Bills Bills discounted bought United States Government securities Factors of decrease Factors of increase Mem- Non- UnexTreasber mem- pendOther Mon- ury Money bank recur- in cirber ed serve Total etary gold rency culade- capirebank serve posits, stock adtal tion credit baljusted etc. funds ances 1928—January February March April.. May.. _. June July.. August September. _. October ._ November December 465 471 513 661 836 1,019 1,090 1,061 1,064 975 897 1,013 373 360 343 358 349 244 185 178 226 368 471 483 512 406 415 351 257 232 213 210 240 237 238 263 27 24 35 30 36 43 36 51 41 47 65 1,388 1,264 1,295 1,405 1,472 1,531 1,531 1,485 1,581 1,621 1,653 1,824 4,377 4,373 4,335 4,287 4,207 4,119 4,113 4,118 4,125 4,133 4,151 4,142 1,778 1,776 1,781 1,778 1,779 1,791 1,782 1,774 1,787 1,786 1,787 1,790 4,785 4,709 4,710 4,730 4,722 4,736 4,746 4,743 4,804 4,836 4,860 5,008 2,426 2,368 2,365 2,396 2,388 2,355 2,324 2,274 2,314 2,332 2,352 2,367 27 26 24 27 27 28 30 28 38 30 32 29 305 310 312 317 321 322 326 332 337 342 347 352 1929—January February March April May June _ July August September October... November December 859 889 969 1,004 956 978 1,096 1,043 969 885 953 803 473 385 265 156 145 99 75 124 229 337 296 320 229 184 197 165 153 179 147 155 165 154 315 446 52 44 50 52 49 61 62 54 64 74 67 74 1,613 1,502 1,481 1,377 1,303 1,317 1,380 1,376 1,427 1,450 1,631 1,643 4,115 4,143 4,166 4,226 4,292 4,311 4,335 4,351 4,368 4,381 4,374 4,324 1,789 1,784 1,791 1,785 1,787 1,779 1,790 1,781 1,766 1,785 1,789 1,797 351 357 361 366 370 376 376 382 387 392 395 399 501 378 274 231 247 251 226 214 189 196 221 338 314 285 246 266 182 141 154 153 197 185 184 257 485 480 540 530 529 571 583 599 597 602 599 644 57 38 35 45 38 37 40 32 33 37 29 34 1,357 1,181 1,095 1,072 996 1,000 1,003 998 1,016 1,020 1,033 1,273 4,283 4,317 4,394 4,443 4,505 4,528 4,532 4,496 4,503 4,520 4, 553 4,583 1,784 1,781 1,797 1,781 1,779 1,775 1,789 1,787 1,785 1,787 1, 793 1,793 2,387 2,357 2,337 2,308 2,296 2,314 2,334 2,322 2,335 2,386 2,521 2,395 2,349 2,305 2,330 2,350 2,356 2,392 2,417 2,392 2,397 2,407 2,433 2,415 31 29 31 35 32 30 31 27 28 28 33 27 1930—January February March April May June July August September October November December 4,748 4,686 4,709 4,679 4,684 4,687 4,764 4,777 4,811 4,810 4,845 4,943 4,652 4,554 4,532 4,518 4,497 4,489 4,483 4,476 4,493 4,501 4,528 4,823 29 27 27 28 29 27 35 28 26 27 30 27 394 393 397 400 398 395 389 385 388 392 388 1931—January February March April May June July August September October November December 253 216 176 155 163 188 169 222 280 613 695 774 206 102 123 173 144 121 79 135 259 692 560 340 647 603 604 600 599 610 674 712 736 733 727 23 15 18 24 20 26 32 38 38 50 53 59 1,129 936 921 952 926 945 954 1,107 1,313 2,088 2,035 1,950 4,622 4,656 4,682 4,711 4,767 4,865 4,958 4,975 i 4,948 i 4,447 I 4,363 | 4,450 1,784 1,780 1,778 1,770 1,783 1,759 1,784 1,764 1,768 1,768 1,766 1,782 4,695 4,598 4,590 4,647 4,679 4,750 4,836 4,947 5,133 5,478 5,518 5,611 2,433 2,370 2,386 2,376 2,387 2,404 2,407 2,345 2,333 2,256 2,118 2,069 28 25 24 27 28 35 83 187 199 208 171 144 379 379 381 383 382 380 370 367 364 361 357 358 31 RESERVE BANK CREDIT No. 3.—RESERVE BANK CREDIT AND FACTORS IN CHANGES, WEEKLY AVERAGES [Average of daily figures. In millions of dollars.] Factors of decrease* Reserve bank credit outstanding Week ending (Saturday)— Bills Bills discounted b o u g h t United States Other Gov- reserve ernbank ment credit securities Factors of increase * TreasMem- Nonury Money bermem- Unexcurin bank ber pended rency circu- reserve decapital adlation bal- posits, funds justed ances etc. Total Monetary gold stock 1,386 1,274 1,121 1,032 976 4,592 4,606 4,625 4,631 4.636 1,785 1,785 1,782 1,785 1,784 4,909 4,809 4,683 4,621 4,581 2,446 2.447 2,440 2, 421 2,411 29 31 26 25 379 3S0 379 1931 Jan.3 Jan. 10 Jan.17 Jan.24 _ Jan.31 327 290 245 231 224 327 276 207 156 127 701 673 643 628 615 31 35 26 17 10 Feb.7 Feb. 14 Feb. 21 _ Feb. 28 231 231 208 193 109 92 102 105 610 607 599 599 14 15 16 14 964 945 925 911 4,648 4,652 4,661 4,663 1,776 1,783 1,780 1,781 4,599 4, 605 4, 590 4,596 2, 386 2,367 2, 372 2,357 24 28 24 23 379 380 380 379 Mar. 7 Mar. 14 Mar. 21 Mar. 28 199 179 166 157 114 147 123 108 600 602 611 605 19 19 16 14 932 947 916 884 4,671 4,678 4,685 4,687 1,765 1,768 1,810 1,782 4,601 4,587 4,588 4,577 2,364 2,404 2,413 2, 370 23 23 26 24 380 379 384 382 Apr. 4 Apr. 11 Apr. 18 Apr. 25 188 153 147 145 158 184 172 164 602 600 600 599 28 21 28 25 976 958 947 933 4, 6J9 4,705 4,711 4,713 1,752 1,764 1,780 1,776 4, 638 4,647 4, 648 4, 645 2, 380 2, 372 2,378 2,367 27 26 28 27 382 382 384 383 May 2 May 9 May 16 May 23 May 30 162 168 154 161 160 159 174 145 131 126 598 599 598 598 598 20 26 24 19 15 939 967 921 919 899 4,727 4,743 4,761 4,774 4,794 1,773 1,783 1,775 1,787 1,784 4, 655 4,695 4,670 4,671 4,670 2 ; 373 2,386 2,378 2,392 2,399 28 30 27 26 27 383 382 382 381 381 178 185 197 198 135 131 118 108 598 600 601 617 22 21 31 34 933 937 947 957 4,797 4,808 4.884 4,925 1,758 1.794 1,764 1,731 4,694 4, 736 4,773 4,765 2,384 2, 394 2,407 2,429 29 27 34 40 381 382 381 379 158 162 167 177 103 93 74 67 662 665 677 679 40 39 36 21 963 959 954 944 4,955 4,963 4,963 4,956 1,765 1,788 1,781 1,781 4,849 4,860 4, 830 4,817 2,400 2,416 2, 418 2, 405 01 63 81 89 373 371 369 370 185 208 209 227 241 66 71 125 150 181 678 681 712 728 728 24 30 38 34 44 953 990 1,084 1,139 1,194 4,951 4,955 4,969 4,982 4,991 1,788 1,787 1,778 1,769 1, 729 4,812 4, 873 4,918 4,969 5,013 2,388 2, 336 2,344 2, 358 2,336 123 201 107 200 369 368 368 366 30£ Sept. 5 Sept. 12 Sept. 19 Sept. 26 259 266 269 298 206 204 212 312 728 728 741 738 43 34 43 34 1,236 1,232 1, 265 1,382 4,996 5,001 5,013 4,888 1,743 1,761 1,790 1,770 5, 060 5,105 5, 108 5,176 2,349 2,296 2,371 2,317 202 230 222 183 364 363 367 364 Oct. 3 Oct. 10 Oct. 17 Oct. 24 Oct. 31 349 489 639 704 713 458 603 745 768 726 746 742 731 728 727 43 46 54 55 46 1,596 1,880 2,169 2, 255 2,212 1,766 1,765 1,773 1, 769 1,762 5,281 5,437 5,495 5, 524 5,512 2,328 2 272 2, 265 2,260 2,202 128 103 263 218 190 363 359 361 361 358 717 694 671 691 646 595 542 487 726 727 727 727 52 57 55 49 2,141 2,073 1, 995 1,954 4,738 4,616 4,442 4, 339 4,288 4,318 4,347 4,371 4,402 1, 761 1,755 1,770 1,773 5, 552 5, 535 5,497 5,486 2,132 2,117 2,116 2,114 181 167 167 171 355 356 356 358 743 738 718 842 435 385 319 281 718 721 853 796 49 53 59 72 1,945 1,897 1,949 1,991 4,423 4,438 4,455 4,467 1,772 1,777 1,804 1,786 5 5, 5, 5, 2,091 2, 079 2, 108 2,013 Hif, 149 143 145 857 June June June June 6 13 20 27 . July 4 July 11 July 18 July 25 Aug. 1 Aug. 8 Aug. 15 Aug. 22 Aug. 29 Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 7 14 21 28 Dec 5 Dec. 12 Dec. 19 Dec. 26 _ _ 1 i For explanation see Federal Reserve Bulletin for July, 1929, pp. 432-438. Back figures.—See Annual Reports for 1930 (Table 3) and 1929 (Table S). 527 521) 599 727 379 378 359 32 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD No. 4.—RESERVE BANK CREDIT AND FACTORS IN CHANGES, BY WEEKS (WEDNES- DAY SERIES), 1927-1931 [In millions of dollars] Factors of1 decrease Reserve bank credit outstanding Date (Wednesday) TreasStates I Other Mone- ury Bills Bills Governcurtary reserve disment j bank Total gold rency counted bought securistock adcredit justed ties United j Factors of increase l Money in circulation Unexpended capital funds, nonmember Memdeposits, etc. ber bank reserve Non- Unexbalmem- pendances Total ber de- ed posits, capital funds etc. 1927 5 12 19___. 28 (533 490 416 365 389 338 337 302 314 311 313 303 1,414 1,189 1,125 999 4,497 4, 520 4,535 4,550 1,784 | 4,-999 1,761 I 4,875 1,740 ! 4,825 1, 757 4, 795 2,352 2,274 2,243 2, 192 344 321 332 319 51 27 38 25 293 294 294 294 Feb. 2.__. Feb. 9 Feb. lfi... Feb. 23 Mar. 2 _ Mar. 9.... Mar. 10 Mar. 23 Mar. 30 393 379 396 398 329 303 315 280 304 305 312 305 1,062 1,017 1, 075 996 4,560 4,572 4,577 4, 585 1,747 1,759 1,761 1,752 4,809 4, 810 4, 804 4,850 2,242 2,221 2,289 2,166 318 317 320 317 23 23 25 21 294 294 295 295 435 416 331 457 456 289 265 219 231 237 311 307 475 342 353 1,077 1,017 1,058 1, 054 1, 073 4,587 4, 593 4,595 4,600 4, 597 1,739 1,768 1,791 1,790 1,755 4,854 4,836 4, 826 4,822 4, 832 2,231 2, 221 2,295 2,300 2,274 318 321 323 322 319 23 24 25 23 21 295 297 298 298 298 Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. 6 13 20 27 402 426 414 444 239 257 247 242 342 I 355 ' 333 318: 50 1,033 44 i 1,082 49 1,043 37 1,041 4,600 4,600 4,604 4,605 1,777 1,766 1,758 1,765 4, 860 4, 865 4, 836 4,821 2,232 2,265 2, 250 2, 270 318 318 319 320 20 20 21 20 298 298 299 299 May May May May 4 11 18 25 508 442 ! 458 429 244 233 225 236 316 254 269 322 i | | | 57 42 47 32 1, 125 971 999 1, 019 4, 612 4,685 4, 684 4,627 1, 778 4, 840 1,779 i 4,828 1,763 4,819 1, 765 4, 810 2,326 2,271 2.295 2,268 349 336 332 333 50 37 33 34 299 300 299 300 June 1 JuneS June 15 June 22 June 29 497 399 361 439 477 229 222 183 183 216 362 ! 438 547 369 376 38 38 57 53 52 1, 126 1, 097 1,148 1,044 1, 121 4,607 4,612 4, 620 4,602 4, 589 1,773 1,764 1,794 1,767 1, 768 4,866 4,812 4, 794 4,775 4, 805 2,308 2,331 2,421 2,307 2, 342 332 330 347 331 331 33 31 47 31 31 299 298 300 300 300 July 6___ July 1 3 . . July 20__ July 27_. 507 428 403 398 199 193 185 169 374 378 386 385 86 105 91 76 1,166 1,102 1,065 1,028 4, 579 4, 569 4, 572 4,578 1,782 1,782 1,777 1,778 4,897 4,809 4,786 4,776 2,297 2, 315 2,301 2,282 333 329 327 326 36 33 30 30 297 296 297 297 Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. 3___ 10_. 17.. 24__ 31.. 445 413 390 414 401 178 176 171 179 185 407 420 442 445 473 95 80 81 55 43 1,125 1, 089 1, 084 1,093 1, 102 4,579 4,584 4,586 4, 588 4,588 1,783 1,783 1,776 1, 775 1,788 4,811 4, 815 4,824 4,825 4,854 2,350 2,315 2,295 2,306 2,299 326 326 327 325 325 30 29 31 29 30 296 297 296 296 295 Sept. 7..... Sept. 14... Sept. 21... Sept. 28... 449 375 415 430 197 227 219 242 499 500 484 494 49 66 39 35 1,194 1,168 1, 157 1,201 4, 597 4,586 4,585 4,577 1,769 1,776 1,772 1,768 4,919 4,881 4,874 4, 878 2,318 2,325 2,311 2,337 323 324 329 331 29 30 29 294 294 300 302 Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 462 430 418 402 | 262 274 283 301 505 510 500 511 43 1,272 j 4, 573 54 i 1, 268 :4, 573 56 ! 1,257 I 4, 574 24 | 1, 238 I4,553 1,755 1, 787 1,790 1,773 4,910 4,934 4, 897 4,876 2,360 2,324 2,384 2, 352 330 370 j 340 ! 336 j 32 33." 336 N o . . 2i . X o \ . ,J0 {27 355 1,792 1,777 1, 803 1, 801 1,767 4, 905 4, 929 4, 891 4,925 4,918 2,362 2, 369 2,500 2,393 2.. 379 338 336 366 343 337 36 32 63 39 33 303 303 303 305 177 528 530 705 621 548 42 i \«)\ . 9. 379 ' 461 D.c. 7 411 604 598 588 003 30 51 98 41 1, 458 4, 438 1, 804 1,528 4,418 1,804 1,630 4,404 1, 785 1, 639 i 4, 385 3,782 4, 970 5,000 5, 095 5,043 2,397 2,419 2,394 2,432 333 331 330 331 28 25 24 25 305 305 306 306 Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. ! \u\. 5._.. 12__ 19-25.. hi no-. i \ D e c . LM Dvv 2> 1 5 SO {SI '••)') GO.) i 1,282 4.531 19 i 1,346 : 4, 511 61 1,467 ' 4, 487 ''4 1,400 4,460 30 1,416 4, 451 For explanation see Federal Keserve Bulletin for July, 1929, p p . 432-438. 1 29 29 68 37 302 302 303 304 33 RESERVE BANK CREDIT No. 4.—RESERVE BANK CREDIT AND FACTORS IN CHANGES, BY WEEKS (WEDNES- DAY SERIES), 1927-1931—Continued [In millions of dollars] Reserve bank credit outstanding Date ^Wednesday) United States Bills Governbought rnent securities Factors of decrease Other Moneeserve Total tary gold bank stock credit Factors of increase Unexpended capital funds, nonmembei deposits, etc Money in circulation 1928 Jan. 4 Jan.11__. Jan.18._Jan. 25-_. 521 439 412 385 387 393 369 347 627 545 499 441 69 37 30 21 4,379 4,381 4,377 4,380 1, 779 1,787 1,778 1,774 Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 423 459 481 461 493 377 369 355 353 344 434 401 408 402 408 29 1, 263 4,374 26 1, 255 4, 375 22 1, 266 4, 376 20 1,236 4,376 19 1, 264 4,361 472 477 524 338 343 333 346 403 401 385 386 601 619 620 709 344 362 351 366 May 2... May 9-_. May 16May 23May 29.. 757 777 807 847 944 June 6... June 13.. June 20-. June 27. Non- Unexmem- pendrotal ber de- ed posits, capital etc. funds 486 2.473 \ 432 2, 355 337 330 332 1,771 1,775 1,774 1,779 1,775 4, 939 4,779 4,701 4,659 4, 671 4, 676 4,688 4,698 4, 691 2, 405 2, 395 391 2; 357 2, 375 30 1, 253 4, 362 29 1,245 I 4,335 18 1,213 } 4,320 17 1,273 | 4,308 1, 769 1, 785 1, 793 1,779 4,687 4,670 4, 666 4,667 383 378 341 305 37 27 44 20 1,365 I 4,304 1,386 I 4,302 1,356 j 4,270 1,400 4,266 1,794 1,784 1, 799 1, 769 363 365 347 331 304 292 277 262 230 219 42 35 39 27 21 4,715 4,697 4, 690 4, 675 4, 721 1,043 991 1,032 266 240 224 223 210 223 223 212 1, 454 4, 265 1,787 1,454 ! 4,235 1,780 1. 455 I 4,185 1,779 1,435 ! 4,178 1,778 1,488 ! 4,161 1,778 | 1, 504 I 4,147 1, 782 1, 546 | 4,104 1,787 1,471 ! 4,105 1,806 1,494 4,103 1,*799 July3-.-. July 11_ _. July 18. _ July 25._. 1,191 1,089 1,012 1,025 210 188 181 169 220 218 209 208 1,680 4,110 1,542 j 4,115 1,448 4,114 1,430 ! 4,115 4,808 4,729 4,689 4, ~ Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. 1,086 1,061 1,003 1, 037 1,039 166 162 190 184 184 212 208 206 207 209 1, 505 1,453 1, 447 1, 460 1,462 4.113 4.114 4,119 4,120 Sept. 5 — Sept. 12-. Sept. 19-. Sept. 26_. 1, ( 1>< 1,094 1,011 187 211 237 263 206 221 225 229 1,516 1, 556 1, 626 1,542 4,123 1,792 ! 4,801 2, 273 4.124 1,795 i 4,761 2, 349 4,125 1,757 ! 4,757 2, 3GI 4,129 | 1, 792 I 4, 770 2,316 357 365 390 377 Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 3___ 10-17. _ 24__ 31.- 1,026 993 936 912 932 310 332 379 401 440 231 227 231 231 227 1, 631 1,586 1,606 1, 569 1,624 2, 350 4,125 1,772 4,! 4,129 1, 799 4,832 2, 313 4,136 1,800 4, 813 2,359 4,140 1,775 4,791 2, 322 4,142 1,779 4,802 2,371 371 369 370 371 372 Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 7—. 1421.. 28- 957 858 800 990 449 474 484 482 223 222 296 229 1,634 1, 615 1,558 1, 729 4,145 4,156 4,159 4,128 1, 774 4,1 1,787 I 4,820 1,798 i 4,795 1, 781 4, 903 2,330 2, 365 2, 346 2,361 376 373 374 374 Dec. Dec. Dec Dec. 5— 12— 19. _ 26- 1,012 1,028 947 1,168 478 494 453 489 227 236 291 232 I 1,762 1,804 1,772 1,941 4,134 4,139 4,150 4,149 1,774 4,913 1, 778 4,935 1,806 5, 025 1,793 i 5,089 2,382 2,409 2, 326 2,409 375 377 377 385 1 — 8— 15— 22__. 29— Mar. 7—.. Mar. 14— Mar. 21 — Mar. 28-.. Apr. 4__. Apr. 1 1 Apr. 18— Apr. 25— I.-.. 8—. 15— 22_. 29_. 1,604 1,414 1,310 1,194 1,780 1,794 1,791 1,774 1,774 1,761 1, 797 1,785 4, 124 1, 776 334 | 35 27 25 25 302 303 307 301 332 334 337 336 334 23 24 26 24 23 301 311 311 3U 31 1 2,361 2,362 2,322 2, 357 336 333 338 336 24 22 23 22 311 311 31, 31- 4, 725 2, 400 4, 697 432 4,691 2, 392 4,676 2,417 338 343 342 342 24 27 25 24 31/ 31( 2,442 2,426 2, 382 2,370 2,357 349 346 347 346 349 32 27 26 25 27 31 31 32 32 32 4,703 2, 384 4, 695 2, 392 4.693 4; 698 2, 345 346 350 357 353 23 27 31 26 32 32 32 32 2,403 2, 365 2,307 2,300 359 357 357 354 34 30 29 26 32 32 4, 690 2, 344 4,705 2,266 4, 717 2, 285 4,723 2, 281 ! 4, 7302, 269 358 357 361 361 363 29 27 29 28 29 32 33 33 33 33 sr 31* 32 348 350 352 355 34 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD No. 4,.—RESERVE BANK CREDIT AND FACTORS IN CHANGES, BY WEEKS (WEDNES- DAY SERIES), 1927-1931—Continued [In millions of dollars] Reserve bank credit outstanding Date (Wednesday) 1929 Jan. 2..... Jan. 9-_Jan. 16... Jan. 23... Jan. 30... Factors of decrease United TreasMone- ury States Other Bills Bills Governtary curreserve disment bank Total gold rency counted bought securistock adcredit justed ties i Factors of increase Money in circulation Unexpended capital funds, nonmember Memdeposits, etc. ber bank reserve Non- Unexbalmem- pendances Total ber de- ed posits, capital etc. funds 1,151 877 822 782 821 484 477 481 454 436 244 239 238 202 202 1,910 1,638 1, 604 34 1,472 1,485 4,127 4,120 4,108 4,117 4,128 1,777 1,792 1,783 1,791 1,789 4,933 4,762 4; 697 4,643 4, 630 2,494 2, 405 2, 415 2, 359 2,391 387 383 383 378 381 39 33 32 26 28 350 351 352 353 6.... 13... 20... 27... 852 904 865 952 411 391 356 334 200 177 173 166 1, 500 1,487 1,431 1,484 4,127 4,150 4,151 4,154 1,782 1,790 1, 789 1,781 4,640 4,672 4, 669 4,670 2, 386 2,372 2,319 2,367 383 383 383 382 28 28 27 25 355 355 356 357 Mar. 6... Mar. 13.. Mar. 20.. Mar. 27.. 989 956 943 1,024 305 283 237 208 163 165 185 170 1,501 1,453 1,401 1,429 4jl58 4,160 4,170 4,174 1,772 1,802 1.811 1,787 4,691 4, 665 4, 654 4,667 2,350 2,363 2,340 2,332 390 387 388 391 30 26 26 28 360 361 362 363 Apr. 3-.. Apr. 10. Apr. 17. Apr. 24.. 1,030 964 994 975 175 157 141 141 169 166 161 150 1, 425 1, 315 1. 349 1,298 4,188 4,221 4,235 4,245 1,791 1,806 1,762 1,775 4,674 4,642 4,646 4, 631 2,335 2,302 2,302 2,290 395 398 398 397 30 33 32 29 365 365 366 368 986 962 915 904 170 157 146 138 118 151 149 156 153 145 59 46 52 28 36 1,366 1,314 1,269 1,223 1,287 4,266 4,289 4,299 4,300 4,302 1,773 1,778 1,799 1,787 1,794 4,661 4,651 4,645 4,635 4,695 2, 336 2,330 2,320 2,276 2,286 408 400 402 399 402 41 31 32 29 30 367 369 370 370 372 28 29 30 27 375 375 375 378 Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. May May May May May 1... S.15.. 22.. 29. June June June June 5_.._ 12. _ 19. _ 26._ 977 934 959 1,017 113 114 87 83 147 170 139 150 66 50 67 .44 1,303 1,268 1,252 1,294 4, 303 4,305 4,314 4,327 1, 785 1,795 1,766 1,764 4, 667 2,321 4, 636 2,328 4.635 2,292 4,636 2,344 403 404 405 405 July 3___ July 10__ July 17. _ July 2 1 . . July 31_- 1,125 1, 153 1,084 1, 064 1,076 74 66 68 69 75 141 136 153 146 147 91 55 66 50 49 1,431 1,410 1,371 1,329 1,347 4,331 4,328 4,340 4,346 4,341 1, 792 1,784 1,797 1,789 1,788 4,766 4,817 4,749 4,704 4,717 2,380 2,303 2, 352 2,357 2,355 408 402 407 403 404 34 29 29 28 28 374 373 378 375 376 Aug. 7... Aug. 14.. Aug. 21._ Aug. 28.. 1,064 1,028 986 974 79 118 132 157 158 154 149 145 52 52 42 41 1, 353 1,352 1,309 1,317 4,347 4,350 4,353 4,359 1,773 1,783 1,782 1,787 4,741 4,745 4,744 4,748 2,323 2,330 2,292 2,306 409 410 408 409 30 28 27 25 379 382 381 384 Sept. 4 Sept. 11.. 1,046 973 934 | 944 182 222 241 264 149 159 178 152 55 60 60 51 1,432 1,414 1,413 1,411 4,363 4,364 4,369 4,375 1,765 1,787 1,785 1,738 4,829 4,791 4,764 4,744 2,320 2,360 2,381 2,364 411 414 422 416 25 26 34 26 386 388 388 390 146 141 138 136 293 80 54 110 63 56 1,480 1,385 1,457 1,374 1,680 4,374 4,378 4,379 4,386 4,385 1,750 1,781 1,781 1,791 1,795 4,789 4,788 4,789 4,752 4,789 2,399 2,339 2,408 2,378 2,652 416 417 420 421 419 27 26 27 391 393 393 Sept. 18... Sept. 25... Oct. 2__. Oct. 9_._ Oct. 16. _ Oct. 23._ Oct. 30.. 931 857 849 796 991 I 323 333 360 379 340 Nov. 6._._ Nov. 13.... Nov. 20... Nov. 27... 991 971 900 912 330 300 284 257 ! i | ; 293 313 327 326 40 86 53 27 1,654 1,670 1,564 1,522 4,380 4,375 ,4,374 4,366 1,782 1,805 1,778 1,766 4,830 4,820 4, 777 4,856 2,558 2,608 2,518 2,376 428 422 421 422 34 27 25 26 394 395 396 396 Dec. 4... Dec. 11.. Dec. 18_. Dec. 24.. Dec. 31.... 872 769 737 763 632 257 322 309 355 392 ! ! | i 1 355 I 57 387 533 485 120 511 47 1, 541 1,526 1,642 1,723 1,582 4,369 4, 354 4,321 4,294 4,284 1,781 1,807 1,811 1,788 1,778 4,867 4,869 4,937 5,059 4,866 2,401 2,397 2,408 2,320 2,355 423 421 429 426 423 1 26 25 28 24 30 397 396 401 402 393 28 26 35 RESERVE BANK CREDIT No. 4.—RESERVE BANK CREDIT AND FACTORS IN CHANGES, BY WEEKS (WEDNES- DAY SERIES), 1927-1931—Continued [In millions of dollars] Reserve bank credit outstanding Date (Wednesday) Factors of decrease United I States | Other Bills Bills Governdis- bought ment \reserve bank counted securi- credit ties Factors of increase Treasury currency ad- lation Money in circu- usted Unexpended capital funds, nonmember Memdeposits, etc ber bank reserve Non- Unexbalmem- pendances Total ber de- ed posits, capital etc. funds 1930 Jan. 8 Jan.15 Jan. 22 Jan. 29 568 442 433 407 319 323 298 258 485 479 477 477 1,420 1,301 1,269 1,171 4,277 4,283 4,284 4,289 1,784 1,793 1,782 1, 775 4,690 4, 596 4,553 4,508 2,367 2,358 2,360 2,308 424 423 422 419 31 30 29 26 393 393 393 393 Feb.5 Feb. 12 Feb. 19 Feb. 26 381 382 377 343 296 276 281 299 478 479 481 483 1,194 1,200 1,169 1,156 4, 302 4,310 4, 329 4, 345 1,786 1,803 1,758 1,768 4, 525 4,542 4,521 4,505 2,339 2,308 2,315 2,346 418 463 420 418 25 70 27 25 393 393 393 393 Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 309 266 206 207 271 257 185 256 514 561 529 1,105 1,068 983 1,025 4,360 4,384 4,405 4,420 1,799 1,816 1,806 1,790 4,528 4, 495 4,481 4,467 2,315 2,354 2,291 2,340 421 419 422 428 27 26 26 28 394 393 396 400 Apr. 2... Apr. 9__. Apr. 16.. Apr. 23.. Apr. 30.. 241 226 214 211 233 301 267 302 257 210 530 527 535 527 530 1,124 1,047 1,099 1.030 1,006 4,424 4,435 4,438 4.445 4,491 1,774 1.781 1, 775 1,773 1,791 4,518 4,495 4, 505 4,461 4,477 2,375 2,345 2,380 2,363 2,385 429 423 427 424 426 29 25 26 24 27 400 398 401 400 399 May May May May 237 210 210 247 175 171 187 176 528 528 528 530 979 952 953 976 4,496 4,502 4, 514 4, 516 1,777 1,800 1, 772 1,766 4,474 4,446 4,437 4,491 2,349 2,379 2,374 2,347 429 429 428 420 30 29 28 24 399 400 400 397 June 4... June 11-. June 18_June 25-. 240 210 207 232 189 148 133 102 1,004 974 961 936 4,523 4, 526 4,529 4,533 1,782 1,786 1,791 1,766 4,476 4,459 4,450 4,426 2,412 2,409 2,408 2,386 421 418 423 423 25 24 27 27 396 394 396 396 July July July July July 2 9 16 23 30 260 236 207 191 197 157 149 169 151 131 544 579 598 577 596 591 577 576 576 1,070 1,012 1,000 946 927 4,536 4,536 4, 540 4, 523 4,516 1, 786 1,781 1, 796 1, 793 1,785 4,553 4, 488 4.447 4,407 4,397 2, 406 2,417 2,460 2,432 2, 415 433 424 429 423 416 42 34 39 34 28 391 390 390 389 388 Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. 6 13 20 27 206 191 196 193 134 154 159 163 576 606 602 602 940 982 986 984 4,494 4, 489 4,493 4,504 1,782 1,787 1,788 1,790 4,437 4, 437 4,442 4,448 2, 364 2,400 2,414 2,419 415 421 411 411 28 35 25 25 387 386 386 386 Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. 3 10 17 24 231 183 163 167 170 193 209 198 602 602 610 602 1,041 1,008 1,008 991 1,775 1,794 1,816 1,770 4, 511 4,465 4, 459 4,436 2, 393 2,428 2,456 2,416 412 413 417 410 27 27 26 25 385 386 301 391 186 173 210 192 202 193 211 185 177 166 601 600 602 602 601 1,010 1,012 1,044 992 985 4,500 4,504 4, 508 4, 507 4,511 4,514 4, 519 4,523 4,533 1, 782 1,784 1, 796 1,788 1,791 4,492 4, 487 4,500 4,450 4,426 2, 394 2,408 2,440 2,437 2,468 417 415 419 416 415 25 25 28 25 25 392 390 391 391 390 213 192 205 234 186 207 178 176 602 601 596 596 1,010 1,035 1, 003 1,028 4,534 4, 549 4,556 4,566 1, 779 1,798 1,783 1,787 4,491 4,477 4,482 4,565 2,410 2, 490 2, 449 2, 410 422 415 411 406 32 25 28 24 390 390 383 382 251 257 331 448 251 219 244 252 260 364 602 617 692 642 729 1,108 1,134 1,297 1,425 1,373 4,572 4,576 4,584 4,589 4,593 1,772 1,804 1,822 1,775 1,798 4,615 4,656 4,837 5,014 4, 889 2,424 2,448 2,455 2,367 413 410 411 408 404 26 26 26 24 28 387 384 385 384 376 Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 5 12 19 26 7... 14.. 21.. 28- 1 8 15 22 29 Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 5 12. _ 19 26 Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 3 10 17 24 31 2,471 j 36 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD No. 4.—RESERVE BANK CREDIT AND FACTORS IN CHANGES, BY W E E K S (WEDNES- DAY SERIES), 1927-1931—Continued [In millions of dollars] Reserve bank credit outstanding Date (Wednesday) Factors of decrease Factors of increase Unexpended capital funds, nonmember United Memdeposits, etc. TreasStates Other ber MonMone- ury Governey in bank tary curment bank Total gold rency circu- reserve Non- Unexstock lation balsecuri- credit admem- pendances Total ber de- ed ties justed posits, capital etc. funds Bills Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. 1931 7 14 21 28 292 243 230 215 265 196 152 120 659 644 625 610 1,248 1,111 1,020 956 4,602 4,625 4,631 4,637 1,784 1,781 1,788 1,781 4,782 4,649 4,593 4,544 2,444 2,464 2,441 2,425 408 404 405 405 377 378 380 380 Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 4 11 18 25 223 222 200 190 104 88 94 106 610 610 600 599 949 929 905 904 4,649 4,651 4,661 4,663 1,761 1,782 1,778 1,784 4, 576 4,594 4,560 4,569 2,379 2,365 2,380 2,378 404 403 404 404 380 379 376 381 Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 4 11 18 25 191 173 162 165 101 151 122 83 600 605 618 599 908 942 907 858 4,672 4,677 4,685 1,762 1,772 1,816 1,765 4,575 4,554 4,562 4,547 2,365 2,436 2,436 2,357 402 401 410 408 380 379 384 384 Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. 1__. 8... 15.. 22... 29... 164 143 132 135 155 167 172 131 152 170 598 599 599 599 943 929 895 911 4,703 4,710 4,713 4,721 1,778 1,775 1,789 1,778 1,779 4,620 4,612 4,623 4,612 4,621 2,392 2,389 2,356 2,380 407 406 415 410 407 382 382 384 384 383 May6_. May 13. May 20_ May 27- 150 145 149 153 194 153 131 125 598 598 599 598 967 918 4,743 4,766 4,772 4,795 1,783 1,773 1,792 1,787 4,663 4,627 4,639 4,634 2,418 2,421 2,411 2,425 412 409 408 409 26 27 383 383 382 382 June 3-_. June 1CL. June 17_. June 24 _ 173 185 185 134 127 107 106 598 599 599 619 929 907 960 4,793 4,803 4,893 4,915 1,748 1,799 1,764 1,734 4,673 4,723 4,756 4,733 2,389 2,399 2,401 2,457 417 409 407 419 37 28 28 40 380 381 379 379 July 1 July 8... July 15 July 22. July29 150 162 162 182 183 103 92 70 67 67 663 668 678 678 678 950 960 951 942 945 4,956 4,964 4,959 4,951 4,953 1,765 1,794 1,789 1,787 1,792 4,841 4,836 4,808 4,795 4,780 2,389 2,440 2,436 2,432 2,415 441 442 455 453 495 70 72 87 85 126 371 370 368 368 369 Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. 195 231 242 136 155 181 681 728 728 728 967 1,105 1,141 1,199 4,955 4,964 4,983 4,992 1,793 1,790 1,771 1,720 4,849 4,890 4,952 4,994 2,339 2,393 2,382 2,342 527 576 561 575 159 209 195 210 367 366 365 257 260 263 310 328 198 218 243 728 728 742 738 742 1,221 1,216 1,279 1,315 1,578 4,999 5,001 5,016 4,897 4,741 1,758 1,762 1,800 1,781 1,774 5,036 5,092 5,088 5,164 5,246 2,374 2,290 2,418 2,280 2,364 568 597 589 549 483 203 233 224 186 120 365 364 365 363 363 5 12 19 26 Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. 2 9 16 23 30 Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 7 14_ 21 28 463 628 698 717 581 730 769 725 738 727 727 727 1,839 2,125 2,238 2,211 4,642 4,424 4,337 4,289 1,765 1,775 1,774 1,761 5,431 5,473 5,505 5,481 2,277 2,223 2,276 2,229 538 628 568 551 178 269 207 192 360 359 361 359 Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 4 11 18 25 705 684 662 642 597 534 480 728 727 727 727 2,109 2,064 1,972 1,941 4,312 4,347 4,371 4,408 1,768 1,747 1,775 1,775 5,545 5,519 5,473 5,479 2,122 2,099 2,124 2,117 522 540 521 528 167 185 165 170 355 355 356 358 Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 2 9 16 23 30 718 725 698 911 1,024 423 389 307 257 327 717 717 906 758 803 1,905 1,880 1,974 2,006 2,202 4,420 4,440 4,458 4,465 4,458 1,780 1,775 1,811 1,760 1,761 5,511 5,509 5,578 5,733 5,632 2,073 2,086 2,168 2,001 2,323 521 500 497 497 466 163 145 138 138 107 358 355 359 359 359 37 RESERVE BANK CREDIT No. 5.—RESERVE BANK CREDIT AND FACTORS IN CHANGES, END OF MONTH SERIES, 1927-1931 [In millions of dollars] Reserve bank credit outstanding Date 1927 January February... March April May June July August September.. October November. _ December. . 1928 January February.. _ March April May June July August September.. October November. _ December. _ 1929 January February. __ March April May June ___ Juiy August September. _ October November.. December. _ 1930 January February. _ _ March April May June July August September. . October November.. December. _ 1931 January February. __ March April May -June _ July August September.. October November.. December.. Factors ofJ decrease Factors of increase 1 Unexpended capital funds, nonmember Memdeposits, etc. TreasUnited Other Monber Mon- u r y Bills Bills States ey in bank reetary curdisreserve Total gold rency cirNon- Unexcounted bought G cula- serve stock admem- pendtion baljusted ances Total ber de- ed capposits, ital etc. funds 425 470 451 477 459 443 442 401 437 412 477 582 321 296 239 238 228 211 172 185 250 342 355 392 304 316 348 327 343 370 392 473 506 522 548 617 1,071 1,108 1,072 1,085 1,046 1,082 1,093 1,102 1,231 1, 296 1,415 1, 655 4,564 4,586 4,597 4,610 4,608 4,587 4,580 4,588 4,571 4,541 4,451 4,379 1,747 1,738 1,749 1,774 1,768 1,763 1,775 1,788 1,770 1,776 1,803 1,782 4,846 4,885 4,862 4,891 4,893 4,851 4,846 4,854 4,948 4,946 4,952 5,003 2,218 2, 229 2,237 2,257 2,197 2,249 2,277 2,299 2,293 2,324 2, 379 2,487 318 318 319 321 332 332 325 325 331 343 338 326 23 23 21 22 33 36 28 30 29 41 33 26 295 295 298 299 299 296 297 295 302 302 305 300 423 493 599 834 1,021 1, 095 1,031 1,108 1,071 932 1,088 1,056 379 344 350 357 292 217 162 192 284 440 486 489 437 408 395 296 220 235 215 219 243 227 237 228 1, 255 1,264 1,365 1,496 1,549 1,586 1,433 1,553 1,641 1,623 1,837 1,808 4,373 4,362 4,305 4,266 4,160 4,109 4,113 4,123 4,125 4,142 4,128 4,141 1,772 1,774 1,782 1,776 1,754 1,780 1,780 1,783 1,790 1,783 1,771 1,788 4,677 4, 690 4,749 4,748 4,744 4,797 4,701 4,803 4,846 4,806 4,990 4,973 2,391 2,375 2,366 2,442 2,371 2, 325 2,267 2,294 2,334 2,371 2,373 2,389 332 335 337 348 348 353 358 362 376 371 373 375 24 23 23 30 25 29 29 28 37 28 25 27 308 312 314 318 323 324 329 334 339 343 348 348 805 973 1,095 934 1,068 1,037 1,076 1,046 958 1,000 1,030 632 440 330 200 179 117 82 75 176 293 355 256 392 202 169 172 163 143 216 147 150 162 321 326 511 1,484' 1,510 1,536 1,327 1,360 1,400 1,347 1,440 1,458 1,743 1,677 1,583 4,127 4,153 4,188 4,260 4,301 4,324 4,341 4,360 4,372 4,386 4,367 4,284 1,789 1,781 1,785 1,777 1,773 1,780 1,788 1,788 1,734 1,800 1,767 1, 778 4,657 4,698 4,748 4,676 4,738 4,746 4,717 4,840 4,819 4,838 4,929 4,865 2,362 2,362 2,357 2,282 2,288 2,356 2,355 2,337 2,326 2,666 2,458 2,355 381 384 404 406 408 402 404 411 419 425 424 425 29 25 41 35 33 28 28 24 28 31 26 30 352 359 363 371 375 374 376 387 391 394 398 395 394 353 310 233 313 272 200 215 272 207 275 251 294 270 279 210 185 128 130 168 209 163 175 364 479 480 535 530 528 591 577 602 597 602 599 729 1,209 1,140 1,149 1,006 1,049 1,018 4,291 4,353 4,423 4,491 4,517 4,535 4,517 4,501 4, 511 4,535 4,571 4,593 1,774 1,763 1,773 1,791 1,773 1,789 1,788 1,796 1,773 1, 799 1,794 1,798 4,560 4,577 4,549 4,476 4,551 4,522 4,426 4,533 4,501 4,493 4,660 4,890 2,293 2,260 2,367 2,385 2,369 2,389 2,396 2,378 2,467 2,418 2,373 2,471 421 419 429 427 419 431 417 411 419 421 411 403 25 25 28 27 24 40 28 24 26 29 25 28 396 394 401 400 395 391 389 387 393 392 386 375 232 198 250 157 174 149 195 255 328 728 718 638 125 109 124 163 125 106 73 215 469 681 452 339 610 599 599 598 598 668 678 728 742 727 717 817 4,643 4,665 4,697 4, 726 4, 798 4, 956 4, 949 4, 995 4, 741 4, 292 4,414 4,460 1,790 1, 778 1,754 1,773 1,788 1,752 1,788 1,729 1,773 1,767 1,769 1,759 4,610 4,620 4,608 4,652 4,702 4,822 4,837 5, 052 5, 246 5, 540 5, 536 5,647 2,398 2,343 2,428 2,371 2,389 2,381 2, 367 2, 373 2, 3(54 2, 167 2, 051 1,961 405 406 405 413 AVI 448 509 554 482 536 527 464 24 23 22 27 31 77 140 189 120 181 170 110 381 383 383 386 381 371 3(59 365 362 355 357 354 934 1,025 1,103 998 1,079 1,373 926 990 937 917 043 976 Digitized for1 FRASER For explanation see Federal Reserve Bulletin for July, 1929, pp. 432-438. 38 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD RESERVE BANK CREDIT No. 6.—-RESERVE BANK CREDIT OUTSTANDING, ANNUAL AVERAGES, 1915-1931 [Averages of daily figures. In thousands of dollars] Year 1915 1916 1917 _ 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 _ 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931—. Bills and securities held by Federal reserve banks Reserve bank credit outstanding Bills discounted bought i 60,149 i 163,350 523,120 1, 723,168 2,625,406 I 3, 390,422 2,198, 238 1,226, 334 1, 204, 752 996,467 1,195, 397 1, 257, 859 1,175,035 1, 505, 085 1,459,264 1,086,870 1.273,671 24,371 24,140 193,783 1,134, 486 1,905, 697 2, 523,073 1,797, 226 571, 220 735, 608 372,121 480, 609 568,166 442, 287 839,942 950, 580 271, 727 326,217 10,430 65,508 150,094 287,147 323,939 385,420 91,150 159,102 226,767 172,437 287,482 281,104 263,258 327,806 241,399 213,201 245, 260 Bills U. S. Foreign Govern- Other loans ment securities on gold securities 7,931 47,161 89, 207 134,177 254, 384 323, 661 263, 864 454, 777 185, 504 402, 271 358, 760 349, 599 417,480 297,499 207, 659 563,672 669,013 17,417 26, 541 6,893 352 1 44 66 85 1,210 2,473 3,396 1,513 2,124 13,420 8,295 10,058 486 9,218 4,114 1,068 510 Due from foreign banks 536 2,765 793 692 699 701 644 671 674 8,643 603 732 804 5,321 Reserve bank float 2 83,143 * 166,470 2 138,620 2 157,475 45,262 40,470 56,087 47, 298 56,184 50,806 41,854 37, 111 44,406 29,171 17,292 1 Exclusive of reserve bank float for which figures are not available. 2 Includes Government overdrafts. No. 7*—RESERVE BANK CREDIT OUTSTANDING, BY MONTHS, 1923-1931 [Monthly averages of daily figures. In thousands of dollars] Total Month 1923—January February March April May June July August... SeptemberOctober November.. December-. 1,248,888 1,205,043 1,228,242 _ 1,214,466 1,221,737 . . . 1,178,370 __ 1,179,386 _j 1,127,239 _„ 1924—January February... March April May.. June July August September.. October November.. December-. 1,183,823 1, 204,123 1, 204, 312 1,260,198 1, 040, 781 955, 227 989, 838 981, 361 879, 242 886, 324 878, 500 880,895 982, 574 1, 057,166 1,134,950 1, 288, 001 U.S. se- Foreign Bills disBills Government Other counted bought securicurities gold ties Reserve bank float 547,058 608,165 627,799 657, 730 705, 312 741,246 834, 084 SOS, 870 845, 227 873,142 798, 529 771, 034 217; 939 189,819 233,753 272,439 271, 333 224, 313 186, 002 175, 351 173,909 184,838 264, 951 323, 901 420,977 355,737 315,848 228, 664 193, 224 153,395 96, 533 90, 016 101,690 91,450 83,456 105,893 17 39 49 56 19 15 138 317 255 88 701 701 701 701 701 701 701 701 701 701 701 701 62,193 50, 621 50,124 54,893 51,118 58, 659 62,047 52,286 62,158 53, 675 56,420 58, 581 573, 865 513,920 475, 712 488,558 432, 613 370,159 315, 343 268, 475 261, 655 240, 200 228, 236 301.351 299, 914 272, 678 228, 101 170, 525 79, 995 50, 376 43, 878 29, 532 91,617 179,735 288, 346 I357, 504 117, 576 134, 611 244,121 273, 601 323, 557 416, 251 466, 530 539,409 575, 360 585,118 587, 666 554,048 27 19 73 52 342 1,276 1,250 1,540 2, 963 1,933 2,987 2,056 701 701 701 701 701 701 70] 701 596 476 477 573 48, 698 33, 298 41,130 47,924 42, 034 47,561 50, 798 41, 238 50, 383 49, 704 47, 238 66,795 20 1,125,416 1925—January. __ 267,003 I329,258 463,722 2,53£ 1, 094, 047 February.. 340,253 313, 419 383, 790 2,973 1,121,951 March 389,611 !298,177 375, 566 2,652 1,109, 656 402,766 I287, 322 354.984 April 1, 643 1, 099, 973 397.352 '279, 054 361, 261 May 1,867 1,118, 344 437,177 I263,497 344, 969 Jane 2,250 1,118, 239 480,105 |231,122 337,667 2,044 July 1,142,706 545,196 205, 401 329, 091 August 2, 058 1, 226, 636 594, 080 !225, 728 335, 425 September 2,414 1, 320, 582 618,770 I298, 211 327, 685 October. _. 2,703 1, 351, 693 597,158 |351, 751 331,962 November. 3,378 1, 50G, 515 687,766 i368, 659 359, 242 December. 3,191 i Foreign loans on gold outstanding from Dec. 2, 1924, toAug. 2, 1926, Mar. 7 11 to May 10, 1929. Due from foreign banks 15,734 54,029 42, 470 44,725 51, 802 49, 299 59, 221 56,165 49,846 60, 300 65,196 61, 532 78,552 to Mar. 18, 1929, and Apr. 8,224 10, 500 10, 500 10, 500 10, 500 10, 500 10, 500 10, 469 7,954 7,378 5,260 8,367 641 642 720 639 040 730 636 645 735 639 652 738 RESERVE BANK CREDIT No. 7.—RESERVE BANK CREDIT OUTSTANDING, BY MONTHS, 1923-1931— Continued [Monthly averages of daily figures. In thousands of dollars] Month 1926—January February March _ April May June July August September.. October November.. December... 1927—January February—_ March April May June July. August SeptemberOctober NovemberDecember 1928—January February—. March April May June July August September.. October November... December.. 1929—January February. __ March April May June July August SeptemberOctober NovemberDecember.. 1930—January February— March April May June July... August September.. October November.. December. . 1931—January February. _. March April May June July August September.. October November.. December. . Total 1, 278,808 1,218, 403 1, 216, 042 1, 203, 653 1,199, 838 1,185, 468 1, 221, 421 1, 202, 639 1, 277, 787 1, 321, 568 1, 318, 027 1,445, 340 1,185,778 1,043,082 1,055,163 1,087,141 1,041, 397 1,081,275 1,114, 788 1,093,486 1,187, 227 1,254,435 1, 377,128 1, 567,814 1, 387, 591 1, 263, 814 1, 295, 246 1,405,135 1,471, 559 1, 531,103 1, 530, 993 1,485,196 1, 581,421 1,621,327 1, 652,841 1,824,070 1, 613,093 1,501,565 1,480,931 1,377,282 1,303,411 1,316,801 1, 379,796 1,376,086 1,426,890 1,449, 620 1,631,397 1, 643,073 1,356, 721 1,181, 330 1,094, 634 1,072,438 995, 534 999, 628 1,003, 327 998,473 1,015,903 1,019, 750 1,033,401 1, 273,145 1,129,438 936, 391 920, 631 952,286 925, 914 944, 969 954,174 1,106, 906 1, 313,103 2, 087, 771 2, 034, 542 1,950,133 Bills discounted U.S. Due j| Other se- Foreign from Reserve Bills Governon foreign bank ment bought securi- curities loans gold float banks 519,917 323,874 525, 678 304,816 556, 541 267, 833 537, 003 234, 409 511, 490 232, 219 472,871 243, 233 549,107 229, 923 555, 241 245,117 639, 508 284, 813 663, 296 295, 249 614, 501 348, 365 668, 453 384, 603 480, 622 343,448 392.996 304, 071 424, 543 252,722 447,285 248,429 472,984 233, 224 428, 563 205, 273 453.997 189,774 409,439 173,122 422,192 215, 926 424,413 281,903 415, 216 335,908 528, 624 377, 712 465,275 372, 538 470,680 359, 883 513,233 342,790 660,927 358,026 835, 502 1,018,735 243, 540 1,089, 579 185,018 1,060, 811 177,951 1,064,302 226,033 975, 204 367, 595 897,309 470, 638 1,013,003 482,704 859,223 472,543 889,207 384,662 968, 565 265,430 1,004,440 155, 686 956,274 144,899 978,009 99, 489 1,095,623 74,815 1,043,467 124,441 969,000 229, 395 884, 501 337,121 952,640 296, 212 803,352 319,997 500, 780 313, 839 377, 644 285,152 273, 517 245, 562 231,172 266,141 246,890 181, 725 251,237 141,173 226, 041 153, 896 213,987 152, 898 188,700 196, 630 196, 388 185, 470 220, 769 184, 212 337, 557 256, 596 252,886 205, 841 215,757 102, 076 176, 431 123, 293 154, 058 172,897 162, 705 143, 759 187, 800 J20, 740 169, 030 78, 890 222, 270 134, 549 280, ] 63 259, 257 613, 012 691, 723 695,081 560, 341 774,471 340,157 Back figures.—See Annual Report for 1928 (Table 1). 125554—32 4 367,789 I 334,816 ! 335,742 ! 370,754 I 398,201 I 407,896 379,618 353, 192 i 315,530 i 306,189 I 302,434 j 321,540 | 310,486 I 306,606 j 344,922 341,081 i 291,495 397,754 381,081 438,511 ! 500,637 506,177 579, 238 605, 841 511,852 405,551 414,681 351,105 256, 686 231,907 212, 978 209, 610 240,429 236,914 238, 335 262, 776 228,528 184, 241 196, 746 165,311 152,870 179, 370 147,473 154,513 164, 579 154,462 315,289 446,066 484, 818 480,121 539, 513 529, 989 528, 636 571,175 582, 889 598, 649 597, 030 601, 582 599, 065 043,880 647, 348 603, 373 003, 940 600, 280 598, 559 009, 5-57 673, 593 712,254 736,190 I 733,054 726,612 776, 954 3,143 3,185 3, 653 4,886 4,103 3,453 3,117 3,373 3,700 3,042 2, 525 2,579 3,550 2,250 2,064 2,081 1,801 1,533 1,300 758 587 698 646 942 657 535 821 990 1,000 790 490 764 3,177 4,433 4,160 7,597 9,608 9,474 8,410 7, 073 7.446 11,427 10, 558 13,644 15, 594 20, 387 21,440 13,083 13, 213 12, 817 10, 383 9,101 8,413 5, 587 7, 341 8,348 7,282 6,852 7,131 8,201 8,687 7, 758 7,407 3,521 90 2,928 5,854 3,979 6, 400 0, 311 4, 617 3,133 43 1,009 5, 444 8, 733 :., 954 10, 872 22, 830 31, 574 30, 370 2, 133 ""982" 1,783 1, 230 642 709 696 645 707 676 681 702 659 ! 677 650 ! 050 ! 657 658 658 659 660 8,627 45, 370 36,190 7,141 628 564 566 566 566 568 570 571 573 572 574 574 645 729 727 730 729 723 723 726 729 728 724 740 764 740 722 722 721 722 712 710 708 705 703 701 1,720 705 804 708 703 703 697 098 1,480 3, 253 18, 780 10,033 8,782 8,792 8,768 56, 591 42,068 43, 376 47, 269 45,360 49,932 55, 454 44, 924 53, 577 53,115 49, 552 67, 515 47, 015 36, 501 30. 254 47, 625 41,233 39, 525 43, 266 35,466 40,744 40, 616 45, 556 54,129 36, 703 26, 599 23,153 33, 517 29,200 35, 558 42,356 35,486 46,906 36, 536 41, 670 57,263 42,461 33,252 38,129 38,195 37,217 47,777 50, 599 39,297 47, 582 52, 385 45,076 59,853 43,349 24,875 24,937 35,323 29,160 29, 748 32. 455 23, 888 25, 560 28,190 22,339 29, 691 19, 522 14, 482 16, 264 23, 711 19,124 17,829 20, 663 12,117 14,815 17,134 12,142 19,413 40 No. REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD 8.—DEPOSITS, RESERVES, NOTE CIRCULATION, AND RESERVE PERCENTAGES OF FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS, BY MONTHS, 1927-1931 [Monthly averages of daily figures. In thousands of dollarsl Deposits Month Cash reserves Member bank reserve U . S . Foreign bank Govand Other ernment govern ment Total Excess Federal reserve note circulation Reserve percent- 1927 January.. February March. April... May... June... July.... August September October. November December 2,300,204 2,266,460 2,284,809 2,301,120 2,326,816 2,355,428 2,339,478 2,331,452 2,350,875 2,380,856 2,429,976 2,435,984 2,242,854 2,212,206 2,239,952 2,248,302 2,262,397 2,300,897 2,288,948 2,283,097 2,300,450 2,326,009 2,372,954 2,399,182 24,132 28,132 21,823 29,622 25,374 20,660 17,420 17,890 20,324 20,426 12,812 9,976 11,316 4,924 6,021 5,521 5,309 5,341 5,233 5,100 5,675 8,365 6,227 5,063 21,902 21,198 17,013 17,675 33,736 28, 530 27,877 25,365 24,426 26,056 37,983 21,763 3,064,506 3,137,737 3,168,365 3,182,325 3,191,623 3,170,162 3,156,204 3,145,581 3,117,062 3,089,483 3,011,346 2,893,417 1,557,915 1,662,595 1,679,931 1,679,121 1,684,975 1,658,481 1,651, 520 1,657,149 1,605,565 1,563,305 1,469,223 1,322,856 1,753,799 1,704,703 1,721,876 1,744,530 1,730,655 1,718,203 1, 714,666 1,681,059 1,721,726 1,732,196 1,729,078 1,794,917 75.6 79.0 79.1 78.7 78.7 77.8 77.9 78.4 76.5 75.1 72.4 68.4 1928 January.. February March. April.. May... June... July.._ August. September October November December 472,425 419,482 411,714 450,188 438,812 394,875 372,629 330,159 370,075 380,594 401,637 415,052 2,426,360 2,368,092 2,365,030 2,396,460 2,387,642 2,354,547 2, 323, 506 2,273,919 2,314,257 2,332,177 2,352,294 2,366,803 19,438 25,606 23,018 26, 796 23,821 12,797 19,468 27,860 17,648 18,694 17, 542 18,807 5,233 5,373 5,368 6,080 6,373 8,437 9,495 9,225 7,318 6,522 6,419 6,483 21,394 20,411 18, 298 20,852 20,976 19,094 20,160 19,155 30,852 23, 201 25,382 22,954 2,944,811 2,971,768 2,940,725 2,885,356 2,806, 772 2,727,906 2,730,221 2,747,578 2, 751,167 2,753,956 2,767,562 2,714,744 1,413,756 1,486,132 1,459,979 1,387,648 1,314,076 1,242,658 1,242,910 1,272,088 1,241,146 1,230,562 1,228,727 1,128,688 1,664,263 1,597,043 1,591,615 1,600,356 1,597,780 1,617,605 1,642,226 1,649,836 1,701,237 1,725,464 1,745,656 1,851,989 71.2 74.0 73.5 71.2 69.5 68.0 68.0 69.0 67.6 67.1 66.7 63.6 1929 January.. February March. April... May June... July... August. September October November December 2,436, 250 2,406, 651 2, 384, 675 2, 367, 519 2, 350,927 2, 374,439 2, 384, 979 2, 368,430 2,395, 383 2, 437,987 2, 576, 514 2,437,914 2, 388, 746 2,357, 297 2, 336, 507 2, 307,945 2,296,409 2, 314, 338 2, 333, 545 2, 322,411 2, 334, 541 2, 385, 644 2, 521,324 2,395,022 18,165 6,530 24, 809 20,853 5,995 22,506 16, 820 9,239 22,109 24,817 12,312 22, 445 22,498 7,997 24,023 30, 383 6,723 22,995 20,389 7,187 23,858 18, 969 5,584 21,466 33,313 6,801 20, 728 24, 233 6,345 21,765 22, 648 5,660 26, 882 15,859 5,775 21, 258 2.777,763 2,826,670 2,848, 586 2,936, 935 2,987,484 3,011,015 3,078,382 3,117,555 3,135,894 3,157,885 3,166, 713 3,040,010 1, 236, 228 1,318,945 1,346,046 1,439,941 1,499, 258 1,513,157 1, 528,162 1, 556,187 1,549,600 1, 555, 552 1,489,966 1,408,179 1,722,118 1, 663,492 1, 669, 759 1,670,904 1, 663, 504 1,667,011 1,788,692 1,831,044 1,869, 776 1, 872, 594 1,937,418 1,946,402 66.8 69.4 70.3 72.7 74.4 74.5 73.8 74.2 73.5 73.3 70.2 69.3 1930 2.402, 494 2, 349, 236 January 2, 361, 760 2, 305, 237 February 2,373, 079 2, 330, 058 March 2, 408, 039 2, 350,129 April 2, 356, 320 2, 418,430 May _ 2, 457, 689 2, 391, 649 June 2, 417, 484 2, 476, 724 July.... ._ 2, 447, 713 2, 302, 225 August 2, 397,158 2. 451, 862 September 2, 464, 406 2, 406, 590 October... 2, 432, 662 2, 488, 235 November 2, 467, 472 2, 415, 005 December 23, 769 29, 091 15, 651 29, 967 33, 590 38, 548 24, 473 27, 815 28, 338 30, 638 25,149 25, 811 6,132 6,265 6,761 5.983 5, 625 6,046 6,096 6,015 5, 656 5, 576 5,524 6,147 23, 357 21,167 20,609 21,960 22,895 21,446 28,671 21,658 20, 712 21,602 24,900 20, 509 3,124, 536 3,161,315 3, 202,080 3, 209, 467 3, 226, 367 3, 212, 839 3,169,856 3,101, 926 3,106, 714 3,135, 397 3,158,122 3,"" """ 1, 564,910 1, 663, 575 1, 725,122 1, 744, 689 1, 785, 713 1, 776,127 1, 746,896 1, 706,403 1, 702,133 1, 720, 542 1, 729, 503 1, 590, 033 1, 796,883 1,677,809 1, 615, 952 1, 554,910 1, 485, 509 1,441,303 1,390, 267 1,347, 058 1, 366, 074 1, 380, 781 1, 394, 342 1, 587, 050 74.4 78.3 80.3 81.0 82.6 82.4 82.0 81.7 81.4 81.5 81.3 76.2 1931 January February March April . May June.-.. July__ August _ p October No vein her. December.. 28, 945 31,150 32,606 37,124 24, 534 43, 797 22, 756 38, 315 31,352 32,459 33, 296 27,479 5, 858 5,561 5,636 5, 890 6,029 12, 445 56,151 161,030 173,111 166,853 139, 069 114,816 21, 728 19, 393 18, 564 21,192 21, 952 22, 758 27, 261 26, 304 25, 655 41,290 32,397 29, 558 3, 202, 213 3, 249, 218 3, 276, 754 3, 312, 763 3, 372, 483 3,490, 351 3, 584, 709 3,619,914 3, 555,105 3,019,718 3,015,658 3,131,513 1, 704, 512 1, 811, 352 1, 837, 838 1, 847, 913 1, 895, 684 1, 958, 891 2, 008,439 1,969,750 1,847,995 1,213,689 1,221,292 1,321,517 1, 565,642 1,471, 516 1,460, 082 1, 527, 028 1, 557, 356 1,656,271 1, 741, 720 1, 875, 760 2,025,287 2, 330; 936 2, 453, 400 2, 563, 837 79.0 83.4 84.0 83i5 84.4 84.3 84.3 81.4 77.5 62. 6 63. 1 65.2 _! i _ _ .! .1 _ 2,489,841 2,426,456 2,442,522 2,440,110 2,439,591 2,482,719 2,513,090 2, 571, 028 2, 562, 842 2,496,158 '2, 322, 874 . 2,241,316 2, 433, 310 2, 370,352 2, 385, 716 2, 375,904 2, 387, 076 2, 403, 719 2, 406,922 2, 345, 379 2, 332, 724 2, 255, 550 2,118,112 2, 069, 463 Back figures.—See. Annual Report for 1928 (Table 2) 41 KESEEVE BANK CREDIT No. 9.—PRINCIPAL RESOURCES AND LIABILITIES OF FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS, BY WEEKS [In millions of dollars] Bills and securities Dat Total Bills discounted 1,223 1,089 1,007 945 292 243 230 215 265 196 152 120 254 192 151 118 4___ 11__ 18.. 25.. 937 920 223 222 200 190 104 88 94 106 102 87 91 105 Mar. 4___ Mar. 11Mar. 18_. Mar. 25.. 891 929 902 847 191 173 162 165 101 151 123 83 100 137 123 83 Apr. 1_._ Apr. 8_Apr. 15__ Apr. 22.. Apr. 29._ 929 913 862 885 924 164 143 132 135 155 167 172 131 152 170 i 134 33.3 ! 598 143 28.9 j 599 127 4.3 599 135 17.4 599 134 35.8 598 May May May May 6— 13.. 20. _ 27- 944 898 879 876 150 145 149 153 194 153 131 125 162 32.4 598 142 10. 8 i 598 124 6.9 599 122 3.3 598 June 3__. June 10.June 17-_ June 24 __ 907 913 900 947 134 127 107 106 126 119 103 103 July l.__ July8___ July 15-. July 22 __ July 29. _ 932 921 934 935 173 185 185 198 150 162 162 182 183 103 92 70 67 67 97 89 70 65 63 942 Aug. 5... Aug. 12.. 1,065 Aug. 19.. 1,118 Aug. 26- 1,157 189 195 231 242 66 136 155 181 101 154 180 Sept. 2... Sept. 9... Sept. 16.. Sept. 23.. Sept. 30.. 1,190 1,192 1,239 1,306 1,558 257 260 263 310 328 198 198 .218 243 469 Oct. 7__. 1,801 Oct. 14.. 2,104 Oct. 21. _ 2,224 Oct. 28.. 2,198 463 628 698 717 Nov. 4— Nov. 11.. Nov. 18.. Nov. 25... 2,105 2,040 1,956 1,926 Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 1,888 1,862 1,941 1,957 2,185 1931 Jan. 7____ Jan. 14... Jan. 21__. Jan. 28.._ Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 2__. 9... 16.. 23_. 30.. Fed U . S. Government securities Bills bought eral reserve notes UnUnBought der Bought der rereoutTotal outsale sale Total right right agreeagreement ment 11. 4 4.4 1.1 1.8 659 644 625 610 1.9 ! 610 1.5 610 3.4 600 . 9 599 1.0 13.7 .2 600 605 618 599 658 j 0.9 3,147 2, 500 3, 231 2, 521 644 3,254 [ 2,488 625 3,278 ! 2,484 610 ! 610 610 600 599 1,460 1,446 1,442 1, 442 598 599 599 599 598 3, 295 2,446 3, 309 2,443 3,318 2,406 3, 346 2, 436 3,352 ! 2,463 2,392 2,389 2,356 2,380 2, 408 1, 498 1, 505 1,516 1, 527 1,528 598 598 599 598 3,345 I 3,389 i 3,400 ! 3,433 2.9 .3 1.6 3.6 663 668 678 678 678 663 668 678 678 678 3.0 35.1 .7 1.0 681 728 728 728 681 728 728 728 197 .8 195 22.9 233 9.6 450 19.5 .4 728 728 742 738 742 728 742 738 738 581 730 769 725 544 716 766 724 36.8 14.0 3.2 1.4 738 727 727 727 738 727 727 727 705 684 662 642 597 534 480 636 597 533 479 5.5 728 727 727 727 727 727 727 727 718 725 423 389 307 257 327 420 376 303 247 251 3.7 13.3 4.2 10.3 75.9 717 717 906 758 803 717 717 906 758 765 .5 5.3 .3 .1 I2,484 2,440 2, 472 2,557 1, 584 1, 642 1,668 1,674 2,389 2,398 2, 401 2,457 2,389 2,440 2,436 2,432 2,415 104 103 140 1,738 1,737 1,717 1, 731 1,736 2,339 2,393 2,382 2,342 171 224 224 292 1,773 1,829 1,902 1, 946 3,301 2,374 2,290 2,418 2,280 2,364 243 264 j 228 207 143 3,193 2,994 2, 927 2,903 2,277 2,223 2,276 2,229 209 296 232 231 3, 595 3,618 3,643 3,658 ~3.~9~ 55 1, 541 1, 528 1,551 1, 552 2,510 2,617 2,606 2, 634 3,633 3,629 3, 648 6,wz 2,270 2,322 2,383 2,384 2,933 2,989 3,043 3,094 2,319 2,333 2,312 2,316 2,122 2,099 2,124 2,117 197 i 2,447 235 2,450 189 2,433 198 2,446 3,108 3,137 3,145 3,128 38.~3~ 3,155 2,258 2,259 2,309 2,196 2,480 2,073 2,086 2,168 2,001 2,323 185 173 141 195 157 .5 .4 Includes "other securities." Black figures.—See Annual Reports for 1930 (Table 8), 1929 (Table 7), 1928 (Table 5), etc. 1,477 1,481 1,450 1,448 2,365 2,436 2,436 2, 357 598 599 599 619 1 2,455 2,379 2,417 2,365 2, 440 2,380 2, 428 2,378 3, 270 2, 431 3, 281 2,491 3,294 ! 2,465 3,310 i 2,433 600 600 618 599 8.0 I 7.9 I 4.1 | 3.2 619 911 ! 1,024 3, 281 3,254 3, 266 3, 261 2,444 2,464 2, 441 2,425 ' 2,478 2,485 j 2,528 ; 2,661 ! 2, 613 42 No. ANNUAL EEPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD 10.—FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS—RESOURCES AND LIABILITIES IN DETAIL, DECEMBER 31, 1931 1 (Amounts in the column to the right are those shown in the board's weekly statement, their components being shown in the column to the left. In thousands of dollars] RESOURCES Gold with Federal reserve agents Gold redemption fund with United States Treasury 2,130,122 55.616 Gold held exclusively against Federal reserve notes Gold settlement fund with Federal Reserve Board Gold and gold certificates held by banks: Gold coin Gold bullion and foreign gold coin Gold certificates 2,185,738 314,090 __ 92,047 50, 350 346,667 Total gold and gold certificates held by banks 489,064 Total gold reserves Reserves other than gold: Legal-tender notes Silver certificates Standard silver dollars 2,988,892 55,320 105,155 8,295 Total reserves other than gold 168,770 Total reserves 3,157,662 Nonreserve cash: National-bank notes Federal reserve bank notes Subsidiary silver, nickels, and cents Total nonreserve cash 37,030 100 35,482 72, 612 Bills discounted: Secured by United States Government obligations Other bills discounted 321,126 317,167 Total bills discounted Bills bought in the open market: Payable in dollarsBought outright Bought under resale agreement Payable in foreign currencies 638,293 _. 215,266 89,992 33,429 Total bills bought in open marketUnited States Government securities bought under resale agreement: Liberty bonds Treasury bonds. Treasury notes Certificates of indebtedness Treasury bills 12,485 5,544 1,500 1,100 21,700 338,687 Total United States Government securities bought under resale agreement United States securities bought outright: Liberty bonds Bonds issued since 1921 Other United States bonds 285,281 56, 403 655 Total bonds Treasury notes Certificates of indebtedness Treasury bills Total United States Government securities bought outright Total United States Government securities Other securities: Federal intermediate credit bank debentures Federal land bank bonds Municipal warrants 42,329 342, 339 31, 540 270,100 130,652 - 774,631 Total other securities 31,148 Total bills and securities Due from foreign banks Federal reserve notes of other reserve banks Uncollected items: Transit items . Exchanges for clearing house Other cash items Total uncollected items * Before closing of books at end of year. 816,960 26,185 500 4,463 1,825,088 8662 20,055 461,564 12,614 23,635 497,813 RESERVE BAKK CREDIT 43 No. 10.—FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS—RESOURCES AND LIABILITIES IN DETAIL, DECEMBER 31, 1931 *—Continued [Amounts in the column to the right are those shown in the board's weekly statement, their components being shown in the column to the left. In thousands of dollars] Bank premises _ All other resources: Claims account closed or suspended banks Overdrafts—member banks Premium on securities Interest accrued Deferred charges Suspense account and miscellaneous assets .._ - — -- _ 59,590 20,068 10 7,650 3,066 736 6,030 Total all other resources 37,560 Total resources - - — 5,679,042 LIABILITIES Federal reserve notes outstanding (issued to Federal reserve bank) Held by banks and branches Forwarded for redemption _ 2,926,038 288,199 _ 13,368 Federal reserve notes in actual circulation 2,624,471 Deposits: Members—reserve account Government Foreign bank _ Other deposits— Nonmembers' clearing account _ Officers' checks Federal reserve transfer and exchange drafts All other.. ._ - - 1,960,476 53,637 79,099 _ --- _- 20,648 4,814 227 5,037 Total other deposits Total deposits 30,726 - _ Deferred availability items: Government transit items All other transit items Total deferred availability items Capital paid in Surplus All other liabilities: EarningsGross earnings Current expenses Current net earnings Add—Profit and loss _ Deduct— Furniture and equipment Dividends accrued since closing of books 2,123, 938 _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4,829 473,400 _ _._ _ 29,701 27,041 2,660 2,810 159 10,028 Net earnings available for depreciation allowances, reserve, surplus, and franchise tax Reserve for self-insurance ._ Reserves for losses account failed or suspended banks Miscellaneous reserves _ _ _.. _ Accrued dividends unpaid Unearned discount -Accrued taxes, other than franchise tax, unpaid _ Discount on securities Suspense account and miscellaneous liabilities Total all other liabilities 478,229 160,568 274,636 _ 5,125 3, 976 94 942 2,028 786 2,635 1,614 17,200 Total liabilities Contingent liability on bills purchased for foreign correspondents 1 Before closing of books at end of year. Back figures—See Annual Report for 193 (Table 9), 1929 (Table 8), 1928 (Table 6), etc. 5,679,042 250,621 No. 11.—RESOURCES AND LIABILITIES OF FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS (IN DETAIL) AT THE END OF EACH MONTH [In thousands of dollars] 1931 1930 D e c . 31 Jan. 31 Feb. 28 Mar. 31 Apr. 30 May 31 June 30 July 31 Aug. 31 Sept. 30 Oct. 31 Nov. 30 Dec. 31 RESOURCES Gold with Federal reserve agents Gold redemption fund with United States Treasury Gold held exclusively against Federal reserve notes Gold settlement fund with Federal Reserve Board Gold and gold certificates held by banks. _. 1, 730,439 1, 788, 659 1, 709, 384 1,733,124 1, 782, 314 1,785,864 1,917,864 2,056,339 2,153, 913 1,927, 710 1, 552, 076 1, 734, 676 2,130,122 35,211 34,844 33, 662 32, 647 32,193 32, 6131 30,166 29,984 29,889 39, 753 70, 561 70,082 55,616 1, 765,650 1,823, 503 1, 743, 046 1, 765,771 1,814,507 1,818,477| 1,948,030 2,086, 323 2,183,802 1,967,463 1,622,637 1,804,758 2,185, 738 417,440 758,129 421, 666 816,935 473, 853, 690 633 499,976 848,894 555,046 791,121 593, 053 838, 012 470,161 990, 493 414, 523 930, 295 439,052 832,838 445,634 725, 084 372, 556 751,144 366, 547 747,166 314,090 489,064 Total gold reserves Reserves other than gold.- 2,941,219 3,062,104 3,070, 369 3,114, 641 3,160, 674 3,249,542 3,408,684 3, 431,141 3,455,692 3,138,181 2,746,337 2,918,471 2,988,892 163,932 167,065 166, 333 163,141 162, 364 181, 637 173,423 156, 738 173, 760 140, 298 180,405 161, 855 168,770 Total reserves Nonreserve cash 3,081, 517 3, 242, 509 3,244,129 3, 296, 278 3, 334,097 3,413,474 3, 575, 749 3, 597, 474 3, 618,833 3, 300, 545 2, 903,075 3, 080, 326 3,157,662 71,280 58, 753 65,421 71, 228 71,137 73,124 64,127 60,446 79,932 62,889 72,612 70, 774 77,181 Bills discounted: For member banks For intermediate credit banks For nonmember banks (secured by adjusted-service certificates) 197,515 250,026 121 156,939 58 173,767 148, 664 371 250, 590 737 231, 678 71 50 48 78 79 94 126 250,225 157,076 173,861 149,161 194,927 254, 580 131 122 _[_ 195, 058 254,702 327,410 77 718, 579 9,073 4381 706,456 11,320 626, 790 11,044 551 489 459 327,925 728,203 718, 265 638,293 412,121 6,205 33, 386 215,266 89,992 33,429 451, 712 338, 687 Total bills discounted 251, 398 231, 728 197,563 Bills bought: Payable in d o l l a r s Bought outright Under resale agreement Payable in foreign currencies 288, 763 39,098 35, 983 87,881 1,384 36,119 84,437 578 23,958 113,380 9,860 1,063 131,217 30,361 1,074 119,4871 4,893| 1,073j 84, 708 10,243 10, 551 33,737 5,244 34, 371 50,951 19,187 145,215 400, 218 19, 505 48,804 643,517 3,746 33, 501 363,844 125, 384J 108,973 124,303 162,652 125,4531 105, 502 73,352 215,353 468, 527 680, 686,064 43,403 609,920 599,463 598,431 100 598,314 598, 336 667,935 677,853 727,873 738,455 3,890 727,175 717, 031 774, 631 42,329 729,4671 609,920! 599,463 598, 531 '8, 336 667, 935 677, 853 727, 873 742, 345 727,175 717,031 816,960 Total bills bought United States Government securities: Bought outright Under resale agreement Total U. S. Government securities-. 764 Other reserve bank credit: Federal intermediate credit bank debentures Federal land bank bonds Municipal warrants Foreign loans on gold Due from foreign banks 1 Reserve bank float _.. i, 300 704 20,776 Total reserve bank credit outstand1,373,332 ing. 21, Federal reserve notes of other reserve banks. 564, 007 Uncollected items not included in float 57,843 Bank premises. 22,024 All other resources _._• Total resources 350 701 12, 328 18, g Total notes in circulation 8,175 750 63 6, 250 650 146 1,425 10, 726 11,935 70' 16, 553 18,121 699 17,366 10,011 5,900 500 52 18,250 23,782 9,063 13,800 500 105 4,768 8,752 11, 274 26,990 500 25,330 500 4,397 26,185 500 4,463 9,297 8,777 8,724 4,939 8,662 19, 652 980,061 925, 504; 990,319 37,210 917,402 943,022 975,970 1,255,475 1,577,996 2,184,399 1,930, 898 1,853,402 22,648 403,156 58,035 18,624 15, 874 475, 522 58,192: 19, 529 14,278 463,183 58,322 17, 601 16,091 12, 670| 450,447! 58, 580 20, 722 13, 601 471, 223 58, 784 25,866 15,104 398,432 58,915 28,406 474, 098 58,420 17,: 14, 335 356, 728 59, 33, 536 16,996 467, 639 59,225 36,359 16, 570 398,466 59, 390 43,470 15,182 390,861 59,475 41,055 20,055 478, 229 57, 668 32, 697 5, 200, 648 4, 802, 214 4,809,887: 4,913,105 4,901,925 4,932,048 5,153, 666 5,145, 581 5,409,219 5,529,534 5, 665, 816 5, 580, 686 5, 672, 325 I LIABILITIES Federal reserve notes: Held by other Federal reserve banks Outside Federal reserve banks 37 900 843 14,335 16,996 22,648 13, 601 15,104 21,993 15, 874| 14,278 16, 570 15,182 16,091 12, 670 20, 055 | 1,641,545 1,471,491 1,462,248 1,472,080 1,519,168 1,567,806 1,709,833] 1,749,54" l,948,370j 2,080,797 2, 412,424 2,464, 518 2, 604,416 j 1,663,538 1,494,139 1,478,122 1,486,358 1,535,259 1,580,471 1,723,434| 1,764,651 1,962,705! 2,097,793 2,428,994 2,479, 700 2, 624,471 Deposits: Member bank—reserve account Government Foreign bank Other deposits 2,470, 583 2, 397, 523 2,343,373 2,428,081 !, 371,171 2,389,288 2,380,518 2, 366, 582 2,373,001 2,363,584 2,167,422 2,050, 596 1,961,410 70,131 22,243 26, 77r 20,122 31, 570 18,819 21, 703 46, 573 31, 765 33,136 55,916 34,963 53, 637 162,205: 95,135 5,753 150, 077 142,665 5,761 7, 760 33,912 113,99, 5,193 5,145 79,099 5,606 26,996| 25,194 27,437 18, 378 26, 031 30, 63: 21,970 22, 764 42,652 30, 728 17,494 16,515 21, r~ Total deposits Deferred availability items Capital paid in Surplus All other liabilities 2, 517,133 2,448,427 2, 399,196 2, 505, 657 2,433,629! 2,441,515 2, 503, 655 2, 526, 730 2, 632, 333 2, 506,156 2, 379, 702 2,252,463 2,124, 874 564,007 403,156 475,522 463,183 474,098 450,447 471,223 398,432 356,728 467,639 398,466 390, 861 478,229 167,084 166, 759 164,548 163,593 169, 640 169,493 167,445 169,131 168, 600 168, 375 168,188 ....... 160,568 168,828 274, 636 274, 636 274, 636 274,636 274, 636 274, 636 274, 636 274, 636 274, 636 274, 636 274, 636 274, 636 259,421 12,363 12, 530 13, 687 11, ""' 13,280 16, 599 19,4331 24,762 19,470 14,443 15, 703 15, 7331 16, 551 Total liabilities Contingent liability on bills purchased for foreign correspondents 5, 200, 648 4, 802, 214 4,8 439,288 447,444 456,038 W > O 2 4, 913,105 4, 901, 925 4,932, 048 5,153, 666 5,145, 581 5,409,219 5,529,534 5, 665,816 5,580,686! 5,672,325 430, 779 408,916 380,17 340, 845 242, 97- 227, 988 100,118 99, 333 I 126,389! 250,621 i Uncollected items in excess of deferred availability items. Back figures.—See Annual Reports for 1930 (Table 10), 1929 (Table 9), 1928 and 1927 (Table 7),3i;3. Ox 46 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD No. 12.—CONDITION OF EACH FEDERAL RESERVE BANK AT THE END OF AND 1931 [In thousands of dollars] Boston New York 1931 1930 Philadelphia 1930 1931 1930 201,269 10,096 213,444 17, 355 1,007,122 39,879 843,738 238,552 37,739 8,874 227, 704 15,237 211,365 6,473 230,799 7,808 1,047,001 22,285 881,477 247,426 19,235 5,146 242, 941 3,656 13,238 25,315 49,925 850 43,205 33,431 61,002 2,130 61,898 158,273 283,332 2,850 149,951 163,393 309,356 14,315 25,663 3,496 54,204 610 116,412 4,065 68,652 5,610 89,328 52 337 65,638 3,458 76 139,768 685 234 58,575 3,336 2,048 506,353 231 7,173 183,283 15,240 8,615 637,015 83,973 3,173 68 6,084 350 164,867 51,802 14, 8] 6 2,614 11,242 136 194,739 904 624 43,558 2,626 1,397 376,727 443,253 1, 790,181 1930 1931 RESOURCES Total gold reserves Reserves other than gold Total reserves Nonreserve cash .. Bills discounted Bills bought United States Government securities Other securities Total "bills and securities Due from foreign banks Federed reserve notes of other banks Uncollected items Bank premises All other resources Total resources __ 1,737, S 391,515 490,445 LIABILITIES Federal reserve notes in circulation Deposits: Member bank—reserve account Government Foreign bank Other deposits 132,035 194,460 384,976 153, 727 269, 372 150, 936 829 425 65 149,287 2,538 5,764 240 1,062,276 4,113 1,903 9,555 795, 015 142, 539 25,740 1,344 27, 527 558 13, 786 163 123, 939 3,551 7,609 391 Total deposits Deferred availability items Capital paid in Surplus All other liabilities 152,255 59,167 11,877 21, 299 94 157,829 57, 993 11,749 20, 039 1,183 1,077, 847 178,877 65,578 80, 575 2,328 158,126 61,639 75,077 6,813 144,604 49,256 16,793 27,065 70 135,490 41,826 16,600 26,486 671 Total liabilities 376,727 443,253 1,790,181 1,737,909 391, 515 490,445 Cleveland 1930 1931 278,471 574,186 Richmond 1930 1931 324, 989 13,087 113,220 6,904 94,360 7,095 4,859 120,124 4,556 37,216 25, 931 62, 925 1,000 92,609 5,561 73,251 22, 766 10,936 13, 907 127,072 71 1,397 | 53,979 I 6,833 I 990 171,421 875 1,489 41,319 7,807 3,158 483,337 Atlanta 1930 1931 RESOURCES Total gold reserves Reserves other than gold Total reserves. . Nonreiserve cash 150,847 8, 578 109,561 6,061 101,455 ! 159,425 4,693 3,743 ! 115, 622 4,368 33,377 10,099 19,081 700 18,069 15, 755 7,877 600 34,902 13,235 13, 938 850 47,609 30 2,266 38,140 3,249 967 63,257 346 1,885 37,228 3,605 2,832 42,301 26 1,685 12,846 2,573 4,552 62,925 312 1,230 11,839 2,489 3,111 569,004 216, 941 214,351 228,101 201, 896 Federal reserve notes in circulation _ _ Deposits: Member bank—reserve account. Government Foreign bank Other deposits 194,948 320, 335 100,515 109,347 133,854 120,626 186, 377 147, 646 3,526 2,240 7,763 575 6,167 2,697 60,820 444 241 168 47,256 1,642 3,074 598 61,014 1,211 207 479 46, 368 2,047 2,767 172 Total deposits Deferred availability items.. CapitEil paid in Surplus All other liabilities 191,889 165,102 50, 765 39,425 15,813 14,630 28,971 27, 640 1,872 051 61, 673 36,110 5,801 12,114 728 52,570 34,532 5,478 11,483 941 62,911 13,130 5,346 10,857 2,003 51,354 12,001 5,158 10,449 2,308 569,004 216,941 214, 351 228,101 201,896 286,567 6,428 Bills discounted Bills bought United States Government securities. O ther securities Total bills and securities Due from foreign banks Federal reserve notes of other banks Uncollected items Bank premises 1 All other resources Total resources __ LIABILITIES Total liabilities.. Back figures.—See a n n u a l 483, 337 r e p o r t s for 1930 ( T a b l e 11) 1929 ( T a b l e 10), a n d 1928 ( T a b l e 8), e t c . 47 RESERVE BANK CREDIT No. 12.—CONDITION OF EACH FEDERAL RESERVE BANK AT THE END OF 1930 AND 1931—Continued [In thousands of dollars] Chicago 1930 Minneapolis 1931 1930 1931 64,411 4,258 68, 669 2,432 74, 276 5,632 3,576 8,411 27, 302 233 7,571 7,329 27, 668 903 39, 522 16 805 10, 366 1,926 528 43,471 14 810 8,444 1,834 1,373 632, 857 929, 290 196,820 188,112 124, 264 137,585 1931 RESOURCES Total gold reserves Reserves other than gold Total reserves Nonreserve cash Bills discounted Bills bought United States Government securities Other securities Total bills and securities Due from foreign banks Federal reserve notes of other banks. Uncollected items Bank premises All other resources Total resources : 353, 871 596, 593 104, 329 88,953 9,303 12, 863 | 21,591 29, 277 j 375,462 625, 870 113,632 101, 816 4,675 3, 773 ! 11,382 10,859 i 22,804 74, 496 11, 301 16,886 52, 370 42, 052 10, 788 12, 823 89, 603 105, 531 26, 383 27, 099 1,000 3,490 165, 777 225, 569 94 1,232 2,333 3,105 68, 622 53, 531 8,061 7,827 1, 126 1,297 48, 472 25 1,056 21, 817 3,635 3,508 57, 688 21 1,270 3,461 1,995 79,908 1,731 LIABILITIES Federal reserve notes in circulationDeposits: Member bank—reserve account. Government Foreign bank Other deposits 139,162 519, 471 84, 599 86, 941 53,558 69,130 360,832 283, 976 2,590 3,291 770 10, 376 691 960 69, 521 1,089 207 534 59, 456 3,128 2,690 566 48,447 1,280 132 139 45, 827 1,961 1,768 356 Total deposits Deferred availability items.. Capital paid in Surplus All other liabilities 365,152 298, 334 66, 524 51,885 20,145 18, 011 39, 936 38, 411 1,938 3,178 71, 351 23,934 5,053 10, 562 1,321 65, 840 19, 305 4,693 10, 025 1,308 49, 998 9,776 3,063 7,144 725 49, 912 7,791 2,951 6,356 1,445 Total liabilities-. 632, 857 929, 290 196, 820 188,112 124, 264 Kansas City 1930 137, 585 San Francisco 1930 1931 1931 1930 97, 771 7,665 46, 402 7,126 54, 029 290, 354 263, 474 8,813 99, 571 105,436 2,345 2,653 53, 528 4,206 61, 975 298, 747 3,532 5,311 272, 287 6,395 Bills discounted Bills bought United States Government securities_ Other securities 15,042 12, 971 31,611 27, 726 11, 666 18, 708 400 4,342 8,575 31, 316 10, 416 3,019 29,864 15, 483 31, 023 51, 082 30, 742 32, 014 62, 810 1,870 Total bills and securities Due from foreign banks Federal reserve notes of other banks.. Uncollected items Bank premises All other resources 59,624 21 1,798 31, 675 3,803 241 58, 500 251 1,482 21,391 3,649 1,054 44, 233 21 487 17, 362 1,830 551 43, 299 260 397 13,404 1,785 2,302 97, 588 49 2,306 29, 253 4,621 734 127,436 589 1,445 25, 637 4,433 199,078 194, 416 122,218 126, 954 RESOURCES Total gold reserves Reserves other than gold. Total reservesNonreserve cash Total resources 92, 371 7,200 439,110 LIABILITIES Federal reserve notes in circulation. _ Deposits: Member bank—reserve account. Government Foreign ban£ Other deposits 68,424 82, 711 31,901 46, 813 185,839 231,079 87,705 1,597 • 173 54 75, 229 1,510 2,229 60 57, 533 673 173 119 48,811 182, 583 1,509 1,409 2,306 397 246 7,037 138,600 3,194 5,226 7,455 Total deposits Deferred availability items.. Capital paid in Surplus All other liabilities 89, 529 27, 711 4,311 8,702 401 79,028 19, 674 4,185 8,124 58,498 17,964 4,356 52,872 191,426 13, 223 30,793 4,135 11,504 7,624 18,475 572 563 j 2,287 154,475 22,448 11,339 17,707 2,062 Total liabilities.. 199, 078 194, 416 122, 218 I 126, 954 438, 609 439,110 figures.—See Annual Reports for 1930 (Table 11), 1929 (Table 10), and 1928 (Table 8), etc. Digitized forBack FRASER 48 ANNUAL REPORT OF T H E FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD No. 13.—NUMBER OP MEMBER BANKS DISCOUNTING PAPER AT FEDERAL R E SERVE BANKS, BY MONTHS, 1914-1931 Month 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 January... February. March April 398 469 570 606 614 451 535 606 309 262 315 384 1,432 1,353 1,568 2,100 3,316 3,091 3,575 3,875 3,461 3,338 3,670 4,175 5,293 5,107 5,320 5,568 May..... June July August. 693 813 760 711 655 678 642 483 590 900 960 990 2,793 3,021 3,462 3,671 4,035 4,047 3,685 3,460 4,642 4,948 4,858 4,780 5,632 5,745 5,607 5,453 761 794 835 754 448 383 336 314 953 1,140 1,574 1,701 3,464 3,610 3,667 3,722 3,839 3,649 4,758 4,952 5,275 5,551 5,427 5,572 5,622 5,676 3,127 5,493 5,993 6,941 7,415 SeptemberOctober November.. December.. 132 339 1,920 Year. 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 January—. February. March April 5,350 4,847 4,701 4,738 3,294 2,976 3,282 3,507 3,663 3,465 3,516 3,744 2,554 2,415 2,731 3,016 2,838 2,659 3,045 3,155 2,825 2,566 2,717 2,707 2,256 2,104 2,405 2,522 2,691 2,597 2,860 3,185 3,049 2,730 2,707 2,753 2,721 2,375 2,369 2,185 May June July August 4,636 4,436 4,167 4,042 3,942 3,999 4,110 3,960 3, 795 3,706 3,432 3,052 3,209 3,289 3, 207 2 979 3,282 3,458 3,190 3, 016 2,858 2,834 2,669 2,511 2,742 2,957 2,927 2,797 3, 391 3,414 3, 301 3,012 2,951 2,849 2,729 2,466 2,334 September October... November. December, 3,944 3, 793 3,859 3,873 3,600 3, 752 3,732 3,698 2, 786 2,663 2,573 2,783 2,729 2,796 2,876 3,021 2,879 2,856 2,871 3,024 2,361 2,377 2,350 2,345 2,562 2,663 2,639 2,801 2,822 2,917 3,246 3,080 2,194 2,400 2,476 2,839 2,525 3,288 3,210 3, 375 Year 6,956 6, 333 6,060 5,183 5,343 4,869 4, 718 5,113 4, 991 5,260 Month 1931 2,344 2,304 49 EESEEVE BAKK CREDIT? No. 14.—BILLS DISCOUNTED BY FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS—HOLDINGS AT THE END OF EACH MONTH, BY CLASSES [In thousands of dollars] Member bank collateral notes Rediscounted bills Total (all End of month Secured Secured by U.S. by U.S. OtherGovern- Govern- wise sement ment cured obliga- obligations tions Commercial Demand Bankers' Trade and agri- and sight accept- acceptcultural drafts ances ances paper i 1931 January February March 231,728 197, 563 250,225 107, 660 97,050 79,258 45 35 21 1,060 881 747 April May June July August September 157,076 173,861 149,161 70,766 82,113 82,202 40 29 15 614 1,287 659 195,058 254,702 327,925 88, 637 106,553 107,858 11 22 157 October November December 728,203 718,265 638, 293 238,937 228,053 212,416 203 330 133 3 3 589 466 77,812 62,237 128,873 44,562 36, 644 40, 654 931 1,090 1, 602 62,197 63, 571 45,790 22, 525 25, 767 18, 893 674 692 1,228 2,291 2,344 1,707 76, 675 101,063 131,244 26, 770 44,025 85, 728 2,527 2,313 2,355 3,217 358,495 3, 015 362,309 3,591 317,535 124,235 121, 779 102,263 589 716 672 i N o t elsewhere specified. NOTE.—Figures include bills discounted for Federal intermediate credit banks as follows: March, $121,000; April, $58,000; June, $370,000; September, $77,000; October, $9,073,000; November, $11,320; December, $11,044,000. Figures also include notes secured b y adjusted-service certificates discounted for nonmember banks, as follows: January, $50,000; February, $48,000; March, $77,000; April, $78,000; M a y , $93,000; June, $126,000; July, $131,000; August, $122,000; September, $437,000; October, $550,000; November, $488,000; December, $458,000. Back figures.—See Annual Report for 1930 (Table 13), 1929 (Table 12), and 1928 (Table 11). No. 15.—BILLS BOUGHT BY FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS—HOLDINGS AT THE END OF EACH MONTH, BY CLASSES [In thousands of dollars] Bills payable in dollars Bankers' acceptances Based on— End of month Total Total Total Bills payBased on able goods Goods in stored Trade stored foreign in acceptin U. S. Dollar foreign jurren ances ImExAll (warecies excountries ports ports other house or into from credits) change shipped United United or between States States shipped foreign between points domestic points 1931 January February March April 125,384 108,973 124, 303 162, 652 89,265 85,015 123,240 161, 578 89,265 10,362 85, 015 12,713 123,240 17,468 161, 578 24,360 May June July August 125,453 105, 502 73, 352 215, 353 124, 380 94,951 124,380 94,951 38,981 70, 111 September October November December 468, 527 680, 764 451,712 338, 687 419, 723 419, 723 67,993 647,263 647,263 105,382 418,326 418,326 61,247 305,258 305, 258 43, 047 70,138 13,488 10, 828 22, 767 25, 348 23, 319 17, 086 27,227 37,405 2,574 1,900 3,075 7,751 38, 841 41,945 51,597 60,293 681 543 1,106 6,421 36,119 23,958 1,063 1,074 19, 581 18, 201 15,465 15,815 7,394 5,744 9,769 8,844 19,271 16, 792 8,193 7,894 5,922 5,236 1,787 2,526 58, 647 39, 220 15, 694 38,288 2,758 2,423 169 2,790 1,073 10, 551 34, 371 27 145, 215 87, 640 129,078 98, 511 84,008 17,412 24,378 15,824 13, 675 184, 742 285,087 170,482 103, 582 6,614 9,905 6,001 5,698 48, 804 33, 501 33,386 33,429 55, 322 93, 433 66,261 55, 248 Back figures.—See Annual Report for 1930 (Table 14), 1929 (Table 13), 1928 (Table 12), etc. 50 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD No. 16.—HOLDINGS OF BILLS DISCOUNTED AND BILLS BOUGHT BY FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS, BY MATURITIES, 1930-31 [In thousands of dollars] Maturity Date Bills discounted: Total Within 15 days 16 to 30 days 91 days 31 to 60 days 61 to 90 days to 6 months Over 6 months 1930—Jan. 29.. Feb. 26. Mar. 26. Apr. 30.. 406,941 342, 781 206, 829 233,452 304,177 253,437 132,180 149,986 26,116 23, 760 17, 966 17, 292 41,030 36.142 27, 694 29, 723 25, 263 20,012 16,462 18,878 9,368 6,800 8,019 14,362 987 2,630 4,508 3,211 May 23. June 25. July 30.. Aug. 27. 247,046 231, 505 197,101 193, 275 152, 044 135,408 105,806 107, 399 20. 736 19,476 18,141 16, 853 33, 329 30,110 28, 111 39, 215 18,431 22,050 30,414 23, 271 21, 312 24, 242 14, 558 6,397 1,194 219 71 140 Sept. 24. Oct. 29.. Nov. 26. Dec. 31. 167,162 201, 603 233, 852 251,398 93,003 128, 309 152, 715 175, 501 20, 581 19, 559 21, 725 17, 659 30, 206 30, 871 30,117 26,966 14,496 16, 234 16.958 19,459 3,686 6,020 10, 995 10, 634 190 610 1,342 1,179 1931—Jan. 28.. Feb. 25. Mar. 25. Apr. 29. 215,137 189,847 165,425 155,151 131, 600 117, 738 102, 694 98,316 18,931 16, 946 14,152 12,065 30, 584 27,188 22,426 19,123 21,021 16,388 14, 236 13,143 10, 924 8,430 7,817 10, 277 2,077 3,157 4,100 2,227 May 27. June 24. July 29.. Aug. 26. 152, 852 197, 678 183,036 241,718 86, 762 126,332 110,015 155,446 13, 313 14,470 13,160 17, 768 12, 864 15,907 22,559 23,327 15, 395 18, 318 12, 874 6,975 1,005 443 486 513 Sept. 30. Oct. 28.. Nov. 25. Dec. 30. 327, 925 716, 680 686,401 1,023, 883 245,975 496,925 496,318 851,308 19, 562 52, 234 63, 758 39, 895 23, 513 22, 208 23, 942 37, 689 35, 058 102,795 71, 242 61,106 21,808 51,075 33,918 51,407 4,966 12,390 19,366 18,156 556 1,261 1,799 2,011 Bills bought: 1930—Jan. 29.. Feb. 26. Mar. 26. Apr. 30. 258,472 299,306 256,482 209, 564 119, 202 158,895 172,731 110,370 48, 576 70, 628 28, 467 44, 260 67,917 50,007 40, 634 39, 864 22,088 19, 583 13,977 11,913 193 673 3,157 May 28. June 25. July 30.. Aug. 27. 175, 102, 130, 163, 560 313 762 274 103, 869 49, 607 60, 828 53,960 29,069 24,092 19, 938 33, 575 32, 573 23,077 32,488 71, 621 9,177 4,399 16, 368 4,097 872 1,138 1,140 21 Sept. 24. Oct. 29_. Nov. 26. Dec. 31_. 197,743 165, 658 176,106 363, 844 105,051 48, 200 65, 854 219, 272 39,930 42, 236 53,802 47,249 4,047 31, 333 12,088 28,129 10 115 159 1,132 1931—Jan. 28.. Feb. 25. Mar. 25. Apr. 29. 120, 241 106, 317 83, 272 169, 765 45,372 39,496 54,399 101, 395 48, 705 43, 774 44, 203 68,062 17, 745 36, 653 17,835 27,321 32,927 23, 608 9,666 22,301 23,341 5,844 1,245 18,440 856 716 127 May 27. June 24. July 29. Aug. 26. 124, 106, 66, 180, 501 390 536 518 46, 582 57, 073 21,782 29,120 30, 805 27, 832 7,821 25,181 42, 768 17, 280 4,303 2,128 3,848 4,088 32, 532 124,051 117 Sept. 30. Oct. 28. Nov. 25. Dec. 30. 468, 527 724,680 479, 798 326,975 119, 241 113,109 158, 236 192,124 60,113 114, 504 139, 364 64,096 116,763 275, 279 169, 359 50,940 167,987 214. 263 11, 688 19,056 4,423 7,525 1,151 759 Back figures—See Annual Report for 1930 (Table 15), 1929 (Table 14), 1928 (Table 13), 1927 (Table 13), 1925 (Tables 20 and 25), 1924 (Tables 21 and 30), etc. 51 BESEKVE BANK CREDIT No. 17.—HOLDINGS OF UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SECURITIES BY FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS AT END OF EACH YEAR, 1927-1931, BY CLASSES [In thousands of dollars] 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 TOTAL HOLDINGS Bonds: 2 per cent consols of 1930 2 per cent Panamas, 1936-1938 3 per cent conversion bonds of 1946-47 3 ^ percent Liberty loan 4J-4 per cent Liberty loan SH per cent Treasury bonds Qf 1940-1943.. 3% per cent Treasury bonds Of 1941-1943.. 2H per cent Treasury bonds of 1943-1947. 4H per cent Treasury bonds of 1947-1952., 4 per cent Treasury bonds of 1944-1954 3U per cent Treasury bonds of 1946-1956.. Z\i per cent Treasury bonds of 1946-1949.. 3 per cent Treasury bonds of 1951-1955. — . Total bonds Treasury notes Certificates of indebtedness.. Treasury bills Total U. S. Government securities. 915 237 i 2, 046 10 2 278, 698 915 237 i 1, 796 51 2 40, 524 842 915 237 i 1, 796 1 2 72. 253 12 2,622 148 6,019 10 2,784 156 6,119 460 "516" 290, 705 69,113 256, 698 53, 884 105, 963 68, 217 616, 516 228, 064 187 76, 817 215, 604 161,916 56, 250 510,587 2 915 237 i 1, 796 10,102 103,060 5,009 3,202 7, 852 27, 712 3, 900 163, 785 226, 473 315, 028 24,181 r 29,467 ! () 1 655 84, 525 2 213, 240 14,854 13, 245 8,560 717 7,379 5,082 10,272 1,837 360, 366 33,038 271,199 152, 354 816,957 BOUGHT OUTRIGHT In special investment account: 3^i percent Liberty loan 4H per cent Liberty loan Treasury notes Certificates of indebtedness Treasury bills Total in special investment account. In other accounts: Bonds— 2 per cent consols of 1930 2 per cent Panamas of 1936-1938 3 per cent conversion bonds of 1946-47 3J-6 per cent Liberty loan 4H per cent Liberty loan 3% per cent Treasury bonds of 1940-1943 ZH per cent Treasury bonds of 1941-1943 3% per cent Treasury bonds of 1943-1947 4)4 per cent Treasury bonds of 1947-1952 4 per cent Treasury bonds of 1944-1954 3% per cent Treasury bonds of 1946-1956 S}i per cent Treasury bonds of 1946-1949 3 per cent Treasury bonds of 1951-1955 Total bonds Treasury notes Certificates of indebtedness.. Treasury bills 188,181 30, 300 204, 678 35, 301 40, 291 33,950 63, 365 129, 935 50,250 28,048 159, 532 223,463 24,181 80,025 131,790 20,000 252,283 82, 718 423,159 75, 592 277, 500 435, 224 566, 816 915 237 1, 796 51 39, 713 915 237 i 1, 796 1 2 32, 223 12 915 237 i 1, 796 9,252 2 60, 244 5,009 2,622 148 6, 019 10 2, 634 156 6,019 10 "416" 87, 410 21, 913 27,475 51, 594 60, 482 9, 465 915 237 i 2, 046 10 2 75, 403 1 2 () i 655 4,500 3,202 7,852 20, 712 3,900 2 68,965 14, 854 11,152 8,560 717 5,223 5,082 10, 272 542 35, 787 136, 023 31,981 6,000 113,119 48, 581 89,140 130, 522 11, 538 17,816 47, 936 187 Total in other accounts_. 136, 798 209, 791 250, 840 207, 812 Total bought outright.. 559, 957 487,291 686, 064 774, 628 6,080 850 14, 768 BOUGHT UNDER RESALE AGREEMENT Bonds: 3 ^ per cent Liberty loan 434 percent Liberty loan SH per cent Treasury bonds of 1940-1943... ZH per cent Treasury bonds of 1941-1943... ZH per cent Treasury bonds of 1943-1947... 4 per cent Treasury bonds of 1944-1954 3% per cent Treasury bonds of 1946-1956._. 3 per cent Treasury bonds of 1951-1955 Total bonds Treasury notes Certificates of indebtedness Treasury bills Total bought under resale agreement 1 2 15,114 811 779 12,485 "¥, 093 150 j 100 I 450 100 900 7,000 2,156 ~1~295 15,114 16, 900 24, 545 2, 290 10. ISO 18,461 ! 7, 0S0 16, 216 22, 618 18, 360 2,425 18, 029 1,500 1,100 21, 700 56, 559 30, 931 23, 296 43, 403 42, 329 Includes $500, 3 per cent loan of 1961. Includes 4 per cent Liberty bonds as follows: 1927, $2,650; 192% $1,250; 1929, $1,200; 1930, $1,050; 1931, $1,950. »$100. Back figures.—See Annual Reports for 1930 (Table 16) and 1925 (Table 27). 52 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD No. 18.—UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SECURITIES HELD BY FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS IN SYSTEM INVESTMENT ACCOUNT, UNDER RESALE AGREEMENT, ETC. (AVERAGE BASIS), 1930-31 [In millions of dollars] Average amount held— Average amount held— Outside system investment account Outside system investment account Month or In sysperiod tem inAll vestother Total 1-day ment Under TreasU. S. acresale ury Governcount agree- certifiment ment cates securities 1930 J a n u a r y ___ February _ Mar. 1-9Mar. 10-201 Mar. 21-31 278 278 278 317 324 7 3 2 2 5 April M a y _ . ._J u n e 1—15 J u n e 16i__. June 17-30 .327 327 355 377 377 3 1 1 18 4 July August Sept. 1-14 _ Sept. 1.5-181 Sept.19-30- 377 397 402 402 402 5 1 Oetober November Dec. 1-14. _ Dec.15-19 1 Dec.20-31- 402 402 402 402 407 61 114 52 3 1 10 74 Month or In system inperiod All vest1-day other Total ment Under TreasU. S. acresale ury Governcount agree- certifiment ment^ cates securities 200 199 214 208 199 485 480 494 588 528 1931 January. __ February. Mar. 1-15 1 Mar.16-23 Mar.24-31. 408 402 402 402 402 200 201 198 163 202 530 529 554 672 583 April May June 1-14. June 151 __ June 16-30. 402 437 444 444 454 201 201 192 146 198 583 599 594 600 600 July August Sept.1-14.. Sept.15-171 Sept. 18-30. 517 524 524 524 524 200 197 210 213 242 602 599 615 690 659 October.._ November Dec. 1-14_ . Dec.15-22 i Dec.23-31. 524 524 524 524 566 7 2 (2) 1 (2) 39 1 70 5 1 (2) 1 Periods of Treasury financing during which 1-day certificates were held. 2 Less t h a n $500,000. Back figures.—See Annual Report for 1930 (Table 17). 27 2 162 1 (See Table 20.) 232 201 197 185 197 647 603 601 614 600 197 162 155 142 164 600 599 600 625 618 157 188 204 160 211 674 712 729 754 740 208 203 197 190 206 733 727 723 876 773 RESERVE BANK 53 CREDIT N o . 1 9 . — U N I T E D S T A T E S G O V E R N M E N T S E C U R I T I E S H E L D BY F E D E R A L R E S E R V E B A N K S I N SYSTEM I N V E S T M E N T ACCOUNT, U N D E R R E S A L E A G R E E M E N T , ETC. (WEDNESDAY BASIS) [In millions of dollars] Amount held— Amount held— Outside system investment account Date In system investment Under acresale count agreement All other Total 1-day Treas- U. S. ury Governcertifi- ment cates securities 1931 Jan. 7 Jan. 14.— Jan 21 Jan. 2 8 . - . . 409 402 402 402 Feb. Feb Feb Feb. 4 11 18 25.... 402 402 402 402 Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 4 11. __ 18.. _ 25.__ 402 402 402 402 Apr. 1 Apr. 8 Apr. 15_ Apr. 22 Apr. 29____ 402 402 402 402 402 196 196 196 196 196 May 6 May 13___ May 20 _ May27___ 425 440 444 444 174 159 154 154 June 3 June 10 June 17.... June 24 444 444 444 464 154 155 155 154 1 1 5 0) (i) Outside system investment account 45 484 514 524 524 524 179 153 153 154 154 663 668 678 678 678 Aug. 5 ___ Aug. 12__. Aug. 19___ Aug. 26 600 Sept. 2 605 Sept 9 618 Sept. 16 599 Sept 23 Sept. 30___ 598 , 599 Oct. 7 599 Oct 14 599 Oct. 21 598 Oct. 28 4 598 Nov. 11_ __ 598 Nov. Nov 18 599 ! Nov 25 598 Dec. 2 598 ! Dec. 9 599 Dec 16 599 Dec. 23____ 619 Dec. 30_.._ 524 524 524 524 524 524 524 524 524 524 524 524 524 524 524 524 524 524 524 524 574 567 156 203 203 204 204 204 159 214 214 214 203 203 202 203 203 203 203 193 193 183 184 198 681 728 728 728 659 644 625 610 207 207 197 197 610 610 600 599 i Less than $500,000. Back figures.—See Annual Report for 1930 (Table 17a). In system inAll vest1-day other Total ment Under TreasU. S. acresale ury Governcount agree- certifiment ment cates securities 1931 July 1 July 8 July 15 July 2 2 . . . . July 29 249 242 222 208 197 197 170 196 Date 59 4 1 198 38 72H 742 738 742 738 727 727 727 728 727 727 727 717 717 906 758 803 54 No. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD $0.—HOLDINGS BY FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS OF 1-DAY CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS ISSUED BY THE UNITED STATES TREASURY, 1924-1931 [In thousands of dollars] Date Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar. 10 11 13 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 June 8--10 June 15 June 16 June 17 June 18 June 19 June 20 June 21 Sept. gent Sept Sept. Sept 1924 1927 1926 i 184, 000 i 184,000 108, 500 87.000 58,000 14,000 - - - 209,000 157,000 99,000 38,000 182,000 122, 500 100, 500 58, 500 34, 500 i 2,000 i 2,000 -_ 4,000 246, 000 141, 500 77,000 23,000 -- 108,000 42. 500 8,000 66,000 20,000 1928 192, 500 1 239, 500 * 82,000 1 239, 500 1 82, 000 50, 500 5,000 185,000 44, 500 15, 500 i 6, 500 i 6, 500 -- -- 192,000 72, 500 7,000 177, 500 94,000 41, 000 i -- - - - I 148,000 75,000 40,000 --- 172,000 91,000 34, 500 188,000 70, 000 1— 196, 500 91. 500 154; 000 1 54,000 1 15S, 000 1 158,000 31,000 47,000 1 4,000 6,000 89, 500 164, 500 214, 500 134, 500 1 156, 500 45, 500 62,000 1 80, 500 20, 500 1 27,000 38,000 2,000 4,000 15,000 1 27,000 38,000 47, 000 50,000 54, 000 58, 000 1 57,000 54,000 50,000 40,000 197, 500 1 316,000 106, 500 1 316, COO 1 57,000 132,000 1 57,000 183.000 10,000 77, 500 63,000 1 2-day certificates, account Sunday or holiday Back figures {for 1928).—See Annual Report for 1929 (Table 17). 1930 "1147666" 1931 64,000 27,000 45,000 22,000 9,000 1 12 000 1 12, 000 22,000 38, 500 19,000 4,000 1 118,000 62 000 35, 000 5,000 1929 2,000 1,000 5,000 314,000 '218,000 201, 000 251,500 177, 500 208, 000 * 181, 000 J 218,000 176,000 1 155,000 1 181,000 105,500 79,000 1 155,000 129, 000 56, 500 i 48,000 29,000 60, 500 75,000 » 48, 000 35,000 19,000 13,000 16, 000 9,000 9,000 3,000 -- 15 16 17 18 22-23 Oct. 18 Nov 15 Nov 16 Nov 17 Nov. 18 Nov 19-20 Nov. 21 Nov. 22 Nov 23-24 Nov. 25 Nov 26-27 Nov 28 Nov 30 Dec 1 Dec. 2 Dec 3-4 Dec 5 Dec 6 Dec 7 Dec 8 Dec 9 Dec 10-11 Dec 12 Dec 13 Dec. 14 Dec 1J5 Dec 16 Dec. 17 Dec 18 Dec. 19 Dec. 20 - - Dec 21 Dec 22 Dec 23 1925 162, 500 33,000 312, 500 99, 500 69,000 19,000 9,000 » 4,000 1 4,000 3,000 104, 500 54,000 45,000 3,000 129,000 59,000 23,000 135,000 68,000 109,000 55,000 3,000 219, 500 197, 500 184, 250 198, 000 1 181, 000 1 181,000 107, 000 29, 000 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD 55 VOLUME OF OPERATIONS OF FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS No. 21.—VOLUME OF OPERATIONS IN PRINCIPAL DEPARTMENTS, 1927-1931 {Number in thousands; amounts in thousands of dollars] 1927 1928 1930 1931 NUMBER OF PIECES HANDLED 1 Bills discounted: Applications Notes discounted _ Bills purchased in open market for own account _ _ Currency received and counted Coin received and counted Checks handled Collection items handled: United States Government coupons paid Allother United States Government s e c u r i t i e s issues, redemptions, and exchanges by fiscal agency department Transfers of funds _. 97 371 123 443 145 526 415 113 513 254 2,194, 608 2,691,184 862, 275 251 2, 270, 555 2,929,091 887, 997 196 2,427, 330 3, 239. 709 924, 449 208 2,441,985 3,325, 555 904, 97 221 2, 269, 292 2, 900,462 864,615 37,045 5,909 28, 765 6,461 20. 935 6,504 19,362 6,388 17, 322 6,927 7,201 1,830 6,682 2,011 1,833 2,139 1,417 1,868 2,435 1,663 31,934, 607 62, 412, 961 60, 747,124 14,067,117 Bills discounted _ Bills purchased in open market for own 4,050,867 account _ __ 4, 240, 669 3, 587, 478 3,873,698 12, 939, 578 13, 315, 551 14, 782,429 14, 262,809 Currency received and counted 432,131 Coin received and counted 451,125 478,219 537, 534 Checks handled 278, 399,627 301, 703,814 367, 215,123 324, 883,021 Collection items handled: United States Government coupons paid. 553, 703 543, 373 535, 612 499, 111 All other. _ 6, 710, 317 7, 414,440 7,185, 384 7, 528,014 United States Government s e c u r i t i e s issues, redemptions, and exchanges by fiscal agency department __. 10, 803,043 9,002, 383 7,018,844 7, 245,189 Transfers of funds 136, 383, 899 148,749,027 (170,789,669 198,880, 880 14, 555, 590 AMOUNTS HANDLED 2, 998, 415 12, 668, 638 585,945 248,172, 956 479, 960 7,321,814 17, 543, 480 162,095, 081 i Two or more checks, coupons, etc., handled as a single item are counted as 1 " piece." Back jigures.—See Annual Reports for 1930 (Table 19), 1925 (p. 26), 1924 (p. 14), and 1923 (p. 41). 125554—32 5 56 ANNUAL, REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD GOLD SETTLEMENT FUND No. 22,—SUMMARY OF TRANSACTIONS TROUGH THE FUND, 1924-1931 [In millions of dollars] Balance at beginning'of period Year and month 1924 1925 1926-__. 1927 1928 1929 1930_ 1931 ! 571.1 679.5 i 689.2 I 665.3 I 528. 2 687. 0 511.2 I 417.4 1931 January February March April May. June Daily settlements between Federal reserve banks Interreserve bank transfers Withdrawals 635.8 673.2 658. 4 758.7 669.4 540.1 919.6 909.0 1, 043. 4 1,436. 7 1,172. 6 1,052.1 1,530. 2 1, 905. 0 1,921. 8 1, 779. 0 3, 029. 2 3,797. 3 2, 855. 6 3,160. 4 2, 063. 8 2, 729. 0 2, 030. 2 1, 788. 6 3, 005. 3 3,660. 3 3,014.4 2, 984. 5 1,970. 0 2, 625. 7 679.5 689.2 665.3 528.2 687. 0 511. 2 417.4 314.1 11, 778.1 9, 346.1 12,018. 7 11, 423. 2 10, 527. 2 11, 933. 4 49.9 40. 1 39.4 37.5 44.1 43.0 47.5 91.0 298.0 239.0 181.1 163.9 140.8 51.6 66.7 138.1 84.5 214.7 145.0 103.6 93.0 193.2 122.5 91.8 421.7 473.7 500.0 555. 0 593.1 470.2 10,122. 2 9,450. 2 10. 079. 8 9. 673.1 7, 826. 0 9, 959. 4 44.6 44.6 46.1 51.1 47.4 52.3 81.3 95.1 273.1 148.5 81.0 205.4 179.8 105.4 304. 5 683.7 224.2 535.0 124.2 130.0 311.1 610. 6 218.2 482.5 414.5 439.1 445. 6 372.6 366. 5 314. 1 Federal reserve note clearing Transit clearing 97,698. 3 108, 289. 5 115, 455. 3 123, 031. 5 132, 525. 2 145,132. 4 151,458. 3 124, 137. 3 0) (0 Balance Deposits at end of period ! 417.4 I 421.7 I 473. 7 j 500. 0 555.0 ---j 593.1 I | 470.2 •• 414. 5 : 439.1 : 445.6 372.6 I 366. 5 . -. July August September October November December 1 Included i n transit clearing. Back figures—See Annual Report for 1930 (Table 20), 1929 (Table 19), 1928 (Table 20), etc. FEDERAL RESERVE AGENTS' GOLD FUND No. 2$.—SUMMARY OF TRANSACTIONS TROUGH THE FUND, 1924-1931 [In millions of dollars] Balance at beginning of period Year and month 1924 1925 1926 1927.. 1928 1929 1930 1931 . . _ . _ 1,648.9 1,307. 9 960.2 963.4 1, 028. 3 761.9 1, 262. 9 1,109. 4 Withdrawals 626.0 559.8 568.2 454.2 473.6 358.5 1.0 Deposits 149.5 126.0 112.3 63.3 70.5 149.9 .5 1.3 1931 Transfers to bank Transfers from bank Balance a t end of period 1,022.8 975.6 1, 799. 4 2,458. 4 1, 631. 4 1, 500. 6 1,101. 7 1,678. 5 1,158.3 1, 061. 7 2,258. 5 2,914. 3 1, 768.1 2, 210. 2 947.8 1,819.5 1, 307. 9 960. 2 963.4 1, 028. 3 761.9 1, 262. 9 1,109.4 1, 250. 7 Feb^uarv M^arch April May June 1,109. 4 1 138 0 1 101. 7 1,110. 0 1,170. 3 1,167. 5 94.4 66 5 32.5 55.0 68.5 41.1 123. 0 30.2 40.8 115.3 65.7 180.2 1,138. 0 1,101. 7 1,110. 0 1,170.3 1,167. 5 1,306. 5 July August September October November December 1,306. 5 1,443 8 1,416.2 1,278 2 929.2 1, 038. 3 21.7 110.5 **73 9 514.5 104.5 295.5 159.0 82.9 135.8 166.5 213. 2 507.1 1,443. 8 1, 416. 2 1, 278. 2 929.2 1, 038. 3 1, 250. 7 January 1.0 .5 .8 Back figures—See Annual Report for 1930 (Table 21) 1929 (Table 20), 1928 (Table 20), etc. 57 AtttttJAL KEPOBT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD MEMBERSHIP IN PAR COLLECTION SYSTEM No. 24.—NUMBER OF BANKS ON PAR LIST AND NOT ON PAR LIST, 1924-1931 [The figures for member banks, beginning with March, 1925, represent the number of banks in actual operation; prior to that time the number of banks shown by capital-stock records of Federal reserve banksj 1927 January February March April 9,875 9,856 ,8201 , 806| 16,484 16,337 16,246 16,119 3,013 3,084 3,142 3,185 9,674 9,662| 9, 535 9,540 15,361 15,268 15,193 15,079 3,986 3,990 3,981 3,963 13,852 13,781 13, 700 13,643 3,833 3,839 3,858 May June July. August 9,785 ,763 ,745| 9,733 15,981 15,896 15,820 15,736 3,240 3,301 3,353 3,419 9,550 9,546 9,544 9,540 14,970 14, 932 14,888 14,857 3,971 9,110 13, 589 3,965 9,106 13, 556 3,901 9,105 13,528! 3,907 9,099 13,486; 3, 867 3,863 3,857 3,858 3,496 3,550 3,612 3,647 9,545 9,532! 9,5211 9,489| 14.786 14,742 14,701 14,643 _ September October November December ,718 15,662 9, 7081 15,601 9,700! 15,524 9,682 15,445 1929 1928 End of month 9,360 14,130 9,336| 14,073 3,9681 9,301 13,991 3,970 9,260 13,911 9,206 9,168 9,143 9,130 3,924 3,935 3,925 3,913 1930 Nonmember Nonmember Nonmember Nonmember banks banks banks banks MemMemMemMember ber ber ber banks On par Not on banks On par,Not on banks On par Not on banks On par Not on list par list! list par list list list list par list January... February. March April 1,014 13,155 3,918 1,987 13,101 i 3,905 1.971 13, 035! 3, 910 12,960 3,908 8,807 8,777 8,758 8,743 12,567 12, 506 12,466 12,411 3,913| 3,909; 3,901 3,903 8,486 8, 447 8, 407 8,382 11,943 11,864 11,776 11,703 3,728 3,712 3, 689 3,645 8,006 7, 968 7,924 7,888 10,797 10, 718 10, 648 10, 567 3,413 3,441 3,427 3,455 May June July August.. 8,935 8,929 8,920 8,912 8,731 8,707 8,677 8,656 12, 346 12, 318 12, 275 12, 242 3,829j 3,812; 3, 779 3, 779 8,359 8,315 8,284 8, 271 11, 6351 11,559 11,485 11,412 3, 640 3, 629 3,624 3,632 7,842 7,782 7,746 7,679 10,471 10, 327 10,238 10,103 3,452 3,437 3,446 3,429 September October ._ November December. 8,899 12,800, 3,954 8,629 8.893 12.7581 3,936 8,602 12,713! 3,913 8,569 8,837 12,643 3,911 8,522 12, 221 12,175 12,104 12,045 3,777 8, 252 3, 7691 8,228 3, 761 8,159 3,754 8,052 11,338 11,269 11,129 10,956 3, 62f 3, 607 3, 532 3,437 7,594 7,426 7,358 7,246 9,883 9,541 9,431 9,181 3,383 3,296 3,261 3,207 12,925 12,8881 12,864j 12,8381 3, 916 3,926 3,934 3,936 1 Reduction from preceding months due largely to exclusion of member banks carried on capital-stock records, but not in actual operation; on this date (March 31,1925) the number of such banks was 108. NOTE.—Nonmember banks not on par list comprise all incorporated banks, other than mutual savings banks, that have not agreed to pay, without deductions for exchange, such checks drawn upon them as are presented for payment by the Federal reserve banks. Back figures.—See Annual Report for 1928 (Table 21). 58 ANNUAL REPORT OP THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD FEDERAL RESERVE BANK PREMISES No. 25«—COST OF BANK PREMISES OF FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS AND BRANCHES TO DECEMBER 31, 1931 NEW BUILDINGS CONSTRUCTED BY FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS Federal reserve bank or branch Boston New York: Main building Annex building Cleveland _ Pittsburgh, Cost of buildings Cost of land, including Fixed old build- machinings de- ery and All other Total molished, equipnet ment $1, 246, 726 Total cost of land and buildings Book value, net $662, 157 $3, 542, 603,$4, 204, 760 $5,451, 486 $3, 335, 841 Date occupied March, 1922. 4, 850, 210 3,145,152 11, 603, 541 14, 748, 693 19,i, 598,903 12,, 635,072 598, 592, 679 215, " ' " 418 "•" 1,451,570 2, 259, 667 1,513,721 October, 1924. C1) 1, 549, 894 6, 464, 253 8, 014,147 9, 309, 637 5,040,509 1, 295, • 781, 364 978, 604 1, 295, 783 2,077,147 2,077,147 317,179 August, 1923. December, 1931 Richmond: M a i n building Annex building Baltimore 271, 924 80, 333 250, 487 470, 644 2, 046, 286 2, 516,930 2, 1, 812, 541 . 104, 217 482, 482 586, 699 267,134 667, 032 322,156 1, 244, 684 1, 566, 840 1, 817,327 1, 525, 548 October, 1921. I1) September, 1928. Atlanta Birmingham. _ Jacksonville, _ New Orleans. 283, 000 124,137 45, 842 201, 250 .175, 279 1, 355, 487 1, 530, 766 1, 813, 766 1,121, 226 46, 788 311,336 358,124 482, 261 360, 068 25, 956 214, 312 240, 268 286,110 189, 692 738, 404 897, 906 1, 099,156 648, 225 159, 502 October, 1918. January, 1927. June, 1924. October, 1923. Chicago Detroit St. Louis Little Rock__ Memphis | 2,963,548 1, 276, 579 6, 217,105 7, 493, 684 10, 457, 232 6,182, 646 113,161 1, 003, 438 1,116, 599 1, 766, 599 1, 644, 831 j 650,000 1, 355, 374 1,126,036 2,111,809 3,237,845 4,593,219 2, 585,014 85, 007 103, 6081 233, 079 291, 772 336, 687 421, 694 100, 906 41, 4961 234, 859 336, 812 276, 355j 377, 261 July, 1922. December, 1927. June, 1925. March, 1925. June, 1929. Minneapolis.. 600, 521 620, 054 2, 316, 745 2, 936, 799 3, 537, 320 1, 777, 735 February, 1925. Kansas City Denver Oklahoma City Omaha 495, 300 101, 512 65,021 176, 427 777, 55, 74, 70, November, 1921. November, 1925. April, 1923. December, 1925. Dallas El Paso Houston San Antonio-. 181,120 39, 003 66, 313 75, 002 346, 807 1,148, 417 1, 495, 224 1, 676, 344 1,124, 595 10, 824 111,369 161,196 122,193 112, 600 285, 908 63,105 415, 326 349, 013 306,127 157,811 21, 019 253,832 241, 994 1 March, 1921. August, 1920. February, 1922. October, 1928. San Francisco. Los Angeles Salt Lake 412, 996 454, 592 114, 075 774, 908 3,144, 407 3, 919, 315 4, 332, 311 2, 364,198 282,171 977, 985 1, 260,156 1, 714, 748 1, 619,194 84, 814 341, 449 426, 263 449, 822 540,338 December, 1923. April, 1930. February, 1927. Total. 940 3,391,101 4,169,041 4, 664, 341 2, 395,113 448 505, 324 421, 716 449, 876 345, 923 891 484, 781 409, 890 549, 802 486, 314 644, 852 487 468, 425 397, 938 17, 960,159 13, 037, 690 53, 366, 748 66,404,438 84, 364, 597 53, 213,130 B U I L D I N G S P U R C H A S E D BY F E D E R A L RESERVE BANKS [Amounts shown under "Cost of land" represent appraised value of land—remainder of actual cost included in " Cost of buildings"] New York (No. 10 Gold Street) Buffalo Philadelphia Pittsburgh Nashville Louisville Helena Total Grand total- 45, 000 255, 000 1, 652, 957 297, 000 48, 000 131,1"" 5,000 125, 864 125, 864 170, 864 95,600 (i) 465, 707 465, 7071 720, 707 572,400 M a y , 1928. 339,584 2,066,932 2,406,516 4,059,473 2,626,467} December, 1917. 138, 994 560, 460 689, 322 699, 454! 996, 454 25,101 211,616} 169,428^ December, 1922. 236, 717 284, 717 35, 060 226, 259 247,0071 J u n e , 1919. 261, 319 392,496 16,109 156, 290 55,981' February, 1921. 172, 399 177, 399 2, 434,134 554, 848 3, 813,128 4, 367, 976 6, 802,110J 4, 456,205; 20, 394, 293 13, 592, 538 57,179,876 70, 772, 414|91,166,707 57, 669, 335' 1 Occupied by tenants. 2 Estimated cost to complete, $153,628. NOTE:.—No bank buildings or sites therefor have been acquired for the following branches and agencies: Branches—Charlotte, Portland, Seattle, Spokane; agencies—Savannah, Habana. The Cincinnati branch since January 3, 1928, has occupied quarters in the chamber of commerce building, erected on the site leased to the Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce by the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. ANNUAL. REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD 59 EARNINGS AND EXPENSES OF FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS No. 26.—GROSS AND N E T EARNINGS OF FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS, AND DISPOSITION MADE OF N E T EARNINGS, 1914-1931 [Figures for epch Federal reserve bank are given in Table 86] Earnings Disposition of net earnings Year Gross 1914-15 1916 1917 1918 1919 . 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 . 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 -. . Total Net Dividends paid Profit (+) Franchise tax paid to or loss (—) carried U. S. Govforward ernment * Transferred to surplusl 1 $2,173, 252 5,217,998 16,128, 339 67,584,417 102,380, 583 -$141, 459 2, 750,998 9, 579,607 52, 716, 310 78. 387. 504 $217, 463 1, 742, 774 6,801,726 5, 540, 684 5, 011,832 $1,134, 234 48, 334, 341 70, 651, 778 $1,134, 234 181 296,711 122,865, 866 50,498,699 50, 708, 566 38, 340, 449 149 294.774 82, 087, 225 16, 497. 736 12. 711, 286 3, 718,180 5,654,018 6, 119,673 6, 307, 035 6, 552, 717 6, 682, 496 82,916.014 15,993,086 -659,904 2, o45, 513 - 3 , 077, 962 60, 724, 742 59, 974, 466 10, 850, 605 3,613,056 113,646 41, 800, 706 47, 599, 595 43,024,484 64.052,860 70, 955, 496 36, 424, 044 29, 701, 279 9, 449, 066 16,611,745 13,048, 249 32,122,021 36,402, 741 7,988,182 2, 972, 068 970, 753, 344 6,915, 958 2,473,808 7,329,169 8,464, 426 7,754, 539 5,044,119 8,458,463 21.078,899 9, 583, 913 22, 535, 597 10,268, 598 -2,297,724 10,029, 760 -15,215,962 526,176, 231 110, 970, 818 259, 920, 263 -$358, 922 + 1 , 008, 224 +509,413 -1,158,715 2, 703, 894 59,300 I 818,150 249, 591 2, 584, 659 4, 283, 231 17,308 147,126, 882 1 Amount paid as franchise tax for 1922 includes additional franchise tax p a y m e n t s for prior years withdrawn from surplus account on December 31,1922, as follows: For 1920, $270,389; for 1921, $3,129,673. No. 27.—EARNINGS OF FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS, BY SOURCES, 1914-1931 Earnings Total $2,173,252 5,217,998 16,128,339 67, 584, 417 - 102, 380, 583 1914-15 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923_ 1924 . . . 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 Total On discounted bills On purchased bills On u. s. Government securities Deficient reserve penalties From miscellaneous sources $1,218,516 1,025,675 6, 971,479 48, 348, 007 80,768,144 $244, 664 1. 560, 918 4, 951. 729 11,939,808 13,994, 544 $171, 831 1,106, 860 2, 367, 989 3, 828, 782 5, 761, 300 $1,157 194,526 698, 991 727,844 $538,241 1, 523, 388 1,642,616 2, 768, 829 1,128, 751 181, 296, 711 149,059, 825 122,865,866 109, 598,675 50,498, 699 26, 523,123 50, 708, 566 j 32, 956, 293 38,340,449 15,942,845 22,020,158 5, 234,141 5, 628, 956 9, 371, 288 5, 709,809 7,140,615 6,253, 854 16, 682, 463 7,444,089 14,712, 593 1, 573, 335 1,177, 562 602,951 521,061 381, 619 1, 502, 778 601, 634 1,061,206 415, 835 1, 593, 583 41, 800, 706 47, 599, 595 43,024, 484 64,052, 860 70,955,496 36,424,044 29, 701, 279 17, 679, 549 22, 551, 561 17, 010, 778 38,334,140 47,790, 662 10,672,215 9, 820, 546 9,103,915 10, 003, 081 9, 206, 677 13, 020, 535 12, 063, 349 6,081,187 5, 009, 541 12, 783,001 12,589,119 14,206,174 10, 827, 702 8,163,486 17,273,331 12, 428, 297 310, 406 382, 946 273, 839 277, 401 449, 653 225,748 296, 960 1, 923, 835 2,072, 888 2, 327,016 1, 593,082 2, 488,346 2,171, 563 2,145,935 970, 753, 344 636, 272,033 145 144 300 153 741 486 8, 095, 999 27, 499, 526 FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES No. 28.—FEDERAL. RESERVE NOTES—FEDERAL RESERVE AGENTS' ACCOUNTS AT THE E N D OF EACH MONTH [In thousands of dollars] 1931 1930 Dec. 31 Federal reserve notes received from the comptroller Federal reserve notes held by Federal reserve agents J a n . 31 F e b . 28 M a r . 31 Apr. 30 M a y 31 J u n e 30 J u l y 31 Aug. 31 Sept. 30 Oct. 31 N o v . 30 Dec. 31 3, 555, 661 3, 563,155 3,524,532j 3,536,673 3,620,024 3,624,721 3,875,942 3,906,795 4,063,382 4,390,821 4,830,561 4, 819, 971 4, 893,971 1, 462,036 1, 588,156 1,654,300 1,726,374 1,720,065 1,869,174| 2,084,798 2, 046,950 1, 967, 933 1,661,031 1,686,940 1,662,644 1,774,363 Federal reserve notes issued to Federal reserve banks: 480, 860 392,110 389, 284 397, 825 381,601 378,145 415,770| 380,612 Held by issuing Federal reserve bank. 430, 087 423, 854 316, 769 293, 321 301, 567 22, 648| 15, 874 14, 278 Held by other Federal reserve banks-_ 16, 091 12,670 13,601 15,104i 14,335 21, 993 16, 998; 16, 570 15,182 20,055 1, 275 1, 281 1,019 1,000 1,2881 1,413 853J 1,152 Held by United States Treasury 1,020 1,236 878 1,246 975 In circulation i 1, 640, 525 1,470,216; 1,460,967 1,471,061 1, 518,168 1,566,518 1,708,420 1,748,694 1,947,218 2,079,561 2,411,546 2,463, 272 2, 603,441 1,870, 232 1,875,642 Total notes issued. Collateral held as security for Federal reserve notes issued to Federal reserve banks: Gold and gold certificates in v a u l t Gold bullion United States gold coin Gold certificates Total in vault In gold fund, Federal Reserve Board_. Total gold and gold certificates. Eligible paper Total collateral held Collateral required as security for Federal reserve notes Collateral pledged in excess of Federal reserve notes issued W 1,933,084 1,962,077 2,101, 579J 2,180, 421! 2, 343,317| 2, 521, 647 2, 745, 763 2, 773, 021 2, 926,088 tei tei 187, 919 255, 820 177, 270 187,919 260,040 202,670 187,919 276, 435 143,300 187,919 281, 935 153, 290 187, 919 278, 935 145,180 187,919 284, 935 145, 530 187,919! 276, 935! 146, 480| 187,! 276,9351 147, 655! 262,468| 296, 935 178, 280 157, 575 226,860 265,095 618, 384 611, 334, 612, 034 607, 654 623,144 612, 509; 737, 683' 621,009, 650, 629 649, 530 1,109, 430| 1,138, 030 1,101, 730 1,109,980 1,170, 280 1,167, 480 1, 306, 530 1, 443,8301 1,416, 230 1, 278,180 1, 730,439 507, 788 157, 336 154, 885 310,675 157, 336 213, 885 325,125 157,337 194,035 528,020 i 1, 709, 384 1, 733,124 1, 782, 314 1, 785,864 1, 917, 864| 2, 056, 339' 2,153, 913i 1, 927, 710! 1, 552, 076 1, 734, 676 2,130,122 351,122 292,179 281, 045 303,702 265, 365 231,251! 225, 382 j 316, 536] 712, 450 1, 348, 626 1,107, 313 915,125 % 2, 238, 227 2, 092,361 1, 974, 749 2,084, 246 2, 074, 493 2,066,909 2,149,1151 2, 281, 721 2, 470, 449 2, 640,160 2,900, 702 2, 841, 989 3,045,247 2, 093, 625 1. 974,999 1,870, 232 1, 875, 642 1, 933,084 1, 962,077 2,101, 579 2,180, 421 2, 343, 317 2, 521, 647 2, 745, 763 2, 773, 021j 2,926,038 144,602 ft) 622, 896 879,392 929,180 1,038, 330 1,250,730 117, 362 104, 517 208,604 141, 409 104,832 47, 536| 101, 300; 127,132J 118, 513 154, 939 119,209 i This figure corresponds with that given under the same caption in Table 35. It differs from that given in Table 11, by the amount of Federal reserve notes held by (a) other Federal reserve banks and (b) the United States Treasury. Backfigures—SeeAnnual Report for 1930 (Table 26), 1929 (Table 25), 1928 (Table 25), 1927 (Table 76), etc. £ W O > GOLD STOCK, GOLD MOVEMENTS, AND MONEY IN CIRCULATION 61 GOLD No. 29.—MONETARY GOLD STOCK 1 OF THE UNITED STATES, 1914-1931 [In millions of dollars. Forfiguresby weeks see Tables 3 and 4] End of month figures End of month January February.. March April May June _. July August September. October. _. November. December. End of month January... February.. March April May June July August September. October. _. November. December. 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1,923 1,919 1,931 1,942 1,929 1,891 1,859 1,853 1,844 1,808 1,807 1,813 1,822 1,838 1,869 1,893 1,929 1,986 2,007 2,076 2,124 2,198 2,260 2,312 2,325 2,325 2,323 2,318 2,336 2,445 2,506 2,549 2,630 2,714 2,736 2,843 2,922 2,996 3,105 3,137 3,133 3,220 3,190 3,165 3,151 3,153 3,154 3,155 3,160 3,162 3,165 3,166 3,172 3,163 3,162 3,161 3,153 3,156 3,159 3,160 3,162 3,165 3,165 3,177 3,177 3,113 3, 064 3,125 3,147 3,103 3,044 2,994 2,930 2,887 2,850 2,841 2,856 2,865 2,862 2,851 2,873 2,868 2,897 2,926 2, 966 3,000 3,086 3,164 3,231 3,275 3,347 3,439 3,519 3,572 3,627 3,660 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 3,953 3,963 3,970 3,982 4,028 4, 050 4,079 4,111 4,136 4,167 4,207 4,244 4,289 4,323 4,364 4,411 4,455 4,488 4, 511 4,521 4,511 4,509 4,527 4,499 4,423 4,364 4,339 4,342 4,357 4,360 4,367 4,382 4,382 4,407 4,397 4,399 4,412 4,564 4,423 4,586 4,442 4,597 4,438 4,610 4,433 4,608 4,447 4,587 4,471 4,580 4,473 4,588 4,466 4,571 4,473 4,541 4,477 = 4, 451 4,492 4,379 4,373 4,362 4,305 4,266 4,160 4,109 4,113 4,123 4,125 4,142 4,128 4,141 4,127 4,153 4,188 4,260 4,301 4,324 4,341 4, 3C0 4, 372 4,S86 4,367 4,284 4,291 4,353 4, 423 4,491 4,517 4,535 4,517 4, £01 4,511 4,535 4,571 4,593 Averages of end of month figures Month January. _. February. . March April May .June July August September. October. _. November. December. 3,685 3,723 3,750 3,764 3,771 3,785 3,829 3,855 3,873 3,888 3,906 3,929 1931 4,643 4,665 4,697 4,726 4,798 4,956 4,949 4, 995 4,741 4, 292 4,414 4,4C0 Averages of daily figures 1914 1915 1916 1,918 1,921 1,925 1,936 1,935 1,910 1,875 1,856 1,848 1,826 1,807 1,810 1,817 1,830 1,854 1,881 1,911 1,957 1,996 2,042 2,100 2,161 2,229 2,286 2,319 2,325 2, 324 2,320 2,327 2,390 2,475 2,528 2,590 2,672 2,725 2,789 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 3,945 3,960 3,966 3,975 3,993 4,040 4,061 4,097 4,123 4,155 4,182 4,226 4,266 4,302 4,340 4,383 4,433 4,471 4,503 4,516 4,515 4,506 4,517 4,507 4,468 4,392 4,340 4,340 4,353 4, 360 4,362 4,372 4,386 4,391 4,407 4,397 4,407 4,425 4,444 4,448 4,434 4,438 4,460 4,467 4,471 4,472 4,477 4,481 4,527 4,576 4,595 4,601 4,651 4,C06 4,575 4,585 4,584 4,566 4,490 4,416 1918 2,882 2,959 3, 050 3,121 3,135 3,177 3,205 2 3,183 2 3,152 2 3,151 2 3,153 2 3,153 1922 3,152 3,159 3,162 3,163 3,163 3,162 3,161 3,157 3,156 3,151 3,155 3,156 1919 1920 1921 2,961 2,909 2,859 2,821 2,835 2,854 2, 862 2,855 2,847 2,855 2,873 2,894 2,931 2,975 3,040 3,117 3,197 3,254 3,305 3,392 3,479 3,547 3,595 3,643 1928 1929 1930 4,377 4,373 4,335 4,287 4,207 4,119 4,113 4,118 4,125 4,133 4,151 4,142 4,115 4,143 4,166 4,226 4,292 4,311 4,335 4,351 4,368 4,381 4,374 4,324 " 4, 282 4,317 4,384 4,443 4,505 4,528 4,532 4,496 4,503 4,520 4, 553 4,583 3,160 3,162 3,161 3,166 3,176 3,169 3,087 3,114 3,143 3,120 3,070 3,021 1922 3,672 3,704 3,736 3,756 3,768 3,776 3,803 3,840 3,860 3,884 3,896 3,917 Averages of daily figures Month Tanuary... February.. March April May June .July August September. October. _. November. December. 1931 4,622 4,656 4,682 4,711 4,767 4,865 4,958 4,975 4,948 4,447 4,363 4,450 1 Gold coin and bullion (including foreign coin) held by United States Treasury and Federal reserve banks (including gold held under earmark abroad) and United States gold coin in circulation. Amounts held abroad under earmark (end of month figures) as follows: 1917, June-December, $52,500,000; 1918, January-May, $52,500,000; June, $16,271,000; July, $11,630,000; August-December, $5,829,000; 1919, JanuaryMarch, $5,829,000; August, $107,119,000; September, $159,618,000; October, $149,166,000; November, $135,694,000; December, $131,320,000; 1920, January, $114,322,000; February, $112,822,000; March-April, $112,780,000; May-July, $111,530,000; August-September, $111,458,000; October, $16,536,000; November-December, $3,300,000; 1921, January-February, $3,300,000; 1927, May, $59,548,000; June, $23,300,000. e 2 Averages of daily figures. Corrected. 63 64 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD No. 30.—ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN MONETARY GOLD STOCK, BY MONTHS, 1914-1931 [In millions of dollars] Analysis of changes Analysis of changes Month 1914 January February March April May... June --July August September ___ October November—. December.— Gold stock Inat end crease Net of in gold month stock import during; month! Total.. 1917 January February March April May._. June.. July August. _ September October November December Month 1918 -38.4 -31.9 -6.0 -8.9 -35.6 -1.6 6.4 -44.3 -30.3 -15.1 -19.1 -44.4 -7.1 4.0 -100.2 -165. 2 . If! 1,859 1,853 1,844 1,' ' 1,807 1,813 1, 822 1,838 1, 1,893 1,929 1,986 2,' 2,076 2,124 2,198 2,260 2, 312 Total— 1916 January February March April __. May June July August September October November... December Domestic production,2 etc. 5.7 January 2.3 February 6.8 March 7.5 April 2.4 May _. 5.9 June -1.7 July 9.1 August 10.3 September 8.7 October 5.6 November 2.4 December—... 1,923 3.5 9.3 1, 919 -3.5 -5.9 1,931 12.0 6.2 1,942 10.6 3.1 1,929 -12.5 -14. 9 Total.. 1915 January February March April May June July August September— October November December Net release from earmark1 2,325 2,325 2,323 2,318 2,336 2,445 2,506 2,549 2,630 2,714 2,736 2,843 8.9 16.2 31.2 23.4 36.7 56.1 21.2 69.6 47.2 74.4 61.9 52.2 6.2 11.7 24.7 15.4 29.9 49.5 15.1 60.5 40.0 76.7 57.3 33.5 499.1 420.5 13.1 -.2 -2.0 -5.2 18.6 108.3 61.1 43.7 80.8 83.3 22.6 106. -7.7 -1.0 -5.4 15.4 114.4 52.7 29.5 85.7 90.5 20.6 130.6 530. 530.2 2,922 78.8 2, 996 74.1 3,105 109.4 3,137 31.8 3,133 - 3 . 4 3,220 86.8 3,190 - 3 0 . 2 3,16J - 2 5 . 2 3,151 - 1 4 . 2 3,153 2.6 3,154 3,155 1.3 65.0 8.3 7.5 1.4 2.3 3.2 - . 5 -5.6 8.7 14.3 -4.5 -7.1 1.9 —.1 -23.9 -2.4 -2.2 24! -41. -27. -27. -7. -4. 12. 52. 3,162 3,165 3,165 3,177 3,177 3,113 3,064 3,125 3,147 3,103 3,044 2,994 Total. 1920 January February March April May June July August September October November December—.. 40.6 -7.6 -12.2 16.4 2.0 10.1 11.6 2.8 13.1 9.6 4.8 -11.2 1921 January February March April .__. May June July August. September. __ October November December 5.1 2.1 2.4 1.4 5.6 -8.8 -.4 -1.7 -7.5 3.1 2.8 .8 .7 -2.5 4.! 21.0 Q -!s 3.0 29.2 -36.2 -4.6 -4.6 -5.8 -1.7 .3 1-7 — l!l .2 -46.7 Domestic production,2 etc. 4.4 4.7 3.3 2.2 2.6 -1.8 8.8 5.8 -7.9 3.8 3.9 .7 30. e 2.4 2.6 .2 12.0 -1.3 3.6 .8 1.8 6.7 .1 - 6 . 6 4.9 1.0 6.1 -.9 1.1 - 6 1 0 | -56.8 -7.2 -49.2| -52.8 3.6 107.1 - 3 . 6 60.8 -42.7 52.5 - 2 . 9 22.0 -27.6 -43.8 -39.2 -13.5 8.9 -58.9 -49.5 -14.5 5.1 - 5 . 4 -11.4 -50.2 -33.3 -165. 8 -291. 127.4 -1.6 -35.8 -18.0 -10.8 -64.6 -42.5 -38.4 c -3.6 -30.1 - L 0 -5.5 -36. 3.9 -3.0 -10.1 -9.2 8.1 - 2 . 3 14.4 8.6 21.4 —1.5 -10.1 9.8 -2.1 -3.0 1.9 -3.2 1 -2.1 -11.71 -9.6 22.0 - 1 . 0 22.2 90.8 -97.4 -5.0 1.6 37.0 -13.7 29.5 6.2 28.4! 27.6 - 1 . 5 2,926 2.3 2,930 2,887 2,850 2,841 2,856 2,865 2, 2,851 2,873 2,868 2,897 Total. -6.1 38. 81. 121. 15. 3,160 3,162 3,165 3,166 3,172 3,163 3,162 3,161 3,153 3,156 3,159 3,160 Total. 1919 2.7 January 4.6 February 6.5 March 8.0 April 6.8 May 6.6 June 6.1 July— 9.1 August 7.2 September -2.3 October 4.5 November 18.7 December 78.5 Gold stock Inat end crease Net Net rein of gold from month stock import earduring mark i month -68. 4 2,966 3,000 3,086 3,164 3,231 3,275 3,347 3,439 3,519 3,572 3,627 3,660 40.4 33.6 86.3 77.6 67.6 43.5 72.3 92.5 79.7 53.1 54.6 33.5 95.0 -145.0 -18.3 30.9 41.6 86.6 80.3 57.1 42.8 60.5 84.2 63.6 39.5 50.7 29. -4.0 -2.0 -3.3 5.5 -6.0 3.1 2.7 10.5 3.7 -3.0 6.8 5.0 8.2 6.1 10.0! 8.0 5.5 3.9 4.0 312.2 734.6 667. Total Total. 18.7 48.5 180.6 51. 7 I 80.0 Gold released from earmark at Federal reserve banks less gold placed under earmark, with allowance made for change in gold earmarked abroad for account of Federal reserve banks. (See Table 29.) * This figure, derived from preceding columns, represents the excess of domestic production over nonmonetary consumption of gold—chiefly consumption in the arts. In any given month, however, it may be predominantly affected by the fact that on the final day of the month (a) gold bullion or foreign gold coin recently imported may not yet have reached a reserve bank or the Treasury, (6) gold bullion recently withdrawn from stocks for export may not yet have been actually exported, and (c) gold bullion may on rare occasions be earmarked for foreign account in the vaults of a commercial bank. The figures are subject to certain unavoidable inaccuracies in official reports of gold imports and exports, particularly the war and immediate postwar periods. Digitized forinFRASER 1 65 GOLD No. 30.—ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN MONETARY GOLD STOCK, BY MONTHS, 1914-1931—Continued [In millions of dollars] Analysis of changes Month 1922 January February March April.. May June July August September.. October November... December. _. Gold stock Inat end crease Net of in gold month stock import during month 3,685 3,723 3,750 3,764 3,771 3,785 3,829 3,855 3,873 3,888 3,906 3,929 Total.. 1923 January February March April May June. July August September... October November... December. _. Total.. 1924 January February March April May June July August September. .October November... December.,. Total.. 1925 January FebruaryMarch April May June July August September., October November.. December.. Total. 3,953 3,963 3,970 3,982 4,028 4,050 4,079 4,111 4,136 4,16' 4,207 4,244 24.7 38.4 26.7 14.2 7.2 13.2 44.0 26.1 18.1 15.1 18.1 22.8 25.7 27.0 32.5 10.7! 5.6 11.4 42.3 18.1 23.1 3.3 14.9 23.7 268.5 238.3 23.7 10.9 6.9 11.4 46.2 21.7 29.3 32.6 25.0 30.6 40.0 36.8 24.3 7.0 5.6 8.5 45.3 18.9 27.4 30.7 26.9 28.5 39.0 31.9 315.1 294.1 Net release from earmark Analysis of changes Domestic production, etc. January February. _. March April May _. June July. August September... October November... December... -3.7 Total.. 1927 January February March. April May June July August September.. October November... December. _. -1.6 4.3 1.0 -1.5 .5 -2.0 33.9 1.0 -.4 1.3 1.8 .9 2.8 3.3 2.0 -2.4 4.1 1.0 4.9 20.3 4,423 4,369 4,346 4,350 4,361 4,365 4,370 4,383 4,382 4,407 4,397 4,399 -76.6 -53.5 -23.2 3.6 11.5 3.4 5.5 12.6 -1.2 25.9 -10.0 2.0 -47.0 -17.8 -12. -2.0 -2.3 5.8 2.7 -2.7 22.7 -13.9 1.2 - 1 0 0 . 1 -134.4 -7.3 -6.4 - . 1 -9.3 3.8 14.9 1.5 16.0 - 2 . 5 5.1 .6 -3.1 2.8 11.6 - 1 . 7 1.5 - . 1 .4 2.9 1.9 2.0 2.7 -2.0 32.2 Total1928 January February March April May June .-. July.. August September.. October November... December. _. Total.. 258.1 - 4 2 . 2 2.1 Gold stock Inreat end crease Net Net lease of in from gold month stock import earduring mark month -1.0 11.4 -5.8 3.5 1.6 1.8 1.6 8.0 -5.0 -1. 13.3 -.2 3.5 -2.0 1.1 44.9 4,289 45.5 34. -1.4 4,323 33.8 33.5 - 2 . 5 9.4 40.5 4,36' -.6 44.0 3.9 47.3 4,41 1.0 40.5 2.7 44.2 4,455 2.0 24. 6.3 33. 4,488 18.5 - 2 . 6 7.0 23.0 4,51 15.8 - 8 . 0 1.8 9.6 4,521 2.1 - 1 3 . 2 1.5 -9. 4,51 15.6 - 1 7 . 0 - . 5 4,509 - 2 . 0 -.5 13.2 4.7 4, 527 17.4 3.7 4,499 - 2 7 . 2 - 2 9 . 4 - 1 . 5 255.6 Month 1929 January February March April... May June July August September— October November December Total., 4,412 12.2 4,4231 11.5 4,442 18.4 4,438 - 3 . 4 4,433 - 4 . 8 4,447 14.0 4,471 23.7 4,473 2.01 4,466 - 7 . 4 4,473 7.7 4,477 3.2 4,492 15.4 92.1 4,564 4,586 4,597 4,610 4, 6081 4,587 4,580 4, 5881 4,571 72.3 21.31 11.1 12.9 -1.4 -20.9 -7.5 8.5 -17.5 4, 5411 - 3 0 . 2: 4,451! - 8 9 . 7 4,379 - 7 1 . 7 . -112.8 Domestic production, etc. 16.3 - 6 . 0 2.0 21.6 - 1 1 . 0 1.0 39.2 - 2 3 . 0 2.2 1.4 -4.8 -6.4 1.6 15.5 -1.0 4.0 14.8 5.0 19.2 -17.8 .6 2 .4 -7.1 2.1 7.7 1.7 9.0 - 7 . 5 1.0 4.6 97.8 - 2 6 . 3 44.5 19.9 10.8 11.9 31.7 12.8 8.9 6.4 -11.5 -8.6 -53. -67.4 8.3 19.5 3.2 - 1 . 8 1.8 -1.5 2.0 -1.0 2.3 -35. 5 3.0 -36.7 6.7 -23.1 4.7 -2.5 2.9 -9.0 3.5 -25.0 3.5 -40.0 4.2 -8.5 6.1 -160.2 4,373l - 6 . 0 - 1 3 . 8 4, 362j — 11.21 - 1 1 . 1 4,305 -57.61 - 9 4 . 9 4,266! - 3 8 . 7 - 9 1 . 4,160, -105. 7 - 8 1 , 4,109 - 5 1 . 0 - 7 9 . 4,113 3.4| - 6 3 . 4,123 10.3 4,125 2.1 4,142 13. 17.3 4,128 - 1 4 . 0 6. 4,141 23. 13. 2] -237.8-391. 21.1 41.3 5.5 2.3 2.9 - 2 . 9 35.8 1.5 45.7 6.7 2.6 -26.5 30.1 - 1 . 2 60.9 6.4 3.6 5. 2.8 -1.2 2.8 1.2 4.3 -25.0 5.6 -15. 119. 34.5 47. - 6 5 . 0 4,127 - 1 4 . 4 26.4 4,153 25. 34.4 4,188 24. 7.5 72.4 4,260 48.6 23. 40.6 4,301 16.1 23. 23.4 4,324 -7.5 30. 16.3 4,341 34. - 2 2 . 0 18.9 4,360 18. -1.0 12.1 4,372 17. -6.6 14.4 4,386 17. -4.5 4,367 - 1 9 . 2 - 2 3 . 1.0 4,284 - 8 2 . 9 - 6 4 . 4 - 2 2 . 0 3.4 .9 142.5 j 175.11 - 5 5 . 4 22.8 2.1 .7 3.6 1.5 1.1 1.4 3.0 3.5 66 No. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD 30..—ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN MONETARY GOLD STOCK, BY MONTHS, 1914-1931—Continued [In millions of dollars] Analysis of changes Month 1930 January February.... March April May June July _. August September. October November.. December.. Total Analysis of changes Gold DoInstock re- mesat end crease Net Net lease tic in of gold from j promonth stock import earI dueduring mark tion, month etc. 6.8 4.0 4,291 .5! 4,353 61.9 60.0 4,423 70.2 55.5 15.0 4,491 68.5 65.7 .5 4,517 25.9 23.5 2.0! 4,535 17.6 13.9 2.0 4,517 -18.4 -19.6 - 3 . 0 4,501 -15.5 -19.6 4,511 10.2 2.5 4.0; 4,535 23.3 26.4 - 6 . 1 4,571 36.8 35.2 - 2 . 1 4,593 22.1 32.7 -15.2 309J 280.1 -2.4 Month 2.3 .5 1.7 4.3 4.2 3.7 3.1 3.8 4.5 1931 January February March April May June July August September.. October November... December. _ 31.9 Total.. 2.3 1.9 o Gold Instock at end crease Net in of gold month stock import during month 34.4 4,643 49.4 16.1 4,665 22.0 25.6 4,697 32.0 49.5 4,726 28.7 49.6 4,798 72.4 63.8 4,956 158.0 19.5 4,949 - 6 . 6 57.5 4,995 45.7 20. 4,741 -254.3 4,292 -448. -337. 7 4,414 122. o! 89.4 4,460 45.8 56. -133.4 Net release from earmark Domestic produc tion, etc. 11.9 3.1 3.3 2.5 3.3 3.0 - 7 . 5 -13.3 4.0 18.8 1.9 92.3 3.6 -29.7 4.2 -16.0 279.1 4.2 107.6 - 3 . 1 28.3 4.2 -22.9 11.9 145.31—320.8 42.1 67 GOLD No. 31.—GOLD l EARMARKED BY FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS ACCOUNT, BY MONTHS, 1916-1931 [ID thousands of dollars. End of month January February. _ March April May June July August September . October November. DecemberEnd of month January... February.. March April May Tune July August September. October... November. December. 1916 1918 6,097 6,097 6,097 6,097 6,097 6,097 6,097 6,778 6,942 6,942 6,942 6,942 1919 6,942 6,942 6,942 6,942 6,942 6,942 6,942 6,942 6,942 6,942 6,942 6,942 1924 1925 1926 3,000 2,407 4,859 5,417 4,417 2,417 5,000 12,984 26,213 43, 213 43,713 45, 213 46,023 52,389 61,714 46, 864 30,889 25,814 28,915 17,340 15,839 12,969 10,969 12,969 19,012 30,012 53,000 53,000 53,000 53, 580 49,580 30,380 32,780 32, 776 40, 274 39,266 6,942 6,942 6,842 3,000 4,000 5,000 1927 19,779 16, 599 18,101 19,101 114,101 114, 601 114,417 116,918 125,918 150,919 190,919 199,419 i Gold bullion (bars) and United States gold coin. No. FOREIGN For other statistics of earmarked gold see Table 29, note 1] 1917 * 2,391 4,571 4,571 5,071 5,402 5,502 5,955 5,981 5,981 6,097 FOR 1920 1921 6,000 5,000 6,000 9,000 10,000 11,500 14, 500 16, 500 17, 500 20, 000 20, 500 22,000 18,010 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 23,000 18,000 18,000 8,000 1928 1929 1922 5,329 1,000 1,000 1,500 1, 700 3,700 193,919 191,051 155,251 109, 511 136, 050 105, 997 45,050 39,134 40,334 39,134 64,136 79,897 144,898 144,898 137, 391 88,821 72,694 80, 207 102,194 103,194 109, 795 114,296 113,292 135, 295 1923 1,500 1, 500 1,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 1931 134,794 134,794 119,79o 119,295 117, 295 115,295 118,295 118,295 114,303 120, 410 122, 536 137,695 2 Fj rs t transaction Mar. 21,1916. 33.—GOLD IMPORTS INTO AND EXPORTS FROM THE UNITED STATES, BY COUNTRIES, 1928-1931 [In thousands of dollars! Imports into United States Exports from United States 1928 1928 From— 1929 1930 1931 24 1 Belgium 202 133 19,394 154 France 37,073 46, 773 27 1 Germany 14 7,015 37, 524 62, 396 Great Britain 9 5 4 2 Italy —5 17 Netherlands 40 75 93 1 Spain 502 5,573 75 Sweden 102, 371 73,880 43, 618 81, 252 Canada 1,041 1,030 1,697 1,090 Central America 4,610 9,174 20, 805 25,319 Mexico 423 2,184 631 West Indies 4,500 72,478 20,272141,263 Argentina 15 4 3,589 2,730 Bolivia 16 87, 776 Brazil 260 438 528 624 Chile 1,374 5,292 9,097 15,116 Colombia 1,483 1,373 1,551 1,015 Ecuador... 1,458 1,921 6,896 7,522 Peru 250 8,354 6,080 Uruguay 481 383 4,747 1,073 Venezuela 54 2,643 3 4,870 Australia 8,064 2 British India 1,077 10, 326 19,683 China Dutch East Indies... 1,262 1,199 1,752 4,870 650 12,286! 14,641 Hong Kong — 4 156,609199,328 Japan 773 715 220 185 New Zealand Philippine Islands. _. 1,773 3,262 3,715 3,740 8,749 97 Allother 131 Total.. Belgium France Germany Great Britain Italy Netherlands Poland and Danzig.. Portugal Sweden Switzerland Canada Central America Mexico West Indies Argentina Brazil Colombia Peru Uruguay Venezuela British India British Malaya China Dutch East Indies... Hong Kong Japan Turkey. All other Total 1929 1930 1931 2,000 15, 607 65, 381 73, 8081363, 908 28, 759 2,384 201 1,047 32, 525 21, 086 289 219 26,093 3,000 5,320 4,000 1 50, 327 6,000 5,010 1 620 308,002 22, 641 323 4,490 101 69,400 25, 012 2,053 1,341 35 10,007 19, 823 3901 36, 746 116 1,052 100 3,605 415 3,052 33 50 1,082 ..'560,759116,583115,967 168,897 291, 649 396, 054 612,119 Back figures.—See Annual Keports for 1930 (Table 29), 1929 (Table 28), 1928 (Table 29), 1927 (Table 19), (Table 102), and 1925 (Table 102). For figures by months (by countries) see Federal Reserve Bulletin Digitized for1926 FRASER 68 No. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD 33.—GOLD IMPORTS INTO AND EXPORTS FROM THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, 1922-1931 [In thousands of dollars] Year and month 1922 January February March April „ May June July August September.-. October...... November.,. December Total.. 1923 January February March April May June July... AugustSeptember.. October November.., December... Total.. 1924 January February March April May June July August September... October November... December Total-. 1925 January February March April May June July August September.., October November. _. December Total.. 1926 January February March April May June July August September. _, October November... December... Total... Imports 26,571 28, 739 33, 488 12, 244 8,994 12, 977 42, 987 19, 092 24,464 20,866 18,308 26, 440 275,170 32,820 8,383 15, 951 46,156 19,434 27, 929 32,856 27,804 29, 795 39, 757 32.641 322, 716 45,136 35, 111 34, 322 45,418 41, 074 25,181 18,834 18,150 6,656 19, 702 19,862 10, 274 319, 721 Exports 863 1,732 963 1,579 3,407 1,601 644 956 1,399 17,592 3,431 2,710 36,875 8,472 1,399 10,392 655 824 548 523 2,201 863 1,307 747 712 28, 643 281 505 817 1,391 593 268 327 2,398 4,580 4,125 6,689 39, 675 61, 648 Net imports or exports 25, 708 27,007 32, 525 10,665 5,587 11,376 42, 343 18,136 23,066 3,275 14, 877 23, 730 238, 295 24,348 5,559 8,533 45,332 18,885 27,407 30, 655 26,941 28,488 39.010 31, 930 294, 073 Year and month 1927 January February March April May June July August September... October November... December Total.. Net imports or exports Imports Exports 59,355 22,309 16,382 14, 503 34, 212 14,611 10, 738 7,877 12, 979 2,056 2,082 10,431 14,890 2,414 5,625 2,592 2,510 1,840 1,803 1,524 24,444 10,698 55, 266 77,849 44, 465 19,895 10, 757 11,911 31, 702 12. 771 8, 935 6,353 —1J,4G5 -8,642 -53,184 - 6 7 , 418 207, 535 201,455 6,080 38,320 14, 686 2,683 5,319 1,968 20,001 10, 331 2,445 4,273 14,331 29,591 24,950 52,086 25,806 97,536 96,469 83,689 99,932 74,190 1,698 3,810 992 22,916 1,636 168,897 560, 759 -13,766 -11,120 -94,853 -91,150 -81,721 -79,931 —63,859 747 463 13, 339 6.676 23,314 -391,862 48,577 26,913 26,470 24,687 24,098 30,762 35,525 19,271 18, 781 21,321 7,123 8,121 291,649 1,378 1,425 1,635 1,594 467 550 807 881 1,205 3,805 30, 289 72, 547 116, 583 12, 908 60,198 55, 768 65,835 23, 552 13,9bS 21,889 19, 714 13,680 35, 635 40,159 32, 778 207 290 110 82 26 41, 529 39,332 11,133 9,266 5,008 36 396,054 115, 967 34,426 16,156 25, 671 49, 543 50, 258 63,887 20, 512 57, 539 49, 269 60, 919 94, 430 89, 509 54 14 26 27 628 40 1,009 39 28,708 398,604 4,994 32, 651 612,119 466, 794 1928 January February March April May June July AugUSt .:. September... October November... December Total.. 1929 44,855 January 34,606 February 33,505 March 44, 027 April :.. 40,481 May 24. 913 June 18, 507 July 15, 752 August.. 2,076 September... 15,577 October 13,173 November... -29,401 December 258,073 Total.. 73,526 -68,488 50,600 -46,997 25,105 -17, 768 21, 604 -12, 734 13,390 -1,997 6,713 -2,287 4,417 5,787 2,136 2,726 6,784 -2,656 28, 039 22, 702 24, 360 -13, 904 5,968 1,248 128,273 * 262,640 -134, 367 5,038 3,603 7,337 8,870 11,393 4,426 10,204 4,862 4,128 50, 741 10,456 7,216 47,199 25,488 24, 835 23,093 23,630 30,212 34, 718 18,390 17, 576 17.516 —23,166 -64,426 175,066 1930 January February March April May June July August September-.. October November... December.... Total.. 3,960 59, 991 55, 478 65, 725 23, 470 13, 912 - 1 9 , 640 -19,618 2,547 26,369 35,151 32, 742 280, 087 1931 19,351 25,416 43,413 13,116 2,935 18,890 19,820 11,979 15, 987 8.857 16, 738 17, 004 213,504 3,087 3,851 4,225 17,884 9,343 3,346 5,069 29, 743 23,081 1,156 7.727 7,196 115,708 16,264 21,565 39,188 -4,768 -6,408 15, 544 14, 751 -17, 764 - 7 , 094 7,701 9,011 9,808 97,796 January February March April May June July August September... October November... December Total Back figures— See Annual Report for 1927 (Table 20). 34,372 16,142 25, 645 49, 516 49,630 63, 847 19, 503 57,500 20, 561 -337,685 89,436 56,858 145,325 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD 69 MONEY IN CIRCULATION No. 34,—UNITED STATES MONEY IN CIRCULATION, 1 BY MONTHS, 1914-1931 [In millions of dollars. For figures by weeks, see Tables 3 and 4] End of month figures End of month January February March April May June July August September October November December _ . _ _ . __ _ End of month January February March April May June July August September October November December _ _ - _ . - . ___ _ 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 3,502 3,503 3,508 3,530 3,533 3,459 3,394 3,541 3,732 3,744 3,410 3,319 3,253 3,242 3,264 3,284 3,317 3,320 3,323 3,402 3,455 3,519 3,544 3,589 3,592 3,603 3,613 3,621 3,585 3,649 3,658 3,737 3,822 3,876 3,877 3,966 3,989 4,120 4,173 4,194 4,256 2 4, 066 3,973 3,980 4,051 4,107 4,252 4,373 4,136 4, 315 4,396 4,434 4,416 4,482 4,564 4,776 5,027 5,145 5,195 5,238 4,919 4,922 4,948 4,943 4,918 4,877 4,870 4,948 5,037 5,127 5,269 5,378 5,177 5, 360 5,391 5,409 5,452 5,468 5,454 5,548 5, 616 5,698 5,643 5,612 5,303 5,273 5,124 5,080 5,015 4,911 4,797 4,740 4,744 4, 695 4,651 4,690 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 4,614 4,703 4,747 4,759 4,797 4,823 4,787 4,876 4,945 4,929 5,018 5,044 4,777 4,887 4,899 4,853 4,905 4,849 4,756 4,859 4,863 4,942 5,052 5,047 4,802 4,848 4,811 4,782 4,837 4,811 4,792 4,866 4,916 4,969 5,044 5,104 4,841 4,904 4,860 4,907 4,923 4,885 4,909 4,930 4,978 5,021 5,037 5,095 4,846 4,885 4,862 4,891 4,893 4,851 4,846 4,854 4,948 4,946 4,952 5,003 4,677 4,690 4,749 4,748 4,744 4,797 4,701 4,803 4,846 4, 806 4,990 4,973 4,657 4,698 4,748 4,676 4,738 4,746 4,717 4,840 4,819 4,838 4,929 4,865 4,560 4,577 4, 543 4,476 4,551 4,522 4,426 4,533 4,501 4,493 4,660 4,890 4,610 4,620 4,608 4,652 4,702 4, 822 4,837 5 052 5,246 5 540 5,536 5,647 Averages of end of month figures Month January February . March April _ May June July August __ _ September October _ . November December 4,441 4,491 4,497 4,468 4,455 4, 463 4, 424 4,480 4,608 4, 646 4,704 4,817 Averages of daily figures 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 3,497 3,502 3,506 3,519 3,531 3,496 3,426 3,467 3,637 3,738 3,577 3,365 3,286 3,247 3,253 3,274 3,300 3,318 3,321 3,363 3,429 3,487 3,532 3,567 3,591 3,598 3,608 3,617 3,603 3.617 3,653 3,697 3,779 3,849 3,877 3,922 3,978 4,055 4,147 4,184 4,225 2 4,161 4,020 3 4,001 3 4,061 3 4,152 3 4, 203 3 4,342 4,306 4,280 4,373 4,423 4,401 4,448 4,520 4,666 4,911 5,134 5,183 5,243 5,050 4,932 4,942 4,970 4,941 4,891 4,896 4,913 4,989 5,106 5,208 5,342 5,231 5,285 5 398 5,372 5,414 5,448 5,478 5,509 5,600 5,673 5,662 5,658 5,401 5,263 5, 204 5,078 5,042 4,936 4,857 4,771 4,752 4,721 4,673 4,718 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 4,679 4,672 4,713 4,731 4,764 4,779 4,812 4,833 4,901 4.941 4,953 5,071 4,847 4,832 4,870 4,886 4,866 4,830 4,810 4,800 4,853 4,891 4,970 5,088 4,863 4,805 4,815 4,803 4,791 4,790 4,794 4,817 4,908 4,945 4,960 5,119 4,891 4,854 4,864 4,882 4,871 4,881 4,916 4,912 4,969 5,001 5,005 5,131 4,904 4,843 4,856 4,879 4,860 4,831 4,851 4,849 4,917 4,934 4,936 5,048 4,785 4,709 4,710 4,730 4,722 4,736 4,746 4,743 4,804 4,836 4,860 5,008 4,748 4,686 4,709 4,679 4,684 4,687 4, 764 4,777 4,811 4,810 4,845 4,943 4,652 4, 554 4,532 4.518 < 497 4,489 4,483 4,476 4,493 4, 501 4 528 4,823 1922 4,527 4.451 4' 483 4,482 4,450 4 429 4,443 4,448 4 552 4,643 4,671 4,827 Averages of daily figures Month January February March . April May June . __ July August September October November December 1922 - - - - - - - 1 2 1931 4,695 4,598 4 590 4,647 4,679 4,750 4,836 4,947 5,133 5,478 5 518 5,611 Money outside Treasury and Federal reserye banks (prior to November, 1914, money outside Treasury). Figures prior to June 21, 1917 (when legislation became effective changing reserve requirements of member banks), while comparable with one another, are not strictly comparable with those for succeeding dates; the transfer to the Federal reserve banks of that part of legal reserves of member banks formerly held in own vaults reduced the volume of money outside Treasury and Federal reserve banks (see note 1). The increasing membership of State banks in the Federal reserve system after June, 1917, had a similar effect upon the figures. 8 Averages of daily figures. No, 35.—KINDS OF MONEY IN CIRCULATION, 1929-1931 [Money outside Treasury and Federal reserve banks. In thousands of dollars] End of month 1929—January February.. March April May June.. July August September. October November. December. 1930—January... February.. March April May June _. July August September. October, _. November. December. 1931—January... February.. March April May June July August September. October.... November. December- Total 4, 656,617 4,698,362 4,747, 683 4,675, 647 4, 737,636 4, 746, 297 4, 716,863 4,839,859 4,819,275 4, 838,185 4,929, 422 4,864,824 4.560,028 4, 576,508 4, 549,189 4,476,067 4, 551,468 4, 521, 988 4, 426, 494 4,533,197 4, 501,478 4,492,604 4,660,315 4,890,123 4, 609, 687 4, 620, 414 4, 607,914 4, 652, 414 4, 702, 275 4, 821,933 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 837, 085 052, 027 246,064 540, 016 536,143 646, 773 Gold coin 380,952 377,512 374, 255 371, 623 369,991 366,199 364.603 363,701 363,051 363,935 383, 763 369,457 364, 789 362,272 360,016 358, 575 357, 236 356,079 353,358 351, 765 350,226 350,931 368,379 357, 565 355,912 353,647 352,055 352, 525 363,020 362, 782 362, 983 376, 312 387,051 382,841 408,626 Gold certificates 923,193 935,448 937, 247 905, 513 944,058 934,995 887,897 887,102 849, 551 845,908 888,650 879,557 799, 077 841, 235 873, 366 885,820 954, 465 994,841 1,001,923 1,050. 595 1,026, 036 1.019,584 1,075,770 1,117, 630 1,055, 740 1,060,922 1,047, 327 1,034, 633 1,020, 452 996, 510 975, 947 989, 272 1,036, 668 971,928 927, 930 876, 769 Back figures.—See Annual Reports for 1930 (Table 32) and 1927 (Table 22). Standard silver • dollars 44,456 44,075 43,921 43, 727 43, 651 43,684 43, 401 43.055 42,960 42, 573 42, 244 42,184 39, 967 39, 451 39,172 38, 798 38,610 38, 629 38,108 38, 234 37, 512 37, 312 37, 087 36, 777 35, 050 34, 864 34, 679 34, 338 34, 299 34, 326 33, 953 33, 756 33, 681 33, 266 33, 227 32, 794 Silver certificates 381, 672 385,389 390. 583 386. 241 392,411 387, 073 403, 964 411. 293 417, 556 414, 952 418,085 416,880 380,692 384, 339 385,583 382,423 391, 773 386,915 381, 285 390,203 391,311 391,366 400,104 403, 906 371,830 373,179 372,030 374, 779 380,103 377,149 375, 447 380, 374 382,157 387, 559 386, 701 Treasury! Subsidinotes of ary 1890 silver 1,292 1,291 1,290 1,288 1,286 1,283 1,282 1,280 1,277 1,276 1,275 1,273 1,270 1.268 1,265 1,263 1,261 1,260 1,259 1,254 1, 252 1,250 1,248 1,248 1,245 1,244 1,243 1,242 1,240 1,240 1,239 1,237 1,236 1,233 1, 232 1,230 280, 751 280,736 280, 655 281,229 282,936 284, 226 284.363 286, 270 289, 344 291,200 292.241 293,951 281,343 280,395 280.364 281,181 281, 167 281,231 279, 736 280,162 280, 868 281,135 281, 221 281,133 269, 814 269, 650 270, 596 271, 504 272,867 273,147 270,856 270,876 272,706 271, 459 271, 719 270, 591 Minor coin United States notes Federal reserve notes 114,007 113.692 113, 536 114,085 114,454 115,210 115, 534 115,985 116,816 117,556 118,167 119,402 116,920 116,773 116,544 117,108 117,193 117,436 117,236 117,187 117,728 117, 859 118, 227 118, 740 116,188 115, 988 116, 383 116, 707 117, 071 117, 393 117, 059 116, 751 117,052 116,831 117,043 117,167 282,172 283,603 283.100 276.227 288. 216 262.188 242, 338 248, 670 264. 930 266,504 275.136 264,881 257.189 268,964 268,526 277,111 290,260 288,389 287, 858 297, 603 297,307 300,032 304,407 295,515 288,972 295, 260 289, 452 294, 747 299,619 299, 427 301, 275 300, 692 299,175 299, 606 294, 447 287,811 1.631,432 1, 646, 523 1.673,480 1, 648, 392 1,654, 757 1, 692,721 1,748, 442 1,842,547 1,839,143 1,869,173 1, 919.901 1, 862, 420 1,678,421 1,628,064 1,571,519 1,483,711 1,466, 561 1, 402,066 1,320, 263 1,353,200 1, 359, 358 1,349,940 1,440,003 1,640, 537 1,470, 231 1, 460,945 1, 471,090 1, 518,175 1, 566,480 1, 708, 429 1, 748, 709 1,947, 231 2,079, 575 2, 411, 565 2, 463, 282 2, 603, 454 Federal reserve bank notes 3,775 3.747 3,709 3.680 3,650 3,616 3,587 3,539 3,500 3,466 3,432 3, 413 3,356 3,322 3, 275 3,248 3,221 3,206 3,155 3,126 3,104 3,082 3,064 3,041 3,020 2,989 2,972 2,955 2,945 2,929 2,915 2,904 2,891 2,861 2,852 2,838 Nationalbank notes 612.915 626,344 645,908 643.639 642, 221 652,812 619 855 635.515 630.497 622, 527 60fi. 356 597,100 632,336 647,908 647,301 645,389 648,382 650,779 639, 593 648,274 635,237 640,818 648, 252 623, 218 640,031 649,459 648, 495 651, 278 654, 673 648, 363 646, 902 645,950 644,611 656,656 654,868 656,404 DISCOUNT RATES AND MONEY RATES 125554—32 6 DISCOUNT RATES AND MONEY RATES No. 36.—FEDERAL RESERVE BANK DISCOUNT RATES ON ALL CLASSES AND MATURITIES OP DISCOUNTED BILLS—CHANGES FROM JANUARY 1, 1922, TO DECEMBER 31, 1931 [Per cent] Federal Reserve Bank Date effective Kan- Dal- San Rich- At- Chi- St. MinBos- New Philanesas del- CleveFranton York phia land mond lanta cago Louis apolis City las cisco In effect Jan. 1,1922.... 1922—Jan. 9 Jan 11 Jan. 23 Feb. 14 Mar. 15 Mar 25 Apr. 6 Apr 14 June 22 _ June 23 July 8 July 12 Aug. 12 Aug. 15 1925—Feb. 27 Nov. 10.. Nov. 17.._ Nov. 20 Nov. 2 3 . . 43/2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4H 41/ 4:14. _ . _ 4 41/ 4 41Z 4 _ 1923—Feb. 23 Mar. 6 1924—May 1 June 2 June 10 June 12 June 14 . June 18 June 19 June 26 July l._ July 16. Aug. 8 Aug. 15.Aug. 25 Oct. 15 4H MM 4M 4 4 m w* 4 4 4 4 4 3H 4 4 3 ZH ___ . _ . . 1926—Jan. 8 Apr. 23 Aug. 13 3M 4 4 8U 4 4 4 4 4 1927—July 29 Aug. 4 3H Aug. 5 Aug. 6. ___ 3^i Aug. 12 giz Aug. 13 Aug. 16 3H Sept. 7 Sept. 8 Sept. 10 . 3H Sept. 13 8H 15 per cent on 6-9 month agricultural and livestock paper from Apr. 7,1923, to June 11,1924, inclusive. * 5 per cent on 6-9 month agricultural and livestock paper from Apr. 19, 1923, to June 25,1924, inclusive; 4H per cent on 91-day to 6-month agricultural and livestock paper from June 19 to June 25,1824. NOTE.—Discount rates became applicable to 6-9 month agricultural and livestock paper, which was made eligible by the Mar. 4, 1923, amendment to the Federal reserve act, on the following dates in 1923: Boston, Apr. 7; New York, Aug 6; Philadelphia, Apr. 19; Cleveland, Apr. 9; Richmond, Apr. 7; Atlanta, Mar. 22; Chicago, Aug. 16; St. Louis, Apr. 5; Minneapolis, Apr. 11; Kansas City, Apr. 14; Dallas, Apr. 12; San Francisco, Mar. 21. Back figures.—For years previous to 1922, when different rates were generally in effect for different classes of bills, see Annual Reports, Federal Reserve Bulletin, and pamphlet issued by the board in 1922: "Discount Rates of the Federal Reserve Banks, 1914-1921." 73 74 ANNUAL REPORT OF T H E FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD No. 36.—FEDERAL RESERVE BA.NK DISCOUNT RATES ON ALL CLASSES AND MATURITIES OF DISCOUNTED BILLS—CHANGES FROM JANUARY 1, 1922, TO DECEMBER 31, 1931—Continued [Per cent] Federal Reserve Bank Date effective KanSan Rich- At- Chi- St. MinBos- New Philadel- Clevene- sas DalFran land mond lanta cago Louis apolis ton York phia City las cisco 4 1928—Jan. 25 Jan.27. . Feb. 3 Feb. 4 Feb. 7 Feb. 8 Feb. 10 Feb 11 Feb. 16 _ Feb 21 Mar. 1.Apr 20 Apr. 23 Apr. 24 Apr 25 May 7 May 17 May 18 May 2 5 . . . May 26 June 2 June 7 July 11 July 13 July 14 July 19 July 26 Aug 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4K 4M 4M 4H _„__? ly2 4H 4M ! 4Vo ly2 I 5 4H 4H 5 5 5 5 5 1929—Mar. 2 May 6 _ May 14 May 20 Aug 9 Nov. 1 Nov 15 Nov 21 Nov. 23 . Dec 6 Dec. 10 Dec. 20 1930—Jan. 16 Feb. 7 . Feb. 8 Feb. 11 Feb 13 Feb 15 Mar. 14 Mar 15 Mar. 20 Mar. 21-_. i*pr 8 Apr. 11 A pr 12 .Apr 15 May 2 May 8 June 7 June 20 June 21 July 3 July 12 July 18 Aug. 7 Aug. 8 Aug 15 Sept. 9 Sept. 12._ Dec 24 Dec. 29__ 4 4 ! i i"":".:._:_r""4 1 5 I 5 5 5 5 Q | K 4H 4K _| 4K 4H 4M 4 4}$ ! ly I 4 4 43^ Iy2\ 4M 4 3J/ 2 4 i 4 i 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 %y2 2>y2 2y2 3 1 3H 3H 3H sy2 3M 2 - zy2 3H 75 DISCOUNT RATES AND MONEY KATES No. 36.—FEDERAL RESERVE BANK DISCOUNT RATES ON AI/L CLASSES AND MATURITIES OF DISCOUNTED BILLS—CHANGES FROM JANUARY 1, 1922, TO DECEMBER 31, 1931—Continued [Per cent] Federal Reserve Bank Date effective 1931 Jan 2 Jan. 8 Jan 9 Jan.10 May 7 May 8_ May 9 May 15 May 21 May 22 Oct. 9 Oct. 10 Oct 16 Oct. 17 Oct. 20 Oct. 21 Oct. 22 Oct. 23 Oct. 24 Nov. 14 In effect Dec. 31, 1931.. Kan- Dal- San Rich- At- Chi- St. MinBos- New Philanedel- Clevesas Franton York phia land mond lanta cago Louis apolis City las cisco 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 1H 2H 3 3 i 2]/2 2\i 2}i 3 %H 4 4 3}l 3^ 3J/2 3H 3H 4 3H 3^ 31/2 m 4 76 No. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD 37.—FEDERAL RESERVE BANK C H A N G E S F R O M J A N U A R Y 1, BUYING RATES ON ACCEPTANCES * — 1922, TO D E C E M B E R 31, 1931 [Buying rates at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Per cent] Date effective Itol5 days 16 t o 30 days 31 to 45 days 46 to 60 days 61 to 90 91 to 120 121 to 180 days days days In effect Jan. 1, 1922_, 1922—Feb. 6... Feb. 16.. Mar. 6... Mar. 13.. Mar. 21.. Mar. 27.. Apr. 10Apr. 14.. May 5... May 18., June 2... June 19.. June 26.. July 5__. July 15_. July 25 _. Sept. 21.. Sept. 25. Sept. 27.. Oct. 2 . . . Oct. 6 . . . Oct. 13__ Oct. 18._ Oct. 19.. Oct. 24.. Oct. 27.. fA 3M 3 3M 3M 3K 1923—Apr. 17.. May 23.. July 7-.. 1924—Apr. 24.., May 1—. May 16... May 22... June 2 June 17._. June 26.. Aug. 8... Nov. 17._ Nov. 28.. Dec. 3 . . . Dec. 5 . . . Dec. 8 . . . Dec. 22.. 1925—Feb. 6... Feb. 27.. June 12.. Aug. 31.. Sept. 22.. 1926—Jan. 8___. Apr. 27.. May 20May 21.. Aug. 16Aug. 23.. Sept. l._. 3 3H 3H 3 2H 234 2 2H 2H 2% 2Yi 2% 2A 2% 2: 2% 3 2% 2% 3 3 3H 3Ks 314 zy2 3H li 3^ 3M 3M 1927—July 29.. Aug. 5... Aug. 22_. 3H 3K 1928—Jan. 27... Feb. 3 . . . Mar. 30.. Apr. 13. _ May 18... July 13... %A July 26. .. 1 Rales on prime bankers' acceptances. Higher rates may be charged for other Back figures,—See Annual Report for 1928 (Table 35). 3^ 3H 3^ 3M classes of bills. 77 DISCOUNT RATES AND MONEY RATES No. 37.—FEDERAL RESERVE BANK BUYING RATES ON ACCEPTANCES— CHANGES FROM JANUARY 1, 1922, TO DECEMBER 31, 1931—Continued [Buying rates at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Per cent] Date effective 1929—Jan. 4.... Jan. 21... Feb. 15.. Mar. 21.. Mar. 25.. July 12.. Aug. 9... Oct. 25.. Nov. 1... Nov. 15.. Nov. 22.. 1930—Jan. 31... Feb. 11.. Feb. 24.. Mar. 5— Mar. 6... Mar. 11.. Mar. 14.. Mar. 17.. Mar. 19.. Mar. 20.. May 1__. May 2__. May 8... May 19.. June 3__. June 5... June 16_. June 20_. June 30.. July 21.. Dec. 24.. 1931—Jan. 16... Jan. 26__. Apr.9___ Apr. 21.. Apr. 27.. May 5... May6._. May 8__. May 13.. May 19.. Sept. 25.. Oct.9__. Oct. 13_. Oct. 16_. Nov. 20_. In effect Dec. 31,1931.. 3 Rate for 76 to 90 days 2 per cent. 3 Rate for 76 to 90 days 2M per cent. 16 to 30 days ltolS days 31 to 45 days 46 to 60 days 4% 5 4M 5 5k in 5;"' 4M 4 5 f k 3> 3k 61 to 90 91 to 120 121 to 180 days days days 3M J2 5k 5k 5 4% 4k 4 4% 3 2^ 2% 2k h "2 IK 1H\ "2" "ill m VA VA "I 1 3 2% 2 "i% VA 3 4k 4 2! 2k IK m 5k 5M 3k 3k 2V8 2 1% VA 5k 3M 3H 3' 3 '6' F 2% 2k 5 5k VA 1% 2% 7 3 A 1 VA m 2H m VA 1% »2H VA "ill 3/2 334 78 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD No. 318.—AVERAGE RATES EARNED BY FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS ON BILLS AND SECURITIES, 1918-1931 [Per cent] Month 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 Total bills and securities: January February._ March April. 3.75 3.81 3.86 4.07 4.04 4.03 4.02 4.01 4.46 4.88 5.12 5.23 5.88 5.92 5.90 5.85 4.62 4.47 4.34 4.25 4.03 4.13 4.26 4.32 4.39 4.36 4.30 4.34 3.27 3.32 3.41 3.49 3.73 3.80 3.80 3,81 3.80 3.76 3.75 3.75 3.36 3.52 3.63 374 4.73 4.76 4.80 4.88 4.22 4.05 3.78 3.54 2.51 2.48 2.26 2.08 Msiy June July August 4.29 4.20 4.31 4.27 3.99 4.01 3.98 3.93 5.36 5.51 5.72 5.81 5.79 5.67 5.60 5.42 4.08 3.98 3.90 3.85 4.35 4.36 4.42 4.42 4.26 4.03 3.80 3.67 3.50 3.50 3.52 3.55 3.72 3.66 3.65 3.67 3.78 3.72 3.73 3.58 3.96 4.24 4.39 4.63 4.89 4.89 4.94 5.02 3.40 3.23 3.00 2.86 2.00 1.89 1.99 2.01 September. October November. December... 4.21 4.13 4.19 4.14 3.91 3.95 4.16 4.29 5.81 5.94 5.98 5.98 5.35 5.25 4.99 4.74 3.84 3.88 4.00 4.06 4.41 4.44 4.40 4.38 3.45 3.30 3.21 3.17 3.56 3.59 3.61 3.68 3.77 3.83 3.84 3.83 3.45 3.39 3.33 3.34 4.67 4.69 4.68 4.70 5.10 5.06 4.84 4.48 2.72 2.69 2.64 2.61 1.96 1.97 2.33 2.67 Year 4.12 4.04 5.50 5.61 4.11 4.33 3.83 3.51 3.76 3.60 4.24 4.86 3.25 2.20 Bills d is counted: January February.. March April 3.94 4.02 3.94 4.14 4.21 4.18 4.16 4.16 4.71 5.20 5.47 5.58 6.30 6.37 6.36 6.32 4.99 4.90 4.83 4.75 4.26 4.24 4.45 4.49 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 3.55 3.42 3.60 3.66 3.91 3.99 4.00 3.98 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.50 3.77 3. 95 4 01 4.99 4.92 4.92 4.98 4.80 4.59 4.32 4.11 3.11 2.98 2.92 2.92 May June July August 4.38 4.31 4.40 4.35 4.15 4.20 4.15 4.13 5.66 5.89 6.13 6.19 6.29 6.20 6.09 5.91 4.68 4.61 4.50 4.47 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.45 4.35 4.11 3.99 3.69 3.69 3.68 3.68 3.87 3.88 3.85 3.91 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.83 4.20 4.45 4.60 4.87 4.95 4.98 5.00 5.16 3.81 3.75 3.65 3.46 2.77 2.64 2.59 2.49 September. October November. December.. 4.27 4.22 4.27 4.29 4.17 4.15 4.40 4.55 6.22 6.35 6.41 6.42 5.85 5.69 5. 39 5.11 4.42 4.36 4.29 4.29 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 3.85 3.75 3.69 3.59 3.66 3.66 3.71 3.84 3.99 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.62 3.52 3.51 3.51 4.90 4.92 4.92 4.93 5.27 5.20 5.04 4.86 3.42 3.38 3.28 3.23 2.52 2.73 3.36 3.48 Year 4.24 4.23 5.88 6.07 4.63 4.46 4.25 3.67 3.95 3.83 4.56 5.03 3.93 3.01 Bills bought: January February., March April 3.64 3.79 3.92 4.18 4.29 4.25 4.26 4.23 4.79 5.06 5.47 5.70 6.14 5.99 6.01 5.97 4.44 4.25 4.06 3.83 4.01 4.09 4.10 4.08 4.20 4.18 4.17 4.17 2.70 2.88 3.06 3.13 3.46 3.55 3.61 3.63 3.73 3.70 3.68 3.67 3.21 3.28 3.38 3.52 4.62 4.80 4.98 5.30 4.19 4.03 3.72 3.25 1.93 1.85 1.64 1.52 4.36 4.25 4.24 4.38 4.25 4.19 4.27 4.22 5.77 5.98 6.07 6.07 5.98 5.97 5.96 5.36 3.50 3.29 3.18 3.11 4.11 4.14 4.18 4.19 4.05 3.66 2.80 2.49 3.16 3.17 3.19 3.24 3.52 3.37 3.33 3.32 3.65 3.66 3.67 3.51 3.72 3.84 4.01 4.34 5.50 5.48 5.44 5.13 2.96 2.59 2.10 1.93 1.34 1.20 3.70 3.91 4.19 4.25 4.36 4.33 4.27 4.22 4.33 4.54 6.06 6.07 6.03 6.05 5.33 5.04 4.91 4.50 3.11 3.24 3.59 3.84 4.19 4.19 4.18 4.20 2.22 2.20 2.23 2.46 3.32 3.37 3.40 3.43 3.50 3.67 3.75 3.76 3.31 3.19 3.19 3.20 4.50 4. 56 4.56 4.56 5.11 5.21 5.22 4.60 1.92 1.94 1.91 1.87 2.77 1.70 1.91 2.39 May June July August September. October November. December.. Year 4.14 4.30 5.66 5.70 3.54 4.14 3.31 3.17 3.55 3.49 3. 97 5. 00 2.85 2.04 U. S. Government securities: January February. . March April 3.27 3.25 3.59 3.56 2.26 2.31 2.41 2.43 2.18 2.17 2.10 2.10 2.13 2.11 2.24 2.15 3.16 3.58 3.72 3.77 3.74 3.96 3.99 4.11 4.26 4.17 4.04 4.14 3.51 3.59 3.50 3.58 3.69 3.71 3.60 3.65 3.55 3.53 3.49 3.48 3.35 3.44 3.44 3.46 4.01 3.62 3.91 3.64 3.99 .3.52 3.91 3.43 2.47 2.41 2.19 2.02 May. . . June July August 3.06 3.00 2.76 2.87 2.42 2.33 2.24 2.21 2.22 2.24 2.15 2.22 2.49 2.40 2.31 2.33 3.70 3.67 3.63 3.60 4.17 4.02 4.17 4.15 4.05 3.79 3.68 3.57 3.57 3.53 3.54 3.54 3.61 3.56 3.55 3.52 3.54 3.46 3.43 3.37 3 53 3.68 3.67 3.69 3.93 4.06 4.05 4.00 3.34 3.15 2.97 2.88 1.94 1,79 1.64 1.50 September. October November. December.. 2.73 2.44 2.49 2.40 2.17 2.18 2.22 2.19 2.27 2.20 2.17 2.43 2.49 2.38 2.68 2.92 3.65 3.71 3.78 3.79 4.07 4.21 4.18 4.03 3.46 3.44 3.46 3.39 3.55 3.62 3.62 3.63 3.53 3.62 3.61 3.55 3.37 3.38 3.27 3.28 3.83 3.94 4.05 4.05 4.09 3.99 3.93 3.69 2.75 2.69 2.63 2.57 1.45 1.54 1.63 1.95 2.99 2.26 2.21 2.37 3.67 4.01 3.67 3.56 3.60 3.41 3. 64 | 3. 93 3.06 1.86 Year Backfigures.—SeeAnnual Report for 1929 (Table 34). 79 DISCOUNT RATES AND MONEY RATES No. 39.—OPEN MARKET RATES IN N E W YORK CITY, BY MONTHS, 1927-1931 [Per cent] Prevailing rate o n - Month 4-4H 4-AH 4-4V£ 4-4K 4-4M 4M 1928—January February... March April May June... July August September... October November.. December.. 4 4 -4K 1929—January February... March. April May June July August September^. October NovemberDecember. . 1930- - January February. .March. April May June July August September.. October November.. December,. 1931—-January February. _. March April May June July August September.. October November,. December.. Time loans, 90 days 2 3^-3^ J« 4 4 4 4 5 i -5K 5M-5J 5K-5H 5M 6 6 8 -6; 5 334-4 3 3 3 234-3 23/4-3 234-3 23/2-2% 2H 2M-2H 2 -2^ 2 2 2 2 2 -434 33X-4 * 1 2 3 4 Average yield onl— U. S. Treasury Prime bank- notes Liberty Treasand bonds * ury ers' bonds s Re- accept- certifinewal ances, 90 days 1months Call loans 3 Prime commercial paper, 4-6 months 1927—January February March April May__ June. July August September October. November December Average rate on 1— 11A m Vs-VA % 7 A H J/%-1/^ 8 3 4 New 3.80 3.80 4.27 4.06 4.13 4.21 4.27 4.26 3.95 3.66 3.84 3.88 3.60 4.43 4.32 4.03 4.13 4.18 4.26 4.33 4.05 3.68 3.83 3.90 3.60 4.38 3.69 3.69 3.63 3.63 3.63 3.63 3.50 3.13 3.13 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.23 3.29 3.20 3.39 3.33 3.07 2.96 2 70 2.68 3.08 3.04 3.17 4.15 4.33 4.48 5.06 5.69 6.32 6.06 6.91 7.40 7.12 6.86 4.24 4.38 4.47 5.08 5.70 6.21 6.05 6.87 7.26 6.98 6.67 8.60 3.36 3.51 3.52 3.81 3.94 4.05 4.32 4.62 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 3.31 3.33 3.27 6 3.62 6 3.90 6 3.92 4.12 4.36 4.57 4.70 4.26 4.26 3.35 3.36 3.30 3.32 3.35 3.40 3.50 3.56 3.54 3.55 3.48 3.53 6.94 7.47 9.80 9.46 8.79 7.83 9.41 8.15 8.62 6.10 5.40 4.88 7.05 7.06 9.10 8.89 8.91 7.70 9.23 8.23 8.50 6.43 5.44 4.83 4.84 5.15 5.34 5.46 5.48 5.49 5.16 5.13 5.13 5.01 4.23 3.90 4.66 4.39 4.60 4.80 5.09 4.80 4.55 4.70 4.58 4.37 3.47 3.03 3.59 3.66 3.76 3.67 3.67 3.71 3.68 3.72 3.70 3.67 3.45 3.46 4.31 4.28 3.56 3.79 3.05 2.60 2.18 2.22 2.17 2.00 2.00 2.27 4.64 4.32 3.69 4.00 3.12 2.62 2.20 2.21 2.19 2.00 2.00 2.23 3.96 3.77 3.07 2.91 2.48 2.09 1.88 1.88 1.88 1.88 1.88 1.88 3.39 3.36 2.95 3.00 2.41 1.89 1.83 1.53 1.77 1.74 1.40 1.48 3.51 3.50 3.40 3.46 3.41 3.37 3.37 3.38 3.37 3 34 3.32 3.34 1. 50 1.50 1.56 1.57 1.45 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 2.10 2.50 2.73 1.57 1.50 1.55 1.52 1.45 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 2.10 2.50 2.70 1.58 1.39 1.50 1.43 1.01 .88 .88 1.24 1.06 1.38 1.49 .88 .55 .41 .42 .45 1.70 1.77 2.41 3.33 3.40 3.39 3.38 3.31 3.30 3.32 3.34 3.42 3.71 3.69 3.92 2.47 2.99 3.00 3.60 3.58 3.48 3.47 3.44 3.47 3.48 3.45 3.44 3.43 3.39 3.34 These rates are monthly averages of daily quotations for the month. Stock exchange 90-day time loans Stock exchange call loans; new and renewal rates. Second, third, and fourth 4J^ per cent Liberty bonds. '' Three issues. Since April, 1928—3%, 3%, and 4 per cent: yield calculated on basis of last redemption dates—1947, 1956 and 1954. Prior to April, 1928—3%, 4 and 4M per cent maturing 1956, 1954, and 1952, 6 Based, at least in part, on certificates of 6-9 months maturity. Back figures—See Annual Reports for 1928 (Table 39), and 1927 (Table 28). 80 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD IVo. 40.—OPEN-MARKET RATES IN N E W YORK CITY, BY WEEKS [Per cent] Prevailing rates on— Prime Prime commer- bankers' Time cial accept- loans, 190 paper, ances, days 90 4 to 6 days months Week ending (Saturday)— 1931 Jan. 3 Jan. 10 Jan.17 Jan. 2 4 . . . Jan.31 234-3 23/4-3 2^4-3 7 Feb. 7 Feb. 14 Feb. 21 Feb. 28 23/4 2^-2% 2^-23/4 2H Mar. 7 . Mar 14 Mar. 21 Mar. 28 2V£ 2H 23/2 Apr. 4 Apr. 11.. Apr. 18 Apr. 25 . 2H-2H May May May May May 2 9 16 . 23 30 2H-2H June June June June 6. 13 20 27 . _ 2 2J4-2J4 2H~2J-i 21,4 2 - 2 }4 2 -234 -2H 2 2 2 July 4 July 11 July 18 July 25 2 2 2 2 Aug 1 Aug. 8 _ Aug 15 Aug. 22.. ___ Aug 29 2 2 2 2 2 Sept 5 Sept 12 Sept. 19 Sept. 26 - _ _- -. _- .- Oct. 3 Oct. 10 Oct. 17 Oct. 24 . Oct 31 5 12 19 26. m m-m m-m m-m m m m 2 -2ft 2H-4H 334-414 33/4-4K 4 -4J4 .- _- . -__ A m-2 m-2 m-2 m-2 2 -2U m -21/3 -2i/4 -2U m m m-2 m-2 2 -2H m m m-m m m-m 1 -m 7 A 7 A 7 A 7 7A 2 -2\i m-2 lJ^-1% m-m m-m Average yield on— Call loans 2 U . S. Treas- New Renewal Prime bankers' acceptances, 90 days 2.94 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 3.13 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 L84 L. 75 65 48 43 1.43 1.39 1.32 1.13 1.09 3.35 3.32 3.31 3.30 3.38 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.38 1.25 1.43 1.50 1.07 .95 1.03 1.19 3.39 3.36 3.41 3.44 1.58 1.67 1.41 1.58 1.50 1.70 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.25 1.28 1.45 1.50 3.42 3.39 3.37 3.39 1.53 1.74 1.54 1.50 1.50 1.60 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.43 1.47 1.59 1.54 1.48 3.39 3.39 3.39 3.38 1.50 1.40 1.38 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.30 1.50 1.50 1.25 1.18 1.05 .90 .88 1.29 1.20 3.36 3.35 3.30 3.27 3.30 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 .88 .88 .88 .88 .51 ury notes Treasand ury certifi- bonds s cates, 3 to 6 months 4 .92 .74 .60 .37 4.65 .65 3.29 3.28 3.28 3.33 A 7 m-m m-m 7 m-m 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 .88 .88 .88 .88 .58 m-m 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 .88 .88 .88 .88 .88 .41 m-m 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 .88 .88 .88 1.08 .41 2 1.50 1.53 2.13 2.50 2.50 1.50 1.50 2.13 2.50 2.50 1.25 1.35 2.53 3.25 3.25 .95 1.92 2.21 2.22 3.53 3.57 3.78 3.81 3.81 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 3.20 2.98 2.88 2.94 1.81 1.69 1.70 1.85 3.71 3.66 3.67 3.73 2.50 2.50 2.55 3.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.99 2.06 4 2.67 2.68 3.77 3.86 3.94 3.96 A 7A A 7 7A A 7 7A 7 A A 7 7A 7A m-m m-m m-m m-m m-m m-m m 1 -m m-2m A m zvi 3J4 3 2% 3 §4-4 33/4-4 3?4~4 2U-2H 2U-2H 22 2 2 Nov 7 Nov. 14 Nov. 21 Nov. 28 Dec. Dec Dec. Dec. 2 2 2 2 VA Average rate on— 3 3 3 3 -2\i 2J-i 2%-sn 3^-4 3^-4 3^-4 3^-4 3 3 -Z\k -ZH 3 -3}i 3 —3^ 3 -4 .48 .36 .30 .45 .49 .39 .35 .36 .31 .81 3.33 3.32 3.31 3.32 3.34 3.34 3.33 3.33 3.34 3.34 3.38 3.41 3.46 i Stock exchange 90-day time loans. « Stock exchange 3call loans; new and renewal rates. > Three issues—3 A, 3%, and 4 per cent; yields calculated on basis of last redemption dates—1947, 1956, and 1954. * Change of issues on which yield is computed. Back figures.—See Annual Reports for 1930 (Table 34), 1929 (Table 36), 1928 (Table 40), 1927 (Table 29), Digitized for1926 FRASER (Table 107)» and 1925 (Table 106). 81 DISCOUNT BATES AND MONEY KATES' No. 41.—MONEY RATES IN N E W YORK CITY—PREVAILING RATES CHARGED CUSTOMERS, 1927-1931 [Rates prevailing during 7-day period ending with 15th of month. Per cent] Month January February __. March April May June July. August September.. October November.. December.. January February, _. March April May June July August September.. October November.. DecemberJanuary February... March April.. May June July. August September.. October NovemberDecember.. January February—. March April May June July August SeptemberOctober NovemberDecember. . January February... March April May June July August September.. October November.. December.. Prune commercial loans Interbank loans Loans secured by stocks and bonds Demand Time Loans secured by warehouse receipts 1927 4 -5 4 -5 4 -5 4 -5 3^-5 4 -5 4M-5 434-5 4H-5 43^-5 434-5 4^-5 4H-5 4%-5 4M-5 4H-5 4^5 4^-5 4^5 1928 4 -5 43^-5 4 5 -6 5 -53, 5 -6 534-6 5 5 -53/ 5 —5^ 5 -6 5H-6 53^-6 5K-6 4H6 43^-5 4M~5 5 -6 5 -6 5 -6 5^-6 53^-6 53^-G 5H-6 %6 1929 5M6 5M-6 6 5H-6 5M-6 5M-6 6 -6k 5K-6 1930 5U-5H 5 -5H 4U5 4 -4V2 4 -4/ 4 -4M 4 3J/2-4 5M-6 6 6 6 -6J 6 6 -6k 5H-6 5M-6 5 -5 41-2-5 4 -5 4 -43 4 -4} 4 -41 4 -4J 4 -4J 4 -41 1931 3H5 3/4-4 3J4-4 3 -4 3 J4-4 3/2-4 3 -4 3 -4 3 4 4 4 -41/2 3^-5 4 -4H 4 -4^2 4 -4^ 4 -5 4 -4^ 4 -4V2 4 -5 41/2-5 4^5 5 -6 4^-51/2 4^-5^ 4J/2-5 4 -5 4 -5 4 -5 4 -5 4 -5 4 -5 41/2-5 41/2-5 4^-5 41/2-5 4/2-5 4/2-5 4 -5 4 -4/2 4 -4/2 4/2-5 41^-5 4/2-5 6 6 6 6 6 5H-6 5^-6 5/i-6 5-6 5 -51, 5 -5^1 5 4/-5HJ 4H-6 4H-5 4 -5 4 7 "-5 4 -5 4 -5 4 -5 4 -5 4 -4 4 -5 4/2-5 j 4/2-5 I 4 / 2 -5 4 -5 4 -5 4 -4V 4/ r 5' 4/2-5 3%-5 3/i4^ 3/2-4 3%-4H 3/2-4 3/2-5 3/2-4 4' -4/2 4 -5 4/2-5 Back figures.—See Annual Eeports for 1928 (Table 41) and 1927 (Table 30). NOTE.—For corresponding figures relating to cities other than New York, see the Federal Reserve Bulletin; also Annual Reports for 1926, Part II, Table 16, and 1925, Part II, Table 12. 82 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD No. 42.—RATES CHARGED CUSTOMERS BY BANKS IN PRINCIPAL CITIES [Weighted averages of prevailing rates] New York City: January February March April.__ May— June -. July..— August September __ October November December Eight other northern and eastern cities: January February March April May June July August September October November December Twenty-seven southern and western cities: January February March April May June July August September October November December 1919 1920 1921 5.54 5.36 5.46 5.56 5.43 5.45 5.49 5.49 5.49 5.63 5.56 5.61 5.93 6.00 6.00 6.09 6.00 6.00 6.43 6.36 6.57 6.57 6.71 6.36 5.79 5.67 5.66 5.72 5.59 5.70 5.75 5.75 5.76 5.76 5.77 5.86 6.11 6.03 6.02 6.01 6.00 5.91 5.98 5.94 5.93 5.96 5. 95 6.10 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 6.71 6.78 6.70 6.64 6.68 6.43 6.21 6.25 6.11 5.93 5.96 5.68 4.82 5.21 4.16 4.91 5.07 , 4.43 4.98 5.06 4.53 5.32 4.98 4.48 5.27 4.89 4.38 4.93 5.21 4.64 j 4.36 5.16 5.29 4.21 ! 4.46 4.66 5.18 4.09 ! 4.36 4.70 5.33 4.20 | 4.57 4.74 5.37 4.41 4.62 4.82 5.39 4.13 4.61 4.86 5.21 4.29 4.70 4.64 4.68 4.62 4.62 4.66 4.58 4.38 4.62 4.81 4.85 4.79 4.79 4.66 4.56 4.56 4.63 4.63 4.60 4.56 4.41 4.44 4.49 4.35 4.50 4.56 4.44 4.59 4.72 4.97 5.09 5.38 5.56 5.63 5.63 5.56 5.63 5.74 5.73 5.81 5.85 5.88 5.93 5.88 6.05 6.06 6.08 5.86 5.74 5.64 5.35 5.22 4.91 4.74 4.59 4.48 4.41 4.29 4.26 4.17 4.16 4.24 4.31 4.20 4. 17 4.11 4.13 4.05 3.97 3.93 4.27 4.67 4.64 5.99 6.15 6.32 6.68 6.79 6.98 7.01 7.01 6.98 7.00 7.00 6.97 6.99 6.95 6.94 6.99 6.94 6.97 6.93 6.59 6.62 6.65 6.32 6.19 6.08 5.34 5.53 5.89 5.38 5.38 5.77 5.52 5.37 5.46 5.49 5.31 5.43 5.54 5.26 5.43 5.45 5.12 5.31 5.47 5.09 5.27 5.64 4.80 5.12 5.59 4.87 5.20 5.57 4.87 5.35 5.51 4.80 5.44 5.48 4.87 4.80 4.79 4.89 4.92 4.95 4.95 4.90 4.98 5.04 5.16 5.20 5.17 5.14 5.11 5.15 5.17 5.07 4.87 4.92 4.91 5.08 5.15 5.07 5.09 4.99 4.98 4.88 4.90 4.95 4.93 4.90 4.87 4.77 4.79 4.82 4.76 4.73 4.76 4.81 4.91 5.04 5.36 5.57 5.59 5.80 5.80 5.82 5.91 5.87 5.86 5.91 6.00 6.09 6.02 6.08 6.11 6.24 6.25 6.12 5.94 5.66 5.47 5.22 5.13 5.06 4.81 4.79 4.74 4.75 4.66 4.68 4.61 4.63 4.62 4.57 4.55 4.49 4.48 4.47 4.48 4.62 4.87 4.91 6.16 6.26 6.43 6.47 6.56 6.88 7.00 6.99 7.07 7.04 7.08 7.07 7.10 7.11 7.13 7.09 7.06 7.05 7.04 7.03 6.96 6.85 6.74 6.67 6.56 5.90 6.46 5.91 6.35 5.83 6.22 5.94 6.23 5.92 6.13 5.91 6.04 5.96 6.02 5.98 5.94 5.94 5.89 5.95 5.94 5.99 5.90 5.99 5.57 5.55 5.61 5.61 5.58 5.59 5.59 5.60 5.55 5.53 5.55 5.61 5.56 5.65 5.62 5.65 5.61 5. 54 5.54 5.56 5.60 5.66 5.67 5.68 5.72 5.71 5.65 5.57 5.59 5.54 5.52 5.53 5.61 5.56 5.56 5.60 5.53 5.53 5.54 5.54 5.56 5.67 5.77 5.80 5.82 5.87 5.90 5.91 5.94 5.96 6.04 6.07 6.10 6.16 6.17 6.22 6.27 6.29 6.29 6.20 6.12 6.04 5.98 5.86 5.75 5. 69 5.62 5.57 5.54 5.53 5.49 5.42 5.50 5.43 5.40 5.36 5.26 5.34 5.30 5.28 5.32 5.38 5. 53 5.56 1924 5.50 5.48 5.43 5.46 5.06 6.02 5.91 5.89 5.89 5.79 5.69 5.63 5.57 5.55 5.47 5.53 5.53 1931 NOTE.—Figures relate to rates charged by reporting banks to their own customers (see Table 41) as distinguished from open-market rates (which are given in Tables 39 and 40). All averages are based on rates reported for 3 types of customers loans—commercial loans, and demand and time loans on securities. The method of computing the averages takes into account (a) the relative importance of each of these 3 types of loans and (6) the relative importance of each reporting bank, as measured by total loans. In the two group averages the average rate for each city included is weighted according to the importance of that city in the group, as measured by the loans of all banks. 83 DISCOUNT RATES AND MONEY RATES FOREIGN RATES No. 43.—DISCOUNT RATES OF CENTRAL BANKS IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES— CHANGES FROM JANUARY 1, 1928, TO DECEMBER 31, 1931 Central bank of— Date effective England France In effect Jan. 1, 19.8 1928—Jan 2 Jan 19 Mar. 5 Apr 1 May 1 - ._ . June 25 Aug 24 1929—Jan 7 Jan 12 Feb.7 Mar 14 Mar 25 Apr 25 Sept. 26 Sept. 27 Oct. 31 4 Germany Italy Japan 7 7 5.48 Nether- Sweden Switzerlands land IH VA 3H 6 4 4H 6 6M 5X> 7 5K m 6 5 Nov 2 Nov. 16 Nov. 21 Dec. 12 Dec 13 1930—Jan 1 Jan 14 Jan. 16 Jan. 30 . .Feb 5 Feb. 6 Mar 3 Mar. 6 Mar 7 Mar 8 Mar. 20 _ Mar 25 Apr 3 Apr 24 May 1 May 2 May 19 Mav 20 June 21 July 10 _ Oct. 7 Oct. 9 jg31_jan 3 Jan. 22 Jan 24 Feb 6 May 14 _ _ May 16 June 13 . July 16 July 23 July 30 July 31 Aug. 1 _ _._ -_. Aug. 12 Sept. 2 _ _._ _ Sept. 21 Sept 25 Sept. 28 Sept. 29 Oct. 6 Oct. 8 Oct. 10 Oct. 19 _ Nov. 4 Dec. 10 In effect Dec. 31, 1931 7 i 4H 5 5 m 4 3 6 VA m 4 4 5H ::::::::: 3 5 3H 6 3 2H ._ __ 4 2H 5. II 5 2 2H VA 2 3 2 7 10 4 15 10 8 5 6 8 6 7 3 5.84 7 2H 6 7 6 6.57 7 7 6.57 Back figures.—See Annual Reports for 1929 (Table 38) and 1928 (Table 42). 3 3 6 2 84 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD No. 44.—OPEN-MARKET RATES IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES, BY MONTHS, 1927-1931 England France (London) (Paris) Germany Italy (Berlin) (Milan) Japan (Tokyo) Nether- Switzerlands land (Amster- (Zurich) dam) Month Bankers' Private Private Discounted Private Private accept- Private discount discount discount discount ances, 3 discount bills rate rate rate rate rate months January... February... March April. May June July August SeptemberOctober November.. December.. January... February... March April May... June July August September.. October November.. December.. January.., February... March April. May__ June July.... August September. October November.. December. _ January February.-. March April.. May June July..... August SeptemberOctober November.. December.. January February... March April May June July Aug ust September.. October November.. December.. 1927 4.19 4.33 4.04 3.88 4.34 4.33 4.33 4.32 4.32 4.33 4.31 4.99 4.45 3.89 3.17 2.46 2.25 2.13 2.04 2.01 1.82 2.75 2.95 4.20 4.23 4.59 4.61 4.90 5.39 5.90 5.82 5.90 6.69 6.76 6.87 9.25 9.25 | 9.25 9.25 8.50 7.60 7.00 7.00 6.81 6.50 6.27 6.00 4.19 4.18 4.12 4.02 3.97 3.82 3.99 4.27 4.23 4.35 4.38 4.37 2.81 2.75 2.72 2.62 2.62 2.90 3.12 3.23 3.26 3.37 3.37 3.41 6.27 6.20 6.72 6.71 6.66 6.59 6.74 6.68 6.65 6.57 6.28 6.28 6.00 5.89 5.75 5.49 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.45 5.50 4.32 5.05 5.33 5.21 5.21 5.32 5.38 5.47 5.59 6.13 5.35 4.76 3.50 3.39 3.37 3.44 3.49 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 5.80 5.80 6.31 6.63 7.49 7.50 7.39 7.18 7.18 7.28 6.89 6.98 4.07 3.82 2.78 2.48 2.16 2.31 2.37 2.21 2.07 2.09 2.18 2.30 3.38 2.91 2.70 2.57 2.36 2.11 2.08 2.10 1.99 2.00 2.00 2.03 2.25 2.56 2.60 2.58 2.24 2.09 2.58 4.28 4.74 5.68 5.75 5.85 1.89 1.77 1.57 1.47 1.28 1.06 1.20 1.50 1.50 1.80 1.90 1.75 4.17 I 2.97 3.47 3.50 3.47 3.46 3.57 3.53 3.45 3.56 4.11 4.50 4.49 3.16 2.87 2.98 3.13 3.19 3.42 3.47 3.44 3.39 3.38 3.39 3.40 6. 57-6. 94 6. 57-6. 75 6. 39-6. 75 6. 39-6. 57 6. 21-6. 57 6. 21-6. 39 6.02-6. 39 6. 21-6. 39 6. 02-6. 21 5. 84-6.21 4.29 3.97 3.97 4.18 4.27 4.18 4.10 4.13 4.39 4.40 4.44 4.46 3.29 3.12 3.20 3. 29 3.32 3.40 3.44 3.41 3.38 3.38 3.35 3.32 5.83 6.00 6.31 6.75 6.83 6.75 6. 75 6.85 7.01 7.18 7.00 7.00 5. 84-6. 21 ?,. 66-5. 84 5. 66-5. 84 5. 48-5. 66 5. 48-5. 66 5. 48-5. 66 5. 48-5. f,6 5.48 5.48 5.48 5.48 5.48 4.20 4.39 4.64 5.36 5.37 5.30 5.20 5.06 5.36 5.15 4.26 3.52 3.28 3.31 3. 39 3.45 3.34 3.26 3.19 3.33 3.38 3.38 3.32 3.15 6.33 5.53 5.12 4.46 3.89 3.58 3.40 3.24 3.30 4.66 4.79 4.82 7.00 6.95 6.57 6.43 5. 81 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.48 5.25 5.43 5.50 5.48 5.48 5.48 5. 48 5.48 5.48 5.48 5.48 5. 48 5. 48-5. 66 5.48-5.66 5.48-5.66 2.99 2.80 2.50 2.52 2.29 1.89 1.85 1.83 1.96 1.59 1.31 1.39 2.97 2.71 2.60 2.61 2.44 2.06 1.92 1.75 1.50 1.29 1.16 1.18 4.75 4.88 4.76 4.65 4.65 6.05 2 7.00 2 8. 92 7.99 8.00 8.00 7.33 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.48 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.47 7. 50 7.50 7.50 5. 48-5. 66 5.48 5. 29-5.48 5.29-5. 48 5.29-5. 48 5.29-5.48 4. 93-5. 48 4. 93-5. 48 4. 93-5. 48 4. 93-5.66 5. 48-6. 57 5. 84-6. 57 1.38 1.12 1.09 1.50 1.39 1.05 1.53 1.30 1.30 2.76 1.59 1.57 1.17 1.00 .99 1.06 1.12 1.12 1.55 1.98 1.80 1.90 1.77 1.75 1928 1929 1930 1931 1 Allfiguresare monthly averages. For sources used and detailed explanation of methods of quotation, see Federal Reserve Bulletin ror November, 1926, April, 1927. November, 1929, and May, 1930. 2 Based on data for part of month, no quotations being available for remainder of month. Backfigures.—SeeAnnual Report for 1926 (Table 116). MEMBER AND NONMEMBER BANK CREDIT 85 ALL BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES No. 45.—ALL BANKS 1 IN THE UNITED STATES—LOANS AND INVESTMENTS OF MEMBER AND NONMEMBER BANKS, 1914-1931 [In millions of dollars] Loans and investments Date 2 All banks Nonmember banks Member banks « 12, 475 12, 702 14, 271 15, 833 13, 306 22, 242 14, 330 30.. 23. 30.. 20.. 29.. 30.. 20, 788 21, 466 24, 586 28, 286 31,813 36, 572 3 8, 313 8,764 10, 315 12, 453 18, 507 1920—June 30.. Nov. 15.. Dec. 29.. 41, 684 « 42,149 5 41, 551 25, 559 25, 769 25, 531 1921—Apr. 28 June 30. Dec. 31 M0,250 40,001 539,007 24, 390 24,121 23, 482 *38,918 39,956 i 41,919 23, 278 24,182 25, 579 5 1 42, 971 ! 43,737 ' 43, 742 44,003 26,141 26, 507 26, 319 26, 487 5 1924—Mar. 31.. June 30.. Oct. 10.. Dec. 31.. 44, 453 45,180 46, 448 47,182 1925—Apr. 6 . . . June 30_. Sept. 28_. Dec. 3 1 . . 47, 48, 49, 50, 1914—June 1915—June 1916—June 1917—June 1918—June 1919—June 1922—Mar. 10 , June 30 Dec. 29 1923—Apr. 3 . . . June 30_. Sept. 14.. Dec. 3 1 . . 5 911 830 826 603 Investments Loans NonMem memAll All ber ber banks" banks * banks banks * NonMem- member ber banks banks * 15, 257 3 6,443 » 8, 813 5,532 8,933 5,813 15,653 6,720 17, 972 7,964 10, 007 6,614 20, 525 9,370 11,153 7,764 22, 404 13, 233 9,171 9,408 24, 723 15, 414 9,310 11,847 ' 1,870 * 3, 662 3,769 2,044 4,262 2,351 4,679 3,083 4,135 5,274 5,020 6,827 16,125 30, 839 16, 380 5 31,322 16,020 5 30,655 19, 533 11,305 10,845 19, 852 511,470 | U0,827 19, 555 "11,100 510,896 6,026 5,917 5,976 4,820 «4, 910 5 4,920 15, 860 29, 387 15, 880 28, 988 15, 535 5 27,869 18, 487 18,119 17, 394 5,903 6,002 6,088 «4,960 5,011 5 5,060 15, 640 5 27,580 15, 774 527, 750 16,340 , 28,880 17,080 «10,500 17,165 10, 587 17, 930 510,950 5 11,338 12, 206 513,039 6,198 7,017 7,649 5 5,140 5,189 5 5,390 16, 830 17, 232 17, 423 17, 516 5 29,719 30, 398 30, 560 30, 797 18,419 511,300 18, 750 11, 647 18, 719 11,841 18,842 11,955 7,722 7,757 7,600 7,645 5 5, 530 5,584 5,581 5,561 26, 663 27,167 28, 311 28, 746 17, 790 18,013 18,137 18, 437 31, 219 31,541 32,100 32,458 19,045 19, 204 19, 713 19, 933 12,174 12, 337 12,387 12,525 613, 252 13, 341 13,182 13,206 13, 234 13,639 14,348 14, 724 7,618 7,963 8,599 8,813 5,616 5,674 5,750 5,911 29, 046 29, 518 30,176 30, 884 18, 865 19, 312 19,650 19, 720 33, 019 33, 882 34,850 35, 658 20,176 20, 655 21, 285 21,996 12,843 13, 227 13,565 13,662 8,863 6,023 6,085 6,085 6,057 30, 819 20, Oil 35, 719 31,184 20, 378 36,176 31, 642 r 20, 382 36, 777 21, 785 22,060 22, 652 14,893 14, 948 14,975 14,945 13,934 15, 111 14,114 15,386 14,125 15, 246 9,034 9,123 8,990 6,077 6,265 6,256 5 5 5 5 5 10,900 «10,863 10,870 ! 11,012 10,475 1926—Apr. 12.. June 30-. Dec. 3 1 . . 50, 830 51, 562 ' 52,024 1927—Mar. 23.. June 30-. Oct. 10.. Dec. 3 1 . . 52, 462 53, 750 54, 443 55,450 31, 949 32, 756 33,186 34, 247 20, 513 20, 994 21, 257 21, 204 36,532 37,378 37,830 38,426 22, 327 22,938 23, 227 23,886 14, 205 15,930 14, 440 16,373 14, 603 16, 613 14, 539 17,024 9,622 9,818 9,959 10, 361 6,308 6,555 6,654 6,664 1928—Feb. 28.. June 30-. Oct. 3 . . . Dec. 31-. 55, 57, 57, 58, 327 265 219 266 33, 688 35,061 34, 929 35, 684 21, 639 22, 204 22, 291 22, 582 37, 39, 39, 40, 910 483 690 782 23,099 24, 303 24, 325 25,155 17,416 17, 782 17, 530 17,484 10, 590 10, 758 10, 604 10, 529 6,827 7,024 6,926 6,955 1929—Mar. 27.. June 29.. Oct. 4 . . . Dec. 3 1 . . 58, 58, 58, 58, 019 474 835 417 35, 393 35,711 35,914 35, 934 22, 626 40,577 22, 763 41, 531 22,922 42, 221 22, 483 41, 918 24, 945 25, 658 26,165 26,150 17,442 16,943 16, 615 16,499 10,448 10,052 9,749 9,784 6,994 6,891 6,866 6,715 1930—Mar. 27.. June 30-. Sept. 24_. Dec. 3 1 . . 57, 386 58,109 57, 590 56, 209 35,056 35, 656 35, 472 34,860 22, 331 40, 706 22, 453 40, 638 22,118 39, 735 21, 349 38,135 25,119 25, 214 24, 738 23, 870 14, 811 15,180 15,365 15, 627 15,632 15, 873 16, 056 15, 768 15, 587 15,424 14, 997 14, 264 16,680 17, 471 17,855 18, 074 9,937 10, 442 10, 734 10, 989 6,743 7, 029 7,121 7,085 1931—Mar. 25.. June 30-. Sept. 29.. Dec. 3 1 . . 55, 55, 53, 49, 34, 729 33, 923 33,073 30, 575 21,195 36, 813 21, 099 35,384 20, 292 33, 750 19,129 31,305 22, 21, 20, 19, 13, 974 13,568 12, 876 12,045 19,111 19,637 19, 615 18, 399 11,889 12,106 12,199 11, 314 7,222 7,531 7,416 924 022 365 704 840 816 874 261 1 Includes member and nonmember banks (21,903 altogether in June, 1931) as follows: National banks, State commercial banks and trust companies, mutual and stock savings banks, and all private banks under State supervision (about 211 in June, 1931.) 2 Dates of reports of member banks; figures for nonmember banks are as of nearest available date. 3 National banks. * Nonnational banks. 5 Estimated. ' Revised. * Figures (excepting those estimated) revised for period June, 1914-September, 1930; see Tables 97 and 98. 135554—32 87 88 No. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD 46.—ALL BANKS 1 IN THE UNITED STATES—DEPOSITS OF MEMBER AND NONMEMBER BANKS (EXCLUSIVE OF INTERBANK DEPOSITS), 1914-1931 [In millions of dollars] All banks Date 3 NonMember member banks banks Date' All banks Member banks Nonmember banks 1914—June 30 1915—June 23 1916—June 30 1917—June 20 1918—June 29 1919—June 30 18,566 19,131 22, 759 26,352 28, 765 33,603 » 6,374 6,678 8,395 10, 301 15,670 19,171 < 12,192 12,453 14,364 16, 052 13,095 14,433 1925—Sept. 28 Dec. 31 47,994 49,224 28,197 30,029 19, 797 19,195 1926—Apr. 12 June 30 Dec. 31 48, 736 49, 733 ••50,155 29,044 29, 781 30,474 19,692 19,952 '19,681 1920—June 30 Nov. 15 Dec. 29_ 37, 721 21,915 21,876 21,136 15,805 (5) 1927—Mar. 23 49, 802 51, 662 52,152 52,909 29, 869 31, 269 31, 273 32,063 19, 933 20, 393 20, 879 20,846 20,143 20,637 20,387 (5) 52,221 53, 398 53, 720 56, 766 31,191 32,133 32,138 34,826 21,030 21, 265 21, 582 21, 940 (5) (5) 1921—Apr. 28 June 30 Dec. 31 35,5 742 1922—Mar. 10. June 30 Dec. 29 37, 615 (5) () (5) CO (5) 20,495 22, 397 23,796 (5) 15,104 ! 1928—Feb. 28 CO CO June 30 Oct. 3 Dec. 31 CO June 29 Oct. 4 Dec. 31 54, 545 53,852 55,180 55, 289 33, 215 32, 284 33, 004 33, 865 21,330 21. 567 22,176 21,424 1930—Mar. 27 June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 53,185 54, 954 52,784 53,039 32,082 33,690 31, 839 32, 560 21,103 21,'264 20, 945 20. 479 1931—Mar. 25 June 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 31 51,427 51, 782 49,152 45,821 31,153 31, 566 29,469 27,432 20, 274 20, 216 19,683 18, 389 15,219 j (6) 1929—Mar. 27 1923—Apr. 3 June 30 Sept. 14 Dec. 31 40,688 40,685 42,163 23,692 23, 871 23, 739 24,996 1924—Mar. 31 June 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 41, 979 43,405 44,184 45,835 24, 790 25, 711 26, 305 27,836 17,189 17,694 17, 879 17,999 45,859 47,612 27,168 28,440 18, 691 19,172 1925—Apr. 6 June 30 _. June 30 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 16, 817 16,946 17,167 1 Includes member and nonmember banks (21,903 altogether in June, 1931) as follows: National banks, State commercial banks and trust companies, mutual and stock savings banks, and all private banks under State supervision (about 211 in June, 1931). . 2 Dates of reports of member banks,figuresfor nonmember banks are as of nearest available date. *National banks. 4 Nonnational banks. 6 Figures not available. r Revised. ALL MEMBER BANKS No. 47.—ALL MEMBER BANKS—RESOURCES AND LIABILITIES OF NATIONAL AND STATE BANK MEMBERS, DECEMBER 31, 1930 AND 1931 [In thousands of dollars] National banks * State bank members Total Dec. 31, 1930 Dec. 31, 1931 Dec. 31, 1930 Dec. 31, 1931 Dec. 31, 1930 Dec. 31, 1931 KESOUECES Loans (including overdrafts). United States Government securities Other securities _. Total loans and investments Customers' liability on account of acceptances Banking house, furniture, and fixtures Other real estate owned Cash in vault Eeserve with Federal reserve banks Items with Federal reserve banks in process of collection Due from banks in United States Due from banks in foreign countries (including own branches) Exchanges for clearing house and other checks on local banks Outside checks and other cash items Redemption fund and due from United States Treasurer Acceptances of other banks and bills of exchange or drafts sold with indorsement.. Securities borrowed Other assets Total . 23, 870,488 19,>, 260, 685 14,346,76211,904,779 9,523,726 7,355,906 4,124,776 5,318, 654 2,649,262 3,171,103 1,475,514 2,147,551 6, 864,247 5, 995, 786 4,429,613! 4,017,733 2.434,634 1, 978,053 34,859,51130,i, 575,135 21,425,637 19,093,615 13,433,874 11,481,510 718, 500 1,117,833 1, 240,444 1,174,957 211,755 191,169 592, 504 522, 551 2,474, 509 1,975,169 504,226 613, 607 389, 386 428, 945 811,499 769,995 120,719 132, 391 70,450 405, 821 377, 570 186, 683 1,460,365 1,137, 747 1, 014,144 329,114 404,962 79, 364 144, 981 837, 422 598,285 757,216 2,455,948 1,662, 226 371,366 450, 229 1,777,037 1,175, 677 226,919 486, 549 174,183 204,448 2, 076,189 1,388,409 108,128 92, 766 1,010,263 63,011 260,818 32, 318 31,372 32,318 662, 686 21, 069 222,911 310,502 13,473 223, 687 244, 489 15,803 118, 586 306,987 678,911 56,370 25, 595 670,169 1,065,926 29, 755 87,998 718,240 20,130 148, 588 31,372 204,239 418,197 106,263 4,470 5,266 106,613 104,325 9,003 117,074 47,057,891 39, 688, 322 28, 753, 832,24, 618, 214 18,304, 059 15, 070,108 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in 2,665,151 2,499, 098 Surplus .__ 2,822,091 2, 524,460 Undivided profits—net 605,403 894,388 Reserves for dividends, contingencies, etc. 370,368 211,407 Reserves for interest, taxes, and other ex98,668 penses accrued and unpaid 121,190 48,381 49,267 Due to Federal reserve banks 3,872,842 2,832,296 Due to other banks in United States Due to banks in foreign countries (includ634,927 433, 740 ing own branches) Certified and officers' checks outstanding. _ 1,223, 777 729, 301 Cash letters of credit and travelers' checks outstanding-. 19, 581 20,960 17,501, 550 14,955,400 Demand deposits 13,546,201 11,315, 842 Time deposits 411,845 267,415 United States deposits .__ Agreements to repurchase United States Government or other securities sold 158,141 81,583 Bills payable and rediscounts: 622,652 "With Federal reserve banks 248,017 All other .__ _. 107,151 216,476 Acceptances of other banks and bills of exchange or drafts sold with indorsement- _ 310,502 Acceptances executed for customers 1,138, 624 732,253 Acceptances executed by other banks for 15,031 14,169 account of reporting banks National-bank notes outstanding639,640 624,234 21,069 Securities borrowed 13,473 236, 366 228, 597 Other liabilities Total 881, 074 1,718,734 1,618,024 946, 417 1,546,3021 1,379,549 1, 275, 789 1,144,911 254,410 379,007 515,381 350,993 199, 677 103,138 108, 269 170, 691 56,913 46,113 64,277 52, 555 32,416 16, 851 12, 668 35, 713 2,360,920 1,719,847 1,511,922 1,112,449 388, 597 633, 590 218,361 352, 366 246,330 590,187 215,379 376,935 12,183 11, 095 8,777 8,486 10, 622, 893 9,056, 329 6,878,657 5,899,071 8, 711, 721 7, 594,468 4,834,480! 3,721,374 152,396 106777 12396 160, 638 259,449 106, 777 30,482 33,073 51,101 185, 732 69,874 424, 794 130, 571 244,. 625,450 106, 263 397, 587 418,197 513,174 204,239 334, 666 8,242 639,640 15,; 59, 014 5,528 624,234 9,003! 52, 302! 6,789 8,641 5,266j 177,352 4,470 176,295 125, 068 62, 2851 37, 277 197, 858 85,905 47,057,891 39,688,322 28, 753,832 24,618,214 18,304,059 15,070,108 i Member banks only; i. e., exclusive of national banks in Alaska and Hawaii. Back figures.—For principal items see Table 46, also Annual Report for 1926 (Tables 77-78: Separate figures for national and State members); for details see (1) Member Bank Call Report Nos. 34-54; (2) Annual Reports for 1930 (Table 44), 1929 (Table 42), 1928 (Table 46), 1927 (Table 84), 1926 (Table 79), 1925 (Tables 78-80), 1924 (Tables 78-80); (3) Federal Reserve Bulletins. 89 90 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD No. 48.—ALL MEMBER BANKS—RESOURCES AND LIABILITIES OF RESERVE CITY AND COUNTRY BANKS, DECEMBER 31, 1930 AND 1931 [In thousands of dollars] Central reserve city banks Dec. 31, 1930 Dec. 31, 1931 Other reserve city banks Dec. 31, 1930 Dec. 31, 1931 Country banks Dec. 31, 1930 Dec. 31, 1931 8,000,826 1,159,406 3,359,246 13,519,478 6, 607, 737 1, 417, 740 2, 973, 926 10,999,403 RESOURCES Loans (including overdrafts) United States Government securities Other .securities , Total loans and investments Customers' liability on account of acceptances Banking house, furniture, and fixtures Other real estate owned Cash in vault Reserve with Federal reserve banks. _ Items with Federal reserve banks in process of collection Due from banks in United States Due from banks in foreign countries (including own branches) Exchanges for clearing house and other checks on local banks Outside checks ond other cash items Redemption fund and due from United States Treasurer Acceptances of other banks and bills of exchange or drafts sold with indorsementSecurities borrowed Other assets Total. 7, 490, 506 1, 479, 081 1, 473,861 10,443,448 858, 255, 12, 105, 1,109, 038 641 498 970 346 5,800,903 8,379,156 6,852,045 2,056,524 1,486,289 1,844,390 1,119,948 2,031,140 1,901,912 8,977,375 11,896,585 10,598,347 585, 156 258,315 17,019 66, 925 824, 782 866 872 432 217 591 126,116 425, 948 79, 963 153, 520 652, 441 13,92? 535, 931 111,23? 317,317 594, 572 7,228 490, 694 114, 773 302,106 497, 946 272, 963 339, 574 206,199 348, 204 226,84" 1,141, 771 270, 266 750, 680 136, 049 974, 603 121,820 684, 699 188, 571 245, 448, 67, 169, 770, 121,174 69, 411 49, 330 2,836 3,679 1, 617, 600 1, 038, 283 10, 351 13, 526 2,039 2, 22C 256, 068 558, 973 200 85, 669 83, 537 361, 952 54, 222 273, 024 96, 637 25, 018 77,102 21, 641 22, 672 21, 516 838, 642 1,109, 306 339, 903 77, 743 841, 701 854, 245 231,335 72, 124 7,426 76,136 7,817 5,404 11,317 56, 309 1,719 52, 715 7,788 56, C60 5, 485 84, 090 15, 864, 037 12,674,270 15,770,543 13, 605,878 15, 423, 311 13, 408,174 98, 309 9,752 80, 933 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in Surplus Undivided profits—net Reserves for dividends, contingencies, e t c . Reserves for interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid. Due to Federal reserve banks Due to other banks in United States Due to banks in foreign countries (including own branches) Certified and officers' checks outstandingCash letters of credit and travelers' checks outstanding Demand deposits ... Time deposits United States deposits Agreements to repurchase United States Government or other securities sold Bills payable and rediscounts: With Federal reserve banks All other Acceptances of other banks and bills of exchange or drafts sold with indorsement Acceptances executed for customers Acceptances executed by other banks for account of reporting banks.. National-bank notes outstanding Securities borrowed O ther liabilities Total. 809, 117 778, 661 173,011 125,077 984,: 858, 540 323,150 61, 540 910, 942 758, 649 231,400 79, 277 47, 972 35, 208 38, 402 33, 747 9 9,420 9,511 1,713,815 1, 262,168 1, 772, 505 1, 275, 480 34, 816 39, 83K 386, 522 29, 713 38,870 1, 931 111,735 2,142 82, 574 577, 274 874, 584 779. 987,150 200, 992 166, 014 400, 899 481, 522 55, 722 237, 458 30, 696 165, 205 204 15,105 384 14,508 5,471 4,869 6, 687. 470 5,880, 231 5, 594, 468 4, 778, 9491 5,219,612 4, 296, 220 1, 805, 404 1,218,911 5, 202, 34, 4, 455, 657 6, 538, 452 5,641,274 60, 994 168, 504 52, 908 182, 34' 151, 867 62, 640 100, 921 7,060 42, 237 49, 757 14, 983 24, 766 20, 516 16, 024 4.1, 692 19, 690 63, 380 11,638 256, 894 80,131 164,121 79, 489 324,066 116, 655 558, 973 873,151 256, 068 598, 205 98, 309 252, 889 52, 715 128, 419 5,404 12, 584 1,719 5,629 9, 878 44,119 9,470 40, 743 200 92,153 3,471 144, 298 9,752 77, 506 2,839 154, 354 5,485 66, 797 1,682 451,223 11,31 68, 272 1,860 429,137 7,788 69, 647 90, 588 15, 864,037 12, 674, 270 15, 770, 543 13,605, 878 15,423,31113,408,174 Back figures.—See (1) Member Bank Call Report, Nos. 34-54 (where data are given by cities); (2) Annual Reports for 1930 (Table 45), 1929 (Table 43), 1928 (Table 47), 1927 (Table 85), 1926 (Table 80), 1925 (Tables 81-84), 1924 (Tables 81-84); and (3) Federal Reserve Bulletins. 91 ALL MEMBER BANKS No. 49.—ALL MEMBER BANKS—DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO RESERVE, RESERVES REQUIRED, RESERVES HELD, AND BORROWINGS AT FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS, BY MONTHS, 1929-1931 [Averages of dailyfigures.In millions of dollars] Deposits subject to reserve Class of bank and month Net de-l mand All member banks: 1929—January February.-. March April May June July August September.. October November.. December.. Time 2 Reserves held Reserves required Total Total Excess Borrowings at Federal reserve banks 18, 722 18, 521 18, 430 18, 519 18, 733 18, 662 18, 778 19,125 19,979 19,112 13,465 13, 409 13, 347 13, 273 13, 303 13,242 13,188 13, 234 13, 311 13, 317 13,194 13, 070 32, 566 32, 298 32,068 31, 794 31, 733 31, 761 31, 921 31,896 32, 090 32, 441 33,173 32, IS2 2, 333 2, 312 2, 296 2,272 2,263 2,275 2,291 2,287 2,300 2,343 2,456 2,347 2,386 2, 358 2,337 3,308 2,296 2,316 2,334 2,322 2, 334 2,386 2,521 2,395 53.4 46.1 40.9 36.5 33.0 41.7 42.2 35.5 34.2 42.4 65.4 48.3 844.3 875. 1 955.5 989.6 951.0 974.2 1, 090. 4 1, 040. 4 961.0 877.6 949.7 801.3 1930—January February... March April May June _. July August September. October November.. December.. 18, 719 18, 262 18, 390 18, 653 18,645 18,812 18, 820 IH, 746 18, 707 18, 726 18, 959 18, 660 13,261 13, 269 13, 401 13, 506 13, 584 13, 693 13, 843 13, 835 13, C36 14, 000 14,056 13, 654 31, 981 31, £31 31, 791 32, 159 32, 229 32, 504 32,663 32, 581 32, 643 32, 726 33, 014 32, 314 2,305 2, 253 2,274 2,307 2,311 2,338 2,343 2,340 2,338 2, 347 2, 381 2,342 2,349 2,306 2,330 2,350 2,356 2,392 2,417 2,392 2,397 2, 407 2, 433 2,415 44.5 53.2 56.0 42.4 45.1 53.9 74.0 52.3 59.2 59.1 51.7 72.8 497.6 378.3 271.8 231.1 '245. 2 249.8 223.4 213.8 188.5 196.2 220.3 337.1 1931—January February March April May June. July... August September October November December 18, 572 18, 389 18, 431 18, 491 18, 419 18, 055 18,122 17,783 17, 525 16, 859 16, 358 15, 985 13, 477 13, 580 13,637 13,688 13, 749 13, 548 13, 404 13, 259 12,974 12, 279 11,860 11,453 32, 048 31,968 32, 069 32, 179 32,168 31,602 31, 526 31, 041 30, 500 29,138 28, 218 27, 438 2,329 2,314 2,319 2,320 2, 320 2,275 2,283 2,245 2,212 2,126 2,061 2,010 2,433 2,370 2, 386 2,376 2,387 2,404 2,407 2,345 2,333 2,256 2,118 2,069 104.7 56.6 66.5 55.6 66.8 128.9 124. 4 100.6 120.3 129.1 57.0 59.5 252.3 215.7 176.3 154.4 162.6 187.5 168.5 222.2 279.6 608.1 684.0 763.3 5,490 5,468 5, 477 5, 427 5, 400 5, 521 5, 509 5,463 5,510 5, 752 6,676 6,009 1,266 1,290 1,278 1, 268 1,266 1, 241 1,192 1,260 1,328 1, 365 1, 357 1,304 6, 756 6,758 6,756 6, 696 6,666 6,762 6,701 6,723 6,838 7,117 8,032 7,313 752 749 750 744 740 755 752 748 756 789 909 820 763 759 758 748 746 762 764 753 763 802 644 10.8 9.8 7.6 4.2 5.5 6.6 12.4 5.5 6.9 13.0 35.2 18.2 165. 2 140.7 154. 7 185.3 156.5 174.4 329.3 230.0 166.0 95.5 78.9 107.7 New York City: 3 1929—January February... March April May June July August September.. October November.. December.. 19,101 18,889 _ 1,378 7,112 787 795 5,734 62.3 1930—January 1,335 6,826 754 770 15.8 5,491 February... 27.9 6,988 768 1,406 15.0 5,582 783 March 21.8 7,161 785 1,462 3.5 5,699 788 26.2 April 791 5.1 5,747 1,480 797 28.7 7, 227 May 814 8.5 5,906 822 1, .537 27.6 7,444 June 807 26.1 5,848 833 9.4 1,547 7, 395 July 813 5.2 5,898 818 20.7 7,430 1, 532 August 810 14.5 5, 873 824 13.8 7.406 1,533 September.. 828 16.3 6,005 845 14. 5 7,597 1,592 October 855 9.6 6,216 865 10.6 7,787 1,571 November.. 843 26.1 6,171 41.0 7,528 1,357 December. _ 1 r Subject to reserve requirements of 13 per cent for central reserve city banks, 10 per cent for reserve city banks, and 7 per cent for banks outside central reserve and reserve cities (so-called country banks). 2 Subject to reserve requirements of 3 per cent. 3 Central reserve city banks only. Back figures.—Not available. 92 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD No. 49.—ALL MEMBER BANKS—DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO RESERVE, RESERVES REQUIRED, RESERVES HELD, AND BORROWINGS AT FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS, BY MONTHS, 1929-1931—Continued [Averages of dailyfigures.In millions of dollars] Deposits subject to reserve Class of book and month Net demand Time Total Reserves held - i Reserves 1 required Total New York City: s—Continued. 1931—January February March April.. May June July August September October November December 6,163 6,120 6,169 6, 019 6,094 5,934 6,064 5,946 5,962 5, 872 5, 653 5, 546 1, 282 1, 334 1,303 1, 317 1, 345 1,297 1,260 1, 201 1,163 1, 065 959 868 7, 445 7, 453 7,472 7,336 7,439 7, 232 7, 325 7,147 7,126 6,937 6,612 6,414 840 836 841 822 833 810 826 809 810 795 764 747 891 847 860 829 848 882 887 843 864 848 774 Chicago:3 1929—January February... March * April. May June July August September.. October November.. December.. 1,201 1,207 1,166 1,141 1,133 1,134 1,167 1,214 1,209 1,248 1,254 1,208 570 508 444 430 443 440 452 480 471 480 447 421 1,771 1, 715 1,610 1,570 1,575 1,574 1, 619 1,694 1,680 1,728 1,702 1,629 173 172 165 161 161 161 165 172 171 177 176 170 1930—January February... March April, May June July August September.. October November.. December.. 1,177 1,151 1, 186 1, 212 1,217 1,227 1,244 1,247 1,231 1,236 1,269 1,273 408 414 429 434 445 463 570 554 573 556 539 519 1,586 1,564 1, 615 1,646 1,662 1,690 1, 814 1,801 1,804 1,791 1,808 1,792 1931—January February.-... March April May June July August..... SeptemberOctober November.. December... 1,243 1,229 1,169 1,163 ',191 , 152 ,166 ,170 .,151 1,101 1, 094 1,048 517 533 541 577 582 545 494 501 470 437 411 395 4,821 4,795 4,792 4,752 4,780 4,779 4,752 4,705 4,734 4,733 4,734 4,762 Reserve city banks: 1929—January February. .. March April May June July August September.. October-... November.. December-. » Central reserve city banks only. 6,364 6,241 6,158 6,099 6,076 6,056 6,128 6,096 6,111 6,165 6,194 6,141 Exci 51.5 11.6 19.4 Borrowings at Federal reserve banks 15.5 71. 4 60.6 34.3 53.8 52.5 10.7 18.5 19. 4 16.8 13.4 17.3 11.9 4.1 1.9 14.2 13.4 82.3 27.3 45.4 174 173 166 162 161 161 165 173 171 177 177 171 .8 1.2 1.3 1.0 .3 .7 -.01 .6 .2 .5 .8 1.5 62.8 81.8 118.8 39.0 36.7 63.0 48.0 29.1 20. 0 32.5 27.0 34.2 165 162 167 171 172 173 179 179 177 177 181 181 167 164 169 172 173 175 180 181 180 179 183 184 1.7 1.6 1.9 1.9 1.3 2.1 1.2 2.3 3.2 1.6 1.6 3.2 9.9 2.5 1.3 2.6 1.0 .2 .3 .6 1.7 .5 .7 .3 1,759 1,762 1,710 1,740 1, 773 1,696 1,660 1,671 1,621 1,538 1,505 1,443 177 176 168 169 172 166 166 167 164 156 155 148 180 177 170 170 174 169 174 183 181 167 157 154 2.6 1.1 1.6 1.9 2.1 2.9 7.3 15.6 17.4 11.2 2.0 6.4 .2 .2 .09 .03 .3 2.2 11,185 11,037 10,950 10,851 10, 855 10, 835 10,881 10, 801 10,845 10,898 10, 928 10, 903 781 768 761 752 751 749 755 751 753 758 761 757 793 779 770 763 760 761 764 759 759 766 771 766 12.3 10.7 9.2 10.2 9.0 12.3 8.7 8.7 5.6 7.4 9.3 9.5 1.0 3.5 2.1 9.1 356.2 391.6 423.4 483.7 446.3 409.4 399.0 460.9 494.1 480.9 511.5 347.7 93 ALL MEMBER BANKS N o . 4 9 . — A L L M E M B E R B A N K S — D E P O S I T S S U B J E C T TO R E S E R V E , RESERVES R E Q U I R E D , R E S E R V E S H E L D , AND B O R R O W I N G S A T F E D E R A L R E S E R V E B A N K S , BY M O N T H S , 1929-1931—Continued [Averages of daily figures. In millions of dollars] Reserves held Deposits subject to reserve Class of book and month Net demand Reserve city banks—Con. 1930—January _ February March April May June _ .July August September October _ November . December 1931—January._ February March ._ April May June July _ August September October _. _-. November December _ Country banks: 1929—January February March April May June Julv August.September October November December __ _ _ - 1930—January February __ . March April May . June July - . August _ __ September October November December _ . 1931—January February March _. . _ April May June „ _ _ July August September October November December . Time Total Reserves required Total Excess Borrowings at Federal reserve banks 6,079 5,944 5,974 6, 071 6,026 6, 075 6,169 6,134 6,136 6,073 6,101 5,991 4,895 4,915 4,924 4,951 4,995 5,019 5,058 5,075 5,137 5,163 5,309 5,243 10,974 10,859 10, 898 11,022 11,021 11, 095 11, 227 11, 209 11, 274 11,236 11,409 11,234 755 742 745 756 752 758 769 766 768 762 769 756 767 755 759 767 768 776 790 785 784 778 788 772 11.9 12.7 13.5 11.8 15.4 18.3 20.9 19.2 16.4 15.5 18.3 15.3 188.5 138.3 73.0 42.4 44.1 44.5 36.1 26.8 28.5 37.6 50.7 102. 7 6,001 5,942 5,991 6 146 6,045 5,981 5.937 5,842 5,654 5,320 5,180 5, 058 5,182 5,228 5, 302 5,295 5,339 5,262 5,234 5,190 5, 082 4,799 4,665 4,547 11,182 11,170 11,293 11,441 11,384 11,243 11,171 11, 032 10,735 10,119 9,845 9,605 756 751 758 773 765 756 751 740 718 676 658 642 775 768 775 792 786 780 776 760 737 704 675 653 19.9 17.1 17.1 18.3 21.5 24.1 25.5 20.2 19.4 28.4 17.4 10.5 67.0 46.0 27.1 18.5 24.0 42.4 38.1 59.4 98.7 273.8 343.3 355.0 6, 047 5, 973 5,921 5,854 5,821 5,808 5,928 5,890 5,948 5,960 5,855 5, 754 6,808 6,816 6,832 6,823 6,815 6,783 6,792 6,788 6,778 6,738 6,657 6, 582 12, 854 12,789 12, 753 12, 677 12, 636 12,590 12,720 12, 678 12, 726 12, 698 12, 512 12,336 627 623 619 614 612 610 619 616 620 619 610 600 657 647 642 635 630 632 640 637 641 641 630 619 29.5 24.4 22.8 21.0 18.2 22.2 21.2 20.8 21.4 21.4 20.1 19.2 260.2 261.0 258.7 281.6 311.4 327.4 314.1 320.3 280.9 268.7 332.4 311.7 5,729 5,677 5, 648 5,671 5,655 5,603 5,558 5,466 5,467 5,412 5,372 5,225 6,579 6,605 6,642 6,660 6,663 6,673 6,669 6, 674 6,693 6,689 6, 637 6,535 12,309 12, 282 12, 290 12, 331 12, 318 12, 276 12, 227 12,140 12,159 12,101 12,009 11,760 598 595 594 596 596 592 589 583 583 580 575 562 621 618 620 621 619 618 615 608 608 605 597 590 236.9 209.6 175.6 159.9 171.5 177.5 177.5 165.6 144.5 143. 5 158.3 193.0 5,165 5,099 5,103 5,163 5,090 4,988 4,956 4,825 4,758 4,567 4,432 4,333 6,496 6,485 6,491 6,498 6, 483 6,444 6.415 6, 367 6,259 5,977 5, 825 5,643 11, 662 11, 583 11,594 11,662 11,573 11, 432 11,371 11,192 11, 018 10,544 10, 256 9,976 556 551 552 556 551 542 539 529 521 499 485 473 587 578 580 585 578 573 570 559 551 536 512 503 22.9 23.1 25.6 25.2 23.4 25.1 25.8 25.6 25.0 25.7 22.2 28.2 30.7 26.7 28.4 28.2 27.7 30.5 30.9 30.6 29.8 37.0 26.9 30.9 165.7 152.7 135.8 118.5 126.5 138.9 127. 5 147.9 166.5 248.5 311.3 353.9 No. 50,—ALL MEMBER BANKS—HOLDINGS OF ELIGIBLE ASSETS (UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SECURITIES AND ELIGIBLE COMPARED WITH BORROWINGS AT FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS, 1926-1931 PAPER) [In millions of dollars. Back figures not available] Holdings of United States Government securities ! and eligible paper (including paper under rediscount) Date By reserve city banks U. S. Govj ernment i securities 1926—June 30. 2,210 Eligible paper 2,825 By" country'' banks Total 5,035 U. S. Government securities Eligible paper 884 2,100 By all member banks Total U. S. Government securities 2,984 3,094 Eligible paper 4,925 Total Member bank borrowings at Federal reserve banks ft o 8,019 516 1927—June 30. 2, 299 2,775 5,074 847 1,992 2,839 3,146 4,767 7,913 441 1928—June 30. Oct. 3_. Dec. 31. 2,714 2,823 2,730 2,680 2,551 2,349 5,394 5, 374 5,079 862 914 932 1,967 1,817 1,811 2,829 2,731 2,744 3,576 3,738 3,662 4,746 4,368 4,160 8,223 8,106 7,822 1,096 1,020 1,041 1929—Mar. 27. June 29. Oct. 4__ Dec. 31. 2,832 2,577 2,469 2,403 2,582 1,688 2,865 2,713 5,414 5,265 5,334 5,116 974 929 912 814 1,761 1,773 1,733 1,684 2,735 2,702 2.645 2,498 3,807 3,506 3, 381 3,217 4,343 4,461 4,598 4,397 8,150 7,968 7,979 7,614 981 1,029 899 646 1930—Mar. 27. June 30. Sept. 24 Dec. 31. 2,619 2,640 2,682 2,777 2,542 2,285 2,271 2,100 5,161 4,925 4,953 4,877 818 772 764 708 1,662 1,620 1,541 1,438 2,480 2,392 2,305 2,146 3, 438 3,412 3,446 3,485 4,204 3,905 3,812 3,538 7,642 7,317 7,258 7,023 206 274 173 248 1931—Mar. 25. June 30. Sept. 29 Dec. 31. 3,584 3,871 3,942 3,706 2,045 1,870 1,787 1, 505 5,629 5, 741 5,729 5,211 1,373 1,328 1,209 1,068 2,149 2,164 2,203 2,056 4,360 4,707 4,936 4,694 3,418 3,198 2,996 2,573 7,778 7,905 7,932 7,267 165 147 323 623 O ft ft o ft > w ft ft GG to 1 Exclusive of approximately $650,000,000 of Government securities pledged against national bank note circulation. o > > No. 51.—ALL MEMBER BANKS—CLASSIFICATION OF DEMAND AND TIME DEPOSITS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1931 [In millions of dollars] Time deposits Demand deposits * Other time deposits Banks Total Individual deposits subject to check Certificates of deposit State, county, and mu- All other nicipal deposits Total State, counties, and municipalities Total Open accounts, ChristPostal mas sav- savings ings accounts, etc. Evidenced In United In foreign by States countries ings savpass book Certificates of deposit 9,703 9,810 1,882 1,895 1,169 1,071 117 134 9,728 9,834 9,604 9,592 1, 832 1,745 1,743 1,741 1,110 997 1,136 934 116 115 120 122 9,678 9,632 9,591 1,862 1,960 1,885 1,140 1,233 1,303 1,027 128 134 144 189 9,446 9,316 8,768 8,134 1,928 1,906 1,787 1, 472 1,180 1,237 1, 223 771 242 279 360 463 1928—Oct. 3 . . Dec. 31. 17,501 18,904 15, 727 16,997 230 235 1,243 1,300 301 372 13,410 13,453 405 418 134 124 1929—Mar. 27. June 29. Oct. 4_. Dec. 31. 15,840 15, 743 16,167 16, 936 207 201 188 202 1,385 1,512 1,224 1,335 276 359 358 389 13,329 13,325 13,318 13, 233 429 477 491 595 113 157 224 249 80 111 95 1930—Mar. 27. June 30. Sept. 24 Dec. 31. 17, 708 17, 815 17, 937 18, 862 17, 079 18, 062 16, 838 17, 502 15,195 15,930 15,107 15, 560 183 198 197 192 1,446 1,568 1,276 1,362 255 365 258 13, 519 13, 812 13,945 13, 546 536 571 572 509 278 336 335 345 103 112 101 107 1931—Mar. 25. June 30. Sept. 29 Dec. 31. 16, 339 16, 622 15,526 14, 955 14, 387 14, 521 13, 703 13,151 179 180 172 166 1,479 1,556 1,350 1,303 294 365 302 335 13, 663 13, 515 12, 776 11,316 530 508 440 337 269 198 135 114 86 63 112 154 176 224 234 238 201 155 112 26 g w 1 Not including due to banks, certified and officers' checks outstanding or letters of credit and travelers' checks sold for cash and outstanding. Not available. Back figures.—Not available. 2 CO Or CD No. 52.—ALL MEMBER BANKS—PRINCIPAL RESOURCES AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1914-1931 [In millions of dollars] I Loans and investments Call date j Total 1914—Dec. 31 (Thurs.) 1915—Mar. 4 (Thurs.) May 1 (Sat.) June 23 (Wed.) Sept. 2 (Thurs.) Nov. 10 (Wed.) Dec. 31 (Fri.) 1916—May 1 (Mon.) June 30 (Fri.) Sept. 12 (Tues.) Nov. 17 (Fri.) Dec. 27 (Wed.) 1917—Mar. 5 (Mon.) May 1 (Tues.) June 20 (Wed.) Dec. 31 (Mon.) 1918—May 10 (Fri.) June 29 (Sat.) Nov. 1 (Fri.) Dec. 31 (Tues.) 1919—Mar. 4 (Tues.) June 30 (Mon.) Nov. 17 (Mon.) Dec. 31 (Wed.) 1920—May 4 (Tues.) June 30 (Wed.) Nov. 15 (Mon.) Dec. 29 (Wed.) 1921—Apr. 28 (Thurs.) June 30 (Thurs.) Dec. 31 (Sat.) 1922—Mar. 10 (Fri.) June 30 (Fri.) Dec. 29 (Fri.) Capital, surNet Investments United Due plus, demand Net Total Demand4 Time States Due to6 demand from 8 and deposits plus U.S. dedeposits debanks deposits time Govern- Other banks undiposits » posits deposits7 vided Total ment securiprofits» securi- ties ties 8,498 8,570 8,707 8,764 9,048 9,693 9,861 10,252 10,315 10, 732 11, 259 11, 275 11, 701 11,985 12,453 16,896 18,673 18, 507 20,981 20, 593 21, 484 22, 242 24,187 24, 778 25, 418 25, 559 25, 769 25, 531 24,390 24,121 23,482 23,278 24.182 25, 579 Loans1 6,419 6,563 6,705 6,720 6,965 7,483 7,622 7,898 7,964 8,263 8,712 8,714 9,096 8 9,208 8 9, 370 1912,316 1912, 667 ' 913, 233 8 14,550 8 14, 224 s 13, 877 8 15,414 8 17,423 s 18,149 19,198 19, 533 19, 852 19, 555 18,487 18,119 17,394 17,080 17,165 17,930 2,079 2,007 2,002 2,044 2,083 2,210 2,239 2,354 2,351 2,469 2,547 2,561 760 1,319 1,260 1,252 1,295 1,336 1,465 1,497 1,353 1 322 1,282 1,443 1,637 1,563 1,644 1,648 1,766 1,850 1,871 1,767 1,564 1,748 2,057 1,874 2,056 1,897 1,695 2,129 1,870 1,906 2,036 2,194 2,137 2,125 2,575 2,519 1,874 1,824 1,774 1,577 2,605 2,777 3,083 4,580 6,006 5, 274 6,431 6,368 747 750 749 747 745 742 710 703 703 697 690 687 748 1,065 1,759 3,203 2,465 3,591 3,472 7,607 6,827 6,765 6,630 4,652 3,803 3,494 3,324 1,918 2,029 2,018 2,820 2,803 2,809 2,840 2,896 2,955 3,024 3,271 3,306 6,220 6.026 5)917 5,976 5,903 6,002 6,088 6,198 7,017 7,649 2,958 2,811 2,655 2,619 3,262 3,215 3,262 3, 357 2,496 2,561 2,581 3,407 3,441 3,507 2,701 3,205 3,754 3,497 3,812 1,163 1,325 1,354 1,450 1,614 1,647 1,806 2,093 2,098 2,097 2,124 2,129 2,146 2,126 2,148 2,143 2,184 2,213 2,231 2,218 2,258 2,307 2,807 3,005 3,002 3,222 3,220 3,280 3, 350 3,587 3,542 3,833 3,853 4,086 4,120 4,156 4,133 4,093 4,185 4,214 4,364 8,305 8,666 8,967 8,894 9,437 10,389 10,636 11,404 11,133 11, 737 12,893 12, 661 13,396 13, 651 13, 397 18,628 19, 210 18,954 20,864 21,457 21,511 22, 833 25,183 26,139 24,871 25,401 25,106 24,220 22, 830 23,350 23, 247 23, 660 25, 547 27,288 5,125 5,092 5,367 5,278 5,491 6,152 6,334 6,661 6, 581 6,892 7,522 7,340 7,503 7,915 7,856 11,180 11,051 10,754 12,059 13,347 12, 727 13,925 15, 652 16, 080 15,388 15, 744 15,512 14, 632 13, 527 13,881 13,630 13, 503 15,065 15, 689 f l 1,233 1,264 1,320 1,352 1,416 1,463 1,506 1,686 1,775 1,853 1,940 1,083 2,125 2,263 2,304 3,156 3,347 3,395 3,651 3,834 4,092 4,344 5,050 5, 305 5,747 5,911 6,144 6,188 6, 343 6,367 6,451 6,662 7,175 7,645 71 58 46 48 44 40 35 34 39 34 34 35 34 35 141 649 1,459 1, 521 1,708 472 884 902 386 648 190 260 220 316 273 390 306 330 156 462 1,876 2,252 2,234 2,216 2, 486 2,734 2,761 3,022 2,738 2,958 3,397 3,303 3,734 3,438 3,096 3,643 3,353 3,284 3,446 3,804 3,808 3,662 4,095 4,106 3,546 3,486 3, 230 3,084 2,687 2,713 2,860 3,165 3,150 3,492 6,235 6.622 6,735 6,811 7,145 7,879 7,971 8, 336 8,226 9, 567 9,502 10, 044 9,869 12,487 12, 451 12, 217 13, 322 14, 563 14,160 14, 725 16, 261 16, 576 16,426 16, 422 15,924 15, 345 14,389 14,321 14,449 14, 498 15, 539 16,203 7,468 7,886 8,055 8,163 8,561 9,342 9,477 10,022 10,001 10, 657 11, 507 11,485 12, 169 12,132 11,993 15, 643 15, 797 15, 612 16, 973 18, 397 18, 252 19,069 21, 310 21,881 22,173 22, 333 22, 068 21, 533 20, 732 20, 688 20,900 21,160 22,714 23,848 Reserve with Federal reserve banks Bills payable and rediscounts 266 295 295 317 324 376 414 438 490 554 674 733 778 802 862 1,497 1,536 1, 565 1, 520 1,655 1.633 1.724 1,825 1,904 1,866 1,839 1,827 1,763 1,654 1,625 1.758 1,723 1,835 1,939 133 106 104 99 64 69 95 80 95 75 «95 8 327 «783 88 1,043 1,022 88 1,912 1,876 8 1,962 8 1,927 8 2. 257 8 2, 347 2, 755 2,701 3, 080 3,036 2, 313 2,022 1,364 758 592 727 Number of banks 7,582 7,607 7,614 7,615 7,630 7,640 7,631 7,605 7,606 7,618 7,614 7,614 7,614 7,629 7, 653 7,907 8,132 8,213 8,596 8,725 8,822 8,995 9,066 9,291 9,399 9,567 9,606 9,698 9,745 9,779 9,816 9.892 9,859 1923—Apr. 3 (Tues.). June30 ( S a t . ) Sept. 14 (Fri.) Dec. 31 (Mon.) 1924—Mar. 31 (Mon.) June 30 (Mon.)_ Oct. 10 (Fri.)—Dec. 31 (Wed.) 1925—Apr. 6 (Mon.) June 30 (Tues.) Sept. 28 (Mon.) Dec. 31 (Thurs.) 1926—Apr. 12 ( M o n . ) — June30(Wed.).__. Dec. 31 (Fri.) 1927—Mar. 23 (Wed.)___. June 30 (Thurs.)... Oct. 10 (Mon.).._. Dec. 31 (Sat.) 1928—Feb. 28 (Tues.).... June 30 (Sat.). Oct. 3 (Wed.) Dec. 31 (Mon.)—. 1929—Mar. 27 (Wed.).... June 29 (Sat.) Oct. 4 (Fri.) Dec. 31 (Tues.)._-. 1930—Mar. 27 (Thurs.).. June 30 (Mon.).—. Sept. 24 (Wed.).... Dec. 31 (Wed.)..-. 1931—Mar. 25 (Wed.)—. June 30 (Tues.).... Sept. 24 (Thurs.).. Dec. 31 (Thurs.)-- 26,141 18,419 26, 507 18,750 26, 319 18, 719 18,842 26,487 26, 663 19,045 19, 204 27,167 19, 713 28, 311 19, 933 28, 746 20,176 29,046 29, 518 20,655 21,285 30,176 21,996 30,884 21,785 30,819 22,060 31,184 31, 642 22,652 22,327 31, 949 22,938 32, 756 23,227 33,186 23,886 34, 247 33,688 23,099 35, 061 24,303 34,929 24,325 35,684 25,155 35,393 24,945 35, 711 25, 658 35,914 26,165 35,934 26,150 25,119 35, 056 35, 656 25, 214 24,738 35,472 23,870 34,860 34, 729 •22,840 33, 923 ! 21,816 33,073 20,874 30, 575 19, 261 3,849 7,722 3,835 7,757 3,685 7,600 3,603 7,645 7,618 3,534 7,963 3,575 8,599 3,866 8,813 3,874 8,869 3,894 8,863 3,780 8,890 3,761 8,888 3,728 9,034 3,805 9,123 3,745 8,990 3,389 9,622 3,835 9,818 3,796 9,959 3,856 10,361 3,978 10,590 4,216 10,758 4,225 10, 604 4,386 10,529 4,312 10,448 4,454 10,052 4,155 9,749 | 4,022 9,784 3,863 9,937 4,085 10,442 4,061 10,734 4,095 10,989 4,125 11, 889 5, 002 12,106 5,343 12,199 5.564 11,314 5,319 3,873 3,922 3,915 4,042 4,084 4,387 4,733 4,939 4,975 5,082 5,129 5,160 5,229 5,378 5,601 5,787 6,022 6,103 6,383 6,374 6,534 6,218 6,217 5,994 5,898 5,727 5,921 5,852 6,380 6,639 6,864 6,886 6,763 6,635 5,996 1,774 1,696 1,640 1,824 1,644 1,940 2,430 2,339 2,091 2,017 2,031 2,155 1,934 1,980 2,066 1,896 1,968 2,077 2,210 1,941 1,897 2,026 2,124 1,741 1,885 2,005 2,168 1,902 2,360 2,463 2,456 2,791 2,517 1,935 1,662 4,356 4,367 4,436 4,378 4,468 4,486 4,594 4,532 4, 669 4,690 4,688 4,678 4,826 4,832 4,944 5,086 5,147 5,295 5,341 5,404 5,625 5,842 5,899 6,174 6,345 6,675 6,709 6,760 6,726 6, 827 6,593 6,598 6,430 6, 359 5,999 27,200 27,088 26,942 28,507 28,270 29, 566 30,795 32,384 31, 249 32, 457 32.075 34,250 32, 893 33, 762 34,528 33, 756 35, 398 35, 482 36, 669 35,375 36,060 36,175 39,075 36, 799 35,893 36,694 38,014 35,836 38,139 36, 364 37,117 36, 000 36, 268 33, 480 30, 746 15,145 8,143 15,196 8,378 15,128 8,466 16,107 8, 651 15,609 | 8,890 16,329 I 9,204 16,406 9,597 17,788 9,805 16, 629 10,127 17,882 10,381 17,452 10,467 19,072 10,653 17,710 10,955 18,381 11,173 18,800 11,440 17, 644 11,818 18,842 12, 210 18,378 12, 459 19,032 12, 765 18,182 12,923 18, 437 13, 439 18,570 13,410 21, 111 13,453 19,476 13,329 18, 611 13, 325 19,371 13,318 20,489 13,233 18,238 13,519 19, 597 13,812 17, 637 13. 945 18, 746 13, 546 16, 988 13, 663 17,655 13, 515 16,167 12, 776 15, 704 11,316 404 297 145 237 292 179 302 242 412 177 278 304 379 228 234 407 218 435 267 86 257 159 262 411 348 315 143 325 281 257 267 502 395 526 412 3,217 3,203 3,512 3,480 3, 854 4,490 4,548 4,081 4,018 4,221 3,849 3,980 4,054 3,887 4,129 4,209 4,606 4,184 3,927 4,037 4,249 3,584 3,608 3,690 4,148 3,754 4,450 4,525 4,557 4,846 4,702 4, 011 3,314 16,086 16,066 15, 919 16, 376 16,112 16, 838 17,804 18,468 17,708 18, 277 18, 259 19, 260 18,392 18,804 18,922 18, 542 19, 250 19,170 20,105 19,236 19, 191 18, 995 19,944 18,833 18, 977 18,952 19, 797 18,489 19,170 ]8,657 18,969 18, 481 18, 357 17, 445 16, 067 24, 229 24,444 24, 385 25,027 25,002 26. 042 27, 401 28,273 27, 835 28, 658 28, 726 29,913 29,347 29.977 30. 362 30, 360 31,460 31,629 32,870 32,158 32, 629 32. 405 33,397 32,162 32, 302 32, 269 33,030 32.007 32. 982 32. 602 32, 516 32,144 31, 872 30, 222 27, 383 1,909 1,871 1,869 1,900 1,893 1,965 2,121 2,228 2,092 2,191 2,147 2,238 2,136 2, 236 2,210 2,321 2,280 2,320 2,514 2,367 2,342 2,348 2,409 2,339 2,359 2,322 2,374 2,353 2.408 2,415 2,475 2, 364 2,396 2,339 1, 975 815 944 983 808 614 443 325 408 486 559 712 733 620 612 760 546 541 528 663 581 1 209 1 154 1 162 1 153 1 198 1 150 879 347 435 316 355 281 217 466 839 9,850 9, 856 9,843 9,774 9,681 9, 650 9,635 9,587 9, 531 9,538 9, 539 9,489 9,412 9,375 9,260 9,144 9,099 9,087 9,034 8,983 8,929 8,896 8,837 8,755 8,707 8,616 8,522 8,406 8, 315 8,246 8,052 7,928 7,782 7,599 7,246 g s w > i1 Includes rediscounts and overdrafts; excludes acceptances of other banks and bills of exchange sold with indorsement. Does not include items with Federal reserve banks in process of collection, or amounts due from foreign banks or own foreign branches. *Includes reserves for dividends, contingencies, etc., but excludes, beginning Sept. 28,1925, reserves for interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid. * Includes certified and cashiers' or treasurers' checks, and, begining Nov. 1, 1918, letters of credit and travelers' checks sold for cash. 8 Includes postal-savings deposits, except that such deposits of State bank members prior to June 20, 1917, are included with demand deposits. 6 Includes amounts due to Federal reserve banks, foreign banks, and other banks and bankers; also amounts due to own foreign branches beginning Mar. 23,1927 7 Deposits subject to reserve requirements. 8 Includes small amounts of bills sold with indorsement. • Excludes customers' liability on letters of credit for State bank members. CO No. 53.—CLASSIFICATION OP MEMBER BANK LOANS AND INVESTMENTS ON CALL DATES, 1928-1931 00 [In millions of dollars] Loans to customers (exclusive of banks) Loans to banks Call date Total loans and investments Total Total: 1928—Oct. 3 Dec. 3 1 - , . . 1929—Mar. 2 7 . . . . J u n e 29_. _ Oct. 4 Dec. 3 1 . . . . 1930—Mar. 2 7 - . . . June 30 Sept. 2 4 . . . . Dec. 3 1 - . . . 1931—Mar. 2 5 . . . . June 30 Sept. 2 9 . . . . Dec. 3 1 . , . . *^T/\TTT ^y *"V* l?* f ^ l 4 " 1 T " 4 i\6w i orK v^ity.* 1928— Oct 3 Dec. 31. 1929—Mar. 27 June 29 Oct. 4__. Dec. 3 1 . 1930—Mar. 27 J u n e 30_ _ Sept. 24 Dec 31 1931—Mar. 25_... June 30 Sept. 29""" Dec. 3 1 - . . . r > 34,929 35,684 35,393 35, 711 35,914 35,934 35,056 35,656 35,472 34,860 34, 729 33,923 33,073 30,575 548 538 548 670 640 714 527 535 466 631 446 457 599 790 7,197 7,951 7,726 8,160 8,150 8,774 8,238 8,798 8,557 8,582 8,473 8,287 8,253 7,460 287 288 251 314 302 322 199 196 169 283 154 150 250 374 Secured by stocks and bonds (2) (2) (2) (2) 8 260 230 175 315 219 229 311 455 (2) (2) (2) (2) 92 78 53 132 70 66 125 204 All Farm land Other real estate 421 412 403 404 392 388 394 386 387 387 386 388 376 359 2,668 2,711 2,720 2,760 2,760 2,803 2,775 2,769 2,776 2,847 2,834 2,830 2,773 2,678 11,507 10,991 11,240 11,618 11,988 11,515 10,595 10,349 9,982 9,831 9,298 8,922 8,722 8,242 2,537 3,158 2,493 2,471 2,275 2,243 3,097 3,113 3,262 2,233 2,454 2,103 1,563 901 80 109 146 108 93 212 175 170 205 315 361 389 268 146 101 103 93 90 70 80 79 71 62 55 101 113 70 41 457 390 376 249 228 291 499 507 523 366 361 384 296 140 1,899 2,556 1,879 2,025 1,885 1,660 2,344 2,365 2,472 1,498 1,630 1,217 928 575 10,604 10,529 10,448 10, 052 9, 749 9,784 9,937 10,442 10, 734 10,989 11,889 12,106 12,199 11,314 4, 386 4,311 4,454 4,155 4, 022 3,863 4,085 4,061 4,095 4,125 5,002 5,343 5,564 5,319 6,218 3 8,819 6,217 310,172 5,994 3 9, 693 5,898 310,094 5,727 3 10,314 5.921 310,505 5,852 10,334 6,380 10,656 6,639 10, 511 6,864 9,754 9,272 6,886 8,563 6,763 6,635 8,081 7,320 5,996 130 132 148 173 175 169 150 157 157 147 149 160 152 153 2,253 2,100 2,361 2,480 2,726 2,595 2,252 2,129 2,090 2,054 1,896 1,782 1,881 1,813 1,018 1,791 1,250 1,495 1,196 1,396 1,655 2,091 1,912 1,525 1,651 1,497 1,121 695 50 61 59 58 59 128 89 144 148 188 199 296 201 107 55 61 52 58 33 46 40 29 28 22 51 44 33 17 63 29 37 21 8 21 49 35 22 34 35 94 48 29 880 1,639 1,102 1,359 1,096 1,202 L, 477 1,883 1,714 1,281 1,367 1,063 839 542 1,942 1,933 1,972 1,819 1,807 2,091 2, 046 2,203 2,198 2,435 2,662 2,801 3,032 2,697 1,130 1,094 1,135 1,006 989 1,112 1,150 1,147 1,091 1,239 1,466 1,656 1,830 1,768 813 839 838 813 817 979 897 1,056 1,107 1,197 1,196 1,145 1,202 928 (2) 21,240 21,460 21,903 22,517 23,249 23,194 21,495 21,566 21,010 21,007 19, 940 19,257 18,713 17,570 850 975 1,014 921 939 803 706 819 774 675 575 515 521 391 5,796 6,373 6,526 6,813 7,170 7,685 7,024 7,242 7,090 7,266 6,848 6,602 6,321 5,899 3,920 3,940 4,253 4,532 4,846 4,964 4,338 4,309 4,278 4,338 4,007 3,839 3,850 3,694 45 50 52 63 46 55 60 68 86 104 121 127 116 87 1,491 1,658 1,692 1,814 1,898 2,145 1,876 1,954 1,945 2,033 1,839 1,770 1,699 1,641 (2) (2) 267 305 291 316 228 228 288 334 (22) () (2) s 107 118 116 151 84 84 125 170 Total loans U.S. on Gov- Other ern- securi- stocks and ment ties bonds securities To brokers To outother side cusNew tomers York Cityi Total (2) Purchased paper Otherwise seTotal cured and unsecured other (2) (2) Investments Open-market loans Secured by Secured by real estate stocks and bonds 2 1 1 Loans to Accept- Acceptances, Com- brok- Total ances ers in etc., merpayNew paycial able in Yorki able paper United States abroad 3 3 3 3 3 3 2,560 3,491 2, 971 3, 393 3,191 3, 562 3,504 3,983 3 798 3,550 3,397 3,026 2,780 2,474 Chicago: * 1928—Oct. 3 Dec. 31 1929—Mar. 27—. June 29 Oct. 4 Dec. 31 1930—Mar. 27.— June 30 Sept. 24..._ Dec. 31 1931—Mar. 25.... June 30 Sept. 29.... Dec. 31 Other reserve cities: 1928—Oct. 3 Dec. 3 1 . . . . 1929—Mar. 27_... June 29 Oct. 4 Dec. 31—_ 1930—Mar. 27.... June 30 Sept. 24.... Dec. 31 1931—Mar. 25_._. June 30 Sept. 29__._ Dec. 31 Country banks: 1928—Oct. 3 Dec. 3 1 - . . . 1929—Mar. 27 June 29 Oct. 4 Dec. 3 1 . . . . 1930—Mar. 27___. June 30 Sept. 24____ Dec. 31 1931—Mar. 25.... June 30 Sept. 29.... Dec. 3 1 . . . . 1,910 1,910 1,793 1,767 1,823 1,757 1,717 1,849 1,934 1,861 1,853 1,754 1,644 1,517 35 40 62 67 68 88 58 50 41 55 41 70 65 87 12,211 12,156 12,132 12,065 12,161 12,029 11,858 11,852 12,038 11,897 12,113 11,814 11,372 10, 598 179 173 196 241 225 258 205 228 193 231 194 177 219 260 13,612 13, 667 13,741 13,719 13, 780 13, 375 13,243 13,157 12,944 12,519 12, 290 12,068 11,805 10,999 46 37 39 49 45 45 65 62 62 62 58 60 64 69 §((222)) () 50 43 35 42 35 58 58 74 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 104 99 77 125 101 89 111 154 i((222)) () 14 11 11 15 14 16 17 24 (*2) (2) (2) (2) (2) () 8 7 6 13 6 12 7 13 L326 1,388 1,353 1,309 1,374 1,330 L,160 1,257 1,187 1,194 1,0M) L.004 987 926 252 309 311 242 257 240 194 229 239 201 159 133 157 124 543 598 477 484 504 533 474 487 448 472 452 435 421 407 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 41 39 19 22 19 19 18 18 16 18 16 17 24 22 487 440 544 559 592 535 472 521 482 501 422 417 384 372 143 91 41 57 67 30 188 176 296 95 171 117 77 24 1 1 8 1 1 9 3 2 7 18 14 3 2 2 21 14 10 6 4 5 33 56 42 18 21 21 24 9 119 75 18 48 59 11 140 99 233 45 111 51 27 3 405 391 337 334 312 309 310 366 409 518 592 563 514 480 191 174 164 159 153 116 146 160 157 240 329 346 214 217 172 176 160 193 164 205 252 277 263 217 206 191 3 932 3 1,002 3 837 3 807 3 854 3 828 859 859 955 761 756 677 664 (22) () (22) (2) () (2) 101 128 117 106 93 88 108 106 7,770 7, 879 7,932 8,125 8,401 8,418 7,790 7,771 7,539 7,712 7,359 7,096 6,858 6,481 435 509 538 511 510 426 360 431 360 312 231 208 205 152 2,152 2,318 2,415 2,480 2,598 2,775 2,576 2,663 2,586 2,671 2,524 2,413 2,308 2,123 124 118 112 113 110 110 113 110 111 120 122 126 120 120 1,368 1,387 1,376 1,366 1,360 1,428 1,411 1,394 1,398 1,491 1,480 1,476 1,440 1,395 3,691 3,546 3,492 3,654 3,823 3,679 3,330 3,172 3,085 3,119 3,002 2,873 2,784 2,691 732 651 604 423 459 408 758 534 768 436 475 354 249 111 5 16 35 16 6 43 55 17 47 104 144 87 65 33 178 136 136 83 71 102 209 245 295 194 191 168 143 53 522 465 405 302 354 239 469 253 409 123 116 73 29 14 3,530 3,454 3,400 3,276 3,075 2,944 3,105 3,319 3,537 3,517 4,085 4,186 4,047 3,746 1,703 1,662 1,732 1,607 1,519 1,368 1,516 1,525 1,628 1,486 1,984 2,062 1,993 1,844 1,827 1,791 1,668 1,670 1,557 1,576 1,590 1,794 1,909 2, 031 2,101 2.125 2,054 1,902 3 3,198 3 3,379 3 3,456 3 3,414 3 3, 575 3 3,569 3,509 3,447 3,431 3,230 2,973 2,782 2,653 2,443 (2) (2) 8,224 8,253 8,364 8,551 8,628 8,482 8,206 8,228 8,007 7,762 7,524 7,318 7,018 (3,469 117 107 114 105 125 83 93 90 88 59 64 47 43 28 1,610 1,799 1,942 2,034 2,170 2,231 2,097 2,137 2,112 2,090 2,033 1,984 1,892 1,728 294 290 289 287 279 276 279 274 275 264 261 260 254 237 5,075 1,129 4,904 1,153 4,843 1,176 4,926 1,199 4,847 1,206 4,705 1,186 4,541 1,196 1,201 | 4,527 1,205 I 4,326 4,158 1,191 3,978 1,188 3,849 1,177 3,673 1,157 3,367 1,109 614 625 598 496 553 408 497 312 286 177 158 135 116 71 24 30 44 33 27 33 27 8 4 5 5 2 1 4 195 211 192 140 144 163 207 171 164 120 114 101 81 48 378 376 354 316 376 208 258 129 115 49 36 30 32 16 4,727 4,751 4,740 4,623 4,554 4,439 4,475 4,554 4,589 4,519 4,550 4,555 4,606 4,392 1,362 1,382 1,424 1,384 1,361 1,267 1,273 1,229 1,219 1,159 1,224 1,279 1,433 1,418 3,365 3,370 3,316 3,240 3,193 3,172 3,202 3,326 3,370 3,359 3,326 3,276 3,172 2,974 3 2,129 3 2,300 3 2,429 3 2,480 3 2,694 3 2,545 2,462 2,367 2,326 2,213 2,147 2,078 1,985 1,796 (2) (2) (2) (2) 51 52 51 46 44 44 47 45 1 Includes loans to dealers in securities. »Figures not available. • Security loans to banks estimated as one-half of total loans to banks. « Central reserve city banks only. Backfigures.—Notavailable. CO SO 100 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD No. 54.—ALL MEMBER BANKS—RESERVE BALANCES, BY MONTHS, 1920-1931 [Monthly averages of daily figures. In millions of dollars] Month 1920 January February-. 1,883 I 1,858 March.. April. " " May June.... July..... August. September October.. November December | 1,878 1,870 1,853 1,853 1,840 1,807 1817 1,817 ! 1,815 j 1,782 I 1,758 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1,773 1,728 1,694 1,665 1,657 1,664 1,639 1,621 1,629 1,652 1,663 1,673 1,707 1,689 1,711 1,733 1,783 1,820 1,812 1,799 1,811 1,836 1,825 1,840 1,918 1,901 1,873 1,869 1,874 1,867 1.867 1,835 1,848 1,864 1,875 1,882 1,911 1,892 1,915 1,905 1,922 2,001 2,046 2,072 2,120 2,141 2,164 2,182 2,194 2,159 2,137 2,123 2,132 2,141 2,160 2,151 2,161 2,203 2,221 2,219 2,236 2,208 2,198 2,183 2,199 2,206 2,212 2,201 2,211 2,219 2,214 2,218 2,243 2,212 2,240 2,248 2,262 2,301 2,289 2,283 2,300 2,326 2,373 2,399 2,426 2,368 2,365 2,396 2.388 2,355 2,324 2,274 2,314 2,332 2,352 2,367 2,387 2,357 2,337 2,308 2,296 2,314 2,334 2,322 2,335 2,386 2,521 2,395 2,349 2,305 2,330 2,350 2,356 2,392 2,417 2,392 2,397 2,407 2,433 2,415 1931 2, 433 2, 370 2,386 2,376 2,387 2,404 2,407 2,345 2,333 2,256 2,118 2,069 Back figures—See Annual Report for 1929 (Table 47). No. 55.—ALL MEMBER BANKS—BORROWINGS AT FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS, BY MONTHS, 1914-1931 [Monthly averages of daily figures. In millions of dollars] Month January February March April May June July August September October November December 1914 . __ . - -- 6 10 Month January February . March April May _ June July August September October November December 1923 . 547 608 628 658 705 741 834 809 845 873 799 771 1915 12 17 20 22 23 25 27 28 30 28 29 32 1924 574 514 476 489 433 370 315 268 262 240 228 301 1916 29 22 22 22 20 21 25 28 27 22 20 33 1925 267 340 390 403 397 437 480 545 594 619 597 688 1917 21 18 19 25 43 155 151 134 181 320 563 683 1926 520 526 557 537 511 473 549 555 640 663 615 668 1918 1919 1920 1921 612 529 537 751 897 939 1,162 1,333 1,604 1,683 1,760 1,765 1,731 1,765 1,863 1,920 1,976 1,840 1,864 1,798 1,776 2,068 2,140 2,115 2,136 2, 297 2,377 2,431 2,536 2,456 2, 513 2,596 2,667 2,780 2,762 2,718 2,523 2,400 2,297 2,129 1,959 1,811 1,719 1,548 1,442 1,371 1,228 1,180 1927 1928 1929 1930 465 471 513 661 836 1,019 1,090 1,061 1,064 975 897 1,013 859 889 969 1,004 956 978 1,096 1,043 969 885 953 803 481 393 425 447 473 429 454 409 422 424 415 529 501 378 274 231 247 251 226 214 189 196 221 338 1922 962 769 638 572 479 437 425 396 417 486 623 660 1931 253 216 176 155 163 189 168 222 280 613 695 774 NOTB.—Figures include a small amount of borrowing by intermediate credit banks, etc. (See Table 14.) ALL MEMBfiE BANKS No. 56.—MEMBER BANKS IN N E W YORK CITY, CHICAGO, AND OTHER RESERVE CITIES—DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO RESERVE, RESERVES REQUIRED, RESERVES HELD, AND BORROWINGS AT FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS, BY WEEKS, 1929-1931 [Averages of dailyfigures.In millions of dollars] Deposits subject to reserve Week ending (Friday) New York City: 3 1929—Jan. 4... Jan. 11_. Jan. 18.. Jan. 25.. Net 2 demand 1 Time Total Reserves held Reserves required Total Excess 5,672 5,549 5,470 5,356 1,293 1,268 1,249 1,239 6,965 6,818 6,719 6,595 776 759 749 733 793 768 764 743 16.6 7.1 8.6 8.9 15.6 9.7 Borrowings at Federal reserve banks • 325.7 230.3 139.5 81.2 Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 1... 8... 15.. 22.. 5,464 5,507 5,496 5,399 1,298 1,299 1,296 1,284 6,762 6,805 6,793 6,683 749 755 753 740 756 763 764 752 10.6 11.9 109.0 132.6 169.1 130.4 Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 1... 8... 15.. 22_. 29.. 5,474 5,516 5,472 5,463 5,419 1,277 1,271 1,276 1,271 1,293 6,751 6,787 6,749 6,734 6,712 750 755 750 748 743 758 761 756 754 750 7.6 6.1 6.8 5.6 7.0 134.2 186.4 136.0 103.8 187.3 Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. 5... 12.. 19.. 26.. 5,553 5,425 5,414 5,373 1,292 1,273 1,258 1,260 6,845 6,699 6,671 6,633 761 743 741 736 769 748 747 742 8.5 4.8 5.1 6.1 165.1 173. 3 196.7 203.3 May3._. May 10.. May 17.. May 24.. May 31.. 5,441 5,395 5,425 5,348 5, 384 1,264 1,268 1,271 1,268 1,257 6,705 6,663 6,696 6,616 6,641 745 739 743 733 738 752 747 749 738 742 6.2 7.8 6.0 4.4 4.4 181.9 189.1 174.6 134.5 127.7 June 7... June 14.. June 21 _. June 28.. 5,512 5,473 5,491 5,533 1,249 1,230 1,237 1,259 6,761 6,703 6,728 6,791 754 748 751 757 761 752 765 763 6.7 3.7 136.8 153.3 148.2 214.9 July July July July 5... 12.. 19.. 26.. 5,617 5,524 5,511 5,458 1,177 1,171 1,186 1,210 766 753 752 746 797 758 761 749 31.3 4.3 9.3 3.1 351.5 364.9 335.8 297.1 Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. 2... 9... 16.. 23.. 30.. 5,562 5,491 5,463 5,409 5,424 1,235 1,246 1,246 1,258 1,285 760 751 748 741 744 768 756 752 746 749 7.8 4.9 4.7 4.9 5.5 279.6 315.9 236.3 180.6 180.9 1,313 1,314 1,325 1,346 759 753 760 750 763 757 772 759 4.1 4.6 203.3 208.2 147.3 134.8 4... 11.. 18.. 25.. 5,532 5,488 5,543 5,461 5,574 5,460 5,565 5,657 1,362 1,365 1,367 1,369 6,794 6,695 6,697 6,668 6,797 6,737 6,710 6,667 6,709 6,845 6,802 6,869 6,807 6,936 6,824 6,931 7,026 766 751 764 777 779 760 775 779 13.1 10.4 2.6 85.8 87.8 91.8 78.2 Nov. 1... Nov. 8... Nov. 15.. Nov. 22.. Nov. 29.. 6,628 6,970 6,707 6,557 6,434 1,358 1,360 1,346 1,342 1,390 7,986 8,330 8,054 7,899 7,823 902 947 912 893 878 932 971 978 947 874 30.1 23.8 65.9 54.6 -3.9 144.1 129.0 60.8 48.6 58.1 Sept. 6... Sept. 13.. Sept. 20.. Sept. 27.. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 13.7 5.6 11.2 8.7 9.8 850 857 6,227 7,585 1,358 Dec. 6.. 783 1,249 837 Dec. 13. 6,981 5,733 Dec. 20. 1,307 829 837 7,386 6,079 1,299 816 821 Dec. 27. 5,979 7,278 1 Subject to reserve requirements of 13 per cent for central reserve city banks and 10 per city banks. 2 Subject to reserve requirements of 3 per cent. 3 Central reserve city banks only. Back fisures.—No t available. 6.6 90.7 54.1 98.2 7.7 93.7 5.1 136.1 cent for reserve 102 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD No. 5<5.—MEMBER BANKS IN N E W YORK CITY, CHICAGO, AND OTHER RESERVE CITIES—DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO PRESERVE, RESERVES REQUIRED, RESERVES HELD, AND BORROWINGS AT FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS, BY WEEKS, 1929-1931— Continued [Averages of daily figures. In millions of dollars] Deposits subject to reserve Week ending (Friday) Net demand New York City 3—Continued. 1930—Jan. 3 Jan. 10 Jan.17 Jan. 24 Jan. 31 _ Time Total Total xcess 6,155 5,856 5,737 5,600 5,547 1,343 1,381 1,372 1,391 1,379 7,498 7,237 7,109 6,991 6,926 840 803 787 770 762 859 809 798 775 768 18.3 5, 627 5,531 5,308 5,498 1,354 1,327 1,323 1,336 6,980 6,858 6,632 6,834 772 759 730 755 777 764 767 771 4.9 4.8 Mar. 7... Mar. 14.. Mar. 21.. Mar. 28.. 5,520 5,520 5,634 5, 610 1,348 1,392 1,412 1,448 6,912 7,045 7,057 758 759 775 773 766 768 805 782 Apr. 4__. Apr. 11.. Apr. 18.. Apr. 25.- 5,705 5,604 5,683 5,737 1,471 1,480 1,458 1,444 7,176 7,084 7,141 7,181 786 773 783 789 May May May May May 2... 9... 1623.. 30.. 5,813 5,741 5,720 5,697 5,766 1,456 1,471 1,485 1,483 1,493 7,269 7,212 7,205 7,180 7,259 June 6... June 13_. June 20.. June 27. 5,916 5,874 5,926 5,872 1,478 1,521 1,557 1,569 July 4 . . . July 11.. July 18.. July 25.. 5,957 5,746 5,786 5,873 Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 7... 14. 21. 28. 6.5 11.3 5.4 5.4 37.4 15.9 Borrowings at Federal banks 137.3 90.4 51.8 40.6 28.3 27.6 44.0 27.0 13.1 7.7 8.2 19.6 30.3 9.7 22.2 30.5 794 776 787 794 8.6 3.6 4.0 4.6 25.9 40.4 25.7 21.8 799 790 788 785 794 805 796 793 791 800 5.6 5.1 4.7 5.8 5.9 25.4 55.2 16.6 10.3 24.0 7,395 7,395 7,482 7,441 813 809 817 810 821 818 823 819 7.4 8.5 5.7 8.3 41.9 15.0 28.1 19.9 1,553 1,540 1,556 1,548 7,510 7,286 7,342 7,421 821 793 799 810 842 810 847 835 20.6 16.9 47.8 25.5 36.5 20.9 5,975 5,933 5,855 5,850 5,915 1,540 1,517 1,540 1,536 1,540 7,514 7,450 7,395 7,387 7,455 823 817 807 807 815 819 816 812 829 4.6 2.1 8.5 5.6 10.1 55.5 12.7 5,904 5,824 5,849 5,855 1,537 1,551 1,515 1,519 7, 441 7,374 7,363 7,374 814 804 806 807 820 820 823 Oct. 3 - . Oct. 10. Oct. 17. Oct. 24. Oct. 31. 6, 014 5, 911 5,939 5,999 6,172 1,554 1,576 1,582 1,605 1,614 7,567 7,487 7,521 7,604 7,786 828 816 820 828 851 832 828 827 850 Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 6,176 6,129 6,293 6,261 1,607 1,590 1,552 1,547 7,783 7,719 7,845 7,808 851 844 865 854 876 880 862 6,251 6,160 6,180 6,112 1,506 1,374 1,325 1,316 7,757 7,534 7,504 7,428 1 858 842 843 834 1... 8... 15.. 22.. 29.. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. 8 Reserves held Reserves required 5... 12_. 19. 26. 7— 14.. 21.. 28.. Dec. 5-. Dec. 12. Dec. 19. Dec. 26. Central reserve city banks only. ! | ! | 860 862 885 845 8.1 2.9 2.7 13.7 7.7 5.5 5.9 22.8 16.2 16.9 21.5 7.5 8.7 7.1 4.1 22.5 22.8 22.2 12.4 7.0 21.6 28.8 6.4 5.3 3.3 26.4 31.5 14.8 7.7 2.6 3.7 1.9 26.2 32.3 45.0 52.6 2.1 19.7 41.9 10.8 103 ALL MEMBER BANKS No. 56.—MEMBER BANKS IN N E W YORK GITY, CHICAGO, AND OTHER RESERVE CITIES—DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO RESERVE, RESERVES REQUIRED, RESERVES HELD, AND BORROWINGS AT FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS, BY WEEKS, 1929-1931— Continued [Averages of daily figures. In millions of dollars] Deposits subject to reserve Week ending (Friday) Net demand New York City 3—Continued. 1931—Jan. 2 _.. Jan. 9 Jan. 16 Jan. 23 Jan. 30 - Reserves held Excess Borrowings at Federal reserve banks Reserves required Time Total Total 6,230 6,212 6,176 6,090 6,110 1,295 1,282 2,164 1,284 1,293 7,525 7,494 7,440 7, 374 7,403 846 841 830 833 893 878 905 881 895 44.0 31.7 64.5 50.5 62.0 51.2 32.9 19.3 11.5 10.5 Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 6... 13.. 20.. 27.. 6,171 6,109 6,094 6,099 1,297 1,323 1,337 1,367 7,468 7,432 7,431 7,465 841 834 832 834 861 837 847 849 19.4 3.4 14.8 15.0 14.1 18.8 25.3 Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 6— 1320.. 27.. 6,148 6,136 6,226 6,195 1,332 1,297 1,290 1,297 7,479 7,434 7, 516 7,493 839 837 848 844 843 872 883 854 4.1 35.5 34.8 14.4 9.6 9.1 8.5 Apr. Apr, Apr. Apr. 3... 10.. 17.. 24.. 6,124 6,015 6,043 5,965 1, 315 1, 308 1,308 1,315 7,438 7,323 7,350 7,280 836 821 825 815 838 824 829 821 2.7 3.0 3.8 6.2 30.8 28.0 17.4 10.1 May May May May May 1... 8... 15.. 22.. 29. . 6,023 6,009 6,095 6,186 1,341 1,348 1,358 1,338 1,339 7,365 7,357 7,453 7,523 7,427 823 822 833 844 832 837 835 842 852 870 13.6 13.4 9.1 8.1 38.6 7.8 21.9 13.6 13.2 2.0 June 5... June 12.. Junel9._ June 26.. 6,051 6,006 5,882 5,827 1,324 1,312 1,292 1,282 7,375 7,319 7,173 7,109 826 820 803 796 859 888 924 11.6 39.1 84.1 127.6 5.6 2.8 5.8 2.2 July 3 . . . July 10.. July 17.. July 24.. July 3 1 . . 6,026 6,046 6,085 6,055 6,049 1,279 1,278 1,269 1,248 1,239 7,305 7,324 7,354 7,303 7,288 822 824 829 825 824 879 870 908 894 57.7 45.6 79.4 68.9 62.8 2.5 2.1 1.8 1.7 2.0 Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. 6,055 5,917 5,919 5,889 1,216 1,215 1,193 1,191 7,271 7,132 7,112 7,080 824 806 805 801 834 829 850 846 10.6 23.6 44.6 44.3 16.9 18.5 7.8 12.5 5,989 5,903 5,953 5, 916 1,178 1,164 1,168 1,168 7,166 7,066 7,121 7,084 814 802 809 804 859 818 881 871 44.9 16.2 72.2 66.7 16.4 17.9 9.8 11.7 6,134 5,969 5,773 5,803 5,835 1,139 1,120 1,103 1,033 7,273 7,089 6,876 6,835 6,833 892 826 833 877 857 60.3 16.2 49.3 92.0 68.7 11.5 77.6 126.3 103.5 47.1 786 766 768 780 8.3 6.5 5.9 20.9 35.7 30.3 26. 3 19.9 775 756 790 748 14.4 8.2 31.0 8.4 32.5 26.8 4.5 51.0 7... 14.. 21.. 28.. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 4... 11.. 18.. 25.. 2.. 9... 16. 23. 30. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 6— 13.. 20.. 27.. 5,762 5,623 5,639 5,618 958 954 961 6,728 6,580 6,593 6,578 810 784 785 789 778 760 762 759 Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 4... 11.. 18.. 25.. 5,636 5,549 5,635 5,498 942 892 868 842 6,578 6,442 6,503 6,340 761 748 759 740 3 Central reserve city banks only. 125554—32 8 104 AKNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD No. 56.—MEMBER BANKS IN N E W YORK CITY, CHICAGO, AND OTHER RESERVE CITIES—DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO RESERVE, RESERVES REQUIRED, RESERVES HELD, AND BORROWINGS AT FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS, BY WEEKS, 1929-1931— Continued [Averages of daily figures. In millions of dollars] Deposits subject to reserve Week ending (Friday) Net demand Chicago: 3 1925)—Jan. 4... Jan. 11.. Jan. 18.. Jan. 25.. 8 Time Total Reserves held Reserves required Total Excess Borrowings at Federal reserve banks 1,217 1,203 1,198 1,191 565 569 573 574 1,782 1,772 1,771 1,765 175 173 173 172 180 175 175 174 4.8 1.9 2.1 1.8 69.5 54.6 64.0 69.6 Feb.l... Feb. 8... Feb. 15.. Feb. 22.. 1,199 1,208 1,205 1,200 569 567 523 462 1,769 1,775 1,728 1,663 173 174 172 170 175 176 175 172 1.8 1.9 3.0 2.0 59.1 65.4 73.1 93.1 Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 1... 8... 15.. 22.. 29.. 1,213 1,203 1,191 1,145 1,130 465 464 456 436 430 1,677 1,667 1,647 1,581 1,560 172 170 169 162 160 173 172 171 165 162 1.4 2.2 2.1 2.6 1.8 102.7 120.3 127.5 136.7 99.2 Apr. 5 . . . Apr. 12.. Apr. 19.. Apr. 26.. 1,119 1,126 1,157 1,153 406 419 433 443 1,525 1,545 1,591 1,597 158 159 163 163 159 161 165 165 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.8 95.0 51.0 20.4 16.5 May May May May May 3... 10.. 17.. 24.. 31.. 1,144 1,144 1,145 1,127 l,ill 442 439 441 446 445 1,586 1, 583 1,586 1,572 1,555 162 162 162 160 158 163 163 164 161 157 1.5 1.1 1.7 .9 -1.1 June7._. June 14.. June 21.. June 28.. 1,122 1,140 1,136 1,132 445 442 437 435 1,568 1,582 1,573 1,566 159 161 161 160 160 163 161 161 .7 1.2 July 5 . . . July 12.. July 19.. July 26 _. 1,158 1,148 1,162 1,173 445 447 452 457 1,603 1,595 1,613 1,630 164 163 165 166 163 163 165 166 4 '.7 .3 .2 Aug. 2... Aug. 9... Aug. 16.. Aug. 23.. Aug. 30.. 1,214 1,241 1,204 1,200 1,202 459 471 488 482 485 1,673 1,712 1,692 1,682 1,686 172 176 171 170 171 171 176 171 171 171 -.1 .8 .1 .2 .2 Sept. 6... Sept. 13.. Sept. 20.. Sept. 27.. 1,206 1,221 1,200 1,207 483 473 463 468 1,689 1,693 1,663 1,675 171 173 170 171 173 174 169 170 1.5 .8 -1.2 23.4 22.1 28.9 37.9 62.2 68.2 54.7 63.9 67.1 56.7 59.4 51.0 35.9 37.3 28.1 43.2 34.2 21.8 11.9 Oct.4-_ Oct. 11. Oct. 18. Oct.25- 1,219 1,213 1,228 1,268 469 461 471 499 1,689 1,674 1,699 1,767 173 171 174 180 173 172 175 180 .2 .7 1.1 .2 Nov. 1... Nov. 8... Nov. 15.. Nov. 22.. Nov. 29.. 1,311 1,291 1,246 1,249 1,224 499 485 443 430 426 1,810 1,776 1,689 1,680 1,650 185 182 175 175 172 187 184 - 176 176 173 1.8 1.3 .9 .5 1.1 17.8 46.3 10.5 30.3 Dec. 6.. Dec. 13. Dec. 20. Dec. 27. 1,223 1,215 1,207 1,197 428 432 419 411 1,651 1,647 1,625 1,609 172 171 169 168 174 172 171 169 2.1 1.0 1.4 1.0 52.4 27.0 17.3 40.2 Central reserve city banks only. .1 .6 -.7 8.4 21.0 27.1 52.2 46.2 54.7 6.3 4.7 105 ALL MEMBEE BANKS No. 56.—MEMBER BANKS IN N E W YORK CITY, CHICAGO, AND OTHER RESERVE CITIES—DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO RESERVE, RESERVES REQUIRED, RESERVES HELD, AND BORROWINGS AT FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS, BY WEEKS, 1929-1931— Continued [Averages of daily figures. In millions of dollars] Deposits subject to reserve Week ending (Friday) Net demand Chicago 3—Contined. 1930—Jan. 3 Jan.10 Jan.17 Jan. 24. Jan. 31 Time Total Reserves held Reserves required Total Excess Borrowings at Federal reserve banks 1,193 1,189 1,176 1,177 1,162 415 407 403 408 412 1,608 1,596 1,578 1,585 1,575 167 167 165 165 163 169 168 167 168 165 1.1 1.6 1.6 2.9 1.4 39.2 16.3 5.3 2.9 3.8 Feb.7._. Feb. 14.. Feb. 21.. Feb. 28.. 1,155 1,136 1,149 1,162 412 414 412 418 1, 567 1,550 1,561 1,580 162 160 162 164 165 161 163 165 2.4 1.3 1.0 1.7 1.0 2.9 4.3 1.9 Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 7... 14.. 21.. 28- 1,182 1,181 1,188 1,189 426 427 433 434 1,609 1,608 1,621 1,623 166 166 167 168 167 169 172 169 2.6 4.2 1.4 Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. 4... 11.. 18_. 25.. 1,201 1,206 1, 216 1,220 424 432 434 435 1,625 1,638 1,650 1,655 169 170 171 172 170 171 172 173 1.0 1.3 1.9 3.1 3.9 2.9 1.3 May May May May May 2... 9-. 16.. 23. . 30.. 1,211 1,210 1,211 1,221 1,227 439 443 443 446 448 1,651 1,653 1,654 1, 667 1,675 171 171 171 172 173 172 171 172 174 175 .9 1.1 1.8 1.6 2.6 2.4 1.1 .1 .1 June 6... June 13.. June 20.. June 27_. 1,223 1,230 1,234 1,219 457 460 455 470 1,680 1, 690 1,688 1,688 173 174 174 173 175 175 175 177 1.9 .8 1.4 4.2 .1 .3 .4 July 4 . . . July 11.. July 18.. July 25.. 1,224 1,232 1,245 1,249 1,739 1,775 1,835 1,837 175 176 180 180 176 179 181 182 1.1 2.3 1.5 1.9 \~9 .1 Aug. 1... Aug. 8... Aug. 15Aug. 22-. Aug. 29- 1,263 1,252 1,253 1,250 1,240 515 543 590 587 577 555 555 552 552 1,840 1,807 1,807 1,802 1,792 182 179 179 179 178 184 183 180 182 179 2.3 3 9 .9 2.6 1.4 .4 .3 .4 Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. 1,231 1,243 1,235 1,220 569 570 572 575 1,800 1,813 1,808 1,795 177 179 178 176 179 180 185 178 2.1 1.5 7.5 2.0 6.9 .3 .1 .1 Oct.3__ Oct. 10. Oct. 17_ Oct.24Oct.31- 1,220 1,209 1,238 1,254 1,248 577 568 561 541 547 1,797 1,777 1,798 1,795 1,795 176 174 178 179 179 177 175 180 181 181 .6 1.1 1.9 1 7 1.8 1.4 .4 2.1 .2 Nov. 7... Nov. 14.. Nov. 21.. Nov. 28.. 1,254 1,278 1,282 1,263 542 537 537 540 1,796 1,816 1,819 1,804 179 182 183 180 180 184 184 182 1.2 2.0 .8 1.1 .2 .8 .8 1.4 1,279 1,285 1,283 1,260 529 524 523 514 1,807 1,809 1,806 1,773 182 183 183 179 184 185 184 181 2.2 2.3 1.3 1.4 .1 .3 .2 5— 12.. 1926- Dec. 5... Dec. 12.. Dec. 19.. Dec. 26.. 3 Central reserve city banks only. .4 .5 1.2 .4 .8 106 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD No. 56.—MEMBER BANKS IN N E W YORK CITY, CHICAGO, AND OTHER RESERVE CITIES—DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO RESERVE, RESERVES REQUIRED, RESERVES HELD, AND BORROWINGS AT FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS, BY WEEKS, 1929-1931— Continued [Averages of daily figures. In millions of dollars] Deposits subject to reserve Week ending (Friday) Net demand Time Reserves held Reserves required Total Total Excess Borrowings at Federal reserve banks Chicago '—Continued. 1931—Jan. 2 ._ Jan.9 Jan.16 Jan. 23 Jan. 30 -. 1,250 1,252 1,257 1,233 1,230 505 507 515 522 524 1,755 1,760 1,773 1, 754 1,755 178 178 179 176 176 189 182 181 179 177 11.0 4.0 2.2 2.6 1.1 .2 Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 6... 13.. 20.. 27.. 1,219 1,228 1,242 1,227 539 536 536 539 1,758 1,764 1, 779 1,766 175 176 178 176 176 177 179 176 1.5 1.4 1.3 .5 .2 Mar.6— Mar. 13.. Mar. 20.. Mar. 27- 1,191 1,179 1,165 1,160 551 547 539 584 1,742 1,725 1,704 1,693 171 170 168 167 173 171 169 168 1 ?, 1 ? 1.5 1.3 Apr.3... Apr. 10.. Mar. 17Mar. 24.. 1,131 1,156 1,178 1,171 538 549 552 611 1,669 1,704 1,730 1,782 163 167 170 171 164 168 171 172 1 ?, 1.2 1.7 1.8 .07 .07 May 1... May 8... May 15May22.. May 29. . 1,169 1,177 1,189 1,211 1,191 615 596 567 580 580 1,784 1,772 1,755 1,791 1,771 170 171 172 175 172 172 174 173 176 174 1.5 3.3 1.0 .9 1.4 .4 .3 .6 June 5.-. June 12.. June 19.. June 26.. 1,171 1,154 1,153 1,142 590 583 541 508 1,761 1,737 1,694 1,650 170 167 166 164 171 177 169 165 1.0 9.4 3.2 1.4 .4 3.4 3.5 1.6 July 3 . . . July 10.. July 17.. July 24.. July 3 1 . . 1,148 1,169 l>159 1,161 1,180 491 485 491 494 505 1,638 1,654 1, 650 1,655 1,685 164 167 165 166 169 167 174 172 169 182 3.1 7.8 6.2 3.4 13.3 .6 1.2 .9 .9 .7 Aug. 7... Aug. 14.. Aug. 21.. Aug. 28.. 1,170 1,169 1,169 1,172 515 510 496 490 1,684 1,679 1,665 1,662 167 167 167 167 177 176 184 191 9.4 9.0 17.1 23.8 1.1 .9 .8 .4 Sept.4... Sept. 11 Sept. 18 Sept. 25 1,175 1,170 1,173 1,128 491 476 472 459 1,666 1,646 1,645 1,587 168 166 167 160 195 174 187 175 27.2 7.8 20.2 14.9 .4 .8 1.2 1.3 Oct.2_. Oct. 9 . Oct. 16. Oct. 23. Oct. 30- 1,106 1,113 1,091 1,097 1,098 456 448 442 430 426 1,563 1,561 1,532 1,527 1,524 158 158 155 156 155 179 175 165 161 165 21.7 17.2 9.5 5.5 9.2 1.3 4.5 4.8 4.4 Nov. 6— Nov. 13.. Nov. 20Nov. 27- 1,089 1,092 1,102 1,093 424 416 408 402 1,513 1,508 1,510 1,494 154 154 156 154 158 156 157 157 3.4 1.7 1.2 2.9 2.0 2.2 2.0 2.1 1,086 Dec. 4 .. 1,070 Dec. 11 . 1,063 Dec. 18 . 1,017 Dec. 25 , * Central reserve city banks only. 405 400 398 390 1,491 1,470 1,461 1,406 153 151 150 144 154 158 165 145 1.1 7.3 14.5 1.4 6.2 8.0 8.2 13.4 .2 .4 107 ALL MEMBER BANKS No. 5 6 . — M E M B E R BANKS IN N E W YORK CITY, CHICAGO, AND OTHER RESERVE C I T I E S — D E P O S I T S SUBJECT TO RESERVE, RESERVES REQUIRED, RESERVES H E L D , AND BORROWINGS AT FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS, BY W E E K S , 1929-1931— Continued [Averages of daily figures. In millions of dollars] Reserves held Deposits subject to reserve Week ending (Friday) Reserve city banks: 1929—Jan. 4 . . . Jan.11 _. Jan.18 _. Jan. 25 . . Net demand Time Total Reserves required Total Excess Borrowings at Federal reserve banks 6,354 6,386 6,404 6,331 4,828 4,824 4,823 4,819 11,182 11,210 11,227 11,151 780 783 785 778 799 802 801 789 19.2 18.5 15.9 11.6 391.7 349.3 351.6 363.7 Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 1 ... 8—. 15... 22... 6,303 6,270 6,274 6,223 4,813 4,808 4,803 4,791 11,115 11, 078 11, 077 11,014 775 771 771 766 787 782 783 782 11.9 11.0 12.0 15.5 368.5 374.4 379.7 393.6 Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 1.... 8—. 15.. 22 . 29.. 6,179 6,174 6,256 6,174 6,090 4,789 4,802 4,791 4,788 4,771 10,968 10,976 11, 046 10,962 10, 860 762 761 769 761 752 770 774 781 770 764 8.0 12.6 12.1 12.0 433.4 424.1 405.9 396.1 443.6 Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. 5 12... 19... 26— 6,076 6,070 6,141 6,080 4,771 4,747 4,751 4,748 10, 847 10, 818 10, 892 10,828 751 749 757 750 762 760 767 761 11.0 10.1 10.5 10.4 506.4 483.1 494.7 481.0 May May May May May 3—. 10— 17... 24... 31... 6,121 6,100 6,172 6,025 5,961 4,770 4,781 4,781 4,783 4,778 10,890 10, 881 10, 953 10,808 10, 739 755 753 761 746 739 765 765 771 755 748 9.5 11.7 10.3 475.0 446.5 427.3 444.2 453.4 June 7 June 14._. June 21— June 28... 5,984 6,100 6,112 6,032 4,790 4,783 4,767 4,787 10, 774 10, 883 10,878 10,819 742 753 754 747 751 763 764 757 July July July July 5 12... 19... 26... 6,086 6,111 6,187 6,126 4,783 4,762 4,776 4,728 10,869 10, 873 10,963 10, 854 752 754 762 754 763 763 770 764 11.1 Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. 2 9 1623... 30... 6,111 6,114 6,159 6,088 6,039 4,716 4,719 4,707 4,694 4,700 10, 827 10, 833 10,866 10, 781 10,739 753 753 757 750 745 763 762 767 755 751 10.5 8.7 9.5 5.4 6.4 415.3 414.8 438.7 490.2 477.5 Sept. 6-_. Sept. 13 . Sept. 20.. Sept. 27- 6,056 6,159 6,162 6,080 4,718 4,727 4,740 4,739 10,774 10,886 10,902 10,818 747 758 758 750 755 763 765 755 7.6 5.3 6.9 4.5 507.1 482.6 479.3 495.2 Oct. 4 Oct. 1 1 . . . Oct. 18__ Oct. 25... 6,094 6,108 6,216 6,142 4,728 4,710 4,730 4,752 10,822 10, 817 10,946 10,894 751 752 763 757 759 758 772 763 7.8 6.1 8.1 6.7 508.5 409.9 463.3 475.8 Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 1 .. 8—.. 15.. 22.. 29.. 6,230 6,241 6,254 6,191 6,116 4,756 4,753 4,726 4,724 4,732 10,986 10,994 10,980 10,915 10,848 766 767 767 761 754 775 779 772 767 760 9.1 5.2 6.6 5.9 492.0 520.9 537.9 517.2 467.3 Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 6— 13— 20— 27.. 6,127 6,154 6,164 6,122 4,723 4,733 4,723 4,812 10,849 10,887 10,887 10,934 754 757 758 762 766 771 767 7.8 8.2 12.7 10.3 447.2 367.6 323.1 309.5 757 9.2 8.5 9.0 9.3 9.1 10.3 9.8 8.9 7.6 9.5 12.1 469.2 419.9 378.3 390.1 381.2 399.3 392.4 394.1 108 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD No. 56.—MEMBER BANKS IN NEW YORK CITY, CHICAGO, AND OTHER RESERVE CITIES—DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO RESERVE, RESERVES REQUIRED, RESERVES HELD, AND BORROWINGS AT FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS, BY WEEKS, 1929-1931— Continued [Averages of daily figures. In millions of dollars] Reserves held Deposits subject to reserve Week ending (Friday) serve city banks—Contd 1930—Jan. 3 Jan. 10 Jan. 17 Jan. 24 Jan. 31 Net demand Total Borrow- ings at Reserves required Total Excess Federal reserve banks 5, 941 I 4,862 4,872 4,892 4,935 4,945 Feb.7 Feb. 14 Feb. 21 Feb. 28 5,942 I 5,979 5,955 ! 5,902 ' 4,921 4,916 4,916 4,908 10,863 10.894 10,870 10,810 742 745 743 737 755 760 756 748 12.9 14.7 12.6 10.5 149.3 133.2 136.3 134.0 Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 7 14 21 28 5,898 5,964 5.996 I 5,988 10,811 10, 863 10, 909 10,946 737 743 747 748 751 756 766 763 14.1 13.0 19.2 15.6 128.4 88.6 47.9 38.4 Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. 4 11 — . 18 25 6,013 6,065 6, 111 6,042 4,913 4,900 4,913 4,958 4,932 4,954 4,942 4,936 10,945 11,019 11.053 10,978 749 755 759 752 765 768 773 765 15.5 12.9 14.1 13.1 51.4 36.7 38.9 42.9 May May May May May 2 9 16 23 30 6,026 6,020 6,077 6,026 5,974 4,964 4,970 4,982 5, 008 5,021 10,990 10. 990 11,059 11,035 10,995 751 751 757 753 748 765 767 774 767 764 13.3 16.0 16.7 14.5 16.3 47.4 47.4 39.5 38.1 42.2 June June June June 6 13 20 27 6,021 6,135 6,120 6,024 5,021 5,018 5,009 5,019 11,041 11,152 11,130 11,043 753 764 762 753 771 781 781 770 18.4 16.7 19.2 17.3 47.0 40.5 43.1 45.2 July July July July 4 11 18 25 6,098 6,145 6,242 6,169 5,028 5,034 5,021 5,029 11,125 11,179 11,263 11,197 761 765 775 768 781 788 797 792 20.5 22.5 21.9 24.3 59.6 49.7 34.6 25.3 Aug. 1 Aug. 8____ Aug. 15 Aug. 22 Aug. 29 6,140 6.159 6,180 6,137 6,075 5,038 5,046 5,061 5,082 5,103 11.177 11, 206 11,241 11, 219 11.178 765 767 770 766 761 783 787 770 783 778 17.8 19.6 .1 17.0 17.0 26.1 27.5 44.7 28.1 27.0 Sept. 5 Sept. 12..... Sept. 19.. Sept. 26 6,097 6,188 6,200 6,106 5,121 5,124 5,138 5,160 11,218 11,312 11,338 11, 265 763 773 774 765 781 792 790 780 18.1 19.5 15.7 14.5 34.3 30.8 25.1 24.4 Oct. 3 Oct. 10 Oct. 17 Oct. 24._ Oct. 31 6,102 6,089 6,132 6,057 6,012 5,171 5,165 5,158 5.163 5,176 11,273 11,254 11,290 11, 220 11,188 765 764 768 761 756 778 781 780 775 775 12.5 16.9 12.5 14.4 18.2 35.4 32.4 35.0 41.9 40.1 Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 7 14 21 28 6,184 6,120 6,040 5,276 5,349 5,316 5,304 11,364 11, 533 11, 436 11, 343 767 779 771 763 788 800 790 776 20.8 20.8 18.2 13.1 44.0 43.0 49.3 59.9 Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 5 12 19 26 6,049 6,060 6,035 5,896 5,269 5, 267 5, 244 5,228 11,318 11,327 11,279 11,124 763 764 761 746 777 778 775 761 14.1 13.6 14.2 14.9 67.8 62.0 114.4 150.5 .._- _ 6,195 6,131 6,137 6, 027 ; I I I 11,057 11,003 11,029 10,962 10,886 765 759 760 751 742 777 770 771 765 756 11.2 10.9 10.3 13.9 13.5 275.3 229.4 170.6 155.1 153.9 109 ALL MEMBER BANKS No. 56.—MEMBER BANKS IN N E W YORK CITY, CHICAGO, AND OTHER RESERVE CITIES—DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO RESERVE, RESERVES REQUIRED, RESERVES HELD, AND BORROWINGS AT FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS, BY WEEKS, 1929-1931— Continued [Averages of daily figures. In millions of dollars] Deposits subject to reserve Week ending (Friday) Reserve city banks—Contd. 1931—Jan. 2 Jan. 9 Jan.16 Jan. 23 Jan. 30 Net demand Time Total Reserves held Reserves required Total Excess Borrowings at Federal reserve banks 5,934 6,030 6, 029 6,002 5,954 5,201 5,185 5,185 5,170 5,179 11.135 11, 215 11, 214 11,172 11,133 749 759 754 755 751 766 784 777 772 770 17.0 25.5 22.4 16.7 18.7 106.6 93.6 62.4 54.6 52.4 Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 6... 13.. 20.. 27_. 5,947 5,947 5,964 5,899 5,214 5,216 5, 222 5, 257 11,161 11,163 11,186 11,156 751 751 753 748 772 772 768 762 20.6 20.8 15.1 14.8 55.0 51.2 44.8 35.3 Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 6_.. 13.. 20_. 27.. 5,929 5,994 6,020 6,001 5, 297 5,305 5,300 5, 308 11, 226 11,299 11, 320 11, 309 752 759 761 759 766 775 778 778 14.7 16.3 17.0 18.8 42.0 28.9 26.3 22.3 Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. 3... 10.. 17.. 24.. 6,071 6,140 6,193 6,179 5,305 5,294 5,268 5,295 11,377 11,434 11,461 11, 474 766 773 777 777 785 794 793 792 19.0 20.9 15.5 15.0 18.4 14.3 14.8 17.7 May May May May May 1... 8... 15.. 22.. 29.. 6,118 6,079 6,072 6,029 6,003 5,311 5,344 5,342 5,339 5,329 11,429 11,423 11,414 11, 368 11, 333 771 768 767 763 760 791 792 785 782 783 19.8 23.9 17.9 19.2 22.4 27.7 29.4 19.2 20.1 22.2 June June June June 5... 12.. 19.. 26.. 6,010 | 6,021 6,014 ! 5,908 | 5,308 5,285 5,250 5,243 11,319 11, 306 11, 264 11,151 760 761 759 748 784 784 774 768 24.2 23.6 15.5 20.3 36.4 41.9 45.8 48.6 July 3 . . . July 10.. July 17.. July 24.. July 31.. 5,961 5,964 5,961 5,920 5,870 5,259 5,255 5,252 5,222 5.228 11, 219 11, 219 11, 213 11,142 11.098 754 754 754 749 744 784 784 777 774 766 29.8 30.0 23.8 25.4 22.3 25.9 30.9 37.2 47.2 45.6 Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. 7... 14.. 21.. 28.. 5,886 5,891 5, 859 5,769 5,214 5,211 5,187 5,164 11.099 11,102 11,046 10,933 745 745 742 732 ' 765 768 763 751 20.1 22.8 21.5 19.2 45.0 40.1 68.4 77.4 Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. 4... 11.. 18.. 25.. 5,751 5,752 5,745 5,542 5,147 5,125 5,086 5,044 10,898 10,877 10, 831 10, 586 730 729 727 706 749 748 743 724 84.2 91.7 93.7 107.4 124.9 192.7 248.3 321.2 350.4 Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 2__ 9__ 16_ 23. 30_ 5,441 5,410 5,349 5,283 5,186 4,978 4,879 4,797 4,757 4,738 10,419 10, 289 10,146 10,040 9,924 687 679 671 661 719 728 717 695 672 19.3 19.2 15.6 18.8 25.2 41.1 38.7 24.3 11.4 Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 6... 13.. 20_. 27.. 5,174 5,209 5,210 5,147 4,709 4,676 4,657 4.644 9,883 9,885 9,867 9,791 659 661 661 654 672 678 683 671 13.6 16.3 22.4 17.0 382.4 347.5 329.1 328.1 Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 4.. 11. 18. 25. 5,139 5,135 5,106 4,982 4,609 4,586 4,541 4,511 9,748 9,721 9,646 9,492 652 651 647 633 664 666 654 637 11.6 15.3 6.9 3.5 345.4 364.4 110 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD REPORTING MEMBER BANKS IN LEADING CITIES No. 57.—REPORTING M E M B E R B A N K S — L O A N S , INVESTMENTS, DEPOSITS, R E S E R V E S , AND B O R R O W I N G S AT F E D E R A L R E S E R V E B A N K S , 1 9 2 0 - 1 9 3 1 . [Monthly averages of weekly figures. In millions of dollars] Month 1920 Loans and investments: January 16,682 February.. 16,652 16,853 March 1921 1922 14,694 16, 233 14,688! 16, 226 14,617 16, a68 14,688 16,443 14, 968 16,487 15,242 16,428 15, 254 16, 404 15,373 16, 201 15, 446 16,305 15, 732 16,381 15,816 16,287 16,006 16,318 April May June July.August September. October November. December.. 16, 983 16,992 16, 971 16, 921 16,907 17,057 17,192 16,868 16,737 16,447 16,176 16,066 15,778 15,511 15,364 15,065 14, 921 14,902 14,942i 14,837| 14,842j Total loans: January February. _ March April May June July-.— August September. October November. December— 12, 743 12,888 13,242 13,344 13,352 13,426 13,507 13,518 13,691 13,896 13,578 13,428 13,167 12,928| 12, 785| 12, 506: 12,272: 12,036 11,853 11,6891 11,672: 11,664 11,494 11,420 11,204 11,025 11,034 11.002 11,045 11,024 10,959 10,942 11,066 11,342 11,400 11,445 4,737 4,036 4,504 3,961 4,454 3,921 4,390 3,849 4,303 3,842 4,249 3,805 4,181 3,740! 4,087 3,670| 4,111 3,6671 4,155 3,717 4,072 3,721 4,111 *3,765 3,711 3,666 3,641 3,657 3,825 3,909 3,895 3,862 3,908 4,060| 4,1031 4,123 Loans on securities: January February. _ March April May June July August September. October November. December.. 1923 1925 16,321 16, 319 16,443 16, 565 16,618 16,816 17,131 17,446 17,757 18,217 18,35^ 18,465 18,502 19,358 18,439 19,323 18,523 19,420 18,554 19,392 18,527 19,502 18,641 19,596 18, 722 19,561 18, 775 19,594. 18,978 19,775 19, 239 19,784 19,331 19,673 19,413 19,742 19,686 21,493 19,558 21,315 19,989 21,502 20.068 21, 944 20, 273! 22,148 20,506 22,063 20, 404)22,006 20,357| 21,809 20,653!1 21,871 20, 918 21,938 21,112 21, 983 21,328 22,189 22,320 22,263! 22,472| 22,388 22,113! 22,2311 22,479' 22,465j 22,646 23,124 23,663i 23,012 22, 368 22,083 22, 352 22, 657 22, 662 23.024 23,101 23,128 23, 220 23,409 23,455 23,117 22, 660 22, 659 22, 839 22, 942 22,713 22,439 22, 393 22,093 22,078 21, 425 21, 023 20, 749 13,179 13,232 13,320 13, 297 13, 294 13,375 13,474 13,557 13,797 14,057 14,200 14,140 14,172 14,140 14,160 14,235 14,241 14,313 14,498 14,555 14,181 14,487 14,248 14,578 14,538 14,347 14,536 14,564 14,666 14,849 15,441 15, 223 15,370 15,805 15,960 15,871 15,892 15,825 15,898 16,003 16,096 16,253 16,300 16,260 16,491! 16,464' 16,277 16,480 16,950 16,969 17,197 17,706 18,041 17,444 16, 821 16, 542 16, 746 16,901 16, 825 17,048 16,906 16,838 16, 859 16, 834 16, 673 16, 332 15, 894 15, 557 15,452 15,197 14, 891 14, 623 14, 595 14, 380 14, 283 13, 650 13, 445 13, 204 11,560 11,' 11,597 12,004 11,796 12,138 11,919 12, 212 12,002 12,172 11, 905J 12,249 11,912 12,400 11,792 12,594 11,930 12,725 12,029 12,955 11,975 12,969 11,985 13,087 4,194 4,119 4,116 4,173 4,220 4,157 4,150 3,994 4,028 4,052 4,056 4,142 All other loans: 8,0061 9,131 7,493 7,366 January February. _ 8,384! 8,967 7,359 7,477 8, 788 8,864 7,393 7,680 March 8,954 8,657 7,345 7,746 April 9,050 8,430 7,219 7,781 May 9,177 8,232 7,115 7,748 June 9,326 8,113 7,064 7,761 July.. 9,431 8,018 7,080 7,798 August September . 9,580 8,005 7,158 7,903 9,741 7,947 7,T" 7,977 October 7,773 7,297 7,920 November. 9,507 9,317 7,655 7,322 7,843 DecemberInvestments: 3,939 3,280 3,490 4,673 January 3,764 3,247 3,663 4,629 February. _ 3,611 3,281 3,583 4,572 March 3, 273j 3,1 4,523 3,639 April 3, 238! 3,923 4,485 3,640 May 3,328 4,218 4,522 3,546 June 3,414 3,213 4,295 4,492 July 3,390 3,232 4,431 4,409 August 3,2291 4,379 4,375 September.' 3,278 4,390 4,352 3,296 October 3,343 4,416 4,312 3,290 November _ 3,421 4,561 4,333 December.. Back figures.—Set Annual Report for 1930 1924 1926 1931 1927 14,7811 14,825 15,066 15,258 15,308 15,396 4,252 4,173 4,181 4,218 4,221 4,310 4,479 4,582 4,675 4,726 4,740 4,917 5,008 5,056 5,122 5,098 5,167 5,289 5,370 5,377 5,447 5,558 5,696 5,843 5,874 5,767 5,652 5,576 5,592 5,693 5,743 5,771 5,847 5,741 5,633 5,771 5,915 5,780 5,867| 5,930 6,017 6,220 6,191! 6,201 6,298 6,403 6,492 6,676 6,811 7,506 6,606 7,522 6,586 7,580 6,924 7,392 7,075 7,218 6,962 7,332 6,955 7,716 6,816 7,578 6,840 7,654 6,874 8,098 7,082 8,249 7,198 7f 7,794 7,671 7,964 8,270 8,312 8,560 8,391 8,349 8,383 8,237 7,r 7,776 7,495 7,315 7,302 7,157 6,998 6,770 6,631 6,480 6,413 5,971 5,859 5,763 7,736 7,831 7,956 7,994 7,951 7tc ' 7,921 8,012 8,049 8,229 8,229 8,170 8,170 8,176 8,198 8,199 8,127 8,085 8,103 8,180 8,500 8,485 8,405 8,326 8,373 8,521 8,564 8,568 8,541 8,498 8,542 8,652 8,814 8,854 8,807 8,623 8,566 8,670 8,634 8,649 8,628 8,590 8,624 8,768! 8,855 8,816 8,720 8,631 8,617 8,784 8,880 8,884 8,909 8,937 9,009 9,059 9,130 9,014 9,055 8,794 8,737! 8,911 9,073 9,059 9,149 9,234j 9,390 9,543J 9,608| 9,792! 9,476 9,027 8,871 8,781 8,631 8,513 8,487 8,515 8,488 8,476 8,597 8,776 8,557 8,399 8,242 8,150 8,040 7,893 7,853 7,964 7,900 7,870 7,679 7,586 7,441 4,333 4,315 4,306 4,352 4,445 4,567 4,731 4,851 5,032 5,262 5,389 5,378 5,323 5,206 5,204 5,258 5,233 5,266 5,248 5,217 5,181 5,181 5,151 5,165 5,158 5,148 5,182 5,212 5,248 5,453 5,252 5,504 5,342 5,608 5,362 5,658 5,320 5,623 5,281 5,531 5,277 5,587 5,228 5,660 5,186 5,804; 5,165 5,932 6,052 6,091 6,133 6,140 6,188 6,193 6,114 5,9841 5,973 5,934 5,888 5,9361 6,021 6,004 5,9811 5,924! 5,836! 5,751! 5,529! 5,496! 5,449; 5,418! 5,623 6,567; 5,548 5,541 5,607 5,756 5,837 5,977 6,194 6,291 6,361 6,575 6,782 6,784 6,766 7,102 7,387 7,745 7,822 7,816 7,798 7,713 7,795 7,775 7,578 7,545 (Table 51). 111 REPORTING MEMBER BANKS IN LEADING CITIES No. 57,—REPORTING MEMBER BANKS—LOANS, INVESTMENTS, DEPOSITS, R E SERVES, AND BORROWINGS AT FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS, 1920-1931—Con. [Monthly averages of weekly figures. In millions of dollars] Month Net demand plus time deposits: January February. _ March April May June July August September. October November. December.. Net demand deposits: January February. _ March April May June July August September . October November. December.. Time deposits: January February. _ March April May June. July August September. October November. December. . Reserve balances: January February. _ March April May. June July August September . October November. December.. Borrowings at Federal reserve banks: January February. _ March April May June . July . August September. October November _ December.. 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 14,038 14,021 14,200 14,183 14,182 14,208 14,200 14,059 14,093 14,100 13,861 13,666 13, 766 13, 527 13,356 13,161 13,221 13,144 12,976 12,857 12,901 13,093 13, 236 13,256 13,409 13,339 13, 529 13, 766 14,170 14,487 14,627 14,602 14,680 14,852 14,796 14,866 15,312 15,294 15,212 15,204 15,230 15,196 15,204 14,973 15,026 15,155 15, 228 15, 210 15,434 15,450 15,509 15,577 15,759 16,164 16,603 16, 967 17,262 17,689 17, 945 18,039 18,094 17,977 17,872 17,828 17,913 18,007 18,119 18,049 18,122 18,386 18, 558 18, 530 18,597 18,468 18,414 18,392 18, 544 18, 715 18,677 18,641 18,746 18, 727 18, 690 18,800 18,921 18,771 19,023 19,054 19,292 19, 577 19,483 19, 504 19,609 19, 757 20,112 20,291 20, 542 20,286 20,268 20, 576 20,652 20,373 20,107 19, 733 19,880 20,059 20,217 20,241 20,487 20,270 20,127 19,869 19,768 19, 740 19,918 19,848 19,990 20,472 21,131 20,501 20,096 19,835 20,067 20,460 20, 511 20, 842 21, 078 21, 050 21,093 21,284 21,452 21,060 20,836 20,839 20,944 21,059 21,099 20, 683 20, 727 20, 360 20,029 19, 058 18, 530 18, 037 11, 581 11, 487 11,605 11,551 11,511 11, 504 11,471 11,304 11,291 11,271 11,030 10,828 10,821 10, 588 10,409 10,206 10,199 10,187 10,042 9,927 9,958 10,112 10, 215 10, 247 10, 367 10,280 10,391 10, 587 10,919 11,138 11,113 11,007 11,076 11, 228 11,121 11,146 11,561 11, 522 11,284 11,214 11,222 11,176 11,198 10,968 10,991 11,107 11,170 11,127 11,299 11,273 11,282 11, 299 11,424 11, 773 12,114 12,396 12, 630 12, 937 13,080 13,184 13, 203 13,020 12,866 12, 742 12, 742 12,805 12,922 12,831 12,892 13,085 13,185 13,173 13,195 13,019 12,917 12,830 12,953 13,074 12,964 12,900 13,024 13,015 12,938 13,032 13,067 12,883 13,034 13,033 13,179 13,414 13,306 13,276 13,340 13,412 13, 703 13,872 13,982 13,673 13,579 13,814 13, 760 13,450 13,246 12,902 13.049 13, 216 13,369 13,399 13, 593 13,391 13,288 13,076 12,992 13,001 13,245 13,120 13,180 13,633 14, 363 13, 774 13,224 12,974 13, 093 13, 391 13, 393 13, 631 13, 720 13,651 13, 622 13, 735 13, 934 13,839 13, 763 13, 626 13, 678 13, 731 13, 692 13, 425 13,576 13, 290 13,137 12, 574 12, 279 12, 024 2,457 2,534 2,595 2,632 2,671 2,704 2,729 2,755 2,802 2,829 2,831 2,838 2,945 2,939 2,947 2,955 3,022 2,957 2,934 2, 930 2,943 2,981 3,021 3,009 3,042 3,059 3,138 3,179 3,251 3,349 3,514 3,595 3,604 3,624 3,675 3,720 3,751 3,772 3,928 3,990 4,008 4 020 4,006 4,005 4, 035 4,048 4,058 4,083 4,135 4,177 4, 227 4,278 4, 335 4,391 4 489 4,571 4,632 4,752 4,865 4,855 4,891 4,957 5,006 5,086 5,171 5,202 5,197 5,218 5,230 5,301 5,373 5,357 5,402 5,449 5,497 5,562 5,591 5,641 5,713 5,741 5,722 5,712 5,752 5,768 5,854 5,888 5,989 6,021 6,113 6,163 6,177 6,228 6,269 6,345 6,409 6,419 6,560 6,613 6,689 6,762 6,892 6,923 6,861 6,831 6,831 6,843 6,848 6,842 6,894 6,879 6,839 6,793 6,776 6,739 6,673 6,728 6,810 6,839 6,768 6,727 6,872 6,861 6,974 7,069 7,118 7,211 7, 358 7.399 7,471 7,549 7, 518 7,221 7,073 7,213 7,266 7,328 7,407 7,258 7,151 7,070 6,892 6,484 6,251 6,013 L, 431 1,406 1,411 1,420 1,402 ,402 L, 405 1,375 L, 384 1,370 1,334 1,330 1,330 1,305 1,273 L, 254 ]1,256 ,296 ,241 L, 212 1,224 1,246 1,258 1,266 1,289 1,299 3.318 1,324 L, 381 ,405 ; ,414 1,370 L, 357 L, 412 1,379 1,383 1,447 1,434 L, 404 L, 397 L,408 ,400 402 1,366 L, 360 [,381 1,382 1,382 1,433 L,407 ,435 ,439 ,449 ,539 558 ,595 ,645 ,644 1,638 1,691 1,663 1,656 1,627 1,608 1,612 1,622 1,627 1,640 1,639 1, 652 1,667 1,685 L, 672 1,652 L, 649 L, 639 L, 647 1,664 649 ,640 1,674 [,627 [,631 ,680 1,672 1,639 1,665 1,653 1,691 1,744 1,690 1,702 1,703 1,719 1,761 1,781 1,799 1,758 1,726 1,783 1,771 1,740 1,723 1,672 1,699 1,707 1,714 1,748 1,777 1,734 L, 715 1,672 ,666 ,672 '703 1,665 L, 703 L, 775 1,869 L, 743 1,718 1,704 1,697 1,740 1,745 1,781 1,813 1,791 1.813 1,824 1,829 1, 834 1,846 1,792 1,811 1,799 1,836 1,827 1,843 1,795 1,791 1,717 1,603 1,637 1,803 2,019 2,053 2,069 2,085 1,981 2,005 2,072 2,117 2.222 2,200 2,132 1,947 1,878 1,792 1,601 1,421 1,267 1,167 996 906 854 723 697 514 374 264 215 161 130 151 115 145 240 376 392 343 402 417 420 455 466 552 516 545 585 505 502 347 285 245 258 185 131 89 61 83 86 75 145 108 218 234 229 191 238 264 351 403 437 411 491 318 351 372 329 290 252 315 335 428 440 422 447 299 233 268 270 302 268 272 256 267 283 276 388 314 338 362 488 644 796 854 806 822 736 681 799 663 659 740 725 661 670 801 717 706 634 655 490 247 174 81 71 59 53 53 43 44 56 71 141 82 57 35 26 28 56 44 75 127 398 404 499 112 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD No. 58.—REPORTING MEMBER BANKS—PRINCIPAL [In millions of dollars] Date or month 1931 Jan. 7 Jan. 14 Jan. 21.. Jan. 28. Feb. 4 Feb. 11 Feb. 18 Feb. 25 Mar. 4 Mar. 11 Mar. 18 Mar. 28 Apr. 1 Apr. 8 Apr. 15 Apr. 22 Apr. 29 May 6 May 13 May 20 May 27 June 3 June 10 June 17 June 24 July 1 July8_. July 15 July 22 July 29 Aug. 5 Aug. 12 Aug. 19 Aug. 20 Sept. 2 Sept. 9 Sept. 16 Sept. 23 Sept. 30 Oct. 7 Oct. 4. Oct. 21 Oct. 28 Nov. 4 Nov. 1 1 . . . . Nov. 13 Nov. 25 Dec. 2 Dec. 9.. Dec. 16 Dec. 23 Dec. 30 Monthly averages: January February March April May June -. July August September October November December Total loans and investments 22, 776 22, 666 22, 603 22, 596 22,682 22,659 22, 650 22,647 22, 621 22, 577 23, 111 23, 046 22,933 22.845 23, 051 22, 987 22,896 22, 768 22,778 22, 708 22, 598 22, 22, 22, 22, 536 452 425 343 22,486 22, 487 22, 415 22, 284 22, 296 22, 264 22, 075 22,001 22, 030 22,063 22,016 22,132 22, 072 22,107 21, 689 21, 501 21, 289 21, 221 21,147 21, 033 21, 002 20, 908 20,856 20,664 20, 963 20, 734 J20, 532 22, 660 22, 659 22,839 22,942 22, 713 22, 439 22, 393 22,093 22, 078 21,425 21, 023 20,749 Loans Total On securities All other 16, 064 15,922 15,839 15, 753 15,668 15,605 15,494 15,464 15,441 15, 377 15, 518 15,470 15,382 15,212 15,258 15,139 14,993 14,922 14,925 14,905 14,813 14, 730 14,641 14, 582 14, 540 14, 691 14,636 14, 635 14,527 14, 486 14, 506 14, 342 14, 338 14, 335 14,398 14,333 14, 263 14,228 14,191 13,858 13,680 13, 541 13, 521 13, 510 13,421 13, 442 13,405 13,350 13,237 13,212 13,119 13,104 15,894 15, 557 15,452 15,197 14,891 14, 623 14, 595 14,380 14, 283 13, 650 13,445 13, 204 Back figures,—See Annual Report for 1930 (Table 52). Investments 7,653 7,522 7,425 7,379 7,303 7,319 7,325 7,313 7,256 7,237 7,365 7,349 7,256 7,146 7,194 7,138 7,052 7,036 7,046 6,981 6,928 6,867 6,791 6,720 6,703 6,745 6,665 6,633 6,570 6,544 6,512 6,479 6,453 6,477 6,500 6,442 6,414 6,361 6,346 6,081 6,001 5,906 5,897 5,867 5 Total 6,712 6,743 6,764 6,843 7,014 7,054 7,156 7,183 7,180 7,200 7,593 7,576 7,551 7,633 7,793 7,848 7,903 7,846 7,853 7,803 7,785 7,806 7,811 7,843 7,803 5,831 5,807 5,760 5,740 5,733 5,777 8,411 8,400 8,414 8,374 8, 365 8,286 8,169 8,151 8,185 8,140 8,153 8,121 8,126 8,066 8,064 8,001 7,941 7,886 7,879 7,924 7,885 7,863 7,850 7,862 7,837 7,946 7,971 8,002 7,957 7,942 7,994 7,863 7,885 7,858 7,898 7,891 7,849 7,867 7,845 7,777 7,679 7,635 7,624 7,643 7,573 7,553 7,574 7,543 7,477 7,472 7,386 7,327 7,495 7,315 7,302 7,157 6,998 6,770 6,631 6,480 6,413 5, 971 5,859 5,763 8,399 8,242 8,150 8,040 7,893 7,853 7,964 7,900 7,870 7,689 7,586 7,441 U.S.Gov- Other ernment securities securities 3,623 3,598 3, 579 3,612 3,658 3,699 3,742 3,769 7,795 7,851 7,780 7,757 7,810 7,758 7,733 7,663 7,695 7,665 7,683 7,869 7,844 7,916 7,831 7,821 7,748 7,700 7,637 7,612 7,560 7,503 7,506 7,427 7,751 7,615 7,428 3,089 3,146 3,185 3,231 3,356 3,355 3,414 3,414 3,444 3,435 3,860 3,814 3,777 3,848 3,977 3,968 3,996 3,970 3,975 3,947 3,937 3,989 4,019 4,091 4,094 4,129 4,124 4,119 4,101 4,133 4,117 4,069 4,031 4,078 4,046 4,038 4,265 4,197 4,223 4,194 4,200 4,159 4,133 4,108 4,099 4,064 4,017 4,033 3,997 4,336 4,208 4,060 6,766 7,102 7,387 7,745 7,822 7,816 7,798 7,713 7,795 7,775 7,578 7,545 3,163 3,385 3,638 3,913 3,957 4,048 4,121 4,074 4,154 4,171 4,072 4,127 3,603 3,717 3,749 3,832 3,865 3,768 3,677 3,639 3,641 3,604 3,506 3,418 3,736 3,765 3,733 3,762 3,774 3,785 3,816 3,880 3,907 3,876 3,878 3,856 3,848 3,817 3,792 3,752 3,709 3,666 3,727 3,661 3,656 3,677 3,641 3,664 3,632 3,617 3,619 3,645 3,604 3,647 3,693 3,637 3,621 3,589 3,567 3,529 3,513 3,496 3,486 3,473 3,430 3,415 3,407 3,368 113 REPORTING MEMBER BANKS IN LEADING CITIES RESOURCES AND LIABILITIES, BY WEEKS, 1931 [In millions of dollars] Reserve with Federal reserve banks 1,827 1,870 1,846 1,842 1,785 1,786 1,796 1,801 1,773 1,847 1,846 1,779 1,810 1,797 1,768 1,790 1,832 1,829 1,835 1,834 1,847 1,790 1,821 1,816 1,879 1,808 1,854 1,854 1, 855 1,844 1,758 1,821 1,814 1,787 1,807 1,739 1,858 1,736 1,816 1,727 1,680 1,748 1,714 1,605 1,583 1,608 1,614 1,567 1,591 1,667 1,526 1,833 1,846 1,792 1,811 1,799 1,836 1,827 1,843 1,795 1,791 1,717 1,603 1,637 Net demand plus time deCash in vault nnsit.s TVT Total JNet demand Time Government deposits Borrowings at Federal reserve banks 227 242 225 259 255 271 278 265 264 264 254 238 245 236 248 259 292 271 20,864 20,921 20,779 20,779 20,809 20,847 20,813 20,889 20,803 20,972 21,031 20, 968 21,045 20,951 21,115 21,110 21,074 21,030 21,175 21,166 21,024 20,952 20,877 20,446 20,455 20,860 20, 780 20, 776 20,602 20, 617 20, 513 20,460 20, 254 20,212 20,247 20,145 20,029 19,722 20, 002 19,363 19,123 18,939 18,807 18, 640 18,543 18, 520 18,417 18,341 18,178 18,172 17, 718 17,775 13,821 13,862 13,689 13,680 13,649 13, 672 13,570 13, 614 13, 514 13, 725 13, 782 13, 690 13,749 13, 678 13,811 13,752 13,664 13,608 13,777 13,757 13,625 13, 605 13, 552 13, 255 13,286 13, 688 13,604 13, 634 13,481 13,473 13,414 13,355 13,196 13,195 13,244 13,195 13,134 12,885 13, 227 12,739 12, 587 12, 521 12,449, 12, 343 12,287 12,279 12,206 12,199 12,105 12,168 11,771 11,877 7,043 7,059 7,090 7,099 7,160 7,175 7,243 7,275 7,289 7,247 7,249 7,278 7,296 7,273 7,304 7,358 7,410 7,422 7,398 7,409 7,399 7,347 7,325 7,191 7,169 7,172 7,176 7,142 7,121 7,144 7,099 7,105 7,058 7,017 7,003 6,950 6,895 6,837 6,775 6,624 6,536 6,418 6,358 6,297 6,256 6,241 6,211 6,142 6,073 6,004 5,947 5,898 420 404 376 309 282 187 161 129 89 89 71 57 5 553 352 352 46 59 57 63 22 40 43 60 55 58 56 90 94 107 113 113 146 154 274 414 451 453 428 406 385 397 424 428 392 567 685 249 222 209 212 226 229 224 234 242 270 250 261 20,836 20,839 20,944 21,059 21,099 20, 683 20, 727 20,360 20,029 19,058 18,530 18,037 13,763 13, 626 13,678 13,731 13,692 13,425 13,576 13,290 13,137 12,574 12,279 12,024 7,073 7,213 7,266 7,328 7,407 7,258 7,151 7,070 6,892 6,484 6,251 6,013 114 83 240 307 92 159 243 73 248 235 95 264 82 57 35 26 28 56 44 75 127 398 404 499 282 255 230 228 217 234 213 224 211 215 205 205 203 211 208 214 222 229 226 223 226 215 238 232 232 233 232 217 218 220 220 233 236 247 148 115 101 93 93 80 80 80 29 522 408 345 303 395 275 218 144 121 64 38 9 9 310 309 309 271 237 209 190 130 75 45 42 42 126 80 70 53 65 68 52 42 47 33 27 35 29 20 19 21 38 36 22 28 29 Date or month 1931 Jan. 7. Jan. 14. Jan. 21. Jan. 28. Feb. 4. Feb. 11. Feb. 18. Feb. 25. Mar. 4. Mar. 11. Mar. 18. Mar. 25. Apr. 1. Apr. 8. Apr. 15. Apr. 22. Apr. 29. May 6. May 13. May 20. May 27. June 3. June 10. June 17. June 24. July 1. July 8. July 15. July 22. July 29. Aug. 5. Aug. 12. Aug. 19. Aug. 26. Sept. 2. Sept. 9. Sept. 16. Sept. 23. Sept. 20. Oct. 7. Oct. 14. Oct. 21. Oct. 28. Nov. 4. Nov. 11. Nov. 18. Nov. 25. Dec. 2. Dec. 9. Dec. 16. Dec. 23. Dec. 30. Monthly averages: January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October. November. December. 114 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD No. 59.—REPORTING MEMBER BANKS IN N E W YORK CITY— [In millions of dollars] Loans Date or month Total loans and investments Total Investments U. S. On securities All other Total Other Government securities securities 1931 Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 4 11 IS 25.. 7,968 7,890 7,880 7,886 7, 965 7,962 7,953 7,980 7,954 7,829 8,083 8,036 Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. 1 8 15 22 29 7,974 7,858 7,897 7,880 7,834 May May May May 6 13 20 27 7,806 7,952 7,925 7,815 7,804 7,756 7,594 7,621 7,844 7,789 7,805 7,712 7,752 Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 7... 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 ,__. June3 June 10 June 17 June 24 July 1 JulyS July 15 July 22 July 29 Aug. 5 Aug. 12 Aug. 19 Aug. 2(3 Sept. 2 Sept. 9 Sept. 16 Sept. 23 Sept. 30 Oct. 7 Oct. 14 Oct. 21 Oct. 28 Nov. 4 Nov. 11 Nov. 18 Nov. 25 Dec. 2 Dec. 9 Dec. 10 Dec. 23 Dec. 30.. Monthly averages: January February March April May June July... August September October November December 5,658 5, 577 5,563 5,534 3,233 3,124 3,061 3,024 2,425 2,454 2,502 2,510 2,310 2,312 2,317 2,352 1,225 1,243 1,263 1,284 1,085 1,070 1,054 1,068 5,517 5,513 5,456 5,469 5,481 5,354 5,529 5,521 3,014 3,050 3,114 3,137 2,503 2,463 2, 342 2,332 2,448 2,449 2,497 2,511 1,349 1,348 1,365 1,351 1,099 1,101 1,132 1,160 2,321 2,272 2,310 2,277 2,473 2.475 2,554 2,515 2,523 2,556 2,559 2,569 2,627 1,357 1, 348 1,457 1,404 1, 398 1,423 1,412 1,393 1,445 1,116 1,127 1,097 1,111 5,451 5,302 5,338 5, 311 5,207 5,212 5,302 5,266 5,152 3,160 3, 082 3,219 3,244 3,183 3,066 3,083 3, 063 3,003 1,125 1,133 1,147 1,176 1,182 3.045 3,119 3,025 2,969 2,167 2, 183 2,241 2,183 1,414 1,445 1,474 1,505 1,180 1,205 1,185 1,158 5,107 5,060 5,006 5,028 2, 920 2,876 2,797 2,791 2,187 2,184 2,209 2,237 1,525 1, 553 1,491 1,521 1,172 1,143 1,097 1,072 5,191 5,146 5.155 5,093 5, 060 2,329 2,343 2,397 2,381 2,375 2,594 2, 650 2,659 2,663 2, 697 2, 696 2,588 2,593 2, 653 2,643 2,650 2,619 2, 692 1,607 1,603 1,607 1,587 1,639 2,452 2,316 2,360 2,354 2,663 2,617 2,581 2,632 1,636 1,586 1, 563 1,615 1,046 1,040 1, 043 1,032 1,053 1. 027 1,031 1,018 1,017 2,620 2,649 2, 689 2.739 2,865 2, 847 2,868 2,811 2,774 1,588 1,592 1,663 1,673 1,745 1,032 1,057 1,026 1,066 1,120 1,756 1,781 1,739 1,722 1,091 1,087 1,072 1,052 7,763 7, 566 7,563 7,641 7,692 7, 666 7,663 7,775 7,924 7, 648 7, 538 7,351 7,326 7,310 7,240 7,262 7,220 7,181 7,064 7, 258 7,175 7,147 5,100 4,949 4,982 5,009 2,862 2,803 2,758 2,712 2,685 2,648 2,633 2,622 2,655 5,072 5,017 4,974 5,036 5, 059 2, 683 2,643 2,641 2,641 2,677 4,801 4,070 4,540 4,552 2.469 2,403 2,300 2,305 2, 389 2,374 2, 333 2,395 2,382 2, 332 2,267 2,240 2,247 4,547 4,474 4,525 4,535 2. 287 2,270 2,297 2,255 2,260 2,204 2,228 2,280 2,763 2,766 2,737 2,685 1,724 1,732 1,702 1,660 1,039 1,034 1,035 1,025 4,488 4,425 4,451 4,420 4,492 2,239 2,210 2,208 2,231 2,295 2,249 2,215 2,243 2,189 2,197 2, 693 2,639 2,807 2,755 2,655 1,676 1,657 1,836 1,778 1, 712 1,017 982 971 977 943 7,906 7, 965 7,975 7,889 7,875 7,694 7,780 7,633 7,744 7,466 7,258 7,165 5,583 5,489 5,471 5,322 5,233 5,050 5,129 5, 010 5,032 4,641 4,520 4,455 3,111 3, 079 3,176 3,080 3,039 2,846 2,764 2,640 2,657 2,369 2,277 2,237 2,472 2,410 2,295 2,242 2,194 2,204 2,365 2,370 2,375 2,272 2,243 2,218 2,323 2, 476 2,504 2,567 2,642 2,644 2,651 2,623 2,712 2,825 2,738 2,710 1,254 1,353 1,391 1,414 1,460 1,523 1,608 1,600 1,652 1,750 1,705 1,732 1,069 1,123 1,113 1,153 1,182 1,121 1,043 1,023 1,060 1,075 1,033 978 Back figures—See Annual Report for 1930 (Table 53). 2,268 2,236 2,255 2,248 2,204 REPORTING MEMBER BANKS IN LEADING CITIES PRINCIPAL RESOURCES AND LIABILITIES, B Y W E E K S , 1931 [In millions of dollars] Reserve with Federal reserve bank Net demand plus time deposits Government deposits Cash in vault Total Net demand Time Borrowings at Federal reserve banks Date or month 1931 5,849 5,697 5,749 5, 775 5,764 1,180 1,172 1,201 1,200 1,209 1,225 1,274 1, 275. 1,232 1,196 1,199 1,213 1,235 1,217 1,219 1, 214 1,251 5,736 5,880 5,869 5,818 1,255 1,269 1,248 1,251 6,990 6,946 6,670 6,803 5,775 5, 729 5,495 5,611 1,215 1,217 1,175 1,192 108 108 M a y 6. M a y 13. M a y 25. M a y 27. June 3. June 10. June 17. June 24. 7,052 6,968 7,034 6,941 6,981 5,863 5,786 5,871 5,791 5,829 5.758 5,676 5,605 5,657 5,708 5,638 5,666 5,650 6,003 1,189 1,182 1,163 1,150 1,152 108 95 83 73 66 July 1. July 8. July 15. July 22. July 29. 1,123 1,131 1,113 1,108 1,107 1, 089 1,101 1,091 1,073 45 27 16 15 7,091 7,093 7,021 7,065 7,060 7,058 7,059 7,113 7,013 7,081 7,144 7,082 7,084 6,914 6,968 6,989 7,015 6,991 7,149 7,117 7,069 5,911 5,921 5,820 5,865 792 805 847 917 825 £49 883 886 871 779 844 836 811 811 766 889 785 880 791 751 839 821 724 723 731 748 710 722 798 705 941 6,881 6,807 6,718 6,765 6,815 6, ,27 6,767 6,741 7,076 857 802 824 800 832 840 863 817 826 801 732 775 821 883 859 865 789 798 804 816 784 866 853 793 822 780 773 793 833 817 829 815 867 6,648 6,518 6,486 6,473 5,851 5,833 5,785 5,838 5, 781 5,885 5,945 5,869 6,318 6,255 6,272 6,267 5,601 5,484 5,529 5,544 5,413 5,353 5,363 5,360 6,213 6,121 6,186 5,951 5,996 5,335 5,290 5,376 5,162 5,217 1,047 1,034 957 929 905 902 909 907 878 831 810 789 779 7,067 7,073 7,080 6,994 7,082 6,852 6,995 6,793 6,825 6,532 6,278 6,094 5,879 5,827 5,870 5,767 5,826 5,652 5,828 5, 674 5,733 5,540 5,372 5,276 1,188 1,246 1,210 1,227 1, 256 1,200 1,167 1,119 1,092 992 906 818 10 18 1 264 166 166 19 14 76 90 22 55 85 26 76 72 29 123 7. 14. 21. 28. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 4. 11. 18. 25. Mar. 4. Mar. 11. Mar. 18. Mar. 25. 168 131 112 98 112 73 55 35 30 16 128 121 115 94 87 57 49 40 27 27 21 Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Apr. Apr. Apt. Apr. Apr. 1. 8. 15. 22. 12. Aug. 5. Aug. 12. Aug. 19. Aug. 26. Sept. 2. Sept. 9. Sept. 16. Sept. 23. Sept. 30. 58 121 70 47 17 16 16 16 14 12 Oct. 7 Oct. 14. Oct. 21. Oct. 28. Nov. 4. Nov. 11. Nov. 18. Nov. 25. Dec. 2. Dec. 9. Dec. 16. Dec. 23. Dec. 30. Monthly averages: January. February. March. April. May. June. July. AugustSeptember. October. November. December. 115 116 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD No. 60.—REPORTING MEMBER BANKS OUTSIDE N E W YORK CITY[In millions of dollars] Date or month Total loans and investments 1931 Jan. 7_.._. Jan. 14.... Jan. 21.... Jan. 28.... Feb. 4 . . . Feb. 11.. Feb. 18.. Feb. 25.. Mar. 4.._. Mar. 11.. Mar. 18.. Mar. 25.. Apr. 1... Apr. 8... Apr. 15.. Apr. 22.. Apr. 29.. May 6... May 13.. May 20.. May 20.. June3... June 10-. June 17.. June 24.. July July July July July Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. 1... 8... 15 _. 22 _. 29.. 5.... 12.. 19.. 2(3.. Sept. 2 Sept. 9 Sept. 16.. Sept. 23 --. Sept. 30 Oct. 7 Oct. 14 Oct. 21 Oct. 28 Nov. 4 Nov. 11 Nov. 18 Nov. 25 Dec. 2 Dec. 9 Dec. 16 Dec. 23 --_Dec. 30 Monthly averages: January. _. February March April May June * July August September October November December j Loans Total 14,808 14,776 14, 723 14, 710 14, 717 14, 697 14, 697 14,667 14, 667 14, 748 15, 028 15, 010 14, 959 14, 987 15,154 15,107 15, 062 14, 962 14,826 14, 783 14, 783 14, 732 14, 696 14, 831 14,722 14, 642 14, 698 14, 610 14, 572 14, 544 14, 501 14, 509 14,438 14, 389 14,371 14,350 14, 469 14, 297 14, 183 14, 041 13, 963 13, 938 13, 895 13,837 13,793 13,740 13, 688 13,675 13,600 13, 705 13, 559 13,385 10,406 10,345 10, 277 10, 219 14, 754 14, 694 14, 864 15,053 14,838 14, 745 14,613 14,460 14, 334 13,959 13, 765 13, 584 On securities All other Total U. S. GovernOther ment securities securities 8,612 4,420 4,398 4,364 4,355 4,289 4,269 4,211 4,176 4,096 4,155 4,146 4,105 4, 073 4,080 4,111 4,075 4,049 3,991 3,927 3,956 3,959 3,947 3,915 3,923 3, 912 3,883 3,862 3,875 3,858 3,859 3,864 3,846 3,831 3,822 3,817 3,799 3, 773 3,720 3,669 3,612 3,598 i 3,606 3,592 3,580 3,578 3,592 3,576 3,568 3,550 3,533 3,502 3,482 5,986 5,946 5,912 5,864 5,862 5.823 5,827 5,819 5,864 5,868* 5,843 5,844 5,858 5, 830 5,809 5,753 5,737 5,719 5, 696 5,683 5,702 5,676 5,666 5,653 5,600 5,617 ! 5,628 I 5,605 i 5,576 I 5,567 ' 5,542 5,547 5, 525 5,504 5,509 5,517 5,516 5, 472 5, 463 5,445 5,412 5,395 5,377 5,383 5,369 5, 325 5,294 5,294 5,262 5,228 5,197 5,130 4,402 4,431 4,446 4,491 4,566 4, 605 4,659 4,672 4,707 4, 725 5, 039 5,061 5,028 5,077 5,234 5,279 5,276 5,252 5,203 5,144 5,122 5,109 5,115 5,255 5, 210 5,142 5,208 5,130 5, 13S 5,118 5, 095 5,116 5, 082 5,063 5,045 5, 034 5,180 5,105 5,051 4,984 4,953 4,937 4,926 4 874 4,846 4,823 4,818 4,813 4,788 4,944 4,860 4,773 1,864 1,903 1,921 1,947 2, 007 2, 007 2,049 2,063 2,087 2,087 2,403 2,410 2,379 2,425 2,565 2, 575 2,551 2,556 2,530 2,473 2,432 2,464 2,466 2,600 2,573 2,522 2, 521 2, 512 2,514 2, 494 2, 481 2,483 2,468 2,4G3 2,458 2,446 2,602 2,524 2,478 2,438 2,419 2, 420 2,411 2,384 2,367 2,362 2, 357 2,357 2,340 2, 500 2,430 2,348 2,538 2,528 2,525 2,544 2,559 2,5£" 2,610 2,609 2,620 2, 638 2,636 2,651 2,649 2,652 2, 669 | 2, 704 2,725 2, 696 2,673 2,671 2,690 2,645 2,649 2, 655 2,637 2,620 2,687 2, 618 2,624 2,624 2,614 2,633 2, 614 2,600 2, 587 2, 588 2,578 2,581 2, 573 2. 546 2, 534 2,517 2,515 2,4! 2,479 i 2,461 2,461 2, 456 2,448 2,444 2,430 2,425 ] 10,311 10,068 9,981 9,875 9,658 9,573 9,466 9,370 9,251 9,009 8,925 8,749 4,384 4,236 4,126 4,077 3,959 3,924 3,867 3,840 3,756 3,602 3,582 3,526 5,927 5,832 5,855 5,798 5,699 5,649 5,599 5,530 5,495 5,407 5,343 5,223 4,443 4,626 4,883 ! 5,178 5,180 5,172 5,147 5, 090 5,083 4,950 4,840 4, 835 1,909 2,032 2,247 2.499 2,497 2,525 2,513 2,474 2,502 2,421 2,367 2,395 2,534 2,594 10,151 10, 092 10, 038 9,995 9,960 10, 023 9,989 9,949 9,931 9,910 9,920 9,828 9,786 9,710 9,623 9,639 9,661 9,623 9,581 9,576 9,512 9,500 9,490 9.480 9,434 9,426 9,406 9,393 9,356 9,326 9,326 9,316 9,289 9,192 9,132 9,057 9,010 9,001 8,947 8,917 8,870 8,862 8,812 8,761 Back figures.—See Annual Report for 1930 (Table 54). Investments 2, 679 2.683 2; 647 2,634 2,616 2,581 2,529 2,473 2,440 REPORTING MEMBER BANKS IN LEADING CITIES PKINCIPAL RESOURCES AND LIABILITIES [In millions of dollars] Net demand plus time deposits Reserve with Federal reserve banks Cash in vault 1,006 987 987 977 203 193 178 177 168 180 170 178 168 171 163 163 162 168 166 172 173 173 178 178 178 996 988 992 985 989 981 993 986 988 1,017 995 997 999 •VT a -(- Total 13,773 13,827 13,758 13,714 13,749 13,789 13,754 13,776 1N61 demand 5,863 5,887 5,889 5,899 5,951 5,950 5,969 6,000 6,057 6,051 6,050 6,065 6,061 6,056 6,085 6,144 6,159 171 193 190 189 857 869 869 821 892 189 188 174 176 178 166 178 188 183 174 187 175 198 193 210 213 204 205 203 201 190 190 189 197 207 224 213 13,808 13,812 13,742 13, 661 13,636 13, 632 13, 653 13,536 13,447 13,432 13, 418 13, 262 12,981 12,926 12, 715 12, 605 12, 453 12, 334 12,322 12,288 12, 248 12,150 12,128 12, 057 11,986 11, 767 11, 779 7,733 7,840 7,837 7,821 7,900 7,981 8,062 7,977 7,900 7,872 7,897 7,888 7,807 7,830 7,823 7,760 7,675 7,825 7,818 7,763 7,690 7,644 7, 656 7,679 7,591 7,538 7,536 7,557 7,468 7,235 7,224 7,138 7,103 6,992 6,905 6,930 6,934 6,916 6,846 6,864 6,815 6,792 6,609 6,660 989 990 987 999 1,004 987 980 978 965 916 871 862 188 174 166 169 177 186 181 179 186 208 196 206 13, 769 13,766 13,864 14,065 14, 017 13,831 13, 732 13, 567 13,204 12, 526 12, 252 11,943 7,884 7,799 7,808 7,964 7,866 7,773 7,748 7,616 7,404 7,034 6,907 6,748 983 1,005 971 969 973 979 977 978 976 996 973 969 951 936 936 929 909 893 881 860 877 866 Time 7,910 7,940 7,869 7,815 7,798 7,839 7,785 7,776 13,790 13,891 13, 887 13,886 13,961 14,037 14,147 14,121 14,059 14,039 14,026 14,049 13,955 13,962 13,931 13,776 13,652 1,012 1,006 1,019 980 998 1,016 969 962 BorrowGovernment deposits 123 95 83 77 77 66 65 66 24 354 277 233 205 283 202 163 ings at Federal reserve Date or month banks 109 76 70 53 65 58 52 42 47 33 27 35 29 20 19 21 38 6,167 6,129 6,161 6,148 6,132 6,108 6,016 5,977 109 91 48 29 7 7 202 201 5,983 5,994 5,979 5,971 5,992 5,976 5,974 5,945 5,909 5,896 5,861 5,794 5,746 5,702 5,577 5,502 5,461 5,429 5,392 5,354 5,332 5,304 5,264 5,242 5,194 5,158 5,119 201 176 154 136 124 85 48 29 27 27 292 283 261 215 195 130 112 89 62 62 50 39 4 289 186 186 410 416 392 469 396 5,885 5,967 6,056 6,101 6,151 6,058 5,984 5,951 5,800 5,492 5,345 5,195 95 69 164 217 70 104 158 47 172 163 66 HI 77 55 35 26 28 56 44 72 124 324 388 416 36 22 28 29 46 59 57 63 22 40 43 60 55 56 56 90 86 99 111 113 143 152 216 293 381 406 411 390 369 381 1931 Jan. 7. Jan. 14. Jan. 21. Jan. 28. Feb. 4. Feb. 11. Feb. 18. Feb. 25. Mar. 4. Mar. 11 Mar. 18. Mar. 25. Apr. 1. Apr. 8. Apr. 15. Apr. 22. Apr. 29. May 6. May 13. May 20. May 27. June 3. June 10. June 17. June 24. July 1. July 8. July 15. July 22. July 29. Aug. 5. Aug. 12. Aug. 19. Aug. 26. Sept. 2. Sept. 9. Sept. 16. Sept. 23. Sept. 30. Oct. 7. Oct. 14. Oct. 21. Oct. 28. Nov. 4. Nov. 11. Nov. 18. Nov. 25. Dec. 2. Dec. 9. Dec. 16. Dec. 23. Dec. 30. Monthly averages: January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October. November. December. 117 118 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD No. 61.—REPORTING MEMBER BANKS—BANKERS' BALANCES, BY W E E K S : TOTAL, NEW YORK CITY, OTHER LEADING CITIES [In millions of dollars] Due to banks Due from banks 1931 Total New York Other leadCity ing cities Total New York Other leading cities City Jan. 7 . . . Jan. 1 4 . . Jan.21._ Jan. 2 8 . . 3,597 3,698 3,619 3,622 1,288 1,305 1,271 1,254 2,309 2,393 2, 348 2,368 1,596 1,710 1,681 1,692 92 88 82 103 1,504 1,622 1,599 1,589 Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 4... 11.. 18.. 25- 3,779 3,826 3,807 3,777 1,296 1,328 1,308 1,276 2,483 2,498 2,499 2,501 1,736 1,778 1,782 1,848 85 79 101 106 1, 651 1,699 1,681 1,742 Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 4.. 11. 18. 25. 3,835 3,755 3,994 3,912 1,315 1,253 1,382 1,311 2,520 2,502 2,612 2,601 1,855 1,808 1,956 1, 866 97 99 127 116 1,758 1,709 1,829 1,750 Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. 1.... 8... 15... 22.. 29.. 3,989 3,907 3,898 3,680 3,594 1,427 1,254 1,262 1,144 1,160 2,562 2,653 2,636 2, 536 2,434 1, 769 1,776 1,804 1,686 1, 603 125 95 117 108 95 1,644 1,681 1,687 1,578 1,508 May May May May 6.... 13.. 20.. 27.. 3,712 3,848 3,670 3,632 1,208 1,314 1,227 1,178 2,504 2,534 2,443 2,454 1,649 1,839 1,724 1,732 90 94 1,559 1, 745 1,636 1,654 June 3 — June 10.. June 17.. J u n e 24_. 3,705 3,698 3, 392 3,339 1,189 1,203 1,079 1,107 2,516 2,495 2,313 2,232 1, 718 1,793 1,555 1, 523 100 122 107 107 1,618 1,671 1,448 1,416 July July July July July 1... 8... 15_22_. 29- 3,780 3,719 3, 602 3,438 3,368 1,406 1,321 1,258 1,201 1,180 2,374 2,398 2,344 2,237 2,188 1,719 1,702 1,698 1,606 1, 557 135 96 103 102 1,584 1,606 1,595 1,504 1,477 Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. 5... 12.. 19.. 23.. 3,456 3,343 3,219 3,052 1,212 1,130 1,102 1,029 2,244 2,213 2,117 2,023 1, 546 1,477 1,426 1,322 1,466 1,400 1,354 1,247 Sept. 2.. Sept. 9_. Sept. 16. Sept. 23. Sept. 30. 3,192 3,144 3,078 2,907 3,071 1,107 1,050 1,046 1,027 1,204 2,085 2,094 2,032 1,880 1,867 1,374 1,341 1,358 1,247 1,282 1,288 1,276 1,269 1,165 1,187 Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 2,881 2,787 2,624 2,528 1,055 1,025 978 956 1,826 1,762 1,646 1,572 1,131 1,155 1,039 981 1,050 1,067 963 912 983 967 887 879 1,671 1,659 1,656 1, 573 1,043 1,057 1,020 952 893 819 923 864 900 1,633 1,568 1,617 1,521 1,572 928 1,012 7... 14. 21. 28. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 4.. 11. 18. 25- 2,654 2,626 2,543 2,452 Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 2— 9._. IB23.. 30.. 2, 513 2,387 2,540 2,385 2,472 922 876 941 882 922 Back figures.—See Annual Reports for 1930 (Table 55), 1920 (Table 53), and 1928 (Table 56), and Federal Reserve Bulletin for March and January, 1929. BROKERS' LOANS No, 62.—LOANS TO BROKERS AND DEALERS, SECURED BY STOCKS AND BONDS, MADE BY REPORTING MEMBER BANKS IN N E W YORK CITY, BY WEEKS [In millions of dollars] Demand loans Demand and time loans 1931 Jan. 7 Jan.14 J a n . 21 Jan.28 Feb. 4 Feb.11 F e b . 18 Feb. 25 Mar. 4 M a r . 11 M a r . 18 M a r . 25 Apr. 1 Apr. 8 . Apr. 15 Apr. 22 Apr. 29 . May 6 M a y 13 M a y 20-.. M a v 27 June 3 J u n e 10 J u n e 17 J u n e 24 Total 1,001 928 884 869 849 831 775 751 720 690 662 611 591 1,129 1,090 1,055 1,033 1,002 960 936 950 960 983 949 913 921 948 798 699 603 594 583 553 623 591 567 552 555 553 544 315 343 .330 328 318 315 267 260 210 293 294 260 258 300 286 270 243 213 159 185 207 199 177 177 170 181 194 209 215 219 222 230 228 223 220 215 203 145 87 77 85 102 97 97 116 140 141 132 117 98 51 41 1,798 1, 759 1,858 1,824 1,644 1,464 1,434 1,342 1, 268 921 802 655 1,132 1,186 1,335 1, 322 1, 279 1,110 1,062 951 943 674 588 554 329 290 264 271 191 181 204 226 174 90 124 88 1,879 1,820 1,757 1,734 1,716 . . . 1,749 1,772 1,798 1,790 1,819 1,913 1,908 1,875 . - . - 1,822 1,849 1,844 1,730 1,699 1,671 1,631 1,574 _ 1,539 1,490 1,419 ._ 1,406 July 1 JulyS July 15 July 22 July 29. Aug. 5 Aug. 12 Aug. 19 Aug. 26 Sept. 2 Sept. 9 Sept. 16 Sept. 23 . _ . Sept. 30 Oct. 7 Oct. 14 Oct. 21 . . . Oct. 28 Nov. 4 Nov. 11 Nob. 18 2 Nov. 25 Dec. 2 Dec. 9 Dec. 16 Dec. 23 Dec. 30 Averages: January February March April May June July August September... October November. _. December... For For outown For Total ofactown 1 others count banks 1,479 1,455 1,430 1,416 1,390 1,346 1 329 1,343 1,349 1,366 1,325 1,271 J, 207 1,172 1,206 1,132 1,101 1,089 1,099 1,147 1,229 1,267 1,316 1,236 1,373 1,414 1,391 1,277 1,324 1,350 1,268 1.293 1,360 1, 270 1,191 1,169 1,135 1,070 1,065 358 344 326 317 299 287 276 271 264 290 246 234 1,422 1,374 1,312 1,303 1,294 1, 335 1,365 1,390 1,392 1,411 1,502 1,517 1,506 1,453 1,487 1,489 1,382 1,353 1, 337 1,292 1,234 1,190 1,128 1,060 1,032 Time loans For For For For own outFor Total own outFor ofof- others ac- town ac- town others 1 1 count banks count banks 126 144 179 178 169 162 2 12 19 21 21 9 7 6 1,098 1,072 1,028 1,001 976 938 921 945 953 977 935 904 853 835 682 644 614 606 594 594 560 550 532 515 500 451 442 1, 062 946 998 1,025 951 977 1,054 953 872 841 794 728 706 763 722 663 631 601 563 538 563 575 602 568 554 572 615 485 420 337 337 333 322 415 396 385 S83 399 399 400 286 314 301 300 294 291 249 243 195 278 278 245 243 286 271 259 229 200 146 178 200 192 171 171 166 177 190 205 210 214 217 225 222 218 215 209 198 142 85 75 84 100 95 95 113 137 139 130 115 96 49 39 201 221 217 205 201 176 137 161 162 157 164 161 160 158 161 160 160 161 158 158 160 160 160 158 152 139 134 123 140 176 174 166 158 28 15 17 17 5 3 3 337 283 259 231 174 173 168 165 151 157 90 13 1,353 1,346 1,456 1, 463 1,304 1,103 1, 035 939 901 637 575 488 763 827 976 996 964 767 676 560 582 395 367 393 300 269 249 258 181 175 199 220 170 89 121 86 290 250 231 209 159 161 160 159 149 153 87 9 226 245 239 224 219 193 152 176 176 171 178 172 171 169 171 166 168 169 164 163 165 166 163 161 155 141 137 826 767 732 727 736 790 872 907 964 872 1, 005 1,063 310 294 280 276 265 253 243 240 233 261 219 209 457 445 445 431 422 414 407 408 398 408 411 391 369 369 362 355 348 346 334 339 340 349 362 359 374 380 366 370 362 363 357 357 360 352 364 368 351 329 331 326 325 317 316 306 317 319 328 341 342 359 381 383 402 415 414 408 408 398 396 389 390 367 354 337 319 284 270 263 255 237 215 201 188 175 162 160 149 445 413 402 361 340 361 399 403 367 284 227 167 366 368 392 402 401 397 398 387 385 381 381 359 349 333 313 279 266 257 250 231 208 195 182 169 156 154 144 30 29 30 28 24 24 18 17 15 15 16 15 15 14 15 11 14 13 13 8 6 7 6 6 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 5 5 6 5 3 2 2 1 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 11 10 6 8 8 6 5 5 6 3 3 3 2 3 3 4 3 4 3 4 24 4 4 4 4 4 3 369 359 359 325 315 343 386 392 361 279 221 161 29 21 15 14 10 6 4 5 4 2 2 2 47 33 28 22 15 12 9 6 3 3 4 4 48 51 46 41 34 33 33 31 31 29 27 25 25 24 22 19 18 17 15 14 15 14 14 11 11 1 Member and nonmember banks outside New York City (domestic banks only); includes unknown amount for customers of these banks. 2 New clearing-house rule relating to "Loans for account of others" became effective Nov. 16, 1931. For explanation see Federal Reserve Bulletin for December, 1931, p. 657. Back figures—See Annual Reports for 1930 (Table 56), 1929 (Table 54), 1928 (Table 57), and 1927 (Table 46). 125554r-32 9 119 120 ANNUAL. REPORT OF T H E FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD No. 63.—BROKERS' BORROWINGS, 1927-1931 [Net borrowings on collateral in New York City as reported by members of the New York Stock Exchange] [In millions of dollars] On demand and on time Date Total 1927 Jan. 31 Feb. 28 Mar. SI Apr. 30 M a y 31 June 30 July 30 Aug. 31 Sept. 30 Oct. 31 Nov. 30 Dec. 31 1928 Jan. 31 Feb. 29 Mar. 31 Apr. 30 M a y 31 June 30 July 31 Aug. 31 Sept. 29 Oct. 31 Nov. 30 Dec. 31 1929 Jan. 31 Feb. 28 Mar. 30 Apr. 30 M a y 31 June 29 July 31 Aug. 31 Sept. 30 Oct. 31 Nov. 30 Dec. 31 1930 Jan. 31. Feb. 28.. Mar. 31., Apr. 30.. M a y 31.. June 30, _ July 3 1 . . Aug. 30.. Sept. 30-. Oct. 31-.. Nov. 559.. Dec. 31.. 1931 Jan. 31. Feb. 2 8 Mar. 31.. Apr. 30.M a y 29_. June 30.. July 3 1 . . Aug. 31_. Sept. 30. Oct. 31— Nov. 30.. Dec. 31_. On demand From From New private York banks, banks brokers, and foreign Total trust banking comagencies, etc. 3,139 3,256 3,290 3,341 3,458 3,569 3,642 3,674 3,915 '.-' 4,092 4,433 2,670 2,757 2,790 2,865 2,968 3,065 3,145 3,170 3,340 3,363 3,519 3,812 469 499 500 476 490 504 497 504 575 583 573 621 2,328 2,475 2,505 2,541 2,674 2,757 2,765 2,746 3,018 3,023 3,134 3,481 4,420 4,323 4,640 4,908 5,274 4,898 4,837 5,051 5,514 5,880 6,392 6,440 3,805 3,737 3,947 4,246 4,568 4,169 4,150 4,260 4,647 4,994 5,412 5,401 615 585 693 662 707 730 687 791 866 886 979 1,039 3,294 3,580 3,739 4,070 3,742 3,768 4,094 4,690 5,116 5,614 5,722 6,735 6,679 6,804 6,775 6,665 7,071 7,474 7,882 8,549 6,109 4,017 3,990 5,664 5,619 5,713 5,580 5,482 5,797 6,154 6,492 7,077 5,313 3,432 3,370 1,071 1,060 1,091 1,194 1,183 1,275 1,320 1,390 1,472 796 585 620 3,529 4,026 4,409 4,139 3,201 3,227 3,109 3,057 2,299 1,929 1,694 3,985 4,168 4,656 5,063 4,748 3,728 3,599 3,481 2,556 2,162 1,894 1,720 1,840 1,909 1,651 1,435 1,391 1,344 1,354 1,044 796 730 587 1,557 1,646 1,692 1,466 1,293 1,221 1,171 1,160 582 455 On time From From New private York banks, banks brokers, and foreign Total trust banking comagenpanies cies, etc. From New York banks, trust cometc. From private banks, foreign banking agencies, etc. 1,964 2,085 2,112 2,146 2,254 2,316 2,343 2,330 2,539 2,549 2,675 2,963 365 391 393 395 420 441 421 415 479 475 459 518 810 781 785 800 784 812 877 928 897 923 958 952 707 673 679 719 713 749 802 840 801 814 844 849 104 108 107 81 70 63 76 89 96 108 113 103 2,882 2,807 3,016 3,201 3,455 3,122 3,183 3,420 4,360 4,771 4,810 511 488 564 537 616 619 585 674 751 756 843 913 1,027 1,028 1,060 1,169 1,204 1,157 1,070 958 824 764 777 717 923 931 931 1,045 1,113 1,046 967 840 709 634 641 591 104 98 129 124 91 110 102 117 116 130 136 126 5,983 5,948 6,210 6,204 6,100 6,444 6,870 7,162 7,832 5,238 3,297 3,376 5,043 5,034 5,231 5,154 5,061 5,333 5,705 5,962 6,543 4.639 2,873 2,883 914 979 1,050 1,039 1,111 1,165 1,200 1,289 599 424 494 752 730 594 571 565 627 604 720 717 871 719 613 621 584 482 427 422 464 449 530 534 674 559 487 132 146 112 144 144 163 15P 190 183 197 161 126 616 639 631 654 609 627 462 489 425 257 234 199 3,528 3,711 4,052 4. 363 3,967 3,021 2,913 2,830 1,987 1,691 1,519 3,007 3,162 3,519 3,819 3,464 2,521 2,607 2.481 2,451 1,770 1,481 1,340 521 548 533 543 503 459 414 431 380 217 210 179 457 457 604 700 781 747 651 569 471 374 361 367 506 590 675 680 620 628 606 530 447 354 95 90 98 111 106 67 48 58 45 40 24 20 163 194 217 185 141 170 173 194 112 108 148 132 1,366 1,505 1,630 1,389 1,173 1,102 1,041 1,069 802 616 600 502 1,223 1,334 1,425 1,221 1,045 946 879 885 698 512 458 374 143 171 204 168 128 156 162 184 104 103 142 128 354 335 279 262 261 289 303 285 242 181 130 85 334 312 267 245 248 276 292 275 234 176 124 81 20 23 12 17 13 13 11 10 Back figures.—See Annual Report for 1927 (Table 47) for figures for 1918-1922; figures for 1923-1925 not available. BROKERS 121 LOANS No. 64.—MEMBER BANK LOANS ON SECURITIES TO BROKERS (AND DEALERS IN SECURITIES) IN N E W YORK CITY, 1928-1931 In millions of dollars' Call date 1928—Oct 3 Dec. 31 - 1929—Mar 27 - June 29 Oct 4 Dec. 31 „ 1930—Mar. 27 June 30 Sept 24 Dec. 31 1931—Mar. 25 June 30 Sept. 29 _ Dec. 31 - TotalAll member banks Member banks in New York City* 1,899 2,556 880 1,639 1,879 2,025 1,885 1,660 Member banks outside New York City In Chicago 1 In other reserve cities 1,019 917 119 75 522 465 378 376 1,102 1,359 1,096 1,202 777 666 789 459 18 48 59 11 405 302 354 239 376 2,344 2,365 2,472 1,498 1,477 1,883 1,714 1,281 868 482 757 217 140 99 233 45 469 253 409 123 258 129 115 49 1,630 1,217 928 575 1,367 1,063 839 542 263 154 88 32 111 51 27 3 116 73 29 14 36 30 32 16 Total Outside reserve cities 354 316 208 1 Central reserve city banks only. Back figures.—Not available. No. 65.—MEMBER BANK LOANS ON SECURITIES TO BROKERS (AND DEALERS IN SECURITIES) OUTSIDE N E W YORK CITY, 1928-1931 [In millions of dollars] Call date Total— Member in All mem- banks New ber York banks Cityi Member banks outside New York City Total 311 242 257 240 538 511 510 425 114 105 125 83 646 750 687 571 194 229 239 201 360 431 360 312 90 454 388 405 304 159 133 157 124 231 208 205 152 64 47 43 28 925 1929—Mar. 27. June 29. Oct. 4 . . . Dec. 31. 1,014 921 939 52 63 46 55 962 858 893 748 1930—Mar. 27. J u n e 30. Sept. 24. Dec. 31. 706 819 774 675 60 68 86 104 1931—Mar. 25. June 30. Sept. 29. Dec. 31. 575 515 521 391 121 127 116 87 Central reserve city banks only. Back figures.—Not available. Outside reserve cities 117 107 45 50 1 In other reserve cities 435 509 850 975 1928—Oct. 3._. Dec. 31. In Chicago i 122 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD BANKERS' ACCEPTANCES AND COMMERCIAL PAPER OUTSTANDING 66.—BANKERS 7 No. ACCEPTANCES AND COMMERCIAL PAPER OUTSTANDING, 1925-1931 [In millions of dollars] Bankers' acceptances outstanding i End of month 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 800 757 788 767 746 721 774 785 809 811 1,058 1,056 1,085 1,071 1,279 1, 1,228 1,624 1,205 i 1,539 1,111 | 1,414 1,520 1,520 1,467 1,422 327 315 311 307 .- 555 685 622 600 583 775 1,041 751 1,026 741 978 782 952 1,107 1,113 1,127 1,201 i 1,413 1,368 1,228 1,090 305 292 289 271 -. 607 674 996 1,040 1,002 974 621 248 210 174 118 835 September October November December- s 1925 1926 January February March April May June July.... August- Commercial paper outstanding 774 614 682 726 755 864 975 1,029 1,081 1,004 1,123 1,200 1,284 1,382 1, 305 1,350 1,339 1,272 J 1,367 1,541 I 1,508 1,658 | 1,571 1,732 1,556 663 i1 Figures collected and compiled by American Acceptance Council. Paper maturing within 7 months. Figures reported by about 25 dealers to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. « Corrected. Back figures.—Bankers' acceptances outstanding—figures for earlier years as follows: March, 1922, $416,000,000; March, 1923, $524,000,000; March, 1924, $618,000,000; December, 1924, $821,000,000. Commercial paper outstanding, see Annual Report for 1930 (Table 60). No. 67.—DOLLAR BANKERS' ACCEPTANCES OUTSTANDING, BY CLASSES l [In thousands of dollars] Based on— End of month Based on goods stored in foreign Goods Dollar countries Goods Exports in stored exchange or United shipped from shipped States between United between (ware- domestic States foreign house points points credits) Total Imports into United States 1,520,190 1,519,857 1,466,737 1,422,022 214,000 211,796 212,334 211,064 400,129 398,389 389, 568 360,283 34,897 33,838 36,798 32,892 257,493 260,839 245,667 238,141 65,042 71,330 62, 221 73,107 548,628 543,665 520,148 506, 533 May June July August 1,412, 515 1, 368,373 1,228,202 1,090,400 207,479 202,369 185,830 177,945 361,161 348,946 329,832 276,048 28,248 29,415 35,108 27,555 235, 669 224, 783 202,392 174,529 75,170 69,217 51, 748 42,988 504,788 493, 644 423, 293 391,335 September October November December 996,365 1,039,785 1,002,305 974,059 173,682 172,954 158,058 158,500 257,396 260, 911 254,101 221, 619 27,690 23,675 18,483 15,559 162,478 213,870 239, 230 251,346 36, 714 37,891 34, 067 30,858 330,483 298,365 296,177 January February..March April 1931 __. i Figures collected and compiled by American Acceptance Council. Back figures— See Annual Reports for 1930 (Table 61), 1929 (Table 57), 1928 (Table 60), and 1927 (Table 49). 123 BANKERS BALANCE No. 68,—DOLLAR BANKERS 1 ACCEPTANCES HELD BY GROUP OF ACCEPTING BANKS, 1925-1931 [In thousands of dollars] End of month January February.. March April May June. July August September October... November. December. 1925 1926 222,265 185,752 192,994 186,221 154,650 124,606 116,338 93, 539 88,878 103,643 85,037 92, 519 118,956 127,580 132,104 137,144 107,389 66,817 57,630 63, 644 47,634 '56,214 64, 444 77,007 1927 1928 79,968 90,090 99,058 56,397 58,183 71,289 52,642 50,331 53,187 43, 711 50, 345 75,842 54,987 166,485 104,484 86, 976 94, 561 88,947 86, 412 132,890 103, 592 118,167 116,913 104,999 1929 1930 79,246 89,050 117,430 95,129 87,396 84,284 90,032 82,378 70,768 129,413 244,463 191, 061 220,467 182,930 166, 663 157, 527 165,611 205,110 278,642 267, 337 316, 678 384,173 493, 002 371,452 1931 571, 404 549, 548 472, 246 410, 249 464,163 553, 519 668,034 606, 469 409,895 230, 407 296,161 262, 092 NOTE.—Banks included are those which report to the American Acceptance Council; figures include both own acceptances held and purchased acceptances held. No. 69.—PURCHASED ACCEPTANCES HELD BY MEMBER BANKS ON CALL DATES [In thousands of dollars] Member Total—all banks in member New banks York City i Call date 1928—Oct 3 Dec. 31 1929—Mar. 27 J u n e 29 Oct 4 Dec. 31 . ... _ . 1930-Mar. 27. . . June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 - . . 1931—Mar. 25 J u n e 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 31 1 Member banks outside New York City Total In Chicago 1 In other reserve cities Outside reserve cities 180,977 212,170 104,418 122,422 76,559 89,748 3,174 2,196 32,499 49,449 40,886 38,103 238,455 197,994 162,668 291,527 110,819 115,570 91, 746 173, 730 127,636 82,424 70,922 117, 797 12,471 4,203 5,002 13,877 62,905 38,176 33, 551 66, 596 52,260 40,045 32, 369 37, 324 253, 728 241,106 267,366 369, 747 129, 379 172,883 175, 792 210,497 124,349 68,223 91, 574 159, 250 13,998 20, 728 20, 250 31, 558 79,538 35,464 64,144 119, 714 30,813 12, 031 7,180 7,978 462,089 501, 291 338,463 187,013 249, 281 339, 525 233, 514 124,100 212, 808 161, 766 104,949 62, 913 39,030 44,833 25,105 12,229 166, 777 113,089 76,934 44,337 7,001 3,844 2,910 6,347 Central reserve city banks only. NOTE.—Purchased acceptances only—i. e., exclusive of own acceptances held, which are reported in "all other" loans (see Table 53). No. 70.—DISTRIBUTION OF DOLLAR BANKERS' ACCEPTANCES OUTSTANDING [In thousands of dollars] HeldbyFederalreserv End of month (1931) Total outstanding Total January February. _. March April May... June July August September.. October NovemberDecember.. 1,520,190 1,519,857 1,466,737 1,422,022 1,412,515 1,368,373 1,228,202 1,090,400 536,709 541,053 554,019 570,494 504,558 435,796 281,955 1,039,785 1,002,305 974,059 519,841 746,596 544,715 555,879 For forFor own eign coraccount1 respond- Own bills ents 2 89,265 85,015 123,240 161,578 124,380 94,951, 38,981 70, 111 419,723 647,263 418,326 305,258 447,444 456,038 430,779 408,916 380,178 340,845 242,974 227,988 100,118 99,333 126,389 250,621 133,955 151,356 130,934 124,983 171,398 196,165 231,687 167,991 161,568 112,330 124,725 131,020 Bills bought 437,449 398,192 341,312 285,266 292, 765 357,354 436,347 438,478 248,327 118,077 171,436 131,072 Held b y others 412,077 429,256 440,472 441,279 443,794 379,058 278,213 185,832 66,629 62,782 161,429 156,088 1 Reserve bank holdings of "bills bought," exclusive of (1) trade acceptances and (2) bills payable in foreign currencies. 2 Contingent liability of Federal reserve banks on bills bought for foreign correspondents. Back figures—See Annual Reports for 1930 (Table 64), 1929 (Table 58), and 1928 (Table 61). 124 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL, RESERVE BOARD BANK DEBITS No, 71.—DEBITS TO INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTS, BY BANKS IN 141 PRINCIPAL CITIES, BY MONTHS, 1922-1931. [In millions of dollars] Month 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 62, 885 54,493 70, 633 67, 003 71, 616 72, 485 58, 981 58, 504 63,176 72, 894 71, 349 82, 386 82,814 70,777 83,524 74,750 76,535 69,666 77,631 77,344 77,617 95,527 82,090 66, 752 1930 1931 60, 423 52, 625 65, 723 62,946 61,811 62, 312 52, 744 45, 993 48,636 54,460 42,176 52,107 46, 253 38,031 47, 011 46,440 43,930 45, 299 39, 451 34,027 36, 700 38, 802 29,069 36, 345 TOTAL, 141 C I T I E S January February-. March April May June July _.-. August September. October November. December.. 34,944 30,585 36,932 37,976 39, 236 36, 056 34,136 35. 768 40, 745 36,160 40,437 T o t a l . . . . 439, 364 41, 753 35,925 42,185 39, 294 40, 072 40, 574 36, 504 33,496 34, 060 38, 911 38, 504 42,448 41,498 37, 398 40, 739 39, 519 40, 044 40, 230 40,131 38, 692 38, 972 43,418 41, 893 49,157 463,726 ! 491,691 49, 982 41, 517 47, 623 44, 558 46, 596 48, 631 47, 037 43,134 45, 264 52, 955 48, 367 54, 399 54,145 44,915 56,464 51,837 48, 020 50, 662 50, 959 47, 011 46, 954 52, 535 47, 384 57, 070 570, 064 607,956 54,714 48, 220 58,518 55, 583 54,143 56, 820 53, 682 53, 702 56, 750 59, 201 57,085 65, 441 673, 861 806, 405 935,027 661, S57 481,357 140 CITIES (EXCLUDING NEW YORK CITY) January February. _ March April May.. June.. July... August September. October— November . December.. Total 15,879 14,042 16, 535 15, 671 16,322 17,173 16, 343 15, 849 16, 553 18,423 17,133 19, 586 19, 666 16, 906 19, 644 18, 816 19, 368 19, 532 18,184 17, 307 17, 261 19, 759 18, 521 20, 367 19, 384 17, 512 19,193 18, 865 18, 639 18, 304 18, 662 17, 776 18, 238 20, 912 18, 846 21, 830 199,509 225,330 228,161 22, 301 18, 593 21, 240 20, 613 20,417 21, 702 21, 580 19, 869 20, 895 24, 039 21, 357 24, 085 23, 607 20,102 23,458 22, 537 21, 449 22, 466 23, 300 20, 778 21, 336 23. 780 21,593 24,493 256, 691 268,900 23,456 20, 781 24, 026 23, 576 22,873 23, 812 22, 932 22, 048 23, 381 25, 111 23,803 26, 503 25,001 21, 753 25, 847 25, 225 26, 346 27, 029 23, 897 23,401 24,450 27, 705 25, 880 20, 659 28,095 24,489 28,099 26,770 26,492 26,404 28,416 28,310 27,274 32,202 28,486 26,902 282, 303 306,193 331,938 25, 691 21, 508 24, 983 24,315 24,388 24,621 23,145 20, 941 21, 253 23, 679 19,686 23,107 21, 697 17, 084 19, 421 19, 620 18,858 19, 406 18, 444 16, 526 16, 627 18,125 14, 605 17,112 277, 317 217, 523 Back figures.—See Annual Report for 1925 (Table 100); series begins with 1919. Corresponding figures for each Federal reserve district and for each reporting center are available in mimeographed form beginning with 1919 and may be had upon request. NOTE.—Figures represent debits on the books of reporting banks to accounts of individuals, firms, and corporations, and of the United States Government, including war loan deposit accounts, also debits to savings accounts, payments from trust accounts, and certificates of deposits paid. Figures do not include debits to the accounts of other banks or in settlement of clearing-house balances, payment of cashiers' checks, charges to expense and miscellaneous accounts, corrections, and similar charges. Monthly figures are derived from weekly reports, the figures for weeks which do not fall entirely within a single calendar month being prorated. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD 125 BANK SUSPENSIONS No. 72.—BANKS SUSPENDED AND REOPENED, BY YEAKS, 1921-1931 [Banks closed on account of financial difficulties by order of supervisory authorities or by the directors of the bank. Figures of suspensions include banks subsequently reopened] Banks reopened Banks suspended Class of bank and year Number All banks: 1921 . 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 .. 1931 .--_- -. Total Member banks: 1921 1922 1923 ._ 1924 1925 .1926 1927 _ 1928 1929 1930 1931 Total Total Nonmember banks: 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 . . 1930 1931 Total ._. Number Capital Deposits 60 $1, 918,000 $17, 493,000 65 4, 003,000 35,565,000 37 1,516,000 11,674, 000 94 2, 815, 000 22, 462, 000 62 1, 994,000 16, 618,000 149 5,134, 000 60,610, 000 95 3, 906, 000 35, 729, 000 39 1, 540, 000 15, 727, 000 58 3, 052, 000 25,829, 000 147 6, 802, 000 61, 599, 000 276 19,102, 000 158,187, 000 9,285 540, 586, 000 4,277, 898, 000 1,082 51, 782, 000 461, 493, 000 42, 503, 000 24, 243, 000 51, 228, 000 74, 469, 000 67, 264, 000 68, 812, 000 66, 336, 000 42, 240, 000 57,135, 000 380, 440, 000 733, 528, 000 10 24 14 20 14 14 11 5 5 7 31 3,132, 000 475, 000 1, 580, 000 11, 618, 000 5,068, 000 685,000 7,190, 000 860, 000 6, 779, 000 800, 000 710, 000 8,179, 000 845, 000 8, 311,000 325, 000 6, 610, 000 285, 000 2, 273, 000 450, 000 3,538, 000 7, 215, 000 53, 944, 000 199, 569, 000 1, 608,198, 000 155 14, 230, 000 116, 642, 000 1,698 Total State banks— 1921 1922 1923 . 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 ._ Deposits 501 $22,802, 000 $196, 460,000 110, 721,000 354 13, 743,000 648 21, 943, 000 188, 701, 000 213, 338, 000 776 28, 358,000 172, 900, 000 612 24,441,000 956 32, 804, 000 272, 488, 000 662 24, 763, 000 193, 891, 000 491 19, 715, 000 138, 642, 000 642 32, 254, 000 234, 532, 000 1,345 111, 643, 000 864, 715, 000 2,298 208,120, 000 1, 691, 510, 000 70 57 124 159 146 160 124 73 81 187 517 National banks— 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 Capital 5, 369, 000 3, 956, 000 6, 845, 000 10, 305, 000 9, 920, 000 8, 569, 000 8, 034, 000 5, 175, 000 7,125, 000 50, 410, 000 83, 861, 000 51 45 90 122 118 125 91 57 64 161 409 3, 060, 000 3, 335, 000 4, 610, 000 7, 660, 000 7, 970, 000 6, 020, 000 5, 415, 000 4, 200, 000 5, 095, 000 19, 675, 000 49, 347, 000 21,285, 000 19, 092, 000 32, 904, 000 60, 889, 000 58, 537, 000 47, 866, 000 46, 581, 000 31, 619, 000 37, 007, 000 173, 290, 000 439,171, 000 22 11 18 11 10 8 2 3 5 25 325, 000 2,499, 000 1, 330, 000 8, 076, 000 570, 000 3, 973, 000 785, 000 6, 895, 000 700, 000 6, 300, 000 490, 000 4, 665, 000 485,000 5, 073, 000 75,000 417,000 160, 000 1, 607,000 310, 000 1, 872, 000 3,165, 000 26,182, 000 1,333 116, 387, 000 968, 241, 000 123 8, 395, 000 67, 559, 000 19 12 34 37 28 35 33 16 17 26 108 2, 309, 000 621, 000 2, 235, 000 2, 645, 000 1, 950, 000 2, 549, 000 2, 619, 000 975, 000 2, 030, 000 30, 735, 000 34, 514, 000 21, 218, 000 5,151, 000 18, 324, 000 13, 580, 000 8, 727, 000 20, 946, 000 19, 755, 000 10, 621, 000 20,128, 000 207,150, 000 294, 357, 000 365 83,182, 000 431 17, 433, 000 9, 787, 000 297 524 15, 098, 000 18, 053, 000 617 466 14, 521, 000 24,235, 000 796 538 16, 729, 000 14, 540, 000 418 561 25,129, 000 61,233, 000 1,158 1,781 124,259, 000 2 2 6 150, 000 250, 000 115,000 75.000 100, 000 220, 000 360, 000 250, 000 125, 000 140, 000 4, 050,000 633, 000 3,542, 000 1, 095, 000 295, 000 479, 000 3, 514, 000 3, 238,000 6,193, 000 666, 000 1, 666, 000 27, 762, 000 639, 957, 000 32 5,835, 000 49, 083, 000 153, 957, 000 86, 478, 000 137, 473, 000 138, 869, 000 105, 636, 000 203, 676, 000 127, 555, 000 96, 402, 000 177, 397, 000 484, 275, 000 957,982, 000 50 41 23 74 48 135 84 34 53 140 245 1, 443, 000 2,423, 000 831, 000 1, 955, 000 1,194, 000 4, 424, 000 3, 061, 000 1, 215, 000 2, 767, 000 6, 352, 000 11, 887,000 14, 361, 000 23, 947, 000 6, 606, 000 15, 272, 000 9, 839, 000 52, 431, 000 27, 418, 000 9, 117, 000 23, 556, 000 58, 061, 000 104,243, 000 7,587 341, 017, 000 2, 669, 700, 000 2 3 2 1 3 4 3 927 37, 552, 000 344,851, 000 126 A N N U A L REPORT OF T H E FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD No. 7 3 . — B A N K SUSPENSIONS, BY MONTHS, 1927-1931 [Amounts in thousands of dollars] Member banks Nonm ember ba oks All banks Total Month Number 1927 January February March __ April May June. __ __ __ Julv August September October _ November December 1928 January Februar y March ApriL May June July__ __ August September October November _._ December . . Deposits National State Number Deposits 11,555 8,744 7,700 5,462 18 14 11 6 5,662 7,566 5,501 3,769 9 2 5 4 5,893 1,178 2,199 1,693 6,434 5,521 2,638 8,881 8 8 2 4 5,564 1,932 2,638 8, 670 3 1 870 3,589 Num ber NumDeposits ber 133 81 75 49 32,038 25,157 31, 222 11, 750 47 41 37 27 36 44 43 49 13,198 10, 784 12, 162 17,364 27 16 16 10 11 9 2 5 1 8,988 11, 542 11,210 8,476 6 9 6 7 1,257 3,729 3,105 1,310 2 7 5 6 504 2,101 1,413 1,261 4 2 1 1 53 50 66 43 10, 983 18, 352 16, 953 8,190 8 11 9 6 2,552 9,373 3,026 2,446 7 7 6 5 1,736 3, 162 1,783 2,294 29 28 24 21 6,394 ] 3, 496 5,368 6,147 1,927 1,819 413 1,944 5 1 1 4 20 41 72 44 7,888 9,011 24, 784 11, 076 5 2 2 4 4 3 9 10 2,997 803 11,021 3,919 54 60 51 29 16, 413 21, 746 9,002 7,790 6 14 8 4 112 48 69 17 24, 090 19, 219 66, 161 8,532 39 43 68 52 10, 050 13, 153 22, 646 15,730 99 85 76 96 28, 32, 23, 33, Deposits Number Deposits 106 65 59 39 20, 483 16, 413 23, 522 6,288 211 36 32 35 22 6,764 5, 263 9,524 8,483 753 1,628 1,692 49 30 35 37 42 7,731 7,813 8,105 7,166 1 4 3 1 816 6,211 1,243 152 45 39 57 37 8,431 8,979 13, 927 5, 744 1,927 1,620 174 1,944 1 1 199 239 24 26 22 17 4,467 11, 677 4,955 4,203 3 2 8 8 2,430 320 10, 609 3,620 1 1 1 2 567 483 412 299 16 38 63 34 4,891 8,208 13, 763 7,157 8,963 3,922 2,045 1,681 4 12 7 3 8,461 3,419 1,865 1,654 2 2 1 1 502 503 180 27 48 46 43 25 7,450 17, 824 6,957 6,109 7 7 11 3 4,458 2,661 21, 935 879 6 6 9 2 3,835 2,335 7,803 284 1 1 2 1 623 326 14,132 595 105 41 58 14 19, 632 16, 558 44, 226 7,653 3 5 4 9 1,269 4,067 2,226 3,029 3 4 1 1,269 3,781 353 1,948 1 3 2 286 1,873 1,081 36 38 64 43 8,781 9,086 20, 420 12, 701 903 800 769 388 13 18 10 7 8,491 14, 236 8,283 3,322 9 17 9 5 3,216 14,186 7,757 2,911 4 1 1 2 5, 275 50 526 411 86 67 66 89 20. 412 18, 564 15, 486 30,066 55 66 65 67 19,315 70, 566 32, 333 21, 951 3 10 9 9 2,220 16, 904 11, 155 3,561 3 9 9 8 2,220 16, 439 11,155 3,044 1 465 1 517 52 56 56 58 17, 095 53, 662 21,178 18,390 66 72 254 344 23, 666 24 599 186, 306 367,119 9 10 33 56 1,940 3 336 98,115 208, 877 7 10 26 49 1,769 3,336 62, 373 44, 884 2 171 7 7 35, 742 163, 993 57 62 221 288 21, 726 21,263 88,191 158, 242 202 77 86 64 76, 553 34, 616 34, 320 41, 683 26 20 19 20 22,184 13, 723 11,007 21, 762 14,569 5, 822 10, 899 19, 498 6 5 1 3 7,615 7,901 108 2,264 176 57 67 44 54, 369 20,893 23, 313 19,921 91 167 93 158 43,210 190, 480 40, 745 180, 028 26 36 18 41 17, 375 70, 802 8,850 84, 289 20 15 18 17 24 26 16 29 12, 320 31, 368 7,045 31, 629 2 10 2 12 5,055 39, 434 1,805 52, 660 65 131 75 117 25,835 119,678 31,895 95, 739 305 522 175 358 233, 505 471, 380 67, 939 277,051 62 125 43 81 109, 718 228, 347 32, 255 113,216 46 79, 446 100 111,088 35 28,039 63 87,448 16 25 8 18 30, 272 117, 259 4,216 25, 768 243 397 132 277 123, 787 243,033 35, 684 163,835 • 1929 January February March April. May. June . Julv August ._ September October November December 1930 January February March _ . April May June July August September October November December 1931 January February _ March April... May June July August September October November December Backfigures.—SeeAnnual Report for 1928 (Table 64). 127 BANK SUSPENSIONS No. 74.—BANK SUSPENSIONS: NUMBER, CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO CAPITAL STOCK B a n k s having capital stock of— 1931 Total 548 513 220 457 285 227 16 3,218 2,119 845 1,663 820 432 52 136 2,298 9,285 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 117 85 39 53 24 15 295 151 49 91 32 16 319 191 55 130 61 15 234 135 46 133 43 18 384 230 100 164 46 16 247 165 60 122 47 13 191 106 38 94 46 11 ... 194 104 31 78 47 12 1 4 31 21 14 5 3 16 8 5 223 143 67 120 58 19 25 7 „._.. 501 354 648 776 612 956 662 491 642 1,345 National banks: $25 000 $25,100 to $49,000 $50,000 to $99,000 $100,000 to $199,000... $200,000 to $999,000... $1,000,000 and o v e r . . . 23 2 14 9 3 14 5 13 7. 6 41 10 26 9 4 44 9 42 19 8 41 5 46 15 11 46 20 45 12 2 31 6 40 12 2 15 3 24 10 5 15 6 26 13 3 1 56 15 39 30 19 2 102 34 121 89 56 7 428 115 436 225 119 10 __. 51 45 90 122 118 125 91 57 64 161 409 1,333 Less t h a n $25,000 $25,000 $25,100 to $49,000 $50,000 to $99,000 $100,000 to $199,000-. . $200,000 to $999,000... $1,000,000 and o v e r . . . 2 3 7 5 1 1 4 5 1 1 1 11 2 14 4 3 9 4 10 12 2 1 11 1 8 5 2 2 5 7 12 7 2 13 4 4 . 8 4 3 2 6 5 4 2 5 5 1 8 2 5 4 3 4 9 11 26 20 27 15 3 79 43 98 76 45 21 19 12 34 37 28 35 33 16 17 26 108 365 194 79 26 57 33 8 3 31 117 67 29 39 16 8 295 99 37 51 19 9 319 138 42 78 30 5 233 83 40 79 23 5 382 179 73 107 27 12 247 121 50 78 27 7 191 88 33 64 31 6 21 14 5 3 16 8 5 223 124 59 89 40 16 3 7 466 232 123 177 97 48 5 10 548 402 175 310 176 144 10 16 3,215 1,612 687 1,129 519 268 21 136 431 297 524 617 466 796 538 418 561 1,158 1,781 7,587 All banks: Less t h a n $25,000 $25,000 $25,100 to $49,000 $50 000 to $99,000 $100,000 to $199,000... $200,000 to $999,000-.$1 000 000 and over Not available Total--, Total State member banks: Total. Nonmember banks: Less t h a n $25,000 $25,000 . . $25,100 to $49,000 $50,000 to $99,000 $100,000 to $199,000--$200,000 to $999,000--. $1,000,000 and over Not available Total 1930 466 296 140 221 131 70 3 11 10 1 Includes 1 bank with capital of $1,309,000. Includes 1 bank with capital of $1,225,000. 3 Includes 1 bank each with capital of $1,218,000, $1,750,000, $2,500,000, $4,000,000. $4,877,000, and $25,250,000. 4 Includes 1 bank each with capital of $1,300,000, $1,400,000, $1,525,000, $1,750,000, $1,910,000, and $2,000,000; 4 banks each with capital of $1,500,000; 2 banks each with capital of $2,500,000; and 3 banks each with capital of $3,000,000. 2 No. 75.—BANK SUSPENSIONS, BY SIZE OF TOWN OR CITY, 1921-1931 Number of suspensions Places with population of— Less t h a n 500 500 to 1,000 1,000 to 1,500 1,500 to 2,500 2,500 to 5,000 5,000 to 10,000 10,000 to 25,000 _ . 25,000 and over Total _ 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 Total 181 99 47 39 33 32 21 49 120 75 23 44 30 18 12 32 331 104 58 55 35 24 14 27 335 158 71 75 55 28 22 32 226 130 67 56 60 32 18 23 372 204 115 88 79 30 22 46 266 142 61 65 53 22 30 23 207 93 48 52 33 18 17 23 240 128 77 63 35 35 24 40 442 278 128 137 119 60 57 124 666 402 202 225 214 140 134 315 3,386 1,813 897 899 746 439 371 734 501 354 648 776 612 956 662 491 642 1,345 2,298 9,285 128 ANNUAL REPORT OP T H E FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD CHANGES IN MEMBERSHIP IN THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM No. 76.—CHANGES IN MEMBERSHIP, BY CLASS OF MEMBER, 1930 AND 1931 Number of member banks Procedure effecting change Total 1930 Active member banks, first of year Additions to membership: 2 Organization of national bank Conversion of nonmember bank to national . . . Admission of State bank Resumption following suspension Conversion within the system 3 _. Total additions 2 Decreases in membership: Merger between member b a n k s National and National or State member and State member National and State member . Voluntary liquidation (terminal) Suspension and insolvency. _• Absorption of member bank by nonmember bank. Conversion of member bank to nonmember bank Withdrawal of State bank Conversion within the system 3 _ _ Total losses._ Net decrease Active member banks, end of year State National 1931 8, 522 i 8,050 1930 1931 1930 7,403 i 7,031 1,119 1,019 1931 33 35 18 7 15 7 23 31 33 35 15 7 5 2 25 1 18 2 3 23 6 93 76 75 48 23 29 158 41 4 187 109 25 168 41 9 517 106 19 20 143 22 3 161 96 19 151 26 8 409 98 19 15 19 1 26 13 6 * 41 2 17 15 1 108 8 170 441 3 20 1 565 880 447 711 123 472 804 372 663 100 141 i 8,050 7,246 i 7,031 6,368 1,019 878 i Exclusive of 2 banks which suspended in 1930 but which were included in the comptroller's Dec. 31, 1930, abstract. » Exclusive of 197 nonmember banks absorbed by member banks in 1931 and 165 in 1930, which increased the3 assets but not the number of member banks. Conversions between 2 classes of member banks, without effect on the number of banks in the system. 4 Includes 2 compulsory withdrawals. Back figures—See Annual Reports for 1930 (Table 71), 1929 (Table 65), 1927 (Table 117), 1926 (Table 97), and 1925 (Table 93). 129 EARNINGS AND EXPENSES OF MEMBER BANKS EARNINGS, EXPENSES, AND DIVIDENDS BANKS No. 77.—MEMBER BANKS—EARNING ASSETS, CAPITAL OF MEMBER FUNDS, AND PROFITS, 1923-1931 Amounts l (in thousands of dollars) Total All member banks: 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929. 1930 _ 1931 National member banks: 1923... 1924 1925 1926 1927 .._. 1928 1929 1930 1931 State member banks: 1923 -. 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 Earning assets per $1 of capital funds Net profit per $100 of earning assets 4.380,074 4,491,663 4,589,294 4,820,129 5,162,702 5, 622, 312 6,360,306 6, 722, 782 6,395,866 $5.98 6.12 6.47 6.46 6.34 6.18 5.62 5.26 5.23 $1.29 1.32 1.41 1.39 1.36 1.45 1.56 .87 .04 $7.69 8.04 9.14 8.95 8.66 8.96 8.75 4.56 .19 4,988,576 2,890,930 5,225,984 | 2,916,791 5,700,904 2,970,453 5,782,859 3,077,183 6,399,593 3, 254, 507 7,068,684 3, 543, 609 6,744,178 3, 750, 521 6,811,587 3,913,450 7,447,230 3,746,961 5.78 5.90 6.20 6.22 6.25 6.17 5.80 5.50 5.49 1.16 1.24 1.32 1.28 1.26 1.33 1.34 .73 * -.27 6.72 7.33 8.22 7.96 7.91 8.21 7.77 4.04 *-1.47 2,686,451 2,901,443 3,163,880 ! 3,225,893 i 3,350,339 I 3,499,518 3,368,295 3, 565, 603 4,252, 272 6.37 6.50 6.95 6.88 6.50 6.19 5.35 4.93 4.86 1.50 1.44 1.56 1.55 1.53 1.66 1.90 1.07 .52 6.72 9.37 10.83 10.70 9.94 10.25 10.16 5.28 2.54 Principal earning assets Year ending Dec. 31 Loans Invest- Capital funds 3 ments 26, 206,988 27,474,727 29, 673,891 31,132,149 32,755,971 34, 721,879 35,727,128 35,395,412 33, 431, 791 18,531,961 7,675,027 19,347,300 8,127,427 20,809,107 8,864,784 22,123, 397 9,008,752 23,006,039 9,749,932 24,153,677 10,568, 202 25,614,655 10,112,473 25,018, 222 10,377,190 21, 732, 289 11,699, 502 16,713,739 17,233,431 18,430, 579 19,135,960 20, 349, 562 21,858,250 21,751, 748 21, 538, 524 20, 564,446 11,725,163 12,007,447 12,729,675 13, 353,101 13, 949,969 14, 789, 566 15,007, 570 14, 726,937 13,117,216 9,493, 249 6,806,798 10, 241, 296 7,339,853 11, 243, 312 8,079,432 11,996,189 8,770, 296 12,406,409 9,056,070 12,863, 629 9,364, 111 13,975, 380 10, 607,085 13,856,888 10,291,285 12, 867,345 8, 615,073 Ratios 2 1,489,144 1, 574, 872 1,618,841 1,742,946 1,908,195 2,078, 703 2, 609, 785 2,809,332 2,648,905 Net profit per $100 of capital funds * Figures are averages of amounts for call dates during year. For explanation of these ratios, see Federal Reserve Bulletin for December, 1928, pp. 826-828. Capital, surplus, undivided profits, and reserves for dividends, contingencies, etc., including, in 1923 and 1924 only, reserves for taxes, interest, etc., accrued. * Net loss. 2 3 130 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD No. 78.—MEMBER BANKS—RATIOS OF EARNINGS, EXPENSES, ETC., TO AVERAGE EARNING ASSETS, 1923-1931 [Amounts per $100 of earning assets] Gross earnings Year ending Dec. 31 Total All member banks: 1923 1924 1925 1926 .-. 1927 1928 1929 __ 1930 1931--. National member banks: 1923 . - --1924 1925 1926 1927 192S 1929 1930 1931 State member banks: 1923 1924 . 192,5 192(3 1927. 1923 1929 1930___ _ 1931 Interest earned Expenses Total Losses Interest paid on deposits Total Net Net profits $6.56 6.50 6.46 6.51 6.47 6.58 6.92 6.30 5.72 $5.70 5.51 5.44 5.49 5.34 5.49 5.79 5.24 4.73 $4.70 4.66 4.61 4.63 4.63 4.65 4.71 4.53 3.99 $2.09 2.16 2.17 2.16 2.18 2.16 2.13 2.12 1.74 $0.79 .72 .65 .67 .64 .63 .83 1.03 1,86 $0.57 .53 .44 .50 .48 .48 .65 .90 1.69 $1.29 1.32 1.41 1.39 1.36 1.45 1.56 .87 = 04 6.37 6.35 6.29 6.33 6.34 6.41 6.64 6.33 5.81 5.76 5.57 5.51 5.54 5.44 5.54 5.73 5.41 4.91 4.53 4.50 4.46 4.48 4.52 4.52 4.54 4.59 4.12 1.97 2.07 2.08 2.07 2.12 2.10 2.07 2.14 1.83 .93 .81 .74 .76 .73 .72 .92 1.15 2.13 .67 .60 .51 .57 .56 .56 .76 1.01 1.95 1.16 1.24 1.32 1.28 1.26 1.33 1.34 .73 i —.27 6.90 6.76 6.75 6.81 6.70 6.86 7.38 6.24 5.58 5.59 5.41 5.34 5.41 5.17 5.40 5.88 4.99 4.45 5.00 4.93 4.85 4.88 4.81 4.87 4.98 4.45 3.79 2.30 2.33 2.32 2.31 2.27 2.25 2.21 2.08 1.58 .55 .56 .51 .51 .49 .46 .68 .84 1.43 .40 .40 .34 .38 .36 .34 .50 .72 1.27 1.50 1.44 1.56 1.55 1.53 1.66 1.90 1.07 .52 i N e t loss. NOTE.—For explanation of these ratios, see Federal Reserve Bulletin for December, 1928, pp. 826-828. 131 EARNINGS AND EXPENSES OF MEMBER BANKS No. 79.—MEMBER BANKS—EARNINGS, EXPENSES, AND DIVIDENDS, 1923-1931 [In thousands of dollars] Gross earnings Expenses Interest paid Year ending Dec. 31 Total All member banks: 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930___ 1931__. National member banks: 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930-1931 State member banks: 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 _ _. 1930__ 1931 Interest earned All other Salaries On borand On de- rowed wages posits money Total All other 1,232,654 547,910 1,280, 524 594,432 1,367,318 643,158 1,441,745 672,927 1, 515, 704 713,038 1,613,811 749,662 1,683,720 759,260 1,604,335 748,992 1, 335, 379 580,910 42,151 335, 680 24,746, 355,018 25,954 372,741 31,350 396,796 24,514 420,128 48,443 440,000 64,265 463,847 22,001 451, 776 19,136 412, 531 102,673 97,341 102,411 105,885 109,778 113,759 112,476 113,418 86,367 204,240 208,987 223,054 234,787 248,246 261,947 283,872 268,148 236.435 329,304 356,311 382,483 395,352 431,763 459,819 450, 258 461,311 377,281 29,641 205,391 17,001 213,994 17,172 223,756 20,089 235,969 15,429 253,634 29,184 269,429 37,350 271,103 12,807; 277,798 11,613! 257,074 69,873 64,676 66,645 68,270 69,219 69,872 64,333 68,373 53,110 123,593 124,088 132,199 137,085 148,771 159,435 164,096 167,740 149,176 218,606! 238,121 260,675 277,575 281,275 289,843 309,002 616, 306 287,681 487,125 203,629 12,510 130, 289 7,745 141,024 8,782 148,985 11,261 160,827 9,085 166,494 19,259 170,571 26,915! 192,744 9,194 173,978 7,523 155,457 32,800 32,665 35,766 37,615 40,559 43,887 48,143 45,045 33,257 80,647 84,899 90,855 97,702 99,475 102,512 119,776 100,408 87,259 1,719,360 1,786,471 1,918,094 2,027,752 2,120,277 2,283,998 2,474,099 2, 228,774 1,911, 502 1,493,755 225,605 1, 514,500 271,971 1,615,595 302,499 1,710,492 317,260 1, 749,008 371.269 1,905, 728 378.270 2,068,901 405,198 1,857, 514 371, 260 1, 581,905 329, 597 1,064,295 1,093,832 1,159,595 1,210,911 1,289,297 1,401,471 1,443,303 1,363,928 1,194,140 963,443 960, 601 1,015,352 1,060,589 1,107,242 1,211,259 1,247,125 1,165, 550 1,009,829 100,852 133, 231 144,243 150,322 182,055 190,212 196,178 198, 378 184, 311 757,802 776,070 822,255 856,765 918,816 987,739 987,140 9S8, 029 848,254 655,065 692,639 758,499 816,841 530,312 553,899 600,243 649,903 641, 766 694,469 821,776 691,964 572, 076 124,753 138,740 158,256 882, 527 1,030,796 864,846 717,362 Taxes 474,852 504,454 545,063 584,980 596, 888 626,072 189,214 188,058 209,020 172,882 145,286 Losses Year ending Dec. 31 All member banks: 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 National member banks: 1923 1924 1925. 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 State member banks: 1923 1924 1925 1926— 1927. 1928 -. 1929 _. 1930 1931-. Net earnings Total On loans On investments All other 207,127 197,343 193,099 207,530 143,011 133,079 128,774 124,885 123,745 119,290 139,588 194,725 295,241 36,411 33,196 35,127 35,909 37,284 45,293 95,465 109,028 264,170 Recoveries Net losses profits Net Dividends declared 486,706 505,947 550,776 586,007 604,573 670,187 790,379 624,439 576,123 217,194 295,473 365,314 620,456 27,705 31,068 29,198 46,736 47,664 52,611 60,420 61,561 61,045 57,307 52,739 61,806 53,006 51,129 50,875 61,608 47,377 56,594 149,820 144,604 131,293 154,524 157,564 166,319 233,865 317,937 563,862 336,886 361,343 419,483 431,483 447,009 503,868 556,514 306,502 12,261 257,933 258,044 272,686 284,809 312,680 327,422 408,628 371,968 335,792 306,493 317,762 337,340 354,146 370,481 413,732 456,163 375,899 345,886 154,753 108,819 26,450 19,484 97,582 18,708 140,250 92,127 23,692 20,450 136,269 88,017 26,261 31, 553 145,831 91,214 25,665 31,346 148,225 88,077 34,455 35,722 158,254 93,680 63,304 43,649 200,633 248,618 135,085 71,202 42,331 437,016| 212,575 184,290 40,151 42,642 36,270 43,122 36,662 35,027 35,282 35,854 30,887 36,234 112, 111 103,980 93,147 109,169 113,198 122,972 164,779 217, 731 400,782 194,382 213,782 244,193 244,977 257,283 290,760 291,384 158,168 -54,896 166,492 162,636 171,324 176,421 197,555 204,612 247,317 215,992 193,696 14,665 37,709 16,469 40,624 18,684 38,146 16,344 45,355 16,102 44,366 15,593 43,347 25,754 69,086 16,490 100, 206 20,360 163,080 142,504 147,561 175,290 186,506 189,726 213,108 265,130 148,334 67,'" 91,441 95,408 101,362 108,388 115,125 122,810 161,311 155,976 142,096 180,213 52,374 188,185 57,093 213,436 56,830 231,861 61,699 234,092 60,468 256,455 58,9401 334,216 94,840 248, 540 116,6f 230,237 183,440 * Net loss. 34,192 35,497 36,647 36,868 32, 531 31,213 45,908 59,640 82,666 9,961 9,236 11,435 9,648 11,619 10,838 32,161 37,826 79,880 8,221 12,360 8,748 15,183 16,318 16,889 16,771 19,230! 20,894| BANKING CONDITIONS IN FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS AND STATES 133 CONDITION OF EACH FEDERAL RESERVE BANK No. 80.—BILLS DISCOUNTED FOR MEMBER BANKS 1 —HOLDINGS FEDERAL RESERVE BANK, BY MONTHS, 1927-1931 [Monthly averages of daily figures. In millions of dollars] OF EACH Federal reserve bank Month Boston New Phila delYork phia Cleve Rich- Atland mond lanta 1927 January February March April May June.. July August September October November December 33.4 118.3 29.0 91.2 35.8 112.2 23.2 121.6 37.1 137.8 33.8 91.9 29.7 122.9 29.9 118.4 28.4 142.4 33.3 126.9 36.4 106.5 40.2 171.1 43.7 35.7 41.0 43.7 45.8 45 2 46.8 39 6 38.2 38.4 38.1 47.9 61.5 38.9 31.7 53.9 43.6 41.8 35.4 27.8 34.8 43.7 46.8 58.6 22.5 23.4 22.1 22.5 25.5 22.4 21.8 19.7 26.3 28.9 21.5 24.4 34.2 26.8 31.7 34.1 34.6 32.6 36.3 34.7 31.1 26.0 32.7 36.1 1928 January February March _ April -._ May June July August September October November December 23.5 152.9 45.2 119.3 49.5 130.0 44.4 210.9 59.6 296.9 84.8 376.1 68.0 382.6 61.1 321.3 50.9 352.3 45.9 300 7 50.6 238.1 65.0 298.7 44.4 53.1 49.2 52.7 60.4 80.2 93.8 99.1 106.5 93 7 79.3 91.3 51.0 50.8 57.0 60.8 68.4 89.3 100.8 80.1 77.8 75.5 85.6 108.0 26.9 27.3 27.8 34.6 43.0 48.0 54.9 56.6 57.2 47.8 42.5 40.8 1929 January February . _ March April May ._ June July August September October November December 60.4 61.9 58.6 75.8 96.5 99.4 78.4 79.5 71.3 60.7 46.9 40.4 245.9 73.1 79.7 216.3 85.5 84.7 231.5 101.6 76.0 264.6 110.0 96.6 234.5 86.7 93.8 251.2 84.7 90.9 408 6 77.3 84.0 303.3 92.8 79.7 230.9 90.6 78.8 160.0 78.7 95.2 154.7 106.8 124.4 188.3 80.2 98.4 111.8 70.5 54 3 53.7 58.0 57.1 44.0 47.6 32.2 36.7 42.6 90.3 Chicago Min- KanSt. sas Louis neapolis City Dallas SanFranCJSCO 19.1 14.6 14.4 16.2 24.0 26.3 29.8 24.7 28.0 21.5 18.1 19.3 4.1 4.0 4.5 6.1 6.7 6.5 6.0 6.1 4.4 2.7 2.6 3.0 10.4 9.3 8.6 11.9 17.3 16.5 12.5 9.3 10.7 15.7 18.1 15.2 5.4 3.1 3.2 4.4 4.7 6.2 7.4 12.7 11.0 7.2 8.4 5.4 37.8 38.6 48.3 53.3 43.1 41.4 45.8 46.1 35.6 43.7 39.1 42.4 29.3 59.0 28.3 50.9 25.2 67.9 38.9 87.6 51.9 109.5 59.8 136.1 68.5 156.7 76.8 159.4 82.9 113.8 79.4 134.1 68.7 138.8 57.8 178.9 16.6 24.0 26.1 33.1 39.0 52.9 55.1 58.8 65.0 49.8 43.9 39.6 3.7 4.0 3.3 10.1 10.6 8.5 12.2 18.5 17.8 18.1 16.0 10.4 12.7 11.4 10.5 18.8 22.9 22.4 23.9 22.7 24.0 31.3 43.1 44.2 4.3 4.1 3.8 8.0 9.0 11.3 16.7 29.8 29.6 25.3 21.3 17.9 41.0 52.3 63.1 61.3 64.3 49.4 56.5 76.7 86.5 73.5 69.6 60.3 40.7 41.0 43.4 52.6 58.1 56.6 57.5 59.6 60.1 53.1 51.9 41.8 58.5 55.8 51.7 63.6 73.4 65.9 69.0 75.1 69.6 57.6 59.1 43.0 142.7 165.9 210.6 133.4 109.8 135.9 122.1 120.0 103.9 120.2 139.3 133.0 37.4 37.8 48.1 51.8 48.7 49.9 55.8 67.2 72.7 54.7 47.1 30.9 12.0 12.8 15.6 19.3 18.1 15.2 17.4 24.3 34.4 41.2 28.6 17.4 33.3 32.5 31.8 38.8 49.1 48.3 35.3 33.7 38.8 44.6 57.7 45.9 20.6 19.2 14.8 18.6 23.1 22.3 30.2 43.4 41.3 31.6 30.2 19.1 55.0 75.8 85.0 79.3 64.4 57.7 60.1 64.9 76.4 86.9 106.0 65.0 December 23.9 23.2 21.1 15.6 17.7 17.3 12.6 12.6 11.6 8.9 12.3 17.3 72.8 53.3 31.1 25.7 21.0 23.6 24.9 15.7 14.6 25.0 27.1 37.9 30.8 22.2 16.8 16.0 17.2 19.7 19.8 21.4 20.0 18.9 21.7 33.1 31.7 25.3 21.6 18.8 27.6 30.4 28.9 29.9 28.2 24.8 26.6 30.4 87.4 63.0 35.2 22.7 20.6 18.1 19.0 16.5 14.4 15.8 18.5 26.4 17.7 16.7 14.0 13.9 15.5 18.1 16.3 15.1 17.7 17.3 17.4 14.2 7.0 3.0 2.4 3.1 3.8 3.8 4.2 4.4 4.1 4.3 3.8 3.9 28.1 23.0 16.2 12.8 15.2 14.2 10.4 9.2 8.8 10.3 14.0 16.0 13.3 11.9 8.3 7.5 8.7 10.2 11.5 13.9 13.2 10.2 8.4 6.9 22.5 15.1 15.8 13.1 11.8 10.6 10.0 9.5 7.6 6.7 8.9 33.7 1931 JanuaryFebruary March April May June July August September October November December 11.5 55.7 27.3 28.7 10.7 47.8 24.2 23.1 9.9 41.3 20.6 16.4 41.9 16.0 14.0 8.4 10.6 37.4 18.2 14.1 11.3 33.0 19.4 17.8 9.0 26.0 16.5 15.8 8.9 48.1 18.6 25.0 51.3 31.7 35.8 8.1 17.0 153.2 89.3 78.5 26.0 120.5 108.3 98.9 47.5 167.7 117.5 110.6 22.3 18.3 15.9 13.2 15.9 19.4 17.2 18.5 22.7 35.1 40.5 39.5 23.4 21.6 13.4 11.0 11.0 12.7 13.6 20.4 25.3 37.7 51.0 51.6 25.9 20.5 14.7 12.7 13.5 16.2 12.1 15.9 24.0 50.4 69.9 86.6 11.8 9.4 8.2 7.9 7.4 7.8 8.9 10.6 12.2 18.5 25.9 26.8 4.1 4.0 3.6 3.5 3.9 4.2 4.3 4.6 4.1 6.1 7.4 8.0 17.2 13.6 10.5 9.0 9.5 11.6 9.5 13.1 13.3 24.4 33.8 30.3 5.2 6.2 7.2 7.5 8.5 10.0 10.8 13.3 13.5 20.5 23.0 17.6 19.9 16.3 14.8 9.4 ' 12.6 24.6 25.3 25.4 38.1 82.4 89.9 70.9 1930 January. February - _ March April MayJune July August September. _ October. . . _. 53.7 50.5 36.7 28.3 29.8 28.1 24.4 18.2 16.4 17.5 19.6 27.5 90.2 78.5 71.1 56.3 52.7 63.9 59.7 40. 5 31.4 36.5 46.9 65.0 1 Including small amounts of bills discounted for intermediate credit banks, etc.; see Tables 14 and 110. Back figures.—See Annual Reports for 1928 (Table 72), and 1927 (Table 55). 125554—32; 10 135 136 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD No. 81.—DISCOUNTED BILLS—HOLDINGS OF EACH FEDERAL RESERVE BANK ON DECEMBER 31, 1931, BY CLASSES [In thousands of. dollars] Rediscounted bills (all Federal reserve bank Total classes) Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis Kansas Citv Dallas San Francisco 1 43, 205 149,951 116,412 12,069 19,656 38,748 92, 609 33, 377 34, 902 35, 366 19, 750 24, 868 74,496 16,886 7,571 19, 648 1, 287 4,956 27,726 10,416 30, 742 638,293 -- Total..- Commercial Demand Bankers' Trade and agri- and sight accept- acceptances cultural drafts ances paper * Member banks' collateral Paper notes secured secured by U. S. by U. S. Govern- Government ment obligaobligations tions Collateral notes otherwise secured 66 247 385 20 365 27 23,473 112, 111 48,268 7,577 17, 572 28,984 1,229 121 42 633 247 167 47, 862 6,577 3,882 7,498 6,682 5,933 95 130 1 15 450 846 261 49, 822 9,345 814 4,446 5,312 1,525 20,472 7,888 7,708 7 2 71 46 487 17 71 4,081 527 10, 773 2,684 1,906 12,144 212, 416 133 2,355 3, 591 317, 535 102,263 21 10 N o t elsewhere specified. Back figures—See Annual Report for 1930 (Table 76), 1929 (Table 70), 1928 (Table 73), etc. No. 82.—DISCOUNTED BILLS—HOLDINGS OF EACH FEDERAL RESERVE BANK ON DECEMBER 30, 1931, BY MATURITIES [In thousands of dollars] Maturity Total Federal reserve bank Boston ._ New York _ Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta _ Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas San Francisco Total Within 15 days 16 to 30 days 31 to 60 days 56, 733 431,827 115,575 47, 266 417,987 88,427 2,479 4,099 8,217 4,104 5,610 12,147 2,526 3,989 6,608 358 142 176 114, 862 41,447 45, 525 87, 357 27,441 24,126 6,736 4,162 5,724 12,167 5,855 6,280 8,087 3,365 8,422 491 566 948 24 58 25 95, 309 21, 742 7,554 75,743 19, 633 2,671 3,601 368 129 7,324 253 320 6,477 973 2,404 2,015 201 1,644 149 314 386 29, 286 11,407 52, 866 10, 276 4,897 45. 734 1,677 1,675 1,028 3,418 2,218 1,410 5,007 1, 565 1,984 8,226 1,001 2,388 682 51 322 1,024,133 851, 558 39, 895 61,106 51, 407 18,156 2,011 . - _ _ _ _ --- 61 to 90 91 days to Over 6 days 6 months months Back figures—See Annual Report for 1930 (Table 77), 1929 (Table 71), 1928 (Table 69), etc. 137 EACH FEDERAL RESERVE BANK No. 83.—PRINCIPAL RESOURCES AND LIABILITIES OF EACH FEDERAL RESERVE BANK, BY WEEKS BOSTON [In thousands of dollars] Date States Bills bought in United open market Government securities Total bills Bills Total and disreUnder cash securi- counted Boughi Under Bought serves resale ties i outout- resale agreeright agreement right ment 1931 Jan.7___ Jan.14._ Jan.21.Jan.28.. 83,681 75,256 69,074 66,725 11,504 11,078 10,935 10, 551 Feb.4.__ Feb. 11_. Feb. 18._ Feb. 25.. 65,552 64,852 64, 729 64, 709 10,972 10, 723 10,195 10, 423 7,' 6,554 7,253 7,124 Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 4.. 11.. 18-. 25.. 64,535 66,461 65,997 63, 672 9,547 8,777 8,782 10, 565 7,947 10,877 10,812 6,925 Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. l-._ 8___. 15... 22... 29... 70, 587 65, 311 63, 971 70,852 74, 076 11, 576 7,322 7,534 7,160 10, 328 12, 829 11, 547 260 8,793 1,462 8,603 8,907 12, 049 5,517 May May May May 6.... 13-. 20... 27... 71, 569 71, 771 71, 313 69,911 9,106 11, 295 11, 687 10, 627 10,112 11,491 11,496 4,182 1,954 1,607 46,182 46,181 46,181 71, 726 70, 927 69,110 72,897 9,870 9,461 11,260 12, 964 11, 256 4,419 46,181 1 . . . . 71,121 8 . . . . 67, 630 15... 2 2 . . . 66, 480 29. _. 67, 683 11, 569 8,359 8,576 8,174 9,376 6,807 5,657 4,599 4,524 4,582 2,471 975 176 320 263 49, 789 52, 204 52, 957 53,162 53,162 June 3 June 10.-. June 17... June 24... July July July July July Deposits Total Federal reserve notes in circulaber bank Other detion reserve posits balances 21, 246 2,570 47,511 16,675 120 46,533 11,372 134 46, 533 8,711 810 46, 553 218,859 216,326 221, 365 222, 770 154,000 148,245 144.355 145,393 151,334 144,977 142,557 142,529 2,666 3,268 1,798 2,864 127,006 122,823 128,261 126,583 388 1,022 727 608 46, 553 46,553 46, 554 46, 554 227, 627 226, 606 226, 264 222,, 681 146,346 146,505 147,687 141,942 144,513 1,833 143,999 2,506 144,419 3,268 139,859 2,083 127,734 124,825 123,435 125,341 488 46, 553 439 221 46,182 46,182 230, 717 227,098 229,141 234, 784 149, 277 144,362 4,915 146, 382 144,013 2,369 145,851 145,298 553 145,843 138,605 7,238 125,825 126,550 127,703 132,434 46,182 46,182 46,182 46,182 46,182 226,361 237,014 234, 004 243,727 226, 587 2,728 2,012 2,415 3,173 2,529 134, 524 134,806 134, 435 139,135 136,231 10, 929 5,352 46,182 11; 260 4,026 46,180 8,396 2,689 46,180 7,728 2,416 47, 976 141,455 138, 727 145,931 143, 919 142,457 140,042 152, 536 149, 363 142, 694 140,165 231,103 143, 281 142,328 228, 644 142,342 140,488 228, 203 142, 432 140, 789 227,642 140,883 139, 283 233,424 146, 532 144,092 227,494 142, 505 141, 297 229,508 142, 688 140,048 228,005 146,460 138, 928 953 1,854 1,643 1,600 137,470 137, 226 136,369 135, 738 2,440 1,208 2,640 7,532 137,556 134,781 133,619 133, 285 224, 637 239, 861 231, 785 235,662 231,278 137, 672 134,008 149,491 145, 470 143, 067 137,845 147, 421 141, 805 143, 894 137, 436 3,664 4,021 5,222 5,616 6,458 136,300 138,364 136,677 135, 603 136,168 Aug. 5 . . . . Aug. 12... Aug. 19... Aug. 26. __ 66, 010 71, 567 73,835 78,309 7,271 9,347 9,302 10, 212 4,247 7,097 10,815 13, 828 1,080 1,712 487 1,038 53,162 53,161 53,161 53,161 243, 566 238,824 240,993 233,886 152,920 153, 702 159,045 155,358 142, 062 139,347 143, 691 139,091 10,858 14, 355 15,354 16,267 137,894 138,890 139,248 138, 767 Sept. 2___ Sept. 9___ Sept. 16-. Sept. 23 __ Sept. 30. _ 78,911 77, 844 76,372 80,802 105, 967 8,416 7,372 7,272 7,909 12,381 16,355 16, 552 14,153 15, 972 37, 564 369 149 287 1,134 235 53,701 53, 701 53, 700 54,827 54,827 237,537 239, 083 232, 064 237, 070 198, 416 159,787 143,413 157.356 139,964 155, 040 140, 741 158, 661 147,083 145, 566 137, 630 16,374 17,392 14,299 11, 578 7,936 139, 589 141,314 137,841 142, 003 142,829 Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 7 14___ 21__. 28-_. 121,765 145,376 158, 038 154,424 11, 761 16,160 19, 918 18,976 50,517 70, 980 78,452 75, 460 3,342 54,827 56,287 57, 205 57, 790 215,357 203,968 192, 680 165,642 175,044 177, 388 177, 653 155,188 163,115 158, 007 163, 249 142,418 11,929 19,381 14,404 12,770 145,424 152,992 155,939 147,813 Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 4_._ 11.. 18.. 25.. .47,382 .44,484 .43, 489 .47, 363 18, 066 21, 209 25, 762 32,841 69, 769 63, 740 58,470 55, 535 57, 566 57, 565 57,347 57, 077 173, 693 174,437 166, 785 160, 544 156,867 143,898 152,597 137,559 146, 740 134, 552 142, 342 129, 701 12,969 15,038 12,188 12,641 147,846 147,987 146,293 148,441 Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 2 . - - L39,905 9 129,186 1 6 . . . 47,858 2 3 - - 157,498 3 0 — 150, 816 32, 995 29, 312 43, 495 67, 415 56, 733 47,986 40,864 33, 894 29, 940 30, 901 56,807 56,807 67,852 56, 774 61, 052 170, 968 176,923 172, 431 199, 279 222,900 142, 710 139,644 132, 591 135, 760 160,249 .1,162 1,042 9,082 L2,115 8,061 151,818 149,450 166,731 205,402 195,257 1 228 347 433 1,739 131,548 128,602 123,509 123,645 152,188 Includes "other securities" and foreign loans on gold. Back figures for all Federal reserve districts,—See Annual Report for 1930 (Table 78), 1929 (Table 72), 1928 (Table 76), etc. 138 No. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD 83.—PRINCIPAL RESOURCES AND LIABILITIES OF EACH FEDERAL RESERVE BANK, BY WEEKS—Continued NEW YORK [In thousands of dollars] Bills bought in open market Date United States Government securities Deposits Total bills Bills Total and discash resecuri- counted Bought Under Bought Under serves resale ties i outoutright agreement Federal reserve notes in circulation Total Member bank reserve balances 1,045, 1,105,185 1,075,434 1, 078, 532 1, 027,871 1,087,445 1,061, 784 ., 064, 521 17, 588 17, 737 13,650 14,011 365, 265 326,646 307, 745 288, 675 1, ., 038,186 993, 399 ., 010,182 992, 741 1, 023,160 I, 006, 920 I 029, 495 1,014,672 "., 44, 787 17, 441 16, 240 14,823 280,828 273, 976 261, 572 256, 946 1,117,598 1 , 008, 402 986, 306 22,i 5,000 1,166, 202 1 , 088,849 1,067,683 21,166 1,155,i, 839 1,, 068,188 1,054, 612 13, 576 1,130,I, 570 Ir 016, 492 988,857 27, 635 267,182 255, 965 249, 295 246, 320 1931 Jan. 7 Jan. 14.__ Jan. 2 1 . . . Jan, 28— 381,106 338,686 295.845 275,711 Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 4... 11 . 18. _ 25.. 274, 952 273,145 254,175 265, 443 69, 492 63,631 7,092 237,191 51,161 48, 460 2,474 233,891 42, 76" 213,928 42, 594 38, 600 198, 928 34,139 44, 473 31, 551 198, 928 51, 461 27, 756 193, 928 37, 641 32, 606 183,928 38, 016 43, 499 183, 928 Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 4... ll._ 1825., 252, 588 275, 732 264,053 232,634 38, 834 29, 826 38,082 36,857 12, 53 37,876 24, 463 34,681 15, 240 Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. l.._ 8___ 15.. 22.. 29.. 295, 435 275,012 233, 408 254,890 275, 286 36,187 34, 755 26,144 31,192 30, 560 43,199 29,171 21, 907 35,066 33, 833 33, 336 28, 373 2,644 5,919 27,830 182,713! 182,713! 182, 7131 182,713! 182, 7131 2651 , 045, 321 1,023, J 1,125, 21 21, 440 278, 261 ,1301 , 006, 654 984, 467 22,18" 269, 919 1,096," 1,108,169 992, 923 974, 558 18, 365 261, 754 996, 332 1,115,860 1 ,017,240 261,436 1,147,', 623 — "1 , 053, 433 1,031,1 21, 744 268, 977 May May May May 6... :I3_. 2027.. 262, 223, 204, 200, 613 679 015 373 28, 472 31,897 27, 771 26, 999 48, 494 24,3' 39, 648 5,864 27,124 3,200 27, 454 160,170 145,170| 145,170 145,170 1,146, 690 1, 040, 956 1,197, 397 1,066,899 ' 1,185, 551 1,029,082 1, 253,874 1., 031, 501 June 3 June 10— June 17__. June 24.. 218, 365 207,609 214,811 229, 407 29, 927 29,001 33, 264 34,059 41, 274 30,091 32, 807 35,195 July July July July July 1... 8... 15.. 22.. 29.. 235, 219 222, 862 219,930 212,850 223,122 27,868 32, 311 1,389 26, 341 23, 510 1,877 24, 230 17,907 23,181 16,919 26, 845 20, 296 3,206 Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. 5— 12.. 19.. 26.. 234,153 341, 741 324.846 346, 389 36,105 49,886 38, 775 48, 366 Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. 2... 9— 16.. 23.. 30- 348, 776 346,859 386, 318 387,029 446, 200 52, 762 48,973 46, 676 53,841 53, 521 183,928 183, 258 201, 714 182, 713 850 1,111,862 1,173, 435 1,175, 709 1,184,165 1.134, 492 1,111,98 1,128, 450 1,119,""" I, 360 359 145.155| 1,697 145,170j 145,170! 151,424! 167, 741) 166,149| 171, 2731 169, 535| 169, 535 24,147 1,826 169, 535 36, 725 33, 235 219, 555! _ 63,166 219,5551. 224,555|_ 68,818 69, 966 71, 838 79, 532 16, 772 84, 607 5,r~" 137, 978 17,; 221, 548 . 221, 548 . 235, 548 . 235,705!. 225, 705 . Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. ?__.. 14. _ 21... 28.. 528, 286 657,88S 629, 564 598, 244 123, 433 205, 945 159, 032 138, 650 139, 070 32, 529 225,705!, 188, 201 12, 544 245,259!. 211,914 2,235 241.698L 243, 945'. 201, 064 Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 4___ 11... 18__ 25.. 557,905 537,137 511, 034 497, 673 124, 116, 109, 116, 071 201 523 755 172,992 163, 767 143, 790 125,290 Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 2.... 9-... 16... 23... 30... 479, 565 496, 710 596, 337 592, 756 908, 620 121, 804 137, 258 117, 731 236, 396 431,827 105, 048 98,139 78, 436 66, 437 84, 644 4,013 241,9891. 241,9891. 805 241,226!. 573 240,230;. 3,385 12, 230 3,164 8,538 75,936 22, 947 32, 084 14,142 15,541 269, 307 258, 383 268,054 273, 231 53, 15, 35, 37, 263 327 640 238 288, 508 271,144 273, 577 278,854 1, 240, 200 1,076, 626 ,030,090 46, 536 ,086,859 ., 050,978 35,881 1, 258, 285 1., 128, 369 , 084, 654 43, 715 1,288, 629 1., 118, 397 1, 087, 796 30, 601 1, 294, 691 1,127, 902 i , 0 7 0 , r ~ 57,866 306, 521 294,881 285, 422 295,998 304, 566 1,198, 627 1, 204,108 1, 242, 771 1, 238, 312 322,194 362, 404 373, 987 398,105 1, 216, 427 1,176, 333 1, 244, 082 1, 298, 354 1 056,608 1 019,065 lj 088; 687 1,156, 714 , , , , 003, 003, 053, 119, 345 738 047 476 1,035, 084 979, 556 55, 528 ., 118, 737 1, 041, 452 77, 285 1,113, 358 1, 036,185 77,173 1,, 130, 247 1,001,282 128,965 1, 224, 497 1,110,563 1,011,147 99, 416 388,863 1,192, 226 1, 056, 060 960, 617 95, 443 399, 041 1, 249, 289 1, 180, 626 1, 093, 461 87,165 388,115 1,139,""" ., 055, 279 973, 941 81, 338 388, 702 1,161, 709 1, 122, 754 1, 078,046 44, 708 406, 051 1,033,:, 832 l,,053,057 983,652 69, 405 930,I, 464 1,, 048, 997 942, 789 106, 208 1,040, 599 1 ,113,840 1,029,657 84,183 1, 045, 907 1,, 087,898; I, 004, 315 83, 583 446, 456, 467, 471, 1, 002, 582 1,013,056 1, 038, 277 1, 072,022 52,304 83,637 64,870 57,978 497, 570 485,863 484, 523 498,981 54, 201 46, 746 45, 275 58, 223 53, 593 516,225 519,3C4 533, 301 566, 782 562, 743 962,845 986,816 977, 463! 981, 989 910,541! 903,179 912,593 924,011 236,233.... 1,069, 200 943, 239 1, 050, 372 941,822 895, 076 236,233 1, 041,479 1 024,228 978, 953 382,733 931, 517 873, 294 267,322 275,056 27,000 917, 286 1,175,134 1,121, 541 i Includes "other securities" and foreign loans on gold. 1, 018,009 1, 034, 815 1, 014, 940 1,065,960 967 459 360 328 139 EACH FEDERAL RESERVE BANK No. 83.—PRINCIPAL RESOURCES AND LIABILITIES OF EACH FEDERAL RESERVE BANK, BY WEEKS—Continued PHILADELPHIA [In thousands of dollars] States Bills bought in United open market Government securities Date Deposits Total Total bills Bills and disUnder cash resecuri- counted Bought Under Bought resale outresale ties i outagreeright agreement right ment Total Federal reserve notes in Memcirculaber bank Other detion reserve posits balances 1931 Jan.7 Jan. 14.... Jan. 21.... Jan. 28.... 84,983 81,364 79,904 78,653 29,140 27,233 25,772 24, 521 3, 568 3,568 3,568 3,568 51,625 50,563 50, 564 50,564 244,232 249,738 238.026 238,135 149.835 151,295 145,507 143,078 146,492 146,878 142,431 141,184 3,343 146,405 4,417 145,985 3,076 140,047 1,894 139,415 Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 4 11__. 18__25... 78, 445 77,883 77,006 76,974 24, 299 23,978 23, 585 23,797 3,582 3,341 2,857 2,613 50, 564 50, 564 50,564 50, 564 239,021 241, 874 237,765 242, 615 145,756 142,477 144,649 144,375 144,164 140, 412 141,997 141,752 1,592 2,065 143,395 2,652 136,686 2,623 139,965 Mar. 4___. Mar. 11... Mar. 18... Mar. 25... 76, 380 74, 658 70,780 66,830 23,444 21,928 19, 345 17,373 2,372 2,372 2,083 105 50, 564 50,358 49,352 49,352 244.061 244, 985 253, 053 259,264 150, 579 148,136 149,600 155,959 4,821 137,665 2,362 137,506 865 137,185 6,524 136,542 Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. 67, 499 64,739 63, 842 65,279 68, 201 18,042 15, 282 14, 385 15,822 18,744 105 105 105 105 105 49, 352 49,352 49,352 49,352 49,352 263,270 261,651 260,531 251, 773 250, 738 155,186 355,609 155,607 150,302 149.836 145,758 145,774 148,735 149.435 152.436 154,424 152,964 147,117 147,334 2,750 1,185 2,643 3,185 2,502 140,478 137,136 137, 442 134,590 135,459 May 6 May 13... May 20... May 27... 65,872 16,414 67,187 17,729 68,337 18,879 18, 930 106 106 106 106 49,352 49,352 49.352 49.353 152,212 152,889 148, 597 147,053 151,033 151,072 146,445 145,015 1,179 1,817 2,152 2,038 135,087 140,179 146, 055 147,332 June 3 June 10... June 17. _. June 24... 69,171 69,227 66, 770 69,118 19,712 19, 768 18,823 17,685 106 106 106 106 49,353 49,353 47,236 49, 094 253,598 258, 905 259, 572 261,629 260,279 259,672 267, 235 262,632 151,336 148,692 151, 041 152,622 147,977 146,805 144,743 144,115 3,359 1,887 6,298 8,507 149,195 146,669 145,756 144,157 Julyl.... July 8 July 15... July 22... July 29... Aug. 5.... Aug. 12... Aug. 19... Aug. 26... 69, 281 72, 340 73,157 74,853 75,494 16, 516 15,201 15.298 16,597 17,055 1,045 2,922 2,922 3,223 3,406 50,970 53,467 54,247 54, 473 54,473 266,181 258, 216 260,702 257,346 257, 737 155, 922 152,547 153,643 152,378 153,222 148.382 148,013 147,321 145,349 144,630 7,540 4,534 6,322 7,029 8,592 145,981 145,541 145,769 145,888 145,693 79,428 77,422 82,866 85,324 18,033 17,876 18,221 18,105 3,412 4,369 9,648 12, 222 57,273 54,467 54,467 54,467 261,794 268,888 261,034 257,824 160,854 164,383 162,782 161,469 145,594 146,108 144,598 141,529 15,260 18,275 18,184 19,940 146,970 149,353 148,906 148,662 Sept. 2.... Sept. 9_._. Sept. 16... Sept. 23.. Sept. 30-.. 90,352 94,574 105, 976 111,918 115,464 18,377 21,739 32.299 45,209 48, 723 16,364 17, 224 17, 336 9,117 9,137 55,081 55,081 55,081 56, 332 56,344 256, 425 253,494 251.062 243,966 235,807 164,736 161,047 162,877 151, 578 146,426 146,359 139,840 144, 353 136,537 136,693 18,377 21,207 18, 524 15,041 9,733 148,671 153,442 161,671 166,879 171,988 Oct. 7 . . . . Oct. 14... Oct. 21... Oct. 28... 139,153 168,863 177,618 184,251 71,940 91,292 98, 249 103,199 9,137 13,624 14,667 15,707 56,344 57,187 57,942 58,585 260, 405 256,553 264,887 258,891 147,224 158,001 149,982 147,790 130,243 133, 251 131,592 130,580 16,981 24,750 18,390 17,210 219,834 232, 615 260,551 262,307 Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 4—. 11.. 18.. 25.. 176,559 181,089 180,746 180,672 101,904 106,662 107,896 109,263 9,483 8,290 6,914 5,770 58,412 58,337 58, 111 57,804 276,146 275,722 269,901 269,710 146,184 147,174 146,067 143,309 127,332 128, 519 130,190 125,997 18,852 18,655 15,877 17,312 271,068 276,046 271,374 274,380 Dec. 2 . . . . Dec.9.._. Dec. 1 6 Dec. 23 ._ Dec. 30.. 173,810 175,641 181,946 206,029 194,051 102,916 104, 703 117,628 137,825 115,575 5,562 5,551 4,431 4,330 4,074 57,497 57,497 54,097 57,931 57,652 279,707 276,240 264,130 239,910 11,000 244,605 147,278 143,957 139,070 136,397 134,469 131,104 127,783 127,703 121, 268 122,739 16,174 16,174 11,367 15,129 11,730 274,099 274,239 273,452 279,426 271,568 1 1.... 8 15... 22__. 29... Includes "other securities" and foreign loans on gold. 140 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD No. 83.—PRINCIPAL RESOURCES AND LIABILITIES OF EACH FEDERAL RESERVE BANK, BY WEEKS—Continued CLEVELAND [In thousands of dollars] Date 1931 Jan. 7 — Jan. 14— Jan. 21— Jan. 28. . Bills bought in United States open market Government securities Total Bills bills Total disand cash recounted Bought Under Bought Under securiserves 1 outout- resale ties right right agreement ment 121,691 111, 997 103,887 94,365 34,180 29,458 28, 589 22,645 26,831 23,180 16,939 13,361 59,680 58, 359 58,359 58,359 Deposits Total Federal reserve notes in Memcirculaber bank Other tion dereserve balances 303.670 206,831 298,437 195,406 304,481 198,719 312,820 198,195 198,736 189,915 193.517 192, 284 8,095 5,491 5,202 5,911 191,063 185, 933 181,323 178,883 314,570 313, 330 320,163 325,474 193,845 189.602 196.518 194,113 194,841 195, 348 194, 985 195.603 196,666 193, 304 198,466 198, 419 194,607 5,625 3,892 4,290 4,691 178,177 181, 788 180,095 181, 795 7,275 5,581 2,782 4,868 180, 763 181,273 178,837 177, 885 3,965 4,338 3,113 4,459 4,326 178,241 180, 009 181,091 180,192 184,147 Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 4... 11.. IS.. 25.. 92, 723 93,552 89, 509 88,014 24,038 25, 725 22, 815 20, 800 10,326 9,468 8,335 8,855 58, 359 58,359 58, 359 i 58,359 Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 4___. 11.. 18... 25.. 87,660 92,874 87, 310 81,959 18.656 18, 881 14, 485 13, 848 10,645 15,886 14, 970 10, 256 58,359 58,107 57,855 57,855 325,917 202,116 319,836 200, 929 319,366 197, 767 327,026 200.471 Apr. 1 . . . Apr. 8 . . . Apr. 15.. Apr. 22.. Apr. 29.. 88,060 92,121 93,098 88,891 94, 748 14.657 13, 711 14,437 11, 768 16, 973 15, 548 20, 555 20,806 19,430 20,082 57,855 57,855 57, 855 57,693 57,693 320, 907 317, 215 318,198 325, 268 319,929 200,631 197,642 201, 579 202, 878 May May May May 6— 13.. 20.. 27.. 95, 726 95, 270 93, 001 93, 723 13, 095 14, 562 13, 537 13,454 198,607 205,474 198,993 194, 387 194,415 201, 367 195, 335 190,335 4,192 4,107 3,658 4,052 183, 266 187, 510 189, 399 191,761 92, 351 94, 387 93,965 94, 351 13,908 17, 530 20,173 16,853 62,693 62.692 62.693 62,693 62,690 62,690 62,690 65,105 315,005 328, 204 325.671 323,683 June 3 — June 10.. June 17. _ June 24.. 19,938 18,016 16, 771 17, 576 15, 753 14,167 10, 317 9,996 330, 047 331,547 325,473 331,645 201,362 202,136 191, 111 197, 368 195,617 197,894 186,167 189,982 5,745 4,242 4,944 7,386 191, 749 193,905 200,589 197,919 Julyl... July 8.-July 15... July 22... July 29... 94,354 95, 884 95, 514 96,316 94,818 17,611 15, 720 15, 535 16, 952 16, 262 8,564 7, 6,879 6,071 67, 544 70, 790 71,803 72,085 72,085 335,496 341, 510 339,908 337,627 338,785 199,398 206,407 199,573 204,088 204,004 190,818 199,115 190, 723 189, 331 188,147 8,580 7,292 8,850 14, 757 15,857 202,116 201,115 200,285 198,968 198,885 Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. 95,361 117,097 119,994 17, 484 16,892 30, 517 29, 913 5,442 9,142 14, 395 17,896 72, 085 72,085 72,085 72,085 344,767 349,818 354,205 361,167 212, 524 212, 745 212,937 208, 774 191,404 188,009 187,501 180,834 21,120 24, 736 25,436 27,940 198,374 204, 798 230,668 240,208 129, 504 127, 924 125, 718 135,072 167,038 34,004 33,293 31,890 45,315 45,836 23,315 22, 446 21, 743 17,672 45, 227 72,085 72,085 72,085 72,085 72,085 349, 637 358, 922 350,423 340, 066 310,251 211,436 212, 541 204,891 193,481 184,317 186,024 183,210 182, 344 173,141 167,542 25,412 29, 331 22, 547 20,340 16, 775 239,251 244,164 242,553 250,159 263,624 7.— 14— 21— 28.- 186,287 61,064 206,404 76, 865 223,052 92,465 231,103 101,317 52,656 57,454 57, 566 56,243 72,085 72,085 73,021 73,543 310,985 304,307 285,458 280,080 187,277 194, 351 184,291 179,485 164, 956 165,320 157,275 153,557 22, 321 29,031 27,016 25,928 278,551 286,514 295,914 304,386 Nov. 4 . . . Nov. 11.. Nov. 1 8 Nov. 2 5 - 224,670 106,161 217, 826 102, 230 204,422 94,824 198,005 93,431 45, 275 42, 363 36,647 31,623 73, 234 73, 233 72,951 72,951 291, 799 303, 511 306,700 313,787 178,359 179,798 175,490 173,569 150,379 151,433 153,550 149,831 27,980 311,476 28,365 315, 703 21,940 311, 761 23,738 311,767 Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 189,301 191,541 189,471 203,948 188,171 99,441 106,529 111,897 127, 581 114,862 26, 909 22,061 14,623 62, 951 62,9511 62,951 67,899 - I 67,517 324,176 325, 599 324,455 319,388 331,049 173,595 172,939 167,335 168,254 172,032 149,728 148,690 147,476 145,384 153, 008 23,867 24,249 19,859 22,870 19,024 5— 12.. 19.. 26. . Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 2... 9.._ 162330- 2... 9... 16.. 23.30.- 5,792 3,890 i Includes "other securities" and foreign loans on gold. 199.470 193,494 200,808 198,804 312,961 316,136 320,031 330,232 321,469 141 EACH FEDERAL RESERVE BANK No. 83.—PRINCIPAL RESOURCES AND LIABILITIES OP EACH FEDERAL RESERVE BANK, BY WEEKS—Continued RICHMOND [In thousands of dollars] States Bills bought in United open market Government securities Date Total Bills bills disand securi- counted Bought Under Bought ties i out- resale outright agreement right 1931 Jan.7 Jan.14. __ Jan. 2 1 . . . Jan. 28— 47,594 45,089 39,821 Feb.4 Feb. 1 1 . . . Feb. 18... Feb. 25— 41,094 38, 406 36,727 36,485 Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 4____ 11... 18... 25... Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Deposits Total cash reserves Total Federal reserve in M e m - Other notes ber bank de- circulareserve posits tion balances 24,281 10,006 22,899 7,434 21, 589 6,239 18,714 3,846 12, 582 17,261 17,261 17,261 118,298 110,547 114,965 117, 220 64,921 62,216 65,083 64,162 61,534 58,790 62,967 58,746 3,387 3,426 2,116 5,416 95,566 90,403 88,833 86,310 3,908 2.692 2,121 1,974 17,261 17, 261 17, 261 17, 261 114,817 116,117 114,845 115, 524 64,182 66,050 63,457 62,845 61,846 62,942 60,210 60,571 1,745 1,695 1,400 473 17, 261 17,122 16, 983 16,983 116, 566 115,519 113, 646 121, 553 63,925 64,445 59, 888 63, 671 62,077 60,914 59,414 60, 599 2,336 3,108 3,247 2,274 1,848 3,531 474 3,072 86,380 83,700 82,589 81,696 35,842 36,380 32,793 30,935 19,925 18,453 17,345 17, 250 16,836 17,563 14,410 13.479 1 8.... 15... 22... 29. _. 32,281 32,938 31, 562 28, 962 30,069 15,054 15,792 14,475 11,937 13,043 244 163 104 43 43 16,983 16, 983 16,983 16,982 16, 983 65,453 63,122 64,976 64,925 64, 653 60, 565 61, 654 62,075 62,116 61, 209 4,888 1,468 2,901 2,809 3,444 79, 637 79,350 78,483 77,112 76,214 May6.._May 13... May 20... May 27... 44.954 43,409 47,719 50,403 14,928 13,383 16,796 18, 214 43 43 940 2,206 29, 983 29,983 29,983 29,983 120,416 116,814 118, 222 119, 984 116,836 104, 692 103,389 99,100 95,963 67,373 65, 210 64, 630 66,359 64,854 2,519 63,241 1,969 62,128 2,502 61,865 4,494 76,449 75,047 74,438 73,291 June 3 June 10... June 17. _. June 24... 51,876 53,598 51,832 56, 628 19,028 19,035 17,835 21,922 2,865 4,580 3,679 3,810 29,983 29,983 29,983 29, 983 94,079 88, 706 87,133 85, 570 65,370 62.875 61,671 64,030 63,585 61,328 60,541 59, 290 1,785 1,547 1,130 4,740 74,207 72,146 71,102 71,095 July July July July July 1_-8.... 15... 22... 29... 49,996 51,504 52,173 52,238 51, 779 16, 595 16,745 17,235 17,429 17, 785 3,173 3,481 3,160 3,031 2,216 29,983 31,033 31, 558 31,558 31, 558 66,417 65,262 66, 724 64,814 66.157 59,692 62,096 62,212 59,927 60,113 6,725 3,166 4,512 4,887 6,044 71,890 71,076 68,970 67,864 67,016 Aug. 5 Aug. 12... Aug. 19... Aug. 26. _ . 52,320 54,027 55,414 55,426 18, 231 17,862 19, 721 18,751 2,347 4,423 4,075 5,057 31, 557 31, 557 31, 558 31, 558 94, 726 91,392 90, 222 87,951 88, 111 90,929 89,766 89,918 89, 501 69,121 70.481 70, 668 70.876 61,810 61,802 61,733 59,694 7,311 67, 235 8, 679 66,630 I 8,935 67,688 11,182 67, 218 Sept. 2... Sept. 9 — Sept. 16— Sept. 23._ Sept. 30... 55,674 55,276 56,982 65,349 80,018 4,576 3.375 2, 510 6,435 20, 562 31,558 31,558 I. 31, 558 31,558 31, 558 95,104 89,599 91, 392 73, 558 69,715 72,026 67,857 68,794 64.482 62, 270 60,862 59,953 60, 500 56,892 7,445 11,164 7,904 8,294 7,590 68, 243 71, 261 72,844 80, 335 82,087 Oct. 7 Oct. 14-_ . Oct. 21__. Oct. 2 8 . . . 19.480 20, 283 22, 214 26, 656 27,198 88.955 28.592 95, 230 31,181 88, 738 40,070 87, 236 42, 564 28,105 31, 791 20, 562 16, 566 31, 558 31, 558 27,406 27,406 75,835 73,436 80, 346 84,170 68,787 70, 699 64, 612 67,414 58, 960 9,827 58,901 111,798 57,194 7, 418 57,429 9,985 88,029 91,884 97,926 Nov. 4_._ Nov. 11... Nov. 18... Nov. 25... 83.026 83,333 83,888 83, 647 38, 970 39,078 39, 632 39, 391 27,406 27,406 27,406 27,406 88,309 88, 590 83, 703 85, 219 64,892 65, 269 62,285 63, 245 58,173 56, 235 55,908 53, 633 6,719 9,034 6,377 9,612 99,184 100,460 99,639 99,045 Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 82, 216 77.027 74, 263 79, 564 75, 501 39, 748 36,266 35.977 46,812 41,447 15, 950 16.149 16.150 16,150 14, 362 12, 655 10,180 7,646 9,273 27,406 27,406 27,406 24,406 24,081 86, 536 88,485 90,139 90,046 92,118 62,951 61.158 60, 209 61,844 56, 632 56, 360 54,645 55,412 52, 262 51,848 6,591 6,513 4,797 9,582 4,784 99,769 98,563 98,948 104, 569 106,382 2.... 9.._. 16... 23... 30... »Includes "other securities" and foreign loans on gold. 81,737 80,916 80, 234 79,483 142 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD No. 83.—PRINCIPAL RESOURCES AND LIABILITIES OF EACH FEDERAL RESERVE BANK, BY WEEKS—Continued ATLANTA [In thousands of dollars] States Bills bought in United open market Government securities Date Total bills Bills and dissecuri- counted Bought ties » outright Deposits Total reUnder Bought Under cash serves resale out- resale agree- right agreement ment Total Federal reserve in Mem- Other notes ber bank de- circulation reserve balances posits 1931 Jan. 7..... Jan. 14... Jan. 21... Jan. 28— 46,505 22,710 40,258 21,793 38,773 21,965 40, 527 24,965 16,078 10,702 9,092 7,721 7,717 7,763 7,716 7,841 155,240 159, 870 165,193 158.347 63,880 63,155 63,765 62,163 60,618 58,797 59, 664 57, 603 3,262 4,358 4,101 4,560 Feb. 4_._ Feb. 11... Feb. 18Feb. 25.. 37, 708 23,637 34,500 21,979 35,483 21,917 30,122 16, 378 4,802 5,829 6,028 7,773 7,719 7,737 7,716 160,022 161,947 160,204 166,740 61,015 61,932 60, 340 64,324 59,171 59,339 58, 588 61,929 1,844 131,802 2,593 130, 701 1,752 130,457 2,395 129,052 Mar. 4— Mar. 11Mar. 18-. Mar. 25- 28,987 32,706 31,238 29,478 14,772 14,431 11,870 11, 593 6,462 6,665 5,080 7,753 10,186 12,703 12,805 167,154 165, 071 166, 513 167, 201 130,089 130,641 130, 520 129,869 13,425 11, 245 9,770 10,048 10,321 6,283 7,034 5,675 6,106 6,907 12,681 12,753 12,854 12,757 12,755 167,941 169,854 172,481 171,366 171,928 58,687 60, 653 59, 795 57,848 61,084 60,874 60, 514 59,944 62,951 2,172 1,162 421 3,382 Apr. I.... 32,389 Apr. 8.—. 31,032 Apr. 15... Apr. 22. _ 28,911 Apr. 29— 29,983 2,056 1,705 3,055 3,071 2,503 131,123 131,770 131,392 132,039 130,081 May 6--. May 13... May 20... May 27... 35,955 39,946 41,034 41,377 9,937 10,041 11,987 12,356 10,340 8,989 8,190 8,319 15, 678 20,916 20,857 20,702 161, 329 155,100 154,495 150,157 60,859 61,815 60, 216 61, 230 63,140 62, 579 63, 569 63,015 65,454 61,038 60,026 61, 558 58,677 59, 831 58,421 59,947 57,694 1,207 1,605 1,611 • 983 130, 575 129, 659 128,869 127,409 June 3 June 10. _. June 17... June 24... 41,938 42,341 40, 386 41,654 12,498 12,461 12,299 12,807 20, 815 20,673 20,679 20,838 150, 349 149, 659 147, 216 142.348 58,980 61, 580 58,075 58, 545 57,308 1,672 127, 317 60,132 1,448 124,715 57, 370 705 123,098 54,950 3,595 120,830 July :L-_.. July 8_... July 15... July 22... July 29... 41, 691 42,845 42,433 44,053 45,209 11,469 11, 299 12,013 13, 538 16,008 8,625 9,207 7,093 7,178 9,251 9,621 8,026 7,921 6,689 20,741 21,695 22,184 22, 384 22,302 146, 556 141,832 140, 756 136, 859 135,947 60, 288 60, 868 59,689 61,166 58,841 57, 352 57,403 56,053 56, 584 3,645 2,936 3,465 3,636 4,582 120,134 118,822 117,009 115,972 114, 553 Aug. 5 Aug. 12._. Aug. 19.-. Aug. 26... Sept. 2.... Sept. 9_... Sept. 16... Sept. 23... Sept. 30... 43,940 17,058 45, 547 17,936 49,033 21,750 48,585 22, 357 4,374 5,115 4,891 3,862 22,333 22,321 22, 342 22, 316 138,756 136,882 133,341 133, 297 61,291 62, 383 61,970 62, 625 56, 250 54, 725 54, 313 54, 269 5,041 7,658 7,657 8,356 114, 528 113, 575 113,256 112,507 48,658 22,633 3,658 49, 476 23,148 3,779 52,194 25,924 3,298 56,122 26,190 6,723 72,070 29,892 19,231 22, 317 22,499 22, 372 22,609 22,347 132,476 134,234 128, 302 124,041 104, 542 61,327 64,140 60, 684 61,056 56,415 53, 442 55, 299 53, 661 54,352 52,059 7,885 112,684 8,841 112,857 7,023 111, 923 6,704 111,611 4,356 112,215 26,751 39,436 40,355 37, 512 22,340 22, 340 22,367 17,304 59, 513 63,995 59,299 52,171 52,731 50,128 50,808 7,342 11, 264 8,768 8,491 115,488 117,205 118,178 117,648 4___. 103,077 49, 686 35,481 11... 104,061 50, 671 35,484 18.-. 98,912 51,328 29,797 25... 96, 548 49,720 29,021 17, 310 17,306 17,187 17,207 102,374 94, 558 80, 201 81, 562 81,015 80, 590 87, 560 86,095 57,625 57,075 58,340 56,962 50,905 49,029 51,395 49, 074 119,514 120,318 121,095 119,181 17,263 17,209 14,782 14,836 12,614 79,500 86,755 94,494 104,784 115,602 55,872 55,311 52, 527 53,235 60,147 49,161 48,591 48,134 47, 307 54,869 6,720 8,046 6,945 7,888 6,711 6,720 4,393 5,928 5,278 Oct. 7__Oct. 14-.. Oct. 21__. Oct. 28... Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. 2.-. Dec. 9 Dec. 16-. Dec. 23... Dec. 30... 80,613 93,954 104,427 102, 572 103,776 96,330 87,016 77,875 71,446 30,750 31, 578 41,105 47,156 58,098 54, 081 53,660 47,486 45,275 27,815 24, 440 17,974 14,953 12,412 295 * Includes "other securities" and foreign loans on gold. 133,973 132,749 135,116 132,805 120,427 120, 552 120, 574 123,662 120,440 143 EACH FEDERAL, EESEKVE BANK No. 83.—PRINCIPAL RESOURCES AND LIABILITIES OF EACH FEDERAL RESERVE BANK, BY WEEKS—Continued CHICAGO [In thousands of dollars] States Bills bought in United Government open market securities Date Deposits Total Bills bills disand securi- counted Bought outties i Total reUnder Bought Under cash serves resale out- agreeagreeright ment right ment Total Federal reserve in Mem- Other notes ber bank de- circulareserve posits tion balances 1931 Jan. 7 Jan. 14___ Jan. 21... Jan. 28... Feb. 4.... Feb. 11.. Feb. 18... Feb. 26... 45,885 1,764 34,829 1,843 27, 580 923 17, 944 978 82,603 81,844 81,844 81,844 363,234 369, 822 386, 789 390, 915 345,002 335,744 340,553 334,294 342,472 331,955 337,108 329, 877 2,530 3,789 3,445 4,417 142,337 143,563 143, 408 143,125 121,758 22, 556 15, 805 1, 553 472 114, 526 18, 759 13, 451 115,084 19, 089 12, 258 1,893 278 111, 546 17, 725 11, 699 81, 844 81, 844 81,844 81, 844 398,854 404,911 421,011 411, 009 337, 586 334, 700 351,685 334, 750 335, 424 331,813 337, 816 330. 691 2,162 2,887 13, 869 4,059 144,498 148,062 147, 002 149, 608 Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 4... 11.. 18.. 25.. 111, 846 16, 678 119, 071 15, 884 114, 605 13, 593 108, 052 12, 865 528 257 81, 844 81, 486 81,128 81,128 422, 200 402, 484 415,125 425, 226 Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. l.._. 8_._ 15... 22... 29... 110, 873 118,304 116,036 115,497 114, 541 12, 324 11, 635 12, 351 13, 337 13, 669 17, 421 25, 246 295 22, 402 155 829 20, 203 18, 389 1,355 81,128 81,128 81,128 81,128 81,128 430, 511 446, 303 468, 216 487, 471 493,437 117, 712 112, 798 113, 788 111,297 June 3 109,849 June 10... 115,941 June 17. _. 114,131 June 24... 117, 759 13, 500 12, 229 13,404 11, 940 20,403 2,681 793 18, 648 17,472 1, 784 16, 545 1,684 81,128 81,128 81,128 81,128 490, 504 482, 646 504, 720 485,169 344,450 337, 930 329, 470 325, 583 330,841 329, 573 328, 582 322, 258 324,854 321, 502 338, 482 334,103 334, 050 330, 496 094 340,793 337, 347,063 343, 807 347, 219 339,838 334,153 330, 669 348, 277 344, 431 325, 467 322, 060 12. 342 16,850 16, 340 17,073 13,781 2,595 14, 987 2,207 12, 586 1,414 10, 682 810 81,131 81, 897 82, 796 86,019 509, 516 596, 664 609, 469 601, 562 89, 271 93, 600 94, 951 95, 332 95, 332 627, 557 644, 826 629, 830 635,154 646,121 344,692 350,113 335, 685 329, 585 334, 226 349, 319 333,517 332, 004 341, 719 95, 332 95, 332 95,332 95, 332 96, 338 96, 338 96,338 666, 530 676, 659 668,332 684, 923 355,162 334,106 21, 056 391,199 365, 579 339,192 26, 387 397,665 349,877 324,654 25, 223 410,006 367, 834 338,808 29, 026 416,966 691, 773 686, 622 690,964 644,228 642,182 374, 548 356,360 358. 339 342, 202 344,206 349, 626 325, 715 331, 792 318, 747 329, 370 24,922 30, 645 26,547 23, 455 14,836 428, 295 441,845 447,014 452, 981 456,107 161,271 145, 545 133, 074 124, 406 May 6 May 13.. May 20... May 27... July July July July July 1.—. 8.... 15... 22... 29... Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. 6.... 12... 19... 26... 30,019 26,029 22, 727 23, 640 12, 796 21, 444 19, 884 14, 059 6,520 151, 403 3,887 153,330 1,268 160,269 6,324 165, 303 3,352 4,379 3,554 3,699 3,256 177,570 190,154 212, 522 225, 368 221, 725 7,381 3,484 3,846 3,407 222,405 222,032 229,950 229, 591 336,372 8,320 235,470 346, 283 3,830 322, 545 341,643 326, 723 316, 662 12,923 349,831 Sept. 2... Sept. 9.... Sept. 16.. Sept. 23.. Spet. 30.. 10,222 7,931 10, 233 9,426 11, 670 8,116 11, 897 7,942 13,636 7,612 118,250 14, 992 7,408 123, 758 14,791 12, 979 130, 215 14, 945 19, 601 137, 302 16, 571 25, 265 148. 639 23, 288 28, 858 147, 617 23,307 27, 842 150, 205 25, 582 26, 495 188,173 32, 685 55, 262 193, 625 18, 015 74, 884 Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 7.... 14... 21... 28... 221, 374 257, 490 289, 994 291,149 92, 058 116, 344 126, 527 116, 744 99,864 99,864 100, 864 638, 222 602, 221 554,860 557,141 340.080 337, 016 321, 253 327,945 317, 304 304,131 295, 538 303,143 22, 776 32,885 25, 715 24, 802 483,648 486, 582 487,766 483,581 Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 4.. . 11... 18... 25.. 283, 045 75, 956 104,140 268, 651 69,385 96, 317 254,253 60, 641 90, 044 85,129 256, 997 100, 864 100,864 100,483 99, 980 560, 658 562, 363 578, 911 584, 680 317, 684 292, 414 303, 283 276, 970 305, 499 284, 056 312, 007 288, 527 25, 270 26, 313 21,443 23, 480 491,264 492,127 491, 763 492, 915 Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 2.... 9.... 16.. 23... 30.. 264, 957 262, 393 283,429 260,236 244,806 76,482 70, 212 62,307 52,093 40, 476 99, 477 697 139, 477 105, 977 105, 531 577, 462 305, 969 312,123 579, 855 320, 604 590, 482 295, 516 607, 782 299,359 23, 097 22, 548 15, 974 25, 776 13, 601 497,868 501,763 508,035 526,885 519,307 1 108, 819 113.994 115,565 115, 859 117, 268 28, 446 39,492 61, 518 71, 456 85,913 89, 499 77,960 98,676 95,309 560 158 158 158 63 201 207 4 500 98,436 98,436 Includes "other securities" and foreign loans on gold. 324,824 338,449 322, 883 320, 757 328,361 282, 872 289,575 304, 630 269, 740 285, 758 9,402 10,870 10, 634 11,247 13, 358 364,345 371, 111 373,815 379, 927 382,424 144 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD No. 83.—PRINCIPAL RESOURCES AND LIABILITIES OF EACH FEDERAL RESERVE BANK, BY WEEKS—Continued ST. LOUIS [In thousands of dollars] Date 1931 Jan.7 Jan.14... Jan. 2 1 . . . Jan.28._. Feb. 4.__. Feb. 11... Feb. 18... Feb. 25... Bills bought in open market Total bills Bills and dissecuri- counted Bought Under resale ties i outright agreement 45,958 41,794 41, 306 39,892 United States Government securities Deposits Total cash reBought Under serves outright agreement Total Federai reserve notes in Memcirculaber bank Other detion reserve balances posits 11, 091 10, 066 10,537 7,106 11, 207 5,948 10,802 4,939 24, 801 24,151 24,151 24,151 117,875 116,080 114,404 115,187 74,498 70,330 69,010 69, 328 72,840 68,641 66,994 67.064 1,658 1,689 2,016 2,264 84,163 82,164 81,447 79, 996 38, 322 36, 918 37,179 38,004 9,942 8,920 8,741 9,168 4,229 3,847 4,287 4,685 24,151 24,151 24,151 24,151 121, 628 122, 638 121,154 116, 562 73,065 74,208 72,225 70, 884 70,196 70, 593 70, 652 68, 663 2,869 3,615 1,573 2,221 80,452 79, 255 78, 920 78,014 Mar. 4— Mar. 11... Mar. 18.. Mar. 25... 38,231 39,975 39,225 37,153 9,149 8,158 8,023 7,946 4,931 7,792 7,303 5,308 24,151 24, 025 23,899 116,408 114, 369 117,137 119,215 70, 287 71, 512 71, 283 73,492 69,115 1,172 69, 508 2,004 70,417 866 71, 746 1,746 77, 726 76,815 76, 947 76, 287 Apr. 1... Apr. 8__. Apr. 15... Apr. 22... Apr. 29... 38, 236 41,082 41, 277 40, 316 40, 087 7,899 7,421 7,490 8,173 6,438 9,762 9,888 7,928 8,015 23, 899 23, r 23,899 23,899 23, 899 118, 047 117, 901 117,148 114,886 116,221 69, 920 72, 774 73, 514 70, 905 72, 365 1,786 2,527 1,532 2,134 1,807 77,018 76, 834 76,156 75, 326 74, 712 May May May May (L__. 13... 20—. 27— 42,172 41, 362 41, 364 41,207 6,713 7,051 9,701 9,232 9,209 8,714 119, 025 114,060 115, 745 113, 218 76,177 72, 744 75,275 74,283 1,193 1,818 1,195 1,682 76, 508 73, 366 73,422 72, 621 June 3 June 10 __. June 17... June 24... 41, 015 39, 729 38, 987 41,135 8,075 6,852 7,216 7,565 7,498 7,435 5,904 6,018 25, 442 25, 442 25,442 25, 442 25,442 25,442 25,442 26, 742 71, 706 75,301 75,046 73, 039 74.172 77, 370 74,562 76,470 75, 965 119, 951 116, 389 113, 641 111, 483 79, 568 76, 744 71, 600 74, 296 76,258 3,310 75.065 1,679 928 70, 672 71, 760 2,536 73, 710 72, 521 72, 666 72,167 July 1.... JulyS.-. July 15... July 22... July 29... 41, 600 42,189 42,543 42,125 42,138 7,874 7,244 9,189 9,286 9,724 5,446 4,917 2,805 2,163 1,738 28, 055 29,803 30, 349 30,476 30,476 74,889 72,820 70, 596 72,576 71.173 70, 916 70, 363 67,522 68,436 67, 394 3, 973 2,457 3,074 4,140 3,779 72, 931 73,113 73,093 72, 268 71, 729 * Aug. 5 — Aug. 12— Aug. 19... Aug. 26... 42,120 43, 608 43,499 45, 327 9,553 10, 048 9,977 10, 939 1,891 2,884 3, 006 3,872 30, 476 30, 476 30, 476 30,476 113, 797 111,517 108, 971 109, 721 106, 784 110, 677 108,039 112,109 113, 664 73, 933 72, 986 73, 928 77, 336 67, 631 6,302 65,188 7,798 66, 516 7,412 72, 237 72, 014 73, 208 73, 391 45, 487 44, 654 46, 798 50,223 63, 944 11,319 3,420 10, 487 3,419 13, 376 2,084 12, 514 5,868 14,408 17, 695 30, 708 30, 708 30, 708 31,211 31,211 113, 982 115, 343 110, 223 106, 614 90,031 75, 752 77, 203 71, 976 72,902 68,420 67, 657 67,658 64,477 66,441 62, 272 8,095 9,545 7,499 6,461 6,148 74, 852 75, 819 75,972 75, 729 76, 620 13, 693 25,404 34, 944 33, 932 24, 264 31,478 31, 211 31, 211 31, 211 31, 211 88, 767 84, 045 79,196 76, 418 65, 388 66, 823 65, 215 62, 636 6,776 9,983 7,477 8,582 78,416 80,185 83, 420 84,848 80, 922 83, 741 86, 766 85, 368 87, 005 90,569 95, 962 101, 526 108, 273 72,164 76,806 72, 692 71, 218 73,019 72, 732 73,117 73,109 65, 709 64, 320 66, 501 65,119 7,310 8,412 6,616 7,990 85, 691 86,076 85, 890 84, 926 69, 724 71, 770 67,880 69, 922 76, 741 61,846 65, 089 63, 371 62, 924 68, 928 7,878 6,681 4,509 85, 953 85, 505 86,589 88,648 86, 933 Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. 2... 9... 16.. 23.. 30.. 7,029 Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 7.... 14... 21__ 28... 71,104 80,886 86, 961 87, 583 14,101 21,188 Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 4— 11-. 18.. 25_. 86,051 82, 815 81,489 80, 337 25,231 24, 587 25,471 27,564 28,979 26, 387 24, 304 21,175 31, 211 31,211 31, 30, 968 Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 2-_ 9_— 16.. 2330— 77,367 74,165 66, 664 64, 791 62, 369 26, 534 26, 863 26,879 29,048 21, 742 19, 352 15,821 11, 554 7,512 12, 648 30,851 30, 851 27, 351 27, 351 27,099 i Includes "other securities" and foreign loans on gold. 7,813 145 BACH FEDERAL EESEEVE BANK No. 83.—PRINCIPAL RESOURCES AND LIABILITIES OF EACH FEDERAL RESERVE BANK, BY WEEKS—Continued MINNEAPOLIS [In thousands of dollars] States Bills bought in United open market Government securities Date 1931 Jan. 7 Jan. 14.... Jan. 21.... Jan. 2 8 — Feb. 4 . . . . Feb. 1 1 . . . Feb. 18... Feb. 2 5 . . . Total bills Bills disand securi- counted Bought outties^ right Deposits Total reUnder Bought Under cash serves resale out- resale agree- right agreement ment 39,554 35,952 35,987 33.569 4,080 4,189 4,185 4,016 8,860 5,749 5,505 3,115 26,406 26,014 26,297 33,059 32,370 32,977 32,857 4,205 3,946 3,954 3,917 2,714 2,121 2,685 2,812 Mar. 4 — Mar. 11— Mar. 18— Mar. 25— 33,556 34,471 33.553 32,041 3,793 3,808 3,493 3,369 Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. 1_ — 8 15... 22. _. 29. _. 33,117 35, 758 34,966 34,810 34,178 May May May May 6 13— 20— 27— Total Federal reserve in Mem' Other notes ber bank de- circulareserve posits tion balances 68,714 70,837 71,863 51,517 49,345 51,669 51.184 50,691 803 48,542 49,918 1,751 49,082 2,102 52,219 50,844 49,997 48,997 26,140 26,303 26,338 26,128 71, 667 70,481 69,090 69,136 49,436 48,405 48,460 48,142 48,435 46,723 46,203 46,449 1,001 1,682 2,257 1,693 49,495 48,807 48,319 47,661 3,747 4,573 4,371 3,126 26,016 26,090 25,689 25,546 69,052 67,605 73,670 72,444 49,018 48,684 52,679 50,602 47,918 1,100 47,633 1,051 463 52,216 49,237 1,365 48,053 47,839 48,420 48,069 3,523 3,417 3,415 3,401 3,629 4,020 6,680 5,883 5,632 4,944 25, 574 25,661 25,668 25, 777 25,605 72,870 71,800 66,499 68,364 67,610 51,683 53,145 48,384 50,529 48,730 49,943 1,740 51,469 1,676 47,474 910 48,817 1,712 992 47,738 48,489 49,478 48,358 47,848 47,434 35, 545 35,593 35, 220 35,827 3,665 4,020 3,841 4,386 6,171 6,002 5,648 5,718 25, 709 25,553 25,714 25, 705 70,555 66,470 65,922 65,359 51,689 49,264 48,213 48,653 50,490 1,199 48,138 1,126 632 47,581 47,611 1,042 48,851 48,066 47,458 47,130 June 3 June 10— June 17.._ June24._. 34,730 35,267 35, 388 36,198 3,959 4,317 4,485 4,913 5,646 3,946 4,048 25, 587 25, 625 26,817 26,958 70,240 67,866 68,879 66,904 52, 314 51,125 50,859 49.185 50,653 1,661 956 50,169 960 49,899 47,144 2,041 47,477 46,819 48,185 48, 633 July 1 July 8 July 1 5 . . . July 2 2 . . . July 2 9 . . . 35,794 35,126 33, 786 33,511 33,842 4,025 4,179 3,923 4,354 4,667 3,703 2,878 1,884 1,170 1,083 27, 765 27,769 27, 681 27, 758 27,816 70,117 71,559 69,430 70,640 71,783 51,695 50, 955 48,501 49,818 51,486 47,421 48, 739 46,445 46,954 48,667 4,274 2,216 2,056 2,864 2,819 49,803 50,975 49,857 49,623 49,094 Aug. 5 Aug. 12... Aug. 19... Aug. 26— 33,806 34.554 34,829 35,444 4,796 4,498 4,347 4,513 1,188 2,105 2,724 3,039 27,640 27,769 27,676 27,810 73,661 72,988 75,074 73,6'86 51,929 52,847 54,396 52,579 48,004 47,248 48,465 46,944 3,925 5,599 5,931 5,635 50,218 49,968 51,338 51,333 Sept. 2. Sept. 9.... Sept. 16... Sept. 23— Sept. 30... 35,224 34,154 34,714 36,287 45,667 4,364 4,207 3,989 4,079 3,803 2,883 2,161 2,026 4,215 13,231 27,895 27,689 28,177 27,458 28,098 77,310 81,104 75,924 77,717 66,636 54,131 55,826 51,714 52,756 50,318 48,605 50,512 46,840 47,923 44,773 5,526 5,314 4,874 4,833 5,545 52,980 54,635 54,914 56,073 57,168 Oct. 7 Oct. 1 4 . . . Oct. 2 1 . . . Oct. 2 8 . . . 50,700 61,002 60,593 57,479 3,899 18,226 5,892 26,586 8,259 26,919 25,622 27,930 27,968 24,858 24,879 56,954 57,528 59,409 51,946 52,765 51,061 50.186 46,924 45,689 45,655 43,928 5,022 7,076 5,406 6,258 60,790 61,278 62,292 61,922 Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 4. 11 18— 25— 58,960 56,909 54,076 52,348 7,186 6,145 8,169 7,953 23,230 22,127 17,244 15,626 27,915 27,983 27,984 28,005 62,418 62,687 65,522 67,075 52,846 50,743 50,357 50,192 46,564 45,195 45,947 44,623 6,282 5,548 4,410 5,569 63,281 64,066 64,452 64,452 Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 2 9 16... 23... 30... 51,866 50.570 46,550 42,694 42,877 8,239 14,962 8,092 13,781 7,859 9,845 7,882 5,957 7,554 6,670 27,868 27,870 28,002 27,977 27,750 69,347 72,372 74,258 79,797 79,836 49,993 50,582 47,893 48,473 49,141 45,013 46,067 44,571 43,933 45,512 4,980 4,515 3,322 4,540 3,629 65,816 67,458 67,792 69,783 68,817 i Includes "other securities" and foreign loans on gold. 146 No. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD 83.—PRINCIPAL RESOURCES AND LIABILITIES OF EACH FEDERAL RESERVE BANK, BY WEEKS—Continued KANSAS CITY [In thousands of dollars] Date 1931 Jan. 7 Jan. 14.... Jan. 21___. Jan. 28.... Feb. 4.__. Feb. 11... Feb. 18... Feb. 25... States Bills bought in United open market Government securities Total bills Bills Total and disreUnder cash securi- counted Boi>ught Under serves Bought resale out- resale ties i outagreeright agreement right ment Deposits Total Federal reserve notes in Memcirculaber bank Other tion debalances posits 62,125 55,428 52, 044 49, 550 19,641 16,880 16, 096 15, 014 12,703 9,520 6,920 5,508 29, 781 29,028 29,028 29, 028 97, 724 100,949 103, 833 107,569 90,000 84,918 84,429 86,321 83, 412 83,240 83,495 3,679 1,506 1,189 3,465 68, 254 68, 026 67,401 65, 556 50,469 52,821 50,114 49, 995 16, 913 14,423 11, 810 11,169 4,528 4,370 4,276 4,798 29,028 34, 028 34, 028 34, 028 106,791 105, 260 103, 518 106, 241 86, 032 87, 093 82, 513 84, 571 83,649 84,202 80, 988 82, 813 2,383 2,891 1,525 1,758 66, 383 66, 069 66,347 66, 292 105, 468 101,495 101.607 104, 944 85.136 83, 503 83,168 82.392 83,812 1,324 81,423 2,080 82, 628 540 80, 993 1,399 66, 659 66, 033 65, 808 65,193 Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 4 11... 18... 25... 50,392 52,411 52,216 47,366 11,310 11, 274 10, 738 9,108 4, 554 7,005 7,453 4,379 34,028 33, 882 33,775 33.779 Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. l.._. 8.... 15... 22... 29... 49,826 50, 512 50,756 50, 607 50, 680 9,657 8,603 8,935 9,059 8,624 6,389 8,129 8,041 7,768 8,276 33, 780 33.780 33, 780 33, 780 33, 780 104, 293 106, 321 103,115 101,435 100, 783 83, 908 86, 788 84, 473 82,187 81, 946 82, 553 84, 463 82, 386 80, 483 80,822 1,355 2,325 2,087 1,704 1,124 May May May May 6_... 13... 20... 27... 52, 886 51,945 51, 709 52, 327 33, 780 33, 780 33,780 33, 780 99, 937 100, 409 98, 263 99,379 51,466 52, 721 52,384 52,903 33, 780 33, 780 33, 780 35,142 99,149 96,710 98,219 98,858 83, 317 84.137 82,039 83,170 82,057 81,889 83,139 84,440 81,971 82, 255 81, 272 81, 932 80, 051 80, 482 82, 522 82, 015 1,346 1,882 767 1,238 June 3 — . June 10.June 17... June 24_.. 8,612 10, 494 9,453 8,712 9,178 8,751 10, 706 7,841 10, 832 6,854 11,105 7,836 11,833 6,421 11, 040 5, 982 65, 653 66, 388 65, 541 65, 548 64,490 65, 048 63, 745 63, 334 62, 517 2,006 1,407 617 2,425 63, 243 62,826 62,906 62,800 Julyl... July8.._. July 15... July 22... July 29... 51, 388 54, 314 53,176 51,855 52, 563 8,741 9,506 9,413 9,115 10, 340 5,874 5,603 4,061 2, 883 2,366 36, 518 38, 350 38,922 »,077 39, 077 103,360 95, 650 98,579 100, 765 98, 579 87,811 82, 641 85, 031 85,252 83, 401 3,123 1,272 3,015 3,208 3,212 62, 348 63, 288 62,973 63,393 63,063 Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. 54, 076 55, 632 60,803 58,835 12, 059 12, 073 16, 089 12, 659 2,160 3,702 5,077 6,539 39,077 39, 077 39, 077 39, 077 100, 410 98, 905 98,947 101, 554 85,894 86, 380 87, 337 87, 534 84, 688 81, 369 82, 016 82, 044 80,189 81, 603 79, 575 80,895 4,291 6,805 6,442 6,638 63, 571 64,067 68,184 68,238 Sept. 2... Sept. 9... Sept. 16.. Sept. 23.. Sept. 30.. 59, 643 58,921 56,766 50,869 62,785 12, 793 7,213 11,990 7,294 12, 032 5,619 15,331 6,423 13, 765 19, 905 39, 077 39, 077 39,115 29,115 29,115 96, 691 104, 970 107,295 97,153 84,628 90,457 82,315 83,678 83, 619 79, 045 83,737 76,454 78,287 78,321 5,583 6,720 5,861 5,391 5,298 69,163 68,617 70,179 70, 080 Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 7.... 14... 21... 28___ 74, 722 73, 703 95,344 93,606 15, 925 21,971 28, 567 33, 385 29, 544 42,617 47, 662 41,106 29,115 9,115 19,115 19,115 88,131 93,302 64, 987 69, 727 86,159 88, 279 80, 597 81,993 79,130 78, 260 74, 282 75,175 7,029 10,019 6,315 6,818 71,867 75, 227 76,102 76,455 Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 4_.. 11.. 18.. 25.. 90,895 90,604 85,431 80,104 35, 203 35,012 32, 096 32, 582 36, 077 36, 077 34, 376 28, 563 19,115 19,115 18,959 18, 959 72, 697 71,988 79, 880 85, 420 80,771 78,588 79,905 80, 366 74, 629 72,915 74,888 74,137 6,142 5,673 5,017 6,229 79,010 80.033 81,069 80,673 Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 2... 9... 16.. 23.. 30.. 72,930 67, 918 65, 806 61,877 59,320 29,932 28,331 30,469 29, 698 29, 286 24, 039 20, 628 15,978 12, 820 10, 926 18, 959 18, 959 18,959 18,959 18,708 91. 575 94, 635 102, 000 100,012 103, 444 78,831 76.393 81,820 77,182 76, 256 72, 064 70, 955 78,214 71,704 72,900 6,767 5,438 3,606 5,478 3,356 81,430 82.034 82, 658 84,232 82, 839 &.... 12... 19... 26... 500 250 250 100 500 400 i Includes "other securities" and foreign loans on gold. 147 EACH FEDERAL EESERVE BANK No. 83.—PRINCIPAL RESOURCES AND LIABILITIES OF EACH FEDERAL RESERVE BANK, BY WEEKS—Continued DALLAS [In thousands of dollars] States Bills bought in United open market Government securities Date Deposits Total Total Bills bills redisand Under cash serves Bought securi- counted Bought Under resale out- resale out- agreeties i right ment right agree- Federal reserve Total notes in Member bank Other circuladereserve balances posits 1931 Jan. 7—. Jan. 14— Jan. 21... Jan. 28— 44,356 40,810 40, 217 39, 709 5,009 4,893 5,546 5,703 9,363 6,480 5,234 4,569 29,984 29,437 29,437 I 29,437 56,084 56, 638 58, 481 57, 273 60,773 59, 742 60, 659 61, 256 Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 4... 11_. 18.. 25- 39, 246 38, 213 37,670 38, 824 6,064 6,113 5,850 6,784 3,745 2,663 2,383 2,603 29, 437 29, 437 29,437 29, 437 59, 366 56, 323 55,397 55, 304 62, 527 59, 530 58, 411 60, 226 57, 850 58, 752 58, 683 60, 609 57, 944 57,177 57, 828 Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 4___ 11.. 18.. 25- 40, 41, 40, 38, 385 068 056 512 7,561 7,546 6,780 6,861 3,387 4,191 4,052 2,427 29, 29, 29, 29, 437 331 224 224 55, 789 52, 759 53, 287 56, 582 Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. 1... 8... 15.. 22.. 29.. 40, 264 42,449 42, 065 41, 857 42,169 7,572 7,326 7,477 7,903 4,049 5,520 5,510 5,106 5,042 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 224 357 229 274 224 May 6__May 1 3 May20__ May 27.. 43, 652 43,054 42,959 42, 434 7, 951 6,459 8, 260 5, 570 8,610 5,105 9,028 4,167 29, 29, 29, 29, 242 224 244 239 June 3 June 10.. June 17.. June 24— 42,876 43, 787 43, 481 45, 505 9,428 9, 694 10, 279 10, 509 4, 209 4, 854 3,713 4,085 29, 29, 29, 30, July 1 . . . July8.._. July 15... July 22... July 29... 44, 46, 43, 43, 44, 862 666 382 894 213 9,611 10,120 10, 509 11, 206 12, 241 Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. 44, 46, 47, 43, 335 070 831 843 12, 577 13, 082 13, 464 13, 750 5 12... 19... 26-. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. 2_._. 9—. 16... 23__. 30... 1,875 1,892 1,907 2,573 | 31,443 30, 010 29, 281 27,923 1,918 1,586 1,234 27,849 27, 267 26,854 26,443 61,609 59,757 57, 795 60,477 57,305 4,304 57, 319 2,438 57,346 449 57,270 3,207 27, 213 26,843 26, 533 26,682 53,435 52,443 52, 336 53, 983 50, 667 58,816 59, 658 58, 707 58,510 57,407 57,608 57, 706 57,409 56, 770 55,375 1,208 1,952 1,298 1,740 2,032 27,047 27,576 27,126 28,131 27,380 59,890 59, 203 60, 793 57, 745 58, 214 57,149 59, 251 55, 879 1,676 2,054 1,542 1,866 28,507 27,682 27, 576 26,908 239 239 239 230 53, 249 51, 549 55, 060 51,178 48,129 47,154 46,159 46, 201 55,460 55,969 54, 342 56.940 1,455 554 648 2,522 4,041 4,136 2,583 2,398 1,682 31, 030 32, 230 30,130 30,130 30,130 48, 852 46, 494 48, 705 47,845 47,311 58, 081 57, 562 57,173 55.941 57,195 54,005 55, 415 53, 694 54, 418 55, 023 54, 935 54, 200 53, 649 53, 485 3,058 2,627 2,973 2,292 3,710 27,426 27.192 26, 626 26,630 27, 578 27, 793 27,012 27, 471 26, 790 1,468 2,698 4,197 4,923 30,130 30,130 30,130 25,130 49, 219 47, 327 47, 452 48, 957 58, 554 59, 413 60, 670 58, 730 54,449 52,961 54, 008 51, 566 4,105 6,452 6,662 7,164 27, 006 26,934 27,060 26, 780 44, 587 44,386 43,907 42, 584 51,126 14, 071 5,322 13, 622 5,589 13, 552 5,225 13, 083 4,371 12, 774 13,142 25,154 25,135 25,130 25,130 25, 210 47, 111 54, 081 52, 111 58, 377 52, 835 56,971 61,572 58,457 61, 464 60, 831 51, 463 53, 796 52, 675 55, 477 56, 648 5,508 7,776 5,782 5,987 4,183 27, 083 30, 597 30,083 31, 337 35,613 21, 252 22, 749 23, 851 22,411 19, 759 18, 410 17, 521 13, 410 25, 275 20,165 17,130 17,130 56, 786 60, 775 51,644 52, 210 62, 847 63,659 59, 783 59, 059 54,182 55, 405 52, 244 52,829 8,665 8,254 7,539 6,230 50, 638 51, 699 49, 846 50, 557 17,130 17,130 19,630 22,130 5,863 7,249 5,084 6,918 51, 342 51,366 50, 581 49,743 27, 632 27, 636 27,632 30,132 29, 863 55, 976 58, 558 56, 709 55, 612 54,981 56, 431 54,322 54, 463 51, 489 50,113 51, 309 51, 625 48,694 21, 072 11, 051 20,951 8,974 18, 004 7,609 15, 822 5,013 11,407 3,161 52, 766 56, 315 55, 558 56, 036 51, 635 54,807 56, 671 58, 473 60,729 49, 579 50, 048 50,629 47, 611 46, 779 5,402 6,383 3,693 6,852 4,710 49, 704 48, 815 48,184 48,354 47.193 Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 7 14_ _. 21__. 28__. 62, 61, 65, 64, 746 746 320 365 16, 076 18, 832 24, 339 24, 824 Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 4 11— 18... 25— 61, 59, 58, 56, 856 875 733 710 24, 967 24, 335 21, 582 21,170 Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 2 9.-. 16... 23... 30_._ 59, 755 57, 561 53, 245 50,967 44, 431 1 tion Includes "other securities" and foreign loans on gold. 148 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD No. 83.—PRINCIPAL RESOURCES AND LIABILITIES OF EACH FEDERAL RESERVE BANK, BY WEEKS—Continued SAN FRANCISCO [In thousands of dollars] States Bills bought in United open market Government securities Date Total bills Bills and dissecuri- counted Bought Under ties i out- resale right agreement 1931 Jan. 7.... 105, 201 Jan. 14... 74, 703 Jan. 21... 71, 551 Jan. 28... 62, 477 31, 238 17,190 18, 507 11, 972 25, 793 18, 040 13, 571 11,032 Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 4... 11.. 18.. 25.. 63, 375 62, 362 62,839 62,634 15, 893 17, 709 16,881 14, 420 8,009 5,180 5,735 8,741 Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 4_._ 11.. 18.. 25.. 19, 996 6,218 12, 527 23, 737 14, 295 5,830 5, 742 5,560 13,184 11,127 16,890 18,873 15,894 Apr. l_-_ Apr. 8— Apr. 15... Apr. 22.. Apr. 29... 70, 596 62,849 70, 392 78, 623 70,048 63, 711 62,838 64, 518 69, 554 May May May May 74,866 71, 530 68, 727 69, 221 June 10. _ June 17.. June 24.. July] JulyS... July 15... July 22.. July 29.. 6--_ 13.. 20. _ 27.. June 3 Deposits Total cash reserves Total Federal reserve notes in Mem- Other circulaber bank detion reserve balances posits 48,170 39, 473 39, 473 39, 473 291, 582 310,899 300, 201 302,168 193,001 195, 730 188, 971 189, 930 186,052 186, 394 181, 798 179, 838 6,949 9,336 7,173 10,092 187, 204 173, 556 164,984 160,034 750 39, 473 39, 473 39, 473 39, 473 312, 002 322,875 308, 542 309,870 191,197 192, 774 186,155 187, 211 183, 555 7,642 184, 376 178, 248 7,907 179, 071 8,140 164, 456 173,161 167, 480 165, 603 500 39, 473 39, 241 38, 992 38, 992 299, 357 303,123 295, 755 291, 453 165, 522 162,144 160, 072 157, 648 38, 992 38, 992 38,992 38, 992 38, 992 291,894 315, 567 298, 954 292, 233 289, 709 177, 081 179.669 181, 364 184, 560 176, 929 189, 543 176, 517 172, 425 169, 467 8,031 7,620 6,616 16, 761 18,889 18,104 18,175 1,791 16, 264 1,114 185,112 187, 289 187, 980 193, 556 184,065 197, 596 184, 419 179, 838 178, 519 7,136 8,053 7,902 7,413 9,052 159, 770 161, 723 161, 416 159, 786 160,890 17, 493 6,088 6,473 9,161 18, 381 16, 450 13, 262 11,068 38, 992 48, 992 48, 992 299, 294 302, 111 307, 600 305, 263 188, 588 189, 022 191,440 191, 245 180, 574 8,014 180, 434 183, 405 8,035 182, 753 8,492 167, 310 165,415 166, 534 164,279 81, 653 87,149 79, 209 89, 779 23,013 29, 039 21, 749 30, 716 9.071 9,118 7,743 8,336 48,992 48, 992 48, 992 48,992 295, 468 286, 408 289, 260 284, 086 189, 659 187, 318 183, 601 186, 653 179, 272 179, 248 175, 688 178, 734 10, 387 8,070 7,913 7,919 167, 716 166, 686 168, 546 167,988 83, 416 86, 748 82, 790 99, 776 8,099 27, 439 24, 212 39,873 29, C97 8,705 2,070 7,946 6,325 6,426 1,076 5,168 63, 992 50, 863 51, 798 52,031 52, 031 307, 819 306, 044 303, 965 289, 752 301, 436 195, 625 193,195 192, 790 192,627 193, 278 184, 508 182, 699 182, 306 179, 701 179, 692 11,117 10,496 10, 484 12, 926 13, 586 178, 449 180,843 175, 739 177, 777 175, 520 20, 416 5,021 10,689 9,351 33, 501 12, 339 35, 582 14,155 315, 862 193,181 325, 877 197, 433 318,412 199, 276 200, 973 176,666 177, 230 179, 737 178, 617 16, 515 20, 203 19, 539 22, 356 181, 246 183,003 198, 295 203, 332 35, 778 41,811 28,188 27, 015 47,609 52,031 , 52,031 52,031 52, 031 15, 544 52, 646 15, 469 651 52, 646 14,859 5,831 52,646 16,881 2,873 53, 519 40, 466 1,382 63, 519 316, 589 313, 580 319, 577 321, 479 267, 425 193,187 189.142 190, 770 185,162 178,802 174, 866 168, 546 170, 961 167,116 163, 338 18, 321 20, 596 19, 809 18,046 15, 464 209, 294 216,184 214, 349 219,017 223, 411 963 51, 802 448 71,700 452 83, 504 83, 349 1,190 255, 555 233,217 175,008 171, 694 181, 935 187, 385 172, 598 172, 590 161, 404 161, 716 153, 477 152, 057 20, 531 25,669 19,121 20, 533 230, 337 229,177 228,068 226,417 190, 380 216, 384 223, 259 228, 444 172, 203 180, 716 180, 512 182,804 151, 488 161,870 162.670 164,090 20, 715 18,846 17,842 18, 714 229, 823 229, 914 224,952 221,222 220, 522 231, 247 248, 756 250, 068 271, 399 173, 231 177, 368 160, 349 163, 395 168, 460 155, 141 160,887 145, 200 142, 014 146,717 18, 090 16, 481 15,149 21,381 21, 743 222, 060 221,073 222, 037 233,231 230,156 Aug. 5 77, 783 Aug. 12... 72, 386 Aug. 19. _ 97,961 Aug. 26.. 101,858 Sept. 2... Sept, 9... Sept. 16Sept. 23.. Sept. 30.. 104,058 110,667 102,614 101, 378 154,066 Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 7... 14__. 21... 28._ 175, 512 57,814 201,900 74, 270 244, 749 103,601 246, 226 104, 520 Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 4... 11 . 18.. 25.. 231,601 212, 794 199,673 195,105 97, 823 75, 374 1,500 88, 249 67,641 85,117 57,955 51,933 63, 519 54, 392 55,187 55,187 54, 924 54, 924 54, 691 54,384 Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 2... 9... 16.. 23.. 30.. 192, 779 182, 524 148, 766 158,986 142,808 90,875 83, 297 56,349 66, 553 52,866 54,077 54,077 54,452 58,658 58, 010 46,107 42, 809 36,095 31,905 30,062 621 i Includes "other securities" and foreign loans on gold. VOLUME OF OPERATIONS OF EACH FEDERAL RESERVE BANK No. 84.—VOLUME OF OPERATIONS IN PRINCIPAL DEPARTMENTS OF EACH FEDERAL RESERVE BANK, 1931 Federal reserve bank Total Boston New York P1 el phia " cleveland NUMBER Richmond Atlanta OF Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas San Francisco P I E C E S H A N D L E D : 1 1931 Bills discounted: 5,291 9,826 7,465 2,459 5,600 5,196 17,113 112, 692 5,381 14,073 10, 710 11, 378 Applications 18, 200 14,148 40,624 13,914 19,581 68,012 64, 502 61,060 512,650 59,411 Notes discounted 37,158 57,251 48,485 28, 504 Bills purchased in open mar4,352 7,427 6,346 16,932 102 221, 462 3,633 5,000 ket for own account _. 19,000 125, 908 8,749 7,625 Currency received and 129, 561,000 021, 2, 269, 292, 000 240, 021, 000 674, 810,000 199, 377, 000 138, 746, 000 111, 001, 000 117, 567,0001398, 698, 000 110, 838, 000 38,088, 000 58, 564, 000 52,!, 021,000 counted Coin received and counted.. 2, 900, 462, 000 356,212,000 1., 123,503,000 308, 220,0001147,138, 000 169, 546, 000 66, 270, 000 328, 241, 000 126,135, 000 22, 528, 000 75, 763, 000 44, 748, 000 132,;, 158, 000 61,547,000 36, """1,756,000 " 864,615,000 91,448,000 184,402,000 70,946,000 83,499,000 52,652,000 28, 941, 000 121, 752, 000 47, 320, 000 20, 940, 000 64, 412, 000 Checks handled Collection items handled: U. S. Government cou987,000 990, 000 981,000 482,000 17, 322, 000 281, 000 1,122,000 539,000 391,000 3, 003,000 pons paid 4,488, 000 1, 361,000 2, 697,000 307,000 388, 000 353,000 574,000 162,000 780,000 6, 927,000 432,000 Allother 2,545,000 392,000 178, 000 548,000 268,000 U. S. Government securities, issues, redemptions, 98,000 63,000 74,000 107,000 437,000 42,000 2,435, 000 83,000 1,187, 000 44,000 54,000 and exchanges 80,000 166, 000 112,000 129,000 106,000 276,000 123,000 53,000 74,000 Transfers of funds 1, 663,000 51,000 117,000| 125, 000 375,000 122,000 Q W A M O U N T S H A N D L E D : 1931 (in millions of dollars) Bills discounted Bills purchased in open market for own account Currency received and counted Coin received and counted.. Checks handled Collection items handled: U. S. Government couAll other U. S. Goveanment securities, issues, redemptions, and exchanges Transfers of funds 14, 555. 6 563.6 4,200. 7 1,886. 8 1, 589. 8 1, 434. 5 450.6 1, 009. 3 761.7 50.3 266.5 159.7 2,998.4 302.6 1,318.0 52.2 167.8 67. 3| 107.6 344.9 94.8 65.3 111.4 68.3 298.2 12, 668. 6 585.9 248,173. 0 1,460. 8 34.2 17,448.2 4,322.3 345.1 101,014.3 1,028. 7 38.4 24,475.1 690.9 13.7 20, 811. 8 511.21 15. 0 10,435. 7 465.4 10.6 8, 227.5 2, 245. 6 30.6 23,367. 7 451.0 12.2 10,963.0 186.5 4.3 3, 559. 2 260.3 11.6 8,461. 5 213.7 7.0 6,232. 6 832.2 63.2 13,176. 4 480.0 7,321. 8 29.3 1, 029.1 233.2 2, 760.0 29.2 398.4 54.6 497.1 9.9 209.9 5.3 138.3 56.6 1,168.1 15.2 266.0 7.6 170.8 15.2 239.0 4.3 143.2 19.6 301.9 17, 543. 5 162,095.1 563.7 9, 713. 6 11,434.6 62,189. 7 609.6 10, 231. 4 591.7 9,099. 7 5, 846. 0 292.6 2,110.0 2,174. 3 27, 928.3 349.7 5,123.8 136.5 2,508.4 259.0 5,376.1 279.3 4,642.4 568.6 17,325.7 i 2 or more checks, coupons, etc., handled as a single item, accounted as 1 "piece." Black figures—See Annual Reports for 1930 (Table 79), 1929 (Table 73), 1928 (Table 77), 1927 (Table 60), and 1924-1926 (Pt. II, Table 6). 2,182.1 CO 150 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD No. 85.—VOLUME OF OPERATIONS OF BRANCHES OF FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS Noncash collection items handled Currency Federal reserve branch Bills dis- received and and district number counted counted Coin received and counted Checks handled Government coupons All other Fiscal agency issues, redemptions, Transfers and ex- of funds changes of U. S. securities N U M B E R OF PIECES H A N D L E D : 1931 i No. 2—Buffalo No. 4—Cincinnati Pittsburgh No. 5—Baltimore Charlotte No. 6— Birmingham... Jacksonville... Nashville New Orleans __ No. 7—Detroit No. 8-Little Rock.... Louisville Memphis No. 9~Helena _. No. 10—Denver Oklahoma City Omaha .__ No. 11—El Paso Houston ._ San Antonio— No. 12—Los Angeles... Portland Salt Lake City. Seattle Spokane Total. 4,134 43,585,000 35,939,000 30,501,000 51, 389,000 47,402,000 41,820,000 "II," 801 50,769, 000 134,337, 000 527,000 12, 765, 000 182, 000 10,304, 000 876,000 18, 086,000 880.000 13, 601,000 186, 000 11, 952 28,372,000 14, 525 77,517,000 125, 374,000 481,000 2,547 7,465, 000 2,295 18,908,000 1,864 16,630,000 826, 000 2, 054 1, 715,000 847, 000 3,972 8, 469, 000 099, 000 13,384,000 18,055, 000 30, 642,000 19,765,000 5,981,000 4,528,000 5, 573,000 5,409,000 4, 067, 000 22,783,000 3, 633,000 9,730,000 3,088, 000 1, 953,000 8, 555, 000 7,732,000 8,056, 000 14,999,000 7,386,000 9, 640,000 11, 696,000 4, 289, 000 3, 025, 000 2, 698,000 10,101,000 13, 945,000 6, 732,000 10,803, 000 6,584,000 5,465,000 67, 222, 000 38,100, 000 22, 743,000 5, 690, 000 7, 306, 000 7, 279, 000 3. 813, 000 3,337, 000 6, 555. 000 10,123, 000 11,161, 000 6,109,000 1,942, 000 1, 530, 000 3, 994. 000 539 48,810 107,353 785,137 38,847 21,348 484,710 31,091 29,769 296, 094 128, 523 7,149 23, 499 23,896 17,335 12,333 51,037 46,448 43, 489 29,439 120. 471 29, 509 9,183 251, 036 131,883 2,346 27,353 38,902 333 182, 485 42,584 1,062 44, 293 44,945 504 41,526 13, 884 55, 968 3,548 191,549 67, 861 55,524 13,597 39,820 21,231 73, 514 34,887 90, 264 30,184 15, 872 920 1,678 21, 724 19,145 25,112 30,195 20,447 6,975 8,426 6,258 15, 474 46, 291 10,162 13,564 11,979 8,211 18, 222 3,363 2,004 626 1,393 736 8,639 23, 774 8,200 24,242 14, 389 32,148 11,889 16, 717 14,030 9,148 90, 436 515,190,000 592, 445, 000 245, 416, 000 3, 589, 0001,1,218, 218,000 000 86,501 425, 000 11,578 1,745 1,667 3,486 4,319 2,781 5, 176 1,131 3,409 37.243 189,455 19,365 58,119 33,903 264,190 145, 812 61, 325 116, 398 54, 376 AMOUNTS H A N D L E D : 1931 (in thousands of dollars) No. No. No. # No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 476,888 2:—Buffalo... 4—Cincinnati Pittsburgh "641,"632 5— Baltimore Charlotte 0—Birmingham... Jacksonville Nashville New Orleans. _ 204, 678 512, 658 7—Detroit 54, 577 8—Little Rock.... 335,840 Louisville 39,115 Memphis _ 5,535 0—Helena 37,333 10—Denver Oklahoma City 63, 202 Omaha 15, 757 1L—El Paso 10, 623 Houston 24, 206 San Antonio... 35,566 12—Los Angeles... 27, 700 Portland 44, 918 Salt Lake City. 198,632 Seattle 13, 881 Spokane Total... ...2,742,741 231,224 122, 537 247, 367 248, 848 50,931 40, 275 79,493 48,767 103,859 459,331 29, 786 82, 976 55,514 15,344 47, 703 3,569 2, 383, 014 5,393 2, 960, 988 3, 915 10, 371, 791 10,455 3,210,999 961 708 1,287 651 3,304 7,342 531 1,426 1,588 621 2,547 1,129, 285 1,020,660 1, 581,154 1, 036,998 1,731.""" 5, 066,896 624, 532 1,816,678 754,337 353,437 1,659, 749 30,6J 38,7i 23,396 38, 528 47,131 327, 786 38,853 31,2 76,218 14,432 1,057 2,280 983 1,383 1,167 13,317 1,614 1,231 2,281 458 1,447, 553 1,433, 348 440, 916 1, 289, 779 824, 203 3,314, 660 1, 237, 679 745,864 1,178, 525 464, 354 2, 531, 020 70, 069 48, 079,197 1,4031 52, 314 12,909! 48, 760 27, 493 15,563! 36,756 127,076 5, 676 96,904 62,312 252 25,433 162 11,511 953 j 20, 321 3661 29, 452 1,547 36,614 49,130 6,605 128, 298 5,508 282 267 24,182 2,514 1,791 44,313 588 453 35, 928 403 5,350 41,680 20,862 3,636 2,203 296 796 456 6,041 1,999 758( 1,578 542 26,; 62,990 8,6301 42,342 23,184 68,660 30,485 32,623 29,101 13,358 2,021,968 571, 071 2,134,203 1,464,105 1, 020, 265 105,301 197,507 123,102 631,474 4,662,218 254,901 656, 217 464,330 133,908 896,440 219, 496 1,316 6,681 1, 024, 764 36, 323 2,658 734 5,686 1,159 282, 959 1,401, 025 470, 578 3,566, 723 696, 951 495,515 1, 262, 416 283.695 68, 014 975, 775 350, 538 25, 041,132 i Two or more checks, coupons, etc., handled as a single item, are counted as 1 "piece." Back figures—See Annual Reports for 1930 (Table 80), 1929 (Table 74), 1928 (Table 78), 1927 (Table 61), 1926 (Table 67), 1925 (Table 69), 1924 (Table 72), 1923 (Table 72), 1922 (Table 74), 1921 (p. 80), 1920 (p. 93), and 1919 (p. 39). NOTE.—Currency received and counted during 1931 by agencies of the Federal Res erve Bank of Atlanta: Habana, Cuba, 4,495,000, amount $25,778,000; Savannah, Qa., 3,248,000 pieces, amount $8,754,000. Coin received and counted by Habana, Cuba, 265,000 pieces, amount $2,375,000; Savannah, Ga., 715,000 pieces, $106,000. Digitized foramount FRASER ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD 151 GOLD SETTLEMENT FUND No. 86.—SUMMARY OF TRANSACTIONS THROUGH THE FUND, BY DISTRICTS, 1931 [In millions of dollars] Daily settlements between Federal reserve banks Balance Jan. 1 Federal reserve bank Boston New York Philadelphia Federal reserve note clearings Transit clearings Payments . Chicago St. Louis - -_ Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas San Francisco Total Payments Balance in fund With- De- at close drawals posits of business ReDec. 31 ceipts Pay- ReReceipts ments ceipts 18.7 11, 752. 3 11,898. 0 135.4 41, 446.1 42, 035.6 61.4 10, 595.8 10, 697. 5 Cleveland Richmond... Atlanta Interreserve bank transfers 54.7 94.0 64.8 40.8 150.0 49.1 211.4 817.1 200.4 82.2 107.0 605.7 1,283. 6 64.5 90.0 126.0 795.6 92.7 40.3 81.4 14.3 36.2 18.2 10.8 9, 444. 4 7, 484. 8 3, 357.8 9, 594. 4 7, 520.8 3, 253. 4 79.9 32.5 31.0 33.5 36.5 39.7 156.5 124.0 50.0 67.0 50.4 65.1 106.6 109.2 108.6 98.5 132.4 185.8 42.2 7.8 7.4 49.7 18.7 10.1 17, 039. 6 5, 453. 8 1, 977. 5 16, 917. 4 5, 282. 3 1, 932.1 62.3 30.6 17.7 77.6 38.0 15.2 135.0 38.5 22.0 418.3 134.1 52.7 466.0 73.6 53.9 290.5 133.0 70.5 50.5 9.6 9.4 21.6 9.7 27.1 4, 721. 3 3, 855. 2 7, 008. 7 4, 572. 3 3, 876. 8 6, 556. 8 27.9 15.6 29.0 21.4 14.7 23.6 31.0 57.5 61.5 128.9 41.4 194.6 74.5 81.1 175.0 126.3 75.7 498.7 15.7 8.9 26.6 417.4 124,137.3 124,137. 3 540.1 540.1 1, 905. 0 1, 905. 0 2, 729.0 2, 625. 7 314.1 Back figures—See Annual Report for 1930 (Table 81), 1929 (Table 75), 1928 (Table 19), etc. FEDERAL RESERVE AGENTS' GOLD FUND No. 87.-—SUMMARY OF TRANSACTIONS THROUGH THE FUND, BY DISTRICTS, 1931 [In millions of dollars] Federal reserve bank Balance Jan. 1 Balance WithTransfers Transfers close of from atbusiness drawals Deposits to bank bank Dec. 31 Boston New York Philadelphia 114 6 25.0 121 3 112.0 480.0 79.0 98.0 455.0 83.0 125.3 Cleveland Richmond Atlanta __ _ Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas San Francisco 165.0 78 0 122.4 78.0 111. 5 149.0 101.0 101.1 104.8 188.0 67.6 78.3 206.0 83.7 39.8 447.0 72.6 52.6 383.0 49.7 49.3 1.3 67.2 57.4 215. 0 62.0 74.4 168.0 56.8 28.4 123.8 1.3 1,678.5 1, 819.5 1,250.7 _ __ ._ 143.0 60.8 36.5 1.0 62.0 10.1 170.8 . Total 1,109. 4 1.0 Back figures.—See Annual Report for 1930 (Table 82), 1929 (Table 76), 1928 (Table 20), etc. 125554—32 11 100.6 152 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD MEMBERSHIP IN PAR COLLECTION SYSTEM No. 88."—NUMBER OF BANKS ON PAR LIST AND NOT ON PAR LIST, BY DISTRICTS End of month (1931) Nonmember Nonmember Nonmember banks * banks l banksi MemMemMember ber ber banks On par Not on banks On par Not on banks On par Not on list par list list par list list par list Boston district January February.. March April May June July August September. October.-. November. December. January. -. February.. March April May June July August September October November. December . 396 395 393 391 389 387 386 384 384 383 383 373 New York district 911 910 907 902 903 902 897 884 875 864 859 841 260 260 259 259 257 255 255 255 255 250 252 234 1 448 443 442 441 434 428 426 423 412 373 370 358 Richmond district Atlanta district 761 749 740 734 727 719 719 711 702 673 932 924 920 907 902 889 881 858 841 810 655 792 469 467 466 462 462 458 456 452 442 420 416 403 383 381 375 372 372 371 369 366 364 356 352 349 1,074 1,066 1,056 1,053 1,040 1,009 996 983 957 927 922 903 3,151 3,131 3,092 3,065 3,037 2,940 2,893 2,812 2,702 2,667 2,586 868 863 861 859 856 854 848 845 844 836 830 824 1,883 1,862 1,856 1,841 1,825 1,804 1,784 1,765 1,737 1,692 1,662 1,633 512 509 509 505 500 497 493 488 471 448 447 445 441 443 437 441 437 432 432 430 419 408 403 381 239 242 241 243 243 249 256 254 255 255 250 248 195 198 198 204 207 211 221 218 220 211 215 216 505 504 503 506 506 506 504 501 500 488 474 465 1,389 1,381 1,379 1,374 1,365 1,362 1,359 1,349 1,331 1,297 1,278 1,240 408 423 426 438 438 441 445 444 435 423 418 405 Dallas district 672 671 666 661 658 658 657 653 645 625 622 617 556 552 546 543 538 535 528 523 508 483 475 468 177 173 171 170 167 162 160 160 158 158 152 150 847 848 845 845 845 843 840 839 832 809 798 792 Minneapolis district St. Louis district Kansas City district January February. _March April May June July August September.. October November.. December.. 752 751 751 748 745 744 743 742 738 725 718 715 Cleveland district Chicago district January February. _ March April May June July August September. October.-. November. December. 394 395 393 392 390 387 384 377 373 366 362 340 Philadelphia district 636 636 633 628 622 615 614 605 597 588 583 579 485 483 479 469 459 446 441 429 412 398 395 386 1,003 1,006 1,002 1,003 999 981 970 959 935 881 San Francisco district 211 212 211 214 215 212 214 217 220 226 225 223 579 575 573 572 562 559 557 553 546 541 535 522 610 605 602 601 597 593 587 583 573 564 563 549 61 61 60 60 61 61 61 61 60 59 58 55 Incorporated banks other than mutual savings banks. 'ck figures—See Annual Reports for 1930 (Table 83), 1929 (Table 77), 1928 (Table 81), 1927 (Table 71), 1SI26 {Table 64), 1925 (Table 65), 1924 (Table 71), 1923 (Table 71), 1922 (Table 73), 1921 (Table 71), 1920 (Table 63), 1919 (Table 55), and 1918 (Table 48). R 153 MBMBEKSHIP IN PAR COLLECTION SYSTEM No. 89.—NUMBER OF BANKS ON PAR LIST AND NOT ON PAR LIST, BY STATES, ON DECEMBER 31, 1930 AND 1931 1930 Nonmember banks State Member banks New England: Maine New Hampshire. Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut -- - Middle Atlantic: New York New Jersey Pennsylvania East North Central: Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan _ Wisconsin West North Central: Minnesota Iowa Missouri North Dakota South Dakota . _ Nebraska Kansas. . _ . _ . ... _ South Atlantic: Delaware Maryland District of Columbia Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina _ Georgia Florida East South Central: Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Mississippi _ West South Central: Arkansas _ Louisiana Oklahoma __ Texas Mountain: Montana Idaho _ Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Arizona Utah Nevada .._ _. Total ... _ _ _ - . PacificWashington Oregon. California 1931 __ On par list Not on par list » Nonmember banks Member banks On par list 54 57 45 173 14 65 42 15 43 79 10 92 45 53 45 164 14 64 36 16 41 67 10 83 654 358 923 263 166 555 598 332 854 235 122 438 370 211 495 262 166 584 654 1,073 543 534 1 7 25 1 233 315 180 429 213 152 494 553 846 442 496 8 24 3 228 265 254 179 107 97 170 249 199 883 896 28 90 433 761 543 97 55 190 141 167 3 245 211 165 86 86 161 237 160 684 759 19 49 318 689 482 103 60 145 129 176 6 20 78 12 166 126 61 40 102 57 34 150 29 177 144 37 13 26 38 97 10 224 110 248 99 20 74 12 153 99 49 28 90 54 35 130 28 160 109 31 9 21 35 86 10 207 78 231 95 132 99 106 32 357 119 16 11 27 227 180 217 125 88 93 27 347 98 10 9 22 215 157 200 73 35 270 635 96 23 298 533 127 161 11 136 64 35 252 572 83 17 255 441 125 154 23 150 78 56 29 119 29 15 38 10 73 79 25 1 50 141 24 23 61 25 4 6 1 3 71 48 30 108 28 13 35 10 61 73 45 125 21 16 53 22 24 1 4 3 1 3 140 118 208 149 85 202 40 20 125 103 191 125 76 189 36 18 8,052 10,956 3,437 7,246 9,181 3,207 *Incorporated banks other than mutual savings banks. Backfigures—See Annual Reports for 1929 (Table 78), 1927 (Table 72), and 1925 (Table 66). Not on par list * 154 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD EARNINGS AND EXPENSES OF EACH RESERVE BANK No. 90.'—TOTAL EARNINGS, CURRENT EXPENSES, AND N E T EARNINGS OF EACH RESERVE BANK, AND DISPOSITION MADE OF N E T EARNINGS, 1914-1931 Earnings and expenses Total earnings Current expenses Net earnings i Disposition of net earnings Dividends paid Franchise Transferred tax paid to to surplus IT. S. Government All Federal reserve banks: $637,194, 880 $190, 529, 701 $407, 582,161 $50, 630,418 $217,837,100 139,114,643 1914-1924 41, 800, 706 27, 528,163 9, 449, 066 6,915,958 59,300 1925 2,473,808 47, 599, 595 27, 350,182 16, 611, 745 7, 329,169 818,150 8, 464, 426 1926 43, 024,484 27, 518,443 13, 048, 249 7, 754, 539 5, 044,119 249, 591 1927 64, 052, 860 26, 904, 810 32,122, 021 8,458,463 21, 078,899 2, 584, 659 1928 70, 955, 496 29, 691,113 36, 402, 741 9, 583, 913 22, 535, 597 4,283, 231 1929... 36, 424, 044 28,342, 726 7, 988,182 10, 268, 598 - 2 , 297, 724 17, 308 1930 29, 701, 279 27,040, 664 2,972, 066 10, 029, 760 -15,215,962 1931.__ 970, 753, 344 384, 905, 802 526,176, 231 110,970, 818 259,920, 263 147,126, 882 Total Boston: 1914-1924 1925 1926 1927 _. 1928 1929._ 1930 1931 Total.. New York: 1914-1924 1925 1926 _ 1927 1928 1929 1930 _ 1931 Total 66,101, 794 8, 228, 656 20,038, 563 7, 111, 395 27, 750, 005 35, 789, 397 . . 46, 242, 525 14, 046, 089 30,169,932 3,135, 550 2, 036, 268 1,078,120 3, 626, 648 2, 056, 274 1, 533,733 3,363,626 2,106,682 1,176, 469 5, 394, 546 1,986, 242 3, 282, 641 6, 076, 048 2,197, 891 3, 801,988 2,996, 243 2, 041, 627 1,102, 771 2, 714, 016 1,985, 586 884,172 73, 549, 202 28,456, 659 43,029,826 I _ -. 52, 230,396 15, 803,851 32, 042, 467 1, 210, 576 4,013, 456 2, 599,629 1, 660, 762 4, 517, 884 2, 531,746 4,197, 836 2, 610, 474 1,108,190 6, 250, 553 2, 596, 814 3,180, 715 3,705, 442 6,986, 580 2, 785,979 783, 777 3, 585, 202 2, 649, 497 78, 545 3, 038,083 2. 623. 842 84,819,990 1 34, 201,832 Total Richmond: 1914-1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 7,065, 433 280, 671, 454 91, 754, 366 179, 571, 049 33, 348,888 Total Cleveland: 1914-1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929. 1930 1931 4, 010, 509 16, 382,186 502, 648 637, 933 525, 023 585, 888 550,446 287,166 590, 830 1, 725,692 634,112 2,132,022 705, 949 -452,172 709,139 -1,260,152 45,962 193, 459, 830 45, 565,153 139, 595,280 12, 839, 729 58,749, 289 68, 006, 262 1, 888,196 10, 217,174 1, 215,102 6, 325, 202 3,103, 298 10, 600, 968 6,421, 442 1, 649, 557 3, 749, 748 2,100,191 10, 647, 759 6, 472,171 3, 720, 601 2, 327, 355 1,393, 246 18,483, 042 6, 444, 265 11, 018, 433 2, 743, 725 8, 274, 708 19, 314, 279 7, 052, 465 12, 263, 224 3, 544, 314 8, 718, 910 10, 393,189 574, 605 6, 826, 564 4, 588, 384 4, 013, 779 7, 555, 213 6, 647,104 1, 532, 081 3,891,599 ~ 5 , 498, 265 Total Philadelphia: 1914-1924 1925___ . 1928 1927--1928 1929.__ 1930 1931 42, 723, 936 13, 586, 419 27, 458,128 3, 288, 546 2, 025, 855 1,140, 581 3, 319, 077 2,032,412 1,156,873 2, 975, 357 1,976, 935 837, 612 4, 465, 342 1, 870, 003 2,316, 522 5,160, 831 2, 232,109 2, 766,134 2, 368, 086 2, 077, 792 253, 777 1, 800, 619 1,948, 480 -140,230 - - - 30,783, 651 2,182, 460 2,429,017 2, 086, 303 2, 857, 648 3, 299, 609 1, 641, 390 1,389,086 46, 669,164 43, 770, 474 9, 996, 851 18,985, 261 1,451, 614 576,110 1,383,939 727,645 1,379,402 497,711 1,402,392 1,118,960 1, 587, 244 1,342, 225 1, 569, 034 -28,797 1,491, 663 -156,646 20, 262,139 23,062,469 75, 077,152 68, 006, 262 4, 551,745 20,059, 286 673, 212 404, 908 730, 598 803,135 781, 540 394,929 843,755 2,438,886 938,312 2,863,676 1, 002,602 100,169 1, 004, 836 -579,380 5, 558,901 10, 526, 600 26,485, 609 5, 558,901 5, 570,933 22,461,833 431, 765 778,811 852, 257 808, 505 275, 607 832, 583 2,323,872 856,843 2,795,435 910, 007 -169,157 952,934 936, 513 -1,331,299 4, 009, 701 27, 640,313 4, 009, 701 2, 718, 232 11,701, 023 217,948 358,162 279, 216 363, 957 125,481 372, 230 74, 828 370, 683 97,362 368, 601 -382,269 353,472 -630, 773 340,360 4, 566, 006 5, 245, 697 11,482,816 6,200,189 11, 647,129 i Total earnings less current expenses, depreciation charges, and net losses. 84, 472 673,449 876,262 155 EARNINGS AND EXPENSES OF RESERVE BANKS No. 90.—TOTAL EARNINGS, CURRENT EXPENSES, AND N E T EARNINGS OF EACH RESERVE BANK, AND DISPOSITION MADE OF N E T EARNINGS, 1914-1931 —Con. Earnings and expenses Total earnings Atlanta: 1914-1924 . 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 ... _. 1930 1931 Total Chicago: 1914-1924 .. 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 Total St. Louis: 1914-1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 . 1929 1930 1931 Total Minneapolis: 1914-1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 . . 1929 1930 1931 TotalKansas City: 1914-1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 . . . 1929 1930 1931 Total Dallas: 1914-1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 TotalSan Francisco: 1914-1924 1925 1926 1927 „ 1928 1929 1930 _ 1931 Total-_ .. ._ Current expenses Net earnings Disposition of net earnings Dividends paid Franchise Transferred tax paid to to surplus U. S. Government _$29, 640, 082 $8,706,623 $18,338,900 $2,065,121 $8,950,309 26,191 276,488 -250, 297 2, 072, 378 1, 225, 733 1, 389,168 1, 228, 327 296, 573 931,754 3 045,867 305, 817 364, 087 2, 067, 839 1, 264,156 669,904 1, 253,134 312, 259 558,425 1, 693, 985 3, 578,156 1, 513, 239 1, 428, 518 321, 696 303, 032 ._ 4,116, 049 1, 372, 882 323, 307 323, 307 1 963 724 1, 268,776 313,247 -408, 652 1,448,835 4, 214, 508 10, 448, 658 47, 932, 930 17, 993, 711 23, 709,132 92, 659, 590 26, 293, 731 60, 910,020 1,121,273 5, 424, 663 3, 744,039 6, 567, 043 3, 824, 437 2, 253,923 3, 887, 058 1,927, 645 6,167, 352 8, 936, 418 3, 696, 679 4,763, 429 9, 889, 451 4, 092, 369 5,424, 665 3,805,117 1, 054, 328 4, 834,153 609, 895 3, 524,401 4,143, 601 52, 867,831 78, 065,178 138, 622, 271 $7,323,470 823, 301 803, 790 8,950, 561 6, 865, 271 30, 425, 574 23, 619,175 934,016 187, 257 1, 267, 964 985, 959 1,029,990 897,655 1, 099. 761 3, 663, 668 1,170,363 602,838 3, 651, 464 1, 211,418 -157,090 1,170, 633 - 1 , 525, 481 14, 467,411 38,411,011 24, 222, 013 26, 963, 650 10, 517, 740 14, 540,132 -93, 540 1,390,099 2,055, 637 683,022 2, 511, 509 1,380,104 775,681 1, 368, 664 2,228, 079 785,159 1,336, 794 __. _ 2,901,925 885,884 3, 247, 936 1, 438,418 1,114 1, 745, 685 1,398,936 -61, 263 1, 350, 924 1,188, 631 17, 516,189 42,843, 052 20,181,679 2, 364,080 306, 753 314,420 317, 727 321,855 319,231 315,839 289,409 4, 549, 314 9, 970, 704 -400, 293 368,602 457, 954 423,011 56, 665 -314, 725 -537,142 10,024,776 2, 205, 348 6, 843,479 13,095,864 234, 954 1, 097, 829 1, 063, 757 448, 033 1,048, 746 296, 077 614, 704 1, 000, 474 794, 762 1,022,009 193, 589 976,867 45,805 918,942 13, 972,103 15, 723, 788 1,806, 767 193, 560 187, 609 180,726 181, 203 184,030 184,445 180,455 3, 098, 795 7,496,848 4,139 26,043 11, 535 43, 350 61,073 914 -787,651 6,856, 251 3, 792,249 37, 255 234,381 103,816 390,151 549, 659 8,230 31, 373, 094 12,172, 045 16, 560,069 1, 727,443 282,921 2,309, 985 1, 682, 928 756,469 .. 2, 677,340 1, 677,215 414, 726 2, 304,938 659,760 1,661,980 2, 597,968 1, 830, 833 1, 013, 586 2,976, 576 1, 667, 667 1,784,609 -200,976 -185,486 1, 555, 084 1, 664,282 47,462, 652 24,201, 335 19, 301, 069 2,312, 651 258,426 252, 764 252, 753 253,254 256, 549 259,397 253,621 4,099,415 8,976,661 2,450 50, 370 16,198 40,651 75, 704 -460,373 -577,381 8,124,280 5, 270, 757 22,045 453, 335 145,775 365,855 681,333 21,686,346 1,438, 341 1, 622,333 1, 390, 031 1, 710, 304 1,926,031 1,235,082 936, 604 31, 945, 072 . 9, 668,766 9,349,899 278,135 1, 223, 344 857, 211 1,178, 731 568,209 1, 267, 338 713,455 1,245,479 770, 391 1, 384,876 272, 597 1, 341,153 111, 982 1, 257,884 18,248, 704 13,240, 746 2,076,371 7, 592,395 255,239 22, 896 599, 709 257, 502 256,310 311,899 258, 544 163,301 244,417 266, 613 1,009 262, 510 254,878 -1,311,351 3, 887, 967 7, 624,275 47, 342, 724 17, 647,821 26, 217, 342 3,848,890 2,681,108 490,447 4, 554,860 2,405, 244 1, 555,999 2,459, 602 1,055,424 . . 3, 853,442 4, 757, 292 2, 410, 554 1,974, 258 5,466, 076 2, 553, 681 2, 205,922 2,408, 510 2,498, 648 -355, 689 2, 717, 520 2, 358, 780 253, 211 74,949, 314 35,015,438 33,396,914 3,449, 009 15,070,992 490,447 506, 068 1,049,931 547,062 508,362 625, 751 1,348,507 670,085 1, 535,837 682,946 -1,038,635 685,070 -768,435 7, 656, 438 17, 706, 559 22, 089,056 1,813, 626 2,127, 049 1, 741,922 2,119,666 2,496,030 1, 585,113 1, 213,987 35,186, 449 Back figures.—See Annual Report for 1930 (Table 85). 40, 293 509, 988 2, 755, 629 5,115, 741 6,939,100 291, 610 259, 361 9,078 560, 049 7, 697, 341 7, 697, 341 No. 91."—EARNINGS AND EXPENSES OF FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS DURING EARNINGS Total Discounted bills Purchased bills United States securities. _. Deficient reserve penalties Miscellaneous __. Total earnings $9,820,546 5,009,541 12,428,297 296,960 2,145,935 Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta $416,255 $1,661,805 $1,407, 303 $1, 236, 556 $795,652 124, 060 460,504 1,638,210 213,784 423,8S6 825,952 3,613,854 969,430 1,147,751 390,97" 28, 362 4,749 17,425 14,934 36,323 50,036 93,159 623,919 108,565 193,567 Chicago St. Louis $762,143 $939, 567 238,179| 764, 703 298,943 1,937, 290 32, 290 32, 746 116,824 469, 751 177,420 560,695 21, 800 39,947 29,701, 279 1,800,619 7, 555,213 2,714,016 3,038,083 1,389, 086 1,448,835 4,143,601 1,188,631 1931 Minneapolis 132,999 597, 518 7,726 29, 772 Crc San Francisco Kansas City Dallas $544,242 221, 530 499, 884 6,948 282,480 $408,025 $1,091,640 142,432 - — 471,834 613, 368 972,636 73,495 20,162 30, 000 107,915 936,604 1, 555,084 1, 213,987 2,717, 520 CURRENT EXPENSES Salaries: Officers-_ Clerical employees Other employees Governors' conferences Federal advisory council Directors' meetings1 Traveling expenses Assessments for Federal Reserve Board's expenses Legal fees Insurance on currency and security shipments _Other insurance. Taxes on banking house Light, heat, and power Repairs and alterations, banking house. Rent.__ Office and other supplies _ Printing and stationery Telephone .... Telegraph Postage Expressage Miscellaneous expenses Total, exclusive of cost of currency Federal reserve currency: Original cost Cost of redemption Total current expenses. _ I $2,706,834 11,533,467 2, 773,960 4,517 13, 705 175,112 214, 581 $133, 346 jpooAJ y y * $135,000 $224,100 $185,418;! $231,866 $325,015 $178, 752 $118,135 $191,600 $176,824 $251, 784 873,061 3, 236,910 909, 705 1,024, 587 598,104 403, 400 1, 533, 928 544,859 330, 399 627, 918 498,474 952,122 131,658 385, 558 156, 579! 82, 715 414, 510 138, 375 102, 520 227, 828 122,940 238,454 126,913 645,910 250 51 343 1,118 160 141 232 276 611 507 713 1151 1,035 800 782 2,550 1,300 815 853 1,300 1,316 1,300 1,155 4991 12, 229 6,1 8,938 24, 315 20,494 22, 741 17,053 7,062 31, 359 10, 308 5,731 8,246 23,438 16, 074 24, 597 17, 565 8,724 16,154 16, 767 6,464 36, 261 17,990 17,886 12,661 718, 554 81, 507 53, 712 2,393 236,667 1,000 517, 284 419, 504 1,496, 288 332,989 63,978 30,184 131, 565 22, 070 110,689 53,302 410,002 71,847 95,166 166, 393 331,442 371,615 242, 971 494, 927 1,628, 864 445,942 795,896 2,649 480 19, 744 35,479 19, 522 6,169 186,691 45,162 47,708 75, 583 64, 740 76, 274 63, 248 287,160 105,618 227, 710 19,367 71,036 2,842 65,935 34, 484 39,968 19, 282 72,450 5,913 28, 034 707 26,127 3,061 97, 092 11, 769 25,106 5,120 16, 482 14,865 21,009 11, 395 21, 441 10,914 48,498 11, 528 54,139 35,041 127, 758 35,031 30,171 23,101 65,430 13,822 30, 734 27,052 60, 515 15,697 61,130 44,642 290,102 31, 227 10, 945 25,641 65, 393 19, 579 12, 410 31,671 69, 505 16, 208 15, 508 48,437 92, 363 37,902 22, 332 26,957 38,478 21, 252 39, 313 38,992 105,209 29,072 14,147 1,080 33, 086 24, 406 32,109 13,952 154, 772 57, 536 66,451 12,062 87, 291 33, 388 36, 013 16,689 33, 488 143, 792 34, 958 58, 259 1,681 14,195 2,846 5,288 16, 236 18, 166 7,793 69,365 81, 794 36,619 36,840 7,6 11,483 3,000 15.157 23,676 13,957 39,994 78,620 13, 076 38.158 5,438 9,337 40, 289 61, 727 22,872 38,656 217,127 52, 743 95,858 13, 280 14, 784 5,584 17, 664 52, 523 11, 779 32,687 21, 262 20, 314 8,753 58, 542 118, 231 17, 926 44,198 3,645 1,500 12,497 20, 091 11,884 53, 226 84, 528 19, 423 41,130 4,831 53, 559 33,801 30,642 18,339 67,188 113,614 24, 268 71,881 17,119 21, 277 9,195 33, 435 110, 012 26,834 35, 016 25, 561, 518 1, 814, 481 6,298,732 1,831,010 2,448, 466 1, 392, 551 1, 203,678 3,377,871 1,294,117 1, 386,199 92, 947 27, 040,664 123, 507 10,492 92, 549 335,832 143,688 165,003 50,143 59, 741 135, 718 6,563 6,664 10, 373 5,357 10, 812 12, 540| 10, 888 6,647,104 1,985,586 2,623, 842 1, 491,663 1, 268, 776 3,524,401 1,350,924 892, 488 1,614,413 1, 215,866 2,177,845 23, 386 3,068 45,926 3,943 39,188 2,830 171,518 9,417 918, 942 1, 664, 282 1, 257,884 2, 358, 780 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Earnings _ _ _$29,701,279 27, 040,664 Current expenses Current net earnings 2, 660,615 Additions to current net earnings: Withdrawn from reserve for probable losses 187, 010 Profit on United States Government 2, 851,148 securities sold 149, 504 Allother Total additions 3,187, 662 Deductions from current net earnings: Bank premises—depreciation... 1,888,443 Furniture and equipment ._ 158,667 527, 033 Reserve for probable losses 302,068 Allother Total deductions 2,876, 211 Net additions to current net earnings. __ 311, 451 Net earnings 2, 972, 066 Dividends paid _ _ _. . 10, 029, 760 Excess of expenses and dividend payments over earnings 7, 057,694 Franchise tax paid United States Government $1,800,619 $7, 555, 213 $2, 714, 016 $3, 038, 083 $1, 389, 086 $1, 448, 835 $4,143, 601 $1,188,631 1, 948,480 6,647,104 1,985, 586 2,623,842 1,491,663 1, 268, 776 3, 524,401 1, 350,924 180, 059 17,662 - 1 0 9 , 1 9 8 - 4 3 , 897 358, 740 138, 045 4,666 92, 552 3,585 372, 772 450 114,673 25 317, 595 142, 711 96,137 373, 222 114,698 xn 233,682 8,883 175, 332 28,496 92,051 10,947 160,511 5,204 188,841 13, 214 O 30,707 12,737 II, 570 6,710 46,633 12, 058 150, 000 8,652 217, 343 220, 227 908,109 728, 430 414,241 - 1 0 2 , 5 7 7 37, 010 150 000 150,484 1,009,517 97,890 3,551 218,654 384 262, 701 6,240 82,148 2,165 44, 542 1,056 211, 754 15, 203 153, 306 14, 289 154, 035 1,107,407 219, 038 268,941 84, 313 45, 598 263, 967 387 722 000 528 121, 264 7,434 9,684 84, 007 5,608 127, 033 9,009 -147,861 $936,604 $1, 555, 084 $1, 213, 987 $2, 717, 520 918,942 1,664, 282 1, 257,884 2, 358, 780 619, 200 - 1 6 2 , 2 9 3 122, 047 6,300 389,688 14,728 22,073 18,057 79,019 41,223 274, 23, 250, 56, 146, 404 483,435 63, 296 604,637 138, 382 225,657 273, 272 216, 565 114, 568 172, 425 7,631 623,972 155, 742 - 3 3 5 , 6 9 6 -54,069 -180,059 - 9 , 305 101, 030 28,143 -76,288 78, 545 - 1 5 6 , 6 4 6 609,895 - 6 1 , 263 45,805 -185,486 111, 982 340, 360 313, 247 1,170, 633 289,409 180 455! 9*2 fi9,1 254, 878 685, 070 497, 006 313, 247 134,650 439,107 142, 896 431, 859 -140,230 1, 532,081 884,172 709,139 3,891,599 1, 004,836 849,369 2, 359,518 120,664 936, 513 857,968 560, 738 350,672 18,172 155,879 - 1 0 5 , 529 253, 211 - ._ $133,640 79, 917 $7, 557 4,432 $14,762 14,431 $11,477 4,057 $16,187 4,782 $6, 263 6,663 $5,280 3,549 $14,159 20, 587 $10,815 5,642 $14, 767 5,065 $17, 491 3,132 $8, 572 2,084 $6, 310 5,493 213, 557 11,989 29,193 15, 534 20,969 12, 926 8,829 34, 746 16, 457 19,832 20,623 10,656 11,803 1 Except amounts included in items "Governors' conferences" and "Federal advisory council." Backfigures—SeeAnnual Reports for 1930 (Table 86), 1929 (Table 80), 1928 (Table 84), 1927 (Table 75), 1926 (Table 68), and 1925 (Table 67 and Pt. II, Table 5). xn m O i REIMBURSABLE EXPENDITURES OF FISCAL AGENCY DEPARTMENT Salaries . Allother Total X I > 158 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD CONDITION OF ALL BANKS IN EACH DISTRICT No, 92.—ALL BANKS—TOTAL LOANS AND INVESTMENTS, 1925-1931 [In millions of dollars] Date» All banks NonMem- memAll ber ber banks banks banks Boston district 1925—Juno 30.. Dec. 31.., 1926—June 30.. Dec. 31... 1927—June 30.. Dec. 31... 1928—June 30.. Dec. 31._. 1929—June 29.. Dec. 31.. 1930—June 30.. Dec. 31.. 1931—June 30.. Dec. 31.. 5,523 5,705 5,891 5,940 6,199 6,367 6,644 6,649 6,818 6,782 6,862 6,758 6,767 6,385 1925—June 30.. Dec. 31... 1926—June 30.. Dec. 31... 1927—June 30.. Dec. 31.... 1928-June30-. Dec. 31... 1929—June 29.. Dec. 31.. 1930—June 30.. Dec. 31.. 1931—June 30.. Dec. 31.. 4,310 4,358 4,487 4,481 4,635 4, 689 4,898 4,854 4,927 4,869 4,840 4,712 4,550 3,770 2,234 2,362 2,409 2,428 2,536 2.583 2,642 2,571 2,613 2,561 2,592 2,511 2,456 2,185 3,289 3,343 3,482 3,512 3,063 3,784 4,002 4,078 4,205 4,221 4,270 4,248 4,311 4,201 Cleveland district 3,021 3,045 3.161 3,133 3,267 3,296 3,448 3,414 3,488 3,455 3,479 3,419 3,370 2,865 1,289 1,313 1,326 1,348 1,368 1,393 1,450 1,440 1,439 1,414 1,361 1,293 1,180 905 Chicago district 1925—June 30.. Dec. 31... 1926—June 30.. Dec. 31... 1927—June 30.. Dec. 31... 1928—June 30.. Dec. 31.. 1929—June 29.. Dec. 31.. 1930—June 30.. Dec. 31... 1931—June 30.. Dec. 31... 6,834 6,999 7,186 7,178 7,407 7,495 7,826 7,904 7,958 7,740 7,655 7,374 ,619 5,643 Kansas City district 1925—June 30.. Dec. 31... 1926—June 30.. Dec. 31... 1927—June 30.. Dec. 3 1 1928—June 30.. Dec. 31... 1929—June 29.. Dec. 31.. 1930—June 30.. Dec. 31.. 1931—June 30.. Dec. 31.. 1 r NonMem- member ber banks banks New York district 8,746 9,297 9,308 9,667 10,126 10, 947 11,098 18. 776 11,593 18,898 11,775 19, 494 12,316 19, 718 12, 385 19, 288 12, 023 19, 323 11,661 17,826 10, 565 14,398 14,925 15,364 15, 728 16,693 17f 502 18,202 5,652 5,628 6,056 6,061 6,567 6,555 7,104 7,183 7,122 7,178 7,333 7,265 7,662 7,261 Richmond district 2,333 2,392 2,401 2,395 2,423 2, 517 2,531 2,522 2,501 2,435 2,398 2,242 2,224 2,014 1,252 1,290 1,281 1,275 i,3ll 1,362 1,344 1,338 1,329 1,278 1,204 1,154 1,141 1,050 1,228 1,310 1,320 1,313 1,337 1.377 1,384 1,406 1,341 1,337 1,289 1,154 1,137 1,031 Minneapolis district 756 757 766 ••747 759 752 756 757 757 736 724 599 581 510 791 831 808 807 831 898 918 993 957 936 870 822 803 724 1,571 1.567 1,549 1,495 1,485 1,527 1,549 1,555 1,539 1,507 1,455 1,396 1,363 1, 221 888 893 881 862 851 897 909 933 923 911 870 851 840 789 683 674 668 633 634 630 640 622 616 597 585 545 522 431 San Francisco district Dallas district 1,015 1,069 1,044 1,029 1,064 1,136 1,163 1,247 1,217 1,179 1,105 1,037 1,012 Atlanta district 1,081 1, 102 1,120 1,120 1,112 1,155 1,187 1,183 1,172 1,157 1,194 1,088 1,083 964 St. Louis district 1,984 2,067 2,086 • 2,060 2,096 2,128 2,141 2,163 2,099 2,072 2,013 1, 753 1,718 1,541 Philadelphia district 3,652 3,811 3,920 4,034 4,115 4,241 4,365 4, 395 4,460 4, 395 4,420 4,321 4,339 3,784 224 238 236 222 233 238 248 254 260 243 235 214 209 171 3,693 3.872 3,937 4,068 4,077 4,227 4,300 4,523 4,443 4,472 4,375 4,270 4,194 3,973 2,545 2,669 2,688 2,842 2,961 3,084 3,149 3,169 3,105 3,192 3,109 3,246 3,182 3,005 1,148 1,203 1,249 1,226 1,116 1.143 1,151 1,354 1,338 1,279 1,265 1,024 1,012 969 Figures for nonmember banks are from reports of nearest available date. Revised. NOTE.—Table covers following classes of banks: National banks, State commercial banks and trust companies, mutual and stock savings banks, and private banks under State supervision. Backfigures.—SeeAnnual Report for 1930](Table 87). 159 ALL BANKS IN EACH DISTRICT No. 93.—ALL BANKS—TOTAL LOANS, 1925-1931 [In millions of dollars] Member banks All banks Date* Nonmember banks Boston district i925—June 30.. Dec. 31.. 1926—June 30.. Dec. 31.. 1927—June 30.. Dec. 31.. 1928—June 30.. Dec. 31.. 1929—June 29.. Dec. 31.. 1930—June 30. Dec. 31.. 1931—June 30_. Dec. 31.. 3,530 3,682 3,779 3,817 3,930 4,021 4,226 4,271 4,434 4,508 4,440 4,319 4,130 3,835 I 1925—June 30... Dec. 31... 1926—June 30... Dec. 31... 1927—June 30... Dec. 31... 1928-June 30... Dec. 31.... 1929—June 29... Dec. 3 1 . . . 1930—June 30... Dec. 31.... 1931—June 3O.__. Dec. 31___ 2,874 2,959 3,037 3,067 3,098 3,100 3,237 3,279 3,380 3,413 3,272 3,142 2,896 2,397 1,602 1,692 1,690 1,708 1,744 1,765 1,849 1,824 1,871 1,910 1,836 1,750 1,588 1,390 i 2,011 863 899 ! 2,060 j 2,135 902 923 2,144 919 2,179 ! 2,162 939 972 2,266 988 2,291 i 2,376 1,004 1,004 | 2,410 937 ! 2,336 880 ! 2,262 i 2,113 783 I 1,807 590 3,181 3,276 3,374 3,388 3,461 3,519 3,698 3,812 3,792 3,770 3,682 3,406 3,025 2,632 1,992 2,043 2,077 2,109 2,114 2,064 2,113 2,121 2,254 2,183 2,081 1,964 1,593 1,218 Kansas City district 1925—June 30.. Dec. 31.. 1926—June 30.. Dec. 31.. 1927—June 30.. Dec. 31.. 1928—June 30.. Dec. 31.. 1929—June 29.. Dec. 31.. 1930—June 30. Dec. 31.. 1931—June 30.. Dec. 31.. 1,429 1,432 1,418 1,374 1,355 1,353 1,336 1,332 1,310 1,293 1,209 1,114 1,009 860 805 805 812 777 776 783 789 803 810 804 750 717 653 574 Nonmember banks 9,357 10, 036 10,310 10, 793 11,388 12,166 12, 605 13, 435 13,801 14,252 14,009 13,174 12,442 11, 281 5,848 6,511 6,399 6,861 7,026 7,789 7,759 8,404 8,769 9,097 8,914 8,300 7, 537 6,609 3,509 3,525 3,811 3,932 4,362 4,377 4,846 5,031 5,031 5,155 5,096 4,874 4,906 4,672 Richmond district 1,803 1,863 1,865 1,865 1,841 1,871 1,881 1,879 1,865 1,813 1,730 1,581 1,491 1, 295 990 1,030 1,016 1,011 1,014 1, 028 1,021 1,022 1,010 974 888 842 785 693 813 833 849 854 827 843 861 857 855 838 841 739 705 603 St. Louis district Chicago district 5,173 5,319 5,452 5,497 5,575 5,583 .1 5,810 5,810 5,933 6,046 5,953 5,764 5,370 4,618 3,850 Member banks New York district 1,928 1,990 2,089 2,109 2,186 2,256 2,377 2,446 2,563 2,598 2,604 2,569 2,542 2,445 Cleveland district 1925—June 30 Dec. 31 1926—June 30 Dec. 31 1927—June 30 Dec. 31 1928—June 30 Dec. 31 1929—June 29 Dec. 31 1930—June 30 Dec. 31 1931—June 30 Dec. 31 All banks 624 627 606 597 579 570 547 530 499 489 459 397 356 287 1,494 1,563 1,575 1,541 1, 537 1,546 J.,535 1,546 1,531 1,526 1,485 1,247 1,145 1,006 950 952 946 930 953 942 954 937 955 910 787 702 623 638 668 650 652 654 694 692 736 705 714 653 601 560 480 NonMem- member ber banks banks Philadelphia district 2,158 2,364 2,434 2,547 2,504 2,592 2,636 2,747 2,859 2,859 2,807 2,633 2,479 2,114 1,381 1,485 1,574 1,616 i,604 1,616 1,690 1,745 1,832 1,859 1,829 1,767 1,674 1,521 777 879 860 931 900 976 946 1,002 1,027 1,000 977 866 805 593 Atlanta district 1,412 1,647 1,518 1,458 1,373 1,369 1,378 1,346 1,345 1,262 1,166 1,045 938 845 877 995 939 927 885 888 910 895 898 855 791 726 646 593 535 652 579 531 488 481 468 451 447 408 375 319 293 252 Minneapolis district 617 'r 1,123 613 1, 096 623 ' 1,057 595 ' 1, 013 607 '974 592 '974 593 '966 592 '971 594 '965 571 '956 575 '894 459 837 442 798 382 700 Dallas district 837 875 855 841 853 891 895 938 914 907 842 766 718 602 All banks 597 586 568 554 531 547 544 560 559 563 516 495 479 441 ••626 '510 '489 '459 '443 '427 '422 '411 '406 '393 '378 342 319 260 San Francisco district 199 207 205 189 199 197 203 201 209 193 189 165 158 123 2,692 2,821 2,877 2,962 2,949 2,959 2,977 3,107 3,082 3,177 3,021 2,907 2,719 2,520 1,848 1,937 1,952 2,067 2,134 2,141 2,144 2,109 2,099 2,239 2,109 2,218 2,053 1,898 844 884 925 895 815 818 912 690 666 622 i Figures for nonmember banks are from reports of nearest available date. ' Revised. NOTE.—Table covers following classes of banks: National banks, State commercial banks and trust companies, mutual and stock savings banks and private banks under State supervision. Backfigures—SeeAnnual Report for 1930 (Table 88). 160 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD No. 94.—ALL BANKS—TOTAL INVESTMENTS, 1925-1931 [In millions of dollars] Date 1 All banks New York district Boston district 1925—June 30. Dec. 31. 1926—June 30. Dec. 31. 1927—June 30. Dec. 31. 1928—June 30. Dec. 31. 1929—June 29. Dec. 31. 1930—June 30. Dec. 31. 1931—June 30. Dec. 31. 1,993 2,023 2,112 2,123 2,269 2,345 2,418 2,378 2,384 2,273 2,422 2,440 2,638 2,550 632 670 719 720 792 817 793 747 742 650 756 761 868 794 1,361 1,353 1,393 1,403 1,477 1,528 1,626 1,632 1,642 1,623 1,666 1,679 1,770 1,756 Cleveland district 1925—June 30. Dec. 31. 1926—June 30. Dec. 31. 1927—June 30. Dec. 31. 1928—June 30. Dec. 31. 1929—June 29. Dec. 31. 1930—June 30. Dec. 31. 1931—June 30. Dec. 31. 1,436 1,399 1,449 1,414 1,538 1,588 1,660 1,575 1,547 1,456 1,568 1,570 1,654 1,374 426 414 424 425 449 454 479 452 435 410 425 414 397 316 1,010 985 1,025 989 1,089 1,135 1,182 1,123 1,112 1,046 1,144 1,156 1,257 1,058 1,661 1,679 1,735 1,680 1,832 1,911 2,016 1,971 1,912 1,788 1,891 2,005 2,000 1,793 1,189 1,202 1,205 1,154 1,251 1,339 1,420 1,350 1,260 1,164 1,251 1,403 1,461 1,249 472 477 530 '526 1 581 572 596 620 652 623 640 601 540 544 Kansas City district 1925—June 30. Dec. 31.. 1926—June 30. Dec. 31.. 1927—June 30. Dec. 31. 1928-June 30. Dec. 31.. 1929-June 29. Dec. 31.. 1930—June 30. Dec. 31.. 1931-June 30.. Dec. 31.. 394 416 430 454 476 515 557 596 571 549 531 548 566 549 310 327 345 359 377 408 436 447 430 408 401 430 449 442 5,041 4,888 5,055 4,935 5,305 5, 336 5,598 5,341 5,097 5,243 5,709 6,115 6,881 6,545 i 2,898 2,785 2,910 2,806 3,100 3,158 3,340 3,189 3,006 3,220 3,472 3,724 4,124 3,956 2,143 2,103 2,145 2,129 2,205 2,178 2,258 2,152 2,091 2,023 2,237 2, 391 2,757 2,589 Richmond district 530 529 536 530 582 646 650 643 636 622 669 661 733 719 262 260 265 264 297 334 324 317 319 303 316 312 356 358 269 271 266 285 312 326 326 317 319 353 349 377 361 St. Louis district Chicago district 1925—June 30.... Dec. 31.... 1926—June 30..., Dec. 3 1 - . . 1927—June 30..., Dec. 31.... 1928—June 30... Dec. 31.... 1929— June 29... Dec. 31— 1930—June 30... Dec. 31___ 1931—June 30... Dec. 31... NonMem- memAll ber ber banks banks banks NonMem- memAll ber banks ber banks banks 85 95 99 107 122 149 141 141 130 117 117 107 489 503 511 518 558 583 605 617 568 546 528 506 574 535 ! 350 359 368 366 406 423 442 452 405 381 1 379 | 366 ' 435 407 Dallas district 178 194 189 189 211 245 268 310 302 273 263 271 293 293 ' ! i i 153 163 158 156 177 204 224 257 251 222 217 221 243 244 139 144 143 ••152 152 159 163 166 163 165 149 140 139 128 NonMem- member ber banks banks Philadelphia district 868 1,494 1,447 852 1,485 845 1,487 862 1,611 927 1,650 972 1,729 i 966 1,649 921 1,601 878 1,535 828 1,613 884 1,688 966 1,114 1,860 1,037 1,670 626 595 640 625 684 678 763 728 723 708 729 722 746 633 Atlanta district 284 347 331 329 353 384 375 402 389 366 362 349 400 398 204 247 233 231 256 276 263 293 279 260 268 264 312 313 80 100 97 108 112 109 110 106 85 Minneapolis district 448 471 491 481 510 552 582 585 574 552 562 559 565 520 291 307 313 308 320 350 365 373 364 348 354 357 361 349 '157 ••164 ' 178 '173 '190 '202 '217 '212 '210 '204 '208 203 204 172 San Francisco district 1,001 1,051 1,060 1,107 1,128 1,267 1,323 1,416 1,361 1,295 1,353 1,362 1,475 1,453 697 732 736 776 827 943 1,005 1,060 1,007 953 1,001 1,028 1,128 1,107 304 319 324 331 301 325 318 356 355 342 353 334 346 346 * Figures for nonmember banks are from reports of nearest available date. »• Revised. NOTE.—Table covers following classes of banks: National banks, State commercial banks and trust companies, mutual and stock savings banks, and private banks under State supervision. Backfigures.—SeeAnnual Report for 1930 (Table 89). 161 ALL BANKS IN EACH DISTRICT No. 95.—ALL BANKS—DEPOSITS (EXCLUSIVE OF INTERBANK DEPOSITS), 1925-1931 [In millions of dollars] Datei All banks Mem- Nonber member All banks banks banks Boston district 1925—June 30. Dec. 31. 1926—June 30. Dec. 31. 1927—June 30. Dec. 31. 1928—June 30. Dec. 31. 1929—June 29. Dec. 31. 1930—June 30. Dec. 3L 1931—June 30. Dec. 31. 5,220 5,402 5,580 5,594 5,811 6,009 6,106 6,225 6,209 6,298 6,351 6,312 6,332 5,897 2,114 2,245 2,297 2,286 2,359 2,444 2,351 2,397 2,297 2,391 2,355 2,317 2,260 1,964 New York district 3,106 14,362 3,157 14,414 3,283 15,000 3,308 '15,295 3,452 16,264 3, 565 16,312 3,755 16,614 3,828 18,915 3,912 17,028 3,907 18,490 3,996 18,809 3, 995 17,894 4,073 17, 822 3, 934 16, 298 Cleveland district 1925—June 30. Dec. 31. 1926—June 30. Dec. 31. 1927—June 30. Dec. 31. 1928—June 30. Dec. 31. 1929—June 29. Dec. 31. 1930—June 30. Dec. 31. 1931—June 30, Dec. 31. 4,043 ! 4,079 4,227 ! 4,146 4,332 4,355 4,498 4,526 4,523 4,452 4,439 4,299 4,138 3,354 2,782 2,805 2,930 2,883 3,035 3,029 3,139 3,165 3,190 3,154 3,182 3,114 3,042 2,500 6,740 6.858 7,009 6,972 7,171 7,327 7,517 7,667 7,543 7,381 7,287 7,131 6,446 5,416 4,188 4,288 4,344 4,318 4,465 4,649 4,806 4,914 4,721 4,617 4,615 4,558 4,265 3,616 1,261 1,274 1,297 1, 263 1,297 1,326 1,359 1,361 1,333 1,298 1,257 1,185 1, 096 854 1 r 1,922 1,950 1,920 1,924 1,916 1,957 1,962 2,028 1,929 1,909 1,841 1,736 1,635 1,408 1,113 1,140 1,154 1,148 1,158 1,185 1,208 1,241 1,207 1,190 1,187 1,158 1,101 980 r 5,496 4,945 5,794 5, 594 6,262 6,291 6,632 6,776 6,677 6,679 6,829 6,859 7,185 7,022 2,083 2,217 2,170 2,222 2,244 2,378 2,284 2,351 2,255 2,271 2,231 2,120 2,114 1,845 1,090 1,157 1,138 1,164 1,193 1,242 1,188 1,214 1,166 1,152 1,105 1,074 1,079 944 1,060 1,032 1,058 1,051 1,136 1,096 1,137 1,089 1,119 1,125 1,046 1,034 901 2,552 2,570 2,665 2,654 2, 705 2,679 2,712 2,752 2,822 2,764 2,672 2,574 2,181 1,800 810 766 776 758 773 755 787 722 719 655 578 535 428 1,904 2,031 1,985 1,965 1,976 2,053 2,002 2,045 1,911 1,962 1,879 1,678 1,669 1,442 1,097 1,182 1,171 1,186 1,187 1,250 1,215 1,256 1,177 1,213 1,172 1,072 1,057 932 807 849 814 779 789 803 787 788 733 750 706 606 612 510 Dallas district 1,006 1,099 1,008 1,053 1,049 1,182 1,146 1,290 1,177 1,186 1,108 1,055 1,007 866 764 822 761 800 800 897 885 989 911 913 867 820 789 686 Mem- Nonber member banks banks Philadelphia district 3,279 3,451 3,479 3,602 3,646 3,787 3,764 3,874 3,760 3,745 3,777 3,755 3,749 3,171 1,960 2,077 2,094 2,166 2,187 2,243 2,232 2,287 2,251 2,265 2,301 2,339 2,402 2,090 1,319 1,374 1,385 1,436 1,459 1,543 1,532 1,587 1,509 1,480 1,476 1,416 1,347 1,081 Atlanta district 1,704 2,107 1,805 1,741 1,674 1,736 1,640 1,673 1,581 1,548 1,441 1,347 1,304 1,153 1,027 1,220 1,108 1,092 1,066 1,104 1,072 1,093 1,041 1,020 994 944 916 817 677 887 697 649 608 632 568 580 540 527 447 403 387 337 Minneapolis district St. Louis district Kansas City district 1925—June 30. Dec. 31. 1926—June 30. Dec. 31. 1927—June 30. Dec. 31. 1928—June 30. Dec. 31. 1929—June 29. Dec. 31. 1930—June 30. Dec. 31. 1931—June 30. Dec. 31. 8,866 9,469 9,206 9,701 10,002 10,021 9,982 12,140 10,351 11,810 11,981 11,035 10,637 9,276 Richmond district Chicago district 1925—June 30. Dec. 31. 1926—June 30. Dec. 31. 1927—June 30. Dec. 31. 1928—June 30. Dec. 31. 1929—June 29. Dec. 31. 1930—June 30. Dec. 31. 1931—June 30. Dec. 31. Mem- Non ber member All banks banks banks 1,602 1,622 1,576 i 1,526 1,507 1,560 1,567 1,596 1,547 1,519 1,482 1,429 1,383 1,214 871 880 861 847 842 886 895 929 904 892 876 863 846 773 731 742 715 679 665 674 673 666 642 626 606 565 537 441 San Francisco district 242 277 247 253 249 285 261 301 266 272 241 235 218 180 3,747 3,994 8,973 4,116 4,073 4,253 4,297 4,576 4,391 4,529 4,310 4,281 4,182 3,756 2,568 2,744 2,716 2,883 2,974 3,114 3,160 3,200 3,068 3,247 3,056 3,265 3,172 2,854 1,179 1,250 1,257 1.233 1,099 1,139 1,137 1,376 1,323 1,282 1,254 1,017 1,009 902 Figures for nonmember banks are from reports of nearest available date. Revised. NOTE.—Table covers following classes of banks: National banks, State commercial banks and trust companies, mutual and stock savings banks, and private banks under State supervision. Bacic figures—See Annual Report for 1930 (Table 90). 162 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD CONDITION OF ALL BANKS, BY STATES No. 9»6,—ALL BANKS—TOTAL LOANS AND INVESTMENTS, BY STATES, 1927-1931 [In millions of dollars] 1927 State United States... New England: Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts. . Rhode Island._. Connecticut...-- June 30 1929 1928 Dec. 31 June 30 June 29 Dec. 31 1931 1930 Dec. 31 June 30 Dec. 31 June 30 Dec. 31 I 53,750. 6 55, 450. 5 57, 265. 3 58, 266. 4 58, 474. 0 58,417. 0 58,108. 3 56, 208. 7 55,021.1 49, 704. 2 428.2 428. 3 412. 9 427. 3 437. 0 432.5 434. 8 430. 4 410, 0 411. 5 301.0 302. 8; 312. 5 299. 5 295. 8 297. 2 295. 0 311.3 282. 5 283. 6 254. 0! 256. 61 250.1 245. 61 236. 7 251.1 230. lj 221.2 235. 5 239. 3 4,125.11 4,256.8 4,296.0 4,237.1 4,229.2| 3,938.9 4,137. 8 4, 224. 7 3,862.9 3,959.9 537. 2\ 533. r 539. 6 536. 6 542. 61 517. 9 537.4 533.1 513. 5, 525.1 1,159.1 1,224.6 1, 282.1 1,302.5; 1,334.4 1, 336. 3 1,355.0 1,326.4 1,346.9 1,296.0 Middle Atlantic: New York New Jersey Pennsylvania.- .4, 581.115, 290. 4 15, i, 880. 7 16,438. 0 16, 563. 2 17, 222.1 17, 422. 3 17,\ 045. 6 17,128.015,792.0 2, 255. 4| 2, 351. 5 ~ 2, 451. 9' 2,463.2 : 2,449.5 2, 388. 3 2, 404. 9 2, 349.8 2, 279. 91 2, 096. 3 5,406.5 5,557.2 5, 742. 6 5,742.0 5,794.6 5, 703. 2 5, 779. 3 5, 658. 6 5, 663. 2i 4, 830. 6 East North Central: Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin... 2, 552.1 2, 562. 6 2, 684. 5 2,662.8 2,715.1 2, 691. 5 2.628.6 2,543.8 2,436.9 1,981.7 880.9 875.9 890.2 862.9 810. 7 731. 8 897. 3 896. 3 669. 0 598. 7 3, 657. 2 3, 710. 4 3, 885. 5 3, 918. 3i 3,918.5 3, 802. 3 3, 814. 0 3, 703. 6 3,207.1 2,712.4 1,835. 2 1, 860. 9 1, 986.1 2, 019. 5! 2, 070. 0 2, 020. 6 1,982.1 1,897.4 1,744.1 1,489.8 904.9 938.5 871. 3 789. 5 905.9 943.1 953. 0 917.1 906. 7 889.1 West North Central: Minnesota Iowa Missouri North Dakota.. South Dakota.. Nebraska Kansas South Atlantic: Delaware Maryland District of Columbia Virginia West Virginia... North Carolina. South Carolina. Georgia Florida East South Central: Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Mississippi 922.4 901.4 896.1 926.7 877.3 915.3 915.7 861.8 850. 0! 786. 781.6 783. 3 788.0 756.3 791. 4 797. 3 707.6 682.8 1, 242. 3 1, 269. 1, 267. 0 1,276.0 1,175.8 1,199. 3 1,183. 0 1,119.4 1,102. 4 128.0 111.6 129.1 125.3 101.5 124. 7| 114. 7 93.1 88.6 126.8 137.5 120.3 132.0 131.2 136. 7 136.1 113.5 109.1 411.0 359.3 404.6 399.6 333.6 408.11 385.4 319.9 303.5 400.6 404.4 400.7 407.1 376.5 417. 4! 412. 9 352.0 326. 3! 772.8 546.6 996.2 74.2 88.8 245.5 310.5 131.6 788.5 136.3 837. 144.0 820.4 149. 5! 834. 5; 167.9 845.1 167.4 837.4 166.3 846.7 164.9 824. 165. 842.7 164.2 769.1 241.5 536.5 365. 387.8 180.8 352.2 401.9 236.5 560.0 364.5 408.0 190.2 360. 376. 6i 254.5 562.7 363. 416.2 195.9 371.6 357.9 253.1 563. 6 360. 7j 408. 2 184. 5 355. 7i 334. 9 256.0 554.3 357.6 390.4 181.0 352.4 311.5 244.5 551.4 345.1 369.5 168.6 334.4 258.3 242.8 540.5 333.5 354.1 159.6 328.6 213.5 247.8 508.4 319.0 278.1 141.4 299.6 192.1 249.5 489.1 301.7 277.8 137.4 291.4 189.7 249.1 454.7 254. 1 240.4 113.8 269.7 179.6 504.4 383.3 272.0 212.6 514.0 400.5 289.7 225.1 533.7 407.6 301.7 223.7 546. 6 413. 0 312. l! 220. 2 560. 3 432. 0 306. 9 222. 3 554.2 429.8 282.4 212.4 528.6 429.5 262.2 210.8 458.5 368.4 246.4 155.9 421.0 348.0 226.6 147.5 403.8 326.6 207.7 120.9 West South Central: Arkansas Louisiana Oklahoma Texas 198.8 202. 4 208. 2 199. 4 204.7 197.5 397.4 402.0 413.1 429. 4 426. 9 429.2 370.7 395.2 379.6 404. 8 409. 9 400.5 942.8 1, 008. 0 1, 032. 2 1,105.8 1,071.6 1, 036. 4 194.1 396.1! 380. 8 966.5 130. 9 384.8 359. 6 9C 135.4 376.8 327. 885.0 106.7 355.4 288.4 781.3 Mountain: Montana Idaho Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Arizona Utah Nevada 130.2 73.2 51.8 256.1 31.8 61.9 140.8 35.7 134. 8| 76.1 54.8! 241. 5| 39. 9j 75.3 159. 31 36.9 127.5 73.6 51.7 254.5 36.1 69.5 155. 2 35.6 119.8 67.6 52.1 241.3 35.2 62.8 150.7 33.9 109.4 60.3 47.3 226.1 31.0 56.6 133.9 33.9 Pacific: Washington Oregon California 140.9 78.3 54. 264. 2, 35.4] 66.4 152. 2! 35.9 147.6 79.0 55. 31 266.1 37.5 75.4 152.3 37.7 158.9 82.2 59.7 272.6 41.0 81.3 160.2 38.9 150.6 77.2 58.5 265.4 40. 84.9 158.0 40.5 144.1 80.7 57.6 262.3 40.6 81.2 161.7 38.0 44 406.6 423.1 439. 8 448. 6 459. 8 455.1 442. 2 386.4 253.0 260. 7| 262.2 263.1 229.4 260.0 260. 5 249.4! 238. 7 211.1 3,128. 2 3,234.91 3,281.11 3,478.2 3, 407. 7 3,420.0 3,352.7 3,284.9 3, 238. 9 3,115. 1 NOTE.—For classes of banks included see note to Tables 92-95. Figures for member banks are for dates specified; for nonmember banks, for nearest date for which reports are available. Buckfigures.—SeeAnnual Report for 1927 (Table 81). 163 ALL BANKS, BY STATES No. 97,—ALL BANKS—TOTAL LOANS, BY STATES, 1927-1931 [In millions of dollars] 1927 State June 30 1928 Dec. 31 1929 June 30 June 29 1930 Dec. 31 June 30 1931 Dec. 31 June 30 Dec. 31 United States . '37,378.1 '38,425.7 '39,483.0 '40,782.2 '41,531.3 '41,918.0 '40,637.7 38,134. 9 35,384.1 31,305.5 New England: Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts^. Rhode IslandsConnecticut Middle Atlantic: New York.__ New Jersey Pennsylvania East North Central: Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin 196.2 228.8 230.3 229.1 216.9 194.5 209. 214.0 230.6 231.5 147.8 140.0 157.7 150.8 145.5 141.4 140.0 147.7 149.3 157.5 149.0 162.1 145.5 137.5 155.0 151.6 156.1 158. 155.2 158.4 2, 637. 3 2, 691. 0 2, 831. 8 2, 844. 7 2, 947. 5 3, 007. 5 2, 954. 8 2, 883. 4 2, 714. 0 2,489. 2 286.6 306.6 310.7 303.9 277.0 263.7 276.5 285.1 290. 0 274.3 783.4 794. 779.2 741.2 702.5 738.6 764.4 658.1 806.9 803.7 10,081.0 10, 787. LI, 148. 611, 931.612,1,281. 7112,754. 712,570.811,795. 211,, 140. 2 10,095. 7 1,464. 8j 1,535.8 1,607.4 1,650.1 1, 664.2| 1,633.7 1,566.5 1,493. 1,398. "0 1,263.6 3,136.4 3,206.7 3,309.6 3,433.1 3,568.2 3,574.7 3,483.8 3,282.6 3, 073. 4 2, 603. 6 1,895.8 1,906.2 1, 968. 8 1, 985. 6 2,030.2 2,057.4 1,981.6 1,904.5 1, 763. 2 1,407. 0 673. 8 658. 7 662.5 664.5 670. 61 648. 5 605. 3; 529. 8 468.8 402.6 2,694.2, 2,714.3 2, 831. 8 2, 902. 8 2,951. 6 2, 888.1 2,822.1! 2,585.1 2,121. 5 1, 755. 2 1,328.4! 1,330.7 1,424. 3 1, 455. 7 1,515.1 1,514.1 1,452.9! 1,386.0 1, 216. 9 1,087. 7 657.3 520.8 633. 4; 618. 3 642.8 676. 3 654. 7 631. 31 607. " 572.3 West N o r t h Centri Minnesota ' 564. 81 ' 568. 5 ' 557. 9 ' 557. 8 ' 561. 0 ' 565. 2 '525.4! 670.8 646.0 Iowa 678.2 670.4 662.4 676. 0\ 885.4 881.4 Missouri 835.1 868.1 850.1 891.1 902.9 93.3 83.2 72.8 North Dakota. _ 99.9 91.1 88. 79.1 95.4| 93.3 96.4 91.6 South Dakota. __ 91. Ol 94.3 95.8 291.8 272.1 241.5 338.7 335.3 312.9 Nebraska 298.3 295.6 292.6 276.9 311.5 303.0 Kansas 298.4 South Atlantic: Delaware Maryland District of Columbia Virginia West Virginia... North Carolina. South CarolinaGeorgia Florida 476.4 493.0 181.8 457.2 299.9 342.4 144.1 297.8 278.4 East South Central: Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Mississippi 510. 0 605.0 768.0 64.7 77.8 229.4 252.4 490.0 578. 3 684.0 61.0 72.0 209.8 225.5 447.6 386.1 595.6 48.2 53.9 165.5 206.0 98.2 502.6 119.3 515.9 119.0 518.3 114.6 495.8 109.9 480.1 102.4 456.1 95.8 399.1 176.7 469.8 299.9 348.6 144.4 295.3 252.0 92.6 484.4 190.4 467.6 294.9 358.9 147.6 312.8 235.5 190.8 466.8 294.4 349.4 138.8 287.9 213.0 194.3 456.1 288.6 335. 5 138.9 295.8 190.1 184.7 456.0 280.1 312.2 125.9 277.2 149.8 176. 7 438.1 263.8 298.9 117.0 266.5 109.0 167.6 413.5 253.1 226.9 101.3 240.7 92.9 158.3 390.3 230.7 217. 94.0 215.5 75.5 151.5 350.7 193.1 178.1 74.8 193.9 68.4 392.2 334.2 221.7 163.1 395.5 344.7 231. 172.3 404.4 343. 243.7 172.2 416.5 348.3 251.2 166.8 434.6 356. 8 249. 4 170.1 438.2 360.6 229.1 158.0 414.6 354.6 210.8 161.9 359.3 306.5 193.6 114.9 323.0 280.7 170.1 105.0 310.7 259.0 149.0 81.3 West South Central Arkansas Louisiana Oklahoma _ Texas 170.5 331.4 245.4 756.2 166. 336.1 246.0 793.4 167.6 330.6 255.1 793.6 160.2 340.1 255.4 831.4 164.4 345.7 262.2 803.4 155.2 347.5 253.4 798.6 157.4 319.2 247.0 739.0 101.8 300.6 225.9 677.5 277.3 202.3 631.1 75.1 258.8 166.4 526.9 Mountain: Montana Idaho Wyoming Colorado New MexicoArizona Utah Nevada 83.8 47.8 37.4 159.4 20.3 42.5 111.5 27.9 88.1 48.6 38.4 164.3 22.8 44. 122. 5 27.8 94.5 48.0 39.0 165.8 23.8 51.2 119.4 28.7 100.1 49.5 40.3 173.6 26.2 51.8 123.5 29.8 94.2 48.5 40.3 171.4 25.9 54.3 122.0 30.8 87. 50.0 40.0 173. 51 25.71 49.9 126.0 29.2 79.9 47.1 39.3 153.0 24.8 46.5 121.4 28.2 69.1 44.5 36.3 149.0 22.3 38.7 116.1 27.1 65.1 39.9 36.9 131.4 21.7 34.0 106.9 25.7 55.3 32.9 32.2 117.6 17.8 28.6 91.7 25.1 Pacific: Washington.. Oregon California 78.4 262.5 275.8 278.5 286. 3 303. 6 296. 7 275. 0 257.5 230.9 261.1 149.6 147.6 145.7 145. 4 148. 0 140. 4 160.9 126. 8 111.7 93.1 2, 312. 7 2, 318. 6 2, 322. 6 2, 444.1 2, 413. 6! 2,487.1 2,356.9 2,292.5 2,158.1 2, 027. 5 r Revised. NOTE.—For classes of banks included see note to Tables 92-95. Figures for member banks are for dates specified; for nonmember banks, for nearest date for which reports are available. Backfigures.—SeeAnnual Report for 1927 (Table 82). 164 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD N o . 9 8 . — A L L BANKS—INVESTMENTS BY STATES, 1927-1931 [In millions of dollars] 1927 State June 30 1928 Dec. 31 June 30 1929 Dec. 31 June 29 1930 Dec. 31 June 30 1931 Dec. 31 June 30 Dec. 31 United States... 16,372.5 17,024.8 17,782.3]17,484.2 16,942.7 16,499.0 17,470.6 18,073.8 19,637.0 18,398.7 New England: 199.2 217.0 218.3 206.7 201.9 213.8 213.3 203.3 196.0 201.6 Maine 143.6 153.2 154.8 153.9 151.7 142.5 153.5 148.7 153.5 148.0 New Hampshire87.7 95.0 94.6 91.6 80.5 95.2 90.4 84.6 83.7 87.8 Vermont Massachusetts.. 1,225.6 1,268.9 1,305.9 1,280.4 1,309.3 1,217.2 1,341.2 1, 353. 7 1, 515.2 1,449. 7 248.6 252.3 226.9 222.4 239.2 247.2 235.7 254.2 265.6 Rhode Island.-. 250.1 522.1 543.5 539.5 529.4 501.0 538.2 551.3 554.9 567.7 Connecticut 543.0 Middle Atlantic: 4,500.1 4, 502. 7 4, 732.1 4,506. 4 4,281. 4 4,467.5 4,851.5 5, 250. 4 5, 987. 9 5,696. 3 New York 815.7 754.7 844.5 813.1 838.4 881.9 790.6 855.9 832.7 New Jersey 795.3 Pennsylvania... 2,270.1 2, 350. 5 2, 433.0 2,308. 9 2,226.4 2,128. 5 2, 295.6 2, 376.0 2,589.8 2, 227. 0 East North Central: Ohio — Indiana .._ Illinois Michigan Wisconsin 656.3 207.1 963.0 506.9 271.5 West North Central: Minnesota Iowa. Missouri North Dakota... South DakotaNebraska Kansas __. '331.3 107.3 351.2 29.2 29.3 65.9 89.2 656.4 677.2 715.7 217.2 232.8 227.7 996.1 1,053. 7 1,015.5 530.2 563.8 561.9 287.6 285.9 295.8 684.9 225.8 967.0 554.9 276.7 634.1 214.4 914.1 506.5 262.4 '353.9 108.6 366.9 34.7 33.5 75.7 97.6 '368.8 117.6 381.5 34.2 37.7 91.3 108.7 '357. 5 120.6 394.6 36.1 40.9 95.1 119.1 '354.7 128.9 340.6 31.5 40.8 93.6 117.3 '336.2 119.2 331.2 32.6 41.1 87.2 111.8 53.2 312.1 53.1 344.6 51.4 336.1 51.2 331.9 48.5 329.2 59.7 79.3 65.5 45.4 36.7 54.4 123.5 59.8 90. 64.6 59.4 45.8 65.3 124.6 64.1 95.2 68.9 57.3 48.4 58.8 122.5 62.3 96.8 66.3 58.8 45.7 67.8 121.9 112.3 49.1 50.3 49.5 118.4 56.0 57.9 52.8 129.3 63.9 58.0 51.5 28.3 66.0 125.3 186.6 32. 77.0 133.6 214.6 Mountain: Montana Idaho Wyoming Colorado New Mexico . Arizona Utah Nevada 46.4 25.4 14.4 96.7 11.5 19.4 29.3 7.8 52.8 29. 16.2 99.9 12.6! 22.2 29.7 8.1 Pacific: WashingtonOregon California 145.5 92.1 815.5 160.6 111.1 916.3 South Atlantic: Delaware Maryland D i s t r i c t of Columbia Virginia West Virginia... North Carolina. South CarolinaGeorgia Florida East South Central: Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Mississippi West South Central: Arkansas Louisiana Oklahoma Texas 673.7 647.0 639.3 205.3 202.1 200.2 991.9 1,118.5 1,085. 6 529.1 511.4 527.2 281.2 275.4 298.9 574.7 196.1 957.2 411.1 268.7 '351.9 110.3 332.9 28.7 39.6 92.1 99.6 351.9 102.6 351.4 28.4 35.8 90.5 99.7 360.0 1015 418.4 27.6 37.1 93.6 100.7 325.2 160.6 400.6 26.0 35.0 80.0 104.6 48.4 319.1 51.8 350.9 55.0 344.6 63.4 386.6 68.4 369.9 61.6 98.2 69.0 54.8 42.1 56.7 121.4 59.8 95.4 65.0 57.4 42.7 57.2 108.5 66.1 102.4 69.6 55.2 42.6 62.0 104.5 80.1 94.9 65.8 51.2 40.1 58.9 99. 91.2 98.8 71.1 59.9 43.4 75.9 114.1 97.6 104.1 61.0 62.3 39.0 75.8 111.2 130.1 64.7 60.9 53.4 125.7 75.1 57.5 52.2 116.0 69.3 53.4 54.4 114.0 75.0 51.4 48.9 99.2 61.9 52.8 41.0 97.9 67.3 56.5 42.5 93.1 67.6 58.7 39.5 37.1 71.4 140.1 238.5 42.2 89.3 149.4 274.4 43.8 81. 147. 268.2 42.3 81. 147.1 237.8 36. 77.0 133.8 227.5 29.1 84.1 133.7 231.0 35.4 99.5 125.6 254.0 31.5 96.6 121.9 254.4 53.1 31.0 16.3 100. 13. 24.2 32.9 9.0 58.8 32.7 19.4 99.0 14.9 29.5 36.6 9.1 56.4 28. 18.2 94.0 14.8 30.61 36.0 9.7 56.4 30.8 17.6 88.9 14.8 31.3 35. 8.8 54.8 29.0 15.5 88.5 15.1 28.8 37.9 8.7 58.5 29.1 15.4 105.5 13.8 30. 39.1 8.5 54. 27.6 15.2 109.8 13.6 28.8 43.8 8.3 54.1 27.4 15.1 108. 5 13.1 28.0 42.2 8.7 164.0 170.1 114.6 117.1 958.5 1,034.1 161.0 114.6 994.1 156.2 112.5 932.9 158.3 109.0 995.8 182.4 155.5 167.2 118.1 111.9 117.7 992.4 1,080.8 1,087.7 ' Revised. NOTE.—For classes of banks included see note to Tables 92-95. Figures for member banks are for dates specified; for nonmember banks, for nearest date for which reports are available. Back figures—See Annual Report for 1927 (Table 83). ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD 165 CONDITION OF ALL MEMBER BANKS IN EACH DISTRICT No. 99.—ALL MEMBER BANKS—NET DEMAND AND TIME DEPOSITS, BY MONTHS [Averages of daily figures. In millions of dollars] Month (1931) Net deNet demand Net de- Time mand Net de- Time mand deposits plus mand plus time deposits deposits time deposits deposits deposits Boston district January February. _ March April May __ June July. August September. October November. December- 2,324 2,301 2,297 2,312 2,295 2,273 2,284 2,269 2,261 2,210 2,160 2,036 1,319 1,288 1,276 1,300 1,281 1,260 1,273 1,255 1,251 1,228 1,201 1,137 New York district 1,005 1,013 1,020 1, 012 1,014 1,012 1,011 1,014 1,010 982 Cleveland district January February.. March April May June July August September. October November. December- 3,170 3,200 3,227 3,240 3,197 3,179 3,158 3,131 2,997 2,690 2,565 2,510 1,513 1,536 1,543 1,563 1,526 1,519 1,497 1,487 1,405 1,239 1,175 1,161 1,657 1,665 1,684 1,677 1,671 1,661 1,661 1,643 1,593 1,451 1,390 1,349 4,594 4,570 4,537 4,586 4,602 4,418 4,338 4,302 4,181 3,934 3,822 3,689 2,469 2,428 2,383 2,397 2,415 2,324 2,333 2,311 2,266 2,143 2,089 2,013 2,125 2,142 2,154 2,188 2,187 2,094 2,004 1,991 1, 915 1,791 1,733 1,676 Kansas City district January... February.. March April May June July _ August September. October. __ November. December- 1,150 1,133 1,133 1,138 1,129 1,123 1,123 1,097 1,085 1,049 1, 012 998 774 757 749 751 743 738 740 717 704 679 652 645 7,461 7,397 7,446 7,342 7,401 7,228 7,362 7,185 7,166 7,033 6,780 6,642 Richmond district 1,048 1,049 1,042 1,061 L, 064 1,061 L, 055 1,051 1,048 993 965 938 513 509 500 507 508 505 497 494 496 480 467 456 376 376 384 387 386 385 383 380 381 370 361 353 1,071 1,052 1,077 1,108 1,117 1,091 1,066 1,046 1,032 998 965 949 590 577 594 615 625 612 588 569 558 535 520 525 535 540 542 554 555 555 559 557 552 513 498 482 798 813 802 801 797 775 763 746 725 690 688 677 565 577 567 567 563 543 537 524 509 487 484 475 Philadelphia district 2,363 2,364 2,416 2,467 2,426 2,405 2,407 2,399 2,351 2,206 2,137 2,079 1,174 1,200 1,216 1,211 1,220 1,206 1,223 1,229 1,202 1,125 1,071 1,026 1,189 1,163 1,199 1,256 1,206 1,199 1,184 1,169 1,149 1,081 1,065 1,054 Atlanta district 895 892 903 905 896 387 882 875 =153 823 795 789 497 504 508 511 505 492 481 468 454 436 419 418 395 394 391 396 401 407 399 387 376 371 Minneapolis district 481 475 483 493 493 479 478 477 474 462 445 424 Dallas district Back figures.—See Annual Reports for 1930 (Table 95), 1929 (Table (Table 87). 3,148 3,201 3,175 3,184 3,204 3,157 3,121 3,043 2,980 2,821 2,680 2,539 St. Louis district Chicago district January.. . February. March April May June July August September October-.. November. December. 10,609 10,598 10,620 10,526 10,605 10,385 10,483 10,228 10,146 9,853 9,459 9,181 | Net demand Net de- Time plus mand time deposits deposits deposits 849 842 853 862 847 853 843 824 819 798 789 777 392 383 396 403 389 398 395 382 381 371 369 356 458 459 457 459 458 455 448 442 437 427 420 420 San Francisco district 233 236 235 234 234 232 226 222 216 203 204 202 3,177 3,155 3,162 3,174 3,193 3,152 3,125 3,074 3,003 2,894 2,861 2,815 1,290 1,270 1,270 1,279 1,257 1,236 1,235 1,220 1,188 1,146 1,138 1,103 1,887 1,885 1,892 1,895 1,937 1,916 1,889 1,854 1,815 1,748 L121 1,712 I), 1928 (Table 93), and 1927 166 ANNUAL REPORT OF T H E FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD No. 100.—ALL MEMBER BANKS—RESERVE BALANCES, BY MONTHS, 1928-1931 [Monthly averages of daily figures. In millions of dollars] Federal Reserve District Month New PhilaBoston York del- Cleve- Rich- Atphia land mond lanta Chicago St. Min- Kansas Louis neapolis City San Francisco 1928 January February March April 155.9 957.9 151.0 924.4 151.2 931.6 156.3 955.5 141.7 138.5 138.6 139.3 188.9 188.1 186.0 186.7 73.8 72.4 70.6 69.9 70.7 70.0 69.4 69.1 352.1 345.8 345.7 348.1 86.1 85.0 82.8 82.5 53.3 53.1 53.9 52.4 92.1 92.4 92.4 91.9 68.8 69.3 67.1 65.4 185.2 178.2 175.8 179.5 MayJune July.. August 153.6 149.3 149.9 147.1 946.8 925.9 902.4 872.0 138.5 136.2 134.7 132.0 188.7 185.9 186.8 185.8 69.0 68.5 67.2 66.2 68.3 353.2 66.6 352.0 64.7 351.0 63.7 344.8 82.3 80.3 79.7 78.5 51.6 52.9 52.0 50.7 90.6 90.3 91.7 92.4 64.9 64.1 63.7 62.5 180.3 182.5 179.9 178.2 149.6 883.2 134.9 190.3 152.0 148.6 903.4 923.4 134.4 134.5 185.4 183.4 67.6 68.3 69.1 69.6 62.7 63.4 64.8 67.5 352.3 353.3 354.0 353.0 80.1 80.5 81.5 83.4 53.0 55.1 56.1 55.1 92.8 92.5 93.0 93.0 65.5 68.9 71.4 72.2 182.4 185.2 187.3 183.2 1929 January February March April 150.5 146.7 928.5 144.3 924.6 144.1 915.2 137.2 133.5 133.4 133.2 187.0 185.7 185.6 183.4 69.7 68.6 67.6 67.2 67.2 67.6 67.7 66.2 354.3 352.8 346.5 341.6 84.2 82.9 78.7 77.8 53.9 52.5 53.1 51.6 93.9 91.9 91.8 89.2 71.8 70.7 70.0 66.8 180.7 176.0 173.1 171.7 May June July August 141.9 142.4 147.6 146.2 914.7 931.9 930.9 919.9 133.8 134.7 135.3 134.2 184.1 184.2 187.2 188.5 65.6 65.5 65.7 65.4 64.5 63.4 61.9 60.2 340.8 341.0 347.2 352.7 76.6 75.9 77.0 76.7 50.2 51.3 52.4 52.5 87.5 88.6 92.0 92.8 65.1 63.3 62.5 61.2 171.6 172.0 173.9 172.1 September October. November December 147.5 930.5 134.6 151.1 968.4 134.7 154.1 1,107.7 133.8 150.1 999.6 133.5 187.1 185.5 182.9 180.1 64.5 64.9 64.8 65.4 61.1 62.4 61.5 62.6 351.2 356.6 353.6 342.7 76.7 78.1 78.7 79.3 53.3 53.2 53.4 53.3 91.2 90.2 89.7 89.0 62.8 65.8 65.2 64.4 174.1 174.7 175.8 175.2 1930 January. February March April 149.9 145.3 144.6 147.1 September October November December - 152.5 889.7 134.8 187.8 956.6 930.1 944.0 952.8 133.8 133.1 134.7 135.5 182.2 182.9 185.2 188.0 66.2 65.4 64.2 63.9 64.5 64.4 65.0 65.4 337.0 332.5 340.1 345.8 79.3 78.0 77.7 78.6 51.3 50.5 51.8 51.3 88.7 87.1 88.3 87.8 63.1 63.6 63.2 61.7 176.7 172.4 171.0 172.3 145.2 962.7 145.8 990.2 134.8 137.8 189.9 195.1 146.4 140. 9 200.7 63.9 63.2 63.5 63.4 63.0 61.3 60.6 59.2 346.9 -. 149.3 1,000.8 139.4 200.6 351. 2 350.8 77.5 76.6 77.0 76.2 50.9 51.8 50.4 49.7 87.4 88.0 88.9 88.4 61.4 59.9 59.0 57.6 172.8 173.1 176.9 175.7 September October November December 141.2 200.8 146.8 149.1 1,008.3 141.1 196.0 150.7 1,026.3 140.5 191.8 144.5 1,031.6 140.6 187.1 63.4 63.3 63.1 61.3 59.9 59.6 59.1 58.1 348.5 342.6 344.8 343.4 75.7 74.4 73.6 70.2 51.3 51.6 52.3 50.2 88.2 88.1 86.6 85.4 58.5 59.1 58.8 57.7 173.4 173.4 185.1 184.9 1931 January February... March April 146.1 1,051.7 143.8 142.6 1,005.1 141.3 141.9 1,018.1 146.2 143.8 990.5 151.5 190.9 192.7 194.8 196.9 60.8 60.6 61.0 61.6 58.2 58.8 58.8 59.5 339.2 332.9 327.4 330.8 70.2 72.5 49.0 47.5 48.9 50.0 85.0 82.2 82.2 81.8 57.1 57.7 57.1 57.1 181.5 179.4 179.3 179.9 May June July August 142.2 1,008.8 147.0 141.1 1,042.9 145. 5 142.3 1,047.4 145.5 141.0 999.9 143.5 192.8 192.0 190.7 187.2 62.4 61.5 61.0 61.0 58.2 57.4 56.5 54.4 334.0 325. 2 327.6 332.8 73.9 71.9 69.7 67.1 49.1 49.3 47.6 81.7 82.0 82.2 80.7 56.3 54.7 54.2 52.6 181.1 180.6 180,4 177.5 142.7 1,015.8 139.8 154.3 996.1 131.5 135.8 915.7 128.2 129.0 902.4 124.4 178.6 159.9 150.3 147.0 59.2 57.9 55.6 53.7 53.6 51.4 49.4 327.9 306.0 289.0 283.8 65.9 64.7 64.6 63.1 47.6 46.4 45.9 45.1 79.6 76.8 74.1 73.5 52.4 53.4 50.2 49.0 169.7 157.2 159.5 149.8 May June July August; September October November December -. 983.3 Back figures.—See Annual Report for 1927 (Table 89). 167 ALL MEMBER BANKS IN EACH DISTRICT No. 101.—ALL MEMBER BANKS—BORROWINGS 1 AT FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS, BY MONTHS, 1930 AND 1931 [Monthly averages of daily figures. In millions of dollars] Federal Reserve District Month New Phila- Cleve- Rich- AtBoston York delphia land mond lanta Chicago Min- KanSan St. sas Dallas Fran Louis neapolis City Cisco 1930 January February March April 23.9 23.2 21.1 15.6 111.8 70.5 54.3 53.7 53.7 50.5 36.7 28.3 72.8 53.3 31.1 25.7 30.8 22.2 16.8 16.0 31.7 25.3 21.6 18.8 87.4 63.0 35.2 22.7 17.7 16.7 14.0 13.9 7.0 3.0 2.4 3.1 28.1 23.0 16.2 12.8 13.3 11.9 8.3 7.5 22.5 15.1 15.8 13.1 May June July August 17.7 17.3 12.6 12.6 58.0 57.1 44.0 47.6 29.8 28.1 24.4 18.2 21.0 23.6 24.9 15.7 17.2 19.7 19.8 21.4 27.6 30.4 28.9 29.9 20.6 18.1 19.0 16.5 15.5 18.1 16.3 15.1 3.8 3.8 4.2 4.4 15.2 14.2 10.4 9.2 8.7 10.2 11.5 13.9 11.8 10.6 10.0 9.5 September October November December 11.6 8.9 12.3 17.3 32.2 36.7 42.6 90.3 16.4 17.5 19.6 27.5 14.6 25.0 27.1 37.9 20.0 18.9 21.7 33.1 28.2 24.8 26.6 30.4 14.4 15.8 18.5 26.4 17.7 17.3 17.4 14.2 4.1 4.3 3.8 3.9 8.8 10.3 14.0 16.0 13.2 10.2 8.4 6.9 7.6 6.7 8.9 33.7 1931 January... February. March April _ 11.5 10.7 9.9 8.4 55.7 47.8 41.3 41.9 27.3 24.2 20.6 16.0 28.7 23.1 16.4 14.0 22.3 18.3 15.9 13.2 23.4 21.6 13.4 11.0 25.9 20.5 14.7 12.7 11.8 9.4 8.2 7.9 4.1 4.0 3.6 3.5 17.2 13.6 10.5 9.0 5.2 6.2 7.2 7.5 19.9 16.3 14.8 9.4 May June July August- 10.6 11.3 9.0 8.9 37.4 33.0 26.0 48,1 18.2 19.4 16.5 18.6 14.1 17.8 15.8 25.0 15.9 19.4 17.2 18.5 11.0 12.7 13.6 20.4 13.5 16.2 12.1 15.9 7.4 7.8 8.9 10.6 3.9 4.2 4.3 4.6 9.5 11.6 9.5 13.1 8.5 10.0 10.8 13.3 12.6 24.6 25.3 25.4 September October November December 8.1 17.0 26.0 47.5 51.3 153.2 120.5 167.7 31.7 89.3 108.3 117.5 35.8 78.5 98.9 110.6 22.7 35.1 40.5 39.5 25. 3 37.7 51.0 51.6 24.0 50.4 69.9 86.6 12.2 18.5 25.9 26.8 4.1 6.1 7.4 8.0 13.3 24.4 33.8 30.3 13.5 20.5 23.0 17.6 38.1 82.4 89.9 70.9 i Includes small amounts of borrowing by intermediate credit banks, etc., see Table 55. Backfigures.—SeeAnnual Reports for 1929 (Table 91) and 1927 (Tables 90 and 55). No. 1 0 2 . — N U M B E R O F M E M B E R B A N K S D I S C O U N T I N G P A P E R AT F E D E R A L R E S E R V E B A N K S , BY F E D E R A L R E S E R V E D I S T R I C T S , 1924-1931 District 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland 317 593 525 485 297 600 450 483 286 603 558 466 261 602 552 430 265 623 562 421 306 651 594 475 280 658 613 459 294 736 722 457 Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis 463 390 922 391 428 320 825 339 430 333 814 330 383 300 746 309 386 315 685 292 384 352 708 338 345 311 656 343 353 301 695 334 Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas San Francisco 476 586 492 420 290 410 361 380 270 453 453 347 275 377 318 316 224 381 296 268 249 417 359 280 234 447 375 270 266 432 375 295 6,060 5,183 5,343 4,869 4,718 5,113 4,991 5,260 Total Backfigures.—SeeAnnual Reports for 1922 (Table 48), 1919 (Table 39), 1916 (p. {i), and 1915 (p. 71) 125554—32 12 No. 103.-—ALII MEMBER BANKS—PRINCIPAL RESOURCES AND LIABILITIES ON CALL DATES, 1930-31 [In thousands of dollars] ! Total loans and investments Federal Reserve district and date Total Loans * Total Boston: 1930—Dec. 31... 1931—Mar. 2 5 . . June'30. . Sept. 29.. Dec. 31... New York! 1930—-Dec. 31_._ 1931—Mar. 25.. June 30..,Sept. 29.. Dec. 31... Philadelphia: 1930—Dec. 31— 1931—Mar. 2 5 . . June 30..Sept. 29.. Dec. 31... Cleveland: 1930—Dec. 3 1 . . . 1931—Mar. 2 5 . . June 30 Sept. 29.. Dec. 31... XvlCIlXIlOHCl • 1930—Dec. 31... 1931—Mar. 25.. June 30. _. Sept. 29.. Dec. 31... Capita], Investment U. S. Gov- Other ernment secursecurities ities Due from banks2 surplus and undivided profits 3 Total deposits Demand Time deposits 4 deposits 6 1,298,073 995,113 1, 204,948 1, 019, 255 1, 218,931 1,012,817 1,175,010 1, 003, 068 1, 098, 642 853, 363 Unite 1 States deposits 2,510,879 2, 500, 914 2, 455,777 2, 432,135 2,184, 509 1, 749, 779 1,684,028 1, 587, 978 1, 542, 900 1, 390, 491 761,100 816,886 867, 799 889, 235 794,018 231, 504 261, 748 305, 044 330, 322 302, 460 529, 596 555,138 562, 755 558,913 491, 558 150,613 151,295 125,084 125,011 94,918 456, 625 456, 817 448, 498 448, 710 430, 294 2, 533, 237 2, 488, 500 2, 465, 902 2,393, 876 2,142, 758 12,023, 389 11,879,928 11, 660, 700 11, 514,998 10, 565, 263 8, 299,878 7,919, 303 7,536, 765 7,165,117 6, 608,894 3,723,511 3,960, 625 4,123,935 4, 349,881 3,956, 369 1, 493,680 1, 767, 355 1,982, 858 2,195,881 2,125,866 2,229,831 2,193, 270 2,141, 077 2,154,000 1,830, 503 296, 202 325,906 317, 757 228, 783 221, 433 2,600, 335 2, 597, 070 2, 543,666 2, 515,127 2. 366, 024 13, 050, 337 12,014, 009 12, 703, 219 11, 589, 900 10, 734, 548 7,811,998 6, 707,996 7, 353, 386 6, 586, 810 6, 597, 245 3,171, 518 3,185,017 3,149, 367 2,939,879 2, 492, 551 2, 733, 204 2,812, 747 2, 788,197 2, 740, 276 2, 557,905 1, 767,136 1, 704, 053 1,673, 986 1,619, 226 1,520,817 966, 068 1,108, 694 1,114, 21] 1,121,050 1, 037,088 219, 250 351, 586 347, 278 365,901 336, 900 746,818 757,108 766, 933 755,149 700,188 148, 079 257, 646 193,167 114, 401 121,822 651,161 648, 900 644, 055 639, 136 612, 509 2, 577, 500 2, 735, 967 2, 687,040 2, 490, 010 2, 263, 277 1,144, 318 1,145,887 1,147,873 1, 051, 412 1, 028,137 1,173, 585 1, 218, 702 1, 217, 532 1,176,170 1, 031,829 21, 48, 36, 58, 29, 525 305 567 737 713 3, 418, 757 3, 434,140 3, 369, 515 3, 202, 786 2,865, 042 2,262, 364 2,194, 309 2,112, 730 2,012, 229 1, 807, 046 1,156, 393 1, 239, 831 1, 256, 785 1,190, 557 1,057, 996 445, 525 550, 281 587,923 567, 449 489, 264 710,868 689, 550 668,862 623,108 568, 732 194, 723 250, 739 203,179 171, 488 124,431 618, 557 621, 309 607, 333 592, 488 551, 248 3, 427, 997 3, 484, 308 3, 416, 575 3,142,128 2,696, 642 1, 432,806 1, 324, 647 1, 332,987 1, 247,143 1,137,199 1,652,812 1, 686, 448 1,673,893 1, 564,016 1, 333, 792 1,153, 803 1,144,874 1,141,028 1,137,095 1, 050, 098 842,172 811, 906 785, 400 771,602 692, 594 311,631 332, 968 355,628 365, 493 357, 504 109,825 128, 592 141, 289 154,417 157, 375 201,806 98,169 204, 376 130, 460 214, 339 113, 367 211,076 88. 874 200,129 77, 930 221, 744 222, 239 215, 581 213, 698 200, 406 1,192, 332 1,199, 008 1, 202, 036 1,132, 082 1, 037, 016 517.499 485,830 494, 654 469, 252 450,059 538, 383 549,114 561,617 540, 789 474,104 D u e to banks 6 23,788 55, 385 27, 768 24, 720 11, 729 216, 263 208,912 206, 386 191, 078 179,024 51,637 163, 275 134, 631 166,870 186, 095 2, 015,184 1, 957, 721 2, 065,835 1,896, 341 1, 458, 657 Reserve Net with demand Federal deposits Reserve banks 1,309, 501 1, 258, 796 1,257,332 1, 209, 808 1,125,306 .DlllS payable and rediscounts Number of banks 19, 230 16, 497 13, 497 25, 277 61, 976 396 393 387 383 373 7, 746,316 1,062, 054 88,146 7,449, 757 988, 750 60,861 7, 466, 483 1,009,604 51,411 7, 362, 761 1, 037, 705 95, 764 6, 684, 437 796,159 194, 377 914 908 902 876 841 238, 072 323,073 285, 068 203, 691 173, 598 1,187, 035 1, 240,138 1, 202,125 1,120, 065 1, 039, 208 145,098 40, 774 151, 562 27, 343 148, 391 26,069 142,911 72, 309 125, 848 140,890 753 751 744 740 715 28,500 25,633 35,040 73, 258 29, 295 313,879 447, 580 374,655 257, 711 196, 356 1, 512, 452 1, 548, 382 1, 514, 642 1, 340, 578 1,182, 724 185, 745 50, 938 195,891 23,651 189, 309 24, 273 168, 032 67, 250 146, 996 129, 454 757 735 719 698 655 18,105 26, 035 23,158 17, 416 19, 861 118, 345 138, 029 122, 607 104,625 92, 992 520,162 503, 255 507, 360 487,161 449, 768 147,298 140,399 139,198 144, 309 148,800 63,153 62, 363 62, 704 58, 083 51, 201 31, 584 18,127 18, 517 35,820 38,124 470 466 458 448 403 Atlanta: 1930—Dec. 3 1 — 1931—Mar. 25.. June 3 0 — Sept. 29.. Dec. 3 1 — 989,419 974,603 957, 288 960, 226 905,998 1930—Dec. 31... 1931—Mar. 25_. June 3 0 — Sept. 29.. Dec. 3 1 — 4, 809, 422 4, 784, 225 4, 486,005 4, 237,929 3,881, 805 ol. -L/OUIS. 410, 425 398, 620 402, 239 393. 049 369,135 27, 770 39, 297 31, 475 43,127 25, 212 124, 249 140,195 128,120 99, 205 93, 435 509,161 506, 731 496, 949 446, 217 427, 931 62, 543 59, 372 58, 510 52,125 48, 510 780, 602 778, 797 720, 652 705, 243 644, 391 5,148, 216 2, 381,814 2,134, 998 5, 010, 973 2,176,211 2,155, 438 4,843, 806 2, 192,100 2,027, 574 4, 495, 205 2, 077, 098 1,882, 320 4,064, 337 1, 937, 475 1,645, 159 40, 767 54, 502 45,137 29,655 33, 846 590, 637 624,822 578, 995 506,132 447,857 2, 491, 270 2, 388, 379 2, 349, 476 2, 207,691 2, 041, 721 361, 773 322,183 322,631 324,096 286, 429 1, 210, 785 597, 571 1, 233, 083 574, 657 575,324 1,193,993 1,116, 596 514,180 1, 028,178 504,811 470, 353 4,393 483, 920 17,160 471,159 10,130 468, 508 17, 752 419, 521 7,500 138, 468 157, 346 137, 380 116,156 96, 346 616, 229 600, 264 609, 602 548, 087 519, 775 69, 644 71. 735 68, 804 65, 778 59, 938 20, 755 14,037 13,633 19, 254 26, 594 513 505 506 500 465 2,480 2,262 3,510 9,848 3,141 104, 972 118,844 108,889 94, 228 87, 404 397, 715 403, 327 402, 057 375,114 354, 617 48, 364 49, 261 53, 404 46, 932 45, 571 4,868 3,751 4,626 4,699 7,543 642 632 615 597 579 372,125 4,306 385, 627 5,071 386, 239 6,297 378,119 13, 542 340,900 4,773 226, 846 245, 727 237, 224 185, 500 165,612 801, 709 743, 824 752, 828 689,008 664,001 88, 298 16, 455 81, 275 9,497 84, 307 9,433 77, 447 15, 398 76, 242 29, 429 871 861 854 844 824 233, 608 236,135 231, 599 211, 033 198,918 13. 574 22,179 16, 834 39/627 21, 973 141,410 150, 654 130, 838 98, 957 97, 943 573, 978 568, 625 545, 936 495, 848 474, 545 58,104 5,958 57, 468 8,989 57, 323 11, 763 56, 759 16,817 49, 638 14, 341 684 666 658 645 617 3, 593, 350 1, 300, 641 1, 933, 428 3, 473, 707 1,211,112 1,886,045 3, 498, 790 1, 216, 676 1, 930, 826 3,197, 697 1,123,387 1, 785, 507 3, 079, 364 1, 088,867 1, 726, 597 30, 570 43,100 24,850 31, 609 38, 707 328, 711 333, 450 326, 438 257,194 225,193 1, 303, 852 182, 435 18, 724 1, 269, 605 184, 219 42,235 1, 252, 210 202, 236 9,717 1,162,865 165,053 51, 570 1,103, 385 139,837 57, 201 581 573 559 545 522 263, 665 298,664 311,643 325, 039 312, 704 112, 276 145, 450 151, 820 160, 517 153, 550 151, 389 153, 214 159,823 164, 522 159,154 134, 760 161, 700 146, 852 96, 262 97,669 184, 316 1, 068, 251 505,807 188, 078 1, 087, 522 489, 410 182, 314 1, 044, 417 482, 533 961, 924 426, 543 181, 536 910,014 422, 232 174, 345 3, 405, 956 1, 403, 466 3, 256, 927 1, 527, 298 3,025, 336 1, 460,669 2,869, 312 1,368,617 2, 632,402 1, 249, 403 538, 463 676, 599 713, 795 664,147 598, 953 865,003 850,699 746,874 704, 470 650,450 427,163 438, 633 443, 646 372, 456 279, 313 725, 754 675, 939 645, 645 635,187 593, 294 1930—Dec. 325.. 1— 1931—Mar. June 3 0 — Sept. 29.. Dec. 3 1 — 1,153, 702 1,147, 547 1,136, 962 1,108, 720 1,030, 777 787,429 741,917 702, 225 683,152 623, 439 366,273 405,630 434, 737 425, 568 407, 338 94,265 121, 316 142, 410 152, 731 158,694 272,008 284, 314 292, 327 272,837 248,644 122, 559 156, 746 120, 336 92,140 73, 365 187,928 186,427 185, 307 183, 988 170, 858 1930—Dec. 3 1 — 1931—Mar. 25.. June 3 0 — Sept. 29.Dec. 3 1 — Kansas City: 1930—Dec. 3 1 — 1931—Mar. 25 _. June 3 0 — Sept. 29.. Dec. 3 1 — 851,130 853, 768 840, 370 821,172 789, 221 494, 527 492, 212 479, 445 456, 082 440, 589 356, 603 361, 556 360, 925 365,110 348, 632 122, 434 120, 300 118, 718 121, 997 111, 783 234,169 241, 256 242, 207 243,113 236, 849 142,016 142, 433 130, 283 101, 647 95, 379 117, 727 116, 585 115, 790 115,664 113, 021 1,147, 050 1,104,184 1,101,672 1, 064, 251 1,016, 080 716, 688 672, 234 652, 821 613, 799 573, 601 430, 362 431, 950 448,851 450, 452 442, 479 172,848 169, 042 185, 805 199, 652 204, 753 257, 514 262, 908 263,046 250,800 237, 726 232, 075 266, 341 241, 460 183, 599 158,809 165, 065 165, 795 162,959 162, 712 157,839 822, 436 826, 072 803, 051 776, 309 723,869 600, 957 578, 700 560, 422 532,185 479, 612 221, 479 247,372 242, 629 244,124 244, 257 117,699 145, 254 129, 762 131, 590 132, 233 103, 780 102,118 112,867 112, 534 112,024 184,127 204,174 172, 358 123, 826 113, 904 165,944 166, 738 163, 967 159, 736 149, 725 2, 217,848 1,028, 472 2,108, 418 1,157, 145 2, 053, 490 1,128, 467 1, 973, 313 1,104,024 1,897,906 1,106, 652 467,007 564, 739 536, 330 519,857 546,823 561, 465 592, 406 592,137 584,167 559,829 325, 462 305,131 309, 607 236, 632 203, 253 443,033 450, 096 440, 292 440, 661 428, 669 LJ all 8,S. 1930—Dec. 3 1 — 1931—Mar. 25. June 30... Sept. 29.. Dec. 3 1 — 3an^Francisco: 1930—Dec. 31... 1931—Mar. 25.. June 3 0 — Sept. 29.. Dec. 3 1 — 3, 246, 320 3, 265, 563 3,181, 957 3, 077, 337 3,004, 558 1 2 3 4 968, 307 969, 521 954, 687 893, 976 860, 518 401,002 389, 478 391, 732 356, 026 340, 000 1, 384, 900 781, 623 1, 354, 717 718, 292 1, 337, 754 707,994 1, 229, 728 652, 537 1,145, 737 634,452 961, 727 968, 481 919, 846 837,125 783, 997 573,135 559, 513 540, 575 487, 508 465,163 459, 853 458, 937 450, 556 433,874 429, 973 Includes rediscounts and overdrafts; excludes acceptances of other banks and bills of exchange sold with indorsement. Does not include items with Federal reserve banks in process of collection or amounts due from foreign banks or own foreign branches. Includes reserves for dividends, contingencies, etc., but excludes reserves for interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid. Includes certified and cashiers' or treasurers' checks and letters of credit and travelers' checks sold for cash, fi Includes postal-savings deposits. • Includes amounts due to Federal reserve banks, foreign banks, and other banks; also amounts due to own foreign branches. Back figures.—See Annual Reports for 1930 (Table 94) and 1927 (Table 86). 26,409 18,173 15, 572 34, 409 47, 760 390 376 371 363 349 31, 327 1,081 38, 281 1,062 18, 387 1,009 27,144 960 91,439 903 No. 104.—ALL MEMBER BANKS-—CLASSIFICATION OF LOANS AND INVESTMENTS ON CALL DATES In millions of dollars] Loans to banks Federal reserve district and date Boston: 1929—Oct. 4___ Dec. 3 1 . . . 1930—Mar. 27. _. June 30 Sept. 2 4 . . . Dec. 3 1 . . . 1931—Mar. 2 5 . . . June 30 Sept. 2 9 . . . Dec. 31. __ "NTPOT X\ t5 W VnrlrX (Jiiv. 1929—Oct. 4___ Dec. 31__. 1930—Mar. 2 7 . . . June 3 0 . . . Sept. 24... Dec. 3 1 . . . 1931—Mar. 25. __ June 3 0 . . . Sept. 29. __ Dec. 31___ Philadelphia: 1929—Oct. 4 . . . Dec. 3 1 . . . 1930—Mar. 2 7 . . . June 30. _. Sept. 24 Dec. 3 1 . . . Secured by stocks and Total loans investments Total 2,634 2,561 2,571 2,592 2,583 2,511 2,501 2,456 2,432 2,185 20 25 22 27 26 27 19 18 17 50 U, 763 12, 316 11, 783 12,385 12, 093 12,023 11,880 11, 661 11,515 10, 565 309 328 208 200 172 288 158 163 264 393 2,755 2,687 2,671 2,713 2 737 2, 733 1 51 65 52 49 27 56 Open-market loans Loans to customers (exclusive of banks) Secured by real estate ° Purchased paper Otherwise secured Total and Other unsereal cured estate Secured by stocks and bonds All other Total (22) () (22) () 9 14 15 14 10 8 4 8 1,751 1,702 1,615 1,616 1,556 1,534 1,467 1,419 1,410 1,288 130 102 96 102 88 78 57 54 67 47 577 597 537 553 546 541 522 504 484 443 8 7 8 8 9 8 7 7 7 7 266 270 272 270 273 265 262 260 257 247 770 727 703 683 640 642 619 594 595 543 149 183 232 193 226 189 198 151 116 53 (2) (2) 113 120 118 154 87 93 136 178 7,132 7, 231 6,502 6,511 6,392 6,428 6,051 5,833 5,746 5,502 92 84 80 94 104 121 138 140 130 97 2,666 2,955 2,657 2,759 2, 723 2,796 2,580 2,482 2,368 2,265 13 12 13 13 14 14 16 14 15 13 547 539 532 545 543 530 540 556 540 543 3,814 3,640 3,220 3,100 3,008 2,967 2,777 2,641 2,693 2,583 1,774 1,750 1,697 1,716 1,672 1,654 1 100 81 78 89 78 60 583 607 592 615 601 609 14 14 14 14 14 14 208 216 224 226 227 228 870 833 789 772 752 744 13 13 11 13 9 10 13 42 (2) (2) 95 80 54 134 71 70 128 215 2 () (2) 35 33 14 44 2 () (2) 17 16 13 12 To brokers To outside other Farm New cusland York tomers Cityi Investments Loans U. S. to Govern Other brokers Total ment securiAcceptBills, in securities ances etc., pay- Com- New ties payable able in mercial Yorki in United foreign paper States countries 2 37 24 23 74 81 47 33 18 4 4 4 3 2 3 7 14 2 2 37 45 81 95 89 58 64 61 62 29 106 97 123 95 112 54 46 28 19 4 715 650 702 755 775 761 817 868 889 794 265 216 246 244 237 232 262 305 330 302 450 434 456 511 538 530 555 563 559 492 1,373 1,538 1,830 2,202 2.031 1,584 1,711 1,542 1,154 60 129 92 144 149 191 200 297 201 107 34 47 41 30 28 23 51 44 34 18 23 39 88 69 59 59 63 120 65 38 1,255 1,322 1,609 1,959 1,795 1,311 1,397 1,081 855 550 2,950 3,220 3,241 3,471 3,497 3,724 3,961 4,124 4,350 3,956 1,236 1,343 1,417 1,405 1,367 1,494 1,767 1,983 2,196 2,126 1,714 1,877 1.824 2,066 2,130 2,230 2,193 2,141 2,154 1,831 64 44 84 64 115 57 2 1 3 1 4 5 4 4 3 2 16 12 34 44 63 38 42 25 43 15 49 16 865 828 837 884 923 966 217 193 190 196 196 648 635 647 688 727 747 713 219 1 td td • * * fed W o 1931—Mar. 2 5 . . . June 30.— Sept. 29... Dec. 3 1 . . . Cleveland: 1929—Oct. 4 . . . Dec. 31.._ 1930—Mar. 27. _. June 30-— Sept. 24... Dec. 3 1 . . . 1931—Mar. 2 5 - June 30. _Sept. 29. _. Dec. 3 1 . . Bichmond: 1929—Oct. 4 . . . Dec. 3 1 . . . 1930—Mar. 27... June 30- — Sept. 24... Dec. 31-_. 1931—Mar. 25. June 30... Sept. 29_— Dec. 3 1 - Atlanta: 1929—Oct. 4___ Dec. 3 1 . 1930—Mar. 27_ — June 30.— Sept. 24... Dec. 3 1 . 1931—Mar. 25... June 30-__ Sept. 2 9 . Dec. 3 1 - Chicago: 1929—Oct. 4___ Dec. 31.-1930—Mar. 27... June 30.. _ Sept. 2 4 . Dec. 3 1 . 1931—Mar. 25-_. June 30. ._ Sept. 29_— Dec. 3 1 . - 2,813 ! 2,788 2, 740 I 2,558 ! 46 50 47 53 31 36 38 40 3, 498 I 3,455 3,454 ! 3, 479 ! 3, 530 | 3, 419 j 3,434 i 3,370 3,203 2, 865 34 49 35 31 28 43 33 23 50 43 (22) () 24 19 17 29 20 15 22 26 1,299 1,278 1, 223 1, 204 1,206 1,154 1,145 1,141 1,137 1,050 25 18 19 24 24 24 18 17 19 18 (2) (2) 1,149 1,115 1,107 1,059 1,053 989 975 957 960 906 30 22 27 32 33 27 21 21 25 22 (22) () 1,596 1,568 1,535 1,449 48 40 37 25 589 574 562 510 14 14 14 14 225 229 228 226 720 711 694 675 11 12 11 13 13 8 28 17 2,255 2,296 2,209 2,216 2,153 2,182 2,127 2,061 1,948 1,758 79 74 69 78 65 57 47 42 39 30 785 852 809 824 826 851 837 818 746 673 27 28 33 31 31 31 30 30 29 28 468 465 460 460 467 486 479 476 462 422 897 877 838 823 764 758 733 695 673 605 15 19 19 17 13 11 12 11 920 920 850 835 824 801 775 751 736 668 22 17 17 18 14 13 10 9 7 7 231 253 223 228 233 233 225 217 213 195 18 18 18 17 18 17 18 18 17 16 50 52 51 51 51 51 53 53 55 51 580 541 521 508 486 470 456 443 400 24 28 28 23 18 18 20 16 810 796 746 725 704 678 635 614 602 567 23 18 16 18 15 14 9 8 9 8 168 165 154 162 154 150 156 145 161 141 24 23 24 25 25 27 25 25 24 23 58 58 54 53 53 51 48 44 44 47 537 532 498 467 457 437 398 392 365 348 49 37 71 33 32 20 20 11 8 5 326 1,062 3,640 (2) 3, 555 288 1,100 (2) 67 239 1,014 28 3,265 57 278 1,065 24 3,351 49 288 990 20 3,206 61 235 1,042 28 3,182 63 187 997 23 2,956 72 27 2,782 153 950 79 176 904 23 2,669 99 32 2,469 136 844 1 Includes loans to dealers in securities. Back figures.—See Annual Report for 1929 (Table 93). 81 82 83 80 79 77 75 74 71 60 489 501 485 475 472 468 462 435 429 395 1,683 1,583 1,444 1,453 1,377 1,360 1,236 1,170 1,089 1,035 167 83 286 250 368 134 214 143 98 33 5,117 4,934 4,837 4,933 4,967 4,809 4,784 4,486 4,238 93 132 95 81 69 90 86 100 102 130 4 5 5 7 5 6 7 7 3 4 5 4 3 3 5 6 3 2 1 2 44 39 31 12 14 16 4 5 1,109 1,114 1,121 1,037 352 347 366 337 757 767 755 700 1 8 8 18 18 30 14 13 9 10 3 120 57 101 70 86 14 13 15 5 3 1,080 1,046 1,080 1,143 1,230 1,156 1,240 1,257 1,191 1,058 429 406 444 448 515 446 550 588 567 489 651 640 636 695 715 711 690 669 623 569 1 1 6 12 16 15 22 16 16 15 12 5 37 23 43 13 11 1 3 2 3 309 303 295 316 324 312 333 356 365 358 132 124 124 131 127 110 129 141 154 157 177 179 171 185 197 202 204 214 211 200 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 5 11 17 12 10 8 7 8 6 2 40 22 50 19 19 10 10 1 260 260 263 268 285 264 299 312 325 313 117 115 120 117 134 112 145 152 161 154 143 145 143 151 151 151 153 160 165 159 5 4 45 11 6 39 7 11 82 109 3 20 8 14 94 18 14 53 16 26 53 4 42 45 3 23 41 3 10 17 * Not available. 113 27 186 119 252 49 119 52 30 3 1,216 1,164 1,190 1,251 1,325 1,403 1,527 1,461 1,369 1.249 490 408 466 475 487 538 677 714 664 599 726 756 724 776 838 865 851 747 704 650 61 56 37 ; 18 15 13 9 13 65 130 118 ! 37 35 28 14 11 1 8 8 4 1 1 1 1 45 1 59 28 17 19 17 17 7 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 No. 104.—ALL MEMBER BANKS—CLASSIFICATION OF LOANS AND INVESTMENTS ON CALL DATES—Continued to [In millions of dollars] Federal reserve district and date St. Louis: 1929—Oct. 4 . Dec. 3 1 . 1930—Mar. 27. June 3 0 . . . Sept. 24... Dec. 31. „ 1931—Mar. 2 5 . June 30- — Sept. 2 9 - Dec. 3 1 - Minneapolis: 1929—Oct. 4 . . . Dec. 3 1 . . . 1930—Mar. 2 7 . . . June 30— Sept. 24.. Dec. 3 1 . . 1931—Mar. 25. _ June 30.. Sept. 29.. Dec. 31.Kansas City: 1929—Oct. 4._ Dec. 31-. 1930—Mar. 27.. June 30. Sept. 24.. Dec. 31.- Total loans and investments Total 1,375 1,337 1,315 1,289 1,289 1,153 1,148 1,137 1,109 1,031 31 26 23 33 38 28 22 18 24 28 (2) 957 912 896 870 872 851 854 840 821 789 7 7 6 8 7 7 6 9 9 9 (2) (2) 1,247 1,212 1,165 1,151 1,160 1,147 19 23 22 28 22 23 (2) (2) Secured by stocks and bonds ( \o 9 10 10 6 5 6 8 Open-market loans Loans to customers (exclusive of banks) Loans to banks Secured by stocks and bonds All other Total Secured by real estate To brokers To outside other Farm cusNew land York tomers City* Purchased paper Otherwise secured Total and Other unsereai cured estate Loans U.S. to Other brokers Total Government securiin AcceptBills, ties securiances etc., pay- Com- New ties payable able in mercial York* paper in United foreign States countries (*> (2) 13 24 28 19 16 13 18 20 926 883 831 810 796 708 676 654 637 585 33 35 27 32 28 22 16 15 15 9 281 283 251 245 237 213 206 200 189 174 28 27 27 26 26 21 21 23 23 20 103 99 103 100 102 95 90 90 88 81 481 439 423 407 403 357 344 327 322 301 27 47 76 66 65 51 43 30 22 10 2 2 4 (2) (2) 542 515 483 475 475 461 463 444 I 431 422 11 9 8 9 7 6 5 30 28 28 26 25 24 23 22 22 21 21 21 21 21 20 20 21 20 20 23 366 341 319 308 310 297 316 301 290 277 49 41 59 32 30 26 22 27 17 1 1 2 5 4 113 115 107 111 113 114 98 96 95 97 ; 12 8 9 9 8 7 144 150 130 129 126 130 21 22 22 21 21 22 23 22 21 22 22 23 548 533 501 500 481 485 55 46 64 41 60 26 5 7 6 6 5 7 7 8 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 4 Investments 3 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 14 30 50 44 48 31 29 26 20 8 9 14 22 21 17 16 5 2 1 1 391 381 386 378 389 366 406 435 426 407 129 115 114 102 106 94 121 142 153 1«'»9 263 266 272 276 283 272 284 292 273 249 18 24 30 21 23 21 18 18 14 7 30 17 27 11 7 4 4 7 2 2 360 348 348 354 358 357 362 361 365 349 142 135 131 134 131 122 120 119 122 112 218 213 217 220 227 234 241 242 243 237 26 27 33 29 33 22 28 17 29 11 26 3 424 408 396 402 419 430 198 181 174 173 173 173 226 227 222 229 246 258 9 (22X () 3 4 4 5 19 24 18 19 748 735 683 681 658 667 ! i 2 1 1 I 1931—Mar. 2 5 . . . June 30 Sept 29 Dec 31*"" Dallas: 1929—Oct. 4-_. Dec. 31... 1930—Mar. 27. ._ June 30. __ Sept. 24... Dec. 31... 1931—Mar. 2 5 . . . June 30.._ Sept. 29. . . Dec. 31... San Francisco: 1929—Oct. 4 . . . Dec. 31__. 1930—Mar. 2 7 . . . June 3 0 . . . Sept. 2 4 . . . Dec. 3 1 . . . 1931—Mar. 25. __ June 30. __ Sept. 29. ._ Dec. 3 1 . . . 1,104 1,102 1,064 1,016 21 23 20 22 987 936 907 870 868 822 826 803 776 724 8 5 7 12 10 8 g 9 10 7 (2) (2) 3,133 3,192 3,127 3,109 3,116 3,246 3,266 3,182 3,077 3,005 12 13 12 10 7 8 8 8 12 14 (2) (2) 4 4 4 5 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 (2) (2) (2) (2) 4 3 4 4 4 6 5 17 19 16 17 626 605 579 543 6 7 8 5 124 120 113 109 22 22 23 24 23 23 22 22 451 431 413 383 25 26 15 9 1 4 0 11 9 6 7 7 9 6 673 651 613 615 617 575 558 545 513 467 3 2 6 6 6 4 3 3 2 3 118 127 106 111 108 115 110 107 100 96 17 17 18 18 18 17 19 20 19 19 24 23 21 22 23 24 25 27 25 25 510 482 462 458 462 416 401 389 367 325 68 58 70 26 23 17 13 7 9 5 13 20 15 4 2 4 4 1 3 1 8 6 4 4 4 5 6 9 2,078 2,162 2,000 2,014 1,956 2,135 2,009 1,981 1,905 1,852 108 84 60 86 71 59 49 41 27 21 442 480 445 439 432 472 404 389 385 352 112 110 108 107 108 115 116 118 114 113 503 537 531 525 524 607 607 618 603 598 914 950 857 857 821 882 832 815 778 768 101 65 135 84 159 75 92 64 56 32 5 6 14 15 20 15 42 28 28 13 * Includes loans to dealers in securities. Back figures.—See Annual Report for 1929 (Table 93). 2 21 18 14 7 4 3 1 1 432 449 450 442 169 186 200 205 263 263 251 238 1 1 1 10 16 13 8 10 10 6 5 4 3 44 20 41 13 10 2 2 1 2 1 238 222 219 217 218 221 247 243 244 244 153 132 137 127 129 118 145 130 132 132 85 90 82 90 89 104 102 113 113 112 17 13 13 9 9 7 9 7 6 5 19 26 39 42 42 37 27 21 16 8 61 20 69 18 88 16 14 9 6 5 941 953 979 513 495 522 508 494 467 565 536 520 547 427 458 457 492 497 561 592 592 584 560 1 1 1 1 1 1 1,000 991 1,028 1,157 1,128 1,104 1,107 tel w 3 W Not available. S i B t CO 174 ANNUAL REPORT OP THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD CONDITION OF ALL MEMBER BANKS, BY STATES No. 105.*—ALL MEMBER BANKS—TOTAL LOANS AND INVESTMENTS, BY STATES 1929-1931 [In millions of dollars] 1929 1930 1931 State Oct. 4 Dec. 31 M a r . 27 J u n e 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 Mar. 25 J u n e 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 31 United States . . . 35, 913. 8 35,934. 0 35,055. 7 35, 655. 7 35,472. 3 34, 859. 5 34, 728.6 33, 922. 5 33, 073. 2 30, 575.1 New England: 149.1 144.7 143.9 147.2 Maine 144. 144. 149.0 136.8 134.4 127.5 76.3 72.6 New Hampshire. 73.0 76.7 72.6 72.8 75.3 73.5 73.0 70.7 70. 72.0 Vermont 69. l | 65.5 67.9 67.3 64.0 64.7 62.5 Massachusetts.. 1, 747. 0 1,691.1 1,703.0! 1,714.8 1, 708. 8 1, 656. 5 1, 655. 2 1, 606. 9 1, 587. 5 1, 387. 3 328.0 Rhode Island . . . 328.~ 325. 2 330.1 323.7 335.5 329.3 333.7 331.9 307.4 305.5 315. Connecticut 305. 9 304. 8 287.4 296.3 288.6 274.1 286.0 289.7 Middle Atlantic: New York New Jersey Pennsylvania.. East North Central: Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin. West North Central: Minnesota Iowa Missouri North Dakota-. South DakotaNebraska Kansas South Atlantic: Delaware Maryland D i s t r i c t of Columbia Virginia West Virginia-. North Carolina. South CarolinaGeorgia Florida 10,444. 6 11,004. 6 10,494.8 1,494. 11t, 075. 2 10,832.1 10, 785. 2 10, 663. 0 10, 433.3 10, 325. 2 9, 427. 5 1, 533. 2 1, 524. 8 1, 501. 5 1, 526. 2 1,471.8 1,452. 4 1,431. 7 1, 445. 8 1,409. 1,356. 9 3, 778. 7 3, 705.1 3, 708. 2 \ 799.8 3,868.1 3,811.1 3,935.1 3,860. 8 3, 735. 5 3, 401. 5 1,98 1,958. 0 1, 946. 2 1,919. 6 1,929. 6 1,872. 0 1,849.1 1, 833. 9 1, 749. 2 1, 567. 6 436.4 436.2 4L4.3 382.2 416.5 396.2 362.2 347.6 408.4 333.1 2, 664. 2 2, 574. 6 2, 499. 7 2, 623. 9 2, 680. 6 2, 562. 6 2, 537. 3 2, 344. 8 2, 207. 9 2, 029. 5 1, 534. 3 1, 459. 8 1,447. 5 1,432.1 1,416.1 1,380. 0 1,385. 9 1,314.9 1, 244. 7 1,139. 5 489.0 480.3 491.4 492.5 482. 485.3 464.4 485.5 479.8 438.0 572.4 368. 870.2 73.0 70.9 194.1 209.0 535.4 350.4 855.9 71.4 68.8 189. 202.6 524.2 347.7 848.9 70.3 67.8 195.1 188.1 508.4 332.6 830.9 67.4 68.3 194.9 186.3 516.1 329. 842.4 66.7 67.3 195.0 184.9 507.3 305.8 838.9 64.5 63.1 192.1 180.8 513.9 306.1 822.9 63.5 62.7 193.0 169.6 506.8 300.4 818.6 61.8 63.7 189.4 173.1 499.8 285.1 799.8 59.0 58.8 173.6 171.8 485.3 233.8 757.8 54.9 54.8 161.8 168.3 83.8 321.1 80.2 321.7 78.4 299.4 78.7 307.4 82.5 305.9 81.8 294.9 80.7 291.1 81.4 306.2 80.7 296.5 80.9 278.3 133.9 390.1 201.5 183.0 104.2 259.1 163.9 126.5 391.1 202.0 174.2 97.2 244. 164.4 127.8 379.0 199.0 173.3! 78.3| 246.5 181.3 125.3 376.4 195.8 162.0 71.5 245.5 149.9 130.8 376.4 193.2 161.2 71.5 251.0 143.6 133. 3 359.1 191.5 140.3 68. 228.1 135.3 133. 2 353.3 183. 150.4 65.6 231.9 142.3 132.6 346.6 183.1 141.7 62.8 224.0 136.9 139.4 345.0 178.5 147.2 62.0 235.2 131.9 134.5 326.7 158.6 125.7 56.7 210.3 132.1 East South Central: Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Mississippi 340.4 296.8 221.0 80.1 328.0 285.3 211. li 76.7 314.0 283. 81 201.8 78.4 309.1 279.2 200.0 77.3 303.4 279.8 198.2 75.2 246.2 252. 192.3 62.4 251.5 239.8 180.7 51.7 247.0 241.5 182.9 52.3 238.1 239. 181.1 52.7 226.9 235.8 171.8 45.7 West South Central: Arkansas Louisiana Oklahoma Texas 132.9 287.5 336. 911.2 125.4 283. 3 330. 9; 120.6 259.3 306. 836.2 120.0 250.6 311.3 798.1 116.6 247.4 304.6 799.7 88.4 240. 299.5 758.3 84.8 242.5 283.3 768.1 89.1 239.2 270.2 739.3 237.5 258.2 714.0 71.9 229.0 240.8 659.6 Mountain: Montana Idaho Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Arizona Utah Nevada 114. 7 52.9 33. 227.2 30.1 41.4 85.7 17. 112. 53. 8| 34. 0i 218. 51 30.41 42.4! 85.7 17.5 108.6 49.5 33.0 214. 31.0 40.5 85.9 16.8 103.9 48.9 32.1 200.9 29.7 39.4 85.1 16.9 102.8 48.0 31.4 220.5 28.2 36.2 83.9 16.9 99.6 47.6 30.9 213. 5J 26.41 37.9! 81.2 16.7 95.1 44.1 31.5 208.6 26.2 32.6 79.1 16.0 94.7 43. 31.9 206.1 26.4 32.1 78.9 16.3 91. 40. 31.8 204.7 24. 29.9 74.3 17.1 38.1 30.3 194.4 23.6 29.9 71.9 17.1 Pacific: Washington Oregon California 300.1 264.6 298.1 289.3 314.9 302.1 301.0 324.4 316.9 191.1 195.2 187.6 174.5 207.1 186.2 204. 8 203. 0 215.2 213.8 2,612.4 2,532. 5 2, 582. 2,418.9 2,424. 3 2,449.4 2,418.0 2,436.7 2,407.4 2,474. 2 Back figures.—See annual reports for 1930 (Table 100), 1928 (Table 98), and 1927 (Table 91). ALL. MEMBER BANKS, BY STATES No. 175 106.-—ALL MEMBER BANKS—TOTAL LOANS BY STATES, 1929-1931 [In millions of dollars] 1930 1929 1931 State Oct. 4 Dec. 31 Mar. 27 June 30 Sept. 24 Dec. 31 Mar. 25 June 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 31 United S t a t e s . . . 26,164.8 26,150.1 25,118.8 25, 213.8 24,738.0 23,870. 5 22,839.9 21,816. 2 20,874.1 19, 260.7 New England: Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts.. Rhode Island Connecticut 80.0 77.6 76.8 74.2 77.7 79.6 78.5 71.5 83.0 46.4 44.4 43.2 43.8 45.4 47.6 42.1 45.8 48.4 38.9 37. 36.7 36.5 35.1 40.7 40.2 42.3 43.4 1, 325. 7 1, 327.6 1, 292. 3 1, 266.4 1,250.7 1, 212.4 1,161.4 1,068.6 1,040.1 182.8 200.0 192.2 185.7 186.1 208.2 203. 2 212.7 211.1 201.4 224.0 216.7 210.9 209.2 235. 230. 5 237.6 244.1 Middle Atlantic: New York New Jersey Pennsylvania.. 7, 912.9 8, 202. 2 7, 691. 7 8,079.1 7, 797. 7 7, 525.9 7,176.8 6,801.4 6,468. 5 5,948.1 887.2 918.5 986. 6 883.8 940.1 839.8 1,050.9 1, 048. 2 1, 003.4 803.5 2,448. 2 2,421. 2, 374.6 2, 362.3 2, 328.8 2, 277. 5 2,199. 5 2,123. 6 2,056. 5 1,900.1 East North Central: Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin. 1, 506. 2 1,492. 2 1,488. 3 1,460.9 1,452. 5 1,416. 5 1,373.0 1, 339. 7 1, 263.6 1,119. 5 251.0 266.2 232.3 288.9 289.1 275.1 216.5 301.5 306.0 204.2 2, 061.1 1,976.0 1, 899. 5 1,971.9 1,983. 6 1, 763.1 1, 656. 1, 532.1 1,445. 6 1,319.6 987.9 919.8 1,139.9 1,101.0 1,068. 3 1,051. 6 1,016. 7 1,010. 3 876.5 825.2 327.7 338.2 335.8 313.6 353.3 343.8 307.1 356.7 351. 2 292.0 West North Central: Minnesota Iowa Missouri North D a k o t a South D a k o t a . . Nebraska Kansas 67.5 39.7 33.7 912.5 174.5 191.9 374.5 254.4 616.9 45.5 42.6 139.0 136.2 347.0 243.2 607.1 44.7 40. 136.5 135.7 336.0 240.0 598.0 44.1 40.2 137.7 126.1 310.4 227.0 572.3 42.8 41.0 132. 5 127.0 318.6 220.3 567.3 41.9 39.7 130.3 123.6 307.8 203. 556.5 39.8 37.7 127.7 117.7 311.6 203.0 509.6 39.0 36.3 125.0 106.3 302.0 195.5 477.8 37.8 36.8 120.3 105.5 291.6 185.3 456.6 35.0 32.4j 113.6 99.2 288.4 141.9 426.1 32.1 28.9 101.1 96.8 South Atlantic: Delaware Maryland Dist. of Columbia Virginia West Virginia... North Carolina. South CarolinaGeorgia Florida- 67.1 222.9 64.4 223.6 62.5 205.6 61.7 196.9 63.3 192.5 63.2 186. 60.0 180.3 57.3 173.0 55.3 169.6 54.6 150.4 99.0 312. 5 156.4 147.8 76.5 215.9 90.8 91.8 314.6 158.0 141.5 71.2 197.6 90.8 91.5 303.0 153.7 139.3 60.2 197.4 101.8 88.7 294. 148.4 131.0 53.5 192.1 70.8 294.9 145. 131.5 52.3 183.8 65.2 89.4 284.8 146.6 111.8 48.8 178.0 59.3 84.1 273.6 138.0 114.7 45.4 168.0 55.4 81.3 267.9 134.5 108.3 43.9 156.9 48.2 81.4 260.8j 131. 5 108.8 42.4! 156. 6j 45.7 76.9 242.5 116.2 91.2 38.2 142.9 45.0 East South Central: Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Mississippi 258.0 249. 173.5 60.5 256.3 240.6 166.8 54.9 240. 238.3 159.0 57.7 236.1 232.0 155.9 57. 231.4 233.4 152.7 57.1 189.0 207.0 146.7 45.6 188.4 193.5 133.5 36.1 182.3 188.5 131. 36.5 175.0 189. II 126.81 35.6 166.9 182.6 118.2 29.5 West South Central: Arkansas Louisiana Oklahoma Texas 100.4 231.5 213.5 93.1 228.7 206.4 657.8 90.5 208.7 191.0 636.5 92.0 199. 199.0 602.3 90.7 196.2 601.4 65.6 187.3 187.7 559.8 60.4 178.2 174.0 540.4 61.3 170.9 166.1 518.9 59.0 169. 7 156.4 491.5 47. 6 163. 2 138.8 439.0 67.2 35.0 22.0 140.6 18.7 23.2 64.8 11.8 63.3 32.8 21.5 134.0 19.5 24. 64.2 11.0 32.0 21.3 122.8 17.7 22.4 61.8 11.1 55.8 31.5 20.8 127.0 17.1 20.7 58.7 11.1 51.5 30.6 20.0 118.2 15.7 19.0 55.8 10.8 47.3 28.7 20.5 115.3 15.3 17.7 51.2 10.2 48.4 27.2 20.9 105.9 15.6 15.5 50.0 10.4 44.7 25.2 20.5 101.6 14.1 14.3 47.2 10.5 41.0 22.3 19.2 95.6 13.1 12.8 42.6 10.8 Mountain: Montana. Idaho Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Arizona Utah Nevada Pacific: Washington Oregon California 36.0 21.6 146.6 18.7 23.0 64.0 12.1 205.4 198. 7 198. 6 186.5 181.6 169.1 215.7 167.2 161.7 149.3 116.6 99. 116.9 111.91 111.2 109.4 90.3 86.0 80.0 70.9 1, 730. 3 1,788.1 l,709.2j 1,676.8 1,710.8 1,824.6 1,744.8 1, 701.0 1, 638.0 1,592.3 Back figures—See Annual Reports for 1930 (Table 101), 1928 (Table 99), and 1927 (Table 92). 176 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD No. 107.—ALL M E M B E R B A N K S — L O A N S TO CUSTOMERS (EXCLUSIVE OF B A N K S ) 1929-1931 fin millions of dollars. For explanation see Table 104] 1929 1930 1931 State Oct. 4 Dec. 31 Mar. 271 June 301 Sept. 241 Dec. 31 Mar. 25 I June 30 I Sept.291 Dec. 31 United States.._ 23,249 ! 23,193 21,494 21,565 21,010 21,007 19,940 19, 257 18,713 1 17,570 New England: Maine79 76 75 70 I 73 76 76 77 78 New Hampshire.] 46 44 43 40 I 39 42 43 42 46 44 Vermont _. 42 42 40 35 34 36 38 36 40 38 Massachusetts- _ 1,173 1,144 1,069 1,070 1,021 1,010 922 819 915 958 Rhode Island. _200 192 208 178 172 180 180 187 191 187 Connecticut 230 224 195 187 235 202 205 212 223 218 Middle Atlantic: New York New Jersey Pennsylvania. __ 6,294 984 2,295 6.402 977 2,287 5,725 922 2,217 5,727 933 2,236 5,643 891 2,150 885 2,148 5,335 858 2,079 5,124 855 2,009 5,068 819 1,943 4,854 788 1,819 1,397 287 1,876 1,107 1,421 294 1,825 1,069 335 1,366 274 1, 612 1,027 321 1,367 273 1,707 1,024 325 1,348 260 1,613 999 321 1,361 256 1,588 992 319 1,325 239 1,422 957 309 1,303 222 1,332 907 301 1,234 207 1,290 861 296 1,088 194 1,200 808 279 354 230 569 42 37 121 122 328 227 539 41 37 121 123 301 220 501 40 37 117 114 291 211 477 41 38 113 115 298 194 471 40 37 109 109 290 193 475 37 36 114 110 296 192 445 36 35 111 100 277 182 426 36 35 107 100 273 173 418 34 31 101 95 275 133 392 32 28 93 93 60 204 56 209 55 186 55 185 59 181 59 180 58 174 55 53 50 145 288 152 141 72 189 70 85 294 155 135 67 182 72 80 276 148 327 56 166 71 81 273 146 125 50 169 60 82 267 143 125 50 164 56 264 143 107 46 163 56 80 256 135 109 43 155 48 77 251 132 104 42 150 43 77 244 129 105 41 150 40 74 232 114 88 37 138 42 249 237 164 248 231 160 52 232 220 146 55 228 216 145 56 223 216 139 55 182 196 136 45 181 186 126 36 176 181 123 36 169 179 120 35 161 175 113 29 West South Central: Arkansas Louisiana Oklahoma Texas 93 217 199 621 84 196 181 565 187 191 567 84 180 187 570 176 184 537 56 170 170 521 57 217 195 600 163 505 55 160 153 474 45 154 136 428 Mountain: Montana Idaho.. _._ Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Arizona Utah Nevada 51 31 21 138 18 19 60 10 50 32 20 135 16 20 48 30 21 123 16 20 56 10 49 30 21 116 17 21 58 10 46 29 20 113 17 20 56 11 43 29 19 113 15 19 53 10 42 28 20 111 15 17 50 10 44 27 20 101 15 15 48 10 187 106 1,750 176 101 1,613 183 102 1,615 175 97 1,574 171 90 1,766 161 84 159 81 1,644 East North Central: Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin West North Central: Minnesota Iowa Missouri North Dakota.. South Dakota... Nebraska Kansas South AtlanticDelaware-. Maryland District of Columbia Virginia West Virginia... North Carolina . South Carolina.. Georgia _. Florida East South Central: Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Mississippi PacificWashington Oregon California 105 1,664 Back figures.—See Annual Report for 1930 (Table 102). 22 19 92 13 13 42 11 155 78 1,582 145 69 1,554 ALL MEMBER BANKS, BY STATES No, 177 108,—ALL MEMBER BANKS—OPEN-MARKET LOANS, 1929-1931 [In millions of dollars. For explanation, see Table 104] 1931 1930 1929 State 2,242 3,097 3,113 3,262 2,233 2,454 2,103 1,563 901 4 2 1 to to to to 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 161 13 7 202 16 11 171 12 7 205 13 6 178 5 3 186 5 5 136 6 6 102 4 6 46 2 3 65 94 1,473 69 53 1,760 76 99 2,154 51 67 1,983 48 143 1,553 31 65 1,686 26 70 1,518 24 62 1,140 14 43 704 9 17 East North Central: Ohio _. Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin _ . 84 9 113 24 13 41 5 59 8 10 101 7 225 26 28 75 9 209 15 14 86 8 324 7 14 25 4 115 4 11 24 2 189 7 14 21 2 126 4 7 6 2 86 2 5 3 1 29 1 2 West North Central: Minnesota Iowa Missouri North Dakota... South D a k o t a Nebraska Kansas 15 19 27 4 6 11 11 13 10 47 3 3 6 9 30 13 77 3 3 15 8 14 9 69 1 3 13 7 15 19 73 2 2 16 11 12 4 58 2 1 6 4 11 5 47 2 1 8 3 19 7 38 1 1 8 2 11 5 25 6 1 14 1 6 1 1 1 ^ Middle Atlantic: New York New Jersey Pennsylvania... -O United States . . . New England: Maine r New Hampshire j§p Vermont Massachusetts _. H Rhode Island._. Connecticut I—i 2,275 -•toco D e c . 31 M a r . 27 J u n e 30 Sept. 24 D e c . 31 M a r . 25 J u n e 30 Sept. 29 D e c . 31 OOCOCO Oct. 4 7 15 8 12 7 17 6 7 4 8 4 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 4 1 10 12 3 1 4 21 18 6 12 1 4 2 13 16 11 16 4 9 3 27 28 7 9 1 2 2 17 8 6 16 1 2 2 14 7 3 9 4 8 4 9 1 3 2 1 10 2 3 2 10 6 2 1 1 4 4 9 1 1 1 2 3 East South Central: Kentuckv Tennessee Alabama Mississippi 3 3 5 2 2 4 5 2 5 13 5 2 4 4 4 1 4 2 7 2 2 1 5 5 2 3 1 3 2 1 2 West South Central: Arkansas Louisiana Oklahoma Texas 5 4 13 64 6 4 10 53 4 4 8 65 1 2 5 25 1 6 22 2 1 16 1 2 1 12 1 2 1 7 1 1 1 9 5 Mountain: Montana , . . . Idaho Wyoming _ Colorado New Mexico Arizona Utah Nevada 18 5 1 7 1 4 2 2 17 3 2 4 10 2 9 2 8 1 5 1 4 3 1 2 5 1 2 2 12 4 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 15 3 1 10 3 ' 5 7 1 Pacific: Washington Oregon. California 20 11 59 16 10 30 20 10 90 13 8 58 10 12 133 9 9 54 6 2 48 2 1 28 4k. CO CO South Atlantic: Delaware Maryland District of Columbia Virginia West Virginia. _. North Carolina. South Carolina.. Georgia Florida _. Back figures.—See Annual Report for 1930 (Table 102). 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 7 5 78 7 4 52 178 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD No. 109.—ALL MEMBER BANKS—INVESTMENTS, BY STATES, 1929-1931 [In millions of dollars] 1929 1930 1931 State Oct. 4 Dec. 31 Mar. 27 June 30 Sept.24 Dec. 31 Mar. 25 June 30 Sept. 29 Dec. 31 ( United States... 9, 748.9 9,783. ', 936. 9 L0, 441. 9 New England: 66.2 66.1 66.3 Maine 67.6 26.8 27.9 27. 29.1 Ne wHampshire. 28.1 28.1 28.6 28.4 Vermont Massachusetts.. 421.3 363.5 410.6 448.4 Rhode Island... 117.5 115.3 117.0 126.9 67. 74.3 Connecticut 71.1 70.0 .0,734. 2 0,989.011,888.6 12,106. 3 12,199. 2 1, 314. 4 29.0 458.1 135.6 72.3 67.1 28.4! 29.5 444. 0 137.1 71.9 67.3 29.4 28.8 493. 138.0 76.5 62.6 29.2 28.1 538.4 145. 80.51 62.9 31.3 28.9 547.4 150.9 84.7 60.0 31.0 28.8 474.8 132.9 82.2 Middle Atlantic: New York 2, 531. 7 2,802. 4 2,803. 2 2, 996. 1 3, 034. 4 3,259.3 3,486.2 3, 631. 9 3,856. 7 3,479. 4 New Jersey 476.6 498.1 539.7 482.3 569. 6 553. 4 533. 9; 544. 5 561.9 531.7 Pennsylvania-.. 1,330. 5 1, 283.2 1,333. 5 1,437. 5 1,539. 2 1,533.6 1,735.6 1, 737.1 1, 679. 0 1, 501. 4 East North Central: Ohio 483.1 465.9 457.9 494.2 458.7 477.2 455.5 476.1 485.5 448.1 130.2 125.3 Indiana 134. 127 A 129.8 131.1 131.1 133.3 130.0 128.9 600.1 652.1 Illinois 812.7 762.3 603.1 697.0 799.5 880.4 709.9 Michigan 379.2 380.5 399. 3 369.7 398.0 395.1 368.2 394.5 358.7 314.3 141.5 164. 157.4 Wisconsin 132.2 128. 138.1 168.6 146.1 141. 149.7 WestNorthCentral: Minnesota Iowa. Missouri North Dakota.. South Dakota... Nebraska Kansas _. South Atlantic: Delaware Maryland District of Columbia Virginia West VirginiaNorth CarolinaSouth Carolina _ Georgia. __ Florida. __ East South Central: Kentucky Tennessee _Alabama.. Mississippi West South Central: Arkansas Louisiana Oklahoma Texas Mountain: Montana... Idaho Wyoming.._-.-. Colorado New Mexico Arizona Utah Nevada Pacific: Washington Oregon California.. 197. 114.2 253.3 27.5 28.3 55.2 72.8 188.4 107.3 248. 26. 27.9 53.4 66. 188.3 107.8 250. 9 26.2 27.5 57.4 62.0 197. 105.5 258.6 24.6 27.3 62.4 59.3 197.5 109. 5 275.1 24.8 27.6 64.7 61.3 199.5 101. 282.4 24.7 25.4 64.4 63.1 202.3 103.1 313. 3 24.5 26.4 68.0 204. 7 104. 340.8 23.9 26.9 69.1 67.6 208.1 99.8 343.2 23.9 26.5 60.0 72. 196.9 91.9 331.6 22.7 25.9 60.7 71.5 16.6 98.2 15.8 98.1 15.' 17.0 110.5 19.2 113.4 18.6 108.2 20. 110.8 24.1 133.2 25.4 126.9 26.3 127.9 34. 77.6 45.1 35.2 27.8 43.2 73.1 34.7 76.6 44.0 32.7 26.4 47.1 73.6 36.3 76.0 45.2 34.0 18.1 49.1 79.4 36.6 81. 47.3 31.0 18.1 53.4 79.1 42.1 81.5 47.4 29.6 19.1 67.3 78.4 43.9 74.3 44.9 28.4 19.7 50.1 76.0 49.2 79. 45.9 35. 20. 63.9 86.8 51.3 78. 48.7 33.4 19.0 67.1 88.6 58.0 84. 47.0 38.4 19.6 78.6 86.2 57.6 84.2 42.3 34.6 18.5 67.4 87.2 82.4 46.9 47. 19.6 71.7 44.6 44.3 21.8 73.1 45.6 42.8 20.7 73.0 47. 44.1 19.5 72.0 46.4 45.5 18.2 57.2 45.8 45.6 16.8 63.0 46.4 47.1 15.6 64.7 53.0 51.0 15.8 63.1 50. 54.3 17.1 60.0 53.2 53.6 16.2 32.5 55.9 123.2 219.3 32. 54.5 124.6 202.8 30.1 50.5 115.6 199. 28.0 50.8 112.3 195.9 25.9 53.8 108.4 22.8 53.4 111. 198.4 24.4 64.3 109.3 227.7 27.8 104.1 220.4 25. 67.8 101. 222.5 24.3 65.9 102.0 220.6 45.1 16.9 12.0 80.6 11.4 18.4 21. 5.6 45. 18.8 12.0 77.9 11.6 19.2 20.9 5.7 45.3 16. 11.5 80.8 11.6 15.7 21.7 5.8 44.2 16.9 10.8 78.1 12.0 17.0 23.3 5.8 47.1 .16.6 10.6 93.6 11.1 15.5 25.2 5.8 48.1 17.0 10.9 95.3 10.8 18.8 25.4 5.9 47. 15.5 11.0 93.3 10.9 14, 27.8 5.8 46.4 16.5 11.0 100.3 10.8 16.6 28.9 6.0 47.2 15.5 11.2 103.0 10.5 15.6 27.1 6.6 45.8 15.8 11.1 98.8 10.5 17.1 29.3 6.3 108. 98.3 677.1 111.4 97.2 116.2 95.2 715.2 110.0 93.6 741.2 115.6 93.6 725.9 116.5 95.7 758.2 130.9 100.7 867.5 133.8 101.6 831. 127.6 106.2 811.3 115.3 103.6 826.6 Back figures.—See Annual Reports for 1930 (Table 103), 1928 (Table 100), and 1927 (Table 93). 179 ALL MEMBER BANKS, BY STATES No. 110.-—ALL MEMBER BANKS—BORROWINGS FROM FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS, BY STATES, 1931 [End of month figures. In thousands of dollars] 19311 State Jan. Maine New H a m p shire Vermont Massachusetts. Rhode Island.. Connecticut Feb. 1,596 Mar. 736 937 1,066 1,261 771 997 6,337 6,820 250 3,196 "§,"307 Apr. May 707 2,909 1,047 950 997 4,934 5,687 1,147 725 2,428 2,085 June 855 1,085 July 1,216 Aug. 1,211 744 1,276 1,343 777 411 707 959 326 6,102 5,762 5,382 5,099 750 163 670 325 2,820 2,236 2,517 2,724 Sept. 1,396 Oct. Nov. Dec, 2,038 2,420 3,910 771 1,641 631 1,362 5,605 10, 789 238 600 4,575 5,574 1,962 1,390 22,430 2,601 5,667 2,623 2,073 26, 218 2,270 7, 537 New York New Jersey Pennsylvania. 30, 381 27,405 12, 991 20,460 19, 605 24,369 18, 675 33,925 33,902 97,236 91,012 18, 768 18,516 18,310 14,125 15,379 15,090 12, 613 16,125 18,196 22,921 44,471 49,698 46, 063 >, 811 :23, 659 28,550 24,334 17,289 21,345 22, 076 15,023 22,399 23,440 63, 749 110, 090 109, Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin 11,922 6,223 7,638 10, 921 3,729 9,969 5,750 6,638 5,027 2,506 7,905 3,678 6,371 4,102 1,190 8,494 2, 260 5,780 5, 587 1,319 7,719 2,322 4,381 4,653 1,394 10,511 2,306 3,759 3,491 1,282 7,350 25, 305 23,756 74,558 69,834 2,682 2,926 3,246 6,833 4,477 7,286 6,423 5,300 11,773 12,398 5,105 7,479 6,704 49,874 49,559 999 1,006 2,443 11, 764 8,236 65,769 6,075 10,384 54, 366 4,182 1,276 1,162 1,873 3,305 2,981 4,571 811 553 1,522 2,262 2^720 1,'" 2, 0 1 r 3,370 5,972 13,004 652 1,564 9,150 6,628 Minnesota Iowa Missouri North Dakota. South Dakota. Nebraska Kansas 737 2,000 4,096 839 1, 4,422 2,660 606 723 1,364 1,598 2,952 2,350 902 746 1,424 1,426 3,936 3,301 2,159 1,81r Delaware Maryland.. District of Columbia Virginia West Virginia.. North Carolina South Carolina. Georgia Florida 778 1,262 1,450 629 7,000 5,426 5,174 643 4,603 l,57i 512 6,432 4,086 4,414 1,24 3,145 990 1,923 5,884 4,71 3,15c 2,862 2,157 4,229 2,303 5,279 3,587 1,989 1,331 2,486 8,694 7,468 5,58, 1, 042| 1,112 1,440 2,156 1,656 1,109 1, 3,490 1,984 1,511 2, 234 1,130 4,964 7. 26f 3,346 2,169 2,194 6,025 2,836 4,595 4,994 6,76' 6,444 7,250 8,310 8,743 11,455 12,830 Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Mississippi Arkansas Louisiana Oklahoma Texas _. 268 853 5,019 3,875 5,695 508 2,751 571 564 55C 483 Montana _. 329 325 306 Idaho 543 474 Wyoming 1,568 1,493 1,216 Colorado 387 448 323 New Mexico... 78 Arizona 651 68C 71 Utah Nevada 95! 501 Washington 1, 52S 2,24C 1,771 Oregon California 10, 86C 10,895 10,914 638 773 1,405 1,468 2,597 4,902 802 896 1,410 1,349 3,467 3,542 1,753 1, 759 710 1,111 2,726 783 1,373 2,480 1,723 897 3,968 4,031 3,265 7,517 7,389 5,844 13,918 16,480 443 521 539 1,255! 1,7271,820 3,920 13,526 11,915 2,238 4, 921 7,285 233 849 200 4,609 4,720 4,506 2, 345 4, 080 2,924 5,190 8,221 6, 014 1,067 1,61 1,214 2,362 2, 975 3,292 449 602 514 252 742 225 1,758 360 1,237 6,799 9,628 5,008 3,619 6,500 1,953 3,581 653 100 5,787 4,109 5,896 1,450 3,748 570 1,335 5,983 5,430 6,883 1,350 4,003 675 2,799 1, 714 1,707 1,732 3,683 4,872 1,149 1, 301 4,663 2,625 5,329 1,716 4,009 5,489 6,351 1,705 4,156 7,378 10,019 2,773 8,855 9,599 10,558 9, 589 7,066 9,414 10,463 5,583 1,995 2,383 1,756 1,611 383' 824 373 933 571 359 574 847 387 693 463 642 1,134 375 20 620 732 2,140 1,67" 4,601 1,278 830 579 504 1,220 511 831 707 723 1,826 581 46 1,488 878 685 l,02S 2,15£ 4! 2,08c 521 626 477 2,20: 1,774 1,471 1,46: 1,529 1,34, 8,801 13, 070 3,195 22,840 30, 20: 3,483 10, 702 7,420 9,775 7,146 8,080 1,692 9,014 3,212 4,754 10,333 6,949 8,650 6,535 10, 375 2,281 3,683 11,556 6,731 7,438 4, 856 4,420 1,028 3,155 4,996 3,587 8,851 19,983 21, 222 3,839 5,713 4,535 11,199 21,542 17,207 1,395 12,524 4,678 7,675 840 654 1,112 1,947 864 229 963 945 879 809 740 509 487 867 652 3,860 1,284r 1,353 1,197 91« 571 206 154 203 2,719 1,54: 715 15 218 301 1,182 6,82' 5,479 4,491 1,264 1,486 1,19? 1,926 43, 454 94, 74 85,12S 22,723 i Figures given include borrowings by Federal intermediate credit banks as follows: Jan. Minnesota Missouri Nebraska Kansas South Carolina Louisiana Texas . . Washington California Feb. Mar. Apr. M a y June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 77 121 115 1,862 1,861 654 854 877 850 850 1,667 2,777 2,777 2, 648 1,570 1,570 1,524 58 371 1,159 1,645 1,614 1,948 1,739 876 180 No. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD 111.-—NUMBER OF MEMBER BANKS DISCOUNTING PAPER RESERVE BANKS, BY STATES, 1924-1931 State 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 AT FEDERAL 1930 1931 New England: Maine.New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut 42 42 36 148 13 45 37 39 28 146 14 41 33 39 30 135 12 46 31 36 28 126 6 44 29 37 22 133 11 43 32 40 43 142 11 51 31 42 32 128 8 50 33 42 32 134 10 54 Middle Atlantic: New York New Jersey Pennsy 1 vania 436 221 592 438 235 509 429 247 613 418 261 596 437 264 610 455 264 673 459 282 671 526 406 667 East North Central: Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin 281 169 342 177 95 149 311 161 73 276 141 321 174 68 251 135 286 182 71 241 131 267 166 78 262 143 311 183 85 252 130 287 139 247 122 308 193 83 _. 139 303 123 106 95 133 118 265 110 52 52 108 74 91 230 108 53 59 112 95 85 190 124 66 52 109 87 80 153 116 61 36 97 105 78 131 121 59 40 102 108 67 162 123 47 49 101 120 147 117 39 63 101 117 South Atlantic: Delaware Maryland District of Columbia. Virginia West Virginia. North C arolina South Carolina Greorgia Florida 15 58 11 155 92 80 78 156 42 15 54 9 146 82 78 69 131 17 14 54 10 143 83 75 74 121 41 16 53 9 124 74 72 59 104 35 16 50 9 132 77 78 48 108 36 13 55 8 139 81 61 49 115 49 14 46 8 125 78 61 35 96 35 17 51 9 126 96 53 27 94 31 West North Central: Minnesota Iowa Missouri.. North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas _. East South Central: Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Mississippi 72 62 103 33 West South Central: Arkansas Louisiana Oklahoma Texas --.. 88 41 237 415 Mountain: Montana Idaho.__ Wyoming Colorado— New Mexico.., Arizona Utah Nevada 102 66 27 76 27 19 34 1 — — Pacific: Washington Oregon California Total 87 61 159 6,060 77 35 146 309 74 28 167 417 59 29 100 290 55 30 102 267 50 30 113 71 73 61 27 127 346 53 24 117 345 41 29 17 66 16 7 32 4 82 60 138 5,183 78 57 134 5,343 76 52 73 56 111 4,718 5,113 4,991 5,260 Backfigures—SeeAnnual Reports for 1930 (Table 105), 1922 (Table 49), 1919 (Table 30), 1918 (Table 23), and 1917 (p. 104). ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD 181 REPORTING MEMBER BANKS IN EACH DISTRICT No. 113.—REPORTING MEMBER BANKS—TOTAL LOANS AND INVESTMENTS, BY WEEKS, WITH MONTHLY AVERAGES OF WEEKLY FIGURES [In millions of dollars] Federal Reserve District Phila- Cleve- Rich- Atdelphia land mond anta Boston Jan. 7 Jan. 14 Jan. 21 Jan. 28 Feb. 4 Feb. ll.__ Feb. 18 Feb. 25 Mar. 4 Mar. 11 Mar. 18 Mar. 25 Apr. 1 Apr. 8___. Apr. 15 Apr. 22 Apr. 29 May 6___ _... May 13-_ May 20___ May 27 June3_._ June 10 June 17 June 24 July 1 July 8 Juiy 15 July 22 July 29 Aug. 5 Aug. 12 Aug. 19 Aug. 26 Sept. 2 Sept. 9 Sept. 16 Sept. 23 Sept. 30 Oct. 7 .--Oct. 14 Oct. 21 Oct. 28 Nov. 4. Nov. 11 Nov. 18 Nov. 25 Deo. 2 Dec. 9 Decll6._Decl23 -. Dec. 30 Monthly averages: January _.. February March. April p May June.. July August September October November. December San ChiSt. Min- Kansas Dallas Francago Louis neap- City cisco olis 1,404 1,489 1,480 1,477 1,471 1,470 1,470 1,451 1,460 1,468 1,493 1,484 1,486 1,498 1,505 1,489 1,487 1,476 1,467 1, 465 1,455 1,444 1,447 1,461 1,446 1,453 1,456 1,455 1,448 1,440 1,436 1, 452 1,442 1,448 1, 452 1,451 1,454 1,433 1,441 1,429 1,401 1,407 1,411 1,401 1,401 1,389 1,378 1,381 1,363 1,355 1,337 1,291 9,175 9,097 9,091 9,098 9,177 9,175 9,169 9,197 9,173 9,056 9,316 9,269 9,204 9,095 9,136 9,121 9,059 9,024 9,156 9,133 9,024 9,009 8,964 8,807 8,835 9,056 8,999 9,007 8,912 8,949 8,961 8,759 8,751 8,826 8,872 8,845 8,852 8,954 9,094 8,805 8,694 8,504 8,475 8,454 8,381 8,398 8,357 8,312 8,196 8,397 8,305 8,268 1,306 1,308 1,308 1,304 1,316 1,312 1,307 1,308 1,316 1, 335 1,372 1,392 1,393 1,396 1,422 1,405 1,390 1,380 1,347 1,349 1,354 1,349 1,350 1,380 1,362 1,364 1,353 1,365 1,360 1,362 1,367 1,365 1,361 1,353 1,347 1,349 1,370 1,348 1,323 1, 293 1,278 1,266 1,260 1,262 1,250 1,232 1,224 1,224 1,217 1,240 1,220 1,205 2,205 2,203 2,201 2, 205 2,217 2,227 2,218 2,220 2,231 2. 229 2, 265 2, 265 2, 283 2, 277 2, 290 2, 289 2,273 2,255 2,234 2, 236 2, 238 2,241 2,239 2,258 2,252 2,237 2,228 2,221 2,220 2,224 2, 222 2,226 2,212 2,196 2,185 2,183 2,214 2,196 2,155 2,133 2,106 2,090 2,083 2,072 2,062 2, 052 2,035 2,037 2,030 2,057 2,046 2,017 625 624 624 622 623 621 615 613 614 615 632 631 632 631 647 642 639 641 638 630 630 623 626 641 642 628 637 632 631 631 634 635 629 629 630 630 639 637 633 635 636 632 630 627 625 620 617 619 615 624 623 603 582 571 568 562 567 574 572 562 565 568 587 585 585 582 588 585 578 576 568 557 549 552 550 570 564 567 563 560 551 554 552 552 548 548 546 543 570 571 562 565 563 562 560 559 558 551 54,9 548 543 561 548 543 3,338 3,344 3,326 3,330 3,319 3,298 3,307 3,302 3,262 3,268 3,338 3,314 3,252 3,277 3,347 3,334 3,351 3,319 3,281 3,243 3,268 3,263 3,227 3,237 3,183 3,148 3,218 3,161 3,154 3,145 3,123 3,122 3,101 3,090 3,097 3,092 3,061 2,996 2,975 2,947 2,944 2,943 2,930 2,913 2,895 2,898 2,882 2,879 2,854 2,843 2,813 2,796 645 639 636 634 633 630 631 627 630 645 645 654 653 662 666 662 658 663 664 673 671 648 648 648 642 641 636 630 627 627 622 623 622 618 618 617 623 623 623 612 614 612 611 612 612 614 614 614 613 615 607 593 363 361 361 354 353 352 350 350 349 360 372 372 375 374 379 377 381 365 363 363 365 367 365 368 369 373 372 370 373 368 363 367 369 365 367 368 371 366 366 363 361 363 360 358 357 355 354 353 353 350 360 358 657 651 644 641 637 635 633 633 631 638 634 636 637 638 634 635 637 636 633 626 634 635 635 638 640 640 636 636 635 632 629 626 626 622 618 617 624 617 617 612 608 604 601 599 602 601 602 600 598 598 591 594 437 435 434 435 436 434 435 433 432 431 456 458 457 448 455 456 454 447 439 441 428 424 422 431 435 435 434 430 427 425 421 421 417 419 414 412 443 437 434 429 427 435 435 435 434 429 431 427 423 446 430 420 1,948 1,942 1,931 1,934 1,933 1,931 1,943 1,951 1,958 1,964 2,001 1,986 1,976 1,967 1,982 1,992 1,989 1,986 1,988 1,992 1,982 1,981 1,979 1,986 1,973 1,944 1,955 1,948 1,946 1,939 1,934 1,927 1,923 1,916 1,917 1,909 1,911 1,894 1,884 1,866 1,869 1,871 1,865 1,855 1,856 1,863 1,865 1,862 1,859 1,877 1,854 1,844 1,485 1,466 1,476 I 1,493 1,466 1,449 1,450 1,444 1,446 1,412 1,392 1,345 9,115 9,180 9,203 9,123 9,084 8,904 8,985 8,824 8,923 8,619 8,398 8,296 1,306 1,311 1,354 1,401 1,357 1,360 1,361 1,362 1,347 1,274 1,242 1,221 2,204 2,220 2,247 2,282 2,241 2,248 2,226 2,214 2,187 2,103 2,055 2,037 624 618 623 638 635 633 632 631 633 633 622 617 571 569 576 583 563 559 559 550 558 562 554 549 3,335 3,306 3,295 3,312 3,278 3,228 3.165 3,109 3,044 2,941 2,897 2, 837 639 630 644 660 668 647 632 621 621 612 613 608 360 351 363 377 3,64 367 371 366 367 362 356 355 648 634 635 636 632 637 635 626 619 606 601 596 435 434 444 454 439 428 430 419 428 431 432 429 1,939 1,939 1,977 1,981 1,987 1,980 1,946 1,925 1,903 1,868 1,860 1,859 Back figures.—See Annual Reports for 1930 (Table 106), 1929 (Table 100), and Federal Reserve Bulletin Digitized forfor FRASER January, 1929. 182 No. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD 113.—REPORTING MEMBER BANKS—TOTAL LOANS, BY MONTHLY AVERAGES OF WEEKLY FIGURES WEEKS, WITH [In millions of dollars] Federal Reserve District Boston New Phila- Cleve- RichdelYork phia land mond 1,118 1,107 1,102 1,096 1,089 1,074 1,084 1,067 6,484 6,401 6,385 6.357 6,338 6,331 6,278 6,287 853 847 844 848 856 850 At- Chicago St. Min- Kan- Dal- San Louis neap- sas las Francisco olis City 1931 Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 7.. 14 21 28 4. 11 18 25 _.-. 892 1,462 1,449 1,448 1,439 448 447 447 443 438 429 427 423 2,470 2,470 2,438 2,432 1,440 1,439 1,432 1,431 439 437 438 435 424 421 419 418 2,419 2,403 2,347 2,337 1,427 1,429 1,426 1,424 435 434 433 431 417 419 415 412 2,299 2,317 2,349 2,324 2,071 2,073 2,076 2,061 2,060 2,032 2,011 1,984 1,972 232 230 230 225 224 223 221 220 219 231 240 239 240 240 242 241 243 232 231 230 231 230 229 232 231 234 234 232 231 231 230 230 229 225 227 228 230 226 226 225 226 228 228 229 229 229 228 227 227 224 228 225 404 399 394 392 387 385 383 381 382 387 381 382 381 377 372 371 371 371 367 365 369 368 368 369 368 369 365 364 362 358 355 353 352 351 349 348 347 342 342 339 338 339 337 337 337 338 336 334 332 331 326 326 321 318 317 317 318 316 317 316 315 313 310 312 313 309 306 305 305 302 300 298 301 301 298 297 299 299 298 298 296 294 293 292 290 294 293 293 290 290 294 291 292 297 297 298 297 293 294 290 290 285 280 275 2,453 2,376 2,322 2,313 2,274 2,258 2,216 2,186 2,146 2,068 2,070 2,012 468 451 452 446 434 419 407 401 402 397 397 388 229 222 232 241 231 230 232 228 227 227 229 226 397 384 383 374 368 368 363 353 346 338 337 330 318 1,308 316 1,276 313 1,262 308 1,240 300 1,233 299 1,225 297 1,203 292 1,195 292 1,177 294 1,144 295 1,128 284 1,117 Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 4 11 IS 25 1,075 1,083 1,061 1,059 6,299 6,183 6,346 6,342 Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. 1 8 15 22 29 1,061 1,058 1,045 1,025 1,023 6,272 6,129 6,152 6,126 6,014 848 852 830 823 1,439 1,432 1,426 1,406 1,407 433 429 424 425 423 413 410 404 403 397 2,285 2,292 2,351 2,327 2,311 1,009 995 993 993 6,016 6,098 6,062 5,944 820 819 825 826 1,399 1,388 1,386 1,390 5,896 5,850 5,793 5,814 819 820 825 815 1,388 1,389 1,385 1,381 393 389 386 382 384 382 381 379 2,284 2,245 2,267 2,298 984 424 423 423 421 419 420 420 417 5,979 5,929 5,934 5,869 5,833 817 812 822 815 817 1,376 1,375 1,377 1,376 1,380 413 410 407 407 407 386 382 382 375 378 2,208 2,221 2,223 2,215 2,212 1,378 1,377 1,367 1,360 1,358 1,358 1,352 1,358 1,344 5,547 5,414 5,282 5,294 408 407 406 405 405 403 406 405 403 396 394 392 391 377 378 375 377 375 375 375 381 379 944 920 929 919 824 816 812 806 803 808 802 795 781 784 780 772 766 2,199 2,189 2,183 2,171 980 980 974 954 945 5,875 5,720 5,752 5,778 5,837 5,780 5,738 5,792 5,814 916 922 914 5,285 5,209 5,258 5,266 1,317 1,312 1,304 1,299 5,215 5,153 5,180 5,144 5,212 769 759 749 746 744 739 732 726 728 6,407 6,309 6,292 6,139 6,030 5,838 5,909 5,781 5,792 5,384 5,255 5,181 851 850 840 822 820 817 815 798 776 756 734 M a y 6M a y 13 M a y 20 M a y 27 June 3 J u n e 10 J u n e 17 J u n e 24: Julyl.. July 8 J u l y 15 J u l y 22 J u l y 29 Aug. 5 Aug. 12 Aug. 19 Aug. 2<3 Sept. 2 . Sept. 9 Sept. 16 Sept. 23 Sept. 3 0 . . . Oct. 7 Oct. 14 Oct. 21 Oct. 28 _ .._. - Nov. 4 Nov. 11 Nov. 18 Nov. 25 Dec. 2 Dec. 9 Dec. 16.. Dec. 23 Dec. 30 Monthly averages: January February. March April May June July August September October November December 971 987 994 989 977 972 968 981 975 981 862 1,106 1,079 1,069 1,042 976 967 928 913 894 1,332 1,325 1,317 1,321 1,302 1,301 1,297 1,295 1,283 387 387 383 381 382 378 380 377 369 1,450 1,435 1,426 1,422 1,391 1,386 1,377 1,370 1,354 1,324 1,308 1,296 446 437 433 427 423 419 409 406 404 393 385 377 380 378 376 375 375 374 372 371 371 367 366 365 361 429 421 416 405 388 381 381 377 377 377 373 1,320 1,313 1,299 1,299 475 469 466 462 455 453 451 447 447 459 450 452 452 451 444 442 439 441 435 433 428 421 420 421 414 414 409 406 404 404 401 402 401 399 403 402 401 402 402 397 399 397 396 396 396 398 396 394 392 391 388 376 2,290 2,252 2,256 2,232 2,180 2,175 2,169 2,112 2,096 2,072 2,066 2,070 2,064 1,277 1,270 1,277 1,281 1,278 1,266 1,257 1,247 1,247 1,237 1,240 1,238 1,237 1,231 1,235 1,237 1,230 1,230 1,227 1,223 1,219 1,209 1,207 1,201 1,200 1,200 1,198 1,197 1,196 1,188 1,188 1,183 1,179 1,171 1,165 1,151 1,148 1,142 1,133 1,130 1,126 1,128 1,128 1,123 1,118 1,116 1,111 1,115 Backfigures.—SeeAnnual Reports for 1930 (Table 107), 1929 (Table 101), and Federal Reserve Bulletin January, 1929. Digitized forfor FRASER 183 REPORTING MEMBER BANKS IN EACH DISTRICT No, 114.—BEPORTING MEMBER BANKS—LOANS ON SECURITIES, BY WEEKS, WITH MONTHLY AVERAGES OF WEEKLY FIGURES [In millions of dollars] Federal Reserve District Month 1931 Jan.7 Jan. 14 Jan. 21 Jan. 2 8 . . . . Feb. 4 Feb. 11 Feb. 18 ¥eb. 25..._ Mar. 4 Mar. 11 Mar. 18 Mar. 25 Apr. 1 Apr. 8 Apr. 15 Apr. 22 _ Apr. 29 May 6 May 13 May 20 May 27 June 3 June 10 June 17 June 24 July 1 July 8 July 15..,. —. July 22 July 29 Aug. 5_ Aug. 12 Aug. 19 Aug. 26__ Sept. 2 Sept. 9 Sept. 16 Sept. 23 Sept. 30 Oct. 7 Oct. 14 Oct. 2 1 Oct. 28 Nov. 4 Nov. 11 Nov. 18 Nov. 2 5 . Dec. 2 Dec. 9 Dec. 16 Dec. 2 3 . . Dec. 30 — Monthly averages: January February March April May June July August. September October November December Boston Rich- At- Chi- St. Min- Kan- Dal- FranNew Philadel- Cleveland mond lanta cago Louis neap- sas York phia las cisco olis City 446 434 434 431 418 419 418 417 414 417 414 409 405 408 406 411 412 405 398 393 390 389 381 380 380 384 376 381 374 371 371 372 373 378 375 370 367 359 348 339 334 345 340 337 336 333 332 335 341 338 353 342 3,623 3,510 3,454 3,419 3,407 3,441 3,508 3,519 3,539 3, 472 3,595 3,623 3,561 3,447 3,455 3,436 3,374 3,414 3,481 3,390 3,331 3,281 3,237 3,154 3,147 3,220 3,162 3,113 3,069 3,040 3.005 2.990 2,979 3,010 3.036 2,994 2.992 2,981 3,015 2,800 2, 732 2,629 2,634 2, 613 2,597 2,624 2,581 2,561 2, 532 2,534 2,554 2,615 471 467 463 459 456 453 448 446 444 444 439 434 428 428 428 422 420 419 411 417 422 420 419 422 423 421 421 425 425 427 425 420 417 417 415 421 415 407 402 403 398 399 397 396 391 387 381 381 376 375 371 376 436 418 413 408 397 382 377 373 364 340 335 342 3,501 3,469 3,557 3,455 3,404 3,205 3,121 2,996 3,004 2,699 2,604 2,559 465 451 440 425 417 421 424 420 412 399 389 376 690 689 682 680 171 172 '171 171 168 167 166 164 678 678 675 674 164 165 164 162 684 677 666 657 657 652 647 651 644 646 647 649 648 642 639 645 642 643 643 642 631 629 626 623 618 616 612 601 598 596 596 595 590 587 586 586 585 584 578 578 163 165 162 162 161 144 144 144 144 140 139 139 138 136 131 132 132 132 131 135 132 133 129 129 128 128 120 116 115 116 116 117 116 117 115 116 114 114 113 114 112 113 113 115 113 114 114 115 115 115 115 116 116 114 114 114 115 115 112 115 114 112 685 676 668 649 648 642 636 619 598 590 582 171 166 164 163 160 161 157 159 158 147 145 143 138 132 133 127 116 116 114 113 114 115 114 114 703 695 696 696 160 160 161 160 160 161 161 161 159 156 156 158 155 158 159 161 159 160 159 158 157 155 147 147 147 147 144 145 144 146 1,203 1,215 1,194 1,195 1,193 1,183 1,136 1,129 1,093 1,123 1,164 1,141 1,116 1.121 1,182 1,161 1,145 1,112 1,076 1,095 1,107 1, 096 1,073 1,080 1,071 1,052 1,057 1,062 1,057 1,065 1,071 1,059 1,057 1, 053 1,059 1,048 1,038 1,012 996 987 986 982 982 989 992 1,004 998 1,000 990 975 951 947 203 200 195 191 188 187 186 185 181 188 179 177 176 177 173 174 173 176 171 172 170 170 172 172 169 170 167 166 165 164 163 163 163 162 162 162 160 161 159 156 158 157 156 155 155 157 156 155 153 155 147 145 78 78 78 78 77 77 76 76 59 63 60 59 59 60 59 58 59 58 57 57 57 58 58 59 59 61 61 61 61 61 60 62 62 60 60 60 61 58 57 56 57 57 58 58 58 61 62 61 63 59 60 60 107 107 107 108 106 106 106 103 103 109 105 103 104 103 102 101 102 103 101 101 101 101 101 102 102 101 100 101 100 100 100 99 98 98 97 97 96 92 94 92 90 91 91 90 91 94 93 92 93 92 90 89 94 92 92 92 91 91 92 91 91 91 91 90 91 91 90 89 90 88 89 88 92 92 92 91 94 92 90 92 91 90 89 90 87 90 91 89 89 . 85 84 82 82 85 81 82 86 85 83 82 81 79 81 81 414 412 404 403 378 374 375 371 359 352 347 344 340 340 343 339 339 333 340 340 338 337 334 333 334 327 322 317 315 314 315 310 312 306 306 305 306 318 309 303 304 302 299 294 293 2G9 2G8 295 290 290 290 292 1,202 1,160 1,130 1,145 1,098 1,080 1,059 1,060 1,031 984 996 973 197 186 181 175 172 171 166 163 161 157 156 151 78 77 60 59 57 58 61 61 59 57 60 61 107 105 105 102 102 101 100 99 95 91 92 91 92 91 91 90 89 92 91 89 88 83 84 81 408 374 351 340 338 335 319 311 309 302 296 292 Back figures.—Bee Annual Reports for 1930 (Table 108), 1929 (Table 102), and Federal Reserve Bulletins or March and January, 1929. 125554—32 13 184 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD No. 115.—REPORTING MEMBER BANKS-— " ALL O T H E R " LOANS, BY WEEKS, WITH MONTHLY AVERAGES OF WEEKLY FIGURES [In millions of dollars] Federal Reserve District Boston 1931 Jan.7 Jan.14 Jan.21 Jan. 28 Feb.4 Feb. 1 1 - . . . Feb. 1S._. Feb. 25 Mar. 4 Mar. 11 Mar. 18 . Mar. 26 Apr. 1— Apr. 8_._. Apr. 1 5 - . . Apr. 22 Apr. 29 May 6 . . . May 13 _[___ May 20 May 27 June 3 June 10— June 17_-_ June 24 July 1... July8_ July 15. _ July 22__ July 29 Aug. 5 Aug. 12.. Aug. 19 Aug. 25 Sept. 2 Sept. 9 . . . Sept. 16 Sept. 23,_ Sept. 30 Oct. 7 . . . Oct. 14 Oct. 21... Oct. 28 Nov. 4 Nov. 11 Nov. 18 '__'_ Nov. 25 Dec. 2—_ Dec. 9 . . . Dec. 1 5 — Dec. 23 Dec. 30 Monthly averages: January February March April May June July August September October November December New PhilaRich-1 At- Chidel- CleveYork phia land mondjlanta cago 595 597 605 586 584 579 579 586 581 567 573 567 561 541 520 2,861 2,891 2,932 2,938 2,931 2,890 2,770 2,768 2,760 2,711 2,751 2,719 2,711 2,682 2,697 2,690 2,640 2,602 2,617 2, 672 2,613 2, 615 2,613 2, 639 2,667 2,759 2,767 2,821 2,800 2,793 2,870 2,730 2,773 2, 768 2,801 2,786 2,811 2,799 2,747 2,682 2, 653 2,660 2,672 2, 612 2,634 2,685 2,654 2,621 2, 646 2,590 2, 597 670 661 656 634 601 598 607 603 603 588 578 552 2,906 2,840 2, 735 2,684 2,626 2, 633 2,788 2,785 2,788 2,685 2,651 2,622 672 673 668 665 671 655 666 650 661 666 647 650 056 650 639 614 611 604 597 600 603 595 605 600 591 603 618 608 603 601 597 609 602 603 605 610 421 424 424 409 402 400 399 398 404 412 411 412 418 420 424 408 403 408 404 399 401 403 392 396 391 397 390 390 399 396 395 389 388 387 387 388 379 381 382 373 369 373 368 362 365 363 363 357 355 352 759 754 752 743 750 750 750 751 749 751 751 750 755 755 760 749 750 747 741 735 746 742 742 736 733 734 736 732 734 737 735 735 736 731 732 735 734 742 732 731 727 721 725 722 722 717 713 716 716 713 717 705 277 275 276 272 271 270 272 271 271 269 269 269 270 264 262 263 262 264 263 262 261 259 259 259 256 254 254 251 249 252 250 248 245 246 245 244 248 248 248 249 247 245 244 243 242 239 235 238 234 236 234 229 299 290 289 287 293 289 287 286 286 284 283 279 284 281 276 275 277 277 274 270 266 267 266 2C4 264 270 268 268 262 264 265 265 262 262 262 261 261 266 264 265 263 260 259 261 260 258 256 256 255 251 251 249 419 400 410 415 405 399 393 395 386 377 367 358 752 750 750 754 742 738 735 734 735 726 718 714 275 271 269 264 263 258 252 247 246 246 240 234 291 289 283 278 272 265 266 264 263 262 259 252 ! Min- Kan- Dal- San Fransas City lac ias cisco 1,156 1,164 1,161 1,158 1,147 251 248 249 245 244 242 240 239 240 1,128 1,130 1,126 1,118 238 239 238 237 1,121 1,127 1,131 1,100 1,100 1,085 1,080 1,088 1,082 1,060 1,042 1,036 1, 033 1,025 241 240 241 241 243 241 241 240 240 241 241 241 240 239 239 236 241 231 154 151 152 147 147 146 145 144 160 168 180 180 181 180 183 183 184 174 174 173 174 172 171 173 172 173 173 171 170 170 170 168 167 165 167 168 169 168 169 169 169 171 170 171 171 168 166 166 164 165 168 165 1,251 1,216 1,192 1,168 1,176 1,178 1,157 1,126 1,115 1,084 1,074 1,039 271 265 271 271 262 248 241 238 241 240 241 237 151 145 172 182 174 172 171 167 168 170 169 165 1,267 1,255 1,244 1,237 1,226 1,220 1,211 1,208 1,206 1,194 1,185 1,183 1,169 1,171 1,169 1,166 1, 166 1,172 1,169 1,172 1,191 1,194 1,179 1,176 1,161 1,082 1,081 1,072 1,063 271 270 270 271 267 266 265 262 266 271 271 275 276 274 271 268 266 265 264 261 258 297 292 287 284 281 279 277 278 279 278 276 279 277 274 270 270 269 268 266 264 268 267 267 267 266 268 265 263 262 258 255 254 254 253 252 251 251 250 248 247 248 248 246 247 246 244 243 242 239 239 236 237 227 225 225 225 227 225 225 225 224 222 219 222 222 218 216 216 215 214 211 210 209 209 206 206 205 207 208 206 205 204 204 202 203 204 202 204 201 205 210 209 210 212 216 216 211 208 211 208 209 206 199 194 290 279 278 272 266 267 263 254 251 247 245 239 226 225 222 218 211 207 206 203 204 211 211 203 906 901 895 896 899 896 902 910 919 914 910 903 907 897 897 898 895 897 892 893 893 890 885 882 885 884 885 886 883 887 884 8S2 882 878 873 853 856 848 844 840 834 830 828 828 826 821 823 900 902 911 900 895 890 868 832 825 Back figures—See Annual Reports for 1930 (Table 109) and 1929 (Table 103) and Federal Reserve Bulletins for March and January, 1929. REPORTING MEMBER &AKKS No. 185 EACH DISTRICT 116.—REPORTING MEMBER BANKS—INVESTMENTS, BY MONTHLY AVERAGES OF WEEKLY FIGURES WEEKS, WITH [In millions of dollars] Federal Reserve District Boston New York PhilaRich Atdel- Cleve- mond lanta phia land Chi- St. Min- KanLouis neap- sas olis City Dal- San las Francisco 1931 376 2,690 382 2,696 378 ! 2, 706 381 I 2. 741 Jan. 7 Jan. 14 Jan. 21 Jan. 28 Feb. 4 Feb. 11 Feb. 18 Feb. 25 Mar. 4 Mar. 11 Mar. 18 Mar. 25 Apr. 1 Apr. 8 Apr. 15 Apr. 22 Apr. 29 May May May May 460 461 481 475 3,113 3,114 3,014 3, 021 466 462 466 471 468 3, 077 3, 070 3,073 3,043 3,116 468 471 467 467 472 471 480 479 496 485 479 475 479 3,086 3,039 2,999 3,048 3,035 3,065 3,114 3,162 3,280 3, 258 3, 280 3,222 3,181 3,169 3,172 3,140 3,091 473 455 456 443 429 3,097 i 3,043 3,217 3,161 3,056 379 387 407 451 2,708 2,871 2,911 2,984 3,054 3,066 3,076 3,043 3.131 3,235 3,143 3,115 422 460 504 561 535 540 544 547 549 498 486 487 382 396 386 384 385 385 432 425 425 440 460 464 464 6 13 20 27 June 3 June 10 June 17 June 24 July 1 July 8 July 15 . . . July 22 July29 467 472 472 462 2,839 2,844 2,891 2,910 2,874 2,873 2,970 2,927 2,932 2,966 2,984 2,995 3,045 3,008 3,058 3,071 3,080 414 417 422 436 458 459 460 464 468 479 522 546 547 548 570 575 567 560 528 524 528 530 530 555 547 547 541 543 545 545 543 549 549 547 544 541 568 553 542 509 498 494 494 493 491 483 478 480 478 508 494 477 . Aug. 5 Aug. 12 Aug. 19 Aug. 26 Sept. 2 Sept. 9 Sept. 16 Sept. 23 Sept. 30 Oct. 7 Oct. 14 Oct. 21 Oct. 28 Nov. 4 Nov. 11 Nov. 18 Nov. 25 Dec. 2 Dec. 9 Dec. 16 Dec. 23 Dec. 30 Monthly averages: January February March April May June July August September October November December . 485 481 478 492 466 468 479 484 479 451 743 754 752 766 777 788 786 789 804 800 839 841 844 845 864 883 866 856 846 850 848 853 850 873 871 861 853 844 844 844 844 849 845 836 827 825 862 838 811 801 781 773 762 755 750 748 736 735 729 760 751 734 177 177 177 179 184 184 177 178 179 181 199 200 199 202 223 217 216 217 215 207 209 204 206 221 225 215 227 225 224 224 226 228 223 224 225 227 233 232 230 239 242 240 239 240 238 237 236 237 237 244 245 234 144 142 141 139 143 153 153 144 148 149 172 173 172 172 184 182 181 183 179 171 167 168 168 189 185 181 181 178 176 176 175 174 173 171 171 168 195 190 183 185 185 186 185 184 184 179 178 177 176 195 183 182 754 785 821 860 850 862 849 844 833 779 747 741 178 181 190 211 2,12 214 223 225 229 240 237 240 142 148 160 178 175 178 178 173 181 185 181 183 868 170 874 170 889 I 170 898 172 900 960 965 963 951 989 990 967 985 996 1,007 1,040 1,035 1,036 976 970 973 975 981 951 940 997 938 939 933 924 933 918 919 917 917 892 875 878 873 822 822 821 819 822 832 829 824 882 930 973 999 1,004 970 949 923 898 873 827 825 132 131 131 129 178 129 177 129 180 129 180 130 | 183 130 i 186 129 I 195 132 202 133 201 135 211 134 222 137 220 136 219 138 222 133 229 132 240 133 243 134 227 137 228 136 227 136 228 138 227 139 227 138 224 138 223 142 223 137 221 133 221 137 221 140 219 140 215 140 215 140 222 141 221 140 221 140 215 138 215 135 215 135 215 132 216 129 216 123 216 126 218 126 220 126 221 126 224 126 219 132 217 133 171 179 192 214 234 228 225 220 219 215 216 220 131 129 131 136 133 137 139 138 140 135 127 129 253 253 250 249 250 250 250 252 249 251 253 254 256 261 262 264 266 265 266 261 265 267 267 269 272 271 271 272 273 274 274 273 274 271 269 269 277 275 275 273 270 265 264 262 265 263 266 266 266 267 265 268 116 118 117 118 118 118 118 117 117 118 146 146 144 139 149 151 149 145 139 143 127 123 124 134 136 136 136 132 131 131 128 129 127 125 121 119 153 147 140 138 135 138 138 137 137 136 137 137 133 161 150 145 251 250 252 262 264 269 272 273 273 268 264 266 117 118 131 146 139 129 133 127 136 137 137 145 628 630 631 635 656 661 666 670 744 739 729 730 742 754 752 755 753 755 752 751 752 763 754 735 748 747 746 739 736 730 727 728 729 726 732 723 719 715 721 729 732 725 730 735 737 739 741 761 743 729 715 741 754 755 743 730 726 724 732 742 Back figures.—See Annual Reports for 1930 (Table 110) and 1929 (Table 104) and Federal Reserve Bulle- for January, 1929. Digitized fortinFRASER 186 No. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD 117,—REPORTING MEMBER BANKS—NET DEMAND DEPOSITS, BY WEEKS W I T H MONTHLY AVERAGES OF WEEKLY FIGURES [In millions of dollars] Federal Reserve District Boston 1931 Jan. 7... Jan. 14 Jan. 21 Jan. 28.. Feb. 4 Feb. 11 Feb. 18 Feb. 25 Mar. 4 Mar. 11 Mar. 18 Mar. 25 Apr. 1 Apr. 8 Apr. IS Apr. 22 Apr. 29 May 6 May 13 May 20 May 27 June 3 June 10 June 17 June 24 July 1 Julys July 15 July 22 July 29 Aug. 5.___ _. Aug. 12 Aug. 19 Aug. 26 Sept. 2 Sept. 9 Sept. 16 Sept. 23 Sept. 30 Oct. 7 ._ Oct. 14 ._ Oct. 21 Oct. 28 Nov. 4 ._. Nov. 11.. Nov. 18 Nov. 25..... Dec. 2 Dec. 9 Dec. 16. Dec. 23 Dec. SO Monthly averages: January February .. March April ._ May _ June -_. July August. September October November December San Rich- At- ChiDal- FranNew PhilaSt. Min- Kansas del- CleveLouis neapYork phia land m o n d lanta olis City las cisco 6,492 6, 067 6,179 6,465 6,308 6,446 6, 356 6,393 6,316 6,222 6,145 6,186 6,242 6,171 6,202 6,177 6,537 6,120 6,001 6,033 6,041 5,922 5, 855 5,862 5,853 5, 829 5, 771 5, 866 5,650 5,715 778 783 774 770 762 755 745 752 756 783 784 807 839 841 855 829 817 815 787 789 786 799 800 804 785 793 775 784 778 780 781 780 776 768 766 774 757 724 723 693 C96 687 682 695 692 685 682 693 689 687 654 660 1,081 1,081 1,090 1,096 1,106 1,119 1,104 1,109 1,111 1,118 1,114 1,119 1,149 1,141 1,145 1,144 1,128 1,109 1,108 1,115 1,113 1,119 1,123 1,106 1,095 1,096 1,087 1, 068 1,074 1,075 1,081 1,089 1,071 1,050 1,045 1,047 1,019 985 967 954 933 904 896 892 900 897 891 894 886 895 879 885 331 335 341 331 333 333 323 325 328 329 322 323 326 324 331 334 326 335 337 330 330 341 339 334 328 328 328 335 329 326 331 334 325 326 328 332 328 321 323 322 330 320 315 320 316 312 308 312 311 302 297 293 304 312 304 300 299 302 316 309 302 311 300 301 310 311 312 311 312 309 310 307 304 306 306 302 296 307 304 302 295 292 293 294 288 288 287 287 282 277 271 271 272 264 260 259 260 259 258 257 258 255 250 252 1, 765 1,777 1, 755 1,765 1,772 1, 766 1,747 1,667 1,682 1,658 1,643 1,628 1, 620 1,603 1, 599 1,611 1,599 1,576 1,567 1, 567 1,502 1,527 893 6,455 869 6,403 861 6, 450 881 6,369 865 6,411 854 6,230 862 6,405 846 6,217 6,266 6,049 804 5,873 765 5,766 776 753 783 836 794 797 782 776 749 690 689 677 1,087 1,110 1,116 1,142 1,111 1,111 1,080 1,073 1, 013 922 895 888 335 329 326 328 333 336 329 329 327 322 314 303 305 307 304 311 307 302 300 291 281 267 259 254 1,873 1,839 1,791 1,785 1,809 1,757 1,788 1, 765 1,727 1,637 1,603 1,548 903 904 889 875 876 877 868 856 860 867 864 851 873 888 896 879 870 869 864 861 861 863 853 839 874 863 874 861 837 851 855 837 841 848 849 846 822 828 845 822 834 811 817 817 803 778 798 773 764 749 743 6,394 6,437 6,426 6,409 6,358 6,419 6, 357 6,469 6,529 6,443 6,457 6, 356 6, 376 6,348 6,327 6,475 6,450 6, 365 1,893 1,888 1,863 1,848 1,843 1,844 1,840 1,830 1,799 1,784 1,803 1,776 1,729 1,782 1,821 1,793 1,798 1,789 1,821 1, 834 1,793 1,776 1, 761 1,748 1,742 1,771 1,853 1,782 1,769 1,766 370 371 365 359 360 365 358 359 359 379 369 378 372 386 389 384 381 386 388 388 386 379 392 376 376 377 365 362 359 355 352 354 351 351 350 351 339 341 335 330 336 331 324 329 331 333 332 335 348 342 335 336 366 361 371 382 387 381 364 352 343 330 331 209 202 460 461 452 458 199 200 197 200 200 206 218 216 448 451 448 450 218 219 218 218 219 446 451 447 444 446 449 453 443 444 206 208 202 207 445 442 218 214 217 215 215 216 222 221 216 444 442 446 447 210 216 217 210 214 219 215 208 206 206 204 203 201 438 432 434 428 426 433 426 419 417 412 410 400 390 205 203 202 199 390 390 391 384 199 199 192 190 191 392 388 393 382 206 199 210 218 206 216 218 213 212 203 202 194 458 449 445 447 447 445 447 433 424 403 389 459 448 447 444 440 268 269 272 274 274 274 275 272 275 275 274 275 280 277 281 283 282 284 281 284 269 268 269 269 264 271 270 271 269 2G8 269 270 268 266 262 265 263 257 255 255 258 255 255 256 257 258 253 255 255 251 248 245 736 752 738 730 723 743 738 733 724 755 760 759 750 752 760 757 737 731 740 751 738 729 734 733 720 732 727 741 726 725 727 732 729 716 704 701 710 687 683 673 682 662 654 655 667 666 669 659 660 654 635 640 271 274 275 281 280 267 270 268 260 256 256 251 739 734 750 751 740 729 730 726 697 668 664 650 Back figures.See Annual Reports for 1930 (Table III) and 1929 (Table 105) and Federal Reserve Bulletin January, 1929. Digitized forforFRASER 187 REPORTING MEMBER BANKS IN EACH DISTRICT No. 118.—REPORTING MEMBER BANKS—TIME DEPOSITS, BY WEEKS, MONTHLY AVERAGES OF WEEKLY FIGURES WITH [In millions of dollars] Federal Reserve District Boston New PhilaCleve- Rich- AtdelYork phia land mond lanta Chi- San St. Min- Kansas Dal-1I FranLouis neap- City las ) Cisco olis 1931 Jan. 7_. Jan. 14 Jan. 21 Jan. 28 Feb. 4 Feb. 11 Feb. 18. Feb. 25... Mar. 4 Mar. 11 Mar. 18 Mar. 25 Apr. 1 Apr. 8 Apr. 15 Apr. 22 Apr. 29 May 6 May 13 May 20 May 27 June3 June 10 June 17 June 24 July 1 July 8 July 15 July 22 July 29 Aug. 5_ Aug. 12 Aug. 19 Aug. 26 Sept. 2 Sept. 9 Sept. 16 Sept. 23 Sept. 30 Oct. 7 Oct. 14 Oct. 21 Oct. 28 Nov. 4 Nov. 11 Nov. 18 Nov. 25 Dec. 2 Dec. 9 Dec. 16 Dec. 23 Dec. 30 1,721 1,720 1,748 1,748 520 1,757 517 1,774 519 1,827 522 1,830 526 1,787 526 1,750 521 1,756 524 1,770 521 1, 778" 520 1,752 521 1,749 519 1,750 522 1,786 520 1,788 520 1,803 521 1, 781 522 1,783 516 1,744 519 1,749 516 1,713 517 I, 726 519 1,721 517 1,711 514 1,690 512 1,681 511 1,682 513 1,656 516 1, 667 527 1,651 520 1,645 519 1,642 517 1,622 514 1,632 513 1,613 504 1,596 500 1,553 494 1,535 492 1,459 486 1,428 478 1,397 474 1,388 476 1,396 478 1,392 468 1,358 468 1,310 464 1,287 447 1,260 430 1,249 350 350 352 352 370 374 377 385 393 388 394 394 383 392 391 391 391 399 399 401 405 390 390 387 391 394 403 403 401 404 408 410 408 404 400 396 387 381 367 352 333 326 322 319 307 299 293 288 283 273 274 277 518 520 524 521 520 517 515 519 513 493 476 456 351 376 392 390 401 390 401 407 386 333 304 279 517 513 517 523 .. _ __ Monthly averages: January February March.. April May June July August September October November December 1,734 1,797 1,766 1,763 1,789 1, 733 1, 697 1,655 1,621 1,494 1,393 1,293 1,069 1,063 1,056 1,040 1,032 237 236 236 236 237 237 238 237 238 239 239 242 245 247 249 249 250 252 251 251 249 244 241 237 235 230 238 237 237 238 238 238 237 235 237 235 234 232 232 230 228 225 224 222 223 223 223 218 210 208 208 206 148 149 150 149 150 150 150 149 149 150 150 152 152 152 152 151 152 152 153 153 153 154 154 153 152 151 151 151 150 149 147 146 146 145 146 146 145 145 145 144 143 143 143 144 143 143 143 143 145 145 156 15G 195 195 196 193 194 195 197 197 204 205 205 207 207 204 205 205 205 206 206 206 204 204 206 204 204 204 204 204 203 203 202 202 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 197 196 193 192 191 191 191 191 190 189 187 186 185 148 150 148 150 151 151 151 150 150 150 149 151 151 151 149 150 148 148 147 148 147 147 147 146 148 147 145 143 143 141 141 140 139 139 138 139 139 138 140 135 133 131 133 133 135 136 135 135 135 135 134 133 1,272 1,300 1,315 1,355 1,358 1,310 1,235 1,230 1,183 1,117 1,082 1,052 236 237 240 248 251 239 236 237* 234 227 223 210 149 150 150 152 153 153 151 146 145 143 143 149 195 197 205 205 206 204 204 201 200 195 191 187 149 151 150 150 148 147 144 140 139 133 135 134 990 988 987 988 991 991 996 1,000 1,008 1,008 1,017 1,, 016 242 242 243 243 245 246 248 250 225 224 222 220 1,254 1,273 1,278 1,283 220 220 221 224 1,297 1,296 1,300 1,305 247 250 251 252 227 226 231 232 1,318 1,324 1,308 1,310 1,017 1,019 1,009 1, 016 1,015 1,015 1,013 1,011 1,017 256 258 259 259 261 262 262 263 263 1,013 1,010 1,009 1,011 261 263 262 263 268 270 267 265 264 1,325 1, 312 1,352 1, 392 1, 395 1,377 1,340 1, 363 1,353 1,371 1, 348 1,281 1,241 1,015 1,018 1,021 1,021 1,024 1,021 1,017 1,013 1,006 1,003 999 990 984 975 952 941 934 925 918 912 907 895 892 891 880 877 864 263 263 264 265 262 264 260 254 251 247 244 242 240 239 238 237 236 233 232 232 229 227 230 231 230 230 230 229 228 227 227 228 227 226 226 233 232 234 233 235 236 236 234 233 231 229 228 228 225 220 218 216 217 215 214 213 213 209 209 207 206 206 988 994 1,012 1,015 1,014 1,011 1,020 1,014 990 938 908 881 242 247 250 259 262 262 267 264 258 243 238 231 223 221 229 230 228 227 234 235 228 218 214 207 1,235 1,234 1,228 1,231 1,248 1,243 1,242 1,222 1,213 1,211 1,196 1,178 1,165 1,163 1,141 1,123 1,107 1,098 1,097 1,087 1,075 1,069 1,018 1,020 1,013 1,014 1,028 1,024 1,019 1,026 1,042 1,031 1,028 1,028 1,031 1,035 1,038 1,046 1,055 1,074 1,076 1,084 1,076 1,075 1,071 1,057 1,055 1,055 1,053 1,050 1,044 1,045 1,031 1,028 1,017 1,012 1,014 1,007 988 984 977 953 948 950 950 944 944 945 943 930 930 933 1,016 1,024 1,032 1,041 1,077 1,065 1,050 1,022 994 950 944 934 Back figures.—Seo Annual Reports for 1930 (Table 112) and 1929 (Table 106) and Federal Reserve Bul- letin for January, 1929. 188 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD No. 119.-—REPORTING MEMBER BANKS-—RESERVE BALANCES, BY WEEKS, W I T H MONTHLY AVERAGES OF WEEKLY FIGURES [In millions of dollars] Federal Reserve District San ChiSt. Min- Kansas Dalcago Louis neap- City las Franolis cisco Apr. 1 Apr. 8 Apr. 15 Apr. 22 Apr. 29 May 6 May 13 May 20 Mav 27 July l July 8 July 15 July 22 July 29 Monthly averages January. February March April May June July August September... October.._ November. December. 47 45 43 43 45 46 46 45 44 45 45 47 45 47 48 45 47 49 46 49 49 49 49 45 46 45 44 42 45 43 42 41 42 44 43 43 41 43 39 41 43 42 40 44 43 45 44 40 45 42 43 48 26 25 26 26 25 23 22 23 24 24 28 26 26 27 24 26 24 27 25 25 25 27 27 27 24 24 26 24 25 26 25 25 27 25 26 28 25 26 23 25 24 24 23 25 23 24 23 24 24 23 22 25 45 45 45 47 48 47 44 42 42 42 44 44 26 23 26 26 25 26 25 26 26 24 24 24 55 53 53 54 54 55 52 54 54 52 53 52 54 55 53 52 52 53 53 53 54 51 52 53 53 56 53 53 54 52 54 51 52 53 51 56 49 51 50 52 50 47 48 48 46 48 48 33 32 34 34 36 33 32 33 32 31 32 34 32 34 34 32 32 34 33 35 32 30 33 31 31 32 33 108 111 106 107 109 112 107 107 106 108 111 112 106 117 106 103 101 109 109 113 110 106 109 105 106 108 109 107 105 107 105 106 108 108 105 99 102 101 98 95 96 92 92 91 95 96 99 46 45 50 44 46 91 96 88 87 54 54 53 53 53 52 54 53 51 49 48 46 108 109 109 107 110 106 107 107 101 93 95 91 Back figures.—See Annual Reports for 1930 (Table 113), 1929 (Table 107), and Federal Reserve Digitized for Bulletin FRASER for January, 1929. 189 REPORTING MEMBER BANKS IN EACH DISTRICT No. 120.-—REPORTING MEMBER BANKS-—BORROWINGS AT FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS, BY WEEKS, WITH MONTHLY AVERAGES OF WEEKLY FIGURES [In millions of dollars] Federal Reserve District Min- Kan- Dal- San Cleve- Rich- At- Chi- St. neapNew Philasas delBoston York las Franland mond lanta cago Louis olis City cisco phia 1931 2 3 7 9 17 to 6 4 3 2 3 14 55 58 64 13 9 3 3 4 6 6 13 24 59 73 86 17 17 27 21 6 5 4 3 4 6 3 4 9 16 18 20 to to 18 18 24 29 31 32 32 29 37 32 31 25 25 10 9 3 2 — to to 12 7 3 6 6 9 8 19 19 104 53 130 to toco -i to to to ->• o too 2 2 3 2 56 56 65 79 61 41 53 65 75 80 75 69 67 71 79 86 102 91 3 5 4 5 6 8 12 11 12 12 19 21 18 18 22 § 9 15 30 22 23 19 19 20 16 77 152 105 80 57 51 49 53 54 68 47 149 334 1> 2 2 2 4 4 8 9 8 6 8 3 4 3 4 6 13 22 25 45 60 58 59 55 59 59 59 5 5 7 6 8 7 18 17 20 21 18 31 29 6 11 22 31 30 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 6 7 6 2 1 2 2 3 3 9 10 17 2 9 19 38 45 49 43 34 40 56 57 48 64 64 9 5 3 3 3 5 2 3 9 28 42 58 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 5 3 5 4 4 8 10 11 3 3 7 3 3 3 3 6 4 2 3 1 1 11 13 11 11 11 13 1 1 — -2 3 6 10 11 12 16 21 19 20 17 16 17 16 16 10 I 26 12 14 6 11 12 11 9 14 1 7 18 8 I1 1 1 8 4 1 1 1 2 1 4 4 14 20 17 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 6 7 12 12 12 12 OCO 2 3 4 4 8 8 8 9 12 11 16 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 7 5 2 1 1 — 4 fi 1 to 2 4 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 to 7 8 11 11 6 8 7 7 10 17 24 13 21 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 11 7 7 5 2 to 11 9 10 5 4 1 2 6 5 5 5 5 6 3 2 3 5 4 2 3 4 2 5 5 6 5 4 8 3 2 3 to to 10 10 10 7 6 6 3 3 3 2 4 1 7 3 3 4 4 to to 4 4 4 3 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 2 13 9 8 7 7 5 5 4 3 4 3 cococo o- 7 16 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 7 3 8 7 7 6 7 5 CO 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 OS CO \pr 8 Apr. 15 Apr 22 Apr 29 May 6 May 13 May 20 - -May 27 June 3 June 10 June 17 June 24 July 1 July 8 July 15 July 22 July 29 Aug 5 Aug 12 Aug 19 Aug 26 Sept 2 Sept 9 Sept 16 Sept 23 Sept. 30 . Oct 7 Oct. 14 Oct. 21 Oct 28 Nov. 4 Nov. 11 Nov. 18 .-Nov 25 Dec. 2 Dec. 9 .. _ -. Dec 16 Dec. 23 Dec. 30 Monthly averages: January February March-__ April May June - _ July August September.. October November December 10 10 8 11 tO Apr 1 9 7 6 4 K-> tO - - 18 14 14 8 to o 4 11 18 25 4 11 18 25 8 7 6 4 to Feb Feb Feb Feb Mar Mar Mar Mar 27 11 5 6 to to 2 -* to to 7 14 21 28 CO CO Jan Jan Jan Jan 10 8 6 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 11 8 8 12 3 17 23 15 24 1 20 18 33 22 14 4 27 29 29 35 22 21 41 51 67 94 93 86 77 74 76 81 73 47 56 41 14 11 10 3 4 20 19 19 30 76 78 60 Back figures.—See Annual Reports for 1930 (Table 114), and 1929 (Table 108) and Federal Reserve Bul- for January, 1929. Digitized forletin FRASER 190 ANNUAL BEPORT OF THE FEDEKAL EESERVE BOARD BANKERS' BALANCES OF REPORTING MEMBER BANKS, BY DISTRICTS No. 121.—[REPORTING MEMBER BANKS—DUE TO BANKS, BY MONTHS, 1930 AND 1931 [Monthly averages of weekly figures. In millions of dollars] Federal Reserve District Month 1930 January February. _ March April... May June. Julv._ August.. September October November. December. ._ 1931 January. February _ March April. _. May June. Julv August September October November... December No. Cleve- RichAtNew PhiladelYork phia land mond lanta Boston Chicago MinKanSt. sas Louis neapolis City Dallas San Francisco 125 122 117 130 118 125 138 129 130 141 147 134 992 963 1 013 1, 049 999 1 083 1,186 1,082 1,159 1,235 1,279 1,254 167 171 169 173 164 176 208 220 227 234 222 225 197 208 217 232 246 277 335 343 371 357 330 299 99 96 97 98 96 98 110 108 113 119 119 106 119 113 111 109 100 97 99 97 104 108 104 99 422 431 462 459 456 482 512 518 528 502 494 490 134 131 123 121 117 121 129 126 125 126 123 117 76 75 81 78 73 80 80 82 89 85 90 84 203 203 199 190 186 195 231 246 244 223 218 209 92 98 91 89 86 87 91 92 109 119 118 114 202 206 219 215 229 243 285 292 306 297 286 262 145 147 149 158 146 147 152 140 137 131 125 116 1,357 1, 385 1 397 1, 344 1,327 1,238 1,363 1,201 1,165 1,072 994 939 249 259 283 282 260 261 259 236 211 173 159 151 349 388 399 409 395 379 358 337 281 206 185 183 115 122 124 126 120 118 113 111 103 90 84 83 102 113 120 121 117 112 102 95 84 78 77 507 531 546 528 517 487 485 444 441 372 368 365 130 133 132 135 136 123 114 105 101 91 88 83 82 84 96 94 90 95 85 81 81 71 73 68 212 223 225 230 228 214 210 200 182 155 151 147 111 127 123 121 120 109 97 86 81 80 80 77 274 284 2S0 264 260 251 242 229 211 187 184 174 74 122,—REPORTING MEMBER BANKS—DUE FROM BANKS, BY MONTHS, AND 1931 [Monthly averages of weekly figures. In millions of dollars] 1930 Federal Reserve District Month 1930 Januarj r February March April May June July August September October November December 1931 January February March April May June July August September October November December Boston _. New ™ l a - Cleve! pit land York Min- KanSt. sas Louis neapolis City Rich- Atmond lanta T^-i Dal- iI F ?San .an_ las cisco 52 45 50 61 54 61 67 66 73 86 113 87 117 115 136 165 157 159 170 150 157 174 161 164 60 57 61 63 64 75 99 97 92 95 105 90 92 91 97 104 110 117 141 131 142 134 140 115 51 49 50 53 62 73 81 81 86 91 86 76 75 72 76 72 69 74 79 76 84 84 76 72 191 220 213 203 197 215 295 253 281 271 273 257 59 59 56 56 54 62 70 65 70 81 82 85 119 119 127 122 121 144 183 200 211 195 179 162 58 63 79 | 70 73 82 93 90 105 108 101 103 168 167 164 162 175 183 223 228 235 220 211 204 111 115 120 118 98 102 116 98 91 90 72 60 123 173 138 170 180 195 185 j 132 135 168 134 179 132 172 89 131 78 136 71 119 70 105 66 101 162 170 174 143 152 135 151 126 107 83 79 74 100 102 108 106 99 92 92 88 78 58 52 52 83 91 96 92 87 83 82 74 68 59 55 51 262 283 302 290 318 265 309 279 261 197 191 96 110 102 92 87 82 76 72 66 53 44 40 164 183 187 190 192 170 158 148 132 105 106 100 102 118 115 109 111 112 94 82 76 64 63 62 217 222 200 196 204 195 196 182 165 131 126 116 Back figures of due to banks and due from banks—See Annual Report for 1929 (Tables 109 and 110). 191 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD BANK SUSPENSIONS No. 133,—BANKS SUSPENDED AND REOPENED, BY DISTRICTS, Class of bank and Federal reserve district All banks, total. Banks reopened Banks suspended * Number Capital Deposits 2,298 $208,120, 000 $1,691, 510, 000 1931 Number Capital Deposits 762 $19,102, 000 $158,187,000 Boston New York Philadelphia... Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis-_. Kansas City... Dallas San Francisco.. 33 80 101 182 206 139 631 264 271 222 93 76 8, 331,000 17,885, 000 21, 787, 000 39,664, 000 15, 727, 000 8,667, 000 58, 725, 000 10, 283, 000 6,859, 000 6, 892,000 7, 746, 000 5, 554, 000 117, 038, 000 155, 272, 000 155, 729, 000 400,171, 000 116, 700, 000 51, 370, 000 425,041, 000 68, 217, 000 57, 448, 000 46,917,000 53, 030, 000 44, 577, 000 2 3 1 4 56 14 37 99 25 17 17 1 550, 000 2, 950, 000 50, 000 130, 000 2, 963, 000 882, 000 3, 015, 000 6, 373, 000 649, 000 500,000 1,015,000 25, 000 Member banks, total- 517 83,861, 000 733, 528, 000 31 7, 215, 000 53, 944, 000 Boston New York Philadelphia... Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis-.. Kansas City... Dallas San Francisco.. 7 44 30 63 53 30 102 45 47 21 42 33 3,635,000 11, 560, 000 3, 730, 000 22, 405,000 5, 845, 000 3, 586, 000 18,115,000 3,445, 000 1,645,000 1,185, 000 5, 055, 000 3, 655, 000 43,123,000 98, 989, 000 28, 545, 000 213,149,000 44, 476, 000 22, 468, 000 174, 836,000 25, 200, 000 11,477,000 8, 987, 000 38, 316, 000 25,964, 000 2 1 2, 750, 000 21, 740, 000 50, 000 239, 000 4 2 1 12 3 900, 000 310, 000 1,000, 000 1,855, 000 125, 000 6, 044, 000 5, 481, 000 7, 502, 000 9, 820, 000 1, 466, 000 5 1 200, 000 25, 000 1, 535, 000 117, 000 409 49, 347, 000 439,171, 000 25 3,165, 000 26,182, 000 6 34 23 47 46 25 70 35 46 21 33 23 3, 435, 000 3, 310,000 2, 205, 000 12, 050, 000 4, 977, 000 3, 015, 000 9,155, 000 2, 410, 000 1, 595,000 1,185, 000 3, 465, 000 2, 545, 000 39,824, 000 44, 086, 000 18, 279, 000 118 587,000 38, 787, 000 20,649, 000 77,166, 000 21, 043, 000 10, 981,000 8, 987, 000 23, 571, 000 17, 211,000 1 1 250, 000 50, 000 2, 939, 000 239,000 3 2 1 9 2 650, 000 310. 000 1, 000, 000 605, 000 75,000 3, 892, 000 5,481, 000 7, 502, 000 3, 507, 000 970, 000 5 1 200, 000 25,000 1, 535, 000 117, 000 108 34, 514,000 294, 357, 000 6 4, 050, 000 27, 762, 000 1 10 7 16 7 5 32 10 1 200, 000 8, 250, 000 1,525, 000 10, 355, 000 868, 000 571,000 8, 960, 000 1, 035, 000 50,000 3, 299, 000 54, 903, 000 10, 266,000 94, 562, 000 5,689, 000 1,817,000 97,670, 000 4,157, 000 496,000 I 2, 500, 000 18, 801, 000 1 250, 000 2,152, 000 3 1 1, 250, 000 50,000 6, 313, 000 496, 000 9 10 1, 590, 000 1,110,000 12, 745, 000 8, 753, 000 1,781 124, 259, 000 957, 982, 000 245 4,696, 000 26 36 6, 325, 000 71 18, 057, 000 17, 259, 000 119 153 9,882, 000 109 5, 081, 000 529 40,610, 000 219 6,838, 000 224 . 5, 214, 000 201 5, 707, 000 51 2,691, 000 43 1,899, 000 73, 915, 000 56, 283, 000 127,184, 000 187, 022, 000 72, 224, 000 28, 904, 000 250, 205, 000 43, 017, 000 45,971, 000 37, 930, 000 16, 714, 000 18,613, 000 2 1 National bank members, total _ Boston... New York Philadelphia.. Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis... Kansas City... Dallas San Francisco.. State bank members, total Boston New York Philadelphia.. Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis... Kansas City... Dallas San Francisco.. Nonmember banks, t o t a l . . . . . . Boston New York Philadelphia.. Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis... Kansas City... Dallas ,... San Francisco. 4 52 12 36 87 22 17 12 5, 216, 000 24. 423, 000 239, 000 1,715,000 23, 592, 000 11,388,000 26,905, 000 45, 299, 000 7, 384, 000 4,174,000 7, 735. 000 117, 000 11, 887, 000 104, 243, 000 550, 000 200, 000 5, 216, 000 2, 683, 000 130, 000 1, 715, 000 2, 063, 000 17, 548, 000 572, 000 5, 907, 000 2, 015, 000 19, 403, 000 4,518,000 35, 479, 000 524, 000 5, 918, 000 500, 000 4,174, 000 815, 000 6, 200,000 1 Figures shown for capital do not include data for 1 mutual savings bank (without capital stock) and 15 private banks for which capital figures are not available. Back figures.—See Annual Reports for 1930 (Table 117), 1929 (Table 111), 1928 (Table 115), 1927 (Table 111),FRASER and 1926 (Table 98). Digitized for 192 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD No. 124. —BANKS SUSPENDED AND REOPENED, BY STATES, 1931 [Figures are for member and nonmember banks] Banks reopened Banks suspended i State Number United States 2,298 New England: Maine New Hampshire V ermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut ._ Capital Deposits Capital Number $208,120, 000 $1, 691, 510,000 276 Deposits $19,102,000 $158,187,000 2 2 100,000 75, 000 2, 254, 000 1, 002,000 19 6, 600, 000 95, 408, 000 1 150,000 2,436,000 10 1, 556, 000 18, 374, 000 2 600,000 5, 463, 000 Middle Atlantic: New York New Jersey Pennsylvania 55 38 137 12,180,000 7, 030, 000 31, 741, 000 92, 801, 000 73,128, 000 270, 787,000 1 2 2, 500, 000 300,000 18, 801,000 3,178, 000 East North Central: Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin 115 96 238 113 49 26, 088,000 8,100, 000 30, 813, 000 11, 374, 000 2, 640, 000 260, 439, 000 63, 890, 000 175,978, 000 102, 841, 000 24, 701, 000 3 20 17 3 11 80, 000 1, 257, 000 1, 670, 000 175, 000 418, 000 1, 081,000 10, 777, 000 10, 278, 000 2, 636, 000 4,813, 000 101 208 122 66 73 109 38 2, 525, 000 8,865, 000 3, 750, 000 1, 265, 000 1, 942, 000 3, 731, 000 1,161, 000 25,313, 000 86, 222, 000 22, 899, 000 8,170, 000 12, 971, 000 28,137, 000 6, 369, 000 7 2 9 2 12 10 240,000 1, C20, 000 235, 000 50, 000 269, 000 390, 000 2,468, 000 7, 710, 000 1, 954,000 369, 000 3, 527, 000 2,977,000 West North Central: Minnesota . -_- IOWEL Missouri North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas South Atlantic: Delaware Maryland -- District of Columbia Virginia West Virginia North Carolina _ South Carolina, _ Georgia Florida East South Central: Ken tucky _ Tennessee Alabama Mississippi West South Central: Arkansas Louisiana Oklahoma . __ __ Texas Mountain: Montana Idaho Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Arizona Utah Nevada Pacific: Washington Oregon California 20 2, 289, 000 25, 775, 000 3 240, 000 3, 573,000 37 57 63 34 35 17 2, 532, 000 4, 640, 000 4, 714,000 2, 287, 000 1,846, 000 1, 638, 000 16, 792, 000 37, 832, 000 29, 791,000 9, 947, 000 8, 515,000 9, 935, 000 13 7 33 1 1 2 684, 000 555, 000 1, 484,000 50,000 30,000 125, 000 4, 525, 000 5,922,000 10, 024, 000 182,000 110,000 866, 000 27 31 36 60 2, 626, 000 1,124, 000 2, 049, 000 3, 208, 000 18,132, 000 5, 583, 000 6, 759, 000 28, 337, 000 10 4 1,995, 000 93, 000 16, 057, 000 419,000 39 1, 611, 000 18, 510, 000 57 7 24 86 2, 396, 000 495,000 520, 000 7, 341, 000 11, 744, 000 4, 712, 000 3, 404, 000 49, 403, 000 36 2 5 15 1, 551, 000 250, 000 70. 000 915, 000 8,894, 000 2, 947, 000 517, 000 6, 230, 000 11 10 3 21 1 5 9 2 255,000 495, 000 175,000 545, 000 50,000 350, 000 460, 000 70, 000 1,136, 000 2, 290, 000 1, 031, 000 3, 234, 000 752,000 2, 968, 000 8,326, 000 172,000 1 1 20, 000 25, 000 74, 000 117,000 I 50, 666 752,000 22 14 18 1, 475, 000 1, 040, 000 1, 964, 000 10, 429, 000 9,460, 000 13, 367, 000 " I " " I 1 Figures shown for capital do not include data for 1 mutual savings bank (without capital stock) and 15 private banks for which capitalfiguresare not available. Backfigures—SeeAnnual Reports for 1930 (Table 118), 1929 (Table 112), 1928 (Table 116), 1927 (Table 112), 1926 (Table 100), and 1925 (Tables 97 and 98). ANNUAL EEPOET OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD 193 EARNINGS, EXPENSES, AND DIVIDENDS OF MEMBER BANKS No. 125.—MEMBER BANKS—EARNINGS, EXPENSES, AND DIVIDENDS, BY FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS, 1927-1931 [In thousands of dollars] District and year ending June 30 Boston: 1927 1928 1929 19301931 New York: 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 Philadelphia: 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 Cleveland: 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 Richmond: 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 Atlanta: 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931.. Chicago: 1927 1928 1929 _. 1930.. 1931 St. Louis: 1927 1928 1929 1930 _. 1931 Minneapolis: 1927 1928 1929 1930... 1931 Kansas City: 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 Dallas: 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 San Francisco: 1927 1928 1929 1930_._ 1931 Total Gross Total net earnings expenses earnings Net charged off Net adDividition to dends profits declared 148,413 159,629 1(58,442 171, 324 149, 683 107,527 114,499 116,254 119, 246 40,886 45,130 52,188 52,078 41,485 15,337 13,309 24,371 26. 596 31, 759 25,549 31,821 27,817 25,482 9,726 20,145 20,859 22,333 30, 760 25, 820 607,316 668,002 766,914 809, 381 664, 049 409,335 444,702 499,151 533, 002 439, 006 197,981 223,300 267, 763 276, 379 22,5, 013 29,600 37, 741 42,177 79, 580 197, 466 168, 381 185, 559 225,586 196,799 27, 577 97,859 107,226 124,797 152, 510 144, 748 155,340 161,382 170, 503 175,940 167, 787 102,921 108,009 114,916 116,957 117,958 52,419 53,373 55,587 58,983 49, 829 6,702 8,375 12,096 13, 875 34,114 45, 717 44,998 43,491 45,108 15, 715 26,493 26,807 29,314 34. 225 32, 809 213,798 220,115 230,196 231,889 221, 790 155, 507 162, 218 167,874 166, 958 164, 299 58, 291 57,897 62,322 64,931 57, 491 16, 031 13, 713 14,016 20, 287 35, 703 42,260 44.184 48, 306 44, 644 21, 788 28, 737 29,751 31,513 29, 469 84,385 87, 233 86,890 80, 222 72, 222 60,973 63,227 64,126 59,240 54, 886 23,412 24,006 22,764 20,982 17, 336 7,216 7,847 7,499 8,561 16, 943 16,196 16,159 15,265 12.421 393 13,096 12, 756 13, 782 12,712 10,847 83,277 83,018 85,202 79,391 65, 687 60,993 61, 537 63.487 59.153 51, 075 22,284 21,481 21,715 20, 238 14, 012 9,225 8,599 8,887 17,358 14, 572 13,059 12,882 12,828 2,880 40 12, 208 11, 247 12,575 11,178 10, 939 311, 247 339,690 331, 264 282, 524 218, 617 232,407 235,179 237,378 207,170 77,467 78, 840 104, 511 93,886 75, 354 18,282 19, 602 25,549 33, 995 36, 062 59.185 59, 238 78,962 59,891 39, 292 36,317 45,198 49,882 49, 796 46, 629 86, 541 87,894 91,146 88,424 72, 321 64.488 64, 601 65,668 64, 599 54, 281 22,053 23,293 25,478 23,825 18, 040 6,842 5,786 6,093 7, 654 11, 643 15,211 17, 507 19, 385 16,171 6,397 13, 746 12, 988 13,321 15, 736 10, 720 55,750 57,354 60,654 63,198 56, 770 43,063 43,724 44,030 45,958 42,845 12,687 13, 630 16,624 17, 240 13, 925 6,506 5,729 9,488 6,556 8,005 6,181 7,901 7,136 10, 684 5,920 5,699 5,780 7,326 7,717 6,887 83,067 84,241 88,814 88,360 81, 579 61,401 63,034 63,609 62,999 60, 602 21, 666 21, 207 25,205 25.361 20,977 13,063 9,671 9,009 9,848 12, 462 8,603 11, 536 16,196 15, 513 8,515 8,347 9,821 12,049 12,445 9,454 61,370 64,591 71,746 70. 979 61, 269 43,872 44,939 48,281 49,007 45, 653 17,498 19,652 23,465 21, 972 15, 616 8,480 9,044 8,287 9.777 12,114 9,018 10, 608 15,178 12,195 3,502 8,289 9,156 10,233 10, 201 7,626 193,529 208,721 211,449 146, 504 160,441 159,199 162,820 164, 538 47,025 48,280 52,250 55, 340 47, 710 16,968 20,323 17,018 17,122 24, 550 30, 057 27, 957 35, 232 38, 218 23,160 22, 231 33, 713 38,981 28, 901 27, 403 218,160 212,248 27,636 Back figures.—See Annual Report for 1927 (Table 118). Ratios.—For district ratios of figures given, which relate to fiscal years, to average earning assets, etc., see Federal Reserve Bulletins as follows: 1928—December, p. 879; 1927—January, pp. 26-28; December, Digitized forpp.FRASER 883-884. 194 No. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD 126.—NATIONAL BANKS *—EARNINGS, EXPENSES, AND DIVIDENDS, BY FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS, 1927-1931 [In thousands of dollars] District and year ending June 30 Total Gross Total net earnings expenses earnings Net Net adDivito dends charged dition profits declared off Boston: 1927 1928 1929 _ 1930 1931 New York: 1927 ._ 1928_ 1929 1930.. 1931 Philadelphia: 1927 ._ 1928 1929 1930 1931 Cleveland: 1927 1928_ ,1929— 1930 1931 Richmond: 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 Atlanta: 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 Chicago: 1927 1928. 1929 1930 1931 St. Louis: 1927 1928, 1929 1930 _ 1931 Minneapolis: 1927_ 1928 1929— 1930 1931 Kansas City: 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 Dallas: 1927 1928 1929. 1930 1931 San Francisco: 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 98,200 106,268 111, 799 117,455 105,982 69,154 74,620 75,539 80,141 78,171 29,046 31,648 36,260 37, 314 27,811 12,716 10,839 18, 708 22, 081 25, 284 16,330 17,552 15, 233 2,527 14,243 14,654 15.854 22', 710 19, 391 302, 553 326, 641 343,545 351,352 330, 313 201,892 217, 385 226,078 234,087 220, 765 100, 661 109, 256 117,467 117, 265 109, 548 16, 510 26,313 27,000 53, 537 123, 534 84,151 82,943 90,467 63, 728 2 13,986 50, 438 52,496 52, 585 68, 244 65,981 109,098 110, 689 114, 627 114,668 108, 844 72, 713 73, 915 77, 789 76, 608 76, 277 36,385 36, 774 36,838 38, 060 32, 567 5,403 6,421 8,165 10, 008 25, 847 30, 353 28,673 28,052 6,720 17,842 17,168 19,443 22. 603 20, 264 112,423 113, 341 116,059 116,353 110,591 81,023 82, 202 84,103 82, 688 80,997 31,400 31,139 31,956 33,665 29, 594 11,049 8,061 8,797 12, 695 24, 803 20, 351 23,078 23,159 20, 970 4,791 15, 286 15,121 15,072 16, 001 14, 253 68,658 70, 610 69,466 63, 613 55, 549 19,099 19,244 18,349 17,107 13, 760 6,077 5,860 6,018 6,209 15, 085 13,022 13, 384 12,331 10.898 2 1,325 10,956 10,623 11, 521 10,198 8, 235 58,473 62,438 63,968 61, 567 52,176 49, 559 51,366 51,117 46, 506 41, 789 42,919 46, 224 47,395 45, 568 40, 387 15, 554 16, 214 16, 573 15,999 11, 789 6,077 6,486 6,831 10,863 8,940 9,477 9,728 9,742 5,136 2,849 8,819 8,392 9,946 8,999 149,420 160, 244 185,001 167, 679 145,105 109, 604 118,428 122,012 119,935 107, 432 39,816 41,816 11.003 13,930 18.004 23,074 24, 889 28,813 27,886 44,985 24,670 12, 784 19,574 27, 679 27,530 23, 483 21, 625 51,376 53,184 55,801 51, 377 41, 331 38,863 39,094 40,083 37, 253 31,114 12, 513 14,090 15,718 14,124 10, 217 3,761 3,552 3,884 4.935 7,725 8,752 10, 538 11,834 9,189 2,492 9,394 8,722 8,815 10,070 6,120 51, 711 53,376 56, 263 59,131 53,516 39,915 40, 761 40,933 43,114 40, 364 11, 796 12, 615 15,330 16, 017 13,152 5,766 5,126 9,086 5,958 7,502 6,030 7,489 6,244 10,059 5,650 5,379 5,461 6,936 74,233 75, 636 80,532 80, 243 74,134 54,815 56, 553 57, 300 56, 782 54,936 19,418 19,083 23, 232 23,461 19,198 11,822 8,530 8,607 9,451 11,927 7,596 10, 553 14,625 14, 010 7,271 7,397 8,867 11,104 11, 434 8,478 58,053 61,111 67,506 65, 527 56, 386 41,355 42, 535 45,477 45, 278 41, 867 18, 576 22,029 20, 249 14, 519 7,863 8,046 7,566 8,636 11,296 8,835 10, 530 14,463 11,613 3,223 8,022 8,806 9,719 9,595 7,032 108,064 150,025 158,891 175, 776 172, 388 80,060 114,048 118,458 129, 244 132, 085 28,004 35,977 40,433 46, 532 40,303 10,267 13,346 13,000 14. 445 20,914 17,737 22,631 27,433 32, 087 19,389 13,279 27,224 34,003 25, 739 24,430 47, 744 37,673 7,267 6,486 2 i Member banks only, i. e., exclusive of national banks in Alaska and Hawaii. Net loss. Backfigures—SeeAnnual Report for 1927 (Table 118). Ratios.—For district ratios offiguresgiven, which relate tofiscalyears, to average earning assets, etc., see Federal Reserve Bulletins as follows: 1928—December, p. 879; 1927—January, pp. 26-28; December, pp. 883-884; 1925—December, pp. 872-873. 195 EARNINGS AND EXPENSES OF MEMBER BANKS 127.—STATE BANK MEMBERS—EARNINGS, EXPENSES, AND DIVIDENDS, BY FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS, 1927-1931 [In thousands of dollars] District and year ending June 30 Boston: 1927 1928. 1929 1930 1931 New York: 1927. 1928. 1929 1930 1931 Philadelphia 1927 1928_ 1929-. 1930 1931 Cleveland: 1927. 1928_ 1929 1930 Richmond: 1927 1928. 1929 1930 1931 Atlanta: 1927. 1928 1929 1930 1931 Chicago: 1927 1928.. 1929. 1930 1931 St. Louis: 1927 1928 1929. 1930 1931 Minneapolis: 1927 1928_ 1929 1930 1931 Kansas City: 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 Dallas: 1927_ 1928 1929 1930 1931 San Francisco: 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1 Gross Total net earnings expenses earnings Net ad dition to profits Dividends declared 50,213 53,361 56,643 53. 869 43, 701 38,373 39,879 40,715 39,105 30, 027 11,840 13,482 15,928 14, 764 13, 674 2,621 2,470 5,663 4, 515 6,475 9,219 11,012 10,265 10, 249 7,199 5,902 6,205 6,479 8,050 6,429 304,763 341, 361 423, 369 458, 029 333, 736 207,443 227,317 273,073 298, 915 218,241 97,320 114,044 150,296 159,114 115,495 13,090 11,428 15,177 26, 043 73,932 84,230 102,616 135,119 133,071 41, 563 47,421 54,730 72,212 84, 266 78, 767 30, 208 34,094 37,127 40, 349 41, 681 16,034 16, 599 18, 749 20, 923 17, 262 1,299 1,954 3,931 3,867 8,267 14, 735 14,645 14,818 17, 056 8,651 9,639 9,871 11,622 12, 545 101,375 106.774 114,137 115, 536 111,199 74,484 80,016 83, 771 84,270 83, 302 26, 891 26, 758 30,366 31, 266 27,897 4,982 5,652 5,219 7, 592 10,900 21,909 21,106 25,147 23, 674 16, 997 12,350 13,616 14,679 15, 512 15,216 15,727 16,623 17,424 16, 609 16, 673 11,414 11, 861 13,009 12, 734 13, C97 4,313 4,762 4,415 3,875 3,576 1,139 1,987 1,481 2,352 1,858 3,174 2,775 2,934 1,523 1,718 2,140 2,133 2,261 2,514 2,612 24,804 20, 580 21, 234 17,824 13,511 18,074 15, 313 16,092 13, 585 10, 688 6,730 5,267 5,142 4.239 2,823 3,148 2,113 2,056 6. 495 5,632 3,582 3,154 3,086 2, 256 i 2,809 2,855 2,629 2,179 2, 243 146,664 151,003 154, 689 163, 585 137,419 109,013 113,979 113,167 117,443 99, 738 37, 651 37, 024 41,522 46,142 37, 681 7,279 5,672 7,545 10,921 11,173 30, 372 31, 352 33,977 35, 221 26, 508 16, 743 17, 519 22, 352 26, 313 25,004 35,165 34, 710 35, 345 37, 047 30, 990 25,625 25, 507 25, 585 27, 346 23,167 9,540 9,203 9,760 9, 701 7,823 3,081 2,234 2,209 2,719 3,918 6,459 6,969 7,551 6,982 3,905 4,352 4,266 4,506 5,666 4,600 4,039 3,978 4,391 4,067 3,254 3,148 2,963 3,097 2,844 2,481 891 1,015 1,294 1,223 773 740 603 402 598 503 151 412 892 625 270 320 319 390 450 401 8,834 8,605 8, 282 8,117 7,445 6,586 6,481 6,309 6,217 5,666 2,248 2,124 1,973 1,900 1,779 1,241 1,141 402 397 535 1,007 983 1,571 1,503 1,244 950 954 945 1,011 976 3,317 3,480 4, 240 5, 452 4,883 2,517 2,404 2,804 3,729 3,786 800 1,076 1,436 1. 723 1,097 617 998 721 1,141 818 183 78 715 582 279 267 350 514 606 594 85, 465 58, 696 52, 558 42. 384 39,860 66, 444 46, 393 40, 741 33, 576 32, 453 19,021 12, 303 11,817 8.808 7,407 6,701 6,977 4,018 2,677 3,636 12, 320 5,326 7,799 6,131 3,771 8,952 6,489 4,978 3,162 2, 973 46,242 50, 693 55,876 61, 272 ?,$, 943 Net loss. Back figures.—SGQ Annual Report for 1927 (Table 120). charged off 1 BUSINESS CONDITIONS 197 BUSINESS CONDITIONS No. 128.-—CAPITAL ISSUES [Exclusive of refunding issues. In millions of dollars] Domestic issues * domestic and foreign Year and quarter YEAR 1919 1920__ 1921 1922 19231924 1925 _ 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930_ _ 1931 QUARTER 1919—First.. Second Third Fourth 1920—First Second Third.. Fourth 1921—First.. Second Third . Total 3 State and Corporate municipal Long Total term Short term Stocks Foreign issues ^ 3,626 3,732 3,644 4,391 4,437 5 557 6,201 6,314 7,556 8,040 10, 091 6,909 3,099 3,234 3,235 3,021 3,627 4,016 4,588 5,125 5,189 6,219 6,789 9,420 6,004 2,860 678 672 1,199 1,071 1,043 1,380 1,352 1,344 1,475 1, 379 1,418 1,434 1,235 810 1,561 1,435 1,644 1,976 2,200 2,452 2,667 3,183 2,385 2,078 2,980 1,240 498 1,039 1,274 1,540 1,833 1,924 2,231 2,418 2,962 2,175 1,873 2,460 951 312 522 161 104 143 276 221 249 221 210 205 520 289 1,436 1,002 265 570 659 829 1,153 1,087 1,474 2,961 5,924 1,503 311 392 497 623 764 421 969 1,076 1,125 1,337 1,251 671 905 239 561 1, 033 1,045 506 922 944 862 278 188 214 130 184 120 101 94 94 68 113 36 1,017 1,172 628 915 876 1,045 552 762 101 195 212 170 172 147 161 192 300 499 307 455 174 300 265 300 126 199 42 155 124 274 511 527 404 399 84 115 55 65 89 183 141 127 76 153 823 816 859 1,146 1,159 1,539 940 753 1,385 1,109 643 1,300 683 702 669 967 875 1,252 860 640 1,240 1,052 562 1,162 201 260 286 452 397 365 274 399 293 344 257 380 104 21 17 19 85 37 101 42 92 155 213 110 212 164 65 218 178 322 111 219 244 290 232 387 446 263 165 214 140 114 190 179 284 287 80 113 145 57 81 138 156 113 236 464 228 212 292 344 194 335 267 330 • 987 Fourth 393 1922—First . 285 343 50 636 357 39 597 Second 292 5 253 Third 287 Fourth. 176 323 313 10 656 41 1923—First 240 615 Second 448 374 333 74 Third 177 313 10 303 559 Fourth 541 293 18 1924—First 1,120 574 491 293 83 1,276 82 1,488 624 489 542 Second 1,601 899 343 Third 420 375 45 1 135 Fourth 1,081 582 66 255 516 1,545 1925—First.. 1,357 737 1,585 318 654 83 Second 1,371 414 587 36 623 1,583 Third 1,059 323 1,351 496 459 37 Fourth 597 1,682 1,338 297 532 65 1926—First .692 96 1,821 1,627 788 355 72 672 Second 1,423 744 381 1,758 32 987 483 Third.. . 1,254 515 295 Fourth _ 1,152 49 1,482 571 620 313 1927—First.. _ 1,729 871 366 834 37 460 2,062 333 Second 1,730 496 824 69 349 2,079 893 323 Third . 1,122 563 290 608 55 264 235 1,357 Fourth 856 427 1,638 323 60 419 2,057 796 1928—First. . 354 632 54 407 1,754 1,451 686 303 38 765 Second 1,799 606 588 2,343 396 544 67 380 Third 999 404 212 337 139 1,138 Fourth __ 52 1,409 2,540 690 417 638 266 2,806 2,782 1929—First 662 2,518 246 625 37 1,610 264 2,543 625 416 Second 2,349 548 77 1,308 194 3,073 413 Third 2,993 265 382 31 2,315 80 1,694 379 Fourth 491 1,561 318 61 691 133 1,115 1930—First 1,848 87 399 2,117 1,028 269 311 203 820 Second 2,252 985 437 782 2,682 430 266 109 172 454 Third 1,016 1,116 563 100 121 Fourth 420 994 888 316 195 111 106 55 532 1,089 446 477 82 1,196 1931—First 107 398 393 101 1,026 928 297 137 Second 98 242 282 591 122 565 120 26 Third _ 26 11 114 68 Fourth 286 278 66 57 8 * Source: Commercial and Financial Chronicle. Series revised in 1932 (for entire period shown) on the basis of revised monthly figures supplied by the Chronicle. 1 Compiled by Department of Commerce. * Includes issues of Federal land banks and Federal intermediate credit banks not shown separately. 125554—32 14 199 200 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD No. 129.—SECURITY PRICES [Index numbers of the Standard Statistics Co. Monthly data are averages of weekly figures] Common stocks (1926=100) 3 Total Year and month 88.3 80.8 81.8 92.4 91.8 93.5 95,3 97.0 98.9 98.7 95.7 98.3 95.9 110.9 103.2 103.0 114.0 114.4 115.2 118.6 121.0 127.1 130.9 127.4! 126.4 118.1 70.7 64.2 55.2 67.7 69.0 72.8 89.7 100.0 118.3 149.9 190.3 149.8 94.2 93.4 93.0 91.9 91.5 91.8 91.8 91.4 116.4 117.0 116.3 114.2 114.2 113.7 113.8 114.0 113. 113.4 113.8 113.4 71.6 74.8 75.8 73.2 69.8 67.2 64.9 65.2 65.7 64.6 66.6 68.9 1 d o Common stocks (1926=100)3 Month | : | a 72.6 66.1 51.6 64.7 66.6 69.6 88.4 100.0 118.5 154.3 189.4 140.6 86.9 70.1 63.9 61.8 72.7 71.9 76.7 89.5 100.0 119.1 128.5 147.3 124.9 72.1 60.3 54.5 57.8 70.9 73.8 78.9 94.9 100.0 116.0 148.9 234.6 214.6 147.9 1927 January February „ . March April May ._ June July August SeptemberOctober November.. December. _ 97.9 98.1 98.4 99.0 99.1 98.4 98.4 98.8 99.3 99.6 99.7 100.0 124.0 125. 0 125. 126.4 127.6 127.2 126.7 127.6 128.5 128.5i 128.8 129. 7 105.6 107.9 109.1 111.1 114.2 115.4 117.2 122.0 127.7 126.7 129.6 133.1 105.6 107.5 108.6 110.0 113.1 114.4 116.7 122.3 128. 127.5 131.3 135. 5 107.1 111. 6 112.2 115.7 118.1 119.2 120.7 123.1 125.2 124.3 124. 126.8 104.4 105.3 107.3 110.5 114.2 115. 6 114.9 118.5 124.1 124. 5 125 6 127.2 69.9 73.6 73.4 76.6 75.3 76.4 72.0 74.4 67.5 72.7 63.7 72.3 61.2 69.6 61.8 69.0 62.2 69.3 61.0 68.7 63.6 70.0 67.1 69.9 73.9 76.0 76.1 74.9 73.7 72.7 71.9 72.8 73.7 72.7 73.4 74.0 1928 January February... March April May June July August SeptemberOctober November.. December.. 100.3 100.3 100.5 100.3 99.7 98.5 97.9 97.2 97.5 97.5 97.8 97.2 131.3 131.1 132.8 135.31 134.2 131.5 129.6 128.8 129.3 128.8 129.3 128.9 134.4 132.3 137.9 UC n 152.1 145.3 144.2 148.3 156. 6 159.1 171.1 171. 4 137.4 134.8 141.1 149.5 154.9 148.2 147.8 152. 6 162.2 166. 2 178.9 178.4 125. 3 121.6 125.9 130.7 133.2 126.7 124.6 126.5 129.6 128.2 134.9 134.9 129.5 130.9 134.4 142.5 155. 3 148.1 145. 3 147.9 155.8 154.4 168.6 173.4 94.6 94.8 94.5 71.1 71.4 114.2 70.0 113.3 68.4 113.7 68.2 114.6 69.4 115.5 72.7 116.5 75.2 116.0 74.4 116.0 73.5 116.9 77.6 117.1 81.7 69.7 70.0 67.9 65.3 64.7 65.6 68.9 71.7 70.7 69.7 73.6 78.0 76.4 76.6 76.0 75.0 75.2 76.7 78.3 80.0 81.3 81.0 83.2 86.5 1929 January February. _. March April May June.. July August SeptemberOctober November.. December.. 97.0 96.3 95.8 95.8 95.7 95.3 95.2 95.0 94.8 95.1 95.7 96.5 129.2 128.8 128.7 128.6 128.6 127.7 127.0 126.3 126.8 126.4 123.9 126.4 185.2 186. 5 189.1 186.6 187.8 190.7 207.3 218.1 225.2 201.7 151.1 153.8 192. 192. 3 196.0 193.4 192.6 191.0 202.7 210.3 216.1 194.4 144. 146. 9 141.8 141.6 140.4 138.3 138.7 144.8 160.0 165. 4 1G8. 1 157. 0 135.1 136.3 192.7 202.4 203.7 201. 4 212.3 233.0 272.8 304.3 321.0 276.6 194.4 200.9 1925 January February... March April... May.. June.. July.... August September.. October NovemberDecember.. 94.5 94.8 94.8 95.3 96.0 96.2 95.8 95.3 95.3 95.2 95.1 95.6 117. 118.0 116.0 117.6 118.7 119.0 119.6 118.8 119. 119.3 120.1 119.8 85.1 85.9 83.6 82.8 85.4 86.9 89.3 90.5 92.6 95.6 98.7 100.3 82.7 83.9 80.9 80.4 83.0 85.1 88.2 89.0 91.8 96.0 99.6 100.4 88.6 87.8 88.8 88.2 86.8 88.7 84.8 89.2 86.2 93.6 86.3 95.5 87.4 97.2 89.9 97.5 91.1 98.4 91.5 100.6 94.4 101.2 98.6 101.1 126. 5 126.9 127. 128. 2 127.6 126. 125. 126.5 127.9 126.8 124.7 121.7 156.3 165.5 172.4 181.0 170.5 152.8 149.3 147.6 148.8 127.6 116. 7 109. 4 148. 136.5 155.9 142.5 163.0 143.2 170.8 141. 160.1 136.0 143.1 124.5 139.8 124.2 138.71 1 2 1 . . 139.3| 122.6 117.8 110.9 10S. 5 102.1 101.9 208.7 230. 5 241.6 263.7 250.0 223.5 215.4 212.7 216.4 187.0 167. 4 157.9 1926 January February.-. March April. May June.. July.. August SeptemberOctober.— November. December. 120.0 101.8 96.6 120.6 101.8 96.6 120.1 95.8 96.9 120.6 92.9 97.3 121.4 93.2 97.3 121.3 97.2 97.0 121.2 100.0 97.2 121.9 102.9 97.0 120.5 104.3 97.0 120.2 101.6 97. 6| 121.1 103.1 97.8 123.6 105.4 102.2 102.4 96.3 92.6 92.6 96.9 99.9 103.1 104.2 101.5 102.9 105.4 98.6 97.1 94.7 93.6 94.7 98.4 100.2 103.1 105. 9 102.7 104.2 106.4 I 112. 3 103.4 100.4 119. 8 110.3 104.7 121. 6 111. 8 97.2 87.3 109. 2 100. 3 76.8 ;.o 74.0 95.1 75.3 3.2 66.2 5.5 88.5 56.1 81.7 75.8 48. 69.7 64.8 46.0 71.7 67.5 33.0 57.7 54.3 163.4 177.9 188.9 169.8 156.4 153.0 157.5 154.0 131.9 111.9 114.7 95.6 1919—. 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925... 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931— 1923 January February— March....— April May June July. August SeptemberOctober November.. December.. 1924 January FebruaryMarch.. April May.... June... July August September....'I October November.. December. - 9L2 91.2 91.4 91.4 92. 92 2 92.0 92.2 92.8 93.7 94. 94. 94.5 71.2 71.8 71.4 72.0 72.7 74.3 78.3 80.3 79.3 78.1 83.6 87.5 103.2 103.8 94.9 93.3 94.3 97.7 100 2 102.0 103 1 100.9 103.1 104.0 1930 January 96.5 February... 96.4 March 97.7 April - 97.8 98.0 May 98.2 June 98.7 July.-. 99.6 August September.. 100. 01 99.9! October November- 99.1| December.. 97.8 1931 January 99.6 123.6 February ... 99.4 124.8 126.4 100.0 March 99.6 125.3 April 122.6 99.7 May 99.4 119. June 99.4 121.1 July 98.5 120. August September. 95.6 116.1 89.4 109.4 October... 89.0 108.5 NovemberDecember . 81.6 99.1 * Average price of 60 high-grade bonds adjusted for differences in coupon rate and maturity. * 20 high-grade industrials; average price. 3 About 404 issues: 337 industrial, 33 railroad, and 34 public utility. Back figures—See Annual Report for 1930 (Table 123). No. 130.—INDEXES OF PRODUCTION, EMPLOYMENT, AND TRADE [Index numbers of the Federal Reserve Board.* 1923-1925=100] Building contracts awarded (value) 2 Industrial production Factory employment • Year and month Total Manufactures Minerals Total Residential All other Factory pay rolls Freight-car loadings Merchandise, Total Department store sales Unad- Ad- Unad- Ad- Unad- Ad- Unad- Ad- Unad- Ad- Unad- Ad- Unad- Ad- Unad- Unad- Ad- Unad- Ad- Unad- Adjusted justed justed justed justed justed justed justed justed justed justed justed justed justed justed justed justed justed justed justed justed 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 . _ 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 x 83 87 67 85 101 95 104 108 106 111 84 87 67 86 101 94 105 108 106 112 81 80 119 96 1919 January February March April May June July ._ August September. October November December 77 105 96 99 108 107 106 115 99 84 119 95 79 90 65 88 86 94 120 135 139 142 142 125 84 44 30 44 68 81 95 124 121 117 126 87 50 37 63 63 56 79 84 94 122 129 129 135 117 92 63 89 70 107 108 82 90 104 96 100 101 99 97 101 88 74 98 118 77 81 103 96 101 104 102 102 108 87 66 84 91 79 87 100 97 103 106 103 103 106 92 75 97 91 91 90 91 93 96 101 105 102 107 114 75 72 71 73 80 83 90 91 102 99 86 82 78 71 87 94 ._ 96 99 105 105 105 104 105 97 87 W 94 87 88 98 99 103 106 107 108 111 102 91 d Ul II ui m a o ii 81 78 76 77 80 84 87 89 89 89 87 81 82 79 76 78 78 83 87 89 87 86 85 86 82 80 78 80 80 84 87 90 89 88 91 83 82 i 80 78 79 78 84 89 91 88 86 89 88 74 63 61 65 75 82 88 83 94 95 63 70 79 70 66 71 74 76 81 78 85 87 63 77 21 27 40 53 69 82 88 82 81 74 74 66 30 32 39 44 55 70 78 78 78 78 88 90 9 15 25 39 52 61 63 59 60 54 49 37 11 18 24 32 42 58 63 61 59 55 51 43 30 37 52 64 83 99 108 101 99 90 94 90 45 44 51 54 66 80 90 92 94 97 117 128 105 102 102 102 103 104 107 109 111 110 112 113 108 103 102 102 103 104 107 108 109 108 111 114 84 83 78 80 81 80 85 88 91 87 83 90 60 59 65 77 73 76 59 60 76 89 101 137 8 o Ul 72 72 69 76 80 80 83 81 86 86 1 Descriptions of these indexes have been published in the Federal Reserve Bulletin as follows: Index of industrial production, February and March, 1927 (certain revisions March, 1932); indexes of factory employment and pay rolls, November, 1929, November, 1930; index of building contracts awarded, July, 1931; index of freight-car loadings, August, 1927 (certain revisions, February, 1931); index of department-store sales, February, 1928 (certain revisions, February, 1931). 2 Based on 3-month moving averages centered at the second month. to o No. 130. 1 —INDEXES OF PRODUCTION, EMPLOYMENT, AND TRADE—Continued [Index numbers of the Federal Reserve Board. 1923-1925=100] Building contracts awarded (value) Industrial ]Droduction Year and month Manufactures Total Unad- Ad- Unad- Adjusted justed justed justed 1920 January _ February March _ _ April May June July August September . October November December 1921 January February March April June July August --September October November December 1922 January February March _ April May June Minerals Residential Total Unad- Ad- Unadjusted justed justed Ad- Unad- Adjusted justed justed All other Factory employment Unad- Ad- Unadjusted justed justed Factory pay rolls Freight-car loadin gs Merchandise, I.e. I. Total Ad- Unad- Unad- Adjusted justed justed justed Unadjusted Departmentstore sales Ad- Unad- Adjusted justed justed o 92 93 94 87 93 92 88 89 88 86 78 68 95 95 93 88 90 91 89 89 86 83 76 72 94 96 96 90 93 92 87 88 87 83 74 65 96 96 95 89 91 91 89 89 86 82 73 68 82 78 80 73 86 95 94 98 94 100 97 87 86 84 87 82 85 88 88 91 85 91 94 94 65 72 80 86 82 72 66 58 56 49 40 34 91 86 78 71 65 60 57 54 54 52 49 46 31 31 40 45 41 31 26 24 25 24 21 19 38 36 37 36 33 30 27 26 25 24 22 21 93 106 113 119 114 105 98 86 80 69 56 46 134 127 110 99 91 85 82 78 77 74 70 66 114 113 115 114 112 111 108 109 107 104 98 90 117 115 115 114 112 111 109 108 105 102 97 90 117 116 124 122 123 125 120 123 121 117 108 100 84 81 87 76 88 95 96 99 103 103 94 82 94 91 95 84 88 92 91 94 91 90 91 90 72 82 86 85 82 78 66 65 64 64 67 66 64 67 69 73 72 66 67 66 64 64 66 65 65 67 68 71 71 70 64 64 63 64 66 65 63 66 68 73 72 66 64 64 63 63 64 65 64 67 68 71 71 70 77 72 67 65 73 73 70 71 72 78 71 64 81 77 72 72 73 71 68 69 67 71 68 69 31 37 48 60 66 64 62 64 65 62 57 52 43 43 46 50 53 55 57 61 64 65 66 66 19 27 36 45 48 44 44 48 54 56 57 54 24 32 34 36 38 42 46 51 55 57 59 59 40 45 57 73 81 80 77 77 74 67 58 50 58 53 56 61 64 65 65 70 71 72 72 72 81 83 83 82 82 81 80 81 83 84 84 83 83 84 83 82 82 81 80 81 82 83 84 83 84 82 82 80 78 76 72 74 74 73 72 74 72 72 71 72 78 80 83 80 89 95 81 72 79 79 75 77 79 80 81 77 80 83 77 77 72 76 81 78 82 86 73 76 80 77 81 72 75 80 83 87 90 73 74 78 81 86 90 73 81 88 48 53 63 77 85 92 53 54 59 50 59 77 95 100 99 67 68 75 78 80 85 50 55 66 80 83 78 61 61 62 65 68 75 50 63 86 107 113 117 72 75 84 89 90 94 83 84 86 85 88 90 84 85 85 86 88 90 70 73 75 74 77 80 74 79 84 77 77 88 80 86 88 81 78 85 85 72 83 82 81 80 80 82 74 90 91 101 96 73 73 88 102 112 146 90 89 93 93 96 96 98 97 95 92 96 92 72 78 85 87 88 89 90 85 94 95 92 88 79 83 84 85 86 88 90 86 90 92 90 90 83 76 88 87 91 86 64 63 75 95 97 135 92 92 89 89 87 87 87 84 82 86 83 84 84 88 95 101 95 100 92 93 94 99 93 99 73 69 77 90 89 85 83 83 84 87 87 86 I w o i July August... September... October November... December 84 83 89 96 99 95 85 83 88 93 97 100 88 86 89 95 99 95 90 87 89 94 97 100 1923 January February March April May June July August September October November December 99 102 105 107 108 105 101 100 101 102 99 92 99 100 103 106 106 106 104 103 101 99 98 97 99 103 107 109 108 104 98 98 100 100 98 92 99 100 103 106 106 105 103 101 101 98 97 97 1924 January February March April May June July August September. __ October. November December 99 104 103 96 90 84 81 87 95 98 99 97 100 102 100 95 89 85 84 89 94 95 97 101 99 105 105 98 89 82 78 86 93 97 99 98 1925 January February March April May June July August September. _October November... December 105 107 107 104 103 100 99 101 102 107 108 103 105 104 103 102 102 102 103 103 101 104 107 109 106 109 109 106 103 100 97 99 103 108 110 106 61 67 57 62 81 90 94 100 96 89 80 72 67 63 88 86 80 76 76 79 70 63 64 68 71 72 74 69 67 69 74 76 117 110 93 76 63 56 99 100 90 81 78 81 87 90 94 96 99 100 88 90 92 95 98 100 78 82 87 89 93 96 87 88 98 100 100 88 83 84 88 89 95 96 97 93 95 92 94 88 97 94 90 90 91 91 64 66 85 102 108 152 86 88 91 93 92 93 94 97 99 107 112 115 116 106 113 108 93 101 99 103 111 108 108 111 110 97 104 106 99 64 76 89 102 102 94 83 76 80 81 82 77 83 85 85 84 84 84 78 76 81 85 91 92 68 77 87 " 97 89 80 72 68 77 83 89 89 80 82 78 77 78 77 75 81 84 90 94 61 75 91 106 112 106 91 83 82 80 76 68 86 88 89 89 89 88 79 76 80 86 91 90 101 102 105 105 105 106 105 106 106 105 103 101 102 103 104 105 105 106 106 105 104 104 103 102 94 98 103 104 107 108 103 104 105 107 105 103 90 88 94 96 102 104 105 106 111 110 104 88 99 97 101 104 102 102 102 101 99 98 99 97 86 87 93 96 99 99 98 97 102 102 102 94 94 92 92 94 97 98 98 97 97 99 99 98 79 77 93 97 100 99 73 75 94 111 117 164 91 93 95 100 98 101 98 101 100 101 100 99 99 101 100 95 88 84 83 89 93 95 97 102 100 100 93 83 93 96 95 96 103 104 100 95 103 105 99 93 93 93 93 92 97 96 97 99 76 87 102 113 111 99 92 88 93 95 93 84 95 97 98 98 95 91 88 86 92 98 99 98 86 101 110 119 107 90 82 78 85 93 97 90 101 107 102 98 96 91 87 85 88 93 95 95 67 76 96 108 113 106 101 95 99 96 91 80 91 89 94 94 94 91 88 87 96 103 103 101 100 101 101 100 96 93 91 92 94 95 95 96 101 101 101 99 96 94 92 92 93 94 95 97 98 104 104 101 97 92 85 89 92 95 94 98 91 95 94 90 95 93 94 99 111 112 104 93 99 102 100 96 94 91 93 95 99 100 99 101 91 96 101 101 101 97 96 98 104 104 103 97 99 100 100 99 99 96 97 98 99 101 100 101 86 84 88 103 98 97 71 72 96 105 117 166 99 101 99 98 97 100 96 96 101 96 100 99 105 105 104 103 102 102 103 102 103 106 109 112 101 95 90 89 105 104 107 112 97 105 100 96 100 104 101 104 107 89 90 95 93 78 90 111 127 133 131 140 140 139 128 125 119 97 103 107 111 118 123 131 137 133 131 131 136 80 90 114 131 130 124 131 137 144 140 139 125 96 99 106 112 117 126 135 145 141 138 137 134 76 90 109 124 136 137 147 142 134 118 113 113 99 106 108 110 118 120 128 130 127 125 126 138 96 98 100 99 98 98 98 100 102 102 102 102 98 98 99 99 99 99 99 99 100 101 102 102 95 101 103 100 101 99 97 99 99 105 105 106 94 95 95 96 103 102 104 110 115 113 109 97 103 102 101 103 102 100 102 106 102 102 105 107 95 101 105 106 106 104 103 105 111 109 109 101 102 104 104 104 104 104 104 105 105 106 106 106 84 85 94 105 103 98 75 76 97 122 122 176 99 103 103 80 • 102 102 102 101 101 101 111 104 104 fcO No. to 130.—INDEXES OF PRODUCTION, EMPLOYMENT, AND TRADE—Continued o [Index numbers of the Federal Reserve Board. 1923-1925=100] Industrial production Year and month Manufactures Total Building contracts awarded (value) Minerals Factory employment Total Residential All other Factory pay rolls Freight-car loadings Merchandise, 1. c. 1. Total Departmentstore sales Unad- Ad- Unad- Ad- Unad- Ad- Unad- Ad- Unad- Ad- Unad- Ad- Unad- Ad- Unad- Unad-! A d - Unad- Ad- Unad- Adjusted justed justed justed justed justed justed justed justed justed justed justed I justed justed justed justed justed justed justed justed justed o 1926 January February-_March April May June __ July _... August September.. October November.. December— 105 108 110 108 107 106 103 109 113 114 110 101 106 105 106 107 106 108 108 110 111 111 110 107 108 111 112 110 108 106 102 108 112 113 108 99 109 107 106 106 106 108 108 110 111 111 108 105 90 92 98 96 103 109 110 115 119 124 123 113 91 95 106 108 104 107 108 109 110 113 118 119 113 121 130 142 135 131 136 137 137 127 125 114 139 139 127 126 120 122 126 132 130 130 132 131 113 135 114 j 127 128 I 121 140 121 135 120 120 119 116 119 115 119 122 ! 120 123 122 120 118 109 117 113 126 132 143 136 140 151 155 149 130 130 119 141 149 132 130 120 125 133 142 139 137 142 142 101 102 103 102 101 101 99 101 103 103 101 100 102 102 102 101 101 101 101 101 102 102 101 101 1927 January February. _. March April May June July August September.. October November-. December... 106 111 113 110 112 107 102 105 106 105 101 107 108 110 108 109 107 106 106 104 102 101 102 105 110 114 112 112 106 102 104 105 104 100 95 106 107 108 108 110 108 107 106 104 102 101 102 112 113 111 96 108 108 103 111 111 112 105 97 115 117 120 106 109 106 101 106 104 103 102 102 107 114 132 144 145 140 140 131 133 126 122 111 132 131 128 128 128 128 128 126 128 128 129 131 97 105 123 133 132 117 115 108 119 120 120 111 117 117 116 115 115 114 114 113 118 119 121 125 115 121 138 153 157 158 160 149 145 131 124 111 144 142 138 139 139 140 140 136 136 135 136 136 98 100 100 100 99 100 100 100 105 111 112 110 110 108 107 108 108 108 108 108 106 113 114 113 111 109 107 110 109 109 108 109 100 103 102 105 105 106 102 111 121 138 155 159 154 137 138 137 137 137 139 116 128 143 152 149 140 139 142 136 130 130 133 108 115 134 157 168 166 135 135 137 142 143 144 1928 January February-_. March April _ May June 95 104 104 100 99 101 101 106 107 105 104 104 99 104 105 108 105 104 94 96 99 98 106 109 110 112 121 122 113 98 105 106 105 104 102 99 102 102 103 99 102 99 105 105 104 109 116 114 101 101 103 100 101 101 92 94 97 96 105 101 97 97 97 104 103 105 105 105 107 107 107 108 108 109 108 106 107 109* 106 103 104 102 104 103 101 102 102 103 101 103 100 102 107 106 107 106 104 105 110 109 108 101 106 105 106 105 105 106 105 105 106 104 106 105 90 87 97 102 109 100 77 82 104 120 124 184 106 105 101 105 109 108 106 108 106 109 106 108 102 106 106 106 105 104 105 110 109 106 105 104 105 104 104 105 105 105 105 104 104 104 91 89 95 109 105 101 76 85 103 117 126 182 107 108 106 106 105 106 105 111 104 107 108 106 101 105 105 108 103 105 104 104 103 104 103 97 105 107 102 108 106 107 106 107 107 o fed fed fed fed fed July August September October November. _. December 1929 January February March April May June July August.September... October November December 1930 January February March April May June July August September . . . October November.... December 1931 January February March April May .June July... August— September... October November.—. December— 105 110 116 118 115 109 109 110 113 115 117 118 105 110 116 117 115 110 110 111 114 116 118 120 104 111 115 123 118 106 102 ! 142 105 137 107 138 111 134 114 122 111 | 107 132 j 131 134 136 132 127 127 116 118 115 112 93 126 119 118 115 114 106 155 154 154 150 130 117 137 141 147 152 146 145 96 98 100 100 99 98 97 97 98 98 99 100 98 103 104 107 104 104 105 109 119 119 109 94 102 103 105 106 107 106 104 104 109 109 107 99 105 104 105 104 105 105 80 81 113 118 125 192 110 107 112 108 108 111 117 121 124 124 126 125 120 122 123 121 108 119 119 119 121 122 125 124 121 121 118 110 103 117 122 126 128 128 127 120 122 123 119 107 120 119 120 122 123 127 125 122 121 119 110 101 114 116 101 103 116 116 118 121 127 127 114 110 116 119 109 114 117 114 116 115 118 116 110 116 98 102 121 139 143 144 136 129 112 104 94 84 120 118 121 123 121 126 124 122 110 107 103 102 81 84 106 117 113 102 94 84 73 67 66 53 97 94 101 100 97 95 93 86 73 67 67 61 111 116 133 158 168 178 170 166 144 135 116 109 139 137 137 142 141 152 149 152 140 139 132 136 97 100 101 102 102 102 102 104 105 103 99 95 100 100 101 102 102 103 103 103 102 101 99 97 101 108 111 111 111 110 106 111 112 111 103 99 95 99 98 102 109 110 111 115 121 118 102 89 108 107 105 108 107 108 107 107 106 104 102 102 97 101 106 107 107 105 105 106 110 109 106 96 104 104 105 104 104 105 106 106 106 104 104 103 90 91 107 103 109 108 79 84 117 122 125 191 110 111 112 110 109 113 109 111 114 112 108 108 103 109 106 107 105 99 91 90 92 90 84 77 106 107 104 104 102 98 93 90 90 102 110 109 110 106 98 105 107 104 104 101 97 92 90 87 82 74 86 85 82 108 104 91 94 102 103 100 101 101 105 96 110 78 108 89 98 | 102 104 113 104 125 102 116 100 107 96 85 94 82 95 75 92 68 59 95 104 102 101 105 99 95 81 81 78 76 73 46 44 54 62 61 54 48 48 52 51 46 37 56 49 52 53 52 49 47 49 52 52 48 43 104 126 141 156 178 166 155 115 108 94 86 77 128 148 144 140 148 140 135 106 105 99 99 98 93 93 93 93 91 89 86 85 86 84 81 79 96 94 93 92 91 90 87 84 83 82 81 80 94 98 98 97 94 91 83 82 83 81 75 74 89 91 90 93 97 95 95 96 99 97 86 74 100 99 96 97 96 93 92 89 87 86 84 84 94 98 101 101 101 98 94 95 99 97 94 86 101 101 100 98 98 98 95 95 95 93 92 92 88 89 93 110 105 98 71 77 103 112 113 165 107 108 107 107 105 103 100 102 99 102 98 94 82 87 89 90 89 83 80 78 77 75 72 83 81 88 91 91 90 83 79 77 76 72 70 83 86 87 87 87 | 82 82 78 75 71 71 73 58 68 77 82 78 74 68 63 59 52 43 30 71 79 77 73 65 63 61 59 59 55 49 38 37 42 50 52 47 41 36 32 32 29 26 20 44 47 47 44 40 37 35 33 32 30 27 23 75 89 98 107 104 101 94 87 81 71 57 39 93 104 100 96 85 84 82 81 80 76 67 50 76 77 78 78 77 75 74 74 75 71 69 68 78 78 78 78 78 76 75 74 73 70 69 69 68 73 75 74 72 68 64 64 62 59 56 56 74 74 75 77 79 77 78 76 78 78 70 61 82 80 80 80 79 77 76 72 69 69 68 69 83 87 89 91 92 89 87 86 88 87 85 77 90 89 89 88 89 89 88 86 85 83 83 83 79 80 92 101 97 90 65 67 87 93 95 142 97 98 97 106 97 95 91 88 84 86 83 81 84 87 83 82 78 76 73 73 74 84 82 83 84 85 85 82 79 91 87 79 77 82 81 84 206 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD No. 131."—INDEX OF PRODUCTION OF MANUFACTURES, BY GROUPS [Monthly series adjusted for seasonal variation, 1923-1925—100] Year and month 1919. 1920. 1921. 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925. 1926. 1927. 1928. 1929. 1930. 1931. Leath- Non- Petro- RubToFood Paper ber bacco Tex- prodand Lum- Autoer and fer- leum tires motiles ucts print- ber biles prod- rous refin- and proding ucts metals ing tubes ucts All industries Iron and steel 84 87 67 86 101 94 105 108 106 112 119 95 80 82 99 46 82 105 89 106 113 104 119 130 94 60 92 84 87 99 105 91 104 104 113 107 115 91 94 94 84 83 94 99 103 98 97 96 98 97 93 90 76 87 70 85 94 99 107 114 112 119 125 113 106 84 86 72 87 101 98 101 98 92 91 91 64 40 50 58 41 66 102 91 107 108 86 110 135 85 60 104 97 90 102 110 94 96 98 103 103 105 94 92 67 78 39 C9 94 99 107 112 109 115 125 97 69 54 64 64 74 86 99 115 127 136 152 168 161 155 55 77 86 98 116 116 120 144 135 100 107 110 109 109 108 109 110 111 114 116 118 120 112 112 111 119 113 113 123 120 126 128 127 127 107 109 108 101 108 106 100 105 107 110 113 114 103 108 105 96 94 93 89 90 94 99 103 105 115 116 119 119 119 117 118 119 119 117 122 124 92 92 92 93 90 91 84 88 86 90 93 94 95 97 98 100 107 116 119 126 126 129 138 103 104 105 102 102 105 106 104 103 101 99 100 100 108 108 111 111 115 113 117 117 121 126 127 135 140 141 147 149 153 155 160 162 160 159 158 128 133 133 127 132 136 147 152 161 168 162 162 120 119 120 122 123 127 125 122 121 119 110 101 126 128 130 131 139 148 149 139 136 126 108 95 116 114 117 119 119 120 117 118 116 118 108 99 104 124 101 123 95 126 101 123 95 125 96 127 96 125 99 126 99 130 97 127 97 " 124 96 121 94 86 91 94 93 94 95 93 92 89 87 85 142 143 143 143 142 153 141 131 122 123 113 65 101 101 101 103 106 108 105 107 108 110 109 102 125 124 129 136 137 126 127 123 125 123 119 113 159 161 161 165 167 170 171 176 174 178 171 167 154 149 151 149 148 146 140 122 113 115 107 105 107 104 104 101 97 92 89 89 86 85 82 107 118 109 107 104 102 91 90 83 76 71 63 103 100 99 95 88 83 84 80 " 88 90 93 90 97 94 90 95 97 92 94 91 96 96 95 89 121 122 120 120 117 115 111 109 108 107 103 101 74 78 82 78 76 70 63 59 54 50 43 45 97 102 98 102 101 91 75 62 62 49 74 85 103 100 100 103 99 96 92 93 93 88 82 82 105 102 103 105 100 96 96 95 97 95 86 85 160 166 165 171 171 166 164 162 163 157 148 148 112 105 104 110 108 106 93 99 85 90 90 93 83 86 87 87 87 82 82 78 75 71 71 73 71 74 77 71 67 61 58 50 45 45 51 42 94 92 87 95 89 83 87 88 93 92 91 97 107 109 110 109 111 107 109 105 104 100 99 99 47 44 48 47 48 47 42 38 36 33 27 27 81 89 94 103 107 99 98 102 95 81 77 82 77 79 76 73 73 68 65 65 65 64 59 62 141 146 150 159 161 159 160 161 159 158 155 149 94 92 97 96 115 108 114 94 80 76 84 1928 January February March April May June .-July August September October November Decesmber 1929 January — February March April May June July — August September October November December 1930 January February March April May -__.._ June July. August September October. November December 1931 January February March April May June July August September October November December 95 97 96 97 96 100 99 100 Backfiguresof monthly series.—For index of manufactures, 1919-1927 (all industries), see Table 130. Tables showing indexes, both adjusted and unadjusted, by groups and by industries, 1923-1931, may be obtained from the Division of Research and Statistics. 207 BUSINESS CONDITIONS No. 132.— INDEX OF PRODUCTION OF MINERALS, BY INDUSTRIES [Monthly series adjusted for seasonal variations. 1923-1925=100] All industries Year and month 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 _ _ Bitu- Anthra- Petro- Ironore minous cite leum, shipcoal crude ments coal 77 89 70 74 105 96 99 108 107 106 115 99 84 89 109 79 78 108 93 99 110 99 96 102 89 72 109 110 112 65 115 109 76 104 99 93 91 86 73 52 61 64 75 99 97 104 105 122 122 137 122 116 103 102 105 105 106 102 102 105 107 111 114 111 94 93 97 92 95 93 95 93 95 101 101 98 81 82 91 102 110 83 77 94 92 98 111 94 121 120 120 120 119 118 119 122 123 126 127 131 116 119 109 114 117 1 114 116 115 118 116 110 116 105 111 90 102 105 102 103 99 103 103 98 104 95 97 86 90 86 84 84 80 101 91 88 113 137 136 133 133 134 135 143 145 140 140 132 133 110 108 98 104 104 102 100 96 94 95 92 93 101 93 82 98 93 90 87 83 86 88 87 86 94 91 80 71 85 89 99 89 78 85 82 89 133 134 126 128 128 125 121 117 114 115 114 110 77 73 76 77 75 74 74 70 70 71 67 64 82 81 84 82 75 75 70 62 65 74 66 69 110 109 112 120 122 122 123 107 103 116 123 121 91 113 36 82 114 82 104 113 98 104 126 90 45 Copper (mined) Zinc Lead Silver 81 85 30 62 93 100 107 110 105 115 127 87 66 87 39 68 96 97 107 116 111 112 114 91 54 66 77 88 102 110 116 112 106 113 97 68 84 87 103 101 96 95 93 88 94 79 49 102 104 102 104 110 110 113 116 123 129 133 133 105 107 112 113 113 117 117 120 114 11.0 111 106 104 110 109 101 101 100 98 107 115 109 111 109 91 82 93 89 87 93 82 89 82 81 88 96 129 136 135 142 139 124 122 119 125 123 118 115 102 106 110 116 121 120 124 127 120 119 106 98 116 111 111 112 121 110 114 113 117 117 113 101 92 91 90 103 97 95 96 94 93 96 106 84 101 95 88 90 90 86 83 84 89 83 83 76 104 98 96 94 94 99 91 94 93 90 70 68 92 108 103 108 100 95 100 102 98 91 80 89 87 98 86 88 82 77 76 72 76 71 67 68 72 76 70 69 68 67 59 59 60 60 64 66 65 65 65 61 54 54 49 49 49 47 45 45 80 79 76 69 75 58 62 66 65 66 58 62 64 60 60 54 53 47 47 45 42 41 38 43 1928 January February March April May June July August September October November December __ _ 82 108 106 104 113 120 1929 January February March .__ April May _ June July August September October November December _ _. 146 128 121 121 123 107 112 1930 January February March__ Auril May ._. . June-July August September, October November December __ 1 106 108 97 96 80 74 58 1931 January February March April May._ June _July August... __ September OctoberNovember December _ 88 86 89 91 87 86 86 79 77 82 81 84 28 46 56 59 52 41 12 Backfiguresof monthly series.—For index of minerals (all industries), 1919-1927, see Table 130. Tables showing indexes, both adjusted and unadjusted, by industries, 1923-1931, may be obtained from the Division of Research and Statistics. to N o . 133.—INDEX OF FACTORY EMPLOYMENT, BY GROUPS o 00 [1923-1925=100] Year and month 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926. 1927. 1928. 1929. 1930. 1931. All manufacturing industries 106.7 107. 9 82.4 90.1 104.2 96.2 99.6 101.4 98.8 97.2 101. 1 87.8 74.4 Iron and steel 99.7 107.0 65.4 83.9 104.4 97.2 98.4 101. 3 96.8 95.4 98.9 87.1 71.7 Machinery 117.2 128.9 77.0 82.2 107.7 93.6 98.7 107.9 100. 0 98.7 116. 1 97.4 72.5 Textiles 97.8 98.3 93.0 97.3 105.3 95.2 99.6 97.9 100. 8 95.1 96.9 84.7 77.9 Food products 109.0 103.8 94.8 95.5 102.0 100.0 98.0 98.5 99. 1 98.6 99.7 94.7 88.5 Paper and printing 96.8 104.4 89.1 92.7 99.3 99.8 10J.0 103.6 103.1 101.7 104.2 101.2 93.0 Lumber and products 93.2 88.1 74.5 95.5 100.9 98.1 101.0 100. 5 92.3 88.1 88.2 69.1 52.2 Transportation equipment AutoGroup mobiles 96.3 104.2 71.7 78.3 106.9 94.9 98.3 98.3 88.4 90.6 94.6 76. 1 60.4 85.2 88.2 52.9 72.0 100.6 93.5 105. 8 104.8 91.6 108. 8 114.3 81.8 66.1 Leather Cement, and clay, prodand ucts glass 107.5 98.5 87.8 97.6 106.2 96.3 97.5 96.8 97.3 93.5 93.7 85.9 80.1 Chemicals Nonferrous metals PetroGroup leum refining Rubber Tobacco prodproducts ucts 84.7 89.1 73.6 88.1 100. 8 99.0 100.2 101.9 97.5 92.3 89.6 75.6 61.7 114.6 121.3 74.5 90.1 107.1 95.1 97.9 99.5 97.4 96.6 101.1 78.1 64.6 108.3 . 1 70.8 81.0 101.5 95.9 102.6 108.8 107.9 105.3 112.3 104.5 89.0 102.9 96.5 100. 6 110.2 110.2 102.4 116.4 111.9 88.8 102.5 91.8 105.7 104.6 104.0 108.6 108.3 82.7 71.9 112.9 111.7 110.5 107.2 105.8 98.8 95.4 90.8 93.6 93.8 91.6 87.4 79.3 Without seasonal adjustment 1928—January February... March April May June July August September.. October November,. December. _ 94.2 95.7 96.6 96.0 95.7 96.2 95.7 98.3 100.3 100.2 98.8 98.1 91.0 94.0 95.4 95.3 95.7 95.5 93.6 95.9 96.4 96.9 97.7 97.1 92.8 94. 1 95.5 95.9 97.4 98.2 97.9 99.5 101.4 102.8 103.8 105.2 99.7 100.7 100.3 97.0 93.4 91.8 87.8 89.4 92.6 95.7 96.2 97.0 96.8 97.8 97.4 95.6 96.1 97.6 97.9 97.4 100.5 102.6 101.9 102.0 103.0 102.4 101.4 100.3 100.6 100.5 100. 5 100.8 101.1 102.4 103.7 103.6 85.3 85.4 86.7 87.5 87.4 88.3 87.5 89. 5 90.4 90.6 90.5 88.2 83.0 86.1 88.2 89.7 92.4 92.4 91.6 94.2 95.4 94.4 90.2 89.9 89.7 98.3 102.6 105.2 111.3 111.3 111.2 118.1 121. 5 119.8 109.1 107.7 96.2 97.9 97.3 92.4 89.8 89.7 94.0 95.9 96. 1 94.6 89.3 88.6 85.9 86.5 89, 4 91.8 95.3 96.2 94.6 96.6 96.0 94.1 91.8 89.5 89.8 93.6 94.6 95.9 95.9 96.0 95.3 96.0 97.6 1C0.0 102.2 102.4 103.3 106.5 110.4 109.9 101. 5 101.0 100.4 101.3 106.8 107.4 107.3 107.8 101. 1 100.8 101.0 99.4 99.2 101.5 102.6 103.9 105. 8 104. 3 104.0 104.7 105.1 107.6 106.0 105.7 105.4 105. 4 110.7 111.6 113.4 113.2 109.8 109.6 88.5 92.4 93.5 91.1 92.2 93.0 88.0 94.7 96.7 99.1 98.9 95.7 1929—January February... March April May 97.4 99.8 101.4 102.1 101. 9 97. 1 98.3 99.3 99.7 100.7 106.7 110.4 113.8 116.7 119.1 95.9 98.0 101.1 99.3 97.3 98.6 98.8 97.6 96.2 97.3 102.5 103.4 103.1 102.5 102.8 85.5 85.8 86.6 88.2 89.2 94.0 99.0 100.5 101.7 101.5 118.3 129.5 131.1 131.4 130.0 91.9 94.1 92.7 90.6 90.3 84.3 84.5 86.8 90.5 93.1 102. 4 106. 1 107.9 107.7 105.3 107. 6 110.9 115.5 119.0 110.3 104.0 106.7 109.2 111.9 114.4 112.2 112.3 113.3 114.3 115.3 84.1 92.0 92.0 91.3 90.3 June July August September. October, _. November. December. 102.0 102.1 104.0 105.4 103.3 98.9 95.2 100.8 99.8 101.0 101.0 99.4 97.0 92.2 120.8 121. 5 119.4 119.5 118.7 115.0 112.1 96.3 91.5 94.2 98.4 99.8 97.1 94.3 99.2 99.8 99.7 102.4 104. 2 101.6 100.4 103.2 103. 6 104. 1 106.0 106.1 106.7 106.9 90. C 90.5 92.2 91.8 90.1 86.7 81.6 97.6 96.4 95.5 94.8 90.2 82.9 81.3 120.6 117.8 115.0 113. 1 101.3 83.7 79.6 89.4 94.6 98. 1 99.5 99.3 94.4 90.0 93.8 91.6 93.8 93.6 91.9 88.9 82.3 102.9 100.5 99.8 98.6 98.4 93.6 89.9 107.9 108.9 111.2 114.5 116. 1 113.8 111.8 116.4 120.0 121.9 124.0 124.6 123.7 120.9 115.0 114.2 111.5 108.3 102.7 91.2 89.2 91.4 90.5 93.0 93.7 95.0 96.1 89.2 1930—January... February.. March April _ May June July August September. October. _. November. December. 93.2 93.3 93.1 92.6 90.9 88.8 85.5 85.1 86.4 84.3 81.0 78.8 91.7 93.5 92.8 93.0 92.7 90.0 86.1 83.6 82.3 81.6 79.8 78.0 109.9 109.3 108.5 106.9 103.6 100.1 95.2 90.9 89.8 87.4 84.7 83.3 92.8 92.9 92.9 90.3 86.8 83.6 76.6 77.9 82.2 82.4 80.1 78.1 97.4 96.7 95.0 94.0 94.5 95.6 95.0 92.9 95.2 94.7 93.6 92.3 105.1 104.0 103.7 102.6 102.4 101.5 100.5 99.7 98.6 98.8 98.4 98.4 76.8 75.0 75.0 74.2 73.4 71.7 68.2 66.5 64.5 64.3 61.6 58.4 83.2 83.9 83.2 84.0 84.0 80.2 74.8 72.1 70.3 67.0 64.9 65.3 85.7 89.7 91.0 93.9 95.3 88.8 81.0 76.3 73.2 69.6 67.9 69.0 91.4 92.4 91.5 89.8 86.8 84.5 86.6 87.4 86.1 83.1 76.9 74.5 74.7 75.3 78.4 81.2 81.7 80.4 75.8 74.8 74.5 73.2 70.4 66.4 85.9 84.6 84.3 82.9 81.2 80.2 77.7 75.1 72.5 71.6 70.9 70.2 110.6 110.2 112.5 111.7 104.6 101.8 101.0 101.5 102.7 101.4 98.6 97.8 120.8 120.9 118. 5 116.1 114.1 114.0 113.6 112.2 108.5 104.1 99.8 99.6 89.7 87.9 87.2 88.6 88.3 88.0 82.7 81.0 77.4 75.3 72.6 73.2 84.2 1931—January... February.. March April May June July August September. October. _. November. December. 76.4 77.3 78. 1 77.9 77. 1 75.0 73.8 74.2 74.7 71.4 68.7 67.9 76.1 76.5 77.7 77.4 75.7 72.6 71.1 69.9 68.0 66.3 65.0 64.4 81.0 81.1 80.4 78.9 76.8 73.9 70.4 67.7 67.0 65.2 63.8 63.8 76.0 79.4 82.7 81.8 80.6 76.7 75.2 77.8 79.8 77.4 74.3 72.9 90.1 89.4 88.1 87.3 88.3 88.4 87.8 87.9 89.7 89.2 88.0 87.9 96.3 95. 1 95.0 94. 6 94.6 92.7 92.0 91.7 90.8 91.4 91.0 90.8 54.4 54.6 54.4 54.6 54.9 54.3 52.2 52. 1 51.1 50. 1 48.4 45.2 65.2 65.2 65.7 66.2 66. 1 63.5 60.2 58.7 57.7 51.5 50.6 54.4 68.3 69.8 73.4 75.1 77.3 72.6 67.2 65.4 63.9 50.5 49.9 60.2 77.5 80.3 83.2 82.4 80.8 79.7 84.6 86.7 84.2 79.2 69.6 73.2 59.4 60.7 63. 1 65.7 67.3 67.0 63.7 62.6 61.7 59.0 56.3 53.3 68.4 68.1 68.8 68.1 67.4 65.4 63.4 62.3 61.7 60.8 60.8 60.3 96.2 95.6 93.3 96.7 91.4 86.7 86.2 84.4 86.0 85.7 83.5 82.0 97.8 96.2 86.3 94.0 94.4 91.1 89.0 86.4 84.4 83.0 81.4 81.3 73.0 72.0 69.0 71.1 74.3 75.6 74.1 71.5 71.7 70.2 70.7 69.8 88.0 89.4 89.2 88.2 84.0 87.7 88.0 87.1 W in 75.4 83.4 82.9 80.2 80.7 79.9 79.4 79.1 79.5 79.9 79.3 71.7 M in o o 3 Back figures of monthly series.—See Federal Reserve Bulletin for November, 1929, and November, 1930, for data back to January, 1919. 8 SO to No. 133.—INDEX OF FACTORY EMPLOYMENT, BY GROUPS—Continued Year and month All manufacturing industries Iron and Food MachinTextiles prodery ucts Transportation equipment Leather Cement, NonPaper Lumand and ber and clay, ferrous prodand print- prodmetals glass ucts ing ucts AutoGroup mobiles o Chemicals Group Petroleum Ra bber Tobacco prodproducts ucts refining Adjusted for seasonal variation 1928—January February. _. March April May _. June ._ July— August September.. October November.. December.. 96.1 96.1 96.1 95.7 96.1 96.7 96.6 97.3 97.7 98.3 99.3 92.8 93.2 94.0 94.0 94,6 95.4 95.1 96.2 95.7 96.6 98.2 98.5 93.8 93.4 94.1 94.7 96.7 97.6 97.9 99.7 101.9 103.6 105.2 106.4 98.6 98.0 96.7 95.2 94.2 94.0 92.8 92.8 93.3 94.0 95.2 96.0 98.2 98.8 99.4 99.2 98.9 97.8 98.2 97.6 98.0 98.2 99.4 100.2 102.2 102.2 101.1 100.8 101.4 101.4 101.6 102.1 101.4 102.0 102.3 101.7 88.0 87.9 88.6 88.3 87.8 88.0 87.1 88.0 87.9 88.1 89.0 88.7 85.4 85.9 86.3 86.6 88.7 91. 1 91.7 93.2 94.5 94.4 95.4 95.6 94.4 96.9 98.1 99.0 103.0 108.9 111.7 115.4 119.2 119.8 121.2 121. 7 95.5 95.4 95.3 94.2 93.6 94.0 94.7 93.3 92.7 91.8 90.1 91.1 93.6 93.3 92.7 91.2 92.4 92.2 92.4 92.5 92.3 91.9 91.2 92.4 90.9 91.7 91.4 93.6 94.7 96.0 96.6 97.4 99.1 101.4 103.4 103.9 103.6 104.9 105.1 103.8 103.4 105.0 104.9 104.4 106.3 107. 1 107.0 108.0 103.1 102.2 102.1 99.4 99.4 100.5 100.4 102.0 103.9 104.5 105.1 106.0 105.4 106.4 105.0 104.7 104.7 105.0 110.7 110.8 111.0 113.8 114.4 112.3 93.7 93.7 93.7 93.6 89.9 95.7 93.8 93.9 93.8 93.8 1929—January February.._ March April May June July August September.. October November,. December. _ 100.3 100.9 101.7 102. 4 102.7 102.8 102.7 102.4 101.3 99.3 96.9 99.0 97.6 97.8 98.5 99.5 100.8 101.3 101.4 100.2 99.1 97.4 93.6 107.8 109.8 112.0 115.2 118.3 120.1 121.5 119.6 120.1 119.5 116.4 113.3 95.2 95.4 97.4 97.5 98.1 98.6 96.6 97.8 98.7 97.9 96.2 93.4 99.9 99.8 99.5 99.6 100.0 99.4 100.1 99.9 99.9 99.8 99.1 98.7 101.7 103.2 102.8 103.0 103.6 104.2 104.8 I 96.9 98.6 98.0 98.0 97.0 96.2 96.4 94.5 93.7 90.4 87.3 86.0 124. 6 127. 6 125.3 123.6 119.8 118.0 118.2 112.2 109.8 101.3 93.8 91.0 91.4 91.7 91.5 92.4 94.1 94. 1 94.9 95.4 95.6 96.0 95.1 92.6 91.9 90.9 90.0 89.9 90.2 89.9 89.6 89.7 105.0 88.4 88.4 88.5 89.3 89.7 89.8 90. 1 90.5 89.1 87.2 85.0 82.1 88.4 85.0 103.6 104.0 104.2 105. 1 104.0 102.9 101.9 101.2 100.1 99.9 94.8 91.1 108.0 109.5 110.4 112.0 112.2 111.8 113.4 114.4 114.0 115.8 113.4 111.9 106.0 108.1 110.3 111.9 114.6 115.3 117.4 119. 7 121.8 124.9 124.9 122.4 113.2 111.4 112.6 113.3 114.6 114 7 113.8 110.3 105.6 102.9 94.4 90.8 90.8 92.9 92.6 93.3 91.9 92.0 92.6 93.6 90.9 89.9 90.9 87.4 1930—January February... March April May June July. August September.. 95.6 93.9 92.9 92.4 91.4 89.7 86.6 84.4 83.4 93.6 92.8 91.6 91.9 91.6 90.0 87.3 83.9 81.7 111.0 108.6 106. 9 105.6 102.8 99.5 95.2 90.8 90.2 92.2 90.3 89.4 88.6 87.4 85.7 81.0 81.0 82.4 98.7 97.6 96.9 97.5 97.1 95.8 95.2 93.0 92.9 104.3 103.8 103.4 103.1 103.2 102.4 101.7 101.1 99.0 77.4 76.8 75.2 73.9 71.6 67.8 65.1 62.4 85.6 83.6 81.4 81.0 80.4 78.9 74.9 71.7 69. 7 90.7 88.4 87.0 87.9 87.4 86.5 81.4 74.8 71. 1 90.9 90.2 90.4 91.5 90.4 88.9 86.8 85.1 82.7 81.2 80.7 81.1 80.7 79.3 77.1 74.3 71.4 71.7 82.9 81.6 81.0 80.2 80.3 78.7 76.1 73.6 111.1 109.0 107. 5 105.6 106.5 105.7 105.4 104.4 102.3 123.1 122.4 119.7 116.1 114.3 113.0 111.1 110.1 106.6 90.4 87.3 86.8 88.0 88.0 88.0 82.4 80.0 75.3 90.8 90.1 90.2 90.1 90.9 89.7 90.4 84.1 85.1 105.4 106.3 105.6 105.2 October. _. November. December. 82.2 81.1 80.1 81.3 80.2 79.1 88.0 85.7 84.2 80.7 79.4 77.4 90.9 91.4 90.8 98.4 97.0 96.7 62.1 60.4 58.8 67.2 68.6 69.4 69.6 76.4 78.9 80.2 77.4 76.6 71.4 70.0 68.6 72.6 71.8 71.2 101.1 98.3 97.9 104.3 100.8 100.8 75.4 75.2 74.7 83.5 82.0 83.5 1931—January... February.. March April May June July August September. October... November. December. 78.3 77.8 77.9 78.0 77.8 76.0 75.1 74.1 72.8 70.3 69.3 69.4 77.5 75.9 76.6 76.5 74.8 72.6 72.1 70.3 67.4 66.2 65.3 65.4 81.9 80.6 79.3 78.0 76.3 73.4 70.3 67.7 67.3 65.6 64.6 64.5 75.5 77.2 79.7 80.2 81.2 78.6 79.6 80.9 80.0 76.0 73.6 72.2 91.2 90.3 89.9 90.6 90.8 88.7 88.1 88.1 87.5 85.5 85.9 86.3 95.6 94.9 94.7 95.0 95.3 93.6 93.0 93.0 91.1 91.0 89.7 89.2 56.3 56.3 55.7 55.4 55.4 54.4 52.0 51.1 49.4 48.4 47.4 45.4 67.1 64.9 64.3 63.8 63.2 62.4 60.2 58.3 57.2 51.7 53.4 58.0 72.3 68.8 70.2 70.3 70.9 70.7 67.6 64.2 62.0 50.5 56.1 68.8 77.1 78.4 82.2 84.0 84.2 83.9 84.8 84.3 80.9 76.4 70.1 75.3 64.4 65.0 65.2 65.2 65.4 64.4 62.7 60.1 59.4 57.6 55.9 55.0 69.2 66.8 66.6 66.5 66.6 65.4 64.2 63.1 62.5 61.7 61.4 61.1 96.6 94.5 89.8 91.7 93.0 89.6 89.4 86.6 85.7 85.4 83.1 81.9 99.7 97.4 87.2 94.0 94.5 90.2 87.1 84.8 82.9 83.2 82.2 82.3 73.7 71.4 68.4 70.5 74.0 75.7 73.8 70.5 69.8 70.3 73.3 71.3 81.3 84.6 83.4 82.1 82.1 80.4 81.4 79.1 77.2 75.8 74.8 70.4 d 02 M 3 fed a o 3 to to No. 134.—INDEX OF FACTORY PA'S ROLLS, BY GROUPS [Without seasonal adjustment. All manufacturing industries Year and month 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 _- .-- 1928—January February March April _ _ May June July . August September October November December 1929—January February March .. April May June July August __ September - Iron and steel Machin- Textiles ery Food products Paper and printing 1923-1925 = 100] Transportation equipment Lumber and products Group Automobiles Leather Cement, Nonand clay, ferrous prodand metals ucts glass Chemicals Group Petroleum refining Rubber Tobacco prodproducts ucts 98.1 118.1 76.8 81.1 103.4 95.7 100.9 104.3 102.0 101.8 107.7 87.4 66.0 98.0 123.8 55.8 69.9 103.8 96.7 99.4 104.2 98.5 99.9 106.0 84.4 55.4 104.1 135.6 69.6 72.8 107.0 92.6 100.4 111.9 103.5 104.7 125.6 96.7 60.4 90.0 107.8 89.2 91.0 105.8 94.4 99.8 98.4 104.1 96.4 99.6 81.9 69.4 98.0 109.2 93.3 90.2 100.1 100.5 99.4 101.2 102.4 102.5 104.4 99.6 88.0 74.2 100.3 83.3 86.1 96.1 99.7 104.2 110. 4 110.1 109.8 114.5 110.0 95.9 89.2 109.2 68.0 82.1 100.0 98.4 101.6 102.0 95. 1 90.5 90.6 65.8 41.5 88.8 111.5 72.7 76.4 107.1 93.2 99.7 99.1 91.3 97.2 103.4 76.4 54.6 74.9 90.4 48.7 66.2 100.8 90.2 109.1 105.2 93.5 117.6 122.0 76.7 54.5 99.0 105.9 87.0 96.0 106.8 95.5 97.8 98.1 98.6 92.4 93.1 75.4 64.9 72.6 93.0 67.4 73.2 98.9 100.7 100.3 101.5 96.2 90.4 87.0 68.7 48.7 99.3 130.4 66.7 82.3 105. 3 94.8 99.9 103.0 100.3 107.1 115.2 79.6 57.3 100.1 113.7 66.9 73.7 99.8 96.3 103.9 111.0 109.7 106.0 113.4 103.9 84.5 102.1 95.2 102.7 111.4 112.2 105.7 120.2 116.4 89.1 101.5 92.7 105.8 106.2 108.5 114.8 111.0 80.6 61.4 107.2 124.6 104.6 99.2 104.2 99.4 96.3 92.1 91.1 88.4 87.7 79.4 65.4 95.7 101.1 102.5 100.3 100.8 100.9 98.3 102.5 104.2 107.4 103.6 104.2 89.9 100.3 101.6 99.7 102.1 99.6 93.8 99.8 99.1 105.1 105.1 103.3 94.5 99.0 101.9 101.8 104.2 106.1 102.5 105.3 106.0 111.3 110.3 114.0 101.0 105.0 104.0 95.3 92.0 90.9 85.8 90.2 94.9 101.0 96.7 100.3 100.3 102.0 101.3 97.5 100.2 102.8 103.1 101.5 104.3 106.0 104.9 106.3 110.6 109.7 109.8 109.0 108.9 109.0 107.3 107.5 109.2 111.5 111.7 113.7 83.2 87.2 89.5 89.6 90.5 91.3 88.3 91.5 93.4 95.8 94.4 90.8 83.4 94.1 97.9 99.4 100.9 98.5 94.8 100.4 100. 1 104.7 96.1 95.8 88.2 111.0 117.2 119.3 124.2 117.6 115.2 128.3 129.0 134.1 114.5 112.4 95.3 101.4 99.9 86.0 82.9 87.1 94.3 100.4 99.6 95.9 80.1 86.0 82.5 84.3 87.3 90.5 94.0 94.0 91.0 95.1 92.8 94.1 90.7 88.4 95.7 101.5 102.5 102.4 105.3 104.8 101.2 106.7 109.4 116.6 118.5 120.5 104.2 106.4 108.8 108.7 103.4 102.9 102.5 103.6 106.3 109.2 108.2 108.1 104.0 103.5 103.4 104.2 101.6 104.2 107.1 108.6 109.3 107.8 107.1 107.2 109.4 115.7 114.6 113.0 109.3 112.5 114.8 117.9 123.8 120.4 112.4 114.1 85.0 85.1 86.3 80.3 84.1 89.7 84.9 88.7 92.9 95.2 94.1 94.3 100.8 108.1 110.8 111.4 111.4 109.7 ' 105.7 110.6 ! 111.9 ! 101.3 107.2 108.5 110.5 111.6 109.9 103.5 109.3 108.9 112.3 120.7 126.5 129.5 131.9 131.6 128.2 127.5 127.9 97.© 103.6 108.8 103.2 99.3 97.8 90.4 97.4 103.0 102.2 102.5 101.2 100.4 103.1 1C5.6 105. 6 105.0 108.1 111.4 113.0 114.9 113.3 114.3 113.6 111.4 112.8 116.3 83.4 86.5 88.4 90.9 92.8 92.2 93 5 94.7 96.6 93.6 111.4 113.9 117.0 116.0 107.9 97.1 108.8 103.3 114. 5 147.4 148.2 152.0 147.1 130.9 110.2 128.0 120.3 90.2 94.5 91.4 87.9 88.1 89.8 97.8 105.0 104. 3 J 79.0 81.0 84.8 89.3 91.8 92.5 86.1 91.2 91.3 117.4 124.1 127.6 127.0 123.1 117.0 112.6 113. 2 112.1 106.3 111.3 113.6 117.8 113.1 111.2 111.2 113.0 116.0 105.3 110.2 112.1 117.1 118.9 120.0 123.3 125.1 129.3 111.7 123.3 123.6 124.4 125.7 120.6 115.1 110.9 104.9 76.3 82.3 84.4 86.1 86.1 88.5 87.9 90.6 93.4 129.4 126.3 124.8 121.1 125.0 123.1 122.1 120.4 121.7 118.1 117.2 113.8 109.3 103.2 101.4 100.9 85.9 85.0 94.2 94.3 91.5 91.7 91.0 88.3 84.4 85.0 76.0 72.0 70.7 69.4 67.3 67.9 118.2 115.6 114.0 109.3 110.0 111.6 110.9 106.6 105. 3 100.8 100.7 101.3 99.9 96.1 94.7 88.9 92.1 90.0 94.5 95.4 88.3 80.8 77.6 71.8 65.9 58.7 62.6 77.0 80.0 81.0 77.1 82.1 84.4 81.9 77.2 80.0 78.0 76.8 77.7 64.1 64.4 66.3 65.4 63.4 59.1 54.5 52.9 50.2 49.9 48.8 48.6 90.4 92.9 89.8 92.0 88.4 84.1 82.9 80.4 80.8 80.8 76.4 75.0 99.3 100.8 90.8 96.7 96.1 91.1 89.6 85.6 83.0 80.8 77.9 77.8 63.8 63.8 63.2 66.8 71.0 72.4 64.0 62.2 54.6 53.7 50.1 52.0 64.3 65.3 68.3 65.7 68.3 68.6 67.5 66.3 62.7 64.6 64.5 58.9 October--. November. December _ 110.9 102.5 99.1 107.9 100.0 93.5 129.0 121.6 119.9 104.8 98.2 93.8 108.8 105.5 105.5 117.8 117.2 118.2 96.8 89.2 '82. 7 99.8 89.4 85.6 108.0 84.3 72.9 100.0 83.9 84.1 90.6 86.4 80.2 112.5 99.6 96.1 1930—January... February.. March April May June July August September. October November. December. 94.4 97.7 98.2 97.1 94.4 90.7 82.6 81.7 83.0 80.8 75.1 73.7 90.5 98.1 97.1 97.7 95.5 90.8 78.6 77.5 75.4 75.8 68.9 68.7 113.8 115.2 115.1 113.4 108.3 102.7 90.9 85.8 84.2 81.4 75.1 75.0 92.2 94.1 98.6 89.3 82.7 77.8 69.2 73.2 81.2 80.3 73.4 72.2 102.5 101.6 99.7 99.7 100.7 102.3 100.2 97.6 100.8 98.4 96.5 94.9 114.9 114.9 115.0 113.5 113.3 111.9 107.3 106.9 103. 3 105.4 105.0 105.7 72.8 72'. 6 74.6 73. 8 73.2 70.9 63.0 61.6 60.9 60.4 54.7 50.4 80.9 89.8 90.6 92.0 91.1 83.8 71.7 66.3 66.0 62.8 60.8 60.8 74.0 92.7 97.3 100.8 101.7 89.2 72.4 58.1 62.4 58.4 57.4 55.5 85.4 86.2 85.2 81.6 75.6 73.8 78.6 80.0 76.2 69.7 55.0 58.1 67.3 70.2 73.4 77.1 76.9 76.1 66.4 66.4 66.4 66.4 60.9 56.3 931—January February.. March April May June July August September. October November. December. 68.4 73.2 74.9 73.6 72.2 67.6 64.4 64.3 61.8 59.4 56.2 55.8 62.4 67.5 70.0 69.1 64.9 57.6 52.4 50.6 45.2 43.9 41.2 41.0 69.9 71.9 72.0 69.7 67.8 62.4 57.4 54.9 51.2 50.2 48.3 48.9 68.4 76.9 81.9 76.8 71.7 66.7 65.9 70.2 71.0 66.0 59.3 58.1 93.3 91.6 89.2 88.2 89.7 89.7 88.2 86.7 87.4 85.9 83.2 82.7 101.3 100.7 101.9 100. 6 100.0 98.6 93.6 93.1 90.4 91.4 90.6 91.0 44.0 45.6 46.2 44.9 45.7 44.6 41.7 41.3 40.3 38.2 34.4 31.2 51.8 62.2 64.1 65.3 66.1 58.8 52.7 50.9 45.6 45.3 45.2 47.1 40.0 61.1 67.7 70.8 75.6 62.1 53.2 50.4 41.5 41.4 42.3 48.0 60.6 68.8 73.4 70.6 68.7 66.7 72.6 75.5 67.7 56.4 47.0 50.3 46.6 51.4 54.0 55.7 56.7 54.4 49.4 48.1 46.1 43.9 40.9 37.4 in CD o o Back figures of monthly series.—See Federal Keserve Bulletin for November, 1929, for data back to January, 1919 to h-»> CO 214 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD No. 135.-—INDEX NUMBERS OF WHOLESALE COMMODITY PRICES IN THE UNITED STATES 1 [Index of the U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics; 1926=100] Other commodities Year and month 1913 _ -_.. 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 . . 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 (base) 1927..... _-. 1928 1929 1930 _.. 1931 All com- Farm Foods Hides Tex- Fuel Chemand Metals modi- prodand Buildand ucts icals tile light- metal ing ties Total leather proding and mateprod- ucts mate- prod- rials drugs ucts ucts rials 69.8 68.1 69 5 85.5 117.5 131.3 138.6 154 4 07.6 96 7 100 6 98.1 103 5 100.0 95.4 96.7 95.3 86.4 73 0 71.5 71.2 71.5 84.4 129.0 148.0 157.6 150.7 88.4 93.8 98.6 100.0 109.8 100.0 99.4 105.9 104.9 88.3 64.8 64.2 64.7 65.4 75.7 104.5 119.1 129.5 137.4 90.6 87.6 92.7 91.0 100.2 100.0 96.7 101.0 99.9 90.5 74.6 70.0 66.4 68.0 88.3 114. 2 124.6 128.8 161.3 104.9 102.4 104.3 99.7 102.6 100.0 94.0 92.9 91.6 85.2 75.0 68.1 57.3 70.9 54.6 75.5 54.1 93.4 70.4 123.8 98.7 125.7 137.2 174.1 135.3 171.3 164.8 109.2 94.5 104.6 100.2 104.2 111.3 101.5 106.7 105.3 108.3 100.0 100.0 107.7 95.6 121.4 95.5 109.1 90.4 100.0 80.3 86.1 66.3 61.3 56.6 51.8 74.3 105. 4 109.2 104.3 163.7 96.8 107.3 97.3 92.0 96. 5 100.0 88.3 84.3 83.0 78.5 67.5 90.8 80.2 86.3 116. 5 150.6 136. 5 130.9 149.4 117. 5 102.9 109.3 106.3 103.2 100. 0 96.3 97.0 100. 5 92.1 84.5 56.7 52.7 53.5 67.6 88.2 98.6 115.6 150.1 97.4 97.3 108.7 102.3 101.7 100.0 94.7 94.1 95.4 89.9 79.2 80.2 81.4 112.0 160.7 165.0 182.3 157.0 164.7 115.0 100.3 101.1 98.9 101.8 100.0 96.8 95.6 94.2 89.1 79.3 56.3 56.8 56.0 61.4 74.2 93.3 105.9 141.8 113.0 103. 5 108.9 104.9 103.1 100.0 97.5 95.1 94.3 92.7 84.9 93.1 89.9 86.9 100.6 122.1 134.4 139.1 167.5 109.2 92.8 99.7 93.6 109.0 100.0 91.0 85.4 82.6 77.7 69.8 103 2 102.0 100.6 100.3 100 5 100.4 99.5 99.1 99.7 99.4 98.4 97.9 107.4 105.1 101.7 102.8 102.4 100.9 98.6 97.2 99.3 97.9 94.7 94.9 102.6 100.6 99.3 100.5 100.1 100.5 98.7 97.5 99.8 100.7 100.4 100.6 102.5 101.7 100.8 100.0 100.1 100.1 99.4 99.6 99.6 99.4 99.1 98.0 103.3 105.8 101.5 105.0 100.2 102.7 98.7 101.3 99.0 100.2 98.8 99.5 99.0 98.9 99.6 98.9 98.8 98.8 100.9 97.7 100.3 96.4 100.3 95.4 98.8 99.2 98.3 98.0 100.7 100.9 99.6 100.5 101.3 101.1 102.2 99.4 99.9 99.7 99.5 99.2 98.7 99.3 100.3 100.7 100.9 100.8 100.7 100.4 101.3 100.9 100.5 99.8 99.2 99.1 99.4 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.5 99.9 101.5 100.7 100.6 99.8 1C0.0 100.6 1C0. 3 99.9 100.3 99.3 98.9 99.0 101.1 101.0 100.9 100.7 100.3 100.2 100.1 100.0 99.7 99.6 99.6 98.7 110.0 106.3 105.0 103.5 102.5 101.6 97.9 96.9 96.0 95.7 93.1 92.2 96.5 95.8 94.7 94 1 94.2 94.1 94.3 95.2 96.3 96 6 96.3 96.4 96.5 95.4 94.2 94.3 96.3 96.5 97.6 102.3 105.9 105.0 104.3 104.4 97.1 96.1 94.7 94.9 95.3 94.8 94.3 94. 5 96.6 100.0 101.4 100.7 94.4 94.4 94.3 94.5 94.4 94.7 94.6 96.0 98.0 97.7 96.9 96.6 98.2 96.6 91.4 86.8 85.9 86.2 86.2 86.0 86.3 86.0 85.0 84.7 97.0 96.1 96.1 95.9 96.4 96.2 95.8 96.1 95.8 95.5 95.3 96.3 98.3 97.2 96.5 96.5 96.1 95.3 94.7 94.3 93.5 93.1 91.9 91.6 98.0 98.0 97.1 97.8 95.6 96.1 95.6 95.6 96.6 97.1 97.3 97.2 97.5 97.5 97.5 97.5 97.5 97.7 97.4 97.5 97.5 97.3 97.6 97.6 91.7 91.8 91.8 91.9 91.8 91.3 90.7 91.0 90.7 89.9 89.5 90.1 1926 January February March April May June July ..._ August September October November December 1927 January February. March April May June July.. August September October November December HouseMisfurnish- cellaing neous goods 96.5 100.9 95.8 100.1 94.5 100.4 93.5 101.7 93.4 103.6 93.5 107.1 93.4 111.4 93.6 111.5 93.9 ! 112.5 93.5 I 112.7 93.0 113.9 93.3 116.5 1928 96.5 96.4 106.1 100.9 92.8 120.7 96.1 82.8 95.6 92.2 96.2 January 96.4 February 95.8 104.5 98.8 92.9 123.8 96.0 83.0 95.7 92.2 96.1 95.9 March 95.5 J03.5 98.2 92.6 123.7 95.5 82.7 95.9 92.0 95.8 95.5 96 6 107. 0 99.7 92.7 126.3 95.6 82.8 96.0 92.8 95.9 April 95.5 Mav 97.5 109.8 101.2 92.9 125.8 95.8 83.5 96.1 93.5 95.5 95.0 106.7 100.3 92.6 123.3 83.9 96.4 94.4 95.6 94.8 96.7 June 97.4 108. 5 102.2 92.6 123.8 95.8 84.5 96.3 94.7 94.8 94.7 July 94.8 97.6 106.9 103.8 92.9 120.6 95.5 85.8 97.5 94.9 95.0 Auuust 86.4 97.6 94.9 95.2 94.8 98.6 108.8 106. 5 93.0 120.4 94.9 September 94.1 96.7 103.4 102.1 92.9 117.2 95.0 86.1 98.0 95.2 95.7 October.. 94.1 95.8 101.6 100.0 92.9 115.3 95.0 85.8 98.6 95.8 95.7 November 94.1 95.8 103.6 98.1 93.0 115.4 95.1 85.3 99.6 95.8 95.8 December i Figures for 1926 and later years based on 784 price series instead of the 550 formerly used. Back figures.—Available at the Bureau of Labor Statistics. 90.1 89.2 88.9 87.7 87.4 85.0 83.6 82.6 82.9 82.8 82.7 82.5 215 BUSINESS CONDITIONS No. 135.'—INDEX NUMBERS OF WHOLESALE COMMODITY PRICES IN THE UNITED STATES—Continued [Index of the U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics; 1926=100] Other commodities All commodities Year and month Farm prod- Foods ucts Hides Tex- Fuel Metals and Build- Chem- Hous furMisand and icals nishtile light- metal ing cellaTotal leather proding prod- mate- and ing neous prod- ucts mateucts ucts rials drugs goods rials 1929 January, February March April May June _July August September October November December 1930 January February Mar^h April May June July August September October November December 1931 January.. _ February March April Mav June Julv . _ August _ September October November December - 95.9 95.4 98.1 95. 5 94.7 95.2 96.5 96 3 96.1 95.1 93.5 93.3 105.9 105.4 107.2 104.9 102.2 103.3 107.6 107.5 106.6 104.0 101.1 101.9 98.9 98.1 98.3 98.0 98.0 99.1 102.9 103 5 103.3 101.4 98.9 98.7 92.3 91.9 92.1 91.8 91.5 91 9 91.7 91.4 91.6 91.6 90.8 90.5 113.4 108.9 108.2 107.8 106.7 107.9 109.1 109.5 110.6 110. 3 108.3 107. 3 92.5 92.3 92.4 91.6 90.7 90.1 89.6 89.8 89.8 89.5 88.6 87.8 84.2 82.9 82.1 81.9 82.5 84.5 83.3 82.2 82,7 83.1 83.2 83.1 100.1 100.6 102.3 102.3 101.2 101.2 101.0 100.5 100.3 99.8 98.7 98.5 95. 5 95.9 96.7 96.3 95. 5 95. 2 95.1 95.2 95.8 95. 9 94.4 94.4 95.6 95.7 95.3 94.7 94.1 93.4 93.3 93.6 93.7 94.0 93.8 93.5 93.9 93.8 93.8 94.0 94.0 94.6 94.3 94.3 94.3 94.7 94.6 94.7 82.7 82.7 82.4 81.9 82.0 82.4 82.8 82.8 83.1 83.2 82.4 82.2 92.5 91.4 90.2 90.0 88.8 86.8 84.4 84.3 84.4 83.0 81.3 79.6 101.0 98.0 94.7 95.8 93.0 88.9 83.1 84.9 85.3 82.5 79.3 75.2 97.3 95.8 94.3 94.9 92.2 90.8 86.8 87.6 89.5 88.8 86.2 82.4 89.5 89.0 88. 2 87.8 87.3 85.7 84.5 83.6 83.2 82.1 81.1 80.3 105.1 103.9 103.2 102.7 102.6 102.4 100.8 99.0 99.2 96.6 94.2 91.4 87.2 86.4 84.8 84.0 83.4 81.6 79.7 78.0 76.2 74.7 74.2 73.7 81.7 80.9 79.4 79.5 80.3 78.9 78.0 77.9 79.0 77.6 75. 3 74.0 97.2 96.9 96.6 95.3 93.5 91.9 90.8 89.6 89.0 87.9 87.8 87.9 94.3 94.0 93.9 93. 5 92.4 89.9 87^7 87.1 86.3 85.5 84.8 93.0 92.3 91.4 91.2 90.2 89.4 88.3 87.9 87.2 86.7 86.0 85.6 93.8 93.6 93.5 93.5 93.5 93.4 93.1 92.9 92.3 92.1 91.5 88.8 81.3 81.2 80.9 81.0 80.4 78.4 76.6 76.1 75. 2 74.7 74.1 73.5 78.2 76.8 76.0 74.8 73.2 72.1 72.0 72.1 71.2 70.3 70.2 68.6 73.1 70.1 70.6 70.1 67.1 65.4 64.9 63.5 60.5 58.8 58.7 55.7 80.7 78.0 77.6 76.3 73.8 73.3 74.0 74.6 73.7 73.3 71.0 69.1 79.0 78.3 77.2 75.9 75.1 74.1 73.9 74.2 73.9 72.9 73.5 72.3 88.7 86.9 87.6 87.5 87.6 88.0 89.4 88.7 85.0 82.5 81.6 79.8 71.3 70.9 70.0 68.2 67.4 66.6 66.5 65. 5 64.5 63.0 62.2 60.8 73.3 72.5 68.3 65.4 65.3 62.9 62.9 66.5 67.4 67.8 69.4 68.3 86.9 86.5 86.4 85 7 85.0 84.4 84.3 83.9 83.9 82.8 82.6 82.2 83.8 82. 5 82.5 81.5 80.0 79.3 78.1 77.6 77.0 76.1 76.2 75.7 84.5 83.3 82.9 81.3 80.5 79.4 78.9 76.9 76.3 75.6 76.1 76.1 88.3 88.1 88.0 87.9 86. 8 86.4 85.7 84.9 82.7 81.0 80.9 78. 5 72.2 71.5 72.0 71. 5 70.5 69.7 69.7 68.3 68.2 66.6 68.7 66.8 1 125554—32- -15 APPENDIX 217 RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE FEDERAL ADVISORY COUNCIL TO THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF THE FEDERAL ADVISORY COUNCIL FOR THE YEAR 1931 OFFICERS President, WALTER W. SMITH Vice President, MELVIN A. TRAYLOR Secretary, WALTER LICHTENSTEIN EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE WALTER W. SMITH GEORGE H. PRINCE HOWARD A. LOEB WALTER S. MCLTJCAS MELVIN A. TRAYLOR MEMBERS District No. 1: HERBERT K. HALLETT, chairman Atlantic National Bank, Boston, Mass. District No. 2: ROBERT H. TREMAN, president The Tompkins County National Bank, Ithaca, N. Y. District No. 3: HOWARD A. LOEB, chairman Tradesmen's National Bank & Trust Co., Philadelphia, Pa. District No. 4: J. A. HOUSE, president Guardian Trust Co., Cleveland, Ohio. District No. 5: JOHN POOLE, president Federal American National Bank, Washington, D. C. District No. 6: JOHN K. OTTLEY, president First National Bank, Atlanta, Ga. District No. 7: MELVIN A. TRAYLOR, president First National Bank, Chicago, 111. District No. 8: WALTER W. SMITH, president First National Bank, St. Louis, Mo. District No. 9: GEORGE H. PRINCE, chairman First National Bank, St. Paul, Minn. District No. 10: WALTER S. MCLUCAS, chairman Commerce Trust Co., Kansas City, Mo. District No. 11: J. H. FROST, president Frost National Bank, San Antonio, Tex. District No. 12: HENRY M. ROBINSON, chairman Security-First National Bank, Los Angeles, Calif. NOTE.—The above list is correct as of December 31, 1931. In the earlier part of the year Mr. B. A. McKinney was president of the council and representative of the eleventh Federal reserve district, but in November, 1931, he became governor of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Tex., and therefore severed his relations with the Federal Advisory Council. Prior to this the executive committee was composed of Messrs. B. A- McKinney, W. W. Smith, H. A. Loeb, M. A. Traylor, G. H. Prince, and W. S. McLucas. Another change was due to the fact that Mr. J. P. Butler, representative of the sixth Federal reserve district, resigned during the year and his place was taken by Mr. Ottley. RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE FEDERAL ADVISORY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 17, 1931 TOPIC NO. 1.—Bank failures and bank examinations. Recommendation.—The Federal Advisory Council believes that bank failures in recent times have been largely due to a change in economic and social conditions. In many instances the minimum capitalization required of banks has not been a sufficient protection to the depositors. The difficulties which banks have encountered can not be traced entirely to a 219 220 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD deficiency in our banking and examination systems. The law now gives sufficient power and authority for an adequate examination. Improvements in examinations undoubtedly can and should be made. There should be imposed upon the Federal reserve banks the requirement to keep themselves informed of the quality of the investments and loans and the policy of the management of all member banks. TOPIC NO. 2.—Open-market operations and rediscount rates. Recommendation.—The Federal Advisory Council wishes to reiterate the recommendation made at its last meeting that the situation will be best served if the natural flow of credit is unhampered by openmarket operations or changes in the rediscount rates. The council believes that the manner in which open-market operations have been conducted since the last meeting of the council is satisfactory. SEPTEMBER 15, 1931 TOPIC NO. 1.—Proposed amendments to national bank act and Federal reserve act. Recommendation.—The Federal Advisory Council has received the recommendations of the Comptroller of the Currency made in his Annual Report for 1930, suggesting certain changes in the Federal laws relating to banking. The Federal Advisory Council is in sympathy with the comptroller's recommendations, but suggests certain changes. In the following the original where changed is placed in brackets and the changes suggested by the Federal Advisory Council are italicized: I. Group and chain banking.—No national bank should be permitted to become a part of a group banking system, except on the condition that all other banks in the group are [national banks; and when a State member bank of the Federal reserve system is a part of a group, the Federal Government should be given visitorial powers over the entire group.] members of the Federal reserve system to the end that the Federal Government have visitorial powers over the entire group. More specifically: (a) No corporation should be permitted to own [a majority] in excess of 20 per cent of the stock of a national bank if it owns at the same time [a majority] in excess of 20 per cent of the stock of a State bank unless said State bank is a member of the Federal reserve system. (b) The Comptroller of the Currency should be given visitorial power over any corporation owning [a majority] in excess of 20 per cent of the stock of a national bank. (c) No national bank should be permitted to make a loan on the security of the stock of a corporation owning [a majority] in excess of 20 per cent of the stock of the lending bank. II. Branch banking.—A. The McFadden Act should be amended to permit national banks in important commercial andfinancialcenters to establish branches in the area that is economically andfinanciallytributary to such centers without regard to State boundaries or to State banking laws. The privilege should be limited to banks in cities serving a territory sufficient to provide economic diversification. The [trade] area within which banks located in such cities may extend their branches should be defined by a committee consisting of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Secretary of the Treasury, and the Governor of the Federal Reserve Board. Banks permitted to have branches in [a trade] an area should have [a minimum capital of] capital adequate to their deposit liabilities, the minimum not to be less than $1,000,000. The extension of branches should be subject to the approval of the Comptroller of the Currency. B. The national bank consolidation act should be amended to permit any bank within the [trade] branch-bank area to consolidate under national charter with the approval of the Comptroller of the Currency. RECOMMENDATIONS OF FEDERAL ADVISORY COUNCIL 221 III. Affiliates.—A. The Comptroller of the Currency should have authority to examine security or investment companies affiliated with national banks. IV. Fiduciary powers.—A. The law should be amended to provide that the exercise of fiduciary powers shall be one of the corporate powers of a national banking association, subject to the existing limitations regarding State laws now contained in the Federal reserve act. V. Liquidation of national banks.—A. The Comptroller of the Currency should be given supervision of national banks going into voluntary liquidation and the liquidating agent should be required to give bond and render reports to the Comptroller of the Currency in the same manner as the receiver of an insolvent bank up to such time as all liabilities other than to stockholders have been paid in full. VI. Circulating false reports.—A. It should be made a crime to maliciously make or circulate any false report concerning a national bank, or a member of the Federal reserve system, which imputes insolvency or unsound financial condition. 2.—Eligibility of securities in times of pressure. Recommendation.—The Federal Advisory Council suggests that the Federal Reserve Board consider the advisibility of permitting Federal reserve banks in times of pressure to accept from member banks bills payable on securities not now eligible, the Federal Reserve Board to issue regulations defining the conditions under which such action may be "taken. TOPIC NO. 4.—Assistance to European central banks and domestic credit situation. Recommendation.—In response to the request of the Federal Reserve Board for an expression of opinion the Federal Advisory Council states that it is in accord with the action of the Federal reserve banks in lending with the approval of the Federal Reserve Board assistance to European central banks in the recent emergency. TOPIC NO. The Federal Advisory Council suggests to the Federal Reserve Board that it explore the possibility of giving all possible support to the stabilization of the credit situation in the United States in tke interest of American business generally, including agriculture, industry, and commerce. 222 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD AMENDMENT TO REGULATION G The Federal Reserve Board on March 2, 1931, amended its regulation G, governing the rediscount by Federal reserve banks of notes secured by adjusted-service certificates, so as to conform to the provisions of the act of February 27, 1931, amending the World War adjusted compensation act. The regulation as amended is as follows: REGULATION G, SERIES OF 1931 (Superseding regulation G of 1928) REDISCOUNT OF NOTES SECURED BY ADJUSTED SERVICE CERTIFICATES SECTION I. STATUTOKY PROVISIONS Under the terms of the World War adjusted compensation act as amended, loans may lawfully he made to veterans upon their adjusted service certificates only in accordance with the provisions of section 502 thereof. Any national bank, or any bank or trust company incorporated under the laws of any State, Territory, possession, or the District of Columbia, is authorized, after the expiration of two years after the date of the certificate, to loan to any veteran upon his promissory note secured by his adjusted service certificate any amount not in excess of the loan value of the certificate, which is (a) 50 per cent of the face value of the certificate, or (b) the loan value stated on the face of the certificate, whichever is the greater amount. The law provides that the rate of interest charged upon the loan by the lending bank shall not exceed by more than 2 per cent per annum the rate charged at the date of the loan for the discount of 90-dtiy commercial paper by the Federal reserve bank of the Federal reserve district in which the lending bank is located and, as to loans made on or after February 27, 1931, shall in no event exceed 4% per cent per annum compounded annually. Upon the indorsement of any bank, which shall be deemed a waiver of demand, notice and protest by such bank as to its own indorsement exclusively, and subject to regulations to be prescribed by the Federal Reserve Board, any such note secured by an adjusted service certificate and held by a bank is made eligible for rediscount with the Federal reserve bank of the Federal reserve district in which such bank is located, whether or not the bank offering the note for rediscount is a member of the Federal reserve system and whether or not it acquired the note in the first instance from the veteran or acquired it by transfer upon the indorsement of any other bank; provided that at the time of rediscount such note has a maturity not in excess of nine months, exclusive of days of grace, and complies in all other respects with the provisions of the law, the regulations of the United States Veterans' Bureau, and the regulations of the Federal Reserve Board. SECTION II. DEFINITIONS Within the meaning of this regulation— (a) The term "the a c t " shall mean the World War adjusted compensation act as amended; (6) The term "director" shall mean the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs, who has been vested by law with the power and duties formerly vested in the Director of the United States Veterans' Bureau; (c) The term "certificate" shall mean an adjusted service certificate issued under the provisions of section 501 of the World War adjusted compensation act as amended; (d) The term "veteran" shall mean any person to whom an adjusted service certificate has been issued by the director under the provisions of the World War adjusted compensation act as amended; (e) The term " b a n k " shall mean any national bank or any bank or trust company incorporated under the laws of any State, Territory, possession, or the District of Columbia; (/) The term " n o t e " shall mean a promissory note secured by an adjusted service certificate and evidencing a loan made by a bank on the security of such certificate in full compliance with the provisions of the World War adjusted compensation act as amended and the regulations of the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs. TO KEGTJLATION G 223 SECTION I I I . ELIGIBILITY In order to be eligible for rediscount at a Federal reserve bank, any such note must— (a) Arise out of a loan made by a bank to a veteran in full compliance with the provisions of the act and of any regulation which the director may prescribe; (b) Be secured by the certificate issued to the maker, which certificate must accompany the note; (c) Be held by the offering bank in its own right at the time it is offered for rediscount; (d) Be in the form approved by the director; (e) Have a maturity at the time of rediscount not in excess of nine months, exclusive of days of grace; provided, however, that when such note contains, in the form approved by the director, a provision for the extension of the maturity thereof from year to year, at the option of the holder evidenced by his indorsement thereon, the maturity of said note (after the first maturity stated thereon) shall, for the purpose of determining its eligibility for rediscount, be deemed to be that stated in the latest extension indorsed thereon by the holder; (/) Evidence a loan the amount of which does not exceed (a) 50 per cent of the face value of the certificate or (b) the loan value stated on the face of the certificate for the year in which such loan was made, whichever amount is greater; (g) Be payable with interest accruing after the date of the note at a rate stated in the face of the note, which rate must not exceed by more than 2 per cent per annum the rate charged at the date of the loan for the discount of 90-day commercial paper by the Federal reserve bank of the Federal reserve district in which the lending bank is located; provided, however, that, if the loan was made on or after February 27, 1931, the rate must not in any event exceed £% per cent per annum, compounded annually; (h) Bear the indorsement of the bank offering it for rediscount, which indorsement shall be deemed a waiver of demand, notice, and protest by such bank as to its own indorsement exclusively; (i) Be accompanied by the evidence of eligibility required by this regulation and such other evidence of eligibility as may be required by the Federal reserve bank to which it is offered for rediscount; and (j) Comply in all other respects with the requirements of the law and of this regulation. SECTION IV. EVIDENCE OF ELIGIBILITY (a) General.—The Federal reserve bank to which a note is offered for rediscount must be satisfied either by reference to the note itself or otherwise that the loan evidenced by the note or any sale, discount, or rediscount thereof complies in all respects with the provisions of section 502 of the act and that the note is eligible for rediscount by a Federal reserve bank under the terms of the law and the provisions of this regulation. (b) Affidavit of lending bank.—Any note offered to a Federal reserve bank for rediscount must be accompanied by the affidavit required by section 502 (h) of the act and the regulations of the director, in form approved by the director, made by an officer of the bank which made the loan, before a notary public or other officer designated for the purpose by regulation of the director, stating that— (1) Such bank has not charged or collected, or attempted to charge or collect, directly or indirectly, any fee or other compensation in respect of any loan, made by such bank to any veteran under section 502 of the act, except the interest authorized by such section; (2) The person who obtained the loan evidenced by such note is known to be the veteran named in the certificate securing such note; (3) Such bank has notified the director that it has made a loan to the veteran named in the certificate, as required by the regulations of the director; and (4) Such bank has notified the veteran by mail at his last known postoffice address of any sale, discount, or rediscount of such note by such bank, as required by section 502 (b) of the act. 224 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD (c) Affidavit of other banks.—If such note is offered for rediscount by a bank other than the bank which made the loan thereon, it must also be accompanied by an affidavit of an officer of the offering bank and an affidavit of an officer of each other bank which has sold, discounted, or rediscounted such note, which affidavit shall be in form approved by the director and shall state that the bank of which the affiant is an officer has promptly notified the veteran by mail at his last known post-office address of the sale, discount, or rediscount of such note by such bank, as required by section 502 (b) of the act. SECTION V. APPLICATION FOR REDISCOUNT Every application for the rediscount of such notes shall be made on a form approved by the Federal reserve bank to which such note is offered and shall contain a certificate of the offering bank to the effect that, to the best of its knowledge and belief, such note arose out of a loan made in full compliance with the provisions of the act and the regulations of the director and is eligible for rediscount under the provisions of section 502 of the act and of this regulation. SECTION VI. PROPER BANK FOR REDISCOUNT No such note shall be rediscounted by any Federal reserve bank for any bank not located in its own Federal reserve district, except that such notes may be rediscounted by any Federal reserve bank for any other Federal reserve bank. SECTION VII. RATE OF REDISCOUNT The rate of interest charged by any Federal reserve bank on any such note rediscounted by it shall be the same as that charged by it for the rediscount of 90-day notes drawn for a commercial purpose, except that when such notes are rediscounted for another Federal reserve bank the rate shall be that fixed by the Federal Reserve Board. SECTION VIII. REDISCOUNTS FOR NONMEMBER BANKS No Federal reserve bank shall rediscount such notes for any nonmember bank until such bank has furnished to the Federal reserve bank such information as it may request in order to satisfy itself as to the condition of such bank and the advisability of making the rediscount for it. DIRECTORY OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD (December 31,1931) ANDREW W. MELLON, Secretary of the Treasury, ex officio, Chairman. JOHN W. POLE, Comptroller of the Currency, ex officio. EUGENE MEYER, of New York, Governor. Term expires August 9, 1938. CHARLES S. HAMLIN, of Massachusetts. Term expires August 9, 1936. ADOLPH C. MILLER, of California. Term expires August 9, 1934. GEORGE R. JAMES, of Tennessee. Term expires April 27, 1941. WAYLAND W. MAGEE, of Nebraska. Term expires January 24, 1933. FLOYD R. HARRISON, Assistant to the Governor. E. A. GOLDENWEISER, Director, Division of Research and Statistics. CARL E. PARRY, Assistant CHESTER MORRILL, Secretary. E. M. MCCLELLAND, Assistant Secre- Director, Division of Research and St-atistics. EDWARD L. SMEAD, Chief, Division of J. C. NOELL, Assistant Secretary. WALTER WYATT, General Counsel. Bank Operations. W. M. I ML AY, Fiscal Agent. SALARIES OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD (December 31,1931) Number of persons: 1 at 4 at 2 at 1 at 3 at 1 at 3 at 1 at 1 at 2 at 4at_ 3 at_ 2at_ 3 at_ 1 at. 3 at_ 1 at. 5 at. 3 at. 2 at. 1 at. lat. 1 at. 5 at. 1 at. 4 at. 6 at. 3 at. 2at_ Annual salary :___ $15,000 12,000 9,000 8,500 7,000 6, 700 6,000 5, 700 5,400 5, 200 5,000 4,800 4,500 4,200 4,000 3,800 3,700 3,600 3,500 3,400 3,300 3,200 3, 160 3,000 2,920 2,900 2,800 2,700 2, 600 Number of persons: 5 at 3 at 2 at 4 at 8 at 13 at 1 at 3 at 3 at 13 at 1 at 4 at 6 at 3 at 6 at 5 at 16 at 5 at 1 at 9 at 9 at 1 at 2 at 1 at 1 at 1 at 1 at 197 Annual salary 2,500 2,400 2,300 2,200 2,100 2,000 1,920 1,900 1,860 1,800 1,740 1,700 1,680 1,620 1,600 1,560 1,500 1,440 1,400 1,380 1,320 1,250 1,200 1,100 1,000 840 720 553, 970 In addition to the above, there are 15 part-time employees paid on an hourly basis. 225 226 ANNUAL EEPOET OP THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD RECEIPTS AND D I S B U R S E M E N T S OP T H E F E D E R A L YEAR RESERVE BOARD FOR T H E 1931 Balance Jan. 1, 1931: Available for general expenses of the board. Available for expenses chargeable to Federal reserve banks $125,261.08 166,168.14 Total $291,429.22 RECEIPTS Available for general expenses of the board: Assessments on Federal reserve banks for estimated general expenses of the board $718,552.77 Reimbursement of expenditures during 1930 21.21 Subscriptions to Federal Reserve Bulletin 3,867.66 Miscellaneous receipts, refunds, and reimbusements 2,244.60 Reimbursement on account of bank examinations __ 6,827.40 Total receipts available for general expenses of the board Available for expenses chargeable to Federal reserve banks: Assessments on Federal reserve banks for— Cost of preparing Federal reserve notes Expenses of leased wire system Expenses of private telephone lines Miscellaneous expenses 731, 513. 64 _ 1,247,664.18 205,970.64 27, 582.72 5,964.87 Total receipts available for expenses chargeable to Federal reserve banks 1,487,182.41 Total receipts 2,218,696.05 Total available for disbursement 2,510,125.27 DISBURSEMENTS For general expenses of the board: Expenses for 1930 paid in 1931 Expenses for 1931 (per detailed statement) Less accounts unpaid Dec. 31, 1931 (estimated) 13, 281. 86 $744,275.00 16,886.20 Amount actually paid out during the year .___ Miscellaneous expenses reimbursable Refunds on account of subscriptions to Federal Reserve Bulletin Total disbursements for general expenses of the board For expenses chargeable to Federal reserve banks: Cost of preparing Federal reserve notes Expenses of leased wire system.. Expenses of private telephone lines Miscellaneous expenses 727,388.80 37. 38 5.00 _. 740,713.04 1,328,618.08 206,231.94 25,284.16 5,766.04 Total disbursements for expenses chargeable to Federal reserve banks 1,565,900.22 Total disbursements 2,306,613.26 Balance Dec. 31, 1931: Available for general expenses of the board, 1932, and accounts unpaid Dec. 31, 1931._ 116,061.68 Available for expenses chargeable to Federal reserve banks unpaid Dec. 31, 1931 Total balance T -_-.-_ -------- ._-.,..._ 87,450.33 203,512.01 DETAILED STATEMENT OF EXPENSES Total January February March OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD, April May June July August 1931 September October November December PERSONAL SERVICES Board members and their staffs.- - Office of the secretary Office of general counsel -_ _ Office offiscalagent Division of examinations Division of bank operations _. Division of research and statistics Division of issue and redemption... _ Messengers Charwomen. _ General Total $87, 563. 25 $6,116.64 $6,116.66 99, 214. 29 8, 818. 40 8, 779.49 3, 209. 99 3, 214. 99 38, 574.94 941. 67 941.66 11, 300. 00 87,406. 39 7,168. 86 7,174. 99 6,103. 26 6,103. 34 73, 240.00 114, 087. 01 9, 295. 72 9, 301.68 60, 844. 26 5, 084.98 5, 085.00 21, 630. 00 1, 802.48 1,802. 50 260. 00 3, 050. 00 230. 00 596,910.14 $6,116.68 $6,116.64 $6, 396.66 $6, 550. 02 $6, 383, 30 $6, 391.66 $7, 016.68 $7,641. 64 $7,641.66 $15, 075. 01 8, 729. 72 8, 650. 24 8,448.90 7, 395.92 7, 581. 33 7, 581. 41 7, 569. 51 8, 281. 20 8,628. 41 8, 749. 76 3, 215. 02 3, 214.99 3, 214. 99 3, 215. 00 3, 214. 99 3, 214.99 3, 215. 00 3, 214.99 3, 214. 99 3, 215. 00 941.67 941.67 941.67 941.67 941.66 941.66 941.66 941.67 941.67 941. 67 7,175. 04 7,174. 97 7, 262. 49 7, 350. 04 7, 349. 97 7, 349. 99 7, 350.04 7, 349. 97 7, 349. 99 7, 350. 04 6,103.40 6,103. 34 6,103. 34 6,103. 34 6,103. 40 6,103. 26 6,103. 26 6,103.26 6,103. 40 6,103.40 9, 616. 77 9, 583. 71 9, 627.88 9, 723. 35 9, 497.11 9, 468.11 9,186. 68 9, 616. 77 9, 604. 55 9, 564.68 5, 048. 22 5, 000. 67 5, 084.98 5,085. 00 5,085.00 5, 084.98 5,085.00 5,051.67 5, 080. 81 5, 067.95 1, 802. 52 1, 802. 52 1, 802. 48 1, 802. 50 1, 802. 52 1,802. 48 1, 802. 50 1, 802. 52 1, 802. 48 1, 802. 50 260. 00 270. 00 240. 00 260.00 260.00 250. 00 260. 00 250. 00 250.00 260. 00 48,801. 99 48, 750. 32 48, 928. 43 48, 977.10 49, 228. 90 48,200. 68 48,190. 08 47, 917. 24 48, 917. 26 50, 290. 56 50, 555.19 58,152. 39 NONPERSONAL SERVICES Transportation and subsistence: Board members and their staffs ______ l r 951.72 Office of the secretary 34.23 Office of gen'eral counsel 99.26 60, 723. 72 Division of examinations 393 02 Division of research and statistics All other divisions, including local 1,664. 75 car fare Communication service: 9, 888. 29 Telephone. _ _ _ _ 2, 067. 21 Telegraph 773. 50 Postage. _ _ _ _ 39,125. 04 Printing, binding, etc _ _ 506.75 Repairs TTp,a,t, liVhf., RTirj power 753.64 1,449.39 Miscellaneous, unclassified_ 54.00 Equipment rental 5,645.82 Supplies, stationery and office 3, 964. 35 Equipment, furniture and office 2, 280.65 Books and periodicals 15, 989. 52 Rent 102.06 5, 053. 04 4, 864. 38 41.05 688. 50 147. 36 86.00 5, 764.12 67.71 76.68 84.79 4.50 451. 72 221. 83 25.25 1, 313. 71 753. 76 150. 56 57.00 3,166. 29 41.66 76.67 117.95 4.50 955.31 907.68 71.05 1, 313. 71 246.45 704.86 162. 83 55.00 6, 580. 41 59.88 76.67 193.37 4.50 103.86 327.12 1, 593.92 1, 313. 71 37.50 137. 29 34.23 33.28 4, 258. 00 34.02 353. 91 153. 70 5, 372. 21 102. 71 3, 640.14 748. 71 147. 52 61.00 2, 839.18 41.06 31.24 60.58 4.50 62.84 31.06 22.26 1, 343. 71 772. 58 888. 03 228. 20 147. 04 69.50 57.00 1,415. 70 2, 732. 77 25.70 15.43 31.24 80.49 81.90 97.88 4.50 4.50 705. 85 146. 24 593. 24 376. 66 26.80 17.15 1, 343. 71 1, 343. 71 1,067. 42 128. 28 84.50 3, 983. 81 38.96 80.50 52.54 4.50 295. 38 264. 60 61.51 1, 343. 71 8, 259. 28 120.82 193. 50 82.46 307. 08 327.89 35 49 4,119. 38 13, 086.69 53.53 63.92 5, 493.40 4, 950.14 18.16 2, 378. 39 44.60 3, 424. 71 92.45 332. 58 266. 20 268. 03 135. 55 675.16 130. 65 60.00 2,187.17 22.69 76.68 190. 21 4.50 159.66 20.13 34.54 1, 313. 71 717. 56 168.12 80.00 2, 517. 34 16.77 76.68 99.44 4.50 125. 00 91.45 85.08 1, 328. 71 769. 55 286. 37 40.00 2, 319. 90 45.20 35.04 141. 22 4.50 1, 007. 67 272. 24 131. 49 1, 343. 71 798. 07 166. 54 63.50 2, 008. 66 25.62 31.24 141. 37 4.50 185.16 63.87 121. 22 1, 343. 71 9, 323.86 18, 940. 76 12,349.99 10, 272. 25 173. 01 30 49 4, 083. 24 35.03 37.50 30.47 218. 02 1, 304. 09 203. 74 60.00 3, 609. 69 106. 07 80.51 188.14 4.50 1, 447.13 794. 47 89.38 1, 343. 71 Total 147, 364. 86 9, 007. 86 10, 484. 88 13, 265. 01 13, 243. 29 Grand total 744 275 00 65, 379.67 61,831.25 61,487.50 58, 300. 96 68,169. 66 60, 550. 67 58, 462. 33 56,176. 52 57,925.12 60, 775. 44 63, 820. 20 71, 395.68 16, 577. 68 13, 080. 93 12, 559. 07 228 ANNUAL EEPOET OP THE FEDBRAL. RESERVE BOARD SALARIES OF NATIONAL BANK EXAMINERS (As of December 31, 1931) DISTRICT NO. 1—BOSTON Chief examiner Examiners: 1 at $7,000; 1 at $5,400; 2 at $4,800; 1 at $4,500; 1 at $4,200; 1 at $3,600; 1 at $2,700. Total (8 examiners) $13, 000 37, 000 DISTRICT NO. 2 — N E W YORK Chief examiner Examiners: 1 at $9,500; 1 at $7,000; 3 at $6,000; 2 at $5,500; 1 at $5,400; 2 at $5,200; 1 at $4,800; 2 at $4,500; 2 at $4,200; 3 at $3,900; 3 at $3,600; 3 at $3,300; 3 at $3,000; 1 at $2,700. Total (28 examiners) 20, 000 127, 600 DISTRICT NO. 3—PHILADELPHIA Chief examiner Examiners: 1 at $7,000; 1 at $6,200; 1 at $6,000; 1 at $5,000; 1 at $4,800; 4 at $4,500; 2 at $4,200; 2 at $3,900; 1 at $3,600; 1 at $2,700. Total (15 examiners) 15,000 69, 500 DISTRICT NO. 4—CLEVELAND Chief examiner Examiners: 1 at $6,500; 1 at $6,000; 2 at $4,800; 1 at $4,600; 1 at $4,500; 2 at $4,200; 1 at $4,000; 2 at $3,900; 1 at $3,600; 2 at $3,300; 2 at $3,000. Total (16 examiners) 13, 000 67, 600 DISTRICT NO. 5—RICHMOND Chief examiner Examiners: 1 at $5,000; 4 at $4,500; 1 at $4,200; 1 at $4,000; 2 at $3,900; 3 at $3,000; 1 at $2,400. Total (13 examiners) 11, 000 50, 400 DISTRICT NO. 6—ATLANTA Chief examiner Examiners: 1 at $5,200; 4 at $5,000; 2 at $4,200; 1 at $3,600; 1 at $3,300; 1 at $3,000. Total (10 examiners) 12, 000 43, 500 DISTRICT NO. 7—CHICAGO Chief examiner Examiners: 1 at $7,000; 1 at $6,300; 1 at $6,200; 1 at $5,700; 1 at $4,800; 2 at $4,500; 3 at $4,200; 1 at $4,000; 4 at $3,900; 1 at $3,600; 2 at $3,300; 2 at $2,700. Total (20 examiners) 14, 000 86, 800 DISTRICT NO. 8—ST. LOUIS Chief examiner Examiners: 2 at $6,000; 5 at $4,500; 1 at $3,900; 1 at $3,600. (9 examiners) Total 11,000 42, 000 DISTRICT NO. 9—MINNEAPOLIS Chief examiner Examiners: 1 at $5,600; 2 at $4,500; 2 at $3,900; 1 at $3,600; 2 at $3,300; 2 at $3,000; 2 at $2,700. Total (12 examiners) 12,000 44, 000 DISTRICT NO. 10—KANSAS CITY Chief examiner.Examiners: 1 at $5,500; 2 at $4,800; 1 at $4,300; 1 at $4,200; 2 at $3,900; 4 at $3,600; 1 at $3,300; 4 at $3,000. Total (16 examiners) _ DISTRICT "No. 61, 100 11—DALLAS Chief examiner Examiners: 2 at $6,300; 1 at $6,000; 1 at $5,000; 1 at $4,900; 2 at $4,700; 1 at $4,200; 1 at $3,800; 3 at $3,600; 1 at $3,500. Total (13 examiners) 14,000 15, 000 60, 200 SALARIES OF NATIONAL BANK EXAMINERS 229 DISTRICT NO. 12—SAN FRANCISCO Chief examiner Examiners: 2 at $6,000; 1 at $5,700; 2 at $4,800; 1 at $4,300; 2 at $4,200; 1 at $4,000; 2 at $3,900; 6 at $3,600; 1 at $3,300; 1 at $3,000; 3 at $2,700. Total (22 examiners) $15, 000 87, 800 SUMMARY Total examiners (182) Total examining staff (202). Total salaries 777,500 1,011,500 RECAPITULATION Examining staff, office of Comptroller of the Currency: Chief examiner, at $14,000 Assistant chief examiners— At $9,500 At $8,000 At $7,500. . National bank examiners— At $5,800 At $5,200 Total 1 1 1 69, 000 1 3 2 2 2 2 Total Total Total examining staff1 Total salaries 3 1 1 8 Chief examiners of districts— At $20,000 At $15,000 At $14,000 At $13,000 At $12,000 At $11,000 Other examiners— At $9,500 At $7,000 At $6,500 At $6,300 At $6,200 At $6,000 At $5,700 At $5,600 At $5,500 At $5,400 At $5,200 At $5,000 At $4,900 At $4,800 At $4,700. At $4,600 At $4,500 At $4,300 At $4,200 At $4,000 At $3,900 At $3,800 At $3,600 At $3,500 At $3,300 At $3,000 At $2,700 At $2,400 1 12 . _„_ 165, 000 1 4 1 3 2 10 2 1 3 2 3 7 1 11 2 1 21 2 17 4 20 1 23 1 12 16 10 1 182 202 777, 500 1, 011, 500 In addition there are 8 national bank examiners not receiving salaries who are acting as receivers or Digitized for areFRASER unassigned. 230 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD GOVERNORS AND DIRECTORS OF FEDERAL BANKS* RESERVE DISTRICT NO. 1—FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF BOSTON FREDEEIC H. CURTISS, Chairman and Federal Reserve Agent. ALLEN HOLLIS, Deputy Chairman. R. A. YOUNG, Governor Director Term expires Dec. 31 Residence Class A: Frederick S. Chamberlain Alfred L. Ripley Edward S. Kennard Class B: Albert C. Bowman Philip R. Allen Albert Farwell Bemis Class C: Chas. H. Merriman Frederic H. Curtiss_. Allen Hollis New Britain, Conn Boston, Mass Rumford, Me 1931 1932 1933 Springfield, Vt East Walpole, Mass Boston, Mass 1931 1932 1933 Providence, R. I Boston, Mftss Concord, N . H 1931 1932 1933 DISTRICT NO. 2—FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF NEW YORK J. HERBERT CASE, Chairman and Federal Reserve Agent. OWEN D . YOUNG, Deputy Chairman. GEORGE L. HARRISON, Governor Class A: Chas. E. Mitchell Thomas W. Stephens David C. Warner Class B: William H. Woodin Theo. F. Whitmarsh Samuel W. Reyburn Class C: J. Herbert Case Owen D Young Clarence M. Woolley New York, N. Y Montclair, N . J Endicott, N. Y - . . . New York, N . Y do _ do _ ._ ... 1931 1932 1933 1931 1932 1933 . . do do Greenwich, Conn _. _ _ _ .._ 1931 1932 1933 BUFFALO B R A N C H R. M. O'HARA, Managing Director R. M. O'Hara _Geo. G. Kleindinst John T. Symes _ _. _ _ _ __ _ F. B. Coolev _ . Lewis G Harriman Edward G Miner George F. Rand _..__.__-._. Buffalo, N . Y_ _ do _ Lockport, N . Y Buffalo, N . Y do Rochester, N . Y Buffalo, N . Y . _ ._ __ . _ ___ 1931 1931 1931 1932 1932 1933 1933 DISTRICT NO. 3—FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF PHILADELPHIA RICHARD L. AUSTIN, Chairman and Federal Reserve Agent. ALBA B. JOHNSON, Deputy Chairman. GEORGE W. NORRIS, Governor Class A: John C. Cosgrove Joseph Wayne, jr George W. Reily Class B: C. Frederick C. Stout Arthur W. Sewall Vacancy Class C: Harry L. Cannon Richard L. Austin Alba B. Johnson Johnstown, Pa_._ Philadelphia, P a . Harrisburg, P a . . . 1931 1932 1933 Philadelphia, Pa_ do 1931 1932 1933 Bridgeville, D e l Philadelphia, Pa.. do 1931 1932 1933 1 For directors elected in December, 1931, for the 3-year term beginning Jan. 1,1932, see Federal Reserve Bulletin for January, 1932. 231 GOVERNORS AND DIRECTORS DISTRICT NO. 4—FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CLEVELAND GEORGE D E C A M P , Chairman and Federal Reserve Agent. L . B . W I L L I A M S , Deputy Chairman. E. R. FANCHER, Governor Director ! Term expires Dec. 31 | I | I 1931 1932 1933 ! j I 1931 1932 1933 Residence Class A: Chess Lamberton.. Robert Wardrop... 0 . N . Sams Class B: R. P. Wright_ George D. Crabbs. J. E. Galvin Class C: L. B. Williams Geo. DeCamp W. W. Knight Franklin, Pa Pittsburgh, Pa Hillsboro, Ohio Erie, Pa Cincinnati, Ohio Lima, Ohio . Cleveland, Ohio do Toledo, Ohio 1931 1932 1933 CINCINNATI BRANCH C. F. MCCOMBS, Managing Director C. F . McCombs Fred A. Geier _ E. S. Lee John Omwake Thomas J. Davis _ George M. Verity B. H. Kroger _ _ ... . _ - Cincinnati, Ohio _ do .. Covington, Ky Cincinnati, Ohio _ do Middletown, Ohio Cincinnati, Ohio _. _ 1931 1931 1931 1932 1932 1933 1933 PITTSBURGH BRANCH J. C. NEVIN, Managing Director Pittsburgh, Pa_. do do Greensburg, Pa__. Wheeling, W. VaPittsburgh, P a . . . . J. C. Nevin James Rae Arthur E. Braun_ A. L. Humphrey_ J. R. Eisaman J. S. Jones R. B. Mellon 1931 1931 1931 1932 1932 1933 1933 DISTRICT NO. 5—FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF R I C H M O N D W M . W. HOXTON, Chairman and Federal Reserve Agent. FREDERIC A. DELANO, Deputy Chairman. GEORGE J. SEAT, Governor Class A: James C. Bras well L. E. Johnson Charles E. Rieman Class B: Edwin C. Graham D R Coker W. M. Addison Class C: Robt. Lassiter Wm W. Hoxton Frederic A. Delano _ .- _____ __. _.. __ . Rocky Mount, N. C Alderson, W. Va__ Baltimore, Md _ 1931 1932 1933 Washington, D. C Harts ville, S. C Richmond, Va 1931 1932 1933 _ _ Charlotte, N . C Richmond, Va Washington, D . C 1931 1932 1933 BALTIMORE BRANCH HUGH LEACH, Managing Director Hugh Leach William H. Matthai. Levi B. Phillips Edmund P. Cohill___ L. S. Zimmerman Norman James Morton M. Prentis__ 125554—32- -16 Baltimore, McL. .do.. Cambridge, McL. Hancock, Md Baltimore, Md__. do do 1931 1931 1931 1932 1932 1933 1933 232 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD DISTRICT N O . 5—FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF RICHMOND—Continued CHARLOTTE BRANCH W. T. Clements, Managing Director Director W. T. Clements John L. Morehead . W. B:. Wood C. A Cannon C. L. Cobb John A. Law ._ Robt. Gage Term expires Dec. 31 Residence Charlotte, N . C do do Concord, N . C Rock Hill, S. C Spartanburg, S. C Chester, S. C „ 1931 1931 1931 1932 1932 1933 1933 DISTRICT NO. 6—FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF ATLANTA OSCAR NEWTON, Chairman and Federal Reserve Agent. W. H. KETTIG, Deputy Chairman. E. R BLACK, Governor Class A: E. C. Melvin G. G. Ware H. Lane Young._ Class B: J, B. H i l l . . Leon C. Simon. __ J., A. McCrary... Class C: W. H. Kettig—~ Oscar N e w t o n — George S. Harris. Selma, Ala Leesburg, Fla Atlanta, Ga 1931 1932 1933 Nashville, Tenn... New Orleans, La._ Decatur, Ga 1931 1932 1933 Birmingham, Ala. Atlanta, Ga do... 1931 1932 1933 N E W ORLEANS BRANCH MARCUS WALKER, Managing Director Marcus Walker. P. H. Saunders. R. S. Hecht Leon C. Simon.. F. W. Foote Albert P. Bush. J. D. O'Keefe... New Orleans, La.. do do do Hattiesburg, Miss.. Mobile, Ala New Orleans, La... 1931 1931 1931 1932 1932 1933 1933 JACKSONVILLE BRANCH HUGH FOSTER, Managing Director Hugh Foster John C. Cooper... G. G Ware Fulton Saussy Edward W. Lane. S. O. Chase Arthur F. Perry. _ Jacksonville, Fla.. do.. Leesburg, Fla Jacksonville, Fla.. do Sanford, Fla Jacksonville, Fla.. 1931 1931 1931 1932 1932 1933 1933 BIRMINGHAM BRANCH A. E. WALKER, Managing Director A. E. Walker W. H. Kettig JohnH. Frye Oscar Wells W. W. Crawford.. E. F. Allison W. E. Henley Birmingham, Ala. do do do do Bellamy, Ala Birmingham, Ala. 1931 1931 1931 1932 1932 1933 1933 233 GOVERNORS AND DIRECTORS DISTRICT NO. 6—FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF ATLANTA—Continued NASHVILLE BRANCH JOEL B. FORT, Jr., Managing Director Director Joel B. Fort, jr J. B. Hill.--.— Frank J. Harle Paul M. Davis.. C. W. Bailey W. P. Ridley C. A. Craig - — .. Term expires Dec. 31. Residence - - Nashville, Tenn. do_. Cleveland, Tenn.. Nashville, Tenn... Clarksville, Tenn. — Columbia, T e n n . . Nashville, Tenn... 1931 1931 1931 1932 1932 1933 1933 DISTRICT NO. 7—FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO EUGENE M. STEVENS, Chairman and Federal Reserve Agent. JAMES SIMPSON, Deputy Chairman. JAMES B. MCDOUGAL, Governor Class A: Edward R. Estberg:_ George J. Schaller George M. Reynolds. Class B: Stanford T. C r a p o . . . Robert M. Feustel.-. MaxW. Babb Class C: Frank C. Ball James Simpson. _ Eugene M. Stevens.. Waukesha, Wis Storm Lake, Iowa.. Chicago, 111 1931 1932 1933 Detroit, Mich Fort Wayne, Ind... Milwaukee, W i s . . . 1931 1932 1933 Muncie, Ind Chicago, 111 do 1931 1932 1933 D E T R O I T BRANCH WILLIAM R. CATION, Managing Director William R. Cation James Inglis William J. Gray N. P. Hull... John Ballantyne David McMorran George B. Morley - Detroit, Mich.. do do Lansing, M i c h . . . Detroit, Mich Bay City, Mich.. Saginaw, Mich... 1931 1931 1931 1932 1932 1933 1933 DISTRICT NO. 8—FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF ST. LOUIS JOHN S. WOOD, Chairman and Federal Reserve Agent. JOHN W. BOEHNE, Deputy Chairman. McC. MARTIN, Governor Class A: John C. Martin John G. Lonsdale Max B. Nahm Class B: W. B. Plunkett M. P. Sturdivant James W. Harris Class C: PaulDillard John W. Boehne John S. Wood ._. . . - - _ . Salem, 111 St. Louis, Mo Bowling Green, Ky Little Rock, Ark Glendora, Miss St. Louis, Mo Memphis, Tenn.. Evansville, Ind St. Louis, Mo WILLIAM 1931 1932 1933 _ 1931 1932 1933 1931 1932 1933 LOUISVILLE BRANCH JOHN T. MOORE, Managing Director John T. Moore William W. Crawford.. John T. Reynolds W. R. Cole. Eugene E. Hoge E. H. Woods Walter F, Huthsteiner.. Louisville, Ky.. .do. Greenville, Ky.. Louisville, Ky_. Frankfort, Ky_. Lucas, Ky Tell City, I n d . . 1931 1931 1931 1932 1932 1933 1933 234 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD DISTRICT NO. 8—FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF ST. LOUIS—Continued MEMPHIS BRANCH W. H. GLASGOW, Managing Director Residence Director W. H. Glasgow S. E. Ragland John W. Alderson William Orgill John M. Tarrant E. L. Anderson R. Brinkley Snowden I Memphis, Tenn... j do Forrest City, Ark_ I Memphis, Tenn._. I Dyersburg, Tenn_. Clarksdale, Miss__ ! Memphis, Tenn.__ Term expires Dec. 31 1931 1931 1931 1932 1932 1933 1933 LITTLE ROCK BRANCH A. F. BAILEY, Managing Director Little Rock, Ark. .do. Pine Bluff, Ark__. Little Rock, Ark. Texarkana, Ark__ El Dorado, Ark__ Little Rock, Ark. A. F. Bailey Moorhead Wright JoNichol Gordon H. Campbell_ Stuart Wilson C. H. Murphy W. A. Hicks 1931 1931 1931 1932 1932 1933 1933 DISTRICT NO. 9—FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF MINNEAPOLIS JOHN R. MITCHELL, Chairman and Federal Reserve Agent. HOMER P . CLARK, Deputy Chairman. W. B. GEERY, Governor Class A: P J Leeman B" R Kibbee B . C. Hansen Class B: W 0 . Washburn J E O'Connell John S. Owen Class C: George W McCormick John R. Mitchell B'omer P Clark Minneapolis, Minn Mitchell, S. Dak _ _ Churchs Ferry, N . Dak __ _._ - - - - - _ ._ . St. Paul, Minn Helena, Mont Eau Claire, Wis. Menominee, Mich Minneapolis, Minn St. Paul, Minn 1931 1932 1933 1931 1932 1933 1931 1932 1933 HELENA BRANCH R. E. TOWLE, Managing Director R. E. Towle Henry Sieben Thomas A. Marlow. W. R. Strain S. McKennan __ Helena, Mont do do „__. Great Falls, MontHelena, Mont 1931 1931 1931 1932 1932 DISTRICT NO. 10—FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF KANSAS CITY M. L. MCCLUBE, Chairman and Federal Reserve Agent. WILLIAM L. PETRIKIN, Deputy Chairman. W. J. BAILEY, Governor Class A: Frank W. Sponable.. E. E. Mullaney C. C. Parks Class B: J. M. Bernardin L. E. Phillips Willard D. Hosford_. Class C: William L. Petrikin. M. L. McClure Edward P. Brown._. Paola, Kans Hill City, Kans... Denver, Colo Kansas City, Mo. Bartlesville, Okla_ Omaha, Nebr 1931 1932 1933 Denver, Colo_ Kansas City, Mo. Davey, Nebr 1931 1932 1933 1931 1932 1933 235 GOVERNORS AND DIRECTORS DISTRICT NO. 10—FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF KANSAS CITY—Continue OMAHA BRANCH L. H. EARHART, Managing Director Term expires Dec. 31 Residence Director Omaha, Nebr_ .do. Cheyenne, Wyo. Lincoln, Nebr... Omaha, Nebr... Seward, Nebr Nebraska City, Neb]r L. H. Earhart William Diesing A. H. Marble W. E. Hardy Thomas L. Davis Daniel M. Hildebrand.. R. 0. Marnell 1931 1931 1931 1932 1932 1933 1933 DENVER BRANCH JOSEPH E. OLSON, Managing Director Joseph E. Olson Murdo MacKenzie H. W. Farr Roblin H. Davis Henry Swan Merritt W. Gano Harold Kountze Denver, Colo_ ! do | Greeley, Colo_ | Denver, Colo_ j do ! do ! do 1931 1931 1931 1932 1932 1933 1933 OKLAHOMA CITY BRANCH C. E . DANIEL, Managing Director C E Daniel Walter F . Nichols Ned Holman _ __ _ _ Austin Miller H. H . Ogden J. B. Doolin .__ William Mee __._ _ _ Oklahoma City, Okla Tulsa, Okla Oklahoma City, Okla do Muskogee, Okla Alva, Okla __ Oklahoma City, Okla . 1931 1931 1931 1932 1932 1933 1933 DISTRICT N O . 11—FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF DALLAS C. C. WALSH, Chairman and Federal Reserve Agent. S. B. PERKINS, Deputy Chairman. B. A. MCKINNEY, Governor Class A: W. H. Patrick J. P . Williams R. E. Harding Class B: A. S. Cleveland ._ __ ___ _ J. J. Culbertson J . R . Milam Class C: C. C. Walsh E. R. Brown -__._.. S B Perkins . Clarendon, Tex Mineral Wells, Tex Fort Worth, Tex 1931 1932 1933 . . Houston, Tex 1931 1932 1933 Paris, Tex Waco, Tex Dallas, Tex __ __ _ _ do do _ . . . 1931 1932 1933 EL PASO BRANCH J. L. HERMANN, Managing Director J. L. Hermann C. M. Newman. . E. M. Hurd A. P. Coles. Arthur F. Jones S P. Applewhite George D. Flory __ . El Paso, Tex.._ do .. _ do . , . . . . do Portales, N. Mex Douglas, Ariz El Paso, Tex 1931 1931 1931 1932 1932 1933 1933 236 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD DISTRICT NO. 11—FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OP DALLAS—Continued HOUSTON B R A N C H W. D . GENTRY, Managing Director Director W. D . Gentry R. M . Farrar John A. Wilkins J. Cooke Wilson N. E . Meador E. A. Peden A. A. Borne . . . _ Term expires Dec. 31 Residence _ . . . _ Houston, Tex do do Beaumont, Tex Houston, Tex do Galveston, Tex _ 1931 1931 1931 1932 1932 1933 1933 SAN ANTONIO B R A N C H M . CRUMP, Managing Director M . Crump Reagan Houston Walter P . Napier Frank G. Crow Franz C. Groos J. M . Bennett George C. Hollis _ . , ._. _._ San Antonio, Tex do do McAllen, Tex San Antonio, Tex do Eagle Pass, T e x . . _ _... _ 1931 1931 1931 1932 1932 1933 1933 DISTRICT NO. 12—FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF SAN FRANCISCO ISAAC B . NEWTON, Chairman and Federal Reserve Agent. WALTON N . MOORE, Deputy Chairman. JOHN U. CALKINS, Governor Class A: C, K. Mclntosh T. H . Ramsay Keith Powell Class B: Elmer H . Cox A. B . C. Dohrmann... Malcolm McNaghton. Class C: William Sproule Isaac B. Newton Walton N . Moore San Francisco, Calif. do Woodburn, Oreg 1931 1932 1933 Madera, Calif San Francisco, Calif. Los Angeles, Calif... 1931 1932 1933 San Francisco, Calif. 1931 1932 1933 do do _ LOS ANGELES BRANCH W. N. AMBROSE, Managing Director W. N. Ambrose Charles B. Voorhis. F. J. Belcher, jr.... Jesse B. Alexander. A. J. Cruickshank. Los Angeles, Calif. Pasadena, Calif San Diego, Calif... Los Angeles, CalifSanta Ana, Calif... 1931 1931 1931 1932 1932 PORTLAND BRANCH R. B. WEST, Managing Director R. B. West Nathan Strauss... J. C. Ainsworth... Edward C. PeaseJohn F. Daly Portland, Oreg-. do do The Dalles, Oreg. Portland, Oreg 1931 1931 1931 1932 1932 237 GOVERNORS AND DIRECTORS DISTRICT NO. 12—FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF SAN FRANCISCO—Continued SALT LAKE CITY BRANCH W. L. PARTNER, Managing Director Director Term expires Dec. 31 Residence Salt Lake City, Utah, do. Ogden, Utah... Salt Lake City, Utah. do W. L. Partner Lafayette Hanchett. H. E. Hemingway. . G. G. Wright _ E. 0. Howard 1931 1931 1931 1932 1932 SEATTLE B R A N C H C. R. SHAW, Managing Director C R Shaw Charles H. Clarke M. A. Arnold . Henry A. Rhodes M F Backus . . _.. . Seattle, Wash do _ . . . . . do __ Tacoma, Wash Seattle, Wash _ . 1931 1931 1931 1932 1932 SPOKANE B R A N C H D. L. DAVIS, Managing Director D. L. Davis G. I. Toevs D. W. T w o h y . . . Peter McGregor. R. M. Hardy Spokane, Wash. do do. Hooper, Wash.. Yakima, Wash. 1931 1931 1931 1932 1932 238 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD SALARIES OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS ALL FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS AND BRANCHES COMBINED Number Dec. 31, 1931 Officers: Chairman and Federal reserve agent. Governor Other officers Employees by departments: Banking department Federal reserve agent's department. _ Auditing department Fiscal agency department Total- 12 12 246.1 !, 366. 7 286.4 190.5 226.3 9,340 Annual salaries Dec. 31, 1930 12 12 247 Dec. 31, 1931 D e c . 31, 1930 $289, 000 360, 000 2, 064, 590 $278, 000 355, 000 2, 070, 840 1, 623. 5 12, 947, 313 293.4 695, 692 192. 5 436, 055 228.6 447,175 13,112, 875 691, 833 439, 400 453,942 ',609 17, 401, 890 17, 239, 825 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF BOSTON Officers: Chairman and Federal reserve agent Governor Other officers Employees by departments: Banking department Federal reserve agent's department... Auditing department Fiscal agency department 1 l 9 609 28 10 17 Total $20, 000 30, 000 83, 950 $20, 000 30, 000 78, 750 29 10 17 861, 410 70, 450 24,760 38, 320 896, 940 71, 560 24, 760 38, 260 714 1,128, 890 1,160, 270 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF NEW YORK (INCLUDING BUFFALO BRANCH) Officers: Chairman and Federal reserve agent Governor Other officers Employees by departments: Banking department Federal reserve agent's department.. Auditing department Fiscal agency department Total FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF PHILADELPHIA Officers: Chairman and Federal reserve agent Governor Other officers Employees by departments: Banking department Federal reserve agent's departmentAuditing department Fiscal agency department Total 613 36 25 12 697 1 1 9 $20, 000 30, 000 85, 000 $20, 000 30, 000 85, 000 610 37 25 13 885, 590 84, 876 55, 690 21, 696 878,110 80, 836 55, 330 23, 496 1,182, 852 I 1,172,772 239 FEDERAL, RESERVE BANK SALARIES FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CLEVELAND (INCLUDING CINCINNATI AND PITTSBURGH BRANCHES) Annual salaries Number Dec. 31, 1931 Officers: Chairman and Federal reserve agent Governor _ _ _ __ Other officers Employees by departments: Banking department ._ - . . __ . Federal reserve agent's department._ ... _. Auditing department __ _ __. Fiscal agency department Total Dec. 31, 1930 1 1 19 1 1 19 801.5 24 20.5 20 887 D e c . 31, 1931 D e c . 31, 1930 $20, 000 30, 000 174,100 $20, 000 30, 000 172, 300 805.5 24 20.5 20 1, 295, 385 57, G96 59, 420 40, 620 1, 288, 444 54, 912 59, 300 40, 982 891 1, 677, 221 1, 665, 938 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF RICHMOND (INCLUDING BALTIMORE AND CHARLOTTE BRANCHES) Officers: Chairman and Federal reserve agent. Governor Other officers Employees by departments: B anking department Federal reserve agent's department__ Auditing department Fiscal agency department 1 1 17 1 1 17 506 9 6 12 512 9 Total _ $20, 000 25, 000 137, 400 $20, 000 25, 000 141, 300 700, 26, 14, 16, 552 810 820 830 702,802 26,810 14, 820 16, 770 941, 412 947, 502 FEDERAL R E S E R V E BANK OF ATLANTA (INCLUDING B I R M I N G H A M , JACKSONVILLE, NASHVILLE, AND N E W ORLEANS B R A N C H E S AND HAVANA AND SAVANNAH AGENCIES) Officers: Chairman and Federal reserve agent Governor Other officers Employees by departments: Banking department Federal reserve agent's department.. Auditing department Fiscal agency department Total 1 1 31 1 1 31 $20, 000 25, 000 184, 740 $20, 000 25, 000 184, 940 341.9 6.9 10 9.2 364.4 6.9 10 461, 822 16, 680 21, 610 14, 900 479,475 15, 675 21,610 15, 290 401 423 744,752 761, 990 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO (INCLUDING DETROIT BRANCH) Officers: Chairman and Federal reserve agent Governor Other officers Employees by departments: B anking department Federal reserve agent's department.. Auditing department Fiscal agency department Total 1 1 30 1 1 30 $35, 000 35, 000 258, 550 $24, 000 35, 000 257, 000 ,153 35 22 42 1,202 36 21 43 1, 801, 822 75, 710 49, 720 86, 320 1, 857, 582 74, 230 48, 020 86, 640 1,284 1,334 2, 342,122 2, 382, 472 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF ST. LOUIS (INCLUDING LITTLE ROCK, LOUISVILLE AND MEMPHIS BRANCHES) Officers: Chairman and Federal reserve agent Governor Other officers Employees by departments: Banking department Federal reserve agent's department-. Auditing department Fiscal agency department Total $20, 000 25, 000 133,400 $20, 000 25, 000 137, 600 596, 856 29, 760 21, 040 35, 740 585, 296 37,860 20, 500 34, 840 861, 796 861, 096 240 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF MINNEAPOLIS (INCLUDING HELENA BRANCH) Number Dec. 31, 1931 Officers: Chairman and Federal reserve agent Governor Other officers._ _. Employees by departments: Banking department... Federal reserve agent's department.. Auditing department Fiscal agency department. Total Annual salaries Dec. 31, 1930 Dec. 31, 1931 Dec. 31, 1930 1 1 11.1 1 1 12 $20,000 25,000 74,100 $20.000 25,000 79,100 235.5 10.5 11 12.9 230.5 11.5 11 12 369,658 27,330 25, 200 28, 620 361,078 27,830 25,200 23,800 283 279 562, 008 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF KANSAS CITY (INCLUDING DENVER, OKLAHOMA CITY, AND OMAHA BRANCHES) Officers: Chairman and Federal reserve agent Governor Other officers Employees by departments: Banking department Federal reserve agent's department.. Auditing department Fiscal agency department Total 1 1 20 1 1 20 $20, 000 25, 000 148, 000 $20, 000 25,000 148,000 497.8 11 16 23.2 523.1 11 17 25.9 753,221 24,040 35,000 42,699 777, 744 23,500 37,080 48,994 570 599 1,047,960 1,080, 318 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF DALLAS (INCLUDING EL PASO, HOUSTON, AND SAN ANTONIO BRANCHES) Officers: Chairman and Federal reserve agent Governor Other officers Employees by departments: Banking department Federal reserve agent's department.. Auditing department— Fiscal agency department Total 1 1 19 1 1 19 $20, 000 30,000 130,400 $20, 000 25,000 130,900 329 16 13 14 349 17 13 14 529,130 42,360 30,060 29,860 550,800 46,080 31,260 31, 060 393 414 811,810 835,100 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF SAN FRANCISCO (INCLUDING LOS ANGELES, PORTLAND, SALT LAKE CITY, SEATTLE, AND SPOKANE BRANCHES) Officers: Chairman and Federal reserve agent Governor-_ Other officers Employees by departments: Banking department... Federal reserve agent's department.. Auditing department._. Fiscal agency department Total. - 1 1 28 1 1 28 $24,000 30,000 197,800 $24,000 30,000 196,800 681 22 6 12 27 7 13 1,107,240 53,880 13,020 23,400 1,107,540 62,160 16,020 27, 540 751 768 1,449,340 1,464,060 STATE BANK AND TRUST COMPANY MEMBERS The following is a list of 878 State bank and trust company active members of the Federal reserve system on December 31, 1931, with their loans, investments, deposits, capital, and surplus: [In thousands of dollarsj Investments Total deposits Capital 19,848 1,417 7,141 1,432 157 2,574 23,927 1,352 6,875 1,600 200 1,000 2,400 100 2,500 1,578 1,194 1,408 826 3,084 1,918 100 100 100 100 2,097 10,664 12,174 4,602 41,846 14,933 12,141 6,428 3,852 4,974 5,008 1,601 5,466 10,315 2,682 4,141 3,486 5,801 1,067 20,973 4,713 5,662 9,875 9,004 5,601 12,378 6,207 3,462 670 957 2,167 644 1,456 8,517 3,114 1,367 2,091 1,523 1,130 15,507 4,751 11,842 26,089 5,571 58,466 16,890 17,272 7,945 4,462 5,052 7,101 2,121 6,612 15, 521 5,314 4,874 5,313 6,323 2,162 28,902 2,500 1,500 1,000 5,000 3,000 1,400 1,000 1,200 200 400 300 200 200 1,080 300 300 250 400 100 3,800 275 1,000 2,000 5,000 3,500 2,000 1,050 800 200 200 300 100 300 1,080 300 300 350 400 100 3,800 841 362 1,129 75 25 1,710 76,248 51,601 15,990 1,199 53,131 48,825 7,913 2,751 124,618 91,948 23,971 200 4,000 5,000 1,000 80 7,500 10,000 1,000 5,272 7,728 896 2,155 730 1,231 601 1,907 2,277 389 875 15,787 3,548 5,188 2,002 4,687 203 789 525 373 333 1,063 2,282 197 206 7,049 1,102 1,082 9,066 12,892 977 2,868 1,248 1,571 870 2,546 4,109 476 996 19,684 4,960 5,532 400 1,250 100 200 100 100 100 200 200 100 200 1,500 500 500 600 600 50 100 75 100 25 200 250 50 41 1,800 250 275 Loans Surplus DISTRICT NO. 1 CONNECTICUT Hartford—Phoenix State Bank & Trust Co.. South Manchester—Manchester Trust Co... Waterbury—Colonial Trust Co Ellsworth—Union Trust Co. Sanford—Sanford Trust C O MASSACHUSETTS Boston—Day Trust Co Exchange Trust Co New England Trust Co Old Colony Trust Co State Street Trust Co.__ United States Trust Co.__ Cambridge—Harvard Trust Co___ . Fall River—B. M. C. Durfee Trust Co Gloucester—Gloucester Safe Deposit & Trust Co Greenfield—Franklin County Trust Co__ Lawrence—Merchants Trust Co ._. Lynn—Sagamore Trust Co._ Security Trust Co.__ Newton—Newton Trust Co Norwood—Norwood Trust Co Quincy—Quincy Trust Co Salem—Naumkeag Trust Co _ Waltham—Waltham Trust Co : Winchester—Winchester Trust Co _.. Worcester—Worcester Bank & Trust Co NEW HAMPSHIRE Conway—Carroll County Trust Co_. EHODE ISLAND Providence—Columbus Exchange Trust Co Industrial Trust Co Rhode Island Hospital Trust Co. Union Trust Co DISTRICT NO. 2 NEW JERSEY (See also District No. 3) Bayonne—Bayonne Trust Co Bloomfield—Bloomfield Bank & Trust Co Community Trust Co Watsessing Bank Bogota—Bank of Bogota Boonton—Boonton Trust Co Carteret—Carteret Bank & Trust Co Cranford—Cranford Trust Co Dover—Dover Trust Co Dunellen—Peoples Trust Co__ East Orange—East Orange Trust Co.__ Savings Investment & Trust Co. Elizabeth—Central Home Trust Co Elizabethport Banking Co 241 242 ANNUAL REPORT OF T H E FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD [In thousands of dollars] Total deposits ipital Surplus DISTRICT NO. 2—Continued NEW JERSEY—continued Fort Lee—Fort Lee Trust Co Franklin—Sussex County Trust Co Glen Ridge—Glen Ridge Trust Co Hackensack—Peoples Trust & Guaranty Co State Bank & Trust Co Hasbrouck Heights—Bank of Hasbrouck Heights... Hoboken—Jefferson Trust Co Jersey City—Commercial Trust Co. of New Jersey._ New Jersey Title Guarantee & Trust Co. Linden—Linden Trust Co . Montclair—Bank of Montclair Montclair Trust Co Morristown—Morristown Trust Co Newark—Clinton Trust Co Columbus Trust Co Federal Trust Co Fidelity Union Trust Co Franklin-Washington Trust Co Merchants & Newark Trust Co United States Trust Co Nutley—Bank of Nutley Orange—Trust Company of Orange Passaic—Peoples Bank & Trust Co Paterson—Hamilton Trust Co Perth Amboy—Perth Amboy Trust Co Raritan Trust Co Plainfield—Guaranty Trust Co Mid-City Trust Co Plainfield Trust Co State Trust Co Rahway—Railway Trust Co * Ridgefield Park—Ridgefield Park-Overpeck Trust Co. Rochelle Park—Rochelle Park Bank Rutherford—Rutherford Trust Co South Orange—South Orange Trust Co Westfield—Peoples Bank & Trust Co Westfield Trust Co West Orange—West Orange Trust Co Westwood—Westwood Trust Co 789 229 1,050 1,142 1,266 1,192 11,101 3,788 123 297 572 248 5,503 919 34,085 21, 017 29, 523 8,589 2,299 478 3,575 2, 268 8,417 3,890 4,013 5,205 5, 362 2,386 731 381 26, 242 9,988 59,066 80, 924 7,899 1,632 13, 628 7,654 2,103 954 1,638 1,117 1, 246 662 13, 376 6,502 5,477 4,829 4,340 2,172 1,013 214 651 314 699 452 11,245 5,539 3,125 565 615 715 2,167 940 83 214 2,410 1,729 971 429 3, 353 924 3,356 1,075 786 i 336 796 | 405 1,041 2,308 2,646 10, 966 381 841 4,281 56, 542 26, 909 2, 655 5,274 10,876 9,804 6,870 1,563 40, 507 150, 765 9,694 18,160 2,254 2, 962 948 18, 595 9,881 6, 350 1,258 1, 073 920 17, 241 3,725 1, 063 3, 203 249 3, 070 1,357 4, 247 4,346 797 1,038 100 150 200 1,000 100 75 800 3,400 2,035 200 500 1,350 1,000 700 400 4,056 6,667 1,200 2,500 600 200 700 1,000 750 300 200 250 200 650 150 2C0 100 50 250 225 200 300 125 200 50 100 50 550 40 75 400 6,600 2,000 50 300 750 300 1,000 200 3,000 7,000 500 2,500 820 75 250 500 750 300 100 50 55 1,000 150 100 200 30 550 113 300 200 152 125 1,334 33, 330 4,336 479 2,145 433 8,077 246 116,775 58, 309 100, 429 193, 087 359 2, 561 476 974 2,039 2,963 9, 825 3,C44 1,370 1,131 2,189 1,727 4,168 2, 033 2,236 766 2,572 7,267 15, 865 4,604 1,296 8,133 1,709 4,819 150 1,000 200 50 100 50 750 30 8, 200 5, 500 6,000 10, 000 50 100 50 150 250 150 800 100 100 75 100 200 250 350 100 50 100 400 833 200 100 250 100 350 75 1,000 600 30 100 100 500 11 10, 000 7,500 15, 000 10,000 25 100 25 100 125 150 1,700 100 100 65 50 50 150 250 100 50 250 400 833 200 50 700 80 350 NEW YORK Adams—Citizens Trust Co Albany—First Trust Co Amsterdam—Montgomery County Trust Co Avoca—Bank of Avoca Batavia—Genesee Trust Co Belmont—State Bank of Belmont Binghamton—Marine-Midland Trust Co Blasdell—Bank of Blasdell Brooklyn—Brooklyn Trust Co Buffalo—Liberty Bank M. & T. Trust Co Marine Trust Co Canisteo—First State Bank Chatham—State Bank of Chatham Cohocton—Cohocton State Bank Depew—Bank of Depew Dunkirk—Dunkirk Trust Co East Aurora—Bank of East Aurora Elmira—Chemung Canal Trust Co Endicott—Endicott Trust Co Union Trust Co Farmingdale—Bank of Farmingdale Floral Park—Floral Park Bank Fredonia— Citizens Trust Co... Geneva—Greneva Trust Co Gloversville—Trust Company of Fulton County Hamburg—Peoples Bank of Hamburg Hammondsport—Bank of Hammondsport Hicksville—Bank of Hicksville Ithaca—Ithaca Trust Co Jamestown—Bank of Jamestown Johnson City—Workers Trust Co Katonah—1\ orthern Westchester Bank Kingston—Kingston Trust Co Lackawanna—American Bank Little Falls—Herkimer County Trust Co 1,205 17, 969 3,815 223 1,626 401 6,739 242 70, 268 48, 735 72, 903 141, 399 353 1,026 225 783 1,088 2,264 7,044 2,372 571 607 1,765 1,197 2,877 2,093 1,484 468 1,672 4,792 11,472 2,572 532 5,072 877 2,245 313 9,922 1,885 328 774 99 2,774 11 42,417 20, 052 37, 280 56, 684 80 1,798 253 564 1,441 640 4,855 1,017 705 441 686 649 1,342 565 1,002 318 961 2,839 4,479 2,343 811 4,878 871 3,153 243 STATE BANK MEMBERSHIP [In thousands of dollars} Total deposits Capital • 2,445 2,987 1,039 4,592 200 300 50 300 100 100 100 200 100 200 650 25, 000 22, 250 6,000 1,500 21, 000 21,000 500 4,000 15, 000 500 2,000 90,000 200 3,000 50, 000 27,500 10, 000 900 400 12, 500 700 660 2,000 4,000 600 100 200 62 100 100 100 200 25 70 20 60, 000 40,000 8,000 225 60,000 40,000 500 6,000 20,000 2,000 2,000 170, 000 100 750 55,000 5,500 6,000 600 100 25, 000 350 360 24, 000 1,200 300 20 120 31 50 50 60 100 Surplus DISTRICT NO. 2—Continued NEW YORK—continued Lowville—-Lewis County Trust Co Malone—Peoples Trust Co Mayville—State Bank of Mayville Mineola—Nassau County Trust Co Mount Kisco—Trust Company of Northern Westchester Mount Vernon—Fleetwood Bank New York—Amalgamated Bank Bankers Trust Co Bank of Manhattan Trust Co Bank of New York & Trust Co Bank of Yorktown Central Hanover Bank & Trust Co Chemical Bank & Trust Co Clinton Trust Co Continental Bank & Trust Co Corn Exchange Bank Trust Co Fifth Avenue Bank Fulton Trust Co Guaranty Trust Co Harbor State Bank Hibernia Trust Co Irving Trust Co Manufacturers Trust Co Marine Midland Trust Co Mercantile Bank & Trust Co Merchants Bank New York Trust Co J. Henry Schroder Trust Co Trade Bank United States Trust Co Niagara Falls—Power City Trust Co Ogdensburg—Ogdensburg Trust Co Olean—Olean Trust Co Oneida—Madison County Trust & Deposit Co Orchard Park—Bank of Orchard Park Oriskany Falls—First Trust & Deposit Co Pearl River—State Bank of Pearl River Perry—Citizens Bank Pleasantville—Mount Pleasant Bank & Trust Co Port Chester—Mutual Trust Co. of Westchester County Rochester—Lincoln-Alliance Bank & Trust Co Rome—Rome Trust Co Scarsdale—Caleb Heathcote Trust Co Schenectady—Schenectady Trust Co Smithtown Branch, Bank of Srnithtown Spring Valley—Ramapo Trust Co Stony Brook—-Bank of Suffolk County Syracuse—First Trust & Deposit Co Syracuse Trust Co Utica—First Citizens Bank & Trust Co Watertown—Northern New York Trust Co Westbury—Bank of Westbury Trust Co White Plains—County Trust Co 1,389 2,719 430 2,457 1,178 945 604 2,139 580 406 4,756 302,608 202,456 55,571 3,213 277,485 175, 327 1,657 22,235 91,279 17,196 9,302 696,478 420 8,626 269, 770 172,013 38,495 3,058 901 124, 725 751 2, 924 47, 788 20,276 5,030 861 1,701 717 523 226 590 2,257 335 433 844 156,158 99,416 33, 735 1,045 261,354 114,794 1,029 16, 327 111,670 11,S72 7,949 329,350 509 3,419 155,511 87,149 25, 660 2,249 544 104, 372 3,769 1, 026 19, 961 11,051 1,622 3,427 42,521 3,369 719 9,417 789 826 431 429 1,184 359 498 344 331 721 880 777 6,228 531, 941 375,156 105,666 3,684 594,442 297,396 2,039 36,341 232,068 32,584 16,543 1,003,479 966 14, 076 440,019 266, 692 53,401 5,930 1,257 252, 070 4,226 2,953 63, 543 26,130 6,623 1, 007 2,975 1,028 870 571 922 2,936 1,622 824 609 j 288 792 961 376 951 669 218 022 286 719 865 300 j 2,000 300 I 200 I 750 50 200 50 5,400 2,500 2,000 500 100 500 200 3,000 300 200 1,000 50 75 25 4,400 2,750 2,000 500 50 1,500 45,514 7,329 1,111 7,472 10,061 1,999 1,391 3,992 650 647 252 17, 359 15, 993 12,916 2,703 955 1,941 8,476 2,506 7,402 25, 354 2,868 1,678 3, 537 8,462 9,509 2,113 9,664 23,517 1, 500 2,000 1,121 4,000 2,100 300 1.500 10,000 4,471 11,143 21,244 796 3,203 1,002 529 1,469 4,844 10, 989 248 1,039 121 217 i 5, 573 12,302 30,661 852 4,315 1,379 600 200 1,000 1,200 100 300 100 100 150 1, 000 3,600 50 300 150 60 63,936 23,474 DISTRICT NO. 3 DELAWARE Wilmington—Equitable Trust Co... Industrial Trust Co.__. Security Trust Co Wilmington Trust Co. NEW JERSEY (See also District No. 2) Atlantic City—Equitable Trust Co Guarantee Trust Co Camden—Camden Safe Deposit & Trust Co Hightstown—Hightstown Trust Co Princeton—Princeton Bank & Trust Co Riverside—Riverside Trust Co ._. Swedesboro—Swedesboro Trust Co 244 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD [In thousands of dollars] Investments Total deposits Capital 1,516 4,114 1,961 1,145 838 1,768 1,095 2,298 500 653 400 450 806 450 1,447 2,602 7,348 229 1,403 6,125 186 399 5,380 3,069 3,207 3,960 2,181 1,915 218 535 4,205 474 315 2,527 625 1,741 223 636 944 485 775 677 415 413 2,998 5,960 231 224 50,606 25, 052 43,348 13,170 1,137 557 3,412 329 1,201 1,691 76 250 1,495 2,313 2,029 4,090 2,627 3,488 445 386 5,359 355 254 643 209 808 126 700 705 289 705 348 488 373 2,878 4,168 44 235 53, 007 69,103 14,442 6,658 437 2,346 1,931 8,498 504 1,972 6,259 181 573 3,360 6,195 4,501 7,139 4,531 4,514 429 740 7,077 716 408 956 523 2,237 289 1,121 1,284 515 1,051 745 659 664 5,150 7,451 216 363 83, 234 79, 716 47, 241 16,109 670 375 250 1,050 125 250 250 50 60 400 300 450 600 250 250 125 125 375 125 125 200 125 250 50 135 200 125 150 125 180 50 1,000 1,250 35 125 6,700 4,000 2,988 1,375 500 125 250 1,850 35 600 1,100 25 100 800 600 350 1,500 500 400 80 90 1,500 125 33 200 75 500 12 100 250 125 200 125 25 50 1,000 1,500 55 75 21,000 16,000 11,000 2,000 200 138,308 17,034 575 515 4,995 50 1,260 10,594 1,283 570 1,203 900 180 1,303 65,990 26,145 239 755 1,828 130 1,018 5,519 663 697 1,110 587 256 1,578 192,304 30, 626 646 1,031 5,089 170 2,092 13,040 1,526 1,078 1,833 1,153 388 1,649 8,400 3,200 125 125 1,000 25 125 1,500 125 125 350 150 75 500 27,000 12, 260 72 275 1,000 15 350 1,000 125 125 350 150 15 375 3,014 499 3,133 2,175 5,667 2,631 4,140 303 1,481 1,844 1,775 4,707 11, 341 757 2,834 3,107 6,690 499 2,000 50 500 500 750 1,693 500 50 125 700 1,500 1,956 907 1,310 27 2,939 953 500 150 150 55 Loans Surplus DISTRICT NO. 3—Continued PENNSYLVANIA (See also District No. 4) Allentown-—Dime Savings & Trust Co. Liberty Trust Co Penn Trust Co_ Bloomsburg—Bloomsburg Bank-Columbia Trust Co Carlisle—Carlisle Trust Co Chester—Chester-Cambridge Bank & Trust Co Danville—Montour County Trust Co Du Bois—Union Banking & Trust Co Easton—Easton Trust Co East Petersburg—East Petersburg State Bank Egypt—Farmers Bank of Egypt Harrisburg—Central Trust Co_— Dauphin Deposit Trust Co Hazleton—American Bank & Trust Co. Markle Banking & Trust Co Peoples Savings & Trust Co Honesdale—Wayne County Savings Bank Houtzdale—Houtzdale Trust Co Huntingdon—Grange Trust Co Jenkintown—Jenkintown Bank & Trust Co Kulpmont—Dime Deposit Bank & Trust Co Lansdale—Lansdale Title & Trust Co-.. Lemoyne—Lemoyne Trust Co Lewistown—Lewistown Trust Co Lock Haven—Lock Haven Trust Co Luzerne—Merchants & Miners State Bank Lyhens—Miners Deposit Bank & Trust Co Mahanoy City—Merchants Banking Trust Co Middletown—Citizens Bank & Trust Co Mount Carmel—Liberty State Bank & Trust Co Myerstown—Myerstown Trust Co Nanticoke—Peoples Savings & Trust Co _. New Oxford—Farmers & Merchants Bank Norristown—Montgomery Trust Co Norristown-Penn Trust Co Orrstown—Orrstown Bank _._ Paoli—Paoli Bank & Trust Co Philadelphia—Fidelity-Philadelphia Trust Co Girard Trust Co _ Integrity Trust Co Ninth Bank & Trust Co North City Trust Co Pennsylvania Co. for Insurances on Lives, etc Provident Trust Co _ Prospect Park—Interboro Bank & Trust Co Quakertown—Quaker town Trust Co Reading—Berks County Trust Co Schnecksville—Schnecksville State Bank Schuylkill Haven—Schuylkill Haven Trust Co Scran ton—Dime Bank-Lincoln Trust Co Shamokin—Dime Trust & Safe Deposit Co Shamokin Banking & Trust Co Steelton—Steelton Bank & Trust Co Tamaqua—Peoples Trust Co Temple—Temple State Bank _ Wilkes-Barre—Union Savings Bank & Trust Co Wilkes-Barre Deposit & Savings Bank Williamsport—Lycoming Trust Co Williamstown—Williams Valley Bank Wyomissing—Peoples Trust Co _. York—Guardian Trust Co York Trust Co DISTRICT NO. 4 KENTUCKY (See also District No. 8) Lexington—Security Trust Co Richmond—State Bank & Trust Co 245 STATE BANK MEMBERSHIP [In thousands of dollars] Investments Total deposits Capital 3,868 54,475 131 139 1,349 1,295 1,763 43,410 51,490 20, 856 10,197 187, 974 99,498 21, 216 178,303 397 480 981 283 1,016 366 367 1,604 761 459 474 99 552 164 1,500 467 380 1,846 3,610 4,331 1,278 379 165 400 756 651 261 28,061 430 190 878 464 1,665 6,665 15 49 257 524 968 14, 392 22, 786 9,320 4,245 52, 231 37, 763 11, 366 43, 710 149 388 1,130 22 177 171 140 1,378 536 118 88 143 103 11 839 139 67 138 605 1,260 543 195 264 151 265 512 45 21, 772 154 55 138 259 6,073 50,434 151 173 1,604 1,629 2,408 58,117 74, 694 31, 794 12,972 245, 628 123,105 28, 444 221,085 551 703 2,292 256 1,076 583 449 2,829 1,193 489 533 391 707 169 2,358 553 505 1,715 4,099 5,377 1,651 539 421 510 1,009 1,103 255 50, 575 555 250 892 648 200 7,227 25 25 100 150 100 4,000 5,000 1,800 1,250 13,800 7,000 4,000 22, 850 50 125 125 25 75 50 25 580 125 50 25 50 50 25 150 50 25 100 200 300 150 50 50 60 100 100 25 5,000 50 25 100 150 300 2,000 18 8 85 100 200 3,650 5,000 2,700 1,250 9,200 9,000 2,000 12,150 60 24 125 36 100 25 45 300 100 25 12 40 50 9 90 32 55 50 200 75 150 52 30 27 42 60 40 3,000 25 15 100 2,400 1,105 1,238 782 617 1,671 434 242 3,114 2, 588 1,220 783 125 125 300 200 200 125 200 60 1,630 7,597 1,590 871 2,363 2,681 2,425 837 445 1,087 4,402 10,451 2,266 831 3,334 300 300 250 400 300 300 900 250 250 550 186 3,941 10,747 16,831 9,061 45, 797 4,778 99,658 1,532 84 3,839 5,647 8,064 4,210 39,807 4,412 98,193 2,163 215 6,233 15, 546 22,313 11,946 78, 591 7,529 153,290 2,952 30 700 1,000 2,600 1,500 5,823 500 1,500 250 40 1,000 1,000 3,000 1,700 15,000 900 63,500 550 Loans DISTRICT NO. 4—Continued OHIO Akron—Firestone Park Trust & Savings Bank First-Central Trust Co Apple Creek—Apple Creek Banking Co Atwater—Atwater Savings Bank Co Barberton—First-City Savings Bank Bellevue—Union Bank & Savings Co Chagrin Falls—Chagrin Falls Banking Co Cincinnati—Central Trust Co Fifth-Third Union Trust Co Provident Savings Bank & Trust Co__ Western Bank & Trust Co Cleveland—Cleveland Trust Co _ Guardian Trust Co Midland Bank Union Trust Co Columbiana—Union Banking Co __ Conneaut—Citizens Banking & Trust Co Conneaut Mutual Loan & Trust Co Danville—Commercial & Savings Bank Co.._ Delphas—Commercial Bank Peoples Bank _. Delta—Peoples Savings Bank Co East Liverpool—Potters Bank & Trust Co _.. Geneva—Geneva Savings & Trust Co Gibsonburg—Gibsonburg Banking Co Home Banking Co Hillsboro—Hillsboro Bank & Savings Co... Hubbard—Hubbard Banking Co Lyons—Farmers State Bank Middletown—American Trust & Savings Bank Minerva—Minerva Banking Co Minster—Minster State Bank Napoleon—Napoleon State Bank Newark—Newark Trust CoT Union Trust Co New Philadelphia—Ohio Savings & Trust Co Orrville—Orrville Savings Bank Pomeroy—Farmers Bank & Savings Co Rittman—Rittman Savings Bank St. Marys—Home Banking Co Shelby—Citizens Bank Shiloh—Shiloh Savings Bank Co Toledoy-Toledo Trust Co __ Vermilion—Erie County Banking Co Wakeman—Wakeman Bank Co Wellington—First Wellington Bank Wooster—Commercial Banking & Trust Co PENNSYLVANIA (See also District No. 3) Aliquippa—Woodlawn Trust Co _ Ambridge—Ambridge Savings & Trust Co Beaver—Beaver Trust Co __ Beaver Falls—Federal Title & Trust Co East Pittsburgh—East Pittsburgh Savings & Trust Co Erie—Security-Peoples Trust Co Meadville—Crawford County Trust Co New Brighton—Beaver County Trust Co New Castle—Lawrence Savings & Trust Co Paint Borough (Scalp Level P. 0.)—Merchants & Miners Bank Pittsburgh—Allegheny Trust Co City Deposit Bank & Trust Co Colonial Trust Co _ Commonwealth Trust Co Peoples-Pittsburgh Trust Co Potter Title & Trust Co Union Trust Co _ Windber—Windber Trust Co 246 ANNUAL REPOET OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD [In thousands of dollars] Investments Total deposits Capital 1,676 2,791 5,734 49 1,213 724 1,512 3, 489 6,987 200 300 500 100 300 500 6,140 37, 663 18,317 194 1,346 2,952 26, 697 10, 280 111 156 10, 027 60, 814 31, 902 331 1,414 1,000 6,250 2,500 25 100 350 4,250 2,000 20 100 9,893 4,176 794 527 21, 402 3,984 996 92 175 10, 973 17, 939 4,629 547 812 42, 329 1,200 1,000 100 100 2,500 800 500 100 91 2,000 81 1,438 563 556 36 1,873 143 80 90 3,134 764 836 25 200 100 75 75 150 100 43 609 444 402 480 35 26 18 85 620 374 399 460 100 100 50 65 50 50 31 110 2,497 16, 561 5,176 17, 616 131 1,226 3,798 847 8,841 2 2,703 16, 740 6, 000 28, 211 750 3, 500 600 2,500 35 250 1,000 600 1,500 9 895 2,545 8,176 109 326 1,988 241 673 360 599 834 4,030 48 28 232 16 85 29 1,251 3, 536 12, 956 141 317 2,019 186 594 278 100 500 1,000 25 50 250 50 100 75 100 250 1,200 5 18 150 9 85 30 10, 708 1,232 143 937 224 627 496 783 92 3,006 315 12 28 12 80 132 9 26 17,146 781 97 557 241 454 358 678 134 1,000 500 50 200 25 50 100 100 25 1,200 55 20 100 50 150 50 75 12 345 99 129 1,294 100 30 50 50 156 371 1,276 Loans Surplus DISTRICT NO. i— Continued WEST VIRGINIA (See also District No. 5) Sistersyille—First Tyler Bank & Trust Co Wheeling—Security Trust Co Wheeling Bank & Trust Co DISTRICT NO. 5 MARYLAND Baltimore—Baltimore Commercial Bank Baltimore Trust Co Maryland Trust Co Forest Hill-Forest Hill State Bank Salisbury—Farmers & Merchants Bank NORTH CAROLINA Charlotte—-American Trust Co Independence Trust Co Edenton—Bank of Edenton Washington—Bank of Washington Winston-Salem—Wachovia Bank & Trust Co__. SOUTH CAROLINA Bishopville—Peoples Bank Charleston—Carolina Savings Bank Chester—Commercial Bank Hartsville—Bank of Hartsville VIRGINIA Blackstone—Citizens Bank & Trust Co Chase City—Peoples Bank & Trust Co Galax—Peoples State Bank, Inc Kenbridge—Bank of Lunenburg, Inc Petersburg—Petersburg Savings & American Trust Co Richmond—American Bank & Trust Co Bank of Commerce & Trusts State Planters Bank & Trust Co Rural Retreat—Peoples Bank WEST VIRGINIA (See also District No. 4) Berwind—Berwind Bank Charleston—Kanawha Banking & Trust Co Kanawha Valley Bank Harpers Ferry—Bank of Harpers Ferry Hurricane—Putnam County Bank Martinsburg—Peoples Trust Co Petersburg—Potomac Valley Bank Romney—Bank of Romney St. Marys—Pleasants County Bank DISTRICT NO. 6 Birmingham—Birmingham Trust & Savings Co. Southern Bank & Trust Co Clayton—Bank of Commerce Evergreen—Peoples Bank Guin—Marion County Banking Co Marion—Marion Central Bank _. Monroeville—Monroe County Bank Selma—Peoples Bank & Trust Co Winfield—Winfleld State Bank FLORIDA Leesburg—Leesburg State Bank & Trust Co Marianna—-Citizens State Bank._ Tallahassee—Exchange Bank West Palm Beach—Florida Bank & Trust C o . . . 335 123 207 124 100 50 50 247 STATE BANK MEMBERSHIP [In thousands of dollars] Investments Total deposits Capital 5,141 240 345 212 342 348 105 345 323 187 283 31 105 100 1,010 2,474 180 1,045 101 1,440 1,999 48 481 10 1 1,146 100 29 39 14 104 16 13 98 134 17 1 1 2 26 64 3 177 1 3,257 11,464 524 904 511 77 6,042 253 166 156 235 494 106 307 273 279 206 26 110 34 909 2, 006 170 670 71 500 2,000 100 230 60 30 850 100 100 60 95 50 25 50 150 100 100 25 25 25 300 700 25 100 25 500 2,000 20 118 12 6 650 65 50 6 36 50 15 50 75 30 50 2 6 33 75 200 18 40 15 8,316 35, 803 30, 634 12,858 492 3,472 17, 367 13,384 5,503 44 10,897 53, 219 49, 652 12, 875 531 1,000 6,075 2,500 750 50 500 2,250 3,000 1,150 15 841 75 50 138 556 386 857 168,940 746,569 2,838 4,065 91,365 6,978 9,051 87,881 5,277 4,192 203 396 662 1,649 9,897 1,260 748 1,815 123 758 5,190 1,182 150 455 25 50 100 200 14,000 75,000 400 500 6,000 1,600 600 3,000 700 600 25 50 50 200 500 100 100 100 25 100 1,000 200 25 60 11 18 50 75 10,000 65,000 250 350 6,000 400 400 6,000 400 200 10 13 30 150 500 50 25 100 25 100 500 200 10 30 Loans Surplus DISTRICT NO. 6—Continued GEORGIA Atlanta—Georgia Savings Bank & Trust Co. Trust Company of Georgia Bainbridge— Citizens Bank & Trust Co Brunswick—Brunswick Bank & Trust Co... Carrollton—Peoples Bank Claxton—Citizens Bank Columbus—Columbus Bank & Trust Co Commerce—Northeastern Banking Co Dawson—Bank of Dawson . Eastman—Bank of Eastman Greenville—Greenville Banking Co Lawrenceville—Brand Banking Co Lincolnton—Farmers State Bank Millen—Bank of Alillen Monroe—Bank of Monroe. Farmers Bank Pelham—Farmers Bank __. Reynolds—Citizens State Bank Rhine—Rhine Banking Co Sasser—Bank of Sasser Savannah—Citizens Bank & Trust Co Savannah Bank & Trust Co Soperton—Bank of Soperton Statesboro—Bank of Statesboro Swainsboro—Central Bank _. 2,386 11,485 625 752 596 77 LOUISIANA (See also District No. 11) New Orleans—American Bank & Trust Co Canal Bank & Trust Co Hibernia Bank & Trust Co Interstate Trust & Banking Co.. Opelousas—Parish Bank & Trust Co TENNESSEE (See also District No. 8) Greenville—Greene County Union Bank. 926 DISTRICT NO. 7 ILLINOIS (See also District No. 8) Argenta—Gerber State Bank Auburn—Auburn State Bank Barrington— First State Bank Chicago—Adams State Bank Central Republic Bank & Trust C o . . . . Continental Illinois Bank & Trust Co.. Depositors State Bank Drexel State Bank Harris Trust & Savings Bank Kaspan American State B a n k . . . Mercantile Trust & Savings Bank Northern Trust Co. Security Bank of Chicago Woodlawn Trust & Savings Bank Cowden—State Bank of Cowden Cuba—State Bank of Cuba__ Eureka—Farmers State Bank Evanston—Evanston Trust & Savings Bank State Bank & Trust Co Geneva—State Bank of Geneva Hinsdale—Hinsdale State Bank Joliet—Joliet Trust & Savings Bank Matteson—First State Bank Mattoon—Central Illinois Trust & Savings Bank Oak Park—Oak Park Trust & Savings Bank Suburban Trust & Savings Bank Oswego—Oswego State Bank Polo—Polo State Bank 125554—32 17 146 375 475 410 106,189 534, 405 2,545 2,480 44,609 3,614 4,869 37, 510 3,938 2,372 192 182 283 948 4,818 907 452 1,155 137 646 4,197 623 151 452 1 131 106 497 47,181 222,861 593 1,298 35,957 4,502 2,960 42,952 1,516 1,805 5 224 302 681 3,322 339 366 757 3 232 1,581 989 15 85 248 ANNUAL, EEPOET OF THE FEDERAL EESEEVE BOAED [In thousands of dollars] Total deposits Capital Surplus DISTRICT N O . 7— Continued ILLINOIS—continued Springfield—Ridgely Farmers State Bank Stockland—Sumner State Bank Wenona—First State Bank Wheaton—Wheaton Trust & Savings Bank Wilmette—Wilmette State Bank 4,031 129 253 129 1,060 915 24 523 315 678 5, 677 143 750 411 1,837 600 50 50 100 200 150 10 50 40 200 1,165 2,456 10, 320 287 3,196 355 3,113 4,254 572 407 1,471 11,840 108 696 116 1,425 1,978 15 1,526 3,502 27, 020 299 1,642 457 3,661 5,884 555 250 250 1,500 40 300 75 800 500 50 57 200 1,500 10 200 25 200 500 50 427 498 5,290 537 309 951 4,783 271 1,452 92 1,010 247 243 642 111 1,954 153 32 309 2,136 125 84 2 1, 003 2 53 1,215 557 6,364 707 327 1,391 6,732 354 1,322 84 2, 315 197 50 50 600 50 40 75 1,000 26 200 40 100 60 30 40 22 450 50 12 75 203 24 240 3,071 239 996 504 2,925 100 161 373 241 105 1,113 2 849 268 668 1 29 207 96 379 4,163 235 2, 295 807 4, 401 104 153 654 382 50 200 30 100 50 300 25 25 60 50 25 200 30 50 30 150 10 13 28 14 659 882 944 573 3,213 2,763 3,268 414 165 3,599 442 98 505 201 280 297 299 584 327 414 416 967 363 505 335 4,092 2,034 26, 394 10,971 1,048 512 956 350 2,871 656 1,730 1,557 1,715 773 5,978 3,472 5,199 491 193 7,763 797 230 664 342 392 624 357 577 749 671 546 1, 455 536 1, 336 390 9,084 5,425 38,878 12,610 150 110 150 100 400 250 400 25 25 500 50 25 50 25 40 50 40 60 100 50 60 75 25 90 50 300 400 1, 500 1,000 100 42 63 55 200 250 400 25 13 1,000 50 • 7 35 6 20 25 18 60 50 50 40 75 13 35 25 200 300 2, 500 900 INDIANA Connersville—Fayette Bank & Trust Co Elkhart—St. Joseph Valley Bank Indianapolis—Fletcher Trust Co Jamestown—Citizens State Bank Richmond—Dickinson Trust Co Rochester—United States Bank & Trust Co South Bend—St. Joseph Loan & Trust Co Terre Haute—Terre Haute Trust Co Tipton—Farmers Loan & Trust Co IOWA Algona—Iowa State Bank Ames—Story County Trust & Savings Bank Burlington—First Iowa State Trust & Savings Bank Chariton—State Savings Bank Charter Oak—Farmers State Bank Cherokee—Cherokee State Bank Des Moines—Bankers Trust Co Fairbank— Fairbank State Bank Fairfield—Iowa State Savings Bank Farragut—Commercial Sayings Bank Fort Madison—Fort Madison Savings Bank Gilman—Citizens Savings Bank Greenfield—Greenfield Savings Bank Mechanicsville—Mechanicsville Trust & Savings Bank Monticello—Monticello State Bank Moorhead—Moorhead State Bank Newton—Jasper County Savings Bank Osage—Home Trust & Savings Bank Ottumwa—Union Bank & Trust Co Riceville—Riceville State Bank Royal—Home State Bank Shenandoah—Security Trust & Savings Bank Storm Lake—Security Trust & Savings Bank 80 12 12 MICHIGAN (See also District No. 9) Adrian—Adrian State Savings Bank Commercial Savings Bank Lena wee County Savings Bank Albion—Commercial & Savings Bank Alpena—Alpena Trust & Savings Bank Ann Arbor—Farmers & Mechanics Bank State Savings Bank Armada—Armada State Bank Farmers State Bank Bay City—Peoples Commercial & Savings B a n k . . . Big Rapids—Big Rapids Savings Bank Blanchard—Blanchard State Bank Blissfield—Blissfield State Bank Brown City—Brown City Savings Bank Cass City—Cass City State Bank Pinney State Bank Cassopolis—Cass County State Bank Center Line—Center Line State Savings Bank Charlotte—Eaton County Savings Bank Chelsea—Farmers & Merchants Bank Kempf Commercial & Savings Bank Chesaning—Chesaning State Bank Coopersville—Peoples Savings Bank Croswell—State Bank of Croswell Davison—Davison State Bank Dearborn—Dearborn State Bank Guardian Bank of Dearborn Detroit—Detroit Savings Bank United Savings Bank _ __ 2,110 95 38 5,469 419 135 92 96 135 320 71 109 432 302 196 426 224 869 53 2, 225 2,888 11, 343 2,299 STATE B A N K 249 MEMBERSHIP [In thousands of dollars] Investments Total deposits I Capital Surplus DISTRICT NO. 7—Continued MICHIGAN—continued Dundee—Monroe County Bank Edmore—Edmore State Bank Elk Rapids—Elk Rapids State Bank Fennville—Old State Bank Flint—Citizens Commercial & Savings Bank Genesee County Savings Bank Union Industrial Trust & Savings Bank Frankenmuth—American State Bank Frankenmuth State Bank Fremont—Fremont State Bank Old State Bank Grand Haven—Grand Haven State Bank Peoples Savings Bank Grand Rapids—American Home Security Bank Grand Rapids Savings Bank Old Kent Bank ! Greenville—Commercial State Savings Bank J Highland Park—Highland Park State Bank I Hillsdale—Hillsdale Savings Bank ! Holland—First State Bank I Holland City State Bank Holly—First State & Savings Bank Howell—First State & Savings Bank Imlay City—Lapeer County Bank Peoples State Bank Jonesville—Grosvenor Savings Hank Kalamazoo—Bank of Kalamazoo Lakeview—Commercial State Savings Bank Farmers & Merchants State Bank Lapeer—Lapeer Savings Bank Lenox & Richmond—Macomb County Savings Bank.. Lowell—City State Bank Ludington—Ludington State Bank Manchester—Peoples Bank Union Savings Bank Manistee—Manistee County Savings Bank Marcellus—G. W. Jones Exchange Bank Marshall—Commercial Savings Bank Mason—Farmers Bank First State & Savings Bank Midland—Chemical State Savings Bank Milan—Peoples State Bank .' Milford—First State Bank Montague—Farmers State Bank __ Mount Clemens—Citizens Savings Bank Mount Pleasant—Exchange Savings Bank Isabella County State Bank New Baltimore—Citizens State Savings Bank New Haven—New Haven Savings Bank Onsted—Onsted State Bank Pigeon—Pigeon State Bank Pinconning—Pinconning State Bank Rogers City—Presque Isle County Savings Bank Romeo—-Romeo Savings Bank Royal Oak—Guardian Bank Saginaw—Bank of Saginaw Peoples American State Bank St. Charles—St. Charles State Bank St. Clair—Commercial & Savings Bank Saugatuck—Fruit Growers State Bank Sebewaing—Farmers & Merchants State Bank South Haven—Citizens State Bank Sparta—Sparta Savings Bank Spring Lake—Spring Lake State Bank Traverse City—Traverse City State Bank Utica—Utica State Savings Bank Warren—State Savings Bank Washington—Washington Sayings Bank Williainston—Grossman & Williams State Bank Williamston State Bank 155 119 73 173 1,017 2,770 5,200 326 188 181 253 578 359 1,793 647 393 199 3, 954 377 793 257 128 179 399 191 680 998 50 10, 980 4,115 282 800 710 597 880 254 324 1,170 534 611 142 317 339 2,094 | 1,620 I 2,453 I 360 j 9,239 I 1,134 | 561 I 730 363 295 213 146 ' 146 1, 546 141 127 291 188 209 690 187 480 1, 905 103 291 107 77 579 82 311 78 462 612 531 172 169 30 132 109 587 305 306 3,178 1,187 529 811 255 556 448 162 133 1,345 262 199 40 129 194 439 254 257 479 5, 390 11. 340 15,438 750 1, 695 422 961 1,808 I 918 j 6,415 15,695 S 25,902 | 1,008 j 23,837 j 1,742 2,920 | 2, 544 1, 275 641 830 436 468 7, 264 269 300 911 855 ! 511 I 1,593 ! 447 j 607 I 3,293 ! 536 | 868 472 443 2,311 625 726 251 3,170 1, 026 1,449 416 324 205 486 298 1,353 1,318 337 12, 483 4,259 837 1,773 713 1,235 1,182 424 508 2, 534 782 798 155 345 478 40 30 35 50 500 1,000 2,000 35 100 50 75 100 50 850 1, 000 2,000 50 1,000 100 200 200 100 75 50 50 50 GOO 25 40 75 50 25 100 25 25 200 40 100 50 25 50 50 25 25 500 I S31 25 I 25 | 25 I 25 I 30 70 100 100 1, 250 500 25 75 100 50 100 30 25 200 50 50 25 40 50 25 9 18 18 550 800 1,000 30 100 25 28 100 50 425 1,000 2, 000 50 2,000 41 100 100 50 40 17 14 25 235 9 10 34 25 25 50 25 50 100 40 31 21 15 25 50 25 13 250 33 35 25 10 12 13 8 20 100 50 1,000 400 25 38 50 20 175 15 50 200 25 38 15 20 25 250 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD [In thousands of dollars] Loans Investments Total deposits Capital Surplus DISTRICT NO. 7—Continued WISCONSIN (See also District No. 9) Baraboo—Bank of Baraboo Burlington—Bank of Burlington Kewaunee—State Bank of Kewaunee __ Madison—State Bank of Wisconsin Milwaukee—Badger State Bank Marshall & Ilsley Bank . Platteville—State Bank of Platteville Plymouth—State Bank of Plymouth Seneca—Farmers & Merchants State Bank Sheboygan—Citizens State Bank Sturgeon Bay—Bank of Sturgeon Bay ._ _ 1 028 979 778 6,266 4,881 20,828 752 596 363 3,194 1,737 1 206 376 430 1,454 1,220 7,046 161 229 16 1,450 1,518 2,471 1,331 1,172 7,201 6,412 29, 077 907 754 342 4,919 3,296 100 125 80 1,000 400 1,500 50 100 35 500 200 50 25 40 555 200 1, 500 50 25 18 400 50 278 341 205 790 5,151 2,784 6,465 2,586 161 605 384 142 210 177 8 19 297 692 457 1, 224 409 2 31 162 13 7J 578 543 210 1,141 7, 006 3,271 8,108 3,561 150 836 574 146 235 50 200 35 50 600 350 500 200 50 100 75 25 60 20 40 20 100 120 150 250 300 10 50 38 5 20 2,216 495 1,213 651 735 925 649 480 372 223 128 100 170 2, 492 1,360 242 2,051 280 443 120 360 247 323 122 199 112 32 819 3,116 654 3,286 972 1,154 1,023 1,148 655 653 257 275 194 184 3,154 300 100 600 110 150 120 150 80 100 50 50 25 25 500 300 50 200 25 88 40 75 40 33 20 10 13 5 100 12, 285 18, 035 9,187 2,531 4,100 3,699 1,486 157 3,162 17, 018 8,141 2,417 1,000 1,000 750 400 1,250 2.000 450 150 981 77 995 200 75 119 136 201 211 844 704 226 1,133 132 158 114 1 338 120 291 296 1,189 1,270 284 1,154 200 264 25 25 50 25 50 100 100 100 30 30 5 5 10 18 40 25 20 200 6 15 DISTRICT NO. 8 ARKANSAS Batesville—Citizens Bank & Trust Co Blytheville—Farmers Bank & Trust Co Brinkley—Monroe County BankForrest City—Bank of Eastern Arkansas Little Rock—Bankers Trust Co Peoples Trust Co Union Trust Co W B Worthen Co Marvell—Bank of Marvell _ North Little Rock—Twin City Bank Russellville—Bank of Russellville Siloam Springs—Producers State Bank Waldron—Bank of Waldron _ ._ _ _ ILLINOIS (See also District No. 7) Belleville—Belleville Savings Bank __ Collinsville—State Bank _ East St. Louis—Union Trust Co. Effingham—Effingham State Bank Granite City—Granite City Trust & Savings Bank.. Greenville—State Bank of Hoiles & Sons Hanisburg—First Trust & Savings Bank Hillsboro—Montgomery County Loan & Trust C o . . Litchfield—Litehfield Bank & Trust Co Madison—Union Trust Co Mount Olive—Mount Olive State Bank. New Athens—Farmers State Bank O'Fallon—First State Bank.. ___ Quincy—State Savings Loan & Trust Co KENTUCKY (See also District No 4) Louisville—Kentucky Title Trust Co Liberty Bank & Trust Co Lincoln Bank & Trust Co Owensboro—Central Trust Co MISSISSIPPI Greenwood—Greenwood Bank & Trust Co ^ MISSOURI (See also District No. 10) Camdenton—Cainden Countv Bank . Iberia—Farmers & Traders Bank. La Plata—Bank of La Plata Lebanon—State Savings Bank _ Luxemburg—Lernay Ferry Bank Maplewood—Bank of Maplewood & Trust Co Peoples State Bank Marshall—Wood & Huston Bank Normandy—Normandy State Bank _ _ Pine Lawn—Pine Lawn Bank _. 48 334 648 115 49 62 49 251 STATE BANK MEMBERSHIP [In thousands of dollars] Investments Total deposits Capital 412 1,498 1,685 2,149 1,231 403 935 619 579 1,703 2,853 1,013 13,183 1,262 1,405 3,352 37, 637 42,009 1,028 707 1,114 3,824 219 2,122 1,561 567 2,138 917 7,493 4,402 935 840 410 51 66 184 496 331 206 397 459 186 1,130 3,947 2,877 551 632 752 1,142 921 1, 614 1,451 748 9,279 955 2,235 1,788 57, 285 22, 775 538 533 1, 238 5,144 167 1,654 1,020 451 909 1,129 2,355 3,524 612 1,527 257 312 391 9 116 973 436 2,431 5,587 4,838 1, 637 795 1,556 1,549 1,716 2,901 3,953 1,476 20,638 2,034 3,217 4,791 102, 048 67,857 1,481 1,198 2,088 7,882 252 2,568 2,869 894 3,031 1,966 9,865 7,754 1,488 2,096 864 118 180 456 590 702 328 455 1,452 100 200 400 300 200 200 200 200 200 200 500 300 2,150 300 200 500 10,000 6,000 200 200 200 500 120 200 200 200 200 200 500 1,000 200 200 50 30 25 100 100 100 40 50 100 20 150 500 400 50 40 100 40 60 200 100 100 1,450 100 100 200 5,000 2,500 50 50 140 1,000 24 50 100 80 100 50 300 500 100 100 50 2 6 25 30 26 15 25 100 664 270 18,936 42 13 3,952 618 247 26, 754 200 30 3,000 30 1,500 1,153 165 527 1,329 614 656 562 160 792 131 417 623 389 560 1,223 534 1,942 282 970 1,923 1,214 1,346 1,706 674 100 25 50 100 100 100 100 100 25 50 100 50 50 60 30 212 236 154 183 811 170 47 2 264 28 276 24 261 261 513 147 1,146 191 25 50 20 30 100 25 6 10 5 25 10 5 Loans Surplus DISTRICT NO. 8—Continued MISSOURI—continued Richmond Heights—Park Savings Trust Co St. Louis—Baden Bank Bremen Bank & Trust Co Cass Bank & Trust Co Chippewa Trust Co Chouteau Trust Co Easton-Taylor Trust Co Grant State Bank Guaranty Bank & Trust Co Jefferson Bank Jefferson-Gravois Bank Laclede Trust Co Lafayette-South Side Bank of Trust Co_. Lindell Trust Co Lowell Bank Manchester Bank Mercantile-Commerce Bank & Trust Co. Mississippi Valley Trust Co Mound City Trust Co Natural Bridge Trust Co North St. Louis Trust Co Northwestern Trust Co Sarah-Olive Bank Savings Trust Co Scruggs, Vandervort & Barney Bank Shaw Bank & Trust Co Southern Commercial & Savings Bank._. Southwest Bank Tower Grove Bank & Trust Co United Bank & Trust Co Water Tower Bank West St. Louis Trust Co St. Louis County—Gravois Bank Midland Savings Bank North Side Bank . Sedalia—Sedalia Trust Co University City—University City Bank & Trust Co. West End Bank Versailles—Bank of Versailles Washington—Franklin County Bank Webster Groves—Webster Groves Trust Co 429 84 123 TENNESSEE (See also District No. 6) Brownsville—First State Bank Greenfield—Greenfield Bank Memphis—Bank of Commerce & Trust Co _. DISTRICT NO. 9 MICHIGAN (See also District No. 7) Escanaba—State Savings Bank EwTen—State Bank Ewen Gladstone—Gladstone Savings Bank Iron Mountain—Commercial Bank Menominee—Commercial Bank Sault Ste. Marie—Central Savings Bank Sault Savings Bank South Range—South Range State Bank MINNESOTA Clinton—Clinton State Bank Madelia—State Bank of Madelia Plainview—Peoples State Bank Revere—State Bank of Revere South St. Paul—Drovers State Bank Westbrook—Citizens State Bank _. 252 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD [In thousands of dollars] Investments Capital Surplus DISTRICT NO. 9-Continued MONTANA Anaconda—Daly Bank & Trust Co Belgrade—Belgrade State Bank _ _ Billings—Security Trust & Savings Bank Bozeman—Gallatin Trust & Savings Bank Security Bank & Trust Co Butte—Metals Bank & Trust Co Miners Savings Bank & Trust Co East Helena—East Helena State B a n k . . . Fromberg—Clarks Fork Valley Bank Hamilton—Ravalli County Bank Helena—Union Bank & Trust Co Opheim—First State Bank Park City—Park City State Bank Richey—First State Bank Townsend—State Bank of Townsend Worden—Farmers State Bank ._ 2,031 201 858 366 360 5,585 485 123 86 338 2,025 92 103 202 347 51 1,254 52 843 276 106 7,217 400 52 6 129 858 13 112 27 140 36 3,428 197 2,064 758 415 15,087 979 139 75 453 3,502 54 243 157 458 112 100 50 100 100 100 600 200 50 25 50 250 25 25 25 100 25 150 15 100 40 35 400 51 9 5 20 150 583 195 148 200 316 635 279 120 31 17 37 111 885 21 145 202 321 452 1,747 432 75 25 25 50 50 100 25 25 10 10 5 10 60 15 129 168 495 137 79 530 284 289 974 30 30 75 6 7 40 1,905 4, 856 326 551 5, 623 98 3,015 11,554 376 500 500 75 53 500 43 450 244 221 566 518 128 66 61 445 177 575 461 248 1,264 1, 008 100 50 30 200 125 25 20 53 63 31,932 1,167 178 883 1,657 33,911 492 22 895 636 85, 218 2,113 202 1, 900 2,684 6, 000 200 50 200 350 2,000 1C0 4 100 150 437 238 164 50 25 30 15 10 30 30 15 50 17 8 17 26 7 SOUTH DAKOTA Belle Fourche—Butte County Bank Buffalo— First State Bank Camp Crook—Little Missouri Bank Flandreau—Farmers State Bank Madison—Security Bank & Trust Co Mitchell—Commercial Trust & Savings Bank Newell—Reclamation State Bank WISCONSIN (See also District No. 7) Boyceville—Bank of Boyceville Glenwood City—First State Bank Hurley—Iron Exchange Bank DISTRICT NO. 10 COLORADO Denver-Central Savings Bank & Trust Co International Trust Co La Junta—Colorado Savings & Trust Co KANSAS Hiawatha—Merrill & Janes Bank Liberal—Citizens State Bank Sedan—Sedan State Bank Topeka—Fidelity Savings State Bank Winfield—State Bank of VVinfield. „ MISSOURI (See also District No. 8) Kansas City—Commerce Trust Co Merchants Bank King City—First Trust Co St. Joseph—Empire Trust Co South St. Joseph—St. Joseph Stock Yards Bank NEBRASKA Aurora—Fidelity State Bank._. Oakland—Oakland State Bank. Western—Saline County Bank. 415 244 207 NEW MEXICO (See also District No. 11) Aztec—Citizens Bank._. _ 195 OKLAHOMA (See also District No. 11) Okarehe—First Bank of Okarche 204 63 242 STATE B A N K 253 MEMBERSHIP [In thousands of dollars] Loans Investments Total deposits Capital Surplus DISTRICT NO. 10—Continued WYOMING Evanston—Stockerowers Bank ___ Mountainview—Uinta County State Bank Newcastle—First State Bank Powell—Park County Bank Sundance—Sundance State Bank 439 83 227 56 350 89 14 156 66 36 400 69 345 133 361 50 40 25 25 25 50 10 25 5 15 4,223 653 4,908 700 175 235 284 489 50 25 _. 69 50 131 25 3 Abernathy—First State Bank Beaumont—Security State Bank & Trust Co Bedias—First State Bank . Bishop—First State Bank Brady—Farmers & Merchants State Bank Brerrond—First State Bank Brownfield—Brownfield State Bank Brownsville—Texas Bank & Trust Co Bryan—First State Bank & Trust Co Canyon—First State Bank ._ . . Clarendon—Farmers State Bank . Clifton—Farmers State Bank . . _ . Copperas Ccve—First State Bank Dallas—Dallas Bank <fe Trust Co Mercantile Bank & Trust Co Del Rio—Del Rio Bank <fe Trust Co Ferris—Farmers & Merchants State Bank Fornev—Forney State Bank Franklin—First State Bank. Frost—Citizens State Bank Gatesville—Guaranty Bank & Trust Co Greenville—Citizens State Bank Hallsville— Farmers State Bank Hamilton—Hamilton Bank & Trust Co Headlev—Securitv State Bank Iola—lola State Bank Jacksonville—First State Bank Junction—Junction State Bank Killeen—First State Bank Kirkland—First State Bank Kosse—First State Bank Leakev—First Ftate Bank Loraine—First State Bank. Lorenzo—First Ftate Bank Luling—Lipscomb Bank & Trust Co Madisonville—Farmers State Bank Mataior—First State Bank Mathis—First State Bank McGregor—First State Bank . McKinrey—Central State Bank __ _ . Memphis—Citizens State Bank Mertens—First State Bank Mount Pleasant—Guaranty Bond Ftate Bank .._ _ Murchison—First State Pank Nacosrdoches—Commercial Ftate Bank Rails—Securitv Ftate Bank <fc Trust Co Richardson—Citizens State Bank Roaring Springs—First State Bank Robert Lee—First State Bank _._ 121 514 26 58 115 181 95 549 T84 170 148 252 49 5 320 8,943 264 181 122 91 120 204 308 60 118 134 45 588 372 120 72 48 60 131 126 340 99 243 120 109 329 377 53 231 75 621 121 63 64 142 2 193 2 1 2 54 28 124 143 2 7 37 2 2 965 5, 084 3 4 1 45 2 83 417 1 8 4 116 842 47 91 60 284 271 736 932 196 138 348 63 10 935 14,332 203 246 120 115 109 334 844 74 144 80 46 1,063 248 169 39 67 76 136 90 469 169 191 84 131 548 291 44 297 66 779 130 63 67 25 125 25 25 50 50 25 100 100 40 50 50 25 1,000 2,000 100 50 25 30 25 50 100 25 50 35 25 63 100 35 35 25 25 30 25 75 25 38 30 50 75 75 25 60 25 100 60 35 25 30 12 11 6 _ . DISTRICT NO. 11 LOUISIANA (See also District No. 6) Shreveport—Continental-American Bank & Trust Co NEW MEXICO (See also District No. 10) Deming—Mimbres Vallev Bank OKLAHOMA (Fee also District No. 10) Valiiant—Farmers State-Guaranty Bank__ TEXAS 358 26 3 4 2 17 2 2 124 13 2 5 5 31 7 5 23 6 152 2 1 4 7 103 7 21 25 30 100 30 5 25 3 500 200 50 20 15 35 22 15 1 30 9 13 63 25 15 5 6 10 80 15 25 20 8 9 27 13 50 3 25 254 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD [In millions of dollars] Investments Capital Surplus DISTRICT NO. 11—Continued TEXAS—continued Roby—First State Bank Rochester—First State Bank Royse City—First State Bank Rusk—Farmers & Merchants State Bank & Trust Co Shiro—Farmers State Bank Sinton—Commercial State Bank Slaton— First State Bank Spearman—First State Bank Stamford—Stamford State Bank Sweetwater—Texas Bank & Trust Co Taft—First State Bank Tahoka—Security State Bank Wellington—Wellington State Bank Wharton—Security Bank & Trust Co Wharton Bank & Trust Co 7 118 70 15 2 20 91 72 142 40 25 50 134 25 1 43 3 110 45 2 3 249 166 225 55 457 87 259 256 621 88 43 197 656 826 50 25 50 40 25 50 150 50 25 50 50 100 50 100 75 4,732 148 10, 268 25 1,050 10 550 706 457 147 2,246 8,837 1,011 1,131 740 11,314 27, 447 100 75 110 1,000 5,000 25 104 35 250 2,000 3, 523 75. 817 3,071 150, 574 300 10,000 1. 500 1.000 9,000 150 10,000 2,250 175 5,000 97 896 19 132 57 909 72 136 169 1,796 39 188 381 140 •4, 276 119 468 133 2,853 164 342 355 3,191 90 520 1,257 35 150 25 50 25 150 25 40 25 100 25 25 100 8 100 5 25 7 75 5 20 13 50 5 13 20 345 124 70 106 019 545 193 460 228 276 755 639 131 773 378 1,115 175 324 465 118 172 229 574 50 25 25 50 50 100 100 30 25 125 100 100 25 50 50 25 25 55 50 25 25 411 96 107 205 431 130 36 133 244 388 6 5 15 50 1 7 18 70 DISTRICT NO. 12 Buckeye—Buckeye Valley Bank 83 Phoenix—Valley Bank & Trust Co 3,780 CALIFORNIA Chico—Peoples Savings & Commercial Bank 373 Downey—Los Nitas Valley Bank 755 Kingsburg—Kingsburg Bank 418 Long Beach—Farmers & Merchants Bank 7,618 Los Angeles—Union Bank & Trust Co 19,117 Pasadena—Citizens Commercial Trust & Savings Bank 1,785 San Francisco—American Trust Co 127,038 Anglo-California Trust Co 43, 690 Bank of Montreal (San Francisco). _ _ 3,674 Wells Fargo Bank & Union Trust Co. 66,564 IDAHO Arco—Butte County Bank Boise—First Security Bank Eagle—Bank of Eagle Grangeville—Bank of Camas Prairie Hazleton—Hazleton State Bank Idaho Falls—Anderson Brothers Bank Kimberly—Bank of Kimberly Malad City—J. N . Ireland & Co., Bankers Orofino—Bank of Orofino Pocatello-—First Security Bank Richfield—First State Bank Soda Springs—Largilliere Company Bankers Twin Falls—Twin Falls Bank & Trust Co 68 2, 282 116 305 104 1,431 119 206 142 966 ._. j 298 730 Albany—Albany State Bank . i Beaverton—Bank of Beaverton s Central Point—Central Point State Bank | Dallas—Dallas City Bank i Enterprise—Enterprise State Bank | Fossil—Steiwer & Carpenter Bank I Grants Pass—Grants Pass & Josephine Bank.. ! Gresham—First State Bank ! Haines—Bank of Haines Hood River—Butler Banking Co Marshfield—Bank of Southwestern Oregon Medford—Jackson County Bank Myrtle Point—Bank of Myrtle Point. North Portland—Live Stock State Bank Oakland—E. G. Young & Co. Bank Reedsport—First Bank of Reedsport Shaniko—Eastern Oregon Banking Co Wasco—Bank of Commerce _. Woodburn.—Bank of Woodburn __, ^_,.-| 529 406 108 301 194 325 351 88 78 587 175 675 74 213 177 50 170 303 298 1,641 75, 201 23, 734 35 74, 219 220, 309 OREGON 69 63 369 507 34 88 261 34.8 91 94 245 48 69 17 248 4 20 10 12 50 25 3 25 20 20 9 8 15 5 15 11 10 255 STATE BANK MEMBERSHIP [In thousands of dollarsj Loans Investments Total deposits Capital 42 49 19 133 14 436 938 50 25 25 50 50 100 300 50 50 50 100 100 50 25 250 300 1,500 50 55 35 13 50 100 50 100 10 GO 70 50 100 50 100 200 150 675 50 19 Surplus DISTRICT NO. 12—Continued Ephraim—Bank of Ephraim Fountain Green—Bank of Fountain Green Gunnison—Gunnison Valley Bank Helper—Helper State Bank Kaysville—Barnes Banking Co Logan—Cache Valley Banking Co Ogden—Commercial Security Bank Payson—State Bank of Payson Price—Carbon County Bank. Price Commercial & Savings Bank Provo—Farmers & Merchants Bank First Security Bank Richfield—James M. Peterson Bank Salina—First State Bank Salt Lake City—Tracy Loan & Trust Co Utah Savings & Trust Co Walker Bank & Trust Co Spanish Fork—Commercial Bank Vernal—Bank of Vernal 464 198 221 546 496 916 2,075 256 316 473 659 640 504 673 779 1,079 9,370 502 229 212 184 281 25 9 309 739 7,510 27 36 386 150 238 804 377 1,418 3,764 243 348 680 723 1,103 380 650 993 1,740 20,106 518 166 139 70 1,137 20 16 522 105 39 1,740 50 25 150 10 2 100 390 47 295 429 548 126 294 85 474 454 291 217 96 140 167 236 4,970 212 157 7,479 1,290 376 121 108 1,183 991 1,041 989 309 1,346 87 26 65 396 637 199 62 6 160 194 228 274 131 55 43 15 3,939 88 413 1, 615 401 189 156 50 131 432 398 365 89 755 501 57 272 919 1,101 285 332 69 662 683 522 515 208 173 187 158 10, 808 324 565 10, 711 1,805 553 296 145 1,347 1,371 1,326 1,168 386 1,948 75 25 50 100 100 30 60 25 50 50 50 50 25 25 25 40 600 30 50 1,000 200 45 25 25 100 200 100 100 50 275 ~~20 50 50 30 20 4 150 25 15 14 15 3 10 12 200 6 30 250 100 16 15 5 50 31 60 40 10 55 WASHINGTON Almira—Almira State Bank Buena—Buena State Bank _ Chehalis—Coffman-Dobson Bank & Trust Co Colfax—First Savings & Trust Bank of Whitman County Coulee City—Security State Bank Davenport—Lincoln County State Bank Ellensburg—Farmers Bank Hoquiam—Bank of Hoquiam Kelso—Cowlitz Valley Bank La Crosse—First State Bank Pine City—Pine City State Bank Pomeroy—Pomeroy State Bank Pullman—Pullman State Bank Puyallup—Citizens State Bank Puyallup State Bank Ritzville—Ritzville State Bank Rockford—Farmers & Merchants Bank Rosalia—Bank of Rosalia St. John—Farmers State Bank Seattle—Peoples Bank & Trust C o . . . Selah—Selah State Bank South Bend—Pacific State Bank Spokane—Spokane & Eastern Trust Co Washington Trust Co Tekoa—Tekoa State Bank Toppenish—Traders Bank Uniontown—Farmers S tate B ank Walla Walla—Peoples State Bank Union Bank & Trust Co Wenatchee—Columbia Valley Bank Commercial Bank & Trust Co Wilbur—State Bank of Wilbur Yakima—Yakima Valley Bank & Trust Co 10 256 AHETTJAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD STATE BANK MEMBERS—SUMMARY CLASSIFICATION ACCORDING TO CAPITAL STOCK, DECEMBER 31, 1931 1 000, to 999, i $100,100 $199,900 © 0,100 $99,900 State $25,100 to $49,900 Number of banks with a capital stock of— New England: Maine New Hampshire. Massachusetts-_. Rhode Island Connecticut Middle Atlantic: New York. New Jersey.Pennsylvania East North Central: Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin 10 47 9 47 107 14 West North Central: Minnesota Iowa Missouri South Dakota Nebraska Kansas 25 South Atlantic: Delaware Maryland Virginia West Virginia.-._ North Carolina-. South Carolina... Georgia Florida East South Central: Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Mississippi 1 j. 2 West South Central: Arkansas Louisiana Oklahoma Texas 12 Mountain: Montana Idaho Wyoming Colorado New Mexico. Arizona Utah _ Pacific: Washington.. Oregon California Total. 1 5 4 1 878 114 57 126 47 121 1 52 151 Includes 1 bank in Minnesota with capital of $20,000 and deposits of $513,000. 73 98 257 STATE BANK MEMBEESHIP STATE BANK MEMBERS—SUMMARY CLASSIFICATION ACCORDING TO CAPITAL STOCK, DECEMBER 31, 1931—Continued [In thousands of dollars] Aggregate capital of banks with a capital stock of— State -3 New England: 200 Maine 75 New Hampshire _. 24,130 Massachusetts 10,200 Rhode Island 2,800 Connecticut 200 75 Middle Atlantic: New York New Jersey Pennsylvania 375,960 41,533 62,978 East North Central: Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin 75,592 3,765 108,670 21,605 4,225 150 500 West North Central: 250 Minnesota 3,201 Iowa 34,200 Missouri 350 South Dakota— — 105 Nebraska 505 Kansas 70 50 100 75 25 South Atlantic: Delaware Maryland Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida 8,621 9,875 7,700 3,150 4,900 400 5,825 280 East South Central: Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Mississippi 3,800 3,305 2,050 200 West South Central: Arkansas Louisiana Oklahoma Texas 2,295 11,075 75 6,051 30 25 225 65 400 50 200 450 5,450 137 1,500 75 1,100 425 5,025 135 2,615 7,349 450 50 350 430 1,100 50 95 135 600 75 140 800 715 1,700 155 200 30 166 130 135 100 200 75 100 40 35 25 150 50 350 250 100 50 50 50 100 100 50 100 75 75 215 100 200 200 200 100 600 200 25 35 25 500 418 Mountain: Montana Idaho Wyoming C olorado New Mexico Arizona Utah 1,825 775 165 1,075 80 1,075 3,185 125 150 75 Pacific: Washington.. Oregon California 3,805 1,060 28,085 200 150 Total. 881,076 2,845 100 200 150 50 50 750 100 700 600 120 5,650 2,000 125 150 1,350 750 1,000 8,621 3,500 6,000 1,000 4,700 200 530 2,050 2,000 400 1,250 200 200 500 200 6,250 2,000 3,000 1,000 750 1,100 I 700 275 500 200 300 3,500 6,075 3,000 450 600 1,000 50 "466" 60 300 400 300 135 55 75 500 400 100 1,944 6,300 3,300 12,100 1,050 1,500 850 150 125 110 675 "366" 600 1,000 3,500 24,000 7,035 J38,979 43,976 177,455 587,142 1 Includes 1 bank in Minnesota with capital of $20,000 and deposits of $513,000. 1,000 3,150 22,000 200 75 145 30 24,000 335,350 22,491 6,667 25,963 20,923 700 580 11, 050 60,877 800 1,300 1,500 530 1,500 4,600 5,600 95,0C0 410 2,550 3,450 10,750 125 600 500 2,500 1,450 408 150 50 50 30 8,643 5,700 5,703 5,000 5,000 975 150 50 16,480 5,000 2,600 2,550 200 200 100 258 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD STATE BANK MEMBERS-—SUMMARY CLASSIFICATION ACCORDING TO CAPITAL STOCK, DECEMBER 31, 1931—Continued fin thousands of dollars] Total deposits of banks with a capital stock of— S State 8 8.S New England: Maine New Hampshire. Massachusetts.. Rhode Island... Connecticut Middle Atlantic: New York New Jersey Pennsylvania... East North Central: Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin 5,002 1,129 242, 58; 243, 288 32,154 5,571 91, 948 331, 564 4.I, 686,148 277, 592 150, 765 427, 356 354,129 731 10,474 15, 549 2,829 943, 547 2,741 4,789 1,586 457 299 6,670 9,545 44, 546 555 1,179,124 3, 039 1,110 6, 685 4,297 11, 479 44, 599 299, 625 8,259 5,026 17, 259i 11, 002 22,184 5,002 40, 449 34,2611 907 2,146 3,225 1, 331 9, 708 4,919 59, 42f 915 131, 327 765, 521 27,020 100, 049 1, 006, 874 150,183 36,278 170 South Atlantic: Delaware Maryland Virginia West Virginia._. North Carolina. South Carolina.. Georgia __. Florida— 44,803 104,488 55, 603 33, 266 66, 256 4,824 29, 250 2,489 East South Central: Kentucky _. Tennessee Alabama Mississippi 34, 630 28, 460 20,446 995 Total- 187, 678 148, 589 30, 802 47, r 2,751 1,352 246 5,597 2,159 25, 837 5,271 69, 916 128, 841 12, 598 6,830 64, 021 57, 241 249 431 1,891 961 21, oo: 82, 240 38, 714 2,519 35, 426 377, 560 4, 267 839 3,556 Pacific: WashingtonOregon California 2,162 5, 255,428 570,137 West North Central: Minnesota Iowa Missouri South Dakota._. Nebraska Kansas West South Central: Arkansas Louisiana OklahomaTexas Mountain: Montana Idaho Wyoming Colorado New Mexico . Arizona Utah— 5,002 1,129 26, 359 132, 082 373 41,101 28,121 13, 908 1,308 14,945 707 10, 416 34, 787 41,281 8,469 494, 937 147 1965 261 257 1,288 4,244j 2,045 934 910 3,001! 779 773 ~238 " 1 6 4 437 248 461 6,364 252 56,113 26,491 575 1,008 "iii 77 156 399 503 460 278 801 371 902 8,703 7,020 10, 523 1,845 1,359 764 2,098 1, 962 3,134 1,813 11, 305 953 841 247 551L 375|. 146 210 1,869 531 131 242 1,945 1,354 3,706 2,798 641 1,381 839 482 789 468 400 836 6, 73! 28, 391 255,123 1, 264 1,414 331 90 51 1,146 4, 610 6,344 1,747 44, 41, 44, 12, 64, 803 929 951 956 897 60, 814 11,464 2,417 11, 080 618 557 """781 995 20,180 26, 754 17,146 7,375 15,114 17, 783 CO, 549 53, 219 4,508 1,46.; 7,123 4,448 7,129 4,481 6,497 10,268 20,106 5,124 10,808 10, 711 3,523 90, 202 15,087 376 218 148 1,038 3,736 "166 3,244 1,174 1,3201 3,710 1,334 639 2,970 833 229 1,131 5,861 2,524 1,011 1,740 773 740 398, 330 11, 501, 357 25, 566 14, 542,64,998 34,063 141, 933 68,538 462,124 469,406 2, 391, 745 7,828,442 i Includes 1 bank in Minnesota with capital of $20,000 and deposits of $513,000. 259 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD FIDUCIARY POWERS GRANTED TO NATIONAL BANKS Under section ll(k) of the Federal reserve act as amended, the Federal Reserve Board has authorized the national banks listed below to exercise one or more fiduciary powers as follows: (1) Trustee. (2) Executor. (3) Administrator. (4) Registrar of stocks and bonds. (5) Guardian of estates. (6) Assignee. (7) Receiver. (8) Committee of estates of lunatics. (9) Any other fiduciary capacity in which State banks, trust companies, or other corporations which come into competition with national banks are permitted to act under the laws of the State in which the national bank is located. The numerals opposite the name of each bank, which refer to the list given above, indicate the power or powers it is authorized to exercise. Powers granted DISTRICT NO. 1—Continued DISTRICT NO. 1 CONNECTICUT—continued CONNECTICUT (See also District No. 2) Ansonia—Ansonia National Bank Canaan—Canaan National Bank Derby—Birmingham National BankH art ford—~" Capitol National Bank & Trust Co. First National Bank Hartford National Bank & Trust Co. Meriden—Home National B ank Middletown— Central National Bank First National Bank Middletown National Bank & Trust Co. Mystic—Mystic River National Bank. Naugatuck—Naugatuck National Bank. New Britain— City National Bank New Britain National Bank New Haven— First National Bank & Trust Co. MerchantB National Bank.., National Tradesmen^ Bank & Trust Co. New Haven Bank, N. B. A—— Second National Bank New LondonNational Bank of Commerce National Whaling Bank New London City National Bank New Milford—First National BankNorwich—Uncas-Merchants National Bank. Putnam—Citizens National Bank Rockville—Rockviile National Bank. Torrington—Torrington National Bank & Trust Co. Wallingford—First National Bank... Waterbury— Citizens and Manufacturer* National Bank. Waterbury National Bank Powers granted Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9, Ito9. I to 9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Willimantic—Windham National Ito9. Bank. Winsted—Hurlbut National B a n k . . . Ito9. MAINS Auburn—National Shoe & Leather Bank. Augusta—First National Granite Bank. Bangor— Merchants National Bank___ Bar Harbor—First National Bank BathBath National Bank..., First National Bank Belfast—City National Bank ._. Biddeford—First National Bank of 1 to 9. Ito4. Ito8. Ito8. Ito8. Ito9. Camden—Camden National Bank Ito9. Damarlscotta—First National Bank 1,2,3,5, and 6. of Damariscotta. Ellsworth—Liberty National B a n k . . Ito9. 1 to 8. Farmington— 1 to 9. First National Bank Peoples National Bank 1 to 8. Fort Fairfield—Fort Fairfield NaIto8. tional bank. 1 to 9. Fort Kent—First National Bank i Houlton—First National Bank itoS. Lewiston— 1 to 9. !1 First National Bank Manufacturers National B a n k . . . Ito9. Pittsfieid—Pittsfieid National Bank . Ito9. 1, % 3, 5, 7, P o r t l a n d 8, and 9. Canal National Bank First National Bank Ito9. Portland National Bank „_. Ito8. Rockland—Rockland National Bank. Rumford—Rumford National Bank.. 1 to 9. Saco—York National B a n k . . Ilo9. Skowhegan—First National Bank Ito9. 1 t o %. Ito9. ltofl 1 to 7. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 3, and 5. Ito9. 1 to 3, 5 to 9. 1 to 5, and 9. Ito9. 1 to 5, and 9. Ito9. Ito9. 1, 2, and 4. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 9. National Ito9. Springvale—Springvale Bank, Thorn aston—Thomaston National Bank. Van Buren—-First National Bank 1 to 3, 5. 8 and 9 Ho3,5to7, and 9. 260 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD Powers granted Powers granted DISTRICT N O . 1—Continued 11 AIN E—continued DISTRICT NO. 1—Continued MASSACHUSETTS—continued Waldoboro—Medomak National Bank. 1 to 3, 5 to 7, Nantucket—Pacific National Bank... 1 to 9. Need ham—Needham National Bank. 1 to 9. and 9. ! New Bedford— Waterville—Peoples Tieonie Na- 1 to 9. 1 to 9. | First National Bank._ tional Bank. 1 to 9. i Merchants National Bank 1 to 9. I Safe Deposit National Bank MASSACHUSETTS j Newburyport— First and Ocean National Bank.. I to 9. Abington—Abington National Bank !. Merchants National Bank _. 1 to 8. AdamsI Newton—Newton National Bank 1 to 9. First National Bank 1 to 8. Graylock National Rank 1 to 7 and 9. ! North Adams—North Adams Na- 1 to 9. j tional Bank. Araherst-—First National Bank 1 to 9. | North A ttleboro—Manufacturers Na- 1 to 9. Andorer—Andover National Bank... 1 to 9. j tional Bank. Athol— Athol National Bank 1 to 3, 5 to 8. Northampton— 1 to 9. First National Bank Millers River National Bank l to 7 and 9. ! I Northampton National Bank & 1 to 9. Attleboro—First National Bank 1 to 9. I Trust Co. Beverly—Beverly National Bank 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Orange—Orange National Bank.. BostonPalmer—Palmer National Bank 1 to 9. Atlantic National Bank 1 to 9. Peabody—Warren National Bank 1 to 9. First National Bank 1 to 9. Pittsfield— Merchants National Bank 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Agricultural National Bank National Rockland B a n k . . _ 1 to 9. Pittsfield-Third National Bank 1 to 7 and 9. National Shawm at Bank „. 1 to 9. & Trust Co. Second National Bank 1 to 9. PlymouthWebster & Atlas National Bank. 1 to 9. Old Colony National Bank 1 to 5. BrocktonBrockton National Bank ._. 1 to 9. Plymouth National Bank 1 to 4. Provincetown—First National Bank,! 1 to 9. Home National Bank 1 to 9. Quincy—National Mount Wollaston 1 to 9. Cohasset—Cohasset National Bonk.. 1 to 9. Dedham—Dednam National Bank... 1 to 9. Bank: of Quincy. Edgartown—-Edgartown National | 1 to 3. Salem—Merchants National B a n k . . . 1 to 9. Bank. Shelburne Falls-—Shelburne Falls 1 to 7 and 9 National Bank. Everett—Everett National Bank 1 to 9. Somerville—Somerville National Fall R i v e r Ito9. Bank. Fall River National Bank 1 to 9. Southbridge—Southbridge National Falmouth—Falmouth National Bank 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Bank. Fitchburg—Safety Fund National | 1 to 9. Springfield— Bank. Springfield National Bank 1 to 9. Foxboro—Foxboro National Bank___ 1 to 9. Third National Bank & Trust Co. 1 to 9. Framingham—Framingharn National 1 to 9. Tisbury—Martha's Vineyard Na- 1 to 8. Bank. tional Bank. Gardner—First National Bank 1 to 9. Gloucester—Cape Ann .National j 1 to 9. Townsend—TownsendNational Bank 1 to 3. Turners Falls—Crocker National 1 to 7 and 9. Bank | Bank. Great Barrington—National Ma- ! 1 to 9. Uxbridge—Blackstone National Bank 1 to 4, haiwe Bank. ! Waltham—Waltham National Bank.. 1 to 7 and 9. Greenfield—First National Bank & 1 to 9. Wareham—National Bank of Ware- 1 to 9. Trust Co. i ham. Haverhill— Essex National Bank 1 to 7 and 9. Watertown—Union Market National 1 to 9. First National Bank 1 to 4. Bank. Haverhill National Bank 1 to 9. Webster—First National Bank , 1 to 9. MerrimacK National Bank I 1 to 4. W ellesley—Wellesley National Bank. 1 to 9. Holyoke—Holyoke National Bank j 1 to 9. West fieldHudson—Hudson National Bank I 1 to 9. First National Bank 1 to 8. Ipswich—First National Bank ! 1 to 9. Hampden National Bank & 1 to 7 and 9. Trust Co. Lawrence—Bay State National Bank.i 1 to 9. Leominster— ! Winchendon—First National Bank . 1 to 9. Leorainster National Bank j 1 to 4. Winchester— Winchester National 1 to 9. Merchants National Bankj 1 to 7 and 9. Bank. Lowell— Woburn—Woburn National Bank.... 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, Apple ton National Bank __. I to 9. and 9. WorcesterUnion Old Lowell National Bank. 1 to 9. Lynn— ! Mechanics National Bank 1 to 9. Central National Bank 1 to 8. Worcester County National Bank 1 to 9. Manufacturers National Bank 1 to 9. Yarmouthport—First National Bank 1 to 9. National City B a n k . . . . — . . 1 to 5 and 7. of Yarmouth. Maiden— i First National Bank 1 to 9. NEW HAMPSHIRE Second National Bank.— 1 to 9. BerlinMarblehead—National Grand Bank. 1 to 9. 1 , 2 , 4 , f>, Berlin National Bank Marlboroand 7. First National Bank 1 to 4. City National Bank „ 1. Peoples National Bank 1 to 9 Clareinont— Medford—First National Bank 1,2,3, and 5. Claremont National Bank.. 1 to 4. Methuen—Methuen National Bank. 1 to 8. Peoples National Bank 1. Miiford— ConcordHome National Bank „ __ 1 to 4. First National Bank _ 1 to 9. Miiford National Bank & Trust 1 to 9. Mechanicks National Bank ..!J 1, 2, and 4. Co. National State Capital Bank 1, 2, and 4. 261 FIDUCIARY POWERS Powers granted DISTRICT NO. 1—Continued DISTRICT NO. 1—Continued VERMONT—continued NEW HAMPSHIRE—continued Derry—Derry National Bank DoverMerchants National Bank Strafford National Bank Exeter—Rockingham National Bank. Franklin—Franklin National Bank__ Hanover—Dartmouth National Bank Keene— Ashuelot-Citizens National Bank. Keene National Bank Laconia— Laconia National Bank ._ Peoples National Bank.__ _. Lancaster—Lancaster National Bank. Lebanon—National Bank of Lebanon. Manchester— Amoskeag National Bank Manchester National Bank Merchants National Bank Milford—Souhegan National Bank Powers granted 1. 1 to 3. 1 to 4. 1, 2, and 4. 1. 1,2,4, and 9. 1 and 4. 1 to 4. 1, 2, and 4. 1 and 4. 1,2,4, and 9. 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, and 9. 1, 2, and 4. 1. 1, 4, and 9. 1 and 4. Newport—National Bank of Newport Northfield—Northfield National Bank. Poultney—Citizens National Bank... RutlandCentral National Bank Clement National Bank Rutland County National Bank. St. Albans—Welden National Bank.. St. Johnsbury— First National Bank Merchants National Bank Springfield—First National Bank Windsor—State National Bank 1 to 7 and 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 4. 1 to 7 and 9. 1 to 3,5 to 7. 1 to 9. 1 to 4. 1 to 6 and 9. Ito8. Ito5. Ito3, 5to7. DISTRICT NO. 2 CONNECTICUT (See also District No. 1) Bridgeport—First National Bank & 1 to 4, 6, 7, Danbury— City National Bank & Trust Co. and 9. Danbury National Bank Second National Bank 1, 2f and 4. Newport—Citizens National Bank... 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, Greenwich—First National Bank in._ New Canaan—First National Bank and 9. & Trust Co. Peterboro—First National Bank 1, 4, and 9. . Norwalk—National Bank of Norwalk Plymouth—Pemigewasset National 1 and 4, Ridgefield—First National Bank & Bank. Trust Co. PortsmouthFirst National Bank... 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, South Norwalk—City National BankStamford— and 9. First Stamford National Bank & New Hampshire National Bank.. 1 and 9. Trust Co. Rochester—Public National Bank... 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, Peoples National Bank and 9. Tilton—Citizen's National Bank 1 and 2. NEW JERSEY Wilton—Wilton National Bank 1, % 4, 6, 7, and 9. (See also District No. 3) Wolfe boro—Wolfeboro National Bank 1 and 4. Allendale—First National Bank RHODE ISLAND Allenhurst—Allenhurst N a t i o n a l Bank & Trust Co. Newport— Allentown—Farmers National Bank. Aquidneck National Exchange Ito9. Asbury Park—Asbury Park National Bank & Savings Co. Bank & Trust Co. 1 to 9. Newport National Bank Atlantic Highlands—Atlantic HighProvidence— lands National Bank. Blackstone Canal National Bank. 1 to 9. Bayonne—Mechanics' National Bank. National Bank of Commerce & Ito9. Belleville—Peoples National Bank & Trust Co. Trust Co. Providence National Bank _ Ito9. Bergenfield—Bergenfield National Bank & Trust Co. VERMONT Bernardsville—Bernardsville National Bank. Barre—Peoples National Bank.. Ito9. Boonton—Boonton National Bank... Bellows Falls—National Bank of Bel- Ito9. Boundbrook—First National Bank... lows Falls. Butler—First National Bank Bennington— Caldwell— County National Bank Ito9. Caldwell National Bank First National Bank Ito9. Citizens National Bank & Trust Bethel—National White River Bank. Ito9. Co. Brandon—First National Bank Ito4. Carlstadt—Carlstadt National Bank. Brattle boro—Vermont Peoples Na- 1 to 9. Carteret—First National Bank tional Bank. CliftonBurlington—Howard National Bank Ito8. Clifton National Bank & Trust Co. First National Bank Chelsea—National Bank of Orange 1 to 8. County. Closter National Bank & Trust Chester—National Bank of Chester.. 1,2,3, and 5. Co. Danville—Caledonia National Bank.. Ito9. Derby Line—National Bank of Derby Ito3,5and9. Cranbury—First National Bank Cranford—First National Bank Line. Enosburg Falls—First National Bank Ito9. Dover—National Union Bank ... Dunellen—First National Bank Manchester Center—Factory Point Ito9. East Orange—First National Bank National Bank. Elizabeth—National State Bank Middlebury—National Bank of Mid- Ito9. Englewood—Citizens National Bank dlebury. & Trust Co. Montpelier— Flemington—Flemington National First National Bank Ito4. Bank & Trust Co. Montpelier National Bank Ito9. 1 to 9. Indian Head National Bank 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 8. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. Ito9. Ito8. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 9. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 7 and 9. Ito9. Ito9. 262 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD Powers granted Powers granted DISTRICT NO. 2—Continued DISTRICT NO. 2—Continued NEW JERSEY—continued NEW JERSEY—continued FreeholdCentral National Bank ._ First National Bank Frenchtown—Union National Bank__ Qarfield—First National Bank Glen Rock—Glen Rock National Bank. Hackensack—City National Bank & Trust Co. Hackettstown— Hackettstown National Bank Peoples National Bank Hamburg—Hardyston National Bank. Highland Park—First National BankHillside-Hillside National Bank Hoboken—First National Bank Irvington— Irvington National Bank Peoples National Bank & Trust Perth Amboy— First National Bank Perth Amboy National Bank Phillipsburg— Phillipsburg National Bank & Trust Co. Second National Bank Plainfield—First National Bank Pompton Lakes—First National Bank & Trust Co. Prospect Park—Prospect Park National Bank. Rahway— Citizens National Bank Rahway National Bank Ramsey—First National Bank & Trust Co. Red B a n k Broad Street National Bank Second National Bank & Trust Ito9. Ito9. 1 and 4, Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 8. Ito9. Ito9. Ito4. 1 to 9. Ito9. Or» L/O. 1 to 8. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito8. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. LvO. Ridgewood— Jersey CityFirst National Bank Franklin National Bank.__ Hudson County National BankJournal Square National Bank Kearny—First National Bank & irust oo. Lambert ville— Amwell National Bank _._ Lambert ville National Bank Little Falls—Little Falls National Bank. Lyndhurst—First National Bank Madison—First National Bank Manasquan—Manasquan National Citizens National Bank & Trust Ito9. Co. 1 to 7 and 9. First National Bank & Trust Co. 1 to 9. Roselle—First National Bank... ltof. Rutherford—Rutherford National Ito9. Milburn—First National Bank.. Milltown—First National Bank Montclair— First National Bank & Trust Co_Montclair National Bank Morristown— First National Bank National Iron Bank NewarkLincoln National Bank__ _ Mount Prospect National Bank.. National Newark & Essex Banking Co. National State Bank. New Jersey National Bank & Trust Co. South Side National Bank & Trust Co. Union National Bank New BrunswickNational Bank of New Jersey Peoples National Bank ... Newton—Sussex & Merchants National Bank. Nutley— First National Bank Franklin National Bank Orange— Orange National Bank Second National Bank Palisades Park—Palisades Park National Bank & Trust Co. Passaic—Passaic National Bank & Trust Co. Pater sonFirst National Bank Labor National Bank National Bank of America Paterson National Bank Second National Bank 1 to 9. Ito9* 1 to 9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. x>anK. "Ranlr Metuchen—Metuchen National Bank_ 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. Ito9. I to 9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito8. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Bank. 1 to 8. Sayreville—First National Bank Soinerville—Second National Bank.. 1 to 4. South Amboy—First National Bank. 1 to 9. South River—First National B a n k . . . 1 to 9. Summit—First National Bank & 1 to 9. Trust Co. Sussex—Farmers National Bank Tenafly—Northern Valley National Union City—First National Bank Washington—First National Bank... Weehawken—Hamilton National Westfieid—National Bank of Westfield. West New York—First National Bank. West Orange—First National Bank. Westwood—First National Bank 1 to 5. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. NEW YORK Adams—Farmers National Bank AlbanyNational Commercial Bank & Trust Co. New York State National Bank.. Amityville—First National Bank & Trust Co. AmsterdamAmsterdam City National Bank. Farmers National Bank First National Bank _ Auburn—Auburn-Cayifea National Bank & Trust Co. Babylon—Babylon National Bank & Trust Co. x$ BIG win— Baldwin National Bank & Trust Co. Sunrise National Bank & Trust Co. 1 to 9 1 to 8. 1 to 9. 1 to 6. 1 to 3, 5 to 8 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. Baldwinsville—First National Bank Ito9. & Trust Co. Ballston Spa—Ballston Spa National Ito9. Bank. Batavia—First National Bank 1 to 9. Bath—Bath National Bank 1 to 9. Bay Shore—First National Bank & 1 to 9. Trust Co. 263 FIDUCIARY POWERS Powers granted Powers granted DISTRICT NO. 2—Continued DISTRICT NO. 2—Continued NEW YORK—continued NEW YOEK-—continued Beacon— Fishkill National Bank _,__> Matteawan National Bank of Beacon. Binghamton— City National Bank First National Bank Bridgehampton—Bridgehampton National Bank. Bronxville—Gramatan N a t i o n a l Bank & Trust Co. Callicoon—Callicoon National Bank. Camden—First National Bank & Trust Co. Canajoharie— Canajoharie National Bank National Spraker Bank Canandaigua—Canandaigua National Bank & Trust Co. Canton— First National Bank St. Lawrence County National Bank. Carmel—Putnam County National Bank. Carthage National Bank National Exchange Bank & Trust Co. Catskill—Catskill National Bank & Trust Co. Cazenovia—Cazenovia N a t i o n a l Bank. Cedarhurst—Peninsula N a t i o n a l Bank, Central Square—First National Bank. Central Valley—Central Valley National Bank. Chester—Chester National Bank Clayton—First National Exchange Bank. Clyde—Briggs National Bank & Trust Co. Cohoes—National Bank of Cohoes.-. Cooperstown— First National Bank Second National Bank Corning—First National Bank & Trust Co. Cortland— National Bank of Cortland Second National Bank & Trust Co. CubaCuba National Bank First National Bank Delhi—Delaware National Bank Dolgeville—First National Bank Dover Plains—Dover Plains National Bank. DunkirkLake Shore National Bank Merchants National Bank East Rockaway—East Rockaway National Bank & Trust Co. Edwards—Edwards National Bank.. Ellenville—First National Bank & Trust Co Elmira—First National Bank & Trust 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. Ito8. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9 1 to 8. 1 to 9. 1 to 8. 1 to 8. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 8. Ito9. 4. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 9. Farmingdale—First National Bank.. Ito9. 125554—32 4. 1 to 9. 1 to 8. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. Goshen—National Bank of Orange 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 3,5 to 8 County. Granville— Ito9. Farmers National Bank Fairport—Fairport National Bank & Far Rockaway—National Bank of Far Rockaway. Floral Park—First National Bank & Trust Co. Fonda—National Mohawk River Bank. Fort Plain—Fort Plain National Bank. Frankfort—Citizens First National Bank. Fredonia—National Bank of Fredonia. Freeport— Citizens National Bank. First National Bank & Trust Co. Fulton—Citizens National Bank & Trust Co. Geneseo—Genesee Valley National Bank & Trust Co. Glens F a l l s First National Bank National Bank of Glens Falls Gloversville— City National Bank & Trust Co.. Fulton County National Bank & Washington County National Bank. Hampton Bays—Hampton Bays National Bank. Hancock—First National Bank Haverstraw—National B a n k <fc Trust Co. Hempstead—First National Bank Hoosick Falls—Peoples First National Bank. LiOrBGIl— Citizens National Bank & Trust Co. First National Bank HudsonFarmers National Bank First National Bank & Trust Co_ Hudson FallsPeoples National Bank Sandv Hill National Bank Huntington—First National Bank & Trust Co. Dion— Ilion National Bank & Trust Co. Manufacturers National Bank... Irvington—Irvington National Bank & Trust Co. Islip—First National Bank Ithaca—First National Bank Jamestown—National Chautauqua County Bank. Kenmore—First National Bank Kingston— First National Bank of Rondout. National Ulster County Bank & Trust Co. Rondout National Bank Stateof New York National Bank. Lackawanna—Lackawanna National i Bank. Larchmont—Larchmont N a t i o n a l Bank & Trust Co. Liberty—Sullivan County National Little Falls—Little Falls National Bank. Livonia—Stewart National Bank & Lockport—Niagara County National Bank & Trust Co. Lowville—Black River National Bank. Lynorook— Lynbrook National Bank & Trust Co. 1 and 4. Ito5. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. lto9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 8. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 9. Ito9. Ito9. 264 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD Powers granted DISTRICT NO. 2-Continued NEW YORK—continued Lynbrook—Continued. Peoples National Bank & Trust Co. Malone—Farmers National Bank... Mamaroneck—First National Bank & Trust Co. Manhasset—First National Bank & Trust Co. Massena—First National Bank & Trust Co. Mattituck—Mattituck N a t i o n a l Bank & Trust Co. Merrick—First National Bank Middletown—First Merchants National Bank & Trust Co. Mineola—First National Bank™ Monticello—National Union Bank of Monticello. Morristown—Frontier National Bank. Mount Kiseo—Mount Kisco National Bank & Trust Co. Mount Morris—Genesee River National Bank & Trust Co. Mount Vernon—First National Bank. Newburgh— Highland Quassaick National & Trust Co. National Bank of Newburgh New Rochelle— Central National Bank National City Bank_. New YorkChase National Bank Chatham & Phenix National Bank & Trust Co. Commercial National Bank & Trust Co. Dunbar National Bank First National Bank . Fort Greene National Bank Grace National Bank Harriman National Bank & Trust Co. Kingsboro National Bank of Brooklyn in New York. Lafayette National Bank of Brooklyn in New York. Liberty National Bank & Trust Co. National City Bank_ National Exchange Bank & Trust Co. National Safety Bank & Trust Co. Peoples National Bank of Brooklyn in New York. Public National Bank & Trust Co. Sterling National Bank & Trust Co. Northport—First National Bank & Trust Co. Norwich— Chenango County National Bank & Trust Co. National Bank & Trust Co Nyack—Nyack National Bank Olean— Exchange National Bank..._ First National Bank Oneida—Oneida Valley National Bank. Oneonta— Citizens National Bank & Trust Co. Wilber National Bank Ossining—First National Bank & Trust Co. Oswego—First & Second National Bank & Trust Co. DISTRICT NO. 2—Continued 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9 Ito9. 4. 1 to 9. Ito9. Ito8. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. I to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito8. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. NEW YORK—continued Ovid—First National Bank 4. Owego— First National Bank... 1 to 9. Owego National Bank 1 to 9. Patchogue—Peoples National Bank. 1 to 9. Pearl River—First National Bank & I to 9. Trust Co. Peekskill— Peekskill National Bank & Trust 1 to 9. Co. Westchester County National 1 to 9. Bank. Pelham—Pelham National Bank 1 to 9. Perry—First National Bank.... 1 to 9. Plattsburg— Merchants National Bank in 1 to 9. Plattsburg. Plattsburg National Bank & 1 to 5, 7 to9 Trust Co. Pleasantville—First National Bank.. 1 to 9. Port Chester—First National Bank: 1 to 9. & Trust Co. Port Henry—Citizens National Bank. 1 to 9. Port Jervis— First National Bank 1 to 9. National Bank & Trust Co. of 1 to 9. Port Jervis. Port Richmond—Staten Island Na~ 1 to 9. tional Bank & Trust Co. Port Washington—Port Washington 1 to 9. National Bank <fc Trust Co. Potsdam—Citizens National Bank 1 to 9. Poughkeepsie— Fallkill National Bank & Trust 1 to 9. Co. Farmers & Manufacturers Na- 1 to 9. tional Bank. First National Bank ._ 1 to 9. Merchants National Bank & I to 9. Trust Co. Red Hook—First National Bank 1,2, and 3. Richfield Springs—First National 1 to 9. Bank. Riverhead—Suffolk County National 1 to 9. Bank. Rochester—First National Bank & 1 to 9. Trust Co. Rockville CenterFirst National Bank 1. Nassau County National Bank__ 1 to 9. Rome—Farmers National Bank & 1 to 9. Trust Co. Roscoe— First National Bank & 1 to 9. Trust Co. Roslyn—Roslyn National Bank & 1 to 9. Trust Co. Rye—Rye National Bank 1 to 9. St. Johnsville—First National Bank... 1 to 9. Salamanca—First National Bank 1 to 9. Saranac Lake—Adirondack National 1 to 9. Bank & Trust Co. Saratoga Springs—Saratoga National 1 to 9. Bank. Saugerties—First National Bank & 1 to 9. Trust Co. Sayville—Oystermens National Bank 1 to 9. Scarsdale—Scarsdale National Bank 1 to 9. & Trust Co. Schenectady— I Mohawk National Bank1 to 9. Union National Bank 1 to 9. Sidney—First National Bank in 1 to 9. Sidney. Silver Creek—Silver Creek National 1 to 9. Bank Skaneateles—National Bank & Trust 1 to 9. Co. Southampton—First National Bank. 1 to 8. Spring Valley—First National Bank. 1 to 9. 265 FIDUCIARY POWERS Powers granted Powers granted DISTRICT NO. 2—Continued DISTRICT NO. 3—Continued NEW YORK—continued Springville—Citizens National BankStamford—National Bank of Stamford. Suffern—Suffern National Bank & Trust Co. SyracuseLincoln National Bank & Trust Co. Merchants National Bank & Trust Co. Salt Springs National Bank Tarrytown—Tarry town N a t i o n a l Bank. Ticonderoga—Ticonderoga National Bank. TroyManufacturers National Bank... National City Bank Union National Bank.,..,. Tuckahoe—First National Bank & Trust Co. Tuxedo—Tuxedo National Bank Utica—Oneida National Bank & Trust Co. Valley Stream—Valley Stream National Bank & Trust Co. Walden—First National Bank & Trust Co. Walton—First National Bank & Trust Co. Warrensburg—Emerson N a t i o n a l Bank. Warsaw—Wyoming County National Bank. Warwick—First National Bank Watertown— Jefferson County National Bank. Watertown National Bank Watervliet—National Bank of Watervliet. Waverly— Citizens National Bank First National Bank Wellsville—Citizens National Bank.. Westbury—Wheatley Hills National Bank. Westfield—National Bank of Westfield. Whitehall—Merchants N a t i o n a l Bank. White Plains—Peoples National Bank & Trust Co. Yonkers— Central National Bank First National Bank & Trust Co. Yonkers National Bank & Trust Co. DISTRICT NO. 3 DELAWARE Delmar—First National Bank Dover—First National Bank Harrington—First National Bank Laurel—Peoples National Bank Milford—First National Bank & Trust Co. Seaford—First National Bank SmyrnaFruit Growers National Bank & Trust Co. National Bank of Smyrna WilmingtonCentral National Bank Union National Bank NEW JERSEY 1 to 9. 1 to 9. (See also District No. 2) Absecon—First National Bank Atlantic C i t y Atlantic City National Bank Chelsea-Second National Bank & Trust Co. 1 to 9. Audubon—Audubon National Bank. 1 to 9. Barnegat—First National Bank Beach Haven—Beach Haven Na1 to 9, tional Bank & Trust Co. 1 to 3, 5 to9 Beverly—First National Bank & Trust Co. 1 to 9. Blackwood—First National Bank & Trust Co. Bordentown—First National Bank... 1 to 9. Bridget on—• 1 to 9. Brirlgeton National Bank......._ 1 to 9. Farmers and Merchants Na1 to 9. tional Bank. Burlington—Mechanics N a t i o n a l 1 to 9. Bank. Camden— 1 to 9. American National Bank.. 1 to 9. First Camden National Bank & Trust Co. 1 to 9. Third National Bank & Trust Co. Cape May—Merchants National Ito9. Bank. Collingswood — Collingswood NaIto9. tional Bank. Elmer—First National Bank ... Ito9. Olassboro—First National Bank Iladdonfield—Haddonfield National Ito9. Bank. Hightstown—First National Bank... Ito9. Hopewell—Hopewell National Bank. Ito8. Lakewood—Peoples National Bank.. 1 to 9. Medford—Burlington County National Bank. Millville— 1 to 9. Mechanics N a t i o n a l B a n k & 1 to 9. Trust Co. 1 to 9. Millville National Bank._ 1 to 9. Mount HollyMount Holly National Bank 1 to 9. Union National Bank & Trust Co. Ito9. New Egypt—First National Bank & Trust Co. 1 to 9. Ocean City— First National Bank Ocean City National Bank 1 to 9. Paulsboro—First National Bank & 1 to 9. Trust Co. 1 to 9. Pemberton—Peoples National Bank. & Trust Co. Penns Grove—Penns Grove National Bank & Trust Co. Pitman—Pitman National Bank & Trust Co. I Pleasantville—Pleasantville National Ito8 I Bank. 1 to 9 Point Pleasant Beach1 to 9. Ocean County National Bank. Ito8. Point Pleasant Beach National 1 to 9. Bank & Trust Co. Princeton—First National Bank. Ito8. Roebling—First National Bank & Trust Co. Ito9. Salem— City National Bank & Trust Co. Ito9. Salem National Bank & Trust Co. Ito9. Swedesboro—§wec|ej3bQ£© National Ito9. Bank. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 4. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9, 4. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito8. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 7 and 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9.. 1 to 9. 1 to 8. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. Ito9. ltaflL 266 ANNUAL KEPOET OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD 1 Powers granted Powers granted DISTRICT NO. 3—Continued DISTRICT NO. 3—Continued NEW JERSEY—continued PENNSYLVANIA—continued Toms Biver—First National Bank.. TrentonBroad Street National Bank First-Mechanics National Bank-. Prospect National Bank Ventnor City—Ventnor City National Bank. Vineland—Vineland National Bank & Trust Co. Wildwood—Marine National Bank. Woodbury—First National Bank & Trust Co. Woodstown—"Woodstown National Bank & Trust Co. Ito9. 1 to 1 to 1 to 1 to 9. 9. 9. 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. PENNSYLVANIA (See also District No. 4) Allentown— Allentown National Bank Merchants Citizens National Bank & Trust Co. Second National Bank Altoona—First National Bank Ambler—First National Bank Annville—Annville National Bank.. Ashland—The Ashland National Bank. Ashley—First National Bank. Atglen—Atglen National Bank. Avoca—First National Bank Bangor— First National Bank Merchants National Bank BedfordFarmers National Bank & Trust p. t_>0- First National National Bank & Trust Bellefonte—First BankCo.. Belleville—Belleville National Bank. BerwickBerwick National Bank First National Bank Berwyn—Berwyn National Bank . BethlehemBethlehem National Bank First National Bank & Trust Co_ Lehigh Valley National Bank Blossburg—Citizens National Bank & Trust Co. Boyertown— Farmers National Bank & Trust Co. National Bank & Trust Co Bradford—Commercial N a t i o n a l Bank. Bridgeport—Bridgeport N a t i o n a l Bank. Bristol—Farmers National Bank of Bucks County. Catasauqua— Lehigh National Bank National Bank of Catasauqua Chambersburg— National Bank of Chambersburg. Valley National Bank unesier— Delaware County National Bank. First National Bank Clearfield— Clearfield National Bank County National Bank.Ooatesville— National Bank of Chester ValleyNational Bank of Coatesville ColumbiaCentral National Bank... First Columbia National Bank.. Conshohocken—First National BankDallastown—First National Bank & Trust Co. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. Ito3. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 3. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 8. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 1 1 1 to to to to 9. 9. 9. 9. Danville— Danville National Bank First National Bank Darby—First National Bank _. Doylestown—Doylestown National Bank & Trust Co. Du Bois— Deposit National Bank Du Bois National Bank East Stroudsburg—Monroe County National Bank & Trust Co. Easton— Easton National Bank First National Bank & Trust Co. Ebensburg—First National Bank Edwardsville—Peoples National Bank. Elizabethtown—First National Bank & Trust Co. Emaus—Emaus National Bank Emporium—First National Bank Ephrata— Ephrata National Bank.. Farmers National Bank—. Fleetwood—First National Bank & Trust Co. Frackville—First National Bank & irust L/O. Gap—Gap National Bank & Trust Co. Gettysburg— First National Bank Gettysburg National Bank Greencastle—First National Bank Hamburg—First National Bank & Trust Co. Harleysville—Harleysville National Bank. Harrisburg—Harrisburg National Bank. Hatsboro—Hatsboro National Bank._ Hatfield—Hatfield National Bank & Trust Co. Hazleton— First National Bank Hazleton National Bank Honesdale—Honesdale National Bank. Honeybrook—First National Bank... Hummelstown—Hummelstown National Bank. HuntingdonFirst National Bank Union National Bank & Trust Co. Johnstown— First National Bank... Moxham National Bank Kane—First National Bank Kennett Square—National Bank & Trust Co. of Kennett Square. Kutztown—Kutztown National Bank. Lancaster— Conestoga National Bank Fulton National Bank Lancaster County National Bank. Langhorne—Peoples National Bank 1 to 9. 1 to 9. I to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 8. 1 to 8. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 1 1 1 oc i r u s i KJ\J. 1 Lansdale—First National Bank.. Lansdowne—National Bank of Lans- 1 downe. LebanonFirst National Bank Lebanon National Bank Peoples National Bank Lehighton— Citizens National Bank & Trust Co. First National Bank Lewisburg— Lewisburg National Bank Union National Bank to 9. to 9. to 9. to 9. to 9. to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. Ho 9. 267 FIDUCIARY POWERS Powers granted DISTRICT NO. 3—Continued DISTRICT NO. 3—Continued PENNSYLVANIA—continued Lewistown— Citizens National Bank. Miffiin County National Bank... Russell National Bank Lititz—Farmers National Bank Littlestow n—Littlestown National Bank. Lock Haven—First National Bank— Luzerne—Luzerne National Bank Mahanoy CityFirst National Bank Union National Bank _ Malvern—National Bank of Malvern. Manheim— Keystone National Bank Manheim National Bank Marietta—Exchange National Bank.. Mauch Chunk—Mauch Chunk National Bank. Maytown—May town National Bank Mechanicsburg—Second National Bank. Media—First National Bank Millheim—Farmers National Bank & Trust Co. Milton-First Milton National Bank. Montoursville — First National Bank. Montrose—First and Farmers National Bank & Trust Co. Mount Carmel— First National Bank Union National Bank Mount JoyFirst National Bank & Trust Co. Union National Mount Joy BankMount ville—Mountville National Bank. Myerstown—Myerstown National xjanK. "RonV Nanticoke— First National Bank Miners National Bank_ Nanticoke National Bank Nazareth—Nazareth National Bank & i rust oo. New Holland—Farmers National Bank & Trust Co. Newtown—First National Bank & Trust Co. New ville—First National Bank Norristown— Montgomery National Bank Peoples National Bank.. Northampton—Cement National Bank of Siegfried. Northumberland—Northumberland National Bank. Oley—First National BankOrwigsburg—First National Bank & Trust Co. Oxford—National Bank of Oxford Palmerton—First National Bank Patton—First National Bank Pen Argyl—First National Bank PhiladelphiaCentral Penn National Bank City National Bank & Trust Co. Commercial National Bank & Trust Co. Corn Exchange National Bank & Trust Co. Erie National Bank ._ First National Bank Kensington National Bank Market Street National Bank Mount Airy National Bank & Trust Co. National Bank of Germantown & Trust Co. p fry ^.- 1 O J . /""! ~ Powers granted PENNSYLVANIA—continued Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 8. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 4. Ito9. 1 to 4. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito4. Ito9. Philadelphia—Continued. National Bank of Olney in Philadelphia. North Broad National Bank Northeast National Bank & Trust Co. Northwestern National Bank & Trust Co. Philadelphia National Bank Second National Bank Sixth National Bank. Southwestern National Bank Tioga National Bank & Trust Co_ Tradesmens National Bank & Trust Co. Tulpehocken National Bank & Trust Co. Philipsburg—First National Bank.__ Phoenixville— Farmers and Mechanics National Bank. National Bank of Phoenixville Pine Grove—Pine Grove National Bank & Trust Co. Pittston—First National Bank Liberty National Bank Plymouth—First National Bank Port Allegany—First National Bank. Pottstown— Citizens National Bank & Trust Co. National Bank of Pottstown National Iron Bank Pottsville— Merchants National Bank Miners National Bank Pennsylvania National Bank & Trust Co. Reading— Farmers National Bank & Trust v^O. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito8. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 9. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 9. to 9. Penn National Bank & Trust Co. 1Ito9. Ito9. Reading National Bank & Trust Co. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Red Lion— Ito9. Farmers & Merchants National Ito9. Bank. Ito9. First National Bank & Trust Co. Ito9. Ridgway—Ridgway National Bank-. 1 to 9. 1 to 7 and 9. Sayre—First National Bank 1 to 9. Schuylkill Haven—First National Ito9. Ito9. Bank & Trust Co. Schwenksville—National Bank & 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Trust Co. Ito9. Scranton— Ito8. First National Bank... 1 to 9. Third National Bank & Trust Co. Ito9. Ito9. Union National Bank . . . . 1 to 9. Selinsgrove—First National Bank Ito9 1 to 9. Shamokin— 1 to 9. Market Street National Bank.... Ito9. National Bank of Shamokin Ito9. Ito9. Shenandoah—Merchants National Ito9. 1 to 9. Bank. Ito9. Shickshinny—First National Bank 1 to 3, 5 to 8. 1 to 9. Shippensburg— First National Bank 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Peoples National Bank . 1 to 9. Ito9. Smethport—Grange National Bank Ito9. Ito9. of McKean County. Souderton—Union National Bank & 1 to 9. Ito9. Trust Co. Spring City—National Bank & Trust 1 to 9 Co. 1 to 9. Ito9. State CollegeIto3 f 5 to 9. First National Bank 1 to 9. 1 to 7 and 9. Peoples National Bank Ito9. Ito9. Stroudsburg— First National Bank Ito9. 1 to 8. Stroudsburg National Bank Ito9. Sunbury—First National Bank Ito9. 268 ANNUAL, REPORT OF T H E FEDERAL, RESERVE BOARD Powers granted Powers granted DISTRICT NO. 3—Continued DISTRICT NO. 4—Continued KENTUCKY—continued PENNSYLVANIA—continued Swarthmore—Swarthmore National Bank <fc Trust Go. Tamaqua—First National Bank Tamaqua National Bank Tioga—Grange National Bank Topton—National Bank of Topton... Towanda—Citizens National Bank.. TyroneBlair County National Bank & Trust Co. First National Bank___ Watsontown— Farmers N a t i o n a l Bank. Waynesboro— Citizens National Bank & Trust Co. First National Bank & Trust Co. Weatherly—First National Bank Wernersville—Wcrnersville National Bank & Trust Co. West Chester— First National Bank National Bank of Chester County & Trust Co. West Grove—National Bank & Trust Co. Wilkes-Barre— Second National Bank Wyoming National Bank Williams p o r t First National Bank Williamsport National Bank Wrightsville—First National Bank... YorkCentral National Bank & Trust Co. Drovers and Mechanics National Bank. First National Bank Industrial National Bank of West York. Western National Bank. | York County National Bank York National Bank & Trust Co.; DISTRICT NO. 4 KENTUCKY (See also District No. 8) 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 4. 1 to 4. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. ij Ij I || j| [| | !i 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. j ! • Ashland— I Second National Bank | Third National Bank .j Brooksvillo—First National Bank Covington —First National Bank & j Trust Co, I Cynthia na— I Farmers National Bank. _.| National Bank of Cynthiana i Georgetown— ; First National Bank ! Georgetown National Bank. i Ilarian— j Citizens National Bank .1 Harlan National Bank __j Lexinston—First National Bank & j Trust Co. ! Ludlow—First National Bank | Middlesboro—National B a n k of I Middlesboro. i Mount Sterling— Montgomery National Bank.... Mount Stciling National Bank... Traders National Bank . NewportAmerican National Bank Newport National Bank 1 to 9. 1 to 5. 7 to 9. 1 to 5, 7 to 0. 1 to 5 and 8. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 5. 7 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 5, 7 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to H, 7 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. I t o 5 , 7 to 9. 1 to 81 to 9. 1 to 5, 7 to 9. 1 to 5, 7 to 9. 1 to 5, 7 to 9. Paintsville— Paintsville National Bank Second National Bank Paris—First National Bank Pikeville—First National Bank Pineville—Bell National Bank... Richmond—Madison Southern National Bank & Trust Co. Saylersv'lle—Saylersville National Bank. Somerset— Farmers National Bank .._„ First Nntiomil Bank Willmmsburg—First National Bank.. Winchester—Clark County National Bank 1 to 5,7 to 9. 1 to 8. 1 to 5. 7 to 9. 1 to 8 1 to 5, 7 to 9. Ito9. 2 to 8. 1 to 5, 7 to 9. 1 to i). 1 to 4. I to 5, 7 to 9. OHIO Alliance—Alliance First National Ashtabula— Farmers National Bank & Trust Co. National Bank of Ashtabula AthensAthens National Bank Bank of Athens, N. B. A Bellaire—First National Bank. Bradford—First National Bank Cadiz—Union National Bank & Trust Co. Cambridge—Central National Bank. r^mton—First National Bank... Cincinnati— Atlas National Bank First National Bank. Lincoln National Bank Second Natfionnl Bank Circleviile—First National Bank Cleveland— Central United National Bank... National City Bank _ Columbus— City National Bank & Trust Co. Hunting* on National Bank Ohio National Bank.. Coshocton— Commercial National Bank Coshocton National Bank DaytonMerchants National Bank & Trust Co. Third National Bank & Trust Co, Winters National Bank & Trust Co. East Liverpool—Fir^t National Bank Findlay—First National Bank & Trust Co. Fostonn—(Jnion National Bank Greenville—Second National Bank ... Hamilton— First National Bank & Trust Co. Second National Bank Hillsboro—Merchants N atioual Bank.. Lancaster—Fait field National Bank.. Lebanon — Lebanon - Citizens National Bank & Trust Co. Lorain—National Bank of Commerce. Mansfield—Citizens National Bank & Trust Co. MariettaCitizens National Bank First National Bank Marion—National City Bank & Trust Co. Mount Vernon—The Knox National Bank. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 7 and 9. 1 to 7 and 9. 1 to 7 and 9. 1,3,4, 5, and 9. 1 to 7 and 9. 1 to 7 and 9. 1 to 7 and 9. 1 to 7 and 9. 1 to 1 to 1 to 1 to 1 to 9. 7 and 9 0. 7 and 9 7 and 9 1 to 7 and 9. 1 to 7 and 9. 1 to 7 and 9. 1 to 7 and 9. 1 to 7 and 9. 1 to 7 and 9. 1 tofc. 1 to 9. 1 to 7 and P. 1 to 1). 1 to 7 and 9. 1 to 7 and 9. 1 to 7 and 9. 1 to 7 and 9. 1 to 7 and 9 1 1 1 1 to to to to 9. 7 and 9. 7 and 9. 7 and 9 1 to 7 and 9. 1 to 4 and 9. 1 to 7 and 9. 1 to 7 and 9. 1 to 7 and 9. 1 to 7 and 9, 269 FIDUCIARY POWERS Powers granted Powers granted DISTRICT NO. 4—Continued DISTRICT NO. 4—Continued PENNSYLVANIA—continued OHIO—continued Newark—Park National Bank._ New Philadelphia—Citizens National Bank. Painesville — Painesville National Bank & Trust Co. Piqua— Citizens National Bank & Trust Co. Piqua National Bank & Trust Co. Portsmouth— First National Bank Security Central National Bank. Ravpnna—Second National Bank St. Clairsville—First National Bank.. Sandusky—Third National Exchange Bank. SpringfieldFirst National Bank & Trust Co.. Lagonda-Citizens National Bank. Steuben ville— National Exchange Bank & Trust Co. Peoples National Bank . TiffinCommercial National Bank. Tiffin National Bank. Toledo—First National Bank Troy—First Troy National Bank & Trust Co. Urbana—Champaign National Bank. Warren—Second National Bank Wilmington—Clinton County National Bank & Trust Co. Wooster—Wayne County National Bank. Youngstown— Commercial National BankMahoning National Bank Zanesyille— Citizens National Bank in Zanesville. First National Bank „___ PENNSYLVANIA (See also District No. 3) Arnold—National Deposit Bank of Arnold. Beaver Falls—First National Bank.. Brookville—Jefferson County National Bank. Butler—Butler County National Bank & Trust Co. Canonsburg—First National Bank... Connells ville—National Bank & Trust Co. of Connellsville. Donora—First National Bank Ellwood City—First National Bank.. ErieFirst National Bank Marine National Bank Second National Bank Ford City—First National Bank & Trust Co. Franklin—Lamberton National Bank Greensburg—First National Bank & Trust Co. GreenvilleFirst National Bank Greenville National Bank Grove C i t y First National Bank , Grove City National Bank Knox—Clarion County National Bank of Edenburg. Leechburg—First National Bank 1 to 7 and 9. 1 to 7 and 9. McKeesport—Firs t National Bank... Meadviiie— First National Bank Merchants National Bank & Ito7. Trust Co. Meyersdale—Citizens National Bank. Monessen—Peoples National Bank 1 to 9. & Trust Co . 1 to 7 and 9. New Bethlehem—First National Bank. New Brighton—Union National Bank 1 to 7 and 9. New CastleCitizens National Bank 1 to 7 and 9. First National Bank of Lawrence 1' 4, and 9. County. 1 to 7 and 9. New Kensington— Ito9. First National Bank Logan National Bank & Trust Co. Ito9. ! Oakmont—First National Bank 1 to 7 and 9. Oil C i t y First National Bank 1 to 7 and 9. Oil City National Bank Pittsburgh1 to 7 and 9. Diamond National Bank Duquesne National Bank 1 to 7 and 9. Farmers' Deposit National Bank. 1 to 7 and 9. First National Bank. 1 to 7 and 9. Forbes National Bank 1 to 7 and 9 Mellon National Bank National Bank of America at 1 to 7 and 9. Pittsburgh 1 to 9. Union National Bank 1 to 7 and 9 Punxsutawney—Punxsutawney National Bank. Ito9. Heynoldsville—First National Bank. Sharon— First National Bank.. 1 to 7 and 9. McDowell National Bank__ Ito9. Merchants and Manufacturers National Bank, 1 to 7 and 9. Tarentum—First National Bank & Trust Co. 1,4, and 9. Titusville—Second National Bank... Uniontown— Second National Bank.. Warren—Warren National Bank..... vVashington—Citizens National Bank. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 5, 7 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 8. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito8. Ito7. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 4 and 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. I to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 8. 1 to 9. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 9, 1 to 9. 1 to 3, 5 to 7, and 9. 1 to 5, 7 to 9, Waynesburg—First National Bank & Trust Co. Zelienople—Peoples National Bank... 1 to 4. WEST VIRGINIA Ito9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. (See also District No. 5) Elm Grove—First National Bank Sistersville—Union National Bank.. . WheelingNational Bank of West VirginiaNational Exchange Bank 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. DISTRICT NO. 5 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA WashingtonCommercial National Bank District National Bank .._ Federal-American National Bank & Trust Co. Franklin National Bank Liberty National Bank Lincoln National Bank National Bank of Washington National Metropolitan Bank Riggs National Bank__ _ Second National Bank Ito8. 1 to 8. 1 to 8. Ito8. Ito8. Ito8. Ito8. Ito8. Ito8. Ito8. 270 ANNUAL EEPOET OP THE FEDEBAL EESEEVE BOARD Powers granted DISTRICT NO. 5—Continued DISTRICT NO. 5—Continued SOUTH CAROLINA—continued MARYLAND BaltimoreFirst National Bank _ Western National Bank CumberlandFirst National Bank Second National Bank Denton—Denton National Bank Easton—Easton National Bank FrederickFarmers & Mechanics National Bank. Frederick County National Bank. Hagerstown— Nicodemus National Bank Second National Bank Pocomoke City—Citizens National Bank. Rising Sun—National Bank of Rising Sun. Rockville—Montgomery County National Bank. Salisbury—Salisbury National Bank. Snow Hill—First National Bank Towson—Towson National Bank WestminsterFarmers & Mechanics National Bank. First National Bank Williamsport—Washington County National Bank. Ito9. Ito9. 1 1 1 1 to 9. to 9. to 9. to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 3. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. Ito9. NORTH CAROLINA Asheboro—First National Bank Asheville—First National Bank & Trust Co. CharlotteCharlotte National Bank _. Commercial National Bank Merchants & Farmers National Bank. Union National Bank Concord—Concord National Bank... Durham—First National Bank Elizabeth City—First & Citizens National Bank. Fayetteville—Cumberland National Bank. Gastonia— Citizens National Bank First National Bank.. ._ _ Graham—National Bank of Alamance. High Point—Commercial National Bank. Mooresville—First National Bank_ . . Mount Airy—First National Bank.. Oxford—First National Bank of Granville at Oxford. Reidsville—First National Bank Rocky Mount—Planters National Bank & Trust Co. Salisbury—First National Bank Thomasville—First National Bank_. Wadesboro—First National Bank Winston-Salem—Farmers National Bank & Trust Co. Ito9. I to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 9 1 to 9 1 to 9 Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. SOUTH CAROLINA Anderson—Carolina National Bank. Cam den—First National Bank Charleston— Atlantic National Bank. South Carolina National Bank... Chester—Peoples National Bank Columbia—National Loan & Exchange Bank. Gaflney—Merchants & Planters National Bank. Powers granted Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. GreenvilleFirst National Bank.. Peoples National Bank Holly Hill—First National Bank Orangeburg—Edisto National Bank., Rock Hill—Peoples National Bank.. Spartanburg— Central National Bank First National Bank Sumter—National Bank of South Carolina. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 3, 5 to 9 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. VIRGINIA Abingdon—First National Bank Alexandria National Bank... Citizens National Bank. First National Bank. Appalachia—First National Bank Bedford—Peoples National Bank Blackstone—First National Bank Bristol—Dominion National Bank... Charlottesville— National Bank & Trust Co. at Charlottesville. Peoples National Bank Clifton ForgeClifton Forge National Bank First National Bank Covington— Citizens National Bank ._ Covington National Bank__ Crewe—First National Bank Culpeper—Second National Bank DanvilleAmerican National Bank & Trust Co. First National Bank Emporia— Citizens National Bank First National Bank Fairfax—National Bank of Fairfax... Fannville— First National Bank _ Peoples National Bank Fredericksburg—Planters National Bank. Hampton—Merchants N a t i o n a l Bank. Harrisonburg— First National Bank National Bank of Harrisonburg-.. Rockingham National Bank Leesburg— Loudoun National Bank Peoples National Bank Lexington— First National Bank Peoples National Bank.__ Rockbridge National Bank Lovingston—First National Bank of Nelson County. Lynch burgFirst National Bank___ Lynchburg National Bank & Trust Co. Marion—Marion National Bank Marshall—Marshall National Bank & Trust Co» Martinsville—First National Bank... Narrows—First National Bank.. Newport News—First National Bank NorfolkNorfolk National Bank of Commerce and Trusts. Seaboard Citizens National Bank. Virginia National Bank. Norton—First National Bank 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 6 and 9 Ito9. Ito4. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. ito9. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 9. Ito9. Ito9. 271 FIDUCIARY POWERS Powers granted DISTRICT NO. 5—Continued Powers granted DISTRICT NO. 6 VIRGINIA—continued ALABAMA OrangeCitizens National Bank National Bank of Orange Petersburg—First National Bank & Albertville—Albertville National Bank. Andalusia—Andalusia National Bank. Anniston— Anniston National Bank Commercial National Bank 1 TUbl \JO. Phoebus—Old Point National Portsmouth—American N a t iBank. onal Bank. Pulaski— Peoples National Bank Pulaski National Bank Radford—Farmers and Merchants National Bank. RichmondCentral National Bank First & Merchants National Bank. Roanoke— Colonial American National Bank First National Exchange Bank... Rockymount—Peoples N a t i o n a l iianK. "Rnnlr Salem—Farmers National Bank Stanley—Farmers & Merchants National Bank. Staunton— Augusta National Bank National Valley Bank Staunton National Bank & Trust. Co. Strasburg— First National Bank... Massanutten National Bank Suffolk—National Bank of Suffolk... Warrenton—Fauquier National Bank. Waynesboro—First National Bank Farmers & Merchants National Bank & Trust Co. Shenandoah Valley National Bank. Wytheville—First National Farmers Bank. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 1 to 9. First National Bank Bessemer—First National Bank in Bessemer. Birmingham—First National Bank.. Cullman—Leeth National Bank Decatur—Morgan County National Bank. Dothan—First National Bank Fayette—First National Bank Florence—First National Bank Fort Payne—First National B a n k . . . Gadsden— First National Bank Gadsden National Bank Greenville—First National Bank_._._ MobileAmerican National Bank & Trust Co. First National Bank Merchants National Bank MontgomeryAlabama National Bank First National Bank Oneonto—First National Bank Opelika— Farmers National Bank First National Bank Opp—First National Bank Oxford—First National Bank Piedmont—First National Bank Seima—City National Bank Sylacauga—Merchants & Planters National Bank. Talladega— Isbell National Bank 1 to 9. Talladega National Bank Troy—First Farmers & Merchants National Bank. Tuscaloosa— City National Bank First National Bank Wetumpka—First National Bank 1 to 9, 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9, 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. WEST VIRGINIA (See also District No. 4) Beckley— Beckley National Bank _ National Exchange Bank— Bluefield— Bluefield National Bank First National Bank.. Flat Top National Bank Charleston—Charleston N a t i o n a l Bank. ClarksburgEmpire National Bank Merchants National Bank Union National Bank Fairmont—National Bank of Fair- 1 to 7, and 9. 1 to 5, 7 and 9. 1 to 8. Ito8. 1 to 9. 1 to 4. 1,2,3, and 5. Ito8. Ito9. Ito8. 1. 1 to 3. 1 to 8. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 9 1 to 9. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 3,5 to 9. Ito9. Ito7. 1 to 9. Ito8. 1 to 3. 1 to 8. Ito9. 1 to 3, 5 to 7, and 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 8. 1 to 8. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 1 to 1 to 1 to 9. 9. 9. 9. Bradenton—First National Bank Daytona Beach—First Atlantic National Bank. De Funiak Springs—First National Bank. 1 to 9. Fort Myers—First National Bank... 1 to 9. Jacksonville— 1 to 9 Atlantic National Bank Barnett National Bank Ito9. Florida National Bank Grafton—First National Bank 1 to 9. Lake City—First National Bank Miami— Huntington—First Huntington Na- 1 to 9. First National Bank tional Bank. 1 to 9. Florida National Bank & Trust Logan—First National Bank__ Co. at Miami. 1 to 4. Madison—Boone National Bank Miami Beach—Miami Beach First 1 to 9. Martinsburg—Old National Bank National Bank. 1 Montgomery—Montgomery National to 9. Oeala—Munroe & Chambliss NaBank. tional Bank. Moorefield—South Branch Valley 1 to 3, 5 to 9 Orlando—First National Bank & National Bank. Trust Co. Parkersburg—Parkersburg National 1 to 9. Palatka—Putnam National Bank... Bank. to 9. 1 Pensacola—Citizens & Peoples NaSt. Marys—First National Bank tional Bank. Welch—McDowell County National Ito9. St. Augustine—St. Augustine NaBank in Welch. tional Bank. Williamson1 Sanford—Sanford Atlantic National First National Bank to 9. Bank. National Bank of Commerce 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1,2,3, and 5. Ito4. Ito9. 1 to 8. 1 to 9. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 272 ANNUAL KEPOKT OF THE FEDERAL, RESERVE BOARD Powers granted DISTRICT NO. 6—Continued DISTRICT NO. 6—Continued TENNESSEE FLORIDA—continued Sarasota—Palmer National Bank & Trust Co. TampaExchange National Bank First National Bank Winter Haven—Snell National Bank in Winter Haven. GEORGIA Albany—City National Bank Athens—National Bank of Athens. _. AtlantaFirst National Bank Fulton National Bank Augusta—National Exchange Bank.. Barnesville—First National Bank Brunswick—National Bank of Brunswick. Cartersvilla—First National Bank... Columbus— First National Bank Fourth National Bank. Dalton—First National Bank Dawson—Dawson City National Bank. Elberton-First National Bank La Grange—La Grange National Bank. Louisville—First National Bank Macon—First National Bank & Trust Co. Mqultrie—Moultrie National Bank.. Quitman—Peoples-First N at io n al " Bank. RomeFirst National Bank. National City Bank Savannah— Citizens & Southern National Bank. Liberty National Bank& Trust Co. Thomasviile—First National Bank... Winder—Winder National Bank Powers granted 1 to 3, 5 to 7 and 9. (See also District No. 8) Bristol—First National Bank ChattanoogaFirst National Bank Hamilton National Bank Clarksville—First National Bank___. Copperhill—First National Bank of Polk County. Decherd—First National Bank of Ito9. Franklin County. 1 to 4. Dickson—Citizen National Bank Fayetteville— 1 to 9. Elk National Bank 1 to 9. First National Bank 1 to 9. Gallatin—First & Peoples National 1 to 8. Bank. 1 to 9. Greeneville—First National Bank Johnson City—Unaka and City Ito9. National Bank. Kingsport—First National Bank 1 to 9. Knoxville— 1 to 9. East Tennessee National Bank—. 1 to 5, Hamilton National Bank ! 1 to 3, 5 to9. Lewisburg—First National Bank Morristown—First National Bank... 1 to 9. NashvilleAmerican National Bank 1 to 8, Broadway National Bank. 1 to 9. Third National Bank Shelbyville—Peoples National Bank. 1 to 9. South Pittsburg—First National 1 toO. Bank. 1 to 8. Springfield—First National Bank 1 to 9. 1 to 8. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1,3 to 9. 1 to 8. 1 to 3 and 5. 1 to 3, 5 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 7 and 91 Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 8. 1. Ito9. 1 to 7 and 9. I to 9. 1 to 3, 5 to 9. Ito9. 2, 3, 5 to 7, and 9. Tullahoma—Traders National Bank. Ito9. Winchester—Farmers National Bank 1 to 3, 5 to 9 DISTRICT NO. 7 ILLINOIS (See also District No. 8) Amboy—First National Bank Aurora— Aurora National Bank (See also District No. 11) First National Bank in Aurora Merchants National Bank Hammond—Citizens National Bank. 1 to 9. Old Second National Bank 1 to 9. La Fayette—First National Bank Batavia— Lake Charles— Batavia National Bank First National Bank Calcasieu National Bank in Lake 1 to 9. Belvidere—Second National Bank Charles. 1 to 9. First National Bank.. Berwyn—First American National New Orleans—Whitney National 1 to 9. Bank & Trust Co. Bank. Bloomington— First National Bank «V Trust Co. MISSISSIPPI Blue Island—First National Bank Bushnell—First National Bank (See also District No. 8) Cambridge—Farmers National Bank 1 to 5. Biloxi—First National Bank. CantonCanton—First National Bank 1 to 4. Canton National Bank First National Bank Hattiesburg—First National Bank«_. Ito9. Casey—First National Bank Jackson1 to 9, Capital National Bank.. Charleston—National Trust Bank... Jackson State National Bank 1 to 7 and 9. ChicagoContinental National Bank & LaurelTrust Co. Commercial National Bank & 1 to 9. First National Bank of EngleTrust Co. wood. First National Bank _. Ito9. McComb City—First National Bank. 1.2, and 3. Hyde Park-Kenwood National Meridian—Citizens National Bank... 1 to 9. Bank. Jackson Park National Bank Natchez—Britton & Koontz Na- 1, 6, and 7. Jefferson Park National Bank tional Bank. Lawndale National Bank Vicksburg— Mutual National Bank First National Bank & Trust Co 1 to 9. National Builders Bank __. Merchants National Bank & 1 to 9. Trust Co. Peoples National Bank & Trust Yazoo City—Delta National Bank... Ito9. Co. LOUISIANA Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. 1. 1 to 3, 5 to 8. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. Ito8. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito8. 1 to 4. 1 to 9. Ito9. Ito4. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. Ito9. 273 FIDUCIARY POWERS Powers granted DISTRICT NO. 7—Continued DISTRICT NO. 7—Continued ILLINOIS—continued Chicago—Continued. Roseland National Bank Straus National Bank & Trust Co. Terminal National Bank Chicago Heights—First National Bank & Trust Co. Chillieothe—First National Bank DanvilleFirst National B«nk Palmsr American National Bank. Second National Bank Decatur— Citizens National Bank MilJikin National Bank.. National Bank of Decatur Des Plaines—First National Bank... Dixon—Dixon National Bank Dundee—First National Bank El Paso—Woodford County National Bank. Evanston—City National Bank & Trust Co. Freeport—First National Bank Galesburg—First Galesburg National Bank & Trust Co. Ilarvey—First National Bank Havana—Havana National Bank Henry—First National Bank Joliet— First National Bank Joliet National Bank | Kankakee—City National Bank Xnoxville—Farmers National Bank... Lake Forest—First National Bank... La Salle—La Salle National Bank & Trust Co. Libertyville— First National Bank Lake County National Bank Lincoln—Lincoln National Bank M acorn b—Union National Bank Marengo—First National Bank Marseilles—First National Bank Mattoon—National Bank of Mattoon Monticello—First National Bank Morris—Grundy County National Bank. Naperville—First National Bank Ottawa—First National Bank Paris— Citizens National Bank Edgar County National Bank Pekin—American National Bank Peoria— Central National Bank & Trust Co. Commercial Merchants National Bank & Trust Co. First National Bank Pontiac—National Bank of Pontiac.. Princeton—Citizens National Bank.. Riverside—First National Bank Rockford— Commercial National Bank Forest City National Bank Rockford National Bank Swedish-American National Bank Third National Bank St. Charles—St. Charles National Bank. Savanna—First National Bank Springfield—Illinois National Bank.. Streator—Union National Bank Waukegan—First National Bank Wilmette—First National Bank Woodstock—American N a t i o n a l Bank. Powers granted INDIANA (See also District No. 8) 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Albion—Albion National Bank Attica—Central National Bank & Trust Co. 1 to 9. Auburn—City National Bank 1 to 9. Aurora- First National Bank. 1 to 9. Batesville—First National Bank Bloomington—• 1 to 9. Blooxninerton National Bank First National Bank 1 to Q. Bluffton—Old First National Bank_. 1 to 8. BrazilCitizens National Bank 1 to ? 1 to 9. Riddell National Bank 1 to 9. Brookville— 1 to 9. Franklin County National Bank. 1 to 9. National Brookville Bank ... 1 to 9. Cambridge City—First National 1 to 9. Bank & Trust Co. Clay City—First National Bank 1 to 9. Clinton—First National Bank. Cloverdale—First National Bank 1 to 9. Columbus-—First National Bank i to 9. Crawfordsville— Citizens National Bank 1 to 9. First National Bank. 1 to 9. Dana—First National Bank 1 to 7. Dyer—First National Bank East Chicago— 1 to 9. First National Bank in East Chicago. 1 to 9. Union National Bank ol Indiana 1 to 4. Harbor at East Chicago. 1 to 9. Elkhart—First National Bank 1 to 9. Elwood—First National Bank 1 to 9. Fort W a y n e Lincoln National Bank & Trust Co. 1 to 9. Old-First National Bank & Trust 1 to 9. Co. 1 to 9. Franklin—Citizens National Bank... 1 to 9. Garv— 1 to 9. First National Bank . 1 to 4. National Bank of America 1 to 9. Goshen—City National Bank 1 to 9. Greencastle—First National Bank 1 to 9. Greensburg— Citizens Third National Bank & 1 to 9. Trust Co. 1 to 9. Greenwood—First National Bank Hammond—Hammond National 1 to 9. Bank & Trust Co. 1 to 9. Hartford City—First National Bank. 1 to 9. Indianapolis— Fletcher American National Bank 1 to 9 Indiana National Bank Merchants National Bank... .. 1 to 9. Kendallville—Citizens National Bank Knightstown—Citizens N a t i o n a l 1 to 9. Bank. 1 to 9. 1 to 3, 5 to 8. La Fayette— First-Merchants National Bank.. 1 to 9. National Fowler Bank La Porte—First National Bank & 1 to 9 Trust Co. 1 to 9. Lebanon—First National Bank 1 to 4. Liberty—Union County National 1 to 9. Bank. 1 to 8, Lowell—Lowell National Bank _ 1 to 9. Marion— First National Bank 1 to 8. Marion National Bank 1 to 9. Martinsville—First National Bank__ 1 to 9. Michigan C i t y 1 to 9. First National Bank 1 to 9. Merchants National Bank. 1 to 9. Mishawaka—First National Bank 9 3, 5, and 8 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 7 and 9 1 to 9. 1 to 7. 1 to 9. 1 to 4. 1 toP. 1 to 8. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 0. 1 to 9. 1 to 1 to 1 to 1 to 4. 9. 3. 4. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 8. Ito8. 1 1 1 1 to 9. to 9. to 9. to 9. 1 to 9. I to 9. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 7 and 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 3, 5 to 7, and 9. 1 to 8. 1 to 8. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 3. ltoS. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 7. Ito9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 274 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD Powers granted DISTRICT NO. 7—Continued INDIANA—continued Monrovia—First National Bank Monterey—First National Bank Montezuma—First National Bank.._ Montpelier—First National Bank Mulberry—Citizens National Bank.. Muncie—Delaware County National Bank. New Carlisle—First National Bank.. New Castle—Farmers & First National Bank. Noblesville—American National Bank. Peru—First National Bank... _. Plainfield—First National Bank & Trust Co. Plymouth—First National Bank of Marshall County. Remington—Farmers National Bank. Richmond— First National Bank Second National Bank Rising Sun—National Bank of Rising Sun. Rochester—First National Bank Rockville—Rockville National Bank. Rushville— American National Bank.. Rush County National Bank Rushville National Bank. Russiaville—First National Bank Shelbyville— Farmers National Bank First National Bank Shelby National Bank South BendCitizens National Bank Merchants National Bank _. Swayzee—First National Bank Terre Haute— First-McKeen National Bank & Trust Co. Terre Haute National Bank & Trust Co. Thorntown—Home National Bank.. Tipton—Citizens National Bank Wabash—Farmers & Wabash National Bank. Whiteland—Whiteland N a t i o n a l Bank. IOWA Akron—First National Bank Arlington—American National Bank. Aurelia—First National Bank _ Belle Plaine—Citizens National Bank Boone—First National Bank._ Buffalo Center—First National Bank. Cedar Falls—Cedar Falls National Bank. Cedar Rapids—Merchants National Bank. Charles CityCitizens National Bank.. Commercial National Bank Charter Oak—First National Bank.. Clinton—City National Bank.., Colfax—First National Bank Columbus Junction—Louisa County i National Bank. ! Coon Rapids—First National Bank.. Council BluffsCity National Bank First National Bank Cresco—First National Bank Powers granted DISTRICT NO. 7—Continued IOWA—continued Ito4. Creston—First National Bank 1 to 3, 5 to 9 Decorah—National Bank of DecorahIto8. Des Moines— 1 to 9. Central National Bank & Trust 1 to 9. Co. 1 to 9. Iowa-Des Moines National Bank & Trust Co. Ito9. Dubuque— Ito9. Consolidated National Bank First National Bank Ito9. Dysart—Dysart National Bank Eldon—First National Bank_ 1 to 9. Eldora—First National Bank 1 to 9. Everly—First National Bank Fairfield—First National Bank 1 and 4. Fonda—First National Bank Fort Dodge—Fort Dodge National 1 to 3, 5 to 8 Bank. Gladbrook—First National Bank 1 to 9. Graettinger— First National Bank 1 to 9. Grinnell—Poweshiek C o u n t y 1 to 9. National Bank. Hampton—Citizens National Bank.. 1 to 5,7, and Harlan—Harlan National Bank Hawarden—First National Bank 9. Humboldt—First National Bank...., 1 to 9. Indianola—First National Bank Ito9. Jewell Junction—First National 1 to 4. Bank. Ito4. Kanawha—First National Bank 1 to 3,5 to 9. Keokuk—Keokuk National Bank Kingsley—Farmers National Bank.. Ito9. Knoxville—Knoxville National Bank Ito9. & Trust Co. Ito9. LeMars—First National Bank Mason City—First National Bank... Ito9. Muscatine—First National Bank 1 to 9. Newell—First National Bank.. 1 to 9. Odebolt—First National Bank Oelwein—First National Bank. Ito9. Orange City—Orange City National Bank. Ito9. Oskaloosa—Oskaloosa National Bank. Ito8. Paullina—First National Bank Ito9. Perry—First National Bank 1 to 7. Peterson—First National Bank Primghar—First National Bank 1 to 4. Red Oak—First National Bank Remsen—First National Bank Rippey—First National Bank Rockwell City—Rockwell City National Bank. 1 to 9. Sheffield—First National Bank 1 to 3. Sibley—First National Bank 1 to 9. Sioux City1 to 3, 5 to 9. Live Stock National Bank 1 to 7 and 9. Security National Bank 1 to 9. Toy National Bank _. 1 to 7 and 9. Spencer—Clay County National Bank. 1 to 4. Stanton—First National Bank Storm Lake—Citizens First National Bank. 1 to 9. Story City—First National Bank 1 to 9. Thornton—First National Bank 1,2,3, and 5. Tipton—Tipton National Bank 1 to 9. Washington—Washington National 1 to 3,5 to 9. Bank. 1,2,3, and 5. WaterlooCommercial National Bank 1 to 9. Pioneer National Bank Waverly— First National Bank 1 to 8. Webster City1 to 9. Farmers National Bank._ First National Bank Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9 1 to 9 Ito9 1 to 9 1 to 9 1 to 7. 1 to 8 1 to 4, Ito8. 1 to 3. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 8. 1,2, 3, 5 to 8. 1 to 4. 1 to 3. 1 to 9. 1 to 3. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 3, 5 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 8. 1 to 9. 1 to 4. Ito7. Ito9. 1 to 3. 1 to 7 and 9. Ito9. 1 to 4. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 8. 1,2^3, 5 to8. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 3. Ito9. 1 to 9. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 8. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 8. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 4. Ito9. Ito9. 275 FIDUCIARY POWEES Powers granted Powers granted DISTRICT NO. 7—Continued DISTRICT NO. 7—Continued MICHIGAN WISCONSIN—continued (See also District No. 9) Kenosha—United States National Adrian—National Bank of Commerce. Ann Arbor—First National Bank & Trust Co. -battle ureeK— Central Co. National Bank & Trust City National Bank & Trust Co. Old Merchants National Bank & Trust Co. Benton Harbor—Farmers & Merchants National Bank & Trust Co. Birmingham—First National Bank_« Charlotte—First National Bank Coldwater— Coldwater National Bank Southern Michigan National Bank. Detroit—Guardian National Bank of Commerce. Flint—First National Bank & Trust Co. Grand Rapids—Grand Rapids National Bank. Hillsdale-First National Bank Ionia—National Bank of Ionia Jackson—Union & Peoples National Bank. Kalamazoo—First National Bank & Trust Co. Lansing—Capital National Bank Lapeer—First National Bank... Ludington—First National Bank & Trust Co. Monroe—First National Bank Muskegon—Hackley Union National Bank. Niles—City National Bank & Trust Co. Petoskey—First National Bank Pontiac—First National Bank & Trust Co. Port Huron—First National Trust & Savings Bank. Quincy—First National Bank St. Johns—St. Johns National Bank.. Saginaw—Second National Bank & Trust Co. Union City—Union City National Bank. Wyandotte—First National Bank 2,3,5, and 8. Lake Geneva—First National Bank.. Madison—Commercial N a t i o n a l Bank. Ito9. Manitowoc—First National Bank in M^anitowoc. 1 to 9. Marinette—First National Bank Marshfield—American N a t i o n a l Bank. 1 to 8. Menasha—First National Bank Ito9. MilwaukeeMarine National Exchange Bank. 1 to 9. National Bank of Commerce Monroe—First National Bank 1 to 5. 2,3,5, and 8. Neenah—National Manufacturers Bank. 2,3,5, and 8. Neillsville—First National Bank Oshkosh—City National Bank Ito9. Platteville—First National Bank Racine—First National Bank & Ito8. Trust Co. Ripon—First National Bank Ito9. Shawano—Wisconsin National Bank. Sheboygan—Security National Bank. Ito9. Sparta—Farmers National Bank 1 to 5 and 8. Stevens PointCitizens National Bank 1 to 9. First National Bank 1 to 9. Viroqua—First National Bank. Waukesha— 1 to 9. National Exchange Bank Waukesha National Bank___ 1 to 4. 2,3,5, and 8. Waupun—National Bank of Waupun. 2,3,5, and 8. Wausau— American National Bank First National Bank 1 to 9. West Bend—First National Bank Ito9. Wisconsin Rapids—First National Bank. Ito9. 1 to 4. DISTRICT NO. 8 1 to 9. 2.3.5. and 8. 2,3,5, and 8. 1 to 8. 2,3,5, and 8. 1 to 9. llOBal J3HDK. El Dorado—First National Bank Fayetteville—First National Bank... Fordyce—First National Bank Fort SmithCity National Bank First National Bank. Merchants National Bank Hot Springs—Arkansas N a t i o n a l Marianna—Lee (See also District No. 9) Hartford—First National Janesville—First NationalBank Bank Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. 1 and 4. 1 to 9. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 3. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 8. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito8. 1 to 9. 1 to 4. Ito8. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. ARKANSAS 1 to 9. WISCONSIN Antigo— First National Bank... Langlade National Bank Baraboo—First National Bank & Trust Co. Beaver Dam— American National Bank. Old National Bank. Beloit—Second National Bank Berlin—First National Bank Brillion—First National Bank.. Chilton—Chilton National Bank Clintonville—First National Bank... Darlington—First National Bank Edgerton—First National Bank Fond du Lac— Commercial National Bank First Fond du Lac National Bank Green Bay—Kellogg Citizens Na- J J U D K O£ JL r U S t KJO. Ito8. 1 to 3.5 to 8. Ito9. County National Newport—First National Bank Paris—First National Bank Pine Bluff—Simmons National Bank. Texarkana—State National Bank 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. Ito9, 1 to 8. Ito9. 1 to 9. Ito9. ILLINOIS (See also District No. 7) Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 8. Ito9. 1 to 4. Ito8. 1 to 8. Ito8. 1 to 8. Ito9. 1 to 7 and 9. Ito9. Alton—First National Bank& Trust Co. in Alton. Anna—First National Bank BellevilleBelleville National Bank First National Bank... St. Clair National Bank Benld—First National Bank of Benld. Breese—First National Bank Bridgeport—First National Bank Bunker Hill—First National Bank... Carlinville—Carlinville N a t i o n a l Carlyle—First National Bank Car mi—National Bank of Carmi 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 3,5 to 8. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 276 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD Powers granted DISTRICT NO. 8—Continued DISTRICT NO. 8—Continued ILLINOIS—continued Centralia—Old National Bank Edwardsville—Edwardsville National Bank & Trust Co. Effingham—First National Bank Highland—First National Bank Jacksonville—Ayers National Bank.. Jonesboro—First National Bank La wrenceville—First National Bank. Lebanon—First National Bank Mascoutah—First National Bank Metropolis—City National Bank Millstadt—-First*National Bank Mount Carmel—American - F i r s t National Bank. Murphysboro—First National BankNashville— Farmers & Merchants National Bank. First National Bank National Stock Yards—National Stock Yards National Bank of National City. Nokorais—Nokomis National Bank._ O'Fallon—First National Bank. Pittsfield—First National Bank Sparta—First National Bank Vandalia—First National Bank Powers granted KENTUCKY—continued 1 to 9. Ito3, 5 to 7, and 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 4. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 4. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Columbia—First National Bank & Trust Co. DanvilleCitizens National Bank. Farmers National Bank. Elizabethtown— First-Hardin National Bank Union National Bank.. 1 to 3, 5 to 8. 1 to 9. 1 to 8. 1 to 9. 1 to 3, 5, 6,8, and 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 5. 1 to 9. Frankfort—State National Bank Glasgow—Farmers National Bank Harrodsburg—First-Mercer National Bank. Henderson—Henderson N a t i o n a l 1 to 9. Bank. 1 to 8. Lawrenceburg— Anderson National Bank. 1 to 9. 1 to 3, 5 to 9. Lawrenceburg National Bank 1 to 8. 1 to 9. Lebanon1 to 9. Citizens National Bank 1 to 9. Farmers National Bank 1 to 9. Marion National Bank.. 1 to 6. 1 to 3. Louisville1 to 9. Citizens Union National Bank... 1 to 9. 1 to 9. First National Bank _ ._. 1 to 9. 1 to 3, 5 to 7. Madisonville—Farmers N a t i o n a l 1 to 9. 1 to 8 Bank. L to 9. Mayfield—First National Bank Morganfield—Morganfield National I to 4. INDIANA Bank. 1 to 9. (See also District No. 7) Murray—First National Bank Deposit Bank 1 to 9. 1 to 3, 5 to 9. Owensboro—National Bedford—Bedford National Bank of Owensboro. 1 to 9. Bicknell—First National Bank Paducah—Peoples National Bank... 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Boonville—First National Bank. Brownstown—First National Bank.. 1 to 3, 5 to 7, Princeton— 1 to 9. Farmers National Bank and 9. First National Bank 1 to 3, 5 to 9. Cannelton—Cannelton National 1 to 3,5 to 8. Bank. MISSISSIPPI Evansville— 1 to 9. National City Bank . (See also District No. 6) 1 to 9. Old National Bank Columbus—First Columbus National 1 to 9. Fort Branch—Farmers & Merchants 1 to 9. Bank. National Bank. 1 to 4. 1 to 7. Greenville—First National Bank Linton—First National Bank__ 1 to 9. 1 to 9. West Point—First National Bank Madison—First National Bank 1 to 5. Mitchell—First National Bank MISSOURI New Albany—New Albany National 1 to 9. Bank. (See also District No. 10) Orleans—National Bank of Orleans. _ 1 Petersburg—First National Bank 2, 3, and 5. Boonville—Boonville National Bank. 1 to 9. Princeton1 to 3, 5 to 7, Carrollton—First National Bank 1 to 8. Farmers National Bank Columbia— and 9 Boone County National Bank.._. 1 to 9. Peoples American National Bank. 1 to 8. Exchange National Bank 1 to 4. 1 to 9. Rockport—First National Bank Hannibal—Hannibal National Bank. I t o 9 . Seymour—Seymour National Bauk... 1 to 9. Jefferson City— Sullivan—Peoples National Bank & I t o 9 . Exchange National Bank__. 1 to 9. Trust Co. First National Bank 1 to 9. Tell C i t y 1 to 8. Kirksville—Citizens National Bank.. 1 to 7 and 9 Luxemburg—Lafayette N a t i o n a l Citizens National Bank 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Tell City National Bank Bank & Trust Co. 1 to 9. Vevay—First National Bank 1 to 9. Monett—First National Bank Vincennes— 1 to 9. Pierce City—First National Bank Ito9. American National Bank 1 to 9. St. Charles—First National Bank Ito9. First National Bank St. Louis— Wadesville—Farmers National Bank- 1 to 9. Boatmen's National Bank........ 1 to 9. Washington— 1 to 4. First National Bank Peoples National Bank & Trust 1 to 9. Mercantile Commerce National 1 to 9. Co. Bank in St. Louis. 1 to 9. Washington National Bank 1 to 9. Plaza National Bank _ St. Louis National Bank Ito9. KENTUCKY Security National Bank, Savings Ito9. & Trust Co. (See also District No. 4) South Side National Bank Ito9. Bowling Green—American National 1 and 4. Vandeventer National Bank 1. Bank. Sedalia— Carrollton— Third National Bank 1 to 3, 5 to 7. 1 to 9. Carroilton National Bank Sedalia National Bank Ito9. 1 to 9. First National Bank. Springfield—Union National Bank... Ito9. 1 to 9. Trenton—Trenton National Bank Clay—Farmers National Bank 1 to 9. Digitized forClinton—First FRASER National Bank__ Ito9. Unionville—Marshall National Bank. 1 t o 3, 5 -. > ' 277 FIDUCIARY POWEES DISTRICT NO. 8—Continued DISTRICT NO. 9—Continued TENNESSEE MINNESOTA—continued (See also District No. 6) Northfield—Northfield National Bank & Trust Co. Owatonna—First National BankPark Rapids—First National BanV Proctor—First National Bank Red WingFirst National Bank Goodhue County National Bank. Red Wing National Bank & Trust Co. Rochester—First National Bank St. P a u l American National Bank Empire National Bank & Trust Co. First National Bank Midway National Bank Twin Cities National Bank St. Peter—First National Bank Spring Valley—First National Bank. Stillwater—First National Bank Truman—Truman National Bank. _. Virginia—American Exchange National Bank. Waseca—Farmers National Bank West Concord—First National Bank. Windom—First National Bank Winona— First National Bank... Winona National & Savings Bank. Dyersburg—First-Citizens National Bank. JacksonFirst National Bank National Bank of Commerce Security National Bank MemphisFirst National Bank Union-Planters National Bank & Trust Co. Union City—Old National Bank Ito9. Ito9. DISTRICT NO. 9 MICHIGAN (See also District No. 7) Calumet—First National Bank Hancock—First National Bank Houghton— Citizens National Bank._ Houghton National Bank Iron Mountain—United States National Bank. Ironwoqd—Gogebic National Bank.-. Ishpeming—Miners National Bank_. Lake Linden—First National Bank.. Laurium—First National Bank Marquette— First National Bank & Trust Co. Union National Bank,_ Menominee— First National Bank Lumbermen's National Bank Munising—First National Bank of Alger County, Negaunee— First National Bank... Negaunee National Bank 2,3,5, and 8. 2,3,5, and 8. 2, 3,5, and 8. 2,3,5, and 8. Mankato—First National Bank & Trust Co. Minneapolis— First National Bank Midland National Bank & Trust Co. Northwestern National Bank 1 to fl. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 8. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 3,5 to 8. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. MONTANA 2,3,5, and 8. Ito3. MINNESOTA Albert L e a First National Bank Freeborn County National Bank & Trust Co. Austin—First National Bank Bemidji—First National Bank Blooming Prairie—First National Bank. Chatfleld—First National Bank Duluth— City National Bank _ First & American National Bank. Minnesota National Bank Northern National Bank Eveleth—First National Bank FairmontFirst National Bank Martin County National Bank.. Faribault—Security National Bank & Trust Co. Fergus FallsFergus Falls National Bank & Trust Co. First National Bank _ Hastings—First National Bank Hutchinson—Farmers N a t i o n a l Bank. Little Falls—First National Bank.... 1 to 9 Ito8. Ito9. Ito8. 1 to 9. 1,2,3, and 5. 1 to 5. BillingsMidland National Bank 1 to 9. Montana National Bank— 1 to 9. Bozeman—Commercial N a t i o n a l I t o 4 . Bank. Deer Lodge—United States National 1 to 5, 7, Bank. and 8. Dillon—First National Bank 1 to 7 and 9. Great FallsFirst National Bank 1 to 9. Great Falls National Bank 1 to 4. Helena—First National Bank & 1 to 7 and 9. Trust Co. Kalispell—First National Bank 1 to 4. Lewistown—National Bank of 1 to 9. Livingston—National Park Bank in 1 to 9. Livingston. Miles City—First National Bank 1 to 9. Missoula— First National Bank 1 to 7 and 9. Western Montana National 1 to 8. Bank. 1 to 9 1 to 9. NORTH DAKOTA Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 3, 5 to 9. Bismarck—Dakota National Bank & Trust Co. Ito9. First National Bank.. 1 to 9. Dickinson—First National Bank Ito9. Ellendale—First National Bank. Fargo— First National Bank & Trust Co. 1 to 8. Merchants National Bank & Trust Co. 1 to 9. Grafton—Grafton National Bank 1 to 9. Grand ForksIto9. First National Bank Red River National Bank & 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, Trust Co. 8, and 9. Jamestown— 1 to 9. James River National Bank & Trust Co. National Bank & Trust Co 1 to 9. Minot— 1 to 8. First National Bank & Trust Co_ Union National Bank & Trust CoJ 1 to 9. 1 and 9. Ito9. 1 to 4. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 278 ANNXJAL REPORT OF T H E FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD Powers granted DISTRICT NO. 9—Continued Powers granted DISTRICT NO. 10—Continued COLORADO—continued NORTH DAKOTA—continued Valley C i t y American National Bank & Trust I t o 9 . Co. National Bank of Valley City.... I t o 9 . Denver—Continued Stock Yards National Bank United States National Bank Durango—Burns National Bank Eagle—First National Bank of Eagle SOUTH DAKOTA County. Englewood—First National Bank AberdeenFlorence—First National Bank ... Aberdeen National Bank & Trust 1 to 9. Fort CollinsCo. First National Bank _ First National Bank & Trust Co_ 1 to 9. Fort Collins National Bank Arlington—First National Bank Ito4. Poudre Valley National Bank.... Brookings—Security National Bank.. 1 to 9. Fort Morgan—First National Bank.. Canton—First National Bank 1 to 9. Glenwood Springs—First National Chamberlain—First National Bank I t o 9 . Bank. & Trust Co. Golden—Rubey National Bank. Clear Lake—Deuel County National I t o 9 . Grand Junction—Grand Valley Na"Ronlr tional Bank. uanK. 1 to 9. Greeley— Deadwood—First National National Bank Bank Flandreau—First 1 to 3. First National Bank... Huron—National Bank of Huron 1 to 9. Greeley Union National Bank Lake Norden—First National Bank 1 to 3, 5 to 8. Gunnison—First National Bank & Trust Co. Hugo—First National Bank— Lead—First National Bank 1 to 9. Lamar—Lamar National Bank Miller—First National Bank 1 to 9. Las Animas—First National Bank... Rapid City—First National Bank. 1 to 7 and 9. Longmont— Sioux FallsFirst National Bank.__ Citizens National Bank & Trust I t o 9 . Longmont National Bank Co. Loveland—First National Bank First National Bank & Trust Co. 1 to 8. Security National Bank & Trust I t o 9 . Mancos—First National Bank Co. " Montrose—Montrose National Bank. Vermilion—First National Bank & 1 to 9. Ordway—First National Bank rp«-1-.c,-f /"ir< 1 rUaC VJO. Ito9. Ito9. 1 to 7. Ito4. 1 to 4. 1 to 9. Ito4. 1 to 9. 1 to 7 and 9. Ito4. 1 to 3, 5 to 7. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 3. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 4, 6, and 7. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1. i rinioaQ— Watertown— Citizens National Bank & Trust I t o 9 . Co. First National Bank & Trust Co. ltoQ. Yankton—First Dakota National 1 to 9. Bank & Trust Co. WISCONSIN (See also District No. 7) Ashland— Ashland National Bank. Northern National Bank Barron—First National Bank _. Chippewa FallsFirst National Bank Lumbermens National Bank Eau Claire—Union National Bank... Menomonie—First National Bank... SuperiorFirst National Bank. National Bank of Commerce United States National Bank DISTRICT NO. 10 COLORADO BoulderBoulder National Bank National State Bank Brush—First National Bank Canon C i t y First National Bank Fremont County National Bank. Center—First National Bank Colorado SpringsColorado Springs National Bank. Exchange National Bank First National Bank Craig—Craig National Bank DenverAmerican National Bank Colorado National Bank Denver National Bank First National Bank...,, 1 to 3. First National Bank Trinidad National Bank 1 to 9. Walsenburg—First National Bank... 1 to 9. KANSAS AnthonyCitizens National Bank First National Bank Arkansas City—Home National Bank. Atchison—City National Bank Chanute—First National Bank Ito9. Coffeyville— 1 to 7 and 9. Condon National Bank Ito3. First National Bank ._, Dodge City—First National Bank... 1 to 9. Emporia— 1 to 9. Citizens National Bank 1 to 9. Commercial National Bank & 1 to 9. Trust Co. Fort Scott—Citizens National Bank.. 1 to 7. Great Bend—First National Bank... 1 to 9. Horton—First National Bank 1 to 9. Hutchinson— American National Bank.. Exchange National Bank First National Bank ._ Independence— Citizens First National _ Ito4. Security National Bank Ito9. Jewel City—First National Bank... 1 to 3, 5 to 8. Kansas City—Peoples N a t i o n a l Bank. Ito9. Larnod—First National Bank in 1 to 4. Larned. Ito4. LawrenceFirst National Bank Ito9. Lawrence National Bank 1 to 9. Leavenworth—First National Bank.. Ito9. Luray—First National Bank Ito9. ManhattanFirst National Bank Ito7. Union National Bank Ito9. Ottawa—Peoples National Bank 1 to 9. Paola—Miami County National Ito9. Bank. Ito8. 1 to 4. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. Ito9. 1 to 3, 5 to 9. 1 to 3 and 5. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 7 and 9. 1 to 9. Ito4. Ito9. 1 to 8. 1 to 4. Ito9. Ito9. Ito3. Ito9. 1 to 3 and 5 Ito8. Ito8. 1. Ito3. Ito9. 1 to 9. Ito4. Ito9. 279 FIDUCIARY POWEBS Powers granted DISTRICT NO. 10—Continued DISTRICT NO. 10—Continued KANSAS—continued NEW MEXICO—continued Farmington—First National Bank Pratt—First National Bank 1 to 9. Gailup—First National Bank in GalSabetha—National Bank of Sabetha- 1 to 4. lup. Salina— Farmers National Bank 1 to 5 and 8 Raton—First National Bank in Raton. Santa Fe—First National Bank National Bank of America 1 to 9. Topeka—National Bank of Topeka_. 1 to 9. OKLAHOMA Troy—First National Bank 1 to 3. Wellington—First National Bank 1 to 9. Ada—First National Bank WichitaAnadarko—First National Bank First National Bank 1 to 9. Ardmore—First National Bank Fourth National Bank 1 to 9. Bartlesville— Southwest National Bank 1 to 9. First National Bank Union National Bank Ito9. Union National Bank Winfield— Blackwell—First National Bank First National Bank 1 to 9. Bristow—American National Bank.. Winfield National Bank _ 1 to 9. Broken Arrow—First National Bank. Cleveland—First National Bank MISSOURI Dewey—First National Bank Enid(See also District No. 8) Central National Bank First National Bank.Cameron—First National Bank 1 to 3. Guthrie—First National Bank Carthage—Central National Bank 1 to 3. Holdenville—First National Bank... Independence—First National Bank. 1 to 9 HominyJoplin—Joplin National Bank & 1 to 9. First National Bank Trust Co. National Bank of Commerce Kansas City— Columbia National Bank 1 to 4 and 9. Hooker—First National Bank Lawton—City National Bank Drovers National Bank 1 to 9. Fidelity National Bank & Trust 1 to 9. Me Alester—First National Bank Co. Miami—First National Bank First National Bank 1 to 9. Muskogee— Interstate National Bank 1 to 9. Commercial National Bank Stockyards National Bank. 1 to 9. First National Bank & Trust Co. Traders Gate City National 1 to 9. NormanBank. First National Bank Neosho—First National Bank 1 to 3. Security National Bank Plattsburg—First National Bank 1 to 9. Okemah— St. JosephFirst National Bank American National Bank 1 to 4. Okemah National Bank Burns National Bank _ 1 to 4. Oklahoma CityTootle-Lacey National Bank 1 to 8. City National Bank & Trust Co. Fidelity National Bank.. NEBRASKA First National Bank & Trust Co.. Liberty National Bank. Belden—First National B a n k . . . . 1 to 3, 5 to 9. Butte—First National B a n k . . 1 to 3. Tradesmens National Bank. David City—First National B a n k . . . 1 to 9. Okmulgee— Central National Bank-Decatur—First National Bank. 1 to 3. Citizens National Bank Emerson—First National Bank 1 to 8. Shawnee— Genoa—Genoa National Bank 1 to 9. Federal National Bank Grand Island—First National Bank.. 1 to 9. Shawnee National Bank LincolnState National Bank ... Continental National Bank 1 to 9. Stillwater— First National Bank.__ j 1 to 9. First National Bank Lyons—First National Bank 1 to 3. Stillwater National Bank Madison—First National Bank 1 to 7 and 9. Tulsa— Nebraska City—Nebraska City Na- 1 to 9. Exchange National Bank tional Bank. First National Bank & Trust Co. OmahaNational Bank of Commerce First National Bank 1 to 9. Woodward—First National Bank Omaha National Bank 1 to 9. United States National Bank 1 to 9. WYOMING Osmond—First National Bank 1 to 9. Pender—First National Bank. 1, and 3 to 7. Buffalo—First National Bank Randolph—First National Bank j 1 to 9. CasperSouth Omaha— Casper National Bank Packers National Bank 1 to 9. Wyoming National Bank Stock Yards National Bank 4. Cheyenne— Utica—First National Bank ! 2 and 3. American National Bank-Wahoo—First National Bank 1 to 3, 5 to 9. Stock Growers National Bank--. Wayne—FirstJNTational Bank . . . | 1 to 9. NEW MEXICO I (See also District No. 11) j AlbuquerqueAlbuquerque National Trust & 1 to 9. Savings Bank. First National Bank ' 1 to 7 and 9. 125554—32 19 CodyFirst National Bank Shoshone National Bank Evanston—First National Bank--__. Kemmerer—First National Bank Laramie—First National Bank Powell—First National Bank Rawlins— First National Bank 2 and 3. 2 and 3. lto 7. 1 to 9. lto 9. l t o 9. lto 8. lto 8. 4. lto 9. lto 9. lto4, 6to9. lto 9. l t o 9. lto 9. l t o 9. lto 8. l t o 9. lto3, 5to9 lto 9. lto 3 and 5. 1 to 3, 5 to 7 and 9. lto3, 5to7. lto 9. lto 8. lto 9. lto 9. lto 9. lto 8. lto 9. l t o 4. l t o 9. lto 9. lto 9. 1 to 7 and 9. 1 to 9. lto 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 and 4. 1 to 9. lto 3, 5to9 2 and 3. lto 4. lto 5. lto 9. l t o 9. lto 9. 1 to 9. 1 and 4. l t o 3. lto 4. lto 3. lto 8. lto 9. 280 ANNUAL REPOET OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD Power?3 granted Powers granted DISTRICT NO. 10—Continued DISTRICT NO. 11—Continued WYOMING—continued TEXAS—continued Rawlins—Continued. Rawlins National Bank Rock Springs—Rock Springs National Bank. Sheridan—First National Bank _ Thermopolis—First National Bank-- Gainesville—First National Bank.... Galveston— City National Bank__ First National B a n k . . . Hutch ings-Sealy National Bank.. United States National Bank Granger—First National Bank Greenville—Greenville National Exchange Bank. Haskell—Haskell National Bank HoustonFirst National Bank National Bank of Commerce Second National B a n k . . South Texas Commercial National Bank. State National Bank Union National Bank Ttaly—First National Bank Kingsville—First National Bank La Grange—First National Bank Longview—First National Bank 1 to 3. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. DISTRICT NO. 11 ARIZONA (See also District No. 12) Nogales—First National Bank j 1 to 8. Tucson—Consolidated National Bankj 1 to 4. LOUISIANA (See also District No. 6) Homer—Homer National Bank Shreveport— Commercial National Bank First National Bank 1 to 8. 1 to 9. ....I 1 to 4. NEW MEXICO (See also District No, 10) Roswell—First National Bank 1 to 3. Silver City—American National Bankj 2 and 3. TEXAS Abilene— Citizens National Bank 1 to 9. Farmers & Merchants National 1 to 9. Bank. Albany—Albany National Bank j 4. Amarillo—First National Bank l to 9. AustinAmerican National Bank 1 to 0. Austin National Bank 1 to 9. BeaumontAmerican National Bank 1 to 9. City National Bank. _ 1 to 9. First National Bank 1 to 9. Texas National Bank 1 to 9. Bonham—First National Bank 1 to 3, 5 to 7. Brady—Brady National Bank 1 to 3 and 5. Brenham—First National Bank 1 to 7 and 9. BrownsvilleMerchants National Bank 1 to 9. State National Bank 1 to 9. Cameron—Citizens National Bank 1 to 9. Childress—First National Bank 1 to 9. Claris ville—First National Bank 1 to 3,5 to 8. Colorado—City National Bank 1 to 4. Corpus Christi— Corpus Christi Na- 1 to 7. tional Bank. Corsicana—First National Bank 1 to 9. DallasFirst National Bank 1 to 9. National Bank of Commerce 1 to 4. Republic National Bank & Trust 1 to 9. Co. Del Rio—Del Rio National Bank.___| 1 to 9. Denison— Citizens National Bank 1 to 9. State National Bank 1 to 9. El Paso— El Paso National Bank 1 to 9. State National Bank 1 to 9. Floresville—City National Bank 1 to 9. Fort W o r t h Continental National Bank 1 to 9. First National Bank 1, 2, and 4. Fort Worth National Bank 1 to 9. Stockyards National Bank | 1 to 4. Lubbock—First National Bank McKinney—Collin County National Bank. Marfa—Marfa National Bank MarshallFirst National Bank Marshall National Bank Midland—Midland National B a n k - . OrangeFirst National Bank Orange National Bank Palestine—Royall National Bank Paris—First National Bank Port A r t h u r First National Bank Merchants National Bank San Angelo— Central National Bank First National Bank San AntonioAlamo National Bank Frost National Bank Groos National Bank National Bank of Commerce Sherman—Merchants & Planters National Bank. Stanton—First National Bank Stephenville—Farmers-First National Bank. Terrell—American National Bank Texarkana — Texarkana National Bank. Troup—First National Bank TylerCitizens National Bank..— Peoples National Bank Victoria—Victoria National Bank..... WacoCitizens National Bank First National Bank Wichita F a l l s City National Bank First National Bank 1 to 9. 1 to 9. l t o 9. 1 to 9. l t o 9. 1 and 2. l t o 4. 1 to 3, 5 to 8. l t o 9. 1 to 7 and 9. 1 to 7 and 9. l t o 9. l t o 9. l t o 9. l t o 9. l t o 9. 1. 1 to 3, 5, and 8. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. l t o 9. 1 to 3 and 5. l t o 5. 1 to 9. lto lto lto lto 9, 9. 4. 9. l t o 4. l t o 9. l t o 4. l t o 9. l t o 9. l t o 9. 1 to 9. l t o 9. 1 to 9. l t o 3. l t o 9. l t o 8. l t o 9. l t o 9. l t o 9. l t o 4. l t o 9. l t o 8. l t o 9. l t o 9. DISTRICT NO. 12 ALASKA Fairbanks—First National Bank l t o 9. ARIZONA Phoenix—First National Bank_> Winslow—First National Bank. l t o 9. 1. 281 FIDUCIARY POWEES DISTRICT NO. 12-Continued CALIFORNIA Alhambra—First National Bank Ito9. Bakersfield—First National Bank 1 to 9. Beverly HillsBeverly Hills National Bank & Ito9. Trust Co. First National Bank Chieo—First National Trust .& Sav- 1 to 9. in pa Bank Fullerton—First National Trust & 1 to 8. Savings Bank. 1 to 9. Long Beach—California First National Bank. Ito9. Los Angeles— Citizens National Trust & Sav- 1 to 9. ings Bank. Farmers & Merchants National 1 to 9. Bank. Seaboard National Bank 1 to 9. Ito9. Security-First National Bank Mountain View—First National 4. Bank OaklandCentral National Bank. 1 to 9. First National Bank 1 to 9. Orange—First National Bank 1 to 9. Orland—First National Bank 4. Pasadena—Security National Bank.- Ito9. Pleasanton—First National Bank 4. Pomona—First National Bank.. 1 to 3. 5 to 7. Redwood City—First National Bank 1 to 3, 5, 7. of San Mateo County. to 9. Riverside—Citizens National Trust 1 to 9. & Savings Bank. Sacramento—Capital National Bank_ 1 to 9. Salinas—Salinas National Bank 4. San Bernardino—American National 1 to 9. Bank. San DiegoFirst National Trust & Savings 1 to 9. Bank. La Jolla National Bank.. Ito9. San FranciscoAnglo & London Paris National 1 to 9. Bank. Bank of America National Trust 1 to 9. & Savings Association. 1 to 9. Bank of California, N. A 1 to 9. Crocker First National Bank Pacific National Bank___ _. 1 to 3. 1 to 9. Santa Ana—First National Bank Santa Barbara— County National Bank & Trust ! 1 to 9. Co. First National Trust & Savings ! 1 to 9. Bank. Stockton—First National Bank _. 1 to 9. 1 to 5. Ventura—Union National Bank Whittier—Whittier National Trust j 1 to 9. & Savings Bank. Woodland—Bank of Woodland, N. A j 1 to 3, 5 to 7. IDAHO Boise1 to 9. Boise City National Bank. 1 to 5. First National Bank of Idaho Hagerman—First National Bank J 1. Hailey—Hailey National Bank 1 to 3. Idaho Falls—American National Bank. Lewiston—Lewiston National Bank.. 1 to 9. Moscow—First National Bank. 1 to 4. NEVADA Reno—First National Bank in Reno. 1 to 7 and 9. Tonopah—Nevada First National I 4 and 9. Bank. I DISTRICT NO. 12—Continued OREGON Ashland—First National Bank Athena—First National Bank. Corvallis—First National Bank Eugene—First National Bank Grants Pass—First National Bank of Southern Oregon. Harrisburg—First National Bank Hood River—First National Bank Junction City—First National Bank.. Klamath FallsAmerican National Bank First National Bank McTvl innville—United States National Bank. Marshfield— Coos Bay National Bank First National Bank of Coos Bay. Medford— First National Bank Medford National Bank Milton—First National Bank Newberg—United States National Bank of Newburg. Pendleton—First Inland National Bank. PortlandFirst National Bank , Peninsula National Bank United States National Bank Salem— First National Bank in Salem United States National Bank The Dalles—First National Bank 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 5. 1 to 3, 5 to 7, and 9. 1 to 3. 1 to 9. 1 to 3, 5 to 7, and 9. 1 to 8. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 4. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. UTAH Logan—First National Bank Ogden—First National Bank Price—First National Bank Salt Lake City— Continental National Bank & Trust Co. Deseret National Bank 1 to 9. 1. 2, 3, 5 to 8. 1 to 7 and 9. 1 to 4. WASHINGTON Aberdeen—Grays Harbor National Bank. Bellingham— American National Bank Bellingham National Bank First National Bank Northwestern National Bank Burlington—First National Bank Chechalis—First National Bank Colfax—Farmers National Bank Dayton—Columbia National Bank... Ellensburg—Washington National Bank. EverettCitizens Security National Bank. First National Bank Longview—First National Bank Mount VernonFirst National Bank „ Skagit National Bank Okanogan—First National Bank Olympia— Capital National Bank Olympia National Bank Port Angeles—First National Bank__ Pullman—First National Bank_ Raymond —First Willapa Harbor National Bank. Rosalia—Whitman County National Bank. 1 to 9. 1 to 3 and 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 5 and 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 7 and 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 5. 1 to 3. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 4. 1 to 9. 1 to 1 to 1 to 1 to 9. 9. 9. 7. Ito9. 1 to 9. 282 ANNUAL, REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD Powers granted DISTRICT NO. 12—Continued WASHINGTON—continued SeattleFirst National Bank _ __ 1 to 9. 1 to 9. National Bank of Commerce 1 to 9. Pacific National Bank University National Bank __ 1 to 9. Spokane— First National Trust & Savings Ito9. Bank. Old National Bank & Union 1 to 9. Trust Co. Tacoma— 1 to 9. National Bank of Tacoma._ 1 to 9. Puget Sound National Bank 1 to 9. Toppenish—First National Bank Powers granted DISTRICT NO. 12-Continued WASHINGTON—continued Vancouver—Vancouver N a t i o n a l Bank. Waitsburg—First National Bank Walla Walla— Baker-Boyer National Bank First National Bank.. Wenatcbee—First National Bank Yakima—Yakima First National Bank. 1 to 4. Ito9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. 1 to 9. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS Honolulu—Bishop First National Bank. Ito8. NOTE.—The above list does not include the names of national banks which have received permission to administer trusts transferred to them in connection with the acquisition of assets of other banking institutions, but which have not been granted the right to accept new trust business. BANKS AUTHORIZED TO ACCEPT BILLS UP TO 100 PER CENT OF CAPITAL AND SURPLUS The following banks have been granted authority by the Federal Reserve Board to accept drafts and bills of exchange up to 100 per cent of their capital stock and surplus: DISTRICT NO. 1 Connecticut: Massachusetts—Continued. Hartford—Hartford National Bank & Trust Dedham—Dedbam National Bank. Fitchburg—Safety Fund National Bank. Co. New Bedford— New Haven—First National Bank & Trust Co. First National Bank. Maine: Safe Deposit National Bank. PortlandSpringfield — Springfield National Bank. Canal National Bank. Worcester—Worcester County National Bank. Portland National Bank. Rhode Island: Massachusetts: Providence— BostonFirst National Bank. Blackstone Canal National Bank. Merchants National Bank. Industrial Trust Co. National Shawmut Bank. National Bank of Commerce & Trust Co. Old Colony Trust Co. Providence National Bank. Second National Bank. Rhode Island Hospital Trust Co. State Street Trust Co. Webster & Atlas National Bank. DISTRICT NO. 2 New York—Continued. Connecticut: New York City—Continued. Bridgeport—First National Bank & Trust Co. Chemical Bank & Trust Co. New Jersey: Commercial National Bank & Trust Co. Hoboken—First National Bank. Corn Exchange Bank Trust Co. Newark—National Newark & Essex Banking Fifth Avenue Bank. Co. First National Bank. New Brunswick—National Bank of New JerGrace National Bank. sey. Guaranty Trust Co. Paterson— Harriman National Bank & Trust Co. Hamilton Trust Co. Irving Trust Co. Paterson National Bank. Marine Midland Trust Co. New York: National City Bank. New York CityNew York Trust Co. Bank of New York & Trust Co. Public National Bank & Trust Co. Bankers Trust Co. Chase National Bank. DISTRICT NO. 3 Pennsylvania—Continued. Pennsylvania: Philadelphia—Continued. PhiladelphiaCorn Exchange National Bank & Trust Co. Philadelphia National Bank. First National Bank. Tradesmen's National Bank & Trust Co* Market Street National Bank. Ohio: Cincinnati— Fifth-Third Union Trust Co. Cleveland— Central United National Bank. Cleveland Trust Co. Guardian Trust Co. Union Trust Co. ColumbusCity National Bank & Trust Co. Ohio National Bank. DISTRICT NO. 4 Pennsylvania: Brad dock—First National Bank. Greensburg—First National Bank & Trust Co. PittsburghFirst National Bank. Mellon National Bank. Union National Bank. Union Trust Co. West Virginia: Wheeling—Wheeling Bank & Trust Co, 283 284 ANNUAL. REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD DISTRICT NO. 5 Maryland: Virginia: Baltimore— Danville—First National Bank. Baltimore Commercial Bank. Hampton—Merchants National Bank. Baltimore Trust Co. NorfolkFirst National Bank. Norfolk National Bank of Commerce & Maryland Trust Co. Trusts. National Marine Bank. Seaboard-Citizens National Bank. "Western National Bank. Virginia National Bank. South Carolina: RichmondCharleston—South Carolina National Bank. Bank of Commerce & Trusts. Orangeburg—Edisto National Bank, Central National Bank. Rock Hill—Peoples National Bank. First-Merchants National Bank. DISTRICT NO. 6 Alabama: G eorgia—C ontinued. Decatur—First National Bank in Decatur. Vaidosta—First National Bank. Huntsville—Henderson National Bank. Louisiana: Mobile— Lake Charles—First National Bank. First National Bank. New OrleansMerchants National Bank. American Bank & Trust Co. Montgomery—First National Bank. Canal Bank & Trust Co. Florida: Hibernia Bank & Trust Co. Jacksonville—Atlantic National Bank. Interstate Trust & Banking Co. Pensacola—Citizens & Peoples National Bank. Whitney National Bank Georgia: Mississippi: Albany—Albany Exchange National Bank. Laurel—First National Bank. Atlanta—First National Bank Vicksburg—Merchants National Bank Macon—First National Bank & Trust Co. Trust Co. Savannah— Tennessee: Citizens & Southern National Bank. ChattanoogaCitizens Bank & Trust Co. First National Bank. Savannah Bank & Trust Co. Hamilton National Bank. Clarksville—First National Bank. DISTRICT NO. 7 Illinois: Indiana: ChicagoBrazil—Riddell National Bank. Continental National Bank & Trust Co. Indianapolis—Fletcher-American National Drovers National Bank. Bank. First National Bank. Michigan: Harris Trust & Savings Bank. Detroit—First Wayne National Bank Peoria—Commercial Merchants National Bank Wisconsin: & Trust Co. Milwaukee—First Wisconsin National Bank. Missouri: St. LouisFirst National Bank in St. Louis. Mississippi Valley Trust Co. DISTRICT NO. 8 Tennessee: Mem phis— First National Bank. Union Planters National Bank & Trust Co, DISTRICT NO. 9 M innesota—C on tinued. Minnesota: Minneapolis—ContinedMinneapolisNorthwestern National Bank. First National Bank in Minneapolis. St. Paul—First National Bank. Midland National Bank & Trust Co. Colorado: Denver—Denver National Bank. Kansas: Hutchinson—First National Bank. Lawrence—Lawrence National Bank Missouri: Kansas CityCommerce Trust Co. DISTRICT NO. 10 Missouri—Continued. Kansas City—Continued. Fidelity National Bank & Trust Co. First National Bank. St. Joseph—First National Bank. Oklahoma: Oklahoma City—First National Bank & Trust Co. BANKS AUTHORIZED TO ACCEPT BILLS UP TO 100 PEE CENT 285 DISTRICT NO. 11 Arizona: Nogales-—First National Bank. Texas: Austin—American National Bank. Brownwood—First National Bank in Brownwood. Corpus Christi—State National Bank. DallasFirst National Bank in Dallas. Republic National Bank & Trust Co. Eagle Pass—First National Bank. Fort W o r t h Fort Worth National Bank. Stockyards National Bank. Texas—Continued* Galveston— Hutchings-Sealy National Bank. United States National Bank. Hillsboro—Citizens National Bank. Houston— First National Bank. Houston National Bank. National Bank of Commerce. Second National Bank. South Texas Commercial National Bank. Union National Bank. Navasota—First National Bank. San Angelo—First National Bank. Terrell—American National Bank. Waco—First National Bank. DISTRICT NO. 12 California: Los Angeles— Citizens National Trust & Savings Bank. Security-First National Bank. San FranciscoAmerican Trust Co. Anglo & London-Paris National Bank. Bank of California, N. A. Crocker-First National Bank. Pacific National Bank. Wells Fargo Bank & Union Trust Co. Santa Barbara—First National Trust & Savings Bank. Oregon: Portland— First National Bank. United States National Bank. Washington: SeattleFirst National Bank. National Bank of Commerce. Spokane— Old National Bank & Union Trust Co. Spokane & Eastern Trust Co. Tacoraa—National Bank of Tacoma. DESCRIPTION OF FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS Land area Population (square July 1,1931 miles) (estimated) Fecleral reserve district No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 1—Boston 2—New York 3—Philadelphia..4—Cleveland 5—Richmond 6—Atlanta 7—Chicago 8—St. Louis 9—Minneapolis 10—Kansas C i t y 11—Dallas 12—San Francisco. Total. 61,345 51,890 36,842 73,424 152, 316 248,226 190,513 194,810 414,004 480,438 386, 116 683,852 7,834, 000 16,343, 000 7,619, 000 11,407,000 11, 073, 000 11, 339, 000 18, 606, 000 9, 676, 000 5, 370, 000 7, 967, 000 7, 078, 000 9, 758, 000 2,973, 776 124, 070,000 61, 345 7, 834, 000 4,189 29,895 8,039 9,031 1,067 9,124 1, 233, 000 800, 000 4, 280, 000 467, 000 694, 000 360, 000 FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS DISTRICT NO. 1—BOSTON Connecticut (excluding Fairfield County) Maine Massachusetts New Hampshire Rhode Island Vermont ._ DISTRICT NO. 2—NEW YORK Connecticut (Fairfield County) New Jersey Counties of— Bergen. Hunterdon. Essex. Middlesex. Hudson. Monmouth. New York 51,8 Morris. Passaic. Somerset. Sussex. Union. Warren. — DISTRICT NO. 3—PHILADELPHIA Delaware New Jersey Counties of— Atlantic. Cape May. Burlington. Cumberland. Camden. Pennsylvania Counties of— Adams. Clinton. Bedford. Columbia. Berks. Cumberland. Blair. Dauphin. Bradford. Delaware. Bucks. Elk. Cambria. Franklin. Cameron. Fulton. Carbon. Huntingdon. Center. Juniata. Chester. Lackawanna. Clearfield. Lancaster. 286 Gloucester. Mercer. Lebanon. Lehigh. Luzerne. Lycoming. McKean. Mifflin. Monroe. Montgomery. Montour. Northampton. Northumberland. Perry. 16, 343, 000 631 3,605 391, 000 3,196, 000 47, 654 12,756,000 36,842 7, 619, 000 1,965 3,909 240,000 913, 000 30, S63 6, 466, 000 Ocean. Salem. Philadelphia. Pike. Potter. Schuylkil]. Snyder. Sullivan. Susquehanna Tioga. Union. Wayne. Wyoming. York. DESCRIPTION OF FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS 287 FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS—Continued Land area Population (square July 1, 1931 miles) (estimated) Federal reserve district DISTRICT N O . 4—CLEVELAND Kentucky (eastern part) Counties of— Bath. Fleming. Bell. Floyd. Boone. Garrard. Bourbon. Grant. Boyd. Greenup. Bracken. Harlan. Breathitt. Harrison. Campbell. Jackson. Carter. Jessamine. Clark. Johnson. Clay. Kenton. Elliott. Knott. Estill. Knox. Fayette. Laurel. Ohio Pennsylvania (western part) Counties of— Allegheny. Crawford. Armstrong. Erie. Beaver. Fayette. Butler. Forest. Clarion. Greene. West Virginia (nortliern part) Counties ofBrooke. Marshall. Hancock. Ohio. Lawrence. Lee. Leslie. Letcher. Lewis. Lincoln. McCreary. Madison. Magoffm. Martin. Mason. Menifee. Montgomery. Morgan. Nicholas. Owsley. Pendleton. Perry. Pike. Powell. Pulaski. Robertson. Rockcastle. Rowan. Scott. Whitley. Wolfe. Woodford. Indiana. Jefferson. Lawrence. Mercer. Somerset. Venango. Warren. Washington. Westmoreland. Counties ofHarrison. Adams. Hinds. Amite. Issaquena. Clai borne. Clarke. Copiah. Covington. Forrest. Franklin. George. Greene. Hancock. Mingo. Monongalia. Monroe. Morgan. Nicholas. Pendleton. Pleasants. Pocahontas. Preston. Putnam. Raleigh. Randolph. Ritchie. 40,740 13,864 6,714,000 3 234 000 1,206 202,000 152,316 11,073,000 51,279 54,861 58,725 28,891 Rapides. St. Bernard. St. Charles. St. Helena. St. James. St. John the Baptist. St. Landry. St. Martin. St. Mary. St. Tammany. 491,000 1 645 00C 3,217,000 1 743 00C 2 430 000 1,547,000 A y \J^LKJ^ \J\J\J Roane. Summers. Taylor. Tucker. Upshur. Wayne. Webster. Wirt. Wood. Wyoming. 248,226 Lawrence. Leak©. Lincoln. Jackson. Madison. Jasper. Marion. Jefferson. Neshoba. Jefferson Davis. Newton. Jones. Pearl River. Perry. Kemper. Pike. Lamar. Rankin* Lauderdale. 1,257,000 62 9,941 48,740 30,495 40,262 22,816 DISTRICT N O . 6—ATLANTA Alabama Florida Georgia._ . Louisiana (southern part) Parishes ofAcadia. Evangeline. Allen. Iberia. Ascension. Iberville. Assumption. Jefferson. Avoyelles. Jefferson Davis. Lafayette. Beauregard. La Fourche. Calcasieu. Livingston. Cameron. Orleans. East Baton Plaquemines. Rouge. East Feliciana. Pointe Coupee. Mississippi (southern part) 11,407,000 17,614 Tyler. Wetzel. DISTRICT N O . 5—RICHMOND District of Columbia Maryland North Carolina > South Carolina Virginia West Virginia (soutlhern part) Counties ofBarbour. Hardy. Berkeley. Harrison. Boone. Jackson. Braxton. Jefferson. Cabell. Kanawha. Calhoun. Lewis. Clay. Lincoln. Doddridge. Logan. Fayette. McDowell. Gilmer. Marion. Grant. Mason. Greenbrier. Mercer. Hampshire. Mineral. 73,424 11,339,000 2 fifiQ ODfl 1,506,000 2,909,000 mtp \J\Ji7f \J\J\J Tangipahoa. Terre bonne. Vermilion. Vernon. Washington. West Baton Rouge. West Feliciana. 25,519 Scott. Sharkey. Simpson. Smith. Stone. Waithall. Warren. Wayne. Wilkinson. Yazoo. 971,000 288 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS—Continued Land area Population (square July 1,1931 miles) (estimated) Federal reserve district DISTRICT N O . 6.—ATLANTA—Continued. Tennessee (eastern part) _„_. _ _ Counties of— Anderson. Giles. Bedford. Grainger. Bledsoe. Greene. Blount. Grundy. Bradley. Hamblon. Campbell. Hamilton. Cannon. Ilaneock. Carter. Hawkins. Cheatham. Hickman. Claiborne. Houston. Clay. Humphreys. Cocke. Jackson. Coffee. Jefferson. Cumberland. Johnson. Davidson. Knox. De Kalb. Lawrence. Dickson. Lewis. Fentress. Lincoln. Franklin. Loudon. 30,951 McMinn. Macon. Marion. Marshall. Maury. Meigs. Monroe, Montgomery. Moore. Morgan. Overt on. Perry. Pickett. Polk. Putnam. Rhea. Roane. Robertson. Rutherford. TJnicoi. Union. Van Buren. Warren. Washington. Wayne. White. Williamson. Wilson. DISTRICT N O . 7.—CHIC AGO Illinois (northern p art') _ . Counties of— Boone. Ford. Bureau. Fulton. Carroll. Grundy. Cass. Hancock. Champaign. Henderson. Christian. Henry. Clark. Iroquois. Coles. Jo Daviess. Cook. Kane. Cumberland. Kankakee. De Kalb. Kendall. De Witt. Knox. Douglas. Lake. Du Page. La Sslle. Edgar. Lee. Indiana (northern part) Counties of— Adams. Fountain. Allen. Franklin. Bartholomew. Fulton. Benton. Grant. Blackford. Hamilton. Boone. Hancock. Brown. Hen d ricks» Carroll. Henry. Cass. Howard. Clay. Huntmgton. Clinton. Jasper. Dearborn. Jay. Decatur. Jennmgs. De Kalb. Johnson. Delaware. Kosciusko. Slkhart Lagrange. Fayette. Lake.. Iowa Michigan (southern part) Counties of— Alcona. Eaton. Allegan. Emmet. Alpena. Genesee. Antrim. Gladwin. Grand Traverse Arenac. Barry. Gratiot. Bay. Hillsdale. Benzie. Huron. Beirien. Ingham. Branch. Ionia. Calhoun. Iosco. Cass. Isabella. Charlevoix. Jackson. Cheboygan. Kalamazoo. Claire. Kalkaska. Clinton. Kent. Crawford. Lake. 190>513 Livingston. Logan. McDonough. McHenry. McLean. Macon. Marshall. Mason. Menard. Mercer. Moultrie. Ogle. Peoria. Piatt. Putnam. Rock Island. Sangamon. Schuyler. Shelby. Stark. Stephenson. Tazewell. Vermilion. Warren. Whitesido. Will. Winnebapo. Woodford. La Porte. Madison. Marion. Marshall. Miami. Monroe. Montgomery. Morgan. Newton. Noble. Ohio. Owen. Parke. Porter. Pulaski. Putnam. Randolph. Ripiey. Rush. St. Joseph. Shelby. Siarke. Steubcn. Tippecanoe. Tipton. Union. Vermillicn. Vigo. Wabash. Warren. Wavne. Wells. White. Whitley. Lapeer. Leelanau. Lenawee. Livingston. Macomb. Manistee. Mason. Mecosta. Midland. Missaukee. Monroe. Montcalm. Montmorency. Muskegon. Newaygo. Oakland. Oceana. 1, 844, 000 Scott. Sequatchie. Sevier. Smith. Stewart. Sullivan. Suraner. Trousdale. Ogemaw. Osceola. Oscoda. Otsego. Ottawa. Presque Isle. Iloscoxnmon. Saginaw. St. Clair. St. Joseph. Sanilac. Shiawassee. Tuscola. Van Buren. Washtenaw. Wayne. Wexford. 18, 606, 000 35,448 6, 463, 000 26,707 2,649, 000 55,586 40,789 2, 476, 000 4,607,000 DESCRIPTION OF FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS FEDERAL RESERVE 289 DISTRICTS—Continued Population July 1,1932 (estimated) Federal reserve district DISTRICT N O . 7.—CHICAGO— Continued. Wisconsin (southern part) Counties of— Adams. Green Lake. Brown. Iowa. Calumet. Jackson. Clark. Jefferson. Columbia. Juneau. Crawford. Kenosha. Dane. Kewaunee. Dodge. Lafayette. Door. Langlade. Fond du Lac. Manitowoc Grant. Marathon. Green. Marinette. DISTRICT N O . 8—ST. LOUIS Marquette, Milwaukee. Monroe. Oconto. Outaganiie. Ozaukce. Portage. Racine. Richland. Rock. Sauk. Shawano. - Arkansas Illinois (southern part) Counties of— Adams. Franklin. Macoupin. Alexander. Gallatin. Madison. Bond. Greene. Marion. Brown. Hamilton. Massac. Calhoun. Hardin. Monroe. Clay. Jackson. Montgomery. Clinton. Jasper. Morgan. Crawford. Jefferson. Perry. Edwards. Jersey. Pike. Effingham. Johnson. Pope. Fayette. Lawrence. Pulaski. Indiana (southern part). — Counties of— Clark. Greene. Martin. Crawford. Harrison. Orange. Daviess. Jackson. Perry. Dubois. Jefferson. Pike. Floyd. Knox. Posey. Gibson. Lawrence. Scott. Kentucky (western part) Counties of— Adair. Crittenden. Hopkins. Allen. Cumberland. Jefferson. Anderson. Daviess. Larue. Ballard. Edmonson. Livingston. Barren. Franklin. Logan. Boyle. Fulton. Lyon. Breckenridge. Gallatin. McCracken. Bullitt. Graves. McLean. Butler. Grayson. Marion. Caldwell. Green. Marshall. Oalloway. Hancock. Meade. Carlisle. Hardin. Mercer. Carroll. Hart. Metcalfe. Casey. Henderson. Monroe. Christian. Henry. Muhlenberg. Clinton. Hickinan. Nelson. Mississippi (northern part) _ Counties of— Alcorn. De Soto. Monroe. Attala. Grenada. Montgomery. Benton. Holmes. Noxubee. Bolivar. Humphreys. Oktibbeha. Calhoun. Itawamba. Panola. Carroll. Lafayette. Pontotoc. Chickasaw. Lee. Prentiss. Choctaw. Leflore. Quitman. Clay. Lowndes. Sunflower. Coahoma. Marshall. Tallahatehie. Sheboygan. Vernon. Walworth. Washington, Waukesha. Waupaca. Waushara. Winnebago. Wood. Randolph. Richland. St. Clair. Saline. Scott. Union. Wabash. Washington. Wayne. White. Williamson. Spencer. Sullivan. Switzerland. Vanderburg. Warrick. Washington. Ohio. Oldham. Owen. Russell. Shelby. Simpson. Spencer. Taylor. Todd. Trigg. Trimble. Union. Warren. Washington. Wayne. Webster. Tate. Tippah. Tishomingo. Tunica. Union. Washington. Webster. Winston. Yalobusha. 9,338 613,000 22,567 1,373,000 20,843 1,055,000 290 ANNUAL REFORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS—Continued Land area Population (square July 1,1931 miles) I (estimated) Federal reserve district DISTEICT N o . 8.—ST. LOUIS—Continued. Missouri (eastern part) Counties of— Adair. Douglas. Audrain. Dunklin. Barry. Franklin. Benton. Gasconade. Bollinger. Greene. Boone. Grundy. Butler. Harrison. Caldwell. Henry. Callaway. Hickory. Camden. Howard. Cape Girardeau. Howell. Carroll. Iron. Carter. Jefferson. Cedar. Johnson. Chariton. Knox. Christian. Laclede. Clark. Lafayette. Cole. Lawrence. Cooper. Lewis. Crawford. Lincoln. Dade. Linn. Dallas. Livingston. Daviess. Macon. Dent. Madison. Tennessee (western part) Counties of— Benton. Fayette. Carroll. Gibson.. Chester. Hardeman. Crockett. Hardin. Decatur. Haywood. Dyer. Henderson. 58,206 Maries. Marion. Mercer. Miller. Mississippi. Moniteau. Monroe. Montgomery. Morgan. New Madrid. Oregon. Osage. Ozark. Pemiscot. Perry. Pettis. Phelps. Pike. Polk. Pulaski. Putnam. Rails. Randolph. Ray. Reynolds. Ripley. St. Charles. St. Clair. St. Francois. St. Louis. St. Louis City. Ste. Genevieve. Saline. Schuyler. Scotland. Scott. Shannon. Shelby. Stoddard. Stone. Sullivan. Taney. Texas. Warren. Washington. Wayne. WTebster. Wright. Henry. Lake. Lauderdale. McNairy. Madison. Obion. Shelby. Tipton. Weakley. DISTEICT N O . 9—MINNEAPOLIS. Michigan (northern part) Counties of— Alger. Dickinson. Baraga. Gogebic. Chippewa. Houghton. Delta. Iron. Minnesota Montana North Dakota South Dakota Wisconsin (northern part) Counties of— Ashland. Dunn. Barron. Eau Claire. Bay field. Florence. Buffalo. Forest. Burnett. Iron. Chippewa. La Crosse. Douglas. Lincoln. Keweenaw. Luce. Mackinac. Marquette. Oneida. Pepin. Pierce. Polk. Price. Rusk. St. Croix. 10, 736 794,000 414, 004 5,370,000 16,691 324, 000 SO, 858 146,131 70, 183 76,868 23, 273 2, 577,000 i 537, 606 683,000 697,000 551,000 480,438 7, 967, 000 103, 658 81, 774 10,521 1, 043,000 1, 889,000 922, 000 76,808 48,359 1,384,000 235,000 Menominee. Ontonagon. Schoolcraft. Sawyer. Taylor. Trempealeau Vilas. Washburn. DISTEICT N O . 10—KANSAS CITY. Colorado., Kansas Missouri (western part) Counties of— Holt. Andrew. Oass. Nodaway. Jackson. Atchison. Clay. Platte. Jasper. Barton. Clinton. Vernon. McDonald. Bates. De Kalb. Worth. Newton. Buchanan. Gentry. Nebraska New Mexico (northern part) Counties of— Bernalillo. Mora. San Miguel. Valencia. Colfax. Rio Arriba. Santa Fe. Taos. Harding. Sandoval. Union. McKinley. San Juan. i Population Apr. 1, 1930; decreased 1920 to 1930; no estimate made. 2,724,000 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS—Continued Land area Population J u l y 1,1931 (square miles) (estimated) Federal reserve district DISTRICT N O . 10-KANSAS CITY—Continued. Oklahoma (northwt»st,p,rn Dart") Counties of— Adair. Ellis. Alfalfa. Garfield. Beaver. Garvin. Beckham. Grady. Blaine. Grant. Caddo. Greer. Canadian. Harmon. Carter. Harper. Cherokee. Haskell. Cimarron. Hughes. Cleveland. Jackson. Comanche. Jefferson. Cotton. Kay. Craig. Kingfisher. Creek. Kiowa. Custer. Latimer. Delaware. Le Flore. Dewey. Lincoln. Wyoming Logan. Love. McClain. Mclntosh. Major. Mayes. Murray. Muskogee. Noble. Nowata. Okfuskee. Oklahoma. Okmulgee. Osage. Ottawa. Pawnee. Payne. Pittsburg. 61, 770 DISTRICT N O . 12—SAN FRANCISCO Arizona (northwestern part) Counties of— Apache. Marieopa. Coconino. Mohave. Gila. California Idaho Nevada Oregon . __ . «. Utah Washington Pima. Santa Cruz. Madison. Morehouse. Natchitoches. Ouachita. Red River. Richland. Sabine. Tensas. Union. Webster. West Carroll. Winn. Lincoln. Luna. Otero. Quay. Roosevelt. Torrence. Johnston. McCurtain. Marshall. Pushmataha. 97, 548 228, 000 386,116 7,078,000 23, 412 129, 000 18, 518 685, 000 74,144 193,000 7,644 158,000 Sierra. Socorro. . Navajo. Pinal. 2, 266, 000 Pontotoc. Pottawatomie. Roger Mills. Rogers. Seminole. Sequoyah. Stephens. Texas. Tillman. Tulsa. Wagoner. Washington. Washita. Woods. Woodward. DISTRICT N O . 11—DALLAS Arizona (southeastern part) Counties of— Cochise. Greenlee. Graham. Louisiana (northern part) Parishes ofDe Soto. Bienville. East Carroll Bossier. Franklin. Caddo. Grant. Caldwell. Jackson. Catahoula. La Salle. Claiborne. Lincoln. Concordia. New Mexico (southern part) Counties of— Catron. Eddy. C haves. Grant. Curry. Guadalupe. De Baca. Hidalgo. Dona Ana. Lea. Oklahoma (southeastern part) _ Counties of— Atoka. Choctaw. Bryan. Coal. Texas 291 262, 398 5, 913, 000 683,852 9,758, 000 90, 398 314,000 155, 652 83, 354 109,821 95, 607 82,184 66,836 5, 848,000 446,000 92,000 967,000 512, 000 1, 579, 000 Yavapai. Yuma. FEDERAL RESERVE BRANCH TERRITORIES [December 31,1831] BUFFALO BRANCH (District No. 2).—The 10 most westerly counties of New York State, as follows: Monroe Orleans Allegany Wyoming Chautauqua Genesee Erie Cattaraugus Livingston Niagara CINCINNATI BRANCH (District No. 4).—That part of Kentucky in Federal reserve district No. 4,, aud the following 25 counties in southern Ohio: Greene Meigs Ross Adams Clermont Hamilton Miami Scioto Athens Clinton Highland Montgomery Vinton Brown Darke Jackson Pike Warren Butler Fayette Lawrence Preble Wash ington Clark Gallia PITTSBURGH BRANCH (District No. 4).—Those portions of the States of Pennsylvania and West Virginia; included in Federal reserve district No. 4. BALTIMORE BRANCH (District No. 5).—The State of Maryland and the following 30 counties of West; Virginia: Barbour Grant Lewis Pendleton Taylor Berkeley Hampshire Marion Pleasants Tucker Braxton Hardy Mineral Preston Upshur Calhoun Harrison Monongalia Randolph Webster Doddridge Jackson Morgan Ritchie Wirt Gilmer Jefferson Nicholas Roane Wood CHARLOTTE BRANCH (District No, 5).—The following counties in the States of North Carolina aad South Carolina:: NORTH CAROLINA Alexander Alleghany Ashe Avery Buncombe Burke Cabarrus Caldwell Catawba Cherokee Clay Cleveland Gaston Graham Haywood Henderson Iredell Jackson Lincoln Macon Madison McDowell Mecklenburg Mitchell Polk Rowan Rutherford Stanly Swain Transylvania Union Watauga Wilkes Yancey SOUTH CAROLINA Newberry Lancaster Abbeville Saluda Edgefield Aiken Spartanburg Oconee Laurens Fairfieid Anderson Union Pickens Lexington Greenville Cherokee York Richland McCormick Greenwood Chester BIRMINGHAM BRANCH (District No. 6).—The State of Alabama except the following: counties: Mobile, Baldwin, Russell, Pike, Barbour, Coffee, Dale, Henry, Covington, Geneva, and Houston, and towns and cities in Lee and Chambers counties located on or south of the Atlanta & West Point Railroad and th«s Western Railway of Alabama. JACKSONVILLE BRANCH (District No. 6).—The entire State of Florida. NASHVILLE BRANCH (District No. 6).—That part of the State of Tennessee included in Federal reserve district No. 6 with the exception of the city of Chattanooga. N E W ORLEANS BRANCH (District No. 6).—Those parts of the States of Louisiana and Mississippi located in Federal reserve district No. 6, and the counties of Mobile and Baldwin in Alabama. DETROIT BRANCH (District No. 7).—The following 19 counties in the State of Michigan: Bay Ingham Livingston Saginaw Tuscola Genesee Jackson Macomb Sanilac Washtenaw Hillsdale Lapeer Monroe St. Clair Waj'ne Huron Lenawee Oakland Shiawassee LITTLE ROCK BRANCH (District No. 8).—Territory is not determined by State or county lines. Branch territory consists of all cities in Arkansas except those assigned to the head office and to the Memphis branch. (For names of cities see Federal Reserve Interdistrict Collection System list.) LOUISVILLE BRANCH (District No. 8).—Territory is not determined by State or county lines. Branch territory consists of all cities in Kentucky and Indiana, included in Federal reserve district No. 8, except those assigned to the head office. (For names of cities see Federal Reserve Interdistrict Collection System list.) MEMPHIS BRANCH (District No. 8) .—Territory is not determined by State or county lines. Branch territory consists of all cities in Mississippi included in Federal reserve district No. 8; all cities in Tennessee included in district No. 8, except those assigned to St. Louis, and cities in Arkansas not assigned to St. Louis or Little Rock. (For names of cities see Federal Reserve Interdistrict Collection F^stem list.) *' , . 293 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD 293 HELENA BRANCH (District No. 9).—The entire State of Montana. DENVER BRANCH (District No. 10).—The entire State of Colorado and that part of the State of New Mexico included in Federal reserve district No. 10. OKLAHOMA CITY BRANCH (District No. 10).—That part of the State of Oklahoma located in Federal reserve district No. 10. OMAHA BRANCH (District No. 10).—The entire States of Nebraska and Wyoming. EL PASO BRANCH (District No. 11).—That part of the States of Arizona and New Mexico located in Federal reserve district No. 11, and the following 14 counties in the State of Texas: Andrews Ector Jeff Davis Midland Ward Crane El Paso Loving Pecos Winkler Culberson Hudspeth Martin Reeves HOUSTON BRANCH (District No. 11).—The following 41 counties in the southeast part of the State of Texas: Jackson Shelby Montgomery Anderson Colorado Jasper Angelina Fayette Trinity Nacogdoches Jefferson Austin Fort Bend Tyler Newton Lavaca Bastrop Galveston Victoria Orange Lee Walker Polk Brazoria Grimes Liberty Brazos Hardin Waller Sabine Madison Washington San Augustine Burleson Harris Matagorda Chambers Houston Wharton San Jacinto Cherokee in the State of Tex as: ANTONIO BRAN[CH (District No. Starr Llano Hidalgo Aransas Comal Jim Hogg Atascosa De Witt Live Oak Terrell Jim Wells Mason Travis Bandera Dimmit Karnes Bee Duval Maverick TJvalde Kendall McMullen Val Verde Bexar Edwards Kenedy Medina Webb Blanco Frio Kerr Brewster Gillespie Nueces Willacy Kimble Presidio Wilson Brooks Goliad Kinney Caldwell Gonzales Real Zapata Kleburg Refugio Zavalla Calhoun Guadalupe La Salle San Patricio Cameron Hays Los ANGELES BRANCH (District No. 12).—That part of the State of Arizona located in Federal reserve district No. 12, and the following counties in California: Imperial Los Angeles Riverside San Diego Ventura lnyo Orange San Bernardino Santa Barbara PORTLAND BRANCH (District No. 12).—The entire State of Oregon, except the towns of Klamath Falls, Lakeview, and Merrill, which are affiliated with the head office, and the following five counties in the State of Washington: Clarke Cowlitz Klickitat Skamania Wahkiakum and the town of Ilwaco, Wash. SALT LAKE CITY BRANCH (District No. 12).-—The entire State of Utah and the following counties in Idaho and Nevada: IDAHO Ada Adams Bannock Bear Lake Bingham Blaine Boise Bonneville Butte Carnas Canyon Carribou Cassia Clark Custer Elmore Franklin Fremont Gem Gooding Jefferson Jerome Lemhi Lincoln Madison Minidoka Oneida Owyhee Payette Power Teton Twin Falls Valley Washington NEVADA Lincoln White Pine Clark Elko SEATTLE BRANCH (District No. 12).—The following 16 counties in the State of Washington, except the town of Ilwaco, Wash. Clallam King Lewis Pierce Snohomish Grays Harbor Kitsap Mason 1 San Juan Thurston Island Kittitas Pacific Skagit Whatcom Jefferson SPOKANE BRANCH (District No. 12).—The following counties in the States of Washington and Idaho: WASHINGTON Adams Asotin Benton Chelan Columbia Douglas Ferry Franklin Garfield Grant Lincoln Okanogan Benewah Bonner Boundary Clearwater Idaho Kootenai Pend Oreille Spokane Stevens Walla Walla Whitman Yakima Latah Lewis Nez Perce Shoshone IDAHO i Except the town of Ilwaco (see Portland branch). FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS N. DAK> 9 } ^ MINN. MINNEAPOLIS S. DAK. i i BOUNDARIES OF FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS — —BOUNDARIES OF FEDERAL RESERVE BRANCH TERRITORIES ® FEDERAL RESERVE BANK CITIES • FEDERAL RESERVE BRANCH CITIES O FEDERAL RESERVE. BANK AGENCY 1 INDEX Acceptances: Bankers'— Page Held by accepting banks 123 Held by Federal reserve banks 49, 123, 136 Held by member banks on call dates 123 Outstanding 122 Distribution of 123 Open-market discount rates 79, 80 Banks, list of, authorized to accept bills up to 100 per cent of capital and surplus 283-285 Held by Federal reserve banks 49, 123, 136 Maturity of bills purchased and held by Federal reserve banks 50, 136 Number of pieces handled by Federal reserve banks 15, 55, 149, 150 Outstanding 122, 123 Purchased by member banks 98, 123, 170 Rates, discount and open-market— Average rates earned on bills bought by Federal reserve banks.._ 14, 79 Buying rates of Federal reserve banks 6, 7, 76 Changes in Federal reserve bank rates 6, 7, 73-75 Open-market rates in New York City 79, 80 Trade, held by Federal reserve banks 49, 136 (See also Bills bought; Bills discounted.) Adjusted-service certificates, discount of paper secured by 49 Amendment to Regulation G regarding 22, 222 Administrator, list of national banks authorized to act as 259 Advisory council, Federal. (See Federal advisory council.) Agencies of Federal reserve banks. (See Branches and agencies.) Agricultural paper: Discount rates 73 Held by Federal reserve banks 49, 136 Amendments to Federal reserve act. (See Federal reserve act.) Amendment to regulation G of the Federal Reserve Board 22, 222 Area of Federal reserve districts 286-291 Assessment for expenses of Federal Reserve Board 23, 156 Assets and liabilities. (See Resources and liabilities.) Assignee, list of national banks authorized to act as 259 Automobiles: Factory employment index 208 Factory pay-roll index 212 Production index : 206 Balance sheets. (See Condition of banks.) Bank consolidations 20, 128 Bank debits 124 Bank failures: By Federal reserve districts 191 By months 126 By size of city or town 127 By States 192 By years 125 Comments on, by Federal advisory council 219 Discussion of 1, 18 Number, classified according to capital stock 127 Bank mergers 20, 128 Bank premises, Federal reserve 16, 43, 45, 47, 58, 157 Book value 58 Cost of 58 Date occupied 58 Depreciation charges 157 Repairs, cost of 156 125554—32 20 295 296 INDEX Bank suspensions: Page By Federal reserve districts 191 By months 126 By size of city or town 127 By States 192 By years 125 Comments on, by Federal advisory council 219 Discussion of 1, 18 Number, classified according to capital stock 127 Bankers' acceptances. (See Acceptances.) Bankers' balances of member banks 96, 118, 168, 190 By Federal reserve districts 190 In New York City and other leading cities 118 On call dates____ 96, 168 Banking, branch and chain, recommendations of Federal advisory council regarding 220 Banking conditions in 1931, discussion of 1 Banking corporations authorized to do foreign banking business, examination of 18 Banks, list of, granted authority to accept bills up to 100 per cent of capital and surplus 283-285 Bills bought by Federal reserve banks 10, 15, 27-39, 41-47, 137-148 Earnings on 14, 59, 156 Rates of 14, 78 Holdings— By classes 49 By maturities._.. 50 Outright 41, 42, 44, 137-148 Under resale agreement 41, 42, 44, 137-148 Volume of— Federal reserve banks 15, 55, 149 Federal reserve branch banks 150 Bills discounted by Federal reserve banks 10, 15, 27-39, 41-47, 137-148 Earnings on 14, 59, 156 Rates of 14, 78 Holdings— By classes 49, 136 By maturities 50, 136 By months 135 Outright 42, 44 Under resale agreement 42, 44 Volume of— Federal reserve banks 15, 55, 149 Federal reserve branch banks 150 Bills payable and rediscounts, member banks on call dates 96, 168 Bonds: Capital issues 199 Index of prices . 200 Paper secured by, held by member banks 98, 119, 121, 170 United States. (See United States securities.) Book value, Federal reserve bank premises 58 Borrowings of member banks at Federal reserve banks: All banks— By Federal reserve districts 167 By months 91, 100 By States 179 Banks in New York City, Chicago, and other reserve cities 101-109 Compared with eligible assets held 94 Reporting member banks— By Federal reserve districts 189 By months 110 By weeks 113 In New York City 115 Outside New York City ---117 Branch banking, recommendations of Federal advisory council regarding- 220 INDEX 297 Branches and agencies of Federal reserve banks: Bank premises— Page Cost of 58 Date occupied 58 Book value 58 Building for Pittsburgh branch 16 Clearing operations 17, 150 Counties comprising territory 292-293 Directors of 1 230-237 Expenses of 17 Managers of 230-237 Number of 16 Territory 292-293 Volume of operations 17, 150 Brokers, loans to: As reported by New York Stock Exchange 120 By member banks 98, 119, 120, 121, 170 In New York City— By weeks 119 On call dates 121 Outside New York City 121 Building contracts awarded, index of 201 Building materials, wholesale prices, index of 214 Buildings, Federal reserve banks. 16, 58, 156, 157 Cost of bank premises 58 Book value 58 Date occupied 58 Depreciation charges 157 Repairs, cost of 156 Call loans: In New York City 119-120 Money rates in New York City 6, 79, 80 Capital: Banks suspended 125, 191, 192 Federal reserve banks 16, 43, 45, 47 Member banks 89, 90, 96, 168 State bank members 241 Capital issues 199 Capital stock of State member banks, classification according to 258-260 Car loadings, index of 201 Cash in vault, member banks: By weeks 113 In New York City 115 Outside New York City 117 Cash reserves of Federal reserve banks 40, 41, 42, 44, 46, 137-148 Cement, clay, and glass: Factory employment index 208 Factory pay-roll index 212 Central banks, foreign: Discount rates 83 Due to Federal reserve banks from 42, 44, 46 Open-market rates 84 Central reserve city banks: Condition of 90 Deposits, reserves, and borrowings at Federal reserve banks 91 Loans and investments 98 Certificates of indebtedness, Treasury: Held by Federal reserve banks 42, 51, 52, 53, 54 Temporary 1-day, held by Federal reserve banks 52, 53, 54 Yield on 79, 80 Chain banking, recommendations of Federal advisory council regarding-_ 220 Chairmen of board of directors of Federal reserve banks. (See Federal reserve agents.) Changes in discount rates of Federal reserve banks 6, 7, 73 Changes in membership in Federal reserve system 17, 18, 128 298 INDEX Charts: Federal reserve bank credit and factors in changes 3 Loans and investments of member and nonmember banks 5 Reserves of member banks 8 United States Government securities held by Federal reserve banks _ 9 Check clearing and collection: Gold settlement fund transactions 56, 151 Operations, volume of— Federal reserve banks 15, 55, 149 Federal reserve branch banks 17, 150 Par list, number of banks on 21, 57, 152, 153 Chemicals: Factory employment index ' 208 Factory pay-roll index 212 Prices, wholesale, index of 214 Circulation, money. (See Currency; Federal reserve notes; Money.) Classification according to capital stock, State bank members 256-258 Classification of demand and time deposits on call dates 95 Classification of loans and investments of member banks on call dates. _ 98, 170 Clayton Antitrust Act, administration of 22 Coal, index of production 207 Coin: Circulation 70 Held by Federal reserve banks 42, 44 Received and counted— At Federal reserve banks 15, 55, 149 At Federal reserve branch banks 17, 150 Collateral held by Federal reserve agents as security for Federal reserve notes 60 Collateral notes held by Federal reserve banks 49, 136 Collection of checks. (See Check clearing and collection.) Commercial paper: Held by Federal reserve banks 49, 136 Money rates in New York City 5, 79, 80 Outstanding 122 Purchased by member banks 98, 170 Commodity prices, wholesale, index of 214 Condition of banks: All banks in the United States— Deposits, exclusive of interbank deposits 88, 161 Investments— By Federal reserve districts 1(30 By States 164 Loans and investments 87, 158-160, 162-164 By Federal reserve districts 158-160 By States 162-164 Country banks 90 Federal reserve banks— At end of each month- _ 44 Bills bought, holdings of 10, 15, 27-39, 41-47, 137-148 By classes . 49 By maturities 50 Bills discounted, holdings of 10, 15, 27-39, 41-47, 137-148 By classes 49, 136 By months 135 By maturities 50, 136 By weeks 41 Deposits, reserves, note circulation, and reserve percentages 40 Each bank 46, 47, 137-148 In detail 42 United States securities, holdings of__ 27-39, 41-47, 51, 52, 53, 137-148 By classes 51 In system investment account 52, 53 Temporary 1-day certificates of indebtedness 52, 53, 54 INDEX 299 Condition of banks—Continued. Member banks— All banks— Page By Federal reserve districts 168 Combined 96 National and State banks 89 Reserve city and country banks 90 Bankers' balances 96, 118, 168, 190 By Federal reserve districts 190 In New York City and other leading cities 118 Borrowings at Federal reserve banks— All banks— By Federal reserve districts 167 By months 91, 100 By States 179 Reporting banks— By Federal reserve districts 189 By months. 110 By weeks 113 In New York City 115 Outside New York City 117 Deposits, time and demand— All banks 91, 95, 96, 165, 168 By months 165 On call dates 95, 96, 168 Classification of 95 Reporting banks— By Federal reserve districts 186, 187 By months 110 By weeks 113 In New York City 115 Net demand, by weeks 186 Outside New York City 117 Time, by weeks 187 Deposits subject to reserves, reserves required, reserves held, and borrowings at Federal reserve banks: All banks 91 Banks in New York City, Chicago, and other reserve cities 101-109 Excess reserves 6, 91, 101 Investments— All banks 168, 178 By States 178 Reporting banks 112, 114, 116, 185 By weeks 185 Loans and investments— All banks 4, 96, 98, 168, 170, 174-178 By States 174-178 Chart showing 5 Classification, on call dates 98, 170 Reporting banks 110, 112, 114, 116, 181 Total, by weeks 181 Loans, all other, by weeks 184 Loans, investments, deposits, reserves, and borrowings at Federal reserve banks 110 Loans on securities 183 Loans, open-market 177 Loans to customers 176 Loans, total, by weeks 182 Reserve balances. 27-37, 40-47, 96, 100, 111, 113-117, 137-148, 166, 188 All banks 96, 100, 166 By Federal reserve districts «. 166 By months. 100, 166 On call dates •_ 96 300 INDEX Condition of banks—Continued. Member banks—Continued. Reserve balances—Continued. Page Reporting banks 111, 113-117, 188 By Federal reserve districts 188 By months 111 By weeks _ 113,188 In New York City 115 Outside New York City 117 National banks ... 89 Reserve city banks 90 State bank members 89 Consolidations, bank 20, 128 Copper, index of production 207 Cost of Federal reserve bank premises 58 Counties in Federal reserve districts 286-291 Counties in Federal reserve branch territories 292-293 Consolidations, bank „ 20, 128 Country bank members: Condition of 90 Deposits, reserves required, reserves held, and borrowings at Federal reserve banks 91 Holdings of eligible assets 94 Loans and investments, classification of, on call dates 98Credit: "Federal reserve bank. (See Federal reserve bank credit.) Member bank 85 Credit agreements. Federal reserve banks with foreign central banks 12 Credit conditions abroad: Comments of Federal advisory council on _ 22 Discussion of 2 Credit policy of the Federal reserve banks 6 Currency: Amounts received and counted— At Federal reserve banks 15, 55, 149 At Federal reserve branch banks 17, 150 Circulation 2, 27-37, 40, 41, 69, 70 By months 69 By kinds 71 Chart showing 3 Discussion of 2 Federal reserve, cost of 15, 157, 226 Debits to individual account 124 Deferred availability items of Federal reserve banks 43, 44-47 Deficient reserve penalties imposed by Federal reserve banks 59, 156 Demand deposits. (See Deposits.) Department-store sales, index of 201 Deposits: All banks in the United States, exclusive of interbank deposits 88, 161 Banks suspended— By years 125 By months 126 By Federal reserve districts 191 By States 192 Federal reserve banks 40, 41, 43, 44-47, 137-148 All banks combined 41 By months 40 By weeks 41 Each bank 46, 137-148 Foreign bank 40, 43, 44, 46 Government— Held by Federal reserve banks 40, 43-47 Held by member banks 96, 113, 115, 117, 168 By weeks 113 In New York City 115 On call dates 96, 168 Outside New York City ... 117 INDEX 301 Deposits—Continued. Pa e Member banks, time and demand—• e All banks 91, 95, 96, 165, 168 By months 165 On call dates 95, 96, 168 Classification of 95 Reporting banks— By Federal reserve districts 186, 187 By months 110 By weeks 113 In New York City 115 Net demand, by weeks 186 Outside New York City 117 Time, by weeks 187 Net demand, reporting member banks 186 Net demand and time— All banks 165 Banks in New York City, Chicago, and other reserve cities 101 State bank members 241-257 7 Time, reporting member banks.__ 187 Deputy chairmen of board of directors of Federal reserve banks, list of _ _ 230-237 Directors of Federal reserve banks: List of 230-237 Meetings, expenses of 156 Discount and open-market operations of Federal reserve banks: Acceptances. (See Acceptances.) Bills bought 10, 15, 27-39, 41-47, 137-148 Earnings on 14, 59, 156 Rates of 14, 78 Holdings— By classes 49 By maturities 50 Outright 41, 42, 44, 137-148 Under resale agreement 41, 42, 44, 137-148 Volume of— Federal reserve banks 15, 55, 149 Federal reserve branch banks 150 Bills discounted 27-39, 41-47, 137-148 Earnings on 14, 59, 156 Rates of 14, 78 Holdings— By classes 49, 136 By maturities 50, 136 By months _ _ __ 135 Outright II I 42,44 Under resale agreement 42, 44 Volume of— Federal reserve banks 15, 55, 149 Federal reserve branch banks 150 Collateral notes of member banks discounted and held 49, 136 Commercial and agricultural paper discounted 49, 136 Dollar exchange bills discounted or purchased 49 Maturity of bills purchased or held 50, 136 Number of member banks discounting paper— By Federal reserve districts 167 By months 48 By States 180 Number of pieces handled 15, 55, 149 Rates charged and rates of earnings on bills discounted 14, 78 Recommendations of Federal advisory council relative to 220 United States securities— Earnings and rates of earnings 14, 59, 78, 156 Paper secured by, purchased and held 42, 49, 136 Purchased and held 8, 27-39, 41-47, 51, 52, 53, 54, 137-148 Volume of operations 15, 55, 149, 150 302 INDEX Discount and open-market rates: Average rates earned by Federal reserve banks on— Page Acceptances 14, 78 Bills discounted 14, 78 Bills bought 14, 78 United States securities 14, 78 Buying rates on acceptances 6, 7, 76 Central banks in foreign countries— Changes in 83 Open-market rates, by months 84 Changes in Federal reserve bank rates 6, 7, 73 Recommendations of Federal advisory council relative to 220 Open-market rates in New York City— By months 79 By weeks 80 Rates charged customers— In New York City 81 In principal cities 82 Discounts. (See Discount and open-market operations.) Districts, Federal reserve. (See Federal reserve districts.) Dividends: Federal reserve banks 14, 16, 59, 154, 157 Member banks 131, 193 National banks 194 State bank members 195 Dollar exchange bills: Held by Federal reserve banks 49 Outstanding 122 Drafts, demand and sight, held by Federal reserve banks 49, 136 Due from foreign banks to Federal reserve banks 38, 42, 44, 46 Due to and from banks (bankers' balances) 96, 118, 168, 190 By Federal reserve districts 190 In New York City and other leading cities 118 On call dates 96, 168 Earmarked gold for foreign account 64, 67 Earning assets of member banks 129, 130 Earnings and expenses: Federal reserve banks 13-16, 59, 154, 156 Each bank during year 1931 156 Earnings, by sources 59 Rates of earnings 14, 78 Years 1914-1931 59, 154 Each bank 154 Member banks 129, 130, 131, 193 National banks 194 State bank members 195 Eddy, Walter L., secretary of Federal Reserve Board, resignation of 23 Eligible assets (Government securities and eligible paper) held by member banks compared with borrowings at Federal reserve banks 94 Eligible paper held by Federal reserve agents as security for Federal reserve notes 60 Employees: Federal reserve banks, number and salaries 15, 238-240 Federal Reserve Board, salaries 225 Employment, factory, index of 201, 208 England: Discount rates of Bank of 83 Open-market money rates 84 Examination of Federal reserve banks, number of 18 Examiners, national banks, number and salaries 228 Excess reserves of member banks 6, 91, 101 Chart showing 8 Executor, list of national banks authorized to act as 259 INDEX 303 Expenses: Page Branches and agencies of Federal reserve banks 17 Federal reserve banks 13-16, 59, 154, 156 Fiscal agency departments of Federal reserve banks 157 Federal Reserve Board 23, 226, 227 Member banks 193 National banks 194 State bank members 195 Exports and imports: Acceptances based on— Outstanding 122 Purchased and held by Federal reserve banks 49 Gold— By countries 67 By months 68 Discussion of 1, 10 Expressage, cost of, at Federal reserve banks 156 Factory employment and pay rolls 201, 208, 212 Failures, bank: By Federal reserve districts 191 By months 126 By size of city or town 127 By States __. 192 By years 125 Comments on, by Federal advisory council 219 Discussion of 1, 18 Number, classified according to capital stock 127 Farm products, prices of, index of 214 Farm land, loans on, by member banks 98, 170 Federal advisory council: Meetings of 22 Expenses of 156 Members of 219 Recommendations of, to Federal Reserve Board 219-221 Assistance to European central banks 221 Bank failures and bank examinations 219 Domestic credit situation 221 Eligibility of securities 221 Open-market operations 220 Proposed amendments to national bank act and Federal reserve act— Branch banking 220 Group and chain banking 220 Circulation of false reports 221 Examination of security or investment companies affiliated with national banks 221 Fiduciary powers of a national banking association 221 Liquidation of national banks 221 Rediscount rates 220 Federal intermediate credit banks: Bills discounted for 49 Borrowings from Federal reserve banks 49, 100, 179 Debentures purchased by Federal reserve banks 42 Federal land bank bonds purchased by Federal reserve banks 42 Federal reserve act, proposed amendments to, recommendations of Federal advisory council relative to 220 Federal reserve agents: Conferences of, expenses of 156 Federal reserve note accounts 60 Gold fund, summary of transactions 56, 151 Gold held by 42, 44 List of _ 230-237 Salaries of _ ------ 238-240 304 INDEX Federal reserve bank credit: Page Chart showing 3 Discussion of 1-3, 6, 8 Factors of increase or decrease in— Annual averages 27 By weeks (Wednesday series) 32-36 Chart showing 3 End of month series 37 Monthly averages 28-30 Weekly averages 31 Outstanding 38 (See also Federal reserve banks.) Federal reserve bank float 38, 44 Federal reserve bank notes: Circulation . 70 Held by Federal reserve banks 42 Federal reserve banks: Acceptances purchased or discounted by. (See Acceptances.) Agreements with foreign central banks to purchase prime commercial bills ~. 12 Bank premises 16, 43, 44-47, 58, 157 Branches and agencies of— Bank premises— Cost of 58 Date occupied 58 Book value 58 Building for Pittsburgh branch 16 Clearing operations 17, 150 Counties comprising territory 292-293 Directors of 230-237 Expenses of 17 Managers of 230-237 Number of 16 Territory 292-293 Volume of operations 17, 150 Building operations 16, 58 Capital 16, 43, 44-47 Chairmen of board of directors, list of 230-237 Clearing operations 16, 55, 149 Condition of. (See Condition of banks.) Deposits. (See Deposits.) Directors, list of 230-237 Discount rates. (See Discount and open-market rates.) Discounts. (See Discount and open-market operations.) Dividends paid 14, 16, 59, 154, 157 Earnings and expenses 13-16, 59, 78, 154, 156 Each bank during year 1931 156 Earnings, by sources 59 Rates of earnings 14, 78 Years 1914-1931 . 59, 154 Each bank 154 Employees, number and salaries 238-240 Examinations, number of • 18 Federal reserve notes. (See Federal reserve notes.) Fiscal agency operations 157 Franchise tax paid to Government 14, 59, 154, 157 Gold, held by 42, 44, 46 Gold redemption fund 42, 44, 46 Gold reserves 42, 44, 46 Gold settlement fund 42, 44, 56, 151 Government deposits held by 40, 43-47 Governors— Conferences of 22 Expenses of 156 List of 230-237 Salaries of 238-240 INDEX 305 Federal reserve banks—Continued. Pago Number of member banks discounting paper at 48, 167, 180 Officers and directors, list of 230, 237 Officers, salaries of 238-240 Profit and loss account 154, 157 Reserve percentages 40 Reserves 40, 41-47, 137-148 Resources and liabilities— All banks combined 41 At the end of each month 44 Each bank 46, 137-148 Weekly statement and balance sheet items 42 Salaries, officers and employees 238-240 Surplus, accounts 15, 59, 154, 157 Tax, franchise, paid to Government 14, 59, 154, 157 United States Government securities— Bills discounted secured by, holdings of 42, 49, 136 Bonds bought by I 42, 51 Ceitificates of indebtedness, holdings of 42, 51, 52, 53, 54 Temporary 1-day certificates 52, 53, 54 Earnings and rates of earnings on purchases 14, 59, 78, 156 Holdings of 8, 10, 27-39, 41-47, 51, 52, 53, 137-148 By classes 51 Bought outright 41,42, 51, 137-148 Bought under resale agreement 41, 42, 51, 137-148 Chart showing 9 In system investment account 52, 53 Temporary 1-day certificates 52, 53, 54 Issues, redemptions, and exchanges, handled by fiscal agency departments 1 15, 55, 149, 150 Liberty bonds, holdings of 42, 51 Paper secured by, holdings of 42, 49, 136 Rates of earnings on purchases 14, 78 Treasury bills, holdings of 42, 51 Treasury bonds, holdings of 42, 51 Treasury notes, holdings of 42, 51 Volume'handled 15,55, 149, 150 Volume of operations 15, 55, 149 All banks 15, 55 Each bank 149 Branches 17, 150 Federal Reserve Board: Assessment for expenses of *. 23, 156, 226 Clayton Act, administration cf 22 Conferences with advisory council and governors 22 Directory 225 Eddy, Walter L., secretary, resignation of 23 Employees, number and salaries 225 Expenses of 23, 226-227 Harrison, Floyd R., appointed assistant to governor 23 James, George R., reappointed member 22 Magee, Wayland W., appointed member 22 Members of , 225 Morrill, Chester, appointed secretary 23 Receipts and disbursements 226-227 Regulations of. (See Regulations of Federal Reserve Board.) Salaries of officers and employees 225 Federal reserve branch banks: Bank premises— Cost of 58 Date occupied-, 58 Book value 58 Building for Pittsburgh branch 16 Clearing operations 17, 150 Counties comprising territory 292-293 Directors of 230-237 Expenses of 17 306 INDEX Federal reserve branch banks—Continued. "Page Managers of 230-237 Number of 16 Territory 292-293 Volume of operations 17, 150 Federal reserve districts: Area, square miles 286-291 Counties comprising branch territories 292-293 Counties in divided States 286-292 Map showing outline 294 Population 286-292 Federal reserve interdistrict collection system. (See Check clearing and collection.) Federal reserve notes: Circulation 40-47, 70, 137-148 By months 40 Each Federal reserve bank 137-148 Cost of 15, 157, 226 Eligible paper held as collateral against 60 Federal reserve agents' accounts 60 Gold and gold certificates held as collateral against 42, 44, 46, 60 Held by Federal reserve agents 42, 44, 60 Held by Federal reserve banks 42, 44, 46, 60 Fiduciary powers of national banks: List of national banks authorized to exercise 259, 282 Number of permits issued 21 Recommendations of Federal advisory council relative to 221 Fiscal agency operations of Federal reserve banks. 157 Float, reserve bank 38, 44 Food products: Production index 206 Factory employment index 208 Factory pay-roll index. 212 Food prices, wholesale, index of 214 Foreign bank deposits held by Federal reserve banks 40, 43, 44, 46 Foreign banking, corporations authorized to engage in, examination of 18 Foreign banks: Deposits of, held by Federal reserve banks 40, 43, 44, 46 Due to Federal reserve banks from 38, 42, 44, 46 Foreign capital issues 199 Foreign central banks: Agreements with Federal reserve banks to purchase prime commercial bills 12 Assistance tcf, recommendations of Federal advisory council regarding221 Money rates— Changes in 83 Open-market rates 84 Foreign loans on gold 38 Foreign securities held by member banks 98, 170 France: Discount rates of Bank of 83 Open-market money rates 84 Franchise tax paid by Federal reserve banks to Government 14, 59, 154, 157 Freight-car loadings, index of 201 Fuel, index of wholesale prices 214 ; Germany: Discount rates of Reichsbank 83 Open-market money rates 84 Gold: Circulation 70 Earmarked by Federal reserve banks for foreign account 64, 67 Federal reserve agents' gold fund 56, 151 Foreign loans on, held by Federal reserve banks 38 Held as collateral against Federal reserve notes 42, 44, 46, 60 Held by Federal reserve agents 42, 44, 60 Held by Federal reserve banks 42, 44, 46 INDEX 307 Gold—Continued. Page Imports and exports 1, 10, 46, 67, 68 By countries 67 By months 68 Discussion of 1, 10 International gold movements 10 Production . 64 Reserves of Federal reserve banks 10, 42, 44, 46 Stock, monetary, in United States 3, 10, 27-37, 63 Chart showing 3 Years 1914-1931 63, 64 Gold redemption fund 42, 44, 60 Gold settlement fund 42, 44, 56, 151 Summary of transactions 56, 151 Gold standard, suspension in England 2, 10 Government bonds. (See United States Government securities.) Government deposits: Held by Federal reserve banks 40, 43-47 Held by member banks 96, 113, 168 By weeks 113 In New York City 115 On call dates 96, 168 Outside New York City 117 Government securities. (See United States Government securities.) Governors of Federal reserve banks: Conferences of 22 Expenses of 156 List of 230-237 Salaries of 238-240 Great Britain. (See England.) Guardian of estates, list of national banks authorized to act as 259 Harrison, Floyd R., appointed assistant to governor of Federal Reserve Board 23 Housefurnishing goods, wholesale prices, index of 214 Imports and exports: Bankers' acceptances based on—• Held by Federal reserve banks 49 Outstanding 122 Gold— By countries 67 By months 68 Discussion of 1, 10 Index numbers: Factory employment 208 Factory pay rolls 212 Manufactures 206 Minerals 207 Production, employment, and trade 201 Security prices 200 Insurance, Federal reserve banks 156 Investments: All banks in United States 87, 158, 160, 162, 164 By Federal reserve districts 160 By States 164 Member banks 96, 114, 116, 168, 178, 185 All banks 96, 168, 178 By States 178 Reporting banks 1 110, 112, 114, 116, 185 By weeks 185 In New York City 114 Outside New York City 116 Investments and loans: All banks in the United States 87, 158-160, 162-164 By Federal reserve districts 158-160 By States 162-164 308 INDEX Investments and loans—Continued. Member banks— Page All banks 4, 96, 98, 168, 170, 174-178 By States 174-178 Classification, on call dates 98, 170 On call dates 168 Reporting banks 110, 112, 114, 116, 181-185 By months 110 By weeks 112, 181 In New York City 114 Outside New York City 116 State bank members 241-257 Iron and steel: Production index 206 Factory employment index 208 Factory pay-roll index 212 Iron-ore shipments 207 Italy: Discount rates of Bank of 83 Open-market money rates 84 James, George R.; reappointed as member of Federal Reserve Board 22 Japan: Discount rates of Bank of 83 Open-market money rates 84 Land area of Federal reserve districts 286-291 Lead production, index of 207 Leased-wire system, cost of 226 Leather: Factory employment index 208 Factory pay-roll index _ 212 Production index 206 Products, wholesale prices, index of 214 Legal fees, Federal reserve banks 156 Liberty loan bonds: Average yield on 79 Held by Federal reserve banks 42, 51 Livestock paper, discount rates 73 Loans: All banks in the United States 87, 159, 163 By Federal reserve districts 159 By States 163 "All other," of reporting member banks 184 Member banks— All banks 96, 168, 175, 176, 177 By Federal reserve districts 168 By States 175 Classification of 98, 170 Open-market 177 To customers 176 Reporting banks 110, 112, 114, 116, 182, 183, 184 All other loans 184 In New York City 114 On securities 183 Outside New York City 116 Total 182 On securities, made by reporting member banks 183 Open-market, by member banks 177 Secured by stocks and bonds— Made by member banks on call dates 98, 170 Money rates in New York City 81 To brokers— As reported by New York Stock Exchange 120 By member banks 98, 119, 120, 121, 170 In New York Cicy— By weeks 119 On call dates 121 Ouiside New York City 121 To customers, by member banks 176 INDEX 309 Loans and investments: Page All banks in the United States 4, 87, 158-160, 162-164 By Federal reserve districts 158-160 By States 162-164 Member banks— All banks 4, 96, 98, 168, 170, 174-178 By States 174-178 Chart showing 5 Classification, on call dates 98, 170 On call dates 168 Reporting banks 110, 112, 114, 116, 181-185 By months 110 By weeks 112, 181 In New York City 114 Outside New York City 116 State bank members 241-257 Losses, reserve for, at Federal reserve banks 157 Lumber: Factory employment index 208 Factory pay-roll index 212 Production index 206 Machinery: Factory employment index 208 Factory pay-roll index 212 Magee, Wayland W., appointed member of Federal Reserve Board 22 Managers of branches of Federal reserve banks, list of 230-237 Manufactures, index of production 201, 206 Map outlining Federal reserve districts 294 Maturities, bills discounted and bought by Federal reserve banks 50, 136 Member and nonmember bank credit * 4, 85 Member banks: Acceptances held 98, 123, 170 Bank suspensions— By Federal reserve districts 191 By months 126 By years 125 Number, classified according to capital stock 127 Bankers' balances 96, 118, 168, 190 Borrowings at Federal reserve banks— All banks— By Federal reserve districts 167 By months 91, 100 By States 179 Compared with eligible assets held 94 Reporting member banks— By Federal reserve districts 189 By months 110 By weeks 113 In New York City 115 Outside New York City 117 Brokers' loans 98, 119, 120, 121, 170 Capital 89, 90, 96, 168 Changes in membership 17, 128 Condition of. {See Condition of banks.) Consolidations 20, 128 Deposits— Government 96, 113, 115, 117, 168 Net demand 186 Net demand and time 165 Time and demand— All banks 91, 95, 96, 165, 168 Classification on call dates 95 Reporting banks 110, 113, 186, 187 Deposits subject to reserve, reserves required, reserves held, and borrowings at Federal reserve banks: All banks 91 Banks in New York City, Chicago, and other reserve cities-- 101-109 310 INDEX Member banks—Continued. Page Dividends declared 131, 193-195 Dividends paid to, by Federal reserve banks 14, 16, 59, 154, 157 Earnings, expenses, and dividends 129-131, 193-195 National banks 194 State banks 195 Eligible assets (Government securities and eligible paper) held, compared with borrowings at Federal reserve banks 94 Excess reserves 7, 91, 101 Chart showing 8 Failures 1, 18, 125, 126, 127, 191, 192 Investments—• All banks 96, 168, 178 Reporting banks 110, 112, 114, 116, 185 List of, with loans, investments, deposits, capital, and surplus 241-257 Loans—• All banks 96, 168, 175, 176, 177 Classification of 98, 170 Reporting banks 110, 112, 114, 116, 182, 183, 184 All other loans 184 On securities 183 Total 182 Loans and investments— All banks 4, 96, 98, 168, 170, 174-178 By States 174-178 Chart showing 5 Classification, on call dates 98, 170 On call dates 168 Reporting banks 110, 112-117, 181-185 By months 110 By weeks 112, 181 In New York City 114 Outside New York City 116 Loans, investments, deposits, reserves, and borrowings at Federal reserve banks 110 Loans on securities 183 Loans to brokers 98, 119, 120, 121, 170 Loans to customers 176 Loans, open-market 177 Mergers 20 National banks— Additions and withdrawals from system 17, 128 Condition of 89 Earnings, expenses, and dividends 129, 130, 131, 194 Examiners, number and salaries 228 Mergers 20, 128 Number 18, 128 Suspensions 18, 125, 126, 127, 191 Trust powers— List of banks authorized to exercise 259-282 Number of permits issued 21 Number of 96, 168 Number of, discounting paper at Federal reserve banks 48, 167, 180 Number of, on par list 21, 57, 152, 153 Reserve balances. 3, 4, 27-37, 40-47, 96, 100, 111, 113-117, 137-148, 166, 188 All banks 96, 100, 166 By months 100, 166 Chart showing 8 On call dates 96 Reporting banks 111, 112-124, 188 By Federal reserve districts 188 By months 111 By weeks 113, 188 In New York City 101, 115 Outside New York City „ 117 INDEX 311 Member banks—Continued. Page Reserves required, reserves held, deposits subject to reserve, and borrowings at Federal reserve banks: All banks 91 Banks in New York City, Chicago, and other reserve cities 101-109 State banks— Capital 241 Changes in membership 17, 128 Classification according to capital stock 256-258 Condition of 89 Earnings, expenses, and dividends 129, 130, 131, 195 List of, with loans, investments, deposits, capital, and surplus. _ 241-257 Mergers 20, 128 Number of 18, 128, 241 Suspensions 125, 126, 127, 191 Withdrawals from system 17, 128 Membership in Federal reserve system: Changes in '_ 16, 128 State banks and trust companies, list of 241-257 Membership in par collection system 21, 57, 152, 153 Mergers, bank 20, 128 Metals, wholesale price index of 224 Mineral production, index of 207 . Monetary gold stock of United States 3, 10, 27-37, 63 Years 1914-1930 63 Money in circulation 2, 27-37, 69, 70 By kinds 70 By months 69 Chart showing 3 Money rates: In foreign countries 83, 84 In New York City 5, 81 In principal cities 82 Moratorium on intergovernmental debts and reparation payments 1,2 Morrill, Chester, appointed secretary of Federal Reserve Board 23 Municipal warrants purchased by Federal reserve banks 42 National bank notes: Circulation 70 Held by Federal reserve banks 42 National banks: Additions and withdrawals from system 17, 128 Circulating false reports concerning, comments by Federal advisory council 221 Condition of 89 Earnings, expenses, and dividends 129, 130, 131, 194 Examination of companies affiliated with, recommendations of Federal advisory council 221 Examiners, number and salaries 228 Mergers 20 Number 18, 128 Suspensions— By Federal reserve districts 191 By months 126 By years.. _ , 125 Number, classified according to capital stock 127 Trust powers— List of banks authorized to exercise 259-282 Number of permits issued 21 Recommendations of Federal advisory council regarding 221 Netherlands: Discount rates of Bank of 83 Open-market money rates 84 New York Stock Exchange, brokers' borrowings as reported by 120 Nonferrous metals: Production index 206 Factory employment index 208 Factory pay-roll index 212 125554—32 21 312 INDEX Nonmember banks: p Bank suspensions— age By Federal reserve districts 191 By months 126 By years , 125 Number, classified according to capital stock 127 Deposits, exclusive of interbank deposits 88, 161 Loans and investments 87, 158-160 Chart showing 5 Mergers 20, 128 Number on par list 21, 57, 152, 153 Suspensions 18, 125, 126, 127 Number of member banks discounting paper at Federal reserve banks 48, 167, 180 By Federal reserve districts 167 By States 180 Officers and directors of Federal reserve banks, list of 230-237 Officers and employees: Federal reserve banks, number and salaries 15, 238-240 Federal Reserve Board, salaries 225 One hundred per cent of capital and surplus, list of banks authorized to accept bills up to 283-285 Open-market loans by member banks 177 Open-market operations of Federal reserve banks. (See Discount and open-market operations.) Open-market rates. (See Discount and open-market rates.) Paper and printing: Production index 206 Factory employment index 208 Factory pay-roll index 212 Par collections. (See Check clearing and collections.) Par list, number of banks on 21, 57, 152, 153 Pay rolls, factory, index of 201, 212 Penalties for deficient reserves imposed by Federal reserve banks 59, 156 Petroleum refining: Production index 206 Factory employment index 208 Factory pay-roll index 212 Population of Federal reserve districts 286-291 Postage, Federal reserve banks, cost of 156 Premises, Federal reserve banks 16, 43, 44-47, 58, 157 Book value 58 Cost of 58 Date occupied 58 Depreciation charges 157 Prices: Security 200 Wholesale commodity, index of 214 Printing and stationery, Federal reserve banks, cost of 156 Production, index of 201 Profit and loss account of Federal reserve banks 59, 154 Public-utility stocks, prices of, index of 200 Railroad car loadings, index of 201 Railroad stocks, prices of, index of 200 Rates, discount and open-market. (See Discount rates.) Real estate, loans secured by, made by member banks 98, 170 Receipts and disbursements of the Federal Reserve Board 226-227 Receiver, list of national banks authorized to apt as . 259 Recommendations of Federal advisory council. (See Federal advisory council.) Reconstruction Financ e Corporation, establishment of 2 Registrar of stocks and bonds, list of national banks authorized to act as 259 Regulation G of the Federal Reserve Board, amendment to 22, 222 Rent paid by Federal reserve banks 156 Reporting member banks. (See Member banks.) INDEX 313 Page Reserve balances of member banks 3,4, 27-37, 40-47, 96, 100, 111, 113-117, 137-148, 166, 188 All banks 96, 100, 166 By months 100, 166 On call dates 96 Reporting banks 111, 112-124, 188 By Federal reserve districts 188 By months 111 By weeks 113, 188 In New York City 115 Outside New York City 117 Reserve bank float 1 38, 44 Reserve city member banks: Condition of 90 Deposits, reserves required, reserves held, and borrowings at Federal reserve banks 91, 107 Holdings of eligible assets 94 Loans and investments, classification of, on call dates 98 Reserve percentages of Federal reserve banks 40 Reserves: Deficiencies in, penalties for 59, 156 Excess, of member banks 7, 91, 101 Chart showing 8 Federal reserve banks 10, 40, 41, 42, 44, 46, 137-148 Cash, each bank 137-148 Gold 10,42,44,46 Member banks 40, 41, 43, 44, 89, 90, 91, 96, 100, 111, 113, 115, 117, 166, 168, 188 All banks 89, 90, 91, 96, 100, 166, 168 Deposits subject to reserves, reserves required, reserves held, and borrowings at Federal reserve banks: All banks 91 Banks in New York City, Chicago, and other reserve cities 101-109 Reporting banks 111, 113, 115, 117, 188 Resources and liabilities: Federal reserve banks— At end of each month 44 Combined statement 41 Each bank 46, 137-148 Weekly statement and balance sheet items 42 Member banks—• By Federal reserve districts 168 Country banks 90 National and State banks 89 On call dates 96 Reserve city and country banks 90 Reporting banks— By weeks 112-113 In New York City 114-115 Outside New York City 116-117 National banks 89 Reserve city bank members 90 State bank members 89 Rubber products: Production index 206 Factory employment index 208 Factory pay-roll index 212 Salaries: Federal reserve banks 156, 238-240 Federal Reserve Board 225 National bank examiners 228-229 Securities: Held by Federal reserve banks 27-38 Held by member banks 98, 170 Loans on, by member banks 98, 170, 183 314 INDEX Securities—Continued. United States Government— Page Average yield on 79, 80 Bills discounted, secured by, held by Federal reserve banks. 42, 49, 136 Bonds bought by Federal reserve banks 42, 51 Certificates of indebtedness— Held by Federal reserve banks 42, 51, 52, 53, 54 Temporary 1-day certificates 52, 53, 54 Yield on 1 79,80 Earnings and rates of earnings on purchases by Federal reserve banks ___.. 14, 59, 78, 156 Held by Federal reserve banks.. 8, 10, 27-39, 41-47, 51, 52, 53, 137-148 By classes 51 Bought outright 41,42,51, 137-148 Bought under resale agreement 41, 42, 51, 137-148 Chart showing 9 In system investment account 52, 53 Temporary 1-day certificates 52, 53, 54 Held by member banks 94, 96, 98, 168, 170 Issues, redemptions, and exchanges handled by fiscal agency departments 15, 55, 149, 150 Liberty bonds— Held by Federal reserve banks 42, 51 Yield on 79 Paper secured by, held by Federal reserve banks 42, 49, 136 Rates of earnings on purchases by Federal reserve banks 14, 78 Treasury bills held by Federal reserve banks 42, 51 Treasury bonds— Held by Federal reserve banks 42, 51 Yield on 79, 80 Treasury notes— Held by Federal reserve banks 42, 51 Yield on 79, 80 Volume handled b \ Federal reserve banks 15, 55, 149, 150 Securit}^ prices 200 Silver: Circulation 70 Held by Federal reserve banks 42 Production index 207 State bank members: Capital 113,241 Changes in membership 17, 128 Classification according to capital stock 256-258 Condition of 89 Earnings, expenses, and dividends 129, 130, 131, 195 List of, with loans, investments, deposits, capital, and surplus 241-257 Mergers 20 Number of 18, 128,241 Suspensions— By Federal reserve districts 191 By months 126 By years 125 Number, classified according to capital stock 127 Stocks and bonds, loans secured by: Made by member banks— In New York City 119, 121 Outside New York City 121 On call dates I 98, 170 Money rates in New York City 81 Stocks, common and preferred, prices of, index of 200 Surplus: Federal reserve banks 15, 43, 45, 46, 47, 59, 154, 157 Member banks 89, 90, 96, 168 State bank members 241-255 INDEX 315 Suspensions, bank: By Federal reserve districts 191 By months 126 By size of city or town 127 By States 192 By years 125 Comments on, by Federal advisory council 219 Discussion of 1, 18 Number, classified according to capital stock 127 Sweden, Bank of, discount rates 83 Switzerland: Discount rates of Bank of 83 Open-market money rates 84 Tax, franchise, paid by Federal reserve banks to Government 14, 59, 154, 157 Tax on premises, Federal reserve banks 156 Telegraph, leased-wire system, cost of 226 Telephone and telegraph expenses: Federal reserve banks 156 Federal Reserve Board 226 Textiles: Factory employment index 208 Factory pay-roll index 212 Prices, wholesale 214 Production index 206 Time and demand deposits. {See Deposits.) Tobacco manufactures: Factory employment index 208 Factory pay-roll index 212 Production index 206 Trade acceptances held by Federal reserve banks 49, 136 Trade, wholesale, index of 201 Traveling expenses, Federal reserve banks 156 Treasury bills held by Federal reserve banks 42, 51 Treasury bonds: Held by Federal reserve banks 42, 51 Yield on 79, 80 Treasury certificates of indebtedness: Held by Federal reserve banks 42, 51, 52, 53, 54 Temporary 1-day certificates 52, 53, 54 Yield on 1 79, 80 Treasury notes: Circulation 70 Held by Federal reserve banks 42, 51 Yield on 79, 80 Trust companies. {See State banks.) Trust powers of national banks: List of banks authorized to exercise 259-282 Number of permits issued 21 United States Government deposits: Held by Federal reserve banks 40, 43-47 Held by member banks— By weeks 113 In New York City 115 On call dates 96, 168 Outside New York City 117 United States Government securities: Average yield on 79, 80 Bills discounted secured by, held by Federal reserve banks 42, 49, 136 Bonds bought by Federal reserve banks 42, 51 Certificates of indebtedness— Held by Federal reserve banks 42, 51, 52, 53, 54 Temporary 1-day certificates 52, 53, 54 Yield on 79, 80 Earnings and rates of earnings on purchases by Federal reserve banks 14, 59, 78, 156 316 INDEX United States Government securities—Continued. PageHeld by Federal reserve banks 8, 10, 27-39, 41-47, 51, 52, 53, 137-148 By classes 51 Bought outright 41, 42, 51, 137-148 Bought under resale agreement 41, 42, 51, 137-148 Chart showing 9 In system investment account 52, 53 Temporary 1-day certificates 52, 53, 54 Held by member banks 94, 96, 98, 168, 170 Issues, redemptions, and exchanges handled by fiscal agency department of banks 15, 55, 149, 15Q Liberty bonds— Held by Federal reserve banks 42, 51 Yield on 79 Paper secured by, held by Federal reserve banks 42, 49, 136 Rates of earnings on purchases by Federal reserve banks 14, 78 Treasury bills held by Federal reserve banks 42, 51 Treasury bonds— Held by Federal reserve banks 42, 51 Yield on 79, 80 Treasury notes— Held by Federal reserve banks 42, 51 Yield on 79,80 Volume handled by Federal reserve banks 15, 55, 149, 150 United States notes in circulation 70 Volume of operations of Federal reserve banks 15, 55, 149 All banks 15, 55 Each bank 149 Branches 17, 150 Warehouse receipts: Bankers' acceptances based on, outstanding 122 Loans secured by, money rates in New York City 81 Warrants, municipal, held by Federal reserve banks 42, Wholesale commodity prices, index of 214 Wholesale trade, index of 201 Withdrawals from Federal reserve system 17 Zinc, index of production 207