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--~-------·-·-7 REPORT OF THE , I I I BANK COMMISSIONER OFAR I' THIRTY-FIRST REPORT OF THE BANK COMMISSIONER OF THE STATE OF ARKANSAS FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1945 THOMAS W. LEGGETT State Bank Commissioner • ,. . STATE OF ARKANSAS OFFICE OF STATE BANK DEPARTMENT LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS June 30, 1945 To His Excellency, Ben Laney, Governor of Arkansas: Complying with the provisions of Section 704 of Pope's Digest, I have the honor to submit herewith the ThirtyFirst Report of the State Bank Commissioner of Arkansas for the year beginning July 1, 1944, and ending June 30, 1945. The report covers the condition of the state banks and trust companies, state building and loan associations, industrial banks, credit unions, a combined statement of the burial associations of Arkansas and a compiled list, together with other factual data. The total assets of state banks aggregate $319,689,534.88, representing an increase of $77,556,633.62 since the June 30, 1944 report. The total loans carried by state banks are $50,282,636.68, an increase of more than eight million dollars over the amount of loans carried in the report of one year ago. The total holdings in U. S. Government securities amount to $137,559,694.67, or an increase of $39,653,630.54 over the report of June 30, 1944. The trend in bank deposits and asset figures continues upward. This inflationary trend will likely continue up to the postwar era. I would like to call your attention to the part our banking institutions have performed in the war effort. They have not only acquired many millions of dollars worth of :securities for their own portfolios, but on the other hand they have given most freely of their time and personnel to the U. S. Treasury Department in the furtherance of the sale of war bonds. Many of the senior bank officials have been serving in the various bond drives in the sale of Gov-• crnment securities. The banks are also handling ration banking and have given full cooperation in all things pertaining to the successful prosecution of the war. • It has been the policy of this Department to urge upon our bankers that so far as possible they strengthen their capital accounts and weed out any doubtful assets in order that they may be in better position to meet the demands of the postwar world. The banks appear to be willing and able to take care of the legitimate credit needs of industry and agriculture. This Department is endeavoring to serve constructively and efficiently the state banks of Arkansas and its citizens. I want to take this opportunity of extending my very kind appreciation for your courtesy and cooperation. I also want to extend my thanks and appreciation to the State Banking Board and the Arkansas Bankers Association for their services, counsel and cooperation. Respectfully submitted, THOMAS W. LEGGETT, State Bank Commissioner. ,. •• • TABLE OF CONTENTS . Page Department Roster _____________________________________________ -------7 Commissioners of State Bank Department_ _______________________________ s Receipts and Disbursements ______________________________________________ 8 Comparative Abstract showing condition of State Banks and Trust Companies as of June 30, 1945 and June 30, 1944 __________________________ 9 Comparative Abstract showing condition of State and National Banks of Arkansas as of December 31, 1944-1940___________________________ 10 Comparative statement of condition of State Banks and Trust Companies for the Twelve months period ending December 31, 1944 ______________ 11 Banking Facilities by Counties including State and National Banks, Teller's Windows and Cooperative Exchanges _____________________ l3-14 National Banks in Arkansas ____________________________________________ 15 Members of Federal Reserve Systen1 ____________________________________ l6 Commercial Banks Non-Members of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation __ l6 Trust Companies not engaged in Commercial Banking and Non-Members of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ____________________________ l() State Banks operating Teller's Windows ________________________________ l7 National Banks operating Teller's Windows ______________________________ l7 New Banks Chartered _________________________________________________ l 7 Amendments Altering Capital Structure _________________________________ l 7 Amendments authorizing the purchase of assets and assumption of liabilities of other banks _____________________________________________ 18 State Banks converted to National Banks ________________________________ l8 Banks establishing Teller's Windows ____________________________________ 18 Amendments changing par value of outstanding shares of capital stock ____ l8 Amendments changing number of Directors ______________________________ 18 Banks which have retired Preferred Stock ______________________________ lS Individual statements of condition of all State Banks and Trust Companies as of June 30, 1945 ______________________________________ 19-141 ... • . • I 1 Thirty-First Report . 7 . DEPARTMENTAL ROSTER Thomas W. Leggett__ _________ State Bank Commissioner ___ Assistant Bank Commissioner Theo P. Carson_ _______ John L. Carter __ _____ ___ __ Assistant Bank Commissioner in charge Building and Loan and Securities Division BANK EXAMINERS F. C. Rayburn Albert Sims J. A. Welty / /~ ff~~/ • / '. / ASSISTANT EXAMINERS //Y ~ -H. B. Meistm p,,_ rrer< SO j,/ ~-S. It-. M. g1;0:l'l:ele1 rcrrd BUILDING AND LOAN AND SECURITIES EXAMINER --R, K CuMett Ge .I>(If/'( (i.t.JN..,, SECRETARY TO BANK COMMISSIONER Audry Arnn CLERKS AND STENOGRAPHERS Mart~u JeuH CRrter Nora S. PowerE? Vivian Martin :5v e . r;,1-.1t:r f I 1- , 'l,.J.ST ATE BANKING BOARD B. A. Lynch, Chairman ______ __________________ ____ Blytheville Howard East_ _________________________________________________________ Camden Louis E. Hurley _______________________________________________________ El Dorado A. N. Ragon ___________________ :_____________________________________ Clarksville C. E. Crossland _________ ---i---------- ____________________________ Little Rock \ • . 8 State of Arkansas: Bank Department ,. COMMISSIONERS OF STATE BANK DEPARTMENT STATE OF ARKANSAS No. Name Date of appointment Date service ended 1 John M. Davis _____________ March 6, 1913 _____________ October 3, 1918 2 A. J. Reap ________________ October 3, 1918 ____________ March 22, 1919 3 W. T. MaxwelL ____________ March 22, 1919____________ September 1, 1921 4 Charles McKee ____________ September 1, 192L ________ July 28, 1925 5 Loid Rainwater ____________ July 28, 1925 ______________ February 8, 1927 6 Walter E. Taylor_ _________ February 8, 1927__________ January 10, 1933 7 Marion Wasson ____________ January 10, 1933 ___________ January 12, 1937 8 Grover S. Jernigan _________ January 12, 1937___________ January 14, 1941 9 Thomas W. Leggett_ _______ January 14, 194L _________ _ The following is a statement showing the receipts and disbursements of the State Bank Department from July 1, 1944, to June 30, 1945: RECEIPTS Cash balance with State Treasurer June 30, 1944 ___________________ $38,393.06 Examination and assessment fees Bank Department_ ____ $2.1,873.26 Charter and amendment fees Bank Department_________ 646.0-0 Exam~n:tt;ion and assessment fees Building and Loan D1v1s1on __ _________________ _____________________ 1,150.15 Miscellaneous fees Securities Division_________________ 9,838.77 $33,508.18 $71,901.24 DISBURSEMENTS :Salary of Bank Commissioner _________________________ $ Salary of Assistant Bank Commissioner________________ Salary of Assistant Commissioner Securities Division___ Salaries of Bank Examiners__________________________ Salaries of Assistant Examiners______________________ Salaries of Office Force______________________________ Travel Expense ------------------------------------Maintenance __ ____ ____ __ ________ ___________ __ ______ _ Audit Expense to State Comptroller___________________ 5,000.00 4,200.00 3,600.00 8,750.00 8,296.67 6,862.50 5,776.804,155.22 1,000.00 $47,641.19 Cash balance with State Treasurer June 30, 1945 ___________________ 24,260.05 $71,901.24 . • • COMPARATIVE ABSTRACT SHOWING THE CONDITION OF STATE BANKS AND TRUST COMPANIES OF ARKANSAS AS OF JUNE 30, 1945 AND JUNE 30, 1944 Number of banks reporting June 30, 1945 163 RESOURCES Loans and discounts ___________________ _ $ 50,282,636.68 U.S. Government obligations ___________ _ 137,559,694.67 Other bonds and securities _____________ _ 14,515,173.74 Banking house, furniture and fixtures ___ _ 1,093,753.61 Other real estate ______________________ _ 84,991.79 Other resources _______________________ _ 407,182.. 16 Cash and due from banks ______________ _ 115, 746,102.23., TOTAL RESOURCES ________________ _ Decrease Increase June 30, 1944 161 • $ 42,154,535.10 $ 97,906,0,64,13 13,202,605.88 1,135,084.64 82,377.69 495,809.86 87,156,423.96 41,331.03 2,614.10 -------- 88,627.70 ---------- 28,589,678.27 $319,689,534.88 $242,132,901.26 $ 77,556,633.62 (Net) LIABILITIES Demand deposits ______________________ _ $217,927,532.00 Savings and time deposits ______________ _ 29,434,249.33 U.S. Government deposits _____________ _ 20,379,245.30 Public funds _________________________ _ 22,160,145.87 Deposits of Banks _____________________ _ 12,819,298.37 $156,697,385.73 22,390,777.77 16,739,297.21 20,785,806.89 10,219,541.70 $ 61,230,146.27 ""-3 ~- ;::i- $ 7,043,471.56 3,639,948.09 1,374,338.98 2,599,756.67 t~<:II .,... ~ (1:, '"d TOTAL DEPOSITS __________________ _ $302,720,470.87 $226,832,809.30 $ 75,887,661.57 $ Borrowed money _________ -------------· Other liabilities ______________________ _ CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock _________________________ _ Surplus ______________________________ _ Undivided profits and reserves _________ _ $ $ 81,746.14 141,560.85 $ 25,000.00 96,233.71 $ $ 7,346,000.00 5,115,300.00 4,163,223.31 7,123,500.00 4,336,350.00 3,616,934.97 $ 222,500.00 778,950.00 546,288.34 TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS________ $ 16,624,523.31 $ 15,076,784.97 $ 1,547,738.34 TOTAL LIABILITIES_________________ $319,689,534.88 $242,132,901.26 $ 77,556,633.62 (Net) 106,746.14 237,794.56 $ C .,... ~ $ \.0 '""' 0 COMPARATIVE ABSTRACT SHOWING CONDITION OF STATE AND NATIONAL BANKS OF ARKANSAS AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1944-1:J40 Cr.I --------------------~ Number of Banks 213 1944 RESOURCES Loans and discounts ____________________ U.S. Government obligations ___________ Other bonds and securities ______________ Cash and due from banks _______________ Banking house, furniture and fixtures ____ Other real estate owned ________________ Other resources _______________________ . <"'+- 211 1943 215 1942 217 1941 (,:, C '-+, 206,185,000 34,269,000 192,985,000 2,951,000 290,000 860,000 $ 68,681,000 127,461,000 34,519,000 202,275,000 2,977,000 415,000 771,000 $ 78,491,000 42,345,000 34,007,000 159,337,000 3,046,000 633,000 697,000 $ 70,802,000 25,049,000 31,543,000 117,292,000 3,156,000 867,000 634,000 $655,731,000 $515,739,000 $437,099,000 $318,556,000 $249,343,000 LIABILITIES _________________________ Capital stock __________________________ Surplus _______________________________ Undivided profits and reserves _______ ·___ Deposits _____________________________ Other liabilities _______________________ . $ 13,682,000 11,440,000• 8,272,000 631,710,000 627,000 $ 13,512,000 9,870,000 7,249,000 484,327,000 781,000 $ 13,395,000 9,071,000 6,491,000 407,335,000 807,000 $ 13,376,000 8,328,000 6,225,000 289,869,000 758,000 $ 13,401,000 7,340,000 5,714,000 222,190,000 698,000 TOTAL LIABILITIES _________________ $655,731,000 $515,739,000 $437,099,000 $318,556,000 $249,343,000 $ 86,227,000 $ 78,199,000 309,092,000 33,615,000 232,953,000 2,921,000 208,000 715,000 TOTAL RESOURCES _________________ • ,,.., .:i 216 1940 ~ "'! ;,;-- .:i ;:s (I> .:i (I> Oj -- ' ~;,;-t, (,:, ~ ~ <"'+- ~ (,:, ;:s .,.... . . • • COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF STATE BANKS AND TRUST COMPANIES FOR PAST THIRTY-ONE YEARS --- Date June 23, 1915 _________ June 30, 1916 _________ June 20, 1917 __________ June 29', 1918 _________ June 30, 1919 _________ .June 30, 1920 _________ June 30,, 1921_ ________ June 30, 1922 _________ June 30, 1923 _________ June 30, 1924 _________ June 30, 1925 _________ June 30, 1926 _________ June 30, 1927 _________ June 30, 1928 _________ June 29, 1929 _________ June 30, 1930_________ June 30, 193L ________ June 30, 1932 _________ June 30, 1933 _________ June 30, 1934 _________ June 29, 1935 _________ June 30, 1936 _________ June 30, 19'37_________ June 30, 1938 _________ June3~1939 _________ June 29, 1940 _________ June 30, 1941_ ________ June 30, 1942 _________ June 30, 1943 _________ June 30, 1944 _________ June 30, 1945 _________ Number Banks Deposits 397 $ 39,523,900 387 50,107,100 389 72,480,300 90,194,100 389 386 109,447,800 404 129,669,700 406~ 104,393,600 402 '106,276 400 403 128,580,700 123,365.30,0 397 396 136,552,900 394 " 142,107,300 134,788,700 376 135,849,800 358 347 137,636,800 131,936,800 329 265 92,097,800 223 62,043,400 202 47,335,000 189 41,756,400 50,646,500 180 178 59,441,000 176 66,036,600 €-6,771,000 171 73,397,300 167 169 79,079,100 94,733,000 166 166 128,975,900 161~- 190,153,500 161-- 226,832,800 163 302,720,500 Loans and Discounts $ 43,583,600 45.877,800 56,871,400 78,279,700 93,519,700 133,256,200 113,064,400 101,031,600 109,443,400 114.950,900 117,669,200 123,464,400 112,051,800 109,167,900 109,438,700 111,542,200 67,063,800 46374,800 29,925,600 23,434,300 25,039,400 22,088,500 24,965,600 29,138,400 36,443,100 32,496,900 33,420,100 30,6€-•6,600 30,497,300 42,121,000 50,282,600 Borrowed Money $ 3,778,300 2,088,20,0 3,023,300 7,823,100 14,338,600 29,775,800 27,416,000 14,857,200 9,639,800 14,237,400 13,403,100 13,078,300 8,011,600 7,120,500 8,333,200 12,018,900 3,356,600 7,676,700 6,798,200 3,515,800 320,500 148,300 233.500 88,100 206,100 72,300 75,100 56,700 83,700 81,700 106,700 Cash 11; 12,183,300 17,153,300 26,167,800 23,321,400 30,106 900 30,754,800 25,680,400 27.074,700 34,083,000 28,651,300 34,129 800 35,902,800 35,390,100 33,484,400 32,607,700 30,886,200 26,347,000 20,014,800 19,530,100 18,594,700 20,827,300 29,198,000 28 661.800 26,501;600 27,761,400 34,852,000 46,087,100 75,993,000 88.424,600 87,156,400 115,746,100 U.S. Gov't Bonds $ Capital Structure 7,~ $ 19,183,300 2,000 18,721,700 1,029,600 19,724,300 7,832,500 ~,898,400 12,295,800 21,441,000 9;830,300 24,582,100 6,658,000 25,474,800 3,558,000 25,270,900 6,626,900_.-25,842,200 3,604,000 25,770,300 4,720,100 25,186,900 4,401,600 25,374,100 4,426,700 24,424,800 6,048,500 23,434,400 8,403,100 23,593,100 4,892,500 23,169,300 4,101,500 17,551,500 6,061.500 14,937,100 6,946,200 12,398,500 7,155,500 12,047,800 9,206,600 ~1,693,400 11,254,400 11,769,900 12,197,200 12,059,300 10,842,300 12,084,800 9,198,600 12,280,700 rn,664,100 12,567,100 12,705,800 12,805,500 21,423,800 13,316,600 13,904,500 71,252,800 97 906 1('0 · 15,076 800 137,559,700 ✓ 16,624,500 Total R,j!sources $ 62,625,500 70,989,10() 94,0,05,800 118,318,000 145,181,000 184,146,700 157,210,300 145,697,700 162,928,400 161,946,800 171,348,400 179,174,100 167,369,800 167,013,100 170,668,000 168,358,500, 114,721,200 85,708,100 67,506,400 57,423,900 62,770,700 ✓ ~ ;::,- "'· "'l <-+, t<;:: I ""=j "'· "'l i:,, <-+, ~ (1:, 'd C . "'l <-+- 71,508,200 78,432,900 79,016,200 85,961,400 92,002,700 107,936,900 142,710,700 204,492,600 242,132,900 319,689,500 ,.....~ f-." f-." 12 State of Arkansas: Bank Department CONSOLIDATED REPORT OF EARNINGS AND DIVIDENDS OF STATE BANKS AND TRUST COMPANIES FOR THE TWELVE MONTHS ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1944 EARNINGS: Interest and discount on loans _____________ $ 1,837,575.37 Interest and dividends on securities_________ 1,643,686.30 Service ch~rl$'es, exchange charges, comm1ss1ons, etc. _____________________ 1,583,949.13 Other operating earnings _________________ 281,328.57 Total earnings from current operations __ $ 5,346,539.37 • EXPENSES: Salaries, wages and directors' fees _________ lji 1,795,745.54 212,180,77 Interest paid ----------------------------Taxes other than on income _______________ _ 208,249.07 307,939.82 Taxes on income------------------------Other current expenses __________________ _ 1,085,621.54 Total current expenses _______________ _ $ 3,609,736.74 Net operating earnings ______________ _ $ 1,736,802.63 RECOVERIES AND PROFITS: Recoveries and profits on securities sold ____ S Recoveries on loans ---------------------Other recoveries------------------------- 92,743.54 156,464.02 165,908.04 On securities---------------------------All others ------------------------------- 92,225.39 127,417.88 79,093.35 Net profits before dividends ___________ _ DIVIDENDS: Cash dividends on common stock ___________ £ On preferred stock _______________________ _ 451,609.50 39,203.19 298,736.62 ~ 490,812.69 $ 1,362,368.92 252,050.00 51,250.00 Total_-----------------------------OTHER DECREASES IN CAPITAL ACCOUNTS: Preferred stock retired __________________ _ Net addition to capital accounts for 1944 Total capital accounts December 31, 1943 ________ $14,313,677.12 Less adjustment accounts of reserves and banks retiring from business during 1944- __ 223,267.07 Total capital accounts December 31, 1944 $ $ 1,853,181.61 Net profits after dividends------------~ OTHER INCREASES IN CAPITAL ACCOUNTS: New common stock sold ___________________ $ Premium on common stock sold____________ 415,115.60 $ 2,151,918.23 Total _ -----------------------------LOSSES CHARGED OFF: On loans ________________________________ s $ 303,300.00 $ 1,665,668.92 • $ 198,050.00 $ 1,467,618.92 $14,090,410.05 $15,558,028.97 Thirty-First Report 13 BANKING FACILITIES BY COUNTIES INCLUDING STATE AND NATIONAL BANKS, TELLER'S WINDOWS AND COOPERATIVE EXCHANGES County " "' Arkansas_---------· Ashley _______ ---- __ Baxter _____________ Benton _____________ Boone _____________ , Bradley ____________ Calhoun __T _ ______ . Carroll_ ______ -- -- -· Chicot_ ____________ Clark ______________ Clay~-------------Cleburne ___________ Cleveland __________ Columbia ___________ Conway _____ ------Craighead __________ Crawford _______ -- -· Crittenden _________ Cross ______________ Dallas _______ -- --- Desha ______________ Drew ______________ Faulkner ___________ Franklin ___________ Fulton _____________ Garland ________ - - - Grant ______________ Greene _____________ Hempstead _________ Hot Spring _________ Howard _______ -- - - Independence _______ Izard--~----------Jackson ____________ Jefferson ________ - -· Johnson ____________ Lafayette ___ ------Lawrence __________ Lee ________________ Lincoln ____________ Little River _________ Logan _____________ Lonoke _____________ Madison __________ -· Marion ___________ -· Miller _______ - - -- - - . Mississippi_ _____ - -Monroe ____________ Montgomer:· ______ - . Nevada ____________ Newton ____________ Ouachita ________ - -Perry ______________ Phillips _____ - - -- --Pike _______________ Population 24,437 26,785 10,281 36,148 15,860, 18,097 9,636 14,737 27,452 24,402 28,386 13,134 12,570 29,822 21,536 47,200 23,920 42,473 26,046 14,471 27,160 19,831 25,880 15,683 10,253 41,664 10,477 30,204 32,770 18,916 16,621 25,643 12,834 26,427· 65,101 18,795 16,851 22,651 26,810, 19,709 15,932 25,967 29,802 14,531 9,464 31,874 80,217 21,133 8,876 19,869 10,881 ,31,151 8,392 45,970 11,786 State Banks 2 6 1 4 2 2 1 1 3 4 3 2 2 3 1 4 4 3 3 2 2 3 I 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 l 3 1 1 1 2 6 2 I National Banks 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1ft 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 3 1 1 Cooperative ExChanges Teller's Windows 1 _i-- -v ......i-- 3 1 1 --i-1 2 3 I 14 State of Arkansas: Bank Department BANKING FACILITIES BY COUNTIES INCLUDING STATE AND NATIONAL BANKS, TELLER'S WINDOWS AND COOPERATIVE EXCHANGES-Continued Population County Poinsett_ __________ _ 37,670 15,832 Polk------------~25,682 Pop~~-------------· Prairie ____________ _ 15,304 Pulaski_ __________ _ 156,085 Randolph __________ _ 18,319 St. Francis ________ _ 36,043 Saline ____________ _ 19,163 Scott _____________ _ 13,300 Searcy ____________ _ 11,942 Sebastian _________ _ 62,809 Sevier ____________ _ 15,248 Sharp _____________ _ 11,497 Stone _____________ _ 8,603 / Union _____________ _ 50,461 / Van Buren ________ _ 12,518✓ Washington _______ _ 41,114 White _____________ _ 37,176 Woodruff _________ _ 22,133 YelL _____________ _ 20,970 1,949,387 State Banks National Banks Teller's Windows 5 Cooperative ExChang~s 1 1 1 ,,;l-- 1 3 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 ~ 1 3 4 2 1 1 4 1 1 4 2 5 7 2 1 2 4 163 /69 50 2 1 1 1 19 --!4/ " ~ Thirty-First Report . NATIONAL BANKS IN ARKANSAS County Location Name Citizens National Bank _________________Arkadelphia ________Clark First National Bank ____________________ Ashdown ___________ Little River First National Bank ____________________ Batesville __________ Independence First National Bank ____________________Berryville __________Carroll First National Bank ____________________ Blytheville _________ Mississippi Citizens National Bank _________________ Camden ____________Quachita Farmers National Bank _________________ Clarksville _________ Johnson First National Bank ____________________ ConwaY------------Faulkner First National Bank ____________________ DeQueen _______ ----Sevier First National Bank ____________________De Witt_ ___________ Arkansas First National Bank ____________________ El Dorado __________Union National Bank of Commerce _____________ El Dorado __________Union First National Bank ____________________ Fayetteville ________ Washington First National Bank ____________________ Fordyce ____________Dallas National Bank of Eastern Arkansas ______ Forrest City --------~t. Francis City National Bank _____________________ Fort Smith _________ Sebastian First National Bank ____________________ Fort Smith _________ sebastian Merchants National Bank _______________ Fort Smith _________ Sebastian First National Bank ____________________Green Forest_ ______ Carroll First National Bank ____________________ Gurdon ___________ -Clark Arkansas National Bank ________________ Heber Springs ______Cleburne Helena National Bank __________________ Helena _____________Phillips Phillips National Bank _________________ Helena _____________Phillips Citizens National Bank _________________ Hope ______________ Hempstead First National Bank __________________ _:_Hope ______________ Hempstead Arkansas National Bank ________________ Hot Springs ________Garland Planters National Bank _________________ Hughes ____________ st. Francis First National Bank ___________________ ,Huntsville __________ Madison First National Bank ____________________ Lewisville __________Lafayette Commercial National Bank ______________ Little Rock _________ Pulaski Peoples National Bank _________________ Little Rock _________ Pulaski Union National Bank ___________________ Little Rock ________ .Pulaski First National Bank ____________________ Magnolia ___________columbia Malvern National Bank ________________ 0 ;(\1alvern ___________ .ffot Spring First National Bank ____________________ Marianna _________ -Lee Planters National Bank _________________ Mena _____________ -Polk First~ ational Bank ___________________-:Nashville _________ -Howard First National Bank ____________________ N ewport_ __________ Jackson National Bank of Commerce ____________ :Paragould __________Greene New First National Bank _______________ Paragould _________ .Greene First National Bank _____________________ Paris ______________ Logan National Bank of Commerce _____________ Pine Bluff_ _________Jefferson Simmons National Bank _______________ ~Pine Bluff_ _________ Jefferson American National Bank ________________ Rogers _____________Benton First National Bank ____________________ Springdale _________ Washington Peoples National Bank _________________ .Stuttgart_ _________ Arkansas State National Bank ____________________ Texarkana _________ Miller First National Bank ____________________ Tuckerman _________Jackson First National Bank of Lawrence Co. _____ Walnut Ridge _______ Lawrence First National Bank ____________________ Wynne _____________Cross ... 15 State of Arkansas: Bank Department 16 MEMBERS OF FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Capital and Surplus Date of Admission Name of Bank and Location April 21, 194L ______Elk Horn Bank & Trust Company ___________ $ 130,000.00 Arkadelphia August 23, 1918 _____ Farmers Bank & Trust Company____________ 300,000'.00 Blytheville May rn, 1944 _______ ,Bank of Brinkley _________________________ _ 90,000.00 Brinkley April 28, 194L _____ :The Merchants & Planters Bank____________ . 150,000.00 Camden September 11, 1942_.The Exchange Bank & Trust Company_______ 150,000.00 El Dorado January 7, 1944 _____Mcllroy Bank ---------------------------- 200,000.00 Fayetteville September 22, 1933_.Fordyce Bank & Trust Company____________ 100,000.00 Fordyce September 25, 1942_.Arkansas Trust Company__________________ 400,000.00 Hot Springs March 20, 1919 ______w_ B. Worthen Company, Bankers __________ 1,245,000.00 Little Rock September 20, 1944_.Farmers & Merchants Bank _______________ _ 65,000.00 Marianna July 21, 1920--------The Bank of Russellville___________________ 120,000.00 Russellville August 23, 1923 _____Peoples Exchange Bank____________________ 120,000.00 Russellville June9,1942--------Grant County Bank ______________________ _ 50,000.00 Sheridan April 11, 1944 ______ .'Smackover State Bank ____________________ _ 50,000.00 Smackover May 20, 1921_ ______ ,Bank of Waldron _________________________ _ 75,000.00 , 1 ,,, Waldron :::, ., .,,. 1 * 7... }t,. "'" .-P.e fat es OF1rv:~ ·rN,t;, ►. C>f>/IV t e:> BA'NKs~:(j~ iE"1~'Jfilf FEDERAL t) COMMERCIAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Name Location Farmers & Merchants Bank _______________________ Des Arc ~:~-~~_!a~=~=-- ____ -;;_"::.--:--:::::: ::-o, -.~ __ --:,- -:,.:.P~rtland . -~~~·"'J.V1e=?ltl!'Ba'fi1.L_.::::. ________________ .,, __ ":.Reyno Bank of Sidney ___________________________________ Sidney TRUST COMPANIES NOT ENGAGED IN COMMERCIAL BANKING AND NON MEMBERS FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Name Location Arkansas Valley Trust Company ________________ Fort Smith Guaranty Loan & Trust Company ___________________ Helena Metropolitan Trust Company ___________________ Little Rock Thirty-First Report . .17 STATE BANKS OPERATING TELLER'S WINDOWS Location of Teller's Name of Bank Location / Window V County Citizens State Bank _______________ Bald Knob _____ Bradford_'!_✓___White Benton State Bank _______________ .Benton __ ~Bauxite_·~ ~_.Saline 7 DeWitt Bank & Trust Company ____ DeWitt_ ______ .,..GilletL--V---LArkansas Planters Bank& Trust Company ___ Forl'est City-~Cotton Plant~_.,:Woodruff Planters Bank & Trust Company ___ Forrest City _k".".:De Valls BluffLPrairie Farmers Bank ___________________ ,Greenwood~-~-~rtford_? ___ Sebastian The Cleburne County Bank _________ Heber Sprm Clmton ________ ,Van Buren McGehee Bank ___________________ McGehee_~ __ Arkansas ~ ~-Desha .JM:?n~tt~ S~ate Bank _______________ MonetteV____ Caraway _______Ci:ai~h~ad. '1'M1ss1ss1pp1 County Bank __________ Osceola __ --:-/"/Luxora ________ .M1ss1ss1pp1 The Security Bank & Trust Co, _____ Paragould~---Marmaduke ____ Greene First State Bank _________________ Plainview ___~Ola ____________Yell ~ B a i l k E"II • .. Plaiu=; ·u . ~t1xr1viU@ _, D I Bank of Prescott_ _________________PrescotL~--~mmeL~--- ___ Nevada The Searcy Bank _________________ Searcy ---~-----P gburn_ ----White Bratt-Wasson Bank _______________ Siloam Springs entrY,-z-----Benton Bank of Tuckerman ___ -----------· Tuckerman___ wiftonW".'.'"__ .,.,,:-__Jackson , Merchants & Plant~rs B~k _______Warren___ _ _Herpritagd{___ Bradley -1r 1Y11S.$1S.S1J,J-1 Co<JM NA'TiONAL B '/jql'/1( O".$cee11 ~T:.i1NE!'f NKS OPERATING TEL~'S WINDOWS State National Bank ______________ Texarkana _____ Foreman _______Little River .,. , / I /<.:, ~ //-.J-'c.f, _ NEW BANKS CHARTERED July 1~ 1944' to Juiie130, 1945 Name, Location and Date Capital Commercial Bank, Harrison, Boone County July~ 1944 -------------------r-----~-- $60,00J Bank of Newark, Newark, Independence.County October 12, 1944 _______________________ _ 25,000 The Farmers & Merchants Bank, Stuttgart, Arkansas County, December 29, 1944 _ _: ___ _'. __ _ 75,000 The Citizens Bank, Bearden, Ouachita County June 7, 1945 ________________ .!.:_ __ ~------25,000 ' IY//~!il!,S/htJI u Charter Surplus Number $15,000 685 5,000 686 25,000 687 5,000 688 AMENDMENTS ALTERING "CAPITAL STRUCTURE July 1, 1944 to June 30, 1945 The Citizens Bank & Trust Company, ··Batesville, retired J::oth classes of preferred stock amounting to $30,000.00, 'a¥- the sale of a like amount of new common stock at par value and increased common stock from $60,000..00 to, $100,000.00 by the declaration of a common stock dividend. The Bank of Montgomery County, Mount Ida, increased common capital from $5,800.00 to $21,600.00, by the declaration of a $10,000.00 common stock dividend and by the conversion of $5,800.00 class "A" preferred stock to common stock, leaving the bank a total capital of $25,000.00, of which $3,400.00 is. class "A" preferred stock and $21,600.00 of common stock. The Bank of Cave City, Cave City, increased common stock from $5,000.00, to $10,000.00, by the declaration of a 100% stock dividend, leaving the capital .at $15,000.00 of which $5,000.00 is preferred stock and $10,000.00 common stock. The Corning Bank, Corning, increased capital stock from $25,000.00 to, $37,500.00, by the declaration of a 50% stock dividend. Little River Bank, Lepanto, increased capital stock from $25,000.00 to $50,000.00, by the declaration of a 100% stock dividend. McGehee Bank, McGehee, increased capital stock from $50,000.00, to, $75,000.00, by the declaration of a 50% stock dividend. Bank of West Memphis, West Memphis, increased capital stock from $25,000.00 to $50,000,,00 by the declaration of a 100% stock dividend. <,- 18 State of Arkansas: Bank Department Bank of Weiner, Weiner, increased capital stock from $20,000.00 to $25,000.00, by the sale of $5,000.00 new stock for $10,000.0-0; the additional $5,000.00 realized from the sale was added to the surplus fund. AMENDMENTS AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF ASSETS AND ASSUMPTION OF LIABILITIES OF OTHER BANKS July 1, 1944 to June 30, 1945 The Citizens Bank & Trust Company, Batesville, amended articles of incorporation to provide for the purchase of a part or all of the assets and assumption of the liabilities, except those to the stockholders, of First National Bank, Newark, Arkansas. STATE BANKS CONVERTED TO NATIONAL BANKS July 1, 1944 to June 30, 1945 The Citizens Bank & Trust Company, Batesville to First National Bank, Batesville, October 11, 1944. BANKS ESTABLISHING TELLER'S WINDOWS July 1, 1944 to June 30, 1945 Name Location Location of Teller's Window J:~;1~r;I f;;~-c;-wr-?fTtfif,if\----~~~;1-;if-----------~;t~~ AMENDMENTS CHANGING PAR VALUE OF OUTSTANDING SH4RES OF CAPITAL STOCK July 1, 1944 to June 30, 1945 Arkansas Trust Company, Hot Springs, reduced par value of shares of capital stock from $100.00 to $25.00 per share. AMENDMENTS CHANGING NUMBER OF DIRECTORS July 1, 1944 to June 30, 1945 Name Location From Citizens Bank _________________________ Booneville_______ 7 Mcilroy Bank __________________________Fayetteville ______7 to 11 Citizens Bank of Lavaca ________________ Lavaca __________5 to 9 Peoples Bank ____________________ ~ ____ _portland _________5 to 9 Warren Bank __________________________Warren __________5 to 9 Bank of West Memphis _________________West Memphis ___ 5 to 7 To 3 to 7 to 3 to 3 to 5 to 5 to 5 15 7 7 10 9 BANKS WHICH HA VE RETIRED PREFERRED STOCK July 1, 1944 to June 30, 1945 Amount Name Location Retired Merchants & Planters Bank & Trust Co. _____Arkadelphia -----------$35,000.00 The Citizens Bank & Trust Company ________Batesville _____________ 30,000.00 The Merchants & Planters Bank ____________Clarendon _____________ 12,500.00 Bank of Delight_ _________________________Delight --------------- 5,000.00 Bank of Dover ___________________________ Dover _ ------------ __ _ 1,000.00 The Bank of Montgomery County __________ .Mt. Ida _______________ 5,800.00 Bank of Pea Ridge ________________________ Pea Ridge _____________ 5,000.0-0 The Bank of Rector_ ______________________Rector ---------------- 1,500.00 Peoples Exchange Bank ___________________Russellville ____________ 30,000.00 Thirty-First Report 19 THIRTY-FIRST REPORT of STATEMENTS OF ARKANSAS BANKS AND TRUST COMPANIES AS SHOWN BY THE CALL OF JUNE 30, 1945 Cities and Towns Alphabetically Arranged by Postoffices Population shown is that given by the 16th census of the United States 1940 COMMERCIAL BANK AT ALMA, ALMA Population, 774. Crawford County Chartered January 31, 1910. Officers Transit Number 81-272 ,l"i. Directors Fred Alexander H. Cole ✓1,. Fred Alexa_nder _____ Vice Presid~nt -:'Reves L. Bolling ::,/1. H. Kibler_ yReves L. Bolling ____________ Cash~er v E. Bradley C. R. Starbird Margaret Adams _______ Asst. Cashier 'i'W. E. Byars ../w. E. Byars _______________ President v;,w. ✓ J. STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ______ $ 65,205.83 Overdrafts _ ____________ 34.32 U. S. Gov't obligations ____ 417,143.56 Other bonds and securities_ 43,000.00 Furniture and fixtures____ 300.00 Banking house ___________ 500.00 Other real estate_________ 1.00 Cash and due from banks __ 393,895.92 Liabilities Capital stock ____________ $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund ___________ _ 15,000.00 Undivided profits _______ _ 11,816.68 Reserves ______________ _ 189.90 Demand deposits ________ _ 820,510.73 Time deposits __________ _ 6,541.54 U. S. Gov't deposits ______ _ 2,388.81 Public funds ____________ _ 38,632.97 Total deposits __ $868,074.05 Total ________________ $920,080.63 Total ________________ $920,080.63 20 State of Arkansas: Bank Department BANK OF AMITY, AMITY Population 608. Clark County Chartered November 30, 1905. Transit Number 81-287 / Officers / G. W. Tolleson _____________ President /J. F. Brown ./W. H. Olds ______________ Vice President .,,.,.-i;.yn Maxey /Cleda Olds _________________ Cashier ✓Cleda Olds ~ - t H " H t t g e _________ Asst. Cashier v' lMdt.R..i /71 Dir*rs W. H. Olds ✓G. W. Tolleson na-t./(l,V STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and Discounts ____ $ Overdrafts _ ----~-----U. S. Gov't obligations __ _ Other bonds and securities Furniture and fixtures __ _ Banking house ________ _ Cash and due from banks Other resources _______ _ 106,481.20 10.18 555,784.88 248,223.62 500.00 500.00 294,532.36 15.02 Liabilities Capital stock ___________ $ 35,000.00 Surplus fund __________ _ 25,000.00 Undivided profits ______ _ 11,689.14 Demand deposits ______ _ 863,787.77 Time deposits _________ _ 198,091.91 U. S. Gov't deposits _____ _ 48,461.90 Public funds __________ _ 24,016.54 Total dep. ___ $1,134,358.12 Total _______________ $1,206,047.26 Total _______________ $1,206,047.2G 1--l~LK HORN BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, ARKADELPHIA Population, 5,078. Clark County Chartered September 28, 1903. Transit Number 81-133 /, Officers _,,<.;. Directors _ W. E. Barkman _____________ Pres~dent W. E. Barkman ::,,t, C. Stone. v/.1. H. Lookadoo ________ Vice President ...-A. P. Greene P. Sturgis ✓ A. P. Greene __________ Vice President ~arence Hardin J. Vestal ~ /A. J. VestaL __________ Vice President . _H. Loo_ k. adoo J. B. Wingfield ., A. C. Stone _________________ Cashier · t:_· Meador / C. C. Lookadoo _________ Asst. Cashier .. ·:) 1 t 1.',~_,.. , (,t.,t ;:·:) /!· %· ., . , '(),. ,. ·1----r,-' r /;.,. -J. ..1 -<,__..__ H.-e(l-,t 'I'.,, ; ~ .,, .STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts _____ $ 317,652.64 Loans on commodities___ 3,700.00 Overdrafts _ ___________ 3.90 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 1,192,400.00 Other bonds and securities 126,415.78 Furniture and fixtures__ 2,000.00 Banking house _________ 6,000.00 Cash and due from ranks 1,032,628.74 Other resources ________ 2.00 Liabilities Capital stock __________ $ 100,000.00 Surplus fund __________ _ 30,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 32,143.17 Demand deposits ______ _ 1,602,273.28 Time deposits _________ _ 640.553.65 Public funds __________ _ 275,832.96 Total dep. ___ $2,518,659.89 Total _ --------------$2,680,803.06 Total _______________ $2,680,803.06 ¥ -../ I Thirty-First Report 21. MERCHANTS AND PLANTERS BANK AND TRUST COMP ANY, ARKADELPHIA Population, 5,078. Clark County Chartered June 15, 1911. Transit Number 81-469 ✓, Officers ✓,{ Dir~rs H. T. Ross ________ Chairman of Board H. Crawford E. N. McElhanon ../H, A. Daugherty ___________ President ~ - A. Daugherty vD. W. McMillan ✓,FL G. Elms ____________ Vice President H. G. Elms VIJ. T. Ross ✓ Jett _Black _______ Cashier & Secreta;ry VJfoy F. Golden ~alph Williams /_Lottie S. Watson _______ Asst. Cashier, ✓James C. Hobgood ✓ Catherine Condray ______ Asst. Cashier ...,,Martha l\foore.§_.::~,.~-Asst. Secretary 1 'J,1/Ve" tl{V'/trt: A.IC. G- // 1 STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 fa... Resources Loans and discounts _____ $ 529,029.11 Loans on commodities __ _ 11,739.91 U. S. Gov't obligations __ _ 281,424.00 Other bonds and securities 94,813.96 Furniture and fixtures __ _ 3,260.00 Banking house ________ _ 12,000.00 Other real estate ______ _ 7.00 Cash and due from banks 362,015.80 Other resources _______ _ 2.00 Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ Surplus fund __________ _ Undivided profits _____ _ Reserves _____________ _ Demand deposits ______ _ Time deposits _________ _ U. S. Gov't deposits ____ _ Public funds __________ _ Total dep, ___ $1,151,966.27 100,000.00 20,000.00 10,527.04 11,798.47 738,066.60 123,352.68 101,450.60 189,096.39 Total _______________ $1,294,291.78 Total _______________ $1,294,291.78 BANK OF ASH FLAT, ASH FLAT Population, 315. Sharp County Chartered February 20, 1912. Transit Number 81-499 /, Officers ✓Directors ' Qdus Carpenter ___________ President Willene Brawley '_Jforace Martin ✓,J, _M. Causbie _________ Vice Presid~nt j<jdus Carpel!-ter ._/V. McJunkins ,,,,Willene Brawley ____________ Cashier J. M. Causbie STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ______ $ 41,450.15 Loans on commodities_____ 66,961.36 Overdrafts _ _____________ 18.18 U. S. Gov't obligations ____ 225,000.00 Other bonds and securities 514.45 Furniture and fixtures____ 1.00 Banking house ___________ 1,400.00 Cash and due from banks __ 134,256.92 Liabilities Capital stock ------------$ 10,000.00 Surplus fund _________·___ 6,000.00 Undivided profits _________ 10,358.97 Demand deposits _________ 415,834.38 Time deposits ___________ 3,941.66 U. S. Gov't <feposits_______ 14,887.50 Public funds _____________ 8,579.55 Total deposits--$443,243.09 Total ________________ $469,602.06 Total ________________ $469,602.06 22 State of Arkansas: Bank Department BANK OF ATKINS, ATKINS Population, 1,322. Pope County Chartered September 19, 139,5_ Transit Number 81-215 Directors Officers { J. M. Barker_ ______________ President , C. A. Barker • J. M. Barker, Jr. J. M. Barker, Jr. ______ Vice President • J. M. Barker ,1 C. A. Barker_ _______________ Cashier STATEMENT OF JUNE 30,, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ______ $ 41,656.88 Overdrafts _ ____________ 824.59 U. S. Gov't obligations ____ 442,000.00 Other bonds and securities 457.80 Furniture and fixtures____ 776.85 Banking house ___________ 2.,964.74 Cash and due from banks __ 328,938.89 Liabilities Capital stock ____________ $ 30,000.00 Surplus fund ____________ 15,000.00 Undivided profits ________ 14,464.65 Demand deposits _________ 720,037.88 U. S. Gov't deposits_______ 11,422.17 Public funds _____________ 26,695.05 Total deposits __ $758,155.10 Total ________________ $817,619.75 Total ________________ $817,619.75 THE BANK OF AUGUSTA, AUGUSTA Population, 2,235. Woodruff County Chartered February 20, 1935. Transit Number 81-718 Officers Directors 'I' J. H. Snapp _______________ President rGeo. L. Beard vW. M. Sale \' W. M. Sale ____________ Vice President ""W. B. Conner -;:::J. H. Snapp ✓ W. B. Conner _____ V. Pres. & Cashier vR. E. Gregory , C.R. Stacy .• 0. T. Beasley __________ Asst. Cashier STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945. Resources Loans and discounts ____ $ Loans on commodities __ _ Overdrafts ___________ _ U. S. Gov't obligations __ _ Other bonds and securities Furniture and fixtures __ Banking house- ________ _ Cash and due from banks 214,633.01 2,600.00 122.21 564,700.00 110,645.86 812.00 2,970.00 496,225.24 Total _______________ $1,392,708.32 , Liabilities Capital stock ___________ $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund __________ _ 35,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 13,754.82 Demand deposits ______ _ 1,007,687.90 U. S. Gov't deposits ____ _ 196,711.61 Public funds __________ _ 111,694.60 Total dep. ___ $1,316,094.11 Other liabilities _______ _ 2,859.39 Total _______________ $1,392,708.32 Thirty-First Report 23 CITIZENS STATE BANK, BALD KNOB Population, 1,445. White County Chartered January 22, 1931. Transit Number 81-673 Officers Directors. """J. W. Brown ______________ President ~ J. W. Brown v·· IL A. Whitley ,., H. A. Whitley ________ Vice President '" Jennings Leggett ~- D. Williams v E. D. Williams ____ V. Pres. & Cashier ..,,-Erwin Wynn ___________ Asst. Cashier STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts _____ $ 15,489.26 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 800,800.00 Other bonds and securities 23,675.89 Furniture and fixtures __ 700.00 800.00 Banking house --------Cash and due from banks 432,187.16 Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 25,000.00 Surplus fund __________ 10,000.00 Undivided profits ______ 5,176.17 Demand deposits _______ 1,032,494.29 U. S. Gov't deposits_____ 135,384.42 Public funds ___________ 65,597.43 Total dep. ___ $1,233,476.14 Total ________________ $1,273,652.31 Total _ --------------$1,273,652.31 THE CITIZENS BANK, BEARDEN Population, 961. Chartered June 7, 1945. Officers Ouachita County Transit Number 81-749 Directprs ✓Garland Anthony _________ President-" Garland Anthony vR. W. Launius ________ Vice President .. ✓Oliver Anthony ✓Carlton Smith ________ Vice President ~•~..-·Hugh Thompson ____________ Cashier ~ J. W. Gossett \'R. W. Launius rw. 0. Proctor 'fl;-A. Sloan , .,·Carlton Smith \. H. F. Thompson OPENED FOR BUSINESS JULY 5, 1945 · •· • '\ 24 State of Arkansas: Bank Department CITIZENS BANK, BEEBE Population, 1,189. Chartered June 21, 1917. White County Transit Number 81-588 / Officers ..,-::·· Directors ,- E. H. Abington _____________ Pres!dent ~- C. Abi_ngton VH. M. Dodds v .J. R. Sloan ___________ Vice President '"S, H. Abmgton vJ. R. Sloan ' T. E. Abington ______________ Cashier ~ - E. Abington ✓ J. C. Williams """'1'. S. Dabney 1 STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ______ $ 43,231.97 Overdraft:;; _ ____________ 38.88 U. S. Gov't obligations____ 8,600.00 Other bonds and securities 3,127.80 Furniture and fixtures____ 1.00 Banking house __________ 1.00 Other real estate_________ 1.00 Cash and due from banks __ 742,043.49 Liabilities Capital stock ------------$ 25,000.00 Surplus fund -----------5,000.00 Undivided profits ________ 7,262.58 Reserves _ ______________ 14,062.04 Demand deposits _________ 739,073.94 Public funds ____________ 6,646.58 Total deposits __ $745,720.52 Total ________________ $797,045.14 Total ________________ $797,045.14 BELLEVILLE BANK, BELLEVILLE Population, 411. Chartered January 6, 1905. / ✓.J. C. ✓ _,.l\irs. V Yell County Transit Number 81-294 Officers . '(;. Directors Woodson _____________ President Carl Woodson, Jr. Mrs. J. C. Woodson J. C. Woodson _____ Vice President ..J. C. Woodson ~, R. AiW~-.:;zz-----~a~~ier IA ,v. f\ STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ______ $ 6,460.99 U. S. Gov't obligations ___ 174,000.00 Other bonBs and securities 1,306.57 Furniture and fixtures____ 291.80 Cash and due from banks__ 89,400.55 Liabilities Capital stock ____________ $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund ___________ _ 10,000.00 Undivided profits ______ _ 3,000.86 Demand deposits _______ _ 229,996.80 Public funds ___________ _ 18,462.25 Total deposits __ $248,459.05 Total _ ---------------$271,459.91 Total ________________ $271,459.91 .--· -- --------------------------------- Thirty-First Report 25 ---- BENTON STATE BANK, BENTON Population, 3,502. Saline County Chartered February 9, 1934. Officers W. R. Alsobrook ___________ President ii, H. ~diets __________ Vice President W. A. Springer _____________ Cashier Transit Number 81-711 Directors H. B. Alsobrook H. J. Gingles W. R. Alsobrook W. A. Springer ,U. n. 0&£~ffl W. R. Stephens, Jr. C. E. Fish L. B. White STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ____ -$ 323,671.45 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 1,567,116.99 Other bonds and securities 313,253.86 Furniture and fixtures__ 2,655.54 Banking house _________ 3,605.68 Cash and due from banks 780,141.99 Liabilities Capital stock _______ ---$ 25,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 75,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 2,675.28 Demand deposits ______ _ 2,059,699.89 Time deposits _________ _ 318,253.66 U. S. Gov't deposits ____ _ 8,726.74 Public funds __________ _ 455,027.83 Deposits of banks ______ _ 46,062.11 Total dep. ___ $2,887,770.23 Total _______________ $2,990,445.51 Total _______________ $2,990,445.51 I ,-, I BANK OF BENTONVILLE, BENTONVILLE y ' / . ,· Population, 2,359. Benton County Chartered February 25, 1931. Transit Number 81-701 /2 ,, Officers Dir~s -;"Ross Ma~tin _______________ Pres!dent ~ed Douglas .,,- ]loss M:irtin ',Vol T. Lmdsey ________ Vice President Roy Drum ~ern Rife ~- Fred Douglas ______________ Cashier ""9ordon Knott r T. Bryant Settle ~ol T. Lindsey STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts _____ $ 91,966.03 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 1,137,353.00 Other bonds and securities 33,300.00 Furniture and fixtures__ 1,500.00 Banking house _________ 4,000.00 Cash and due from banks 751,381.03 Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 30,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 30,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 15,272.98 Reserves _____________ _ 128.41 Demand aeposits ______ _ 1,449,692.39 Time deposits _________ _ 154,314.18 U. S. Gov't deposits ____ _ 99,922.34 Public funds __________ _ 231,362.54 Deposits of banks ______ _ 8,807.22 Total dep. ___ $1,944,098.67 Total ________ _: ______ $2,019,500.06 Total _ --------------$2,019,500.06 26 State of Arkansas: Bank Department BANK OF BLEVINS, BLEVINS Population, 331. Hempstead County Chartered August 12, 1912. Transit Number 81-518 V- Dirtctors Officers .,H. M. Stephens ____________ President \ H. M. Stephens · 'p, C. Stephens ~erbert M. Stephens __ Vice President \c Herbert M. Stephens P. C. Stephens ______________ Cashier STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ______ $ 36,709.46 Loans on commodities____ 5,900.00 U. S. Gov't obligations ____ 173,200.00 Other bonds and securities 8,000..00 Furniture and fixtures___ 1.00 Banking house __________ 1,000.00 2.00 . Other real estate_________ Cash and due from banks __ 148,620.31 Liabilities Capital stock ------------$ 25,000.00 Surplus fund ____________ 10,000.00 Undivided profits ________ 7,827.05 Demand deposits ________ 275,997.94 Time deposits ___________ 8,979.85 U. S. Gov't deposits______ 34,947.76 Public funds ____________ 10,680.17 Total deposits __ $330,605. 72 Total ________________ $373,432.77 Total ________________ $373,432.77 . ivv 3::--1J / FARMERS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, BLYTHEVILLE if f~o!,~✓ Population, 10,652. Chartered March 16, 1908. Officers , "" B. A. Lynch _______________ President --~1.. H. ,joftHSO'I'\ __ ~ - - - Vice President v F. E. Warren __ J_i~---------~ ✓ R. L. Banister ________ ~ . Cashier Max Logan ____________ Asst. Cashier Mississippi County Transit Number 81-105 Directors J. L. Cherry C. A. Richards C. A. Cunningham B. S. Simmons I. R. Johnson F. E. Warren B. A. Lynch STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts _____ $ 566,452.91 Loans on commodities ___ 2,685,101.15 Overdrafts _ ___________ 20-5.91 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 2,065,500.00 Other bonds and securities 71,291.35 Furniture and fixtures__ 1.00 Banking house _________ 72,500.00 Cash and due from banks 2,407,110.80 Other resources ________ 28,418.57 Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 150,000.00 Surplus fund __________ 150,000.00 Undivided profits ______ 128,141.35 Demand deposits _______ 5,410,408.39 Time deposits __________ 778,999.38 U. S. Gov't deposits_____ 872,144.30 Public funds ___________ 316,707.44 Deposits of banks_______ 61,763.26 Total dep, ___ $7,440,022.77 Other liabilities _______ _ Total _______________ $7,896,581.69 28,417.57 Total _______________ $7,896,581.69 I Thirty-First Report 27 2 ---- CITIZENS BANK, BOONEVILLE Population, 2,324. Chartered April 18, 1910. Logan County Transit Number 81-195 Directors Geo. R. Edwards Chas. X. Williams Mattie Edwards Long John Williams Abe Williams Officers Mattie Edwards ___________ President Long John Williams _________ Cashier Chas. X. Williams ______ Asst. Cashier STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts _____ $ 261,641.75 Loans on commodities __ _ 24,300.00 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 701,200.00 Other bonds and securities 829.51 Furniture and fixtures __ 1.00 Banking house ________ _ 1.00 Other real estate ______ _ 3.00 Cash and due from banks 720,129.88 Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 50,000.00 Surplus fund __________ _ 25,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 18,283.48 Demand deposits ______ _ 1,491,193.74 U. S. Gq_v't deposits ____ _ 1,823.96 Public funds __________ _ 121,804.96 Total dep. ___ $1,614,82.2.66 Total _______________ $1,708,106.14 Total _______________ Jl,708,106.14 THE BANK OF BRADLEY, BRADLEY Population, 409. Lafayette County Chartered April 10, 1933. Officers Transit Number 81-513 ~ Directors J. W. Meek Margaret R. Meek V ,-J. B. Edwards _____________ President ,r J. B. Edwards • ,.,~ Margaret R. Meek _____ Vice President ✓L, B. Hamner ..,,, ;r. ✓ ✓ W. Meek _________________ Cashier .,/W. A. McGee J. W. Meek, Jr. _________ Asst. Cashier STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ______ $ 61,725.67 Loans on commodities ____ 180,972,.73 Overdrafts _ ____________ 43.05 U. S. Gov't obligations____ 36,300.00 Other bonds and securities 21,100.00 Furniture and fixtures____ 800.00 Banking house __________ 800.00 Other real estate_________ 4.00 Cash and due from banks__ 95,051.64 Liabilities Capital stock ------------$ 25,000.00 Surplus fund ___________ _ 10,000.00 Undivided profits _______ _ 7,732.98 Demand deposits _______ _ 272,637.56 U. S. Gov't deposits _____ _ 39,008.00 Public funds ___________ _ 42,418.55 Total deposits __ $354,064.ll Tntal ________________ $396,797.09 Total _ ---------------$396,797.09 State of Arkansas: Bank Department 28 t .. BANK OF BRINKLEY, BRINKLEY ,. Population, 3,409. Chartered January 17, 1903. / Monroe County Transit Number 81-191 Officers . . L', Dir~rs V Andrew Flora ____________ President ".l<):ank Andrews ' X. Rusher ,Frank Andrews ______ Vice President V'Andrew Flora ✓w. W. Sharp ' John F. Cole ___ Active Vice President~. D. McKnight ✓Robert Moore _______________ Cashier V, STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts _____ $ Loans on commodities __ _ U. S. Gov't obligations __ Other bonds and securities Furniture and fixtures __ Banking house ________ _ Other real estate ______ _ Cash and due from banks Other resources _______ _ 159,897.40 256,887.11 632,200.00 125,941.76 2,000.0-0 13,000.00 2.00 882,055.73 1,980.73 Total _______________ $2,073,964.73 r.,,,.- r'Q(-/ V ,.., ✓" .l-lf · Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 50,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 40,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 13,119.72 Demand deposits ______ _ 1,350,230.94 Time deposits _________ _ 283,560.79 U. S. Gov't deposits ____ _ 219,123.58 Public funds __________ _ 117,929.70 Total dep. ___ $1,970,845.01 Total _______________ $2,073,964.73 C..8 .BANK OF CABOT, CABOT Population, 741. Chartered March 23, 1903. Lonoke County Transit Number 81-304 '- Officers v Dir~~ W. Lowman __________ President .,,.,.J.C. Alexander ~~.~- Gregory Fred B. Garlington ____ Vice President,,., 0: H. Davis r..,Jake W. Lowman J. M. Park __________________ Cashier .-"Fred B. Garlingtoif' J. M. Park Mildred M. Gr.w·fin _____ Asst. Cashier ✓- Jake ✓ " ✓. . / l,,, ··,..\'•,. ,' . \ ·/J,..,, ,,..It.-.. " I'- ;ill~ (/ ,, •1 STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts _____ $ Loans on commodities __ _ Overdrafts ___________ _ U. S. Gov't obligations __ Other bonds and securities Furniture and fixtures __ Banking house ________ _ Cash and due from banks 164,318.51 506,823.95 318.44 217,900.00 42,000.00 1.00 1.00 971,241.57 Total _______________ $1,902,604.47 Liabilities Capital stock __________ $ 30,000.00 Surplus fund __________ 40,000.00 Undivided profits ______ 16,462.93 Demand deposits _______ 1,660,889.82 U. S. Gov't deposits_____ 88,964.95 Public funds ___________ 66,286.77 Total dep, ___ $1,816,141.54 Total _______________ $1,902,604.47 Thirty-First Report / 29 STATE BANK OF CALICO ROCK, CALICO ROCK \ Population, 738. Chartered May 1, 1914. Izard County Transit Number 81-305 . Officers /4 Dire~s /J· E. McNeilL ______________ Pres~dent '/Dr. Noel J. Copp Roy Perryman /Dr-. Noel J. Copp ______ Vice Pres1d1:ntf" L. E. Evans. y"E. C. Rodman /. /yf. C. Rodman _______________ Cashier .,....S. E. McNe11l . /Roy Perryman ________ Asst. Cashier STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ____ $ 67,403.73 Loans on commodities __ _ 9,003.62 Overdrafts ___________ _ 1,173.77 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 624,100.00 10,076.66 Other bonds and securities Furniture and fixtures __ 1,400.00 Banking house ________ _ 1,600.00 Other real estate ______ _ 2.00 Cash and due from banks 575,429.39 Other resources _______ _ 6,860.00 Liabilities Capital stock __________ $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 12,500.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 11,136.51 Demand deposits ______ _ 1,233,719.13 Time deposits _________ _ 6,404.15 Public funds __________ _ 8,289.38 Total dep, ___ $1,248,412.. 66 Total _ --------------$1,297,049.17 Total _ --------------$1,297,049.17 . / .,,, ,THE MERCHANTS AND PLANTERS BANK, CAMDEN Population, 8,975. Chartered March 4, 1931. Ouachita County Transit Number 81-96 ...,;· Officers . /4 . Dir~rs . ~ - L Grayson , C. L Grayson ______________ Pres1dent ~1ke Berg / .· H. T. Patton __________ Vice President ~-. W. Coan ~ - T. Patton ✓ J. W. Coa~-----------------Cash~er./2 W. Copeland " W. F. Patton ✓ E. L. Harnson _________ Asst. Cashier C. S. Early /John C. Watts W//VooL-Pf( ID (re- .,. "► STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 ,vp Resources Loans and discounts ____ $ 323,277.62 Overdrafts _ ___________ 250.00 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 2,818,000.00 Other bonds and securities 571,239.22 Furniture and fixtures__ 1.00 Cash and due from banks 2,614,500.66 Other resources ________ 1.00 Total _______________ $6,327,269.50 Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 100,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 50,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 8,120.81 Reserves ____________ _ 40,000.00 , Demand deposits ______ _ 4,909,020.33 Time deposits _________ _ 559,436.54 U. S. Gov't d~posits ____ _ 337,543.02 Public funds __________ _ 287,816.25 Deposits of banks ______ _ 35,332.55 Total dep, ___ $6,12.9,148.69 Total _______________ $6,327,269.50 30 State of Arkansas: Bank Department 1., ~~ ~~/ rt' ,J' J 1\) ~ f ~-. 1 CITIZENS BANK, CARLISLE Population, 1,080. Lonoke County Chartered December 22, 1930. Officers . .Ji!. L. CrandfflL ____________ Pres1dent Transit Number 81-689 /4A. . Dire~s ) W. Birdsong ,J. M. ,Johnson ; ' E. L. Morris_,. . E. Downs, Jr. 7p--1J,,'I.,,' /..,._.,~ ✓- A. H. Hunt_ __________ Vice President~ L. OrantHIY ✓ \ J. L. Woosley _______________ Cashier ✓ Miss Mary Burnett_ ____ Asst. Cashier ~ H FM ·L. · .. · ~,. ___, STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ____ $ 27,663.21 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 978,300.00 Other bonds and securities 5,741.74 Furniture and fixtures __ 1.00 Banking house ________ _ 2,000.00 Cash and due from banks 311,211.70 Liabilities Capital stock __________ $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 15,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 21,991.58 Demand deposits ______ _ 1,101,361.69 U. S. Gov't deposits ____ _ 74,943.80 Public funds __________ _ 86,620.58 Total dep. ___ $1,2.62,926.07 Total _______________ $1,324,917.65 Total _______________ $1,324,917.65 BANK OF CA VE CITY, CA VE CITY Population, 427. Chartered July 2, 1906. Sharp County Transit Number 81-310 ✓ Officers . Diu:etors . Eagle Street ______________ President~ J. A. Carpenter /Eagle Street ✓' Mrs. J. M. Street_ _____ Vice President ~J. L. Lewsaw . / Mrs. J. M. Street v , J. L. Lewsaw _______________ Cashier ✓ W. S. Kendall, Jr. ______ Asst. Cashier STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ______ $ 60,2.54.46 Overdrafts _ ____________ 183.02 U. S. Gov't obligations ____ 395,065.98 Other bonds and securities 1,000.00 Furniture and fixtures____ 100.00 Banking house __________ 500.00 Cash and due from banks __ 143,754.08 Liabilities Capital stock* -----------$ 15,000.00 Surplus fund ___________ _ 5,000.00 Unaivided profits _______ _ 4,056.68 Demand deposits _______ _ 553,919.27 U. S. Gov't deposits _____ _ 11,906.25 Public funds ___________ _ 10,975.34 Total deposits--$576,800.86 Total _ ---------------$600,857.54 Total ________________ $600,857.54 • First preferred stock with par value of $5,000.00 and common stock with par value of $10.000.00. (J Thirty-First Report 'f{j!,J '),'I( f Ju.,,,_,, '(( ?: . , . ( Lf-t&- / 31 AMERICAN STATE BANK, CHARLESTON Population, 958. Franklin County Chartered June 29, 1910. Transit Number 81-268 ✓ Officers V: Dir~rs ~ - H. Hiatt_ ______________ President .,.,c. H. Hiatt · B. H. McDonald ,. )3. H. McDonald _______ Vice President Clyde Hiatt ~Loud Sicard ✓ CJyde Hiatt_ ________________ Cashier ~- E . .fettorr- ~ Sam B. Stevinson v1t. E. Shumate _________ Asst. Cashier ',,, ··~ STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ____ $ 239,729.42 Loans on commodities __ _ 21,945.98 Overdrafts ___________ _ 1,582.04 U, S. Gov't obligations __ 592,900.00 Other bonds and securities 27,852.94 Furniture and fixtures __ 1.00 Banking house ________ _ 2,500.00 Cash and due from banks 455,962.17 Other resources _______ _ 1.00 Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 25,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 25,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 21,203.35 Reserves ____________ _ 1,000.00 Demand deposits ______ _ 1,070,766.18 Time deposits _________ _ 44,906.45 U. S. Gov't deposits ____ _ 110,472.25 Public funds __________ _ 44,126.32 Total dep. ___ $1,270,271.20 Total _ --------------$1,342,474.55 Total _______________ $1,342,474.55 BANK OF CHERRY VALLEY, CHERRY VALLEY Population, 500,. Chartered January 24, 1907. Cross County Transit Number 81-313 , . Officers . v . Dir~s \/ R. Eh Halk _______________ Pres1dent J:· Eh Halk W. M. Smith ✓ W. M. Smith __________ Vice President v.t1. P. Maddox ./T. J. Pickett ________________ Cashier STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ______ $ 94,583.34 Loans on commodities____ 40,180.75 U. S. Gov't obligations ____ 147,960.00 Furniture and fixtures____ 1.-00 Banking house __________ 500.00 Cash and due from banks __ 256,951.56 Liabilities Capital stock ------------$ 10,000.00 Surplus fund ____________ 20,000.00 Undivided profits ________ 1,693.32 Demand deposits ________ 461,989.56 U. S. Gov't deposits______ 5,625.00 Public funds ____________ 40,868.77 Total deposits __ $508,483.33 Total _ -:---------------$540,176.65 Total ________________ $540,176.65 32 State of Arkansas: Bank Department ~ . \ \ ·· , () BANK OF CHIDESTER, CHIDESTER Population, 508. Chartered April 29, 1909. Ouachita County Transit Number 81-3~4 / / Offic~rs _ Di~rs G. Rushing ____________ President ___,,.T. H. Benton /W. C. Stinne t //'.!'· H. Be:nton __________ V~ce Pres!dent -C. B: Clingan_ ,./Beulah R. T !or ✓.,,C. B. Clmgan _________ Vice President ~!he E. Purifoy J. T. Walker ✓ W. C. Stinnett_ ______________ Cashier ~ - G. Rushing ✓ . ../ ;w. :J.:. FluRf{/ Le- e: F!-~-l 1' rlSTATEMENT ti T j,,.:,J:-j , / OF JUNE 30, 1945 1 Resources Loans and discounts ______ $ 34,637.12 Overdrafts _ ____________ 9•4.87 U. S. Gov't obligations ____ 184,520.00 Other bonds and securities 11,420.00 Furniture and fixtures____ 1,100.00 Banking house ----~----800.00 Other real estate_________ 1.00 Cash and due from banks_ 284,635.15 Total ________________ $517,208.14 Liabilities Capital stock ------------$ rn,o Surplus fund ___________ _ 8,0 Undivided profits _______ _ 3,1 Demand deposits _______ _ 463,0 Time deposits __________ _ 6,5 U. S. Gov't deposits _____ _ 18,3 Public funds ___________ _ 8,1 Total deposits __ $496,049.85 o.oo 0.00 8.29 6.51 0.00 7.00 6.34 Total ________________ $517,208.14 Tis {Z S4 ,/\~' erl'fTHE MERCHANTS AND PLANTERS BANK, CLARENDON Population, 2,551. . Chartered July 23, 1890. Monroe County Transit Number 81-164 Officers ~ Directors . Dean ________________ President H. B. Bateman ✓9:-?· Doss --~+.-.~-,et1,n __________ Vice President liii a; Bob~~ 2cet6i, . H. Brown ____ V. Pres. and Cashier vW'. H. Brown ✓J. F. Wolfe l. H. 6ttHrottn _________ ~,;5st. Cashier vS. J. Dean '.,( 1-/ {. J/111 Ff NI e(;; - - / c I I• I • ., . STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 t,;A!ill ::r Resources Loans and discounts ______ $ 73,710.44 Loans on commodities____ 87,900.00 Overdrafts _ ____________ 183.06 U. S. Gov't obligations ____ 418,393.00 Other bonds and securities 48,628.11 Furniture and fixtures____ 1,000.00 Banking house __________ 7,000.00 Cash and due from banks_ 265,594.79 -w rr-::·J• Liabilities Capital stock ------------$ 50,000.00 Surplus fund ___________ _ 15,000.00 Undivided profits _______ _ 11,880.73 Reserves ______________ _ 3,400.00 Demand deposits _______ _ 674,369.79 Time deposits __________ _ 45,841.45 Public funds ___________ _ 101,917.43 Total deposits--$822,128.67 Thirty-First Report z 33 • THE CORNING BANK, CORNING Population, 1,619. Clay County Chartered January 29, 1931. '--Officers E. Vandover ______________ President G. A. Lamb _______ V. Pres. & Cashier Transit Number 81-211 L. G. M. G. G.A. H. N. Directors Black Joseph Sellmeyer Hoffman Mrs. F. B. Sprague Lamb S. Talkington Ratcliffe E. Vandover STATEMENT OF ,JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ____ $ 537,529.57 Loans on commodities __ _ 90,781.84 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 319,500.0-0 20,629.58 Other bonds and securities Furniture and fixtures __ 1.00 Banking house ________ _ 6,500.00 Cash and due from banks 1,007,522.37 Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 37,500.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 25,000,.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 32,467.45 Demand deposits ______ _ 1,446,714.74 Time deposits _________ _ 117,595.34 U. S. Gov't_ deposits ____ _ 149,861.71 Public funds __________ _ 173,325.12 Total dep. ___ $1,887,496.91 Total _______________ $1,982,464.36 Total _______________ $1,982,464.36 BANK OF CROSSETT, CROSSETT Population, 4,891. Ashley County Chartered December 22, 1913. Transit Number 81-321 Officers Directors ,,- E. C. Crossett_ ____________ President 1 ,E. C. Crossett ...-William C. Norman o1 .P. F. Watzek _________ Vice President ,,- Roy Dooley .,---"P. F. Watzek ✓ Roy Dooley ________________ Cashier ....,K. 0. Elderkin• S. A. Wilcoxon .,- C. E. Hannum __________ Asst. Cashier STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts _____ $ 116,512.54 Overdrafts _ ___________ 27.92 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 1,587,829.57 Other bonds and securities 69,886.25 Furniture and fixtures__ 2,093.61 Other real estate_______ 1.00 Cash and due from banks 463,492.26 Other resources ________ 6.00 Liabilities Capital stock __________ $ 50,000.00 Surplus fund __________ _ 50,000.0-0 Undivided profits _____ _ 37,090.86 Demand deposits ______ _ 1,495,209.08 Time deposits ________ _ 527,351.76 U. S. Gov't deposits ____ _ 8,861.18 Public funds __________ _ 67,346.08 Total dep. ___ $2,098,768.10 Other liabilities _______ _ Total _______________ $2,239,849.15 3,990.19 Total _______________ $2,239,849.15 34 State of Arkansas: Bank Department x<v \ -1,. / it'\\ I' DANVILLE STATE BANK, DANVILLE / Population, 1,010. I L Chartered October 3, 1930. Yell County Transit Number 81-700 . ..,/s . Dir~o~s . . . Officers <;;hambe1s _____________ Pres~dent /S. Bondi t, _Jim Bill Gathn Neil Sims ____________ Vice President.- J. E. Chambers ,, · _J. W. Hull / ✓ Jim Bill Gatlin ______________ Cashier ,_;John Ed Chamber~Neil Sims r ✓ J. F. Nunn _____________ Asst. Cashier 1 1 5eJ../vi ,,:;; ..(e. GrtT/.11v 1 / . STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 ✓ . Resources Loans and discounts ______ $ 40,683.30 Loans on commodities____ 10,60·3.64 U. S. Gov't obligations ____ 301,243.91 Other bonds and securities 31,157.49 Furniture and fixtures____ 1.00 Banking house __________ 1.00 Cash and due from banks __ 242,072.29 Other resources _________ 1.00 Liabilities Capital stock ------------$ 25,000.00 Surplus fund ____________ 11,000.00 Undivided profits ________ 8,481.35 Reserves _ ______________ 2,0-00.00 Demand deposits ________ 496,197.84 Public funds ____________ 83,084.44 Total deposits--$579,282.28 Total ________________ $625,763.63 Total ________________ $625,763.63 2 .) BANK OF DARDANELLE, DARDANELLE Population, 1,807. Yell County Chartered September 12, 1934. Officers Thos. V. Jones _____________ President A. S. McCray _________ Vice President P-1'\lbe!L ft:01ex _______________ Cashier Geraldine Waid ________ Asst. Cashier Edweuina Hughes _____ Asst. Cashier 9ritr'-l11YD Transit Number 81-599 C. R. George Garrett Jones Directors Thos. V. Jones A. S. McCray 7J. N tCt/cJ--.5 STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources ·Loans and discounts ______ $ 91.163.85 Loans on commodities ___ _ 67,241.39 U. S. Gov't obligations ___ _ 57,000.00 512.37 Other bonds and securities Furniture and fixtures ___ _ 1.00 Cash ana due from banks __ 531,744.53 Other resources ________ _ 1.00 Liabilities Capital stock ____________ $ 2.5,00-0.00 Surplus fund ____________ 10,000.00 Undivided profits ________ 11,180.45 Demand deposits ________ 605,132.39 Time deposits ___________ 362.19 U.S. Gov't deposits______ 56,317.16 Public funds ------------ 39,671.95 Total deposits--$701,483.69 Total ________________ $747,664.14 Total ________________ $747,664.14 I' Thirty-Pirst Report 35 BANK OF DELIGHT, DELIGHT Population, 481. Chartered June 16, 1911. / . Pike County Transit Number 81-326 Officers . Dir~tors , . . E. Johnson _____________ Pres1dent ~- C. Humphry • .C. E. Reid rank Reid ___________ Vice PresidE:nt l"'c. E. Johnson ,/Frank Reid D. C. Humphry _____________ cash1er ~-. M. May li11>a Mac Wftitt!T _______ Asst. Cashier J.,,(.~'.~ :.,7 I~ -, :lo h ti:: C1 ,1v ~ · , - STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ______ $ 35,977.95 Overdrafts _ ____________ 80.26 U. S. Gov't obligations ____ 203,108.24 Other bonds and securities 2,453.50 Furniture and fixtures____ 1.00 Banking house ___________ 1.00 Other real estate_________ 2.00 Cash and due from banks __ 298,574.84 Liabilities Capital stock ____________ $ 22,500.00 Surplus fund ___________ _ 5,000.00 Undivided profits _______ _ 2,434.47 Reserves ______________ _ 1.250.00 Demand deposits _______ _ 497,324.09 Time deposits __________ _ 41Q..80 Public funds ___________ _ 11,279.43 Total deposits __ $509,014.32 Total ________________ $540.198.79 Total ________________ $540,198.79 DERMOTT STATE BANK, DERMOTT Population, 3,083. Chartered July 8, 1935. Chicot County Transit Number 81-720 Officers r,..--'" Baxter ______________ President J:phn Baxter ~ - E. Lephiew .,,JG. C. Johnston ____ V. Pres. :i SN~ .. ~G. C. Johnston Clarence Horton ______ ,.A,11•••Cashier ✓John ✓':l~"'~ise; ~~-Vd~J~~t. Ca~~ier . v&(' +ff At,/ IV Ji:; I/ /:f Jl ATiMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 . R esources e,. Loans and discounts _____ $ 203.376.89 Loans on commodities___ 136,006.40 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 1,108,500.00 Other bonds and securities 10,500.00 Furniture and fixtures__ 750.00 Banking house _________ 1.750.00 Cash and due from banks 384,521.18 L.ia b·1·. 1 1ties Capital stock ----------$ 25,000.00 Surplus fund __________ _ 50,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 17,959.05 Demand deposits ______ _ 1,103,934.77 Time deposits ________ _ 197,358.30 U.S. Gov't deposits ____ _ 249,113.62 Public funds __________ _ 202,038.73 Total dep. ___ $1,752,445.42 Total _______________ $1,845,404.47 Total _______________ $1,845,404.47 State of Arkansas: Bank Department 36 FARMERS AND MERCHANTS BANK, DES AR:C Population, 1,410. ( ·,. ...._ Prairie County Chartered January 20, 1902. ~ Transit Number 81-233 i( Officers v D~rs --k: L. Erwin-:'______________ President L. R. Brown Henry Nichols ✓.,Henry Nichols--,;,----~Pi:esident L. Elrniu ✓ J;y·R. B~own ___ .y_E~L~.:: __ ~Cash~er S,fi. (\I I ( ~ O LS ._/N. R. Kirkwood ________ Asst. Cashier . · A· STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ______ $194,623.49 Loans on commodities ____ 205,399.96 Overdrafts _ ____________ 35.48 U. S. Gov't obligations ____ 175,300.00 Other bonds and securities 4,767.04 Furniture and fixtures____ 297.74 Banking house _ _ 1.00 Other estate_________ 1.00 Cash and due from banks __ 209,126.03 Liabilities Capital stock ------------$ 25,000.00 Surplus fund ___________ _ 10,000.00 Undivided profits _______ _ 10,417.83 Reserves ______________ _ 20,747.89 Demand deposits _______ _ 621,542.45 Time deposits __________ _ 33,850.63 Public funds ___________ _ 67,992.94 Total deposits __ 8723,386.02 Total ________________ S789,551.74 Total ________________ 8789,551.74 DeWITT BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, DeWITT •-" /. Population, 2,498. Chartered March 1, 1929. Arkansas County Transit Number 81-245 V'fu.. Officers ..,./. Dir~ors F. Schallhorn __________ Presid~nt A. G. Bauer .,,,.;w. F. Schallhorn R.H. Maddox _____ v. Pres. & Cashier ..-G. W. Hall C. L. Whitmore • ~151!! Alr,ha Whi~fflfil'(i..._Asst. Cashier ...R. H. Maddox ..-'F. A. Trice ___ ;:--~-----Asst. Cashier ,;,,.-:,v. ( V Tu/,. t ll/V t:f.r~v '(-/ /, 1 '' STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts _____ $ 425,162.48 Loans on commodities __ _ 3,100.00 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 476,800.00 Other bonds and securities 199,895.00 1.00 Furniture and fixtures __ Banking house ________ _ 6,000.00 Other real estate ______ _ 1.00 Cash and due from banks 2,012,533.20 Other resources _______ _ 1.00 Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 50,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 50,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 64,874.82 Demand deposits ______ _ 2,483,659.63 Time deposits _________ _ 192,162.55 U. S. Gov't deposits ___ _ 154,491.21 Public funds __________ _ 128,305.47 Total dep. ___ $2,958,618.86 Total _______________ $3,123,493.68 Total _______________ $3,123,493.68 37 Thirty-First Revort BANK OF DIERKS, DIERKS Population, 1,459. Howard County Chartered February 7, 1906 .. Transit Number 81-328 { ~ Officers ✓ Dir~ors Y"Kewis M. Layer ____________ President /2ewis M. Layer ✓ ~Westbrook ✓T: F. Westbrook __ V. Pres. & Cashier Lyda M. Layer / T. F. Westbrook .,,.Mrs. Opal Simmington __ Asst. Cashie1 j}.L · /4 STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ______ $ 39,921.76 U. S. Gov't obligations ____ 300,000.00 Furniture arid fixtures____ 1,00,0.00 Banking house ___________ 2,000.00 Other real estate_________ 1.00 Cash and due from banks __ 284,786.67 Liabilities Capital stock* -----------$ 25,000.0-0 Undivided profits _______ _ 3,690.09 Reserves ______________ _ 3,992.70 Demand deposits _______ _ 581,320.97 Time deposits __________ _ 2,482.18 Public funds ___________ _ 11,223.49 Total deposits __ $595,026.64 Total ________________ $627,709.43 Total ________________ $627,709.43 *First preferred stock with par value of $15,000.00 and common stock with par value of $10,000.00. BANK OF DOVER, DOVER Population, 493. Pope County Chartered September 29, 1905. Transit Number 81-329 Officers Directors John E. Moore ____________ President T. C. Campbell S. F. McCain John E. Moore T. C. Campbell_ _______ Vice President L. J. Churchill M1a~! 7T 1slt::@HSli~---·Cashier --.J ]II[, Lk~n J.M. Wait d ,1 • .:.:>, , • Mrs :X M t l..wellyn f(.,, 'i,t'f ' V ),f\ ~ . •· ., ,. STATEMENT OF J U ~ ;~ Resources Loans and discounts ______ $ 80,516.51 Overdrafts ____________ _ 25.61 U. S. Gov't obligations ___ _ 205,100.00 4,379.25 Other bonds and securities Furniture and fixtures ___ _ 500.00 Banking house _________ _ 4,300.00 Cash and due from banks __ 144,419.54 Liabilities Capital stock* -----------$ 27,500.00 Surplus fund ____________ 5,000.00 Undivided profits ________ 4,041.40 Demand deposits ________ 381,473.70 Public funds ____________ 21,225.81 Total deposits_ -$402,699.51 Total ________________ $439,240.91 Total _ ---------------$439,240.91 *First preferred stock with par value of $6,500.00 and common stock with par value of $21,000.00. State of Arkansas: Bank Department 38 MERCHANTS AND FARMERS BANK, DUMAS Population, 2,323. Desha County Chartered May rn, 1909. Transit Number 81-330 ~· Officers ~ Directors . / ~ay Maxwell _____________ President J. E. Allmon vft. A. Pickens , Walton H. Rice ___ Executive V. Pres.YR. F. Cox "'n. 0. Porter / .luai,ita Stcphe~efl -----~Cashier"4'ack Stiel Dante \,,·O. L. Puryear r c. G.11 Ntl if w ,,.--I VRay Maxwell ✓Walton H. Rice .L~ '-It'"· \ • ~ , r;J [ID ;l(',/ ( "'3'oe Lee McKennoif' Lamar Williamson /4 !,/ II r-f I\ ov,l 1.- I ·. STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 r ., . ·; ,en; <:Ju Resources Loans and discounts _____ $ U. S. Gov't obligations __ Other bonds and securities Furniture and fixtures __ Banking house _______ _ Cash and due from banks Other resources ______ _ 167,506.81 826,000.00 164,033.77 2,50.0.00 6,500.00 651,007.69 5,890.48 Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 50,000.00 Surplus fund __________ _ 40,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 35,405.03 2,000.00 Reserves_-----------Demand deposits ______ _ 1,169,929.20 Time deposits _________ _ 179,920.15 U. S. Gov't deposits ____ _ 144,118.56 Public funds __________ _ 197,065.81 Deposits of banks ______ _ 5,000.00 Total dep. ___ $1,696,033.72 Total _ --------------$1,823,438.75 ~ : 1 / ·' ' \ .1' Total _______________ $1,823,438.75 ·...: / , THE EXCHANGE BANK AND TRUST COMP ANY, EL DORADO Population, 15,858. Chartered August 12, 1933. Union County Transit Number 81-668 ✓ Officers Dire~s ~uis E. Hurley ___________ President ~ - N. Barton ~.. R. James ,C. N. Barton __________ Vice President v-H. Barton E. Meinert ✓D. R. James __________ Vice President v.fohn H. Ellis Chas. H. Proetz ✓ H. B. Axum _________________ Cashier v-1,ouis E. Hurley V. E. Lawton __________ Asst. Cashier /4 STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts _____ $ 402,163.30 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 2,312,515.10 Other bonds and securities 160,695.04 Furniture and fixtures__ 2,977.01 Cash and due from banks 2,131,638.19 Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 100,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 50,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 43,475.73 Reserves ____________ _ 3,872.10 Demand deposits ______ _ 3,662,969.67 Time deposits ________ _ 168,036.06 U. S. Gov't deposits ____ _ 733,050.54 Public funds __________ _ 224,425.15 Deposits of banks ______ _ 24,159.39 Total dep. --$4,812,640.81 Total _ --------------$51 009,988.64 Total _______________ $5,009,988.64 Thirty-First Report 39 1 '1/' Pop:l~::.:~n:: :~nty /l-'\/ I Chartered June 1, 1912. Transit Number 81-506 ..,,,;: Officers ~ Dire~s ~ Jfoe Stokenbury ___________ President ~ E. Bunch ~ o e Stokenbury /.Clyde West_ __________ Vice President ✓J. C. Reed Clyde West ✓}! E. Bunch _________________ Cashier .,-it. P. Stokenbury /Oscar West_ ___________ Asst. Cashier STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Liabilities Capital stock* -----------$ 25,000.00 Surplus fund ___________ _ 6,000.00 Undivided profits _______ _ 1,341.07 2,500.00 Reserves _ ----------·---Demand deposits _______ _ 571,352.36 Time deposits __________ _ 171,311.65 U. S. Gov't deposits _____ _ 48,433.63. Public funds ___________ _ 26,200.85 . Total deposits--$817,298.49 Resources Loans and discounts ______ $ 98,951.40 U. S. Gov't obligations ____ 383,800.00 Furniture and fixtures____ 643.00 Banking house __________ 355.00 Other real estate_________ 1.00 Cash and due from banks __ 368,389.16 Total ________________ $852,139.56 Total ________________ $852,139.56 *First preferred stock with par value of $6,000.00 and common stock with par value of $19,000.00. (Y,::~· k' ✓ R' BANK OF ENGLAND, ENGLAND Population, 2.027. Chartered August 23, 1898. Officers . A. CarlLee _____________ Pres1dent Lonoke County Transit N1!mber ~1,;,21~. 1/ ~~1 f( 80 Me1m-s'· I'_.". • E. A. CarlLee B. F. Murchison i.-,,· B. F. Murchison _______ Vice President vrl. P. Mashburn, Jr. P: ~fttst1barn;":Jf. __________ Cash!er . ~~en mtHweU:. __ -:....:.:... _____ Asst, Cashier. A vSU::J.... f j ~ Jtv"'Ctw j.,).J-✓ H.P. l3'e t-1--~ ~N'17fl)F JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ______ $244,042.78 Loans on commodities____ 27,239.91 U. S. Gov't obligations ____ 231,364.25 Other bonds and securities 313.05 Furniture and fixtures____ 550.00, Banking house ---------5,000.00 Other real estate_________ 1.00 Cash and due from banks __ 391,705.26 Other resources _________ 1.00 Liabilities Capital stock ------------$ 25,000.00 Surplus fund ____________ 40,000.00 Undivided profits ________ 32,982.79 Demand deposits ________ 718,179.65 Time deposits ___________ 22,781.72 Public funds ____________ 61,273.09 Total deposits __ $802,234.46 Total _ ---------------$900,217.25 Total ________________ $900,217.25 State of Arkansas: Bank Department 40 {,,.· ~ j \ . , ·/ I THE CITIZENS BANK, ENGLAND Population, 2,027. J Lonoke County Chartered January 14, 1931. Transit Number 81-492 Officers / Directors ✓ Ben B. Morris _____________ President W,; G. Cunning • Lois Rutherford ✓ "!,.ms Rutherford ___ V. Pres. & Cashier V'.Ben B. Morris ,,,,,-J. E. Swaim ._./J. 0. DuPree __________ Asst. Cashier / STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 164,079.85 101,234.65 592,600.00 1.00 1.00 4,00 209,943.63 1.00 Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 30,000.00 Surplus fund __________ _ 30,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 17,643.54 15,768.61 Reserves _ ------------Demand deposits ______ _ 776,390.18 Time deposits ________ _ 12,020.36 U. S. Gov't deposits ____ _ 98,2.77.0© Public funds __________ _ 84,765.44 Total dep, ___ $ 971,453.48 Total _______________ $1,067,865.13 Total _______________ $1,067,865.13 Resources Loans and discounts _____ $ Loans on commodities __ _ U. S. Gov't obligations __ Furniture and fixtures __ Banking house ________ _ Other real estate ______ _ Cash and due from banks Other resources _______ _ THE EUDORA BANK, EUDORA Population, 1,808. Chicot County Chartered December 23, 1930. _ ~ ; I/ Transit Number 81-334 / Officers V. Directors /W, W. Grubbs _____________ President ~ - G. Anderson v/W. W. Grubbs .. JZ,: B. Bowman ________ Vice PresidE;nt ,..,./c. B. Bowman ~ M. McLeod /Sam Bowman ___________ Cashier Sam Bowman AI. F. Scott J\11 ¥ti Ju:+w:rlfg:rtamt:-Asst. Cashier v'E. T. Cashion ✓ R. T. Stephenson , I /. 1 I 1"°; /IC l,-,j / ( l- ' ~, '~· ·' 1,s ', ·. STATEMENT OF JUNE 30 1945 ' ' Resources Loans and discounts _____ $ Overdrafts ___________ _ U. S. Gov't obligations __ Other bonds and securities Furniture and fixtures __ Banking house ________ _ Cash and due from banks 116,882.14 8,371.74 623,200.00 112,422.36 1.00 5,500.00 597,572.42 Total _ --------------$1,463,949.66 Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 50,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 25,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 25,777.06 Reserves _____________ _ 5,000.00 Demand deposits ______ _ 908,425.28 Time deposits _________ _ 184,402.97 U. S. Gov't deposits ____ _ 171,735.99 Public funds __________ _ 88,608.36 Deposits of banks ______ _ 5,000.00 Total dep, ___ $1,358,172.60 Total _ --------------$1,463,949.66 Thirty-First Report 41 BANK OF EUREKA SPRINGS, EUREKA SPRINGS Population, 1,770. Chartered May 4, 1912. v _ Officers .C. A. Fuller _______________ President Carroll County Transit Number 81-472 ~ ,Ray Freeman V ~Y Freeman _________ Vice President "C. A. Fuller ',./4). Simpson _________________ Cashier y-J. F. John Dire4lt0rs L. G. Roark ....-D. Simpson vR. R. Thompson STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ______ $104,299.77 Overdrafts _ _____________ 12.37 U. S. Gov't obligations ____ 340,568.66 Other bonds and securities 16,253.00 Furniture and fixtures____ 1,500.00 Other real estate_________ 1.00 Cash and due from banks __ 333,319.35 Liabilities Capital stock* -----------$ 30,000.00 Surplus fund ------------ 10,000.00 Undivided profits ________ 5,500.32 Reserves _ ______________ 900.00 Demand deposits ________ 478,333.92 Time deposits ___________ 135,984.46 U. S. Gov't deposits______ 79,265.69 Public funds ____________ 55,969.76 Total deposits __ $749,553.83 Total ________________ $795,954.15 Total ________________ $795,954.15 . '''First preferred stock with par value of $5,000.00 al)d common stock with par value of $25,000.00. BANK OF EVENING S~ADE, EVENING SHADE Population, 347. Chartered February 5, 1901. Sharp County Transit Number 81-336 ✓,..-Officers ~D~tors ·}; 0. Laman _______________ President ~ o Cathey E, B. Metcalf ✓~to Cathey __________ Vice President - ¥M. Causbie ....-0. S. Westmoreland _;;,f· B. Metcalf_ ______________ Cashier ✓J. 0. Laman J. B. Metcalf_ ___________ Asst. Cashier • ,' • ' t ~ STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 . Resources Loans and discounts ______ $ 21,235.19 U. S. Gov't obligations ____ 150,000.00 Other bonds and securities 239.56 Furniture and fixtures____ 1.00 Banking house ~--------1.00 Cash and due from banks __ 275,233.21 " Other liabilities _________ Total _ ---------------$446,709.96 . Liabilities Capital stock ------------$ 10,000.00 Surplus fund ___________ _ 8,000.00 Undivided profits _______ _ 1,165.47 Demand deposits _______ _ 370,924.69 Time deposits __________ _ 3.00 Public funds ___________ _ 56,592.84 Total deposits __ $427,520.53 23.96 Total _ ---------------$446,70,9.96 State of Arkansas: Bank Departnient 42 MclLROY BANK, FAYETTEVILLE Population, 8,212. Washington County Chartered December 24, 189,2. * Officers Hayden Mcilroy __________ President James H. Kays ____ V. P. Trust Officer Berry Vaughan _______ Vice President J.B. McConnell__ V. Pres. & Secretary I. T. Bain___ Vice f'1es. & Ottsk~ Eleanor Sheppard ______ Asst. Cashier Transit Number 81-87 Directors George Melbourn R. D. Bogart Herbert L. Thomas Med Cashion Berry Vaughan J. K. Gregory Clifton Wade James H. Kays Marion vVasson J. B. McConnell Hayden Mcllroy W. C. Whitfield STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts _____ $1,083,715.86 Loans on commodities___ 40,484.20 Overdrafts _ __________ 561.18 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 1,742,143.11 Other bonds and securities 308,827.54 Furniture and fixtures__ 6,650.74 Banking house _________ 18,9'73.84 Other real estate_______ 4.00 Cash and due from banks 3,380,613.57 Other resources ________ 2,915.72 Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 100,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 100,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 28,144.09 74,034.79 Reserves_-----------Demand deposits ______ _ 3,615,206.94 Time deposits _________ _ 697,722.99 U. S. Gov't deposits ____ _ 989,790.56 Public funds __________ _ 588,773.45 Deposits of banks ______ _ 391,216.94 Total dep. ___ $6,282, 710.88 Total _ --------------$6,584,889.76 Total _______________ $6,584,889.76 i FORDYCE BANK AND TRUST COMP ANY, FORDYCE Population, 3,429. Chartered January 5, 1931. Dallas County Transit Number 81-127 / Officers . , / ~µv_ei'L/ Dire~rs ~ - L. TrusselL ____________ Pres1dent • ~ Anthony W. D. Stell, Jr. ~ - F. Sturgis---w.~ Vice President v'E. C. Benton "". C. F. Sturgis . Benton ____·.J.~.1______ '1a111ii~ ~- B. Benton V' L. L. Trussell M. S. Smith _______ As_~t. Cashier ~- E. Dedman "' S. A. Williams ''t,,l/,.·V/2,"'ll7r t.f!Ji•t" /.,,.,, B. A. Mayhew STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ____ -$ 138,172.80 Loans on commodities___ 10,900.00 Overdrafts _ __________ 271.97 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 1,212,475.00 Other bonds and securities 280,403.62 Furniture and fixtures__ 2,000.00 Banking house _________ 7,500.00 Cash and due from banks 1,287,417.92 Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 50,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 50,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 31,155.11 Reserves ____________ _ 619.39 Demand deposits ______ _ 1,967,172.37 Time deposits _________ _ 395,238.28 U. S. Gov't deposits ____ _ 273,837.75 Public funds __________ _ 150,424.14 Deposits of banks ______ _ 20,694.27 Total dep. ___ $2,807,366.81 Total _______________ $2,939,141.31 Total _______________ $2,939,141.31 Thirty-First Report 43 AND TRUST COMP ANY, FORREST CITY Population, 5,699. St. Francis County Chartered April 15, 1921. Officers S. J. Dean _________________ President J. B. Fletcher _____ Executive V. Pres. C. T. Doss ____________ Vice President \l~.J, 8@reeton -·- ___ !,_ __ Vice President C. N. Haven ________________ Cashier G. B. Fogg ____________ Asst. Cashier C. C. Aycock __________ Asst. Cashier Dione Kennedy _________ Asst. Cashier Transit Number 81-143 L. P. Aycock E. P. Belshe R. E. Carroll J. 0. Crowly S. J. Dean C. T. Doss J. B. Fletcher C. -C. Fogg Directors H. W. Gregory C. N. Haven L. F. Haven, Sr. Mrs. H. B. Robinson J. J. Screeton Sam Sharpe Bert Sulcer James F. Wolfe STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 . Resources Loans and discounts _____ $ 688.537.41 Loans on commodities ___ 1,500,815.67 Overdrafts _ ___________ 623.57 U. S. Gov't obligations__ 895,353.54 Other bonds and securities 173,423.07 Furniture and fixtures__ 4,865.00 Banking house _________ 16,200.00 Other real estate_______ 14,500.00 Cash and due from banks 734,581.53 Other resources ________ 1,000.00 Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 100,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 25,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 17,545.33 2,347.51 Reserves_-----------Demand deposits ______ _ 2,421,096.37 Time deposits _________ _ 462,769.29 U. S. Gov't deposits ____ _ 343,723.46 Public funds __________ _ 355,500.68 Deposits of banks ______ _ 301,917.15 Total dep. ___ $3,885,006.95 Total _______________ $4,029,899.79 Total _ --------------$4,029,899.79 ? ' ARKANSAS VALLEY TRUST COMP ANY, FORT SMITH (Not engaged in commercial banking) Population, 36,584. Sebastian County Chartered February 12, 1M6. Officers Frank W. Youmans ________ President Byron Williams _______ Vice President Leon E. Werntz _______ Vice President Mrs. Walter T. Gosman __ Sec'y-Treas. & Asst. Tr. Officer Evangel Tatum ______ Asst. Secretary Transit Number 81-571 Directors Harry P. Daily Jerome Ney S. Birnie Harper R. J. Speer Dr. E. C. Moulton Leon E. Werntz Dr. H. Moulton Byron Williams STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 . Resources Loans and discounts ______ $111,655.0l Other bonds and securities 25,075.00 Furniture and fixtures____ 9,479.58 Banking house __________ 40,267.11 Other real estate_________ 250.00 Cash and due from banks__ 94,543.41 Other resources _________ 117,559.28 Liabilities Capital stock ____________ $150,000.00 Surplus fund ____________ 27,900.00 Undivided profits ________ 24,463.06 Reserves _ ______________ 15,966.51 Other liabilities _________ 180,499.82 Total ________________ $398,829.39 Total _ ---------------$398,829.39 State of Arkansas: Bank Department 44 THE BANK OF FRANKLIN, FRANKLIN Population, 100. Chartered June 13, 1905. Izard County Transit Number 81-338 Directors Officers / 1----sallie M. Simpson ✓w. A. Gaston _____________ President /yerry S. Box / J . W. Cooksey ________ Vice President J. W. Cooksey ~ Standerford q;eHe 8tt.!l!ot!" _____ ._________ Cashier ✓ W. A. Gaston ,/ 1'( ,M,, J~~i9i;A;klf~ d Es-refle GF,ST4 N ~~~e-• '~~ fuNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ______ $ Loans on commodities____ Overdrafts _ ____________ U. S. Gov't obligations____ Other bonds and securities Furniture and fixtures____ Banking house __________ Cash and due from banks__ 28,947.69 12,900.00 85.56 95,350.00 1,293.02 1.00 1.00 77,019.12 Liabilities Capital stock ------------$ 10,000.00 Surplus fund ___________ _ 2,500.00 Undivided profits _______ _ 2,308.80 Demand deposits _______ _ 169,238.58 U. S. Gov't deposits _____ _ 21,425.00 Public funds ___________ _ 10,125.01 Total deposits __ $200,788.59 Total ________________ $215,597.39 Total ________________ $215,597.39 BANK OF GLENWOOD, GLENWOOD Population, 854. Pike County Chartered December 27, 1912. ✓ Transit Number 81-343 .. Directors ..,,,,:; Officers John ~olden _______________ Pres!dent ~- W. Brakefield ./W. A. O'Neal ✓ J. L. Pmkerton ________ Vice Pres1d~nt C:· R. Cantrell v Rufus ~- Paslay /Rufus B. Paslay _____________ Cash1er ....John Golden ,, J. L. Pmkerton ., Doris Hutchings ________ Asst. Cashier vG. S. Linsley .Lou 1 5 -.,, e LJ,c:/v, .S sTl~EM~NT oF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ______ $152,669.09 Overdrafts _ ____________ .50 U. S. Gov't obligations ____ 205,900.00 Furniture and fixtures____ 1,237.20 Banking house __________ 1,041.18 Cash and due from banks __ 588,091.50 Other resources _________ 1.00 Liabilities Capital stock ____________ $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund ____________ 10,500.00 Undivided profits ________ 6,733.01 Demand deposits ________ 792,102.04 Time deposits ___________ 86,625.89 U. S. Gov't deposits______ 768.75 Public funds ____________ 27,210.78 Total deposits--$906,707.46 Total ________________ $948,940.47 Total ________________ $948,940.47 . Thirty-First Report j / ; 45 .; t/:N 1 K OF GRAVETT, GRAVE'ITE Population, 865. / Benton County Chartered February 28, 1898. / Officers Transit Number 81-269 / Directors Allen McAllister v;_ ~hilo Rodgers _________ Vice Presid~nt~om Cawood C. ~- McAllister ✓ /Tom Ca'Yood _______________ Cash~er J. T: Edmondson, Jr. Philo Rodgers ✓ Uther Kmdley _________ Asst. Cashier t---J. T. Edmondson, Sr. ✓«9 Ge I? 5 rl'D< 1{ 6 /I' 1'/ STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 · J; T. Edmondson ___________ Presidentv Stokes Ballard S'lf Resources Loans and discounts _____ $ 102,369.06 Overdrafts ___________ _ 531.49 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 564,100.00 3,993.76 Other bonds and securities Furniture and fixtures __ 1,000.00 Banking house ________ _ 2,300.00 Cash and due from banks 563,287.53 Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 25,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 15,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 8,837.81 Demand deposits ______ _ 1,106,601.99 Time deposits _________ _ 78,229.47 3,912.57 Public funds -------~--Total dep, ___ $1,188,744.03 Total _______________ $1,237,581.84 Total _______________ $1,237,581.84 FARMERS BANK, GREENWOOD Population, 1,219. Chartered August 7, 1907. Sebastian County Transit Number 81-226 Officers Directors ~ - N. Wilkinson ___________ President ~rs. W. Lee Been I. M. McClendon ___.,, /l;M, McClendon ______ Vice President Chas. 0. Bell Chas. E. Osborn ...,........,, X~!~s Wilkinson ___________ Cash~er v-J. L. Johnson Means Wilkinson --: ~bee Holland __________ Asst. Cashier ...--Grey McClendon W. N. Wilkinson . / Geo. A. Henry _________ Asst. Cashier STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 . . Resources Loans and discounts _____ $ 125,629.16 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 541,000.00 70,145.70 Other bonds and securities Furniture and fixtures __ 1.00 Banking house ________ _ 1.00 Other real estate ______ _ 1.00 Cash and due from banks 532,591.85 Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 25,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 25,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 16,187.14 Demand deposits ______ _ 852,876.27 Time deposits _________ _ 159,414.87 U. S. Gov't deposits ____ _ 7,068.75 Purlic funds __________ _ 183,622.69 Total dep, ___ $1,202,982.58 Other liabilities _______ _ Total _______________ $1,269,369.71 199.99 Total _ --------------$1,269,369.71 46 State of Arkansas: Bank Department THE FIRST BANK, GRIFFITHVILLE Population, 224. White County Chartered November 6, 1905. Transit Number 81-347 Officers v--'. Directors VUs. A. Neaville, Sr. ________ President Claudia Grissom N. B. Smith...--/Rilph Neaville _____________ Cashie1 v-Jas. A. Neaville, Sr. STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ______ $ 19,719.43 Loans on commodities____ 4,700.00 U. S. Gov't obligations ____ 121,089.84 Furniture and fixtures____ 400.00 Banking house __________ 1,500.00 Cash and due from banks __ 140,335.38 Liabilities Capital stock* -----------$ 8,500.00 Surplus fund ___________ _ 1,500.00 Undivided profits _______ _ 1,987.21 Reserves ______________ _ 902.96 Demand deposits _______ _ 261,823.82 Time deposits __________ _ 638.46 Public funds ___________ _ 12,392.20 Total deposits __ $27 4,854.48 Total ________________ $287,744.65 Total ________________ $287,744.65 • First preferred stock with par value of $5,000.00 and common stock with par value of $3,500.00. . CLARK COUNTY BANK, GURDON Population, 2,045. Chartered August 4, 1900. Clark County Transit Number 81-349 ✓, Officers ./.. Dire~rs H. Rudolph _____________ President /W. Roy Abbott J. E. McMillan ~ - E. McMillan ________ Vice President Jas. C. Hobgood ------il. T. Ross . W. Roy Abbott_ _____________ Cashier v:D. W. McMillan ......-P. H. Rudolph /Mrs. Lewelyn Edwards __ Asst. Cashier 1/ F. STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ______ $199,073.46 Overdrafts _ ____________ 48.17 U. S. Gov't obligations ____ 175.800.00 Other bonds and securities 56,833.17 Furniture and fixtures____ 749.65 Cash and due from banks __ 271,210.46 Total ________________ $703,714.91 Liabilities Capital stock ____________ $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund ____________ 12,500.00 Undivided profits ________ 11,023.95. Demand deposits ________ 440,480.03 Time deposits ___________ 99,833.07 U. S. Gov't deposits ______ 52,391.80 Public funds ____________ 62,486.06 Total deposits __ $655,190.96 Total ________________ $703,714.91 . Thirty-First Report 47 FARMERSBANK,HAMBURG Population, 1,939. Ashley County Chartered March 10, 1941. Transit Number 81-181 .,-:, Officers Directors ......------· E. Foote _______________ President --iv. E. Foote Leslie J. Serrett /Frank N. Pugh ________ Vice President .....---i.eroy Higginbotham B. R. Smith ~ .,,/8. A. Wilcoxon ________ Vice President /Murphy Jones V. W. Walker ✓ --./'Leslie J. Serrett_ ____________ Cashier vfl'rank N. Pugh S. A. Wilcoxon / ✓Lucille B. Serrett_ _____ Asst. Cashier W. STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts _____ $ 38,761.00 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 757,017.78 Other bonds and securities 4,000.00 Cash and due from banks 437,007.12 Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 25,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 15,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 15,908.56 Demand deposits ______ _ 1,105,041.48 Time deposits _________ _ 13,639.05 U. S. Gov't deposits ___ _ 5,526.45 Public funds __________ _ 56,670.36 Total dep, ___ $1,180,877.34 Total _______________ $1,236,785.90 Total _______________ $1,236,785.90 CALHOUN COUNTY BANK, HAMPTON Population, 686. Calhoun County Chartered October 26, 1906. Transit Number 81-353 .. W. HarrelLOfficers . / Directors ____________ Pres1dent ' A. B. Garrett }J,earcy Harrell_ ___ V. Pres. & Cashier W. Harrell E. C. Johnston ✓B. ~ r y A. HarrelL _______ Asst. Cashier ✓ Fay Harrell ✓ Searcy Harrell "'il'iJHio,lil:iiin=llb!IJ..~l"l!'!ltfolr'IL"'l'lil'!'IST!bm;:g~"e!Tr v I. C. Strickland .,..,,-, I/_ G: W () 0 ..2) ~ STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 • Resources Loans and discounts _____ $ 101,563.37 Loans on commodities __ _ 91,510.39 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 476,290.09 Other bonds and securities 81,558.18 Furniture and fixtures __ 1,400.00 B;mking house ________ _ 5,000.00 Other real estate _______ _ 1.00 Cash and due from banks 425,371.80 Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 25,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 15,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 11,358.02 Demand deposits ______ _ 915,664.35 .Time deposits _________ _ 70,378.23 U. S. Gov't deposits ____ _ 51,818.75 Public funds __________ _ 93,475.48 Total dep, ___ $1,131,336.81 Total _______________ $1,182,694.83 Total _______________ $1,182,694.83 48 State of Arkansas: Bank Department L THE BANK OF HARRISBURG, HARRISBURG Population, 1,193. Poinsett County Chartered December 2, 1930. Transit Number 81-693 Officers Directors T. T. Mardis ______________ President John Gant T. T. Mardis John Gant ____________ Vice President Mrs. D. M. Mardis Wm. S. Martin ______________ Cashier Mrs:·-D. -1\f. l\1ardis ______ Asst. Cashier· STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ______ $ 88,0,26.60 U. S. Gov't obligations ____ 360,300.00 Other bonds and securities 248.02 Furniture and fixtures____ 487.00 Cash and due from banks __ 484,434.68 Liabilities Capital stock ------------$ 25,000.00 Surplus fund ___________ _ 12,500.00 Undivided profits _______ _ 3,474.51 Demand deposits _______ _ 853,617.39 U. S. Gov't deposits _____ _ 2,733.15 Public funds ___________ _ 36,171.25 Total deposits __ $892,521. 79 Total _ ---------------$933,496.30 Total ___·_____________ $933,496.30 COMMERCIAL BANK, HARRISON Population, 4,238. Chartered July 7, 1944. Officers F. L. Coffman _____________ President Virgil D. Wiilis _______ Vice President D. L. Owens __________ Vice President S. L. Nance _________________ Cashier Carolyn Coffman ______ Asst. Cashier Mrs. C. N. Kent_ _______ Asst. Cashier Boone County Transit Number 81-746 Directors W. T. Bradley Rabie Rhodes F. L. Coffman Fred Stewart T. L. Jackson Virgil D. Willis Dr. D. L. Owens STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ______ $258,353.4~ Overdrafts _ ____________ 10.83 U. S. Gov't obligations ____ 100,000.00 Furniture and fixtures____ 2,613.97 Cash and due from banks_ 337.818.06 Other resources _________ 2,664.38 Total ________________ $701,460.72 Liabilities Capital stock ____________ $ 60,000.00 Surplus fund ___________ _ 15,000.00 Demand deposits _______ _ 522,548.59 Time deposits __________ _ 43,473.63 Public funds ___________ _ 50,000.00 Deposits of banks _______ _ 10,438.50 Total deposits __ $626,460. 72 Total ________________ $701,460.72 • Thirty-First Report 49 THE SECURITY BANK, HARRISON Population, 4,238. Boone County Chartered November 20, 1931. Transit Number 81-704 Officers Directors ✓ .,, V. A. Watkins _____________ President ~- C. Alexander T. C. Heuer ✓-v"T. C. Heuer ___________ Vice President vRoy L. Baker W. 0. Newton vC, C. Alexander _____________ Cashier :::-{· M. Bullock E. R. Tims _, fi. R. Tims ____________ Asst. Cashier A. C. Christeson L. A. Watkins ✓ y'D. E. Fitton ~, STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts _____ $ 576,110.43 Overdrafts _ ____________ 898.64 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 1,779,250.00 Other bonds and securities 54,649.27 Furniture and fixtures__ 1.00 Banking house _________ 1.00 Cash and due from banks 2,373,886.98 Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 75,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 80,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 27,155.80 Demand deposits ______ _ 3,733,187.78 Time deposits _________ _ 562,753.82 U. S. Gov't deposits ____ _ 47,345.38 Public funds _________ _ 210,233.76 Deposits of banks _____ _ 49,120.78 Total dep. ___ $4,602,641.52 Total _ --------------$4,784,797.32 Total _ --------------$4,784,797.32 PRAIRIE COUNTY BANK, HAZEN Population, 819. Chartered July 17, 1945. Officers ' J. J. Screeton _____________ President L. P. Aycock __________ Vice President R. C. Hartlieb _______________ Cashier Grace 0. Stallings _____ Asst. Cashier Prairie County Transit Number 81-750 Directors L. P. Aycock _j\;[. L. Page , J. 0. Crowly J. J. Screeton ✓ s. .J:i7e1in Ezra Shoop R. H. Hammond OPENED FOR BUSINESS AUGUST 8, 1945 :..., a { I • ,----- 50 State of Arkansas: Bank Department THE CLEBURNE COUNTY BANK, HEBER. SPRINGS Population, 1,656. Cleburne County Chartered December 16, 1930. Transit Number 81-175 v'/ Officers Directors ~ - B. Robbins _____________ President vW. L. Deal 0. B. Robbins \.--' Louis Stecker _________ Vice President ✓o. C. Dickson Opie Rogers ..,...\,,"floward Johnson ______ Vice President-/ W. R. Griffin Louis Stecker ....-· C. Johnson ____ V. Pres. & Cashier .,-·L. E. Robbins Garner Johnson ________ Asst. Cashier ✓ Nevalynn Johnson ______ Asst. Cashier v-:fcl<'!'t.l.e J"h rf~ 6 1\A '1 STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 :;;w. Resources Loans and discounts _____ $ 253,092.12 Loans on commodities__ 119,600.00 U. S. Gov't obligations__ 596,100.00 -Other bonds and securities 123,886.36 Furniture and fixtures__ 500.00 Banking house _________ 5,500.00 Cash and due from banks 1,104,435.32 Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 30,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 20,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 22,263.69 Demand deposits ______ _ 2,040,502.73 Time deposits _________ _ 1,220.34 Public funds __________ _ 89,127.04 Total dep. ___ $2,130,850.11 Total _ --------------$2,203,113.80 Total _______________ $2,203,113.80 GUARANTY LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY, HELENA (Not engaged in commercial banking) Population, 8,456. Phillips County Chartered February 9, 191-0. Officers M. R. Ready _______________ President Dewey Moore _________ Vice President H. E. Jones _______________ Secretary -H. H. White ______________ Treasurer Transit Number 81-64 Directors R. T. Doughtie M. R. Ready S. H. Hurst H. G. Stephens Dewey Moore Jos. P. Swift E. C. Nelson STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ______ $ 38,652.76 U. S. Gov't obligations____ 8,500.00 Other bonds and securities 1,000.00 Furniture and fixtures____ 500.00 Other real estate_________ 1.00 Cash and due from banks__ 51,442.28 Other resources __________ 4,280.00 Liabilities Capital stock ------------$ 50,000.00 Surplus fund ___________ _ 10,000.00 Undivided profits _______ _ 7,358.61 Reserves ______________ _ 327.30 Other liabilities ________ _ 36,690.13 Total ________________ $104,376.04 Total _ ---------------$104,376.04 • / 51 Thirty-First Report ~ \ ~ft7(_G-• ~ - - ~ VALLEY BANK, HINDSVILLE Population, 262. Madison County Chartered November 18, 1907. Transit Number 81-362 Officers /: Directors / v-1\dry Gaskill ______________ President Wm. B. Bunch Tom Hargis -vH. L. Mayfield ________ Vice President ✓c. F. Fitch Lloyd A. Linebarger\# ./'ll. F. Fitch ___________ Vice President ✓Adry Gaskill H. L. Mayfield ,.._..-Wm a "Btiiidi __ __ """::':::-,,.,..CMb1el' _..,.,.rames R. Hargis Fred E. Reed _________ ~ . Cashier STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resourees Loans and discounts ______ $ 17,990.l:J2 U. S. Gov't obligations ____ 100,800.00 Furniture and fixtures____ 350.00 Banking house __________ 800.00 Cash and due from banks_ 123,660.00 Liabilities Capital stock ------------$ 10,000.00 Surplus fund ____________ 10,000.00 Undivided profits ________ 2,473.85 Reserves _ ______________ 4,829.09 Demand deposits ________ 138,471.04 Time deposits ___________ 64,826.94 Public funds ____________ 13,000.00 Total deposits __ $216,297.98 Total _ ---------------$243,600.92 Total ________________ $243,600.92 BANK OF HOLLY GROVE, HOLLY GROVE Population, 755. Chartered March 12, 1903. Monroe County Transit Number 81-275 /4 Officers ,,,{ Directors ~ - P. Walls _______________ President B Lambert /4no. B. Moore, Jr. J. I. Matthews ________ Vice President . I. Matthews M. P. Walls v•'Taylor Claiborne ___________ Cashier ...-;J. W. Mayo s-0. M. Washington .,/Mary Patterson ________ Asst. Cashier _ r-13J LAM t3 .e r-? -f STATEMENT OF JUN'E so; 1945 rr-· ) / '-'' ·r"-../ Resources Loans and discounts ______ $ 89,709.28 Loans on commodities ____ 288,445.73 Overdrafts _ ____________ 494.95 U. S. Gov't obligations ____ 227,000.00 Other bonds and securities 72,812.10 Furniture and fixtures____ 1.00 Banking house __________ 2,400.00 Other real estate_________ 2.00 Cash and due from canks_ 137,848.46 Liabilities Capital stock ------------$ 30,000.00 Surplus fund ____________ 30,000.00 Undivided profits ________ 13,268.98 Demand deposits ________ 503,767.11 Time deposits ___________ 49,522.14 U. S. Gov't deposits______ 95,696.46 Public funds ------------- 96,458.83 Total deposits __ $745,444.54 Total _ ---------------$818,713.52 ' Total ________________ $818,713.52 State of Arkansas: Bank Department 52 HORATIO STATE BANK, HORATIO Population, 809. Chartered May 15, 19-05. Sevier County Transit Number 81-342 Directors \., Officers ~ ~ - E. Hendrix _____________ President 0. T. Brinkley vMrs. A. G. Jacobson VF. R_. Ethridge ________ Vice Presid1:;nt~ .F. R. Ethrid_ge ..--L. 0. Shull .Mazie Gallaher _____________ Cashier .,., C. E. Hendnx ./ Lilla S. Hendrix ______ Asst. Secretary STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ______ $113,578.00 7,900.00 Loans on commodities____ 1,260.18 Overdrafts _ ____________ U.S. Gov't obligations ____ 290,172.00 2,607.93 Other bonds and securities 1,500.00 Furniture and fixtures____ 302.00 Other real estate_.________ Cash and due from banks_ 232,528.55 167.00 Other resources _________ Liabilities Capital stock ------------$ 20,000.00 Surplus fund ___________ _ 5,000.00 Undivided profits _______ _ 1,392.23 1,500.00 Reserves_------------~Demand deposits _______ _ 485,382.77 Time deposits __________ _ 87,284.08 U. S. Gov't deposits _____ _ 12,180.57 Public funds ___________ _ 37,276.Q.1 Total deposits __ $622,123.43 Total ________________ $650,015.66 Total ________________ $650,015.66 ·. r ., ARKANSAS TRUST COMP ANY, HOT SPRINGS Population, 21,370. • Chartered April 18, 1907. Garland County Transit Number 81-51 D~tors ,., . Officers ✓ / E. L. Thomospn D. Burgauer ~ - Burgauer ______________ President G. H. Sexton _________ Vice President ✓ C. J. Horner v".E. M. Thrash, Jr. ,.,...,:Warren W. Wilson / ~- M. Thrash, Jr. ______ Vice President •'_D. Jackson ✓ E. F. Woodcock "'1J. Jackson ______ v. Pres. & Cashier..,'C. E. Miles v/F. A. Housley_1Lr_it8.S-i'.'.'Asst. Cashier v·G. H. Sexton -,:-Norton Meek, Jr. ______ Asst. Cashier ; Marie Schnebelen ______ Asst. Cashier C. J. Clements _________ Asst. Cashier STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ___ $ 504,942.92 241.75 Overdrafts _ __________ U. S. Gov't obligations_ 6,187,069.04 Other bonds and securities 501.120.46 18,732.25 Furniture and fixtures__ 47,000.00 Banking house ________ 12.00 Other real estate______ Cash and due from banks 3,558 511.19 24,689.50 Other resources ___ ____ Liabilities Capital stock ---------$ 200,000.00 Surplus fund ________ _ 200,000.00 Undivided profits ____ _ 136.149.20 Reserves ___________ _ 20,965.88 Demand deposi s _____ _ 7,744,685.87 Time deposits ________ _ 1,119,980.24 U. S. Gov't deposits ___ _ 687,679.43 PuHic funds _________ _ 670,217.38 Total dep._$10,222,562.92 Other liabilities ______ _ Total ______________ $10,842,419.11 62,741.11 Total ______________ $10,842,419.11 Thirty-First Report 53 NEWTON COUNTY BANK, .JASPER Population, 412. Newton c ~ - 0, ff Chartered March 24, 1903~a~sit Number 81-371 Officers ·Moore _____________ President J. W. Moore . J. Pruitt_ _________ Vice President ,.., O. A. Moore .... J. W. Moore _________________ Cashier 1.--W. W. Moore ________ Asst. Cashier f!\J¼a" Ulllb ~ ,11~ :JR'e:./ j Tl -- / / ~ ~7 '"'A L-r ..t c;,, r{ DC ,u II , Directors :f:St:::IJ;;:=!t~faa:it~llll~~ W. J. Pruitt ~ I STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ______ $ 30,062.45 44.88 Overdrafts _ ____________ U. S. Gov't obligations ____ 300,902.. 50 593.40 Other bonds and securities 150.00 Furniture and fixtures____ 900.00 Banking house __________ Cash and due from banks __ 454,147.89 Liabilities Capital stock* -----------$ 25,000.00 5,000.00 Surplus fund ____________ 2,954.24 Undivided profits ________ 2,500.00 Reserves _ ______________ Demand deposits ________ 696,358.75 Public funds ____________ 54,988.13 Total deposits __ $751,346.88 Total ________________ $786,801.12 Total _ ---------------$786,801.12 • First preferred stock with par value of $8,000.00 and common stock with par value of $17,000.00. CITIZENS BANK OF JONESBORO, JONESBORO Craighead County Population, 11,729. Transit Number 81-613 Chartered July 25, 1919. /' . Officers . _M. L. McKmney ___________ Pres1dent "'S. V. McKinney _______ Vice President 'vJ. E. McKee __________ Vice President v,C. V. McKinney _____________ Cashier _, / . Directors . S. V. McKmney V. McKmney M. L. McKinney /2· - -,,~ ~ VP e:E:IYf1fcKe21 / STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts _____ $1,504,683.58 Loans on commodities ___ 1,203,251.47 2.45 Overdrafts _ __________ U. S. Gov't obligations __ 1,896,124.85 432.68 Other bonds and securities 1.00 Furniture and fixtures__ Cash and due from banks 2,226,127.26 Liabilities Capital stock ----'-·--,--~$ 100,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 50,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 70,320.78 Demand deposits ______ _ 3,404,477.03 Time deposits _________ _ 1,952,103.95 U. S. Gov't deposits ____ _ 657,379.83 Public funds __________ _ 571,108.85 Deposits of banks ______ _ 25,232.85 Total dep. ___ $6,610,302.51 Total _______________ $6,830,623.29 Total _ --------------$6,830,623.29 State of Arkansas: Bank Department 54 MERCANTILE BANK, JONESBORO Population, 11,729. Chartered January 7, 1932. Craighead County Transit Number 81-72 ,/,. Officers . .,. __ Direc_!ors ' . ",Ghas. D. Fnerj1.on __________ Pres1dent Nathan Deutsch ~ G. G. Snuth / G. G. Smith_..&;;'.Ye..(:.,_ Vice President ...A. Faught • J. Paul Smith vN'athan Deutsch ___ V. Pres. & Cashier ....e_has. D. Frie~sor, ~J. Lan Wittlat-ils ~ - W. Hig~inbotham ____ Asst. Cash!er v-G. H. Florida _. , ', , __ ., -, I, Alberta D1ckson ________ Asst. Cashier /J,1v , . _- . __,__, r _ - 7.l STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 ~ Resources Loans and discounts _____ $ 766,075.76 ~oans on commodities___ 434,943.48 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 2,712,996.81 Other bonds and securities 108,611.79 Furniture and fixtures__ 7,137.00 Banking house _________ 11,000.00 Cash and due from banks 1,108,825.70 Liabilities Capital stock ,----------$ 150,000.00 Surplus fund __________ _ 75,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 84,256.06 1,800.00 Reserves_ -----------Demand deposits _____ :__ 2,751,426.92 Time deposits _________ _ 1,106,274.76 U. S. Gov't deposits ____ _ 653,551.59 Public funds __________ _ 287,547.46 Deposits of banks ______ _ 39,733.75 Total dep. __ $4,838,534.48 Total _ --------------$5,149,590.54 Total _ --------------$5,149,590.54 FARMERS AND MERCHANTS BANK, JUDSONIA Population, 1,0-11. Chartered May 29, 1913. White County Transit Number 81-549 v-:;~ohn Officers ✓ Directors A. Henson ____________ Pres~dent W. R. Felts ,; 0. C. Waller :;:{'. C. Rhew ___________ V~ce Pres~dent \.-~J. H. Graves \ Roy E. Wall er VJ,. H. Graves __________ V~ce Pres~dent .John A. Henson v Edgar W1•ight /W. R. Felts ___________ Vice President vJ. C. Rhew ✓ P. E. Bauer ___________ .:. _____ Cashier R, El. 1tViHcox __________ Asst. Cashier ✓- -e,/ ~~1Aw I ( , / ~ I I ! ll ,.,(J I ' h S'I'ATEMENT OF JUNE 30 1945 ' Resources Loans and discounts ______ $ 14,643.53 U. S. Gov't obligations ____ 345,500.00 Other bonds and securities 1,597.97 Furniture and fixtures____ 1.00 Banking house ___________ 2,000.00 Cash and due from banks_ 476,289.29 Liabilities Capital stock ------------$ 17,500.00 Surplus fund ____________ 17,500.00 Undivided profits ________ l3,776.13 Demand deposits ________ 747,749.95 Public funds ____________ 43,505.71 Total deposits _$791,255.66 Total ________________ $840,031.79 Total ________________ $840,031.79 ... Thirty-First Report {i5 UNION STATE BANK, JUNCTION CITY Population, 797. Union County Chartered August 28, 1933. Transit Number 81-232 Directors Officers I. A. Brinker ______________ President I. A. Brinker H. M. Kinard ,· · H. M. Kinard _________ Vice President . 0. H. Goodwin P. E. Murphy , • P. E. MurplJ¥ _____ V. Pres. & Cashis H. E. Kinard H. J. Williams 1 H. E. Kinard _________ ._Asst. Cashier l ·. STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ______ $ 51,751.63 Loans on commodities____ 392.99 U. S. Gov't obligations ____ 404,395.00 Other bonds and securities 7,192.14 Furniture and fixtures____ 500.00 Banking house __________ 3,800.00 Other real estate_________ 1.00 Cash and due from banks 376,365.81 Liabilities Capital stock ------------$ 25,000.00 Surplus fund ____________ 12,500.00 Undivided profits ________ 6,899.06 Reserves _ -------------2,100.00 Demand deposits ________ 603,331.81 Time deposits ___________ 57,072.53. U. S. Gov't deposits______ 83,165.00. Public funds ____________ 54,330.17 Total deposits _$797,899.51 Total _ ---------------$844,398.57 Total ________________ $844,398.fi7 BANK OF KENSETT, KENSETT Population, 827. White County Chartered February 17, 1922. Officers P. Mills ________________ President J.ohn H. Johnston _____ Vice President "'11:rs. Thelma Roth ___________ Cashier v A: Transit Numrer 81-649 Directors Jno. H. Johnston\ J. W. Sloan ✓ A. P. Mills v STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts------$ 9,056.35 U. S. Gov't obligations____ 38,000.00 Furniture and fixtures____ 530.00 Banking house __________ 3,275.00 Other real estate_________ 1.00 Cash and due from banks_ 248,316.53 Other resources _________ 500.00 Liabilities 17,500.00 Capital -----------$ Surplus stock* fund ___________ _ 2,500.00 Undivided profits _______ _ 2,726.85 Demand deposits _______ _ 261,727.22 Public funds ___________ _ 15,224.81 Total deposits _$276,952.03 Total ________________ $299,678.88 Total _ ---------------$299,678.88 * First preferred stock with par value of $7,400.00 and common stock with par value of $10,100.00. 56 State of Arkansas: Bank Department BANK OF KEO, KEO Population, 253. Lonoke County Chartered January 13, 1920. ✓. Transit Number 81-631 Officers · W. F. Coleman ____________ President ' A. B. Cobb -1l. C. Cobb ____________ Vice President• J. D. Cobb ✓A. .,/-1· B. Cobb ___________ Vice President F. Coffman ___________ .___ Cashier· Directors • J. F. Coffman . W. F. Coleman S. C. Cobb STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ______ $ 15,214.00 Loans on commodities____ 31,900.00 Overdrafts _ ____________ 16.32 U. S. Gov't obligations____ 41,000.00 Other bonds and securities 2,058.11 Furniture and fixtures____ 1.00 Cash and due from banks __ 107,194.92 Liabilities Capital stock ------------$ 15,000.00 5,000.00 Surplus fund-----------Undivided profits _______ _ 3,417.72 Demand deposits _______ _ 116,142.12 2,100.00 Time deposits ---------~U. S. Gov't deposits _____ _ 35,375.00 Public funds ___________ _ 20,349.51 Total deposits _$173,966.63 Total ________________ $197,384.35 Total ________________ $197,384.35 BANK OF KINGSTON, KINGSTON Population, 200. Chartered April 7, 1911. v . •~ Madison County Transit Number 81-467 Directors Officers \ A. B. Bunch _______________ President ✓ A. B. Bunch , Tom Hargis Tom Hargis __________ Vice President Wilson Bunch , H. R. McCracken Wilson Bunch ______________ Cashier , H. C. Fields Wm. B. Bunch _________ Asst. Cashier STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ______ $ 8,376.00 U. S. Gov't obligations____ 90,800.00 Other bonds and securities 14,000.00 Furniture and fixtures____ 90.00 Banking house __________ 180.00 Other real estate_________ 2.00 Cash and due from banks_ 188,281.81 Liabilities Capital stock ------------$ 10,000.00 Surplus fund ___________ _ 10,000.00 Undivided profits _______ _ 142.01 Reserves ______________ _ 3,800.00 Demand deposits _______ _ 212,963.44 Time depo~ts __________ _ 55,824.36 Public funds ___________ _ 9,000.00 Total deposits _$277,787.80 Total _ ---------------$301,729.81 Total ________________ $301,729.81 57 / BANK OF LAKE VILLAGE, LAKE VILLAGE Population, 2,045. Chicot County Chartered October 14, 1937. Transit Number 81-598 ( Officers Directors ✓ . B. C. Clark ____________ President vBen Angel James Hammond ✓R. H. Meyer __________ Vice President,..., E. T. Cashion "--W. C. Lovette ,.../ /2:. T .. Cashion ________ ._______ Cashier ,/Ill'. B. C. Clark (1 R.JI. Meyeru· _.. James S. Suitt_ ________ Asst. Cashier /4 B. Gi!,lison \__ 'f'. cl . . ✓ 'Ji,t,1 a 12- Yrh_ea. -! ,. , ,, '-· ~ 1-. t ~ (O-i w ~ \ STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 194,5 /4· . J/1. . , , Resources Loans and discounts _____ $ 293,088.00 Loans on commodities___ 27,563.87 Overdrafts _ __________ 693.90· U. S. Gov't obligations__ 526,117.93 Other bonds and securities 22,375.00 Furniture and fixtures__ 1.00 Banking house _________ 12,000.00 Cash and due from banks 832,712.89 Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 50,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 50,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 17,682.35 Demand deposits ______ _ 1,180,494.27 Time deposits _________ _ 71,227.45 U. S. Gov't deposits ____ _ 157,380.76 Public funds __________ _ 187,767.76 Total dep. __ $1,596,870.24 Total _______________ $1,714,552.59 Total _______________ $1,714,552.59 CITIZENS BANK OF LAVACA, LAVACA Population, 340. Chartered May 5, 1910. / Officers Dr. J. S. Coffman _________ President '-W. D. West, Jr. _______ Vice President ,n'orace Wagner _____________ Cashie1: Sebastian County Transit Number 81-378 ~ Directors / l)r. J. S. Coffman W. D. West, Jr. v'l:. H. Fielder STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ______ $ 43,582.28 U. S. Gov't obligations ____ 200,820.00 Other l::onds and securities 12,056.49 Furniture and fixtures____ 1.00 Banking house __________ 500.00 Cash and due from banks __ 155,847.83 Liabilities Capital stock -----------$ 15,000.00 Surplus fund -----------5,000.00 Undivided profits ________ 1,993.97 Reserves _ -------------2,000.00 Demand deposits ________ 315,042.04 Time deposits ___________ 13,441.13 U. S. Gov't deposits______ 22,582.01 Public funds ____________ 37,748.45 Total deposits _$388,813.63 Total _ ---------------$412,807.60 Total _ ---------------$412,807.60 • , :JJ--l-- Sta,te of A,;-kansas: Bank Department 58 LITILE RIVER BANK, LEPANTO Population, 1,198. Poinsett County Chartered November 21, 1919. Transit Number 81-622 v·D. . Officers . /Directors . F. Portis _______________ Pres1dent A. T. Bell D. F. Portis v ~ B. H. Murphy _________ Vice President ~ u r t o n ,' J. C. Portis ✓ ✓~ T. BelL __________________ Cashier ayne Eason • / -Qsem-,.. v"Mrs. R.j....JlMte ___ ____ Asst. Cashier B. H. Murphy V 1 v --v,J,}..L \\,tl~dc,,c,,/L ,, \ ., ·Vv.1--/.0; Resources Loans and discounts _____ $ Loans on commodities __ _ Overdrafts ___________ _ U. S. Gov't obligations __ Other bonds and securities Furniture and fixtures __ Cash and due from banks_ Other resources _______ _ 197,708.64 575,709.77 84.53 352,000.00 1,000.00 1.00 227,039.04 100.00 Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 50,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 30,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 14,110.43 Demand deposits ______ _ 1,027,557.53 Time deposits _________ _ 19,720.74 U. S. Gov't deposits ___ _ 89,887.11 Public funds __________ _ 122,367.17 Total dep. __ $1,259,532.55 Total _______________ $1,353,642.98 Total _______________ $1,353,642.98 ·, ·7 L iJ 1/\, , ,PEOPLES BANK AND L~AN COMPANY, •' ,, Population, 1,314. . ~ STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Chartered August 25, 1911. Officers · W. D. Stewart_ ____________ President . J. B. Burton __________ Vice President T. P. LeMay __________ Vice President , J. C. Landes ________________ Cashier LEWISVILLE Lafayette County Transit Number 81-475 J.B. Burton P. D. Burton J.C. Landes Directors T. P. LeMay W. D. Stewart STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts _____ $ 44,577.99 Loans on commodities __ _ 28,614.05 Overdrafts __________ _ 112.47 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 498,200.00 Other bonds and securities 58,940.00 Furniture and fixtures __ 1,058.68 Banking house ________ _ 2,925.00 Other real estate ______ _ 2.00 Cash and due from banks 374,502.,65 Other resources _______ _ 3,796.82 Liabilities Capital stock __________ $ 30,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 22,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 10,570.83 Demand deposits ______ _ 665,842.86 Time deposits _________ _ 102,399.22 U. S. Gov't deposits ____ _ 70,845.06 Public funds __________ _ 111,071.69 Total dep. --$ 950,158.83 Total _______________ $1,012,729.66 Total _ --------------$1,012,729.66 • Thirty-First Report 59 BANK OF LINCOLN, LINCOLN Population, 720. Washington County Chartered March 19, 1903. / Officers W. T. Sha1;non _____________ Pres!dent / ¼ A. /. ,/15· Enghsh _________ Vice President J. Basden ________________ Cashier Transit Number 81-384 _pirectors B. J. Basden ~-R. H. Pitts ✓ E. W. Baugh S. H. Pitts . J. A. English~ W. T. Shannon ✓ H. A. Lewis~ STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 I Resources Loans and discounts------$140,960.J.4 U. S. Gov't obligations ____ 413,06<1.00 Other bonds and securities 39,645.00 Furniture and fixtures____ 200.00 Banking house __________ 100.00 Other real estate_________ 1.00 Cash and due from banks_ 222,737.17 Liabilities Capital stock ------------$ 25,000.00 Surplus fund' ____________ 20,000.00 Undivided profits ________ 11,681.57 Demand deposits ________ 605,964.14 Time deposits ___________ 88,963.29 U. S. Gov't deposits______ 48,360.90 Public funds ____________ 16,733.41 Total deposits $760,021.74 Total _________________ $816,703.31 Total -----------------$816,703.31 METROPOLITAN TRUST COMPANY, LITTLE ROCK (Not engaged in commercial banking) Population, 88,039. Chartered June 5, 1925. Officers Justin Matthews, Jr. _______ President Somers Matthews Vice-Pres. & Treas. John P. Matthews Vice-Pres. & Sec'y Freda Byerly ____________ Asst. Sec'y Pulaski County Transit Number Directors Anne M. Glenn Martha D. Matthews John P. Matthews Somers Matthews Justin Matthews, Jr. STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ______ $ 80,155.02 300.00 U. S. Gov't obligations____ Other bonds and securities 127,792.39 Furniture and fixtures____ 5.00 Other real estate_________ 63,696.85 Cash and due from banks_ 19,361.47 Other resources _________ 92,952.66 Liabilities Capital stock ------------$250,000.00 Surplus ·xund ____________ 25,000.00 Undivided profits ________ 47,145.55 Reserves _ _____________ 3,746.38 Other liabilities _________ 58,371.46 Total _________________ $384,263.39 Total -----------------$384,263.39 60 i ,4' State of Arkansas: Bank Department 1/·~ .B. WORTHEN COMPANY, BANKERS, LITTLE ROCK l· Population, 88,039. Chartered August 4, 1902. Pulaski County Transit Number 81-7 Officers Directors Emmet Morris ____ Chairman of Board W. C. Allsopp Emmett Morris James H. Penick- __________ President W. Robert Crow James H. Penick G02ll~@ G. Vforthelf __ :-:vice-'Pi'mtident H. M. Crowe John G. Potts John G. Potts _________ Vice President L. E. Dishongh Booker Worthen James Keith __________ Vice President Alfred Leymer ~ebige-G,-Wu1 th;;n... G. A. Zimmerman _____ Vice President H. M. Crowe __________ Vice President L. E. Dishongh __ Vice Pres. & Cashier Booker Worthen _______ Asst. Cashier . Gardner Lile __________ j,.sst-, € a ~ )' ~J--.• Dan M. Murphy ________ Asst. Cashier M. L. Hogan __________ Asst. Cashier M. S. Heim ____________ Asst. Cashier Melvin Lawson ________ Asst. Cashier W. G. Cobb ____________ Asst. Cashier R. M. McCown _________ Asst. Cashier Emmett L. Darr ____________ Auditor STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ---$ 3,805,190.11 Loans on commodities__ 862,,186.97 Overdrafts _ __________ 47.16 U. S. Gov't obligations_ 30,938,820.40 Other bonds and sec'ties 3,462,605.87 Furniture and fixtures_ 111,933.52 Banking house ________ 150,000.00 Cash and due from banks 17,702,343.60 Other resources _______ 89,238.25 Liabilities Capital stock* --------$ 645,000.00 Surplus fund ________ _ 600,000.00 Undivided profits ____ _ 186,759.35 Reserves ___________ _ 220,330.63 Demand deposits _____ _ 25,712,789.87 Time deposits ________ _ 8,576,564.75 U. S. Gov't deposits ___ _ 4,602,443.03 Public funds _________ _ 5,046,565.41 Deposits of banks _____ _ 11,529,328.53 Total dep. $55,467,691.59 Other liabilities ______ _ Total ______________ $57,122,365.88 * First 2,584.31 Total _ -------------$57,122,365.88 preferred stock with par value of $270,000.00 ; Second preferred stock with par value of $250,000.00 and common stock with par value of $125.000.00. Thirty-First Report 61 BANK OF LOCKESBURG, LOCKESBURG Population, 764. Sevier County Chartered October 14, 1902. Transit Number 81-385 Djrectors .,..-A. P. Boyce V M. L. Norwood Mary F. Hampson ~ R. C. Norwood• Hugh Latimer or v Officers M. L. Norwood ____________ President ..,. A. P. Boyce __________ Vice President "R. C. Norwood ______________ Cashier "'Mrs. R. C. Norwood ____ Asst. Cashier STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ______ $ 23,938.80 U. S. Gov't obligations ____ 101,050.00 Other bonds and securities 10,279.00 Furniture and fixtures____ 100.00 Banking house __________ 1,900.00 Cash and due from banks_ 301,483.61 Liabilities Capital stock* -----------$ 25,000.00 Surplus fund ___________ _ 5,000.00 Undivided profits _______ _ 2,505.14 Demand deposits _______ _ 341,859.98 Time deposits __________ _ 36,129.90 Public funds ___________ _ 28,256.39 Total deposits--$406,246.27 Total -----------------$438,751.41 Total -----------------$438,751.41 11 * First preferred stock with par value of $12,500.00 and common stock with par value of $12,500.00. FIRST STATE BANK, LONOKE Population, 1,715. Chartered March 9, 1935. / Officers )". J. Fletcher ______________ President President & Cashier Arthur Herring ________ Asst. Cashier V }V. H. Bransford ______ Vice ✓ Neill Fletcher ___ Vice Pres. Lonoke County Transit Number 81-200 ✓r' Directors J. 0. Bennett M. E. Lyons ...,-•,,,W. H. Bransford W.W. McCrary, Jr . .....----, .,;;J; J. Fletcher Chas. A. Miller ....../Neill Fletcher Guy E. Williams -------- STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 . Resources Loans and discounts ----$ 47,407.88 Loans on commodities __ _ 205,727.21 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 475,300.00 15,000.00 Other bonds and securities Furniture and fixtures __ 1.00 Banking house ________ _ 2,000.00 Cash and due from banks 642,410.45 Other resources _______ _ 2,0,27.42 Liabilities Capital stock* ______ ---$ 25,000.00. Surplus fund _________ _ 10,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 17,739.74 Reserves _____________ _ 7,886.86 Demand deposits ______ _ 1,173,925.82 U. S. Gov't deposits ____ _ 9,843.75 Public funds __________ _ 145,477.79 Total dep. __ $1,329,247.36 Total _ --------------$1,389,873.96 Total _______________ $1,389,873.96 • First preferred stock with par value of $10,000.00 and common stock with par value of $15,000.00. 62 State of Arkansas: Bank Department / 1// FARMERS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, MAGNOLIA Population, 4,326. Columbia County Chartered September 26, 1906. , Officers T. S. Grayson _____________ President R. S. Warnock, Jr. ____ Vice President J. B. Lee ___________________ Cashier H. A. Reid _____________ Asst. Cashier Transit Number 81-163 Directors R. S. Foster ,. W. N. Paschal T. S. Grayson Mrs. Helen Reeves W. L. Jameson, Jr. H. A. Reid J. G. Langston J. A. W. Souter J.B. Lee· R. S. Warnock, Jr. W. C. Partee STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts _____ $ 36,863.72 Overdrafts _ ___________ 4.49 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 3,797,512.99 Other bonds and securities 160,684.84 Furniture and fixtures__ 1,5-00.00 Banking house _________ 13,000.00 Other real estate _______ 42.00 Cash and due from banks 1,165,976.18 Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 50,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 100,0-00.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 53,067.89 Demand deposits ______ _ 4,032,680.13 Time deposits _________ _ 393,931.92 U. S. Gov't deposits ____ _ 327,769.97 Public funds __________ _ 214,948.75 Deposits of banks ______ _ 3,185.56 Total dep. __ $4,972,516.33 Total _______________ $5,175,584.22 Total _ --------------$5,175,584.22 STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Liabilities Loans and discounts _____ $ 204,481.91 Capital stock ----------$ 50,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 35,000.00 Overdrafts _ ----------7.93 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 1,643,748.45 Undivided profits _____ _ 40,839.43 Other bonds and securities 20,619.67 Reserves _____________ _ 23,206.31 Furniture and fixtures__ 984.80 Demand deposits ______ _ 2,434,613.67 Banking house _________ 2,725.00 Time deposits _________ _ 83,102.90 Cash and due from banks 1,181,633.20 U. S . Gov't deposits ____ _ 201,133.30 Public funds __________ _ 171,305.35 Deposits of banks ______ _ 15,000.00 Total dep. __ $2,905,155.22 Total _ --------------$3,054,200.96 Total _______________ $3,054,200.96 ,. Thirty-First Report 63 PEOPLES BANK, MAMMOTH SPRING Population, 666. Fulton County Chartered February 8, 1921. ~/ Officers J. F. Martin ______________ President \/Qell Brown ___________ Vice PresidE;nt ~ CW~l?_V\_ _ _ __~ ~ e r ~°; 1 15 Transit Number 81-645 .,,Jlirectors / Dell Brown / J. R. Martin ~Cloy H. C~lver Y . L. M. Plumlee .,,,,,, J. F. Martm ..,------ STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ______ $ 9,878.72 Overdrafts ______________ 21.93 U. S. Gov't obligations ____ 306,000.00 Other bonds and securities 70.40 Furniture and fixtures____ 105.00 Banking house __________ 1,055.00 'Cash and due from banks_ 345,757.82 Liabilities Capital stock ------------$ 10,000.00 Surplus fund ____________ 10,000.00 Undivided profits ________ 3,941.53 Demand deposits ________ 628,005.53 U. S. Gov't deposits ______ 290.97 Public funds ------------ 10,650.84 Total deposits--$638,947.34 Total _________________ $662,888.87 Total _________________ $662,888.87 BANK OF MANSFIELD, MANSFIELD Population, 1,002. Sebastian County Chartered February 16, 1939. Officers C. C. Graves ______________ President G. R. Holbrook ________ Vice President W. W. Holbrook _____________ Cashier Transit Number 81-249 Gilmer Dixon C. C. Graves G. R. Holbrook Directors W.W. Holbrook J. R. Hunter G.G. Woods STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts _____ $ 110,436.98 Overdrafts ___________ _ 23.70 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 757,000.00 72,636.12 Other bonds and securities Furniture and fixtures __ 1,731.00 Banking house ________ _ 1.00 Cash and due from banks 366,383.33 Total _______________ $1,308,212.13 ,1 e/ Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 30,000.oV Surplus fund _________ _ 36,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 14,750.99 Reserves _____________ _ 10,309.09 Demand deposits ______ _ 942,825.67 Time deposits _________ _ 163,432.99 U. S. Gov't deposits ____ _ 57,834.85 Public funds __________ _ 53,058.54 Total dep. __ $1,217,152.05 Total _ --------------$1,308,212.13 State of Arkansas: Bank Department FARMERS AND MERCHANTS BANK, MARIANNA Population, 4,449. Chartered January 9, 1942. Officers H. L. Petty_ YIH I kt President W. V. Moye __ Vice Pres. and Cashier Mrs. Nelle R. Stallings __ Asst. Cashier Lee County Transit Number 81-744 Directors J. A. Kinard, Jr. Ike Panich G. W. Merrifield H. L. Petty W. P. Mixon Harvey W. Wilson W. V. Moye W. B. Yancey STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ----$ Loans on commodities __ _ Overdrafts ___________ _ U. S. Gov't obligations __ Other bonds and securities Furniture and fixtures __ Cash and due from banks Other resources _______ _ 279,975.53 101,893.72 38.48 385,779.86 1,950.00 2,433.49 335,349.24 50.00 Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 50,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 15,000,.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 20,292.23 Demand deposits ______ _ 759,462.60 Time deposits _________ _ 6,000.00 U. S. Gov't deposits ____ _ 111,424.25 Public funds __________ _ 137,229.13 Deposits of banks _____ _ 8,062.11 Total dep. __ $1,022,178.09 Total _______________ $1,107,470.32 Total _ --------------$1,107,470.32 CITIZENS BANK, MARION Population, 758. . __ Crittenden County Charte,·ed March 15, 1938. Transit Number 81-742 ., Dire~rs rry Barton _____y_,_(,:?__ President Berry Barton A. J. Lumpkin J. F. Fogleman _______ ~ President "Wilson P. Barton VAlex Stirewalt \,,,,A. J. Lumpkin ______________ Cashier ..- J. F. Fogleman G ~(?S" i?,IY\. 1-/os J<.,iv~Ai~T OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ----$ 117,508.21 Loans on commodities __ _ 49,488.01 Overdrafts ___________ _ 29.71 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 478,500.00 49,100.42 Other bonds and securities Furniture and fixtures __ 900.00 Banking house ________ _ 2,800.00 Cash and due from banks 437,960.97 Liabilities Capital stock __________ $ 40,000.-00 Surplus fund _________ _ 20,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 7,171.58 Demand deposits ______ _ 856,992.35 Time deposits _________ _ 74,065.55 U. S. Gov't deposits ____ _ 7,593.75 PuHic funds __________ _ 130,464.09 Total dep. __ $1,069,115.74 Total _______________ $1,136,287.32 Total _______________ $1,136,287.32 Thirty-First Report 65 MARKED TREE BANK, MARKED TREE Population, 2,685. Chartered March 3, 1932. Poinsett County Transit Number 81-705 L- Officers . ~ ,Directors . J ~ B. Chapman ____________ President /whn Brunner H. C. Dewey ✓ X'~n B1:"unner _________ V~ce Pres!dent ~ : B. Ch~pman L. V. Ritter.....------_;_ :i;,. V. Ritter ___________ Vice President Milton Craft , ✓ F. Falk __________________ Cashier en Stewart_ ________ Asst. Cashier JV~: L-.rl.G O 4 D ., ~, STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 409,109.12 486,700.72 376.57 625,500.00 15,531.32 1,041.90 1,050.00 2.79,321.17 Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 25,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 50,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 20,891.65 Demand deposits ______ _ 1,342,939.56 Time deposits _________ _ 1,395.00 U. S. Gov't deposits ____ _ 201,331.25 Public funds __________ _ 165,399.53 Deposits of banks ______ _ 11,673.81 Total dep. __ $1,722,739.15 Total __ :._ ____________ $1,818,630.80 Total _______________ $1,818,630.80 Resources Loans and discounts ----$ Loans on commodities __ _ Overdrafts ___________ _ U. S. Gov't obligations __ Other bonds and securities Furniture and fixtures __ Banking house ________ _ Cash and due from banks THE CITIZENS BANK, MARSHALL Population, 822. Searcy County Chartered February 26, 1940. 1,., Officers "Mary Massey __ President and Cashier ". "' Aud Massey __________ Vice President · -I _;J:. C. Baker_ __________ Vice President . ,(Miss Jimmie BattershelLAsst.Cashier ' t If Transit Number 81 -715 Directors / J. C. Baker Dewey Masse1/ M. F. Cash .--Mary Massey Leonard Coffman ✓ Ancil Mays ✓Aud Massey/ 1/ _I, STATEMENT OF JUNW'30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ----$ 134,412.71 Overdrafts ___________ _ 198.83 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 368,300.00 Other bonds and securities 4,537.63 Furniture and fixtures __ 1,850.21 Cash and due from banks 548,179.12 Liabilities Capital stock __________ $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 8,500.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 3,590.24 Demand deposits ______ _ 900,339.74 Time deposits _________ _ 25,605.61 U. S. Gov't deposits ____ _ 19,556.25 Public funds __________ _ 74,886.66 Total dep. __ $1,020,388.26 Total _______________ $1,057,478.50 Total _______________ $1,057,478.50 66 State of Arkansas: Bank Department /'1,:~-\.1 l BANK OF MARVELL, MARVELL Population, 830. Chartered January 8, 1903. Officers Guy Robinson ____________ President Y F. H. Webster ________ Vice President H. B. Willis __________ Vice President ✓ Rachel Swift _______________ Cashier V v Phillips County Transit Number 81-393 Directors Kennedy Graves/ Rachel Swift ,.-Edmund Hirsch , F. H. Webster.,.,. Weldon Jackson H.B. Willis ✓ Guy RoHnson - · STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ______ $151,536.61 Loans on commodities ____ 100,466.18 Overdrafts ______________ .85 U. S. Gov't obligations ____ 171,900.00 Other bonds and securities 24,000.00 Furniture and fixtures____ 1,500.00 Banking house __________ 4,450.00 Other real estate_________ 5.00 Cash and due from banks_ 183,872.82 Liabilities Capital stock ____________ $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund ____________ 25,000.00 Undivided profits ________ 14,354.34 Demand deposits ________ 548,367.06 Time deposits ___________ 6,000.00 Public funds ____________ 19,010,.06 Total deposits __ $573,377.12 Total _________________ $637,731.46 Total _______ ----------$637,731.46 BANK OF McCRORY, McCRORY Population, 1,010. Chartered June 8, 1983. . Officers I. N. Arnof_ _______________ President Vance M. Thompson ___ Vice President J. F. Watkins __ Vice Pres . ..end Oashic! Woodruff County Transit Number 81-261 I. N. Arnof .John El. Btylffi'" r-' y 1) ~ Directors Vance M. Thompson :J> ~J?2.Wi i.-c-2,-k----~;/JJtt~ :· - .. ~-,f~TY'! f [_f_C?/l,-tlfDATEMENT OF JUNE 188,994.79 174,557.45 404.06 633,400.00 133,421.85 1.00 1.00 206,514.07 30, 1945 Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 25,000.00. Surplus fund _________ _ 50,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 11,151.72 Reserves _____________ _ 3,000.00 Demand deposits ______ _ 911,693.03 U. S. Gov't deposits ____ _ 226,833.18 Public funds __________ _ 109,616.29 Total dep. __ $1,248,142.50 Total _______________ $1,337,294.22 Total _______________ $1,337,294.22 Resources Loans and discounts ____ $ Loans on commodities___ Overdrafts _ ___________ U. S. Gov't obligations__ Other bonds and securities Furniture and fixtures__ Banking house _________ Cash and due from banks Thirty-First Report 67 • McGEHEE BANK, McGEHEE Population, 3,663. Desha County Chartered December 5, 1933. Officers W. E. Thompson ___________ President G. H. Linaker _________ Vice President R. G. Verser __________ Vice President -, C. F. Sisco __________________ Cashier Bess Thompson ________ Asst. Cashier Marie Jeanneret_ ______ Asst. Cashier Transit Number 81-585 R. L. Beck C.B.Bowman G. H. Linaker J. L. Parker Directors R. B. Stone W. E. Thompson R. G. Verser STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ____ $ 312,386.49 Loans on commodities___ 1,026.01 Overdrafts _ ___________ 1,529.24 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 1,934,626.86 Other bonds and securities 375,251.08 Furniture and fixtures__ 1,959.05 Cash and due from banks 690,215.18 Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 75,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 35,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 19,611.12 Reserves _____________ _ 5,037.59 Demand deposits ______ _ 2,071,482.82 Time deposits _________ _ 556,514.36 U. S. Gov't deposits ____ _ 309,051.39 Public funds __________ _ 245,296.63 Total dep. --$3,182,345.20 Total _______________ $3,316,993.91 Total _ --------------$3,316,993.91 ( lU THE BANK OF MELBOURNE, MELBOURNE Population, 567. Chartered July 29, 1896. /_' Officers Jl· H. Miller _______________ President A. J. Younger_ ________ Vice President ..--'Marean Pearson ____________ Cashier /Opal Smith ____________ Asst. Cashier Izard County Transit Number 81-397 ~• • .,...Directors /' R. L. Blair .....- / E. B. Watts / G. H. Miller v A. J. Younger y R. G. Thompson V STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ______ $ 43,617.72 Loans on commodities____ 52,502.97 Overdrafts ______________ 34.93 U. S. Gov't obligations ____ 254,450.00 Other bonds and securities 8,876.61 Furniture and fixtures____ 1.00 Banking house __________ 500.00 Cash and due from banks __ 320,452.85 Liabilities Capital stock ------------$ 15,000.00 Surplus fund ___________ _ 10,000.00 Undivided profits _______ _ 4,341.21 Reserves _______________ _ 110.01 Demand deposits _______ _ 502,233.30 U. S. Gov't deposits _____ _ 72,611.09 Public funds ___________ _ 76,140,.47 Total deposits __ $650,984.86 Total _________________ $680,436.08 Total _________________ $680,436.08 68 State of Arkansas: Bank Department • 1p1/J,.I, (_ THE UNIO~NK OF MENA, MENA Population, 3,510. Polk County Chartered July 25, 1934. Officers W. J. Lauck _______________ President W. A. Finks __________ Vice President W. L. Boyd _________________ Cashier _ Cl in lfeny ______ Asst. Cashier Transit Number 81-98 W. L. Boyd W. J. Lauck Directors -.,.hrin_Tcray STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ----$ 258,849.12 Overdrafts _ ___________ 179.30 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 1,000,600.00 Other bonds and securities 55,347.00 Furniture and fixtures__ 1,875.75 Banking house _________ 8,550.00 Cash and due from banks 616,603.55 Liabilities Capital stock* ---------$ 50,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 15,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 10,474.95 Reserves _____________ _ 4,625.50 Demand deposits ______ _ 1,567,565.36 Time deposits _________ _ 113,298.21 U. S. Gov't deposits ____ _ 132,947.46 Public funds __________ _ 48,093.24 Total dep. --$1,861,904.27 Total _______________ $1,942,004.72 Total _______________ $1,942,004.72 • First preferred stock with par value of $8,600.00 and common stock with par value of $41,400.00. MONETTE STATE BANK, MONETTE Population, 1,074. Craighead County Chartered December 29, 1936. Transit Number 81-724 ✓/ Officers ✓-· . Direct4s ;,;.'aul Downs ______________ President ~obert Braden fSidney Mangrum J. H. Downs __________ Vice President Paul Downs . vRobert Braden ______________ Cashier ✓ Sidney Mangrum _______ Asst. Cashier STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ____ $ 583,177.20 Loans on commodities __ _ 4,025.00 Overdrafts ___________ _ 96.69 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 250,000.00 Furniture and fixtures __ 1.00 Cash and due from banks 782,792.75 Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 25,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 10,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 21,303.67 Demand deposits ______ _ 1,388,662.17 Time deposits _________ _ 43,475.64 U. S. Gov't deposits ____ _ 5,006.25 Public funds __________ _ 126,644.91 Total dep. --$1,563,788.97 Total _______________ $1,620,092.64 Total _ --------------$1,620,092.64 Th~~~rt ~~.51f-,nC1- 69 4V COMMERCIAL LOAN AND TRUST COMP ANY, MONTICELLO Population, 3,650. Drew County Chartered November 29, 1912. Officers J. D. McCloy ______________ President cCloy ___ Vice Pres. and Cashier ~rs. Mabel C. Sherry ___ Asst. Cashier Transit Number 81-534 ..,,.Directors ,,,,,,----· J. A. Baxter Joe McCloy / J. F. Brann v ..,...--L. D. McQuiston L. W. Dillard ✓ John B. Posey B. A. Hardy~---✓- _M. L. Sigmon ..,...--E. R. Lambert ✓ Virgil J. Trotter, Jr.--::..,. J. D. McCloyv Lamar Williamson ✓ 1/ STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ____ $ Overdrafts ___________ _ U. S. Gov't obligations __ Other bonds and securities Furniture and fixtures __ Banking house ________ _ Other real estate ______ _ Cash and due from banks Other resources _______ _ 102,833.96 31.63 800,600.00 363,891.50 2,500.00 7,000.00 4.00 490,712.77 8,215.83 Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 60,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 60,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 11,560.43 Reserves _____________ _ 30,000.00 Demand deposits ______ _ 1,263,213.88 Time deposits _________ _ 81,306.46 U. S. Gov't deposits ____ _ 187,151.97 Public funds __________ _ 77,556.95 Deposits of banks _____ _ 5,000.00 Total dep. --$1,614,229.26 Total _ --------------$1,775,789.69 Total _ --------------$1,775,789.69 UNION BANK AND TRUST COMP ANY, MONTICELLO Population, 3,650. Drew County Chartered September 15, 1915. Transit Number 81-156 Officers . Directors .,,,Y· J. Trotter ______________ President VGeo. R. Campster Dr. M. Y. Pope'-" ~ - T. Cotham _________ Vice President ✓~. T. Cotham R. F. Trotter~ ~harles W. DanieL_ V. i:res. & Cash~er .,-'Chas. W. Daniel V. J. Trotter...../[· E. Curry ________ Ass1stant Cashier vE. A. Lambert Adrian Williamson .,..--~- E. Wheless ______ Assistant Cashier ~ - R. McCloy M. F. Wright ......--· • Virginia Pierce ____ Assistant Cashier ~ - H. Nunn /, STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ____ $ 344,637.83 Loans on commodities___ 130,000.00 Overdrafts _ ___________ 292.32 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 1,403,801.00 Other bonds and securities 920,470.55 Furniture and fixtures__ 1.00 Banking house _________ 1.00 Cash and due from banks 819,482.32 Other resources ________ 36,882,.32 Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 100,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 75,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 45,642.95 Reserves _____________ _ 100,000.00 Demand deposits ______ _ 2,069,483.53 Time deposits _________ _ 282,386.59 U. S. Gov't deposits ____ _ 697,429.99 Public funds __________ _ 269,182.52 Deposits of banks ______ _ 16,442.76 Total dep. __ $3,334,925.39 Total _ --------------$3,655,568.34 Total _ --------------$3,655,568.34 State of Arkansas: Bank Department 70 THE FIRST STATE BANK, MORRILTON Population, 4,608. Conway County Chartered November 26, 1930. Officers R. H. Dickenhorst_ ________ President S. E. McReynolds _____ Vice President L. T. Oates ___________ Vice President C. E. Linebarger ____________ Cashier iw1 Ua,drins ______ Asst. Cashier Transit Number 81-144 Directors R. H. Dickenhorst S. E. McReynolds R. M. Huie T. M. McReynolds S. J. Laux L. T. Oates S. R. McKinley J. L. Williams STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts __ ---$ 424,168.56 Loans on commodities___ 567,731.60 Overdrafts _ __________ 399.92 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 2,155,065.00 Other bonds and securities 29,615.20 Furniture and fixtures__ 4,000.00 Other real estate_______ 3,000.00 Cash and due from banks 1,410,847.65 Other resources ________ 341.70 Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 50,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 100,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 30,093.90 Reserves ____________ _ 6,000.00 Demand deposits ______ _ 3,843,111.37 Time deposits ________ _ 140,763.83 U. S. Gov't deposits ____ _ 237,739.96 Public funds __________ _ 184,359.34 Deposits of banks _____ _ 3,101.23 _ Total dep. __ $4,409,075.73 Total _______________ $4,595,169.63 Total _ --<)'(5£,,__f_,Ja,595,169.63 ,O~-' /L ,tf- t1 f·• t\: -{' \I /,_,,/ THE BANK OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MOUNT IDA Population, 490. Montgomery County Chartered November 26, 1930. ( v· , Officers V. L. Beavers _____________ President •/w. G. Whittington ____ Vice President o n Beavers _______________ Cashier Hilmon H. Duke _______ Asst. Cashier Transit Number 81-404 John Beavers L. L. Beavers Glenn Hickey Directors A. Standridge W. G. Whittington STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ______ $124,520.78 U. S. Gov't obligations ____ 432,843.05 Other bonds and securities 5,919.26 Furniture and fixtures____ 1,800.00 Banking house __________ 3,000.00 Cash and due from banks __ 399,770.18 Liabilities Capital stock* ----------$ 25,000.00 Surplus fund ___________ _ 6,000.00 Undivided profits ______ _ 7,673.60 185.29 Reserves_-------------Demartd deposits _______ _ 724,898.10 Time deposits __________ _ 92,899.49 U. S. Gov't deposits _____ _ 28,100.00 Public funds ___________ _ 83,096.79 Total deposits _$928,994.38 Total ________________ $967,853.27 Total _ ---------------$967,853.27 • First preferred stock with par value of $3,400.00 and common stock with par value of $21,600.00. Thirty-First Report 71 THE PEOPLES BANK, MOUNTAIN HOME Population, 927. Chartered August 10, 1906. Baxter County Transit Number 81-402 / Officers Directors IC .}:~ E. Curlee ______________ President -1Jon J. Bak(lr Nat Pin/ 'I)on J. Baker _________ Vice President ~arle J. Bryant Lon Jones -1..on Jones _________________ Cashier ..-1\1. E. Curlee ./W. N. Baker ___________ Asst. Cashier · v1 r 1 •/ vRoy Bodenhamer _______ Asst. Cashier . 1?, /q () R, \t' f\ IV · c,;' vC e ff. /l1 f(,V / 1 : / · STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 0 , / t. 5ft Resources Loans and discounts _____ $ 139,613.84 Overdrafts _ _________ _ 2,822.38 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 884,100.00 1,000.74 Other bonds and securities Furniture and fixtures __ 570.00 Banking house ________ _ 2,300.00 Other real estate ______ _ 1.00 Cash and due from banks 1,070,009.34 Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 25,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 25,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 14,335.59 Demand deposits ______ _ 1,824,984.72 Public funds __________ _ 201,723.23 Deposits of banks ______ _ 9,373.76 Total dep. --$2,036,081.71 Total _______________ $2,100,417.30 Total _______________ $2,100,417.30 4 ft J,:fer< 11·,-.,: c _,,,,,.--, Y1 ·IV -e p!J-=---rP BANK OF MOUNTAIN VIEW, MOUNTAIN VIEW Population, 745. Chartered July 21, 1915. Stone County Transit Number 81-403 -·-~- Officers /~:.,,.---.:-Dire:c:;,:t~o:,;rs~""'"----xey ______________ Presidenf.A. A. Lancaster * von Rosa ___________ Vice Presiden VN. C. Maxey ~.:J, 'I'. Stniill / A A h' -, I."'· .,.< 0 ' , ' • ..Pf VM• M. LLancas t er ________A_____ C cash~e .,___ 1-· )/YF/l 7e ief -.. ✓ • • ancaster_______ sst. as 1e1 · ·· ' ; r(/ "------- ..✓ 0-lf•C L-f-! t< 'l-· STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ______ $ 23,319.00 U. S. Gov't obligations ____ 275,900.00 Furniture and fixtures____ 1.00 Banking house __________ 1,000.00 Cash and due from banks_ 457,606.01 Liabilities Capital stock -------,-----$ 25,000.00 Surplus fund ____________ 11,000.00 Undivided profits ________ 4,834.40 Demand deposits ________ 642,741.02 Public funds _ __________ 74,2.50.59 Total deposits _$714,991.61 Total ________________ $757,826.01 Total __ _:~------------$757,826.01 72 State of Arkansas: Bank Department BANK OF MULBERRY, MULBERRY Population, 973. Crawford County Chartered January 15, 1902. / Officers S. B. Stevinson ____________ President vi'. J. House _____ Vice Pres. & Cashier ~ s . T. J. House _______ Asst. Cashier Transit, Number 81-257 Directors C. R. Counts/ J. D. Jackson ✓ J. M. Farmer S. B. Stevinson./ T. J. House/ Horace Wagner V STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ______ $123,714.63 Loans on commodities____ 17,891.05 U. S. Gov't obligations ____ 477,850.00 Other bonds and securities 9,815.20 Furniture and fixtures____ 286.00 Banking house __________ 200.00 Other real estate_________ 2.00 Cash and due from 1:anks __ 272,660.26 Other resources _________ 250.00 Liabilities Capital stock ------------$ 25,000.00 Surplus fund ____________ 15,000.00 Undivided profits________ 10,417.88 Demand de:posits ________ 775,499.44 Time deposits ___________ 8,134.40 U. S. Gov't deposits______ 32,211.55 Public funds ____________ 36,405.87 Total deposits _$852,251.26 T-ot.aI ________________ $902,669.14 Total ________________ $902,669.14 PIKE COUNTY BANK, MU,RFREESBORO Population, 835. Pike County Chartered December 19, 1904. Transit Number 81-405 , Officers ....--Di~ors ,, , T. F. Alford ______________ President /y' F. Alford V!\tts. Delia Pennix v, Mrs. Delia Pennix _____ Vice President J. N. Hipp 1/"M. G. Terrell t' J. N. Hipp __________________ Cashier v'M:rs. Mattie Kelley ~ C. H. Rutherford _______ Asst. Cashier STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ______ $ 15,039.56 U. S. Gov't obligations ____ 307,100.00 Other bonds and securities 4,415.58 Furniture and fixtures____ 1.00 Banking house __________ 980.00 Other real estate_________ 1.00 Cash and due from banks_ 451,432.50 Other resources _________ 1,087.95 Liabilities Capital stock ------------$ 25,000.00 Surplus fund ____________ 15,000.00 Undivided profits ____ ____ 16,663.39 Demand deposits ________ 624,006.27 Public funds ____________ 99,387.93 Total deposits _$723,394.20 Total _ ---------------$780,057.59 Total _ ---------------$780,057.59 Thirty-First Report 73 BANK OF NETTLETON, NETTLETON Craighead County Population, 909. Chartered February 13, 1904. /c. A· Officers D. Kiech _______________ President Fred Shauver _________ Vice President /]:. E. Hale __________________ Cashier ✓:t(.· E. Thomas __________ Asst. Cashier Transit Number 81-406 ✓_,.-l)irectors L. D. Kiech E. E. Hale Fred Shauver V E. C. Kiech v· H. C. Kiech ✓ STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts _____ $ Loans on commodities __ _ Overdrafts __________ _ U. S. Gov't obligations __ Other bonds and securities Furniture and fixtures __ Banking house ________ _ Cash and due from banks 245,462.57 415,720.37 2.06 653,900.00 62,000.00 1.00 900.00 272.387.07 Total _______________ $1,650,373.07 Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 40,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 40,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 12,515.46 Demand deposits _______ _ 1,504,912.98 U. S. Gov't deposits ____ _ 1,639.40 Public funds __________ _ 51,305.23 Total dep. __ $1,557,857.61 Total _______________ $1,650,373.07 . .. BANK OF NEW ARK, NEW ARK Population, 900. Independence County Chartered October 10, 1944. Officers J. C. Edwards_.:. ___________ President W. J. Freeze __________ Vice President v B. F. Adams ________________ Cashier Austin Leeds __________ Asst. Cashier V ' \ .· Transit Number 81-748 ~--- ~Ile Directors ~- J. C. Edwards ✓ . W. J. Freeze Magness ~ L. E. Wils·o· n _-- J. Y. Vl I I L--so ;y/✓ STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ______ $ 26,236.30 3.98 Overdrafts _ ____________ U. S. Gov't obligations ___ 202,409.91 318.00 Other bonds and securities 839.62 Furniture and fixtures____ Cash and due from banks_ 203,326.10 Liabilities Capital stock ------------$ 25,000.00 5,000.00 Surplus fund ____________ 834.00 Undivided profits ________ Demand deposits ________ 392,579.04 9,719.91 Public funds ____________ Total deposits _$402,298.95 Total _ ---------------$433,133.91 Total _ ---------------$433,133.91 74 State of Arkansas: Bank Department -·lBANK OF NEW EDINBURG, NEW EDINBURG Population, 500. Cleveland County Chartered August 22, 1904. Officers E. T. Attwood _____________ President C. B. Attwood ________ Vice President Ray Attwood _______________ Cashier Transit Number 81-408 Directors C. B. Attwood E. T. Attwood Ray Attwood ~1'rz::_:::oi,,-_ "i!_r+tt;,;;·w;.;··-:,;coo"':a""'A.t"'· -"'""' _ !/ ~ ¥ a r k s ,,v '-LC( · STATEMENTOFJUNE3~1W5 . Resources Loans and discounts ______ $ 20,435.61 U. S. Gov't obligations ___ 152,143.21 Other bonds and securities 14,167.45 Furniture and fixtures____ 250.00 Banking house __________ 50.00 Cash and due from banks_ 157,050.00 Liabilities Capital stock ------------$ 12,500.00 Surplus fund ___________ _ 12,500.00 Undivided profits _______ _ 1,947.14 Demand deposits _______ _ 255,890.37 Time deposits __________ _ 18,213.36 U. S. Gov't deposits _____ _ 4,329.55 Public funds ___________ _ 38,715.85 Total deposits _$317,149.13 Total ________________ $344,096.27 Total _ ---------------$344,096.27 If r / ... , • •/ ; ,.,,,/_ f <'I'/_,_~ ,;\ (f1 ,· / ' ~ d-,< /l't,._; , -.:- , ....l ~c_ ; . '} V 87- j cl'/.. 7-rt, . I •tw.'I' .. / #;--'Cl t, ,, THE TW:;u~:::,:~:~. N;u::s:i ~::~; ROCK Chartered March 21, 1935. Officers Henry 0. Topf_ ___________ President R. J. Rice ______ Vice Pres ..,. Qustder J. G. Dickson __ ~ _____ Asst. Cashier Ray 0. Clifton____ ___ Asst. Cashier DeWayne Jones__ ___ ..-..-.cashier Dan E. Kays __________ Asst. Cashier Transit Number 81-54 Directors R. J. Rice J. E. Wright Henry 0. Topf STATEMENT OF JUNE 30., 1945 Resources Loans and discounts _____ $ 786,232.83 Loans on commodities___ 125,800.00 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 3,087,097.70 Other bonds and securities 76,167.57 Furniture and fixtures__ 2,400.00 Banking house _________ 21,000.00 Cash and due from banks 2,106,783.29 Liabilities Capital stock __________ $ 100,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 100,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 24,698.40 Demand deposits ______ _ 5,141,679.65 Time deposits _________ _ 263,794.86 Public funds __________ _ 575,308.48 Total dep. --$5,980,782.99 Total _______________ $6,205,481.39 Total _______________ $6,205,481.39 . Thirty-First Report 75 MISSISSIPPI COUNTY BANK, OSCEOLA Population, 3,226. Chartered March 15, 1928. Officers vC. B. Wood _______________ President /G. H. Florida _________ Vice President . ,S. G. Lockhart__ Vice Pres. & Cashier ,.,--Vivian Scurlock ________ Asst,. Cashier Mississippi County Transit Number 81-387 Djrectors G. H. Florida.,...-, , H.F. Ohlendorf Abe Liverant ✓, C. B. Wood .,......-S. G. \Lockhart ✓ ✓ STATEMENT OF JUNE 30·, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts _____ $ Loans on commodities __ _ Overdrafts ___________ _ U. S. Gov't obligations __ Other bonds and securities Furniture and fixtures __ Banking house ________ _ Other real estate ______ _ Cash and due from banks 668,654.96 582,481.98 181.65 588,900.00 16,600.00 630.00 1.00 1.00 964,884.00 Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 75,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 65,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 28,800.12 Reserves ____________ _ 7,323.37 Demand deposits ______ _ 1,960,225.00 Time deposits _________ _ 319,409.00 U. S. Gov't deposits ____ _ 226,549.49 Public funds __________ _ 140,027.61 Total dep. __ $2,646,211.10 Total _______________ $2,822,334.59 Total _______________ $2,822,334.59 THE PLANTERS BANK, OSCEOLA Population, 3,226. Chartered April 13, 1944. /., Mississippi County Transit Number 81-745 ,.,,,,,, Directors Joe T. Cromer Faber A. White , / /C. E. Dean _____ Vice Pres. & Cashier ✓ c. E. Dean L. C. B. Young / ~- J. F. Herndon __________ Asst. Cashier ✓ W. J. Driver, Sr. /Miss Marjorie Doyle ____ Asst. Cashier v Officers W. J. Driver, Sr.-: _________ PresidE;nt STATEMENT OF JUNE 30,, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts _____ $ 333,327.92 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 600,500.00 50,000.00 Other bonds and securities Furniture and fixtures __ 5,782.49 Cash and due from banks 422,138.44 Other resources ______ _ 7,928.70 Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 75,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 25,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 8,147.14 Demand deposits _____ _ 905,220.71 U. S. Gov't deposits ____ _ 220,171.32 Public funds __________ _ 181,138.38 Deposits of banks ______ _ 5,000.00 Total dep. __ $1,311,530.41 Total _______________ $1,419,677.55 Total _______________ $1,419,677.55 -- State of Arkansas: Bank Department 76 JI BANK OF OZARK, OZARK Population, 1,402. Franklin County Chartered June 9, 1937. Transit Number 81-727 Officers Directors ~ W. A. Hudspeth ____ Pres. and Cashier• 1 )N. A. Hudspeth Jeta Taylor l v Frank N. Johnston ____ Vice President VFrank N. Johnston Romie Wilson t..-- STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ___ _ Loans on commodities __ _ Overdrafts ___________ _ U. S. Gov't obligations __ Other bonds and securities Furniture and fixtures __ Banking house ________ _ Cash and due from banks Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 25,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 15,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 4,602.89 Demand deposits ______ _ 1,120,414.23 Public funds __________ _ 132,261.33 Total dep. --$1,252,675.56 135,153.79 5,000.00 172.40 662,928.13 8,123.39 200.00 3,200.00 483,000.74 Other liabilities _______ _ Total _ ---.. ----------$1,297, 778.45 500.00 Total _ -------------$1,297,778.45 'E SECURITY BANK AND TRUST COMP ANY, PARAGOULD Population, 7,079. Greene County Chartered February 5, 1931. Transit Number 81-82 Officers Directors Jas. W. Alexander _________ President • Jljl,S. W. Alexander S. P. McHaney ,/ • S. P. McHaney ________ Vice President R. Browning L. G. Staub r✓ " E. R. Browning _____________ Cashier W. E. Ellington Ike Willcockson Emily Meiser __________ Asst. Cashier~· J .• C. Honey J.E. Winn / .,,-,R. V.McCoy A· STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ____ $ 353,149.42 Loans on commodities___ 325,466.54 Overdrafts _ ___________ 82.46 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 1,083,017.35 Other bonds and securities 161,009.23 Furniture and fixtures__ 1,494.51 Banking house _________ 14,500.00 Cash and due from banks 1,044,384.64 Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 50,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 50,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 55,828.54 Reserves _____________ _ 4,456.00 Demand deposits ______ _ 1,674,693.07 Time deposits _________ _ 517,479.88 U. S. Gov't deposits ____ _ 364,499.50 Public funds __________ _ 266,069.05 Total dep. --$2,822,741.50 Other liabilities _______ _ Total _ --------------$2,983,104.15 78.11 Total _ --------------$2,983,104.15 Thirty-First Report 77 BANK OF P ARKpALE, PARK DALE Population, 278. Ashley County Chartered February 1, 1910. v"l: .fr'" Officers :;it;:::G. Williams ____________ President ✓ J. H. Caldwell ---~----Vice President .,,4. P. CaldwelL ______________ Cashier Transit Number 81-416 Directors J. . Caldwell v urftt 8. WtHimt\..; . A. Williams~/ ------.11c)~/.;> (fl L ,o vve // ~ STATEMENT OF JUNE 30·, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ______ $ 75,326.12 Overdrafts ______________ 128.26 U. S. Gov't obligations____ 76,900.00 Furniture and fixtures____ 480.55 Cash and due from banks_ 235,491.21 Liabilities Capital stock ------------$ 15,000.00 Surplus fund ____________ 20,000.00 Undivided profits ________ 24,012.66 Reserves _ ______________ 1,000.00 Demand deposits ________ 281,122.86 Time deposits ___________ 25,239.82 Public funds ____________ 21,950.80 Total deposits __ $328,313.48 Total .-----------------$388,326.14 Total -----------------$3,88,326.14 II . ... . FIRST STATE BANK, PARKIN Population, 1,412. Chartered June 5, 1925. Officers H. L. Coldren, Sr. __________ President , R. M. Lake ___________ Vice President ~rs. G. D. Carter ___________ Cashier Mrs. Ida Mae Williams __ Asst. Cashier v' Cross County Transit Number 81-676 Directors F. E. Brenner R. M.Lake Mrs. G.D. Carter N. E. Thomas H. L. Coldren, Sr. STATEMENT OF JUNE 30,, 1945 Resources Loans and discount1, ______ $169,193.99 Loans on commodities ____ 48,760.69 U. S. Gov't obligations ____ 291,168.76 Furniture and fixtures____ 1,251.90 Banking house __________ 1,2.70.00 Other real estate_________ 313.74 Cash and due from banks_ 340,327.01 Other resources _________ 192.00 Liabilities Capital stock ------------$ 25,000.00 Surplus fund ____________ 17,500.00 Undivided profits ________ 9,226.04 Demand deposits ________ 666,433.01 U. S. Gov't deposits ______ 91,026.36 Public funds ____________ 43,265.36 Total deposits--$800,724.73 Other liabilities _________ Total _________________ $852,478.09 27.32 Total -----------------$852,478.09 State of Arkansas: Bank Department 78 } BANK OF PEA RIDGE, PEA RIDGE Population, 72. Chartered May 6, 1911. ' Benton County Transit Number 81-468 Officers W. T. Patterson ____ Pres. and Cashier R. B. Patterson _______ Vice President Alvin Armstrong _______ Asst. Cashier Directors W. T. Patterson R. B. Patterson ~ - , .l..oy.d Patters.on vv "( (" .P STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ______ $116,226.40 Overdrafts ______________ 135.45 U. S. Gov't obligations___ 3,000.00 Other bonds and securities 3,000.00 Furniture and fixtures____ 250.00 Banking house __________ 800.00 Other real estate_________ 1,432.55 Cash and due from banks_ 159,947.75 Liabilities Capital stock* ----------$ 15,000.00 8,000.00 Surplus fund-----------Undivided profits ______ _ 2,943.40 Demand deposits _______ _ 216,721.20 Time deposits __________ _ 25,166.59 Public funds ___________ _ 16,960.96 Total deposits __ $258,848.75 Total _________________ $284,792.15 Total -----------------$284,792.15 ,,11 ( *First pr~rl,'Q stocl~;.h par value,~$2,000.00 a1lJi jlbmmon i,ck with '..,,;,t," - ~ .~ ~ 1 ;I "!f ~ ~~~ ,' 1 . J',~- ';V ..., /' I_ PIGGOTT STATE BANK, PIGGOTT ~~.f Population, 2,034. Chartered March 10, 19'30. V. C. H. C. R. R. J. W. Mary Officers Wright__ ___________ President Robbins _________ Vice President Hosey ________________ Cashier Harris ___________ Asst. Cashier B. Keith _________ Asst. Cashier /; '~ if r value of $13,000.00. , ~,,...,, Clay County Transit Number 81-698 Directors H. C. Robbins H.F. Leggett V. C. Wright G. Will Reves J. W. Hamilton STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts _____ $ 139,143.68 Loans on commodities___ 4,416.52 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 1,254,550.00 Other bonds and securities 120,405.15 Furniture and fixtures__ 1.00 Banking ,house _________ 5,000.00 Cash and due from banks 522,399.40 Other resources ________ .50 Liabilities Capital stock __________ $ 30,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 45,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 17,323.63 Reserves _____________ _ 10,000.00 Demand deposits ______ _ 1,514,611.13 Time deposits _________ _ 70,683.60 U. S. Gov't deposits ____ _ 95,571.01 Public funds __________ _ 262,726.88 Total dep. __ $1,943,592.62 Total _______________ $2,045,916.25 Total _______________ $2,045,916.25 ,~~/ ,, }1 ~ f 79 Thirty-First Report (1-.) \,J.. 1/ / \?/fl~ . FIRST STATE BANK, PLAINVIEW Population, 704. Yell County Chartered January 12, 1934. Transit Number 81-243 ✓,,Donald Barger Officers . ,<.. . . ____________ President Bill Aikman -V ~ Director~ /P. V: George,,....-, "-.,. ,.,1\1, A. Vandover_ ______ Vice President .,.Donald Barger C. . Law • ~ ~infred Hopper ____________ Cashier /4. C. Breashears S. W. Lofland Mrs. Flora Keener_ ____ Asst. Cashier ... Walter Caviness M.A. Vandover ,r-.,,, /Willie Caviness C. Wyss .,......... ( STATEMENT OF JUNE 30·, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts _____ $ 70,347.50 Loans on commodities __ _ 51,565.10 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 831,640.00 68,396.36 Other bonds and securities Furniture and fixtures __ 1,263.60 Banking house ________ _ 2,909.85 Other real estate ______ _ 2.00 Cash and due from banks 427,050.29 Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 40,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 20,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 25,807.41 Demand deposits ______ _ 1,168,016.38 U. S. Gov't deposits ____ _ 72,742.26 Public funds __________ _ 126,608.65 Total dep. __ $1,367,367.29 Total _______________ $1,453,174.70 Total _ --------------$1,453,174.70 2. BANK OF POCAHONTAS, POCAHONTAS Population, 3,028. Chartered October 31, 1903. ✓, Officers . Dr. J. W. Brown ________ .___ President ;\;;, L. Wtigl,t,!e...Pi:esiaen-t '4om Bigger __________ Vice President v·-H. L. Haynes _______________ Cashier .Freda-M.-B-rown _______ Asst. Cashier ~ic!"Ptrrdy __________ Asst. Cashier -ff Randolph County Transit Number 81-297 Directors F. E. Belford H. L. Haynes Tom Bigger A. L. Wright Dr. J. W. Brown STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts _____ $ 317,640.08 Loans on commodities___ 4,100.00 Overdrafts _ ___________ 445.67 U. S. Gov't obligations__ 664,420.00 Other bonds and securities 6,092.91 Furniture and fixtures__ 13,068.94 Cash and due from banks 1,459,761.10 Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 50,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 50,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 14,169.30 Demand deposits ______ _ 2,014,417.66 Time deposits _________ _ 8,201.64 U. S. Gov't deposits ____ _ 121,930.07 Public funds __________ _ 198,863.52 Deposits of banks ______ _ 7,946.51 Total dep. __ $2,351,359.40 Total _______________ $2,465,528.70 Total _______________ $2,465,528.70 State of Arkansas: Bank Department 80 THE PEOPLES BANK, PORTLAND i Population, 518. Chartered January 22, 1908. / Ashley County Transit Number 81-248 Officers II'' Directors /' A. J. Gregory _____________ President· .,J. W. Brown H.H. Naff -1,- W. Brown ________________ Cashier ✓ A. J. Gregory ,/tl, H. Naff_ ___________ Asst. Cashier ~ STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ______ $ 67,343.38 Loans on commodities ____ 77,180.52 Overdrafts _ ____________ 69.94 U. S. Gov't obligations ____ 103,100.00 Furniture and fixtures____ 1,000.00 Other real estate________ 583.55 Cash and due from banks_ 193,346.17 Liabilities Capital stock ------------$ 25,000.00 · Surplus fund ____________ 40,000.00 Undivided profits ________ 16,973.06 Reserves _, ______________ 11.64 Demand deposits ________ 298,186.82 Time deposits ___________ 21,116.06 Public funds ____________ 41,204.37 Total deposits __ $360,507.25 Other liabilities ________ _ Total -----------------$442,623.56 131.61 Total _________________ $442,623.56 PORTLAND BANK, PORTLAND Population, 518. Chartered April 23, 1900. Ashley County Transit Number 81-247 ✓- Officers ✓ Directors /2elix Pugh _______________ President H. E. Cockerham Gus Pugh f· B. Newcome, Jr. ____ Vice President YR. B. Newcome, Jr. Joe Pugh vc. E. Larrison ______________ Cashier ✓Felix Pugh ✓·K. Thornton ___________ Asst. Cashier 1/,-- STATEMENT OF JUNE 30,, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ____ $ 44,155.92 Loans on commodities __ _ 176,517.34 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 286,479.85 21,940.00 Other bonds and securities Furniture and fixtures __ 1,300.00 Banking house ________ _ 2,100.00 Other real estate ______ _ 1.00 Cash and due from banks 656.895.82 - 1.00 Other resources _______ _ Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 20,000.00 50,000.00 Surplus fund--.------Unrlivided profits _____ _ 35,961.23 Reserves _____________ _ 7,000.00 Demand deposits _____ _ 976,873.31 Time deposits _________ _ 98,717.57 Public funds _________ _ 838.82 Total dep. _$1,076,429. 70 Total _______________ $1,189,390.93 Total _______________ $1,189,390.93- Thirty-First Report 81 CITIZENS BANK, POTTSVILLE Population, 308. Chartered August 13, 1913. Officers P?H 6/foktey ____________-...£:cesiElet!t _>X; H. Rankin _______ ~ Presid~nt ( /Y F - · Transit Number 81-551 Directors G. C. Owens v W. H. Rankin '1:t. n, :Q1ullle51 -\. . _ /f"PN //~'·/ .µ / G/.r,:eC.A~;;n"fs -;--;;--r.5;;;;-~;~~-shV~. /t Pope County ,r11 ~ . ~ ' _,.fl~ ,,_-~ STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ______ $ 13,848.00 Loans on commodities ___ _ 2,600.00 Overdrafts _____________ _ 6.26 U. S. Gov't obligations ___ _ 55,900.00 Furniture and fixtures ___ _ 100.00 Banking house _________ _ 600.00 Other real estate ________ _ 542.00 Cash and due from banks_ 174,721.41 Liabilities Capital stock* ----------$ 20,000.00 Undivided profits _______ _ 2,906.65 Demand deposits _______ _ 193,997.18 U. S. Gov't deposits _____ _ 13,622.38 Public funds ___________ _ 17,791.46, Total deposits--$225,411.02 Total -----------------$248,317.67 Total -----------------$248,317.67 * First /1 preferred stock with par value of $12,500.00 and common stock with pa1· value of $7,500.00. ~•FARMERS AND MERCHANTS BANK, PRAIRIE GROVE / Population, 887. Washington County Chartered August 29, 1904. Transit Number 81-256 Directors ,..- Officers D. Bogart_ _____________ President ' R. D. Bogart J.C. Parks ✓ E. C. CarL ___________ Vice President E. C. Carl W. E. N. Phillips. ,,/1). E. Rieff_ ________________ Cashier ,_.W. H. Mock D. E. Rieff v ✓ R. y STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts _____ $ 201,597.46 Overdrafts _ _ ________ _ 173.01 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 277,700.00 39,270.94 Other bonds and securities Furniture and fixtures __ 1.00 Banking house _______ _ 1,000.00 Cash and due from banks 562,839.87 Liabilities Capital stock _________ $ 30,000.00 Surplus fund ________ _ 15,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 23,851.00 Demand deposits _____ _ 791,448.26 Time deposits ________ _ 128,136.18' U. S. Gov't deposits ___ _ 74,832.54 Public funds _________ _ 19,314.30, Total dep. _$1,013, 731.28 Total _ -------------$1,082,582.28 Total _ -------------$1,082,582.28 State of Arkansas: Bank Department :82 ·yftJ . · l , f :,_/' "U BANK OF PRESCO'IT, PRESCOTT Population, 3,177. Nevada County Chartered August 10, 1904. Officers Thos. C. McRae, Jr. ________ President 'Thos. M. Bemis ______ Vice President Wren Scott_ _________ Vice President W. R. Hambright __________ Cashier '0. J. Stephenson ______ Asst. Cashier J. A. Yancey __________ Asst. Cashier Transit Number 81-140 Thos. D. K. Thos. C. D. Directors M. Bemis Chas. Tompkins Bemis Wren Scott C. McRae, Jr. Sam T. White McSwain W. V. Tompkins STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ____ $ 95,869.85 Loans on commodities __ 61,000.00 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 1,814,273.44 Other bonds and securities 63,968.52 Furniture and fixtures __ 5,700.00 Banking house _______ _ 10,500.00 Other real estate ______ _ 1.00 Cash and due from banks 1,469,550.17 Other resources ______ _ 16,215.75 Liabilities Capital stock* ---------$ 97,500.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 19,500.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 22,222.85 Reserves ____________ _ 26,617.50 Demand deposits _____ _ 2,926,183.17 Time deposits ________ _ 185,522.73 U. S. Gov't deposits ___ _ 1,869.44 Public funds _________ _ 257,663.04 Total dep. _$3,371,238.38 Total ______________ $3,537,078.73 Total _ _____________ $3,537,078.73 ·• First preferred stock with par value of $60.000.00 and common stock with par Talue of $37,500.00. BANK OF QUITMAN, QUITMAN Population, 393. Cleburne County Chartered August 15, 1903. Transit Number 81-424 Officers /' Directors ·w. H. McNair_ ___________ President J. A. Bailey W. H. McNair • / Ben F. Clark ___ Vice Pres. & Cashier vBen F. Clark N. H. Tarver/ __,,, :Edith Ellis ____________ Asst. Cashier ~dith Ellis .,,/ · .N. H. Tarver __________ Asst. Cashier ST A TEMENT OF JUNE 30·, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts _____ $109.099.52 Loans on commodities ___ 123,500.00 Overdrafts _ ___________ 95.68 U. S. Gov't obligations ___ 424,029.17 Other bonds and securities 34,862.78 Furniture and fixtures___ 1.00 Banking house _________ 1.00 Other real estate________ 2.00 Cash and due from banks 261,226.74 Liabilities Capital stock -----------$ 25,000.00 Surplus fund ___________ 10,000.00 Undivided profits _______ 11,840.74 Demand deposits _______ 889,233.27 Public funds ___________ 16,743.88 Total deposits $905,977.15 Total _______________ $952,817.89 Total _ --------------$952,817.89 Thirty-First Report · 83 THE BANK OF RECTOR, RECTOR Population, 1,736. Clay County Chartered November 15, 1930. Officers · J. C. Hardin ______________ President . Marlar ____ Executive Vice Pres• . A. Harper ________________ Cashier Claudia Justus _________ Asst. Cashie1· ~- Transit Number 81-173 Directors / J.C. Hardinv . J. A. Marlar / T. C. Justus ✓E. M. Purcell .,.....- ' STATEMENT OP ,JUNE 30,, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ____ $ 300,950.87 Loans on commodities __ 49,892.51 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 648,564.04 Other bonds and securities 72,625.22 Furniture and fixtures __ 1,935.85 Cash and due from banks 217,512.43, Liabilities Capital stock* --------$ 25,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 25,000.00 Undivided profits ____ _ 12,428.22 Reserves ____________ _ 10,000.00 Demand deposits _____ _ 1,088,643.88 U. S. Gov't deposits ___ _ 85,267.97 Public funds _________ _ 45,140.85 Total dep. _$1,219,052. 70 Total _ _ ____________ $1,291,480.92 Total ______________ $1,291,480.92 • First preferred stock with par value of $10,000.00 and common stock with par value of $15,000.00. )/' FARMERS AND MERCHANTS BANK, REYNO Population, 346. Randolph County Chartered December 8, 1911. Transit Number 81-427 Officers Directors U.: I.. ~iulll!lm F. E. Belford--r-0:Jll,..---President F. E. Belford ls, k J;Jielu!e@Ln_~IJJ!.W,N'_Cashier Freda M. Brown Harrell Simpson Vada Mae ~edith ____ Asst-_~er Carl G, Dickson (i/ e N N /:J'1"1J V\I I'( y-rSTATEMI<.:NT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts _____ $ 60,786.52 Overdrafts _ _ __________ 719.66 U. S. Gov't obligations__ 8,001.36 Banking house _________ 1.00 Cash and due from banks 200,449.66 Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 10,000.00 Surplus fund ___________ 10,000.00 Undivided profits _______ .3,695.80 Reserves _ _____________ · 34.50 Demand deposits _______ 244,620.16 Public funds ____________ 1,607.74 Total deposits _$246,227.90 Total _ --------- ·----$269,958.20 Total _ ______________ $269,958.20 84 State of Arkansas: Bank Department THE BANK OF RISON, RISON Population, 1,005. Cleveland County Chartered March 7, 1932. Officers ,J. L. Moore _______________ President J. E. McCoy _________ Vice President J. L. Sadler __________ Vice President Herman Davidson __________ Cashier Robert L. Searcy ______ Asst. Cashier Edna MitcheL _________ Asst. Cashier v V Transit Number 81-428 Directors Herman Davidson Jo Nichol J. E. Goggans J. L. Sadler J. E. McCoy Max M. Smith R. T. McCoy B. W. Thomasson .J. L. Moore STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts _____ $ 87,550.57 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 621,258.43 Other bonds and securities 15,338.02 Furniture and fixtures___ 365.00 Banking house __________ 2,100.00 Other real estate________ 15.00 Cash and due from ranks 159,122.24 Other resources __ ______ 1.00 Liabilities Capital stock ___________ $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund ___________ 25,000.00 Undivided profits _______ 6,422.59 Reserves _ _____________ 16,889.66 Demand deposits ________ 658,709.05 Time deposits __________ 65,636.73 Public funds ___________ 87,248.48 Deposits of banks_______ 843.75 Total deposits $812,438.01 -~<t4.$_____ $885,750.26 f\.-(t1 .010 \..../ Total _ ..__,;' Total _ --------------$885,750.26 Population, 5,927. Pope County rtered December 23, 1897. Transit Number 81-119 Officers ,/ Dir~'rs Geo. S. NeaL _____________ President M. J. Hickey / ' George S. Neal ✓· AL L. Jenkins ________ Vice President "R. L. Jenkins T. R. Rye / M. J. Hickey _______________ Cashier , A. J. Mathews / -,k'r ' l '- c· ,~-.t 1 '/ \ ' J 1)/j 1y ,!'(..- '.1- --1/~--' ' S'l¼T¥1ENT OF JUNE 30·, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ____ $ 272,181.80 Loans on commodities __ 128,056.71 303.29 Overdrafts _ ---------U. S. Gov't obligations __ 1,217,745.00 Other bonds and securities 223,967.48 Banking house _______ _ 15,000.00 Other real estate ______ _ 20.00 Cash and due from banks 1,253,938.68 Other resources ______ _ 648.00 Liabilities Capital stock ---------$ 100,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 20,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 137,741.52 Demand deposits _____ _ 1,936,194.88 Time deposits _______ _ 537,465.25 U. S. Gov't deposits ___ _ 225,573.14 Public funds _________ _ 144,015.71 Deposits of banks _____ _ 10,870.46 Total dep. _$2,854,119.44 Total _ -------------$3,111,860.96 Total ______________ $3,111,860.96 ., '!r ., , IC· : ...... \ ',,·. ,v \rf Thirty-First Report 85 j r1•· . v- ' , ~~t\.t {Y - - 'LES EXCHANGE BANK, RUSSELLVILLE Population, 5,927. Chartered March 24, 1890. ✓, Officers L. B. McClure _____________ President ( v" Q.onald Barger __ Executive Vice Pres. , ___ _.4ohn T. Little _______________ Cashier £. ij :AlliiilOn __________ Asst. Cashier ff,:;-~-;,et- er t.1-r7t. e 11 I/ Pope County Transit Number 81-118 Direetors Donald Barger ,../ L. B. McClure .,,.Lee Cheek ;::.,.--A. B. Priddy~ G. M. Cook E. A. Shinn .r I. A. Laws • J. Madison White Jno. W. Leonard V""' STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ____ $ 328,075.85 Loans on commodities__ 168,842.75 Overdrafts _ __________ 6.98 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 1,333,144.50 Other bonds and securities 88,850.00 Furniture and fixtures__ 1,550.00 Banking house ________ 15,000.00 Other real estate_______ 6.00 Cash and due from banks 946,22.9.77 Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 100,000.00 Surplus fund ---------20,000.00 Undivided profits __ ____ 42,252.26 Demand deposits ______ 2,071,894.04 Time deposits _________ 243,127.00 U. S. Gov't deposits____ 207,014.08 Public funds __________ ' 127,487.84 Deposits of banks______ 69,930.63 Total dep. _$2,719,453.59 \ Total _______________ $2,881,705.85 Total _ _____________ $2,881,705.85 A5~£.a\ ,vf I ~, f1, f\/ I j ,, J.; BANK OF SALEM, SALEM Population, 574. Chartered December 9, 1908. Fulton County Transit Number 81-430 , ~ Officers ~ Directors \, ..Rex Castleber!y ___________ Pres!dent~ayCastleberry .H. J. Hu.mphries ~ H: J. Humphries ______ Vice Presid~n ·· Rex Castleberry ::/Fay Castleberry ____________ Cashier ✓,v',,Co!win Mosey _________ Asst. Cash!er / r/AI ~ ..11/J. ✓ Ahce Gray ____________ Asst. Cashier l-ri I y I .,.;I T/ f! · '1L / r! STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ____ $ 196,657.31 Overdrafts __________ _ 683.25 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 190,500.00 2,706.59 Other bonds and securities Banking house _______ _ 1,400.00 Cash and due from banks 669,333.74 Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 25,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 10,000.00 Undivided profits ____ _ 11,938.33 Demand deposits _____ _ 924,771.29 Time deposits ________ _ 24,787.60 U. S. Gov't deposits ___ _ 3,881.25 Public funds _________ _ 60,369.93 Total dep. _$1,013,810.07 Other liabilities ______ _ Total _ -------------$1,061,280.89 532.49 Total _ -------------$1,061,280.89 ,,_-· 86 State of Arkansas: Bank Department LOGAN COUNTY BANK, SCRANTON Population, 322. Chartered April 7, 1926. . Officers ✓J. D. Knight_ _____________ President Logan County Transit Number 81-686 (§ ..,. Leonard Ahne ________ Vice President ✓ Fr:ank Ahne _______________ Cash~er v'M1ldred Ahne _________ Asst. Cashier Directors Leonard A.hne.• J. D. Knight Mildred Ahne ~ ~ F/ffllfr'. ,..:;'/, IY<::;:'..... 1 / •/ , ", t/ STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts _____ $159,630.43 Loans on commodities ___ 38,800.00 Overdrafts _ _____ ______ 78.63 U. S. Gov't obligations ___ 177,500.00 Other bonds and securities 258.97 Furniture and fixtures_ __ 1.00 Banking house __________ 200.00 Cash and due from banks 504,377.73 Liabilities Capital stock ___________ $ 15,000.00 Surplus fund ___________ 7,500.00 Undivided profits _______ 10,371.83 Reserves _ _____________ 7,000.00 Demand deposits ________ 739,723.22 Time deposits__ ________ 53,670.41 U. S. Gov't deposits______ 29,431.25 Public funds _ __________ 18,150.05 Total deposits $840,974.93 Total _ ______________ $880,846.76 Total _______________ $880,846.76 THE SEARCY BANK, SEARCY Population, 3,670. Chartered May 1, 1943. White County Transit Number 81-154 Officers (} ~ Directors Thomas A. Watkins ______ - ~ d..• Cal Aclin Thomas A. Watkins./ v Ewing P. Pyeatt F I S P! hes. , Ewing P. Pyeatt Harry K. Wood ✓ / Harry K. Wood _______ Vice President , Hubert Smith /Frank Leavitt ______________ Cashier ✓ Marian Schwarz _______ Asst. Cashier v· STA',l'EMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ____ $ 573,329.35 Loans on commodities __ 313,599.53 Overdrafts _ _________ _ 3.70 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 925,963.58 Other bonds and securities 462,822.85 Furniture and fixtures __ 3,000.00 Cash and due from banks 1,434,795.83 Liabilities Capital stock* --------$ 100,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 20,000.00 Undivided profits ____ _ 35,908.24 Reserves ____________ _ 5,770.00 Demand deposits _____ _ 2,917,741.97 U. S. Gov't deposits ___ _ 280,303.56 Public funds _________ _ 307,474.36 Deposits of banks _____ _ 46,316.71 Total dep. _$3,551,836.60 Total _ _____________ $3,713,514.84 Total _ -------------$3,713,514.84 • First preferred stock with par value of $46,000.00 and common stock with par value of $54,000.00. Thirty-First Report 87 ~/~ '· I. t, f1..1S THE SECURITY BANK, SEARCY n C ,,,. f (2, ~ 1 Population, 3,670. \chartered February 6, 1932. /.'-;;; y\ ,J White County Transit Number 81-153 Directors H. M. Thompson Geo. D. Booth J. L. Walker B. C. Huddleston E. 0. Yancey K. B. Rand Ray A. Yarnell J. W. Sanford A. J. Stephens Officers -J.,::.::i,;. ¥.'a}lre+-:,._____________ President '-B-. C. Huddleston ______ Vice President A. J. Stephens ________ Vice President E. 0. Yancey ___ Vice Pres. & Cashier C. N. Shoffner ________ Asst. Cashier C. I. Stevens ___________ Asst. Cashier STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ____ $ Loans on commodities __ _ Overdrafts __________ _ U. S. Gov't obligations __ Other bonds and securities Furniture and fixtures __ Banking house ________ _ Other real estate ______ _ Cash and due from banks Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 50,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 75,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 55,228.27 Demand deposits _____ _ 1,541,929.90 U. S. Gov't deposits ___ _ 180,239.44 Public funds _________ _ 142,394.17 Deposits of banks _____ _ 16,665.53 Total dep. _$1,881,229.04 143,155.22 294,748.76 54.40 685,939.00 105,334.36 1.00 1.00 1.00 832,222.57 Total ______________ $2,061,457..3.1. Total _ -------------$2,061,457.31 . GRANT COUNTY \ i/4-;. '~ · . ' ' BANK, SHERIDAN Population, 1,338. Chartered July 29, 1903. . . Officers . J. A. McCoy ______________ P1es1dent A. L. Blakely ________ Vice President Coats A. MitchelL __________ Cashier . Grant County Transit Number 81-432 . / mrect~rs . C. A. McCoy✓A. L. Blakely v J. A. McCoy 0. P. Cearley v Coats A. Mitchell .. ✓ 0. R. Kelly.......---- STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ____ $ 80,593.78 5,000.00 Loans on commodities __ U. S. Gov't obligations __ 658,500.00 1,750.00 Other bonds and securities Furniture and fixtures __ 729.93 Banking house _______ _ 1.00 Cash and due from banks 480,397.09 Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 25,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 25,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 33,440.53 Demand deposits _____ _ 891,634.20 Time deposits _______ _ 18,093.14 U. S. Gov't deposits ___ _ 119,253.49 Public funds _________ _ 114,550.44 Total dep. _$1,143,531.27 Total _ -------------$1,226,971.80 Total _ _____________ $1,226,971.80 88 State of Arkansas: Bank Department BANK OF SHERRILL, SHERRILL Population, 258. Jefferson County Chartered August 13, 1913. Transit Number 81-556 V Directors Officers A. R. Merritt_ ____________ President • E. L. Burgess ✓ Jim G. Ford v· Jim G. Ford __________ Vice Presidentv R. P. Cratin A. R. Merritt v-Mrs. A. R. Merritt_ _________ Cashier STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts _____ $ 69,483.24 Overdrafts _ ___________ 1,608.47 U. S. Gov't obligations ___ 249,200.00 Other bonds and securities 46,678.04 Furniture and fixtures___ 797.90 Banking house __________ 2,000.00 Cash and due from banks 63,199.45 Liabilities Capital stock* ----------$ 25,000.00 Surplus fund ___________ 7,000.00 Undivided profits _______ 3,885.37 Reserves _ _ ____________ 9,000.00 Demand deposits _______ 301,610.92 Time deposits __ ________ 52,111.02 U. S. Gov't deposits___ __ 1,631.25 Public funds ___ ________ 32,728.54 Total deposits $388,081.73 Total _______________ $432,967.10 Total _ ______________ $432,967:10 * First preferred stock with par value of $12,500.00 and common stock with par value of $12,500.00. BANK OF SIDNEY, SIDNEY Population, 153. /< / / / Sharp County Chartered September 23, 1912. Transit Number 81-522 Officers . D~tors 0. S. Westmoreland _______ Pres1dent y J. P. Pounders 0. S. Westmoreland J. P. Pounders ________ Vice President /R. C. Pounders R. C. Pounders _____________ Cashier Atalee Pounders _______ Asst. Cashier STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts _____ $ 6,512.96 Overdrafts _ ___________ 5.92 U. S. Gov't obligations ___ 200,820.00 Furniture and fixtures___ 1.00 Banking house _________ 750.00 Cash and due from banks 134,611.47 Total _ ______________ $342,701.35 Liabilities Capital stock -----------$ 5,000.00 Surplus fund __________ _ 4,400.00 Undivided profits ______ _ 772.64 Demand deposits ______ _ 331,952.13 Public funds __________ _ 576.58 Total deposits _$332,528. 71 Total - --------------$342,701.35 Thirty-First Report ot'I'/ V 89 ;ATT-WASSON BANK, SILOAM SPRINGS Population, 2,764. Chartered April 8, 1932. ✓ · Officers ,Marion Wasson ____________ President ✓yol Wasson __________ Vice President /Sadie Monroe ________ Vice President -.,/Tom Whiteside ____________ Cashier / Elsie Sumner _________ Asst. Cashier Benton County Transit Number 81-706 Directors Vol Wasson v· Sadie Monroe ~ Elsie Sumner ✓ Tom Whiteside Marion Wasson v V STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ____ $ 268,804.19 Overdrafts _ __________ 830.56 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 1,846,620.00 Other bonds and securities 93,271.60 Furniture and fixtures__ 5 359.84 Banking house ________ 5,400.00 Other real estate______ 6.00 Cash and due from banks 930.416.00 Other resources _______ 17,377.77 Liabilities Capital stock* ________ $ 40,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 10,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 16,156.91 Reserves _ _ _________ _ 31,800.00 Demand deposits _____ _ 2,537,654.01 Time deposits ________ _ 255,359.21 U. S. Gov't deposits ___ _ 219,102.67 Public funds _________ _ 58,013.16 Total dep. _$3,C70,129.05 Total ______________ $3,168,085.96 Total ______________ $3,168,085.96 • F>m< ,-•=d ,W<,iU. ~m>,, oi { ;1tJJ V' ':£""·" ,od oommoo •<••• wiU. O>' '°""'°""•'"·"· . SMACKOVER STATE BANK, SMACKOVER Population, 2,235. Chartered April 18, 1928. Officers J. E. Berry _______________ President Mike Berg ___________ Vice President L. E. Tennyson, Jr. _________ Cashier R. N. Manley _________ Asst. Cashier Union County Transit Number 81-654 fr. L. Berg Mike Berg J.E. Berry Directors Homer T. Rogers L. E. Tennyson, Jr, STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ____ $ U. S. Gov't obligations_ Other bonds and securities Furniture and fixtures __ Banking house _______ _ Cash and due from banks Other resources ______ _ 157,677.44 337,195.32 198,137.25 3,946.50 3,500.00 760,617.30 6,847.31 Liabilities Capital stock __________ $ 2.5,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 25,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 17,918.00 Reserves ____________ _ 14,518.84 Demand deposits _____ _ 1,051,812.38 Time deposits ________ _ 174,374.35 U. S. Gov't deposits ___ _ 128,149.61 Public funds _________ _ 31,147.94 Total dep. _$1,385,484.28 Total _ _ ____________ $1,467,921.12 Total _ _ __ ~--------$1,467,921.12 90 State of Arkansas: Bank Department ""- I.- CITIZENS BANK, SMITHVILLE Population, 250. Lawrence County Chartered March 23, 1901. Officers Mrs. J. M. Street_ _________ President Eagle Street_ ________ Vice President Luke Johnston _____________ Cashier gle Street s. J. M. Street STATEMENT OF JUN Resources Loans and discounts _____ $ 29,075.00 Loans on commodities___ 7,000.00 Overdrafts _ _ __________ 269.84 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 750,820.00 Other bonds and securities 1,331.05 Furniture and fixtures___ 100.00 Banking house __________ 300.00 Cash and due from banks 161,554.67 Liabilities Capital stock -----------$ 10,000.00 Surplus fund ___________ 5,000.00 Undivided profits _______ 8,943.79 Reserves _ _____________ 3,000.00 Demand deposits _______ 868,232.31 Public funds _ __________ 55,274.46 Total deposits $923,506.77 Total _ ______________ $950,450.56 Total _ ______________ $950,450.56 ' \.,_,/ CV\\ · / ·- -; L- -/4ERCHANTS AND PLANTERS BANK, SPARKMAN ,.,,. Population, 840. Dallas County Chartered September 19, 1916. Officers C. F. Sturgis _____________ President vS. B. Horne __________ Vice President ~/ C. E. Hays _________________ Cashier Transit Number 81-581 v· C. E. Hayes S. B. Horne C. F. Sturgis Directors W. P. Sturgis P.H. Taylor STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts _____ $ 35,184.15 Loans on commodities ___ 342,384.47 U. S. Gov't obligations ___ 230,157.50 Other bonds and securities 13,221.97 Furniture and fixtures___ 100.00 Banking house _ ________ 2,400.00 Other real estate________ 1.00 Cash and due from banks_ 298,624.76 Other resources _________ 1.00 Liabilities Capital stock -----------$ 10,000.00 Surolus fund __________ _ 15,000.00 Undivided profits ______ _ 2,472.96 Demand deposits _______ _ 845,224.34 Time deposits _________ _ 21,764.24 Public funds __________ _ 27,613.31 Total deposits $894 601.89 Total _______________ $922,074.85 Total _______________ $922,074.85 Thirty-First Report t \ i. .,' / ' / F I R S T STATE BANK, SPRINGDALE rl" 91 Population, 3,319. Washington County Chartered February 12, 1923. / ✓ Transit Number 81-856 Directors Officers Tom Hargis ______________ President Shelby Ford J. R. Joyce Shelby Ford __________ Vice President T. L. Fowler Dr. C., P. Sisco Joe M. Steele _________ Vice President C. L. Geoi;ge Joe M. Steele J. R. Joyce __________ Vice President Tom Hargis J. S. Watts J. S. Watts __________ Vice President Elmer Johnson A. P. Wilson L. E. Johnson ___ tTJ, Vice PresidE;nt L. E. Johns~ T. L. Fowler ----ff~,r-.1. _____ Gnshm \/.P. ,.s.,_<,. Mace D. HowelL ______ Asst. ~ . • /ICC .r.r. /31f-ilV •,f'J'lf s ; f . r ~ t ! t ~ N E 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ____ $ 463,790.84 U. S. Gov't obligations__ 974,737.00 Other bonds and securities 106,123.10 Furniture and fixtures__ 1,300.00 Banking house ________ 6,000.00 Cash and due from banks 1,159,547.79 Other resources 50.00 Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 40,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 25,000.00 Undivided profits ____ _ 14,594.67 Reserves _ _ _________ _ 115.00 Demand deposits _____ _ 1,835,061.36 Time deposits _______ _ 494,561.14 U. S. Gov't deposits ___ _ 268,182.38 PuHic funds _________ _ 34,034.18 ·'Total .dep., _$2,q31,839.06 • .. Total _ _____________ $2,711,548.73 Total _ -----~·______ .:$2,711,548.73 BODCAW BANK, STAMPS Population, 2,405. Lafayette County Chartered December 8, 1902. . Officers ·/ C. L. Cabe _________________ President ./ Dr. F. E. Baker ______ Vice President / J. C. Cabe ___________ Vice President ,/A. P. Beasley_______________ Cashier ,./ R. H. Duty ____________ Asst. Cashier Transit Number 81-436 Directors /' Dr. F. E. Bakeq,·· R. T. Boulware ~ A. P. BeasleyV C. L, Cabe ~W.R. Boney J.C. Cabe .,.,--- STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 112,532.15 158,317.19 411,310.00 157,673.61 100.00 1,000.00 87.52 442,213.84 4.00 Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 50,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 30,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 51,124.16 Reserves _ _ _________ _ 20,628.83 Demand deposits _____ _ 806,224.97 Time deposits _______ _ 183,985,93 U. S. Gov't deposits ___ _ 84,510.57 Public funds _________ _ 56,763.85 Total dep. _$1,131,485.32 Total _ _____________ $1,283,238.31 Total _ -------------$1,283,238.31 Resources Loans and discounts_---$ Loans on commodities __ U. S. Gov't obligations __ Other bonds and securities Furniture and fixtures __ Banking house _______ _ Other real estate ______ _ Cash and due from banks Other resources ______ _ 92 • BANK OF STAR CITY, STAR CITY Population, 1,090. Lincoln Count Chartered April 7, 1925. Transit 7)£, ~ mber 81-43~ ~. r~c;, ~~ ~, _ ! Officers W. R. Alsobrook __________ President -.!0111 Offutt' ---------------~r Isaac Chambers------~- Cashier Directors W.R. Alsobrook ✓ Clyde E. Fish ,., .,-, Isaac Cha~b~s ✓ PMtl ~ffl!tt / J. D. Cogbll 1 · G. D. Smith /Y'l; Zc r(tJ./311-f ___.. · l'lfQ ../ --· ·""TS:/' 1 Vt:..,.-r/< ,,_ "':ff~ I 't 'f;_, I . t, ,..--- STATEM NT OF JUNE 30, 1945 · ·, ,,---. Resources Liabilities Loans and discounts _____ $119,038.98 Capital stock __ --------$ 20,000.00 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 404,400.00 Surplus fund ___________ 20,000.00 Other bonds and securities 20,043.49 Undivided profits _ ______ 30,044.87 Furniture and fixtures___ 2,100.00 Reserves _ _____________ 4,040.00 Banking house _ ________ 5,000.00 Demand deposits _______ 534,489.17 Other real estate________ 3.00 Time deposits __________ 70,420.54 Cash and due from banks 320,203.75 Public funds ___________ 183,110.79 Deposits of banks___ ____ 8,683.85 Total deposits $796,704.35 ss_ r /2 ca-~ Total _ ___ 1 _________ $870,789.22 d::li.,,( ~/U.-P...·., A ·. j .A • • 7 / ..,.._, I /"l.R. -#"-·'Cl ,., 1 CITIZENS BANK, STRONG Population, 762. Officers \ 0. B. Clark _______________ President / R. A. Burgess ________ Vice President M. h. !JanoBil'"ii ________ Q.191€1 B. Finney _____________~ C~hier ~•,r;'"lri~"JJ()J";,€'/;,"J.Sa/y" 1' ' ,: /",,.•I •i . \ 'l' V STATEM /t t"':.?4" ~ Lt'(. ~...,,,.~L~LL(I r-, ,,. .. ...;· -r ; v / ... Chartered January 19, 1931. / Total _ _ _____________ $870,789.22 Union County Transit Number 81-441 ~irectors . C. B. Bird J. E. Cooper V R. A. B u r g v es~ '. ,- ,1.ewi~ ..,....0. B. Clarkv ~r,I\J ':,/,! :;'fl e:, V v, '· ' ~T OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts _____ $ 49,587.26 Overdrafts _ ___________ 3.28 U. S. Gov't obligations ___ 220,245.00 Other bonds and securities 2,000.00 Furniture and fixtures___ 50.00 Banking house __________ 400.00 Other real estate________ 100.58 Cash and due from banks 3·63,308.22 Liabilities Capital stock -----------$ 25,000.00 Surplus fund ___________ 20,000.00 Undivided profits _______ 12,006.65 Reserves _ _____________ 1,060.07 Demand deposits _______ 516,849.20 Time deposits __________ 23,163.44 U. S. Gov't deposits_____ 25,373.63 Public funds _______ ____ 12,241.35 Total deposits $577,627.62 Total _ _ _____________ $635,694.34 Total _ ______________ $635,694.34 ,~ / / jUJ FAl /E 1 ~- Thirty-First Report 93 7t' E FARMERS AND MERCHANTS BANK, STUTTGART Arkansas County Population, 5,628. Transit Number 81-747 Chartered December 29, 1944. Directors D. C. McDonald G. B. Shafer G. H. Franzen J. E. Townsend R. F. Howe Roy McCollum Officers Roy McCollum ____________ President G. B. Shafer ____ Executive Vice Pres. D. C. McDonald _______ Vice President H. L. Cowling ______________ Cashier Mrs. Ruth Rieger ______ Asst. Cashier R. B. Curtis STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts _____ $ 38,588.02 U. S. Gov't obligations_ 771,164.82 Other bonds and securities 150,547.00 8,778.38 Furniture and fixtures _ Banking house _______ _ 18,000.00 Cash and due from banks 468.693.76 Other resources ______ _ 3;8o9.36 Liabilities Capital stock _ --------$ 75,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 25,000.00 Undivided profits ____ _ 5,718.64 Demand deposits _____ _ 1,129,396.23 Time deposits _______ _ 62,931.63 U. S. Gov't deposits ___ _ 98,131.94 _ _________ funds Public 53,402.90 Deposits of banks _____ _ 10,000.00 Total dep. _$1,353,862.70 Total _ -------------$1,459,581.34 Total ______________ $1,459,581.34 / ?rz e-S / } ~ V, J1 0 f\ ~ e,, /..£:tfizENS BANK, TILLAR Population, 229. Chartered July 28, 1913. Officers • ~J-.1. ~ S . TerraL ______________ President ✓ Drew County Transit Number 81-446 V. C. Harrell C. H. Kimbro ________ Vice President I" C. H. Kimbro VJ. H. Kimbro ______________ Cashier,.,. J. H. Kimbro . AM~ .. Qaseier .v:;::::c::uarren:::- --- Direct~o.:;rs;;..,."'l'l'I'=~----,.; ~- S. 'ierral ,.,...-W. S. Wood STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ______ $, 20,460.80 U. S. Gov!t obligations __ 237,923.43 Other bonds and securities 57,975.16 .50 Furniture and fixtures___ .50 Banking house __________ Cash and due from banks 125,291.47 Liabilities Capital stock -----------$ 2.5,000.00 Surplus fund ----------- 25,000.00 9,825.78 Undivided profits Demand deposits ________ 303,647.56 U. S. Gov't deposits_____ 30,900.38 Public funds ___________ 47,278.14 Total deposits _$381,826.08 Total _________________ $441,651.86 Total _ --------------$441,651.86 94 State of Arkansas: Bank Department ---. ., I// BANK OF TRUMANN, TRUMANN / l:y_ f7V Population, 3,381. / r Poinsett County Chartered October 2.6, 1911. t"c . -.... -.--1"':::=---, Officers ~- A. Cash __ ~ _____________ President Transit Number 81-488 Directors .• ,.... M. T. Byrn .r."1L Cash Geo. 0. Campbell Norris C. Taylor Geo. B. Cash Geo. 0. Campbell_ _____ Vice President M. T. Byrn ___________ Vice President Earl Yarbrough ____________ Cashier Edith W. Dameron _____ Asst. Cashier STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ____ $ 366,142.70 Loans on commodities __ 13,866.00 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 60,000.00 Other bonds and securities 8,000.00 Furniture and fixtures __ 1.00 Banking house _______ _ 1,600.00 Cash and due from banks 1,257,021.66 Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 50,000.00 Surplus fund ________ _ 55,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 35,757.49 Reserves ____________ _ 18,670.63 Demand deposits _____ _ 1,448,160.80 Time deposits ________ _ 3,300.00 U. S. Gov't deposits ___ _ 7,706.25 Public funds _________ _ 88,036.19 Total dep. _$1,547,203.24 Total _ ____________ $1,706,631.36 Total _ ____________ $1,706,631.36 \ ' I _ ,i BANK OF TUCKERMAN, TUCKERMAN Population, 875. Jackson County Chartered November 8, 1902. Transit Number 81-448 , Officers -✓-. Directors , .,JI", F. L. Penix _______________ President ~- B. Armstrong F. L. Penix / , R. 0. Norris __________ Vice President D. C. Dowell A. S. Riegler / ,0. B. Armstrong ____________ Cash~er ,.,,R. 0. Norris ~ s . Shaver __________ Asst. Cashier / / C:i. fl. ~ D ; ; i g ~ - f f - : ~ : ~ e : F JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts _____ $ 99,150.18 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 101,016.60 Other bonds and securities 400.00 Furniture and fixtures___ 1,000.00 Banking house __________ 4,000.00 Cash and due from banks 742,131.02 Other resources ________ 658.70 Liabilities Capital stock ___________ $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund ___________ 10,000.00 Undivided profits 12,042.77 Demand deposits _______ 785,083.66 Time deposits ___________ 58,970.23 Public funds ____________ 49,759.84 Deposits of banks_______ 7,500.00 Total deposits $901,313.73 Total -----------------$948,356.50 Total -----------------$948,356.50 Thirty-First Report 95 =~"' BANK OF TUPELO, TUPEW • Population, 249. Ja'ckson County . 81-610 Cha,¥°"" May 25, 1919. ~tors ~ . omc,rs . H_.J.Snapp--.,.~--\, President . Tom J.\Looney.,,,..., .. J. H. Snap.p _Vice1 Pres1d.ent Looney . _________ Tom, '-' J, ; \ ---~Cashier. rJ . . ~- / /~Js:#~i.-e: i \ STATF!MENT 01\ JUNE so;,1945 I -' \ Resour~s \ Loans'., and discount-~.)~-- 44,258.55 1.00 Furnitlflre and. fixtures _ b 240,796.61 Cash and due 'fr-Oil. ' C) 'ti , Total _ ______________ $285,056.16 Total _______________ $285,056.16 ·V / i Liab!lities Capital :ftock .:.:::::'________ $ jl0,000.00 Surpl_l!s/fund ___________ ; 5,000.00 Undivided profits _______ / 5,653.64 Demand deposits _ ----~' 247,477.80 Public funds _________ _ 16,924.72 Total deposits $264,40r. 2 L . ENS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, VAN BUREN Population, 5,422. Crawford County Chartered December 20, 1910,. Transit Number 81-101 .,/ Directors / Officers Joe C. McKinney David T. Bryan ___________ President ~avid T. Bryan Frank D. Pape~ ,, Robert W. Gelly ______ Vice President Harry W. Bryan , / Frank D. Pape _____________ Cashier ✓Robert W. Gelly V STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ____ $ 46,304.90 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 1,425,196.82 Other bonds and securities 218,250.09 7,500.00 Banking house ________ 1.00 Other real estate______ Cash and due from banks 474,451.21 Liabilities Capital stock _________ $ 50,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 25,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 43,238.85 Reserves _ _ _________ _ 50,687.52 Demand deposits _____ _ 1,590,352.45 Time deposits ________ _ 265,002.52 U. S. Gov't deposits ___ _ 3,611.68 Public funds _________ _ 143,811.00 Total dep. _$2,002,777.65 Total _ ______________ $2,171,704.02 Total _______________ $2,171,704.02 State of Arkansas: Bank Department 96 PEOPLES BANK AND TRUST COMP ANY, VAN BUREN Population, 5,422. Crawford County Chartered August 12, 1933. v--·/ Officers J. Izard ________________ President Dell Miller _____ Vice Pres. & Cashier Stewart Condren ______ Asst. Cashier /J. ✓-· Transit Numb€r 81-100 Directors Hal Brow!\, Dell Miller v C. E. Izarct/ W. H. Phillips " J. J. Izard,,., R. C. Rhodes • A. W. Meier✓ Wylie B. Smith ✓ STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ____ $ 95,586.54 Overdrafts __________ _ 164.07 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 1,062,000.76 92,940.05 Other bonds and securities Furniture and fixtures __ 1,800.00 Banking house _______ _ 6,250.00 Other real estate _____ _ 1.00 Cash and due from banks 617,688.60 Liabilities Capital stock __________ s 50,000.00 Surplus fund ________ _ 30,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 10,972.78 Demand deposits _____ _ 1,253,0-29.94 Time deposits _______ _ 260,938.38 U. S. Gov't deposits ___ _ 159,896.57 Public funds ---------- 111,593.35 Total dep. _$1, 785,458.24 Total ______________ $1,876,431.02 Total ______________ $1,876,431.02 1 BANK O"WALDO, WALDO Population, 1,240. c.e I . ) T Columbia County Chartered September 2, 1899. Officers ~ . --How~ _________ President W. S. McKissack _____ Vice President J. Thurston Howe!L ________ Cashier Transit Number 81-265 _ Directors ~et! W. S. McKissack J. Thurston Howell STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts _____ $ 48,359.91 Loans on commodities ___ 137,000.00 U. S. Gov't obligations ___ 228,608.00 Other bonds and securities 13,006.00 Furniture and fixtures___ 710.00 Banking house _______ __ 2,900.00 Cash and due from banks 159,218.24 Other resources ________ 100.00 Liabilities Capital stock* ----------$ 25,000.00 Surplus fund ___________ 5,000.00 Undivided profits _______ 4,095.05 Reserves _ _____________ 10,137.16 Demand deposits ________ 475.348.64 Time deposits __________ 18,132.19 U. S. Gov't deposits_ ____ 27,844.21 Public funds ________ ___ 24,344.90 Total deposits __ $545,669.94 Total _______________ $589,902.15 Total _______________ $589,902.15 • First preferred stock with par value of $10,000.00 and common stock with par value of $15,000.00. • Thirty-First Report 97 THE PEOPLES BANK, WALDO Population, 1,240. Chartered June 22, 1910. Columbia County Transit Number 81-266 Officers Directors ~✓ :; H. A. Fincher_ ____________ President Y ;E. F. Fincher W. 0. Fincher J. E. O'DanieL _______ Vice President ✓ G. L. Fincher J. E. O'Daniel .,,,,-·· B .. L. Fincher _______________ Cashier ,.,H. A. Fincher STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ______ $ 54,551.10 Loans on commodities ___ 52,900.00 U. S. Gov't obligations ___ 361,500.00 Other bonds and securities 57,387.25 Furniture and fixtures___ 1.00 Banking house _____ ____ 1.00 Other real estate_________ 1.00 Cash and due from banks_ 391,418.24 Liabilities Capital stock -----------$ 25,000.00 Surplus fund ___________ 15,000.00 Undivided profits _______ 11,047.68 Demand deposits ________ 667,392.45 Time deposits __________ 80,184.92 U. S. Gov't deposits_____ 89,246.90 Public funds ------------ 29,887.64 Total deposits _$366,711.91 Total ________________ $917,759.59 Total ________________ $917,759.59 ' A:,t.:J\i,'BANK OF wALDRON, wALDRON lY f" Population, 1,298. Chartered April 3, 1901. Officers v W. B. Piles _______________ President ✓ C. E. Forrester _______ Vice President ' M. C. Bird _________________ Cashier _..,,• Mollie E. Center _______ Asst. Cashier ~ C,v,1, l/ ,-f 1.: fr c1i'/ ,, ,., STATEMENT CF is Scott County Transit Number 81-239 Directors W. A. Bates 1,----Miles Dozier M. C. Bird ~C. E. Forrester v Mollie E. Center r W. S. Mitchell ~ · Gene Davidson I W. B. Piles ..JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ____ $ 169,635.67 Loans on commodities__ 11,500.00 Overdrafts _ __________ 333.73 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 1,126,100.00 Other bonds and securities 69,157.54 Furniture and fixtures_ 125.00 Banking house ________ 5,300.00 Cash and due from banks 743,268.79 Other resources _______ 2,701.00 Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 50,000.00 Surolus fund _________ _ 25,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 7,948.99 Reserves _ _ _________ _ 950.96 Demand deposits _____ _ 1,531,885.08 Time deposits ________ _ 197,601.18 U. S. Gov't deposits ___ _ 146,529.12 Public funds _________ _ 168,206.40 Total dep. _$2,044,221. 78 Total ______________ $2,128,121.73 Total _ -------------$2,128,121.73 98 State of Arkansas: Bank Department MERCHANTS AND PLANTERS BANK, WARREN Population, 2,516. Bradley County Chartered March 15, 1890. / . Officeri; . /·Carl Hollis _______________ President ~ - B. Colvin _____ :-----Vice Presid~nt ,F. M. Holt _____ Vice Pres. & Cashier ,/ A. L. Moody __________ Asst. Cashier .,· Mrs. Helen N. Harris __ Asst. Cashier Transit Number 81-159 . .,,,»frectors ✓- · G. B. Colvm J. E. Stewart ✓ Carl Hollis,.,,.J. C. Thompson F'. M. Holt ✓ Arthur Weiss ,,. J. P. Lambert v· 0. W. Wheless ✓ Dr. Rufus Martin v·· STA;t'EMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ____ $ 264,931.95 Loans on commodities__ 36,100.00 Overdrafts _ __________ 137.51 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 1.005,947.00 Other bonds and securities 426,421.73 Furniture and fixtures__ 2,067.89 Banking house ________ 14,631.92 Cash and due from banks 995.086.52 Other resources _______ 3,444.73 Liabilities Capital stock _________ $ 75,000.00 Surplus fund ________ _ 40,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 28,438.12 Demand deposits _____ _ 1,714,327.56 Time deposits ________ _ 512,056.00 U. S. Gov't deposits ___ _ 267,438.02 Public funds _________ _ 106,732.45 Deposits of banks _____ _ 4,777.10 Total dep. _$2,605,331.13 Total ______________ $2,748,769.25 Total ______________ $2,748,769.25 WARREN BANK, WARREN Population, 2,516. Bradley County Chartered December 28, 1901. Transit Number 81-160 Officers .,/ Directors ~ouis Ederi~gton -----: ___ Pres!dent L. H. Derby . J. R. Gannaway ✓ ~ - W. Martm ________ Vice President v-John T. Edermgton B. W. Martin ✓ John T. Ederingt~n ____ Vice President a,ouis Eder!ngton S. B. Meek, Jr. ✓ ,.G. L. cparleton __ vice Pns. & Oasl!tet /L. W. Edermgton M. C. Singer v ~ - C. Singer _________ __....._,.Cashier J. B. Frazer C I T I b&!! .. ,M. S. Thompson _______ Asst. Cashier STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ____ $ 207,997.79 Loans on commodities__ 35,694.00 Overdrafts _ __________ 838.56 U. S. Gov't obligations_ 1,075,280.00 Other bonds and securities 187,219.85 Furniture and fixtures__ 1,237.73 Banking house ________ 19,208.20 Other real estate______ 1.00 Cash and due from banks 753,810.73 Other resources _______ 358.99 Liabilities Capital stock ---------$ 75,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 40,000.00 32,057.02 Undivided profits --··--Reserves _ _ _________ _ 7,892.66 Demand deposits _____ _ 1,393,225.38 Time deposits ________ _ 402,175.85 U. S. Gov't deposits ___ _ 242,671.36 Public funds _________ _ 88,624.58 Total dep. _$2,126,697.17 Total _______________ $2,281,646.85 Total _ --------------$2,281,646.85 I -t1P r-1,, 'R- ✓ fZ~ /' . Report 99 ~' 1.--' e; BANK OF WEINER, WEINER Population, 447. Poinsett County Chartered April 2, 1909. . ( O h Thirty-First Be,,~ Transit Number 81-456 v{ Directors E. E. Hogue Carl Huffman L. Hogue Wm. Knapple F. R. Huber R. A. Ziegenhorn Mrs. J.B. Huber Officers "\. V L ~ e _______________ President "--...A!l&pptc _______ Vice President '-"""'E. E. Hogue ________________ Cashier -Margaret Winters ______ Asst. Cashier T -"'na French __________ Asst. Cashier STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts _____ $ 61,851.27 Overdrafts _ _ __________ 225.89 U. S. Gov't obligations ___ 356,500.00 Furniture and fixtures___ 400.00 Bsmking house __________ 200.00 Cash and due from banks 569,671.52 Liabilities Caoital stock -----------$ 25,000.00 Surplus fund __________ _ 25,000.00 Undivided profits ______ _ 12,118.18 Demand deposits _______ _ 854,772.79 Time deposits ________ _ 30,564.82 U. S. Gov't deposits _____ _ 2,006.25 Public funds ___________ _ 39,386.64 Total deposits _$926,730.50 '::'otal _ _ _____________ $988,848.68 Total _ _ _____________ $988,848.68 I/ -----· BANK OF WEST MEMPHIS, WEST MEMPHIS Population, 3,369. Chartered April 21, 1928. Officers E. J. White _______________ President Wm. H. Hundhausen __ Vice President '!J!iiCl'.l. Pkilih:g &i!!!IM" Miss Kathleen Yokley __ Asst. Cashier Miss Ellene Lamb ______ Asst. Cashier Crittenden County Transit Number 81-695 Directors C. H. Brown .i\.rthur Russell G. M. Coleman H. E. Thompson H. R. Dabbs E. J. White Ww. H. Hundhausen D. B. Wollard A. C. Oliver STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ____ $ 156,959.35 Loans on commodities __ 8,836.77 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 584,100.00 81.225.77 Other bonds and securities Furniture and fixtures __ 5,000.00 Cash and due from banks 781,248.31 Liabilities Capital stock __________ $ 50,000.00 25,000.00 Surolus fund .---------Undivided profits _____ _ 11.653.38 Demand deposits ______ _ 1,296,189.12 Time deposits _______ _ 92.821.31 U. S. Gov't deposits __ _ 2,431.90 Public funds _________ _ 139,274.49 Total dep. _$1,530,716.82 Total _ -------------$1,617,370.20 Total ______________ $1,617,370.20 State of Arkansas: Bank Department 100 MERCHANTS AND PLANTERS BANK, WEST MEMPHIS Population, 3,369. Crittenden County Chartered August 5, 1941. Transit Number 81-743 ✓ 2 • R. E . R ob er t sonOffpicer~d John A. CoopeDr ~~ctoJ_rsW. R1"ch ,-,/ __ res1 en t &-"- .., -0astacpa " / J. C. McCaa __________ Vice Presid~nt ,A!'t;e-.~lle~-Ml R. E. RobertsonV'""" ✓ H. 0. Coats __________ tlllll;:"Cash1er J. C. McCaa V Jno. M. Smith ~ ~Mrs. Jas. Bledsoe ______ Asst. Cashier W. L. McKee ~IZ 5. j~•,1/~·~e:i~r;#-:s st·iJ~- -.J.C Jd h tr so V STATE]}1ENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ____ $ 197,039.51 Loans on commodities __ 21,347.92 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 424,696.89 52,545.75 Other bonds and securities Furniture and fixtures __ 5,354.35 Cash and due from banks 595,947.47 Liabilities Capital stock __________ $ 50,000.00 Surplus fund ________ _ 10,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 26,214.13 Demand deposits _____ _ 964,316.09 Time deposits ________ _ 63,389.04 U. S. Gov't deposits ___ _ 100,958.14 Public funds _________ _ 77,054.49 Deposits of banks _____ _ 5,000.00 Total dep. _$1,210,717. 76 Total ______________ $1,296,931.89 Total _ -------------$1,296,931.89 ! '-.,l ·''\//!:'J _./l RICE GRO~··BANK, WHEATLEY Population, 362. St. Francis County Chartered September 27, 1909. ....,,.-:,.... Officers H. K. Smith, Jr. ___________ President · ,S.•!'. Li.JiA8M, .JP. _V. P. & Cashier J<;~;llie ~-c!,~t-t:.s: \/af)fG 6(' Transit Number 81-458 Directors Jr.- H. K. Smith, Jr. ► P.:Bioeellfei!, Mayme Lyon STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts _____ $153,260.92 Loans on commodities ___ 169,353.11 Overdrafts _ ___________ 307.74 U. S. Gov't obligations~-- 156,662.50 Furniture and fixtures___ 2,100.00 Banking house _ ________ 2,400.00 Other real estate________ 1.00 Cash and due from banks 126,898.60 Liabilities Capital stock ___________ $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund __________ _ 14,000.00 Undivided profits ______ _ 7,693.25 Demand deposits ______ _ 482,374.79 Time deposits _________ _ 50,712.71 U. S. Gov't deposits _____ _ 75.00 Public funds __________ _ 31,128.12 Total deposits $564,290.62 Total _ ______________ $610,983.87 Total _ --------------$610.983.87 Thirty-F-irst Report . f .. ;/• . .• {) f.'liLMOT ST ATE I t Population, 625. I , 101 ,,, \..'' ) /re.)8 ' l t BANK, WILMOT Ashley County Chartered Octol::er 25, 1937. . . Officers Transit Number 81-738 . D~tors ..,.. ., M. C. Crandall J.B. Shackelford ~ - C. Crandall_ _______ Vice Presid~nt •'Cl. I. t. npctl G. B. Stoya~l ..-W. 1'. 1'acls_C _____________ Cashier E. H, Dunnmg ~ W. N. Wilhitev \rW,, N. W1lh1te ____________ President 1 .J:,,rvc.lf li1 C(.1/ :T~fE~ENT oF JUNE 3o, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts _____ $ 50,361.75 Loans on commodities ____ 201.418.97 U. S. Gov't obligations___ 16,900.00 Cash and due from banks 358,849.40 Liabilities Capital stock ___________ $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund _______ ____ 5,000.00 Undivided profits ____ ___ 18,508.70 Demand deposits ________ 533,489.31 Public funds ------------ 45,532.11 Total deposits $579,021.42 Total _ _ _____________ $627,530.12 Total _ --------------$627,530.12 BANK OF WILSON, WILSON Population, 1,500. Mississippi County Chartered October 3, 1908. • Transit Number 81-462 ~ ✓' Officers ;; ~eetors ~ • .V. H. Crain ______ :- ________ Presid~nt J. E. Cra~n V C. J. Lowrance, J r . / ail J. H. Cram ✓. · S. A. Regenold ./' . ~ t o n Gar.rett__ Vice Pre~."ll vr lv,[arie Wilson ~ - A s s t . C~shier ,J.\~nto:_G ~ Q. cYtt, t> 13 _ 1~;;~ol'Ylnfast: 1945 Resources Liabilities 502,696.18 712,633.67 42.6.44 167,953.36 3,173.88 325,902.52 Capital stock ----------$ 50,000.00 Surplus fund ________ _ 190,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 12,993.57 Reserves ____________ _ 5,090.86 Demand deposits _____ _ 1,078,301.81 Time deposits ________ _ 111,934.70 U. S. Gov't deposits ___ _ 4,269.23 Public funds _________ _ 260,195.88 Total dep. __ $1,454,701.62 Total _ _ ____________ $1,712,786.05 Total _ _____________ $1,712,786.05 Loans and discounts ____ $ Loans on commodities__ Overdrafts _ __________ U. S. Gov't obligations__ Furniture and fixtures__ Cash and due from banks 102 State of Arkansas: Bank Department CROSS COUNTY BANK, WYNNE ~ Population, 3,633. Chartered June 5, 1891. ✓ r; Officers ~ave Block ______________ President ✓ JI. K. Barwick, Jr. ____ Vice President /j:, W. Lipsco~b _____________ Cash!er ✓ n allace Eldridge ______ Asst. Cashier Cross County Transit Number 81-151 ✓Directors ✓· · I!, K. Barwick, Jr. J.C. Hilliard / --1'>ave Block ,.,,-Pavid Drexl_er v"b. M. Hamrick J. W. Lipscomb v"W.W. Shaver, Jr. H. Steinberg v- STATEMENT OF JUNE 30, 1945. Resources Loans and discounts ____ $ 490,953.66 Loans on commodities __ 1,000.00 Overdrafts __________ _ 35.91 U. S. Gov't obligations __ 529,500.00 .Other bonds and securities 96,435.50 Furniture and fixtures __ 1.00 Banking house _______ _ 3,000.00 Cash and due from banks 629,762.10 Liabilities Capital stock ----------$ 30,000.00 Surplus fund _________ _ 60,000.00 Undivided profits _____ _ 25,177.91 Demand deposits _____ _ 1,149,656.89 Time deposits ________ _ 63,193.29 U. S. Gov't deposits ___ _ 245,810.91 Public funds _________ _ 176,849.17 Total dep. _$1,635,510.26 Total _ -------------$1,750,688.17 Total _ -----------·--$1,750,688.17 REPORT OF BUILDING AND LOAN DIVISION AND SECURITIES DIVISION State of Arkansas: Bank Department 104 BUILDING AND LOAN DIVISION December 31, 1944 Statement of eight active state chartered Building and Loan Associations, compiled from annual reports rendered the Arkansas State Bank Department as of December 31, 1944. List of four voluntarily liquidating Building and Loan Associations as of December 31, 1944. Thirty-First Report ... COMBINED STATEMENT OF THE EIGHT ACTIVE STATE CHARTERED BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1944 Resources Direct Reduction loans _______________________ ---------$2, 718,941.60 First Mortgage Share Account Sinking Fund Loans_____ 77,664.61 First Mortgage Straight Loans________________________ 30,747,66 Advances for taxes___________________________________ 747.12 Second Mortgage Loans -----------------------------500.00 Loans secured by shares______________________________ 12,544.48 Loans on all other securities___________________________ 17,216.01 Real Estate sold on contract___________________________ 70,316.57 Real Estate Owned___________________________________ 11,031.85 Real Estate Equity owned____________________________ 4.00 Stock in Federal Home Loan Bank_____________________ 36,900.00 U. S. Government Obligations_________________________ 594,648.00 Other Investment Securities___________________________ 26,501.00 Accrued interest receivable on investments____________ 21,924.63 Cash on hand and in banks____________________________ 196,454.00 Office Building -------------------------------------9,000.00 Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment____________________ 1,929.94 Other Assets ---------------------------------------11,925.56 TOTAL _________________________________________ $3,838,997.03 Liabilities Free Installment Shares ------------------------------$ 181,718.25 Optional Shares ------------------------------------- 270,369.18 53,267.02 Pre-Paid Shares------------------------------------Full Paid Shares ____________________________________ _ 2,275,275.00 Mortgage Pledged Shares ____________________________ _ 47,876.92 Deposits and Investment Certificates _________________ _ 129,664.83 2,696.70 Accrued Interest-----------------------------------Advances from Federal Home Loan Bank ______________ _ 57,740.00 7,500.00 Borrowed Money-----------------------------------Accrued interest on borrowed money, advances from Federal Home Loan Bank and mortgages, on real estate 117.51 owned-----------------------------------------541.62 Accounts Payable----------------------------------Loans in process ____________________________________ _ 4,173.04 Advances by borrowers for taxes and insurance ________ _ 835.18 Unapplied mortgage credits __________________________ _ 21,895.71 Other liabilities ____________________________________ _ 9,650.24 Permanent Reserve and Guaranty Stock _______________ _ 45,000.00 Deferred credits to future operations _________________ _ 11,372.94 Reserves: 163.61 Specific_--------------------------------------Legal _ ----------------------------------------- 124,902.01 63,928.13 Federal Insurance------------------------------~ 82,708.62 Contingencies ----------------------------------8,869.74 Real Estate------------------------------------166,998.61 Other _ ----------------------------------------Bonus on Shares ____________________________________ _ 1,350.49 Undivided Profits ----------------------------------- 270,381.68 TOTAL -------------- ___________________________ $3,838,997 .03 105 106 State of Arkansas: Bank Department FAYETTEVILLE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION FA YETIEVILLE, ARKANSAS December 31, 1944 Officers A. C. Ucker _______________ President N. F. Drake __________ Vice President W. P. McNair, Jr. _________ Secretary H. L. Pearson ______________ Attorney Resources Direct reduction loans ____ $402,105.51 First mortgage straight loans _ _______________ 28,100.00 Second mortgage loans___ 500.00 Real estate sold on contract _ _______________ 11,750.75 Real estate owned_______ 3,521.76 Stock in Federal Home Loan Bank ____________ 5,200.00 U. S. Government obligations _______________ 170,000.00 Cash on hand and in banks 36,172.88 Furniture, fixtures and equipment _ __________ 1.00 H. E. Cravens N. F. Drake Harrison Hale Directors . W. P. McNair, Jr. H. L. Pearson A. C. Ucker Liabilities Free installment shares __ $, 48,198.58 Optional shares _________ 45,503.48 Full paid shares _________ 434,500.00 Mortgage pledged shares_ 284.67 Reserves Federal Insurance ____ _ 26,000.00 Contingencies ________ _ 33,000.00 Undivided profits __ _: ___ _ 69,865.17 $657,351.90 Number of members _____ 275 Total amount of loans made during 1944 ______ $200,875.00 $657,351.90 FORREST CITY SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION FORREST CITY, ARKANSAS December 31, 1944 Officers Louis McDaniel ___________ President C. W. Norton _____________ Secretary Directors Ed Ash C. W. Norton W.W. Campbell W. E. Stevens Louis McDaniel Gazzola Vaccaro Resources Direct reduction loans ____ $105,068.89 Stock in Federal Home Loan Bank ____________ 3,000.00 U. S. Government obligations _ ---------------- 11,000.00 Cash on hand and in banks 4,823.54 Furniture, fixtures and equipment _ __________ 1.00 Other assets ____________ 5.10 Liabilities Free installment shares--$ Full paid shares_________ Advances from Federal Home Loan Bank______ Accrued interest on R/E owned, borrowed money and advances from Federal Home Loan Bank __ _ Reserves: Specific _____________ _ Legal ________________ _ Undivided profits ______ _ $123,898.53 28,150.04 56,500.00 9,100.00 23.93 163.61 10,000.00 19,960.95 $123,898.53 Number of members _____ _ Total amount of loans made during 1944 ------------$ 32,089.71 Thirty-First Report 107 • UNITED BUILDING AND LOAN COMP ANY FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS December 31, 19'44 Officers F. W. Dyke _______________ President R. A. Young __________ Vice President Martin T. Dyke _______ Vice President (In Army) and Treasurer Nathaniel Dyke, Jr. ________ Secretary Virginia BelL ________ Asst. Secretary Betty Ciurej _________ Asst. Secretary Resources Direct reduction loans __ $1,043,837.40 Stock in Federal Home Loan Bank __________ 12,500.00 U. S. Government obligations _ ____________ 160,248.00 Cash on hand and in banks _______________ 70,387.18 Furniture, fixtures and equipment _ __________ 906.94 Other assets ____________ 5,595.94 $1,293,475.46 Directors W. V. Boatwright Allen Henderson R. B. Cutting A. R. Noe F."W. Dyke Brady Pryor Nathaniel Dyke, Jr. R. J. Ross Martin T. Dyke R. A. Young C. C. Davis Liabilities Free installment shares_$ 58,740.87 Optional shares ______ _ 138,223.97 Full paid shares _______ _ 1,020,500.00 Loans in process ______ _ 647.80 Unapplied mortgage credits _ ------------ . 21,895.71 Deferred credits to future operations __________ _ 4,030.86 Reserves: Federal insurance ___ _ 11,445.02 Contingencies _______ _ 17,824.37 Real estate ________ _ 245.00 Bonus on shares ______ _ 1,350.49 Undivided profits _____ _ 18,571.37 $1,293,475.46 Number of members___ 509 Total amount of loans made during 1944 ____ $ 298,327.70 JONESBORO BUILDING AND WAN ASSOCIATION JONESBORO, ARKANSAS December 31, 1944 Officers Directors E. L. Westbrook, Sr. ________ President F. J. Gregson E. L. Westbrook, Sr. J. H. Little, Jr. ________ Vice President J. B.Hinson E. L. Westbrook, Jr. J. R. Gregson _____________ Secretary J. H. Little, Jr. Resources Direct reduction loans ____ $, Loans on all other security Real estate equity owned _ ______________ U. S. Government obligations _______________ Other Investment Securities _ _________________ Accrued interest received on investments ________ Office Building __________ Furniture, fixtures and equipment _ __________ Other Assets ___________ 85,597.99 182.30 4.00 6,000.00 5,000.00 21,924.63 7,500.00 1.00 3,234.14 $129,444.06 Liabilities Free installment shares--$ 23,130.00 Full paid shares_________ 2,000.00 Borrowed money ________ 7,500.00 Other liabilities _________ 4,678.96 Deferred credits to future operations _ ___________ 2,874.77 Reserves: Contingencies ________ _ 16,000.00 Real Estate __________ _ 5,000.00 Other _______________ _ 5,00Q.00 Undivided profits ______ _ 63,260.33 $129,444.06 Number of members_____ 69 Total amount of loans made during 1944 ______ $ 45,393.69 108 State of Arkansas: Bank Department • CITIZENS BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION JONESBORO,ARKANSAS December 31, 1944 Officers William R. Stuck __________ President Charles A. Stuck __________ Secretary Directors William R. Stuck Martha G. Stuck Charles A. Stuck Florence Stuck Resources Direct reduction loans ____ $ Loans on all other securities ____________ _ Real estate sold on contract _____________ _ Real estate owned ______ _ Cash on hand and in banks Other assets ___________ _ Liabilities Full paid shares _________ $ 41,700.00 Loans in process ________ _ 3,315.29 Reserves: Contingencies _______ _ 2,984.25 Other _______________ _ 9,941.55 Undivided profits _______ _ 5,748.10 13,950.38 12,442.75 16,372.87 6,997.58 12,425.61 1,500.00 $ 63,689.19 $ 63,689.19 Number of members _____ _ Total amount of loans made during 1944 ________________ _ PEOPLES BUILDING ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS December 31, 1944 Directors W. E. Lenon W. C. Thomas Officers W. W. Finch _____ President and Sec'y W. E. Lenon __ Chairman of the Board Carl Hollis ___________ Vice President W. C. Thomas _____ Treas., Asst. Sec'y Pearl Hinkle _____ Assistant Secretary C. W. Conway W.W. Finch Carl Hollis Resources Direct reduction loans ____ $694,304.02 First mortgage straight loans _ _______________ 147,66 Loans secured by shares__ 5,347.63 Real estate sold on contract _ _____________ 26,621.42 Stock in Federal Home Loan Bank ____________ 8,200.00 U. S. Government obligations ______________ 75,000.00 Cash on hand and in banks 2,427.17 Furniture, fixtures and equipment _ __________ 1,020.00 Other assets ____________ 56.75 Liabilities Free installment shares __ $ 21,347.45 Pre-paid shares ________ _ 53,267.02 Full paid shares ________ _ 560,400.00 Advances from Federal Home Loan Bank ______ _ 25,000.00 Accounts payable _______ _ 541.62 Loans in process ________ _ 209.95 Advances by borrowers for taxes, insurance, etc. __ _ 835.18 Reserves: Legal _______________ _ 84,902.01 Federal Insurance ____ _ 15,000.00 Other _______________ _ 26,621.42 Undivided profits ______ _ 25,000.00 $813,124.65 $813,124.65 Number of members______ 651 Total amount of loans made during 1944 ______ $299,123.48 Thirty-First Report 109 ARGENTA BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS December 31, 1944 Officers Directors J. F. Peugh _______________ President Solon Humphries J. F. Peugh Solon Humphries ______ Secretary and Mrs. C. J. Humphries Joe W. Peugh Treasurer Lee Miles Lee Miles ________________ Attorney Resources Direct reduction loans----$202,2.48.42 First mortgage straight loans _ _______________ 2,500.00 Loans secured by shares__ 281.85 Real estate sold on contract _ ________________ 3,702.82 Real estate owned________ 271.05 Stock in Federal Home Loan Bank ___________ 5,100.00 U. S. Government obligations _______________ _ 172,400.00 Other investment securities 5,001.00 Cash on hand and in banks 66,137.78 $457,642.92 Liabilities Free installment shares--$ 2,151.31 Optional shares ________ _ 86,641.73 Full paid shares ________ _ 159,675.00 Other liabilities ________ _ 4,919.73 Deferred credits for future operations __________ _ 4,467.31 Reserves: Legal ______________ _ 30,000.00 Federal insurance ____ _ 11,483.11 Real estate __________ _ 271.05 Other ______________ _ 123,702.82 Undivided profits _______ _ 34,330.86 $457,642.92 Number of members______ 860 Total amount of loans made during 1944 ----------$113,653.00 110 State of Arkansas: Bank Department WARREN BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION WARREN,ARKANSAS December 31, 1944 Officers J. R. Gannaway ___________ President Louis Ederington _____ Vice President B. R. Wardlow __ Secretary-Treasurer B. Ball __________________ Attorney Directors J. R. Gannaway B. Ball N. R. Herring Louis Ederington J. B. Frazer Resources Direct reduction loans ___ $l 71,828.99 First mortgage share account sinking fund loans 77,664.61 Advances for taxes _____ _ 747.12 Loans secured by shares __ 6,915.00 Loans on all other securities _ ________________ 4,590.96 Real estate sold on contract _ --------------- 11,868.71 Real estate owned ______ 241.46 Stock in Federal Home Loan Bank __________ _ 2,900.00 Other investment securities 16,500.00 Cash on hand and in banks 4,079.84 Office building _________ _ 1,500.00 Other assets ___________ _ 1,533.63 Liabilities Mortgage pledged shares_$ 47,592.25 Deposits and investment certificates _ _________ 129,664.83 Accrued interest ________ 2,696.70 Advances from federal home loan bank________ 23,640.00 Accrued interest on R/E owned, borrowed money and advances from Federal Home Loan Bank __ _ 93.58 Other liabilities ________ _ 51.55 Permanent reserve and guaranty stock ________ 45,000.00 Reserves: Contingencies _______ _ 12,900.00 Real estate __________ _ 3,353.69 Other _____________ _ 1,732.82 Undivided profits ______ _ 33,644.90 $300,370.32 $300,370.32 Number of members_____ 199 Total amount of loans made during 1944 __________ $ 26,900.00 C Thirty-Pirst Report LIST OF FOUR VOLUNTARILY LIQUIDATING STATE CHARTERED BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS IN ARKANSAS AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1944 Arkansas Savings and Loan Association ________________ Hot Springs Leader Building and Loan Association __________________ Little Rock Prudential Building and Loan Association _______________ Little Rock Equitable Building and Loan Association ________________ Little Rock 111 SECUR ITIES DIVISI ON June 30, 1945 ******* ***** *** * 114 State of Arkansas: Bank Department ·COMBINED STATEMENT OF RESOURCES AND LIABILITIES OF TWELVE INDUSTRIAL BANKS IN ARKANSAS AS OF JUNE 30, 1945 . Resources Loans and discounts ____________________ ---------------$540,918.01 Cash on hand and in banks _____________________________ 110,105.08 Bonds and securities cc-----------------------------____ 11,963.07 U. S. securities --------------------------------------- 55,331.81:l Equipment _ ----------------------------------------4,903.44 Furniture and fixtures -------------------------------5,364.90 Sinking fund----------------------------------------Organization expense ________________________________ _ 9,264.34 60.15 Deferred charges------------------------------------Other resources _____________________________________ _ 15,800.18 I I Total _ _ ___________________________________________ $753. 711.01 Liabilities Common stock _______________________________________ $309,920.00 Preferred stock _ __ __ __ ______ __ ________ __ __________ _ __ 19,693.66 Bills payable _________________________________________ 229,091.47 1 Reserves _ ------------------------------------------621.90 Surplus _ __ _ _ __ __ ___ _ __ ___ ____ __ _ _ ___ __________ ___ __ _ 31,595.91 Certificates _ _ _______________________________________ 100,098.51 Reserves for bad debts_________________________________ 2,881.56 Unearned interest ___ _ _ __ _ ___ __ _ ___ __ ______________ __ _ 5,742.09 Reserve for depreciation -----------------------------2,840.66 Undivided profits ___ __ __ _____ _ __ __ ____ ________ __ __ _ _ _ 40,328.48 Other liabilities _ __ __ ____ ____ __ __ _ _ __ ____________ __ __ _ 10,896.79 Total _ _ __________________________________________ -$753,711.03 ,. 115 Thirty-First Report ARKANSAS INVESTMENT COMPANY HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS June 30, 1945 Officers Edward E. Steigler _____________________________ President G. E. Hogaboom ____________________________ Vice President J. Fillmore Meadows __________________ Secretary-Treasurer Resources Loans and discounts ------$33,842.81 Cash on hand and in banks_ 4,266.38 Furniture and fixtures ____ 375.00 Other resources __________ 1,012.08 Liabilities Common stock ___________ $35,000.00 Surplus _ ________________ 2,000.lfi Unearned interest ________ 240.05 Undivided profits ________ 1,929.16 Others _ ---------------236.91 $39,496.27 $39,496.27 ATLAS FINANCE COMPANY LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS June 30, 1945 Officers Julia Snow Harris ______________________________ President Blanche P. Rogers _________________________ Vice President S. M. Harris _________________________ Secretary-Treasurer Resources Loans and discounts ______ $98,955.41 Cash on hand and in banks_ 2,0,25.3] Furniture and fixtures ____ 271.25 Other resources __________ 15.00 Liabilities Common stock ____________ $15,300.00 Surplus _ ________________ 5,217.19 Certificates _____________ 36,849.83 Undivided profits ________ 8,558.05 Bills payable ____________ 33,316.59 $99,241.66 $99,241.66 CENTRAL LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS June 30, 1945 Officers Joe Jung ______________________________________ President F. W. Duttlinger ---------------------------Vice President G. W. Massery _____________________________ Vice President J.C. Nemec __________________________ Secretary-Treasurer Resources Loans and discounts ______ $ 89,462.98 Cash on hand and in banks 29,680.79 Furniture and fixtures __ _ 2,002.16 Organization expenses __ _ 6,264.34 Other resources ________ _ 500.00 $127,910.27 Liabilities Common stock ----------$ 36,570.00 Bills payable ____________ 53,324.74 Certificates _ ___________ 28,875.99 Reserves for bad debts___ 1,619.46 Reserves for depreciation_ 1,623.71 Undivided profits _______ 2,407.74 Other liabilities _________ 3,425.63 $127,910.27 State of Arkansas: Bank Department 1.16 GENERAL CONTRACT PURCHASE CORPORATION LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS June 30, 1945 Officers A. A. Blumeyer_ ________________________________ P1·esident W. E. Burtelow ______ Executive Vice President and Treasurer P. W. Herzog ________________ Vice President and Secretary J. G. Butler_ ______________________________ Vice President E. E. Salmon ______________________________ Vice President E. J. BelL __ ~ _________________________ Assistant Secretary J. J. Griffin ________________________________ Vice President W. H. Bixby-------------------------------Vice President J. T. Williamson ______________ Manager and Vice President Resources Cash on hand and in banks_$11,664.19 U. S. securities ___________ 48,296.86 Furniture and fixtures____ 798.88 Other resources __________ 50.00 Liabilities Common stock ___________ $50,000.00 Bills payable _____________ 406.39 Undivided profits ________ 9,436.82 Other liabilities _ _ __ _ __ __ _ 966. 72 $60,809.93 $60,809.93 HELEN A INDUSTRIAL LOAN CORPORATION HELENA, ARKANSAS June 30, 1945 Officers W. W. Moore, Sr. _______________________________ President W. T. Greer------------------------------- Vice Preddent S. H. Hurst_ _________________________ Secretary-Treasurer Resources Loans and discounts ______ $51,138.98 Cash on hand and in banks_ 2,919.47 Other resources __________ 916.00, $54,974.45 Liabilities Common stock ___________ $17,800.00 Bills payable ____________ 15,840.00 Reserves _ ______________ 103.50 Certificates _____________ 19.081.31 Undivided profits ________ 2,149.64 $54,974.45 INDUSTRIAL THRIFT AND LOAN COMP ANY CAMDEN,ARKANSAS . June 30, 1945 L. J. C. L. Officers M. Stern ____________________________________ President E. Gaughan _____________________________ Vice President D. Sanders __________________________________ Secretary M. Stern ____________________________________ Treasurer Resources Loans and discounts ______ $35,823.30 Cash on hand and in banks_ 348.22 Equipment _ _____________ 405.23 Other resources _ ________ 113.74 Liabilities Common stock ___________ $25,000.0.0 Bills payable ------------ 7,391.81 Surplus _ ---------------- 4,298.68 $36,690.49 $36,690.49 . Thirty-First Report . 117 LEDGERWOOD LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMP ANY HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS June 30, 1945 Cecil H. Ledgerwood ___________________________ Sole Owner Resources Loans and discounts ------$ 9,136.84 Cash on hand and in banks_ 10,588.26 Bonds and securities _____ 11,963.07 U. S. securities __________ 7,035.00 Liabilities Common stock -----------$20,000.00 Surplus _ _______________ 2,925.29 Certificates _ ____________ 3,250.50 Undivided profits ________ 12,547.38 $38,723.17 $38,723.17 LIBERTY LOAN AND REALTY COMPANY LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS June 30, 1945 Officers J. W. Strawn, Sr, _______________________________ President J. W. Strawn, Jr, ___________________________ Vice President Mrs. J. W. Strawn ____________________ Secretary-Treasurer Resources Loans and discounts ______ $49,871.24 Cash on hand and in banks_ 6,20-0.65 Equipment _ _____________ 1,292.68 Liabilities Common stock ___________ $10,000.00 Bills payable ____________ 30,053.30 Reserves _ ______________ 346.73 Surplus _________________ 10,245.55 Unearned interest ________ 5,502.04 Reserves for depreciation__ 1,216.95 $57,364.57 $57,364.57 UNION INDUSTRIAL LOAN COMP ANY NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS June 30, 1945 Officers Ben Winston __________________________________ President Thomas H. Little _____________________ Secretary-Treasurer • I Resources Loans and discounts ______ $35,313.06 Cash on hand and in banks_ 6,037.58 Equipment _ _____________ 1.00 Other resources __________ 615.00 Liabilities Preferred stock ----------$19,693.66 Bills payable _____________ 5,000.00 Reserves _ ______________ 171.67 Surplus _ _______________ 3,308.81 Certificates _____________ 11,687.25 Reserves for bad debts____ 1,112.10 Other liabilities _________ 993.15 $41,966.64 $41,966.64 State of Arkansas: Bank Department 118 . UNION INVESTMENT COMP ANY, INC. EL DORADO, ARKANSAS June 30, 1945 Clyde Grady C. M. L. F. Officers E. Byrd __________________________________ President R. Wooley---------------------------Vice President Pynes _______________________________ Vice President Brewer _________________________ Secretary-Treasurer Resources Loans and discounts ------$50,206.83 Cash on hand and in banks_ 6,611.85 Equipment _ ____________ 1,458.04 Furniture and fixtures ____ 1,822.36 Other resources __________ 7,883.23 Liabilities Common stock ____________ $25,000.00 Bills payable ------------· 35,965.16 Surplus _ --------------466.20 Undivided profits ________ 2,070.92 Other liabilities __________ 4,480.03 $67,982.31 $67,982.:n UNITED LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMP ANY LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS June 30, 1945 ,. Officers R. G. McDaniel_ ________________________________ President H. A. Emerson _____________________________ Vice President Mrs. John H. CottrelL _________________ Secretary-Treasurer Resources Loans and discounts -----$ 88,674.72 Cash on hand and in banks 29,750.06 Equipment _ ____________ 1,746.49 Organization expense _ __ 3,000.00 Deferred charges ________ 60.15 Other resources ________ 4,695.13 Liabilities Common stock ----------$ 75,000.00 Bills payable __________ _ 47,793.48 Surplus ______________ _ 3,0,22.95 Reserves for bad debt ___ _ 150.00 Undivided profits _______ _ 1,165.77 Other liabilities ________ _ 794.35 $127,926.55 $127,926.55 VAN BUREN LOAN BUREAU VAN BUREN, ARKANSAS June 30, 1945 Officers W. R. Reynolds ____ ~--------------------------- President Wylie Smith _______________________________ Vice President G. I. Matthews _______________________ Secretary-Treasurer Resources Loans and discounts --------$517.15 Cash on hand and in banks____ 12.32 Furniture and fixtures ______ 95.25 Liabilities Common stock _____________ $250.00 Surplus _ __________________ 21.09 Certificates _ ______________ 353.63 $624.72 $624.72 \. Thirty-First Report COMBINED STATEMENT OF RESOURCES AND LIABILITIES OF FIVE INDUSTRIAL LOAN INSTITUTIONS OPERATING UNDER ACT 111 OF 1941 June 30, 1945 Resources Cash on hand and in banks ______________________________ $ 94,431.12 Loans and notes receivable _____________________________ 417,472.88 U. S. bonds and securities______________________________ 52,090.00 Furniture and fixtures--------------------------------9,353.61 Other resources -------------------------------------- 58,375.80 TOTAL ____________________________________ -------$631,723.41 Liabilities Common stock ------------------------------ _________ $180, 740.00 Preferred stock -------------------------------------- 69,105.00 Bills payable --------------------------- ______ __ ____ _ 53,744.24 Undivided profits ---------------------------------- _ 14,943.88 Reserves _ ------------------------------------------ 33,507.67 Surplus _ -------------------------------------------- 112,298.86 Thrift certificates __ _________ ______ ____ ______ __ ___ ____ 91,083.76 Debentures _ ----------------------------------------- 76,300.00 . • . TOTAL _____________________ --------------- ______ -$631,723.41 119 120 State of Arkansas: Bank Department COMMERCIAL CREDIT PLAN INCORPORATED LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS June 30, 1945 Officers H. A. Cherry ___________________________________ President J. M. Harris ________ ._______________________ Vice President J. P. Taylor _______________________________ Vice President W. R. Mules ___________________________________ Secretary J.P. Winzer ___________________________________ Treasurer Resources Cash on hand and in banks$ 8,567.05 Loans and notes receivable 85,552.69 Other resources _________ 50,183.00 Liabilities Common stock ----------$ Bills payable ___________ Reserves _ _____________ Surplus _ _______________ Thrift certificates 50,000.00 41,070.61 3,303.51 8,614.43 41,314.19 $144,302.74 $144,302.74 FRIENDLY FINANCE COMPANY FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS June 30, 1945 ,. Officers Joe M. Steele ___________________________________ President L. E. Johnson ______________________________ Vice President Harvey L. Joyce ______________________ Secretary-Treasurer Resources Cash on hand and in banks--$7,458.44 Loans and notes receivable __ 2,131.01 Furniture and fixtures 59.27 Liabilities Common stock ___________ $10,000.00 Bills payarle _____________ 39.50 Reserves ________________ 179.07 Surplus (deficit) __________ 569.85 $9,648.72 $9,648.72 MORGAN PLAN COMPANY TEXARKANA,ARKANSAS June 30, 1945 Officers J. R. Gunter ___________________________________ President F. E. Wilson _______________________________ Vice President Hal H. Brown ________________________ Secretary-Treasurer Resources 'Cash on hand and in banks$ 3,376.13 Loans and notes receivable 76,799.04 U. S. bonds and securities_ 22,040.00 Furniture and fixtures 7,986.26 Liabilities Common stock ----------$ 40,740.00 Undivided profits ________ 3,515.76 Reserves _ _____________ 13,546.75 Surplus _ -------------- 52,398.92 $110,201.43 $110.,201.43 Thirty-First Report 121 NATIONAL CREDIT CORPORATION PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS June 30, 1945 Officers N. J. Gantt, Jr. _________________________________ President V. D. Webb ________________________________ Vice President C. S. McNew, Jr. ______________________ Secretary-Treasurer Resources Cash on hand and in banks_$ 1,869.09 Loans and notes receivable_ 80,084.02 Liabilities Common stock ___________ $50,000.00 Bills payable ____________ 8,340.16 Undivided profits _____ ___ 6,806.43 Reserves _ ______________ 1,806.52 Surplus ________________ 15,000.00 $81,~53.11 $81,953.11 PEOPLES LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMP ANY FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS June 30, 1945 Officers R. A. Young ___________________________________ President W. A. Needham ______________ Vice President and Secretary R. C. Helvie ________________ General Manager and Treasurer Resources Cash on hand and in banks$ 73,160.41 Loans and notes receivable 172,906.12 U. S. bonds and securities_ 30,050.00 Furniture and fixtures ___ 1,308.08 Other resources ________ 8,192.80 $285,617.41 • Liabilities Common stock __________ $ Preferred stock _________ Bills payable ___________ Undivided profits _______ Reserves _ ______ _______ Surplus _ _______________ Thrift certificate _ ______ Debentures _ _ __________ 30,000.00 69,105.00 4,293.97 4,621.69 14,671.82 36,855.36 49,769.57 76,300.00 $285,617.41 122 State of Arkansas: Bank Department COMBINED STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF EIGHTEEN CREDIT UNIONS OF ARKANSAS AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1944 Assets Bonds and secm:ities------------------------------------$ Loans_---------------------------------------------Furniture and fixtures__________________________________ Suspense account ----~-------------------------------Due from banks_______________________________________ Cash _ ----------------------------------------- ____ Other assets ------------------------------------- ____ 65,697.88 82,039.84 305.03 328.40 42,426.18 10,853.05 4,198.76 $205,849.14 Liabilities Shares _ --------------------------------------------$178,412.00 Deposits _ -------------------------------------- ______ 3,037.03 Guaranty fund --------------------------------------- 15,532.22 Undivided earnings ----------------------------------7,154.02 Bills payable ----------------------------------------701.50 Suspense account------------------------------------14820 Other liabilities -------------------------------------864.17 $205,849.14 Approximate number of members 2,175 r Thirty-First Report I' 123 EL DORADO-ROCK ISLAND CREDIT UNION EL DORADO, ARKANSAS December 31, 1944 Assets Bonds and securities ______ $ 4,000.00 Loans _ _________________ 4,513.35 Due from banks__________ 665.41 Cash _ __________________ 2,556.70 Other assets _____________ 51.50 Liabilities Shares _________________ $ 9,625.70 Guaranty fund _________ _ 1,665.41 Undivided earnings _____ _ 210.49 Other liabilities _________ _ 285.36 $11,786.9G $11,786.96 Approximate number of members 77 LION OIL CO-OPERATIVE SAVINGS CREDIT UNION EL DORADO, ARKANSAS December 31, 1944 . Assets Bonds and securities ______ $,1'0,180.00 Loans _ -'----------------- 10,039.91 Furniture and fixtures____ 158.52 Suspense account ________ 328.40 Due from banks __________ 12,610.26 Other assets ________ _____ 3,103.17 Liabilities Shares _________________ $32,943.26 Guaranty fund ___________ 1,892.59 Undivided earnings ______ 1,436.21 Suspense account ________ 148.20 $36,420.26 $36,420.25 Approximate number of members 269 ARKANSAS WESTERN EMPLOYEES' CREDIT UNION FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS December 31, 1944 Assets Bonds and securities ______ $ 3,745.80 Loans _ _________________ 4,543.25 Due from banks__________ 1,779.67 Liabilities Shares _ ----------------$ 9,800.00 Deposits _ _______________ 38.93 Undivided earnings ______ 98.95 Other liabilities __________ 130.84 $10,068.72 $10,068.72 Approximate number of members 40 • 124 State of Arkansas: Bank Departrnent ARKLAGAS CREDIT UNION LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS l December 31, 1944 Assets Loans _ ------------------$1,031.91 Due from banks ___________ 1,192.20 Liabilities Shares _ ----------------$ 2,092.63 Guaranty fund ____________ 38.07 Undivided earnings 93.41 $2,224.11 $2,224.11 Approximate number of members 57 ARKANSAS DEMOCRAT CREDIT UNION LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS December 31, 1944 Assets Bonds and securities _______ $1,028.58 Loans ___________________ 2,535.73 Due from banks ___________ 1,630.47 Liabilities Shares _ -----------------$4,499.66 Guaranty fund _ __________ 668.31 Undivided earnings ________ 26.81 $5,194.78 $5,194.78 Approximate number of members 54 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR CREDIT UNION LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS December 31, 1944 Assets Loans ___________________ $3,080.37 Due from banks___________ 323.75 Cash _ ___________________ 653.82 Other assets -------·------5.00 Liabilities Shares _ -----------------$2,981.73 Guaranty fund ____________ 195.03 Undivided earnings ________ 186.18 Bills payable ______________ 700.00 $4,062.94 $4.062.94 Approximate number of members 98 FEDERATED SHOP CRAFTS CREDIT UNION LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS December 31, 1944 Assets Bonds and securities _______ $l,100.0-0 Loans ___________________ 7,423.57 Furniture and fixtures_____ 1.0-0 Due from banks ___________ 1,008.12 Liabilities Shares __________________ $8,609.55 Deposits _ ________________ 485.00 Guaranty fund ____________ 384.55 Undivided earnings 53.59 $9,532.69 $9,532.69 Approximate number of members 209 • Thirty-First Report • 125 FEDERATION CREDIT UNION LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS December 31, 1944 Assets Bonds and securities ______ $ 1,240.00 Loans _ _________________ 9,244.32 Cash _ __________________ 1,579.08 Liabilities Shares _________________ $10,631.61 Deposits _ _______________ 143.59 Guaranty fund ___________ 611.67 Undivided earnings 676.53 $12,063.40 $12,063.40 Approximate number of members 119 FRANKE'S INC., CREDIT UNION LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS December 31, 1944 Assets Loans ___________________ $ 973.58 Cash ____________________ 2,047.12 Other assets ______________ 239.09 Liabilities Shares _ -----------------$2,970.44 Guaranty fund ____________ 239.09 Undivided earnings ________ 50.26 $3,259.79 $3,259.79 Approximate number of members 65 GAZETTE EMPLOYEES CREDIT UNION LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS December 31, 1944 Assets Bonds and securities _____ -$2, 700,.00 Loans ___________________ 1,611.69 Due from banks ___________ 1,089.81 Liabilities Shares _ -----------------$4,980.63 Deposits _ ________________ 2.81 Guaranty fund _ __________ 343.95 Undivided earnings _ ______ 74.11 $5,401.50 $5,401.50 Approximate number of members 54 K. E. M. B. A. LITTLE ROCK CREDIT UNION LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS December 31, 1944 • Assets Bonds and securities ______ $22,200.00 Loans _ _________________ 862.68 Due from 'banks __________ 11,390.61 Liabilities Shares _ ----------------$32,046.10 Guaranty fund __________ 1,152.84 Undivided earnings 1,254.35 $34,453.29 $34,453.29 Approximate number of members 167 126 State of Arkansas: Bank Department LITTLE ROCK MUNICIPAL WATER WORKS EMPLOYEES CREDIT UNION LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS • December 31, 1944 Assets Loans _ ------------------$ 264.00 Due from banks ___________ 2,773.09 Liabilities Shares _ -----------------$ 705.00 Deposits _________________ 1,869.65 Guaranty fund _ __________ 56.83 Undivided earnings ________ 30.79 Other liabilities __________ 374.82 $3,037.09 $3,037.09 Approximate number of members 28 LITTLE ROCK POST AL CREDIT UNION LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS December 31, 1944 Assets Bonds and securities ______ $ 6,235.00 Loans __________________ 14,602.57 Due from banks__________ 1,047.45 Cash _ __________________ 404.55 Liabilities Shares _ ________________ $18,097.20 Guaranty fund ___________ 3,081.46 Undivided earnings ______ 1,110.91 $22,289.57 $22,289.57 Approximate number of members 182 VETERANS ADMINISTRATION EMPLOYEES CREDIT UNION LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS December 31, 1941 Assets Bonds and securities ______ $ 7,330.0{1 Loans _ _________________ 5,612.72 Furniture and fixtures____ 34.39 Cash _ ------------------ 3,043.43 Liabilities Shares _ ________________ $13,501.49 Deposits _ ______________ 497.05 Guaranty fund ___________ 1,554.80 Undivided earnings _______ 460.32 Other liabilities __________ 6.88 $16,020.54 $16,020.54 Approximate number of members 173 • Thirty-First Report 127 FORT ROOTS CREDIT UNION NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS December 31, 1944 Assets Bonds and securities ______ $ 3,348.50 Loans _ _________________ 6,661.96 Due from banks__________ 3,313.29 Cash _ __________________ 114.32 Liabilities Shares _ _ _______________ $11,376.06 Guaranty fund ___________ 1,239.57 Undivided earnings ______ 820.94 1.50 Bills payable _____________ $13,438.07 $13,438.07 Approximate number of memters 176 NORTH LITTLE ROCK MISSOURI PACIFIC CREDIT UNION NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS December 31, 1944 Assets Loans _ ------------------$4,025.67 Furniture and fixtures_____ 91.12 Due from banks ___________ 1,169.50 Other assets ______________ 800.00 Liabilities Shares __________________ $5,056.35 Guaranty fund ____________ 851.53 Undivided earnings _______ 114.64 Other liabilities ___________ 63.77 $6,086.29 $6,086.29 Approximate number of members 157 ARKANSAS BUILDERS CREDIT UNION PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS December 31, 1944 Assets Bonds and securities _______ $2,590.00 Loans ___________________ 2,993.30 Furniture and fixtures_____ 10.00 Due from tanks ____________ 2,432.55 Cash _ _________ __________ 10.00 Liabilities Shares _ ------------------$6,431.85 Guaranty fund ____________ 1,148.47 Undivided earnings ________ 455.53 $8,035.85 $8,035.85 Approximate number of members 160 MISSOURI PACIFIC TWIN CTTY f'REDIT UNION VAN BUREN, ARKANSAS December 31, 1944 Assets Loans ___________________ $2,019.26 Furniture and fixtures______ 10.00 Cash _ ___________________ 444.03 Liabilities Shares _____________ -----$2,062.74 Guaranty fund _____________ 408.05 Other liabilities ___________ 2.50 $2,473.29 $2,473.29 Approximate number of members 90 128 State of Arkansas: Bank Department \ , QUALIFIED STOCK EXCHANGES Securities listed on the following Stock Exchanges may be exempt and such securities so listed may be sold within the State of Arkansas by an applicant company filing the name of the company, its address, the amount of securities sought to be sold in Arkansas, and paying the fee required by law: Chicago Board of Trade Chicago Stock Exchange New York Curb Exchange New York Produce Exchange New York Stock Exchange ,t Thirty-Pirsl Report 129 DEALERS AUTHORIZED TO SELL QUALIFIED OR EXEMPT SECURITIES IN ARKANSAS AS OF JUNE 30, 1945 Walter R. Bass Company ____________________________ Little Rock, Arkansas Lewis W. Cherry & Company ________________________ Little Rock, Arkansas Equitable Securities Corporation _____________________ Nashville, Tennessee· Hill, Crawford & Lanford, Inc, ______________________ .Little Rock, Arkansas Investors Syndicate _________________________________Minneapolis, Minnesota Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Beane _______________ New York, New York T. J. Raney & Sons _________________________________Little Rock, Arkansas Satterfield Bros. & Company ________________________ .Little Rock, Arkansas Southern Securities Corporation _____________________ .Little Rock, Arkansas W. R. Stephens Investment Company ________________ .Little Rock, Arkansas Utrusco Corporation ________________________________ Little Rock, Arkansas E. L. Villeareal & Company _________________________Little Rock, Arkansas Mallory Williams & Company _______________________ .Little Rock, Arkansas Walton, Sullivan & Company ________________________ .Little Rock, Arkansas L State of Arkansas: Bank Department 130 ISSUING COMPANIES AUTHORIZED TO SELL SECURITIES IN THE STATE OF ARKANSAS AS OF JUNE 30, 1945 (Certificates of Authority expire one year from date of permit) Name and Address Affiliated Fund, Inc. One Exchange Place Jersey City, New Jersey Amount Authorized $382,275.66 of common stock, P/V 25c American Business Shares, Inc. 63 Wall Street New York 5, New York $517,450.59 sales price common stock Axe-Houghton Fund, Inc. One Exchange Place Jersey City, New Jersey $50,000 sales value, capital stock .3-31-45 Axe-Houghton Fund "B", Inc. One Exchange Place Jersey City, New Jersey $25,000 sales value, common stock, to be sold in Arkansas only through and by registered and qualified dealers. 7-15-44 Berry Dry Goods Company Fort Smith, Arkansas Unsold portion of 269· shares of 7% preferred stock; P /V $100.00. ·7_ 1-44 Boston Fund, Inc. 11 Devonshire Street Boston, Massachusetts Unsold portions $25,000 common stock 11- 2-44 Chemical Fund, Inc. 15 Exchange Place Jersey City, New Jersey $50,000 capital $1.00 7- 1-44 Dividend Shares, Inc. Jersey City, New Jersey $50,000 common stock Equipment Finance Corporation Chicago, Illinois $25,000 common P/V Fundamental Investors 63 Wall Street New York, New York $100,000, no value, $2 common capital stock 5- 4-45 General Waterworks 211 West 5th Pine Bluff, Arkansas $100,000 of its preferred 5% stock at par less $2.50 per share commission to be sold in Arkansas only by and through registered and qualified dealers. 5-29-45 Group Securities, Inc. One Exchange Place Jersey City, New Jersey Date 7- 1-44 7- 1-44 12-31-44 11- 9-44 o- 1-45 stock stock, P /Y no pal' $25,000 capital stock of the Railroad Stock Shares • Thirty-First Report • 131 Date 6-11-45 Name and Address Group Securities, Inc. One Exchange Place Jersey City, New Jersey Amount Authorized $100,000 capital stock 3- 6-45 Group Securities, Inc. One Exchange Place Jersey City, New Jersey $25,000 capital stock of Institutional Bond Shares, to be sold only through ,Tegistered and qualified dealers in Arkansas 9-18-44 Group Securities, Inc. One Exchange Place Jersey City, New Jersey $50,000 capital stock of the seventeen Industrial Classes 1-12-45 Group Securities, Inc. One Exchange Place Jersey City, New Jersey $25,000 sales value of capital stock of the Low Priced Shares 2-12-45 Investors Mutual, Inc. 200 Roanoke Building Minneapolis, Minnesota $500,000 (sales value) special stock of Investors Mutual, Inc., to be sold exclusively in Arkansas by Investors Syndicate, a registered and qualified dealer. 12- 5-44 i( Investors Syndicate of America, Inc. Unlimited amount of Invest200 Roanoke Building ment certificates, series one Minneapolis, Minnesota 7- 1-44 Manhattan Bond Fund, Inc. 15 Exchange Place Jersey City, New Jersey Unsold portion of $25,000, 10c par value, capital stock 7- 1-44 Massachusetts Investors 2nd Fund, Inc. 15 Exchange Place Jersey City, New Jersey Unsold portion of $95,366.39 worth common stock 7- 1-44 Massachusetts Investors Trust 19 Congress Place Boston, Massachusetts Unlimited amount of certificate of Beneficial Interest 9-26-44 New York Stock, Inc. 15 Exchange Place Jersey City, New Jersey $101,530.50 3-15-45 Selected American Shares, Inc. 135 South LaSalle Street Chicago, Illinois $100,000 ( sales value) common stock to be sold t:.rough registered and qualified Arkansas dealers. 9-30-44 Union Trusteed Funds, Inc. 63 Wall Street New York, New York $168,016.94 sales price aggregate amount of capital stock of Union Trusteed Funds 132 State of Arkansas: Bank Department I, COMBINED OPERATING STATEMENT OF ONE HUNDRED FIFTY BURIAL ASSOCIATIONS FOR THE TWELVE MONTH PERIOD ENDING JUNE 30, 1945 Balance for payment of benefits of June 30, 1944 ________ $1,065,532.18 Receipts from July 1, 1944, to June 30, 1945 _____________ 2,459,067.12 Operating expense ----------------------------------- 327,235.00 Average percent of receipts___________________________ 13.3 Benefits paid _____________ -------------------------- 1,697,166.00 Balance for payment of benefits June 30, 1945: Banks and cash ____________________________ $915,425.30 U. S. Bonds and securities __________________ 584,773.00 1,500,198.30 Approximate Number of Members, 1,562,891 Number of benefits rendered, 11,107 Thirty-First Report 133 BURIAL ASSOCIATIONS AUTHORIZED TO SELL ME;\'IBERSHIP CERTIFICATES IN THE ST ATE OF ARKANSAS AS OF JUNE 30, 1945 Sec'y-Treas. Address Name of Association Adams Burial_ Associa~iOJ:---------- _Cotter __________ .lv,rs: Joe M. Adamy· Andrews Idaha Andrews Bunal Associat10n _________ El Dorado _______ Arkansas Burial Society, Inc. ________ Fort Smith ______ Mrs. Helen Stackacle Arkansas Funeral Home Burial Ass'n .. Clarksville ______ L. B. Cox Arkansas State Burial Association ___ Rison ___________ Mrs. Ruth Buie Ashby Burial Association ___________ Benton __________G. Hawkins Ashley County Burial Association ___ Hamburg ________Murphy Jones Bailey Burial Association ___________ Cabot_ __________ Mrs. Gladys Bailey Barry County Burial Association, Inc._Eureka Springs __ w. D. Koone T. E. Barton Burial Association ______ El Dorado _______ Eula Dorman Baxter County Burial Association ____ Mountain Home __Q. B. McClure Beasley-Wood Burial Society ________ Mena ___________ OJen R. Wood Boone County Burial Association ____ Harrison ________ L. C. Holt Branscumb Burial Association _______ Brinkley ________ Ruth S. Branscumb Brickell Burial Association __________ MarvelL ________ Pauline Brickell Briggs Burial Association ___________ Judsonia ________ F. G. Briggs Brown-Midkiff Burial Society _______ Clarendon _______ A. L. Brown Burns Burial Association ____________ Bentonville ______Jessie Parker Burns Leo Carr Burial Association _________ Mammoth Spring.Leo Carr Carroll County Burial Association ____ Berryville _______ R. L. Nelson Caruth Burial Association ___________ Hot Springs _____ Jack Caruth Caskey Burial Association ___________ Des Arc _________H. M. Caskey Cave City Burial Association ________ Cave City ________Silas McGee Cecil Burial Association _____________ Batesville _______ Dr. Walter W. Cecil Ernest E. Chandler Burial Association.Searcy __________ Mrs. E. E. Chandler Charleston Benevolent Burial Ass'n ___ Charleston _______l\1rs. Maymie Rainwater Charleston Hardware Burial Ass'n ___ Charleston ______ Herman Adams Chicot County Burial Association ____ Eudora __________Charles McCullough Christeson Burial Association ________ Harrison ________ A. C. Christeson The Christian Burial Association _____ Eudora __________Glasco Watts Church Burial Association ___________ Dermott _________Conneliaus Davis Citizens Burial Association __________ Warren _________ James R. Johnson Citizens Burial Association __________ West Memphis ___Mrs. Lucy Ruth Johnson Cobb Funeral Home Burial Society ___ Blytheville ______ w. H. Stovall Collinson Burial Association ________ Bald Knob _______w. Ernest Forbes Columbia County Burial Association __ Magnolia ___ -- ---Charles Lewis Cross County Burial Association ____ Wynne __________w. C. Kernodle Daniel Burial Association ___________ Searcy__________w. E. Daniel Desha and Chicot Co. Burial Ass'n ___ McGehee ________ H. B. Dyer Dixie Funeral Association __________ McGehee ________ Mrs. L. L. Jones T. T. Doolin Burial Association ______ Conway _________ T. T. Doolin Downey Burial Association __________ Dermott_ ________ E. Q. Downey Drew County Burial Association _____ MonticelJo _______Hattie E. Henderson East Funeral Benefit Assurance Co, __ Texarkana _______w. F. Meissner A. J. Emerson Burial Association ____ Paragould ______ _A.. J. Emerson Flowers Burial Association __________ Marianna ________ F. C. Flowers Fordyce Burial Association __________ Fordyce _________Carlton Mays Franklin County Burial Association __ Ozark ___________J. T. Greer, Jr. Frazer's Burial Association _________ Warren _________ Elbert Frazer Friend11hip Burial Association _______ Ashdown ________T, M. Phillips Goatcher Burial Association _________ Lake Village _____,,foble B. Goatcher Good Samaritan Mut. Benev. Ass'n ___ Hot Spring·s _____ Rev. Leon Harris Grand Prairie Burial Association ____ DeWitt_ _________Don W. Essex Great Southern Protective Ass'n _____ Arkadelphia _____ <\.lva C. Harris Gregg Burial Association ___________ Jonesboro _______ Vester Miller Griffin Burial Association ___________ Jonesboro _______ Mrs. R. N. Jameson 134 State of Arkansas: Bank Department Name of Association Address Sec'y-Treas. Griffin-Leggett Burial Association ___ Little Rock ______ Paul Y. Griffin Hammons Burial Association ________ Warren _________ Vivian Hammons Hancock Burial Association _________ Marked Tree _____Mrs. Kate Hancock Haralson Burial Association _________ Augusta ________ .J. Haralson Harris Burial Association ___________ Hot Springs _____ A. Leon Harris, Jr. Healey & Roth Burial Ass'n., Inc. ____ Little Rock ______ s. R. Sims Hernden-Cornelius Burial Ass'n ______ Hope ____________T. S. Cornelius Hicks Burial Association ____________ Hope ___________ .c. W. Hicks Holt Burial Association _____________ Blytheville ______ E. M. Holt Hot Spring County Burial Ass'n ______ Malvern _________ Mrs. F. D. Cooper Howard Burial Association __________ Leachvffie _______ H, H. Howard Howard County Burial Association ___ Nashville ________M, A. Floyd Hubble Burial Society ______________ Little Rock ______ M, L. Freeman W. H. Irby Burial Association _______ Rector __________ W. H. Irby Johnson Burial Association __________ Walnut Ridge ____w, C. Bryan Johnson-Williams Burial Association __ Cotton Plant_ ____ Mrs. Am bra Johnson Jones Burial Association ____________ Texarkana ______ Lena P. Jones Jonesboro Burial Association ________ Jonesboro _______ W. T. Emerson Keeshan-Lambert Burial Ass'n ______ Helena _________ _L. P. Keeshan Kernodle Burial Association _________ Wynne __________w. C. Kernodle Kilpatrick-Christian Burial Ass'n ____ Farmersville, La._J. E. Roark Frank Leach Burial Association _____ Newport_ _______ Frank Leach Lemley Burial Association ___________ Atkins __________ Q. R. Lemley Lepanto Burial Association __________ Lepanto _________J. E. Murphy, Sr. Luginbuel Burial Association ________ Lincoln __________Edna Luginbuel Malvern Burial Association _________ Malvern _________ Mrs. T. Y. B. Graham Marion County Burial Association ____ Yellville ________ ..Auburn Keeter Mayhan-Boultinghouse Burial Ass'n __ Newark _________ Clyde Boultinghouse McConnell Burial Association ________ Hartford ________ B. A. McConnell McNabb Burial Association __________ Pocahontas ______ Nell L. McNabb Mid-South Burial Association ________ Marianna ________Winnie Kennedy Mineral Springs Burial Association __ Mineral Springs __ Harold Bridgemen Randall L. Mitchell Burial Ass'n _____ Paragould _______ Randall L. Mitchell Monarch Burial Association _________ Wynne __________ Helen Hughe" Moore's Burial Association __________ Fayettevi!le _____ James W. Holder Morgans Burial Society _____________ StuttgarL _______Frances Morgan Murry Burial Association ___________ Arkadelphia _____ E. H. Murry The National Burial Association _____ West Memphis ___ p, M. Dacus Nelson-Savage Burial Society _______ Fayetteville _____ R. B. Nelson New Home Burial Association _______ Newport ________ Ottie Dillinger North Arkansa:;i Burial Association __ MarshalL _______ Russell Sisco Ocker Burial Association ____________ Van Buren _______ Mary Louise 0. Howell The Old Reliable Burial Association __ Hughes _________ W. M. Walker R. W. Olmstead Burial Association __ Heber Springs ___ R. W. Olmstead Ouachita County Burial Association __ Camden _________ R, T. Lockett Our Burial Association _____________ Fort Smith _______ Henry Peagues Ozark Burial Association ____________ Siloam Springs ___Margaret Wasson Pence Burial Association ____________ Conway _________ Sarah Pence Peoples Benevolent Protective Ass'n __ Paris ___________ L. B. Cox Peoples Burial Association __________ West Helena ____ ..Frank Ella Jordan Peoples Consolidated Burial Ass'n ____ Piggott_ ________ Lloyd Russell Poinsett Burial Association __________ Trumann ________Paul S. Thompson, Jr. Polk County Burial Association ______ Mena ___________ R. P. Geyer Prescott Burial Association _________ Prescott_ _______ .J. D. Cornish Progressive Burial Association ______ Pine Bluff_ ______U, S. Brown Putman Funeral Association ________ Fort Smith ______ Mrs. J. G. Putman Pyeatt's Burial Association _________ Siloam Springs __ .W. 0. Burns The Raney Burial Association _______ McCrory ________ Walter W. Raney Frank Reid Burial Association _______ Morrilton _______ .Mrs. Elba Reid Richardson Burial As!Sociation _______ Texarkana ______ Alex Richardson H. E. Rice Company Burial Society __ Waldron ________ E. C. Rice Thirty-First Report " 135 Name of Association Address Sec'y-Treas. W. A. Rowell Burial Society _________ Fort Smith ______ Vivian Rowell Ruebel Burial Association ___________ Little Rock ______ E, E. Greenfield Rumph Burial Association ___________ El Dorado _______ c, B. Rumph Russell Burial Association ___________ Piggott_ ________ Lloyd Russell Scott-Sebastian Burial Association ___ Mansfield _______ Joe J. Martin Searcy County Burial Association ___ MarshalL _______ Leonard Coffman Shinn & Son Burial Association ______ Russellville ______ Avery Shinn, Jr. Sims & Walton Burial Association ___ Benton __________Ralph W. Walton Smith Burial Association------------Lewisville _______ A, 0. Smith Smith Burial Association ____________ stamps _________ A, 0. Smith South Ark. Old Age Burial Ass'n ____ camden _________ R, T. Lockett South Burial Association ____________ Pine Bluff_ ______s, E. South Southern Dixie Burial Association ___ Hot Springs _____ Mrs. Fannie L. Conde Southwestern Burial Association _____ Hot Springs _____ Juliette Brenner Stephenson Burial Association _______ Monticello _______R, E. Stephenson Stevens Burial Association __________ Forrest City _____ w, E. Stevens // Swift Funeral Home Burial Ass'n ____ osceola _________ Mrs. Lelah B. Coble Y Texarkana Protective Association ____ Texarkana ______ .L. F. Allday, Jr. Fred A. Thompson Funeral Service Agreement --------------------Paragould _______Fred A. Thompson Tri-County Burial Association _______ Jmboden _________ Mrs. Hazel Best Tri-County Burial Club _____________ Jonesboro _______ E, J. Turner Union Colored Christian Benevolent B. A,----------------------Farmersville, La._J. E. Roark United Burial Association ___________ conway _________ E, R. Keller Watson Burial Association __________ Fayetteville ______ Edmond P. Watson Westbrook Burial Association of Glenwood __________ -----------Glenwood ________Philip Kelley C. B. Westbrook Burial Association __ Hazen ___________C, B. Westbrook W. L. Westbrook Burial Association __ Beebe ___________B, W. Linder White River Burial Association ______ Batesville _______ A, L. Crouch Wilkerson Burial Association ________ De Queen ________ Fred Wilkerson Williams Burial Association _________ Camden _________ Benjamin F. Williams: Wilson Burial Association ___________ England _________W. M. Wilson Wylie Burial Association ____________ Brinkley ________ Davis Wylie ✓ Yell County Burial Association ______ Dardane!Je ______ Lamo,1t CornweH . 136 State of Arkansas: Bank Department CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF THE FOURTEEN COOPERATIVE EXCHANGES OPERATING IN ARKANSAS AS OF JUNE 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts __________________________________ $ 24,485.40 C.C.C. Loans on cotton _______________________________ _ 12,541.05 Bonds and securities _________________________ -- --- - --11,260.9R United States Government Obligations _______________.__ 65,104.36 1,800.00 Banking house-------------------------------------Furniture and fixtures _______________________________ _ 2,631.63 Cash and due from banks ____________________________ _ 2,051,539.08 4,057.04. Other resources------------------------------------Total ___________________________________________ $2,173,419.54 . Liabilities Capital stock ---------------------------------------$ 17,214.00 Surplus and undivided profits_________________________ 39,090.37 Deposits ____________________________________________ 2.)15,5~6.5:l Other liabilities _____ ____ __ _____________________ _____ 1,588.64 Total -------------- ________________________ ---·--$2,173,419.54 I .t Thirty-First Report 137 THE FIRST COMPANY, BLACK ROCK Population 769. J. F. Sloan, President Lawrence County is. B. l!ill a:a, Cashier Statement of June 30, 1945 Resources Cash and due from banks ___ $4,325.64 Other resources ___________ 247.32 Total _________________ $4,572.96 \ Liabilities Capital stock -------------$2,480.00 Surplus and profits _______ 1,762.94 Other liabilities ___________ 330..02 Total _ ----------------$4,572.96 EARLE EXCHANGE COMP ANY, EARLE Population 1,872. Luther Wallin, President Crittenden County Mrs. M. F. Fullwood, Cashier Statement of June 30, 1945 • Resources Loans and discounts ______ $ 4,002.00 C.C.C. Loans _____________ 12,541.05 Cash and due from banks_ 467,124.34 Furniture and fixtures___ 942.51 Other resources _________ 145.47 Liabilities Capital stock -----------$ 2,000.00 Surplus and P,_rofits______ 15,175.39 Deposits _ -------------- 467,579.98 Total ________________ $484,755.37 Total ________________ $484,755.37 ELAINE COOPERATIVE EXCHANGE, ELAINE Population 634. J. J. Patridge, President Phillips County Mrs. Catherine M. Reed, Cashier Statement of June 30, 1945 Resources Furniture and fixtures ___ $ 284.50 Cash and due from banks_ 102,031.98 Other resources _________ .17 Liabilities Capital stock ------------$ 860.00 Surplus and profits______ 942.96 Deposits _ -------------- 100,,458.08 Other liabilities _________ 55.61 Total _________________ $102,316.65 Total __________ ------$102,316.65 138 State of Arkansas: Bank Department HARDY EXCHANGE, HARDY Population 721. R. S. Biggers, President Sharp County T. W. Walker, Cashier Statement of June 30, 1945 Liabilities Capital stock -----------$ 1,250.00 Surplus and profits ______ 841.00 Deposits _ _ ____________ 149,033.88 . KEISER EXCHANG Population 452. J. K. Childs, President Mississippi County Mrs. ~••ii,,;Qtr• Cash~er Statement of June 30, 1945 ~t ;?y!i ,, =✓ . V i""""t" Resources U. S. gov't obligations ____ $ 15,004.36 Furniture and fixtures___ 90.00 Cash and due from banks_ 147,408.08 Other resources _ _ _ __ _ __ _ 89.09 Liabilities Capital stock -----------$ 600.00 Surplus and profits______ 1,238.83 Deposits _______________ 159,561.29 Other liabilities _________ 1,191.41 Total _ ---------------$162,591.53 Total _ ---------------$162,591.53 Thirty-First Report 139 LAKE CITY EXCHANGE, LAKE CITY Population 786. Craighead County Fred Carter, President Statement of June 30, 1945 Resources 100.00 U. S. Gov't obligations ___ $ Cash and due from banks __ 109,088.51 40,1.06 Other resources ________ Liabilities Capital stock ------·-----$ 2,50-0.00 1,787.50 Surplus · and profits______ Deposits _ _ ____________ 105,302-.07 Total _ --------~-----$109,589.57 Total _______________ $109,589.57 LEACHVILLE EXCHANGE, LEACHVILLE Population 1,076. Paul Downes, President Mississippi County DeLean Alexander, Cashier Statement of June 30, 1945 \ Resources 245.00 Loans and discounts _____ $ Cash and due from banks_ 104,450.33 77.52 Other resources _________ Liabilities 400.00 Capital stock -----------$ 1,669.66 Surplus and profits______ Deposits ______________ 102,703.19 Total _______________ $104,772.85 Total _______________ $104,772.85 MERCHANTS AND PLANTERS EXCHANGE, MANILA Population 1,248. George S. Snider, President Mississippi County Grover E. Snider, Cashier Statement of June 30, 1945 J Resources U. S. Gov't obligations ___ $ 50,000.00 Cash and due from banks_ 138,052.05 Liabilities 460.00 Capital stock -----------$ 8,050.86 Surplus and profits______ Deposits -'-,_-------------- 179,541.19 Total _ _ _____________ $188,052.05 Total _______________ $188,052.05 140 State of Arkansas: Bank Department PEOPLES EXCHANGE, McRAE Population 420. H. F. Hammack, President White County G. M. Bennett, Cashier Statement of June 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ____ $ 1,610.00 Banking house ________ _ 1,80.0.00 Furniture and fixtures __ _ 500.00 Cash and due from banks_ 176,279.90 Other resources ________ _ 36.38 Liabilities Capital stock -----------$ 2,500.00 Surplus and profits______ 334.9ti Deposits ________________ 177,391.32 Total _______________ $180,226.28 Total _______________ $180,226.28 MINERAL SPRINGS EXCHANGE COMP ANY, MINERAL SPRINGS Population 731. Lee McCorkle, President Howard County E. C. Dillard, Cashier Statement of June 30, 1945 Resources Loans and discounts ______ $18,628.40 Furniture and fixtures____ 534.62 Cash and due from banks __ 55,149.47 Liabilities Capital stock ____________ $ 2,200.00 Surplus and profits_______ 1,767.52 Deposi'ts _ --------------- 70,343.72 Other liabilities __________ 1.25 Total _ ----------------$74,312.49 Total _ ----------------$74,312.49 TYRONZA EXCHANGE COMPANY, TYRONZA Population 639. D. F. Wylie, President Poinsett County W. S. Tatum, Cashier Statement of June 30, 1945 Resources Cash and due from banks __ $59',475.46 . Liabilities Capital stock ------------$ 440.00 Surplus and profits_______ 50.17 Deposits _ --------------- 58,985.29 Total _________________ $59,475.46 Total _________________ $59,475.46 ,.