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Vol. 9, No. 1


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January 15, 1954

Range Pitting Proves Profitable
Many methods and devices will be used inches wide, 4 inches deep, and 3 feet long
to hasten the re-establishment of grasses on over the range area. These “pits” retard water
drought-damaged southwestern range lands. runoff and permit a greater proportion of
rainfall to penetrate the soil. Moreover, the
Deferred grazing and light stocking, of depressions tend to catch seed blown from
course, are essential to the recovery of pas­ mature grass plants in the area, and because
tures, for the weak stands of grasses that are of the greater amount of moisture in the pits,
present following severe drought may be natural reseeding is stepped up materially.
killed quickly by being grazed too early or Some ranchers have found it profitable to
too heavily. However, on pastures where the scatter seed of the more desirable grasses
vegetative cover is extremely thin, it fre­ over pitted areas in order to aid nature fur­
quently is profitable to take additional steps ther in re-establishing a cover of productive
to aid the re-establishment of productive grasses.
The accompanying photograph shows a
area near San Angelo, Texas, following
One of the more recent techniques for do­
ing this is range pitting — a process of mak­ a 5 / -inch rain. Tests by the Soil Conserva­
ing a series of small depressions about 5 to 7 tion Service indicate that moisture penetra1 2

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tion under the pits was as much as 26 inches,
while on the sides of the pits, penetration was
only 8 to 10 inches. Even in times of normal
rainfall, the additional penetration into the
subsoil is of material benefit to pastures in
maintaining a strong and vigorous growth of
productive grasses.

On November 1, when the cows and calves
were removed from the pasture, the average
weight of the cows was 955 pounds and of the
calves, 390 pounds. On adjoining areas that
were not pitted, calf weights on November 1
averaged 275 pounds, or 115 pounds per calf
less than on the pitted and seeded area.

The pitting operation is relatively simple.
It usually is done with a one-way disk plow
from which every other disk has been re­
moved and alternate rem aining disks
mounted on the shaft about 2 inches off cen­
ter. As the plow is pulled across the range
land, each off-centered disk plows a few
inches as it rolls 2 or 3 feet, then lifts, skips
about the same distance, and digs into the
soil again. It has been found that 20- to 24inch disks are the most suitable, as they make
pits about 3 feet long and 5 to 8 inches wide.

In discussing the value of range pitting,
Mr. Olen Fenner of the Soil Conservation
Service is quick to point out that it is not a
cure-all for range problems. First of all, sound
range management practices must be fol­
lowed in all operations. These include giving
depleted ranges an opportunity to recover by
natural growth and reseeding; deferred graz­
ing; and stocking all pastures at rates well
within their capacity to produce.

Light grazing—and, in some cases, defer­
ment—must be followed for several years
where ranges are damaged so severely by
A disk grass seeder can be pulled behind drought that many productive species of
the pitting machine, if artificial seeding of grasses are reduced sharply or eliminated
grasses is desired. On many ranges, natural from stands.
reseeding will occur if existing plants are per­
mitted to mature a seed crop.

Burning Doesn’t Control Insects

The pitting operation can be used under a
wide variety of conditions. Greatest benefits
are obtained where there is a relatively deep
topsoil. The operation is not practical where
mesquite or brush makes it impossible to pull
a plow across the pasture. However, the prac­
tice is useful on open areas of brush-infested
ranges and will supplement a brush-removal
program by increasing the growth and reseed­
ing of desirable grasses.

Hibernating insect pests cannot be con­
trolled by burning pastures, woodlands,
brushlands, and edges of cotton fields, says
Neil Randolph, entomologist at Texas A. &
M. College.

For example, the boll weevil, which is the
Number 1 cotton insect, spends the winter in
quarters it is impossible to reach by burning.
This pest can be controlled in the cotton field
during the growing season through the use of
and other insecticides recommended
The profitableness of range pitting on suit­
county agricultural agents.
able areas is shown by the results of tests
conducted in the San Angelo area in 1949
Not only does burning fail to control in­
and 1950. In March 1949, 21 acres were pitted
and seeded. The pasture was then rested com­ sects and weeds, but it destroys valuable
pletely, with no grazing until June 1, 1950. At plant residue that provides cover for game,
that time, two cows with their calves were adds organic matter to soil, and reduces soil
placed on the 21 acres. The average weight erosion. Moreover, burning of fields or turnof the cows was 750 pounds and of the calves, rows frequently gets out of control, causing
135 pounds.
damage to property and endangering lives.



Where Will Sesame G row?

Order Pine Seedlings Now

With cotton, wheat, and peanuts under
acreage allotments in 1954, southwestern
farmers will be looking for crops to substitute
on acreage formerly planted to these cash
crops. Sesame — an oilseed plant — has re­
ceived considerable publicity in recent years,
and many farmers will give it consideration
in their plans for 1954.

It’s time to order forest tree seedlings for
planting in east Texas, says Don Young,
Texas Forest Service management depart­
ment head. Due to the drought of the past
several years, survival of some newly estab­
lished pine plantations has been poor. How­
ever, weather and soil conditions now appear
to be much more favorable for survival of
the trees, and landowners are encouraged to
take advantage of these improved conditions.
More than 19,000,000
tree seedlings will be avail­
able to east Texas landowners for reforestation
purposes during the cur­
rent planting season. These
include slash and loblolly
pines (all shortleaf and
longleaf seedlings have
been sold).
Pine seedlings are sold to Texas landowners
for $3.25 per thousand and can be either
shipped by express, f.o.b. Rusk, Texas, or pur­
chased directly from the Indian Mound Nur­
sery near Alto, Texas. Application forms and
planting information can be obtained from
county agricultural agents, the Soil Conserva­
tion Service, or the Texas Forest Service.
In Louisiana, plenty of pine seedlings also
are available this year. Pine trees are be­
coming one of the State’s leading crops, as
more and more land unsuitable for growing
row crops is being planted to trees. In 12
years, a well-managed pine forest will be­
gin paying off and, under proper manage­
ment, will be profitable for years to come.
Order blanks and planting information are
available from county agricultural agents.

The Sesame plant is widely adaptable and
can be grown in virtually any soil of the
Southwest. High yields are more dependent
upon fertility than upon any particular type
of soil. Sesame is a drought-resistant plant,
and this factor adds to its attractiveness to
southwestern farmers.
Before attempting to grow Sesame, south­
western farmers will find it profitable to write
to the Texas Sesame Seed Growers at Paris,
Texas, for information on methods of plant­
ing, harvesting, and marketing the crop. The
Texas Sesame Seed Growers is an organiza­
tion of farmers who have had experience with
the crop and are in a position to give practi­
cal advice. They have worked closely with
the Texas Research Foundation in develop­
ing satisfactory production methods.
Per acre yields in Lamar County, Texas, in
1953 ranged from less than 300 pounds of
Sesame seed to more than 1,200 pounds, with
an average of around 600 pounds.
The commercial price for Sesame seed in
1953 was 11.7 cents per pound, net to the
grower, delivered in his own county. The
Texas Sesame Seed Growers believe that the
1954 price probably will be not less than
6 cents per pound and should be from 8 to
10 cents per pound.
A question-and-answer booklet prepared
by the Texas Sesame Seed Growers is avail­
able upon request to the organization’s head­
quarters office in the Liberty National Bank
Building, Paris, Texas.

Debeaking is the most satisfactory method
of preventing cannibalism among chickens.
The best time to debeak is several weeks be­
fore the pullets start laying, but it may be
done earlier if the chickens begin to pick at
one another before that time.



How Much Credit Do You Need?


Credit wisely used benefits both the bor­ Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Col- .
rower and the lender; unwise use of credit lege Station:
benefits no one. It is often difficult to draw Influence of Moisture on Heating in Feeds,
the fine line of distinction between the wise
Bulletin 768, by J. V. Halick and L. Rand the unwise use of credit; in many cases,
it cannot be determined accurately until the
Sesame in Texas, Miscellaneous Publica­
project for which the money is borrowed has
tion 98, by Murray L. Kinman.
been completed.
Phenothiazine-Salt Mixture, Free Choice,
In a recent issue of The Progressive Far­
for the Control of the Large Stomach
mer magazine, Mr. W, H. Pierce of North
Worm in Range Sheep, Bulletin 766, by
Carolina State College offers the following
D. A. Price and others.
seven rules for farmers to use in determining Conservation and Utilization of Soil Mois­
their credit needs.
ture, Bulletin 767, by C. E. Fisher and
“1. Don’t he afraid to use credit if it can
be used to advantage.
The Texas Feeding Stuffs Law, Circular
“2. Where necessary use credit on those
Dairymen Use Clover to Cut Production
farm enterprises which can be made more
Costs, Progress Report 1593, by A. C.
profitable, or to establish new enterprises
which will increase income.
American-Egyptian Cotton Variety Tests,
El Paso Valley Experiment Station,
“3. Don’t spread yourself too thin. Don’t
1951-52, Progress Report 1609, by Lee
borrow more money than you can expect to
Stith and others.
repay under a reasonable repayment plan.
Fertilizer Requirements of Carrots in the
“4. Don’t owe e v eryb o d y. Keep your
Winter Garden, Progress Report 1611,
credit program coordinated with respect to
by G. A. Buffington and D. R. Paterson.
sources of credit, time, and method of repay­ Rio-Gold, A New Disease-Resistant Canta­
loupe, Progress Report 1613, by G. HGodfrey.
“5. Plan for the use of credit; that is, how
Cotton Variety Tests in the Lower Rio
much credit you will need, for what purpose,
Grande Valley, 1953, Progress Report
when, and for how long. Determine when and
1618, by J. L. Hubbard and others.
at what rate you can repay the loan.
Maturity of Several Grape Varieties in
“6. Keep a record of the results of your
South Texas, Progress Report 1619, by
business so you can determine whether using
Norman P. Maxwell.
credit is actually helping you to become more
Fertilizer Tests on Oats at Bluebonnet
Farm, 1953, Progress Report 1623, by
J. Norris and others.
“7. Establish and maintain a good credit
rating by paying accounts promptly, being
honest with your creditor, and being able to
The Agricultural News Letter is prepared in
the Research Department under the direction
provide records at any time, to prove your
of Carl H. M oore, Agricultural Economist.
request for credit is reasonable.”