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Farm income and the num­
ber of farm people are a
smaller proportion of total
Texas income and popula­
tion than formerly. How­
ever, other segments of the
economy depend upon the raw materials
and purchasing power originating from ag­
riculture. Texas A. & M. economists will dis­
cuss the contribution of agriculture to the
State’s business and industry.
HAVE YOU HEARD?—The most recent
research on livestock, poultry, and crops will
be pinpointed by the heads of Texas A. & M.
agricultural science departments. In another
session, USDA administrators will discuss
1958 changes in the Soil Bank Program,
the Agricultural Conservation Program,
CCC lending policies, and acreage allot­
ments and marketing quotas.
—To a degree, each man
is his own economist.
Compare your views of
next year’s prospects for
general business conditions, beef cattle,
poultry, feed grains, and cotton with those
of professional forecasters.

GRATION—Integration of production, fi­
nancing, and marketing functions has taken
place in a large segment of the broiler indus­
try. Laying flocks and livestock feeding may
be the next enterprises integrated. An out­
standing farm economist will discuss the
future of agricultural-industrial integration.
tional economic problems and develop­
ments as viewed from the Nation’s capital
will be discussed by a member of the Board
of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
ING — Adj us t ment s
and developments in
agricultural production
and marketing may call
for new concepts in
farm lending. Special­
ists will discuss prob­
lems and credit needs in financing vegetable
production in new areas, irrigation systems,
and bulk tanks for dairies.
RESERVATIONS— Bankers should make
room reservations as soon as possible with
Professor Dan Davis, Department of Agri­
cultural Economics and Sociology, Texas
A. & M. College, College Station, Texas. The
program and a list of early registrants follow.



M em orial S tu den t C enter
Texas A. & M. College
Sunday Evening, November 24
7:00 p.m.


11:00 a.m.


11:10 a.m.

Changes in Acreage Allotments and
Marketing Quotas

T oastm aster—■Tyrus R. Tim m, H ead, D epartm ent
of A gricultural Economics and Sociology, A. & M.
College of Texas
Welcome — M. T. H arrington, President, A. & M.
C o lleg e o f T e x a s a n d T e x a s A. & M. C o lle g e
R esp o n se — L ee R a g sd a le , C h a irm a n , B a n k e rs
Advisory Comm ittee, and Vice President, First
N ational Bank, Jacksonville, Texas

H. H. Marshall, Administrative Officer,
S ta te A g ric u ltu ra l S ta b iliz a tio n and
C onservation Office, College Station,
11:20 a.m.


11:30 a.m.

Changes in the Agricultural Conservation
Lester Young, A dm inistrative Officer,
S ta te A g ric u ltu ra l S ta b iliz a tio n and
C onservation Office, College Station,

Social H our

Monday Morning, November 25
C hairm an — W. D. Black, Jr., Vice President, First
City N ational Bank, H ouston, Texas
9:00 a.m.

11:40 a.m.


11:50 a.m.


The Washington Scene

Monday Afternoon, November 25
Chas. N. Shepardson, M em ber, B oard
of G overnors, Federal Reserve System,
W ashington, D. C.
9:40 a.m.


9:55 a.m.


10:15 a.m.

What’s New in Agricultural Stabilization
and Conservation Programs?
G. F. O sb o rn , S ta te A d m in is tra tiv e
Officer, State A gricultural Stabilization
and Conservation Office, College Sta­
tion, Texas

10:20 a.m.

The New CCC Lending Policy
Jack Bradshaw, Administrative Officer,
S ta te A g ric u ltu ra l S ta b iliz a tio n an d
C onservation Office, College Station,

10:40 a.m.


10:50 a.m.

Changes in the Soil Bank Program
Irv in L lo y d , A d m in is tra tiv e Officer,
S ta te A g ric u ltu ra l S ta b iliz a tio n and
Conservation Office, College Station,

C hairm an — A rchie B. Scott, Executive Vice Presi­
dent, The Security State Bank, Pecos, Texas
1:30 p.m.

The Agricultural Outlook for 1958
G eneral Outlook — John G. McHaney,
Extension Economist, Texas Agricul­
tural Extension Service, College Station,
Texas — M oderator
Beef Cattle — John G. McNeely, Pro­
fesso r, D e p a rtm e n t of A g ric u ltu ra l
E c o n o m ic s a n d S o cio lo g y , A. & M.
College of Texas
Poultry — George M ountney, Assist­
ant Professor, D epartm ent of Poultry
Science, A. & M. College o f Texas
Feed G ra in s—• A. C. Magee, Profes­
sor, D epartm ent of A gricultural Eco­
nomics and Sociology, A. & M. College
of Texas
Cotton — R. L. H unt, Professor, De­
partm ent of A gricultural Economics
and Sociology, A. & M. College of


2 :30 p.m.


3 :00 p.m.


3:15 p.m.

What’s New in Agricultural Science?

Jarvis Miller, Assistant Professor of
A gricultural Economics
John H. Southern, A gricultural Eco­
nomist, United States D epartm ent of
A griculture
Vance W. Edmondson, Assistant P ro ­
fessor of A gricultural Economics

Livestock — O. D. Butler, H ead, D e­
partm ent of Animal H usbandry, A.&M.
College of Texas

Clarence M oore, Assistant Professor of
A gricultural Economics

Poultry — J o h n Q u ise n b e rry , H ead,
D epartm ent of Poultry Science, A.&M.
College of Texas

R obert G. Cherry, Extension Economist
Bardin H. Nelson, Professor o f R ural

C rops — John Rogers, Head, D epart­
m ent of Agronomy, A. & M. College
of Texas
4:15 p.m.


4:45 p.m.

A djourn


10:10 a.m.


10:25 a.m.

G u id es in F inancing

Monday Evening, November 25
7 :00 p.m.

10:40 a.m

H. B. Sorensen, Associate Professor,
D epartm ent of A gricultural Economics
and Sociology, A.&M. College of Texas


Toastm aster — J. C. M iller, Dean, School o f A gri­
culture, A. & M. College of Texas
M usic by Singing Cadets — W illiam T urner, Con­

10:55 a.m.


11:00 a.m.

Bulk Tanks for Dairies
Randall Stelly, Assistant Professor, D e­
partm ent of A g ric u ltu ra l E c o n o m ic s
and Sociology, A.&M. College of Texas

The 1957 Bankers Scholarship
A ddress — Agricultural-Industrial Integration
George L. M ehren, Chairm an, D epart­
m ent of A gricultural Economics, and
D irector, Giannini Foundation, U niver­
sity of C alifornia, Berkeley, C alifornia

Tuesday Morning, November 26

New Vegetable Production

11:15 a.m.


11:20 a.m.

Irrigation Systems
W. F. Hughes, A gricultural Economist,
U nited States D epartm ent of Agricul­
ture, College Station, Texas

11:35 a.m.


11:45 a.m.

A djourn

C hairm an — Pat Newton, Cashier, First State Bank
& T rust Co., Bryan, Texas
9:00 a.m.

How Much Is Texas Agriculture Worth
to Texas Business and Industry? (A Task
Force Presentation by Staff of Agricul­
tural Economics and Sociology, A. & M.
College of Texas)

1:00 p.m.

T our of college agricultural plant
(O ptional)

Alvin B. W ooten, Extension Econom ­
ist — Leader

3:00 p.m.

A djourn

Tuesday Afternoon, November 26





Albrecht, Emm et, First N ational, Goliad
A lbritton, Chester, First N ational, Dallas
Austin, Jeff, First State, Frankston
Ball, Tom, First N ational, Fluntsville
Beck, S. P., State N ational, Texarkana, A rkansas
Beeson, W. B., F irst N ational, Lamesa
Bego, W. L., First N ational, Goliad
Bewley, Edwin E., Jr., F o rt W orth N ational, F o rt W orth
Biry, Joe, First Capitol State, W est Colum bia
Black, W. D., Jr., First City N ational, H ouston
Boettcher, Clem C., U nion State, East Bernard
Boswell, Jim N., Austin N ational, Austin
Boswell, M ilton, Texas Bankers Association, Dallas
Branson, Charles D., First N ational, D ecatur
Breedlove, E. Clinton, F irst N ational, Harlingen
Bullard, Joe A., Farm ers State, Madisonville
Burns, Sam E., First N ational, Temple
Butts, G eorge E., Jr., Federal Reserve, Dallas
C arpenter, C. T., Security State, Pecos
Caywood, W. H., H ouston N ational, H ouston
Cearley, John F., F irst N ational, Pecos
Champion, John W., Farm ers State, Groesbeck
Cherry, H. D., First State, Caldwell
Clift, O. E., Citizens N ational, W axahachie
Cowan, Leon W., Federal Reserve, Dallas

Kingery, A rthur, First N ational, Saint Jo
Lilly, Dennis Q., F irst N ational, Brownfield
Lowe, Odis A., First State, Rockwall
Loyd, Bill, Plains State, Plains
M abra, D. A., F irst N ational, F o rt W orth
M arett, V. S., Citizens N ational, Gonzales
M athis, Curtis, First State Bank & T rust Co., Bryan
M cCain, Jack, F irst N ational, N orm angee
M cClain, R. N., Brownfield State Bank & T rust Co.,
M cCorm ick, Bob, F irst N ational, Corsicana
McLeroy, Edd C., First State, D im m itt
M cM anus, W. C., San Angelo N ational, San Angelo
Mehren, George L., University of California, Berkeley
Mixon, Ed Pat, F irst N ational, N ordheim
Mixon, Pat, C om m unity State, Runge
Mullins, R. L., Wolfe City N ational, W olfe City
N ewton, Pat, F irst State Bank & T rust Co., Bryan
Nichols, Billy E., F riona State, F riona
O hlendorf, C onrad C., First-Lockhart N ational,
L ockhart
Peterson, C. B., Jr., Texas Bank & T rust Co., Dallas
Pfluger, H ow ard L., Federal Reserve, Dallas

Davis, W eldon, Colem an County State, Colem an
Dawson, O. “D ooley,” Bank of the Southwest, H ouston
D eaton, R. E., Jr., Citizens State, Roby
Decker, S. J., First N ational, Richm ond
D rinkard, B. C., Citizens State, Roby
D uran, Charles, F irst N ational, Lockney
D uren, W arren P., Mills County State, Goldthwaite

Quick, W. C., Royall N ational, Palestine

Eivens, Cecil, Levelland State, Levelland
Elliott, Arvle S., First N ational, Edna
Ellwood, Burke, Citizens N ational, Gonzales

Schmeer, W. C., Texas Bank & T rust Co., Dallas
Schrader, E. W., F irst N ational, Harlingen
Scott, Archie B., Security State, Pecos
Sheffield, Dave, Victoria N ational, V ictoria
Shepardson, Chas. N., Board of Governors,
W ashington, D. C.
Simpson, Shanley, Texas N ational, H ouston
Slaughter, Otis H., Jr., First N ational, M ount Vernon
Smith, Byron R., Jr., First State, Celina
Starr, Ed, A lam o N ational, San A ntonio
Swanner, H. T., Citizens State, Slaton

Fasken, M urray, M idland N ational, M idland
Field, H. D., Jr., First N ational, Saint Jo
Frederick, Hugh K., Jr., Texas Bank & T rust Co.,
G arrett, Earl, Chas. Schreiner Bank, Kerrville
Geer, A. L., First N ational, A nna
Geis, John, First N ational, F o rt W orth
Gentry, W. D., Federal Reserve, Dallas
Gibbs, Don, Security State, M abank
Goldapp, B. R., Alice N ational, Alice
Goodwin, G uinn, A m erican N ational, Terrell
Hannes, M onroe, First N ational, Giddings
Havens, Charles M., State N ational, Big Spring
Heger, John F., First State, W eim ar
H enderson, R. M., Farm ers State, Madisonville
Hillegeist, Roy, G uaranty Bond State, Tom ball
H inton, Jack, State Bank, Jew ett
H ofm ann, Wm. F., First N ational, La G range
H olland, H. F., First N ational, C arthage
Holm an, B. M., First State, Coolidge
Holm an, W. L., State N ational, Corsicana
H uddleston, James, First N ational, Dallas
James, H ugh E., First N ational, Temple
Janes, W. H., The Leroy Bank, Leroy
Jones, Lucian T., A lam o N ational, San Antonio

Ragsdale, Lee, F irst N ational, Jacksonville
Rider, W. B., Ennis State, Ennis
Rowe, J. Z., Federal Reserve, Dallas
Rowe, Sam A., Alvin State, Alvin
Ruckman, J. D., K arnes County N ational, K arnes City

Taylor, Jim, Texas N ational, H ouston
Thornton, J. R. (B ob), State Bank & T rust Co.,
San M arcos
Toole, A. J., First N ational, Dallas
Trollinger, Travis T., Terrell State, Terrell
W aldrep, A. P., F irst N ational, Melvin
W alker, Charls E., Federal Reserve, Dallas
Whitley, W illiam R., Republic N ational, D allas
Wood, J. F., Ill, Nixon State, Nixon
Zapalac, R. D., F latonia State, F latonia

The Agricultural News Letter is prepared in
the Research D epartm ent under the direction
of J. Z. R o w e , A gricultural Economist.