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Federal Reserve Banh of Chicago -


May 13, 1960

THE CONSERVATION RESERVE will idle approximately 28 million acres this year or 6 per cent of the
nation's cropland. The original purpose of the soil bank
program was to reduce surplus farm commodities by
temporarily retiring farmland from production and, incidentally, to promote conservation. In practice, a large
proportion of the land idled by the program has been land
having low productivity.
Those states with the largest proportions of cropland in the conservation reserve are: New Mexico, with
- 35 per cent; the Great Plains states (except Kansas and
Nebraska), with 9 to 10 per cent; and Utah, Colorado,
Georgia, South Carolina and Maine, with over 10 per cent.

Per Cent of Cropland in Conservation Reserve Program, 1960:
Illinois. .. 1.9%
Indiana... 3.2
Iowa. .... 2.5

United States. .. 6.2

In the Seventh District, Michigan and Wisconsin
have the same percentage as the U. S., but the Corn Belt
states-Illinois, Indiana and Iowa-are well below the
U. S. average. In examining the counties within these
states (see back of Letter), the most striking feature is
the low proportion of acreage placed under contract in
the fertile Corn Belt areas. Those counties in the rolling
and less productive areas of southern and western Iowa
and southern Illinois and Indiana have the largest percentage of land included. Similarly, the less productive,
sandy areas of central Wisconsin and cut-over areas of
northern Michigan have heavy participation in the soil
bank. In addition, however, those counties close to
large industrial centers in Milwaukee, Detroit and southern Michigan have large percentages of land idled. Apparently those farms which were operated part time were
placed in the program and the operators obtained fulltime-employment off the farm. -A study of land placed in the conservation reserve
in Iowa has been published recently by Iowa State University. While some land in every Iowa county has gone
into the reserve, the heaviest concentration is in counties
with rolling land and generally lower-than-average crop
yields. One of the reasons for this is that rolling land
is generally susceptible to erosion. The conservation
reserve can greatly reduce soil losses. However, another, perhaps more important, factor is that the differential in payment rates between low- and high-quality land
isn't as large as the relative differences in net income
per acre from the two types of land. Thus, the conservation reserve is generally a better income alternative for
low-quality land than for high quality.


The study found that three-fourths of the conservation reserve participants operated land before entering
the program and one-fourth were nonoperating landlords.
Since entering the program, about 60 per cent of the

Number 558
operators had quit farming any cropland. Generally these
were farmers who had placed all their cropland in the
About twice as large a proportion of participants had
off-farm employment as farmers generally in the same
areas. Further, most of this group of participants had
worked off the farm for a year or more before entering the
program. Since farmers with off-farm jobs are usually
younger and operate smaller farms, the reserve offers an
opportunity to give full time to off-farm employment while
still receiving a return on their land.
In terms of age, over half the participants were 60
or over compared with one-fourth of the nonparticipants
in the same areas. In addition, participants included
many young farmers. Thus, the program has greatest
appeal to older farmers desirous of retiring and younger
farmers who are "only partly in farming."
The size of farm tracts owned by participants wasn't
greatly different from those of nonparticipants. Those
farmers who continued to farm owned, on the average,
263 acres, those who quit farming, 197 acres; and nonparticipants, 214 acres. However, participants who quit
farming had only 76 acres of cropland while nonparticipants had 142 acres of cropland. Smaller farms usually
have relatively high operating costs per acre. Thus, an
operator of a small farm who places all his cropland in
the reserve has a relatively greater gain from participatfon than does an-operator with a larger unit and lower
per-acre costs. For farmers who placed only part of their
land in the reserve, the study showed the lower-quality
land was placed in the reserve and the better land was
farmed, as would be expected.
Thus, the conservation reserve, according to this
Iowa study, has helped those farmers with limited resources by providing an alternative "market" for their
land. Undoubtedly, the adjustments made by these farmers are both desirable and necessary, but the original
purpose of the soil bank was to reduce surpluses, not to
boost income of farmers on low-quality land or to ease
adjustments in land use. As pointed out by an Ohio
State University study, "some group must determine what
goals we are attempting to achieve" in national farm
programs if the conservation reserve is to be reoriented
and effectively used "to accomplish much needed adjustments in agriculture."
Research Department

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