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Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago - June 7, 1963

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MILK PRODUCTION in the United States has averaged slightly below year-earlier levels during the first
four months of 1963, despite continuance of the long-term
upward trend in per cow production. Production was
down about 1 per cent in each of the four months when
compared with the same 1962 months. Contributing factors were a decrease in the number of cows being milked
in areas where profitable alternatives exist, lower price
support levels and poor pasture conditions in some parts
of the country.
Per cow production of milk has increased every year
since 1934 with the exception of three years during World
War_ II, 1942-44. -Underlying-this persistent progress-are.
improvements in the inherent productive capacity of
dairy herds, better care and more liberal feeding to, utilize the increased capacity more fully.


Widespread use :of proved sires and artificial insemination, and rigorous culling of poorer producers has
rapidly. improved the genetic make-up of the nation's
dairy herds in recent years. It is generally conceded
that these genetic. improvements are far from being fully
exploited and that production per cow could be substantially increased above present levels, .given further
improvements in management.
Data from the Dairy Herd Improvement Association
indicate the potential for future gains in productivity of
milk cows. In DHIA herds, where the quality of milk
cows and the level of management is above average, the
per cow average was 11,000 pounds of milk in 1961 compared with 9,200 pounds in 1950. During this period,
average output per cow was only 7,000 and 5,300 pounds,
respectively, for the United States as a whole.
There also has been a considerable shift in the
seasonal. pattern of average production per cow during
the last decade, corresponding roughly to the shift in
seasonality of total milk output. While production per
cow has risen markedly in every month when compared
with the comparable month 10 years earlier, the increase
has been greatest in the winter months. January through
March and October through December registered an average increase of 43 per cent over the decade. Production
for the remaining six months averaged a gain of only 26
per cent._ This trend.AQ higher fall and winter per, cow
milk yields is closely associated with the trends toward
fall freshening, heavy grain and concentrate feeding of
milk cows, and generally improved management and is
likely_ to cause higher winter and fall milk production to
North Central states during April were 16 per cent above
the previous year following relatively low levels of inshipments during the first quarter. Inshipments during
January and February were 8 and 16 per cent below yearago levels, respectively, and inshipments during March

were only 5
last year.


Number 704

cent above the relatively low level of

Cattle Inshipments Above Year Ago

April 1962

April 1963

Per Cent

South Dakota




More feeder cattle are reported on western ranges
than a year ago. Many of these animals are expected to
be marketed in the near future, especially those in dry
areas of the Central and Southern Plain states. Weather
conditions at this time of year normally have a strong
influence on the feeder cattle situation and could be an
even more important factor this year because of the
larger livestock population. Some areas in the Southwest have already experienced drought conditions and in
some western areas, summer range conditions have been
described as poor though recent rains may have helped to
some extent. Dry weather has already forced the marketing of some cattle but the demand for stocker cattle to
go to grass has been good in the Northern Plains.
Inshipments during April were up 68 per cent from
year earlier in Nebraska and up 70 per cent in South
Dakota. This strong demand has prevented feeder cattle
prices from adjusting downward in line with fed cattle
prices but this demand is likely to play out in the near
future as Northern Plains ranchers get their summer
ranges stocked.
If a large movement of feeder cattle is forced by
drought this summer, feeder cattle prices could drop
sharply from current levels. Even without widespread
serious dry weather conditions, the lower level of fed
cattle prices, larger supplies of feeder animals and higher feed costs are likely to push feeder cattle prices
down by fall.
Roby L. Sloan
Agricultural Economist