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FOURTEENTH CONGRESS. 266 fore and after a session , & c. P r o v is o : as to w eight o fle tters, & c. Certain sec tions o f form er acts repealed. A c t o f April 3 0,1 81 0 , ch . 37. A c t o f Feb ruary 2 7, 1815, ch. 65. This act in fo rce from 3 lst M arch, 1816. S ess. I. C h. 44. 1816. days after the termination thereof: Provided always, That no letter or packet shall exceed two ounces in weight, and in case o f excess o f weight, that excess alone shall be paid for. S e c . 4. And be it further enacted, That the eleventh and twentyeighth sections o f the act, entitled “ An act regulating the post-office establishment,” approved April thirtieth, one thousand eight hundred and ten, and the first and second sections o f the act, entitled “ A n act in ad dition to the act regulating the post-office establishment,” approved Feb ruary twenty-seventh, one thousand eight hundred and fifteen, and the fourth and fifth sections o f the same, except such parts as relate to steam boats, their masters, or managers, and persons employed on board the same, be, and the same are hereby repealed. S e c . 5. And be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect from and after the thirty-first day o f March, one thousand eight hundred and sixteen. A p p r o v e d , April 9, 1816. St a t u t e I. A p ril 10, 1816. [Expired.] A c t o f March 3 , 1819, ch. 73. A bank o f the U nited States, with a capital of 35,000,000 dollars, & c. P la ccs , & c. for receiving subscriptions. C h a p . XLIV .—Jin Jlct to incorporate the subscribers to the B ank o f the United States, (a) B e it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States o f America, in Congress assembled, That a bank o f the United States of America shall be established, with a capital o f thirtyfive millions o f dollars, divided into three hundred and fifty thousand shares, o f one hundred dollars each share. Seventy thousand shares, amounting to the sum o f seven millions o f dollars, part o f the capital of the said bank, shall be subscribed and paid for by the United States, in the manner hereinafter specified; and two hundred and eighty thousand shares, amounting to the sum of twenty-eight millions o f dollars, shall be subscribed and paid for by individuals, companies, or corporations, in the manner hereinafter specified. S ec . 2. And be it further enacted, That subscriptions for the sum o f twenty-eight millions o f dollars, towards constituting the capital o f the said bank, shall be opened on the first Monday in July next, at the fol lowing places: that is to say, at Portland, in the District o f Maine; at Portsmouth, in the state o f New Hampshire; at Boston, in the state o f Massachusetts; at Providence, in the state o f Rhode Island; at Middle town, in the state o f Connecticut; at Burlington, in the state o f Ver mont; at New York, in the state o f New Y ork; at New Brunswick, iu the state o f New Jersey; at Philadelphia, in the state o f Pennsylvania; at Wilmington, in the state o f Delaware; at Baltimore, in the state o f Maryland; at Richmond, in the state o f Virginia; at Lexington, in the state o f Kentucky; at Cincinnati, in the state of Ohio; at Raleigh, in the state o f North Carolina; at Nashville, in the state o f Tennessee; at Charleston, in the state o f South Carolina; at Augusta, in the state o f Georgia; at New Orleans, in the state o f Louisiana; and at Washington, in the district of Columbia. And the said subscriptions shall be opened under the superintendence o f five commissioners at Philadelphia, and o f three commissioners at each of the other places aforesaid, to be appoint ed by the President o f the United States, who is hereby authorized to make such appointments, and shall continue open every day, from the time o f opening the same, between the hours o f ten o’clock in the fore noon and four o’clock in the afternoon, for the term o f twenty days, ex clusive o f Sundays, when the same shall be closed, and immediately thereafter the commissioners, or any two o f them, at the respective (a) F or the act incorporating the first Bank o f the United States, see vol. i. 191. N otes o f decisions on the acts incorporating the Bank o f the United States, vol. i. 192. FOURTEENTH CONGRESS. S ess. I. Ch. 44. 1816. places aforesaid, shall cause two transcripts or copies o f such subscrip tions to be made, one o f which they shall send to the Secretary o f the Treasury, one they shall retain, and the original they shall transmit, within seven days from the closing o f the subscriptions as aforesaid, to the commissioners at Philadelphia aforesaid. And on the receipt o f the said original subscriptions, or o f either o f the said copies thereof, if the original be lost, mislaid, or detained, the commissioners at Philadelphia aforesaid, or a majority o f them, shall immediately thereafter convene, and proceed to take an account o f the said subscriptions. A nd if more than the amount o f twenty-eight millions o f dollars shall have been sub scribed, then the said last mentioned commissioners shall deduct the amount o f such excess from the largest subscriptions, in such manner as that no subscription shall be reduced in amount, while any one re mains larger: Provided, That if the subscriptions taken at either o f the places aforesaid shall not exceed three thousand shares, there shall be no reduction o f such subscriptions, nor shall, in any case, the subscriptions taken at either o f the places aforesaid be reduced below that amount. And in case the aggregate amount of the said subscriptions shall exceed twenty-eight millions o f dollars, the said last mentioned commissioners, after having apportioned the same as aforesaid, shall cause lists o f the said apportioned subscriptions, to be made out, including in each list the apportioned subscription for the place where the original subscription was made, one o f which lists they shall transmit to the commissioners or one o f them, under whose superintendence such subscriptions were originally made, that the subscribers may thereby ascertain the number o f shares to them respectively apportioned as aforesaid. And in case the aggregate amount o f the said subscriptions made during the period aforesaid, at all the places aforesaid, shall not amount to twenty-eight millions o f dollars, the subscriptions to complete the said sum shall be and remain open at Philadelphia aforesaid, under the superintendence of the commissioners appointed for that place; and the subscriptions may be then made by any individual, company, or corporation, for any num ber o f shares, not exceeding, in the whole, the amount required to com plete the said sum o f twenty-eight millions o f dollars. S e c . 3. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for any individual, company, corporation, or state, when the subscriptions shall be opened as herein before directed, to subscribe for any number of shares o f the capital o f the said bank, not exceeding three thousand shares, and the sums so subscribed shall be payable, and paid, in the manner following; that is to say, seven millions o f dollars thereof in gold or silver coin o f the United States, or in gold coin o f Spain, or the dominions o f Spain, at the rate o f one hundred cents for every twentyeight grains and sixty hundredths o f a grain o f the actual weight there o f or in other foreign gold or silver com at the several rates prescribed by the first section of an act regulating the currency o f foreign coins iij the United States, passed tenth day o f April, one thousand eight hundred and six, and twenty-one millions o f dollars thereof in like gold or silver coin, or in the funded debt o f the United States contracted at the time o f the subscriptions respectively. And the payments made in the funded debt o f the United States, shall be paid and received at the following rates: that is to say, the funded debt bearing an interest o f six per centum per annum, at the nominal or par value thereof; the funded debt bearing an interest of three per centum per annum, at the rate o f sixty-five dollars for every sum o f one hundred dollars o f the nominal amount thereof; and the funded debt bearing an interest o f seven per centum per annum, at the rate o f one hundred and six dollars and fiftyone cents, for every sum of one hundred dollars of the nominal amount thereof; together with the amount o f the interest accrued on the said 267 P la ce s, & c. for re ce iv in g subscriptions, & c. Regulations con cern in g sub scriptions and paym ents on them , & c. April 10, 1806, ch . 22. 268 R egulations con cern in g sub scriptions and paym ents on them ; & c. R easonable com pensation to the com m is sioners. T h e United States may re deem tho fund ed d ebt, &c. and the bank m ay sell for gold and silver, &c. FOURTEENTH CONGRESS. S ess. I. C h. 44. 1816. several denominations o f funded debt, to be computed and allowed to the time o f subscribing the same to the capital o f the said bank as afore said. And the payments o f the said subscriptions shall be made and completed by the subscribers, respectively, at the times and in the man ner following; that is to say, at the time o f subscribing there shall be paid five dollars on each share, in gold or silver coin as aforesaid, and twenty-five dollars more in coin as aforesaid, or in funded debt as afore said; at the expiration o f six calendar months after the time o f sub scribing, there shall be paid the further sum o f ten dollars on each share, in gold or silver coin as aforesaid, and twenty-five dollars more in coin as aforesaid, or in funded debt as aforesaid; at the expiration o f twelve calendar months from the time of subscribing, there shall be paid the further sum of ten dollars on each share, in gold or silver coin as afore said, and twenty-five dollars more, in coin as aforesaid, or in funded debt as aforesaid. S e c . 4 . And be it further enacted, That at the time o f subscribing to the capital o f the said bank as aforesaid, each and every subscriber shall deliver to the commissioners, at the place o f subscribing, as well the amount of their subscriptions respectively in coin as aforesaid, as the certificates o f funded debt, for the funded debt proportions o f their respective subscriptions, together with a power of attorney, authorizing the said commissioners, or a majority o f them, to transfer the said stock in due form o f law to “ the president, directors, and company, o f the bank o f the United States,” as soon as the said bank shall be organized. Provided always, That if, in consequence o f the apportionment o f the shares in the capital o f the said bank among the subscribers, in the case, and in the manner, herein before provided, any subscriber shall have de livered to the commissioners, at the time o f subscribing, a greater amount o f gold or silver coin and funded debt than shall be necessary to complete the payments for the share or shares to such subscribers, apportioned as aforesaid, the commissioners shall only retain so much o f the said gold or silver coin, and funded debt, as shall be necessary to complete such payments, and shall, forthwith, return the^urplus thereof, on application for the same,to the subscribers lawfully entitled thereto. And the com missioners, respectively, shall deposit the gold and silver coin, and certificates o f public debt by them respectively received as aforesaid from the subscribers to the capital o f the said bank, in some place o f secure and safe keeping, so that the same may and shall be specifically delivered and transferred, as the same were by them respectively received, to the president, directors, and company, o f the bank of the United States, or to their order, as soon as shall be required after the organization o f the said bank. And the said commissioners appointed to superintend the subscriptions to the capital o f the said bank as aforesaid, shall receive a reasonable compensation for their services respectively, and shall be al lowed all reasonable charges and expenses incurred in the execution o f their trust, to be paid by the president, directors, and company, o f the bank, out o f the funds thereof. S e c . 5 . And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the United States to pay and redeem the funded debt subscribed to the capi tal o f the said bank at the rates aforesaid, in such sums, and at such times, as shall be deemed expedient, any thing in any act or acts o f Con gress to the contrary thereof notwithstanding. And it shall also be law ful for the president, directors, and company, o f the said bank, to sell and transfer for gold and silver coin, or bullion, the funded debt sub scribed to the capital o f the said bank as aforesaid: Provided always, That they shall not sell more thereof than the sum o f two millions o f dollars in any one year; nor sell any part thereof at any time within the United States, without previously giving notice of their intention to the FOURTEENTH CONGRESS. S ess. I. C h. 44. 1816. Secretary o f the Treasury, and offering the same to the United States for the period o f fifteen days, at least, at the current price, not exceeding the rates aforesaid. S e c . 6. And be it further enacted, That at the opening o f subscrip tion to the capital stoclc o f the said bank, the Secretary o f the Treasury shall subscribe, or cause to be subscribed, on behalf of the United States, the said number o f seventy thousand shares, amounting to seven millions o f dollars as aforesaid, to be paid in gold or silver coin, or in stock o f the United States, bearing interest at the rate o f five per centum per an num; and if payment thereof, or o f any part thereof, be made in public stock, bearing interest as aforesaid, the said interest shall be payable quarterly, to commence from the time o f making such payment on ac count o f the said subscription, and the principal o f the said stock shall be redeemable in any sums, and at any periods, which the government shall deem fit. And the Secretary o f the Treasury shall cause the cer tificates o f such public stock to be prepared, and made in the usual form, and shall pay and deliver the same to the president, directors, and com pany, o f the said bank on the first day o f January, one thousand eight hundred and seventeen, which said stock it shall be lawful for the said president, directors, and company, to sell and transfer for gold and silver coin or bullion at their discretion: Provided, They shall not sell more than two millions of dollars thereof in any one year. S e c . 7. And be it further enacted, That the subscribers to the said bank o f the United States o f America, their successors and assigns, shall be, and are hereby, created a corporation and body politic, by the name and style o f “ The president, directors, and company, o f the bank o f the United States,” and shall so continue until the third day o f March, in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, and by that name shall be, and are hereby, made able and capable, in law, to have, purchase, receive, possess, enjoy, and retain, to them and their successors, lands, rents, tenements, hereditaments, goods, chattels and effects, o f whatso ever kind, nature, and quality, to an amount not exceeding, in the whole, fifty-five millions o f dollars, ihcluding the amount o f the capital stock aforesaid; and the same to sell, grant, demise, alien or dispose of; to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered, defend and be defended, in all state courts having competent jurisdiction, and in any circuit court o f the United States: and also to make, have, and use, a common seal, and the same to break, alter, and renew, at their plea sure: and also to ordain, establish, and put in execution, such by-laws, and ordinances, and regulations, as they shall deem necessary and con venient for the government o f the said corporation, not being contrary to the Constitution thereof, or to the laws o f the United States; and generally to do and execute all and singular the acts, matters, and things, which to them it shall or may appertain to do; subject,.nevertheless, to the rules, regulations, restrictions, limitations, and provisions, hereinafter prescribed and declared. S e c . 8 . And be it further enacted, That for the management o f the affairs o f the said corporation, there shall be twenty-five directors, five o f whom, being stockholders, shall be annually appointed by the President o f the United States, by and with the advice and consent o f the Senate, not more than three o f whom shall be residents o f any one state; and twenty o f whom shall be annually elected at the banking house in the city o f Philadelphia, on the first Monday o f January, in each year, by the qualified stockholders o f the capital o f the said bank, other than the United States, and by a plurality o f votes then and there actually given, according to the scale o f voting hereinafter prescribed: Provided al ways, That no person, being a director in the bank o f the United States, or any o f its branches, shall be a director o f any other bank ; and should any such director act as a director in any other bank, it shall forthwith 269 T h e S e cre tary o f the T rea sury to sub scribe on b e h a lf o f the U nited States, & c. T h e subscri bers to the bank in corp ora ted , & c. T w en ty -five d ir e c to r s ; five to be appointed by the Presi d en t, & c. 270 R egulations con cern in g the direction o f the b an k, & c. M anner and tim e of tho banks goin g in to operation , & c. The directors empowered to appointoffienrs, clerksjservanls, &c. FOURTEENTH CONGRESS. S ess. I. Ch. 44. 1816. vacate his appointment in the direction o f the bank o f the United States. And the directors, so duly appointed and elected, shall be capable o f serving, by virtue o f such appointment and choice, from the first Monday in the month o f January o f each year, until the end and expiration of the first Monday in the month o f January o f the year next ensuing the time o f each annual election to be held by the stockholders as aforesaid. And the board o f directors, annually, at the first meeting after their elec tion in each and every year, shall proceed to elect one o f the directors to be president o f the corporation, who shall hold the said office during the same period for which the directors are appointed and elected as aforesaid: Provided also, That the first appointment and election o f the directors and president o f the said bank shall be at the time and for the period hereinafter declared: And provided also, That in case it should at any time happen that an appointment or election o f directors, or an election o f the president o f the said bank, should not be so made as to take effect on any day when, in pursuance o f this act, they ought to take effect, the said corporation shall not, for that cause, be deemed to be dis solved; but it shall be lawful at any other time to make such appoint ments, and to hold such elections, (as the case may be,) and the manner o f holding the elections shall be regulated by (he by-laws and ordinances o f the said corporation: and until such appointments or elections be made, the directors and president of the said bank, for the time being, shall continue in office: And provided also, That in case o f the death, resignation, or removal o f the president o f the said corporation, the di rectors shall proceed to elect another president from the directors as aforesaid: and in case o f the death, resignation, or absence, from the United States, or removal o f a director from office, the vacancy shall be supplied by the President o f the United States, or by the stockholders, as the case may be. But the President o f the United States alone shall have power to remove any o f the directors appointed by him as aforesaid. S e c . 9 . And be it further enacted, That as soon as the sum o f eight millions four hundred thousand dollars in gold and silver coin, and in the public debt, shall have been actually received on account o f the sub scriptions to the capital o f the said bank (exclusively o f the subscription aforesaid, on the part o f the United States) notice thereof shall be given by the persons under whose superintendence the subscriptions shall have been made at the city o f Philadelphia, in at least two newspapers printed in each o f the places, (if so many be printed in such places respectively,) where subscriptions shall have been made, and the said persons shall, at the same time, and in like manner, notify a time and place within the said city o f Philadelphia, at the distance o f at least thirty days from the time o f such notification, for proceeding to the election o f twenty direc tors as aforesaid, and it shall be lawful for such election to be then and there made. And the President o f the United States is hereby author ized, during the present session of Congress, to nominate, and, by and with the advice and consent o f the Senate, to appoint, five directors o f the said bank, though not stockholders, any thing in the provisions o f this act to the contrary notwithstanding; and the persons who shall be elected and appointed as aforesaid, shall be the first directors o f the said bank, and shall proceed to elect one o f the directors to be President o f the said bank; and the directors and president o f the said bank so appointed and elected as aforesaid, shall be capable o f serving in their respective office, by virtue thereof, until the end and expiration o f the first Monday o f the month o f January next ensuing the said appoint ments and elections; and they shall then and thenceforth commence, and continue the operations o f the said bank, at the city o f Philadelphia. S e c . 10. And be it further enacted, That the directors, for the time be ing shall have power to appoint such officers, clerks, and servants, under them as shall be necessary for executing the business o f the said corpo FOURTEENTH CONGRESS. S e ss . I. Ch. 44. 1816. ration, and to allow them such compensation for their services, respec tively, as shall be reasonable; and shall be capable o f exercising such other powers and authorities for the well governing and ordering o f the officers of the said corporation, as shall be prescribed, fixed, and deter mined, by the laws, regulations, and ordinances, o f the same. S e c . 11. And be it further enacted, That the following rules, restric tions, limitations, and provisions, shall form and be fundamental articles o f the constitution o f the said corporation, to w it: 1. The number o f votes to which the stockholders shall be entitled, in voting for directors, shall be according to the number o f shares he, she, or they, respectively, shall hold, in the proportions following, that is to say; for one share and not more than two shares, one vote; for every two shares above two, and not exceeding ten, one vote; for every four shares above ten, and not exceeding thirty, one vote; for every six shares above thirty, and not exceeding sixty, one vote; for every eight shares above sixty, and not exceeding one hundred, one vote; and for every ten shares above one hundred, one vote; but no person, co-partnership, or body politic, shall be entitled to a greater number than thirty votes; and after the first election, no share or shares shall confer a right o f voting, which shall not have been holden three calendar months previous to the day o f election. And stockholders actually resident within the United States, and none other, may vote in elections by proxy. Second. Not more than three-fourths o f the directors elected by the stockholders, and not more than four-fifths o f the directors appointed by the President o f the United States, who shall be in office at the time o f an annual election, shall be elected or appointed for the next succeeding year; and no director shall hold his office more than three years out o f four in succession: but the director who shall be the president at the time o f an election may always be re-appointed, or re-elected, as the case may be. Third. None but a stockholder, resident citizen o f the United States, shall be a director; nor shall a director be entitled to any emoluments; but the directors may make such compensation to the president for his extraordinary attendance at the bank, as shall appear to them reasonable. Fourth. Not less than seven directors shall constitute a board for the transaction o f business, o f whom the president shall always be one, ex cept in case o f sickness or necessary absence: in which case his place may be supplied by any other director whom he, by writing, under his hand, shall depute for that purpose. And the director so deputed rnay do and transact all the necessary business, belonging to the office o f the president o f the said corporation,during the continuance o f the sickness or necessary absence o f the president. Fifth. A number o f stockholders, not less than sixty, who, together, shall be proprietors o f one thousand shares or upwards, shall have power at any time to call a general meeting of the stockholders, for purposes relative to the institution, giving at least ten weeks’ notice in two public newspapers o f the place where the bank is seated, and specifying in such notice the object or objects o f such meeting. Sixth. Each cashier or treasurer, before he enters upon the duties of his office, shall be required to give bond, with two or more sureties, to the satisfaction o f the directors, in a sum not less than fifty thousand dollars, with a condition for his good behaviour, and the faithful perform ance o f his duties to the corporation. Seventh. The lands, tenements, and hereditaments, which it shall be lawful for the said corporation to hold, shall be only such as shall be re quisite for its immediate accommodation in relation to the convenient transacting o f its business, and such as shall have been bonafide mortgaged to it by way of security, or conveyed to it in satisfaction of debts pre 271 Fundam ental a rticles, & c. R ules co n cerning voting for d irectors. A part o f the directors ap pointed by the stockholders and presiden t, alone eligible a second year, successively. President al ways eligible. Stockholders, citizen s, m ay he only appointed d irectors. Di rectors to have no com pensa tion , other than the president. Seven d ire c tors, including the president, may constitute a board. H ow his pi ace is supplied in case o f absence or sickness. General m eet ings o f the stockholders— how to be called. Cashier to give bonds and security. Limitation con cerning, and a description o f the real estate w hich may be held by the cor poration. 272 Maximum o f debts w hich the corporation m ay at on e time contract. R em edy against the di rectors under w h ose adminis tration an ex cess o f debt shall be created. D irectors ab sent or dissent ing exem pted. In what the corporation may transact business and trade. Loans ex cee d in g certain sums not to be m ade the V . S. or particular states, o r for eign states, but )>y acts o f Con gress, Rules to be prescribed for making the slo ck assigna b le. T h e bills, ob ligatory and o f credit, under the sea! o f the co r p o r a tio n ; how assignable. P roviso. FOURTEENTH CONGRESS. S ess. 1. C h. 44. 1816. viously contracted in the course o f its dealings, or purchased at sales, upon judgments which shall have been obtained for such debts. Eighth. The total amount o f debts which the said corporation shall at any time owe, whether by bond, bill, note, or other contract, over and above the debt or debts due for money deposited in the bank, shall not exceed the sum o f thirty-five millions o f dollars, unless the contracting o f any greater debt shall have been previously authorized by law o f the United States. In case o f excess, the directors under whose adminis tration it shall happen, shall be liable for the same in their natural and private capacities: and an action o f debt may in such case be brought against them, or any o f them, their or any o f their heirs, executors, or administrators, in any court o f record o f the United States, or either o f them, by any creditor or creditors o f the said corporation, and may be prosecuted to judgment and execution, any condition, covenant, or agree ment to the contrary notwithstanding. But this provision shall not be construed to exempt the said corporation or the lands, tenements, goods, or chattels o f the same from being also liable for, and chargeable with, the said excess. Such o f the said directors, who may have been absent when the said excess was contracted or created, or who may have dissented from the resolution or act whereby the same was so contracted or created, may respectively exonerate themselves from being so liable, by forthwith giv ing notice o f the fact, and o f their absence or dissent, to the President o f the United States, and to the stockholders, at a general meeting, which they shall have power to call for that purpose. Ninth. The said corporation shall not, directly or indirectly, deal or trade in any thing except bills o f exchange, gold or silver bullion, or in the sale o f goods really and truly pledged for money lent and not redeemed in due time, or goods which shall be the proceeds o f its lands. It shall not be at liberty to purchase any public debt whatsoever, nor shall it take more than at the rate o f six per centum per annum for or upon its loans or discounts. Tenth. No loan shall be made by the said corporation, for the use or on account of the government o f the United States, to an amount exceeding five hundred thousand dollars, or o f any particular state, to an amount exceeding fifty thousand dollars, or o f any foreign prince or state, unless previously authorized by a law o f the United States. Eleventh. The stock o f the said corporation shall be assignable and transferable, according to such rules as shall be instituted in that behalf, by the laws and ordinances o f the same. Twelfth. The bills, obligatory and o f credit, under the seal o f the said corporation, which shall be made to any person or persons, shall be as signable by endorsement thereupon, under the hand or hands o f such person or persons, and his, her, or their executors or administrators, and his, her or their assignee or assignees, and so as absolutely to transfer and vest the property thereof in each and every assignee or assignees suc cessively, and to enable such assignee or assignees, and his, her or their executors or administrators, to maintain an action thereupon in his, her, or their own name or names: Provided, That said corporation shall not make any bill obligatory, or o f credit, or other obligation under its seal for the payment o f a sum less than five thousand dollars. And the bills or notes which may be issued by order o f the said corporation, signed by the president, and countersigned by the principal cashier or treasurer thereof, promising the payment o f money to any person or persons, his, her or their order, or to bearer, although not under the seal o f the said corporation, shall be binding and obligatory upon the same, in like man ner, and with like force and effect, as upon any private person or persons, i f issued by him, her or them, in his, her or their private or natural ca FOURTEENTH CONGRESS. S ess. I. C h. 44. 1816. pacity or capacities, and shall be assignable and negotiable in like man ner as if they were so issued by such private person or persons; that is to say, those which shall be payable to any person or persons, his, her or their order, shall be assignable by endorsement, in like manner, and with the like effect as foreign bills o f exchange now are; and those which are payable to bearer shall be assignable and negotiable by delivery only: Provided, That all bills or notes, so to be issued by said corporation, shall be made payable on demand, other than bills or notes for the payment o f a sum not less than one hundred dollars each, and payable to the order o f some person or persons, which bills or notes it shall be lawful for said corporation to make payable at any time not exceeding sixty days from the date thereof. Thirteenth. Half yearly dividends shall be made o f so much o f the profits o f the bank as shall appear to the directors advisable; and once in every three years the directors shall lay before the stockholders, at a general meeting, for their information, an exact and particular statement o f the debts which shall have remained unpaid after the expiration o f the original credit, for a period o f treble the term o f that credit, and o f the surplus o f the profits, if any, after deducting losses and dividends. I f there shall be a failure in the payment o f any part o f any sum sub scribed to the capital o f the said bank, by any person, co-partnership or body politic, the party failing shall lose the benefit o f any dividend which may have accrued prior to the time for making such payment, and during the delay o f the same. Fourteenth. The directors o f the said corporation shall establish a competent office o f discount and deposit in the District o f Columbia, whenever any law o f the United States shall require such an establish ment ; also one such office o f discount and deposit in any state in which two thousand shares shall have been subscribed or may be held, when ever, upon application o f the legislature o f such state, Congress may, by law, require the same: Provided, the directors aforesaid shall not be bound to establish such office before the whole o f the capital o f the bank shall have been paid up. And it shall be lawful for the directors o f the said corporation to establish offices o f discount and deposit, whereso ever they shall think fit, within the United States or the territories thereof, and to commit the management o f the said offices, and the business thereof, respectively to such persons, and under such regulations as they shall deem proper, not being contrary to law or the constitution o f the bank. Or instead o f establishing such offices, it shall be lawftil for the directors o f the said corporation, from time to time, to employ any other bank or banks, to be first approved by the Secretary o f the Treasury, at any place or places that they may deem safe and proper, to manage and transact the business proposed as aforesaid, other than for the purposes o f discount, to be managed and transacted by such offices, under such agreements, and subject to such regulations, as they shall deem just and proper. Not more than thirteen nor less than seven managers or direc tors, o f every office established as aforesaid, shall be annually appointed by the directors o f the bank, to serve one year; they shall choose a pre sident from their own number; each o f them shall be a citizen o f the United States, and a resident o f the state, territory or district, wherein such office is established; and not more than three-fourths o f the said managers or directors, in office at the time o f an annual appointment, shall be re-appointed for the next succeeding year; and no director shall hold his office more than three years out of four, in succession; but the president may be always re-appointed. Fifteenth. The officer at the head o f the Treasury Department o f the United States shall be furnished, from time to time, as often as he may requ ire, not exceeding once a week, with statements o f the amount o f the cap ital stock of the said corporation and o f the debts due to the same; o f the V o l . III.— 35 273 Proviso. H a lf yearly dividends to b e m ade. A statement o f the affairs o f the com pany to b e laid before the stockhold ers. Delinquent subscribers to lo se the benefit o f dividends. Offices to be established in the District o f Colum bia and the several states when au thorized and re quired by law . Proviso. Secretary o f the Treasury au thorized to call upon the bank for a statement, 274 n ot exceed in g a w e e k ly o n e, o f its concerns. Proviso. N o stockhold e r but a citizen o f the United States may vote in ch o ice o f directors. No smaller notes than five dollars to be is sued. Penalties for dealing in away or in articles in terdicted. Penalties for m aking unlaw ful loans to the U nited States or particular states or to foreign governm ents. N otes o f the bank, unless specially pro hibited by law, receivable in paym ents o f all dues to United States. T h e bank to give the neces sary facilities without any ch a rg c, for transferring the funds o f the United States to different quarters. Deposits o f the public mo neys to b e made in the bank or its branches, or the reasons to be laid before Congress by the Secretary o f the Treasury for its n ot being done. Corporation prohibited from suspending pay m ents in specie, b y being made chargeable with the payment o f FOURTEENTH CONGRESS. S ess. I. C h. 44. 1816. moneys deposited therein; o f the notes in circulation, and o f the specie in hand; and shall have a right to inspect such general accounts in the books o f the bank as shall relate to the said statement: Provided, That this shall not be construed to imply a right o f inspecting the account o f any private individual or individuals with the bank. Sixteenth. No stockholder, unless he be a citizen o f the United States, shall vote in the choice o f directors. Seventeenth. No note shall be issued o f less amount than five dollars. S e c . 12. And be it further enacted, That if the said corporation, or any person or persons, for or to the use o f the same, shall deal or trade in buying or selling goods, wares, merchandise, or commodities what soever, contrary to the provisions o f this act, all and every person and persons by whom any order or direction for so dealing or trading shall have been given; and all and every person and persons who shall have been concerned as parties or agents therein, shall forfeit and lose treble the value o f the goods, wares, merchandise and commodities in which such dealing and trade shall have been, one half thereof to the use o f the informer, and the other half thereof, to the use o f the United States, to be recovered in any action o f law with costs o f suit. S e c . 13. And be it further enacted, That if the said corporation shall advance or lend any sum o f money for the use or on account o f the government o f the United States, to an amount exceeding five hundred thousand dollars; or o f any particular state, to an amount exceeding fifty thousand dollars; or o f any foreign prince or state, (unless previously authorized thereto by a law o f the United States,) all and every person and persons, by and with whose order, agreement, consent, approbation and connivance, such unlawful advance or loan shall have been made, upon conviction thereof shall forfeit and pay, for every such offence, treble the value or amount of the sum or sums which have been so un lawfully advanced or lent; one fifth thereof to the use o f the informer, and the residue thereof to the use o f the United States. S e c . 14. And be it further enacted, That the bills or notes o f the said corporation originally made payable, or which shall have become payable on demand, shall be receivable in all payments to the United States, unless otherwise directed by act o f Congress. S e c . 15. And be it further enacted, That during the continuance o f this act, and whenever required by the Secretary o f the Treasury, the said corporation shall give the necessary facilities for transferring the public funds from place to place, within the United States, or the terri tories thereof, and for distributing the same in payment o f the public creditors, without charging commissions or claiming allowance on ac count o f difference o f exchange, and shall also do and perform the several and respective duties of the commissioners o f loans for the several states, or o f any one or more o f them, whenever required by law. Sec. 16. And be it further enacted, That the deposits o f the money o f the United States, in places in which the said bank and branches thereof may be established, shall be made in said bank or branches thereof, unless the Secretary o f the Treasury shall at any time otherwise order and direct; in which case the Secretary o f the Treasury shall im mediately lay before Congress, if in session, and if not, immediately after the commencement o f the next session, the reasons o f such order or direction. S e c . 17. And be it further enacted, That the said corporation shall not at any time suspend or refuse payment in gold and silver, o f any o f its notes, bills or obligations; nor o f any moneys received upon deposit in said bank, or in any o f its offices o f discount and deposit. And if the said corporation shall at any time refuse or neglect to pay on demand any bill, note or obligation issued by the corporation, according to the contract, promise or undertaking therein expressed; or shall neglect or FOURTEENTH CONGRESS. S ess. I. Ch. 44. 275 1816. refuse to pay on demand any moneys received in said bank, or in any o f its offices aforesaid, on deposit, to the person or persons entitled to receive the same, then, and in every such case, the holder of any such note, bill, or obligation, or the person or persons entitled to demand and receive such' moneys as aforesaid, shall respectively be entitled to receive and recover interest on the said bills, notes, obligations or moneys, until the same shall be fully paid and satisfied, at the rate o f twelve per centum per annum from the time o f such demand as aforesaid; Provided, That Congress may at any time hereafter enact laws enforcing and regulating the recovery o f the amount o f the notes, bills, obligations or other debts, o f which payment shall have been refused as aforesaid, with the rate o f interest above mentioned, vesting jurisdiction for that purpose in any courts, either o f law or equity, o f the courts o f the United States, or territories thereof, or of the several states, as they may deem expedient. S e c . 18. And be it further enacted, That if any person shall falsely make, forge or counterfeit, or cause or procure to be falsely made, forged or counterfeited, or willingly aid or assist in falsely making, forging or counterfeiting any bill or note in imitation o f or purporting to be a bill or note issued by order o f the president, directors and company o f the said bank, or any order or check on the said bank or corporation, or any cashier thereof; or shall falsely alter, or cause or procure to be falsely altered, or willingly aid or assist in falsely altering any bill or note issued by order o f the president, directors and company o f the said bank, or any order or check on the said bank or corporation, or any cashier thereof; or shall pass, utter or publish, or attempt to pass, utter or publish as true, any false, forged or counterfeited bill or note purporting to be a bill or note issued by order o f the president, directors and company o f the said bank, or any false, forged or counterfeited order or check upon the said bank or corporation, or any cashier thereof, knowing the same to be falsely forged or counterfeited; or shall pass, utter or publish, or attempt to pass, utter or publish as true, any falsely altered bill or note issued by order o f the president, directors, and company o f the said bank, or any falsely altered order or check on the said bank or corpora tion, or any cashier thereof, knowing the same to be falsely altered with intention to defraud the said corporation or any other body politic or per son ; or shall sell, utter or deliver, or cause to be sold, uttered or delivered, any forged or counterfeit note or bill in imitation, or purporting to be a bill or note issued by order o f the president and directors of the said bank, knowing the same to be false, forged, or counterfeited; every such person shall be deemed and adjudged guilty o f felony, and being thereof con victed by due course of law, shall be sentenced to be imprisoned and kept to hard labour for not less than three years, nor more than ten years, or shall be imprisoned not exceeding ten years, and fined not exceeding five thousand dollars. Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be construed to deprive the courts o f the individual states, o f a jurisdiction under the laws o f the several states, over any offence declared punishable by this act. S e c . 19. And be it further enacted, That if any person shall make or engrave, or cause, or procure to be made or engraved, or shall have in his custody or possession, any metallic plate, engraved after the similitude o f any plate from which any notes or bills, issued by the said corporation, shall •have been printed, with intent to use such plate, or to cause, or suffer the same to be used in forging or counterfeiting any o f the notes or bills issued by the said corporation; or shall have in his custody or possession, any blank note or notes, bill or bills, engraved and printed after the similitude o f any notes or bills issued by said corporation, with intent to use such blanks, or cause, or suffer the same to be used in forging or counterfeiting any o f the notes or bills issued by the said corporation; or shall have in his custody or possession, any paper adapted interest at the rate o f 12 per centum p er an num. Proviso. Penalties for forging, coun terfeiting, & c. P roviso. F or engrav ing after the similitude o f the plates used for the bank, any plates, & c. FOURTEENTH CONGRESS. 276 Punishment. Bonus to be paid to the Uni ted States for this charter. Congress to establish no other bank ex ce p t in the Dis trict o f Colum bia. Authority to use the name o f the corporation, & c., fo r two years after the charter shall expire. Lim itation o f tim e prescribed for the bank’ s goin g into ope ration. Committees o f either house ofC ongress may inspect the b o o k s, & c. o f the bank. F o r what pur pose. Proviso. S ess. I. C h. 44- 1816. to the making of bank notes or bills, and similar to the paper upon which any notes or bills o f the said corporation shall have been issued, with intent to use such paper, or cause, or suffer the same to be used in forging or counterfeiting any o f the notes or bills issued by the said corporation, every such person, being thereof convicted, by due course o f law, shall be sentenced to be imprisoned, and kept to hard labour, for a term not exceeding five years, or shall be imprisoned for a term not exceeding five years, and fined in a sum not exceeding one thousand dollars. S e c . 20. And be it further enacted, That in consideration o f the ex clusive privileges and benefits conferred by this act, upon the said bank, the president, directors, and company thereof, shall pay to the United States, out o f the corporate funds thereof, the sum o f one million and five hundred thousand dollars, in three equal payments; that is to say: five hundred thousand dollars at the expiration o f two years; five hun dred thousand dollars at the,expiration o f three years; and five hundred thousand dollars at the expiration o f four years after the said bank shall be organized, and commence its operations in the manner herein before provided. S e c . 21. And be it further enacted, That no other bank shall be es tablished by any future law o f the United States during the continuance o f the corporation hereby created, for which the faith o f the United States is hereby pledged. Provided, Congress may renew existing char ters for banks in the District o f Columbia, not increasing the capital thereof, and may also establish any other bank or banks in said district, with capitals not exceeding, in the whole, six millions o f dollars, if they shall deem it expedient. And, notwithstanding the expiration o f the term for which the said corporation is created, it shall be lawful to use the corporate name, style, and capacity, for the purpose o f suits for the final settlement and liquidation o f the affairs and accounts o f the cor poration, and for the sale and disposition o f their estate, real, personal, and mixed: but not for any other purpose, or in any other manner what soever, nor for a period exceeding two years after the expiration o f the said term o f incorporation. S e c . 22. And be it further enacted, That if the subscriptions and payments to said bank shall not be made and completed so as to ena ble the same to commence its operations, or if the said bank shall not commence its operations on or before the first Monday in April next, then, and, in that case, Congress may, at any time, within twelve months thereafter, declare, by law, this act null and void. S e c . 23. And be it further enacted, That it shall, at all times, be lawful, for a committee o f either house o f Congress, appointed for that purpose, to inspect the books, and to examine into the proceedings o f the corporation hereby created, and to report whether the provisions o f this charter have been, by the same, violated or not; and whenever any committee, as aforesaid, shall find and report, or the President o f the United States shall have reason to believe that the charter has been violated, it may be lawful for Congress to direct, or the President to order a scire facias to be sued out o f the circuit court o f the district o f Pennsylvania, in the name o f the United States, (which shall be executed upon the president o f the corporation for the time being, at least fifteen days be fore the commencement o f the term o f said court,) calling on the said corporation to show cause wherefore the charter hereby granted, shall not be declared forfeited; and it shall be lawful for the said court, upon the return o f the said scire facias, to examine into the truth o f the alleged violation, and if such violation be made appear, then to pro nounce and adjudge that the said charter is forfeited and annulled. Provided, however, Every issue o f fact which may be joined between the United States and the corporation aforesaid, shall be tried by a jury. FOURTEENTH CONGRESS. S ess. I. C h. 45. 1816. 277 And it shall be lawful for the court aforesaid to require the production o f such o f the books o f the corporation as it may deem necessary for the ascertainment o f the controverted facts: and the final judgment o f the court aforesaid, shall be examinable in the Supreme Court o f the United States, by writ o f error, and may be there reversed or affirmed, according to the usages o f law. A p p r o v e d , April 10, 1816. St a t u t e I . C h ap. X LV .—An Act making appropriations for the support of government, for the year one thousand eight hundred and sixteen. lie it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That for the expenditure o f the civil list in the present year, including the contingent expenses o f the several departments and offices ; for the compensation of the several loan officers and their clerks, and for books and stationery for the same; for the payment o f annuities and grants; for the support o f the mint establishment; for the expenses o f intercourse with foreign nations; for the support o f light-houses, beacons, buoys, and public piers; for sur veying the coast o f the United States; for making the Cumberland R oad; for ascertaining the titles to lands in Louisiana; for providing certificates o f registry and lists o f crews; and for satisfying certain miscellaneous claims, the following sums be, and the same are hereby respectively ap propriated, that is to say: For compensation granted by law to the members o f the Senate and House o f Representatives, their officers, and attendants, five hundred and ninety-five thousand two hundred and fifty dollars, and the deduc tion to be made on account o f the absence o f members or delegates for any part o f the present session, shall be in the proportion which the days of their absence respectively bear to the whole number o f the days o f the session. For the expense o f firewood, stationery, printing, and all other con tingent expenses o f the two Houses o f Congress, forty-seven thousand dollars. For the expenses o f the library o f Congress, including the librarian’s allowance for the year one thousand eight hundred and sixteen, eight hundred dollars. For compensation to the President o f the United States, twenty-five thousand dollars. For rent and repairs o f the tenement occupied by the President o f the United States since August, one thousand eight hundred and fourteen, three thousand five hundred and fifty dollars. For compensation to the Secretary o f State, five thousand dollars. For compensation to the clerks employed in the Department o f State, being the sum appropriated for the service o f the year one thousand eight hundred and fifteen, eleven thousand three hundred and fifty dol lars and fifty cents. For compensation to the messenger in said department and in the patent office, six hundred and sixty dollars. For the incidental and contingent expenses o f the said department, including the expense of printing and distributing ten thousand four hundred copies o f the laws o f the first session o f the fourteenth Con gress, and printing the laws in newspapers, sixteen thousand nine hun dred and thirty dollars. For compensation to the Secretary o f the Treasury, five thousand dollars. For compensation to the clerks employed in the office o f the Secretary o f the Treasury, being the sum appropriated for the service o f the year one thousand eight hundred and fifteen, ten thousand four hundred and thirty-three dollars and twenty-eight cents. 2 A April 16, 1816. [Obsolete.] S pecific ap propriations. Senate and H ouse o f R e presentatives. Library Congress. of P resident o f the United States. Compensation to officers o f the depart ments.