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[P u b l i c — No. 259— 6 6 t h C o n g r e s s .] [H. R. 13229.] An A ct To establish in the Department of Labor a bureau to be known as the Women’s Bureau. Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That there shall be established in the Department of Labor a bureau to be known as the Women’s Bureau. S ec . 2. That the said bureau shall be in charge of a director, a woman, to be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, who shall receive an annual compensa tion of $5,000. It shall be the duty of said bureau to formulate standards and policies which shall promote the welfare of wageearning women, improve their working conditions, increase their efficiency, and advance their opportunities for profitable employ ment. The said bureau shall have authority to investigate and report to the said department upon all matters pertaining to the welfare of women in industry. The director of said bureau may from time to time publish the results of these investigations in such a manner and to such extent as the Secretary of Labor may prescribe. S ec . 3. That there shall be in said bureau an assistant director, to be appointed by the Secretary of Labor, who shall receive an annual compensation of $3,500 and shall perform such duties as shall be prescribed by the director and approved by the Secretary of Labor. S ec . 4. That there is hereby authorized to be employed by said bureau a chief clerk and such special agents, assistants, clerks, and other employees at such rates of compensation and in such numbers as Congress may from time to time provide by appropriations. S ec . 5. That the Secretary of Labor is hereby directed to furnish sufficient quarters, office furniture, and equipment, for the work of this bureau. S ec . 6. That this act shall take efloct and be in force from and after its passage. Approved, June 5, 1920.