Full text of An Act to Create a Department of Labor
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736 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. SESS. III. CHs.123, 141. 1913 CRAP. 128.-An Act Making appropriations for the payment of invalid and othAr pP.nsions of the United States for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and fourteen, and for other purposes. March 3, 191S. [H. R. 28730.] [PUbllc, No.425.J Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of tke United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the payment of pensions for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, mneteen hundred and fourteen, and for other purposes, namely_: ai~~;aua, etc., penFor Army and Navy pensions, as follows: For invalids, widows, minor children, and dependent relatives, Army nurses, and all other pensioners who are now borne on the rolls, or who may. hereafter be placed thereon, under the provisions of any and all Acts of ConPro-i'iso~. gress, $180,000,000: Provided, That the appropriation aforesaid for Navy pen1lions. Navy pensions shall be Raid from the income of the Navy _pension fund, so far as the same shall be sufficient for that pu!1)ose: Provided Accounts. further, That the amount expended under each of tlie above items shall be accounted for seyarately. Examining snrFor fees and expenses.o exammin~ surgeons, pensions, for serviOOil K~~:S. rendered within the fiscal year mneteen hundred and fourteen, $300,000. g~bi:,71ngofflcerta That $12,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, out of the tlonlorexp!~~;~~I. - appropriation for clerk hire and other services contained in the 312 Ante, P• • Act making appropriations for invalid and other pensions for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and thirteen, is made available for postage on foreign mail, purchase and repair of furniture, filing cabinets, adding machines, addressing machines, typewriters, check signing machines, and other labor--saving devices for the use of the disbursing office, Bureau of Pensions. Approved, March 3, 1913. · 1a u!!~ns appropr - March 4, 1918. [H. R. :.w1a.] CH.AP. 141.-An Act To create a Department of Labor. B.e it. enact ed by tne 1. S enate auu, _ :, JIouse o_,,.f R epresentatives · 1. TJ,nit • ed oif_ t,.e States of America in Congress assembled, That there is hereby created an executive department in the Government to be called the Department of Labor, with a Secretary of Labor, who shall be the head thereof, to be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate; and who shall receive a salary of twelve thou- 26 sand dollars per annum, and whose tenure of office shall be like that 0 158 an~en8.ie~: • • P• • of the heads of the other executive departments; and section one hundred and fifty-eight of the Revised Statutes is hereby amended ·to include such department, and the provisions of title four of tlle Revised Statutes, including all amendments thereto, are hereby made ,~r•t,,a;~'cl'i!:t~~~~~ applicable to said department; and the Department of Commerce 11 after Department of and Labor shall hereafter be called the DeJ!artment of Commerce, c0;:,1;t•;0 ~ 82 and the Secretary thereof shall be called the Secretary of Commerce, · · and the Act creating the said Department of Commerce and Labor m~se ol Depart- is hereby amended accordingly. The purpose of the Department of Labor shall be to foster, promote, and develop the welfare of the wage earners of the United States, to improve their working conditions, and to advance their opportunities for profitable employment. Seal. etc. The said Secretary shall cause a seal of office to be made for the said department of such device as the President shall approve and judicial notice shall be taken of the said seal. Assistant Sectetsry. SEc. 2. That there shall be in said department an Assistant Secretary of Labor, to be appointed by the President, who shall receive a salary of five thousand dollars a year. He shall perform such duties other employees. as shall be prescribed by the Secretary or required by law. There shall also be one chief c1erk and a disbursing clerk, and such other [Publlc, No. 426.] Department of Labor created. 1~;~~3;;ent, . 1_ 11ry,nna tennre. sa ~ SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. SESs. III. Cn. 141. 1913. 737 clerical assistants, inspectors, and special agents as may from time to time be provided for by Congress. The Auditor for the State and AudttofaccouutsOther Departments shall receive and examine all accounts of salaries and incidental expenses of the office of the Secretary of Labor and of all bureaus and offices under his direction, and all accounts relating to all other business within the jurisdiction of the Department of Labor, and certify the balances arising thereon to_ the division of bookkeeping and warrants and send forthwith a copy of each certificate to the Secretary of Labor. SEC 3 That the following-named offices bureaus divisions and Bureaus.etc., transbranches· of the public service now and heretofore under the jurisdic- forred. tion of the Department of Commerce and Labor, and all that pertains to the same, known as the Commissioner General of Immigration, the Immigration. Commissioners of Immigration, the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization, the Divis10n of Information, the Division of Naturalization, and the Immigration Service at Large, the Bureau of Labor, Labor. the Children's Bureau, and the Commissioner of Labor, be, and the Cbildren's Bureau. \!lame hereby are, transferred from the Department of Commerce and Labor to the Department of Labor, and the same shall hereafter remain under the iurisdiction and supervision of the last-named department. The Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization is Bureauofimmigra' e.nd Bureau . of . "d ed mto hereby d ivi two bureaus, to b e kn own h ere after as t h e B ureau tion. Naturalization. of Immigration and the Bureau of Naturalization, and the titles omcers,e.nd dunes. Chief Division of Naturalization and Assistant Chief shall be Commissioner of Naturalization and Deputy Commissioner of Naturalization. The Commissioner of Naturalization or, in his absence, the Deputy Commissioner of Naturalization, shall be the administrative officer in charge of the Bureau of Naturalization and of the administration of the naturalization laws under the immediate direction of the Secretary of Labor, to whom he shall report directly upon all naturalization matters annually and as otherwise required, and the appointments of these two officers shall bemade in the same manner as appointments to competitive classified civil-service positions. The be~~:ft~~ ~iu-e~:b~i Bureau of Labor shall hereafter be known as the Bureau of Labor Labor Statistics. Statistics, and the Commissioner of the Bureau of Labor shall hereafter be known as the Commissioner of Labor Statistics; and all the PO\vers e.nd dut:es powers and duties heretofore possessed by the Commissioner of Labor retained. shall be retained and exercised by the Commissioner of Labor Statis- c . 01 tics; and the administration of the Act of May thirtieth, nineteen jur~.f.l'!~l~~~!'/ n657 hundred and eight, granting to certain employees of the United States Vol. 35, P- · the right to receive from it compensation for injuries sustained in the course of their employment. SEC. 4. That the Bureau of Labor Statistics, under the direction of 1ai0~~ti~nndf~1-on~'. the Secretary of Labor, shall collect, collate, and report at least once products,etc. each year, or oftener if necessary, full and complete statistics of the conditions of labor and the products and distribution of the products of the same, and to this end said Secretary shall have power to employ any or either of the bureaus provided for his department and to rearrange such statistical _work !'-nd to dist_ri~ute or consolida_te the same other de artments as may be deemed desirable m the public mterests; and said Secretary to assist. P shall also have authority to call upon other departments of the Government for statistical data and results obtained by them; and said Secretary of Labor may collate, arrange, and 1t,~~lish such statistical information so obtained in such manner as to · may seem wise. rd 1 1 SEc. 5. That the official records and papers now on file in and .J~~ b!'tre.~1;~C:,~ pertaining exclusively to the business of any bureau, office, depart- wi!ll bureaus. ment, or branch of the public service in this Act transferred to the Department of Labor, together with the furniture now in use in such bureau, office, department, or branch of the• public service, shall be, and hereby are, transferred to the Department of Labor. 738 _ SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. SEss. III. CH. 141. 1913. b~dl~;.~ ~E?. 6. That t~e Secretary of Labor shall_ have charge in thec:a•:;t:~7 buildmgs or prennses occupied by or appropriated to the Departproperty, etc. ment of Labor, of the library, furniture, fixtures, records, and other pro:perty pertaining to it or hN·eafter acguired for use in its business; he shall be allowed to expend for periodica¼ and the purposes of the library and for rental of appropriate quarters for tb,e accommodation of the Department of Labor within the District of Columbia, and for all other incidental expenses, such sums as Congress may provide b'C."in rented from time to time: Provided, however, That where any office, bureau, or branch of the J;>Ublic service transferred to the Department of buildings. Labor by this Act IS occupying rented buildings or premises, it may omcers,clerks,etc., still continue to do so until other suitable quarters are provided for its use: And provided further, That all officers, clerks, and employee!! transferred. now employed in any of the bureaus, offices, departments, or branches of the public service in this Act transferred to the Department of Labor are each and all hereby transferred to said de:partment at their present grades and salaries, except where otherWISe J)rovided reP.~f_... etc., trans- in this Act: And provided further, That all laws prescribing the work and defining the duties of the several bureaus, offices, departments, or branches of the public service by this Act transferred to and made a part of the Derartment of Labor shall, so far as the same are not in conflict with the provisions of this Act, remain in full force ani:l effect, to be executed under the direction of the Secretary of Labor. soucitora.utborlzed. SEC. 7. That there shall be a solicitor of the Department of Justice for the Department. of Labor, whose salary shall be five thousand dollars per annum. Conclllationoflabor SEC. 8. That the Secretary of Labor shall have power to act as mediator and to apIJoint commissioners of conciliation in labor disputes. Poweranda.utbority disputes whenever in his judgment the interests of industrial peace performed and all power mj re~uire_ it to be done·, and all duties .ofotberofflcerevested . in Secretary. an aut ority now possessed or exercISed by the head of any executive department in and over any bureau1 office, officer, board, branch, or division of the public service by this Act transferred to the Department of Labor, or any business arising therefrom or pertaming thereto, or in relation to the duties performed by and authority conferred by law upon such bureau, officer, office, board, branch, or division of the public service, whether of an a1_>pellate or revisory character or otherwise, shall hereafter be vested m and exercised by' the head of the said Department of Labor. SEC. 9. That the Secretary of Labor shall annually, at the close Annualreport,etc. of each fiscal year, make a report in writing to Congress, ~iving an account of all moneys received and disbursed by him and his depart-Reports of special ment and describing the work done by the department. He shall also, from time to time, make such special investigations and reports Investigations. as he may be required to do by th~ President, or by Congress, or which he himself may deem necessar_y. u!ep;:;t~~J~rd~fc"'" SEC. 10. That the Secretary of Labor shall in-vestigate and report with present b,.;rea.us: to Congress a plan of coordination of the activities, duties, and powers of the office of the Secretary of Labor with the activities, etc. duties, and powers of the present bureaus, commissions, and departments, so far as they relate to labor and its conditions, in order to harmonize and unify such activities, duties, and powers, with a view to further legislation to further define the duties and powers of such Department of Labor. SEC. 11. That this Act shall take effect March fourth, nineteen In effect. hundred and thirteen, and all Acts or parts of Acts inconsistent with this Act are hereby repealed. Approved, March 4, 1913. SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. SEBs. III. CH. 142. 739 1913. CHAP. 142.-An Act Making appropriations for the legislative, executive, and March<!, 1913. judicial expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen _...cl_H_.R_.26680 __.J:..__ hundred and fourteen, and for other purposes. (Public, No. 42'7.J Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress asse:mbled, That the following sums be, td'e"~~,~~icf:ie~~: and the same are hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treas- propria.tlona. ury not otherwise appropriated, in full compensation for the service of the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and fourteen, for the objects hereinafter expressed, namely: LEGISLATIVE. SENATE. Legislative. Senate. For compensation of Senators, $720,000. Pay of senators. For mileage of Senators, $51,000. Mileage. For compensation of the officers, clerks, messengers, and others in Officers, clerks, etc. the service of the Senate, namely: OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT: Secretary to the Vice President, olric~~ e President's $4,000; mes~enger, $1,440; telegraph operator, $1,500; telegraph page, $600; m all, $7,540. CHAPLAIN: For Chaplain of the Senate, $1,200. Chaplain. 01 senate, OFFICE OF SECRETARY: Secretar of Secretaryclerks, . . . . the Senate , includinf com- assistant, etc. pensat10n as d1sbursmg officer of sa anes of Senators and of t e contingent fund of the Senate, $6,500; hire of horse and wagon for the · Secretary's office, $420; assistant secretary, Henry M. Rose, $5,000; chief clerk, $3,250 and $1,250 additional while the office is held by the present incumbent; financial clerk, $3,000 and $1,250 additional while the office is held by the present incumbent; minute and journal clerk, princiJ;>al clerk, reading clerk, and enrolling clerk, at $3,000 each; executive clerk, and assistant financial clerk, at $2,750 each; librarian, file clerk, chief bookkeeper, assistant journal clerk, two clerks, printing clerk, and clerk compiling a history of revenue bills, at $2,500 each; first assistant librarian, $2,400; keeper of stationery, $2,400; compiler of Navy Yearbook and Senate report on river and harbor bill, $2,220; indexer for Senate public documents and two clerks, 'l.t $2,220 each; two clerks, at $2,100 each; assistant librarian, $1,800; assistant librarian, $1,600; skilled laborer, $1,200; clerk, $1,800; clerk, $1,600; assistant keeper of stationery, $2,000; assistant in stationery room, $1,200; messenger, $1,440; assistant messenger, $1,200; three laborers, at $840 each; three laborers, at $720 each; laborer in stationery room, $720; in all, $95,290. DOCUMENT ROOM: Superintendent, George. H. Boyd, $3,000; fu0;e~1~~J~ret<:. assistants, two at $2,250 each, one at $1,440; two clerks, at $1,440 each; skilled laborer, $1,200; in all, $13,020. AND MESSENGERS TO THE Clerks and _messen. CLERKS l d • • FOLLOWING COMMITTEES.: Addi- gere to committees. t10na Accommo atlons for the Library of Congress-clerk, $2,220, messenger $1,440; Agriculture and Forestry-clerk $2,500, assistant clerk $1,800, messenger $1,440; Appropriations-clerk $4,000, two assistant clerks at $2,500 each, two assistant clerks at $1,440 each, messenger $1,440, laborer $720; To Audit and Control the Contingent Expenses of the Senate-clerk $2,500, messenger $1,440, messenger $1,200; Canadian Relations-clerk $2,220, messenger $1,440, messenger $1,200; Census-Clerk $2,220, assistant clerk $1,200, messenger $1,440; Civil Service and Retrenchment-clerk $2,220, messenger $1,440, messenger $1,200; Claims-clerk $2,500, assistant -clerk $2,000, assistant clerk $1,440, messenger $1,200; Coast and Insular Survey-clerk $2,220, messenger $1,440; Coast Defenses-clerk $2,220, assistant clerk $1,440, messenger $1,200; Commerce-clerk $2,500, assistant clerk $1,800, messenger $1,440; Conference Minority 1