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550 550 SIXTYSIXTH CONGRESS. zss. II. OHS. 122, 125, 128, 136. 122,125,128,136. II. CHS. SEss. CONGRESS. S SIXTY-SIXTH April 8, 8, 1920. 1920. . J.Res. 148. [Pub. Res., No. 36.1 1920. 1920. CHAP. Authorizing the Department Department of Commerce Commerce to parResolution Authorizing 122.-Joint Resolution CHAP. 122.--joint in New York in ticipate in the National National Marine Marine Exposition in April, 1920. 1920. Exposition to be held in in the ticipate National Ex- Whereas Whereas the the National National Marine League of of the United States to hold hold is to States is the United Marine League Marin ExNational Marine April, for the purpose Freezable. an York next April, purpose of demonNew York in New exposition in an exposition osne. pPosition. strating the public public the the needs the maritime maritime o the the inusries of mariof industries of the needs of to the strating to United States and and the the means of such such marimarithe interests interests of by which which the means by United States time industries and promoted ,•_ and and promoted encouraged and may be be encouraged industries may time Whereas it it is that participation participation by the Department Department of of by the believed that is believed Whereas Commerce in such exposition tend to to promote, and develop, and promote, develop, may tend exposition may in such Commerce foster the and domestic domestic commerce United States: States: of the the United commerce of foreign and the foreign foster Therefore be be it it Therefore Resolved by the Senate of Representatives the United United of the Representatives of and House House of Senate and by the Resolved of ComComin Congress Congress assembled, assembled, That the Secretary States of America America in o CornDepartmentsend DePartment ' Secretary of exmerce may .manwith the mancooperate with hibits to. merce be authorized, in his discretion, discretion, to cooperate in his be authorized, merce hibitsto. agers of such such exposition to furnish exhibits from from the various the various such exhibits furnish such and to exposition and agers of • ent, may bureaus and branches in his his department as, in his ju may judgment, in his department as, branches in bureaus and department: of the be of value in the ?erformance of the the functions the ertment: functions of performance in the value be of Proviso. exhibits suc cooperation cooperation and such exhibits of such furnishing of and the the furnishing No author. Provided, That such Provided, That No expense epense autheor bed. i z e d shall be expense to United States. States. to the the United be without without expense shall Approved, April April 8, 8, 1920. 1920. Approved, April 10, 1920. [P. ( S. J. Res. 167.1 167.) (Pub. Res., No. No. 37.) 37.) [Pub. Res., CHAP. 125.oint 125.—Joint Resolution Resolution Providing Providing forthe for the filling vacancy in in the Board of of the Board of aavacancy filling of CHAP. Regents of the the Smithsonian Institution, of the class claw other than Members of Congress. Congress. Members of other than of the Smithsonian Institution, Regents of Resolved the Senate Senate and of Representatives United the United of the Representatives of House of and House by the Resolved by the in the States in Congress That the the vacancy vacancy in assembled, That Congress assembled, of America America in States of Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, of the class other ^Reapprictmet jo Board 1920, by by March 19, than Members that will will occur on March 19, 1920, occur on of Congress, Congress, that than Members of Rege reason of the of the the term F. Choate, of junior, of Choate, junior, of Charles Charles F. term of expiration of the expiration reason of F. the said Charles F. Massachusetts, be filled reappointment of the by the the reappointment filled by Massachusetts, be Choate, junior, for term. ensuing term. for the the ensuing Choate, junior, Approved, April April 10, 1920. Approved, smithsonian nsiSmithsonian Institution. tntion. Reappointment of Charles F. Choate, jr., t as Regret. April 13, 1920. 0 ( H. R..iR 12711.) . 132 A [Public, No. 170.1 170.1 [pubic, No. CHAP. 128.—An Act To amend the Act December 23, 23, 1913, 1913, known known approved December Act approved amend the Act To CHAP. 128.-An as the the Federal Reserve Act. Act. Federal Reserve as Be the Senate of the United United Representatives of of Representatives House of and House Senate and by .the enacted by Be itit enacted Federal States ofAmerica in i nCongress assembled, That That section section 14 14 of of the the Federal Federal Congressassembled, banks States ofAmerica 7, 1916, 1916, September 7, Act as as amended Acts approved approved September the Acts by the amended by Reserve Act countntes author- Reserve and 21, 1917, 1917, be be further further amended amended by by striking out the semicolon the semicolon striking out June 21, and June ed. after the word "business" "business" at the end of subparagraph subparagraph (d) and insert in thereof the the following: "and which, the approval, approval, subject to to the which, subject following: "and in lieu lieu thereof review, and determination determination of of the may be be Board, may Reserve Board, the Federal Federal Reserve review, and the advances graduated or progressed progressed on basis of of the the amount amount of the advances on the the basis graduated or Federal reserve and discount discount accommodations accommodations extended extended by the Federal and borrowing bank." bank the borrowing bank." to the bank to Approved, April April 13, 1920. Approved, Reserve Federal Reserve banks. d Graduated rediscount rates authorized. p. 266, 26, amendVol. 38, p. Vol. ed. April 15, 1920. ( S. 15', 27861 ( Public, 171.1 [Public, No. 171.) Public las. lands. Sales abanfor cash, a, abanSales for doned mlitay reser dmied military cation lands in reserGreg- or ory county, . Dak. County, S. Dak. CHAP. 136.—An Act Authorizing Authorizing the the sale of lands lands in County, South sale of in Gregory Gregory County, South CIAP. 136.-An Act Dakota. Dakota. Be and House of the the United United of Representatives Representatives of House of Senate and by the the Senate enacted by Be itit enacted the States of the Secretary Secretary of of the That the assembled, That in Congress Congress assembled, America in States of America Interior, in his discretion, be, and he is hereby, authorized authorized to sell for cash, under such rules and regulations regulations as he may prescribe, the unallotted, unreserved, unreserved, and lands in in Gregory Gregory County, County, unallotted, and unentered unentered lands South Dakota, Fort Randall Randall Military Military Reservation. Reservation. formerly in in the the Fort South Dakota, formerly Approved, April 15, 1920. April 15, Approved,