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A H isto ry o f M o d e r n B a nks o f I ssu e BY CHARLES A. CONANT FORMER MEMBER OF COMMISSION ON INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE ; MEMBER SOCIETE D’ECONOMIE POLITIQUE DE FRANCE, ETC., AUTHOR OF “ PRINCIPLES OF MONEY AND BANKING,” “ WALL STREET AND THE COUNTRY,” ETC. FIFTH EDITION REVISED AND ENLARGED WITH NEW CH APTERS ON THE FEDERAL RESERVE A C T AND THE BANKS IN THE EUROPEAN W AR G. P. PUTNAM’S SONS NEW YORK AND LONDON l ib r a r y C o p y r i g h t , 1896, b y G. F. PUTNAM’S SONS C o p y r i g h t , 1908, b y G. P. PUTNAM’S SONS C o p y r i g h t , 1909, b y G. P. PUTNAM’S SONS C o p y r i g h t , 1915, b y G. P. PUTNAM’S SONS tTbc ftnfcfeerbocfeer ipress, 1Rew HJorfe To MY MOTHER PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION. declaration made in the first edition of this work, in , that financial and economic subjects THEpublished promised to be “ the paramount issues of American 1896 politics for many years to come,” has been verified by events. While the United States have taken some long steps in the direction of a sound monetary system, the question of a proper banking currency still remains unsettled and is at this moment under investigation by a special commission authorized by Congress. It seems proper, therefore, that a summary of the experience of the world in banking should be presented to the public which includes the events of the past twelve years as well as those of earlier times. The fact stated in the preface to the first edition, that there is no work in English covering exactly the ground covered by Modern Banks of Issue, has remained substantially true. One larger and more elaborate work, written by different authors, and a few bald summaries of facts and statistics have been published, but, apart from these, there is no other volume which brings together in connected and accessible form the record of the banking experiences of the world. Important events have taken place in both banking and political history during the past twelve years. The United States have become competitors for the commercial empire of the Orient to a degree which has justified much more extended accounts than were given before of banking and currency conditions in Oriental countries. The note-issuing systems of Switzerland, Sweden, and Mexico have been completely reconstructed, and important changes have been VI PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION. made in Russia, Austria-Hungary, Japan, and other coun tries. In this new edition of Modern Banks of Issue, not only have such events been brought down to date, but more attention has been given than in the first edition to several phases of banking development, notably on the side of dis count policy and on that of the division of profits between the bank and the state. In practically every European state, even where there has been no radical change in monetary and banking policy, the opportunity which has arisen to revise the charters of the banks has been availed of, in the case of the great central banks, to narrow the privileges and profits which were originally granted to the shareholders. The facts in this regard are presented in this edition with much greater approach to completeness than in the earlier editions of this work. The past twelve years have contributed much to strictly monetary as well as to banking history. Questions whose solution was doubtful and disputed have been settled to the satisfaction of intelligent men. The gold standard, which was described twelve years ago as “ a conspiracy against the human race, ’’ has been adopted in succession within that time by the United States, Russia, Austria-Hungary, Japan, and Mexico. Practically the only country remaining upon the silver standard is China, which is without a national monetary system, and even as these pages go to press despatches from China indicate that the government is planning such a national system to be based ultimately upon gold. This history of banking is not intended as a treatise on coinage, except so far as changes in coinage laws have been accomplished through banking agencies and have affected banking history. The great banks of the world have in evitably, however, been powerful factors in the monetary changes which have been accomplished in recent years. Especially lias this been the case where the new monetary systems have depended in some degree, as in the case of British India, the Philippines, Mexico, Russia, and AustriaHungary, upon the control of the market for exchange. In PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION. vii this field experience has developed what is practically a new monetary system and has established new principles to govern the issue and distribution of money. The gold ex change system, inaugurated with halting stops in British India in 1893, has been adopted with various modifications in other countries and has stood unshaken the test of a crisis in the world’s markets and a local crisis in production in India. Those events it has seemed the legitimate function of this work to set forth. Owing to the importance of the events of the past dozen years, and the increased space given to the banking systems of Mexico and the Orient, it has seemed advisable to confine the scope of this work to narration. To this end there have been eliminated the three chapters on banking theory which appeared in the earlier editions: “ The Theory of a Banking Currency,” “ Crises and Their Causes,** and “ The Advan tages of a Banking Currency.” A more nearly complete and satisfactory presentation of the author’s views on mone tary and banking theory will be found in the separate work in two volumes on The Principles of Money and Bankings published in 1905, and issued on the continent of Europe in the French translation of Dr. Raphael Georges-L6vy. In sending forth this work again to the public in a con dition abreast with recent monetary history, the author can only renew the hope that it will contribute in some degree to the diffusion of those sound views of banking whose adoption into law is essential to the economic progress of our country. CHARLES A. CONANT. N ew Y ork, February 1 , 1909. PREFACE TO THE FIFTH EDITION. IGHTEEN years have elapsed since the publication of the first edition of A History of Modern Banks of Issue. They have been years of remarkable progress in monetary science. The United States, which for a long time lagged behind other advanced commercial countries in the development of her monetary system, has finally adopted a comprehensive measure of centralized banking and note issue, which, if wisely administered, will put her bankers in a position to compete on something like an equal plane with bankers of other countries, and which will afford the means of guarding her gold stock and removing forever the menace of such humiliating conditions of monetary inefficiency as were developed in the crisis of 1907. So important is this step in the progress of American finance, that a new chapter has been added to this work in this fifth edition, outlining the scope and effects of the Federal Reserve Act of December 23 , 1913, by which a sys tem of centralized banking has been established. The long process of evolution in American banking education, begin ning just before the appearance of the first edition of A History of Modern Banks of Issue, in 1896, has not been ignored. The provisions of the emergency act of May 30 , 1908, known as the Aldrich-Vreeland Law, are set forth under the history of the national banking system, and an analysis is made of the plan of the National Monetary Com mission, many of whose provisions were adopted in the Federal Reserve Act. In several of the principal foreign countries, revisions of E PREFACE TO THE FIFTH EDITION. X the national bank charters have occurred during the past few years, which have emphasized the growing tendency to more rigid government control over finance and a larger participa tion of the state in the profits of note issue. These changes in the charters of the banks of France, Germany, and AustriaHungary, which have been made since the appearance of the fourth edition of this work, are set forth, and the statistics for these countries have been brought up to date. Changes in the banking law of our Canadian neighbors, the adoption of a stable monetary system in Nicaragua, and the revision of the currency system of British India are set forth as fully as space permits. In this edition, it has not been attempted to make all the minor corrections in statistics which might be called for by the lapse of five years since the appearance of the fourth edition; but the effort has been made to set forth important changes of law and policy and serious interruptions to the normal functioning of the monetary system such as has occurred in Mexico. The remarkable series of events arising from the war in Europe, which seemed for a moment likely to shake the modern structure of credit to its foundations, occurred when the new edition of this book was nearly ready for vthe press; and its publication was delayed in order that a chapter might be added on “ The Banks in the European War.” The war has been productive of many striking lessons in the field of monetary history and none more striking than the success of the system of central banking in sustaining the entire fabric of money and credit under conditions of strain never before encountered in the history of the world. The story of this test and its application to American experience, it is the aim of the new chapter to set forth. CHARLES A. CONANT. N ew Y ork, January 15, 1915. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. T he B e g in n in g s of Ba ............................................................... i n k in g PAGE CHAPTER II. A n c i e n t a n d M o d e r n B a n k in g i n I t a i ,y . <, , • *7 o c • 32 CHAPTER III. B a n k in g in France CHAPTER IV. F ir s t C e n t u r y Bank of the of E ngland 78 CHAPTER V. S ec o n d Ce n t u r y of th e Bank of E ngland * . . 100 CHAPTER VI. T h e S cotch B a n k in g S y s t e m ...............................................................142 CHAPTER VII. B a n k in g i n I r e l a n d ............................................................................171 CHAPTER VIII. T h e B anks o f G e r m a n y ................................................................186 xi xii CONTENTS . CHAPTER IX. T h e A u s tro -H u n g a ria n B a n k CHAPTER X . T he; Ba n k of R u s s ia . CHAPTER XI. T h e B an k s o f N o r th e r n E u ro p e CHAPTER XII. T h e B an k s o f S o u th e rn E u ro p e CHAPTER X III. T h e B a n k o f t h e U n ite d S ta te s CHAPTER XIV. T h e S t a t e B a n k in g S y s te m s CHAPTER XV. T h e N a t i o n a l B a n k in g S y s te m CHAPTER XVI. T h e C a n a d ia n B a n k in g S y s te m CHAPTER XVII. T h e B a n k in g S y s te m o f M e x ic o CHAPTER XVIII. B a n k in g i n L a t i n A m e r ic a CHAPTER X IX . B a n k in g in A f r ic a a n d O c e a n ic a CONTENTS . xiii CHAPTER X X . B a n k in g in Ja pan PAGE K orea . and 555 CHAPTER X X I. B a n k in g and E xchange in Th e O r ie n t . . . . 569 CHAPTER X X II. T h e E a r i <y C r is e s . . .611 . . . 636 T h e C r is is o f 1 8 9 3 .............................................................. ............ 668 of th e L ast Ce n t u r y CHAPTER X X III. T h e L a t e r C r is e s o f the L ast Ce n t u r y CHAPTER X XIV . CHAPTER X X V . T h e C r is is o f 1 9 0 7 ............................................................ ............ 698 CHAPTER X X V I. Th e F ed era l R eserve A c t .............................................................722 CHAPTER X XV II. T h e Ba n k s L is t of in t h e E uro pean W a A u t h o r it ie s In d e x , r .................................................738 .....................................................................................755 .............................................................763 HISTORY OF MODERN BANKS OF ISSUE. CHAPTER I. THE BEGINNINGS OF BANKING. Credit Instruments not a Modern Invention—Early Forms of Bank ing in Assyria, Greece, and Rome—The Baked Clay Tablets of‘ Babylonia—Survival of Banking Methods at Constantinople— Origin of the Word “ Bank ”—Beginnings of the Bank of Venice —The Tax Farmers and Financiers of the Middle Ages—The Prohibition of Loans at Interest and the Functions of the Jews. T HE mechanism of credit dates back to the civilizations of antiquity. It was much more fully developed in Assyria and Babylon than in early Greece and Rome, and after its development in the latter countries during their periods of military and commercial ascendancy suffered a new eclipse during the interruption of communications in the Dark Ages. It was left, however, for the sixteenth century of our era to develop the bank note in something like its modern form, and for the nineteenth century to spread its use over the civilized world. Assyria, as early as the seventh and even the ninth century before Christ, possessed a system of commercial instruments, which included promissory notes, bills of exchange, and transfer checks, not unlike the modem bank check. As this system was in operation before the use of coined money, these documents usually stipulated for the payment of a HISTOR V OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE. 2 given weight of silver or copper.1 They were inscribed, not on paper, but on small clay tablets about the size of a piece of toilet soap. After the contract had been written in the soft earth, it was baked so as to render it unalterable and indestructible. Such a form of document naturally could not be subjected to endorsement or acceptance, like modem commercial paper; but this defect was supplied by the presence of witnesses, usually having a religious or legal authority.2 The original was placed for safety in either the temple or the record chamber of the city, enclosed in a clay envelope or case, while copies went to one or both the con tracting parties. Many of these documents, preserved in the British Museum, are records of deeds and the partition of real estate, but some involve loans of silver at interest, and these become numerous in the reigns of Nebuchadnezzar and Nabopolassar (625-604 b. c . ) . 8 While the Athenians and Romans were in some respects less advanced in the mechanism of credit than the Eastern peoples, their surviving records are more complete. The first of the Greek bankers referred to in history is Philostephanos, who had the honor of receiving into his custody at Corinth a deposit of seventy talents from the hands of Themistokles. The bankers of Athens were among the most powerful in Greece, and the son of the banker Pasion was able to boast that he could borrow where he would, at Lampsakos, at Phasos, at Tenedos, or elsewhere, because he was the son of Pasion. The first Athenian bankers, how ever, were not citizens, but freedmen of Corinthian and Ionian bankers who had shown skill and acquired wealth at Athens as the agents of their employers. Wealth did not throw down social barriers for them until evidence of their patriotism was afforded by loans at low rates to the state 1 Vide forms of these contracts in Lenormant, La Monnaie dans V Antiquite, I., 114-117. 2 Iyenormant, I., 118. 3 British Museum : Babylonian and Assyrian Antiquities, 1900* - . 174 176 THE BEGINNINGS OF BANKIN G. 3 in the hour of need. The banking business was mingled with large speculations in foreign trade and confused with the function of merchants, until the growth of wealth and the subdivision of industries gradually erected it into a dis tinctive profession.1 Many of the stronger Athenian bankers attained a high degree of prosperity and their houses endured for several generations. One of the first forms of banking was the exchange of foreign monies for domestic monies and the return of the foreign monies to the country of origin. The narrow limits of the Greek and Italian states made the function of the money-changer essential in international trade, and afforded large opportunities for profit. There were many prejudices against making trade too easy by a uniform standard, and the money of domestic use was often different from that employed in foreign commerce.3 Xenophon declared that the larger number of the cities of Greece had money having value only at home, and that traders at such places were compelled in consequence to make exchanges in merchan dise, but that Athens was an exception and that her silver drachmas were accepted everywhere. The bankers in Athens were known as tpa7teQiToa and those in Rome as argentarii (dealers in silver).3 The bank ing business was subjected to official regulation m both Athens and Rome. The Roman laws required the argen tarii to produce their accounts for official inspection, and prescribed that they should keep a cash-book, a depositbook, and a day-book. The transfer of credits was permitted at Athens by the law of Solon, and commercial paper from Phoenicia and Egypt was negotiated upon the Athenian 1 Cruchon, 22. 2 Vide Favre, La Genlse de VArgenty in Revue d'J&conomie Poli tique, April, 1899, XIII., 358. 3 Cruchon enumerates more than sixty titles of different classes of persons dealing with monetary matters at Rome. Some of these were public officials, and the exact character of the business done changed from time to time, even where old names were retained.— Les Banques dans VAntiquile, 35. HISTOR Y OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE. 4 market. The fact that bankers conducted the exchange of money of all countries naturally made them authorities in monetary matters. At Athens they kept accounts for their clients, which they were compelled to produce upon requisi tion, and their accuracy and technical knowledge led to their frequent employment for verifying the accounts of the city. The Greeks taught banking to Rome, and the first names for bankers there were of Greek origin. The banking busi ness at Rome was at first largely in the hands of foreigners and freedmen, but certain branches of finance were in the hands of native Romans. It was the usurious rates of inter est exacted by the patricians in their business relations with the plebeians, rather than any acts of regular bankers, which led to the secession of the plebs to the Sacred Mountain in 494 and to the Janiculum in 278 B.C.1 The regular bankers, the argentariiy were charged with the organization of the coinage by Marius Gratidianus in the first century B.C., and the work was so well done that statues were raised to the praetor who had taken the initiative in the reform. Sylla overturned the statues and put in circulation the filled money of base metal which was one of the devices of early times.8 The booths of the bankers in the Forum were so conspicuous that when, in 309 B.C., the bucklers of the Samnites were brought home by the victorious Roman armies, they were ordered to be displayed with their incrustations of gold and silver above these booths in order that the people might view their splendor.3 In spite of these honors, however, it was not a source of pride in Roman patrician society to be de scended from the argentarii. Marc Antony made it a subject of derision that Augustus counted an argentarius among his paternal ancestors and that even on his mother’s side an argentarius was his grandfather.4 The concentration at Rome of the control of the politics and business of the world gradually extended the scope of 1 Cruchon, 40. 2 Deloume, Les Manieurs dfArgent d Rome, 156. 3 Cruchon, 43. 4 Ibid., 54. THE BEGINNINGS OF BANKING. 5 Roman banking, subdivided the business, and resulted in the creation of a complete body of jurisprudence, which was embodied in the Institutes of Justinian. The argentarii were first money-changers, then receivers of deposits, then lenders at interest both of their own money and that entrusted to them, and purchasers of bills of exchange. Deposits were utilized as the basis of transfers by paper credit, and loans were made by these instruments without the direct with drawal of cash from the hands of the bankers. The first mention of the argentarii is in Livy, about 350 B.C., but the later Roman plays are full of references to their methods. Prescribere or rescribere was to give a check on one’s account or transfer credit from one account to another. Thus Demipho says, in the Phormio of Terence, “ But, Phormio, pray go over to the Forum and order that money be put to my account/ ’ 1 These transfer orders lacked the character of modem checks in not being transferable to order, but the principle of compensation, by setting off one debt against another between the same persons, was generally recognized. The publicans or tax-farmers were the strongest organized financial body of antiquity. They not only farmed the taxes, but undertook to provide transportation and equipment for the armies and the means for great public works.8 Some of the first publicans were men who combined the business of private trade with usury and money-changing and followed it in the wake of the Roman armies in their victorious pro gress over Northern Europe. Their exactions, supported by Roman power, made them very unpopular, and one of the notable incidents of the Gallic insurrection in Caesar’s time was the massacre of these merchants or negotiatores at Genabum.3 The Italian merchants were also singled out, along with the publicans and proconsuls, as the special ob jects of the fury of the people of Pontus under Mithridates, 1Sed transi sodes adforum , atque illud mihi argentum rursutnjube rescribiy Phormio.—This is the rendering of Prof. MacLeod, Theory and Practice of Bankings I., 162. 2 Deloume, 94. 3 Caesar, De Bello Gallicoy VII., iii. HISTOR Y OJF M ODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE. 6 when fifty thousand Romans were massacred. The publicans formed powerful associations and held a position in Roman society similar to that held in the pre-Revolutionary period in France by the financiers. The commanders of the Roman armies and proconsuls also engaged in a form of banking by loaning their capital at usurious rates in the provinces. Brutus placed his capital in Kypros at 48 per cent,, Verres placed his in Sicily at 24 per cent., while even Cato watched carefully over his investments, and Pompey loaned hundreds of millions of sesterces to the kings and cities of Greece and Asia.1 It is the opinion of Jannet that the organization of the greater commerce and of banking as it existed in the Roman Empire survived the invasions of the barbarians and per sisted during the first part of the Middle Ages.8 But lack of security for property in Western Europe, and the neglect of the highways of commerce, gradually drove both commerce and credit within narrower limits and led to the withdrawal of metallic money for hoarding from its legitimate use in circulation. The revival of banking in the later Middle Ages came through the money-changers. The growth of commerce and the accumulation of capital as early as the eleventh century began to draw the precious metals from their hiding-places and led each seigneur to coin his own money. The diversity of weights and the varying market ratio between gold and silver made the function of the ex changer an important one, and the old cathedral windows at Bourges, L,e Mans, and elsewhere still portray his booths, behind which he is represented with a balance weighing the coins piled at his feet or drawing from a sack those which he proposes to give in exchange.8 The edicts of Leo the Wise, the Byzantine Emperor of Constantinople, contained a series of provisions governing the money-changers. They were constituted into a corporation, into which admission 1 Deloume, 146. * Le Credit Populaire et les Banques en Italie, 7, n. 8 Cons, Precis d'Histoire du Commerce, I., 196. 7 could be obtained only upon the testimony of reputable citi zens that the candidate would not debase or counterfeit the coins and that he would be in the market-place at proper times by himself or a substitute for the purpose of meeting his obligations. Similar money-changers existed in the Arabian cities. In Italy, when Venice, Florence, Naples, Genoa, and Pisa be came great commercial centres, the Lombards became the bankers and waged a bitter rivalry with the Jews. The Italian bankers were useful to the church, in transmitting to Rome contributions collected in Germany, France, and Eng land, and in several countries were given special protection as the representatives of the Pope. General regulations of the exchange and banking business appear early in the Italian statutes. The exchangers of Lucca in m i were re quired to take an oath not to steal, commit fraud, or falsify. Those engaged in the business were known in Italy as campsores, or dealers in foreign money. The chiefs of the Lombard League obtained from Frederic Barbarossa pledges that the customs connected with the tables of the exchangers should be respected. In the organization of industry at Flor ence in 1266 the “ art of exchange0 was one of the seven higher arts, constituting one of the bourgeois corporations and ranking above the fourteen made up of laborers.1 Even before this date the art of exchange had been recognized in 1204 in a treaty concluded between Florence and Sienna. The Jewish and Italian bankers spread their connections throughout Western Europe, and the Lombards shared with the Jews the unpopularity of their profession. The in habitants of Asti in Lombardy pushed the trade in money beyond the Alps in 1226. Louis IX. in 1256 ordered 150 Asti money-changers to be thrown into prison and the money which they had loaned in France confiscated. Twelve years later they were banished by the same monarch and allowed only three months in which to collect their debts.8 THE BEGINNINGS OF BANKING. 1 Nys, Recherches sur VHistoire de VEconomie Politique, 155. 8Roscher, Principles of Political Economy, II., 119. HISTOR Y OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE. 8 The Florentines and Venetians, who succeeded the Lom bards, did much to reorganize credit and formed great houses with branches directed by the co-partners. The Medici in the fifteenth century had not less than sixteen branch houses in the principal commercial cities.1 When Holland became a centre of capital and enterprise, Amster dam superseded Antwerp in commercial influence, and the available capital of the world was attracted there by the ex cellent organization of the Bank of Amsterdam. The Jewish colony included Jews from Portugal, Spain, Italy, and Ger many. At Hamburg the Jewish community, formed from Portuguese refugees, was credited with a considerable share in the creation of the public bank.8 The word “ bank ” is derived from the public loans made by the Italian cities rather than to the business of banking as understood in later times. The usual Italian name of a public loan was monte, signifying a joint-stock fund. The Germans were influential in Italy during the Middle Ages, especially about the time when a forced loan of one per cent, was levied by the city of Venice in 1171 upon the property of all citizens. Their name for a joint-stock fund was banck, meaning a heap or mound, which the Italians converted into banco and employed for an accumulation of either stock or money. The definition of a bank given in an Italian dictionary in 1659 was “ Monte, a standing Bank, or Mount, of money, as they have in divers cities in Italy.” A more recent writer, Cibrario, says: “ Regarding the Theory of Credit, which I have said was invented by the Italian cities, it is known that the first Bank, or public debt (tl Prio Banco o Debito Pubblico), was erected in Venice in 1171.” 3 The word was adopted into English, meaning indifferently public loans ^Jannet, Le Credit Populaire et les Banques en Italie, 6. Jannet, Le Capital au XIXe SiZcle, 434. MacLeod, Theory of Credit, II., 578. Professor MacLeod insists that the common derivation of the word “ bank ” from the counter upon which the money-changers kept their money, is without foundation. He says : “ The Italian money-changers, as such, were never called Banchieri in the Middle Ages.” 2 3 THE BEGINNINGS OF BANKIN G . 9 or stocks of money. Benbrigge, in 1646, speaks of the *i three Bankes ’’ at Venice, meaning the three public loans or Monti. The issue of paper money directly by the state was spoken of as “ raising a Banke” in colonial days in Massachusetts, the word “ bank” standing for the money rather than the institution which put it in circulation.1 The banks of Venice have attracted wide attention because of the long-preserved legend, that a public bank issuing negotiable securities used as money was created there in 1171. This legend has been proved unfounded by recent investigations of Lattes and Ferrara.2 Banking in Venice was entirely in private hands during the early centuries and was a subject of legal regulation from time to time between 1270 and 1584. It was not until the latter year that an attempt was made to create a public bank. Private banking acquired a wide scope as the gradual outgrowth of the busi ness of the campsores. The latter were required as early as 1270 to give security to the government as the condition of carrying on their traffic. Tommaso Contarini, in a speech delivered in the Senate in 1584 in favor of establishing a public bank, declared that there had been one hundred and three banks, of which ninety-six had come to a bad end and only seven had succeeded. Yet, says Professor Dunbar, “ notwithstanding a train of disasters nearly two centuries and a half long, the service rendered by the banks to com merce had been such, on the whole, as to lead Contarini to Weeden, Economic and Social History of New England, 318. The results of their inquiries were printed by Professor Lattes in La Liberth delle Banche a Venezia dal Secolo XIII. al X VII., pub lished at Milan in 1869, and by Professor Ferrara in the Nuova Antologia for January and February, 1871. They have been care fully analyzed and summed up by Professor Dunbar, Economic Essays, 143-167. The true status of the Venetian banks seems to have been known to Blanqui, for he says that “ what we know of the Bank of Venice and that of Genoa does not permit a doubt that these banks were nothing else than great tax-farming enterprises (rrandes rigies de perception) for the objects of the Government.”— Histoire de V Economie Politique, II., 41. 2 10 H ISTO RY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE. argue that to preserve the trade of the dty without banking was not only difficult, but impossible.” These early banks first did business with their own money and then with deposits, like the London goldsmiths at a later date. The use of the deposits was not at first intended to economize cash, but simply to avoid its frequent handling. The transfer of credits upon the books of the bank trans ferred the title to cash in the custody of the bank, and, so far as this rule had been violated by grants of credit to per sons who had not deposited cash, it was treated by Contarini as a grave abuse. He saw in the banking system only a method of transfer by book accounts, by which “ buyer and seller are satisfied in a moment, while the pen moves over the page, whereas a day would not be enough to complete the contract for a great mass of merchandise by counting a great number of coins.” 1 Notwithstanding the attempt to keep banking within these limits, the bankers employed the money entrusted to them in more or less speculative ways, and an act of 1374 forbade dealings in certain specified commodities or the opening of credits for such dealings. The banks came by degrees to make advances to the state and to grant credits to merchants and traders without full cash security. They thus became substantially banks of issue. They did not formally issue notes, but banking credits came to constitute certificates of deposit which circulated as currency. The creation of the Bank of St. George at Genoa and the bank at Milan were due in some degree to the survival of the Roman system of farming the taxes. A single individual was hardly equipped with sufficient capital to carry on the large operations involved, and associations were formed for dealing with the state on the one hand and the taxpayer on the other, which became the nucleus of larger banking opera tions. Thus great financiers grew up, who dominated the politics as well as the finance of European states as soon as centralization had reached a point which called for a paid D unbar, Quarterly Journal of Economics, April, 1892, VI., 314. THE BEGINNINGS OF BANKING. II military force and made money the nerve of war. One of the great houses which wielded a remarkable influence in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries was that of the Fuggers. The founder, Hans Fugger, came to Augsbourg from a country village in 1367 and died in 1409, leaving a fortune of 3000 florins. It was Jacob Fugger, his grandson, who gave the house a national character and international power. The business of trade in silks and other stuffs was at first mingled with mining and banking operations. It was in 1487 that Jacob Fugger concluded an arrangement with Duke Sigismund, by which he acquired the rich silver mines of the Tyrol as the guarantee of a loan. Maximilian, the successor of Sigismund, obtained large loans from the Fug gers, they had important transactions with Pope Julius II., and their operations were extended to Antwerp and India. The election of the Roman Emperor after the death of Maximilian afforded the opportunity to dictate world politics. Francis I. of France had already announced that he would obtain the Empire at any cost, and it was necessary for Charles V. to appeal to the Fuggers for money to influence the electors. The aggregate cost of the election of Charles was stated at 850,000 florins, of which the Fuggers provided 543,000/ Charles V. endeavored to have the debt assumed by Spain and had such trouble in raising funds that Francis I. was able to win from him his German mercenaries. The Fuggers had great difficulty in recovering their advances to the Spanish king and in 1524 assumed the farming of a large part of the Spanish land taxes and the mines. Jacob Fugger was at this time the most potent financier in the world, with establishments in Poland, Hungary, Spain, Antwerp, and Naples. After his day, the prestige of the house gradually declined. As late as 1560 a “ Fugger bill of exchange ” was synonymous with cash, but in 1562 it was necessary to bor row to meet obligations and the assets of the house only slightly exceeded its liabilities. The King of Spain in 1 L'&poque des Fugger%in Annales de l y Institutes Sciences Sodales, III., . 108 H ISTO RY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE . 12 1631 accorded the Fuggers an extension for paying their debts and their affairs thereafter consisted of a process of liquidation. The business of banking was only a branch of the great affairs of these finance houses of the sixteenth and seven teenth centuries. The Fuggers endeavored to acquire large territories in Chile, and the Welsers of Augsbourg under Charles V. obtained an entire province of Venezuela. The bankers of Genoa advanced to the kings of Spain the amounts required for their destructive wars in Italy, France, and the Netherlands, upon the guarantee of the product of the mines of the new world.1 The Hochstetters of Amster dam were among the greatest of the Dutch houses and it was declared by a chronicler that 4‘princes, counts, nobles? tradesmen, peasants, valets, and servants have placed with Ambrose Hochstetter all their money, for which he pays five per cent.” The Hochstetters endeavored between 1511 and 1517 to “ corner” the tin market. They bought up the entire visible supply, but new mines were opened in Spain and Hungary which they were unable to control, and they lost a third of their investment. The house became involved in further difficulties within another generation and accused the Greshams of England of overthrowing their credit.5* Banking in France before the experiments of John L,aw was largely in the hands of the farmers-general and “ finan ciers.” The farmers-general have often been confounded with the other class, but they were for the most part respect able officials upon fixed salaries, who were connected with the financiers only through dealings with them and the efforts of the financiers to obtain admission to the official body as a badge of respectability.3 The Ferme Ginirale was given a permanent organization only in 1680. The finan ciers were the adventurers and kings of finance, but lacked social prestige and were the subjects of many jibes for efforts 1 3 3 Nys, . 164 Annales de I *Institut des Sciences Sociales, III., 365. Gomel, Causes Fi?ianci£res de la Revolution, I., 317. THE BEGINNINGS OF BANKING. 13 —often successful—to ally themselves with noble families. Before the Revolution many of the great estates had passed into their hands.1 They were known under the specific names of partisans and traitants, the first name referring to the fact that they advanced money in payment for the creation of new offices, thereby ‘‘ taking a part ” (un parti), according to the language of the time. The name of traitants was derived from their function as negotiators of financial paper. The financiers made advances to the farmers-general in anticipation of the collection of the taxes. The paper given in these transactions, and other evidences of the public debt, were the subject of quotation and speculation early in the seventeenth century. A profession of dealers in exchange, banking, and merchandise had been created by Charles IX. in 1572, and a distinction between the bankers and the merchants was made by a decree of the Council in 1638.2 The Caisse des Empruntsy a sort of bank created by the farmers-general to meet demands for advances by the Treasury, was established as early as 1674 and received the deposits of the public at sight at an interest which occasion ally reached ten per cent. This bank was seized by the Controller General, Desmarets, in 1715, and a part of the money sequestrated was made good by the issue of securities. Among the most famous of the financiers was Samuel Bernard, who accumulated a fortune under IyOuis XIV. estimated at 60,000,000 livres. The Paris brothers were also prominent at the court of “ the Grand Monarch,” and the most celebrated, Paris-Duvemay, was charged in 1721 with the readjustment of the finances after the collapse of the plans of Law.3 Each phase of banking was an almost necessary evolution of the conditions of the time. The money-changer followed the merchant in his voyages over the world, when merchan dise and metallic money constituted the only instruments of Taine, Ancien Regime, 51, note. Jan net, Le Capital au XIXe SiZcle, 449. Courtois, Histoire des Banques en France, 64. 1 2 3 14 H IS TOR Y OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE. exchange. The creation of uniform monetary systems and wide areas of trade under a single political sovereignty made his profession less important; but it was principally the or ganization of credit, permitting exchanges without metallic money, which reduced the money-changer to an essentially subordinate place1 and gave birth to modern banking. The bill of exchange was one of the earliest forms of credit, and its use was extended beyond its present purposes in order to meet the necessities of the Middle Ages. To the Jews were ascribed the invention and perfection of the bill of exchange, as a means of evading the confiscation of their property by its prompt and secret transfer. Two circumstances contributed to throw into the hands of the Jews the trade in money in the Middle Ages. One was the fact that they were shut out from all other trades; the other was the attitude of the church towards loans at inter est. The acquisition of real property was prohibited to the Jews in nearly every European state. The guilds were closed to them and they were forbidden to exercise trades and manufactures.2 The exclusion from real property was not a hardship, if they were to be subject to constant confis cations, since money and its paper representatives were almost the only forms of property which could be readily transported and concealed. “ The richest traders,” says Montesquieu, “ having only invisible goods, they were able to be sent everywhere and left no trace behind.” 3 The denial of the legitimacy of interest was a natural evolution from conditions of the time. The rigors of the church were directed primarily against loans for consump tion to persons in need. When saved capital was the ex ception, and opportunities for organized industry were rare, loans for productive purposes were the exception.4 When 1The goldsmiths assumed the functions of the money-changers, as the latter lost their importance, and in 1514 the changers disappeared from the list of the six merchant bodies.—Cons, I., 196. 2Nys, 136. 3De PEsprit des Lois, livre XXI., ch. xx. 4 Prof. Jannet points out that the prejudice against loans at interest THE BEGINNINGS OF BANKING. IS the time came for escaping the restrictions of the canonical laws, several ways were found of doing so. Already, as early as the thirteenth century, Albert le Grand conceded that “ if usury is against the perfection of Christian law, it is at least not contrary to civic interests.” Even St. Thomas admitted the loss resulting (damnum emergens) to the lender who was kept out of his money, and the interval of time and the value lost (quantum ejus intererat) gave birth to the word interest as a substitute for usury (usura ) .1 Transportation of money from one place to another in volved a cost which justified a charge. This charge was made sufficient to cover a reasonable interest for the use of money. Hence arose the provisions of many of the Conti nental codes of commerce, that the bill of exchange should be payable in a different place from that where it was drawn. The bill of exchange was converted into a form of direct loan called “ dry exchange,” by which the borrower drew a bill on a fictitious person in some foreign town at the current rate of exchange, which he delivered to the lender. At maturity the bill was returned protested and the borrower charged with re-exchange and incidental expenses, amount ing perhaps to 20 or 30 per cent., the bill never having been out of the country.1 A further step was taken towards modern banking meth ods when the Italian bankers received cash under the name of deposits, but in reality to be made fruitful in the banking was not without its justification before money came to be borrowed for the purposes of production, because the proceeds of the loan were usually consumed instead of multiplied, and if loans at interest had been universally approved they would soon have resulted in rural localities in the practical enslavement of the peasants who were un able to pay. The distinction between loans for production and for consumption was early recognized by the church, and the fifth Lateran Council ( 1512- 17) decreed : “ Ea est propria usurarum interpretatio, quando videlicet ex usu rei quae non germinat nullo labore, nullo sumptu, nullove periculo lucrum foetusque conquiri studetur.”—Le Capital, la Speculation, et la Finance, 81. 1 Rambaud, Histoire des Doctrines £conomiquest 40- 42. 3 Cossa, Introduction to the Study of Political Economy, 154, 16 HISTOR Y OF M ODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE and commercial operations in which they were engaged. These funds were represented by mandates, which differed little from the checks adopted many centuries later. The records of bankers regarding transfers of money had a recog nized status in courts of justice, derived in some measure from the survival of their public character under the Roman Empire. Thus gradually emerged from the need for them all the attributes of modern banking. The individual money changer, the Jewish lender, the Lombard banker, gradually gave way, as centralization advanced in economic and political life, to public banks doing business under official authority. Along with this evolution went the develop ment of methods suited to the new conditions. The com plexity of coinage systems was remedied by the creation of ‘4bank money ” of uniform value by such institutions as the banks of Venice, Amsterdam, and Hamburg. The bill of exchange became a means for making productive loans. Deposits were accepted to be loaned for profit, and in these profits the depositor was permitted to share. The character of the loan changed from a specific deposit, transferable only by the owner, to a loan from the owner to the bank, for which he received a direct interest. The resources of modern savings, attracted into the keeping of the banks, became available for loans to the producing and trading elements in the form of discounts. Modern credit thus gradually re ceived its organization and needed only the creation of the bank note and the extension of the mechanism of clearings and co-operation among the banks to stand forth fully equipped for providing the motive power of commerce. CHAPTER II. ANCIENT AND MODERN BANKING IN ITAI.Y. Italy the Mother of Modern Banking in the West—Conditions before the Unification of the Kingdom—Specie Suspension and the Era of Depreciated Paper during the Struggles for Lombardy and Venetia—Rise of the Bank of Italy—The Bank Scandals of 1893— Flight of Subsidiary Silver to Other Countries—Recovery of National Credit in the Twentieth Century. TALY is the mother of modern banking in the West, not only as heir of the Roman bankers of antiquity, but as the first country to develop the mechanism of modern credit under the light of the Renaissance. Of the Bank of Venice and of other early Italian banks, the story has already been briefly told. The disorders which came on the heels of the French Revolution, wiping out the boundaries of states and destroying the freedom of the Italian cities, put an end also to most of the ancient banks. The only one which sur vived was a land and mortgage bank called Monte dei Paschi, at Sienna, which was believed to date back to the seventeenth century. The first effort to found a modern bank was made at Genoa upon the foundations of the old Bank of St. George. The effort was not successful, and, in the opinion of M. Courcelle-Seneuil, this is not to be regretted, “ for the Bank of St. George was adapted to customs and commercial usages which have ceased to exist.” The next attempt to establish a banking system in Piedmont was made by letters patent of King Charles Albert, under date of March 16, 1844. The new bank was to be known as the Bank of Genoa, to have a I 2 17 18 H ISTORY OF MODERN B AN KS OF ISSUE . capital of 4,000,000 lires ($800,000), and to be under the supervision of a royal commissioner and sub-commissioner. The bank received a subvention of 4,000,000 lires from the government during 1846 and the following years, upon which it paid interest at two per cent. A bank was founded at Turin on October 16, 1847, with a capital of 4,000,000 lires, but the political and economic crisis of 1848 checked its development. A royal ordinance of December 14, 1849, authorized it to unite with the older bank under the denom ination of the National Bank of Sardinia, with head offices at both Genoa and Turin. The duration of the new establish ment was fixed at thirty years, beginning on January 1, 1850, and its capital at 8,000,000 lires, which was afterwards increased to 32,000,000 lires ($6,200,000). The government in 1848 resolved upon a loan of 20,000,000 lires, which the Bank of Genoa was required to furnish at two per cent., upon the pledge of the goods of the Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus. Forced legal tender character was given to the bank-notes and an increase in issues per mitted of 20,000,000 lires. The smallest notes were reduced from 250 lires ($50) to 100 lires ($20) with the condition that the notes of 100 lires should not be issued to the amount of more than one-fifth of the total circulation. The loan was reimbursed to the bank and specie payments were resumed at the end of 1849.1 The bank from that time followed the fortunes of the Royal House of Sardinia, and extended its branches and operations with the success of the Sardinian arms and the consolidation of the Italian States. It was necessary in 1856 to authorize the bank to exceed the maximum note circulation allowed by its statutes, which was three times the cash reserve. The bills of the bank were again made legal tender, with suspension of cash payments on April 27, 1859, on the occasion of the war with Austria, and the bank was authorized to issue 6,000,000 lires in notes of twenty lires ($4) and to open a credit for the government to the amount of 30,000,000 lires at two per cent. The bank 1 Courcell e-Sen euil, . 354 AN CIEN T AND MODERN BANKING IN IT A L Y . 19 was prudently conducted, the government did not draw its full credit, and the notes fell but little below par. Their circulation was extended on June 11, 1859, to the entire territory occupied by the Sardinian troops. The bank was reorganized at this time as the National Bank of the Kingdom of Italy, in pursuance of the plans of King Victor Emmanuel for the unification of Italy. Its capital was increased to 40,000,000 lires ($8,000,000) and three head offices of equal rank were established at Turin, Genoa, and Milan, the latter being a new office within the territory added to the new Kingdom of Italy. The bank resumed specie payments and opened a credit of 18,000,000 lires in favor of the government. Branches were established in i860 at Bergama, Brescia, Como, Modena, and afterwards at Ancona and Perusia. The bank absorbed the leading banks of Bologna and Parma and established branches at Ferrara, at Forli, and at Ravenna. The annexation of Naples to the Kingdom of Italy did not result in the de struction of the Banks of Naples and Sicily, but the National Bank was authorized to establish a principal branch at Naples and branches at Catana, Messina, Reggio, and other places in Southern Italy. Branches were also authorized at this time at Pavia, Cremona, and Piacentia. The character of the National Bank of the Kingdom of Italy was not essentially changed until the Act of August 10, 1893, but its relations to the government constantly grew closer and it was compelled to accept forced legal tender for its notes in order to comply with demands for advances to the State. Suspension of specie payments was decreed at the outbreak of the war in 1866, although the capital of the Bank had been increased by the decree of June 29, 1865, to 100,000,000 lires ($20,000,000). The provision for the sus pension of specie payments, with legal tender quality for the bank-notes, applied only to the National Bank, but the latter was required to furnish circulating notes without charge to other banks of circulation. The depreciation of the bank-notes drove the subsidiary coins out of circulation, and many small banks of deposit, commercial houses, and even retailers, issued 20 HISTORY OF MODERN B AN KS OF ISSUE. certificates of one lire and 50 centimes to take their place. The government in 1868 sought to drive these notes out of circulation by authorizing the issue of notes for one lire by the regular banks of circulation, which were made legal tender for a limited sum throughout the Kingdom. The bank made handsome profits, as usual when specie payments are suspended, made large advances to the government and again increased its capital to 200,000,000 lires under author ity of a law of April 9, 1872.1 The policy of the Italian government to introduce unity into every branch of Italian affairs was pursued cautiously in the case of the bank-note circulation and without the hasty abrogation of the* rights of the banks. No new bank could be constituted without the authority of a special law, but five banks of circulation conducted business without interference by the side of the National Bank of Italy. The Roman Bank, founded in 1851 with a privilege secured until December 31, 1889, had a capital of 15,000,000 lires and while Rome was independent of the Kingdom of Italy was under the protection in a measure of the Papal power. The National Bank of Tuscany was established in July, 1857, with a capital of 30,000,000 lires and the Tuscan Bank of Credit was established for thirty }~ears in March, i860, with a capital of 10,000,000 lires, of which only half was paid in. Both these banks were located at Florence. The Bank of Naples was founded as early as 1794 and the capital was contributed in part by the State. It had a head office at Rome and about a dozen branches. The Bank of Sicily was also an old establishment, with its headquarters at Palermo, four principal offices in other parts of Sicily and branches at Rome and elsewhere in Italy. The capital of the Bank of Naples was originally 32,500,000 lires and that of the Bank of Sicily was 8,000,000 lires. The authorized circulation of these banks under the law of 1874 was 450,000,000 lires for the National Bank of Italy ; 45,000,000 lires for the Roman Bank ; 63,000,000 lires for the National Bank of Tuscany ; 1 Juglar, Article “ Banques,” in Dictionnaire des Finances, I., 344. AN CIEN T AND MODERN BANKING IN IT A L Y . 21 15,000,000 lires for the Tuscan Bank of Credit; 146,250,000 lires for the Bank of Naples, and 36,000,000 for the Bank of Sicily, making a total of 755,250,000 lires ($150,000,000).1 The necessity of maintaining public credit, and some com plaints by tlie other banks that they suffered by the special favors granted to the National Bank, led to legislation in 1874 which established the Consorzio. This arrangement formed the banks into a syndicate for the withdrawal of the notes issued directly on behalf of the government and the substitution of a like sum (840,000,000 lires) in bank bills of the National Bauk, which were made legal tender through out the Kingdom. The notes issued by the provincial banks on tlieir own account were to be legal tender only within the province in which the bank was established. The govern ment voted itself the authority to increase its loans from the associated banks to 1,000,000,000 lires ($200,000,000) and to demand a certain proportion of the amount in gold. The government pledged itself to deposit five per cent, securities as the guarantee of the loan and to pay a low rate of inter est. The advances actually made to the government under this arrangement reached 940,000,000 lires, of which 600,000,000 was reimbursed from the product of a specie loan authorized by the law of April 7, 1881, and the remainder was transformed into government bills. The Consorzio came to an end with the abolition of forced legal tender in 1884. The circulation of the banks was slightly increased by the law of June 30, 1891, which admitted a maximum limit equal to the mean circulation of 1890. The suspension of specie payments, the failure of the Roman Bank, and the almost complete collapse of the bank ing system of Italy came about in the latter part of 1892 and the beginning of 1893 as the result of wilful violations of law by the banks and the guilty connivance of public offi cials. The Roman Bank was accused of exceeding its circu lation at almost the same moment that the director of the Roman branch of the Bank of Naples, Signor Cucciniello, 1 Alfred Neymarck, Article “ Banque,” in Dictionnaire d' Economie 141- 42. Politique, I., 22 H ISTORY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE . fled with his secretary, leaving obligations of 2,000,000 lires ($400,000) and compelling the branch to close. It was found that the excess of note issues had been distributed among the politicians by the thousands and hundreds of thousands. A Roman deputy had received 4,000,000 lires; a former minister, 2,000,000 lires ; a well-known financier, 1,500,000; a newly elected deputy, 1,000,000 ; a former editor, 150,000 ; and others, various sums from 1,000 to 500,000 lires.1 Some of these sums were put in the form of loans and advances, but the security was nominal, many of the loans were long over-due, and Signor Tanglongo of the bank management declared that he had been compelled to retain these people by the orders of several ministers and of a president of the council. An official investigation was ordered and the report by Senator Finali showed that three of the banks had exceeded the legal limit of their circulation and that all had tied up their assets to an alarming extent in securities which could not be readily negotiated. The excess of circulation in the case of the Roman Bank was 64,543,230 lires ; the Bank of Sicily, 14,917,203 lires; and the Bank of Naples, 2,041,501 lires. It was found that the National Bank also had issued 53>7oo,ooo lires illegally by order of the administration. The funds not readily negotiable at sight were reported as 628,620,686 lires, or nearly twice the capital and reserves of the banks, the Tuscan Bank of Credit alone being in a sound condition.2 The loans upon mortgages and other securities slow to realize were 199,756,000 lires, and what were called the “ Direct Employments ’’ of the funds, in Treasury bonds and other paper below par or of doubtful value, were 172,343,000 lires. The deputies who had paper over-due were found to number sixteen, and the amount of the paper was 5,922,410 lires, some of it going back to 1878. There were nine more deputies who had obtained renewals to the amount of 641,670 lires. Among the latter was Premier Crispi, with loans of 244,000 lires which had been renewed since 1887. 1 2 Revue des Banquesy March, 1893, XII., 335. Revue des Banquesy May, 1893, XII., 378. ANCIEN T AND MODERN BANKING IN IT A L Y . 23 It was stated that a report of August 30, 1889, had shown a clandestine circulation of 9,000,000 lires by the Roman Bank, and that it was known to Signor Crispi, then President of the Council of Ministers, as well as to Signor Giolitti.1 These discoveries were a death-blow to the Italian bank ing system as it then existed. The Roman Bank was com pelled to liquidate, and its affairs were taken in charge by the National Bank. The privilege of the banks expired in 1889 and 1890, but had been renewed for brief periods until the close of 1892. A law was then pending, proposed by Signor Grimaldi, which provided for a renewal for six years, and that every bank should accept the notes of the others. But this project went by the board when the rottenness of the existing banking system was discovered, and the gov ernment seized the opportunity to push a step further the policy of unity and consolidation. The National Bank of the Kingdom was badly compromised, and the redemption of its notes in specie was indefinitely suspended, but it was made the basis of the new institution founded by the law of August 10, 1893. The new law provided for the fusion of the National Bank of the Kingdom of Italy with the National Bank of Tus cany and the Tuscan Bank of Credit. The name of the new institution is simply the Bank of Italy, and it is required to establish offices or branches wherever they have been established by the National Bank of Tuscany. The capital of the new bank was fixed at 300,000,000 lires ($60,000,000) and its privileges were confirmed for twenty years. The Roman Bank was already in process of liquidation when this act was passed, so that the only remaining banks of issue are those of Naples and Sicily. The maximum limit of cir culation during the continuance of the forced legal tender policy, was fixed at 800,000,000 lires for the Bank of Italy, 242,000,000 lires for the Bank of Naples, and 55,000,000 lires for the Bank of Sicily. This circulation is to be reduced every two years after 1897, and until in 1907 it shall stand 1 Le Marche Financier en 1893- 94, 131. H ISTO RY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE. 24 *\t 630,000,000 lires for the Bank of Italy, 190,000,000 for the Bank of Naples, and 44,000,000 lires for the Bank of Sicily, making a total of 864,000,000 lires. If either bank, at the end of fourteen years from the date of the law, lacked a reserve corresponding to one-third of its circulation, the circulation was to be reduced within three months, and the amount of the reduction transferred to the banks which held or paid in the necessary reserve.1 The banks are authorized to increase their circulation beyond the legal limits when their notes are entirely covered by legal coin or by gold bullion, and notes may be issued beyond the limit for the purpose of advances to the government. The reserves of the banks, when on a specie basis, are fixed at forty per cent, of the circulation, including thirty-three per cent, in coin or bullion and the remainder in foreign bills of exchange approved by the Minister of the Treasury. The metallic reserve is required to consist of gold in the proportion of at least three-quarters. The law provided that bills then in circulation should cease to be a legal tender after December 31, 1897, anc*should no longer be redeemable after December 31, 1902. A permanent supervision over banks of issue is established through a board consisting of the Min ister of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce, and the Minis ter of the Treasury. A special inspection is to be made under the authority of these ministers every two years, and the results reported to Parliament within three months. The nomination of the director general of the Bank of Italy must be approved by the government. One of the provisions of the law provided that if the deposits exceeded a certain figure, the bank must reduce its circulation by three-quarters of the deposits bearing interest in excess of the lim it; but this provision was suspended by decree of January 23, 1894.8 The new banking law did not rescue Italy from the regime of depreciated currency and was probably not expected to do so. The government was reduced to subterfuges to in 1 Section 2, Law of August 10, 1893, Bulletin de Siatistique, XXXIV., 254. - Bulletin de Statistique, February, 1894, XXXV., 207. ANCIEN T AND MODERN BANKING IN IT A L Y . 25 crease the volume of paper money and provide itself with funds to meet pressing obligations. The decree of January 23, 1894, permitted a supplementary issue of bank-notes to the amount of 90,000,000 lires for the Bank of Italy, 28,000,000 for the Bank of Naples, and 7,000,000 for the Bank of Sicily. These new issues were not directly authorized, but the penal tax imposed by the banking law was reduced to two-thirds of the rate of discount up to the limit of the pro posed new issue. A decree a month later, February 21, *894, purported to put a limit of 600,000,000 lires on the circulation of State notes, and Article 5 of the same decree provided that the banks might redeem their notes on pre sentation at the market rate of depreciation. This favor was only to be accorded, however, to the banks which com plied with the requirement of Article 2, that they transfer to the credit of the government 200,000,000 lires in gold and accept a new issue of government notes as a substitute.1 The new notes, of which 145,000,000 lires were apportioned to the Bank of Italy, 45,000,000 lires to the Bank of Naples, and 10,000,000 lires to the Bank of Sicily, were thus nomi nally covered by gold, but no provision was made for reduc ing the volume of outstanding bank-notes or for replacing the gold withdrawn from the bank reserves. The result of measures like these was to drag Italy deeper and deeper into the mire, make the rates of foreign exchange more and more unfavorable and the receipts of the Treasury of constantly diminishing value in gold. The additional issue of bank-notes authorized by the decree of January 23, 1894, was avowedly for the purpose of meeting the demands of the depositors in the savings banks, who upon demanding the restoration of the deposits they had made in good money were reduced to the choice of leaving their deposits in the hands of a discredited government or accepting the paper promises of the suspended banks. One of the expedients adopted to protect the Treasury was the levy of a tax of twenty per cent, on the interest of the public debt, which was 1 Bulletin de Statistique, March, 1894, XXXV., 335. HISTORY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE . 26 only an indirect way of scaling the interest on the consoli dated five per cents, to four per cent.1 The depreciation of the paper currency became so great as to drive all subsi diary coins out of the country and make it difficult to get change for a note of a few lires. Twenty million lires was issued during 1894 hi nickel pieces of twenty centimes, and the government congratulated themselves on a profit of 17,500,000 lires by means of the seignorage. The flight of subsidiary money from Italy carried it to France, Switzerland, and, to some extent, to Belgium, where it passed in ordinary transactions upon the same terms as the money of those countries. So much Italian silver drifted into Southern France that the French government made an investigation of the amount received on a given day at some of the leading banks and found that Italian pieces consti tuted 28.78 per cent, of the entire subsidiary circulation. Belgian, Swiss, and Greek pieces constituted 12.30 per cent., so that the proportion of French coins was only 58.92 per cent. Italian subsidiary coin constituted more than seventy per cent, of the circulation in Savoie and the Maritime Alps and from 45 to 60 per cent, in eight other departments be tween the Rhone and the Alps.2 A conference of the states of the Latin Union, held at Paris, reached an agreement on November 15, 1893, by which the Italian subsidiary coins were to cease in four months to be received by public deposi taries in France. Those in the Bank of France were, upon presentation to the Italian government, to be redeemed half in gold and half by bills of exchange. The amount thus presented up to the close of 1894 was 57,222,279 lires.3 The policy adopted by the Italian government for preventing the continued exportation of the silver, of locking it up in the Treasury and issuing small notes against it, was sanctioned by the conference upon the condition that the subsidiary Le Marchk Financier en 1893- 94., 136. Le Marchi Financier en 1893- 94, 348- 68. Assemblke Genkrale des Actionnaires de la Banque de France du 3 1 Janvier, 1895, p. 9. 1 2 3 2J silver of Italy should never exceed the limit of six lires per head originally fixed by the Latin Union. The report of the Minister of the Treasury, Sidney Sonnino, to the Chamber of Deputies, on December 10, 1894, offered only a distant hope of the restoration of sound finan cial conditions in Italy. The result of the special examina tion of the banks in February was, in his own words, “ not very favorable. ’’ The Minister proposed a somewhat elabo rate scheme of law to put in effect a convention between the bank and the Treasury. The period of liquidating the un available assets of all the banks was extended to fifteen years. The Bank of Italy assumed the liquidation of the affairs of the Roman Bank and received in return the cus tody of the public funds in the provinces, paying interest at one and a half per cent, on sums above 40,000,000 lires. The bank was required to deposit with the Treasury a guar antee fund of 50,000,000 lires in national securities and to increase the amount within six years to 90,000,000 lires ; to increase the limit of advances to the Treasury from 90,000,000 to 100,000,000 lires ; to call upon shareholders for an assessment of 100 lires per share, amounting to 30,000,000 lires, and to reduce the capital by an equal amount. The bank was required to set aside 4,000,000 lires in 1894, 5>000»“ 000 lires in 1895, and thereafter 6,000,000 lires annually, to be invested in national securities to form a reserve fund to cover the losses by the Roman Bank, ?nd any profit which might remain was allowed to be divided among the shareholders to a maximum limit of 40 lires per share.1 This remarkable method of liquidation, —by converting locked-up assets into a new form of such assets, instead of paying off liabilities,—was approved by the shareholders of the Bank of Italy on February 25, 1895, for they practically had no option but to accept the proposals of the government.9 AN CIEN T AND MODERN BANKING IN ITA LY. 1 Bulletin de Statistique, December, 1894, XXXVI., 587- 89. 2Raffalovich, Le Marchk Financier en 1894- 95, J77* HISTOR Y OF M ODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE. 28 Out of these difficulties Italy was lifted within a few years by the constructive ability of her leading statesmen and the recuperative energy of her people. Already, before the out break of the bank scandals of 1893, Signor Rudini, the Premier of the day, had urged the adoption of rigid econo mies in all branches of the public administration and had deplored the “ multiplied and gigantic projects, out of pro portion to her powers,” which had been saddled upon the budget of the kingdom.1 The first efforts at reform were counteracted by the cost of the expedition to Erythrea, which failed so disastrously in 1896; but with the advent of Signor L,uzzatti to the head of the finances a surplus of 9.000.000 lires took the place in 1898 of the recurring deficits which had so complicated the relations of the Treasury with the banks. Reciprocit}T with Prance, abandoned in 1887 with disastrous results to Italian exports, was reestablished November 21, 1898, and was followed by an increase in total exports from 1,091,000,000 lires ($210,000,000) in 1897 to 1.472.000.000 lires ($284,000,000) in 1902.2 Remittances to meet the interest on the national debt held abroad were reduced for several years by the drastic process of the return of the debt to Italy, until interest payments abroad fell from 192,000,000 lires in 1893 to 105,000,000 lires in 1897.8 But these measures of rectification began to produce re sults. From 1891 to 1902 public revenue advanced by 203,400,000 lires, while expenditures advanced only by 62,560,000 lires, and the total surplus of the budgets for five years ending with 1902 was 212,300,000 lires ($41,000,000).4 Exchange on Paris, which reached a maximum in 1894 of 115.70, fell to a minimum in 1901 of 101.50, and in August, 1902, it was hailed as a notable event that the premium was only 80 Fochier, in Questions MonHaires Contemporaines, 454. The denunciation of the treaty with France was due partly to political motives and was accompanied by withdrawals of French capital from Italian investments.—Brouet, 14. 3 Vide the author’s Principles of Money and Bankings II., 346. 4Thery, Situation fLconomique et Financiere de I *Italie> 82. 1 2 AN CIEN T AND MODERN BANKIN G IN IT A L Y . 29 centimes, or four-fifths of one per cent.1 Then came in October the restoration of parity, which has ever since been substantially maintained. Both the Treasury and the banks aided in the restoration of sound conditions. The Treasury began in 1898 the re tirement of the small notes which had driven silver across the French and Swiss borders, and by 1903 had reduced the amount from 110,000,000 lires to 2,358,000 lires. A decree of February 18, 1899, restored to circulation 20,000,000 lires in subsidiary silver, and a law of March 3d reduced by 45,000,000 lires the special circulation of the Treasury.2 Customs duties were collected in gold, with the result of a rapid increase of gold resources. On behalf of the failed banks, the Bank of Italy addressed itself resolutely to reducing the mass of locked up or unliquid assets, which amounted in 1894 to about 501,000,000 lires ($96,700,000). This amount was reduced by the close of 1899 to 245,000,000 lires, in spite of some friction with the government in the latter year over the proposal to create a special corporation to take the matter in hand.8 The Minister of the Treasury, at the be ginning of 1903, in his presentation of the budget, declared that it was “ an immense advantage for the general economy of the country to possess, like other great states, a potent organism which knows how to exercise the double function of regulator of the money market and of a faithful and trustworthy aid to the public finances.” 4 Some changes were made by a law of 1900 in the statutes of the banks of Italy affecting their note circulation. The legal limit of issue not fully covered by the reserve was to be subjected to an annual reduction which should leave the total in 1906 for the Bank of Italy at 630,000,000 lires; Bank of Naples, 190,000,000 lires; and Bank of Sicily, 44,000,000 lires.5 The banks were required to accumulate a reserve of Fochier, 467. Raffalovich, Le Marche Financier en 1898- 99, 593. 3 Economiste Europten (April 6, 1900), XVII., 443. 4 Thdry, 148. 5 Arnaune, La Monnaie, le Cridit et le Change, third edition, 446. 1 2 HISTOR Y OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE . 30 forty per cent., part of which might be in foreign securities. Excess issues subject to tax continued to be permitted, sub stantially as provided by the law of 1893. This law, how ever, imposing a charge of two-thirds of the rate of discount 011 the amount of the circulation in excess of the legal limit, was modified by a law of December 31, 1907, so as to afford a little greater elasticity to the movement of the circulation.1 The time seemed at length to have come when the danger was passed that the circulation would be unduly expanded and when the legitimate business demands of the country had more than grown up to the limits imposed by law. The bank was subjected to severe pressure during the crisis in America. Discounts rose from 398,290,560 lires on July 31, 1907, to 494,988,781 lires on November 30th, and advances rose in the same interval from 40,002,533 lires to 75,257,128 lires. The discount rate was advanced to five and a half per cent.—the highest rate touched since 1894. The demand for accommodation, while it swelled note issues from 1,265,692,550 lires on June 30th to 1,412,418,450 lires on Novem ber 30th, did not at any time cause a reduction of reserves, which increased during the same interval from 932,014,944 lires to 1,099,995,262 lires ($212,300,000). Only during five weeks of this period was circulation issued under the special tax and the maximum subject to tax was only 48,619,046 lires ($9,480,000). The adequacy of the reserve was no longer in question at the Bank of Italy in 1907. The gold held at the close of that year was 896,307,000 lires ($173,000,000) and the silver 122,475,000 lires ($23,640,000). Between the maximum and minimum circulation there was a difference of 304,000,000 lires, or 21.4 per cent, of the maximum.2 The Bank of Italy, like the Bank of France, rediscounts much paper for small amounts for the benefit of retail trades men. The classification of the paper discounted during 1907, which reached a total value of 2,261,968,257 lires ($436,500,000), showed that 232,387 pieces were for amounts 1 2 Adunanza Generale Ordinaria degli Azionisti, 1908, 9. Ibidem, 35. A N C IE N T AN D MODERN BANKIN G IN IT A L Y . 3 1 up to 100 lires ($19.30) and 1,147,640 pieces for amounts from 100 lires up to 1000 lires ($193), leaving only 268,534 pieces for larger amounts.1 The average value per piece of paper discounted was 1397.52 lires and the average term 59 days. The average value in 1904 was 959.41; in 1905, 1140.75 ; and in 1906, 1204.44 lires. The following table shows the principal items of the balance sheet of the Bank of Italy for representative years since the failures of 1893 : THE BANK OF ITALY. DBC. 31 METALLIC RESERVE CIRCULATION CURRENT AC COUNTS AND DEPOSITS DISCOUNTS ADVANCES (in millio;ns of lires) 1894 I896 I898 1900 1902 1904 I 9<>5 1907 362 364 367 351 402 562 720 IO l8 826 773 831 820 855 914 1005 14 11 213 208 232 I92 172 185 185 212 ' l 9I 221 313 331 344 340 401 480 28 24 14 35 46 39 72 7i The Bank of Naples has shared in some degree the pro sperity of the national bank. Material progress was made after 1900 in the liquidation of mortgage obligations, and savings deposits attained a volume second to those of only one other institution in Italy.8 Total assets at the close of 1907 were 590,597,829 lires ($114,000,000), of which 181,153,631 lires was in gold, 15,810,131 in silver, 107,255,871 in commercial paper, and 80,285,532 in government securities. Circulation was 360,319,200 lires ($59,500,000) and current debtor accounts were 88,921,791 lires. 1 2 Adunanza Generate Ordinaria degli Azionisti, igo8, 27. £conomiste Europken, May 1, 1908, XXXIII., 572. CHAPTER III. BANKING IN FRANCK. The Events Out of Which the Bank of France has Grown—The Mis sissippi Bubble of John Law and its Collapse—The Banks of Paris before the Revolution—Failure of the Assignats and the Revival of Commercial Banking—Birth of the Bank of France and its Absorption of the Departmental Banks—The Latin Union and the Embarrassments Caused by the Fall in the Price of Silver —The Recent Renewal of the Bank Charter. T HE Bank of France is the greatest and in many respects the strongest of the banks of the world, and its devel opment exhibits many of the most interesting phases of banking history outside of Great Britain. French bank ing is done pre-eminently through the issue of circulating notes, and the per capita monetary circulation of France is greater than that of any other country. Th^j>rigins of hanking in France go back to the 4‘ Mississippi plan ’’ of John Law, but its history during the present century has been essentially one of prudence and moderation, if not al ways of the most enlightened financial policy. Monopoly of the power of note issue now belongs to the Bank of France, but is far from having been its immemorial right. The rigime of the independent departmental banks, which were absorbed by the central institution in 1848, is still recalled with pride by many French economists, and the most recent expiration of the charter of the Bank of France inspired them to a renewal of the contest then so warmly waged between “ monopoly” and “ liberty.’’ The first French bank of issue was created by John Law under the regency of the Duke of Orleans, at the beginning 32 BANKING IN FRANCE . 33 of the eighteenth century. Scotland, which gave to the world the founder of the classical school of political economy in Adam Smith, was also the birthplace of Law, the author of ‘‘ The System ’’ which introduced the use of negotiable securities on a broad scale into France. The name of Law has been synonymous with the most reckless speculation and brazen fraud, but the bank which he founded was at the out set conducted upon conservative principles, and even the sys tem of the “ Company of the West ’’ (Compagnie dyOccident), more generally known as the Mississippi Company, was conceived upon broad and not impossible lines before the stock was made the plaything of speculation. Law desired to establish a royal bank of state, but the government was only willing to grant a charter for an institution managed by private citizens. The bank thus founded by letters patent May 2, 1716, was authorized to issue bills in crowns of specie under the name of “ bank crowns,5’ redeemable in money of the weight and denomination of the day of issue.1 This was intended to guard the bank-notes against the possi ble fluctuations and changes in the metallic standard and give them some such preference as that given to the ‘4bank money” of the Bank of Amsterdam. The feature which rapidly attracted subscriptions to the stock was Law’s offer to accept payment at the rate of twenty-five per cent, in specie and seventy-five per cent, in bills of state, which were at a discount of about seventy-five per cent. Discount was granted by the bank at the rate of five per cent., and officers of the finances received orders in October, 1716, to make their remittances upon Paris in bank-bills, and to redeem these bills at sight when presented to them. Another official decree of April 10, 1717, authorized the receipt of the bills as money for the payment of public revenues. If the bank had continued upon the sound basis of a bank discounting commercial paper and acting as the fiscal agent of the Treasury, France would have been under a great debt of gratitude to Law for introducing into her commercial relations the methods of the modern 1 Coiirtois, 10. 34 H ISTORY OF MODERN BAN KS OF ISSUE . business world. Prof. H. Dunning MacLeod, as keen a thinker and acute a critic as has written upon monetary sub jects, says : Nothing could be more extraordinary than the restoration of pros perity caused by the foundation of Law’s Bank in 1716. It is proba bly one of the most marvellous transitions from the depths of misery to the height of prosperity in so short a space of time in the annals of any nation. And, if Law had confined himself to that, he would have been one of the greatest benefactors any nation ever had .1 But Law had much more comprehensive schemes than the creation of a bank of discount. He determined to unite into a single great monopoly the various commercial compa nies which had been incorporated since the discovery of America, for the purpose of trade and the extension of French influence. Courtois enumerates no less than thirty of these corporations which had been authorized during the previous century, but many of them had languished, run in debt, and been consolidated with others. Law proposed a stock company with a capital of 100,000,000 livres, divided into 200,000 shares of 500 livres each, payable in bills of state which were still at a discount of about sixty-six per cent.2 The State was to pay the company an annual interest of four per cent, on the principal of the bills withdrawn by this means from circulation. The Compagnie d' Occident was incorporated by a decree of August 28, 1717, registered by the Parliament on Sep tember 6th, for a duration of twenty-five years. Four compa nies were consolidated at the outset, which controlled the commerce of Louisiana, Canada, and the Western Coast of Africa, and the new company was to enjo}' all the rights of sovereignty over the lands which it possessed. The shares, which were made out in certificates of one share or ten, Theory and Practice of Banking, II., 254. The variations in the coinage at this time were such as to make a statement of the value of coins an almost impossible task, but the livre may be taken in a general way as about the equivalent of the later franc—19.3 cents in United States gold coin. For a full account of the changes in the coinage system, see Shaw, 396- 423. 1 8 BANKING IN FRANCE. 35 were transferable by bearer, a system for the first time intro duced into France, so far as known ; for even the shares of bank were made out to the owners. Law proceeded to make negotiations with the government through his friend, the Regent, for farming the taxes, for coining money, for managing the tobacco monopoly, which had been under the control of the State, and for assuming the entire public debt. He introduced a number of reforms into the collection of the taxes by discontinuing the collection of those which were disproportionately costly and vexatious in proportion to the amount obtained, and he proposed more sweeping changes which would have abolished needless offices, consolidated various imposts into one, and removed some of the fetters from French commerce. The attribution of all these public functions to a single company, as well as the management of the commerce of two continents, would in themselves probably, as Law’s great opponent, Paris-Duverney, pointed out, have caused the organization to break down of its own weight, and have attracted the jealousy of the government. But Law, and those who were carried away with him by the grandeur of the new scheme, did not wait for the slow operation of com mercial causes to sow the seeds of destruction of their enter prise. He succeeded in having the bank transformed into a public institution (Banque Royale) by a decree of December 27, 1718, and had the stockholders reimbursed in specie for their subscriptions. Redemption of the notes in bank crowns was abandoned by the decree which made the bank a public one, and redemption was required only in the official money of the country. This move created a degree of dis trust which led to a new decree of April 22, 1719, that bills payable in the existing standard should not be subject to the diminutions which might affect specie. The tendency of such a decree was to put the bank-bills at a premium over cur rent coins, which were being perpetually debased and altered by the wretched administration of the finances. The total circulation of bills in April, 1719, the date of the last decree, was 110,000,000 livres ($22,000,000). 36 HISTORY OF MODERN BA N K S OF ISSUE. Meantime the shares of the Compagnie d' Occident were undergoing a remarkable experience. They were sold rather slowly at first and the principal subscription was by the former stockholders of the bank, who subscribed their receipts from the bank shares (1,125,000 livres in bills of state and 375,000 livres in specie) for the stock of the new company. I^aw found it necessary, in order to stimulate the sale of the shares, to buy publicly some two hundred shares at par, of which 200 livres per share was paid as a margin, with the option of completing the transaction in six months. Dealing in options (marchi ci prime) was thus brought into general practice for the first time in France. The making of the contracts for the tobacco monopoly, the extension of the commercial operations of the company and the wresting of the farming of the revenues from the Paris brothers, who had formerly controlled it, gave a great stimulus to the mar ket value of the stock, and Iyaw was authorized to issue fifty thousand new shares at a premium of one hundred per cent., to pay the government the sum guaranteed by the new con tracts. The value of the old shares was maintained by requiring their presentation to obtain the new ones. The original issue thus came to be known as the ‘cmothers ’’ (mZres) of the second, which were called the “ daughters” (/illes), while the third issue was known as the “ grand daughters” (petites-jilles). The contract with the govern ment for assuming the entire public debt upon a pledge by the state to pay annually three per cent, interest was author ized October 12, 1719, and the payment of the interest was assured to the company by its contract for collecting the revenues. Three successive issues of one hundred thousand shares in the Compagnie des Indes1 were thought necessary to carry through this gigantic operation. The new shares were of a par value of 500 livres each but were issued at a price of 1 The name of the Compagnie d ’Occident was changed to the Compagnie des Indes in May, 1719, when the privileges of the two companies of the West Indies and of China were absorbed by Law’s Company, and the new name was retained until the dissolution of the company in 1769.—Courtois, 20. BANKING IN FRANCE, 37 5000 livres, payable ten per cent, a month. The presentation of the old shares was not required for the purchase of these last issues and the price was rapidly forced upward until 10,000 livres per share was attained in November, 1719. Whatever might have been the success of so comprehensive a scheme under sound management, the fever of speculation had forced the shares to a point where a reasonable dividend was impossible. Law announced at a general meeting of the shareholders on December 30, 1719, a total revenue of 91.000.000 livres,—48,000,000 from the interest on the pub lic debt, to be retained from the taxes ; 12,000,000 from profit on the farming of the taxes; 6,000,000 from tobacco ; 1.000.000 from general taxes not covered by the farming of the revenues; 12,000,000 from profits of the coinage ; and 12.000.000 from the commercial operations of the company. The actual par value of the outstanding shares was 312,000,000 livres, which would have afforded a profit of nearly thirty per cent., and a dividend of 200 livres per share was actually declared on January 1, 1720 ; but the shares had been selling at 12,000 livres, or twenty-four times their par value, which afforded an actual dividend of only one and two-thirds per cent. Notwithstanding the doubtful character of some of the profits claimed and their palpable insufficiency to pay large dividends upon such an inflated investment, the phrenzy of speculation forced the shares by January 6, to 18,000 livres—thirty-six times their nominal par value. The Rue Quincampoix, between the Rue SaintDenis and the Rue Saint-Martin, had been since the close of the reign of Louis XIV. the meeting place of speculators and dealers in the public stocks. Such operations attained a new extension by the speculations in the shares of the Comfiagnie des Indes. Fortunes were won and lost in a day and feeling became so violent that the place was closed by the government and the speculators were driven into obscure corners in other parts of the city, where they were constantly on the watch for the police.1 1 The decree of October 25, 1720, forbidding speculative operations in the public streets is of interest because it established the sixty 3» H ISTORY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE. The New Year of 1720 and the declaration of the dividend marked the apogee of Law’s system. The craze had sub stantially run its course and the reaction was setting in. Prices were rising under the impulse of the excessive issues of bank-bills and the more prudent speculators were endeav oring to convert their gains into more solid property by the purchase of real estate or by shipping gold abroad. The bank had already been authorized to issue 1,000,000,000 livres and there had been issues without authority and counterfeits, which were easily made because the genuine bills were so rapidly and crudely turned out. Specie began to disappear and the subsidence of speculation made the bills redundant. Law adopted the now familiar argument in favor of paper money, that it was to be preferred over coin because it was non-exportable. A series of decrees during the early months of 1720 sought to discredit coined money and maintain the currency of the bank-bills. The nominal value of coin was reduced ; the quantity of specie which an individual was permitted to hold was limited ; the sale of vessels of gold or silver was prohibited ; the carrying of diamonds and precious stones was prohibited ; the circulation of bills throughout the realm as legal tender was decreed ; an advantage was accorded those who paid certain taxes in bills rather than specie ; and special jurisdiction was given the Council of State for causes concerning bank-bills.1 All these measures failed to maintain confidence in the super agents of exchange {agents de change) who still form the legal body of the Paris Bourse. Their places are transmissible and hereditary. The Bourse decides what stocks shall be admitted to its lists and only those representing a large capital are ever listed. The corporation which has been formed by the members inspires absolute confidence in its operations by voluntarily assuming corporate responsibility for the acts of its members in their legitimate capacity as brokers. This corporation has instituted a clearing house and was strong enough in the crisis of 1882 to borrow 80,000,000 francs ($16,000, 000) from the Bank of France, guaranteed, by the Rothschilds to the amount of 40,000,000 francs and by the leading societies of credit for 40,000,000 more.—-Jannet, 347- 48. 1 Courtois, 44. BANKING IN FRANCE. 39 abundant mass of paper and the control of the bank was turned over to the Compagnie des Indes. The company was authorized to convert at the will of the holders shares in the company into bank-bills or to redeem bills in shares, at a fixed price of 9000 livres per share. The contest of paper money against the metals was continued by a decree of March nth, suppressing gold and silver as legal tender and providing for the confiscation of gold or silver, whether coin, bullion, or vessels, when found in the possession of subjects. But the tide had turned and could no longer be stemmed. The fall in the stock continued, the company suffered in its commercial operations by the pest, which closed the free port of Marseilles, and a decree of May 1, 1720, scaled the value of shares from month to month until they should be reduced on December 1st, to 5500 livres and bank-bills should be reduced to fifty per cent, of their par value. Panic seized upon every holder of either form of paper, as he saw the values of his property shrinking under legal decree with every passing day. A commission was appointed to exam ine the bank and found that against 3,000,000,000 livres of circulation it held 21,000,000 livres in coin, 28,000,000 in bullion and 240,000,000 in commercial bills,—less than ten per cent, of assets in all against its outstanding notes. A run upon the bank began on the night of July 16th, and the crowd was so dense that a dozen unfortunates were choked or trampled under foot. The corpses were placed upon litters and borne to the residence of the Regent. Law escaped from the crowd into the palace, but his carriage was broken in pieces and the coachman thrown from his seat and dragged upon the ground. The bank was closed, the forced legal tender of the bank-bills was suspended, the con tracts of the company with the government were cancelled, and the stock was called in for readjustment. A decree appeared on January 26, 1721, known under the name of the visa, providing for the liquidation of the affairs of the company and of the bank and the readjustment of the public debt. The decree was attributed to Paris-Duverney, from whom Law had taken the fanning of the revenues, and 40 H ISTO RY OF MODERN BAN KS OF ISSUE . was confided to him for execution. The attempt was made to readjust private fortunes as well as public obligations upon the basis which had prevailed before the period of paper inflation which Law had inaugurated. Those who had fled the country with their winnings transmuted into gold, those who could command the royal favor, and those who were able to keep their gains in hiding were the only ones who escaped. The mere transfer of speculative gains into real property did not prevent the exercise of arbitrary power to transfer the property back to its original owners and remit the new owner to his original poverty. A regular scale of readjustment was prepared by which the public debt was reduced to its original volume and the holders of bills and the stock of the company were given new public obligations ranging from one hundred per cent, of their holdings in certain cases down to five per cent., according as they were supposed to represent real values or the profits of stock gambling. The lesson of Law’s disastrous schemes and the painful readjustment which followed them prevented for half a cen tury the creation of any^ new bank of issue in France. The success of the Bank of England, however, and the necessity of some aid to commerce, led to a futile attempt to found a bank under a decree of the Council of State of January i, 1767,1 and the establishment, during the ministry of Turgot, by a decree of March 24, 1776, of the Caisse d'Escompte du Commerce (The Bank of Commercial Discount). The new institution was limited to a strictly banking business, and forbidden to borrow except by its notes payable at sight. It was authorized to begin operations with a capital of 15,000,000 livres ($3,000,000), of which it was intended that two-thirds should be loaned to the Treasury. The loan to the Treasury not having been completed as proposed, the capital of the bank was reduced to 12,000,000 livres, repre 1 The proposed institution was to be known as the Caisse d*Escompte and to have a capital of 60,000,000 livres, but it never entered upon active operations and was suppressed by a decree of March 21, 1769. —Courtois, 84. BANKING IN FRANCE. 41 sented by four thousand shares of 3000 livres each. Some of the most eminent public men and financiers of Paris served on the board of directors of the bank, and while they were not directly responsible for its management,1 its note issues were kept within prudent limits and annual dividends were declared for the first six years, ranging from five to eight per cent. The first blow to the bank’s credit came from the demands of the government. The growing social and economic diffi culties of France were brought to a climax by the bad crops of 1783 and caused a great scarcity of metallic money. The new bank, after having considerably expanded its commer cial discounts, made an advance to the government at the demand of D’Ormesson, of 6,000,000 livres. It was brought face to face with the crisis with a circulation of 45,000,000 livres and with a cash reserve of but little more than 4,000,000. There was a sudden rush for the redemption of the notes and the bank appealed to the Treasury to reimburse the 6,000,000 livres recently loaned. The government was in no condition to comply with this demand, but it was ready to employ its sovereign power to enable the bank to suspend specie payments and to authorize the redemption of bills in commercial paper or their non-payment until Jan uary 1, 1784, (Decree of September 27, 1783). The bank was solvent, however, and had the courageous support of the private bankers of Paris, who held a large proportion of its bills. A report presented by the lieutenant of police, M. L,e Noir, showed that the bills in circulation, amounting to 44,724,000 livres, were offset by 47,700,000 livres in good commercial paper, 4,121,700 livres in gold and silver coin and bullion, and 6,000,000 livres held by the Treasury, 1 The bank really constituted a partnership en commandite, for which a few individuals were legally responsible, and the use of the names of leading financiers as directors was somewhat akin to the modern fraud of paying men of high station for the use of their names to float irresponsible enterprises ; but the practice in this case appears to have grown out of the lack of experience with stock companies and to have involved no intentional deception. 42 H ISTORY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE. making total assets of 57,821,700 livres and affording a favorable balance of 13,097,700 livres.1 The loan to the government was soon repaid, specie pay ments were resumed under a decree of November 23, 1783, and the bank was authorized to increase its capital to 15,000,000 livres, and for four years it continued to operate free from government interference and with advantage to the business community. Its growing prosperity attracted the attention of Calonne, then Controller General, and he determined to turn it to account for the benefit of the State by requiring the deposit of a guarantee fund with the Treasury. The capital was raised from 15,000,000 to 100,000,000 livres and the net receipts in cash, amounting to 80,000,000 livres, were deposited to the amount of 70,000,000 with the Treasury and 10,000,000 were carried to the reserve. A new run set in in August, 1787, but the directors refused to accept a decree for the suspension of specie payments, which Iyom^nie de Brienne, Chief of the Royal Council of Finance, was preparing, de manded help from the guarantee fund in the possession of the government, and promptly met every obligation. But the government was sinking into the sloughs of bank ruptcy and determined to drag the bank with it, so that there should be no stronger credit than its own to put it to shame. August 18, 1788, appeared a decree authorizing the bank to redeem its bills in part in commercial paper. The decree was unsought and its existence was unknown until it was affixed to the doors of the bank, and the permission to sus pend was not embraced by the directors. But Necker, who became Finance Minister on May 25,1789, continued to insist upon secret loans to the Treasury, and the government and the bank soon became so involved with each other that Necker proposed to transform it into a national bank. The Constituent Assembly had already assumed the power to regulate the bank, as it regulated all the established institu tions of France, and ordered it to pay into the Treasury 80, ~ 000,000 livres of its bills against a deposit of interest-bearing assignats. The bank lost its credit with the business commu 1 Noel, I., 90. BANKING IN FRANCE. 43 nity, the redemption of its notes in assignats was de creed in 1790, bank-note issues were forbidden by the law of August 17, 1792, and the institution was sup pressed by a decree of the National Convention 011 August 24 , *793The next three years were those of the consummation of the Reign of Terror, the execution of the King and Queen, the fall of Danton and Robespierre, and the restoration of order under the Directory. “ What institution of credit,” asks M. Horn, “ could have braved the tempest which agi tated the end of the eighteenth century ? What instru ment of credit could have maintained itself against the assignats, which destroyed alike the notions of value and of money? ” 1 But the Saturnalia of fiat money lasted but lit tle longer than in the time of Law. The same sort of enact ments,—making the paper money legal tender for debts at its nominal value, fixing maximum prices, punishing those who discredited the assignats in conversation,2 and inflicting the penalty of death upon those who kept their produce from the market,—quickly ran their course. The assignats in circulation amounted on January 1, 1796, to 27,565,237,396 francs, and had increased on September 7, to 45,578,810,040 francs, when they were worth one one-thousandth part of their nominal value. The whole fabric disappeared at a blow when the National Assembly decreed on July 16, 1796, that every one might transact business in whatever money he chose and that the mandates, which had superseded the assignats, should be taken only at their current value. The effect of this removal of the restrictions upon the natural laws of money is thus strikingly portrayed by Professor MacLeod : No sooner was this great blow struck at the paper currency, of mak ing it pass at its current value, than specie immediately reappeared in circulation. Immense hoards came forth from their hiding places ; goods and commodities of all sorts being very cheap from the anxiety of their owners to possess money, caused immense sums to be im ported from foreign countries. The exchanges immediately turned 1 La Liberte des Banques, 317. 2 Courtois, 99. 44 H ISTO RY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE . in favor of France, and in a short time a metallic currency was permanently restored. And during all the terrific wars of Napoleon the metallic standard was always maintained at its full value.1 The end of the paper money phrensy saw credit again raising her head and several new banking institutions under way. The first one, founded in 1796, was known as the Caisse des Comptes Courants (Bank of Current Accounts), and had a capital of 5,000,000 francs ($1,000,000). The circula tion was 20,000,000 francs in bills of 500 and 1000 francs, and bills of exchange running for ninety days were dis counted at six per cent.2 The Caisse des Comptes Courants was created largely by bankers for bankers, and a party of business men, to escape what they regarded as a certain de gree of favoritism, determined to found a banking associa tion of their own. They established, November 24, 1797, for a term of three years, the Cazsse d' Escompte du Co?nmerce (Bank of Commercial Discounts), which proved so successful that it was renewed for an unlimited term. There was no fixed capital, but each new subscriber for a share of 10,000 francs ($2000) increased the capital by so much until in less than four years it had reached 12,000,000 francs. Five thousand francs were paid on each share in cash and five thousand francs in bank-bills were endorsed by the subscriber with his own signature and afterwards countersigned by the bank.3 The plan proved so successful that it was imitated by the retailers, who organized the Comptoir Commercial (Commer cial Bank). The Caisse des Comptes Courants and the Caisse d'Escompte accepted reciprocally each others bills and were doing an active and safe banking business when a new turn was given to the economic history of France by the coup d'Stat of the Eighteenth Brumaire (November 9, 1799), which made Napoleon Bonaparte First Consul and virtually the supreme ruler of France. Bonaparte had hardly grasped power before he turned to his financial advisers for a plan for a national bank. They 1 2 8 Theory and Practice of Banking, II., Courtois, 109. Horn, 322. . 258 BANKING IN FRANCE. 45 had one ready for his immediate consideration, bearing a striking resemblance to the plan of the Notary Rouen which had been before the Council of Five Hundred under the government of the Directory. Less than three months after the Eighteenth Brumaire appeared the decree of January 18, 1800 (28 Nivose, An VIII), constituting the Bank of France, with a capital of 30,000,000 francs in shares of 1000 francs each. The decree provided that one-sixth of the capital should be furnished by the Treasury by an investment of half the funds given as bonds by the receivers general, and Napoleon, members of his family, and personal friends lent their support by subscribing for the shares.1 This support was necessary to the success of the bank, and it was not until 1802 that all the shares were taken. Vitality was given the institution by the decision of the general assembly of the Caisse des Comptes Courants to consolidate with it and the transfer of their offices in the Place des Victoires. Febru ary 20, 1800, the bank began its operations as a bank of issue and of discount. It was at the outset a private insti tution, free from government interference and its right to issue notes was far from exclusive. But Bonaparte did not view with patience this situation. “ One bank is easier to watch than several,” was his com ment, and after the Caisse d* Escompie du Commerce had refused to loan money to the government, he took vigorous measures to drive it to the wall. The law of April 14, 1803 (24. Germinal, An XI), gave the Bank of France the exclu sive privilege of issuing bank-bills at Paris, raised the capital from 30,000,000 to 45,000,000 francs and decreed that no bank should be established in the departments without the authority of the government. The stockholders of the Caisse d 1Escompie du Commerce filed an emphatic protest against the abrogation of their right to issue notes. Their complaints did not prevent the passage of the law, but the 1 Napoleon took thirty shares, Joseph Bonaparte took one share, Murat two, Hortense Beauharnais ten, Duroc five, General Clark, who married Napoleon’s sister and died in San Domingo, one, and Bourienne, five.—Noel, I., 97, note. 46 HISTORY OF MODERN BA N K S OF ISSUE . management of the Bank of France did what they could to prevent a crisis by fusion with existing banks of issue. A consolidation was arranged with the Caisse d'Escompte du Commerce, which turned over its assets and received bills of the Bank of France in exchange. The shareholders had the option of becoming shareholders of the Bank of France with all the privileges of the original shareholders. The financial crisis which broke out upon the formation of the third coalition against France, after the rupture of the Peace of Amiens, resulted in radical changes in the constitu tion of the Bank of France. The preparations for the cam paign of Austerlitz required large expenditures by the government and the syndicate of contractors for supplies for the armies obtained large loans from the bank in the form of bills. The bills began to be presented for redemption at the rate of two or three million francs a week. The coin reserve of the bank was reduced, specie was demanded by the bank in the settlement of its balances with bankers in the depart ments, and accommodation bills of exchange were largely drawn by the contractors to obtain new loans, with the result of new note issues and new demands for redemption. The circulation, which before 1803 had never exceeded 30,000,000 francs, surpassed 80,000,000 and the bills began to fall below par. The council of the regency limited redemptions to a fixed sum per day, and in course of time the contraction of discounts and the settlement of balances due the bank re established equilibrium. The victory of Austerlitz (Decem ber 2, 1805) assisted in restoring confidence, and Napoleon, the morning after his return to Paris, summoned a council to discuss the crisis which had absorbed his thoughts even upon the field of battle.1 The Emperor was convinced that bad management had much to do with the crisis, and within twenty-four hours of the council M. Mollien succeeded M. de Barb£-Marbois as Minister of the Treasury and was charged with the prepara tion of a new plan of organization for the bank. He recom mended that the bank be linked with the State and that it 1 Noel, I., . 104 BANKING IN FRANCE . 47 be the only institution in the country authorized to issue credit paper. “ The bank,” he declared, “ does not belong only to its stockholders; it belongs also to the State, since the latter has given it the privilege of creating money.” This policy was very pleasing to the Emperor and was promptly put in practice. The law of April 22, 1806, in creased the capital of the bank from 45,000,000 to 90,000,000 francs and confided its direction to a governor and two sub governors named by the head of the State, but paid by the bank. The duration of the privileges of the bank was extended fifteen years beyond the date fixed by the Act of 1803, until September 24, 1843. It was the purpose of Napo leon to make the bank national in its operations as well as in name, and a decree of May 18, 1808, gave the exclusive privilege of note issues to the bank in every town in which it established branches. The fall of Napoleon caused a temporary suspension of the operations of the bank. The council ordered the burning of the bills which were in the vaults ready for issue and the withdrawal of current accounts by depositors. The reserves fell to 5,000,000 francs ($1,000,000) the circulation to 10,000,000 francs and current accounts to 1,300,000 francs. The prompt return of peace restored confidence, the circulation was increased to 70,000,000 francs and the reserves rose to 93,000,000 francs. The government of the restoration, how ever, was not especially friendly to the financial creation of the Napoleonic dynasty. The management of the bank themselves were ready to renounce exclusive privileges in the departments, provided the stockholders were allowed to resume the selection of the governor and his assistants. This project was not accepted by the Chambers, but the branches at Rouen and Lyon were abandoned and were succeeded by departmental banks of a type which soon spread to the lead ing cities of France. These departmental banks were entirely independent of the Bank of France, and were authorized to issue their own notes. They accommodated themselves to local necessities, their officers were acquainted with local credits, their profits H ISTORY OF MODERN BA N K S OF ISSUE. 48 augmented, and their operation contributed greatly to the development of the industrial activity of the nineteenth cen tury in France. Institutions of this sort were founded in nine principal cities, and some idea of the extent of their operations and of their success may be formed from the fol lowing table of the principal items of their balance sheets for 1847 :1 BANK. Rouen, Nantes, Bordeaux, hyon, Marseilles, Havre, Lille, T oulouse, Orleans, Total, MEAN COIN RESERVE. MEAN DISCOUNTS. MEAN CIRCULATION. DIVIDENDS. Per Cent. Francs. Francs. Francs. 4,500,000 1,700,000 12,600,000 10,400,000 6,400,000 1,600,000 1,800,000 1,600,000 1,100,000 10,100,000 6,400,000 13.900,000 23,100,000 14,000,000 7,000,000 5,400,000 2,400,000 2,600,000 12,000,000 4,300,000 20,900,000 19,700,000 16,500,000 4,400,000 4,500,000 4,800,000 3,000,000 41,700,000 84,900,000 90,100,000 I4.4 9-7 16.3 28.8 12.9 6.8 9.6 1 1 .7 H.3 This exhibit shows a circulation for these nine banks in 1847 of about $17,500,000 secured by a coin reserve of $8,000,000, by means of which loans had been made to the amount of $18,000,000. The large profits obtained by these departmental banks (indicated in the table of dividends) were reflected in the high prices of their capital stock. The shares all had a par value of 1000 francs ($200), and the quotations in 1847 were : Bank of Rouen, 2650 francs; Nantes, 1750 ft. ; Bordeaux, 2200ft. ; Lyon, 3770ft. ; Mar seilles, 1970ft. ; Havre, 1330 ft. ; Lille, 1700 fr. ; Toulouse, 1200 fr. ; Orleans, 1810 fr. The deposits were comparatively small, amounting at their maximum in 1847 to 16,800,000 francs ($3,250,000). Deposit banking was almost unknown in the smaller cities of France and these departmental banks 1 This table is compiled from the appendix to Courtois’s Histoire des Banques en France, 338- 41, and is given in round figures because the tables appear there in millions of francs, instead of being fully carried out. The same figures appear in Horn’s La Libertk des BanqueSy 361- 64. BANKING IN FRANCE . 49 could never have made substantial dividends or acquired any considerable volume of business without the power to trans mute their assets into circulating notes. The majority of the departmental banks were founded between 1835 and 1840,—the period when the failure of the Bank of France to meet expanding commercial needs began to be most keenly felt. The Bank of France was generally regarded as an institution for bankers rather than for merchants and the latter obtained their discounts at the bank through the intervention of private discount houses. Many of these houses suspended during the political dis turbances of 1830, and it became necessary to appoint a royal commission to report upon the commercial and industrial situation and “ to propose measures suitable to restore to business transactions and the circulation their usual regular ity.” The proposition which became law on October 17, 1830, proposed to make loans directly from the Treasury and fixed the amount at 30,000,000 francs ($6,000,000). A discount office (Comptoir d yEscompte) was established at Paris with a capital of 1,300,000 francs, which it was authorized to lend at four per cent, on bills upon Paris and at five per cent, on those upon the provinces. Various amounts were afterwards added to the capital and the comptoir was continued with the guarantee of the City of Paris until September 30, 1832. The total discounts from December 31, 1830, covered 59,928 pieces of commercial paper amount ing to 33,191,433 francs. Similar offices were established in many of the departments and contributed with the di rect government loans towards the accommodation of in dustry. The government commission made loans in Paris for periods of twelve, eighteen, and twenty-four months, dis tributing them with some reference to the number of laborers employed, and assisted nearly 450 establishments in fifty-three departments outside of Paris, employing more than eighty thousand men.1 The amount of these loans reported still bad or doubtful in 1870 was 905,312 francs ($180,000). A similar device was resorted to again after the revolution 1 Courtois, 137-45* 50 HISTOR V OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE . of 1848. The country was then emerging from the effects of a financial crisis and the discount houses had again lost public confidence. The government on this occasion sought the co-operation of the business community in establishing discount offices. They required that a third of the capital be furnished by individuals or municipalities, the other two thirds being represented by Treasury bonds and municipal obligations. Some of the offices received in addition a loan in specie, upon which they were required to pay four per cent, interest to the Treasury. Most of these loans were reimbursed at the end of two years and several of the dis count offices afterwards repaid the capital advanced by the State and became private banks. The Paris office became the Comptoir d ’Escompte, which established branches in India, Japan, and the Antilles,1 and carried on some large operations in finance. It was wrecked by advances of 130,000,000 francs to the great copper syndicate in 1888, and its ruin was proclaimed by the suicide of the director, M. Denfert-Rochereau, on March 5, 1889.2 The Bank of France was compelled from 1848 to 1852 to make many renewals of its discounts, but the amount thus outstanding was re duced on December 31, 1856, to 772,500 francs ($150,000).8 The success of the departmental banks was already so great before 1840 that the Bank of France was stimulated to avail itself again of the right to establish branches in the leading cities of the country and a contest which has not yet ended arose among bankers and economists as to the relative wisdom of granting a monopoly of note issues to a single institution or permitting such issues by local banks. The advocates of monopoly won a partial triumph by the Act of June 30, 1840, which prolonged the privileges of the Bank of France until December. 31, 1867, and declared that no departmental bank should thenceforth be established, nor the privileges of existing banks prolonged, except by virtue of a special law. The ordinance of March 25. which T 8 4 .1 , 1 Courcelle-Senueil, 194. 2Jannet, 325-26. 3 Courtois, 178-187. BANKING IN FRANCE. St fixed the status of the branches, is the law still in force, and gave to the branches the exclusive privilege of issuing notes in the cities where they were established. Even the increase in the number of the departmental banks and in the branches of the Bank of France had not been adequate to supply the growing demand for discounts, and in 1837 Jacques Laffitte founded the Caisse Generate du Commerce et de V Industrie (General Bank of Commerce and Industry),1 with a capital of 15,000,000 francs. The absence of authority to issue circulating notes was evaded by the issue of bills payable to order after five, fifteen, and thirty days, with interest, and for three months without interest. The bills payable after five days were the most sought for and were circulated with an indorsement in blank which permitted them to pass from hand to hand. The overthrow of the government of Louis Philippe in February, 1848, came on the heels of the financial crisis of 1847, an^ the combination of the two events caused a long list of failures and the general suspension of specie pay ments by authority of the provisional government. The suspension of specie payments was accompanied by decrees giving forced legal tender character to bank-notes, both those issued by the Bank of France and those issued by depart mental banks,8 but legal tender circulation was given the notes of the departmental banks only within the departments 1 The Bank of France was unwilling that the name Banque should be assumed by any other institutions than itself and the departmental banks. There was no law on the subject, as in England and the United States, but the object was attained by the suggestion that cordial relations would not be established with the new institution if it called itself a bank.—Courtois, 155, note. 2 The opponents of monopoly lay stress upon the fact that the Bank of France was forced first to seek the suspension of specie payments, and it was not until ten days later (March 25, 1848) that the same privilege was extended to the departmental banks, which had thus far steadily met all demands. The circulation of the Bank of France was fixed by legal decree at a maximum of 350,000,000 francs ($70,000,000) and limits were fixed for each of the departmental banks, amount ing to an aggregrate of 102,000,000 francs ($20,400,000).—Horn, 368-70. 52 HISTORY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE . in which they were established. This policy, whether inten tionally or not, paralyzed the action of the independent banks and gave a color of justification for the decrees of April 27 and May 2, 1848, providing for the fusion of the departmental banks with the Bank of France and limiting the issue of bills to the central institution and its branches. The language of the decree based the consolidation upon the ground ‘‘ that the bills of the departmental banks form in certain localities special monetary signs, whose existence injects a deplorable perturbation into all transactions; and that the essential interests of the country imperiously demand that every bank-bill declared to be legal money shall be able to circulate equally in all parts of the land.” 1 The govern ment thus touched upon the weakest feature of the depart mental system—the lack of interchangeability of the various note issues. This was in part the result of the government’s own action in limiting the legal tender quality of the notes, but it was also true that there was no association among the banks which might have kept their notes in circulation without the legal tender quality.2 The Bank of France was given the aggregate circulation of the pre-existing banks and the maximum was raised by decree of December 22, 1849, to 525,000,000 francs. The fusion of the departmental banks with the Bank of France resulted in an increase of the capital of the central institution by the exact amount of the capital of the nine departmental banks. The capital of the central bank had been reduced in 1823 by the purchase of outstanding shares to 67,900,000 francs and was increased by the absorption of the departmental banks to 91,250,000 francs ($18,000,000). So strongly did the current of centralization run that it was proposed to unite the bank to the public domain under the name of the National Bank of France, but the Assembly was unwilling to increase the distrust already felt in business circles by so radical a departure and rejected the proposals.8 Lois et Statuts, 1 67-68. 2Courtois, 175-6. 3Noel, I., 114. BANKING IN FRANCE. 53 The forced legal tender of the bills came to an end by the law of August 6, 1850. A new increase of capital was made by the law of the Empire of June 9, 1857, and the charter of the bank was extended to December 31, 1897. existing privileges were confirmed and a concession was made to the recent growth of economic opinion, in favor of controlling the foreign exchanges through the discount rate, by exempt ing the bank from the usury laws.1 The new charter re quired that branches be established within ten years in all the departments, but it was not until fifteen years after the time set that this requirement was fully complied with. The increase of capital was justified by the immense expansion of industry by machinery and the building of railroads, and the requirement of a branch in every department made it the more imperative. The capital was therefore doubled and the 91,250 new shares were issued at 1100 francs, of which the premium of 100 francs was destined to strengthen the reserve. The government borrowed 100,000,000 francs of the money subscribed for the increase of capital upon a pledge of three per cent, securities. The strength of the bank proved a powerful support for the railway enterprises which were now being floated in nearly every department. The quotation of the stock of the new companies, which had not yet had time to complete their lines, had fallen very low when ten of the leading com panies formed a syndicate and appealed to the bank for assistance. A contract was signed by which the bank opened a credit in favor of the companies on the deposit of their obligations and agreed to market them under favorable conditions. Two hundred and forty million of francs ($46,300,000) of obligations were disposed of, 150,000,000 by private sales and 90,000,000 by public subscription, during 1858, and the quotations were carried upward from 260 francs to 290 francs within the year. The only benefit derived by the bank from this operation was the interest on the advances 1Lois et Statuts, 81. The earnings above six per cent, were required to be carried to a permanent surplus fund, which stood for more than twenty years at 8,002,313 francs. 54 H ISTORY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE . to the companies, which amounted to 449,600 francs, but the operation was so successful that sales through the agency of the bank were continued in 1859 and the bank charged a commission of 50 centimes for each obligation sold, deriving a premium of 440,000 francs from the transac tion. Similar operations were continued for several years, with handsome profits to the bank and great benefit to the railways in placing their obligations and obtaining the neces sary capital for construction. The history of the Bank of France since 1870 is deeply colored by the national struggle with Germany. The bank lent its support to the government at the outset; it received the privilege of legal tender for its notes and the suspension of specie payments ; it suffered from the ravages of the Commune, and it played a large part in the settlement of the great war indemnity. The management of the bank was prudent, and its credit suffered but slight impairment under the strain of national disaster and civil discord. The bank advanced 50,000,000 francs to the government on July 18, 1870, four days after hostilities were voted, secured by Treasury bonds running for three months. Other advances up to the close of the war carried the total to 1,470,000,000 francs ($280,000,000). The suspension of specie payments was authorized on August 12th, with only one dissenting vote in the Chamber of Deputies. This step was not taken at the request of the bank, or because of any severe pressure upon it for gold, but with the view of tying up the gold reserve for the benefit of the government in case of military necessity.1 The restoration of specie payments in 1850 had been ac companied by the removal of any limitation upon note issues, which had gradually expanded with increasing com mercial development to 1,439,000,000 francs ($275,000,000) in 1869. A limit of 1,800,000,000 francs was imposed by the law of August 12,1870, which was raised two days later to 2,400,000,000 francs. Gold jumped to a premium of one and one half per cent., but the premium fell in a few days to *Courtois, 258. BANKING IN FRANCE . 55 one per cent, or even less and did not rise materially, in spite of the disasters of the army, until the great demand for foreign exchange in paying the war indemnity. The pre mium then rose as high as two and a half per cent, represent ing apparently one of the few cases where the price of gold has risen as the result of a special demand without affecting the prices of commodities or the credit of the paper circulation. The necessity of a large circulating medium led to a further extension of the limit of issue on December 29, 1871, to 2.800.000.000 francs, and the great loan of three milliards was the occasion for another extension, July 15, 1872, to francs. The law of December 29, 1871, author ized the issue of notes for five francs and ten francs. The limit of circulation was not again raised until after the re sumption of specie payments. Resumption was set by the law of August 3, 1875, for the time when the debt of the government to the bank should be reduced to 300,000,000 francs. This condition was formally complied with by a payment to the bank of 10,000,000 francs on December 31, 1877, t^ie bank had already been paying five-franc pieces in silver since November 7, 1873, and twenty-franc gold pieces since November, 1874.1 The Bank of Prance was saved from complete destruction during the reign of the Commune in Paris, in the spring of 1871, by appeasing with small sums the appetites of the hungry Communist leaders. The latter first drew out in instalments the sum of 9,401,819 francs, which was on de posit to the credit of the City of Paris, and when this was exhausted demanded several millions more. The bank yielded grudgingly under the compulsion of force and with the approval of the Ministry of Finance at Versailles. The Communists, after the capture of one of the gates of Paris by the regular army on May 22d, set fire to the Tuileries and sent one of their officers to the bank to demand the imme diate payment of 700,000 francs for the wages of the National Guard. The Marquis de Ploeuc, the Assistant Governor, temporized as far as possible by advancing 200,000 francs 1 Arnaun£, 429. H ISTORY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE. and refusing the remainder upon the ground that so large an advance required the consent of the Council of Regents of the bank. The refusal exasperated the Communist leaders, who threatened to bring the bank to terms by two battalions and two pieces of cannon. The bank yielded, upon the written demand of the Committee of Public Safety, endorsed by M. Jourde, the financial delegate of the Commune, that “ If this sum is not delivered, the bank will be immediately invaded by the Communal Guard. ’’ 1 M. Jourde was obliging enough, when a new demand was made for 500,000 francs on May 23d, to deliver a receipt endorsed with the declaration that “ The refusal of this sum would involve the seizure of the bank/’ The next day the regular army of Versailles was in the heart of Paris and the bank was safe from further robbery. The advances on behalf of the City of Paris were recognized as a debt of the city and counted into the loan for 210,000,000 francs contracted with the bank on August 30, 1871. The bank was less successful with the general government and, after a long course of negotiations, was obliged to charge 7,293,383 francs to the account of profit and loss.2 The Bank of France played an important part in the most remarkable transaction in the history of foreign exchange— the payment of the great war indemnity levied upon France by Germany. A detailed account of the process of payment was submitted to the National Assembly in 1875 by M. L6011 Say, and forms one of the most instructive chapters of mod ern financial history. The definitive treaty of peace, signed at Frankfort on May 10, 1871, called for the payment by France to Germany of five milliards of francs ($1,000,000,000). Five hundred millions were to be paid thirty days after the restoration of order in Paris, one thousand millions during the year 1871, five hundred millions on May 1, 1872, and three thousand millions on March 2, 1874, with five per cent, interest on the last payment. The framers of the treaty appreciated the difficulty of making such an immense 1 Noel, I., 122. 2 Noel, I., 200. BANKING IN FRANCE. 57 transfer of credit without upsetting the financial fabric of Europe and provision was made that payment might be made in gold or silver, in notes of the banks of England, Prussia, Holland, or Belgium, or in first class bills of ex change. Bills not payable in Germany were to be valued at their net proceeds after deducting the cost of collection. It was afterwards agreed that the portion of the Eastern Rail way of France which was situated in the ceded province of Alsace, and was the property of the French government, should be accepted for 325,000,000 francs of the indemnity, and that 125,000,000 francs should be received in notes of the Bank of France. Three things had to be accomplished in order to pay the indemnity within the time set. The credits had to be trans ferred to the French government by taxation or the sale of securities ; the proceeds had to be converted into obligations acceptable to the German government; and these obligations had to be paid or transferred to the credit of Germany. The first step was taken by means of an advance from the Bank of France and the placing of public loans. The bank advanced 1,530,000,000 francs ($300,000,000) to enable the government to meet promptly the two payments required during 1871. One of the conditions of the payment of the indemnity was that German troops should occupy French soil until the payments were completed. M. Thiers, the president of the new republic, determined to free the coun try from foreign occupation at the earliest possible moment by anticipating the payments. Two loans were authorized, —one for 2,225,994,045 francs ($430,000,000) in the summer of 1871, and one of 3,498,744,639 francs ($675,000,000) in the summer of 1872. They were subscribed many times over and the government thereby obtained the funds for completing the payments and liberating French soil in the summer of 1873. One of the striking results of this loan was to bring from the hoards of the French peasants and small shop-keepers the gold and silver which had been accumulating for genera tions. It was the initiation of whole classes of the French H ISTORY OF MODERN BAN KS OF ISSUE. 58 people into dealing with negotiable securities. The time was nearly ripe in the progress of modern financiering for this change in the habits of the people, but it required a loan which appealed to their patriotism and carried a high guaran tee of safety to definitely break down the old habit of hoarding and establish the new habit of investment.1 The subscriptions to the second loan were 934,276, and the amount subscribed was 13,252,455,930 francs at Paris, 4,513,445,566 francs in the provinces, and 26,050,195,054 francs in foreign countries. The foreign subscriptions, numbering 107,612, were largely speculative and the majority were made by the great financial houses as a means of supporting their correspondents in Paris. The bulk of the loan tended eventually into the hands of Frenchmen. The hoards of gold and silver brought into the market from the provincial subscribers went to swell the monetary circulation and enabled the Bank of France within a few years to accumu late a coin reserve nearly twice as large as it had ever before held. While 375,000,000 francs ($73,000,000) in gold left the country in the three years 1871-73 and the reserve of the Bank of France declined as low in 1871 as 399,000,000 francs, the yellow metal came pouring back in the next few years, and in 1876 the reserve of gold alone in the bank stood at 1,530,400,000 francs ($300,000,000). Another striking feature of the payment of the war in demnity was the development of the use of commercial credit for transferring funds from one country to another. 1 M. Leroy-Beaulieu computes an increase in French fund-holders from 550,000 in 1870 to 1,000,000 in 1876, counting only permanent investors and excluding speculative holdings. This would represent about one in eight of the heads of families in France. The sales of public securities in the departments increased from 4,299,425 in 1869 to 24,272,094 in 1873.—La Science des Finances, II., 220-25. The ef fect of the popular subscriptions may be traced also in the reduction of the balances in the Caisse d'fcpargne (Savings Bank) of Paris, which fell from 54,180,747 francs ($10,500,000) on January 1, 1870, to 35,454,124 francs ($7,000,ooo)on January 1, 1873, the latter being the lowest point reached since 1850.—Vide Bulletin de Statistiquey Oct., 1895, x x x v iii., 374-77. BANKING IN FRANCE . 59 The aggregate payments consisted of only 742,334,079 francs ($143,000,000) in all forms of currency, including bank-notes, and 4,248,326,374 francs ($820,000,000) in bills of exchange. The loss in the monetary circulation of France was less than the sum of coin and bank-notes, because some of the bank notes were purchased by exchange in foreign countries and others were German notes which had drifted into France with the German army. The real specie payments were 273,003,058 francs ($52,600,000) in French gold and 239,29i,875 francs ($46,000,000) in French silver. The essential work of completing the payments was done b}' the purchase by the government of bills of exchange drawn by French men upon their credits in every quarter of the world. Brit ish bills were the most plentiful upon the Paris market and the heavy purchases of the French government threw much of the monetary stress upon England and compelled the Bank of England to maintain high discount rates all through 1872 and 1873.1 The purchase by the government of a bill drawn by a French merchant upon an English customer permitted the transmission of the bill to the German gov ernment, which could then draw upon London for the gold or simply direct the deposit of the proceeds to their credit in the London Joint Stock Bank, which was their London agent. If the Frenchman who sold his bill of exchange to the government was a purchaser of the new public loan, the result of the process was the transformation of his claim against his English customer into a claim against his own government. One of the incidents of this great operation in exchange was the fall in the price of foreign securities on the Paris market and their flight to other countries, where their quo tations remained comparatively undisturbed. These influ ences operated most directly upon what are known on the European exchanges as ‘‘ international securities, ’’ because they are known and quoted in the leading markets of the world. The cause of their decline on the Paris market in 1871 was the eagerness of Frenchmen to transfer their capi 1 Gilbart, II., 349- 6o H ISTORY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE. tal into the obligations of their own country. The result of the decline was not only the sale of the securities offered to brokers, but a flood of foreign money and foreign credits to Paris to take advantage of the reduced prices of “ the internationals.’’ M. Say, in his report, attributed to these arbitrage transactions in international stocks and their cou pons much of the facility with which the indemnity was paid. The sales of Italian five per cent, securities alone on the Paris Bourse from July i, 1871, to December 31, 1873, were 46,115,000 francs ($9,000,000), not including sales by private brokers. The proof that these sales were largely on foreign account was furnished by the decline in the interest payments made at Paris on Italian securities from 40,150,000 francs on July 1,1871, to 25,604,000 francs on January 1, 1874.1 The Bank of France was embarrassed as early as i860 by the fluctuations in the relative value of gold and silver and their departure from the ratio of fifteen and a half to one fixed by the French coinage law of 1803. Silver had be come the more valuable metal, because of the immense addi tion to the gold stock by the discoveries in California and Australia. The value of silver, in other words, was greater in proportion to gold than the price paid for bullion at the mint. It was obvious that if the bank continued the policy of redemption of its notes in gold or silver at the option of the holder, silver coin would always be preferred, and would be withdrawn for speculative purposes as long as it could be obtained, because it could be sold as bullion at a profit above its face value in gold. The situation became so serious that the bank asserted the option to pay only in gold and was obliged to borrow that metal from the Bank of England in order to be well supplied. Gold had been flowing into France since the opening of the California mines and silver 1 Leroy-Beaulieu, II., 236. M. Leroy-Beaulieu admits that sales for report are included in the first item, but the decline in interest pay ments at Paris seems to sustain his argument that Italian securities left France in order that their proceeds might be invested in the indemnity loan. 6l flowing out in an uninterrupted stream,1 but the Bank of France had held on to the dearer metal, silver, and redeemed in the cheaper until its gold reserve was reduced in i860 to about 100,000,000 francs, while its silver stood at about 325,000,000 francs. About ^2,000,000 in gold was obtained from the Bank of England, which was not averse to exchanging the less valuable metal for the dearer, even though the latter was not a money metal in England. The departure of the market ratio of gold and silver from the mint ratio by the depreciation of gold was the occasion of the formation of the Latin Union. Belgium, Italy, and Switzerland had already adopted the French decimal system of coinage before the formation of the Union, and the coins of each country circulated freely in the others. The proposi tion for a conference came from Belgium, but was cordially accepted by the French government and the meeting called at Paris. The most pressing problem to be confronted was the disappearance of the subsidiary silver coins because of the premium upon silver. Switzerland had already reduced her silver coins, except the five-franc piece, by the law of January 31, i860, from nine-tenths fine to eight-tenths; Italy, by the law of August 24, 1862, had lowered to 0.835 fine the franc and smaller pieces ; and France had adopted the standard of 0.835 for her pieces of 20 and 50 centimes. The change of all but the five-franc piece was recommended by a commission appointed by the French government in 1861, but the Corps Legislatif in passing the law of May 25, 1864, refused to reduce the one- and two-franc pieces.2 Bel gium was on the point of taking legislative action when the advantages of an international conference suggested them selves. The refusal of the French legislative body to reduce the fineness of the larger silver pieces, so as to bring their bullion BANKIN G IN FRANCE. 1 The net imports of gold into France from 1848 to 1870 were 5,153,000,000 francs ($1,000,000,000) and only one year (1861) showed net exports. The years 1852 to 1864 showed uninterrupted net exports of silver amounting to 1,726,000,000 francs ($340,000,000).—Shaw, 184-86. 2 Arnaun6, 227. 62 H ISTORY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE . value down to their face value, was rapidly driving them out of circulation and silver had long ceased to be offered in any considerable quantities for coinage at the mints.1 The con ference decided that all silver coins below the five-franc piece should be reduced to 0.835 fine, that their coinage should be limited in each country to six francs per capita, that the sub sidiary silver should be received in the public depositaries of each country in amounts not exceeding one hundred francs ($I9-3°) and should be a legal tender in the country where coined in amounts of not more than fifty francs ($9.65). The Belgian, Swiss, and Italian delegates strongly urged the adop tion of the single gold standard, but the proposition was re sisted by the French delegates and was not acted upon. The convention putting in effect the decisions reached in the con ference was adopted 011 December 23,1865, and Greece soon after became a party to it. A monetary conference was held at Paris in connection with the international exposition, which recommended the adoption of the gold standard by the coun tries taking part, and it was in pursuance of this action that the French government concluded the preliminary conven tion of July 31, 1867, with Austria, establishing a fixed rela tion between the franc and the gold florin.2 The formation of the Latin Union, so generally treated to day as a plan to maintain bimetallism, was, in the language of a high authority, “ a measure of defence against the ac tion of the bimetallic system in those countries which had adopted the monetary system of France, and lay exposed to all its disastrous fluctuations.” 8 The effect of the action of the countries forming the Union, in the language of the French monetary commission of 1867, “ places in the front rank gold money, and reduces the pieces of silver of two francs and less to the r61e of token money. It therefore 1 The total coinage of silver at the French mint in 1863 was 329,610 francs ($65,000), while the gold coinage was 210,230,640 francs ($41,000,000). The largest silver coinage since 1856 had been 8,663,568 francs in 1858, and the largest gold coinage 702,697,790 francs in 1859. 2 Vide Ch. viii. and ix. 3 Shaw, 190 BANKING IN FRANCE. 63 definitely determines the ascendency of the gold franc and solves practical difficulties arising from the double stand ard.’’ The Latin Union, so far from establishing bimetal lism, adopted the gold franc as the standard because gold was then the money of general circulation within the coun tries of the Union. The mints continued open to the free coinage of both metals, but silver was not offered on private account for coinage into five-franc pieces at the legal ratio, any more than gold would be offered at the present day in a country where silver at the old ratio was the common medium of circulation. It was because the ratio tilted backwards to a higher bul lion value for gold and a declining value for silver that the aspect of the monetary problem was reversed and that the purpose of the Latin Union has come to be misunderstood. The members of the union from the outset, however, have done no more than seek to maintain the circulation of silver by limiting its coinage. Silver first dropped below par in 1867, when the commercial ratio of gold to silver was 1 to 15.57, t>ut it was not until 1873, when the quotation was 1 to 15.92,1 that it began to be noticed that an excessive quan tity of silver was being minted and that gold was disappear ing from circulation. The problem was complicated by the fact that France, Italy, and Greece were under the rigime of paper money, leaving only Belgium and Switzerland in full enjoyment of the bimetallic coinage system. The latter 1 The statement of these differences in the terms of the ratio makes them look much more trifling than is really the case. Stated in terms of percentage, the depreciation of silver in 1867 was a little less than one-half of one per cent. (0.45) and in 1873 was 2.7 per cent, of the par value. The depreciation in 1872 was 0.97 per cent. It is interesting to note that the changes prior to 1873 took place, and that their effect was visible in the bullion offerings at the mints, before the adoption of the gold standard in Germany or the United States or the limitation of coinage by the Latin Union. The depreciation of nearly one per cent, in 1872 was sufficient to afford a large profit on bullion operations, in view of the fact that the usual element in such computations— the time consumed in earning interest—did not need to be considered. H ISTORY OF MODERN BA N K S OF ISSUE. 64 country, with a keen appreciation of actual conditions, almost entirely suspended silver coinage and received her circulation from the other countries of the union.1 The presentation of gold for coinage at the French mints ceased during 1872 and 1873, and the silver coinage was 26,838,369 francs in the former and 156,270,160 francs in the latter year. The mint of Belgium was besieged by the owners of silver bullion and 111,000,000 francs in five-franc pieces were coined in 1873, while even Italy, though on a paper basis, coined 42,000,000 lires, which were refused acceptance by the Bank of France.2 The limitation of the coinage was resorted to for the four years ending with 1877 as the only means of averting the single silver standard. Conferences were held annually and the maximum coinage of five-franc pieces was fixed for each country. The aggregate of these allowances for the four years was 45,200,000 francs for Belgium, 216,000,000 francs for France, 18,000,000 francs for Greece, 164,000,000 francs for Italy, and 28,800,000 francs for Switzerland. Italy was allowed to coin 29,000,000 francs in 1878 and 1879, on condi tion that the sum should be retained in the Bank of Italy as a metallic reserve against the circulating paper money. Silver continued to fall in price and the policy of limitation was succeeded in 1878 by the policy of absolute suspension of the coinage of five-franc pieces. The monetary union was renewed from 1878 to January 1, 1886, and was ex tended in 1885 to January 1, 1891, since when it has been prolonged annually by mutual agreement. The con vention of 1885 not only bound each of the contracting parties not to resume the coinage of five-franc pieces without the consent of the union, but provided that if such coinage should be resumed the coins should be redeemable by the nation coining them in gold on demand, and that if such 1 Her entire coinage of five-franc pieces, from the first limitation to the final suspension of silver coinage, was only 7,978,000 francs ($1,500,000).—Haupt, 85-86. 2 Arnaund, 231. BANKING IN FRANCE. 65 redemption should be refused the coins might be refused by the public depositaries of the other parties to the union.1 It was such conditions which confronted the Bank of France when it prepared to resume specie payments in 1877 with a gold reserve of 1,202,400,000 francs ($232,000,000) and a silver reserve of 860,900,000 francs ($165,000,000). The situation was exactly the same as in i860, except that the position of the two metals was reversed. The bank found itself well stocked with the more valuable metal, but re strained from using it for redemption purposes because of the certainty that it would soon be drawn away and sold as bullion. The policy was adopted, and has been steadily adhered to, of redeeming in gold or silver at the discretion of the bank and charging a premium for gold. It is impos sible to obtain gold at the bank in the quantity desired for exportation and it has to be taken from the domestic circu lation. This means of protecting its gold reserve has been treated by the bank in some measure as a substitute for rais ing the rate of discount in a monetary pressure and while it protects the gold of the bank it has none of the advantages upon the money market which follow the different policy of the Bank of England. The bullion shippers were shrewd enough when discount was low and gold at a premium in 1857, to. draw gold by discounting accommodation bills at the bank rate of four per cent, and selling the gold for the premium for exportation. The bank prevents this under its present practice by paying for discounted paper in silver, which is not exportable for monetary purposes. The result,—“ to defend the reserve of the bank to the detriment of the reserve of the country,” in the language of M. Arnaun6—“ is an error which may have melancholy consequences.” 2 The excessive quantity of silver in the reserve of the bank has contributed in a measure to its large note circulation. The bank has tried to force silver five-franc pieces into cir1 For the arrangements regarding the liquidation in gold of the excess of foreign silver coins in France, see Chapter xi., under the Bank of Belgium. 2 La Monnaie, le Credit, etle Change, 492. $ m s TORY OF MODERN BA N K S OF ISSUE. culation, but they have drifted as steadily back upon its hands as standard silver dollars, in spite of the efforts of Treasurer Jordan, drifted back into the Treasury of the United States in 1885 and 1886. People have preferred to take notes resting upon the security of both the gold and silver in the bank reserves. The bank, in the language of an eminent Scotch financier, has had to ‘‘ relieve the public of ^50,000,000 of silver, which was coined, and was in ex cess of the silver required for the purposes of the people.”1 The government proposed the removal of the limit on circu lation in 1884 and while this was refused, the maximum was carried up by the law of January 30, 1884, from 3,200,000,000 francs to 3,500,000,000 francs. The actual circulation at this time was 3,162,000,000 francs, but it continued to rise in response to the demand of the public for notes. The ex cess of notes in circulation over gold and silver was 1,210,000 francs in 1884 and was reduced in 1893 to 695,000,000 francs, while the circulation had climbed upwards on Jan uary 12, 1893, to 3,473,000,000 francs. Another extension of the legal limit was demanded for the accommodation of commerce and it was carried upward by the law of January 25, 1893, to 4,000,000,000 francs. It was found necessary in the extension of the charter in 1897 to advance the limit to 5,000,000,000 francs and again by a law of February 9, 1906, to 5,800,000,000 francs * The Bank of France faced a serious problem at the close of the nineteenth century in the struggle over the renewal of its charter. The renewal was proposed in 1891, but the opposition was so strong in the Chambers that the bill for the purpose was withdrawn by the ministry for fear of defeat. The bank then pursued a Fabian policy, awaiting the near approach of the expiration of the charter at the close of 1897, in the apparent belief that opposition would be silenced in 66 1 Mr. Charles Gairdner, manager of the Union Bank of Scotland, before the Indian Currency Committee. Sen. Misc. Doc. 23, 52d Cong., 1st Sess., 150. 2 Bulletin de Statistique, February, 1906, U X ., 119. Ba n k in g in Fr a n c e , 6/ & measure by the lack of time for framing a workable project for a new institution. The new charter was laid before the Chamber of Deputies on October 31, 1896, and was referred to a committee of twenty-two for examination. This com mittee did not report until winter and their report was not taken up for consideration in the Chamber until May 15, 1897. The bill passed the Chamber on July 1, by a vote of 419 to 97,1 and went to the Senate, where it was passed at the October session and became a law on November 17, 1897. The vote upon the passage of the bill in the Chamber of Deputies did not indicate the full strength of the opposition to the charter. The proposition to convert the bank into a state institution was rejected by a vote of 118 to 422, but the proposition that the bank should provide capital for an agri cultural bank to the amount of 60,000,000 francs was rejected only by a vote of 287 against 258. The new charter, which was not greatly changed from the form in which it was submitted by the government, extended the privileges of the bank until December 31, 1920, subject to the power of termination by the Chambers on December 31, 1912, if they should see fit to so vote during the year 1911. The essential features of the old charter were not changed, but the limit of circulation was increased to 5,000,000,000 francs, the bank renounced interest upon two exist ing loans to the government amounting to 140,000,000 francs, and made a further advance to the government of 40,000,000 francs free of interest. These renunciations of interest are offset by the fact that the government carries in its current account at the bank a sum which is usually equal to the amount of these loans. The bank was required to create at least one new auxiliary bureau each year up to the number of fifteen. The most important of the new obligations im posed upon the bank was the payment of a tax equal to one-eighth of the rate of discount upon that portion of the circulation which exceeds the metallic reserve. This tax 1 feconomiste Europien , July 2, 1897, XII., 15. 68 H IS TOR Y OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE • was never to be less than 2,000,000 francs ($400,000) per year.1 The Bank of France enjoys the advantage of an owner ship and credit independent of that of the government, in spite of the close official supervision which is exercised over it. This financial independence proved as useful to the country midst national disasters and changes of government in 1870-71 as dependence upon the government proved dangerous during the similar changes of 1814-15. The bank was able to assist the government by advances when its own arms were paralyzed.2 None of the 182,500,000 francs of the bank capital are owned by the State, but the government since 1806 has had a share in the management through the appointment of the governor and two deputy governors, removable at the will of the Minister of Finance. The bank receives the public monies on deposit and performs other public services free of charge, but does not act as an agent of the State to the same extent as many other European banks. By the charter of 1897, the duty was imposed upon the bank of paying coupons of the public debt and issuing new loans.* The governing board of the bank is a general council, which consists of fifteen regents and three inspectors or auditors (censeurs). The members are elected at a general meeting of the stockholders, but three of the regents must be selected from the treasury disbursing agents, and three inspectors and five regents must be chosen from among the business portion of the shareholders.4 The only share holders entitled to participate in the annual meetings in January are the two hundred who hold the largest number of shares, and at the present value of the shares no share holder worth much less than 500,000 francs ($100,000) is able 1 Bulletin de Statistique, December, 1897, XlylL, 582. 2 Noel, I., 240. M. Thiers summed up one of the lessons of sound banking in a sentence: “ The bank saved us because it was not a bank of state.’* 3 Pommier, 329. 4 Lois et Statuts, Art. 9, loi du 22 Avril, 1806. BANKING IN FRANCE . 69 to participate.1 A full statement of operations is furnished by the bank to the government every six months and a balance sheet is published in the official journal every Friday. The governor and deputy governors of the bank are the direct representatives of the State, and most of the measures taken by the bank are taken on their initiative. It is from them that proposals usually come for raising or lowering the rate of interest. It was declared by M. Rouland, who was governor at the time of the official inquiry of 1865, that “ nothing of any description which concerns the great inter est of the public, nothing which concerns the larger duties which the bank has to perform towards commerce and in dustry,—nothing of all that class of business is left to the discretion of what is called the interested party.” He inti mated that it had not perhaps happened twice in sixty-two years that the proposal to change the rate of discount had come from the council.3 The bank has had only thirteen governors since 1806, several of these serving only ad interim. The most important functions of the Bank of France con cern the issue of bank-notes. This is plain from the fact that of its liabilities of 6,987,955,990 francs at the close of 1913, the sum of 5,713,551,290 francs represented outstand ing notes, while on the other side of the account the assets included coin and bullion to the amount of 4,157,454,629 iNeymarck, 15. This provision has been the subject of much criticism in connection with the renewal of the charter and it has been pointed out that the bank is the only one of the great European institutions where the number entitled to vote in the general meet ings of the shareholders is thus definitely limited. A minimum num ber of shares is the usual qualification, being only one in the Imperial Bank of Germany, five in Holland and Servia, ten in Belgium, fifteen in Italy, twenty in Austria-Hungary, and fifty in Spain.—Noel, I., 222. * Palgrave, 147. It is declared by Fachan that this mixed system gives satisfaction both to those who wish to withdraw from the manip ulations of the State the accumulated resources of a private bank, constituting individual property, and those who believe that the right to issue notes is so dangerous that the manner of its use and the pre vention of abuses of it should be under state regulation .—Historique de la Rente Fran$aise> 259. H ISTORY OF M ODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE . 70 francs. Commercial paper represented only 1,526,383,115 francs and advances on securities 742,442,772 francs. To a large extent the function of the bank is that of rediscount It performs this function even for paper representing very small transactions and has in this field done much to benefit small producers and shop-keepers. Thus during the year 1913, at Paris alone, the number of pieces of paper discounted by the bank was 9,056,424, and of these 4,563,306 were for 100 francs ($19.30) or less. The number of pieces for these small amounts discounted at Paris in 1881 was 1,160,495; in 1894, 2,188,957; and in 1907, 3,646,229. The total number of pieces discounted at all offices was 30,041,247. The average maturity of paper discounted, which in 1912 was 25.45 days, rose in 1913 to 30 days.1 The discounts given in the following table of the principal items of the bank’s accounts, from the official reports to the government, represent the aggregate of the bills discounted during the year rather than the amount outstanding on any given date: YEAR. MEAN CIRCULATION. MEAN METALLIC RESERVE. TOTAL DISCOUNTS. MEAN DISCOUNT RATE. (In millions of francs) 1845 I848 I85O 1855 i860 1865 1870 1875 1880 1885 I89O 1892 1893 1894 1895» 1896 268.8 347.8 495-5 644.4 736.4 843.8 1,566.4 2,464.9 2 ,311.4 2,891.6 3,076.6 3,186.3 , , , 3,629.0 3 423.0 3 495.0 3 473.0 271.2 176.2 457-8 340.5 513.5 439.6 1, 399.3 1, 537.4 1 ,1 7 1 .0 3 , 765.2 9,964.7 2,150.7 6,030.2 6,627.3 6,826.7 8,696.8 9,250.1 2,476.7 2.785.3 2.895.3 3.12 7 .7 3.184.9 3.139-5 8,415.7 8,922.2 8,725.6 8,621.9 , 1,130.7 1 ,5 4 1.1 1,974.4 9 , 549-7 9 924.6 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.44 3.63 3.72 3-99 4.00 2.81 3.00 3.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.20 2.00 1 AssembUe GenZrale des Adionnaires, 1914, 13. *From 1895 the figures of the metallic reserve, instead of the mean, are the figures of the end of the year, as better representing the progression from year to year. BANKING IN FRANCE . YEAR . MEAN C IR C U L A T IO N . I898 1900 1902 1903 1905 1907 I9IO 1913 3, 742.0 4,034.1 4,162.0 4,3io.o 4.408.2 4,800.4 5 , 197.7 5,665-3 M E A N M E T A L L IC RESERVE. (In millions of francs) 3.023-9 3.433-8 3.650.3 3,486.0 3.975-6 3, 615-3 4,262.0 3 ,972.1 TO TAL D IS C O U N T S. 11,032.0 12,247.5 9 ,555.8 11,684.9 10,967.5 15,769.1 14,580.7 20,005.6 71 M E A N D IS C O U N T RATE. 2.20 323 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.45 3-00 4.00 The discount policy of the Bank of France has been as conservative as its administrative policy. While the average rate has been very close to that of the Bank of England, or about 3.60 per cent, from 1844 to 1900, the changes have been much less frequent and advances in the rate have been much less radical in periods of stringency. During the period from 1844 to 1900, the Bank of England altered its rate four hundred times; the Bank of France altered its rate h i times. Nor has the tendency of recent years been less favorable to the conservatism of the French bank. From 1890 to 1900 inclusive, the changes at the English institu tion were sixty-six; at the French, nine.1 During the earlier years of the history of the French bank, from Jan uary 13, 1820, to January 14, 1847, the rate was kept uni formly at four per cent. In more recent years, the rates fixed on May 19, 1892,—two and a half per cent, for com mercial discounts and three and a half per cent, for advances on securities,—remained for nearly three years unchanged, when they were reduced on March 14, 1895, to two and three per cent. There were changes resulting from the South African War in 1898, which carried the rate for dis counts as high as four and a half per cent, for very brief in tervals in 1899 and 1900, but on May 25, 1900, the rate for discounts was fixed at three per cent, and for advances at three and a half per cent. These rates remained unchanged 1 Palgrave, 151. 72 HISTOR Y OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE. for nearly seven years, until the growing pressure for capital at the beginning of 1907 led to an increase. The discount rate was fixed on January 17, 1907, at three and a half per cent., on March 21st, at three percent., and on November 7th, at four per cent., while at London it stood at seven per cent, and at Berlin at seven and a half. With the passing of the storm, the rate went down on January 9, 1908, to three and a half per cent., and on January 23d, to three per cent., which remained unchanged for many months.1 The comparative uniformity of the discount rate at the Bank of France has been the result of three factors,—the magnitude of the metallic reserve; the less variable de mands upon the bank than those which fall upon the Bank of England; and definite adherence to a different policy of maintaining the reserve. A large reserve has made the Bank of France less sensitive than it might otherwise have been to temporary demands for gold. Since the suspension of silver coinage on private ac count the gold hoard of the bank has, with few interruptions, steadily grown until it was for a time the largest accumula tion of gold in the world. The outpour of the yellow metal from the mines of South Africa accelerated the upward move ment in spite of the large demands made by Russia and the United States. By the close of 1902 the gold in the bank stood at 2,542,700,000 francs, which was an increase of fully fifty per cent, over the amount ten years before. This amount was considerably increased in the following years, in spite of the monetary pressure of 1907. For a time the ac cumulation of silver was in excess of requirements, but after 1892 there was a gradual decline in the volume of the white metal, which in fifteen years reduced the amount by about twenty-five per cent.8 * Assemble Ginirale des Adionnaires, 1908, 9. 2 M. Pallain, the governor of the bank, points out that the diminu tion of the reserve which took place during the trying period of 1907 was wholly in silver and arose “ from the demands of the colonies or from our allies in the Latin Union of whom we have every interest in BANKING IN FRANCE. 73 The maximum and minimum holdings of gold and silver at the bank, for representative years since its foundation, appear in the following table, in francs: YEAR. l8 ll 1820 1830 I84O 1850 1852 1855 1857 i860 1865 1868 I87O 1875 1877 1880 1885 I89O 1892 1893 1894 1895 I896 I898 I9OO 1902 1904 1905 1907 1910 1913 GOLD. Maximum 21,714,000 51,817,000 1,700,000 26,700,000 29,200,000 86,800,000 171,000,000 95,900,000 238,300,000 391,200,000 877,100,000 739,300,000 1,176,100,000 1,556,500,000 826,900,000 1,175,800,000 1,320,900,000 1,708,300,000 1,720,900,000 2,061,500,000 2,152,100,000 2,077,800,000 I »959»500>000 2,338,700,000 2,624,900,000 2,808,400,000 2,980,800,000 2,811,800,000 3 >503,900>0 °0 3,527,600,000 S IL V E R . Minimum 18,301,000 22,488,000 10,000,000 5,500,000 63,900,000 28,300,000 36,500,000 97,400,000 215,900,000 662,400,000 433,700,000 1,004,300,000 1,204,100,000 536,400,000 995,300,000 1,114,200,000 1,336,200,000 1,537,200,000 1,695,500,000 1,946,200,000 1,926,500,000 1,819,500,000 1,863,900,000 2,438,900,000 2,334,7oo,ooo 2,646,000,000 2,580,600,000 3,283,300,000 3,179,000,000 Maximum 105,231,000 167,372,000 171,800,000 235,000,000 339,100,000 447,000,000 92,400,000 35,400,000 325,100,000 142,800,000 477,300,000 579,600,000 508,700,000 866,700,000 1,282,500,000 1,106,100,000 1,276,900,000 1,299,000,000 1,285,500,000 1,283,100,000 1,262,000,000 1,259,800,000 1,248,500,000 1,158,200,000 1,125,700,000 1,136,000,000 1,113,300,000 998,500,000 890,300,000 691,100,000 Minimum 91,228,000 136,925,000 102,500,000 185,600,000 290,700,000 349,700,000 25,000,000 25,300,000 269,000,000 93,900,000 308,800,000 70,900,000 309,200,000 637,100,000 1,212,000,000 1,024,400,000 1,239,100,000 1,248,500,000 1,247,900,000 1,237,400,000 1,230,000,000 1,228,200,000 1,209,100,000 1,108,800,000 I,093»700,000 1,097,100,000 1,079,000,000 922,800,000 823,200,000 596.700,000 Though willingly surrendering a part of its gold to Lon don in the fall of 1907 to counteract the effects of the Ameri can crisis, the Bank of France began to draw it back again after the crisis was over, and by June 25, 1908, had accumu lated a gold stock of 3,151,392,000 francs ($608,250,000), the largest ever held in its history. The discount rate remained facilitating their re-stocking.” Of the 400,000,000 francs lost since 1892, he computed that half had gone since 1904.—Assemblte G&ntrale des ActionnaireSy 1908, 15. HISTOR Y OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE. 74 fixed at three per cent, in the face of demands in some quarters that it be further reduced 1; but even this rate gave point to the declaration of the annual report for 1906, that if the bank was reproached for locking up so much unpro ductive capital, a little reflection would show that its pres ence in the bank vaults had procured for several thousands of millions of commercial paper circulating in France a rate of discount lower by three and sometimes by four per cent, than that of neighboring countries and that by this means a material profit had been assured to the merchants and manufacturers of the country.* While the metallic reserve of the Bank of France sustains a large volume of outstanding notes, and the bank stands ready to rediscount paper for the joint stock banks, there are fewer and smaller sudden demands for money than in Lon don. Foreign trade, the demand for exchange, and the investment of capital abroad plays a smaller part than on the London market.3 At the close of 1907 deposits and creditor current accounts in the five principal French stock banks were about 3,500,000,000 francs ($700,000,000) and reserves in currency or on deposit in other banks were 330,000,000 francs ($66,000,000). The corresponding figures for English joint stock banks were deposits of $4,200,000,000 and cash resources of $850,000,000. Obviously, to meet possible demands of such magnitude it is essential for the Bank of England to take resolute action when its reserve is threatened. The English institution, moreover, lacks the power to meet emergencies by the issue of its notes, which is 1It was pointed out that even this great reserve, including 921,072,000 francs in silver, was less in proportion to note and deposit liabili ties than in 1896, being 72 per cent, as against 75 per cent, at the earlier date; but the ratio of the reserve was as 3078 million francs gold to 914 million francs silver in May, 1908, against 1962 to 1247 in May, 1896, which afforded an immensely stronger gold position.— Moniteur des Inthits Matiriels, June 7, 1908, 1871. 2Bulletin de Statistique, February, 1907, IyXI., 221. 8Palgrave, 149. BANKING IN FRANCE. 75 one of the chief resources of the Bank of France. It is the knowledge that this power of note issue can be availed of for making rediscounts, practically without limit, which enables the joint stock banks of France to do business in safety with slender cash reserves, and has made the central bank a refuge in time of trouble. It was declared by L,eon Say that “ in times of crisis the r61e of the Bank of France was to liquidate all other banks,” meaning thereby that on such occasions paper suitable for discount and good securities are brought freely to the bank in the knowledge that they can be exchanged for notes.1 The largest of the joint stock banks is the Credit Lyonnais, with deposits at the close of 1907 amounting to 1,542,800,000 francs ($298,000,000). The other two of chief importance are the Sociiti Ghiirale and Comptoir Nationale d' Escompte, each with deposit obligations of over 800,000,000 francs.8 Apart from these differences in its position, however, the Bank of France has for many years pursued deliberately the policy of protecting its reserve under certain conditions by buying gold at a loss rather than by imposing upon commerce the burden of an increase in the discount rate. It is recog nized that this method is not efficient in an economic crisis, because it does not operate upon the whole commercial structure to restrict loans and speculation and to attract capital from abroad. There are occasions on which the French method may properly be used, however, as when credit is not unduly expanded and where a demand for gold has arisen from special and recognizable causes. While this method of protecting the gold reserve was at first con demned by economists, and while their censure was well founded so far as it applied to its use to counteract the drain of a crisis and to redress the balance of the foreign exchanges, it has come to be recognized in recent years that it may be combined in a cautious manner with the English method of ’Neymarck, Finances Contemporaines, 493. 2Economists Europ&en^ March 6, 1903, XXXIII., 295. 76 HISTOR Y OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE. advancing the discount rate, with benefits to legitimate busi ness. The choice of either method, or the prudent use of both methods in conjunction with each other, depend largely upon the ability of bankers to judge whether the drastic pressure of sharp advances in the discount rate is required in order to arrest the expansion of credit and check dangerous speculation. While the project of direct profit-sharing is not enforced so avowedly by the government upon the Bank of France as upon some other European banks, the Treasury receives a liberal proportion of the earnings of the bank. By various forms of taxation the government in 1907 collected thirteen per cent, of gross earnings and more than twenty-three per cent, of net earnings. The total amount thus absorbed was 11,082,218 francs ($2,140,000) of which about 7,357,141 francs ($1,420,000) came under the head of the return to the State as fixed by the charter of 1897. Up to that time an annual tax had been paid of 2,500,000 francs. The new law provided that the government should receive one-eighth of the rate of discount upon the productive operations of the bank, but in no case less than 2,000,000 francs per year. The productive operations were based upon the difference between the metallic reserve and total operations.1 Another provision of the charter of 1897 provided that profits arising from a discount rate above five per cent, should be covered to the proportion of three-fourths into the public Treasury. The object of this provision was to discourage the advance of the discount rate as a means of retaining gold. It did not be come operative, however, until 1907, when certain special discounts of English paper were consented to at a rate above five per cent. 1 Calculations summed up by Pommier showed that from 1874 to 1896 the new plan would have yielded the government about 37,000,000 francs more than the old, even though in certain years the return would have fallen below 2,500,000 francs.— La Banque de France et PEtat, 402-403. The total payments under the new provision and the amendment of 1911, to the close of 1913, were 95,765,133 francs. 77 The permission given to the government to revise the bank charter during the year 1911 was availed of to impose upon the Bank of France several new charges and obligations. An agreement was made between the government and the bank in November, which became law on December 30, 1911, embodying the new arrangements. Although the circula tion was still more than 500,000,000 francs below the legal maximum under the law of 1897, the maximum was raised by the new law to 6,800,000,000 francs ($1,312,400,000). The provision of the law of 1897, by which the government was granted one-eightli of the proceeds of discounts upon the productive operations of the bank, was modified so that whenever a rate of discount prevailed higher than three and a half per cent., the proportion paid to the government should be one-seventh, and when a rate higher than four per cent, prevailed, the proportion should be one-sixth. The amount of the advance to the Treasury, without interest, was increased by 20,000,000 francs to a total of 200,000,000 francs ($38,600,000). The bank was required to relieve of all charges the transfer of funds for depositors between different places and to discount under proper conditions drafts payable abroad and in the French colonies.1 The number of branches and other banking offices of the Bank of France has been increased from time to time, from 249 at the close of 1894, to 467 at the close of 1907, and 583 at the close of 1913. The number of employees increased from 2332 in 1894 to 3827 in 1913. BANKIN G IN FRANCE. 1 Aconomiste Europeen, January 5, 1912, XI*!., 13. CHAPTER IV. FIRST CENTURY OF THE BANK OF ENGLAND. The Economic and Financial Conditions Out of Which the Bank Grew—Early Difficulties and the First Suspension of Specie Pay ments—The Loans of the Napoleonic Wars and the Restriction of 1797—Pitt’s Enormous Drafts upon the Bank. T HE Bank of England, like many of the Continental banks, had its origin in the needs of the State. The institution which resulted has been several times the victim of the monetary necessities of the government, but has not been dragged quite so persistently as the banks of Italy, Austria, and Russia through the mire of depreciated money and forced legal tender. The Bank of England has come to enjoy, by a series of changes in the law, the substan tial monopoly of note issue in England and Wales, and has proved one of the strongest banking institutions of the world. The note circulation, since the Act of 1844, is based wholly upon securities and deposits of coin and bullion. The rigidity of the English system, by which expansion is prevented to meet changing conditions of business, has received the con demnation of most students of political economy, but this has not kept it from becoming to some extent the model of national banks of later foundation on the Continent of Europe. The defects of the English system of note issues are those which are most apparent in a country where deposit banking is in its infancy. They are less obvious and oppres sive in England than they would otherwise be because of her small area, the wide use of credit instruments and the closely-knit commercial relations of her people. 78 FIRST CENTURY OF THE B A N K OF ENGLAND . 79 The creation of the Bank of England is involved with both the political and fiscal history of the close of the seven teenth century. England was behind Italy and Holland in the development of the mechanism of modern commerce, and the proposition to establish a banking system was sharply resisted by Gerard Malynes, who published in 1601 a Treatise of the Canker of England ’s Commonwealth. Malynes described the Continental method of banking with a fairness and precision which enable its leading features to be readily understood, in spite of his opinion that payments by the banks by transfers upon their books were “ almost or rather altogether imaginative or figurative.” 1 English merchants deposited their cash for a time in London Tower, but ^120,000 was seized by Charles I., in 1640, and only repaid after violent protests and long delay.2 The goldsmiths then be came the bankers for the community and paid interest for the money left in their custody. There was much opposition to the new system at first and, strange to say, one of the last to adhere to the old method of keeping his cash in a strong box at home was Sir Dudley North, one of the most progressive thinkers on political economy of his time. As Macaulay graphically recounts North’s experience, “ He found that he could not go on Change without being fol lowed around the piazza by goldsmiths, who, with low bows, begged to have the honor of serving him. He lost his temper when his friends asked where he kept his cash. ‘Where should I keep it,’ he asked, 4but in my own house? ’ ” 8 While commerce was coming to feel more and more the need of a banking institution, the government was also feel ing the necessity of some method of raising money beyond the precarious plan of sending agents to individual mer chants to see what they would lend. The historic legend that King James I. attempted out of a spirit of pure wanton ness to levy excessive and unusual taxes upon the people of 1 Cunningham, II., 98. 2 MacLeod, Theory and Practice of Banking, I., 435. 8History of England, Chap. xx. 8o H ISTORY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE. England is not fully borne out by the facts. The method of taxation which he sought to introduce was simply a phase of the transition from feudal to modern methods of carrying on public affairs. As a careful student of the economic his tory of England puts i t : According to ancient usage the King had been able to live of his own, and had recourse to Parliament in emergencies. The chief problem of the seventeenth century was to find a source of revenue which would supply a regular income, that might adequately corre spond to the increased responsibilities of government in these more modern times. The first attempt to do this was in the Great Con tract, proposed to the Parliament in 1610 ; by this James proposed to relinquish all the occasional payments from feudal tenures, in return for a regular income of ^200,000 to be derived from parliamentary supplies. As this bargain broke down, James was a considerable sufferer; Charles I., to whom Tunnage and Poundage were not voted for life, was left in a position of direct dependence on parliamentary grants, and he did not conceal his resentment. During both of these reigns every effort was made to secure supplies from extra-parliamentary sources; while the Commons, who were eagerly anxious to assert their position and exercise a real control over the foreign as well as the domestic policy of the realm, were always on the alert to thwart these attempts.1 The parliamentary party succeeded in organizing a system of taxation by means of customs duties, monthly levies upon real estate and excises on internal trade, which continued in full force after the restoration of the Stuarts. These taxes laid the foundation of the modern method of defraying the expenses of government, but they were inadequate for many extra expenses and for carrying on the wars in which Charles II. and William III. found themselves involved. Charles II. turned for assistance to the goldsmiths. But his rapacity soon outran his borrowing capacit}^ and he gave a violent shock to credit by a proclamation of January 2, 1672, refusing payment out of the Exchequer of money advanced and sequestrating ^1,328,526 to his own use. The money, although lent by the goldsmiths to the King, was the prop1 Cunningham, II., 215. FIRST CENTURY OF THE B A N K OF ENGLAND. 8 1 erty of some 10,000 depositors and its loss spread ruin and suffering throughout London. A long course of litigation ensued, which finally ended in the reign of William by the consolidation of the indebtedness with other portions of the permanent national debt.1 This conduct on the part of the Stuart King made the people and the bankers cautious about loaning to the government, and William III. was driven to desperate expedients to obtain revenue to carry on the war with France. A poll tax was imposed, stamp duties were levied which have never been entirely repealed, and enormous prizes, in the form of annuities on the ton tine plan, were offered to those who would lend to the State. A plan was presented to the Committee of the House of Commons, while they were considering the claims of the goldsmiths in the autumn of 1691, which contained the germs of the organization of the Bank of England. William Paterson, himself an obscure Scotchman, but supported by several wealthy London merchants, offered to advance ^1,000,000 to the government on condition of receiving ^65,000 a year as interest and the costs of management and authority to issue bills which should be legal tender. The government refused to give forced currency to the bills and the matter fell through until 1694. Montague, the ingenious and enterprising minister of William, then sent for Paterson and requested him to organize a plan. The new project contemplated a loan of ,£2,000,000 to the government at seven per cent., but the ministry, who were accustomed to discounts and commissions of forty per cent, on short loans, could not be made to believe that a loan with no fixed date of maturity could be floated at such a low rate. The gov ernment turned to other plans, but Paterson persevered and presently obtained the help of Mr. Michael Godfrey, who carried the scheme to a successful conclusion. It was put in definite shape by Montague and was saddled upon the Ways and Means bill (Statutes 1694, ch. 20), in a form which would be characterized in modern legislation as “ a rider.**_____ 1 MacLeod, Theory and Practice of Banking, I., 441- 44. 82 H ISTORY OF MODERN BAN KS OF ISSUE. “ The Governor and Company of the Bank of England ” was the official designation of the new bank, but it was called by its enemies the Tonnage Bank, because the bill levied certain tonnage dues as well as customs and other taxes. The necessity of money was so great that the bill passed without a division in the Commons, and in a very thin house. There was some opposition in the House of Lords, and much criticism of the action of the Commons in attaching the provisions for the bank to a tax bill. It was already May, according to the new style, when the final struggle occurred, and the debate of the last day continued from nine in the morning till six in the evening. It was proposed to strike out all the clauses relating to the bank, but its defenders suggested that this would be to invite a con test with the Commons over the old political issue, whether the Lords had the right to amend a money bill. This argument prevailed, the amendment was rejected, thirtyone votes in its favor to forty-three in the negative, and a few hours later the bill1 received the royal assent and Parlia ment was prorogued. The new bank was to be organized upon the loan by the stockholders of ^1,200,000 ($6,000,000) 9to the government, and was authorized to issue notes, to deal in bullion and commercial bills and to make advances on merchandise. Sub scriptions were opened on Thursday, June 21st, in the Mer cer’s Chapel, and one-quarter of the capital was subscribed the first day. Half was subscribed within three days, and by Monday noon, July 2d, the entire subscription was com pleted. Among the subscribers were Sir John Houblon, the first Governor, who was descended from a Flemish refugee ; 1 The date was April 24, 1694, old style; May 4, new style. The dates here given are from the contemporary records and are old style. 2 The value of the English pound sterling is so generally known that I have not thought it necessary in this and the following chapter to give the equivalents in United States money for the sums named. The value of the pound sterling as reported by the Director of the Mint of the United States is $4.8665, but for the purpose of computing round figures is usually taken at $5.00. FIRST CENTURY OF THE B A N K OF ENGLAND . 83 Michael Godfrey, one of the most active organizers of the bank and the first Deputy Governor ; Queen Mary; the Duke of Leeds, the Duke of Devonshire, the Earl of Port land, the Countess of Carlisle, Lord Godolphin, Lady Ann Mason, Sir Stephen Fox, and Sir John Trenchard. The new bank began the discharge of its pledges to the govern ment by paying into the Exchequer ;£ 112,000 in bank-bills, sealed with the seal of their corporation, which bore the figure of Britannia sitting on a bank of money.1 The busi ness of the bank was described by Godfrey, who wrote a tract in its support, as follows : They lend money on mortgages and real securities at five per cent, per annum. If the titles of land were made more secure, money would be lent on land at four per cent, per annum, and in time of peace at three per cent. Foreign bills of exchange are discounted at four and a-half per cent. ; inland bills and notes for debts at six per cent. They who keep their cash in the bank have the first of these discounted at three per cent., and the other at four and a-half. Money is lent on pawns of such commodities as are not perishable at five per cent., and on the Fund of the City of London Orphans at five per cent.2 The stock of the bank was at par on December 13, 1695, little more than a year after it began actual operation, but within the next two years it had to deal with a combination of difficulties which caused the suspension of specie pay ments, and required all the courage and ability of the directors to surmount. The bank was essentially a Whig institution and a representative of the commercial interests of London; and it encountered the same sort of jealous hostility from the landed interest which has prevailed in more recent times against the moneyed interests of ‘‘Wall Street” and “ Lombard Street.’9 The fate of the bank was so closely bound up with that of the Revolutionary govern ment that it was compelled to lend its support on all occa sions of emergencj', or run the risk of seeing the entire debt due by the government repudiated by the restoration of the 1 Rogers, The First Nine Years of the Bank of England, 3. 2 Rogers, 20. 84 HISTORY OF MODERN B AN KS OF ISSUE . Stuarts. The Bank, in the forcible language of Macaulay, 44Was Whig not accidentally, but necessarily. It must have instantly stopped payment if it had ceased to receive the interest on the sum which it had advanced to the govern ment ; and of that interest James would not have paid one farthing.’, Mr. Bagehot declares that without the aid of the bank: Our national debt could not have been borrowed ; and if we had not been able to raise that money we should have been conquered by France and compelled to take back James II. And for many years afterwards, the existence of that debt was a main reason why the industrial classes never would think of recalling the Pretender or of upsetting the Revolution settlem ent: the “ fundholder ” is always considered in the books of that time as opposed to his “ legitimate ” sovereign.1 The political enemies of the bank were supported by the goldsmiths and other financial men whose monopoly of money lending was assailed by the new institution. The managers of the bank enjoyed from the outset three privi leges which gave them an immense superiority over all competitors and enabled them to reduce the charges for bank ing. They received the government balances ; they enjoyed alone the privilege of limited liability, by which the share holders were liable for the debts of the bank only to the amount of their investment and not for its entire liability ; and they were able to loan money in excess of their deposits by reason of the circulating notes they were allowed to issue against the government debt. The goldsmiths were able to do only the business of deposit banking, and were supposed to lend only coin, or credit for which they held coin in their vaults.3 The goldsmiths, therefore, undoubtedly felt justi fied by reasons of self-preservation in lending their support to any plan which would break down their powerful rival. Such a plan was presented in the scheme of a Land Bank which was brought before Parliament by Hugh Chamberlain in 1695. 1Lombard Street, Works, V., 64. 2 Cunningham, II., 396. FIRST CENTURY OF THE B A N K OF ENGLAND . 8$ Chamberlain’s scheme was to issue notes upon landed property to one hundred times the annual rental, lend the notes to the owner of the land, and in some unexplained way furnish money to the government at the same time. The absolute absurdity of calculating the money value of a piece of real estate at one hundred times the rental, when the fee simple was worth only twenty times the rental, or one-fifth as much, was demonstrated over and over again, but the opponents of the Land Bank were answered that they were ‘‘ usurers, ’’ and the enemies of the Bank of Eng land were ready to catch at any scheme which promised to promote their projects. Notwithstanding its folly the scheme was authorized by law and received the royal assent on April 27,1696, (7 and 8 William III., c. 31). The Land Bank pro posed to advance to the government ,£2,564,000, on which interest was to be paid at the rate of seven per cent, annu ally, secured by a special tax on salt. The King was au thorized to appoint a body of commissioners to receive subscriptions, half of which were required to be subscribed before August 1, 1696, and the whole before January 1, 1697. Subscriptions did not materialize, however, with such rapidity as expressions of sympathy for the enterprise. The Lords of the Treasury subscribed ^5000 on behalf of the King, but the other subscriptions never exceeded ^2100, and it is recorded about three years later that Dr. Chamberlain, “ sole contriver and manager of the Land Bank, is retired to Holland, on suspicion of debt.” 1 The immediate effect of the new legislation was to depress the price of bank shares, which fell from 107 on January 31st, to 83 on February 14th.2 Capital was not so abundant then as now and the mere offer of a new public stock was sufficient to divert investment from the old and depress its value. It was argued even by the friends of the bank that it must be the sole institution of its kind, like the banks of Venice, Amsterdam, and Hamburg, in order to retain strength and usefulness. The experience that the stocks of an existing 1 Rogers, 56. 2 Rogers, 50. 86 H ISTORY OF MODERN BA N K S OF ISSUE. company declined under the influence of competition was illustrated in a striking manner by the history of the East India Company, whose stock stood at 158 in the beginning of 1692, but sank to 38 after Montague brought forward his plan for the new or English East India Company. The close calculations which are now made regarding the earn ing capacity and value of stocks were little understood at that time and the unreasonable declines as well as extrava gant advances which occurred are illustrated a little later by the history of the Mississippi scheme in France and the South Sea Bubble. The bank had real financial difficulties to cope with as well as those arising from political distrust and competition. The recoinage which was ordered by the Act of 7 William III., ch. 1, to take full effect 011 February i. 1697, found the bank with a large quantity of clipped coin on hand for which they were bound to pay in new pieces of full weight. The new coinage was progressing too slowly to meet de mands, the smallest denomination of bank-notes was ^20, and the result was a run upon the bank for cash during the week beginning May 4, 1696. The goldsmiths were charged with gathering together ^30,000 in notes for the purpose of breaking the bank. The directors, knowing the purpose of the demand, refused to redeem these notes, but voted to con tinue their payments to their ordinary customers. Sir John Houblon, who was Lord Mayor as well as Governor of the bank, succeeded in reassuring the applicants for cash for a time, and the proprietors of the bank agreed to put off their dividend. The government failed, however, to make an ex pected payment of ,£80,000 and the bank was compelled to accept an order of the Lords of the Treasury on July 13, 1696, that no public notary should enter a protest upon any bill of the Bank of England for fourteen days. As a protest could only be effective at that time when thus entered, the effect of the order was a practical suspension of specie pay ments, which lasted until the autumn of 1697. It is not surprising that the bank was unable to cope with its difficulties and that many impracticable and speculative FIRST CENTURY OF THE B A N K OF ENGLAND . 87 schemes were set on foot, for the time was essentially a period of transition. The industrial and commercial world had barely set foot upon the threshold of the wonderful develop ment of the eighteenth and ninteenth centuries. Great Britain until the time of Elizabeth had been only a second or third rate power in Europe, overshadowed by the great Kingdoms of France and Spain, by the ancient prestige of the German Emperor, and by the power of the Pope. Her influence was raised by the defeat of the Spanish Armada, but the population of England and Wales at the Revolution of 1688 was only five and a half millions, and the supremacy in the money markets and trade of the world still belonged to the bankers and merchants of Holland and Italy. The use of bank-notes, except as mere certificates against which coin and bullion was held to the full amount, had begun only thirty years before the Revolution, and the proper manage ment of a banking currency was almost purely a problem of abstract theory rather than of practical experience. If mer chant princes and the kings of finance stood upon the threshold of an unknown world, the mass of the community but dimly viewed it from afar. They were easily deluded by extrava gant hopes and easily misled by the fairy tales of the splendid riches and possibilities of the Western Continent. Least of all could the general public be expected to grasp instantly the fact, which is not accepted by great masses of people to-day, that a paper currency, in order to have a steady purchasing power, must be redeemable on demand in coin. As Mr. Cunningham acutely says, regarding the run upon the Bank of England in 1696 : This was a principle which men did not find it easy to recognize. They saw that the man who had wealth in any shape had credit; but they did not apparently understand that bills can only be cir culated, when there is a certainty that they can be met on presenta tion, and that wealth, in forms which cannot be readily realized, is not a satisfactory basis for a credit circulation.1 The suspension of specie payments was naturally followed by a depreciation in the bank-notes. The discount on July 1 Growth of English Industry and Commerce, II., 397. 88 H ISTORY OF MODERN BAN KS OF ISSUE . 28, 1696, was ten per cent, and October 10th, twenty per cent. The Bullion Report, discussing this subject in 1810, declared that “ the quantity of the notes became excessive, their relative value was depreciated, and they fell to a discount of seventeen per cent.” This opinion, that the note issues were excessive, is supported also by the high authority of Professor Rogers,1 but is disproved by Professor MacLeod, in so far as excess of issues is to be interpreted as implying a larger supply of money than could be absorbed by the demands of commerce. That the issues of the bank were excessive in proportion to its coin reserve is hardly a subject for dis pute, in view of the account submitted to the House of Commons on December 4, 1696, showing the amount due on notes for running cash to be ^764,196, and the actual cash held ^35,664, in addition to ,£9,636 in goldsmiths’ notes. That the issues were excessive in this sense is proved by the suspension of specie payments, but that they were excessive in the sense implied by the Bullion Report is shown to be untrue by the state of exchange on Hamburg, which promptly became favorable to England upon the reform of the coinage and while bank-notes were still at a discount. The test whether issues were in excess of the necessities of trade was the state of the foreign exchanges, which were at par in coin, and the depreciation in the bank-notes was plainly due to the fact that they had ceased to be redeem able in coin on demand.9 The collapse of the Land Bank and the necessity for new government loans led to the legislation of February 3, 1697, to increase the capital of the Bank of England and give it wider privileges. The charter was renewed until the expi ration of twelve months notice after August 1, 1710, and the bank was authorized to issue notes to the amount of the sub scriptions for the new loan, provided the notes were made payable to bearer on demand. It was declared that in case of default in redemption, the notes might be paid at the 1 First Nine Years of the Bank of England\ 88. 2 McLeod, Theory and Practice of Bankings I., 479-484. FIRST CENTURY OF THE B A N K OF ENGLAND . 89 Exchequer out of the annuity due the bank, and a trace of the theory of the legislation of 1844 appears in the provision that all notes above the sum of ;£ 1,200,000 were to bear a distinguishing mark. The new subscriptions for the capital amounted to ^1,001,171; and ^200,000 in bank-notes and ,£800,000 in Exchequer tallies, which were both below par, were taken out of circulation. The notes previously issued had borne interest, and now rose above par, while the bank was able to issue non-interest bearing notes which circulated at par. The subscriptions to the additional stock in 1697 seem to have been made by the original shareholders and were repaid to them between 1697 an(^ l7°7 from the profits of the bank. The government was again in serious need of money when the charter was renewed in 1708 until August 1, 1732, and the bank was authorized to double its capital of ,£2,201,171, and to circulate ,£2,500,000 in Exchequer bills. The next extension of the charter was made in 1713 (Statute I., c. 11) and continued the bank until twelve months notice to be given after August 1, 1742. The subscription lists for the new stock were opened on February 22, 1709, and the whole sum was subscribed before one o’clock. The bank under this arrangement advanced ,£400,000 to the government without interest and surrendered .£1,500,000 in Exchequer bills to be cancelled, upon condition of receiving an annuity of ,£106,501. The principal of both these items was added to the permanent debt, which afterwards became the basis of the note circulation of the bank. Calls for additional capital were made upon the stockholders to the amount of ,£656,204 in 1709 and ,£501,448 in 1710. Several of the debts of the government to the bank were consolidated in 1716 and reduced from six to five per cent., and £2,000,000 in Exchequer bills were cancelled in 1718 and added to the permanent debt due the bank by the government. The settlement of the affairs of the South Sea Company in 1721 resulted in the purchase of ,£200,000 in annuities by the bank at twenty years’ purchase, making a new addition to the permanent debt of ,£4,000,000. These loans increased 90 H ISTORY OF MODERN BAN KS OF ISSUE . the permanent debt to ,£9,375,027, exclusive of various ad vances of a different character which had been repaid. The South Sea Company was essentially a Tory institution and they proposed as early as 1717 to increase their capital from ,£10,000,000 to ,£12,000,000 for the purpose of wiping out the debt due the Bank of England and several minor obligations. The bank made counter propositions, but the real contest occurred in 1719 and 1720 over the proposition of the South Sea directors to assume the entire national debt. It was estimated at ,£30,981,712 and was to be consolidated into one fund, to be added to the capital of the company at five per cent, interest annually. The company proposed to pay a bonus of ,£3,500,000 to the government in four in stalments, beginning in 1721. The bank met this remark able proposition by an offer of its own to assume the entire debt on terms which were calculated to be about ,£2,000,000 more advantageous than those of their rivals. The South Sea Company obtained three days to amend their offer and increased the bonus to ,£7,567,500. The bank rejoined with another offer of ,£1,700 in bank stock for every annuity of £\oo for ninety-six and ninety-nine }rears and the reduction of the interest on the consolidated debt after June 24, 1727, to four per cent. The South Sea bill passed the House of Commons April 2, 1720, by a vote of 172 to 55 and passed the Lords by a vote of 83 to 17.1 The South Sea stock was forced upward to a preposterous figure under the influence of the same fever of speculation which raged at about the same time in France over the Mississippi scheme, but capital was soon sunk in this and other unproductive enterprises and the reaction wrecked the credit of the company and came near wrecking that of the bank. The directors of the South Sea Company appealed to the bank for help, goldsmiths and private bank ers began to fail, and a run upon the bank itself began, which was only staved off by payments in light sixpences and shillings and by engaging men to fill up the line, draw 1 MacLeod, Theory and Practice o f Banking , I., 496- 99. FIRST CENTURY OF THE B A N K OF ENGLAND . 9 1 money and re-deposit it at another window. Fortunately the festival of Michaelmas, during which the bank was usually closed, intervened and when it was over the public alarm had subsided. The bank had weathered severe storms, had seen two powerful rivals crushed and its own monopoly confirmed, and justly felt that it had proved its capacity to endure. Thirtyeight years after its foundation, on Thursday, August 3, 1732, the corner-stone of a new building was laid in the presence of the Governor and other officials of the bank in Threadneedle Street. The directors moved from their old quarters in Grocers’ Hall on June 5, 1734, and from that day “ The Old Lady of Threadneedle Street” occupied the massive building which is still consecrated to her use.1 A statue of King William, under whom the first charter was granted, stands in the hall, with a Latin inscription which accords to him the honor of official founder of the bank. When the time approached for a renewal of the charter in 1742, the bank advanced ^1,600,000 to the government without interest by a call upon their proprietors for ^840,004, which raised their capital stock to ^9,800,000. The advance without interest was substantially part of a pro cess of conversion by which the interest on the original advance to the government at the foundation of the bank and on ,£400,000 advanced in 1708 was reduced from six to three per cent. The bank simply continued to receive the old interest payment, but doubled the principal of the loan. The charter was extended at this time until twelve months notice after August 1, 1764. Another adjustment with the government in 1746 led to the cancellation of ^986,000 of Exchequer bills, upon which the bank was to receive an 1 The buildings have been much enlarged since and now cover the whole area between Threadneedle Street, Princes Street, Lothbury and Bartholomew Lane,—a space of more than three acres. The bank originally employed about fifty clerks, but the number is now about fifteen hundred and the pay-roll amounts to about ^300,000, exclusive of ^50,000 paid annually in pensions.—H. J. W. Dam, The Bank of England, McClure's Magazine, IV. 460. 92 H ISTORY OF MODERN BA N K S OF ISSUE . annuity of four per cent., and a call upon the proprietors for ten per cent., which made the bank capital ,£10,780,000. The rate of interest on portions of the debt amounting to ,£8,486,000, which had not yet been reduced, was changed to three and a half per cent, in 1749 for the seven years beginning with Christmas, 1750, and thereafter to three per cent. 1 The charter was renewed in 1764 until twelve months notice after August 1, 1786, upon the conditions of a direct payment to the Exchequer of ,£110,000 and a loan for two years on Exchequer bills of £ 1,000,000 at three per cent. The next renewal, in 1781, carried the charter along until twelve months notice after August 1, 1812, and provided for a loan for three years of ,£2,000,000 at three per cent. A call upon the proprietors for £"862,400 in 1782 advanced the capital of the bank to ,£11,642,400, at which it remained until 1816, when it was increased to ,£14,553,000 by adding twenty-five per cent, to the stock of each proprietor from the reserved profits or “ rest.” The Bank of England at its institution enjoyed no monop oly of note issues, so that Chamberlain’s plan for a Land Bank was not a violation of the privileges of the older estab lishment. The managers of the Bank of England endeavored to protect themselves in the legislation of 1697 an(^ secured a provision that during the continuance of the corporation 110 other institution in the nature of a bank should be erected or countenanced within the Kingdom by act of Parliament by bodies exceeding six persons. This provision was calcu lated to prevent the formation of strong joint stock banks, and dangerous rivalry was not feared from private firms of six persons with unlimited liability. An effort to narrow the limits still more closely was made in the Act of 1709 by making it unlawful “ for any body politico!* corporate what soever, created or to be created (other than the said Gover nor and Company of the Bank of England), or for any other 1 The operation of 1752, by which the balance of annuities granted in 1721 were consolidated with other three per cent, stocks, gave rise to the familiar designation, “ Three per cent, consols,” the latter word being a contraction of “ consolidated.”—Gilbart, I., 43, FIRST CENTURY OF THE B A N K OF ENGLAND . 93 persons whatsoever, united or to be united in covenants or partnership, exceeding the number of six persons, in that part of Great Britain called England, to borrow, owe, or take up any sum or sums of money on their bills or notes, payable at demand, or at any less time than six months from the borrowing thereof.’’ This clause was repeated in 1716, when the usury laws were suspended as to the Bank of England and the directors were authorized, ‘‘ at their own good liking” to borrow or take up money at any rate of interest they pleased. The conception of banking at this time involved necessarily the privilege of issuing circulating notes, and it was determined to close all loop-holes in this matter upon the renewal of the charter in 1742. It was accordingly provided (15 George II., c. 13, s. 5) : And to prevent any doubts that may arise concerning the privi lege or power given by former Acts of Parliament, to the said Governor and Company of exclusive banking, and also in regard to the erecting of any other bank or banks by Parliament, or restraining other per sons from banking during the continuance of the said privilege granted to the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, as before recited, it is hereby further enacted and declared, by the authority aforesaid, that it is the true intent and meaning of the Act that no other bank shall be erected, established or allowed by Parlia ment, and that it shall not be lawful for any body politic or corporate whatsoever, erected or to be erected, or for any other persons what soever, united or to be united, in covenants or partnership, exceeding the number of six persons, in that part of Great Britain called England, to borrow, owe, or take up any sum or sums of money, on their bills or notes, payable at demand, or at any less time than six months from the borrowing thereof during the continuance of such said privi lege of the said Governor and Company, who are hereby declared to be and remain a corporation with the privilege of exclusive bank ing, as before recited. This limitation upon the power of other corporations did not prevent the issue of promissory notes and checks; nor did it prevent the issue of bank-notes by individuals and firms of not exceeding six persons. The opportunity which this afforded for the creation of joint stock banks of dis count and deposit was not understood and availed of till 94 HISTORY OF MODERN B AN KS OF ISSUE . much later, but the opportunity for the issue of circulating notes by individuals and small firms was availed of. The notes of the Bank of England had little circulation outside of London and the rapid development of canal building and other enterprises during the last half of the eighteenth cen tury created a demand for a larger credit currency. Professor MacLeod declares, in speaking of the principle of monopoly embodied in the charter of 1697, that “ The frightful con vulsions and collapses of public credit which have taken place during the last three-quarters of a century are chiefly due to this great wrong.” 1 The effect was not felt until nearly a century later, when England began to take her place at the head of the commercial nations, but after the crisis of 1782 “ multitudes of miserable shopkeepers in the country, grocers, tailors, drapers, started up like mushrooms and turned bankers, and issued their notes, inundating the country with their miserable rags.” Burke said that when he came to England in 1750 there were not twelve bankers out of London ; in 1793 there were nearly four hundred. The Bank of England began to issue notes for £10 and ^15 as early as 1759, but the private bankers issued them for smaller amounts, and in 1775 an act was passed to prohibit notes of less than twenty shillings, and two years afterwards the limit was raised to ^5. The prohibition upon note issues was probably one of the causes which contributed to the use of checks. The notes issued by private bankers were at first written on paper for any odd sum, like promissory notes. The practice was in troduced by Child and Co., in 1729, of having the notes partly printed and partly written, like a modern check. These notes continued to be issued till about 1793, when the existing system was introduced, of giving the depositor a credit for the full amount of his deposit and authorizing him to draw checks at his convenience against it.2 The issue of 1 Theory and Practice of Bankings I., 479. 2 MacLeod, Theory and Practice of Banking, I., 331, 515. M. Juglar (343) says that the use of checks replaced the use of bills in 17 72. FIRST CEN TU RY OF THE BA N K OF ENGLAND. 95 notes by private bankers was not forbidden until the Bank Act of 1844, but their use gradually diminished as the greater convenience of checks came to be understood. The Act of 1742 would probably have prohibited joint stock banks of discount and deposit, if it had been supposed that they could be carried on without the issue of notes, but note issues were then regarded as a necessary part of successful banking. The Bank of England had to face serious financial crises in 1772, 1782, and 1792. Their policy in 1772 and 1782 was to support credit and to make advances to solvent merchants, with the result that the foreign exchanges turned in their favor and general bankruptcy was avoided. Mr. Bosanquet wTas Governor of the bank and he adopted the policy of con tracting issues while the drain of specie was going on and expanding them when the tide turned. The crisis of 1793 was precipitated by the breaking out of wTar with France, and was quickly followed by the stoppage of about one hun dred country banks and the serious embarrassment of many others. The directors of the bank became alarmed, refused credit to strong houses and created a great scarcity in the circulating medium by the discredit cast on the notes of the country banks. The policy of contracting issues was not justified by the state of the exchanges, for gold and silver were pouring into England from France in consequence of the issue of the assignats, which rapidly drove coin out of circulation, and exchange was favorable with both Amster dam and Hamburg. The absolute refusal of the bank to lend its support to credit compelled the issue of Exchequer bills by the government, which quickly improved the situa tion. The long suspension of specie payments during the wars with France was brought about by the reckless and un scrupulous course of Mr. Pitt, who dictated the entire policy of the government. The relations of the bank with the government had grown closer from year to year since 1718, when subscriptions to public loans were first received chere, as affording greater convenience than the Treasury. 96 H ISTORY OF M ODERN BA N K S OF ISSUE . The bank soon after began to make advances of money in anticipation of the land and malt taxes, and upon Exchequer bills and other securities.1 They did this in the face of the provision of the charter of 1694, that if they should advance any money to the Crown whatever, except by the special permission of Parliament, they should forfeit treble the value of all such advances. The usual limit of these temporary advances was ,£20,000 or .£30,000 and it became a subject of complaint if the amount was increased to ,£50,000. The limit was stretched in the American war to ,£150,000 and Mr. Bosanquet in 1793 became uneasy as to the legality of such advances without authority of Parliament. The direc tors, therefore, applied for an act of indemnity for past advances and permission to make them in the future to a limited amount, not to exceed £*100,000. Mr. Pitt readily agreed to bring in a bill for this purpose, but he quietly dropped the limitation and passed the measure in this form through Parliament. He was now armed with absolute power to draw upon the bank, unless the directors should refuse to honor his bills, and he was neither conservative nor scrupulous in the use of the power. Mr. Pitt availed himself of the new law to scatter gold broadcast over Europe to promote the combination against France, with the result of draining the country of specie and creating unfavorable foreign exchanges. He drew heavily upon the bank and drove them into such close quarters that they passed a resolution on January 15, 1795, that the Chan cellor of the Exchequer must make his financial arrange ments for the year without expecting further assistance from them than advances on Treasury bills not exceeding £500,000 at any one time. Mr. Pitt promised to reduce the exist ing advances to that amount by payments out of the first loan which was in process of subscription, but he paid little attention to such promises. The bank was compelled by the demands of the government to expand its issues in the face of unfavorable exchanges until in February, 1795, they 1Gilbart, I., 36. FIRST CENTURY OF THE B A N K OF ENGLAND . 97 reached ,£14,000,000. The drain of gold set in strongly in September, the price of gold in bank-notes rose to ,£4 2s. per ounce (about five shillings above parity, which was ,£3 17s. 1 0 and the directors of the bank were compelled to sharply restrict their discounts. They gave notice on De cember 31, 1795, that if the applications for discounts on any day exceeded the sum to be advanced, a pro rata proportion of each applicant’s bills should be returned, “ without regard to the respectability of the party sending in the bills or the solidity of the bills themselves.” 1 Matters went from bad to worse until February 11, 1796, when the court of directors adopted the resolution : That it is the opinion of the Court, founded upon its experience of the effects of the late Imperial loan, that if any further loan or ad vance of money to the Emperor, or other foreign state, should in the present state of affairs, take place, it will in all probability prove fatal to the Bank of England. The Court of Directors do therefore most earnestly deprecate the adoption of any such measure, and they solemnly protest against any responsibility for the calamitous consequences that may follow there upon. Mr. Pitt replied that after the repeated promises he had made he saw no occasion for the resolutions and should re gard them as having been adopted in a moment of needless alarm. This did not prevent him from continuing secret re mittances to the Continent, but suspension of specie pay ments was staved off until the next year by the restriction of accommodation to merchants and the favorable crops of 1796. The advances upon Treasury bills amounted on June 14, 1796, to ,£1,232,649 and Mr. Pitt demanded ,£800,000 more in July and a like sum in August. The bank re fused the second demand but granted a request by Mr. Pitt in November for ,£2,750,000, 011 condition that the advances on Treasury bills should be paid out of this loan. “ Mr. Pitt,” in the terse language of Professor MacLeod, “ took the money but never paid off the bills.” 2 1 Gilbart, I., 45. 2 Theory and Practice of Banking, I., 524. 98 history op modern b a n k s op issue . The landing of a French frigate in one of the Welsh har bors and orders from the government to the farmers to drive their stock into the interior, caused a run upon the Bank of England which finally brought the long dreaded catastrophe of suspension of payment in coin. The bank had been mak ing frantic efforts for several weeks to contract their issues and had reduced them from ^10,550,830 on January 21, 1797, to ,£8,640,250 on February 25th, but their cash was reduced on the latter date to ;£i,272,000. The cabinet met the next day, which was Sunday, and issued an Order in Council, “ That the directors of the Bank of England should forbear issuing any cash in payment until the sense of Parliament can be taken.” 1 A meeting of merchants was held on Monday, with the Lord Mayor in the chair, which adopted a resolu tion similar to that adopted on the successes of the Pretender in Scotland in 1745, that “ we will not refuse to receive bank notes in payment of any sum of money to be paid us, and we will use our utmost endeavors to make all our payments in the same manner.” A select committee was appointed by Parliament to inquire into the bank’s affairs, and found them in a prosperous condition except for the scarcity of coin and bullion. Their assets were ,£17,597,280, representing a surplus of ,£3,826,890, exclusive of the government debt of ,£11,686,800, which paid three per cent. Suspension of pay ments was enacted until June 24th and the bank was au thorized to issue notes under ^5. The bank-notes were made legal tender and were to be received at par in the payment of taxes. The bank was authorized to receive special deposits in coin in exchange for notes and to repay three-fourths of the amount in coin if demanded. The re striction was prolonged on June 22d to one month after the meeting of the next session of Parliament and was again prolonged on November 30th, at the next session, until six months after the conclusion of a definitive treaty of peace. The policy of the bank in restricting commercial discounts, though forced upon it in a measure by the demands of the 1 Levi, 74. FIRST CENTURY OF THE B A N K OF ENGLAND . 9 9 government, was the cause of serious complaint in the mer cantile community and led to much discussion of other methods of meeting the demand for credit. The bank re fused to establish branches in the country and their charter prohibited any other strong company from doing so. The very policy of restricting their issues in the autumn of 1796, which the directors regarded as a measure of extreme pre caution, intensified the demand for gold by creating a scarcity of currency which led to the withdrawal of gold by deposi tors. The irritation among the merchants was such that a meeting was held in London Tavern on April 2, 1796, which appointed a committee to devise a plan to restore the circulat ing medium, if practicable without infringing the monopoly of the bank. Mr. Walter Boyd, an eminent merchant, drew up a report on behalf of the committee, authorizing a board of twenty-five members to be named by Parliament to issue circulating promissory notes upon deposits of coin, bankbills, and commercial paper.1 The committee were persuaded by the Chancellor of the Exchequer to delay action and noth ing ever came of their plan, but it was the opinion of Mr. Boyd that the public stocks suffered as well as commercial paper by the scarcity of currency and the necessity of forced sales of securities to obtain it. Sir William Pulteney, during the debate on the bill authorizing the suspension of cash payments, asked leave to bring in a bill for another bank if the Bank of England did not resume on June 24, 1797, as was then proposed. The proposition was defeated at the time but gained such strength within the next two years that public meetings were held and pamphlets written in its support. The bank directors became alarmed, and as gov ernment was still pressing for money, they offered £3,000,000 without interest for six years as the price of a renewal of the charter. Mr. Pitt accepted the terms and passed a bill in 1800 extending the monopoly of the bank for twentyone years after 1812, or until 1833. 1 MacLeod, Theory and Practice o f Banking , I., 523. CHAPTER V. SECOND CENTURY OF THE BANK OF ENGLAND. The Continued Suspension of Specie Payments—The Bullion Report and the Act of 1819—The Contest against the Monopoly of the Bank of England and the Rise of the Joint Stock Banks—The Bank Act of 1844—Theory of its Operation and its Failure to Carry Out the Theory—The Recent Accumulation of Gold in the Bank. T HE great events of the second century of the history of the Bank of England have been the resumption of cash payments, the restriction of circulation by the Bank Act of 1844, and the recent accumulation of gold in the custody of the bank. The Act of 1844 has been the turning point of almost infinite discussion of the theory and practice of banking in England, but, whatever its merits or defects, it has not destroyed the character of the Bank of England as the guardian of the cash reserve of the country, nor prevented London from becoming the centre of the exchanges of the world. Freedom from danger of invasion, the development of banking and credit beyond any point attained elsewhere, a market free to the world’s commerce, and a single fixed standard of value have raised England to supremacy among commercial countries and linked the his tory of her financial progress in some degree with that of all other nations. The British nation was far from her present position at the close of the Napoleonic wars. Political and military triumphs had come to her, but they had been at the expense of the crippling of her merchant marine, the increase of her SECOND CENTURY OF THE B A N K OF ENGLAND. IOI debt to $4,000,000,000, and the suspension of payments in specie. The Bank of England by prudent management kept its notes for several years at par with coin and the depreciation was at first so gradual as hardly to be noticed. One of the elements of confusion in the discussion of the effect of the restriction of specie payments was the fact that bank-notes became the sole medium of ordinary transactions. The issue of £ i notes by the bank drove the gold from cir culation even before the depreciation of the paper and made metal only a subsidiary money. If an effort had been made to keep the circulation saturated with coin by continuing the prohibition upon notes below £5, the depreciation of the paper would have been quickly felt by the disappearance of gold and accurately measured by the premium upon gold. The fact that the paper was maintained at a substantial parity with gold for nearly ten years while gold disappeared from circulation, misled those who did not look to the simple and indisputable facts regarding the foreign exchanges which were stated in the celebrated Bullion Report of 1810. Silver had been rapidly disappearing from circulation for some years, because the English mint ratio gave it a less value in relation to gold than the market price. The country bankers were authorized by the restriction laws to redeem their notes in Bank of England notes in exactly the same manner as they had formerly done in specie, so that the ex pansion and contraction of the country note issues was in a measure placed in the hands of the central bank as well as the control of its own circulation. Bullion rapidly accumulated in the bank after the suspension of specie payments and the bank announced their willingness on January 3, 1799, to redeem sums under £5 and to pay in full after February 1st, notes for £1 and £2, dated prior to July 1, 1798.1 The bank then held ^7,000,000 in coin and bullion and had increased its note issues to ^16,000,000. The government were not willing to take the risk of resumption and continued the restriction even after the peace of Amiens, 1 Gilbart I., 49. 102 H ISTORY OF MODERN B AN KS OF ISSUE . when the bank again declared that it was well supplied with cash and was ready to resume. A bill was brought in on April 9, 1802, only thirteen days after the signature of the definitive treaty, to continue the restriction until March 1, 1803, and the restriction was continued again on February 28, 1803, until six weeks after the beginning of the next session of Parliament. War broke out before this date arrived and the restriction was continued until six months after the ratification of a definitive treaty of peace. No such treaty was ratified until after the abdication of Napoleon in the spring of 1814, when the problem of restriction was again taken up. The price of gold began to rise in September, 1799, and in June, 1800, had reached 5^. per ounce, which was about seven shillings above the mint price.1 Exchange with Ham burg fell and the unfavorable state of the exchanges was made an excuse for postponing the resumption of specie payments after the peace of Amiens. The fact that the un favorable exchange was due to the depreciation of the cur rency was denied or evaded by the Parliamentary leaders and Mr. Addington, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, urged that the restriction be continued because, ‘‘ for several months past, there has been a trade carried on for purchase of guineas with a view to exportation.” 1 The mint price of gold was £5 17s. 10%d.> which was four and a half pence above the market price, in order to cover the cost of coin age and the loss of interest while the bullion was detained in the mint. The value of gold coins was fixed as they exist to-day in 1717, when it became necessary, upon the recommendation of Sir Isaac Newton, to reduce the coining value of the gold in the guinea to arrest the exportation of silver. The reduction made the ratio of gold to silver about fifteen and a quarter to one, but as the ratio in France and Holland was about fourteen and a half, it continued to be profit able to export silver from England to those countries and to import gold into England. Silver disappeared from circulation, gold became the sole metallic medium of exchange, because it was the cheaper metal at the legal ratio, and the law of 1816, which gave England the gold standard, simply recognized in law what had been the fact prior to the suspension of cash payments. SECOND CENTURY OF THE B A N K OF ENGLAND. 103 An object lesson in the effects of a depreciated currency was afforded the English people by the condition of affairs in Ireland, which had a currency of her own. The Irish shilling contained thirteen pence, and as the pound, both English and Irish, contained two hundred and forty pence, English money was more valuable than Irish in the propor tion of ;£ioo to £108 6s. 8d. The par of exchange between England and Ireland was therefore called eight and one third. The Bank of Ireland was directed to suspend specie pay ments at the same time as the Bank of England, and exchange was maintained at a point: favorable to Ireland until the autumn after the passage of the restriction act in England. Exchange then began to fall, which made it unfavorable to Ireland, until in January, 1804, it had reached a depression of £18 in the hundred. The bank had been increasing its issues until they were more than four times the amount at the time of the restriction. A committee of Parliament was appointed in 1804 to consider the subject and they found that the exchanges were nominally unfavorable because of the depreciation of the Irish paper. The directors of the Bank of Ireland who appeared before the committee would not admit that this was the case and maintained that the large issues of paper money were to supply the place of gold which had been taken out of the country to pay remit tances. One of them advanced the same extraordinary doctrine advanced a few years later in England, that 4*the mere buying of gold at an advanced price beyond that of the mint, is the effect, and not the cause of the exchange, and, therefore, no proof of the depreciation of the paper itself.’’ The committee refused to be misled by this sort of argu ment and found that the real exchange, when allowance was made for the depreciation in the paper, was favorable to Ireland. A convincing proof that it was so, if there were no others, was found in the fact that the exchanges between England and Belfast were favorable to Belfast, because pay ments at Belfast were made in specie, at the very moment that they were unfavorable at Dublin, where paper was the standard. Still further demonstration of the simple mathe 104 H ISTO RY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE . matical proposition, that the fall in the exchange was measured by the depreciation in the paper money, and not by any cause common to Irish industry or banking, was afforded by the fact that there was a local difference of exchange be tween Dublin and Belfast, which put specie at a premium of ten or twelve per cent, in Dublin, while it passed at par in Belfast as the only medium of exchange.1 The committee recommended that the relations between the currencies of the two countries be simplified by making the notes of the Bank of Ireland payable in Bank of England paper and that the Bank of Ireland establish a fund in London for that pur pose. Little attention seems to have been paid to this report and the recommendation that the currencies be assimilated, which was made by Mr. Parnell in Parliament; in 1809, was rejected without a division. The depreciation of the Bank of England notes did not advance rapidly until the period of commercial speculation which caused the panic of 1810. The price of gold in bank paper, which had risen to ^4 5s. per ounce in 1800, fell back to about £*4, representing a depreciation of two and a half shillings or about three and two-tenths per cent., and re mained at substantially this figure until 1809. The price of gold rapidly advanced during the following year until the mint price of gold was £ \ us. or a depreciation of 17.4 per cent. Exchange with Hamburg had been falling with the depreciation of the currency and on February 1, 1810, Mr. Horner moved for several accounts relating to the currency and exchanges. The committee was then appointed whose work has become so famous in the literature of finance as the Bullion Report. The committee, in an endeavor to ascer tain the true cause of the unfavorable exchanges, examined a large number of witnesses, including directors of the Bank of England, private bankers, business men, and students of finance. The conclusions of the committee, however, were directly adverse to the opinions of the bankers and in accor dance with those of the most enlightened students of the abstract problems of finance and political economy. 1MacLeod, Theory and Practice of Banking, II., 14. SECOND CEN TU RY OF THE B A N K OF ENGLAND . 105 The report which the committee presented to the House of Commons took its place at once among the classics of finance and has been one of the guides of sound banking from that time to this. It is a remarkable fact that Mr. Horner was a young man of thirty-two who had never given more than a general attention to financial subjects. He simply listened attentively to the testimony of the best ex perts who appeared before the committee and with singular clearness of vision grasped the correct principles of regulating a banking currency and discarded the shallow sophistries and “ practical rules ” which were presented to him by the great bankers of London.1 The Bullion Report is remarkable not only for the clearness and precision with which it lays down the fundamental rules for regulating the volume of a paper currency, but for the discriminating judgment with which it discusses limitations of the then existing theories of prices and currency which only came to be generally accepted by political economists a generation later and have not been accepted by all of them to-day.9 The undisputed facts upon which the bullion committee based their report are summed up by Professor MacLeod as follows3: 1M. Juglar remarks that, “ There is always something which blinds those the best placed to see, and it is not the persons engaged in affairs who are the best judges of the mechanism they direct or which, rather, sweeps them along.”—Des Crises Commercialese 341. For similar views see Price, Currency and Banking, 3-4; Bagehot, Lom bard Street, Works, V., 112-15. 2Mr. Horner himself expressed a modest opinion of the literary merits of the report, but declared that it possessed one great merit, “ That it declares in very plain and pointed terms both the true doc trine, and the existence of a great evil growing out of the neglect of that doctrine.” Portions of the report were written by Mr. Huskisson and Mr. Thornton, but the inspiring spirit was largely Mr. Horner’s. The views set forth were not new and had been so clearly stated by Mr. Ricardo in his pamphlet on “ The High Price of Bullion,” that some of Mr. Ricardo’s friends accused Mr. Horner of borrowing the ideas without proper credit. 3 Theory and Practice of Banking, II., 29. 106 H ISTORY OF MODERN BANK’S OF ISSUE. 1. That the mint price of gold bullion, or the legal stand ard of the coin was, £$ 17s. 10%d. per ounce. 2. That the market price of gold bullion was then 10$. per ounce. 3. That the foreign exchanges had fallen to an enormous extent: that with Hamburg, nine per cent., that with Paris 14 per cent. 4. That the increase of bank-notes had been very great during the last few years, and was rapidly augmenting. 5. That specie had disappeared from circulation. The report made by the committee was divided into four parts, the first dealing with the causes of the high price of gold; the second, with the state of the foreign exchanges and the reason why they were adverse to England ; the third, with the conduct of the Bank of England in the regulation of its note issues ; and the fourth, the increase in circulation of the Bank of England and of the country banks and the increase of their discounts. The demonstration was easy to intelligent and unprejudiced observers that the high price of gold was the measure of the depreciation of the bank paper. The contention of some of those who declared that bank paper had not depreciated, but that gold had risen in value because of its scarcity, grew out of a muddy confusion of ideas regarding the relations of prices to the two standards of gold and paper. The com mittee showed that the question of prices had no relation to the difference between the mint price and the market price of gold. The paragraph in which they made this clear is as follows: An ounce of standard gold bullion will not fetch more in our market than £$ 17s. 10}£d.y unless ^ 3 17s. 10}4d.t in our actual cur rency is equivalent to less than an ounce of gold. An increase or diminution in the demand for gold, or what comes to the same thing, a diminution or increase in the general supply of gold, will, no doubt, have a material effect upon the money prices of all other articles. An increased demand for gold, and a consequent scarcity of that article, will make it more valuable in proportion to all other articles ; the same quantity of gold will purchase a greater quantity of any SECOND CENTURY OF THE B A N K OF ENGLAND . 107 other article than it did before ; in other words, the real price of gold, or the quantity of commodities given in exchange for it, will rise, and the money prices of all commodities will fall; the money price of gold itself will remain unaltered, but the prices of all other commodi ties will fall. That this is not the present state of things is abun dantly manifest; the prices of all commodities have risen and gold appears to have risen in its price only in common with them. Another proof that it was not the scarcity of gold, but the depreciation of paper, which increased the market price of gold in paper was the fact “ that both at Hamburg and Amsterdam, where the measure of value is not gold as in this country, but silver, an unusual demand for gold would affect its money price, that is, its price in silver; and that as it does not appear that there has been any considerable rise in the price of gold, as valued in silver, at those places in the last year, the inference is, that there was not any consid erable increase in the demand for gold.” The committee also called attention to the fact that on previous occasions “ the excess of the market price of gold above its mint price was found to be owing to the bad state of the currency ; and in both instances, the reformation of the currency effectu ally lowered the market price of gold to the level of the mint price.” By parity of reasoning, the reformation of the ex isting paper currency would lower the price of gold to the level of the mint price, without regard to the quantity of commodities which either form of currency might purchase. The high rate of exchange against England, as expressed in paper currency, was explained by some of the witnesses as being due to a large balance of payment due from Eng land to other countries, either on account of imports of merchandise or expenditures abroad on account of military supplies and subsidies. The committee, however, pointed out that it had “ been long settled and understood as a prin ciple, that the difference of exchange resulting from the state of trade and payments between two countries is limited by the expense of conveying and insuring the precious metals from one country to the other ; at least, that it cannot for any considerable length of time exceed that limit. 108 H ISTORY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE . The real difference of exchange, resulting from the state of trade and payments, never can fall lower than the amount of such expense of carriage, including the insurance.” If proof were needed of this simple proposition, it was fur nished by the answers given to the searching questions of the committee by Mr. Greffulhe, regarding the actual rate of exchange in coin. “ From these answers of Mr. Greffulhe, it appears,” said the committee, “ that when the computed exchange with Hamburg was 29, that is, from 16 to 17 per cent, below par, the real difference of exchange, resulting from the state of trade and balance of payments, was no more than five and a half per cent, against this country.” The committee concluded, therefore, that after making the necessary allowances for the balance of trade and payments, there still remained a fall of 11 per cent, in the exchange with Hamburg “ to be explained in some other manner.” Mr. Harman, one of the directors of the bank, declared before the committee, 4‘ I must very materially alter my opinions before I can suppose that the exchanges will be influenced by any modification of our paper currency.” The committee furnished him in their report the evidence of the depreciation of the Scotch currency, when the optional clause of payment was inserted after the Seven Years’ War ; the depreciation of Irish currency six years before ; and the depreciation of the notes of the Bank of England itself three years after its foundation. The committee then declared : Under the former system, when the bank was bound to answer its notes in specie upon demand, the state of the foreign exchanges and the price of gold did most materially influence its conduct in the issue of those notes, though it was not the practice of the directors syste matically to watch either the one or the other. So long as gold was demandable for their paper, they were speedily apprised of a depres sion of the exchange, and a rise in the price of gold, by a run upon them for that article. If at any time they incautiously exceeded the proper limit of their advances and issues, the paper was quickly brought back to them, by those who were tempted to profit by the market price of gold or by the rate of exchange. In this manner the evil soon cured itself. The committee, in taking up the question of excessive SECOND CEN TU RY OF THE BAN K OF ENGLAND . 109 issues, made the discriminating admission, “ that the mere numerical return of the amount of bank-notes out in circula tion cannot be considered as at all deciding the question whether such paper is or is not excessive. It is necessary to have recourse to other tests.’’ The economy of money was referred to which had taken place in late years, by “ the increased use of bankers’ drafts in the common payments of London; the contrivance of bringing all such drafts daily to a common receptacle, where they are balanced against each other ; the intermediate agency of bill-brokers ; and several other changes in the practice of London bankers.” Not withstanding this, the committee found an approximate increase between 1808 and 1809 of ^3,095,340 in country bank-notes, and about ,£1,500,000 in Bank of England notes. The suspension of cash payments imposed no other expense upon the issuers of this paper than the printing of the notes and some £ “100,000 in stamp taxes. The committee, there fore, asserted their conclusions, “ That there is at present an excess in the paper circulation of this country, of which the most unequivocal symptom is the very high price of bullion, and next to that, the low state of the Continental exchanges; that this excess is to be ascribed to the want of a sufficient check and control in the issues of paper from the Bank of England ; and originally to the suspension of cash payments, which removed the natural and true control.” The Bullion Report was presented by Mr. Horner to the House on June 9, 1810, but was not taken up for considera tion until May 6, 1811. The debate was opened by Mr. Horner, who spoke for three hours and closed by moving a series of sixteen resolutions. These resolutions declared that when Parliament passed the restriction act, it had no inten tion that the value of the bank-notes should be altered, but that they had for a considerable time been below their legal value, and that the extraordinary depression of the foreign exchanges was in great part due to the depreciation of the currency of England relative to that of other countries. The final resolutions declared that the only method of preserving the paper currency at its proper value was to make it paya 110 H ISTO RY OF MODERN BAN KS OF ISSUE. ble on demand in the legal coin of the realm, and that cash payments ought to be resumed at the end of two years. The report was ably supported by Mr. Henry Thornton, but was assailed by Mr. Rose, Mr. Vansittart, and others. Mr. Vansittart maintained that “ a standard in the sense used by these gentlemen, namely, a fixed and invariable weight of the precious metals as a measure of value, never existed in this country. *’ His idea was that the pound sterling was a sort of intangible thing, and that the paper pound was not to be considered as depreciated so long as it formed the cur rent medium of exchange, and was accepted in the discharge of obligations. The effort was made by the defenders of paper money to deny any difference between gold prices and paper prices, but it was disclosed in the course of the debate that the government themselves were making a distinction by paying guineas to the soldiers in Guernsey at the value of 23 shillings, although their legal value was only 21 shillings. The country was not ready to return to a specie basis, and Mr. Horner’s first resolution was defeated by a vote of 75 in the affirmative to 151 in the negative, and his final reso lution by a vote of 45 to 180. Mr. Vansittart followed up his victory by a series of resolutions, to the effect ‘‘ That the promissory notes of the Bank of England have hitherto been, and are at this time held to be, equivalent to the legal coin of the realm,” and that the price of bullion and the state of the foreign exchanges were in no way due to exces sive issues of bank paper. Notwithstanding the protests of the better informed members of the House, an amendment by Mr. Canning was rejected, 42 to 82, and Mr. Vansittart’s astounding resolutions were carried. The opponents of the Bullion Report laid stress upon the fact that gold was not sold openly at a premium. The rea son was the belief that it was a penal offence to part with a bank-note for less than its face value in bullion, and at the very moment of the debate on Mr. Horner’s report three men were lying in prison for selling guineas for more than twenty-one shillings under an old statute of Edward VI. SECOND CENTtJR V OF THE B A N K OF ENGLAND. 11 1 The issue soon after came before the Court of Common Pleas and they unanimously quashed a conviction under the law and declared that it was 110 crime to sell guineas at a pre mium. Lord King in March, 1811, issued a circular to sev eral of his tenants, reminding them that their contract was to pay a certain quantity of the legal coin of the country, and that, as the paper currency was considerably depreciated, he should in future require his rents to be paid in the legal coin of the realm, in Portugese coin of equal weight, or by a suffi cient amount of bank-notes to purchase the necessary weight of standard gold. This attempt to establish a gold price distinct from the paper price of commodities caused a tem pest of rage among the advocates of a paper currency and led to the charge againt Lord King, so much bandied about in France, of incivism. A bill was promptly introduced into Parliament by Lord Stanhope, making it a misdemeanor to make any difference in payments between guineas and bank notes. The measure passed the House of Lords by a vote of 43 to 16, and the House of Commons by a vote of 95 to 20. The disasters to the country banks during 1815 and 1816 greatly reduced the volume of paper afloat and made way for additional issues by the Bank of England. The reduc tion in country bank paper in circulation is estimated by Professor MacLeod 1 at three times the amount of the issue of the Bank of England, and the effect was immediately felt in the rise in value of Bank of England notes. The market price of gold in paper fell from £5 6s., in May, 1815, to ^3 18s. 6d., or within three per cent, of par, in October, 1816. Foreign exchange rose in a corresponding degree, and these rates prevailed until the mid-summer of 1817. The bank had been preparing during the peace in 1815 to resume specie payments and were able after the final overthrow of Napoleon to announce, in November, 1816, that they would pay all notes dated previous to January 1, 1812, and that in the following April they would pay all notes dated before January 1, 1816. Resumption was thus almost accomplished 1 Theo*"f and Practice o f Banking, II., 62. 112 H ISTORY OF MODERN BA N K S OF ISSUE. and the people were found to be so accustomed to a paper currency that little demand was made for gold and many persons who had hoarded gold presented it for exchange in bank-notes. Cash payments were not yet established by law, however, and the restriction had been continued, after Napoleon’s return from Elba, until July, 1818. The return of peace brought a great many foreign borrowers to England. Prussia, Austria, and other states were endeavoring to ob tain gold to reform their currencies. The result was a heavy drain upon the gold reserve, which had reached £ ‘11,914,000 in October, 1817, and the reappearance of a premium upon coin and bullion.1 Advances to the govern ment were increased from ^20,000,000 to ^28,000,000 and the bank made no effort to restrict their issues, in the face of the foreign drain and a new increase in the circulation of the country banks. It was perfectly evident that specie payments could not long be maintained with the paper price of gold at £4 3s., or about seven per cent, premium, and committees were appointed on February 3, 1819, by both houses of Parliament to inquire into the state of the bank. They reported in favor of a further suspension of specie payments and a bill for the purpose became law on April 1 The question was much discussed by the orthodox believers of the classical school of political economy, why prices of commodities did not fall with the export of gold and invite foreign purchasers of English merchandise. As Prof. Sumner puts it (.History of American Currency, 264), “ If all nations used specie, or even paper and specie, in only due proportion it would be as impossible for one nation to be drained of specie as for New York harbor to be drained of water by the tide.” But all nations do not use specie only, but credit, and modern experience has demonstrated that prices do not move up and down with gold exports and imports, but under the operation of much wider causes in the credit market. The Bank of England did not employ at this time the method of protecting its cash by raising the rate of discount, and the orthodox theory of price movements was of no practical avail against the operation of special causes which drew off gold. See an outline of the discussion in Money, by Francis A. Walker, 356-58. SECOND CEN TU RY OF THE B A N K OF ENGLAND . II 3 5th. The bill forbade the bank to make payments in gold either for fractional sums or for any of their notes during the session of Parliament. The committees then addressed themselves to a full hearing regarding the bank manage ment and the best means of resuming specie payments upon a secure basis. The testimony taken by the committees indicated a marked advance in sound opinion amoiig bankers and busi ness men since the adoption of the comic resolutions of Mr. Vansittart. Nearly all the witnesses admitted the influence of the irredeemable circulation upon the foreign exchanges and the necessity of curtailing the circulation when the ex changes became unfavorable and the automatic regulation of redemption in coin on demand was lacking. The majority of the bank directors were not convinced of the wisdom of these views until several years later, but Sir Robert Peel changed his opinion completely and found a powerful sup porter in Lord Grenville, who was a member of the Cabinet which originally proposed the restriction act. Lord Gren ville went so far as to declare that he considered the restric tion one of the greatest calamities under which the country labored and to deplore the part which he had himself taken when it was proposed. While the bank was enabled by the act to lend money with one hand, he declared, it was with the other shaking the foundation of contracts, affecting prices, and involving the country in distress and individuals in ruin ten times greater than any benefits they could derive from liberal issues. Both houses concurred in the passage of a bill for the gradual resumption of specie payments by the reduction of the mint price of gold. It was provided that after February 1, 1820, the bank should be required to deliver gold of stand ard fineness in quantities of not less than sixty ounces at £4 1s. per ounce ; that after October 1, 1820, the rate should be reduced to £$ 19s. 6d., and after May 1, 1821, to the mint price of £$ 17s. 1o}4 d. per ounce. The provision for pay ment in bullion was adopted so as to prevent a run upon the bank8 for coin by small note-holders, while it established 114 H ISTORY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE . substantial coin redemption when the bullion came to be delivered at the mint price.1 This liability to pay in bullion was to continue until May i, 1823, after which full redemp tion in coin on demand was to be required. The statutes restricting the trade in gold coin and bullion were repealed and Mr. Pitt’s practice of free borrowing from the bank was cut off by an act forbidding advances of any description without the express authority of Parliament. It is probable that the bank would have been able to resume cash payments without authority of legislation, within the time which the act required, but its passage by Parliament did much to educate and crystallize public opinion and to protect the bank during the attacks upon the resumption act which were made within the next few years. The accumulation of gold in the Bank of England was so rapid that it became possible to pass an act in 1821 permit ting full resumption on May 1, 1821. The government repaid £*10,000,000 of its obligations to the bank and specie payments wTere resumed in coin at the date fixed by law. The bad harvests and commercial collapse led to several attacks upon the resumption act in Parliament in 1822 and 1823, but they were rejected by large majorities. It was pointed out in the course of the debate that the low price of wheat, which was a great cause of discontent among the agricultural class, could not well be due to the alleged con traction of the currency, for a greater decline had taken place in France, which had been steadily upon a metallic basis, and a like decline in other Continental countries where depreciated paper was still the medium of circulation. The price of wheat at Vienna, in spite of the large volume of the Austrian paper currency, had dropped from 1145. in March 1817, to 19s. 6d.y in September, 1819. It was shown also that the amount of currency in England had increased rather than diminished, for the paper issues had not been materially reduced and a large mass of coin had been infused into the circulation. The only concession obtained by the opponents 1 Levi, 137. SECOND CENTURY OF THE B A N K OF ENGLAND. 11 5 of resumption was the statute of 1822 (Chapter 70), author izing country bankers to continue the issue of notes for £1 until the expiration of the charter of the Bank of England in 1833. The permission to issue £1 notes, which had been given to the Bank of England in 1797 and continued during the entire period of restriction, was withdrawn by the resumption acts. The effect of the monopoly of the Bank of England, which deprived any corporation or large firm of the power to issue notes, but left the power to firms of six persons or less, was the subject of severe criticism every time that the small country banks were swept away in a period of industrial depression. The success of the Scotch banking system was attracting attention and English financiers were desirous of adopting it in England. It was supposed, however, down to 1823, that no joint stock bank could be lawfully established in England because of the exclusive privileges conferred upon the Bank of England by the Act of 1742. It was found, upon careful inspection of the act, and having in view the rule of law that a penal statute must be construed strictly, that the restrictions were limited in their application to banks of issue. The failure to make any distinction up to this time between the power to establish joint stock banks for the purpose of issuing notes and the power to establish them for other purposes was due to the early impression that banking could not be carried on without the issue of notes. The London private bankers had for thirty years suspended the use of circulating promissory notes, but the tradition lingered that joint stock banks could not be established with out infringing the legal monopoly of the Bank of England. Mr. Joplin in a pamphlet issued in 1823 announced his dis covery that the charter of the bank “ does not prevent pub lic banks for the deposit of capital from being established.” 1 There was natural hesitation, even after this discovery, to embark in joint stock banks of deposit without specific authority of law, but the discovery probably had something 1 MacLeod, Theory and Practice o f Banking , II., 381. Il6 H ISTO RY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE. to do with wringing concessions from the Bank of England and improving the existing system. The government pro posed to the bank in 1823 that it consent to the creation of joint stock banks of issue at a distance of sixty-five miles from London, upon condition of the extension of the bank charter for ten years. This proposition was rejected, but the subject was revived after the dreadful panic of 1825. The time for the renewal of the charter was drawing nearer and the bank consented to the Act of 1826, establishing joint stock banks of issue beyond the radius of sixty-five miles from London and requiring the bank to establish branches. These joint stock banks were authorized to issue notes, but they were not to issue them within the prescribed distance nor to draw upon their London agents any bill of exchange payable on demand or for any less sum than ^50. A sworn list of the shareholders and places for carrying on business was required of the new banking companies, but few restrictions were imposed as to their management, capital, or cash reserve. Few joint stock banks were formed for the first few years after the Act of 1826, as the leading country bankers already had private banks and had no wish to set up powerful rivals. The Bank of England managers clung to the monopoly of banking in London, even after they had conceded freedom beyond the sixty-five mile radius, and begged Lord Althorp, when the charter was renewed in 1833, to insert a clause clearly preventing the formation of joint stock banks in the City. Lord Althorp, having obtained the opinion of the law officers of the Crown, in favor of the right to set up de posit banks, refused to impose new restrictions and tartly reminded the directors of the bank that the bargain was that their privileges should remain as they were,—not that they should be extended.1 A clause was inserted in the Act of i 833, specifically declaring that any body politic or corporate or partnership might carry on the business of banking in London or within sixty-five miles thereof, provided they did 1 Macl^eod, Theory and Practice o f Banking , II., 384. SECOND CENTURY OF THE B A N K OF ENGLAND. II 7 not issue notes payable on demand. It was not until after this act that it was seriously attempted to set up a joint stock bank in London. The history of these banks is not a part of the history of banks of issue, but it is an interesting fact that the first was the London and Westminster Bank, which was originally formed as a private partnership and whose manager was Mr. James W. Gilbart, the author of one of the most complete and intelligent works on English banking. Joint stock banks of issue were formed in con siderable numbers in the prosperous years preceding the panic of 1836, and more than forty were established in the spring of the latter year. The number issuing notes when the restrictive Act of 1844 took effect was 72, of which only 14 still retain the privilege. The Bank of England opened its first branches at Glou cester, Manchester, and Swansea. The branches were able to compete on favorable terms with the country banks and to discount bills at four per cent., where the old banks charged five per cent, and sometimes an additional commission. The principal advantage which the country bankers re tained was the payment of interest on deposits, but they felt keenly the competition of the branch banks and held a meeting as early as December 7, 1826, to consider it. They adopted resolutions that the establishment of branch banks “ have the evident tendency to subvert the general banking system that has long existed throughout the coun try, and which has grown up with, and been adapted to, the wants and conveniences of the public.” A deputation was sent to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, who promised to give serious consideration to their views. Further cause of complaint was found in the stamp duties, which were levied upon the country bank-notes according to value, while a fixed sum was accepted from the Bank of England for their entire issues. The result, according to the country bankers, was to subject them to a tax of ^650 on ,£10,000 where the bank paid only £ “35. This protest resulted in an act ex tending the privileges of the Bank of England to the coun try banks, but the general protests against the branches were I l8 H ISTORY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE . answered by the assurance that “ the interest of the country bankers should not be neglected in any negotiation between the government and the Bank of England for the renewal of the bank charter. ’’ 1 The extension of country banking, without any legal regulation, was popularly regarded as one of the causes of the panic of 1825 as well as of some of the earlier panics. The issue of small notes by the country banks was treated by eminent statesmen as an especially dangerous feature of country banking and as having a tendency to expel coin from the circulation. Many of these notes were retired by the insolvency of the issuers in the panic of 1825 and the ministry seized the opportunity to propose their prohibition for the future. They took steps, without waiting for Parlia ment to act, to prohibit the issue of the required stamps for £1 and £2 notes and the Chancellor of the Exchequer made an early motion in Parliament that no notes be issued in the future under £5. The proposition became law and after a sharp contest was extended in 1828 to Scotch notes circula ting in England.2 The approach of the date fixed for the expiration of the bank charter,—at the end of one year’s notice after August 1, 1833,—fedto appointment of a committee of the House of Commons May 22, 1832, to consider the privileges to be granted in the extended charter. The witnesses examined discussed the propriety of establishing joint stock banks in London (which most of them opposed), the publications of the accounts of the bank, the regulation of the circulation, and the rate of discount. The subject of making the bank notes legal tender except at the bank was also considered and the change was urged upon the ground that the notes could then be used by the country banks in the redemption of their own notes in times of panic and the demand for gold diminished. Lord Althorp moved the resolutions for 1 Gilbart, I., 70-73. 2 The history of Scotch and Irish banking will show that the effort made at this time, to deprive those countries of the use of small notes, was defeated. SECOND CENTURY OF THE B A N K OF ENGLAND. 1 19 the renewal of the charter on May 31, 1833, and it was de cided by a vote of 316 to 83 to proceed with their considera tion. The proposition to make the notes legal tender except at the bank prevailed by a vote of 214 to 156. The new charter continued the exclusive privilege of note issue within sixty-five miles of London, but authorized country banks to have agencies in London for the purpose of paying such of their notes as might be presented. The bank was authorized to reduce its capital by one-fourth of the amount of the debt of the public to the bank and in consideration of its privileges surrendered ,£120,000 of the amount allowed annually by the government for the man agement of the debt.1 The charter of the bank was ex tended to one years’ notice, to be given within six months after the expiration of ten years from August 1, 1834, anc^ until repayment of all debts due by Parliament to the bank. The renewal of the charter in 1844 extended the life of the bank until twelve months’ notice after August 1, 1855, and the repayment of the public debt. No such notice was given and the bank continued to operate under this author ity until 1870. A revision was made at that time of the statutes relating to the public debt, and it was enacted that the Bank of England shall continue a corporation until all the public funds are duly redeemed by Parliament.2 The period following the crisis of 1839 developed a pecul iar doctrine of finance in England, which obtained a strong footing among public men with only a rudimentary know ledge of political economy and has spread to some extent on the Continent of Europe and in the United States. This 1 The government repaid one-fourth of the permanent debt, amount ing to £ 3,671,000, and reducing the principal to ^11,015,100; but the bank never availed itself of the permission to deduct the amount crom its capital, which remains at £14,553,0 x>, where it was fixed in 1816. The interest on the debt to the bank was reduced in 1892 from three to two and three-fourths per cent., and changes were made in the allowances for managing the debt which made the total saving to the government ^45,700.—London Bankers' Magazine, July, 1892, LIV., . 50 2 Clause 72, Act 33 and 34 Victoria, c. 71. 120 H ISTORY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE. doctrine embodies the ideas that bank-notes are a form of currency entirely distinct from other commercial paper and forms of credit; that an expansion of bank-note issues, even when redeemable in coin on demand, is a potent cause of commercial crises ; and that the way to prevent crises is to place fixed limits upon bank-note issues. Few advocates of this theory have undertaken to place definite limits upon the volume of bills of exchange or of other forms of commercial paper issued by solvent borrowers, but they have maintained that bank-notes were money for all practical purposes of daily use ; that an undue expansion in the volume of money has stimulated speculation and expelled gold under the opera tion of Gresham’s law; and that the curtailment of note issues would maintain sobriety in the mercantile world and restore the equilibrium of the foreign exchanges. The advocates of this view, of whom the most conspicu ous were Sir Robert Peel, Lord Overstone, and Colonel Tor rens, named their new discovery “ The currency principle, ’’ and immediately set out to rescue the commercial world of Great Britain from future disturbance by enforcing their policy in a modified form upon the Bank of England. Sir Robert Peel declared, in advocating the resumption act of 1819, that it was impossible to prescribe any specific limita tion of issue for the bank and that the quantity of circula tion which was demanded in a time of confidence varied materially from the amount required in a period of despon dency. He became a complete convert to the currency principle in 1844 and introduced the bill which became the basis of the present charter of the Bank of England. The theory of the currency principle was so generally accepted as a means of putting an end to panics that amendment was refused by the House of Commons by a vote of 185 to 30, and the bill passed the House of Lords without a division, and received the royal assent on July 19, 1844. The bill absolutely cut off the creation of banks of issue, except by the union of existing banks, and made the future elasticity of English currency dependent upon deposits of coin or bullion with the Bank of England. SECOND CENTURY OF THE B A N K OF ENGLAND . 121 The new charter provided for the separation of the issue department from the banking department of the Bank of England and placed the issue department under the charge of a committee of the directors appointed by the entire body. The Governor was directed to transfer to the issue depart ment on August 31, 1844, securities to the value of ^14,000,000, of which the debt due by the government to the bank was to be a part. The bank was also to deliver to the issue department such of the gold coin and bullion as was not required for the banking department and was to receive back a quantity of notes which should make the circulation of the bank exactly equal to the coin and bullion 011 deposit, plus the sum of ^14,000,000 represented by securities.1 Thenceforth the issue department was to pay coin and bullion for notes and issue notes for coin and bullion, and no department of the bank was authorized or permitted to issue notes in excess of the limits thus established. The price of gold at the bank was fixed for the future at £3 17s. 9d. per ounce. Weekly accounts of the circulation were to be transmitted to the government and published in the Lon don Gazette. The bank was required to pay ^180,000 annu ally for its privileges instead of the rate of ,£120,000 fixed in 1833. This payment was modified in 1861 and now amounts to about ,£200,000. The purpose of fixing the amount of notes covered by se curities at ^14,000,000 was to economize that amount of gold without impairing the convertibility of the note. The amount was arrived at, not with any special regard to the capital of the bank or the government debt already held, but with regard to the smallest amount of Bank of England 1 Whether the notes constitute a prior lien on the securities and bullion in the issue department is a point which is not clearly set forth and has never been judicially decided. The act directs that “ there shall be transferred, appropriated, and set apart by the said governor and company to the issue department securities to the value of ^*i4,ooo,ooo,>; but “ it shall be lawful for them to diminish the amount of such securities,,, which seems to preclude the idea that the}7 are not part of the general assets of the bank.—Price, 65. 122 H ISTO RY OF MODERN BA N K S OF ISSUE. notes which could be counted upon to remain always in cir culation. It was found that the net circulation in Decem ber, 1839, was ^14,732,000, and it was argued that at least £2,000,000 more must be kept in the banking reserve of the bank. It was considered safe, therefore, to fix the uncov ered circulation at ^14,000,000 and it was left to the play of the foreign exchanges to control the fluctuations above that amount.1 Gold imported under the attraction of low prices and high interest rates would be brought to the bank and exchanged for notes, under the theory of the framers of the act, and gold withdrawn from the country by the attraction of low prices and high interest rates elsewhere would be taken from the bank by the presentation of notes, which would thus be withdrawn from circulation. The principle of issuing notes covered by other securities than coin, within the safe maximum limit of the amount which can be kept permanently in circulation, is a simple and intelligible banking principle, and indeed the principle upon which modern banking is founded. The declared pur pose of the act—“ to cause our mixed circulation of coin and bank-notes to expand and contract, as it would have expanded and contracted under similar circumstances had it consisted exclusively of coin,”—also seemed simple and in telligible to those who ignored the existence of credit and the domestic causes which made a larger circulation desira ble at some periods than at others. The Act of 1844 pro posed substantially to destroy the bank-note as an instrument of credit and make it a mere certificate of coin, leaving to other forms of commercial paper the functions which the bank-note had in part performed. It is obvious, however, that the framers of the act, in fixing a maximum limit of authorized circulation, meant to deal only with the condi tions then existing and that, if their theory had proved op erative, they could not have objected to a much higher limit to meet the expanded volume of modern trade. Existing private and joint stock banks of issue were per mitted, with the usual respect of English law for vested 1 Mr. Torrens, quoted by Hankey, 5-8. SECOND CENTURY OF THE B A N K OF ENGLAND . 1 23 rights, to continue their outstanding circulation. It was the purpose and expectation that these banks would gradually be led to retire their circulation and remit the power to the central bank of issue. Provision for this contingency was made by the authority given the bank to increase the amount of securities in the issue department to an amount not exceeding two-thirds of the country bank-notes with drawn and to issue circulation against the new securities.1 The new issues did not fall to the bank automatically, but required an order from the Crown in Council. The amount of circulation allowed the country banks was determined by the average circulation during the twelve weeks preceding April 27, 1844, and the amount was found to be ,£5,153,417 for the 207 private banks and ,£3,478,230 for the 72 joint stock banks. It was not until December 13, 1855, that any increase was made in the secured circulation of the Bank of England. Forty-seven banks with aggregate issues of ,£712,623 had ceased to issue their notes since the Act of 1844 and an order was made authorizing the increase of the Bank of England issue by ,£475,000. The next increase was .£175,000 in 1861, and the next ,£350,000 in 1866, increasing the issues upon securities to ,£15,000,000. An increase of .£750,000 was made April 1, 1881; ,£450,000 September 15, ^87 ; ,£250,000 February 8, 1889; .£350,000 January 29, 1894; ^ 975)°°° March 3, 1900; ,£400,000 August 11, 1902 ; £■275,000 August 10, 1903. The secured circulation, there fore, now stands at ,£18,450,000 ($90,000,000). Lapsed issues up to 1914 were £'8,126,445,—,£4,818,802 for 197 private banks and ,£3,307,643 for 67 joint-stock banks. No provision was made for strengthening the security of the issues of private banks, except the absolute limit put 1 The limitation to two-thirds of the cancelled issues was based upon the theory that these issues had been protected by one-third their amount in bullion, which would be released for circulation, thus keeping the amount of circulation intact, The utter disregard of banking principles embodied in the law is indicated by this as sumption, which completely ignores the necessity for a reservt against general liabilities.—Gilbart, II., 100. 124 H ISTORY OF MODERN BA N K S OF ISSUE. upon the amount, for it was not intended to foster their development. A banker who ceased to issue his own notes was not permitted to resume the issue, and if two or more banks became united and the number of partners of the united bank exceeded six their power of note issue was to cease. The country bankers were required to permit their books to be inspected by a government officer, but this was apparently to prevent an excess of issue rather than to afford any other sort of security to the public. The country banks have been slow to leave the field, as the figures of their circulation demonstrate. Fifty-six private banks were still issuing ^2,220,048 and 35 joint stock banks were still issuing ,£1,974,202 in notes at the beginning of 1896; but by 1914 the number had fallen to eight private banks and six joint stock banks, with issues respectively of ^334,615 and ,£170,587. These notes are not legal tender and the banks issuing them are not required to publish accounts. The operation of the Bank Act of 1844 was put to an early test by the crisis of 1847 and the result was a complete fail ure upon two essential points. The operation of the act neither prevented the speculation which is the cause of pan ics, nor reduced the issue of notes to correspond with the export of gold. Inquiries were made by both the House of Commons and the House of Lords, at the meeting of Parlia ment after the panic and the friends of the Act of 1844 made an earnest effort to rescue it from the discredit which the panic had cast upon it. The committee of the House of Commons reported in favor of continuing the act in effect, but the House of Lords’ committee spoke in severe terms of its operation. The failure of the act in the important re spect of preventing commercial convulsions was frankly admitted in the debate in the Commons by Sir Robert Peel. It had neither “ put a check on improvident speculation/’ in the language of the Lords’ committee, nor afforded ‘‘ se curity against violent fluctuations in the value of money.” The law was framed to arrest commercial expansion by limit ing the means for carrying on commercial transactions. It failed absolutely in this object, because such operations can SECOND CENTURY OF THE B A N K OF ENGLAND . 1 25 be carried on, and usually are carried on, by other means than bank-notes. It succeeded in checking the expansion only when other forms of credit had been swept away by distrust and expansion of note issues to fill their place was absolutely needed to prevent overwhelming commercial dis aster. It did not prevent expansion, in simple terms, when expansion might do harm ; it prevented it absolutely when it might have done good. It was the theory of the supporters of the act, that the currency would fluctuate in exact accordance with the fluctu ations of a metallic currency by the self-acting provision for the issue of notes only in exchange for gold and the issue of gold in exchange for notes. Both sides in the discussion of the bill, when it was pending in Parliament, seem to have made the incredible blunder of overlooking the fact that gold could be obtained by the presentation of checks. This was exactly what happened in 1847 and the effect upon the outstanding note issues and the bullion in the bank at different dates during the April pressure is indicated in the following table: N O T E S H E L D B Y T H E N O T E S IN T H E B A N K IN G R E S E R V E . P U B LIC . Aug. 2 9, 1846 Dec. 19, 1846 Jan. 9, 1847 Feb. 20, 1847 Mar. 20, 1847 Apr. 10, 1847 ^20,426,000 19. 549.000 20.837.000 19,482,000 19,069,000 20,243,000 ^9,450,000 8,864,000 6,715,000 5.917.000 5.419.000 2.558.000 B U LL IO N IN T H E BANK. ^ “16,366,000 15,163,000 14,308,000 12,215,000 11,232,000 9,867,000 The bank, therefore, saw its bullion decreasing on the one hand and its banking reserve decreasing on the other hand, while gold and notes poured out of the banking department in the discharge of its obligations. The banking reserve was chiefly in notes which had been obtained by the sur render to the issue department of such gold as was received on deposit, but the payment of these notes to customers either swelled the note circulation or reduced the gold in the bank, by just the amount of the payment. The effect, as Mr. John Stuart Mill pointed out in his testimony before 126 HISTORY OF MODERN B AN KS OF ISSUE. the Committee of the House of Commons, was a double action, which required each department of the bank to take measures for self-protection and made the bank’s action on the money market ‘‘ as violent on a drain of three millions, as would have been required on the old system for one of six.” 1 The banking department might be completely wrecked by the exhaustion of its note reserve, without the power it formerly possessed to draw upon the whole re sources of the bank for help. It was fortunate iii many respects that the Act of 1844 failed to operate to contract the domestic circulation as was expected. Such an event would only have added to the in tensity of the panic and made the suspension of the act and the issue of additional notes more imperative. Such con traction and such absence of expansion as actually occurred invited a run upon the bank for gold and notes which would not have occurred under former conditions. Bank of Eng land notes were a legal tender except at the bank and were largely employed in the reserves of the country banks. The absolute limit on the supply had the double effect of frighten ing the public into withdrawing their deposits from the banks for hoarding before the supply was exhausted and of driving the banks to withdraw their deposits from the Bank of England for hoarding against this demand by the public. If they could not get notes under such circumstances, they would take gold, and the reduction of the note circulation in the meantime would only have increased the pressure. The demand for notes, so long as their convertibility was unques tioned, was, of course, immensely increased by the destruc tion of credit. Hoarding operated to reduce the visible quantity of notes at the very moment that the disappearance of commercial paper as a medium of circulation increased the necessity for them. The terrible pressure thus applied by the Act of 1844 to the commercial community compelled the sale of goods and securities in foreign markets at any sacrifice which would bring the ready currency withheld by 1 Political Economy, B. III., Ch. xxiv., Sec. 4. SECOND CENTURY OF THE B A N K OF ENGLAND . 1 27 the operation of the Bank Act. The operation of the law, therefore, meant an absolute loss, not merely in the nominal sense of money denominations, but in the real sense of sur rendering more English commodities for a given quantity of foreign commodities than would otherwise have been required. 1 The chief contention which was left to the friends of the Act of 1844, after the rude disillusionment of the panic of 1847, was that the act had maintained beyond doubt “ the convertibility of the note.” They argued that under former conditions and in previous panics, the bank had been drained of gold as well as of its banking reserve, the two not being then separated, and that the ultimate redemption of the notes in gold had been threatened. From a practical point of view, there was perhaps some force in this claim in behalf of the act.a The claim is subject to the two conditions, however, that a better knowledge of the rules of banking had come into operation since the earlier panics and that theoretically the “ convertibility of the note” was not perfectly assured. It is doubtful, indeed, if convertibility could have been maintained if there had never been, either in 1847, i 857>or 1866, any suspension of the Bank Act. Loss of convertibility would not have come primarily from distrust of the notes or of the credit of the bank, but from the pressure for money by depositors upon the private banks and joint stock banks which kept their reserve with the Bank of England. They would have come upon the bank with a rush for the pay ment of their deposits and the point might very soon have been reached where the bank had only public securities as 1Gilbart,I., 337-38. 8Mr. Mill insists that the convertibility of the note “ would have continued to be maintained, at whatever cost, under the old system,” and remarks that the suspension of the banking department, “ in volving, as it would, the probable stoppage of every private banking establishment in London, and perhaps also the non-payment of the dividends to the national creditor, would be a far greater immediate calamity than a brief interruption of the convertibility of the note.’* —Political Economy, B. III., Ch. xxiv., Sec. 3, note. 128 H ISTORY OF MODERN BANKS OF ISSUE. the guarantee of its circulation. The effort, in other words, to keep the bank standing a solitary monument; of unimpaired credit when every other part of the credit system of the country had fallen a mass of ruins around it could not have succeeded. This was the logical meaning of the propositions of those who insisted that the Act of 1844 main tained “ the convertibility of the note,” so far as they had any definite meaning, and it was a proposition which was utterly chimerical. If the limitations of the Act of 1844 have been of any value to the English people, it has probably been in driving them to the adoption of substitutes for circulating notes and to the extension of deposit banking. England was sufficiently far advanced in 1844 in the use of instruments of credit to make the restrictions of the Bank Act of much less importance than such restrictions would have proved in a new and undevel oped country. One of the devices adopted in London for promoting the movement of capital was the Cheque Bank. Money was received by this bank on deposit, and books of checks were issued for even denominations, which might be filled in for less than the denomination but not for more. The face value of the checks issued did not exceed the depositor’s credit, so that the receiver of such a check had the assurance of the bank that the depositor’s account was not overdrawn. Such checks were made payable by the Cheque Bank only through some other banker and not at the counter of the bank, thereby escaping the prohibition of the law against promissory notes payable to bearer on de mand. The checks passed between individuals for cash and the Cheque Bank established relations with some 1500 domestic and foreign banks which agreed to receive and cash its checks. Several railways and other companies re ceived these checks as cash and they proved convenient for transmission through the mails.1 The Cheque Bank, there fore, put in operation a sort of emergency currency, outside the law, if not in violation of law, which has been resorted 1 MacLeod, Theory and Practice of Banking , II, 374- 75. SECOND CENTURY OF THE B A N K OF ENGLAND , 129 to in other countries only under the pressure of commercial distress.1 A much more important and scientific step than cast-iron rules of circulation was adopted by the Bank of England for the protection of its gold reserve after the crisis of 1857. This step consisted in raising the rate of interest rapidly by degrees of one per cent, at a time, instead of fractions of one per cent., in order to arrest the export of gold. The increas ing ease and cheapness of communication had destroyed the value of differences of a fraction of one per cent., when this fraction was divided into fractions of a year, in attracting gold from foreign countries or arresting its departure. The theory of statesmen and students of political economy had generally recognized up to this time only two causes of the export of gold—payments for merchandise and the pressure of a depreciated currency. The bullion brokers, without spending time over theories, had long since learned by obser vation that it became profitable to export gold when interest rates abroad were higher than at home. They fabricated bills of exchange, had them discounted by bankers, took the proceeds in gold and shipped the gold to the point where it would earn the highest interest. The bills fabricated for this purpose had the character of accommodation bills, in that they represented no merchandise transaction and were drawn for the single purpose of transferring money from the place where it was cheap to the place where it was dear, in order to earn the higher rate of interest. The fact and possibility of such shipments of gold do not seem to have been known, or at least fully understood, up to this time, by the staid old merchants who formed a ma jority of the board of directors of the Bank of England. The necessity of meeting the drain by rapid advances in the rate of discount was first set forth in the literature of political economy by Prof. H. D. MacLeod,2 was quickly adopted as the true theory by Mr. Goschen, and put in force by the bank 1For a similar device in Austria, see the closing portion of Chapter ix., first edition of this work. 2 Theory of Credit , II., 813- 18. 130 HISTORY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE. which, on this occasion, according to Mr. Bagehot, “ and as far as I know, on this occasion alone, ’’ made 4‘ an excellent alteration of their policy which was not exacted by contem porary opinion, and which was in advance of it.” 1 The results were even more striking than were anticipated by the advocates of the new theory, and are thus summed up for the next few years by Mr. Bagehot: The beneficial results of the improved policy of the bank were pal pable and speedy : we were enabled by it to sustain the great drain of silver from Europe to India to pay for Indian cotton in the years between 1862 and 1865. In the autumn of 1864 there was especial danger; but by a rapid and able use of their new policy, the Bank of England maintained an adequate reserve, and preserved the country from calamities which, if we had looked only to precedent, would have seemed inevitable. All the causes which produced the panic of 1857 were in action in 1864; the drain of silver in 1864 and the preceding year was beyond comparison greater than in 1857 and the years before i t ; and yet in 1864 there was no panic. The Bank of England was almost immediately rewarded for its adoption of right principles by finding that those principles, at a severe crisis, preserved public credit.2 The great expansion of English banking after the middle of the century led to serious doubts as to the capacity of the Bank of England to maintain commercial credit in every conceivable emergency. Mr. Bagehot pointed out in his celebrated work, Lombard Street, more than twenty years ago, that the entire fabric of English credit rested upon the gold reserve of the Bank of England. The reserve had then increased somewhat above its level in earlier times, but was still considered by many as affording an insufficient protection for the great volume of the banking business of the country. The private and joint stock banks made no effort to maintain a coin reserve of their own, for such a policy would have locked up their capital and driven them to the wall in the fierce competition for fractional profits. They carried only such cash as was needed from day to day for ordinary transactions, and relied upon their deposits with 1 Lombard Street, Works, V., 118. 2For a temporary failure of the new rule to act, and the reason for it, see account of the crisis of 1866. in Ch. xxiii. SECOND CEN TU RY OP THE B A N K OF ENGLAND. I 3 t the Bank of England for cash to meet emergencies. The system thus created was graphically called ‘‘ the one reserve system,” and under it the credit of the entire business com munity depends upon the solvency of the Bank of England.1 Under this system the deposits of other banks at the Bank of England tend to increase in times of anxiety. The joint stock and private banks, in the country as well as in the city, instead of drawing gold and notes from the centre to put in their own vaults, as is done by the banks of the United States in times of stress, obtain rediscounts at the Bank of England and carry the proceeds to their deposit accounts there, in order to be able to draw checks freely on the bank, which can be exchanged for notes, if desired. Thus, in 1857, bankers’ balances increased from ,£3,400,000 on November 4th to .£5,400,000 on November 25th. In 1866, in one week, between May 9th and May 16th, bankers’ balances rose from .£5,000,000 to .£7,900,000, and in 1875 there was an increase from ,£7,274,000 on May 19th to ;£ 11,857,000 on June 2d.8 In 1890, when separate returns were no longer published, the influence of the bankers’ balances was shown by the increase of general deposits from ,£30,286,000 on November 12th to .£36,365,000 on November 19th. The characteristic features of English banking in recent years have been the extension of banking privileges and the consolidation and growth in power of the joint stock banks. The latter did not enjoy the privilege of limited liability in early days and refused to avail themselves of it when it was granted in 1858; but the collapse of the City of Glasgow Bank in Scotland, with the accompanying ruin of many shareholders, as told hereafter, led most of the joint stock banks to accept the Act of 1879, authorizing the 1The Irish and Scotch banks of issue hold gold funds, which amounted on May 30, 1908, to £ 9,997,073, but this gold is more or less tied up by the laws governing their circulation, and calls are almost invariably made for gold upon the Bank of England in times of stringency. 2 Pal grave, 24-25. I 32 fflSTOR Y OF M ODERN BA N K S OF ISSUE . creation of a reserve liability in the form of uncalled capital as the limit of obligation of shareholders in case of failure.1 This definition of the obligations of the shareholder led wealthy men, who had formerly stood aloof, to invest in bank shares, and within the next thirty years joint stock banking resources were more than doubled. The number of banking offices open to the public In England and Wales increased from 1779 in 1872 to 6973 I9 I3 >while in the United Kingdom as a whole the increase was from 2924 in 1872 to 4460 in 1886, 5612 in 1894, 6512 in 1900, and 9116 in 1913. Even with the great increase in number of offices in England and Wales, the equipment reached only one office to 5173 of the population in 1913. This was below the figure for Scotland in 1872, which was one office to 4137 people, and which rose in 1913 to one office for 3790 people.2 While this great improvement in the accommodation of the public was taking place, the number of banks was diminishing. Forty-two banks in the United Kingdom were absorbed by others from 1877 to 1886, 90 from 1887 to 1895, and more than 100 from 1896 to 1907.3 One of the causes of these amalgamations, especially where country banks were absorbed by London banks, was the low rates for money which prevailed in the city from 1892 to 1896. The country rate, being more steady, afforded a larger profit to the city bank, while the country bank benefited by the addition to prestige and capital resulting from absorption, which permitted a larger extension of business. Some of the smaller London banks, on the other hand, yielded to the pressure for concentration by union with large provincial banks, which thus obtained the benefits of London offices and admission to the clearing house.4 Finally, began in 1 Sykes, 98. 2 London Bankers9Magazine, February, 1914, XCVII., 170. 8 The number of banks stated as in operation differs somewhat according to the classes dealt with. Straker states the number of joint stock banks in 1849, in England and Wales, at 99; in 1892,102; and in 1902, 68.—The Money Market, 80. 4 Sykes, 102-103. SECOND C EN TU RY OF THE B A N K OF ENGLAND. 133 recent years the union of large joint stock banks and private bankers in London. Out of these various measures of con solidation have come some of the largest banking houses in the world. The London, City, and Midland, an example of the entrance of a provincial bank into London, had at the close of 1913 assets of ^108,584,213 and overtopped every other institution except the Bank of England. The absorp tion of four important banks during the five years 1909-13 was accompanied by an increase of capital and surplus to ^8,048,650. A close second was Lloyds Bank, with capital and surplus of ^7,208,672 and total assets of ^106,618,948; while the third largest institution was the London County and Westminster, with capital and surplus in 1913 of £ j }500,000 and total assets of ^104,248,238.1 With the readjustment of the banking situation caused by the elimination of small institutions, new amalgamations have been fewer in recent years, reaching only four in 1908; six in 1909; five in 1910; three in 1911; one in 1912; and three in 1913. The total resources of the banks of the United Kingdom and Ireland at the close of the year 1913 were in excess of ^1,350,000,000. The banks of England and Wales alone showed total assets of ^“1,116,487,779, of which ^286,279,374 was in cash on hand, on call, or at short notice; ^593,791,336 was in bills discounted, advances, and loans; and investments in securities were ^“164,197,691. On the side of liabilities, the deposits, current accounts, and note circulation represented ^£957,788,930 and capital and reserve funds ,£105,608,950. The total assets of the Scotch banks were ,£158,664,623, which included cash on hand and at short notice to the amount of ,£38,749,685; bills discounted, advances, and loans, ^75,963»o53; and investments, .£34,024,335. On the side of liabilities, the deposits, current accounts, and note circulation 1In April, 1914, Lloyds absorbed the Wilts and Dorset Banking Company with resources of about £14,000,000, and in June, I9i4> the London City and Midland arranged to take over the Metropolitan Bank of England and Wales, with assets of about £13,000,000. *34 H ISTORY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE ,. were ^135,060,895 and capital and reserve funds ^17,496,450. The banks of Ireland showed total assets of ,£90,904,781, of which cash on hand and at short notice was ^16,713,526; bills discounted, advances, and loans, ^49,407,521; and in vestments, ^23,934,664. On the side of liabilities, the de posits, current accounts, and circulation were ^78,953,230 and capital and reserve funds ^11,095,230. Total liabilities on account of deposits, current accounts, and circulation for all British banks, including small amounts for the Isle of Man, were ^1,172,725,299; discounts, advances, and loans were ^719,284,295; and investments, ^224,486,077. From this extreme concentration of banking resources has arisen much controversy whether the cash kept by the Bank of England is sufficient in amount to support: such a mass of credit, and whether, if it is not sufficient, larger reserves in coin should not be kept by the joint stock and private banks. The experience of three crises since the Bank Act of 1844 has given serious warning of the shock which would come to every British interest if the Bank of England should prove inadequate to support the fabric of British credit and to sup ply all foreign demands for gold. Mr. Bagehot fixed “ the apprehension minimum/’ below which the bank reserve could not go without exciting alarm, at ^10,000,000, and he maintained that measures to protect the reserve should begin to be taken when it dropped below ^15,000,000. The reserve was gradually strengthened by the accumulation of gold and by the financial blunders of other countries until it stood in 1891 at ^“22,295,403; but this expansion no more than kept pace with the expansion of credit and did not diminish apprehension for the future. Mr. Goschen, the dis tinguished financier who has several times acted as Chan cellor of the Exchequer, proposed a plan in 1891 for issuing £1 notes upon a reserve consisting of four-fifths gold and one-fifth securities. The purpose of the plan was to sub stitute the notes for gold in the hands of the public, and to draw the gold into the bullion reserve of the bank. Mr. Goschen proposed, if the bullion in the bank was raised by SECOND CEN TU RY OF THE B A N K OF ENGLAND. 135 this means to ^30,000,000, to “ give certain additional powers of issue in times of emergency/ ’ by authorizing the bank to strengthen the reserve in the banking department by the issue of additional notes against securities, on paying to the government a high rate of interest, to be fixed by law. Mr. Goschen’s proposals were much discussed, but did not result in definite action. Other proposals at various dates proved equally abortive.1 Agitation of the subject was renewed in 1906 and acquired new vigor from the pressure caused on the London money market by the American crisis of the next year. Attention then began to be called to the deposits in the post-office savings banks, which from ^80,579,641 in 1893 increased to >£i 55>996,446 in 1906. It was pointed out that these deposit accounts constituted a point of attack exposed to extreme danger in case alarm should be spread among the poor or ignorant by a financial crisis. Against these deposits, which were invested in securities, the government kept no reserve at all, and was compelled even under ordinary conditions to borrow from the Bank of England on deficiency bills when withdrawals exceeded deposits.3 A plan suggested for strengthening reserves by Mr. Holden of the London, City, and Midland Bank was that the government should pay off its old debt to the bank, upon which the institution was founded, in actual gold, which should be added to the re serve, but that the government should continue to pay the bank the amount of the interest previously paid on the debt. It was argued that this payment could not be construed as a subsidy to the bank, but only as proper provision by the government for the protection of the postal savings bank deposits. While cooperation among the joint stock banks to create a special reserve was often urged, such a policy bristled with difficulties arising from the severity of com 1 Some of these are reviewed by Sykes, in the new edition of Gilbart, The History, Principles, and Practice of Bankings II., 4 30 440. * London Bankers' Magazine, April, 1908, LXXXV., 527. 136 HISTOR Y OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSU E . petition. So seriously was the situation regarded, however, that in the spring of 1908 the subject was taken under con sideration by a committee of bankers and by a special committee of the London Chamber of Commerce.1 One of the significant features of the growing banking power of other countries was the impairment of the power of the Bank of England to influence the flow of gold by changing the discount rate. While London has continued to be the centre upon which bills of exchange have been negotiated from all over the world, Great Britain has ceased to enjoy her old monopoly of foreign trade, and much of the banking business is now done by agencies of foreign banks.a In emergencies the London market, as in 1889 and 1906, turns to the Bank of France for gold. Superimposed upon this menace from abroad to the power of the Bank of Eng land is the immensely increased banking power and the increased demands of the British market. As the situation is described by a careful student3: From a banking position, there is no doubt economy in making the Bank of England keep the reserve of the bankers, but it is equally certain that, from a general point of view, the doing this tends to place the stress of every pressure which occurs always on one point—a point on which many and varied needs all concentrate —demands for domestic and foreign needs, the requirements for har vest wages and annual holiday-makers in England, of farmers in Scotland, of dealers in Ireland, the requirements of great nations forming and increasing their gold circulations, the demands for gold for export as well as for the internal circulation of the country. In order to retain control of a market in which so many 1 London Bankers' Magazine, April, 1908, LXXXV., 512. 2 It was declared in 1904 by Mr. W. R. Lawson, “ that all the London banks, discount houses, and private bankers together should hold only forty millions sterling or thereabouts of our foreign bills, while they credit foreign banks with a holding of from fifty to one hundred millions sterling, is an anomaly to be investigated.”— British Economics in 1904, 226. 3 Palgrave, Bank Rate and the Money Market, 41. SECOND C E N T U R Y OF THE B A N K OF ENGLAND . 137 disturbing factors play a part, the Bank of England has several times changed its discount policy and adopted other measures to influence the supply of floating capital. One of the most frequent of these devices is what is called “ bor rowing on consols.” This consists in the sale by the bank in the open market of a portion of its holdings of consols for cash and the purchase at the same time of an equal amount of consols for the monthly account. The effect of this operation is to absorb the amount of cash for which the consols are sold and thus force up “ the open market rate” for money, while the bank gets back the consols at the time of the monthly settlement.1 Prior to 1844 comparative uniformity prevailed in discount rates at the Bank of England. For more than a century, down to 1839, “ the bank rate” never exceeded five per cent, nor fell below four per cent. During the pressure of 1839 it was raised for some months to six per cent., but in January, 1840, was reduced to five per cent, and remained at that rate or at four per cent, until the passage of the Act of 1844.2 At that time, the open market rate being not above two per cent., the bank was “ out of the market.” It was in August, 1844, that the bank rate was reduced to two and a half per cent., and from that date the changes in rate have been more numerous than at any other bank in the world. The total number of changes from 1844 the close of 1900 was 400, of which by far the greater number wTere made after the change of policy in 1857 already referred to. Dur ing the thirty-eight years from 1857 to the period of cheap money in 1894 occurred 330 changes, or an average of more than eight per year. The year 1873 witnessed twenty-four 1 Cf. Nicholas, in Moody's Magazine, January, 1907, III., 158. Easton says regarding this practice: 44It is difficult to understand how such capital can be utilized at a profit, but when the bank gets control of the market it is able to obtain more discount business, which no doubt would more than compensate it for the amount paid as interest on loans.”—Banks and Bankings 150. * Palgrave, 49. *38 H ISTORY OF M ODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE. changes and fifteen other years ten or more changes each. The frequency of the changes in 1873 was due to the large operations in bills arising out of the payment of the French war indemnity to Germany.1 The result of these repeated variations was to afford a low rate for tnonejr during most of the period covered. A rate not exceeding two and a half per cent, was charged during 6434 days, from 1844 to 1900, or more than one-quarter of the time; a rate not exceeding three per cent, was charged during 11,341 days, or more than half the time (including the lower rate); and a rate not exceeding four per cent, was charged during 15,778 days, or more than three-quarters of the time.3 Changes in the discount rate at London were numerous during the early years of the twentieth century, the average falling only once prior to 1908 as low as three per cent. The average rate in 1901 was 3.72; in 1902, 3.33; in 1903, 3.75; in 1904, 3.30; in 1905, 3.00; in 1906, 4.27; in 1907, 4.93; in 1908, 3.00; in 1909, 3.10; in 1910, 3.72; in 1911, 3.47; in 1912, 3.77; in 1913, 4.77 per cent.3 The maximum rate of 1905 was four per cent., and this or three and a half per cent, prevailed until October, 1906; but then began the pressure on international money markets which forced an advance to six percent, within the month and its continu ance into January, 1907. Seven changes in the rate marked that troubled year; but the average was only a fraction be low the average for 1913, when pressure due to political uncertainties was intensified by the persistent efforts of Germany, France, and Russia to add to their stocks of gold. The higher rates, however, after 1878 were enforced only upon the outside public. Private bankers and brokers ad justed their rates so promptly to changes in market con ditions, and made such discriminations between first-class bills and ordinary trade bills, that the Bank of England felt 1 Easton, Banks and Banking, 132. 8 Palgrave, 102. 3 Bulletin de Statistique, February, 1914, LXXIII., 233. SECOND CENTUR V OF THE B A N K OF ENGLAND. 139 called upon to protect itself by similar measures.1 The step taken in February, 1878, was to announce that the bank would, when occasion required, discount for customers who transacted business exclusively with the bank, at a rate lower than the advertised official rate.8 At its provincial branches discounts are granted at the ordinary local rate. Another departure was the arrangement entered into in 1890 with the Hampshire County Council, by which the funds of the Council on deposit with the bank were to be loaned through its agency and the profits, less a commission, given to the Council.3 The Bank of England is governed by a court of twentyfour directors, and a governor and a deputy governor who serve for a term of one year. The senior director who has not already served is usually made governor and the next in seniority deputy governor. Eight of the directors retire every year, but these are usually the younger ones, so that the older always remain. It is customary to choose young men for vacancies in the board, so that they will be still in the possession of physical vigor when their turn comes to be governor.4 Bankers in the strictly English sense, lenders of money for short terms on commercial paper, are not allowed to serve on the board of directors, but this rule does not exclude the leaders of finance who are engaged in other branches of the banking business. It is usually about twenty years from the time of a man's entry upon the board of directors until he is reached in his turn as governor, 1 Sykes declares that there are at least five rates in London; but one of these is the deposit rate, representing the allowance to de positors by the joint stock and private banks. This is usually fixed one and a half per cent, below the Bank of England rate .—Banking and Currency, 162-163. 2 Palgrave, 55. 8 It was stated at this time that the question of paying interest on deposits, which had not before been the practice, “ might be raised for consideration.”—Turner, Chronicles of the Bank of England, 2544 Bagehot, Works, V., 136. 140 HISTOR Y OF M ODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE. and it is rarely that a director is made governor out of his turn or serves more than two years. The board meets with the governor and the deputy every Thursday in what has become historic as ‘*the bank parlor,” to pass upon the report for the week. The Bank of England has been comparatively free from government interference since the time of Pitt. It receives the public deposits and performs many financial operations for the government, but it differs from many Continental banks in the sense that “ it is purely the banker of the state, and not its cashier, and as such maintains with it the same relations as with the individuals and companies which con stitute its clientage.” 1 One of the largest operations per formed in this capacity was the conversion of the consolidated and other classes of three per cents, in 1888. These securi ties were reduced to two and three-quarters per cent., with the provision that after April 5, 1903, the rate of return should fall to two and a half per cent. Out of a total sum of ^590,824,407 dealt with by the Conversion Act, the Bank of England, with some aid from the Bank of Ireland, had by November 5, 1888, converted ^549,094,010.2 There is no division of the profits of the bank with the state, as among the leading Continental banks, and only moderate taxes are paid. The necessity of acting as guardian of the gold reserve of the country has kept the profits of the Bank of England, however, in recent years be low those of the more successful joint stock banks. The highest dividends paid since 1866 were eleven per cent, in 1891 and ten and a half per cent, in 1879, 1882, and 1890. Ten per cent, was paid from 1897 to 1903, inclu sive, but the rate in more recent years has been nine per cent.3 1 Noel, I., 232. 9 Gilbart, I., 93. The remainder was disposed of under various provisions of law. 3 The figures for each year from 1695 down are given by Gilbart, 97. SECOND CEN TU RY OF THE B A N K OF ENGLAND. I4I The measure of the changes in the bullion in the bank in recent years, as well as the state of the other leading items of the bank’s accounts, for the average of the last quarter in each year, is given in the following table : YEAR. 1880 l88l 1882 1883 I884 1885 1886 1887 1888 I889 1890 I89I I892 1893 1894 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1 1908 1909 1910 I9II 1912 I 9T3 NOTES IN BULLION. DEPOSITS. SECURITIES. CIRCULATION. ^26,829,000 ^31,350,000 ^ 34, 839,000 ^26,406,000 26,237,000 28,633,000 37,096,000 20,876,000 26,351,000 27,410,000 36,147,000 20,751,000 25,683,000 29,205,000 35,669,000 22,355,000 25,222,999 29,346,720 36,336,691 20,360,721 24,621,423 29,344,372 34,643,349 20,826,856 24,691,913 27,038,698 33,895,673 19,929,836 24,209,867 26,930,149 32,508,224 20,238,539 24,405,030 29,281,524 35,977,745 19,455,412 24,460,836 29,837,081 36,301,144 19,712,368 24,732,153 35,414,155 39,168,647 21,820,279 25,510,059 34,830,397 38,607,719 23,159,668 26,039,50O 34,367,453 36,809,048 24,991,060 25,77^,436 34,204,021 35, 543,067 25,865,721 25,528,878 41,614,576 32,937,638 35,262,470 26,090,666 56,354,680 40,996,456 ,473,334 26,672,217 59*574,404 42,393,798 42 35,911,881 27,422,525 45,601,685 42,242,939 31,834,320 27,311,327 42,459,967 39,283,485 31,489,297 28,479,023 48,247,856 46,145,806 31,704,656 29,638,602 47,017,854 44.851,587 31,969,693 29,630,620 50,492,232 44,714,890 35,568,509 29,315,670 50, 779>638 47,055.875 32 , 798,470 28,631,341 48,067,855 44,553,523 31,539,094 28,051,886 48,879,852 42,594,067 33,711,078 29,002,873 53,545,820 50,033,036 31,918,667 28,676,871 50, 730,798 48,501,268 30,388,371 29,514,250 49, 131,248 47,366,980 29,753,540 29,751,000 61,527,000 59,817,000 29,411,000 28,858,000 , 56,482,000 31,836,000 28,611,000 55,963,000 52,534,000 30,549,000 29,193,000 6 l , I 2 3 ,C O O 57,186,000 31,732,000 29,272,000 , 53,816,000 29, 294,000 29,608,000 71,343,000 65,337,ooo 33,875,009 1 Figures from year. 1907 6 0 9 9 3 ,0 0 0 5 1 4 9 5 ,0 0 0 represent the average of the last week of the C H A PT E R V I. THE SCOTCH BANKING SYSTEM. Its General Scope and Results—The Bank of Scotland and the Royal Bank—The Failures of the Ayr Bank, the Western Bank and the City of Glasgow Bank—Advantages of Scotch Banking and its Effect upon the Habits of the People and the Prosperity of the Country—-Branch Banks in London and Limited Liability. T HE Scotch system of banks of issue comes nearer to the ideal of successful free banking than that of any other country. Absolute freedom in note issues reigned for over one hundred years in Scotland, and during eighty years of that period general distrust of the banking system never occurred, small notes became the favorite medium of exchange among the people, and the deposits in the banks absorbed almost the entire savings of rich and poor and brought within the circle of active producing capital the entire accumulations of the country. Such de fects as were disclosed in the early years of Scotch banking were corrected with experience, and the few departures which have taken place from sound principles have been such as to suggest no change in the established practice of the majority of Scotch banks, but, at the most, some official regulation which should hold all to the rules voluntarily adopted by the oldest banks and the soundest bankers. The mania for restricting note issues which swept over the British Parliament in 1844 shut the circulation of the Scotch banks within fixed legal limits, and limited the banks of issue to those already in existence, but left untouched their power to issue small notes and their means of accommodat ing the people of Scotland by receiving deposits. 142 THE SCOTCH BANKING SYSTEM . Banking in Scotland was inaugurated by the system of monopoly, but differed from all earlier banking systems en joying monopoly of note issues in the fact that the first joint stock bank was formed by private persons for the ex press purpose of promoting trade and not for supporting the credit of the government. The charter of the Bank of Scot land, whfch was organized under authority of an act of the Scotch Parliament of July 17, 1695, was framed to some ex tent on the model of the charter of the Bank of England and made it illegal for any other company to set up the business of banking for twenty-one years. The joint stock was to be 1,200,000 Scotch pounds, the equivalent of 100,000 English pounds sterling, and was to be subscribed in amounts of not less than ^1000 Scotch nor more than £20,000 Scotch (equivalent to £83 6s. 8d. and ^1666 13s. 4d. English).1 The bank was allowed to lend on real or personal security at not more than six per cent., but was prohibited from employing its stock or profits in any other trade or commerce, except that of lending and borrowing money upon interest and the negotiation of bills of exchange. The company was pro hibited from purchasing land or from advancing money to the government, upon the anticipation of any sums to be granted by Parliament, except those upon which a loan should be authorized by a specific act. The Bank of Scotland soon encountered the opposition of the African Company, otherwise known as the Darien Com pany, which was organized by William Paterson, the founder of the Bank of England. The Bank of Scotland had so little confidence in its abilit}^ to protect its monopoly, that it made no serious effort to contest the legal rights of its rival, but endeavored to strengthen its position by calling in twotenths of its capital, of which one-tenth had been originally paid in. The African company issued notes with great im prudence, lent to its own shareholders, and was obliged to 1 The coinage of Scotland was assimilated with that of England by the act of Union in 1707, and the Bank of Scotland assisted in the operation by receiving the old money and giving new money or their own notes in return. 144 H ISTORY OF MODERN B AN KS OF ISSUE . abandon the field in May, 1698. The Bank of Scotland repaid to their shareholders the two-tenths of the capital called in and continued for several years without a rival. No deposits were received at first from the public, but notes were issued against the capital of the denominations of £5, .£10, £ 20, £50, and ,£100. Notes for£i were first issued between 1699 and 1704. A run was begun in December of the latter year, which compelled the bank to suspend specie payments. A meeting of the proprietors was held and a device adopted which is still of interest because it is similar to the existing laws of Canada and Germany in the case of failed banks. This device consisted in making the notes bear interest until they were paid and resulted in keeping the notes at par. Payment was made with interest in less than five months, by means of a new call upon the proprietors for one-tenth of the nominal capital. Another run upon the bank was made in September, 1715, when the rebellion on behalf of the Stuarts broke out, and the withdrawal of coin by the presentation of the notes was encouraged by the bank direc tors in order to prevent the seizure of the coin reserve by the insurgents. The bank suspended payment after most of the cash had been withdrawn and gave notice again that the notes would bear interest until paid. The monopoly of banking for twenty-one years expired in 1716 and no steps were taken to renew it. The second successful bank in Scotland was formed, as in the case of the Bank of Venice and Bank of England, by the proprietors of the public debt, which they assumed on the union with England. An act which was passed in 1719 empowered the King to incorporate the proprietors of the debt into a body corporate, which was organized in 1724. The new corporation endeavored to secure admission to the Bank of Scotland, upon the terms of increasing the capital of the united bank by the sum of ,£250,000,—the principal of the debt,—and the division of the annual interest of ,£10,000 in the proportion of two-sevenths to the shareholders of the bank and five-sevenths to the holders of the debt. The bank was making dividends which were declared by rivals to THE SCOTCH BANKING SYSTEM . 145 run as high as fifty per cent., and they replied that they had no legal authority to increase their capital, that their stock was large enough for the banking business of the country, and that they would not in any case unite with the holders of the debt at par while their stock was worth at least ten per cent, and the debt only paid four per cent. The holders of the debt, or the Equivalent Fund, as it was called, then petitioned the King for banking powers, which were granted on May 31, 1727. These powers were not granted without powerful opposition from the old bank, whose defenders declared that their capital, which they had called in to the amount of three-tenths, making an aggregate of £ “30,000, was sufficient to circulate all the credit that could be re quired in Scotland. The last call made for the payment of capital was partly paid in the notes of the bank. This raised a great outcry from unthinking persons, who maintained that the payments should be made in specie, but they were answered by the scientific statement that ‘‘ bank-notes are justly reckoned the same as specie when paid in on a call of stock, because, when paid in, it lessens the demand 011 the bank.” 1 The new bank was known as the Royal Bank of Scotland and began business on December 8, 1727, with a capital stock of £*151,000. They received support from the govern ment b}r the deposit of £ 20,000 of public monies and their business rapidly extended. The Royal Bank is entitled to the credit of the invention of cash credits, the unique feature of Scotch banking which has done so much to promote the prosperity of Scotland and to place business success and wealth within the reach of the humblest of her people. There was a deal of friction between the two banks during these early years and the Bank of Scotland introduced a clause into their notes making them payable at the discre tion of the directors at the end of six months, with the interest from the time of presentation until the time of pay ment, instead of payable in coin on demand. This practical suspension of redemption on demand resulted in excessive 1 MacLeod, Theory and Practice of Banking, II., 203. 10 146 H ISTORY OF MODERN BAN KS OF ISSUE . issues of notes, not only by the two leading banks, but by private banking and manufacturing companies, and the fall of the notes below par. The attempt to maintain coin re demption was carried out by a process, which is described in detail by Adam Smith,1 of collecting coin through London agents and sending it down in wagons to Scotland. Bills of exchange were constantly drawn upon London to cover coin obligations and their payment was often provided for only by drawing fresh bills. The fact that the bank paper was below par led to the constant presentation of notes for redemption and justified Smith’s declaration that “ bringing gold into the country was like pouring water into a sieve, or like the toil of Danaides.” The two principal banks soon saw the folly of this method of doing business and agreed to combine their influence to obtain an act of Parliament, which was passed in 1765, prohibiting the issue of notes with the optional clause, making all such notes payable to bearer on demand, and prohibiting notes under twenty shillings ($5). The Bank of Scotland and the Royal Bank were the only chartered banks until the incorporation of the British Linen Company at Edinburgh in 1746. This company was organ ized for the purpose of promoting the linen industry by lending money to the manufacturers and as the Company was thus led into the banking business it soon found it ex pedient to continue as a banking company only, under the original name.8 The next important institution founded was the Ayr Bank, which distinguished itself by a radical depart ure from the methods of the older Scotch banks. The wonderful expansion of Scotch agriculture and industry after the failure of the Jacobite rebellion, under the stimulus of conservative free banking and the system of cash credits, was not rapid enough for certain restless spirits who wished to borrow far beyond their capital or credit. The Ayr Bank was formed with the avowed purpose of adopting a more liberal policy, and the course of the older banks in gradually 1 Wealth of Nations, Book II., Ch. ii., 1, 302. 2 Cunningham, II., 350. THE SCOTCH BANKING SYSTEM . I4 7 curtailing the discounts of a group of speculators who were dealing in accommodation paper drove all this class of busi ness to the new bank. The result was the over-issue of notes, which came back so rapidly upon the bank for re demption in coin that it was necessary to draw constantly upon London and to incur heavy expenses for commissions and interest. As Adam Smith describes the operations of the bank : When it was obliged to stop, it had in the circulation about £200,000 in bank-notes. In order to support the circulation of those notes, which were continually returning upon it as fast as they were issued it had been constantly in the practice of drawing bills of exchange upon London, of which the number and value were continually in creasing, and, when it stopped, amounted to upwards of £600,000. This bank, therefore, had in little more than the course of two years advanced to different people upwards of £800,000 at five per cent. Upon the £200,000, which it circulated in bank-notes, this five per cent, might perhaps be considered as clear gain, without any other deduction besides the expense of management. But upon upwards of ^600,000 for which it was continually drawing bills of exchange upon London, it was paying, in the way of interest and commission, upwards of eight per cent., and was, consequently, losing more than three per cent, upon more than three-fourths of all its dealings. The Ayr Bank was founded by a company which com prised the Duke of Hamilton and many other wealthy landed proprietors and it was supposed that their estates, which were pledged by the unlimited liability of the stockholders, would suffice to maintain the notes of the bank at par and supply it with coin. The failure of the experiment proved two of the essential principles of a banking currency—that 110 greater volume of notes can be maintained in circulation than the convenience of business requires, and that landed security is not the equivalent of coin in maintaining the re demption of notes on demand or the credit of a bank. The period of the operation of the Ayr Bank was one of exten sive speculation and large Scotch exports, but the apparent prosperity was brought to a sudden halt by the crisis of 1772, which began in London on June 10th, and caused a run upon 148 H ISTORY OF MODERN BAN KS OF ISSUE, the Edinburgh branch of the Ayr Bank just one week later. The bank continued its payments until June 25th, when it was compelled to suspend and its great mass of obligations was discredited. The Bank of Scotland was authorized in 1774 to double its capital stock, and began in this year the policy of establising branches which has become so striking a feature of Scotch banking. Efforts had been made in 1696 and again in 1731 to establish branches in Glasgow, Aberdeen, Dundee, and one or two other places, but in both instances proved unprofitable and were abandoned after a year or two. The capital of the Bank of Scotland was increased in 1784 to ^300,000, in 1792 to £600,000, in 1794 to ,£1,000,000, and in 1804 to £ i ,500,000, of which £ i y000,000, was paid in. The present paid up capital is £ i,250,000 and the nominal capital £ “1,875,000. The capital of the Royal Bank has been raised to £ “2,000,000, all of which has been paid in. The capital of the British Linen Company is £1,000,000, all paid in. The Commercial Bank was founded in 1810 as the bank ing institution of the Liberal party, with a paid-up capital of £1,000,000, which was strengthened later by a reserve fund of £400,000. The nominal capital is now £5,000,000. These four banks—the Bank of Scotland, the Royal Bank, the British Linen Company, and the Commercial Bank— are the oldest institutions now in existence. The other banks of issue which were in operation when the Act of 1845 forbade the extension of the system were for the most part founded as late as 1825, the date of the foundation of the existing National Bank of Scotland and the Abderdeen Town and County Bank. There were a few older institu tions which have since ceased to exist, among them being the Perth Banking Company, founded in 1766 and united with the Union Bank in 1857, an^ the Dundee Banking Company, founded in 1763 and united with the Royal Bank of Scotland in 1864. The strength of the Scotch banking system was illustrated by the events which followed the suspension of specie pay ments in England. The news reached Edinburgh on March THE SCOTCH BANKING SYSTEM . 149 i, 1797, and a meeting of the bank officers decided that it would be necessary for the Scotch banks to follow the example of the Bank of England. There were symptoms of a run for a few days, and the disappearance of specie led to the cut ting of £1 notes into quarters to afford a currency for small transactions.1 The Lord Provost called a meeting of the principal inhabitants, who resolved to support the credit of the banks and to receive their notes as specie. Banks which had been in the habit of issuing notes were allowed to issue notes for five shillings for a limited period and confidence quickly returned. No action was ever brought against the banks for their failure to pay specie, the notes were received as confidently as ever, and in a short time business activity was resumed and continued throughout the long Napoleonic wars. The banks, in the language of the report to the Lords in 1826, “ supported themselves from 1797 to 1812 without any protection from the restriction by which the Bank of England, and that of Ireland, were relieved from cash payments. ’’ The policy of the English Bank Act of 1844, to suppress the evils of speculation by restricting bank-note circulation, was extended to Scotland in 1845,2 hut several of the provi sions regarding the Scotch banks differ from those affecting the English banks. The banks of issue existing in Scot land at the time of the passing of the act were allowed to retain an authorized circulation equal to the average during the year ending on the 1st of May, 1845. They were also authorized to issue additional notes when fully covered by deposits of coin at the head office or principal place of issue. Not more than one-fifth of this coin deposit was to be in silver. The Scotch banks, therefore, stood upon an equality in issuing notes upon deposits of coin beyond the authorized limit, while the English banks except the Bank of England were absolutely limited. No new bank of issue could be founded, however, in Scotland. The authorized circulation of the Scotch banks, as ascertained under the new law, 1MacLeod, Theory of Credit, II., 601. 28 and 9 Victoria, c. 38. 150 H ISTORY OF M ODERN B A N K S Ob ISSUE . was £3,087,209. The limit of authorized circulation was reduced by the suspension of the Western Bank in 1857, which had an authorized limit of ,£337,938, and the similar suspension of the City of Glasgow Bank in 1878, which had an authorized limit of ^72,921. These reductions fixed the authorized circulation at £2,676,350, where it now stands. The union of two Scotch banks is permitted by the Act of 1845, and the retention of the aggregate circulation of both. Several unions of this kind have taken place without chan ging the limit of the authorized circulation for the Kingdom. The average circulation of the Scotch banks for the four weeks ending July 25, 1908, including that covered by coin, is shown in the following table : Circulation of the Scotch Banks. BA N K . AUTHORIZED CIRCULATION. Bank of Scotland................ ^ 343,418 Royal Bank of Scotland... 216,451 British Linen Company ... 438.024 Com! Bank of Scotland... 374,880 Nat. Bank of Scotland---- 297.024 Union Bank of Scotland... N. of Scotland Banking Co. 454,346 224,452 Clydesdale Banking Co.... 274,321 Total..................... 2, 676,350 A V E R A G E GOLD A V E R A G E CIR AND S ILV E R CULATION FOR H E LD FOR FOUR FOUR W E E K S W E E K S. 196,830 747.195 ^936,464 966,203 594.767 746,743 642,923 671,461 577.439 609,410 7,230,986 5, 745,410 1.037.057 844.659 957.335 802,561 918,225 727,124 The average circulation of these banks for February, 1914, was £7,190,931, of which ,£5,009,068 was in notes for less than ^5. The history of Scotch banking was comparatively unevent ful after the restrictive legislation of 1845, except for the two great failures of the Western Bank in 1857 and the City of Glasgow Bank in 1878. As these failures have sometimes been treated by the opponents of Scotch banking as an impeachment of its safety and success, they are worthy of some attention in detail. Both occurred in years when THE SCOTCH BANKING SYSTEM . other banking institutions and business houses in England and other parts of the world were collapsing, but both were the result of methods of banking so reckless and unsound that they had repeatedly received, before the failures, the condemnation of other Scotch bankers. The Western Bank was founded in 1832 and in the twenty-four years of its operation lost its entire capital of £1,500,000, and nearly as much more from its other assets. The Western Bank from the outset kept in London a reserve which was much inferior to that of other Scotch banks and was so small that its drafts were dishonored in 1834 by its London agents. The other Scotch banks thereupon refused its notes and remonstrated with it for its mismanagement. The directors notified the other banks on October 30, 1834, that they had resolved to invest in marketable securities a sum sufficient to secure themselves in the future, to lessen their discounts, and to keep sufficient funds to meet their obligations. The chartered banks, upon this pledge, advanced ,£100,000 to the Western Bank to enable them to purchase the proposed securities. But the management of the Western Bank soon forgot their promises and returned to their former method of business. These methods were so objectionable that when they applied to the Board of Trade in 1838 for a grant of letters patent, the other banks presented a joint memorial against the grant. This memorial declared that Scotland, during the periodical convulsions among the banks of Eng land, which had led to the failure of several hundreds, had for the most part maintained a state of general tranquillity. The memorial continued: The cause of this is notoriously owing, first, to the large capital employed in the Scotch banks, and, second, to the system of admin istration adopted. Capital alone, as has been recently experienced in England, by extending the scale of operations, may only increase the mischief. In the like manner a numerous proprietary, consti tuting a protection to the public against eventual loss, may, by adding to the credit, add to the power of such an institution for evil. The safeguard of the Scotch system has been the uniform practice adopted of retaining a large portion of the capital and deposits invested in government securities, capable of being converted into money, at all 152 H ISTO RY OF MODERN BAN KS OF ISSUE. times and under all circumstances. This requires a sacrifice, because the rate of interest is small, and, in times of difficulty, the sale in volves a loss, but it has given the Scotch banks absolute security, and enabled them to pass unhurt through periods of great discredit. . . . The Western Bank was established in the year 1832, and the prin ciple on which it has avowedly acted has been to employ as much as possible of its capital and assets in discounts and loans, retaining only the cash necessary to meet its current engagements. . . . It will be quite apparent that a bank that can employ its whole funds in this manner is enabled either to divide a larger share of profits than its competitors, or to do business 011 more favorable term s; and we repeat, that if the only consequence of this was to increase or diminish the dividends of the rival establishments, it would be of comparatively small importance, but in its results it endangers the existence of every bank in the country and the fortunes of a large portion of the community. We feel that, if letters patent shall be granted to this bank, after what has passed, it will be a public sanc tion and countenance of a new and mischievous principle, opposed to the banking system of Scotland. The charter was not granted and as the result of keeping such small reserves in London the Western Bank was again in trouble in 1847. The bank was then compelled to bor row £300,000 of the Bank of England in November and December, wrhich it repaid in March, 1848. A somewhat more cautious policy was pursued until 1852, when the dis counts of the bank were £13,525,332 and the re-discounts were ^407,143. The bank even at this time had £356,000 in overdue bills and held a number of life insurance policies as security for dead loans, on which it was paying the premiums. A reckless policy of re-discounting was begun in 1852 which expanded the re-discounts in 1856 to ,£5,407,363 with ordinary discounts of £*20,410,884. The most alarming feature of the bank’s affairs, however, was loans to four firms which reached an aggregate of ,£1,603,725. The character of the bills discounted for these firms is shown by the fact that of ,£402,716 in bills of Macdonald £*398,349 were dishonored at maturity, and the results for the other three firms were only a little better. The books of the bank were examined, soon after the general meeting in June, lg57> by request of the directors and it was found that bad THE SCOTCH BANKING SYSTEM . 153 debts to the amount of ,£573,000 were carried as good assets and that the advances to shareholders amounted to ,£988,487. It was found that the four firms to which such immense ad vances had been made had been dealing in accommodation paper and that the Macdonalds drew upon 124 acceptors, of whom only 37 had been inquired about and 21 were reported as extremely bad. The banks stopped the accounts of these firms, which immediately failed, and a panic resulted 011 the Stock Exchange on October iotli. Depositors began to withdraw their accounts, the bank was unable to settle its balances through the clearing house and on Monday, No vember 9th, closed its doors. The collapse of the City of Glasgow Bank in 1878 was similar in its character to that of the Western Bank twenty one years earlier and was due to similar causes. The City of Glasgow Bank was compelled to stop temporarily in 1857 and continued to be suspected of reckless management from that time until its failure. The institution had fallen into such discredit early in 1878 that the bill brokers generally asked and received an extra quarter or half of one per cent, over the market rate charged other banks in discounting its acceptances.1 Distrust finally came to a head in September, 1878, when the London banks found increasing difficulty in getting rid of acceptances sent them by their correspondents in India and ordered their agents in the East to buy no more such paper. The directors of the City of Glasgow Bank appealed to the other Scotch banks for help towards the close of the month and an expert accountant was set to work upon their books. A slight examination showed that nearly ;£6,ooo,ooo had been lent to four firms and that the books had been deliberately falsified for not less than three years. The other banks declined to give any assistance and the City of Glasgow Bank stopped payments on Wednesday, October 2d. The news was received very quietly in Scot land and the other Scotch banks announced that the notes of the failed bank would continue to be accepted as usual. They also made an arrangement by which relief was given 1 Gilbart, II., 365- 154 H ISTORY OF M ODERN BANKS OF ISSUE . to depositors who were hampered by the locking up of their money pending the settlement of the bank’s affairs. The heaviest burden of loss fell upon the shareholders, whose liability was unlimited under the law then in force. The liquidators were compelled to institute a number of suits to fasten the liability fully upon the shareholders and to defeat attempts to transfer stock. Having adjusted the list, they made a call for £500 for every ;£ioo of stock held, and subsequently made another call for £2250 per share of ,£100. The result of the first call, of which the nominal amount was £*4,200,000, resulted in receipts of £*2,409,066 at the end of the second year of the liquidation, October 22, 1880. The nominal amount of the second call was £7,814,000, upon shareholders who were still solvent, and the amount realized was ,£3,405,452. The result of these two calls, with a sum of ,£5,851,657 realized from the assets, enabled the payment of seventeen shillings in the pound within less than two years and payment in full was made within little more than a year, with the help of an advance from the other Scotch banks, to creditors willing to forego interest on their claims. While the creditors thus lost almost nothing, the great majority of the shareholders were absolutely ruined. The majority expressed their purpose at the first meeting on October 22, 1878, to keep faith with their creditors, and they kept the pledge so well that when the two calls had been made the holders of only ,£88,722 out of the capital of ,£1,000,000 remained solvent. Criminal proceedings for the falsification of the books were begun against the directors and they were given short terms of imprisonment. T he. narrative of the transformation of the unlimited banks of Great Britain into limited companies relates to English banking so far as it affects some of the great English joint stock banks, but it belongs more properly to the history of Scotch banking in its origin and in its relations with im portant banks of issue. The agitation of the subject was the direct result of the terrible losses suffered by the stock holders of the City of Glasgow Bank because of their unlim ited liability for the obligations of the bank. The law of THE SCOTCH BANKING SYSTEM . England, which prevailed in Scotland after the union, pre sumed and enforced unlimited liability upon corporations except in the cases where special charters had been granted. There was much opposition to extending the principle of limited liability to private partnerships, but a statute of !855 (Chapter 133) finally authorized the formation of joint stock companies under such conditions. Joint stock banks were excluded from the operation of this law and the exclu sion was continued in the joint stock banking act of 1857. The failures of that year led to an enactment of 1858,1 which admitted banks to the privileges of limited liability so far as concerned their general obligations. Banks issuing promis sory notes, however, were liable for the amount of the notes, without limitation, in addition to the sum for which they might be liable to general creditors. This act was merely permissive and required banking companies which took advantage of it to give thirty days’ notice to each customer and after registering under the act to post conspicuously at their offices, on February 1st and August 1st of each year, a statement of their liabilities and assets. The Act of 1858 would have averted the hardships of the stockholders in the City of Glasgow Bank if they had taken advantage of its provisions before the failure. The three older Scotch banks, however, held special charters which limited their liability and the others, aside from the natural indisposition to revise their constitutions, feared that the effect would be injurious to their credit. Thus matters remained until the collapse of the City of Glasgow Bank. Investments in bank shares were recognized by the law courts in Scotland as a legitimate investment of trust funds, but the trustees were personally liable for the calls made by the banks as well as to their clients, and many were ruined by the failure. A steady selling of shares began all over England and Scotland, by the prudent as well as those who were carried away by the flurry of the moment.2 The shares of the three senior Scotch banks declined about ^55 on an 1 Statute 1858, c. 91. 2 Gilbart, II., 39^. I 56 H ISTORY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE . average, while the shares of the unlimited banks fell about £ 9 °The subject of permitting banking with limited liability under different conditions from those imposed by the Act cf 1858 was brought up in Parliament and the government 011 April 21,1879, introduced a bill for the purpose. The act be came law 1after a good deal of controversy and authorized the increase of capital stock by an amount equal to existing shares or some multiple of their value, and liable to be called up only in case the company was wound up. This constituted a reserve liability, which placed a definite fund within the reach of a failed bank without requiring assessments upon the shareholders to the full amount of the liabilities. The principal of unlimited liability was retained in regard to note issues by corporations whose original charters were unlimited. Most of the leading English banks and the unlimited Scotch banks soon registered under the new law. It was feared that the adoption of limited liability would result in a reduction of deposits, but this fear was discovered to be unfounded and deposits materially increased in the limited banks within the next few years. The banks gener ally adopted the policy of increasing their reserve funds by setting aside a part of the profits, but the reserve funds themselves are a source of profit in the revenue derived from the securities in which they are invested. It was found, moreover, by some of the English joint stock banks that a better class of shareholders, of undoubted responsibility, were attracted by the limited principle where men of straw with out other visible assets had begun to acquire title to the stock when the liability was unlimited.2 The three senior Scotch banks possessed the privilege of limited liabilitj^ in respect to both note issues and general liabilities. They desired in 1881 to increase their capital and to issue additional stock under the conditions of the limited companies.8 The bills which they proposed were at first 1 42 and 43 Victoria, c., 76. 2 Loudon Bankers' Magazine, June, 1892, LIU., 897. 3 The chartered banks had occasion to point out, in the course of THE SCOTCH BANKING SYSTEM . 157 favorably received in Parliament, but after passing a second reading in the House of Lords were opposed by the govern ment. Conferences and correspondence ensued which brought out some rather startling statements as to the policy of the government towards the Scotch note issues. Several of the objections made to the proposed bills were completely demolished by the representatives of the banks, and the government several times shifted their position. The gov ernment at first objected to legislation by private bill and suggested that the grant of new privileges in recent years to corporations had been accompanied by a review of those already possessed. They declared they were determined to oppose the grant of new powers if the three banks continued to ask for them accompanied by limited liability for notes. The banks promptly offered to cover their note issue by government securities to the amount of the circulation authorized by the Act of 1845 and by coin to the amount of the excess. The government then suddenly forgot their solicitude for the security of the circulation and intimated that they would give the banks a lease of the right of note issue for a fixed term, subject to a moderate royalty. This was an important indication of public policy, for it grew out of the theory that the right of note issue was peculiarly an attribute of the state. It was based upon a measure dealing with English banks of issue which had been brought before Parliament by Lord Palmerston in 1865, but never became law. The government emphasized their leaning towards state note issues by an alternative proposi tion which they submitted,—that the banks join them in considering the terms upon which a state issue of notes, conducted through the agency of all the banks, and main taining the £1 circulation, might be introduced into Scot land in place of the existing circulation. The banks replied the discussion which followed, that there were legal difficulties which were almost insuperable against extending unlimited liability for ex isting note issues to their shareholders, but they expressed their will ingness to adopt other safeguards for the ultimate redemption of the notes.— Gilbart, II., 414. 158 H ISTORY OF MODERN BAN KS OF ISSUE . at length, declining these propositions. They did not care to take a lease of rights which they declared were already theirs and had been exercised under express grants from the Crown or from Parliament for from 135 years, in the case of the youngest, to 186 years in the case of the oldest of the three banks. A state issue of notes, they declared, would not be acceptable to the people of Scotland, who would suffer more than the banks from the closing of many of the branches and the diminution of banking facilities which would be the necessary consequence. The right of the Scotch banks to maintain their branches in England became a subject of active controversy in 1875, when Mr. Goschen introduced a bill in the House of Com mons prohibiting such branches. The National Bank of Scotland had established a London branch in 1865 and the Bank of Scotland in 1872, and Mr. Goschen himself had carried through a bill permitting the Royal Bank to do so in 1873. It was the opening by the Clydesdale Bank of branches in Northern England which aroused the hostility of the Eng lish banks.1 Mr. Goschen’s bill resulted in a commission, which made no recommendations, and the matter was dropped. A new attempt was made to drag the limitation upon Scotch banking into the limited liability act of 1879. It was em bodied in the eighth section of the original government bill and prohibited limited companies from establishing branches outside that part of the Kingdom in which they had their head offices. The Scotch banks were immediately up in arms against this provision and the government were finally persuaded to abandon it. They attempted a flank move ment, by cutting down the operations of the bill to the joint stock banks of England, entirely excluding Scotland and Ireland. This was to defeat one of the most important pur poses of the bill and the friends of the Scotch banks declared that they would not permit it to pass in such a form. The government were finally compelled to give way and permit its passage in a form applicable to the entire United King1 Macl^eod, Theory and Practice o f Banking , II, 397. THE SCOTCH BANKING SYSTEM . 159 dom and without any limitations upon the power of the Scotch banks to establish their branches in London. The essential features of the Scotch system of banking have been freedom of note issues, the use of small notes, and cash credits. The great achievements of the system with these elements may be summed up thus: 1. It has provided Scotland with an elastic currency, adapted to the condition of her industries and adequate in volume to their changing needs. 2. It has enabled the people to carry on numerous com mercial and agricultural transactions for which they could not have found the necessary quantity of coin and has econo mized the locking up of capital in the precious metals. 3. It has made the use of notes of small denominations familiar and popular and has taught the people the distinc tion between bank-notes as the representatives of credit and the precious metals as the measures of value. 4. It has brought into active use the available savings and capital of the country. 5. It has afforded an opportunity for entering upon busi ness to thousands of poor but honest men and enabled them to lay the foundation of a comfortable home and in many cases of a fortune. 6. It has convinced the people so conclusively of the value and safety of the banking currency system that no serious panic has ever lasted beyond a few days or has ever affected any of the banks except those which were justly the subject of distrust. I. The first proposition, that the Scotch banking system has provided the country with an elastic and adequate cur rency, is strictly applicable only to the period between 1765, when payment of notes on demand was made obligatory by law, and 1845, when the volume of authorized circulation was arbitrarily limited. The limitation imposed in 1845 could not be seriously objected to at that time, because it left the authorized circulation at the amount then existing. The moderate demands of changing seasons for an increased vol ume of circulation could easily be met by issues of notes l6o H ISTORY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE. against coin, since it would be highly improbable and impru dent that any bank should be without a small supply of coin which might be made available for such a purpose. This view of the matter is based, however, upon the theory that the population and trade of Scotland were to remain station ary or to decline, as actually happened to the population of Ireland. An advancing population and volume of trade must gradually feel the fetters cramping the flesh of com merce and this has been to some extent the experience of Scotland. “ The only effect of this law,” upon the banks, according to M. Courcelle-Seneuil, “ has been to limit their productive power, in condemning them to keep in reserve a considerable sum without necessity.” 1 Protests against the operation of the Act of 1845 have been frequently made by the Scotch chambers of commerce and experience has seemed to justify the early criticism of Mr. Gilbart. “ that restric tions upon banks are taxes upon the public.” 2 But Scot land had already passed the point in 1845 where free banking was of supreme importance to her industrial development. Limitations upon her circulation might hamper the opera tions and reduce the profits of the banks, but they could not unlearn the lessons in saving and in the use of banking facilities which had been taught by a century of free banking. The Scotch circulation has continued to fluctuate in some degree according to the seasons, the lowest point being reached in March and the highest in November. The ad vance, however, is not steady from March to November, but rises to a high point in May and then falls slightly until the advance sets in which culminates in the autumn. May and November are the months when the interest on mortgages is usually settled, annuities are paid, the country people take the interest on their deposits, and servants receive their wages. It was the custom during the first half of the pres ent century to settle all such transactions by bank-notes. This made it easier for the banks to keep their accounts than under the system of drawing odd amounts in checks ; for a 1 Traitk des Operations de Banque, 298. 2 History, Principlesy and Practice of Banking, II., 182. THE SCOTCH BANKING SYSTEM . l6 l depositor having payments to make would draw out the en tire sum in notes, would receive his payments during the day in the same form, and would deposit the net proceeds again in one sum in notes at the close of the day. The use of checks has now become more general, but does not prevent the rise and fall of the circulation in the autumn and spring as formerly.1 The elasticity and security of the Scotch circulation are assured by the daily exchange of notes through the Edin burgh clearing house. The settlements for notes were un dertaken at an early date by the Bank of Scotland and the Royal Bank, on each alternate month and are made by exchange drafts on London. A bank which cannot meet the test of these settlements is driven to suspension, as happened to the Western Bank in 1857. The daily ex changes by notes are the great regulator of the paper cur rency and by their means, according to the admission of one of the most radical opponents of free banking, “ the average circulation of Scotch bank-notes is reduced to a term of a few days. ’’8 Notes which are not demanded by the con venience of trade quickly come back to the banks as deposits on current account and are returned through the exchanges to the issuing bank to be retired and cancelled. II. The proposition that the banking currency of Scotland has enabled her people to carry on numerous transactions for which they could not well have found the necessary quantity of coin, was abundantly demonstrated by the testi mony before the committees of Parliament which made re ports upon the subject in 1826. The Act of 1845 was n°t successful, according to Mr. Gilbart, “ in imparting to the people of Scotland a taste for gold.” The circulation of notes, with the profit which the banks derived from circula tion, was necessary to maintain the existing banking system and afford accommodation to the Scotch people. The banks have never issued the gold except upon demand or for spe cial purposes. When it has become necessary to increase 1 Gilbart, II., 178. 8Wolowski, La Banque d'Angleterre, etc., 515. 162 B tS T O R Y OF MODERN & AN KS OF ISSUE. the circulation beyond the limit imposed by the gold in hand, they have quietly brought the gold from London to Edinburgh and kept it locked up in the vaults of the bank until the necessity for it was at an end. The amount of gold kept in the Scotch banks prior to the legislation of 1845 was but a small percentage of their obligations, but was large enough to maintain their solvency and supply the yellow metal when demanded for export or other special uses. The specie holdings for the four weeks ending Janu ary 3, 1846, just after the act took effect, were only ^1,180,. 406, or less than half a pound sterling per capita, against a circulation of £3,336,409. The specie had increased for the four weeks ending March 5, 1864, to ,£2,337,459 against a circulation of £*3,996,743; and for the four weeks ending October 5, 1895, to £ “5,521,437 against a circulation of ^7,054,197, at which amount it has substantially remained. III. The use of small notes has also been of enormous advantage to the people of Scotland, and has produced none of the dangerous results to the stability of the currency which have sometimes been predicted in other countries when small notes have been proposed. The benefits of issuing notes for £1 were fully set forth in the testimony before the committees of the two houses of Parliament in 1826. Mr. Robert Paul, the Secretary to the Commercial Bank, summed up some of the evils of abolishing small notes by declaring that it would require the reduction of the num ber of branches, because of the increased expense in the transmission of gold; the withdrawal of cash accounts, be cause they would no longer accomplish the end for which they were granted,—the maintenance of the small note cir culation and the profits derived from it by the banks; and the reduction of the rate of interest paid on deposits, because it would be necessary to keep a very large stock of gold and to keep it wholly unproductive. A letter written by an agent of the Renfrewshire Bank at Greenock to the manager, Mr. Roger Aytoun, set forth in an even more striking manner the absolute paralysis which would fall upon many transactions by the adoption of a gold THE SCOTCH BANKING SYSTEM . 163 currency and the abolition of notes under £5. Cattle dealers in the country markets, he pointed out, often purchased two or three hundred beasts, reaching an aggregate value of several hundred pounds, but they purchased them by the single animal, at a price ranging from £2 to £4, from the farmers who brought them to market. It would be neces sary, if £1 notes were abolished, for them to come to market loaded with gold and silver, and the difficulty of obtaining it from the banks would be increased by the fact that the banks derived no profit from its circulation. Grain was bought up, it was pointed out, in much the same manner and the herring fisheries, which often amounted at Iyochfine alone to the value of ,£40,000 in a single season, were brought in by a thousand boats, whose catch for a night was generally under £5. “ If small notes are superseded, and gold substituted,’’ continued the letter, “ it is not easy to see how the supply of gold is to be kept up to carry on the business and transactions of this country. Should a quan tity of it be received into the circulation, it would not re main long, but find its way into the banks, who will not again give it out in bills as they do their notes, and it will immediately become a scarce article in the country. A per son, then, having to pay in small sums, will on every such occasion be obliged to send his large notes to the bank that issued them, perhaps a hundred miles off, to receive gold and silver in their place, to answer his purpose.” The evi dence was so overwhelming of the value of the small note system that even Sir Robert Peel and the extreme advocates of the currency principle were convinced of the serious in jury which its abolition would do in Scotland and both the committees of the Lords and the Commons recommended the postponement of the measure. IV. The fourth advantage of the Scotch currency system, that it has brought into active use the available savings and capital of the country, is due to the system of allowing inter est on deposits. This is hardly practicable except under freedom of note issues, because no other system would afford the banks sufficient profit to pay a rate of interest attractive 164 H ISTO RY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE . to capital. The early regulations permitted deposits for any amount above ^10, subject to withdrawal at the will of the depositor and bearing interest from the day of deposit until the day of withdrawal. This system was supplemented by the provident banks, which received deposits of small sums until they amounted to ^10. It was the ambition of the Scotch domestic, fisherman, and agricultural laborer to ac cumulate enough for a bank deposit during a half year or a year and add it to the principal and interest which he had already earned. When this sum accumulated sufficiently to enable the depositor to buy or build a house, or to set up as a master in the trade in which he had been a servant, it would be drawn in bank-notes, which would continue to afford profit to the bank until returned by some other depositor. The system thus stimulated greatly the frugality and savings of the poor, and did much to accumulate in Scotland a capi tal capable of developing her agriculture and manufactures.1 It has not been merely as savings banks, however, that the Scotch banks have contributed to bring into the circle of active industry the entire capital of the country. The wide diffusion of branches under the Scotch banking system places a bank account within the reach of every small trader. The result, in connection with the interest allowed on de posits, has been to create a much greater number of deposit accounts from small tradesmen than in any other country. The facility of banking and the advantage of earning inter est have tempted the Scotch tradesman to keep his spare cash in hand at the lowest minimum and to deposit his entire sur plus in the bank. The payment of interest thus acts as a direct check upon excessive issues by bringing the notes back to the bank for deposit. The advocates of the Scotch 1 The proof of the large savings of the Scotch people and their gen eral use of banking facilities may be found in the bank returns for the United Kingdom for 1907 published on pp. 133-34, in Chapter V. These returns show that, in spite of the enormous wealth and bank ing business concentrated in the City of London, the deposit liabilities of the Scotch banks, divided by the population of Scotland, show a per-capita average of about ^26, while those of England subjected to a like process show an average of about ^24. THE SCOTCH BANKING SYSTEM . banking system blame the English banks for their failure to invite the available capital of the country into their coffers by the payment of interest.1 If a Scotch banker issues a quantity of notes, he feels assured that nearly all of them will be paid into some bank in the course of the day. There was a competition among issuers, before the Act of 1845, but it was under the restraint of the theoretical rule of free banking, that the notes come back to the bank whenever they are issued in excess. Many of the English banks, however, have discouraged deposits and active accounts by charging a commission when the accounts were operated upon. Deposit accounts and the payment of interest have thus operated at once to bring within the circle of productive in dustry every possible fraction of available capital, but they have operated also to apply constantly to the banks the touchstone of a sound and scientific currency,—the redemp tion and cancellation of their notes. These results could not be accomplished without the wide diffusion of branches. In spite of amalgamations, which dispensed with many old branches, the total number of offices increased from 812 in 1872 to 1256 in 1913, or an office to 3790 inhabitants. The methods by which they have accomplished such results, moreover, are not, in the language of M. Courcelle-Seneuil, “ the exercise of a blind routine, the setting in motion of a sort of mechanism ; they have been the employment of an enlightened judgment in their loans, the exercise of a high intelligence applied to business.” The Scotch system of branches results in an even distribution of capital by with drawing it from points where it is not needed and concentrat ing it where it is needed. The branches in the agricultural districts usually accumulate more capital than is needed within their own circuits and transfer it to the manufactur ing districts, which are able to employ nearly all the capital they can obtain. This system kept capital within the coun try and the payment of interest on deposits contributed to deter the Scotch people from the reckless investments which 1 Gilbart, II., 201. l66 H ISTORY OF MODERN B AN KS OF ISSUE . have absorbed so many millions of English, French, and American money. It was predicted, when the regulation of note issues was applied to the Scotch banks in 1845, that the result would be the reduction of the interest paid on deposits, and this pre diction has been verified by events. A part of this reduction has undoubtedly been due to the accumulation of capital and the fall in its price in the money markets of the world, but a part is due to the increased cost of banking under the Act of 1845. A radical departure was taken from the old methods of Scotch banking, when the banks by a circular of October 1,1892, gave notice that after that date the allowance of interest on creditor balances of current accounts would be discontinued.1 No distinction was made in regard to the rate of interest, at the time of the Act of 1845 and for some years after, between deposit accounts and credit balances of current accounts. The rate allowed was the same on the two classes of accounts and seldom fell so low as two per cent. The rate in force on deposits for several years was one and a half per cent, and this was reduced in January, 1895, to one per cent. These low rates have destroyed much of the motive for depositing idle capital in the banks, and have driven the Scotch people to send their money to Australia and seek other and less secure investments than those which they formerly obtained at home by simply depositing their surplus in their current accounts with the banks. V. The fifth great advantage of the Scotch banking sys tem, that it has afforded an opportunity for entering upon business to thousands of poor but honest young men, is due chiefly to the system of cash credits. The Royal Bank found, soon after its organization, that it had more capital than it could employ in ordinary commercial operations on bills of exchange within the narrow circle of Scotch com merce. The result was the adoption of the system of cash credits for the promotion of agriculture and industry. The system consists in giving an open credit, or drawing account, to a customer who is vouched for by two or more trustworthy 1 London Bankers' Magazine, April, 1893, LV., 577< THE SCOTCH BANKING SYSTEM . 167 persons. A cash credit of £100 authorizes the person in whose favor it is granted to draw upon the bank for that amount, but he is not usually expected to draw the entire sum at once and is charged with interest only on the amount actually drawn and not repaid at any given time. The sys tem differs, therefore, from the discounting of a bill of ex change in the fact that the money can be drawn piece-meal instead of in bulk and interest is charged only upon the por tion of the loan actually outstanding. If payments are made from time to time into the bank, they are credited and the interest charged is reduced. The persons who vouch for the holder of the cash credit are called cautioners or sureties. A cash credit, therefore, is in the nature of permission to overdraw an account up to a fixed limit. Cash credits are rarely given for sums below £100 and generally range from £200 to £500. The banks prefer these small sums, but sometimes grant such credits for £1000 or even larger sums. Payments upon these credits are made in the notes of the bank, which are thus kept in active circulation. Such a credit is not allowed to lapse into a dead loan of the aggre gate amount, but it is expected that payments will inter mingle with drafts upon it. It is intended as a working capital for men of good character engaged in trade or agri culture. It has the advantage over the ordinary method of loans by discount, not only that it is more economical to the borrower, but that it keeps within the control of the bank all sums not in active business use. The holder of a cash credit is not only benefited by paying into his account all the cash which he may receive from day to day, but he reduces the bank's outstanding loans by that amount and enables it to increase them in other directions. The advantage of this system to Scotch industry has been incalculable, measured not only in shillings and pounds to the borrower, but in the stimulus which it has given to the thrift, frugality, honesty, and morality of the people. The two cautioners keep an eye upon the young man for whom they have vouched, have a right to know the state of his ac counts, and if they find that bis business is badly conducted, 168 H ISTORY OF MODERN B AN KS OF ISSUE. they can withdraw their security and authorize the bank to call in the loan. The losses on cash credits have been tri fling throughout the entire history of Scotch banking. Cash credits have been granted to manufacturers and large employ ers and to the trustees of great public works, as well as to young men setting up in business and to farmers desiring money in anticipation of the sale of their crops. Many dis tinguished Scotch manufacturers have testified that the sys tem of cash credits was the foundation of their success in life. Mr. Monteith, a member of Parliament who testified before the Committee of the House of Commons in 1826, de clared that he was then a manufacturer employing 4000 hands and that, except for the merest trifle of capital which was lent to him, and which he soon paid off, he began the world with nothing but a cash credit. The testimony before the same committee showed that upon one cash credit of ^500 there were operations to the amount of ,£70,000 in a single year, and one witness stated that during twenty-one years in a country bank of moderate size operations took place to the amount of ^90,000,000 and that there had been but one loss of ^200 on a single account and that the whole loss' of the bank during the entire period did not exceed ^ 1200/ VI. The confidence which has been produced among the Scotch people in the system of a banking currency as maintained by their banks was illustrated in a remarkable manner at the time of the failures of the Western Bank in 1857 and the City of Glasgow Bank in 1878. The run upon the Western Bank began on Tuesday, October 13, 1857, an& continued for three days, but during that entire period the bank paid away only about ^36,000, in coin, and for the entire month from October 10th to November 7th only ^44,000. Deposits were drawn out to the amount of ^1,280,000, but in nearly every case the depositors were willing to accept the notes of the bank and when it suspended operations the notes in circulation were still ^720,000. The heaviest pressure upon the bank came after 1 MacLeod, Theory and Pratice o f Banking , I., 347. THE SCOTCH BANKING SYSTEM . 169 the announcement that it would receive support from the other Edinburgh banks on condition of winding up. This pressure came, not from any demand for gold, but from large tradesmen who transferred their accounts to other banks in order to establish banking relations for the future.1 The bank was unable to settle the heavy exchanges which were thus created against it in the settlement with the associated banks. It was not until Sunday, November 8th, that the other banks resolved to refuse the notes of the Western Bank in consequence of its inability to settle its exchanges, and the de mand for gold became more marked on Monday and Tuesday. The Western Bank closed on Monday and a genuine panic was directed for a day and a half against the City of Glasgow Bank, because it had been guilty of the same negligence as the Western Bank regarding the keeping of its reserve in Iyondon. The bank was obliged to close on Wednesday, but the demand for gold was almost entirely confined to depositors and very few note-holders came forward to demand payment of their notes. Large remittances of gold arrived from London on Wednesday and Thursday, the run on the banks ended on Wednesday afternoon, and the people seemed to retain the same confidence as ever in the other banks and received the notes even of the Western Bank when the other banks agreed to again receive them. When the City of Glasgow Bank failed in 1878, it was only necessary for the other banks to announce that they would continue to receive its notes, as usual, to put an end to all uneasiness on the score of the notes. If the banks on these occasions had not been allowed to issue notes, the entire demand for 1 The same tendency to substitute the note obligations of the bank for a deposit account was shown in British North America after the failure of the Commercial Bank of Manitoba on July 3, 1893. The reason in this case for preferring notes was the fact that they were made by the Canadian banking act of 1890 a perfectly secured first lien upon the assets. The banks receiving these notes were willing to hold them for a time, at the request of the liquidator, because they bore six per cent interest until paid.— Breckenridge, 394-95. 170 H ISTORY OF MODERN BA N K S OF ISSUE. the withdrawal of deposits must have been met in coin and would have put a heavy pressure upon the coin reserves. But the small notes were readily received, the deposit ac counts of the solvent banks were not assailed and the Scotch banking system retained as completely as ever the confidence of the people. The history of Scotch banking has been comparatively uneventful in recent years. The reduction of the interest paid on deposits and the investment of a large share of Scotch banking assets in London tended to prevent the rapid growth of resources and to assimilate the operations of the Scotch banks to those of other British joint-stock banks. The crisis of 1907, however, enabled the banks to increase their rate of interest on deposits temporarily to four per cent., which drew back some depositors.1 The depre ciation of consols, which caused losses to nearly all British banks, was responsible in part for the first banking amal gamation in Scotland since 1868. This was the absorption in 1907 by the Bank of Scotland of the Caledonian Bank. The latter, the smallest of the surviving Scotch banks of issue, with deposits of about >61,350,000, had been since 1878 working in harmony with the larger institution, but had not been conspicuously successful. The merger made the total assets of the Bank of Scotland at the close of 1907 ^21,955,629, and put it at the head of all Scotch banks in magnitude of resources. The Bank of Scotland added the authorized note issue of the Caledonian Bank, which was ,£53,434, to own previous issue 0^343,418.* Another merger, in March, 1908, absorbed the Town and County Bank into the North of Scotland Bank, and reduced the number of banks in Scotland to eight. The authorized issue of the Town and County Bank was >670,133, and its assets on January 1, 1908, were ,£3,905,256.8 Bankers' Magazine 1 London , February, 1908, LXXXV., 230. 9 August, 1907, LXXXIV., 170-72. 3 April, 1908, LXXXV., 634. Ibid.) Ibid., C H A P T E R V II. B A N K IN G IN IR E L A N D . The Effect of Political and Economic Misfortunes—The Early Bankers and the Foundation of the Bank of Ireland—The Provincial Bank and Other Banks of Issue— The Collapse of the Agricultural and Tipperary Banks— The Act of 1845 and Present Conditions. I RELAND has had almost as varied an experience in banking as in the political fortunes of her people and her banking history has been affected more or less unfavorably by the agitated condition of the country. The policy of England towards Ireland was distinctly selfish during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Irish agriculture was crushed by the importation of bounty-paid wheat from England and Irish manufactures were stifled by countervailing duties intended to prevent their competition with English goods.1 The linen trade was almost the only one which was allowed some degree of prosperity, upon the theory that it was better for England to draw her linen supply from a dependency than to pay foreign coun tries for it. This policy was changed from 1782 to 1800, while Ireland had an independent parliament, for the policy of large bounties and protective duties, and for a brief period Irish industry started forward by leaps and bounds under this artificial stimulus. But the country soon felt the heavy cost of the bounty system and prosperity began to decline before the union with Great Britain. The economic history of Ireland then became a part of that of England, and a reasonable degree of progress was made up to the time of Cunningham, II., 298,523. 171 172 H ISTORY OF MODERN B AN KS OF ISSUE. the potato famine in 1846. That event caused a loss of pop ulation by starvation and immigration which has never been recovered. Absentee landlordism also has been a permanent source of loss to the country by the large amount of produce and money annually sent abroad in payment for rents. The fact that bank deposits have increased and that Ireland has retained within her limits a large fund of gold and silver, in spite of these obstacles to her progress, is high evidence of the productive and thrifty character of the Irish people and the sound judgment of their bankers. The earliest banking in Ireland seems to have been done by brokers or intermediaries, who brought borrowers and lenders together for a consideration. The business of issuing promissory notes against deposits of coin gradually grew up among the goldsmiths and tradesmen, who carried it on in addition to their regular callings. These notes were given a legal status as negotiable instruments by an Act of 1709, which made them assignable and transferable by endorsement. There were no banking laws to prevent fraud and failure, and the losses by the failure of banks or exchangers was estimated as early as 1682 at having been ,£50,000 within a few years.1 The Act of 1709 gave the power to protest in land as well as foreign bills and promissory notes for nonacceptance or non-payment. The Irish House of Commons acted as a court of bankruptcy and a special act of Parlia ment was necessary for the liquidation of the affairs of an insolvent institution. The first act of the kind on record is in 1721, which was passed for the relief of the creditors of Mead and Curtis, a Dublin firm which had suspended on June 14, 1727. A bill for the relief of Burton and Falkiner of Dublin was passed in 1733 but the final legislation re garding the affairs of this firm was not passed until 1757. The firm had acted as bankers for the government and their failure seems to have been due to their large holdings of landed property, which could not be turned into cash when needed. A series of failures took place in 1755 and 1756, which led billon, 17. BANKING IN IRELAND. 173 to the appointment of a select committee of the House of Commons to make an inquiry. They reported that credit had suffered by the setting up of persons as bankers with out sufficient capital, and recommended that bankers be required to register the real and personal estate which they proposed to hold as security for the payment of their liabili ties, that the names of the issuing bankers be stated on bank notes, that bankers should not be permitted to trade as merchants, and that it should be made a felony without benefit of clergy for cashiers or clerks to embezzle money in excess of £*50. The committee also recommended the cancellation of notes at the time of payment. These recom mendations, except that regarding the registration of security, were embodied into law in 1755 (29 George II., c. 16). This act did not entirely revive credit and four important banking failures took place in 1758 and in 1760. The first was that of Clements, Malone, and Gore, a firm established on July 3, 1758, which closed its doors on November 1st, of the same year. This firm issued deposit notes payable to bearer on seven days’ notice with interest at the rate of ten pence per week for every ^100 (two and one-sixth per cent, per annum). The deposits obtained were larger than were expected and were invested largely in land, but the depositors soon began to demand repayment of their notes and as cash could not be obtained the firm was obliged to suspend.1 Three of the six large banking firms in Dublin suspended in 1760 and the others refused to discount bills and practi cally suspended business. Among the firms which remained solvent was that of Messrs. La Touche and Co., which began business in 1725 and survived as a banking house until its fusion with the Munster Bank in 1878. The financial con dition of the country and the state of credit were in such a situation that a meeting of the merchants of Dublin was held in April, 1760, which made an appeal to Parliament for relief. A committee of inquiry was named by the House which reported on April 23, 1760, that the quantity of paper in circulation was insufficient to carry on trade and manufac 1 Dillon, 23. 174 H ISTORY OF MODERN B A N K S OF I$SUE. tures, and recommended support for the three surviving banks to the amount of .£50,000 each. This recommenda tion was adopted and the notes of these bankers were received as cash in the subscription for a loan which was then being raised. The failure of Sir George Colebrook, Bart., and Company, London bankers who had opened a branch in Dublin, in 1764, was the cause of another panic in 1770 which led the Lord Lieutenant and some of the gentry to issue a notice pledging themselves to receive the notes of the existing Dublin bankers without question. The effort to found a strong joint stock bank began the year after the foundation of the Bank of England. A number of the principal merchants of Dublin held a meeting in 1695 and presented a memorial to the Irish House of Commons on September 17th, recommending the establishment 44of a public bank or a fund of credit, for the encouragement of trade, and supply of the present want of money.’’ The petition was referred to the committee on trade, but was never reported upon. The matter was revived in 1720 by Lord Abercorn, Lord Boyne, and others, who petitioned the King for authority to found a public bank with a capital of £500,000. The Lords Justices reported in favor of the scheme and the King authorized the Lord Lieutenant to grant a commission and charter. The consent of the House of Commons was required for a proper bill and the early stages were favorably passed. Charges of jobbery began to be made against the promoters of the bank, a rival scheme was started with a capital of £ “1,000,000, whose promoters were charged with paying £*50,000 to members of the House as bribes, and the outcome was the passage of a resolution on December 9, 1721, “ That the erecting or establishing a public bank in this Kingdom will be of the most dangerous and fatal consequence to his Majesty's service and the trade and liberties of this nation." Religious, political, and finan cial reasons influenced the action of the House, but a stronger reason was probably found in the infringement of the privilege of originating legislation, which they jealously guarded. The plan of a public bank remained in abeyance until BANKING IN IRELAND. *75 1782, when Ireland obtained a new constitution, was freed from humiliating tariff restrictions and believed herself upon the threshold of a new era of prosperity. Mr. Eden, the Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant, presented the heads of a bill for a bank on February 27, 1782. Some opposition developed among the existing bankers and their friends in the House and when Mr. Eden called the bill up on March 5th, the opponents of the bank endeavored to secure an adjourn ment, but the motion was lost and the report of the com mittee was agreed to. The capital of the bank was fixed at 600,000 Irish pounds,1 of which no person wras to subscribe more than ^10,000, and which was to be lent to the govern ment at four per cent. The charter was to run until January 1, 1794, and until twelve months’ notice of withdrawal and the re-payment of all sums due the bank by the government. The bank began business June 23, 1783, and as early as October 31st, of the same year Mr. David La Touche, Jr., was able to inform the House of Commons that great advan tages had resulted, particularly to the traders in linen. The first offices of the bank were in some old houses in Mary’s Abbey, but after the union of Great Britain and Ireland in 1802, the directors of the bank purchased the Parliament house for ,£40,000. They remodelled it to meet their require ments and established the bank there in 1808. The meet ings of the directors and shareholders are held in the old chamber of the Lords and the general office occupies the old House of Commons. The new institution was known, in similar language to that establishing the Bank of England, as ‘‘ The Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland,’’ and was not allowed 1 The coinage of Ireland, although bearing the same names, differed from that of Great Britain. The English shilling was passed in Ire land for thirteen pence, although twelve Irish pence were equal to a shilling and twenty shillings to a pound. This made English coins worth about eight per cent, more than Irish coins of the same names and led to much confusion until the currencies were assimilated by the Act of 6 George IV., c. 79, making the currency of Great Britain that of the United Kingdom and providing for the interpretation of contracts in its terms. 176 HISTORY OF MODERN B AN K S OF ISSUE. to charge more than five per cent, interest on loans and dis counts. If the bank incurred debts to a greater amount than its capital, the subscribers were answerable in their private capacity to the creditors in proportion to their sub scriptions. The stock was to be transferable and to be deemed personal estate, and as such to go to the executors of the holders rather than their heirs. Fifteen directors were to be chosen annually, not more than two-thirds of the direc tors of the preceding year were to be re-elected, and the corporation was to have a governor and a deputy governor. The charter of the bank was renewed in 1791 and the capital increased to ,£1,000,000. Another increase of ,£500,000 was made in 1791, and still another increase of £*1,000,000 was made in 1808 by 48 George III., c. 103. The charter was extended at this time until the expiration of twelve months’ notice after January, 1837. The last increase of capital was made in 1820, when the total was fixed at ,£3,000,000 in Irish currency (equivalent to £‘2,769,231 in English cur rency). This last increase was taken from the surplus fund of the bank and lent to the government, making the aggre gate loans to this date £ ‘2,630,769 in English currency. The total annuity paid the bank by the government was fixed at £*115,384, which was reduced in 1845 to £92,076, or at the rate of three and a half per cent, on the English equivalent of the amount of the loan, and was further slightly reduced in 1892. The suspension of cash payments in England in 1797 was extended to Ireland, without any apparent necessity, “ for the sake of uniformity.” Exchange was then in favor of Ireland, there was no special demand upon the Bank of Ireland and no drain of gold was feared. The effect of sus pension, however, was to enormously stimulate the issue of notes, which increased from ,£621,917 in 1797 to £*2,482,162 in 1800, ,£3,068,100 in 1809, ,£4,212,600 in 1813, and finally reached ,£5,182,600 in 1821 and ^6,309,300 in 1825. Ex change turned against Ireland as early as 1804 and led to the special inquiry by the British Parliament which resulted in the formulation of the principles afterwards repeated with BANKING IN IRELAND . 177 greater elaboration in the Bullion Report. The evidence showed that silver had disappeared from circulation, even for subsidiary purposes, and been replaced by silver notes. Mr. Colville, a director of the Bank of Ireland, testified that there were in Ireland seven bankers issuing notes ; 28 issuers of gold and silver notes, 62 issuers of silver notes ; and 128 issuers of I. O. U’s. 1 The Bank of Ireland made large profits upon its forced circulation, and paid dividends never less than six and a half per cent, and rising in 1803 and 1805, including a bonus, to twelve and a half per cent. Ex change on London became favorable after a time, not because the value of Irish currency was raised, but because that of England had fallen to its level. The substantial monopoly of joint stock banking by means of note issues was conferred upon the Bank of Ireland by the act of incorporation, which declared that it should “ not be lawful for any body politic or corporate, erected or to be erected, other than the corporation thereby intended to be created and erected into a national bank, or for any other persons whatsoever united or to be united in covenant or partnership exceeding the number of six persons, to borrow, owe, or take up any sum or sums of money on their bills or notes payable at demand, or at any less time than six months from the borrowing thereof.” This provision left it in the power of individuals and firms of small numbers to issue notes, and this privilege was availed of to a great extent after the suspension of cash payments. Nothwithstanding the worthless character of many of these institutions, the demand for currency was so imperative that large quantities of notes were easily floated and great distress occurred, after 1820, when the number of institutions outside the Bank of Ireland had been reduced to six. The Bank of Ireland was permitted by an Act of 1821 (chapter 27) to resume cash payments on June 1st of that year. The absence of a proper circulating medium, in spite of the monopoly enjoyed by the Bank of Ireland, led to a pro 1MacLeod, 12 Theory of Credit, II., 609. 178 H ISTO RY OF MODERN BA N K S OF ISSUE . vision in the act which increased the capital of the bank,1 that the bank should surrender its monopoly outside the circuit of fifty Irish miles from Dublin. Companies of more than six partners were henceforth authorized to do a bank ing business and to issue circulating notes outside the pro posed limit. A party of English capitalists determined to take advantage of this provision and at a meeting in London on June 11, 1824, resolved to found a bank with a capital of ^2,000,000 in shares of £100 each, of which one-fourth was to be paid up. Subscriptions were received far beyond the amount needed before the end of the year and the capital of the Provincial Bank of Ireland, which was thus estab lished, has never been increased except in 1836, when £40,000 was transferred to the capital from the 1‘ rest5’ or reserve fund. The monopoly enjoyed by the Bank of Ireland in Dublin made it necessary to keep the head office of the new bank in London, but an agency was established in Dublin and Messrs. La Touche and Company acted as agents until 1838, when the bank opened its own office. The Provincial Bank rapidly extended its branches throughout Ireland, establishing them at Cork, Limerick, Clonmel, and Londonderry in 1825 ; at Sligo, Wexford, Bel fast, Waterford, and Galway in 1826, and at other towns in successive years. The Bank of Ireland, which had been content with its head office until it found competitors in the field, began a policy of opening branches and established them at Cork, Waterford, Clonmel, Londonderry, Newry, Belfast, and Westport almost as soon as the prospectus of the Provincial Bank had appeared. They began an action of law against the Provincial Bank in December, 1828, because of the payment of the latter’s notes in Dublin. The jury found in favor of the Bank of Ireland upon the law and the evidence, but awarded damages at sixpence, with costs of a like amount, as evidence of the feeling in the business com munity of Dublin against the narrow policy of the bank. The restiveness of the merchants was farther indicated in a petition to the Lords of the Treasury for the establishment *2 George IV ., c. 72. BANKING IN IRELAND. 179 of joint stock banks in Dublin, which led to a compromise. An Act was passed in 1830, making lawful the payment of notes in Dublin by the issuing bank for the purpose of with drawing them from circulation. The Provincial Bank ob tained the privilege in 1827 of receiving the revenues of the excise, stamps, and postal service outside the Dublin district reserved to the Bank of Ireland. Collectors of revenue were authorized in the same year to receive the notes of the bank in the same manner as those of the Bank of Ireland. The Acts of 1820 and 1825 made it possible to establish joint stock banks in different parts of Ireland and several of these were soon incorporated. The first was the Northern Banking Company, founded by the partners of a private bank of the same name in Belfast. An attempt was made to convert this bank into a joint stock bank in 1820, but it was found necessary to await a change of the law requiring the residence of all the partners in Ireland. The bank began business in its new character in January, 1825, with a capital of ,£500,000. The capital was increased in 1867 to £ “1,000,000 and has since been increased to ,£2,000,000, of which £400,000 has been paid in. The Northern Banking Company purchased the business of Messrs. Ball and Co., of Dublin in 1888 at a cost of £ “22,500 and opened an office at the capital. The Belfast Banking Company was another institution which was founded upon a private company. It began business as a joint stock bank of issue on August 1, 1827, with a capital °f ,£500,000, of which ,£125,000 was paid in. The capital was increased in 1866 to ^1,000,000 and in 1883 to £2,000,000 with ,£400,000 paid in. The National Bank of Ireland was founded in 1835 as the result of the Nationalist feeling in the country. It began business at the Carrick-on-Suir with a subscribed capital of £ 1,000,000 and consisted at first of separate bodies of share holders, English and Irish. When a branch was opened, the local share-holders subscribed a portion of the capital and the English proprietors contributed a like amount. The profits were divided evenly between the two interests, but the system proved inconvenient and the stocks were 180 H ISTORY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE . consolidated in 1837 except in two branches, where the consolidation was delayed until 1856. Daniel O’Connell was the first governor of the bank and his name caused the institution to be dubbed “ The Liberator’s Bank” and made way for its notes all over Ireland. The only other bank of issue which is still doing business is the Ulster Bank, founded in 1836, at Belfast. The capital was originally ,£1,000,000, which has since been increased to ,£2,400,000, with ,£400,000 paid up. The profits paid in dividends to the shareholders were twenty per cent, annu ally from 1866 to 1885 and have been only a little less in subsequent years. The Royal Bank of Ireland was estab lished at Dublin in 1836, but was restrained by the monopoly of the Bank of Ireland from issuing notes, and was found in this condition in 1845 by the legislation confirming the power of issue to the banks which then possessed it. The Royal Bank, although a powerful and profitable institution, was, therefore, never enrolled among Irish banks of issue. The foundation of the National Bank was intended to offset in a measure the collapse of the Agricultural and Commercial Bank of Ireland, which was established in 1834 by the appeals of a Dublin baker, Mr. Thomas Mooney, to the patriotism of the Irish people. Mr. Mooney bore the same name as a Dublin capitalist of wealth and standing and he secured as one of the directors a stationer named James Chambers, which was also the name of a distinguished Dublin financier who was a director of the Bank of Ireland. The impression generally prevailed that these two eminent gentlemen were interested in the new bank and Mr. T. M. Gresham, who was brought into the bank just before its collapse, testified before a committee of the House of Com mons that “ there is no manner of doubt that we were all deceived in two names in that bank.” The capital of the Agricultural Bank was gathered up from all sorts of humble people by appeals to their Irish patriotism and parts of it were obtained by liberal discounts to those who presented commercial bills. A meeting of the shareholders after the collapse of the bank was attended by two steamboat-loads BANKING IN IRELAND . 181 from Belfast, most of whom had their expenses paid by the directors, and another contingent came from the south of Ireland in canal boats. The branch managers of the bank were selected according to their holdings of stock and acted in reckless disregard of orders from the head office, even to the extent of raising their own salaries and dating the increase back to the time of their appointment.1 The nom inal capital of the Agricultural Bank was £1,000,000, but it was admitted that at the time of beginning business it did not actually exceed ,£3,000. The first branch was opened at Nenagh, Tipperary County, in November, 1834, and the bank was compelled to close its doors on November 14, 1836. A special act of Parliament was required to wind up the affairs of the bank and an attempt to put it on its feet under a new organization failed in 1841. The Tipperary joint stock bank, which succeeded Scully’s private bank in 1838, did not issue its own notes, but had an arrangement with the Bank of Ireland by which its paper was discounted. The power was reserved to the Tipperary bank by the Act of 1845 to take the same amount of issue as it would have been entitled to in case of the termination of the agreement with the Bank of Ireland, so that it was recognized as connected with the system of banks of issue. The directors of the institution when it became a joint stock bank were John Sadlier, his brother James, and Mr. James Scully. The capital of the bank was £100,000, a portion of which was held in England, and favorable reports were regularly made and large dividends declared for some seven teen years. Prosperity seemed to reign in the affairs of the bank until February, 1856, when the doors were closed, less than a month after the issue of a favorable report and the declaration of a dividend. It was found that John Sadlier had systematically robbed the bank and falsified the accounts. Sadlier was one of the brilliant swindlers who so often take the world by storm and persuade shrewd men of business to embark with them in great enterprises. He had piloted through Parliament several important railway bills, obtained 1 Dillon, 71- 77. 182 HISTORY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE. the reputation of immense wealth, been elected member of Parliament for Carlow, and was offered and accepted the position of a Junior Lord of the Treasury. He became chairman of the London and County Bank in 1848, chair man of the Royal Swedish Railway and a director in num erous stock companies. Towards the close of his career he indiscriminately used all the funds of either corporation he could lay his hands on, issued duplicate shares in the rail way company and forged documents which he deposited as security for advances from other bankers. His forgeries began to be suspected, the Tipperary Bank collapsed, and on February 17, 1856, Sadlier’s body was found by a laborer crossing Hampstead Heath, lying on the ground with a bottle labelled “ poison ” beside it.1 The Banking Act of 1845, following the similar legisla tion for England and Scotland, repealed the acts of Parlia ment which prohibited the formation of stock companies for banking with more than six partners. This threw down the bars to all comers, so far as the organization of banks of discount and deposit was concerned, but circulation was put in a straight jacket, as in the case of the English banks. The authorized issue of circulating notes after December 6, 1845, was not to be permitted to exceed, upon an average of four weeks, the average amount of the circulation for the year ending on the first day of May, 1845.2 ^ any two banks united, they were allowed to maintain the aggregate authorized circulation of both the old banks, and if any bank surrendered its issue or agreed to issue Bank of Ireland notes, the Bank of Ireland was allowed to increase its issues to the full amount of the notes withdrawn. The law differed in this respect from the English act, which limited the increase in Bank of England issues in such cases to two-thirds of the issues withdrawn. The Irish law differed in an important respect from the English banking act in regard to the additional circulation b illo n , 8:-86. 28 and 9 Victoria, c. 37, sec. 19. BANKING IN IRELAND. 183 which the banks were authorized to issue against deposits of coin and bullion. This privilege was accorded to all the Irish banks of issue,—instead of but one, as in the case of England,—and they were thus put upon an equal footing with no apparent purpose of concentrating issues finally in a single institution. The Irish banks are required, however, to keep the coin held against additional circulation wholly at their head offices, while all their notes are required to be redeemed on demand at the place or places where issued. These requirements compel them to keep a supply of coin at every branch, in order to redeem notes issued from that branch, and it is the practice for a bank to redeem any of its notes at any of its branches where they may be presented. The fact that the privilege of additional issues has been availed of to only a limited extent, while the coin holdings of the banks have been large, would seem to indicate that the fixed limit of authorized issues has not operated greatly to restrain the business development of Ireland. One reason for this is doubtless found in the fact that the population and the volume of business were so greatly decreased in the famine years, while the authorized circulation remained untouched. The limit has proved in practice so generous that Ireland has enjoyed a currency fluctuating with the seasons and with the varying demand for money, in much the same manner as an untrammelled banking currency. The circulation was nearly £"1,000,000 above the limit in 1846, standing at ,£7,266,000, but declined as low as £4,310000 in 1849. The average returned in 1854 to ,£6,296,000 and increased pretty steadily until i860, when it .stood at ^£6,840,000. A decline then set in, which reached its lowest ebb in 1863 at £5,405,000. Another period of increase carried the average circulation for 1872 as high as ,£7,674,000, after which it fell to £6,065,000 in 1879, rose to £7,297,000 in 1882 and fell to ,£5,885,000 in 1887,—the lowest average for twenty years. The authorized circulation of each bank, with the circulation and specie holdings for the four weeks ending July 25, 1908, is shown in the following table: 184 H ISTORY OF MODERN B AN KS OF ISSUE. Circulation of Irish Banks. NA M E OF BANK. AUTHORIZED CIRCULATION. AVE RA GE A V E R A G E CIR AMOUNT GOLD A N D S ILV E R CULATION FOR FOUR W E E K S . H ELD FOR FOUR W EEKS. £2,509,750 £ 973.771 £5.738,428 251,012 927,667 685,927 494.867 28l,6ll 344,528 430,506 243,440 533,727 885,088 755.951 3I3:»079 852,269 I,l8l ,748 1 696,337 Total...................... 6,354,494 6,291,107 3.452,105 The average circulation of these banks for February, 1914, was £8,064,349, of which £2,694,458 was in notes for less than £5. The elastic character of the Irish currency, in spite of the restrictions of law, gives an interest to the fluctuations dur ing the year which result from the varying demand for money. Beginning with January, the amount of the circula tion usually declines,—slowly at first, but more rapidly in May, June, and July, until it reaches its lowest point at the end of August. Then begins the process described by Mr. Gilbart, as a consequence of the law that “ the monthly cir culation must depend upon the quantity of produce brought to market within the month ” : Bank of Ireland................ Provincial Bank of Ireland Belfast Bank..................... Northern Bank................ Ulster Bank..................... The Nations Batik.. - T- * - - Now, it lias been the custom in Ireland to commence bringing the produce to market immediately after the harvest. Hence arises the increase of the notes in September, and their further increase in the fol lowing month. But in the beginning of the year the landlords collect their rents, and receive from their tenants the notes for which this produce has been sold ; this brings the notes back to the bank, either to be placed to his credit (if he have an account there), or, otherwise, in exchange for a letter of credit on Dublin, or a bill on London. The circuit of a note, then, is this :— It is obtained from the bank by a corn-merchant, who pays it to a farmer for his corn, which he ships to England. The farmer afterwards pays the note for rent to his landlord, who brings it back to the bank.1 One of the peculiar features of the Irish circulation, like the Scottish, is the large proportion of small notes. The 1 The History, Principles , and Practice o f Banking , II., 250. BANKING IN IRELAND . I8 5 Select Committee of the House of Commons in 1826 recom mended fixing a limit of time in the future beyond which the circulation of notes below £5 should cease, but the testi mony given before the committee was against such a restric tion and it was not adopted. The arguments made against the restriction were that it would check the growth of manufactures, make difficult the sale of small lots of agri cultural produce, and curtail the accommodation which the banks are able to give their customers and especially their cash credits. The transfer of gold, it was pointed out, would be inconvenient and costly, and once sent out of the country it would rarely come back. The Act of 1845 prohibited notes of fractions of £1 and required the banks in their reports to state separately the notes in circulation under £5. These returns have shown a large proportion of small notes in cir culation and a marked increase from September to January over the spring and summer months. This circulation of small notes has contributed, with the widely diffused system of branches, and the existence of several strong joint stock banks without the power of issue, to afford reasonably ade quate facilities for the development of banking in Ireland. The number of banking offices in Ireland increased from 333 in 1872 to 571 in 1895 and 863 in 1913. CHAPTER VIII. T H E BA N K S O F G E R M A N Y. The Bank o f Prussia and the Share o f the State in its Profits— Other Banks o f Issue in Prussia and the Smaller States of Germany— The Reform o f Currency and Banking under the Empire— The Sales of Silver and the Withdrawal of Paper Money— Legal-Tender Character of the Bank-Notes and the Reforms of 1909. T HE existing banking system of the German Empire is a part of the fabric of imperialism which was so in dustriously built up by Prince Bismarck from the be ginning of his premiership in 1862 until his retirement from office. The Imperial Bank of Germany is in a measure an expansion and development of the Bank of Prussia, which was founded in the time of Frederick the Great, but it has already absorbed the circulation belonging to the banks of most of the other German states and is authorized to absorb the entire paper circulation of the Empire as it is surrendered by the local banks, in much the same manner as the Bank of England is authorized by the Act of 1844 to absorb the circulation of the country banks of England and Wales. The circulation of the Imperial German Bank, while mod elled in many respects on that of the Bank of England, is capable of a somewhat greater degree of elasticity, by virtue of a legal provision for an emergency circulation above the usual limit, and the notes are now legal tender. The Bank of Prussia was created by virtue of an edict of June 17, 1765, under the name of the Royal Bank of Loans and Current Accounts at Berlin (Konigliche Giro- und Lehnbank zu Berlin) with a capital of 1,000,000 thalers ($750,000) 186 THE BANKS OF GERMANY. 18 / and was at first exclusively an institution of state. It con tinued to be a state institution until 1846, when the new de mands for capital for railways and for the extension of commercial relations led to an extension of the scope of the bank and an appeal to private capital to carry it on. Two ordinances of April 14 and July 18, 1846, authorized the increase of the capital by a sum of 10,000,000 thalers ($7,500,000) and admitted the shareholders to a part in the adminis tration by means of a central commission composed of fifteen members, who were authorized to appoint a commitee of three to exercise a regular supervision over the acts of the direc tors.1 The capital owned by the State had been increased by the setting aside of profits until it had reached in 1846 1,197,553 thalers ($900,000), and the portion furnished by the pub lic was increased in May, 1856, to 15,000,000 thalers and again by the law of September 24, 1866, to 20,000,000 thalers, ($15,000,000), divided into shares of a par value of one thousand thalers each. The capital credited to the state had been increasing in the meantime until it attained in Decem ber, 1867, a total of 1,897,800 thalers ($1,425,000). The government took care to keep its hands firmly on the direction of the bank, in spite of the new privileges given the shareholders, and limited the right to participate in the general assembly of shareholders to the two hundred hold ing the largest amount of stock domiciled in Prussia. Su preme control was reserved directly and exclusively to a privy council (Bank Kuratorium), composed of the Presi dent of the Council of Ministers, the Ministers of Finance, of Justice, and of Commerce, and a fifth member named by the King. The direct management also was confided to a director and a committee of direction appointed upon the King’s nomination. This official control was compensated in a measure by exemptions from imposts and from certain taxes which were imposed upon other similar establishments. The bank was compelled, however, to pay interest on the deposit of the public funds and to pay three and a half per 1 Noel, I., 246. 188 H ISTORY OF MODERN BA N K S OF ISSUE. cent, upon the capital contributed by the State and half the net profits remaining after the payment of a dividend of a like amount to the shareholders. The receipts of the gov ernment from these sources, including interest on its own stock, attained a very considerable figure during the eight years prior to its transformation into the new Imperial Bank, amounting to 3,166,436 thalers in 1873 ; 1,711,920 thalers in 1874; and 2,284,875 thalers in 1875. The accounts of the Bank of Prussia afford a good illus tration of the principle that banks of issue usually precede mere banks of discount and deposit as a means of familiar izing the public with banking methods. There were scarcely any deposits in the early history of the bank, except those made by the government and upon which interest was paid by the bank. These government deposits came from the trust funds of the courts, including those of guardianship, and the administration of churches, schools, hospitals, and other charitable foundations and public institutions. Their magnitude constantly grew and their use by the bank gave it loanable funds which it could not otherwise have obtained except by an issue of notes upon commercial paper dispro portionate to its original capital. This money entrusted to the bank enabled it to do a discount business which steadily grew with the expansion of commerce in Prussia and among her neighbors. The aggregate of the discount business of the year rose from 1,581,956,399 marks ($395,000,000) in 1867 to 2,630,469,468 marks in 1871, 3,958,299,756 marks in 1872, and 5,350,216,312 marks in 1873. The business depres sion which began in the latter year forced the discounts down to 4,136,089,162 marks in 1874 and to 4,099,613,175 marks ($1,025,ocx),000) *n i 875. One of the peculiarities of the Bank of Prussia, which ex tended to many other German banks, was the practice of making loans upon merchandise as well as upon bullion and the pledge of securities. Business of this kind was al ways kept within conservative limits and the statutes of the Bank of Prussia admitted the precious metals at a valuation of only 95 per cent, of their real value and merchandise at THE BAN KS OF GERMANY . from 50 to 60 per cent. The valuation of negotiable securi ties was determined by the officers of the bank. All these operations were limited in amount and were required to run for terms no longer than bills of exchange, for which the maximum was three months. The number of loans of this sort steadily declined during the latter years of the history of the bank, while the amount increased, reaching a maxi mum in 1872 of 824,840,690 marks ($206,000,000), including securities. The issue of circulating notes was the chief means by which the Bank of Prussia was able to utilize its assets and there was no limit of law after 1856 upon the volume of the issues. The law of 1846 forbade the issue of bills for a greater sum than 21,000,000 thalers ($15,750,000), but the repeal of this provision in 1856 left the bank untrammelled, except as the opinion of the banking community imposed a relation of one to three between the metallic reserve and the circulation. The bills were not a legal tender and were re deemable in coin on demand, but they were accepted in pub lic depositories by virtue of a royal ordinance of June 9, 1847. The denominations were limited to ten, twenty-five, fifty, one hundred, and five hundred thalers, equivalent to a minimum of $7.50 and a maximum of $375. A further limitation was imposed that bills of the smallest denomina tion should not exceed a total of 10,000,000 thalers ($7,500,000), and in fact their number never surpassed 957,000 in the ten years preceding consolidation with the Bank of the Empire and had descended in 1875 to 520,000 ($3,900,000). The maximum note circulation in i860 was 93,029,000 tha lers ($70,000,000); in 1865, 136,148,000 thalers, and 1870 202.488.000 thalers. The increase was more rapid in the next few years and carried the maximum in 1871 to 242,242,000 thalers; in 1872, to 311,531,000 thalers; in 1873 to 342,290.000 thalers; and in 1874 to 297,412,000 thalers. The reserve of the Bank of Prussia consisted of gold and silver coin and bullion, public securities, bills of Prussian private banks, and securities payable at sight or otherwise and until 1869 of accepted drafts (Giro-A nweisungen). The 19 ° HISTORY OF MODERN BA N K S OF ISSUE. total of this reserve reached in 1875 about 1,900,000,000 marks ($475,000,000). The proportion of coin and bullion seldom exceeded one-third of this aggregate. The maximum in i860 was 77,457,000 thalers ($58,000,000) and had only reached 99,427,000 thalers in 1870. The rapid increase of the number of branches of the bank scattered over Prussia and the growth of commercial operations led to an increase in the reserve during the last four years of the operations of the bank commensurate with the increase in its circulation and discounts, so that the maximum in 1874 was 239,860,000 thalers ($180,000,000) and the minimum was 203,511,000 thalers ($152,000,000). The Bank of Prussia, in spite of the share which the government enjoyed in its profits, had no monopoly of the right of note issue in the Kingdom. By its side and in competition with its numerous branches ex isted eight local banks, including one at Berlin, whose united capital was 8,899,000 thalers ($6,675,000) and which had the right to issue bills to the amount of 7,000,000 thalers, but in no case of a smaller denomination than ten thalers ($7.50).* The branches of the Bank of Prussia increased from 143 in 1867 to 158 in 1870 and 167 in 1875.2 The other German states were not without flourishing banks of issue, which conformed in the general features of their organization to the Bank of Prussia. There were thirty-three German banks in existence, including those of Prussia, when the Imperial Bank was established in 1875. Two of these were commercial banks and one was a terri torial bank, the capital in each of these cases being furnished by the municipality or the State and the liabilities constituting a general claim against the government and the community. The others were organized as stock companies. Three of the German banks—the Bank of Bremen, founded in 1856 ; the Bank of Thuringia, founded in 1856 ; and the Bank of Anhalt-Dessau, founded in 1847—held charters without limit of time, which were regarded as perpetual. The char1 Courcelle-Seneuil, 365. 2 Noel, I., 250. THE BAN KS OF GERMANY . 19 I fcers of the other banks ran for various periods from one year to eighty-one years. The charters of the Bank of Gera, which expired in 1953, and of the Banks of Central Germany and Lower Saxony, which expired in 1956, had been granted originally for one hundred years. The oldest of the banks with limited charters was that of Pomerania, established at Stettin in 1821, with a capital of 6,000,000 marks. The others were : The Bavarian Bank of Mortgage and Exchange at Munich, founded in 1834 \ the Bank of Leipzig, in 1839 ; the Communal Bank of Breslau, in 1848; the Communal Bank of Chemnitz, in 1848 ; the Bank of United Deposits of Berlin, in 1850; the Bank of Rostock, in 1850; the Bank of Weimar, in 1853 ; the Bank of Gera, in 1854 ; the Bank of Frankfort, in 1854; the Bank of Southern Germany, at Darmstadt, in 1855 ; the Bank of Cologne, in 1856 ; the Bank of Magdeburg, in 1856 ; the Pri vate Bank of Lubeck, in 1856 ; the Territorial Bank of Hesse, at Homburg, in 1856 ; the Bank of Hanover, at Hanover, in 1856 ; the Private Bank of Gotha, in 1856 ; the Bank of Central Germany, at Meiningen, in 1856 ; the Bank of Lower Saxony, at Buckebourg, in 1856; the Bank of Dantzig, in 1857 5 the Bank of Pozen, in 1857 ; the Bank of Brunswick, in 1857; the Commercial Bank of Lubeck, in 1865 ; the Bank of Saxon}% at Dresden, in 1865 ; the Territorial Bank of Gorlitz, in 1866 ; the Bank of United Deposits, at Leipzig, in 1867 ; the Territorial Bank of Oldenburg, in 1868 ; the Bank of Baden, at Mannheim, in 1870 ; and the Bank of Wurtemburg at Stuttgard, in 1871. The Prussian banks in this list are those at Stettin, Breslau, Cologne, Gorlitz, Magdeburg, Dantzig, and Pozen, and the Bank of United Deposits at Berlin. Many of these banks were born of the financial necessities of the governments by which they were chartered and were under obligations to aid the public Treasury. The Bank of Homburg was required to loan to the government up to a maximum of 100,000 florins ($42,000) at three per cent.; the Bank of Gotha was required to advance to the Treasury a maximum sum of 200,000 thalers ($150,000) at four per 192 H ISTO RY OF MODERN BAN K S OF ISSUE. cent. ; the Bank of Bremen was required to loan a maximum of 200,000 thalers, and the Bank of Buckebourg was under obligations to make advances to the amount of 400,000 thalers without interest, on the condition that the government deposit public securities paying an interest of four per cent.1 The State exercised a more or less complete control over all these local banks, in some cases appointing the officials and in others limiting its action to inspection and suggestion. The Banks of Bremen and Frankfort were among those en joying comparative freedom, being subject only to public control when it was judged desirable. The operations of these banks before 1875 consisted, like the operations of the Bank of Prussia, in the discount of commercial paper, the negotiations of foreign and domestic bills of exchange, advances upon public stocks and the pre cious metals and in some cases upon mortgages, and the pledge of securities and property. The building of railways, the increased productive power of the community, and the consequent increase in capital, brought a rapid extension of business to the German banks during the ten years before they become subordinate to the German Imperial Bank. The aggregate commercial discounts of all except the Bank of Prussia increased from 126,629 in number and 693,420,537 marks ($167,000,000) in amount in 1867 to 535,302 in number and 2,797,759,142 marks ($675,000,000) in amount in 1874. The management of the local state banks was for the most part prudent and conservative and they were doing a safe and profitable business when they were arrested in their growth by the policy of consolidation. Most of them had branches in the neighboring towns and cities, reaching a total of nearly fifty establishments besides the parent banks. They were required by the laws of most of the states to set aside a portion of their profits as a reserve fund and this fund increased from 12,270,712 marks ($3,000,000) in 1867 to 34,332,457 marks ($8,200,000) in 1875. The aggregate circulation of the banks outside the Bank 1 Noel, I., 263. THE B A N K S OF GERMANY. 193 of Prussia was 181,635,305 marks ($45,000,000) in 1867, 242,502,653 marks in 1869, 432,799,730 marks in 1872 and 487,020,519 marks in 1874. The circulation of the Bank of Prussia on the latter date was 838,422,000 marks, making a total bank-note circulation for all the states of Germany of 1,325,442,519 marks ($320,000,000). The banks showing the largest circulation in 1874 were those at Dresden, 99,727,440 marks ; at Mannheim, 51,901,428 marks ; at Darmstadt, 46,327,015 marks ; at Frankfort, 45,208,833 marks ; at Leip zig, 28,464,069 marks; at Stuttgard, 25,477,028 marks; and at Meiningen, 24,000,000 marks. The narrow limits of many of the German states and their commerce with each other led to the mutual circulation of their bills in spite of the absence of any legal tender quality even within the limits of the state where they were issued.1 The banks of some of the smaller states took advantage of the wide circulation of their bills, and the lack of require ments for prompt redemption, by swelling their issues and by various artifices for getting the notes into circulation at distant points. Though legally redeemable in coin on de mand, the small denominations of the notes and the diffi culty of getting them to the counters of the issuing banks threatened to create a practically irredeemable and redundant currency, which would expel coin and bring the country to a paper basis. “ They might without difficulty have reme died this abuse,” says M. Courcelle-Seneuil, “ by means of a system of mutual exchange and liquidation among the banks themselves, such as is practised in Scotland, and the principal banks had in their hands every power to enforce this exchange upon the banks of the small states.” a But other means of reaching the difficulty were adopted, and the initiative was taken by Prussia, which passed an act on May 14, 1855, forbidding the circulation within her limits of for 1 The legal tender quality was not given by law to the notes of any of the German banks and was expressly disclaimed by the laws in corporating the banks of Pomerania, of Frankfort, of Homburg, of Meiningen, and of the United Deposits at Berlin.—Noel, I., 284. 2 Traiti des Opirations de Banque, 366. *3 194 h i s t o r y o f m o d e r n b a n k s o f is s u e . eign bills payable to bearer, without interest, of a value below ten thalers. Saxony took similar action on July 8, 1855, and the small states of Thuringia concluded a conven tion January 21, 1856, by which they forbade the circulation of foreign bills to bearer without interest and below ten thalers in denomination, with the exception of the bank drafts of Prussia and Saxony. The Grand Duchy of Baden forbade the circulation of any foreign bills on December 24, 1855, except those issued in Prussia, Bavaria, and Nassau and at Frankfort. Prussia extended the scope of her pro hibition on May 25, 1857, to foreign bills except those below ten thalers issued by the governments of Saxony, Thuringia, and Anhalt. A Saxon ordinance of May 18, 1857, imposed a fine of fifty thalers upon the holders of for eign bills below the denomination of ten thalers except upon banks of issue which carried on a special service of exchange.1 The history of the circulation of these state bills outside of the limits of the issuing state suggests an interesting comparison with the circulation of the notes of the depart mental banks of France and of the State banks of the United States. The banks were not in any of these cases closely linked together by clearing arrangements and the means of communication and the promptness of commercial transac tions were not such as to result in the prompt return of the notes to the issuing banks for redemption. It does not appear that this resulted in a great inflation of the note issues, even in the United States,2 but it naturally aroused fears that the banks might not be able to redeem their notes promptly on presentation and that they might fall below par 1 Noel, I., 288. 2 M. Wolowski, who is one of the warmest champions of monopoly of note issues, speaking of the situation in 1863, says: “ Twenty banks issuing 45,000,000 thalers ($33,000,000) for thirty-two states whose population exceeded thirteen millions, is not too much as to quantity; it is too much because of the embarrassment which is caused by this diversity of monetary signs.”—La Question des Banquesy 404. THE BAN KS OF GERMANY . 195 in coin. The situation in France differed from that in Ger many and the United States in the respect that the notes of the departmental banks were made legal tender after the revolution of 1848 within the department where they were issued, but were forced into an inferior position by the notes of the Bank of France, which were legal tender throughout the republic. The circulation of the bank-notes of Germany and the United States without the legal tender quality might have been maintained at par with coin (from which they do not seem to have departed in Germany) under a system of closer union among the banks and prompter means of com munication. The government of Prussia took action as early as 1846 towards the centralization of the banking system, by the ordinance of October 5th, which provided that the provin cial banks of the Kingdom should cease their operations when the Bank of Prussia should lose its special privileges. Another act, which indicated the purpose of the government to keep matters in its own hands, was the law of May 7, 1856, renewing the privileges of the Bank of Prussia, but reserving to the executive power the right at the end of 1871 and every ten years thereafter to dissolve the bank and re turn the capital to the shareholders. This provision neces sarily exposed the other banks, under the ordinance of 1846, to dissolution as banks of issue at the end of the same period. The law remained in this condition until the reorganization of the North German Confederation under the headship of Prussia in 1867. A provision was then incorporated in the constitution of North Germany confiding to the Federal As sembly exclusively the regulation of banks of issue. The power remained in abeyance for a few years, when the law of March 27, 1870, reserved to the Confederation the right of granting the power of issue or of increasing the monetary circulation. The law stipulated that the renewal of the privilege of issue should not henceforth be granted except upon the condition that it might be revoked at any time upon preliminary notice of one year. It was also provided that where a bank possessed the right of issue for a definite I96 H ISTORY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE . term, subject to preliminary notice of withdrawal, this notice should be regarded as having been given. The monetary system of Germany called for radical re form, without regard to the banking policy adopted, in order to facilitate exchanges among the German states and with foreign countries. The coins were of such different denomi nations and degrees of abrasion that heavy exchange charges were levied on the borders of every little state and possible profits on merchandise were almost neutralized by this loss. Several conventions to simplify the monetary system were held before the unification of the Empire, one of the latest at Vienna on January 24, 1857. The basis of an agreement was then prepared abrogating the old systems and adopting one based upon the new pound of five hundred grams which was in use in several continental countries. Germany was divided by this convention into three zones. Silver was treated as the single standard of value and was to be coined into two forms,—the thaler, equivalent to a florin and threequarters, and the florin, worth four-sevenths of a thaler. It was proposed to coin thirty thalers out of a pound of five hundred grams of fine silver for use in the Northern States and fifty-two and a half florins out of a pound for use in the South. Other silver pieces of one and two thalers were to be coined with special devices, under the name of the union thaler ( Vereinthaler), for trade between North and South Germany, and were to be received by public depositories as lawful money. Silver constituted the principal metallic stock of Germany and of the cash resources of the local banks up to the time of the monetary reform. Gold figured somewhat in the cir culation, but it was not a legal tender.1 The gold pieces, coined under the convention of 1857 according to mint re 1 Mr. Shaw declares that the convention in 1857 had a part of its motive in the wish by the German States “ to protect that part of their currency system which was threatened by bimetallic law,” and that France drew gold from Germany as well as from California and Australia as the result of the change in the ratio .—History of Cur rency, 205-11. THE BAN KS OF GERMANY. 197 gulations, were to be received at a valuation in standard sil ver money known as ‘‘ the bank rate, ’’ which was fixed in advance for six months and was never to be higher than the mean quotations in the market. The character of the circu lating medium was further complicated by a circulation of government paper money, which was issued by every Ger man state except the principality of Iyippe and the three free cities of Hamburg, Bremen, and Iyubeck. The adoption of the gold standard was first formally recommended by a com mercial convention of one hundred and nineteen German cities which sat at Berlin between October 20, and October 23, 1868.1 A resolution was presented by Dr. Adolph Soetbeer, who was the official reporter on the subject of the standard at an earlier session held in September, 1865, de claring that c<a monetary unity, and at the same time such a general monetary reform as befits the age, can be brought about by the adoption simultaneously by all the German States of the single standard with full application of the decimal system, in pursuance of the principles recommended by the International Monetary Conference of Paris in its re port of July 6, 1867. ” This resolution was adopted, includ ing the recommendation of a unit of value equivalent to the gold five-franc piece, and the public authorities were recom mended to put it in force not later than January 1, 1872, when the new sjTstem of weights and measures already adopted by the North German Confederation took effect.2 The payment of the great war indemnity by France gave Germany the opportunity to carry out the recommendations of her leading economists, that she adopt the gold standard. The direct payments in French gold were only 273,003,058 francs ($52,600,000), but the power given the German gov ernment to draw the proceeds of bills of exchange upon London and Paris gave them access in a large measure to the 1Appendix to American Report on International Monetary Confer ence of 1878, Sen. Ex. Doc. 58, 45th Congress, Third Ses., 727. 2M. Allard, the honorary director of the Belgian mint, declares that silver was “ academically demonetized ” by the vote of the Paris Con ference.—La Crise Agricole et Monetaire, 41. I98 H ISTORY OF M ODERN 'BAN KS OF ISSUE. gold of the world. The German government kept an ac count with the Iyondon Joint-Stock Bank which was believed to run as high as ,£4,000,000. ($20,000,ooo)1and by watching the market were able to rapidly carry gold into Germany. The law establishing a uniform coinage (Act of December 4, 1871) did not adopt the five-franc piece as the unit, as recommended by the convention of 1868, but adopted a unit called the mark, equivalent to one-third of a Prussian thaler, and established the ratio of fifteen and a half to one between gold and silver. The provision of the treaty of Vienna, providing for the coinage of the union thaler of silver, was repealed. Gold legal tender coins were provided for, but the Imperial gold standard was not fully established until the coinage act of July 9, 1873, when it superseded all local standai1 and made the monetary unit the mark of gold.3 The Imperial silver coinage was to be carried on on govern ment account, and limited to ten marks per capita, and was to be a legal tender for only twenty marks between individuals, but payable in any sum to the government. The new sil ver coins were made mere token coins, by reducing the weight of the fine silver eleven and one-ninth per cent, below the full weight at the ratio of fifteen and a half to one and coin ing a pound of fine silver into one hundred marks and a pound of fine gold into 1395 marks. One of the interesting incidental results of the new coinage laws was the termination of the career of the old Bank of Hamburg, which had for more than two and a half centuries been carried on on the principles of the Bank of Venice and the Bank of Amsterdam. The accounts of the bank were kept in marks banco, representing a bank credit of the uni form value of half a thaler (37^ cents), and its notes were redeemable in silver. The Bank of Hamburg, founded in 1619, was the last survivor of the medieval banks, created 1 Bagehot, Lombard Street, Works, V., 199-202. 2 The exact equivalent of the mark in American gold coin is twentythree and eight-tenths cents, but for convenience of computation in dealing with large figures it is treated in this work as substantially equal to a quarter of a dollar. THE BAN KS OF GERMANY . I99 for the purposes of foreign commerce. Accounts could be opened only by a Hamburg citizen or corporation and were transferred only upon his appearance in person or by attor ney with a transfer order. The principle upon which the bank was conducted was the granting of a credit on the books for the silver or gold deposited. No loans were made and no notes or other liabilities were created beyond the amount of coin and bullion on deposit. So faithfully was this rule adhered to that when the French on November 5, 1813, took possession of the bank they found 7,506,956 marks in silver held against liabilities of 7,489,343 marks. They removed a large part of the treasure before the free dom of Hamburg was re-established on June 1, 1814, but the bank resumed business with unimpaired credit and the thefts of Napoleon’s forces were made good in 1816 by a transfer of French securities. Modem banking methods were gradually introduced into the Bank of Hamburg and a capital was accumulated of about 1,000,000 marks ($250,000) in addition to the buildings. The bank survived the storm of the crisis of 1857, only to fall under the decrees establish ing the new German monetary system, which ordered the bank to liquidate its accounts in fine silver by February 15, 1873. The latest reference to its existence is found in the proceedings of the Hamburg Senate on October 13, 1875, declaring their purpose to sell to the Bank of Germany for 900,000 marks the buildings of “ the venerable institution which had performed such great services to German trade.”1 The accumulation of a stock of gold was begun by the Im perial Bank and the government, and the purchases of gold by the bank, from January 1, 1876, to the end of 1893, amounted in American money to $434,890,067. The coin age of Imperial gold coins from 1872 to the close of 1893 reached 2,737,790,915 marks and the aggregate coinage of silver 484,048,609 marks. The sales of silver by the govern ment up to March 31, 1893, represented a coining value of 672,862,729 marks, but the amount actually received was 1 Palgrave, Dictionary o f Political Economy , I., 105. 200 H ISTORY OF MODERN B AN KS OF ISSUE . 574,055,532 marks, showing a loss of 98,807,197 marks.1 The bulk of the sales were made before May 16, 1878, before the great decline in the price of silver, and the highest price per kilogram was obtained in the period of the largest sales, between September 30, 1876, and September 30; 1877.* The profit on the gold, silver, and subsidiary coinage, taking these coins at their face value, was 96,380,330 marks, and the cost of recoinage added to the loss on silver was 127,894,218 marks, showing a net loss of 31,513,888 marks. The banking system of the Empire was unified in a meas ure by the provisions of the law of July 9, 1873, that bank bills should be withdrawn from circulation before January 1, 1876, if their value was not declared in Imperial marks, and that the smallest notes should be for 100 marks ($23.80). The work of unification was completed, so far as it was possible to complete it, by the Imperial law of March 14, 1875, which was supplemented by the Prussian law of March 27th and a convention between Prussia and the Em pire on May 17th and 18th following. The Royal Bank of Prussia was directed to cease its operations on December 31, 1875, and to transfer its rights and privileges to a new bank, known as the Bank of the Empire (.Reichsbank). The gov ernment of Prussia was allowed to withdraw its capital of 1,906,800 thalers in the old institution and the half of the reserve fund belonging to it. The Prussian government was further compensated for the surrender of its rights in the bank by an indemnity of 15,000,000 marks ($3,750,000), paid from the Treasury of the Empire, and a pledge that 1 The equivalent for these sums in American money, as given in the American translation of the Report of the Berlin Silver Commis sion of 1894, a re : Gold coinage, $651,594,221; silver coinage, $115,203,549 ; face value of silver coins sold, $160,141,329 ; price received, $136,625,216 ; loss on sales, $23,516,113 ; net loss after deducting profits, $7,500,308.—Sen. Mis. Doc. 274, pt. I., Fifty-third Congress, Second Session, 33-36. 2 The sales during this period were not far short of half of the whole, being 1680.4 kilograms and representing a face value of 302,500,000 marks. The average price of silver in 1876 was $1,156 per ounce and in 1877, $1,201 per ounce. THE BAN KS OF GERMANY . 201 the new bank should continue the annual payment of 621,910 thalers ($465,000) from 1876 to 1925 which had been agreed upon by the Bank of Prussia in 1856.1 The Imperial government agreed to be responsible for this annuity in case the privileges of the bank were not continued. The share holders of the Bank of Prussia were given the option of receiving back their capital in cash, in accordance with the pledge of the Prussian law of October 5, 1846, or receiving shares of equal face value with their existing holdings in the new Imperial Bank. The new bank on these conditions succeeded to all the rights and obligations of the Bank of Prussia. The Chancellor of the Empire was authorized to acquire the bank shares which should be exchanged for the shares of the Bank of Prussia and to issue interest-bearing Treasury bonds maturing not later than May 1, 1876, to the amount of the shares not issued, in order to complete the capital of the new institution. The capital was fixed by law at 120,000,000 marks and was divided into 40,000 shares of 3000 marks ($750) each, of which 19,919 shares replaced the shares of the Bank of Prussia which the holders had chosen to convert; 20,000 shares were placed by public subscrip tion, and 81 by means of sales on the Bourse. The organization of the Imperial Bank made it entirely a private institution as to ownership, but essentially a public one in its management. “ In fact,” says M. Octave Noel, “ the establishment is closely bound to the state and is only able to move, think or act when the state manifests in some manner its presence and affirms its control.” The official control over the bank is confided to a council of curators, composed of the Chancellor of the Empire, who is President, and four other members, one named by the Emperor and the other three by the Federal Council. The direction of the policy of the bank is so completely under the orders of the Chancellor that in case of his absence or impeachment the presidency of the Council is vested temporarily in an official named by the Emperor. The Chancellor or his substitute 1 Noel, I., 248. 202 HISTORY OF MODERN B AN KS OF ISSUE. directs the entire administration and issues the instructions to the council of direction, to the branches and to the em ployees of the bank. The committee of curators meet every three months and examine reports regarding the bank’s condition and the operations which are being carried on. The administrative authority is vested in a directorate com posed of a president and a number of members named for life by the Imperial government upon the nomination of the Federal Council. The official force of the bank, although paid from the funds of the institution, are subject to the same obligations and enjoy the same privileges as the public employees of the Empire. Honors and pensions are ac corded them, benefits are voted to the families of deceased employees, the number of posts and the salaries are included in the Imperial budget, and the accounts are subject to the control of the accounting officers of the Empire. The em ployees of the bank, moreover, are forbidden by law to hold stock in the institution. The influence of the private owners is exerted through a central commission of fifteen members and fifteen alternates, elected by the general assembly of the shareholders from their own numbers. These commissioners are required to possess in their own right not less than three shares, to have their domicile within the Empire, and nine members and nine alternates are required to be residents of Berlin. A third of the board is elected every year and the members are eligible for re-election. Many of the business details of the management of the bank are remitted to this central com mission, so long as their course does not meet the disap proval of the Imperial authorities. They are required to examine at least each month the weekly reports, to inspect the deposit accounts, and to determine what proportion of the bank funds shall be used in advances and in the purchase of paper, what the rate of discount shall be, and what ar rangements shall be made with other German banks. A still smaller body of three members of the central commis sion is charged with the daily supervision of the bank’s af THE B AN KS OF GERMANY. 203 fairs and they are authorized to sit at all meetings of the directorate with consulting powers. The note circulation of the Imperial Bank is based largely upon the English banking act of 1844, but with an impor tant modification which adds greatly to the ability of the bank to provide accommodation in times of stringency. There is a fixed limit of authorized circulation, against which cash or its equivalent must be held in the proportion of onetliird, and issues beyond this limit must be covered in cash for the full amount. The cash reserve of one-third in the one case and one hundred per cent, in the other may consist of money having currency in Germany, Imperial Treasury bonds, gold bullion, or foreign gold coin. The notes, there fore, are issued against the general assets of the bank, which remain wholly within its own control and are not set aside by specific designation or prior lien for the security of the note holders. The law, says Prof. Dunbar, “ has simply provided by suitable measures that the affairs of the bank, including its issue of notes and the money and securities held by it, shall meet certain tests of soundness, believing that both the ultimate solvency of the bank and the prompt payment of its circulation are thus made secure.”1 The limit of authorized circulation was fixed by the law of March 14, 1875, at 250,000,000 marks ($60,000,000) but the same law provided that when any existing bank of circulation should surrender its right, either by liquidation or by refusal to accept the conditions imposed by the new law, the amount of the circulation might be assumed by the Imperial Bank. Seventeen banks surrendered their right to issue notes soon after the adoption of the new system and their action added 26,085,000 marks to the authorized circulation of the Im perial Bank. This was afterwards increased to 42,117,000 marks.2 The two-thirds of the authorized circulation not covered by the cash reserve are required to be covered by 1 Theory and History of Banking, 195. 2 Raffalovich, Marche Financier en 1893-4, 67. 204 HISTORY OF MODERN BA N K S OF ISSUE. bills of exchange maturing in not more than three months and bearing not less than two solvent names. The novel feature of the German system of circulation is the authority given to the Imperial Bank to exceed the statu tory limit of note issue without metallic security, upon the payment of a tax at the rate of five per cent, per year upon the excess of circulation. Weekly reports are required by the government and upon the excess of circulation shown above the limit a tax of per cent, is at once assessed, rep resenting approximately the tax for a single week at the rate of five per cent, a year. This provision permits increased issues when there is stringency enough in the money market to carry current discount rates above five per cent, but drives the new notes promptly out of circulation when the discount rate falls. The operation of the rule, which has been several times availed of by the Imperial Bank and by other German banks, has proved salutary in averting such stringency as has been felt in England under the Act of 1844, while it has kept the circulation within the limits set by the needs of business.1 The local banks of Germany were brought by the law of 1875 under the same rules as the Imperial Bank and drastic regulations were enforced to compel them to comply with the new law or abandon the issue of circulating notes. The purpose of the new legislation, to bring the control of the bank-note circulation as soon as practicable into the hands of the Imperial Bank, was indicated by the declaration that the power to issue bank-notes or to increase circulation be yond the limit already authorized by the various states should be granted only by a law of the Empire. Prussia was almost supreme in the Federal Council and there was little likelihood that she would consent to any law increasing the circulation of the local banks. The long duration of the privilege ac corded to some of them was cut off by a provision that their privileges should be subject to revocation on January 1, 1891, 1 The example of Germany was followed in this provision by AustriaHungary and Japan in the revision of their bank charters. THE B A N K S OF GERMANY. 205 and every tenth year thereafter, upon one year’s notice and without indemnity, if they accepted the power of note issue involved in the new law. Those banks which were not dis posed to accept the new conditions were dealt with in a man ner similar to the departmental banks of France after the revolution of 1848. They were not deprived of the privilege of issuing notes, but they were forbidden by Article 42 of the law to carry on banking operations, outside the limits of the state which had given them the privilege, by means of branches or agents or to hold shares in other banks. An other provision (Article 43) declared that “ The notes of banks having the privilege of note issue at the time of the promulgation of this law, shall not be employed in payments outside the state which may have granted them the privilege. The exchange of these notes, however, for other bank-notes, paper money, or specie is not subject to this prohibition.” Banks which saw fit to submit to the new conditions were treated somewhat more favorably, pending the extension of the branches of the Imperial Bank throughout the Empire. They were governed by Article 44 of the law and were sub ject to the same conditions, as to the classes of securities dealt in, the character of the commercial paper held, the proportion of cash reserve to circulation and the payment of benefits to the state, as the Imperial Bank. They were re quired to hold security for their circulation to the amount of one-third in money having currency in Germany, in Imperial Treasury bonds, in gold bullion or foreign gold coin. The remaining two-thirds of the circulation was required to be protected by bills of exchange running for not more than three months and bearing three endorsements or not less than two names of well-known solvency. They were required to exchange their notes for German money having currency at Berlin, or Frankfort, and redemption must not be delayed beyond the morrow of the presentation of the note.1 Banks accepting these conditions obligated themselves to receive at their face value, in branches established in cities of more 1 Noel, I., 320-23. 206 H ISTO RY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE . than eighty thousand inhabitants and at the parent bank the notes of German banks whose circulation was authorized throughout the Empire and which wTere redeemable in coin on demand. Bills on one bank thus received by another could be used only in the settlement of balances with the bank of issue, employed in payments within the territory of the issuing bank or presented for redemption. Banks de siring to conform to the requirements of Article 44 were re quired to present to the Chancellor of the Empire the evidence that their statutes conformed to the law and that the locality chosen for the exchange of bills (Berlin or Frankfort) posessed a branch ready for actual operation. Much feeling was aroused among the German banks upon the passage of this law and fifteen of the thirty-two outside the Bank of Prussia promptly abandoned their right to cir culation, and became mere private banks of discount and deposit, rather than conform to all the requirements of the new law. The Bank of Brunswick took the bolder course, which it was believed no bank would be able to maintain, of refusing to comply with Article 44 and continuing its cir culation under the limitations of Articles 42 and 43. The Bank of Brunswick, therefore, continued to issue bills which circulated within the limits of the duchy and braved the ef forts of the Bank of Prussia to force it into submission. The Prussian Bank refused to receive the paper of the Bank of Brunswick and upon the failure of this device had orders issued to the postal savings banks not to receive the notes of the bank on deposit. The latter measure threatened to arouse so much of the old separatist feeling in Germany that it was abandoned by direction of the Chancellor. Frederick William of Brunswick died during the latter part of 1884, and Prince Albert of Prussia, the nephew of the German Emperor, was elected Duke of Brunswick by the Diet on October 21, 1885. The close relations thus established be tween Brunswick and the Imperial government soon led to the compliance of the Bank of Brunswick with the provi sions of Article 44. The purpose to clear the field for the circulation of the Im THE B A N K S OF GERMANY. 207 perial Bank was indicated by a law of April 30, 1874, which required the retirement of the paper money issued by the various states not later than July 1, 1875. The Imperial government, in order to promote this policy, was authorized to issue Treasury bonds to the amount of 120,000,000 marks ($30,000,000) and to apportion them among the states ac cording to population. The paper money in circulation was 61,374,599 thalers ($45,000,000), and it was not distributed in any such even ratio as the new bonds. The law, in contem plation of this situation, authorized the Imperial Treasury to advance to states which needed an additional allowance to retire their paper money a sum in Treasury bonds equal to two-thirds of the excess of notes above the original ap portionment of bonds. These bonds were to be receivable by the Imperial Treasury and were to be convertible on demand into metallic money. The advances of bonds in addition to the apportionment of 120,000,000 marks, were 54,919,941 marks, of which Saxony received 19,013,441 marks; Bavaria, 14,534,975 marks; Baden, 4,577,449 marks; Wurtemberg, 3,309,651 marks; Hesse, 3,250,514 marks; and the other states less than 2,000,000 marks each. Prussia received no additional advance, but her share of the original allotment was 72,145,494 marks. Oldenburg, Lippe, Lubeck, Bremen, Hamburg, and Alsace-Lorraine received no extra advance. The sixteen banks which decided in 1875 to accept the federal regulation of their circulation and to continue to issue notes were, besides the Imperial Bank and the Bank of Brunswick, the Municipal Bank of Breslau, and the banks of Magdeburg, Dantzig, the Grand Duchy of Posen, Hanover, Frankfort, Bavaria, Saxony, United Deposits at Leipzig, Chemnitz, Wurtemberg, Baden, Southern Ger many, and Bremen. Provision was made in the new law for a new bank in Bavaria, with which two existing banks were consolidated, and which was given special permission to issue circulating notes to the amount of 70,000,000 marks. The authorized uncovered circulation of these sixteen banks was 111,125,000 marks, of which the Bank of Bavaria was 208 HISTOR Y OF MODERN BA N K S OF ISSUE . originally entitled to 32,000,000 marks, the Bank of Saxony at Dresden to 16,771,000 marks, the banks of Frankfort, Baden, Wurtemberg, and of Southern Germany to 10,000,000 marks each, and the others to smaller amounts. The absorption of the issues of these banks by the Imperial Bank has proceeded rapidly in recent years. Only eight banks of circulation remained in existence in German}^ at the close of 1891, outside the Imperial Bank. They included the larger of the banks named above, and their aggregate capital was 130,000,000 marks ($32,000,000). The circulation of the local banks fell from 200,300,000 marks ($50,000,000) in 1883 to 192,400,000 marks in 1890, but their metallic reserve increased from 111,200,000 marks to 112,600,000 marks.1 Four more banks surrendered the right of note issue within the next sixteen years, and at the beginning of 1908 only the following institutions remained as competitors in this field with the Imperial Bank: Bank of Bavaria, with an author ized issue of 32,000,000 marks; Bank of Saxony, 16,771,000 marks; Bank of Baden, 10,000,000 marks; Bank of Wurtem berg, 10,000,000 marks. The principal items in the accounts of the Imperial Bank since its creation are shown in the following table2: THE IMPERIAL BANK OF GERMANY YEAR. I 876 I 878 1880 1882 884 1885 I 1888 I89O 1892 1894 MEAN CIRCULATION. MEAN METALLIC RESERVE. MEAN DISCOUNTS. MEAN ADVANCES. (In millions of marks.) 684.8 622.6 735.0 747.0 732.9 727.4 933-o 983.8 984.7 1,000.0 510.5 494.O 562.0 548.9 591.7 586.X 903.4 SOI.O 942.0 934.3 402.9 340.8 345.7 372.1 377-7 372.7 430.8 543.1 541.7 547-4 50.9 52.4 51.3 54-4 49.1 52.4 52.0 DEPOSITS, CURRENT ACCOUNTS, ETC. 218.7 84.6 I 185.4 171.6 222.9 233.6 381.8 98.0 95-0 361.4 511.8 81.0 492.3 1Bulletin de Statistique> Nov., 1891, XXX., 542. 2These figures down to 1900 are taken from Die Reichsbank, 18/6jpooy 268, seq. THE BAN KS OF GERMANY. 209 THE IMPERIAL BANK OF GERMANY —{Continued.) YEAR. 1895 I896 I898 1900 I90I 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1 M EAN C IR C U L A T IO N . 1,095.5 1,083.4 1,124.5 1,138-5 1,190.2 1,229.6 1,248.7 1,288.4 1.335-6 1.387-0 1, 478.7 1,792.6 M EAN M E T A L L IC R E SER VE. M EAN DISC O U N T S. (In millions of marks.) 573.9 646.3 713.8 800.1 845.3 775-5 845-7 823.3 972.9 875.7 989.4 890.9 1,104.0 843.3 1,127.0 1,031.8 1,011.7 891.9 850.9 817.1 911.4 982.2 904.9 926.6 MEAN AD VAN CES. 83.2 106.0 96.4 80.0 72.8 74. r 74.8 74.2 72.0 83.6 98.0 164.0 D E P O S IT S , CURRENT AC C O U N T S, E T C . 499-5 484.2 474.6 512.7 596.5 576.5 553-6 534-6 585.2 575-6 577-9 615.1 The first issues of the Imperial Bank subject to the five per cent, tax occurred in December, 1881, and were repeated in September and October, 1882; in December, 1886; and three times in the latter part of 1889, when the excess above the limit ran as high as 109,477,500 marks ($26,000,000). The limit was exceeded in 1890 by 26,250,000 marks ($6,500,000), but at the end of 1891 the reserve had been so increased that the note issues were 101,407,000 marks below the limit. This margin was reduced to 16,764,000 marks ($4,000,000) at the end of 1892, but there was only one week of excess issues in 1893, none in 1894, and three weeks in 1895. New conditions began to develop with the expansion of German trade in 1896. The number of weeks in which taxes were paid in that year was six; in 1897, nine; in 1898, sixteen; in 1899, twenty; and in 1900, twenty. The amount paid in taxes on this excess circulation, which had never been higher than 338,627 marks ($81,000) before 1896, at tained 464,801 marks in that year; 767,916 marks in 1897; 1,927,401 marks in 1898; 2,847,294 marks in 1899; and 2,517,853 marks in 1900, making total payments in five years of 8,525,265 marks ($2,025,000). The reason for this was not found in any special pressure in the market for 1June 30. 14 210 H ISTO RY OF M ODERN BANK’S OF ISSUE . capital, except perhaps in 1900, but in the fact that the growth of business in Germany required a larger volume of circulating medium. In the revision of the charter of the bank by the law of June 7, 1899, the new conditions were recognized. The government proposed an increase in the authorized un covered circulation to 400,000,000 marks, and this limit was raised by the Reichstag to 450,000,000 marks ($107,000,000). Soon after these limits became effective, on January 1, 1901, the Frankfort Bank (in March, 1901) and the Bank of South Germany (in June, 1902) surrendered their fixed issues of 10,000,000 each to the Imperial Bank, and in 1906 a third institution, raising its total authorized or “ uncovered” issue to 472,829,000 marks ($112,500,000). The object of this elevation of the limit of authorized circulation was to avoid imposing an unwarranted burden of taxation upon the circulation when it was only at the amount required by normal conditions. The effect was re flected in the statement of excess issues as soon as the new limit took effect, which was at the beginning of 1901. The limit of untaxed circulation was exceeded during only five weeks in that year; three weeks in 1902; seven weeks in 1903; eight weeks in 1904; nine weeks in 1905; and seven teen weeks in 1906. The amount of tax paid was only 352,684 marks ($83,800) in 1901, and prior to the pressure of 1907 reached a maximum under the new order of things of 3,692,350 marks ($880,000) in 1906. The highest amount attained by the excess circulation prior to the operation of the new limit was 371,233,061 marks in the week ending September 30, 1899. It was this September week of the autumn crop movement and the close of the financial quarter which almost invariably showed the largest issues. Even the outbreak of the war between Russia and Japan in 1904, which caused a temporary panic on the bourses of Berlin and Paris, did not compel the issue of any taxed circulation until the quarter-end on March 31st, when the amount was 166,126,902 marks, while the limit reached on September 30th, after the peace, was 305,038,527 marks, THE B A N K S OF GERMANY . 211 and the maximum of 1905 on the same date was 450,282,987 marks ($107,000,000).1 The crisis of 1907, however, subjected the Imperial Bank to a severe test, for the pressure felt in Germany was not merely a reflex of that in the United States, but was due also to speculation and excessive demands for capital at home. Not only was the discount rate of the bank kept at seven and a half per cent, from November 8, 1907, to January 15, 1908, but remained at six per cent, until March 7th, and at five per cent, far into the summer, after the Bank of England rate had fallen to two and a half per cent. Even these high rates barely kept the gold reserve intact, and caused doubts to spread of the wisdom of the law imposing the tax of five per cent, on the uncovered circulation above the legal limit. The annual report for 1907 showed that the average metallic reserve of the year had shrunk to 843,340,000 marks ($200,300,000) as compared with 890,965,000 marks in 1906 and 972,959,000 marks in 1905. Even this degree of security had been maintained only at heavy cost. The aver age discount rate of 1907 had been 6.033 per cent.; circulation subject to the special tax had been outstanding twenty-five weeks, or for practically half the year; the week of Decem ber 31st witnessed an excess circulation of 625,974,363 marks ($149,000,000); and the tax paid for the year amounted to 5,600,698 marks ($1,350,000).2 If the burden had fallen chiefly upon the bank, it would have been viewed with equanimity by many elements in the community, but the tax imposed upon commerce was so heavy that severe criticisms of the bank and the government were heard in the Reichstag, which went so far as to demand a modification of the gold standard and the payment of silver for notes in order “ to put a silver wall around the gold 1 Raffalovich, L e Marchk Financier en 1905-1906, 428. 2 Bulletin de Statistique, April, 1908, LX III., 476. It was hinted by the Russian Minister of Finance that the German bank was compelled to appeal to Russia for a loan o f gold.— London Statist, January n , 1908, LX I., 76. 212 H ISTO RY OF M ODERN BAN KS OF ISSUE. treasure.” 1 While the new governor of the bank, Herr Havenstein,2 declared it to be his unalterable purpose to maintain the gold standard, the government felt compelled to take several measures to allay the growing uneasiness. One of these was the appointment of a commission, chosen from among economists and representatives of the commercial classes, to examine into questions relating to the extension of the bank charter, the increase of the limit of untaxed issues, the extension of the check and clearing system, and the methods of drawing gold into the bank from abroad and from the domestic circulation. * Other measures were the enactment of a code governing the use of checks and the increase of the per capita stock of subsidiary silver. Already the bank, under the sanction of a law of February 20,1906, had begun the issue of notes for fifty marks ($11.90) and twenty marks ($4.76), in order to draw into the vaults of the bank an equivalent amount of gold.4 Of these new notes 139,286,100 marks of the larger denomination and 151,157,180 marks of the smaller were already in circulation at the close of 1907.5 The rate of discount charged by the Bank of Germany, including its earlier career as the Bank of Prussia, averaged barely over four and a quarter per cent, from 1845 to 1900. The highest average for a decade was 4.60 per cent., from 1865 to 1874, — the period of the wars with Austria and France,—and the lowest was 3.65 per cent., from 1885 to 1894. These averages, however, do not represent the ex treme fluctuations. The rate of nine per cent, prevailed 1 Economiste Europeen, Jan. 17, 1908, X X X I I L , 69. 2 The new governor in January, 1908, succeeded Dr. Koch who, after passing through various grades in the old Bank of Prussia and the Imperial Bank, had been governor of the latter since 1890.— ., December 14, 1907, L X . , January 18, 1908, L X V I., 122. The first sitting of the commission was on May 1, 1908. — May 5, 1908, 1492. , February, 1906, U X . , 178. April, 1908, L X III., 178. London Statist 3 London Economist Materiels, 4 Bulletin de Statistique 5 Ibid., Moniteur des InterUs THE B AN KS OF GERMANY . 213 for sixty-three days in 1866, and eight per cent, for five days in 1866, and thirty-two days in 1870.1 Apart from these instances, there was no higher rate than seven per cent, after 1866, until the crisis of 1907. The German rate during the fifty-six years ending with 1900 was higher on the average by about two-thirds of one per cent, than the rate of the Bank of England; but this is partly accounted for by the fact that the rate at Berlin was never below three per cent., while for about one-third of the time the rate at London was two or two and a half per cent.2 Discount rates were high at the Imperial Bank during the entire three years beginning with 1905. The constant de mand for capital throughout the world, and the severe pres sure exerted on European markets by high rates in New York in the autumn of 1905 and again in 1906, compelled all the European banks to take unusual precautions to guard their reserves. The average rates at the Imperial Bank were 4.10 per cent, in 1901; 3.12 per cent, in 1902 ; 3.84 percent, in 1903 ; 4.22 per cent, in 1904 ; 3.82 per cent, in 1905 ; and 5.15 per cent, in 1906. The rate was changed eight times in 1905 and the year closed with a six per cent, rate, which never fell below four and a half per cent, in 1906. On December 18, 1906, the rate was raised to seven per cent, for the first time since the Boer War and did not fall below five and a half per cent, at any time during the next year. This was the rate prevailing when the crisis in the United States led to a rate of six and a half per cent, on October 29th, and finally to a special meeting of the Central Committee which fixed the rate at seven and a half per cent, on November 8, 1907. The discount business of the bank is largely that of redis count for the large joint stock banks, which have come to play an important part not only in commercial banking, but in flotations of securities and corporation financing.3 By 1 Cf, Palgrave, Bank Rate and the Money Market, 157. 2 Ibid., 204. 3 The three largest of these institutions are the Deutsche Bank, with aggregate resources at the close of 1907 of 1,871,720,000 marks 214 H ISTO RY OF M ODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE . reason of the fact that much paper is offered for rediscount only some time after it is drawn, the average maturities held at the Imperial Bank are well within the legal limit of three months. The average maturity of all domestic bills, which in 1876 was twenty-seven days and in 1898 twenty-five days, was in 1906 only twenty days. The average amount of these bills was 1480 marks ($352) in 1876, and 1689 marks ($402) in 1906. Of bills outstanding at the close of the year, the proportion maturing in fifteen days or less in 1906 was 42 per cent.; those having thirty-one to sixty days to run, 27 per cent.; and those having from sixty-one to ninety days only 15 per cent.1 The proportion of the metallic reserve kept in gold was not regularly stated until the revision of the charter by the law of 1909. The amount at the close of 1894 was 7 H r 448,000 marks ($170,000,000). The competition for the yel low metal and the great expansion of trade in Germany prevented any permanent gain in gold during the next decade and reduced the average amount held during 1906 to 674,734,000 marks and during 1907 to 633,830,000 marks. Among the devices adopted to facilitate the importation of gold was that of exempting advances upon imports of the metal from interest charges for a stipulated period, which was extended in March, 1908, to a maximum of six weeks.2 The redemption of notes in coin on demand is required at the Imperial Bank in Berlin, but may be refused at the branches when the funds on hand do not justify it.8 The ($456,000,000); the Diskonto Gesellschaft, 850,000,000 marks ($202,000,000) ; and the Dresdner Bank, 1,012,060,000 marks ($240,000,000). Cf. the author’s Principles o f Money and Banking, II., 283, 1 London Bankers* Magazine, December, 1907, L X X X IV , 700. 2 Moniteur des InUrits Mattriels, March 29, 1908, 979. 3 The report, long prevalent, that the Imperial Bank discriminated against those seeking to withdraw gold, was denied by Dr. Koch, gov ernor of the bank, in the autumn of 1907, who said that the bank “ pays out gold in unlimited amounts at its central office in Berlin in redemption of its notes ; but that it does not do this at branches like those of Hamburg and Bremen, since, in that case, it would have to 215 bank is obliged to receive the bills of other banks of issue which have conformed to the law of March 24, 1875, and where they are established in cities of more than 80,000 inhabitants. Bank bills were not a legal tender until 1909, and the original charter prescribed that “ there exists no obligation to accept bank bills for payments which are legally due in specie, and no such obligation can be established by the legislation of any state with regard to the banks of the state.’’ The government took advantage of the extension of the charter of the Imperial Bank in 1889 to secure a larger share in the dividends than it had before demanded. The statute of December 18, 1889, reduced from four and a half to three and a half per cent, the dividend allotted to the shareholders before any other allotment. Twenty per cent, of the remain ing profits was to be carried to a reserve fund, so long as this fund was less than a quarter of the capital, and the remainder was to be shared equally between the shareholders and the Imperial Treasury until the portion of the shareholders reached six per cent. Of the profits in excess of six per cent, the shareholders obtained only a quarter and the Im perial Treasury the other three-quarters. The minimum dividend of three and a half per cent, was to be made up to the shareholders from the reserve funds when it was not provided by the annual profits of the bank. The reserve fund reached the legal limit of one-fourth of the capital in 1891. The old law divided the dividends above four and a half per cent, equally between the shareholders and the gov ernment up to eight per cent. The actual profits under the old law from 1876 to 1888 were 131,900,000 marks, amount ing to 8.46 per cent, annually on the capital. The share holders received 94,900,000 marks, amounting to 6.08 per cent, of the capital and the state received 24,700,000 marks. Further changes were made in favor of the government by the revisions of 1899 and 1909. Under both laws, the share holders were still allotted three and one-half per cent, in THE B A N K S OF GERMANY bear the expense of shipment to those cities.” — Letter in London Economist, November 9, 1907, L X V ., 1925. 2 16 H IS TOR V OF MODERN BA N K S OF ISSUE . dividends before the distribution to the state, and after an allotment to the reserve fund three-quarters of the remaining profits went into the public treasury and only the remaining one-quarter to the shareholders. The difference between the law of 1899 and that of 1909 was that under the former, 20 per cent, of surplus profits after the first dividend to share holders was carried to the reserve fund, until this fund should attain 60,000,000 marks, while under the law of 1909, only 10 per cent, of the excess profits was to be carried to the reserve fund. The number of shareholders increased from 7,877 at the close of 1894 to 18,799 at the close of 1913. The number of offices of the bank on December 31, 1894, was 267, and on December 31, 1913, 487. One of the important services rendered to German com merce by the Imperial Bank, which takes the place in some degree of the clearing and cheque system, is the transfer of deposits on current account (Giro Verkehr). By this system a person in any town where there is a branch of the bank, wishing to make a payment to some one in another town, may pay the amount into the local branch of the Imperial Bank and it will be credited on the following day to the cur rent account of the person in whose favor it is deposited. These transfers are made without charge and it is not neces sary that the person making the payment shall have an account at the bank. The system was devised partly to facilitate transactions in different parts of the Empire and 1 The lion’s share going to the government under these provisions, in case of high discount rates and large profits, is illustrated by the accounts for 1907. Net profits stood at 52,313,651 marks, against 40,262,908 marks in 1906, The three and a half per cent, dividend to shareholders called for 6,300,000 marks, and the division of the re mainder according to law gave 34,510,238 marks to the state and only 11,503,413 marks to shareholders. Even under these conditions their dividend was at the rate of 9.89 per cent, as compared with 8.22 per cent, in 1906. I f the tax on excess circulation is taken into account, the government received 40,110,936 marks ($9,450,000) against 29,164,530 marks in 1906.— Bulletin de Statistique, April, 1908, L X III., . 478 THE B A N K S OF GERMANY. 217 partly to economize the use of specie. In the latter respect it has been eminently successful, the proportion paid in specie having declined from 39.5 per cent, in 1876 to 16.8 per cent, in 1900. In two other respects the Imperial Bank has conformed in recent years to modem methods of giving flexibility to its resources and strengthening its control over the money mar ket. One of these is the accumulation of foreign bills, par ticularly those drawn on England, in its portfolio. President Koch, discussing this policy early in December, 1906, de clared that it was the practice of the bank to buy these bills at times when they were low and to sell them later, when, in consequence of the higher rate of exchange, there might otherwise be danger of gold exports.1 The other measure is that known in England as “ borrowing from the market/' This process consists in offering Treasury bills for re-discount in the open market, thereby absorbing surplus cash and preventing a too rapid fall in the open market rate.2 The law of June 1, 1909, did not alter the amount of the capital of the bank, which had been increased in 1889 to 180,000,000 marks ($43,000,000). Several important changes were made, however, in respect to the note issue. The total amount of uncovered notes which the Imperial Bank was authorized to issue free of tax was increased to 550,000,000 marks ($130,750,000), and the total note circulation for all banks of issue was fixed at 618,000,000 marks. A new pro vision was made for the Imperial Bank, however, by which the amount of uncovered notes free of tax was permitted to rise to 750,000,000 marks for the weekly periods at the end of March, June, September, and December of each year. This provision was made to meet the special demand for currency occasioned by the custom which prevails in 1 London Economist, December 8, 1906, L X III., 2006. 2This was done in February, 1908, when 40,000,000 marks in Treasury bills were thus offered and President Havenstein declared that the fall in the open market-rate did not represent the real state of the market.— Berlin letter in New York Evening Post, February 29, 1908. 218 HISTOR Y OF MODERN BA N K S OF ISSUE . Germany of the quarterly settlement of commercial accounts. Another important change was the making of the notes of the Imperial Bank legal tender. It was stated in the report presented with the bill to the Reichstag that, as bank-notes were regularly employed, and for large amounts almost ex clusively, it was advisable to fix their legal status in order to avoid difficulties when they were tendered as legal payment.1 At the same time, the notes were made redeemable exclu sively in German gold coin, instead of merely in German currency, which included government notes and silver. A further obligation was imposed upon the Imperial Bank to accept at par the notes of the state banks of issue, at its main office in Berlin, and at branch offices in the larger cities. The characteristic feature of the policy of the Imperial Bank during recent years has been the building up of a gold reserve which should be adequate to the strain of the political anxieties which prevailed in Europe during and after the struggle in the Balkans. By bidding high for the precious metal whenever it appeared in free markets and by maintaining the discount rate at six per cent, for nearly ten months (from January ist to October 27th), affording an average rate for 1913 of 5.885 per cent., the bank increased its metallic reserves from 1,081,711,000 marks ($257,000,000) on January 7, 1913, to 1,540,135,000 marks ($366,000,000) on November 22, 1913. The average gold holdings, which were 880,083,000 marks ($209,400,000) for 1912, rose to 1,067,596,000 marks ($254,000,000) for 1913, and the process of gold accumulation was continued well into the following year. This increase in the gold stock was accomplished in part by the substitution of small notes for gold drawn from the circulation. The outstanding issues of notes of 50 marks ($11.90) and of 20 marks ($4.76) were increased from 367,008,770 marks on December 31,1911, to 681,822,040 marks on December 31, 1913, or by a total of 314,813,730 marks ($74,800,000). ' “ Renewal of Reichsbank Charter,” National Monetary Commis Senate Document 507, 61st Congress, Second Session, p. 98. sio n , CHAPTER IX. T H E A U ST R O -H U N G A R IA N B A N K . The Evils of a Century o f Paper Money— The First Issues of Notes and the Efforts to Restore Coin Redemption— The Creation of the Imperial Bank and the Successive Changes in its Charter— Establishment and Growth of the Hungarian Branch— The Mone tary Reform o f 1892 and the New Rate of Exchange— Use of Modern Devices for Maintaining Stability of Exchange. T HE Austrian Empire has been for a century under the dominion of paper money, but her monetary history has differed from that of France with the assignats and the United States with the Continental money of the Revolution. The Austrian paper money has been a serious detriment to the commercial development of the country and the solidity of business enterprises, but the volume has never reached the point of absolute worthlessness and re pudiation. The effect of the system has been, in the lan guage of Professor Sumner,1 “ not like an acute disease ; it is like an invalid state with occasional fever.” The first ivssues of paper money seem to have had the same beneficial effects as the issues of Law’s bank in France and the issues of £1 bank-notes in Scotland, in stimulating business en terprises and affording a convenient circulating medium where none existed, but the limit was soon over-passed and the Austrian paper money began its downward course. This course has been several times arrested by earnest efforts on the part of the government, only to be resumed when the necessities of war compelled new issues of paper. The fi1 History o f A merican Currency, p. 323. 219 220 H ISTORY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE . nancial history of the Austrian Empire has been a succes sion of acts for refunding, for new issues of interest-bearing and non-interest bearing securities, and new regulations for the Austrian National Bank until the recital becomes almost tedious. The government and the bank have been able in recent years to accumulate a large stock of gold, the paper money has risen much above the value of standard silver coins, and unless the country is dragged into some new war she will soon accomplish the resumption of specie payments upon a gold basis. The first important banking institution in Austria seems to have been created at Vienna by a decree of June 16, 1703, with a capital of 7,000,000 florins ($3,500,000). It was created for the purpose of rescuing the government from the evils of a debased currency which even then existed, but was authorized to receive the deposits of individuals, like the similar establishments of Venice, Hamburg, and Amster dam. It was essentially a governmental institution and was formed, like the Bank of Venice, for the funding of the pub lic debt, which was to be accomplished by an annual levy upon the receipts of the Treasury for the security and retire ment of the mandates or assegni which the new establish ment was authorized to issue.1 The experiment was not successful. The government was unable in the involved state of the finances to make the annual payments to which it was pledged and the mandates issued by the bank were received very reluctantly into the monetary circulation. The government finally turned the institution over to the City of Vienna and it took the name of the Bank of the City of Vienna. The transformation did not save it. The bank suspended operations in drafts on private account in order to devote its entire resources to refunding, but the expected means for this work failed and the bank went into liquida tion at the expense of its depositors and shareholders. No further attempt was made to establish a national bank for over a century. 1 Noel, I., 344. 221 The Austrian Empire found itself in 1761 in one of the most critical stages of its history. The headship of Ger many, which descended to the Hapsburgs from Charle magne, was escaping from Austrian control under the potent influence of Frederick the Great of Prussia, and Austrian finances were involved in an inextricable confusion in which the one patent fact of a deficit was all that was not obscure. The Count of Sinzendorff, one of the leading ministers of the Empire, noticed that the condition under which loans were contracted afforded no opportunity to small capitalists to in vest. He presented, therefore, a project by wliich bills of from 20 to 100 florins were issued, with coupons attached indicating the value from day to day, with interest added at six per cent. Public depositories were authorized to receive these bills in payment of taxes and to disburse them to the creditors of the State at their value at the date of payment, including accrued interest. M. Noel says regarding the effects of this issue : THE A USTRO-HUNGARIAN BANK. The public were not slow to receive these bills with favor and the circulation attained immediately such proportions that the govern ment felt able to dispense with the provision for interest, which created a heavy charge upon the Treasury. It decided to substitute, by a system of exchanges from day to day, paper money without in terest for the original interest-bearing bills, which represented a par ticular kind of Treasury bonds; and in redeeming the last, in order to avoid confusion, it issued notes of five, ten, twenty-five, fifty, and one hundred florins. Public opinion showed itself as favorable to the employment of the new money as to the circulation of the first, and the numerous facilities which it gave to daily transactions gave it a preference even over metallic money.1 The government could not content themselves with the moderate use of the power in their hands. A second issue of notes was decreed in 1769 and a third in 1771. Commerce was expanding, aided to some extent by the convenience of the new note issues, and the government seized the oppor tunity for injecting fresh masses of paper into the circulation. These excessive issues provoked a panic in 1797, which 1 Banques d 'Emission en Europe, I., 340. 222 H ISTORY OF MODERN BA N K S OF ISSUE. obliged the government to give forced legal tender character to the paper and even to refuse its conversion into securities of the consolidated debt. Specie rose to a premium of thir teen per cent, in December, 1799, and began to disappear from circulation, and in 1800 the Treasury attempted to fill its place by the creation of notes of one and two florins (fifty cents and one dollar). Austria lost several Italian provinces as the result of the brilliant campaigns of Napoleon, and the inhabitants of those provinces who held Treasury bills over ran the public depositories with the demand for payment in specie. The separation between coin and paper constantly grew wider, until in 1806 paper circulated for only half its value in silver, which was then the metallic standard. The Treasury made repeated promises, which could not be kept, that a part of the annual tax levy should be consecrated to the reduction of the paper circulation. The need for funds was so urgent that decrees were issued ordering the trans mission to the Treasury of silver vessels, jewelry, the deco rations of the churches and the consecrated fonts throughout the empire, which were paid for in paper money at three times their specie value. The peace which followed the French victory at Wagram in 1809 and the marriage of the Archduchess Maria Iyouisa with Napoleon afforded an opportunity, which the govern ment embraced, to attempt the restoration of order in the public finances. Delegates from all the provinces were assembled, but they found almost insuperable difficulties in the inefficiency and corruption of public officials and the ab solute lack of confidence by the business community and the people in the oft-broken pledges of the government. The issues of government paper money had steadily increased from 74,200,000 florins ($37,000,000) in 1797 to 1,064,000,000 florins ($530,000,000) in 1811. The value of the paper had declined almost in proportion to the increase in the issues. The price of silver expressed in paper was 118 in December, 1800. It steadily rose to 203 in 1807, leaped to 500 in De cember, 1810, with the enormously increased issues of the three intervening years, and touched 1200 for a time in 1811. THE A USTRO-HUNGARIAN BANK. 223 The method adopted in France, when the territorial man dates were substituted for the assignats, was followed by Austria, which declared the reduction of existing issues to one-fifth of their original value and substituted redemption notes (Einlosungsscheine), which were called Viennese money. The decree of February 20, 1811, which put this reduction in force, was issued with the avowed purpose of arresting the fluctuations in the paper money, which were declared to be “ so extremely pernicious, because they shatter private fortunes, fetter industry, derange all social relations, and give birth to distrust and jealousy.” 1 The decree was despatched under seal to the officials in different parts of the Empire, to be opened at five o’clock in the morn ing on March 15, 1811, and the announcement was awaited by eager crowds who looked to the action of the Emperor to relieve the public distress. The majority, who held quan tities of the paper, went away cursing the government for the decree. A few, who were believed to have had previous notice of its contents, had put their affairs in a shape which left them rich, as some of the purchasers of stock in the Mississippi Company of John Law had transformed it into real estate or exported the proceeds in coin while the stock was still selling at high figures. The government promised to limit the new issues of redemption paper to just enough to redeem the outstanding notes in the proposed ratio of one to five, which would be about 212,000,000 florins. The new notes were depreciated, however, from the first day of their issue and fell to fifty per cent, during the year, but rose to eighty-seven per cent, when the public began to believe that the quantity would not be increased. The suspension of new issues was only for a brief period and the necessities of the last Napoleonic wars forced the issues up to 638,900,000 florins ($319,000,000) in 1816. The distrust and business paratysis caused by these re peated paper issues and the necessity of raising money to carry on the government led to the creation of the National 1 Leroy-Beaulieu, II., 644. 224 H ISTORY OF MODERN BAN KS OF ISSUE. Bank of Austria. The Emperor, in issuing the imperial patent for the establishment of the bank, invoked the public confidence bj' declaring that he had from the first desired to re-establish order in the standard of value, but that the violent shocks which had rent Europe asunder had involved Austria in a series of difficult wars, in which the preservation and the independence of the monarchy became dearer than mere questions of finance. He pledged himself to the people, that no new paper money should be put in circulation and that the withdrawal of that already out should be confided to a national privileged establishment.1 A party of capitalists was formed after some delay and the statutes of the National Bank of Austria received the Impe rial approval on July 15, 1817. The bank was accorded for twenty-five years the exclusive privilege of note issues, was exempted from the stamp taxes, and was authorized to accept deposits and discount commercial paper. The entire capital was to be 110,000,000 florins ($55,000,000) in shares of 1100 florins each, payable 100 florins in silver and 1000 florins in paper. The bank was able to dispose of only 50,621 shares, from which the proceeds were $2,600,000 in silver coin and $29,000,000 in paper. The government took up and de stroyed the paper and issued an equal amount of securities bearing interest at the rate of two and a half per cent. As the notes were depreciated to one-third of their nominal value, this amounted to seven and a half per cent, upon the real capital realized, which was about $12,300,000 ($2,600,000 in coin and $9,700,000 in the coin value of the paper). The services of the bank in restoring confidence and busi ness activity were further compensated by permission to issue a quantity of notes which the government pledged itself to accept as cash without the privilege, which was accorded to individuals, of demanding redemption in coin. The government showed its good faith by devoting to the retirement of the paper money a part of the war contribution paid by France, and 131,829,887 florins were soon withdrawn 1 Noel, I., 345-46. THE AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN B A N K . 225 from circulation, reducing the amount outstanding to 54^,886,038 florins ($273,000,000). The bank continued the process of converting the government money into bank-notes until on December 31, 1847, the amount outstanding was reduced to 9,712,838 florins ($4,850,000). The uprising in Hungary in 1848, the Crimean War, and the Italian struggle which resulted in Austrian defeat at Magenta and Solferino, imposed new charges upon the Aus trian government and did much to upset the work of the bank during the thirty years of peace from 1816 to 1846. The bank had proceeded so rapidly with the conversion of the government paper money as to endanger its own security and alarming runs were threatened in 1831, and again in 1840, which were only averted by the help of the government and in the latter case by a loan of coin from the private banks of Vienna. The charter of the bank expired in 1842, but the Emperor signed a patent renewing its privileges, with some modifications, until December 31, 1866. The bank had enjoyed until this time the exclusive privilege of discount as well as the monopoly of note issues, but the former privilege was now thrown open to others and the power to make loans upon real estate mortgages was with drawn. The bank had contributed somewhat to the expan sion of commerce by its discounts, but its immense advances to the government prevented its applying so much capital as \vas needed for the development of new private enterprises. Financial societies and private banks of discount had sprung up in the important centres and their success and legality depended upon sharing with the National Bank the power to make discounts and advances. The bank at the end of the year 1847 possessed a metallic reserve of 70,240,000 florins ($35,000,000) and maintained a circulation of 213,000,000 florins. The outbreak of the revo lution in Hungary brought the bill-holders in crowds to the bank for the redemption of the notes and the coin reserve shrunk in a few da}^s to 35,023,030 florins. The directors were seized with panic and secured from the government the decree of June 20, 1848, authorizing the bank to suspend 15 226 H ISTO RY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE . specie payments and giving forced legal tender character to its notes. The government hesitated to take this desperate step and accompanied it with decrees intended to prevent the export of gold and silver, even to the amount of more than 100 florins ($50) in the pockets of tourists. The gov ernment at the same time resumed the issue of its own paper promises in the form of interest-bearing mandates, redeem able in four, eight, and twelve months. The fifth of these issues, in 1849, was given forced legal tender character and the notes were no longer to be redeemed in coin. Gold and silver began to disappear from circulation, pieces of six and ten kreutzers (one to two cents) were coined only to disap pear, and bank bills of one florin and Treasury bills of six and ten kreutzers were issued to take the place of the small est coins. The credit of the bank began to sink with that of the government and the depreciation of the bills in the middle of 1849 to about half their nominal value alarmed the administration and led to a solemn declaration that no more loans should be demanded from the bank and that the existing debt should be adjusted and consolidated. The history of the thirteen years from 1848 to 1861 is the history of the disregard of this pledge and of repeated loans negotiated through the bank in spite of continual efforts to refund the debt and reduce its proportions. The aggregate of funded and floating debts due the bank by the govern ment was 178,500,000 florins on January i, 1849, and 205,-# 300,000 florins on January 1, 1850. Considerable reductions were made during the next four years and the figures were carried down to 121,700,000 florins on January 1, 1854. The provisions for the Crimean War forced the figures up again with a bound to 294,200,000 florins ($147,000,000) on Janu ary 1, 1855. The reduction of the debt began again the next year and continued until it was reduced on January 1, 1859, to 145,700,000 florins, but the war with the Italian States and France carried the amount up again to 285,800,000 florins.1 M. Paul I^eroy-Beaulieu, after reviewing the 1 Leroy-Beaulieu, II., 646. THE AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN BANK. 227 long series of negotiations between the government and the bank, sums up the lesson of these years as follows : It is apparent how political events hurled the state farther and far ther down the path o f forced legal tender at the moment when the resumption of specie payments seemed at hand. It is apparent also o f what little use were pledges, whether o f realty or securities, to hasten the liberation o f the state and to permit the bank to terminate the suspension o f specie payments. It is because all such pledges are incapable o f negotiation at short notice without great loss. It is ap parent also what singularly advantageous conditions the bank ob tained from the state for its advances. It enjoyed an interest of two or three per cent, on sums in paper which cost it nothing.1 This situation was too favorable for the bank for it to show itself rigorous towards the state. Every exhibition of complaisance which it made was the source of abundant revenue. This rate of two or three per cent, was extravagant. In France one per cent, was adopted and in Italy six-tenths o f one per cent. The transformation, for such a long period o f time, o f a great establishment of credit into the official lender o f the state had the disastrous consequence that this establish ment could with difficulty fulfil its natural mission of lending to com merce. One cannot serve two masters, and a bank which always has its hand in its coffers to make advances to the state is compelled to show itself more stringent towards manufacturers and merchants. The attempt to resume specie payments seemed upon the eve of success in 1859. A monetary convention was con cluded January 24, 1857, with the view to securing a uniform currency throughout Germany, by which the contracting parties, of which Austria was one, were to issue no more legal tender paper after January 1, 1859, which was not re deemable in coin on demand. An Imperial ordinance of April 30, 1858, prepared the way for resumption by provid ing that after November 1st of the same year one-third of 1 M. Noel seems to ignore this element of the bank loans and says : “ The bank, during the entire period which elapsed from its origin to 1861, had risen to the level of its heavy task. It had contributed en ergetically to sustain the government in the difficult situations which it had traversed and its support, often disinterested, had merited gen eral confidence. Far from abusing the opportunity of the multiplied crises which had obliged the Imperial Treasury to appeal to it, it had endeavored to lighten the burden of the sacrifices imposed by events upon the country.” — Banques d>Emission en Europe, I., 364. 228 H ISTORY OF MODERN BAN KS OF ISSUE . the new bills should be covered by coin or bullion and that the other two-thirds should be represented in the assets of the bank by securities or commercial paper. An arrange ment was also concluded between the government and the bank for the retirement of 100,000,000 florins in small notes by the pledge of the domains of the State. War with Italy upset these carefully laid plans and on April 29, 1859, the bank was again released from the obligation of coin redemp^ tion, and the government appealed to it for a loan of 200,' 000,000 florins. This was met, to two-thirds of its fac^ value, by the issue of bank-notes entirely in denominations of five florins ($2.50). The public had no use for so many small bills and they rapidly returned to the bank. The loan with which it was sought to pay this advance by the bank proved a failure and the government was compelled to deliver a variety of securities in addition to the unplaced obligations of the loan, with a condition that they should not be marketed before November 1, 1861.1 The management of the bank decided on May 9, 1853, to issue the 49,379 shares which had remained undisposed of since 1820 and they gave the preference to the holders of the original shares, at the rate of 800 florins payable in bank bills, which were then below par. The bank was again au thorized by a decree of October 21, 1855, to loan money on mortgages and issue mortgage bonds. This branch of busi ness rapidly developed and on December 31, 1858, already employed about 37,000,000 florins ($18,500,000). The capi tal of the bank was again doubled and immediately after wards increased by 50,000 new shares issued at the rate of about 725 florins, which made the total capital on December 31, 1855, about 110,250,000 florins ($55,000,000). A law of November 13, 1868, reduced the capital again to 90,000,000 florins ($45,000,000). The approach of the termination of the privileges of the bank led to an earnest discussion, which resulted in the law of December 27, 1862, remodelling the charter of the insti1Leroy-Beaulieu, II., 650. THE A USTRO-HUNGARIAN B AN K . 229 tion and its relations with the government. The govern ment proposed the renewal of the charter until 1890; the finance committee of the elective chamber proposed 1880. The subject was referred to a mixed committee of both cham bers, which finally fixed the limit at December 31, 1876. The privileges of the bank were broadened from time to time until 1877, when the law of December 20th, terminating the commercial treaties, provided also that the ministry should conclude an arrangement with the bank extending its privileges until March 29, 1878. A subsequent act made the limit May 31, 1878, and one month later the National Bank of Austria was fused with the Austro-Hungarian Bank. The National Bank, during its later years, in spite of the manner in which it was fettered by its relations to the gov ernment and the suspension of specie payments, conducted its relations with the business community in such a way as to contribute in a considerable measure to the expansion of industry. The business paper carried increased from about 32,000,000 florins ($16,000,000) in 1848 to 75,000,000 florins in 1854 and 90,000,000 florins ($45,000,000) in 1855. The advances on public securities increased from about 15,000,000 florins in 1848 to 50,000,000 florins in 1854 and 82,000,000 florins in 1855. The discounts increased nearly forty per cent, from 1865 to 1877 and would probably have reached a larger figure but for the liquidations following the crisis of 1873. The following table shows, in florins, the aggregate amount of the commercial paper discounted every alternate year from 1865 to 1877 : YEAR. AT VIENNA. AT AUSTRIAN BRANCHES. AT HUNGARIAN BRANCHES. TOTAL. 1865 1867 I869 I87I 383,648,611 63,924,852 76,028,931 125,830,418 173,573,951 240,007,674 221,522,518 212,324,840 23,563,202 37,340,086 103,590,858 134,386,521 471, 136,665 296,699,422 461,845,906 639,396,911 877,266,856 679,624,190 646 327,512 1873 1875 1877 183,330,404 232,424,629 33r.436.438 468,286,132 310,430,552 298,706,477 168, 973,050 147,671,119 135,296,195 230 HISTOR Y OF MODERN B AN KS OF ISSUE . The provisions for regulating the note issues which were adopted in 1863 bear the traces of the English legislation of 1844. They provided for an ‘‘ uncovered ’’ circulation of 200,000,000 florins ($100,000,000) and that all notes issued beyond that sum should be covered by gold or silver coin or bullion. The uncovered circulation was required to be pro tected by commercial paper, by securities deposited for advances, by the coupons of mortgages matured and payable or by mortgage bonds of the bank. This last form of secu rities was not allowed to exceed 20,000,000 florins and they were accepted for only two-thirds of their nominal value. Gold coin or bullion was at that time allowed to take the place of silver to the extent of only a quarter of the metallic reserve. A decree of October 30, 1868, authorized the bank to count as security for the uncovered circulation bills of exchange drawn upon foreign places, and a law of March 18, 1872, gave the bank discretion as to the proportion of gold and silver to be kept in its reserves. The attempt to tie the note circulation rigidly to deposits of specie broke down as completely in Austria as it has broken down in England every time that a crisis has oc curred. The first suspension of the limit was authorized by the government for a brief period in 1866. The bank was compelled again in 1869 to suspend advances upon private deposits of bullion and did not resume this branch of its business for two years, in spite of the protests of manufac turers and brokers. The bank pursued a very conservative course while the fever of speculation was upon the country, but was unable to come to the rescue of mercantile credit when the crisis of 1873 broke out, because of the limitations upon its circulation. The condition of credit became so critical that the government was obliged to intervene in almost precisely the same manner as in England. A letter was addressed to the bank by the Minister of Finance on May 13, 1873, revoking the provisions of Article 14 of the statutes of the bank, relative to the metallic security for bank-notes, and an ordinance to the same effect was approved by the Diet. The ordinance gave the bank authority to issue notes THE AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN B A N K . 231 by discounting bills of exchange and making advances on public securities without any other limitation than its own good judgment. Under this authority the bank granted extraordinary credits to the amount of 64,451,000 florins in Austria, and 30,119,000 florins in Hungary. The circula tion exceeded the legal limit several times in May and July and was almost continuously above the limit during October, November, and December, 1873. The effect of the action of the bank was almost instantaneous in restoring credit. “ The first moment of panic passed,” says M. Clement Juglar, “ it was seen that commerce and industry continued to make good head and that the vital forces of the country were not exhausted, the crisis having been specially severe in everything affecting the bank. ’’ 1 Payment in coin on demand was nominally the condition upon which the bank held its privileges, but the situation of the government and its relations with the bank were such that it was thought necessary to maintain forced legal tender for an indefinite period. A convention was signed between the bank and the government on January 3, 1863, providing for the resumption of specie payments by the bank during 1867, but the war with Prussia postponed the event and the country continued to stagger through the mire of irredeem able paper. An act of May 5, 1866, authorized the gov ernment to issue 150,000,000 florins in government bills, including notes of one and five florins which had already been issued by the bank and which were now declared to be bills of state. The disasters of Sadowa and the other events of the war drove the government to the old device of John Law and the French revolutionists, to guarantee a part of its paper issues by the salt mines of Gmund, Hallein, and Aussee, at the same time that the pledge was given that the maximum of the two forms of the floating debt—the paper money and the salt notes (Salinenscheine)—should not ex ceed 400,000,000 florins. This pledge was not kept to the letter, but the actual circulation was never greatly above the 1Des Crises Commercialese 496. 23 2 H ISTORY OF MODERN BAN KS OF ISSUE . legal maximum. The mean circulation of the old paper money in 1876 was 343,029,232 florins and of the salt notes 68,970,395 florins. An effort was made in 1867 to bring Austria within the circle of the L,atin Union and to harmonize her monetary system with that of France, Italy, Belgium, and Switzer land. The government consented to the coinage of pieces of eight and four florins in gold, equivalent to pieces of twenty and ten francs ($4 and $2). The Franco-German war arrested the negotiations before they had been ratified, but the Imperial government immediately began the coinage of the proposed pieces, and they were accepted in France in public depositories by virtue of a decree of June 14, 1874. Their coinage averaged about 3,000,000 florins ($1,500,000) per year, until it was suspended by the laws which reorgan ized the monetary system in 1892. The domestic troubles which broke out in Austria before the defeat of Sadowa led to the reorganization of the Empire according to the system of dualism which now prevails. The Hungarian Diet was convoked at Pesth on November 19, 1866, and a basis of union with Austria upon the conditions of local independence was prepared by a committee of sixtyseven headed by Francis Deak. The Hungarian budget was to be entirely independent of that of Austria in all in ternal affairs except those affecting the army. The officials of the bank regarded their interest as fully protected in both Austria and Hungary by the law of 1862, but the bank soon found its rights in Hungary called in question and sought a new arrangement which would place them beyond attack. The Hungarian Diet passed a vote early in 1870, promising recognition to the bank until the expiration of its privileges in 1876, if the bank would consent to a payment to Hungary in the same proportion as that made to Austria, and if it would establish at Buda-Pesth an independent directorate for Hungary. The bank was willing to make a payment of 4,500,000 florins, but this was not acceptable to the Hun garian cabinet and the privileges of the bank approached expiration without an agreement. The Imperial government THE AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN B A N K . 233 then brought forward a plan for terminating the existence of the National Bank of Austria and substituting in its place a new institution to be known as the Austro-Hungarian Bank. The proposition became law and the new institution was established for a term beginning July i, 1878, and end ing December 31, 1887. The charter was afterwards re newed for a period of ten years ending on December 31, 1897. The new bank succeeded to all the transactions of the old and a directorate was established at Buda-Pesth and a sum of 50,000,000 florins ($25,000,000) set aside for discounts and advances in Hungary. The bank-notes of the institu tion are required to be printed in both the German and Hungarian tongues and to bear the arms of the monarchy. The governor of the bank is named by the Emperor, upon the joint nomination of the finance ministers of Austria and Hungary, and the two deputy governors are chosen from the two parts of the Empire. The changes made in the pro visions for the note circulation had in view the new charac ter of the bank as a representative of the two monarchies and the purpose of the government to resume specie payments. The certificates and matured coupons of the Austrian and Hungarian debt were included among the legal securities for the covered circulation and it was provided that the two principal establishments at Vienna and Buda-Pesth might issue bills on deposits of silver coin and bullion at the rate of forty-five florins to the pound of fine silver. This pro vision became inoperative when the government in 1879 suspended the coinage of silver on private account. The amount of 200,000,000 florins has been steadily ad hered to as the limit of the uncovered circulation, but the rule is now followed of keeping coin and foreign gold bills to the amount of forty per cent, of the entire volume of bank-notes in the hands of the public. The difficulties caused by a rigid limit of circulation in 1873 were guarded against, upon the extension of the bank charter in 1887, by the adoption of the German system of the five per cent, tax on the circulation. The method of determination is sub stantially the same as in the case of the German Imperial 234 H ISTORY OF MODERN BAN KS OF ISSUE . Bank. Weekly reports are required, and upon the amount by which the aggregate circulation exceeds the sum of the metallic reserve and the uncovered circulation of 200,000,000 florins, a tax is levied of of one per cent, for the weekly excess. The notes of the Austro-Hungarian Bank are a legal tender throughout the Empire for their full nominal value in all payments to be made in Austrian money, in the absence of a specific contract or a judicial decision requiring payment in specie.1 Political conflicts between Austria and Hungary embar rassed the bank and delayed the complete restoration of specie payments which was undertaken in 1892. It was only by temporary conventions that the life of the bank was extended from 1897 to I^99, and even the extension of the charter in the latter year to 1910 was limited by the proviso that if the union between the two countries should terminate at the close of 1906, the privilege of the bank should terminate also.2 A more distinctly political character was given to the organization of the bank by the enlargement of the power of the governor, the provision that the general council should be composed of equal numbers of Austrian and Hungarian subjects, and the requirement that the sessions of the council should take place alternately at Vienna and at Buda-Pesth. Even this arrangement, coupled with many new restrictions upon the bank, was threatened for a time by the refusal of the Commission on the Debt to pay over to the bank the amounts contemplated by the agreement for the retirement of the government paper money, but the danger was averted by a change of ministry.8 The payment was made by the Witteck ministry and the arrangement went into force. The essential steps towards the resumption of specie pay ments in Austria-Hungary were taken by the monetary laws of 1892. The ministers of finance of the two parts of the JNoel, I., 458. Economiste EuropSen, June 23, 1899, X V ., 794. 3Raffalovich, Le Marche Financier en 1899-1900, 550. 2 THE AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN B A N K . 235 Empire on February 26, 1892, invited a number of eminent financiers and political economists to meet and consider the following questions: i» What standard ought to be adopted when the currency is reformed ? 2. In case of the adoption of the gold standard, should a limited circulation of silver money be admitted and to what amount ? 3. Is the circulation of government notes advisable, bear ing no interest, redeemable in legal money and not made a forced legal tender, and under what conditions ? 4. According to what principles should the conversion into gold of the existing florin be regulated ? 5. What monetary unit is it advisable to choose ? The inquiry in Austria was entrusted to a commission of thirty-six persons, under the presidency of Herr Steinbach, the Minister of Finance, and the sittings continued from March 8th to March 17th. The inquiry in Hungary was made by a commission of twenty-one under the presidency of Herr Wekerle. The first question was answered by a large majority in favor of the gold standard. The second question led to a greater division of opinion, but the majority seemed disposed to favor as large a use of silver as was com patible with the absolute maintenance of the gold standard. The majority also favored the continuance of a circulation of 50,000,000 to 100,000,000 florins in government notes not fully covered by coin. A few believers in a strictly metallic currency opposed any such use of paper money, and argued that its continuance would shake confidence in the monetary system. The fifth question was answered in favor of the maintenance of the florin or its division into two parts, if a smaller unit were desired. The answer to the fourth involved the old controversy regarding the effects of the restoration of a metallic standard after business had been conducted and contracts made for many years on a depre ciated paper basis. The definite answer to this and the other questions was finally given by the government, without fol lowing in all respects the recommendations of the commission. 236 HISTORY OF M ODERN BA N K S OF ISSUE . The proposals of the ministry were submitted to the Par liament of both countries on May 14, 1892, and were made law throughout the Empire on August nth. The crown {kronen) was made the monetary unit upon the basis of cutting a kilogram of fine gold into 3280 crowns, and a kilogram nine-tenths fine into 2952 crowns. The value of the new coin in United States money is 20.3 cents or about one-twentieth more than the French franc. The crown was divided into 100 heller, and gold pieces of ten and twenty crowns were ordered to be coined. Austrian ducats were still authorized to be coined as money of commerce, but the coinage of pieces of four and eight florins under the terms of the treaty with France was discontinued. Silver pieces were provided for of one crown ($0,203) and of fifty heller ($0.1015) an(i nickel and bronze pieces of smaller denomina tions. The silver pieces were to contain only 835 parts silver in 1000 parts, making them substantially token coins, and their legal tender quality was limited to fifty crowns ( $ 1 0 ) . 1 The government decided to convert the paper money at the rate of one florin for two crowns. This was the rate which was under discussion by the commission, and while it adhered pretty closely to the current rate of exchange it involved a reduction of the nominal value of the paper in gold about sixteen per cent.8 It had been urged by several members of the commission that it was desirable to convert foreign obligations upon the basis of parity in gold, in order to maintain the public credit, even if it were more just to convert the money of domestic circulation at the rates which had ruled for a dozen years.3 The problem of conversion was complicated by the fact that the Austrian metallic standard, so far as there had been any, had been silver rather 1 Ordinance of August 8, 1892, Bulletin de Statistique, Sept., 1892, X X X II., 318-22. 2Two crowns being worth 40.6 cents, their even exchange for one florin, nominally worth 48.2 cents, left a reduction of 7.6 cents in the value o f the florin, which is about 16 per cent. 3Rafifalovich, L e Marchi Fina?icier en 1892, 96. THE AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN B A N K . *37 than gold and many obligations were specifically payable in silver. The suspension of silver coinage on private account in 1879 gave a fictitious value to Austrian silver coins, just as it was attempted by the British government to give such a value to Indian rupees in 1893, and the florin ceased to fluctuate with the silver bullion market while remaining below both gold and paper. The government did not in 1879, however, abandon the silver standard and from 1879 to 1891 coined not less than 125,500,000 silver florins at the mints of Vienna and Kremnitz. The rate of conversion adopted for the paper currency, therefore, was not exactly the scaling of a gold obligation, for gold only became the standard on the date that the rate of conversion was fixed. The rate represented about the average exchange from 1879 to 1891.1 The bank was required to establish gold payments upon the basis of the new rate of exchange. The result was a considerable benefit to the bank, for it had in its vaults on August 7, 1892, 59,757,000 florins in gold and 20,428,000 florins in foreign bills payable in gold, which at the new rate acquired a higher nominal value. The bank carried 13.500.000 florins in foreign bills to its special reserve fund, and was still able on August 15th to report a cash reserve of 70.666.000 florins, including 619,876 florins received during the preceding week, and foreign bills in hand payable in gold, to the amount of 10,404,000 florins.2 The addition was made to the special reserve fund in order to avoid increas ing the limit of covered note issues, which was not thought advisable without consultation with the government. The entire operation was simply a matter of bookkeeping and added nothing to the real resources of the bank or to the value of its gold. The gold had formerly been counted at its face value, while its real value, expressed in terms of depreciated paper, was much greater. The change simply recognized this fact and in bringing the gold and papet 1 Haupt, 58-64. 2L e Marche Financier cn 1892, 102. 238 H ISTORY OF MODERN BAN KS OF ISSUE. together gave a nominal value to the former corresponding to the reduced standard. The purchasing power of a given weight of gold remained the same under either method of bookkeeping, but the gold was intended to become under the new system a money of actual circulation instead of a bullion reserve expressed in a standard above the real one. The importation of gold followed quickly on the estab lishment of the standard and was promoted by the policy of the bank, which raised the discount rate and made advances to facilitate arbitrage transactions when exchange seemed to be unfavorable. The receipts of gold by the bank from April n th to October 10, 1892, were 38,759,000 florins ($19,000,000), of which a large part was in pieces of American origin. Receipts from India became heavy in November and raised the total receipts from August nth, the date of the promulgation of the new laws, to December 31, 1892, to 39,447,000 florins. The state also availed itself of foreign bills in its possession to accumulate gold and at the close of 1892 had about 40,000,000 florins in the hands of the Austrian ministry and 50,000,000 florins in the hands of the Hungarian ministry. A new project was adopted in 1894 for retiring the government paper money and sub stituting bank-notes and subsidiary silver. An arrangement was made with the Austro-Hungarian Bank to sell 40,000,000 florins in silver for coinage into pieces of one crown and to issue 160,000,000 florins in bank-notes as the government notes were received and cancelled. The Treasury agreed to pay over to the bank 200,000,000 florins in gold ($100,000,000), which was to be used only as the coin guarantee of the new notes, florin for florin. The first notes retired were those of one and five florins and considerable opposition developed among the people at surrendering the convenient paper notes for the more cumbersome silver. An economist of note, Max Wirth, urged that the retirement of paper should begin with notes of 50 florins ($25) instead of the small notes, but the government adhered to its original plan.1 1 RafFalovich, Marchi Financier en 1893-4, 113. THE AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN BANK. The crisis of 1893 in the United States and the rather unfavorable condition of the money market in Germany had a reflex influence upon Austria which arrested her steps towards a gold basis and prevented any considerable increase in her gold fund during that year. The reappearance of a premium on gold, running from three to seven per cent., in paper money and bank notes, caused a deal of disappoint ment and much inquiry as to the reason. The critics of the government ascribed it to the attempt to convert the old five per cent, obligations into four per cents., which resulted in bringing back into Austria a large quantity of securities held abroad. It was calculated that the importations of securities during 1893 exceeded the exports by 114,690,000 florins ($57,000,000).1 The Minister of Finance pointed out that this inward current was almost wholly in securities payable in silver and that it was necessary to cut the bond which nominally bound the two metals together in the Austrian currency system. A reason was found for the change in some quarters in the state of the money market at Berlin, which was swamped with South American and other securities of little value, which had absorbed the ready money of German capitalists. The Austrian securi ties were among the few of real value which were held in Germany, and money could be recovered at the smallest loss by returning them to Austria, whose people were buying their own securities at good prices. This tendency, though doubtless heightened in the case of Austria by the conver sions and by the fear of payment in silver, only confirmed a principle which has become marked in recent years—that the securities issued by a solvent power tend, after their original placement, to return into the hands of its own people. This was observed in the United States in 1878, when it was estimated that five-sixth of the public debt had returned into the hands of Americans ; in France, after the great loans to pay the German war indemnity; and even in Italy, who originally paid two-thirds of her interest 1 Neue Freie Presse, January 1, 1894. 240 HISTOR Y OF MODERN BA N K S OF ISSUE . charges abroad, but now pays hardly a fifth outside the Kingdom.1 The new monetary system, by which the gold crown ($0,203) became the unit of value, went into operation in 1900. The sum of 112,000,000 florins ($22,736,000) in gov ernment bills was gradually replaced, with the help of the bank, by 5-crown pieces in silver and new bank notes. The bank received from the Treasury 224,000,000 crowns in new gold pieces of 20 crowns, which exactly equalled the out standing government notes, and afforded a complete cover for 64,000,000 crowns in 5-crown pieces and 160,000,000 crowns in io-crown notes. Of this deposit the government of Austria paid 156,800,000 crowns and that of Hungary 67.200.000 crowns.2 The circulation of old notes ceased to be permitted after September 1, 1901, and the notes ceased to be legal tender after Februaty 28, 1903. Already by the first of October, 1902, the amount outstanding had fallen to 6.500.000 crowns ($1,319,500), and the gold in circulation early in 1903 consisted of 35,980,510 crowns in io-crown pieces and 103,923,160 in pieces of 20 crowns ($4.06). By the close of 1903 the gold resources of the bank were 1,250,000,000 crowns and afforded a cover of 86 per cent, for an outstanding circulation of 1,550,000,000 crowns. Only po litical differences between the different parts of the Dual Monarchy stood in the way of a mandatory law compelling the redemption of bank-notes in gold on demand.8 1 Vide infra, 28. 2 Raffalovich, L e Marchk Financier en 1902-1903, 817. The eco nomic effect of these operations is thus described by Willis : “ It was sought to transform the legal-tender notes into bank notes and then to provide for their management upon banking principles. In this way the volume of the circulation would not be disturbed. The means o f obtaining the bank notes for the redemption o f the legal tenders were, however, in this case thoroughly sound.” — “ The Aus trian Monetary Reform,,, in Sound Currency, August, 1899, V I., 127. 3 One of the grounds o f indifference in Austria was the feeling that resumption of specie payments would enable Hungary to emancipate THE AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN BAN K. 241 Control of the foreign exchanges was the capstone of the structure of gold redemption, and this could not be attained while the government kept its gold resources with private bankers and relied upon them to meet its obligations abroad. This was the condition prevailing down to the summer of 1901, when Count von Bilinski, the governor of the bank, after much previous negotiation, arranged a meeting on August 8th, at his home at Ischl, with the finance ministers of the two governments. It was then agreed that the public deposits should be transferred from the Rothschilds and other private bankers to the Austro-Hungarian Bank, and that the latter should not only attend to government pay ments abroad, but should furnish exchange freely for private parties and should begin the tentative issue of gold coins in the interior.1 It was a complex and delicate task and involved several changes in the organization of the bank. Among other measures gold customs drafts were issued by the bank in exchange for foreign and domestic gold coin, thereby economizing the movement of gold and transferring disputes as to the value of foreign coins from the customs offices to the bank.2 These measures were eminently successful in maintaining parity of exchange with gold countries and in enhancing the volume of business and the financial importance of the bank. Within about five years gold was paid out to the amount of 1,250,000,000 crowns, of which four-fifths came back to the bank and one-fifth remained in the domestic circulation. Operations in foreign exchange in 1900, prior to the Ischl agreement, were ^52,000,000 in English money, 270,100,000 francs in French, and 1,047,700,000 marks in German money. Transactions in French and German money had more than doubled in 1906, and in the stress of 1907 the herself entirely in financial matters from Austria.— Raffalovich, L e Marchi Financier en 1901-02, 614. 1 Economiste Europeen, April 24, 1908, X X X III., 516. 2 Ibid., May 1, 1908, X X X III., 549. 16 242 HISTORY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE . total of exchange operations reached 2,966,300,000 crowns ($602,000,000) and the bank was able to congratulate its shareholders that it was able to maintain a discount rate of six per cent,, while higher rates prevailed in the countries around it.1 The action of the government in buying silver for sub sidiary coinage from the bank proved a great aid to the latter in solving the problem what to do with its large stocks of silver accumulated when that metal was near the old parity with gold. The cash reserves of the National Bank of Austria and of the Austro-Hungarian Bank consisted almost exclusively of silver while that metal was at a pre mium over gold, but gold began to flow into the bank in 1871, and soon came to constitute about half the reserve. The gold then remained nearly stationary in amount for ten years, while the silver rapidly increased. This difficulty has not been serious in recent years, and the gold stock has come to exceed the silver by about four times. The gold held at the close of 1906 was 1,112,263,245 crowns, and decreased to the close of 1907 only to 1,099,393,421 crowns ($223,150,000). The silver stock decreased during the same interval from 282,055,904 crowns to 281,485,199 crowns ($57,130,000). In spite of the change in the monetary unit, computation in florins long lingered in Austria. It was encouraged by the continued use of the silver pieces of one florin, of which the bank possessed a large stock. It was decided early in 1908 to discontinue the issue of silver florins and to coin at once a large part of those in the reserves of the bank into pieces of one crown.2 The proportions of gold and silver held and other sta tistics of the bank, before the change in the monetary unit, appear in the following table; 1 Generalversammlung der Oesterreichisch- Ungarischen Bank am 3 Februar, 1908, xviii. 2 U. S. Consular Reports, August 12, 1908, 14. THE AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN BANK. YEA R. 1865 I87O 1875 1880 I883 I884 I885 I887 1888 I889 I89O I892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1898 1899 S P E C IE R E S E R V E . D E C . 3 1S T . GOLD. SILV E R . M E A N C IR C U L A T IO N . M EAN CURRENT A C C O U N T S. M E A N D IS C O U N T S. 1.3 ------I I 3.4 144.2 136.4 I I 7.5 129.1 141.7 149.2 156.7 151.2 168.3 (In m illio n s o f flo rin s.) 1.5 120.0 112.9 1.4 67.8 65.O 77-7 78.8 IO8.3 121.7 126.6 69.I 129.7 66.5 71.0 59-° 54-3 54-0 145.1 154.0 162.2 165.5 168.9 161.9 139.2 103.2 io r.8 155.3 244.0 302.1 3594 393-0 126.6 125.7 123.9 106.0 350.0 296.8 286.2 316.6 457-7 1.5 1.4 1.9 2.1 2.7 2.2 5.6 358.4 347-4 366.0 384.6 7.2 8.3 399-3 7.3 415.6 425.9 464.0 458.9 527-4 587.6 657-5 676.4 243 II .I 10.7 II. I IO.3 12.3 17.9 151.6 164.3 159.8 175.0 185.5 The capital of the bank was changed, when the new monetary system took effect in 1900, to 210,000,000 crowns ($42,630,000). The increase from 180,000,000 crowns was accomplished by transferring 30,000,000 crowns from surplus, which was thus reduced to 6,514,000 crowns, but was gradu ally built up again to 15,305,349 crowns at the close of 1907. The principal accounts of the bank under the new monetary unit are shown in the following table : Accounts of the Austro-Hungarian Bank, 1900-1913. D*C. 31. NOTES. M ETA LLIC RESERVE. DISCOUNTS. MORTGAGE LOANS. (In the>usands of crowns - = $0,203.) 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1907 1909 1910 1912 1913 1,494,023 1,846,092 2,022,821 2,188,040 2,375.938 1,218,100 1,448,070 1,465,160 1,462,411 1,507,560 1,425,069 1,440,878 1,713,0 18 1,669,168 2,815,797 2,493.641 i, ° 1,562,518 1,584,934 1,635,186 1,770,847 1, 751,301 5 7>575 455,501 335,055 34 5 .176 400,258 5 11.6 3 7 641,273 748,068 687,784 889,087 1, 341,107 925,998 299,6l6 299,830 298,987 298,520 288,424 283,086 299*993 299,983 298,346 299,454 299,885 244 H ISTORY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE . The circulation of the bank varies widely at different seasons. The degree of pressure for currency is indicated by the record of occasions on which notes have been issued in excess of the authorized limit and subject to the five per cent. tax. These occasions were more or less exceptional down to the close of 1905. During eighteen years ending with that year,—a period of 864 weeks,—excess issues appeared in fifty-five weeks, some of them for very small amounts. Of these issues twenty-three occurred in the month of Oc tober, which is the harvest month.1 The first occasion was in the autumn of 1890, when the limit was exceeded 656,440 florins in the week of October 7th, and the excess rose to 23,257,080 florins during the week of October 31st. The excess of circulation declined to 17,093,710 florins in the following week and disappeared in the week of November 14th. The pressure was felt more severely in later years and especially in 1907, when there were twenty-two weeks of excess circulation, and after August 23d, issues were con tinuously above the authorized limit. The highest excess was in the week ending October 31st, when the amount was 242,067,000 crowns ($49,125,000). Then began a gradual improvement, which carried the excess down on December 15th to 25,074,000 crowns, to be advanced again temporarily by the end-of-the-year demand for currency, which carried the excess circulation on December 31, 1907, to 187,145,1 Letter of the Governor of the bank to the New York Chamber of Commerce, July 22, 1906. In this letter Count von Bilinski declared that “ the system of note taxation exerted no decided influence upon the discount policy of the bank, inasmuch as the Council of Adminis tration, after careful consideration of all circumstances, had occasion to raise its discount rate repeatedly during times when the limitation of its note issue had not been reached; and also on several occasions when its limitations were reached, it maintained a discount rate lower than the legal five per cent. rate. Thus the cost of the tax was not borne by its clients, but by the bank itself.’*— The Currency : Report by the Special Committee of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York, 43. 245 THE AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN B A N K ooo crowns. The range of variation in the circulation before the change in the monetary unit is indicated by the following figures for representative years: Fluctuations in Circulation. (Ia thousands o f florins.) YBAR. I89O 1892 1894 I896 I898 1899 || M A X IM U M . 471,376 517,742 668,009 741,914 736,408 491,709 || MINIMUM. 387,888 381,371 409,349 536,832 606,952 636,302 jI AVERAGE. 415,570 425,959 458,911 587,656 657,523 676,413 |j 3 OUTSTANDING DEC. IST. 445,934 477,987 507,808 569,726 737,475 728,981 Substantially the same range of variation has prevailed since the adoption of the crown as the unit of value and the practical restoration of stable exchange. In the year 1907 the circulation at the beginning of the year was 1,982,037,000 crowns ($402,300,000) from which it fell gradually to a mini mum of 1,709,004,000 crowns ($346,900,000) on March 23d. From that date the demand for additional notes increased only slowly until September 23d, when the amount was 1,871,917,800 crowns. Then began the rapid upward movement caused by the combined influence of the autumn crop move ment and the disturbances in the money markets of the world, which carried the circulation on September 30th to 2,001,892,000 crowns and on October 31st to 2,070,293,000 crowns ($420,200,000),—the maximum of the year. From this point there was a gradual decline to 1,865,210,000 crowns ($378,600,000) on December 15th, until the usual movement at the end of the year, which left the amount of notes outstand ing on December 31st at 2,028,024,000 crowns ($411,600,000). About one-third of the amount of the notes are for 20 crowns ($4.06). The number of these on December 31, 1907, was 32,978,829 out of notes outstanding to the number of 59,968,201, and their value was 659,576,580 crowns ($133,875,000). Notes of other denominations were 357,188 for 246 H ISTO RY OF M ODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE. 1000 crowns, 6,189,182 for 100 crowns, 4,604,357 for 50 crowns, and a small number in old notes in process of retirement.1 The volume of discounts fluctuates in much the same manner as the note circulation. The maximum of 1907 was 865,223,000 crowns ($175,630,000) on October 31st, the minimum was 525,410,000 crowns ($106,650,000) on Feb ruary 23d, and the average for the year was 666,309,000 crowns. As in other European banks of issue, the greater part of the paper held is of even shorter maturities than is required by the statutes. Thus, of the amount held at the close of 1907, 468,849,397 crowns, or 62.67 per cent, of the whole, matured during January, 1908, and 25.47 Per cent, during February, leaving only 11.86 to run longer than two months. The rate of discount of the National Bank varied between 1817 and 1862 from five to eight per cent., and from 1863 t° the fusion with the Austro-Hungarian Bank in 1878 never went higher than six and a half per cent. The changes in the rate of discount during these fifteen years were twelve, while those of the Bank of England were one hundred and fifty-two, of the Bank of France forty-six, and of the Bank of Prussia forty-five. The mean rate of the National Bank of Austria was not more than eight-tenths of a cent, above that of the Bank of England nor more than seven-tenths above that of the Bank of France, in spite of the much more complete industrial development of the latter countries.* The rate has varied even less during the more recent history of the consolidated bank. Fixed at four per cent, on May 9, 1879, it was raised to five per cent. October 20, 1882, reduced to four and a half on February 3, 1883, and to four per cent, on February 23, 1883. The rate was raised again to four and a half on October 7, 1887, and reduced to four per cent, on January 11, 1888. The rate of four per cent, was pretty uniformly maintained during the early part of the year for 1 Generalversammlung der Oesierreichisch- Ungarischen Bank am 3 Februar 1908, 6. 2 Noel, I., 382, 434. THE AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN B A N K . 247 some years, but the autumn rate was usually higher, reach ing in 1890 five and a half per cent. An increase from four to five per cent, was made on October 7, 1893, but was fol lowed by a reduction to four and a half in the second half of January, 1894, and to four per cent, on February 9th, where it remained throughout the year and until the autumn of 1895, when it was put at five per cent. Reductions were made in the winter, which brought the rate down on February 14, 1896, to four per cent., where it was successfully maintained, through the elasticity of the note system, until the autumn of 1898. The scarcity of capital, which then afflicted Europe as the result of the war in South Africa and of other causes, forced the rate of discount at the Austro-Hungarian Bank to four and a half per cent, on October 14, 1898, and to five per cent, on No vember 25th. High rates prevailed, with slight relaxations, until the spring of 1901, when it became possible on March 1st to reduce the rate to four per cent, and in 1902, on Feb ruary 5th, to three and a half per cent., for the first time in the history of the bank. This rate remained unchanged for more than three years, when the pressure again felt upon the world's stock of capital led to an advance on October 19, 1905, to four and a half per cent. Even then the advance was attributed at first to the attraction for Austrian gold which was afforded by high rates in foreign markets, but it pres ently appeared that there was real pressure at home as well as abroad.1 Not until May 31, 1906, was a reduction made to four per cent., and on September 30th it became necessary to restore the higher rate, and on June 30, 1907, to make a further advance to five per cent, and on November 15th, to six per cent. The average rate for 1907 was 4.896 per cent. The Austro-Hungarian Bank, like the Bank of France, has done much to extend accommodation to small merchants. The whole number of pieces of paper discounted in 1878 was 368,795, which grew in 1882 to 550,829; in 1887 to 704,608; 1 Raffalovich, he Marche Financier en 1905-06, 531. 24B H ISTO RY OF MODERN BAN KS OF ISSUE. in 1892 to 884,840; in 1897 to 1>380,405; and in 1907 to 2,944,077. The number of pieces for 150 florins ($60) or less was 374,238 in 1897. The number for 300 crowns ($60) or less in 1907 was 749,506.* The number of branches of the Austro-Hungarian Bank had risen in 1907 to 46 in Austria and 33 in Hungary, outside the principal establishments at Vienna and Buda-Pesth. The bank at Buda-Pesth has been rapidly gaining in recent years in volume of business over the bank at Vienna, and the de velopment of Hungary from a purely agricultural to an industrial country has created a jealousy which is among the causes threatening to the perpetuation of the bank in its dual form. The discounts at Buda-Pesth, which were 16,853,181 florins at the close of 1875 against discounts at Vienna of 51,109,319 florins, advanced at the close of 1890 to 35,688,570 florins at Buda-Pesth against 53,253,903 florins at Vienna, and at the close of 1894 to 43,410,814 florins at Buda-Pesth against 41,649,846 florins at Vienna. Still more remarkable has been the competition of the branches outside the two capitals. The relations in percentages of the volume of discounts outstanding at the different offices on three representative dates are shown in the following table: Proportion of Discounts at Different Offices. Percentage. Amount Dec. 31,1907 Dec. 31,1894. Dec. 31,1899. Dec. 31,1907. Vienna, 23.11 Austrian branches , 33-50 24.08 Buda-Pesth, Hungarian branches, 19-31 Total, 100.00 39-35 22.49 23-77 14-39 100 00 15-44 25.21 25.74 33-61 100.00 (crowns) 115,509,050 188,563,759 192,579,568 251,415,719 748,068,096 An enlarged share in the profits of the bank was claimed by the state in the extension of the charter in 1899, as in the 1 Cf. articles by the present writer in New York Bankers' Magazine, November, 1897, I/V., 698, and April, 1899, LVIII., 528. THE AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN BANK. 249 case of most other European banks in recent years. Taxes are levied upon the real estate and securities belonging to the bank and on the dividends paid to shareholders. Under the law of 1878, which was not radically changed in 1887, five per cent, of net profits went to the shareholders, ten per cent, of the remainder was added to the reserve, the divi dend to shareholders was then made up to seven per cent., and half the remainder went into the treasuries of the two monarchies, in the proportion of seventy per cent, to Austria and thirty per cent, to Hungary.1 This distribution was modified in 1899 so that the primary dividend to share holders is only four per cent. After the allotment of ten per cent, of the remainder to reserve and a small amount for pensions, half of the remainder goes to the state and half to shareholders until their total dividend reaches six per cent., after which the state takes two-thirds.2 Under this distri bution net profits in 1907 were 29,925,536 crowns ($6,075,000), of which the shareholders received 16,119,640 crowns ($3,275,000) or at the rate of 7.67 per cent., while the state received 11,228,216 crowns, exclusive of taxes. Including 1,886,460 crowns paid upon excess circulation, the . total share of the state on these two accounts was 13,114,676 crowns ($2,662,000). This is much larger than any previous allotment to the state, the amounts prior to 1906 having been less than 5,000,000 crowns annually. The rate of divi dend in 1905 was 5.014 and in 1906, 6.457 Per cent.3 The creation of an independent bank of issue for Hungary was one of the projects which grew logically out of the movement which gained momentum at the beginning of the twentieth century for the restoration of Hungarian indepen dence. So insistent was the demand for a separate bank that when the convention for the continuance of the union between the two countries was prolonged for ten years in the 1 Noel, I., 466. 2 jfcconomiste Europeen, March 6, 1908, XXXIII., 298. 8 Moniteur des Interets Materiels, January 15, 1908, 170. 250 HISTORY OF MODERN BANKS OF ISSUE. spring of 1908, the question of the bank was left to a special commission. The markets were disturbed at first by the fear that the Hungarians were determined upon immediate separation, but confidence was restored by the decision of the commission of twenty-one appointed by the Diet to take a year for consideration.1 At the end of that time the political demand for a separate institution was so insistent that it caused a cabinet crisis.2 The question remained unsettled until August, 1911, seven months after the formal expiration of the charter of the bank. A law was then enacted (August 8,1911) prolonging the bank's legal existence until the termi nation of the political union between Austria and Hungary at the close of the year 1917. ]>gal recognition was given by the new statutes to the portfolio of foreign bills, of which 60,000,000 crowns ($12,180,000) were to be counted as a part of the metallic reserve, and discretion was vested in the ministers of finance of the two governments as to the maxi mum amount of notes to be issued of 10 crowns and 20 crowns. A new division of earnings was provided, by which only one-fourth of the amount available goes to the shareholders and three-fourths to the state, after the dividend to the share holders has reached seven per cent.3 1London Economist, April 4, 1908, IyXVI., 736. The questions ad dressed to leading economists are given in Economiste Europeen, April 10, 1908, XXXIII., 473. 2 Economiste Europeen, May 7, 1909, XXXV., 601. 3 RafFalovich, Le Marche Financier en 1911-12, 367. CHAPTER X. THE BANK OF RUSSIA. Its Relation to the Government and its Modern Development—The Long Regime of Paper Money and the Efforts in 1817,1839, i860, and 1881 to Bring it to an End—The Revision of the Charter in 1894—Final Success of Count Witte in 1897—The Question of the Rate of Conversion and the Gold Standard—How the Bank Went through the War with Japan—The Bank of Finland. HE history of the Bank of Russia is of interest, because it is the most successful instance on a large scale of a bank of issue owned by the state and because it car ried through in the closing decade of the nineteenth century the most serious operations ever undertaken in Europe for the restoration of stability of exchange upon a gold basis. Russia was for more than a century, with only brief inter ludes, under the regime of government paper money. The task of restoring sound conditions involved the solution of many monetary problems never before fully solved, and the accumulation of one of the three greatest stocks of gold in the world, the others being those of the Bank of France and the Treasury of the United States.1 The solution of these problems fell to the lot of a succession of Ministers of Finance who rose to the level of their opportunities and obligations, and by their foresight and skill placed Russia upon the high road to economic competition with the older and richer nations. Paper money was introduced into Russia as early as 1768, and was welcomed at first because of its greater convenience T 1These funds stood, respectively, about September 1,1908: Bank of Russia, 1541,300,000; Bank of France, $620,800,000; United States Treasury, $1,021,000,000. 251 252 H ISTORY OF MODERN B AN KS OF ISSUE . than the copper money of which it was the representative. The pretext was maintained for a time that the paper was simply the coined certificate for the copper, and the notes, which were known as assignats, were at a slight premium. Bureaus were established at St. Petersburg, Moscow, and in the provinces for the redemption of the paper, which may be considered forerunners of the Bank of Russia. A ukase of January 10, 1774, prescribed that the limit of 20,000,000 roubles ($15,400,000) should never be exceeded in the issue of paper money. This pledge was disregarded, as most such limits upon paper issues have been, and after the limit had been raised to 100,000,000 roubles ($77,200,000) on June 26, 1786, in order to obtain resources for war with Turkey, the depreciation began. The price of the silver rouble had risen before the end of the century to 1.47 in paper roubles and the prices of merchandise had followed the upward course of the precious metals. The government endeavored to protect itself, at the same time that it recognized the de preciation of the paper, by a ukase of June 23, 1794, raising the capitation tax paid b}' the peasants, ‘‘ in view of the fact that the increased price of all products permits them to earn more by cultivation and other work.” 1 The four most serious efforts to rescue the monetary system of the country from the mire of irredeemable paper were made in 1817, 1839, i860, and 1881. The first attempt was made by means of loans placed both abroad and at home, of which a part of the proceeds was to be applied to the retire ment of the paper circulation. The Emperor Alexander 1., after the peace of Tilsit in 1810, recognized all the out standing notes as a public debt, pledged the public faith to their redemption, and declared that no more paper money should be issued. The circulation, notwithstanding these pledges, climbed upward from 577,000,000 roubles in 1810 to 836.000.000 roubles in 1817. It was then that the loans 1Paul Leroy-Beaulieu’s ha Science des Finances, II., 656. The rou ble was the exact equi\alent of four francs in French money ($0,772) and exchange on Paris at par was quoted in the form of 400 francs for 100 roubles. THE B A N K OF RUSSIA. 253 were issued which had been promised in a decree of May27, 1810, and the progress of reform was so rapid that the circulation was reduced in 1822 to 595,776,000 roubles. Count Cancrin was then at the head of Russian finances, and he steadily refused to increase the paper circulation dur ing thirteen years, in spite of wars in Turkey, Persia, and Poland. He hesitated, however, at the policy of substi tuting an interest-bearing debt for the immense mass of paper obligations bearing no interest and did not succeed in raising the value of the paper rouble much above a quartet of the rouble of silver.1 The government made the second effort to reduce the vol ume of paper money by a decree of July 1, 1839, that the paper roubles should be valued at three and a half to a rou ble of silver and that a new form of paper should be substi tuted in this proportion. The new paper was to be known as bills of credit and was to be redeemable in silver and secured by the public domain. The exchange of the assig nats for the new bills was ordered to take place on June 1, 1843, and a pledge was given to the business community for the credit of the new paper by depositing in the citadel of St. Petersburg in December, 1844, a metallic reserve of 70,464,245 roubles ($54,000,000), which was to be under the control of twenty-four members of the stock exchange. This fund was increased on July 14, 1845, by 12,180,000 roubles, which established a coin reserve of nearly fifty per cent, of the 170,000,000 roubles in bills of credit then outstanding. A limited redemption was maintained and the bills did not drop far below par until the Crimean War, but new issues of credit paper were made even before the alliance with Austria to crush Hungary and 735,000,000 roubles in the new bills were in circulation at the close of the Crimean War in 1857. The third attempt to extricate the Empire from the evils of a debased monetary standard was connected with the establishment of the Bank of Russia in substantially the 1 The greatest depression in the value of the assignats was in 1815, when 100 silver roubles exchanged for 418 in paper.—Levy, 200. 254 H ISTORY OF MODERN BAN KS OF ISSUE . form in which it existed from i860 to 1894. The statutes of the bank were established by a decree of May 26, i860, and the reserves of several older banking establishments were turned into its coffers and it assumed their engagements. The original capital was 15,000,000 roubles ($12,000,000) and the declared object of the bank was to consolidate the credit circulation and the floating debt of the Empire. The entire ownership and management were in the government, but the capital and reserve funds were declared to be invio lably set aside for the uses of the bank, and the private de positors were guaranteed against confiscation. A third of the profits were to go to a reserve fund, part of which was to be applied from time to time to the increase of the capital stock.1 The capital was soon increased by this means to 25,000,000 roubles and the reserve fund to 3,000,000 roubles, where they remained until the reorganization of the bank in 1894. The bank had a metallic reserve on May 1, 1861, of 86,000,000 roubles against a circulation of 714,627,069 roubles, but the commercial discounts scarcely exceeded 14,000,000 rou bles. The depreciation at this time was about ten per cent, and M. Lamanski, the deputy governor of the bank, pro posed a plan for restoring parity and protecting the note issues. He recommended the transformation of the bank into a stock company, with the monopoly of note issue for twenty-eight years, the redemption of notes in coin accord ing to a sliding scale gradually approaching par, and author ity to sell the public domains, the forests and the state railways to protect the circulation.2 The plan of M. I^amanski was adopted in a measure, the proceeds of a loan of 15,000,000 roubles were carried to the coin reserve of the bank and it was decreed that bills re ceived in payment for the loan should be destroyed and that new bills should be issued only against deposits of coin. A scale of depreciation was fixed which involved the restora tion of parity on January 1, 1864. Redemptions proceeded 1 C16ment Juglar, Article “ Banque ” in Dictionnaire des Finances, I., 347. 2 Winiarski, 57. THE B A N K OF RUSSIA. 255 for a while without great losses of coin to the bank, and averaged 1,250,000 roubles per month up to January 1, 1863. A run then began for the redemption of the paper, which resulted in a net loss of coin during January of* 2,287,000 roubles; February, 4,921,000 roubles; March, 7,723,000 roubles; April, 10,213,000 roubles; May, 10,367,000 rou bles; June, 2,233,000 roubles ; and in July, 6,751,000 roubles. Various devices were tried to stop the drain, but they were unsuccessful and coin redemption was suspended by a ukase of November 19, 1863. Exchange on Paris, which had risen on October 29th to 396 francs, within four francs of par, fell gradually to 350 francs, about which point it fluctu ated for some time. The net result of the effort to restore specie payments was a reduction of the outstanding paper to 634,773,929 roubles on November 30, 1863, and a useless expense to the Treasury of nearly 100,000,000 roubles ($75,000,000). The bank was entrusted in 1862 with the mission of buy ing lands for the peasants and was aided by the deposit of the Treasury funds free of interest. These funds were partly employed in commercial discounts, which were so freely granted that the legitimate necessities of commerce were much exceeded and a mass of doubtful paper was left in the hands of the bank in the crisis of 1873. The expan sion of credits, however, was chiefly confined to St. Peters burg and Moscow, and the provinces suffered the usual evils of a country endowed with a single great bank,—the lack of capital, of currency, and of facilities for credit. The ex cess of capital at the centres caused reckless speculation and blind investments in foreign securities, while the excessive issues of paper money gradually found an outlet only after the emancipation of the serfs created a greater demand for currency for wages. One of the difficulties of the situation was the constantly recurring deficit in the public finances, which called for new issues of paper money to fill the void. This difficulty was overcome for a moment in 1870, when the deficit declined to 1,205,116 roubles, and during the next five years, which showed a considerable surplus. The 256 H ISTORY OF MODERN BAN KS OF ISSUE . quotation of the rouble on the exchange market was 330 francs in 1876, or seventeen and a half per cent, below par, when the menace of war with Turkey and of new issues of paper money carried it down in 1877 as low as 234 francs, or a loss of more than 41 per cent.1 The new paper issues which were feared soon became a reality, in order to maintain the armies in the field. The circulation had risen on December 31, 1874, to 797,313,500 roubles and the metallic reserve had increased to 231,227,000 roubles. The circulation was reduced during the next two 3^ears until it stood 011 July 1, 1876, at 693,000,000 roubles. The issue of bills of credit on account of the war was 491,000,000 roubles and the net circulation on December 18, 1878, was 1,103,280,185 roubles. A supplementary issue of 96,000,000 roubles in 1879, with the famine and arrest of exports, caused a crisis in 1880 which reduced the revenues of the government and the railway receipts, in spite of high paper prices, and caused the rapid fall of the coin value of the rouble. The change of ministry which resulted from the crisis brought into power M. Abasa, who at once announced a plan for reimbursing the debt of the government to the bank. A ukase of January 1, 1881, ordered that the Treas ury pay to the bank without delay a sum sufficient to reduce to 400,000,000 roubles the debt to the bank on account of disbursements for the government; that the remainder of the debt (400,000,000 roubles) be funded by annual payments of 50,000,000 roubles by the Treasury to the bank; that bills of credit be destroyed to the extent of their accumula tion in the hands of the bank and with due regard to the needs of the circulation. The first part of this programme had hardly been carried out when M. Abasa was replaced as Minister of Finance by M. Bunge. The rigid policy of re form which had been inaugurated was somewhat relaxed and the bills paid into the bank were kept on hand and sub sequently re-issued, instead of destroyed.2 The circulation 1Winiarski, 59-60. 2M. Witte, who was later Minister of Finance, has been subjected to criticism for employing 92,700,000 roubles ($71,000,000). paid into THE B A N K OF RUSSIA. 25 7 was reduced during the ten years from 1878 to 1888 from 1,188,000,000 roubles to 1,046,000,000 roubles, but the value of the paper rouble did not advance materially towards that of gold. The statutes of the Bank of Russia were submitted to a complete revision in 1894 and an effort was made to make the bank of greater assistance than before in the promotion of industry and commerce. The first article of the new statutes, promulgated on June 24, 1894, declared the purpose of the bank to be “ to facilitate, by means of credit for short terms, the movement of commerce and to promote the suc cess of national industry and agricultural production/*1 The new statutes define with considerable precision the accom modation extended to agriculture and industry by the bank. The institution is authorized to open credits and make loans against bills secured by pledges of hypothecation and by agricultural or industrial material, by guarantee, and by other sureties which the Minister of Finance may recognize as sufficient. Loans secured on material are to be made only to acquire supplementary material or renew old supplies, but they are to constitute a lien upon the old material as well as the new. The material obtained by loans from the bank is required, in accordance with the protective policy of the Empire, to be of Russian fabrication, but exceptions may be authorized in certain cases by the Minister of Finance and, in the case of agricultural material, with the concurrence of the Minister of Agriculture. The maximum loan for an industrial enterprise is 500,000 roubles and for a retail mer- the bank for cancellation, in the construction of the Trans-Sibe rian Railway.—De Cyon, 183-85. M. Raffalovich, however, credits the government with having known how “ not to abuse the issue of paper money,” and declares that “ when the needs of commerce have required a greater quantity of monetary signs an issue has been made temporarily under the condition of a special guarantee .”—Le Marcht Financier en 1893-94, I4°1Bulletin de Statistique, August, 1894, XXXVI., 183. The date here given, and most others in this chapter, are according to the Julian calendar, whose use still prevails in Russia, and are twelve days behind the Gregorian dates. *7 258 HISTORY OF MODERN BAN KS OF ISSUE. chant 600 roubles. The maximum term for loans for mate rial is three years, but periodical payments are required when the term exceeds six months. The bank is authorized to accept as security for loans to small farmers, peasants, and mechanics, upon the pledge of their products, the guarantee of the provincial assemblies, institutions of credit (including mutual societies which agree to operate under the rules framed by the bank), and individuals chosen from among the inhabitants of the respective communities who inspire confidence at the bank. This new policy of the bank has been subjected to severe criticism upon the ground that the Russian people are unused to operations of credit and cannot be trusted to meet in good faith the required payments. The Minister of Finance himself, in his report recommending the new sys tem, referred to the collapses of most of the banks of com merce and of mutual credit which have taken place in Russia during the past twenty years and to the failure of two branches of the Bank of Russia at Kief and Kharkof, which were authorized to advance money to small farmers on the guarantee of two large proprietors and the certificate of the local tribunal that the property actually existed upon which the advance was made. More than 2,000,000 roubles were advanced annually in loans of this sort, but great abuses occurred and it was found that loans were obtained upon products which had no existence by means of false certificates given by the authorities.1 The government has felt, however, that some losses could be borne in teaching the people the benefits of commerce and of credit and did not hesitate, during the famine of 1892 and the customs war with Germany in 1893, to advance to the suffering peasants some 90,000,000 roubles which were recovered only partially and by degrees. The danger of loans upon products is increased, in the opinion of the critics of the bank, by the permission that the products on which loans are made may be retained in the 1De Cyon, 135- 36. THE B A N K OF RUSSIA . hands of the producers and by the long terms for which the money is advanced. I^ong-term loans, in the absence of large deposits, can only be made by fresh issues of paper money and M. Witte made declarations in his report as to the effect of such issues strangely like the declarations of Mirabeau when the French assignats were authorized and of Secretary Chase when he was urging upon the American Congress the substitution of legal tender government paper for bank-notes.1 “ The value of these bills,’’ says M. Witte, “ issued exclusively for a useful object, will be maintained by the productiveness of labor, and the issue of such bills will not influence the quotations of the credit rouble, because in making these issues in a manner responding to the object in view the quantity of securities in circulation will be at the same time increased/9 The government of Russia, however, has undertaken a comprehensive policy for the development of the resources and productive power of the country. It has been felt by those who shape this policy that the government should take the initiative in measures which in other countries would be left to private enterprise. This course has been adopted by Russian statesmen, not in ignorance of the laws of finance and political economy, but under the conviction that those laws would not come rapidly into operation to stimulate com mercial and credit operations in an agricultural country without the example of the leadership of the state. This conviction is the keynote of the present policy of the Bank of Russia. The government is willing to take steps in mak ing loans to producers which would not be taken by a private financial establishment, because it is willing to risk some thing of the national wealth for the sake of increasing it, and because the strong hand of the government can be appealed to for the purpose of punishing defaulting debtors. The issue of paper money, through the instrumentality of a great bank, is felt to be a necessary means for supplying the people with that ample supply of monetary signs which proved so 1 Vide Ch. xv., p. 399. 260 h i s t o r y of m o d e r n b a n k s o f i s s u e . beneficial to France after the great influx of gold from Cali fornia and Australia and which has proved so beneficial to Scotland under her system of free banking. The government has not put in jeopardy the solvency of the bank by its agricultural loans, for the entire amount on December 16, 1895, was 27,466,804 credit roubles, and had been materially reduced in 1908. The capital of the Bank of Russia was fixed by the new vstatutes at 50,000,000 roubles ($38,000,000), and the limit of the special reserve was increased from 3,000,000 roubles to 5,000,000 roubles. It was proposed at first to raise the new capital by setting aside annually ten per cent, of the profits, but this process was soon regarded as too slow and a decree of February 6, 1895, provided for taking the necessary amount from the surplus in the Imperial Treasury.1 Losses by the bank are met from the reserves, and, in case of their exhaustion, are to be carried to the debit account of the Treasury. The management of the bank is entrusted to the Minister of Finance and the annual accounts are submitted to the Imperial Council.9 The number of branches at the close of 1907 was 113. The accounts of the Bank of Russia were stated in a similar manner to those of the Bank of England, in the separation of the issue from the banking department. The bills of credit are government notes for all practical purposes and the bank itself, even in its banking operations, is little more than a bureau of the Treasury. A circulation of 769,342,911 roubles was based upon government obligations and corre sponded to the “ authorized circulation *’ of the Bank of 1 Bulletin Russe de Siatisiique, April, 1895, 200. 2M. Witte, the eminent Finance Minister, also created a board of Treasury officers known as the Council of the Bank and corre sponding, according to his view, “ to the similar councils in the central banks of Western Europe.” These boards take the place of the Council of Imperial Institutions of Credit, created in 1817, which contained representatives of the nobility and of the business commu nity, and the change is criticized by M. de Cyon on the ground that it has brought the bank entirely under official supervision with no external check.—31. Witte et les Finances Russes, 145. THE B A N K OF RUSSIA . England. Circulation beyond this sum was represented by the coin reserve of the bank and could be increased only by deposits of coin. The banking department was utilized for several years for swelling the paper issues in much the same manner as when the suspension of the bank act is authorized in England. These special issues consisted for the most part of the notes which the bank was ordered to call in and destroy by the ukase of 1881, but which were kept in reserve until special authority was given for their re-issue against new deposits of securities or transfers of gold to the cash reserves.1 The government, by a ukase of December 9, 1894, abolished the distinction between the authorized per manent circulation and the temporary circulation charged against the banking department by transferring the tempo rary issues from the banking department to the issue depart ment. The limit of authorized circulation without metallic cover was increased by this process from 568,513,000 roubles to 769,342,911 roubles, exclusive of about 285,000,000 roubles covered by gold. Both sides of the account of the banking department were diminished by the amount thus transferred, —200,829,455 roubles,—and by an additional sum of 65,433,691 roubles transferred in gold from the banking to the issue department as the gold value of that part of the increased permanent issue not represented by securities.2 The total gold funds of the bank and the Treasury on January 1, 1895, were 645,731,000 roubles ($500,000,000). This sum was not all in actual gold held in Russia, the sum of 58,331,000 roubles representing foreign credits payable in gold on demand ; but the Treasury alone had a gold fund of 194,410,000 roubles and the bank held 39,540,000 roubles in gold in its banking department, exclusive of that held against outstanding notes.3 The funds then set aside to 1 L6vy, 201-203. 2 Bulletin Russe de Statistique, Jan.-Feb., 1895, 34-37. 3It is interesting to note that 28,654,937 roubles ($21,500,000) of these holdings was in American half-eagles, the largest amount of foreign coin held of a siugle kind except 38,117,580 roubles ($29,000,000) in English sovereigns.—Bulletin Russe de Statistique, March, 1895, 170. 262 H ISTO RY OF MODERN BAN KS OF ISSUE . cover the circulation were 351,939,000 roubles and the au thorized circulation, covered and uncovered, was 1,121,282,000 roubles ($880,000,000). The government by a ukase of March 3, 1895, increased the metallic coverture for the cir culation by transferring from the Treasury to the bank 98,061,276 roubles in exchange funds and substituting 1,125,682 in gold for an equal amount of silver in the bank reserves. This ftiade the total gold funds held against circulation 375,000,000 roubles, exclusive of 75,000,000 held against a special issue, and made the metallic coverture more than a third of the outstanding bills. The monetary reform in Russia which was practically achieved by the autumn of 1897 presents one of the most interesting and important of modern financial operations. Previous failures and several difficult factors in the problem imposed upon Count Witte, with whose name the reform will be permanently linked, a policy of caution and complete preparation. Three of the important questions involved were at what rate the value of the paper rouble should be fixed, whether the metallic standard should be changed from silver to gold, and where the resources should be obtained to give stability and permanence to the new system. Upon the question of the rate of conversion of the paper, there were those who contended that, in Russia, as in the United States after the Civil War, the old metallic unit should be restored in its integrity. Against this contention, how ever, were arrayed the views of those who believed in con secrating by law the status quo, in order to prevent violent changes in prices of commodities and adverse effects upon the export trade of the country. While there had been periods, as recently as up to the war with Turkey in 1877, when the credit rouble had been at a quotation as high as 3.40 francs (par being 4.00 francs), the quotation had fallen during and after the war considerably below 2.66 and for a time in 1888 even below 2.00 francs.1 These years had 1Leroy-Beaulieu, La Science des Finances, II., 750. THE B A N K OF RUSSIA . 263 represented, however, a period of wide fluctuations. The salient fact upon which the advocates of resumption at the current value of the rouble rested their case was that since 1891 “ the rouble had acquired a stability more and more marked and a fixity of value which was a benefit both to the country itself and to those who were called upon to do business with it.” 1 In the language of a semi-official publication2: In fine, the credit rouble is equal to a fixed quantity of fine gold, almost identical with the amount which one has been able, on the average of the last twenty years and during the last three years, to procure with this same rouble. The fixed exchange at which the Bank of Russia buys and sells gold over its counter causes no dis turbance to contracts, old or recent, formal or tacit; it does not modify established customs, the price of rents, the nominal or the real amount of wages. Mortgage creditors and debtors, holders of the public funds issued in credit roubles, functionaries and employees, and all others, give and receive paper roubles at par5and these roubles are worth to-day that which, on the average, they were worth from 1876 to 1895, from 1879 to 1881, from 1893 to 1896. Already, as early as 1887, Vichnegradsky, the great finance minister who paved the way for the later successes of Count Witte, had declared that the eventual rate of conversion for the paper rouble would be two-thirds of its nominal value and had planned to strengthen exchange funds and end the regime of irredeemable paper.3 By the autumn of 1892 Count Witte was preparing to bring to an end speculation in the paper rouble in the Berlin market. He gave notice in January, 1893, to banking institutions doing business in Russia that aid lent by them to speculative operations in the rouble would be considered as incompatible with their privileges. In the autumn of the next year, when the comparative stability of the paper had been disturbed temporarily by unfavorable reports regarding the health of the Russian Emperor, Count Witte went resolutely into the market, pur chased the “ short” contracts offered by speculators for the 1 RafFalovich, Les MSthodes pour Revenir h la Bonne Monnaie, 20. 4 Bulletin Russe de Statistique, March-April, 1896, III., 177. 3 Lorini, 118. 264 H ISTO RY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE. decline, and forced them to settle on his own terms,1 With a great fund of gold at his command, it became possible also to adopt the means of regulating paper and silver currencies which has proved so effective in solvent countries in recent years—the sale of foreign exchange. As early as the autumn of 1892 the Department of Finance offered to buy exchange on Berlin at 2.18 marks and to sell at 2.20, shutting fluctua tions, while this policy could be maintained, within the narrow limits of normal gold points.3 The argument for fixing the new gold unit at the current gold value of the paper rouble was strengthened by the fact that the metallic standard of the Empire had been, not gold, but silver. Neither metal was in circulation when Count Witte projected his reforms, but with his usual foresight he realized that gold was the proper standard for a modern commercial state surrounded by gold-standard countries. The adoption of gold, however, was a radical departure from old Russian legislation, so that it could not be properly contended that the government was under a legal obligation to raise the paper rouble to a parity with gold at its old ratio to silver. The law of 1842 had decreed that “ the principal monetary unit, legal and invariable, of all the moneys having cir culation in the country shall continue to be the silver rouble.” 3 It was in September, 1876, that de Reutern, the Minister of Finance of the day, suspended the free coinage of silver, and on the 10th of November following that he required customs dues to be paid in gold; but the definite adoption of the gold standard awaited the completion of the monetary reform in 1897. That the gold standard could be established and main 1 Vide the author’s Principles of Money and Bankings II., 363-64. 2 Lorini, 82. 3 Lorini, 37. This writer calculates that, at the price of silver in 1897, redemption of a credit rouble in full in silver would have given to the holder 1.97 francs in gold value instead of the sum of 2.67 francs actually given by the monetary reform .—La Rtforme Monitaire de la Russie, 111. THE B A N K OF RUSSIA . 265 tained, in a county with so limited an economic power as Russia, only by accumulating large gold resources, is in dicated by the facts already set forth regarding the gold funds of the bank and the Treasury. Careful consideration was also given to the foreign-trade movement, the produc tion of gold in Russia, and the balance of payments on account of financial operations. Substantially, the gold standard was established by means of borrowed capital, but so skilfully was the public credit built up that by the con version of old loans at lower rates the use of a thousand millions of dollars was obtained from French and other foreign lenders practically without increase in interest charges.1 The foundations having thus been laid deep and broad, the gold standard was put into actual operation with mar vellous rapidity. In 1895 an ukase of May 8th declared that written contracts might be made payable in Russian gold roubles and that such contracts might be settled in gold or in credit roubles of equivalent gold value at the rate of exchange prevailing at the date of payment. Public depositaries were authorized to receive gold at its exchange value in the pay ment of excises under regulations framed by the Minister of Finance. Other steps which followed during the summer authorized the bank to receive deposits of g o ld coin and bul lion, foreign bank-notes, and commercial bills payable in gold and to issue certificates therefor payable in gold on de mand. These certificates were receivable as the equivalent of gold at the Treasury and the bank, but were not a legal substitute for gold between individuals except with the con sent of the creditor. They were receivable at branches of the bank for gold obligations due at other branches and ex change was furnished free except for the cost of telegraphic service.8 These important acts were followed on July 26, 1The debt increased from 11,619,434,008 francs on Jan. 1, 1887, to 16,567,830,000 francs on Jan. 1, 1900.—Fonds d*Etat Russes et Autres Valeurs Mobilises Cree en Russie, 31, 64. 2 Bulletin Russe de Statistique, July-August, 1895, II., 26. 266 HISTORY OF MODERN BANKS OF ISSUE. 1895, by the promulgation of rules permitting the creation of special gold accounts at the bank, for the reception of gold and gold certificates, and the issue of check-books represent ing payments exclusively in gold. The public were thus being gradually prepared, by the flow of a stream of gold through the Treasury and the banks, for the establishment of gold payments and the maintenance of a fixed relation between the credit rouble and the metallic standard. This relation was definitely established in 1896 at three roubles of the new standard for two of the old, or at the ratio of two-thirds of the old gold rouble of four francs ($0,772) for one rouble of the new standard, which thus had a value of 2.67 francs ($0,515). A complete project for a new coin age system upon this basis was submitted by Count Witte to the Imperial Council, March 21, 1896, and was the basis of the ukase of August 8th, which provided that the paper rouble should be received by the railways, public offices, and the bank at the new rate until January 1,1898.1 These measures, positive though they were, were looked upon in certain quarters as only a provisional fixing of the rate of exchange, and there was still discussion as to whether the rate should be given permanence by the issue of new coins and by the offer to redeem paper roubles in the new coins at the bank. Count Witte, in his annual estimates for 1897, reminded the Emperor that in view of what had already been done, “ legislative sanction will add nothing to the dangers, now much exaggerated, which are attributed to the resumption of payments in specie, already accomplished in fact. ’’ On the contrary, he declared, so far as demands for redemption depended on confidence in the performance of the reform, the adoption by law of the fundamental principles of a sound circulation would tend only to diminish the risks of the re form, if any existed, and to strengthen to a higher degree the credit of Russia.2 These resolute views bore fruit in the ukase of January 3, 1897, which provided for the issue of 1 Lorini, 100. 2 Bulletin Russe de Statistique, 1896, III., 737. THE B A N K OF RUSSIA. 267 the old gold coins of the Empire at their former weight and fineness, but with designations making the old imperial equal to fifteen roubles of the new standard instead of ten. A coin of five roubles was provided for by an ukase of November 14, 1897, ^ was not until December 11, 1898, that the gold piece of ten roubles was authorized, which soon super seded the older pieces and became the standard gold coin of the country.1 The new coinage policy was codified and confirmed by the law of June 7, 1899, which declared, “ The monetary system of Russia is based on gold. ’’2 On the part of the bank, provision was made to recognize by law its obligation to redeem its notes in gold. The statutes were modified by ukase of August 29, 1897, so that the English system of separating the issue department from commercial operations was abandoned and the accounts fused into a general balance-sheet. The authorized “ uncovered” issue was reduced to 600,000,000 roubles ($309,000,000) and of this amount one-half must be covered by gold; issues in excess could be made only for gold. It was declared, more over, that issues should be kept within limits rigorously determined by the actual needs of the money market.8 Al ready the bank held more gold than the volume of notes outstanding,4 and it involved no risk to follow the suggestion of Count Witte and announce readiness to pay gold on de mand. This was done by the ukase of November 14, 1897, 1 VIII., Bulletin Russe de Statistique, 1901, 164. The text of some o f these acts is given in English by Willis, Sound Currency, July, 1899, 106-108; in French by L,orini, La Reforme MonHaire de la Russie, VI., 175- 183. 1899-1900 2 Le Marche Financier en , 794. 3 Bulletin Russe de Statistique, 1897, IV., 467 4 Beaufort sets forth in detail how special deposits o f gold by the Treasury were carried to the general assets of the bank, gold holdings in old roubles were advanced in nominal value fifty per cent, in new roubles, and other readjustments brought up the total gold resources o f the bank on September 1, 1897, to 1,131,700,000 roubles against outstanding notes to the amount of 1,068,778,000 roubles.— , 32-35. L'Achbvement etVApplication de la Reforme MonHaire de la Russie 268 H ISTO RY OF M ODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE. which provided for inscriptions on the notes to the effect that the bank would redeem them in gold coin without limitation as to amount, that redemption was guaranteed by all the resources of the state, and that the notes should be received at par throughout the Empire. These measures were not taken without misgivings, both at home and abroad, as to the possession of sufficient economic power by Russia to retain her laboriously accumulated gold funds in the face of adverse conditions of trade or foreign war. But these factors had been anticipated and measured by Count Witte. In his report on the budget of 1898, he dis cussed the conditions necessary to the success of the reform and did not fail to include among them the maintenance of equilibrium in the budget and good faith by Russia toward her foreign creditors. Evidence of the latter had been given in the most explicit terms by an order of the Emperor, issued in connection with the law of January 3, 1897, which de clared that, in the payment of engagements previously con tracted in gold roubles, the coins should continue to rank only at their old face value, instead of at the new value onehalf higher.1 Proof of the determination to separate the affairs of the bank finally and absolutely from those of the public Treasury was afforded, on the morrow of the crisis of 1899, by an ukase which directed that the last 50,000,000 roubles of the State debt to the bank on account of the paper issues be cancelled from the free cash balance of the Treas ury and that the issue of bills of credit should never again serve as an auxiliary resource in the public finances.* To both the tests of financial troubles at home and serious war in the East, the Russian monetary system was subjected within seven years after it was fairly put in operation in 1897, and both tests it met without disaster. The scarcity of capital which afflicted Europe in 1899 reacted seriously upon * By a semi-official interpretation this rule was extended to engage ments contracted in ‘ ‘ metallic roubles.” — Bulletin Russe de Statist tique, Nov.-Dec., 1896, III., 740. 2 Raffalovich, L e Marchb Financier en 1899-1 goo, 810. THE B A N K OF RUSSIA. 269 Russia because so many of her enterprises were fed with capital from abroad. As usual under such conditions, the clamor arose for ‘‘ more money *’ and for a freer use of the facilities of the Bank of Russia. It became necessary for Count Witte to submit a memorial to the Emperor, showing that the quantity of currency in the country was greater than ever before and that if the bank had thought it advisable to raise its discount rate it was only taking the same pre caution as other state banks and had not been exempt from this necessity even under the regime of paper money.1 The condition of the bank and the stability of the gold standard remained absolutely unshaken. Discounts and advances were increased by nearly fifty per cent, in October, 1899, at the height of the crisis, as compared with the previous year. The circulation and gold reserves declined somewhat, but this was the result of the policy of the government in forcing gold coin into actual use. From October 1, 1897, to October 1899, gold in circulation had risen from 107,000,000 to 662.300.000 roubles, while bank-notes had fallen from 986,600.000 to 555,000,000 roubles. While within the year 1899 the gold resources of the bank fell by about 115,000,000 roubles, its outstanding note obligations fell by 171,000,000 roubles and its gold resources remained at the close of the year at 730,000,000 roubles ($375,950,000). A more serious test of the stability of the monetary system came with the Russo-Japanese War in 1904. Disaster after disaster came to Russian arms on land and sea, but they never threatened the solidity of the structure built up by Count Witte in time of peace. It was the policy of the Rus sian Government from the outset to suffer no infraction of the gold resources of the bank and to support the expenses of the war by the issue of interest-bearing securities rather than by resort to paper money.2 The close of the year 1903 found the bank in much the same position in respect to re 1 Raffalovich, L e Marche Financier en 1899-1900, 442-448. 8Cf. Cahen, in Questions Monetaires Contemporaines, 557. ZJO H ISTO RY OF MODERN BAN KS OF ISSUE . serves and circulation as at the close of 1899. The total gold resources of the Treasury and of the bank were 1,058,500,000 roubles, of which 732,900,000 roubles ($376,500,000) was in the vaults of the bank and 169,100,000 roubles ($87,000,000) in foreign bills, making the gold funds of the bank 902,000,000 roubles. As the outstanding circulation was then only 578,700,000 roubles, the notes were covered in the ratio of 156 per cent, by gold, and further paper issues would have been well within the limit of safety.1 The Treasury, more over, instead of being debtor to the bank, as in most European states, was a creditor to the amount of a free balance of 635,000,000 roubles. If there was any doubt of the purpose of the Russian Gov ernment to adhere.resolutely to a sound financial policy, it was set at rest by an official communication, appearing in the Official Messenger of May 13, 1904, which declared that “ However seductive it might appear at first glance to make head against all the expenses of the war with the sole re sources afforded by the normal elasticity of the circulation, the Ministry of Finance did not think proper to employ this method.” A conference of the Committee of Finance defin itely considered the proposal to suspend specie payments, as the Bank of France had done in 1870, in order to husband its gold, but decided that such a step would be unnecessary and harmful.2 Commercial credit showed some signs of disturbance at the prospect of war, and the fact that the monetary system had not yet been tested led to purchases of foreign bills in order to transfer capital abroad. Exchange on London rose in January, 1904, to ninety-five roubles (for ;£io), but offer ings of bills soon exceeded the demand and the rate fell in December to 94.45 roubles.3 The bank co-operated with the 1 Helfferich, Les Finances des Belligerants, 81. 2L e Marche Financier en 1904-05, 926. 3 L e Marche Financier en 1904- 05, 929. The latter rate is close to the theoretical par, which is 94.5758. THE B A N K OF RUSSIA. Treasury to prevent exports of gold from Russia. The gov ernment decided to place loans abroad rather than at home, in order to pay for war supplies obtained in foreign countries. The balance of trade thus created against Russia was met by drafts upon the funds arising from the war loans in London, Paris, and Berlin and by the free sale by the bank of drafts against its foreign balances. From January i to May 16, 1904, the gold balances of the bank abroad fell from 169,100,000 roubles to 39,900,000 roubles ($20,540,000).1 The Bank of Russia raised its discount rate early in 1904 from four and a half to five and a half per cent., but an nounced that, without encouraging speculation, it would extend generous accommodation to solvent borrowers and would re-discount freely for the private banks. Its own dis counts rose from 431,900,000 roubles on November 23,1903, to 472,700,000 roubles on January 1, 1904; but this increase was not much more than usually occurred in the beginning of the year and was offset by a decline to 400,600,000 roubles on November 23, 1904. The discounts of the private and joint-stock banks increased from 897,000,000 roubles in August, 1903, to 1,011,000,000 roubles in January, 1904, but fell back in August, 1904, to 962,000,000 roubles. Some additional issues of notes were ultimately made during the war, but they were chiefly for the two objects of affording a convenient medium of circulation in Manchuria and of drawing gold from circulation into the coffers of the bank. The total increase in circulation during 1904 was 270,000,000 roubles, but this was largely offset by an increase of 181,000,000 roubles in the gold resources of the bank and an estimated decrease of 103,700,000 roubles in gold in cir culation. Conditions in Manchuria were peculiar, in that the surrounding countries were not upon a gold basis. Sil ver was the money in general use, but passed by weight rather than by the nominal value of the coins. The Russian Government found it advisable, therefore, to accumulate a 1Helfferich, 89. 272 H ISTO RY OF M ODERN BA N K S OF ISSUE. bullion fund, in which rouble notes of small denominations were redeemed, and to issue a considerable amount of such notes while large military forces were maintained in Man churia.1 In Russia itself the preference for paper over gold which was the result of the long regime of paper money had not been outgrown and made it easy for the bank to conform to this preference without impairing confidence in the stability of the monetary standard.2 The crisis of 1899 led to several changes in the charter of the State bank, designed to aid the private banks. The term of commercial paper which might be accepted by the State bank for re-discount was extended from three to eight months and the privilege of re-discount was extended to the private banks on loans on securities which were not accept able directly by the State bank, on the conditions that the rate of discount should be ten per cent, and that the risk should be divided between the two institutions.8 A general view of the accounts of the Bank of Russia for representative j^ears appears in the table below. The small amount of the gold resources of the bank in earlier years is explained by the fact that much of the gold in the country was held by the Treasury, until the plans for resuming gold payments were put in operation which have been described. The gold includes in most cases deposits by the bank in foreign countries. The decline in gold resources after 1898 was due to the entry of gold into circulation in lieu of notes retired, and a true view of the money in circulation would include this gold. The deposits as reported include govern ment deposits of all types, which make up by far the largest proportion of the total. Thus, on January 5,1908, Treasury deposits were 433,740,000 roubles. There are several strong commercial banks, which do much of the discount business under ordinary conditions. 1 L e Marchi Financier en 1904-05, 932. 2 Helfferich, 103. 3 L e Marche Financier en 1899-1900, 462. THE B A N K OF RUSSIA . 273 Balance Sheet of the Bank of Russia. JAN U AR Y I. 1880 1885 I89O 1892 1894 1895 I896 I898 1900 1902 1903 I 9°4 1905 1906 1907 1908 C IR C U L A T IO N . 1129.9 899.7 928.4 1054.8 1071.9 I I 2 I .2 1055.2 901.2 491.1 542.1 553-8 604.1 856.0 1204.6 1233*7 1168.0 GOLD RESO U R CES. LO A N S AND D IS C O U N T S. (In millions of roubles.) 264.1 151-0 222.1 170.3 210.3 256.O 214.4 285.3 360-3 293-9 350.8 357-5 404.7 391-7 H 80.7 270.5 838.6 388.2 709.2 5 I 3-5 763.2 478.9 899.5 472.7 1024.2 401.6 919-5 665.5 1000.0 520.3 495*1 950.7 D E P O S IT S A N D C U R R EN T ACCO U N TS, 249.2 357-4 375-6 374 9 441*2 557-4 532.7 644.7 748.9 698.0 674.6 789.7 626.4 520.2 512.4 596.2 The Bank of Finland. The Bank of Finland is an outgrowth of the Diet of Borge in 1809, which regulated the relations of Finland with Russia. Swedish notes continued to circulate for a long time in Finland, in spite of determined efforts to supersede them by Russian silver and paper.1 The bank was not con spicuously successful at first, but was able in 1840 to under take the redemption of its notes in silver, as was done at the same time by the Bank of Russia. The unusual requirement 1 Frederiksen, 185. This author adds : “ The continuous decrease in the value of Swedish notes consequent upon too large an issue contributed rather to spread them in the interior of Finland. The merchants, who received more of these debased notes for the same quantity of merchandise, made large profits by placing the notes with their customers, who only understood later that they were steadily decreasing in value. As is always the case when money is decreasing in value, the lower classes and the remoter districts of the country were the chief sufferers. ’ *— Finland ; its Public and Private Economy, 186. 18 274 H ISTO RY OF M ODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE. that it should also redeem Russian notes made the bank a victim of the vicissitudes of Russian finance and was the moving cause of a demand, after the crisis of 1857, f°r a separate coinage unit in Finland. This was granted by the Russian Emperor by a decree of April 4, i860. The new unit, the markka, had the merit of being at once the equivalent of the French franc and one-fourth the nominal gold value of the Russian rouble. The depreciation of silver after 1866 caused the same disorder in Finland as elsewhere and led to the adoption by decree of August 9, 1877, of a gold-standard law and the suspension of free coinage of silver. The statutes of the bank were reformed in 1867 upon the model of those of the Royal Bank of Sweden. The bank is the property of the state and its profits go into the Treasury. The Estates choose four delegates and four auditors and ex ercise by other means control over the general policy of the bank. The capital is 25,000,000 marks ($4,825,000) with a reserve of 31,739,855 marks. The limit of authorized or un covered circulation is 40,000,000 marks, to which 10,000,000 marks may be added, by consent of the government, to meet emergencies. For any excess above these amounts, the bank must hold either gold, foreign bills, credits with corre spondents abroad, or bonds of a class readily marketable on foreign bourses. Deposits payable on demand must be covered in the same manner as notes, and the amount of actual gold must not be less than 20,000,000 marks.1 Preparations for the introduction of the Russian monetary system into Finland were indicated by a decree of May 27, 1904, making Russian gold full legal tender; but Finnish money remained for the time being legal tender alongside the Russian and no immediate requirement in regard to Russian money was imposed upon the bank.8 The circula tion of the bank at the close of 1907 was 95,026,745 marks ($18,340,000) and its assets, which reached a total of 1Frederiksen, 196. *Bulletin de Statistique, September, 1904, I*VI., 332. 2?$ 201,153,187 marks, included 25,392,732 marks in gold, 54,655,880 marks in Finnish commercial paper, 29,134,794 marks in advances on securities, and 57,903,196 marks on deposit abroad.1 THE B A N K OF RUSSIA. 1 fcconomiste Europeen, April 3, 1908, X X X III., 445. CHAPTER XL THE BANKS OF NORTHERN EUROPE. Development o f Banks of Issue in Belgium— The Strain Put upon the National Bank by the F ran co-Prussian War— Difficulties Caused b y the Double Standard— The Bank o f Amsterdam and Modern Banking in Holland— Organization of the Banks of Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. history of banking in Belgium is a history of greater from state interference and entanglement with THEthefreedom finances of the government than that of most other European countries. Belgium began her present national life in 1830 with the assumption of but a small debt as a legacy from her relations with Holland and with the field comparatively clear for the adoption of a sound system of currency and banking. The neutrality of Belgium is prac tically guaranteed by the great powers of Europe and her military expenditure scarcely exceeds one dollar per capita. The National Bank of Belgium has been employed by the government, therefore, simply as its financial agent in its ordinary transactions and has not been diverted from its duties to industry and commerce by the necessity of floating large loans or covering deficits in the public finances. The government under these conditions has been able to keep in its own hands the ultimate power over the bank, without being often tempted to abuse it, and reserved in the first charter the right to grant to other corporations the power to issue notes. The National Bank has a monopoly of note issue in fact, but is restrained in some measure from abuse of its power by the knowledge that a competitor may at any moment be legally authorized to enter the field. 276 THE B AN KS OF NORTHERN EUROPE . 277 Monopoly of note issue has existed in Belgium only since 1850. The oldest institution issuing bank-notes was the General Society for the Promotion of National Industry (So ciety Ginirale pour favoriser V Industrie Nationale). This so ciety was founded in 1822 principally as a bank of circulation and discounts, but it became little by little a great institution of finance interested in promoting investments.1 The soci ety was a depository of public funds and of large private savings, loaned money on mortgages, on public securities, and on merchandise and was interested as promoter and fi nancial agent in nearly all the large enterprises of the coun try. It had no strong rival until after the separation of Belgium and Holland and it invited rivalry then by its own shortsightedness. The society and its management were largely under Dutch influence and when the new govern ment of Belgium sought the assistance of the bank as a public depositary the managers refused to make any arrange ments which would subject them to the public accounting officers. They regarded the services of the bank as indis pensable and forced the government to countenance the creation of a new banking institution more friendly in its character. The Bank of Belgium was founded February 24, 1835, and the management of the public funds was taken away from the old institution and given to the new. The methods of the new bank had the same defects as those of the old, how ever, in attempting to make long time loans on commercial paper, while issuing circulating notes payable on demand. The result was a crisis in 1838, when confidence was im paired by the fear of war over the provinces of Iyimbourg and Luxembourg. There was a violent contraction of credit at Brussels, and the Bank of Belgium found itself without cash to meet its obligations. The older institution, which was somewhat stronger, and was not regarded as so largely a creature of the existing government, took advantage of the opportunity to crush its rival and on December 4, 1838, 1Courcelle-Seneuil, 339. 278 HISTOR Y OF MODERN BA N K S OF ISSUE. presented 1,000,000 francs ($200,000) to the Bank of Belgium for redemption. They followed this up on December 10th, by the presentation of 1,200,000 francs and on December 15th, by the presentation of 300,000 francs more. The bank was forced to suspend and to appeal to the government for assistance. A loan of 4,000,000 francs ($800,000) was voted, of which 2,600,000 francs were applied to the payment of bills and commercial obligations of the bank, and 1,400,000 francs to meeting the demands of depositors in the savings branches which had been established.1 The manner in which the existing institutions mixed up the business of banks of issue and deposit with that of op erations for long terms created a strong feeling in favor of a bank devoted exclusively to commercial banking. The Bank of Belgium was again embarrassed in 1842 and was compelled to surrender the privilege of keeping the public monies. An arrangement was entered into between the Treasury and the SocittS Generate, but that institution felt the effect of the crisis of 1842 and was compelled to abandon all the branches which it had established except that at Ant werp. The government, therefore, in view of the necessity for an institution of a different character, in granting a re newal of the charter of the Sociite Ginirale for twenty-five years, in 1843, reserved the right to revise and restrict its powers before the end of the year 1849. The crisis follow ing the political excitement of 1848 compelled both existing banks to suspend specie payments and afforded the govern ment the best of excuses for curtailing their privileges. The banks were aided for the moment by an act of March 20, 1848, giving forced legal tender character to their bills but confining the issues within fixed limits. The year 1849 had hardly begun, however, when the President of the Council of Ministers, M. Frere-Orban, brought forward a plan for the National Bank of Belgium (Banque Nationale de Bel gique). The charter of the bank was granted by the law of May 5, 1850, fixing the capital at 25,000,000 francs ($5,000,1Noel, I., 549. THE B A N K S OF NORTHERN EUROPE . 279 000), divided into shares of 1,000 francs each, and giving the bank its franchise for twenty-five years. The bank was forbidden to borrow or make loans upon mortgages, or upon deposits of industrial stock, and was forbidden to take part directly or indirectly in industrial enterprises. The admin istration of the bank was intrusted to a governor appointed by the King for five years and six directors chosen by the shareholders, and a government commissioner was charged with the supervision of discounts and the issuing of bills. The National Bank found itself face to face with strong competitors in the two older banking institutions, but grad ually gained in strength and credit up to 1870, when it was subjected to one of the severest tests ever put upon a banking institution. It was not distrust of the bank, but the politi cal events accompanying the Franco-Prussian War which caused the stress. The demand for banking accommodation was greatly increased by the necessity of furnishing supplies for the hostile armies and many business transactions were transferred to Belgium which would ordinarily have been carried on in France or Germany. This was an evidence of confidence in the bank which would not have been without its benefits if the institution had been prepared for so sudden an enlargement of its transactions, but this indication of con fidence from without was offset by a degree of distrust at home which led to the presentation of large quantities of bank bills for redemption in coin. The government added to the dangers of the situation by a policy which tended to embarrass the bank and to increase the uneasiness of the public. The administration feared that a declaration of war be tween France and Germany would lead to the violation of the neutrality of Belgium, and directed the National Bank to take measures to transfer the metallic reserve, represent ing the balance due the Treasury, to the port of Antwerp. The bank was informed on July 13th that this transfer must be effected without delay. An attempt was made to carry out the movement secretly, but the news became public that the metallic reserve had been removed from Brussels and 280 H ISTORY OF MODERN BA N K S OF ISSUE . caused great popular alarm. The government, instead of sustaining the bank, issued two more stupid orders,—one to the agents of the Finance Department in the provinces, not to permit their cash to be exchanged for bank bills, and the other to the chiefs of the military forces, to exchange bank bills in their military chests for coin.1 Notwithstanding this apparently deliberate effort to discredit the bank, the government refused to permit the suspension of specie pay ments and held the institution strictly to the performance of the obligations of its charter. The orders regarding the public funds and the military chests were so palpably un wise that they were quickly revoked, and an order was given to pay everything in bank bills which could be so paid, and to exchange large bills at the agencies of the banks for small ones, in order to facilitate payments in bills. The discounts of the bank increased from 177,500,000 francs on July 10, 1870, to 203,023,100 francs on July 20th, and to 223,231,744 francs on July 31st. While assistance was thus rendered to commercial credit, the presentation of notes for redemption rose from a daily average of 600,000 francs ($120,000) during 1869 to a daily average of over 1,000,000 francs ($200,000) during the eighty-two days from July 1st to September 20, 1870. The amount presented on July 20th was 6,282,000 francs ($1,250,000) and on the next day 7,025,000 francs ($1,400,000), and the daily average from July 15th to July 30th was 2,094,000 francs ($415,000). The bank was able to meet these demands by appeals for loans of coin from London, Amsterdam, Hamburg, and Paris, and by realizing the bills drawn on foreign countries which it had in its possession.2 These bills, which amounted 1 Noel, I., 486. 2 The large holding of foreign bills, chiefly drawn on London, in the cash reserves o f European banks is, ‘ to a very large extent, solely for the sake o f the interest which is to be made on them. Bills on England, owing to the high rate of interest which they often bear, as compared with continental rates, are a favorite investment abroad. In Paris, Berlin, Frankfort, Hamburg, and other conti THE BAN KS OF NORTHERN EUROPE. 281 at the outbreak of the crisis to 64,144,561 francs, were re duced on July 31st to 7,227,333 francs. The proceeds were employed in the purchase of bullion, principally in silver, which the mint rapidly coined into crowns. The bank was thus enabled to meet every demand and to reduce the rate of discount as soon as the crisis was over. The rate of July 15th was two and a half per cent., but this was in creased to five per cent, between July 15th and August 5th, and to six per cent, from August 5th to August 27th, and even to seven per cent, for bills drawn in foreign countries on Belgium. The 27th of August saw the worst of the crisis over, and the domestic rate fell to five and a half per cent. ; on September 20th to four and a half per cent. ; and on October 8th to three and a half per cent. Belgium was led to propose the formation of the L,atin Union in 1865 because of the difficulty of maintaining the double standard under the oscillations in the price of gold and silver. The French system of decimal coinage was adopted by the law of June 5, 1832, but silver was made the standard and no provision was made for gold coinage. The creation of a gold circulation in France after the great gold discoveries led to a popular demand for the admission of French gold coins into Belgium. This was decreed by the law of June 4, 1861, and the result was to drive the silver five-franc pieces out of sight and change the standard of actual circulation from silver to gold. The National Bank had a reserve at that time of 48,645,000 francs in silver fivefranc pieces, which was paid out to meet current demands, but this fund declined by November 8, 1862, to 14,629,000 francs, and the bank suspended their further issue.1 The smaller pieces continued to disappear, but the movement was retarded for a time by the suspension of specie pay nental cities, the bills on England held by the bankers and joint stock companies often amount to many millions sterling ; and a very large sum remains in their hands for several months,— in fact, from the time when the bills are drawn to the time when they fall due.” — Goschen, Foreign Exchanges, 138. 1 Shaw, 191. 282 HISTORY OF MODERN BA N K S OF ISSUE . ments in the United States. The drain set in again in 1865, the small silver pieces became so scarce that they could not be supplied by the bank in sufficient sums to meet the demands of manufacturers, and the government was com pelled to resort to the coinage of nickel pieces. The Bel* gian delegates urged the adoption of the gold standard al the conference which resulted in the formation of the Latin Union, but consented to the convention finally adopted by the other powers. The fall in the value of silver after 1867 dragged Belgium into new difficulties, against which the convention of the Latin Union afforded her no protection. The government was authorized by the law of December 18, 1873, to suspend the minting of silver five-franc pieces, which had been going on at the rate of 300,000 francs a day. The coinage of sil ver had already exceeded domestic needs, and great quanti ties drifted across the French frontier and found their way into the Bank of France. This circumstance was made the occasion of a demand at the conference of 1885 that the countries of the Union take back their national coins and pay for them in gold. The Belgian delegate, M. Pirmez, at first refused to consider any such proposition, declared that Belgium was being made the victim of the misfortunes of the Union, and absented himself from the sittings of the conference. He declared that the treaty of 1865 made no reference to any such process of liquidation ; that the ac ceptance of Belgian coins by French citizens had not been a part of the treaty, but a result of voluntary action ; and that the dissolution of the treaty would simply relieve public depositaries from further acceptance of foreign coins, without imposing any obligations upon their issuers to re deem them.1 The fear that the collapse of the Latin Union would imperil the gold standard in Belgium finally pre vailed, however, over other arguments, and Belgium con sented to a basis of liquidation by which each country was to pay in gold for one-half of its five-franc pieces returned 1 Ansiaux, 14. THE BA N K S OF NORTHERN EUROPE . 283 to it and was allowed to leave the other half to be returned by the play of foreign exchange.1 The position of Belgium and of the National Bank will be peculiarly embarrassing if the dissolution of the Latin Union destroys the legal status of the silver coins of one country in the others. Belgian coins would under such circumstances flow rapidly back into Belgium and would be likely to glut the reserves of the bank and make difficult the maintenance of the gold standard. The metallic reserve of the bank averages about 100,000,000 francs, of which only a fourth is now in silver, but the volume of Belgian five-franc pieces outstanding is estimated at 400,000,000 francs, of which about 200,000,000 are in the Bank of France, besides those in active circulation in France.2 A glut of silver in Belgium would have the tendency to draw gold from the National Bank, while there would be the strongest disposition in the bank to retain gold and force silver into circulation. It would put a severe test upon the credit of the bank and its 800,000,000 francs of paper circu lation to attempt to enforce the policy of the Bank of France, to redeem in silver at discretion, and the pressure for gold for export would be strong because of the redundancy of the monetary circulation which the glut of silver would cause. The heroic policy of buying gold and selling silver for what it will bring in the bullion market is favored by some Belgian statesmen and may prove the only effective means of maintaining the gold standard. The renewal of the charter of the National Bank which was enacted in 1872 extended the life of the institution to 1 M. Haupt considers France rather than Belgium the victim in this transaction and regrets that her delegates, after securing the consent of the delegates of Italy, Switzerland, and Greece to liquida tion in full in gold, yielded to their demand that they have the same privilege as Belgium of liquidating in gold to the extent of only onehalf their silver coins accumulating in French hands .—The Monetary Question in 1892, 90. 2Haupt, 93. 284 H ISTORY OF MODERN BA N K S OF ISSUE . January i, 1903, and the capital was increased to 50,000,000 francs ($10,000,000). Several changes were made in the previous laws regarding taxation, the handling of the public funds, and the share of the government in the profits of the bank. Greater precision was introduced into the provi sions regarding the proportion of specie held, which is now required to be one-third of the notes in circulation and of other demand liabilities. This reserve may be trenched upon in emergencies with the consent of the Minister of Finance. The notes of the bank were made a legal tender by the law of June 20, 1873, but only so long as they are redeemed in coin on demand and are receivable in public depositaries. Their acceptance by public depositaries is defined by law, but may be suspended by the Minister of Finance. A portion of the public funds in the custody of the bank is allowed to be loaned, but the profits earned go to the credit of the Treasury. In the revision of the charter in 1900 the tendencies toward State socialism which had become strong in Belgium had free play. The privileges of the bank were indeed extended to January 1, 1929, but only under provisions which turned over a large part of its profits to the public Treasury. Under the extension of the charter in 1872 the bank was required to pay a patent tax on the gross volume of business, a stamp tax on its notes, and a tax of one-quarter of one per cent, semi-annually on the excess of the circulation above 275,000,000 francs. These provisions were continued by the law of March 26, 1900. The other principal taxes levied by the law of 1872 were one-quarter of the net profits of the bank above six per cent, and on discounts the entire excess of re ceipts above a rate of five per cent.1 These two limits were radically changed in 1900. Henceforth one-quarter of the profits was to go to the State after four per cent, had been distributed to the shareholders and all profits obtained from a discount rate above three and a half per cent, were to find their way into the public Treasury.8 Under these provisions 1 Noel, I., 563. * Bulletin de Statistique, April, 1900, XLVII., 422. THE B A N K S OF NORTHERN EUROPE . 285 the payments to the State in 1907 reached 12,721,111 francs ($2,455,000) which was more than twice the cost of administration (4,887,954 francs) and exceeded by about fifty per cent, the 8,300,000 francs distributed to shareholders.1 The collections from the excess of discount rates above three and a half per cent, were 7,002,541 francs ($1,350,000) in 1907 and were probably larger than was anticipated when the law of 1900 was enacted. Discount rates had then been low for many years throughout Europe. For the entire period from 1851 to the close of 1900 the rate was at three per cent, or less during 10,623 days out of 18,262, and was only once (in 1873) as high as seven per cent.2 But the scarcity of capital throughout the world during the opening decade of the twentieth century did not leave Belgium un touched. The rate of discount at Brussels was lower than elsewhere, except at Paris, and in 1904 was maintained uni formly at three per cent. ; but was raised on October 30,1905, to four per cent., and in 1906 was subjected to four changes. Even under this pressure the average rate for 1905 was only 3.18 per cent, and for 1906 3.84 per cent., the amount col lected from the tax on the excess discount rate in the former j^ear being only 471,269 francs. It became necessary, how ever, under the troublous conditions of 1907, to advance the rate on March 18th to five per cent. ; on November 2d to five and a half per cent. ; and six days later to six per cent., carrying the average rate for 1907 to 4.95 per cent. Re ductions of the rate were made early in 1908, until at the close of March it was at three and a half per cent. As was pointed out by the censors, in their annual report for 1907, these high rates were necessary for the protection of the cash resources of the bank and could not be attributed in any way to selfish interest on the part of the directors, because of the provision attributing absolutely to the public Treasury the proceeds of discount above three and a half per 1 Assemblee Generate des Actionnaires du 24 Fevrier, 1908. 9 Palgrave, 185. 286 H ISTO RY OF M ODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE. cent.1 The advantage of a higher rate than prevailed at Paris in the autumn of 1907 was to bring exchange nearly to par and to check the outward movement of gold, which has repeatedly compelled the bank to strengthen its reserves by special meas ures and at heavy cost. It has been largely by its holdings of foreign bills that it has been able to carry on its operations and maintain an adequate stock of gold.9 The leading items of the accounts of the bank, for repre sentative years since its foundation, are shown, in francs, in the following table3 : Principal Accounts of the Bank of Belgium. D E C . 3 1st. 1851 CIRCULATION. (In francs i 860 50,346,210 I17,899,Q 60 202,528,520 I O 404,721,600 1870 1880 89 1892 1894 1895 I896 I898 I9OO 1902 I9°3 1904 1905 1906 1907 19084 METALLIC RE SERVE. 339,969.51° 427,594,580 469,662,000 476,502,020 492,636,910 544,652,040 631,631,800 676,140,330 671,006,560 694,429,290 724,082,140 770,423,340 798,167,160 761,513,400 29,264,880 63.023,535 95 .614,523 98,787,206 103,413,340 114,654,737 130,756,515 101,061,507 101,978,446 117,087,292 108,757,109 114,170,310 117,117,388 119,366,357 117,621,107 124,185,128 133,261,800 154,803,550 DISCOUNTS. - $0,193.) 44,034,953 155,958,745 196,233,878 283,992,826 312,670,661 309,391,705 346, 590,227 365, 263,291 399,683,424 424, 795,032 465,244,299 513,750,490 533,069,957 557,740,290 570,024,215 597,370,467 678,641,352 615,770,545 !j DEPOSITS. 25,980,830 , , , 81 825,144 81 319,921 72 142,896 67,723,926 69,340,318 78,558,169 72,103,788 90,649,788 98,975,211 8 r ,754,197 78, 854,638 86,971,009 93,374,199 98, 615,552 84,000,000 87,573,812 82,401,579 1Assemblie Ginirale, 1908. 2Palgrave declared in 1903 that “ Through holding these drafts on other countries the council of the bank has the means of operating in any direction when the exchanges are unfavorable to Belgium. . . . Roughly speaking, one-fifth part of the bills it has dealt with during the last twenty years have been on foreign countries.”—Batik Rate and the Money Market, 185. 3A nnuaire Statistique de la Belgique, 1906, 378. 4October 1st. THE BAN KS OF NORTHERN EUROPE. 287 The Bank of The Netherlands. The existing Bank of the Netherlands is the successor of the Bank of Amsterdam, one of the most famous of the banks of the Middle Ages. The Bank of Amsterdam was not a bank of issue in the modern sense, but proposed originally to deliver receipts for deposits of coin. The bank was founded by an ordinance of the City of Amsterdam of January 31, 1609, and was called the Exchange Bank (Amsterdamsche Wisselbank). Much confusion and many disputes had arisen in the city because of the variety of coins in circulation and their departure from the proper standard. Money of full weight rose to a premium with the exchange brokers and the fact was considered as the result rather than the cause of their operations. The city undertook by a statute of July 15, 1608, to prohibit the holding of deposits or the transfer of money by any one except the owners or their personal agents. The use of bills of exchange was forbidden and traders were directed to make no discrimination between light and heavy coins nor to give or take money at a higher rate than that fixed by the States-General. These provisions were only intended to clear the ground for the establishment of the new bank under government control. All bills of exchange were required to be paid through the bank, and the institution was required to sell any kind of specie demanded of it at as low a premium as possible. The transferable deposits or credits came to be known as ‘‘ bank money ” and bore this designation through out the history of the bank. The creation of a means of exchange of fixed and uniform value did much to promote the great commerce of which Amsterdam was becoming the centre. The bank accepted deposits only at their bullion value and granted credit for the amount in lawful money, subject to a proper charge for handling. Deposits were necessarily subject to charges, because the bank was sup posed to keep in its vaults every guilder received and to do no loan and discount business. Payments in Amsterdam came to be made universally in bank money, by the pre- 288 HTSTOR Y OF MODERN BAN KS OF ISSUE . sentation of a transfer order at the bank by the payer or his authorized agent, which entitled the payee to the credit on the next day. The bank became so general a medium of payments in Amsterdam that the most extravagant estimates were formed of the gold and silver stored in its vaults. Some put the amount as high as 900,000,000 gulden ($360,000,000) but the more modest and accurate estimate of Adam Smith was 33,000,000 gulden ($13,500,000).1 Direct redemption of bank credits in coin gradually fell into disuse, partly because bank money was so much pref erable to coin for nearly all practical purposes and partly be cause of the acceptance of foreign coins on special deposits. The system of advances upon such deposits was formally put in operation in January, 1683, and the bank issued a re ceipt to the depositor for the bullion value of the deposit, certifying his right to withdraw it upon returning the bank money with which he had been credited and paying oneeighth of one per cent, interest. The right of withdrawal was forfeited if the charges were not paid and the deposit renewed within six months. It was necessary, therefore, in order to withdraw coin thus deposited, to have both the re ceipt and the equivalent amount of bank money. The bank money outstanding was in excess of the legal coin in the custody of the bank, but not in excess of the domestic and foreign coin and bullion. The lapsing of receipts protected the bank, therefore, from demands for coin redemption which it could not meet, while another method was adopted to pre vent the excess of the bank money in circulation and to pro vide bullion for those who desired it for export. The method adopted by the bank for controlling the vol ume of circulation and maintaining its credit was the sale of bank money for specie or specie for bank money in such amounts as the public might require. Regular agents of the bank were charged with these transactions and kept the pre mium on bank money within narrow limits and its value substantially unchanged. It was supposed until the last 1 Wealth o f Nations, II., 61. THE BAN KS OF NORTHERN EUROPE . 289 half of the eighteenth century that the bank had sacredly fulfilled its obligations to keep in the vaults the exact amount of coin and bullion represented by the bank money outstand ing. The affairs of the bank were kept secret by the small committee of the city government which was charged with its administration, and it was not generally known that as early as 1657 individuals had been permitted to overdraw their accounts and that in later years enormous loans of specie had been made to the Dutch East India Company. The truth became public property in the winter of 1789 and 1790. The premium on bank money, which was usually kept above four per cent., then fell below two per cent, and in August, 1790, disappeared. The bank failed to pro tect its credit by purchasing bank money on an adequate scale and it was represented that large purchases would be followed by a heavy export of bullion to the injury of com merce. The possibility of deception came to an end when on November, 12, 1790, a notice was issued that silver would be sold to the holders of bank money at a rate equivalent to ninety per cent, of their claims. It was substantially an ad mission of insolvency and the debt was assumed in 1791 by the government of the City of Amsterdam. The effort was made to put the bank again on its feet, but the time for such banks had passed, the position of Amsterdam as a commercial centre had changed, the bank was closed by a royal decree of December 19, 1819, and the small amount of bank money outstanding was soon after paid off.1 The Bank of the Netherlands (de Nederlandsche Bank) was authorized by the government in 1814, after it became evi dent that the Bank of Amsterdam could not be revived. The privilege of the bank was twice renewed for twenty-five years, carrying its charter to March 31, 1889. The next re newal was nominally only for fifteen years, until March 31, 1 A summary of the result of the researches of the latest scholar ship regarding the Bank of Amsterdam, based in part upon the his tory of the bank by W. C. Mees, formerly president of the Bank of the Netherlands, is presented by Prof. Dunbar in his valuable work on The Theory and History of Banking, 82-105. 19 29O BISTOR Y OF MODERN BAN KS OF ISSUE . 1904, but an extension of ten years was to be tacitly assumed unless the abrogation of the privilege was decreed by the state.1 A further extension to 1919 was made by a law of December 31, 1903, when some changes were made in the share of the state in the bank’s profits.2 The law of Decem ber 22, 1863, left open the possibility of establishing other banks of issue by special law, but the Bank of the Nether lands has been in fact the only bank of issue in Holland since its establishment. The capital of the bank was origin ally 5,000,000 florins ($2,000,000) and has been increased from time to time to 10,000,000, 15,000,000, and 20,000,000 florins ($8,000,000). The bank is not a public institution, but the state subscribed in 1863 for one thousand shares at 115, which were sold on June 1, 1864, at 190. The govern ment exercises supervision through a special commissioner paid by the bank, and the president and secretary are named by the king. The Treasury shares in the profits of the bank when they exceed a fixed amount. Under the law of 1888, dividends of five per cent, were to be paid to the shareholders, even if it was necessary to recur to the reserve fund to make up the amount. Ten per cent, of profits was then to go to the re serve fund until it reached twenty-five per cent, of capital. The remaining profits were to be divided equally between the state and the shareholders until the total dividend allotted to the latter reached seven per cent., after which they were to receive only a third. The portion going to the share holders was further curtailed by the law of 1903, by the reduction of their initial dividend to three and one half per cent. Then, after allotments to reserve and to the manage ment, the state was to receive two-thirds of the balance and the shareholders only one-third. In case of the refusal of further privileges in 1919, the shareholders are to retain the reserve existing on March 31, 1889, but half the subsequent accretions go to the state.3 1 L£vy, 194. 8Raffatovich,in feconomiste Europeen, March 13,1908, XX X III., 328*Economiste Europken, March 13, 1908, XXXIII., 328. THE BA N K S OF NORTHERN EUROPE . 291 There is no fixed limit upon the note issues of the Bank of the Netherlands, but the decree of August 16, 1884, fixed the proportion of the metallic reserve at forty per cent, of the aggregate of notes and deposits. The law imposes no re strictions on the proportion of gold and silver, but since 1872 the bank has ceased to buy silver and has added as much as possible to its gold. Holland suspended the free coinage of silver in December, 1877, an^ has maintained her monetary system at parity with gold by treating the silver coins as tokens, redeemable in gold. The monetary system maintained by the Bank of the Netherlands is of peculiar interest, because of the demonstra tion which it affords that, within narrow limits at least, it is possible to maintain the gold standard with very little gold and while the money of circulation is chiefly of silver and paper. The bank pursues a policy directly opposite from that of the Bank of France, by furnishing gold freely for export and sparingly for domestic circulation. The pur pose of this policy is to maintain the parity of foreign ex change, because of the conviction that a refusal to furnish gold for export would put the metal at a premium and pre cipitate the country upon a silver basis. This danger was a serious one in 1883. The gold reserve, which had been at 56,924,000 florins at the close of 1880, declined in October, 1882, to 11,306,638 florins and in February, 1883, to 5,365,091 florins ($2,150,000). A bill was promptly introduced in the States-General, authorizing the melting of 25,000,000 florins in old pieces of two and a half florins and their sale as bullion, in order to obtain gold. The bill did not become law until March 4, 1884, but the exchanges in the meantime became favorable and the stock of gold rose on April 21, 1883, to 31,000,000 florins ($12,400,000). The bank now stands ready to furnish gold for export or to furnish silver at its bullion value, while the old stock of large silver coins is being gradually reduced by subsidiary coinage for Holland and Java.1 1 Bimetallism in Europe, Sen. Ex. Doc. 34,50th Cong., 1st Sess., 33. 292 H ISTO RY OF M ODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE . The capacity of the bank to furnish gold on demand was severely tested in 1906 and 1907 as the result of financial pressure in other countries and the necessity for remittances to pay for foreign securities, of which the Dutch public are large buyers.1 The discount rate, which had been at three per cent, for over a year, was advanced to three and one-half per cent, on April 28, 1906; to four and one-half per cent, on May 4th; to five per cent, on October 11, 1906; and to six per cent, on March 12, 1907. This rate was not long main tained and the bank went through the American panic with a rate of five per cent., fixed on April 23, 1907. The bank ing year ending March 31, 1907, closed with the gold stock reduced from 72,668,470 florins to 61,819,600 florins ($24,727,800) ; but the next year witnessed a reflux of the yellow metal, as the result of the diminished demand for credit, and found the reserve at about 97,000,000 florins. It was de clared by the management of the bank that “ the Netherlands maintained the free gold market on which our credit abroad is based, but we had to guard against excessive withdrawals from our vaults of the metal that is absolutely necessary to maintain the stability of value of the medium of exchange.” How large is the presentation of notes to the bank for specie and the counter deposit of gold for notes may be judged by the following figures for representative years : Exchanges at the Bank of the Netherlands, 31 YEAR ENDING MARCH . 1875 1880 1885 1890 1895 1897 1899 1900 1902 1904 1905 1906 1907 SPECIE PAID FOR NOTES. NOTES PAID FOR SPECIE. (In florins = $0,402.) 34,098,655 27,695,070 42,460,765 32,254,525 51,657,925 35,714,565 56,338,280 37,843,825 71,856,675 53,458,120 86,358,645 6 1,6 17,3 6 5 94,754,665 6 7,505,170 100,994,655 70,349,365 104,058,125 70,951,255 112,407,390 78,461,545 112,589,890 84,581,550 78,796,920 105,795,960 113,828,340 87,606,320 1 Iyondon Bankers' Magazine, December, 1907, LXXXIV., 749. It THE BA N K S OF NORTHERN EUROPE . 293 The gradual expansion of the business of the Bank of the Netherlands, upon the average for five-year periods and in recent years is indicated by the following table1: Accounts of the Netherlands Bank. AVERAGE FOR YEAR ENDING MARCH 31. NOTES IN CIRCULATION' METALLIC 154,700,000 186,820,000 190,420,000 199,020,000 202,210,000 206,910,000 230,960,000 234,700,000 247 , 370,000 268,850,000 110,940,000 140,230,000 130,020,000 150,430,000 123,980,000 124,410,000 135 , 970,000 129,780,000 143 , 590,000 152,150,000 STOCK. DISCOUNTS AND LOANS. CURRENT ACCOUNTS. (In florins=401.2 cents.) I8 6 9 -74 18 7 4 -79 I879 -84 I884-89 I8 8 9-94 18 9 4 -9 9 1902-1903 1903-1904 1904-1905 1905-1906 91,610,000 100,740,000 92,960,000 85,070,000 106,160,000 105,590,000 117,960,000 128,040,000 127,810,000 140,030,000 29,720,000 3 6 , 350,000 14,850,000 19,050,000 11,500,000 6,270,000 5,810,000 6,050,000 7 , 730,000 5,090,000 The balance sheet of March 31, 1907, showed total lia bilities of 300,344,532 florins, of which 20,000,000 florins was on account of capital, 259,552,488 florins ($103,821,000) on account of note issues, and 11,138,760 florins on current accounts. Banking in Sweden. The three countries of the Scandinavian Union,—Sweden, Norway, and Denmark,—have an uniform monetary system based upon the gold standard with the crown as the unit, worth twenty-six and eight-tenths cents ($0,268) in United States money, but each country has a banking system of its own. The State Bank of Sweden (Sveriges-Riksbank) was founded November 30, 1656, and to Palmstruch, its founder, is attributed the first use of bank bills as credit money, not fully covered by the coin reserve. The bank became a pub lic institution in 1668, and its capital is furnished by the is the opinion of experts in Holland that holdings of American securities there are over $400,000,000,—not greatly less than all other Continental bourses.—U. S. Consular Reports, July 12, 1907, 8. 1 faarcijfers voorhet Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, Rijk in Europa, 1905, 222. 294 HIS TOR Y OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE . nation, but the administration is under the charge of a com mission chosen by the Diet and is not responsible to the executive department of the government. The capital of the bank, prior to the reform of 1897, was 25,000,000 crowns ($6,700,000) with a reserve of 5,000,000 crowns, and it was allowed to issue notes to the amount of both, plus its credits with foreign banks and its metallic reserve.1 The reserve was not allowed to fall below 10,000,000 crowns. The notes are a legal tender by the Swedish constitution in Sweden and are receivable by public depositaries. The private banks grew up at first without regulation, but became subject to general law in 1864. A new law of Janu ary i, 1887, imposed certain general conditions upon these banks, most of which are still in force.2 The capital of each is required to be at least 1,000,000 crowns ($268,000), the charter runs for ten years, and the shareholders are responsi ble only for the amount of their shares. Sweden in 1897 followed other important European states in taking measures to concentrate the power of note issue in a single institution. The nucleus of the new system ex isted in the State Bank, whose character was not changed as to ownership and organization, but which was given by the law of May 12, 1897, larger powers and more exclusive privileges. The changes as to note issues did not become fully effective until January 1, 1904, but the capital of the State Bank was increased in the meantime to 50,000,000 crowns ($13,400,000) and the way paved for gradually elimi nating the circulation of the private and joint stock banks. As early as 1879 privilege of issuing notes for five crowns ($1.34) was reserved to the State Bank, and in 1887 its limit of issue was raised to 45,000,000 crowns and the cash hold ings were required to be 18,000,000 crowns. The law of 1897, consolidating note issues, raised the maximum limit of circulation to 100,000,000 crowns and required minimum cash holdings to be 25,000,000 crowns, all in gold. A sub 1Muhleman, 149. 2 L6vy, 219. THE B A N K S OF NORTHERN EUROPE . 295 sequent modification of this law, which took effect January 1, 1902, raised the gold requirement to 40,000,000 crowns, but permitted the balance to be covered by foreign govern ment bonds, foreign and inland bills, and Swedish bonds quoted on foreign stock exchanges.1 Provisions were made in the law of 1897 f°r compensation to the private banks for the privilege of note issue withdrawn from them. It was the motive of the law to perpetuate them as joint stock banks and to induce them to continue to grant the same accommodation to commerce as before. To these ends banks retiring their circulation before the end of 1905 were given a credit with the State Bank against approved collateral at a rate two per cent, below the published discount rate (but not below a rate of two per cent.), and rediscounts at a rate not exceeding two-thirds of the published rate. The amount of each of these privileges was fixed at one-half the circulation of the bank on January 1, 1896, and was con ditioned on the requirement that the local bank should not discontinue any branch existing on that date. For those banks which kept their circulation until the beginning of 1904, the privilege of rediscount was limited to forty per cent, of their issues.2 The number of banking offices of the banks of issue existing in 1903 was about 183, of which 24 had come into existence since 1896, and several belonged to banks which withdrew promptly from the note-issuing field and continued as joint stock banks. The concentration of the power of note issue has tended to a concentration of metallic reserves, but has left the State Bank, as before, dependent on its note issues for its resources, while the private and joint stock banks depend upon their deposits. This wide divergence in character of operations by these different types of banks is revealed by the statistics of the condition of the different classes of banks on January 1, 1907, after the new system had been in full operation for three years.8 1 Flux, in Yale Review, February, 1903, XI., 364. 2 I b i d 369. 3 Economiste Europken, June 5, 1908, XXXIII., 732. HISTOR Y OF MODERN 0 A N K S OF ISSUE. 296 Condition of Swedish Banks, January 1, 1907 ITEM S. Capital......................... Reserve....................... Deposits...................... Bank notes and drafts outstanding.......... Specie on hand.......... Due from ban k s___ Discounts ................... S TA T E BANK. 50,000,000 8 , 735 »oa> (I P R IV A T E BANKS. JOIN T STOCK B ANKS. a c r o w n s =$0,268.) 3.245 125,300,000 79.164,438 431,50 2 028 18 1 ,3 7 1 ,5 8 0 86,9 22 ,419 388,706,087 2 0 3 ,75 7.8 14 74,428,265 68,50 9,757 i 5 3 .7 8 i , x6o 18,478,273 22,666,539 34,339,000 255,929,602 40,926,839 298 , 115,938 20,435,829 29.3I7.o62 The note circulation of the Royal Bank, which was 201,911,044 crowns at the close of 1906, declined to 190,115,534 crowns ($50,810,000) at the close of 1907. The gold reserve declined only from 71,929,953 to 70,322,453 crowns, while discounts increased from 149,596,027 to 191,954,154 crowns and deposits and current accounts from 45,121,588 to 61,139,290 crowns. Net profits, which in 1906 were 7,133,396 crowns, were in 1907, 9,639,023 crowns ($2,575,000) The Bank of Norway. The Bank of Norway (Norges Bank) was founded June 14, 1816, with its head office at Drontheim and branches in leading towns of the province. Its capital was raised by a tax upon landed property and the land-holders became shareholders in the bank according to their respective pay ments. The original capital of the bank was 2,000,000 specie dollars, and circulation was issued provisionally in the proportion of five dollars to two dollars of the capital. One of the purposes of the foundation of the bank was the im provement of agriculture, the discount of commercial bills being at first only a secondary consideration. Loans were made by means of note issues upon land to an amount not exceeding two-thirds of the valuation, and the borrower made a semi-annual payment, including not only interest, but five per cent, annually of the principal, which was thus 1feconomiste Europeen, April 17, 1908, XXXIII., 507. THE B A N K S OF NORTHERN EUROPE. 297 liquidated in twenty years, like some modern mortgage loans. The attempt to float a paper currency upon land values resulted in failure and the notes of the bank in 1822 could be exchanged at Hamburg at the rate of only $187.50 for $100 in silver. The Storthing was compelled to pass a law reducing the value of the notes by providing that 190 in paper should be redeemed in the proportion of 100 in silver.1 The value of the notes gradually rose and the bank was put upon a sounder basis. The present capital of the Bank of Norway is 15,500,000 crowns ($4,150,000), but by the last renewal of the charter (by the law of May 19, 1900) may be raised to 25,000,000 crowns. The bank is authorized to issue notes to the amount of 35,000,000 crowns without metallic reserve, and to any additional amount when fully covered by gold. Onethird of the computed gold reserve may be on deposit abroad and 3,000,000 crowns may be deposited in the Bank of Sweden and the National Bank of Denmark. A leaf is taken from the experience of Germany in the provision that additional notes may be issued, upon notice to the govern ment, under a tax of six per cent. These changes in favor of greater freedom of note issue were largely the result of the monetary pressure of 1899, which compelled the bank to raise its discount rate first to six per cent, and towards the end of the year to six and one-half per cent., and to exceed the authorized note issue for the first time since its founda tion.2 The notes are legal tender and are the only credit paper having general circulation. The governing board of the bank is named by the Storth ing and consists of fifteen representatives. The actual ad ministration is entrusted to five directors at the central bank and three at each branch, who are also named by the Storthing. The state is a large shareholder, but the man agement of the bank is kept independent of the Treasury.8 1Macleod, Theory and Practice of Banking, II., 263-64. 2Bulletin de Statistique, October, 1901, L., 438. 3 Statistique Internationale des Banques d'Emission, Norvege, 6-7. 298 HISTOR Y OF MODERN BANKS OF ISSUE. The policy of limiting the profits of shareholders was adopted by the law of 1900, in conformity with the policy adopted at about the same time by France, Belgium, Germany, and Austria-Hungary. The shareholders first receive dividends of six per cent. Of the excess, ten per cent, is added to the reserve funds, and the remainder is divided equally between the state and the shareholders; but after the portion of the shareholders has reached ten per cent., three-quarters goes to the state.1 The note circulation of the bank has expanded with the expansion of Norwegian trade, but the increase in discounts and deposits has been shared to some extent with other in stitutions. The extent to which the permission to keep the reserve abroad has been availed of is indicated by the fact that on December 31, 1905, the total reserve was 37,779,045 crowns and of this amount 13,442,432 crowns was on deposit with foreign banks. By the close of 1907 the amount on deposit abroad, including 3,531,035 crowns in the Banks of Sweden and Denmark, was 21,083,922 crowns. The follow ing figures indicate the variations in some of the principal items of the accounts in recent years2: Accounts of the Bank of Norway. DEC. 3 ISt. NOTES IN CIRCULATION. I 1 METALLIC RESERVE. | DISCOUNTS. DEPOSITS. (In c r o w n s = $0,268.) 1885 I89O 1895 1900 1902 1904 I 9°5 1906 1907 37 . 147-456 49,670,702 50,970.375 65,611,696 62,915.738 60,171,033 65,664,540 68,935.018 73.483,136 28,675,610 38,895,523 36.759.465 36,502,201 33.523.812 36,886,822 37,779,045 46,657,080 48,451,754 23 , 275,493 25 , 979,248 30 , 693,354 48,007,067 48 , 374,428 36 , 173,332 40 , 787,656 41 , 439,433 45 , 438,191 6,653.796 6,879,364 9,345,183 6,120,663 8,659,755 10,061,198 9,980,919 10,422,715 9,480,855 1Bulletin de Statistique, October, 1901, L., 4372Statistisk Aarbog for Kongeriget Norge, 1906, 83, and prior years; for 1906 and 1907, Economiste Europeen, April 10, 1908, XXXIII., 476. 7H E B A N K S OF N O R TH E R N EU R O PE. 299 The National Danish Bank. The National Danish Bank was founded in 1818 and has a capital of 26,752,400 crowns ($7,000,000). The bank was the successor of the State Bank (Rigsbanken), which had been created by the government in 1813 to restore order to the demoralized financial system of the country. A decree of July 4, 1818, transferred the privileges of the old bank to the new for a term of ninety years. The government was free at the end of this period, in 1908, to extend the privileges or revoke them. The capital of the National Bank is in private hands, but it was collected by an enforced levy upon real estate, and the landowners became shareholders in the bank for the amount of the tax paid. The bank assumed the obligations of the State Bank and was unable to pay dividends until 1845. The dividends since that time have averaged about seven per cent. A decree of 1873 fixed the limit of circulation not fully covered by specie at 27,000,000 crowns, but this was increased by a decree of November 5, 1877, to 30,000,000 crowns. The metallic reserve was not permitted in any case to fall below three-eighths of the face value of the notes, and at least 12,000,000 crowns was required to be in gold coin or in bullion which had been actually delivered to the mint for coinage. The other por tions of the metallic reserve may be in gold bars or foreign gold coin and in foreign silver to an amount not greater than one-third of the entire fund.1 By a decree of 1886 net balances in favor of the bank at the Bank of Norway and the Royal Bank of Sweden might be counted as a part of the legal reserve.2 The notes are legal tender and the amount varies considerably with the seasons. The charter of the bank, with the exclusive privilege of note issue, was renewed by a law of July 12, 1907. The proportion of reserve required was increased to fifty per cent. 1Comptroller's Report, /S95, Report of Minister John B. Risley, 77. 2A History of Banking in all the Leading Nations, IV., 382, 300 H ISTO RY OF M ODERN BANK’S OF ISSUE . of notes outstanding, and it was provided that the bank should from its profits first pay 750,000 crowns ($200,000) into the public Treasury and also pay into the Treasury onequarter of the profits remaining after the distribution to the shareholders of a dividend of six per cent.1 As banking is comparatively unrestricted in Denmark except in the matter of note issue, the National Bank has encountered active com petition from joint-stock banks and private bankers; but its circulation and general accounts have gradually increased in volume. The average issue of bank-notes was about 50,000,000 crowns for the five years ending with 1871; 69,000,000 crowns for the five years ending with 1881; and 78,000,000 crowns ($21,000,000) for the five years ending with 1891. The balance sheet for July 31, 1907,—the end of the bank’s fiscal year,—showed circulation of 121,675,000 crowns ($32,830,000); a gold reserve of 95,069,000 crowns ($25,600,000); and commercial discounts of 35,581,000 crowns ($9,550,000). The National Bank took an active part in allaying the tendency to panic which followed an important bank failure in the winter of 1908. The pressure in Germany reacted upon all the Scandinavian countries, and especially upon Copenhagen, by the withdrawal of foreign capital from Scandinavian enterprises.2 The result was the suspension on February 6, 1908, of the Freeholders’ Bank (Grundejerbank), followed by a run on several institutions and a serious fall in the value of bank shares. The Retailers’ Bank (Detailhandlerbank) in particular suffered a drop of twenty points in its shares and fears were entertained for its safety. Accordingly, on Sunday, February 9th, a meeting was called by the Minister of Finance, at which the National Bank and the four other leading banks were represented. It was finally decided that the Treasury and these five leading banks should jointly undertake a full guarantee not only for the liabilities of the suspended bank, but also for the Retailers’ Bank. The guarantee was unlimited, but as a 1fLconomiste Europeen, November 8, 1907, XXXII., 602. *London Economist, February 15, 1908, LXVI , 314. THE BANKS OP NORTHERN EUROPE . 30I preliminary step a fund of 20,000,000 crowns ($5,360,000) was subscribed.1 An administrative committee, presided over by Falbe Hansen, the eminent economist, was ap pointed to supervise the management of the two banks which had become involved in difficulties. 1London Bankers' Magazine, March, 1908, IyXXXV., 440, CHAPTER XII. THE BANKS OF SOUTHERN EUROPE. Development of Banking in Switzerland—The National Bank of the Swiss Confederation—The Bank of Spain and its Entanglements with the Treasury—Similar Situation of the Bank of Portugal— The Banks of Roumania, Bulgaria, and Servia—The Greek Banks and the Effects of Specie Suspension—The Ottoman Bank. in Switzerland had its earliest development at Basle and Geneva, which were long noted for the BANKING skill and wealth of their bankers, but banks of issue were not established in either city until 1845. The first Swiss bank of issue was established at St. Gall in 1836. The cantonal bank of Vaud and the Bank of Basle were established in 1845, the Bank of Commerce at Geneva in 1846, and the Bank of Geneva in 1848. The incorporation of banks of issue rapidly spread among those cantons which contained a considerable number of merchants, and in 1863 eighteen banks had been established, with forty-two agencies or branches. The aggregate circulation of these banks on December 31, 1862, was 18,468,122 francs ($3,600,000), the cash reserve was 19,380,922 francs and the current accounts, representing deposits, 49,166,405 francs ($9,800,000)/ Eleven of these eighteen banks were established with the help of the cantonal governments and the remainder were established by private funds. The Swiss banks preserved until 1875 a purely local exist ence and their operations and circulation rarely extended beyond the limits of the canton in which they were estab 1Courcelle-Seneuil, 350. 302 3°3 lished, but the growing needs of commerce invited co-opera tion and the extension of banking facilities. Some of the banks began to extend their branches into other cantons and others made conventions with each other for the mutual acceptance of their bills. It was at this stage in the devel opment of Swiss banking that the Federal constitution was revised and authority to legislate regarding banks confided to the Federal government. Protection against monopoly was afforded by the provision of the constitution that Federal legislation *‘ shall not establish a monopoly of the issue of bank bills nor decree their obligatory acceptance.” The law of 1875 required the Swiss banks to maintain a cash reserve equal to forty per cent, of their notes in circula tion and forbade any one bank to issue circulation in excess of 12,000,000 francs ($2,400,000). Each bank was required to accept the notes of other banks and to redeem them in coin. The number of banks at the end of 1873 was twentyeight and their circulation was 47,606,000 francs ($9,400,000), against which there was a cash reserve of 14,892,796 francs. The Act of 1875 was superseded by that of March 8, 1881, which limited the circulation to double the paid-up and unimpaired capital (capital verse et riellement existanf) of the banks and required banks of issue to have a capital of at least 500,000 francs. The requirement of a forty per cent, cash reserve was maintained, to be distinct and independent of the other reserves of the bank and kept in a separate account. The remainder of the circulation was required to be fully covered by the deposit of securities or commercial bills. Weekly, monthfy, and annual reports are required according to a form prescribed by the Federal Council and an annual examination is made under public authority.1 The notes are issued through the Federal inspectorate, are delivered to the banks as they need them, and are of a uni form type. A bank which renounces its circulation is required to redeem the notes for a certain time, to surrender the redeemed notes to the Federal authorities and after the THE BAN KS OF SOUTHERN EUROPE. 1 Alfred Neymarck, Article, “ Banque,” in Dictionnaire d'Economic Politique, I., 145. 304 H ISTO RY OF MODERN BA N K S OF ISSUE . expiration of the period fixed for redemption to pay into the Federal Treasury an amount of coin equal to the face value of the notes still outstanding. The government then as sumes the obligation of redemption for thirty years, after which the balance goes to a public fund. The Swiss banking system as embodied in the law of 1881 was a system of free banking under government supervision. The Federal Assembly reserved the right to fix the aggre gate of the Swiss circulation and to apportion it among the banks, but this right was exercised only for the purpose of compelling the banks to conform to certain uniform require ments. Twenty-six of the Swiss banks entered into a clear ing arrangement by authority of a law of June 19, 1882, for the mutual exchange of notes. These banks were known as “ The Associated Banks” (Banques Concordataires), and their notes circulated throughout Switzerland and were received by public depositaries. The central government at no time guaranteed the bank-note circulation nor made the notes legal tender in private transactions.1 One of the peculiarities of the Swiss banks, however, was that a majority (constituting twenty-two out of thirty-six at the close of 1906) derived their capital from the canton and relied upon the guarantee of the canton for support in case of need. They were thus substantially state banks, operating upon a miniature stage, and out of this fact grew many of the defects of banking conditions in Switzerland. The law of 1881 was intended to remedy those defects which grew out of lack of uniformity of note issues, de ficiency of redemption facilities, and unwarranted competi tion. As the existing banks had grown up, however, under varying conditions, they had many points of weakness which could not easily be removed without a reconstruction of the entire system. It was forbidden by the law of 1881 to those banks whose issues were based on commercial paper to deal in securities or products for future delivery, to hold real estate, or engage in promotions; but these transactions were 1 JAvy, 216. THE BA N K S OF SOUTHERN EUROPE . 305 not forbidden to those institutions where such restrictions would have been most salutary—the banks whose circulation was covered by securities or rested upon the guarantee of the canton.1 Hence the character of the assets in respect to ready convertibility grew steadily worse. From 1883 to 1900 commercial discounts of the Swiss banks increased only from 176,000,000 to 181,000,000 francs, while holdings of securities increased from 219,000,000 to 615,000,000 francs.3 Efforts to promote the free interchange of notes had begun as early as 1876, when a concordat was signed by twentyone banks, by which they received each other’s notes at par and acted as mutual collecting agents. A central clearing bureau was established at Zurich, which at first handled a large volume of business, but soon fell into decadence.8 The law of 1881 was followed by a new series of agreements, which again worked well for a few years, only to again fall into disuse. The difficulty of the situation lay largely in the competition among the banks for business, which led the small banks to bid for paper which the large banks had rejected, and to wide variations in rates of discount, which prevented any intelligent control over exchange. So serious did these evils become that a new agreement was entered into by twenty-eight banks on June 3, 1893, “ with the etl^ of protecting the metallic reserves of the country.” Under this agreement authority was given to a committee repre senting five leading banks to fix a uniform rate of discount, below which none of the contracting banks should discount paper having less than ten days to run.4 Even with the best of spirit on the part of the banks of issue, they could make head with difficulty against the 1 Bouchmil, 48. In 1885 only six banks based their issues on com mercial securities. They represented a circulation of 35,000,000 francs out of a total of about 135,000,000. 2 Ibid., i n . At the close of 1907 the figures were respectively 260,100,000 and 931,281,000 francs.—Controle des Billets de Banque, 1907, Tab. III. 3 Bouchmil, 33. 4 Ibid., 130. 20 306 h is t o r y of m o d e r n b a n k s of is s u e . competition of the private banks, and while some of the latter were drawn into an agreement in 1894, they soon denounced it or found means of evading its requirements. Modifications were made in the agreement at the general assembly of banks of issue October 9, 1900, but they were found too burdensome and were abolished the next year.1 In the meantime a special convention on June 9, 1900, gave to a central committee the power to reduce the volume of circulation when it judged that market conditions required it.a Under this author ity actual reductions were made for several years, running as high as ten per cent, of the authorized circulation for 134 days in 1903, and seven and a half per cent, for eighty days in 1904. The revival of business activity made heavier de mands upon the circulation in the next two years, so that the maximum reduction in 1905 was five per cent, for eightyeight days and in 1906 five per cent, for ninety days. The manner in which the reduction was accomplished was by the direct delivery of notes by each bank to the federal inspectorate.8 Another step, designed to check unwarranted competition for deposit accounts, was taken by a convention at I^ausanne, June 10, 1905, at which it was decided that the rate accorded by bankers on checking accounts payable at sight should be one and a half per cent, below the official rate of discount, but in 110 case higher than three per cent, or lower than one per cent.4 Most of the difficulties of the Swiss banks were accen tuated by the persistently adverse course of exchange with France. Never in any year from 1888 to 1908 was the average rate for francs in Paris below par in Switzerland and most of the time it was at such a premium as made it profitable to import French bank-notes, sell them for Swiss money at a premium, demand redemption of Swiss notes in silver, export the silver to France, and again bring back French 1 Bouchmil, 134. 2 Ibid., 124. 3 Controle des Billets de Banque, 1906, 29. 4 Ibid., 1905, 28. THE BA N K S OF SOUTHERN EUROPE. 30 7 bank-notes for the renewal of the process.1 At an early date after the decline in silver bullion Switzerland was practically denuded of gold, and the profits on exchange were figured upon the cost of exporting the silver coins of the L,atin Union. While there were certain seasons of the year at which exchange was more favorable to Switzerland than at others, there were six years between 1889 and 1901 in which the minimum rate was at par or higher, indicating that coin would not be drawn at any time in these years, in the ordi nary course of commercial operations, to take the road over the Alps into Switzerland. It was out of these conditions that grew many of the efforts which have been set forth to restrict circulation, restrain competition, and bring about co-operation among the banks. So severe was the burden imposed by the drain of silver upon the banks near the French frontier, in compelling them to obtain specie at a premium to maintain their reserve, that one such bank sur rendered its power of issue, and the others in June, 1899, persuaded their associates to share a part of the burden.8 It was inevitable that while these difficulties, growing out of the lack of unity in the Swiss banking system, were steadily growing more serious, a movement should gain headway in favor of centralization.3 Already, before the law of 1881 (in March, 1879) a plan was presented to the National Council for a bank controlled by the Confederation. The opponents of change were able to put its advocates in an unfavorable parliamentary position, and the revision of the constitution which was required was rejected by the people in 1880 by 260,126 votes against 121,099. The political crisis 1 Cf. Bouchmil, 136. 2 Bouchmil, 141. 3 It was declared by the Federal Council in a report made in the summer of 1904: “ We know by experience that it is not possible, under the existing system of note issue, to hope for a fundamental improvement of these unhealthy conditions or the disappearance of such dangers. What may be hoped with certainty is that the creation of the [national] bank will lead to a sensible change.” — Economiste Europeen, July 8, 1904, XXVI., 36. 308 H ISTORY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE . of 1887, however, when war threatened between France and Germany, led the Swiss banks to almost suspend the granting of credit and called renewed attention to their relative finan cial helplessness in meeting pressure from France.1 After various proposals to amend the law of 1881, an amendment was adopted to Article 39 of the constitution, October 28, 1891, authorizing the Confederation to create a central bank under its control. Out of this vote grew the project of 1896, which authorized a central bank with a capital of 25,000,000 francs, to *be provided two-fifths by the cantons and the re mainder by the Confederation. It was upon this provision, for creating a state-owned bank rather than a joint-stock bank with private ownership, that the campaign principally turned when the project was submitted to the people by the referendum. The French cantons opposed to the state social ism of the Germans rolled up immense majorities against the project and it was defeated by a vote of 255,984 against I95.764. The deadlock which thus seemed to be created was not finally ended for more than eight years. Measures for meet ing the popular mandate were introduced, however, on the morrow of the referendum, and the subject was carefully studied by various Swiss commercial bodies. A project of law submitted by the Federal Council to the parliamentary committee on March 24, 1899, was abandoned June 28, 1901, because of disagreement over the location of the head office of the bank.3 But efforts to reach agreement were not relaxed and finally, after many delays, the law of October 6, 1905, created the Swiss National Bank. Efforts to secure a referen dum failed to bring together more than 28,137 signatures out of 30,000 required,3 and on June 20, 1907, the bank entered upon its functions. The principal task of the Swiss National Bank was declared in its second article to be “ to serve in Switzerland as regu lator of the money market, to facilitate operations of payment, 1 Bouchmil, 58. 2 Ibid., 79. 3 Controle des Billets de Banque, 1905, 26. THE BANE'S OF SOUTHERN EUROPE. 309 and to provide for the employment of circulating capital.” The ultimate capital was fixed at 50,000,000 francs ($9,650,000), of which only half was required to be paid in. The Confederation no longer appeared as a shareholder in the final draft of the law ; but the cantons were allowed to sub scribe for two-fifths of the capital and the existing banks for one-fifth in proportion to their circulation at the close of 1902. The shares not thus taken were left open to public subscrip tion. If any shares were not taken at first, they were to become the property of the Confederation, but under a man date that they be promptly disposed of in the market. The government of the bank was to be exercised through the general assembly of the shareholders, but a majority of these, under the division of capital proposed, might represent the cantons and the old cantonal banks. Moreover, the council of the bank, which was to exercise general super vision over its operations, was to be made up of twenty-five members chosen by the Federal Council, and only fifteen by the shareholders. The council elects a committee of seven members, to which much of its authority is delegated, and local committees of from three to seven members each. The general directors, three in number, are appointed by the Federal Council, upon the nomination of the council of the bank. In them is vested the authority to fix the rate of discount, to name officers and to fix salaries, subject to the approval of the Federal Council.1 There is also a commis sion of control named each year by the general assembly for the purpose of verifying the accounts. The question of the location of the head office of the bank, which had caused much controversy, was settled by establishing the directors 1 Articles 55 and 63. M. Roulleau regards these provisions, with the absence of restrictions on loans to the Confederation and the can tons, as going too far in the direction of a purely state bank. He says that “ it is necessary to trust entirely to the wisdom and discre tion of the public powers to resist the temptation to have themselves accorded exaggerated credits by the bank. This is the danger of every state bank and this one departs but little from that type.”— Economiste Europken, November 17, 1905, XXVTII., 620. 310 H ISTO R Y OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE . of the departments of commercial operations and of control at Zurich and the director of the department of note issue at Berne. The National Bank has unlimited power of note issue so far as amount is concerned1; but the provisions for the se curity held against it are exacting. There must be a reserve of forty per cent, in Swiss metallic money or foreign gold. The remainder of the security must be in domestic or foreign bills of exchange; but it is especially provided that all the demand obligations of the bank must be covered by paper of short maturities and that the paper falling within this definition is that which falls due or is collectible within ten days.2 Notes must be redeemed at par at all offices of the bank and are accepted at par at government offices, but can be made legal tender between individuals only in case of necessity in time of war. The minimum denomination of notes is fifty francs ($9.65). An earnest effort was made in committee to fix the minimum at twenty francs, but was defeated upon the ground that it was desirable to encourage the circulation of coin. The law of 1881 had provided against the perpetuation of vested right in the power of note issue by prescribing that the grant of the power should create no right to indemnity in case it should be withdrawn. The new draft of Article 39 of the Constitution, however, adopted in 1891, provided that the profits of the proposed central bank, after the deduction of an equitable interest on the capital, should go in the pro portion of at least two-thirds to the cantons. It was these provisions which guided the distribution of the earnings of the National Bank under the new law. Ten per cent, of net profits, but not exceeding 500,000 francs, is first set aside for the reserve fund ; a dividend of four per cent, is allotted to capital; then an allowance is made to the cantons, based upon the circulation of the old local banks and upon popula1 It was proposed in committee to impose a tax of five per cent, on issues above a certain limit, as under the German system ; but this was rejected by a large majority.—Bouchmil, 202. 2 Article 21, Bulletin de Statistique, November, 1905, LVIII., 532. THE B A N K S OF SOUTHERN EUROPE ,. tion; and the remainder is divided in the proportions of one-third to the Confederation and two-thirds to the cantons. The new law provided that the local banks should retire their circulation within three years after the National Bank should have begun operations. The method of doing this was the same as in reducing circulation under the banking convention of 1900—by the surrender to the inspectorate of notes to the amount of one-twelfth of outstanding circulation at the end of every quarter. In case the notes could not be obtained, a corresponding amount of specie was to be sur rendered. The notes were directed to be destroyed; the specie was transferred to the National Bank for the redemp tion of the notes when received. The average circulation of the local banks increased from 66,973,000 francs, or 24.30 francs ($4.70) per capita for the ten years ending with 1880, to 120,964,000 francs, or 42.65 francs ($8.23) per capita for the ten years ending with 1890, and 187,330,000 francs, or 59.15 francs ($11.41) per capita for the ten years ending with 1900. The average circulation for the year 1880 was 92,851,000 francs; for 1890, 152,244,000; for 1900, 228,865,900; and for 1906, 240,569,159 francs. The cash held did not vary greatly in the last few years before the creation of the National Bank, having been 108,999,979 francs in 1900, and 120,102,863 francs in 1906. The circulation of the National Bank stood on December 31, 1907, including notes of the local banks in process of retirement, at 159,220,050 francs ($30,730,000), and its cash consisted of 75,483,429 francs in gold and 5,860,620 francs in silver. Although barely established when the crisis of 1907 in America reacted upon European markets, it weathered the storm with a rate of discount lower than the maximum of many other European banks. The rate of five per cent., which was fixed August 15, 1907, was advanced in October to five and a half per cent.; but this was the maximum found necessary, and a reduction was made January 16, 1908, to five per cent, and January 23d to four and a half per cent. Within the next six years the National Bank fulfilled the expectations of its founders in protecting the gold stock of 312 HISTORY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE. the country, while maintaining a favorable rate of discount The circulation showed a high degree of elasticity, declining in 1913 from a maximum on January 2d, of 335,816,650 francs ($64,800,000) to a minimum 011June 21st of 253,562,100 francs ($48,935,000) and closing the year at 313,821,300 francs. The average metallic reserve was 193,612,000 francs, which amounted to 71.09 per cent, of the average note circulation. The average rate of discount in 1911 was 3.70 per cent.; in 1912, 4.20per cent.; and in 1913, 4.81 per cent.1 Banking in Spain. Spain had banks of deposit during her period of prosperity in the Middle Ages, some of which, like that at Barcelona,3 attained considerable celebrity. These institutions disap peared with the decadence of Spanish commerce and it re mained for the modern age to witness a new development of banking. An attempt was made in the eighteenth century to establish institutions of credit, and the Bank of San Carlos, which was founded in 1782 at Madrid, was still in operation when the monopoly of the issue of circulating notes was given to the Bank of Spain in 1874. The Bank of Spain was founded in 1829, under the name of the Bank of San Fernando, but did not enjoy any special privileges outside of Madrid and the places where it had branches until 1856.8 It was at first a government bank and its name was changed at the time of the new legislation to the Bank of Spain, but even after 1856 the right to incorporate other banks of issue remained in the hands of the government. Such banks had been established prior to 1856 by the consent of the public authorities in much the same manner as departmental banks might have been established in France before 1840. The legislation of January 8, 1856, was simply a first step in the direction of monopoly, like the similar legislation 1 Controle des Billets de Banque, 1907, 20. a This bank, founded in 1401, is said to have been the first bank of deposit instituted for the accommodation of private merchants.— Hallarn, II., 530. *Courcelle-Seneui1, 361. THE BA N K S OF SOUTHERN EUROPE. 313 of France and Germany. This law prescribed that there should be not more than one bank of issue in any commercial city. The general provisions regarding the new banks limited their issues to three times their capital, obliged them to keep a coin reserve of at least one-third of their circulation, and fixed the minimum denomination of the notes at one hundred reals ($5). The liberality of these provisions was impaired by leaving to the government the nomination of the governor of the Bank of Spain and of royal commissioners to manage the independent banks. The Bank of Spain had created up to 1863 only two branches, at Valencia and at Alicanta, and there were independent banks at Cadiz, Barcelona, Seville, Malaga, Corunna, Santander, and Vallodolid. The capital of the independent banks was not large, but in this respect it was commensurate with the vol ume of business in Spain. The Bank of Spain on December 31, 1862, showed a circulation of 208,380,901 reals ($10,400,000), a coin reserve of 107,398,201 reals, deposits of 235,063,731 reals, and a commercial portfolio of 309,231,378 reals ($I5>500>000)* The charter of the Bank of Spain was extended in 1856 for twenty-five years and was renewed in 1874 for thirty years. The law of March 19, 1874, conferred upon the bank the exclusive privilege of issuing notes and increased the capital from 132,000,000 reals ($6,600,000) to 100,000,000 pesetas ($20,000,000).1 All the existing provincial banks, then numbering eighteen, were ordered to liquidate their circulation and transfer it to the Bank of Spain. The bank is not a state institution and the state does not participate in its profits, but it had the authority, under the law of 1874, to require advances by the bank to the amount of 125,000,000 pesetas ($25,000,000) upon the deposit of proper guarantees. The notes of the bank were made legal tender and limited to five times the capital. The capital was increased soon after the Act of 1874 to 150,000,000 pesetas ($30,000,000), 1 The present Spanish coinage system follows that of the Latin Union, the peseta being the equivalent of the franc ($0,193). 314 H ISTORY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE . which carried the limit of circulation to 750,000,000 pesetas ($150,000,000).1 The necessities of the Treasury led to a new revision of the charter by the law of July 14, 1891, and the extension of the privilege of the bank until December 31, 1921. The new charter authorizes the issue of notes to the amount of 1,500,000,000 pesetas ($300,000,000) against a cash reserve of one-third, of which at least half is required to be kept in gold.2 The bank was required to pay for these privileges by advancing 50,000,000 pesetas to the government annually for three years without interest or right to reimbursement until the expiration of the charter. The fate of the bank has come to be bound up more and more with that of tho state and it has been only by the bank’s help that the Treas ury was able to meet its engagements. The Treasury budget showed a persistent deficit, and a floating debt was incurred from 1885 to 1893 333)°00>°00 pesetas ($66,000,000). The permanent debt on June 30, 1892, was 6,249,639,975 pesetas ($1,200,000,000),8and the charges on account of the debt for 1894 were estimated at 309,219,669 pesetas ($61,000,000 or about $3.40 per capita). Exchange declined about twenty per cent, and railway securities and public stocks fell from fifteen to seventy-five per cent, within five years. The commercial operations of the bank through its fiftyeight branches became subordinate to the issue of paper notes to cover advances to the state. A large proportion of the assets were locked up in loans on government and for eign securities, which increased rapidly for several years because the bank maintained a uniform interest rate of four per cent., which afforded a profit upon the difference between this rate and the higher rate earned by the securities.4 This difference was availed of by shrewd speculators to borrow on securities, spend the loan on new purchases of securities, Alfred Neymarck, Article, “ Banque,” in Dictionnaire d'Econo mic Politique, I., 140. 2Bulletin de Statistique, July, 1891, XXX., 72. 3Raffalovich, Le Marche Financier en 1893-4, 217. *Ibid., 1891, 119. THE B A N K S OF SOUTHERN EUROPE. 315 deposit them again as guarantee for a larger loan, and so on without limit. The interest rate was raised in January, 1892. to five per cent., but without entirely curing the difficulty. The recent history of the Bank of Spain is colored by the results of the war with the United States in 1898 and the efforts since made to restore order to Spanish finances. When war broke out, the Spanish government had already practi cally exhausted the credit of the country and of the bank. If a sound financial policy had been pursued up to this time, the state would have been in a much stronger position to negotiate loans or to sanction the issue of bank paper under specie suspension, as was done by the Bank of France in the war with Germany. Appeal was again made by the Treas ury to the Bank of Spain, and the circulation was forced upward to 1,459,505,000 pesetas on February n , 1899, after peace had been made with the United States, but while many war expenses were still unpaid. During the war Paris exchange rose for a time above one hundred per cent.—a de preciation of fifty per cent, on the notes of the bank. The restoration of peace brought down the gold premium to twenty per cent., and the Spanish Treasury struggled man fully to pay the interest on the foreign debt, even when augmented by the refusal of the United States to permit the Cuban debt to continue a charge upon the revenues of that island or to assume the debt of the Philippines. Contrary to the policy of other great state banks, the Bank of Spain did not co-operate heartily with the government in seeking to restore stability of exchange. It was declared in the Cortes in 1900, by one of the ministers, that “ The Bank of Spain has departed from its functions and failed completely in its mission.” 1 A year later the same minister, Senor Moret, declared2: The bank does not issue notes against its assets; its notes re spond to no operation of credit; and when a bank of issue does not thus function, when its assets are not made up of commercial paper, 1Lacombe, Le Change Espagnol, 41. *Mitjavile, La Crise dn Change en Espagne, 124. 316 H ISTO RY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE . but of public securities and Treasury bills, there is no rule, no means, and no remedy for bringing its circulation to a normal basis. The difficulty lay in the fact that the greater the deprecia tion of its notes, the greater were the paper profits of the bank. From 1895 to *899, its net profits rose from 34,230,922 pesetas to 50,400,459 pesetas. These profits were at tained in the face of low rates of discount and of interest on loans, which with the unlimited power of note issue per mitted the encouragement of speculation in the same manner as prior to the war. Thus, from May 25, 1900, to March 22, 1902, the rate of discount and advances stood at three and one half per cent., while the quotations of the Exterior debt at Paris in February, 1901, were at a figure which afforded a net return of 5.54 per cent.1 A resolute effort was made, however, to restore order to Spanish finances with the service of Sefior Villaverde as Minister of Finance. He and his successors, by economies and the imposition of new taxes, succeeded in turning Treas ury deficits into a surplus, from 1899 down. The sum of these surpluses for the eight years ending with 1906 attained the considerable amount of 492,830,832 pesetas ($90,000,000). From this surplus reimbursements were made to the bank on account of advances on Treasury bills which reduced their amount at the close of 1907 to 210,037,447 pesetas ($40,000,000).* One of the measures taken to this end was the collection of customs dues in gold. The law of February 23, 1902, by which this requirement was put in force, sought to avoid an unwarranted increase in tariff charges by fixing a sliding scale of reduction based upon rates of foreign ex change. The benefits of the law in accumulating physical gold were impaired to some extent by a royal ordinance of April, 1903, by which the Bank of Spain was allowed to furnish gold to importers from special gold accounts or by the sale of gold for silver and paper at the current premium.* 1Mitjavile, 130. 8Arthur Houghton, in fcconomiste Frangais, February 8, 1908,193. 3 Fochier, in Questions MonUaires ConUmporaines, 491. THE BAN KS OF SOUTHERN EUROPE . 317 The fact that the Treasury was no longer a heavy buyer of exchange for its remittances on account of the debt and other charges tended, however, to improve the exchange situation, because the competition for bills was henceforth distributed over a large number of buyers, who were better able than the Treasury to conceal their operations and consult their interests.1 A special project was carried out in 1903 for reducing the range of fluctuations in exchange due to speculation. The railways, which had heavy remittances to make at certain dates to Paris for interest on their bonds, found that on such dates the price of bills of exchange in Spanish currency was sharply advanced. The evil was partially remedied by opening a credit at two leading French banks of 50,000,000 francs in favor of the Bank of Spain. The purchase price of bills was fixed from time to time by a syndicate committee and the different railways agreed not to bid against one another for bills at a higher price.3 This operation involved in effect the borrowing of the amount needed to meet de ficiencies in the amount of bills of exchange offered, and for a few months, by careful management on the part of the Bank of Spain in gathering up local bills in different cities, exchange was kept fairly steady; but the credit in Paris was exhausted within a year and the experiment was not sufficiently successful to lead to its renewal.8 One of the aims of Sen or Villaverde was the revision of the charter of the bank in order to restore it to its com mercial functions. The law of May 13, 1902, dealing with this subject prescribed that the Treasury should reimburse to the bank before December 31, 1911, the amount of obliga tions in its assets represented by Treasury certificates. The 1Favre, Les Changes Dipriciis, 73. 2fLconomiste Europ&en, January 23, 1903, XXIII., 107. 3 Vide j&conomiste Europten, January 24, 1904, XXV., 156. Its failure was predicted by Mitjavile on the ground that the available bills would be largely absorbed by those having obligations to meet, who could not afford to wait for the syndicate to appear in the market and reduce rates and would therefore pay any rate necessary to obtain francs.— La Crise du Change en Espagne, 151. 318 H ISTORY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE. Treasury was forbidden to borrow of the bank except by authority of law. The maximum limit of circulation against which only a reserve of one-third was required was reduced to 1,200,000,000 pesetas. Of the required reserve of 400,000,000 pesetas, one-half was required to be in gold. Against the next 300,000,000 pesetas in notes issued, forty per cent, was required to be in gold and the remainder up to a total metallic reserve of sixty per cent, might be in silver. Against the remaining 500,000,000 pesetas which the bank was authorized to issue, fifty per cent, was required to be in gold and the remainder, up to a total of seventy per cent., might be in silver.1 Accounts in Paris, I/)ndon, and Berlin could be counted as gold. More significant of the determination of Senor Villaverde was a section of the agreement of July 17, 1902, between the Treasury and the bank, by which it was declared that the bank ‘‘would favor by a special rate of interest the use of commercial, industrial, and agricultural credit by accepting for discount in equal measure paper arising from these dif ferent sources. ’’2 One of the steps directed to this end was to make speculative loans on the public securities less attractive to the public and the bank by increasing the rate of discount. The rate was raised in 1902 to four per cent, and in Septem ber, 1903, to four and a half per cent., at which it remained fixed, even during the crisis in other countries in 1907. It was admitted, however, in the annual report of 1907, that the reforms sought by the law of 1902 were not capable of immediate realization, that it was impossible to improvise the substitution for assets consisting of securities of assets exclusively commercial, because this would require the find ing of resources which the country still unfortunately lacked.8 1Bulletin de Statistique, July, 1902, U I., 91. 2Mitjavile, 208. 3 Economiste Frangais, April 18, 1908, 565. Doubt is thrown by Favre upon the earnestness of the bank in seeking to restore sound conditions. He declared that, “ spurred on by a minority of specu lators and exporters who, at least for the time, have an interest in seeing high exchange, the Bank of Spain thinks only of profiting by THE B A N K S OF SOUTHERN EUROPE. 319 At the session of the Cortes, however, in the summer of 1908 was taken a final step which, when carried out, should relieve the bank of the subordination of its commercial func tions to those of the government and lead to the ultimate restoration of stable exchange on a gold basis. This was the enactment of a law, providing for the issue of four per cent, bonds running for fifty years, to the amount of 160,000,000 pesetas, for the exclusive purpose of taking up the outstanding Treasury certificates in circulation and in the vaults of the bank. These certificates were to be received in payment for the new issue, which was offered at 8524.1 The circulation of the bank at the close of 1907 was 1,557,000,000 pesetas ($300,000,000), which was an increase of 33.000.000 pesetas over the close of 1906, but was a decrease of about 80,000,000 pesetas as compared with 1901. One of the difficulties which the bank encountered in maintaining the reserve required by law was the steady accumulation of silver in its vaults as the public preference grew for paper, as in France prior to 1892. The proportions of gold and silver were nearly the same at the close of 1897. Gold was not paid out by the bank, so that what was obtained it was possible to hold. The decline in value of the bank paper caused by the war with America carried it for a time below the bullion value of the silver coins, and reduced the silver in the bank from 267,900,000 pesetas on March 31, 1898, to 112,900,000 pesetas on June 30, 1898. From this point, however, recovery began in the value of paper and this led to an increasing current of silver coins into the bank. By the close of the year 1900 the amount of gold stood at 350,000,000 pesetas, and silver at 400,500,000 pesetas. By the close of 1907 gold had risen only to 391,000,000 pesetas ($75,460,000), while the silver in the bank vaults amounted to 642.000.000 pesetas ($123,900,000). The commercial discounts showed an increase at Madrid the unfortunate monetary situation to realize large profits from the exchanges and the issue of paper money.”—Les Changes D£pr£cies% 70. 1Moniteur des IntkrHs MaUriels, July 3, 1908, 2183. 320 H ISTORY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE . from 947,366,000 pesetas in 1906 to 983,784,000 pesetas in 1907, while in the provinces there was an increase from 435,903,000 to 441,895,000 pesetas. The profits of the bank for the year were 58,260,237 pesetas ($11,250,000), of which about 21,000,000 pesetas was derived from operations with the government or was in government obligations. Cost of administration was 17,369,169 and dividends were dis tributed to the amount of 30,750,000 pesetas.1 The Bank of Portugal’ Portugal has a single bank of issue, whose monopoly in this respect dates only from 1888, but whose origin goes back to the Bank of Lisbon in 1821. This institution was authorized by a decree of November 19, 1846, to unite with the National Surety Company (Companhia Confianca Nati onal) to form the Bank of Portugal.5* The last extension of the charter continued the bank for forty years, from 1888 to 1928, and conferred upon it the monopoly of the issue of legaltender notes in the realm of Portugal and the neighboring islands. Seven other banks,—five at Oporto, one at Braga, and one at Guimaraes,—had the power to issue notes for circulation within their respective districts, which were not received by public depositaries. An arrangement of July 8, 1891, authorized the Bank of Portugal to unify the circula tion and substitute its own notes for those of the other banks. The bank is managed by a governor appointed by the Treasury for three years and a board of ten directors chosen by the shareholders. The Bank of Portugal has been from the beginning little more than a gigantic paper-money machine for meeting the necessities of the state. This was the case with the Bank of Lisbon, which issued 20,000,000 milreis ($21,600,000) to take up the government notes. The capital of the bank is i3>5oo>ooo milreis ($14,500,000). The statutes originally imposed careful restrictions on the circulation, but these re 1Aconorniste Europeen, March 20, 1908, XXXIII., 379. 2 RafFalovich, in liconomiste Europeen, March 13, 1908, XXXIII.8 329 * THE B AN KS OF SOUTHERN EUROPE. 321 strictions have been suspended in order to permit large loans to the government, which have tended to drag the circulation of the bank into the same mire of depreciation as that of the Bank of Spain in the last century. Article 15 of the orig inal law prescribed that the circulation should always be covered by a metallic reserve and negotiable paper maturing in not more than three months and that the metallic reserve should be in gold and should equal one-third the aggregate of the circulation and other demand liabilities. Article 16 fixed the power of note issue at double the capital of the bank and Article 37 limited to 2,000,000 milreis the advances to the state.1 Both the latter limitations have beeii disre garded and the circulation is now more than five times the capital and advances to the government are many times the amount fixed by the law. The amount of such advances and loans stood at 53,092,000 milreis in 1905 and increased to 54,290,000 milreis ($58,633,000) in 1907. A share of net earnings goes to the state. The share holders receive seven per cent., after certain reserves are set aside, but above seven per cent, there is an equal division with the government. The profits on loans between five and six per cent, are divided, but above six per cent, go entirely to the state.3 The net earnings of 1907 were 1,739,000 milreis ($1,878,000), which permitted a dividend of nine and a half per cent. The cash resources of the bank and its readily convertible obligations have tended to decrease in recent years. The demand liabilities at the close of 1907 were 70,967,000 milreis on account of circulation and 1,601,000 milreis on account of deposits. Against them was held 5,079,000 milreis in gold, 4,822,000 milreis in silver and minor coins, and 18,590,000 milreis in commercial discounts. The remainder of the assets were made up of government obligations, gold cover ing the demand liabilities in the proportion of only seven per cent.3 1 L£vy, 208. 9Economiste Europien, March 13, 1908, XXXIII., 329. *Ibid., March 6, 1908, XXXIII., 316. 21 322 HISTOR V OP MODERN B AN K S OP 1S$U £. The National Bank of Roumania. The National Bank of Roumania was founded in 1880, with special privileges at first for twenty years, which were soon extended to December 31, 1912. The capital is 30,000,000 lei ($6,000,000) of which 12,000,000 lei have been paid in. A third of the capital was furnished by the govern ment and the other two-thirds by individuals, but the gov ernment in 1900 sold its shares at a large advance. A metallic reserve of at least one-third of the note issues is required and no bill can be issued below twenty lei ($4). The entire circulation must be covered by securities which are readily negotiable, but thirty per cent, of the metallic reserve may be represented by foreign bills of exchange.1 The government of Roumania issued paper money soon after its establishment in 1878, guaranteed by the public domains, to the amount of 26,200,000 lei, and the National Bank was charged in 1886 with the withdrawal of this paper and the substitution of its own notes. The amount of this special issue was gradually retired and the bank was reim bursed by the government. Financial difficulties again arose in 1901, however, from which the bank aided in extricating the state, in return for an extension of its charter to 1920. A further extension to 1930 was purchased by an advance of 15,000,000 lei, which the state is required to reimburse in part from its share in the profits of the bank. The share holders are entitled to a dividend of six per cent, before the state steps in and takes twenty per cent, of what remains, but after 1913 the state will take thirty per cent.3 At the time of the creation of the bank in 1880, it was not known whether the monetary standard would be established ultimately on a silver or gold basis, but the bank gained strength so rapidly that it readily accepted in 1892 an ar rangement with the government by which the reserve was 1 L£vy, 225. The gold standard was adopted in Roumania by the law of March 2, 1890. The unit in the three Slavic countries is the equivalent of the French franc (fo.193). 2 Economiste Europeen, March 13, 1908 XXXIII., 329. THE B AN KS OP SOUTHERN EUROPE. 323 to be kept thereafter in gold coin or in bills on London and Berlin.1 The circulation on December 31, 1882, was 96,968,310 lei, with a reserve of 23,838,000 lei. This reserve stood on December 31, 1892, at 53,160,703 lei in gold and 13,954,389 lei in foreign bills. The circulation at the close of 1906 had risen to 291,685,330 lei and the metallic reserve to 83,575,336 lei.5* The reaction of the crisis of 1907 in America forced circulation up to 319,742,490 lei. It became necessary to raise the rate of discount by rapid stages to six, seven, and finally to eight per cent., but the reserve was kept intact at more than 100,000,000 lei, and a sum of more than 37,000,000 lei was put at the command of commerce.8 The National Bank of Bulgaria. The bank-note circulation of Bulgaria is issued by the National Bank, which was founded on February 8, 1885, by the government, with a capital of 10,000,000 levs ($2,000,000) in gold. The bank has the exclusive privilege of issuing notes, and they are received in public depositaries and in all other offices of the government. It is required to hold a cash reserve in gold equal to one-third the value of the notes in circulation and to redeem the notes on demand at the central office or at any of the branches. The governor of the bank is named by the Prince upon the nomination of the minister of finance and four administrators are appointed in the same way. The government is represented by two delegates, one a counsellor of the court of accounts and the other a member of the ministry of finance, who exercise official supervision over the operations of the bank. Economic conditions in Bulgaria suffered severely from 1897 to 1900 by reason of a succession of bad crops. The scanty stock of gold in the country was so far depleted that the premium on exchange rose to seven and a half and briefly 1 Vide article on “ The Circulation in Roumania,” by Lascar L. Catargi, quoted in Aconomiste Europien , September 30th and October 7, 1904, XXVI., 420 and 452. 2 Jzconowiste Europten, March 8, 1907, XXXI., 316. 3 Moniteur des Interets Mate riels. May 3, 1908, 1457. 324 H ISTORY OF MODERN BAA K S OF ISSUE . even to eleven and a half per cent., and the government by a law of November 13, 1899, authorized the redemption of bank-notes in silver. In its annual report for 1901 the bank noted the fact that the premium on exchange had mounted to fourteen per cent, and laid its finger on the fatal defect of a state-owned bank,—that its credit was linked inseparably with the augmenting pecuniary needs of the government.1 Some improvement took place after the government loan of 1902, and exceptionally large crops in 1904 forced the pre mium on exchange for a moment to the negligible level of half of one per cent2; but it was not until 1906 that the pre mium was entirely suppressed and the exchange of notes for gold was resumed. The bank, under these conditions, de cided to limit the denominations of the silver notes which it had issued during the period of suspension to five and ten levs ($1 and $2).3 The result of the change in conditions was a rapid influx of gold into the bank. There was a gain of 3,600,000 levs during 1904, carrying total holdings at the end of the year to 9,272,724 levs; by the close of 1905 there was a further advance to 20,600,220 levs and for 1906 to 27,699,000 levs ($5,350,°°0)> while silver remained substantially stationary at 10,688,000 levs ($2,065,000). The circulation of the bank, which was only 1,900,000 levs ($367,000) at the close of 1890, was 21,700,000 in 1900 ; 32,900,000 m 1903; 37,193,000 in 1905 ; 44,622,000 in 1906 ; and 50,000,000 levs ($9,650,000) in June, 1908. The National Bank of Servia. The bank-note circulation of Servia is issued by the Na tional Bank of Servia, which was established by the law of January 6, 1883, subsequently modified by the law of Sep tember 23, 1885. capital of the bank is 20,000,000 dinars ($4,000,000), of which, however, only half has been paid up. 1 Thery, in Economiste Europeen, October 21, 1904, XXVI., 521. *Economiste Europten, May 19, 1905, XXVII., 633. 3Ibid., May 31, 1907, XXXI., 697. THE BA N K S OF SOUTHERN EUROPE. 325 The privilege of the bank, which was originally granted for twenty-five years, includes the monopoly of note issues. The notes of ten dinars ($2) are redeemable in silver and those of larger denominations in gold. The bank is authorized, however, to redeem in silver at its market value in a pro portion fixed by the minister of finance upon the special petition of the bank. Silver may also be substituted for gold to the amount of not more than twenty-five per cent, of the cash reserve and the bank is not permitted to increase its note issues above two and a half times its reserve. The provision that the notes may be redeemable in part in silver led to a degree of distrust of the note issues some what similar to that which existed in 1893 in the United States regarding the notes issued under the Sherman law. This distrust was not allayed when in March, 1898, the gov ernment made an arrangement with the bank for a new issue of 10,000,000 dinars in silver notes to meet the floating debt. It was provided, however, that the amount of silver notes put in circulation should not be greater at any time than 32,000,000 dinars and that as the loan to the government was reimbursed, within the ensuing ten years, the silver circulation should be reduced until it should not exceed 25,000,000 dinars.1 Improvement in the monetary situation gradually set in, however, and persisted, in spite of the polit ical disturbances of 1903. Only about a year after the violent change of dynasty the minister of finance reported that the premium on gold had fallen to one-fifth of one per cent., and that importation of the yellow metal was under consideration.2 The next year (1905) found the bank able to reduce the dis count rate, which had been seven and a half per cent, where the loan was in gold, to the uniform basis of six per cent, for both gold and silver loans.8 The affairs of the Bank of Servia have not grown so rapidly as those of the other Balkan states, but circulation at the close of 1907 was 37,362,927 dinars ($7,225,000) and 1Economiste Europken, April 22, 1898, XIII., 509. 2 Ibid., September 23, 1904, XXVI., 398. ^ Ibid., May 26, 1906, XXIX., 668. 326 H ISTORY OF M ODERN BA N K S OF ISSUE. metallic resources consisted of 14,105,842 dinars ($2,715,000) in gold and 7,434,967 dinars in silver, exclusive of funds abroad to the amount of 3,439,753 dinars ($645,000). While the amount had not materially increased over the close of 1905, the change in the ratio had been in favor of gold, the gold holdings in 1905 having been 12,421,106 dinars and silver 8,670,926. Discounts on December 31st were 5,521,560 dinars in 1905 and 6,958,242 dinars in 1907. Current ac counts at the close of 1907 were 2,046,226 dinars. The net profits of the year were 788,746 dinars ($153,000).* The Banks of Greece. Greece had until recently three banks of issue,—the Na tional Bank, founded in 1842 ; the Ionian Bank, founded in 1839 ; and the Epiro-Thessalian Bank. The capital of the Na tional Bank is 20,000,000 drachmas. The Ionian Bank has its head office in London and its paid-up capital is ,£315,507, or 7,887,687 drachmas.2 All three banks have been dragged into the channel of forced legal tender and depreciated money by the enormous debts of the government and the steadily growing embarrassments of the public Treasury. A law of June 20, 1877, gave forced legal tender quality for the first time in recent years to the notes of the National Bank to a limit of 47,000,000 drachmas ($9,071,000) and to those of the Ionian Bank to a limit of 12,000,000 drachmas ($2,316,000). The money was restored to par in 1884 at a heavy expense to the Treasury, but the suspension of specie payments was thought necessary again in October, 1885, and authority to issue inconvertible notes was extended to the Epiro-Thessalian Bank as well as to the other two banks. The Na tional Bank was authorized to issue notes of which one-third should be covered by coin and bullion, one-third by commer 1ilconomiste Europeen, July 10, 1908, XXXIV., 6a 2The coinage systems of Greece, Roumania, Bulgaria, and Servia are each based upon the French decimal system and their monetary unit in gold, though having different names, is equivalent to the franc, which is valued by the United States Mint at nineteen and three-tenths cents($0,193.) THE BA N K S OF SOUTHERN EUROPE . 327 cial paper, and one-third by securities. The government borrowed from the bank 14,000,000 drachmas in gold and required it to hold notes subject to its orders to the amount of 70,000,000 drachmas. The bank was given in return for these advances the right to circulate 60,000,000 drachmas on its own account in inconvertible paper. The Ionian Bank was authorized to maintain a circulation of 7,000,000 drachmas, of which 2,000,000 should be on account of the government, and the Epiro-Thessalian Bank was given a maximum circulation of 5,000,000 drachms, of which 800,000 should be on government account. The National Bank was also authorized to circulate 7,000,000 drachmas in small notes, and each of the other banks was authorized to issue 3,500,000 drachmas in such notes. The metallic reserve of the National Bank has been reduced below 2,000,000 drach mas ($400,000) and while gold sometimes reaches the coun try after the sale of the crops it quickly flies abroad again or disappears into private hoards. The price of gold in paper was 122 in 1889 and 1890, 140 in 1892, 180 in 1893, and 200 in 1894.1 The population of Greece is about 2,300,000, and the an nual budget for carrying on the government averages about 100,000,000 drachmas ($20,000,000), of which 35,000,000 drachmas is on account of interest on the debt. This in terest has not been paid for several years in gold, as required by the contract, but desultory efforts have been made to per suade the holders of the securities to accept new securities in payment of interest or to permit a complete readjustment of Greek finances. The British holders of Greek securities persuaded the London Foreign Office in 1892 to send Major Law to Athens to study the actual condition of affairs and to determine whether the government would be able to meet its obligations. Major Law made a report to the British minis ter at Athens under date of March 10, 1893, recommending various reforms in the financial system. He showed that the aggregate public debt on January 1, 1893, was about 750,1Raffalovich, Le Marche Financier en 1X93-4, 231.J 328 HISTOR V OF MODERN B AN K S OF ISSUE . 000,000 drachmas ($150,000,000 or about $60 per head). Greece imports more than she exports and the accumulated deficits in the annual budgets since 1877, due to the premium on gold and the inefficient methods of collecting the rev enues, have been 674,000,000 drachmas. Major Law’s recommendations were not adopted and no definite plan was at once perfected for the restoration of order to Greek finance. The King, in his speech from the throne on November 8, 1893, afforded striking evidence of the depreciation of the bank-notes and the evils which had come in its train. It was announced that all the subsidiary coins, even to those of bronze, had disappeared and the gov ernment recommended the coinage at Paris of nickel pieces of five, ten, and twenty centimes to supply the people with small change. A law was approved December 1, 1893/ Pro~ viding for the payment of 50 per cent, of the interest then overdue on the public debt in bank-bills, for future payments in the proportion of 30 per cent, in gold, and for covering directly into the Treasury certain funds which had been pledged as the guarantee of particular loans. This legisla tion was avowedly provisional, and the government was authorized by the law to enter into negotiations with the foreign bondholders with a view to a definite readjustment. Several conferences were held at Athens and Paris, in 1894 and 1895, but they proved abortive. It was not until after the unfortunate war with Turkey in 1897, over the control of Crete, that a definite adjustment was reached by Greece with the holders of her obligations. The great powers then intervened to save the country from political and financial ruin, and the Greek government, yielding to the inevitable, declared that it accepted the medi ation proposed, surrendering to the powers the protection of its interests and adhering without reserve to their counsel.8 Out of this situation grew the International Financial Com mission, representing England, France, Russia, Germany, 1 The Greeks still adhere to the Julian calendar. The actual date by the Gregorian calendar, in use in Western Europe, was December 13th. *Thery, La Gr'ece Aduelie, 21. THE B A N K S OF SOUTHERN EUROPE. 329 Italy, and Austria-Hungary, which took definite charge of Greek finances. Delegates of these powers met at Athens on October 27, 1897, under the presidency of M. Streit, who relinquished temporarily the post of governor of the National Bank of Greece to accept that of minister of finance. Under their agreement, accepted by the Greek government, March 7, 1898, arrangements were made for raising the 94,300,000 francs required to be paid as a war indemnity to Turkey, and for the future division of the public revenue between the bondholders and the state. The three powers most in terested—England, France, and Russia—lent the aid of their joint guarantee to a loan of 170,000,000 francs ($32,710,000), which it thus became possible to sell at 100^, although bearing the low rate of two and one-half per cent.1 The new adjustment involved an heroic reduction of in terest on old loans, but was rendered necessary by the manner in which the resources of the country had been dis sipated between 1880 and the collapse of 1893. A careful estimate put the amount which had been realized from 570,000,000 drachmas in loans at only 413,333,500 drachmas, upon which the annual charge for interest and sinking funds was 27,789,900 drachmas.2 Of the 75,000,000 drachmas raised by the new loan in addition to the amount devoted to the indemnity to Turkey, 30,000,000 was set aside to meet the deficit in the budget for 1897, 25,000,000 to pay the floating debt, and 20,000,000 to meet expected deficits from 1898 to 1902.3 Interest on the loan of 1887 was reduced to forty-three per cent, of the old rate and on other recent loans to thirty-two per cent., subject to some increase in case the revenues should permit.4 1This high price was partly due to the surplus of capital then seeking investment. At Paris the amount offered was 41,500,000 francs. Subscriptions were received from 1387 persons for 987,809,475 francs and actual deposits at the Bank of France on account of the instalments were 196,579,000 francs.— EZconomiste Europeen, May 13,1898, XIII., 587. 2Th£ry, La GrZce Aduelle , 9. 3Raffalovich, Le Marchi Financier en 1897- 98, 612. 4Typaldo Bassia, in Dictionnaire du Commerce, II., 370. 330 H ISTORY OF MODERN BA N K S OF ISSUE. Beneficial effects were felt at once upon the economic con dition of Greece from the firm control of the International Commission, but they only began to be marked after it had been several years in operation. The average rate of ex change, which was 1.68 in 1897, was still at 1.63 in 1902, but fell to 1.56 in 1903 ; 1.38 in 1904; 1.23 in 1905 ; 1.10 in 1906; and 1.087 'm I9°7- These changes occurred largely as the result of confidence in the new regime rather than because of an obviously favorable balance of payments. In 1893 foreign capital was rapidly withdrawn from Greece by the banks, but after 1898 it began to return, with a resulting development of railway and industrial enterprises and ex pansion of the volume of business of the banks. This is indicated by the increase of drafts to order, which were chiefly foreign bills, issued by the National Bank, from 116,984.000 drachmas in 1896 to 489,284,000 in 1904, and by the increase in exchange operations at the Bank of Athens from 71.728.000 drachmas to 324,214,000 drachmas. The increase in deposits in the two institutions was from 45,854,000 to 130.464.000 drachmas ($25,180,000).1 Equally notable was the influx of foreign capital for railway and industrial en terprises to the amount of 35,000,000 drachmas and the repatriation of the national securities shown by the increase of the amount of coupons paid in Greece from 459,843 drachmas in 1899 to 789,300 drachmas in 1905, indicating holdings in Greece on the latter date of the value of 21,000,000 drachmas.2 From 1896 to 1904 the market value of securities quoted on the Greek exchanges, not including the public debt, rose from 156,361,000 drachmas to 272,681,000 drachmas.3 Improvements in banking conditions accompanied the growth in the resources of the country. The Epiro1Th£ry, La Grice Actuelle, 169. 2fcconomiste Europeen, May 11, 1906, XXIX., 584. For similar cases of the repatriation of national securities under improved economic conditions, vide the author’s Principles of Money and Banking, II., 344-46. 3Thdry, La Gr%ce Actuelle, 155. THE BA HE’S OF SOUTHERN EUROPE ,. 331 Thessalian Bank was absorbed in 1899 by the National Bank and the limit of circulation of the latter was advanced from 60,000,000 to 66,000,000 drachmas. In the same year the National Bank aided in the foundation of the Bank of Crete, with a capital of 10,000,000 drachmas and the exclusive privilege for thirty years of note issue in Crete, to the amount of its capital and surplus.1 The Bank of Athens, founded in 1893, with a capital of 2,750,000 drachmas, is not a bank of issue, but is the leading joint-stock bank and has aided in the accumulation of a gold fund. The gold resources of the National Bank held abroad increased from 37,194,000 drachmas at the close of 1903 to 47.778.000 drachmas ($9,270,000) at the close of 1906. The circulation issued directly by the bank was well within the legal limit, at 54,450,866 drachmas, at the close of 1906, but the issues on account of the government made the total circulation 129,219,000 drachmas.3 The government issues, however, were in process of steady reduction, having fallen from a maximum of 165,775,975 to 137,640,239 drachmas.8 The commercial discounts of the bank, which were 13,782,000 drachmas at the close of 1896, were 21,113,000 drachmas at the close of 1906. Private deposits increased during the same period from 40,260,000 to 119,208,000 drachmas. Net profits in 1906 were 3,974,064 drachmas, from which a dividend of 185 drachmas per share was distributed on the 20.000 shares. The Imperial Ottoman Bank. The Imperial Ottoman Bank at Constantinople received the exclusive privilege of note issue in Turkey when it was founded in 1863. The capital was furnished by British and French capitalists and was originally ,£2,700,000. This was increased in 1865 to ^4,050,000 and iii August, 1874, by the absorption of the Austro-Ottoman Bank, to ^10,000,000, of 1Th6ry, La Grtce Aduelle , 151. 2 Economiste Europeen, June 7,1907, XXXI., 732, 3ibid., August 23, 1907, XXXII., 229, 332 H ISTORY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE . which half lias been paid up.1 The first charter was for thirty }rears, but a new convention of February 17, 1875, prolonged the privileges of the bank for an additional period of twenty years, until 1913. The bank is required to main tain a cash reserve equal to one-third of its circulating notes and these notes must be paid in coin to the bearer on pres entation. They are a legal tender in the districts in which they are issued and where the branches of the bank are established. The government is pledged by the charter to issue no paper money during the continuance of the bank and to authorize the creation of no other bank or establish ment with like privileges. The Turkish people have not yet become large users of bank-notes and are easily excited to distrust. This happened in the summer of 1894, when some forged notes were found 111 circulation and the public presented ,£218,000 for redemp tion within a week. The circulation at the head office, which was ,£249,000 during the first week in June, fell to £ 66,000 during the first week of July. The circulation of the bank was as high as ,£990,000 in 1893, but was only ,£838,797 at the close of 1894. The experience of this run taught the management the importance of maintaining a strong coin reserve and prepared them for the run which set in during the political disturbances growing out of the Ar menian massacres in the autumn of 1895. The government offered the bank the privilege of suspending specie payments for thirty days, but the offer was declined and ^1,300,000 in gold was obtained early in November from the Bank of France. The Imperial government were so pleased with the spirit shown by the bank that the charter was extended for twelve years until 1925.2 The bank has been extending its branches of late years and has been finding them more profitable as their convenience to commerce has come to be understood. Branches exist at Sn^rna, Bagdad, Aleppo, Alexandria, and many other points, and those at Smyrna and Bagdad have shown a material 1Revue des Banquesy May, 1895, XIV., 100. 8London Bankers' Magazine, December, 1895, XL., 726. THE B AN KS OF SOUTHERN EUROPE . 333 increase of business. An encouraging feature of this develop ment has been the fact that increased advances of capital by the parent bank have not been required at the branches in proportion to the increasing volume of business, but the capital has been obtained in the communities themselves. The growth of deposits has also been an encouraging feature of the bank, the amount having increased from about ;£8,000,000 of all classes at the close of 1893 to ;£ 11,741,705 at the close of 1907. Cash resources, which were ^2,963,419 at the close of 1899, advanced by normal steps to ^4,134,671 at the close of 1906. In the crisis of 1907, the bank pursued the same prudent course as in 1895, so that its cash and money at call at the end of the year stood at ^5,023,400. In both Turkey and Egypt, where the operations of the bank are conducted, trade conditions were much disturbed in 1907, and some of the foreign banks felt the consequences seriously.1 The failure of the crops caused such suffering in Turkey that the government reduced import duties on grain and made free distributions of seeds.2 The Imperial Ottoman Bank, however, suffered no material losses and was able to dis tribute an annual dividend at the rate of nine per cent., which had been paid for 1906, after successive increases from six and a half per cent, in 1902 and 1903 to seven per cent, in 1904 and eight per cent, in 1905. The circulation of the bank increased gradually until the period of restriction in 1907. It was ^832,320 at the close of 1899 and advanced to 1,177,794 for 1904 and ;£ 1,181,760 for 1906, but fell to ^1,080,763 at the close of 1907. Total assets at the close of 1899 were ^15 .998,079 ; for 1904, ^19,976,384 ; for 1906, ^22,397,344; and for 1907, ^£21,023,669.3 London, Bankers* Magazine, August, 1908, IyXXXVI., 138. 2Economiste Frangais, July 18, 1908, 118. 5Cf. Moniteur des InterUs Materiels, July 5, 1907, 2235, and London Bankers* Magazine, August, 1908, LXXXVI., 257. CHAPTER XIII. THE BANK OF THE) UNITED STATES. Banks of Issue before the Adoption of the Constitution—Hamilton’s Plan for the First Bank of the United States—The Struggle over a New Charter—The Second Bank of the United States : Its Early Errors and its Economic Services—The Bank Dragged into Politics by Jackson and Clay—Jackson’s Triumph and the Re moval of the Deposits—The Independent Treasury System. T HE pathway of American colonial history is thickly strewn with the failures of government paper money, which might have afforded an instructive lesson to the Continental Congress against its issues of Continental bills. Several cases are found also of issues on private bank ing credit, but they were not based on sound banking prin ciples and do not shine greatly by comparison with the unrestrained issues resting on the fiat of the State. The “ Land and Manufactures Bank,” established in Massachu setts in 1740, did not pretend to do better than issue notes redeemable in goods, but they stood for a time so much higher than “ Massachusetts bills ” that, in spite of the hos tility of Governor Belcher, merchants specially advertised goods to be sold for “ Manufactory bills.” 1 In Connecticut in 1733 the New London Society for Trade and Commerce circulated notes which were current until prohibited by the authorities, and in New Hampshire a company of “ private gentlemen’’ attempted to meet the demand for a circulating medium by an issue of bills. Most of these schemes, in cluding that of the specie bank, formed to counteract the 1Weeden, 487. 334 THE B A N K OF TI1E UNITED STATES. 335 Land and Manufactures Bank, fell under the prohibition of the Joint Stock Companies’ Act. This act was passed in England after the bursting of the South Sea Bubble in 1720 and forbade the formation of banking companies without a special charter, but it was not until 1740 that it was declared by Parliament to extend to the colonies. The history of banks of issue in the United States can hardly be said to have begun, however, until the foundation of the Bank of Pennsylvania. The bank originated in the plan of a number of citizens of Philadelphia to supply the army with rations, and their first bills, issued in 1780, were nothing more than interest-bearing notes payable at a future time. The advances in Continental money made by the shareholders were secured by bills of exchange for ^150,000 drawn on the envoys in Europe, but not intended to be negotiated.1 Approval was given by Congress May 26, 1781, to the plan of Robert Morris for the Bank of North America, with a capital of $400,000, to be increased if desired. Morris arranged with the Bank of Pennsylvania to transfer the foreign bills it was holding to the new bank and paid in cash its claims against the Federation. The charter of the Bank of North America was not actually granted until December 31, 1781, and business was begun January 7, 1782. There was so much doubt of the power of Congress to charter a bank that a charter was obtained April 1, 1782, from the State of Pennsylvania, under which the bank con tinued to operate until absorbed into the national banking system in 1863. The bank did much to restore order to the chaos of Federation finances and loaned Morris, as Superin tendent of Finance, $1,249,975, of which $996,581 was repaid in cash and the remainder by surrendering the bank stock owned by the Federation. The government had originally paid for its stock in silver brought from France, but this silver was infinitely more productive by the skilful manage ment of the bank than it could ever have been if covered into the public treasury. Livingston wrote to Dana Decem ber 17, 1782 : 1 Sumner, Finances o f the American Revolution , II., 22. 336 H ISTORY OF MODERN BA N K S OF ISSUE . Paper is entirely out of circulation, if we except the bank paper, which, being payable at sight in specie, is equal to it in value. So extensive has this circulation been that the managers not long since published a distribution of the first half-year's dividend at four and a half per cent, notwithstanding a variety of expenses to which they had been put in the first organization of the bank.1 The first Bank of the United States was incorporated by the First Congress in 1791,2 as a part of the scheme of Alex ander Hamilton to strengthen the new Federal government. Those who had opposed the adoption of the Constitution because of its centralizing tendencies, and some of those who had supported it, opposed the granting of the bank charter upon the ground that the Constitution contained no express grant to Congress of the power to establish a corporation. Their argument was that the case fell plainly within the rule subsequently embodied in the tenth amendment to the Constitution, that “ The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively or to the people.” President Washington obtained the opinion of the members of the cabinet before signing the bill. The opinions of Jefferson and Edmund Randolph were adverse to the con stitutionality of the measure ; but Washington followed the advice of Hamilton, his brilliant young Secretary of the Treasury, and gave the bill his approval. The capital of the Bank of the United States was fixed at $10,000,000, divided into 25,000 shares of $400 each. The protection of small investors in bank stock was sought by a graduated scale of voting which did not permit more than thirty votes to any shareholder. Foreign shareholders were not allowed to vote by proxy, which practically prevented their voting at all. The number of directors was fixed at twenty-five, who must be citizens of the United States and not more than three-fourths of whom were eligible for reelection. The bank was not forbidden to loan on real estate security, but could not become an owner of real estate 1 Wharton, Diplomatic Correspondence, VI., 146. 2 Act of February 25, 1791. THE BA N K OF THE UNITED STATES . 337 (beyond what was needed for banking houses) unless the property came into its hands in satisfaction of mortgages or judgments.1 The only limitation upon note issues was that which limited all debts other than deposits to the amount of the capital stock. The notes were receivable for dues to the government so long as they were redeemable in coin on de mand. The charter was granted for twenty years, with the provision that Congress should not charter another bank within that time. This was far from implying a monopoly of note issues, for the State banks were in no way disturbed in their privileges and methods except so far as the new institution by its example acted as a regulator of the currency. Its large capital and pre-eminent position operated, and were intended to operate, to give it such a commanding position as was occupied by the Bank of England among the country banks of that country. The charter provided that one-fifth of the capital should be subscribed by the government of the United States, but a loan was to be made to the government equal to the amount subscribed, to be repaid in ten annual instalments of $200,000 each, with interest at six per cent. No other loans were to be made to the government exceeding $100,000 without authority of law. The practical effect of the government holdings of stock was simply to give the bank the note of the government for its final payment, but as the bank was forbidden to deal in its own stock the process of issue of the government stock was somewhat complicated. It would have been useless for the government to draw money from Europe to pay into the treasury of the bank, to be immedi ately drawn out again and remitted to Europe for charges there. The course adopted was for the Treasurer of the United States to draw bills of exchange on the American Commissioners in Amsterdam for the amount required to 1 It is significant of Hamilton’s growing familiarity with finance that he did not revive the project of the bank of issue based upon landed security which had attracted him a few years before, but laid down in his report the correct theory of a credit currency based upon quick assets. — Works, III., 106-107. 22 338 HISTORY OF MODERN BA N K S OF ISSUE . pay the bank. The bills were purchased by the bank and warrants issued in favor of the Treasury upon the bank, thereby placing the amount in the Treasury. Other war rants were then issued upon the Treasury in favor of the bank for the amount of the subscription to the stock, which the bank receipted for as paid. The stock having been thus paid for in accordance with law, the bank loaned $2,000,000 to the government in accordance with the act of incor poration by handing over the bills of exchange originally drawn by the Treasury on Amsterdam.1 The Bank of the United States was authorized to establish offices of discount and deposit in the several States and $4,700,000 of the capital was reserved for the central bank at Philadelphia. The remainder was divided among eight branches, established eventually at New York, Baltimore, Boston, Washington, Norfolk, Charleston, Savannah and New Orleans. Private subscriptions were required to be paid one-fourth in gold and silver and three-fourths in six per cent, government stocks or in three per cent, stocks. The capital was over-subscribed to the amount of four thousand shares within two hours after the opening of the books. Oliver Wolcott, who afterwards succeeded Hamilton as Secre tary of the Treasury, was offered the presidency, but de clined, and Thomas Willing of Philadelphia was selected. The bank was more successful in its commercial dealings than in obtaining prompt payment of its advances to the government. No regular reports were made to the Treasury Department, but the report communicated to Congress by Secretary Gallatin for January 24, 1811, showed resources of $24,183,046, of which the leading items were $14,578,294 in loans and discounts, $2,750,000 in United State six per cent, stock, and $5,009,567 in specie. The leading items of liability were $10,000,000 on account of capital, $5,037,125 in circulating notes, $5,900,423 in individual deposits, and $1,929,999 in United States deposits. The average annual dividends paid up to March, 1809, were over eight per cent. 1Bolles, II., 129-30. THE B A N K OF THE UNITED STATES . 339 The bank made several loans to the government in antici pation of the revenues early in its career. They were not promptly paid and the debt of the government to the bank at the end of 1792 was $2,556,595, which increased at the end of 1795 to $6,200,000. An attempt was made to sell government five per cent, stock, but only $120,000 was realized and it became necessary for the government to part with one of its most valuable assets,—its shares in the bank. The third and fourth instalments of the original $2,000,000 loan to the government were not paid until 1797, when 2160 shares of the government stock were sold at $500 per share (a pre mium of $100) and the proceeds, $1,080,000, were applied to these two instalments and to other obligations of the gov ernment to the bank. Six hundred and twenty more shares were sold soon afterwards for $304,260 and in 1802 the re maining shares were sold at an advance of forty-five per cent, and the government ceased to be a stock-holder. Secretary Gallatin reported in 1809 that the government made a profit of $671,860 on the sale of its shares, besides receiving dividends at the rate of about eight and threeeighths per cent, annually. The aggregate payments by the government, including interest, were $2,636,427, while the proceeds and dividends together were $3,773,580, represent ing a profit of nearly fifty-seven per cent, on the original investment for the eleven years during which the government was a shareholder.1 Opposition to the Bank of the United States did not die out with Washington’s administration nor with its large advances to the government. The conception of the func tions of a bank which then prevailed is indicated by Presi dent Jefferson’s letter of July 12, 1803, to Gallatin, in which he declared, ‘41 am decidedly in favor of making all the banks republican by sharing deposits among them in proportion to the dispositions they show.” The bank had a steady friend in Gallatin, however, and he not only continued to avail himself of its assistance in the fiscal operations of the 1 Sen. Ex. Doc. 38, 52c! Cong., 2d Sess., 34. 340 H ISTORY OF MODERN BAN KS OF ISSUE . government, but induced Jefferson to approve a bill estab lishing a branch at New Orleans. The charter of the bank was to expire in 1811 and the shareholders petitioned in 1808 for a renewal. The proposal was strongly supported by Gallatin in a report of March 9, 1809, reviewing the entire history of the bank. He recom mended that the capital be increased to $30,000,000, with a view to lending three-fifths of the amount to the government in case of war, and that the States be allowed to subscribe $15,000,000. The advantage derived by the government from the existing bank he classified under the four heads of safe keeping of the public monies, transmission of public monies, collection of revenue, and loans.1 Congress was not disposed to adopt so comprehensive a scheme as this, but theoretical opposition to the bank had so far yielded to practical considerations that the terms of a contract were arranged for a new charter, which received the approval of the House on April 21, 1810, by a vote of 75 to 35. It was the fatal incapacity of the Eleventh Congress to take positive action which prevented the taking up of the bill again, and gave the State bankers time to organize an opposition and instruct their senators against re-cliarter.2 The charter was opposed at the next session not only by the advocates of strict construction of the Constitution, but by party factions opposed to Gallatin in the Cabinet and the Senate. William Duane and Michael I^eib had attempted to dictate the Federal appointments in Philadelphia and upon Gallatin’s refusal to submit became his bitter enemies. They were supported in the bank contest by a Maryland clique headed by Robert Smith, the Secretary of State, and Sena tor Samuel Smith, his brother. The fact that about 1800 of the 2500 shares were held abroad was made the occasion of bitter attacks upon the bank. A type of this sort of op position was the speech of Mr. Desha of Kentucky, in the House on February 12, 1811, in which he declared that this accumulation of foreign capital was one of the engines for 1 Stevens, 261. 2Adams, V., 208. THE B A N K OF THE UNITED STATES . 341 overturning civil liberty and that he had no doubt George III. was a principal stock-holder and would authorize his agent in this country to bid millions for a renewal of the charter.1 Gallatin had anticipated this ground of hostility in his report to Congress. He called attention to the fact that the foreign shareholders had no vote and that if the charter was not renewed the principal of the foreign hold ings would have to be remitted abroad in liquidation of the affairs of the bank. William H. Crawford of Georgia was the champion of Gallatin and the bank in the Senate and his able argument commended him to the administration and made him a strong candidate in later years for the presidency. Henry Clay held that Congress had no power to create the bank or to continue it, and followed the leanings of Mr. Desha in the opinion that incase of war with England '‘the English premier’’ would exercise control over the institution. The House on January 24, 1811, postponed indefinitely the bill for renew ing the charter by a vote of 65 to 64. The vote in the Sen ate on February 20th was 17 to 17, and the Vice-President, George Clinton, an enemy of Gallatin, gave the casting vote against the bill. “ The necessity for such an institution,” says Mr. Henry Adams, ‘‘ was merely one of the moment, but in the period of national history between 1790 and i860, the year 1811 was perhaps the only moment when destruc tion of the bank threatened national ruin.”2 The govern ment was compelled to rely in the war of 1812 on the State banks, and their suspension of specie payments in 1814 al most paralyzed the operations of the Treasury. It became impossible to make transfers of funds from one part of the Union to another, because the notes of the banks of one sec tion did not pass current in other sections. Gallatin has left on record the opinion that the suspension of specie payments in 1814 “ might have been prevented at the time when it took place, had the former Bank of the United States been still in existence/9 He believed that the bank would have 1 White, 265. 9 History of the United States, V., 329. H ISTORY OF MODERN BA N K S OF ISSUE . aided the treasury and that “ both acting in concert would certainly have been able at least to retard the event; and, as the treaty of peace was ratified within less than six months after the suspension took place, that catastrophe would have been altogether avoided.’’ The necessity for means of carrying on the war with Great Britain led to a great variety of odd proposals in Con gress after the suspension of 1814. One of the crudest of these was a plan of ex-President Jefferson’s, communicated to President Madison, to issue $20,000,000 in government promissory notes annually as long as might be necessary and to appeal to the State legislatures to relinquish the right to establish banks. Dallas, who succeeded Campbell as Secre tary of the Treasury on October 6, 1814, indicated indirectly his opinion of this scheme by recommending a new bank and remarking that ‘‘ The extremity of that day cannot be anticipated when any honest and enlightened statesman will again venture upon the desperate expedient of a tender law.” 1 The plan of Dallas, as set forth in his report of October 17th, was for a bank with a capital of $50,000,000, em powered to lend $30,000,000 to the Treasury. There was a provision in the bill reported, authorizing the suspension of specie payments at the discretion of the President of the United States, and it was fallen upon by Daniel Webster in a speech of great power and eloquence. He urged the crea tion of a bank for commercial purposes rather than one in volved at the outset with the government. The result of his attack was the defeat of the bill by a tie vote, which was then reconsidered and the bill sent to a select committee. Amendments were adopted which met Mr. Webster’s views, but in this form the measure did not meet the wants of the Treasury. It passed the House, 120 to 38, and the Senate, 20 to 14, but was vetoed by the President on January 30, 1815. Another effort was made to pass the Dallas bill, but it failed in the House on February 17th by a majority of one vote. 1Adams, VIII., 245-49. THE B A N K OF THE UNITED STATES . 343 The evils of the currency had not been remedied when Congress met again in December, 1815, and President Madi son suggested a national bank as a suitable instrument for promoting specie payments. Secretary Dallas submitted a detailed plan for the bank, which was adopted by Congress with little change. The capital of the new bank was fixed at $35,000,000, of which one-fifth wasjtobe subscribed by the government in money or in its own obligations. The government subscription was by a stock note, which was not fully paid up in cash until 1831. The public funds were to be deposited in the bank, “ unless the Secretary of the Treas ury shall at any time otherwise order and direct; in which case the Secretary of the Treasury shall immediately lay be fore Congress, if in session, and if not, immediately after the commencement of the next session, the reasons for such order or direction.*9 Twenty-five directors were to be chosen, five to be named by the President, and the notes of the bank were made receivable in all payments to the United States. The bank was again given duration for twenty }^ears and no other bank was to be established within this time by Congress outside the District of Columbia. This privilege, as in the case of the first bank, carried with it no restrictions upon the State banks of issue except such as the new bank was ex pected to exercise by its moral and financial influence tow ards the restoration of specie payments. A bonus to the government was required of $500,000 annually for three years after the end of the second year. The progress of public opinion in favor of the implied powers of the Federal government under the Constitution is indicated by the attitude of Madison and the democratic party towards the incorporation of the second Bank of the United States. Madison as a member of the First Congress had opposed the incorporation of the Bank of the United States upon constitutional grounds, and in 1799 had alluded to it as one of the examples of the usurping tendencies of the Federal government ;l but as President in 1814 and 1815 1Von Holst, L, 388. 344 H ISTO RY OF MODERN BA N K S OF ISSUE . he was willing to treat the constitutional issue as res adjudicata. More surprising is the fact that Calhoun, in later years the hair-splitting logician of strict construction and the champion of nullification, was found foremost among the supporters of the charter of the second bank. He re ported the bill to the House and suggested that if the bank by its financial policy was unable to compel the State banks to return to specie payments, Congress might resort to stronger measures, which were within their power. Both Calhoun and Webster favored the refusal by the government of the notes of suspended banks and the collection of all govern ment dues in specie.1 Webster secured an amendment to the bank bill, requiring the payment of deposits as well as notes in specie, subject to a forfeit of twelve per cent, on the amount for which specie payment was refused. The constitutional question had thus been decided by the legislative branch of the government before it reached the Supreme Court in 1819. That court, in the celebrated case of McCulloch vs. Maryland, in which the decision was rendered by Chief-Justice Marshall, decided that the power to create a national bank, to assist in carrying on the fiscal opera tions of the government, was within the implied powers of the Constitution. Equally important was the decision upon the direct issue raised in that case, whether the States could constitutionally levy taxes upon the circulating notes or the property of a national bank. Representative Fiske of New York, in a strong speech in favor of the renewal of the first charter in 1811, declared that the States, in order to give the preference to their own paper, might exclude that of any other State from circulation within their limits by taxation.2 He did not suggest that they might pursue the same policy towards the notes of a national bank, but this position was taken by the State of Maryland towards the notes of the second Bank of the United States, and the case was carried to the Supreme Court. A decision in favor of the right of the States to have taxed the circulating notes of 1 White, 278. 2 Bolles, II., 150. THE B A N K OF THE UNITED STATES. 345 the United States or of corporations chartered under its laws, would have precluded forever the creation of a national cur rency, issued either by the government or by national banks. Indeed, if the Federal government had not the power to withdraw its creations from discriminating legislation by the States, Chief-Justice Marshall declared, they might tax the mail or the mint, the papers of the custom house, or the forms of judicial process.1 The question of the existence of the bank in the face of discriminating State taxation was not an academic one in 1818 and the following -years, but one which was severely practical. The efforts of the bank to drive the State notes from circulation, and especially its later contraction of dis counts when it found itself on the verge of bankruptcy, caused commercial distress and made the bank exceedingly unpopular. North Carolina laid a tax of $5000 per year on the branch at Fayetteville. Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio, and Maryland laid taxes on circulation or on the branches as such. The Maryland act required the purchase of stamped paper for the printing of the circulating notes or the annual payment of $15,000 by the branch at Baltimore. The branch continued to issue notes on unstamped paper and the cashier, William McCulloch, was sued for debt and gave his name to one of the most celebrated of American constitutional cases.2 Chief-Justice Marshall, in rendering his decision, admitted that the States possessed unimpaired the power of taxing the people and property of the State and that it might tax the real property of the bank in common with other such prop erty within the State, and might tax the interest of citizens of Maryland in the bank ; but he declared that the Consti tution of the United States placed beyond the reach of State power all the powers conferred on the government of the Union and all the means given for the purpose of carrying those powers into execution.3 1 4 Wheaton, 316. 2 McMaster, IV., 497. s Following this decision, all securities of the United States have been held free from taxation by the States unless with the consent of 346 H ISTO RY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE . The Bank of the United States was badly managed during the first years of its existence and in the summer of 1818 was upon the verge of insolvency. The bank began busi ness January 7, 1817, and violated its charter from the out set. The proportion of specie required to be paid in on the second and third instalments was not paid and the bank loaned money to stockholders on the pledge of their stock and personal notes. Trading in shares before they were paid for pushed up the quotations and the bank loaned on the in creased value when other nominal security was furnished in the form of mutual indorsements. The Baltimore branch was practically wrecked by its managers, with a loss of $1,671,221. The policy adopted for restoring specie pay ments was also defective. An arrangement was made with the leading banks of New York, Philadelphia, and Rich mond for the resumption of specie payments by them on February 20, 1817. The public deposits in these banks, which the government had been unwilling to accept in de preciated bank paper, were to be transferred to the Bank of the United States, but checks on the State banks which were parties to the agreement received by the Bank of the United States were to be credited as cash. Arrangements were also made for liberal discounts by the new bank, in order to re lieve the local banks from the commercial pressure. These features of the resumption policy were not subject to criticism and $7,472,419 in public funds and $3,336,491 in special deposits were transferred from the State banks to the the United States. The national banks created under the Act of June 3, 1864, for many years availed themselves of this condition to have as large a proportion of their reserves as possible in United States notes at the times when their property became subject to assessment for taxation under State laws. This practice led to an act of Congress in 1894, authorizing the States to tax such notes at the same rate as other money. It was long held that the instruments of State sover eignty were exempt from Federal taxation upon the same grounds that the instruments of Federal sovereignty were exempt from State taxa tion, but this view was overruled in regard to the circulating notes of State banks in the case of Veazie Bank vs. Fenno, 8 Wall., 533. See Kent, I., 429, note. THE B A N K OF THE UNITED STATES. 34 7 central bank at Philadelphia. Eighteen branches of the Bank of the United States were established and the notes issued were received for government dues without reference to the place of issue and were redeemable, wherever issued, by the central bank or any of its branches. The mistake made by the new bank was in directing the branches to push their own notes into circulation in place of those of the State banks, and to issue drafts on the Eastern cities to prevent the remittance of their own notes. The notes of the local banks were locked up in the Bank of the United States and interest charged upon them to the local banks, but both the notes of the branches and the branch drafts were remitted eastward by the operations of trade. The notes of the Western branch banks which were remitted to the East thus exercised no controlling influence over the volume of Western business, for they were not presented for redemp tion in the West. What made the matter worse was the necessity imposed in many cases on the branches, in view of the eastward movement of their own notes, to pay out again the local notes in the granting of discounts. The Western branches paid but limited attention to the instructions of the parent bank to diminish their discounts, even after the danger of their policy became apparent. They issued what were known as ‘‘ race-horse bills,” by which drafts were made by one branch upon another, which were met when due at the accepting bank by new drafts upon some other branch. The bank imported $7,311,750 in specie from Europe during its first two years at a cost of $525,247/ but the drain upon its resources had reduced the specie in Philadelphia on April 21, 1819, to $126,745, of which $79,125 was owed to the city banks of Philadelphia.2 The facts regarding the mismanagement of the bank were brought out by the report of a committee of Congress in 1819 and caused many demands for the repeal of the charter. Langdon Cheves was elected President, March 6, 1819, and he adopted heroic measures to restore the bank to solvency. 1Poor, 486. 2Bolles, II., 326. 348 H ISTORY OF MODERN BA N K S OF ISSUE . He borrowed $2,500,000 in specie of the Barings, who were considerable holders of the bank stock, forbade the issue of notes in the South and West when exchanges were against the branches, which was almost invariably the -case, and in dealings with the government insisted upon the interval between the transfer of funds and their disbursement which was actually required for the transfers. The bank was saved and was conducted with comparative prudence until the breaking out of the war with President Jackson. The second Bank of the United States undoubtedly contributed for more than a decade to facilitate the transfer of funds from one part of the country to another and to maintain a uniform circulation equal to coin. The rates of domestic exchange, which were necessarily high because of the imperfect means of communication, were materially reduced by the bank. Its policy greatly benefited com merce, but invited bitter complaints from the private dealers in exchange, who had been enabled to make excessive prof its while the currency was below par because of its different values in different States and the constant fluctuations in these values. The bank, in the language of the report of Senator Smith of Maryland in 1832, furnished “ a currency as safe as silver, more convenient, and more valuable than silver, which through the whole Western and Southern and interior parts, of the Union, is eagerly sought in exchange for silver; which, in those sections, often bears a premium paid in silver; which is, throughout the Union, equal to silver, in payment to the government, and payments to individuals in business. *’ Mr. McDuffie, who submitted the minority report in the House at the same time, declared that “ The whole business of dealing in domestic bills of ex change, so essential to the internal commerce of the country, has been almost entirely brought about within the last eight years. In June, 1819, the bank did not own a single dollar of domestic bills; and in December, 1824, it owned only to the amount of $2,378,980; whereas it now owns to the amount of $23,052,972.” 1 1 House Rep., 460, 226. Cong., 1st Sess., 312. THE B A N K OF THE UNITED STATES. 349 One of the most serious charges of evasion of law, brought against the bank in 1832, was in the issue of branch drafts to circulate as currency. Several appeals were made in vain to Congress to modify one of the provisions of the charter requiring the president and principal cashier to sign all the circulating notes. The volume of circulation necessary to do business was so great that the physical labor of signature could not well be performed by those officers. Congress neglected to act and in 1827 an opinion was obtained from Horace Binney, in which Daniel Webster and William Wirt concurred, that there was no legal obstacle to the issue of checks drawn by officers of the branches upon the parent bank, printed for even amounts in similar form to bank notes. Drafts of this sort for $5 and $10 were authorized by the board of directors on April 6, 1827, and denominations of $20 were issued in 1831. They became a common medium of circulation in the South and West and were accepted in payments to the United States Treasury.1 The branch drafts outstanding in April, 1832, were $7,410,090. They simply served the purpose of currency without conforming strictly to the intent of the law, in much the same manner as the checks of the London Cheque Bank or the temporary issues in the United States during the panic of 1893. The Bank of the United States fell because so great an institution in a representative republic could not escape political entanglements and the suspicion of the abuse of political power. President Jackson surprised the financial world by the announcement, in his first annual message in 1829, that “ Both the constitutionality and the expediency of the law creating the bank are well questioned by a large portion of our fellow-citizens ; and it must be admitted by all, that it has failed in the great end of establishing a uniform and sound currency/’ The bank was at this time under the presidency of Nicholas Biddle, who succeeded 1Letter of Sec. Rush to Nicholas Biddle, Jan. 21, 1820. House Rep., 460, 22d Cong., 1st Sess., 55. The authority to receive these drafts for public dues was revoked by Secretary Woodbury, to take effect January 1, 1835. 35° H ISTO RY OF MODERN BAN K S OF ISSUE. Cheves in 1823, and was one of the most imposing institu tions of the country. The President's message, therefore, was in the nature of a thunderbolt from a clear sky. Jack son’s hostility was due to a complaint by Isaac Hill, a New Hampshire politician who had been made Second Comp troller, that Mr. Mason, the manager of the branch at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, had shown partiality to the political opponents of General Jackson and that his conduct had been “ calculated not less to injure the institution than to disgust and disaffect the principal business men.” “ No measure short of his removal,” in Hill’s opinion, 4‘would tend to reconcile the people of New Hampshire to the bank.” The truth appears to have been that Mason had excited hostility by his energetic contraction of discounts at Ports mouth and his efforts to correct previous mismanagement. I^evi Woodbury, who had defeated Mason for the United States Senate in 1824, addressed a letter early in July, 1829, to Mr. Ingham, the Secretary of the Treasury, making com plaints against Mason’s management, which Ingham for warded to President Biddle for his consideration. Biddle was a ready writer, he occupied one of the most powerful positions in the country, he was surrounded by flatterers and sycophants, and he was quickly entrapped into a quarrel which resulted in the overthrow of the bank. He not only denied that the bank had shown political favor at Ports mouth or elsewhere, but went out of his way to declare that the governing board acknowledged no responsibility what ever to the Secretary of the Treasury in regard to the politi cal opinions of the officers of the bank and that it was carefully shielded by its charter from executive control. So fixed had become the relations between the bank and the Treasury in the handling of public monies, and so much a matter of mere routine, that Biddle appeared to overlook the possibility of the withdrawal of the public deposits. He evidently had no realizing sense of the danger which hung over his head or of the spirit of hostility which was being aroused in the mind of Jackson. THE B A N K OF THE UNITED STATES. 351 The President’s suggestions in his annual message excited the fear for a moment that he had information which was not known to the public and bank shares dropped from 125 to 116, only to recover to 130 after a report by a committee of Congress. The portions of the message relating to the bank were referred to committees in both houses, both of which exonerated the bank from the charge of bad manage ment and condemned the suggestion of the President, whether a national bank, “ founded upon the credit of the government and its revenues, might not be devised which would avoid all constitutional difficulties, and at the same time, secure all the advantages to the government and coun try that were expected to result from the present bank.” The House on May 10, 1830, tabled, by a vote of 89 to 66, resolutions that the House would not consent to the renewal of the bank charter and on May 29th tabled, by a vote of 95 to 67, resolutions calling for a comprehensive report of the proceedings of the bank.1 Similar votes in favor of the bank were given in the Senate. The President was mild in his allusions to the subject in the annual messages of 1830 and 1831 and the Secretary of the Treasury was even allowed in the latter year to incorporate in his annual report a strong argument in the bank’s favor. It is not improbable that Jackson might have been persuaded by the eminent finan ciers of his party to consent to a re-charter if the matter had not been made an issue b}^ Henry Clay in the presidential campaign. The political dangers of a great central bank were demon strated in the campaign of 1832. President Jackson had given the country in the main a firm and successful admin istration and it was necessary for Clay and the Whigs to create political issues upon which to make a respectable contest against him. There were dangers in making the tariff the controlling issue, because different Whig States were on both sides of the question. Clay determined to make the campaign upon the issues of internal improvement and the recharter of the bank. It was natural that he should 1Sumner, Andrew Jackson, 247. 352 H ISTORY OF MODERN BAN KS OF ISSUE. accept the sentiment of the financial portion of the commu nity in favor of the bank as the sentiment of the whole and he was so confident of success that he feared Jackson would evade the issue. The resolutions adopted at Baltimore on December 12, 1831, at Clay’s instigation, declared that the President, “ is fully and three times over pledged to the people to negative any bill that may be passed for rechartering the bank. ’’ Biddle and the real friends of the bank who were not politicians protested strongly against making the recharter a party issue, but Clay forced them to the choice between sustaining his party as the friends of the bank or going without political friends. Professor Sumner declares that “ Jackson never was more dictatorial and obstinate thaii Clay was at this juncture.” 1 The fight was opened in the Senate on January 9, 1832, when Senator Dallas presented the memorial of the bank for the renewal of its charter. Biddle came to Washington, opened headquarters, gave sumptuous entertainments, and defended the bank vigorously before the committee of inves tigation appointed by Congress. The bill for the recharter was passed through both houses, only to encounter a veto message from President Jackson on July 10th. The issue was thus made up for the presidential election, exactly as Clay desired it, but the response of the people was 219 elec toral votes for Jackson, 49 for Clay, and 18 for all others. The executive triumphed, as usual in a contest with Con gress, and the doom of the bank was decided. The bank had five years of life before it. Its credit was good and it still held the public deposits. It was not gener ally supposed that these would be withdrawn un til near the date for the termination of the charter, as had been the case with the public deposits in the first Bank of the United States. Jackson’s blood was now up, however, and he needed no further stimulus to crush his enemy. The bank made two serious blunders during 1832 and 1833 in its rela tions with the Treasury. It undertook to make a private arrangement with the Barings regarding the payment of 1 Andrew Jackson, 257. THE B A N K OF THE UNITED STATES. 353 $5,000,000 of government three per cent, securities, which the Secretary of the Treasury had notified the President of the bank as early as March 24, 1832, would be paid from the surplus revenues. A contract was made through a private agent of the bank for extending these securities, which were to be assumed by the bank and the interest paid to the gov ernment. The object was to retain possession of the public money, on deposit with the bank, which was worth seven per cent, in the discount market, rather than permit it to be withdrawn for the redemption of the debt. When the cir cular of the Barings got into the newspapers in October, Biddle was obliged to disavow the contract and made a lame explanation to Secretary Mcl^ane for seeking to delay the payment. The other case was the attempt to collect dam ages upon the amount of a bill of exchange drawn upon the French government, which was refused payment by the French Minister of Finance, because the money had not been appropriated by the Chambers. The bill was taken up by the Paris agents of the bank, and charged against it. Secretary Mcl*ane paid the principal, $961,240, which had been covered into the Treasury, back to the bank and offered to pay actual costs. The bank insisted upon fifteen per cent, damages, under a law of the District of Columbia relating to protested paper, and deducted the amount from the government dividends. The government sued and the Supreme Court decided against the bank. Performances like these on the part of President Biddle convinced Jackson that the bank was weak and confirmed his purpose to suspend the further deposit of public monies in its custody.1 Mr. McL,ane was transferred from the Treasury to the State Department during the spring of 1833 and William J. Duane of Pennsylvania was made Secretary of the Treasury. Duane was a conservative and able law yer, with little of the politician in his make-up, and when 1Jackson also believed that if the bank retained the public funds, it would be able to buy up the votes in Congress necessary to make two-thirds and pass a recharter bill over his veto.—Sumner, Andrew Jackson, 299. *3 354 h is t o r y of m o d e r n b a n k s of is s u e . the President insisted upon his suspending deposits in the Bank of the United States and making them in future in the State banks, Duane refused to comply and the President re moved him from office. Roger B. Taney, who afterwards became so odious in the free States as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, was transferred from the Department of Jus tice to the Treasury on September 23d, and began the deposit of the public funds in the State banks. The contest which followed in Congress belongs to the his tory of politics rather than that of finance. The Senate re jected the nomination of Taney for Secretary of the Treasury and rejected the President’s nominees for government direc tors of the bank, apparently upon the remarkable ground that they were disposed to insist upon too accurate a knowl edge of the bank’s affairs. The Senate called for the paper which Jackson had read in the cabinet regarding the removal of the deposits on September 18th, and received the reply that the Senate had 110 constitutional right to interrogate him on the subject of his communications with his heads of departments. Clay introduced a resolution which was passed on March 28, 1834, by a vote of 26 to 20, declaring that the President had, “ assumed upon himself authority and power not conferred by the Constitution and the laws, but in deroga tion of both.” The President sent a protest against this resolution to the Senate on April 17th, which that body ten days later voted, 27 to 16, was a breach of the privileges of the Senate and should not be entered on the journal. The friends of Jackson appealed to the people and gained enough seats in the Senate to pass resolutions on January 16, 1837, expunging the previous resolutions from the records. The Bank of the United States obtained a charter from the State of Pennsylvania on February 18, 1836, for thirty years. The bank agreed to pay a bonus of $2,000,000 to the State and $100,000 per year for thirty years, besides various sub scriptions to the stock of transportation routes, which Ben ton described as bribery of the legislature and the people. The shares in the bank owned by the United States, amount ing to $7,000,000, were paid in four annual instalments at THE B A N K OF THE UNITED STA TES. 355 the rate of 115.58. New stock was sold to replace the gov ernment stock, leaving the capital intact at $35,000,000. The capital was too large for local commercial needs and Biddle branched out into loans on stocks of uncertain value, many of which proved worthless after the crisis of 1837. The bank suspended at that time with the other banks of the country, but was compelled to suspend again in 1838, and again in 1841, after which it went into liquidation. The creditors were paid, but the shareholders lost their entire interest. Biddle had resigned in March, 1839, leaving the bank, according to his view, in a prosperous condition. He was indicted during the liquidation for conspiracy to defraud the shareholders. The indictment was quashed, but Biddle was ruined financially and died within five years insolvent and broken-hearted.1 The principal items in the accounts of the second Bank of the United States up to the time of its final suspension are shown in the following table : YE A R . 1820 IS3O 1834 1835 I836 1837 I838 I839 I 84O L O A N S. $31,401,158 40,663,805 54,911,461 51,808,739 59,232,445 57,393,709 45,256,571 41,618,637 36,839,593 D E P O S IT S . $ 6 , 568,794 16 ,045,782 10 , 838,555 1 1 , 756,905 5, 061,456 2, 332,409 2, 616,713 6,779,394 3,338,521 C IR C U L A T IO N . $ 3,598,481 12 , 924,145 19,208,379 17,339,797 23,075,422 11,447,968 6,768,067 5,982,621 6,695,861 S P E C IE . $ 3,392,755 7,608,076 10,039,237 15 , 708,369 8, 417,988 2,638,449 3, 770,842 4 , 153,607 1 , 469,674 The present method of dealing with public monies in the United States is one of the results of the war over the United States Bank. Secretary Taney, under Jackson’s instruc tions, deposited public money in certain State banks,—most of them selected because their officers were friendly to the administration and characterized by its critics as the “ pet banks.” The government imposed upon them the condi tions of giving security in certain cases, of issuing no small 1 Sumner, Andrew Jackson, 342. 356 H ISTO RY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE . notes and of keeping one-third of their reserve in specie.1 The State banks undertook by mutual agreement to honor each other's notes and drafts, but the crisis of 1837 caused a general suspension and the payment of $25,000,000 of the deposits in bank-notes bearing an average depreciation of ten per cent. Secretary Taney in his report for 1834 urged legis lation to sanction the use of the State banks as depositaries, but the bill prepared on the subject failed in the Senate. The suspension of the banks in 1837 led President Van Buren, in his annual message of that year, to recommend that the public funds be kept exclusively by public officers and that nothing but specie be received for dues to the government. This plan—embodying substantially the features of the present independent treasury system—was several times de feated, but was finally enacted June 30, 1840. One-fourth of all dues to the Treasury were to be paid at once in specie, and an additional fourth each year until the whole were thus paid. The success of Harrison and the Whigs resulted in the repeal of the independent treasury law August 13, 1841, and two national bank bills were passed, only to be successively vetoed by President Tyler. The public monies were de posited in the banks or not, at the discretion of public offi cials, until 1846, when the independent treasury system was again established by authority of Congress. The policy of refusing State bank-notes for government dues continued until the creation of the national banking system during the Civil War. That system gave the government the security of its own bonds for the bank-notes, and the national bank ing act provided that the notes should be “ received at par in all parts of the United States in payment of taxes, ex cises, public lands, and all other dues to the United States, except for duties on imports; and also for all salaries and other debts and demands owing by the United States to in dividuals, corporations, and associations within the United States, except interest on the public debt, and in redemption 1 Kinley, 17 . THE B A N K OF THE UNITED STATES . 35 7 of the national currency.’’ 1 The national banks were again made the depositaries of public money during the first ad ministration of President Cleveland, but were required by the Secretary of the Treasury to deposit United States bonds as security for such monies in much the same manner as for the security of national bank-notes. The amount of deposits in the banks on August i, 1888, when Secretary Fairchild made a report on the subject to Congress, was $54,475,055, exclusive of $4,052,021 on deposit to the credit of disbursing officers. The number of banks among which these deposits were distributed was about three hundred and the largest deposit was $1,100,000. The policy of Secretary Windom and the absorption of the surplus reduced these deposits after 1892 and their entire amount on January 2, 1896, was $14,271,280.* The independent Treasury continues to transact the bulk of the public business and sub-treasuries are maintained at New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Baltimore, Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis, New Orleans, and San Francisco. 1 Act of June 3, 1864, Sec. 23. *The resumption of the deposit policy in 1902 is described infray 436 CHAPTER XIY. THE STATE BANKING SYSTEMS. The Condition of the Country When They were Adopted— Success o f the Suffolk System and o f Banking on General Assets— The New York Safety Fund and Security Systems— Unhappy Experi ence in the West and South with Banks of State— The Effects of the Civil War— Failure of the Security System— General Statis tics o f the State Banks. T HE systems of banking authorized under the laws of the various States of the United States offer examples of nearly every form of note issues and every degree of success or failure. The economic development of the country between the Revolution and the Civil War was in an experimental stage as well as its political development. The rules of sound banking had not yet been worked out even in the older countries of Europe, as the mistakes and failures of English, French, and Austrian banking abund antly show ; but to ordinary sources of error and risk were added in the United States the elements of experiment and uncertainty in every department of human activity. The Englishman or Frenchman might not be a good banker, but he could at least form an intelligent estimate of the volume of trade with which he had to reckon and the conditions un der which it was carried on. His problem was simply to work out, according to sound rules, a mathematical prob lem for which the necessary elements were known. With the American, on the other hand, every element was an un known quantity. He had to guess at the first element in his equation, and if he guessed wrongly absolute accuracy in 358 THE STATE BANKING SYSTEMS. 359 his further computations could not possibly yield a true result. A new country, poor in specie and in loanable capital, is almost forced by the necessities of her situation to adopt monetary devices which would not be tolerated under better conditions. Some of these devices would be comparatively harmless if their true character were understood and they were used with moderation ; but their tendency is mislead ing and intoxicating to the average mind and they are usu ally so abused as to offset the little benefit which might be derived from them. The most successful banking systems under State law in the United States were those of New York and New England, where the surplus capital of the country in the earlier days was concentrated. The least suc cessful systems were in the newer and poorer sections of the country and they grew progressively worse as inexperience and poverty seemed to make more imperative the necessity for creating something out of nothing. Four distinctly marked systems of note issue were in operation in the United States side by side almost up to the close of the Civil War and it is not surprising that the conglomerate currency which they created has left unsavory memories behind it. These four systems were: Issues upon general assets; issues protected by a general safety fund ; issues based upon public securities; and issues based upon the faith and credit of the States.1 1 The principal sources for the preparation o f this chapter have been the monographs prepared by Mr. I,. Carroll Root for the “ Sound Currency Committee ” of the New York Reform Club ; the report of John J. Knox, the United States Comptroller o f the Currency, for 1876 ; the report prepared by Mr. Henry H. Smith, Assistant Register of the Treasury, in response to Senate resolutions of July 26, 1892, printed as Sen. E x. Doc. 38, 52d Cong., 2d Sess. ; and the report of Comptroller A. B. Hepburn for 1892. The investigations of these gentlemen have brought together and co-ordinated a mass of material which would otherwise have to be sought with great labor from a variety o f sources. Mr. Root has further favored me with an examina tion o f this chapter and the suggestion o f some changes, which I have adopted, 360 H ISTORY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE . The best illustration of the system of banking upon gen eral assets is afforded by the banks of New England, and especially by the banks of Boston, which became the centre of the New England redemption system. The note issues of the New England banks were permitted in many cases to exceed the proportion to capital which is now consid ered safe, and they were not subject until late in their history to thorough official supervision; but in spite of these defects of the system, the notes usually circulated at par and specie was attracted to New England when driven from other sections of the country by depreciated paper. The first local bank in New England, and the second of the kind in the United States, was incorporated by act of the General Court of Massachusetts on February 7, 1784, with a maximum capital of $300,000, and was called the Mas sachusetts Bank. No limitations were imposed in the original Massachusetts law upon note issues, but an act of 1792 pro hibited notes below $5, and the bank was directed to limit the amount of n ces, together with *‘ money loaned by them by a credit on their books or otherwise,’’ to ‘4twice the amount of their capital stock in gold and silver, actually deposited in the banks and held to answer the demands against the same.” A general law was passed in 1799, pro hibiting banking by unincorporated companies or the fur ther issue, except by the Nantucket Bank, of notes below $5. This provision was modified in 1805 so as to permit the issue of bills of $1, $2, and $3 to the amount of five per cent, of paid-up capital. This limit was increased in 1809 to fifteen per cent., reduced in 1812 to ten per cent., and again in creased in 1818 to twenty-five per cent., which remained the limit during the life of the State banking system.1 An act was passed in 1803, requiring semi-annual re ports of condition by the Massachusetts banks to the State officials, and it appeared that at that time seven banks were in operation with a capital of $2,225,000 and a circulation of $1,565,000. An attempt was made in 1811 to found a State 1 Root, New England Bank Currency, “ Sound Currency,” Vol. XI., No. 13, p. 4, THE STATE BANKING SYSTEM S . bank occupying a similar relation to the Commonwealth that the United States Bank had occupied towards the national government, but the State capital was never sub scribed and the authorized capital was reduced in 1817 from $3,000,000 to $1,800,000.1 The charter of this bank and of the Merchants’ Bank, also incorporated in 1811, served as the model from which most subsequent charters in Massachusetts were drawn. One-fifth of the capital was required to be actually paid in before the beginning of business ; the stockholders were individually liable to the amount of their stock in case of loss arising from misman agement, and the liabilities, exclusive of deposits, were limited to twice the amount of the capital. The limit upon circulation, which was thus incidentally imposed, was re duced iu the case of most of the later banks to 150 per cent. The Massachusetts and other New England banks main tained specie payments in 1814, when those of other parts of the country suspended, and the current of specie towards New England swelled the holdings of the Massachusetts banks alone, from $1,513,000 in 1811 to $6,946,542111 1814. The total banking capital authorized had increased in 1828 to $9,075,000 and thirty-six new banks were incorporated in the four years ending with that date. A new banking law was passed on February 28, 1829, which applied to banks thereafter incorporated and to those obtaining an increase of capital or an extension of their charters. The limit of the notes which a bank might circulate was reduced to 125 per cent, of the capital and the total of the debts, exclusive of deposits, was limited to twice the capital. A provision was made against the practice of issuing notes promising pay 1 The State subscribed $400,000 to the capital of the Union Bank of Boston, which was incorporated in 1792, and was generally a subscri ber at the formation o f new banks for the next twenty years. About $1,000,000 o f bank stock in this way came into the hands of the State and afforded a generous dividend until it was sold in 1812 to meet some unusual expenses. The State does not seem to have abused its share in the ownership b y interference with the management of the banks.— M artini Boston Stock Market, cited in Comptroller’s Report for 1876. 362 H ISTORY OF MODERN B AN K S OF ISSUE. ment with interest at a future date, by which the banks had endeavored to escape the obligation to pay cash on demand to depositors and note-holders. An effort was made to evade this provision by issuing deposit books, making the same promise. They were first issued mainly to depositors, but they came to be extensively issued during the pressure of 1834 in discounting paper. The General Court passed a law ill that year prohibiting the practice. The organization of banks in Massachusetts proceeded with alarming rapidity during this period of speculation, and at the end of 1836, seventy-eight new banks had been added to the sixty-two older banks, and forty-three of the latter had obtained an increase of capital. Several banks succumbed towards the close of the year, but the Boston banks were mainly sound and followed the New York banks reluc tantly on May 12, 1837, the suspension of specie pay ments. An act of 1809 imposed a penalty of two per cent, a month on banks which failed to redeem their notes in specie. This provision was not enforced in 1837, and the General Court suspended it until January 1, 1839, in the case of banks which kept their circulation within seventy-five per cent, of their capital, redeemed notes below $5 in Boston, and below $3 elsewhere, and complied with some other condi tions. Voluntary resumption took place throughout the State on August 13, 1838. Failures still continued among the mush room institutions which had been created during the period of speculation, and thirty-two Massachusetts banks wound up their affairs between 1837 and 1844. The necessity of more efficient supervision by the State was made plain by the crisis of 1837, and three bank commissioners were authorized to make annual examinations of all the banks and special examinations when they thought proper. This law was repealed after five years, but the Massachusetts banks were now upon a sound basis and failures were few during the twenty-five years before the creation of the national system. Only two failures occurred between 1840 and 1855, and the notes in both cases were paid in full. Most of the bank charters were renewed for twenty years THE STATE BANKING SYSTEMS. 363 in 1831 and expired on October 1, 1851. The renewal in the latter year was made the occasion of several changes in the banking laws. One of these revived the board of bank commissioners with the same powers of examination as in 1838. Another change of law imposed liability upon stock holders for the redemption of notes, in case of failure, to the amount of their stock, without the former limitation in re gard to mismanagement. The speculative mania which pre ceded the crisis of 1857 resulted in the creation of fifty-eight new banks in Massachusetts with a capital of $14,400,000 and 157 increases in the capital of existing banks, amounting to $18,745,000. Several failures took place, but the note holders suffered little loss and a committee of the legislature in 1856 reported against the granting of further charters. The condition of the State banks of Massachusetts in 1862, just before absorption into the national system, showed 183 banks in operation with a capital stock of $67,544,200; circu lation, $28,957,630; deposits, $44,737,490; loans and dis counts, $127,592,511 ; and specie, $9,595,53°The banking systems of the other New England States were generally based upon the principle of issuing notes against assets and the banks maintained close relations with those of Boston. The legislature of Maine took advantage of the expiration of a number of charters in 1846 to adopt some changes of law to afford greater security for circulating notes. The Act of August 10, 1846, provided that for the amount of circulation issued in excess of fifty per cent, of the capital, one dollar in specie should be kept for three dol lars in bank-notes and that the total circulation should never exceed the capital plus the amount of specie on hand. The State of Vermont created in 1831 a safety fund modelled closely upon that of New York. Each bank thereafter char tered was required to pay into the State Treasury, in six annual instalments, the sum of four and a half per cent, upon the amount of its capital stock, and in case the fund was reduced by the failure of any bank it was to be restored by assessments by the State Treasurer, not exceeding threefourtlis of one per cent, in any one year upon the capital of H ISTO RY OF M ODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE. the banks. An act was passed by the General Assembly in 1842, relieving the banks from contributions to the safety fund in case the directors should execute satisfactory bonds to redeem according to law all bills issued and to pay depos its on demand. The banking laws of Rhode Island were peculiar in the facilities which they extended to banks for recovering debts. The first bank charter,—issued to the Providence Bank in 1791, and creating the fifth chartered bank then existing in the United States,—provided that upon any note or other instrument expressly made payable at the bank, the Presi dent or certain of the directors might cause a demand to be made upon the debtor, in case of his failure to make pay ment at maturity, and in case the obligation remained un paid for ten days, these officers might write to either of the clerks of the courts of common pleas or of the superior court and order such clerk to issue a writ of execution capias satisfaciendum fieri facias, and attachment of real estate upon which the debt and costs might be levied, whereupon the clerk was required to issue such an execution, to be served by any sheriff or deputy. Subsequent charters did not even require demand in writing or protest, but author ized the officers of the bank to order the clerk of one of the courts to proceed to issue the execution. This drastic method of collecting debts under the “ bank process ” made banks very popular investments with capitalists and ac counted for their rapid increase up to 1818. An act was passed forbidding the further granting of such charters, but the decision of “ the Dartmouth College” case in the Federal courts, denying the power of the grantor of a char ter to change the terms except with the consent of the grantee, delayed any provision for withdrawing the pow ers of the “ bank process” from banks already possessing them. The arbitrary character of this process and the hard ships it inflicted aroused strong popular feeling and resulted in an act of 1836 abolishing the privileges of “ the bank process ” and limiting the banks thereafter to the same reme dies as individuals for the collection of debts. Sixty-one THE STATE BANKING SYSTEM S. 365 banks then existed in Rhode Island, of which thirty pos sessed the powers of the “bank process.” The peculiar feature of the New England bank circulation was the Suffolk system of redemption, which was established in order to protect sound banking currency from being driven out of circulation by the inferior currency of other States. The suspension of specie payments south and west of New England in 1814 resulted in the introduction of depreciated notes across the Connecticut border and drove the Connec ticut bank-notes into private hoards or brought them to the banks for redemption in specie. The banks of Maine en countered a similar situation prior to the suspension of specie payments in 1837. They were forbidden by law to issue notes below $5, with the object of keeping the currency saturated with coin, but this purpose was defeated by the circulation of the small notes of the banks of neighboring States. The banks of Boston found themselves, even before the close of the last century, under somewhat the same com petition from the country banks of Massachusetts. The Boston banks at first undertook to send the country notes promptly home for redemption, but the banks protested against this policy. The Boston banks then refused to re ceive the country notes altogether. The result was the hoarding of “ Boston money,” which was sold at a small premium to persons having payments to make at the banks, while the channels of circulation were filled with the country notes, which were known as 4‘ foreign ” or “ current money.” Several attempts were made in Boston to establish a redemption office for sending notes home for redemption, but it was not until 1813 that a systematic method of clear ing and redemption for bank-notes was put in operation by the New England Bank. The discount on the notes of “ foreign” banks was larger than the actual expense of redemption justified, and the New England Bank gave notice that it would charge only the actual cost of sending foreign money home for redemption and obtaining the specie for it. The execution of their plan brought down 366 H ISTORY OF MODERN BA N K S OF ISSUE. the discount on “ foreign ” notes from four or five per cent, to one per cent, for notes of Massachusetts banks and some what more for those of other States. The Suffolk Bank was incorporated in Boston in 1818 and the directors determined to give special attention to foreign exchanges. A committee appointed to consider the subject in 1819 reported that it was expedient “ to receive at the Suffolk Bank the several kinds of foreign money which are now received at the New England Bank, and at the same rates.” They recommended that if any bank should make a permanent deposit of $5000 with the Suffolk Bank, with such further sums as were necessary from time to time to redeem its bills taken by the Suffolk Bank, such bank should have the privilege of receiving its bills at the same discount at which they were purchased. They recommended that the banks of Providence and Newport and twenty-three others keeping an account with the Suffolk have the privilege of receiving such of their bills as were received by the Suffolk bank at the same discount as taken, without the permanent deposit of $5000, provided these banks would make all their deposits at the Suffolk Bank and at all times have money to redeem the bills taken.1 The policy to be adopted towards banks refusing to make a deposit was to send their notes home for redemption. These recommenda tions were put in force and the lively competition of the Suffolk with the New England Bank soon forced exchange on Massachusetts notes to one-half of one per cent., or even less. The notes of the Boston banks were still crowded out of circulation by the slight discount on the notes of the country banks and it was found in 1824 that the permanent circula tion of the eleven city banks, with a capital of $11,150,000, was not more than $300,000, while the country banks, with a capital of less than $9,000,000, had a circulation of $7,500,000. An agreement was made between the Suffolk and six other Boston banks by which a fund of $300,000 in their notes was furnished the Suffolk, to be paid out in 1Whitney, 7-8. THE STATE BANKING SYSTEM S . 367 equal proportions in the purchase of country bank-notes.1 The tendency of this policy was to force the city notes into circulation and withdraw the country notes unless they were maintained absolutely at par by the action of the country banks. The plan was vigorously resisted at first by the country banks and the Boston association was decorated with such opprobrious names as the “ Holy Alliance’’ and ‘‘ Six-tailed Bashaw.” The country banks were forced to yield, however, and most of them consented to make the permanent deposit of $2000 which was now required, in addition to a sufficient sum for current redemp tions. The notes of those maintaining their redemption fund were received at par and were charged up against them once a week or as often as might be convenient. The Suf folk Bank charged interest whenever the amount redeemed exceeded the funds to the credit of the issuing bank, but received the notes of all banks in good standing and placed them to the credit of the bank sending them in. A sort of clearing house was thus established which enabled the issues of one bank to be set off against those of another in making settlements. The effect of restoring the country notes to par was to reduce the circulation of sixteen Massachusetts banks within six months by $382,781 and to increase the circulation of the Boston banks by $283,497. When any bank refused to join the Suffolk system, the Suffolk Bank simply presented its notes for redemption. This course soon convinced the majority of the country banks that it was better to clear through the Suffolk Bank than to maintain an unequal competition with neighboring banks, which had the prestige of belonging to the Suffolk system and whose notes were at par throughout New Eng land. The suspension of specie payments in 1837 put an end to enforced redemption for a time, but the majority of the banks continued to settle their balances through the Suffolk Bank and their bills passed current all over the 1 John Amory Lowell, who served on the “ Foreign Money Com mittee ” for forty-two years, and William Lawrence, prepared this plan and report. H ISTORY OF MODERN BAN KS OF ISSUE . Union, while those of the other banks had only a local circulation. 1 A branch redemption agency was established in Rhode Island, by which the Merchants’ Bank of Providence received at par from the Rhode Island banks the bills of all other banks in New England and settled balances as far as possible among the Rhode Island banks. Bills issued by banks outside of Rhode Island were sent to Boston, and Rhode Island bills were sent in bulk by the Suffolk Bank to Providence. Legal encouragement was given to the Suffolk system in Vermont by the Act of 1842, which levied a tax of one per cent, upon bank capital, but remitted the tax to any bank which should “ keep a sufficient deposit of funds in the City of Boston, and should at that city uniformly cause its bills to be redeemed at par.” All but three of the Vermont banks were members of the system before 1848 and in 1850 all had joined. Several of the Maine banks resisted for a time and received the support of the bank commissioners in 1837, but their circulation became limited to their immediate locality and the system was commended by the commissioners in later reports. The handsome profits derived by the Suffolk Bank from the redemption system led to several efforts to establish a rival institution. The work of the Suffolk Bank was so well done that it was not until 1855 that these efforts bore tangible fruit. The Bank of Mutual Redemption was then estab lished for the specific purpose of redeeming the currency of the New England banks at par. The bank went into opera tion in 1858, with 135 New England banks interested as stockholders and thirty-five keeping a permanent deposit aggregating $143,000. The bank was admitted to the clearing house after a struggle and most of the country 1 “ A t the time when the Suffolk system was at its best I lived in Chicago. The notes of Massachusetts banks were in great request there. They were considered the best currency going and they bore a premium over the notes of Illinois and Wisconsin banks.” Testi mony of Horace White before House Committee on Banking, House Report 1508, 53d Cong., 3d Sess., 84. THE STATE BANKING SYSTEM S. 369 banks withdrew from the Suffolk and transferred their de posits to the Bank of Mutual Redemption. There was some friction between the two institutions and it was feared in some quarters that the entire system would be endangered, but a mutual exchange of the notes of their patrons was arranged between the two banks. The Suffolk Bank with drew from the system 011 November 1, 1858, upon the ground that “ its main feature, the right to send home bills for specie, cannot be given up without destroying its efficacy,” and that “ under the existing circumstances the bank does not wish to stand in the way of a trial of the attempted experi ment of a foreign money system to be conducted on less stringent principles.” The Suffolk Bank continued to receive country money at a discount of twenty-five cents per $1000 and to share to this degree in the business of redemption. The circulation of the New England banks in 1858 was less than $40,000,000 and the redemptions for that year through the Suffolk Bank were $400,000,000. Every note, therefore, on the average, passed through the redemption agency ten times a year, or a little less often than once a month. This frequency of redemptions not only tested the solvency of the banks by the ultimate test of a banking currency, but it kept the cir culation constantly adjusted to business conditions. The redemptions through the Suffolk agency were $76,248,000 in 1834 and increased to $105,457,000 in 1837. There were fluctuations during the period of specie suspension, but the redemptions increased progressively to $137,000,000 in 1845, $220,000,000 in 1850 and $341,000,000 in 1855, until they reached their maximum of $400,000,000 in 1858. The ex penses of carrying on the redemption agency reached a maximum of $40,000 in 1858, making an average expense of ten cents per $1000. The suspension of specie payments by the banks of the country at the close of 1861, as the re sult of Secretary Chase’s issue of government demand notes, arrested the regularity of redemptions through the Suffolk system and it was superseded before resumption by the National 24 banking system. The Suffolk system was never 370 H ISTORY OF MODERN BAN KS OF ISSUE. sustained by formal law, but it maintained New England bank currency for a generation at par with gold and pre vented any losses to note-holders larger than a fraction of one per cent, of the entire volume of circulation. New York tried two banking systems under which many strong banks were created, but both of which failed in some degree through defects of detail. The early New York banks issued notes against their general assets and were chartered under special acts of the legislature, which were granted to some extent as political favors. The Bank of New York was incorporated by Act of March 21, 1791, after having done business for seven years under articles of associ ation drawn by Alexander Hamilton. This bank retained a practical monopoly in New York City until 1799, when the Manhattan Company began a banking business with a capital of $2,000,000. The charter was obtained by the management of Aaron Burr and would undoubtedly have been refused by the Federalist majority in the legislature if it had been clearly understood that it carried banking powers; but the charter was granted for the avowed purpose of supplying the City of New York with pure water and cloaked the banking power under a general provision per mitting the company to employ its surplus in any moneyed transactions not inconsistent with the laws of the State.1 Six additional banks were chartered up to 181 :c ; nine ad ditional in that and the following year, after the lapse of the charter of the Bank of the United States; and twenty-four more from 1813 to 1825. Thirty New York bank charters were to expire between 1829 and 1833, and Governor Van Buren in the former year urged upon the legislature a sweeping measure of reform. He presented what is known as “ the safety-fund plan,” which he stated had been presented to him by Mr. Joshua Forman of Syracuse. Mr. Forman declared that “ The propriety of making the banks liable for each other was suggested by the regulations of the Hong merchants in Canton, where a number of men, each acting separately, 1Roberts, 477, THE STATE BANKING SYSTEM S . 371 have, by a grant of the government, the exclusive right of trading with foreigners and are all made liable for the debts of each in case of failure.” Mr. Forman did not propose to extend this principle further than the guarantee of the circulating notes, but by accident or design the bill which passed the legislature made the safety fund liable for all the debts of a failed bank. Each bank was required to pay annually to the Treasurer of the State a sum equal to onehalf of one per cent, of its capital stock until the payments should amount to three per cent. The first act, approved April 2, 1829, provided for the distribution of the assets of a failed bank in the usual way and that, after all the assets had been turned into money and the final distribution made, a court of chancery should enter an order showing the amount necessary to discharge the remaining debts and should authorize the Comptroller to pay the amount from the bank fund. This law was modified by the Act of May 8, 1837, to enable the State authorities to take such measures as might be necessary for the immediate payment of the notes of any insolvent bank whose liabilities in excess of assets should not exceed two-thirds of the bank fund. It was not until 1842, after the failure of nine of the banks incorporated under the safety fund system, that an act was passed making the circulating notes only a charge against the safety fund and leaving the other liabilities of the failed bank to be paid from the assets. The panic of 1837 put the safety fund to its first test and compelled the State Comptroller to make heavy payments in the redemption of circulating notes. Three important banks in Buffalo failed early in May, 1837, with a reported circulation of $413,961. The Comptroller announced that their bills would be received in payment of canal tolls and other debts to the State and they were maintained substan tially at par. The charters of two banks were repealed by the Legislature in 1837 and their notes redeemed by the State, but one of these charters was renewed and the pay ments from the safety fund were reimbursed. The safety fund was practically intact in 1840 and stood at $870,615. 372 HISTORY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE. The next three years witnessed eleven failures, which prac tically wiped out the safety fund and compelled calls upon the solvent banks to make it good. The redemption of notes was suspended after the first four failures, because the fund was deemed no more than sufficient to cover their liabilities, but the Act of 1842 permitted the banks to antici pate their annual contributions by as much as six years in some cases and to pay into the fund at par the notes of the failed banks. The banks very generally took advantage of this provision and made a good profit on notes of the failed banks which had fallen into their hands at a considerable discount. Their advance payments did not involve a loss of interest, as the original law required the investment of the bank fund and the payment of interest to the banks, and the Act of 1842 granted seven per cent, interest on the advance payments. Redemptions of notes up to September 30, 1850, were $1,614,577 and payments to other creditors up to 1851 were $1,088,109. The failure of the L,ewis County Bank in November, 1854, with deposits of only $1,998 and outstanding notes for $148,545, found the safety fund no longer adequate to redeem circulation. Future contributions up to i860 were pledged for the redemption of the public stocks which had been issued to obtain ready money to provide for previous failures. The notes of the L,ewis County Bank were finally redeemed twelve years later and the notes of the three banks which failed in 1857 were provided for out of their assets. The total contributions to the safety fund from its creation to the abolition of the system were $3,104,999. The safety fund system broke down primarily because the fund was made to cover all liabilities instead of simply the liability for note issues. The fact that another system was adopted for banks organized after 1838 also operated to the injury of the safety fund system, because no new banks became contributors and the failure and withdrawal of some of the old ones gradually reduced the number over whose resources the liability was distributed. Another evil by no means inherent in the safety fund system, but which THE STATE BANKING SYSTEMS . 373 increased the demand upon it, was the issue of notes by several of the safety fund banks in excess of the maximum allowed by law. This defect was remedied in 1843 by an act providing for the issue of notes registered and counter signed by the Comptroller and the surrender of the plates with which the banks were then printing their notes. A mistake was made also in basing the contributions of the banks to the safety fund upon their capital rather than upon their outstanding circulation. But the arrest of the expansion of the system, the over-issue of notes in viola tion of law, and the distribution of the assessment in pro portion to capital, would not have prevented the success of the safety fund system if the fund had been maintained exclusively for the redemption of circulating notes. The fund would have amply secured the notes of the New York banks and ensured their prompt redemption at par, even without the reduplicated security afforded by the constitu tion of 1846, which made the notes a first lien on the assets and made stockholders liable, to the amount of their stock, for the debts of a failed bank contracted after January 1, 1850. A careful estimate shows that the annual assessment required on the average from 1829 to 1865 to keep the fund good and redeem every dollar of the circulation of suspended banks would have been less than one-fourth of one per cent, of the banking capital, or about three-eighths of one per cent, on the average outstanding circulation.1 Bank charters continued to be granted in New York by special acts and to be subject to political favor after the adoption of the safety fund plan and up to 1838. A cam paign for free banking,—in the sense of equal right to all persons complying with fixed conditions,—was waged by 1Root, New York Bank Currency, “ Sound Currency,” Vol. II., No. 5, p. 15. Millard Fillmore, who was Comptroller of the State in 1848, showed that up to that time, covering the period of the most numerous failures, the contributions to the safety fund had been #1,876,063 and the outstanding circulation of the failed banks $1,548,558, leaving a surplus of $327,505, if the fund had been used simply to guarantee circulation. 374 ' HISTORY OF MODERN BAN KS OF ISSUE. the Loco-Foco Democrats for several years and bore fruit in the Free Banking Act of April 18, 1838. Individuals or associations were authorized by this act to engage in the issue of notes, which were to be delivered to them by the State Comptroller, upon depositing with him the stocks of the United States, of the State of New York, or of any other State approved by the Comptroller, made: equal to a five per cent. New York stock. Provision was also made for issuing notes on bonds and mortgages on improved, pro ductive and unincumbered real estate worth double the amount secured by the mortgage, and the notes were to show whether they were secured by stocks or by mortgages. The mortgage feature of the law opened the door to a paper money Saturnalia as dangerous as the issues of Law’s Bank, the assignats of the National Assembly, or the Land Bank of Norway ; but fortunately the conditions attached to the issue of notes for mortgages were somewhat severe and such issues never attained any considerable proportion of the aggregate circulation of the free banks. The (provision for mortgages as a basis for circulation was repealed in 1863 and securities for note issues were restricted solely to stocks of the State of New York and of the United States. Individuals as well as associations were prompt to take advantages of the free banking law and the amount of capi tal subscribed by January 1, 1839, was $10,838,175. The actual circulation under the law at that time was only $396,300, but the circulation had increased by December 1, 1839, to about $6,000,000, issued by seventy-six persons or associations, with fifty-seven additional applications pending. Eight of these banks went out of business before January 1, 1841, and eighteen more followed in the course of the next year. The notes were redeemed at an average discount of twenty per cent, for those secured by stocks and twenty-five per cent, for those secured by stock and real estate. The results of the sales of securities up to the close of 1850 showed aggregate receipts of $1,142,758 upon stocks which had been accepted as security for circula tion to the amount of $1,468,245. This afforded a dividend THE STATE BANKING SYSTEMS . 375 of about 77 per cent, upon the circulation thus redeemed. The New York stocks sold on the average for 92.86 per cent. ; Michigan stocks came next at 72.95 per cent.; Indiana bringing up the rear at 49.08 per cent. The fact that individuals could issue notes under the free banking law upon the deposit of securities led to many vi sionary efforts to exploit credit and resulted in 1844 in legis lation requiring an individual banker to deposit securities to the amount of not less than $50,000 and to transact business in the place in which he resided. A market was created in New York for a time for securities which did not find a ready sale elsewhere and quotations for such securities were strengthened, but this market was destroyed by the Act of 1840, limiting the securities thereafter accepted to those of New York. Such changes gradually strengthened the sys tem until there was little to be desired on the single ground of security. The failures during the first twelve years of the free banking system showed losses of $326,000, or only $27,200 per year on an average circulation of about $6,000,000. This was less than one-half of one per cent, per year and the losses in the remaining fifteen years of the operation of the system averaged only $4800 per year on a circulation of about $22,000,000, or less than one-fortieth of one per cent. The circulation issued under the free banking law was not a strong reliance, however, in times of pressure and was threatened at such times, when strength was most needed, by the decline in securities. It had little elasticity and did not meet the demands of the business community in this respect nearly so well as the circulation of the safety fund banks. Defects of detail were gradually eliminated, however, and the system was successful enough to attract attention in Canada in 1850 and to become the model of the national banking system of the United States in 1863. The banking laws of New York were followed also in many Western States, but not always closely enough to assure the later systems the solidity of the original. The State Bank of Ohio, created in 1845, was one of the best of these institutions and its note issues were protected by a 376 HISTORY OF MODERN BAN KS OF ISSUE. combination of the safety fund and security principles. The bank was not, as its name might imply, an institution of State, but was owned entirely by individuals and acted as a sort of board of control for the branch banks. Each branch was required to deposit with the board of control ten per cent, of the amount of its circulating notes, either in specie or in the bonds of the State or the United States, as a safety fund for the protection of the entire note issues of the bank. Each branch was liable for the circulation, but not for the other liabilities, of the other branches. The reimbursement of the safety fund for notes redeemed was constituted the first lien on the assets of a failed branch. The State Bank of Ohio was eminently successful and was managed in much the same way as the State Bank of Indiana. The aggregate capital of the thirty-six branches in 1863 was $4,054,700 ; circulation, $7,246,513 ; loans and discounts, $8,653,459; deposits, $5,631,629 ; and specie, $2,216,982. The State of Michigan enacted a safety-fund law in 1836, but it was forgotten and ignored in the phrensy of paper in flation which swept over the State during the next few years. The first session of the State legislature in 1837 passed a general banking law, which was followed up after the panic in the same year by an act permitting new banks to begin business in a condition of suspension of specie pay ments. Thirty per cent, of the capital was required to be paid in specie, but this provision was evaded by borrowing specie for a few days when the bank commissioners made their tours of inspection. Any twelve free-holders could form a bank if they were able to show a capital of $50,000, including thirty per cent, in specie and the remainder in bonds and mortgages approved by the Auditor General of the State.1 The restraints of the law were so recklessly violated that the State was soon flooded with $1,000,000 in worthless bills. Banks were created after specie resumption in the most inaccessible places, that their notes might not be presented for redemption; and Eastern speculators took out 1Felch, Senate Ex. Doc. 38, 52d Cong., 2d Sess., 76. THE STATE BANKING SYSTEMS. 377 Michigan charters and issued the bills in other States where the standing of the banks could not be known. “ They were at a great discount,’’ says Judge Cooley, “ as compared with Eastern bills; the issues of one bank were at a dis count as compared with those of another; merchants kept couriers by whom they hurried off to the banks of issue the bills they were compelled to take, that they might if possi ble exchange them for something in which they had more confidence. No ‘ circulating medium ’ ever before circulated so rapidly.” 1 Fraudulent over-issues were frequent and in many cases were not even recorded. Misery and bankruptcy spread over the State, with their natural sequence of stay laws and laws fixing the value at which the property of debtors should be taken. The free banks were nearly all in the hands of receivers when, in 1844, the Supreme Court of the State decided that even the receiverships had no legal existence, for the general banking act had been passed in violation of the constitutional provision regarding corpora tions, which implied the necessity of a separate charter in each case. Banking laws basing the issue of notes upon securities were adopted by Illinois in 1851, Indiana in 1852, Wisconsin in 1853, and other States soon after. The restrictions which experience in New York showed to be necessary to protect note-holders received little attention in the West and the rapid depreciation of the “ red dog” and “ wildcat” cur rency cast a suspicion upon State bank issues which has survived to this day. Fifty-one of the ninety-four free banks of Indiana suspended before the panic of 1857 and most of those left tumbled like a house of cards in all the States when the pressure came. A fictitious market was created for securities, which brought prices that could not have been otherwise obtained, and the stimulus was thus given for the creation of public debt by the issue of securities, the issue of bank-notes on the securities, the purchase of more securities to be used as the pledge of new bank-notes, 1Michigan , 272. 378 HISTORY OF MODERN BAN KS OF ISSUE . and so on in an endless chain of debt creation and the infla tion of paper wealth. It was usually found when a bank failed that the securities could not be marketed for their face value and in many cases that there were no other avail able assets. The Bank Comptroller of Wisconsin reported as late as 1863 a list of fifteen failed banks whose notes he was redeeming at rates ranging from sixty cents to ninetyfive and a half cents on the dollar.1 The basis of redemp tion, however, was not coin, but United States Treasury notes, themselves depreciated about thirty per cent., so that it was necessary to multiply the one depreciation into the other to obtain the scanty proceeds in coin of Wisconsin notes based upon “ securities.” Free banking laws were passed in eastern States, but the system made little headway in those States against the established credit of the chartered banks. One of the most dismal chapters in American banking history is that which records the creation and collapse of banks owned and managed by the States. The Federal Constitution sought to close the door against issues of the legal tender paper money, which had worked such havoc with prices and credit during the Revolutionary era, by the decree that no State should “ emit bills of credit.” The Supreme Court sustained the force of this prohibition in the case of Craig vs. the State of Missouri (4 Peters, 410), and decided that the certificates issued by the State and made receivable for salaries and taxes, even though not full legal tender, fell under the ban of the constitutional restriction. A different spirit ruled the court when the case of Brisco vs. the Bank of the Commonwealth of Kentucky was decided in 1837. Chief-Justice Marshall had just died, but Justice Story, who dissented from the majority decision, insisted that his dead associate had agreed with him, that the pend ing case could not be distinguished in principle from that of Craig vs. Missouri. The majority found a distinction in the fact that the bills in question were issued by a bank under 1 Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on Condition of the Banks at the Commencement of 1863, 204. THE STATE BANKING SYSTEM S . 379 the direction of a president and twelve directors. They held, notwithstanding the fact that the bank was exclusively the property of the State, that the notes were not ‘‘ bills of credit ” within their definition, which included only “ paper issued by the authority of a State on the faith of the State, and designed to circulate as money.,, 1 The mania for banks of State was already well on its course before this decision was made. The Commonwealth of Kentucky had been part owner in the Bank of Kentucky, incorporated in 1806, and owned $586,400 of the capital stock of $2,726,100 when the charter was repealed in 1822. The Bank of Kentucky was hampered throughout its career by State interference, but was paying specie and its stock was at par when the State decided to set up a rival under its own exclusive ownership and management. The new-comer was the Bank of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, chartered for twenty years by the Act of November 29, 1820, with a capital of $2,000,000, which was increased December 22, 1820, to $3,000,000. The State availed itself of the power to appoint additional directors in the old bank to pack the board with pliant tools, who soon effected its ruin for the benefit of the new institution. The Bank of the Common wealth, however, was a pitiable failure. Its notes had fallen on March 22, 1822, to sixty-two and a half cents on the dol lar and they continued to fall until the entire State was embroiled in a legal controversy which almost ended in 1 Brisco vs. Bank of Kentucky is reported in 11 Peters, 257. Prof. Sumner declares that by this decision ‘‘wildcat banking was granted standing ground under the Constitution ” and that “ the decisions of the Supreme Court on the constitutionality of the Legal Tender Act must have borne an entirely different color, if Marshall’s opinion had prevailed in Brisco’s cas e.”—Andrew Jackson, 363. Judge Story went so far, in his Commentaries on the Constitution, as to intimate that if the question were a new one, it would be doubtful if the States had power under the Constitution to incorporate banks of issue ; but it is obvious that the permission to issue notes, circulating, like other commercial paper, upon private credit, is very different from the issue under public authority of legal tender money.—Kent, Commen taries, I., 408. 380 HISTORY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE . revolution. The hard times of 1818 had resulted in the charter of forty-six banks with a total capital of $8,720,000, but the demand for specie by the United States Bank drove them to the wall and the State was left without solvent banks. A more permanent legacy of the hard times was a replevin law, passed in 1820, which gave debtors two years within which to redeem their goods unless payment was ac cepted by creditors in notes of the Bank of the Commonwealth. ‘‘ The relief laws, ’’ of which the replevin law was one, became the political issue of the hour. Judge Clarke, of the Clarke County District Court, declared one of the provisions of the replevin law unconstitutional, as impairing the obli gation of existing contracts. The Appellate Court sustained Judge Clarke, in spite of an effort to remove him by an ex tra session of the legislature, but the relief party swept the State in the elections of 1824, repealed all laws concerning the Appellate Court and created a new Court of Appeals. The Justices of the old court took the ground that their offices were created by the Constitution and could be abol ished only by constitutional amendment. Their records were taken from them and kept under military guard, but the old court continued to meet and decide cases alongside of the new. The next electoral campaign found the people in more sober mood. The “ Old Court party ” elected sixty members of the legislature against thirty-five of the “ New Court party,” and at the next election a majority of the Senate was secured and a bill was passed in December, 1825, over the veto of the governor, by which all the laws consti tuting the new court were repealed.1 An act was passed in 1830 by which the Bank of the Commonwealth ceased to loan money, apparently for the reason that no one cared to borrow the sort of money which it issued. The Commonwealth of Kentucky had a share in some banks afterwards established, but it did not again attempt the folly of State management. The State of Alabama had an experience with a bank of State which, according to Governor Jones, has subjected the 1Shaler, 178-84. THE STATE BANKING SYSTEMS . 381 people to a permanent tax of nearly $1000 per day for taxa tion to meet the cost of the experiment.1 An act was passed December 21, 1820, to incorporate the Bank of the State of Alabama, but it provided for a capital of $2,000,000, of which three-fifths was to be obtained by private subscriptions. Subscriptions were slow in coming and the difficulty was met by an Act of 1823, removing any limit upon the capital and providing that the State should furnish the whole. Various public funds were set apart to consti tute a part of the capital, among them the proceeds from the sale of lands donated by Congress for schools, amounting to about $1,300,000, and the funds of the University of Ala bama to the amount of about $500,000. These grants were only a beginning, and between 1832 and 1837 the State issued bonds to the amount of $13,800,000 for the increase of the capital of the bank and to enable it to resume specie payments. The purpose of the founders of the bank was to distribute the bank money as evenly as possible among the people of the State and the original act stipulated that the loans be apportioned among the several counties in proportion to their representation in the General Assembly. Loans to a single individual or corporation were not to exceed $2,000, but this rule was not closely adhered to in loans to the president and directors. The president and twelve direc tors were chosen by the General Assembly and the choice of directors for the branch banks increased the number annually chosen to between sixty and seventy. Candidates for the assembly were compelled to promise their supporters liberal loans in case of election and to exact pledges from candidates for the directorships that the loans should be granted. One of the hotel keepers of Tuscaloosa succeeded in securing an election as director in 1832 and his hotel swarmed with members of the legislature and persons desiring to borrow money, who hoped to secure his support in the negotiation of loans. Four other hotel keepers 1 Century, Cheap Money Experiments, 88. 382 HISTORY OF MODERN BANKS OF ISSUE. realized that they were conducting business under a heavy handicap and secured their own election as directors in 1834. A director could not afford to refuse a discount requested by a member of the legislature and the discounts of the bank increased from $448,859 in 1826 to $20,642,473 in November, 1837. The circulation had swelled in the meantime from $273>5°7 to $6,676,050. Those were “ flush times” in Alabama and so complete was the intoxication of the people with the paper money craze that the General Assembly on January 9, 1836, passed an act abolishing direct taxation in the State and setting aside $100,000 of the bank money to defray the expenses of the State government. The crisis of 1837 led to an investi gation of the discounts and it was found that over $6,000,000 were worthless. Confidence in the paper money, *‘ sup ported by the faith and credit and wealth of the State, ’* to use the favorite phrase of the champions of government paper money, suddenly collapsed and with it the whole structure of business and credit in Alabama. The General Assembly was hastily summoned in special session and authorized a loan to the people of $5,000,000 in bank money, which was increased by $2,500,000 in December; but the fever had run its course, the charters of the branch banks were repealed in 1842, and the charter of the State Bank was not renewed when it expired in 1845. The assets of the bank netted about $10,000,000 towards reducing the bonded debt to the State, but $4,000,000 was a dead loss, in addition to the public funds originally set aside for the use of the bank. The effect of their experiment with a bank of State upon the people of Alabama was indicated by the provision of the constitution of 1867, that “ The State shall not be a stock-holder in any bank, nor shall the credit of the State ever be given or loaned to any banking company or association or corporation.’’ Mississippi had a similar experience. Two early experi ments in State ownership with bad results did not deter the people from the establishment of the Union Bank of Missis sippi in 1838 with a capital of $15,000,000. This capital THE STATE BANKING SYSTEMS. 383 was to be raised by means of loans to be obtained from the directors and the loans were to be negotiated through bonds of the State for which the credit of the State was pledged. The first block of $5,000,000 in bonds was sold at par through Nicholas Biddle, president of the Bank of the United States. The bank management exercised the wTorst possible judg ment in loans and advances and the bank ran its course within four years. Post notes were issued, on account of the suspension of specie payments, and the issues of the bank and its six branches had increased in April, 1840, to $3,337,665. The other banks vied with the Union Bank in the issue of currency and at the close of 1839 the twenty-six banks in the State professed to have a paid up capital of $30,379,403, loans and discounts of $48,333,728 and a circula tion of $15,171,639. As the free white population of the State at that time was only 170,000, the alleged paid-up capital equalled $180 per capita, loans and discounts $285, and circulation nearly $90. The State repudiated her obliga tions on the bonds issued and never attempted to pay them. The results upon the community are thus set forth by Mr. Henry V. Poor : 1 The $48,coo,000 of loans were never paid ; the $23,000,000 of notes and deposits never redeemed. The whole system fell, a huge and shapeless wreck, leaving the people of the State very much as they came into the world. Their condition at the time beggars description. Society was broken up from its very foundations. Everybody was in debt, without any possible means of payment. Lands became worth less, for the reason that 110 one had any money to pay for them. The only personal property left was slaves, to save which, such num bers of people fled with them from the State that the common return upon legal processes against debtors was in the very abbreviated form of “ G. T. T .” gone to Texas,—a State which in this way received a mighty accession to her population. Several other Southern and Western States went through similar experiences. The Union Bank of Florida, chartered by the territorial government on February 12, 1833, with a capital of $1,000,000, was assisted by the issue of State bonds, 1Money and Its Laws , 540. 384 HISTORY OF MODERN B AN KS OF ISSUE . of which more than half were sold in Europe. The pro ceeds were loaned on stock and mortgages, mainly to stock holders, and the circulation was run up in 1839 to $551,747. A committee of the legislature made an investigation in 1840 and their report was very unfavorable to the bank. The State government, after the admission of Florida to the Union, refused to recognize the privileges of the Union Bank and the Secretary of State reported in 1858 that its circulating notes were worth not more than twenty cents on the dollar. A real estate bank was one of the features of the Arkansas system, towards which the subscribers to the stock were required to pay nothing in, but merely to secure their subscriptions by mortgaging their real estate. The working capital of the institution was obtained by the issue of State bonds, of which $2,000,000 were authorized. “ A prudent expansion of the currency of the State” was one of the avowed objects of the bank and loans were made within a year after opening on December 12, 1838, amount ing to $1,585,190. The circulation of the bank at this time was only $156,910, but specie payments were suspended and circulation was increased in May, 1840, to $759,000. The notes suffered a discount of forty to forty-five per cent, and it was soon discovered that the collection of loans on maturity was a far different matter from making them. The directors made an assignment on April 2, 1842, and the notes of the bank afterward passed for about twenty-five per cent, of their face value in specie. A like experiment had been going on in the meantime with the Bank of the State of Arkansas and the total amount of unredeemed bonds issued by the State on behalf of both banks, including interest, up to October 1, 1868, was $4,993,503. Illinois tried several experiments at issuing money upon “ the credit of the State,” and the circulation of the State Bank of Illinois, incorporated in 1821, did not exceed $300 000. Even this moderate limit did not keep the notes from falling within three years to twenty-five cents on the dollar, and in 1825 an act was passed requiring the cashier of the bank to collect all the signed and unsigned notes in his pos THE STATE BANKING SYSTEMS. 385 session and bum them in the public square of Vandalia, in the presence of the governor and the judges of the Supreme Court. The next State Bank was incorporated in 1835 and $2,000,000 of the capital subscribed by the State was paid by the issue of bonds, which were taken by the bank at par. Assistance was also given to the Bank of Illinois at Shawneetown, but both banks collapsed in 1842 and the State was saved from much actual loss by the surrender by the banks of the State stock, which was burned in the Capital Square at Springfield in the presence of the legislature. The Con stitution of 1848 provided that no State bank should there after be created nor should the State own any banking stock. Tennessee authorized a State Bank in 1820, which issued $1,000,000 in inconvertible notes in loans of $500 each upon real estate mortgages worth double the amount.1 The notes quickly dropped below par and the bank closed in 1832. Louisiana incorporated the Union Bank of Louisiana in 1832 upon similar principles with those of the Union Bank of Florida and issued $7,000,000 in State bonds to provide the capital. Bonds to the amount of $10,004,000 were issued to two other institutions, but all three failed in 1842 and the State enacted a sound banking law, under which she became in i860 the fourth State in the Union in banking capital and the second in specie holdings.8 The essential feature of the law was the requirement that the liabilities be covered onethird by specie and the remaining two-thirds by commercial paper having not more than ninety days to run. Louisiana prohibited State subscriptions for bank stock in her constitu tion of 1852. Georgia, Vermont, Missouri, Delaware and the Carolinas all tried State ownership and management of banks, but the first two early abandoned the experiment. The others ceased to be banks of issue with the establish ment of the national banking system. The Farmers’ Bank of Delaware was never much under political influences and is still conducted as a bank of discount and deposit. The Bank of Missouri had a coin reserve of one-third of its cir 1Knox, Rhodes's Journal of Banking, Oct., 1892. 2 White, Sound Currency, Vol. II., No. 1, p. 5. HISTORY OF MODERN BANKS OF ISSUE. culation and its connection with the State ended in 1866 by the sale of the State stock. The State Bank of Indiana stands out, in the language of Mr. Horace White, a “ notable tribute to sound banking principles from the weltering mass of bank failures of the period covered.’’ The first bank of State was created origi nally as a private institution and adopted by the constitu tion of the State upon her admission in 1816 as a public bank. The experiment was a failure and it was not until 1834 that the State Bank of Indiana was incorporated, with ten branches. The parent bank, with a president and five directors elected by the legislature, acted as a sort of board of control over the branches, each of which was organized with a capital of $160,000 and chose one director as a part of the board of control. The two essential differences be tween the Bank of Indiana and the other banks of State were the payment of the capital in actual cash and the issue of notes upon liquid assets. The State, which took half the capital of each branch, paid its proportion in silver and ad vanced five-eighths of the private capital by the sale of five per cent, bonds in London, taking mortgage security for the final payment by the shareholders and crediting them with the dividends paid by the bank. The remaining threeeighths of the private capital was paid in cash by the share holders, and each shareholder was made liable for an amount equal to his stock and the branches were jointly liable for each other’s debts. The bank had a circulation in 1839 of $2,951,594. The State Bank maintained a high credit, but was unable to obtain the renewal of its charter upon its expiration in 1857 because of a provision in the new constitution of 1851 that ‘‘ the State shall not be a stock-holder in any bank after the expiration of the present bank charter.” The State realized profits of $3,500,000 on the $1,000,000 invested in the institution, and its management had done so much for the development of the State that special privileges were given to a new State Bank of Indiana which was chartered March 3, 1855. The act of incorporation was quietly carried THE STATE BANKING SYSTEMS. 387 through by a syndicate of politicians, who became large subscribers to the stock of the various branches. They opened negotiations with the managers of the old bank for the sale of the franchises and the latter made the purchase upon the condition that Hugh McCulloch, who had been for twenty years manager of the old Fort Wayne branch, should be made the president. The bank weathered the crisis of 1857 without suspending specie payments and rapidly retired its circulation when gold went to a premium in 1862. The bank was required by the conditions of its charter to pay its notes in coin, but a decision was obtained from the Supreme Court of the State that the United States legal tender notes were lawful money and could be lawfully used for the re demption of the notes. The circulation was reissued upon this basis, but upon the imposition of the ten per cent, tax on the circulation of State banks the State Bank of Indiana wound up its affairs with ample assets and unimpaired credit.1 The suspension of specie payments at the outbreak of the Civil War drove gold and silver from circulation and required an expansion of bank-note issues to maintain the volume of the currency. The Suffolk system continued in operation at Boston, but the notes failed to flow in as rapidly as before for redemption. The fact was noted and commented upon by the reports of the bank commissioners of Maine, New Hampshire and Massachusetts in their annual reports at the close of 1862 and among the reasons assigned was the fact that ‘‘ in the present unsettled state of public affairs, the people have more confidence in the bills of the local banks than in any other paper currency.” 2 Other reasons sug gested were the large sums carried by soldiers to the seat of war and other sums left to be expended by their families, and the large amount of Eastern bills sent to the West by 1McCulloch, Ch. xi.-xii. 2 Report of the Bank Commissioners of Maine, December 8, 1862, in Annual Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the Condition of the Banks of the United States at the Commencement of the Year 1863, p. 3. 388 HISTORY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE . New York banks, to fill the gap created by the winding up of local institutions. The bank commissioners of Massa chusetts maintained that when specie payments are sus pended, “ and bills are no longer redeemable in gold, a great motive for sending them home is withdrawn, since, if in good credit, they are as valuable as anything which can be got in exchange for them. Men hold them and hoard them, there fore, precisely as they would do with specie, and the volume of the currency becomes greater precisely as its current grows more sluggish.” It was very generally feared that the banks would sell their gold at a profit as it attained a high premium over legal tender paper, but the New England banks generally held on to their specie as a provision for the protection of their creditors and as security for future resumption. The com missioner of Maine reported, regarding the sale of specie for a premium, that “ No instance has come to our knowl edge where any bank has done anything of this kind ; and certainly it cannot have been practised to any great extent, for the comparative tables show that, notwithstanding the suspension act, the specie in our banks has decreased only some $40,000.” The New Hampshire commissioners re ported that ‘‘ the banks have not only kept their faith with the public, in retaining their specie in the vaults, but have actually increased the aggregate amount of specie, $38,827.52, or more than twelve per cent.” The Massachusetts com missioners undertook to discourage sales of specie and de clared that they “ regard the sale of gold by the banks as altogether illegal, so long as they refuse to pay specie on their obligations. *’ One of the disadvantages of-issuing bank-note circulation on securities was disclosed at the outbreak of the war in the sudden fall in value of Southern State bonds pledged by Northern banks to secure their circulation. This shrinkage in the value of the security for the notes was especially felt in Wisconsin. The case of the Koshkonong Bank, whose stock amounted at par to $48,000, of which all but $3,000 was issued by Southern States, was one of the worst, but THE STATE BANKING SYSTEMS. 389 was typical of many others. The net proceeds of the bonds, when sold in the New York market, were only $21,769 and afforded the billholders only fifty-four and three-fourths per cent, on the dollar against an apparently well secured cir culation of $39,779. The Bank Comptroller of Wisconsin was compelled to call upon nearly all the banks to make good the depreciation of stocks and their position became so precarious that a joint resolution was passed by the legis lature on February 15, 1861, suspending further calls for additional securities. The Comptroller declared that “ a general failure, involving three-fourths of all the banks, was imminent unless relief in some shape was granted ; and there is scarcely any occasion for doubt but at least eighty out of the one hundred and nine then existing banks would have failed.” The resolution of February was rescinded early in April and another call was made upon the banks to bring up the value of their stocks. Thirteen banks failed to respond and resisted the action of the Comptroller in the courts. The stronger banks gradually replaced Southern securities by those of Northern States and continued business upon this basis until the establishment of the national banking system. A shrewd stock jobbing scheme was put in operation by some of the bankers in the meantime by buying up depreci ated currency at a great discount and offering it to the Comptroller for redemption in the better class of bonds, which could then be sold at a handsome margin over the cost of the currency. The Comptroller refused to permit the withdrawal of bonds except in such a way as to leave the better bonds in the custody of the State as security for the remaining circulation, bul \e modified this policy when he found speculators holding < . to the notes, in anticipation of their final redemption from he proceeds of the stock, and surrendered good and bad stoc s in fixed proportions.1 The New England banks fe the pressure of the repudia1 Report of G. Van Steenwyck, tank Comptroller of Wisconsin, Madison, October 1, 1861. House <x. Doc. 25, 37th Cong., 3d Sess., 190-94. 390 HISTORY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE . tiou of Southern obligations, but they had been preparing for it. Deposits fell in Boston from $20,811,889 on October 8, i860, to $17,176,778 on December 10th, and specie reserves fell on December 17th to $3,491,348,—far below the limit re quired by law. The whole amount of Southern indebted ness to the North was estimated by intelligent merchants in New York and Boston at $200,000,000, and a large part of it was lost by the breaking out of war.1 The Boston banks, however, succeeded in restoring their specie reserves by March, 1861, to $5,601,871, and the manner in which the banks of the State met their losses is thus described by the bank commissioners: The system pursued by them for many years, of making an annual reservation of a portion of their yearly earnings, had in some measure protected them against unusual amounts of dishonored and worthless paper. By the bank returns on the last Saturday of October i860, the net profits then on hand amounted to 16,360,539. n , or 9r9gper cent, of the aggregate banking capital of the Commonwealth. And we do not hesitate to express the opinion, based upon the examinations we have made during the past year, and from information specially ob tained from other banks, principally in Boston, that, notwithstanding the losses which some banks must inevitably sustain, the whole amount of final loss growing out of our difficulties with the South will be more than covered by the general surplus, thus leaving the aggregate bank capital free and unimpaired.2 1 Some estimated it at #200,000,000 to New York alone.—Rhodes, III, 560. The honorable conduct of the New Orleans banks is pleas antly referred to by Secretary Hugh McCulloch. The branches of the Bank of Indiana in the southern part of the State, he says, “ had large dealings with men who were engaged in the Southern (Missis sippi) trade, and when measures were being instituted for the seces sion of Louisiana from the Union, and, indeed, after the ordinance of secession had been adopted, these branches had large cash balances and large amounts of commercial paper in the New Orleans banks. Against the remonstrances of the secession leaders, and in disregard of threatened violence, these cash balances and the proceeds of the commercial paper as it matured were remitted for according to direc tions,—not a dollar was withheld .”—Men and Measures of Half a Century, 139. 2 House Ex. Doc. 25, 37th Cong., 3d Sess., 50, THE STATE BANKING SYSTEMS . 391 The growth of the capital and business of the State banks of circulation is shown in the following table : YEAR. 1834 IS35 I836 1837 I838 1839 I84O I84I 1842 1843 I844 1845 1846 1847 I848 1849 I85O 1851 1853 1854 1855 I856 I858 1859 i860 l86l 1862 I863 1857 N O. OF B A N K S. 506 704 713 788 829 84O 901 784 692 69I 696 707 707 715 751 782 824 879 750 1,208 1,307 1,398 1,416 1,422 1,476 1,562 1,601 1,492 1,466 C A P I T A L ST O C K . $200,005,944 231,250,337 251, 875,292 290, 772,091 317,636,778 327, 132,512 358,442,692 313,608,959 260, 171,797 228,861,948 210,872,056 206,045,969 196,894,309 203,070,622 204, 838,175 207,309,361 217,317,211 227,807,553 207,908,519 301, 376,071 332, 177,288 343, 874,272 370,834,686 394,622,799 401,976,242 421,880,095 429, 592,713 418, 139,741 405,045,829 LO A N S A N D D IS C O U N T S. $324, 119,499 365, 163,834 457,506,080 525, 115,702 485,631,687 492, 278,015 462, 896,523 386,487,662 323,957,569 254,544,937 264,905,814 288,617,131 312, 114,404 310, 282,945 344,476,582 332,323,195 364,204,078 413, 756,799 408,943,758 557, 397,779 576,144,758 634,183,280 684,456,887 583,165,242 657, 183,799 69i, 945, 58o 696,778,421 646,677,780 648,601,863 D E P O S IT S . $ 75,666,986 83,081,365 115,104,440 127,397,185 84,691,184 90,240,146 75,696,857 64,890,101 62,408,870 56,168,628 84,550,785 88,020,646 96,913,070 91, 792,533 103,226,177 91,178,623 109,586,595 128,957,712 145,553,876 188,188,744 190,400,342 212,705,662 230, 351,352 185,932,049 259, 568,278 253,802,129 257,229,562 296,322,408 393,686,226 Tradition has handed down unhappy memories of the State banks, which have been distorted by the lapse of time into conceptions very different from the facts. The several sys tems, taken in the aggregate for the entire country, had the great practical defect of lack of uniformity. This defect was great enough to obscure the essential merits of many of the State systems and to make any system which was national in its scope and uniform in its character attractive to the business community of the whole country. Whatever the merits or defects of the State systems, the currency in circulation was judged by the worst of the systems, for by the operation of Gresham’s law that currency tended to drive 392 HISTORY OF MODERN BAN KS OF ISSUE. out of circulation all kinds which were superior; and even where this was prevented by laws or local conditions, the bad currency was a constant source of irritation from the very necessity of discriminating, in receiving money pay^ ments, between the bad and the good. One of the require ments of the modern business world is undoubtedly a uniformity of currency which shall obviate the necessity for discrimination and make every dollar of equal exchange value with every other. This condition was not met by the aggregate of State currencies and the fact that it was fully met by the New England currency at its best may easily have been obscured, in the minds of New Englanders, by the multiplicity of good and bad currencies from other sec tions which caused perpetual inconvenience. The national banking system of later years garnered up the lessons of many experiments with banking upon securi ties, adopted most of the good and discarded most of the bad features, and afforded the country two of the great bene fits of a sound currency,—security and uniformity. The necessity of discrimination between currencies ceased when every dollar in circulation rested upon a common basis,—the credit of the national government. The necessity of paying high exchange rates, or surrendering the notes of distant banks at a heavy discount, ceased also when every note became as good in one part of the Union as in another. Coupled with these great benefits of the new system was the feature of Federal supervision and examination, which arrested the creation of fraudulent banks at the outset and subjected them annually or oftenerto the power of visitation by the national authority. The three great benefits,—secur ity, saving of exchange, and Federal supervision,—are al most inherent parts of a national system. The fact that they have been associated with a particular national system has led many to believe that there can be no other equally good, and that enmity to the present banking law is enmity to the principles of sound finance. But all these benefits can be obtained under national law with the added benefits, which the present system lacks, of a banking currency ample THE STATE BANKING SYSTEMS . 393 for the demands of business, without the help of government paper money, and flexibly responsive to those demands. The foundation of a national currency upon evidences of public debt is dangerous and unscientific and proved fatal to some of the State currencies before the Civil War. A com parison of the State systems shows a distinct line of cleavage which is far from favorable to the principles of the present national banking law. This line of cleavage separates the banks issuing currency against general assets, like those of New England, Indiana, and Louisiana, from those issuing circulation, on the other hand, against securities, like the banks of New York, Illinois, and Wisconsin, and those established under the parental care of the State, like the Bank of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, the Union Bank of Florida, the State Bank of Alabama, and the Bank of Mississippi. The experience of the New England and Indiana banks is the triumphant vindication of the principle of banking on general assets and issuing notes redeemable in coin on demand, which is supported by the critics of the present national system and the advocates of a banking currency. The banks issuing circulation on securities, with their pitiable failures and their wildcat banking, were the prototypes of the national system and afford a hint of what that system would become if note issues based upon State and municipal securities were substituted, as is sometimes proposed, for note issues based upon national bonds. It must be remembered, moreover, that perfect as the secur ity seems for bank-notes under the national system, it is a security which has followed the ups and downs of govern ment paper money. There was neither purpose nor pretence of maintaining the notes of national banks at parity with coin while the notes of the government itself and the bonds by which bank-notes were secured were depreciated. Bank notes remained from 1864 to 1879 at par with government obligations because those obligations themselves were far below par in coin. If the banks issuing circulation upon securities were the model for the national banks of to-day, the banks of State 394 HISTORY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE . which, existed before the war were the models and the prototypes of the Federal treasury management under the rigime of legal tender paper. Their issues were not bank notes in the sense in which banking currency is opposed to a government paper currency, but they were simply the bills of credit of the State resting upon the credit of the State as completely as the paper roubles of the Bank of Rus sia. The fact that they were hardly ever maintained at par in coin, in spite of the great wealth and undoubted hon esty and good faith of the people of the various common wealths, is a practical demonstration of the folly of attempting to do a banking business upon general credit without quick assets. The lesson of the history of the State banking sys tems, reduced to its simplest terms, is the success of the systems based upon the banking principle and the failure of the systems based upon the deposit of securities, like the national banking system, or based simply upon the public credit, like the government currency system of the United States. One of the essential errors of early banking in the United States was the undue expansion of credit upon slender re sources. It is an error common in a new country and one from which the United States and Australia, in more recent years and under other systems of note issue, have not been exempt. The impression has been assiduously cultivated by the opponents of a banking currency that the early American banks issued a volume of circulating notes enor mously in excess of the legitimate demands of business. This impression is absolutely unfounded and the proof is afforded by the figures. Some of the State banking cur rencies were over-issued in the sense that every dollar which is not kept at par with the metallic standard is improperly issued, but the aggregate banking currency of the country was at no time over-issued in the sense that an equal volume of good money was not capable of ready and healthy absorp tion by the legitimate demands of business. The circulation of all forms of money in the United States between 1880 and 1895 has ranged between $21.71 and $24.44 and has only THE STATE BANKING SYSTEMS. 395 recently been regarded, with the slackening of business ac tivity, as beyond the volume required by business needs. It is only necessary to compare such figures with those of the cir culation prior to the Civil War to show how erroneous is the assertion that the currency was unduly inflated in volume during the years of State banking. The following table shows the circulation of both bank-notes and specie at vari ous dates, including the years of largest circulation,—the difference between the bank-note circulation and the total money in circulation representing the specie : YEAR. 1800 l8 lO 1820 1830 1835 1837 I84O 1845 1850 .1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 E S T IM A T E D B A N K N O T E S O U T S T A N D IN G . $ 10,500,000 28,000,000 44,800,000 61,000,000 103,692,495 149, 185,890 106,968,572 98,608,711 131,366,526 188,181,000 204,689,207 186,952,223 195,747,950 214,778,822 155,208,344 193,306,818 T O T A L N O TES AN D M O N E Y IN C IR C U L A T IO N . $ 26,500,000 55,coo,ooo 67,100,000 87,344,295 145,799,637 217,185,890 186,305,488 177,950,405 278,761,982 402,238,107 425,551,240 418,020,247 425,846,625 457,068,708 408,810,028 438,967.542 P O P U L A T IO N . 5,308,483 7,239,881 9 ,633,822 12,866,020 14,786,000 15,655,000 17,069,453 19,878,000 23,191,876 25,615,000 26,433,000 27,256,000 28,083,000 28,916,000 29,753,ooo 30,596,000 C IR C U L A T IO N P E R C A P IT A . $4-99 7.60 6.96 6.69 9.86 13.87 IO.9I 8.95 12.02 15.80 I6.IO 1534 15.16 15.81 13.78 14.35 CHAPTER XV. THK NATIONAL BANKING SYSTEM. State of the National Finances at the Beginning of the War—The Suspension of Specie Payments and the Loan Policy of Secretary Chase—The First Plans for the National Banking System— Changes in the Circulation—The Necessity for a New System and the Plan of Secretary Carlisle—The Adoption of the Gold Standard in 1900, and Later Efforts to Secure Banking Reform. T HE national banking system of the United States had its origin in the management of the finances during the Civil War. The system was hardly in operation until the war was two-thirds over, but it offered a market for the public securities which contributed materially to raise their price in the depreciated paper with which the government discharged its obligations. The system afforded the country for some years a currency having the advantages of uniformity and security, and possessed in these respects a great advantage over the bank currency of the different States which had before been in use. The national bank ing system, however, great as were its services in absorbing the evidences of the public debt, always lacked the essential feature of a purely banking currency. The currency was without elasticity, in the sense of responsiveness to the demands of business, and the volume fluctuated only with the price of securities. The gradual reduction of the public debt has removed the basis for national bank-note circulation until it has become but a minor factor in the currency sys tem of the country, and a strong demand has arisen for the separation of the note issues from public securities. 396 THE NATIONAL BANKING SYSTEM. 39 7 The United States at the outbreak of the Civil War were conducting their financial operations through the independ ent Treasury. The notes of the State banks formed a large part of the medium of exchange in private transactions, but only specie was accepted in payments to the government. The aid of the banks was not sought in handling funds, in making transfers, in placing loans, or in paying interest. This at least was the theory of the independent Treasury, although in fact the absence of proper depositaries led many public officers to deposit their funds temporarily in the banks at their own risk.1 The circulation of the country outside of the Treasury on July 1, 1861, consisted of $246,400,000 in specie and $202,005,767 in the notes of State banks, making a total of $448,405,767, or $13.98 per capita.2 The essential question for Mr. Chase, Lincoln’s Secretary of the Treasury, was whether the operations of a great war could be carried on through these instrumentalities. The question was the occasion of much discussion at the time and has never been answered to the satisfaction of all sides. The answer of Mr. Chase was that the operations of the war could not be carried on upon a basis of specie and State bank paper. The government was obliged almost at the outset to abandon the position that it was able to carry on its own finances with out the help of the banks. Some small loans had been placed by public subscription during the administration of Buchanan, but it was perfectly obvious that great sums could not be obtained quickly except from the banks, which had the keeping of the transferable capital of the country. Secre tary Chase held a conference in New York on August 9, 1861, with representative bankers of New York, Philadel phia, and Boston. They agreed to advance to the Treasury $150,000,000 in gold, to be secured by three-year notes bear ing interest at 7.30 per cent., and to be reimbursed as the proceeds of the sale of bonds were covered into the Treasury. This union of the banks of New York, Boston, and Phila delphia in support of the public credit was one of the most 1Kinley, 60-61. 2 Finance Report, 1894, p. cviii. HISTORY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE. important events of the war and committed the conservative business element conclusively to the side of the Union and the policy of coercion of the seceded States. The banks of the three big Eastern cities had an aggregate capital of $120,000,000, a circulation of $16,964,749, deposits of $125,617,207, and coin reserves of $63,165,039, the latter being equal to forty-five per cent, of demand liabilities.1 They had already made an agreement in November, i860, when secession compelled them to contract their business and pre pare for a period of stress, for issuing clearing house certifi cates and making the specie of all the banks available as a common fund.2 Congress passed an Act on August 5, 1861, relaxing the provisions of the sub-treasury law so far as to permit the Secretary of the Treasury to deposit any money obtained from loans to the credit of the United States Treasurer in such solvent specie-paying banks as he might select.8 The banks accepted this law as authority for the use of the ordi nary means of commercial exchange,—bank-notes, checks and drafts,—in the transactions of the government. They recommended to the Secretary, therefore, that he should take the proceeds of the advances made by the banks by drawing checks and drafts upon the banks, in favor of public creditors. They suggested that this would not only prove of great practical convenience, but would diminish the hoarding which would take place if the banks paid out their coin and reduced their reserves while uneasiness as to the future prevailed in the business community. Secretary Chase, to the surprise of nearly every financier, declared that the Act of August 5th had no such meaning or intent and that he should require payment of the advances in coin. The subject was warmly discussed between the Secretary and the bankers, but the Secretary’s purpose was unshaken and the banks yielded rather than break off negotiations so important to the maintenance of the public credit. 1Poor, 557. * Bolles, III,, 23. 3 Acts of Thirty-seventh Congress, 1st Sess., Ch. 46, Section 6. THE NATIONAL BANKING SYSTEM. 399 One of the acts of the special session of Congress in the summer of 1861 authorized loans in several forms, including non-interest bearing notes of denominations less than $50, payable on demand by the assistant treasurers at New York, Boston, and Philadelphia. These notes were not made legal tender and Secretary Chase, in recommending them, declared that “ The greatest care will, however, be requisite to pre vent the degradation of such issues into an irredeemable paper currencjr, than which no more certainly fatal ex pedient for impoverishing the masses and discrediting the government of any country can well be devised.” Notwith standing this brave language, the Treasury began to issue the new notes early in August. They were very reluctantly accepted as currency and the banks refused to receive them except as special deposits. The new notes threatened to bring infinite disorder into the currency system by the ele ment of inflation which they involved. The banks filed a prompt protest against thus trifling with the circulating medium while they were straining their resources to with draw capital from active industry and divert it to the uses of the government. The Secretary intimated that he would suspend the issue of such notes until other resources were exhausted, but that he did not regard it as proper to pledge himself openly not to exercise a power conferred by law. This was before the advances by the banks had begun, and upon this assurance they began to pay coin into the sub treasury at the rate of about $5,000,000 at intervals of six days. The attempt to secure popular subscriptions for the seven-thirty notes through the agents of the government resulted in subscriptions of only $24,678,866, and the banks themselves came forward and took the notes and agreed to negotiate their distribution among the people. So perfect was the public confidence in the associated banks and so rapid the circulation of the money that the specie in the banks had not been materially reduced after the payment of the second instalment. The gold paid by the banks into the sub-treasury was disbursed by public officers and through the channels of circulation found its way back into 400 H ISTORY OF MODERN BAN KS OF ISSUE . the banks. There was no apparent reason why advances should not be made in this manner to meet all the demands of the war without impairing the solvency of the Eastern banks. Fears were expressed in some quarters that the coin would gradually be absorbed by the Western banks, some of which were on a rather shaky foundation and had issued notes secured by the bonds of the seceded States. This evil had not begun to operate, however, before Secre tary Chase again began to put in circulation a mass of de mand notes issued directly by the government. The Secretary did not long respect his assurances to the banks. The promise was given in August and heavy issues of notes took place in November. They were not cordially received as a means of circulation and were largely presented to the sub-treasuries for redemption in coin. The Treasury had little coin except that drawn from the banks, and the coin reserves of the latter now began to decline without any signs of recuperation. The specie in the New York banks, which was $49,733,990 on August 17th and $42,318,610 on December 7th, fell to $29,357,712 on December 28th. A conference was held with Secretary Chase and he was as sured that the Treasury notes could not be received by the banks at par with coin and that their steady infusion into the currency would send gold to a premium as well as create an inflation of the paper circulation which would drag down the value of bank-notes in the same manner as the Treasury notes. The Secretary stubbornly refused to change his pol icy and the banks voted to suspend specie payments on Mon day, December 31st.1 The government necessarily followed 1 Prof. Sumner seems to ignore the effect of the government issues of the demand notes and declares that the banks suspended, “ without any earnest attempts to avoid it, and certainly without any necessity.” —History of American Currency, 194. Secretary Chase, on the con trary, did not appear to blame the banks, but declared that unex pected military delays had increased expenditures, and diminished confidence in public securities, and that “ These conditions made a suspension of specie payments inevitable .”—Report on the Finances, 1862, 7. THE NATIONAL BANKING SYSTEM. 401 suit, for the independent Treasury afforded no adequate fund of coin for keeping afloat such a mass of paper as Mr. Chase proposed to put into circulation. This suspension, less than six months after the first serious conflict at Bull Run, opened the way for the long experience of irredeemable paper currency which ended only with the resumption of specie payments on January 1, 1879. The legal tender notes, which followed quickly on the heels of the demand notes, changed the standard of value in the United States, drove gold across the ocean or into private hoards, deprived us of foreign help and sympathy,1advanced prices from one hundred to two hundred per cent., and added enormous^ to the profits of speculators and to the costs of the war to the people of the country. The price of gold advanced steadily from the suspension of specie payments until the summer of 1864, when it touched 285. The whole sale prices of nearly all articles climbed upward with the gold premium and retail prices in many cases advanced still more, increasing the paper cost of every contract for carrying on the war. The government was obliged to sell its secu rities for depreciated paper, and to apply the proceeds to settlements in the same inflated medium. A computation of the proceeds of $2,565,233,591 received from the sale of pub lic obligations for paper currency during forty-five months ending September 30, 1865, put the gold value at $1,705,347,632, representing a loss to the government by its depressed credit of $860,000,000, or more than the entire bonded debt left in force at the beginning of the fiscal year 1889.2 There have always been those who have maintained that the suspension of specie payments was a necessary condition 1 In the case of America there was a further ev il; being a new coun try, she ought in her times of financial want to borrow of old coun tries ; but the old countries were frightened by the probable issue of unlimited inconvertible paper, and they would not lend a shilling.— Bagehot, The English Constitution, Ch. i., Works, IV., 46. 2 H. C. Adams, “ American War Financiering,” Pol. Sc. Q’rly., Sep tember, 1886, I., 374. 26 402 HISTORY OF MODERN BA N K S OF ISSUE . of war. The managers of the associated banks of the East recognized no such necessity until Secretary Chase began to flood the country with government paper money for which he had no means of redemption. They pointed out that transactions to the amount of $20,000,000 were settled daily in New York, without coin or even notes and that the settle ment of an additional one or two million dollars daily for the government could be easily effected by the same ma chinery. It was only necessary that the government should have in hand at any one time enough currency, even if it insisted upon coin, for the transactions of a few days, while the means of giving mobility to the capital and resources of the country constantly existed in the hands of the banks. When the Secretary showed himself immovable upon the subject of issuing irredeemable notes, the suggestion was made to him that, if this dangerous path must be trod, it could be done much more safely through the banks than directly through the Treasury. In the forcible language of Mr. George S. Coe, it was represented to Mr. Chase: 1 That if an irredeemable paper currency was the inevitable resort, it would be more expedient and economical for the government not to become involved in its dangers, but to impose the duty and respon sibility of issuing the notes upon the banks, who would naturally be compelled to keep the day of redemption continually in view. Thus, as a suspension of coin payment was about to be declared, it was prac ticable to preserve from distribution and set aside the forty millions of coin then owned by the banks, together with one hundred and fifty or sixty millions of government bonds, which could be taken by them as a special security for two hundred millions of notes, which could then be immediately issued by the associated banks from their own plates, and be verified and made national by the stamp and signa ture of a government officer. And that such an issue, so supported by coin and bonds, at once simple and expeditious, would serve the temporary purpose required, with little if any deterioration below coin value ; and that it would be then practicable for the banks to con tinue, without further agitation, their advances. But the Secretary declined to entertain this suggestion ; preferring the system of na tional banks which he had already conceived. 1 “ Financial History of the War,” Bankers9 Magazine , Jan.. 1876. TtiE NATIONAL BANKING SYSTEM . 403 Secretary Chase made the fatal mistake at the outset of relying upon loans to supply the means of carrying on the war instead of appealing to the productive resources and the patriotism of the people. His recommendation, at the special session of Congress in the summer of 1861, was to raise $80,000,000 by taxation and $240,000,000 by loans. Of the amount raised by taxation $65,000,000 was required for the ordinary expenses of the peace establishment, $9,000,000 was to pay the interest on the new debt, and $5,000,000 was to go to the establishment of a sinking fund for its final payment. It is no afterthought to declare that this policy of timidity was not approved by the country. A meeting of bank delegates was held in Washington on January 11, 1862, which recommended a tax bill to raise $125,000,000 in addition to the usual duties on imports. A resolution was introduced in the House four days later de claring in favor of an annual revenue of $150,000,000. This resolution passed the House with only five dissenting votes, and its beneficial effect was shown by the advance of six per cent, bonds from 90 to 107. The New York Chamber of Commerce, on April 24th, adopted a memorial to Con gress declaring “ that the masses of the people are ready and desirous to contribute their quota to the ordinary and extraordinary revenues of the country,’’ and that the public expenditures demanded an annual revenue of at least $250,000,000. It was not until his annual report of 1863 that Secretary Chase awakened to the importance of taxation as a means of supporting the public credit, and suddenly expressed his desire for providing ‘‘ for the largest possible amount of ex traordinary expenditures by taxation.” The net ordinary receipts, exclusive of loans, were $51,919,261 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1862; $112,094,945 for the fiscal year 1863; $243,412,971 for 1864; $322,031,158 for 1865; and $519,949,564 for 1866. If these figures could have been moved backwards a single year, the effect upon the credit of the government, the price of gold, and the depreciation of the legal tender paper would have been striking, even 404 . HISTORY OF MODERN BA N K S OF ISSUE. if the change had not made it unnecessary to depart from the metallic standard. It is probable that of the $6,844,571,431 computed 1 as the cost of the war up to the resumption of specie payments in 1879, $2,000,000,000 could have been saved to the tax-payers and the public debt would no longer exist. Outside and beyond these considerations, moreover, was the injury done to depositors in savings banks and to other creditors by payment in a depreciated dollar, and the injury to laborers, whose wages were far from keeping pace with the advance in paper prices.2 It has been necessary to refer to the financial policy of Secretary Chase in order to show the conditions out of which grew the national banking system. The system was a part of the Secretary’s policy of carrying on the war by means of loans, and was intended to make a market for American securities and to maintain their price. One of the first effects of the suspension of specie payments was the increase of the 1 Bolles, III., 244. Mr. Edward Atkinson computes the war ex penditures for the seven years, 1862 to 1868, exclusive of the peace establishment, at $4, 150,000,000, of which ‘‘not less than $2, 200,000,000 was paid for war material and supplies, the prices of which were raised by the depreciation of bad money.” The average advance in prices in the four years of war over the prices of i 860 was 87 per cent., which increased the cost of material of war $ 1,000,000,000. Since that time we have paid more than five per cent, interest for thirty years on seven-tenths of this sum, amounting to $ 1,050,000,000. —“ The Cost of Bad Money,” Harper's Weekly, Oct. 12, 1895, X X X IX ., 964. 2 Wholesale prices followed the gold premium in a majority of cases at once or at an interval of about a month, but the advances in many retail lines were undoubtedly much more rapid. Wholesale prices, moreover, remained stationary for nearly a year after the gold premium began to fall, and then only followed it downward at long removes. See the admirable article of Fred Perry Powers, “ The Greenback in War,” Pol. Sc. Q'rly , March, 1887, II., 79. Mr. Atkin son, in the article quoted above, computes the transfer of profits from wage earners to speculators or capitalists, as the result of the legal tender laws, at $ 7,000,000,000 in the seven years 1862- 68,— $40 per head annually, or $120 for a family of three, exclusive of enhanced payments directly for taxes, out of an average income of about $450 per family. THE NATIONAL BANKING SYSTEM. 405 circulation of the existing banks. The banks were very pru dently conducted when the war cloud first threatened, but they were soon confronted by a real demand for additional circulation to take the place of the gold which disappeared with the suspension of specie payments. The circulation of the country outside the Treasury, which had been $448,405,767 on July 1, 1861, had declined to $334,697,744 on July 1, 1862. The entire mass of specie in circulation on the earlier date, which was $246,400,000, had disap peared, except about $25,000,000 on the Pacific Coast. United States notes and demand notes had been pumped into the circulation to the amount of $125,905,665, but they did not fill the void left by the flight of gold and silver. The scarcity of currency was more than remedied by July 1, 1863, when the total had been swelled to $595,394,038, of which $312,481,418 was in United States notes and $238,677,218 in the notes of the State banks. The circulation of the latter had increased about $53,000,000 within the year. Secretary Chase inquired in his first annual report in the autumn of 1861 whether, as the bank-note circulation con stituted a loan without interest from the people to the banks, sound policy did not require that the advantages of this loan be transferred, in part at least, from the banks, representing only the interest of the stock-holders, to the government, representing the aggregate interest of the whole people. The Secretary suggested that Congress had power to control the credit circulation, and that circulating notes might be issued under national authority and secured by the pledge of United States bonds. He outlined the advantages of his proposed measure thus: Its principal features are, (rst) a circulation of notes bearing a com mon impression and authenticated by a common authority; (2d) the redemption of these notes by the associations and institutions to which they may be delivered for issue ; and (3d) the security of that redemption by the pledge of United State stocks, and an adequate provision of specie. In this plan the people, in their ordinary business, would find the 406 h is t o r y of m o d e r n b a n k s of is s u e . advantages of uniformity in currency ; of uniformity in security ; of effectual safeguard, if effectual safeguard is possible, against deprecia tion ; and of protection from losses in discounts and exchanges; while in the operations of the government the people would find the further advantage of a large demand for government securities, of in creased facilities for obtaining the loans required by the war, and of some alleviation of the burdens on industry through a diminution in the rate of interest, or a participation in the profit of circulation, without risking the perils of a great money monopoly .1 The Committee of Ways and Means of the House of Representatives set to work upon a bill and made a careful study of the banking laws of the various States. The Secre tary’s scheme was based upon the New York free banking law and had been urged upon Mr. Chase as early as August, 1861, by Mr. O. B. Potter of that State. Some improvements on the New York plan were incorporated in the bill of the committee. The provisions relating to the reserve fund were drawn largely from the banking laws of Louisiana, and other features were adapted from the laws of Ohio and Illinois. It was pointed out early in the public discussion of the plan that the volume of circulation would depend upon the price of bonds rather than upon the needs of the money market, and opposition was pronounced among the New York bank ers. Thaddeus Stevens reported against the bill, and its necessity was postponed for the time being by the issue of legal tender notes. Mr. Chase returned to the subject in his annual report for 1862, and his language in favor of basing the monetary circulation on evidences of the public debt sounds very like that adopted by Mirabeau, in urging the issue of the assignats upon the French Assembly.2 The Secretary declared: Every dollar of circulation would represent real capital, actually invested in national stocks, and the total amount issued could always be easily and quickly ascertained from the books of the Treasury. These circumstances, if they might not wholly remove the tempta tion to excessive issues, would certainly reduce it to the lowest point, while the form of the notes, the uniformity of devices, the signatures 1 Report on the Finances, 1861, 19. 2 Vide Ch. xxiii. THE NATIONAL BANKING SYSTEM . 407 of national officers, and the imprint of the national seal authenticating the declaration borne on each that it is secured by bonds which re present the faith and capital of the whole country, could not fail to make every note as good in any part of the world as the best known and best esteemed national securities.1 The time was more nearly ripe for such a device than in the preceding session, and a bill was promptly introduced in the House by Mr. Hooper of Boston, who had given much attention to the subject during the summer. Senator Sher man introduced a similar measure in the upper branch, which was passed and went to the House on February 12th. Much of the argument in the Senate was based upon the fact that the existing banks were increasing their circulation, without the restraining influence of specie payments, and were using the constantly swelling volume of government paper money as a means of redemption. The debate in the House was opened by Mr. Spalding of New York, who had enjoyed the doubtful honor of fathering the legal tender law. The bill passed the Senate by a vote of 23 to 21; passed the House on February 20th by a vote of 78 to 64, and received the signature of the President on February 25, 1863. The measure proved to be defective in some of its details, how ever, and was superseded by the Act of June 3, 1864. Banks to the number of 134 had been organized when the Comp troller of the Currency made his first report in November, 1863, but no notes appeared until late in December. The system was hardly in operation, therefore, until the war was within a j^ear of its end, but the fact that it had been au thorized undoubtedly contributed to create a market for securities and to maintain their price. The essential feature of the new banking law, so far as concerns circulation, was the provision that circulating notes should be issued by the Comptroller of the Currency upon deposits of United States bonds, to the amount of ninety per cent, of the face value of the bonds. No bank could be organized with a less capital than $100,000, except in places with a population not exceeding six thousand, where a 1 Report on the Finances, 1862, 18. 408 h is to r y o f m o d e rn b a n k s o f issu e . bank might be organized, with the approval of the Secre tary of the Treasury, with a capital of not less than $50,000. At least fifty per cent, of the capital was required to be paid up before beginning business and the remainder in instal ments of ten per cent, of the whole amount of the capital at the end of each month. The bond deposit was fixed at not less than $30,000 nor less than one-third the capital stock. Provision wras afterwards made by the Act of June 20, 1874, for the withdrawal of circulating notes at the option of the banks and the surrender of an equivalent amount of bonds by the Treasury, provided that the amount of bonds on deposit should not be reduced below $50,000. The limit was further reduced in 1882, for banks having a capital of $150,000 or less, to one-fourth of their capital stock, but limitations were set upon both the retire ment and the issue of new circulation. The withdrawal of currency was not permitted to proceed at the rate of more than $3,000,000 per month for the entire country, and a bank reducing circulation was not entitled to receive any increase for the period of six months from the time it made a deposit of lawful money, in lieu of the bonds, for the redemption of outstanding notes.1 The new banking currency was put upon the same depre ciated paper basis as the bonds and legal tender notes of the government. It could not have circulated otherwise in com mon with United States notes, for it would have been at a premium, like gold, or would have been presented to the banks for redemption in gold for hoarding. The law made the notes redeemable in “ lawful money/ * Redemption of this sort was simply the exchange of a note secured by one government obligation for another, and was of so little value that the banks were seldom troubled by the presentation of their notes, although they were required to carry large quan *This limitation proved troublesome to a few banks which desired to take out circulation quickly during the panic of 1893. The limi tation upon taking new circulation was repealed by the Act of March 14, 1900, and the limit upon withdrawals was increased to $9,000,000 per month by the Act of March 4, 1907. 4°9 tities of legal tenders as a part of their lawful reserve.1 The banks in Albany, Baltimore, Boston, Cincinnati, Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, Louisville, Milwaukee, New Orleans, New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburg, St. Louis, San Fran cisco, and Washington were required to keep a reserve in lawful money equal to twenty-five per cent, of their aggregate notes in circulation and deposits. Banks outside of these “ reserve cities ” were required to keep a reserve of at least fifteen per cent., but three-fifths of the reserve in these cases might be deposited with banks in the “ reserve cities.” Hugh McCulloch was the first Comptroller of the Cur rency appointed under the new law, and it is to his ability and good judgment that much of the success of the new banking system was due. He had been president of the admirably managed Bank of the State of Indiana, and went to Washington in 1862 to oppose the national banking bill. His opinions underwent a change after the bill was amended in the following year and became a law, but it was with some surprise that he received the invitation to become the head of the new system. He stipulated for absolute control over the choice of his employees and for permission to re sign the place as soon as the system was well organized. The First National Bank of Philadelphia was the first au thorized to begin business, on June 20, 1863. Several other certificates were issued on the same day, but the Western banks were generally more prompt to come into the national system than those of the East. Mr. McCulloch discusses some of the objections to the new system and the manner in which he met them, in the following passage of his me moirs : THE NATIONAL BANKING SYSTEM. 1 It was the distinct proposal of Secretary Chase that the notes should he payable, “ after resumption, in specie, by the association which issues them, on demand ; and if not so paid will be redeema ble at the Treasury of the United States from the proceeds of the bonds pledged in security .”—Report on the Finances, 1862, 17. But this safeguard was not adopted, and the banks continued, long after resumption by the Treasury, to redeem their notes only in paper money. 410 HISTORY OF MODERN BAN KS OF ISSUE . There were four causes for the unwillingness of the State banks to become national banks. F irst: The apprehension that the national system might prove to be a repetition of the free-bank system of the West, which had been a disreputable failure. Second: The opinion that in becoming national banks, and issu ing notes secured by Government bonds, their interests would be so identified with the interests of the Government, their credit so de pendent upon, so interwoven with, the public credit, that they would be ruined if the integrity of the Union should not be preserved. Third : the danger of hostile legislation by Congress, or the annoy ances to which they might be exposed by Congressional interference with their business for partisan purposes. Fourth: The requirement, that in order to become national banks, they must relinquish the names to which they had become attached, and be known by numerals. I had no great difficulty in satisfying the bankers with whom I had personal interviews or correspondence that three of these objections were unsubstantial. In answer to the first, I pointed out the impor tant particulars in which the national system differed from the freebank system of the West, in the requirement that the capitals of the national banks should be real, and fully paid up; that their circula tion was to be secured by United States bonds, with ten per cent, m argin; that in case of the failure of a bank, its notes would be at once redeemable at the United States Treasury ; that all the banks would be subjected to frequent examinations by men appointed by the Treasury Department. In answer to the second, I took the ground that the interests of the State banks were already so involved with those of the Government, that the fate of the latter would be the fate of the former also ; that whether they remained State banks or became national, they would stand or fall with the Government. In answer to the third, I expressed the opinion that there was as little to fear from Congressional as from State legislation; that if there was trouble to be apprehended in either direction, it would be in the control which the banks might have over Congress, rather than in annoying interference by Congress with their legitimate business. To the fourth I could make no reply. It seemed to me to be unrea sonable that the State banks should be required, in order to be con verted into national banks, to surrender the names that had been made honorable by the manner in which their business had been conducted, and accept for a name, a number.1 1Men and Measures o f H aifa Century, 168, 169. 4 1I The last point was finally conceded by the Secretary, and banks were allowed to retain their old names with the pre fix “ national.” When this was yielded, says Mr. McCulloch, “ they came into the national system with a rush,— Boston, as is her wont in all enterprises, taking the lead.” An Act was passed in 1873 forbidding the use of the word ‘‘ national ’* in the titles of banking institutions not organized and transacting business under the National Currency Act. The destruction of the State banks as banks of issue by taxation was not a component part of the national banking system at its origin. Secretary Chase, in his first annual report, suggested the possibility of taxation, in order to transfer to the government some of the profits of circulation, and he remarked, in his second annual report for 1862, that he had ‘‘ heretofore advised the imposing of a moderate tax on corporate circulation, and now renews the recommenda tion as the best means of reduction and gradual substitu tion.” The first banking act provided that any State bank holding United States bonds to the amount of fifty per cent, of its capital stock might deliver them to the United States Treasurer and receive circulating notes equal to eighty per cent, of the face value of the bonds transferred, and that upon the failure of such a bank the bonds should be declared forfeited to the United States and the circulating notes should be redeemed and paid at the United States Treasury. These provisions for State banks were omitted from the Act of June 3, 1864, and Comptroller McCulloch, in his annual re port for 1864, suggested the query whether “ the time has not arrived when all these institutions should be compelled to retire their circulation? ” He stated that he had not felt like recommending such action ‘‘ as long as there was any uncertainty in regard to the success of the national banking system,” and he limited his recommendations to taxation “ which should be sufficient to effect the object without being oppressive.” 1 The result was a provision in the Revenue Act of March 3, 1865, laying a tax of ten per cent. THE NATIONAL BANKING SYSTEM . 1 Report on the Finances, 1864, 54. 4 12 HISTORY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE. per annum upon the circulation of State banks paid out by them after July i, 1866. This provision, tfierefore, did not take effect until a year after the practical close of the war, and was intended to drive the State banks out of competi tion with the national system and to enlarge the market for United States bonds. There was still in circulation on July 1, 1864, $179,157,717 in State bank-notes and only $31,235,270 in national bank notes. The State bank-notes amounted to $142,919,638 on July 1, 1865, three months after Appomattox, but had been slightly surpassed by the national bank-notes, which now amounted to $146,137,860. The arrival of the date for the enforcement of the ten per cent, tax, a year later, found $19,996,163 in circulation in State bank-notes and $276,012,713 in national bank-notes. The State bank-notes dwindled to $4,484,112 a year later, and their last appearance in the Treasury reports was on July 1, 1876, when the amount was stated at $1,047,335. The Act levying the ten per cent, tax was several times revised and was extended in the Act of March 26, 1867, to every national or State banker paying out the notes of any town, city, or municipal corporation after Maj^ 1, 1867.1 The law was finally re-enacted by sec tions 19, 20, and 21 of the Act of February 8, 1875, so as to apply the ten per cent, tax to persons, firms, or corporations 1 The Attorney General, on November 21, 1893, in an opinion re garding a clearing house certificate of deposit, declared that the paper was “ not within the meaning of the statute,” and cited the rule of law that “ If there is any doubt as to the meaning of the statute impos ing this tax the doubt must be resolved in favor of exemption.”— Official Opinions of the Attorneys General, XX., 682. The Solicitor of the Treasury gave an opinion on September 28, 1894, in regard to a proposed issue of county bonds of small denominations for use as a local currency, “ that no statute of the United States prohibits the issue of county bonds in any denomination.” He also observed “ that the word ‘ county’ is not enumerated among the corporations, bank ing associations, etc., mentioned in the statute; nor can the word ‘ notes ’ be held to include county bonds.” Both these opinions re ferred to the similar language of the Act of February 8, 1875, then in force. THE NATIONAL BANKING SYSTEM . 413 paying out tlieir own notes or those of any person, firm, or corporation other than a national banking association.1 Several of the States passed laws to aid the State banks in organizing under the national system and many of them made the change during the years 1864 and 1865. The number of banks organized for the year ending October 31, 1864, was 453 with an aggregate capital of $75^366,950, and the number organized for the year ending October 31, 1865, was 1014 with an aggregate capital of $242,542,982. This was the 3'ear during which the impending levy of the ten per cent, tax drove nearly all banks desiring to continue their circulation into the new system. The number of organiza tions for the year ending October 31, 1866, was only 62 and for the next year only 10. The reorganization was accom plished with little friction and without arresting the ordinary business of the banks. The stocks of many of them increased in value and Comptroller McCulloch declared in 1864 that he knew “ of no instance in which their real market value had been injuriously affected.’’ Congress gave a preference by an Act of March 3, 1865, to State banks not having over $75,000 of capital in entering the national system, but, in view of the ten per cent, tax on their notes, it was a rather humorous observation which was made by Comptroller Clarke, who succeeded Mr. McCulloch, that “ nearly all of the State banks voluntarily changed.” The original limit imposed on the national bank circula tion was $300,000,000, and it was provided that $150,000,000 should be apportioned to banks in the States and Territories according to population and the remainder at the discretion of the Secretary of the Treasury, with due regard to existing banking capital, resources, and business. Some conflict 1 These sections refer in every case to “ notes” or “ circulating notes,’* and Mr. Edward Atkinson of Boston has expressed the con viction that they do not impose any tax upon certificates of deposit given by national, State, or private bankers to their depositors, even though such certificates might be printed for even amounts and used for general circulation .—Journal of Commerce and Commercial Bul letin, Monday* July 29, 1895. 414 HISTORY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE . resulted between this provision and that giving preference to the State banks, and the Comptroller permitted the organi zation of the latter without limit. No stable State banks existed in some of the Western States, so that their share of banking capital was reduced to a minimum, and the diffi culty was increased with the restoration of the Southern States to th^ Union. The Act of July 12, 1870, therefore, authorized an increase of $54,000,000 in the bank-note circu lation, to be apportioned to banks “ in those States and Territories having less than their proportion, ’* and a new apportionment was directed to be made as soon as practicable, based upon the census of 1870. Provision was also made for withdrawing $25,000,000 of circulation from banks in States having an excess. The withdrawal of circulation was found to be difficult, because the notes did not reach the banks or the Treasury for redemption. It was only for the interest of the stock holders of new banks to compel redemption, by paying a premium to brokers to sort out notes subject to withdrawal and send them to the Treasury. The inflation bill vetoed by President Grant in 1874 contained a provision for adding $46,000,000 to the bank-note circulation. Congress took a new tack after the veto, and provided for the withdrawal of $55,000,000 of circulation from States having an excess and its issue in States having a deficiency. This Act,—that of June 20, 1874,—was the first to provide for the voluntary retirement of circulation by the deposit of lawful money with the United States Treasurer and the return of the bonds to the bank. The panic of 1873 and the redundancy of currency which followed, led to the voluntary retirement of circulation, so that no requisitions upon the Eastern banks were required to execute the Act of 1874. The Act for the resumption of specie payments, approved January 14, 1875, wiped out any specific limitation upon the amount of national bank-notes and declared that ‘4each existing banking association may increase its circulating notes in accordance with existing law without respect to said aggre gate limit; and the provisions of law for the withdrawal and THE NATIONAL BANKING SYSTEM. 415 re-distribution of national bank currency among the several States and Territories are hereby repealed.” The national banks bore an honorable part in bringing about the resumption of specie payments. A few bankers who had extended their speculations beyond legitimate limits undoubtedly desired to see the rigime of irredeemable paper perpetuated, but the majority were earnestly in favor of return to a specie basis. Secretary McCulloch strongly urged resumption in his first annual report in 1865 and was authorized by the Act of April 12, 1866, to receive legal tender notes for bonds and cancel the notes to an amount not exceeding $10,000,000 in the first six months and $4,000,000 in any one month thereafter. The maximum price of gold, which had been 233.75 in 1865, was 167.75 in 1866 and 145.625 in 1867. Secretary McCulloch reduced the out standing legal tenders from $422,424,007 on March 31,1866, to $356,000,000 in February, 1868. The fear of contraction, stimulated by the reaction from the fever of the war specu lation, seized upon Congress and the further retirement of legal tender notes was forbidden by the Act of February 3, 1868. The Resumption Act was the outcome of a caucus com mittee appointed by the Republicans in December, 1874, to frame a measure upon which the party could unite. The previous session had witnessed the passage of the inflation bill, increasing the limit of legal tender issues to $400,000,000 and authorizing an addition of $46,000,000 to the bank note circulation, to be distributed to banks in the West and South. The bill was vetoed by President Grant and the inflation fever was checked. The Resumption Act was hurried through Congress within six weeks after the begin ning of the session and was intentionally left in clumsy and ambiguous shape in order to hold votes. Senator Schurz of Missouri repeatedlj7' inquired of Senator Sherman, who had the bill in charge, whether the legal tender notes redeemed in coin, as proposed by the bill, were to be retired and can celled. Mr. Sherman refused to give a definite reply and Mr. Schurz voted with the Democratic Senators against 41 6 HISTORY OF MODERN BANKS OF ISSUE . the bill.1 Its redeeming feature was the provision for the resumption of specie payments at the New York subTreasury on January i, 1879, and the issue of bonds to obtain the necessary coin. The success of specie resumption depended largely upon the action of the banks. They held more than $125,000,000 in legal tender notes, of which nearly one-third was in New York City. A run upon the sub-Treasury for gold by means of these notes would have quickly compelled a new suspen sion of specie payments. The subject of resumption was discussed by the banks and a committee was appointed to confer with Secretary Sherman and agree upon a common course of action to sustain the public credit. The Assistant Treasurer at New York was invited to become a member of the Clearing House and balances between the banks and the Treasury were proposed to be settled through the Clearing House. The banks voluntarity decided to decline receiving gold as a special deposit, to abolish special exchanges of gold checks at the Clearing House, and to receive and pay balances without discrimination between gold and legal tender notes. This action dissipated all serious fear of the success of resumption, and on December 17, 1878, gold sold at par in the gold room of the New York Stock Exchange. The banks, in the language of Mr. Bolles, at the beginning of the war “ parted with their gold to aid the government, and now, when resumption was accomplished, they were content to take whatever it desired to give.” 2 It was the policy of the Resumption Act to reduce the volume of United States legal tender paper at the rate of 80 per cent, of the new national bank-notes issued and to con tinue redemption until the legal tenders should be reduced to $300,000,000. The expectation that the bank currency would rapidly expand to fill the void left by the retirement of the legal tenders was not fulfilled. The circulation 1 Mr. Sherman, when Secretary of the Treasury, resolved this doubt in his annual report for 1877, in favor of re-issuing the notes, but his opinion was soon deprived of practical importance by the resolution of May 31, 1878, forbidding the further retirement of legal tender notes. 2Financial History of the United States, III., 301. THE NATIONAL BANKING SYSTEM. secured by bonds reached a maximum of $350,692,966 on December 1, 1873, and fell rapidly from that time until November 1, 1876, when the amount was $301,658,372.* The price of bonds as well as the redundancy of currency was beginning to exercise the restraining influence on bank note circulation which in subsequent years forced it within a narrow compass. The contraction of the bank-note cir culation and the retirement of government currency alarmed the advocates of an ample money supply and led to the resolution of May 31, 1878, providing for a second time that it should not be lawful ‘‘for the Secretary of the Treasury or other officers under him to cancel or retire any more of the United States legal tender notes.” The volume of legal tenders in circulation on the day the Act became law was $346,681,016, and has remained rigid at this amount since that date, except for the addition of the Treasury notes issued under the Sherman law and the temporary retention of notes in the Treasury. There was a slight tendency to increase bank-note circula tion for a time after the revival of business in 1880,2 but the increase was sharply arrested in the winter of 1881 by the passage of a bill requiring the banks to deposit a new issue The aggregate circulation on the earlier of these dates was $352,and on the later date 1323, 241,308. The difference between “ secured ” and actual circulation is made up by deposits of lawful money with the United States Treasurer for the redemption and can cellation of notes still outstanding, for which the bonded security has been withdrawn by the banks. This “ lawful money ” fund is reduced as fast as the notes are redeemed from it and retired, but the with drawal of bonds was so rapid that the amount ran as high as $ 107,588, 447 on July 1 , 1887. The fund stood at $54, 207,975 when the Act of July 14, 1890, (Section 6) directed that it “ be covered into the Treasury as a miscellaneous receipt” and that redemptions be made thereafter from the general cash. The notes outstanding redeemable in lawful money on September 30, 1908, were $48,639,442. 2One of the causes of the decline in secured circulation, as the date approached for the resumption of specie payments, was the fact that the price of the bonds was falling in currency in order to accommo date itself to the gold basis. This made it profitable to sell before the premium disappeared, as the currency obtained for the bonds was appreciating in value as it approached parity with gold. 1 621,762 418 HISTORY OF MODERN BANKS OF ISSUE. of three per cent, refunding bonds as security for circulating notes. This limitation on the class of bonds was accom panied by a drastic provision repealing the authority to reduce circulation and withdraw bonds. The banks gen erally preferred to retain the existing bonds, paying higher rates of interest, even with the loss of circulation, than to submit to such a measure, and 141 banks hastened to deposit $18,764,434 in lawful money for the retirement of their notes and the withdrawal of their bonds in anticipation of the enactment of the bill. The measure was vetoed by President Hayes, but the result upon the secured circulation was to reduce it from $322,654,721 on February 1, 1881, to $305,587,202 on March 1, 1881. Many of the bonds were de posited again after the adjournment of Congress and the circulation increased to $332,398,922 on January 1, 1882. A gradual decline, whose results may be observed in the following table, marked the history of the secured circulation from 1882 to 1892 : JANUARY 1ST. 1873 1874 1875 I876 1877 1878 1879 1880 l8 8 l 1882 I883 I884 1885 1886 1887 1888 I889 I89O I89I 1892 1893 1894 1895 I896 AUTHORIZED CAPITAL CIRCULATION SECURED STOCK. $ 487, 781,551 499,003,401 503, 347,901 511,155,865 501, 392,171 485, 557,771 47 I, 60Q,396 461, 557,515 467,039,084 470,018,135 492,076,635 518,031,135 529,910,165 534, 378,265 555, 865,165 584, 726,915 598, 239,065 623, 791,365 665,267,865 685,762,265 , 695 148,665 693, 353,165 670,906,365 664,076,915 TOTAL NOTES OUT BY BONDS. STANDING. $ $344,582,812 , 348 624,953 342, 333,837 324,484,539 302,020,242 309, 890,415 313,218,189 328, 773,639 322,832,101 332, 398,922 322,386,120 310,953,321 285,496,055 274,466,748 205,316,106 165, 205,724 146, 372,588 127, 742,440 125,660,361 140,084,203 150,526,651 185,194,522 176,667,466 I90,6 l 6, l 60 347,066,898 350, 848,236 354, 128,250 346,479,756 321,595,606 321, 672,505 323, 791,674 342,387,336 344, 355,203 362,421,988 362,651,169 350,482,828 329,158,623 . 317 443,454 296 771,981 , , 268,398,878 233,660,027 , , 197 230,405 177 287,846 173,078,585 174,404,424 208, 538,844 206, 513,653 213,627,821 THE NATIONAL BANKING SYSTEM . 419 It is obvious that a currency system whose permanent circulation was reduced to $125,000,000 for a population of 63,000,000, had ceased to serve one of the chief purposes for which it was created. The causes are to be found in the rapid payment of the national debt, which reduced the pos sible basis for circulation; the high price of bonds, which reduced the profit on circulation; and the steady stream of silver money which was pumped into the monetary sys tem under the laws of 1878 and 1890, crowding out other forms of currency. Hostility to the national banks, though frequently expressed in the southern and western parts of the country, was a result rather than a cause of their shrink ing circulation. There was filibustering in Congress against the bill to extend their charters, but the fact that their dis counts and deposits remained unshaken is the best proof that the business community never seriously doubted that the system would survive. The original law gave the banks corporate powers for twenty years and the new bill proposed their continuance for another twenty years. Mr. Crapo, of Massachusetts, who was in charge of the bill in the House, failed twice to secure consideration, because under the rules it required a two-thirds vote, but he obtained the necessary votes on May 1, 1882, and the bill passed the House on May 17th, by a vote of 125 to 67. It passed the Senate with amendments on June 226. and became law on July 12th. The essential cause of diminishing circulation was finan cial rather than political and was chiefly found in the grow ing wealth and credit of the country. The bonded debt of the United States shrivelled from $1,639,567,750 on June 30, 1881, to $610,529,120 on June 30, 1891, and the result was the wiping out of two large bond issues and almost the extinction of a third. The national banks, which had $360,488,400 in bonds on deposit to secure circulation at the earlier date, had only $142,508,900 on deposit at the later date, although the proportion to the whole remained almost exactly the same. The price of bonds, as secure gold invest ments, rose to such a point that their investment value fell far below three per cent., and their price was enhanced by 420 HISTORY OF MODERN BANKS OF ISSUE . the large purchases by the government in advance of matu rity made necessary by the enormous surplus accumulating in the Treasury. These purchases of bonds at a premium, exclusive of redemptions at par at maturity, were $51,464,300 for the fiscal year 1888 ; $120,674,450 for the fiscal year 1889 ; $104,546,750 for the fiscal year 1890; and $45,175,200 for the fiscal year 1891, after which purchases ceased. The high est average price paid by the government for four per cent, bonds was 128.66 in 1889, when $38,106,400 were purchased. The lowest average price was 124.23 in 1891, two years nearer maturity, when $42,641,250 were purchased. 1 These bonds remained, after the maturity of the four and a half percent, loan in 1891, the chief source of security for national bank-note circulation, and their price, including the premium, could be more profitably loaned in many cases in the open market than by obtaining ninety per cent, of the par value of the bonds in circulating notes.2 The clamor of dema gogues against the “ double interest” derived from the circulating notes and the interest on the bonds was less eloquent of the facts than the steady withdrawal of bonds because circulation had ceased to be profitable. The increase in circulation since 1891 has been due to the fall in the premium on the bonds as they have approached maturity and to special causes, referred to elsewhere, connected with the crisis of 1893 and the bond issues of 1894, 1895 and 1896. The effect of the increase of the silver circulation under the Bland-Allison Act of 1878 and the Sherman compromise Act of 1890, in driving bank-notes out of existence can only be roughly estimated. It was probably much less potent 1 These figures are taken from a communication of Secretary Car lisle to the Senate, Sept. 26, 1893, in response to a resolution of that body.—Sen. Ex. Doc. 18, Fifty-third Congress, 1st Sess. * The recommendation was several times made by the Comptroller of the Currency, and embodied in bills introduced in Congress, after the resumption of specie payments, that the banks be authorized to issue circulation to the face value of the bonds deposited as security, instead of ninety per cent, of that value; and such a provision was finally made in the Act of March 14, 1900. THE NATIONAL BANKING SYSTEM. 421 than the rise in the price of bonds, and had more effect in expelling gold than bank-notes from the circulation. The Bland Act, which was passed over the veto of President Hayes on February 28, 1878, authorized the Secretary of the Treasury to purchase not less than $2,000,000 nor more than $4,000,000 worth of silver monthly and coin it into standard silver dollars of 412^ grains each, nine-tenths fine. Every Secretary of the Treasury confined his purchases closely to the minimum and the aggregate purchases, until the act was superseded by the Act of 1890, were 291,272,019 fine ounces, at a cost of $308,279,261, which was coined into 378,166,793 standard silver dollars. The Act of 1890, which was approved by President Harrison on July 14th, took effect thirty days after its passage and provided for the monthly purchase by the Secretary of the Treasury of four and a half million ounces of silver bullion at the market price, and the issue of Treasury notes ‘‘ redeemable on demand in coin,” in payment for the bullion. The purchases under this act were 168,674,682 fine ounces of silver at a cost of $ i 55,93i ,o°2. These two measures added to the circula tion, therefore, $534,097,795 in currency secured by silver, although the notes issued under the Act of 1890 are redeemed in gold, and have been treated in most respects by the gov ernment upon the same footing as other United States legal tender notes. The provision of the Act of 1890 authorizing purchases of silver bullion was repealed on November 1, 1893, but the portion repealing the Act of 1878 was left in force, so that all purchases of silver ceased on that date. The currency in circulation outside the Treasury on that date was $1,718,544,682, of which $498,121,679 was stated to be in gold coin, $78,889,309 in gold certificates, $472,710,610 in the two forms of legal tender notes, $384,443,050 in silver and silver certificates, and only $197,745,227 in national bank-notes. The bank-notes formed less than one-eighth of the circulation, and the $11,566,766 in the Treasury formed a much smaller proportion of the money there held. The redemption system established by the national bank ing act of June 3, 1864, provided for redemption in lawful 42 2 HISTORY OF MODERN BAN K S OF ISSUE. money of the United States at the office of the issuing bank and at some designated bank in a reserve city. The banks of the reserve cities were required to have a redemption agent in New York. The fact that the notes could be redeemed only in government paper money, which was of no greater value than the notes, prevented any general movement for redemption and gradually filled the channels of circulation with worn and mutilated currency. The notes of the banks distant from the reserve cities drifted only slowly into the redemption agencies and they were rarely sent at the expense of the bank which received them to the issuing bank for redemption. Several propositions were made to enforce prompt redemption, but nothing was enacted into law until 1874. The banks were required by an act of that year to pay into the Treasury of the United States a fund equal to five per cent, of their circulation, which was to be constantly kept good, for the redemption of mutilated notes. Mutilated notes received by any of the banks or the sub-Treasuries were to be sent to Washington for redemption and the expenses of the entire redemption agency and of the trans portation of the notes were charged against the banks and then taken from the five per cent. fund. Redemptions under the new system have been sufficiently rapid to withdraw notes which are badly worn, but have not been rapid enough to give elasticity to the volume of the currency. Where redemptions under the Suffolk system, with a circulation of $40,000,000, were $400,000,000 per year, redemptions under the national system were never higher, down to June 30, 1907, than 65.84 per cent, of average circulation for the year, and were often below 40 per cent. The maximum proportion was attained in 1905, when re demptions were $308,298,760 with an average circulation of $468,285,475, but the proportion of redemptions fell in 1906 to 55 07, and in 1907 to 40.77 per cent. Annual redemptions under the Suffolk system, therefore, were ten times the cir culation, while those under the national system have been less than one-half of the circulation. Economy of manage ment was greatly in favor of the Suffolk system. For the THE NATIONAL BANKIN G SYSTEM . 423 fiscal year 1907, under the national system, with an average circulation of $589,445,599, and redemptions of $240,314,681, the charges, exclusive of transportation, were $160,549, or at the rate of about 67 cents per $1000. This rate, while much lower than the charges for earlier years, compares with a charge per $1000 under the Suffolk system of about ten cents.1 The original banking act authorized the Comptroller of the Currency to appoint suitable persons to make examina tions of the affairs of the banks at such times as the Comp troller thought proper and to make a full report to him. These officials were to be paid by the banks, but the expense was a charge levied by the Comptroller, and fixed by him, so that it did not make the examiner in any way subservient to the bank. Examinations were originally made on an average of about once a year, and other information was ob tained by the Comptroller from four reports of condition re quired during the year, not at the end of each quarter, but at such dates as he saw fit to designate. The frequency of these reports was increased in 1870 to five per year, and the examinations were gradually made more severe as defects in the existing system were disclosed. The same person made all the examinations within a given district until the spring of 1893, when Comptroller Eckels adopted the plan of shift ing the examiners of adjoining districts from time to time and of making two examinations during the year instead of one. The original purpose of the system of examination was the protection of the government and of the stockhold ers against palpable fraud, and was not intended to remit in any degree the vigilance of the directors of the banks. The public came by degrees to look more and more to the gov ernment examinations for the assurance of the soundness 01 the banks, and the system has become one of the most im portant and characteristic features of American banking. The rapid expansion of the banking business of the coun try is indicated in the following table, showing the number 1 Report on the Finances, 1907, 235- 37. Total cost of redemptions from 1874 to 1907 was $5,695,609, which included transportation charges of about $2, 100,000. 1T O R Y O F M O D E R N B A N K 'S O F IS S U E . natioi banks, with discounts and individual deposits1: YEAR. NO. OF BANKS. I864 1865 1866 1867 1868 638 1,582 1.648 1,642 I869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 I876 1877 1878 1879 1880 l88l 1883 I884 1885 1886 1882 1887 1888 I889 I89O I89I I892 1893 I894 1895 I896 1897 I898 I899 139 1,790 1,940 1,976 2,027 955,862,580 962,571,807 929,066,408 881,856,744 823,906,765 2,086 2,082 2,074 2,051 2,052 2,095 2,164 2,308 2,529 2,664 2,732 2,875 3,070 3,150 3,326 3,573 3,692 3,784 3,787 3,737 3,706 3,661 3,607 3,590 1905 1906 5,180 1907 1908 6,288 6,625 6,865 , , 608,771,799 616,603,479 644,945,039 688,875,203 725,515,538 8l 8,996, 3II 885,653,449 856,816,555 166 448,718 500 650,109 1,628 3,602 1909 § 10,666,095 1,615 1.648 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 These the Co first d LOANS AND DISCOUNTS. 3,942 4,291 4,766 5,528 5,9H 933,543,661 1,071,356,141 1 169 177,557 ,, ,, 1,307,491,250 1 230 456,213 , , 1 234 202,226 1,343,517,559 1,470,157,681 , , 1 583 941,484 1,676,554,863 1,811,686,891 1 ,932 , 393,206 , , , , 1,871,*574,769 1,974,623,974 2,020,961,792 2 001 032,625 2 166 615,720 I, 90 I , l 6 0 , I I 0 , , 2,214,394,838 2,479,819,494 2,706,534,643 3,038,255,447 3,350,897,744 3,469,195,043 3,728,166,086 4,071,041,164 4,463. 267,629 4 . 585 , 337,094 4, 840, 367,677 2 100 350,318 INDIVIDUAL DEPOSITS. § , , , , 534,704,709 568, 530,934 546, 236,881 507, 368,618 596, 586,487 598, 114,679 540, 510,602 682, 846,607 618, 517,245 619,350,223 604, 512,514 19 450,492 183 479,636 522 507,829 558 699,768 643 , 337,745 755,459.966 , , 1 006 452,852 1,102,679,163 1,066,901,719 , , , 1,111,429,914 I,l69,7l6,4I3 1 106 453,008 987 649,055 1,235,757,941 1,331,265,617 , , 1,485,095,855 1 ,602,052,766 1 436 402,685 1,764,456,177 1,539,399,795 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 1 695 489,346 1 720 550,241 1 639 688,393 1 916 630,252 2 225 269,813 2 380 610,361 2 623 997,521 2,964,417,965 3 ,T59 , 535 , 59 i 3 300 619,898 3 612 499,598 4 088 420,135 4 115 650,294 4 105 814,418 4 720 284,640 gures are taken from the reports of condition called for ptroller, and the dates are those of the reports nearest to of the year for which they are given. THE NATIONAL BANKING SYSTEM . 425 The suspension of purchases of silver bullion and the issue of circulating notes under the Sherman law left the United States, in view of the limitations of the national bank-note circulation, without any means of materially increasing their currency. The importance of a currency system more adapted to commercial needs, and capable of greater expan sion in the South and West, was under discussion among Democratic leaders for several years before the panic of 1893 and began to assume definite shape during the discussion 011 the repeal of the Sherman law. It was believed by many that the clamor for the free coinage of silver was largely stimulated by the lack of an elastic circulating medium in the newer sections of the country and that this clamor would end, except in the small silver-producing States, if such a medium were provided. The democratic national platform, adopted at Chicago, June 21, 1892, contained the declaration, “ We recommend that the prohibitory ten per cent, tax on State bank issues be repealed.” This declara tion was not interpreted by conservative members of the party in the North as a declaration for unconditional repeal, and when that question was submitted to the House of Representatives on June 6, 1894, it was rejected by a vote of 102 in the affirmative and 172 in the negative, the nega tive vote including 74 Democrats, nearly all from the Northern States. The necessity of some new banking legislation was strongly urged upon President Cleveland by Representative Oates of Alabama and other prominent members of Congress while the repeal of the Sherman law and the tariff bill were pend ing. The President spoke in an encouraging manner of the necessity of currency reform, but he refrained from com plicating the other issues before Congress by any specific recommendations until the meeting of the short session on December 3, 1894. The dissatisfaction with the system of note issues authorized by the national banking law and the belief that a different system must be substituted had been steadily growing, and the adoption of a new system was advocated by many of the most influential bankers of New 426 H 1ST 0R V OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE . York and Boston. A convention of bankers at Baltimore on October 18, 1894, declared in favor of permitting the issue of circulating notes by existing national banks up to the amount of 50 per cent, of their paid-up capital, secured by general assets and by a guarantee fund deposited by the banks with the United States Treasurer. This guarantee fund was to be paid into the Treasury to the amount of two per cent, of the circulation of the banks the first year and thereafter at the rate of one-half of one per cent, per year until the entire amount was five per cent, of the outstanding circula tion, and the government was to have a first lien upon all the assets of a failed bank, in order to ensure the redemption of the notes to the holders. An emergency circulation was also authorized to the amount of 25 per cent, of the capital, sub ject to a heavy tax upon the average amount outstanding for the year. The exact rate of this “ heavy tax” was not specified, but its purpose was to compel the retirement of the “ emergency circulation ’’ when the demand for money was not acute enough to justify a high rate of interest. Manifestations like these paved the way for the formal presentation of the subject to Congress in the message of President Cleveland and the annual report of Secretary Carlisle. The President urged in emphatic language the necessity of radical currency reform, but he left the exposi tion of the details to his minister of finance. The need of action was emphasized by the large exports of gold and the continuous pressure of the redundant paper upon the dwind ling gold reserve. The proposals of Secretary Carlisle for currency reform may be summarized in their important feat ures as follows: 1. Repeal all laws requiring, or authorizing, the deposit of United States bonds as security for circulation. 2. Permit national banks to issue notes to an amount not exceeding seventy-five per centum of their paid-up and un impaired capital, but require each bank before receiving notes to deposit a guarantee fund consisting of United States legal-tender notes to the amount of thirty per centum upon the amount of notes applied for. THE NATIONAL BANKING SYSTEM. 3. Provide that the circulating notes shall constitute a first lien upon all assets of the issuing bank. 4. Provide a safety fund by taxation upon the banks for the immediate redemption of the circulating notes of failed banks and require the legal-tender guarantee fund of a bank which fails to be paid into the safety fund, the safety fund to be invested in United States bonds. 5. The Secretary of the Treasury may, in his discretion, use any surplus revenue of the United States in the redemp tion and retirement of United States legal-tender notes, but such redemptions shall not exceed an amount equal to seventy per cent, of the additional circulation taken out by national and State banks. 6. Suspend the ten per cent, tax on the circulation of banks duly organized under the laws of any State, transact ing no other than a banking business, and complying with the second and third provisions. The guarantee fund in United States legal-tender notes was to be permitted to be kept by the State banks in their own custody, but must at all times equal thirty per cent, of the outstanding circulation. Mr. Carlisle’s bill was reported to the House with some amendments, but political divisions prevented its enactment. The fact that the Fifty-fourth Congress, which met on December 2, 1895, contained majorities politically hostile to President Cleveland, prevented action during the remainder of his term upon any plan of currency reform which might bear the stamp of an administration measure. The President confined himself to recommending measures for maintain ing the gold reserve and protecting public credit. Secretary Carlisle simply renewed the recommendations, repeatedly made in former years by the Comptroller of the Currency, that the banks be given greater freedom of note issue by permiSvSion to issue circulation to the par value of the bonds deposited as security, and that the tax on circulation be re duced from one-half to one-quarter of one per cent, annually. He pointed out that until 1883 there was a tax upon the capital and deposits of national banks, as well as a tax upon their circulation, and that from all these sources the govern 428 HIS TOR Y OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE. ment received up to the close of the fiscal year 1895 the sum of $146,902,962. From the tax on circulation alone the receipts amounted to $78,107,006, while the total estimated expenses of supervision, including salaries of officials, had been only $15,636,976. The average annual cost of super vision, declared the Secretary, “ has been $473,848, while a tax of one-fourth of one per cent, on the average annual circulation would have yielded $680,294/ ’ The Secretary also stated that *4The gain to the government on account of national bank-notes lost or destroyed, and which are con sequently, never presented for redemption, is estimated to be two-fifths of one per cent, upon the total amount issued, and has, according to this estimate, amounted to the sum of $2,805,715.” 1 The necessity for banking legislation which should give greater flexibility to the note-issuing system, and protection to the Treasury, had continued to be urged by far-sighted 1 The amount of paper currency lost or destroyed and never pre sented for redemption is much smaller than is popularly believed. No exact figures have ever been obtained, because notes of the oldest issues are occasionally received for redemption, and even an approxi mate estimate can be made only upon issues of many years standing. No calculation based upon such issues has shown a laiger average loss, except upon the small fractional currency, than one per cent, and Secretary Carlisle’s estimate of two-fifths of one per cent, is probably not too small. The percentage applies, however, to the entire issues rather than to the net amount in circulation at any one time. The entire issues of United States notes up to the close of the fiscal year 1895 were $2,725,981,808, and two-fifths of one per cent, of this amount would be about $10,000,000. The total issues of national bank-notes to October 31, 1895, were $1,906,918,995, and the propor tion of estimated loss would be about $7,500,000. This loss, however, will not be realized until all the recent issues have been many years outstanding, which accounts for the variation from the estimate of Mr. Carlisle. One of the proofs of the small percentage of loss upon paper currency is furnished by the old demand notes, of which $60,030,000 were issued and only $54,847, or less than one-tenth of one per cent., were outstanding on June 30,1895. These notes, how ever, having been received for customs in common with gold, did not remain so long in circulation as some other forms of paper currency. Of $1 and $2 notes in circulation in Canada on June 3, 1871, less than one per cent, were outstanding in 1894.—Breckenridge, 337. THE NATIONAL BANKING SYSTEM . 429 financiers long after the effects of the crisis of 1893 had passed away. The banking question was overshadowed, however, in 1896, by the determined effort of Southern and Western Democrats and of the silver-mining interests to se cure free coinage of silver. Against stubborn resistance in the East and a sharp contest in the Southern States, the silver element secured a majority of the delegates to the Democratic National Convention and adopted a resolution demanding “ the free and unlimited coinage of both silver and gold, at the present legal ratio of 16 to 1, without wait ing for the aid or consent of any other nation.” Upon this platform Mr. William J. Bryan was nominated for President, and Mr. Arthur Sewall of Maine for Vice-President. A large number of delegates from the East refused to be bound by the declaration for free silver and subsequently, in Sep tember, 1896, with other Democrats who were opposed to free coinage of silver, held a convention at Indianapolis, which was notable for the presence of a majority of the his toric leaders of the party in many of the States. This con vention nominated Palmer and Buckner. The Republican candidates were William McKinley of Ohio and Garret A. Hobart of New Jersey. It was doubtful up to the last moment before the meeting of the Republican Convention how positive would be the Republican indorse ment of the gold standard, but ultimately the committee on resolutions agreed upon a declaration, which was accepted by the convention, that, until an international bimetallic agreement was attainable, the 4*existing gold standard must be preserved.” Upon this platform the Republican candi dates were elected, having an immense popular majority east of the Ohio River and north of the Potomac, but a large adverse majority in the remaining States taken as a whole. The election of Mr. McKinley as President did not check the demand for radical reform in the monetary and banking system. This demand dealt with three branches of the sub ject—the affirmation of the gold standard, the retirement of the government notes, and the adoption of a more flexible bank-note currency. In order to crystallize the sentiment 430 HISTORY OF MODERN BANKS OF ISSUE. of the business community, a movement was inaugurated in Indianapolis to call a general convention of representatives of chambers of commerce and other commercial bodies to deal with the subject. The chief mover in this step was Mr. Hugh H. Hanna of Indianapolis, and he became chairman of the executive committee which was charged with carrying out the purposes of the convention. A large convention was held in Indianapolis in January, 1897, which authorized the executive committee to appoint a monetary commission to deal with the subject, if such a commission was not appointed during the existing session of Congress. President McKinley sent to Congress a message recommending the appointment of a commission, but it was not acted upon. Thereupon the Indianapolis executive committee appointed a commis sion of citizens, composed of T. G. Bush, of Alabama; W. B. Dean, of Minnesota; ex-Senator George F. Edmunds, of Vermont; Charles S. Fairchild, of New York, formerly Secretary of the Treasury ; Stuyvesant Fish, of New York, President of the Illinois Central Railroad; J. W. Fries, of North Carolina ; Louis A. Garnet, of California, formerly Director of the Mint; Professor J. Laurence Laughlin, Pro fessor of Political Economy at the University of Chicago; George E. Leighton, of Missouri; C. Stuart Patterson, of Pennsylvania ; and Judge Robert S. Taylor, of Indiana. This commission completed its report in December, 1897. A comprehensive plan was presented for dealing with each of the three essential elements of the problem. Gold was made the standard, all obligations of the United States were made payable in gold, and to carry out these declarations a separate division was created in the Treasury to be called the Division of Issue and Redemption, which was to be the custodian of the gold reserve. It was provided that the re serve should be maintained at twenty-five per cent, of the ag gregate amount of United States notes and Treasury notes, then amounting to about $453,000,000, and also at five per cent, of the outstanding silver dollars, then amounting to $455,000,000. In order gradually to retire the government paper, it was provided that United States notes and Treasury THE NATIONAL BANKING SYSTEM . 431 notes should be cancelled at once to the amount of $50,000,000, and afterwards in such further amounts as should . not exceed the increase in national bank-note circulation. The reform of the bank-note currency was provided for upon a graduated scale extending over nine years. The amount of bonds to be required to secure bank-notes was reduced to twenty-five per cent, of the capital of a bank, and at the end of five years this requirement was to be reduced by one-fifth annually. Thus circulation was gradually to be re lieved from its relation to the bonds, but it was to be protected in the case of failed banks by a guaranty fund, made up at first of a deposit in gold coin of five per cent, of the amount of all notes issued and afterwards maintained by a graduated tax on circulation. This tax was not to be imposed, except at a nominal rate, upon notes up to sixty per cent, of banking capital, but was to be at the rate of two per cent, upon the next twenty per cent, of notes, and six per cent, upon notes in excess of eighty per cent, of capital.1 A bill carrying out this plan was introduced in Congress and was the basis of a measure reported by Representative McCleary of Minnesota in June, 1898. A petition to the Speaker of the House, asking consideration of this measure, was signed by 146 of the 206 Republican members of the House; but it was late in the session when this stage was reached, and upon the promise of President McKinley that the subject should be taken up with the party leaders at the following session of Congress in December, further effort to secure action was postponed until that time.2 A Republican 1Preliminary Report of the Monetary Commission, 49-58. This re port was also printed substantially in full in Sound Currency, Jan uary 1,1898, V., 1-16. The work of the Commission was explained in an article by Mr. Fairchild, one of its members, in the North American Review, for February 1, 1898; also reprinted in Sound Currency February 1, 1898, V., 25-32. 2 It is declared by Mr. Hepburn that “ The Spanish War, which oc curred at this time (1898), united the patriotic support of the country in favor of the administration. Republicans no longer entertained any doubt of McKinley’s re-election and assumed a bolder attitude in favor of the gold standard.”— The Contestfor Sound Money, 400. 432 HISTORY OF M ODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE . caucus of members of the House, held in February, 1899, authorized the appointment of a committee by its chairman to frame a measure before the meeting of the next Congress in December, 1899. This committee met at Atlantic City in April, while the Republican members of the Senate Committee on Finance met during the summer, and each presented a measure early in the following session. In the House the caucus bill was passed on December 18th by a vote of 190 to 150. In the Senate action was somewhat more deliberate, but a measure was passed on February 15, 1900, by a vote of 46 to 29. A conference was held on the differences be tween the two measures, and out of this conference emerged the Gold Standard Act of March 14, 1900. The Act of 1900 did not essentially change the basis of the bank-note currency and did not provide for retiring the government notes. In establishing the gold standard, how ever, and providing for its maintenance, it followed in the main the lines laid down by the Indianapolis Commission, except that it failed to provide for the redemption of standard silver dollars in gold. A Division of Issue and Redemp tion was established in the Treasury, in accordance with the Indianapolis plan. The gold reserve was definitely fixed at $150,000,000, and was to be maintained, if necessary, by the sale of three per cent, gold bonds. All the bonded obliga tions of the United States were made payable in gold. Lim itations were imposed upon the denominations of paper currency, with a view to converting silver certificates into denominations below $10, and the greenbacks into notes for $10 and higher denominations, leaving the minimum denom inations of gold certificates, as under previous law, at $20.1 1The great demand for small notes arising in the period of business expansion which culminated in 1907 led to a modification of these provisions, by which the minimum denomination of gold certificates was reduced to $10 and authority was given to the Secretary of the Treasury, whenever he deemed the supply of small silver certificates insufficient, to issue United States notes of the denominations of $1, $2, and $5 in substitution for larger denominations to be cancelled.— Act of March 4, 1907, Sec. 2. THE NATIONAL BANKING SYSTEM . 433 Some important changes were made in the banking law, but they were not of the character desired by the Indian apolis Commission. They tended rather to perpetuate and encourage the existing system of bond-secured circulation by providing for converting all the old types of bonds, ex cept the four per cents, of 1925, into a new issue running for thirty years and paying only two per cent. The effect of this provision was to increase the circulation obtainable upon a given investment in bonds, because a larger amount in two per cents, could be obtained than in bonds selling at a higher premium. Another provision directed to the same end was that the tax on notes secured by two per cent, bonds should be one-half of one per cent, per annum, instead of one per cent. Still another step designed to perpetuate the bond secured circulation by making it more attractive to the banks was to allow notes to be issued to the par value of the bonds deposited instead of to only ninety per cent, of par. Under the stimulus of these provisions of law a new di rection was given to the movement of the national bank note circulation. It had shown a declining tendency prior to 1892, which was checked to only a moderate degree in the next few years by the demand for currency and by the issue of several new classes of bonds. The bank-note cir culation stood on March 1, 1900, shortly before the passage of the new law, at $249,516,227. With the advantages af forded by the two per cent, bonds, the reduction in taxation, and the privilege of issuing to par, circulation increased by about $90,000,000 before the close of the year 1900. The increase was less rapid for a time, but again attained momen tum in 1903, and went on almost without interruption, until the reaction in the spring of 1908 from the panic of 1907. Old bonds were exchanged rapidly for the new two per cents, and there was a steady tendency on the part of national banks to draw bonds from the hands of private investors because of the small return paid upon them.1 1The interest-bearing debt outstanding on October 31, 1907, was $858,685,510, and of this amount $676,250,150 was in two per cent. bonds. Of the latter $549,788,930 was deposited with the Treasury 28 434 H ISTO RY OF MODERN BAN K S OF ISSUE . Another important feature of the act of 1900, which con tributed in some degree to increase the new circulation, but still more to increase the number of national banks, was the reduction of the minimum capital required to create a na tional bank from $50,000 to $25,000. Many state banking institutions availed themselves of this provision to enter the national S5'Stem. From March 14, 1900, to October 31, 1907, the number of banks admitted to the national system with a capital of less than $50,000 was 2389, with total capital issues of $62,312,500; but of these only 1365 were primary organizations, with total capital of $35,105,500, the remainder being conversions and reorganizations of state and private banks.1 The increase in circulation was stimulated to some extent by the issue of three per cent, bonds in 1898 to the amount of $198,792,660 to meet the expenses of war with Spain ; but these issues had been out only about a year and a half when the act of March 14, 1900, permitted their conversion into two percents. By an act of June 28, 1902, Congress author ized the issue of $130,000,000 two per cent, bonds for the con struction of the Panama Canal, and of these $30,000,000 was issued in July 1906, and $24,088,040 in December, 1907. These increases in the public debt were offset by the redemp tion of maturing four per cent, bonds in 1907 to the amount of about $61,000,000; but the fact that the bulk of the debt was now in the form of two per cent, obligations made the banks the chief holders of the bonds and promoted the upward movement of note circulation. The influence of all these factors—increase in the debt, conversion of old debt into two to secure note circulation and $78,424,350 to secure deposits of public money in the banks.—Annual Report of the Comptroller for 1907,17. 1 Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency for 1907, 30. Incorporations with capital less than $50,000 rose by July 31, 1908, to 2557, with total capital of $66,610,500. A classification made May 14, 1908, when the number of these incorporations was 2508, with capital of $65,360,500, showed the number of banks in operation with capital below $50,000 to be only 2137, with aggregate capital of $57,613,164. The difference was due largely to increases of capital by small banks. THE NATIONAL BANKING SYSTEM . 435 per cent, bonds, more favorable conditions for issuing circula tion, and facility for creating small banks—may be traced in the following table of national banking progress from 1896 : Oct. 3 i1896 1897 189b 1899 T900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 NATIONAL BANKING PROGRESS, 1896-1913. Two per cent, bonds Circulation. to secure Capital. No. circulation. Banks. $234,984,444 3.679 $658,304,915 230,131,005 638,015,295 3,617 624,552,195 239,629,136 3.598 243,066,624 608,528,045 3.601 $270,006,600 331,693,412 632,502,395 3.935 316,625,550 663,224,195 359,911,683 4,279 320,738,000 380,476,334 4.678 713,435,695 376,003,300 766,367,095 419,610,683 5,147 416,972,750 781,126,335 457,281,500 5,495 483,181,900 812,026,075 524,508,249 5,858 583,171,985 506,652,730 6,225 845,939,775 609,980,460 549,788,930 6,650 909, 274,775 665,844,987 593,259,380 6,873 930,365,275 964,621,925 7,025 703,940,557 573.328,450 580,145,400 7,218 1,015,897,135 724,874,308 593,006,600 739, 165,313 7,33 i 1,032,632,135 749,348,859 601,762,600 7,428 1,053,670,435 758,899,709 604,264,950 7,5 i 4 1,068,534,175 The total assets of the national banking system rose on Tanuary 13, 1914, to $11,296,355,138, of which loans and discounts constituted $6,175,404,961; security holdings, $1,020,494,711; specie, $780,490,209; legal-tender notes, $201,429,211; bonds of all classes to secure circulation, $736,600,910. Individual deposits were $6,072,064,752; and circulation was $725,326,161. While the Gold Standard Act of 1900 marked an impor tant stage in the financial progress of the United States, it did not meet the desires of the Indianapolis Convention nor of financial experts generally in giving elasticity to the bank note circulation. The great prosperity of the country, how ever, for the next few years, and the increase in the mone tary circulation by the influx of gold, detracted somewhat 436 H ISTO RY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE . from the interest felt by business men in securing a change of law. The estimated gold stock, which was only $597,927,254 at the close of 1895, reached $1,419,943,124 at the close of 1905, and the amount of gold in the Treasury in creased during the same period from $113,198,707 to $765,775,099. This was held largely against gold certificates in circulation, which increased from $50,099,889 on December 31, 1895, to $527,493,869 on December 31, 1905, and subse quently to $767,005,869 on December 31, 1907. Pressure continued to be felt every autumn in the movement of the crops, but was relieved for several years by measures of somewhat doubtful legality or policy adopted by Mr. Shaw, who was Secretary of the Treasury from 1902 to March, 1907. Among the measures which had frequently been resorted to on previous occasions was the deposit of public money in national banks. Mr. Shaw increased the number of such depositaries from 468 on February 1,1902, to 1106 on Novem ber 1, 1906, and increased deposits during the same period from $106,629,952 to $148,975,346/ The novel features of Secretary Shaw’s policies were the acceptance of bonds other than United States bonds as se curity for deposits of public money ; exemption of the banks from maintaining against public money the legal reserves required against other deposits; the transfer to the banks of public money which had already been received into the Treasury ; deposits of public money with banks in anticipa tion of gold imports; and frequent modifications of his rul ings so as to modify the volume of bank circulation and of public deposits as he deemed best. Several of these measures, especially the first and second, were severely criticised upon legal grounds, and the Secretary himself justified them upon the ground that in 1902, “ but for what was then done, a 1 Finance Report, 1906, 36. The number of such depositaries was further increased by Secretary Cortelyou in 1907 to 1421, but this was under a mandate of the act of March 4, 1907, “ That the Sec retary of the Treasury shall distribute the deposits herein provided for, as far as practicable, equitably between the different States and sections.” THE NATIONAL BANKING SYSTEM . 437 panic would have ensued rivalling in severity any in our history.” 1 The New York Clearing House banks refused to accept immunity from reserve requirements, and the policy of deposit of public money in the banks against engage ments of gold for import, which was first adopted in 1906, was deliberately abandoned by Secretary Cortelyouin 1907.2 All these difficulties in the administration of existing law afforded accumulating proof of the necessity for radical changes in the American monetary system. Surplus reserves in the New York banks, which were impaired but once from the panic of 1893 to the autumn of 1902, fell below the legal requirement in September of that year, and again twice in 1905 and four times in 1906.3 When finally, in the autumn of 1905, rates for call money in New York rose on one occa sion as high as 125 per cent., the deficiencies of the existing system were again brought into such prominent relief that it was generally felt that the time had come for action. Mr. Jacob H. Schiff, a well-known international banker, took the lead in endeavoring to secure new legislation by the pre sentation of a resolution to the New York Chamber of Com merce, which was adopted in December, 1905, providing for the appointment of a special committee of the Chamber to frame a currency measure. This committee, after consulting with the heads of leading foreign banks, made a report which was adopted by the Chamber of Commerce, November 1, 1906. The creation of a central bank of issue was recommended by the Chamber of Commerce committee. It was proposed 1 Finance Report, 1906, 37. 8 In his response to the Senate in regard to his policy during the panic, Mr. Cortelyou said, “ The Secretary did not feel called upon at any stage of the crisis to interfere directly with the normal movement of gold between international markets.” Sen. Doc. 208, 60th Congress, 1st Session, 13. Andrew declares that the policy adopted by Mr. Shaw “ was an objectionable interference with the free movement of gold reminiscent of mercantilist measures of the seventeenth cen tury.”—“ The Treasury and the Banks under Secretary Shaw,” in Quarterly Journal of Economics, August, 1907, XXI., 547. 3 Andrew, idem., 561* 43S H ISTO RY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE . that such a bank should be under the direct control of a Board of Governors appointed, at least in part, by the President of the United States and that it should perform some of the functions imposed under existing law upon the United States Treasury. The argument for such an institu tion was summed up as follows: 1 The operations of central banks in Europe, especially in France, Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Netherlands, make it impossible to doubt that the existence of such a bank in this country would be of incalculable benefit to our financial and business interests. Such a bank in times of stress or emergency would be able by regulation of its note issues to prevent those sudden and great fluctuations in rates of interest which have in the past proved so disastrous. Further more, it would have the power to curb dangerous tendencies to speculation and undue expansion, for by the control of its rate of interest and of its issues of notes it would be able to exert great influence upon the money market and upon public opinion. Such power is not now possessed by any institution in the United States. Under our present system of independent banks, there is no centraliza tion of financial responsibility, so that in times of dangerous over expansion no united effort can be made to impose a check which will prevent reaction and depression. This is what a large central bank would be in a position to do most effectively. A central note-issuing bank would supply an elastic currency varying automatically with the needs of the country. This currency could never be in excess, for notes not needed by the country would be presented for deposit or redemption. In view, however, of the political hostility supposed to exist against a central bank, an alternative plan was suggested for giving greater flexibility to the circulation of the national banks. It was proposed that any bank having fifty per cent, of its capital invested in United States bonds, against which it had circulation, could issue additional circulation in certain fixed proportions to capital, subject to a graduated rate of taxation. In the case of a bank with a capital of $100,000, the circulation authorized under the plan proposed would be as follows : 1The Currency: Report of the Special Committee of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York, 9. THE NATIONAL BANKING SYSTEM . 439 $50,ocx) in notes secured by bonds, taxed one-half of 1 per cent. $5,000 upon general assets, taxed 2 per cent. $5,000 upon general assets, taxed 3 per cent. $5,000 upon general assets, taxed 4 per cent. $10,000 upon general assets, taxed 5 per cent. $10,000 upon general assets, taxed 6 per cent. The maximum circulation authorized under this plan was estimated at the time of the report at $289,000,000, but this was based upon the ability of each bank to issue the full amount and upon limitation of the bond circulation in each case to fifty per cent, of capital, since the provision of exist ing law was retained, that total circulation should not in any case exceed capital.1 It was proposed that all the notes issued by a bank should be of the same form and that future issues of United States bonds should not be made available as a basis for the issue of bank-notes. The proposed issue was to be protected in a manner similar to that proposed by the Indianapolis plan— the creation of a guaranty fund from the proceeds of taxa tion. It was also proposed that, in order to secure the prompt redemption of notes, when no longer required in the channels of trade, redemption agencies should be established at sub-treasuries and other convenient points. The adoption of the report by the Chamber of Commerce was preceded by a few days by action at the annual conven tion of the American Bankers’ Association at St. Louis. This convention adopted a resolution authorizing a committee of fifteen members to frame a currency measure and to con sult with representatives of the committee of the Chamber of Commerce. A smaller committee, headed by Mr. John L. 1 The maximum taxed up to four per cent, would be, under the Chamber of Commerce plan, only about $124,000,000. The amounts authorized under the bankers’ plan, presently referred to, were about $206,500,000 under a tax of two and a half per cent., and $103,250,000 taxed five per cent. Vide article by the present writer, “ The Plans for Currency Reform,” in New York Bankers' Magazine (December, 1906), LXXIII., 897, seq. 440 HISTOR Y OF MODERN BA N K S OF ISSUE. Hamilton, president of the Bankers* Association during 1906, had prepared a plan, which was presented to the convention, but it was deemed best to secure harmony by consultation among those interested in different plans, and all of the members of the Hamilton committee were in cluded in the membership of the enlarged committee of fifteen. This committee met prompt^ in Washington in Novem ber, 1906, with the Hon. A. Barton Hepburn, president of the Chase National Bank of New York, as chairman. A plan was prepared which did not differ in principle from the plan of the New York Chamber of Commerce, but changed the basis of circulation so that a national bank might issue an amount of notes without bond security to the amount of forty per cent, of its bond-secured circulation, but not exceed ing twenty-five per cent, of its capital. These notes were to be taxed at the rate of two and a half per cent, per annum. An additional issue was provided for, in order to meet more acute emergencies, to the amount of twelve and a half per cent, of capital, subject to tax at the rate of five per cent. This measure was introduced into Congress and was made the basis of a bill reported favorably by the Hon. Charles N. Fowler, chairman of the House Committee on Banking, who had long taken a leading part in the agitation for an improved currency system. This bill did not receive con sideration, however, during the session which ended on March 4, 1907. At the annual convention of the Bankers* Association held at Atlantic City in September, 1907, the report of this committee was indorsed by a large majority and the committee was continued, with power to adopt such measures to secure legislation as it might approve. Inevitably the serious conditions of the crisis of 1907 intensified the demand for reform. The demonstrated de fects of the s}^stem of banking isolation led to more serious consideration than for many years of the project of a central bank. Such an institution was recommended by Mr. Ridgely, the Comptroller of the Currency, in his annual report to Congress, and received endorsement in other influ THE NATIONAL BANKIN G SYSTEM . 441 ential quarters. Party leaders did not believe, however, that public opinion was yet ripe for such a measure. In the Senate the Finance Committee reported favorably a bill introduced by Senator Aldrich of Rhode Island, extending the system of a bond-secured note issue. This bill, as reported, proposed to allow issues to a maximum amount of $500,000,000, secured by the deposit in the Treasury of State, municipal and railway bonds conforming to certain require ments.1 Such issues were to be taxed, however, at the rate of six per cent., which provision, in view of reserve require ments, would make them unprofitable unless interest rates went above eight per cent. In the House a measure of a very different character was introduced by the Hon. Charles N. Fowler, Chairman of the Committee on Banking, and was ordered favorably reported, with some amendments, on February 28, 1908. This meas ure provided for issues of notes on the general credit of national banks to the amount of their capital and the retire ment of notes issued under the bond-secured system ; but, in order to afford adequate assurance of safety, banks were re quired to contribute five per cent, of both note issues and deposits to a guaranty fund, which was to ensure the prompt payment of the deposits as well as the notes of a failed bank. Notes issued under the measure were to be taxed at the rate of two per cent, per annum, and were to be made responsive to the changing demands of business by the creation of twenty redemption districts. A motive for careful scrutiny of each bank by the others in a redemption district was created by imposing one quarter of the losses, in case of failure, upon the banks of the redemption district, before recourse to the guaranty fund ; a means of making such scrutiny effective was afforded by the creation of committees elected by the bankers themselves in each redemption dis trict with full power of visitation and examination. The 1The authority to issue notes on railway bonds was abandoned as a part of the bill by an announcement made by Senator Aldrich on March 17, 1908. 44 2 HISTOR Y OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE . two per cent, bonds were to be purchased for the guaranty fund, in order to leave the field clear for the issue of securi ties at a rate of interest better adapted to keep them at par in the open market in case of war or other emergency. Pro vision was also made for the gradual retirement of United States notes from the surplus earnings of the guaranty fund. The bill of Senator Aldrich passed the Senate late in March, but found so little favor with the House Committee 011 Banking, to which it was referred, that it was not re ported back to the House. Republican leaders in that body felt that some measure should be passed which would afford a safeguard against another suspension of currency payments in time of stress by providing for a simple form of emer gency circulation. So strong, however, was the opposition among commercial bodies to the perpetuation of the system of basing note issues upon long-term obligations, instead of upon the current business of the country, that a bill was introduced in the House by Representative Vreeland of New York seeking to meet this objection in part. This bill pro vided for the creation of associations in clearing house dis tricts, of which the member banks were to have the privilege of issuing notes upon commercial paper deposited with a committee of the association. The Vreeland bill was preferred by many members to the Fowler bill because it did not involve a radical departure from the existing system. It was agreed upon by a Republican conference, after various amendments, on May n , 1908, by a vote of 128 to 16, and on May 14th passed the House by a vote of 184 to 145. All the Democrats voting and fifteen Republicans made up the minority.1 The Senate on the next day substituted a modified draft of the Aldrich bill and asked a conference. It was impossible at first to secure agreement, but the necessity was so strongly felt of adopting some measure which would leave the impression upon the country that safeguards had been taken against another suspension of currency payments, that a substitute bill was finally presented only two weeks before the close of the 1 N ew York Journal o f Commerce, May 15, 1908. THE NATIONAL BANKING SYSTEM . 443 session of Congress and was quickly passed through both houses.1 The new measure, which became law May 30, 1908, was known as the Aldrich-Vreeland law, and was made avowedly temporary in character by the provision that it should con tinue in force only until June 30, 1914. It authorized issues of new bank-notes to an amount not exceeding $500,000,000, which were to be made homogeneous in appearance and character with the old notes by making the wording on all read that they were “ secured by United States bonds or other securities.,, Notes were to be issued to banks in any one State in the proportion that national bank capital and surplus in the State bore to the total of such capital and surplus in the country, but this provision was subject to exceptions. Notes authorized by the new law could be issued only to national banks having a surplus of twenty per cent, and having already notes in circulation under the old law to the amount of forty per cent, of their capital; and the total amount of notes issued under both the old and new laws was limited to the combined capital and surplus of the issuing bank. Two separate methods were provided for obtaining the new circulation. The essential feature of the original Aldrich bill was preserved, that circulation might be issued upon direct application to the Comptroller of the Currency, “ se cured by the deposit of bonds other than bonds of the United States.” This provision was limited to State and municipal bonds, and the amount which might be issued was restricted to ninety per cent, of the market value of the bonds. The other method of obtaining new circulation attracted the greater degree of attention, because it was a new departure in American currency legislation and was a short step in the direction of basing note issues upon commercial assets. Under this provision national banks were permitted to form 1 Although the new measure was resolutely opposed by Mr. Fowler and other advocates of a credit currency, the conference report was accepted in the House May 27th by a vote of 166 to 140, and in the Senate on May 30th by 43 to 22. 444 H ISTO RY OF M ODERN BAN KS OF ISSUE . national currency associations, which were to pass upon the applications of their members for notes and to support each other by a mutual guarantee. The security for the notes in such cases might be “ any securities, including commercial paper,” but notes could not be based on commercial paper to a greater extent than thirty per cent, of the capital and surplus of the issuing bank.1 The term, “ any securities,” left the door open for the acceptance of railroad bonds or any other bonds, stocks, or notes which might be approved by the officers of the currency association and the govern ment. The issue of notes under these provisions was limited to seventy-five per cent, of cash value in the case of com mercial paper, but was not limited to the par value of the securities, as in the case of the notes issued directly by the Treasury. That these issues of notes should have a purely emergency character was sought by the provisions regarding taxation. Issues under the law were to be taxed at the rate of five per cent, per annum, but as the redemption fund deposited in Washington was required to be ten per cent., the issue of notes could not afford a profit unless loaned considerably above the rate of five and a half per cent. Moreover, the rate of five per cent, was increased after the notes had been in circulation one month by an additional one per cent, a month, until after six months the rate was ten per cent.1 The new law contained a provision for the appointment of a National Monetary Commission to report 4‘what changes are necessary or desirable in the monetary system of the United States.” This commission was made up of nine senators and nine representatives, with Senator Aldrich and Representative Vreeland as chairmen for their respective chambers. This body made a thorough examination of foreign banking systems, subcommittees held conferences with leading bankers at the financial centres of Europe, and mono 1The provisions of this act were extended to June 30, 1915, by the Federal Reserve Act of December 23, 1913, and the rate of taxation on notes, which was reduced by that act, was further modified and other changes were made, by the act of August 4, 1914, as described in Chapter XXVII., infra. THE NATIONAL BANKING SYSTEM . 445 graphs were prepared for the commission by economists and specialists on the banking systems of nearly every commer cial country. A greater degree of centralization in the func tion of note issue and in the custody of the gold reserves of the country were the distinguishing characteristics of the plan which was submitted by the commission to Congress in January, 1912.1 This measure provided for a central institution to be known as the National Reserve Association of the United States, which was to issue all future bank-note circulation. The association was to be constituted with an authorized capital equal to twenty per cent, of the capital of subscribing banks, of which one-half was to’be paid in and the remainder to be subject to call. State banks and trust companies con forming to certain provisions and all national banks were entitled to subscribe to the stock and to become members of the association. The subscribing banks were to be grouped into fifteen local associations, in the territory of each of which was to be located a branch of the National Reserve Association. The principal functions of the local association were to exercise supervision over subscribing banks and to see that paper offered for rediscount conformed to the law and was adequately secured. The directors of the National Reserve Association and of the district branches were to be elected, to the number of thirty-nine, in such a manner as to give recognition to the small banks and to business and com merce apart from banking interests. The governor of the bank was to be selected by the President of the United States, and was to be one of seven ex-officio members of the Board of Directors, the others being two deputy-governors of the as sociation, chosen by the directors, and four public officials,— the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Agriculture, the Secretary of Commerce, and the Comptroller of the Currency. The terms of the directors chosen by the banks were to be for three years, one-third retiring each year. R eport of National Monetary Commission, January 9, 1912, Senate Document 243, 62d Congress, 2d Session. 446 HISTOR Y OF MODERN BANK’S OF ISSUE . The bank-notes authorized by the measure were to be based upon the general assets of the Reserve Association, subject to certain reserve requirements, and were to be a first lien upon such assets. The amount issued up to $900,000,000, including notes substituted for national bank notes already outstanding, was to be free from special tax; but issues above $900,000,000 were to pay a tax at the rate of one and a half per cent and above $1,200,000,000 at the rate of five per cent.; but amounts fully covered by gold or lawful money were to be free of tax. The Reserve Association was required to maintain a re serve of not less than fifty per cent, against its demand liabili ties, both on account of deposits and notes, including new issues of notes as well as those issued in place of outstanding national bank-notes. It was provided that when the reserve against liabilities should fall below fifty per cent., a graduated tax should be paid, at the rate of one and a half per cent, per annum for each two and a half per cent, of the deficiency, and that when the reserve fell below thirty-three and a third per cent., no further issues of notes should be made. The bonds held by national banks to secure circulation were to be taken off their hands at not less than par and accrued interest by the National Reserve Association, which was given the right to issue notes to the amount of bank notes which had been based upon the bonds. The Secretary of the Treasury was authorized to exchange the two per cent, bonds thus purchased for three per cent, bonds, running for fifty years, which were to be held by the Reserve Asso ciation, with the right after five years, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, to sell not more than $50,000,000 per year. The government was protected from loss which might have resulted from the increased interest charges on the bonds by the levy of an annual franchise tax equal to one and a half per cent, of the amount of old bonds converted into three per cent, bonds. Existing national banks were permitted to keep balances with the National Reserve Association and to count them and the notes of the Association as a part of their reserves. THE NATIONAL BANKING SYSTEM . 447 It was not made obligatory upon these banks, however, to transfer their reserves from former reserve banks to the National Reserve Association. They were given the privi lege of presenting commercial paper for rediscount to the Reserve Association, when such paper consisted of notes and bills of exchange issued or drawn for agricultural, industrial, or commercial purposes. Notes or bills issued or drawn for the purpose of carrying stocks, bonds, or other investment securities were excluded from the classes of paper which could be rediscounted by the Reserve Association.1 Paper of this character having not more than twenty-eight days to run could be discounted by the Reserve Association for in dividual banks; but if having a longer term to run could be rediscounted only with the guarantee of the local association. The Reserve Association was authorized, in case of serious emergenc}', to discount the direct obligations of individual banks having the guaranty of the local association and secured by a pledge of collateral. The Reserve Association was given authority to fix rates of discount from time to time, such rates to be uniform throughout the United States; to purchase and borrow gold; to deal in foreign bills of exchange, and to purchase acceptances from member banks. While the report of the National Monetary Commission was not destined to be formally taken up by Congress, it was the forerunner of an even more radical departure from old banking methods, to be adopted within less than two years; and the principle that the old system of bond-secured notes must give way to a more scientific currency was given official recognition, even before the report of the commission was made to Congress, in the act of March 2, 1911, which provided that future issues of Panama Canal bonds should not be available as security for the issue of bank-notes. 1Similar definitions of the classes of business permitted were em bodied in the Federal Reserve Act of December 23, 1913, Sec. 13. CHAPTER XVI. T H E C A N A D IA N B A N K IN G SY STEM . Its Origin and Growth—Foundation of the Bank of Montreal—The Union of the Canadian Provinces and the Dominion—Banking Reforms in 1870, 1S80, and 1890—The Effect upon the Security of Note Issues and the Small Losses by Failure—Recent Sus pensions—The Reforms of 1900 and 1908. T HE Canadian banking laws now in force represent an almost steady growth from comparatively crude con ditions to a perfected scientific system. Founded originally upon Scotch models, the Canadian banks enjoyed at first the freedom from even the police supervision of the government which naturally arose from the fact that they framed their own charters. Canadian banking was not exempt from the risks and difficulties of the other institu tions of a new and growing country, and defects in the secur ity of the note issues and the protection of deposits were gradually remedied as they were disclosed by experience. The development of the Canadian system, however, has been natural and symmetrical and most of the changes in the law have had the approval of the leading bankers. At tempts have been several times made to substitute a govern ment currency or a specially secured circulation for the elastic medium provided by the banks, but these attempts have not been sufficiently successful to destroy the essential advantages of the Canadian banking system. They have resulted in putting a considerable volume of government paper alongside the bank-note currency and in requiring a certain percentage of this paper to be held by the banks in 448 449 their cash reserves, but they have not supplanted the bank note currency and are not likely to be permitted to, unless the necessities of the government in time of war should be come paramount to the commercial interests of the country. The history of Canada is that of several separate provinces before the union in 1841. The movement for better banking facilities began independently, but almost simultaneously in each province early in the present century. The scarcity of specie or of any other circulating medium in Lower Canada was partially supplied by the “ Army bills” issued by the government during the war with the United States and it was not until 1817 that a banking company was formed.1 Previous attempts to found a bank had been addressed to the local legislature of Lower Canada, but on June 23, 1817, a meeting was held at Montreal at which an association was formed with a capital stock of ^250,000. An office was opened in August under the title of the Bank of Montreal, without waiting for legal authority, and what afterwards became the strongest institution of the Dominion was thus established. The bank was simply a private partnership, with unlimited liability of the shareholders, and continued so until the passage of a charter by the legislature on March 17, 1821, which was approved by the royal government and proclaimed on July 22, 1822. Charters for the Quebec Bank and the Bank of Canada, vsituated at Montreal, were passed at the same session of the legislature and their approval by royal authority was pro claimed on November 30, 1822. The Quebec Bank had been organized in a similar manner to the Bank of Montreal on July 9, 1818, with a capital of ^75,000, and the Bank of Canada had been organized on August 25, 1818, with a capi tal of ^200,000. The charter of the Bank of Montreal, whose provisions were followed in the charters of the other two banks, gave the institution corporate powers until June THE CANADIAN BANKING SYSTEM . 1 The Army bills outstanding at the close of the war in March, 1815, were ^1,249,996, but they were receivable for public dues and con vertible into government bills of exchange on London, and were re duced by May, 1816, to ^200,000. 29 450 H ISTORY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE. i, 1831, and provided for the choice of thirteen directors, who must be British subjects and holders of at least four shares each. The principle of limited liability was applied to the shareholders, without any obligation beyond the amount of their subscription to the stock, but the directors were to be liable to the stockholders as well as to the holders of bank-notes in case the debts of the corporation should ex ceed treble the amount of the capital stock actualty paid in, exclusive of the deposits. The bank was prohibited from lending on land or mortgage, but might take such property for debt contracted in the course of its legitimate dealings. The fact that the acts passed by the provincial legislature for the incorporation of these banks were based upon the articles of agreement drawn by the incorporators made the restrictions trifling which were imposed upon the banks. There was no limit upon the volume of note issues except the general liability of the directors for the aggregate indebt edness. There was no prohibition upon loans upon the stock of the bank or upon loans to directors. The fact, however, that each bank was established by a special law afforded some measure of protection against indiscriminate private banking and there was a disposition from the outset to adhere closely to Scotch methods.1 An indication of this is given by the prompt establishment of branches by the Bank of Montreal at Quebec and by both the Bank of Mon treal and the Bank of Canada at Kingston in the upper province. The banks received the notes of their competitors and exchanged them and settled the balances in specie as often as once a week, according to the Scotch system. The Bank of Montreal employed an agent in New York for the negotiation of sterling exchange and all the Canadian banks of importance eventually had an agent or correspondent in the American metropolis. 1 Mr. R. M. Breckenridge, in his admirable work, The Canadian Banking System, published by the American Economic Association, from which many of these facts regarding early Canadian banking are taken, states that among 140 odd charter members of the Bank of Montreal there were at least 90 Scotch names. THE CANADIAN BANKING SYSTEM . 45 * The importance of freedom of note issues in developing banking in a new country is indicated by the early returns of the Canadian banks, in spite of the considerable deposits which they were able to obtain. The total deposits of the three banks of the lower province in 1824 were ,£135,426, while the circulation was ,£167,498; the deposits in 1825 were ,£151,637 and the notes in circulation ,£177,454; the deposits in 1826 were ^176,475 and the notes ,£193,548. The debts due to the banks, which may be assumed to represent chiefly the discounts, were ,£529,363 in 1824, ,£585,265 in 1825, and ,£594,515 in 1826. The debts due the Montreal Bank in the latter year were £371,334; Quebec Bank, ,£111,523; and Bank of Canada, ,£111,658. The banks secured the renewal of their charters in 1830 and 1831, until June 1, 1837. The legislation of this time cut off possible note issues by private bankers, by prohibiting notes payable to bearer except when issued by banks incorporated by law in Lower Canada. The total amount of notes in circulation for less than $5 was limited to one-fifth the capi tal stock of the Bank of Montreal and notes for less than five shillings were prohibited. Similar limitations were imposed upon the Quebec Bank and the power was reserved to the legislature to prohibit or limit entirely the circulation of notes under $5. The Bank of Canada found its business falling off in 1825 and after gradually reducing its capital stock went into liquidation in 1831, upon the lapse of the charter. The bank did not fail or suspend payments, but adopted a policy of paying uncurrent and underweight coin, which led the Bank of Montreal to refuse its checks and notes and caused the rapid reduction of deposits until it became unprofitable to continue business. A charter was granted to the City Bank of Montreal in 1831, upon the representation of lead ing merchants that the capital of the existing bank was “ altogether inadequate to the circulation of the valuable articles of import and export which its geographic position naturally brings to it,” and that the most effectual preven tive of the evil of monopoly “ is the admission of reasonable 452 HISTORY OF MODERN BAN KS OF ISSUE . competition, with its counteracting influence.” Another Montreal bank began business in 1835 under the title of the Banque du Peuple (Bank of the People). The principal part ners were Messrs. Viger, De Witt, and Co., who were fully liable for the debts of the bank, while shares were issued to persons having no share in the management and liable only for the amount of their stock, according to the French system of partnership en commandite. The movement for a bank in Upper Canada, now consti tuting the Province of Ontario, assumed definite shape a trifle earlier than in I^ower Canada, but the first charter passed by the provincial legislature did not receive the royal assent within the period provided by the charter to give it validity, so that it became necessary to pass a new charter in 1819. The royal government again delayed action, but the Bank of Upper Canada, situated at Kingston, was finally authorized by proclamation of the royal assent on April 21, 1821, more than a year before such assent was granted for the banks of I^ower Canada. The capital of the bank was originally fixed at ,£200,000, but this was reduced in 1823 to 100,000. The general provisions of the charter were simi lar to those of the banks of Lower Canada, but notes under five shillings were forbidden from the outset and the charter was to remain in force until June 1, 1848. The government subscribed for 2,000 shares of the capital at a par value of ,£25,000. A practical monopoly of note issues was conferred upon the bank in 1823 by an act prohibiting banks from carrying on business in the province, which did not redeem their notes in specie within its limits. The development of Upper Canada was somewhat more rapid after the establish ment of the bank than before, from a combination of causes, and the capital stock actually paid in increased from ,£10,640 in 1823 to the full limit of ^100,000 in 1830. The debts due by the bank increased from £107,598 on December 15, 1826, to .£260,557 on January 1, 1831, and the notes in circu lation increased during the same interval from ,£87,339 to ,£187,039. The bank encountered only the rivalry of an institution purporting to be the Bank of Upper Canada under THE CANADIAN BANKING SYSTEM . 453 a forfeited character, which soon collapsed, until the incor poration in 1832 of the Commercial Bank of the Midland district. The capital of the new bank was fixed at ^100,000. The capital of the Bank of Upper Canada was increased by a like amount at the same session, and the utmost eagerness was shown to purchase the stock. The Commercial Bank within three years sought and obtained power to double its capital stock and an act was passed incorporating the Gore Bank at Hamilton with a capital of ^100,000. The first bank charter in New Brunswick received the royal assent as early as March 25, 1820. The institution was known as the Bank of New Brunswick and was located at St. John, with a capital of ,£50,000. The shareholders were liable only for the principal of their stock, and debts by the directors, either as principals or indorsers, were lim ited to one-third of the paid-up capital. The banks were forbidden by an Act of 1838 to issue notes of a less denomi nation than five shillings. The first bank of issue actually established in Nova Scotia was opened in 1825 at Halifax under the title of the Halifax Banking Company. The Bank of Nova Scotia, which was the first chartered bank, was incorporated by an Act approved March 30, 1832, with an authorized capital of ^100,000. The bank was without a chartered competitor for five years and during its first ten years divided profits among the shareholders at the average rate of 8.9 per cent, and increased its capital to ,£140,000. The issue of bank-notes for less than £5 was prohibited in Nova Scotia in 1834. The banking system of the Canadian provinces was thus established on a comparatively safe and scientific basis, similar to the Scotch system in the part played by the large incorporated banks and their branches, but without any serious control by law. The history* of the next thirty years involves a mania for banking speculation similar to that witnessed in the United States, on the part of the Canadian people, and an effort to apply the rigid limits of the English restriction act on the part of the home government at Lon don. The banking mania seized Upper Canada and resulted 454 H ISTORY OF MODERN BAN K S OF ISSUE . in the creation of several joint stock banks between 1834 and 1837. The creation of such banks without a special charter was brought to a summary end by an Act of 1837, prohibiting the issue of circulating notes, except by banks holding legislative charters, and making such issues a misde meanor. The banking phrenzy was not checked by this salutary regulation. The House of Assembly had passed a bill in 1833 to enable the Receiver General to issue notes chargeable on the public, and a select committee in 1835 re ported in favor of a provincial bank, on the basis of loans guaranteed by the province. These measures alarmed the home government and resulted in a despatch to the Lieuten ant Governor August 31, 1836, directing him not to permit any act touching the circulation of promissory notes or the law of legal tender to come into operation in Upper Canada without having first received the royal sanction. This precaution was taken none too early, for bills were passed during the session of 1836-37 increasing the banking capital of the province from ,£500,000 to ,£4,500,000 and conferring a power of note issue to the limit of £ “13,500,000/ The Imperial government did not formally disallow these acts, but returned them to the Colonial legislature for more sober consideration. This course was effective and none of the measures were re-enacted. The union of Upper and Lower Canada was accomplished on February 5, 1841, under the title of the Province of Canada, and banking legislation was henceforth enacted in uniform terms for the entire province. The government of Upper Canada prepared for the union by the sale of the government stock in the Bank of Upper Canada and the separation of the government from official connection with the bank. A scheme was brought forward soon after the union by the Governor General, Lord Sydenham, for a pro vincial bank of issue under the direct authority of the gov ernment. Lord Sydenham was a personal friend of Lord Overstone, the great champion of 44the currency principle ” in England, and endeavored to engraft upon Canadian 1 Breckenridge, 77. THE CANADIAN BANKING SYSTEM . 45S finances the separation of the functions of note issue and banking which were imposed upon the Bank of England by the Act of 1844. IfOrd Sydenham suggested a series of resolutions for a bank, with no other powers than that of issue, with an authorized circulation of ;£ 1,000,000 and an excess issued only against coin or bullion. The authorized circulation was to be protected by government securities, of which the interest was to go to pay the expense of managing the bank and any balance to the public Treasury. There was a strong outburst of public feeling against destroying the profits and efficiency of the existing banks and the con servatives, French Canadians, and a few supporters of the party in power, united in committee of the whole on August 31, 1841, in a resolution “ that it is inexpedient to take into further consideration during the present session the estab lishment of a provincial bank of issue, or the issue in any way of a paper currency on the faith of the province. ’’ 1 The committee which considered Iyord Sydenham’s pro posals admitted the propriety of some uniform regulation of the banks, and it had been repeatedly urged in circulars from the home government. These recommendations con templated the usual safeguards against unsound banking,— limiting the business of the banks to a proper banking business, conducted after the subscription of the capital, and involving forfeiture if specie payments were suspended for sixty days. These restrictions were applied to the three banks of Lower Canada when they sought a renewal of their charters in 1841. Notes under five shillings were prohibited, and notes under one pound were not to exceed one-fifth of the paid-up capital. The various charters were to expire at the end of the first session of Parliament after June or De cember 1, 1862. Double liability was imposed upon share holders, and nearly all the provisions for the public security which had prevailed in either Iyower or Upper Canada were now applied to the banks of the entire province. The pet theory of the home government, that coin should take the place of small notes, in order to constitute a healthy monetary 1Breckenridge, 112. 456 H ISTORY OF MODERN BAN KS OF ISSUE. system, led to considerable correspondence in 1846, pending the approval of a charter passed in that year, but the gov ernment finally consented to the retention of the $1 notes. The mania for 4‘ free banking ’9 on securities seized upon the Canadian people towards the middle of the century and resulted in the law of 1850, based upon New York models. William Hamilton Merritt was the author of the new law, and he first brushed away the obstacles by the repeal of the laws prohibiting the circulation of the notes of private bank ers. Such note issues were permitted, provided that the banks formed for the purpose deposited Provincial securities with the Receiver-General for not less than $100,000 as a pledge for their notes. One of the objects of this legisla tion,—to broaden the market for Provincial securities,—was indicated by the provision that these notes were to be exempt from the tax of one per cent, per year imposed on the circu lation of the chartered banks, and that the latter might surrender their circulation against their assets, and issue notes upon deposits of securities. The notes, in case of suspension, were to be paid from the proceeds of the securi ties, and any balance was to be applied, with the other assets, to the settlement of the remaining debts of the bank. The notes were to constitute a preferred claim against other as sets in case the proceeds of the securities proved insufficient. The effort to drive the chartered banks into the secured note system was carried further, in 1851, by a bill granting certain exemptions from taxation to banks which were will ing to restrict their circulation to the maximum shown in their last statement and to reduce it in three years to threefourths of the average for 1849 and 1850. Such banks were permitted to issue additional notes to the amount held in gold or silver coin or bullion, or in debentures issued by the Receiver-General and reckoned at par. They were not re quired to deposit the debentures, but were required in case of failure to apply them exclusively to the redemption of their notes. The fact that the banks were required to hold the debentures permanently, whether in the custody of the government or in their own vaults, resulted in withdrawing THE CANADIAN BANKING SYSTEM . 457 active capital from commercial banking and offering insuffi cient inducement to investors of banking capital. Five banks were created under the law, of which two soon disap peared and three were continued under special charters. The Bank of British North America, which operated in all the provinces under a royal charter, apparently obtained the greatest advantages from the secured note system by employ ing it prudently in connection with its other business. The failure of the “ Free Banking Act ” was acknowledged as early as 1859, but it was not repealed until the passage of the Provincial Note Act of 1866. The temptation to use the power of note issue for the benefit of the State assailed the provincial authorities again in 1866, when the government found themselves compelled to raise about $5,000,000 to discharge the floating debt. Mr. A. T. Galt, Minister of Finance, succeeded in carrying a bill, which received the royal assent August 15, 1866, assuming the power of the Province to issue not more than $8,000,000 of notes, payable on demand in specie at Montreal or Toronto and legal tender except at those offices. He did not dare propose the immediate abolition of the bank-note currency, but proposed an indemnity payment by the gov ernment of five per cent, per year, on the amount of notes outstanding 011 April 30, 1866, until the expiration of the charter of any bank which might accept the conditions of the act and withdraw its own circulation before January 1, 1868. Banks willing to accept this offer were relieved from the requirement to invest ten per cent, of their capital in debentures and allowed to exchange them at par for Provin cial notes. The Bank of Montreal was the only institution which accepted the new system and gradually substituted Provincial notes for its own issue. This action separated the interests of the Bank of Montreal from those of the other banks and led the former to force the legal tender notes into circulation as rapidly as possible in the settlement of its balances. The Bank of Montreal was able to force the other banks into holding legal tenders by threatening to exact settlements in legal money, which the other banks 45 8 H ISTORY OF MODERN B A N K S OF ISSUE. were thus compelled to set aside for the purpose. The result was a reduction of the banking resources of the other banks and the complication of the paper currency by the rival cir culation of the Provincial notes in competition with bank notes. New Brunswick and Nova Scotia were brought within the circle of Canadian banking legislation by the Act of 1867, creating the Dominion of Canada, which conferred exclusive authority in matters connected with currency, coinage, and banking upon the Parliament of the Dominion. The charters of existing banks were extended temporarily to the end of the first session of Parliament after January 1, 1870, and several provisions affecting the Canadian banks were extended to those of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. The Provincial note issue was consolidated into an issue of Dominion notes and redemption agencies were provided for in the capitals of the four provinces. The banks in existence when the Confederation became a fact on July 1, 1867, were eighteen in Ontario and Quebec, five in Nova Scotia, four in New Brunswick, and one operating in all the provinces under royal charter. The attempts to create a secured circulation or a gov ernment currency were renewed after the creation of the Dominion, and the supporters of the former had the benefit of the example of the United States and the active efforts of Mr. E. H. King, the manager of the Bank of Montreal. A scheme of this sort was taken up by Mr. Rose, the new Minister of Finance, in 1869, and, according to his bill, was to go into effect on July 1, 1871. The banks after that date were to be required to reduce their unsecured circulation twenty per cent, a year until the whole should be retired, and were permitted to issue notes up to the amount of their capi tal stock actually paid in, bearing on their face the statement that they were secured by the deposit of Dominion securi ties. These notes were to be legal tender throughout the Dominion, except at the office of the issuing bank, so long as they were redeemed in specie, and were to be protected by a cash reserve amounting to twenty per cent, of the notes THE CANADIAN BANKING SYSTEM . 459 and one-seventh of the deposits subject to call. The notes were to constitute the first charge upon the assets in case of insolvency. The opposition was so strong, and there were so many measures whose success was more important to the ministry, that Mr. Rose announced on June 15th the tem porary withdrawal of the plan for the session. Sir Francis Hincks became Minister of Finance before the next session and he abandoned the policy of a specially secured circula tion and contented himself with throwing some additional safeguards around the existing bank-note system. The charters of the banks were extended by the Act of May 12, 1870, for a period of ten years, and the most impor tant changes of the period were then made. The desire for a codification of the banking law led, however, to a more com prehensive act in 1871,1 which embodied the reforms of 1870 with some minor changes and many amplifications of detail. The banks in 1870 surrendered the right to issue notes below the denomination of $4 and secured in compensation the abolition of the one per cent, tax and the repeal of the re quirement to keep one-tenth of their capital in Dominion securities. The government assumed the issue of small notes and the banks wrere required to hold not less than onethird of their cash reserves in Dominion notes. The severe period of depression through which the Dominion passed between 1874 and 1879, and the several bank failures which occurred, led to further important changes in the banking law when the charters were about to expire in 1880. The bankers themselves came forward with the proposals for reform and were now willing to accept several propositions which they had before rejected. The minimum denomina tion of notes was changed to $5 and the banks were required to retire the notes for $4 as soon as practicable. The pro portion of cash reserve to be held in Dominion notes was increased to forty per cent. The use of the title of “ Bank ’’ by a private firm not incorporated under the laws of the Dominion was made a misdemeanor, unless the words “ Not 1Act of April 14, 1871, “ relating to banks and banking,” 34 Vic toria, c. 5. 460 H ISTORY OF MODERN B AN K S OF ISSUE. Incorporated ” were added to the title. This provision was made to prevent the public from mistaking private bankers for those holding charters and was extended in 1890 so that any* such expression as u Bank ” or “ Banking House ” was made illegal, whether the words “ Not Incorporated” were added or not. The history of the Canadian banking system between 1880 and the renewal of the bank charters in 1890 was a compara tively uneventful one, but experience of the banking law had suggested a number of reforms which were carefully dis cussed before the renewal was voted. It was found that the notes of the banks did not remain steadily at par in those parts of the country far removed from the redemption agencies. It was also found that, notwithstanding the ample security for the final payment of the notes of failed banks, they sometimes dropped to a discount when the holders desired to realize upon them at once.1 The impor tance of concerted action to secure the reforms desired by the public, without infringing upon the freedom of banking, was keenly felt by the leading banks and they held a meeting in Montreal on January 11, 1890, at which they resolved to request an interview with Mr. Foster, the Minister of Fi nance. The request was granted and interviews took place on January 25th and February nth and 12th. Several dif ferences of opinion developed regarding details, some of which were carried before the Privy Council, but a thorough revision of the banking law was enacted and received the royal assent on May 16, 1890.2 The important features of the Canadian banking system, as it developed from the legis1 “ Although the liquidators were ready to redeem within a month, the discount on the notes of the Exchange Bank after its failure rose as high as five or ten per cent. Redemption of the notes of the Maritime Bank, though finally in full, was delayed for nearly three years after the failure, and in the meanwhile its issues sold for as low as forty cents on the dollar. In notes of the Central Bank of Canada, Americans near Sault Ste. Marie found a profitable speculation by buying them up after the failure, at ten per cent, discount.’*—Breckenridge, 315. 853 Victoria, c. 31, “ An Act respecting banks and banking.” THE CANADIAN BANKING SYSTEM . 461 iation of 1870 and 1880 into that of 1890, may be discussed under the following headings: 1. Security of note issues. 2. Elasticity of circulation. 3. Uniformity of circulation, without discount upon the notes. 4. Inspection of accounts and security of general creditors. 5. Cash reserves and the use of coin. 6. Branch banks and the requirement of large capital. 1. The essential conditions which secure the note issues of the Canadian banks are the duplicate liability of share holders, the first lien of note-holders upon the assets of a failed bank, the Bank Circulation Redemption Fund, and the five per cent, interest which accrues upon the notes of failed banks from the date of refusal to redeem to the date when readiness to redeem is again announced. The dupli cate liability of shareholders dates back to 1834 in Ontario and 1841 in Quebec. The making of the notes a first lien on the assets was suggested by the bankers in 1869, but was abandoned because of the opposition of Mr. Hincks. He feared that the impairment of the equal claims of other creditors which this provision involved would lead to a run by depositors and to the injury of the banks. The failures between 1874 and 1879 compelled many note-holders to realize on their notes at a great discount, in order to obtain immediate use of their money,1 and dissatisfaction was so great that the bankers again proposed in 1880 that the notes be made a first lien. The total assets of each bank were f