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Frances Perkins * Secretary




Katharine F. Lenroot, Chief

A G lossary o f


In Spanish, Portuguese French
and E nglish


Bureau Publication N o. 271

United States Government Printing Office
Washington : 1942

For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C.
Price 15 cents
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



L etter

T r a n s m i t t a l _________________ _________


P r e f a c e ________________________________________________



S p a n ish -E n g l is h ___________________________________
E n glish -S p a n is h ___________________________________


P or ttjguese - E n g l i s h _____________________________
E n g l is h - P o r t u g u e s e _______________________________


F rench -E n g l ish ___________
E n g l is h -F

r e n c h _ ____________________________________

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Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


U n it e d S t a t e s D



L abor,

C h il d r e n ’s B u r e a u ,

Washington, December 1, 1941.
There is transmitted herewith a Glossary of Certain ChildWelfare Terms in Spanish, Portuguese, French, and English.
Under a resolution passed at the Sixth Pan American Child Congress
held in Lima, Peru, in 1930, the International American Institute for
the Protection of Childhood, with headquarters in Montevideo,
Uruguay, was entrusted with the preparation, before the next congress,
of a glossary of child-welfare terms in the four languages spoken on
the American continents— Spanish, Portuguese, French, and English.
By arrangement between the Institute and the Children’s Bureau a
glossary was compiled by Anna Kalet Smith of the Bureau staff and
was issued in 1935 in mimeographed form, as a preliminary draft, in
time for the Seventh Pan American Child Congress held in that year
in Mexico City.
With the development of child-welfare work in the American coun­
tries in recent years and the consequent growth of the child-welfare
vocabulary and literature in those countries, it has been found possible
to add many new terms to the glossary.
The present work is a revised and enlarged edition of the prelim­
inary draft and is intended especially for distribution at the Eighth
Pan American Child Congress to be held in Washington May 2-9,1942.
Respectfully submitted.
K a t h a r i n e F. L e n r o o t , Chief.


adam :


F r a n c e s P e r k in s ,

Secretary of Labor.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

The foreign-language terms in this glossary were obtained from
child-welfare publications in the Spanish, Portuguese, and French
languages and are given here with equivalent terms as used in this
country. For each list of terms in a foreign language, a correspond­
ing list is given of the English-language terms in that list with
their meanings in the foreign language. Especially in the Spanish list,
in some instances explanations rather than equivalents are given, and
frequently there is included a reference to the publication in which a
particular term was found.
The purpose of this glossary is to facilitate the use of child-welfare
literature published in this country, particularly by readers in the
other American Republics, and the use by readers in this country of
material published in the Spanish, Portuguese, and French languages.
The list of terms at present is of course far from complete. Sugges­
tions of additional terms for inclusion in a supplement will be appreci­
ated by the Children's Bureau.
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Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

In view of the occasional differences in the use of the same childwelfare terms in the Spanish-speaking American countries and the
appearance of new terms in recent years, it was considered advisable in
some cases to add the sources from which the terms were obtained. For
some of the longer titles of publications the following abbreviations
are used:
Bol. Inst. int. am. prot. in f --------- Boletín del Instituto internacional americano de
protección a la infancia, Montevideo.
Bol. Mus. soc. arg---------------------- Boletín del Museo social argentino, Buenos

Bol. Un. panam ------------------- —

Boletín de la Unión panamericana, Washington,

D. C.
Prontuario civico y social------------ Prontuario cívico y social, Guía explicativa de

las instituciones al servicio de los habitantes
del distrito federal, M éxico,D.F.,1929, 152 pp.
Nelson, La salud del nino ----------- Nelson, Ernesto, La salud del niño, su pro­
tección social, Editorial La Nueva Demo­
cracia, Nueva York, 1929, 446 pp.
Pro infantia ____________________ Pro infantia, Boletín oficial del Consejo
superior de protección a la infancia, Minis­
terio de la gobernación, Madrid.
Salubridad_____________________ Salubridad, órgano del Departamento de
salubridad pública, México, D. F.
Sert), soc _______________________ Servicio social, Publicación Trimestral, órgano
de la Escuela de servicio social de la iunta
de beneficencia de Santiago, Santiago de
Chile. [Not to be confused with Servicio
social published in Buenos Aires— the title of
the latter is referred to in full.]
Telma Reca, La delincuenña infantil, Buenos
Telma Reca, Delinc. inf.
Aires, 1932, 245 pp.

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abandonado: neglected (child); abandoned (Chile); lacking parents

{Bol. Mus. soc. arg., Oct.-Dec. 1931); deserted,
abandonado, materialmente : physically neglected (child) (as a found­

ling, a dependent orphan, a child of parents unable to care for
him, or a child deserted by his parents) (Bol. Mus. soc. arg., Oct.-Dec.
abandonado, m oralm ente: morally neglected (child) (Bol. Mus. soc.
arg., Oct.-Dec. 1931).
abandono de la familia: family desertion.
abandono material: abandonment, desertion; physical neglect (Serv.
soc., No. 3-4, 1931).
abandono moral: moral neglect,
ablactación: weaning.
abrigo de m enores: detention home for juvenile delinquents,
acta de nacimiento: birth certificate.
admitir en depósito: to admit (to an institution) (Pro infantia,
No. 180, 1930).
agencia de bienestar de m enores: child-welfare agency,
agencia escolar de em pleo: school employment agency (Nelson, La
salud del niño).
ahorros escolares: school savings bank; system of school savings.
albergar a niños: to shelter children in an institution.
alcaidía de m enores: detention home for juvenile delinquents.
alimentación: feeding; nutrition; diet.
alimentación inadecuada: inadequate diet.
alimentación mixta: mixed feeding (of infants).
almuerzo de mediodía: noonday meal, lunch.
almuerzo escolar: school lunch (Bol. Mus. soc. arg., Nov. 1930).
alojamiento: living quarters, housing.
alumbramiento: childbirth.
alumno aplazado: retarded school child.
alumno externo: day pupil.
alumno interno: boarding pupil.
alumno retardado: retarded school child.
alumno retrasado: retarded school child.
a m a : wet nurse.
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ama de cría : wet nurse,
ama de leche : wet nurse.
amamantamiento: breast feeding, feeding at the breast,
amamantar: to feed at the breast, to nurse,
am biente: environment,
ambiente familiar: family environment.
ambulancia dental viajera: traveling dental clinic (Nelson, La salud

del niño).
amparo legal a la maternidad : legal aid to mothers,
analfabetismo : illiteracy,
analfabeto: illiterate person.
anormal: physically or mentally defective; abnormal (Bol. Inst. int.

am. prot. inj., July 1931).
anormal profundo: advanced mental defective,
anormal psíquico: mentally defective,
anormalidad psíquica: mental defect; mental defectiveness,
antropometría escolar: study of physical measurements of school

children, anthropometry of school children,
año del niño: children’s year (Nelson, La salud del niño).
aptitudes profesionales: vocational ability,
asiento: headquarters,
asignación familiar: family allowance,
asilado: inmate (of an institution),
asilo: institution.
asilo de expósitos : institution for foundlings, foundling home,
asilo de la infancia: institution for children, children’s home,
asilo de lactantes: institution for infants (Servicio social, Buenos Aires,

Vol. 3, April-June 1939).
asilo escuela : institution containing a school.
asilo maternal: nursery school; day center for children of preschool

age (Nelson, La salud del niño); combination day nursery and kindergartenin Montevideo (Bol. Inst. int. am. vrot.inf., April 1932).
asistencia: assistance, aid; welfare work; attendance,
asistencia a la escuela: school attendance,
asistencia de médicos: medical attendance; medical care,
asistencia dental escolar: dental treatment of school children,
asistencia diferenciada del niño: specialized child care,
asistencia domiciliaria del parto: attendance at childbirth in the
asistencia en maternidades : care in maternity homes,
asistencia escolar: school attendance.
asistencia escolar obligatoria: compulsory school attendance,
asistencia facultativa: medical care; medical attendance; medical
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asistencia facultativa gratuita: free medical care; free medical attend­

ance; free medical service,
asistencia hospitalaria: hospital care,
asistencia judiciaria: legal aid.
asistencia médica: medical care; medical treatment; medical aid.
asistencia médico-social: medical-social services,
asistencia obstétrica prenatal: prenatal care,
asistencia prenatal: prenatal care (Chile),
asistencia pública: public aid; public-welfare work,
asistencia social: social-welfare work; social aid.
asistencia social de la maternidad : welfare work for mothers, maternal-

welfare work (Servicio social, Buenos Aires, Vol. 3, April-June 1939).
asistenta social con instrucción especial én la psiquiatría: psychiatric

social worker (woman) (Serv. soc., No. 2, 1930).
asistente social: social worker {Bol. Mus. soc. arg., April-June 1931).
asociación de padres: parents’ association.
atención de partes a domicilio: attendance at childb rth n the home,
atención domiciliaria: attendance at home (by physic an, midwife,

or nurse, in case of childbirth or illness),
atención facultativa: medical care,
ausentismo escolar: truancy,
auxiliar social: social worker,
auxiliar social hospitalaria: hospital social worker,
auxilio pecuniario: financial aid (Nelson, La salud del niño).

beneficencia pública: public-welfare work; public aid; public relief,
beneficencia social: social-welfare work,
biblioteca infantil: children’s library,
bienestar de familia: family welfare.
bienestar físico : physical welfare (Nelson, La salud del niño).
bienestar infantil: child welfare,
bienestar social: social welfare.
escolar : scholarship
Bogotá, April 16, 1940).



a school




caja de ahorros: savings bank; savings fund,
caja de ahorros escolares: school savings bank,
caja de maternidad: maternity-benefit fund (Nelson, La salud del

campamento de niños: summer camp for children {Informaciones

argentinas, Buenos Aires, No. 47, 1940).
campamento de verano: summer camp.
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campamento escolar: camp for school children,
campamento veraniego: summer camp,
campaña educativa: educational campa gn.
campaña semanal en favor del b ebé: baby week,

atlético: athletic field,
de deportes: playground, athletic field,
de ju e g o s: playground, athletic field,
de recreación: playground, athletic field,
escolar de ju e g o s: school playground,

cantina escolar : school lunchroom.
cantina maternal: mothers’ lunchroom (Nelson, La salud del niño).
capacidad psicológica: mental ability.
carnet de trabajo juvenil: child-labor (record) book (a child-welfare

bill introduced in Chile in 1940 provides for such books for workers
under 16).
casa-asilo para niños en la edad escolar: after-school center (for
children of working mothers) {Salubridad, Voi. 1, No. 4, 1930).
casa-asilo para niños en la edad preescolar: day nursery for preschoo
children {Salubridad, Voi. 1, No. 4, 1930).
casa colectiva: tenement house.
casa cuna: day nursery (Panama; Venezuela; Costa Rica); foundling
casa cuna externa: day nursery (Venezuela).
casa de adm isión: receiving home, temporary residence for a child
(pending permanent placement in an adoption home or foster home,
or return to own home).
casa de corrección: correctional institution, training school,
casa de corrección de m enores: correctional institution for minors
(Costa Rica).
casa de cuna: institution for dependent children under the age of
7 years {Prontuario cívico y social).
casa de detención: detention home.
casa de expósitos: foundling home, institution for foundlings,
casa de ingreso: detention home (where children brought before the
juvenile court are placed for observation and decision on treatment
casa de maternidad: maternity home,
casa de m enores: detention home (Chile).
casa de niños expósitos: institution for abandoned or deserted chil­
dren, foundling home.
casa de observación: detention home (where children brought before
juvenile court are placed for observation and decision on treatment
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



casa de orientación: institution for juvenile delinquents (Mexico),

training school.
casa de vecindad: tenement house (Nelson, La salud del nind).
casa del niño: institution for homeless or destitute children (applied to

various kinds of institutions; meaning varies slightly in the different
countries) (Bol. Un. panam., Jan. 1931).
casa familiar: cottage-type institution (for dependent, wayward, or
delinquent children)
casa hogar: cottage-type institution; individual cottage in a cottagetype institution (La reforma— anuario, Montevideo, 1940); (in some
countries) institution for dependent children 6 to 15 years of age.
casa maternal: maternity home; institution for dependent children
3 to 6 years of age (Hogares de 'protección social, Quito, Vol. 1, No. 1,
1939) .
casa maternidad : maternity home (Venezuela).
casa orientación: institution for juvenile delinquents (Mexico), train­
ing school.
casa postnatal: maternity home, institution in which recently con­
fined mothers stay for a time with their babies (Venezuela),
casa prenatal: maternity home, home for expectant mothers (Vene­
casas baratas : low-cost housing,
casas populares : low-cost housing,
cédula escolar: individual school record (of a child),
censo-encuesta: survey (Nelson, La salud del niño).
centro de crianza: locality in which a number of infants have been
placed with wet nurses (Nelson, La salud del niño).
centro de d efensa : day center for children 3 to 14 years of age (where
they receive three meals a day, medical care, and other attention;
children of preschool age are kept at the center all day; school chil­
dren only during the hours when free from school; several such
centers are maintained by the Consejo de defensa del niño, a pri­
vate child-welfare agency in Santiago de Chile) (Serv. soc., No. 2,
1940) .
centro de higiene: public-health unit. See also c e n t r o d e s a l u d .
centro de higiene escolar: school clinic (Venezuela),
centro de higiene infantil: child-health center (Nelson, La salud del
niño). (In some countries prenatal care is also given at the center.)
centro de m adres: place where mothers are taught home management,
sewing, hygiene, child care, etc. (Consejo de defensa del niño,
Quinta memoria, Santiago de Chile, 1939).
centro de nutrición: nutrition clinic,
centro de protección a la infancia: child-health center.
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centro de protección de la salud infantil: child-health center (Costa

centro de protección infantil: child-health center consisting of day

nursery, kindergarten, nursing room, milk station, well-child clinic,
and prenatal clinic (Bogotá).
centro de salud: public-health unit (branch of National Department
of Health and Social Welfare doing various phases of public-health
work, including prenatal work and child-health work, and providing
care at home or in hospitals, and sometimes public-health nursing
services) (various publications by Ministerio de sanidad y asistencia
social, Venezuela; Boletín sanitario, Managua, Feb. 1940).
centro de salud infantil: child-health center (Peru),
centro de sanidad infantil: child-health center.
centro de servicio social : center for the treatment and care of children
exposed in their homes to tuberculosis (Vida y salud, Lima, May
centro maternal: prenatal clinic, maternity hospital (Costa Rica,
Memoria de la Secretaría de salubridad 'pública y protección social,
1939, San José, 1940).
centro maternal ambulante: traveling prenatal clinic,
centro mixto de salud: health unit providing medical treatment for
workers and doing some public-health work (maintained jointly by
employers, National Government, and local government) (Revista
de higiene, Bogotá, Jan.-Feb. 1940).
centro prenatal: prenatal clinic (Nelson, La salud del niño).
centro preventivo : child-health center (Chile).
centro recreativo: recreation center (Bol. Inst. int. am. prot. inf.,
Oct. 1930).
centro sanitario: see centro de higiene.
centro social: settlement (Serv. Soc., No. 2, 1930; Revista de asist.

soc., Santiago de Chile, Dec. 1938).
certificación facultativa : medical certificate,
certificado de vacuna: vaccination certificate,
cinematografía : motion pictures,
ciudad jard ín : garden city.
clase diferencial: special class for retarded children (Boletín de higiene

escolar, La Plata, Jan.-June 1934).
clínica ambulante de puericultura : traveling child-health center,
clínica de conducta: child-guidance clinic (Serv. soc., No. 2, 1930).
clínica de consulta prenatal: prenatal clinic,
clínica de guía infantil: child-guidance clinic,
clínica de hábitos: habit clinic (Bol. Mus. soc. arg., Nov. 1930).
clínica de higiene m ental: child-guidance clinic,
clínica de maternidad: obstetric clinic.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



clínica de nutrición: nutrition clinic.
clínica de nutrición escolar: nutrition clinic for school children {Bol.

Inst. int. am. prot. inf., April 1932).
clínica de observación infantil: child-guidance clinic (Celina Cardozo,

Nuevas orientaciones sobre delincuencia juvenil en los Estados Unidos
de América, Habana, 1940).
clínica de oídos, nariz y garganta : ear, nose, and throat clinic.
clínica de orientación infantil: child-guidance clinic.
clínica de orientación profesional: vocational-guidance clinic.
clínica de orientación psicoeducacional del niño: child-guidance clinic.
clínica dental: dental clinic.
clínica dental escolar: school dental clinic.
clínica infantil: child-health center (Costa Rica).
clínica odontológica : dental clinic.
clínica oftalmológica: eye clinic.
clínica para los niños: children’s clinic.
clínica prenatal: prenatal clinic.
clínica psicoeducacional: child-guidance clinic {Bol. Inst. int. am. prot.
inf., Oct. 1930).
clínica psico-pedagogica: habit clinic (Celina Cardozo, Nuevas orien­
taciones sobre delincuencia juvenil en los Estados Unidos de América,
Habana, 1940).
clínica viajera: traveling clinic.
cocina de leche: milk station (where free milk is given to needy
mothers for their children),
cocina escolar: school lunchroom (Costa Rica),
código de m enores: minors’ code, children’s code,
código del niño: children’s code, minors’ code,
coeducación : coeducation.
coeficiente de mortalidad infantil: infant mortality rate,
colectividad : community.
colectivo: housing unit for a number of families (maintained by the
Consejo de defensa del niño) (Chile),
colocación a domicilio: placing (a child) in a foster home (Nelson,
La salud del niño), foster-home placement,
colocación en fam ilia: placing in a foster home,
colocación familiar en cuidadora : placing a child in a paid foster home
{Bol. Inst. int. am. prot. inf., Jan. 1939).
colocación familiar en custodia: placing a child in a free foster home
{Bol. Inst. int. am. prot. inf., Jan. 1939).
colocación familiar en guarda : placing a child in a home where he is to
do some paid work {Bol. Inst. int. am. prot. inf., Jan. 1939).
colonia al aire libre: open-air colony, a country place where children
spend their vacations outdoors (Nelson, La salud del niño).
416222o— 42------2
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colonia climática de altura: camp at high altitude (for malnourished

children) (Peru).
colonia correccional: correctional institution for juvenile delinquents

0Gaceta oficial, Caracas, Dec. 16, 1939).
colonia de altura: camp at high altitude (for malnourished children),
colonia de vacaciones: day camp, summer camp (Bol. Inst. int. am.

prot. inf., April 1932; Informaciones argentinas, Buenos Aires, No.
47, 1940).
colonia de vacaciones diurna: day camp.
colonia escolar de vacaciones: vacation camp for school children,
vacation colony for school children,
colonia familiar: district (usually in the country) where a number of
children are placed in foster homes (Bol. Mus. soc. arg., various
colonia hogar: cottage-type institution (Infancia y juventud, Buenos
Aires, No. 12, 1939).
colonia infantil escolar: camp or rest home for malnourished school
children (Venezuela).
colonia marítima: open-air school at the seashore (for malnourished
children) (Bol. Inst. int. am. prot. inf., April 1932).
colonia maternal escolar: vacation camp for young children with
their mothers (Nelson, La salud del niño).
colonia para niños: camp for children.
colonia sanitaria infantil: camp for malnourished school children,
colony for malnourished school children (Boletín de educación sani­
taria, Caracas, March 15, 1940).
colonia veraniega: summer camp for school children (Costa Rica),
comadrona: midwife.
comadrona sanitaria: midwife without diploma authorized by the
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare to attend normal deliveries
comedor escolar: school lunchroom.
comedor popular: low-price restaurant (maintained as a welfare
measure by governments of several countries),
comida del mediodía: noonday meal,
concurrencia: attendance (at school),
conferencia: lecture; conference.
consejero de trabajo y profesiones: vocational adviser (Nelson, La
salud del niño).
consejero vocacional: vocational adviser.
consulta de lactantes: infant-health conference, infant-health clinic,
consulta de maternidad: prenatal clinic.
consulta de puericultura: child-health clinic, child-health conference
(V enezuela).
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



consulta del niño sano: see c o n s u l t a d e p u e r i c u l t u r a .
consulta médica: medical advice (M exico); patient’s consultation with

a physician.
consulta obstétrica: prenatal care (Prontuario cívico y social).
consulta prematrimonial: premarital physical examination, exami­

nation of persons intending to marry,
consulta prenatal: prenatal clinic.
consultorio: child-health center (Bol. Inst. int. am. prot. inf., Oct.

1930); clinic (Peru); physician’s office (Boletín sanitario, Buenos
Aires, Sept. 1939).
consultorio de beneficencia pública: public-welfare clinic (Prontuario
cívico y social).
consultorio de la madre y del niño: health center for mothers and
children (Chile, Prevision social, Jan.-Feb. 1940).
consultorio de lactantes: child-health center (Nelson, La salud del
consultorio de maternidad : combined prenatal and child-health center
(Informaciones argentinas, Buenos Aires, No. 49, 1940).
consultorio de niños: child-health center (Servicio social, Buenos
Aires, June-Sept. 1939).
consultorio de obstetricia: obstetric clinic, prenatal clinic (Servicio
social, Buenos Aires, Yol. 3, April-June 1939).
consultorio de oído, nariz y garganta: ear, nose, and throat clinic,
consultorio de orientación del niño: child-guidance clinic (Bol. Mus.
soc. arg., Jan.-March 1932).
consultorio de postnatalidad: child-health center (Bol. Inst. int. am.
prot. inf., April 1932).
consultorio de prenatalidad: prenatal clinic (Prontuario cívico y social).
consultorio dental: dental clinic (Servicio social, Buenos Aires, Vol. 3,
April-June 1939).
consultorio externo : clinic; dispensary (Peru),
consultorio jurídico: legal-aid bureau,
consultorio maternal: prenatal clinic.
consultorio maternológico : prenatal clinic (Instituto nacional del niño,
1936-38, Lima).
consultorio m édico: clinic; physician’s office (Revista de asist. soc.,
Santiago de Chile, Dec. 1938).
consultorio obstétrico : prenatal clinic,
consultorio odontológico: dental clinic; dentist’s office,
consultorio oftalmológico: eye clinic.
consultorio para lactantes: child-health center (Nelson, La salud del
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



consultorio para niños: child-health center,
consultorio prenatal: prenatal clinic (Nelson, La salud del niño).
consultorio prenupcial: clinic for. medical examination of persons

intending to marry, premarital clinic,
conventillo: tenement house (Chile),
cooperación mutualista: mutual aid.
copa de lech e: (cup of) milk served to children in school (Bol. Tnst.

int. am. prot. inf., April 1932).
corte de relaciones dom ésticas: court of domestic relations (Bol. Inst,

int. am. prot. inf., Oct. 1930).
corte ju ven il: juvenile court (Bol. Inst., int. am. prot. inf., various

crecimiento: growth.
crèche: day nursery (Uruguay).
crianza materna: breast feeding by the mother.
criar un h ijo: to bring up a child.
criatura: infant; baby.
criminalidad de los niños: juvenile delinquency,
criminalidad infantil: juvenile delinquency,
cuerpo médico-escolar: school medical staff,
cuidado corporal: physical care.
cuidado de la primera infancia: infant care (Nelson, La salud del niño).
cuidadora: see c o l o c a c ió n f a m i l i a r e n c u i d a d o r a .
cultura física: physical education (Bol. Inst. int. am. prot. inf., Oct.

cu na: institution for infants (various reports by J. Bauzá, Mon­

cuna maternal: day nursery (Peru).
cura del trabajo: occupational therapy (Revista de asist. soc., Santiago

de Chile* June-Sept. 1940).
cura por el trabajo: occupational therapy (Revista de àsist. soc., Santi­

ago de Chile, June-Sept. 1940).
curador: guardian of a child born out of wedlock (Nelson, La salud del

custodia : see

c o l o c a c ió n

f a m il ia r


c u s t o d ia .

debida preparación de alimento : proper preparation of food,
débil: weak, feeble; delicate; malnourished.
débil m ental: feeble-minded, mentally defective (Nelson, La salud del

niño)-, mentally retarded (Bol. Inst. int. am. prot. inf., July 1931).
debilidad m ental: feeble-mindedness, mental defectiveness; mental

defect (Bol. Mus. soc. arg., various issues),
defensa sanitaria: preventive health work, health protection.
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defensa social sanitaria: public-health work.
defensor de m enores: “ defender of minors’’ (Argentina—public offi­

cial charged with protection of persons and interests of orphans,
children deserted by their parents, and those brought before the
juvenile court) {Biblioteca jurídica argentina; Diccionario de legis­
lación de la República Argentina, Vol. 3, p. 479).
deficiente m ental: mentally defective,
deficiente profundo: advanced mental defective,
déficit mental: mental defect; mental defectiveness,
delegado de libertad vigilada: probation officer {Bol. Inst. int. am. prot.
inf., Oct. 1930).
delegado de libertad vigilada rentado: paid probation officer,
delegado del tribunal de m enores: probation officer of a juvenile
delegado honorario: volunteer probation officer,
delegado rentado: salaried probation officer,
delincuencia de los niños: juvenile delinquency,
delincuencia en los m enores: juvenile delinquency,
delincuencia infantil: juvenile delinquency,
delincuencia ju venil : juvenile delinquency,
delincuente : delinquent,
delincuente menor: juvenile delinquent,
dentadura defectuosa: defective teeth,
dentadura m ala: defective teeth,
dentista escolar: school dentist,
deporte: sports, athletics,
desadaptación: inability to adapt oneself,
desamparado: neglected; destitute; deserted,
desamparo: neglect of a child; desertion of a child,
desanalfabetización : eradication of illiteracy,
desarrollo físico: physical development,
desarrollo mental: mental development,
desarrollo psíquico: mental development,
desayuno escolar: school breakfast,
descarriado: wayward,
descuidado: neglected (child),
desnutrición: malnutrition.
desnutrición infantil: malnutrition among children,
desnutrido : malnourished,
desprotegido: neglected.
desvalido: neglected; destitute {Pro infancia desvalida, published by
Museo social argentino, Buenos Aires, 1930).
desviado: wayward, inclined to commit antisocial acts (draft of
Children’s Code, Peru, 1939).
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detención provisoria: preliminary detention,
dietista: dietitian; nutritionist (Chile).
diputado de libertad vigilada: probation officer {Bol. Inst. int. am.

prot. inf., Oct. 1930).
dirección nacional de la niñez: National Children’s Bureau {Bol. Mus.

soc. arg., Feb. 1930).
dispensario: clinic or dispensary for medical examination and treat­

dispensario de higiene m ental: mental-hygiene clinic,
dispensario de lactantes: child-health center (Nelson, La salud del

niño)’, combination of prenatal clinic, child-health center for well
children, and clinic for ill children, all served by a staff of social
workers (Peru, Instituto nacional del niño, Protección al niño, Lima
dispensario de puericultura: child-health center {Serv. soc., No. 4,
dispensario infantil: child-health center.
dispensario maternal: prenatal clinic {Serv. soc., No. 4, 1930; Nelson,
La salud del niño).
dispensario odontológico escolar: school dental clinic (Venezuela),
dispensario para mujeres grávidas: prenatal clinic,
dispensario prenatal: prenatal clinic,
dispensario volante: traveling clinic.
divulgación higiénica: education in hygiene; health education,
dominio paternal: parental control.

economía dom éstica: home management, domestic science,
edad escolar : school age.
edad preescolar: preschool age.
educación: up-bringing, training.
educación familiar: training (of the child) in the family,
educación física: physical education, physical training,
educación higiénica : health education; instruction in hygiene,
educación obligatoria: compulsory education; compulsory school at­

educación profesional: vocational education,
educación sanitaria: instruction in hygiene; health education,
educación sexual: sex education,
educacionista : educator.
egresado: person just discharged from an institution,
ejercicios deportivos: sports,
em barazo: pregnancy.
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encaminamiento del niño: child guidance,
encuesta: investigation; questionnaire,
enfermera: bedside nurse.
enfermera de salud pública: public-health nurse.
enfermera escolar: school nurse {Bol. Mus. soc. arg., Nov. 1930).
enfermera sanitaria: public-health nurse.
enfermera visitadora: visiting nurse {Bol. Inst. int. am. prot. inf.,

April 1930).; public-health nurse.
enfermera visitadora de puericultura: public-health nurse specializing

in child-health work.
visitadora social: public-health nurse: visiting nurse
{Revista de la Cruz roja colombiana, Bogotá, March 1940).
enferm o: patient.
enseñanza obligatoria: compulsory education.
enseñanza preescolar: preschool education.
enseñanza primaria: elementary education, primary education.
enseñanza profesional: vocational education, vocational training.
enseñanza sanitaria: instruction in hygiene; health education.
escolar : school child; pertaining to school.
escolaridad : child’s record in school.
escuela al aire libre: open-air school (Nelson, La salud del niño).
escuela climática: open-air school for malnourished children (Peru),
escuela correccional: correctional institution (for juvenile delinquents).
escuela de aprendizaje industrial: vocational-education school (Nelson,
La salud del niño).
escuela de puericultura: school of child care (Nelson, La salud del
niño\ Bol. Inst. int. am. prot. inf., Oct. 1930).
escuela de servicio social : school of social service,
escuela del estado : public school.
escuela del trabajo: school for the reeducation and vocational guidance
of mentally deficient, delinquent, or wayward children 12 to 18
years of of age.
escuela hogar: day nursery for children of working mothers (Mexico);
institution for orphans and other dependent children (Bolivia);
kindergarten (Mexico).
escuela hogar de señoritas: institution for girls 12 to 18 years of age
who are orphans, deserted by their parents, or dependent for other
reasons— they are there given an education and taught a trade
escuela maternal: nursery school {Hogares de protección social, Quito,
Yol. 1, No. 1, 1939).
escuela para inasistentes : school for truants.
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escuela preescolar: nursery school (Nelson, La salud del niño), kin­

dergarten (Uruguay),
escuela primaria : primary school,
escuela pública: public school,
escuela secundaria: secondary or high school,
escuela-taller: trade school, vocational-training school,
esparcimiento: recreation, entertainment,
establecimiento de detención: detention home,
establecimiento de protección de m enores: child-welfare institution,
establecimiento de tipo hogar : institution of the cottage type,
establecimiento oficial de amparo a la niñez: public child-welfare

establecimiento privado: private institution {Bol. Ins*., int. am. prot.

inf., Oct. 1930).
estación de leche educativa: center at which mothers, in addition to

milk for their children, receive advice on child care {Trabajo y comu­
nicaciones, Caracas, April 1940).
estado nutritivo: state of nutrition,
estatura: height, stature,
eugenesia: eugenics,
examen medico: medical examination.
examen prematrimonial: premarital examination (Nelson, La salud
del niño).
examen prenupcial: premarital examination (Nelson, La salud del
examen psiquiátrico: mental test {Bol. Mus. soc. arg., Oct.-Dec. 1931).
expósito: foundling, abandoned child,
extraviado: wayward.

facultad de medicina: medical school,
facultativo : physician,
ficha: individual record,
ficha de identidad: identity card.
ficha m édico-escolar: health record of school child {Bol. Mus. soc.

arg., Sept. 1931).
ficha sanitaria: health record,
fichero: record of cases, case index,
fichero central: record of cases, case index.
fichero central de la asistencia: confidential exchange, social-service

exchange {Bol. Mus. soc. arg., Dec. 1930).
fichero central de la filantropía: confidential exchange, social-service

fiscalización m édica : medical supervision,
físicamente anormal: physically defective.
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fondo del seguro: insurance fund,
formulario: questionnaire,
frecuentación escolar: school attendance,
funcionario escolar: school official.

gabinete de investigación paidológica: child-study laboratory {Bol.

ínst. int. am. prot. inf., Oct. 1930).
gabinete destinado al estudio del niño: child-study laboratory {Bol.

Inst. int. am. prot. inf., Oct. 1930).
gestación: pregnancy,
gestante: expectant mother.
ginegaladosia : breast-milk station {Revista deasist. soc., Santiago de

Chile, June-Sept. 1940).
gota de leche: milk station {Serv. soc., No. 2,1930).
guarda: see colocación familiar en guarda.
guardador: guardian (Costa Rica),
guardadora: foster mother.
guardería de niños de pecho : institution for infants {Pro infantia,

No. 180, 1930).

habitación: living quarters,
hábito sanitario: health habit.
higiene buco-dentaria infantil: oral hygiene of children,
higiene corporal: personal hygiene.
higiene escolar: school hygiene, hygiene of school children; measures

for protecting the health of school children,
higiene individual: personal hygiene,
higiene infantil: child hygiene,
higiene mental infantil: mental hygiene of the child,
higiene prenatal: prenatal hygiene,
higiene pública: public health,
higiene social: public health,
higienista dental: dental hygienist,
hijo bastardo: child of illegitimate birth,
hijo ilegítimo: child of illegitimate birth,
hijo natural: child of illegitimate birth,
hiperalimentación : overfeeding.


hipoalimentacion : underfeeding.
hiponutrición escolar: malnutrition among school children,
hogar: home, institution; club house (Chile, decree 5350 of Nov. 17,

1939, on leisure-time activities).
hogar adoptivo: foster home {Bol. Inst. int. am. prot. inf., Oct. 1930 and

July 1931).
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hogar colectivo: institution of the cottage type {Acción social, México,

April 15, 1940).
hogar de protección social: social-welfare institution (Ecuador),
hogar de semilibertad : small institution or home for minors discharged

from a reformatory (where they live under a certain regime but go
outside to do their work) {Bol. Mus. soc. arg., Oct.-Dec. 1931).
hogar diurno : day nursery.
hogar familiar: cottage-type institution for children {Serv. soc., No. 2,
1930); family home,
hogar incompleto: broken home.
hogar infantil: cottage-type institution for children {Serv. soc., No. 2,
1930) ; institution for daytime care of children 2 to 5 years of age
{Salubridad, Vol. 1, No. 4, 1930); institution for dependent,
neglected, and wayward children (Peru) ; institution for dependent
children of school age {Hogares de 'protección social, Quito, Vol. 1,
No. 1, 1939).
hogar maternidad: home where mother and child may be kept to­
gether for a certain time after childbirth (Nelson, La salud del
hogar refugio: maternity home for unmarried mothers (Nelson, La
salud del niño).
hogar substituto: foster home {Acción social, México, April 15, 1940).
hogar taller de maternidad: working-home for mothers, home where
mothers work in return for their maintenance,
hospicio: children’s institution (usually for children above the age of
7 years, Mexico).
hospital de niños: children’s hospital,
hospital infantil: children’s hospital.

identificar dactiloscópicamente: to fingerprint,
inasistencia escolar: truancy; irregular school attendance,
indagación de la paternidad: establishment of paternity,
índice de mortalidad : mortality rate,
indigente: indigent, needy, poor, destitute.
inestable: unmanageable, unruly {Bol. Inst. int. am. prot. inf., July

1931) .
infancia: childhood. See also p r im e r a in f a n c i a .
infancia abandonada: neglected children,
infancia delincuente: delinquent children.
infancia desvalida: destitude, neglected, or dependent children or

infancia sin amparo: neglected, destitute, or dependent children or

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informe anual: annual report.
m édico-escolar: medical inspection of school children
(Nelson, Ijl salud del niño).
inspector de inasistentes: truant officer,
institución: institution, organization, agency,
institución casa hogar: cottage-type institution,
institución de beneficencia: welfare institution, institution for de­
institución de caridad: welfare institution, institution for dependents,
institución de protección a la infancia: child-welfare institution, cùiidwelfare organization, child-welfare agency,
institución de protección al niño: child-welfare institution, child-wel­
fare organization, child-welfare agency,
instituto: institution, agency.
instituto de preorientación: institution for children under 12 years of
age presenting behavior problems {Trabajo y comunicaciones, Cara­
cas, April 1940).
instituto de protección a la primera infancia: infant-health center
{La revista de medicina y ciencias ajines, Buenos Aires, Sept. 30,
instituto de puericultura: small hospital for infants placed there
with their mothers (Buenos Aires) (Nelson, La salud del niño)',
small institution for sick and well children temporarily placed
there with their mothers (Bol. Mus. soc. arg., July-Aug. 1934).
instituto de tipo casa familiar: cottage-type institution,
instrucción obligatoria: compulsory education,
instrucción primaria: primary education.
internación: placing in an institution, commitment to an institution,
internado: institution, congregate-type institution,
internado de reeducación: institution for juvenile delinquents, train­
ing school.
internado diurno de niños: day nursery.
investigación de la paternidad: establishment of paternity (Nelson,
La salud del niño ; Bol. Inst. int. am. prot. inj., various issues),
investigador: investigator {Bol. Inst. int. am. prot. inj., Oct. 1930).

jardín de infantes: kindergarten (Nelson, La salud del niño).
jardín de la infancia: kindergarten (Nelson, La salud del niño).
je fe de delegados de libertad vigilada: chief probation officer,
ju e g o : game.
juez de m enores: judge of the juvenile court {Bol. Inst. int. am. prot.

inj., various issues).
junta de educación: board of education, school board,
juventud delincuente: juvenile delinquents, delinquent children,
juzgado de m enores: juvenile court.
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m édico-escolar: health services for school children; school
health work.
lactancia: breast feeding.
lactancia a pecho: breast feeding.
lactancia artificial: artificial feeding.
lactancia materna: breast feeding by the mother.
lactancia mercenaria: breast feeding by a paid nurse.
lactancia natural: breast feeding by the mother.
lactante: nursling.
lactario: breast-milk station (where mothers with a large amount of
breast milk bring a part of it for sale; the children of these mothers
are kept under observation by physicians and nurses) {Revista de
asist. soc., Santiago de Chile, Sept. 1936; Injormaciones argentinas,
Buenos Aires, No. 39,1940).
lactarium: see l a c t a r io .
leche de m ujer: breast milk.
legislación protectora de m enores: legislation for the protection of
minors, child-welfare legislation.
ley patronato de m enores: title of child-welfare law of 1919 in Argen­
libertad condicional: probation, parole,
libertad vigilada: probation, parole.
libreta m édico-escolar: school child’s health record (Colombia).
liga de madrecitas: little mothers’ league.
lugar de ju e g o : playground (Nelson, La salud del niño).

madre abandonada: deserted mother.
madre de casa: house mother in institutions for children {Bol. Mus.

soc. arg., Oct. 1930).
madre de leche: wet nurse,
madre en ciernes: expectant mother (Cuba),
madre lactante: nursing mother,
madre soltera: unmarried mother.
maestra visitadora: visiting teacher {Bol. TJn. panam., Feb. 1932).
mala dentadura: bad teeth.
malalimentado : malnourished.
malnutrido : malnourished.
manejadora de niños: nursemaid.
manejo de los niños: child management.
maternidad: maternity, motherhood; maternity home; maternity hos­

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maternidad refugio: maternity home (Nelson, La salud del niño).
maternidad secreta: secret maternity home (for unmarried mothers)

(Nelson, La salud del niño).
maternologia: science of maternal hygiene (Nelson, La salud del niño).
matrona: midwife.
medicina escolar: health work for school children.
medicina infantil: pediatrics.
médico escolar: school physician.
medio ambiente escolar: school environment.
medio ambiente familiar: family environment.
medio familiar: family environment.
menesteroso: dependent; needy, destitute.
menor de edad: minor.
menor de edad abandonado: deserted child.
menor delincuente: juvenile delinquent.
mentalmente anormal: mentally defective.
mentalmente enferm o: mentally ill.
merienda de la tarde: afternoon lunch.
mobiliario escolar: school furniture.
mortalidad infantil: infant mortality, child mortality.
mortalidad maternal: maternal mortality.
mortinatalidad: stillbirth rate.
mortineonatalidad : neonatal mortality.
mujer embarazada: expectant mother.
mujer-policía especialista en trabajo social: policewoman trained in
social work (Bol. Inst. int. am. prot. inf., Oct. 1930).
mutualidad: mutual-aid society,
mutualidad maternal: mothers' mutual-aid society,
mutualismo: mutual aid; system of mutual aid.

natalidad : birth rate.
negociado de la niñez: children’s bureau.
n en e: infant, baby.
neomaltusianismo: birth control.
niñera: nursemaid (Nelson, La salud del niño).
niñez: childhood.
niño de edad escolar: child of school age; school child,
niño de edad preescolar: child of preschool age; preschool child,
niño de escuela: school child,
niño de pecho: breast-fed child.
niño en custodia: child placed with a family offering to treat him as

its own (Bol. Inst. int. am. prot. inf., Oct. 1938).
niño en la edad preescolar: preschool child; child of preschool age.
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niño en peligro moral: child in moral danger,
niño en su primera infancia: infant,
niño encontrado: foundling (Serv. soc., No. 3-4, 1931).
niño escolar: school child.
niño infractor : juvenile delinquent (Secretaría de Gobernación, Departa­

mento de prevención social, Labor pro menores, México, 1939).
niño nacido fuera de matrimonio: child born out of wedlock (Nelson,

La salud del niño).
niño necesitado: destitute child (Puerto Rico).
niño problema: problem child {Hogares de protección social, Quito,

Vol. 1, No. 1, 1939).
nivel social: social level,
nodriza: wet nurse,
nodriza mercenaria: paid wet nurse,
norma de vida: standard of living.
normas minimas de bienestar infantil: minimum standards of child

notificación de nacimientos: reporting of births,
nutrición: feeding, nutrition,
nutrición deficiente : malnutrition.

obligación escolar : compulsory school attendance,
obra de asistencia: welfare agency; social-welfare agency; social-

welfare work.
obra de asistencia social: social-welfare work; social-welfare agency,

social-welfare institution.
obra de prevision higiénica escolar: health work for school children,

school health work; agency engaged in school health work,
obra de prevision y asistencia: social-welfare agency,
obra de protección a la infancia: child-welfare work; child-welfare

obra de protección a la maternidad: maternal-welfare work; maternal-

welfare agency.
obra infantil : child-welfare work.
obra periescolar : welfare work for school children {Bol. Inst. int. am.

prot. inf., April 1932).
obra social : social work.
obrador: sewing room or workroom in general for mothers (attached

to a child-health center) (Uruguay),
obrar sin discernimiento : to act without understanding,
obras de asistencia escolar: welfare services for school

health services for school children,
obrero: workman; manual worker.
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obrero asalariado : wage earner.
ocupación-terapia: occupational therapy {Revista de asist. soc., Santi­

ago de Chile, June-Sept. 1940).
oficial de asistencia: attendance officer.
oficial de prueba: probation officer {Infancia y juventud, Buenos Aires,

April—June 1940; Celina Cardozo, Nuevas orientaciones sobre
delincuencia juvenil en los Estados Unidos de América, Habana, 1940).
oficina del niño: children’s bureau; child-health center (Dr. Raul
Ortega, Datos para las Oficinas del niño, Santiago de Chile [1938?])
Oficina del niño de la secretaría del trabajo de los Estados Unidos de
Am érica: Children’s Bureau of the United States Department of

oficina jurídica: legal-aid bureau.
oficina maternal: prenatal clinic {Previsión social, Santiago de Chile,

Jan.-Feb. 1940).
orfelinato: institution for orphans (Nelson, La salud del niño).
orientación del niño: child guidance {Bol. Mus. soc. arg., Jan.-Mar.

orientación profesional: vocational guidance (Nelson, La salud del

orientación vocacional: vocational guidance (Nelson, La salud del


pabellón de maternidad (en hospitales generales): obstetric depart­

ment (in general hospitals), obstetric pavillion.
paidofilaxis: preservation of the child; study and application of

scientific principles to assure the best conditions for the child’s
development from conception until he is able to support himself
(Luis Felipe Gonzalez, Paidofilaxis, San José, 1939).
paidología: science of the child’s nature and development, science of
the child’s mental and physical functions (Luis Felipe Gonzalez,
Paidofilaxis, San José, 1939).
partera: midwife,
parto: childbirth, parturition,
parturiente: woman in childbirth,
patio de ju e g o : playground1(Nelson, La salud del niño).
patio de juegos infantiles: children’s playground {Informaciones
argentinas, Buenos Aires, No. 47, 1940).
patria potestad: parental authority.
patronato: society for welfare work (applied to various public and
private welfare agencies).
patronato de la infancia: name of a certain child-welfare society
(Buenos Aires).
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patronato de m enores: private agency doing welfare work for minors

discharged by the juvenile court (Peru),
patronato escolar: society doing welfare work for school children

(Diario oficial, Bogotá, April 16, 1940).
patronato nacional de la infancia : National Children’s Bureau (Costa

R ica); name of a private child-welfare society (Chile),
patronato para m enores: child-welfare agency,
pedagogo: educator,
pension a las m adres: mothers’ pension,
período prenatal: prenatal period,
perito en nutrición: nutrition expert,
personal: staff, personnel,
perverso: wayward,
piscina de natación: swimming pool,
plan de educación: curriculum,
plan de enseñanza: curriculum,
plaza de deportes: athletic field, playground,
plaza de ju e g o s: playground.
policlínico infantil: clinic attached to the juvenile court (for investi­

gating the cases from social, biological, and psychological viewpoints
{Memoria del Ministro de 'previsión social, Anexo No. 2, Quito, 1940) ;
clinic for medical examination and treatment of children,
ponencia: report,
posición: posture.
post-tratamiento: aftercare (of hospital patients),
postura: posture,
preescolar: preschool child,
preñez: pregnancy.
preparación profesional: vocational training,
preparación técnica: technical training; vocational training,
préstamo matrimonial: marriage loan (made by a government in some
countries to young married couples as a measure to promote mar­
riages and births).
presupuesto familiar: family budget.
prevención social: combination of measures tending to prevent delin­
quency (Mexico, Secretaría de Gobernación, Departamento de pre­
vención social, Los tribunales para menores en el D. F. y sus
instituciones auxiliares, México, 1936).
preventorio: preventorium (institution for the care of persons who are
thought to be likely to acquire tuberculosis, {Bol. Inst. int. am.
prot. inf., April 1932).
preventorio infantil: preventorium for children,
previsión social : social-welfare measures.
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prima de lactancia : nursing premium, nursing benefit (paid to nursing

mothers) (Servicio social, Buenos Aires, Vol. 3, April-June 1939).
prima de nacimiento: maternity benefit,
primera infancia: infancy.
protección a la infancia: child-welfare work {Bol. Inst. int. am. prot.

inf., Oct. 1930).
protección a la maternidad : maternal-welfare work,
protección a la primera infancia: inf ant-welfare work,
protección infantil: child-welfare work (Peru).
protección materna: welfare services for mothers; health services for

provisión de leche: milk supply.
prueba de inteligencia: intelligence test {Bol. Mus. soc. arg., Nov.

1930) .
prueba m ental: intelligence test {Bol. Inst. int. am. prot. inj., July

1931) .
psicología infantil: child psychology,
psicólogo : psychologist,
psiquiatra : psychiatrist.
puericultora : pediatric nurse {La reforma médica, Lima, May 1, 1936).
puericultorio : institution for orphans and dependent children from

infancy through school age (Elvira García y García, Cruzada a favor
del niño, Lima, 1938); institution providing various health and
welfare services for children (Peru),
puericultura: child care, infant care,
puericultura prenatal : prenatal care,
puesto de higiene: see c e n t r o d e s a l u d .
pupilo: ward.

raquitismo: malnutrition; rickets.
reactivo psicológico: intelligence test {Bol. Inst. int. am. prot. inf.,

July 1931).
recién nacido: newborn.
recreación pública: public recreation (Nelson, La salud del niño).
recreaciones: recreation,
recreo : recreation.
recreos infantiles: recreation for children.
refección escolar: school feeding; system of school lunches (Nelson,

La salud del niño).
refectorio escolar: school lunchroom {Bol. Inst. int. am. prot. inf.,

April 1932).
m aternal: lunchroom for
nacional del niño, 1936-38, Lima).


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low-price restaurant (maintained as a welfare
measure by governments of several countries),
reformatorio: reformatory, training school,
reformatorio de tipo familiar: cottage-type reformatory,
reformatorio de varones: reformatory for boys, training school for
refugio: maternity home for unmarried mothers (Nelson, La salud
del niño).
refugio maternal: maternity home {Servicio social, Buenos Aires,
Vol. 3, April-June 1939).
régimen com ún : regime of a congregate-type institution {La reforma—
anuario, Buenos Aires, 1940).
reincidencia : recidivism. ,
repetidor: repeater (school child repeating the same term),
restaurante escolar: school lunchroom,
restaurante materno : lunchroom for mothers.
restaurante popular: low-price restaurant (maintained as a welfare
measure by governments of several countries),
retardado m ental: mentally retarded, mentally defective,
retardado pedagógico: retarded (child) (Nelson, La salud del niño).
retrasado: retarded {Bol. Inst. int. am. prot. inf., July 1931).
retrasado profundamente: imbecile.

refectorio popular:

sala-cuna: day nursery (Nelson, La salud del niño).
sala de costura: sewing room for mothers (attached to child-health

center, Uruguay).
sala de lactancia: nursery (in factories) (Nelson, La salud del niño))

nursing room.
sala de maternidad: small maternity hospital; maternity department

(of a general hospital), maternity ward,
salubridad pública: public health,
salud infantil: child health,
salud materna: maternal health,
sanidad: health,
sanidad pública: public health,
scoutismo: boy-scout movement, scouting,
seguro de enferm edad : sickness insurance,
seguro de maternidad: maternity insurance.
seguro obrero obligatorio: compulsory workers’ insurance; social in­

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



seguros sociales: social insurance,
semana del b e b é: baby week.
semicolonia de vacaciones: day vacation camp for school children,

(Nelson, La salud del niño).
sentencia indeterminada: indeterminate sentence,
servicio de asistencia social: social service,
servicio de ayuda m utua: mutual aid.
servicio de higiene escolar: school health work,
servicio de libertad vigilada: probation work.
servicio de protección de m enores: child-welfare work (Bol. Inst. int.

am. prot. inj., Oct. 1930).
servicio de provisión de lech e: milk supply,
servicio dental: dental services; dental care,
servicio dental escolar: dental services for school children,
servicio dom éstico: domestic service,
servicio médico-escolar: school medical services,
servicio médico preescolar: health services for children of preschool

servicio prenatal: prenatal work (Nelson, La salud del niño).
servicio social de casos individuales: social case work,
servicios de primera infancia: infant-welfare work,
settlem ent: settlement (Revista de asist. soc., Santiago de Chile, Dec.

sirvienta que ayuda en los menesteres dom ésticos: visiting house­

keeper (Nelson, La salud del niño).
situación a prueba: probation (Celina Cardozo, Nuevas orientaciones

sobre delincuencia juvenil en los Estados Unidos de América, Habana,
sobrealimentación: overfeeding,
sobresalario: family allowance.
sobresueldo de fam ilia: family allowance (Nelson, La salud del niño).
sociedad de m adres: mothers’ mutual-aid society,
sociedad protectora de la infancia: child-welfare society,
socorro: benefit.
socorro de lactancia: nursing benefit (Nelson, La salud del niño).
socorro de nacimiento: maternity benefit, childbirth allowance,
sordo-m udo: deaf-mute,
subalimentación: malnutrition,
subsidio a la fam ilia: family allowance.
subsidio de lactancia: nursing benefit (Nelson, La salud del niño).
subsidio familiar: family allowance,
superdotado: exceptionally gifted.
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tarjeta: record card (e. g. school record).
tarjeta de salud escolar: health record (of school child) (Costa Rica).
tarjeta-registro: individual record (Mexico).
teatro infantil: children’s theater.
terapéutica por el trabajo: occupational therapy.
terreno de ju e g o s: playground.
test mental: intelligence test.
tipo colectivo: congregate type (institution).
tipo pabellón: cottage type (institution).
torno: revolving box for placing abandoned infants in an institution,
torno de expósitos: revolving box for placing abandoned infants in an

trabajador en favor del niño: child-welfare worker.
trabajador social: social worker (Bol. Mus. soc. arg., Oct.-Dec. 1931;

Bol. Inst. int. am. prot. inf., Oct. 1930).
trabajo a domicilio: industrial home work,
trabajo callejero: street trades.
trabajo de los menores en la vía pública: child labor in street trades.
trabajo de m enores : child labor.
trabajo de niños : child labor.
trabajo del niño: child labor.
trabajo nocturno: night work.
trabajo social: social work.
trabajo social en casos individuales : social case work.
tratamiento post-hospitalario: aftercare of hospital patients.
trato corporal: physical care.
tribunal de m enores: juvenile court.
tribunal de relaciones fam iliares: family court.
tribunal infantil: juvenile court (articles by Dr. Carlos de Arenaza,

Buenos Aires).
tribunal juvenil: juvenile court,
tribunal para niños : juvenile court,
tutela: guardianship.
tutor: guardian (Nelson, La salud del niño).

unión de obras de asistencia social: association of social-welfare

agencies (formed for the purpose of coordinating their work and
introducing technical methods of social service) (Informaciones
sociales, Lima, No. 1, 1940).
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



vacunación antivariólica: vaccination against smallpox.
vecindario: neighborhood.
vida afectivo-activa: emotional life.
vida en fam ilia: family life.
vida familiar: family life.
vigilancia de m enores: supervision over children.
vigilancia médica: medical supervision.
vigilancia prenatal: prenatal care.
vision defectuosa: defective eyesight.
visita a domicilio: home visit.
visita domiciliaria: home visit.
visitadora: visitor (in connection with social work).
visitadora de higiene: health visitor.
visitadora de higiene escolar: school nurse (Nelson, La salud del niño).
visitadora de higiene infantil: child-health visitor (Nelson, La salud

del niño).
visitadora del hogar: home visitor.
visitadora escolar: school nurse (Nelson, La salud del niño).
visitadora escolar de higiene: school nurse (Nelson, La salud del niño).
visitadora municipal: visiting nurse (employed by municipal health

authorities) (Nelson, La salud del niño).
visitadora sanitaria: public-health nurse.
visitadora social: social worker; health visitor {Bol. Inst. int. am.

prot. inf., Jan. and April 1932; Nelson La salud del niño; Bol. Mus.
soc. arg., various issues).
visitadora social hospitalaria: hospital social worker (Chile).
visitadora socio-escolar: visiting teacher (Serv. soc., No. 4, 1930).
vivienda: living quarters; housing.
vivienda barata: low-cost housing.
vivienda campesina: rural housing.
vivienda de la fam ilia: housing for the family.
vivienda económica: low-cost housing.
vivienda obrera: workers’ housing.
vivienda popular: low-cost housing.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

abandoned child: niño abandonado,
abandonment of the child: abandono del niño,
ability, m ental: see m e n t a l a b il it y .
aftercare: tratamiento post-hospitalario, post-tratamiento,
agency (child-welfare): obra; instituto.
aid: see financial aid , mutual aid , public aid , social aid .
annual report: informe anual,
artificial feeding: lactancia artificial.
athletic field: campo atlético, campo de deportes, campo de juegos,

plaza de deportes,
athletics: deportes.
attendance at childbirth in the h om e: asistencia domiciliaria del parto,

atención de partos a domicilio,
attendance officer: oficial de asistencia.

baby w eek: semana del bebé, campaña semanal en favor del bebé.
bedside nurse: enfermera.
birth certificate: acta de nacimiento.
birth control: regulación de la maternidad; neomaltusianismo.
birth rate: natalidad,
board o f education: junta de educación,
boarding pupil: alumno interno,
boy-scout m ovem ent: scoutismo.
breast-fed child: niño de pecho, niño amamantado,
breast feeding: lactancia, lactancia natural, lactancia

a pecho,

breast feeding by a paid wet nurse: lactancia mercenaria,
breast feeding by the m other: lactancia maternal, lactancia natural,

crianza materna,
breast m ilk: leche de mujer.
breast-milk station: lactario, lactarium; ginegaladosia

asist. soc.f Santiago de Chile, June-Sept. 1940).
bringing-up: educación.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

(Revista de



broken h om e: hogar incompleto.
bureau of legal aid : consultorio jurídico, oficina jurídica.

cam p : see day camp for children, summer camp, vacation camp.
camp at high altitude for malnourished children: colonia climática de

altura (Peru); colonia de altura.
camp for malnourished children: colonia sanitaria infantil (Vene­

campaign: campaña.

See also

baby - week campaign, educational


card index: fichero,
card of identity: see identity card.
care: see child care, physical care.
care in maternity h om es: asistencia en maternidades,
case index: see index of cases.
case work (social): see social case work .
central index: see confidential exchange.
certificate of vaccination: certificado de vacuna,
chief probation officer: jefe de delegados de libertad vigilada,
child born out of wedlock: niño nacido fuera de matrimonio (Nelson,

La salud del niño), hijo ilegítimo, hijo natural,
child care: puericultura. See also specialized child care.
child guidance: orientación del niño, encaminamiento del niño,
child-guidance clinic: clínica de orientación infantil, clínica de con­

ducta (Serv. soc., No. 2, 1930), clínica de orientación psicoeducacional del niño, clínica de orientación de los niños, clínica de guía
infantil (Telma Peca, Delinc. inj.), clínica psicoeducacional, clínica
de higiene mental, clínica de observación infantil (Celina Cardozo,
Nuevas orientaciones sobre delincuencia juvenil en los Estados Unidos
de América, Habana, 1940), consultorio de orientación del niño,
centro de orientación infantil {Bol. Un. jpanam., Feb. 1932).
child health: salud infantil, higiene infantil.
child-health center: centro de higiene infantil (Nelson, La salud del
niño), centro de salud infantil (Peru), centro de protección
de la salud infantil (Costa Rica), centro de protección infantil,
centro de protección a la infancia, centro de sanidad infantil,
centro preventivo (Chile), clínica infantil (Costa Rica), clínica de
higiene infantil, consulta de puericultura (Venezuela), con­
sulta de lactantes, consultorio de lactantes (Nelson, La salud del
niño), consultorio para niños, consultorio de postnatalidad, dis­
pensario de lactantes (Nelson, La salud del niño), dispensario infan­
til, dispensario de puericultura, instituto de protección a la primera
infancia {La revista de medicina y ciencias ajines, Buenos Aires, Sept.
30, 1940). See also traveling child- health center.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



child-health conference: consulta del niño sano, consulta de pueri­

cultura (V enezuela).
child-health visitor: visitadora de higiene infantil (Nelson, La salud

del niño).
child hygiene: higiene infantil.
child labor: trabajo de menores, trabajo de niños, trabajo juvenil,
child-labor (record) book: carnet de trabajo juvenil (Chile— a child-

welfare bill introduced in 1940 provides such a book for workers
under 16).
child labor in street trades: trabajo de los menores en la vía pública,
child m anagem ent: manejo de los niños,
child mortality: mortalidad infantil.
child o f illegitimate birth: see

c h il d b o r n o u t o f w e d l o c k .

child of preschool a ge: niño de edad preescolar, párvulo, preescolar.
child o f school age: niño de edad escolar.
child psychology: psicología infantil.
child welfare: bienestar infantil.
child-welfare agency: patronato de

la infancia, patronato para
menores, agencia de bienestar de menores, sociedad de protección
a la infancia, sociedad protectora de la infancia, obra de protección
al niño.
child-welfare institution: institución de protección del niño, institución
de protección a la infancia, institución del bienestar del niño, insti­
tución protectora de la infancia, casa del niño, casa de cuna (for
children under 7, Prontuario cívico y social), asilo de niños, asilo de
la infancia, hospicio (usually for children over 7, Mexico), hogar
de protección social infantil (Memoria del Ministro de previsión
social, Anexo No. 2, Quito, 1940), hogar infantil (for wayward and
neglected children, Peru), establecimiento de protección de menores.
See also p u b l ic c h il d - w e l f a r e in s t i t u t i o n .
child-welfare legislation: legislación protectora de menores,
child-welfare society: sociedad protectora de la infancia,
child-welfare work: protección a la infancia, protección infantil;
servicio de protección de menores (Bol. Inst. int. am. prot. inj.,
Oct. 1930).
child-welfare worker: trabajador en favor del niño.
childbirth: parto, alumbramiento.
childbirth allowance: see m a t e r n i t y b e n e f i t .
childhood: infancia, niñez. See also e a r l ie s t c h il d h o o d ,



Children’s Bureau o f the United States Department of Labor: Oficina

del niño de la secretaría del trabajo de los Estados Unidos de
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



children’ s clinic: clínica infantil, clínica para niños,
children’ s code: código de menores, código del niño,
children’ s hospital: hospital infantil, hospital de niños,
children’s library: biblioteca infantil,
children’ s theater: teatro infantil.
clinic: see child- guidance clinic,

children’ s clinic, dental

clinic (dispensary): consultorio médico {Revista de asist. soc., Santiago

de Chile, Dec. 1938), consultorio externo, consultorio, dispensario,
clinic for school children: centro de higiene escolar (Venezuela).
See also dental clinic for school children.
coeducation: coeducación.
club house: hogar (Chile, decree 5350 of Nov. 17, 1939, on leisure­
time activities),
community: colectividad.
compulsory education: educación obligatoria, instrucción obligatoria,
enseñanza obligatoria.
compulsory workers’ insurance: seguro obrero obligatorio,
compulsory school attendance: obligación escolar,
confidential exchange: fichero central de la filantropía {Bol. Mus. soc.
an/., Dec. 1930), fichero central de la asistencia. See also index


congregate type (of an institution): tipo colectivo,
congregate-type institution: internado.
correctional institution: casa de corrección, casa correccional {Gaceta

oficial, Caracas, Dec. 16, 1939), escuela de corrección, escuela
correccional, colonia correccional {Gaceta oficial, Caracas, Dec. 16,
cottage-type (of an institution): tipo pabellón.
cottage-type institution: casa familiar, casa hogar, hogar familiar,
instituto de tipo casa familiar {Bol. Mus. soc. arg., Oct. 1930); hogar
colectivo {Acción social, México, April 15, 1940), colonia hogar
{Infancia y juventud, Buenos Aires, No. 12, 1939), establecimiento
de tipo hogar, institución casa hogar, asilo en pabellones,
cottage-type reformatory : reformatorio de tipo familiar,
court: see family court, juvenile court.
court o f domestic relations: corte de relaciones domésticas {Bol. Inst,
int. am. prot. inj., Oct. 1930).
curriculum: plan de educación, plan de enseñanza, plan de estudios.
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day camp for children: semicolonia, semicolonia de vacaciones (Nelson,

La salud del niño), colonia de vacaciones diurna; colonia de vaca­
ciones (Informaciones argentinas, Buenos Aires, No. 47, 1940).
day nursery : sala cuna (Nelson, La salud del niño) ; asilo ; crèche ; cuna
maternal (Peru); casa cuna externa (Venezuela; casa cuna; hogar
diurno; casa-asilo para niños en la edad preescolar; internado
diurno de niños; cuna (Mexico),
day pupil: alumno externo,
defect (mental): see mental defect.
defective child: niño anormal (Prontuario cívico, y social, México, 1929.)
defective mentally: débil mental (Nelson, La salud del niño)-, anormal
psíquico; deficiente mental; mentalmente anormal,
defective physically: físicamente anormal,
defective teeth: dentadura defectuosa, dentadura mala,
defectiveness (mental): see mental defectiveness.
defender o f minors (public): see public defender of minors.
deficient nutrition: nutrición deficiente,
delicate child: niño débil,
delinquency: see juvenile delinquency.
delinquent children: juventud delincuente, infancia delincuente,
niños delincuentes.
delinquent minor : see juvenile delinquent.
dental clinic: clínica dental, clínica odontológica, consultorio dental,

consultorio odontológico.

See also

traveling dental clinic.

dental clinic for school children: dispensario odontológico escolar

(Venezuela), clínica dental escolar,
dental hygienist: higienista dental (Nelson, La salud del niño).
dental services for school children: servicio dental escolar,
dental treatment of school children: asistencia dental escolar,
dentist’ s office: consultorio odontológico,
dependent: desamparado,
deserted (child): abandonado,
desertion: see family desertion.
destitute: desvalido, indigente, menesteroso, necesitado, desamparado,
detention: detención. See also preliminary detention.
detention home for children brought before the juvenile court: abrigo

de menores; alcaidía de menores (Argentina); casa de detención;
casa de menores (Chile); casa de observación; establecimiento de
detención; casa de ingreso.
development: see mental development, physical development.
diet: alimentación,
dietitian: dietista.
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consultorio externo (Peru).
economía doméstica,
serv ic e : servicio doméstico.

d isp en sary :

See also

c l in ic .

dom estic scien ce:
dom estic

clínica de oídos, nariz y garganta; clínica
oto-rino-laringológica; consultorio de oídos, nariz y garganta,
earliest ch ildhood: primera infancia.
ed u ca tio n : see compulsory education, health education, in ­
ear, n ose , and throat clinic:


campaña educativa,
educacionista, pedagogo, educador,
elem entary ed u ca tio n : see primary education.
elem entary sch o o l: escuelá primaria,
em otional lif e : vida afeotivo-activa.

educational cam p aign :
ed u ca tor:

em ploym en t o f children in street tr a d e s:

trabajo de los menores en la

vía pública.
eradication o f illiteracy :


indagación de la paternidad (Nelson, La
salud del niño), investigación de la paternidad (Bol. Inst. in
prot. inj. various issues),
eu g e n ics: eugenesia.
ex am in a tio n : see medical examination , physical examination ,
establish m en t o f paternity:

exchange (confidential): see confidential exchange.
expectant m o th er: gestante, madre en ciernes, mujer embarazada,
eye clinic: clínica oftalmológica, consultorio oftalmológico.

exceptionally g ifte d :

a llo w a n ce: asignación familiar (Argentina), sobresueldo de
familia (Nelson, La salud del niño), sobresalario, subsidio a la
familia, subsidio familiar,
fam ily b u d g e t: presupuesto familiar,
fam ily cou rt: tribunal de relaciones familiares,
fam ily d esertio n : abandono de la familia.
family en v iro n m en t: medio familiar, ambiente familiar, medio
ambiente familiar,
fam ily h o m e : hogar familiar,
fam ily life : vida en familia, vida familiar,
fam ily w e lfa re: bienestar de familia,
fe e b le -m in d e d : débil mental.

fam ily
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feeble-m indedness: debilidad mental,
feed at the breast: amamantar.
feeding: alimentación;


See also

a r t if i c ia l

f e e d in g ,

financial aid: auxilio pecuniario (Nelson, La salud del niño).
fingerprint: identificar dactiloscópicamente.
foster h om e: hogar adoptivo {Bol. Inst. ini. am. prot. inf., Oct. 1930);

hogar substituto {Acción social, México, April 15,1940).
foster-hom e placem ent: colocación a domicilio, colocación en familia,

colocación familiar.
foster-hom e placement (in a free home): colocación familiar en custodia

{Bol. Inst. int. am. prot. inf., Jan. 1939).
foster-hom e placement (in a paid foster home) : colocación familiar en

cuidadora {Bol. Inst. int. am. prot. inf., Jan. 1939).
foster-hom e placement (where the child is to do some paid work):

colocación familiar en guarda {Bol. Inst. int. am. prot. inf., Jan.
1939) .
foster mother: madre adoptiva; guardadora.
foundling: expósito, niño encontrado.
foundling home : casa de expósitos, asilo de expósitos.

gam e: juego.
garden city: ciudad jardín.
gifted exceptionally: superdotado.
growth: crecimiento, desarrollo.
guardian: curador, tutor; guardador (Costa Rica).
guardianship: tutela.

habit clinic: clínica de hábitos {Bol. Mus. soc. arg., Nov. 1930); clínica

psico-pedagògica (Celina Cardozo, Nuevas orientaciones sobre
delincuencia juvenil en los Estados Unidos de América, Habana,
1940) .
headquarters: asiento.
health, public: see p u b l ic h e a l t h .
health center for mothers and children: consultorio de la madre y del

niño {Previsión social, Santiago de Chile, Jan.-Feb. 1940).
health education: educación sanitaria, educación higiénica (Mexico),

enseñanza sanitaria, divulgación higiénica, propaganda sanitaria,
health habit: hábito sanitario,
health insurance: see s ic k n e s s i n s u r a n c e .
health record (individual) : ficha sanitaria.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



health record of a school child: tarjeta de salud escolar (Costa Rica),

ficha sanitaria escolar, libreta médico-escolar, ficha médico-escolar,
health services for children of preschool a ge: servicio médico pre­

health services for school children: servicio de higiene escolar; obras

de asistencia escolar; labor médico-escolar; medicina escolar; obra
de previsión higiénica escolar,
health unit: see p u b l i c - h e a l t h u n i t .
health visitor: visitadora de higiene, visitadora sanitaria,
health work: obras de sanidad, trabajos de sanidad. See also p r e ­
v e n t iv e


height: estatura.
h om e: hogar. See also


h o m e , f o u n d l in g

hom e.

home aid: asistencia domiciliaria,
home visit: visita a domicilio, visita domiciliaria,
home visitor: visitadora del hogar.
hospital: see c h i l d r e n ’ s h o s p i t a l ,

m a t e r n it y h o s p it a l .

hospital care: a sisten c ia h o sp ita la ria .
hospital social worker: visitadora social hospitalaria, auxiliar social

house mother (in institutions): madre de casa {Bol. Mus. soc. arg.,

Oct. 1930).
housekeeper, visiting: see v i s i t i n g h o u s e k e e p e r .
housing: alojamiento. See also l o w - c o s t h o u s i n g ,
w orkers’

r u r a l h o u s in g ,

h o u s in g .

housing for the fam ily: vivienda de la familia.
hygiene: see m e n t a l h y g i e n e , o r a l h y g i e n e ,


h y g ie n e ,


identity card: ficha de identidad.
illegitimate (child): hijo natural, ilegítimo, bastardo.

illiteracy: analfabetismo.

See also

e r a d ic a t io n

of il l it e r a c y .

illiterate person: analfabeto.
improper diet: alimentación incorrecta.
indeterminate sentence: sentencia indeterminada.
index o f cases: fichero, fichero central.
See also

c o n f id e n t ia l


individual health record : ficha sanitaria,
individual record: tarjeta; ficha; tarjeta-registro (Mexico),
industrial education: educación profesional; enseñanza de artes y

industrial home work: trabajo a domicilio.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



infancy: primera infancia.
infant: niño lactante, niño de pecho; niño en su primera infancia;

nene, bebé, criatura.

See also

nursing infant .

infant care: cuidado de la primera infancia; puericultura,
infant mortality: mortalidad infantil.
infant mortality rate: coeficiente de mortalidad infantil,

tasa de

mortalidad infantil.
infant-welfare work: servicios de primera infancia; protección de la

primera infancia.
inmate (of an institution): asilado.

asilo, internado; instituto. See also child- welfare







casa de niños

institution for children: see child- welfare institution .
for dependent or neglected children: hogar infantil
(Servicio social, Buenos Aires, April-June 1939); casa maternal
{Hogares de 'protección social, Quito, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1939).
institution for dependents: institución de beneficencia; institución de
asistencia social.
institution for foundlings: asilo de expósitos, casa de expósitos,
institution for infants: cuna (various reports by Dr. Julio Bauzá,
Montevideo); guardería de niños de pecho; asilo de lactantes,
institution for juvenile delinquents: casa de corrección de menores,
establecimiento correccional, reformatorio, internado de reeduca­
ción. casa de orientación, casa orientación (Mexico),
institution for hom eless or destitute m others: asilo maternal {Bol.
Inst. int. am. prot. inf., Jan. 1933).
institution for problem children: instituto de preorientación {Trabajo
y comunicaciones, Caracas, April 1940).
institution of the congregate type: internado.
institution of the cottage type: casa familiar; casa hogar, instituto de
tipo casa familiar {Bol. Mus. soc. arg., Oct. 1930), hogar familiar,
hogar colectivo {Acción social, México, April 15, 1940), colonia
hogar {Infancia y juventud, No. 12, Buenos Aires, 1939), estableci­
miento de tipo hogar, institución casa hogar; asilo en pabellones,
instruction in hygiene: see health education.
insurance: see compulsory workers’ insurance, maternity insur­




insurance fu nd: fondo del seguro; caja de seguro,
intelligence test: prueba de inteligencia {Bol. Mus. soc. arg., Nov.

1930), prueba de la mentalidad, prueba mental, test de la mentali­
dad ; reactivo psicológico,
investigation: investigación, indagación; encuesta,
investigator: investigador {Bol. Inst. int. am. prot. inf., Oct. 1930),
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



judge of juvenile court: juez de menores.
juvenile court: tribunal para niños, tribunal juvenil, tribunal de

menores, tribunal infantil, juzgado de menores; corte juvenil
(Bol. Inst. int. am. prot. inj. various issues),
juvenile delinquency: delincuencia de los niños, delincuencia juvenil,
delincuencia en los menores, delincuencia infantil, criminalidad
infantil, criminalidad de los niños.
juvenile delinquent: niño delincuente, infancia delincuente, niño
infractor (Secretaría de Gobernación, Departamento de prevención
social, Labor pro menores, México, 1939). See also delinquent

kindergarten: jardín de infantes, jardín de la infancia; escuela hogar


lecture: conferencia.
legal aid: asistencia judiciaria.
legal-aid bureau: consultorio jurídico; oficina jurídica,
legal aid to mothers: amparo legal a la maternidad,
library, children’s : see children’ s library.
living quarters: alojamiento; vivienda; habitación,
low-cost housing: vivienda económica, viviendas populares, vivienda

barata, casas baratas, casas populares,
low-price restaurant (maintained by some governments as a welfare

measure): refectorio popular, comedor popular,
lunchroom for needy m others: cantina maternal (Nelson, La salud

del niño), refectorio maternal (Instituto nacional del niño, 1936-38,
Lima), restaurante materno.
lunchroom in schools : cantina escolar, refectorio escolar, cocina escolar
(Costa Rica), comedor escolar, restaurante escolar.

malnutrido, malalimentado, desnutrido, deficiente­
mente nutrido; débil.
malnutrition: desnutrición, subalimentación, nutrición deficiente;
malnutrition among children : desnutrición infantil,
malnutrition among school children: hiponutrición escolar,
marriage loan (made by governments of some European countries to
promote marriages): préstamo matrimonial,
maternal health : salud maternal.

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maternal mortality : mortalidad maternal,
maternal-welfare agency : obra de protección a la maternidad,

a la maternidad, protección
materna; asistencia social de la maternidad (Servicio social, Buenos
Aires, April-June 1939).
maternity benefit : socorro de nacimiento; prima de nacimiento,
maternity-benefit fu nd: caja de maternidad (Nelson, La salud del
maternity department (in general hospitals): pabellón de maternidad,
maternity h om e: casa de maternidad (Nelson, La salud del niño); casa
prenatal (Venezuela); casa postnatal (Venezuela); casa maternal;
sala de maternidad (Costa Rica); salón de maternidad (Costa
Rica); maternidad, hogar maternidad; refugio maternal, maternidad
refugio; hogar taller de maternidad (in some of these homes
mothers not only are given obstetrical care but also are kept
together with their children for a time after childbirth). See also

work: protección

maternity hospital: centro maternal (Memoria de la Secretaria de

salubridad pública y protección social, San José, 1940).
maternity insurance: seguro de maternidad,
medical advice: consulta médica.
medical care: asistencia médica, asistencia de médicos, asistencia

facultativa; atención facultativa,
medical care at the dispensary : asistencia médica ambulatoria,

certificate: certificación




medical examination: examen médico.
medical inspection of school children and schools : inspección médico-

escolar (Nelson, La salud del niño).







medical-social services: asistencia médico-social,
medical supervision: fiscalización médica, vigilancia médica,
mental ability : capacidad intelectual, capacidad psicológica,
mental d efect : anormalidad psíquica; déficit mental,
mental defectiveness : anormalidad psíquica; déficit mental,
mental development: desarrollo mental.
mental hygiene o f the child: higiene mental infantil (Telma Reca,

mentally defective: débil mental (Nelson, La salud del niño); anormal

psíquico; deficiente mental; mentalmente anormal,
mentally retarded: retardado mental,
m idwife: matrona, partera, comadrona.
milk station (where milk is distributed to mothers for their infants):

gota de leche; cocina de leche; estación de leche; lactarium, lactario,
milk supply: servicio de provisión de leche; provisión de leche; abasto

de leche.
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minimum standards o f child welfare: normas mínimas del bienestar del

niño, normas mínimas de bienestar infantil,
minor : menor; menor de edad,
mixed feeding: alimentación mixta,
moral neglect: abandono moral.
mortality: mortalidad. See also child mortality, infant mortality,

mortality rate: índice de mortalidad, coeficiente de mortalidad.
motherhood: maternidad.
mothers’ lunchroom: cantina maternal.
m others’



mutualidad maternal; sociedad de

mothers’ pension: pensión a las madres.
mutual aid : mutualismo; cooperación mutualista; servicio de ayuda


society: mutualidad.

See also

mothers’ mutual- aid


national children’s bureau: dirección nacional de la niñez

Mus. soc. arg., Feb. 1930); patronato nacional de la infancia (Costa
neglect: abandono, desamparo. See also moral neglect, physical
neglected child: niño abandonado, desamparado, desvalido, descui­

dado, desprotegido.
neglected childhood : infancia desvalida, infancia sin amparo,
neglected children: see neglected childhood.
neglected morally: moralmente abandonado,
neglected physically : materialmente abandonado,
neighborhood : vecindario; vecindad,
neonatal mortality: mortineonatalidad.
newborn: recién nacido,
night work: trabajo nocturno.
noonday m eal: comida del mediodía, almuerzo del mediodía,
nurse: see bedside nurse, pediatric nurse, public- health nurse,

nursemaid: niñera; manejadora de niños,
nursery, d ay: see day nursery.
nursery (in factories): sala cuna (Nelson, La salud del niño)-, sala de

lactancia (Nelson, La salud del niño).
nursery school: escuela de párvulos; asilo maternal; escuela maternal;

. escuela preescolar.
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nursing benefit: subsidio de lactancia, subsidio para la lactancia,

socorro de lactancia (Nelson, La salud del niño), prima de lactancia
(iServicio social, Buenos Aires, Vol. 3, April—June 1939).
nursing infant: lactante, niño de pecho,
nursing m other : madre lactante,
nursling: see nursing infant .
nutrition: nutrición; alimentación. See also deficient nutrition ,
nutrition clinic: centro de nutrición; clínica de nutrición; dispensario

de nutrición.
nutrition clinic for school children: clínica de nutrición escolar,
nutrition expert: perito en nutrición; bromatólogo; dietista.
nutritionist: dietista (Chile).

obstetric advice: consulta obstétrica,
obstetric clinic: clínica de maternidad.
occupational therapy: cura del trabajo, cura por el trabajo, ocupación-

terapia, terapéutica por el trabajo {Revista de asist. soc., Santiago de
Chile, June-Sept. 1940).
open-air school: escuela al aire libre, escuela climática (Peru).
oral hygiene of children: higiene buco-dentaria infantil.
oral hygiene of school children: higiene buco-dentaria escolar {Bol.
Inst. int. am. prot. inf., July 1929).
organization (body): institución,
orphan: huérfano.
orphanage: orfelinato (Nelson, La salud del niño), orfanatorio.
overfeeding: hiperalimentación, sobrealimentación.

paid probation officer: see

s a l a r ie d p r o b a t io n o f f ic e r .

paid wet nurse: nodriza mercenaria.
parental authority: patria potestad, dominio paternal.
parents’ association: asociación de padres.
parole: libertad condicional; libertad vigilada.
paternity establishm ent: see e s t a b lish m e n t of p a t e r n it y .
patient: enfermo.
pediatric nurse: puericultora {La reforma médica, Lima, May 1 ,1 9 3 9 ).
pediatrics: medicina infantil.
personal hygiene: higiepe individual, higiene corporal,
physical care: trato corporal, cuidado corporal, cuidado físico,
physical development: desarrollo físico,
physical education: cultura física, educación física.
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physical examination: examen médico, examen físico,
physical neglect: abandono material.
physical welfare: bienestar físico (Nelson, La salud del niño).
physically defective: físicamente anormal.
physically neglected: materialmente abandonado.
physician: facultativo, médico.
placing in a fam ily: colocación familiar.
placing in an institution: internación.
playground: campo de deportes, plaza de juegos, campo de juegos,

plaza de deportes, patio de juego, lugar de juego (Nelson, La salud
del niño), terreno de juegos, campo de recreación, patio de juegos
infantiles (Informaciones argentinas, Buenos Aires, No. 47, 1940).
See also school playground.
policewoman trained in social work: mujer-policía especialista en
trabajo social (Bol. Inst. int. am. prot. inj., Oct. 1930).
polyclinic for children: policlínico infantil,
posture: postura, posición,
pregnancy: gestación, preñez, embarazo,
preliminary detention : detención provisoria.
premarital examination: examen prematrimonial, examen prenupcial,
consulta prematrimonial,
prenatal: prenatal.
prenatal care: asistencia obstétrica prenatal, asistencia prenatal;
servicio prenatal; vigilancia prenatal,
prenatal clinic: centro prenatal (Nelson, La salud del niño); consultorio
de obstetricia (Servicio social, Buenos Aires, April-June 1939);
clínica de consulta prenatal, clínica prenatal, consultorio de prena­
talidad, consultorio maternal, consultorio maternológico (Instituto
nacional del niño, 1936-38, Lima), consultorio obstétrico, consultorio
prenatal (Nelson, La salud del niño), consulta prenatal (Venezuela),
consulta de maternidad; dispensario maternal, dispensario
para mujeres grávidas (Nelson, La salud del niño), dispensario
prenatal; centro maternal; oficina maternal (Previsión social,
Santiago de Chile, Jan.-Feb. 1940).
See also traveling pre­
natal clinic.

prenatal hygiene: higiene prenatal,
prenatal period: período prenatal,
preschool a ge: edad preescolar.
preschool child : niño en la edad preescolar, preescolar.
preschool classes: clases preescolares.
preschool education: enseñanza preescolar.
preventive health work: defensa sanitaria.
preventorium : preventorio.
preventorium for children: preventorio infantil.
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primary education: instrucción primaria, enseñanza primaria,
private institution: establecimiento privado.
probation: libertad vigilada, libertad condicional, situación a prueba

(Celina Cardozo, Nuevas orientaciones sobre delincuencia juvenil en
los Estados Unidos de América, Habana, 1940).
probation officer: delegado de libertad vigilada, diputado de libertad
vigilada (Bol. Inst. int. am. prot. inj., Oct. 1930), oficial de prueba
(.Infancia y juventud, Buenos Aires, April-June 1940; Celina Car­
dozo, Nuevas orientaciones sobre delincuencia juvenil en los Estados
Unidos de América, Habana, 1940). See also chief probation
probation officer at a juvenile court: delegado del tribunal de menores,
probation work : servicio de libertad vigilada.
problem child: niño problema (Hogares de protección social, Quito,

Vol. 1, No. 1,1939).
psychiatric social worker: asistenta social con instrucción especial en

la psiquiatría (Serv. soc., No. 2,1930).
psychiatrist: psiquiatra,
psychologist: psicólogo,
public aid : asistencia pública.
public child-welfare institution: establecimiento oficial de amparo a la

public defender o f m inors: defensor de menores (Argentina—public

oficial charged with protection of persons and interests of orphans,
children deserted by their parents, and those brought before the
juvenile court).
public health: higiene pública; higiene social; salubridad pública;
sanidad pública.
public-health nurse: enfermera de salud pública; visitadora sanitaria
(Boletín de la oficina sanitaria panamericana, Washington, March
1933); enfermera visitadora social (Revista de la Cruz roja colom­
biana, Bogotá, March 1940); enfermera sanitaria; enfermera visi­
tadora; visitadora de higiene social polivalente,
public-health nurse specializing in child-health work: enfermera visi­
tadora de puericultura.
public-health unit: centro de higiene; centro sanitario; centro de salud;
unidad sanitaria (provides prenatal care and medical and dental
care for adults and children, message of president of Costa Rica to
Congress, 1939); centro mixto de salud (Revista de higiene, Bogotá,
Jan.-Feb. 1940).
public-health work: defensa social sanitaria.
public recreation: recreación pública (Nelson, La salud del niño).
public school: escuela pública; escuela del estado.
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public welfare: beneficencia pública.
public-welfare clinic: consultorio de beneficencia pública (Mexico),

clínica pública.
public-welfare work: asistencia pública; beneficencia pública,
pupil: see boarding pupil, day pupil.

questionnaire: formulario; cuestionario; encuesta.

receiving home (in connection with children’s institutions): casa de

record : see health record, individual record, system of records.
recreation: recreación. See also public recreation.
recreation center: centro recreativo {Bol. Inst. int. am. prot. inf.,

Oct. 1930).
recreation for children: recreos infantiles,
reformatory: reformatorio.
reformatory for b oy s: reformatorio de varones (Mexico),
reformatory of the cottage type: reformatorio de tipo familiar,
regime in an institution o f the congregate type: régimen común {La

reforma—anuario, Buenos Aires, 1940).
repeater (school child): repetidor,
report: informe; ponencia.

See also

annual report.

reporting of births : notificación de nacimientos,
restaurant: see low- price restaurant, lunchroom.
retarded (school child): retardado, retardado pedagógico (Nelson, La

salud del niño); atrasado, retrasado; aplazado,
retarded mentally: retardado mental,
rural housing: vivienda campesina.

salaried probation officer: delegado de libertad vigilada rentado,

delegado rentado,
savings bank: caja de ahorros,
scholarship for a school child: bolsa escolar.
school: see





open- air

school a ge: edad escolar.
school attendance: asistencia escolar, asistencia a la escuela, frecuen­

tación escolar.

See also

compulsory school attendance.

school child: niño de escuela, niño escolar, escolar.
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school child’ s health record: ficha sanitaria escolar, ficha médico-

escolar, tarjeta de salud escolar (Costa Rica); libreta médicoescolar.
school dentist: dentista escolar.
school employment agency: agencia escolar de empleo (Nelson, La
salud del niño).
school environment: medio ambiente escolar,
school feeding: refección escolar,
school for truants: escuela para inasistentes,
school furniture: mobiliario escolar.
school health work: see h e alt h services for school c h ild r en .
school hygiene: higiene escolar.
school hygiene work: see h e a lt h services for school c h ild r en .
school lunch: almuerzo escolar {Bol. Mus. soc. arg., Nov. 1930).
school lunchroom: cantina escolar, cocina escolar (Costa Rica),

refectorio escolar, comedor escolar, restaurante escolar,
school medical staff: cuerpo médico-escolar (Buenos Aires),
school nurse: visitadora de higiene escolar (Nelson, La salud del niño);

visitadora escolar; enfermera escolar {Bol. Mus. soc. arg., Nov. 1930).
school of child care: instituto de puericultura; escuela de puericultura

(Nelson, La salud del niño).
school of medicine: facultad de medicina,
school of social service: escuela de servicio social,
school officials: funcionarios escolares,

physician: médico escolar,
playground: campo escolar de juegos,
record of a child: cédula escolar, ficha escolar,
savings fu nd: caja de ahorros escolares, ahorros escolares,

secret maternity h om e: maternidad secreta,
sentence, indeterminate: see in d e t e r m in a t e se n t e n c e .
settlem ent: centro social {Serv. soc., No. 2, 1930); hogar {Revista del

trabajo, Santiago de Chile, Dec. 1939); settlement.

See also

sex education: educación sexual,
sickness insurance: seguro de enfermedad,
social aid: asistencia social.
social case work: servicio social de los casos individuales, trabajo

social en casos individuales,
social insurance : seguro social,
social lev el: nivel social,
social service: servicio de asistencia social,
social-service exchange: see c o n fid en t ial e x c h a n g e .
social settlem ent: centro social {Serv. soc. No. 2, 1930); hogar {Revista

del trabajo, Santiago de Chile, Dec. 1939); settlement.
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social welfare: bienestar social.
social-welfare agency: obra de asistencia social; obra de previsión

y asistencia.
social-welfare institution: hogar de protección social (Ecuador),
social-welfare m easures: previsión social,
social-welfare visitor: visitadora social.
social-welfare work: obra social; trabajo social; asistencia social,

beneficencia social.
social work: see social- welfare work.
social worker: asistente social {Bel. Mus. soc. arg., April-June 1931);

auxiliar social; trabajadora social {Bol. Inst. int. am. jprot. inf.,
Oct. 1930); visitadora social {Bol. Mus. soc. arg.). See also hospital
society: see child- welfare society, mothers’ mutual- aid society.
specialized child care: asistencia diferenciada del niño; asistencia

especializada infantil,
sports: deportes, ejercicios deportivos.
stafí1: personal.
standard: norma,


See also





standard of living: norma de vida,
state of nutrition: estado nutritivo,
stillbirth rate: mortinatalidad,
street trades: trabajo callejero.
cam p: campamento veraniego, campamento de verano,
colonia veraniega (Costa Rica),
supervision over children: vigilancia de menores,
survey: censo-encuesta (Nelson, La salud del niño).
swimming pool: piscina de natación, estanque de natación,
system of records: fichero central {Serv. soc., No. 4, 1930).

teacher, visiting: see visiting "teacher.
technical training: preparación técnica.
tenement house: casa de vecindad (Nelson, La salud del niño)’, casa

colectiva; conventillo (Chile),
theater, children’ s : see children’ s theater.
therapy, occupational: see occupational therapy.
training: educación.

See also




training in the fam ily: educación familiar.
traveling child-health center: clínica ambulante

de puericultura;
cátedra ambulante de puericultura (Nelson, La salud del niño).
traveling clinic: clínica viajera, clínica ambulante, dispensario volante.
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traveling dental clinic: ambulancia dental viajera (Nelson, La salud

del niño).
traveling prenatal clinic: centro prenatal ambulante, centro maternal

truancy: inasistencia escolar, ausentismo escolar,
truant officer: inspector de inasistentes,
truant school: escuela para inasistentes.
turning box (for placing abandoned children into an institution):
torno de expósitos.

underfeeding: hipoalimentación.
unmarried mother: madre soltera.

vacation camp for children: colonia infantil, colonia para niños,

colonia de vacaciones, colonia escolar de vacaciones, campamento
escolar, colonia al aire libre, campamento de niños (Informaciones
argentinas, Buenos Aires, No. 47, 1940). See also day camp for
vacation camp for m others: colonia maternal,
vaccination against smallpox: vacunación antivariólica,
vaccination certificate: certificado de vacuna.
visiting housekeeper: sirvienta que ayuda en los menesteres domésti­

cos (Nelson, La salud del niño).
visiting nurse: enfermera visitadora (Nelson, La salud del niño)-,

enfermera visitadora social (.Revista de la Cruz roja colombiana,
Bogotá, March 1940).
visiting teacher: maestra visitadora (Bol. Un. panam., Feb. 1932);
visitadora socio-escolar (Serv. soc., No. 4, 1930).
visitor, social welfare: see social- welfare visitor.
visitor employed by municipal health authorities: visitadora munici­
pal (Nelson, La salud del niño).
vocational ability : aptitud profesional.
vocational adviser: consejero de trabajo y profesiones (Nelson, La
salud del niño).
vocational education: educación profesional; preparación profesional.
See also technical training.
vocational-education school: escuela de aprendizaje industrial,
vocational guidance: orientación profesional, orientación vocacional
(Nelson, La salud del niño).
vocational-guidance clinic: clínica de orientación profesional,
volunteer probation officer: delegado honorario.
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wage earner: jornalero, obrero; obrero asalariado, asalariado.
ward: pupilo.
wayward: descarriado; extraviado

{Bol. Inst. int. am. prot. inj.,
Jan. 1933); perverso; desviado (Peru, draft of Children’s Code,
weaning: ablactación, destete.
welfare: see physical welfare, public welfare , social welfare .
welfare agency : obra de asistencia, obra de previsión y asistencia.
welfare work: asistencia.

Sec also

public- welfare work , social-

welfare work .

welfare work for school children: obras de asistencia escolar.
wet nurse: nodriza, ama de cría, ama de leche, ama.

See also


worker: obrero, jornalero, trabajador.
workers’ housing: vivienda obrera.
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See also

wage earner.

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Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

[The new simplified spelling for the Portuguese ianguage at present in official use in Brazil has been
followed here.]

abandonado: neglected; morally neglected; wayward;


See also

m a t e r ia l m e n t e


moralm ente


abandono: abandonment; neglect; desertion,
abandono de fam ilia: family desertion,
abandono de m enores: neglect of children,
abastecimento de leite: milk supply,
abono familiar: family allowance.
abrigo: institution, home (for dependent persons); day nursery,
abrigo de expostos: institution for foundlings, foundling home,
abrigo de m enores:

detention home attached to the juvenile court

(Rio de Janeiro).
abrigo infantil: institution for children,
abrigo provisorio de m enores: see abrigo



acampamento de verao: summer camp; vacation camp, vacation

acampamento escolar de verào: summer camp for school children,
acampamento sem i-interno: day camp,
adogào: adoption.
agencia de colocagào familiar: bureau of foster-home placement,

child-placing agency.
agir sem discernimento: to act without understanding,
agremiagao: organization; association.
aleitagào maternal : maternal breast feeding, breast feeding by the

aleitagào mercenària: breast feeding by a paid wet nurse,
aleitamento maternal: breast feeding by the mother, maternal breast

aleitamento mercenàrio: breast feeding by a paid wet nurse,
aleitamento natural: breast feeding by the mother, maternal breast

alimentagao: feeding.
alimentagao infantil: food for children; feeding of children,
alimentagao mixta: mixed feeding.

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almôço escolar: school lunch,
altura: height.
aluno atrasado: retarded pupil
aluno externo: day pupil,
aluno interno: boarding pupil,
ama de leite : wet nurse,
ama de leite mercenària: paid wet nurse,
amamentaçâo: breast feeding, feeding at the breast,
amamentaçâo de peito: breast feeding, feeding at the breast,
amamentaçâo maternal: breast feeding by the mother, maternal
breast feeding.
amamentaçâo natural: breast feeding by the mother, maternal breast
amamentaçâo remunerada: breast feeding by a paid wet nurse,
am biente: environment.
ambiente de familia: family environment, home environment,
ambiente dom éstico: home environment, family environment,
ambiente familiar: family environment, home environment,
ambulatòrio: clinic.
ambulatorio de higiene infantil: child-health center, child-health clinic,
ambulatorio de higiene prenatal: prenatal clinic,
ambulatòrio obstétrico e ginecològico: obstetric
ambulatòrio público:

and gynecologic

public clinic; public-health clinic,

analfabetismo: illiteracy,
animatógrafo : motion-picture theater,
ano da criança: children’s year.
anormal: defective; mentally defective;




anormal de inteligencia: mentally defective.
aprendiz: apprentice.
aprendizado: apprenticeship.
aprendizagem: apprenticeship.
aptidâo profissionai: vocational ability.
asilado: inmate (of an institution).
asilo : insti tu tion, hom e.
asilo de convalescença: convalescent home.
asilo de expostos: institution for foundlings, foundling home.
asilo de maternidade: maternity home.
asilo de orfàos: orphanage.
asilo de tipo de pequeños agrupamentos de feiçâo familiar: cottagetype institution.
asilo familia: cottage-type institution.
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assistêncîa a domicilio à parturiente: attendance at childbirth in the

assistêncîa à infancia: child-welfare work,
assistência à maternidade: maternal-welfare work,

à primeira infancia : infant-welfare work,
ao parto: attendance at childbirth,
colectiva: institutional care,
dentaria: dental care.


dentaria escolar: dental care of school children,
dentaria infantil: dental care of children,
domiciliaria ao parto: attendance at childbirth in the home,
e proteçâo aos m enores: child-welfare work,
escolar: school attendance,

assistência hospitalar: hospital care; hospital treatment,
assistência infantil: child-welfare work,
assistência maternal: aid to mothers; maternal-welfare work,
assistência médica: medical treatment; medical aid.
assistência médico-sanitaria escolar: medical care of school children,
assistência obstétrica domiciliaria: attendance at childbirth in the

assistência prenatal: prenatal care,
assistência pública: public-welfare services; public aid.
assistência sanitària: medical aid; medical care,
assistência social: social aid; social-welfare work,
assistência social psiquiátrica: psychiatric social work,
associaçâo: association; organization,
associaçâo de assistência: welfare agency,
associaçâo de assistência à infancia: child-welfare agency,
associaçâo de beneficência: welfare agency,
associaçâo de pais e m estres: parent-teacher association,
associaçâo de proteçâo à infancia: child-welfare society; child-welfare

associaçâo privada de proteçâo higiénica à infancia: prívate child-

health agency.
atestado de nascim ento: birth certificate,
atestado de vacina: vaccination certificate,
atitude: posture,
atrasado: retarded.
autoridade paterna: parental authority.
autoridades escolares: school authorities; school officials.
auxilio à maternidade: maternity benefit.
auxilio para lactaçâo: nursing benefit.
auxilio pecuniário: financial aid.
auxilio público: public aid.
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banho escolar: school bath,
b ebê: infant.
bem da criança: child welfare,
bem -estar: welfare,
bem -estar fisico: physical welfare,
bem -estar infantil: child welfare,
bem -estar social: social welfare,
biblioteca infantil : children’s library.

caderneta sanitaria : individual health card or record,
caixa de seguro escolar: school children’s insurance fund,
caixa econo mica: savings fund.
caixa escolar: school savings bank; school children’s mutual-benefit

caixa maternal : maternity-benefit fund.
campanha educativa: educational campaign.
campo de esportes: athletic field.
campo de jo g o s: playground; athletic field.
campo de recreio: athletic field.
campo de sport: playground; athletic field.
cantina escolar : school lunchroom.
cantina maternal : lunchroom for mothers.
capacidade m ental: mental ability.
carteira de saûde: health record.
casa da criança: institution for children.
casa de correçâo para menores : correctional institution for minors,
casa de detençâo para m enores: detention home for minors,
casa de educaçâo: educational institution,
casa de expostos: institution for foundlings, foundling home,
casa de faniïlia: private home.
casa de preservaçâo: institution for juvenile delinquents,
casa de recepçâo: receiving home (for children),
casa de reform a: reformatory, training school (for juvenile delin­

casa maternal : maternity home.
centro de eufrenia: child-guidance clinic.
centro de férias: vacation camp.
centro de higiene infantil: child-health center.
centro de puericultura: maternal and child-health center (Brazil—

building containing various maternal and child-health agencies,
such as prenatal clinic, child-health center, milk-distribution center,
lunchroom for mothers, and others).
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centro de recreio: recreation center,
centro de saúde: health center,
centro de saúde ambulante: traveling health center,
centro de saúde infantil: child-health center,
centro de saúde materna: prenatal clinic,
centro de saúde materna ambulante: traveling prenatal clinic,
centro de saúde para a maternidade e infancia: health center
m others and children.

centro de saúde para gestantes: prenatal clinic,
centro de saúde para mäes: prenatal clinic,
centro de saúde prenatal: prenatal clinic,
centro infantil: child-health center,
centro maternal: prenatal clinic,
centro prenatal: prenatal clinic,
centro social: settlem ent.
certidäo do registro civil de nascimento: birth certificate.
certificado de aptidäo fisica : certificate of physical fitness.
certificado de curso elementar: elem entary-school certificate.
certificado de estudos primarios: elem entary-school certificate.
certificado de instrugäo primaria: elem entary-school certificate.
chefe de vigiläncia: chief probation officer.
cidade jardim: garden city.
cinematógrafo: m otion -picture theater.
circulo de pais e professores: parent-teacher association.
clínica ambulante: traveling clinic.
clínica de conducta: behavior clinic.
clínica de costumes: h ab it clinic.
clínica de doengas de criangas: pediatric clinic.
clínica de eufrenia: child-guidance clinic.
clínica de hábitos: h ab it clinic.
clínica de higiene mental infantil: child-guidance clinic.
clínica de nutrigäo: nutrition clinic.
clínica de orientagäo da crianga: child-guidance clinic.
clínica dentària ambulante: traveling dentai clinic.
clínica dentària escolar: school dental clinic.
clínica odontológica: dental clinic.
clínica odontológica ambulante: traveling dental clinic.
clínica oftalmológica: eye clinic.
clínica oto-rino-laringológica : ear, nose, and throat clinic,
clínica prenatal: prenatal clinic,
clínica psicológica infantil: child-guidance clinic,
código de menores: m in ors’ code, children’s code,
coeducagäo: coeducation.
416222°— 42-

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coeficiente de mortalidade infantil:

infan t m o rtality rate, child m or­

tality rate.

coletividade : co m m u n ity.
colocagào em casa de familia:

placing in a foster hom e, foster-hom e

placem ent.

colocagào familiar: foster-h om e placem ent, placing in a foster hom e,
colònia ao ar livre: sum m er cam p (for children),
colònia climática: vacation cam p.
colonia correcional : correctional institution, training school (for ju v e ­
nile delinquents),

colònia de férias: vacation cam p,
colònia de màes : vacation cam p for m others,
colònia escolar: vacation cam p for school children,
colònia penal: penal institution.
Comissário de vigilància: probation officer.
comparecimento à escola: school attendance.
concurso de robustez: health com petition (for babies).
conferència: conference; lecture.
consulta de lactantes: infan t-h ealth center.
consultor profissionai: vocation al adviser.
consultor vocacional: vocational adviser.
consultorio de diregào de infancia: child-guidance clinic.
consultorio de diregào infantil: child-guidance clinic.
consultorio de higiene infantil: child-health center.
consultòrio de lactantes: child-health center.
consultòrio dentàrio: dentai clinic.
consultòrio infantil: child-health center.
consultòrio jurídico de servilo social: bureau of legal aid.
consultòrio obstétrico: prenatal clinic.
consultòrio para criangas: child-health center.
consultòrio para futuras màes: prenatal clinic.
consultòrio pediatrico: child-health center.
consultòrio prenatal: prenatal clinic.
corpo m édico-escolar: staff of school physicians.
creche: d a y nursery.

crescimento: grow th.
cresci mento em atraso: retarded growth.
criagao das criangas : care of children, child
crianga: b a b y ; child.


crianga abandonada: abandoned ch ild; neglected child.

crianga adotiva:

foster child.

crianga anormal: defective child.
crianga criminosa: juvenile delinquent.

crianga da primeira idade:
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crianga de idade escolar: child o f school age; school child.
crianga de idade prescolar: child of preschool age; preschool
crianga de peito: breast-fed child.
crianga débil: delicate child; m alnourished child.
crianga defeituosa: defective child.
crianga delinquente: juvenile delinquent.
crianga difícil: difficult child.
crianga escolar: school child.
crianga na primeira infancia: infan t, y ou n g child.
crianga prescolar: preschool child.
crianga retardada: retarded child.
crianga viciada: w ayw ard child.
crianga viciosa: w ayw ard child.
criar urna crianga: to bring up a child.
criminalidade infantil: juvenile delinquency.
criminalidade juvenil: juvenile delinquency.
cruzada pela infancia: cam paign for child welfare.
cuidados à primeira infancia : infan t care.
cuidados antenatais: prenatal care.
cuidados dentários: dental care.
cuidados físicos: physical care.
curador: guardian.
curatela : guardianship.
curatelado: ward.


débil físico: physically defective,
débil mental: m en ta lly d efective; feeblem inded,
débilidade mental: m ental defectiveness; feeblem indedness,
defensor de menores: public defender of minors,
defesa sanitària: health work.
deficiència mental: m ental defectiveness, m ental deficiency,
delegado da assistència e protegào aos menores: child-welfare worker,
delinquènza infantil: juvenile delinquency,
delinquéncia juvenil: juvenile delinquency,
dentista escolar: school dentist.
departamento da crianga: children’s bureau, bureau o f child welfare,
departamento da infancia: children’s bureau, bureau of child welfare,
depósito de leite: m ilk station.
desamparado: d estitu te; depen den t; hom eless; neglected,
desenvolvimento físico: physical developm ent,
desenvolvimento mental: m ental developm ent,
desmame: weaning,
desnutrigào: m alnutrition. *
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desnutrido: m alnourished.
desvalido: d estitu te; depen den t; hom eless; neglected,
detengao preliminar: detention pending action b y the court,
detengao provisoria: detention pending action b y the court,
dia de crianga: children's day.
dieta deficiente: deficient diet,
dieta inapropriada : im proper diet,
diretoria de ensino: board of education,
dispensario: clinic, dispensary.
dispensàrio de assistència à infancia: child-health center,
dispensario de higiene infantil: child-health center,
dispensario de higiene prenatal: prenatal clinic,
dispensàrio de puericultura: child-health center,
dispensàrio prenatal: prenatal clinic,
dispensàrio público: public clinic, public-health clinic,
divulgagào da higiene: education in h ygiene; health education,
doente: patient, sick person.

economia doméstica: dom estic science.
educagao: bringing up, training, education.
educagao doméstica: training in hom e economics.
educagao física: physical education.
educagao intelectual: m ental training; m ental education.
educagao pre-primaria: preschool education.
educagao sanitaria: health edu cation ; instruction in hygiene.
educagao sexual: sex education.
educagao técnico-profissionai: technical edu cation ; vocational



educadora sanitaria :

teacher of hygiene (norm al-school graduate g iv ­

ing instruction in hygiene in schools, health centers, and other
places) ; health visitor.

emprego de menores na via pública :

em p lo y m en t of children in street


enfermeira: nurse,
enfermeira-chefe : supervisory nurse,
enfermeira de saúde pública: public-health nurse,
enfermeira escolar: school nurse.
enfermeira visitadora: public-health nurse; visiting nurse,
ensino industrial: vocational training,
ensino manual: m anual training,
ensino pre-primário: preschool education,
ensino primario: prim ary education, elem entary education,
ensino primario obrigatório: com pulsory prim ary education,
prim ary education.
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ensino profissional: vocational education,
ensino sanitário: instruction in h ygiene; health education,
escola ambulante: traveling school,
escola ao ar livre: open-air school.
escola correcional: correctional institution, training school

(for ju ­

venile delinquents).

escola de aprendizagem industrial: trade school,
escola de enfermeiras: training school for nurses,
escola de mâesinhas: course in practical child care,
escola de preservaçâo: institution for m orally neglected,

w ayw ard, or

delinquent children,

escola de reforma: reform atory,
escola maternal: nursery sch ool; kindergarten,
escola primaria: prim ary school, elem entary school,
escola profissional: vocational school.
escola profissional feminina: trade school for girls, vocational


for girls.

escola pública: public school,
escola social: school of social service,
escola subvencionada: subsidized school,
escolar: school child,
escolaridade: school attendance,
escotismo: b o y-scou t m ovem en t,
estabelecimento caridoso: institution for dependents,
estabelecimento de assistência: institution for dependents,
estabelecimento de educaçâo: educational institution,
estabelecimento de ensino: educational institution,
estabelecimento de proteçâo e amparo dos infantes: child-welfare

estabelecimento de reeducaçâo:

reform atory,




juvenile delinquents).

estabelecimento formado por pequeños grupos de crianças:


institution of the cottage type,

estabelecimento particular: private institution,
eufrenia: science of norm al m ental developm ent,
eugenia: eugenics,
eugenesia: eugenics,
exame da inteligência: intelligence test,
exame da inteligência gérai: intelligence test,
exame físico: physical exam ination.
exame medico: physical exam ination, m edical exam ination,
exame médico prenupcial: physical exam ination before marriage,
prem arital exam ination.

exame prenupcial:
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e x a m e m é d ic o p r e n u p c ia l .



exame somático: physical exam ination,
exposigáo da infancia: child-welfare exhibit,
exposto: abandoned infan t, foundling,
externato: d a y center (for children).

faculdade de medicina: m edical school,
familia adotiva: foster fam ily,
familia de adogáo: foster fam ily.
ficha: individual card (e. g ., part of a child’s school record),
ficha de saúde: health card (individual,) health record (individual),
ficha escolar: record of a school child.
ficha médico- escolar : school child’s health card, record of a school
child’s health.

ficha sanitària: school child’s health card.
filho natural: child born out of wedlock, child of illegitim ate birth.
fiscal escolar: attendance officer.
fiscalisagáo médica: m edical supervision.
formagao técnica: technical training.
fornecimento de leite: m ilk supply.
frecuencia das escolas: school attendance.
frequéncia escolar: school attendance.
frequéncia escolar obrigatória: com pulsory school attendance,
frequéncia obrigatória da escola: com pulsory school attendance,
fundo de seguro: insurance fund.

gabinete de orientagao e selegào profissionais:

bureau of vocational

gestante: expectant m other.
ginegaladosia: breast-m ilk station (.B ra sil-m ed ico ,

R io



A pril 12, 194 1 ).
gota de leite: child-health center where m ilk is d istribu ted; milk



hábitos sanitários: health habits,
higiene do ensino: hygiene of the school child,
higiene escolar: hygiene of the school child,
higiene infantil: child h ygien e; child health,
higiene mental infantil: m ental hygiene of the child,
higiene ocular: hygiene of the ey es; care of the eyes.
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higiene pessoal: personal hygiene,
higiene prenatal: prenatal hygiene,
higiene pública: public health,
hospital infantil: children’s hospital.

idade escolar: school age.
idade prescolar: preschool age.
indice de mortalidade: m o rtality rate,
indigente: indigent, poor, needy, destitute,
indisciplinado : unruly,
infancia: childhood; children.
infancia abandonada: neglected children; abandoned

children; h om e­

less children.

infancia da primeira idade:

in fan ts; in fa n cy ; children up to the age

of one or two years,

infancia escolar: school children,
infancia primeira: infancy.
infancia segunda: children betw een

the age of two years and school

age; preschool children,

inquérito: in qu iry; investigation,
inquérito domiciliario: investigation of the hom e,
inquérito social: social investigation.
inspeçâo médica escolar: m edical inspection of school children,
inspeçâo sanitaria escolar: m edical inspection of school children,
inspetor escolar médico: school physician,
inspetoria: division or bureau of a governm ent departm ent,
inspetoria de higiene infantil: division of child hygiene,
instituiçâo caridosa: institution doing welfare w ork ; institution



instituiçâo de assistência:

institution doing welfare w ork ; institution

for dependents.

instituiçâo de assistência à infancia: child-welfare institution,
instituiçâo de proteçâo à infancia: child-welfare institution,
instituiçâo de regime familiar: co ttag e-ty p e institution,
instituiçâo do tipo de pavilhôes: co ttag e-ty p e institution,
instituiçâo fechada de reeducaçâo: reform atory, training school


juvenile delinquents).

instituiçâo peri-escolar :

agency doing welfare work for school chil­


instituto: institution.
instituto de assistência social : social-welfare institution,
instituto de bem-estar social: social-welfare institution,
instituto de educaçâo: educational institution.
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instituto de proteçâo à infancia: child-welfare institution,
instituto sistema de pavilhôes: co ttag e-ty p e institution,
instruçâo obrigatória: com pulsory edu cation ; com pulsory

school at­


instruçâo primaria: prim ary education.
instruçâo profissional: vocational education.
instruçâo sanitaria: health edu cation ; education in hygiene.
instruçâo técnica: technical training.
internado: institution for children.
internamento : com m itm en t to an institution (in juvenile-court
placing in an institution.

investigaçâo da paternidade:
investigador: investigator.

investigation of paternity,

jardim de infancia: kindergarten,
jardineira mestra: kindergarten teacher,
jogo: gam e.
jogos desportivos: athletic gam es,
juiz de menores: ju dge of the juvenile court,
juizado de menores: juvenile court,
juizo de menores: juvenile court.
juizo de relaçôes domésticas: court of dom estic
juizo familiar: fam ily court.


lactante: nursing infant,
lactario: breast-m ilk statio n ; m ilk station,
lar: hom e, institution,
lar adotivo: foster hom e.
lar infantil : institution for children, children’s hom e,
lar maternal: m atern ity hom e.
legislaçâo a favor da criança: child-w elfare legislation.
lei de assistência e proteçâo aos menores: child-welfare
lei de proteçâo à primeira infancia: infant-w elfare law .
lei protectora da infancia : child-welfare law
leite de mulher: breast m ilk, w o m a n ’s m ilk.
liberdade condicional: probation, parole.
liberdade vigiada: probation, parole.
liga de beneficência: welfare so ciety; welfare agency.
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law .




tnaço: record of a case, all docum ents pertaining to a case.
mâe abandonada: deserted m other.
mâe nutriz: nursing m other.
mâe que amamenta: nursing m other.
mâe solteira: unmarried m other.
malnutriçâo : m alnutrition.
materialmente abandonado: physically neglected,
maternidade: m oth erh ood; m atern ity hom e, m atern ity hospital,
maternidade para moças solteiras: m atern ity hom e for unmarried
wom en.

maternidade secreta: secret m atern ity hom e.
medicina infantil: pediatrics.
medico: physician.
medico escolar: school physician.
mèdico inspetor escolar: school physician.
medida toracica: chest circumference, chest m easurem ent.
medidas de bem-estar social: measures for social welfare.
mendigo habitual: habitual beggar.
menor: m in or; child.
menor abandonado: abandoned child; neglected child ; hom eless child,
menor criminoso: juvenile delinquent,
menor delinquente: juvenile delinquent,
menor desvalido: destitute child.
menor materialmente desamparado: physically neglected child,
menor moralmente desamparado: m orally neglected child,
merenda escolar: school lunch,
mestre ambulante: traveling teacher,
mocidade delinquente: juvenile delinquents,
moralmente abandonado: m orally neglected,
morbidade: m orbidity, sickness; sickness rate,
morbidade infantil: sickness rate am ong children,
mortalidade infantil: infan t m o r ta lity ; child m o rta lity ; infant m o rtality
r a te; child m o rtality rate.

mortalidade neonatal : neonatal m o rtality, neonatal m ortality
mortinatalidade: num ber of stillbirth s; rate of stillbirths,
mulher gravida: expectant m other,
mutualidade maternal: m oth ers' m u tu al-aid society,
mutualismo: m u tu al aid.

natalidade: birth rate.
natimortalidade: num ber
natimorto: stillbirth.
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of stillbirth s; rate of stillbirths,




nenè: infan t, b a b y ,
nivel: standard.
notificagào compulsória de nascimentos:

com pulsory




nupcialidade : m arriage rate.
nutrigào: nutrition.
nutriz mercenària: paid w et


obra de amparo à infancia:

child-welfare w ork ; child-welfare society;

child-w elfare agency.

obra de protegào à infancia:

child-welfare w ork ; child-welfare so cie ty ,

child-w elfare agency.

obra social escolar: society for welfare w ork w ith school
obrigatoriedade escolar: com pulsory school attendance,
organismo de assistència: welfare a gen cy; relief agency,
orientagào da infancia: child guidance,
orientagào profissionai: vocational guidance.


parque infantil: playground.
parteira: m idw ife.
parto: childbirth.
patrio poder: parental authority.
patronato: welfare so ciety; com m u n ity

center for recreation and edu­

cation (R io de Janeiro),
patronato de menores: child-welfare society,

pavilhào: co tta g e; pavilion.
pavilhào de maternidade: m atern ity pavilion (in general hospitals).
pediatria: pediatrics.
pensào maternal: m oth ers’ pension.
perito de nutrigào: nutrition expert.
pessoal: staff, personnel.
posigào: posture.
posigào do corpo: posture.
posto de consulta para os lactantes: infan t-h ealth center; child-health

posto de higiene: public-health unit,
posto de higiene infantil: child-health center,
posto de leite: m ilk station.
posto de puericultura: child-health center and prenatal
pre-escolar:=p r e s c o l a r .
prescolar : preschool child ; child of preschool age.
prèmio de amamentagào: nursing benefit.
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preparo tecnico: technical training,
preventòrio : preventorium,
previsâo social: social welfare,
primeira infancia: early childhood, infancy,
profilaxia mental: prevention of mental disorders,
profissâo ambulante: itinerant trade,
proteçâo à infancia: child-welfare work,
proteçâo à maternidade: maternal-welfare work,
proteçâo à primeira infancia: infant-welfare work,
prova de vocaçâo: vocational test,
psicologia infantil: child psychology,
psicotècnica: vocational guidance,
puericultura: child care.
puericultura extrauterina: health work for mother and child,
puericultura intrauterina: prenatal care; prenatal health work.

recem-nascido : newborn,
recenseamento escolar: school census,
recreio: recreation,
recreios públicos: public recreation,
refeiçâo escolar: school feeding; system of school lunches,
refeitório escolar: lunchroom in a school,
refeitório para gestantes: lunchroom for mothers,
reformatorio: reformatory, training school (for juvenile delinquents),
reformatorio para meninos: reformatory for boys, training school
for boys.
reformatorio de sistema de pavilhôes : reformatory of the cottage type,
training school of the cottage type,
refúgio operario de mulheres gravidas: maternity home (where ex­
pectant mothers are required to do a certain amount of work in
return for their maintenance),
regime escolar: school regime.
registro de instituiçôes: register of institutions or agencies,
registro de nascimentos : register of births.
regulamentaçâo do trabalho das crianças: regulation of child labor.
relatório: report.
relatório anual: annual report.
Repartiçâo da Criança do Departamento do Trabalho dos Estados
Unidos da America: Children’s Bureau of the United States De­
partment of Labor,
retardado mental: mentally retarded.
roda: turning box (for admission of abandoned children to an in­
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sala de aleitamento:

nursing room

(generally in industrial estab­

lishm ents).

saúde escolar:


of school children; health work for school


saúde infantil: child health.
saúde materna: m aternal health.
saúde pública: public health.
segunda idade: (children of) preschool age.
seguro contra doença: sickness insurance, health insurance.
seguro escolar obrigatório: com pulsory insurance o f school children.
seguro-maternidade: m atern ity insurance.
seguro materno: m atern ity insurance.
seguro social: social insurance.
semana da criança: b a b y week.
semi-internato: d a y center (for children).
serviço clínico: clinical work.
serviço das crianças abandonadas: welfare work for neglected,
abandoned, or hom eless children.

serviço de assistência: welfare w ork ; relief w ork ; welfare services,
serviço de assistência domiciliaria do parto: attendance at childbirth
in the hom e.


de assistência prenatal: prenatal care,
de higiene escolar: school health work,
de higiene infantil: child-health work.
de inspeçao sanitària escolar: m edical

inspection of school


serviço de liberdade condicional: probation work,
serviço de puericultura extrauterina: infan t-h ealth work,
serviço de puericultura intrauterina: prenatal work,
serviço de puerimetria: weighing and m easuring of children,
serviço médico-escolar: school m edical service.
serviço médico para à infancia prescolar: health work for


of preschool age, health services for children of preschool age.

serviço prenatal: prenatal care,
serviço psicologico: psychological work,
serviço sanitàrio: health work,
serviço social: social w ork ; social service.
sistema de internato em pequeños grupos de regime familiar :


typ e institution.

socorro de gravidez: m a tern ity benefit,
socorro de lactaçâo: nursing benefit,
sociedade de assistência: relief agency.
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aid to expectant m others,



sociedade de assisténcia infantil: child-welfare agency,
sociedade de protegáo á infancia: child-welfare agency,
sociedade protectora das criangas: infañt-w elfare agency,
standard mínimo de assisténcia infantil: minimum standards


child welfare.

standard mínimo de bem-estar infantil:

m in im um standards of child


subalimentagao: m alnutrition,
subnutrigao: m alnutrition,
subnutrido: m alnourished,
subsidio as maes: m oth ers’ pension,
subsidió familiar: fa m ily allowance.

teatro infantil: children’s theater.
test da inteligéncia: intelligence test.
test mental: intelligence test.
test psicotécnico: vocational test, aptitude test.
tipo colectivo: congregate typ e (institution).
tipo de pavilhao: cottage typ e (institution).
trabalhadora social: social worker.
trabalho dos menores: child labor.
trabalho em via pública: street trades.
trabalho infantil: child labor.
trabalho nocturno: night work.
tratamento médico: m edical treatm en t; m edical
treno: training (in general).
treno industrial: industrial training.
treno profissional: vocational training.
treno técnico: technical training
tribunal: court.
tribunal da infancia: juvenile court,
tribunal de menores: juvenile c o u r t ..
tribunal juvenil: juvenile court,
tutela: guardianship,
tutelado: ward,
tutor: guardian.


vida em familia: fa m ily life,
vigilante: probation officer.
vigilante do juizo de menores: probation officer at
vigilante remunerado: salaried probation officer,
vigilante voluntario: volunteer probation officer,
visita a domicilio: hom e visit, h om e call.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

a juvenile court,



visita domiciliária: h om e visit, hom e call,
visita médica: physical exam ination,
visitagáo domiciliaria: hom e visiting,
visitadora de higiene: health visitor,
visitadora de higiene infantil: child-health visitor,
visitadora de saúde pública: public-health nurse,
visitadora domiciliária: social case worker,
visitadora doméstica: visiting housekeeper,
visitadora escolar: school nurse.
visitadora especializada em trabalhos psiquiátricos:

psychiatric social


visitadora municipal:

case worker em ployed



m unicipal au­


visitadora sanitária: health visitor.
visitadora social: social w orker; social
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

case w orker; social-welfare

[The new simplified spelling for the Portuguese language at present in official use in Brazil has been
followed here.)

abandoned child: ex p osto ; crianga abandonada.
abandonment of a child: abandono de um a crianga.
ability, mental: see m e n t a l a b i l i t y .
act without understanding: agir sem discem im en to.
adopted child: filho adotivo.
adoption: a d o g a o .
aid: see f i n a n c i a l a i d , m a t e r n a l a i d , p u b l ic a i d , s o c ia l a i d .
aid to expectant mothers: socorro de gravidez.
aid to mothers: a ssisten c ia m a te r n a l.
annual report: relatorio anual.
apprentice: aprendiz.
apprenticeship: aprendizado, aprendizagem .
assistance, public: see p u b l ic a s s is t a n c e .
association: agrem iagao; associagao.
athletic field: cam po de esportes, cam po de jogos, cam po de recreio,
cam po de sport.

athletic games: jogos desportivos.
attendance at childbirth: assistencia ao parto.
attendance at childbirth in the home: a ssiste n c ia


d o m ic ilio


p a r tu r ie n te , a ssisten c ia d o m ic ilia ria ao p a r t o ; serv ig o d e a ssisten c ia
d o m ic ilia ria d o p a r to .

attendance at school:


com pulsory

sch o o l a t t e n d a n c e , sch o ol


attendance by physicians: assistencia medica.
attendance oflScer: fiscal escolar.

baby: b e b e ; n en e .
baby week: sem ana da crianga.
beggar, habitual: see h a b i t u a l b e g g a r .
birth certificate: certidao do registro civil

de nascim ento, atestado de

nascim ento.

birth rate: natalidade.
birth register: registro de nascim entos.
births, compulsory reporting of: see

com pulsory

r e p o r t in g

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




board of education: diretoria de ensino.
boarding pupil: aluno interno.
box for receiving abandoned children (in a foundling h om e) : roda,
boy-scout movement: escotism o.
breast-fed child: crianga de peito.
breast feeding: am am entagáo natu ral, am am entagáo de peito.
breast feeding by a paid wet nurse: am am entagáo rem unerada,
aleitagáo m ercenària, aleitam ento m ercenàrio,

breast feeding by the mother:
natu ral,


am am entagáo m aternal, am am entagáo

m atern al,

aleitam ento

breast-milk station:

lactario, ginegaladosia
Janeiro, A p ril 12, 194 1 ).

bringing-up: educagáo.
bureau of child welfare:

m atern al,

aleitam ento

{Brasil-m edico,

R io de

departam ento da crianga, departam ento da


bureau of foster-home placement: agencia de colocagáo fam iliar,
bureau of legal aid: consultorio jurídico de servigo social,
bureau of vocational guidance: gabinete de orientagáo e selegáo

camp: see d a y c a m p , s u m m e r c a m p , v a c a t io n c a m p .
campaign, educational: see e d u c a t io n a l c a m p a ig n .
case worker (so cia l): see s o c ia l c a s e w o r k e r .
certificate of physical fitness: certificado de aptidáo física,
certificate of primary studies: certificado de estudos prim ários,


cado de instrugáo prim aria, certificado dé curso elem entar,

certificate of vaccination: atestado de vacina.
chest circumference: m edida torácica,
chief probation officer: chefe de vigilancia,
child born out of wedlock: filho natural.
child care: puericultura ; criagáo das criangas.

See also

sc h o o l



child development: desen volvim en to infantil,
child guidance: orientagáo da infancia.
child-guidance clinic: clínica de orientagáo infantil,




clínica de orien­

de higiene m ental infantil,


psicológica infan til, clínica de con du cta, clínica de eufrenia, con­
sultòrio de diregáo infan til, consultòrio de diregáo da infancia,
centro de eufrenia.

child health: saúde in fa n til; higiene infantil.
child-health agency: associagáo de protegáo higiénica
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

à infancia.



child-health center:

centro de higiene infantil, centro de saúde infantil,

centro infan til, centro de puericultura, consulta de lactan tes, con­
sultorio de lactan tes, consultòrio de higiene infan til, consultòrio
infantil, consultòrio para crianzas, consultòrio pediatrico, dispen­

de puericultura,







infan til, posto de consulta para os lactan tes, am bulatòrio de higiene


center where milk is distributed: gota de leite.
clinic: see c h il d - h e a l t h c e n t e r .
visitor: visitadora de higiene infantil,
work: serv ilo de higiene infantil, serv ilo de puericultura


child hygiene: higiene
child labor: trabalho

de m enores, trabalho infantil,




child labor in street trades: em prego de m enores na via pública,
child-labor regulation: regulam entagáo do trabalho das criangas.
child mortality: m ortalidade infantil,
child neglect: abandono de m enores,
child of illegitimate birth: filho natural.
child of preschool age: crianga de idade prescolar, prescolar,



child of school age: crianga de idade escolar,
child-placing agency: a g en d a de colocagáo fam iliar,
child psychology: psicologia infantil,
child welfare: bem -estar infan til, b em -estar da crianga.
child-welfare agency: sociedade de assistència infantil,

sociedade de

protegáo à infancia, sociedade protectora das criangas, associagáo
de assistència à infancia, associagáo de protegáo à infancia, obra de
am paro à infancia, obra de protegáo à infan cia; patron ato de m eno­
res ; instituigáo de protegáo à infancia,

child-welfare bureau: see b u r e a u o f c h il d w e l f a r e .
child-welfare exhibit: exposigáo da infancia.
child-welfare institution: instituigáo de assistència à infancia,


tuigáo de protegáo à infan cia; estabelecim ento de protegáo e am paro
dos infantes ; asilo infan til ; abrigo infantil,

child-welfare law:

lei protectora da infancia, lei de assistència e

protegáo aos m enores, lei de protegáo à prim eira infancia,

child-welfare legislation: legislagáo
child-welfare minimum standards:

a fa v or da crianga.

m in im u m s t a n d a r d s o f c h il d


child-welfare society: see

416222°— 42----- 6
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child- welfare agency.



child-welfare work: proteçâo à infancia; assistência à infancia,
assistência e proteçâo aos menores; obra de amparo à infancia,
obra de proteçâo à infancia.
child-welfare worker: delegado de assistência e proteçâo aos menores,
childbirth: parto.
childbirth attendance in the home : see a t t e n d a n c e a t c h i l d b i r t h i n

childhood: infancia. See also e a r l y c h il d h o o d .
children’s bureau: departamento da criança, departamento da
infancia, repartiçâo da criança.
Children’s Bureau of the United States Department of Labor:
Repartiçâo da Criança do Departamento do Trabalho dos Estados
Unidos da América,
children’s clinic: clínica infantil,
children’s code: código de menores,
children’s day: dia da criança.
children’s hospital: hospital infantil,
children’s library: biblioteca infantil,
children’s morbidity: morbidade infantil,
children’s theater: teatro infantil,
children’s year: ano de criança.
clinic: ambulatòrio; dispensàrio. See also child- guidance clinic,
children’ s clinic, dental clinic, ear , nose, and throat clinic,


code: see m in o r s ’ c o d e .
coeducation: coeducaçâo.
commitment (to an institution) : internamento.
community: coletividade.
community center (for recreation and education) : patronato (Rio de
compulsory education: instruçâo obrigatória, ensino obrigatório.
compulsory insurance of school children: seguro escolar obrigatório.
compulsory reporting of births : notificaçâo compulsóriade nascimentos.
compulsory school attendance: obrigatoriedade escolar; frequência
escolar obrigatória, frequência obrigatória da escola,
conference: conferência.
congregate type (institution) : tipo coletivo.
convalescent home: asilo de convalescença.
correctional institution: casa de correçâo para menores, colònia correcional, colònia de correçâo ; escola correcional.
cottage-type institution: asilo familia, asilo de tipo de pequeños agrupamentos de feiçâo familiar; instituiçâo de tipo de pavilhôes,
instituiçâo de regime familiar; sistema de internato em pequeños
grupos de regime familiar; instituto sistema de pavilhôes.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



cottage-type institution for children: estabelecimento formado por
pequeños grupos de criangas.
cottage-type reformatory: reformatorio de sistema de pavilhòes.
council of social agencies: conselho social.
course in child care: curso de puericultura.
court: tribunal. See also f a m i l y c o u r t , j u v e n i l e c o u r t .
court of domestic relations: juizo de relagóes domésticas.
curriculum: programa.

day camp: acampamento semi-interno.
day center (for children) : semi-intemato ; externato.
day nursery: creche; abrigo.
day pupil: aluno externo.
defective child : crianga anormal, crianga defeituosa.
defective eyesight: vista defeituosa.
defective mentally : débil mental ; anormal de inteligència.
defective physically: débil físico,
defectiveness, mental: see m e n t a l d e f e c t i v e n e s s .
defender of minors, public : see p u b l i c d e f e n d e r o f m i n o r s .
deficient diet: dieta deficiente,
delicate child: crianga débil,
delinquency, juvenile: see j u v e n i l e d e l i n q u e n c y .
delinquent, juvenile: see j u v e n i l e d e l i n q u e n t .
dental care: cuidados dentários; assistència dentària,
dentai care of children: assistència dentària infantil,
dentai care of school children: assistència dentària escolar,
dental clinic: clínica odontológica, clínica dentària, consultorio
dentàrio. See also t r a v e l i n g d e n t a l c l i n i c .
dental treatment of school children: assistència dentària escolar,
dependent (needing aid) : desvalido ; desamparado,
deserted mother: máe abandonada,
destitute: desvalido; desamparado.
destitute child: crianga desamparada, crianga desvalida, crianga
desprotegida; menor desvalido.
detention home for minors : casa de detengáo para menores ; abrigo de
menores, abrigo pro visòrio de menores (in connection with juvenile
court in Rio de Janeiro).
detention pending court action: detengáo pro visòria, detengáo preli­
development: see m e n t a l d e v e l o p m e n t , p h y s i c a l d e v e l o p m e n t .
diet: dieta. See also d e f i c i e n t d i e t , i m p r o p e r d i e t .
difficult child: crianga difícil,
domestic science: economia doméstica.
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ear, nose, and throat clinic: clínica oto-rino-laringológica.
early childhood : prim eira infancia.
education: see b o a r d o f e d u c a t i o n , c o m p u l s o r y e d u c a t i o n ,
m entary










educational campaign: cam pan a educativa.
educational institution: estabelecim ento de educaçâo,

estabelecim ento

de ensino, casa de educaçâo, in stituto de educaçâo.

elementary education: ensino prim ário, instruçâo prim aria,
elementary school: escola prim ária.
elementary-school certificate: certificado de curso elem entar,
employment of children in street trades: em prego de m enores

na via


environment: ambiente. See also f a m i l y e n v i r o n m e n t .
eugenics: eugenia, eugenesia.
examination: see p h y s ic a l e x a m i n a t i o n , p r e m a r it a l e x a m i n a t i o n .
expectant mother: m ulher gravida, gestante,
eyè clinic: clínica oftalm ológica.


allowance: subsidio fam iliar, abono fam iliar.
court: juizo fam iliar.
desertion: abandono d a fam ilia.
environment: am biente dom éstico, am biente


fam ilia,

am biente fam iliar,

family life: vid a em fam ilia,
feeble-minded: débil m ental.
feeding: am am entagáo, alim entagáo.




f e e d in g ,

feeding at the breast: am am entagáo de peito.
feeding of children: alim entagáo infantil.
financial aid: auxilio pecuniário.
food for children: alim entagáo infantil.
foster child: criangá ad otiva.
foster family: fam ilia adotiva, fam ilia de adogáo.
foster home: lar ad otivo.
foster-home placement: colocagáo em casa de

fam ilia,



fam iliar.

See also

b u r e a u of f o ster - h o m e p l a c e m e n t .

foundling: exposto.
foundling home: abrigo
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de expostos, asilo de expostos, casa de expos-



game: jogo.
garden city: c id a d e ja rd ín ,
growth: c r e s c im e n to .
guardian: c u r a d o r ; tu to r ,
guardianship: c u r a t e la ; t u te la .

habit clinic: clín ica d e h á b it o s , clín ica d e c o s tu m e s ,
habitual beggar: m e n d ig o h a b itu a l,
health: see m a t e r n a l h e a l t h , p u b l i c h e a l t h .
health center: see c h i l d - h e a l t h c e n t e r , t r a v e l i n g h e a l t h c e n t e r .
health center for mothers and children: c e n tro d e sa ú d e p a r a a m a t e r n id a d e e in fa n c ia .

health competition: c o n c u r so d e r o b u s te z .
health education : ed u c a g à o sa n ita r ia , d i v u l g a l o

d a h ig ie n e , in stru g á o

s a n ita r ia , en sin o sa n ità r io ,

health habit: h á b it o sa n ita r io ,
health insurance: see s i c k n e s s i n s u r a n c e .
health of school children: sa ú d e esco la r.
health record (in d iv id u a l): fich a d e s a ú d e , fich a

s a n it a r ia ; c a d e r n e ta

s a n ità r ia ; c a rteira d e sa ú d e .

health service for children of preschool age:

s e r v ilo m é d ic o p a ra à

in fa n c ia p resc o la r.

health visitor:

e d u c a d o r a s a n it à r ia ; v is ita d o r a d e h ig ie n e , v is ita d o r a

s a n ità r ia .

health work: d e fe sa s a n it a r ia ; serv ig o sa n ita r io ,
health work for children of preschool age: serv ig o

m é d ic o p a ra à

in fa n c ia p resc o la r.

health worker: v is ita d o r a s a n it à r ia ; e d u c a d o r a sa n ità r ia ,
height: a ltu r a .
home: see f o s t e r h o m e , f o u n d l i n g h o m e , p r i v a t e h o m e .
home care: a ssistén c ia d o m ic ilia ria , a ssistèn c ia a d o m ic ilio .
home placement: c o lo c a g á o fa m ilia r , c o lo c a g à o e m c a sa d e fa m ilia .
home visit: v is ita a d o m ic ilio , v is ita d o m ic ilia ria .
home visiting: v isita g á o d o m icilia ria .
hospital, children’s: see c h i l d r e n ’ s h o s p i t a l .
hospital aid: a ssistèn c ia h o sp ita la r.
hospital treatment: a ssistèn c ia h o sp ita la r.
housekeeper visiting: see v i s i t i n g h o u s e k e e p e r .
housing: habitagáo.
hygiene: see m e n t a l h y g i e n e of t h e c h il d , p e r s o n a l h y g i e n e ,

hygiene of the school child:
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

h ig ien e esc o la r, h ig ien e d o e n sin o .



illegitimate child: filho natural.
illiteracy: a n a lfa b e tis m o .
improper diet: dieta inapropriada.
individual health record: see health record.
individual record: ficha.
infancy: prim eira infancia.
infant: b e b ê ;n e n ê .
infant care : c u id a d o s à p rim e ira in fa n c ia .
infant-health center: see c h i l d - h e a l t h c e n t e r .
infant-health work: see c h i l d - h e a l t h w o r k .
infant mortality: m o r ta lid a d e in fa n til.
infant mortality rate: coeficiente de m ortalidade

inf an til, indice de

m ortalidade infantil.

infant-welfare law: lei de proteçâo à
infant-welfare work: assistência à

prim eira infancia.
prim eira

in fan cia ;



prim eira infancia.

infants’ home: abrigo infantil.
inmate (of an institution ) : asilado.
institution: a silo; abrigo. See also


c h il d - w e l f a r e


in s t it u t io n ,




institution for children : casa da criança ; lar infantil ; abrigo ; in tem a d o .
institution for dependents: estabelecim ento caridoso, estabelecim ento
de caridade, estabelecim ento de assistência.

institution for foundlings: see f o u n d l i n g
institution for juvenile delinquents: casa

hom e.

de correçâo para m enores,

casa de preservaçâo; escola de reform a, escola correcional, escola
de preservaçâo.

institution of the cottage type: see c o t t a g e - t y p e
institutional care: assistência coletiva.
instruction in hygiene: see health education.
insurance: see maternity insurance, sickness

in s t it u t io n .

insurance, social


insurance fund:

fundo de seguro.

See also

scho ol

c h il d r e n ’ s i n



insurance of school children, compulsory:


co m p u lso r y in s u r a n c e


intelligence test:

exam e da inteligência, exam e da inteligência gérai,

test da inteligência, test m ental,

investigation: inquérito. See also s o c ia l i n v e s t i g a t i o n .
investigation of paternity: investigaçâo de paternidade.
investigation of the home: inquérito dom iciliar.
investigator: investigador.
itinerant trade: profissâo am bulante.
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judge of the juvenile court: juiz de m enores.
juvenile court: juizo de m enores, juizado


m enores,


ju ven il, tribunal de m enores, tribunal da infancia,

juvenile delinquency:




ju ven il,

crim inalidade infan til, crim inalidade ju ven il.

juvenile delinquent:

m enor delinquente, m enor crim inoso, crianza

delinquente, crianga crim inosa,

juvenile delinquents:

m ocidade delinquente.

kindergarten: jardín de infancia,
kindergarten teacher: jardineira m estra.

lecture: conferéncia.
legal-aid bureau: consultòrio jurídico de servigo social,
library, children’s: see children’ s library.
lunch: almogo, merenda.
lunchroom for mothers: cantina m atern al, refeitório para
lunchroom in a school: refeitório escolar, cantina escolar.


malnourished: m aln utrido, desnutrido, subnutrido,
malnutrition: m alnutrigáo, desnutrigáo, subnutrigáo, subalim entagáo.
manual training: ensino m anual,
marriage rate: nupcialidade.
maternal aid: assistència m aternal.
maternal breast feeding: am am entagao m atern al, am am entagáo


m aternal,

aleitam ento

m atern al,

aleitam ento


maternal health: saúde m aterna,
maternal-welfare work: assistència à m aternidade.
maternity benefit: auxilio à m atern idade; socorro de gravidez,
maternity-benefit fund: caixa m aternal.
maternity home: m atern idade; casa m a tern al; asilo de m atern idade;
lar m aternal.

See also secret maternity home.

maternity home for unmarried women:

m aternidade

para m ogas


maternity home where expectant mothers are required to do a certain
amount of work in return for their maintenance: refúgio operario
de mulheres gravidas.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



maternity insurance: seguro materno, seguro-matemidade.
maternity pavilion (of a general hospital): pavilháo de maternidade.
medical care: tratamento médico; assistència medica, assistència

medicai care of school children: assistència médico-sanitária escolar,
medical inspection of school children: inspegáo médico-escolar, in­
spegáo sanitària escolar; servilo de inspegáo sanitària escolar,

medicai school: faculdade de medicina,
medical supervision: fiscalizagáo médica,
medical treatment: see medical care.
mental ability: capacidade mental,
mental defective: débil mental; anormal,
mental defectiveness: debilidade mental; deficiènza mental,
mental development: desenvolvimento mental, desenvolvimento

mental hygiene of the child : higiene mental infantil,
mental training: educagáo intelectual,
mentally defective: débil mental; anormal de inteligència.
mentally retarded : retardado mental,
midwife: parteira; (untrained) curiosa.
milk station: gota de leite, depósito de leite, posto de leite; lactario,
milk supply: fornecimento de leite, abastecimento de leite.
minimum standards of child welfare: standard mínimo de assistència
infantil, standard mínimo de bem-estar infantil,

minor: menor.
minors’ code: código de menores,
mixed feeding: alimentagáo mixta,
morbidity: morbidade.
morbidity of children : morbidade infantil.
mortality: m ortalidade. See also child

mortality, infant mor­
mortality rate: indice de mortalidade, coeficiente de mortalidade.
mother: see expectant mother, nursing mother, unmarried
motherhood : maternidade.
mothers’ mutual-aid society: mutualidade maternal,
mothers’ pension: pensào maternal, subsidio às màes.
motion-picture theater: cinematógrafo, animatógrafo.
mutual aid: mutualismo.
tality ,

neglect: abandono.
neglect of children: abandono de m enores.
neglected child: crianga abandonada, m enor


desam parada, crianga desvalida, crianga desprotegida.
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neglected children: in fa n c ia d e s v a lid a , in fa n c ia a b a n d o n a d a ,
neglected morally: m o r a lm e n t e a b a n d o n a d o , m o r a lm e n te d e s a m p a ­
ra d o .

neglected physically: m a t e r ia lm e n te a b a n d o n a d o , m a t e r ia lm e n te d e s­
am p arad o.

neonatal mortality: m o r ta lid a d e n e o n a ta l,
newborn (c h i ld ) : r e c é m -n a sc id o .
night work: tr a b a lh o n o c tu r n o .
nurse: see

public- health nurse, school nurse, supervisory
nursery: see day nursery.

nursery school: e sc o la m a te r n a l.
nurses’ training school: esc o la d e en fe rm e ira s.
nursing benefit: a u x ilio p a r a la c ta ç â o , so co rro d e la c ta ç â o , p r ê m io d e
a m a m en taçâo .

nursing mother: m â e q u e a m a m e n t a , m â e n u tr iz ,
nursing room (g e n e ra lly in in d u stria l e s t a b lis h m e n t s ): sa la d e a le ila ­
m en to .

nursling: c ria n ç a d e p e ito , la c ta n te ,
nutrition: n u tr iç â o .

S ee a lso state of nutrition .

nutrition clinic: clín ic a d e n u tr iç â o , clín ic a d ie té tic a ,
nutrition expert: p e rito d e n u tr iç â o .

open-air school: e sc o la ao ar liv re ,
organization: a s s o c ia ç â o ; a g r e m ia ç â o .
orphanage: asilo d e o rfâ o s.

parent-teacher association: a sso c ia ç â o d e p a is e m e str e s, c ircu lo de
p a is e p r o fesso res.

parental authority: a u to rid a d e p a te r n a , p a tr io p o d e r,
parole: lib e r d a d e c o n d ic io n a l, lib e r d a d e v ig ia d a ,
paternity investigation: in v e s tig a ç â o d e p a te r n id a d e .
patient: d o e n te .
pediatric clinic: c lín ic a d e d o e n ç a s d e c ria n ç a s.
pediatrics: m e d ic in a in ía n t il, p e d ia tr ía ,
penal institution: c o lô n ia p e n a l,
personal hygiene: h ig ien e p e sso a l.
physical care: t r a ta m e n t o físic o , c u id a d o s físic o s,
physical developm ent: d e s e n v o lv im e n to físic o ,
physical education: e d u c a ç â o física .
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



physical examination: e x a m e fís ic o , e x a m e m é d ic o , e x a m e s o m á tic o ,
v is it a m é d ic a .

physical welfare: b e m -e s t a r físic o .
physically neglected: m a te r ia lm e n te a b a n d o n a d o , m a te r ia lm e n te d e s ­
am p arad o,

physician: m é d ic o .
placing in a fam ily: c o lo c a g á o e m c a sa d e fa m ilia , c o lo c a g á o fa m ilia r ,
placing in an institution: in te r n a m e n to .
playground: c a m p o d o e sp o r te s, c a m p o d e recreio, c a m p o d e jo g o s ,
p a r q u e in fa n til.

posture: p o s ig á o , p o sig á o d e c o r p o , a titu d e .
pregnancy: g r a v id e z .
pregnancy benefit: so co rro d e g r a v id e z .
premarital examination: e x a m e m é d ic o -p r e n u p c ia l, e x a m e p r e n u p cia l,

care: a ssisté n c ia

p r e n a ta l,

servid o

p r e n a ta l,

serv ig o


a ssisté n c ia p r e n a ta l, serv ig o d e p u e ric u ltu ra in tr a u te r in a , c u id a d o s
a n te n a ta is , p u e ric u ltu ra in tr a u te r in a ,

prenatal clinic: c lín ic a p r e n a ta l, c o n su ltò rio p a r a fu tu r a s m á e s , c o n ­
s u ltò r io

p r e n a ta l, c o n su ltò rio

m a te r n a l,

c e n tro


sa ú d e

o b s té tr ic o , c e n tro

p r e n a ta l,

c e n tro

c e n tro d e s a ú d e p a r a g e s ta n te s , c e n tro d e


p r e n a ta l, c e n tro
sa ú d e

m atern a,

sa ú d e p a r a m á e s , d is ­

p e n sà rio p r e n a ta l, d isp en sà rio d e h ig ien e p r e n a ta l, a m b u la tò r io d e
h ig ie n e p r e n a ta l.

S ee also

t r a v e l in g p r e n a t a l c l in ic .

prenatal hygiene: h ig ien e p r e n a ta l,
preschool a ge: id a d e p resc o la r.
preschool child: c ria n ga d e id a d e p r e sc o la r, cria n g a p r e sc o la r,
preschool education: e d u c a g á o p r e -p r im á r ia , en sin o p r e -p r im á r io .
preventorium: p r e v e n tò r io .
primary education: en sin o p r im à r io , in stru g á o p r im à r ia .
primary school: e sc o la p r im à r ia .
private h om e: c a s a d e fa m ilia .
private institution: e s ta b e le c im e n to p a r tic u la r.
probation oflScer: c o m issá rio d e v ig ilá n c ia ,

v ig ila n te .

S ee

a lso


probation work: serv ig o d e lib e r d a d e v ig ia d a , serv ig o d e lib e r d a d e
c o n d ic io n a l.

public aid : a u x ilio p ú b lic o , a ssisté n c ia p ú b lic a .
public assistance: a ssistén c ia p ú b lic a .
public clinic: a m b u la tò r io p ú b lic o , d isp e n sà rio p ú b lic o .
public defender o f m inors: d e fe n so r d e m e n o re s.
public health: sa ú d e p ú b lic a , h ig ien e p ú b lic a .
public-health clinic: a m b u la tò r io p ú b lic o , d isp en sà rio p ú b lic o .
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




nurse: en fe rm e ira

v is ita d o r a ,

en fe rm e ira


sa ú d e

p ú b lic a , v is ita d o r a d e sa ú d e p ú b lic a ,

public-health unit: c e n tro d e s a ú d e , p o s t o d e h ig ie n e , p o s to u r b a n o d e
c o n s u lta .

public recreation: recreios p ú b lic o s.
public relief: a ssistén c ia p ú b lic a .
public school: e sc o la p ú b lic a .
public welfare: a ssisté n c ia p ú b lic a .
public-welfare services: a ssisté n c ia p ú b lic a .
pupil: see boarding pupil, day pupil, retarded pupil.

receiving home (fo r m i n o r s ) : c a sa d e re c e p y á o , a b rig o p r o v iso r io de
m e n o re s.

record (in d iv id u a l): fic h a .

S ee a lso

h e a l t h r e c o r d , s c h o o l c h il d ’ s


record o f a case: m a y o .
record o f a school child’s health: fich a m é d ic a esc o la r,
recreation: recreio. S e e also p u b l i c
recreation center: c e n tro d e recreio.

r e c r e a t io n .

reformatory: r e fo r m a tó r io , c a sa d e r e fo r m a , e sc o la d e r e fo r m a , e s t a b e le c im e n to d e re e d u c a y á o , in stitu iy á o fe c h a d a d e r e ed u c a y á o .

reformatory for boys: r e fo r m a tó r io p a r a m e n in o s,
reformatory o f the cottage type: r e fo r m a tó r io d e siste m a d e p a v ilh ó e s.
relief, public: see p u b l i c r e l i e f .
relief agency : see w e l f a r e a g e n c y .
relief work: a ssisté n c ia so c ia l, serv iy o d e a ssistén c ia .
report: r e la tó r io . S ee also a n n u a l r e p o r t .
reporting o f births, compulsory: see
retarded: a tr a sa d o .

c o m p u l s o r y r e p o r t in g o f b ir t h s

retarded child : cria n ya r e ta r d a d a , c ria n ya a tr a sa d a ,
retarded growth: c r e sc im e n to e m a tra so ,
retarded mentally: r e ta r d a d o m e n t a l,
retarded pupil: a lu n o a tr a sa d o .

salaried probation officer: v ig ila n te re m u n e r a d o .
savings fu nd : c a ix a esco la r.
school: see
a ir

elem entary



t r a in in g





school a g e : id a d e esco la r.
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school attendance: fr e q u é n c ia d a s e sc o la s, c o m p a r e c im e n to à esc o la ,
fr e q u ê n c ia

esc o la r,

a ssistên c ia

e sc o la r,

esc o la rid a d e .

S ee


school authorities : a u to rid a d e s esco la re s.
school bath: b a n h o esc o la r.
school census: re c e n se a m e n to esco la r.
school certificate, elem entary: see e l e m e n t a r y - school c er tif ic at e .
school child: c ria n ç a esc o la r, c ria n ç a d e id a d e esco la r,
school children: in fa n c ia esco la r.
school children’ s insurance fu nd: c a ix a de seg u ro esco la r,
school child’ s health record: fich a m é d ic o -e sc o la r ,
school child’ s record : fich a esco la r,
school dental clinic : c lín ic a d e n tá ria esc o la r,
school dentist: d e n tis ta esco la r,
school feeding: refeiç â o esco la r,
school for training of nurses: e sc o la d e en ferm eira s.
school for vocational training: esco la p ro fissio n a l, e sc o la d e a p r e n d iz a g e m in d u s tria l.

school health services: se rv iç o d e h ig ien e esco la r,
school health work: se rv iç o d e h igien e esco la r,
school hygiene: h ig ien e esc o la r, h ig ien e d o en sin o ,
school lunch : a lm o ç o esc o la r, m e r e n d a esco la r,
school-lunch system : refeiç â o esco la r.

school lunchroom: re feito rio

esc o la r, c a n tin a esco la r.

school medical inspection: in sp e ç â o m é d ic o -e s c o la r , in sp eç â o sa n itá r ia
esco la r.

school medical record : fich a m é d ic o -e sc o la r ,
school medical service: se rv iç o m é d ic o -e sc o la r ,
school medical staff: c o r p o m é d ic o -e sc o la r ,
school nurse: v is ita d o r a e s c o la r ; en fe r m e ir a esc o la r,
school o f child care: e sc o la d e p u e ric u ltu ra ,
school of m edicine: fa c u ld a d e d e m e d ic in a ,
school of social service: e sc o la so cia l,
school officials: a u to rid a d e s esco la res.
school physician: in sp e to r esco la r m é d ic o , m é d ic o esc o la r, m é d ic o
in s p e to r esco la r.

school savings b ank: c a ix a esco la r.
secret maternity h om e: m a te r n id a d e se c r e ta .
settlem ent: c e n tro so cia l.
sex education: e d u c a ç â o sex u a l.
sickness insurance: seg u ro c o n tr a d o e n ç a .
sickness rate among children: m o r b id a d e in fa n til.
social aid : a ssistê n c ia so cia l.
social case worker: v is ita d o r a so c ia l, v is ita d o r a d o m ic ilia ria .
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



social insurance: seg u ro so cia l,
social investigation: in q u é rito so cia l,
social welfare: b e m -e s t a r so cia l,
state o f nutrition: e sta d o d e n u tr iç â o .
stillbirth: n a t im o r to .
stillbirth rate: m o r tin a ta lid a d e , n a tim o r ta lid a d e .
subsidized school: esco la su b v e n c io n a d a ,
summer camp: a c a m p a m e n to d e v e r â o .
supervisory nurse: e n fe r m e ir a -c h e fe .

teacher, traveling: see traveling teacher.
teacher of hygiene: e d u c a d o r a sa n ità r ia , p ro fe sso ra d e h ig ien e ,
technical training: p re p a ro té c n ic o , fo r m a ç â o té c n ic a , tre n o té c n ic o ,
in atru çâ o té c n ica .

test: see

in t e l l ig e n c e t e s t , v o c a t io n a l t e s t .

theater, children’s : see c h i l d r e n ’ s t h e a t e r .
trade, itinerant: see i t i n e r a n t t r a d e .
trade school: esco la p ro fissio n a i, e sc o la d e a p r e n d iz a g e m in d u stria l,
trained nurse: en fe rm e ira .
training: see
in g ,

m a n u a l t r a in in g , m e n t a l t r a in in g , t e c h n ic a l t r a in ­


training school (for ju v e n ile d e lin q u e n t s ) : see reformatory.
traveling clinic: clín ic a a m b u la n te .
traveling dental clinic : clín ic a d e n tà r ia a m b u la n te , clín ic a o d o n to ló g ic a
a m b u la n te .

traveling health center: c e n tro d e sa ú d e a m b u la n te ,
traveling prenatal clinic: c e n tro d e sa ú d e m a te r n a a m b u la n te ,
traveling teacher: m e stre a m b u la n te .

unmarried mother: m â e so lte ira .
unruly : in d isc ip lin a d o .

vacation camp: a c a m p a m e n to d e v e r â o , c e n tro d e fé ria s, c o lò n ia d e
fé ria s, c o lò n ia c lim á tic a ,

vacation camp for m others: c o lò n ia d e m â e s .
vacation camp for school children: c o lò n ia esc o la r, c o lò n ia esco la r d e
fé ria s, a c a m p a m e n to e sc o la r d e v e r â o .

vaccination certificate: a te s ta d o d e v a c in a .
visiting housekeeper: v is ita d o r a d o m é s tic a ,
visiting nurse: v is ita d o r a d e sa ú d e p ú b lic a , en fe r m e ir a v is ita d o r a ,
visitor, health: see h e a l t h v i s i t o r .
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


visitor (in so cia l w o r k ) : v is ita d o r a .
visitor employed by municipal authorities: v is ita d o r a m u n ic ip a l,
vocational ability: a p tid á o p ro fissio n a l.
vocational adviser: c o n su lto r v o c a c io n a l, c o n su lto r p ro fission a l.
vocational education: en sin o p ro fissio n a l, in stru g á o p ro fissio n a l, e d u ca g á o té c n ic o -p r o fissio n a l, e n sin o in d u stria l, tre n o in d u str ia l, tre n o
p ro fissio n a l.

vocational guidance: p s ic o tè c n ic a , o rie n ta g á o p ro fissio n a l.
vocational-guidance bureau: g a b in e te d e o rien ta g á o e seleg áo p r o fissio n ais.

vocational test: p r o v a d e v o c a g a o , t e s t p sic o té c n ic o .
vocational training: see v o c a t i o n a l e d u c a t i o n .
vocational-training school: esc o la d e a p r e n d iz a g e m in d u str ia l, esco la
p ro fissio n a l.

volunteer probation officer: vigilante voluntário.

ward: t u te la d o , c u ra te la d o .
wayward child: c ria n ga v ic ia d a , cria n ga v ic io sa .
weaning: d e s m a m e .
welfare: bem-estar. See a lso p h y s i c a l w e l f a r e ,

p u b l ic

w elfare,


welfare agency: a ssociag ào d e a ssistè n c ia , a ssociag ào d e b e n e fic é n c ia ;
e s ta b e le c im e n to d e a ssistè n c ia ; so cie d a d e


a ssistè n c ia ,

lig a


b e n e fic é n c ia ; o rg a n ism o d e a ssistè n c ia .

welfare services (p u b lic ) : see

p u b l ic - w e l f a r e s e r v ic e s .

welfare work: a ssistèn c ia s o c ia l; serv ig o d e a ssistèn c ia .
welfare work for infants: a ssistèn c ia à p r im eira in fa n c ia ,
welfare work for m others: a ssistèn c ia à m a te r n id a d e .
welfare work for neglected children: serv ig o d a s cria n ga s a b a n d o ­
n ad as.

wet nurse: a m a d e le ite , a m a d e le ite m e r c e n à ria , n u tr iz m e r c e n à ria ,
woman probation officer: v is ita d o r a so c ia l d e lib e r d a d e v ig ia d a .
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Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

abandon de fam ille: family desertion,
abandon matériel: physical neglect,
abandon moral: moral neglect.
abandonné: see

e n f a n t a b a n d o n n é , m a t é r ie l l e m e n t a b a n d o n n é ,


abandonnée, m ère: see
abri: institution, home.

mère a b a n d o n n ée .

abri maternel: maternity home.
absentéisme scolaire: truancy.
accouchement: childbirth.
acte de naissance: birth certificate.
âge du consentement: age of consent.
âge scolaire: school age.
allaitement: breast feeding, feeding at the breast.
allaitement artificiel: bottle feeding.
allaitement au sein: feeding at the breast, breast feeding.
allaitement maternel: breast feeding by the mother.
allaitement m ixte: mixed feeding.
allaitement naturel: breast feeding by the mother.
allaiter: to breast feed, to feed at the breast, to nurse.
allocation: allowance.
allocation familiale: family allowance.
apprentissage: apprenticeship.
arriéré intellectuel: mentally retarded.
arriéré m ental: mentally retarded.
asile: institution, home.
asile maternel : maternity home.
asile maternité: maternity home.
asile pour mères nourrices: institution for nursing mothers,
assistance de la maternité: maternity aid, aid to mothers; maternal-

welfare work; maternity services,
assistance infantile: child-welfare work; cnild-welfare services,
assistance matérielle: economic aid.
assistance maternelle: maternity aid, aid to mothers; maternal-wel­
fare work; maternity services,
assistance m édicale: medical attendance; medical aid.
416222°— 42-----7
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assistance médicale à dom icile: medical attendance at home,
assistance médicale collective: medical attendance in an institution,
assistance prénatale: prenatal care,
assistance privée: private welfare work.
assistance publique : public aid, public relief ; public-welfare work,
assistance sociale: social aid; social service; social-welfare work,
assistante de service social: social worker,
assistante d ’hygiène scolaire: school nurse,
assistante familiale: case worker.
assistante m énagère: visiting housekeeper, housekeeping aid.
assistante professionnelle : trained social worker,
assistante scolaire: school nurse,
assistante sociale: social worker,
assistante sociale d ’hôpital: hospital social worker,
assistante sociale polyvalente: combination of public-health nurse

and social worker employed by public-health agencies (France),
association de bienfaisance: welfare agency; private organization

engaged in welfare work.
assurance maladie: sickness insurance, health insurance,
assurance sociale: social insurance,
attitude: posture.
autorité paternelle: parental authority,
autorité tutelaire: guardian’s authority,
auxiliaire bénévole: volunteer (social) worker,
auxiliaire sociale: social worker,
auxiliaire sociale d ’hôpital: hospital social worker.

berceuse: nurse (in a day nursery), woman taking care of children

in a day nursery,
biberon: nursing bottle.
biberonnerie : part of a day nursery where bottle-fed infants are kept,
boîte d ’accouchement: obstetric package (given to a mother for her

bonne d ’ enfants: nursemaid, children’s nurse,
bureau d ’ assistance: board of public welfare,
bureau de bienfaisance: board of public welfare,
bureau de placem ent: employment exchange, employment office,
bureau de protection de la je u n e sse : children’s bureau, child-welfare

bureau d ’orientation professionnelle: vocational-guidance office.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



caisse de compensation: compensation fund; equalization fund (in

family-allowance systems).
camionnette sanitaire: traveling health center, mobile health unit,
camps de vacances: vacation camp.
cantine maternelle: lunchroom for mothers (where expectant or nurs­

ing mothers are given meals either free or for a small charge),
cantine pour enfants: lunchroom for children,
cantine scolaire: lunchroom for school children,
carnet: individual record,
carnet de croissance: growth chart,
carnet de santé: health record (individual),
carnet sanitaire: health record (individual),
cas mental: mental case.
centrale de l ’ assistance privée: association of private welfare agencies,
centre d ’accueil: receiving home.
centre d ’apprentissage agricole: locality in which a number of de­

pendent children are placed out with rural families,
centre d ’ élevage: locality, usually rural, in which a number of young

children are placed in private families, often under the supervision
of a physician or public-health nurse, or both (France),
centre de placement familial: see c e n t r e d ’ é l e v a g e .
centre de protection maternelle et infantile: maternal and childhealth center.
centre de puériculture: child-health center; locality assigned to a
public-health nurse for visiting the infants residing there {Pro
juventute, ‘Zurich, No. 8-9, 1940).
centre d ’hygiène maternelle et infantile: maternal and child-health
centre d ’observation: clinic for the study of children brought before
the juvenile court.
centre d ’observation et de triage: detention home which also serves
as a clinic for the observation and classification of children brought
before the juvenile court (Paris).
centre familial de santé et de médecine préventive: maternai and
child-health center.
centre nourricier: group of families living within a certain territory
and each caring for one or more foster children,
centre prénatal: prenatal clinic,
centre social: settlement house,
certificat médical: certificate issued by physician,
chambre d ’allaitement: special room in industrial establishments
where employed mothers nurse their children,
charge de fam ille: dependent member of a family.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



cité-jardin: garden city.
classe enfantine: nursery school.
classe jardin d ’ enfants: kindergarten.
classe maternelle: class for mothers (in which women are taught

maternal and child hygiene),
classes de plein air: open-air classes,
clinique ambulante: traveling clinic.
Clinique d ’ éducation de caractère: child-guidance clinic.
clinique de formation des bonnes habitudes: habit clinic (for young

collectivité scolaire: total school population.
colonie alpestre: vacation camp in the mountains,
colonie correctionnelle: correctional institution for juvenile delin­


de vacances: vacation camp.
familiale: cottage-type institution.
fluviale: camp near a river, river camp.
marine: camp at the seashore, seashore camp.

colonie pénitentiaire: penal institution.
colonie scolaire: vacation camp for school children.
comité de patronage: committee on welfare work.
. . . .
conférence prénatale: talk on maternal hygiene given by physician to


. .

conférence sur la nutrition: lecture on nutrition,
congé de maternité: maternity leave,
conseil central des œ uvres: council of social agencies,
conseil de tutelle: guardianship councü.
consultation ambulante: traveling clinic, mobile health unit,
consultation de fem m es enceintes: prenatal clinic,
consultation de grossesse: prenatal clinic.
consultation de neuro-psychiatrie infantile: psychiatric clinic


consultation de nourrissons: infant-health center; mfant-health conconsultation de nourrissons à caractère de polyclinique: mfant-health

center where preventive work is done and treatment glvÇn.
consultation de nourrissons à caractère préventif et éducatif: ml an -

health center doing preventive and educational work,
consultation dentaire: dental clinic,
consultation d ’hygiène scolaire: school clinic.
consultation maternelle: prenatal clinic.
consultation maternelle et infantile: clinic for mothers and children,
consultation materno-infantile: clinic for mothers and children,
consultation médico-pédagogique: child-guidance clinic; habit clinic
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



C° d r a !tatÌOn n eu r0' psychiatri,|l,e infantìle : psychiatric clinic for chil-

consultation obstétricale: prenatal clinic,
consultation ophtalmologique: eye clinic
consultation post-nataie: child-health clin ic; child-health conference
consultation pour enfants d ’âge préscolaire: clinic for preschool chilconsultation pour fem m es enceintes: prenatal clinic,
consultation prenatale: prenatal clinic.
consultation roulotte de nourrissons: traveling infan t-h ealth clinic,
m obile health un it for infan ts,

consultation spéciale d ’odontologie: dental clinic,
cour de récréation: school playground.

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crèche: d a y nursery,
creche garderie: d a y nursery.
crèche hospitalière: hospital ward for y ou n g children,
criminalité infantile: juvenile delinquency,
cuisine infantile: lunchroom for children.

dame visiteuse: w om an case worker,
debile: delicate,


m alnourished.




p s y c h iq u e m e n t

debile intellectuel : m en ta lly defective,
debile mental : m en ta lly defective.
decheance de la puissance paternelle: loss of parental authority
déficience m entale: m ental d efect; m ental defectiveness
déficience physique: physical d efect; physical defectiveness
deficient mental: m en ta lly defective.
deficient psychique: m en ta lly defective.
délaissée, fem m e: see f e m m e d é l a is s é e .
délégué de la protection de l’ enfance: probation officer.
delegué du ju ge des enfants: probation officer.
délinquance infantile: juvenile delinquency.
délinquance juvenile: juvenile delinquency.
délinquant d habitude: habitual delinquent.
délinquant mineur: juvenile delinquent.
deuxieme enfance: period


entering age.

dévoyé: w ayw ard.
diététique: dietetics; d iet; nutrition.
dispensaire: clinic; dispensary.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis







dispensaire ambulant d ’hygiène maternelle et infantile: tra v e lin g
clin ic fo r m o th e r s a n d ch ild ren , itin e r a n t m a te r n a l a n d c h ild -h e a lth
clin ic.

dispensaire ambulant pour nourrissons: tra v e lin g clin ic fo r in fa n ts,
dispensaire d ’ accueil: re c e iv in g h o m e ,
dispensaire d ’ enfants: c h ild r e n ’s c lin ic ; c h ild -h e a lth cen ter,
dispensaire de protection maternelle et infantile: m a te r n a l a n d c h ild h e a lth c e n te r ; h e a lth c en ter fo r m o th e r s a n d ch ild ren ,

dispensaire de puériculture: c h ild -h e a lth c en ter,
dispensaire d ’hygiène: c lin ic ; d is p e n s a r y ; c en ter,
dispensaire d ’hygiène de la fem m e en état de gestation: p r e n a ta l
clin ic.

dispensaire d ’ hygiène des enfants d ’âge préscolaire: clin ic fo r p re­
sc h o o l ch ild ren .

dispensaire d ’hygiène materno-infantile: see
t e c t io n

d is p e n s a ir e




dispensaire d ’hygiène m entale: m e n t a l-h y g ie n e clin ic,
dispensaire d ’ hygiène scolaire: clin ic fo r sc h o o l ch ild ren ,
dispensaire d ’hygiène sociale: p u b lic -h e a lth c lin ic ; p u b lic -h e a lth d is­
p e n s a r y ; p u b lic -h e a lth u n it.

dispensaire infantile: c h ild r e n ’s c lin ic ; c h ild -h e a lth c en ter.
dispensaire scolaire: clin ic fo r sc h o o l ch ild ren .
distraction: rec rea tio n .
dossier d ’instruction: sc h o o l record .
dossier judiciaire: reco rd o f a c o u r t case.
dossier sanitaire: h e a lth reco rd o f an in d iv id u a l.

éclaireur: b o y s c o u t.
éclaireuse: girl sc o u t.
école asile: in s titu tio n fo r ch ild ren .
école de m ères: cou rse o n ch ild care fo r m o th e r s.
école de plein air: o p e n -a ir sc h o o l.
école de puériculture: sc h o o l o f ch ild c a r e ; in s titu tio n in w h ic h p r o b ­
le m s o f ch ild h y g ie n e a n d c h ild re n ’ s d iseases are stu d ie d ,

école de service social: sc h o o l o f so cia l w o rk ,
école enfantine: n u rse r y sc h o o l,
école gardienne: n u rse r y sc h o o l,
école maternelle: n u rse r y sc h o o l,
école ménagère: sc h o o l o f d o m e stic scien ce,
école professionnelle: tra d e s c h o o l; v o c a tio n a l sc h o o l,
éducation familiale: fa m ily tra in in g , tra in in g o f ch ild ren in th e fa m ily ,
éducation hygiénique: in str u c tio n in h y g ie n e ,
éducation ménagère : in str u c tio n in d o m e stic scien ce,
éducation professionnelle: v o c a tio n a l e d u c a tio n , v o c a t io n a l tra in in g .
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



enfance: see

d e u x iè m e


p r e m iè r e


second e


enfance à l ’âge scolaire: ch ild ren o f sc h o o l age.
enfance préscolaire: p r e sc h o o l c h ild r e n ; ch ild ren o f p re sc h o o l age.
enfant abandonné: a b a n d o n e d c h ild ; n e g le c te d ch ild ,
enfant anormal: d e fe c tiv e c h ild ; m e n t a lly d e fe c tiv e ch ild ,
enfant assisté: ch ild in re c e ip t o f p u b lic a id ; ch ild c ared fo r b y w elfare
a g e n c ie s ; d e p e n d e n t ch ild ,

enfant coupable: d e lin q u e n t ch ild .
enfant d ’âge préscolaire: ch ild o f p resc h o o l a g e ; p resc h o o l ch ild ,
enfant déficient: d e fe c tiv e ch ild ,
enfant de ju stice: ch ild b r o u g h t b efo re th e c o u r t,
enfant délaissé: a b a n d o n e d c h ild , d e serte d ch ild ,
enfant difficile : ch ild p r e se n tin g b e h a v io r p r o b le m s,
enfant du premier â ge: v e r y y o u n g ch ild (u su a lly less th a n 2 y e a r s o f
a g e ).

enfant en bas â ge: see

e n f a n t d u p r e m ie r â g e .

enfant en dépôt: ch ild in th e t e m p o r a r y care o f p u b lic -w e lfa r e a u th o r ­
itie s (b e ca u se th e p a r e n t ca rin g fo r h im is in a h o sp ita l o r ja il, o r fo r
o th e r r ea so n s is te m p o r a r ily a b s e n t),

enfant en garde: ch ild referred b y th e ju v e n ile c o u r t to th e care o f
p u b lic -w e lfa r e a u th o ritie s,

enfant en nourrice: c h ild p la c e d w ith a w e t n u rse,
enfant en pension: ch ild p la c e d w ith a fo s te r m o th e r ,
enfant en sevrage: w e a n e d ch ild p la c e d w ith a fo ste r m o th e r ,
enfant insubordonné: u n r u ly ch ild ,
enfant intellectuellement retardé: m e n t a lly r e ta r d e d ch ild ,
enfant légitime: ch ild o f le g itim a te b irth , ch ild b o rn in w e d lo c k ,
enfant maltraité: m is tr e a te d ch ild ,
enfant mentalement déficient: m e n t a lly d e fe c tiv e ch ild ,
enfant moralement abandonné: m o r a lly n e g le c te d ch ild ,
enfant moralement et matériellement abandonné: ch ild n e g le c te d
m o r a lly a n d p h y s ic a lly .

enfant naturel: ch ild o f ille g itim a te b irth , ch ild b o r n o u t o f w e d lo c k ,
enfant nécessiteux: d e s titu te ch ild ,
enfant placé en nourrice: c h ild p la c e d w ith a w e t n u rse,
enfant secouru: ch ild in r e c e ip t o f p u b lic aid .
enfant traduit en ju stice: ch ild b r o u g h t b efo re th e c o u rt,
enfant trouvé: fo u n d lin g ,
enquête familiale: in v e s tig a tio n o f th e fa m ily ,
enquête psychologique: m e n t a l te st,
enquêteuse: in v e s tig a to r (w o m a n ),
enseignement ménager : in str u c tio n in d o m e s tic scien ce,
enseignement ménager post-scolaire: in str u c tio n in d o m e s tic scien ce
g iv e n to p e rso n s p a s t sc h o o l age.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



enseignement ménager scolaire: in str u c tio n in d o m e stic scien ce g iv e n
in sch oo ls.

enseignement obligatoire: c o m p u ls o r y sc h o o l a tte n d a n c e ,
enseignement primaire obligatoire: c o m p u ls o r y sc h o o l a tte n d a n c e ,
enseignement professionnel: v o c a tio n a l e d u c a tio n , v o c a tio n a l tra in ­

enseignement scolaire: sc h o o l in str u c tio n .
établissement central d ’observation: clin ic fo r th e s t u d y o f ch ildren
b r o u g h t b e fo r e th e ju v e n ile c o u rt,

établissement de l ’ état: s ta te in stitu tio n .
établissement dépositaire : re c e iv in g h o m e fo r a b a n d o n e d in fa n ts,
établissement d ’internement: in stitu tio n fo r ju v e n ile d e lin q u e n ts,
établissement d ’observation: clin ic fo r th e s t u d y o f ch ild ren b ro u g h t
b efore

th e

ju v e n ile

cou rt

(te r m s o m e tim e s

d e sig n a te s d e te n tio n

h o m e b e c a u s e s t u d y is m a d e th e r e ),

établissement pénitentiaire: p e n a l in stitu tio n ,
examen médical: p h y sic a l e x a m in a tio n .
examen médico-psychologique: p h y sic a l e x a m in a tio n c o m b in e d w ith
m e n t a l test.

exposition ambulante: tr a v e lin g e x h ib it.
exposition itinérante de puériculture: tra v e lin g c h ild -c a r e e x h ib it.

famille adoptive: fo s te r fa m ily ,
famille nom breuse: la rg e fa m ily ,
famille nourricière: fo s te r fa m ily ,
fausse couche: a b o r t io n ; m isca rria g e ,
fem m e délaissée: d e serte d w ife,
fem m e enceinte: e x p e c ta n t m o th e r ,
fiche: record o f an in d iv id u a l case.
fiche de maternité : in d iv id u a l record o f p a tie n t in m a t e r n ity h o sp ita l.
fiche de santé : h e a lth record (in d iv id u a l).
fiche m édicale: h e a lth reco rd (in d iv id u a l).
fiche sanitaire: h e a lth reco rd (in d iv id u a l).
fiche scolaire individuelle: c ard or record o f a sch oo l ch ild .
fichier: c ard in d ex .
fichier central: co n fid e n tia l e x c h a n g e ; so c ia l-se r v ic e ex c h a n g e.
fichier central d ’ assistance m édico-sociale: see f i c h i e r c e n t r a l .
filiation illégitime: ille g itim a te d e sc en t.
fille-m ère: u n m a r rie d m o th e r .
formation pédagogique: te a c h e r ’s tra in in g .
formation professionnelle: v o c a tio n a l tra in in g , v o c a tio n a l e d u c a tio n ,
formation vocationnelle: v o c a tio n a l tra in in g , v o c a tio n a l e d u c a tio n ,
foyer maternel: sh elte r fo r m o th e r s , in s titu tio n fo r m o th e r s,
fréquentation scolaire: sc h o o l a tte n d a n c e .
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



garderie: day nursery,
garderie d ’enfants: day nursery,
gardienne: foster mother; nurse in a day nursery,
gestation: pregnancy, gestation.
goutte de lait: milk station (where milk lor children’s use is dis­

tributed), milk dispensary,
grossesse: pregnancy.

héliothérapie artificielle: ultraviolet treatment, ultraviolet therapy.
hospice: institution for dependent persons; welfare institution.
hospice d ’accueil: receiving home.
hospice dépositaire: see hospice d ’ ac c u eil .
hospice des enfants assistés: institution for dependent children.
hospice des enfants trouvés: foundlings’ home.
hygiène de la première enfance: infant hygiene.
hygiene de l ’ enfance: child hygiene.
hygiène dentaire: dental hygiene.
hygiène du premier â ge: infant hygiene.
hygiène infantile: child hygiene; infant hygiene.
hygiène infantile du premier â ge: infant hygiene.
hygiène maternelle: maternal hygiene.

préconceptionnelle: preconceptional hygiene.
prénatale: prenatal hygiene.
scolaire: school hygiene.
sociale: public health.

indemnité d ’allaitement: nursing benefit,
infirmière: nurse.
infirmière de puériculture: pediatric nurse,
infirmière d ’hygiène: public-health nurse.
infirmière d ’ hygiène sociale de protection maternelle et infantile:
public-health nurse doing maternal and child-health work,
infirmière en chef: supervisory nurse,
infirmière infantile: pediatric nurse,
infirmière scolaire: school nurse,
infirmière sociale: public-health nurse,
infirmière visiteuse: public-health nurse; visiting nurse,
infirmière visiteuse scolaire: school nurse,
infirmière visiteuse d ’ hygiène sociale: public-health nurse,
inspection dentaire scolaire: dental inspection of school children,
inspection médicale scolaire: medical inspection of school children
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



inspection scolaire: inspection

of school children (by physicians,
nurses, and sometimes teachers),
institut de puériculture: school of child hygiene,
institution d ’assistance sociale: social-welfare agency; social-welfare
instruction primaire obligatoire: compulsory primary instruction;
compulsory school attendance,
instruction professionnelle: vocational training,
internat: institution.

jardin de je u x : playground,
jardin d ’ enfants: kindergarten,
jardinière d ’ enfants: kindergarten teacher,
jeune délinquant: juvenile delinquent,
juge des enfants: judge of the juvenile court.

layette: layette (outfit of clothing and other articles for a newborn

libération conditionnelle: parole,
libération provisoire: parole,
libération surveillée: parole,
liberté conditionnelle surveillée: probation,
liberté surveillée: probation.
liberté surveillée sans condamnation préalable: probation.
ligue des jeunes m ères: little mothers’ league.
loi scolaire: school-attendance law.
loi sur la protection de l ’ enfance: child-welfare law.

maison d ’accueil: receiving home (for children),
maison de repos: rest home,
maison de vacances: vacation home,
maison maternelle: maternity home,
maison sociale: settlement house.
maladie sociale: social disease (any disease affecting a large number

of people and therefore having social significance, as tuberculosis,
^rickets, venereal disease).
malle d ’accouchement: obstetric bag (for use of physician or mid­
matériellement abandonné: physically neglected,
maternité: maternity home.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



médecin inspecteur: m e d ic a l in sp ec to r.
médecin inspecteur scolaire: sc h o o l p h y sicia n .
médecin puériculteur: p e d ia tricia n .
médecin scolaire: sc h o o l p h y sicia n .
ménagère: h ou se k ee p e r.
mère abandonnée: d e serte d m o th e r .
mère délaissée: d e serte d m o th e r .
mère naturelle: u n m a rrie d m o th e r .
mère nourrie: n u rsin g m o th e r .
milieu familiale: fa m ily e n v ir o n m e n t.
mineur de ju stice: m in o r b r o u g h t b efore th e c o u rt.
mineur délinquant: ju v e n ile d e lin q u e n t.
mineur dévoyé: w a y w a r d m in o r .
mineur traduit en justice : m in o r b r o u g h t b efo re th e c o u rt,
moniteur de jeu x : p la y g r o u n d su p e rv isor,
moniteur de plaines de je u x : p la y g r o u n d su p e rv iso r,
moniteur de terrains de je u x : p la y g r o u n d su p e rv iso r,
monitrice d ’hygiène: h e a lth v isito r (w o m a n ),
moralement abandonné: m o r a lly n eg lec ted .
mortalité infantile: in fa n t m o r t a lit y (if a p p lie d to ch ild ren w h o died
in th eir first y e a r o f life) ; ch ild m o r t a lit y (if a p p lie d to o ld e r c h il­
d r e n ) ; in fa n t m o r t a lit y r a t e ; ch ild m o r t a lit y ra te,

mortalité maternelle: m a te r n a l m o r t a li t y ; m a te r n a l m o r t a lit y ra te,
mortalité neo-natale: n e o n a ta l m o r t a li t y ; n e o n a ta l m o r t a lit y ra te,
mortinatalité : r a te o f s tillb ir th s ; n u m b e r o f stillb irth s,
mutualité maternelle: m o th e r s ’ m u tu a l-a id so c ie ty ,
mutualité scolaire: sc h o o l c h ild r e n ’s m u tu a l-a id so c ie ty .

natalité: b irth rate.
naturel, enfant: see



nid: p r iv a te h o u se w h ere o n e or m o r e in fa n ts are b r o u g h t u p fo r p a y .
nourrice: w e t n u rse.
nourrice a distance: p a id w e t n u rse w ith w h o m a ch ild is p la c e d .
nourrice au sein: w e t n u rse.
nourrice mercenaire: p a id w e t n u rse.
nourrice sur lieu: w e t n u rse in a c h ild ’s h o m e .
nourricier: fo s te r p a r e n t.
nourricière, fam ille: see f a m i l l e
nourrisson: infant; nursling,

n o u r r ic iè r e .

nourrisson au biberon: b o t tle -fe d in fa n t.
nourrisson au sein: b r e a s t-fe d in fa n t.
nouveau-né: n e w b o r n .
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



obligation scolaire: compulsory school attendance,
œuvre: agency; society; organization; work,
œuvre d ’assistance: welfare agency; relief agency,
œuvre d ’assistance maternelle: maternal-welfare agency,
œuvre de bienfaisance: welfare agency; relief agency,
œuvre de colonies de vacances: agency maintaining vacation colonies,
œuvre d ’éducation: agency engaged in educational work, educational

œuvre de layettes : welfare society lending layettes to mothers,
œuvre de l ’ enfance: child-welfare agency,
œuvre de plein air: summer camp; vacation house,
œuvre de protection de l ’ enfance: child-welfare agency,
œuvre de protection de la mère et de l ’ enfant du premier â ge: mater­

nai and infant-welfare agency,
œuvre de protection infantile: child-welfare agency,
œuvre de puériculture : child-health agency.
œuvre de vacances: agency providing vacations for school children,
œuvre du placement des tout-petits: agency for placing out infants;

child-placing agency.
Oeuvre Nationale de l ’ Enfance: National Children’s Bureau (Bel­

œuvre parascolaire: agency for welfare work for school children,
œuvre postscolaire: agency for welfare work for children above school

œuvre protégée: welfare agency subsidized by the government,
œuvre scolaire : agency engaged in welfare work for school children,
œuvre sociale: social-welfare agency.
office de protection maternelle et infantile: bureau of maternal and

child welfare.
office pour la je u n e sse : child-welfare bureau, children’s bureau,
organisme de protection de l’ enfance: child-welfare agency,
orientation professionnelle: vocational guidance,
orphelinat: orphanage.

parent déchu: parent deprived of parental authority,
parents nourriciers: foster parents,
parturition: parturition; childbirth.
patronage: welfare-work society.

See also

c o m it é d e p a t r o n a g e .

patronage des délinquants: welfare work for delinquents;

doing welfare work for delinquents,
patronage scolaire: welfare work for school children; society doing
welfare work for school children.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



pavilion familial: institution of the cottage type,
pension aux m ères: mothers’ pension,
placement: placing out.
placement des enfants hors de fam ille: child placing; placing children

outside their homes.
placement familial: placing in a foster home.
placement familial des tout-petits: placing infants in foster homes,

foster-home placement.
placement nourricier: placing in a foster family,
placer en garde : to place (a child) for general care,
placer en nourrice: to place (a child) with a wet nurse,
placer en sevrage: to place a weaned child,
plaine de je u x : playground.
pouponnière: small institution for infants and very young children,
pouponnière dépositaire: receiving home for infants and very young

première enfance: infancy; early childhood,
préventorium: sanitarium for malnourished children,
prévoyance sociale: social-welfare work,
prime d ’allaitement: nursing benefit,
prime de naissance: childbirth benefit; maternity benefit,
prime de natalité: childbirth benefit; maternity benefit,
profession ambulante: itinerant trade,
programme scolaire: school curriculum,
protection de la maternité: maternal-welfare work,
protection de la maternité et de l ’ enfance: welfare work for mothers

and children, maternal and child-welfare work,
protection de la première enfance: infant-welfare work,
protection de l ’ enfance: child-welfare work,
protection infantile: child-welfare work,
protection maternelle: maternal-welfare work,
protection publique de l ’ enfance: public child-welfare work,
protection sociale: social-welfare work,
psychiquement débile: mentally defective,
psychologie infantile: child psychology,
puériculture: child care; science of child care,
puériculture intra-utérine: prenatal care,
puissance paternelle: parental authority.
pupille de la Nation: ward of the Nation (France— under a law of

1917 every child whose father lost his life or became incapacitated
during the World War was entitled to public aid and became a ward
of the Nation).
pupille de la Seine: ward of the Department of the Seine (France),
child receiving aid from the Department of the Seine (France)
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



récréation: recreation,
redressement moral: moral reform.
rééducation professionnelle: vocational



refuge-ouvroir : maternity home where mothers are required to do

a certain amount of paid work,
régime des pavillons familiaux: cottage-type (institution),
repas scolaire: school meal: school lunch,
repos de maternité : maternity leave,
résidence sociale: settlement house,
retardé scolaire: retarded school child.

sac d ’accouchement: obstetric package,
sage-fem m e: midwife.
salle d ’allaitement: see


d ’a l l a it e m e n t .

salle de gymnastique: gymnasium.
salle de je u x : playroom.
santé intellectuelle: mental health.
scolarité: school attendance.
scolarité obligatoire: compulsory school attendance,
seconde enfance : period between early childhood and school-entering

secours d ’allaitement: nursing benefit, nursing allowance,
secours en nature: aid in kind.
secours préventif d ’abandon: aid for the purpose of preventing child

secours public: public aid.
semaine de l ’ enfance: children’s week,
sentence indéterm inée: indeterminate sentence.
Service des Enfants-Assistés de la Seine: Division of Dependent

Children in the Department of the Seine (France),
service des enfants secourus (assistés): government bureau admin­

istering aid to dependent children,
service d ’inspection scolaire: medical inspection of school children,
service médical des écoles: school medical service,
service social: social service; social work,
service social à l ’hôpital: hospital social service,
service social au tribunal pour enfants: probation and other social-

welfare work at the juvenile court.
Service Social de l ’ Enfance en Danger M o ral: name of organization

doing probation and other social-welfare work at the j uvenile court
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



service social psychiatrique: psychiatric social service,
services auxiliaires des tribunaux pour enfants: probation work at
the juvenile courts.
services d ’hygiène et d ’assistance: agencies doing health work and
welfare work.
société de bienfaisance: welfare society; relief society,
société de patronage: welfare society,
société protectrice de l ’ enfance: child-welfare society,
société protectrice des enfants martyrs: society for the protection of
abused children.
station d ’observation médico-pédagogique: clinic for the study of
children brought before the juvenile court,
surintendante d ’ usine: welfare secretary

(in an industrial estab­

surmenage scolaire: overwork of school children,
sursalaire familial: family allowance,
surveillant: supervisor (man),
surveillante: supervisor (woman).

taux de la mortalité: mortality rate.
terrain de je u x : playground.
test d ’intelligence: intelligence test.
test mental: mental test, intelligence test.
travailleur social: social worker (man).
travailleuse sociale: social worker (woman).
tribunal des mineurs: juvenile court.
tribunal pour enfants: juvenile court.
tribunal pour enfants et adolescents: juvenile court.
troisième enfance: period between school-entering age and puberty.
trouble de caractère: character disorder.
tutelle: guardianship.
tutelle officielle: official
appointed person.





tutelle sanitaire: protection of health; supervision over health,
tuteur: guardian.
tuteur officiel et professionnel: public official exercising guardianship
over children of illegitimate birth and other children in need of such

visite à domicile: home visit (visit by a case worker to the home of the
person or family concerned),
visite de santé: physical examination.
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visite médicale: physical examination.
visite sociale à domicile: home visit (visit by a social case worker to
the home of the person or family concerned),
visiteuse d ’ économie dom estique: home-demonstration agent, homeeconomics agent.
visiteuse de fam ille: case worker.
visiteuse de Tenfance: child-welfare worker.
visiteuse de protection infantile: child-welfare worker.
visiteuse de protection maternelle: maternal-welfare worker.
visiteuse d ’ hygiène: health visitor.
visiteuse d ’ hygiène infantile: child-health visitor.
visiteuse d ’hygiène sociale: public-health nurse; visiting nurse.
visiteuse sociale: social case worker.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

abandoned child: enfant délaissé, enfant abandonné,
abortion: fausse couche, avortement,
age of consent: âge du consentement.
agencies doing health work and relief work: services d ’hvgiène et

d assistance.
aid at time of childbirth: assistance intranatale.
aid for purpose of preventing child abandonment: secours préventif

d abandon.
aid in kind : secours en nature.
aid to children: assistance infantile.
aid to expectant m others: assistance prénatale.
aid to m others: assistance maternelle, assistance de la maternité.
allowance: allocation. See also f a m il y a l l o w a n c e .
apprenticeship: apprentissage.
association of private relief agencies: centrale de l’assistance privée.

birth certificate: acte de naissance.
board o f public welfare: bureau de bienfaisance.
bottle (nursing): biberon.
bottle-fed : allaité artificiellement.
bottle feeding: allaitement artificiel.
boy scout: éclaireur.
breast feed : allaiter.
breast feeding: allaitement, allaitement au sein




m other: allaitement naturel;



camp: see m o u n t a in camp , seash o re cam p , v a c a tio n camp
card index: fichier.
case worker: assistante familiale.

See also

social case w o r k e r .

certificate: see b ir th c er tif ic at e , p h y s ic ia n ’ s c er tif ic at e .
child born in wedlock: enfant légitime,
child born out o f wedlock: enfant naturel, enfant illégitime.
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child brought before the court: enfant de justice, enfant traduit en
child care: puériculture.
child-care exhibit, traveling: see tr a v e l in g child - care e x h ib it .
child-guidance clinic: clinique d ’éducation de caractère, consultation
médico-pédagogique. See also h a b it c lin ic .
child-health center: consultation de nourrissons; centre de puéricul­
ture; dispensaire de puériculture; dispensaire d enfants, dispensaire

conference: consultation

de nourrissons, consultation

child-health visitor: visiteuse de l’enfance; visiteuse d ’hygiène m fantile.
child hygiene: hygiène de l’enfance, hygiène infantile,
child in receipt of public aid: enfant assisté, enfant secouru,
child mortality: mortalité infantile.
child of illegitimate birth : enfant naturel, enfant illégitime.

of legitimate birth: enfant légitime.
of preschool a ge: enfant d ’âge préscolaire.
placed with a foster mother: enfant en pension.
placed with a wet nurse: enfant en nourrice, enfant placé en

child-placing agency: œuvre du placement des tout-petits,
child presenting behavior problem s: enfant difficile,
child-welfare bureau: bureau de protection de la jeunesse,
child-welfare law : loi sur la protection de l’enfance,
child-welfare society: société protectrice de l’enfance,
child-welfare work: assistance infantile,
childbirth: accouchement,
children o f preschool a g e : enfance préscolaire,
children of school a g e : enfance à l ’âge scolaire,
children’ s clinic: dispensaire infantile, dispensaire de puériculture,
children’ s dispensary: dispensaire infantile, dispensaire de puéricul­
children’ s w eek : semaine de l’enfance.
clinic: dispensaire; clinique. See also d e n t a l c lin ic , e y e c lin ic ,
clinic for children of preschool a ge: dispensaire d ’hygiène des enfants
d ’âge préscolaire.
clinic for mothers and children: dispensaire d ’hygiène m atem o-m fantile, dispensaire de protection maternelle et infantile,
clinic for physical and psychiatrie examinations: consultation
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



clinic for school children: dispensaire scolaire, dispensaire d ’hygiène
clinic for study o f children brought before the juvenile

court: éta­

blissement d observation, station d ’observation médico-pédagogique,
centre d ’observation et de triage (Paris),
compensation fund (in social insurance) : caisse de compensation,
compulsory education : instruction primaire obligatoire, enseignement
obligatoire, enseignement primaire obligatoire,
compulsory school attendance: scolarité obligatoire,
confidential exchange: fichier central; fichier central d ’assistance
correctional institution for juvenile delinquents: colonie correction­
cottage type



of institutions): régime



cottage-type institution: colonie familiale,
council o f social agencies: conseil central des œuvres,
course on child care for m others: école de mères,
court, ju venile: see j u v e n i l e c o u r t .

day nursery: crèche, crèche garderie, garderie d ’enfants,
day nursery for bottle-fed infants: biberonnerie.
death rate: mortalité.
defect: see m e n t a l d efec t , p h ysic a l d efec t .
defective child: enfant déficient.
defective mentally: see m e n t a l l y d e f e c t iv e .
defectiveness: see m e n t a l d e f e c t iv e n e s s , p h ysic al d e f e c t iv e n e s s .
delicate: débile.
delinquency: see j u v e n il e d e l in q u e n c y .
delinquent: see j u v e n il e d e l in q u e n t .
dental clinic: consultation dentaire, consultation spéciale d ’odontologie,
dental hygiene: hygiène dentaire.
dental inspection of school children: inspection dentaire scolaire.
dependent member o f a fam ily: charge de famille.
deserted m other: mère abandonnée, mère délaissée.
deserted w ife: femme délaissée.
destitute child : enfant nécessiteux.
dietetics :, diététique.
dispensary: dispensaire.
domestic science: see in str u c tio n in domestic sc ie n c e , school of
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



early childhood: première enfance,
economic aid : assistance matérielle,
employment exchange: bureau de placement,
employment office: bureau de placement.
equalization fund (in family-allowance system s): caisse de compen­
examination: see p h y s i c a l e x a m i n a t i o n , p r e m a r i t a l e x a m i n a t i o n .
exchange: see c o n f i d e n t i a l e x c h a n g e , s o c i a l - s e r v i c e e x c h a n g e .
exhibit, traveling: see

t r a v e l in g e x h ib it .

expectant m other: femme enceinte.
eye clinic: consultation ophtalmologique.

family, large: see l a r g e f a m i l y .
family allowance : allocation familiale ; sursalaire familiale,
family desertion: abandon de famille,
family environment: milieu familial.
family training: see t r a i n i n g o f c h i l d r e n
feed at the breast: allaiter.
feeding: see b o t t l e f e e d i n g ,

in t h e f a m il y .

b r e a s t f e e d in g , m ix e d f e e d in g .

foster fam ily: famille nourricière; famille adoptive.
foster m other: gardienne.
foundling: enfant trouvé.
foundling h om e: hospice des enfants trouvés.
friendly visitor (in connection with placed-ont




garden city: cité-jardin,
girl scout: éclaireuse,
growth chart: carnet de croissance,
guardian: tuteur.
guardian’ s authority: autorité tutelaire.
guardianship (by officially appointed person): see

o f f ic a l g u a r d ia n ­

s h ip .

guardianship council: conseil de tutelle,
gym nasium : salle de gymnastique.

habit clinic: clinique de formation des bonnes habitudes; consultation
médico-pédagogique; clinique d ’éducation de caractère. See also
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habitual delinquent: délinquant d ’habitude.
health center: see

c h il d - h e a l t h c e n t e r , t r a v e l i n g h e a l t h c e n t e r .

health center for children of preschool age: c o n su lta tio n p o u r e n fa n ts
d ’ â ge p r é s c o la ir e ; d isp en sa ire d ’h y g iè n e d es e n fa n ts d ’ âge p résco la ire,

health center for school children: d isp en sa ire scolaire, d isp en sa ire
d ’h y g iè n e scolaire.

health insurance: see

s ic k n e s s i n s u r a n c e .

health record (of an individual): fiche de santé, fiche sanitaire; dossier
sanitaire; carnet sanitaire, carnet de santé,
health visitor: visiteuse d ’hygiène; monitrice d ’hygiène,
health visitor for children: visiteuse d ’hygiène infantile; visiteuse de
protection infantile.
home-demonstration agent: visiteuse d ’économie domestique,
home for nursing m others: asile pour mères nourrices,
homemaker, supervised: see v i s i t i n g h o u s e k e e p e r .
hospital social service: service social à l’hôpital,
hospital social worker: assistante sociale d ’hôpital,
hospital ward for young children: crèche hospitalière,
housekeeper: ménagère. See also v i s i t i n g h o u s e k e e p e r .
housekeeping aid: see v i s i t i n g h o u s e k e e p e r .
hygiene instruction: see

in s t r u c t io n in h y g ie n e .

illegitimate descent: filiation illégitime.
individual record of patient in maternity hospital: fiche de maternité,
infancy: première enfance.
infant-health center: consultation de nourrissons,
infant-health center for preventive and educational work: consulta­
tion de nourrissons à caractère préventif et éducatif,
infant-health center in which in addition to preventive care treatment
is given in case of illness: consultation de nourrissons à caractère
de polyclinique.
infant-health conference: consultation de nourrissons,
infant hygiene: hygiène de la première enfance; hygiène du premier
âge; hygiène infantile,
infant mortality: mortalité infantile.
inspection o f school children (by physicians, nurses, or teachers):
inspection scolaire.
institution : institution ; abri ; asile ; hospice ; internat,
institution for dependent children: hospice des enfants assistés,
institution for dependent persons: hospice.
institution for m others: abri maternel; foyer maternel; asile maternel,
institution of the cottage type: colonie familiale, pavillon familial.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



instruction in domestic science: é d u c a tio n m é n a g è re , e n se ig n e m e n t
m é n a g e r , e n s e ig n e m e n t m é n a g e r scolaire,

instruction in domestic science given to persons who are past school
a g e : e n s e ig n e m e n t m é n a g e r p o st-sc o la ir e ,
instruction in hygiene: é d u c a tio n h y g ié n iq u e ,
insurance: see s i c k n e s s i n s u r a n c e , s o c i a l i n s u r a n c e .
intelligence test: t e s t d ’in te llig e n c e ; te s t m e n t a l ; e n q u ê te p s y c h o ­
lo g iq u e .

investigation of the fam ily: e n q u ê te fa m ilia le ,
investigator: (m a n ) e n q u ê te u r ; (w o m a n ) en q u ê te u se .

ju d ge of the juvenile court: juge des enfants.
ju v énile court: tribunal des mineurs, tribunal pour enfants et adoles­
juvenile delinquency: criminalité infantile, délinquance juvenile, dé­
linquance infantile.
juvenile delinquent: jeune délinquant; mineur délinquant; délinquant

kindergarten: ja r d in d ’ e n fa n ts , c la sse ja r d in d ’ e n fa n ts,
kindergarten teacher: ja rd in iè re d ’ e n fa n ts .

large fam ily: fa m ille n o m b r e u se .
lecture on nutrition: c o n fé re n c e su r la n u tr itio n .
little mothers’ league: ligue des jeunes mères.
loss of parental authority: d é c h é a n c e d e la p u issa n c e p a te r n e lle .
lunchroom for children: c a n tin e p o u r e n f a n t s ; cu isin e in fa n tile .
lunchroom for m others: c a n tin e m a te r n e lle .
lunchroom for school children: c a n tin e sc o la ire .

maternal and


center: c o n s u lta tio n

m a te r n e lle


in ­

fa n t ile ; c e n tre d ’h y g iè n e m a te r n e lle e t in fa n tile ; c e n tre d e p r o te c ­
tio n m a te r n e lle e t in fa n tile ; d isp en sa ire d ’h y g iè n e m a te r n o -in fa n tile .

maternal breast feeding: see

b r e a s t f e e d in g b y t h e m o t h e r .

maternal hygiene: h y g iè n e m a te r n e lle ,
maternal mortality: m o r t a lit é m a te r n e lle .
maternal-welfare work: assistance maternelle,
maternity aid : see

m aternal-w elfare w o r k
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ë NGLi s î î - f ë é n c ïî


maternity hom e: m a iso n m a t e r n e lle ; a b ri m a t e r n e l; asile m a t e r n it é ;
m a t e r n ité ; fo y e r m a te r n e l,

maternity hospital: see m a t e r n i t y h o m e .
maternity leave: re p o s d e m a te r n ité ,
medical attendance: a ssista n c e m é d ic a le ,
medical attendance at h om e: a ssista n c e m é d ic a le à d o m ic ile ,
medical attendance in an institution: a ssista n c e m é d ic a le c o lle c tiv e ,
medical inspection of school children: in sp e c tio n m é d ic a le sc o la ire,
in s p e c tio n m é d ic o -s c o la ir e ; se rv ic e d ’in sp e c tio n sco la ire,

medical inspector: m é d e c in in sp e c te u r ,
mental defect: d éficien ce m e n ta le ,
mental defectiveness: d éficien ce m e n ta le ,
mental health: s a n té in te lle c tu e lle ,
mental test: t e s t m e n t a l ; e n q u ê te p s y c h o lo g iq u e ,
mentally backward: arriéré in te lle c tu e l.
mentally defective: d é b ile in te lle c tu e l, d é b ile m e n t a l ; d é fic ie n t m e n t a l,
d é fic ien t p s y c h iq u e , m e n t a le m e n t d é fic ie n t; p s y c h iq u e m e n t d é b ile ;
a n o r m a l.

mentally retarded: m e n t a le m e n t arriéré, arriéré m e n t a l, in te lle c tu e lle ­
m e n t r e ta r d é .

m idwife: s a g e -fe m m e , a cc o u c h e u se .
milk station (w h ere m ilk fo r c h ild ren is d i s t r i b u t e d ) : g o u t te d e la it,
minor brought before the court: m in e u r d e ju s tic e , m in e u r t r a d u it en
ju s tic e .

mistreated child : e n fa n t m a ltr a ité ,
mixed feeding: a lla ite m e n t m ix t e .


moral neglect: a b a n d o n m o r a l.
mortality: m o r t a lit é .


a lso

a lso

neglected m orally.

c h il d m o r t a l i t y , i n f a n t m o r t a l i t y ,


mortality rate: t a u x d e m o r ta lité ,
mothers’ aid : a ssista n c e m a te r n e lle ,
mothers’ mutual-aid society: m u tu a lité m a te r n e lle ,
mountain camp: co lo n ie a lp e stre.

neglect: see

m o r a l n e g l e c t , p h y s ic a l n e g l e c t .

neglected child: e n fa n t a b a n d o n n é , e n fa n t d é la issé ,
neglected morally: m o r a le m e n t a b a n d o n n é ,
neglected physically : m a té r ie lle m e n t a b a n d o n n é ,
neonatal mortality: m o r t a lit é n é o -n a ta le .
nurse: infirmière.



p e d ia t r ic n u r s e , p u b l ic - h e a l t h n u r s e ,


nurse in a day nursery: g a r d ie n n e ; b erc eu se,
nursery: see d a y n u r s e r y .
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



nursery school: école maternelle, école enfantine, école gardienne,
classe enfantine.
nursing benefit: secours d ’allaitement, indemnité d ’allaitement,
nursing bottle: biberon,
nursing m other: mère nourrice.
nursing room (where mothers employed in industrial establishments
nurse their children) : chambre d ’allaitement, salle d ’allaitement.

obstetric bag (for use of physician or midwife) : malle d ’accouchement,
obstetric package (given to mother for her u se): boîte d ’ accouche­
official guardianship: tutelle officielle.
open-air school: école de plein air, classes de plein air.

parental authority: autorité paternelle,
parole: libération provisoire, libération conditionnelle,
pediatric nurse: infirmière infantile, infirmière de puériculture,
pediatrician: médecin puériculteur.
penal institution: établissement pénitentiaire, colonie pénitentiaire,
physical and psychological examination: examen médico-psychologique.

defect: déficience physique,
defectiveness: déficience physique.
examination: examen médical, visite de santé, visite médicale,
neglect : abandon matériel. See also n e g l e c t e d p h y s i c a l l y .

physician’ s certificate: certificat médical.
playground: jardin de jeux, terrain de jeux.

See also

sch o o l p l a y ­


playground supervisor: moniteur de jeux, moniteur de plaines de
jeux, moniteur de terrains de jeux,
playroom: salle de jeux,
posture: attitude.
preconceptional hygiene: hygiène préconceptionnelle,
pregnancy: gestation; grossesse,
prenatal care: assistance prénatale.
prenatal clinic: consultation de femmes enceintes, consultation mater­
nelle, consultation obstétricale; consultation pour femmes enceintes;
centre prenatal; dispensaire d ’hygiène de la femme en état de ges­
prenatal hygiene: hygiène prénatale,
preschool child : see c h i l d o f p r e s c h o o l
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private relief work: assistance privée.
probation: liberté surveillée, liberté surveillée sans condamnation
préalable, liberté conditionnelle surveillée,
probation officer (in a juvenile court): délégué du juge des enfants,
délégué de la protection de l’enfance,
probation work (in a juvenile court): services auxiliaires des tribunaux
pour enfants.
problem child: enfant difficile,
protection of health: tutelle sanitaire.
psychiatrie clinic


children: consultation



psychiatrie social service: service social psychiatrique,
public aid: assistance publique; secours public,
public health : hygiène sociale,
public-health clinic: dispensaire d ’hygiène sociale,
public-health nurse: infirmière visiteuse, infirmière d ’hygiène, infir­
mière sociale, infirmière visiteuse d ’hygiène sociale,
public-health nurse doing maternal and child-health work: infirmière
d ’hygiène sociale de protection maternelle et infantile,
public welfare: assistance publique.

receiving home (for children): maison d ’accueil, établissement dépo­
sitaire, hospice dépositaire, dispensaire d ’accueil, hospice d ’accueil,
centre d ’accueil.
record of a school child: fiche scolaire.

See also

sch o o l

c h il d ’s


record of an individual case: fiche,
recreation: récréation; distraction.
relief agency: association de bienfaisance, société de bienfaisance,
rest h om e: maison de repos,
retarded child: enfant arriéré,
retarded school child: rétardé scolaire.

school age: âge scolaire.
school attendance: fréquentation scolaire; scolarité.

See also



school-attendance law : loi scolaire,
school children’ s mutual-aid society: mutualité scolaire,
school child’ s card: fiche scolaire individuelle.

school clinic: consultation d ’hygiène scolaire.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

See also





school hygiene: hygiène scolaire,
school instruction: enseignement scolaire,
school lunch: repas scolaire,
school lunchroom: cantine scolaire.
school medical service: service médical des écoles, service médical
school nurse: assistante d ’hygiène scolaire, assistante scolaire; in­
firmière scolaire, infirmière visiteuse scolaire,
school o f child care: école de puériculture,
school of child hygiene : see s c h o o l o f c h i l d


school of domestic science: école ménagère,
school o f social work: école de service social,
school physician: médecin inspecteur scolaire, médecin scolaire,
school playground: cour de récréation.
school record: dossier d ’instruction. See also




scho ol

c h il d .

seashore cam p: colonie marine.
settlement h ouse: c e n tre so c ia l, m a is o n so cia le , r ésid e n ce so cia le,
sickness insurance: a ssu ra n ce m a la d ie ,
social aid : see s o c i a l s e r v i c e .
social case worker : visiteuse de famille ; visiteuse sociale.
social insurance: assurance sociale.
social service: assistance sociale; service social.
social service at the juvenile court: service social au tribunal pour

social-service exchange: fichier central d ’assistance médico-sociale,
social-welfare agency: institution d ’assistance sociale; œuvre sociale,
social work: service social.
social worker (woman) : assistante sociale ; auxiliaire sociale ; travail­
leuse sociale; assistante de service social,
solarium: solarium.
state institution: établissement de l’état,
stillbirths: mortinatalité.
supervised hom em aker: see

v is it in g


supervisor: (man) surveillant; (woman) surveillante,
supervisory nurse: infirmière en chef.

teacher’ s training: formation pédagogique.
trade school: école professionnelle.
training of children in the fam ily: éducation familiale.
traveling child-care exhibit: exposition itinérante de puériculture.
traveling clinic: clinique ambulante.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



traveling clinic for infants: dispensaire ambulant pour nourrissons;
consultation roulotte des nourrissons,
traveling clinic for mothers and children: dispensaire
d ’hygiène maternelle et infantile,
traveling exhibit: exposition ambulante.


traveling health center: camionette sanitaire; consultation ambulante,
truancy: absentéisme scolaire.

unmarried m other: fille-mère, mère naturelle,
unruly child: enfant insubordonné.

vacation cam p: camps de vacances; colonie de vacances; maison de
vacances; colonie scolaire,
visiting housekeeper: assistante ménagère,
visiting nurse : infirmière visiteuse.
vocational education: éducation professionnelle; enseignement pro­
fessional; instruction professionnelle;
formation vocationnelle.



vocational-guidance office: bureau d ’orientation professionnelle,
vocational rehabilitation: rééducation professionnelle,
vocational training: see vo c at io n al e d u c a t io n .
vocational-training school: école professionnelle,
volunteer worker (social worker) : auxiliaire bénévole.

wayward: dévoyé.
wayward minor: mineur dévoyé.
welfare agency

(private): association de

welfare secretary
d ’usine.
welfare society: see

bienfaisance; société de

(in an industrial establishment): surintendante*
w elfare


welfare work at the factory: service social à l’usine,
wet nurse: nourrice, nourrice au sein,
woman supervisor: surveillante.

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Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis