Statements and Speeches of Mark H. Willes
This is a collection of transcripts of public statements of Mark H. Willes. Willes was president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis from 1977 to 1980.
- 1970s
- A New Policymaker's View of Inflation : North Dakota Bankers Association Convention
- Fed Officials Schedule Montana Trip : News Release
- Labor Statistics and Economic Policy : North American Conference on Labor Statistics, Radisson South Hotel, Bloomington, Minnesota
- Toward a More Efficient Financial System : Montana Bankers Association, 74th Annual Convention, Big Sky, Montana
- Address at 1977 Annual Meeting of the Minnesota State Council on Economic Education
- Effective Economic Policy: Transcript of Question-Answer Session : Following Lecture at the University of Minnesota
- Effective Economic Policy: Some Key Requirements : Lecture at the University of Minnesota
- Markets Versus Bureaucracies: Which Can Best Solve Our Economic Problems? : Upper Midwest Council Board Meeting
- Remarks at the Minnesota Bankers Association, Senior Bank Management Conference, St. Paul Radisson Hotel
- The Economic Outlook : Independent Bankers Seminar
- Speech Given at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota
- Remarks at the St. Scholastica College, Duluth, Minnesota
- Are Interest Rates Too High? : Bank Administration Institute, Twin Cities Chapter, Normandy Motor Inn, Minneapolis, Minnesota
- The Recession Obsession : St. John's University, Collegeville, Minn.
- Inflation and the Unstable Dollar
- The New Battle with Inflation
- Statement before the Inflation Task Force of the House Budget Committee, United States House of Representatives
- A Rational Future : More Markets, Less Government
- Rational Expectations as a Counterrevolution
- The Future of Monetary Policy : Presented at the Allied Social Science Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia
In order to aid in the retrieval of information from this publication, significant tables, charts, and/or articles have been extracted and can be viewed individually or across a span of issues.
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis and Willes, Mark H. Statements and Speeches of Mark H. Willes. 1977-1979,, accessed on February 18, 2025.