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St. Louis, September 30, 1927.

T O T H E M E M B E R B A N K S IX D IS T R IC T No. 8:
An election will be held under the provisions of Section 4 of the Federal Reserve Act to choose
successors to the following directors of this bank whose terms expire December 31, 1927: Class A
director. J. C. Utterback (President, City National Bank, Paducah, Ky.), and Class B director, Rolla
Wells (President, Wells Realty & Investm ent Co., St. Louis).
The Class A director w as elected by banks in Group 2 and the Class B director by Group 1 banks.
Consequently, their successors will be chosen, respectively, by these groups. The banks in Group 3
do not elect a director this year. Group 1 consists of banks having capital and surplus in excess of
$599,000: Group 2, banks with capital and surplus of $599,000 to $100,000, inclusive, and Group 3,
banks having capital and surplus less than $100,000. Lists of the banks composing Groups 1 and 2
are given on the following pages.
Each bank in Group 1 is permitted to nominate a candidate for Class B director and each bank
in Group 2 a candidate for Class A director.* The nomination m ust be made by resolution of the
board of directors and certified to me on or before November 9, 1927. A form and self-addressed en­
velope for this purpose are enclosed. On November 12, 1927, a list of the candidates (indicating by
whom nominated) and a preferential ballot will be mailed to each bank in the two groups mentioned.
The ballot m ust be cast within fifteen days after receipt. The polls will open on November 15 and
close at 3 p. m. on November 30, 1927. At that time the ballot box will be opened in the board room
of this bank, the votes counted and results of the election announced. Any of the candidates are
invited to be present or represented on that occasion.
In order to be counted, the ballot must be executed by the officer authorized to cast the vote.
On the following pages are given the names of officers heretofore designated for this purpose. Inas­
much as the authority conferred on these officers continues until revoked, they need not be reap­
pointed. Each bank that has not designated such an officer, or any bank that desires to change its
authorization, should do so by resolution of its board of directors and certify the appointment to me
before the polls close. A form for this purpose is furnished herewith.
While the banks in Group 3 will not vote in this election, this circular is sent to them without
forms for their information.
Chairman of the Board.

•Section 4 of the F ederal R eserve Act provides th at “ Class A shall consist of three m em bers, who shall be chosen by and be rep resen ta­
tive of the stockholding banks. N o officer or d irecto r of a m em ber ban k shall be eligible to serve as a Class A director unless nom inated and
tltc te d by banks which are mem bers of the sam e group as the m em ber bank of which he is an officer or director. Any person who is an
(fficer or d irector of m ore than one m em ber bank shall not be eligible for nom ination as a Class A director except by banks in the same group
.it th e bank having the largest ag g reg ate resources of any of those of which such person is an officer or director. Class B shall consist of
three m em bers, who at the time of th eir election Khali be actively engaged in th eir district in comm erce, agriculture or some o th e r industrial
p ursuit. N o d irector of Class B shall be an officer, director or employe of any bank. No S enator or R epresentative in Congress shall be a m em ­
ber of the F ed eral Reserve Board o r an officer o r a director of a F ed eral reserve bank.”
In a resolution adopted D ecem ber 23, 1915, the F ederal R eserve Board expressed the opinion “ that persons holding political o r public
r.ffice in the service of th e U nited S ta te s, or of a n y S tate, territo ry , co u n ty , d istrict, political subdivision, or m unicipality thereof, or acting as
m em bers of political party com m ittees, cannot consistently w ith the spirit and underlying principles of the Federal Reserve Act, serve as directors
or officers of Federal reserve b anks.” On D ecem ber 28, 1915, the Federal R eserve Board resolved that "national bank exam iners shall no t
hereafter be elected * * * to directorships in F ederal reserve banks.” U n d er date of July 2, 1925, th e Federal Reserve Board advised it had
"reached the conclusion th a t a person whose sole occupation is th at of officer of an insurance com pany is not eligible for election as a Class
B director of a Federal reserve b a n k .”

(To elect one
F o rt Sm ith..............F irst N ational Rank.............................. A N. Sicard. Pres.
F o rt S m ith............. Merchant* National R ank ................... \V. J Echols. Pre*.
L ittle Rock. ..........A m erican-Southern T ru s t Co.............\V. A. H icks. Vice-Pres
L ittle Rock............ l'n io n T ru st Co.......................... ........... Moorhead W rig h t, Pres
Belleville..................Belleville Savins* R ank..........................R. W. H illa rd , Cash.
E a s t St. L o u is........First N ational Bank.......................... .A. C. Johnson, Pres
E a st St. L o u is........U nion T ru st C o...................................... G. A. Miller. Pres
N at. Stock Yds... N ational Stock Y ards N at. Bank ...O. J. Sullivan, Pres
Q u in cy .....................Q uincy-R icker N at. Bk. & T r. Co...Jos L, T hom as. Vice-Pres
Q u in cy .... ................S tate Savings Loan & T ru st Co.......S B. M ontgom ery. Pres.
E vansville.............. Citizens N ational B ank....................... .Sam T. H eston. Vice-Pres.
E vansville.............. National C ity Rank................................. C. B. F.nlow, Pres.
E vansville............... Old N ational B a n k ............................... Frank R. W ilson. Vice-Pres.
V incennes......„ .......American N ational Bank..................... Ira D. Schaffer. Vice-Pres.
Louisville................ Citizens U nion National Bank...........J. R. Downing. Vice-Pres.
Louisville................ First N ational Bank...............................H . L. Rose. V ice-Pres.
Louisville................ K entucky T itle T ru st C o................... -R alp h C. Gifford. V ice-Pres.
Louisville................ L iberty Insurance C o............................A. P. W inkler. Ch. of Bd.
Louisville................ Lincoln Rank & T ru st Co................. E arl S. Gwin, Pres.
Louisville................ Louisville N at. Bank & T ru st Co.,..Richard Bean. Pres
Louisville.................Louisville T ru s t Co...............................John Stites. Pres
Louisville........... .....N ational Rank of K entucky................Jam es B. Brown, Pres.
M ayfield...................F irst N ational Bank............................. .E . O. G ardner, Pres

C la s s


D ire c to r)

C larksdale

S t.
S t.
S t.

P lan ters N ational B ank

F. T . H olland. Pres.

L ouis.................Am erican T ru s t Co....................................................- ......................................
L u i s . . . ............B oatm en's N ational B ank......................Julius W . Reinholdt. Pres.
L ouis................ B rem en B ank............................................. A. H . Reller, P res.
L ouis................ F arm ers Sc M erchants T ru s t C o.......H. R. Rehme". Secy.
L ouis................ F irs t N ational Bank............................... F. O. W atts. Pres.
L ouis................ F ranklin B ank...........................................Jas. L. F ord. Pres.
L otus.................G rand N ational Bank............................ Ed M ays. Pres.
L ouis................ In tern atio n al B ank................................... G. Riesm ever, J r ., Pres.
L ouis.............. ..L afay e tte S outh Side R ank...............A. C. F. Meyer, Pres.
L ouis................ L ib e rty C entral T ru st C o......................Felix E. G unter, Pres.
L-.uis................ M anchester R an k ..................................... T heo. H . Sievert, Cash.
L ouis................ M ercantile T ru s t Co.......... .................... Geo. W . W ilson, V ice-Pres.
L ouis................ M erchants-L aclede N ational B ank....J. P. B ergs, Cash.
I.o u is ............... M ississippi V alley T ru s t C o.............. B reckinridge Jo n e s,C h .o f Bd.
L ouis.................N ational Bank of C om m erce............... W . L. H em ingw ay, V .-Pres.
L outs................ N ational City B ank.......................... ...... B. F. E dw ards. Pres.
L ouis................ N orthw estern T ru s t C o........................ C harles Maull. P res.
Louis ...............S ta te N ational B ank.............................. Edw ard B. P ry o r. Pres.
L 'u i s .................T elegraphers N ational B ank ...............E. J. M anion, P res.
L ouis.................T o w er Grove B ank....... ...... ..................A. L. Locatell, C ash.
Louis ...............U n ited S tates B ank.................................C raig M acQ uaid, Pres.

M em phis ............... Bank of Com m erce & T ru s t C o ......... E . L.
M e m p h is.................F id elity Bank &- T ru st C o............. —.J. D.
M em p h is.................F irst N ational Bank............................... S. E.
M em phis..................U nion & P lan ters Bank & T ru st C o -F ra n k

Rice. V ice-Pres.
McDowell. Pres.
Ragland, Pres,
H ayden. Pres.

(To elect one Class A Director)
Batesville................ F irst N ational Bank...............................R. C. Door, Pres.
B entonville............. Benton C ounty National B*nk........... J. G. M cAndrew. Pres.
B lytheville—. ..........F arm ers Bank & T ru st C o.............—-B. A. Lynch, V ice-Pres.
B lytheville.............. F irst N ational B ank..-............... .......... I. Rosenthal, Pres.
C am den.... ...............F irst N ational Bank.......................... — M E . F ahy, Cash.
Clarksville....—........F irst N ational Bank.............................. R. D. D unlap, Cash.
C o m in g ...............— F irst N ational Bank............................. A. R. Sim pson, Vice-Pres,
D e W itt.—.................F irst N ational Bank..............................L . A. Black, Pres.
E l D orado.............. F irst N ational Hank......................... - .M . G. W ade, Cash
E l D orado.............. National Bank of Com m erce...............Albert Rowel. Pres.
E n g lan d ....................Citizens Bank & T ru st Co.................J. E. H icks. Pres.
F ayettev ille............ A rkansas N ational B ank........................ Tom H art, Cash.
Fay ettev ille............ F irst N ational Bank...............................Art T . Lew is. Pres.
F o rd y ce....................F irst N ational Bank................. ............ J. A. A bernathy. V ice-Pres.
F o rrest C ity ........... Bank of E astern A rkansas........ ........ W . W . Campbell, Pres.
F o rrest C ity........... F irst N ational Bank..............................A. C. Bridewell. Cash.
F o rt Sm ith............. City N ational Bank........................... „ „ I , H . N akdim en, Pres.
H elen a......................F irst N ational Bank............................. C. C. Agee, P res.
H elen a......................In te rsta te N ational B an k .....................H enry P. Anderson. V .-P res.
H o p e .........................Citizens N ational Bank......................... C. C. Spragins, C»sh.
H o p e .........................F irst N ational Bank....................... .R. G. M cRae, Pres.
H o t S prings........... A rkansas N ational B an k .....................Chas. N. Rix, Pres.
Jonesboro............. —Bank of Jonesboro......................... - ...... Ja s. E. I’arr, Vice-Pres.
L ittle Rock............ B ankers T ru s t Co.................................. H . L . Remmel, Ch. of Bd.
L ittle Rock............ E xchange N ational B ank ......................Jno. M. Davis, Pres.
L ittle Rock............ Federal Bank & T ru st C o....................T . W . Kirkwood, Cash.
L ittle Rock............ W . R. W orthen Co., B ankers.............Gordon N. Peay, Pres.
M arianna............ .....Lee County N ational B *nk.................E lg in C. R obertson, V .-P res.
M orrillton................F irst N ational Bank...............................A. J . Stephens, V ice-Pres.
N ew p o rt...................F irst N ational B ank.............................. W . A. Billingsley. Pres.
N . L ittle Rock..., T w in City B ank......................................M. L . A ltheim er, Pres.
P arag o u ld ............... N ation^! Bank of Com m erce...............W . W. W oosley, Cash.
P a ris.........................F irst N ational Bank...............................Lewis, C. Sadler, Cash.
P in e Bluff.............. N ational Bank of A rkansas.................C. H . T rip lett, Pres.
I’ine Bluff...............Peoples Savings & T ru s t Co.............J. H . Mann, Pres.
P in e Bluff.............. Sim m ons N ational B ank........ ............ Jo. Nichot, Pres.
Russellville.......... . Bank of Russellville..............................Geo. S. N eal. Cash.
Russellville—.......... Peoples E xchange B ank........................L. B. M cClure, Vice-Pres.
S tu ttg a rt..................F irst N ational Bank..............................E. C. Benton, C»sh.
T ex ark a n a............... S tate N ational Bank......................... ....S tu art W ilson, V ice-Pres.
V a n Buren............. F irst N ational Bank.............................. W . A. Steele, Cash.
W aln u t R idge........Law rence C ounty Bank......................... J. G. Richardson, Pres.

A lton...................... ..C itizen s N ational B ank..........................L. A. Schlafly, V ice-Pres.
A lton.....................—A lton N ational B ank.............................. C. A. Caldwell, C ash.
A nna......................... F irs t N ational B ank...............................Jam es M. D ickinson. Pres.
B a rry .....................—F irst N ational Bank.............................. O. W illiam son. Cash.
Belleville..................F irst N ational B ank......................—... ‘ail G ass, Cash.
Belleville..................S t. C lair N ational B ank....................
-thur Eidm an, Cash.
B enton .....................F irs t N ational B ank.........................................................................................
B ridgeport.............. F irs t N ational B ank.............. ................R. O . Buchanan. Pres.
C airo......................... Cairo N ational B ank.............................. E. E. Cox. Cash.
C arbondale............. F irs t N ational B ank..........................................................................................
C arlinvillc.......... —..C arlinville N ational B ank..................... A. L. H oblit, Cash.
C arm i.................... —F irs t N ational B ank.............................. T . W . H all, Pres.
Centralia'..................C ity N ational B ank ................................. A. J. Johnson. Cash.
C e n tra iif..................O ld N ational B ank.—......................... - ..H a r o - Kohl, Cash.
Collinsville......... —..F irs t N ational Bank................... - ........ W m . L. K aem per, Cash.
D u Q uoin............... F irst N ational B ank.........................................................................................
E. St. L ouis..........S outhern Illinois N ational B ank........ C. Reeb, Pres.
E dw ardsville...........Citizens S tate & T ru st Barik...............Chas. W . T erry , P res.
E dw ardsville...........E dw ardsville N ational B an k ...............Chas. Boeschenstein, Pres.
Effingham ............... Effingham S ta te B ank.............................W . H . E ngbring, Pres.
Fairfield....................Fairfield N ational B ank........................S. T. Pendleton. Vice-Pres
F re eb u rg ..................F irs t N ational B ank...............................R. E. Ham ill. Pres.
G ranite C ity ..........F irst N ational B ank....................................................................................
G ranite C ity .......... G ranite City N ational B a n k .............-G eo. W . N icdringhaus. Pre*.
G ranite C ity ..........G ran ite City T ru s t & Savings B ank............................................................
G reenville................Bradford N ational B ank.........................J . S. Bradford, P res.
Greenville.....- ......... S tate Bank of H oiles &c Sons.............J. M. Daniels, Cash.
H arrisb u rg ...............C ity N ational B ank................................ T . Y . G regg, Cash.
H arrisb u rg .............. F irst N ational B ank........................................................................................
H arrisb u rg .............. F irs t T ru st & Savings B ank...............Jo h n B. Lee. Pres.
H e rrin ...................... C ity N ational B ank...... ..........................Jo h n A lexander, P res,
H e rrin ...................... F irst N ational B ank...............................A. K. Elies. V ice-Pres.
H ig h lan d ................. F irst N ational B ank.............................. L eo A m m ann, Cash.
H illsboro..................H illsboro N ational B ank ...................... Geo. H . Fisher, P res.
H illsboro..................M ontgom ery Co. L oan &• T ru st Co.......................... .............................. ...
Jacksonville............ A yers N ational B ank...............................M. F. Dunlap, P res.
L aw renceville........F irst N ational Bank.—........................... F. W . K eller, Pres.
L itchfield................ F irst N ational B ank...............................Eli Miller, Pres.
L itchfield...............-L itc h fie ld B ank & T ru st C o.................F ran k R , Milnor, Pres.
M arion......................F irs t N ational B ank...... - ..................... Shannon H olland, Pres.
M ascoutah.............. F irs t N ational B ank............................... Louis J. Scheve. Cash.
M etropolis............... C ity N ational B an k..................... ....................................................................

I L L I N O I S — Continued
M etropolis.........-....F irst B ank .............................. L ym an K. M cAlpin, C ash.
M etropolis............... N ational State B ank..............................Noah J. K orte. Cash.
M illstadt................. F irst N ational B ank...............................G. F. B altz, Cash.
M ount C arm el..... A m erican N ational B ank...................... J. M. M itchell. Pres.
M ount C arm el......F irst N ational Bank........................T. G oddard. Ch. of Bd.
Mount O liv e...... ..F irst National B an k..............................J . F. Prange. Pres.
Mount S terling.... F irst N ational B ank .................. ........... H . G» V andevetiter, V .-Pres.
Mount V ernon---- H am National B ank.......................... _..G. F. M. W ard . Pres.
Mount V ernon..... T h ird National B ank............................. Rufus G ran t. Cash.
M urphys boro..........C ity N ational B an k .............................. „H . Q uernheim , Cash.
M urphysboro......... F irst N ational B ank.............................. Chas. L. R itter. Pres,
Nashville................. F irst National B ank .............................. Paul K rughoff. Pres.
New ton.....................F irst National B ank .............................. E. W . H ersh. Pres.
Nokom is.................. Nokom is N ational B ank....................... John W oltm ann, V ice-Pres.
Ol.lonfir.....................F irst National B ank...............................S. F. O dell. Pres.
O 'F allo n .................. F irst N ational B ank.............................. W . R. D orris, Cash.
Olnejr........................ F irst National B ank ..................... ........ Allen H yde. Asst. Cash.
Pinckneyville..........F irst National B ank..............................Roy Alden. Cash.
Pittsfield.................. F irs t N ational B ank .............................. R. T . H icks. Cash.
Robinson..................F irst National B ank............................ ................................................. ...........
St. Francisville..... Peoples National B ank..........................T . H . G utteridge. P res.
S tau n to n ..................F irst N ational Bank.............................. J. W . P. K err. Cash
S tau n to n .................S taunton N ational B ank..... ..................C. R. W all, Pres.
V andalia.................. F irst National B ank .............................. R. H . S turgess. Cash.
V ienna......................F irst National B ank .............................. P. T . Chapm an. Pres.
W averly...................F irst National B ank...............................A. C. Moffet, Pres.
W hite H all...—..... P eoples-First N ational B ank............... Guy L ow enstein. Cash.
W hite H all............W hite Hall N ational B ank ................. R. S. W orcester. Cash

...AV. A Brown. Pre*.
Bedford................ ...Citizens National B ank......................,...E. E. F arm er. V ice-Pres.
...E dw ard (loujjh. Pres.
EvaniWDe.mMHHM... M ercantile Commercial B ank......... ...Earl E ichin, Cash.
Jeffersonville...... ...F irst N ational Bank.......................... ...Allen A. S w artz, Pres.
M adison............... .... F irst N ational B ank .......................... ...Louis P. Scheik, Cash.
Madison............... ....N ational Branch B ank...................... ...Tohn W . T evis. Pres.
M ount V e rn o n ...Euarene E. Hijrhm an. Cash.
New A lbany......
...T. F. M cCulloch. Pres.
N ew A lbany ...... ...Second National B ank..........................Henry E. T e*ett. Pres.
P etersb u rg ........... ...F irst National B ank .......................... ...Joe O ’Brien. Cash.
PririCeton............. ...F arm ers National B ank...................... ...Will Blair. Pres.
P rin ceto n.............
....Stuart T . F ish er, Pres.
Sevm our...............
Seym our............. .. ...Seym our N ational B ank.....................AV*. M. W hitson, Pres.
Tell C ity .............
...AV. F. H u th stein er. V .-P res.
V incennes............
W ashington .........
W ashington.........
W est B aden ...... ...W est Baden N ational Bank...™ ....,....M. H assem iiier. V ice-Pres.
Bowline G reen..... Am erican National B ank..................... G. D. Sledge, Cash.
Bowlin*: G reen..... Citizens N ational B ank......................... M ax B. N ahm . V ice-Pres.
C arrollton................ C arrollton N ational B ank................. -G eo. B. W inslow . Pres,
C arrollton...—......... F irst N ational B a n k ......... ~ ...... .................... ........... .....................................
Central C ity ..........F irst N ational B ank.............. - ....... -....Jo h n B. F unk. C ashier
Columbia................. F irst N ational Bank 8c T ru st Co...... Bruce M ontgom ery. Cash.
Danville................... C itiiens N ational B ank....................... M. J. F arris, Pres.
Danville............. —...Farm ers N ational B ank..................... - J . C. Coldwell, Pres.
E lizabethtow n..... ..F irst-H a rd in N ational B ank.................W . C. M ontgom ery, P res.
F ran k fo rt................ N ational Branch Bank of K entucky..H . F. L indsey, Cash.
F ran k fo rt................S tate N ational B ank .............................. E ugene E. H oge, Pres.
Fulton......................City N ational B ank...............................,.N. G. Cooke, Cash.
Glasgow...................F arm ers National Bank.......- ...............E. H . G uthrie, A s s t Cash.
Glasgow.................. T rig g National B ank ..............................T . P. Dickinson. Pres.
Greenville............... F irst National B ank...............................John T . Reynolds, Cash.
H arro d sb u rg..........M ercer National B ank.......................... Bush W . AUin, P res.
H enderson............. H e n d e rso n N ational Bank................... C. A. K atterjo h n . Cash.
H odgenville........... Farm ers N ational Bank.........................R. R. H o rg an , Cash.
H opkinsville...........F irst N ational B ank.............................. Geo. C. Long, Pres.
L aw rencehurg....... Anderson N ational B ank......................J, W . Guinea, Pres.
L aw rencehurg....... Law rencehurg N ational B ank ............. J . M. Johnson, Cash.
Lebanon...................C itiien s N ational Bank........................ J. A. Kelly, Cash.
Lebanon...................M arion N ational B ank..........................W . P. M yers, Pres.
Morganfield............Morganfield N ational B ank............... - ...........................................................
M urray.....................F irst N ational B ank .............................. T . H. S tokes, Pres.
O w ensboro.............C entral T ru st C o.................................... John R einhardt, V ice-Pres.
O w ensboro—..........F irst National B an k ...............................J. D. R ussell, Cash.
O w ensboro.............N ational Deposit B ank ................ ......... Chas. G. N alle, Cash.
P aducah...................C ity N ational B ank................................ R. R. K irkland, Cash.
P aducah...................F irst N ational B an k .............................. N. W . V anC ulin, V ice-Pres.
Paducah...................Peoples N ational B ank—................... _................................ ..........................
Princeton................ F arm ers N ational B ank........................................................... .......................
P rinceton................ F irst N ational B ank...............................R. M. Pool. Pres.
Springfield.............. F irst N ational B ank.............................. J . C. M cE lroy, Cash.

A berdeen................ F irst N ational B ank.............................. Eugene L. Sykes, Pres.
C olum bus................ Columbus N ational Bank................ —..J. W . S laughter. Cash.
C olum bus............ — F irst N ational B ank...................... — G. Y. Banks, Pres.
C olum bus................ National Bank of Com m erce...............W . N . P u ck ett, Pres.
C orinth .....................F irst National B ank..............................G. A. H azard, V ice-Pres.
G reenvil'e—............F irs t N ational B ank............ „...............A. B. N ance. Cash.
G reenw ood............. F irst N ational B ank ....................———
............. .................... - .....— «
G reenw ood.......... —Greenwood Bank 8c T ru s t Co.— ......R. A. Ball, Pres.
I t ta B ena.............. F irst N ational B ank ............................ —
.— ................... ............. —
P o ntotoc......... ........ Bank of Pontotoc...—............................ —
—— ....... .............
Pontotoc..................F irst N ational B ank— ....................... W . A. Boone, Cash.
W est P o in t............ F irst N ational B ank .............................. A rth u r D ugan, Pres.
Boonville..................Boonville N ational B ank..................... H . T . R edd, Cash.
B raym er...................F irst N ational Bank..............................F red W ightm an, Cash.
Brookfield............... F irst N ational B ank.......................................................................... - ........ C alifornia................ M oniteau N ational B ank......... ........... ............................... - .......... .......... Cape G irardeau.... F irst N ational B ank... ...... ................—Clyde D. H arris, Pres.
C arrollton— ......... F irst N ational B ank.— .................................. ........ ...... ................—.—
C hillicothe.............. Citizens N ational B ank ..... ....................W . W . E dgerto n . Pres.
C hillicothe.............. F irst N ational B ank........................——K arl M. Blanchard. Cash.
C layton....................F irst N ational B ank..........— .............................................—— —
.....C linton..................... Clinton National Bank..—................... V. J. D ay. Cash.
Colum bia.................Boone C ounty N ational Bank....... ......R. B. Price, J r .. V ice-Pres.
C olum bia.................E xchange N ational B ank...................... C. B. Bowling. Pres.
H am ilton.................F irst N ational B ank...............................F. L . Bowm an. Cash.
H annibal..................H annibal N ational B ank................... _.............. - ....................................
Jefferson C ity ........E xchange B ank........................— ........W . A. D allm eyer. Pres.
Jefferson C ity ........F irst N ational B ank ................. ............ Em il S chott. Cash.
K irksville................ Citizens N ational B ank.........................E. C onner. Cash.
M acon.......................State E xchange B an k ......„ ...................Chris. R. M affry, Pres.
M aplewood............. Bank of M aplewood............. - .......... ....N . B. B aker, Pres.
M aplewood..............C itizens N ational B ank................. ................................ ...............
M arshall...................W ood 8c H uston B ank......................... C. M. Buckner. Vice-Pres.
M exico.....................F irst N ational Bank.......... ...................R. R. A rnold, Pres.
P a ris......................... P aris N ational B ank.............................. J. E. D eaver, Pres.
Rolla......................... N ational Bank of Rolla........ .—........... P. H . M cG regor. Cash.
St. C harles.............F irst N ational B ank................ ............ J. A. Schreiber, Pres.
S t. L ouis................ Am erican E xchange N ational Bank..Edm ond Koeln, Pres.
St. L ouis................Baden B ank............................................. .. ........... „...........................................
St. L o u is.............. -B roadw ay T ru st Co—......................... .. ......... - ............................................
St. L ouis................ Cass Avenue B ank....................... .......... J. H a rry Rehm e. Cash.
S t. L outs................ Cherokee N ational Bank..—
.......... H . G. F reiert. Cash.
____ ———............ ..
S t L ouis—........—Chippew a T ru st Co.......... —— ___——
S t. L ouis................ C ity T ru st Co........ — ..................... ............................................ .............. S t. L ouis—............. E aston-T aylor T ru s t Co........ —.„ ...... -Jo h n R . L anigan, Pres.
S t. L ouis................ G rant S tate B ank------ --------- -----— ..Geo. A. Boyd. Jr., Cash.
St. L ouis................ Insurance B ank— —
— .....— F. R. V on W indegger, Cash.
St. L ouis............... Jefferso n B ank..... — ...„—........... — V ictor T . M oberly. Pres.
St. Loui*................ Jefferson-G ravois B ank.........................Geo. A. H eld. Pres.
S t. L ouis................ Laclede T ru s t Co.—______ _________ H . W . K roeger. V ice-Pres.
St. L ouis............. —Lindell T ru s t C o— ...............- .............A. W . D ehlendorf, Cash.
St. L ouis............ —Lowell B ank......................... .....— __— ____— ____________ ___St. I.o u ii............. ...Mound City T ru s t C o......................... — .................—.................................
St. L ouis................ N atural Bridge B ank ........................... G. A. L ubeley, Cash.
S t L ouis................ N orth S t. Louis T ru s t Co............ ..............................................................
S t. L ouis................ St. Louis N ational Bank— —..__ —T hos. N . K arrak er, P res.
St. L ouis................ Savings T ru st Co— ——— ............ A. W. A lexander. Secy.
S t. L ouis................ Scruggs, V andervoort 8c Barney B k..H y. G iessenbier, Jr.. Cash.
S t. L ouis................ Security N at. Bk. Sav. & T ru st Co..B yron W . M oser. P res.
St. L ouis................ Shaw B ank............- ..............................—...............— —— ............ ...........
S t. L ouis................ Southern Com mercial Savings B k— F rank W . F euerbacher, Pres.
S t. L ouis................ South Side T ru s t Co..... ................... —W illiam R eim ann. V ice-Pres.
S t. L ouis.............. -S o u th w est Bank..*.......... —— ....... ....................................... „....—
.....S t. L ouis................ T w elfth S treet N ational Bank............ L. E. Dehlendorf, Pres.
S t. L ouis................ W a te r T ow er B ank............................. ............................................................
St. L ouis................ W est S t. Louis T ru s t Co..................... Ben E . W . R uler. Pres.
S edalia............—— Citizens N ational B ank......................... W . H . Powell, Pres.
S edalia......................Sedalia N ational B ank......................... C. H . Bothw ell. Pres.
Sedalia......................Sedalia T ru st Co............................
..... ............... .................................
S edalia......................Third N ational B ank...... .......................C. L . H anley. Cash.
S pringfield.............. M cD aniel N ational B ank..................... H. L. Schneider. Pres.
S pringfield— — N ew F irst N ational B ank................ —
..... - .....—
..... - .............
Springfield.............. U nion N ational B ank.............- .......... -S . E . T rim ble, Cash.
T re n to n — — .......T ren to n N ational B ank.........................W. H . Shanklin. Cash.
W arren sb u rg ..........Peoples N ational B ank..........................E. N . Johnson, Pres.
W eb ster G roves—.F irst N ational B ank......................... —AV. V incent B rennan, Pres.
W eb ster G roves....W ebster Groves T ru s t Co............—- ..........................................- ............
W ellston...................F irst N ational B ank..............................Guy E . Ju rd en , Pres.
Brow nsville............. F irst S tate B ank....................................R. M. Cham bliss, Pres.
D y ersb u rg ............... F irst-C itiien s N ational Bank...............J. G. L atta , Cash.
H en n in g ...................Bank of H enning................. - ........................................................................ Jack so n .....................F irst N ational B ank .......... .............. —.J. W . V anden, Pres.
Ja ck so n .....................N ational Bank of Com m erce.............. G. C. W ilkerson, Cash.
Jack so n ....................Second N ational B ank.............. ........... R. C. Sm ith, Cash.
Ja ck so n ....................Security N ational B ank ............. —...... Bruce M itchell, Pres.
U n io n C ity ............ T hird N ational B ank...................—
D. N . W alker, V ice-Pres.