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JU LY 1992
N U M B E R 59

Chicago Fed Letter
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I■ •


Buy now, invest later: state
and local governm ent
spending strategies
Economists often call for an increase
in public spending in order to spur
economic growth. For example, de­
spite the yawning federal budget defi­
cit, 100 economists, including six No­
bel laureates, recently proposed that
federal spending on education and
infrastructure be increased in order to
stimulate growth in the economy.
Proposals such as this one favor invest­
ment oriented government spending
over consumption oriented spending.
While both types of spending—con­
sumption or investment—may be
helpful in boosting short run aggre­
gate spending during an economic
downturn, investment spending carries
the added benefit of stimulating long­
er term welfare, growth, and interna­
tional competitiveness. Programs such
as public aid, prisons, and government
administration tend to have benefits
which are immediately consumed.
Other expenditures such as education
and infrastructure development are
investment oriented, producing re­
turns to society years after the initial
Traditionally, the use of spending as
an agent of economic growth has been
primarily a concern of the federal
government. However, during the
1980s, many program responsibilities
fell upon state and local governments
as federal support was withdrawn. Left
to fend for themselves, state and local
governments have shown more inter­
est in using fiscal policy to help their
economies grow. The question is:
have state and local governments been
adopting investment oriented spend­
ing strategies by boosting expenditures
on education, infrastructure and the

like? In this Chicago Fed Letter, I look at
the implications of the choice of con­
sumption versus investment strategies
by state and local governments, both
nationally and within the five Seventh
District states of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa,
Michigan, and Wisconsin.
The evidence

In order to examine the mix of state
and local expenditures, it is first neces­
sary to divide the various categories of
expenditures into investment and
consumption components. Statistics
covering government spending are
not typically reported as consumption
or investment so the data must be
reassigned. This assignment is far
from an exact science since most if not
all programs have elements of both
consumption and investment.1 In this
article, state and local government
spending which is investment oriented
will include all capital outlays (spend­
ing on buildings, roads, equipment,
school buildings, and other infrastruc­
ture) as well as all noncapital educa­
tion and noncapital health and hospi­
tal spending. (For the purposes of this
article, health and hospital expendi­
tures will not include Medicaid expen­
ditures. When Medicaid is included,
health related expenditures grow at a
faster rate.)
Spending on infrastructure is perhaps
the most obvious investment by gov­
ernment. A bridge or building will
provide a benefit to future taxpayers
who will utilize and benefit from the
physical structure years after it is com­
pleted. However, spending designed
to enhance human rather than physi­
cal capital is increasingly being consid­
ered investment spending. Many pub­
licly funded programs within the areas
of education and health care fit such a
definition. Spending on education

provides a future return to society in
the form of more productive workers
as well as citizens who are better able
to participate in the democratic deci­
sion making process. Spending on
health reduces the threat of conta­
gious disease and improves worker
productivity since healthy workers are
likely to be more productive workers.
Of course, future returns need not
appear as part of the economic statis­
tics in order to qualify as returns to
investment. For example, greater
longevity or a greater sense of physical
well being are no less important as
returns to public investment.
In using these three types of spending
as a proxy for government investment
in physical and human capital, the
remainder of government expendi­
tures (spending on corrections, public
welfare, and government administra­
tion) are considered consumption
oriented spending. Figure 1 illustrates
the estimated trend in investment
versus consumption spending for all
state and local governments and for
the five Seventh District states by in­
dexing the per capita relative real
growth rates in the four expenditure
types since 1968. As the Figure showrs,
consumption expenditures have
grown much faster than investment
expenditures over this 21 year period.
The growth in consumption expendi­
tures over this period was over 140%
while the growth in the three invest­
ment oriented spending categories
ranged from 52% for health and 27%
for education to an 11 % decline in
capital outlays. (If Medicaid spending
is included in health expenditures,
the growth rate is slightly over 80% for
the category.)
Figure 1 also demonstrates the pattern
of consumption versus investment
expenditure growth for the Seventh

L Indexed real per capita growth rates for state and local expenditures










’7 7





’8 5


’8 9

|_J__ I__I__I__I__l_ l__L-J__I__I__L_l__L_J__L-J__I__I__L J


’7 7


’8 5

’8 9











’7 7

................... ....









SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census Government Finances, various years, author’s calculations.

District states. While their experiences
differ, the growth in consumption
expenditures outpaced the growth rate
in the three investment spending cate­
gories in all five states. Within the
investment area, Indiana, Iowa, and
Michigan all mirrored the national
trend with noncapital health and hos­
pital spending growing the fastest,
followed by noncapital education and
capital outlays. Illinois and Wisconsin
differed in that education spending
was the fastest growing investment
component, followed by health and
capital outlays.
Why has the mix o f investment and
consumption changed?

Numerous studies have pointed out
the benefits and economic returns on
various types of investment goods
provided by state and local govern­
ments. These studies range from
those that have found a significant
relationship between state infrastruc­
ture spending and productivity growth
to studies focusing on education

spending and its positive relationship
to employment and industrial growth.2
One recent study even found that the
negative effect of higher business taxes
can be overcome when the revenue
raised is used to fund spending on
education, highways, public health,
and safety.3 Owing to the apparent
consensus on the benefits of these
investments, it is difficult to under­
stand the lag in investment oriented
spending by the state and local sector
during the 1980s.
Several explanations may be helpful.
First, dwindling state and local resourc­
es would seem to explain part of the
story. The flattening of the growth
rates in the three investment oriented
categories and the growth in the con­
sumption oriented spending coincides
with the reduction in federal grants to
the states during the 1980s. Federal
aid to the states reached its zenith in
1978. Since then, declining levels of
support have forced states to fund
programs out of their own resources.
During this era of increasing responsi­

bilities and dwindling resources, in­
vestment spending gave way.
More recently, strained state and local
budgets have exacerbated the prob­
lem. Just as a household with a tight
budget will put off investments in favor
of putting food on the table, state and
local governments are emphasizing
keeping up with current operating
expenses rather than spending on
investments. The most recent Nation­
al Income and Product Account data
illustrates this. In the recessionary year
of 1991, spending on consumption
oriented transfer payments grew by
14% while expenditures for the invest­
ment oriented purchase of structures
fell by 1.3%.
A second explanation concerns the
effect of political behavior on spend­
ing patterns. Given the limited term
of office of many policymakers and
barring the very close interest and
scrutiny of an informed public, those
policies that produce immediate and
visible results are likely to be favored

over long term investments that may
not demonstrate results for many
years. For example, the bulk of the
return from increased investment in
elementary and secondary education
will not be realized until the individual
receiving the education is an adult. As
such, the political benefit to the policy­
maker is less than in the case of a pro­
gram which provides an immediate
and visible benefit to constituents
(such as building a park). Similarly,
the perceived returns from educating
a younger generation may seem dis­
tant to portions of the voting popula­
tion or even be perceived as risky due
to outmigration of the young from
declining regions.
Third, it may be the case that current
forms of government accounting and
reporting fail to accurately portray the
distinction between consumption and
investment. If so, policymakers may
be unaware of the shift toward con­
sumption spending within their states.
For this reason, it may be wise for state
and local governments to devise invest­
ment budgets, in which the programs
within these categories can be classi­
fied as investments or consumption.
For example, a report was issued by
the Michigan House Fiscal Agency
urging the development of an invest­
ment budget.4 In Wisconsin, a contro­
versial new welfare proposal attempts
to recognize explicitly the investment
oriented aspects of the state’s welfare
program by rewarding education,
training, and employment of welfare
Finally, the demand for these four
types of spending has also changed
over this period of time. For example,
in the area of infrastructure spending,
Seventh District states, which can be
characterized as having a more mature
economic base, developed much of
their infrastructure earlier than other
regions of the country. While pressure
for maintaining the existing infrastruc­
ture exists, the demand for new infra­
structure is less intense than in rapidly
growing regions. This may explain
why capital outlays in the five District
states declined faster than was the case
for the nation as a whole. In the case
of the U.S., the decline in school en­

rollments in the 1980s lessened the
demand for rapid growth in school
budgets, helping to explain the initial
decline in the growth rate in school
expenditures in the 1980s. By the end
of the decade, the growth rate was
beginning to rise, reflecting the
growth in school enrollments expect­
ed to continue through the mid-1990s.

State and local governments are
charged with a broad range of func­
tions. Clearly, no state or local govern­
ment should ignore the immediate
needs of its constituents in order to
increase investment. However, the
work of several economists has focused
on whether the slowdown in public
capital outlays has hindered economic
and productivity growth.5 If estimates
of returns from physical capital invest­
ment are correct, the fact that state
and local governments are devoting a
smaller share of their available re­
sources to these expenditure areas
may indicate a less productive use of
state and local resources. If a similar
return can be established for pro­
grams geared to human capital invest­
ments, policymakers may be missing
an opportunity to expand their econo­
mies by not taking a more aggressive
position in supporting investment
oriented expenditures.
With a need to rebuild crumbling
infrastructure and provide education
to a growing school aged population,
the demand for these investment ori­
ented expenditures is likely to grow.
However, increasing investments in
other, less tangible, programs, such as
maintaining the local sewer system or
targeted education and health pro­
grams, may be more difficult to justify
unless a clearer distinction between
consumption and investment spend­
ing is made in government accounts.
As the proposal from the 100 econo­
mists favoring increased federal spend­
ing pointed out, wise investments in
education and infrastructure are a very
different avenue from merely increas­
ing the level of government expendi­
ture or running an operating deficit.
— R ichard H. M attoon

T o r ex am p le, in this analysis, public
w elfare pay m en ts a re assum ed to be c o n ­
su m p tio n sp en d in g . H ow ever in som e
states, tra in in g p ro g ra m s are in clu d ed in
pub lic w elfare p ro g ra m s a n d these w ould
certainly re p re s e n t investm ents.
2See T.R. P lau t a n d J.E. Pluta, “Business
clim ate, taxes a n d e x p e n d itu re s a n d state
in d u strial grow th in th e U .S.,” Southern
EconomicJournal, V olum e 50, N o. 1, 1983,
pp. 99-119, a n d M ichael W asylenko a n d
T h e re se M cG uire, ‘Jo b s a n d taxes: th e
effect o f business clim ate o n states’ em ­
p lo y m en t grow th ra te s,” National Tax
Journal, V olum e 38, 1985, pp. 497-511.
3Jay H elm s, “T h e effect o f state a n d local
taxes o n e co n o m ic grow th: a tim e series
cross-section a p p ro a c h ,” The Review o f
Economics and Statistics, V olum e 67, 1985,
pp. 574-582.
4See W arren G regory, Investment Budgeting:
M oving Back to M ichigan’s Future, M ichigan
H o u se Fiscal Agency, A ugust 1991.
T o r m o re o n th e re tu rn to public infra­
stru c tu re in v estm en t see David A lan Asc h a u e r, “G o v e rn m e n t sp e n d in g a n d th e
‘falling ra te o f p ro fit,’ ” Economic Perspec­
tives, F ed eral Reserve B ank o f C hicago,
M a y /Ju n e 1988, pp. 11-17; also A schauer,
“Is p ublic e x p e n d itu re p ro d u ctiv e?,"Jour­
nal o f Monetary Economics, V olum e 23,
1989, pp. 177-200; a n d Alicia M unnell,
“H ow d o es pub lic in fra stru ctu re affect
reg io n al e co n o m ic p e rfo rm a n c e ? ,” Is There
a Shortfall in Public Capital Investment ?
F ed eral Reserve B ank o f B oston, C o n fer­
en c e Series No. 34, 1990.

Karl A. S cheld, S en io r Vice P re sid en t an d
D irecto r o f R esearch; David R. A llardice, Vice
P re sid en t a n d Assistant D irecto r o f R esearch;
Carolyn M cM ullen, E ditor.
Chicago Fed Letter is p u b lish ed m o n th ly by th e
R esearch D e p a rtm e n t o f th e F ed eral Reserve
Bank o f Chicago. T h e views ex p ressed are the
a u th o rs ’ a n d are n o t necessarily th o se o f th e
F ederal Reserve B ank o f C hicago o r th e F ederal
Reserve System. A rticles m ay b e re p rin te d if
th e source is c re d ite d a n d th e R esearch
D e p a rtm e n t is p ro v id ed with copies o f th e
rep rin ts.
Chicago Fed letter is available w ith o u t ch arg e
from th e Public In fo rm atio n C e n te r, F ederal
Reserve B ank o f C hicago, P.O. Box 834,
C hicago, Illinois, 60690, (312) 322-5111.

ISSN 0895-0164

Tracking Midwest manufacturing activity
Purchasing Managers’ Survey-production index

Manufacturing output index

Month ago

Year ago









U .S .


M id w e s t

Motor vehicle production
(millions, saar)

Month ago

Year ago





Light trucks




Purchasing managers’ association:
production index

Month ago

Year ago












_i— i—i—i—i_i—



Manufacturing activity in the Midwest, as measured by a weighted average of the
production indexes of the Chicago, Detroit, and Milwaukee Purchasing Manag­
ers’ Surveys, expanded in May for the fourth consecutive month. The composite
index equaled its previous peak in August of 1991. (An index level of 60 indi­
cates that 60% of the responses reported expanding production and 40% report­
ed contraction.)
The Midwest has generally followed the national pattern, but showed a deeper
contraction in the fall of last year and slightly slower expansion than the nation
since January, largely because of weakness in the Detroit economy. Chicago and
Milwaukee showed expansion equal to or stronger than the nation as a whole.


SOURCES: T h e M idwest M an u factu rin g In d ex
(MMI) is a com posite in d ex o f 17 in d u stries
based on m o n th h o u rs w orked a n d kilowatt
hours. IP rep re se n ts th e FRBB indu strial
p ro d u c tio n in d ex for th e U.S. m a n u factu rin g
sector. A utos a n d light trucks are m easu red in
an n u alized physical units, using seasonal adjust­
m en ts d ev elo p ed by th e F ederal Reserve Board.
T h e PMA survey for th e U.S. is th e p ro d u c tio n
c o m p o n e n ts o f th e NPMA survey a n d fo r th e
M idwest is a w eighted average o f th e p ro d u c ­
tion c o m p o n e n ts o f th e C hicago, D etroit, an d
M ilwaukee PMA survey.

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