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Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives
d e c l a s s if ie d

Authority E.C. U35(d

____________ CONFERENCE. COMMENCING MAY 9. 1927_________ __


^ i


The Open Market Investment Committee held a meeting in Washington* D* C,f
at the o f f i c e o f the Federal Reserve Board, Monday, May 9, 1927, at 9 o ’ clo ck .
Governor Strongf Chairman
Governors Harding, N orris, McDougal
and Fancher
Mr, Harrison, Acting Secretary
The secreta ry read the prelim inary draft o f the memorandum o f matters
to be considered by the Open Market Investment Committee p rio r to the preparation
and submission o f a report and recommendations.

A fte r discussing the prelim inary

memorandum i t was the opinion o f the committee that cop ies o f i t with suggested
amendments should be submitted by the chairman o f the committee to the Federal
Reserve Board fo r it s con sideration in order t o fa m ilia riz e the Board with the
fa cto rs which would be in the minds o f the committee la t e r in preparing i t s re p o rt.
The Open Market Investment Committee adjourned at 10 o*clock*
* * * * * * *

The Open Market Investment Committee reconvened on Monday, May 9, 1927,.
at 12:30 o 'c lo c k .
Governor Strong, Chairman
Governors Harding, N orris, McDougal
and Fancher
Mr. Harrison, Acting Secretary
The committee considered a red ra ft o f the prelim inary memorandum con­
tain in g the amendments agreed to at the e a r lie r meeting.

With these amendments,

the chairman was requested to transm it seven copies o f the memorandum to
Governor C rissin ger fo r the members o f the Board, with the advice o f the committee
that the committee would be glad to meet with the Board to discuss the memorandum
at any time su ita b le to i t s convenience*

These co p ie s o f the report were


Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives

Authority E.6.1235&


transm itted to Governor C rissin ger at 1:15 o'O lock , when the Open Market Invest­
ment Committee adjourned.
* * * * * * *

The Open Market Investment Committee met with the Federal Reserve
Board on Monday, May 9, 1927, at 4:10 o ’ clock*
P resen t:
Governor C rissin ger
Messrs. P la tt, M ille r, James, Hamlin,
Cunningham o f the Federal Reserve Board
Governors Strong, Harding, N orris, McDougal
and Fancher
Dr* Goldenweiser
Mr, H arrison, Acting Secretary
There was a long discu ssion by' various members o f the committee and
the Federal Reserve Board o f the prelim inary memorandum p rev iou sly d istrib u ted
among the members o f the committee and the Federal Reserve Board#


Strong explained that th is prelim inary memorandum did not embody any recommends*
tio n s but m erely raised points fo r d iscu ssion with the Reserve Foard which would
enable the committee la t e r t o f i l e a report with d e fin it e recommendations.


connection with the con side rat ion o f the memorandum and problems before the cors*
m ittee, Dr. Goldenweiser gave h is statement o f the present business situ a tion with
p a rticu la r referen ce to the p rice l e v e l .
The meeting adjourned at 5:45 o ’ clock , with the understanding that the
Open Market Investment Committee would submit it s fin a l report to the Federal
Reserve Board la t e r on in the week*
* * * * * * *

The Open Market Investment Committee reconvened on Wednesday afternoon,
May 11, 1927, at 12: 30 o ’ clo c k .

Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives
d e c l a s s if ie d

Authority E .6 . [BSIo


Governor Strong, Chairman
Governors Harding, N orris, McDougal
and Foncher
Mr. Harrison, Acting Secretary
The committee considered a draft o f report prepared by the committee
at lunch on Tuesday, May 10, as m odified by the chairman on Wednesday morning
b efore the meeting.

Upon con sideration ,

it was

VOTED t o approve the rep ort as amended, and the secreta ry was request*
ed to have it retyped, with the understanding that the prelim inary memorandum
as f i n a l l y revised should be mimeographed to be su b stitu ted fo r the f i r s t draft
d istrib u ted among the committee and the members o f the Federal Reserve Board on
May 9„

The prelim inary memorandum as revised May 11 is attached hereto*


report o f the committee as f i n a ll y approved by the committee and the Governors*
Conference is as fo llo w s;
"The Open Market Committee, a ft e r considering the attached
memorandum, and a fte r discu ssion with the Federal Reserve Board, sub­
mits the follow in g recommendations o f p o lic y fo r the period ending
August 1 next:
" ( l ) That no fu rth er sales o f System s e c u r it ie s be made in
order to o f f s e t a rriv a ls o f gold from abr6ad now known o r anticipated*
” (2 ) That it sh a ll be the p o lic y o f the committee between now
and August 1 next, g ra d u ally to acquire,

i f p ossib le to do so without

undue e f f e c t upon the money market, s u ffic ie n t a d d ition a l short-tim e
government o b lig a tio n s to bring the t o t a l o f the committee’ s invest*ment account up to $250,000,000.

In in terp retin g the expression

'undue e f f e c t upon the money market,* the committee would expect to
keep in mind any changes which might occu r in the general le v e l o f money
rates, as w e ll as the extent t o which these purchases might e f f e c t a re**
duct ion in the amount o f borrowings by member banks*

Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives
d e c l a s s if ie d

Authority E .6 . U35k


"While t h is p o lic y is not d irected towards bringing about a
reduction in discount rates by any Federal reserve bank, nor is that
immediately a n ticip a te d , i t is recognized that some lowering o f market
ra tes fo r money might n everth eless ju s t i f y such a reduction la t e r in
the year, e s p e c ia lly at the p rin cip a l fin a n c ia l cen ters.

The recora*

mendation In paragraph two is also made a fte r con sideration o f the
fa ct that somewhat lower in te re s t rates o r d in a r ily operate t o check
g old imports;

±n fa c t, that was one o f the e f f e c t s o f purchases o f

s e c u r it ie s made in 1924*
"The committee fu rth er expects to continue stu d ies o f those
methods set out in the prelim inary memorandum by which increases in
the System's p o r t f o l io might be brought about without increasing the
amotont o f Federal reserve cre d it in the market.

I t expects t o dia-

cuss with the Treasury Department those methods with which the Treasury
is concerned, and requests that the Federal Reserve Board g iv e consider**
ation t o those p a rticu la r items, such as reserves on time d e p o sits,
which re la te to the regu lation s o f the Federal Reserve Board*M

Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives

Authority E .6 . l£J5k


Meeting o f the Open Market Investment Committee
with the Federal Reserve Board
10; 30 Thursday morning, May 12
P resent;
Honorable A, W, Mellon, Chairman
Governor C rissin ger, and Messrs, P la tt,
Hamlin, M ille r, James, Cunningham,
McIntosh o f the Federal Reserve Board
Governors Strong, Harding, N orris, McDougal#
Mr, H arrison, Acting Secretary
Dr, Goldenweiser and Mr* Eddy
The Acting Secretary d istrib u te d copies o f the report o f the Open
Market Investment Committee dated May 11, to g e th e r with mimeograph copy o f the
prelim inary memorandum r e la tiv e to open market p o li c i e s dated May 9, 1927, and
revised May 11.
A fter each member o f the Board had had opportunity to read the report.
Governor Strong explained that the rep ort had been prepared by the committee*
a fte r thorough con sideration o f a l l the fa cto rs re fe rre d to in the prelim inary
memorandum, with a view t o ou tlin in g a p o lic y fo r the next few months fo r ap**
proval by the Board and the committee, with the underst an ding that the respon**
s i b i l i t y fo r the execution o f the recommendations would rest with the committee#
He also explained that the report had been studied by the Governors1 Conference
and that it was unanimously approved by that conference*

A fter a thorough dis~

cuss ion o f the report concerning which various views were expressed by the differ**
ent members o f the Board, Mr* Hamlin made a motion that the report be approved.
Before a ction was taken on t h is motion, Dr. M ille r moved as a su b stitu te that
the report be received and made a s p e c ia l order fo r some la t e r time to be fixed
by Secretary Mellon and Governor C rissin g er,

A fte r discu ssion th is su bstitu te

motion was passed and the meeting adjourned at 12:10 o * clo ck p* m#

George L* Harrison,
Act ing Se c ret ary«