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["Circular No. 7 3 2 4 t
L January 21, 1974 J

Proposed Amendments Regarding Standby Letters of Credit and
Ineligible Acceptances by State Member Banks

T o A ll M em ber Banks, and O thers Concerned,
in the Second Federal R eserve D istrict:

The following statement was issued January 17 by the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System:
T h e B oard o f G overnors of the Federal Reserve System today proposed limitations on the issuance o f socalled standby letters of credit and ineligible acceptances by State banks that are members o f the Federal R e ­
serve. Com m ent on the proposal should be received by the Board by M arch 15, 1974.
T he B oa rd ’s proposal w ould require State mem ber banks to treat standby letters of credit and ineligible
acceptances in the same manner that they treat ordinary loans. T his means that the instruments would be
subject to State restrictions on the amount o f credit provided to any one borrow er and to Federal require­
ments on loans to affiliates.
A s part of a coordinated approach to the matter, similar proposals are also being issued for banks under
their supervision by the Com ptroller of the C urrency and the Federal Deposit Insurance C orporation.
A standby letter o f credit does not norm ally involve an immediate outlay of funds by a bank. Such a let­
ter, how ever, creates an obligation of the bank that involves a credit risk and could result in an outflow of
funds at a later date.
Banks sometimes issue standby letters o f credit to businesses that use them to support their ow n notes
that are sold in the m oney markets to raise funds either for long-term investment or for general short-term
w orking capital. S o used, these fetters of credit function virtually as a guaranty by a bank o f the business­
m en’s note. T hese instruments are sometimes called docum ented discount notes.
A n ineligible acceptance is a time draft, accepted by a bank, which does not meet the requirements for
discount by a Federal R eserve Bank. Both standby letters of credit and ineligible acceptances are similar in­
sofar as credit risk is concerned because the timing, am ount and degree o f exposure can be virtually identical
in the tw o types of transactions.
T he B oard proposal w ould treat the issuance of both instruments as an unsafe or unsound banking
practice in any case where the issuing bank does not subject the instruments to credit practices and require­
ments similar to those that are applied to ordinary loans. T he proposal would not affect “ traditional” letters
o f credit used to finance the shipment of goods.

Printed on the reverse side is the text of the Board of Governors’ proposal. Comments thereon
should be submitted by March 15 and may be sent to our Regulations and Bank Analysis De­

A lfred H a y e s,


(Reg. H)
Standby Letters of Credit and Ineligible Acceptances
T he Board has under current consideration regulatory
action with respect to certain practices which have d e­
veloped in the issuance o f some standby letters o f credit
and ineligible acceptances by State member banks.
F or the purposes of this proposal, standby letters of
credit include every letter of credit (o r similar arrange­
ment, howrever named or d escrib ed ), other than a letter
of credit issued to facilitate the sale of good s and under
which sight drafts or bankers’ acceptances of the kind
eligible, or which w ould becom e eligible, fo r discount
by a Federal R eserve Bank under Regulation A , could
be drawn. Standby letters o f credit would include, but
not be limited to, letters of credit attached to prom issory
notes (so-called docum ented discount n o te s). A n ineli­
gible acceptance is a time draft, accepted by a bank,
which does not meet the requirements for rediscount
writh a Federal Reserve Bank.
A standby letter o f credit, unlike an ordinary loan,
does not usually involve an immediate outlay of funds
by the issuing bank. T h e standby letter of credit creates
an obligation of the bank that may mature into a current
liability, how ever, and, in this regard, the standby letter
o f credit and the loan involve a similar degree of credit
risk. T he risk exposure of an issuing bank under a
letter of credit obligation is demonstrated by the fo llo w ­
ing e x a m p les:
If a standby letter of credit is issued with a p ro ­
vision that the beneficiary o f the letter may collect
from the bank upon default o f the account party
under a construction contract, and if fo r any
reason at any time perform ance of the contract
is not accepted, the bank could be required to pay.
In the case o f the issuance o f a documented
discount note, the duty o f the issuing bank is to
pay the beneficiary in the event the account party
does not pay. W h ile the bank might have legal re­
course to the account party for payment of the o b ­
ligation, often such party may be found insolvent.
In both o f the above exam ples, the issuing bank
may be called upon at any time to disburse funds and,
should the account party becom e insolvent, the issuing
bank is situated as if a b orrow er under an ordinary
loan agreement had becom e insolvent. In view of the
foregoing, safe and sound banking practices would
require that the credit of the account party under a
standby letter of credit be exam ined with the same care
as the credit of a potential b orrow er in an ordinary
loan situation.
W ith respect to credit risk, the timing, amount, and
degree o f exposure to risk, standby letters of credit and
ineligible acceptances are virtually identical.
In view of these and other considerations that are
involved in the issue o f standby letters of credit and
ineligible acceptances, the B oard proposes to amend
Federal R eserve R egulation H (1 2 C F R 2 0 8 ), M em ­
bership of State Banking Institutions in the Federal
R eserve System.

T he proposed amendment w ould aggregate in each
bank the amounts of standby letters of credit and ineli­
gible acceptances with other loans in determining
whether each bank w ould exceed Federal and State
loan limitations. M oreover, a bank wrould be required
to subject the account party to credit analysis equivalent
to that applicable to a potential b orrow er in an ordinary
situation. T he proposed amendment also requires that
the total amount o f standby letters o f credit and ineligi­
ble acceptances be adequately disclosed on published
financial statements. If the proposed amendments are
adopted, the B oard will use its cease and desist pow ers
(1 2 U .S .C . 1 8 1 8 (b )) with respect to any violation of
the regulation.
T he B oard will not regard the issuance of standby
letters of credit and ineligible acceptances within the
proposed guidelines as an unsound practice. T he Board
believes these instruments, if issued prudently, can
provide flexibility in financial transactions and be used
in current com m ercial practices.
T his notice is published for com m ent pursuant to
Section 5 5 3 (b ) o f Title 5, U nited States Code and
Section 2 6 2 .2 (a ) o f the Rules o f Procedure of the
B oard of G overnors, and pursuant to the B oard’s super­
visory authority over State member banks contained
in Section 9 (1 2 U .S .C . 321) and Section 11 (1 2 U .S .C .
2 4 8 (a ) and ( o ) ) of the Federal Reserve A ct, and the
Financial Institutions Supervisory A ct o f 1966 (1 2
U .S .C . 1 8 1 8 ( b ) ) , and related provisions of the law.
A n y com m ents should be submitted in writing to the
Secretary, Board of G overnors of the Federal R eserve
System, W ashington, D. C. 20551, to be received not
later than M arch 15, 1974. Such material will be made
available fo r inspection and copyin g on request, except
as provided in section 2 6 1 .6 (a ) of the B oard’s Rules
Regarding Availability of Inform ation.
T o implement its proposal, the Board is consideringam ending Regulation H (1 2 C F R 2 0 8 ) by adding a
new section 208.8, “ Banking practices,” and renum ­
bering the succeeding sections as set forth below.
T he table of contents of Part 208 wrould be changed
to read as fo llo w s :

E ligibility requirements
Insurance o f deposits
A pplication for mem bership
A pproval o f application
Privileges and requirements o f membership
Conditions of membership
Banking practices
Establishment or maintenance of branches
Publication of reports o f member banks and
their affiliates
208.11 V oluntary withdrawal from Federal Reserve
208.12 Board form s

2. A s an incident to these amendments, sections
208.8, 208.9, 208.10, and 208.11 w ould be redesignated
208.9, 208.10, 208.11, and 208.12, respectively.

nevertheless to be an unsafe or unsound banking p rac­

A new section 208.8 would be added, as fo llo w s :

( 1 ) R e striction . A State mem ber bank shall
aggregate the amounts o f any and all outstanding stand­
by letters o f credit (o r other similar arrangements,
how ever named or d escrib ed ), ineligible acceptances,
and loans in determ ining whether the bank w ou ld be in
excess o f State legal limitations on loans o f the bank
(including limitations on loans to any one borrow er or
on aggregate loan s) or on legal limits pertaining to
loans to affiliates under Federal law (1 2 U .S .C . 3 7 1 c).
In addition, the credit standing o f the account party
under any letter of credit a n d /o r the credit standing o f
the custom er under the ineligible acceptance must be
the subject o f credit analysis equivalent to that applica­
ble to a potential borrow er in an ordinary loan situation.

S E C T I O N 208.8— B A N K I N G P R A C T I C E S
( a ) Scope. N o State member bank shall engage in
practices which are unsafe or unsound or which result
in a violation of law, rule, or regulation, or which v io ­
late any condition im posed by or agreements entered
into with the Board. T his section outlines certain of the
practices in which State member banks should not
( b ) Waiver. A State member bank has the right to
petition the Board to waive the conditions o f section
208.8. A waiver may be granted upon a show ing of
g ood cause. T he B oard in its discretion may choose to
limit, am ong other items, the scope, duration, and tim ­
ing of the waiver.
( c ) Effect on other banking practices. N othing in
this section shall be construed as restricting in any
manner the B oard’ s authority to deal with any banking
practice which is deemed to be unsafe or unsound or
otherwise not in accordance with law, rule, or regula­
tion or which violates any condition im posed in writing
by the B oard in connection with the granting o f any
application or other request by a State member bank,
or any written agreement entered into by such bank
with the B oard. Com pliance with the provisions o f this
section shall neither relieve a State member bank o f its
duty to conduct all operations in a safe and sound m an­
ner nor prevent the B oard from taking whatever action
it deems necessary and desirable to deal with general or
specific acts or practices which, although perhaps not
violating the provisions of this section, are considered

( d ) Letters of credit and ineligible acceptances.

( 2 ) Definitions. F or the purposes of this para­
graph, standby letters o f credit include every letter of
credit (o r similar arrangement, how ever named or de­
scrib e d ), other than a letter o f credit issued to facilitate
the sale of g ood s and under which sight drafts or
bankers’ acceptances of the kind eligible or w hich w ould
becom e eligible for discount by a Federal R eserve Bank
under R egulation A , could be drawn. Standby letters of
credit w ould include, but not be limited to, letters o f
credit attached to prom issory notes (so-ca lled d ocu ­
mented discount n o te s). A n ineligible acceptance is a
time draft, accepted by a bank, which does not meet the
requirements for rediscount with a Federal R eserve
( 3 ) D isclosu re. T h e amount and general term
of outstanding standby letters o f credit and ineligible
acceptances shall be adequately disclosed in the bank’ s
published financial statements.