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Fiscal Agent of the United States

r C ir c u la r N o. 4 3 9 5 1
L D e c e m b e r 6,1956 J

Offering o f $ 1 ,6 0 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 of 91-Day Treasury B ills
Dated December 13, 1956

M aturing M arch 14, 1957

To all Incorporated B anks and T rust Companies, and Others
Concerned, in the Second Federal Reserve D istrict:

Following is the tex t of a notice published to d ay :
F O R R E L E A S E , M O R N IN G N E W S P A P E R S ,
T hursday, December 6, 1956.
W ashington
T he T reasury D epartm ent, by this public notice, invites tenders for $1,600,000,000, or thereabouts, of 91-day T reasury
bills, for cash and in exchange for T reasury bills m aturing December 13, 1956, in the am ount of $1,600,383,000, to be issued
on a discount basis under competitive and noncompetitive bidding as hereinafter provided. T he bills of this series will be dated
December 13, 1956, and will m ature M arch 14, 1957, w hen the face am ount will be payable w ithout interest. They will be
issued in bearer form only, and in denominations of $1,000, $5,000, $10,000, $100,000, $500,000 and $1,000,000 (m aturity value).
T enders will be received a t Federal Reserve Banks and Branches up to the closing hour, one-thirty o’clock p.m., Eastern
Standard time, Monday, December 10, 1956. Tenders will not be received a t the T reasury D epartm ent, W ashington. Each
tender must be for an even multiple of $1,000, and in the case of competitive tenders the price offered must be expressed
on the basis of 100, with not more than three decimals, e. g., 99.925. Fractions may not be used. I t is urged that tenders be
made on the printed forms and forwarded in the special envelopes which will be supplied by Federal Reserve Banks or
Branches on application therefor.
O thers than banking institutions will not be perm itted to subm it tenders except for their own acco u n t Tenders will be
received w ithout deposit from incorporated banks and tru st companies and from responsible and recognized dealers in invest­
m ent securities. T enders from others m ust be accompanied by paym ent of 2 percent of the face am ount of T reasury bills
applied for, unless the tenders are accompanied by an express guaranty of paym ent by an incorporated bank or tru st company.
Im mediately after the closing hour, tenders will be opened at the Federal Reserve Banks and Branches, following which
public announcem ent will be m ade by the T reasury D epartm ent of the am ount and price range of accepted bids. Those
submitting tenders will be advised of the acceptance or rejection thereof. T he Secretary of the Treasury expressly reserves
the right to accept or reject any or all tenders, in whole or in part, and his action in any such respect shall be final. Subject
to these reservations, noncompetitive tenders for $200,000 or less w ithout stated price from any one bidder will be accepted
in full at the average price (in three decimals) of accepted com petitive bids. Settlem ent for accepted tenders in accordance
with the bids m ust be made or completed at the Federal Reserve Bank on December 13, 1956, in cash or other immediately
available funds or in a like face am ount of T reasury bills m aturing December 13, 1956. Cash and exchange tenders will re­
ceive equal treatm ent. Cash adjustm ents will be m ade for differences between the par value of m aturing bills accepted in
exchange and the issue price of the new bills.
T he income derived from T reasury bills, w hether interest or gain from the sale or other disposition of the bills, does not
have any exemption, as such, and loss from the sale or other disposition of T reasury bills does not have any special treat­
ment, as such, under the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. T he bills are subject to estate, inheritance, gift or other excise taxes,
w hether Federal or State, but are exempt from all taxation now or hereafter imposed on the principal or interest thereof by
any State, or any of the possessions of the United States, or by any local taxing authority. F or purposes of taxation the
am ount of discount a t which T reasury bills are originally sold by the United States is considered to be interest. U nder
Sections 454(b) and 1221(5) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 the am ount of discount a t which bills issued hereunder
are sold is not considered to accrue until such bills are sold, redeemed or otherw ise disposed of, and such bills are excluded
from consideration as capital assets. Accordingly, the owner of T reasury bills (other than life insurance companies) issued
hereunder need include in his income tax return only the difference between the price paid for such bills, w hether on original
issue or on subsequent purchase, and the am ount actually received either upon sale or redemption a t m aturity during the
taxable year for which the return is made, as ordinary gain or loss.
T reasury D epartm ent Circular No. 418, Revised, and this notice, prescribe the term s of the T reasury bills and govern
the conditions of their issue. Copies of the circular may be obtained from any Federal Reserve Bank or Branch.

T h is B ank w ill receive ten d ers up to 1 :30 p.m., E a ste rn S tandard tim e, M onday, D ecem ber 10, 1956, a t th e S ecuri­
ties Department of its H ead Office and at its Buffalo Branch. Please use the form on the reverse side of this circular
to submit a tender, and return it in an envelope marked “T ender fo r T reasury Bills.” Tenders may be submitted
by telegraph, subject to written confirmation; they may not be submitted by telephone. Paym ent fo r the Treasury bills
cannot be made by credit through the Treasury T a x and Loan Account. Settlem ent must be made in cash or other
immediately available fu n d s or in maturing Treasury bills.
A l f r e d H a y e s , President.
Results of last offering of T reasu ry bills (91-day bills dated Decem ber 6, 1956, m atu rin g M arch 7, 1 9 5 7 )
T otal applied for......... $2,232,428,000
T otal accep ted ............. $1,600,088,000 (includes $281,482,000
entered on a noncompetitive basis
and accepted in full at the average
price shown below)
Average price....... 99.216
Equivalent rate of discount
approx. 3.102% per annum
Range of accepted competitive bids: (excepting one tender
of $15,000)
H ig h ................... 99.224
Equivalent rate of discount
approx. 3.070% per annum
Low ................... 99.209
Equivalent rate of discount
approx. 3.129% per annum
(36 percent of the am ount bid for at the low
price was accepted)

Federal Reserve
D istrict

Boston ...........................
New Y o r k .....................
Philadelphia .................
Cleveland .....................
Richmond .....................
A tlanta .........................
Chicago .........................
St. Louis ........................
Minneapolis .................
K ansas City .................
Dallas ............................
San Francisco .............
T otal

Applied fo r




$ 34,491,000

..................... $2,232,428,000

( over)

36 M
IM P O R T A N T — I f y o u d esire t o b id on a c o m p e titiv e basis, fill in r a te p er 100 an d m a tu r ity
v a lu e in p aragrap h h ead ed " C om p etitiv e B id .” I f y o u d esire to b id o n a n o n c o m p e titiv e
b asis, fill in o n ly th e m a tu r ity v a lu e in p a ra g ra p h h ead ed " N o n c o m p e titiv e B id .”
N O T fill in b o th paragraphs on one fo r m . A sep a ra te ten d er m u st b e u sed f o r ea ch bid,
e x c e p t th a t b a n k s su b m ittin g bids on a co m p etitiv e basis f o r th e ir o w n a n d th e ir cu sto m ers’
a cco u n ts m a y su b m it on e ten d e r f o r th e t o ta l a m o u n t b id a t ea c h p rice, p ro v id ed a lis t is
a tta c h e d sh o w in g th e n am e o f ea c h b id d er, th e a m o u n t b id f o r his a c c o u n t, an d m ethod
o f p a y m en t. Form s f o r th is p urpose w ill be fu r n ish e d u p on req u est.

N o_____________

D a te d D ecem b er 1 3 , 1 9 5 6


M a tu rin g M arch 14, 1 9 5 7

Dated at

F ederal R eser v e B a n k o f N e w Y ork ,

Fiscal A gent of the U nited States.




P ursuant to the provisions of T reas­
ury Departm ent Circular No. 418, Revised,
and to the provisions of the public no­
tice on D ecem ber 6 , 1956, as issued b y th e
T reasury Departm ent, the undersigned offers
_______________________ * fo r a total amount of

P ursuant to the provisions of T reasury De­
partm ent Circular No. 418, Revised, and to the
provisions of th e public notice on D ecem ber 6 ,
1956, as issued by th e T re a su ry D epartm en t,
the undersigned offers a noncompetitive tender
for a total amount of $„

(R a te p e r 100)

(N o t to e x ce e d 5200,000)

$____________________________ (m aturity value)
of the T reasury bills therein described, or for
any less amount that may be awarded, settlement
therefor to be made at your Bank, on the date
stated in the public notice, as indicated below :
By surrender of m aturing T reasury bills
amounting t o ........................$___________________

(m aturity value) of the T reasury bills therein
described, at the average price (in three deci­
m als) of accepted competitive bids, settlement
therefor to be made at your Bank, on the date
stated in the public notice, as indicated below:
□ By surrender of m aturing T reasury bills
amounting t o ........................$___________________



By cash or other immediately available funds

By cash o r other immediately available funds

Price must be expressed on the basis o f 100, with not
more than three decimal places, for example, 99.925.

T h e T re a su ry bills for w hich tender is hereby m ade are to be dated D ecem ber 13, 1956, and are to
m atu re on M arch 14, 1957.
T his tender will be inserted in special envelope marked “Tender fo r Treasury Bills.”
N am e of Bidder
(P le a se p r in t)

B y ............

(O fficial s ig n a tu r e req u ir e d )

(T itle )

S treet Address
(C ity , T o w n o r V illa g e , P . O. N o., a n d S ta te )

If this tender is subm itted by a bank for the account of a customer, indicate the customer’s nam e on line below:
(N a m e o f C u sto m er)

(C ity , T o w n o r V illa g e , P . O. N o., an d S ta te )

1. N o tender for less than $1,000 will be considered, and each tender m ust be for an even multiple of $1,000
(m aturity value).
2. If the person making the tender is a corporation, the tender should be signed by an officer of the corpora­
tion authorized to m ake the tender, and the signing of the tender by an officer of the corporation will be construed as a
representation by him th at he has been so authorized. If the tender is made by a partnership, it should be signed by a
m em ber of the firm, who should sign in the form “.......................................................................................... . a copartnership, by
............................................................................................................ a m em ber of the firm.”
3. T enders will be received w ithout deposit from incorporated banks and tru st companies and from respon­
sible and recognized dealers in investm ent securities. T en d ers from others m ust be accompanied by paym ent of 2 percent
of the face am ount of T reasury bills applied for, unless the tenders are accompanied by an express guaranty of payment
by an incorporated bank or tru st company.
4. If the language of this tender is changed in any respect, which, in the opinion of the Secretary of the
T reasury, is material, the tender may be disregarded.

T E N T B — 1380-a
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

b y credit through Treasury T ax and Loan Account w ill not be permitted.
( over)