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/"Circular N o. 4 3 2 5 1
April 6, 19S6



Revision o f Operating Circular No. 3

To all M em ber and N onm em ber Banks
in the Second Federal R eserve D istrict:

E nclosed with this circular is a co p y o f O perating Circular No. 3, Revised
A p ril 4, 1956, which supersedes the p rior edition R evised effective A ugust 1, 1954.
In addition to some editorial changes, the circular has been revised as follow s:

Paragraph 27, which describes certain risks not assumed by us, contains new intro­
ductory material, and incorporates changes in subparagraph (a), on war and related risks;
in subparagraph (c), on losses to the extent recoverable under any insurance, surety or
indemnity; and in subparagraph (h), which now applies also to a shipment for our account.
Paragraph 29 now applies also to shipments of paper currency or coin for our account.
Paragraph 32 has been rewritten to bring it into conformity with changes in the regis­
tered mail insurance policies carried by us to insure, at the expense of nonmember banks,
certain shipments of paper currency or coin made by us to them.
Paragraph 37, which is new, contains an agreement by member banks with us regard­
ing certain shipments to us or for our account.
Paragraph 38 (formerly 37) now applies also to a bank shipping or causing the ship­
ment of paper currency or coin for our account.
Additional copies o f the revised operating circular w ill be furnished upon





P resident.






r O p e ra tin g C ir c u la r N o . 3 1
L R e v U e d A p r il 4 , 1 9 5 6 J

To all Member and Nonmember Banka
in the Second Federal Reserve D istrict:

This circular sets forth the general terms and conditions regarding
the handling of shipments of paper currency and coin between us
and banks in the Second Federal Reserve District, and the risk of loss
incident to such shipments and to shipments for our account. Unless
otherwise indicated, all references to us apply equally to our Buffalo
Branch, and banks in the territory assigned to the Buffalo Branch are
requested to transact such business directly with the Branch as usual.
Cooperation of banks in avoiding unnecessary shipments
1. In view of the heavy expense of maintaining this service, the
continued cooperation of the banks in avoiding unnecessary deposits,
withdrawals and shipments will be appreciated. To that end, banks
are urged to observe the practice of interchanging fit currency and
coin among themselves locally whenever feasible, and to refrain when­
ever possible from sending fit currency or coin to us when there is
reason to anticipate need for money of like denominations in the
near future.

Preparation and shipment of paper currency
Preparation o f packages and bundles

2. Currency should be arranged, face and top up, according to
denominations and in units, as follows:

Number o f packages
( o f 100 pieces)
to a bundle


$ 1 ,0 0 0
$ 1 ,0 0 0
$ 2 ,0 0 0
$ 5,000
$ 5,000
$ 1 0 ,0 0 0
1 to 1 0
$2 ,0 0 0 to $2 0 ,0 0 0
$50 and larger should, wherever possible, be consolidated in
units of 50 or 100 pieces of the same denomination to
a package and either 5 packages or 10 packages of the
same denomination to a bundle. Each such bundle should
be marked “ Large.”




Packages of currency in the $1, $2, $5, $10, and $20 denominations
that cannot be arranged in bundles as above provided should not be
forwarded to us but should be retained until additional quantities of
such currency have been accumulated sufficient to complete appropriate
bundle units.
3. Large size currency, gold certificates, and patched currency
require special handling. It will be helpful, therefore, if banks will
segregate such pieces from other currency and arrange them in pack­
ages of 1 0 0 pieces, if volume permits, without regard to denomination.
Such packages should be made up in a separate bundle marked
“ Miscellaneous.”
4. Each package should be bound with a paper strap, and each
bundle should be well secured by cord or by a strong paper wrapper
(such as kraft stock) three to four inches wide. Each strap should
indicate the amount contained in the package, the name or initials
of the person by whom prepared, and the name of the depositing bank.
The same information for each bundle should be indicated on the paper
wrapper securing the bundle, or if the bundle is secured by cord, the
information should be shown on a face card that approximates the
currency in size. Under no circumstances should rubber bands, pins,
or clips be used instead of paper straps.
Bundles to be shipped in sealed bags

5. Currency should be shipped in strong cloth or canvas bags, and
each bag should be sealed with a lead seal, crimped, in such a manner
that the contents will be well secured but the bag need not be damaged
in opening and may be used again. A tag bearing the name of the
sending bank should be attached to each bag, and the necessary postage
stamps should be affixed securely to the back of the tag and not to
the bag. No writing indicating the nature of the contents or stating
the value thereof should appear on the bag or the tag.
Shipments to be sent b y registered mail
6 . Currency in all denominations may be included in the same bag
and should be sent by registered mail. Our deposit form (Head
Office: Form Mon. 82; Buffalo Branch: Form B. Mon. 29) should be
executed for each bag; copies Nos. 1 and 2 of that form should be
enclosed with the currency, and copy No. 3 should be forwarded as
indicated thereon at the time of shipment.


7. Postage on currency should be prepaid at first class rates, plus
the registry fee and the surcharge at the rate per thousand dollars or
fraction thereof applicable to the parcel post zone in which the sending
bank is located. It is not necessary to pay the additional fee for a
return post office registry card, as copy No. 2 of the deposit form will
be returned to the sending bank to show receipt of the shipment. As
a registry fee is charged on each bag, shipments should be confined to
as few bags as possible.


Mutilated or to m currency
8 . Mutilated or torn currency should be carefully mended on the
back, and not on the face, with transparent paper in such manner as
to preserve as nearly as possible the original design and size. Pins,
clips and other metallic substances should be removed, as they will
damage the machinery used in counting, punching and cutting cur­
rency and may cause injury to the handlers.

9. Mutilated currency, of which at least three-fifths of the origi­
nal proportions remain, will be received at its face amount. Fragments
of less than three-fifths should be sent directly to the Treasurer of the
United States, Currency Redemption Division, Washington, D. C., in
accordance with Treasury Department Circular No. 55, copies of
which will be furnished upon request.
Preparation and shipment of coin
T o be shipped in bags

10. Coin should be shipped loose in a strong cloth or canvas bag
and sealed with a lead seal, crimped, in such a manner that the contents
will be well secured but the bag need not be damaged in opening and
may be used again. Coin should not be put in wrappers of any kind.
Each denomination should be in a separate bag, the denomination and
amount contained in each bag should be plainly marked on the ship­
ping tag, and, except as provided in paragraph 1 1 with respect to ship­
ments by insured fourth-class mail, the amount in each bag should be
as follows:
S ilver D o lla rs . . $1,000 in each b a g

D i m e s ------ $1,000 in each b a g

H a l f D o lla rs . . .

N ickels . . .

$1,000 in each b a g

Q uarter D olla rs $1,000 in each b a g

C e n t s ......... $

$ 200 in each b a g
50 in each b a g

Method of shipment

11. All coin shipments should be sent by express,* charges collect
if sent by a member bank, charges prepaid if sent by a nonmember
bank, except that a bank located in a city or town in which express
facilities are not available may ship coin by insured fourth-class mail.
The amount of coin contained in each bag shipped by insured fourthclass mail should not exceed $2 0 0 , and the address tag attached to each
such bag should be endorsed “ Examined at mailing office— Contains
only fourth-class mail.” Our coin express shipment form (Head Office:
Form C.CG.28; Buffalo Branch: Form B. CG.30) should be executed,
and all copies should be mailed to us under separate cover at the time
of shipment.
Mutilated coins

12. Mutilated coins received by us will not be accepted at their
face amount but will be sold at their bullion or metal value and credit
T he term s “ e x p re ss” and “ express c o m p a n y ,” as used in this circu la r, refer
to the R a ilw a y E xpress A g e n cy , Inc.

will be given for the proceeds. Silver coins are mutilated when
plugged, fused together, or so punched, clipped, chipped, or otherwise
mutilated as to be appreciably reduced in weight, or when so defaced
as to be not readily and clearly identifiable as to genuineness and
denomination. Minor coins are mutilated when plugged, fused together,
or so defaced as not to be readily identifiable, or when so punched or
clipped or otherwise mutilated as to show a material loss of metal.
Paper currency and coin to be shipped separately
13. Shipments of currency and coin should be prepared and
forwarded separately and the shipments should not include securities
or other valuables.
Credit for shipments of United States paper currency and coin
14. We will credit, on the date of receipt, but subject to verification,
the amount of United States currency and coin shipped to us, plus the
cost of postage, if any, on shipments by a member bank, and advice of
such credit will be mailed to the sending bank.
Canadian paper currency and coin
15. Canadian currency may be shipped to us by member banks at
our expense, and may be included in the same bag in which United
States currency is shipped provided the two kinds of currency are
properly segregated within the bag. Canadian coin may also be
shipped to us by member banks at our expense, but it should be shipped
in a different bag from that in which United States coin is shipped.
The amount of Canadian currency and coin should be entered as
separate items on the printed forms pertaining to the shipment.
Canadian currency and coin received by us will be converted into
United States funds by sale at current market rates and credit will
be given for the proceeds, and advice mailed, upon completion of
the sale.


Paper currency and coin
16. We will furnish currency and coin in all available denomina­
tions. Currency will be forwarded by registered mail. Coin will be
forwarded either by registered mail or by express at the option of the
bank ordering the coin. We will pay the cost of postage and expressage incident to shipments to member banks.
Fit paper currency

17. Fit currency will be furnished only in standard units, as



Number o f packages
(o f 100 pieces)
to a bundle














$ 1 ,0 0 0
$ 1 ,0 0 0
$ 2 ,0 0 0
$ 5,000
$ 5,000
$ 1 0 ,0 0 0
$2 ,0 0 0 to $2 0 ,0 0 0

$50 and larger. Withdrawals in these denominations should,
wherever possible, be made in units of 50 pieces of the
same denomination to a package, and either 5 packages
or 1 0 packages to a bundle.
New paper currency

18. We will furnish new currency in the $1, $2, $5, $10, and $20
denominations only in standard units of 1 0 0 pieces of the same denomi­
nation to a package. The amount of new currency we can furnish
is governed primarily by the volume of fit currency on hand, and
the furnishing of new currency may be suspended entirely or in
part until any abnormal supply of fit currency on hand is sufficiently
New coin

19. United States Mints supply us with new coin only when cir­
culated coin is not available. Therefore, we are seldom able to supply
new coin.
Requests for paper currency and coin

20. Requests for currency and coin should be made on forms sup­
plied by us (Head Office: Form Mon. 126 for currency and Form C.
Pay. 12 for coin; Buffalo Branch: Form B. Mon. 127 for currency
and coin). Urgent or emergency requests may be made, however, by
telegram or telephone followed immediately by officially signed con­
firmation. In order that shipments will not be duplicated, the con­
firmation should be plainly marked as such. Whenever possible, the
American Bankers Association code should be used in telegrams, and
the appropriate test word, taken from the list of special test words
supplied by us, should be used in each telegram or telephone conver­
sation. Member banks may send their telegrams collect; all other
telegrams should be forwarded prepaid. Shipments are more likely
to be sent and received in time to meet needs, of course, when banks
anticipate their requirements and order currency and coin by mail
far enough in advance to allow for delay in transmission.
M ethod o f payment

21. In the absence of other arrangements, the amount of currency
and coin shipped by us will be charged to the reserve account or
nonmember clearing account o f the bank requesting the shipment. If

a bank does not have such an account with us, the charge will be made
to the reserve account of a member bank that has made appropriate
arrangements with us.
Time of shipment

22. Requests for shipments of currency and coin will be acted
upon on the day of receipt unless otherwise directed, except that
requests received after 3 o ’clock p.m. will be acted upon customarily on
the following business day. Whenever a nonmember bank requests a
shipment and sends us a bank draft in payment therefor, the shipment
will be made only upon receipt of the proceeds of the draft in finally
and actually collected funds.
Contents of coin bags

23. Coins are shipped in standard bags containing the following
Silver D o lla r s .. $1,000 in each b a g

Dim es ------$1,000 in each bag

H a lf D o lla r s .. . $1,000 in each b a g

N ickels . . .

Q uarter D ollars $1,000 in each b a g

C e n t s ..........$

$ 200 in each bag
50 in each bag

Advice of paper currency shipment

24. A form of receipt is enclosed with each shipment of currency
and a duplicate copy of the form, marked “ advice,” is forwarded
by ordinary mail to the consignee. The copy marked “ receipt,” which
is enclosed with the shipment, should be executed by the consignee
over properly authorized signature (s), and returned. If the shipment
is not promptly received, we should be notified immediately by tele­
gram (charges collect) or by telephone (charges reversed) so that the
shipment may be traced promptly.
Advice of coin shipment

25. Two advices covering each shipment of coin are forwarded by
ordinary mail to the consignee. The copy marked “ receipt” should be
executed by the consignee over properly authorized signature (s), and
returned. If the shipment is not promptly received, we should be noti­
fied immediately as stated in the preceding paragraph.

Shipments from or to member banks by registered mail and express
Certain risks assumed b y us

Except as specifically provided in paragraphs 27, 28, and 29,
we will assume:
(a) All risks of loss incident to the shipment in conformity with
the provisions of this circular, of paper currency or coin by
a member bank in the Second Federal Reserve District to us
by registered mail or express, from the time the shipment
leaves the office of the sender until delivery to our office; and


(b) All risks of loss incident to the shipment of paper currency or
coin by us, or for our account at our request, to a member
bank in this District by registered mail or express, until the
shipment is delivered at the office of the addressee bank;
Provided, however, we will not assume any risk of loss for shipments
sent by express while such shipments are in the custody of the Railway
Express Agency, Inc., as the rate charged by the express company on
such shipments is based on the declared value and the ordinary risks
of loss are assumed by the express company under its shipping contract.
The Uniform Express Receipt, however, provides that the express com­
pany shall not be liable for loss, damage or delay caused by ‘ ‘ The Act of
God, public enemies, authority of law, quarantine, riots, strikes, perils
of navigation, the hazards or dangers incident to a state of war, or
occurrence in customs warehouse.” In case an undelivered shipment is
reforwarded, we will continue to assume such risks of loss until the
shipment is delivered at the correct or new address or until it is
returned to the sender.
Certain risks not assumed b y us

We will not assume any risk of loss in any of the following
circumstances, and any loss arising thereunder is agreed and under­
stood to be assumed by the bank shipping, ordering or causing such
(a) Any loss resulting from hostile or warlike action by any mili­
tary, naval, air forces, or agents of domestic, foreign or
revolutionary governments, powers, or forces, whether or
not war has been formally declared and including defending
against an actual or expected attack; or any loss caused by
any weapon of war employing atomic fission or radioactive
force whether in time of peace or war.
(b) Any loss resulting from any dishonest, fraudulent, or criminal
act of an employee of any bank, other than ourselves, ship­
ping, causing, ordering or receiving the shipment.
(c) Any loss to the extent recoverable from any insurance, surety,
or indemnity company pursuant to purchased insurance,
surety or indemnity (including bankers’ blanket bond),
whether primary or excess, carried by or maintained by any
person other than ourselves.
(d) Any loss in excess of $2,000,000 on all shipments to us by any
one banking office on any one day.
(e) Any loss incident to a shipment to us by ordinary mail.
(f) Any loss incident to a shipment to us by registered mail or
express if the shipment is not made in conformity with the
provisions of paragraph 28.
(g) Any loss incident to a shipment to us by registered mail or
express in excess of the amount stated in the notice of ship­
ment referred to in paragraph 28 (a).
(h) Any loss incident to a shipment by us, or for our account at
our request, by registered mail or express if the addressee
bank takes delivery of the shipment at any place other than

the office of the addressee bank and the shipment is not
transported to the office of the addressee bank as provided
in paragraph 29.
Conditions regarding shipments to us

28. We will not assume any risk of loss in respect of any shipment
by a member bank to us by registered mail or express unless the sender
complies with the following terms and conditions:
(a) Concurrently with the shipment but under separate cover the
sender shall mail us a notice of shipment showing the date,
amount and description of the shipment, such notice to be
on the appropriate form supplied by us for use in accordance
with the provisions of paragraph 6 and 1 1 of this circular.
(b) The contents of the shipment shall be prepared and verified by
one or more responsible employees of the sender and enclosed
in a strong wrapper, envelope, or cloth or canvas bag, well
secured, and the package shall be sealed in a manner accept­
able to the post office at the place of mailing or to the Railway
Express Agency, Inc., at the place of delivery to the express
(c) The sealed package shall be in charge of a responsible person
or an armored car service until deposited and registered at
the post office or receipted for by the express company.
(d) The post office registry receipt with respect to each shipment
by registered mail shall be carefully preserved by the sender
in order that it may be available as evidence in event of loss
and, in the event a loss is claimed, shall be turned over to
us upon our request.
Conditions regarding shipments b y us or for our account

29. We will not assume any risk of loss in respect of a shipment
by us, or for our account at our request, by registered mail or express
where the member bank takes delivery of the shipment at any place
other than its office, unless the shipment shall be in charge of a respon­
sible person, or shall be in the custody of an armored car service, in
transit from the place at which delivery is taken to the office of the
member bank.
Payment of losses

30. We will pay promptly the amount of any loss, the risk of which
is assumed by us under paragraph 26, upon our receiving from the
member bank sustaining the loss, in form satisfactory to us, a written
proof of loss, receipt, and any other necessary documents, including,
but not limited to, an assignment of its right, title and interest in the
property in respect of which the loss was incurred. Any bank receiving
any payment from us shall take all necessary measures, in our behalf
and at our risk and expense, for the recovery, reissue or replacement
of the property in respect of which the loss was incurred, including the
institution of legal proceedings in its own name if deemed necessary by
us. Unless and until there is a change in our policy, in the event any
bank recovers a loss in whole or in part from any insurance, surety,



or indemnity company pursuant to purchased insurance, surety or
indemnity (including bankers’ blanket bond) carried or maintained by
it, the risk of which loss, but for the provisions of paragraph 27(c),
would have been assumed by us under paragraph 26, and as a direct
result of such recovery the cost to such bank of maintaining the same
or equivalent insurance, surety or indemnity, is increased, the amount
of such increase, if deemed by us to be reasonable, will be reimbursed
by us.
Shipments from or to member banks by other means
of transportation
31. In the case of a shipment of paper currency or coin to us by a
member bank in the Second Federal Reserve District by a means of trans­
portation other than registered mail or express, we will assume all risks
of loss incident to the shipment, except those losses described in subparagraphs (a), (b ), (c ), (d ), and (e) of paragraph 27, from the time
the shipment leaves the office of the sender until delivery to our office,
Provided, (i) we shall have specifically approved the use of such means
of transportation with respect to such shipment, and (ii) the sender
shall have complied with all conditions specifically imposed by us with
respect to such shipment. I f we select a means of transportation other
than registered mail or express in connection with a shipment of paper
currency or coin by us, or for our account at our request, to a member
bank in this District, we will assume all risks of loss incident to the
shipment, except those losses described in subparagraphs (a), (b ), and
(c) o f paragraph 27, until the shipment is delivered at the office of the
addressee bank. In case an undelivered shipment is reforwarded, we
will continue to assume such risks of loss until the shipment is delivered
at the correct or new address or until it is returned to the sender. The
provisions of paragraph 30 shall apply to any loss, the risk of which is
assumed by us under this paragraph 31.
Shipments from or to nonmember banks
32. We do not assume any risk of loss incident to the shipment of
paper currency or coin by a nonmember bank to us, or by us to a non­
member bank. The risk of loss incident to the shipment of paper cur­
rency or coin by us to a nonmember bank, however, is or may be
covered as follows:
(a) In the case of shipments by express to a nonmember bank in
this District, the express company assumes the ordinary risks
of transportation under its shipping contract.
(b) In the case of shipments by registered mail to a nonmember
bank in this District, we will, in the absence of instructions
to the contrary, arrange for the coverage thereof at the
expense o f the nonmember bank under certain registered
mail insurance policies carried by us. These policies do not
cover loss by theft by employees of senders or addressees
(except in a very limited class of circumstances and even
in such circumstances the insurance afforded by such policies

is excess insurance only), nor do such insurance policies pro­
vide protection against so-called war or related risks. Such
policies contain the following clause with respect to war and
related risks:
“ * • • this p olicy does n ot insure a ga in st: ( a ) capture, seizure,
arrest, restraint, detainment, confiscation, preem ption, requisi­
tion o r nationalization, and the consequences th ereof o r o f any
attem pt thereat, whether in time o f peace o r w ar and whether
law fu l o r oth erw ise; any consequences o f hostilities or w arlike
operations (w hether there be a declaration o f w ar or n o t) but
the fo re g o in g shall n ot exclude collision, exp losion or con tact
with any fixed or floating ob je ct (oth er than a mine or to r p e d o ),
stranding, heavy weather o r fire unless caused directly (an d
independently o f the nature o f the voyage o r service which the
vessel con cerned or, in the case o f a collision any other vessel
involved therein, is p e r fo rm in g ) b y a hostile act b y or against
a belligerent pow er, the term ‘pow er’ as used herein including
a n y authority m aintaining naval, m ilitary o r air forces in asso­
ciation with a p o w e r ; o r any loss o r dam age caused b y any
w eapon o f w ar em p loyin g atom ic fission or radioactive fo rce
whether in tim e o f pea ce o r w a r; ( b ) the consequences o f civil
war, revolution, rebellion, insurrection, or civil strife arisin g
th erefrom , p ira cy, risks o f contraband or illegal tran sporta­
tion or trade, and seizure o r destruction under quarantine or
custom s regulations.”

Risk attaches from the time of leaving the office of the sender
until actual delivery has been made to the office of the
addressee, whether delivery is made in whole or in part by
employees or agents of the Post Office Department, the
sender or the addressee, and in event of nondelivery con­
tinues until returned to the sender. In case of reforwarding
of any shipment, such shipment is covered until delivered
at the correct or new address or until returned to the sender.
Coverage under these policies is limited to $10,000,000 on
property dispatched from any one sender to any one
addressee on any one train.

Return of empty bags
33. Empty currency and coin bags bearing the name of other banks
in the Second Federal Reserve District, received by us, are returned
from time to time, at our expense, to the banks whose names appear
thereon. It will be appreciated if banks that receive our bags or
bags of a United States Mint will return the empty bags to us by
parcel post, after a small number has accumulated. Bags bearing
the name of our Buffalo Branch should be returned to the Branch.
Credit will be given for the cost of postage.
Requests for weekend or holiday shipments
34. The post office authorities have informed us that many post
offices in towns and cities in the Second Federal Reserve District do

not have adequate facilities for the overnight safekeeping of valuable
registered mail shipments. In order to reduce the hazard of loss of
currency and coin by burglary and robbery from post offices that are
holding such shipments overnight, or over a Saturday (if delivery will
not be accepted on that day), a Sunday, or a holiday, awaiting delivery
to the consignees, the post office authorities suggest that banks can
assist by (1) anticipating currency and coin needs sufficiently in
advance to assure the arrival of such shipments at destinations in time
for delivery on a regular business day, (2) arranging to pick up such
shipments immediately upon arrival at the local post offices, even if
such arrival is after banking hours but before the bank vaults are
closed, and (3) timing their requests so that shipments will not have
to be made on a Friday (if delivery will not be accepted on Satur­
day), or on a day preceding a holiday, except in cases of urgent need.
Counterfeit, altered or raised paper currency or coin

35. The regulations of the Treasury Department, Part 403 of
Chapter IV of Title 31 of the Code of Federal Regulations, provide
as follows:
$403.1 D eliv ery o f co u n te rfeit obligations and oth er secu rities and
coins authorized. A u th ority is hereby given to all banks and banking
institutions o f any nature w hatsoever organ ized under general or special
federa l o r state statutes, to all U nited States P ost Offices, and to all dis­
b ursin g officers o f the U nited States and their agents, to take possession
o f and deliver to the Treasu ry D epartm ent through the Secret Service
D ivision all cou n terfeit obligations and other securities and coin s o f the
United States o r o f any fo re ig n governm ent w hich shall be presented at
their places o f business. (6 2 Stat. 7 1 0 ; 18 U .S.C . 4 9 2 )

36. The following information is transmitted at the request of
the United States Secret Service:
A ll cou n terfeit, altered or raised cu rrency received b y banks fro m
a n y source should be p r o p e rly branded in ink o r b y ru b ber stam p. A ll
such cu rren cy and all cou n terfeit o r altered coin received b y banks from
any source should be forw a rd ed to the nearest office o f the U nited States
Secret Sen dee. T he Secret Service has offices in R oom 917, F ed era l Office
B u ildin g, 90 C hurch Street, N ew Y o r k 7, N . Y . ; in the U . S. C ou rt
H ouse, B u ffa lo 1, N . Y . ; in the P ost Office B u ild in g at U tica 1, N . Y . ;
and at 1060 B ro a d Street, N ew ark 1, N . J.
A receip t w ill, u p on request, be issued to the dep ositin g ba n k f o r
a n y cu rren cy o r coin that is fo u n d to be cou n terfeit, raised o r altered.
I f in spection o f such cu rren cy or coin is desired f o r reclam ation p u rposes,
request should be made direct to the Secret S ervice office to w hich the
cu rren cy o r coin w as forw a rded.
In fo rm a tio n w hich m ay aid the Secret Service with resp ect to any
cou n terfeit, altered o r raised cu rrency, o r a n y cou n terfeit o r altered coin
should be sent to the nearest office o f the Secret Service.
Fragm en ts o f cu rren cy (esp ecia lly the en ds) are som etim es used
illegally in ra isin g or a ltering low er denom inations to higher. T o preven t
such u nlaw fu l operation s these fragm en ts should be collected and
destroyed o r forw a rd ed to the nearest office o f the Secret S ervice f o r


Agreement regarding certain shipments to us or for our account
37. Any member bank shipping or causing shipments of currency
or coin for our account, and any member bank shipping or causing
shipments of currency or coin to us by a means of transportation, other
than registered mail or express, specifically approved by us in accord­
ance with paragraph 31, shall by such action be deemed to have agreed
that all such shipments shall be prepared and verified by one or more
responsible employees of the sender and that the sealed package shall
be in charge of a responsible person until deposited and registered at
the post office, or, if the shipment is by express or armored car, until
receipted for by the express office or armored car service, and that the
contents of all packages shall be enclosed in a strong cloth or canvas
bag, well secured, and sealed in a manner acceptable to the post office,
express office, or armored car service at the place of mailing or dispatch.
Agreement to this circular
38. Any bank shipping or causing the shipment of paper currency
or coin to us or for our account, and any bank requesting the shipment
of paper currency or coin by us, shall, by such action, be deemed to
have agreed to the terms and conditions set forth in this circular.
Revision of this circular
39. The right is reserved to withdraw, add to, or amend at any
time, any of the provisions of this circular.
Effect of this circular on previous circular
40. This circular supersedes our Operating Circular No. 3, Revised
effective August 1, 1954.




