Statements and Speeches of Benjamin Strong
This is a collection of transcripts of public statements of Benjamin Strong, Jr. Strong was elected first governor (president) of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in 1914, a position which he held until his death in 1928.
- 1910s
- Interest Rates, Earnings, Dividends and Taxation : An Address Delivered before the American Bankers Association at New Orleans
- Merchants Assn. Luncheon
- Address at Williams College - Book Lecture Course
- Speech at Atlantic City
- Address at Garden City
- Address at Saratoga Springs, before the first general convention of the Bankers of the State of New York
- Draft of an Address before the New York State Bankers Association, Group VI
- Address given at the Hotel Martinique, before the New York State Bankers Association, Group VI
- Federal Reserve Notes and Gold Reserves : A Discussion of the Practical Operations of the Currency Provisions of the Federal Reserve Act
- The Federal Reserve Act and Our Currency : Denver, Colorado
- Government Loans
- Waste and Economy
- Financing Government Loans
- Address given at the Bankers Club, at luncheon of the Bond Club of New York
- Address given at Atlantic City, at American Bankers Association Convention
- Address given at the Liberty Loan Meeting at Carnegie Hall
- Address given at the Liberty Loan Meeting at Carnegie Hall
- An Appeal to Buy Bonds: Address at Mass Meeting at Metropolitan Opera House
- More Liberty Bonds, or More Income?
- 1920s
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This collection of statements and speeches was extracted from Benjamin Strong, Jr.'s papers held at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
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Federal Reserve Bank of New York , Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Liberty Loan Committee and Strong, Benjamin, 1872-1928. Statements and Speeches of Benjamin Strong. 1911-1922,, accessed on March 26, 2025.