FRASER is now even more responsive to your needs. The biggest change is that FRASER now adapts to your mobile device. As you browse through the site, you may notice a few improvements:
- Page layouts conform to both smaller (mobile) devices and larger (desktop) devices.
- Descriptive content such as subject headings, generated citations, and the “save and share” box is now lower on the page to make more room for the main content.
- On pages with multiple items (like the Browse by Author page, archival collection pages, and periodical pages), a filter box now allows you to narrow the list of results by typing in a search term.
- We revamped and reorganized our Federal Reserve collections page.
- We added a comprehensive list of all our news items announcing content updates.
- And we beefed up the abstracts that describe our resources.
Questions? Concerns? We welcome your feedback! Contact us at