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R e p ro d u ce d from th e U ncla ssified / D e cla ssified H o ld in g s

ot th e N a tional A rcm ve s

August 19,


Discount Rate Committee

Su bject:

Volume o f Borrowing v s .


Mr. R ie fle r

P r o f i t a b il i t y o f Borrowing

To what exten t do member banks re s o r t more f r e e ly to borrow­
in g a t the Federal Reserve Banks as the le v e l o f ra tes in the money
market in r e la tio n to the discount ra te makes i t more p r o fita b le to do
so? This i s a c e n tra l question fo r discount ra te p o lic y . That some
banks do borrow fran kly fo r p r o f it when market ra te s o f in t e r e s t r is e
above the borrowing ra te i s e sta b lish ed by the ad m in istrative experience
o f the Federal Reserve Banks' discounting a c t i v i t i e s . They have had, on
occasion, to admonish member banks where the p ra c tic e was fla g r a n t and
to in d ic a te t h e ir d e sire th a t outstanding discounts be repaid. That
other member banks r e fr a in from borrowing from the Reserve Banks even
when market ra te s make such borrowing h ig h ly p r o fita b le i s a lso demon­
stra te d by the ad m in istrative experience o f the Federal Reserve Banks.
A la rg e number o f member banks never borrow a t the Reserve Banks a t
a l l and a fu rth er number, who do borrow, are c le a r ly apprehensive of
indebtedness to the Reserve Banks and repay t h e ir borrowing qu ick ly,
ir r e s p e c tiv e o f the p r o f i t a b i l i t y o f m aintaining th a t borro’/dng.
The problem, th erefo re, i s not one o f e s ta b lis h in g whether or not
member banks ever borrow fo r p r o f it or whether or not member banks
are e x c lu s iv e ly m otivated by a d e sire to remain out o f deb t. The
problem, rath er, i s to come to a judgment on which o f these m otivations
has been preponderant under conditions such as p rev a iled in the 1920's
and conditions p r e v a ilin g sin ce the accord.
I devoted a great deal o f e f f o r t to an a n a lysis o f th is problem
in the 1920»s and came to the considered conclusion a t th a t time th a t a
d e sire to avoid la rg e or continuous indebtedness had been the preponderant
m otivation o f member banks. To the extent th is was tru e, market ra te s o f
in t e r e s t tended to r is e when the n e c e s s ity fo r borrowing in creased .
Correspondingly, they tended to f a l l when the n e c e s s ity fo r borrowing de­
creased. I t was th is re la tio n s h ip , furthermore, th a t made open market
operations e f f e c t iv e as an instrum ent o f System p o lic y . At the same time,
the evidence seemed to in d ic a te th a t p r o f i t a b i l i t y o f borrowing, though
not a preponderant fa c to r as a m otivating fo rc e , was s u f f ic i e n t ly
o p era tive to moderate flu c tu a tio n s in open market ra tes o f in t e r e s t , and
to cause these ra te s , except in periods o f extreme ease or extreme t ig h t ­
ness, to form themselves around the discount r a t e . Under these con d ition s,
changes in discount ra te s were extrem ely important as a means o f e s ta b lis h ­
in g a general le v e l around which market ra tes o f in t e r e s t flu c tu a te d .
They a lso acted as a s o r t o f d is c ip lin e th a t maintained an a ttitu d e among
member banks where borrovdng would be used fo r short adjustments but con­
tinuous or heavy borrowing was avoided.

R e p ro d u ce d from the U ncla ssified / D ecla ssifie d H o ld in g s o f

the N a tional A rch ive s


These conclusions were based both on the behaviour o f market
ra te s o f in te r e s t , in th at they showed in t h e ir movements a
much c lo s e r co rre la tio n w ith the volume o f borrowing than w ith f lu c ­
tu ation s in discount rates* and a lso on an a n a ly sis o f th e b a sic reasons
fo r changes i n the volume o f borrowing as revealed in the elements
a n a ly sis o f fa c to rs responsible fo r the demand fo r Reserve Bank c r e d it.

As a matter of fact, the elements analysis as a precise inclusive com­
putation was worked out in it ia l ly to see what lig h t i t could throw on
th is problem,
Karl Bopp, in his paper on the ’’Role of the Discount Rate",
presented to the Conference of Presidents of the Federal Reserve Banks
on June 21, 195U* has put forth certain fundamental modifications of
these conclusions. 'While not denying d irectly the relationship of the
elements analysis to fluctuations in member bank borrowing, he comes to
the conclusion, nevertheless, th at the volume of member bank borrowing
has been more larg ely affected by the p ro fita b ility of borrowing than
my analysis would have shown, and th at "7fithin . . . . (a) lim it of perhaps
several b illio n dollars . . . . the general level of borrowing is closely
related to the spreads between the discount rate and market rate s." The
only concrete evidence adduced to support these conclusions is summarized
in two charts, one covering the period 1919-1930, the other covering the
period 19%2-Sh* Both charts present data on fluctuations (1 ) in discount
rates, (2 ) in rates in the most sensitive open market, and (3 ) in the
volume of member bank borrowing. Both charts, also, contain a lin e
showing the difference, positive or negative, between the discount rate
a t New York and the most sensitive open market ra te . This lin e is used
as a measure of the p ro fita b ility or lack of p ro fita b ility of borrowing
at the Reserve Bank. There is a high degree of visual correlation be­
tween th is lin e and changes in the volume of borrowing, and i t is on
the basis of th is visual correlation th at the conclusion is reached th at
"the general level of borrowing is closely related to the spreads be­
tween the discount rate and market rate. This is the experience of
the 1920’sj i t was confirmed in 195>2-?3. Borrowing increases when the
discount rate is re la tiv e ly low and decreases when i t is relativ ely
high in the structure of ra te s." These chart relationships also fur­
nish the evidence for the conclusion th a t " I t would appear, therefore,
th at the (discount) ra te is an effective means of regulating to ta l
volume of borrowing." The conclusions, therefore, re st on the thesis
portrayed in the charts th at the relationship between the p ro fita b ility
of borrowing and the volume of borrowing is a causal relationship in
which changes in the p ro fita b ility of borrowing are the predominant
causal factor in the changes in the volume of member bank borrowing.
This is d irec tly contrary to findings which I have se t fo rth
and. I would lik e to raise sharp issue with them. I would challenge these
conclusions on two grounds. F irst, as a matter of analysis, I do not be­
liev e th a t a situ atio n in which member bank borrowing was motivated solely

R e p ro d u ce d from the U ncla ssified / D ecla ssifie d H o ld in g s o f th e N a tional A rch ive s

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or primarily by profitability would lead to a situation where changes in
the profitability of borrowing was reflected proportionately in changes
in the volume of borrowing. I think the striking correlation shown on
the chart between profitability of borromng to lend in the most sensi­
tive open market and the actual volume of borromng proves conclusively
the opposite* namely, that member banks were not primarily or pre­
ponderantly motivated by profitability of borromng in most of the years
shown on the chart, particularly "within a range of perhaps several
billion dollars.'* If they had been so motivated, the striking month-tomonth correlation shown on the charts would not exist.
It is very important to be clear about the kinds of causal
relationships that can be deduced from statistical correlations. The
history of statistical and economic analyses is well sprinkled with
"spurious" and "reverse" causal findings. In the case in point, i.e.,
a comparison of fluctuations in market rates of interest with fluc­
tuations in member bank borromng and in discount rates, the correct
relationships are as follows:
A. The more member bank borromng is motivated by
profit considerations and the less by a desire to avoid
indebtedness, the more closely will fluctuations in market
rates of interest correlate with the changes in the dis­
count rate and the less closely m i l they fluctuate with
changes in the volume of member bank borromng.
B. The more member bank borromng is responsive to
the desire to avoid a situation of indebtedness, the more
closely will fluctuations in market rates of interest
correlate with fluctuations in member bank borrowing and
the less closely will they fluctuate with changes in dis­
count rates.
These are the principles from which the relevant charts must
be read,both those I have presented and those presented in the paper
"The Role of the Discount Rate". The reasoning leading to this con­
clusion is quite simple. If member banks, within a range of several
billions of dollars, borrowed when (and because) it was profitable to
do so and repaid their borromng when (and because) it became unprofit­
able to do so, they would borrow and lend in the most sensitive open
market as soon as the rate of return in that market rose to a sufficient
level above the discount rate to make the transaction profitable after
administrative costs. They would continue to borrow as long as that
margin persisted and they would retire from that market and pay off their
borromng as soon as the excess reserves accruing to the market from that
borromng put sufficient competitive funds into the market to drop the
most sensitive open market rate below the margin of profitability. The
result would be that the most sensitive market rate would tend to rise to

R e p rod uced from th e U ncla ssified

I D ecla ssified H o ld in g s o f th e N ational A rch ive s

- u a certain margin above the discount rate and then tend to stabilize there
as long as the factors in the elements analysis indicated a demand for
borrowed funds at the Reserve Banks. A close month-to-month correlation
would not be expected between fluctuations in profitability of borrowing
and fluctuations in the volume of borrowing under these conditions.
The correctness of this conclusion is proved, in fact, by one
of the very charts presented in the paper to prove the opposite. There
is one year shown on the chart when there was no correlation between
profitability and volume of borrowing. In fact, the relationship was
strikingly inverse. I refer to the year 1920. At that time, profit­
ability decreased sharply throughout the year while the volume of borrow­
ing increased sharply. In 1919, also, the correlation was poor. '!7e
know from history that those were the years when, because of relation­
ships built up to promote war financing, the commercial bank tradition
against being in debt to the Reserve Banks was weakest. Those were the
years in which commercial banks were most willing to borrow to make a
profit. I would not for a moment contend that the whole or any large
part of the' striking increase in actual borrowing in 1919 and 1920 shown
on the chart represented a response to this profit motive. We know from
the elements analysis that this is not the case and that gold outflows and
demands for currency account primarily for the increase in borrowing. I
Tjjould contend, however, that a very small increment of profit-motive
borrowing from the Reserve Banks is sufficient to reduce market rates of
interest to a relatively small margin above the discount rate, and that
when profitability as a motive for borrowing is present in appreciable
degree a correlation between fluctuations in the profitability and fluc­
tuations in the volume of borrowing becomes conceptionally impossible.
Certainly such correlations could not exist if profit-motivated borrowing
remotely approached ranges of one billion dollars, to say nothing of
several billion dollars.
This leads to my second grounds for questioning the findings of
this paper. I feel an analysis resting on a simple demonstration of a
correlation between profitability of borrowing and the volume of borrow­
ing is incomplete. We have also at our disposal, as a tool that mil
help in understanding these relationships, the elements analysis which
permits us to "account" exactly for each dollar of member bank borrowing.
We know in what proportions that dollar, if it was made available to the
market through borrowing, served, for example, (1) to permit gold or
currency to flow out, (2) to permit an increase in required or excess
reserves, or in Treasury or foreign balances, etc., and (3) to replace
a dollar withdrawn through open market operations. Similarly, a dollar
of member bank borrowing repaid to the Federal Reserve Banks can be pro­
portioned through the elements analysis to concurrent movements in gold,
currency, reserves, excess reserves, Treasury and foreign balances, etc.,
and open market operations.

R e p ro d u ce d from th e U ncla ssified

I D ecla ssified H o ld in g s o f th e N ational A rch ive s

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The availability of this additional tool should help us to
evaluate the line of causation between borromng, the profitability of
money rates in the money market and gold and currency movements, open
market operations and other factors in the demand for borrowing. We
have, as a starting point, the two charts presented in the paper "Role
of the Discount Rate.” These charts show a fairly close relationship
between fluctuations in the volume of member bank borrowing and fluc­
tuations in the difference, plus or minus, between the discount rate,
i.e., the member bank borrowing rate, and the most sensitive rate in
the open market.
In the chart covering the 1920's, where profitability is
measured as the difference between the New York Bank's discount rate and
the widely fluctuating call loan rate, the scale of the chart has been so
drawn that a change of 1 per cent plus or minus in the margin between the
call loan rate and the discount rate is related roughly to a comparable
change of 100 million dollars in the volume of member bank borrowing. In
the chart covering the years 1952-51;, where profitability is measured as
the difference between the New York Reserve Bank's discount rate and the
more stable rate (as compared with the call loan rate in the 1920's) on
Treasury bills, the scale of the chart has been so drawn that a change of
1 per cent plus or minus in the margin between the Treasury bill rate and
the discount rate is related roughly to a comparable change of one billion
dollars in member bank borrowing.
Now, we have here a demonstrated and consistent (except for 1919
and 1920) relationship, on the one hand, between the volume of borrowing
and the profitability of borromng, and, on the other hand, we have in the
elements analysis a consistent and completely invariant relationship between
changes in the volume of borromng and changes in the other factors in the
element analysis, i.e., open market operations, gold movements, currency
movements, changes in the volume of required and excess reserves, etc. It
follows as an algebraic necessity that, as shown below, we can combine
these two relationships into one statement, and in the process cancel out
the common term, i.e., changes in the volume of borrowing and thus relate
directly, for purposes of causal analysis, changes in profitability of
borromng to changes in the factors for reserve funds other than member
bank borrowing.

Let a =

changes in member bank borromng in any
given period,

b - changes in the profitability of borromng
at the Reserve Banks in the same given period,
and c = the net sum of concurrent changes in factors
in the demand for Reserve Bank credit other
than changes in member bank borrowing.

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Mow since a r b
and a = c

(roughly) according to the charts pre­
sented in "Role of the Discount Rate",
(by definition) since the elements
analysis is carried through to a com­
pletely balanced accounting concept,

it follows that b = c, if the analysis presented in the paper is
In my view, this logical and algebraic necessity affords the
acid test of the thesis presented in "Role of the Discount Rate." It
means that if a 1 per cent change in profitability of member bank borrow­
ing in the 1920’s, as defined by the chart, was directly related sta­
tistically to a 100 million dollar change in member bank borrowing, then
the same 1 per cent change in such profitability was equally directly re­
lated to a 100 million dollar change in the factors in the elements
analysis other than member bank borrowing. If, for example, all of these
other factors in a given period had remained unchanged except the one
factor, open market operations, then a change in that one factor in such
a way as to add 100 million dollars to the open market portfolio would
fn the 1920’s be directly related to the concurrent decrease in the
profitability of borrowing of 1 per cent. Similarly in the period since
the accord, it means that if an increase of 1 billion dollars in the open
market portfolio was directly related statistically to the concurrent de­
crease of one billion dollars in member bank borrowing, then the same in­
crease of one billion dollars in the open market portfolio was directly
related to a decrease of 1 per cent in the profitability of borrowing.
These relationships follow inexorably from the logic of the charts pre­
sented in "Role of the Discount Rate", from the scales used in those charts
and from the ray in which the charts are cited to provide evidence for the
conclusion that ""Within .... (the) limit of perhaps several billion dollars
.... the general level of borrowing is closely related to the spreads be­
tween the discount rate and market rates. This is the experience of the
1920’s; it was confirmed in 1952-^3• Borrowing increases when the dis­
count rate is relatively low, and decreases when it is relatively high in
the structure of rates."
IVhile the relationships portrayed on the chart are purely
associative, that is, a relationship of correlation is shown between
changes in profitability and changes in borrowing with (so far as the
chart is concerned) no indication of causality, the quotation cited
clearly indicates that in the author's view the causality runs from
profitability to changes in the volume of borrowing, i.e., that member
banks in the aggregate borrow more not only when but because it is
profitable to do so and reduce their borrowing not only when but because
it becomes unprofitable. No other logic would be consistent with the
reference to several billion dollars as the frame within which the re-

R e p ro d u ce d from fh e U ncla ssified / D ecla ssifie d H o ld in g s o f th e N a tional A rch ive s


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lationship was true or to the final conclusion that '’It would, appear,
therefore, that the rate is an effective means of regulating total
volume of borrowing."
If that logic is correct, namely, that changes in the profit­
ability of borrowing have directly and preponderantly caused changes in
the volume of borrowing both in the 1920 's and in 19$2-5h, it follows,
according to the arithmetic of the elements analysis, that an addition
to the open market portfolio of $100 in the 1920 *s that permitted member
banks to reduce their borrowing by 100 million dollars would have been
caused by a decrease of 1 per cent in the profitability of borrowing to
lend on call loans, and that an increase in the open market portfolio in
19$2-5k that permitted member banks to pay off a billion dollars of
borrowing would have been caused by a decrease of 1 per cent in the profit­
ability of borroyjing by member banks to buy Treasury bills.
Now, changes in the open market portfolio are Initiated by the
Federal Reserve System, not by the market. There have been large purchases
and sales <5f securities by the Federal Open Market Account during the years
covered by the chart. The decisions to make those purchases and sales have
been arrived at after full discussion in duly recorded minutes of the Fed­
eral Open Market Committee. I have not checked the minutes through but I
doubt whether any purchases have ever been made because the profitability
of borrowing had decreased or any sales had been made because the profit­
ability of borrowing had increased. Strange things happened during the
period of the pegs, but even these purchases and sales were not so moti­
vated. In the years covered by the chart, which do not include the years
of pegging, purchases and sales of Open Market Committee were predominantly
motivated by a desire to decrease or increase the necessity to borrow at
the Reserve Banks. In carrying out these decisions, the profitability of
borrowing was inevitably affected. That is the direction in which the
causation runs. It does not run in the other direction as is indicated by
the use made of the charts in the paper. Profitability did not first de­
crease because of discount rate action or extraneous market conditions,
member banks did not then pay off their discounts because profitability
had decreased, and the Federal Open Market Committee did not subsequently
meet and decide to buy securities to provide funds to member banks to pay
off borrowing that had already been repaid. On the other hand, purchases
and sales were made in the full knowledge that they would have noticeable
effects upon (a) the volume of member bank borrowing, (b) the level of
rates in the money market, and (c) on the margin between those rates and
the discount rate.
This point can perhaps be made concrete by analyzing the figures
and correlations shown on the chart presented in "Role of the Discount
Rate" over the period April 19!?3 to June 1951+. In April 1953* with a dis­
count rate of 2 per cent, the average market yield on 90-day Treasury bills
was 2,19 per cent, having a margin of profitability of .19 per cent. In

R ep rod uced from th e U ncla ssified / D ecla ssified H o ld in g s o f th e N ational A rch ive s

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June 19Sh> with a discount rate of 1-1/2 per cent, the average market
yield on Treasury bills was .61; per cent, having a negative margin of
profitability of .86 . The shift in profitability between the two dates,
therefore, was 1.05 per cent. Correspondingly, borrowings at the Reserve
Banks in April 1953 average 1,18 I4. millions of dollars, and in June 195U,
166 millions of dollars, a decrease of 1,018 millions of dollars. The
question at issue is whether the decrease of 1 .0 5 per cent in the profit­
ability of borrowing caused member banks, as suggested by the paper, to
pay off over 1 billion dollars since holding of Treasury bills on borrov/ed
money was no longer profitable, or conversely, whether the decrease in
profitability reflected huge accessions of reserve funds put into the
money market by the Federal Reserve System, accessions which permitted
member banks to pay off their borrowing and also had an effect on Treasury
bill rates. The elements analysis shown in the table can supply a clue to
the answer. The table shows that demands on the market
Changes in Member Bank Reserves
and Related I terns
April 1953— June 195H
(millions of dollars)

Factors absorbing
funds from market

Factors adding
to funds in market



Increase in F. R.
holdings of U. S.
securities outright



Decrease in gold stock



Increase in money in


Decrease in member
bank reserve balances


All other factors net



Decrease in F. R. dis­
counts and advances






during the period as a whole were limited to a withdrawal of 635 millions
of gold by foreign interests and an increase of 7U million in money in
circulation. Against this, funds were supplied by aggressive purchases of
U. S. securities in the open market by the Federal Open Market Account,
amounting to 1,15U millions of dollars and by a huge cut in reserve require­
ments which permitted member banks to build up their excess reserves and
still reduce their aggregate balances by 337 millions. The effect of all
other factors was an additional supply to the market of 236 millions of
dollars. It is exceedingly difficult, if not impossible, to envisage a
line of reasoning by which a decrease in the profitability of borrowing

R e p rod uced from th e U ncla ssified

I D ecla ssified H o ld in g s o f th e N ational A rch ive s

caused member banks in this period to reduce their discounts by 1,018
millions of dollars. Yet the correlation over this period between the
drop in profitability of borromng and the drop in the volume of borrow­
ing is one of the major and most striking correlations shown on the
chart. It is not difficult at all, on the other hand, to go over the
debates within the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Open Market Com­
mittee and find the considerations which led them to reduce reserve re­
quirements and purchase securities aggressively in the open market in
full knowledge and expectation that their actions would supply member
banks with funds to pay off their borrowing and that lower money rates
in the market and a decline in the margin between those rates and the
discount rate would ensue.
1. Historically, when the Federal Reserve System was not
pegging the Government securities market, there has been a close re­
lation between fluctuations in the volume of borromng and fluctuations
of money rates in the open market. This was true of the period 19211930 and has been true since the accord.
2. Since money rates in the open market have fluctuated over
a wider range than discount rates, there has necessarily been a similar
but less close relation between fluctuations in member bank borromng
and in the estimated profitability of borromng as measured by the
difference plus or minus between open market money rates and discount
3. These relationships have been closest when member banks
predominantly observed the tradition against continuous indebtedness and
resorted to the discount privilege primarily for temporary accommodation
pending other portfolio adjustments. The relationships have been loosest
or nonexistent in those periods, such as 1919 and 1920, when an appre­
ciable proportion of member banks have shown a disposition to resort freely
to the discount window of the Reserve Banks either to make a profit or to
defer or avoid other adjustments in their operations.
iu It is logically permissible to cite these relationships be­
tween fluctuations in the volume of borromng and in open market money
rates as valid statistical evidence of the predominant attitude of member
banks toward the discount privilege. So long as that attitude is against
borrowing for profit, it is also permissible to cite these relationships
as evidence that factors which supply or absorb reserve funds, particularly
factors representing instruments of Federal Reserve System policy, such as
open market operations and changes in reserve requirements, can and do
affect money rates in the money market roughly in proportion to their
effect on the borromng of member banks.

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It is not logically permissible to draw from these re­
lationships the conclusion that within a limit of several billions of
dollars the general level of member bank borrowing has been related in
a causal sense (except in 1.919-1920) to spreads between market levels
of interest rates and discount rates. Before making any such deduction,
with cause running from the profitability of borrovang to changes in the
volume of borrowing, the latter changes would, at the least, first have
to be corrected for funds put into or taken out of the market through
open market operations or other factors outside the control of member
banks. In other words, the day-to-day correlation to test the effect of
profitability on borrowing or the volume of borrowing would probably have
to be run in terms of excess reserves, or possibly, also, in terms of
changes in required reserves. I feel that it would be extremely difficult
to isolate valid correlations.
6** A close examination of the historical evidence suggests
that some member bank borrowing is affected by profitability. ”7hen this
has happened on a scale as in 1919-1920, the simple statistical
correlation between volume of borrowing and profitability disappears.
Ihen it occurs on a smaller scale, the correlation, while it does not dis­
appear, is weakened. In either case, historically, the volume so affected
has never ranged over billions of dollars. The effective range is probably
in the tens or 5>0 millions of dollars. Any amounts, even in the hundred
million dollar range, would flood the open market with sufficient reserve
funds to remove the element of profitability.
7- So long as member banks predominantly observe the tradition
against large or continuous indebtedness, it will be difficult, if not
impossible, to isolate statistically the influence of the discount rate on
the volume of borrowing. That volume is determined primarily by factors
not subject to control by the member banks. As noted above, such fluc­
tuations in borrowing as result from changes in profitability are likely
to be too small in relation to concurrent fluctuations caused by changes
in float, open market operations, etc., to be isolated and detected.
These conclusions do not mean that the discount rate is un­
important, that it does not affect the willingness of member banks to
borrow, or that it cannot affect the level of money rates in the market.
Clearly, it can and does, but that importance and effectiveness is not
measurable by a comparison of spreads between discount rates and rates in
the market with the volume of borrovdng. When Federal Reserve policy
actions have established a situation where the market as a whole must come
to the Federal Reserve to borrow funds in appreciable volume to maintain
required reserves, open market rates will, of course, be above the discount
rate, and if the discount rate is raised above the market rates,those market
rates will have to rise further. This will happen because most banks will
try to avoid borrowing to make even temporary adjustments at a penalty rate.
The consequences of these attempts to avoid borrowing at a penalty rate will

R ep rod uced from th e U ncla ssified / D ecla ssified H o ld in g s o f th e N ational A rch ive s




raise market rates to a point where the penalty disappears. American
experience has shown that it is impossible to have a penalty discount
rate when the market is under pressure.
9. Profitability of 'borrowing has a direct relation to the
volume of borrowing in one very important sense, namely, that little or
no borrowing will take place at a penalty rate. It is always possible,
of course, to establish a rate that can formally be described as a penalty
rate by keeping the market so supplied with excess reserves through open
market operations that no borrowing is necessary. It is a very different
proposition to attempt to establish a discount rate that appears formally
as a penalty rate, i.e., a discount rate higher than the bill rate, under
circumstances where the Federal Reserve System desires to bring pressure
against overexpansion by requiring member banks to obtain reserve funds
through the discount window. In this case, the fact that member banks
m i l go to 'great lengths to adjust their reserve positions, as for example
through sales of securities, rather than borrow at a penalty rate, will
set in motion the forces that cause market rates of interest to rise to
such a point above the discount rate that the penalty disappears and
borrowing appears profitable. Since different banks have different degrees
of profitability at which they m i l undertake to adjust their reserve
positions through borrowing rather than by other means, rates in the money
market must rise, when the factors in the elements analysis require that
some banks borrow, to the point where the mar gin of profitability was
sufficient to induce the marginal member bank to borrow enough funds from
the Federal. Reserve Bank to bring balance in the elements analysis.
Understood in this sense, profitability is not really a cause of borrowing,
it is rather a necessary condition that must be established by rising
interest rates in the market to induce the volume of borrowing that is
necessary to clear the market. Understood in this sense, also, it becomes
clear why a penalty rate could not be established and maintained under
conditions where reserve policy was actively directed at restraint.
10. Under certain rigid assumptions as to the distribution of
the schedule of the willingness or aversion felt by member banks toward
borrowing at different degrees of profitability, it might be theoretically
possible to find a correlation similar to that shown on the charts between
the volume of borrowing and the profitability of borrowing. It would have
to differ from the relationships shown on the charts, however, in one re­
spect, namely, the correlation between changes in the volume of borrowing
and changes in profitability of borrowing would have to be closer rather
than less close than the correlation between changes in the volume of
borrowing and changes in rates in the open money market. The most important
limiting assumption would be that no important number of member banks borrow
freely because it was profitable to do so. If even a relatively small
number of larger member banks borrowed freely on the appearance of a margin
of profit between the bill rate and the discount rate, that margin would dis­
appear. The correlation, moreover, would tend to be inverse, i.e., the

R e p ro d u ce d from th e U ncla ssified / D e cla ssified H o ld in g s o f th e N a tional A rch ive s

- 12 -

larger the volume of borroiving the smaller the margin of profitability.
Any correlation between money rates or the profitability of borrowing
thus rests essentially on the desire of banks to avoid debt. Perhaps
the essential statistical analysis will become more clear if it is stated
as follows:
(a) If the desire of member banks to avoid indebted­
ness was so strong that they never borrowed under any
circumstances, banks would have to adjust to deficiencies
in reserves by credit contraction sufficient to balance
the elements analysis mainly through reductions in
required reserves, contraction of the currency or the
inducement of a gold inflow. Under these circumstances,
money rates in the open market would fluctuate over a
very large range in response, say, to open market
operations, a range much larger than any in the ex­
perience of the Federal Reserve System*
(b) Since member banks in general have desired to
avoid continuous indebtedness but have borrowed for
temporary periods pending other adjustments when the
market was deficient in reserves, money rates in the
open market have fluctuated with the volume of borrowing
and have brought about a situation where borrowing appeared
profitable when there was need for it. The ranges of fluc­
tuation of money rates, however, have not been extreme.
These developments account for the correlations we have
actually observed between 1921 and 1931 and also in recent
(c) If any really appreciable volume of borrowing was
motivated solely by its profitability, fluctuations in money
rates in the open market would be very much smaller than
they have been in Federal Reserve experience. They would be
limited for all practical purposes to the range of fluctuation
of the discount rate and in fact would closely approximate
that rate. How close that approximation can be in the highly
sensitive.New York money market was proved by the behaviour
of acceptance rates in the 1920's. Acceptances represented
an asset which the member banks and the market could sell to
the Reserve Banks to obtain reserve funds without showing
indebtedness on their balance sheet. They were sold freely
to the Reserve Banks, consequently, whenever it was profitable
to do so. The result was not a statistical correlation be­
tween the volume of acceptances sold to the Reserve Banks
and the margin between the market acceptance rate and the
acceptance buying rate posted by the Reserve Banks but an
almost exact and invariant correlation between rates on

Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives

- 13 -

acceptances in the market and the buying rate on acceptances
posted by the Reserve Banks. Then there were any dis­
crepancies, investigation would show, X think, that they
reflected unwillingness of the Reserve Bank to buy all bills
offered at the posted rate.
11. The charts corroborate the finding that for the years
shown since 1921, the role of the discount rate predominantly was to
police the tradition against unjustified reliance on the borrowing
privilege. When the System desired to tighten the market, it
customarily did so through sales from its open market portfolio or by
failing to add to its portfolio when reserve funds were in demand.
This threw the burden of obtaining funds on the member banks who were
forced to borrow them at the discount window. The immediate effect was
to tighten the market and also widen the spread between the discount
rate and market rates of interest, '"hen this spread had vddened to the
point where the potential profitability of borrowing threatened to
break down'the tradition against undue reliance on borromng, the System
usually raised discount rates. Market rates also rose in consequence,
■with the result that the spread as such was not greatly affected. The
effect of the generally higher level of rates, however, engendered a
conservative financial attitude and a decision on the part of most
bankers to get their houses in order.
12. Changes in the discount rate can, of course, affect the
volume of borrowing to the extent that they affect the demand for cash
balances, either currency or deposits, or attract or repel funds to
other financial centers (via gold movements). These are longer range
effects. They would not be sho^m in a correlation analysis on a current
basis. They can be analyzed, however, in accounting for the forces
which cause changes in the elements analysis. If the world was func­
tioning freely under the gold standard (not the gold exchange standard),
it would be perfectly possible, theoretically, for changes in discount
rates to affect decisively the profitability of borrowing and through
these repercussions the volume of borrowing. Even so, however, the
results of these effects could not be tested by the simple linear
correlations used as proof in these charts.

Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives

December 20, 195U

Christmas Verse — Allan Sproul

Short-term, long-term,
Nearest thing to money,
Treasury bills and arbitrage
And other things — not funny?
Forget it all this Christmastime,
Dismiss it with a laugh,
Who knows but Scots and Dutchmen
May find a middle path.

Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives


Christaum 7er»o — kil&n Bprml

Short-term, long-tam ,
Hoardst thing to ewney,
Treasury b ills And arbltr&g*
And other things —* not funny?
Forget i t a l l th is Christmastime,
M seise i t with «, laugh,
ttho kriarws but Scots ar»«i Dutchmen
lM $ find a middle path*

£0, 19>«

Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives

O ffic e o f
The Under S e c r e ta r y

December 21, 195k

D ear Win:
Thank you v e ry much f o r y o u r l e t t e r o f
th e t h i r t e e n t h and f o r sen d in g me y o u r memorandum,
" P ro p o sal to In s u re S h ares o f C re d it U nions."
I t was good o f you to p re p a re th e m a te r i a l ,
and I look fo rw a rd w ith i n t e r e s t to re a d in g i t .
W ith b e s t w ish e s,
S in c e re ly ,
(S ig n e d ) Nelson
N elson A. R o c k e fe lle r

Mr. W in fie ld W. R i e f l e r
A s s is ta n t to th e Chairman
Board o f G overnors o f th e
F e d e ra l R eserve System
W ashington, D. C.

Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives

December 13, 19#*.

The Honorable Kelson A* Rockefeller,
Under secretary,
Department of Health, Education, and Welfare,
Ifealth, Education, and Welfare Building,
Washington 25, D. C.
Dear Nelsom
lou asked m to prepare a stenorandua
expressing off apprehensions about the direction
in which Federal credit unions are moving* 1
tried to put thea dam on the enclosed paper.
Xou understand, of course, that this is completelypersonal*
Sincerely yours,

Winfield w. Riefler,
Assistant to the Chairman.


Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives

pecotnbor 13, 19&.

The Honorable Arthur P. Burns,

Council of Economic advisers,
Executive Office Building,
'Washington 25, D. €.
Dear Arthur*
»Vhen Nelson Roeieefelliir asked that I
prepare a
expressing wp apprehensions
with respect to the direction in which Federal
credit unions were going* you asked that you re­
ceive a copy also* 1 have just sent the enclosed
memorandum to Mr* Rockefeller. You understand,
of course, that this is purely personal.
Very sincerely yours,

Winfield 1# Jlieflar,
Assistant to the Chairman.

M tc le

Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives

ffrq p a s ttl t o I n t i r o S h ra m o f C r a d lt a n io n s
W in fie ld W. H s f l s * *

Ths Oowrnasnt of tbs Halted gtates putt its general credit

St thS

of tfr* gfnwgnywt

9rgfints*tia& «hen it gUflZWlteeB

the paper shioh that organisation issues to obtain fund# for its

Suoh paper is m

so lon#sr flmsd be

longer sub^eot to r isk .

** tfr shat is frff'fog

foj* sxsspls# of its loans*

ths rats of return

ths tsm s

Its purchasers

nith their nonsy,

Their only concern is with

ths pspsr

oan be llqpldfttsd.

in §i^

desirable fo r ths aenbsrs of a credit

&ossn*t this nsgate ths

idsa %tn?lf of s credit

Crsdit «*>*.<«** have rtn* and only ons uniQus fsature to
Justify ths law persitting their charter ss s separate type of lend­
ing institution.

That feature is thsir non^rofssslonsl charsetsr*

It s n t h s oontsntlon of Ihntt

1t!s s T lifts

sbo sponsored t h s o r s d i t

onion ls» that ths plight o f poor but frugal faailies caught i n t h s
ssb o f financial sd w sitg r, because o f s is k x is s s , disaster, e t c . , could
bs s3JU rfi*ts< & i f provision were nads for the chartsr of oredlt u n io n s .

I t sm

contended that

^4 not

haws t o b s pm fnssi frrttl 1 ta d

*fosn th s tso partis* t o th s tr s n s s o t4 o n knsw each o th e r ^ » » w > o f
d o s e p e r s o n a l jjn ro rl if il rwij

It w as

p o o l thsir funds for

a s arlsss naturally i n ft tiN y o r
th s t

oeoole. s o aasociated.

to s s o h o th e r ifa s n thsgr vwni i n nsed snd

Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives



thus. eliminate the scope of operation of the loan shark.


Such people,

held, Old not need skilled training in credit analyses,

elaborate examination, or * hlgfcOy professional set up, since share­
holders would not entrust their savings to officers of a credit anion
who would lend them Imprudently or foolishly, and these officers in
turn would not lend these' savings to the improvident.

Clearly, no one

of these incentives would apply with aj^rthing like the saxae force if
savers could purchase shares in credit unions with the assurance that
their share* were as safe as E bonds so far as safety of principal
was concerned, and with the prospect that they might yield a return
to the purchaser materially higher than E bonds.
The problem posed by the credit union today is not how to
attract more funds into this particular type of institution but rather
how to preserve its character as a small non-professionalised insti­
tution for mutual self-help aiaang closely associated people, such as
neighbors or co-workers.

It is this attribute of credit unions that

justifies (1) the law ptn&tting their charter, (2) their tax exempt
status, and (3) the free services in the way of office space, unpaid
services, etc., which they frequently enjoy.

Most existing credit

unions are saall and, so far as they can be judged by this factor alone,
appear to be still non-professional,

the story is different when the

distribution of total assets of credit unions and of their expense
statements are examined# Twenty per cent of tha total incosae of
Federally chartered credit unions goes for wage and salary expense.
This compares with 29 per cent for banks which are completely

Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives


3 **

professionalised. A3#t*4r 111 Federally chartered orsdlt unions he**
passed th* Billion dolUr lino. A nillion dollar financial inetitutlon no longer mrlt* the classification e f nan-professional• Xt
needs skilled full~tia« aanftgeasnt, Its lendin® officers suet be m n o d
in highly specialised mmil loan lending techniques and in professional
methods for policing aollections. It protoefely reqt&re* the suum mtleuloa* m m t w M m prooeGaree and personnel bonding devices aa other

*w institutions of eaoroarabls else.

Tbs oredit union operates in the field of personal credit.

An ft professional landing Institution,


can grew rapidly and go far

in this field* Total consumer oredit outstanding it around teenty
billions of dollars. It is ehareetsrised by relatively high rates of
interest. Credit unions, vlth free quarters, no taxation, and the
aTeilabilit* of uflpsdUl senrioee oaa really go to tarn if thsy start
ooopeting for this business, most of which originates in that sector
of the

tm. *here thsy find their waabers* Thera

be alfaoet

aa Halt to their aotcntiil sranrth if they had federal guarantee of their
shares and therefore eoctld coopete vlth S bonds for eatings.
The oiftfriui ianediate orable* la to Draserve ths essential
oharaoteriaties of eredit unions*

I f that is preserved, they oan

aake a unique contribution in iRaamiaing our society.

This contribution

i» lost ehen they beooae a sort of "fringe benefit" of the personnel
dapar&nent o f a corporation and devote th*H 8*lw e to suoh aotivities
as financing the autoaoMlii purchases of its eaployeae*

That path

leads to s is e , to professionalisation, te reposeesalon techniques.

Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives

. I i and to elaborate supervision


ufam th*

sod of th* path is reached, m v il l find ourselves with * matter of
laoMm fwnftMMiwMtl lowti rm lnstltutioiiB. Trtvmr srcmrth aaui fostered
toy tax a««iptioa, Federal guarantee and eubaidy,

no aatter bow mioh

m ssek to safecaard auch large profeaslonal lnstltutiona by acre
elaborate auperrlsicm and examination procedures, they w ill alwaya,
and inevitably, oonatitute elew nta of instability aad potential
danger to tha aaaooth functioning of tha eoomwy booauae of concentra­
tion of riek,

it la

that prafoaalnnal tseri financial

lnstltutiona p n o tlo i aa m oh diverslficstion of risk as possible*
thla oredit unions oannot do, sines thay ara organised basically
m m m A a single shop*

Thalr auto***hlpa and thalr borrowers a ll a m

aubjaot to tha m m seoaoodo hasard of unaag&oyMant in that ahop*

It is thla fsar of what m y happen in a. depression to a
onedlt unto© that Has baok of the proposal to Insure their shaxws.
Surely it ia important 'that astbods other than insurance ba devised
to fKTOfeaot against this two?.

Deoewbor 13t 19Slu

Reproduced from the Unclassified I D edaflified Holdings of the National Archives


V '* > ,



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Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives

August 15, 1956.

Dear Sandra:
If you are really interested, oagrbe
the following will help you locate Hilton Head;
Hilton Head, by Josephine Pinckney TUlus. by
Rafaello feuaoni)* Published 19kl fcgr Farrar &
Rinehart (at $2.75). Also published by F. & S.’s
Canadian affiliate, Oxford (Toronto), at $3*2£.
<2k o a s e s .
If you do anythirgwith It, I imagine
you will be the first teacher of history north
of the Haaon-Dixon ULne that has,

W in fie ld W. R i e f l e r ,
A s s is t a n t to t t o C h a lra a n .

M rs. S o g e r P ie r c e ,

2836 C h esap eak e Street, N. W .,
W ash in g to n , S . C .

W iS te l*