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R e p rod uced from th e U ncla ssified / D ecla ssified H o ld in g s o f th e N a tional A rchives

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R ep rod uced from th e U ncla ssified

I D ecla ssified H old in g s o f th e N a tional A rchives

R e p rod uced from th e U ncla ssified

I D ecla ssified H o ldings o f th e N a tional A rchives

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Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives





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Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives

E m ilie R ie f le r







from the U ncla ssified






I D ecla ssified H o ld in g s o f th e N ational A rchives





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R ep rod uced fro m th e U ncla ssified

I D e cla ssified H o ld in g s o f th e N atio n a l A rch ive s

R ep rod uced from th e U ncla ssified

I D e cla ssified H o ld in g s o f th e N a tio n a l A rch ive s

Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives

Mist fcailie Riefler. Heua Riefler
Nessel aag
10 **X *49
To Mr* tinfield Riefler
Dear Sirs
Will you, please, kindly allow me to address a letter to you* In a tfera*oi
journal X had tha great pleasure to re *4 about Princeton aad aaa pleturee of
tha M
"• Science ia tfaa aoet aympathic&l
world for a* - maybe beaauae X had oecaalon in earlxer yeare ia a eircla of men
of ecisnae, aa tha brother of m? dear father haa been a great Astronooer and
Dr. jilui.
of tho university
in Hamah - Sigmund KiafXar • Aa ha Xoat hia good lady vary aoon and had no
children X Xived with hia ia Munich where X followed my atudiaa for languages
(espea* French^ and philosophy. X travelled & lot with hia to tha obaerveitories
of Paris * Brusaels # Ruae etx. aad far hia haaXth la spring ta Nicya
and in summer to Oeternd* Xa m a Xaat years nearly bXind by working to© much ia
tha night* 9 I faaX atiXX aow greatest satisfaction that X eouXd make hiaXifa
sunny and ahaarful, aa hia charaatar aXao haa baan aad made hia friaada every­
where* We had to ioaa hia euddenXy during a week by a
grippe* It couaolad
aa that ha fcad not tha dacaptions of var - aa ha loved paaaa ao much aa v« do ia
oar fmaiXy* Ha was tha inventur of tha amtranamiasl clock RiefXar aad my father
Kammr sienrat Adolf Riefler had tha taohaicaX part of tha execution ia oar factor y,
which ia aow directed by my brother
Bans Riefler under the name of
CXemenda RiafJar grandfather
af the manafaatery for mathamatiaal
instrument a which haae grand jrise ia every expoaition. My father haa been
Xucky too, ta Xeave a ahort tlaa before war* Both wa miaa untiX now*
My brother tha euaceasor b.i•«. aiagXe chiXdran - ia Russia * two aone one la dead and the y ouagar .aiaasd aiaaa he haa Xeft * father and mother heart
broken* - You oan fancy. Thay live ia ay father9a larg houaa - X ayseXf and
a slater of hia not married , as live in oas smaller house« X have the firat
floor with open baXaony - a sweet hose** the oaXy riohnaaa which wa have to thank
God# Upetuire under the roof af courae wa have fugitivesf X aa ebXiged to have
aoastiaaa paying guesta taw or oas persona - aa it ia stiXX too aaah space for a
Xady aXona and tha ahargea for the houaa too high after aXX Xoaaea of money which
a second war brought ue*Kxauae me whan X dare to asy - wa hatad Berlin and Hitler*
My uncXe and fatter aXwaya anticipated our hard time*
The long IXXneas(heart) of father did no more aXXow him to tranafer the man*
ufaetory to Switserlaad aa ha ahouXd have Xiked to da - and my brother only fiai shad
atudiaa hia fatther died.
Mow X give you repreaexzt&tion of ay fsaiXy* £ am aorry whan X lived a year
in Maw York and PhiXadeXihla that X did not know of Priaaeton, which X ahould
have Xiked to aaa* (X traveXXed aXso quite alane in SagXand9 Spain, Italy • where
Xa«$eat different yeara)• So X ahould have aakad you personally what intaraata aa*
Your aams ia RiafXer and your pictures raaambling aatoaiahingXy smoh to Sigmund
Riefler* Had you aaaastore in Germany end where aad la there any eonjunction
with our family sneestars.
Of course X shouXd be pleased aad aaa affardour houses to receive you,
sh«Xd your way Xaad ta aur country - in any aaaa I offer you a weXaome* I may
add (Join) if Mr* Oa aXd YebXen takas intaraat X shouXd aot miad either* My brother
haa a business friend Mr* Oppenhelaer ia Maw York who is sometimea coming
X reasafcer that whan X an seeing the picture of Mr* Robert Oppenhelaer, I knew the
membera of the FhyaioaX Raichaaaatait in BarXin - where I have been too aat they

Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives


ooao owor to Ifctaioh* My prodiXootioa aad ostooa for acioaoo nay
in tho
aaas aoaoo to toad ay eoaplixooixto to tha dirootor of your institute Ur. Robort
Oppoahoiaor but with tho do#poet with aad hopo that hia work may provoat of
aero torrora aad givo ua finally tho poaeo for which wo pray ovory day* X doa*t
want to aay that tho oallar for poaeo Honr Eiastoia - aXao ilXuotratod ia th#
jo raal oafoyod ay Ooraan hoart* X should Xiko tho aoao to aood hia all good
wiahoat happy that oxpiation a now timo brought him* Will you ploaao oxcuao
ay bad Saglish writing# X aa out of pr&cxioa* But it haa booa rather o&ough
uaofuX whoa tho Aaarioana had oecupiod our houaoa for oight wooks* Our pooraass
ia atilloroxy oad - but it io not ay iatoaiioa to ecaplaia * ia tho contrary*
X should liko to lot you taka part of good oXd 0ornuay • roaoaboriag its
X aoad you a XittXo phot of our aaaXX houao - situatod ia tho lovoly Alpo alao loroly plaeo ia wiator ~ i^ortaat for aa old akior aa X aa* In tho photo
X aa oa tho way to Nov York - ao you aay havo aoao iaprosoiaa* X ahaXd ba doXightod to got aoato irooogaitioa)
of tiiia Xottor aad roquoatf X aiway
aado tho oxporioaoothat world ia so aaalX aad that wo onjoy ita XittXo things*
With my ©oapliaoats aad ragarda , X aa
aiaeoroXy youro*
EalXio Riefler
Xf th#ro wouXd bo opportuaity to roeoaaoad my rooao for guoata X ahall bo
▼ory gratofuX - broakfast * toa in tho houoo - priaolpaX aaala ia boat
rostaurant quite eXoso to tho houao*

from the U ncla ssified I D e cla ssified H o ld in g s o f th e N atio n a l A rchives

Hiss Eailis RisfIsr • Hsus Risflsr
Nssssl aag
10 hai *49
To Mr. %infiald Risflsr
S*rt Slri
Will you, plsaao, kindly bllow aa to addrsss & lattar to you* la a Osraan
Journal Z had th* grs&t plaaaura to rs*d about Princatca aad aaa plctursa of
tli« "
ficianca la tin aost syapathlctd
world for as - ujrbi bssauss Z had oscasioa la sarlxsr yaars ia & sirsla of m b
of scisnas, as tha Irotkw of ^ doer farther ha« bssa a groat Astronoasr and
Dr. ^tul.
of th* university
in Munich - Slgpuad Riaflsr . Ai ba lost hit good lady vary sooa aad hod ao
ehiidrsa Z Uvad with U a ia ttittlak vhara I followed agr studies for laaguagss
(ssps** French^ aad philosophy. I travail*4 u lot with hla to tho obssrvatoriss
of Paris * Brussels # R-aaa stx. aad far hla health ia spring ts Mliya
aad ia suaeer to Oataad. Za his laat yaars asarly blind by vorhiag too aaeb ia
tha night a , Z faal still now grsatsst satisfaction that X oauld aaka hislife
sua* aad ahaarfuX, aa his eharastv also has been aad aade hla frcsnds swerywaere. la had to loaa his suddsnly during a vssk by a
grlpps. It cenaolsd
aa that as tad not ths dacaptions of var - as ha lowed paaoa so aish aa va da in
oar fsally* Ha aras tha iovantur af ths aatroasaiael oloek Riefler aad ay fathar
Kaaar sianrat Adolf Risflar had tha tsehnleal part of ths sxaautisa ia our facta* y,
which la asv directed by ay brother
Haas Risflar uadar ths aaaa of
Clsasada Hlsfhr grandfathar
af ths aanafaotory for aathsaatlsal
instruaeute which haaa grand jrisa ia ewery exposition. Ug fathar has basa
lucky tos9 ts Isara a ahart t las bsfora war. Both va miss until aaa*
M(y brothsr tha sueoaaasr hal°t$e single ehlldran - la Russia * tvo sona ana la daad aad ths y oungsr visaed sinss ha has laft - fathar aad aothsr haart
broilon. * You oan fancy. Thsy live la ay fathar* s larg houss - X ay salf aad
a sistsr of hla aat aarrisd , aa live la aas saallar hauss. I have tha first
floor vlth opsn balcony * a avaat hoae- ths oaly rlahaaaa which va have to thaak
Oad* Upetadre uadar ths reaf af «oaras va hacra fugitives* Z aa abligad to have
soastlasa paying gassta tav ar oas psrsana - aa it Is still tos aneh spaas for a
lady aloas aad tha ohargss far tha house tao high sftsr all loaaas of aoney vhloh
a second war brought us«Ixouaa aa vhan I dara to aa? - va hatad Bsrlia aad Hltlsr.
My unela aad fathar alvays anticipated aur hard tlao*
Tha long Ulnasa(haart) af fathar did aa acre allav hla ta traasfsr ths aanafastory ts Svitssrlaad aa ha should haws liked te da • aad ay brothsr oaly fiai shad
his fatthsr dia*»
Nov Z give yea ra^rsasofcatioa af
fnsily. X aa sorry *hsn Z lived a yaar
la Mav York aad Philadslihla that X did aat kaav af Prlaaatan, vhloh X should
have liked ta aaa. (X trawsllad alsa quits alaaa la Ingland, Spain, Italy * vhara
Xagpaat different yaars) • Sa X diould hava asked you personally vhat iatarsata as*
Your aaaa la Risflar and your piaturas rsscabling astonishingly aush ta Sigaund
Risflar. Had yoa aaaaators la Oeraeay and vhara aad ia thsra aay oaajuaatiaa
vlth our faaiXy saaaatara*
Of aoursa Z should bs plaaaad sod aaa affsrdour houaas to raaalva you,
ahai Id yaar vay Isad ta aur country - la any aaaa Z offar you a vslooas. Z aay
add (Jala) if Hr. Oa aid Yeblen takea intsrsst X should aat alad aithar* My brothsr
haa a baaftaas* frisad Hr* Oppenhelaer in Hav York who ia soastlass eaadag
Z reneaker that vhsa X aa aaslag tha pioturs af Hr* Robert Oppenhelaer • Z kaav tha
asabara af ins Physical Heichsanetelt la Bsrlia - vhara X haws baaa tao a * thsy

Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives


oane ower to ifeaieh* ify predilection and eeteea for acienoe atxy allow ia th©
eaae eeaee to aoad my coopliioeata to the director of your ioatitu^p Mr* Robert
Oppeaheim r but with ths> deepeet #iah aad hope that hia work nay prevent of
mar* terrora m d givo ua finally tho peace fcr whieh wo pray ewery day* X don’t
want to toy that; ths ealiar for ptaet herr Einateia - also illuatrated ia tho
jo raal enjoyed ay Germa heart* I ahould like tho aaae to aoad hia all &ood
wiehae, happy that expiation a new tiae brought hiit. Will you pleaoe exeuee
ay bad Eaglieh writing* I an out of practice* But it haa been rather enough
useful whoa tbo Aaericane had occupied our houaea for eight weeks* Our pooraees
la atiXloroxy aad - but it ia aot ay iateafeioa to eooplaia * ia tho contrary
X should like to lot you tako part of good old Oero&ay * remeaberiag its
X aoad you a littla phot of our eaali houao - situated ia tho lovely ilpa *
alao lovely place ia winter - i^ortant for aa old ekier aa X am* Xa tho photo
X aa oa tho way to How Iork - ao you aay have aone iqpressiaa* X ahald bo do*
lighted to got 00**0 >.roeogaitioa)
of trda letter aad request* X alway
made the experiencethat world ia ao email aad that wo eajoy ita little things*
With ay ooopliaeats aad regarda » X aa
aiaeorely youre*
Eailie Eiefler
If there would bo opportunity to recommend my rooaa for gueata X shall bo
very grateful - breakfast * tea ia t he houao - priaeipal aaala ia beat
roatauraat quite oloae to the houao*

R ep ro d u ce d fra m th e U ncla ssified I D e cla ssified H o ld in g s o f th e N atio n a l A rch ive s


x6, 194V-

M r. Shan-K wei Fong,

Economic Bsseardi Department ,

The Central Bank o*" China,
S h a n g h a i, C h in a .

Dear Fongs

Both Mrs. R iefler and I have talked of yos con­
tinuously the la s t few weeks, stim la te d by the news of
the Coanranist Advance on Shanghai, I should have w ritten
you long ago, but 1 was so rt of trader the iapression th at
le tte rs Jfight not get through. Your le tte r th is iBoming
dispels th a t, and I hasten to reply.
Your g if t arrived, and i t ie lovely. I t seemed
odd and nice to hare something arrive from China a t th is
tia e . Also, we were Yeiy touched by the thought th a t was
behind i t .
I f you decide to go abroad for further tra is in g ,
I w ill be aost delighted because i t w ill probably give me
a chance for d irect contact once sore. Where would you go?
With one of the Chinese Embassies or with one of the U. S.
agencies? You could be very valuable, I should think, in
eith er type of connection.
Please l e t *e know what your plans are.


Winfield W* B iefler.


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