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DECEMBER 15, 1945

CONFIDENTIAL: The following statement by the President on United
States policy toward China MUST BE HELD IN CONFIDENCE until released.

Release is for SUNDAY morning (December 16, 1945)

Release by radio commentators, news broadcasters, etc.,
NOT EARLIER THAN 7:00 P.M., E.S.T., Saturday, December 15, 1945.

Secretary to the President

The Government of the United States holds that peace and
prosperity of the world in this new and unexplored era ahead depend
upon the ability of the sovereign nations to combine for collective
security in the United Nations organization.
It is the firm belief of this Government that a strong,
united, and democratic China is of the utmost importance to the success of this United Nations organization and for world peace. A
China disorganized and divided either by foreign aggression, such
as that undertaken by the Japanese, or by violent internal, strife,
is an undermining influence to world stability and peace, now and in
the future. The United States Government has long subscribed to the
principle that the management of internal affairs is the responsibility
of the peoples of the sovereign nations. Events of this century, however, would indicate that a "breach of peace anywhere in the world
threatens the peace of the entire world. It is thus in the most vital
interest of the United States and all the United Nations that the
people of. China overlook no opportunity to adjust their internal
differences promptly by methods of peaceful negotiation,
The Government of the United States believes it essential:
(l) That a cessation of hostilities be arranged between
the armies of the National Government and the Chinese Communists and
other dissident Chinese armed forces for the purpose of completing
the return of all China to effective Chinese control, including the
immediate evacuation of the Japanese forces.
(2)That a national conference of representatives of major
political elements be arranged to develop an early solution to the
present internal strife - a solution which will bring about the
unification of China,
The United States and the other United Nations have recognized
the present National Government of the Republic of China as the only
legal government in China. It is the proper instrument to achieve the
objective of a unified China.
The United States and the United Kingdom by the Cairo Declaration in 1943 and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics by adhering to
the Potsdam Declaration of last July and by the Sino-Soviet Treaty and
Agreements of August 1945, are all committed to the liberation of
China, including the return of Manchuria to Chinese control. These
agreements were made with the National Government of the Republic of


- 2In continuation of the constant and close collaboration
with the National Government of the Republic of China in the prosecution of this war, in consonance with the Potsdam Declaration, and
to remove possibility of Japanese influence remaining in China, the
United States has assumed a definite obligation in the disarmament
and evacuation of the Japanese troops. Accordingly the United States
has been assisting and will continue to assist the National Government
of the Republic of China in affecting the disarmament and evacuation
of Japanese troops in the liberated areas. The United States Marines
are in Worth China for that purpose.
The United States recognises and will continue to recognize
the National Government of China and cooperate with it in international
affairs and specifically in eliminating Japanese influence from China,
The United States is convinced that a prompt arrangement for a cessation of hostilities is essential to the effective achievement of this
end. United States support will not extend to United States Military
intervention to influence the course of any Chinese internal strife.
The United States has already been compelled to pay a great
price to restore the peace which was first broken by Japanese aggression in Manchuria. The maintenance of peace in the Pacific may be
jeopardized, if not frustrated, unless Japanese influence in China is
wholly removed and unless China takes her place as a unified, democratic and peaceful nation. This is the purpose of the maintenance
for the time being of United States military and naval forces in
The United States is cognizant that the present National
Government of China is a "one-party government" and believes that
peace, unity and democratic reform in China will be furthered if the
-basis of this Government is broadened to include other political
elements in the country. Hence, the United States strongly advocates
that the national conference of representatives of major political
elements in the country agree upon arrangements which would give those
elements a fair and effective representation in the Chinese National
Government. It is recognized that this would require modification of
the one-party "political tutelage" established as an interim arrangement in the progress of the nation toward democracy by the father of
the Chinese Republic, Doctor Sun Yat-sen.
The existence of autonomous armies such as that of the
Communist army is inconsistent with, and actually makes impossible,
political unity in China. With the institution of a broadly representative government, autonomous armies should be eliminated as such
and all armed forces in China integrated effectively into the Chinese
National Army.
In line with its often expressed views regarding selfdetermination, the United States Government considers that the detailed
steps necessary to the achievement of political unity in China must
be worked out by the Chinese themselves and that intervention by any
foreign government in these matters would be inappropriate. The United
States Government feels, however, that China has a clear responsibility
to the other United Nations to eliminate armed conflict within its
territory as constituting a threat to world stability tod peace -- a
responsibility which is shared by the National Government and all
Chinese political and military
As China moves toward peace and unity along the lines described
above, the United States would be prepared to assist the National Government in every reasonable way to rehabilitate the country, improve
the agrarian and industrial economy, and establish a military organization capable of discharging China's national and international responsibilities for. the maintenance of peace and, order. In furtherance
of such assistance, it would be prepared to give favorable consideration to Chinese requests for credits and loans under reasonable conditions for projects which would contribute toward the development of a
healthy economy throughout China and healthy trade relations between
China and the United