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June 27, 1947

Dear Mr. Secretary:
.•• hats Sarefully eaaei'iered the aentesta of y « r letter of
.ruae 53, 1947* seaseralaa' the rate of iatsraet to be paid by I»*ertDspert JMutk of wasaiattoa to the ttiyary an f aaaa b art seed oa sad
after July I , 1947.
It i s mr understand lag that, in ttesordaaee with ;seetiau 2
of FuhUe Lea *9, iota Congress, aaandla* the saporWatnart San* Mt
of l/4>» biases lea July 1, 1947» aotaa of zssarVXftpart leafc ta be
auvehased by the Ire&eur? a l i i earry a rats of latere*, equal te the
SToreiS rate aa outstanding aarfeetable obllg&tioui of taa liaitsd
states aa of the last day of taa aoata preeedias the ieeoanee of sue*
ebii#»tl»ae, exempt that ei>are sash eeerag* rate la a<* a aaitiple of
oaa eighth af oee par eeatun, the rate af iatereat at aaaa ebligarteae
shall b-* the ealtipl* of one-eighth of mm put aaatua next lower thea
ausn aroma* rate*
"#e s i l l aot present to ywa for purebees aotaa of satport-lapoirt
Ben* prior to July 1, 1947» except ia taa eaauat* required to oaaaio
taa Sen* to «eet i t s oat sash diebaraenoat* prior to July 1, 1947*
la via* of this ehaaee la interest rota, wo fe*i It weald bo
•enltabla to both parti** to agree that, saaaaoaiag /uly 1, 1947* *»a
aotaa af &issj>t*xapejrt Baa* presented to you ehali setups la twelve
years, aaaaly, oa Juae JO, 1959* H hare calculated that the » « 6 | «
aatarlty of a l l present outetaadlad loans and noaaltaoato af assortIaport saah is 13,12 yesre,
ftp understand that aikl nates of Export-laport WmMfcsidby th*
Treasury oa Juan JO, 1947* will eoatlaas to tsar their praaaat rata
of iatsrost, aaaaly oaa par saat, until their aatarlty aa Deeenber 31,
1951, ar until their oar liar ratiraaac .
:. though oar dieburaasenta
ara exceeding eolleetieea sad will continue to 4a so, preesaebly,
until oar full leadia* eutharity i s substantiall? eonwitted, i t has
aaaa oar practise to ratira ear eutstsadiag aotaa with taa Ero&sury
whenever tha proceeds af suah solloatloaa oars aot required by an for
dlsbnrteaaat again taa SSJS* day* Aftar Jaly first, as shall aoatlaua
this afastioa, if aatlsfastary to yoa, applyia« sush t sapor wry rapay>
aaafei to aotaa issued oa ar aftsr Jaly i , 1947,

car ***>.?
*•%«•• will i«3» M U < » *i toeir aaxt
ataftte** x* atoa^atod to to fcal4 a« aily 5, 1947* to saaa* to«ir
r—alutl<m af 3*%otor a, 1944, r»kro*c W*ly to Jaly 1» i$4?» to taka
«o«<MJit off 0»* •&•*«»» -aaf ia.**raat ra*# «a<5 aafcurity la aaedMaiac*
witto to* fftrsiaiaa* :?•• will 4«liv>sr & **«r*ifiaa toj a£ the j?#aal«tiua to rem p*Mi9%l? afVar to* a»ti**a is lakm*
* tm <m«a«#iag « *ajuy af *a aa»*d*<t f«r» of aoto 4MMft »*
tr**% will S»» » » t u f « i t « y f » **• ia tvaa***U«ft« OR asd *ft*r
Jaly 1, 1H7.

3ia*«r*ly / « * * * ,