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[S. 3580]
To amend an Act entitled "An Act to establish a uniform system of bankruptcy
throughout the United States", approved July 1, 1898, and Acts amendatory
thereof and supplementary thereto.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 75 of
the Act of J u l y 1, 1898, entitled "An Act to establish a uniform system of bankruptcy throughout the United States ", as amended, is
amended as follows: I n section 75, entitled "Agricultural Compositions and Extensions ", after subsection (r) add a new subsection
(s), to read as follows:
"(s) Any farmer failing to obtain the acceptance of a majority in
number and amount of all creditors whose claims are affected by a
composition or extension proposal, or if he feels aggrieved by the
composition or extension, may amend his petition or answer asking
to be adjudged a bankrupt. Such farmer may, at the time of the first
hearing, petition the court that all of his property, whether pledged,
encumbered, or unencumbered, by liens or otherwise, be appraised,
and that his exemptions as prescribed by the State law, subject to
any liens thereon, be set aside and that he be allowed to retain possession of any part or parcel or all of the remainder of his property
and pay for same under the terms and conditions 3et forth in this
subsection (s).
"(1) Upon such a request being made in the petition or answer, at
the time of the first hearing, appraisers shall be designated and
appointed. Such appraisers shall appraise all the property of the
debtor at its then fair and reasonable value, not necessarily the
market value at the time of such appraisal. The appraisals shall be
made in all other respects, with right of objections, exceptions, and
appeal, in accordance with this Act: Provided, That in case of real
estate either party may file objections, exceptions, and appeals within
one year from date of order approving the appraisal.
" (2) After the value of the debtor's property shall have been fixed
by the appraisal as herein provided, the referee shall issue an order
setting aside to such debtor his exemptions as prescribed by the State
law, subject to any existing mortgages or liens upon any such exemptions to an amount equal to the value, as fixed by the appraisal, of
the value of such exempt property as is covered by any mortgage or
lien, and shall further order that the possession, under the control of
the court, of any part or parcel or all of the remainder of the debtor's
property, shall remain in the debtor subject to a general lien, as
security for the payment of the value thereof to the trustee of the
creditors, if a trustee is appointed, such a lien to be subject to and
inferior to all prior liens, pledges, or encumbrances. Such prior
liens, pledges, or encumbrances shall remain in full force and effect,
and the property covered by such prior liens, pledges, or encumbrances shall be subject to the payment of the claims of the secured


tPUB. 486.>

creditors holding such prior liens, pledges, or encumbrances up to
the actual value of such property as fixed by the appraisal provided
for herein. All liens herein on livestock shall cover all increase, and
all liens on real property shall cover all rental received or crops
grown thereon by the debtor, as security for the payment of any
sum that may be due or past due under the terms and provisions of
the next paragraph, until the full value of any such particular property has been paid.
" (3) Upon request of the debtor, and with the consent of the lien
holder or lien holders, the trustee, after the order is made setting
aside to the debtor his exemptions, shall agree to sell to the debtor
any part, parcel, or all of the remainder of the bankrupt estate at
the appraised value upon the following terms and conditions, and
upon such other conditions as in the judgment of the trustee shall be
fair and equitable:
"a. Payment of 1 per centum interest upon the appraised price
within one year from the date of said agreement.
" b. Payment of 2y2 per centum of the appraised price within twa
years from the date c-f said agreement.
" c. Payment of an additional 2y2 per centum of the appraised
price within three years from the date of said agreement.
" d. Payment of an additional 5 per centum of the appraised price
within four years from the date of said agreement.
" e. Payment of an additional 5 per centum of the appraised price
within five years from the date of said agreement.
" f. Payment of the remaining unpaid'balance of the appraised
price witnin six years from the date of said agreement.
" Interest shall be paid on the appraised price and unpaid balances
of the appraised price yearly as it accrues at the rate of 1 per centum
per annum and all taxes shall be paid by the debtor.
" The proceeds of such payments on the appraised price and
interest shall be paid to the lien holders as their interests may
appear, and to the trustee of the unsecured creditors, as their interests
may appear, if a trustee is appointed.
"(4) An agreement having been reached as provided in subsection
(3), the debtor may consume or dispose of any part or parcel or all
of said property whether covered by the general lien to the trustee,
if a trustee is appointed, or subject to pledges or prior liens or
encumbrances held by secured creditors, provided he pays the
appraised value of such part or parcel or all, as the case may be, to
the secured creditors, as their interests may appear, and the trustee
of the unsecured creditors, as his interests may appear, if a trustee
is appointed, or he may put up a bond approved by the referee in
bankruptcy that he will make payments, as provided for herein, of
any property so consumed or disposed of.
"(5) I n case the debtor fails to make any payments, as herein
provided, to any or all of the secured creditors or to the trustee
of the unsecured creditors, then such secured creditors or the trustee
may proceed to enforce their pledge, lien, or encumbrances in accordance with law. I t shall be the duty of the secured creditors and of
the trustee of the unsecured creditors to discharge all liens of record
in accordance with law, whenever the debtor has paid the appraised
value of any part, parcel, or all of his property as herein provided.




"(6) Having complied with the provisions of subsection (3), the
debtor may apply for his discharge as provided in this Act.
"(7) If any secured creditor of the debtor, affected thereby, shall
file written objections to the manner of payments and distribution of
debtor's property as herein provided for, then the court, after having
set aside the debtor's exemptions as prescribed by the State law. shall
stay all proceedings for a period of five years, during whicli five
years the debtor shall retain possession of all or any part of his
property, under the control of the court, provided he pays a reasonable rental annually for that part of the property of which he retains
possession; the first payment of such rental to be made within six
months of the date of the order staying proceedings, such rental to be
distributed among the secured and unsecured creditors, as their interests may appear, under the provisions of this Act. A t the end of
five years, or prior thereto, the debtor may pay into court the appraised price of the property of which he retains possession: Provided, That upon request of any lien holder on real estate the court
shall cause a reappraisal of such real estate and the debtor may then
pay the reappraised price, if acceptable to the lien holder, into the
court, otherwise the original appraisal price shall be paid into
court and thereupon the court shall, by an order, turn over full
possession and title of said property to the debtor and he may apply
for his discharge as provided for by this Act: Provided,
That the provisions of this Act shall apply only to debts existing
at the time this Act becomes effective.
" I f the debtor fails to comply with the provisions of this subection *
the court may order the trustee to sell the property as provided in this
Approved, June 28, 1934.

So in original.