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W A S H IN G T O N , 2 5 . D . C .




Subjecti The Employment Bill of 1946
I am sanding to Mr. Latta todsy ay report on the enrolled bill,
3* 380, the laployment 8111 of 1946, which Is before you for your con­
sideration. the report contains a survey of administrative problems to
be solved whm the bill becomes lew, and a general reference to these
problems Is included in the statement proposed for issuance iften and If
you sign the bill*
Ihen the appointments to the Eoonosic Council are made, X suggest
you address letters to these appointees, to members of the Cabinet, and
to the Budget Director, In vbleh you outline in mere specific terse the
way in which, during the early stages of activity under this Act, you
expect the Economic Council to cooperate with your other advisers on
econcsdc and fiscal matters. If you wish, X shall draft for your con­
sideration the substance of such letters at an early date*
After ease experience with the operation of the Sconomle Council,
you may then find It desirable to issue an executive order in which you
formalise the assignments to, and the working arrangements between, the
various divisions in the Executive Office, Such an executive order may
also be used as a vehicle for introducing some other desirable improve­
ments in the Executive Office*
It will also be neoessery to consider the arrangements that must be
made within various operating departments for program planning and for
preparing statistical material needed for an effective full employment
policy. It may be necessary to recommend to Congress supplemental ap­
propriations for these purposes*
Arrangements must be made for consultation with representatives of
industry, agriculture, labor, business, consumers, State and local govern­
ments, and other groups as provided by the bill.
Ton may not want to make a final decision on these arrangements
before you have had an opportunity to discuss them with the appointees
to the Economic Council* X shall submit to you an outline of possible
ways in which these arrangements can be made*
