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A p r i l 1 5 , 1949

M r • Irving Kaufman
48 Wall Street
N e w York City, H. Y.
B ear Irving:
It was nice talking to you on the
phone from Columbus. I appreciate your warm
interest in the project which we discussed.
Because of my desire to tape three or four
shows and do four or five benefit performances,
I will be unable to get back east for quite a
spell. That is best for our plan. First of
all I want to appear in the background. I want
to be a worker rather than a leader. Now then,
as to the plan itself --Prices are dropping, things are
getting better, but people w o n ft believe it.
Mrs. Jones tells Mrs* Smith in the beauty parlor
that her husband w o n ft get her a fur coat because
flt h e r e fs gonna be a depression*1 ... the furrier,
not making the sale, postpones buying a new
automobile. The automobile dealer cancels the
bracelet he was going to g#t for his l i f e ’
anniversary ... the jeweler is going to make
his old suit do and so it goes. I t fs a vicious
circle. Never were truer words spoken than
those uttered by our late, great President
Roosevelt. lfWe have nothing to fear but fear
itself.11 A nation as great as ours who played
no small part in the winning of the war can win
this economic battle by enlisting the aid of the
greatest means of communication the world has
ever known - radio. The Jack Bennys, the Boh Hopes,
the Fibber'Mcdee ana MOllys, the Milton Berles,
the Eddie Cantors who are heard e ach week by at
least half of the nation can, besides selling
cigarettes, tooth paste, gasoline, floor wax and
beer, sell A-M-E-R-I-C-A. This country is not
going broke. We should constantly list its
assets. We have more gold, more silver, more
copper, more oil, better climate, greater spirit
than all the countries in the world put together.
We can get this over with fun, with humor, w i t h
seriousness - but I am positive we can put it
over. We can get the public to buy not to hold



back - we can prove to them by holding back
the purchase of that which they need makes for
unemployment. We have a great President - we
have enough good men in Washington to withstand
any economic shock. What we cannot withstand
are rumors, half truths and a panic created by
pseudo profits and amateur economists. Radio
can lick this. Now take it from there.
With kindest regards, I am,

P. S. Please tell Milton for me what a tremendous
job he has don®. He has risen in great stature.
This is something that we discussed at Adah
Lewis* house last year - doing a great public
service will get Milton further than all the
jokes and comicalities he can concoct from now
until doomsday. Tell him for me to keep it up it*s good.

1012 Ho. Roxbury ^rive
Beverly Hills, Calif.
EC :mh