The full text on this page is automatically extracted from the file linked above and may contain errors and inconsistencies. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Aug. 15, 1918. Mr. Lamson To: Mr. Frankfurter From: Did you see this weekly report of labor conditions which came from Mr* Babson's office. A hz4( 4 I 4 , No. 204 DigitizedEd. for12-21-17-200. FRASER 000 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis UAW CO1PITION3 TNPONROUT NE UNITID arms #110 1494.1t ?Arlfc Alma letlis 1918 A.$ IMDICATID IT wrows now THF ti 1' V THY 1J.6. *1.PLOYMYNT wPvIcr. (a) BUILDI4G TRW'S In the sountry as a whole conditions ia the building trades The high prise of -Aerials end the delays eaceauttered sentinue peer. TO eueb an is assuring them are causinc operations te be postponed. future coots, to it epee count is extent is this the ease mid se baserdeue affairs their g are up windin cters that, as is reported from Texas, contra a few la hol000 Severt tions. and preparing to engage in ether occupt narrwely limited leenlitiee in which there is ea inteAmive sad uSueuei te be insatiable. industrial activity, the eassnd for mos,osiers seems wen ere needed to e, 'ash., -settl At Jeeksonville, Ails. and especially at at the government ire needed wen 4iailerly, build houses for shipbuilners. in oustrel and ';41. t,ten, projeets near Seitimore and Norfolk, et 11.1-in is there where :4sin. AS hasheille, and western Pommoylommia. they are eallin, for 1150 is enormous. %ea ler demand the wider plant rs and 200 briexlaytre, pointe carpeaters, tIO gamblers, 400 pipoftfittere, 25 ,. P1uNbers are *meted else at Atm Tort City ond Portlead, Ore" end pipet , rer* Yor maw's plaste fitters are espeelally in demand at Pittsburgh, Pa. and -sinters there are as very big orders. AUTOWFILX WCRK1PS (h) litCHAAX. , eat araTION 314101111. Meenenieseare tie4ly needed is the Atlantic mid Perth Central States , 111. the shortage of 000 and in the Puget Sound seuhtr . At leek Island tion. 40* men are avoil• produc their l Is foreing war industries to curtai of Kentucky rad in ouch ns portio mt wijoem ells in Southern Iodinate and the Auto wesbatics Lexie*. South 'esters Antes as Oklaherat Artless mid Mew the lment in the Ind. curtai , Milken. At are seated at ftattto and olsombers. of moms she a number of e releas the prodnetion id pleasure ears is eausin1 of in the ion output reduct A ries. are findint, wort is essential indest fuel z.arisly net , uently sonseq sS reloae sowesliSd nonfteseential industries It seems therefore quite desirable whom the mad materiel, but aisle mem. Munitions workers men to to releeeed elms reaUly be used in war industries. Pittsburg w sod Akron, .hcolie t, are is dammed at Davenport, Allen, Detroi Pennsylvania s is !=ester pleats ons muniti MX, anti it Nsmbville and :Avennah. seer to have a suffisiont supply 6f moo. (s) SKILL1,4) somas soamidoreblo imp All of the section* *f the country whore there is ists and beilivisters sod dustriol activity 000,11 tit be in need of machin other motions It is ne /*kyr a question of Lrinciag sea fres molders. fhe supply seems to have taken exhaitusVds precticolly to meet this demand. Clay at Terre fleet., hod, is there a sur• nowhere ere there nen aveileele. a surplus of plus of boilermakers and at Tamps, Yle., cad Asheville, situation Le With reepoet Is drop forgers sad bl*sks iths the mmoblaisto. am4 North Contfal ;Asitss by as seeing as bad. *tile mw( cities La the rooters Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (2) • ere sallies for sash sea, mob important oentres as Portland Ore., the stats of Ohl.and Philadelphia report that a sufficient ariabar of sea are at Mind. At the sane time there its still men available La Sadism mad Kentucky mad at less secessible points in the Southwest and in the inlaid Western States. The shipyards in the North west sad AS the Atlantic and Cull coasts needs At Portland, Cr*. saglosuithe, oe.)porsmiths, riveters sod ship earponters. carpenters. Rivet. as ship trained aid many house carpenters are belt% taken is (-re ore reperted available at araiasham, Ala. (4) MGM LOOM The East suffers, as it has for may week*, fres a shortage of omen laborers. The hood is well marked in the New Xnand States sad from Yrom Chi* Mrs Yerk south aiontthe Atlantic and GuIf feasts to Viosissippi. Washingten the of states to Nobraska tin the tioathora pert GI' Texas, and in In the southern part of the eouhtry, osio and Orogen.laborers ars needed. pecially is Arizona, New vocise, Northern Tame, Cklahoma and Souther* Colorado sad Kansas there is • noticeable surplus, on account of the drouthe, sad Lis. In many States the shortage sauce men have boss released from farm wort. has not boos relived oven by Cho rise in wages, bosauut the incressed wages fonnocticut is exporionsing do not yet serial those offered in war industries. Os ammo* a need for workers sad the nfed is daily booming more asoontuatod. th the Souern of the hi,hor wages offered by Northern industries, as are lea Antes as seen as they are aiele to pay their tranoportation. :Illinois there is a frost *wand and a posoral shortage if both male end female workers, os. pecioqy is foundriou rind neshine shops. Rook Island hue been unable to fill several hundred calls. In Springfield, Ill., the shortage has increased durinf the past week because of the drrfting of 625 solored nen, limos were for the most part engaged is factory work, in positions whish whits men would not care to fill; it will sonsocuomtly be some time and will take some effort before those sea sea be replaced. The laborer* in Topeka, Kans., used to work for WM 1.igh SObool and College per day; they new demand 4.00 for an sight hour day. her*, hotrover, the labor jobs. labor amuse seeepting age are boys below draft the bosoms* polio, are instruct. easily more supplied be domed is beginnint, to to or Paltimore needs go Pal. work immure either lag loafers that they meet Now York, sad in in is increasing shortage Us 3126 men on governess, prolocts. of 15,000. shortage buffalo, there is a railroad (0) FAOW %MOH at the There is very little shortage of farm laborers In the se son. the Otot:PWa as in Soother, emotions, present time. In fact in some labor farm it the loge season, sidfrable surplus. In mem States, on account In Arkansas farm hands, now has bison rellevin the shortage *f common Leber. that the crops ere laid by, are st.okint, work with railroad oompaniee, munition Any existing shorts4 s is (mused te a great exteat by plants and lumber sills. the Omehmilim4 inability if farmers to omnpete in wages with the essential indue. The demand is doeroasitv in Hartford, Ceamestiout, except on the trio*. of sin 1. farn hands. tobasco ferns. In Illineis there is a 0,oneral she for as by the month and over, sad aixtoon years boy. for sallin rarmare are booms' the Kentusky, in light every is Demand at '40 (iacluding board). going to gown.' are farmers Many weather. dry the by crops have been spoiled Texas, but the Galveston, near in and aoodod are Cotton pickers elost plants. unattrastivo. work the maks* beat excessive ,Aolp is difficult to find breause the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (3) Inlilleasula, Montana concitiona vre mach better. There is still a shertage bosses* of the forest fire., but the situation is easier now and fire fighters Sri main& beak to town. Permamant farm laborers, however, are net available. In Aurora, /flimsies stem the greet call for harvest hands seas frma farmers, sad when the U. 64, Maployment Service :-ide clear tho gamma shertago of labor and predicted that (arson would be proesed for help, professional men, mershants and public spirited sitters* unselfishly volunteered their services to help the farmers some their grain. (t) MAU LABOR There is a greater shortage then usual in female labor. The octane for Immo as factory werkers, seamstresses, salesledies sad domestics • is in.. creaming is Csergia. In Illinois SOO girls between the ages of l6 aid 30 are *ceded in the factory work at Altsa, and is the overall factory is Cairo. In the latter place, colored wens* are being tried for the work. =4:ishigen is miallisk: for female workers is skilled clerical wort, in donestielfactory, sad tsiverament factory contracts. In Pert hares the demand for workers in the munition plants is increasing, but the women refuse to do the work. tierners are seeking semen farm !wads sad domestics. In Ned lluff, California the man mac girls ory fruit and gather tip crop from the trees. However, it is net easy to get the woman to Os sash work batman the wages are so low that Only the experts can possibly make a dollar or -ore a day at cutting fruit to dry. as farmers ore tryiai„ to oesbiaeo and make usifern the usual wage of 6$ per 50 lb. box for setting, stoning, and twins poaohes. This is not as attractive wage since it is silly possible to ost two boxes per hour. amen are substio. tatiaL (Sr sea in many pesitiens. In Obleilmas vomee's slabs are ortanising but theft aro ap,arently plenty of laborers, to handle thle.Setton pieking available and !sillily to ds the work. 14. I. needs women in rubber, jewelry end mealtime shops. The next pogo son tame four tables. Table A shoos the *amber a olfices treating of the sin loadinc gisspe of workers Walk report shortage, aloe the amber Whisk newt surplus. Table 111 shove the sane information in terms of percentage, Wilzig ICOO the total member of offices reporting. Table C shows the population uf cities reporting shortsce, cities reporting surplus, and cities reverting normal asenditiens. Table D gives the swiss information worked out on a persentego basis. Both tables C sad D ere aloe subdivided tato the six different classifications of labor. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4T11;. KkAPT1N6 TABU A W.luvtios JJ B14, ,rntles 8 !4 (laces : 15 Cfficis Moolosmiss attillost Labor: 65 (Vises COMMOS Labor 3 121 Graces 4? Offices rare Libor fogpt Latior 39 Offices : s : s : : : urnlue : *rust 50 ()trice. : 114 Offices : 16 Offices i 9? Offices t 14 Offices 8 104 Offices : 35 Offices t 65 Mice* : 31 Offices 8 1111 Offices : SO Officesi f! efficos To 144 222 LU CITjn RITVTINC ?!CENTAGL mos....01.0111411110111111111.11.... UM 2 en in thtertep 137. des : dig• : Modiesies Skilled Labor 51r4, Oss000n labor : 25% : tam Labor 2 S. Airja§st • 11% 0% 15% 16% 25 I C xcess -urp• UoviLrit) 2060..s. 14 •13A •44 . . SI% PIK PLe....kilitsai '. TABU t itersaal, 60 65% : 56% : .c.41 : 21,274,000 36,006 3,703,000 : 960000 : 50,211,000 55,986,400 20,409,010 5,664000 443,000 26,450,00. 1,265,000 : 12,4“,000 17,566,4100 15,056,000 1,020,000 14 4 L14. rectos z. 9 4,795,0110 liastamies Skilled Labor & 14,303,000 Ceasses Leber ; 12,697,000 : 1,400,000 Pus Labor bar • 37 1111,11111* • urletterDIC xesitgr7lus ?Alia desolikos 114. ratios Itasitesies bkillsd Leber Ceara* Last farm Labor 4 jowiehla, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis tyma.3.11.4_ ihuSto. 101110111MM ; 4 10, I : 2% = 5% : t tagIL*1111$ .40 4.4 46 1110* .11,111110ftilow....00011.110111111111MINOM, (1) Reports received during week ending August lOth, 1,111 (a) BUILDING 'MIAS, its: Twenty-four cities sport snortageo vit: Conn. Dol. I11. Ind, Iowa. KY La Mace. Minn. Sent. N. H. M. M. Ns Y. N. C. Pa. Bridgeport Wilmingten Quincy Rock island iaut, (;hicage Davenport Ashland Shreveport apritviield kinnwepolis Omaha Manche:Aar Irnrtis Mew York Wilwingten Allentown butler Pittsburg Abordoen Malhville Seattle Bluefield Shortage ef carpenters • • • No buildinh; workers in buildini trades leavinf, tow Demand increasing Building activity Demand increasing le activity; shortage of plasterers ane plumbers Shertak,o of plumbers, masers Demand increasing Hi demand for -asens, plasterss or plumbers. Shortage of coppersmiths Shortage of R.R. paying 4,4.25 a day.Cp.ef f$r 8 hours Lihortage if mem " of eoppersmithe,masons, plastarere in demand. Slight shortage dhertage of plumbers sheet metal workers Carpenters are short Shortage of carpenters of pipefitters carpenters Slortage of five structural carpenters Slortage of 1150 carpenters,40 plumbersoipefittersote Mem needed to build houses for ship builders le eerpemters,Splumbers nnd pipe fitters wanted Fifty aities report surplus, viz: Aria. Ark. Cal. Cole. Conn. 111. Fla. 111. Ind. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis flahetaff Fort Smith $an rrancisce Denver New Haves Eleovangten Live Oak Danville Sprinefield Ft. 4eyne Indianapolis Boith tf,r)d Terre Haute Mason City Hendersen Lexin,ten Foston Pert huron Albert Loa 4t. Paul No building, workers geinr, elsewhere Sur,aus especially of carpenters tairplus especially of carpenters Carpenters who are net eititens and are not csvailable Se improve' ent. for shipy4s. Surplus, carpentersomasons and plasterers Surplus seeking other employment Sompentere registered in Public Service 0 nrve Sem* ;lone to ether of work Surplus cementere gone to Norfolk A limited surplus Surplus for yevernment work at Melville Sae Hundred 'Min. to do government work Surplus, moue but ,ovornment work, dein; toother 4 r1' No domed. Strike $e demise Surplus of matins, and plasterers. () (a) TJ1LPI go. dollen* ent, ;‘, • , w. orx. Okla. R.I. Taxes. Ir.Ve• Joplin St. josoph Helena Rolandup Linooln TRASJ rel.) (CefirriT 6urplus, 60 sent to West Point, Vs. Surplus of plumbers, pi/matters. *to. Littie buildine Many out of wort berplus of carpenters, R. R. 60$ to 70$ an not's.. AiOuque‘rque Ratio* Asheville Charlo\,-‘e '6(Jsiarq;ton Toledo Dartloeville Chickhiiaier YALU Lavtion Okla. City Tulsa Pawtucket ALilsno Amarille Beaumont Dallas Fort Mwrth Laredo &ea Antonio Yoakum Charleston Clarksburg alantitv,ter Nbeelint, Surolun of earpenters Carpenters released at Corp 4-fene ourome of carpenters, other normal business dull. Lsurnlue on ccount of lack of ?Aerials Slight activity Surplus of earportere for ;.'ort 3111 emirphm* of pipefitters, and ostvontsts Is building " domsre 110 earponters pvailable for wort 'tithing 200 miles Carpenters, masons, plumLoru and plesterers cvailable A surplus of serpents's No building Bose carpenters leaving for 4aahville Nasons,plaoterrre and plq trs avai1ai4 earn. neded Men hewever 40 not went to tsbve tom. Comsat workers available; paiaters heeded by he H.R. Carpenters being realeeoed by explosive plant No desamd for man A surplus of carpenters nrid paintere A few first close plumbers available 114 Citiem report eenditions nornel or trades concerned uniortsit, vix1 ale. An I. Ark. Cal. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis *moisten Mismine,ham Nebiis Neutgemery 1,17:a Neeglas Phismist Tampon Um* Melons Net Sprinlop Little Reek Pins bluff takerefield Lee An, oleo Itsskies Sliilet shortage of plembers Quiet Shortsgs of earpentors Shortage of eftrpenters Ns Suileisi blieht shortage et carpenters mirpine of ramose Shorts* of whit* ecirpenters :Aortabe of c*rpenters Omer, for carpenters *ad aeon* Survlas of es:waters Shortage of oarpontere for R.R. (a) BUILUNG Conn. D. C. Flo. Ga. Willimaatic rasLington Jacksonville Tellahauseo Columbus Remo Savaanah i"I'!3 (CO :117i ohortago houses needeb for stiip tuilaero No dookfind Idaho Alton Louie Ind. Iowa. Minn. Mies. Meat. Nebr. Nev. N. Y. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Elgin Pieria Kokomo Cedar Rapids Council bluffs 4oux Gity Waterloo Hutchinson KAMIlab City Topeka Coviaiiton Louisville Paducah Alexan,Aria Joanin6e baltimero Hagaretown Detroit Grand Romicie Marquette Peekogon Traverse City Gulfport Holly , i: pritwo Jackson Meridian hatehos Pasoagoula Moot Point Kamm t;ity Mt. Louis Anaconda Greet Fells Putt* Lewiston kisseula North Pie ti Mono Buffalo Ms demand Mom are lesvini for govoramerc. ,or in ether diets. No ouiloing, all in factories Me call. Na buildinF Quiet locally. Applications for gcvcrantnt work. . ,urplue of .aint,ers No calls Little building (toed on account of artillery rang*. Carpenters, plasterers, sii,sono **MA Blaskus,ithe, pluribers patterruclzkero soma Conditions normal bwriend for earponters Quiet Ni dents* SuPPLY equals demand Good donand for tov't, not much (*mad looally Cafe from Cistance for carpenters. Blight deo.and Plumbers flooded No dimmed* • • • • Domed dosreemLag (4) (a) BUILDIN4 TRADMS M. C. (HAI Okla. Qrs. Pn. al %Ionn. Raleigh Akroa Athens Canton hamiltom Usu. Merlotti* Merlon Portsmouth Saadusay Yousiistown hanssvlile Wiiskogee Portland Altoona Butler .1hester gogbesport new Castle Phi/a6alphis York Provioence Chattanooga Clorksville Jaskeen Johnston city Knoxville Vomphis Nashville Austin Bryan Qorpus kiristi 04oraioana 141180 Wye. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Galveston 6reenville Houston Marshall Orange Palestine Salt Lake City Green bay La Crosse Madison Cohkos:1 Racine Cheyeese (CONTINUFT PiX geed oesmad Dattaad- geed beldam No cement Little work .• mostly reppirtng Demand oesreaeing he Business -mist Buoy No :Test demand. House carpenters goint„ to shipyards. Slight surplus plasterers. Shortage carpenters. Men prefer alterleting s dty tnd ri, Fr, orders for cerpenters alight shortage of carpenters 5urplue expected in a few vitas Damead fer carpenters et zkiox Ncihville Business quiet Plasterers, paper hangers, $heorte,e of carpenters Damao (Act-easing, gone to Lo _overnment work Pe activity Building dull ,iernaiic. for buil6ers Demanc for builders slight Supply of 'carpenters and plettcrore normal Ne rsrkot for builders No demand for builders No op,lications fres builders Calls for carponters out of t No demand for ma Oupply of carpenters npr J plmmeers needed (5) 411) M ....:1,1 3;i1J3, etc. Tnirty-fivo citiao report shortage, vie: Ariz. Ark. Conn. till. Fla. Ind. Iowa. Lsa• Md. Mish. Miniu Mont. Ohio Okla Pa. Tenn. Texas. Utah. Va. Wash. *. Va. Wis. Douglas Pins Eluff Dartford NIMIehocter WiLikton Jacksonville Alto -not, Galesturg Hock Island Last Chicago Davenport Waterloo Saltioore Hagerstown boater. oprin6field Detroit grand Rapids Musko6on St. Foul Butte Athens Marion Chiokaeha Pitteourdi Nashville Fort * orth °goon Alexandria belittle bluefiuln Racine La ,.,rorico bilertaga of moonanies and auto T.orkors iihertage of mechanics, aut.* imam *Grim's, sic. Shortage Si elecrieians. Ms munitions. is calls for ship workers rig demand for munition workers far Production curtailed, on (Iccount of shortage Great downd Shortr.. e of munition workers Shortage of munition workers baortas of electricians of munitions workers 5hortago " of echanics biiertage of mochanics, molders, and electriciams Milder., mechanics, oloetriciAls, s1ibt shortage Shortage of mechanics munition workers, and auto 'AM Good domaso Shortage allot acne to do „evolvement work Shortage of 20. Shortage of munition workers and mochanioS iti,gers needed, 15 eleetrielano needed Mechanics and eleetrical workers wanted. Skilled mochanics wanted Ten electricians wanted A shortage of mehaniee end euterstilo workers Meehaniss needed also 2 electricians Skilled mechanics wasted • • Sixteen (Attie report surplus, via: Ariz. Ark. Cel. Ill. Ind. Ky. iioh. Mohr Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Flagstaff Glove Fort Svith Sam Francisco *dim Evansville Terre Haute hondorson Pert Huron aaglasw milr$h Platte Surplus, *emu:Lally of Imochanis Me demand S11014 Surplus of nr!prontico voehanics Sur,lus o. wrchnnimn on account of low waLes • • • blipht surplus of mechanise and elootriciamS Surplus 9f auto workers, eloc'riciams Surplus of auto workers 'to. (CONTIMUFL 1ici P. 5) (b) N. 'Lox. Noackaotor Allogaealmo asmise TOM. 143:L2. Sea dotage's rocesad in Portland, Or*. Jiloctriaima, auto workers vre La surplus 4urplus of rowhini-Aso auto workers, ilestrioiass bone munitions workers av0.01.s Mtaatroosea *MCI report ooLditioas !Ionia or trod** concernod animporLeat. viz: /doh* EireiniOam koblls ?Monis Prom tt Tucson Tuna Utile Rock Texarkana baksrafield Los Arcola' Sacramento Stookton *aver In h ten Valid ni ton Livo Oak Pfasaeola Adeueta Coluatue 4avannah St. Anthony Aoatera Dloortin, Lon Cairo t. t. 60uis litdi mopslie Wows Kass. Sliskika Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis South bond Cedar Xaviiis Council kluffs Ottumwa aioux City kutshinson Uionita Ashland Pkaucoh As, (-nous, 6aroveport etersroe City 100maad docrensiag let mach losaad iurplas mcohanics goas to it. Vhiffla Shortage of iasotriaians " of auto workers ijur-Ane of elftctricians Surplus of auto 'workers Prd^rs for cl.t,:trical welders ono :Amitosis. for No call for auto worker, Shortage of mcchenios 1ft doasad yet ihortago of . unition woritero No nail* No demand for elastrisiana /*sally Auto workers doing ossohtial Nio demand inci no sedply its supply mad so Nomad Slight shortage of mutilates No calla Lo r plunitioa slirkers Lassaad light demend isoroasin, NO degas' • Illasuespelie Oilfpiet • ROA. tr) (b) 40. Monti Nob?. . 11407,. .Y. N.C. Ohio Okla. pa. pa. Utah WE Va4 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Holly tipringe leckeen 04eridialb watches Paseagemla rest Point Hannibal bt. Louis Sprinaield Kalispell miasmas' Roundup Lincoln Orcha Reno Roswell tuffale Noy York Elisabeth City Akron Ci,(Iton thilton Lina tilrrietta Perts6touth (e6 Auk, 4anroville LbWien McAlester hookegoe Tulsa Chester NcKeeeport New Castle herding Pairtuckoi 1-zovidence Chat,tanooga Clarksville komphie A4ari 3.15 beaunont Scrpue Christi il Pee* tialveRten Greenville Housten Pulsetine yoeirea Lialt Lake City Charleston etc. (CONTINUa Jur . 6) No demand No call Ms oemwric Auto mech. in demand. No detstnu Many calls Call for electrieiane tinortece of electricians end mocba,doe uoiness geed No demand for ruts workers or elect4iciane dhertage of first oleos electricians No erand for echanice, electriciane or auto worker Mechanics, auto workers, electricians nt,eded So call for auto workers, or electricians busy Normal Ne nctivity DeLiand tor mechanic. Voev demand for electricians an, : -eehanise Good dersnd No demand Auts workers, electricians msehenics normal Slight shortst,e of mechanics anri auto worker' Mechanics needed Ds4tad for monition* incrersing St,ortego of auto workers, emehanics and electrician! N. demand No activity so market for wechanice Mee.kaaice and electricians norNal Ne deatind for Lon A fey :uatione workers axitaike nvailable NO !4e ownal46 for mechanics, adtobebile or eleetridal wkra Or munition woriterif Mflu n autemobiel worker anti. dupply of auto and Iloctrical workers norral Supply of mookanif!, auto and olectital worker* (1) %.; A IC;, eic. (CUTINUra, iTML P. 7) W. Ve, Wis. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Clarketurg Wiontin4on Wheeling Nodison A tli ht demere, for met NO dew:me for mechanics We Ostend for Techenica. (9) (el KUM TRAMS Sixtrifive cities report shortage, viz: Ala. Ark. Cal. Conn. Dol. Fla. La. Ind. Iowa. La. Ma. Md. Mich. Me. Kent. N.M. M.Y. Ohio Okla. Ore. Pa. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Little Kock Sam Francisco Hartford Maschoster WilAniton Pensacola Atlanta Savannah SloorinLten lg. :A. Louis Rockford Reck Island Spria,field Pt. Wayne Davenport New Crlenas Portland kaltiuore Cumberland Hagarstown Poston Sprinbfield tattle Creek Detreitb Grand Rapids Muskegon Port Huron Saginaw Traverse City Maanibal butte Anaconda Dever Manchester kuffale New York Akron Athens Hatiilten Lima Marion Sandusky Tulsa Portlawd Chester Oil City Philadolonia Pitteourgh Skertage of .Jachinists Shortage of idtchinists for -0 R R Shsrtage of blackswiths Damand for first class blacksmiths Slight shortage of boiler,,akers tihortaLs of abip carpontore Shertago of ship carponters ahortago of machinists fer munition factorial' bhortsge of tirolmakers, excapt "mod workors DOMMOd haavy 6hortage es &ascent of low wages. Caulkers needtd Machinists, ship carpenters, Loilermakore, Uaskanithe Shortage of boiler akerel coppersmiths, and electries. Drop forgers Tin makers needed Maehiniste Tin makers, machinists, drop !ergots Shartage of cabinet °akar,* drop forgors 1000 ship builder* soodod s maehinists noodod. Machinists. monition workers tin ktakers needed Shortage of sow mills kenos. Mead earpsnters at Portsmouth Shortag• of drop firgers, boilermakers, blacks' Ms Many calla Maohine shop workers neaded riig saorteoi (of machinists Shertabe bedaub* of dreft nashinists needed Sherta,e of voilor kkers and aalaksaltha 20% shertate of drap forgers, beiletmakers, blacks ith Shorting* Of maehinists 3hartage of beilerrakarks Machinists and metal workers needed ili,ht shortage of wachiniste, Okip builders. Maehiniota and munition werkore flooded. Shorts/ow of tioilermakors, and of ship buildare abortate of -Inshinists and of blacks iths (e) SKILL'XI TRAMS (CCNTINUM 0i0fi ?AGt 2) Shortage of 20 maehiniste Machinists, tiamakers, boil makers needed boilermakers needed Saehiaiste, munition workers, sheet Arta' and iron Machinists an boiler, *airs needed en the KA. 20 ship carpenters wanted Caulkers needed blackeriths, coppersmiths and machinists wanted Nashinists wa.,ted en the railrmhs Shipbuilders needsc Demands are for boilermakers, auglesmithe, eepperemithe A sli4ht shortage of mashinists reuncxy bleckemithe needed oachinists wanted Boilermakers end blacksmiths wanted Piettstewn Redding Chattanooga Nashville Fort Worth Galvestsn Orange Palestine Yoakum Alexandria beattle Huntington Wheeling Madison Racine Fourteen cities repent surplus, viii Aria. Ark. Fla. Kans. Ky. Mo. Mont. h. S. Texas. 104 Ala. Aris. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis "i-Jurulus gone to ship yeard Shorttige of boilermakers :ihortage experienced ship workers 4urp1ue of machinists Di; inc 1/ ht slight surolus of blackintieh Surplus espeoially of electrical workers flagstaff Yort Smith Selena Tampa Wichita Henderson Lesington t, Seeeph Helena Asheville Beaumont El Paso Laredo Tample Surplus of hlackswithe 4urplus of achiniste boilermakers available Semi blasksc4ths hvailable a a 4ems shipbuilders available Cities report cendltioas floral or tredes concerned unimpertamt, vii: bimingham Dcuglae Phoenin Prescott Tucson Yuma Pine Bluff Texarkana Bakersfield Ws Angeles SUPOOSeto he Siege SteeSton Niir Omni Tillimantic Jaeksonville Live Oak Surplus of riveters, and shorta4o of boilermakers. Not any sails Shortage of machinists Big demand for maehinists for Keit. Demand light Supply decreasint Snortave of R.R. boilermakers For orders and few applications Little demand Demand for bleak" iths (o) 6XILL1:D TRADES Inc!. Kans. La. ae. Mint. '4ost. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis miss, Aul;tista Colurtbus Mason St. Antiwar Alton Aurora Cairo Denville Nlgln Galost,urg ?seri& Quincy Most Chiefs* rigid/A. Iw4ionapolis Kokomo South bend Torre Haute Cedar Ravi s Council bluffs Vos Vein*. Sioux City -voterles Hutchinson Parsons Topeka Ashland Covilvton Louisville Poem* Alexandria Jennings Monroe Shreveport Marquotte Port Huron iamidji Minneapolis Clwommuod 0a1fpOrt Molly oprint,s Voridian Notches Paseaioula Most Feint St. Louis Sprintfield Kalispell Groat Falls lilUni Round up (SONTINUND Pllek rAor10) Slitisht shortot.s of mashinists be supply dhortage of a few shoot metal workers Demand for drop femora, Uoilerfukors tal0 blacksuiths Ni suly or a* demend beckons slow kis demand, especially in xsvmeent govit factories Mas have registered for work in ship yards NI doomed Surplus of bailer-Akers it* ostivity No coils Shortage Of lour boilermakers MI demand I. Supply of meshanise equals domino 1heria4,,e of shoot metal workers limmenu for uoilormakers and blacksmiths ConditiOso normal koilermakers, cnciliniste drop forgers noods4 Ni demand Ulortage of ship Luilders Caulkers, ship eorpontor* needed :Alp builders needed beilemakers and blacksmiths normal Soh. Woos inereesin"slitht (surplus e; boilermaker* NO aetivity call for fade workers lion in Pullin Service Reserve roody to go (4) iAILLYD Nebr. Nev. N. K. N.C. Ohio Okla Pa. R.I. Texas.. Uthh W. Va. wise. yr. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Omaha !lane Demint Ration Haswell tlisabeth City Raleigh Wilmintten Marietta Toledo Chickesha Oklahoma City Williamsport York Providence Abilene Austin browneville Bryan Cerpus Christi Corsicana Del Rio 111 Paso Na,le Pass auston Maishall Wass Ogden :)alt Lake City bluefield Charleston Clarksburg Ureem bay La Crosse Cheyenne TRA146 (CONTIhat. FROM PACE 11) Way are &Ain, to ship yards Me aetivity w Ne activity Calkers and ship carpenters needed atuation better them lost week Plenty of common labeters Sli!flt shortage Imficrents needed for heavy work As demand on account of drouth Na market for skilled workmen tie market for skilled workmen three maohinists available Malermakere vented 6ix boilermakers needed 14ashinista t munitions workers and toil makers in demamd Slight demand for men Avehiniste in demand No domino for men • " No (13) (d) COMUON LAJOFi 132 Cities report a shortage, vie: Ala, Ariz. Ark. Co is, Conn. inoi Iowa. Md, Mass. MIA*. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis birminOlaa Selma Tucson Little Rook Denver Bridgopert Hartford Manchester New Haven Willimantic Wilninkton Live Oak Pine cola Au Mats .isvannah Alton Aurora tlgin Oalesburt Peoria Quinsy Rock Island 5nringfie1d tAist Chicago Vt. Wayne Kokos* Cedar Radius Coundil bluffs Davenport Dols Moine* Matson City Sioux City at Hutchinson Kansas City Parsons .Topeka Ashland Louisville Alexandria Jenninos Monroe Mew Orlenas Ss/timer. flsiarstvn Bo-ton Sprint,field Worcester tattle Crook sa6os incroasing„ but do not yet 'dual those in war Lad. Railroad shortage dhortage of 2000 R.A. ahorta6o Sherta,,s is increasing .)erioue shortage, need outside nen Need is ifecomint, daily sort+ acceiAtuated Amortage of 2000 men 4nortsgs of men for saw mills on aosount of the hii,her wages offered Demand increasing Demand strong Great almond and shortage Need of en in foundries and machine shops Need of men for RA. sad merufacturinE Dimond inoreasing Dem9nd strong Airtago of sower di :ors, !.ihortats acute " incroasinkc (Avet dwrsna Demand increasing Mon will not word, en account of low wages Shortatot increasini; as harvest domanc cecreasos Looc domino kinortage ea mount of nigh waLes offered in Maraiolds ostortage of foundry workers, demand increasing it ht shortage Rollo shortage on account of lew wages *Iwo increasing High 4ohool and College toys are aceoptinx C.labor jobs Will soon be a small surplus 75 or 100 colored man needed , en needed for sugar refining Road workers, en c traikemon needed 31%5 NMI ;loaded on relot wort 100 man needed Shortage of lat.erors in ship yards 5,tortage of 5000 men to out spruce !or sireplanee Supply increasing Yen needed for levernnont work (14) (d) nommcw LAIVR Mich. Miss. Misr. Me. Meat. Meat. Mobre NA. 11.14. Va. N.C. Oki. Vkla. On* Ps. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,sitrolt Marquetto Muskegea Traverse City A 'bort Lea Bimidji Miannespells t.reenelood Holly aprincs Meredien Pasea#;oula West ?oast Hannibal !Canons City t. Joileph Helens Butt* Liras* Falls Missoula awed up Lintels Omaha Manchester Dewing Buffalo Charlotte Jhlisitkoth City Wilminkton Akron Athens Canton Clevelamito Masilion Lima Marion Portsmouth Manuusky Youngstown egitator l ertland Allentowa Chester Erie Marylob ,rt Mileesport Oil Gity Philadelphia Pittsburgh Pottstowu Reading (CONTIIMPO Ft43DU p.10 :4imi -Edited normal Shortago of mu workers and R. (. non N• activity Short*ca in sr, mills is account of men col" to har. Kopeeially colored needed olitit surplus of helpers unchinists needed 44,25 per clay Silw,t shortage iehortage bileause of forest fires, Sidi asoldd for limber* Meat of laborers are corking is harvest fields 1600 men noodled Lome companies offer more Leg eutttrs needed Mon emoted to clean swamps. big shortage Oa account of draft Iran 35 tv 48$ beinv paid for heavy 411 work kalortngs 35 to 460 per hour Zhertaoi at 24 big *emend for hervos4 Using *shwa boys, Shertoo of coal miners. giettegssid niadlod i)annatabii, Shortoot of Amore ahertnbe of 90 (d) COMMCN LAI!OR Washinjen Pawtucket Colubis Charleston bioux Falls bristol Ch;ttanosga Clarks1-01 Knoxvilli Texas. nee. Wyo. Beakiment Uolvet.ton Heueton Laredo Palestine Yoakum Ogden Norfolk Richmond leuttle Bluefield Charloston Clarksburg Huntington TheeliniL ureen Bay La Crown Madison Superior Choyenno (COhTINUID FROM PAGI 14) Wbight skortage Ves flooded to unload freight cars, but refuse Tobacco workers needed Mon needed ia 0,1,4 volt anc; is consortial plants R. Men needod for Ponands increasinK. Supply decreesing Track sad bridge wortfre wanted on the R.ft's fages rather low Section mos isooded on tko railroads tho railroads Lsetion nos viatod ti. demand for mila zcrdemon'', for ii.en 400 miners, 350 laborers needod Wags' "-So to 450 an hour Coal loaders noodood ;41.ges from 300 to rfli an hour Laborers wanted in tho factories Mon wanted for loometruction work Woods laborers ,lanted 'liners and men for tho railroads noodsd Thirty.ifivt cities report surplus, riot kris. Ark. Cal. Fla. Ky. La. Mo. Mo. Mont. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Flagstaff Glove Proosott Fort Smith Helena Eskersfield Les Angoles oacramente Miami Tampa Hondersen Lesin.ston Paduaak baton AeOg0 4hrevapert ?ortlaad Oprint,field Glasgow Oome Railroad okorto40 Largo shipments aro boint directed out of Wages ; , 3.50 and senditions clod ourplus thscreagial Gurplue of 1000 still hard to make than work Man bolginning to demand iiroater'we kiln employed at Aviation fields in an Amodio, giurpluo wit to Atishville aurnlus Oalle for out of tows ends Conditions better Ourplus of whits and oelorsd No demand, non oanaot so far diet. (U) (4) GOO riev. N. Vex. N.C. Okla. Tenn Texas, Ala. iris. (CONTINUED FROM PACk 15) North Platte Call from Portland for 1580 men. Albueuergne Raton leowdll Demand 6000. Plenty of idle an Asheville Chickasha Enid Lawton De, and ter iron workers Unshogee hokum No *Lanu fur men, Abilene Me demand " " Auetin Ucomnd for an increesing Corsicana Del Rio imo laid off mt army *amp Fort Worth Sere mon available for the shipyards Temple Was. 8ixty•five cities report nerflal conditions or Wm' concerned unimportant, viz: Mobile Dangles Phoenix Tura Pine Bluff Ark. Texarkana ban Diere Cal. San Francisco atockton Jacksonville Fla. Miart Tallahassee Columbus La. St. Anthony Idaho niten loond Ill.b Cairo Chicavi Rockford yerisvillo Ind. Indiarsnolis Terre riauto Ottumwa Iowa. Wichita Kans. balisbury Huron Port Mich. Gulfport Jackson Joplin 141. Kunst. City At. t.ouie Kalispell Mont. Uihins Anaconda Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LAI Great demand Many idle koxicans reeuse to work on e/e of low w. Aertair,e of steam shovel men for drodaloo Shertege of boilermakers Alight shortage burtque in ihipyE.r6s , Supply decreabini, laeorers i;extitz, sent out cummon Surplus of *apply decreasini on a,,count of dreft Domuld /ctive arms' on account of recent advant* in 'egos Minend slow but increasing .xurplus on account of strike Wages at 28$ to 300 an hour Many applicants are farm han(4 A slie,ht surplue 6trplus Conditions r:ormal if all worked Cotton mills need mon Mood of seal mihos to send to MeAlester °auditions normal wages k;sed Oen needed Sr H.R. iimplus of men for saw mills Many idle Less shifting this naval (4) N. Y. Ohio Okla Pa. Utah Wie4. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis N. York Canton Marietta Portsmouth Toledo YounEstovn Zanesville Znid Lavton Muskogee Altoona /Wt. Marrisburg New Castle York Providence Pawtucket Jackson Memphis Amarillo Brevueville Bryan Corpus Christi Dallas Yule Pass 11 Pass Marshall Orange San Antonio Salt Lake City Racine CMON LAMB (CONTINUVD FROU 16) Husky men weeded, men needed for construction. Shortage of Loilertkers, No demanC rmw;,,nL for machinists blacimAtns, drop folyers ncr,411 Ni deand Ni activity Fifty Loilermekers weeded tteehinists, uunitiou workers needed boil, r; akar* Shortaos of drop forgers. fifteen machinists aceded Many alleged shertages, Lut not really. S. of beilorinakilre Surqus or blooksmitho No doraanc for skilled laborers urtat ceranc for &en Men necded on the R.It's colorec wen idle At demarm for -an gesso•'3 to iii, a day Laborers in demand erageshigh (e) YARN LAPOR Forty...moves cities report shortage, via: Aria. Ark. Cal. Conn. Fla. Ga. Idaho Iwwa. Kans. La. Md. Mass. Mich Minn Miss. Mont. X1 °hie Pa. Tenn Texas. Wise. Wye Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Tucson Jeaostore Sacramento Manchester Live Oak Pensacola Augusta Savannah St. Anthony Aurora Elgin Pcsen City Sioux City Hutchinson Jennings Nagarstown Ihreester tattle Creek lascustie Albert Lea Minnonoolis Gulfport Holly Springs Meridian West Point Helena Vent. Bovril Lewiston Missoula Roundup Deming Athens Sandusky Altoona Clarksville Knoxville Abilene Beaumont Drys,. Corsicana hassaax Houston Laredo Paldstine Yoakum La Crosse Maoison St,fridian Shortage of cotton piste's pickers. Good demand Dairy farms @asset got help Far-ers cannot compete with essential industries For wages Desand increasing hoed of sierkis farm hands Derand increasing Mood of married and single farm hand* Slight shortage Rice harvest beginning MS, needed for narvest, big demand Shortage of 50% Harvesters and laborers needed. 179 Harvester needed Shortage bosauso of (crest fire Shortage *fn. Want mon from northern Mont. Slight shortage en coming frow Grouth stricken eeuntry acsount ne harvest Shortage of 50 hay harvesters (a) FOY LARVA Thirtyease eitise report tv earplito, itii Arts. flagstaff Ar . iert eolith Sat intair faro fteatip Unbar 34' ,ftalag• 00 demome *urge* seeking etiver oppliwysest las stsMIS e.*n of drattlif *Ando* odi Crops laid 4sy IsPOIWO 400,tiag wort vita S.X. itom dismobart40 Itnee .1/otos-. ef httylrit, at sent t* *v. work nass si11 Sri stay , 64.4 4priaga in* bluff TeAorka4a Casa* Ijo.ifrea Aaaia 1444114 Mit r, 1.iotaelot (amoWs Ow* •-,;4 (444444.4061 Sta.* Laid Lao trona Timins0 la re kesta, r.)n* * sf ho,rvototelrfo to t* ,z. itettx 4Lty Ptiesipt to rettira to Tozes i tettea 4reutle Gig,i,tan4oga .aaa Jit4.44. ‘Aty tca-014.44 A ,41 la e44t$ :ors rartb •aa •italesstall Tattplt „roe* 110 orautit cities report aisolitiecto sontal or labor 15510ras4 mostapersoset, Ass Aalii Ate bit-24(141am. Mobilo Ark. Cot. Ws. Cami na. ;ss,p Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis tirlrei over C.,rop laid by . 0 Littl* 'Poo* n Aooktem iisavor Aortferd tilsia0-0a Jaitkaas Tslipe C.IWO a Mason hems traps 4si4 try 110,1430, crape WO by ISO dOeSed tazquu4 dastgasiat,' exes't en tau coo i,****0 liebt la salts (2) (0) YARN LABOR iLlton Bloomington Cairo Danvillo Z. Jt. Louis Galesburg Quinsy fi ock Island Sprinifiele Te$t Ohioage Ivanoville Pt. Wayne Indianapolis Kokomo 'South Bend Terre Haute Cedar Rapius Council hluffe Davenport Ottumwa kinn mios. Us. atont Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Parvenu Topeka Iionita Covin.ton Laxin_ten Louisville Paducah. Alexandria Loltimoro Boston Upringfield Detroit (rand Vuskoon Port Huron ilraveros City fAtiddji Greenwsed Jactoon :iathes Pasoagoula hannibal Kansas city 6t. Joseph kit. Levi* KallopelA Groat rills Ulaitgo• Billing Anaconaa (CUtITINUFD tiliOM PAGE 111) No demand Conditions foci:client A call for boys and for mon by the mo. Ne Jemfaid, harvesrt practically over tiudply slow Net calls Demand not strong No domund • N. dementio men anterinp, nunition flu:tarter Osmand light in steady jobs Yow calls for married farm hands farmers can get Slight shortage *mall oewand Mood of married LW of married mon only by offering perm. jobs. of help by the months won farm hands via=d litht Ni demand, farms email No demf,nds 1.4,w calls We denand Foy Calls Men leavin, for harvest Gotten piokink over :liras/dr% ovr. blihi eurnlue. Uertan4 good LJurplue marri( nor. f.s.t Yew willink to pay transportation to Low 4aces 1ie(an0 for harvesters insroasing alight shortoLo, harvesUrs. Wages vary Shortage of ha,ers 0113 (0) r01* LAMA elatts k'anchcator Alkmasergma Rotas friffnle 'fork -! -rletto tittiLota tIp WU* vilsisetes Sleet :km* crlotrA Liam '!rirwiett, 41,r-tea teledo Zorocvill. Moo *es Oklahoma rorttono VoXimocort Now t;aatlo Ofortuc*ot Pro/Accra Abort*** adomx tells columbi* iirovairritle fi ease torrne 6es itutattio 4ertyste Ctristi Salt Lake City aleltoadris itaatt.le (CL;'F* P. te) AO 4,4wbad Sam from Lassos did "roitoo Shroostiog tessomi deoromeimg 444 for istaparioseeo Wimps. irorkors Moral for forty days Is temend ;1401 W.4.14 released F.-..rieat is Masa Tuts) , order, for sormaast f7rmorc Ham ma are &waded Oece crop. al out threading Horvaat over Gliwortosies Clarliebsig lestteems 'elm • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Grtiom toy 'man* Obilyesoe vra ro-ift faom IrA1441, Oklahoma, and hobr. (f) YLMALE LABOR Thirty-nine cities repart a shortai,e, vist Ga.. Kans. La. Mass. Minn Miss Ns. lent. Nebr. 14 H. Ohio Okla IA. loam Texas. Wish Wieo. Ala. Arts. ‘al. Fla. Ga. ill Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Awusta Columbus bevannah Alton Aurora Cairo E. 6t. Louie Ucim Peoria • avenpert WI:leen City Wichita Alexandria Jinnings Leeton tattle Creek Detroit urged Rapid, Albert Lea Natches St. Joseph Helena North Platte Omaha kanchester Akron 0114Lusky Toledo Luskogte Oil City itesatiL Pawtucket Providonco Nashville trownaville Dallas Ogden Salt Lake Uity La enrols. Ne demand except in mottos mill Damamd increasing Osmond *trent; Ms demand for clerical workers Surplus of aloft, Need of demostios Good waves And short hours Activity increasing Demand ecreasing rani"NM needed Now factories want "men 4urplus clerks. Shortage of densities bomostios nooded Vow appiteatione Women needed for farm. WoNen needed for governmo:A. contraste(textile) lihortage of faetery workers Dooestice needed Deku,sties and factory workers needed big (AMMO Jtoady demand Thirty-five cities report a surplus, vist 6arplus el clerks birmincham Wail (Amend Webiii Flagstaff Loma women substituting in nens plaits Loo Awls* Applieests will not seespi work offered IeteaktOn Tallahassee' *surplus inexperieneed and untrained Atlas*. lanorta‘e of domestics blosmin ton Nood Of dOssestiss Rook Island (f) FEWALE LAITY, inde La. Mert. N. V. N.C. Okla Ore. 6.1). 'inn. Texas. Evansville Wiese Meares Great Yells Seismal Asheville (COTNINuil f,n P. 22) Supnly omd Slihht surplus of Dominica Surplus of munition werkers kasha Po rtland Derteaon. Clarksville dockeen beamnss$ Bryon Del His Li PILIM biltivosten Marshall Orange Palestine Sea Antonio Temple Waoo Corpus Glristi Wheelinv, Green bay Shoridien Sixty-five cities riopert conditional normal or labor concorned unimportant, vial Arts. Cal. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ivuglas Glebe Phoenix Tucson Yuma Baxorafield Hed bluff ban Diego San lerancisee Manchester Wiimin.ton It. Antheny Danville Quinsy Sprinc.field Ohioago South bend Terre Haute Cedar itauide Council bluffs Ottumwa :deux City Waterloo Domand smell Demand for waitresses blight shortage because if lew waged surplus of inexperionted clerks Shortage of do:.lestiee Need of a few mre wemen at Cheney dkertage in munition werks Little asuand Need of domestics Ne.d lof girls for light factory work 15 facUries cup Ley WOM411 surplus of clerical werocers Need of 'encore le supply and as demand dorplue of inexperienced slorke (*4) (f) Won. Ninn Miss, Okla. Tann Texas. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis retrains Hagerstown Boandorsen Uprinijield Marquotte Miskocon Pert Huron Ssigisaw Mionsseeps1i 0104ansood Oillfport Hellyiaprings Jackass Worldlier,* Pasesgoulo West Point MannikAl Sprin, field ALuquorque Now York Canton Ha= milten Marietta Marion Ports outh Yount.stown Amnobvills Enid MvAlostor Okla;to ma City Chattanooga Amarillo Corsicana 1:sglo Pass 'oared* Wiattle Carlestsn Hunting*** Cshkesh Cheyenne FEWALR LALGh (CONTINUk0 14,011 P. 20 Good demand for domestics and day work :ctivity Usually a surplus &imply,of untrained clerks and s;.ortag* Surplus of clerks. Skoriags of domestic* Desosties and hotel workers needed kiurplus of clerks. Dom:sties noecisd Ahortao of claweoLiee U. 5. EMPLOYMENT 5ERVICE REPORT. WeeK Ending Surplus .f3)ue Shortage- Red • ty. ; 9 a' /7Idah o Ore. aev. , 5.00x. \,r1 Aruzi _ I Cola. : 4 .nn 0Vtif0 I lutqh -Cal. \ ItIsn r --------A wyo. LI • 1•4.0o K. giant N I N.J. e b. l(on. 41) POP e 6\ La irl."4 L__ Skilled Trades Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis . V no.