The full text on this page is automatically extracted from the file linked above and may contain errors and inconsistencies. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1111, F-e53, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis DEPARTMENT OF LABOR OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WAR LABOR POLICIES BOARD WASHINGTON fral;tc Secrry of L iOl, b-e thorit-„, the waL;cre, havinL: been re- 174(.1:or of t (3civecl. at tiaJ ctJoy, Feb- s Leet1 iv-, to t =__ 1') OlrC Lcld 0.1.1 t3 reard to the gards labor. retiring Chairman cf ti 7Th' presented for the siL;nature o. make every effort to attend this exceelingl-ei inortant. LIss nary Van Kloeck, Diredtor WoLlen in Industry Service Southern Building Washington, D. C. (.1:er.. or. ry Chrir DEPARTMENT OF LABOR OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WAR LABOR POLICIES BOARD WASHINGTON At the rer:1-,est of 'Tr. :2elix Frz,..iicfarter, hairi of t ebruary Prr",-(1 there will he a 114 1r,"" " A. at 10 A. You are urgent ii rec.p.:ested to be yours, Llir.- s.._ar;;- Van T:fleeck, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4 12 Execilt e ,;ecretLry. Yiss Ohristman .0 IC4 N \.T ION U., 71R L‘BOR BO RD DIVISION OF INFORMATION AND. FILES No. 14. Press Clippings--Report--January 7, 1919 Comment and News in connection with War Labor Board, Continuation of the Board called for; Creation of permanent War Labor Board included in program of industrial justice. Appeal by the New York Call, specially featured, urges this as necessary to meet unemployment crisis, New York Call, Dec.31. Petition to President to create this permanent board was started by the Call on Jan.1 and has been running since in the form of a statement for signing and mailing. This board is urged to assure Industry a living wage, every right to union organization, collective bargaining and collective participation of the workers in control of industry. War Labor Board or a board on this order should continue to arbitrate disputes, according to editorials in such papers as St. Louis Globe Democrat, Dec. 6, Youngstown, Ohio, Vindicator, Nov. 30, Portland Oregon Jounnal, Dec. 4. ) says Secretary Wilson. War Labor Board has had notable success Department of Labor release on Dec. 30 notes that Board failed of unanimous agreement in only four cases up to October 1, and has been active in 531 controversies. So far this statement has been noted only in N.Y. Call, Dec. 31. Secretary Wilson's statement tirging the continuance of the Board, made in connection with his . colonization plan for soldiers, in his annual report, has been very widely carried and is still coming in from far Western papers.. Union strength, Women's right to wat jobs, the living wage are questions getting special notice. Washington was quite willing to see the extension of union influence. Labor unrest of the year was due to the activity of union organizers whose slogan was the 8-hour day and collective bargaining, says the leading article of the Iron Age, summing up the year for the'irmand steel trade. It notes the adoption of the 8-hour day in the Midvale Steel and U.S. Steel Corporation after the Bethlehem award of the Board and the N.Y. meeting of the Steel producers in August, Iron Age, Jan. 2. Sex war in industry.predicti.d by Miss Van Kleeck and other speakers at last session of Richmond conference of American ssociation for Labor Legislation. Reaction against women following war must bc. countered by organization of women and letting them into j-ndustrial control with men. N.Y. Tribune, Dec. 29. A good deal of the press discussion of this question, especially in labor papers, is about on the level of that in the D.tional Labor Journal, Jan.3, which suggests that soldiers marry the women who have taken their jobs. 31,760 the wage of "reasonable comfort and health" according to W. F. Ogburn. The interest shown in the wide use of this statement and that of Mr. Walsh in regard to the minimum wage in every part of thc country as the chief news item in the packers' case fits into the general demand of workers that wage rates be maintained and advanced. Why is the cost of living different , in N.Y. and Washington? asks the N.Y. Financial American attacking the N.Y. pressmen's award on the grounds that a differential has been created. War Labor Board should have made an equal scale for the whole country, instead of increasing the present chaos. Politics; Independent Labor Party in Berkshire County, 'assachusetts, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis In an article called "The Pittsfield Rebellion" Walter Pritchard Eaton notes the rapidly growing strength of the new Labor Party in Pittsfield and describes David Krevlin's campaign for mayor. He points out how labor is feeling its way toward industrial democracy through political solidarity as well as through the direct channels of industrial relations, and mentions the shop committees in this connection. The proposed Labor Party has had less discussion lately. The N.Y. Call, Jan.1,notes a N.Y.Conference to consider it to meet shortly with delegates from practically all the trade unions in N.Y.. The National Labor Journal Jan. 3, states that unions are •opposing such a party and that the Chicago Conference called .for Jan. 14 will keep to the question of the Mooney case. Soldiers' Councils. Effort is being made in N.Y. to induce soldiers to organize and cooperate with unions to prevent unemployment, reduction of wage scales ind the breaking of strikes by the returned soldiers. N.Y. GALL, Jan. 3, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Jommary 17, 1919. •Fren %ma la Industry aervise Tel lemAnhntallit Sewee's statistics oalcaa.Nosanakie 1 41110D of , in Industry oenneetios with the beartmg in the else of the Detroit S$reet Antis, employees, we have 'been okra to file in evidence ex, treats from the report sa Oesditiaa of Weems eat Chug wasp lereere ia the Wilted States, giving statistics of the beme responsibilities or eese esysing we in this cantry. A. Bellew with referees* to the retention er disarms of sum lac Imo sabered inenetsy daring the in, mat rest ta pert Aga the edests of of mesh a paler ea the stemisid of living of familia to Ow Vatted States. It is aecescaryt therefore to Nes km ha, toss this point of vies, the seine of wadi* woos astually r patway sPe in the meintessese of 110014 stenimeds. the statisties gathered rs000000, is heSel mob, were prepared ta the in the report to owe* Of aa linnieliallaimilideftelli late 1* 190? in eanylin001416 as Mt of Oeigress 'Wowed Jasonigr St, 1907 yroviding ter a them. , .,16 child ilMOP.041111111011 ir the . investigation 0 the 0401Itlaa agony pitanialli The full Mrpot asoratari of Oennerse sod War. in nineteen veheness * Attention Is milled eepecielly to the tour Wanes dealing with fair imelotent industries'- 044446 Glees, 24a's MosOribie Sepnents, ant $12k. thou* the base visite tir Investigators tor the levelonment, seek else* ',worker ebe pesseeiese of ghe tam." isms eastribated maw six. children that is, 74, fathers, nothers, semi issIghhors, and teem, vas assertelmed4" vatted * Moot as lenlittaa at Wean eel Child ie. mommen is the 'totes, Semite 100amen$ #444, $ist Oamplese, Sea fteeles, ** emery of the lOport as clidltles of wafts end Child, Who Howe in the vat.' States, balletin A.75 of the Wilted haloes Bowie or War Statist's., pages 2041. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • lamsemelass etatletles sa Isms Bieggeeibilities it lemma la Industry -p. 14, poteilift.of Lam* filstributlik Vir fathers ramp* from ,41I swag esatheaa *Mem mill methelnl to MP As the /Oslo imbletarre the the Whelp. latter rogaPeseating the maims p)Poestage contrasted fanged oi&w. the eentrthatimos of domakters stater* years of moor 841.7% at ihe family ineemesommivethers ta the glass industry whom 1ssmile1 glalloottes mill womsaireldsatiess wen hasat en, the imeghtors seethbated41.11%. It shoal* be noted that this eaattitsttion of dmailiers slalom yeelis of ass, at overt was larger soutribated W, $ans slate= years of ago sait , lhas the limpet p4M04n11sge the contributions of is the glass tadmetw. ever, *hick UM 174 mothers roost fres 215.1% to 56 of the total Inatome of the far1174. Ths sookolusion of the report is as follows "sips* the Slagiritatioas ate fir the dislibtere Mee from mefourth to twe-tifths of the total tautly Imoomeo, mad sineCeorkiesmea's families are safflolettlirpreSperess to leo* dull a fros$141 of *War bya_ missimeg foal", It severely, it ewe fairly 'Meat that these Moe wens ere not foreleg themselves With* lotastrial world them. ease reetlesereso or &Latest' for home duties. %mem fast temitai to show that emends aasaasit, is the tedestrisa oauso fox the preseeee of Mom girls sea yevailroms II world , Sr the extent taloa& their wasp are looked *pea se Omir Pr(0,401,• vrimmees 040Arest ea ratan atom at Living at home, 68.5% tweed in all their oesmisso to thi gime*. of the wOMIOR eqpillred in !malaria; at living at hate, MI* iNt's in all their akraladok. Mother fast bserlag aa the hisestimse of the WSW of worse I& if dOmaileate In Vislatioa to the to their families Is the of vess working wawa. *edits* aamber of wasp esraolfs in the LaOr tour lasso imilastrias We smoldered Me not perat mmogrles137, bet arepiresomtative of c(Matisse is ditforeat slatler. parts of the eematiw at in rural at whim sammaties• itr is the IMWOOP atom of timellell out mono ameller fweareiggese is. therefore. sigaifiems16 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis la the Cottga Oactile imilsetry, the argrage slag of the Sot* Ise 466 sat UPI IMMO INIalber of magysearagre 31.7. * la the Ilmes oesfiroadie 01 thtagindlestitre the more. elgeot the family vs" 1144, mat the ima10. agaimorad wappleawg 23. se 111MISO line of the aa the OW* 111111111ft. sat ithe ~Igo Ingergr at asge-earagrs 11* **a fand4 was 63, She SIM ladagitw, the ammo slag et the teal* use 44, aid US WNW.MAI. of *ass-emigre 5.1. ...* Se Talmo if these statistlas la the gnseat situates is an gathered before the "Sr NA that they rem.. to the fan tbat s seat else the offisial flailags of the United States Ormalimgat. The wialimmal wase-seragre late military lorries eat the "Isla east of mo*e lapirtlat during 1111*1 uadealotetly matol the aosainas of wow Se pellet of *he au thaa thee' figures of 111WP-11h,aslt latioate. realliselmeat abaste with the east of living still hi" gat with the iprirsor Imalageles agnalmatei hi the laareased tymailamee of the family Stamigards yea the ire* of wawa. we rase sire a silmatlea in ww eh the Sgortialir of a wear to OM befit 111111111ii ad riorr* tuestimi Of rietto tat ail essistlah foetal0 amidaga. diffargliee in thesumle ef families lootasag a fitly staallart, aml preggPip with all Ito tea*, reealts• Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • Oestitlea of Otin liserairimare is the %not Iliites• Tel. I detega %utile lahistry P• 414. S. Ceatitlea of wawa at alkilit ftgrOgners la the United Oates, 11 lises agaillp4mts olotlatagy P. 111.• *** Ontition of Wawa sad Ohil& Illgarligsers In the %Mot atatese Vol. 112 alms IvAsetz7. P. $17.. 5*** Otatittaa of woes at Okilt itige-lemmen he the unitet sides. Silk /Ouster. P. Tel. Iteepeetittly eabmittele nag Tot Eleolte Otreetey Wawa i.a lateotry serviee February 8, 1919. Mr. W. Jett Lauck, Secretary NatIonal War Labor Board, Washington, D. C. My dear Mr. Lauck: Thank you for your letter of February 4th received today. Miss Christman has talked wit um about the distribution of aortas of our Standards by the War Labor Board. We welcome the suggestion that these might be sent to the women included in the awards of the Bosrd ani to their employers. May we suggest that it might be desirable to have thew went to all ,employers with which the Board has had contact through its awarlOas doubtless the large majority of them emnloy women in some capacity, even though it may be limited to office 4ork. 14 shall be glad to supply as many as you wish to distribute. Very truly yours, Mn/L Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis tiary Van Kleeck, Director Woman in Industry Service. REPRESENTING LABOR REPRESENTING EMPLOYERS LOYAL'. A. OSBORNE P. F. SULLIVAN, ALTERNATE C. E. MICHAEL J. W. MARSH. ALTERNATE W. H. VAN DERVOORT H. H. RICE, ALTERNATE B. L. WORDEN C. A.CROCKER, ALTERNATE JOHN F. PERKINS BASIL M. MANLY WILLIAM H. TAFT JOINT CHAIRMEN WM. HARMAN BLACK FREDERICK N. JUDSON VICE CHAIRMEN W.JETT LAUCK,SECRETARY NATIONAL WAR LABOR BOARD FRANK J. HAVES ADAM WILKINSON, ALTERNATE W. L. HUTCHESON T. M. GUERIN,ALTERNATE WM. H. JOHNSTON FRED HEWITT. ALTERNATE VICTOR A. OLANDER MATTHEW WOLL, ALTERNATE T. A. RICKERT JOHN J. MANNING. ALTERNATE WASHINGTON IN REPLY REFER TO DOCKET NO. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis In' February 4, 1919 My dear Miss VanKleeck: Your letter of December 19th addressed t3 Mr. WiIli&rn H. Taft, enclosing a copy of the Standards governing the employment of women in industry, has been referred to me. We shall be glad to advise you from time to time as to our need of copies of this publication and to send the s.mile to the women included in the awards of the Board and to their employers. I am asking Miss Christman to tike the matter up with you at once. Very truly yours, stk B:B Secre Miss Mary VanKleeck, Director Woman in Industry Service, U. S. Department of Labor, rashington, D. C. February 8, 1919. Mr. W. Jett Lauck, Secretary National War Labor Board, Washington, D. C. My dear Mr. Lauck: The AssistAnt Secretary of Labor has referred to us your letter of February 4th, transmitting to the Secretary of Labor a request from the Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs that the Woman in Inlastry Service should "coonerate on all cases wherein wovan are irrolved, regardless of what Governrtent agency is hardline the case." 416 the Wel' Labor Boari is a Judicial body organised as the highest court of e/reals in industrial disputes and composed of representatives of the three groups concarmed, it would seem to us obviously improper and undesirable that any outside organisation, even though it be an official agency, whether it be the Woman in Industry Service or arv other group, shouli be in a position to influence in any way the decisions of the Board. We have too profound an atInreciation of the forward step in iniustrial relations which the organisation and waek of the Board have constituted, to be willing to see any arrangement made which night even seem to rult in interfar,Ince with its decisions by aro, other agency. We Judge, homvor, that the witers of this letter were not considering the purpose and constitution of the War Labor Board so Inch the fact that although women have been ooncerned in such large numbers And so vitally in the decisions of the Board, lmen havn not been repr,39ente4 in its :c.omtiJrship. We thoroughly errrociate therefore, the motives which evidently actuate:1 the Illinois Wieration an4 the end ? they had in viaN in wAing this z,uggestion. It may not be inempronriate for Us to SW in this col..4ection hoot stronarwe believe that the most lesirrkble solution wild be the a7, ,olntmnt of mason as members of the Board. On behalf of the %mon in Industry Service, I waald add that of course our service, are at all times at your Co Wind. to farnish or to secure any data of Which the Board wishes to take cognisance in any of its decisions. To this end we should be glad to have established a definite plan of coo7yeration with the wesalS Who represents on your staff the large group of women in industry in this country. Perhaps we could be of service in connection with al:ministering the awards in plants Where women are employed. May ws ask whether the plettra has in mini any other method whereby the Woman in Industry Service might be of assist trice? ginoorely yours, MTVL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Wary Tan Kleeck, Director Woman in Industry Service. REPRESENTING LABOR REPRESENTING EMPLOYERS LOVALL A. OSBORNE P. F. SULLIVAN, ALTERNATE C. E. MICHAEL J. IN. MARSH, ALTERNATE • W. H. VAN DERVOORT H. H. RICE, ALTERNATE B. L. WORDEN C. A.CROCKER, ALTERNATE JOHN F. PERKINS BASIL M. MANLY WILLIAM H. TAFT JOINT CHAIRMEN WM. HARMAN BLACK FREDERICK N.JUDSON VICE CHAIRMEN W.JETT LAUCK,SECRETARY NATIONAL WAR LABOR BOARD • IN REPLY REFER TO DOCKET No. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis February 4, 1919 The Honorable the Secretary of Labor, Washington, D. C. • 4e : Sir: I.tcve the honor to transmit herewith for y6ur consideration a letter which has been recei4ed from Mrs. J. F. Nachbour, State Chairman, Illineis Federation r)f Women's Clubs, urging that some arrangement be mad df whereby the Women in Industry Service 114 cooperate in all cases in which women are involved, which may come before tfis Board. Respectfully, t,6 Secr • icuet FRANK J. HAYES AGAM WILKINSON. ALTIE W. L. HUTCHESON T. M. GUERIN,ALTERNATE WM. H. JOHNSTON FRED HEWITT, ALTERNATE VICTOR A. OLANDER MATTHEW WOLL. ALTERNATE T. A. RICKERT JOHN J. MANNING, ALTERNATE 4 cipttrmm urpartinenta of Work Jttivaii ifrbrratiott of Ii II tintrn's Cub teuisiatine Art PRESIDENT MRS W. W. WHITMoRE 1103 FELL AVE., BLOOMINGTON MISS JESSIE I. SPAFFORD MRS. JAMES W. PARKER 6731 UNION AVE., CHICAGO RESIDENCE 501 N. PROSPECT ST. Eibrarll Extension P. 0. ADDRESS 401 E. STATE ST. Civirs nub Tillilantilropn TELEPHONE MAIN 1946 MRS. JOHN C. LEVERETT 3030 LEVER ETT ST., ALTON MRS T. B. DAVIS 605 26TH ST, ROCK ISLAND ROCKFORD, ILL. QIthitOrruire MRS OLIVER L. WATSON 3632 N. KEELER AVE., CHICAGO Conservation MRS. W. L. ARNOLD 5427 HYDE PARK BLVD., CHICA,0 iUiwir CORRESPONDING SECRETARY GENERAL FEDERATION STATE SEC•Y MRS. CHARLES H. ZIMMERMAN MRS. CHARLES M. CARVER 715 N. CENTRAL AVE. ioo. s. KENILWORTH AVE. CHICAGO OAK PARK RECORDING SECRETARY TREASURER MRS. W. R. HUNTER 822 'BUENA AVE MRS. G. M. KENDALL GLEN ELLYN IiiLiLjr4raltt! CHICAGO KANKAKEE MRS. E. F. BURKHOLDER 309 N. VERMILLION ST., STREATOR literature attb Errivroritg MRS. FREDERICK W. BLOCKI 625 S. CHICAGO AVE. Eburation VICE- PRESIDENT DR. VIOLET PALMER KANKAKEE MRS. FRANK H. FUNK MRS ALBERT EVANS 5468 ELLIS AVE., CHICAGO 14nuir TErononfirs an Chairmen Departments of Work BROWN 907 N. MC LAIN ST. 31nbustrial aitb 03,oria1 Conbitions BLOOMINGTON Pure Noa X 6, 191 MRS. CLARENCE RAINWATER 4202 VINCENNES AVE , CHICAGO MRS. JOSEPH F. NACHBOUR 031 WESTERN AVE., JOLIET Mr. 7a911 M. Manley, Chairman War Labor Board, D. C. Wash!it Dr r. Manley, May I, in ol::ening, expres;; to you the very great satisfaction and interest which the women of this country feel in the Women the in Industry Service which you have established in connection with Service g this continuin are you that delighted Labor Department. We are .nd contemplate malling it a rerfmnent tart of th Labor Department, For , _lore tha,i eight years the Federated Club women of America have talked. of :31.V'h a Bureau and ha'na urged it creation. We ar,, proud 1101T to see it ln established fact. We are eager now that this Service shall be used to the greate3t advantage wherever the interestea of VI01.1011 are involved. We believe that women are better fitted than ever for judgeing and adjusting the conditions under which woman wori:. It is a matter of the greatest moment to all women that these adjustments be so made that they shall serve a:3 a real protection and not as a handicap, as may so easily occur, nt be made With this in view we are writing to urge that some arrangeme wherein cases on all cooperate may Service Industry whereby the Women in the. is agency handling Goverment what of s women a.r= involved., regardl'as Women the of judgement and opinion the nt arrangeme case. With such an all cases involving women as they in Industry Service would. be heard on similar agency either within or other or come before the War Labor Board to present practice as this Contrary outside of the Labor Department. are Is, it seems most important at the present moment w2ien decisions must but -)eing rendered which affect riot on.l.,r the wor:ers involved l or establish practice which may handicap all women in either industria professional life. It is because so much of women's interest is at stake '.re make our present request. We believe you 1;111 agree that be heard o: not too much to ask that the opinion of our wonen experts all questions involving women. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Beliei,.-e me, Sir, in the best spirit of cooperation, Yours very truly, 2X/ 1,a.r%47A-7