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41• ... · OVIO& A'feJ!M 1- A.lllltlta. o llt•ab I 1.t l • ..... Mfernl 1JJ; \O Ul,t ,....•• l l • Ill ~- flt • ., ....'1. . . na ........... .,. . . . 1. . . . . . '~" • ~it JCMD'll......, .,I • ,..htQ 'Iii ,.. ••• t '• -··-:! ' U,S.,U.~n t'l••' ,: .. 0e.... l'A• diatri-0~ ror 1 thQ~e go frop.ei"tJ 1 'U Q(\1, 1 I o~ld to 1m<'>• 11" g tht) l:t na in~ n d in 7ou~ aro thef anr •ho had b-ua1M u that l'ecl imed old tin oan t n-oo ing and aor&'P •heet eteel t l wo ld 11 e to op i1 one ln 1~uri d.:1at~i~t then bou,t to raake !ipplicati<"n. fw ,. 1t1ns to l1ear t om ym ate a plant ol t • natUl"e. tr leaao t naw he p1:1ooedtU' to • •• ol • l-tt• l ,.,. Mldnl r *>. 1MI ~an• •~ ' "" ••t•• to 'fl t l•ttu •kt'• _.o, ....... 1 t la '-ilJ ator i<X1e4. r old QQcil, .r•oor4• II QuJ' •to 1• &e a 1141\ion ho- h to •Ol\ut • 1 or 1•ol1.ui,•t1 .... ••loA, •11 d1 nQ\101 ot a ,a • or "•l4ea,o• ' lo •1 tl • •o,•d •o •' Ja•aa••• •• "1••• r a.1.-•t t •' you ha tt th.ltOltl Ottt.o• all, or •••'l&1t• 1• t\ 40 au ~ •••~u.h ~ ot • Oa1'tcl ...... • l borlloocl • •• t • l 1• 1'owa tnl7, Mal~ Mr . "lo n · ~eder l Rescrv tee D p t . 707 ~outn 'pring Street Los n~el e, California R : .. hi ek tau U-Ycmo;cj fif'e) 2000 Sil D r M • o6I. Kinn ent1noll4 Bl d. (Q fliC I J li.f' , loan~ HJ;" Uyomor i p t'ohas d a oldspot Refr1!7'er ,or from us on .tar ll 29, 1940 . The rnount of the ourchase w s , 146 . 45 wi h de osi of ~lo . co . He ha::i made pa 1enta. o .oo, 19 leavinP a balance of 22 . 46 . The \ast on wao nade on ebruar 9 , 1942 . 'To ld you plea ~1 e of he Colds~ot s . e ua he wher at>ou ts y pick ,t u • lvd . P . S . If pos1Si.ble pleaoe g:iv~ us a forw<.lr in add:re~a so we may collect pay1ntH1t . tlO L.VWOOO C.Al.lf'ORNIA pril 4,1942 li!;v 're · C.tsol • e r • ank.. pr Lrig ~treet Los ! gel , ~ al1 ~ deral ?th .iJear · 1r: ln ir, I a gl' ilr. 11. iI. J &~dres sing you per your re ue t wbon you eo nt d me an au ienoa, h 11g been re ferre d to 1ou bf 1 th ot the Loe A. le .l lty ~ o rd 'o:nm1ttae. tated at that time l now ftnd,throu h the sud n oath o saooi te an a v rse ~ l · tate inv etm nt etatuo, l t necea e.-zy to eolU' o oonn otion if oaeible which will be of oure oopeta.nt emunera ti on. i h my '1 yearo , 1;'1enoe with tho tom ONnere Le>sn Oor o.r ation,first ae Apprais r field lna:peotor han ling the problem o see in the 1 0f,Ln rvlo , "•part nt end 1 t ar as the duperviaor of the J..nals•i• otion of rop rt1 Lanage en , f ahoul b moat valuab G· ' his hould equip me for ha dl1ng eome ot the problem oa ea no• rising a ree lt ot the ergeno1 ltuation cr~ote by ar time,C v1l!an ~ Alien oti ities. i have resided in ~oe Angele sinoe 1912 nd ave gained o e>nsider~ble knowled e of ro'Pert.v value a an eo ·Qnomio oondi ti one thro11gh rny ome Loan. nd teal •'state aoti vi ties, wh1oh would be of great hel~ if 1 am given th~ opportunity to a sis~ in this most i mportant wor • You st ted you would reter this inq~iry to th pro~&r agenoy now being set l.lJI wh1.oh. w·ill be in oontr ol of th.le emergeney wOTk,tor which I will be most gxeat ~1 . Very truly yours , ~ I'reeent addree . 408 l orth Vista Los elea , t. alif. 'l' lephonff; WY omi ng 02 6 9 1 ,,._ •O• CtJ!-l\l<•o f Q-11 P•tliC: .. ,,.,.o "I! • r ¢1.J TI V fOIO! ~ t.J• -01.-..« "fll _,..,u•-.i s lb ~.. .. . . •• .. u:.-. • d. ml i\Hlir·tt'e 8.1.m , 10 h Lo t, Olive Sta , Angel , Ottrl.1.f ~ ATT ' IT]OM G~mtlem VACUE~: DEPAR'l'/1 T l/l.E 1 H • SJ\K IYE - f or111 dy of Lawnd le Calif • ~e woul. . a i.reain t it vory much 1f you oou.1..d gi v u.s th p1,1esen t whe,i·4t<lli :>o:ut of H. kaeyo viho TN a fonnal'ly :Locat.,d at ~m1 lo 1 OaU f . , Rtn Who we \ll\dorotood hl'l, gope to Ul&Qkf cot, Ida.ho 1 but ma:Ued addr hn been roturnad. 41. d to hi111 ther Al o we reca v Q a vio th i hs located t the nta Anttfl. a embly Cent i•, Arcadia, we are ~dvi e by dr. Hanoen t ~mtt\ A.Tlita Center t he is not located there . On Jan cy 26th , l942 1 Sukanye pttroh oed a #507 Killefer D:iflQ from ua on oontraot in th wnount r 224.541 p!!.ying Q sh. :tn the sua of $85.54 1 ving a. bal.11nce due of tl 9.0 , t<lg the;r ~ith inte~e t , which amount however i~ not due Ul'\til Now what is con.£'7,•onting u ia id Saka11ye dispoae of this dloc before he left here without paiying us this balance, or did b. store tbis disc here with someone Sept . 15th , 194<. in Loe Angelos or vioini ty and will !ll.'\k the fin l p.ayrtie11t wh n due on 69-pt . 15th , 1942. Any infm'Wl.tion you c11.n give na · a to th will be g~eatl wht1roabouts of H. Snk.anya ~ppreciated. 'Ttmnking you in. the matt r, r maJ,. n Your • vecy truly , SHF.PffERD TRACTOR & hlQUIPMENT CO • A.. D. SEELT HEAD OFFICE DATE pl ase !ind a cop oi' a letter pert& to t\lrnit.ure for the above 11-ubj~ct.. In vi.ew or the !'act that. subject -.a ..racutecl 1'ram yov.r area a..nd is pl"Uentl.T in Sant& Anita, " "f'.ncl.os G&.v net ~l -ea UU.s ~· J' .Glean to Pr.oj You YO»f tnll.7., '-•l<t~ -..-:.; J ne une • v l 1 il' t 1 • nr.l I l. . t te1· I!¥1 tae yo (.!Ile iel Cl. t d ' t 0 tori I 1i ~ Y<IUl' e 1 tu en t t tuu tJio 1. l 40 IV 1 ~ .. p.. or; r- ede.n to u 415 . 0 i. ti 01 r'izo b l u e1. r• . ou t ll J ·.u.: )J; · , CU ' I . econc, ,// 111 c () t r<.t ' to lh' . tion, rt c fay . H, to him i Seo ue 'h i I.I nr I e n - r1 mou t.ii e cnt Vl'CV 1 01 diu not tJ.<)COl.m ly t o ec fl, k,1 e on the corn x or Str t ( outh- uet ~ e f t U 1e cal' il1t .r1 irJ '& o U ne S'ta t 1 on ~ 1 th t 1 a t oe wi 11 ti end u a.-.. h in llll)ney order tu soon t or'a o Jim ou ~w adore ' o ur t},) , romi fj ae •e t l.11. we e to oi,liih •.:t~t , .ri~ona wbere ed U* Otl en<\ his baox the tk e ~n· i Yal 11 pink owner shi.P o! t e .' '1 • • ' e }·ave ritt r1hi1 two letter fo arcU.n hliu our ado re e to,,. .e20 i .e•.t Third Street, l'eptera.nt 1•. ra nn, I\ te~ai ly . 'J,'hu. t 1 e U1e add e he req u et• ~Q rite bim ln care of. I k~ failed to teply h a oth letter~ . o written a ree ent i th him Jite re istrti • t l st / ,{CU nese J~ .ll - u are ette::: ttl.S Cl .e re :xe~oc· a,. c~to. - -oul 1.-e your e ""'rt e t; t· ~ e e 1 t~ ... ti on . ~ OU.l" ;: ~til "' Fc-G ·- e c l le c t ec 2- or ~etian ri-..:>~ e ·en· s out on ~c ~ • ;J· C.&{ "t:.75 . Cu in caeu . l 3~ t ~5 or tre s .?1 ~ outn cou e for ~ o:.· ou.r eni.cua - · ~;rice~ 7 ~ . o~ . not in rititts · ecause 0£ o· a Ch rch ~rg· _ ho e ·~nt revi .s l y not t ~ a a ti on u.i$ i l l -eend u::: c our ri i t h his soon ~ • .. , clt t .e "pink o ~ nip i " of tJ:-.e fo ~r inc; n ur resterant re ,_ t - - fa il · to re~lY oott let te r~ . ith b im. . t) _t. i.e l c /-( J, /)/ ~ o yci;. c~ ae e ~ut o~ o!:.U' trou 1 . cr1 ror ::o·-r · .ccere1. youra . ,i; l?.-~~:t~ J~--k_,~ ;__ _.----:~-ii(~ ~ ~ ~~ -r-~~~~...;~~~ ~ ~ £~ ;....~ ~ '9 e-2.~;:rr, ~. L...- ~ ~L.-- 1......-~~ al--,_- ~ /-- lh-f ~ ,_sz ~ ~~~ ' . . ' . ,/ L ~,A_,~~ r--- - , ~~ . S.Dfi•• Oor®nt.~e>• ot Oelit~al.a 6 ' lo•, Ca.lit , R•t' rtNe le de 'o ~ el' t 1 M 29 ddreHed 'to t. • I ft l Strftl at at. &ln J~Cli\IOO , J tat t to t..h Mot WMtea'bout• or •· Ain l. tolti tui,a IHI• teiw4 O· t 1 · o let• ~thet' 1rH 1 ot t)eil" -"Pl) to JOU• 1 ~rq • ot tblf 1•pe•.. tU.-e taU• to crn&l 9 •fllt••• b6lfon1'J·•, 1•pa mtcJtbor o«l 'Of lO to the Oolol'lldo lt~•r ei b AritoM, It i i •11 to r" Bbil'«k.i at \ Projfft D.l ~-. t Ulo "~ • \)w a.a td'omat.~aa M 1He8'1 11' :Loe e ee, wen • • •lao&~ioa l>JOJ•tt, f~oa, aUoa t.,._t. JO• alclt dS.not. ,oar • 4rt• 1 OT ri._ lb', • JJM4, MM •44 • i•t ..,. l• 1"4l'\11& . .. 6 1rtk1 . "'• Ai eoltciU bl• a HEAD OFFICE OAT~ by the a ~ .IJ.l.y l, l 42 an inou.iry adcir-Jssed to us C'ific :ina.nce o • ra ion of ...a. · orni-a, or Los .&ngeles, and of 0 re ~ ~ bot.h cf wnicb s_li l:ma:t.cry. -1 'RA !CI 011 At.t. flt.lo t .r. ~' . '• P r l"I n.rH. 1 1 or •-r, (J I• 1i ton: . ly l.t.\. ' r .o Ju 1'.l 9, ·I el' Er·. an ~r ~ 26 . JO ltl . ~9 . FL5 ..1..8 . ~ 9 ') ·t nco~ i •j flnce 1Q a•o et • R.J. rr1 f lel4 JleJl't Dtattfe <fonaaoe II C e ..,. Southern pril 1, l 42 . ~e de r C Ua ·k o 1 Loa tos ng 1 e eh• l~fo 1·nh. ticm Property Cu toe\ l'hLa le er is n Lnforlll your of.'1'io& af 001·t 1 tr no.fer of pro16r io11 or Jar 1 uo Co11 ·r , tcine.1 Ch rch (or Cone r ·at one.1 Chtu•ol.oe ffl re. rith othor denoini.n o th~ 0 , or ab u , ~r oh 20th , I we.a tr i'o ed y )"llol da ( 1) of tho C!v ott e Proper ·y Ownurs Otrio e·, "'•l'l'ou ld t ·q fro ro permit o trfl.1111 o o~uroh proper ies CC>nLeronoe . f~ , •,h or~fo1·~ , hu ~ tn d , or• &.f Y.'i.1 follcw11c trana ffl ru l . Tho p1·0 rt.y of' the .Je.pb e o Con greg rn h o J3 r barn , tl 7 E , Cnnon Perdi do by e. nos ~oncretit iond Ch11roh of 81\11 SouU rn Ce.U.forn i Con r 11 · tionel Co r rano l . OO , This de d has boeu Stu.t D r bar • t"6001·dcd wi+.h th sum of Co nty H.ooord."tr o li'td~r tlon of Co1J1Vtlilllio11JI 'omen \l u , R 1'M.Ull "'"jJ'"' 1'. ( . M~a. S. K•>u ~l <I M f Ric. 8•t1tf•ry Mat 0 . 'I' A•N k I)~~ A1Jl.Jf4;ct ~"ttdr~ lu ~· P.. P.o c"'· ~""''''""' l.1 1, A. T . ST ll .&alt Tu1u ''' I. ymen' Fr l1Qw1hip M . llo Q~~ ~~ WA'llU•~4 J>,,JJ4l#Pll fa . ~. ai'erring the 1)1tle o!' from th . c hur c.t to he Ca11.f'o r 11 ia Congt· attonnl Cont'a1·e1100 a n d the oorre pondin hodiu of tho 1?1·oabyte ·ian nnd Methodi t denomir ':ions . 'hls hurch is a im Lon und rto.king o.r h e three danomin tion1 • th trno• 1-... lo ur.• ill11/!N, fl ion.I C• 111111 ilu1 e nr in prooesa of t r Un ion Uhu!'Oh o I: n ta Llkrl 3 . 'l'h title to the property of he Japanese Union Churoh of Loa Angel a , l oc ted nt 120 tlorth Sn.n F ro Stre t , ie held by tho Co11 re ga el Church l!:xtonsi.on Society or Los Atigo lea i n t; rus t !'o r t he Soi1then1 0Alifo rnJ Cong ro gat1.onal Con!'arer ce end the Pn> bytery of J'.,o11 Al elafJ an the Jap n~so Union Churoh. Thf.4 J (Hl.ll 5 Union Chur ch 1 n process o f r a tnqui hiIJg its i • eru15 ~ in t o pr()po rty. be11tJve you oo.n vr 11 nd9ll' f n our r e ai'Jo s for n\8 :in~ ooe prop-0r ty- run41 fera. ' e w1e.h , if pose iblo, t o co •.tirn.10 to uaa them i'o r r el Lgiou« puripo scHJ u r-.turn them o o r Jn ne s tt oonbrot;atlons if. an d 'Wh.en , ay retur n to ou\::lis rn. Colitorn1f1 . e Maumo ht t t t~mtJn by tr , Reynolds - th t no 1 r m.~t wo.a req~1i re for ouoh. ch ·ch t rans otionS • WH. uftioien t auth r1ty for u to execute bhuse tran fer , PAO/B, OtL 'I' . 1rl J 1 o too •• p tud,lQt Toa pruent a.d4t ,. 01' J•Jl8JHl8e, M 1 l'OMbl7 know, tboy N i'r• t.<.l 110re to pr411ot.t•ll1 Qpbirt •• tb• tt~ Statue , ot.bor h n tbilt .n•t,;a--1~ Ol" pl'01bt ed a •• pr1<>r to larohi ~1 1 lKtl. We wow .,..... ..._., bQWO-.o;ao • t.~it 70'\I •A4•w:r to oOlda~ tlalli ., t.i. 0010 o Bi r · ,. lte1cJoet,lca llrojen Jonoa, •Mid 1 • l•o u•t d••l.n.1'l• t.o •d'• at t.»lr to?M)I' euich•.... , •• OD8 ot' t ~al~•h ot \lie ~•i ike Poet Otti• autllo~l11i•• be rpr.. ai*lle4 wttb ~h' tO'l"fti-4111 a< W ~ ll t)Jo "° ••••tioa •• 1iQ•• H MARK.ET arf! ..UT, llllN ,RAN~llCO, CAL.tFOAN IA I.ANO OEPARTM£ T SIOUllH£Rl\I ,.ACI IC L..-. 0 CO OUTJiUtN P,AOIFIC A.All.. 01110 CO Cl!! l'R,4.L P CtFIC fl 1.L.WA Y CO 1 . fi<l4' U,.A$TE,f.'-. lANP COMMISllliOtllll't p , Q QJol ArlllTlf I , A f ANJ' LJ\,.D ClOtljM!.$111°'4 " JUL 2 · 1942 Pio»erty ·el 1H' H I G nt c op rtment , e e 1•tJ l Ol' ..ii.lit J!'X'tltlO leoo, i. oh o · l i •• e n: mu n,y .e H , ~ hi 2.\1; Oo you 1 ve B ny t 1 on11 l in w:· ion , rdin· tle e 01ntio e<:l J.8rt 1ea> l o o n you f'u . i.1h m .vi th ltieir t>t ue.nt udd • ..HJ • 'heir form 3r ill·nd, C li orn1a . ea ~' Bo. ~o 1 aioller,.... > , Yott · L n a. HEAD OFFICE DATE S:U&JECT: £vacuece South Prc~rty June 2$ 1 1942 Dep&t"b::lent - Paci.tic Leas• 1"Q Encloseci TO i:- cl es. i9ill fin a et..te-r f'rcm the P lllfll =::!__~...;_.~-- JUN 301942 cilic Co.:iipaoy, A.Cl CC 0 St:.r et p I i.to1·rti1a part. en t I..a.n Ue Z-1:1-10-14 v euee Proptuty O pt . , eral Re arve Bank , $ansorne an S n anci 3acr~;nen to 100 , St &. , C l.Uornia . ~ntlemeni Southern cif'io Lan<l Com, ny Leu o .• ? JJ+J..- l ted l , i u d to 1'oru !lit ura Shbu \Uli; ta Md Henry ~oni11hi , coverin part o! ME~o t S .,. of Seo. l , • 10 ., • l.J+ b., SU , rial Cou.nty, Califo a, for the pur a of ng a aoh.ool t h reon , dll expi re Jll'ne JO , 1942 . July 1 , l~ or your information l enclose photo!t ~io oopy or lease, an your pa1·t.ioular a t.t.mti<1n is uir cted. to th provision provid ing that. Lees e r , at or be.fore th t. ~ rmina t.lion ot this leaee , rem.ov fro11 too aid p.M!min an;r buil 1nga, t'cnocs , or i111prov ent.s wh.ich y nave been coMtruoted t.h raon by an at the ccat 811 expens ot L'l s ~e, rovid d thd rw de.t'ault shall t such t i mo xiat in re , pect to MY pay nt.s or ntaL-J , or in respect to any oovt1n.ant s , a. eements , or condition to be kept 8.00 performs by Le e e , provi e t•1at all build.1.nga and improvement.a remaining upon said pr eml8es t.hi r t)r d.aya al t.e r the t er mination by notice o r otherwi e) of thia lease , shall be he d to h ve become the property ot CJaaor and eh.all n~rt be rEJmoved t het from by Lessee . sa.i \'fill you be t ed in renewing thia lease ort i! not , will you effect the r e.ooval o! the school bui1d1rlgs . Yours t M.Jly, (signed) 'l' . cAllaster Land Corrwniasiona r. JCR/kd 6/ 0 Encl , c 0 p y June A? , r. , lcAlla tor, Lana Cor.lllliu La d Depart nt, 19 i on ~r, outh \.r n Paci.t'io Company, 65 11 t ket Sar. S~ re r anc i ·co , De r Sir: t.o cert t, e .17 orru. s.. Subject i Z-1 -l•J-14 Reference is mad to y our in'lulry ot June 2 n lmped.ti.l County propc rt, under leaae t.o Ja rta. ni ng 88 vsouee • len e bti tulvioed that t . a Bank has no direct j irio iclloh over pro rty belonging t o U11H'le p , ple but ha! nde vor d to be he pf ul in pl'o )ert probl 1a . h 1 ss e in q~es tl o n arc fr to ren w DHOh le c or allow am to xpir ae 1ld hav b en the ca.11 pt•ior to the o atAIWl.t o! r co d.iti ona. tion ~a geat that yo ornt11ct directly the l &a a whom yo lllfjnti n rrl determine t.hlJ mut\.\ally a tisftict.ol'j' cuur e ot acti<>n rlth regs.rd to the property i n que t ion . 11 have f'oMrlrded copy of you1· letter to our Los Ang lea otfic·e •Rho JMY have ddlti:onal kn 11 ge of th ese evacuees or t hi:l' pro pert31 nd we &Ml 1•equea t. ing thtllll to 001 t aot you directly 111 c s t.he can b or !urthor &fle:htar.oe . Yours very tr14,r, / /If'~ Aesi tant Caah'er . me It t oont. t1101 intondod y ~. oor • Wt tb &.inl ot .. . r u R o.odo ' •h f.t\'4lnolti. re ·,uH?fl ll ~a _____ ______ ,,.__,, - l , .............,_ I 'Io r -- ... t .. "B1, r t. l - .... .............. - 0 ti .- ;r~ \> N 'C H ~' I :ii. g /-f \.. ~ ~~c ." I i3 -- ) J'\T IO ' 1t $ I edondo Bv un •-r• Ct1 C l1'1.,' I(,) re.neh Redondo Be , 0 l rorni~ June 20 , 1 941 ~ '(. Fred Bold 11ac1.1e P:ronert Federa.l Rosene Loa rtme1tt or S•n E e.nchco elee ranch at Olympi.e BouleVtl.rtl Loa An ele a, C liforn ia A:IJ. 1~09 ar .rr. Bold t A the ~eque&t or a r . Sloan , who war a out of yoill' , we enclose her with oopy or l btt1r aignacl by Rideo T ken ga. tHi eij l Onhhi to '111.lo.a Ve doe i'·b.l"'llJ.S AUooi tion, 11. a Mr,.rch 28, 1942 1 oopy of Becrow Jin t ruotion• in 16 ·ter f<mn addraased to Ban of Amerio , R dondo Beach Br noh, dat d ~aro h 28 , l 42, aigned by .llid o lcen (. and oiji On:i, hi a.rid Pt.lo V rd • F' l'lll• Au ooia icin . '1.1ht11ee le t•r• re ha td by depe.rt:rn~tn ua in 001m o ion wit .. our Coll ctio ~ also hold n hia Co lleotion sevon ep&rate Bi1la of Sale e ir;n d by Jiideo T ken ge. Palo• V11r e11 ~hile No. 1832. nd Se iji Onie hi hi f vor of Fe.nna Auooi"-tion. one o tho enclosed copiea refere to Eeo r ow In• atnic i on • no eescrow 1.B held at th a branch . wne aocepted by us ·&.s a Coll eetion. Thea p1.1.pu e reca 1ved a pa.,vment on June 10 of 18 34. 13 , and. lfe Lnfonn d that yo qr ot'fioe alr Ady holds a copy of' a let er fran the Pe.loa Verdes Fa..rme Asa ooi.ation to o Takena;ga, settln >forth the rea.aone for withh olding 787.73, • il ioh , we Ul'lderstand , 1a no\V quostione d 11y Japanuo people l..n hie deal. F'or yC1,1r inf orm~ti on w e.lso mclose a lii!t of the in the sel n aep ro:te Bills or So.le •. item oover~ <l phone tr yo o me . Cl!W 1ME!V Endo" uros wiah f urth r infonna ion please wrih Ol' tele- noci ,ion f his day 801 0 ;fOU cert it pl'Oi)f! l'\.J' and ll)fltChen- 1 eonside,·o. ion of lri,487.46. htt terms of thi ror ·h in e row inc .rue ion , co .'J ol' whiot h to. he prop()r 'I 11nd roh mlis 110 old s d scr U1 d B ~ Of tle m n ioned in her()by w11.r.r of he prop rt,y l.a ii· u enil clt1 r l eu or chi rg 11 rn ntioned in • id cum 1r nc1 DGtructione . nd lht1. th reo • ! f rth by ~ or th J you r takin. o v r from mo h .shall zio b6 lLab 10 .he r-td'ol· , ee thc.t 1tll bill rt1rminl': t.ho l. nd rueruh id 1 sti • U en .. nut. ny incu~Nlri which rill b p id , tlc1d hnt you fu.r .her ,re th 1 1 he evfln any c lH.ima, Urine or ch11.r-g s ere me.d e r~r ae r d tr. inst m or ony ot ':.hfl ..ra.onn Sf.I ho h e h6en furmin t,heao 111.ncl and you ar cnl l d upon or d m lid ie ·•wde upon you to pay th~ me. tlrn _,.ou a.y p~y ni chur u 1.1. n 1, 1rno n ta or c.le1 nd.r. ond ded q:t u.ny a oun so pa.i i ~y you rom ho rem in~nr. runoun due i'rorn you ,o me r n the purch ee pric of id ro rah dise , prop r y nd e ulpruen mentiono<l . n th$ Bcrow in11tl'Uc ioru 13111.s of Salo .orihi3 in the escrow ini:t. r ¢ ion a.nd dl}posi ed .in le f!tr~r . j ts1gr10 ) ideo 18.ktmor,a (ei ned } 6 iji Onishi Iffi l. 2. LI ED 0 7 S3PAJ TE BILLS F SA.LE -y s; 12- 3. h.a.rn as; 5. e '-am ss · a arn ss; lete harness; 9. ear in ~ 'tor 'o.Z-048-07; 10. All d in connection wi th irrig t ~ said liu..ds ll. &l l ipe, ital ves c o · d land ~d used in connection rith irr· ti ~ aid. for f'a.nni.:I_ purpo.s~ ; 1. 17 - 7/10 ~ sac ~ rro der Sean Seed ; lZ. u. oe ; l .. l . 16. ttoc' -p z:.. dEtSi ay Forks; uay I:foo : ll Ge:den .R~ All Spn len; ; 22. SS • rt. length of rubber rde:n ho e; 2 • l w-e for.its; 2 • All pot to oob; -::>5. One odel 22 ut e e uipped Ca e- illar Traetc:r 'lrjde tr-earl. •itb •!! f' llowi 4'qUi. .Gt for end U$$d ill Canoe ti on therewi th 1 • Due 2. Chis 1 • Sp row in • Fresno ~aid !rector bea.rii::g No. 1 J 2299 2 • ce l:odel lS Ca erpillar :'ract • ri h the followtn or l. rrow ~-2 I • Al 1 ; 28. all lug box covers; 29. All lar~ Cal-co cz-ate-s; ch or brand a~phurJ ;n. 32. Cabco craws; e; 53 4. 3S . ~s. 37. 38. 3~. 40. One " ta. ~-section . . rroira; ~ ; equi ent de 8 \;oru . Planters ~Q. 15 - Haud Dusters 49 . Sl. 52. 2 -Due.t SS, i l l .hou :54. J..:;)pr~~itel.y n1.:i reet . quio.?c cQuplin~ pfoi: · e e - "' w SAVI A.SS ... IATIOB 28, 19 2, r eeipt of which by the eraby adClaitled 2. Z • 62 • 6 en r be!'"C:re Jun d; l, 1942; -une l P .u t og :n 1942, .Azrs ocia. t1or. . Trust C R. to ake You S&le her • r i~ion disp follOwi de tfe uc. of on 524~ . s A.s$OCiation, a L' o~ o~ s i& a L. i e4 Partnorship , tc na in the um of and deliver t-o y u cu. ie-r'g checks o~ all of the 3il s of Sale (2) of the Bil ls Ut (l) s pay- ~ck:B Should lo p. fail •o d•liver c Verdes ~ ie~~ h~r t' ber 10, depos i ted wit Partnerahip, and close r nas Association, a Limited Partnercheck p yable t~ E. T ena&& i~ ~e s 10, .S42t you sh o;- b9!'ore J 621 . 6 ail all Bills of Sale i~ed before s ept here'Wi~h h ~~u ded to :De ... ·very, Str _ on e 11, 1 942 . e~al o F. T forthwith c ose oc ·s.\;icn, a las V rde check 10, 9 8 er ll, 1942, • Takenag , ,. close thi o inte v is to be ch -~ on ferr~d pa ants en- .e ein. It d a reed that Bank of rica eg no 11 bility, le &l or w ith 'th! 1crow or any mat rs o th s to e e eacr i.nstructions . Bg expressly' tii~t any the parties ~hall be set led t Bank of :er~ca .. a ion.a l .. r t and ..,avings e a arty to an· :.!'f nmce be"bfeen t e ~ble tQ sottle o r en ge any contr~ i t;s ..... en~ioned in t s~ eser in- 26. 1 2 (signed r.n..os Sai.ji VERm:s FAB:LS -.....-I~ .ev T 1 ishi .ASS illI ~i . s: l'OK June , 1942 o ganit&\ion rM>ved vol~ntarily to Tul•.1'19 Count1 eyer,ai m::inths ago,, aiod leaaed tt ee ti.on 0£ land. S uba t•nt t..l swu wn inveated in buildings and crop plantings. ~his The M!Pr 1 Hideo T enaga, approached o~ Viulb. o.ttioe and relate t;i.t fJrey-?t:r(f ai.eposed Of :JllDBt Of their fa.rm equipntrrt. oonaistiil ot •••d and tex>la, to Paloa Verdea Parnu1 at the time they left San Pedro. It appears that the latter oompany deduct d ?86,00 fl"OIJI. tha Jun payment, 1tatin1 thQt:. eerta.1n it.fJms were ~Hing. Tal!ionaga prot-. t41d. th:1fl act.ion bt n tin but N.11 ~ad no eat.ids.otory e.nner. • would appreciate it i ! yo\l rill contact the Palo$ V•rdes fa.1'111.8 and aacertain their poaition. It ie quite possible that thia i.8 a !arm problem but in vi•• or O\.lr lack 0£ knowl•d.B• u to the original tre"8&otion ~· •Ou d b• interested in obtaining the pertinent l•cte • •.. Aa1iatant Caehier ............,... An1wered ............... An4d, by Rriueine Advice ..... ,.......No Answer Required Directed to file ...., ... .......... by ........................................................ (•··~ ~" THE STEVENS -DAVIS 600 W. JACKSON co. BOULEVARD CHICAGO 15,. 19 J ed ral :set'V9 Bal2k ot an Fnmcisc:o &V&:cuee froperty De~em.t 7'Jf ~li'tll ~priDg s-~~t Lo Anplee, Ca:'U1"". u to •• 1(. Cal.iton:da T'nding Co. 923 Gsrd&a Blvd. South UA?''della, Ca.l1f • Coo. u act balance - 178 .oo d bave receintl.T been adTiaed that • h debtor bu been ilrtern~. will ~a:te G.7 intora!.t1.Cll ~ can gi.Te U8 nth regard to ~ 0U%' sccount and the'e to follow. e! ect-:Wg collecti01D ~ · 17~ I, . I l.P A ccxrnaiea"\ ba.aine&a reply ~ ts attached in which .-e 8ball look fo d to an Nri.T repiy. Ver"T~ ; :roars, ,... 'fA;-~AVIS OOIPJJIY I ~· L/. L . A• r J'J ot o ed a toi•-' io 70UJ· l..o \ ~ '\oo .Ae OU t ~pe *' at, u .• i• Pottoe&. Al·iu.. au.r.onto• llr. Io'b :lqit a th• O'alnp otti•l l r at llD cU"1Utt t at.oa t. p tll'ltt •-'bJoo "'' h lb•i ~· Nl•iOA o MW t..1- ge • lbl 1pld. 1:\ 1e o.Mi~l 1t ..,.,. wlll bi!> d.o n. t tt\18 bl.fl at g0nr.-a\ •QI... -..) U wo•ld· 6ll~t th ·t Mt. toM.ehit• will Jaaye to V-T \1- •oe or thi Plsae. ~·,,_ .'&. Gt!lN ' l>~' 1 m; ___ _,,, ,/ lJ ' 1~11> r Till:' e /j/L,1.¥. ~./'J, ~,I .;r~.J'•'4·/J-L~;::;:--,;:t~ 4 .... e;:;A":f!.!;:'k v,~ 4"-;f~J~ A.a. 4 """' / r ~,t,~, .....U-#1,. tAa;.~ ~~ \lt"'S 11 ./ 1 HEAD OFFICE v-s TO: · .~om .. DATE SUILJ~: Rere~-n &"l'j!M1m' tio!l an or~l~ cc.~. tain d a wh-0 lrlll ?"elease ? ~---- Amwcrcd -~-·--..,..A::6Scl by .____ v.:'.".. No Ans utinc Advice er Required Direttcd to &le o~ t..O jO :- s· ot ~ pure uest cer the a...-t..icl s . biUld in'!.·· -- o! !1'0!!! E._:~~!!!1~1 Xt YQU ,o~ld 1nfprm me ·~ ' to wbo the p~opeP. Utho~1bY mar bo Q~ 1 ' r&fer tbla tp~ tte~ tf) th& }1l"Optl' l?ede:t1 •l DeJ)fU'lt/l'b~l\ to~ dCJe!,•lon, t wt 11 ~ ve~1 F,at-u~ll lo~ t.he 00"1'0ptra·t 1on. . , th.1 , I am. 1 r r. ,pro. "' ns 't' , l I lCAS 42 'M aro 26, o ue t your ear11e o AL Th lie rop.rty Oueto 1 n c/o ltd ral R erv \k Lo ng l $, Call!ornl 1r: ni ~onv p 8' Wil no~ a•1on. an yo·u plea c wr1 e intormntion n 101r In o oa pro'\l't 1011 nae b n rno.d.e for Yg v l lJ t of h se pesple w w n very rnuch how to pla.oe our ola You.r promp a ten- i £ the ind bte nea to know p J\l will be gr atly ~pr cia ed. Ve1y !no rely UT6Hl~E LDBRIC your~, ~a C MPA L""L~~· . . t . ye r . V1eo-Pl'.'e \den ' ELB ~ c .. t tl Wayman h•• ... -4••• t. 100 • l • pp flit' ' l'(ltnl fll • l' but t ~ru1iy orr~ tP e rri ved t n Tu1 r an porery re<ieption o nte.r , tiat m an Th t is we o mo e a e ln. w ' ll o er to rnoYe . Slnco my rAt er 1 h!t then lips t r om No . .. tr. t1e on ' t 11tove , rt<e 1"1 ll h 8 W8,ft Oi'l 1Ml y S our Rllnd.i 11(1 he tsl 1P " Yout' v rv~tnt1er J.y , K1yo suzulc..i (My e 11 i na o oonr 1 rm. my u~e Ha n1thJ.oh i Suzuk i re tuee t. ) a 0 p '( ., $Ji't b 14 1' " b• • t'OIP 1 t tUl.118 o Jus 19 ,., 1 o ...... tor U w1U Uoa ••nlo•• .... a1 J""'1 elt•r. YOGn ,.,,., t ·1, -.1.:!::::::> I u1r : l' T 1 l · r: •; t lc>n (, L1YI 'l' na n J If b th i ")q<J i>T 1 g , 0 to t)r: • ~I ' 8 t\ .1 An ·; '} st in fin nd q ('Ill} ) •l h ti, r F it v~ 1 tu·. ) . · you~ brm h 1i;·1 fl ompt ym n t, c / HJr 1. lC~ , t; l 1 r11111i:in th J t·1 .. y , ~.ti 11 'I t; 01 ;\ r1 r Ht· t ~o rs H1lch f) / I l l ~I t 1!11 I nll W'H' l< th tn n1l t I ·r1\'j nI a p,, ' rr 1)' 1 , ' 1f fn t rchon / • Tri t t o~ I 11t t 1. n l'I r '1 1 .r ~ 1t)U t; ) 1J lo " tY. lllVllJ or 1.nt r'~ I j, ) \. rl th J '.t IJ l ~ors f)t'; Ul Zl:l- Qopy Cl } 0.t"f'h• - con r:e.noi o.o· . . e. .... ' <'I.I /)11.uis - .A.Jiiii: - /)v-e -'I~ Bn11.' 4- 2/A1/f" /)..- ·- f~~~ Bl~I< "'- <1- lis11. - /);,{J'I- I' .. ,ii~ M · ~ c. __... e· _ ~ e a ZQ_,.. at~ ~ae:llll8 ~~l"!H~ /µ,?' 1~ ~,,., /y#<- fot ,, "tt, a,,_)~ !n7 2. ~ • /;:; f I~ ~,.. J .!" -I w~ µI/I.. • ~,,r a--t.c. {'!!~;(~ ¢' tvr1,,:/ ,t,lrH<- 4 _,~ ,~4- ~ I ,A,,4 ~- ~/~ ;z._.,..' ,,,..<.-4 ~, ' _ .(._~- tf,uA,, /~r~ /~,,_,~,. ~~ a µfu...M ,J,U ~ ~'l-tJeA' ~ .. J~-7-. // (.,,r(, ~- . _.,. ,_/ / " ,,.,. ?l--~- _,.,t?t.r<-J ~~ a.~· 4 " 6 a~ f lfo ~ c;r it~~ V /~ t!~rvrY ~_z.,4_ ·iA~ - ~f-l · {(,: ' If~ ~L-{,/ ~ ~ _,k-e .;?it.. ~<-c.A ~ ~on ;/~ ~ f Y s-1 e ~ . /J.7 .:-. 'cl 1 / I Pried C. Bo Aaeil!lt t ' { 1..,1. .i</ ~ ... !?.'1~__.. /A ~ ,,.,~ a Otnycm De~ nUon , &t1on •• Cditorr t 'l\lJ l une U, 19•2 A•11a,u,\ er t •.A. Bnuioh fe4 . Reaerr B6.Jl.k ot .•1. P.O. &ox 2()77 t Tem.nal Ann• t L.A. Deer S ir: 'lbi• letb•r i B in reply to :your lt~ter of June 5 , 194 JllO\orq~lt iabn without p yriteat b:J' Mt- . J . none O·t Alhambra, Oel itornia. JU. Kone told you that he paid 1n:1 p rtner !50 . 00. Thi a 1• not ru• , and I aa att ohing & copy ot ~ le1ter wbioh I reQe1Te4 odq from Kengo 'l"a.lfeh eb.1 g rdtng thie pe.yMn • r Rone aleo aaye tnat he tran ml•~i6n e&r• .. re 1trippe and aooe11or1 1 wn l!lii . .148• Kr. Hone neTor mentioned thi• to u but d14 try to tell me thet tbe bloulc a cnoked , bu l em 1ure that all thes et tenwmts an liu. The Qn ly paper I e1gned will a ~l~p aying th t I wa1 not nem;yN alien , and a elip tor an. applioa i on for a new pillk dip, so i t ~r . fto ae ha• e. alip eayin tho.t peyinent e •de 1n full, he ither hat t or ed U, or obtdlltd it by rre.ud 11e.yin an that :lt • • an pplio.e tion to get pinlc slip . I am eure that Wr. Rone 18 lyi ~ bo\:Jt the whole m.a ter, i• not required o .rc tut~ the Jll()tol'Qycle , that he &hould be made t o pay me 100.oo. It may eilso be well to urn this DIAtter oyer to the County Sheriff, aa they will no doubt be and that it b intere1ted in stopping ~bis person from J!'J8king such unjust ~ealina• • I hope t hat you o•an help lilt get either my motorcycle or t he JMney , and it neceHary I teel the.t this p reon should be proaeoute4 by tn• law. l also undttltand tlult one ot the o:ttio•ra here tallid, Aa1istant U.S. lttoniey about the matier so I will appreciate your get\ing in. touoh with hilll, •• he 111.y be able to help you. to Kr. De on Af ,{fO £ IU.! OoPJ - :Mr. D•> Aali#tant tr. s. Attorney ALI EK <l~l l EXA ~I lED , .J-' - !.. . BY .•.•. , ..... U. S. I. & , S. •\n s1 . r t,.1 Ap~.6 nUa um.~ Oen •r ~· t M'c l , Oe.litOJ\'n~ 1Wl.I 9 1 U .2 ura: D•f' Wl'. ! l • J'ight a.way 1 thl1 leth•r. About your Mo toroyole, .!..i2,, o.o gtt e:n;y 1non.tt_ nd !!Jl•o_ Mr. Hone to bring 1 t b clc tl,) lll7 p1. o nd he a d tba 't>111i he just 0'1111 he e oin g que tton he c>t I() lmClw ~d l oe w1thou to 1ee you ihat Sunday . ~ and d d not CQJDA9 While I baG , eo I l wnt to eee Tokyo 111oior y le co. t:>11tJ they do•en' ple~s do write and •· p le 11n all about . lette~ I to u.s. Attorney ure the la ot the M~. fal.Jlet , u. s. w1 U clear in no tlll.e. 'l'ruutldng y()u to asldn about us. • are gett.i ng fine that ia only 'lflY hope in el.11Bye. Sincerely yours, Slsn.ed, P .S~ ldotororola nyt ing. So malai l'\lll to 11\J' ltell8o Takahashi aeO regu:<l. to rou from my wit'e. ' • eow ot ou •tnti... o' 'flt J'8 t• ••al~ , · lob • l• t•r ~~ •l"• llliJION rou:r let.\• et 11l.9 I,. ni. ro •• 1~&11 UGt.-u. "11. !3 ! emon · JMdo 1 n t,h .rs le tcr r Im~imu.ra lire aorrect. ~t·dinR _l!:::::). 1 I rny tnl'lseot16n wi h )!: o ney 1 ~r !!Inn Loa Anv. J of' Jun 1co , Ofl ' Cnli f • r. .il'loru ~) UNITED STATES ATTO ~E!Y V'«HCJtJll l>ttJl"f"lCl! Olr CALJP°"N•A ---~- ~. os AN~ ~II• PedeN1.l Rt1Hr"Ve· B nk 70'7 SQuth Spr1 Stl'net Loa Ang•lee, Ca 1forn1a Oentlnun1 I am tncloaing herewith lttter addre1 td to th11 office bf a Japaneae, tosether w1t~ other oop1ee of corre•pondenoe, Which re aell••xplanatory. Thi• letter 1a ddre·eeed bo 7ou •• we no 1ntoraa· t1cm regArdtng an7 arrans••p.te oo.n oel'l\1ng thh matter. Youre very trul 7, WM • F'LEli.'I' f AU.Jm United State 1 A.ttorn..7 1 Bncle. d .., . BoJ<I 1 tme Oi v U c.,ntrol dmJ.n1 ti<e i on ou h r r S. . Loe An eUi ro arct1 ' p ;rm nt • '1leJ"don y , -.lh8.11bf;'6. , let~ere I in tr t J 1l Ml l end p lo '.'d Wfl ~i. •1 lao t! 100 . 0G r ... .llOW.. th t r .f. )J .... t I '''R J '" ,:\ h1, en roe y o ; ~111.t mo ou of the , lt. a<.l 11 tt 1 De en 10.n o help ll':y ae lt . 1-y l.fl • 0. t 0 ~;25 . cr , • J l If n.oot ~et ~ oe in colleo inJ t his j rerr e n ott v ~s eh i npec'l·· o J re..n . gov o Japerl so:n d<. y soon , d s t t or now llan to ek if I c..n1 ,r e~u ll ,;t ~r;oyiro ' . < .¥~u..~ finori• P. s. The pink sl i p c ~ve ring •ure. be abov 1110torcyol~ we.s l os by ~ Md was nevtlr ttu'D.eCJ ove r to rr one , and un e:r he circua.etanoes I 'A'O \l l rn h. r h av the 111otorcyo l e r turned to '!le . ,. ur ,.· OM Lo A ~el a, Onllfor 1 r. lnoru Im.wnura , 'I\l.r a C6.?1yon D t n t ion C:. tatton, June 1 0 11 Ort i Rerenfo, to your 1 t er ot ay 15t , rd to 11'.oto1·oyole Wt\1oh you GCI ill our em 11.,, , a o 0 On/3 , Mr . li' . f!on , ro1· whloh yo Of h ve no aym nt . I'1'l I re ret to e.dvieEi ha hereforo , hiA oomp n wabl~ tone ia no er d h i lon ,e r 1n our s t'V1on, hr.i.v1nr. tion wlth tr , in August, l ~~ . to eaaiat you in th ours S~gned- E . 8. Generel ruly , o C~r.ty ann er 11 oonneoand run. , rna ter. . 0 .. 1•1 in te illy btOl'U t yOUl' , t'a tt r lhtl ov r o ~ Ve IUnc truly :rou:rt, 3/tR 10:20 .ur. 1• ..u tJcJ: 011 door a-t lo :..20 I.. • lo one • • Y. H "'Pl.eue m:l9 u at R)an 16?0l. uteJ181on #81 or B•pmteacl a•. 6%53 1Jl Loe AQel••· l Will b at th• B:rau mabv uiit1l ~ P..ll. 8lll •t ~· B Md nabe1' anv 7 P •.M." PUi rouowiug 110 at -J:: BilllJJPlq ~- .S.Ak ~ 6 lt..-. Xz-s. Eozae J'ml• s.w Sire -14 ..,.. ~=- 1• ~ ~er Qt• tr•10ll Paoith u4 1• Oil'\ on u ru ~o 1'r14a7. Sile stated ~"t •ll• 111ll lia't• Mr. Eons. report ~ lfr. t.c.. .Sol.4 at '1<:1'1 Soath Spr1.J:lg Stteet 11ae<U.-telT u1'0ll hU re~~ Sil• ••14 -;bat Ill' • .Boiie bad eold nnn ~i::. ~o~• ...,. ., .... . ., ....... 4 i!lt:HIUlll"' D,, H. H . • rMA.Lt.. •li••o•~ac ~a••c•• eu ILDIN8 ,.,., L O•H1' .. 0, CJA\..IP'OtllN•IA R p ·-0m.b Dt1r r .. olc ft llt8Y All NU• tu. OllN'f'tllD, 1uu.1•0llNIA i· l , · • 1 l ; in 'tt~'f roL'orr · no 11.l t1ei r fr nt ith l i•~ooiv 1 • 0• l'11l Yo l ·e ~ . r . l' , 1 u\L • STATE FARM lNSURA.NCI COMPANl.18 Home OfflCle BLOOMINGTON. ILLINOIS · OJ tamb cr :h~ . .J, b-)42 C. H. H • CnL ,l l J> . 0 . Box ;:\bu ·.l c n tro, <> U f . , ir : e~1r 1 Hm encl0slilng : l e tt ~r f r om t e ·nu.ittole Life In r tinoe Comp ny f'or my f t er ' erumJ.. TokuhL.~. l" I woul l l ke t k nv e y°()Ul' ( dvla H~ -co wh£ t I shou a do. h·uu lu yo bo abl > to 1.; t . l from the trebsury Department hnt rny f:, t. H'l' ls r... gone r lly l1cen!ed nationLl tt~ r ad vit:i ng I ould c.ur t.ainly a i· ~c i s. t e c.ny uovi e.e ;o co lu ..Lva me i n rcg1-.1 rus to tho enc losed ctt~ r. hanki n you for yo I < ki na uttenticn m, ')::; t1•uly~ ,4<ury-;].habEi.sLi /1 isu11.u C3" ) 1...... fFJ /gh """1'I Kr. H. ~ldaed t to rtolste cr.q 1 iu ~• of J •ho" t • e er at tbe ate,.._i l V.nAst.•J' Oa1ttho dolly ~ • dao to belr nl•oU..• oral Qt tUA1 ciT011l&U.oa ot .ee ~l'«'U A a , but h diep~&J$4 • 1•41er la Diiie o l\ k~ 'lfl •kt eoooun. U. lit • l.Qd ~o li U.1 ate • flOO at I\ wt 111 ~1 onOptJ9h~4 l· toed th•' oaeok. 'fhfl 1:>0&peQ ~ 11 a we~·· cl...,•r •If;\ npJ,i.oit on ht t.r ud. 1.-4loa'tec1 u el'tort oo \beb ;an. to U1st tbl e'V'Utl .,, ift obt&iat.. ' 'HHrt Ji'8fOJ'e'* ,.... •ib.le. ••ti* lnoloaur',. HA v G r~A PANY o r cts CH1c ao JSA MC'C:,OA>MICH . C>[llfltlNQ •A·J!4· O .. <A.l"l•Ht;l liQ~ ~~CfIT IM11 "N41110pt.AL. MOTOlilt 1f lJCIC AH8 IH>bUS111UAl. PD'N A ~·~llT• "'IC> Cl<M..l/.._.:C"1!10N. If .... C,4 llOU. l;lt&llfr ~· Cclµ.bTlfllllol ~ Los At!G ""'&.••• "11 1111!\ll .... C:A'Llir. ... .. .. ,_ D , '""'" ., r eo1•'r t > Yo· r rJ 10 t tly j ' .$ 10 , 1 ()! 2 Jo l d ~ t c;on 1;le ::mn . ~- .r , ~ ) li I l!lt'(J 1n: A 0 IC DA I! nouee .Property , part111en George rawald, I'ou will .fir'\d e -~ oaed a letter from oiq reprieaen.t ative together w.ith eop:!tee Qf 'ttwven a ~lu~t ry Harveeter Company. V&C \l&e 4Rd the lnten1at ion&l In ie of the hot ~ at too latter or aniza.tion b loo tad in your area and t.he evacuee fon ·r ly lived in that 1one, we !eel you might 1d. h to oonitaot t:.h Inteniatinl\Al Ha.rv .e ter Oompany. It epp~ar to ua that hile the evacuee hae aigned a Ql ar bill ot ea.le 1 he iay h ~e don ao unrlt tingly ILlld it i8 po.o~ible that the Intirnatior\&1 Harveeter Compiny otti eu.ppl,y a .r urther explanation. It 1111 also di!!icult to understand wny they have not adYised him. since receipt. of tile signed contract 11, aa he aaq1, it ia tru13 that he hae writteri th 111. Te would, there.Core, be please to nan 7ou .explore this case w1. th the International Harvester Company to detern4ne it the re ws.e any aubaequent ea.le, price , eq_uit7 (it any), and accuracy ot the foregoing statement • .... Answered ... ,...... Anad. by Routine Advice ···~· .. · .... ,.. No Ans.wtr Required Dlre«ed to file by., .....,, ........ ,....(~;;;;.;;;.;)"'" " .......... ,...... . ..... ~ ............. . .............. 0 ~ V1 nl1 ult n 0 of t U on n l m n & • 2 ..,_ .............. __ y t. r l y 1 u.1.. , t; t 1 0 : • cl . l pr11 24 ~ l • ro rro rot a very (1 ,) N. P . 1!1 ·----- ..,. __ ,.,.. ...,....,....._- ~ .. - .. ,.~· • If li1 .,,f, ~ A4'""" I;. 1" t'<11 .. ~ 1c:m , , ie o w.tll oloar tttl& a~. r p 'I b1 (() r ' v ry t~l1 ; ( ) eat r- , . p. • P. ter e .lem n ' a.vor ol tb o 1~nu ·>1 l .. . "" • t ar f 0 •li&- 1t to l lt' ~ ou :rour i' t tl e Cit at hi " n· t. •l 1. tto 1,, '{O r1 ( } . ~ f il Jl1 or ,,.n tt. r :rou r .ro f.IJ\ 'I tr"-lly , 11 • ,Qr1· lJ .. ... t.e .,.. . . e ~---- -·-·· ...,........_.....,,....___, _ _ _ _ _ iri ........... _...... ....... l- .r~ .- - ~· , Plllil! y. l,I)( i In b nd K od a n<l aliua hl rnn id t ti<Ju. doo h C U 1 'Y, p » ~ of th ,_____... - rr --·----·- ___ J1 i I, th~ P he1~ lpt foll wing di' ori b~ P" ..... - ~h flr ~ p~ut Tl h: Old p operty t \ JL H1 R fJM'Ell\ ........,......~___.._........,._~----..-......~- ·--- ...... ~f ie .o( I j hi11" by ckoowl~dged a11d of o&hiet' ·~-------•f' ..... , . . . . - he County of S"•b, - a11d be~-..f' n ~li~ p rt;ie&, tlia~ ._ ... ...,...._._ --------i....o...-------.-,...----.--~-~ · id pe <>ual prope r .-.ia be aold by le, wit) ou ti notice, and th~L 'h l)~ d of id l , lt> be e~:pense of fog for, kt 1>ing, fhli , JI ll iring ml 11el line; m , hall lw,; J>pli d a ._ ttedlt on 'he indebtedn 'f'f not s whfob aid 6.r t pa~~y admit. X::::::t--- A f'"!11do11 ement n.On ---r ote i 'ote ------- ,_ ---·--·--i--.---1 *-·--- -·. - ~ --_,.... , _____________. . .__ ---------------------- 1· · · - - - - - ,- - - - -- ~ . . - - - - ' ..---·--- --~------- ~l i• ~url4tr ~gf•.tb, f>y and hlltwe~n the putle , tha~ the d li ory ol said personal pro~ me by seoond pa~t.y shall in no »11tnn(!r relieve or rele~ fl111!t party Cron' Uability tor paymen~ 0£ ~.ny par of hi11 l!l1;1ld inti+'bterlM upon 11ai1l note that inay l'entaln unJ)Gid alter l1h111 nflt })foceedll 0£ the 1 of said ~r onal propcrt.y bav he~n r1 edjted a afore~aJd; and it i further agreed, tbati ltr, n L pJ1oc d realiz <I from. th<' ff' of 118ld per onal prop rty may be ppll d by sec:ond party on either or nil ~rs id not<i a ui<l f'COnd 1· rt.y may elect, and. tho 1tpplk11tion of any m , ey thu received will be con Mered a a olunta('y pa) tnP.nt or aid 1r t. parLy on old 111Jte or notes a l the date on which aid pe,aonal properl i.1 sold, and tho partly .,f the fir L part ii1 co11 id l'Gtiou of tho p110rnises bereby e~pf~~ wa.iv¢i, any and all claims ari undl'I' tho prov· i nii Ill tlie la.w 11elotlng lo Condltiom1I '' Ir . ty to Md tbe aa.le, of the 1 ~n ~itnug ~lt~r.tof, id lh ti pttrty hWI her uuto hJa hand the ____ day L_!f.aY-----~ . D. 19J2 tgned and Deli er~ --·-------~~--- ... -+-•· {s) rte in tb.c presence of ---- ~ ··-··- ·----·- ..1.tl_ _._ ____, 26 .. 14.r • •,.., 2 C. Bold ~de.ral Rea r~e Dank ot San fra.noieoo Lo• An _elee Branch Dear Mr, Bo), r 1 tter I hn e be .n owir yo11 for 1 lo , e o ':f wee • . It was a r l ite.. ' o loo e lllr.e ._ IMl.t. .nioe uein yov on your 1 •t w~ .r pa her-e o Banta wit t a great big load of'f ht 11 olle t . R1 ht 'I ,,,, t"o , t'or you ut eel e.n '.!.t1Mr 101!' of ea.ti eaotion at he ·f act th•t you~ o Jrtment h . led th if iQ~lt roble~ o eveoue.tlOn fa.~ y 1 11qu rel 1 erd ab1::1 . 'fhie 1a tha effort, perr it rqr • 'l'h•t my doWll by t e i etern Oo d()el ot al t r the mo, t 11·. '.L'he.nk ,you $.'llywe.y, for d l the t.rou~le you w nt to 11 ·he x enH, a1v;i •ll t, e ~· wt'u11y nj<ie of ·ou , ~nd 1 rn.eiUI t $t t1JM yo u upe ~ ir t rying tQ obt 1.n it . I f r om the botto of ~y h a.rt. 1 wifth to th n.\c y o\1 fo r yo\lr r&q1.1 .st w fl eventua 1· turn e;r It WH q\!1te e. u.r rie when r. D11 in thy o 11 d m into h1" of toe OM J110rn inl". las '110nt;h a.nil let tal]c to you on the phono. t vra• oven re o .. urpriae when, a ' er I on u , he told m that yo ~1 had reoo nd"d tha 1 b put; to vro r k 1.n tile eder 1 Rea rve or io here The. , too , •Na v r 'f ntoe o you , and ! wi h to hank yo\1- for H.• ~ry The work h interea\;;in , e.nd I h.11 ' he sathfact1on of Kn(lw1nt; th-.t 1 an teni-oe t:.o the govcirnment , s11 we 1 e.a to the Ja.pan ee p.iople hn·e. lt ia plee.u.nt 'ill'ol"kb Nith the 1'be c rew you here. 11.e ur '• 1311UnHley, p~ rr o rming He.neon, them, ~nd a gen~ine Hardin re all. ~io~l ent bunch, and on' ean ' t help enjoying working with K nny N aoka, tho other J~pe.nese lad ork nv, in our of ioe, and l are doin ou~ btat to peraiuade the evaoueee to sell thei r Ol!ir s o thu Artay . en the p"'ople are el<,.,, about 0 0111ing into the o fi ce to t a.l ie: i t over, we have beeu r:oin11; fro hou•e tio hou e to alk o the in thfl i r homes. In many o aoea we have even odl in the evening when the people were t<>o bus;/ during he day . So , all 1n all, we •re oinr he e t we lm<twto r,et the ob done N1.Q ,,;et it done r l,ht . I a.l&o gained vJlue.ble experience in ti.el ping the res iden a out. wit n h eir llllUly finanuie.l and personal pr operty pr ch em.a. I don ' t he.v to te l l rou about al 1 the v•rious pr oll ems, eomo hum.-0rous and solM near•t r•tur.1.o , th t t ey bring to us 11.nd he.~e ue unrav~ } ~o r hem . !t is all very inLereetin. •nd eduo~tio nal. It is e.1•~ very intareet1 11g aDd rich in the l o re of h .maxi p~yo ho1ogy . For 11.ll thie nnd fo r ;rour unoee. ing a.nd humanJ.tarian effor e on behalf of juet ioe and fair-plCly, 1 the.nk you and pray t.ha t God ma.y lavhh His 'b l using: a.rid grace up-0n you. So with the k1ndeet. of re ards a.nd t he very beat of per sonal wishee , I ehdl alYf<)' • ru.ain 0 •,s v y UR.TH 11\ulf ~RMY "°" A 'Tl ·rht ta n r p l,y ct yo •· ht ~r ol' AprU 26 , l r. J. C. To. 6d~1 o tr11.'(, 1 t:.o!l Dr er , U 'lh. o Off'lo , f!rnnt J nt In· ~r ha~e b 1e1 r o iv ommand an 1 11'01. r th '/U t;orn ~ nee ~iny I t !(f nopo1 lfl -~l·b lt to trav6l out of h ('oreg tn t\SIOt' If Inoloa re2 L tl:.o·r Crom J . H. 1' ked red O. Boid to bl to • l l ,, l i u ... th ban o rolun' who ba~ aet 8T \ .......... •1 "' l ebl• to o •ll•l'•,. t ao. ' at U 1e no' toJ~h~i . 1 t U1 a4 1 n• •ll " 1' o lUY• foJl' Ukh. 1 tri•a41 \h • er nUing tor •· Tb• '••m1-• ra 'ra t or ta:m; tne bnd t at 1 1•••4 h ••1t~aa tor · •• l • eutti in• b•l o• i!n \ho ban to • •1:14 •Y fcnU 1 to? ' hn• ~l' tour ue 1.t n•1t11.u1. X he;ye ~14 1 t :rnUur•, 1to:rre4 at()M raor• • Ul I 11't l•tt e.r.1 " tn p•J-aoul b•lo lnp, •1 t~1ok, d ~ u, 1111411 I iM•t\A to u 1• Jiil' .toJ•t"'•d buin.., in U\1 • 1 tub, n .ryt'tli 1e ~ readinH• 1 •~o•~t r p lt. l •ppr dat •h• t•o• \ u ih.• im1 k .. n.o uoe \· 1~. •· Uowner, H , i• 11l1 hWll~• opiaiQrt \ 1 • • $h• uthotltl•• 4•n, and ~CNld, epeoial. a1ideration ,. , ..., lit• !Utt•·· Attu tl.1 4• h ooa·h aou1 ' • a peop),• h no•ptlon oa11h~•. t ..4 O•, olo-the Ui•, , •.,. tor ~h. ., ~U11g n4 •1 tw11 • •"•o11l porau w U•,•l 'o t7'•b w1U ...,. •h• fl!On.r-.n1 o.teaid.naU• aOMJ in ht lQJl& Na, and wbo H• t~ •hat too1u•r ha' lllnorhni tb• .. tnqbh da71? It rou bT• • lUU• '1• _, J •uld. e. pr101••• JO\U' loo t.n 1 ·- o" • ·u u nd «b1•1 rat HllHt.. u. 1 1• at•• •Pl1'•• ~ t•Pl1 , .....t1,1l. • ia ......_. -.SIA to ~q ~ yoe om.-'t«N a.ll• 1all( • • NloeaUOll •Uen • ._ a . ...i. .1.1aa • OOpt' ~ a 18'tkr 4-s'-4 Qrll 7 ulir:lt4 11r~ ~ oall at OQl" ttid US ft'Ht u4 • t.OliDbil• hit -narellUT lle nu . .. .,,.. '° Ta k.Ede l2t l ~t . ~ (.)A l o~ r. if' n .o da: l'tfJ Ot' 00 e 1 11 for yo 1rse1f o Ur 1pflr, t h . perml nd 'or or ed the r 1 0.,malld .... ..,. p1·n6llQ 1 11 nd e.ny y, 1 .B: T I 'II 'V l ':t X'\• l y I 818 an Uf CIVIL cm t!Ol. t!' tS'lf \'fL(;... I 1 n u r 011100 , y HS , i.U! ff:J:I S i~ a ~11r . T: Th.le 1 in rep y to 'OlU' ler, er or pril ;~a . 1942 , re et'ln l tor l!r . ,T . ·1 . Tk!k d tel t:.r1wt1l to 0!1:1 r , Utah . b roce1~ 0 ten e Oomm~1 tid o r.11y pl'JlfJn l to d r~om n<l f:'o r II ra.11e l. I ia hof>l.ld t.h fC"n•eeo ln· nru1wers yo ll' in u try . 'fi ry 1..J'Uly ~t'.lU' lol"rr.nn • ;;o~ba , J ·• Capt.e l n , Oavalr ' Ch.1oi' or Inclos1.1N: Lo t r f r om J , Hi . I ekatht t. o 1' d C. Bo1 • 0 p y n ~ula ory t.Je oHon \IC t- r I r. 111 an 10 l ~ : to ,ul rlti 01r rm1ent. · k r!Owlad '" L a11 • N 1, ,n r 1 not.her at, on 11h io n y SlrlC A1b \':J 1,ho jl nt 1in i ~ m ~>t' r edv1o e 01" ' b 1si 'he he ur111g , to I wou,tl llloo yo1l fldv lca and h lp , ff1•1r e 11 fly,o, b~for11J t,h b n on "¥"olurtt.ury Ion 'lt tnto c 'fe et , f(l Jli' mUlea o • 111y pet'l!ll)nal £1 i nu n~V'otlt l!>Uut, (lat lifo Qiei n ly , m,yra111llyodlhedpla• ne toiro L ttem 0 hel'fl T(lre 1."6 lly hl tt\Ot , h0 1 lne.1 Ll •'NI:\. On j11mpe 11- 0111er 1 if tl l r. 1>111. not got r.iy 11 1 ntH1a 41.l'ri:'di·e in orl\or hol'<Jrr . 1~1 1mlunt.n~7 ev Q\'ltt i n da11 Cri Oil 8 'Hl!lh t Ob t t, h t, l'l UJ11 ~I' t ltd i ·J'\11, ~I t e VHtre to !' 01. l()W URt fl S $0011 •1 8 Wt . ~1 1 l , 11 011 th n1 •• flffflirs er 1n order, l em .oot ()t'fli 1d o J n"c , •iren t.houf'.';l. det' lo ite pl.ace to o and t 1e n: a 11 o 1 rov1de enlp>ly t'or my ~1tf ff rr.y r: y , A he that m.v fri nd .era l vln~ . l ~a , iven ,o u:rder and by ~ co11Bul &nt, in ycur of f lee I 11rould be pivcn a per.ti f~o j<>in the la i:- . ! ms tol'l Mt, ho ban on 'lo uo ary e v c\lntion 1 s elm d t1 , OUl"b i~ at!'1le s A evacus:i ion b peop e ho wd no thor he m lil'lS of upport· ln.• t.hnrn el v a or o pl cv o go e n i noe my t'rian s were d e !Xlinp; on my beinP, ble to o htwre , t wcul b 11: l wm ~TJl!)C 1 a l tin val per -:t 1 , • B\l 1H:>rfl thti t. J>Enm i . 1 s n0t r o hoorntng . .:y 'mily o l 1 .a re tlr J,.l r' it:y to l lfty r1··tends t bor-e ore 'Heiting ror· us . ' be went. y ...a.o •o t ract of rar111iM ln.TY.l weHi n ~ for f".e . I hAve eut' t'io ent ?ml nee in tl'l bank t,o m11 int,titn lTl.fl a n or ro·u r year s if n aoe 11 a ry . J: l'W v oo ld l"IY furnit,uro, ored solll6 • are . a ew . rllO~ 't l b longint,s, rny truck. , hl ni fi 1Jt\r 1 wh1 0 h 1 intend o sn tn Ut h. In ra o , ever hing jR in r eu<l 1neae , ,cept m p t'lll1 • ere bue1 ne s11 l' ppre i e . fl! fo ot, et· tl'l Ary m.ll e no f.! c eot1ons. Hmrn ve r , 1 111111y h l>le opinion lie t. h u1thort t e e onn , end o~ ould , r ive soecial COll$i ara ion tocieee l ike m1ne . f.f e r all , t t ooeLa n1onr~y to send pe ople o reoo pt lo oente ra, feed hem, clothe thnM , Ct•Ti> for t1 em . ('iJ:'e n in ~ me nd my t'a1111ly n a clnl penr, t to truve to U an wi U ·a1'vc 1'overnment con td ernbla mo ney 1. he lonp rlln , n r.l who c n de ny tbn . c onom: 1an•t !mporte.. nt h ~ fevt rish d1 j'fl 'i If yo 1 hnve a l.i tle time to ep&t'e , I w01.1ld a> ec t ate ·rour loold n in o t t e n· t er ~u d ac! vtsi .rv Jn'i x·o ~a1 ing 1t . 1 would be d eply r1:1 eful. J , ft , Ta ede :P . , ~ 9dlrefl~ '11tl 8 torm&rl,y 2624 '/I s Sl uoon . 0 l t s no.,, l 17 ~uif, l h S , , Ot , • , ptteb pll()Qld . , . •Uftl, nd .. lAitria SWIMSC• •it · to it.-w&U1ln 'ti, 1M2 2r h tr· tit,, r , _,o ora o . ihttth r &, l94t. ee rve u k, es, , li.forni • 1~mt) 6 QI I 'I in o·olleo t 1111 p loonh ho .., Iii , mil tin J.e.ymE!n t. • yrr.onf.a 2U elie'll ~ 5t,h f.I iny on tLmo , of e ch "1Qr\th n und h·111 Mt. a rtenib l" 1 ajlment Mr. Pnu, !.. ohton , frj ·~ $1!re6t , r:ali 'orda i x·e e ent,1,ng .Mr , ·~uoxl. , ~e h~~v no rer1Y t<1 o r j re 0 thie la~ d linq~enll I a.ym~~t . 1t hue be n oth re 11on bl nn lenient ith ,fr . r,. on on revio ~ , 1yment;1 th&.t he;'I& be n deli.nquorrt. wi h n a ree.11011 le h of ti111s. e t10 1 Your a eiat,anae in a r· ai htan:h11 wi ll be dee ly a1pr$oi~ted , Ol t t.hie m thr 713 Ire t , ~Gih ou 11.! ,. Coli'> . Jqly en rvo 1Y"~ 194t. , fd~ · , u "' D•J. · r. an , Io e L<>s ~5 ' Diviel iqn , A.n ,el 6 , Ct1.li101" J a . r u iu e u t. , , t.oe Arwelefl~ alil:' , , and "thtl Lo~ An ·eLes , C lc rth Ala oda. n Jul' n tr ~et , it. , The ttgent fo r ""8lla t o Oe ot" I A, Iiiydd\' .f • J. . • rigge . bede.;~1ee ·~ rom .T. or of »ri bv ll1fU\6@:til"'ent l'ie ti El T irue ohl end lt hears 0£ ' y buyerfl t.rill Jr eB, ly tlfllJ f)ni .de you r refer •in. r.. ,e,,r o • Lyddy, l ~ddy- ... z~ei art Co , , Mil4 l{Ue}lin .l1rd, , t.qe llgol~· , alif, • lia ie hone numb11tr ie ~·yomin"" U23. Ah o ait you11 (l.e them to .1.~rtmartt 1.'her ro;u t 50 r oom& encl tl\<> h ot el iA l o ed near ne t'lt te en~ :h on file at ycur "'' iee atn tl" 11113 U'"iort J.)e o~ . r .m sure a mi ni ~um ot $1 , 2~0 . wil l g'" n tllenta on t hh . r o:i ate your koe itl ,.. Ur , .. i& 111 address is 4 -.,9 ' o. Hi 11 is Ui tu al 8"86. 1 t to ~re llfl;Y nr1ii ulare you an ciye ort th~ i evel op• 1!roet, I N Antel ti, igh to ~now , 1 &~all Hie be lad to . furniSh it. {uly• , , /'~ ~.~-i..,,.::_ Youre ver1 <" ~' ,, T, , s. ~· f akel!o .. h:i , tih i" under pnrtne:rebip , refer r ing t o t hci o ner ·~h i p of i Hot Al and •;1Elllda Arutmfinte ill.ish1eee-- -- - - - -Lynn Tnkpy Id , E!"d T . T. 6 ntnl akftk oeU rr D r Mx·. atklna1 th1 op 1ort1.1 , ~ty you es rve 1:3 nk tro_ f ul cooper tlon nd oo nsel you h ,/ m n~ ement of our ftV eiu t ion prob! Jap ,ne ae~ merlc na a~ llen8 h•~~ Manz1nnr nd el ewhf!ro l tblt4l!. yo htifle ocoom,I1 limed 41. wm erf\.Ll v o~ i ~~ w nt to es eei 1'or h1a most h h a 1ven .J.f t o.sai&trrnce, ~ly of th,q n tb rno at won ergiven ue in the •· 1.t•ne m rrt 1 t •~ob~ n Anlta, "fQ r at"-.f.t ot' work. ooDUlleJ\d Mr. Henry Le rned ond rful oo pet' tlbn td ~t1r.1ng peina e before we w~r eY o~ ted • ~my time we he1•e c An be · 'll oui fe4'1 thE>.t you o n1· se r vice or 011 us, co ...nt ·1·h emklng you end Mr. Leflrrr.ed 1.;,g in .for the moat wondiertul aa.sia tflnoe,, J. ~ '1.2!.&in 4-un1t ~ 0 . :r 11 • ~~--zs:~,,,/ L~ ~-~ ,...,..~-:,. . c;_ _/ ' ( : ..J~-"'11~ lul P. 1 ft ·r N 111 Jlo. (4 ) 9 HEAOO ICE ,,_rt.1 Dep•1•t.1.111Ht • ~ na a, fui\y furl~r (41) 22449 lva~ua• Dr. In reapo a. to your letter ot Jun• 22nd. in llh.licn r. Tanaka. req1Muhd cert.ain &r~icl..u atored in W,1 car be forwarded to hj,a at. th• P0010M· you 111t.a~e t.h•t .haembl:y Cenhr, we· n a or t.h.ia d.•t.. oti~aine~ au o! t~e a.rticlu et.ored in the ui<i oar alld a.rt tonral'cLi.llC' ••• dir.ot. to Dr. Tanaka , o:zpre88 aha.rgea QO·ll•cit. S.lOW ~· & CO!llpltt.t l i t Of the art.icles f Qrtrlrdtd: l 1 l l l 1 Ca•h Box Ket.t.le Ca.ncile L&n:&p l Can Tobaccp l l Rqll W'rapping alvaniz•4 Tub Cant.eei1 f iehing Bag Pr. 'l'enirt• Bh"' l. Oil .Lup a~r l. Duat. 'Broolll l Piece RCl>pe l l Towel aok Duat .an lit. is to be noted, ho-nver, that. on• cu.hion, 01141 cUrk bl.1118 blanket- and ou tiahin& pole~ tpecU'ically r1q_u11te4 b1 Dr. TanU&, nre not to be located ~•re 1~ car • ..... .. . ..... AJlsweced ...... . ,,..<:"An d. by Ro111ine Advice .... .Y ... ..No Antwer Required ,...,,... by ....... ,. ........................... ~ .................. .. ' ,..., • . Pt· 0-•bioa l l (1o is oer h• 1 llf.!QI t t b0 rk .I. WI -1 alc'At\ h •:r ) t i · at tq ilao ,. EADO eu1.J11;cr1 Er. 1. tat.ldlb, 1Ja!il1 i0. fCE • (41) 224 9 e are en.closing our f om ol con e~don lett r adidreaeed to Or. a.nak& i n wh.ich 1s set !Ol"th our appraiau o hi 1929 D oto ot 145 . 00. Dr . ~ na.ka ~&s ev&oua.\ed rrom Sin Tanoisco ina.~ t.lO h as 1fi iave ooen unabla to Tan!ora.n , '111 preswne went t.o the Pomooa abo 1t. a.y and l,Qcate at.. nim nei AJ11 blcy' Center with tme Ban oo group 'INN to t.hh center at. tne tiM. We ah.all .,ppreciAte 1.t,. tb9re.lore 1 U 1ou will lc~1 present thu let.ter to o.-. Tanaka and aadst hi.a in 1'h&hTI1r war 7ou can t.o a,rrivt at a <;\tc~aion &• 1oon u pos 1.ble. l! bhe e..-&cu.1 decides to .edl. h111 Cl&l" to the Arrq, under jlternative No. 2, plt&H h&Te hill •!in the original in th& a,.c~ provided a.nd obtain !rom hi• ownership certi!ioete properl1 aigned on t.he revere• aide on llnee l ar¥l 2. Eneloaur• ;:·:........... Answered .......... Anad. by Routine Advice ... No Anlwer Required I , if , J,,7 ~ f\,ft •. ( •t) ( F S.\ . • ut 1 U r·v :u "' J ld 1 e rve D f!f' •• r. D ( ' t,S< .n Si ~ ' 0 ' J. '92 .ill 4\. ( ,\ s 18 · nt n ot 111[ n er F~·no1seo S Bold: uest 1n your- le ta1· ot Jun l I \V VCO Form •RB-4 1 o eth r Uh owner hp c r:t i t'ic t 1 b n duly ex cut d by om on Dr. T. 'r n ka , 0 . D., • , ho e ad ress t th s fHlli'bly C13nt r 1 4 6-B 26 th · r et . ~ e pex your r rew1th 1, nclo Ol'. 1' n k: a h. re t e:: ed t thl:" toll(jlf nB rt al~• be n1; 'l <>r ( tn the O'!r, L poes i ble, be ont. to nt rn h re th~ :t>ornon rn mt> l.Y C•Hl r. 1 3/ l 1 Ga • Cante rt C n le 0 1. l Ln.m.p • Tn se ar e c r trunk . n th In the c r: 1 Ou ~ hion l De t'k Blue ·lank t He s s th Bt \ f bl~ak-bass ti shin c r, h ve it also se nt. Our preea 1on from your letter i s th a.t this c a r is tltor d l the Sn Frenolsco re . to "Ul'n i sh. sny other inform& tion r upon pole i s in the T 1e will be <ttileat. Yours vo-ry truly , ro~~ C • D. ~ Q();d ?ie ld Represent tive ODYF / 1 ;nc. l~~ rd n{I' this c ar • L E F.RVE A • I<. 0 .. ISC tne er. n er~" hi n. ho nt he~it h ve been th nn :3 • te 5l ... efinttc h ,, u l Unite Sf.Ut''illlC h8V~ I 'ld 1 l ' e .rmy, thro f!h thi o Bank , i s now rca ~\y t ffer, b s don Lhic appr iual 1 fo l ' ws : rn•1ke a rrerea . . . . . . . , . . . Amt un LeAJti a. ount whi h 11.ll be .cept.ab l fl.n l p yr.ient by le"' l ewmer . . . ·~~---B lan e bo r ~~t i ·tE:ld to 1·c :.l s t ered wner . t bee u.~e or · ·ne r nid hi h your c r 1S aubje ted, you r~ w1llin a~ indic•tod bove, please sc t n 1uate in .:>bould yo1 now foe l th i on to p men pr v i ded bel r~ • Pl ave h ·e thi matter your iIN?,le~ a e ona i er t:i on , th.e appraiaed value , o" men t on ed , is based upon an immediate s le t he· Army ~nd nnnot be hel pe n for an inde f ini e oe riotl f time. (tS 1 0 he 'ede r l Reser ve ia~ 1 ; .en ank o f , n l~r- n i rrn o, of the Unttod St a e o I Hlsh to sell my car o he 'rr.. Y unde r 1 t e rnnti v e 10 . 2 t ~'l 'hB -4 on the bove baa ls in s t ea ' ot' tv .l ng ,it hold e , r.('his '.ill oor st i ut e yo ur aut)I rity · o e1'fee su . . h __ ,...... __ ....,_,__,. __.,.___.,_....,...,_...,,..._____ ,._ ... ;" 1· r~ 1 o Mmi t0d17 , t>1 · J!MIL•f'ar illP • • ~'* ll'-' 1~ Y9'J'1 tll'UlJt ~ -----...,../'.. 'r d o. i aiet t. ~. 9 ,, .ae · e a 'h•1noh l,, , C. . ~ orn of 1 0 I \ ,.. .... 1 u J..,.,, ~ s.. <>--- .J. (l >.---'.... ~ ~ ().. ~~ ) 1.A...... •'l- >--'.. ~ .........._ -- ~ - ~ CA £.. .......... xt:-..a.. • ~ s, t. !I (:~ ' 0...... ...:.\: :> \...A) I.. --r/ .. ..J~ v .,\.4.J\ ·-· ~ ..J """ f°"'""' . \J-. o........<.J.... "';, 'Ir-,,~ .1;-v..J. .- ~ •. l .. ·u . ..a '~--, ' ~-ci...J( ('f'..J. .• ~ $ ,.,. '> vJ- \IA/..- 4. """" J....:.•-..., c.. ~-'" ...1 . . ( l>-v.... (f IV,,~ .. .v r ,,...,..,... ~J "- ~ ,,. ,, l.., \'\ "'"· . 'O" (,l ·1 (.er~ ~ •.!. ~ I (_ u.- yr~ ~ .,..,._,,. ~,.,.,.., ,. r r 111 ~~~ ~ ·~ .-~~~·7 ~ ~r.7 ' .;;;..u;,,A.,. w .. ~'4..-.' ,.~ ~-.a~/.- ' - w~ r-~ .;,.(,GI""' ... r· ~~ ~..!, , ..:bA~ ~J:,..-7,l.4, ~.t'!-J.f...4.,,,,.-(...-.' '7 ,,,a, ··' %<1.:-. ~.-n .fl I . 1ff.~~A -<-1 • ~ ~. l ~, ~ A~ -~7 va,;'1 ~ • ~~ ~~ ' ~~~~ pw-.;:..~. ~11 ~ ~~- /r"'/ ' /)i~A.I w ;4~ 'S7-- ~.,,~ ~ LlJ .. 9~1-.z- 9AA-· I 'f. k~I fdac '/!? s. g.wv • fl ~ ~ ~1- ..J .,. _,, ~~· r IJ. ~) d~ "" ~ './, -,zb ,.('. ' <.t~luA "',/-L 11 t' \c> .... pl Clll Yft.J'lft r1 Ida-' JMloaure. •fl· tnal7• / ,. ai111lat. - I A. u.&LtOll D. HOLLOWAY _ _, . , . ~ Whitu.r Ul18 l8 Hoslh ,~ Eh'"lil9 WHJUU: , CAUfOitflAI J mo 10 . l 'J ~. Bm.k f rt e• iu tee lr • Bo lr l lGf t tho S" -B l omonn lo on , l, n et• 2!; , 1 . 42 1r . Ho Lo a.y c o ( c e nl He~ rve Ba c ~ t r• iev , C li orn1 l.r . ol Lov ng . l'ho e f our t.rL n ·r. r ort1 ,innlL;r >urcharcd by t • • Be ho fr or.1 I nu.kut 'o . n .T11.nw1..r:r or 'J 'ly F brua.rv t ~iO I p l' ~llon . naolua o p Co . offe~ d to b1y them b ck 50d Jer •nllon . h y e rn r t irnec.i bnt d ue l;o loa of 40~ )e r , llon , we ·lee de to ;l..1 th m om here else r Pr w~ cc n t 601 per ')nl . 'l'hon 1 r . c 111re of ered to b 1.y tho cnt ro 1' 01 r dr lir.l at 6 .J p<'r al. i:; J)Ua to he f ac h rn by cer•t.nln ti11a , 6 f, and that he ooes h, !'o u;r drums . l as innb h() lo " to a when he w 1 in t o1ic b i th to o 11 a n 1 to ell S noe l lie~k !t<W 1 C61 , to .• VO bfl 'Ii n fo111• t i 1ea 1l t' , ·h •trt~ ~rho bon 001 Ch i• .urt h!l v e ri o h( I'OC i VC fl tl 11 send 1 l me . t 1 en We bo • ..e hi\ ht axtra COCtJ.lnut 0 1 1ff0t.lld b 11 r • · o ll o 11 v , tho f' t I nho lei x , kno to· ton rotnb I Rm enc lo 'roce pt '1 •; vt•n to E;nevier yon r h 1 s rat h r 0 h1~ . thrOUf' 1 we niay nEi d th ~efuees to ay . I am Y/ th t he 1. , -ri 1 ,10 1 e Mr . 31 pleo. a return cCl111re st 11 for them , you I nm Re~pecLfull 11; ', M t 11 l J( . n' tht. s tat .<mt .r . ~ no rot ncl th 1=1 1:1t Jhr. timo h,, > ck d ttp ,ho fonr drrn"l , tht.m Thankjn~ !.or t.he • .n() w nt thtl ch , k , he yours , ~ ~;e tsu 'ran ( r. •) l....W- 1-eecticid Jfia-y Sam>'iM , _ Sappn.e ......- It. INUKAI COMPANY .c.t.L... tS3 l"tnH STae&'T ._•-· ..... ... C:JU.ldlC1'Q .._ l9MONll T!..)ex&Jt c:.u... ... .-. ....... ,,.. _ _ M4ltflO h--· 12~ i230 S. 9tii 9T. ~ OLnQ"IC ....,,.~ Loa 114i1e~ ,_C..LW BI.Vb.) Qtlilornia NUMBCR _ _,.__,.,......._ NameI AddNa l T~ ; r I I Plat ~ P.H. P. K. 7 JV 'jJ •+ • ' .. tt 1I ~ I tt c• 11it) (jl JD I j I f 1 II I I I 1 • K. INVKAI COMPANY 1230 E. Otywnp;c llrd. ~ TUc fl65 Les Anpa, c.Jif. ·~...:....iu.:..:.w.---ap --·_ _ _ ,d :z-- 48?8 s.1!·1> r·Cl.. ------------'-----_,.._ s;,.Q v-...__ _ _~----------- i) lo ~ irp_ _ ____ O.l" Sh~d1 _ _ _ _ __ vn Ii . .-e~ / :red Q. l'JB1Yl' ..., ....t ,, ~~:;) ..... DEFE , E COMMAND A D ' wAk 11ME cw11. co l .U1 JI T ~1, 11011• R•••n• BQx .-oL .i\VMl 1~1 ifA1;1.r,r IU Al'l<lt;ICQ, 0..Liroa NIA P•d•r&l ll4ank O,f lo• Afl«el•a Dz-anch P. O. URTH AR Y ~Lo l>llUl 'M 4 u an t .l'&noisco 2Cf/7 Te:nnina.l Ann~ Loa An&elea, Oal.Uomia 4tt~tioru Pred c. Bold CJ4nUC!llMn1 'l'hi• ie .in r.pl1 t,o 1ovz- letter of A.qWit 6, requ••t1.J1' ~ prH•l1t addn11 t>t th• indibid.U&.la liated below. Accordin,g to O\IJ" record• it is ae follow• ; ~iJ'ot!ld. Tani.mura ar Relooatio~ Project Owerui l/alley, California lfatauto Juu.hitia Manz~ W~ Relocation Project Ow1n1 Valley, Call.t'ornia Very trul.7 yova, Pf(,0~ fr&ivert~Dedriok Ch.iet, Statistical Di'rl•ion lnoloeure: Envelop• I . .h YC>Qr ~t. •ntlon to ttlt t1 a t•ttd. er N;a.rpe of E.itgal Owner (1 Lie o Mi.kc of V~hid Pate __ NIJJll r _ fm~ lntem ~ .. .. bg4'leeA. Cal!_f9_rn a. ____....,,,... ri>ll Number 10 1 15 I ional .-6 Sold Acca30 ii;: ( lnJk te r1 ~ 011 vehicle) : Span: Tire (4) - none . .... _ Fo1.t1 Ligllt s) none WAIVIR Tht m«or vehtd deac.tibed In thu foill,l IS' dtli~ertd to the Ptd'e~~ ~1"1(e &nk. ot &n. f~ncil!CO, u: Pi 1.Agenlt ol lll~ United Statu, t the iiilk: oi dl4! un~r lghcd. ltt i ~glttl I ~h:it. ' lla.Mjl:y or ""4PQD$ibiJI~ 11h H be 3MuJn~d by die Ftder~ Rae.rve &nk of 8an flrand$:p f any a,c:t o• 01.J1.1Mfon in co1u1 ~ion with itl dilpositl.on. let l•· ltndentood that 1w U'lll\ttanee will~ pro"V~d ~n t~ p~~,iy. '°'' ' Wit 11uaiea •• - - · - - - -~-·----- _...,_..._......,....,. !or IUfte~tu ~J.:J.L. .. ~·c•o•T IOll of 0 d ,. ,z..~.J!·~~!~/c- _:, _ .. I J?la bi ta Joe 1'an1m'-'l'• &: H1" Ya Signature of Owner . "~/- Delivery~--~---- ~- ______ ......., 't VltUCLI ----M-----i --~·-- --,..........--·- -- - - - -·-·-.. . .-·- Rt1tript of 1he vehklie dtac,tribcd above i,11 hereby acknowledged. Dat ___ _.. _____ -- -------..-.........--.... -· ..... ReJ;>rC$Cflting 1h4 Ped~rcil RtSl!rv-i &ti\ of San Jl14n~isco, ..- ~ ~ Pi.scol Agen,t of tl~c Vt1ll<fl& Stiu(s . ... ·-t- · ~------ ir\ ,P f9 Jt (>~~~ r fUllnlng ordier, for i1tgi.,cerlng ai uoting a. tn >tor ve)11 le la ~ ( ) 1hit State M()(or Vchkle R~git.l,r11. I C ~ifi".late , r t~i, .. v hi le mt1Jt be rrtieco!d t 1hc )'i,iJ nlrnl tatr6o. a <l thr e .co~i.eiJ, of •hJ& f'tuni (FRB· 3) wlp th I) Pie prc,Par d of ohn form, tofll'~leJ,' with tht RA:gistrati n Ci:~ 6e11te, wiH be h n •d to the ev-acuce fo, hl retention 1111111 r1~val iu th dil!4igna d N mbly Center. 'l1le thi1c.l «>PY will, be retl\in d at the ivil C nttol 8~11. Ion. {b) Two c.opl c) 'f.ti- ev c\~ wfll b l!i tn an identincatfQf1 ~11(( which h will tie C\l ~dy IQ tht11- •tee.ring PPU<ltUIS fi)( ,too ll'lt>t ''ehlcl(:. rdvat t t r bl' Ct/lit r the tvac11(e wilt deliver tc» eh~ retlt n•aU"'°' of the Fedi!nJ l\,etM?iivci 11.~nk qi San Fnndaw &he ~p CQpi.u (If w~ fQJn\1 t"-i ~It· (d). On tr*tlqi1 C', n~ the k~ya to the v'-111,q~, ~) 'rhe rep~amta11 ,.. of the R.~e ~ of &11 Ptandaco will c:he<lk all numbers on die fo(1!1 aDd if f4), to be c rrltd will a.cknowle.dge receipt pt ~he m~or vehicle by pjiJni r~ ~!1e copy of the fot<rn ~,nd cleHvering ic ft> the t.VlUilUCll", If thie motor vehicle dtscribcd il1 th!.'.\ form la I04fl, da~ged, Oi' ~str~ ait the r~ult of negligence while it ~ in, 1he p<l*118iQn OF custod)• ol the Unitec;I Stairs, or apy agency actbi for it, the Congrcae f the United Stattit wilf be: asked to c11k.e ri.pproprl:ite action for the ~rre6t of t~ owner. ' ti'tn'I 'itrlrlrn'tlfrlr)'riltf'1rlrlWl~trlrtrlt Aar•,ttt•nt l•9arcH"' Oh otltion .a• Motor Y•• * nn lS 1 ,f!RTIPY d\.oL •ht undie~1&n Pli 1eadi a.nd u.00.?r ~ands •he ~~rue· 1i1,1M n vb •~11-enw h~~of re u<linii th~ U1Jpot1itw11 of lhll'J ll)<lt<lr 11tllldtt ctl~ ·n <l on WCCA. Fo1m fRU·J, (10 b?. atia.cliccl hem·.:~<) and im:otpor.ued: by ritfuc11.;e hertltl i ~h.I~ Agtei:Q)ent i> &lgntid) wflkh dne 4nd r&lfii\ bM, lgno!d Cl.ln 1,1, , 11 I~ he 1 h. &Id l11:JUn1c iqo.1 and th Oil the reWl'B4t Q WCCA Fonn fR~3 i .l prut o th Agr\lem£1~t. lre.i to d~pore of c&e , foremld lllOl!Ot veb!de ac(otdlng to her1tof, an~1 .rtqu t4 ~b~ II d taf t M Oa.nk of Sa.ti Pi;: o i~"C>, J h1.4l Atrn~ of the UnlteJ St h!iJ, to act a.~"fJr lingly. 1f the. a..:cc>nlplf. bm n of d ' altttiUtrvc; hcrt.ln adecced !\PVC' n to ·~ d lhnk, a i lil>l • d· • mtJ1Jn, 1mpo Ible()~· n f e.o•bl~. Ld funk ~j uthoo~~d ~Q mite &\l...h o~h~r Ji of .1W n1.<ilio.r v hlo::le a/S it c.lecmi p10CJ(r. J\hern.1tive Nil). _ . let lor h 011 th~ re'Ver ~;liJ mt,t\1~ vehi~l 1-1 d'eli tl~ J to •aL lfa1 i~ I ~ d1 ac.>f ~ 11141J hait. H1J li<1~ili~ ·or f~P' n 'ibilily h 111au oi the lU\J ,.fg".tU, nd tl.11 to ai<l ~nk for u1y 1 r ~iSt !iloo ln oof\nection w1el. thit bw1t.Uing Qf a.aid m cor vehlde or ili J104l~ion ()f the pfo1;ted.S , ~reof. 111 u~<I r11igned Cu.all~ •r agre~, upon demand, to reirnbune the Fe.de1.tal lw1uve Bank of $;in i en, Fi.. I Agent of the Unite'-1 '"''- • iJl €ull for ~U cli.1.-#a aod e111iertW?s in.::uvt1~J In cQ 1\ectkin w1 h the di p06i~i n of $,,lid mo ot vc'!h.icle, and :il11bori.«1 nd alcl Bank tQ ditdu t f l,l~) lhe pr 'i;.ds of the of aa1q motO&I vehbn1~ arty oi 11u ·h ~ )i wmf. w f()UR, AND t Ml l.S n Fw11ndico, Ca.1.ifora.i;I lNSTRUCllONS TO EVACUEES REG~RCjfNG OISPOS1T10"' OF MOldR V~HIClES * rndt~d ~Q 111ke lh4ir toe tQ receptlofl 1ntcn. e fot1,1rc tl,rtue )l/o a uran ~ what~• n bf; given ha• va uc will e ena.bleJ 11• fl() ~~ y ~Mill retu~ncd £Qr thieil' llldivi· 1iw:. co li;J. v~ i~1e ni w vthicl • be f roo) by u u ~·¥) tn Its di:!a~two, cQ ~1~ moco• 11ehook!11i ev~ue~a, Pdor to ~vacuatkm. mQt.or veh' I(.'! mar ·!» ored, &el <>r olhuwilt di~p 11rivately, 'lh1lhllu~ QV~r1)1llmta.l lnterfortn e or . 1100. d of ALl'IJRNA tVBS 'Ith 11~~d S~~" /\.fru,.'J P S'IO~AGB ON. 'fh• other altt11~''v~ pu~ilted t.o Che who ow1u a 11J4or 14 lit IU {1,1li.t 1 ~11(1,..ll.,.• l+ T d~vu IU• awe~ vc~ ~ flcctitnl J\.•~•n~ 8 1 k of ~ li'tlUl<:i ~ •• fi~cal i\..,nt of t~ Unilc~ t .-. for ~ll•• ~ IU ih~ ow~1•i'• 1ialii, wid11·A•~ •neuwaoce~ whk,~ ellmM wlll, in fllllilll in4•,g11 ·~· b~ in opeo uu~ (•• t.•inlil1' Ccnli!n OI' oah•'" d'l•iioattd plaa1) and muu of ncccuity bil of a cluir 1er which wiU 111.Qtor w:l\.W,.a w • more or 1._.. r~d ~cl'llOiMUliJ . 1141 tcr lh n •h• ap pr.i111td va1114 co 1h;n the ll"<~(~t ha no qq.imr. ,al11 lo 11>e (.Jl\ll"A SJ ~~ wl!l &, cot1~µ11i11141tJ, ll\ ••Jqh an fn1hnce the ri'b& of llIIY ~rcd1ior to u1 tt<!llp!l'lr•• u provided by ~'II. will n<lt b. ruls•ed by e auntQdl n o( th< O..utor vehl~. "'° B. If lh4 • a 'II•• I~ tl14 14~~· owi1;1 11J &Ji~ 11111m ~~flee!(, he 111~~~ tn ~l<licio11 co tbt iowt1o111,, pf!aal che o'iln•••~ip qmUiMe, duly •rufdmd, D~flNll'lONS ANO CONOITIO $ All~M4'1in '· To c>fer Me ln<itQr vthldc f0t Ale to 11\.c Ur1ltcd St tcli or\ the followlna ~: tnclu.Ud in th• term "motdr wl»c:lc" are tl:c follow1n11 1. Paascniier car•, light and medium . ff.avy ~11..tmgn u1$ in Ord., Tbc nUJtor vebW~ will ~ appral cd by tw dl•intue~1cd ppraJ1.en and, In ltt diJcnti.o~ aod at It• option, the J\my may buy the motor vU\i~lc ~l the appnlilcd p1lcc whkb dial I not, lwwt Y<rr, u.ucd 11le BhJe Book 111nolu.ale ~dt1c 1'1 thJ> lOfallty whue t.l~c wu1c~ue It ¢oq1u111m~tcd. to tome wilhin che pu1dla1 bit ~altl{Oty muij~ he cb~iw.d u '1jledlu111' 1, •• ahc Army< I• noo a't horJ~eu to purch:uc 1.11y "b11avy" pa~~' car•. 1 l. Motoro~I«, and tru~k•, of ~f 1ypcs, fncludjng pi~k ·IJp and delmry lt11.ab; u1d uaciora, lncludl,ns ttn:il•tru,k, u i:.tor•. ) . 60111C• PU RCliASll OF MOTOR, VHHI<;LSS BY THE tJMfrBD S'f ATf.S A. lf 11\c •v•c11c1 u NOT the leadl 011m1r of the 1"410'1' uthl It, in ord r w a.rr~n1e for 1alt to che J.rm.y, he ptcil<tnC to 1hc F111d· enl R~serve .Bank of Sa11 Prancf.ti:o, H Fl11Cal Ag~nt of ih~ l,Jruttd Statu, u the Cl'Yil ConuoJ Station. or aucb od:1e1 pbcc a.~ m y ~ dlmtcd, tbt followln.1: l. RciutratfQ!I eertiJb1u, duly c11do!led . 1. The a1n~t1'lt on the ·~vtne h~reof, duly din<d 11.nd wftntU<td 3. Suoh ocher a.t1d~,tJM.ation and 11M: Pederd .Rmr:v Unlted Scatu, a111u{llllCC It f• not in1e11chd to iMluJa wid\io the term ''m6tqr vthk1111" tho c motoc vebld•• tllilw tmly 1o~ farm wcnition. ~cl(· pr<lpidltd 1a ID.i.Y' be requil'ed by Bank of 61n Prancuc.o, u . PW:al f,genc of the In ~au 1ht. cvatutt i1 not the legal ow-utr, It miwc bt dcady under• 1tood that U th~ lQdcllv.dne.. apl~ the m11tOI' '-chlclt ,_,, t.qtial to qr In the event that the talc o( anr motor "~~tic i• ~ppcus not fca.5tblc, the Pcdcia.I P.tatr11 not completed oc :Bw le of San Pnndsco, u 1&cal Arienc of tht Uru~cd S~:a\01 actina for and a a~1>ti oi the tvacuu, r~~rv~~ ht 1lcb1 to 1lore 'uch "1ocl.l vth1clc u 1he ow111tr11 dalr, u aJiov.-. aet forth, or to Illa.kt such other d1~poftltion of 1\101' mctor vehkle a,1 may, in 111 aole diKre 1011, appta.r to b.:. jut an4 eq11lt•ble, ill~ludin g the. right to pittll)t~ tht lcri:j.I ow1i.rr o{ 1.oob JllOtor vchfqlc to take hit lcic~ r«'O\I~ ' Cor rtp0Jt1tsslon or 0thcrwi&e. le la int(nd,d that Ille abovt proctdurc wOI providot 1 fu1iblt. oit•m ol protccdng tbc hlterot11 ol C\at1.ltt ht thrlr ,mo1or '/(hidn, 1111th1XJ1 pnojudielr fo the lnttre ra of otht11 the-Hin, and tbu1 wOI elfec;t an tquil ta.bit dupoaitioo or 4uch ptqpcrty. / .. . l '2 , °" ., Y 'f' I 1" tnl J, •le de r 1 R s /~ zi L ?ll oubh Spr ng St, LoB Angele , Californi a Attontt on o! Mr . Slo n Oen~ emen l ·.:at i. ~ no Yo~ ~111 prob 1. T o J: C ,. 1a romo to ly recfill o~r 1$c 1cn con- cti rninp; tho o l 1tl\Oit 1.on owl;)d. by 'l'e1• mo to t o t io E:i t. t o Jimm Curt 1 it , /hat arrar g me ' co.11 be cffocted fort.he coll~c cr.,mo to is n a dcte:n tio:N o mp ? 'l'ho tem ls owed i1 .stu te wh c h must 11qui atf3 the 1 t..em, n o.rder to e .act d.1 s tr1but ott . t on , now th t Your earl y ill e up 1renl ted. ours 1rery b1' rl.ll y ' nor= : F<lm: 101 Cit1.111en hip: ... ...,..-...-,.;.,,;.;;...;....., D .e of 0 ra ng tmder cao y I.icenne n~w?: ip : J\ddres~: __,.......,........__.,._____ .,.,._...___...._ _ __ Typo of Bus1.J\ess ~ Partncrshir;: Propr-iet.or ~l' Cor orat.ici.n: !l'!dividu. 1 : ~ t(1' ., ,. J /l if Telephone f\.lmb~r : ...,_.,.,._"' Prl..po~w1 proper './ inv()lve t. """",--1 - , {... ' Ant,:1,on takc11:{:· t t:." .,,,,,,rt(CJ 4,,, · u ·~ e~.,..( " l.8 l 1~2 ~--.....t!!·it;y---·-~ :er,hoM~ Interv:l ~N': 1111.IJ. ~ .. Uinc-r: I# }if,rt.l ' feni&}.e~ Cit.hems.hi __ ....,.... 0 .1' tin Typ l:l'~f>r 'I'renewy l •.1.cen5e n11Jfr1: 1 4 evred.1 1 rroS)Jde or .::ih1p 1 C1'1t"p tion s l' vi.du• l: Aotion __..,_............... 190~ .......,....,j!., ...._,_ _ _• - - - qt Ou~fu Ra : Par ner ehi ~ ..;;;41.;;i;,.;;:i;;i..._ _ . Addrut.11 ~kiel)< t * Thf! ab!l>Te -party oontoct ed mo todA,y and s ~1.<l b.e woul~ 'b the $~0 . 00 but }\~ ettl.ernent of the $100 ,0() note does not h Te n.ny money nnd no W.'t Y ll>WO to ·lad. to 'P S..Y to tb,e (fart18 tott\te, et· n;y. Mfl l' 'h }. Wr. Hurry te~suo Tesh~ l6t6 Str• t ane, a li orni o~tn De a nt P I ~. 9 2 1r: R r~renc~ is m dA to y ur letter or in _ 1apoeit l on of property ~wned by rah l?th, ou 19~2, co~oern• bd your ho b J'o th:e rs in Rh ra 1d8, Yo express prefer noe to x t in title ~ ~he proi tty •nd ban so~ x-.iapon H>l p Hon t n Hh t' . 1de Mt 1u yo ur a~en·t during your abe ~oe, e bel.1 V!t net tbi .. phn is uite tw;ladbl°' n v au .~e t thd- you <in er .l~1o tl:lfi neoe 11iry n gotiationa t o retain <)_.e<>ru> e yo·ur ,eat to hand"L., the property in 1.1ocori.l nt'l "Hh your 1eh •·· 0.flW/00 Mr. Teshima 'a let.ttu• attache-d to Int.ervhw Repo:tt #2ofi 'H I ,. J•, >t·: R L 1 •L:,<L>· L- ,.., <L' L , {\' i', I._· ,\ ," f~ · 1·' S. 1-11,,•'1 .. \ CISC(l P C*lO f! .&S D1BLY CIINT!R 1 POMONA, • •red • Bold, Loa .&ng,e).es lJl' FeQera .f. o. o .AL1 '0 det.ant Gl1 eserve aank of U. ~ •:r an. IJ'!anoi•oo 30'1'1, Tel'tll1nal Arin Loe "1s lea, Calitorn Dear tr. Bold$ re; T a.he! ·~oda 1 i y o. 32151 2?4 - i ~ 18th tree1 iomotl& 1 ~ly en el' PQmona. Calitorni• e above-mentioned ~apaneae atored some ot 'heir property tbrou8)1 the ~'ederal tleaerve .t}ank ot Sa.n Y•' J'l'enoisoo at San •o••· 'l!h~y have ne~ »eoeiv•d :ronn YdB-1 . '?bey ar e.nxioua to .Pe •onal l'l,'o.pel'tf receive their oo~y, 'l'heil' addr•ba preTio\ls to evacuation 1Jfl.I llS• •• l O upertino, California , The Control Stat1Qn ••• at s,n tloae. J?leaae trace thia tor us . Gordom o. Willl ama Jield Re~r•aent a tive ot 'l'Vl U.1~:1no a: Partnorf.l ipi Pro pr l toro)'lipi CQttpcrnUon: l'.'Miv:td."1.c;l.l~ Pr'inei~l. p:i~po-Y.~)' i.xWQlv•.d fUi4 ll(}OP• .??' ~<J f -~: ... 1 ~· ... t I . Qf ptrobl•1 J-;u; .S l. I( • . 'CJI .·, n" 11, l 2 r d c. old, ~s i t nt d r Reserve Ben of S n ?O? South Sprin treet Loa i ales, c 11tornin 1 anager rena1 co e r Mr. nold: ~'' · herewith onQl.oa ottr r ply to Mr. a:rold Jo'hnsol'l 1 a letter torworeled to ue. tn your oommuni c tion ot J'u11e a, 1g42. o nclosed is r. J'ohnson a le ter. Your very truly, -(!§~/{_;-~.-tp-~ C . D. ifood Field R CDW/ 1 mnc. presentativ~ . 1"1 PO ION j < L " 'o mtY Cl TE 1'10MO'f 1 June l l .LI 'O TI . 1 1942 Mr. I rold John on 1 iel~ Repre ent tive ~v ouee Pro art¥ oeptrtm nt edera ReserY B nk ot s n rre.nc1eoo 622 .. 19th . 1 tr et Merced, D c litorn1 .r Mr. Johna en~ Your let er of J''mfl s, l9ir2, to our Lop ,... ngelti olt\oo ha been tor ar tor reply , d to us here ~· t Tc>cl. y we cont cted. th~ y. ToJ. /" omon~ 1 mily · nd. ti~d tlvit they 11 Vfa j'uat yea t rd r:y oommunic a ted with the S imonoou ...H rrel Abs .rnct Com ny, .D.lerce(\, dviQ.e he their inteD,ti¢>n ot acceptin ot1er ot sa)"e. we herewith enclose copy of their lettel"' W ic is el·t -explan tory. C Utcrrnia, and we .turther h d em eome to the otti oe and real) your letter, ~ round they were ~11 into:rmed. on the ub,je·et having had communication from. . their atto ey in Merced. 1rust1ng that ttis gives yQu the desired intormation, and should you desire nything further, w will he l d to hear trom you. Yours very truly, CrtJ#~;( O. o. ood CDW/al Enc. Field Representative • \( ti. 'l' OP ·~ ml \ 6?~-19 t ll l'll 1 S'f.-'.i1'1J, tt"U! '.in li'e ~d , C 11fot'r1 Jun 6 ~ 191'2 Gen lemen i ~ome A f6rm nrop rty nrobl m hA th . a (t i on J ot' ttl*l F i fl ld rnbly t he .~ omonfl Ae~ hl 1 to him a1 oon R Qhi m&tt r b · l i q d out of tat • Th·ty in q\11 . (l f'( 1\lf'Y tlot s 1r• on 1 1 20 re l" o~ e nt l1 .1 lmdo?i' tli · name o F ottt F'a.11 Oom any, 1 " : if r-nia oor".1ox-a tion. A e la ·o~· t 1.» pre>p .~t-t)y ho H b, n un lhd te money for ~am~ l e i n ecro wtth to Count;y T tl 0011 Ein\' n th eMunt of ~ > )U , O • 1 , os A1ble to convey th1 roperty 1n .h. u ai m nner $the bo r of d1r ,ato1a cannot m· t, on e b n 1n roe4, one bo in . 1n .PomonEJJ , er\ on b~ in · in J . E1n , 'T'ht-1 only ott,r way t Bt h~ m tter oen b·. 11au1da .d 1· to dt a olve t e cornort, .on . 'I'b e f fect thA d1ssolution 1t i FJ n oeaie ~ tlw t the majority ntockholders vote t J die1olv and oet1 \on the St.1te a l'P Ol'S ion ,ornrc1e lon r I'ot• dl o. olutlon , fhen b <lO n€ th•·Y t h m p ~ t1t1on th"" O\lrt to tti e ov ·: r- t h ll s 1:; t or hd comn~ny nno ' o1nt tru~te ~ B , Tb . tru t e eQ th e n e 11 th pro erty sub J c t to e a.:> rov l of th 3 oo urt . This procedul'le 't r J B 1;;bout s i x e.•ko hen th h!u1 e 1 n ·et in g in cont ct with ,h . f.1e rieo le . J\11 flVEl. 1., lt•b le 1nto,:rmer 10h lndi ~')B t ' B s. t Y•. Tojo, v i.ce Pres . holdin · on ah8r of tock , ~ dna Tojo holding l 2 ahar 08 of a ock , nd nna to Jo hold in v l? h r . of s tcrnlt, ar e t Pomon·a . 'J'. is 1 a ?/$t,hs o f t ou t fft ndl.n shLr s nd thu it 11 n .cas·6ry for t~r uov tnd 1c ~ ed vote. · I oulcl lik tr . bt o OtJt' ~3 :r e .. en t t 1v o on t ct them £1 cl xp1a 1 n be nr()c Clur e bn ~ s ·' 1!' 11 "! re w1llln g to oompl t the d a l. ft 1 Co t 'l t).O) 1 0 175 . ) c lurt , nr1 wt th d Aero , · v, 1.lJ dt a t 1 ·t 377 .oo. h I •01..t d. tter j.n r a ao dv :L-r 1nc 1natlon ln t11 11 a.n oontRc d. hank1n~ yo ~atton n th 19 rn• t r , I remoin 1 ·L b Yo .r v . P~r t 1.1J y, Hl.llrold Jol naori F ti 1 <l ~ ,re ~ n f\ 1v June 10, ll 94:2 imon on~aarrell b Meroed, c 1itorn1 . ract company Dear Slr Mr. zuo d u has WT1tt n tc us rfl the lan we re owned by th ot th Llvin r th 1 vorite th . major stock•holaera. t on ruit 4xc an posaibllity- or $ellin.g rm company, ot which 1/8 un ders t Ad tha.t fOU have buye tar four .housan dol rs ca•h lf4,000.). It' t -1 ct ter is still nv llable, pl ase ma .e th nece ·.ry rr ngemente to s 1 l th arm. V ry truly your , ~~1gned~ . Yahay 'l'~ vroe 'freetaint --- to-r, le or .11 1 niJ. ti r ncieco n 001T.e up her~ PQrr.t: nn. OS l blfl U8 011 l 1 n Uf.H'<ied "I ; voer bl :, ent,o r l t 80 61$ i r I • of a v I , (1 . CJ on. 0 ~t' toe ·:ho l< exd l s )\I :i of t f' ro Ol't !1 BllbJdiC t'J h k ~ .nrl . tf?haatt1ln1• V()t f) 0 u. I n ilO• . hill 0011' e.ot 01· lon 1,ri.ltcnf. ,~ t ·ll -. Y . Tojo 1no(l-f r.Js . hold 1nR' 011 t a ook , .11,11 Tojo l'!o 1Un l::' hflr .<\or a t.ook 1 '• nl1 Ann fojo nold1 n; i:• erePof 9 .oa , l'O l.i omona . '!'his !f1 5/A . ,a ,, r ho 011 nl 1.1 rlintt vio I woul like to c11w :repreBentnl VI' cont. a~t tirv1 , plt1 in t. e pr<1C<' ure Md e t f l'1. 11"' wtlltnp, to con: 11 o 1.1. a. · \ 1 abl~ 1 n th de 1 . B ,.., f hfl 111 run fro 150 . 00 to reee wlt.ll J he oonr , 1•n v \1h b Gox·po:rfl ,ion Co1 misston.t . Ul b about. .oo . Thus l hll E lle 1,-Ji ll. n t n lo s •. .'i??5 . 00 , Co.I! yo foe , Ctling e s~ro ·r !ttes ind I would ~ pr~o i a hes.iring lr il'lotirlAt t on H1 tti:J rr atto1' ein S<>on fJl!l ~ ff'f hav'! been cont o ed . 'Th A nl~1 n - yoi 1 1 n d ve.nce for VOtU' c oope.rat ion. 1n h if; 110 t flt , r .re111e1 n You r n very tr uly , Hnrold ~ ohnao rn 't el.d :1~ 11 aen a lv"l c • ~«Prm9t• tit a'll!'aalil&a :i.ttw 11t'hloh troi*'I., reg~- JIU ~ eorg~ Yos110 To h1 4. .. 11 - u rt It . eloo~tion He rt Los ln~ eder·~ e• ente~ fyomi ne 1 lea Brq no t s rv D? nk o SA n ~·rAn oiso. o Box P077, Terminal Annex Lo An eles, OA 1fornl .o. n l men: low thet the <>old. wea ther h"1 a ~J et-in h re , 1e sha 1 ppreei1-1te t very uoh 'lf y()u YFlll forwv.rd to u our tw (2 } tl'\lfli~ 1n StQt'FI e at 350 . '. l~ t ' treet , Los A.neele • lt te ..,,ry im.pc:>rtAnt t)V1t we b ve. tneae tr1mks aia they bo h conte in th rn~oh .ne~loQ. overoofl.ts of our entire fe l • A though the verifie · P l'90nEtl . l'<>:pe-rty I.1 'i indioetQfJ f1ve 1nd.iV'i u-q l un.i t , a t tl\ia time,. we h ve the neoesit of only the two trunks . Your prm :pt 11tten lon up.on thia fl.l8tter , ppre cistecl. bAll be deai>lY I~ JJ ~ !"/ f:. [U..,_, YI ,- iy·L .... ,& iUW- . i . , _, fl/ ..5 A , ,_,'..,_ ~ U_., @1 ~L-J .JJ""c!' s l.1 ~ • W..:,J. ~~ 7 ~ t~~ 7 ........~ 1•«- i ~~ /OU/j_' ~, I L RESER ... · ~ ;.\ .· f I . I H! \ IHJU l. , t 1t;c r r. S ' \ '1'Jrl r • TO!.! 1. II< Of l r'~ 1' of r th · .i.·e. ln :r l lfl ' 0 0 nJ' r tr LI! .1a.t ... 01 C.l l°l·h VI .1 on. blfl ~r ·o 1r, ete el er .J '/ (" l• ~'h e " J'(lu b• orr t.o loci•t• W• t&l•• t,'IUtJ• •M the P.1Mnt t iD • •Uaftlo MGUM., t . over •h.. k • id zr~aor•Bll• o her• ••uU& a r--. tllu•etOI"• w~U J'OU will tl1U>1 to tU& ottiH ten tbil J:"ll-" ot la•l-s to OQr HeilCI Ottio~. OF ICE Ul3 -·"Ul.ll- ~Q. . Prop-on lo r iett r Aucua1t. 6, 1942 1 u»:o 1'1>lll!Ui, FM.11,r lh•b•r ~ Hitllbly Oenter nu Jue·t in!onaed u that. Md.aa 1'&1 TOllihiro, P.aat.i yr ~r 322.20, • n-a()u.ati•d to &nrt.a Ui.ta M• ellblf Oente~ C)B ~ 2.9, 19~. A l•ttu" pre•,r •ddnH ed t.o her ~t nt.a ~ wu, h(lw•Y•·r , r.tu:rriitd ·\o Uil '16- Our repre11nt..ati•• &t. ante>r 1 ope~•~· ~r 'l'• reprea Qta,,i n .in.toru u.e that t.h.t een.aua tigure. taken &t Santa Anit and eent htrt tor OQq>il&iion do aot. ahoif thia family at. Ba.nt.a Anita. lJ14ellW)b ae o!ticial recoN.11 1how thi• tam.ii., wa1 to :!ant~, we c~ onl.,y Heu.. aubaeq"Uent to their arr val t.hert the tllllily •1 h.ave be•n i ven & travel perud to 1C111Ae otner center or l~oation dutaide th• militar",1 area:, recent~ We wo~lcl •ppnctate it it yo -.oulcl h&'lf• rour Sant& Anita repnHat•ti~• c:s.ontact. the ~:t o.t the Santa Ani.ta A1.a·..mbl7 and car.t'Ully recheck the 10llliU':d.J!O tact•. We are &v;in •~.lo•ini ohtclc Mo. 92.3 ~t•d Jwl• l+tn, 1942, drawn b7 D. ij 4 Ro•enttJ&l tor conom, Cbaneni, Inc. on th• Heater Branctl ot Bank of Amricu li&tion&l 11"Wlt and 8aY1.ng1 u1ooi&tion in 8&n Joae, C.-li!omia, in the UIO\Ult o! 16. 50 &rd the ao<1ompaqin1 lhlKlranciUJI indicating the pU'pou tor wbioih th• check ••• iHue<l, in th• hope t.h&t the evacuee aow be looat41d at S&nta Anita. It the pa,tllln.t ia in 1atiAlia<lto1"1 ameunt, pil.ea1e hn1 ltlu Ka7 Tomihil"C ••nd to u. a rece~pt therefor. ......... , .... ,.Annrered .. ~............ Anad. by Routine Advice ....... , ........ No .t.nswer Required Dire<ited to file by.,.... ,.. .. ........(i'tt;.;;~;;;~,....................... ,. rtle~~ ...... Jul,:r JO, Mi el l'le enola e herein c,heok tr t.tie onooi,r C1.anere, lnc; J ot .Amerioa, N&tional 'llru•t & ~ 923 dated June 4., 1942 inued 04 br a. caenbl&:t t., dn11ffi on the 8-nk H. vingm l\ueci Uon, iju.t e·r r&1'0h, n Jose, Cali!ornta, in the y 'l'C)Olihiro 1 alto a 1Mmorand\llll frcm th• Eeonom,y the pu.rpou tor whd,ch the above cbeok 'J/he ll.bove ref erred tio d~Ulll llllH 1nd1c.ating i.a ue(I. nta T<•re eent 1.o th anta Anita Auembly Cent r •pparently in error as th er have been reituJ11ned to tla. f beUne it quite A,u mbly C nt r. poadble W, a 'fomi.hiro :ta no• at Ult If, upon inqu~ry, yQu find th t Ponto~ u.oh is the c ae, would you arran e to deliver t.h .. check and t,he e.xpla.natorr note to her, and i f settl,ement i .e aa.tis.t c.toiy, send us h r receiJ>t f'tJr CQMpletion ot our nc<)r<la. 91 v-:' "' l M!ncloauru .. ,... ,, ... ,. .•. Aruwered ., ......, ...... Anad. by Ro~ine Advice ........... ,... No ~nsweT Required Diitecited to Ille • ,, Lu s ,\ oi-:u: ~ BuA. c,11 Mr. rre c. Bol Los sel r non I B i n t~nt .·H. C J SCO \l8 4, 1942 r :re e r al Reserve B ot San . r uoi soo P. o. Bo 2077, T rm na nne Lo Ans Do es, Cal torn Mr . Bol is e: u e ye ate ay Tom.1h1ro am ly No. 32200 o your letter ot y r d 1n t.h u uot lat bo ~. vs.cue • we h ve do very c r rut of h cam~ rooor e tryin to oo t th1$ p rty"io oa ry out the in true ti on oon uin in youl' l t er , out ere n bl to tin the p rty n th1 Center . on To ih ro rom1lr h re , but do a not fro the San Jo s t rrttory nor u this t'wn ly numb r. Theret'or WI} re , ire thi party lo loc ated els er • There . s poR lbil ty ot her being over Santa n ta,as other ~vacu es here tram th nort e rn p r ot the Stat t ll us thi • 'rh re 1 or gin t le r herer or e , returnin ~ t encloou~ Yours very truly, s to k~~· Go.r don C. · i Fiol CC": yk E1 Qlosu:re Uam Repr ~se nt a t I you ~ . ~· U 'I V TY ' / Cl .I.Ml al•t.••t. ·•• _. . . 1.. RE ' ERVE B J'uue 3, l ~u Dr ~ •• • LN 02 .~ •r:rJ o , M "1" on B1 v · • "finio , Cal11'orn.I: tr: renoc ts , ,. e to yo•Jr le l6r of Iii y 20 informin' u1 hen t·,he Jn rioso 11rnr .. fl V 0 H\ .ed yo·1 'lier· •1rt lo 0 Oollcc. fl b~dt e or 111JO . OO ro?' pro ... f (ie ~onfl I. sorviees t"t'ln ~n·e, o tr.a . t . ri \'to11ture, you lior •our 1 t'o n!lat on , :youha"le ope r usual channels ro1• ollectint'. bllh . Y°"'U rv ,,t1r y tr ll y, t,o 1 er o ,y 11r. ~_..... FOA~E la~ W fl, "llfUCM, D. Q, 9. S~lllji8TOfol 901./j,,~VAllD VWNIC. . C Aj..•tollHI A •ANT~ r,fOH•<lA t • 11111 - o/"'.c"." t:. ,(. < </J t ~_.t?, . .,(.'.e. ,..,,_,.....,. ,,,.~. ;:> ·,.·~I • a/. j.,_" / ..r">"'r2 -a ,.1t~~./ J,_ f'1 ,(; ,;(.~. C--<<' .> li;:;;i_ nk ~~~_) (-;)/ ;;>-;), -::.J.. . ,.,; HEAD OFFICE CATE Septqbe,r 22, J.942 SU&.JIECT: encl.091.Dg a d&ted September l 7, l.~ - o£. ~ Pbu9acy, n, Qal.U'omi&, »•lcuhi • • &Mt 0 .... tterbead aigr»<l 07 Y~ .tiJ.ea refiect. t.ioned in thia letter and acUOD i:i ~ zone. lie t..IJ'tlae {) Jl'\' I. Oll {O 'r\f'i fo1• Pl n }1 r -'I 1 ' I., ~ O l' ol 1 I • n t t.~}l t; Iti h .t r a t..1 y w.Ol't ti·a ~ 0 801 11 • ov 1A•1t1t , ,.II t•li. ~l rt •S:\. l£l Grcntro, Qtailfamq July 21 .1 l e tl"e.1 p.o. Los e ene ~llk a. of San iao o • Baic 2011, Te.ndr:ial Armex, Anc~lee, O&litorni&. our 0: ml 6b749 e.n, Jn ~•ply to you; jp\q~iry ot July 24th., in ooritU)Qtion lth the H. 1auohi~ ~ rleh to adviH that Sb.iit• }fa.biahirt.a d4tpoal. t.d nth ua on April 21, 1942, o<llditiona.l u.i.a oomlr•ot oo·rerlng ciertin f'fil.rDUure in the R.amcme. Hot411l, fjtua.t.ld in tlle City <1f l Oentro, toge~•r w1tn ilill c£ Sale in t'•.v or ot Evelyn Honorio. 'l'he -property w: • IQld :tor uo.oo &lid the deld'W!Mnta were w1 th ua to be del111•r•d to ll'll'ctlyn Bo ovi!> upon. the payn1ult o.f the bdein.oe of $43Q. OO, J.'f.~ble .f.50 . 00 per 111onth beginning~ ?.J. , HlU, N'o p-.yma nte hl\ve 'been thi1 eaorOff. iUU1S ue f ~o l'.l'"'J 1 , ., • o. 100 t ion oJ et. AU. •lluAP W"Y • ll'lit9Nl I Ct ll41. O :H t''IAO, ClA S.,lll'Ql't IA aly ,. , l 9 2 , Dflr r ll s ns (") l'!O 1e o1 int" . V(')l li lm()w ~ one o tl\o i_, i;,r• ot ~11.IH. r'.'J . Bloc e 1 re , i es ~t .. 54 o 1 n r.-:h ya B1d • 1 0 , Ap • o ton , A.ri r.onn . iVe tlY C, Jul7 I , .. o t1 ~ 11 Ce iro • C l l fot"n Mn D ~"l r It ~ St. l~t2, r oe • 1ra 1• 't la t ao nQt h,.. , urrt .. yo l'OU\":1 ruly , 1 'l n ,d •·• c~ o o•••!" h .. ! Iii~ ojjf, l•I•• 1i ~I~~ 'f~... !I\ ~J Gtinha, J\Ul4' a, 11 • •• 'hucn:l mi, alook 54, UlQo· 10 , Apt. C., Ponton , rii. ~·; l\LI, ve r v t~IB. o\~ plaice d n.o p1.1 f'.lnts he x• o<>llco·tdo mm,orj o, o o t1ug !tO"t of a. oolleotion nd 11."'cncy. I t~uly yoUJ'a, ~n. :&wi.g-er I lilt ~1141!. 1oei11111 '~" •1~ """'I "'""''""" ~''"'". 16\tf~f•!"'' li~R,.lfl i,t 'r 81 i 1 L1uJ:1 . J 'I 1 9 2 ' J ·e &r 1 r D ~Hr. t nrl h~ ~t rvA nank of ng of ~ r 1o l e s~n Fr tn~ 1~00 0 hGVe 0 r det1 now n. nl31H1 ,C Jfo w1n t rnP ted 5~t U] rn 'l"1 mk , 2A ~ 5 S nt F6 A.v m e 1 0 cnu t111t I w 11 d fT'ay the x:p n~e • e to ·1h l you lnul to 1 ti· '·J . . 1 d . '!11 1 . oc dt 1; p NI r. t , ', y1)\. 1'«1 1 tly S wt,~ 11 ng Ln~ Al vd , , lo~ , 0 1. .Ap1-ll• men t 4 24 EuPcUng 11 a R lno ot !oh Oen nn r , Ca l o:rn1 • ~ , I; ollo 7 n d'. " ..... . 1 fl tl . " .' , f n'N2. , ... ,. • .. , , . . . . . .l . . , ~ . , . . • , • . . ' in • n nw . . . , . . - 1 • n • , HH1 ••••• . , • • ·· look •• ~"l,,, . ..... ..•• J< ' f i ...•. ' 0 t; lo l ,1 t, rt It - cl I 0 10 • • • >,~ro t •• ...... I 4 ••• 1 • ' •• .... • , • ' •• :rn bo lk ~~ • td n otl ' Ct 0. 41f,uf I r cl t 0 d f'h~ ,, I. 01 , y $ . l"J ' l,J, ......I Ired C, Pol4 AaaiM"'1 ..,, l • l • • lth • la 00 t 'Mr, len.a9'·b. Ooodaa, At.'0~11q Ottio• ot Pr10• A4a!Di•tJ."&\lol aan: Di180t 0.Uf (JrDia 14 U \18 1) I 1 9 '\ a r, /0 Bank Loa I~os De A fr. c. • old: In reteren oe to yo r lette . or J 1ly 2 , 1942, l 11lln o ell he t'ur11 tu1•e on furnis h ing the Pllo1:f1 o Io el tor 250. 0f. oa h. l hB1'e yet re . e v ny oommu ioa i on from M:r. enn oo man s a I !sh t o dis >O e or 111y prop l' y a 0 0 11 e poae1b e~ woul p preo i it H y woul 1'1e p u to do ao • am 1 W T'ot ·r . l.owr noe Ho •mfln o the Sl!n Die o ~eo !•e I reem ala nolosirie. r . o Mn cell d re. Turren 1ne ·nd the ofter di rte re 10(). 00 , 1'11e 180T penoy 1Jl the two Off ra Wholea e r dl ply on An ue oeut1ae l , n• A.osoo1 t1on en 9 2 which s to wor1y a o t turnit ire n imm.ed 1 te 1.y , fltt.1n enytb1n(' o 1t turnta 1nge , if somethi e ot the 1e not done I shall sjncex- ly a t1preo1a t4I it lf you will this yo r i Dlllle i te at en t l on 'hen #in you, Jam nd wJ 11 b w 1 t1 ng for ply elt yo r earlif:lst oonventenoe. yo r re - yours truly, ...__... ~~l~ e Los . .r.1-JJ.J: S l R N , Jl !'.rs . H '.l'l"Y Taumn .n:r L e rict 5 , E rraclc P. ? O ~r11ry f.An li r •u 1 i:t.venu AnHn ss . bly Oen a' 1n , 0 1 foroln 0ioe.m: 1 llllH.le to yo tr <idl'&RSed hi1 t.(l ~ a fJ rv~ · en r f rrtJd o tui ~v~ ue~ l a Bl•nnc 11 for h'l11dli n , I\~ Our u\a et:. n a San 'ro nl'.' l sco , Pro. r.;y n l' 01 nt or date hi.oh be o l lod. on t' . \.e.nne h k10 rna.n ttor ~Hh ) 1. • 'V lMl'' (.Id d. ri .TuJ.y ? 4, L9~ 2 , d O)' Cd iTt order o s rept'o.sent'30 b:f 'rank ii· nn tt. • Lion l t n}c ff\~1.llin(; , :? nd .Jroadn Die~o , Celifornt . r1· . Qo.<ln 11 r 1..s ci' ite yo t huyo1· of h1.s pr op r y 18 T>X'6pa:red o orr r you t250 . t,h · furn1t !NJ d \1 1'1111 h1. . Th1.s OOIJ;nmnicotl on l'fH\ah ,you wit 1n h nert t:ew r.l y.a • y- 1t, •l<lW 1 403 U. S . 1 I . or yolilr n 'o tma ton , t1.l,S(l · e.Hred o r. Le.wrenc Hol~n , cret&ry- !1,ina •i.e:r the n Diego ' fh.~Jl.1 ttle Crtld.1 t on ' a ,\frnoo16 i n, ..oa Cornmon.we 1th. U111 1l 1ng , <-:an Die o . IL ls very ta..mili e1· rt'Oriert y a n ·1001cef,e t. Ait tl may know of' a ome one wh() he 1 n e-re-e d 1n me i id . prernises , The rur nituro eIXl f urntshiTIPfl ~ lll r or t ht r . Goo lma n ·nowf:I , not,hj np, be.$ b ~m n<i so t :r a ouched . YcHt ere nmr 1·1 vile d o enter into no ~o t t 1 o 11 11Hh eny of the bove men,1on d, f)6rt1e o y>our oo i.llt'f! ction. 1 oura v r y tru\ y, HEAD OFFICE les bATE Jul.y 24, 1942 SU&llrCT: k.ioa'ed. you will !:i.Gci a letter addreaHd to t.his orric:e, a copy ot llhieh we have retained for a COftT ot our &nswer to ea -------Ansd. by Rol.ltine Ad ·ic R . ed t~ --= ~f i l t -1 ........... .. ~ QUl' .filAJ:J. There ia. alao- eelOffd I. ~ (~ (r- I _/ ,# i I S&?lt& AlU.ta uae-.h.l.7 Cen'te1' Dist". 5 krr&ck !'7 F&ir,. fil.U AY1t ~a4ia. Ca1~o.1'111-a .lleM:rTe Bank ot' San hano1aco 4-00 Saneome ·treet Sa.11 bancJ.soo, Call~ornia .F•d.eral bear Sir: !his letter is wr1 tten ill re:terene to th hot.el t'lll'n1sh1ngs at the Paeit'1c Hotel.. 506 i:tth ATenue. San Diego. C&li:f'ornia. l 'tUltierst&nd that. 'the property has been auctioned on to the highe~t!". l W01illt!. ~ tc r 0 t 11' ~· ~s.hlng. ha.Te b auct!.on.ed .:r:t, too. u ! oq &l.l. the !'urn1sh1?\g9 in :the hetal I oul.d. -llb to >:now wh&t h&3 bocoae ot' 1~. I ha.Te been unable to g9''t an;r- tn:rormation as to 'the hotel t'raa • ~ ~ eood.m&Jl~ the 0%" i....,.er. loo:k into the 11a.tter @d. 1et me kn.ow &.A &:! po~ible what ha1! oo o~ propert7. I would. appreciate your a.ttent1mi to this tte.r. - soon ~ ~' ll" HEAD OFFICE OATIE ~. Reid dated ' 7 7. URltUD IT lft.~ w TO~ IJ..;c,f~~ MAY 141942 aopy ot a le~ter frcm our Secremento Field Representative , • 1. Reld, hss oo e to this ot't'ic.e. ormally speaking, e neve requested our tield o!rices to a reference to eas outside the I:Iead ot'fice z-0ce. Zoweve=, .lll vi- Of tee fact the t he has alreaC.y writt n y-ou, an · the evacuee" Fr n.k" UC..e. , is soon ta leave, we ouJ.d appreciate an ans er. A c-0ntact us · probl~s re~uiring ( r/ ~~~ Assistant Ceshier. I ~> ' 1 ' l • A· 1. b14, lhld . .pre.. •o Ji •rel •• n• 1Q06 UH Propeny DeperiMat ui Du~ 1Jf " DO J..ciq tnd S..onMn\o~ C 1Uom1e l•t'•~ · 4Hl ot T 7 reoelTed. •~l • 1n1 \ •b e ma . t141 .,.. l!IT Uo• T o M '!he te kU "f• e.,e•• \ \l'lea • the • yJ.t-1 h 1h• l ~l Ob•TJOle\ M\h t t300 •.00 lo o 111 lu th• U. ~uUatton o"t tHf .00 Uea t wr1Ue t14* to •dYiH lt' bt 11 .,_ 111.1~ \o OOltl!lete tJl• e&o!Muace, o.- CllQle tu.11 f1.- JS• o.t ·~ lho aa.dJ 11ettarll i:»·t UG 0 ft• role'\ ... ••Ju teen~ fO'I' .... of l Ol'!ffl!Ol•t •. !'hH• h (!Jl 4•.po•U ., OeUtorci• . . . . .nd Hd rs ..., $....., ao'b.. t.ov Aaplet, u4•r .. 00~&, So, U6&2 1 J)olONI li<11 1 Tna• tor OU- aioa, . . . 00~ Tb tl0'.00 tltt•NM• to tb• uou• tJ4 ..., li·oe oonre4 001t of ebio.b atot "& npdl'1. TM• .b.o\ll4 ~nu t h10· pertl•• to •ol.u.nur1l1 ••ttl•. tour. •err \Nly, Aoal.el~ LIS: 1'Q '1 l • l .... . ~ 808 0'"-'to1'0··· . . . ta i.a. O Ufvll.e J1 . . . . . . .lt .• • • ·*'"'· • i.., ' 10ea °'-11••· 0.U• otf~- ·~ "°' ~.., .. i....,."' • •.-a.1• ~u " '"* . • 3'iJ>••• n&••• I• ••......••• •l'll id• ••••••• ·~ t-.\1,1- ta1-• .. ....... t • " ' ,.,.. ..Yi.. ., ,....,.... u. ~ ..)¥ ..1nh• -. •' 70\l ,....... ,.... We•• U• 1-a fJil t•.OO ta • lNl Cb"1"0 "'-14 • Jftllt Oil JOIU •NMM,iM w1 Ul hla <lnl' ottU• o • *" •rtlO to taoo. Yomie .._,,' 1'• Y--'-j ............! • !)( ,\J. ,\1 ~11 .. f '"" ' lll i.I 6 ~er 1 0~ t 'N l ';1• . ·rrA' Iii . ·t en, t11eet ' nto r O Jifo 'aY' 'l , 1 4 a es re Jank o' cla1 •'vn uee •roperty D-spartmer t ,.:eles , lit'orni ia ra1cisco 1Jen1· ijire 1 youftt.~ J pa e e n10. n r tt er.· oor; plio. ted da , prcau n"dree it rope rt ' • O. o i .,, in our of' 'ioe tocif y· iri tt i mun ifl •'rank robler, . ~36 , Oourtlan<l , oa11ro:nia . {e 1t1 (01 wan ) th} owner o 1 De uxe Sedtm . '} 1 ~ o.a · a 41 Ch rrroJ t drJeciol nd o Hl 8 1.: hevrc let l~-ton t.ruok \fflre ple~~d as ddition l a ou~it1 or ;1900 . 00 loan on Mn Allis 01 lmera ti1·a.otor . '. 'he rttolie ll 1innn<le or1 ti yat i gue1·ora 1m Olyr1 ic treeta in Los olee Ml1de t.hia loani . 0 bout to.roh Hl , 1942 Ude. took the t'.l'EH~t. or to ..1tohell }'illfl oe C on.~i.any 1ith lnstruotions to sell l t . On arch 23 , he c te to .3ao:r:runento in his tru c k nn . e!' t tl1e 1 41 Chevrolet at. h ie h.or: e 1 102J. i. Hos t lt'> t h i3t1• et , urdene. . He o u1~ 1ed t ,o r ena 011 .urcl 26 to find thut .. ito ttell 1l'1nanoe Conpany had N.11HWSEHH1 tile ' l Ol evrolet · dan . a. o&J.le on tihe deral rleaerve Hunk in I,os gales on arch 30 . He talke ~r . Lin~ uist (not aure of pelli1 ) tho toletiho e.d i to he ll 'inanoe Company bolt th :ts raatter. ~ "1.bO t two weeks J.a t r , ...:i to hell shno.noe Company sold. tl'a.ctor 1 0,1.~ '.1 5 0 . 0, deducted 20 , 00 !'OJ;' oelive.r1ng the tr~ ct or and l.48 . 00 cot'!l'lliasio • rerna inder o the selling price , or 13 ~2 . 00 , was a p]Jlied 011 their l r gc note , leaving an unpaid balance ot: 567 .• 00 , 1 th.El bout ~pril lb , U a g ve · 26? .00 to a1 Rios , a orn1er e ploye e livi . g a t ~02 lihessb~u:gh Ltane ( not su1'e of apelll ng ), Loe .Angeles ,, 'J.'h:ls acl .rese is said. to be naer i v e1'green Cemetery . After givint1 thia n.oney to Uos , · ~a NepJ. with } i.111 to a finance 00r.1J>e.ny on Spring treet just nort.£1 of the Federal ese:i•ve Bal!lk .11.htll'O ios borrowed 300 . 00 on the o , whi oh, with t h e .~26? , 00 da ha e. iven him , paid Htohe ). .ll'imu o,ompan.,.- in full . ' -S ,.,. I ~ .t1i1 u ~ th · • """"J "''"' ,, f.( ,,.. JlruJ1 1sn, 't/'('1' ll.if'"·" , I• .., ,. '-ederal t• 1 e e e , ~ulk o an •.n wi oo y r; J - 2 - oma ime ter re tw·nin to tn:i ei 1t1bor oo , u( ~ the OW1 l' iip C&l' i 'ioate to his \;~·uck fr Jl1 ,lot.or ejltll' ~nt . On pl'il 2~ , da r t n10ney Qr'1e.~·.s ~?2 .oo t o Rios to olea.1· liia .loan on · ne 194.l Ot1evrole t 60da..n . ,01 ,lll'il 25 , uda t le ho Gd 1Uos at tl& City ..a1•ke 1 Los ~eles nd ios admitted r~oeivi 3 the money . ioa tate " v rythil'l.8 wil.l be Q. K . " Ldia he.a written RiofJ our let. r sinoe tn t tine n ha~ ha no reapons rom him . ,.111 you end avor to contact ·r . oonolu in; ttlia matte • ioo \i:tth. a Your a vet'':{ t.l'uly , C:f; ~ A. J . e d oor8Jllen o ~ 7)) ield k proaentati1~e B RKER RO Se te ber J 4 -;i 1· l ResiJ1·ve Be. l of a1 Fr nclo-00 f;os Anse les Brt'lnch 1.09 e t 01 ov ic 1lou1e ~ti rd Lofl A.nge eo , Calif'om.i&; Atlientiou of' J of ) neae vnc ton 01 v l lcn r n. 'enUemon: e wa11t to t41. e this Ofpoi•t ltf of e prQa el out .. ~r olatlon £01· th eplan 1d ooOpflT' tLon roo e~v d fro1r t-h re pr · entati'YeO of U1 file er1;1.l fteuerve &n i connec ~io 'If Hh ~t e &Vb.cuated J nese , and Ilf~rt ·' cul · rly its to "r. Gorcion C. WilU m whc u the 1'' ie ld Re11re n t.61. ti. v at the Poi:1or1u Assett.t) y Ceo tier• P<>11ont1 , C,tlifornt , ~ d fr. Charles Bil tng lert ho $~ U 1e re sen tat l ve of tne tider 1 Ruane Bo.nk. u t thd San !nit.a .tl~ce tion Ce ter. U th of these ge11tbuen have been very oo~perattve . We hot e t.\mt ao ~tlrue , we rill c.iprocat • oo Ln o!S t on to re- Very 7oux·o • RVJC Jul ede r•l Hrve ot !.a. ngt le• ran oh 1 7 0'1.tth Sprh treet L o~ Angele•• II.I\ e.noie o Oal~forn!& o N'O attach1n Vfesl• m Union Tele graph ColllpfU1y b1.1t"ctoe1 t or M•rch •md ~pril , whiob ~r• apparently 1ent to u1 1 et rr~r • Your• Tery t t!Uly idpn • 11.dewo·ntb ireotor for C~llto·mia l • 1941 f'E'l!EftA._ $00 l~l S UNIT 0 STA ES OJl!ll'l!C•O,. 1' t 8EC:U~IT AG iCV CU RfT'Y BOARD MPLOYMEl 'T RVICE lleG Sc~t , 1on,r , t. to.a ngelH , ee.u.t. QtO"&.; M.t. ...,l\Qlll,_ Ir. f. C. Bold, J•denl RHene S.nk "7th &nd Sprinc St-a., Loa !ngele1, Cali!. D &f' Mr. Bold1 I a• •nolodna tor your infoi.t:ion, brief not•• ot the mtetin held in t~ia Qttice Fr~d•y, !krc 2oth. -· ( { '- J\tthw· E1 1fo(ld illrllMI Encl, ' Ar~a Supervilor ' Are~ Il wUl ~ r•1•1 p.nlt• wU _.. •T•ll , l• , u.-~ bf 1914 ffi I ~ If Nlno.&Y• ,~•.n.11• 111 1 riet· "J ~ i1 J:l. , of u lie .A1•h~ , , . _1•.,, •tnt•• a.nM ..i_. l.oa ot nMUIM•• l:r tQ Ff!lo.p•!on t;>t ne.01MHUI. Oaretul. · n • rqut~ 'I• at • o , *r•• l t1on •:t., 1 J"4tpt14 ~ 'hq Bl*"" tJJ~t l r \1.,.a 1 ~ ,.,. b ~··h4 Loa A cu:"-l!S CHAMBER OF ,a rch r. Fred c. COM 19, RC£ 1942 Bold v cuee PropeI'ty Depa rtmen.t 707 South Spring Street Los Angele , Ca if orni D r Mr . Bold z Attached is lotter from R. D. Snowden, Jr., Horiihoe Pl otation, Hughes , Ark., which I r Qf err d' to in our t corwersa tion ot th11 afternoon. 34-138 Encl. HO SESHOE PLA~ TATIO , HUGH S,AU:. $, 'I Vil'.' //vi . rt . • ' - ~A • tl~fl ' ·r • oh 27 , 1942 r~om: I epe t three hours , 10130 • to 1:30 P • • , in 1;he Inglewo o t f1ce 1th Mr . Grnea, field RtspruentaUn. Two p ople ware l~hX"Y1i••ed uring th i t 1 • Mr . Ore.'ti s 1ntol' d l1e llae interrt•~•d. \ leeU t enty .. t1n J'•.1pe,ne1:H1 ey~oueH iuoe o n~na this otfioe, but i d not wri • 11eporta e.• ftll probl ma .iere ooncern1n~ diapoeal or re 1 eetau, lit • 1 1 gro wiug crape, 1a~S3 machinery and other rela\od f rm probleme , 8nd it s hie undera t nd in nCl .t'leport waa r equired aii long ae he J~ru "' eoar i 'ly l\dini.nistre Uon too n rece>r4 ot the problelll. Mr. Grana 911'8 in.formed. t bl!l. t reports were to be oomplthd in all lutence.a whe re •he prob em o-0ncUn$d i•pol! 1 ot any pro}l4trty. lt would ppear th t there are •••eral reasons why t~e J peneae $re not coming into the I1Ji l&wo-0d ottio•. prob bly "he 111)1~ important re eon bein& 'h 1 since J'el>ruary 9 , 194 2, tne aru 1.n w 1.cb. Inglewood. ~· located •ea declared t o be u prohibited zone and ll. I.liens supposed to be n cuated. 'l'he 1 peneH in aroa are Aaltrioan born. and han been Y! very hard to ••N barYest all crops poss ible b~tote evaouatillg. lt i i reported that the luger Aml.rioan-J p Q.eae popul dion tn tb:il area i i located ao~th. of H~wtborne ~ear Ga~denia, ttw. latter iown b•i.D& about ten ~ilea trom Iaalewood, but only tbree or tour m.11•• rrom Torrano• . Mr. Atkin, ot the farm eourity Ad$hrhtr Uon, ad•ieea that •inoe \'Mil!' oft ice was opened on Maron l '1, 1942, he had noo~d•d thirty-tin inteninr1 1 and that they hen the •n in tile tUld oonnHin& all tanae111 regudiua plane tor d11poeal ot rarma, equip..nt, oropa, 1to. I 1nhrTie1'ed one American b~rn .Jape.nee• who plan.a to Join a 11·oup ot t•cnity t'amili•• moving t<> tJteh u· the n ouaary permieaion can be ob>tdned. Rh parUo11lar problem wu diap-0ai:ng ot three g:rHn bo\llH llnd. about eight 1houeend potted plant•. Ir- al•o ed~ised he bad heard ot no trouble ~n Colll1ect1on with oanoellaUou of 1.. HH, am tbat furniture not be1Di mo'fed to new locaUon• would be oredi by the 111~ i''idual. V iE TERANS A10M1N1S pril l?, AT ON 19~:2 e ernl Resel"'\14'1 ., Loa · les , C lifox.nia . eoe pt is aokn leJ d o your tel datAd Apl"il 15, 1942, in g.ard to the pe1'tl~ .s1m re uested t.11/ tho M er, 'laterat\.e ~Un:JJ11s tntioo , Loe ·elea, Call.folllia, '!or the t X'Qlns·fer ol th , lo se agreeuents h ld 07 Japanese lessees to coeptable C.a.uca.e, an • to the Los. dor date o! April 16, 1942 , n 1'6d1o6TU. ns Al~eles fac111 1 r.ading aa followe 1 ddr 3sfkl 11 .rnmo il2 D p,,.~l't JAPANESE Li=A""l;;;l~ AOfUl • lE!l1'S TO ACCEI ~Dlll CAUGAS NS BUBJLC'C ALL COMDI'l'IOlfS Al • fl&l8 PFt1 ~11' 40RSb1MllN I X OCORDING1l' h'D l.. RF.SE. il WIK W=> ta i $ ' :It 111 pretrlJllllEld your U1 titution ha!! now been o£ the authority granted under t • bove radiogram. 1e ry tru.)¥ y our , 1 R. C. KIDD, Direc·tor or S\tppliea • adv:j.1ed 0 s A . £5 c r rvi • on • • ah&ll be 11.l pl ultural D• ... & fnvu '"" S~;tf. ~<.J. 11' IA1c March 16 19 2. ChAunb(tr of Cov.netoo, Loe Anteleo, Calif. Gentle11Wn1 I underot&nd the he Jap ne11e f'ar .1eN1 in the Ct, llfornia ue.boar · ree. ar b~int r ove fro.111 hat re• to inland looltlona . l ban ~ .fe.nn 10011. ted b U Unoh ldli<>h ha• ~ot beon. profite.l)le d1,1e to miy :111«bili.ty to gert 11 O•p-.ble tenant . 1.n reading "T11u.,"' •f;H b1• re.. oently it ooourrod to me th~ t pou ibly th•:r• i t be •om reli•blo farm.era 01' Japaneu anoeatory who are ,•1 oi t!urna but whoae preaonoe .ta not desired in Ca.Ufornie. at the present tile. l have heard that t;hue peop • are oensl.dered pretty good a.nnera. l y~u ha~• any ~nfol"lllllition ~long thlt line or can adT1.1e me where um.e oould be aecure4 . kindly let mo ~ow . V~ry truly your• , George Von Maur , 2516 River D~lT& , DaTenport . Iowa . ... x. • • , l ' ~· 11, Apt . I, R1art. M,o 1.n.• W,vOtiln ., 0. r a·a r. flt1£ re o&M~ ~r 7 re •rdtn Ofl c~ Q /A-"'-! ~ /idJy ..... A:, ~ "'"-'~ . ,,lf.~A4.,.., .. ,,..6 / .;£..t...-...e-...... v/ , ~,L., ,...cL_,,-6 ..~~ Adul. : " Un~r 1 uno: 'I'( em.a.lo: Ci i~()nsl!,""",,.....~........ Da fl 0,: er ~ of la.ot er~t.r,y int Unit ing un(lor 't'T' a&.i.ry ~!,.oe11, o of B J, B : Pnrtnern~ i .: Pri;:iprioi;or ohi : Cot·porat on 1 lndi vidU!!.l l A dr fU!l l r..~...- >, t::./, -1. d'."v .~ '-4 ..... .,.....-." ~ . .Ji' ...... -~~ >~ ~ "' /' -<-<~k-:/ ,C~ --~ <~<"<'~...,_i:(.,, L~'.~Ji'· ~·<- ....::G....-<~,.~ ~ti/ -><-<-- ~...c:..~ ? . . . ·--/ ··Z-..0::..;;..;- ' ·-~--c4 ' ti. .. •.J, ,.. ~ ,. '-· ,,.~r.. 15 ..,.. • ,,,,,,_..._,_.·'"1'-(."""~~ I . I. J ';-(' ' ,...,..) .,. ~ -./ ..-~.:'.'./ p. ~ ~.-..~ ~ ~7-~~ -~~ 4<-' .~ ) ~ ...~~- •.dlnal auttau of ltmntigatbm 1lnitril ~u.. ilqarlmfttt 1d l...tire San Diego. Ctli"tonda s 1' pte.b9r 10, 1942 • n-.4 e. Sold W•l Re•~ to. l••· C&li!onu• letter acldrff._~ to llr. Ralph•~ iDeer, Ss Di-co. CuU'orm.a tt-oa Jlr. George 4. Uaee. regard~ cert&iJ:l pi"1>~ f'o~ly OP91"•'tK by Jaoe.Due 1JI ~hi• ar. . ~ thie letter w.s tol"'IMrded by • Tho.a. to thil lo1!Ai lm l - & ~-·~· llui-t.d S-tat91 P.1 rtaicm t th• &!'~~ v... I • Ja tr suggettioza 9r' Mr- R. J. lirober, ~ handled • y 1hri.n.g t:ft.e 8'ft0va'tton ot JapeDHe f'roa thi.a tti.Ag • al.lace'• letter to ~u for propi91" di.•PoaitiOJl. .e p!'O T BO ,_ , Jl. T, A. 8Vl~DI N6 ~AN Ol[G,Q. €ALll'ORWJA ugq~t Ju. Oi. 28, 1942 . Ralph • Thom a, Div! 1011 ngineer, s. 4.06 Cor'llllanwe al th Bldg~ , Jen Diego, Cel it'ornie:. Deer Mr • Thomas : Oontilfnlins my telephone o onverset ion regal't\ing prope,rty formerly known as arr~ Cate l~o ted at 1)49 Crosby treet ad~eoent to the Van 0 e p Se a rood Oom.:pe.ny Qe.nne:ry v.ou i.a: ad iae as fol l ows: of tbie morn~ne Prior to the Ar y takt~ over at this looa ·t 1on ona HiERCtTLIS DAKI tarm.erly e·.Dl.J)l.oyedi by \ls es a :1 h Inspector end an xper1enoe restaurant •n had oonduoted considerable neg<l>tiatlons with tl¥1 Jai>aneae °"ners or said Cate w1 th a view to Ptl!t"C.he &1J1B the building , fixtures and good will 1 but suddenly the Japan ae termiiated the nagotiatlona st,ating that the~r hod turne"1 too pla,oe oTitr to the .A:t'm:y -~ that ·th.t1Y would resume reetaur~nt o~~ations after the war. Tli.e writer be lped Mr. Dekis in hi$ neget1ationa and 11;1 therefore, very tem.iliar with what tock place at the t t im.e. The varibus canneries and other muslneas houses in 1fha't neighborhood felt the s,t oppage of eala cate, ae 1t inoonvenienoea the hundreds or workers giett i,ng, their meals, they baving to go quite oonaiderab l~ dlatanoes to find a autta,ble e~ting place. eon.t '!'he•• enobeo, n<Oordt , ne:r tft b r crr ,,,. re •Uon 12 to pl)lJ t llto,.. e I April · do 1 H rnEt OS Ang 1 1 H~ a C~li 3, 104 k, • ar Sirsi 0 .~:i ) '{ HU' ze73 Y • .M '{ SILL 'A , 6~6 F'· , !Wl~ ~ ~ l . eon o~L .rt 'l co anon "'t roe , lvu., I '9 J os Ang 'l . Lo s Angeles) er.dido , S nta Bu su r- <llres e s onp8c Vfn• t.:nc. l" rn ndo Roi , Gl n nl n V. ,r s. l r fornl11 r itt llr , or11.i.a ~ n v.lope y your !! , /.Lsqo. / e Ca 1 for ;our reJl , n C1TY 01~ C .\l~ .l fl fl.I..~ l."Oll Ap t 48 O• r t t 111 1 101 al t, Do l u o f. , l 4 a1 ; Hel y n1ttd o reo1 1 t a1 o• tk e11-t tn l l l f9 b7 • u•1v• 0¥' • tae o fie vt li•n f>...op•r'y QQe odi , rid te •• on Mu•c o, 90i5, or••~• t •ll t t • nvolY•d 1n 'b i 1 10\ion ,.. 1ow un4• 11•n o.,._ t1 Ou t odian? t ~· juri• 1 tion of ••l'"J Yo (~ C1tf 1vd oni toroi• & _1£dl Aitol'TbJ-·~~__,.,... .u.k ante 7• Blff bot&.ln.01 I' o 1 J l• PIO'flfin! ~. .,. •Jllftff $• ""' l>f ff)l' , . 11 ..... .,.._.... ot.i•t• INCi. • • ~ •~He;r ft, Q'V•• t•JT f)f hie ta.J'lll- " oD4 .,..tth1 ~t orh ttr .,..,.U'fOn ••• ett•i• m • P•t to our• 'I' u... ? i • t1b ..... ot i! • fl.1 l • • , , ~I• ..., to \M.'117 ~ •JU•f91' tbili 'dHl11. 4_,.. w• '11.• tapaQ•" on.1', W0\1,14 aot be e h.na1''" ill6't ln •to'l"•&• 111 tha olmnb ,_ .. ...., Oswell R. W11hrd, MHtid1u ...., t..U7 Ovts.11 Av•"H T•l•P•CMt• R•ncl°'p 1161 A r f 1 7, Th t'. Feeler I Reurv. Bank of San fr FJscal A')o t I t65 Fron 194 2 nc1Jco Street, San D i e o , C& llf orn la Du r S I n Due ta n ap r ar 1nt ml sunderst ndlng on h p rt ot he t ber• of our J p~ne:u ConJ rec:i •t on I Chv r ch , hey stored ~he major po rti on f th, Ir p¢r ona l r rop ~ rty I n the hureh bulldlno . This w s don., wl th ou t the how led ge of h oil lcttrs ot ou r c h v r ch p re v I o v s t o noo 11 o f Ap r I I 7 t h 1 h I ch w ' t he , y th e y "'re l e 11ln9. I n ou r ip I n I o n t h chu r ch p r op u t y I m h r d I y hi to b. $tored, tor 11/ I I I vou I ~., s « adv I s e us s ho u I d b e s t o r e d N I t h he we wl$h to cooper t NIH It pl ced In $tJch stor ge necess.nry p r oc4!dure t o be v as to su ff b I e p I c 1h' t he r t l s p rs n" I - r op~ rt y t f t h t .s l s n e c e s 5 r y ao 11 e r nme n t i the necesur y dJtho rUJes Jn havln. It yo wlll .fnrJ ly al!iv f:H us of t he fo l l ow1io . "3 - /{,. 4(. - ?kJ..fu.4.C. ~ ~€..e!A ~~ - 'Jr~~ to-~~ 4...;, ~~1 . ~:ii-~ ~,~~~*~~z-~ ~. . . . . . . .~· , . s/:-,4.o - I ~....:L- ~~L../'J . . . r~~~~"-1 ~~,A'-1, ~. . ... / . L-- . 4( 9 ~- (. --~ WA UTHO T Mr. J!.red O. llol.d .i s a1 ton t M.lil.n er oo ~ej.e rn110ll Joderal Reat\ rr«e k of Sru\ B1 r e nc 1 \JOC Los Jint;elieu , Cal:ifomis. Dell.r ILl', '.B<lld I Thank you very ruo fo .r turnillb.111£' me ~he list, of the Hwil1€ 111Mbiin&t wMch are ato · a a. v-artou.s looat1on1 in Southern Cl!J.i1'o roia. I b&ve 'been awa::r alawet oonat. Uy sil,\Oe Jo~niQf; t~ at.t\tt of trbts o! ·ilce nd, w.ct'ortUMtdy, have b~en UllA'b Le1 to handle oorrHpondence pt'OurpU:r. l wane you to know that I dnoe rt1 i,. apprl!tc i"te 76\lr of er while I waa in Los ~elu to hellJ 111e in loo ting equi Qent owned "'1 the Japanes~ that 111<1.7 be in •torafje. rrhe nex• tbte I B.lll in Loe illt;elee I ho pe to a.n opportunity ot chatting with 7ou :furtb.&r. · 1 • ,l lM D 10 Ord~• 1 . l' Ma ., we, Wi•h t I. om JOU. t.. t tbe P1'41M•i U• 1.l;Ml i.•f) ..... Mf MWias ••~~ •• tt,o"4 •1tb • t. t.~ to1i-.11 ic; t ou a ' VO. 'l'18 ''• 10 • llol I foUo l n is an 4ooount of h ew i ll¥ 79 Pho nix Qeeen ide ~ ~ S n Oh@O 9 Totel Ou.t. • San:ta Berbua e I achin 1 SCHAUER, RYON & Mc July 2 , AHON 9 Lo An vles Br nch , Fe eral Resa~ve Bank of San Los Ang lffs , Caltf >rnl •· •ranct~co , A en 1oTI: Assi tan en l ruer : of Jun 20th 1942 to Mr. al er this c y was on June JO, . 942 , reby Mr. ' &gill.. ~ e ) a ~1im brin in rlts t ond s Nrnul t of ~r e tlonthor ie· o ntte to r . atanabe.I l l l ple i f nl copy o · 1 ~ atana e . Ttis for the purpos of keep1nformat~ ln the matt r . V(.Jl'Y respectful.Ly yo rs , .SC ! Ur: , HYO A orne s for r . and r • :lt~~~o_A PH : H Encl . Fred H. S h uer Jl l1 l, C fit 9~! l' I Dei:i.r . l 1• P0 h ps you ould r tar fa. r. a,ill tot k o er h .J"O\U' 1'0 r t·Jy 0 1 . , • :i."r ti 17, )'-r-~ 001 ll'r. 1a11, D. Lowal•J'• Vlo• J>relibllt fi)- et. 10111.l 'l'ru t · - Se'rii~• ·u bal'a, 0.11tarn1a t ..,,.; AVIN TH£ Ol OE T SOUT f ANK I CAli.IFO t IA I 871 s J .Aa D \.OW <llo.I Vl4<t •11• ~10 C li1' • C: 11410 A A, LifORNI 9l 2 J ne l t;h 01 J'l.l 1 11n1l his tJnrl th~ Pr ' IAp 'IC" 'lr: fl *'I " in rnor of t O ,r t t.'1~ 1onnl wu., u ,, f ld.11 A.-.c t"'a 1.1 Jfr , ownd o:n ' wllo e e C~ 'lj 4'M!l1 H~ 1 0 ht~ <) t"!l rerrn, . you but wAa \1 lll.b your pro P' r ell\ th' w n a Yoe An1 .lP t'IO ' 'i'f)\\ r11 VP l'.'T , rul,,y , ~.~ '-' n 1 :r '. 11 ft•" • aoli.o... oopi•• f)f •U•r reoel ••4 t'ro 1, H. bda ao& our le'U r 'o Oolo•l Boebl wl 'lh ntere1141e tQ • taada •• n ua tor , . . , tor-- hi• •ther •ad ta'b•l' • bl•dt to eo to D 'l'tta .rca: ro ,-r. eh. JO · ••YJ •uo tor you ••••ntton '<> ht.I U•r . to t.. n • 0 Ml- n•re Ill) pt onaio-a., ti<W or J •I H f..1-1 bJ' be l 1 V'lcl a llol!l• e•n i-••• ct o•U t'OIUr 8 Yi 'JIT \. .. lJ, 1~~ I ~Dl.O • • •. ' f!t~am , SUGl. l ... C0~41ND ~a ~ M~ J. OINIH . • . •• , ~c• ~Tl • p -p,"l1t1 11. o Na 0 POR I 0.->l..llf'IDH ifA fll'A ~ 110-0 A Ac H, D Jo. l.. 1 ,. 0 0 Tll 1.t, l'm Pfll.OOUO 9 a,. "" 1 "· U. .-J. «J,4.811.-11 AD'll> £1181 .J1, a.c.11 IQJTll) co1>u1 flfn 1 , 1. 42 Wart1.nte C1v lll n Cont;re>l Ad. in1 tr at i n ?07 outh Spring 3treot T...oa An al CJ ~ Cal1f<>rntt1 G·on ti 1 omAn : oC ye ro, hnv boon es.11ng ro or oroun, o 1t orn vcl.i o nta . ll' custom to 1a.Lce .cl v mooo fr 1n t.$ to t irno to n 1 t t ni · n v.y n ! r nit.o.l on the r land , to buy >lent , ruld to co er Ji1bo-r • n l obher axpenooo ino ental to the : r rowing cf tonntoen . Ovor n vrith Jap ne e t hao b"'o o The evno rnti ohi l e.s le t. a w th a r w 111·rnettle accounts . Th Jap na o n quecit n , with. bi·ir last kuo ~ adclr s o a £rP t'ollows 1 K. j mura, Kish ot ' . /iyamo to , H. Fu,11rnoto , s. P. o. Box 75 , I nv ne , P. 0 , Do:x.. V, San Onofre Rt . 4 ox A. , Torrtu1c P . O. Bo:X 604 , Cnno . a Park Can you toll ts hol we may ot n bouoh with a.CJ 1' e:r a.a these . ndi vid H1.l ? Havo we ruT· re co t.ll'a po.yn nt of ou.1.• 11eco 1 int lo oon.) rned? We would i ve u, • app1~eoia,te 011y ormat .on you can C RPOfl A'i.'IO T r. I' C Q •14ruv•s dl 9, • ..,. L_ ... W.1' C•tt Oelif 1'111• l J)MI' II •4• -u• • . - . r oJ ,.,...... 9'o taaw o.-.n to '\o J'OV l.•t1•1' Qt ef«NA.. 1• oil 7"• ,... au 1 . 1 ••..,..,. lt y-0·1 •4 IQ! ~C) >t•• 1 • 1 a1 1 Jli •ltd to~ tl•Utt ... " raU+n a-4 1Jla' ~~ ftl• ._.. •111._ • ._, ·•lac n .. · •t \IM ,..1, P"P• TM i the tell W• uea, aalul... ot ' o • ftiO u• rrnle>ulJ .. ft.4Mtet h'9 ~ 1to•1 10..uo 1 1. u.- 1.,..... t• '"- to~• Te--1 l•l •• ,.. 1 -~ • • Mita fftwl enter. • • .._.., .., ,.. tor-M,.4 1d 1.141"14a.1 " . . . ., ..., tot.- 1 tM w ar• eU'e, oa \lie b.,11 •f • N). ••••\ll.W ._, tlae Juw:I• }\at JOU Cl~ •l•\1• 11111 H uUTerel 'O t e Jll'Oper •• •l •• tll4Ut1aD1 •b'\ ,... Ha,U:l •Uoa ••'tabU,_.. _, n. AmJ at , ... ft'tlWl 0•..I' Vill e1111bl1 JOQ \O• t~ tu ,_.__ wU t)lf 1apueM lw -~ l.OM,t -4. .,..,.,r e ften ha• *• fl1Hlf1t Of OUIPJ• Ml•• Of Ulli•14-1• 4'*'1.. 1Mlf a ..... , nee,\ ,....,.. IO l.llC Oii ,..t,. I . . .. . . . . w1••1" ana ....._.. 10 '"'' ethn w -... •le mot to .,...... ett.oa. . . Uft '9Ha ...0919Clll tm .,.._. 1• eUller 4l•fQtlll et llUiM•t ...... 01" t• ~ to plaM t!lea -4•1" "•JOM1'1e .... a~8' 4u1 . . the ~S- 1 8 cbMa•• t . . . , . . , \llft .. l• .....-1 .. ,olat ••alto•• ~l•' '1 ._,..,...,.... 11rfftl:t 1.s1n4•l 1.no1...a 1•:pa•••• "° ••• •• ' CO INC!J ~ . ,. • '1111:11~·~1 •• 111 ~ • • • ' • ' •. l•ii~~., · ~· 0 POR FOC>OS l'\"10 Jr:l a et:AQH, filAL.lfO 0 I :110 PROO IC-i I A, U. ..,,,/. ClAll GPDf1 1' 1 r/ 1 fl , A41011 ·••1 l"'Cll C. ~•lt IOI TIQ 11• 'l l'f'~ 9 2 es 1 ve Bank ~op .o O n t'l l&l! ,l!~ • Olll St~eet if or~ 1 on: A ntunb r h£ v on e1J11rt1 <Jnt r Bprlng ~u of th J p nes out 0111 h v boon v C."Uated at ill ri .h u1 du o dv noes mad lO nc 1ng e.ocounts L<> crop· • Do s yc;,ur• d p11rtm n t k op 1 to,r ova cup<' 01 ou n nd ta do o 1 poa s blo i•o11 tno11 pnl'aon 1 r on nd wo to obt ' n 1n.format:j,on w1 h 1 . ho g tt!'d 0 e.tflr on? U 11 n71 a l' nger..£nt b n fPl' on tho bu ino ' o in<li viduels s ·hat th re wil l:> .1\1nc e 1111 bl<i o take oaro f th se Ci"td.s nndi~ accounts? 1 ;;•ve. infol'mn ti on you 11rlgh.t WfJ would•e o. . . o var be :ttlle t() give us with Very /EST NJ .. IN~ Oen . EG/ ""'"' llUll1'AYIDJ<• • 11•.n ;aT 1'0 UOM~l ......,,C.N gr . ., ' ~ST , 'tAll'5R C S'TAlE~WllD~ f1 ·0 111iela1 Ji\-OYING ~ P TRUC INS • f!h~n• s10.s • S br•g• ..,,.d C11•vo lit • ... 2 111 .. ~ P1o~e·~• 5tr9~1 V'll4TVRA • CALIFOIRNlll ~~4;; r"l.. . -~ . . d-· r~ rZ·(J. ~ . rt-~~ ar:r. • •· L.~......... lU.• 11~ IC l'nMheo, €J l.tfon\a Sa t• .at 1• .... to JP l•tt•r ot •1r11 n ia ieb 1 ai17 1• 111&4•· •• 6 \ • JJ"\)tllt ..... i•b at bO t llo ' l , ht to t-toonr • ol 1 tc--r 61 ea troll o•T... , ••· .7••• •••• lt ta ~ iaoQlb• ••"· i•.o• JO·..• l- ~l' OOl'MtJJOIMl•Mt tlo• 'o flllll1 th• Jn tu .,.., TO lwnllt b9 °""•MNl h ml.. 1 t ••e11"1 ter•wat t r •t l ...a.i, u woda .... ~ NtO• H IFO\l,U M O,pt ~ TOUlt 'f'tJ'J tftl.7, / ~Utt IOIM t 10•.r .... l•l I H . R . W t-t tTI N a Arl'OAl•C'r Mu. i.• 1.11'"1" G, Ar 1'.AW AIOI ,,,. .. ,.CH .. .i April •cond 19 2 .. 0ff1c• of Emergency M nager, Al 1 en Cueto d ian, l.o• Angel••• Ca l 1forn1a. Gentlemen l I represent t he National utomob1le Inaur claim t or d m 8•• in the 3 00 aga~net Jamee O•Yama. Addreea. R. r. D. ance Co 1 pany, amt • • have &um of N2, So~ 7,, Gardena. Cal 1t orn1&. 7'I WO Uld you be 10 k..lnd aa to. in:fort:ll me whet her U. would be poa•iblt· t.o rtco•er ti•oia ~hh .1apan••• llhe am<tunt ot· our c1alln. - We are informed be haa operated a tlQral ehop 1q Gardena. What procedure 11 f\.•O••• fJ tor u ~Q ~-~, t o proteo1. oQr .n ei4ta t in t.61• regard. . HltWsCMS " i.,...,Wlidm the ., tul" t Id 114 Pl 7 De ._.•net 11 t 1 • YdlOIMI . . U M ca 1 JW Wlilli ~-elf ef th 41nn1, •i • u... 111.... ow IWt at el' ..............,. te , ..... I I tu It ,_ bw .,...-.... ..,_..,., la pr...n U• l• ..._._ ,., ou le a1at Mk..,,... 19'•• ia ~· h11ft .., ....... l• tilat t•P••u, •lt .._ w tdU tbie NJftllt Ille fOI' .....u ... --..ct-,. . . . . . ,.... ~·" ,..,_. .....- 1 ta ....Mal7 ,_.._._....... Of ,.._ Plft1• tbq M7 MW, to 4• 1f1 tll ....,_id.,le ,.l'tl•f• Ml•4' ~, '"•· '° - I. C, WOOD. J•. ti•~ ~Ilic..,, lnMltu~• 111• I ,,. t F.c.WOOD ~I JalJ 1ft44 co. 1~~7 126 West 31d St., S . ~. C~r. Sp1ing St LOS ANGELES, CA jf. fllio.,_ , l' 7 .t' ll e r (l.nd l n\ of any or .1:·0 > , t ~ tirli \'1 ~ 11 ty o 'fi .e d id ( n .;old ! 0 i l<l ~"42 •J t • C ' 1 l l> Ii t Mtft~I -4~04 ;h .t' i l tanoa to yoJ tj ra • i onne t on en1:1 7 boH « d r 000 e :ire i es , or l'l n .L a fo l.ou An 1 ·0 y 'fl , h 01 r ro m am 11. a o l'Et e to tu~ 1~.. e r1 A id i to L' o lt rn 1 ).vi o.y ~ r/ G 'eoiver . .s ~o v 1a nanGrb1·.i~l , A't larn t1 e. 'nlit' , 2 ;)\184 , ~1 of ~ii• 114•1 ·e I: <llMill: • .,.. # ce ii' •lil e · Ir!! I :zt M ea 1 • 110.·- ~ l..0$ ANG. l. . (; ;l l f rORN I A .... . F . C . WOOD ll CO. 126 ~ SJtD STltf;E't -LOS A GELES_ ~·'· • I • J.o..., •• ·•.1·: u;s t "' (',\I, ;\t :. ~•• ·•r OP 1 5 J,.1t n u.: l' 1 ,\ .'Cfil I ~·: 1 ',•( . 'I fi! • n S r••t 1 a lltornta. P••iad~~. 1.tr11. Jr , 19S.2. Jred 0, ola, 1a1l1~aa• Mana&er, hdH&l uen- :SM!c: of San l'Moiloo, JITaoua41 Proper~,. Depar~••ni 1 707 Sou\h Sprln Loi .An t:reet 1 le1, Ca ito1'nh.• hlt letter will ••rlle tb.e -paa •o lntro4w:ie \1111nt7 th• year•, for••r 1 w1 i.b tht Ji;!li t 'rru•i and 6aTin.C• Bank ot Pae•d1ne. fol' \1We1Y' 1u.r1 •Auditor, 'l'Tu.1t Ofti~er and Tloe Pre1lden\, rte SecurU1H :Brokel'-Ct bulineu. He bea..r• u plot~~• excellent reputa,ion tn 11 7ou can find an opening for bia. M. ll. Jood1'ud f1el4 RepretentatlTe, .ITaou'• Property O.partaenb , JQA ti I • I \ ~ ~ 'r<-b- - ~U/A - ,cC. <t ,, A - -{ ·' Lo (l£L£ C A.Me £~ O 'r C OMM J;iCE June 26, 1942 Federal lleserve, Bank Olympic and Olive Streets Los Angeles, California Attenti on: Evacuee PToperty Department Oentl e1aen1 R cently you !urniabed ua with informntlon oono rning your work in oonneotion with the WCCA am W'R.4. From tne variol.:ls, data ubm.1 tted we nave been able to coaplete our bulletin re ~ s ard1~g P\U'Cha es ot these agenciea. We are :plea sed to inclose a copy in which you have, indica ted an ~ntereat . Should you need addt t ,1 onal c,opies, we shall be glad to send thew or, if you w1ah to ref er anyone to us we shall be pleaeed to supply them with the bulletin illlJlle<liately . z:u~ ;ui::.r•:·-Harold W. Wri Manager , Dome stic Trad 56/152 De,partment J: l .. nr7 t. lJ• . .., ~ ~./"-- _,./' l o A IG&:LE CH MB "H OF COtvl • A CE .f.t , !. , l /i '2 s rv • Hank (' 1~ ty ur rn n ri c l' tH.1t 1 or nl Recently ,he Los An~el s Chambo:r of Comrn.erc pQbl.1 snod it s HANDI300K OF WAB !PURCHASE whl ch gnve information as to th~ various wa r agencies • proc rement offices. This pub lication has proved of lne~ im bl valuo not only to thf! many mam.i.fncturer who wish to get ln o mr production but a lso to su11plier s of oods Jil d servic es . Tbe '!UrioHs govern- ment agencl s h~mse vos hnve x res ed gra ific n ion for tke assistance s uch a bul.Letin 1 s been to them. A copy of tho Handbook. is being sent to ycu by oday• ll ma.11 1 With tho 0irganiz tion of the Wartime Civilian Co.n tr-0l Adminls trn ti on, we have a need for s tmJ\lar !nf orn,11. t1on ·S many m.anufac t ur e:re .nnd supp11ers ot' good a an<.l a,ervices r~ desirous of kno rin the r agencies to contact ~n connection with the need s o.t tt e WCCA, I ,, 1 our understand ing that the Administration is mad~ up of six f'edetal agenclen and that in gen ral they follow their usunl methods of pro curement. However, t. ro:re are some 1vurs1ons from established practices; we are thorefore preparing a sup:plement to our liandbook which will give lnformntion as to the :materials and services purchased by the WCCA and it s v rious agencies. There is a tacl'led hereto ~ short ctrUest\onnaire call- ing for certain information o.s to how your particular agency, a part or the WCCA , pro,c ures materials which are needed in the work of the administro.tion. If your agency does not purchase any supplies or servlces for the administration, 1 will be su.f £ 1.cicnt if you will furnish us with a general statement as to what phase of the problem oi relocation of evacuees your agency handles . As t he ocal office of the WCCJ\ is anxious to have E:lS we have many requests :f or 1t from local mam.1fa.ct ~rurs, w1e should a11preciate it if you would furnist us with this matertal within the ns.xt week, Your cooperation 1$ v~rr muoh appreciated and if' this .Chamber cau reciprocate your kindness at any time 1n he future, we hope you will 1.' el free to call upon us . this Hnrl.dlboo H; fo·r di.stri bution to suppliers · .nd 1 J::iA ~ijrs, ) Harold w. Wr!g Manager, Domestic Trade epartment IMllE .~,g1 rc~ (a) H •ad Of fie J (b) Br&nch orr ces .UI f!JjCfib IN9..Jl!fill.Q12 (de scr i be sy tein ro 'Tdin(~ the follm•dngl) (a) · "l t l on to 131.d (b) Tc,lopnonc and ~· ,l ernph ( c) le o t;1. i itls 1 ons (d) Publ:t,c t..t 111tin ~ (e) ad Bon s (f) Shm 11:1 c~ t lovutJ s , Pr1 oe I,1 t:.. , t)tc. bo sent? ll...fURCH~ U~L OFil'IC~~ (o.) Hoacl Of f1 ce (b) nranch Offices lin clu YI CAMPS . eta ., 1roR ill . COMMJ f) v' H_Cp 6 e~1l\~liA terri ory dovorad) 'E AflE MADE ~RIES ,. C~-M.r_ElCCHAflf,l!!(§ • g:tq , OPr;r IL TE~ ,J2X CAMP,? (a. ) Ho~ Operated (b) Officer in Charge (c) Articles Purcha~ed I f , ""* ........~ ., """""'-'f.; i lilO 1r.etn1.it1 yo· r ' ''Ol>•~ty U. 111 • n~.uu t. r i •t o ' 10 1 J.ti i•i I r p ~e rtii..•n.iJ, ot to •· L , · to Ill.of: ...... .L. 7 I .J. ~L fflf)~ WJUOHT AT110 11N ET AT "-"'IN ClTI ~.l.H ~ f'"•Y.lN a .-~ c. J!ll..-0'3 lwfl & AHO lll..19!, CAL Sept . 18, 19 42 Fred Bold, c/ o edere,1 Rest1rve Los An e le Dear '1r; In m· a numt>ei- ot 1n the liquidat ion or wlrd1ng up of their es ~ffaJ,ra, T have had to corne in cont8ct frequently wil..h lr , Billi nKeley and al o !v. Han on at St:nt An1ta 's aemb ly Centel' , and I want to tuke this opport n1ty to say that these men l ~ve been very c ooperative and have aao1~ted 1n 1 matters o the fullest e~t nt . 'l1h6y nave faithfully tuiaisted the evaoueea in oonnec ti on w1 th theJ r bu1:1iness and \'11nd1ng up th~lr affairs, end st ill have been very courteous and oooperetiv in e very wo.1 with those <iealing w1 th the Jap onese . v~°:~ rw r •• !il • U I ED STATES DEP~RTMENT Of' AGRICULTURE F"RM SECURITY 336 Cf OMI Sf .I SlfRA 10 tfo ;O'H' S ~ Bl• " n Die , < f eniil. Septe Jb1;r 6 11142 lw;o\1ea Propt r "- y Dep r . en ()8.,r 0 ' 8ttn w n6 ·101 $ . 6pr. ng In J\.ve;ele, tr et ;i1tomia Ur . Kft ble se<l len.aed .'1 hll11 Subj111Qt1 'l"fntl')iffOO 110 ·ho tu.rm larr.d and i<Hl limnon·t: of' ,J"p l n 1 t Chula Vls t o. t:C>r n(l pro(Sr :in . t- ruiet'ored to H~ 10 th ns fl.a pt1r th 'l -lo1e(l M11.rtino21 ca~,. horse rne ,s, pi.po cw<! onte hou 1old 'ti en r m.oved frot• the ?1rope rt"Y • M.r . K t M.11 wir~ . good I do not hav9 e.bove :i m t.h& b. It would ·~ hanrls and th"' nro teo n: "Yt:° the t info~ ifll! .c.o.A. tiort l }¥l oo<n·do in thia o !'f ice and the a.t han • 'Y' ji d d not l '118 her property ln cood should be m de h) you l' o t ic to ~llt.ho1'l. . t the Japan~ee . S inoo l'el.y . u ro fL~~c~ El nood E. 'tt\S!e fl1' St1pemsor HEAD OFF CE • • 'TO: OATE LOS ANGW:.S suu11cii· mber 12, 1942 • acue1J Property Department. r . olo od plea • d l tter, 00 "f of 1Whiot1 " h ained tor o\u' f lee, received 'b7 us, h oh app ar to .tau wit.~un yout• Juri i.ctien ~ • .n&vtt 110 ill!or enclosed lttt r • ................ An wered Enclosure _,, .•. ,.,. An1d. by Routine Advi~e . ...... o An$ H Requl,ed Directed tn file by........... -...... . ... . ... .. .. ,........ . (linll'Olll•l L•l IA <"U) nae ~2 ( 1'234) ion 1.n o u !11 s nor l1 v w UNITED STATES DEPART ENT OF THE INTERlOR Of'f'ICE OF' IN DIAN AF' MRS F1U.. D SERVICE 'o ten ' de.rel ~ant t hi s ,\e~erve ~o n. r\ Oi CO, • .111' . lcm,1 : A r oiute your e rlieat r ~" tt o r • .. 'h r lc:\.r.. • •o t in y in d v nee , Yo11r vory t r 11.y , .., . ~., ilf ,. nblp ot ' tao"•• •DA .-.•, · ote•M:. i tb•••l'·, '• " uU•r• o ·,. "'°l"M1 l wa).Ut•• JM a •IJ•i 'I of' ••· ....- e • ,......,. ao41• .. . ' ' .• • ~ 1. 01 7 "' u1la•, laJQi~, 0.ltt'Ol'Dit;l • MH t. r.rotro "6tia l'tquelt9' .., Ill'. ~'°' oa aa.1t or • t-..n, o nH• ~~ .re _ l'dlq t.Jail!t •t\er- •act 111'1 ld •p~Sak it U'' JO• •<>uld ki•.U1 htoa •• t M, 8 J).O Nia ucle. r""• - Poe J hhona. 5. 191U? 11, l•l en~ • l •• n• 540 O.te '" .. ' Xl O•~•ro. O lltorni• lil1'• Den h r, ~. •nouu 1 who nu• reddu1 i If. -t-O. o•tcm, ri&QJU, Holtrillt, Oa.1110111'1 , n ie hat t.t th.• the •t ' ' o ati~Q nt •ol • tr~c to r. V, H. ~llQ•, •bo .. otfto• la Ott~ E 11, l p•ri l, eal1for~1•, l•o ~~fot.. •ol" , l• or , 11\d •n•iou: toit •h• n. ~ , H. Ull •' &b.•\ tbt tot11l eW'.11. ot mo~•1 due le Hl<l r. famu:ra •lllO .n. ~· h *10],oo. bei~e 100.00 fGr •h• trudk, •29.~o tor labor. Ulll' fl'01'! '"• !uUu• to :P•1 l'. IJllU1'., 011 aum t the Une ,ot •• au•tio , ut to 4at ht hat r•c•1•ed n.o 11110a• , Et ~· •rltte.n to Mr. 1!ullu1 \Uoe re u111U~g pt.1111ett but in • oh inet n e, bt fia1 reoelved no reply. ~ 1ollllln 1111em~tr ot ;voul' ataff, • !111 Btoo114, witneue4 the •11Ure tl'an1 .. •oUon &ocord .\ n to 14r. f&rDJ.ra. WUl you. innuU.pte thi• •Un '1ld au 11hy thh •~ OQte haa not r•c•iYed hie lllOney. 'b•o~ine 10~ for ~OQ~ 0001>9ration in ine JU.tter . BUM '11 0 r~ lDWr ). r'" ". . t ?i~G& L1 JU: • '(a~'o 11'fCS , 19, ... Clf•Ha"' 18 .... M 10\tl' l•UH 1Ua1 o ttr •1 ai a 't l.,.., t• mi,ur• left i• n••• •''•lat of' r..Hlfl•••t 1 0 ... ..... ~ ..... Vpoa l•11•Ua!\iac t th• , .. u .. _..,.. ••,•l \ ' • ••n ,..., i• ta a 'H rJ a..U.bH n1 oe.IS1•.t• • , . . . . . ot \So • teuin \ '°' .., ._..._.1.a. reaU• •D.J t ,., --~! I• • .Dt,-.,a4 Sate>,_. • a\ akolall i i r e tllen 'b• prlH le ,.u la f\111 OU, ••• Of ,.,..... ••tl•••' tor JOI& • ' ti. funiltue, .. U.\..U to r lllbio• • .r. c. C. COt11At P, 0• 8oJ; 67, 0Co08.JUf De~r Ci. M, c u 41 i F c. Bold J\a&i.!lt.o! t Nger, P~O , 'Bax6 7~ Ooee.nd"l , CalJif •• Aue. 12/ ~P. Cu to·d ian of J'•e nemr Ali n P'roperty 1 San Die o, U~llt. Dear Sir; 1~ re in tlt ar~ I am adv~eed ~Y Judge ttart.,of thie o.i t7,to write :you to t he »remie • I am now n.,1d:0.aut . vi t ;t of (J(le About two year a lot, IOO~lOQ fror11 one oi ty • .~ bui lt a bnth r1>oqi and ooou~11na, l~3S live ~t. go one Yi ml:uthigo, n au en, puchaeo a rquez , ot 1340 live St., et\:1:"- <.t. t hree ~oom houe on t he propert , nd ereoted er oatb.tlldillBB Ofl t ~ e propert.Y• C!lt ' In llaro h he w s to,roed to lenve t h e pre e e a,,ana. J. n .April l rented t ie prope,·r tr t:ro t he en1a • L. 1.1,r que:z, w)lc cl i ~4 to. lie acting as t he agent of t .he, The so1d !. rqa~z now oJ.n.ime t t be Jap owee hel' raoney. olaimea full tiltle to t he property, without eanotion of t h e 18'• ot equity. Sh t a m adTi1ed that. I 1hould J>AiY' the rent money into t he band.a of the nemy Alien Property CUetcdian,"o that the obl1g•tion, if any exiate, oan be paid off, t think iit 'Doth right a.Jld eq•itable th•t. t hi• Ja-pane•e aliould l)e p:roJ~ cted in hi• equity in thi• -propert7, and l stand wll.ling ·to y;>sy th rental 1 nto the '(>roper hands. Very truly you re, WILLtAM c. sau P, M. D. &le 110..!fl .. G--•llM~a:AF AWNUll WHl'Y"lll ill C::•1.1•0.-HU Se t.ttn. b cdar l Res n Bank ot can 403 lTe t. Ol plc Boulevarcl i· J , 1~4.2 l't nc~aoo Los Al'lgele , Ca1ifQrni I n,vo torwe.1•ded your fl for t111 inv:entor1 to ,r. T. I. o wh.o 1 oc:i a r sidont of ~he kanz~nflr Re • n~er. You "ll.l he" r troll\ him s)tortly, l m G\l.1"1:1. ICB:ad 4 • 1. x. tbu11111 to '" .r fl i • u 1 • t • l , a Hf or 11 l , . tl. , l ( 112 de1·e. 1 J1\eaerve Eanli, Lo n .elea, C lifo1· nt• .• uroh&ll i. · ., current ~ m nj;p b lcir he However t he O. I .. T. vrho have their in n rn.e.rdlno , C 11.f i.rn 1;1., sen, r preeen-t t~ve <J oal on u.11 yootel' r..y, wh o .ayman · in 1'u\ l an thref.tenoo to .l'epouoe a 4t onoe !f vie d 1d not do 110~ le &re n n od or thi;e oe.r v ry much e.t this tiJ' t.11 he crop .1'e ju t goitin ready Lo b h.e.rv(lt1·ted a.nd t ·his b i me or t.hO ye r d 0 not l v tt 0 f'untl 0 mak th ia r j 111en t ' of 1.011 I ill our under t the y <Jannot r pou a t e c r in this '4ay nd t hat. vnil ehou ld re port any such three.ta to th Tr tJUr j D pe.r men· . Thia it he r eon for addr~ssi:n yo\.\ Di thb tim erul tt re enaloa:ing e. copy of e. l ettar o ar .i'orwal'd int; this . o the offic of the C. I. • Corpor tion aa of Youro very truly, J, C. Yano -~..- ,..,..~ 'I ll • our &l. ~11 lJ lt•• OU·~t '/d.. 9 .,...(.... •. .:...,.c... · e;--1<~ '' to b I' 7 1 · eQ.e 1 tJJs nge '1fY'I Sou dl tJos Ange Gontlem n s~ bl Cet te ·, .;Ott ,tid in r£ Li a p o HH't uet l Se k, p c~ . l pcs . I J. f f,;,. 4 l CC ' D.y DrJ:C-0 5. p Cw 4 cs . PC!) . pea . e· t $16 i. iro witn vitn otur T elve f e t StJ.nd 11nll f e ·t s ,p l y t nd eet ve tit be a t .i.nd rnlv Fow· f ane 1 '-" r~et t'ru.i t St 'i e~t f ·~ nd 00 ~Ol uit 1" d ok e let us .nv ubout tne ~te s u T · sto·ed items · re sto 1d t Ace V~n & ~ge Com ,any , ' l .. k t St reet , S n D ego , ta e . S~o J(,! · :.1.~ '1' (;l't/f:I ,..ei.: t Ple C .Li f rni • Your :c .~ Pshida , .F'um.:I, y .ldg , 1 o• Apt . D r i zo n~ /. r ( ver trul n1oto1• 1\dult.1 Address~ B·23-lt ' ~.U' an Sitree Center Ji.f'\Ort (4lo: x Penal : ithenoh p: ., :.remn Pate of last entry in o Uniiedi sta.tes1 July, _!..930 _ _ _......,.,......,____.__._ Opcraiii1a under 'rr<:a Hry Lioon!'.e no·1~ 1 No _,.---.-~-·--- ~rson 'Fype () f Hu ine ~'!!!l ! Pn. tnera.1ip1 Prop•lc Ol'Shipi Co f-OI" ti OJ'l 1 .:tndiivt4u::i.1 ; 2' J// l\d re ea l _....,.......,__,..;;SU.;.-lll;ll--- Tel Pl'µioipn). properly 'i:iwolvod aru;t i tervj eued 1 oo ~hone tr umber : _l!2A!..,. _ --·- ____, of pr(Jblol?H Mr .. Yoshtda .L who tori.t•.rly c>perat.i& a food 1'6r ,et at 2995 Impe ial ave~ue in •torect h11 t 1rtu'l'ea w1 th th• l•d.eral Reser•• Bank Sa1~ r1xt~re1 ~om•l•t ot the 0 ne l~-toot with 0<1a]lreaaor; 1 following: one 6-door • n .U14tgo, Oalit' . , ~pon v oua ti on. cCray 1"llk-1n box ••at d1 play oa,ae with oonrpieaaor; two 12-toot d1eplay sondola•j one 9-toot vegetable atamd, tiWo 12-toot fruit atanda i tour .& ....toot trui t atanda; one 9-toot counter; • • one ban true ; a~4 one g..,foot di a play ondola.. These t ixture r' in 1 to:r ge at the A.oe V:an and Storaa• Co., 410 a.x-l<:et St . ,. San Diego Oalit. Mr. Yo•hida would l Ute to eeU theee t''ixture• , and he de1l:t•• t.he 1e4e·r tl Resel"T• S..p.~ to diepoae of them tor hlm1 'l'hese r ixturea are all 1n •m exo·ellen't them. o ·ondit~on, alld be would like t3·CO.OO or more for ;\c H')n ta.ken :;·, l"r1ed. to Oft' oe wlth re ueet they rnake liatlng. and cm eavo1• to obk1n bu· er . Rio ) San Oto l.ugus r. red o. F~der& n Bold, A.ssiet or ese VI!! Baitik , Cali.fonil 21 , ai1a 19~ er San F't•eno1ao¢ Lo Angeles Br nch r.oe n les I Ce.liforni~ De r Sir: four let er of 6 ed. A~ t 13 ie her e h ve ch oked wit.h the 0()n,ffre th ackn~iW- tim'IJ;ll Ch\lroh .th nn t.tempt to ucert in i£ they till h v• a trun for \.he ooount of tfs , Yoshida an they h.avo M.viu9 ue th they .-J:trunka, 1heiy no dvise j,f we col.tld roperly ident:lt r1 the de ired t~k , they l'fou.l.d upon proper uthority r lea.s41 it, t. is our opinion t h t it i J'>Osa~ble they only h ve one trunk for Mrs . Sueaye ~oshida end tha their recol'd.e are incomplet • '1 iUl you pJ,eaae fumish us 11th the pro l' authority ao th t we Cfl!l piqk up Mib trunk , ()r f,runks, and add it to t..hi8 lot. ery truly your 1 ACE VAtl & STORAGE , F, Bkopn c 0 p y • VAN 8 '1 SORA 1 ~ 'l ;~ E! AJ 0 n rne110, & I. 31 U>t! T A A '31 ,( lH.. 0 v \..ot1q nch. C l'fo n! ' lo nil San D~ go , 0 l 1forn1a A1.1gt1:e t 21, 1942 r. rred o. fed ral Re Bold, Ase1s tant Manager rve Eank of San FrMol oo Los Angeles ranch Loe Ange ae, Oalttorn1a Dear 1r·s our l(lltter ot .Augu t le<lged~ l~ ie t)erew~ th aolOlO"~ le nave 11 oneo ~ed with the Cons~e ttonal Chur~h an attempt to a•oe,r tain it the7 still naYt a trun or the a~oount ot rs. oeh.1,da and they ha.l •dT1•e4 u• tnat ther haYe tw¥ trunk•. Th 1 ad.Tie• it we could properly de·nt1t1' tt1e d aired trunk, 'hey would upon proper autnori ty releaae 1 t. It 1• OQr opinion tnat it :t• possible tne1 on17 ha•e on~ t~unk tor Mrs. su1a1e Yoahlda and tiut.t their l"eoorde are incomplete. 1'111 you phrnee rur"i•h us •1th the proper authority 10 toot we can p1o'k up t.h 11 truniE, o.- trunks, L\,nd add 1t to th111 lot. ms :t• at' ~ •...,.. rtyi .,, a . ~o e4 up t. ,)Alt) 1(3~b . - . •• • '"' .ed 1 MN, 1Hkt4-, )le took bQt.~ t~a Q \ • OOn_,.,,atioO.l C e NC'A Yllllab i•*- t 'I •rm o • pJ ~ np ' )'O\l.r t. iwt. ~ lo ._,...-ti, 118 o t i,, »- l ee VAN ad RAG, San 01e&O, Oa U'.o rn1 A:u.gua t '1, 19•2 Kr. rred C. Bold, Ass1at~nt )lartagtr Federal 11. aerve · ani: or aa.n rr n011100 1 Los Angele•, Oal1torn1 De r Sir: 1• ~aTe n..d ou~ w~ehoU•~~an tnoro~ghlr otteGk P•ldl.7 Lot J{o, 102 and. he onlr has cme trurtk for nat aeoount. ~h1a trunk was p1oked up at 13~1 - 13th Street, sa.n Diego, Olll.1torn1•• '!h' tMugbt nae octaun'e4 to u t11a t per hap• another trunk to r 1lhe • • • par'~ - laea,71 Yoeh1da .. wae, located at another add.J'e11 and not p1oked up by u•. 1 e are again retu~ning , the warehouse reoelpt , oo•er1ng 'th!e 1t••· , ' f 'er)' AOI V.AH your•~ & STO~AOt 00. 1dc q( 1hi 1 I· 'tltcd r th~ ld .Jrc • i1v.,11 ~b )VI! 111 dtl vc di lo thot Ftditnl Re crn 11.;i k qi rn ol ahc unJ 'a ncJ It 11 recd that DI.I lilbilit or rc~p•Jn 1~11Jtt ~'Ill 11o111l1111~ <t or Qm1111lon i (OnntCllQn wadt 1t1 d1.1p•J11L1on. I~ · und r toriJ th 1 11 1n unu .., fo1m a ahc , ~n l'nn :i111;P for any 101~ r111r l<l>IA'll\Jll.ll llr Nol~ toOwnm D NO WRrTEl B 0 -- OW TtllS LJNB STOIAOI NOTICE The JJ I nf lcem4 ppc1Jrfna; Cln 11\e r .vet11C ••d nl rh · fon11 hwc bttn pl ud In wmg. ~• ti ~ plmi lr1</i.:a~ed I w with th~ c~t 1111()11 1.1f lhoH fttlllt ap4d6cally i,ndii;ati:d on I rcvt~&t •idc of th~ lo11n • nol fo1Jnd, or not dclivcmJ, to the und 1i n«l tepr.tuntallvc Qf ti\~ Pfdtnl R,.n rve B,1nk ol n llundaco, a F clll &•n• r th nlttd ~te , or a1 nllt k1111 of 1he pro~ type fo The atomf 1tc11u are id1Jltf6~d only a,f to lh numb r of It tn~. :1•tt1, QI bt:> ta , nd 11~t a to tht con tcnu lh•raqf, -·~ DAT PLACl!D IN ST M OI! AT- - d!Z - t INSTRUCTIONS YO OWNIR Befqrt ~ny P1'0ptrty wilt be •(tq>t~d for etorage y the Onlttd Oqvernmtnt foui (4) copit• of ;hJt fnrm m\Jet ~ 6Jled In and rttui1aed to the Civil Control 8 ion at which ycm rcg1~turd for evacuation . On the back of each Cllpy the Items to be lt lt for 1cor~gn mu c bt carefully li·it,d . ltem OQI on ~he rrln,cd Hat Jhould be w1men IA tl1• blan~ prqvld d on thf form , l Small artitle mi.I be atcuttly p eked fn er tea or bon o( no< Ito thari two (1) c11bfc feet o•pad•y and will be In dicated •Imply aa 1. number ol b.ixea, no illtCl)lpt ~!111 made U> lttm l~e. on Uhi1 form the :u1I Lu thuodn All cratu a11d bo11u 111u t bt eecurely p deed 1rwl h !trned. Each bo11, cntr, or rtiele inuat t;ie 1d t n~fied with tag$ obtained from the (',jvil C.Ontrol St"cji)n. No loo~ bundlea of eJ9tht1 1 liflena, ute11<1l l~ . or othfr mill or un· 1ubatantial l'111U9ttllold lttma will be aci:Tpt~ for atoragc, Pum V" um, /um mac!Ut1Cr)'. a11•nmobil41, land , ll'ftettJclro, or pdf nnm not bo!l li4ted aa pmo11al PIQ rty 0 11 tbi.I Corm. f\I~, all cop{u of the fo~ have Ian "Jed In and tct\lfncd to -~t civil Contrell Sttttfon, one copy, check«,! for COD lormlty with 1hc 0 htr tl\rre, will be ginn tO the own r of tht property. the co,py d11l1~ ied tu tht nu will bi? evid4mce muely that oth r COl?I~~ f th• foam ha\t b.itn delfvurd At this lfm« chc owner l)IU~t !~ave tht bye to) lh pla~e where the property u .to be ,found, or ma.Ju iraogLment1 to d Ii vu L t ey to th-e ~ prlll~ ni.tive of the EY1tc11ce Proputy ~P rtnttn of 11'ici Peder 1 Rt1trvt B.uik of an Pronclt!co b.efor ltavlnii th( rqa of hi~ rcaicfo:u;it. Th copy dcllver(d to the 0'1ner merely ahnwa ehe number of ittnls, botH, and crate whl1rh the owntr durn5 h..: ba pnpan:d foi torag~ It not constitute an agreC'd Jny1m to ry . h dot no~ cl!ln ~fiut~ a veri~ U.., rt doc. llClt cont1tltu&c uiy tvidence o( lh n1.1mb4!r of 11 m.~ ttctu;illy Jlored or of th e conten~ of bona, c• e or p ck:ag~" Vttinca· tion of th• illvcnto1y f t of itenu acnialfy nored 111111 be mad '1t1)1tl(t it iatcomplj h d A vul6.ed Ii t will thrrl lit lorwalilcd to tfl.- '"* T"1t tqn of ,,,., ' "'' ...u.d ~fll Olll"fr wUI ' ''"'' a.; r1e11rvl fl'llJ •Ao.U •• ~n11f11U1 ~tmy1J ~ "'"'· II /lllT""'11•"' AL P«OPI J'V J - - MISCU. li.A llOUS fl nit a..~•;;;•;..__.._ .~.. ~Jiii \.,..., -- .... ·~""d 11•-••i, ' •••._,__ " Ad • _. ___ ...._.,......,;..;. I ~· ~l~rl~I -·--- ·- ---- ·------!"!~!!!!...... WultkfPw W11~1. "' ... ,.. _ _..;..__..,.~~~-·4_t______,_.._i......_~----~-----;...~---------t----r----i----+-·--~~-----+-•.,-'---r---~ "'--- -·--C-•U. -''-"-"' C•oh, cti,.. Cll!lw oi~ M••••lr "'"* DllMtll lnul•• .,_,, tffl• IUl1~~· . . . --·--~-+------1----1----...i--~"'------- ---~---.---·- tl'fll'll ·- -----~-+-------+--· ---~----.!·~....-~....----·~--·-4----~~----·~·-'·"-·-~--~"'-------~-----+ --"""'"----"".. 1••11 ..... ..,.. ....... ~-------t- - + - - - ·-+---·-1-----t-·~, Ab '1/e i ems ~()ns s ii th~ pvu~ rly h rein cl:U1ueJ have ~n deliver~d, and wluch actually WiU dcllvereq is I~. d.una d, o.r ~tro d i the nsuk or ne:glig nc while at i.s in !ht ~ion or oli cbe Uni~ Sta~ or of a.ny agency adin for it. di~ (Jqng•w of the Uni~~ teiS will be 11.:Ue:d te> take appropriate ~ct.Wn for che bcndt of the owners. 1 0111ily er __ _...,..,.____....._ l!"Jnolose ! e a copy of ro1"1!l .. oo -b,RB-2 covering y ur property pl&ced ln s ora o at the plooe in 1 et d on 'h forl!l. 'rho prop r y received a r es wi h ·h 11 sub.rni tte by yo , Kindly c Sleni ng and retufnln il:vaouoe nowled~e recei~t the enclose of he enclon ~ by copy or hla lett r to roperty Oepel"~tllef't ., Fed R<Ht.ervr Bolin 70? So th Spting StrE1e~ Los ADt1elos, j'ranolil!ao~ 'lours 11a~y truly , Assis ten neoaipt ot the is acknowledged llate sisnn or ~·~n Uf'o..-111.0 , F FED nolosed ts s cop4 or !'om ,.c I s -h1RD ... 2 cove,rin your prOJ> r 'f pl ca ltl stor re n the plu(';e .1ndlo£1 e on th tol'm. 'l,1ho proporty reotai e a ree J wHh thtJ lL t sub- 1ttad by you, KLtldJ:r o.o io edpe r oe ip oi' he .nc osur by 1gnln8 and r turn1ng tbe enclostd cop~ or thla le t r t~ • vec u roperty p1~t en~, edo ra.l .e>se:''V' · tl o ~en i'1'8not oo, ?07 ~o th S ring 'treee, Lon tu J.ea , CuHfo .. nh. Y6ure v . , y) r1 V',._ . _.,. . . (..., 'f truly, n1 Ac· ..) • 2 . l. AJ(. t: LL> n .Ji ~ ro ~ilhf orni. San Dlegoi Oal torn1 ,& J 11 &'.)I 42 Mr. rred o. Bol& Manager Federal Reser• Bank ot Ban rrnnc1eoo Loi Ang lea, Oalltornia A1111 an~ D•iar 81rz Xn aooordanoe 1J1ih ;your requ·e 1t 01 Jul.7 20, we are enoloa1n1 Warenouae lteeeipt aoYer.1ng the property of 8u••7• Joth da_ Lot Ro. 102, date& April lOi, 1942. Will you plea•• aign and return ~tn to u1 for our signature, at which oopy will be returned to 1ou. oopit• ~1•e your •• will appreo1ate lt 1t you will fo~wa~ to ua tbe original r·eoe1p~ ooYer1na the abo•e property, ao tnat we fl&J oanoel 11. Thank you. Verr trul1 roar•, AC! VAN & STO!:\AG !: 00 • rir 0\U' ., l•IJ."9• b ., t, 1 t~ ..... 4 b ...... 1- v: • QI oattt a TW•LATION. OF' TKLE~llAM RECIEmD ~ . ., W CopJ' ._t.c1 to""· e. II -x=m - , .. - ~·forr ....ei ... .. n.; t.o rou r a. ~-:le ··· t' im:i 1c CopJ'RIJTe,.dtoMr. i I I ...o:-ose • IT~ old be . . . . . . "'" Mr. ---1- _.____....~-~.~ l ed t o app .l c . - - . - 1 ~ =-- .- . ··:ram d .te a!_1::>lic L ' c:ons <.:' . · l e of' 19 o Fo d I \e '-a tl>iuopy Frons,,.,_......~~g~ ............ :1.9.}:.!?..2.9. ........... J.~..... .:!?....... ......... ................................... .....l ..'2L~t.?. ..... ..... ............... . . . ' 1 . . . , ') opml and Tran5lat~d: .................... ~.~.. - ... To................1,.,Q~.......~\.. ...:..!?J•. ~.§! ..... .. rco•,.>.L .....,.,,11 ...,.._ o• .,,. """"c1eco Cb ..c Ni :..................... ........... .. r ,,,__,.==o:=.~==='"""'-"""""" ~Letter me i:'_eo "":"~y1 ~-a. ~ . - .. on tho i el true.!-- , i Uc and 5. t i I II l cll:p l -~-~~~~==~======~=====--'=-~========-""""'""""==-=-=-:==""=~~~~~~""'""''T",,_. MUn. ' ' JOU .,. la ' '° ,,.,.:n,.. ••.rl•t Ma\ puUi• '9\Uai • ' 4lapoe1'l• r peno•l 6illlu 1" .......,. to• ,..._.. ot • • U' •fleet Mi• t1 1 OM to• JOU' on dete.nd•tl••· n -... lJMa ......,._ 'r • - ot UI• auHorUS.•o tu• NO•~ •theta, •-" •• ~MU' tunl. - . •M 111-..t. 'k •tor-I '-' ·~•"11 w .,.. ........1 ... t ......... ot ,..... lapl. . •• •M o _,.. • •u.U 1 .t• to .._•• 1ou teel ,... te ---1., 1tb t ia •ttl.M •i* w ..,.....'-"" • OtflH a,._ •as... w1u " •'-•SoaM a u.. uau.t st.UHi •r .,.., 41'4 Ofl "-°" ~ .b ."lfl)M CtmPau' Oo• l'tt<tv · UQ~ tot.el"lJ Gt ...,_te lie ooarae • not, l• n Md. NNDt. •n 4dnfl• V "t, 1 WCll!il 0 0 OOflil ft 1 t dial' . f t i *1 ln& 8 109 U.,-r C~_t Ari iba \be ftOltaill, 1•~*" o\llN• • ·1e ¥eiped to t.bat. --.p orlai•l• lJ• JOQ i~ \, also enJ•YOJ' \.() ooat.aot. U. •t , ... 1 c.Jlon4o Riv .r l,' :a.f·J.<lO'ttoa .Proj4'ft, Poll\o.a, JU!11. 'JO J&1 "lfJr IC)•t tW ;l.t 1• • IOll.l'• Ytll'1 t .f tl'.7 I .,!:::::::} HEAD OFFICE OATE June 27, l ot tot We are enclosing a letter !rca the St.&lld&rcl Oil C<>mpA:z:o- Calliqr.trl.A, ~ Arizona, date June 24, 1942, pr9aell.t addrea or the aboYe ~ ~.e. •Tit ,. 0 Pl!O l'f x. IUZ. l'fto11W• prop t, Control .Biol rd• . ·•4•~-1 l•••r~• Bl.nk qo, ·0 1Uc.·n1a. 1 M ftlliO! R•a Jo• t. Yo1h1aur'1 1"onn~rly JiO\lW 12 1 Bo~ 19'61 Pttoenu, Arlt;> na. Gin lftlllllna Thia Jl.?ll~H produota pu.rahl. ..d 1• imeb ed to thh C~n1 tor -P.troltla hi.le redding at the above ad4r••~• 11 you k1mUy gi tt 1,1,e hi• pll'9Ul'lt !ld.dr•u, .o tni.·t we •)' ®nUot hi.a l"•flardi11g hit &OOCl.lnt. y, ~ . Dr~ ~. rd l)!.'11ioa, '· J. Bngl •h !Jltl.I . ~"'" l"t;.OCI~ ... ....4 W·O N•ar .. fl' • All·)' Do:!J tO •trfll•«,J' ....~, j IJ S I 1' II' I 4 HAY Sfll IU. .,1 ' - r~ I f\,, '' \ J LI l J ~' l'.W, -1~- .July 2S, l.9U ar Sav • Bold: l people this ~ Cen~er •tU"e the touts a.f Ben Yos iolc&, ana W8S wond.e~ing it you had se~n or he$ of him reeen~i7 . whe... H ay is no - lo- er ow to whi e . ank ' on the outs ide, poas1~if1 Center he bas gone i o . I you J ,J le l .S I 1942• IW'a•••• Propert1 IHl»t• P eral ~H•n• •nlc •t San Pranolaoe. 707 L•• l • pr1ng St. A~g•l••• q 0&l1t. bat.rHtecl h ot Jfaaat•r•i loba, gettlag • l•H Olll the to.r11er ruld•i.G• 46.4 H •••• Coroaad• 0&1 1t•rn a, Thh indi'fidual 11 a Jap.uH al iea and l ban b••.ra tol tbat your •ff ie1 O&A giYe .. 1Qf or... t1oD ID t~I &bOYI it... L••• of ••• y•r, w1t>a eptha ot renewal fer the ,... peried, at wbatner tigur• •T •• auW.111 agreed 1.1p1n ·•~14 lN l&ti•ta•t•ry. In 'b• ...,•nt that ~b11 111&\ter 1h1uld \I tak•~ ~» &ir••i4 11 vltb le1-, weuld 7eu, lt• lidad enoup to 111ppl7 M witll t.l\• pro,.r •4•r•••' R•~ra ••~•l•p• inol••ed.. Thank 1•111 ter •bato·ur gi•• ... C. A. !'•ua&• 84,S I A••· C•r1n&4e, Oallt. 1n.t1r•U<:1a 71u •1 'M •bh to ~ WW &;Ji'.W S llA.NK OF'&AH Flll"1'fetsc;0 e HEAD OFFICE E>ATE TO: ~ l ut;er or a l.-tt~r r a to an attcrne7 t.l ad<il"tt ed. a pre ent&t:iTe p~ vo cert&in laundry eqµiper contract 'by Pant.ex e:r L..,,g l.;acbine, Inc.., for •> b CQW'USU. Cashier 0I CCU 1. • AHM~IL-"n L. 26 •t ill~ s~ eet st.oo o 6 <Jal Ol"11.1a ... / • 1p ' . l A ._ rlt1 ~vo..-1/?-ft.1.. om. ro Mr. Bo,d f/01"1'6rr.o • .,. MAIL 1~~~~ .?~ ~ ZL.J,j...1-., J;.._~ ~a~ .,2" 1 7) t~~)~ · a>. . ~ ~-- 1 xk ~~;(p ;{.1 rrA.....---.. •1.UDt • •., I ......++t•• .............. ~ S., 111 DRl lGS 'J:HF. A l\I Al. I " 1~ ' rtine Cl v'UiM Oontrol St1· e · I•QO An el ll 1 Cff liomi -ttf0 tH <f ... AV Ht <AK ·UV ·ro1 s. Si>rl11. ... ·····~•<t•+ff t.eit .'F d.u.n, vt'lntltil fJI: e flt·e 17in · o loo 11 o ~ 1· ting a h, 1r q iel.o~, C lifowi . I: e in£01•m l \l of & n1 1q i1\ l by ttHi 11 riu o omr ar; M .. ' l:S Sou. h t>rottd 10 h'li , • Ll!.lB .1 .. the •a flJl)' yos.ti t lHy for yon to 11 add11em1 or 1rho1• e cm1 oouw1 Jll c t,e ·). t l l. tu~ ~ l8ine:H1 for ~- ie o Lld gre tly ti.ppr 1ci l ~ j'"O t.<l' reJ 1y, 'e have a bil 1 outota.nding n . . in t a.'llO nt o 6.69. ~e 1 eepec t:rul,zy yo in· · , ZAU 1,A DER' CRI\ YON PEN 'H BRO • I C. E RI( &.18