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~on-Stor~3,! '.Cot.a.l WINTJ!JRS - Yolo County: Families 19 19 'I1otal 94 94 61 61 12 12 4 4 8 8 104 104 ersons VIOODI.AND~ Families Total :£ eraons ESPARTO: FEU11.ilies Total Fersons ,iAJJI OH : Families Total Persons GUINOA: Families Total ersons Grand Total: H'ainil ies 'l'otal F~rsonlii Storage Non.... storage Total -~ Vaoaville-Solano Co. Familias Total ersons 81 12 g3 421 55 4?6 36 6 18& 40 226 Suison-Salano County Families Total Persons \Unters Diat . -Solano Oo . Sid FaJn.ilies 16 7 23 'I1otal Persons 64 47 lll Fami :De a 1133 25 166 Total Persons 671 142 813 Grand Total: Japanese American Citizens Ceague -1 '!l -Solano Char.rt r suj!tUN, Wi\OAlllLL•, WINT ...... lillPAflTO ,,..."411 ... "Wn« RA1'10N Oft NOiUl-.ERN IOAl.l~ORHIA Dlll~IC"T COUNOJI., J. I\. C, 1., f'ATlc:J~"lw c~ur..:lil., '). ..;, ;... c. '-· /6 cA~d ,KOha ;r.?c::t CAark~ /-k;maKow·a_ /YlalJc.t ~ h~ /q_, /w47dr<:> '( 5 1 1rC2r«. ( C -hitK31;,_d ' . ~ ~K'ot' On 1.:;h; ;.-;., ru t ../I/,l'1' I'? ,_, I°'-' ~ / ..j- Dole J GC-oyc q .....5"ho -loro f lJ tr Do feo .Clo/en o 7 -3 6-;e>JC!' ...5 A1 ;r..u ., JaK.::.; 1"ro I~ / ,,hl'ahar~ 1, ' ~-o \ •. WINTER Yolo County Nwnber in Fc:mill: ~ 1. h.iohiro KohSJD.a 9 2. Char le a Hanu:\ktW{1A 6 3. Iwago:ro ats ushita 6 4. Shigere. Hakai 6 5. Chikajiro Onishi l 6. l'filliant 11'u1·uta 5 7. Tom Dote 3 8. George Dote 7 9. Sbotaro Uyeno 3 10. George Takahashi 3 11. Shizu Takanashi !3 12~ ~ Sakujiro Uyeno 1:3. Iwaharu Isomura 4 14. Ben Shimomura e lfi. George .lsa.i 6 16. Ju taro Seta. 7 17 . K. Ha tanaka 0 18. Ben 19. e ~le.katani asa.kazu 5 19 Families 94 Persons I0. ] [. r .. . \: J r. 2. :; . 4. 'f ' ~ ~· u. 7. WOODl.AND, OALIFORN'I l. 2. 3. 4. o. 6. R. r akamura & Bon Na.gaaug1 , Y. Kunibe , B. ihara, r.1 i.ya~a~:i l.4 . Yama :~Ullli, 15. l(u11iba 1 H. Naga augi , M. Kawashima , N . Kawash.ima , '1'. '11 anakal B. 9. 10. 11. 12. lo. 17. 18. l~. 20. 2L ~2 . 2~ . 24. 25. 26 . 2? . 28 . 29. 30 . 31 • 32. 33 • 41. 42 • 43 • 4.4. 45. 4~ • 47 . 48 . 49. 5v. 5l . t. • 52 . b~. Tsu tau , S . Nakamura, J . Nakano , Tamai , H. Ko.ahiwe.g1, H. Iaono, Y. Kubota , S . 54 . bb. Oda , Y, Ki tanJura, 8 . 3. 4. 5. 6• 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. , R • Naka , • Ki ura , G. h! . awamura, S • atewnoto, K. , Y. Ojima, T. Teramo~o, ~ . ineltawa , Y. e. tamura, VT . Fukuda , J , Neka.suma , s . trunezuka, • Yoshinaga , M ~ Sake.yada , K . Kuri t .subQ Ogavie., H, urun1o·to, S . Kawashima , T & J .Aoki , N. , akida , t • Kiraura, K. Takemura , Nakano , I . b8 . , Y. 57 • Nakano , G. 58 . Murakami 59 . 60 • 61 .. Watanabe a.ks hims. Honda 66 . ' ?, atsumoto , T . ~o.tsumura., K. \ ada , T, Latsumura , s . Miura, H. & S . Sae;ara. 1 I • & H. Yasumura , G. Tsuji , K. 11ADIS01 , Sakogav1a, .L..f alcai hitue., 62 . 63 . 64 . 65 . Aoki, H. Sueoka , J , ES ~nrro 1. 2. ~6. 57. 38. 39 4.0, • u. 13. 8. 35. s. Ua.gata, K. Oshita, r. Ogata, K & H Saeabuohi abo , A. Hay·e.ebi , Y. troizUllli , M. Tsugavre. , R. ?. :34. J. Yammnoto Kuroda. , K . CALIFOffin: - 9. o. Vada ., T. Nakashoj i, II . 11. Moriguohi, E. K, 12 . Matauk:a 13 . 4. 15 . lo . CALIFOR1 1 l~ 4. 5. 6. Okubo , I. GU IND , CALIFO ' .A 1. 2. 3. 4. Ha tanaka, T. atsutani, T. , urotani, !. Hanada 5. 6. ?. a. Hatanaka, {ateushita, Tsujimoto, J. Tsujirooto , • Ul'O fr .!_'"_l t? •1 ( t ) a 1• 8, b I'll 'i a. rl '1 • I "1' t '1 fj ,. 'l (:J, 5 1,., .. 'I . ~ t Zt k l. I ,., o :io . ) I~ J '' 1 ,) I ' 0 .... ' 0 t .,' ) 1 I) • H\ , ].";'. 1 1 ~• . J 2 ) 1 4 0 :.. 0'1 ~ f !' . . tJ .,. '. ~ v 2 " 'T!O 1:A . 01·. 0 5 e '0 )J ' ' , 'I , '',L'3"'1 . J:'l\10!]- ~. ,.,. ', ,, ' nn' I t. 0 0 6 :a to :> v .;;Q . }{ l ,.. •. ~l . '1101· \l.' 1 :1 E ~ f e "£1. 11 ,!'>i.J . Su· 'tiU. ~1 . f''l t'UYtl ..Sf.). r r 31 . ~ . t' la1 ~ ' 186 '-r' I_,.}' t " ,3 . tj I.I ) • 40 . h 1• . ~ . fl 'l a 40 les G o · . to,.. , !l e r or C 'T-80LiJJQ redtt b ne~erve v Ue and St r glll l " ,. Ot ni •. "" ..........0. "s' ~.lol2~1.J.J\G 3 a ~ Misutune 6 '.I/ n:i,g uehi a 4 3 4 3 7 Hikiido loh a 9 liatkll ~ l ll 10 1. o 11 Mat1rno 12 ·r~ujimoto 13 M tsumoto 1'I 'l'ahiS o ~oil: ki 15 a -~· ~·- 17 4 4 4 4 6 l 'l'f;I~ - ou .. 1:rtort11te ~ ~iyai 18 Yo.au1 15 19 Ak 0 20 HirW11ate.u 21 'Ywn a1;1ki 22 Ml! n 8 l 2 5 ~3 I) __,,,,. _,..Mt'O I ( So laniO Coun.ty :Side) l'or11on in fl)m 1ly 6 3 Oa r~ 4 Kob 'tl\ 16 inter otorn~e :;; ; I / lj RA L REf:ik:Vtt,; 8'1' R.AUE l. Yuka.wLt , 2.. lgn tliyal!l&. 5 5 5 3. N kntani,. 4. Inai ..5. H umet l7. it ti • 'l'ogrtllli I 1 , / lJ. Bo.iJ :L 9 , 8.r..ito I .10 .K'otl bo ,· J.l, M tenu· i2~ ·r. ,. lia~aohi - 13 .Kom1,.1rt1. , 14.M • 1 1.5 .o. Tt.lkuo.r l8 .M. Ysmnd1 ,. 17 . Shimada. , J.8 . Naku t111)!ca ' l ' . Tt11.1d / a 20 . Tttkuda / ll 21.Nukaha a 1 , , I) 22 . Nuk:i,..h.:1d1. ,, 2 2 3 , Sr..i.t, o · 5· 24. Shlrai a 2t . Yoahida , 4i 3 26. N. Tak no 2'1. Tsujirnoto O. ~ t? za. lfnkl ta· l 29 . Kim zaki "' 9 30, Fun.iy n .... 7 9' ~l. '3al< ga~ a .. 3~L Takahashi v 6' 3 3 .1!nnd a ,, 35, 'aLoumoto .. BC.~ano Y 7 3 6 9 37 .Flans.du. 3d Hcrte. .,,. lQ ?4 Ha~ tt.ohi :39,.'tera:na& 40 Tor8ll'lae J ,,., 4 H. 6 ./ 41. Nhhi111oio ,, 42 . ll. j;l .< 43 . YOB'h dahar/J\ r 44 , ·r&raura 45 . ft raguchi 46 .Touj i t e.. 4 7 . f:o j ime.. K ...... 14 48.NoJima 49 • Yamat;lil Y• 50 . Tan!:t !; 1, o:raa ni ta 3 'I 'ltAAGB: • ? I 'J... 52.N ku11tura 3 ..., $ .. 62.Kimura • 54 .. f!L oka .-- J 4 55 .S~nb 5.,..56. hirriemoi;o,. " 2"' 57 .Mor:t.ehi ta ' 58.Niah ok 5 ,,1 oQ. o~ tthata ,, 1 l 50 . IJyetetau ai.s t:l ike ' 4 l 62 Hoeh o ~3 •) 6Jll nak " 64 .Naltantu.ra 3 T/ ;1 6G .!chirt1oto lQ 513. l!Jsald I C'i'. tUehiftlT ; 7 2 61:1 . Kakit~chi r; •Tak o K• '10 ~M i auno ~ 7}., QflUdrt, 72.Tauj.imoto M 73.t'ak:ao /T. 7'· lala, , i r • • A/ 7-.5 . H&.;·tu~hi 6 5 4 4 3 3 5 2 l 76 .0bata " 77.60 1 78Yrunaj " 7~ .Shi11'1j,2u ~ 60 Nelcarr111ra 8l.Aoy1 Si ,.,. J 5 K.. 11 NO l-8TIJ AO~~ 1:32 , Ok amrl'tO "' 83 . "foehl01 1ra ... 34. f<li IEi!l\CltO/ 3 Kode:i ..... 86 .Meteud • 8 l 7 as. l 10 8'1.Muyad "' 8.Twnurt:l " l9 .~uJ il<eVt' 90.t.lnkiuo .,. '9 f AJII<A"11.111A ')l /Jjj,,,,,;/11'10 'f J (r''KAfil vli'.4 5 s fi I - /;. ~ l ;r. ,,, I J " .. -I ) REQUEST FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF TRAVELING EXPENSES Please ism expense l"Oucher for the total below. i.~ favor of _·----- r. 1r reimbur ·ment of traveling expenses incur.-ed in dischlll'!?e of official dutie from __ _ to___ au l!i-.- - under authorization from .. • r it-emized schedule !civ n belo,~. for whi h paym'!nt · hexeb approved. -·-..···-~r·· OF EXPENSES ( ATTACH REc:crPT£C> BLU..S FC>f" HOT£L ACCOMMODATIONS AND CASH FARO P'AID TO OTHER THAN EST#Jl.l_ISHED RAILROAD . STEAMSHIP, AND STAGE LU•,£$ \ SCHEDULE OJI.TE PURPOSE OF TRJP: CHARGE ~E FUNCTION OR UNfT NO- - - · - - · - · -·- - - - - _ _J_ _ A_M_o_u_ N_T__ I I • 6 FEDERAL Rt:S~VE . . BANlt OF SAN F"R,t,NCJSCQ . - REQUEST FOR REJMBURSEM ENT OF TRAVELING EXPl::NSES Plea..ce iSEUe cxpenee voucher for the total below. in favor of·---·-·- • _._ .. -.. _._S;>t fur~toftnnling e~nses incurred in discharge of official duties from ___ ... ,. --2..9. t.o_ as per rtemW:.l ~ w ....~Q . llnder authorization from ...__.- ... ghrcn below, fur wbieh pay=ent is hcrchy approved. -····· -·· ····--·-··-········~)- ······--·----·-·..·-- ITIN£RARY AND ITEM:ZED SCHEDULE OF EXPENSES V.TTACH REC£1PTgO 3 l LU f"Oft MOTEL A.CC:O•OtODATIOH S AND CASH FARES PAID 70 OTHER TKAN lSTABUSHIED RAILROAD , $1"L'\lll&HI~. ANO !JTA05: LINDI ) DATE SCHEOUL~ -- CHAJU;;E ~E e f'lJNCTION OR UNIT NO- SEK- AMOUNT •. rJ ner ~es r.;.Ue 99 s• - st .&. !'V-06 e - re letter fr· se.n Ve.-cav1.ll.e - s't rat> 8 to J 30 29 anoisco j I I II I i t I .20 ~ ' '.,... 0 .,._ REQUEST FOR REJMBURS EMENT OF TRAVELJN G EXPENSES Pleue iaue expe.nee TOUCher for the total he! in baT"oi- of_ - - - -· r .. barge to--.;;:./.a ., ~_ e per ittl"JIJiRd !!Chcdule gJT"CD nn er au:th rmtion from _ bdo''" for which payment is b f ffi · a1 Ju ti y app from a/. \-ed. ITINERARY AND ITEMIZED ScHEOUL E OF Ex.PENSES ~ (ATTACH RECEIPTED BJU.S ..... DA.TE P'Olt HOTn. ACCOMlllODATI OJolS A D CASH irAlll£S "AIO TO OTKDt THAN E:STAJU..JSHED -ILROAD. STCAMSHrP'. AND 5TAGll: LJMCS l SCHEDU LE AMOUNT 11. e.oo TOTAL I CJS Frsc:, 1. , \t ~ EN'l' oi: 'I'm: l JNl'l'En S• cw1 ·1·~ :'l I Mr. Albert J. Reid, Fi ld R pr eentative, Feder 1 Evacuee 1..3 30 R~eern Proper~y "J" ~O Bank 0£ San Fr Oep rtm.ent, S reet 1 Sacranento, California. Oear S ir• chert in the amount Will Mr • .McFarl&tld. yo~ kindl.r d~ Riohert and iv ver:r t.rul.,y, /f;~J::~ Assistant Cashier • .EnoloeW'H REQUEST FOR REJMBURSEMENT OF TRAVELING EXPENSES Pleaae Uime expense TI>DCher for the total below. for ~t of tnTeling expenw ~ in disch~ of oilicial duties from . J'nne _~...1..94.2.,.·--·-·--- under authorisatiou from __~_,,.___~-- lo- - per itemiv:d 8Chedule given below, for which payment ia hereby approved. ITINERARY AND ITEMIZED SCHEDULE OF Ex.PENSES {ATTACH -~~ en....L.S FOR HOTEL Ac:coMMODATtONS AND CASH r AltU P'AIO TO OTHER TitAN ESTA8Lt:SMEP 1UULROAD. ~lP'. AND STAGE LINO) DA.TE SCHEDULE -- AMOUNT PURP'OSK OF T1UP! CHARGC ~£ ..-11eage F1INCT10N OR l.1NIT NO Z95 l!llles sage ami menl.s incu...-red 1n trips to· and fi'<D · ltarylrY1lle • ergs., norin, ~ • end . al.mtt Grcrnt • Elk Grove• dland• !!ary8Tll.le - to Aase :h1y Centsr - Kene;a Ct'EpS.Ily pink sllp on , a1s<> power o~ e.t o • -ror Onishi_. _Uldo Tanaka . for store deliver e.:teven ve :t'i"'Y8 to oara d t "'e 19 , ·eiersa. ' ?l.or1n ll-ips - cases ar u:r-s. Ludwick and e&:q> on y • propart:" :rental..8 • AJ..E_ .a.rove - J" obn Get notes al.nut Grove not.a "to be a Ea.rr T. .aKB.Shina s and ThOI:laS. TS. • Bank or Alex Brown, about ..c?ar1and's J"apanese case. TOTAL - FEUEP L PESEl{VE B NJ OF Fit;! ' J. J\l \Jo:N'I' OF 'l'lll~ t s N Nl1'1W S'i'.\1'1'l~ 100 5 Fo u.rte an th et dao.i:·1:u.1~1 to, C.s.l.if~rnin Maj" 9 ' 194:9 . Mr. F. • Brack: Attorne y- t-Low Modesto C 11forn1a Dear Sir: 1"1<1 NClSCO Sao. #650 . , • Emmet • Seawell , Assistant U. 3 . Attorney, ho :f'o:rwa.rded to ue ,lfour letter of April ~~ . 1~42, regarding I-?1ath S, I- b•ano , W k w of nothing that would prevent ft,~ I' , Iv /() .s ( :i.4 ck) ( ~ l u.) v ;1JI> 10 ,( ( )fl., (."' I / :.-. ~ 11 1 ·~ 00 ( ;/, /j 1f· .'>~ ~ . .,, ~) (1() - I /l. tt; 3. I .o 'lj{ri : .~(f;/Al,, ., t.~d.) . "tJ?:ik·"T) ·11 . J ' (;KJ I , I' v 71t, )f i ~ April 20 - Saoramento County Mapo 24th Gas ... 10/t Gaa.ei c-X 2 -35 24th - St amps • lnd p"6REl nt. _ !n+ ~ - ' 3.84 ( Rlcbert ) J , 34 ( Rio he rt) l.5.45 ~ •- J.:>;copo»ty ( D\:lplioa-Oe s ~ t. .26 27 Dinner at Vac aville Two meals a t V~oaville ~6 - filler Stnni_pa 26 - Sba ,n,pa 27 .. Gas l~.f Gals 20 l ~y e- Stam.PS 3 - Ge.a ~" j ~. uto I d (Gave Molter e oheok) qt. oil 3 . 51 a.ea 12 . 5 Cle. la 2.46 I ", '( -x ::--- c: - - X ) ·- r (/- ra.,.; £-rt; f. w f pft1t-f~11 Jltu~r .~~,I. 1) Q.... /~ ~ 5 . 00 (Sch.mitt ) - f.V,,kctl ~ ~v ~x,Z:~ tn h/4, , 53 ( Riohert ) 5,00 )..0 0 (Sohm1tt) - Gas 10 ~ Gals 30 .63 l.08 - I () r./! J ~.o, (/1;.~ ..r 1 ,). ~() I fl)'lc. ':? 1£1 ~ ·l fl / . . 1) V" • ,.,..,,, •I t:/{) c~ la,,,.(/ f LiJ , (A ~ C11I 'r (I :I. . 11 J. '-/ 0 EO\fAAO r. COGHILL. - In DE Pf nDE nT PRlnTlnG COffiPHnY r J I.__ 1 !"'.... Op r s ..., % lO DUPLICATE INVOIC£ 11/u{) ~ J.. !ntut :l( s~,lf<J (SU:~,.,~) c;L(};. 1'-t' fie• .. •• . ,' - t. ~ - ~I Y.6 • ~n ,5:()0 S' -"Z' . .,. (~ ~ ( St.P.~,,w:ttJ - ei;.; ~v· l;; [fLJ. . REQUEST FOR ReMBURSEMEN T OF TRAVELING EXPENSES ill favor of _ _ __ _ _________ __ ------·---- ------·-· - -- - for rej.111-.uw • went of tnYeling expemes iucutted in discharge of oilicial duties to._ _ _ _ __ &om--------- ---··--·- - - - ---~ UDder authorization from ITINERARY AND ITEMIZED SCHEDULE OF EXPENSES ..- ( ATTACM ~ 9J:LLS - TO ~ ffOTU. Ac::c<>MMODATIONS AHO CASH F A m P<UD TMAH IESTAaLISMED IUuLROA.D. ST&A-IP. Af&O STAG.IE UNES DATE SCHEDULE AMOUNT -OFTRIJI': ~ ~ l'UNCTlON OR UKIT 0 TOTAL 1 ~ cedily d.t ._ ...,_ d . . of s- f"'A'iro •a-. ll'«os1mc1-ta my .. , .-, - iw tbe period .-.eel, a.a U.. zNlll···--.,,.,..,_. i9 . . & - doe Fedmal anunl tagea 10 SeoUonc A Not 1 T"hn symbol The aymbol "fl.• denotes tfead Oftioe Only •t• denotes !3rana'h&B On ly AC 21 (ll>-2S) 1 10.l·U 13 Adyoooe§ t ~r ye~1M .Expanses All ,rulynnpes t officers o.nd employees, t nd trn.ruiport ltion pUl'ohnnod on o.ccount of trnveling oxpenB a, s ould be ahnrged to 1Defe rrea Ohurgeo _ 1t o.nd ruU, to 11 0urrent. Expensa1' , 14 a amo;ursnble ;mm.a ~Ii Following clrissOfJ of e~lend.Lturee lll'O conaidored r eimbUJ:'G ble , :2Y~n~HI u: tn~red .Q,n '?ro.na1)orta.tion to '\l'ld fron est innt1ot'I , Pullmn.n - lowor or u.J)?or berth, nrout and while o.wn,y from office o.t which domicLled, Botol , including Lo.widr.r oervioe: Tripe oi 6 continuo1la d.eys or lea from of'fico ll.t vrhicli dominiled - Nono Seve1 co. tinuous cW.Vs tmd ov ,r - As neco1u.l(1.l'!f Vo.lo t aorvice (s1lit sponging nnd proesing only ) ' Trips co~ ew:iing one ~ and one nig! t, ling by o.utonobile - Ono suit proaaing Trips conauning tvro d.a,y e or two :1 1.ghts con cutivo tl''l.Velinf; froo office at whic11 d.ooioiled - One suit preseJ.11g All othe r t1•ips - One auit proaeint; per rmck I cidontol exponoeo such ns B0t5e~e, Ti ps (include tipa to ;7:\it.1)ra Hi th oenls ), Tu.xi Cll.b • 1re, Ot\r f(l.rl\l, Te leGrons , Ta lo;phone ca.lls, Coa t of trnvvl aro' chocks , Postage. rm B8 11 I S~ation: 0 ~otei Tho symbol The sym'bol •t" J. denotes Hetd Oftloa Only "t" denot a ~rapoturn Only l S Regues Reimbu.nement of Truvol111.,.;. :S:A)?Sn..!.!...,. A cle.ia fsr reimburasment for tre:vel1 nc e»imensefl "incurr d uy ai: o ffioer 01• emz>lOyee sl:\ould be eu.bmi t taii 011' :Form E 27 wbic:.1. eho\lld bA preprrod. 1n the form outlined. below: Purpo ae of Trip : To a.t bend st .te '.le,nk~rs I ,"8sooi'1.t1.o~ Convention. Ohm-ga ex:penae funcUon or unt t numhor .•. , .•• 0 Oc.tober (J en ti -rl (J 4 Left Sa.n FrpnOi.GOO r.t 5.P. M. 4 a.R. o.nd Pullnmi1 far6 from Snn Frl'nchco to Idee.l, and ret r11 n , V'i.'3 S, P, R., R. (l'a1~l by bank voucl101• to oom:::isny) - • • , 5-7 Hotl'Jl (3 d.'\Y'e ), rl3cSit1te l'. ttacll.Bd , • • • 1 l ~ " t/l -I 4-5 lfeal. a ( 4 duys). • • • • • • , • • • • • • 4-5 tncidt!nt&l.e ( ti:t>B to poders 1 oabs, etc. ). 0 Total o:r.penaen of tri1) for 11.ii. ioh reimbursement is a·l)'>l'<IV'ed , • • • Returne~ to S~n Francisco at RZ~'tnl'DS , ... $ 10..8-~l 5.P.U. DUE B.AJ:!X I Caeh a.dvnnce Vo\lcher Uo. T1·an.apor t ation furnished Vou.cher o. 'rotal ref'U11d due banl~ t ; Charg s for hot l bills, val t ,1 a.11d la.1.llld.1•1 aerv1oe, and . or cash f aree on other ~hnn esta.bli shed re.ilr o~. d. , shA1as1 i p , ail· and t'ltage line s , on111t be supported by i·eoebted bills: r lao, reoei·1t ed bills should O"Ul')!JOrt garage ch&rgea e.nd co t of ~MoUne and oil, etc., not !)urchaaed. on credit cards which furnished the Be.nk. Sho1lld. it be n eceaso.ry to uoe privately 011nod. f11l tOm()bil~ on bPlllc busines reimbu.raement should 'be mvde ns prone.led in the L1ruiuaJ. of Uisoellaneoua Instruction. • 16 Rl':lf\lt1d. of .Adva?1.ces Conc1JXrently Tti th the issue of the voucher in Qe.ym~nt of tbe n.ccount, the :refti.nd du.e for and trensryortnti<>n ad..,enoed should b collected nd. ~red1 ted to II Deferred Cher~ee ... n, REQUEST FOR REJMBURSEM£NT OF TRAVELING EXPENSES ·-----,,--- -----for ft'imlmrw:aweat of.!r&T~ espenaes inc:urred. in. to - per itemiwd KheciDle .pyeu div:h•s:ge of oJlicial duties from_._._P_!i~-~~.. -~:.- ___ · _ ! ___~_!~----------·····-------mader mllhoriaticm from _ _ below-, for which payment ia hereby appro"ed. --- ·-----·-··~ (oi!Wm·- = ITINERARY AND fTEM.IZED 5cHEDULE OF EXPENSES ~ ( ATTACH ll€CE~t:t BJ~ P"Oft ~ ACCOMMODATIO- AND CASH F A i t - "'A.JD TO OTMZll TH.AH IESTAaL.ISH:KD RAl.LJIOAD. ~1 ... AN:D STAG& LINES) ._.- SCHEDULE DA.TE P'UR-.: OF TRIP~ ~ EXPtMW& nJNCTIO.N Olt UNJT MO--- ~~- AMOUNT To est.a hlish • H c r ~:.Tes ~te tlves - - - - 1- - - - - 4 tio f' ' tor • • ;sert:; Ile ;>e.~e.;it !lto a~ to assist ""'ent-o ottiee t Eat.el. • I c - ched bills includi!J.g (4/18/4Z vale l4/l I to 5/ 42 .. t'wld cue C s!l CV eei . is - Thi.rte n d_ys i elusive) o. 0 l TOTAL 1 ~ c:eii(y dmr die ..._ F-~a. ..__Jt.k: 9 S-. r; ~.,_ F .£ ! i ~ ______ ~ . l.!lil) 1 • 1 bJe aqa 11 t• my UJ 5' - liar die . . - .iated. . - 11.t •--id mi· I. 73. aa is dae ~ lbe FeMal Apl'il l 1 l 11JO 81. 0 fh:!O • !IJ ' 5 le () 6116 100 6116 1100 .. ehr) 8100 6 7 fhOO a fl I :'10 £l s(J0 6 1l fStOO 100 1 Cu l.l f 00 l~ lh:i!l!l F.I t I)(\ 14 l5 t 30 "0 \1 1 lG 9 0 u 2 ii Su idtt.y •·"0 I :it/4 bn. 11 .. ~;. . l./2 " l/2 It ./4 " ~~2 " lJ ff " n 2 ? l '!/4 1t '°"' ti Tim eord - Liu . D. K. Jl.atn • Aprl l (Su 21 22 Z3 ?4.. (Su11.,) 26 i 26 27 - ___ 2a_ _ __.._, 29 M - __...._....._. - -· - ·" Mil • 'T ' '/ 11 _,tYi ' /5 /J! " r-; ;? G TE.l..I..PHOl E. 24546 1401 J STRU..T BODE & BODE Mercantile Locksmiths .5ac.ramento. c.atifornia .· Your Onler No. Job 0. l<ll UCIZ tt\ll.'E$ I! nu: J>t'f'lnf · l'lio:ineu ~ " '"~-rm IT T-!l·~ DA\£ llEJ:Elll'. l;!l,.l. MVE t& PAIO M!ll t'll 011 WORE Tlll Out !l.t'!'E f~f J I t •( ...... REQUEST FOR RElMBURSEMENT OF TRA YEUNG EXPENSES P'te.e iMUe espen9e TOaCher for the total below, to_ __.. .r...,..i1>11r- ........~---9 under authorization from ·:...-~._:~'-.]~IQ~jM)._ for w1llch. payment ia hereby approved. _,,IMQJm.t..a.A......,...v _...,~~..-.a.:- ------------·-- ~-r;- ~-------·- ------~ (Tiii:.----·------ ITINERARY AND ITEMIZED SCHEOULE OF EXPENSES - - - (ATTACH ll.CC&JPla:D -~ ~ HOTEL ACC:O•llODA~ AMO C - . . ~-- PAIO __.TO OTMElt TMAN DT~U> RAl~AD. S'TEA-lP. ANt> STA- UNIES) SCHEDULE AMOUNT I ~R~OF"TIUP: ' ~ W & l"UNCTIOJC Oii UHIT NC II .a l u.M io.oo I I l' · to ~ate1 20. !no. • .ca 1.00 tar to • e • i t I I l TOTAL I .._..,. csUly dmt die U.- •• bJr zcp a-weBmMelS..J'. WI •• _,. eq eM)•1• far me period ~..a aiiiii>- - - - - - I I~ mas ntti!il• .i11111--at1 is dae ha die F..... 1 ~\ '"''1-~ ~ ~ ,~~1 4 \ ~ - (\ . :\C lI tJ_ .,.A_.,<QO 11 - ~~ ~ ) - 10 •>/\- , .. ~. ·V ' 'yt ) ~~ -.~ ' .. 'bli lf\i..~ ., ,.,., ~1\ .'\t ~ - ,'fJo ~" ~ 1 1~ ~A. - 11"1 '11oh to n • 0 • 6 " , pr11 ., 7 m1l • • () 0 l 0 ,bO flridt; jt 0 ..J.. ~' 1 .o 3 , 0() .o .. ti ..,,,... • A.til • l , '7 I 0 .m. hc.t ~oo · o r o r n tt o n< ll Ufl<'l1~1) noict 1 o to In Jt t 11 1 .14. ~ & '/. ;;./ no .t1 o.oo l' EJ>1': RA L I 1 ESER I E l3 Nl\ >F SAN l"J{, NCI S ;o M~y 29 , 1942 Mr . Albert J, Seid 1 ld R presentat.ive r'1e Bank ot lse.n FraXloi Ewe.ouea Property Depar me nt 11008 Four teen th Street Sf:l or am,ent o, Cal ifor federal E.-e Oe' Sir l checks or the folla." }Qr; inoluaivt: ( Enoloeed tor the r)eriod P. D. Molte • MoFarla.n lb t' ~ ne d M. • ioher R. Schmitt tt ' s expene e oheok Aleo for 49.'19· RindJ/ ·' a.istrlbute thene 9.mong the men in your of floe . r Assistant Cashier Eno lo sure 6 REQUEST FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF TRAVELING EXPENSES Pleae mue expenae Youcher for the total below, m mar of ._ __ ____.,___.__...__>....__,.__.__c _._a _/ i"'' v:r:..r:.L_______ -·-·····--· ·--··-----------~' _ 1 '!}_ _____ l.- __ for rrimhanement of traTeling expenses iDc:w:Eed in diacharge or oJlicial duties from _ l'!l...:k.!1:::2.--l!' .,r. to-. ' I , -_ _._ ~-...~-- &om ~·-----~ ~ ~ " - .-=........-------~ a per itemized achedule pen below, for which payment is hereby approncL - ~v:-,---- ITINERARY AND ITEMIZED SCHEDULE OF EXPENSES ~ (ATTACH R£CElil'i£D IPL.LS FOOt HOTEL. ACCOMlltODATlO!CS AND CAeM f'AR- ~AJO TO O'TMElt ~ ESTAllLJSMED RAl LAOA.D. STEAMSHI~. ANO STAGL UNG} ... AMOUNT SCHE .O ULE OATE ~ °" TIUP': CM~ IEXPDtU: ..ul!ICTIO.N E$ Oii UNlT NO_ ._ A 0- · /, ,/. c /A -" (') I'd', , .,.. ., , S -z: If~ ~1;-- .... ..._ ,.. , . r ~1 "c / :;- , )r C/u S / & $.~ I I I II TOT~ -, ~ 90!cDTO: • ...__~.?(~~__.;;__~~.;_~--==-~~~-.~I~ tmalcal911!1. nt':\PT! SOLO SY: q c 38 (t) ""-'J'O!CI . RL rs Ttx.A.CO StR¥Icr Cl .t.. :W:5f3 J ST. · .sJUn'nmmsAG~i£~·fl'{), - O'~"t>ll4 • __s;,.u Ai.!. tAJtE1 010 DtOSE rl'lt:~f'll~ ~ U l!D!E!!I. Iii untT TK[ r I :. 1 IE ~ Tii£ 1:11! U:JF. C.\TC :;; l>tV!. •Ar;; :r.J ;)fl ~ 311 lttll!tE ~ "'9!E':F TE1Ui!t5 1~ CIUlrT '-ILL 1!llTIIO -:~ celtt9'..Y lliSCI?< ~ 9V1lalASS. ~ OF.. r:. . ~llUl ~T i• Ols; 11?111 -tG!n • cnr.n.y STD'EIUlrf "' .._l"T~ ncm u.u., ... ~~ ~ l!;lt;)\!CJS ta:r....oa.. .. aATE AT U"8;T t<Utlll', J!Av:E C£l:ll $JlUl) lllt • S£Mil>ll•~ Tll[ ~ ~tt T.._.,.. 7ERM$ iG4J ~-Y!.~-t ;::v:;T ~ !'J ~ _J ~ ST&tOIDIT ~ Q1' M" 50Ul'!9r t l:lalncr.i -..____ ..,!___ _--'----~;.___;:....__ _ _ _ __ , /' J 3~ .;'j ..J - ~ ... L • _,...S!..?3 SA"""AA1:1;Nra, ca; iCCRt.JA ~ZNA..,CIS£ I! T<>'T~ ._cs .olO\J!'IT ii ,. u~ ~-EXA~-c-o~~~~~-+-~~..,--~..__~-:--~!~--::-1~~--..,JJ~ - ~ ~. ~CH CT~ TEXACO -- J I :fl ;i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____,~;.! : l':.!t!RE=-CH=~l5T=-.:: : C=====-.....--="'--T----fl----'-----;---:-:---;,l--!I t ~ ..... l 47 T .E Q , E ~ ~ CUJ' PA!D OR W1u. IE f ;i. Oii ll0'1m T!!E OIE QaTE T11£1ti4lF I I'll.YA i l .s Q1Vlfl _ . t .¥ r..lTEJIEfT OF ,:dlell~ I ~S I SOLD'"" ~CM::n.e:~-~~~-"""---'~___,::__=-.;.,;.~~~~~.;_ ~~~--=--=--~~~__;~!:......:..~~~~~~~~ Q Y:S TEXACO SERVlC~ z~..._oeATI !?!VOjS'I '. SOLD BY& DlAL 5 -951~ _T _ "'="' Tu, ~?()~bit AU. ~lSt T ·t ~Ell Sile tit " ~l!CTJ . I. ~ ~~ .\1 TKf U"l nD PAID Ill ~. IE~<Mlotl~ T s .! ;£ AAT! TltP?JIF / SOLDB"f: > TERMS I I· '- YA!'..! ..It~ DfS. L'Pft ~ l)/Y ~- r l'GllCMASO ST.1:1~ I' 50Ll>TO=- C9DPCIJD~•i..__~..?Si:....;.:~-::.....~.r---'.::.:................;;o;~..:;;;....~-:...~~ ... ... - I i ij nmr mmss ~Tt $A'--RAM£R10 ,. cAtU::OAAlA _sI"T~ ·• dn ~~r~ .. rR ~ttJI !ffllf:l*. ltl 41 TUt: ~ l!D.£1:1', P 18 al -.t. ~-~ DATE: RAV£ £tt!I 8Ef';\l Tft~W'tt~ ~ i t I ~t: ~ ~9Yt etrnmn: a:~ a!l!TI l!i'eli im;::s1l"I 1111-T ST&~ !IS - tiiiij\ nbPL.w::AT.: tNYOq -----~ -IMl!t- -~~~~~.-.;..~-'-.-.....,--~~~--~~~-··'tQZ~~~c~L~I~R~L,__.v~·~s~TH~~~~~~t~';~()--S...,.~+P~-c"""8~~ VIAL 5-~'-;..:f ~- u.><C oa l'fl~-tts .-T lro>f:nl. Tl!E CA H: UR:Ct II c.:.E!lF. ~VE ~ PJlll) f::l!.L OI IUCIU Iii: l'l:C> nrt: OOE oa1'S ~ TE-::tMS ,~ CO It.£ '! ~'!4-T X1'C::T O!S~s r.lllDIOT "Vlt::>oASES .....,. . tf 1700 J AY S TRE:ET PHONE 2-388 t Fede?"e.l P.oti rve Bank cTf San Francise<J 1006 14th St . S-aCr&l::e.!l"tt>. Cal i f' . PROO 'I' 0-ATE '( 2 9 J!'Ouo 9,0 3 5 ~ i ~ 11 I ! CHARG£S DAT£ BAJ..ANC£ .J - .:J .:.? ~. P.ARD'11AR£ FARM IMP EMENTS CROCKERY an;i DlSHES TOOLS and cun.ERY IRON end srEEL HOUSEHOLD lr1ENSIL5 PA.lNTS a"4. VARNLSH£S PIPE and FilT1NCS GARDEN 1001..S El...ECT?JCA.!. ~ BLACKSMITH CXlAL TRACTORS · HARVES1Et5 ncnE F. 17th and J STREETS Federal AeS~rve Barur of San Fre.ncis ·~o 1006 Ht~ St . Saora::i.en-to • Calif' . Yew:· CWtr Obr hwoicc No. SACRAMENTO, CALJPOIU.UA 5 - 29 ... o/o 90S6 Ten• 6 \ l.,· _ ZOO o~ I F e . . 27 ~pt t t l . 6l Ma l l 12100 l :00 13() 0 00 30 l~tOO 1 00 fH 0 t30 ic ;oo l;OO 5ttm 0 tOO l :OO 5I' 0 ; ':>O 12:00 laoo {H' 0 l~soo ltOO e100 i Os~ f ' ~30 ( ;..,Q l :JO in11t.1 o rt1m 3 1.nut O'V 111 0 ·~o l30 4~:.10 l lOO ~100 6 00 ) llOUl"CJ GYD t.fOO :.fay l-1, 1942 Mr. A. J'. Reid, Field Representative, Federal Reserve Bank of San Fra~~r Evacuee Property Department, l008-l4th Street, Saoramento, Califoroia. Dear Sir e among t be men i n your Assistant Cashier. Enclosure . l 0 1.o 1 lf> oll. Jn 21 b .. v n()yo1· , ;e.4'clOll t() l'fO 1a l-1.l Tr n r l oto:rt1 \J truck ror le 0 QO u !O .. ed n ' ol ' , ., • 10 no r i - ;) •0. l ., .,.. f 17 l ] . ·m •, J?? o - it.. ·oo fiu 1 • 1t v 1 e, ,, t 11'" ll y to ok n r' ,, 9 r •j .~o l e 0 "o l"." 0 Jll' 'l" I lJ;r I l'" t .. !1 0 t r•t 1 't'o . 11 1 ft To Jl Ol r .. ( 4: r B , :r 'T.ll k ntll t uolc' e11 11 ,., ., lo !l 0 OA n (') 1•0 n (l. t .. (') )f' t. ln T 17 ' ev olo •n . ' .. •p u ,,or.• . "1 ~!,1 1 315 ,on ·~ 1 ;.t't t. 0 IJ t r l .1 I ' 0 ,. ~ r " • I ~1 l ,. , u J t•• l t t ' too ,• n tn l , 1 1' I t'o "ll, vrole t 0 ·· l 1' 1. .. . 1 I 1oa ,, To 11, !l F 01".!l"\ ··.l. 1' j 1 l l 1' J ' I; l • ,, . ' ""o .11 ... - t J To 101 . I ~. l lCJ e tll" I " 0 . l 0 l i.1 > < 11 l Qf,. r ftl ] i 0 ·ist': ·Ill lor .11 ' l ti I B 'r 1 1"'4 l, 'l'o U.Lp. 1. ti t-r e . r ll I --c. t:; j l ~ I 0 1 " YM l 1y: .o t 1'I l r 1 J 11 T nu l 0 0 ll ~ 111 . ·>1P l 3.7 "7 vrol '1100·11 ,'x a JH'.l l 7 0 11~J1 r. 19 l (') . t nt 1 1~8 tic .fc52 .Au o.mob1l 1 l Dodg ee nn to l or 850.00. I W.., I Q I t.t • I ~ . ' - ~ (}t,.. .II. ? ,,,.i__...~ ~--¥.Af' / ... ) ~ ·~ "7 ··" f , ........ Ha 0 ~ltioram.e t O tio Oontacted 520 /Cl 1 s 0 l!. u o .obll .VA.n o o buy Qar - about ioo.oo rnnll f i:den t1• otor Donald D nsou 193'1 T 11th n e Aornr nto, o 11 orni · T l p one 2• 711 ltr1. :E lf F. ·tatt. D. or(;llnento, Cnl1torrd.a Talevl ne ',-4711 783 nlted States E116inc r•s Ot1'1o · Pl nn ~nd ..A uip rtt Div. 1.1gh th end J, St ota Snora.mento,. Oolitorna 1 l 1 0 orn!n 2 3 D 1 t 1 ll orn to • I.or f l:i l I) ., l 1111 1u1 , ... "1\ 1' 1 ... '• n \J r a 1 r 1o 'f" r -• !) ..... l n · 1\t. • 1.rt. f. 11 u t'fl i .t .t n qu 1, OJI .• p l ' • '"r·, • p 0 ~ () D l Co. J on . ' , --01 ....... 'r huy -. H' 5 0 s Apr;l. 29• l Osor lll1 nto ot'tio '40 bil u (). co or 2 on ~41 o l1tcrn1a tr ct.or ont nt Truo rm 481 Truok iu pmon ~ ;:i- Pr~!" .. / l ra Ch vrol t ton platrorm. t Harry :r ~oger Route 2, · Box 202 Woo1.Uand • O ltf ornio. ANKOFSAN TA'fl Cl CO Feoerol R serv~ Bank of San Freno1s~n, ta al Agent of th.e Uui tod States, Evaouea Property Depar ment. ~IST QX' __ BUSINES~l!ls ~w PROfl[~'£IES FOR SALE. LEASl!J a......B!HX.. .AND MAl!AG':M~ AND OP.EQ.RTUNITIES WAN'l11!2. gUSlNE~$ N OR PEUSON TO 8E (~ON'l'AC'!'Jlill PROPEnT~ 11 oery Has lease ontraot. Wants to sell. BaysUie ry 20405 Meel<J.arid .Avenue HayWard , Os l i f. " Has pip~ and lumber nn his property f r sale. Hayward N'ul' sery On. 2030l Meekland Avenue Ha)".rnrd, Ol!li.f. ii 'N'ant o menager to han1\le :1rop rty. Oi i c h.i "Yoshioka 2.5059 Soto Road Hayward, Cel.1.f . " 1/fants to put property t. nder Powor of Attorney Ashland Nur sox y 1.537 l6.5th .A.venue San .L ,_ al if. " Wan.ts manager to handl Yoshimitsu Kuramoto II prope·rty. D~esn ' t 701 lCent want to sell but Suito Nobuko wtll leas • (Paoifir Hoi bts N recry) ~an tr Avenu~ San Loandrn, Calif. Leandrn, Oa!ir. W.L ll sell 0r leaso their ifAtsui Oompany p:·operty. 1\126 23rd Avem.i.e ')~\klQnd, Cali • II Wunte Ito lease or sell. Hil',,e1'11 Ta · euta 460 105t.b Avenue ()alrJ_ end, Calif . II Ne de IUnagem nt. Mer~' CJavagliA 198C G.rcenwLcll S · " San .ranc1s o 1 Calif . ,. ,, II 011erote$ nuruel'y-. Wt 11 sell. Wl!nts t'> aot up mnnageoe n t under Powe.r of Charl~e Nasatoishi Old Oc', n ty !lnad BelmC'lnt , Calif. Mount l ld en Nul' so ry Co. Box 84 Attorney Mount E tl1 en, Oalif . W111 leEl ae. Sumi ye A·•aoh.i P, O. Bo:x. 40, Redwood C~ y, Oalif. P G l. .l!'ederaJ1 Resel'VO Bank of Sen Frari oie co 1 ll'i~oal Agent of tile States, lilvQoueo Propor ty Department. L!ST J.,~Ao.IJ; ' ~US6Nl!J§S or BUS!NESSES AN~.PBOPID!ilJES FOE SALE, pN':r ' A@ !:!AtfAG"W 'JtNT ~TVNITIES WAN'11E'D OR PROPERTY Nursery March 27, 1942 • .,!'{rE OF INQUta1 Sell. laoso or menage- men t. PERSON 'I'O ..M_OONTACXED Wi 11 iem Okamoto 2, Box. 442 Rt~ Mountain View, Calif. " J~aundry WAnts enmeone to manage and ear e ! or nursery. Wants n per at i ng agent. Tak;o.shi Shibuya Rt. Z, Box 406 Mountain View, Calif , Ashby LAundry Shattu k · Av nue Bel'kelsy, Oalif . II Wants to se l.l. Uni ve1·si ty Laundry 2530 Shattuck Avenue Berkeley, Colif . " Wents management Nipp n Laundry 2034 Addison Street Berkeley, Calif. JI Wants laund.ry to lease L. W. Block and OJ)orato. ,, It 1061 Hubert Road Oakla.nd, Calif. Wants to sell or trade property . Wants to sell, lease or someone laundry. hav~ Wants nr man~ee Lawrence Bourke 5973 Canning · Oakle nd, Calif. .Asahi r.aundry 1401 Scott Street San F.rancisco , Calif . to sell, lease have snmeone ltlenage Mercury Laundry laundry. 527-29 Turk Street Sen Franclsco, Calif . " Wants management for laundry . Pine Street Laundry 1t Wents to sell 'bllstness Tesu(') Yamoto and e q_uipmen.t. ye a.r 1 oas • 1581 P st Street San Francisco, Calif. ti }[as 4 Will lease or sell Navy Lsundl'y. 232.5 Pine Street San Franc1 so o , alif. George Yam.a saki 411 Yark S reet Vall jn, Calif. Page 2 Federal Resarvo Bank nf San Franoi son 1 Fiscal Acent of the Urited Sates , Eva~uee Maroh 27, 1942 . Property Department . Ll;ST O:f BlJSIN"ESSES A@ j'ROPll!BTIF!.§.., FO'R SAb,JL. Lll!t\SE • BEN'r , Nill MANA .EMEN'r.' AfID OPFORTUNrr:r;Es WANTED lWSINESS OR PitOPER'i:! TYPE OF ll[O.U!RY f'ER.'J01LTO BJ!~ CON'JiAOTED Wonts to sell equipment . Arthur Dyeinr:; a: Olsaninr, Cleaners ! Dyers 3935 Pietlmortt Avenue Oakland , Oal if. fl II Wants to lease Japanese busineso . I. A, Gimov 448 4 3rd Streo t Oakland , Cal if .. Wan s to sell . " " " ,'/e.nts mnnagex to run business.. Mey- be interestea in sale . It II A. B. Claanera 1714 Hayes Street San Franois o , Colif . Eastern leaners 1415 Ellis Street San Francisco, Calif , ~ants to sell business and equipment , Mrs. Haru Oishifu Frank Matsumoto 361} Sacramento St . ~an Francisr.o , Calif . 1J80 Turk Street San Francisco , Calif , II II Wants me.nagome nt fnr the business. rt " Wan s to sell equipme n t . Yaichi Miailida Toro Dyeing & Clean . Co, 841:l Cole Street San Franoisc0 , II ~ alif . ishes to sell business . Re-New Cleaners & Dyers 2215 Irvi ne Street San Francisco , Calif . " Dakery Barber Shop ti Wants to sell businos s . Uptown Cleaners 5923 Geory Street San Francisco , Calif . nould to sell his equipment . N. •rakeda Wants to shop . S. Gibson 1503 Ellis Street San Franci~r-o , Calif . uy be rber 1608 LaBunn Street San Francisoo , Calif . Page 3. Federal Reserv Eank of San Frano1soo , Fiscel A.sent c_1f tJte Uni tod States , E1/ac 11ee Property Dapar metJt , March 27 , 1942. I;.I§!_OF. IDI~ll'!ff.~~Ef:l A.NJl..,l:B.9.~!3!1~tQB. ~JJ..L. llli.$1NESS OH PROP.;.:iart Dr g Store ~~..QF lNOfilllY Hae drug store and furnishing~ Beauty Shop .P¥,..R_?_9N TQ_]E 00 ITACT@ for sale. For lease or manag merit 'Pel lw0 Inhij imn l~.l6 Geary $trcot San Francisro , Oalif . 01:1 ~ • Suy hirn 2943 Pino Stroot Al San Dry Good Store Wants manager for business . " II ~rancisco , Calif . Atow Mntouoka n. 5 97 Gr e.nt Avenue San Francis 0 1 Calif. ,, Wants to sell. Endo ' s S oro(T . 03nwa) 31.5 Gront Avenue San Fr a ncisco , rau f. " Business for lease. Pectfic Dry Goods Co . ti 434-440 Grant · Avenue Sl\n Francioco I Coll r. Wanta to sell .. Karl Stull 1.5 Stockton Street San Francisco , Calif, G!ft Sh"P Wants to sell lease. Yuj iro Kajlwara ( Kimone House ) 1522 Sen Pablo Avenue Oakland , Ca if . ,, Wants ti') manage novelty Jovel ty Sh.o_p ~r gift shnp. Wants to pu.rcbase novelty business . ll ,, Wants to sell tn best ·advantage . Leona D rAlmada 64-5 St,,~kton Stree San Frencisco , Calif . N, H. Glass 167 O' Farrcll·Street San Francisco , alif . Minamoto Trading Co . 46} Bush Stroet Sflrt Franoisc , Calif . ll'lorista to dispose of trade fix.tuxes . W~nts Roy T. Kaneko 1109 St.annaee Avenue Albany , Calif. Aines Wants to lease 1tlinea in New Mexic.o t<.> eyac uees , Mr, A. c. Bohrnstedt ?' Eureka Street Pasadena , Calif . Federal Re serve Bank ot' San Frano1aoo , Flaoal }.u1•oh 27 , 1942. of the United Steteo 1 Evacuee Property DapaJ• tment , Ag~nt LIST. or BUSIN'.ESSE§. ANP PROPERTIES FOR SALE I l'ERSON TO BE CONTACTED !JU§INES.1$ OEi PROPERTY Liquor Store I Wants to buy c i ther a retatl or wholesale liquor store . .rohn P. Summer 65 ... 4th Street· San Franciaoo, ellf. Mercantile Wants any m<aroanti).a business Louis Freed Opt1 ,al Stores Wanta Dornthy T. Wehara 3043 Summit S reet Oak1and , Galir. o se 11 three stn.res. ,atering Business Fertilizer ~ants to se 11 San Fran<' is n business and equipmen • ants m nager fnr business. Lunch Rocm Would 1 ike to sell bus iness . Restaurant 'f lants Grocery Store Wants to sell store , 2021 Broadway Oakland, Cal if. H. K. Cyo Con ehtraticn Camn Mon tuna • Sun Fertilizer Co . 406S E. Bandini Blvd . Los AnBeles, Calif . I,oui e Okamoto 601 McAllistor Street San Francisco, Calif. o sell ' reotaurent Ayako Ono and e quipment . 1354 Gront Avenue San Francisco, Calif. merchandise end equip1nent. to sell bunineas. George Nobo,r l l.:5 4.3 Marko t St reo t Oakland , Calif. Menlo Fruit Market 1189 El Camino Menlo Pork, Calif . Fr 1 t Mark:et Ylant~ Newspaper lfJants to sell. 1. Kusumino 461 Bush Street San Fran ison , Calif. Hotels Operates hotels and apartments in Japanese distri t and would like to take others varated . Fireman Realtr Co. 949 Fillmore Street San Fran iscc, Calif. ould like to leas property at a later George Mo1·ino 1806 Sutter Street II date. San Francisco , Calif . Pl g• s. Mar h 2 7 , 19 4 2 • FederaJ Reserve Bahk of San Francisro, Fiscal Ar.le nt Of the Uni tad States , Evacuee Property Departmen • !J:ST OF BUSI iESSI£§..AND ?FOPE~TIJ!JS FOR S.AI.iE, ~ASE I REW!' AND h~NAGJillll.EN'l' .Arlli O.t't:OR'fll1UTIES V'A.i~T""';Q BUS£NE86 OR PROEER~l Hot el TYPE OF INSUlRY Wants to oc.:qulrre ho t. ol properties . ~R80N '.l10 BE OONTAC11ED Frank B. Bon nott U. s. !~ at ' 1 Dank Bld13. Bro dway at 2nd San Di so , Celi! . Business P~operty Wants o buy or leese Jupo.nese AJ.i n G. H• .Arkol i en Livincston, Calif~ propertles, " " It Noods soneone to menaGe propertieB. Er ilJ" I oto Kimura Interested in leasing properties . Y. fl. Porks 491 Cresen 1855 IJo('.una Street San Froncis c o , Calif. P , O. Box. 12 Oakland , Calif. Vlants to manage, sell or leosc properties Louis J . · Pfau , Jr. Caldwell , Banker & Co~ Los Angeles, Calif. H. '11 • Shep u rd Real y Residences Oen rent or leoae Japanese properties. Busineos Properties In ere sted in lee se or purchase of business properties . '.'hitc end Pollard Bank nf ·Commerce Bldg . Oakland , Calif . Has 193 7 Plymouth for sale . Marie Momura 1122 Colle e Avenue " Wants to dispos automobile, .frs . Hildecard Kuehlem 101 Martin Place oan Bruno , Calif. II Vlould 1 ike to buy an 8 U tOl.10 bile . Business Property Res1.dencos Bus neos Properties A tomobi le ti for evacuees . of Has 1932 Buick for sale . Co , 2594 Sutter Stroe San Francis<"" , CAliL Al ameda , Calif . Ton Dt:i nni son 65 Cora Street Sen Francisco, Calif . Tokuji IIodani 1714 Flllmore·Strcet San Francisco, Calif , !'age 6. ch 27 , 1942. Federal Reserve Bank of San Branclsoo, Fiscal Agent of the UnitQd States , Evacuee Property Department. ~SE , ,HEN'.li , AND clAN.AOE?gNT, Am;? oPPQBTUNrrr:r s 'tAl'!'l ED 1 li'UH ITTJRE & FIXTtJRES ,, TYPE OF INQUIRY ,_,c L.I Mrs . No Will b~y household equipment & appliances M. S h\1artz 1233 DLvi~~~Gr~ Streat Wants to sell household coods ' 'I'alra 1921 Fillmoro ·Streot San Francisco, Calif San isoo, c. olit'. Omori. .5923 C~Rr' Street San Fra cis o , Calif. Wants to dispose of rurni ture Den t1o.r l yama 384 l Ln Ayonue ~ants if. S . !1U we Conpany ~o sell office aen Fra oisco. Calif. 210 Cali ra1·11ia Street San Francisco, OaLif. Hos rus store & furnishings for sale Toll wo 1 ahi j i ma ii Nants to dispose of furni tu1·e Gen . Sa shi Fujihogo 1873 Su er Street San Fran Lsco, Oolif. " '/ante to buy gos stove •,ii th trash burner Tom Denni e::on :i:RY &: 1.!i:iUIPilfENT TO 13E CONTACTED Vfants to soll furniture equipi:i.e nt. ~ PERSON 1 Wants to dispose of catering equipment 1416 Geel"y Stroet San Fran tso o, Calif. 6.5 Cora Stx:·ee t San Franclnco , Colif . H. I' . 0 e Concent1 ti.on Ccnp l ontona It :·,'allts to sell oquipment. Yoshi Zlll a Union 1 undry Company 2510 F itblJ rt Stl'eet Oakland , Calif . If ants to buy small boat Verne C. 'filson Bax 98 Wan s to buy small P . A. "Hi.ee1er )00 Stockton Street San Fren isco, dslif . ti "cat 0 t r actor Pacific Grove , Calif . Pase ? • Federal Reserve Bank o1' San Franc is o, lsoel A~ent of the United States , evacuee Property Department . March 27 , 19 42 T.TS'T1 O'Ji' BUS N:h:SSES AND PIWPERTIE$ _FOR , ALE . ~.....,.__..,..._ t&SE MACHINERY ~ ~0,U IPMENT II I . -~ RENT' A®~ tMNAGEMEN'£ AND OPPORTUNl TtES WANTED TYPE OF IN Q,UIR~ Wants to buy ~ hemi oal or food plant equi pt, PERSON TO BE CONTACTED B, M. Pilhaotly , 1033 Morohant.s Exohanea Blus. San Francisco , Calif . II " Wants to buy troctor & implements Del hln Pichon 5?0 3.5th Avenue Son Fra nci sco , Culif . Vonts to buy laundry equ ipt. Laundry 11qu i pracn t 1'5) ~ddy Street ','i'ants to sell nevis ... J. K.us1.u,1ino Snc Franciaco , Calif . paper 8quipt . " II o. Equipt. ror d1o~csal "/ants to sell f.iahin g ne 461 Buch Street ~an Fr ncioco , CAlif. f lcenway Cleaners 2840 California S • San Francisco , Calif . Ben M. IohiyF.tsu 1876 Bush Stree San Francisco , Calif . " "ants to buy Launory &. clea ni ng equipt . Dan Honig " Optometrists equipt. for sale Tokuj i Hadani fl Office equipt . for clisponel Eugenia Fuji a, f. D. 18 77 Suttor Street San Franc i sco , Calif , n rants to buy hotel cquipt .. Dohrmann Hotel S p,lY Co . 1844 Oeary Streot San Fronclsco , Calif . 1714 Fillmore·Streot San Franc 1sco , al if . 972 -?7 6 ~i s Si 0 n st I San Fr ncieco , Calif . e RESIDE.ICES ~onts to pro 1c rty dispo~e . of Li S"' Ho tsume Kosal·ai 1.59 13th Street Pacific Grove, Collf . Paae 8. toroll 27 , 1942 Fed ral I~eserve Ba nk of Sun llrancl soo , Fi scll l Acent of the United Sta tos , r. . vaoua · Property Department . LI 0 T OF DUSI~·.EBS.c.S A :n 1'} Q_~iCT}ES FOR . SALE I lEASE, REN'.r I .ANP MAlMGBI.OfillT M.D OPJ?OHTU1!I'.l1tDS WANTEP; 'l'YP:S Oll' I~t.afil': ~-ES ID FJNC ES " Wants to dispose of 5-l'n house . II WAnt s to bqy sm~ll hOlll() Uro . Hildetal'd KuehlQm 181 Mertin Pl(ICO San Bruno , Celtf . Mrs . T. R. Upton 525 CAlifornla Street Sap FrAncisoo , Calif . fl Hns 7-l'm house & 4-rm house for lease II Has hou oe at ad rems ci ven o rent Tokuj i Hodon1. Oeorc~e · Sal 1714 Fillmora·Streot San Francisco , Calif . i 1627 Post St. Sen Francisco , Calif , Chiyo Norrnka " ~'as II Jes house furnished to rerit on leose or SEtle Fred II Hos property to lease Hlrar.iosu .1atsueclo 4o29 Ocary Blvd. lower floor to rcn t 2020 81 sh Street San Froncisoo , Calif . s. ? ayer 2064 Beech Streot Son Fr onci, co , Calif . San Francisco , Calif . If " Has propE:ll"~Y t o dispos(!) of l unlo Hiroshhta ,.','ants to b U,j' home in San J, Elrod 10.59 Plymo tn·Avenue ~"'rancisco ti \az;ts to dispose of property 11 Wan't s to buy or r ent small house Hos ( .5 - rni ) 8-rm house to lease 2020 Pine Street San Francisco , Calif . San Froncisoo , Calif . Fred Christophel 4349 20th Street San Francisco , Calif . Joseph Chew 814 fission Street San Francisco , Calif . Marie Nomura 1122 College Jvenue Alameda, Callf , Page 9. ~ederal Reserve Bah~ orch27 , 1942 of Sen Francis o , Fi scol of the Uni ~Gd 8 tat.e. , Eveouee Propor y Dep rtmGnt. LIS'l1 0111 BVSDIJBSSJilG AND PB.OllFTlES FOR SAI:E I tiB.:ASL_ grq T 1 .{\.!fil MAKA<Hllm!,'LJ.fil?. Ol:P.QB.TIJ'Nl'I1 HJ§ ','AN'l1ED R ~SIDENCtl:$ TYP:E O 1· Il C'..U ill, 6-:rm I o11ae Pl'~RS ON rro ' Mr. F. rr. COr'l ACTED & ll l i VO n " HEHJ one hear SBcremento Box L87 DD sin , 'lf:ror.ii n( II Has 6-rm llo se to ooll Irr•· . A. rhtli J~ borrJ ll G) LE1\lrel Street n i·.:el11y ' nli.f . Hes pro ier '! for sale or rent Georro eskA.ya a 2 7J3 01· rit S reot. o tr ad for Derk~l~y, II Would liko to rtJnt h() uae t'or ,,}O 5 or 6 ··r111 Cellf . Batt l es M.rG . Den E. 1641 Alea r11z Streo · Berkeley, Cnli r. II Has pro party i;o di epose of at add re e:s of owne r Mi•'S Hisako " Owns h"me &. lot in Sen Jose K lly Yomada 2611 T<Jlocraph AV'enue Ooklend 1 Calif . II Owns home in Oakla nd kagi 2319 4th Street Berkele:r , Cali f. Shoza FrAnk Ba be 327 6tlt S reet Oakland , Cali f. " " 't an ta to rent b ouse in Tclograp h- Russ1.a n Hill area. Thomes W. Forr.e t .5814 Nottingham Drive Oakland , C" llf . Hae house to r nt Hana to Onishi 682 30 h S reet Oaklo nd, Cali f. fl /ants to rent 4 or 5-rnhouse , ox Berkeley l~r.18r yv ill~ Mrs • .Fronlr Krozc k 622 Carls on Avenue , C li!' . ,'ia11ts to dispose of pro. or L:r at add r ess c ivon i :rs . H. oeppe n 3 409 J:ol is Street Oakla ml , allf . Pase 10. e Federol Roeerve Dan~ of San Francisco , Fiscal Acent of the United State~, Evacuee Property Deportment . T. T'"'T OF BUSI~E5SE;3_ ~re1roh All) PgOP RTIES FOn 2? , l ')42 . SA~ , lEIAS.C.. RENl' I Al--] I.M:PAGl!lMENT AND OPPOR'.£m\ :1riliJS VJf!Nir:F-42 Fl•~l 80N TO BE_QQl'lTACTEQ TYJ?Jl;;. Oll' INQUinY Rl!.SIDENCE.§ II tents to lease or sell dvelling ~1th laundry :Anall.i Launlry 1401. Soott Stroot Ssn ]'r~noiaoo, Colif . rt Has house and lot. for sale or leeec Mrs . Htdono,ri Arima " HE1 s dwollinc at 1.53 2 Post St , fo1· rent Has propert: o dis DSC oC Wants to leoae fla s or apartments " r1 Has apnrtment house to 1G06 Goory Street ~on Francisco , Colif . akao , 'l'okooh1 Tit. 1 , Box 90 7 Sor. Jo ac , Cnl 1.f. ;,11 lliam Ynmaza .. i 2.5ll0 Jur ir.t Avonuo B rl~ olo~,r , Cf1lJf. Y . H. P1rk 491 Crescent P... o. Box: 12 Oalcland , Cal if. Jfebs er A artments dis po so of 1416 1obster Street San Francisco , Calif . Has four fla s to dispose or Shizue Tamura 2055 Bush Stroet Sen Frenoioco , Calif. ti Has rooming touso to lease Tamaki ? inoru 1622 Buohanan·Stroet Son Fr~noicco , Calif . Intel'es tcd in nanacing Ca thor i no Gundran 1548 ''!ebstar Streot San Fxancisco, Colif . Xntereoto Firorn~n B~olty property ,, a par tr.m n t in operatinb f:l Co . 94? Filnoro utroet Sen Francisco , Calif . If two flats and bungalow to dispose of ~~s C.h.arl .:: LI I\.11.rnoca 121 Carolina Gtroet Vallojo , California P£ige. l l. .. r.111 r o h 2 7 , l ~ 4 2 FedcrnJ Reoervc Bnnk of Sa Fl' n noi roo 1 Fiscol .Ac~nt of ~he u i eu svLe:J , li.vaow3e Pro~~u·ty Depell1 trtont . o".- ,. .- t ;~ 1. 1 ~n,.... •"l•C• , c fl·:rD PP(')v·~·1 A.It:~ 1 ·~;.e·!J:!J:,.~·~-=..:-.l-. :__ _rns _ _Fo~ _n'.!P lW AGW:ll.2.-Afil.. OP.PQicTU IITJ.ES \'.'ANTED '.I'YPE OF' JNQHIEf{ Mr . Otha J!'erJ.oy 135 Acord Strl)et Au rn , Cellf . " :/ants posit lo " Hon ts to buy conno<'I good a Mr . Henry ,':olff Ilrio Junrnc·o Food 3tuffl"-l to d l:.; l'lO. or r ·u unl Su 1ply Con iny Ilur 500 cnsen of t3ulc1 for oale FrL!ldCi S . Su~~flflt:lld .'/i u1 a to se.l L ndr·m , , ~ ·. ~L~olrotl .133 21st• t ct 3• 1 lranaLsco , Collf . of bu~ineso or gro e r:y ,, II " 1 trustee hous0 , meat PERRO I rpo.Jill_GO ·:T£CT!m l , 11J 1 ' 1 fixtures 4 coocto . l!1 .t'AZ8l' &: Co.1pany , Inc . 301 OJoy S1..reet San Fre~cisoo 1 Colif , 44.i Snnsone 3 rco Sa1 ]'rni1cteco , Cc.J.U' , 72 Sacra;J0nto ·Street Son Francieco o. C1llf , .,J " \' anto to b 'I Cti ine r;e coollG . 'l': e /unori r.;•tn r~ q.JOl t Co. 62-}"'\.rot. St1 eet S n I!'rt1!1Cluco , Culif . II Inter ot~a in managing evacuee busi nesees Albor t 13aer . :e rco11 . le Co. 5?3 Miasion S roet San Frnncioco, rllf. FA R:.18 , oRcn'"'RD s MiD RA CH,i:;S ~1erm or ronc h Sheep farm Small fnrm Char los w. Morris 926 Kane Street Purchase , lease or take over on share bests Japanese f'arm or ran h A bany , C l if . Hent or manage sheep ran h ~ H1tl1 or 1ithout stook.. 'e1adF.l Ho el Le~se or buy small farm Jake Erberfo ld , Antioch , Calif . G. K . KAhn 1452 Scenic Avenue 8el'keloy , Farm or graz i ng lnnd Leaae or le-se with o tion to purcha:.;e , farm or crazinc; R. C. al if . Cnrmic~eel 3i{. Dend , Calif . lunrl Pace 12 . Fed oral Reserv() Dan!· of Snn Fronoi ooo Fiscal. Ar.;ont of the Un.f. tod Stotou, Evoouee Property l.tBl'Ch 27, 1942 De~artnent . ARr rs' ORCHARDO _ .&:m RANCHES ti rm Vlo ltl like to obtain ovnouoc R. H. Dir ,ina In tHrcsted in r ntal of v 1 no yard or f.ru1 t ore hara. Y " G. Mo\troclian Ha:lc L'.fll\orian Rt . l; Bo:< 625 form properties for oporotion 10 Hilloldo Circle or purohacie Bt.u•Jinecillle , Cnllf . Fruit Orchard or Vineyard. Coro3 , Califotnia Intoror tud in r ntinC home wi h truck a rden Dla~ond Rench (t;nrden Would li}.c to loose or operate c:.arden lands near 3239 lands ) Farm. (' sporn{.,us) Ranch ( ~ld. oken ) Orot1nrd (b · rry ) R, Juckooh Avenue a~ord McK~nzi l!.,rcano , Calif. Wants to leF.i~m a.J.l alien as nraru c ln nd a.round Soorlrnento Delta District r~tionol DcsJres J o buy or lcnse o\·ned ct i cken ranch n vicinit• of Lone Bouch pane~rn \'lonLa noneonc to ront his small b ry ronch fol' the Celi:. ~nrincn , FreLJnn duri:1tion L • G• I/! i n.r, Pucling Co. Isle on , CfJl if , J" E. Jonas 65}7 GovLota Avon1c Lo nc; Ben c)l 1 Cnl l f • ·Hoy Oka om ro 1 t • 1 , Box 319 · Mou ntn 1. Vie 1:1 , C·iJ.i f. Form 0 no 40 ocros of farm lnnd Can he lt,oDe it? I! n'y·l'Lyo·-1urn Rt . 2 , So~t 4) .5 ?.lountnln Vie\11 Calif. Forms In ero ...... Pd in lo1J sinr, .r rl'l proportieu Y, I. Pi:rl~a 4'Jl Crescc1 t .St. . p . 0 • cl 01. 12 Oak l and , 011lif , F'arm ~ants so eons to property K. P. (lease) (vegetable) ~ J'oh:i .F! . I inclony · Farm ( tr1.lok gr !'den ) Ranch ( hicken) mana~e to sell or got smncone to mane e cticken ranch Wants Yoohif\~j i o. Boicl8.5 Pesoadero , Calif. K. i rakamura Rt. 4 , Bm: 94 Dorothy Petaluma , Colif . Page l~,. March 27, 1942 Federal Resetve Bank of San Franr1~co, Fiscal Agent of the United States , Ev6ouee Prop~r y D~rsr ·mant. L"H;ASE..i...llEN'l~-1-fo!W ~'ARMS , ORCHARDS -~ nAllrcrms Ranch (chicken) Furr.:1 Pro11er ti s 1ANAGNMEliT. A ID OPPORT\JNITIEJS WAN'l'l!.'J2 TYPE OF n QUIR, fll:RS Ol'[ TO BE CO_'TACTE.Q Wants someone to buy or t~ke oror her chio~en tan eh Won ts to or o t sol ea ucont for r1un p l'.'O pt:i 1' ti S Anna latsuda flt. '~ , Oox 280, CnU.f . /J s Clifford Kt llru.1 P . 0 • JJox · 123 Rio VieLa , Colif . Orchard ( berry) Wan to to buy oroh01•d, bor.ry ~r ~ccotoblo faro ncor 'If , F' , H . yo:... Fu1·ra ( veg eta bl.a) 1;1U1Lny vole , Al v l so or Sau to Sou C111·los, Calif. Int Gl' ob te<l in o ing s. or Clnra • anoh Forn (artichoke) 191? Carnalito Drlv~ P. Ilcnnctt rtu1oh fJJ:'Opcrty nt:1or P'resno 2402 Llncoln Ave. Snn Die o , Calif . H'1s <?J.ients inte.rEsted in Euror Zook San Frl1nc'lsco operat1nc art lohoke land nea1· Salinas Farm (l ea"e) B'orm Ranch Want s to lea~e property loaeted out of Borkeley frmll evacuee Mr . ''/j $emen lntercs cd in lensing ;farm en sa l ary or basis Edward Hajek 1819 Eddy Stroot San E'rancisco ·Vfonts to buy ?JO or 40 1182 Market St. Francis o San oro (dairy , cl11cken ,rench trnay frorn immediate berry , fruit) Ooest ; willine to pay fair 1 rice for it . F1rm (truck) Wo1 .ld lil•e to le ac or buy four or five aoxes in Lorin Co1ntJ or outsjde ~crkelcy rcr l·uck far irtc. Pr •1'<3l'S Madef l' ay Odhner 2308 Buchanan St . Sen Fran isco Mi .,s Laure ?.!er cado 6f~6 22nd .A.vcnLte Srrn 1'ranci uoo p11 opc1·ty with bu.t ding on Lt Formlnnds (manacemunt ) ents Chinese-Al el'ican g.roup \lllr.tinc tc n\e ove:r o~rtain J o)anese for~ lends J. L. Hyman 300 ]1ontr:;Ol'1Cry SL Sin rnnolsco Pac;e 14-. ~ Federal Reserve B ,.nk b~ Snn Fri:mcl~co, Fis cul A ant of tl· o Ur11to1l St1Jt ·o , Eva ouoo Prop~l':' t:r • LEJ/13.h R ~~'l1 , lt:.11 MA ~AGE filt..t Ji.!'lP Otl:9ElTlR'll'rl i!i6 . WAJ~TEU Il' ARM...9 , ORCltARDS _ AND RANCHES Farmlands ( crops) o l ob 2 7, 1? !f.2 P;-J;PSO! TO 81!; COfTJ\O'JED to tal<:e ov-er and otire Raymond J. Durney 1 Drumm S'tiroet fox cto s ou 113 ds to bo evacuatod ~nd pe.y a reason- Sen Fr not sco able price - :farm lands ne(-lr Wa11to Stockton Fer m chloken ) Re oh Interoato<l ln d1.spou 1 poul c;ry or W(lnt13 to buy J"opano (Je fl•te Wil sey 1 Bennett Co. 331-}41 Front·st . Snn Froncinoo, Coll!'. 11 ~· . '!Ji Ll iam So1l1 lil acre chiohen ranch 3 8 Blakn r:-ti·oet Fr:1 rm ( b1..ll b end bony) IntoHrntod in buyinr; bulb F.mcl bony propert1os Son o Cruz , Ucl H .. 11' rri (truck :_a1•den ) Yeouto i: l t,o ! o Pref'or to .Le 1:JG proporty 'P , 0 • Bo:x o 7 · ttun soll. dons i.. to of 1orn ~rrirGS 1 Col if. 20 ncros or land ::rntJ an 8 -rn house . Ful ly paid for . (0 Ll C){E)n) '{ ants to &ol1 f urm in 'F' .rrn ( r-outhel'n Jdnho) F'.: rm roport i es soutleas rn o to Gan F'rAr cl. co, Cel1.f. R. O. Lincoln Lloyd C. Cnmpbell Japanern evao1100 , Ro te l · 'l'horn..,on , Itloho 'fishea to Gool'f.E:l W. Jonlca Id~l Also to dis.Pone of' form pror,1: l'ty 1 mnchlnery and i,;.. vea tock propertie~, u1•chaoe fllrnl alDO referred to Fnr .1 SC!CUl'Lty Ad ~:tinistro Ro te l Uol t, Mi cl i ,1rn tion " Orchard ( ruit or srnall ga rden) lntcroate<l p roperty i1t e1c quir ing farm J. L. L mberson Gol< Hill, Nevflda Tould like to ]'l r ohfHle small {iorden ox fruit r. a. Dov son Chemul t, Oregon orchard , Poge 1,5, • J. Crosley on UW1-e~ ---~41._,,.l • l50C - bbi.n8 • Ca.!>-i•tda rll _l&li:l:Llnuc:...1.. ,. I.t we s:1!rcml4 reec1T9 mrT ~ ~more aod_.. t_...... thia Ulf' • ~ P1okllpe . . 'Tf'V' o:ttloe. n • o 1• 1n or kl• ilsrormaticm 11 be t to . . Apt1.1 3, 1942. Sup le r1ent No. l. Fede.t•al Rosorve .Bonk of' Sall Frt tiOloco. Fl so al Aeent of the Uni tea Sta t.oo, Evacuee Property Dopo.r:tn~nt . LXSfl ~ B,YS !NESS~ A ro1 PROPERT!E FOR SAJ~EV J .. 8fm.--:MA ;An, ':ti rA:mr1w})oHTuttrT1l!ls .t-0 ID...§E: E I OUSilfi!:SS OB Pfi.O'f~m'.X aao1ty Shop II WE Of Wishes to di epoae or business & equipment Wi e~tcrn s~o ~md 01.eoner & Dyer INQ.UifiX to lease bea ty 1 livlng quurtorD optiael store V1shos to rent clqantng fix urea and e 15 yee~ old praeslng 'rm PER§ON TO 0£! CO~ Mi SS Lily Oshima 701 Bunh Street Apts. Snn Ftonciaoo , Colir. Toahi Tekeshlta 38 East i rkot St . Sallnue , Co111·. Chugoro Aoki 2100 MOflOl'l St i S•rn ]'rono ls co , Cu) .Lf. na ol1in II '111 ahec~ to aoll ar:,uip- rto nt If II Pio· 10~1t. , Qo J if . 'a sbo 3 to oquipnent \fi oh r.:c11·y Coxh e:md l~l l.b:nlcollo Avo . ~S puroh~Hlf.l DoJ~ 10 2 · Crrnoord, Colit' . to sell or leose thia C. Von ·.:nde pro~erty 1.lortc Dy<!'l •C 907 Si:ll It ti e ir G s·t , Fr·onr;isco, Cnllf . 'fnahLnf;IJOrt K yo,1 i Krneharo e<... wi pm(j nt Obt.t 1 1 ?37 Brnl.t31ll~' ~ no Dod r~o , 11/ielleo o diepo o of tv;o cleenin13 estnblit1h- " Wishes to dieposo of equipment II ~ishcs Club Hou::.; a d Ol.oon- Wishes to lco ·o or sell rncmts II £tt l~b O Frt~d U:tl\·eruity .P.nJ . Col· f. Mol' iOIHl 1923 Bush Stl .et S 'l Frn noisco, Calf, 1r:') . Swai Uyeki 2511 Irving St . Snn Fra.aoisco, Calif. to sell o~siness property and !ome P.9rry Sakada llb5-84tll .Ave. Oal<lond , Cfllif . Vlshes to soll pronerty Vallejo Street Cleanars 734Vollcjo S relilt Son Frar oi•·co , Ctilif . ·:rtsto::: c lerne buildinG Alm de Jfl Co~11..1uni ftn ·s,, Corp . t:i I Oll:J 2320 bu.01 n8 Vi..,, ta . CtJ 1 if. Al!.l.1eda, Peso 1. ,c.. ril .'3, 1942 Su p l e. ent r:o. L Foder nl Ruo crve Bem · of ;fan i s oo 1 Ftsolll '"' e:it. of Lhe Unit ed St teo , Evuouuo Property De~ ar t ment . TY'f'E ....,Ol~-1.h]..ur~c: J)US IIHi168 0,B ~ PHOl~,ti;!L.tX u lenao office Vli sl s and oqu rit-.e r;t 1.r.rry '! . Ki ~ n 20 2 ?a ,jaro St . fie l lnaB 1 0£1li i'. Drug Store '"iohes to ooll s ock Sydney tlobe 1734 Pnrk r Gt,. Berkolo ' , C J if . Resiilenco Wiahes to ·Den ·1:.:;t and fix Lure a Dav11 TI . 'L'o r; ·ell 1625 t. Buclan~n Sr• F.ri:.nci:Joo , CaU. f. F ol1ing Boats Grooory S ore Desire;:> t.o r ur ohase d eon soR fi sh lnr, bo1ts to lea ~e Oi.:1 land , .-n1 if. J L111 1J 1:1. na..,o ru JNc . l !:il;: Paci! Al-:: .·eC.t , C1:1lif . or t.o seU o Do D... ros r,i('nL '1"1c: i she s " 1... o ue1 s e L!. r r o ')() t' t y P-: l"'txt. o lwud s ·~ :; l II Gro~er., &. Butcher Shop ~1hos ii :on 1 r nz'j\'"l : u~ 7 r;'c. l ·~ : r~ .t ' v e . Ot.I~ L 1""t. , :.;., .... U • lu J'1.~ndloe f 'J1'J • • e· li'H'~ to si:J. . r l' t Jr ty o oe 11. b11 G n<J P s \' i , • s and morchondi .c ~ 1 :'01'!1 1.'lohes to r.:lcll 1 ",! 0.1 ~i .,(:l ll'd ! r '1C:!u GI.. 0L. :l rt<.1 , '.>1_ Lf . .j o': ..) (i .r1 le. ... !-'Ll :: f '",r' t Gc.c:rn ••r..rt, , C·11 · f , . it s :. r; ,, 1• n ,f k u ? ,~O :.; , ~r.i r ~:u t St . f:lll Oroct,;ry Stor·e c01'0. ".'n:.i !i li ·ton Avo. Ol ty Frel }' . Alcotl a 1J 0~ -12tn St . soll II loria Fj shine; 4 F') l•'nr !' ,,. , lor ~: shos to dl snose or p1•opcr ty WtJ~c' II F. :an' 65<.6 IJ'1S 1 ~·!if , 'l'fl!~u i. :i'lti .,£, o Ave . oei.·1:;.nd I Cl'\ ... ii' . II '/ i shas to sall propnl·ty machlnet' y 8: equipment enc mer c hand iae F'ron, 'I c1J 2601 Te l e 001.<ll.l nd I , ... Li1·a 'L '; h Ave . 1J. :f' • Anrll Fedo1·111 Hosorve an}~ or San Franoi soo, Fiscel Agent of the United Stat "1, Evaouoo Pror. or t~, Detiartt."lent. 3, 1942. Su plenent 1 o. l. L!ST OF B ~s t-.ES,J£S AND PROPER'l'IES FO({~ 1 • iAN:Ao1dl.EfT"Ifm oi5g~mr:£s· wA.w:nw LE.As:n: ,rn_Ql_II BUSINESS OR FflOPERrI'Y QU!RY 'P~RSOtJ TO BE CONTACTED GN>OEll'Y' Store Vishos to sell haltln ter~st owned t.fri s a o Ye nw. d o 4 O3 Or o ve St , Ouk l nd, CtUf , Fl sh ',fishes to loa · e 1:osumr:1 Hoyashi P. 0. 3ox 26~ l.f1:11•y-av U le, Cal j f. !tar~:e t Bee11ty Shop .''iJl\ee to 1 ~ell Hu ~.Hl kn On i zulm 1~10 E'illm.oro · st . Snn Froncluco , Ooljf , " Hotel '.',lshr·s to soll wts tt 8 to sell Al J co 5uyctltro 2 ?4} P inu BLroGt Sun Frenolaoo , ~ulif . Tomoichi 1 YaM.aselti anc.1 I<lniy j o 2 .50 !! Koy St. Ssoram nto , Cal f. Ho i, 0.1. Wi:ihes to leooc Georco Kanoko 202 N Street Bakcrofield, CoJ if .. fotel , Cafe, Dars l/:ishes to ~r . urchase Fronk B. Bonnett u. s. Net ' l Bank Dlde. Broadway at 2nd Ave. San Diego , c lif . .1 o l~el D":r Goods Wishes to sublease and sell oqu~pment ~1shes to dispose of mox chand i se Hil' onor1 Hit·osc 1,5 E . ;•: eshine;ton Stockton , Calif, Gort.rude Mayors (P ~cific Dry Goods Co .) G-Ely lord Hotel· Son Francisco , Calif. Hotels or theatre \'.' to lease or buy C11£1 rlo s ! e ff or no. n 2001 lls tcm ;:s..:r Stock.on , Calif. Hotel De!li re to sell Toslll Kato.oka 1651 PoG t, Streo San Fr nclsoo, Culif , Hotel Desires i..c sell leaoe Tat suclra n sl"ih. oto 401 South Center St. Stockton , Calif. Pace 3 . April ) , 1942 . Federul {oeorve Da rlk ai.· Sa.r1 ).l'renoisoo , Fiocel A[,ant of the United Stotoo , Evacuee P1·opo,rt y Department . ~I§T or D~S n.TEss:rm Aro Supnloment Ho . 1. PHO'P~:h'l I~~ ~'OR SALE , 1 ~MN'l1,!W j.fANAOQNTAID~QPP ·.ftJNITIES,' A 'Th)p PERSON l10 BF. Cot 'l'J\CT.ED 8USilfE§3 OR l?ROPEB:n: I CleoninG 4 TalloriAG W1shos to sell or obtain Valloy Clonner Co. E13toblishment Laundry 91.l-2nd S ·; m nagf.31' for SoorHnento , Onlif, '.':ist1es t.o oell inter·st in lt1Un(lry Wan a mf.lnacer !'or laundry II TL .:ilws " ~o tJOU busiilPDS and · woht1 ery Sul cht M.l~ror:!f1 2040 AotLby l1Vt3 . Durko.l 1 • Collf. Aol by Lcmm1ry 2070 Aoh y Ave . Ber :elciy I Coli r . I iyo:Jhi ri oahi ta 21 7 t1in Ct. . Chico, 011l lf. T. A. Billlncton 107 j Duf.lt1 St . " Snn Lo rndr y & home Laundry " ·:rLshus to sell or le oo 'l'oolllo Endo 26 s. C larc~t:>nt Wishos to sell 1'arao Hidnka 612 C'r Street I.rode t.o , Colif. \'/ishen to sell his I aro Imam re. l-.5th interost ;·:1 shes to sell la1.mdry &. eq_ ui pmen t " Fr~nclaco, ':Ii oh.a s to Cullf . San .atoo , Calif . 2530 Shattuck Ave. Berkeley , C~lif, Jantoro Kinoshita 217 Umin ot. Chico, Calif . Ur s . T. .: oznwa. ~ell 12.5? i1rcu·J)lo·Blvd . San fruncinco , Calif. " " II ~lshe~ to coll or l ens.~ .:i sh Tak·tyr.u1uei 1432 El c~·tno col Monlo Par!: , Ct lif . ~lahas to ~ell d rroper~y 1 I ~ozuo a o lease oyuipt . Union Lou.n• 1ry 2.510 FilbQrt Onkln nd, C J.i f . jJaauko Yet!lEl UC ni 46 Nor th .•3 0t . San l~teo , Colir . Pace 4 . F ede~ul Fiaoal Reserve Bank of & n lranciooo , of the Un:\.te <l r1 tatea 1 r.JI' 1.1 ~ent ll,v acuee Pr perty Depa.i· t'l\e nt. LI.$~ oF u:As~ .tNT' Supnlorno !!It I o l eu<xn Esstt. l'l lJ • 3' 1942 1~~JJ 1 ·o.. :.;. ' ·. s J:l'Oh Sr1LE ANAGl.P~ IT~' . OPPO~~· JN:[!'rni:i~~ ,.. ~~ .Ernsr: !f::.J: OF PnocER iL m!_QF I•1 undry il .Equipment Pr iperty to J:E.HJOl:....i'O B,, _oo:N'r lC ~;n ~:;.,qIHX b~ sold including 2 trucks Yost tome 24 29 0111 trornio ~; t. l~ubokawa n Francloco, c·1tr . Haa 12 greenhousos & 1~daoh i Floriot l dwelling for l ··so 2325 ...,an i'1ablo . v ·• tichrnond , Cal1 f. or Sfile II .1an ts to lease or oell II 1sh land Nurse y 1537 - lb5th AV~ . Stln L andro, Colif 4 0ontr · Costa i~u.t .,cry Gre · nhouses in Hioh.'!lond 1 onn Lenndro 50 35 0n11 vc • Veni ce 1 ~ Loa t\nge L s · ichmon , Col if. I for le'..lse or sale II Nursery· f'ot sale Fr ·1 nks ur sery 98075 Foothill Blvd. Or1kl rrnd 0 1.ll if . I H. l nynsh i Oorp . 73 6. K " 1U$8 Gts . Oak l· nd, C'llif . Has nurse ry to lease lIAs 3 acres with 2 greenhouses for leaee or sr:ile helen Honda I<.D' . L. 1467 " Hes nursery for an le Hiro j i KoviyA 1959 C1 or k / ve , . 'llo ,1.l to , Cellf . II Has II 10 22 acres \ i t.h tl'l gre1~ nhouse ml'lnage II ~~ nts someone o E'loriat .jtore 1,. acres with 11 room for sale .1.iea se far sale ~tc . K vrni i: ur sot•y Hor-td l 7 :t . F.t. 13ox l<o88 "rtichmond m n age prof?el' ty o:r dispose or it " 20 h & kiver hiohmond , Cf.lJ.U' , 1 GnliL iiarry I·:oremnts 10 800 ~des Jt . 0 !<land, Calif , a SS lleril<o fo ld n 4b.55 nall ,.1Je . h:i ctmond , C 11 if . uick •.;ansho 212 7 Uni vo aity- , ve Berkeley, Calif. ?f.le;e 5 Fe cral Reserve Bank of Sen Fran i Pco , 1 l Agent nf th.. U111ted ,JtHteu, Ev ouA fropol'ty Dapar."t ent . lfla BUL!~!LS riet lf1 OE Pt\0£ ~ Supnlem n t rsery " uuilding lou oe r~r Oroonhous e:J for a rile r le · se 8 a res, .5 i·oom hou r.e , nr r:e, or 1 2 room -> ock nd 1' lxturo s t'or s le ktuna • <!'l 110.C'I ;.:i 33 s . Or nt .:t . n Liate~ , !1! ,,; C lif, y oda ·outt;J 2 hlchm~nd , homo, b ~J rn , pumping plnnt ~lnd house f ( r leat>e It 'o . OF' J.N }Jl[Y ~ N prU 3, 194 2 Calif. OeorBe : anami 2lb26 Uesperi~n Blv d. Hoywt\rd , Cnlif. rr, . dur 111At fl U 987 5 Ff)othi 11 i31 vd. 0'.lkland, C lif. u sires to i ·aoe nr by nurs•ry in Alameda Co . .• 111 b •Y II 01· rent r etail H1rry b . 1 els<"'n G n Fran i r or Jr . H· s pr11p rty, equip- Harry {! plantn for sole 3 ores ~ houses for LclSe , snle or mr1ntl ,e•re nt er .l nhous • s~oll home for le II E'iin ger 111 n . ed for nursery H3s nur~cry t lso house Jn i S r' ,. ch 1 33 6 1 1 C ~ino ~ o~l , linH ' , C1 lif. SU ~ r! nnbe 1540 • lb4 .h ttVB . Sen Le · ndr 1 Cnl'f, 2 Green- S ecr,G of land, Collo~e , lC 3 urse r y fol' sale ti .do x 156 Del SI" Ilei htg, nursery in Euot BRy ment " ti:rr. Celia Ne L t:ln lease 1Q ~· t ft lchMond ~n1rrery 5Sl7 i'!"trero 1'\ve. 21 Cerrito, C~lif. f<ildernon Ya:: ane 14 0 3 LJ .;;itrO\- t Ha.ywa rd, Cr:ll. it'. J"lts Yan·f'l i 20301 • eekland .we . H 'f\ rd, ~nlif. Eis 1<11 Yoshida 9b2 b ..Jllnnya t de / ve . O klnnd, Calif. F cleral oaervo BenJi;. or / ltl' l1 Sn,n Fronc l .. oo 1 Flooul Anent or the United Dtutes Evocuae Proporty De1art ant. lXPE OF rnQ.UIRY Optometrh1t Wants to sell lease or st ON;) Opt1oal S ore Building , consletinc of Repair Shop S~oe R . .., .au.rant. & f~o OMi e ~. 1 " ncr Tokuj i Hed.11111. 1714 Fillrnoxie St . San Fxanoi ao , CAlif. '8 To sh! Tel-ceahi tn Business and oquipru nt f Ol.' sale Edwin lla shiolca For sole to Gr.I'man or Italian nlicn 308~ Sncremento St~ Sen Franclsoo , Colir. Al 1 n t . Krmrior Yo:::-em:1 t:. HC!t ' J Pr1rk Cnl l f .J rt i 1 For sclo tiro . G. Inoue 639 PF:I c:l f ic S Ii. San Ft• i ~co , Cu 11 f. For sole or Lollee Guy ! Iurotoni 121?-20 h St. B ti Lu . 1. CO!~TAQTED E. UE1 rlrnt St . Salinas , Callf. Hou SO t..eurant f.ERSOl; TO BJ1l t store , beauty shop , and living quarters , for leane Ontomotrist 3 1 ? 42. Suppl orion 1"01· sal ker3ficl~, Cnlif . J~r s . :·:<.,Alm Ono G.5 6 1 o a r ny Gt • Sen li'r&nolsco , Cnli.f. l oadhouse ~econdhand Store Clo hine ll'or sal o or re n·t Vic tor J . Cornageia 12 Stendr Ave11ue 1//n t,sonvi i1e , Cal if. Wants to buy E. Donnor 4258 BalI'our Ave, Oakland • Ce l if. Service S ation to le a se serv lee st.e ti an ~\'nnto Avenue Service Station 60l-2}rd Ave. , Cll li f . Sporting Goads Store · Haa sporti ne: c;ood s s era for sale Mark Bando 30 Soutl1 Iuebo San rat oo , C~1llf. vtores-rea l esta t.e Has } store::- for lease or managome nt Kikuo Endo ~nd Paul l • Su1.;:nware 1.521 Scott St; San Franoh1~0, Cfllir .. Pace ? • A ril 3 , 1?42 Sup lenont !-o. J. FEJ<leraJ. Reserve Bl!ltlk of San Frarioio o, .Fisc fl l Ar,-ant 01.' tlle tJnitad Gtat(.e , E~acuee Pxoperty Department . LI§'l' OF l3USil]iXff ~ §..Ji D_!2ROF TYPE n.tri13.X 11!.SE , HJilt:J:P.:"J. µJ~:bff•r AU§r:ESS OR PR,OfEfi'l,l 01)' I ~ITI J£9 }'()ft 8.ALE , rT ·'P.. At JPVi. B1fil] pf11:S·::A l'Jfil~130F 1l'O m: COiJ"I'J\GTfil2 Has for sublcasinG rrosl l Fut.l'lrwee J 6 ~ • ;fl r k El t, st • Sali'1os 1 Le.a o c;..trtr . rt 3.r8 01 ant for r:Jalo 1 Ave~ S~n Fr~ncisco , 2 otoreo ror leoue II C~lif. Yon eko Ii£i ';Fl k i 7}3 2 E. 14th S·t. 011klnnc1 , Col if. Cleanin~ & Dyeing II : t 1en St op Store '1 01• i st. Shop ;;,;i for Ne nngo r S Ol'e ore 1VJ " /F1 SH1 li'ranclr:co , Crilif. won~ed ato1 a bull di n r~ wl th l i 1ring quol' t fH' !'l above '11 r s u Hor l Interested in buyin~ Ja oanose bUaines lH c.wrcl J ng 130 E. ~ sh lngton Bo1once of for sale 1 101:100 term 17 2) Pos :bruit d:. Yege able 1• O.roof,lry vt.or e 8t. · San Froncisoo , Cillf. St.o kton , Collf. fro •. JanF.1nes1 i: . C , Lc1.1ton I. :!' .. ton ~ . :E 'rf;•s.o , Culif . \\'isJ·os to dL.i"'lOCe Of He rr\an "; . loaJe on ,tore for Ju'.:'Gnese 1419 Broa< •m y Oeklnnd, ... aJ.if. Store for sal Anni c .Vls :10s o bu' bu !'.> inosm ·::on ts manac,e r f o :r .;1 n t z .i yo :::Id ?Ol-9th . vo . ar en to 1 1.: l l C• Le1 i::;: Uon t l 2327 k:. 14 I St . Oakland , C<Jl l c. Leaoe sa o r e ,j i:nta 1110 '.','illow S • San Jooe , Calif. Leese on store for sale . 1125 5 otorea for sale <" • ~ Ichi ro Kl Jf\yanh i 21 9'7 St At lOk A" . De·f..el y , CaJif . 8£1\'~ r 11 D eing & C l~Antne •.·it i r c ton St . Har~ Store t'or oal o Bennie ro bar i Ave. Oaklena, Calif . Pace 8. 2597-~5th April 3, 1942. Sunple1ont No . 1 Fede.rel Re ser ve Bazik of S1;rn Fra11..oisco , D1iao 1 Agent of the United States , ¥Vf'IO\lee Property Deriartment , LIST OF 13USINS.' •'S AGB ;tiEA~If -· ~ENT AFlD Florist Shop .. T rnOP:tU'l'tE)S FOR S./}LE' .A1ID" or"POT TO'N:r'.ru~s '/ANTED Ml~ OF ,p;Q.UI!f,Y ~~:ufESS OR. ~ROPERT'{ Grooery store I L1:iaso on store for aale p· ~RSOJ TO ~ ,• co~ TAC TED Henry ! Of5uch1 707 HowaI'cl St . Itortinaz , Cal U' , ~!shes to sell loose Jitsus Jerry Ohara 763 Lydie st. Ooklond, GAlif. r:anncor otor an tod I'o:r: ci Oka:·1ur11 F'c.rn Lrmd Cor • Oox 307; R. F.D . jl 'l.1Hrloolc , Culj f. St; ore Lease ror or.le Shoe Store Jusinuos for ao1o S ore Dtore tor rent u~ stoc~ Tnlco tc!1l Br others 5.5 2 !'iosior St . Son Fro~oiooo, Calif. ::rD. n1,cllna Vc..irullo 1540 Sar Pablo Avo. 81 Oorrito , Calif . Snkd Yutka 14 ! • Bayshore Blvd . 3n1: Pr1o kinc House & equipnont For sale or mAnacer '.'ore house 1 !~otoo , Cal ii'. Robt. Yamasakl wan tecl Ivonhoo, Calif. :/arehouse ro1· lease Fronk Dletz 2935 Southwood Dr. Alaneda, Calif. Chicken Rene b " Berry Farr.i Desireo to sell or loose Nakano Mime Rt. 1, Box 219 15 000 chickens & 1211! AC!res of land for sole or lease Riyuo Uydea Pet rson Rd. St r Rt. Box 76, Petalurria , Colir . 10 acre farm planted to b•rrjes , cherrios Ht . 1 1 Bm: 410 JJ1'1.<: poa::.1 for.· OF.Ile Ii th h.ouse a bldG . Peas, lettuce & stra\Jberries :unac~ i,ianted Petaluna, Calif. Ichiro Asoda. Senta Clara , Calif. Jones I. F dom~a S . D., :3.:>x .5.5 A lrvi nrton 1 Cal r. Fede~al R~sorvo Bon~ Fiaool A ent or or !i:tS'? OF BUSil !Jf.ll;SE.&..]tiir.., .....A:JJ fil!SI TESS OR PRQ!?i~JITI Berry & Vegetable Fa.r.m A )X iJ ~ I l 94 2 • Sup 1 e .icnt 1:0. 1 , San FrQnciooo , the Unltod Stut<H Evacuee Property Dep rt~·w 1t. I J!;SS~~§ J\j_,D .crLOPZtt'rrns J.110R SAL•' -!A)f C'~~n.&11B" filJfioP'MUT!E ' :Al Tj~D 1 1.""f PB OF fli':JJifil 12 acres in berries & ve6 tables for sale p-·msor1_ro B& co1.. TACT 1D ~Po sl11 o !Ieirn 440 Bor oacla Hct. or lease Salinsr, Coli.I' , Bo.rry and \'Je.lnut Farm For lease 23 acres, house & outbulldinas Hidee Ka dA Ht. 2, Box 427 Conoot'd , Col if. Fa.rm 15 cares of land & Geo . JCnvsnnmi houne for sale J3011 ry Form 9 acres in raspberrieo Mnnn(,c:ir wante • rt • 4- , Ba:x 4 85 Sirn Jose, Co J 11', H. C. l\awaharfl Rt. 1, Box 362 Campt>allll Colif, Bel'ry Farm 5 acres in berries Mfl OflGOl' ~wntecl Lcaaes on sharos; \Ii ;h!3s to soll John I<urczawe Rt, 1 • Bolt 1 ;$8!3 C1 per tl no, CaUr . 'I'auc io Tn . rlO o t:iox l G2 ; ";11 Lin ,.8 !kl. ~nlln~s, ~ 0 ;cit' Beet Farm 1_50 aor1:is for lea:Je or ml\ ni:tcer1ont V'llt ts to rent !'arms .,,r.iJlf . Che 3 t cu 'J.1llna so 4 , Bo:x 4 92 Strn .Jo3c, Ct.11 'f . n .. Tony S . Da Jo 195 Viele Av~nue Sn n J o ci c, Ca 1 ii' . rl ·,·:an s to lease, purchoso '.'al tor Beum or manage farms Rt. 3 r Box 210 LOG Gatos , OaLif . " ·::ants to buy ranch south Joseph Bo lo or east of San Frenclaco 229 RLc hlend Aven ie ,',' ou d lease. San Fro noisoo, Celif . II \'.'en ts to tracle f'ar 1land E . M. Clap11a1• for alien owned prop rty 2.5.58 Lekeshore Av·enue in Oekl nd . ( owns 40 Oaklo11d 1 Calif .. acres) II Vien ts to lt3e se or sell orcherd.(10 acres) Alice H~ sbirnoto Rt. 2 , Box 19B San Jos , Cal Lf .. Page 10. April 3 , 1942. Supplement So. l.. F derol ReseL1vo ElellK of San Fraric l soo , Fiscal Agent 01• .he United St~tes , Evacuee Property Department . TJPE OF I NWJIHX II ,, Wanta to sell lease on rorr.i. Alico ·l!, H1roharo Rt , 2, Box 194 Holl ls or, Calif. ~irante soneone to manace farm . (Hos } sores of assorted Jin Honda ~t • .L , Box .l u Hoorpn •l: · Avonue orona ) Son J OS() ' Cn.l if . II '.'fil l lease or sell farm. 14- aol'es on 3 yr . leO'S<l) ft '{ants to lease property . II (Hoo Gooree H. Inouy P . o. Box· 43 Broderick , allf . t r· s . Tsu(7 lye Ito RL. 2 , Box 66 S •bastopol , Calif . ~ants assistant in nanaging eyo uee farm n r opert y. " \/ants to lease td.s truck farm . II '.'lents to lease land for d\lre tio n. R. Chorles Jones 315 ":cot Inclio SLroflt 'l1ularo , Calif . Foimiyo Ki t eni or Aesukuri IO tani RFD Box 114 · San Lorenzo , Calif . Shozo ayodA 1751 Boyshore Blvd . Palo Alto, Col f. If rants to assicn loose o Ar11erloe.11 born citizen . " Hos fer= to lease . of vc t;;e t:ablos) II. ;otrnno Rt • 2 , f3o:x 20 1 Mount ojr. Vle·1 1 Calif . ti \'/ants to lease his vineynrds, cru ck carden , and orchurd . Br, ba Nobuzo Rt. 1 1 Dox ~40 {90 II ( 10~ l!asa ·ori r;uchi Brid oport r '.ondoc ino Coun y C ~1 l l fornin . acres 801' (}S ) ~ants o leA~e farn around 8fll1.nas 1 ·.:otsonvtll e or Sacr,9men.J0 River Di:::tric . Turlock , C 111 • L . T. Reese Hotel Emb ssy Turk &. Polk S s. San Francisco , Calif . Par;e l l . F drJral ReoorV"e Ban.\<: of S~n Franoi EMO, Fiscal A;ent of the Unit~d Sta eo , 'Ev o.u .. e Propo.1:•ty De port1,1er1t ~ m,.E II ,, or lN9,UIR Wants to take charce of or farm . Mey buy . i. l Sup lemon !i , l 94 2 • 10~ 1 . Pl.£R30N TO BE OQ !T[!,CTED noh ~ A. f~obo.rtaon 1.01!1 Pearl St. Alum da , Calif . Dou~las ,·,·ants soneono t.o take over l:tiJ[:I Eva Ruff lno lea EJe. P. 0 • Boo:. 20 2 Osstrovillo, Calif . II rrould like to sell 1·anoh. ( 20 acres) VJ. l• , Sok uda WnntiJ to dio >Cl Be of' buildir1cu J~enry · 11 • 8l .. a:. ltt. l , Dor 4).rJ $" utu Clnro , Cr.ilif . R • 1, Box ?7 Snn Juan , Coli':f. on forn. It :i tnuo •:/ould lil'.c:l to sel 1 farr.i. r , o. ( 50 aoroo 1 tnrovorJ ) '.11 '.rnl:a Bo.:~· 375 lfoll\.sto1· 1 Cali.f. ·.'ants to di syio.oe of farm . lou~l'.. . of forr~· 1) . O. · :1 ox 101 Chico , C lif. II ti Ha s 103 aero 3 to in vecetoblos) ~ants loe~30 . (Pl c: t ed to dispose or lona alroAdy planted., !1'ritl t Farm 'fonts to sell ox lea se farm. 'Needs apple dr·yers owned by Japanese Fru lt Farm '.'ants to dif.lpooo of prope1·ty with fruit & , 10lnut trees '.umao Yamo.shi ta '!3ox 95 · Concol'd, Cftlif. l r. ·:a sue Yoshino Et . 1 , Box 19 2 5 Sci crar1onto , C 1 if . R. • & I. P . Cole 345 South l,5tn St . Slln Jose, c . 1 f. J . B. I.:leniclson Su lsun , Caljf . Silvio Delucchi ,584} V·111.ejo Enel'yvil.le , Has orchard & vinoyard in Coo L1·0 Costa Co . to loa ·e or a1. e . ct . C~lif . Ellis Gton i i i 461 l~o . s. ro ro Sa ..1 Jo Jo , ;u1 if . Pa"':e 12. April 3 , 1942 . Supplerio 1, lfo . J. , Fed ~r · l Reserve Banlc of San Francisoo , ll'i.soa.l Acent o'f tbo United Stotoa , Evacuee P~operty Departoent . .D 001 TAC'11E Farm , Orchard , Ranoh Has 20 acres to rent on a share besl5. Fruit Orchard Int~rosted in renting orchard in San Dieeo Co 6, Box 244 Fresno , Calif. ?.r ~ nty~ Has 4-7 acres of vineyard, :;o ac-r()B of oxoharcla, 13 ?Tu tk o · Ki r i to Rt. acres Hal' l' y E . Mill or 3 811 E. Strco I 1u l a V 1 st a , Ca 11 f'. l3nbn tro bu7.-o Rt. l, Lox i 0 ti·uck geruEJn to lease or rent . Turl -:>ok' , '~ali i'. II Has 38 acres to lease. l.u 1y l-:odu (. L. 0 ox ~ ~ 2 Fi ( Juo , Cel i.1·. I r ne & o.ricot orchard o loaso or sell . He M. 0?.IW fl Sunn:r olo Road RL 1 1 ~ o; · ,3 l.1.5 C A' H' . ~ " Wo tld li.-.o to sublorise ;o ocr•.JS of vineyor , 8 acros of orch~rd , 4 19 acres true k cai den . [ r. o , rJ li f. ! Ol :11n .3£'tOV/ P . 0 . :,OX j 7 1 Livinc:.. ton , C£1llf. Pagt1 l3 . Fed2ral Flsaal Evaoue F BMS tt ~aservc iJ.pril 3 , 1942 Bank of on Francicoo , nt nf the Unit ed ut·a cs . Lr perty Department. SUp'11em nt to . 1 TY }l£ O'P' IN"trlR'f ---· .,., ~ I<. 1l'auji H s 32 arre or ha d to rent nt • l , .uo x 5O Espar o . C lif. ~a nt s to sublease ti s r wberry plot harry L1 . Yok:h e:una 18 aore P. O. Box b23 Old Sa n Juan Road ,.fol tnas, Calif . II II II Has 18 acres .horrios, 5 acres berries, 40 .r os tomatoo :t'or le $e or s l, . 1. Yu hly ma Hout 3 , 130 x l 4 8 H· n o o sol.l or lea e 10 a r tru k farm 3e i iah i :Yam mot • antFi to E1ell or lease b2 acres II II 4483 ~ lif . ..:.iicscrn Umad Ht. 2, do x 3290 PorLer Fitzsoreld x 4~0 Fros no , C l if. Kazuo l' obay:.ish i • O. Bo.x 5 s , Culif. Has 2 acre truck farm to sell ·or lease K zur Ku hida Rt . 2 , Box }b25 Has 289 acres of farm i ng land t o soll or have someone mana e . Tomiko S he wishes to le se ~o . Has 18 acros of ~antaloupes & 17 acres ~f tome ~es to lo se or ha vo s meone mana e · 1ants to sublease 170 a res trimatoe s I' mo nt o , C r.ll i f • 'ish th ra P. O. .::inx 87 Cre5sy , C1lif. N ok i chi Tan.j i Has 222 a .res of vine v.cird S or have someone man It T ohio o, Rt . j , Has 23 acres of berry land t . or oh rd thH' II 1.lOX ~en C~lif . Jncr' men a , C1lif . .oul.d like to buy So acres of le se or sc ll. . ti 8, 1t , rapes and cot on II GAtos, Sier of atrawberries & okay It Lo~ r Rt . ·1 , Box 328 Livlr1f:rton , C;i l1f'. Ttsb.i o Gaika P. O. Box Zb5 Li ving:t n , Cnlif . Frank Y . be 3ox 2.58 rt . 5 , S oc kton, Calif . April FoderAl Reserve Bank of Jan Franoiscn , Fis al eent of tho Uni ed ~3tates , Eva u. e .?roo rty Dep rtmen • -11 11 " · ants tn sell Machinery 1 1942 Suppl eJrte nt 1fo . 1 _ _._._.....,._TO 8' PEJ<SOt~ TV!j: OP' !N~•.UlRY ll'f\..MS 3 quity in crnp . __ .......,.._., CONT.\CTE!J Har-1·y Torn.Lna a Box 101 Clt1 o , Calif . ·Has l~ase on 4 a res nf strawbar rie 13 1'11tnu Uc l ida 12 qc.res of wheat , 3 acree of hay 9~b Ool:c St. to release Clltco, Cnlif . ilants snmenne to t,ake lease o ver ~n 100 a res of omatoes . in Ka~rn U • ..;; , . J .t <lach.l 'mY Cl'>urtl.and , C 1 if. II 1ant s o l t... ase farm l ~. on shares To~~ ld H qnaz onn F t . 2 , hox 5 ?i5 Sh<>rwoort. Pon · 1unas , Cnlif . It Haa 21 acro s of apric1.ts & pears to d ispoE"e of. Sunnyvale, Cnlif . J ".'11110 s T . Uy rin 1~88 Bu .. b:.;. Ehn Fr nci " C01 Cnlil'. J::emp 145 0 ' $l.. JuUan bt . .3 . n Jo s c , C11 .Lif or n in " ..,uld like to rent or purchase small ho'lle with acrea~e no ar Oakland, San Leandro , or Lafnyette ' eC.: " nould like ti'\ buy 10 a res truck arden land near Los Angeles. IL It Has 14 acre farm homa ln i1Jontvoso , Colorado that he would like to ex·· 1 hange for one near M ro lsland 'echentin 1023 1 or·th i!-dp,ornon S t.. l,oe ;..n 1o-•eles 1 Cal.lf . lto 1ir y Bel lgard t 1421 Gregory .. ay ljt'~r er ton , '1 1aohinptrm .[1( ·1 v y Yard . II rlould like to disoose of 33 acres of flo mrs & vegetables lfonom a E'a rm Co . .do x 21 7 , R. A , l l:fctlt' r oon Bay , Calif . " .1ants to sell 10 aores of pens , berr ies and beans. Too .1 C" 1.:iyauchi " Has l ase d 20 acres of vegetagles " 20 a<'re s unpl:rnted th t he wants tc l? . O. aox 33 l.liJun air1 View, C".!lif. MikP, Murotsuno Et. . 3, u x 7t.l dis9ose of S an J' o "e , 0a1 if . Represents 20 J panese wh have ve etabl~ gardens to lease or sell Yotoro ·. a j ima }} l bth Dtreet Oakland , Calif . R~eerve Bank of ~an :b'.ran iso("I·, ~ent of th United Sta 1 es , Pe Pi· ~er ty epartrnen • .re l 1rARM --- " JY~l'~ O~~ J&UIB.X_ Supplement Nn . :!:- fJill§..QN$ TO >i_ CONT f\.OT.i..JJ 13 a res truck garden to lease or rent . Bab a Nr b u2 ("I Rt . l Bex ~40 Tur•look , C~lif . Has }O c res of vegetables tn Vegetable L:xo.he.nge Has 4- 7 e res vineyard , 30 acre a ~hard a ,. pri l 3 , L942 sell or have someo n e ma n age Rob rt Yamasaki , ; 1 r .. .E?ox 55 Ivanhoe , C lif . F'L.~TS i\PAHT- & Pl ns · sAll l'H' lease hou·o 'E.NTS " aklflnd, Calif . · anLs t •pera e t ke ,.,n leases and ~partments ,,an o s " Has ap9rt111ent house for 1 ase " ti eone to menage flnts nts eio11e to manru;e pa!' t me n ts and f 1 at s 1 .ants Dis trio " 9 Has apartment nouce fol' rent ,... b tJy apar ment house or duple.x. flo.ts , Has fl l~ ustjbe //'ID Ftr man R 949 s~rn II 11 ber nard hiteneuor 1104 ?!yr lo S , .aesian s for re n t • · Franc lsco , C'1lif. Francis Junzr TononuTa 1435 0 1Fa11el vt. Snn F'rancisco, C lif , t:i ss lithel Hir nn hoss G · no l hosp i tcJ. I oss 1 C'llif ornia Joe howaguchl 1~5~ 1no 0 ~1n tranci re~t co, C1Lif , Hu K'.)so.k i 1.5 9 - l ;· ll ..., . Pa .if i , Crc ve , Cali . 1fr t. J. yn Lyme n 49 oe .:>t ree c.•a.n J!r1rn 'I'a tsur 881 o 11 1 ty Co. Fill~orc c l 8C0 C Ur. 1 ~1fasuda thens 3t . kle.nd, o li f . . ill. sell but pre f ers mana ement l)f tw buildings l:\its Nakashima 2072 Busl 5 . .::ian Franl'.'isco , Celif. 'tan s o lease or sell cottages and an apartment h use 22b Pu n.ero Jt. Joseph S ho nste1ner San Franei~c , Calif , Pace 16 . Federa l Hesur ·e jank of ... an ]'rancir.~ c o, lfls cnl . gent of the Uni e d ,_;ta es , Evacuee ilroperty l.Jepart'"!ient ,~p.t' $uppL rJ'll nt ~lo . f.ERH.) ~en " It ~ 1ants to 6131.1 ap1rtment hose , on e man a erne nt or re n al for two fl ts nd go.r ge Fr nci roo , C llf . Hen1·y !. . Sel inc 35b 2tJth l venue .:>en J!'ranc i. co , Col if. 11.l:·. , .d .:i !i Hi n 201 1, .. lvtb .:..t . Ce c ...·1 rn.uri'~ o , Cal if . tahlro uanLs to so Ll houoohol(l furni tlll'S 1 f~rm eqaipment n s to seLJ. fi><turcs of · roaery s t ore oisbes to sell icebox 1... kuja 1B84 bush Lt . b'.Jn and c-iur. S11crf\rrcn o , .. ants to sell f'urniturn II 'fO ·- COli"I".C'l •. D 1. nte m na ,o 1ent for tlroe flnLs Lir. Koki Iumarnr c, and roomine t1ou~Jo with eirh t s~1e 11 110? Fit th :;,t·1 l;)to.r()e 11 L Hyosuke Y·1r P.lrnot 1B5ti .... 1.. " 11 .3 , H 4 2 iL Fra no i aco , "11 U . t1:ltsura i .1iok:n 3ox 400 3l'Jnco ho'.l .:> l i na s , C'.ll i f 01· n i a Jam<i s Hnnam ru 1518 a c 1 f i o "'" i.> • ~l l'l!JlOd ri nd stove J J CA l Lr~ uh 1 U<' th.ta u 2 ' <J y 1'0 t) s S·in M. t i:io , C·1.1, u·. n Hou .. ehold ru rni turo for sAle Hidee r ".lic11 Houte 2 , .JOX 4 27 Concor a, C Lif . II .. ; 'l'!achine for sale :rrs . :!ichl K.1 ura 12 l?. - 2 8 h I , OaJda.n , C1U.f . " Furniture nd cle ning ostablishment equi pment for s ' le ]'ranee l.\o1t8 818 .San Q ulo II Restaurant fix urea for sale ,,~Lbon, &l"V , C·1lif . aq o Koj im.a 101.5 G Lenwood .:3 t"' Del· , Ci tr. • pr i1. J J l 94 2 nk: of .Jan li'ranoisoo , Fis oa l Ag~ nt of San ..F'r~noi s0l"I; Eva - 1ee r.:.iperty Department , F de.1.•al fieso rv e II II He prt sent.a more than 40 o.l ions 1n hel"' area who want to sell fltort-. equinmeni· and ful'niture. v.ants to sell tlou~ehold furniture ·a . l. ~ up rilement ; rs . , • i:oyamn ~oya~a .Ju.nt J rvlo · Co . d r i!l , Call!' . Tor h1hilca 'akfl ':l1Ul 2018 BL1,,1h St. 3 n Frnnctsco , C11if' . " .. ants to rell household furniture Cbiyotar o t~kano C' / n ,r . Okimoto , Box 275 , Oerber , Cqlif . " .. ants to oe 1 p1 no orazo Or:ata 1800 ..:;utt r -=>t . Ehn l·nnci oo , C 11..f . II I r:i11 s 'l'oru Ok wochi II " II II ,o sol cafe 810 }franklin ..,t. Ooklflnd 1 Cellt'. ..iale of furniture and d(:lntal eq_uiprnent .;;iell fu.tni. ure , refrigerator, eas r!nge , gas water heater, s ~ing machine and washing mo.c ine . .)ell washinp :nachine ~ i i3r1 tan n 1 a - o ves on .. h em b le of furniture - 0~1es on it • lr' S 0':31< lane II 1 C·1lif . TnLigio 1'okemo. o o .x 182 , " i ll 1ams ~l o d S•J 1 in: .J , Calif. 'i~rr-y l\. T::ikizawn .512 Lincoln , · Jnlinas , Calit . Frank .., , T n·1ka 18 2 0 ~1U , t r :; . nn II y I ,_,h imlld (] u ..:)(,. • 907 . ...ii .Frnuct~c,, .::iale of i.>..tures , vP1lue .. 2000 a f'Ord ing t J k T bn n : .'1fJao Y ""· do Eiale or hie restaur nt equipment vcirulrn Yoshi 40~ ri l-: la o rove C1Lif . ..:t . na , C· 1 t • b 8 6 2 2n cl 01.1kland ;\ill') n uc r·e 18 l•'odel'J3l JHsoal F.vaou e r,l.t~C'· t ;i 1 es1. rvo Bank. rent or .:::l·.m l•'r•m i f r:. HY ~ II Supolommnt &o . 1 Sun 0],. anin1 1 Establish- ~for~r Oo:xheud 111ent,, 32.5 .Jl. . l4th St. Oal\l nd, Eq 1ipment 1~4~ ,§1tJJ;Pb:tNT ning Ec1 u ip111ent I• . p.d '.l 3, · OO ~he United St.ates ?royer~: l.Je~/iJ. tmant For fJOle Al lf!10 1 l o t. l d Br 11k J rvi~e E~uipm~nt fnr •sale V . lue ·.r2000 Farm equipment r ~r vo . 121 1Aonti0Pllo iodmont , C•1Uf .. c. 1.J~1vier V. 222:5 tryon~t. BEJrkoloy , 01.1.lif • • : son lPunabHd. sale .•'. O box 7 .. ountcilr Vi,,., , Cnllf' . } 'fl". Hi : > ~unri•u Laundry presacrn for s· ls akn Laundrv Go. 612 "O'' · : •ocl a r. to, U·i l if . " Foro , tractor , sc; Aper , 11.lbEJr t hi.rota plow, ultiv or for ?40 0 1 con. 1or sel . Eact falo lo, 0 lif. II Rototiller Tr ctnr t.el•:m bon n for sale. LL ,, 1'4ur se1·y I!.q L iprnent .,,bOO Pottery II " ti " Cameras ~50 nr sale 'l'J'actor t. I! l• , lJ , 14 0 7 20 h and .id v r Rir timond, C1li l • !toy 'l. 835 ·Jneko ~qo ~e. Publo ... 1b1ny , Ca li1'. Ge or,~, r<a·f F.lnein for sale F<ou': o 4, Ul)X 4 85 3·rn J0st;l , Cal 11'. Cluanin , 1.1yeiM Eo uipment. for sale l "b 'J o Ki Cloanin hq lpront for salo cc t ~1500 40 aliens in area wtth store eouipment, R tos and furn1tur e for sale 1.i she s co nurohase omeras offered to him by JapanEso r'\!nerican At ~k ;?35 Pie ri 11 · Ouk LrJ nc., :: 1U1 ~ vc . • Frn n. es I" 818 ..ion J ~ ·lblr. 11.VO. hl any , r]'( lif. nr ;; . ~. Koyann S~n I'.\ ' • "-:tl ~e a t·ar: Cla de 314 ~ o. 'Vice r.1 1 Co~ G r::ilif, L Wll I :in ~ ss ,,ve. Fresno, C·1 lif. Page 19 1Y .lJ.quipment .1.. Supplein nt Ho. l QLJN .T lHY •'nrm machinery Off lee ea u i prne nt lmplements mant .. ncl1 irJery nd, Gojlif. ,..,e or1--o Ot.c u,kr:i 22~4 .:,'9n t .!on1·oe Ho1td i<or , C·1lif . lto!.r. Shi021-lW 'rruct,or , 1 horse , disc plow , Chll:u ki 'lanou. e or~ cultiv for &ale lnte r (H~ t din bu , in of of1ice fixtures rtOU 11ny k Lnd ::iale ~achlnes , farm L undry- .i!.q111pment for oale Yelued a O•1k La rn' , C'> l i t'. e 2, Restaurant Ee; ui pm~nt R ,..,t aurant ato c:k 3lb 8500 De siro s to nur ch aae t1 . otor Jame .J ~ • • ' 'ow nr c n bO l : i11s .i cn ->t. Ho•11 r Uchida 92b O·:ik ~tre~t Chico, Cnliforn.I ~· .I Co . l• A, .!.iko Ya• .wk wn ? . O. Box 394 donome , C11 if. Georre Yom s·1k i 411 Yor .k ;;; , V llejo, C11Li1'orni • John 721 ...i . .L:• • • Visul i Ho el and uO:X G m .To!'C: , Oa.l it'. maC'hinery for s le 'qui 11 93'1 • • 18 r. ., L. Spray ~I '1 value ,,~ooo 828 Franklin ~. . t . 0Akland, C~lif . for a. le Tractor and implorno11ts for F•rm 1 0·1kl 1.Jyei n 1 nnd olennin 1 enuipme nt II ? ..J :. • o L- r;o ,.,,. ·,c' D ------------. Jerry :u ii'.Ui r-i 805a .?'rrnkl ln S • aarbe.r sh p equipma11t Vt\lue ;.i4 00 ror sale Eleotrioul apple drying e~uipmt.:.nt for sale " 3, 1542 1'\t,:il'il Foder l RtHl6l'V8 B nk 01' ban Ji'ronci.soo '.B'ts J ti£ent cJ.' the United ~totes F.. v a \lf3 0 fr 0 u0 l' 'f D0 D H' tr1 0 n t Trc an or '.ainr .; t. , C _il1 !'. Hotel furnishingo end r st !lUran equiprnon t fo.r sale 'Tatsuko Oit1,1ds 1739 .i.'o..;t, Jt . Interef3 e d in p ur chns inc re st ur nt s ock hlkus, .3'"\n •'111ncJccc 1 (;!ili • \;an')' rum-r:o Lbrook S~ : ir~ncisoo f< . ·• • Dou C1'1 , : ·e;r. a a 20 Fa er 1 Re3erve Bank of San Franoiaoo , ~"l \cf11 Agent of t.he United Stator JGvBcuec Property DewJrtment. LlS'l.1 .or J.:!l'S~:l1Jm,NT1 aus~es.1£0 .A rll } , 1?42 Su . lomont No . l . 1 ot l P.. pnQ?ikWrI.§£ 1 ~ 0JL§.hL.11~ , 1 A:,l2._l~AGi!i1' fm.Ji!ill..Jll'.!:'.,g!:f L'U ' l'.J.'J, · ·~ ',,'J);ill14l. ~8Cff.t\HDJ;SE Art Oooda lien t n to sel l co od at ca.ru1 Gd Go()d s Drur, C3 . oro handi,so (irooery Stock Stock &, Fi>.t r,.JS valued .5000 11.r . 'f11,cuo I!nte.nAka 41 7-0 Lh 'S roet O!!kl · 1l ..t1 1 Cnl1. f . Interested in urohune of Japa noee oanno~ cc~do br6ndod I ~a r .r i r, !:11:r r lo ''The i.;e tui II O!' "I Ol1 th lunerioan. Company ''· Sa n T' l Offevu aid in liqujdotlon of a lien druc ,, , ell mi!Q nJ s , root bnrks and herbs • ::r . (', , 2200 .,.l .• IJ old ~.vo. 1. ::.: (} C) j Cu u H. D r. KOlllOn 6~4 r~~ I VO!l\JOrt h st. San •'·n1.lrJ00 1 OF'!lU. 1 ntcros ed in pur oba sing sto le Bnn I' of merchnndiso from evaouoes . 1 lnn 220 'rd Avonu San F~anclR00 1 Collf. Offers aid in disposition of Broccry took . 1flloluc:a}<: rs So1·v1 o Hur e!l u Sale of nursery stcGk and f ixt res . Jl. o. Bo): 104G 1 S oorton , Calif , (r .r. J. L3. Carnp r:ill) fit. IIur rnatsu Ca P:t•op ~rt.y '~ Dispo. ition of equipment & T.iu11d ry Equlpt . p1·operty , Foo~! 1lll Blv<l . . o r.d , Cnl if . '7875 l Y... '.lU .d l'Y 2,5lU tl.liJ1.:r Co .I.if . ( ~ Ir , ' : i c: o 1 8 • 1\ ~ t ' y . ) Oal.~ rH\'J , Shol"J Stock Sale of ustress Gi:\lc of s took fixturoe & sock . s ta1·a ,'rs. 1 r-;e.lin· J'aralJ.o 1.546 Sri.'! Iah .o Avo . 71'1 Ccr.L'i 0 1 C1..lif . lic0 Yo.r:ado 31b H. DelaHaL'e S n Ha eo, Calif , Lt':la th er Intereoted in purcb s i ng stock . ! • I . ZimMori'll.ln Co . St . · San Francis o ~ Cull f . S ock l,"Jants to sell general mer· 'l'akemori Bros , Tex.ti le Goods Food Stuffs ohandise , ~1500 inrentory 3 · 2-19th 226 S . Eldorn~o St.0¢kton 1 fllLf . St. Feder 1 Re rV'e Bank of' San Fren lsoo, Apr i J 3 , l 9 4 2 , S pp leri at I.Jo. l. Fiscal A5ent of the United States , Evac uee Property Pe ert"nent. TYPE OF ~lnr lvll;RCHANDISE Building Stock Shoo Stock Wentn to sell c.rol"ery store and li11ing quar ore in lud111g sto k. \1E1nts to dispose of 02500 stock . PEnso TO OOlTACTED 8~ Robt . K. twe soke604 Chu:rch. st . Roseville , Calif. Seiki Yemamotn ~22 S. El Dorad~ Stockton , Calif . Stool< &:. St re r:al'lts to sell general sto.t· Nasok.o TakAhcshi 2 219 Uni OJI 11 v e . l1ok •N1fi<1J.d Book Stoc}· Wonts to sell stool= Co.1 i:f' . C'ros ad.o Bl'.lol' :.Jto re 1098 Po·t Street San Freno aco, C'r.llf . :3oy Beane Wants to sell soy beons t.l.J.· • .:i . I' , FuJL1ot.o 2oc'.J3 ou::iti .... t1·'.)l,J" S~n J~rn nci. !JCO 1 0.a 1 if . :.?Al. ESTA TE Lo 1 or th Polo Al to lo fo1· sale t!rs. Due thorn 30 tbboy SiM L San .Fra net sco I1cuses P~·opo rty f- OUS"l F nished For lease or sale 2815 Grant Avo , Berkeley 28,l.} fl II II orrsrs o exche.nse 600 ~ ,res 20 34 Ad loon Be rlrnl 8Y , Oa.1 if. F . D. Keoley Hotel San Die . o , , 1 if'. for olien property Ne' Plaz For lease . G. Acquletana 8162 For ease o r sale Ce l Seka/e !1mi onroe Road San ta Ro oa , Ho se I a 11 f . Kaoru Kimura 121;?-28tli St . Oak lend, Cal lf . F Ye root:i house for sale Yoshiko Katey~nn~i 1500 :rucDonald Ave . RiotI.'lond I a!:ll lf. r. n·ecltlrt.ll Re. ervo Bonk of .fon F Etl ol~;co I Fino 1 Aean of th.a United Jtt~tos , r•:l.1 3, Suni tn. ~ l ~l42. i.t l.o. l, Evuoueo Proporty Depertmon • HEAL BS'L1ATg Ho1.ises .F INQ. TJJ:Y amso;; 'l'O 3....; lent Ave , Alane<lu fo1• aale 'l,11l~osll1 '[m ia oh ita Set~ioo Q Rtion 1'Yl?E 2). M CJ lo l4J6-46th Ave ., Oalland for rent Iou e ,, " .'"1:.bQ.TLD vu . o01-2H•d Oaklnr cl , Ord 5. f . B •o 1,51 7 oroeon St. W1shes to lease or buy Mrs . Luveni hoilte at 1.510 Oreaon St. , BeJ•keley Derkolc,y 1 Cnlif . Wi5hes to lease home et Do1nlni co C 1·rot o Point Rto.hmond }4 Avon St. Oakland, Calif . 8-rm hou e at Brentwood tor sale - . 1500 G orce Tokio Doi Wlshes to renL house in 2900 block , Downer St. " .Furnl.shed venJ co~ ·in 2?6 Rr •n wood , Cnllf. Oeor30 ~. Framp·on Richmond 1611 Fairview ot . Berrnl y , Coli!'. For lesfle Ch.l~f OKO F lr no 2150 P·oific Ave . AJ a mod a , Col j f. .ll'or loase filiuo ro t...; e & Co l;taBe 7-rm house with 4-rm cottece tor lease Tok j i 1:edC1 ni 1714 7i llnoro · ~-L. San F.r an. i r.:o o , Col if. l!ouso Fo.r lease T. i;ori .1725Potst. " ~.,urnished. 1008 Lloys"llltc.H' J~ve. San. ::oi.eo , Cfllif. San Fran isco, C lif , II J:i'o1· J.ease Ireno Ikeda 152 ti . El LJoro o S . Sr.rn :r.ateo, ca1 if. It Fax sole or lease VO] l18 Lots-4 Houses - 2 ·w 2.500 4 vacant lots for sale 2815 Grant ! 2811 Grant Berkeley, for sale ifary Ikeda 235-7th s . Oakland, Calif . Se.lrnye I vai 2034 At di son Berkeley-, Cnlif . Pago 23. Fedeiel R·Ae rve Bank of San Franoinco , S Fisc 1 Agan of tho UM tod Stat s 1 Evr1cuee Property Department .. 11 Ap.r. ll ) , 1 ? l m nt No • PEFSO ; '110 BF; llo1.1ae " ToBb J. I'fO'J a 321 llortb Dolawcu.' San f.1 tco , Oalif . For sale. Ur.... C h.lyfl Izutni ?54 Stnnnc111 Ave. Albany I a Uf . s. ,Jo kins 174 G- '1th fJt • iut·ohaso house in iJorth Oaklnnd Onltl u nd , CD.1 if . Cf.r lo Koc.n ~ ~' ~ u (; d j n..1 st . Sun ,J ,n;e , C~l if . 4-rn house , 50xl00 for II rou It fl nbout c : \2) 1711 Wunts to lease homo St 5 -r ~t IousE II St . Berl<:o l oy , O ill!. i(';l1 ct M1>ri 82" 11 ton /1vonue San In oo , Ool if . Yoshiaki l ori P. o. Box 12 t. s 1727-1729 Lyon St. , San Fruncisco t'or lens or rent Etouko Murmyama lb24 Post S reet Sen Frono i sco 1 Cnl1f . house Purc hasR.d for ; 2600. Ben soPteonc to r.urnage Belmont , Noods ro er ty . ~ 3000 . For House at 4lo RH'.' er ;:, , f o.r .rent . ·aga~hima o . .;;it cwor ~ Ave uc San J osc , CFllif . .?440 Crittendon St , Or k 1 n nu , Cnl i f . 4500 1 ;e v, l uod n t re nt or sell Ho 96 alif. F lmik o Ne r.n ta For lease or Ernle Value ,, ?Iar.tntst1olrn ~::onl Wants to aoll house for 1 • 1500 II $ a. T, Wants to ren houcw at 1 711 ',;ord St . 1 Ber~' t.lo y fu1·nished , 2 F • CO rp F19rrKQ For lao se WL1t es to ~ 1. He ruo : ,a j LIM 3}1.-6th·St. . Ool-::1 ml , CfJ. if . John r ul • 18 Ri onura cr St, Sul itto,:., , C 11.t' . Fectarul Reserve B~nk of San Francisco, Fiscal Agent of the United States, JJ:vaouee PI'o_ ertr Dernrtr.1ent. BJtAL EST.A'I1E House TYgE Ol . INQ.1.iJBX I Arril 3, 1?42. SupJllenont lfo. l . PERSOU TO BE OO~'TAQTEJ) I Frenic 'L'o lease or sell 19 ,'/est ?arket st, Sa 1 i na s , Ca 1 if . House & 2.ots To leas.a K. Noshima 4014 Hobart Ave . San Jes , Calif . House To lease ~ 30 per mo . Mesa Oida 32 South Idaho San Mateo, Calif . II Gonoral J.lerchandlse stoxe For sale or lease Mrs, Yuki Oishi 30 24 Blossom St, Oakland 1 C lif. For lease or sell Bernice Okuhara ,500 H St . & House Ho toe II fl Bakersf ield, Crlif. 5-rn houae for sell or lei:1se P.t•ioo -v2.500 Rent or lea so ..,.25 p()r rio. Jinichi Oniz.ul~a 106 So. l unboH San ::1!1tco , Gelif. For le1ae or rent Volue ,,85 00 Shuichi Ono 2105 Pine St . · San Franclaoo, Colif, For loaso furniahod Loran zo ~elas o1ni 14o0 Sebastopol Roo Santa Roge , Caljf , House & Both ro.r sale. Cloaning Business value ~450 Equipment Herry Sal<ade 1165-84th Avo . Oakland , Cal lf. House To lease or rent . vbOOO Value Renry Sambo 4615 Brookdale Ave . Oakland , Cal lf . II :For rent Tsucio Sano Rt . 1, Box .578 Livin ston, Colif. ii For lease or rent ..,3000 purchase price Cherry Shiozawa 827-17th St • Oakland, Calif . April ; , Fedoral Reserve Bank of 8 n Frano i ~oo , Fiscal Agont of the Un i tod S .r. ·'*s , Evaoueo P operty Depart; ent. LJ].'!' Oli' arr~ tr ~ ~S8 ,; r,.. A.N;Jl. Pf D~fil.L'.~. 12.~-· ~fl:_.L_ ,...,..... _ ..... ~ ~1 ' ... n~,, .. '" ,., r ..., ,, ,,,.1,\ ·t-n .:b!l!,~,.~£.u.....~:L:..a~~l.!l!l!.!..~';t!;'2..-ill!fL....!..Ll.'1!.._...!'.~~ A; For salo or ·ant . Vnlue 4}00 " For rent II For sD ,LJ Oakl~ •r rt• ' "~...... , ., .,.., 1.d , C1:.1l J.fornlo :r .:i . Ge C>J't.> ~ :Jlt 1r 11}· J. 1932 L J r: Ave . 0 " : l tH~d , Clil 1 t' , or 108 s ?.11 . c . 1641 J" St.(U O i.11 lwe , Jloy , Ct. l it' . 101.\se Sl. l ~un ' l/ 1 y1;111lll 21)12 i · t!'l St Ber .-:" l y , C 11 If. To lea :;e Lr s . I oy Y, Tak1wi 19l4 PL e Apt . 4 2 housoFl on ono lot ror douse 1•('1' noc•:: Sll J. :JU1 \11t1 ?34 E. l~hh .;>L , Br~ 2 Houses .1')4~ . Supplen0nt Tio . 1 . S n Fr~nciaao , Cullf. ') nosidenoes For leauo Hc~tll'/ For leu8e or sell . To'.t Tohah11shi "7o0 r!'OVt~ St , 0 kl111 ,, , Cul if , 'fakahEJohi C 1rloton ".ay her bJ lo y , Co 1 if . 172 ~1 Value ,.2000 For ron t o " ::011 -:,> )() 11() . 1; • e & ll 01·0 House &. l ot • Ro.:J i tl ntial Property .)UtJe & lot 'r~i}-oha s111 tu , 0€Jl 1'. . ell 0'1 idn ' 1 0 uuLo 243 J"t. J' a .. St . So, • o r;e , Col if . For l o_ r.e ~ :rz . 6-rm 8tore belo~ 4 - oar rt rac for 1 uFe or ~ 1. hlecn U(.11.irinu ~9C :::01~ 2o f ~ Ltfo yc st . .ro -,e , C·l.li1' . Intc ~~s Lud t xenttne prorerty of ev eueos in Borkeler vjci1 it i ::rs. 'l'. e Wh11;o l. 720 D _ l i:r.. aro 3t , Der 1-: o 1 c :r , v nl if . To l ease ho: to 1 n San Jo e Kellr Ya1•1arlo I 2611 ~lorrfi h Ave . Ookl 'Ha , Oollf . Fode 1 Reaervo B~nk of Sen F1·onc . sao 1 Fi c·l cent or United S~fltes , i!JVflC' ee Propo1'ty De ort1.1ont. • April 3 1 1942. Ho . l. Supp lemen LIS'J1 m· ausn;l'.i.ssi} tt ro PRO e-.~_pT;i;Eg_ Fon Jl1 LE . LEAS:! 1 IU~U11 , A...1J[ltfA:· -G1J...~.'...1. :J; .9RfQ.:t'.PlJ!lT.1.::I...~_:..t'.£:;L'.!"1L Tni OJ!' r: _q.ur m: To J ea::i< • Hou. es } L.ous :i Vr..llue .50 O to Joa o Shizuku ra.aoukl 2)23 ', le /<'TC • Alan ~l , Cr.J 11 r, .i\io Yn 1100 i.{t , 2, .JrJ: j · flodvoou Cjt,./ , Cr;.Jl f . Kiyol~o 'l'o lea J 'o ae •rn ~~hi 11 J.2 So1:1 t Bnr l~ l. o y Hcrn:,e ilou r.ursory "fiDhes to rent ~. For sn le '<? I' ll'I1i $ ,i; Ill' . · 4250 lour~ 11. i ~!.soku Yvsi~ tcJ .q f' . ,Tohn Y. Yo. hino 1534 Pt.ll'l' St . lamcd£1 , Ci 1 if, For ro1t Cl•orlec S. '11 nd11 115 Iver son St , , C .lL f . 'I'o leo ... o Tsun1yo Uoruyama l .lhOd Hou"e l .-o e C 1 91:20 31Jnrys~ •:tc• A e . Ou1".lsnr1 , C ::.i l i. :1'. Od Iio ., e f1 .hVC . 461 HJ l h lantl Sal 1.nn s , Cnl if . For Joane or snln . Ukie: hi -·uku hlua ~21 Elr.·3t. S~nshl· , c~Jlif , rro .. er tr 2 resic.lenccs -iou.s~ o ~L3hua 11lie ru~t o· lenae )ro. o.r y l r·~ . 1' . ::en.J.o~: 2149 Sono· ( '•..'. '! Oakhwd J C~tl i !' . J . 1-L ... n A r·rJles Co Ir. ·y en: to J!or "ent or li.,asu .E'. •: • ::Ir o c ,.. i:otle:;to , Ci 11' . ] or rent Sl1oto1~0 19~5 1-r:o TG r. 0Jc1 ·.:e 1rtur St. S rn Fr n1 c l • c o , 0 n 1 if . Poee 27 . Apl' I 1 3 , 19 4 2 • Supplamant ~o . 1 . Reserve Bank of Son Francie co , Fincel Acant ot the Unit~d Stntes , Fod~rel Evncuee l'roper· y De .artment. REAL E.:ll'J.'rE RosJ.denco TVPE OF I QU+]Y Vishos tc loose or Rell Goo . ", 935 Su . r:\ 1 1~~u1· 1 (;1 Proper y t. nr at;o!. u11 t, of house on Busl , Al so npt ho us & s ore . Frc 1 1:01 1 1.Jlrn Houze 'i/111 :Jcl 1 or n:int ~.iliun 7-rn ho ne l:n\:n i : " o leuso Hf . 19 23 u .~1 Ct . · SF.In Fi n .c l coo , CF.• l if . t.f, ::ti 'L4b i ·1.Jhi Gr..111. ornl'.i J • u(;l' :e 1 cy , CuJi • ?.oO~ HD t t' ,jt r:t l 7 I • I ~'D lb ficn:~or:d , I Euru 1 V·11 Stoo~ _ ton, c Cr'l.i.f . no i ... c -e nt of the Uni ed ..-> a cs r.. v nouee Pr 90 rty ment Fodor al f<e.9erve U nk of S n J:!'r Fisc-al t\ 'ry;~J#.:.... L~!JJJ.Jl Looking 1'or bu.·er. r r uck d. 1 ll tl")ffi (') b i.1113 I 1942 Dodge s~ an 941 Chev role 1 'l41 lJodP.e 3/4 T0n , '"Pru k J hevrol.e t ~,.32 Car valued at~ ..,.887 Unpaid bal an f), b4.0 \ilohes 0 °e ll ; ,J• . Look in ' fr • .J o , 11 • S 1lh l ' ll '[,~r /0 0 . Bn· 331 , irk , CPllr . Hri "m~ru 'l''IWJ 1518 r1 nc'if'i 11v . l J"J <.11 , .:r . J.824 Jo~n s. c'J lit'. H'3v'ID'1 id 'l rice o tell - Val ue v75 'iiol1es r' • .L714 ~t . ok i j i Hou,, ni Bill oro v , 3 n I'rt.ln l J 941 Do g .1> lo undx y 1viShe a to sell prOS"CS 2. autoru,.,bi les 940 Olcis - 11ishe::: to se ll 11ant s to se 1 S~dan 93b Nash ~ants to sell JP i;\13.0 odge Pa.ssengei1· '1'ruC' k 1 Ht i.n 01 C• i . c~ l 41 if~nlo J G~·~!ln 937 , Bcrl'e.Loy , C 1ll1' ornif\ . Bui k mobile r r.: c; ..1 • ou Avonun c ·1 Ur or ni 1u ·u 2~;, .. int i, 0!1 507 l\ohl J ·rn I: r nr G1rfi·Lc.I .iishes 1 !Ir . f.obJl't ,J<o.m Looking for buyer f r buy er V lued flt 7ou 1~0 . E~~f. ~_,J:__§ ~a OJ.:L~9Th!l 1-1 l Coupe 1 Supplemont nt s to se 11 o, C'1U r. Mrs • fl i , , ak n 8unriro Lnundrv Co , b12 "r, i• .:.,t,re i' I.foe (l, f' o , Cn 111' , i.:it:.:-: .1-.l.i e 1, hirn.t·ar Rou Le " 2 , Box l.r 4 Ho l l i B t 1i r , Cn l.t t' • fr . i'.'1Sllyuk l I~~om ?02 3 1 1 1<.e Jt. BcrkBlf"ly , Cqlif'. l ir . Zeni chi Kamb rn 1b24 Oregon St .. B .t ke l ey , ColL f , 1~r . f iyr j i KRheharu lOoO Unlv re.1.t fwe . erk l ey , Calif , 11ants t sell . fr , 1loy T. Kaneko 835 S n · ablo Ave . Al bany , C lir . ' Pees 29 , 1oril 3 , 1542 .Fu. r l HeDervo B nl< of J~u i! !-itloi. co , ~'i soul . een t of t hi.? tJnitc r1 [)totes 1 '.E.vAouee Pr ooert , Depftrt11 nt Supp em Alt 1fo . 1 :r@ O.V l_J·0 UIEY !11!..Jl:OBJL 1940 Plymouth ~e,l n .antA tor, 11 , Lelvlq; with Tr11ck l 93b 1/2 ton Ch vrolet 11an s 19 }9 1''ord ~ant~ ~ 1 . • nd '.!fro . :i.r roesbeck o soll o oell Hcpr sen ting aoprox i r:i• tely 40 peopl Wfln 1LJf" o . ell the l.r ·utomobileEl , etc . Au~omobile " l~ I l ~.r.n. Box lb88 , ~fr . ~ox 2225 I n [3 to r• ell \'ants to sell l•'rnn es Koe-g i1 eublo Avo . Alban~r , 0 \lif • 818 .,.) ·r~.. l . . .'o ·An. Koy•un "-' · rv ic ., Co . b1nt t. ri l'ia , u•1li • rrr . Gf'o r r o :1 n·lt'li 21 b 2 t) I1· enc r l n iJ l d • Ua y .v rd , Cq l 1 t' . ~r. Naknmura ~usuma U.51 'lylor S • Fk r ko J. e y , C -:1l if . lr . .... oli.hi ~;·kno 37€9 Brey d 1940 .. a.ntB to sell Cho'll'olet C .. opy 1 xpress 707 Howard i. .'irtint7 , C 11 if . AuVimobile 'iJ: , 'i .an • to o 11 'IAY 011kl1 r1cl , C1llif , .1r j 1. nry · ~1 n,eo 1736 .. ard Of.UOhi .::.t.. Nose u • Berkel y , c-.11 f . 'I'v " tomo b lles ,1an s to sell 1936 Dod e 1.ants to "Oll .\ omob i le 1940 l..iod~e ' k , 17 T . t\lnoshir.. Rou e 2 , antr to sell ~ r e, r 0let ~ licru or , Coli!'. l.:iucr"UTt no , C1Uf . Co·ch • ut omobile• Kav«li l-1ur t' ;') ry ! 't• . .1. I • S1 1'"ud ". ;tou e ,1 1 Jox 77 S n .Ju n, C' lil'. r . '' · Scnda ~~r 1 4th Jt • Oak. l · nd , C Jlif . 2281 • ' ~oerve Foder l Bank or Fi ofll ;.µ;e nt or the Un.L ~vJouce ~.J,IT.Q.1 >J pril n .l!'r 1n cir. o d 31~Ates J upple:uo11 trope rty Department 3, L~42 .:o , L O13 I ES on~' 1940 Ohovrole t u rJmobile 1941 4 door 1. to sell nt.El .to sal.l .entr. to cell :lunan ford l c.t ~ .5 11' or d V-l fruclr • J.' , ]., , 1m s o sell tl 01. ejere. C jl Tnouyo 1 _, ~ 011 ii;) Sr:i 10.nts to so 11 .inn .. to sell L'l rnont.;o , C· ·l1 f • . ·r . .... tnrnich i HABhioka 30 5 ...:>a r J rie n t o ~; • ... '"In \,srnts to se 11 X n.ji 2 , 3ox 2 ~25 Ro•J L l' fl nC1 sco , CFt l.U'. 1 : r , ..,h i 1~ezo ..:. imotb 15) S L·11•1trtc .., Co 1pe Y r.• ·1mo o 8 , .Jox 44t3 i.. O)nt l s , ..:·i lif. .. eda n 1 5' 39 li' or d ~ei.lch L r·1de , ., •1urn c..: L 3edan Klei ber 'l'ruclc ,'r. Ro ll u to :Jel l Oldsmob 1.lo l ')37 Chevrolet .r • ; • \ o '1 o Y :i. ~ • no 320 ue 10 1.11 f an il'r11r.c U c o , c., ill. r. > · 1c1· mtJrto , G .11 U'. 1941 lS 38 I1'ord l r J • • ~"n•j lyn Tori ye 1016 lv-1 mundo Hill sborou h, C.: 1lif' . 1• r~H\ ...:; • i n c:o , C ~l .3~1d~y13su ···uruyo Ro u 32n 1 Eox 300 11.rc ri " l . l' . :·r . Bisrn rck, dor th uakot i:. I I rr , O..:ot.o ~ o ko t . 1, U~ri n. mr 11 Cl Callt'tltnia o..s ull:•d tawe now l 111 d orti•• let er y "'· • 0 11Dll th n o D uobi Z9H t l1f t\1& • hDll SUti 121 liO yo r •• • ... Peer 81rt r7 t • • ~ 1. • •• r• nto, Calif r AprU 13, 19•2 " iryo11hl t 92.e o. Bi.I' .. S ornmarito, Cc •k fonii• 1 De r N. . u. , :rlarld '\re •d t •alll1mito, (J11.lU'or11 • l l". lbf .. r ~ fti ll!a111 l .. Joab 1. j lc:a tlriee' lt114. fo rt r& on ,1, O lU'or ta P 1" ira 10li n r , i, • •• sOB l'rL u 'Yom·u v y t • J. J '" 01·.~1e .. J •• • d to · / , J • :J l' • • •• l fl Ym ..:r : J, • t' ..... • r "' nt t . • l .n tl·1 . :l ,, 00 •••r 1d to • . (> ? tl 'U v >. • t l l;{ • I u o 1ol o o tmtutiv .. I • fj 1 lcld J.• t l ' ( .... Ll'l y ti: y• nt t1"\te OU.1 d p1• s nt tb dt 0 • in l r·ni ot r ll.1' t.l e ort, or p ent iJ .tu.s 1! 10~.t .P evao m \t1on. A. J . 13 dr l R p:r s nt t1 CT et ' q. I l ... Yr.n i o A, • R U Sec.r11 nt.o 1 ld 1ep. a n it! e a a .. 8-7 A. J' • Saor nt t Q 7 1 tQ ; R.: l rr.1rn fl?l t. ::i 1~ 01 fl V' tt'llY 'c ·r r ur , nl · er' 1 nto ,., r J] r ·i 1 n I 1A • ' ' : 0 ~J yo r · TU l'a 13 l n<r n :r : n to "()1 1< rJ' ()O o 'f' .ue o t ro11rt.. mon o, n o ..,07 'Hr: tr J1, ,. •: ' .P t . l n 1 e: ~n T" rl') rr 1 n 'r !/ pQf) 11r: ruly . ' ... !1 r1 n e: '' o1'r nto • ry t. 'rl J I l"J r • • OU!' Ce S• to ly I• d>B ' •• orn t o r .ar~ 11 , ynur • I• ~• Jr i th hl f l'• n r: 1JMO t l 0 1 rt l onto '1 O :r: 'Jll t • Te l n rv1 11 f"'rn1 ,., e l t, Ml . • o : .. 00 0 () 4'10 13 "11 l r ~ 1l": :r I I I S ·r on ,o '' .. 3B 'I • • c r.n n :> 1 1 37 , v trtily / .. • fo r.l :> rs • ~ ()I) , . .,. r )i, nn n . ; r: er '· ru oF t1urn 1 "ln1 . : ? , • l" ' .J t ~ ly y ur ~ 1 i>O )en I (~ l' : 1T'\ l OtJr _....,...._, __ _ () u -- ' , rn l ri < r "i'.l 1' ritn ily ~rm lr t\I •o • 13 !H'' e ' o -n 1 t.J 1006 .!>, rna "crni e: 137 • •1r11 ,J n ' r r · rtJ. ll l' to 7 -~·~- 0 •1 l n ~! t. t\ v nt 1tf r 1 r: '-1 't')l 1" ,TR: t nt 'fl I .til':' 11nto , r>l, rn 'Ht: J;I .... l 1 "0\, t 1 .r '. • I • \ () OU J Y • • tl , u ti· Du r ltBi.t fl a· mito I 'lo ' •. R e r •· 1 ·: l Your1 ,: X\ t~Q • .• I 5 F ld R JI~ · entnt1ve t • Ho raClcmtn 1 1 l.~\ L.rul:r. ut ti l 3G7 nr r 1 ' ..1~ 1 ' t · lJ , 'r . o t t.t o • Ell: 0 ( iforuia r.o : n·r,j JI o-e.· to t O'\ll" r'f t L'l l t 1 ld n0 res nt t1'1'e c t:11 rr l' • o uni i nto 431 O\ rEJ O"'"<l t A.. J ; l· id. ' ornmo l to 1Bl pr sent tive n1 ) . ( i l 0 :U ,~pre. ntativ •r. aua Yl•t .. u l ltou t.~ l ~ no Pen.r m,. 0 llifo ni I0t D ... ora: r Jlr: {) tr. v< :r • J. 8 o 11 r L 'I ly • o:td nto •told Gp o ntntive t orn.L to '9 A. 1. Ra1t1 uaoi:· .onto ti ld Rt. pr . nt tiva 100 Fourt l1igozo · iyo Stteot. ntw , 1 · l 1torn1n nt 1r: Tour v ry A.. J . .> '~ ~ :J r~ 1J. • , o1d 01 to i ld top en tlve l.OOfl F011r s Uu I u J.,, Rtr • 11041 D l. c.11rort11a ohl , "· • lOOEI • Gaora ri •n~~. A rl n tree Cal fovnl• 16 1 hU o. r • Ii i o 1 moto 2200 ·i h eenth St~• t Bo Califo~nia DMJ" Oi rt 8 t1 go yo adltd t t la Qf't'iae ttllle tn aol•lng robl • preolpitate plan• • • re 1ntere11ttd in a •Cl at o• t fJf yo r llt't 1r1. ill yo1.1 pl •• ble reverse or thin not, the pro ••• ..... ade. aDU 'lfil .. ............. ..... ... £VUQ ,...; _...,,,,,. IOar•~_,.A.,.. ~- .~ • ... .,.~ Sa•ntQ. Oa.litoJ"llilk AprU 115• 19-12 Ye Sa e Ur I 1 lt06 Fourth Street S•ora.m to. Oalitornia • U e e CJ you oalled at ti.i. otti• 1 1olvSti r>robl91na r 1p1 ted by tt. e H h1tere 1n 11 • tiat o• toey uttl nt ot yo t :ft'e.1.,1. i U yo p ••• r•port, on t o ,..,•re• oJ t a not•• t • ~aireat yo ,.,, de. ror .,. o l'.tior.i pl V ' rD!l ry tl"u l y • 0·..irc, IJt.o. eo ""' oto tis·• 11i<>, Cal. Uornia • De 111' ~Hra w:. 10H • Farland C)\11" n.o.r ••n o • oau rn le'. Hl 19 Ch r. a.a rr,o P. o. Nd &o~ 4 2 V oa.-ill • 0 lttorm1a ion pl n.1e ., t of yoa.r rff•l'H ot Very tr 11 yo aD ra1, s o. l A t1 v~,. o r bl• Dep r 1r1 rl tD ~t) ' • L ' '/ ry tly • .. ~ .c r r d • Mt"w ). o. t'l 0. x .. YQlO, Oa 1Ho JI•• ta Rt.oraa ie ~ar1 I) IA. 1D • lforarl 1008 re \ • C~l .. ~:;=-"' ~ l~• :U)f2 CJlH'''1 :· ·~.;;;~t•, Apr1 r. a. yu~t ra u it, IJox 2 )'U ertJ. tnto. Oal lro i 111in s l• '' ~.. udet.a. • iu • a.r 101I e11 <JI" yo\.lr • taira .. rn411'H o;f t h not. • Very tr ly yourt, • • • f 1D .Vfir f v 10 t 1)' ou .... • • 11 • • • • 1 • ' t. I fJ.¥ ' • IJJI .. • • ,, I • M. • • ' • I 33 11 t • • Yeq ' • ''f':f I • • 1 ' 1. I I 70 • • .l )~ 8 J~ VI Gi\I~ Amr. 'I' llJI 'I'll.I': 1 I .. _.,...._ , l'fl~ U :-t'I 'JI . ... .J. _,,,;, ·1 b Ca• 1 cl.o JI' r. t c 00 on A ·t 11t D n:r 01r : ' Icy I :.m ,, ti'716 24545 :. 02 27356 ~or the .a.:r n l. ontlao o Bulok ' l Ohovr lfl t rd l 0:}0 Ye POA ll.9 od<m 000007 BOdWl odt1.n YflB No 6tl3Q8 6A38'1L 3 Mr . Ya Yoe Tho 1 hov li t or onra (1"1vo l n o ator 4 in , 1510-ltUe J tr et. , • ac ento . Oulito.rnl , l cond floor nd nro all pl. a . in one c;ro l.p. •nolo Ql'l!OU!lt ~f d plcae r11 d t itn t nd d. 1'1/v-.... •>H......• o t\t 1'0 on b11l 21. 00 . Yours vory tr y 1 A. ;r . Reid r.• f.J'R : • or e to in -Cor Leld Ri pr nont t1ve 1~ the II" \'{ntM.L ~- ON\~h\ 1~* '"?~~1 ~.~:\~~ fu1 I lo ~o 6M~""' i%~., "\~\)C\M' ~YA "?11 't O?" \~ ~t\~A'Of\ 1-1~$1,, ll<.- -· , - - I . IN AOCOUN'T WITH CL i ALLEN'S GARAGE <a, I!. ALLl!ll, l"~0Plt111'0" STU,P§..~~...§,. R ..,.S....E-.R..,. V....IC . -E ;;;;;, GENERAL AUTOMOB ILE: REPAIRING BATTl!!l'lli!!I, TIRSS ANO At,lrO ACCllllOl'lllll. PHONI!: CAPITAL. 13a BAll\IU LINING ID10·11JUl J STIRIU!!T IMTUIUT AT l'H& llAT I 01' I 1'111 Cl&Nf ...... 'IO~TH w•L.L. • I OHAftO &C ON A\.L. QllCJIOUtl llQCO\IH r• \ll . ·,2 ... l . RA P'IV• D~'f· RITUrtt-1 TC Reae1n Bank ol San franQJsc 400 SANSOt.11! STR&:ET FRANCISCO, CALl'ORMI-' S-o40 811$'19 C J S <. J F11-1 .'i. t. A<rEN'r 0 1::•1'111-: l N 1T 1·: n S 'l'AU ll'I June 15 , 1942. Mr . Albert J . 1t e-i.d , Field Represiantative , nk of San Frar1oisoo , Federal asfh'Vei }~va.c uee >ropert 'f lJepad,men t. , 1008 - 14th St,1•eet , Jacramento, Calii'ornia . Den.r Sir: •fa arl) enclooinl\ tvio la'Ltor a .a.ddres1:3ed t,o t he .t'ollovd ng Walerga Assembly CEmter re1 a.rdin~; their autoui0bile evacuees at. tli storage , i•'ainil,Y t o . (L{I) ~4357 Frunil,y tro . ( 4'!) 24545 a.Neya Company P• , 0rM<lhi From t1eso letters you will. notice t na L t he tho trh t. in mi nd ifl .o ancouraue i..I e .Ja r1eoc to take adYa11ta.15e of 1 lternu.tive No . 2 on 'ICCA Form F.m-4 and sell t I air car3 to the r111y . These letters have beer1 sent to you i nasmuch as ve feel I.his matter ~hould lie hru1dled personally throu gt you 1•atl1er Lh.a.n direct with t.he evacuees . Kindly advise us ae soon e.a posei t>le what nuooess you are ng in tih conversion of t hese ctln and whe n t.he tra.ns.a.-ctioris ave t>~~n complet ed , please return the 1'or rus p1•operl7 execute togetii 'r witt1 t e Olmera hip c rtifi pr <>pex•ly endorse on t 11e :roverse aide on lines 1. and 2 . Ae~ is1.-a1 Enc !.oaures t Cashier. ' . . ~ rnl\.01 co At· n on 'r• R. • roo11 Dtu.•£.r~ rg • • !! .1 • n. l!! -11. d . th 2 .. J'urt l. , l 942 Tl t ntntive A.TR tll Enclonll' 1:3 'I: Sir: A. J • snor. Enoloou id. t ... F1s c. \t. An~:N't' OF THE I N t'l'J·: 11 ST. Tt-:s 1006 Fourteenth Btr•ot Saorament,oi Oalitorni · June g, l g.u3 Mr. Yu.ldo Tanaka o/o 0. O. A. w. MarysvilJ..e Asaenibly Center Arboga Bra:noh, rysville Post Otf1oe Cal1t'ornie. Dear Sir: We are noloeing the Power of Attorney, Signature Oard as we ha e :m.ade a photoatatio oopy ot same Whioh we are sendi.iig on with the bank oertit'icate on the GUO Pan&l 'l'ruok .. Yours A. J', Reid Saoramento Field Representative MJR:tM lllnolosure • I I II! ' I 0 l a.r '1 irn t OCl"'!r' • H. '• Sub,1 le th reforio to out 'I ~·o•tr Cl 1n t 0 Ott libh r otionn. • 0 o. (?Cl) 6?10 • i.c 1 C:Al!fe:n!e u.l.y "! ~ 1942 r;- ;t >t' 6 n 1"M01 ~ rtrn nt A. t ntlo : on le: os r1 ~ on 1J ·r • I w11l ae. o l ya le> . o r naci to :t.o .-,•o () r, t•y trul • J . Rei Onorn nto olo . . . s.. 1iro All n• ot r ( >il) ua lit (lrJVor yo np; rs • ld a. .. 5 oo AJR 7 :t roe nt ti v · fot' t l1 o • .. emtJ Str tJ ,..._ .... . _..... ~ .... ..., .a..i.4v.,.,u.i. • 1~4 .. , lodeI l It "" oue 4 O S n rv DL\l1k of 'ropsrty De.P r ntlO Str et nnoiaco , '0 ol1torn1o. ttention1 .fr .. a. :i::. ~1v .son R·: Hoy e o. (t>aJ e?35t'> aa !10 by t hor i'or cont, oted nn~ r of Attor.mrJr ~1h1oh 1· tttt ohing tor your o nvon.1<m in PlY111G tor oe t tiot t fl 11 en avo.11 lo. .lo ho.v ob) 1no4 noloE.t :P .. l"Ern. PAL ))ESER\g f>AN J< )F ' N )'R NC JSCO May 28 11 1942 Mr. A. J. Reid, Fi ld Repre ente.t1ve, Evacuee Prop rty Department, Federal R. erve Bank of San i'ranoi oo, 1008 Fourteer1tb Street, Sacramento, Oal ifornia. Dear Sir: In ooMeotion with a Ford DeLuxe Bed. n, motor #A362577J , turn d in to • Molter at the Walerga A sembly Center for eal e to the Array by Mr. Iw o Haya ~, family number ( 52) 27356, wte find that we are still without the registration arLd ownerEil ip oertif'ic tee, Information in the file indioates tllat applioation for duplioate oertifioates has been filed by Mr. Hay s and thffre i a poesibility that tbles duplicate o rtificate are now in bis pos esaion. Please oontaot • Hayase .ad endea'V'or to obt in and forward these e.ertifioates U> us at your rl.1est oonvenienoe. 'four very truly. "D Assi tant Cashier: f • r o1 oo t1ve P 1LM 110'lOliJ B ". . .. ..... 1n l I lat •') ;.; . • I i Forl o l ya 1930 D lu 275£5 I. Y .. Uoh.1 ~e s d n Ohevrole~; 0 l 9' O S1>ort Ooup <l H 0 l 29 .Pickup Ttzu o it u1 G d 0 l 3e ? ) Tou1~ d 'Cdll!l ,, • Ir 27?i~ J. d 4 193 • 28'J3 c y. fltt~· T dd ohl Umnno •rruo Ch v G 1931 Conoh Do' ~o ,J-0 c un d June 29 1 19'42 r Oo arli)" n J.) .,. Sir I wh &pprec.t t11 A i•ot.t ·n env,,lope 1.a an<.1 w ho pt to from Yo rwloeed ti nor-tl 1 or , Go WTia£!Aft c~ l Alb rt J. Reid 1 f'j. ld B.$pre ntat1v I""' yo11r oonvoni no 'EDE l L E. s .!, l v E BA I 0 F F l. 'AL ACI!) 'I' Oli 'l'll E LT, l'l'lm • TA'rli:H J 'r .l r _/ vfJl')' 1 J ... t/( . l· , c.lo i O !Tia.f!ay:oln cci -? Albert. J . R id, Field Represent. tive, 1008·~ 14th Street , 8aol", 0 l. l:V J /') & t~ el tro t 101'}8 n t ~ emtlo2 ·t r: t on; r . R. r noiooo •• veroon 1 ' .... n · n o d ()l' ' • 1 AJ"R: l ro B!...!!?'..,J,.~rlt~ J\mo c/o et "1., ~ .i..tvrni '.J. o, 2 no ootooti ~: lnr n orl • ont<J o ntlo· .n: <lolivor to Ono .u.,~ n o \Uldor QI 08 0 • I • J'. . R ill G OrlG!'tO AJ'R ::U oo - San Frano i aoo Ott'ice .d t p;i• ntat1 e War \ Express Internationai-e-02, 1939 1 Serial 'D2·53314 J.lotor ~1ID21~ .. f34920, ... _ ... .. _ _ _ _ _ 11 .... 1 . . ... ct" 0 \JCI ~ J.J.Ull:Jl,UU:J S.Port Coupe s ou1• Reoor D Re.rtmer1t!e R•,ie>rd rial rrzr0.A Robt. Uyeda International -602 Expres Q~'P Oh iyrolet 6A 1930, #6ADAooas, 6~83 Motor State lioense #431.1292 w2oeo24oJ Fickup, Ford, 1929, Seri l 27569 I. Niehit• Oh vrol•t & 1930 Spo:rt Ooup ord 27599 Y. Kato 1929 Fiokup #All42383, Motor IA11423e~ ~ State L1oenee #21)442? Ford 4 Truok AA Stak: , Ford 4, 1931 seriai #None, Motor #AA.4646176, St te Lioens IA748 i7723 M. Tambara Sedan, Paokar'd 8, 1929,, Ser1. 1 27899 Watson Nobuo Kondo Paokard 8 1929 Sed n ,f'2 542'i'8• Motor H254789A, State 1951 irruok li oenee #07Ml28 Sedan, Dodge, 1930 Motor #A56l-ll3, Serial ~None, State lioense #90M523 27977 T~k1oh1 Umano Dodge Sedan. · Ooaoh, Chevrolet 6t 1931~ Serial #6.AE6e339, Motor #2916354, Stat license #13M84l 28039 Henry Pickup, Ford e, 1934, serial #18-587496, Motor #18-68?495, 5798 y. Kei~ir Nitta Oh v e 19;31 ooaoh Ito Ford 8 Pickup S tate lioense He8H876 Coupe, Ford 6, DeLuxe, 1~34! Serial #18-1161645 , Motor # e- 30840 Mise.o Kayakata Ford 'M Lio. /j9V8780 1161645, State lioense #'JV8780 Oo~»e, e, 19~3J Serial J¥60A0l-6287, Motor ~3453151, State Chevrolet ~0998 Yo~hio 2763? Taz\.l.ko Matsui Matsumoto Chev '34 Lie. #24.M3S5 license #2414385 Sedan Tour, Cadillac 8, 1936, Serial #3110322 1 otor #:)110332, Cad 6 1936 7~ Tour State License #17M926 Received from Fe·deral Re s et'V'e Bank of San Frano1soo, Fieoal. Agent o·t t 'h e Un~ ted (!5ate or States, the motor vehio1es above desQribed. beilvaryJ (Signed) R. K. Blair (Sign~d ) Capt. QIJO s ~ 5 n nt r not oo Att nt on• your instruot1 , l uve n n nto :ro1· tl flto t 1•i:.l r "n '· on nt 1 lnp; r, . th.1 1~ n 24.• our t: rugo • g<> d (Jll k ti. o to of l ing , la ~'P JO nnc.1 1ot hr • rd : enoloo th 1 G ~e . ot.,q-11 v r trul , . 3' ,, R i o c;r . nto Pie or F11sc\I • •\111-::-i·r ov 'I'll!': l lN1·r1w June ia, 1942 S1wn:s Mr. Alb 11. Reid, Fielci Representative, Federal Res rvo Bank of San P'rancisoo, Evacuee Property Depart nt, l008-l4th Street, Sacruent.o, Oall.t'ornia. Oea.:r Sirt Vie are nclosing EPM-10 oove1· the ee.le t.o the Army the f ol1owing described automobil i Registered Owner: Tazuko Matsui Lioeneo N\.Wiieri 1714926 Thie i the car £or which you picked up the ee t cuahiotl today &nd should be included w.Lth the registered. on OW' EPl(-10 mailed to you on June 17th. ~en th ee are picked up tomorrow .morning, Jun at 9:00 A.I.I. pleaee have th cloeed EPY-10. Enclosure 19th, nny reprasentat.ive el. o sign the 1n- l"EDEPAL H.ESERVE BANl Is ( Nt··~ NCIS C O rr s c;,\1. Aot-: NT \W 'J11tl'. l N l'l'f·: ll S•1w rn H JL1ne 17, l.1/42 ,:r. All:Jt3rt, ,I , r'ed !:11'cU e d , r' old .icpr 011L1.L vo, ank o.L' San •r· c~ 1, ..,vao1.113e P •o iod,:' ,:mt rt1 ant , ir,ue - ).1,t , t1•oot, :i11c1· nteat.o , Gn.ll l'1J nl , ubJect : 1.Jt.1ar i r: snbject' Tazll.l•:o '.a.,eu.i .t"nrt i .y ~o . ( 5~) 2'16J? ...___.-- Ou .ri.:nu 6t.1 WtJ L 1ceJv d t c t. prai:Jal o 1 th 1936 Ci illac .. i.1 the amount or 200 . Ui• . ac.ove " ,e nppl'.'....J.!lfll fot'!ll ~· -6 i'll;l't,'.,cl' ~tlO\'/:l tbat seat o s' iol'l le 11.;.s.1it1;;; •. nd tu,.t, the e..1nr .isal , if are in ·ooa condil..lon, qul<l bv v J.uer.1 at ,;~50 , r.10 . inL ~t l.1.<)Jl , t ere f'o l'e, or gi vin..; the l::lva.cueFJ OV'dl'.!f aecis t.nnce fo l.hlo rat.tar, v e 3t.lf'eest LIUlt ;ot. ·rart ;fJ to thia seat pie! ed up t\l 1.1.s 1' () • ?1o r ticluo::. s , ,;.112 S Lrec t, :3 oi•ar, r t;o . ,/he r . J\tsui L : 1ed :i.n tis cur, he -'orrn~u back Bel', cu:.ihion :lf.1 laJt at Chin na resa . I fl.o,nucL as I.his en Ari:,1und1t• l.t oer.J.!' :x·erly . i~11~v:i.v..i •J that. L t'l .i.s cin · he d fo r salcJ t.o the .o . 2, ·ie ahall 1app11eciate your V( r·1 tr11l. , F11-;1 ;A1.. \ti ENT cw ' l'IJE lfNl'l'EJI ST T l·::-> Jnne 17 ! 1942 Mr. Albert Reicl, Field llepree nt tivo, F411d ral Reeorve Bank o! aan Franoisoo, E'\' ac uee Property, 1008-14 th Stre t Sa.cramento, California Dear Sir : te are enclosins herewith one sch dul or Form EPM-10 covering i-11e Bale of ten utomobilf1S t,o the Army. 'i'bese utomobilee at•e stored at alerga«mbly CeDter, Saor81D8nto, Cal.Horn 1 and an Army reprf9entative will call on yo11 within the n xt HV&ral days to tiake poseession c'Jt the111. hope to b i.n cont ot. with the J.rmyt representative b tore b leavea San Framisao far Sa.oreroento &nd we will telephone you about h1e p1~ooable time o! &rl"b l so that you may meet him and turn over tne cllU°a to him. In the meantime should ey of thuee evaou&ee re•-lueet permiesion to sell to bdont the Army has ta.ken polltHliiision, will ;you kindly oomrnunioate dth r. Armetrong in San Francisco eo t.hat proper a,o tion IJl.Jl:1 be taken. When the ArtrJ¥ representative has ta.Keo poss ssion of the care, pl aee have him aign the «iclo&ed Form EPM:-10 end return it to ws at ()nee. Assistant Cashier Enc. I ) V r<J tl"ll y , H • ;; .. J 01•1 ' 001 .r. n o ~, 1 l ~J f)fl • t v a () p y 1ooe F~urteen~n ~~reet saoram(IJ nto, Oaliforn1~ ay 18, 1U42 Federal Heserve Dank of 3nn Frano1aoo Evllo ee Jroper ty .D epartment 400 e..nsooie Street Sa o Frano1 sao, do l~fornia .Attention: 1'.:r., R. E. EversoB f Dear ;;:>ir: e are attaching a list or ll 1.1tot the Wnlerga Assembly Ou mp for .sale to the U. s. ova:rnment . Y..ey s for s me e re beinp: held at this of1'ios . No c rs were received for by the Oovernme ot. mQbiles taken in ~ Attac hed to FRD Form #3 , frunily nwnbar 27<J 7?, Takiohl Umano , please find Power of .Attorner, also App lica ti.on for Registration Oert1t1cate, wnicll wan lost, and ApplH at ion for Owper:shl.P Oertific te (one turned in by Mr. Umana was illegi bJ.e) which you no doubt will apply .for through your of'f ioe . Yours very truly, A. J. Re id Sacramento Field Representetiv P.r:t! : r · :Encl oaure a c 0 y ]'inal Liat: vnouee Automobiles ~ t Vfalfl>rga :Fol' S le to the Uni tcd States .Army: !i~1ster Faml ly Nu,m 12..J: l. 6463 d .,, Robt Uyeda I 2 . 2i'735f> Iwao Hayo~e Y., J,,,, t ~il"L ·J t 1 )~~ International -6-02 Exp osa Ford l 930 Del ux Sedan Chevrolet e ig3Q Sport Coupe 3 . 27659 / Y. 6. 2?G3'f Make of A'i\tomobile ato Tazuko Matsui Ford I 1929 l:>i C'k caa 8 193G '7 l l Tour Sed 6. • Trunbara ?. 8. 280 ~9 9. 2797~ ,t Takioh1 Ford 4 19~1 'rruok Dodge See\ n ._ I 1/ V ' . ' f 0 . t ., • 1 r : ' no.touu o • l'l .x 11 ~ '/ /,./ ~1 ¥ t;.!i" I 1 • I, I, . I' I' ~C} .' ,, bf rl 7 l, ~ , .t or:r1oe rt,iwnt <(') e tu c ·J i t orni Do r llir I ~ r .1 3 yo th r l :r ot S ~ttl. i torrt1a ~3 1 H14'~ • to• 11 Fr no 1 c lt , n. • o Ver .. ;r . or m~c . .~ I clo uu.r ij on tl"ul oura , tive C! Ghio :· .nol oo 1 r L: v(} y t y Ii 1rl cr11n en tc 01 l"tJ I • J "nolo . ren e~ a.a-.,,_ _. RESOLLiTIO The aamcnto Ci o. Council o ri da~e f • t E:i eby, a to ~1 r!o ion t!4e t -·· . .... • nc. eb7. re l_v er ~ ich et - 24th • • • ( • era ... l have 1 l • e 0 ( 1.f.), • 0 - A I ------·---- ,.... --- --·----- . ~~ __ ..,_, ......_....__ J BO, a' ---- P STRE"£T WHRRF /(18 .0' _....,_ ____. .. Colle e anq Buen Streets T l phoue l 6t3 0 0 . CENT p y We I.. 0 RAG-R Bob Oneaon e1•vi e 11 Majcl(I ~ r::it Oars Voodland, Oo.liforni N'.ABU ay 11, 1942 Federal Reserve 1330 J. Street B~nk aoramento, California Deer Sirs: Ste.rt1n as ot May 11, 1942; I will rent the Ea st half of the Oentral Gara ge, ap proximately '1200 square feet, on a month to month rental of one and one-ha lf oenta ( .01 .¢) per s quare foot; or One Hundred and Eight Dollars 108 .00, payable on the tenth of eeoh month in advance. Yours very t ruly , Robert Gesson (Signed) DH ' . o.. , oJ u . iO . "' to ' " t1 l"En 1·: 1 ,\ L I ' ·:~ Er vis day I NJ{ oF , \N ff AN .1sco 14.i 1941 Mr. A. J. R id 1 Saonmento Field. R presentative, 1006 Fourteenth Street, SMramento, Calito:k'nia. Dear Mr. Reid: You1· lt-tter of Mar 12, encl on Lag a letter dated Mey 11 from the Central Garage, sugg ets that e might wiah to bs.v• a Woodland storage preJnises. draw up ·to cover t r gul r lease fo storage will no doubt Woodla.nd tbnt In view of th faot, however, sis , we belieV'e i t would be jwrt as Viall, from be on a teinpora;ey • Go.aaon 1s letter an Rg:r •our point of vi«Hr t 1f l'fe oonsidered 11\ent to rent he price to us on a month-to-month ha.sis. tf a oh pt1ooodur will be '3e ·i factory- to M.T. Gasson, it rlll bl seti otory to 1.w. ·row-a very t:ruly , ~~~J~<§ ri l Asai.stsnt Ca.ahi$r. V ~, tu.n. t 0 • ht l" lf't'" \C 1 UfH') r ~ 1 r v • J • eltl ~ ~orrunentn Fi 1 tat1ve I\ Ot· y~ l&r S N h~ \ 12, 1942 A. J • Reid, FLeld Repreaentativ 1006 1 ourte~nth Stree~, Saora.mento, CeJ.if ornla.. Dea.r 14r. Rdd1 Tha leaae form whioll you forwarded your ter- of May 8, covering the Brick Bu.ildiI!i Wo.r house o..t ~esville, does not seem to be entirely clear, B it run.a for thre montlu but conh.tns the privilege to cancel t 11!.t.anals running u~ to February, 1?4J• Therefo1•e, we have taken the liberV of rewriting th. for a term of' on yeot·, all o~her provi ions beiJ:l8 tbe Sll.M as that prctVided in the fom submitted. by 7ou.. 1 W signed thia Uaso form, and J if agreetlble, ehould appreoio. e your having Mr . Livoti sip it in pl.ace of thci forma which you aubudtt • Please return two copies for our file the si gun L" have been affixed. Youra very truly , CJ v-vvl/f~?j:'V) Assistant Caahi r . I · LEASE = ; ~l• ~~~~:• ~h~• • • 'Nl • • • • • • • • • 1'"2. • • • • • • ,• 1 =sI.I.,.... le• ~ <la;- of ~ eba.:fter called iessor and fi'P'E'BAI. ~~.!!..t..P-l EJ...1\7 OP SAil of the \h:.:ited States, herei:ia.fter ca1la~ lessee, y neretn" YrZSES~: That -essor ~oes heraoy ~e ann t~ from lessor those certain . ., aa;:-crsco, be- • • as Ti sca l lease un o le see and les~ee doe s des=rioed as follows : to b e used as e UI"ehouse and for no other ~'Ur"Co se f or t ~e ~en:; Qi_ . . . .,..,, cotlmenc"b.g or. t.he Ta d.2.$ of . , . . l :l the Mil day" of ..,., l 1 y at the total rental o"' ..-......... paya.b_e b l::.lfiul t::aney o f the United S t a~ es o~ .A::rerica as !'ollcvs: 15?. and in co' s d~·atio~ of the e e c~tion reea~ :t ~f hich i~_tere~- aek:l v.~ edged.. and ~::i the day of and '7.tO O::l the day 0£ each a.nd. evecy conth tnereaft r '2!:. t i l ss.i d tot al rel!t a1 si:.a.ll. be p aid. :hi& i - is aad2 1lpOll. mid. suQeet to, the fol~ &gr! -. and ~ - hereto a.c h3reby 8F9e: Les- 'llil1 ~the rent ~ Onlding N barci.n rlipulataci proaptly at o-L i.ce te.m l".lmrl.n c:ree.teQ. shell be .. he=i=i stated- Oftr te:::& ecd cccli.~ & = ti.:::ios mid. ill the .-mer t~ ':'ci.n apocinc;i . f:a:s cx:mt.h to :zmth only, m:;d ba on "be &W :.en.. will oat ~et. Tobe wDole or =.y purl ai so.i.d. precises, o-r assis= this lease or ony rl6tJ.t.s ~ er 8CiY' s:sle of~ by ai;tli= an saU preclsh . or :ab ts:::y a.l~iaoa ~ s ·d pre::;ises, or di..-ec:;l:; or bdi.rectly use al" allow to be i::sed ~ ~ prac:i.s3s for e::;v o~ p-wrpose th&. of .....,"""" · o--"'"' 'rl ~ tho 'llritt.= =se:::t of t!Jo - -.SO:• e.zc:cpt t.aat th lessee &hall hnvc ~ righ~. 'rl~ tile ? ri= d the Ieasor to aaaiF ~s 1 - e to ~ other~ eg;c...7 o r ins~ty . ~. :! tsr:;y ran; shall be dne sad. ~. or i l a da!atl.t C:all be cmde iz. a:ry of t.he ~s !:ere!:. ~ '!» -.c'al :for t!:e leas= to ree:Jtar said~ mJd ~o all :;:>eraa:JS cld pmparty t:.m·on·~::-~. t!:z::: i>. '.n:.e lessee has -he righ.. a cancel tJ;: wj,,t1:1.n l.~a.seph#i ~ t.~ he'!"eof I ~he _t~ee followbg dat es , to-wit: _pn "f-. 19421 ~I l.~ , 1• 1~ . b . serving at i.east thir y da; s 1 p r ior •Titte:i ::iotice upon he lasso=:, s~tting f orth lessee's i:l'.:ont ion to ca1cel. So.cil vri t !: e:i -otice s ball be s erve1 on lessor by de~os~ :!.lii.~~!U.ted States :lail , pos tage p repaid, aC.dr e s s ed. to the lessor at • ~ anj_ e=:l' n~tice. de::ten.C.., or co:==u:licati an uruier t h is l eas e. ~ i'e o-ervod. _ 01!. lessee by l e ssor by dcposi~1n ~ 3!Ji'Si&iiliiilii st :::e --; , ad.dresseci. ~c the lessee at ,,..._,.ll''lr Lessee s!lall =ave t !:..., <n ic::: to re::ew t ~i s - e a se pe=~o~ not to exceec 81199 ~ea:::l, ;-~J he SB.;!je terns anc iies (U!I i9 !'13 for a. o~d"ti ~s as those her ein s-:~ -:~ - G::l _it ~~ r:otice tc 1-sso::- gi e_ as pre scribed. i:l 1;1::.e cas e of ca.:::.cellatio , a "t : ec:.s sixt~ {6o) ~ s 'b e~:)re : :..e e:o:;_:i L-at i c.:. of t"...e t :L - ';!:le:: ill eff ec • I;: ,; e e ~~ of ~ s-..icll re~;.:al, t:_is _e.7..S e ::a!" be ca;i.ce~e C. "t:.ri~ ~ s u c.i:i rene'1&1 teno: o- ·--:t e;i ::lot :. c e c _ essor ci" L.~e::.t ic ::i so to do give::: at least thirt;- d..a:"s pri i:-r .:: <:~ effective icu-e Jf ~cel_a tl.:m . I::. the e e:i.• _ e::- - ;st:C. slutll Oe dlle ~e5s:ec ~ ~o :f ~ i ::. ~ere b C::l'"" t o "'"!J..e a ffective dat e be liat_a f :- t:...e .:. :;-71 d.e C. . the :-z:ita.l f - t_c ] a._"""i:!e~~ ~f ~ r £ ~ slia aft_r s'C..Ch Cc.:l i ')::l 0 -:>f a::!.d •• he ~cellatio ~ ........ .,...._ ~ da ~ • mi:n.- lsnn n; ~5 ~Z', h&:uis a.:td s-eal.s the da:y m:n t he said ?L"ties have :hereunto set their raspective year first abo-re vritten . Si.e;ieC., sealed. a:id delivered i:l the pr~e:iec o~: t\ittJ b1on• 0 CllJ1.l oi' l l..ivot1 Oo. i'or our V<J " ,r y, -. L I I f__ --;...-' ....... -- I 'lt:.. - ~ ~- - ~ v • cnt ti e FEDE ·AL RESERVE BANI~ OF SAN l'RAN ,I 1 co 11 )0 1942 • t / 'l'he aop s o " fu · or l or a v'2 ) .. .Apr 1 2~. ' 1942 l r . R. E. Everson ll1ederal Reserve Bank of San JJ'ranoisoo 400 Se.nsome Street Snn lI'rancisco, Cali'.L'ornia Subject : Orowe- atter~on \larehouee Dear Six i The at.taohe d letter covera the terms o1' the rer1tal 01' the Crowe-Patterson Wtirebou~e at Vacaville, Caliro1nia. It is assumed that the building has 10 , 000 sq_uare feet ot' apace available for i:ito1·ase purposes . ):[oweve:r, cur easurement indicates tJwt this a rea 1tl1l l be oloser to 1 2 , 500 square fsat . However, there wi 11 be no ohnnge in t be amount of the rento.1 to be aid u11de r t he termfl outlined in the Crowe - attarson le tte r . This building 'fill be read.y f-0r: our occupancy on .At>l'il 2? at vrbJch time ·re may store evacuees• property into this building . Yours very truly , A. J . aid Saoramen~o HRO :L Field Representative