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FEDERAL R:Es}.;RVE BANK oF S FISCAL AOEN'I OF '11t-1ID ti l'ffil) sir A.'fE.1 ------... FRANCJSCO ! Ul [ cne i r~~~~~~~...-~ j flKflltllllelft ..... 4 jU1t'l.lltnt o! yaca..t1<)n Sehedde All ¢iv1.1111:n Ag,ncl•• fftrJCA l.. Du t<) o~ r.- eg'i tr. ti >n b CUl1"l"!19ttt • elu•ion Ol"d ,rs t ll.ece ~a..ry a :f' lnOft;Uhf.'tXlt and d.e• ti.nat.1on ~t v Q.' Olll'<l11Jr XCl N'<:.-t1 , '~ an4, .)J t>e ttuui Li.ttli.S n,g l•• um e:t- adjustment• .;t:n tQ:e t1m et& ,, under Exe.l·usto:r:t s f ollow1: ... aiqn OJ4'11r ~ l!MA!btr !ml. a, l.9..4J2 569 Lo~ e1 • 32 M '/ 9; 1942 6JO Lo.s An eles ,, My # l.'9~ 1098 y , l'1.42 4ll 0 :!l My 9, 19-42 747 Los )g 3J tl.'/ Lo$. ng•l;e'51· »:Ig~l•& ~ ·e-les. (~1irl 4} b nza m- Poi:a.ona ~ an ta ,, bt ta 11tarii&e..1uu· sa.n ta An.1 ta f.f••• , '.. Li 11ter.La.nt. Cola>...,1 .. H1a.rl .R. aend~M~.aeo , Oolonel. G. 6. O.,,. " Oh.te,f Sta tt, Civil J\tf'airs Di 1&1.on, We.ttirn.e 01v11 OC>t'lt r·ol ACJ.~1.riistretion or ~S$1Stsn ·t 'A 1thd1•erwe1of'1ifJld R~pre ' en sti'V&S ot the J't~ · R S$l'Ve 'Be.z k o:r Sen 11'r1utc1. noo., E'iUHltiee Pro e.rty Depertmo t; !"torn ¢·1.;11•:t.e 1 n 1J'n.1ted St to.a En lo:rrtMtflt 811u•vto~ of:tices. 1 thdrn~n CH!\~~ .i·epr,jur. o~a ,·• .ll.ete t~ o Ill tP. 1vGtv U'p;1 teO Otat.cu1 ~·!.i lQ,f er1t St? vi~e ortle•s: Jt l;$} 1P-2a.. t a, l?ll l ~ d , Celitorn1~ R,1.ontn..ond; c irorn1n ~ •ley, o itror1l~ 1lej lay 1.~ey 7 t 7, ). 942 19·42 7, l ?42 /~ / CO: Qe: :ff;Jde.rel Seou.r1 ty Jerm. ~ylartBB s:-=t /~ Aaa 111tant Oli!lahitlr . er:1oy Seo~r1ty ~c1.~tnist1at1oR pel.Qw , B:ll1.J.m.e11~ 1«1~ om•r 1:: il·lt, T'l'lt' Office of A~sist ant C~!e! CJ ~ ·A '"T) ~ "1 FO .TB Afe'Y 01V1~ Af~ai~o ~1v1~1on of S a!f, l~:.~~.,J:.IVIL C,(t'l~or, OttDlISTRAT'.I~ . A 12'.3'1 Muk_.t S;t;reat. :San Fr-a.rieisco, Cal1rornb: ' Adjttet,ment oi' Eva.cue:tion Schedule. 51.JB,JEC'I': 'rO~ A.11 Oi\rilien Aigenciee ,. Wartime Oi'Vil Control 1. ,/J,. ·IJ,i.::it.i,:aUon Due to over-registration in loG A,tlge1ee und~r CU!'l"ent F..xclqsion Order a, necessary a.djusttn.ent.e in the time o:t rnowement and destination of' evaicueies, unde Exclusic:m Orrtera Nurnbete 32 and .3.3 , Wi.ll be made as tollow.a: /' ExcluaiQn Ot' ·~. Oa: 32 32 33 )3 jJ 2. ~ ar s, fa,y 9, Ma.y S, ~µmber 1942 19~2 J.942 9, 1942 ay 9, 1942 May 1 rrom Lo~ Ang~les 589 6JO Loa Angeles -...... To . ·~zianar Pomona 1098 Los Angeles 411 Santa Anita Los Angelee } IU'lZQl'lar 71+7 Los A.ri,geles $ante. Ani,ta Private autcniobiles will not be taken to I.Ktmzo.nar. -· _)r/(.#:q:z___ . f. i· HASS l.iieutenaot Oolo!1el, Otlne..ral Sta.ff Cotpd A, A. C. of $. 1 Civil. A.ff airs ')ivieicr> WS,.nin).e Civil C«r>ntrol· Adrninbtrat;tcn ) · ,Attaobe are:i i::iopJi~u' ot r port• o:r" tl e $·\iov• pt(J Jecte, in eooor"danoe dio , t~~, A~X'il 2..;p l~u. ~. ot w, tll Seetioti .L ot mellj.t>J ondt.111:1. 1 Qdqu<u:te:re ~. Ob•&1'1\d ertid :Four·~h A'trrr/,. oa; .ra~'l l:lll" • Eeol$:a~u··e 'r~~#EB ;.J -0-tir i t~1 A ~$!!J.CJ c o .r t llajor Carl StQne.field, Financial oi11ce~• Itl.spection and Fiscal Br~ch, W:"C Co(f., Whitcomb Hotel,, San ,Franciecc. Cal.i!orni11 Dear Major $tonei'ieldc There &1"419 enclosed £or you.r ap:wOV'al. and pa;ymnt,. vouet)ier FqrJlla Ho . l.034 ag~rrega.tina $22,586.lO cove:ring expenees incurred by otf ieee o! toe Federal Reserve Bank ot $an F:ranciseo during the tI10nth o!' March,. 1942 1 in conneetiop nt.ti Ute tlltl?acuee Propert.y Depat"l:.meut. Wa.rtU. Cii.'V'il 0.o nt.rol Admin1stration". Separate voucn•r £orl'AI covering aalarie•, traveling expenses, and oth~r expenaes have been prepared in t~1plicate in ra8ponae to yQur req~est. ren~, Yours ver,y truly, Eneleeu:res l,ia'bel: tllll ., '· l ll'i&OA .· • u- ii' e\ot• eil' t J t ap r '' ·•Jt» »*21'-..ul 1• OW• Gae ia,, t •U1lu lo "" ...h tar- UU;i>pli. ot lap e 1'1Je h. lt'Gf0%fl 1 " <J•tf Sta,r«ta ~rd.z & ·ft se 1ot1d ·t•u , au.m.b:lr CtHt'.b•f'• G~ t en l•• .t nt1l• tor 11~.t OJ!' YG.1!ia oJ.o ·1 n n,tf$E;&l!le Cl!'igln,,., tept:ie~l!Vn.ti ir. tit., ltl• .tent!. I) -.e;iry 'a. tet-pf'~ e1i11 11.'lc i~!• •ento:r .o t ee-r.are · di ~ror:ti1 IP.llf•e" . ,W$ d~e·l le;, tuJ, tt:i pl:':lc n,aui; ·be ~1Jd11, b t u .a ·.• Ol'i<& 'lttork .pw~ tit.l1 M·"~~t .1'f!lfl$<Uta 11 e•r-t.u'ln ~h. ,t rt~e 11§1 ~liY<fl.!3..\ tit> Cti),I' 0-J." l,., ., vtf.l ny ~ .;&~ ~. »•'a1le .t a eo~Rll' tlo.., wltb <¥. ·l'lv~r· , tr• · t~, ~ tto. t :'.ll$ £ :wtti~ ya r.~ ·"$, 4· •e.,ll\J ao :n tr ' Qt ed ott ••jl ill't M"Ct~ 511< ~f ~ e\t ot o~ l A e.u1rl . ~tt11st tt>~ ct ttv it•et·~ n i-.r;rHa1 . or tllit c~. to l!l~ . 1'1:> $· 1.t. . . ce11h tll. .i t Ol'ctd:f. ... r •••'11.oe '1•• e 1 fl 'fi/J ttll!e /~ Al 'l VllttO• ii ail• ld.l :l • ••• t ~t•ct.i abl• and ie:x ~S. '.liou M.ay 5' 1942 l ~ OfU\.NDIJM TO: Federal ileeerv ..,, FRO}. JJ: nk ..#rmn.~eUJri ty- dminiet.r~ t. i.O(l ,, S. Public s istsrtc~ 'If . C.. 0 . A. lnfor111at~on ·~,.,~~··~ ... ~ .... .Oo.n Ut1 }).er, ,Jr. l SUBJFiCT: SP •,Cl.AL 1 . G. C. \\'~ have bfJ\l!!rl tod.vbed b,r • OFFICEt h¢ United ,;i'b 'K tt~N'J', n WASHINIJ.TC)N Elnploym'l'tnt. SfJrvtee that 13 s ed l '1f . C. C. A . ofrtc~ for the ·, e..r Aoard of' th~ Oepi1 ·tm nt of 1,r1cultur·e )'me been ~1Stab ' iohed 11t 226 - bt, St.N 1et, K!!nt, . .iashington. '.Che t~?lephone number is Kent 7JO . Jt.r Board's functions wi U be to a,dvi. e J~paneee in r la.ti on Th to <iiapo"al of.' heir prnpel'.'ty nd t.o in. llr~l Lhs continued ope!" Uon of the fa.rms. It would, be unneceo ary, how v~r, to oete.blleh ot:.h t' re l"fil1Hlhtati ve8 i ·n thts office ina&l.Ul~ch l:l. s th r ar 8oar'P 8 work will be h1gi'Jly Gpech.l ized an.d tr v.el permit.a W'i l not b ia suud out o this office . D~n MAtter, Jr., L.aieon I"edwel-' Seoul'.·ity n. c. c. 11 . gency FED.E RAL RESF~R'VE IlANI< OF SAN FRANCISCO May •• 1942 Mll«ORANDUM TO: el ' it..-:i ta I i4tl 4bW1" 1!1l'lU• If!.. . , SU13J'ECT: WI Karl R. Bendetsen. Colonel G.s .. c., .Aseiatan.t Ch1e.' f ot :;itatt, Civil Attairs Divis i on. Household Goode at 'Roberts, Idell o. r' •de to tb e mema: ~Uldum. 1, Reterence addressed t<;i. you by War elooation Autlllorit.y datecl April 24, 1942 rmgardill@ the above subjeo~ which in'Yolved a ca:se where househ.ol.d gooo e had 'bee.n shipped by a nwnber ot Japanese f81111·11es now at Santa Anita, on oons1g.nmeat to Mr. Ben 'Matk1.n.s ot Roberts, Idaho. 2. As requested, we have cont aoted the Japanese at Senta .Anita end OUT Los An,g elee Branab. adliees uss that one of the evaouees. nanely sh.ako Naiaako, 1nrormed our representativft tha·t W'Ord had been received. from Mr. Metk1ns the,t be has paid the :trei@b t charge& of $190 .03 aad store4 tb.e g.o ode a~ Ro·b erts, Idaho. Assisten t Oeshie r. oo: War Relocation Author.1 ty Lo& .A11Seles Branch. '.a Jt z ' ' AI> OP OJl AO'Q'l'QI :R 01?'£ll'ft 'O 1PAlt 'i¥!H If rll 2? • 1'42 I, Yot.U" J.ei er ~ ' b!Srt • ? fio"oebolA eoo4e • •o•.1••4 " "' 24, 1'42. oop f 4at•4lf•A~rll Qt th• •1 t 11,A"'.._ •• t•S.l.t•• .tc•1l••4. IMll1, IM at.11d., al•aMo, et tm• tt1111111.! t·oa •• .n.t e .A.Aita. ~tro.n lnv~u•U ._. Ot•QJca s:re et th•t h• • • • m•.i>er ot • a1x t • l.1 i Qp tbd PlMA84 • '\'olUO!ta17 1•• ••t th• tl"01ill' gro"p W.4 pU.u4 t.o 4•PN."lu:t• to obtrt• X41lho. Oll'evet • '1lut tr•••1.a& o:rd:er beo•• upo-. lt.a &n"i:wal •t Rob•rtuJ, Ibbo. tMm1li•• •n oro• ~o ew•OU. •· etteo'ti-Y• •i:r.d t (8 t •4) •C O. loll A••l an YantJ6•r. COt larl ll. Bmdetdea ~1, G.a .. a. q~ ~.t ot Statf ti'f'Q.. u~ J,lil'U:lon. wa~ Co~ :L Adldai~r.a~!on. ~I COF'T Wl!/S'l"mN D ~ 00.\tMA ND AND FOURTH Atµ.rr O.t.tice ot "l!.siera'nt "OPl?i!l'JM•ttf St.aft, ' Civil A.ffa:t,.~is tUvbion Wartt11e ~an Control Civ~l A9ministra~ion 1231 Market S.t rttet. 1 Ca.lif ornLs. Telephone, Klondike 2-2611 May l, l.942 l ental of o re .t'or.- b~iald Re¢e~enta:t.ives .rdp rty Department of l'Jva.cuee R• Ill • EVFJ SON ~ederal a~se~ve Bank $ansQl!l8 & Snarl\11!$n~o Streets San Franc~sco , California 'l't e· pr<lposal con·~ained in your l e tter d April 23, that. .rou discontinue the pi;-eeent contrnot. with the "llenta.tord. ~van''' and enter into a new contract with t he " H~rtz D.r ivursel.! Sts.tioM" a.It the ra.tea mentioned is ~pproved. ltl.rl R. B~ndetsen Oolon.el, G. s, C~ Assistant Cni&f of Sta!f Civil Af'i'airs :Oivieion ~ FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF I SAN FRANCISCO , :. r . · oloe\U"• ao - K~'or- o.. Q.. II. 0 . Prea 1~u.o .t.. 104.p.r• Cfit ..,» o1soo l :r ¢ v~l•t ~v ff ' 1ct-d 4,;loQ~ l.9 . Ot' lnt1111r l.,';HJ(i Gt la •~ 1940 c)lt )~ , Wh1.U II fO~ A , ln tJtArl •• I' :w. • a., V • t,o ;\, s.. ~ k$, ~·· 0 c MC•Uant. a•~· ' •• 'Wi 1 b ~ .f t mnr•.11~:r.'1 ~ cl be t..J'&nlll ' b~ 1.n <lbpl.1"~ t.o Oelot\H 0~ so~t1ca~i • a 1our~h A ,u. 2l1 (QJI) O~ ~-~, e.iu~. Sout ~t ~ th,o (IGne~nct 9 'ut.11.ra" c.ol.ooelL ~m Oa1U'O,l\'nl4 e•et.o.11 f Pa · ._., • O~W Ol>e'-'· t.1on~ "114 -~·· r,tf a.r.. l)•f. J>•, 3rd ,tWn.l, QCl,lli ~¢• iona 1.C'U, N~tll C11>1p1 Arffi,, U.u.t. . . . ~t,11s.., 5~tb fll-'eJOMUt.•_. •:n.• · ·1 JllaiMn\i; 1,e ~~1-~~•d au ~ .• u...1•~n Clf:!.ou tor \he Qw Wi•t•#'tl ll•(•rut• Co41m. . .. arxf Po~h A~ 1 ti.ct *.-did ti4 the ~baa.a• of •._cue• t.o wh1cl•• d. td'l t.h• tar nch Ba.11.k 1n Lu Anpl••, Ca.:UJ"!'.t:J?n3 rJl ~h• .Yl'.fd.,.J'Al •~orvo kn.k ot an 'r,M~ta.qo. I..' &tt.~•d truot.'-oue an ifr, 1~ (:I' 1 ld1 n reto• 1nli1Qam"41 nk II M'O J'et\l!J nl. 1k.M i..Q 1.- An,ael,., 1 tin• ,(lld.Gr*1 U~o~r'Y'll'I An.y t~• ss114 b1 t t lf~i- l.., 1'115(! 4)3 ~l~it:l.lil Of ••~:r tro tAH out t.he ,~b~ ru$ile:lA 1\d.U C~xUU.ntl' < Mr~l ; Sotat~lilrn S&."toxr- /:Wif.t ~ rge.- ol'dwu rac J /CfiJJ.tomiA/ able of l"O GA.O J>""°6 A04 ·, a or ~·"· l) }7.Q' •04 '( ~ mt: fl> ep«>na ot coet •ill bo l"u.rnltheti \be Fl.Mn" .o:tti ·r F'ow- ,h lir:q" DehnB• ~~Jd am !lb" l Jn.,1, - e~4 ot IA•·· ~•na.nt. Inattut.i~u 4t.ltt A. ~.hon Ofticer t T&C'kW.e ~o '•ltio1•• ~l'l)l. P11Wl\1.h 1 ea.tern 1 .Lleuitena1.n.t C~lonel. • • · c+~••on., e~.rtl•t.nt:tng »i1:;i•t. tr:Qf!J_. " C:' ' • 449,'tt•Jl t•,:J:"•,,, ~:L~omh, San · l"oiia(li#c'1>, c.:4:L crn:.t,a. o e-ra t,_,Qnl e Sank 1'.l"lllll.Ci.dlto •• .&°'1sQal · g nt o tbe o S t1ni. ted S tat e • in ¢WJntl. c ti 11m j, t h Ute Evacu£ ·±on Prog,4\XJl, )::oa, l:u1 •• 1·e·q'.i:ut:•t•4 ·~tia ~ yo · be ·iJ.).i'ol'1l'4:.•<4 •~ tQ respec.~ drat1rd: tt~atlvc1? 01..1an1•ation Qt ·~ti1• :S~nl~ to 'hi!! al:">·• • rJ ~o r 1, and t i• . "yo~ b' i:t••n • l't'u *" 1 Q t-· ty e o:t: eiet•f't~e 1 t 1• $.tl eavol'! io r ®er . line •a to t tlW w:tn l'il 29, emptandum 4.ated Encl.Qae~ is a oopy of a l94i and. t b.e, enelou1i·es t ere4ll demor.1.b , whi¢h •e tEU.•t will Pl"Q1Vid• y~'IJI wi ·\ the 1n.f~rUtat1on you , u • i..~ t x·~w o.t' •.1, l.>~ --ur·· ~ "'~ >fA~11b·t:J -·= ,-:=s; MEMOli.Alf.J)\']M. 'l'O ~ ?.ed.srel Reroe:rve ~ ~e~u of Pu'l:>Uc M d•ten.c• .f.lilQ)(: Dq Jrfe.ther, Jr. SUBJlllC? t f!pe«:lial. J'tara1 Secw-i ty Of":fioe a.t K.ent, W'e,l1lb:~ton w~ have been advi~e~ tlul,t the' Ui:i.i~•d S~R~bB lilmplo1?llent est~bliahed ~ S~eciel. lra.rm $ernll"ity .A,4\m,1ni•~r$t1Q~ Office a.t 229 F1.ra t Avenue. Kent, W&tJhintlltQz, Y~•t•r~. Service Appro.Jd..lllL\tel;r :fou,.rteen'ff of the 1arlrf, Security .Agency will be llo'<l in th1a o;f'Uc;e to tfl.41::e care of i"lll'tt p;roblellla 1n th.fll. e.rl3a htwean S.attle end Tacoma.. One •t.avlo;yme:nt. aerv1ee r~ re&en~e..t:tve will a.J.eo be pl'e00nt. 1:r:i the off,,.oe fox- the pu.rpo~e or 1sa:µ.11'1.g pe)1m'its . lfho U'111ted , S"ta.te• EtlrJ>l,o?~nt Se.\"•v"lloe. resq,ued~d ~hli.t TO'+ be ~~~~tte4 Gf' th~ boV~ Qff~ce in. 10U b&l~ ~· 1l W1l1 ~e n..,,~el5'1Hu7 >t'e> p~bvide i-epr••wta'fli.'le& at thil! office~ W.AR.TI?y1.! QV-1L CO.N'm01,. J\'OMtN.tS"IRATlO l Ul M4>i1.1::ll'll $nuu"D l'lll\i'l\etsC:IJ; Otll.IJ'Ol\Jil'/ 4 "U'4WWltJti.t ,, !Vl't • lt.Vt!<l'." r1~d!i'%'~ l G111 n In Frtin .; e ~Mf.l11t11 ~·lGlil Bulta An~ ta ·~ ,,...U,\l.p. ~l®k •ro"a rtwano · ' $9.lina• PIA:ryev1Ue $&4t"t\U1:)tio Sto~ktOll Tal.ar8 '.rOppeJti:•h Tan~o~a:n thought per.haps I should "Show it t.o Jlr. Clark in Yiew at his conversation with Gov. so it. •ill. COile a..l.i:lq l&-ter. iB 9 rierrv o l'•d•~al ropre•,e itat.1'V'• at 1 tne r time .. a lk i• Ao'i at ni!le; ' ~b.e aboore the et ae r::tl Mt• . V rr on , sh~ , 'ta,q. , ~errtMl1Ut1'fea Of tb .. U oh 1e e. _.••oon~r.'Y w11, ~ nrtte»~ . • ti" .1 ,g t<l itt Q4'H1M)X'4t.'ul~(J 'li\1di~h ,the pll.M C) t'l.!n d fr:J't' ~. )!le 'V qll Jl~ t_.;t If 'Q · e,d:e '>1 ' Ji'&. ' • In 11.hfil <utst, ot J r or ·a~ JJ.b 14$• l'.sl. l o:t 1lil.Qrtt tbno two... h.irda /t)f •'V' Q a iori ~rtl¢>.r! • t);dit f?t•bank . cc.•1 • I ~t1~DJ' •h:lr tou • t,.t) :i·e Lllt:tn,g bi tb.8 wtu:rt()... tnf.+' J P®rt e ln Kit•u.v ' Oount.y, aloe ou.,t." :J'f ) t. ,,le o:ffl ca m 111. eon tllct w£tb. th• 1. udor,s ott t I lf.t.P el QOU \il..tlltie.3 ot <>ther J''lttl ~n Obl #lrAAI ot tho!J p 1:'1 tliJ .P Cow:itr , nd th.• :pt'"Op :rty 1,..n at ~t«t !lb n0r ,. Jib :Ir ).)'l"tl'Seitf tel fii ~· 1a 8 , ne: beill8 'f# t btt)~'I J;"tt ~o ~, 8in•I'• f.t t W av~ ~ull'VJ.. Hl'f 'GVtQ#\, et ,rem8:rtQ·JJ t t • p:re&EtJ't t; time at :t.Hq: ttt . a, tew , El Q'.1:"$\t' •. _._.. __ Wf'\,R.'TI'ME CIVIL CONTRoi t\DMIMSTMTION l:lll ;MAJtUT 8Ta.~'IT SAN faJ.NCUM'lQ,.'Ql\llflA '?'1lepl111rtc K:toNDlltll 2·26.1. '1 April 25, 1942 Mr. R. E. E·rerson 1 ASaiata.nt Oe.ah1er Federal Reeerve Ba.Ilk o£ S8l1 Franciaoo San Frano111co, Oalit"o.nd.a n.a.r Mr. y()U Eve:t•eont Uoo•r separate co••r •• are Mil.tn1 16 aopbs o! Bulletins NO. 6 and 7 te C0111plete your eeta o.f bW.let1na l-7 inclwsl'Y'e. Ae future bull.•tine are "11+ be sent to 10,_. Yours very publl~hed, t.ruJ.T, Calvert r,. Dedrick Ohief,. Statistical :Bruch 87. r ) r :f; bing Secretary to Dr. Dedr-iok ,Lou11e • (> ,JI> 7 00 Vi !l!la.11 :Yenu• an rrra•t oc O•llfoale prtl u. 19'#& , ·:1.a•~r ~.rill s la~t, · Ii·~ ..,. . ~. O~l. 3 r . o : -JS 1.e l:'.1nt Oh:tef 1( ~t1 tt ~ 01 'Vil. A:IJ:. 1 # l ~l.ll 9 • lli 'fli Ati Oil t au•e •• o lif o.rn ta • · an .r11e:..nel co , •~r Colonel en e ifli~ • i ·t ~ a .Q. Pr Qt • s«t; · t(t '.t 11tnol s b: • ·4'* a~._ . h ll.t\ ortib •ho liote~, p e .Ad J,i iuatll'i tt ~Qn ·~ tl\ roe.rt sren:o•, ~ tl• eg~ 1 .1. t•l'al. ot ClU. tn.11 and lm$4'h i.bJIJT* i wr.i..t ob I ot the 1s~e~'ttr.u~ alf' ct so ot I b ttlil.GT6 t);)e 1w 1"\ll' etv• 11.q ie •elf.. ex~ll nato1r. eon•i e~e.b e •tu.c.tiy and en thei e.•:1.8 o .U1'1 ta ao:ri.eid :rat o . 1 ~~ wo , tQ JM ~ t tae ;polio'-e.rt t•t r-· ite •httin 11iel:r req,u~•d ed. 1bn t. l~•tlt• 1n d upun ~ a 01 o 1• ott•-r• . 'tQ"J: tb.e a4o ,P ii on of o t:her- polio 1• a, 1ctema;t tho · u'\f! I ~ .tu np peo~oie the 1tutnet1' ot YolU" o . ~IS\U"e DO e ! • :IeWlUi • Ele$louel Otreotoi-. w. ~1 »' • • ~· nws.J or • lABI SUIUJ NJMD!l! l'BllU! !JWI MllM!91 ft AQBICW,'rWlflt ISYlllll! ·AMP ~MB~ §IJZlfRl'l' Of 1 l 'rh• JlC>l1o1•• at \btt 1...r.. S•ou.J'l t.:r a&1.a1s1i'Al:,lon wltlll re·f&~fUl~• to th• 41apo•1t.1on of tei;r11 .aohiaerr -~ •q•i.PWBnt ot •T•~u••• ar• .P.J"•&oat~t4. .ipoa t)le twu)\len1 1H.1,0, 4;11li•·• ••dgne.4. to im.e f•l'!J S.~~tlt 1 A•t.a~•·•~•"" ,l.o.o. in th• •'Ytllo•ud11i,q11 proa·:rftlt ti. the art.1•• CiY.l.J.. C!lon·t,'l'Ql A:tlla1nia1l:ra ... i1011, nuel:r, t ,S.n,•ti·t tiUoa or • pro6r• 4••4 ~ .1.naUl'e oont411u1·11 ot •u~ou;l.t ll'a.l p.l.l'~M#i>"C$..oii e..a4 t• 4•a iq. Mtw•eo 4'4faCHi••• &mt thi»4 "•r'•<>tilt.. '.! tletch;,n·p,l.1t·h.-~ ~ tb• ..· -..Jor o\b·~tt.1~• t\1etat~ua that "'1• a~ Seotn'1tr A . n:tatrat1o'1 ll&1at tut. th• tara u~ •otd• ST n••••••l'1 to eubl• tm QOAt111ud •~t•o.tlwt u'ftliz•tioa of a p.e;wt1oiji.r tam ~il).1t be kept •••· il•~t• t- purob.••• •4 •• 'Dy • •t,ab•1;!tu.t<e ope:ras-o:, 1'a.IUM cwar tbll op•l'"•t1.;>n flt that pa'~t.o'-l~:t" tal"ll M.:11). Tlil!s Jiii9•11µppo••• both thea.t J'a ne se an4 ottrer evao'llee .e will no~ end. 'Will .n.ot- be m1tt•4 'to 401tl"Of, er ~ . a•ll or othft"Wi • · dis-p~~l• ot t ~ •qllipm.ent •:a:o•:pt t.o su.t'i.l t1 tu. e opet"at.Pr• 1~ · c.on~1.11u1•d ~ae on }lnt'ticn1,1ar uo.1t• 1• needed. As a ooroll. ry er.-ho, it Pl"••up1po1111ut t .-t cred:11Xlr• ancll t.h1r . p• a ns wi:u. not au)t. Wi.l.l not b9 P':rtn!l.,ted to tB u a4YH ta.a• o~ th• 1tua'.bto to u~tairly ei;er.c1s• p r.:ie~eaoo;r,:r ~1-ta bel:!e th~i r &.>iq tt'i.ll 1 te-rter• w.ltl). tlle ~bllity ot aii e•aou;•• tb tJttUtsfer eui.d t,,h• a:bll.1ty gt sub·•titute ol:)o:t"etor to rece1~e and t.ake t.:>Yer · O.Ollt,p ltJt a11t ett•Gt1,. e t: ana td. t. t•• •G ?t u l'eocgni:&ed th• t 1.n :U atlJ' i,il;at. ncea. wwe11er,. au.bstitute 01•~ to;:re to'Jf on.e ree.aon or a, nett ha r w1 l .not, ne d or will be ii.mtble t.o U.$ CHO"" D. 111•• f ,rm m.e.ohl.~~·r .nd eqt~J.p it 1'.ld. that, e.a a re·B\.ll.t., , otl. •ht'll'plua. 11lua ~ill be left on tillie t••.ul.4.e at \lite 1e.,Pfin~«u11 to ti apo e ot in ec;im otber taahion. In fiuoh 4j, ·tlM!tttQ.n11, tb l pMeae 1d.ll he e:r.mi~t di,. expea1i1114 and llr fSGd t.o die}J~ee qt •uoh .tt e, 1Jl th ui;d.ii;ery oh.armellli ot Mtulta 1.n t . 9rio 1.i ltUl"~ll Q'*'1\l'..n1t1e• in •l ,1 oii 9~41 .l~ .em.fl e;i;.e J'rl"•aet:r~l.~ looated tind b Vl~1.l.11bl.e te pel'son.e ta.ting n.1,ted .hereror. TWo ~C"" o,.-41aate po 1oie ar thEr tor eate.blts.bed: er Teott~o.1 a.t)cl othet pe:r1on' w1ll r:tot 'bta P•Jl'l1tt•4 tQ doeuroy , aorap o.r a ell :r.or junk "farm maob M ry e.nd equipae.n.t ~~ l'll to th• n.,ed.e or eu.tu;t.1 tU.t<f ope.ratora, wh1ob 1a 1.n 00 1t1 Oln r or t or ~?1' 1, cn.t l. 1n-• l.. pu.r (>a·e s. (l) (2) ZYaoue s tty •t- w.ll be 4itoQu:re ed trom 1 ob111~1ng 1n . 1ttor. t he 4urt.1on Cit 'the pr••emt a eq~ip \J6tion. ~ sob 1$ 'lo .1..4 in the aooo .. ltet•nt (tr the• obje'et.ivee, t ea 1 it.once ot e.q:ui:praent. Ile leri. ;t..n the a1lita ry (l re.a de.lW ted ·. a been 4 t"° OO<'#parate th t1 ld rsonnel ot t~e r 'l" geo .rl.ty , dmiri1 t\"e,tlGa 11fl t.ll• •nd itt •1ew inat lSU.O')! -oq ifll'l8.ab lieal~ (11.i.' •~ ·J.i y~ohae• lU•PlU ta.a •ctk11'e .r ; ~r.u1 •quipmuxt :fro w1un1.ef.n 011 "Will floce1.> ~"stody •u~b 1 tlle Wl4.•r agreeme.n t,a p:t'O'Y1d1n& eYSIOl.19$ 0 • for heir 1Jtor .e nd $ pn behalt ll>f WAR aELOCAT.I~N AU'?SORITY Wb.i tcomb Hotel Bu.ild ~l'J@ San Jr;ran o isoo. del. it o:rnia April 24, 1?4 2 .Assistant Chief Qt Statr, Civil .J \tteiro Division, Wartime O;lvi l eont1'9 l Administration. Household Goods a·~ Hob ert.s , Idaho The fol.lowing it>.fcrrnation is rurn.1Bhed fox· wb.atever e.otion necessary. 1'0U deem OnApril 17, 1942, ,Mr. Scalley, General. Menager of the O'teh ... ldahoSuger Company• into rmed tnia ott'ioe that two c arloeds or nouaehold goods be... lcnging to oertein Japa.nese tam1.lies, were in the poaaese1on o~ the Union Pao1r10 Bailrood, presumably u.nolei•Q. at Rober·t s, Ideho. Investleetion d ·1s~loses that theae etrects have been eh.ipped :tmm Southern Cal if orn1~, confJigc.ed to P.dr. Ben Ma.tkios, 11o·b erts, I.d.aho·, by the u.nde·r npted Japanese tanily he·a ds: Jimmy Mas~yashi Uyeda Masami Itam1. Isac Ime1zum.1 Sha~o fla1siak.o Eikiah suzukawa Twamatsu Yoshiuemom Otsuka Thcese t'am1l1es are nat1 at Santa Anita AiJsemb y .Area u.n~tell' the Ju:risdiotion. or the WCO,A .. Subsequentl.y, t .he tJnion Pacitic Railroad informed this ott1.oe that Mr. B,en was arranging to pay $190 .03 tre1 gh.t ehergee due end was &;rramging to u..nloa d and store these household goods at Roberts, Idaho. M:atki~ (S1gAed) E. R. Fryer Regional Dir ~o tor W6CA: This memorandum was presented to Mr. 01.loll,'.F.'!.!t .9A 4-28·42'~n.d~r a WCOA ;routing $'lip bearing the tolla.vt~ natetioil': 1eas1 ' tbv.r 1gat" tacts of' this oase to detennine whether the govemmnt sb.oUld. pa.y tut~re storages." 1 OU,l.~ 1 U ,, t St . l.' ,, Cl 'V'il Aft'a'l.r!> .Dt vision D ~It 1 Tl~J/1.. 1.:;:,31 ~..,,l" $·n ii·:r nc sco , T -.t ep \O:rii-0 KLon i l~ _ ';...4 , l.14~ "'· r1l .. _,,,..,............. ........,, h. J . ..ti y I re ~~ r ., ''1.ti'l'IO' ' OLSO c !or some d ~ d au omob1 e s ~~ ~tP mzan r ~ Ce« ..i.1.1 orn ~~ . t 1~ b ing 5 1.l. . ject d ·o aev~.1~e et r .nd i.s .rf...,p<.)rt c. to n · nd ener/8 1..1pi«.:l:r . It i:s F,.u g ~'Lf.'d. ttQ,. th :r;-i;,p. ll· nk t a ke 1 -eu.i.h te u.c:t.ion to disp1!>~iC!' of t , s.e Ttti ~tor1u:: tor 1ting vu~ in,a ..:iµ • k~ . ~. t:niei' ,, I HO.Lb) tt( ce ,>t.1 °.:.m Ce t l' IJi ;.ts1oR ........ . . . . .. JJr •• •atU.1~ ,...,...,... fl t I• 'Th. · ~a'lte;le$1;)f ,~Mfi/ f'i:<trlt hQuli'Ti ty dn),\~bJtr~.U6n wi~b ·J!•13f'el"1l' acl!· td '1;~)..e 1 s1t1ol'l;i..'1(.forl l!>f Ct:,_.rn. · ll'ificij'tn~t-y G.l'l.f;t·.' q~i~rnoht ell' tl'V':~ou·~el!I tllr'·.:1 pt di8"1.t~di, 1!1p6n t.hs t•un~t;ir.;.:n~r t..nQ. dati!'ls' u:pt~ned t~ · 1lbo ]'q.l,'m Seeui:-l t~- /\ct'(lli.n\:lH; o, ... • t,i.on in f;h;· ev~ ~u$t.i,on pi:•vgr'a.nt c::d the Watt'. ii!lltl Civil aor:i:bN;l Adntl.n' ... ~ion,. ttP.n' ly, th1S· inatit1.i~. (,.)19. ot u.· prog;~an? dtitSll1.f'led bo ins~'i'(! · oort.'>t:i.i:f1u;,ty <:>!! ~u:r~ c r.1:Ltu..r~l \"> t-od µctiq~ jUI, f';J;.t~.nm. bettwa n Qvei.cue'e11 t\1~ tttlr'd pep9,j1nl! . ',1::c1)rnJ?l:i'Bhrtnnt ·o t thiat;o · rtli~j 'or .q~J ~c tlves .di.oto.tda th\to.~ thi'J 'Flo.rm s a~ti t.;v J.,dmiJi.ietrliltio~ ip.sis-b that -tha fut·tn·, crt¥Ji.;pment ¢tt'li)i'Jt~ hi'tl MC( ~ll':ffY to en \:lill th~ t!,ql!ii;<11~. e1;'f<t ct:L11e t.)tt1,.i '~nt·i ;il'li ot '1l Pl'li~~:L'b1,tlo.,b · .t'llrih '1.j?'lit b~' ke.ttt U'\!!l £'or purch 81';1 llrill ' U$1'.J h;r, ll E#ilbs .t1it"')~~;l.'°ti~J' •l;(ik!,h.t; OV >:'. t,h(" otJerr;.1:,1.or,t Qf' th&;t pe.t·td.b\J:lll~ .f.1t..t"1hn Uhlt • i.J:hli1B 1p!t~~:Jilpl;HS!Utf' both t.fiti t Jc>.po.r~..a e rll'l.d o-thtil" lfl.vG:1. 0~~ 1il m v1il.t i;iot v."1d v1U. l no-t be pi;,tin;t'l~to4. r " to d~s~toy , $era.~, l':ioll o'lf ocrt~rwtso rl.hpol'I o" l'ann <J.t1_uipt:li3nt·. ~:>~Co_Pt tq substi~ute opeirr.,t'Ors 'Wh(. r'lil it~ oontitawd usci o~ pt!.t'tiol\l(.~r !'~r:rn As o. <J.ol·el1o. r.r thcn··oto, it.. pr-•. sU,p;,;<Jc;..1 • bl;u:.t oto tcr'~ wit'it~ :i,e nl'J13cl'Od , will no~ C...tJJ.~ 'w iU ti.Pt ba to l.::.o.k1 o.rivo.ntngo:J of pal:'~Qtlll tJ.t1& ehipd t~ wh•;;iro tha t' doing th~ 1.!'i tu.o.ti.oX'I. to u.u!'11irl:;r ;,t;1Jr-o-ia J'GIHloMor"J . 1·1 v t i.;..n lil -itr;..c~e " to tr .:in ti ,fur r.nQ, tn.~ ll<'J, w il.1 . '?'J..~G r f'Q r 11 ..,, it.C1 thG. ""'bi li r ·•.JMi.IJ!.e 1.. nd. t ::;Jn ccv<tr a. aompilet.o ti nd o:f u. sjfo~tit):1.'t (){!C'l:' ;> ti:r o.ibilit;."' ti a.· ·ry. 1 tr !I et' i'fl <rtt ve. i'1.: rT# :1. t .. ::rt ii.a ti" t' • N~o-g,ni.11:od , ~!htai 1!.tl ~~h;'f iti.~tw100.a , h9W(l\l!p~ , Al4b~. titub!f (1pi'J,r~:vto1•~ er o.~otnor -v1U,l not i'V-.ii'il ·Qr wi:U lb<? t.mabl~ ".:o ~~is.ra . \'JiUrtain o.n~ a g lj;lp11;mt ( i;td '}1.~t , O.S ::i rosult , ISUOh s urplus .l'li~l<~hih.fvlt'Y' fp.rm of . j,t;1,,m fer on•;i r (;1C.l30 n i tvlllf:l , yfill i::i1.t bft Qm thrJ mmdi;, of' 1f;;h.1S ~f r;.po.n.:ti.Va ti.) di.f;pQSO Of in SOJtlfJ In. quch f.11.t at:i.ons, the J(l,, s(J will Cl:> pormitteid~ e.xotih,t) r fushion. t.) ctiad: (..nd ur g fi to dispose of' "'uch 1 t1Jmi1 in th<.t ord.:tn ry cho.nn1.>l$ M! c;ric~l · co11nuniti 1s in Nn:\.ch. ~ueb Ho.rtµ1 c.x<!i p.r .rsr;1n,t ly tr .-le in 'bhl 1\rf-<:>' df'l-11,'1d !!nd thus b~ (.V'f1tlt1'blf.i to pet~o t11s ha' n< .slte.r.,ro.r . poihtM a.rt) t.h<r ·r ; i'o.itr; t.;£ t~bi. ~sh.,d. :. ' I EVt'Jfdue.J.s r;.i:iQ otli\1.;ir' p1 t"~o(L~ ·•~tu not be, p~rmtt.t:.1.:id to de$tv·i?~; l<D~l'll.J Or' S•; ):'J, fol" sunk . ~'O:r'nj. mµ¢h~n1~1~y (...Ud. ~ltU:ipttYd.n\; 1BUf~l:US t(j t' ,pll rlr.:lvd.& r>t iotf~~ O~·l:"P.<to 1$ , wM.c.h ~;.; ~~ ~ond'.!'t;lcl'lo f(~l:' a.GC!I for'l.qult ur~l pu.rposaq . \~) EV-Sbu•·B :; wl ll bo;etl- t'r01.n bnup,bil~gin~ isueb. equiprnch't by s todn.~ ~ t .f'or t hE, dr.ii:'ifl;ion p!' t l:'lv preson b filtuc. ti.on . 1'o o.i11 i?A tho necompUsh.~• t oi" th~s i1 qb,j~i:ryivl;)a. t 1e u s:si,r.;tnrtco of '71quiw!1µnt Q. · ~e for i.q th\Ol m:tlitt.c.ty u:ro d<..l1Jl\it1Jd hl.u be;Jn Golicib?d to coo 1.l.'G;t•i; ~r th i't ld 1 };10'1'$Q.~<:·i of tho t:'t.Nn S •'.'! ¢1t1.ri. ·~7/ Mml'rlia trc..t~ort vr~,th th.;;i. o!'Id. ),I'.\,, vt~w ·th d'.i 1Hlr.~h- '"'!}t;, dr:J r:.;L111r.s .. :Lt . i' .wi 11 pt,~.rQTtr.l.tliil ' C!J\ll!'pl~ fll.l"TI\ yW.Q,l'l;i~:l'.lil-~y- 1:.1.'l.fl a~':ii Vll!Olj'', · h illtL liJIV'l1cu,~(IS n vd.1 l r:u.. qtq,lt eU,ato~.( ell' l'Jflt>l uni~ t; i;.gt~! ~it,:;; pr v~dlt\.ft.i ('qt t!h vl.,1" st.ri·r n. 1t,t'l. f.l'IVl #tf'.'h-' o)'.l. b1a.k~ H of it1.;1 1 ~prj o. 1~•tl. tea. . :itta. • ......., - . _.. tot' Mrlabl.. lat-oftnAU.oa ~ ~ ~ •t..., nnn .,... ~-·· ·~ .,._w.-.-.~ •. • . otth ~. ..... un. h· . •t """ AUil ,,.,.., • • c 0 ·p y W'J:ST• D:rmf!ENSE 00llm1.t\? W, Arm FClJ'JtT.B AlU.4Y OffiQ.e of ssistm. Chief o:t Statt, · C1v1.l Att'airs Divis1c;in WARTIQ C·l VlL OON'l1ROl'.. il»UNlSTRA't'!ON 1231 Mer·k et St:ree San Fren41~co , CBliro~pia. Telepbon e londike 2- 2611 April 23, 1942 MEMO TO: Mr. Armstro:q,g PROM: Mr .. Gilcnr1st We have been a\.lvised by· t.he Federal Security A.genoy that control stations wiJ J bii1 located at th ~daresse-s as alt.own below. As yr;it we· bave received no 1,nfonn.ation r.,ga,rding Oregon r~g~stration d~tes .. ?ORTLANP $al.vat ion Army headqual" ~rs 20 South-VI eat Si'Xth,. A..venue A419.RBSP~--- lU>y $tug~~ '.tel.ephope .. -- Beaoall 1623, 1561 , 1591,, 1563, and 1909 Am~rioan Legion Hell 128 · orth-East Russel S.treet 1:¥.s~er--• Cletus licDonough ~ · e_ijone~--Trinlty ?623 r- A.CJCOl["d1n,g to Mr. G,{ r t~e 'only tll1p.g S\l-P Jeot to ehe.nge on tor~going woul:d 'b~ the telet>ho:tllll! n.umbers .. tlle 0 0 p y O:tt'i.oe ot ~ s1i•t nt ahi_,t or Ste:tt, Oivil At1"a1ra '.Divlsioll WABT.IK.S OIV?,L l23l ADMIRISTaATION Str-.t CONT~OL Ua~ket San J'ranoisco,. Cal1torm1 . • TeleI,hone Klondike 2-ef>ll Aprll 23, 1942 PROM: Mr. ~rmstrong Mr~ 0.1lch,...1e:t We ha.v~ b en advi e4 'by the :rederal SeoU!r1ty A.genoy thot oontrol stations ill be lo~ . ted at the addressee s shown below. Ae 1 t we have :received no 1·n rormat1on rftrg'l:td1ng Oregon registr tion dates. PORTLAND ·=-·- Amer1oa.n Legion Ball 128 North-J?:aet ~asel 5~r~et o~ Oletu.a lloDon. 7623 : 011---Trinit1 to Ni'- Ma.the~ the only thing aubje~t to change on the f oregoing wau.J.di 'be the t elepbone n.~bers. A~oord~ mo To; l(r. A.rtrultrong FR~: llr.. :received thj.a ech$dUl.e troli. F.s . A.., (I&. U~:t.b._r). The lU''5t col\llllt1 the l:li9be:r ot team.e 11ow s.vailable. "lb.• aecond column•• that the nwnbtr ot t.eam• F .s.A. b•l.i•V$e •1ll be Jt•c•fe&r1 ~ and·. third column ,is th• total of the :f:irst two. Witl ba'Y 1'ow O.K, 2 .Seattle. ~ 111h:t.nstQn ( 2 ' ~01'.~land -Oregon 2 (out~ide) San F.rtt.noisco Northern 2 Ca~ifor-ni.a 1 4 1 5 6 7 Southern Califorld& ... l -l 6 -156 a 31 '-''ESTER D~FENit COMMJ\ND AND FOURTH ~-· Oltkt q/ N11•t.a.11i OM:f <If St11ff, 11111 "-tf'~ Oil/liaifon MMY WMTIMB C!VU. COl:'J'1'ROJ:. ADM! l "t'~.i\'tlb 125 t Mit•~. n·r S:ratlfl'r .1l'oaN111. S.ut JlaA.~(, 'l' elt:ph;;,.., K.tmm11t The F.aer 1 Se·c urit.r A.g.,nc7· l'ta.s· arrian.ged m•et ing11 d.n the Cont1•ol Tbe1B• m.eet~nge will be held prior to r'gietratioQ db~ea$ and will bo held £pr the pur- Sta.tione a& ahom on tht11 follow3.:ng list. p~oe ot acquainting the ree etive a~~nta with the functions ~! v1te4 t~ ~ttend. thei~ o~-workera. We are r8~peetlull,y Vacavill-, 2:<Xl p • . Sunday, Ap~il 26 By.ron, 2!00 p.m. Sunday, April 26 Berkeley, 7¢30 P·•·~ Friday, April 24 Sa Una.e , 7: 30 p •.IJl.. Thursday, April 2.3 ~royo Grande; Thursday, April 21- 7 :30 p.~ .. Watsonville, 'l'l:ntr.eday , April 23 -· 7~Jo p.m. All o-f the .f'or1.tgoin,g was givea to you by telephone AprU 22, '• fE'D'E RAL l~E ERVE BANK OF SAN FRANCISCO l'l"ED SrATE.'! F'ISCA·b ACENT ()ii' nm Hith'l.'OQUAff,T~R.S 'lE3TEEN O'"'f~c~ of D ,~•?JJSS COHt'i\NT'l 1' ID FOt!P.Tf: t,h4' ,Q1rll1llt~l<H11~ Q•~J'l l:P::il :1.o of ::\inn F't•ctnc;L co C lh O"I'trl.(1. . 'RJLl All C~IIUtlf.1.rtd.ets All CiviUn:n .Agencie~'l , W!.rtiffi($ 'J,10: Civil c~mtrol i cLrtlhiat,rathm l!e;•dqw 1 1·t.,,.m~ , M"'rcr hie 1:e1:i to.1 .. r <'?'a, Jilf'.l :: P\tbU.c ion o , 3, l.his 1;:~,, it·w. rt .l' s , M; ·:'h Froclatw!'Mon No . 4, th i.s l·l it" .di'.ii~; Pl.ibl.ic Proclur:imtiori No . 5, l:.h.i5 Public h1od MJ,t,i..()n No . . ,1 t;.h':\.1;1 PubJ..L0 2~ Pr<:H:h1.1u.a.1~ion No . 2 • wi~1. ln ·t:,ructJ.,one will i:,,tt.i k th ~ n.ot tv·it,l s c.1 I .cbr /•eR? in 'Lh·~ ev:H!w.;t,1on p;;·..,ce .:, SIJ~; . 'l 1lw i l"'tl 11..:tlao~ · 1Jontr in •a hi!rein wlll rep).P,ce th~ lila)Y•.J•e.t<.~ 't'~etive. wh~cl1 pr~\•i1>•1!1Ly 11'.l/e 'been fqrwri.:rrJed for 1:;avh e ·acw .ion ptojt~ct~ 1t'hkl ft' Q.! dl1' ri.l? 1·ti1 · r~ 'SI.le aiflfW:i. u..te <liroet.ives .1 1!1 di.tSoouL1.i111r.d . Jt la coatl(lrnpl411. ,.1 t.' nt, r.11il.v '"'!C k~ 1i:i.d:vn.no1•. inf O'rll:!llt,t<m E\S fo p r·tine t t o an 1:.'va.ct 3. t1 cit\ pro.joct 'i, l >c fm·yir.r> 1:i""ct . Canul' nJe s '1'he .f9l' lilf\O Ci.vilio.11 3. Thl,j l~V'~cUF. ion 0f :.111 ,Jr.ipei.p ese ~ \Jt:it b. nlli,:;n:1 :mi non-. li·.;,rL3 , the oi' thA ""es t ern Ot1f emie C<)f'\ll1t.nd 11ill 1 ~r.t·... ct1Jd 1·,y t hi. ~d.:!!.r.1r•u11 rt• J:'l.': . ~~dt~ thirfeb1~.~ b<°~rne11t of wUl.!h l2';r.·~nQs bJ[ r i h;n· P r:il~lon A .i.t,t~:.Lt·, QVa.cuee;s......,._.,_......,__,_... w . , P.t'W eJ toamE?o ·~l:'l. sFleU r r-1rn.l...,..... ()\',h~r .fri~if,tf),:,~; . t M § r..inhh.:£ • f " ............... · __ , ~~,!U! ..a~tg R,~c~tJi;\~n..ilrt..ut:! , . ~..:--.............., !f" "'"~~·d ~ ~ fll -'----.-- I.~ . . !'lrumb~+·1,:1d. 11'.x.~lusib l Ol· eti;; la e1i st'·~c·t d,1,ma p12:rCf4ining tl40;r(:"Jt.o wil,I.. p,ll'ov1 .,+t fc1r f'rom t·h .: He:Jl,l.C1u,r1 t'i. •:t~s ,, 1(1th · Ei.~ ;1Yv:.1i.0n t.r1 r. •. J'.>'l/f~H':le ,1J1.•-: fr otn ~ UJ;!"'~i!·toiY\ I ~ .<.!d,1,J<i~•i . ·~·.., al'.J. Jap.anP~l!} 1 bot.h i!il:J..-.:r.til V:.Pfii lllO'tl..-/\l,11~ds 1 ' Th? Se.,Qtor Oo!Tilltf:lndcn·a &re chi,.rg-a d \ ..:ith I.Le s'\.q;:.i•!atv.U :iu:n \,Ii~ riVmbt\'.'i'.fr\'. !t'!Jfu t.b,aii• .rtl~pect~c ors of c.l.l a.t:1 C.!'c .:;d p~.rr::.c1t1rf 1 it.J1,'i.l'l 6ucli at !'il ::i 1:,<) A·'"'e,. l: c~.o..ter ~ or Rillt;eptj,.on C<mtcr~ to b'!l 0~ 1i>.i.gnl t r~li\ b~,. 1thl e_ t4._,1. dr~1~-.r"G..:r.·:i . Tb0:t t;lU.: ' ' ce.. so Jl;xelu eign Order i; und ('~r+,a.:l,nj.n;; t.h r ~~ to :t, "' l 0!}\:.0d d , ,flto1Jlj..1.1ent'points Vl'lrb ehottf, f,fa) p;rescribed rtrcni;; l 1Wirl ~ c~uch ho~;" £te'~t"C t;per~iJ:ied by' hl 0 Head<1.u~rti::rs . , rnlt::i.ble s ppl~.r of. ::; l ;h Ot• r.& c ru: I:ll"' .1:·1..t<~t,.... i.tmi<? wiU b furnished by th1: Hu;. d.cuf;lrt. ~rs <t th1>. e• r l i>; t ri.•le dr~ t.l"J 1 pr~~").. the :1.H ective .i< ~OL~!/.\ r. .U· icl>Jr." rlf•Cr;: ..U:.J.-. I f!;'llC l"'-1'1 (5..41M() f Qr or c~ lly chc.,rge.d wit 11 t,hr~ po·~. tin(~ Qf ~xoJ:.ue if:»n O · 'TIS ~- rd Il')..sbruc {qHs pb.1l' ·t:t'.tr~irt~ th!Yt> to· v1:.i..U ~.l"::-;lcll,te curtifi~l't~o ,t.,f.m.,;(lh ~1od " t" !n...::.l.udQ the··~~ a,, t l'!Ci d,t.; 1~r~ tt(•,} tiMo ~md J~eri or poet:'itli.t:' Thtilil iJ UIUl" tr lc,,.t .rn vH.U. l y) 'ot"'i ·:r1fo:'<l t t.hLr: -- H~ d·:tl.t/i1,,5 wU,hln t'1 e):._~!..:: h.91~~........ ::i."lr;;;;-;;.;m;;y;;;ron- o ' r><~b°tLr4f; ; . ·- 1 A.1!1;mdies P..3 m~r be eued-:id i.ri. thi;) e: +•.a.bli;sht~ M.a!oa.ger,nef')t ~d ot.h r f op'.!ra,t;fml uch wt ettii:m t here ~ill J:D• :fr1c;,f Gont.rrol St · .i.cns . ~lfi n eco e?'if;!-1" 9ll t', ;;i ~e. ~P.P 1 .able ~Q 't,J:ie ~ se\l'et-ie.4.' ! a.ppropri te ;s.eichions to .rend r' ae te'rf.fl;'eted :trlliaH. Aige ciiee . Tltt('.) Cl,V' wlia11 A.~(!/nQ~t:l afl.111cer:ned W:$ll pr(!jv.:1,. e ft-:t' the Elle);'isonrLel ~hd ~h'e inett"\~.o;biorL qf t .he persotm l a.4$"ml.y,Ei.d to heel\! ~Ot:il'ln:!J ~ 'llh• SUFervia~t' of tfi&Oh sec ion ; cnritl.rol. 1111. .t'n.f),tt~ r3 pel'{a l'Jirlg ~~ t h'" eervi(.:ea: ret,·r ed by h s pa~icul~r Ci v:ilbn Agency . 1 6. The m.anag,e l" of ea.s1 Cont..l"Ql Stat:lnn will be naoo by· th•11 Fe eral ·~C'Urit~ . Asency. Thi ma.nag r wil1.i·e c13iVl3 instructions with :re · Tt:ncl."-tOth u eva.c~~t: on piQ'jvct from t~h e r epreHntative q! th1:1 Se~tC11• Corron mJ"'r t.. the CnntMl. St!l:tbn ~d wf.11 b~ r <\> eprmsible ten• h .. d ist.~·lJJut · on 1 vi tll'.K• cution. of tm ee insthlctJ.orts Q:1/ Sci a.rv;l.sor 'l>.f seictio~1 within tbllil C!Ont:tol S .:i,t.1.1'1'1'. 7,. '}(he several i v'il.i.:n Agtmcie s 'Ni 11 cc ,. trc;l th~ :Jervices l'li:'n ~t r'~d b.¥ their reprae \in:tie.t1v~$ at C ct rol. .:!t,ations · ut, i tuiol'tw)' al';! tb 1.? 01.1cr:t~.r.~1t1cli1 &ndi eipe r)9.ti'.ln pf ti he 1r1stall.e.t il.)rt (us a, whole i s cc:mc >lJ:'tte.d, Su. e rivis.o rs Qif $ ct1,.,na will re<:wive their in.s tru~tiori $ from the ma.nsgc.. r of thlil Qont..;rol. Sta.'j:.iQ1.1, .. 8 . 1'hE:l Fe ral r3eoucit:,r ilw~-ncy , th ·· '1·~r:iart e n of f·gr i c Alturi:. 1 &11 ·~ Lr g _,J'H,rl'.LJ .si::r •v;ieF.-s F ~ deral H.aelltrve Bank of San Frrnoisco will prov11e f ()r m . o f,S '31l such as~ a. The r •.; ~ i~tr ati n of all 1evr;:. cuc.-Jl!I . ·~ · Th ia .ll'A:iioo.l l~Y.ami a,.ion of aJ.l ('tac l CC' S 0it h1.; t' cru))in p roc am1s.inp qr, a.ft. e t· t;h•,;ir ~tr. val at an /lseeml5.lj" c; ~ 81' .. o mpit111;t2<n;t ion , and, :soci el v•elt-f'a:r(. £.• ki<ii 111 , i._.,cl 1iil1 t, b, pro~ • $~.U, • 1.1~r vic~ for A. d dtu•in £.. ThP. s1.:t t li,.Ml!lln nr.ri pr t ect'.i.on of. · the r ,.,, l'\.J e.nd rprs orwl ! .t'o:p ·rty o · h e 1 cu ue~ , fo e J,udir11t . 1'1f.; r1 g'.lat, t·1.rtion e>f th oee prt vote aat omobi} .. s b ~ l ni; ing tn ·~' V' t o b -& t:a d t:ts tr'Jnsort tion to c:n /!ssombly C ·nt t:.r. £ • Stora 0; fe.ciLth. !! fot· itutr.s not ot hfJ1~11 ~s i ct" l.\J'OS'!; d of~ rar:tri~ g an l iinmc.)bilizs. 1 n of . rivat~ automob ll!t t he A:35C .'lb1 Cll!rit1.. r ot oth'!.r 1r:..$·lgnc-,,t l!)d placo , ;;.:r,d r rovis .ion f c1· p;ro 1~r rolicing tih a: J:? :.of . £. A.11 forms , $id o. c~0;-ting dint .., il :> inc;:id~nt.c;.~, to th :i f. r <.:JP.\::Ji• g , and thr~ tru).lnt z;in.r. c ~ of en a. '.:.. n .m t,.i f.ilJ.n , ~.'fe " r~m f'l'l r t.tll docun;,:mtt,; r&Jiri ot '. •;r dat a <:i.Sa <?r:tb~o in ae>11rH:: c1rLot · vr.tth s ta:rticu_lar :i;,ro ,jr.i ct 0 1':' cnm\Jlh.R. t :f.on of ro .jr...cts t' 1 9 . A physician ~rill b..; m de r- vflil abl e 'y' t h ) F''lr1 ?" 1. S·:.. Cur . .t.3r • f{e.n cy nt th Civil Con .rol S a tion ·-hzrirg h.:i .ntir · .. ri11d 0£ t"'gietrr1't-. :l.on n ·l J. 1jc ..:s1Sihg to a tt c,n inv~ ilj 'lli·.i c t h ..,r ... :xcc:ptj,on m... i;! c ,:J -=~s~ s . 4 10 . In a di ion t o tn"' :r pr1.1 ac ·.:l.b \~1 functiom, hu Ci v · J • l ~'""°' t Qi .fl .me n.ti,..,ned a'boY!!l will as111,.'!t t he ti ~to1· Comm:.i~~ d.r in th~ . i aohr,1 :r ,!' t1f h.1,.s. J.utif: o pert11:d.riLfig to t,h1U ev cul'IJ ,ion. l.1 . The S<:i ct o r- ~mtn&t r •11ill r.>rovide s' ipilit·.i.r.)~ p~ 'rr:~o 1 u~l ht:i oou~cft . :roc 1:1 ... 1li J)t oJ' Cl.Gems nec~ssa.,ry f or rind du.ring, ttitZ r~ gist.ra.t1 n. 4 th~ supr;t·viaJ.on b'l' 1111 1:2. . Suet. er "'omi n '(~rc.i w:LJ l .1, o!' V"',('Ll~ ~ 1•titn ~~.! :L t.~<;t(' l, f. <'".:$ in th'1if.' r 1. :;•p1.?Ctiv , ~Ct ~ to t he ~berbj.n, ti.i on hJs.i.1~p.1. t,,d by t hie t'u.· 1.it1u11.l't, 0 1·e • •. •r i ti.g ..111 •.,nt s for· f U f, mms · rt.c... 2 "',_,l»tt;J.i.:ui r.rth r t.tu; n hy privf.'.t.•· eri;tv.ty~n<.; u; \/.i. .J, l'.hJ nr·d:i b • thi.s lu1.u (,rt \'.lrq f91' n~v~int.s of : V t <;.11 ~·Yes i.tom cont'). l st r H ons 11 i'.i'tJci.L ~ l /A'li' ,fafi t.o .. rse .mb.ty l'J1:tl"Jfl ·.flt t·r. 1. neipo;r1~ 1• t,,'it'H., tq'.l!' 1~1 vt,/;11.o.. 1·; 11 ,M,1:1.i1 ,;t•tt t1~1 t1Jl'l.'1 i'l~1d 1-i'.<lc vpt, i<.> , C.t:in .~)r· s . ~,n..y "'~~(, 1 f f 1-tettJcl fi':.I'vf·. v, 1:1...L Q~ t'. rtH1J~11i:l for lot~~ .lly b;_r i l1i:J Scct oi• Co1t1•111 1nd 1: . Al'lfl'f11d1 ei.1 'nDVt..ffl.lllt. !· · I c•" 1 0 1 r-·· l.'3 - In co:rtr- in cns.;;:.s ~~h•.):r :; r1 cJ. J.o,· lly d.i.l«. Ct v b:r tl.d H.,,;1dr 11;rt •. 1· 1.:i , i...Vfl Cll . ..;.o \1ill o,; 0:rmitt1.. to \lGO thui.t> 011111 pr' r 1.t ':>ntabil .rn r:l {·,1•r.:'tr:po ·t ·t,,' ' ' ~l .l. ~1 riv.: t •w ~uto119bil...:~ ao l..ttH.,,1 'V•iLJ .. lri!lt h 1 1 ·~ v 1:•1-: t.n to a n. J.~BS'i:JJt'¥ Cunt. r . .r: ,;:.e; i~tu~l3d 11iM1 the r opz· .ll>imL.r: tive 0£ thl.'t F'u .. ~rrl Fli.?~Hn' Vl: J; tlk o,. Stirt Ft·t:,JlJ "JCP Rl;t, thv Con r (Jl St.: tion r.nd provl:it.ion !:.!'.ti 1 by th~ t:. ;. ; ..,n t_:y or thu (U.$1)rrn ." , 1,;irt .JJ. uch ~uto1r.ory i.1'.16 t.lilOn ... rri vrJ.. •t, th" .~ s 'lllbl,y C ii:nt r~ .t· . ..c t-11'.)i.;m tdJ l.1'! fJ1' . cU.n.i::.1•l·J t.ft vr l'.'111glst.1'ld:.ion , • l•J S~ctnr COrlU'iltlH Jer will r~t. u~\-' r sd.1,,d.1.d.,: o.J' $~~<.h j ' l)\/',j.r11~;7L to lit! 1)r c1~ar•ud io:r f,h .~ t vi,l Contl1'o, Stf.ltion c·~mc 1J:i.. n0d n1d tr>r.'1Jv,L 1 l•J .fc11: r 1~ll.1 1., (,,, h~·n 111 1;mt,"1- :L:f.v\) U·"<NJ A~)h .J .i·rlvlls c .t: s\~p1:;rvision o.t' c;onvo;r$ o.i not mor t.h we a-;t"ou1'1 0 0£ t.1.itornobil1.J~v~ti "'tn , ·~"":."V~~l •fay vd.1, b LlT• ) pt1Lii,s i ~~ l>-0ing pJ.• c1..1d uptJn 11tol'.' t'lin,~ . .rlw l o ;!..n ord r to .),.r•m. t- h ~; 01.r.l.,y ~'~t 11~~· r· m.vnt o.r ovecuuus n, thc..i no in t 1"Ji :i...i15 · j ri.r ion . ,,..,,./ C nrwnr.Lr \dll prt>vi rk1 "Uch r1li li .c r ; p•1, • s1~tn• )l fl3 h•1 du~ms Jl1:JCCseer 1 113r n,nj l't!X'..l.nt:'; • l.J. IO<)V(t11\.,111 t :;; oJ UV(.C Uu $ , I n 11duj i on 1,1'11,r(, o ,_ t.pproprid; o ll' i,;rtal~ t.. !llJt•son.n1...l i__nti .v:(·~~~!Jf• C..C)l d.[!I•°!!; Jt~. ~·i.1 J. . ~· t· 1 )Yi r.:d LJy ,}· tJ lh . ~'h · S·.:r.: $octor LoMmrnd,J.r:-,i j,Q! 0 0 1· ~ll mc::vcm.1..n.t. B !n fmr" 1rv~scJ gr~>up pr;L.v·~t o au1t qm1.ibi.l~$ bJ" '.J'.rrc i,H,c'3 . .1 .nvolvin.e t:.ho 1,.\~ ·-~ 9 1: 15 . T w f .vdli.!,r r1). S.,ic(~I"H~· ,,~.•Jnc:r ·.1L'Ll prr.:i vt r\~ l'l(,dlc:.1 ~itl, 1;, l') J\lc.luc.k, e.n r.tppt•oprirLt ~ n m/J 1.,r ~., • pl·1•rs i.r: l n.q , r n ·j soc:i1l 1 .ln r\. .so1•vi.Q ,J 1'01 · 1•ti 1 •..\1 ring m.l l b\l.s :tr\ 1 , r,~j.n nrowJm.;nts o.i' •..: v·icu w•;;S 1 r o111 Contrt.:i l St t:lons 5.n th...: r,fj' 1; od J? .n · rJ0v •..ni1..nt $! r:). ()V"•Cit•J•, by CNl.'.G tCi rssQtnOly Ct,(l t4\, r s ;nd ~..J C'3ption Qt..iHt<:..l':! . priva t e:. 11.utornotJiL.1t;;, t,h'1 Fudv'r'r..J,. Si..!c•1rity ../~1<1n <: Y' w:Lll ·11: k:; h'i.lJ!'ll' ..'J 1rl r L.,; r rri;o.,.; .... m1J.nt s for mcidic r.. l s Jrvic u . 1 16 . Tt is t...... thr. · ,ht1 m.unll r o f .. v-.r.:ui.. i:.:3 in.ov•'d fr om 1Jnc ,f,f\JCt~id nr · L l'(n ·-1· · giv..;n rn·rojt.:, c t wlU not :nr£.ll:.:.9.-1J..~...l:!.1.mur~~-2.-J · J::lty .:_.nd th <; numb i.:r ol "3Vt"''CJ 1.c~ rn·ivin·~ i t r.nJ 4)Ll'J 1 s::;,;mbl;r Q_,nt;..,r or ft1.o.Jr t on Cmt . r .t' m. ell M "1AU; b ;;in.; li'fr cu· t, crJ, und·.:r ,\1. .l. t ar oous orurr t :i.nt1 a ~11.l.l no~ r;. :..:_u,,,,.d 1,m,·i ;tor -;J l , q t1 ..n,11 t).i ttti,~0 . r n.:i1 t. ..r1.m~~'r1<>Jri·ct:,~ '.!if·.(!.~!,- G1J~J;..e-..,---~-""""" ?' dr·'ll ~ tt'°,.rtd 1.1, ~-~~·~ ~:--~~~~ ... ~~,. .,. ,~:::tr-tftl>~•,1...,t-:-.J t"" tU..~a~JJJ.J.~. ~ .. :.J.i.L~~:...n !£;.za ..~ mov~~.:3 in.)sJ;.¥* w: · 1',t l '=.·"1 f.if, m 1v t c1u!"'i c·t. t,rl · !II.......t(.YJ'c11,H.J!/J !W,...... b1J s •• v~d • ~lNt ~,... -~ ~... • sJ.1,; pe r ;1 J ..L.1. o~ r ovl.d ... d ·o r ~:- ch r: in 'L o inoouro r.· ppr,)pr•i; t ~ 1•cccinrno t, v ne t ;l" m.~dlc .1 ci-·nus. Om~~ the mode of' l"l'!.H$}:>0rt .tir)n h· f:i b· .m, :jt r bl. :-.•hi...d ·nd ,·. c-ch1:(° <foL r .rni.n ~d, . v ·' c11 ... .,,s .ill b v q1sicn,.;d Py l. · iiY r tr' t.;; : J.f t. 11.u CoLtf,ro l. :3t,. U-::ih to r. rmr .lcu.l<' r ;:,,.•.ii!. , ~tr- t - c. r, rt.ilr·o· d- c· r r.)r r•iot,0 1· 1:onvoy i.n e u1J,icl...s t •,,ct ..:d b¥ th1J Svctor C1J111J11-11d l." . Clos-.1 li ".loon > t M.• .:.n th i" ~/r ~fi'i<::t n1u(1bl!r $ r.e 1 t i..ti V (. a. bi t,j-\(,, S\.Octo~ C0mmnnd :(' r. t, th 11, Cont ra.l St.: tum I nd. t h<.J .. u~bt " l t, Chi ... f. d.i' Std'.f) G- l.1 , thi Hv~dttr "' rt.Jr s,, i:s ;;,c;1.;1,,nti. J, 1.u.1·.l.n,•, ·1,;1,i 1,n t.J,r .; p'-./ri'rn. .!J · pr:ocl.;s/.d1ij , in•or 't' to com·diti"tl..! ~pco ific 1;r.·r~ srJortf1t.iOn r .t~ulr•:/l'lrjl.1 a · rt ti:·r.n .... .. wlf.icl1 <:. 111.:): durj.~·~~ ~~ J.n th..i l'.JJ?t'..!'i tion tJi d .1 tr · n emrt: · tlot~ 1 c.h oduJ.*#a , pribu ,.i-v m t o t.h'- c1 j? oJty -,t r tix.vun ,. :s!:c1.1hly C,1nto:r o r ishoultl ori i mr.r.y consl.:ic'.li"<. ..irtH ct.:&.<>rt C •ntwr .a,~tu pl"op..;rly th 1·.r r.ivinis ·.,V< Cl11..,0s . l n ihi, ion, 111r:iir~J1 •;rnts f'r ·rq i.ff c ct..:d .t>.r~ r:; w1J.l b1) ei;iord:l.n; 1: -:d oo th t :i1l r.. r iv' l"l · •i!.l spo:irt.F\tion schi:HiUl~c:i . ,, ~ ~P~~~d · ci t.unc~~~ Cll'J er..!'ly .a is pr;.•.cttf;.,. l.ii;i , 1t,u:-.1n.~ d'. yL'L tio .tnia · ~ prOpl:li" ·s~\t l•.:m!.>nt, in Pf •' ... ~1 ·t i~H' p .io I:' to 1.t .rkn ~ ci . l w:i.11 d1·.Uii.e1J..i°te up~c;i.f, 1:· t1· · il'l ' pc:>.t"'Hn& o c-_cuMaa from hi Secto1• to s:Lf{1l"ito. ro:r ~1 othGr spl!lc.;i:fi<Jnlly 17 . Sector'rs t1 '.~ll in1l'o,rnt ot. 11.l""Ji' S.Jctor C01nni:•n1~m'"tf c0n<1qr;-r:t..:id -t"tr>\ of .. moV'11m1~.m o.t' t~vd.~t oue 1. ~om, hi$ S1.:> ct01r. to ·•n >1'4~ta~b..L,y- c~mt l" ' m:o ~uc,apt,,-1.¢~1· C'Ynt ' r1.:i~"!Ui'.l· ~s th•J ci:101rning of , pr rl1rJ'jr1t1ut1~nt il'1l;c1 , nmt.h , r S'tl'o ir . ~r .- ha Th.Ji.e "nQt.i o n :la Jqsignccj .o <jbvir t.1J 1.11et:lc ( l t.?1:11:~11,i.e~,tion r nJ t.!rw pe..)~si.b:Uity ~t· rn. i1 c«ntl hi~hW~.Y i:iongl:!st:ion • .'l,-6 . Sqic or Colllil!ir:nde;rs vd.'.ll ci. se t.ho followi.ntJ r Jpor't tS Ul.dicntcd: .,. .-t n0tm r.nd .rt ~:{I() p . m. ol' •:'ch (.J.ry •:>.L r .tt;J.otr tfot'l r: st tcmr:mt. · c>f th t t.. miti sh1.'>~dn,:~ Ph..: f,ot1 l numb Qr c:C fn.milios r\Jf.~is · ...:rvd "'l:).(l th u ~otCLl itltrnlict ill'ldlvictu~le to w .tf 1,;v;" curt ;;:d, th1.:t'1?•k t• 1 v~'l.D. i')f p, 'Jor- w:1rdcd by J·d.N at tclo .ypc to ·hlil ~;fll''t~~(nr Civ·:J.], 01mt.. t"'ol · j_o.n , J :tJ.l M r'i'' · $tr , , I 51 n f'1" .n·· choo,'nrnin . b . ;.t, l <.>r:s fqrty- u i ~t hours pt'i•n' tJ':.i ~ip,:, rt1..1r · oi vvr cu.Je..e ~ e st1 t ,1M.oJflt howiil,.) th~ i.. ·ct number of pvrsons who 'l d.11 r <>0ulr·.1 N i.l or lr.. Ls trr•nef?i)r'\:. ·tioo ti;> r,h~ :·,ss-Otnbl.y '.}<1nt,..,.r or lLHi ·vr)tj,rJn Q,mt1.:r ,, "'i;l..l lm fotw;:ndi;.;<l by ¥1.i.rr.• or · .:J. ... type to t hi.. .{)o:ietr nt!:f' o.f S't J'f) ( r.... l, HD~d.q1.1,1 rt. \l:r<e.~ · \:d, ~ rn D Jfon c C01n.1t1t.nd c.nd i'fJ4ol.rth .. i:my, ':~r,,rn i dio o ' Gnn I• .r :ncisco, CtJ_i .;fo :ruin , o, /.t J.i; ,2 st forty- ,)i ght J1r,)'Urs r:irfor t.1,; di.'{)' r"l;,w: ~'. u! <.\V<.cu1.;t;iia for f tlsumbly Cunt rJr s or {1.1;0 >t .1.on Conl;,1..;r$ , I', h .: totM..l rn..l11lo0.r o.L pc. 1·sons c;;r. 01 unl:i showing ~;t hlcb l unches :;i.·~ t o l>tJ ·:1r ~ pr rvd , Vt:\..J,.1 b,.; 'ta' V:"t"'d•.. '1 by 111il"c, Ot' t..:lo yp._ to the , ssiot. .nt ,Ji.i:~f o :Jt(1, f, G- l. , I{~ .dqu·.irtJri? ' .n:n J,lf· ns <Jorw».nnd. 1'n d Ji'ourth i..rmy , Pr-;:siilio of Sr.i1 Jt' co , r;~ l .f rnl.r.. 1'.n Nnd ~~ir.l5 t~tia rep6l't , .ru.J..l.. c·on1&id.1~r ti ,.,u ' shou.ld b\l,l /?,i.v .:n to 1;.hc numb1-::r Qi' chilc.lron t! tld irif:,nt.S< 1"<:.c uiritL food · nd j"lt)rmuln :milk n.d 1nJJ?' ·Jdi.:Jqh . d . ,,..t, l":u:1t twonty- :f ou.i• h urs prior o dvp:wt,uro 1:if .:tv ~~ cmacs , tho ~r nni~~ ... r of th+.. :.a,s<m~ly Cr.m t,ur· 01• ecept i on 01::11.t •r conc 1.,rnod ~~ill bo lnJ'oi-1 ~d by th~ most. r.ixoc1 Hious m!1·•ns of , ~i-... t otr..l ntunb ....;r of vrcu :::ca f,o b ,J wx:p... ct•::Jd \ •ith ti!~ mnd; 01• pu:1dos ,, f,' trfl.vol ,! , .. nd th-..; • r obr bl ~ ,,l rn.¢' '.Jf . r-rivr..U,, . 1 1:1 t Upon d ~pr;.'rbi..Lrc of' nv •cue:. es , r, st •.t '-Lll/...l,q t ,phmil'.i.n,"' l:J .'.$ t i'!Jv oi .xr. c1~ nt.lmb~J;' Qf · vrcuo~)~ whn d.o pri rtt)·1 , th illZ••d, ttv.: numb ..if' Q;. i .r iv1 tu c; ts t,r1....na1.><J.r•tr. ti~m -4:,... i.n .ncy rn..l ~ 11. convey , with tb•1 •, t o < nd ~h.i pro.brb. e of 3.I':d.1t'11. thP'.l''•Jof, wU.1, bo /'o t"'Wnr-d'·.:1d ~Q the Mnru ,~'.:il' cit t-,hc Hs :Sctnbl,v c JUL 1.::1r r~r R1Uc'i'Ptfon,. Ceh't.ul" o~ nc oci 'l'tu :l b,7 tin n1pst ~.xp•.iditi<>'415· rno~nt'l.- Upon d~p.:'rtut"I~ oi.' ovll cc1i~ H.:; ·f o r l.$ soni~~.1y C1.ttt!llrs c~r Rec ptiDn ~•mtu:re , n st, ~ t 1.J1nent s ho wi~ t.htJ 1.;x, •ot nursibiJr of' e'V"tii:.~ue~ who d,opr• rt od, tno ~Yt> ~ o.r tr.'".ns... utr..i w>t'iil.i.>a por-t C".tion utiliz ..:d , t io r1U!'10 ·r 1,1f pri'IJil' t in nny r.nd .r;.11 <!otwo;ys , th -.. 0 !' d~1,rrtur1~ 11 t.hf;; ctestin.: i ons o:f euch mrJVvrl0nta ~~ill bi.J forw; 'rd .id by wit'<a 1:)!' tel <;) typ(J t.o t.bu 7/·r-ti1110 Civ:ti Control ~ ,clr!)i.~1ist:r tiun 1 231 Ml:rk·.:~ Stt1. d . , S''J:'l Fl•'' nll:L $co ' I C,a.J..i.t't.:i X'; • g. T,inuly inl'orrn: tiob wHl. o<..l fo rwr rd cd t tll'·J !:.1".rV'!J-.,:r;· t,)f th tJ ; fl!~clnbly C~t, J~· .Jr !'.t1_ c ~" lJLi, .i fl C•v11t •.1 r C<mc l r: l•.•d in m ·d lr tht.t -PP:t:' p r.' • t.c - t'< ng•t:-n1.. t :s c n o rnl"''.i.b fo r· unl o<d.ini~ , if n e t).."'t, .r• o o.r th,,, b1gg1 .g1J or ot h'-r cqu i pllll..n. f Jl'W ''.l:'1lvi...l rith ov• cU·:<is t ,> !,hi.: ,, ss(.m.bly Cun.tvr or ftcc t:.pti.on c..,nt•.;t" c· rt\ fa · cdiaq_uf'tulJ ht..n 1 d by the l:lV. C NIJ.S. , h. Wi'thirt J:!ililV11..tH'~ - tv o 'th o 1.>. V-1 cu·.t hrJ1u•e .- .tt ... r Lh .; M1.1pl ·~ ticn p f foo of ~~ny :9f?..C. ii"i.1.1d i:rl)< 1 IAlu :'$1.) Ct ur · Cotru11i. n.d•,·.r- will l'or"<'ll'rti r:·. 1 •port c,,'lf r· irlg the~ Opor<:.t ion o f t h11,1 <.:;V.'" CU.' tio n. p t••:>j<JC 11. th ~UC h , ll.(,. r 11Qrl., t o t'·l:comm.~nd 1 ··s be df,sin:o t. ~' rw 'k...: th .J W.. rtirnc: Civi l Con .r ol ••dJ.lini str: ti1m , l.n 1 l ~ rk•.t StNiJt , S<n F':ri,ncil!Jc;, , c;: .liio rnir... i. '1/ith:i..n s1.rvo:nty- tw() · t i...r h-.i c 0mpl ut.i 1 n o;(' th <1 i;.;iv: ,~u-ti<lin of r.ny a.poclH. <l c r ~:c , the St.r.t ion r. n(g ... r r n.d th ,,. Supf1rv:iq<J lr <;:L' { ,:t vU:.i;;·,n ·,gen~$ in-roJ.1,rl:d in th~ 1.?V·'1 Cll1•. tion p oj<JJ ct wil.L f ot"Vlr r d throw,h th .~i.r ir. nod.i · ta supur'.LJt'?lJ · l" w1;1;r-t cov u r- i.rig th cir " ctions in conn<.'0't:,jd1 1 ,.,itii suc b r.iV~i CUl'ti r1 r;>r j · i~~s' t o i:t·,)<.c. , \!Ct Vtith SWIZh :r etCOftril•.:11'11, 'tiq n ~ !~ th .iy t o thv Vi" Mime Civil Con Nl td~[· rk1:1t s·br ·J \,lt, ,, Sn1 F:r .. nc h:c ; C . liftJ rnir . Co)i s ::if ' h!:l r ;p 1,3.r'ts JU,.- Civi,lit.n ,·,&one · e c0 nc or l'l.~d ; i l '.lr~en •.;.v.•<au." .iw •Jrr.1,j1,;.ciil wil l l.>e mt fo a v · ll· bl•.i to th•;;- Fwfol" Q StHmrity • ~ 1..n cy d t th-.:1 t.i!Jl '.' ttm.·f ·•t· · ;J1ton_i tt od t. o i~ h c. 1>/1· Ci v:1.l Co rt.rol ,.dr:1inir.Jt .t""'ti n . _,........... rninist:.r· ti oo:J. l2:n ',.li<:me fnilin1S .o c mpl.V- U.,h th·~ .;i.x~l utii. on Orti1J~· 1•.•nrl 1:.b ~ Ttt·tlNruu.nd1.1 · ·ub,11.ict. t. o 1 1111:1~ i: 1,•... :r; r·. . rt l' l;v..i ckt,,.:i1tprn.,jc;1.., rJ, Kn :r.J s,.1Q,j ..•c:t t o thl.l p1;of1r. p r ;>·· 7'7th Con-i';r~ s , :;m:r <111 Al l l·oh 2.l., 191,,2 1 ~... nt Hl "q, f...Jr- Vi.ol' t on 0f ~ .-etri..o Li' ns 01' Or.dul."1.~ fi i l,.h in, Lt::· "ir ~ 1 ...(,.. -.ll" Coit :4 t j ~... .l.J..Y: ,11.•Jt :ln ;;i o;z c·t.. r Ct.:> n ,h.1rs Jil.l n ·'.k suit".blo . :ro•1i15t.c>n~ .r'lf J"r r s ~ 2 · ~ioa ~ '' ltUit . .,r 1 l:ir~ir1s ihie ,mt ~t·,ir ·t.1J t,11-..: ~t t ~,nti .n of th"' ~ w1'.4w1!·11 Civil t.µthtori't fo~ S'-io±..:1,I" (;')flil' ndl!'J:"~ '".J"IJ ( ut,l'itiri!l. q to c•' ll 1.~J).Otl ·~r ·t!llj" n 0c.1J$'1Sl'it•y n.ction . ! -n r.,,1.U.;;r(\ili !31ltt'1JM.1, o'J; trL'vo~M{i·i;f.nn Cot' f... )1c , r\f.1.1n;(;:ii..m•..1n"t :f th~:.: st tµt o nd,. .t'm: 't.ii · c. f>i!»~t.ih1t.1 ti1L'!,i.-<;>n ·at,r , l:ions f il.i,nt~ t 1, comply ,.,1.1. t.,h l:it'lolt atiit~d 0 1· 'or$! I11d! ~ J.,tiS~~pt'i~l1.S • I ~-.,~ T. i'f1~h ~_1)~ TA t:"uJ;l.ur r..l n Cnpt.f'. itl .:.. • G. D. /,1iJ l6:.\.et1·nt Ml. utwnt Gu111..u·:·l . ' Di str;iPutLon 111Ju COPY ' bFE~SJi: O?i,tMANliJ AND Feitm'l'H ARn 01'.tice Cit Aaeietant. C.h:b.r ot Sta.ft'., Civil A.tfairtJ D1v1J.Jie!)n WF'..ST!?.RN ...___..., ___ __ ,__...._ •' Mr. Hai., Federal Reserve ~ Storage ot Property Not P'itt.eli. tor Use,, / 1il Resettlement. Are,er :S.UB.JECTi v Reference ia aacie to you.r Jtl8lllO~andwn 01' April.. JJ.~ 1942,, l. witn reslJ'ct i;;Q th.e above eubj;'9e:t, which arrived dur~.n.s m.y: ~baenee in · Wt1-shingtoh. 2. Respol'J.aive to the quest;i.cno l?resel\ted b:y J!OU, you are adivih ed. that storage of property not fitted tor use in connection wit.kl relooa~ion is Q(UJired and authorized where'Ver provision, can bo' r11taeon&bl.y mad• theeetor . The ease 1n reference eited by you is one falling ldth:in the atit.horb.a.tion tor atonge. Karl 1i. , Bend-tsen Colo11el o. S . c. Aal!liet$.nt Chiet o( St.a.ft Civil Af tairs Divi•1cm 0 0 p '1 April 22, l t4! ... .. ·•r'' Mli:MOF!ANDUM FCB: w. SOBJF.CT: ID~eouee 1942, R. Thoxnes, . Jr. Vehiolea With ret'erenoe to your m.e.rnorendum o:r Jlpri 1 20, ~ubjeot ae noted above, th1e will sdv1ae 1; I d1 reoted 1ni tia ti on ot a public 1 ty oempaign designed to implement the purcha se plan. All pereon• oonce:rned will be encouraged t-o sell oars •nere any ecn.i1i-y is involved rather th~n to store them in the open. Oop1 .e s ot th;t.• me.morandul!l been eubmi tted to the ll"ede:ral Besene Bank of San Fre.no1soo end the. Press Brao.oh . Karl B. Bendetsen Colonel, G. s. c. Asaietent Cbiet ot Statt Civil Affairs Div1ai.on Oopy tor Federal Reserve Bank: 0 0 p y NDO'M FOR: Karl B. Colo 11el 1 Be~detsen, a...s .o., Assistant Oh1et ot Sta~.t, 01v1l Af.t'e:tre D1v181 o:n. Evaoue&a Vehioles SUBJECT: 1 • .Attached here'to is e copy of a memorar>,dum ft"o fir. w. R. Thoma s J"r., 0:f':t'1c.e of' Price Adm1n1atra- tion, to our ~epresentetive looa ted at the Warti~ C1vil Control Adm1IJistra t1on ;Headquarters, datB con~erning •vaouee vehicles . a. Aleo enoloaed are three copies or a li~t and recap1 tu.le. ti on ot motor vel11 oles reoei ved tor sale to the l!J:!my (.Al terne.ti've 2) .from our Loa Angele s Bxe.nch .. 3. Additione.l material o:t thie nature will be within the next ~everal. days :t'rom th.a"~ ares, at which tim.e 1t w1i1 be promptly forwarded to you.. (Signed) R. E. Everson A4.ss1atan t Cashier .• Enclosures . ~c: Mr. R. E., Jr . Ofti~e ot Pr1oe A~im1 n1 st~a tion. i... . ~ J ,, P . G.ilcru~is t. .1.~;,.] e13".rr;11 :Sank ated tl · t , und ·r ymi:r· plan i'or procurat s · e 1.1.-utcmQ'' ile and. true}(.s , y.:>u .irr.tnodi te e<:t.f.0::-1 concerni.T1a th nd :ru, ~.t tha ~«:..n~a.nar .el? pc t'& r-e r pid .cy det•:.:r1.ora. ting bet.~a .se hAi' t.1 on C n ·r. of the 1.ll1t ;11ur.i.l r.lillW.Uc coodt tton 'Hd..t.:it1ng a.t Manz$.t r . It . s und0ro.-too th i.t the Qlo•ii.11g e1ttnli and g.t't.i.vel is doinJ: 4;014-• .;:;:t · 1.'.\l le h.~rlll to ' r,:ith -On{;' (}.L~ r.! r.1.n ~h of the l\lt't1 ll'lW ment (J.f' rnpour1<led ·.her• lWiORANt>laf to tour ar, tilJ..iaa:i M. Hal• r.t.erel. atee'l'ln Bank "t Gan fra'n auco A~tention patagr&1*'t in 1• 1)-eQ~•~ io b• -.iclos•d l•t.t•,r- to Ur'* t. • AW.kc> ol K&rl a. 5em\.t••n Colonel. a:. a. c. A••i,\•n~ 01.vt:l •t a~tt l>i'f'1'ion 'lfut4• Oii.'d:l 00t1t.ro1 !~lrt.Mion G () Mr- "fuu.o 1.1.l.J.u Abi.ko Japuwee .Aurlean linll • Itto • 6,0 El.11.t St.rtiet an Frlltt.Qisoo, C4l11'o:rn1a P:f!l&l" s1r. owl.edge 'l'ht• w1ll a 1n wntcb 1ou, l'Oqueat, mng l"f.CCd:pt. ot your l•t-ter of April aj 1,42 to ocmt1ttM pu;b- 0U1•~ t.~t ~'ws.tot1 :L ~.n 'bo"'h aql.$.11t; and J'•W*••, th,.,. N o · out th• co ~ee ot t.h• •va,c...,. D•t•nne C0111Urt in pro ~reae; a.nd p~eiQl't t-0> tAOV. t.h• 'ti.t't ~- ot 7cuar t.1& 1.-,tion t.ei qocupy t . q1.u111't.ertt in Dtl fl.Gy 1 Calll().l'n'.&, Yiou ·OJ.!' ft.U",hw tttake :inqui"-7' regarding the po.a1b1ll ~Y ot obt.d.rdng . , . .n.nan... oiAl 41es.1et.&nc• &ts an aid ti) continuing p®Ucatlon. lvioa~ion wt ot h1n th• now .1~1&~· uw•pti.V'k", We•~ern It. 1• ih• po ot t.he OentJ'a.l, in carr11ng out. h1• da 1e!I and •potus~oil1.tie• 1n the IOY&cua.ti<Ml o1 pvaone of J•P~••• 1&,v 1 t.o mak.9 no dL1cr11P;i.nat .on l»tJMett \tl• w1in.ea~ or 1na a _,,.pr.per and a.n.r ot.lrior htu,frltH o:r n.-ud o~ by ,Ta~.- • .A• en •na U tft\l'&OU.t.ed, t.b• hU.inHa ~t tih.• .,,._Otaee~ Jin •w:lb &11'8• i•· n•eHiJU':t~ diiJcontin'1ed., Ao~ etd..1ng)¥ .t rou an ad.v ia•d b t }Ml'• rd.s·•i.on to in Mil1t.ary Area No~ 1 tol.J.ow:t;ng· tho tim.e wMri •vacuatiion of t • area in wi'lich ;ro11• 1A ot'dsrad.t canof)t. be granted. nape.ct. to granting you pel!'!d.ard.on t.o 1.DOY• ;your aUJ,'.t out. a.cs you are aftr,e , itr • • ne~•••ary t.o us\19 the "trMdni'' order, Froelpiat.1on $<)• Jh in Ol"!Mr to u•ur. an el'd..,rly •vaou.a.t1on and to pro~.oct •·'l'~\J.IJiO•• AlthotAgh all conoe:m~ 4••ue.d,y oi..tqa.t.1on to \';e. fin11tu'>W"agw,. "-n t.he ~l.t.1al '~" it.. 'ho~• &JPIJ"•nt tiha~ it. -.o~ not wr~·t''2llv'. P~•ion <t,o l•ve ,lliU.tu An& tlo1 l on a 'VDltlntar~ ~a:tiori bM1• is ,,_anted only s.n. the moat ~;ptional cu••· t~ 4U• b&• been;;~ o.t Mllit.a.ry Area ~o. 1 ho D 1 Jte;r, Oal.1.tomi'°',, •1ckt.ted at~ d.oes r10t1 !Pl'••ent. an inetance wttsreln euoh pell'!IMaion can be aocorded. With reepectr t.o t.h.e 1torlll!£• ot your pl&nt. and equipaM'lln~,. 7ou al'• mant<.e can be mn,d,e with ttte fttde.ral R•e ~ Bank ot advb41d t.h&t arr ~ h'-1U1.c beo ~o a®onrpli•h t.l>tat. v~ry ~:ru.l.3 lul yol,U!'9, a.. Bttndet.••n Oolonel' o.uval aWt A.._iato.n Chjfef ~t $t..t.t O:tv11 Atta.tta 011V'1aioo /l 1~ '*.Jrl ••4•t•... Oo1o •l G4Uiltu <=ht t ot tor s. "'· · Ci TI. 1'..Sra lo• httiaori>. Hotel !Ill ,..rr11:et. AJ N•t Sb Pran.obo.o, C-.111.tttll!& .,.1, v.b_t.ota JJ~iqJoat~:l• ot JJI'..... lfaolWl•ll"'7 and. qta1..-1D ~ O~tom•l •~•eat ,/•r oe S.. • • to th• Jikragra1 •t:l.-a o tlw 1U.~p0d. 1.oa ot t:ra t r1 ill .,.,.Pf"..,l"u,ach• dat.4 Ap 1 J.•, lMI, o yow...._.. IUdua a.. •4 .AprU I~. lt41 wit: o.ta .,,.. ncsloelld .. eow d • .._,rullm tq ;rou troa Ir.. • -~ Apr11 • 1941 u4 '9 Y<mr' tu.r htJr ••,aadum or Apt'U. zo. lffrl. all: r~hti•I to tlae • " " l.. ••:!••"'· ( (i t • .Pu•wm~ to y®.r •UU•·•tJ.g, at*' coater._•• 'b•'Wta l'ft.Pf'4'••t.• tl'Y•e Of th.e aal•r•lped 9.g9'l01e• u.d '1t t li&r lelOODtiOll A.llthorltrJ'. tbe t llowing r•o--.adatlou Yel'• ••t•niM4l 1q1oa1 •• n..t 1111 •oh.l.a•'7 ud • UJ*eat pr1-r1~7 1unpt1bl• .fie' u• ta fara op•rattc.. •houlf, k eu Mt i. ·~•Pffit a o,. "1'• llaJbr 't.b e •"P•"bloa ot tbt hra. Stt11r-tty •~s:.-.. "'•· "• fbat ·\ ht d.•~,..U,.tt.on. of prop1r •·w•1t1•" t l • ot -.oU..-17 u:d •'Mi~ tM ..... .a~ -~ll QiY$.Uu Cfttn Stt.t1• by, ·--~-t1- '9tw.a - . Npr••••t.\,.... of ~hi •'lnt1fly 441LUU.• r11.t1oa &M 'tM- Pe4 ra1 ....,..,.. . , .,. r._,.. •t •· llllr) ,,._.o~•••• t. »» but• o'f dualtteati ot -..C-hlraeey Ui4 eqal~ •hell 1-• wttietn.r • oh •oht.a•17 t.M •qut,..a"t 1• 'the ~ ft'ioll m 1-el.~ 4-l•r oaa O\"dtau-Uy di1poa• o.t to ,,.,. trade • thl• ea•lU8l.,. ot 'r~oka of' •11 ~· fl.,,..._~ u4 Ul att.Mr ...ui,...t. -~ l•U&tc WI..'~. 'f•ts equ.t, •1*11 ia.. w t.1- li•podtia &al _,. - ' • tt.. MJ>eMi•toa ..r t=lMI '~ ......,.. Ink or Sq 1"ruoS..eo. nthi thte> t.he • ..,.. . . 91' to ••ll •uolt • 'to atU._,., e,11tb91.tiff -4•r &1.t.raat.i.,.. J u tor't'b , . ............ d., ' ••-'"1» t.w•c•lag Mf'la.lti• ot .......... ·•1"' _..,..ta.actlq -.,, + ••t1,_, . ,,,..,. •• ,,.. , . . . . . . . . 1'9«0 I l&atli. . . •r•, ••'*1\t" fop 7 .... a.te _ _ _,,__ . . .,.. tl• wlth , . . . . ., ~-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1*ftlft&• •. '·a... ...,..i. '· •. o. 1.11• »•u•t 11~••""" u.. 1n1s tr ti.o ,. I 1 • o i~~.. ~o t• ~ •t;.f:l r t:i.t>t1 ce1 Yttd. f'roa v~ y, /~~~ ' c1 I. ~ ~""'"~~Hi·• ¥aG••1.1 !ll.t.m:nrtr• .• L . ·n.arto&..:m 7U. .,. . . .. .....~. , . ._ . , ' U111U11llEfMm • • ""' ' "1•, flM ~ ,_._.,~ ft . d.M'\ •• . ,,.. a.le ot Ian · •ttoioo, Oalilom::l• .o •!.a • •rr (a~ ) ~. • o. z.......1. ..... lu1--l>an•.S.l.d.\aa ~"' no ,,.. , .~ .,..,.... l'.U-1•• loo. h•Y• ln.q.tAlrid np.~ tt~ &'fd.i.bUl.ia~" ot l.IAbol" kl t-.U· • \oa\km ....Uu!..: aot, n.~ •O&lng O•IMf M• ~ the pg ,._.,. ha."f ha4 t. • oUal 16 lo,....U. la •• .Ulidltd JICl.aftt• b\lms.rutit•• wt\iob Q~d · .t ~ • l'llll. ~u 111pp17 ~ l.tao:f in t " ~t,,.. C>a wp et l» •hi ••• •-'Uli anf .,,q, \~ u -.i..1• t ,, ~·· ~ · Nm 1 '1 bit rat• o ~ • • 1';Ul. "'7.t~ o 4o .,.. • ~ !JU...--. 'ht.• ..-,J.Z • h••· w-.\)l c.1.n I~ ·~ •e.m!aa• ...._ 4'ddd poe~~i. in be $ht~• ,, . HM ft-'ft b•9" 'ti ,., . t.h• .• ~_, • • -... ~ •t.~l.i•t..•t•, 1ul• .,_. ...s.,... kUl.t an ...,. u ••U p '1~1" CJb bu 0 't bff-..• I' ~~ •o '*'" n.. r t~ hl,stMHr *id b~• 0;t ~ d ' ...,.. our looall. W \IO 1:ldl1..S 11Jd.ll-.J i.-. M4 b · at. abwt a U'lc 0 f'hi•• M\l.J 1noJ!iHl.liWd ~tion l.o•• .... A eaeolt he UllJ.t.M \a ~~'i <J. tl•e rnUJ.• t.M-'\h•f MW uirt.M -.hclr NIOUNU l~. 1'b_, ¥111 r oMMd • • thq •fill tn• b-.rd con ot th• ,.W.•. O\lr l.l4&hb*J• ind lf\ri• - . t to0 • l•'ftrll b ~. v. &lr•atb- 91$107 Ul QUI' ~~ pl.wit.•~ oo~M, ll..:Q' ~ ;a..~, conn.a~ wt~ pl&t., W.r and pl,ywood.\ .ul• 111\d lo,;gJ. · c.Mli*a ai.l1• 1 •a.a ~. d.Oor pl.uh* -.... ...,. \icmiM ~b:hi: fto~•• bM•~ . • 14 • • O'fll'llll~tiono. M• art· 11Cild.rtl iO ltllOr.>M t • ct.her •M\ of t,he. M\ll'lt1"$' \ U \t1 ,Pr'~ ~ lJP U,n, ~t.lOMl t '>Nt· ot .ooo '\lda dPatioa 1• ot M M•h'L,.. 01QI· loul Waw,d••• 1\ 1a "'1 t.$.m ~.t U\&h U 1: . ~ *1oh l• ot •uth v-1 .1.1!,po nee t.o out war prw t.lon. ar P~•• u to open.I• at o: v \t m ·tl'M r *1.kO\toli Uo , or &Olllt r~ A&ee1 will :J<• to CNI' . . .-...07 tM. qt.fQOrd!M.J7 JH&~ in.•••17 '° .,.._ni.. t.o tambh uph~•• D•~ \o kMp flU.t' pl.nt • u .rflt.Sn,g• °"'" -. • ..-. ttl'h11t• p.opl• ue o~ ~. I •wmfll r•4' \014 ~ 111' th.· c A\J'1 u a $1• ..S.U lM •~ bet-.v..U •1ix ond .,..... ...,..a..u1111 . - for tn•k7 O.fta"' tbe m.4 r:,t t.h• ,...,..... Ce~ ~hb ..... '~ti &M 3'01q \o ~ -~.- th• ~'"'4 · t OU' rN~O•• ud \U· \li1- .S. .,,.., J~Da ~ 'i7 .(~ tn4J, I April , 1942 d4Na• Np.1¥ ~ ?µ.. r.... luWiq T.U.~, -~ • 1 . IL W.., l: • r.s...i t;1an ... ~ rn.i1• . ,,, a.iu d4JU•1 d ~ ~·1•oo •....,,.. . al•• • wwh 'C.<1 ~llCil,g• U" l!ttit.O ot l:J ftla.t.,.1.'f'e to 'tdWa Cf)li••l . . . . . "Cudia& t.hl ,.,....• .s. u.'\.ioft ., ' ~yUl... Aft n at, h tY# .....,. 1"'• ·~•11 pH•• ,..,_..... I.NU• ~ •ttt to •• - .. b t.b• \NO ~ .,...., · 'fa•otM~ _ MP \ . WA W!Uit• a in pol1q \ht.\ t. ..U•4r, ~ •t'-.,. at.t.d a ~ .r. na•\ f'1lld •:I.Ao• °"*"'" ** *'• D~ ·O~ U.. P•Ul~ IJat~ ~ ~ drom>M Sa W. .-..... o' - ...... - ., l·• "'- tJ!Olll .,.~. Dlli''-'• dti••· d.t,\~ ...U. l.),. ..... f rllb1c ,.,..... mvs...~ tiha" \hf ...._t,l• \he , . . . . . . ...,10,_. {If WA· ~ e .W u ~ oa w ~ pl.Ale• • • • i\pl'U ao .- Mq 20. • 14 not~ ttMf Yui.OU ~al .,. .1.. , aN hi• .___.. tor ....._ u ha# U..,. .-unt.• ol 'bfat!lae•• to en -, t.hat. wbM "1M .,,....,ion~~~ lM w1ll.1. _U all Pf'ObebUi•;r- haw t.o ol.M• dOlrl tnd W.U.• ~-~• aho"1.d N;rW be fott ai ~ b.S. ~ llllJ'U tl"llNI ..... ..w.n.•, I "*'• '° ;poa~_,Ut.t.t o'f Npl!t.f -· t.~ llld.11.S - . 111 ~ •h.flti .I a.- ._. tio 1* oouiJUM>Q, t.ttat. ~it -11 t. t. • •an o 1' tQ ~ • Ai.:..6 Mu da)' optnt •• par\ o-t ·t tt. pl-. . Git -~ ~ M4 t. a· · M: to otbo d~ tori ~·a. at'1..... •Mn.•• of M,l'M dU d,td.q Ut• cceGUUofi Of \he ad.a•• W ha'N Od OUJI' :tu~ d ' it. u w an .-.quet.ed to do. .. ul•• •-°'• ••t• 'M -- • I "4is• ti. to .lw pJ!Ob 11 n \M: Pl. ca d.o -"u t.hitt 91 \u, ad J-' l aan'ti bielp l>'llt. hla ob••j"fttioll. \~ 11 ~· -"It . . . . . . llttOM• t.11.!A.t th91 - · be ....,."4, .,. ~- plM J.ta ..... tau ......,. Mtf• -.n IMUiU•• an' t11ritld1 ~ •tutn ~-· ~·J.• ·h l:l be hd • .,.... ~ho ,.._.. . . . . qW.~ .. tb . . . . J.• lil---.l; tu, l llll"M \1*t. t.MJ .,. et.Id fhold.d. •pl.Me« a --.Mr-&Uon ._.,, but. l ·tb!nk w.i. u • ...*"to t.blti ·• IW1 ~ 4Huioa b a.ritiY-' • to t.WI' \lmAI••• ••.lA.b.1• a,...... t....._ tt,_, •t..•1 ••)*I I u, 1941' 'm.,,...., .... ...,."°. ' ... ,,,Uc , .,..,.,,~ ~·- .u... itMt .,._1-4 ..._TM drcl1tlati MM to 'D.1• 1..._ ot ~ ~ t.o OIOOpU';I• ttt. ,.- la..,. lWdQ•rr th1tr ~· la ...., *'* •.r fi-rJkfti . ~.. I M.w •OIM .,._ tt.mellla ' &t. • .,.., tld.llloo ~·•• IOI ltl ,._ · e, WM,_. 1\, b«i W.i.n••UMJA1 :Laor - . ... :PQU i«lm, '90~1 ......, ot nav1; · . ~ • • • \1.#,)•U..:Lt. h~ Y.kt t ._,,, "11en 'fiM* htlN ~d ... ..,,., ~... ' .,... llt.lo'ail l tita.kalri tJa f.l901•:10ft Ala ,. ..,,_ QA Ctb ~- ....._t.1oa ot iM Ott'.-,. the,....,,.,-. lap1 ~ ... . pJA~ . ct U-: ~ .-o-..U.\!oa ...... , ~.t-~qu-S.•. ,. ,,~, (•ifP'4d) ~ ' I •hfq,-14 ._rd taii...- On ~ eallt4 • u, .0 ~ "'"..... --'Ual • t . ,... ...... f,1. . . .d1• a.-u. i . ~ ,._ ....- tw. ·~ 11..StrL.i. ~ '"'1"1 _.)t •••_. \hd ~ ~•tlftil .,.... o! t.h• OJ"ld8 ... 1tM ~-- 0$ QOJ'i• . tnet fd l.oc• :IJa. all, d.\fbl,.11•1 *1• ~~17 ·t ,, #!.......• _.,.... Mlac.'ti,lo.M 1'hia .,,. par~.t .bl. ,,.., ~ii.~ o u.•Glq)l•t.• •bGtll.nlllft or ot.tnt.:11.--ci\ or~ .,.~tr~ '\ct · ..Uva...S.e, ol ~ oonn.-~ wt~ WU' ~. :a. _. .-...m. I' •tt~"· to rJt :ti • fflu ~ 'Cl' ti • ~. ttut ,.,...._.._ I and IPA ap,P.r'Q•td U. ~ l.i · '1'.0J.n\~ I &n .tnfb.1•)71' •ann& C~tt•• ,..,,...u,k ti'ft ot he p'l.Jwod, .zut 1-utn& ll\ • ....,.1'1-• of ~•t•ll.••· • ~ w 'l'ld• o~ toe t~ Ol' ·t .tw °tlr&cb . ot :\.' 11 .at.r7, ••...alll ~• t-4 'M· 1'UJH,11U4.~Uit1' ""' •litlla;n• uul oC -~ ~ t.o • 1ndut.t7. t;alc ~ t1'w 1IM i.A"n_.. ·~-II# ••t. • .._fl• ••t l4 t~t 1tr ••t U.tdM. \~I lal ..,,. ••' l " ._.:a•4';,r, • SD Ill 41driot•, bt\& ti 1-.h· -1J.~ . ••r ·d iet ~1 ,....,.,.~• .,. ~ ot • lt&-how ••k u b• ~. ftl• ftl1 D.ffNJ.iu~• ~ "'' \S...,...bAlt tor . t.1- 1J'b4 O'ftl' lt-0 '"'9 1n - . . . - . At ~~tM -~, \o: .,., ti t• lif,_~\d• ~ WAS wUl -' t.o \!Mt o.-~ t · otl\ of loC p · llf.lm, • .,. ~ tba fUU t.o • w.u-• &• hrporiat ti. t!um b4t - .. . . 1aWil'Nd. ..,_,.•r•i* - ......... tvbti ~•Gil~ ot ~ h~• · b• 1-t\ w -..a loAiddul .,,_,lab~ u ~' • • l>• ntti\wl).17 ..,_114 . - . ~~JM "'~"''•\itiru· • um.g~. ta.a... t.ll&t " - 4'.., *'• ~. will 19 t~ ••t tbia ...,...., ·lb• ~ m• ' ' ·- ..._ dc.9e,, .- . t.b.a~ 1~ .,_..._''-" ad ~· .O.».. wU1. «oo,_.k t.. t.tU.• d~. ~ w;., 4" .... f ClFBl . . 'f ' Dm ~ . ~~ • • , J2:1il. ' U@•11 ' " " ' Jl1ft>•11Jllill9Kl"l'Of lt C OS $ r~li:",i. .• a ts~u, C.;..!. nel ti • • C. s ... ··t er. · E-1 of St {;,;. i l .h.ff n... visio'"· i.f/L~.........~~-~--Q j)~ 1.0• •la , a OR: ·ar.1 R. ~4ttaec. 0 1-b n el , G, S ~ C .. • A•e1•tant Oh1•~ o~ Statt, C1•1l. .A.t', l>lv;iai(,Ul. r DieorimLna~ion, Jnpaneae ;Labor Agllast We a:re etnoloeing a copy of a l ·tte.r to u#l by our Bekeraf !el!S :u1preseotat1ve . $. oh oase• the· j ur1•4t(}tton $ti t.11 t"'f).. or ·"-O oot any ot ritten, within the OOA. Ageaoi ea ai. ooa How'e-ver • e e.r ealli~g 1 't o ;'Qur at'be.nt1ol). iu •ympathy with the general obj•oiive. RVllao rd ~L. "'°' FEDERAL RESERVE Fl B, t' 1"Ht: CIJNT L i30 0 a k'ou "'i~ 17 SAN FRANCISCO NI{ O·F lTl!lD fl'A'fES at . ~ l , Or l 1.t'Ol:n.l • Re : J's (llJlO 11.. Labor and. P~·od c~ w r.keJt . lf~d·~.r 1 Re 96t'V 13anl 0 Sr nsont.e treat. ~pr u 16 t 19 ~~ • • or San :E11 1:P o1 oco ' 1 San Fr noisoo, oa1!rarni .• A !'l~pr sentativ in 'l'u0s( ay 1 /ip:z:til, t'. •!t-0Kanz ta, 1.9 fr.on the F1· ~iJSUO Off1Qtj or nut.i.fh.lJt 0 th.i' Offloa .. (~iHd\f•.)O r;A that :r )l!l. H(>)tjfJ in t.l.'1.e De Llno ~ •. Wttl'e dioorirln t.e.C. . .isainst, .iorker 13 both by tL.6 Lett:t o Pr..<Jkti)rs t;1n.d. the OIO Uniot~ 1 hi.all •, pp l~. ro th~ p1:H1k i ne house~. .l:.i 'jt;n, Ft'o 01.1.rno 01'1'5.01..1 .- "'ttey .s~ ... 11· • .•fal:<enl.ia col 1.; he i lit U·i:i Plf~nn.Lnc, anl!'l. '/!~ .1~10:..1.i · r Bo·rd . 1 rhte •IYE'.t'I 1.'1JJ1e, a.wj Ur . .. ,,., L1rd.Sf:l.Y'. E ".lt9'mber ot: 0 0 h iJ t le~l.3. Doordlii! by· vt.r · u fJf ni ;i ['JOfJ. t .l cm t.i CotmtJr g1 i'3'0l t1l;' al. A, Q n , l,~ ma i ug h t!;·Le,) em .1101·r / i nv~atlgation ~ Bt·1. Jifly 1 the f ftc.., .. u1"tJ .;er; 1'.::>llo / -.;J : /'" / pr· J.l . ;; trb Jum !.'.17 , •1 dQre ta1 , -.:J ::1 o .1J .p :,.,..trf! ta Ar3soc..tatio!1 "li.ed o n Gle v.001 J lt\;.ot ..e li.• d b ud ·:r,h1:.'lflrs, \:Jue 1·1.r o:Ci '.H.. t... ~ l"ern<1ra• th tall ~:Ji.a in. eluno , . 1t ... t. 1~~,(i1"~'.., " x ;e<.i. ,,M,11 o ~lp , ~ele a~, f 1~le t~ ' di~~ mc~a . ~ho Polle Lbt1led tbe o se a.eftly end wlthol\t pu.b 1.cU,,r .\ .'. :owev·f.Zr~ ~!:'to1· a n.Jel,1i::. o'f' .Paol<:i.111;, na11sia r9'f tr-.nrentati't(es Mnd. t · /t.Tn lcrn Off ci~ls, l~ H~ .Jn-;it.H ir:i.r...,, "".,l'.'C rae \t ou,t · t r. . the f .uld~ ~-v11.~. i: pny <r .r vf 30¢ dtemtosed~,..... Tho I" <Hi , ut' ..i.u .1. 11 i..'>rh. . .i'ro . Sc f to !,.10 · _ _!11. . 0. 1 qi .~~ · Ot t on lH>ur ro· 1 ·'lO'·t, o· ce in ,n a.t~~;rJ.ct, tiuJ reeentiad Je p~uH?de ··ve le . an~ e r not bei cable to WQJ7l<:" . " r~c ...u:J . I any t!1Joa~0 .A the se£so'1 ts v '): sl ort, i n Del no , b tint; t dr,· co t.U t,1on . ,,j.!'.l 't do not e t1c1pcte 1fl.lrther. 1..h1UJ. thi:s, tlle ~} is a t.' eelln "' Bll'IOl.'l.(~ the J1 pa:nese n g<~mept hove !l. L ~) vr~r:r lo- oeil i ng :r owers tllBt the Poe ilU~ !ou·.~ on flald prices fox lettuce L o dEi. to pro!"it a~ umoJ as po s1.ble by the ps:e sir:Jn.t emcrgeucry . Proof of th ta oc.1nd J. ton ~.-o oatly o o ap exhau tiv s~acob of he P okers' reoorde . P raooell: I feel there 1s VQXY lt tt le to Justify sucb actio • valo~ l am t is I enor t to the file in ca s o:t' t r th.e.r cleents . In an eve.nt., tr you n.eed')t tnt'or t1on. 1 mf$ k.n.ow . V F :r.ulf yours, Glen L. Jotw·u.M).c.t 1r~A3'l4 , ~o oo" ~'ff' ( · t n d) 1\nt. . i • > 'nt ·· $ 'n Ir. ?Wda nos 53'7 ••l'.Ui trt , Marin Oousr.t1 CU ifon~ J' 'the lederal /' Bank.;«1f . u :Fr•uic:!.11M h9.• tztuetlli.t. t.e<l ' •nl"~e t.o tl :lt qtfic• your ll.t•da..ted .l.t'tt.:ll!' e'll<JlOlftlH•• tQgether •i ruirtHHd ·t o ~Jtt Anta~r. 8 » .u. •-\ Under the ~1rCUll tan •• di•olo••d ia ~ Tari~~ ~om~lr ntion#., it will ~t ~ po••ibl..e to p1r.1:rt t.o you ... d rou: a. po:niit to tra'f'el to D aver, Col.<:>:rado , l(l' a.Oll'lll\l.U'Liu.t!o;i• d1•Ql.o•• on~y that. ~ re 11 oa,.it,l:>Uitt o! 7rmr ror. in4', ••P1J..01i111ent. 1131 r;~ :r am:t th t Y'Ot;l de.Sir ttJ trir.vfJl ~·r• ft:ir t• ~ ~ PG•• .Qr.' -""~ gl'tr1g a :rvb-...,. lour l•tt4Jra UfO riiaolCi>I~ nor pdo'l!' to ftl•r~h 29• 1942 Y'O'til )l d not m u any dettn1 ti..,. st ? 1 t~ tnrd, e . c ~'t on .t'l'OIM i l Ar• ~ -. fl i<m . Q , 4 boeam• o. i . to ertol't., it apti aras thf~t "*'el t•ctS.-.e SW• Unle a:rt t ;yCHJ. lu~d been tt\J"Jl ~ oYer 1n. y®r mind the P'J"O•pecrt. of ban:l.111 •t- •••tnl'd. th• 01.TOWle ncea , ther fora J; 1t i• "'1CP"' · t.tu11<t r e>t.b.u -.n-an •11.•t>tl a• 11:u1,. l>e n.eo- 10\t 11ake web p).\'t', PUatlon •• rry tQ pi"e})f'.l~• tor en.cua ic>a • Wl. U,.u A. Boe •:l Lt. Oolei, 1' , A4 l•1t111 itit PtiOvroet If~ ·' -- ...... •~ ,._ Oft Pd -~ ,..._lat2MI•• lllld• .. Um ·~ 1 ........ l• d..-117 ........... la .... ll ................ ,...... - ... '"*"· 'la •rile ._ .. -.:, U. .-.... ,. , a... . . . . . 1911..,... ttloJi .... ' l• ~·· Ula ... h ild'o-.u.. .. •• .... ....... il'f'lllll.Ml•1 .a a4e.l ...._aid olae.Uloa tea lit" \J'J9 (1) n. ,o f •,.._1>11• Utli1/or •~ tG• 6lall . - - . . l• r~w fir .,..,.••• ~- . . .i.-111-11.oa - -.,,. ta) ot •t.Cll!lo'DilM ul!/'c.• •nn. off•.& tel' • h ta •'•1 _.. . . . . , ,, Q ......... •• • • 'DPI' •.• • , ... QffiA ol ftloe Mlllad, • l . ' "-• -- ..................... ~lf·-1- . ~JJiua BolBl1 4l · Se1i f a. Tuung, 1 teomb Se .el. an~is~~ ~.ttst-~is . G!itl~i ;en-r , e.o21 ot a iv.... for 7t) SV'aouoe, P.t·ope~ty I>.-. a»tin.snt ~11~.ret R4.'t-.41i'V~ a.n 50 Qelttoxnia Stt Sf!ll -ranola1co,, G~11tle . e~ Oe.1.:1.t~Pn. ia nr Co:tll 111 ~ t ~ ypu tE;~\tel!H. c t ,tn~d. itt ,1 1etruoticrn 1. 't;.te~ No. . .1942t $.es; :reri ri.ri" tq ~t~a !~$ .. wopis .. 20 :hisuodi. und1&r dnt.*l r;»'t A-p: 11 e:rn h ,itJ13retn:_ X h:e.· a .tit' r.·o l t1 i:nt'1'.l:"~.atidn.. :n, .r•i · ·on tni"oruation or r r n .. 9t~ an ~\:le subH1ve ht1~a d a.:m1d<l , t.t!l.r: 1; l iu Call. rorn!a.,, 'I:'he top.tea ot "envc.,~ (llin, w ~, 1t"a wby a r.~e~ u . eo..nt 11rt4l within !ta b un .t\r.l;es p~ ,$\il,<:l~ll.y 2,Qn.e .. or~~1i d~ ·t:.t.1e1 tt. r q.,t lilll of ou.r :r1:1 at. 11Jt'e~ sod .n th~ $ ~il~J. 1,t.,o. .h· e becorne(IJ ~ r1· e ott1oe hes n 1 ..1 bti., tO!l l!!N r;. l J'r~;1s.n.o regl!lJ?l$1rlf?; 1-ie u1lo;i,J.r 1.-~ tb J'•:ip1u-1 iri~ o :rt1H.1td$"'n tiir~ llazard1 ~r ~ ·tt:t~.rf! is a p~o U11i:L.tty ot' :se Q ~c~e i.ii sm e.b . tll t..?il" 1y i;ll·c .. 1.~t~!! 'tl t:rol; p t.Q ',r1lJ!nb 1:-Z:HJ.a f hi.oh aiu1d h~ o.l :.."l.o a.t :!.tnpo·s~dbl.~ ~o. oortH Q't'un ·t.r.v ond th<!! ll!lno..r1iouA "tilOt.l.n or: i1 it l)Oftlet.• to ao11tr·o1 tbe nattn·~ or fl nu.1·1tbe1• C!lt f 1 r'11h Bf too I;n ~x&m±fliXJB YO'\.l.'r J1l p I OD.\ <:,t.U !te r~il:ta. v. tl ell the terr.l.ttDl'Y bEtwee.a fik rst'1el<l rtd A:)t or8. r:1tt.-0- in Zon 2. ., end ohee,k1ng tbe same, · I su g,es't ttlcr~ in . opl.dc.m an e..t· · aq~quot'0 to eu o t, 'th J' penelif~ !YU) who Jurve m01ted to t! 1 '-'Xtli" ot~ tH'e> .· lJ"~Adf l'(;l&id1JA & th 1 of, 1.111..;Jtl).d b•· s Zo-ne the t, W¢) .il4 st1u· , ori tti~Jt noi·t.h of higi.L'l>lf.11 41 wes·t or 'Fri. W').'t , th$l'lO• Bi vet"•·-. li>ll &11 i;i.·~f;!gu,lc~, r ltn.., to &~nt ·rir1l. ·1 1 t.Q OX'e.u ~ aove, trJ 1~hr~ t:,(l "1-tilc>, to $pJr-·1r1e;e.v1l,,l.e'° ~t)ll.n'C$~;t,t\ Sp;·in~rt~ t .Q tt.e !Let iny \fll1$.o,h how;~t.ea the boun~er y l! x e rot 'Zt:1ne.s l.' $.ad ~I"" I 1.1 ~ia u:1!u~. is 'f't'oo, f'ah: '&li:I opf.i , trrr~m.ins 16nd , t1lt7.d. o~t,eid$· Q.f tld.-. 1 t be comes tfl'oot h'l lls an:d, .ou.ntfain..s, 1 tb no retHsone le tuc;.o'Ua~ f'o.r a JWJ. anese 11Y.1l.\'\C outs.t:d& of tll:t bo.u.n~e ,ry, l?artioulel"l;r, I bev beard oonal e:ruble c:o e:o:t abQut a colony 4't i'~ ~mese Npo have w.')V< fl. to Cal1fr.a·n .1a l!ot S r1n .s , etid by '-oold,:r~g at th.a mep, 1 ou will o b:sf'.:Jl''V'3 tot! $1» tU''e~ ... w.1; .h ~&ti.y let.t.~:rtft'UJ;j.(lf).t).tii s i'h1• or .te b~r;'! Frers 1:01.- h ·e thi is virtu'aLly in on Your hm ll¢';1r df Q~l!' ..,._..,..,..._ _ _ _ _ _ _....,....._...,._,..._ _ ..,... ~ ,.... .. ~ i \ll i, , ., , ,, ; •• . ""' l ~~ .............,, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,....,.. . j'ec ·: •t.e r ~ tH~.l ~u. ·o 31' t:' O'll'• ,944 Y·O U.t'$ • '.r1,_.?Ul.1'" /~-- Jtr'. .Arms 'bt• Oea:r $ii;- : " In :r.·e~ards. to th'i!' co.nvers · tiori we had over the telep one ~ace ltly :t arn 1:'orward1ng you t e replies to tne adver 1t,is~:n!lent 'r friend in pel! }!>U.t ou't by our friend ·in Denlfe;t'I' Pos.t News his 1ette1· to m.e states t l..: t tl ere re any .t'~lllily oai t:t.on open i:r.i. Denver at tQ.e .ressQt ti...r.Q.e ·- ne would to ha,ve ·my wife and l come r.1tt,h,t o t to interview these di.f erent posit.tons. 'rhe rnost essential thing at th<;! 1ne.s ent time is to get to Denver to intel:"view tnese aif.ferent positions SQ Jrou can re· .lize t1rae is the most imlJ<:irta.nt 1tbin.g . to us - If we e.· x ~et some sol?t of a ruling in this case it would help us a @.teat deal in g tting set.tled .in tb1s hectic t:l es - I cannot ;:> e the different .ir~ going to Denver a.f ter the avae t.ttion o.rde.t' came t() M.1.1.r:tn C«i:";mnty 01• befcl;'e th.e evacu1:1 ti on order. The ruJ..:l,.ng by· the rrny u.u thori ties t tne p;r ese.l'l t tlm.e is tiaat we can go back. E~s'C a. ter the eva c ati1.)n or ers .. I are both me1•icar,1. citize1i~ and h~ve al,l the ' My wife a'ident in t fµe W'Or · d we won 't 'U:l.l/e .;':lt'lY' trot1ble oh•t , p¢sition in ar i y jobs. We woula. have gone bl:l'.c ~ ~ast before· ·t his restric t1on 0 1 .y tuat we wer . . not ;Cin.1:1ne:1al y f'Lxed to <do so Now that e are f inanc1a1 y fixed we oulu ap preciate ruling in tlle c se 'or I be · i<:::ve govern e 't;. will have two le~s pe.t•son tn loo' after - Jobs &re waiting for us so o to Denver ~ ~1 we n· ve to do is to My wife an I con.not :..xpre ss our turn.ks in words- fo·r thia helping h:a.nci f.l. t tbiS ti.mfi! • r h~n.k OU :t'Or your t 'OUble ki.;110. ;Lnteres't you are t&kin in o r case sincerely YUkio KllW ktLm.1 pril 5, 94,;. My µhon. 1s - 3a.n hl1.:>t~ l.l'.11o ,. . '9 5 J.:X ince my wi.f'(.'t an.a i h.ave- bee workiix.1g 1.x1 .f&.m1ly joh the five yea:r.s we o.i(,i not. .n~e nou.s.e a Lu eqa.ipment.s - ti1e ,roblem now is sh.(;>U ( we spen o r ropr ey we i1ave saver. to go bi:lick Eaa t on l.ou.sehold. nts to get re~ u.y or c p or wait til l the l u st min.i1te which mtght not be enough tim~ f'or 11s - .n re l.$ a so th.e t::!ar p.rc)Jl.em 'Which we need if we go ba.ok East - ot e:rr . is~ 1 woul sell it P ,.::>. rI .l.l t! ese tnin~ ruQ es o l' d :l.1~Ut!tit)n ve :;1 jj us.rd for u~ to plan for the i u.ture - .Hopi.rLg •.:t .l will work out .for the oest 1nte!'"~$ t a.l 1,. aonee rnecl;. .. AdQres s e to Bo J Y S enver Po 'l. City (Postmarked A~ril 9, l942) Wi t ' I 553·. 1·LOH'bv:tew .B oulevar d De ver , Colorado you .Kindly call Mrs . Eugene Re )arding wo.1·k. er - .h.M . 5860' e sp&per c.i>·ing • ttacne~ &n.etican-ci'tizerl. J apa.lles1a oouple . '.(on t ak1n$ complete I!. per enced . Capable Coo~ , chart:.~ ol' average A.tnerica,:n home . a;ta., b1 t e1·, ohau.fte r, houseman , barman . or Box 3 fte~s . Ad.a.:ressecl to box J, Y84-Post Y84-Post . (Po~tmarked Apri l . , en:v el.' l3 c>~ ~, April l , 1942) Co o l~ 1';;14.~ YS/i Post . to have you. ceil. . anri see me as I ruay be ab e to engage you if you not located yet . I w1;,u a. l i ~ Very eincerely Mrs . B . ·rotit: ?~o - 13th s~ . Zn Phone 'abor 853 floor pt 3 (Enve o e Apri!i1 os tmar ~~d, 16 1 l 42) r,. ttr.mstrpng viacl.:i<?e De · t • . eu.t; Sir - I , m !or ardin~ this telegrruo. sent to us yesterd~y sta.tin t ere is a ,)ob waiting ~' 01' us right a-,ra.y - ithout inter<tiew - giv :r1 to is 01 the stre- gth o.f,' recomme d.ations I would like to at t is tim ~ k one point cl~or a d t t is long befora tttls evc.aowattg~ o:rde~ c~me thru we had gone up to to look for e.' ,job ~hie 1 by th way did not turn out to 9ur adv~ntaee . we h· ve beel'.l back I ha'fi& had Mr . ana r s . 13t.r~ t :for-d loo ing :t'or a job i'or s back East onths go vrote ll$ l:'ecorrunenaat.1 on itl fact Mr- • .Agnew seve1·al letterB to go back aast . I am trying to point out onE thing 't · t we ll ve been trying the last two xnont s to get a job bacK Ea t. My s t atement ~an be v ~r 1fied by Mr . Agnew an 1''runcisco. IUC;l.nager of: Ze !:lid.per Go . in San Thanking yoi+ r. or 7our attention on thi. ca !;1~ I remain - You~s truly Yukio Kawakami Copy of Tele r m enclosed with letter . pril 15, 194~ Yl,lk1c IQl.wa..ka.mi Care Frank trel ti'G:>rd F'airfax Marin Co Calif' . Got you opening w1 th. i 'riend o:f our emplG>yer Mrs . Brow writing you S trat.for ·s · 1r mbil . Jiwni Hirai \lOJ. Viile St . s .. Bro n c/o Denver, Colo.) .1. St.rei. t1'ord .... Q0 :1:t 11 -~l ?., l.9 ___.. f"o n:1 ' a 110 ev · q. $tt1 t'O Jill"t 1 11 1 ~./ 2 , P.0 • at1~ ho ll -oor J, • pt~JJl'il ,P~.t' OU! ooor · ·n • tmaJ,."iOtite "9·' th Will 1h fol ,o t; .ie 'O<S h• 11..l e .Q:re Or -.1 w.r, h~ 0 (114! Qt • ti11,l2l a 31 S:QC. ~4 (;) () U. {.. tv t.l Co t; t1ncoln ~tl,. (!), ~3 33~ I 1'\t•~. of r t. •. o . t· .. ..,, :to ~•out" '1 ' IJ.'i' (1i tl ,, (I c;:t.,. i l wtott bo CUI o . :t.n1a t" s. '1 .:rte~ • t:l.o.n . A a. o.¥ e af r . 41)@<1 by t to p r or b f et d 4 .i, i l l!t till ~Y \;>l' .i .t ll .'P· 1• oc :$ 'il'$Ut tH.1.t a ict ·t r 12 ~~ r, '~loc e b~\ h Ja 91,,i,. al, . 111.t ill. Qi a2, 4taa' • • •' 1,'u t ., . p:r l 28. 1942 . e!A m. oat tone q ei to t e lti'il g t avri , i l b p:rov1 b U l' otller y nil au . '· ~ m:r~ 1u1 1. t ['r10r e p ·o<te~u.-1ts ,. oe. it .ton o ti· 11Ad&1• n e 10 le ., •lt..b. "'tU1 tlH~ *l\J.Pl'O ' .i '1 e O~&er . ~l~•to 1111 .Pleln c1 to I 2~ ~tl~llU1 Yl.lCU1'te .o. t.o t • ~.11-ur A'pproixlnte.i .r lGOO p '.lt*'l2:• tnvqlve4 \ii t Will 'kl• , . .~ biot ~ ttt aie"° e 1'1 tlUti ·f bUO'Wl• ,,n •••.ini en ~-·· . th• a1UHI with ch.anle: 3. ctUllr'ttr JQ~ tb '1J1$l!l0 PlllifW•IUI ot w.111 ••"•bli•h, 1l1 ll t>~t• j);ll"C c~go.lliath ri h ~ ~ et 1~16 Co~t ~ Ill\ tsOI!# AiUlttl•a , C • I loc•' ll.itoml n tn•'t ilio • "Iii. ,"ff-! •• lt ¢' 1 t c f>f .1l g th ..,.t.'bl1• ., f .• tit il'A''l l lfio:rxd tor. t'h t vili • l'U a, loo tot 4,ru.ot cot •· ;\ l"CP ,pr;n ·\ MW.l.ltli!M!~-!.t' .' l'..orilAl!t".l'IR:fl!ncJ" ll QJli 1i1!t. t19i1 , . n ·outhtitm .Acent'Y 1• 'Ml ,o:rn o~ 41rl!ctl.H w1th $ lC:lHJ 're G t •. .~ "t l ti~ ff () 11 r. p1· . ee M,«, or b A..p) j l l:.ll. ' e. :prS.l: 1.;:;2 , 1 anilie1t •~olu.da o ~e-r will t 1:r t"$QM a on- l:t , both f'ro . • l ad.q, 'I e ne d I !l • l , tro• llD ot St\ ();ll'4 1J'' $ft l". 1 o 'olock l~l. wtl.J. .()(~ . ea. l.tia. Lons • r•lnion ot the U tt en1. e ~ ept oX) Oe:n~ . ~ al 1d or ' . 111 l b• .l.J be • r g1stl'atJ.o t o th $, pro f! ·• St .ti.on ,1;1.r fl! ~-di bJ J fflll4q1,1a:r~ ~lllrllllnel •llt~ht O~YW 411 Ult"tb Yl, ~ 1t • o .l ~trtpl "' lfi• wi 11 ~ 11* I 8,\11 t'.»110 t> .U, A,1 1, l' pt.Ir 'f ·t imt)ltf.b ·t QA 8 ., ot: 11ust tr VJf' ,1~ a OX' , '·ll,{tt ,. em. • lrkO ·a114'. • .Q • Olfll"k} • I t. n°' e 1on..,. de t.Q t b. hat bft n 1 't le .tty · s p:r ct1cabln tflf: Dlat.r 1 · t on Xl~t "'~ ~t l""f!! ~ t~•. ·~P1i"iate • .:th ~ tnto .an<! loo l 0111.' • IU"1'l in. o ·aw ,-\Ela f\6 tll IS'I.ON .s. n rr tHJ ~C!J ·O , C 11 ornt. A;b>rJl 17, .1-942 ..., .. _- - ,.. ~ a1.,11.1"'n :tr.;r<iltu1!'ou:-t1rfu No. 9 1. ti. is J,la.xme t;he p J"j.~ · p:r1l 20 - to , v .cu te 'tt') the pr~1l 26 , l'4i , 1J.t\Zlli'U1l' l f :r meot1ptiou Q.1eht•,t , , oirt 1th'.ln. Unt ot' l4p t po t1ot) of roll01 s l ·b 2: , .A p:ro.x.1 telJ' 1000 p Cot:u.l y of' t'SOUB· tnypl;, 4 htG tol lo ,1n t~ ·~ rll 2~ ~ • r11 21, . pr1l ~8, lit. l942 -- J }5 l94~--3l5 191¢2--3'55 · hitt 1 $V-:fJ\.l ti-¥ 't fi6tlr, I •;Ji l: , c:.>r .: on... ( .. t 1 1o • ), f Jr.O'lt k su.r.> r v i., o ro.r t l t:r t 0 to !i!Ad l' ()t •-7-t·;.~.. ~""' y. otp:t' Jef~n · ht b 11- 0 d\llt • ri'V ta iu ot .n. ,. Jou.• · · ' l.i .XOt'ni • .. ~olir. ·dV1¢ } ~be n uµ~rec1Ated. 0 . J' S Vf.t X':f t.t• l d://~ ~ _ ... l/f . ~ •. h / ? 1~7-·7r~~·~;/"J~~"· ~ · 1, t.1 tQ. t c.._ i r. HEADQUARTERS WESJERN DEFENSE COMMANO Afl!O F.OURTH ARMY I OF'F I CE OF THE PliOVQSf' MA.ASH.Al I CAL. I FQRN I A PRE.S I I.) Ip, (j>F SA~ FR~NC I ~co A; Jti1 14·, Mr. A. R.~ . EvP. -r·e ~n l!l h t , >.urhi. ·1r ]'~(leral Rpa t'V~ ~} 1. tmic of na .:r.·1.t\Chi60' oi' ·1 c: ecr:i.use tbe;r i:l ~act\ ull;t Chl1.ngen th~ir fO • to ·he t.1oe of tho 11 fre .. dn. ox"d 11 >teen t ions 111 n. IJ,1,a 0 bti l(b~~. 1l'o Q~., uq cuel . l 'ProvQ' t M .rs:r.:11.l • 2•• • Via irms.11 ~ ~G ll:IM! AN.O f Ai!U ,AU~.U!f 'fAStl'UfqfOJ Apd1 U1 l.942 .... • t4, Ne, Vic-• Pll'8aidftnt. Bank d san rranoiaroi> r•~•l'&l Re••,,• an Pr cis• • Oali.tomta 'fjq.r S1i"J ru1 A~ :la a Di~met ot Co1,U1$i~ Co':t'ptvi"&Uom, •holly 01mM. by th.e tfrd.led, St tee w opi!tl'""-tta u $ pT1c1 0:f t~ Gt>• m'l!'9nt,, as a th'°ri:«ed by Jbe4 tiiv Order 11; d q et Qf Ccm~11u1 (?u.l:lli(} 4 4 ... 74th Co~a• ppt'O'V'1$d llf&J<Qh ~l~ 19'6 IJU\rl co111tin'l•d by 11n1b11 ~n.t lArgialJi.tloJl. to J ey 22, 1947), It.o fUilleiti.on Qt" b1.urinees i t.,_at,, t i' t. f~oiJt th~!b the pui"ch<:~•• ct oonditillJnal s.Ql.. 1.eet.r,!Clil , d gu b;r th• ealera. app:l1~ ees~ cQnt1' et~ t'n>in ~BJ.era tn '?b•M eontz-MttJ are rar.'t.$fd ~ o:r 'btu,:t.:noas• uthon ty lw.• ~NhaaMd. b.7 ;ii.U~"" ~ Pr as:ti.611lllo of fotw;l~ eo\Wtirie1a r.blusign:at$d in ~enuti'VO Ort\eJ" o .. 8)39 ot l'il 10, l.940, ..1Nhi.l• :i.t iAB ~ aibl• to clet.erm!ne tbe ~cit m.ual:>eJ!i aNJnt: ed. l!lf .ISUCh d«i\ftcf.e, n.t)w Qwnlfl'l(l 1 1t 1e preba~l tiw~ arei .aome 200 cae a oft t.he Cei.ut, in. $eattle, Po:rt~, Lo8 4nce1~u1i, lJ!i ttie ,_Jr.flpAl c011tr ta~mtra.ct d f.t!t lJIPl;r'ls.l. V~lDf 4Uld P:t<tbe.b!¥ ·~ at.Mr CC>l!mJJdti•e. llO-tt. Of thl!Jee Oft 'ttle It, Metil ~O be J ,t,i)e.Qllflf And 80'rDe ~t tJilelll.. •v• b~ ol" wi.ll 't)e enc4 1.~d, \o reoeptio11 e11tt•m ••re they will not. b• J!r.l..l<,t'!N.d f.o t4k• ldtb tti.e• such it.ams •" b.&ve t.Mn puil't:tm•ed. mtlel'I e•dt.t:lt>Ml a-.1•' cmt.~s. In aQM 4iitae,8 \b,e mt.~ilf ~~· ts ap~..•l.T \he 11r-••111t •~fth, or th" 81PP,l.luc••• ~ .1r1 o.U ler OU.$ ~ ••• alJ.•N> have llU'lnrt.83tt..l. ·•~tr or at; leaat t~n :l• •ou •1'1• don 't·h• aJtOWit dU•• Th•, p,ro'bl• li. 4afi b• irt b«t $> u tbllo.wt 1 . Ifill pwpeat.r be 11Q,h (l and he-ld tor the dur..&tiiaa an,d'. nrturn•~ 'O tb• OW18P. 2:. Will iwacu.oea, be\, m.fti.Ql•nt. •S-& or .:l.lo~ees •o i\it:aa\ r•llleon&bl• =nth:l1' hat.Al• • oa.n bo ptdci ~)":tome or all. o-t ~m. (Ot elC'il.'J!Se tM.a 11POUltt r:1r ll'W'llllJ th• •~re willin t.o ~Mt1'1~• pq- ..-at.) . :3.. lU ncb co11tl"aeta or a~~tt 1H "!rot~" tor th# $lratd,cm. MU th~ h 1«r nc;>t ~~ired t() e pa8JDS t ot n'IOntbl.3' 1n.arta1... lMU:lt.llJ; Ur' • J(., 'a l.• !'ectera l 11.deJl'Te prll 11, 1942 · ieoo 4• U. it be pem.teei l.• tor hold•n ot ntain•d t tl• coeitraat.e, \o frir•olo11e tn c:a.111u.• t:1! deUnqu• q c<>r tailuri& to 1 and obtialn pOaMHl ot' equ pmB~lt 1 re J"dlaas Of t.10\ln d tn_,..otJ .. 5., lo.. cao.e of t.anti~l o it.1 w111 it be pel'fld.u ble or tiGl..d.,-s ot condJ:tlona.l •le ccm.tnct.a to obtai.,n pon•••loa:i ot th• f!q\lip tt. ~ p~rrt tQ. tllEi tqu.1t1 twl r or f a:n1 ot~!" t1sta~ito:r'1 • 1 nt e the 1~haHrr • eel!I mve ~ l"• '1.-y- co.ine to our att.iol'!iti ir1. Ono , a re<~at ~uohaui wtw· 1nquireo 1'heth :r or not. th~ -eoott'laet 'Wl'Nld. be f~1 ten n 1d1. t.h r h• >\'l'ould be o..Ll,Qw 1.f.I ktJ p '1:.he iptUent Wit.tiwt r:nent ot ll'!Qttthl.Y in.1f..-l1u ts. In ot~ter oasO"cr, the dealer1 ~• r., l0JJt tho ~ lnM to 11 d.d~te th contmote :rd .bav th g.nod to- the deo.lor f 01• :? fhat"ver t!1$T[Josl.tlon h• SQM n th 11a1 Q. n t.o , • · ~i' c.our • other '-'"" 11.l ccxn& Jer· 11111tt1-...nt rlt.h var'l.r11 pr<>bl • tn !!Nin in d.J".1 he:re in shin ttJn. it baa bHtl 'IS~ ~stmd t.tlJl.t, WO m:"!.te )'OU f(tl" ntlrtc• t tQ p:rlle,r :s b• 1i 'atahl.imed 011' 'Wb t llt.t.t.J;t e t.b\11 A.•.tU1.otit1 em~ t in eomeetir,J ih f,h1 preblem. .. •t •v t.h• Awt.ho~ty 1 s at.-t.ttud• n i8 'been t . ' th«atl t;: 4"8 sboa.l.d b• c •1 e \h.• lfB- at. rpo e.\• 1.nao-nv~m.l.ence o:r ax:p•n•• an:d t.tuat. neith•r the tb.ol"l ty nor the &uJ.e.l" 1th0tlld !114t.tse th:-. ,1LD1' uc:hM ha.rd•d..p er la by 1"4'&.SOn ot be circllllllltance ., .8ein,· IMI. ~liy of I.wt GoT•m.mnit ~h.41 .,uld hteitat.e to caJ.1 Upon deal 'N ·t<> i,q1.11Aate t• Mt10~1l they mv.rt.Jlteed llhll• anottt,r Aprncy or Department of the Govcmmitnt had Mised t.h• col.U.t•u.•1 rty or •vlrlted. the d•~e\t" f.1~m •nlQ:rci.r1'1 cont.r-&et. lien, a me.ttt:r ot fa~t, 1t. be dif't'1CN.l't to:r 'th• Au. ho·d..t.y t.e> rrdue• to a.ocept p~nt~ f'l"Otit dtt.a.lera tot" •th$1'1" gu&n.nt...!ld Cti)n\:r&.cta wh1Qt'.t •uld &.bl.• t.hq to tr1r•clou OJ'" ,...... ~OtDSa th• ~llat. Ml &\ 1'!.ll. I ·t id mt 11 e)..r it.hie :po·l le7 CU\ ~tit.1n11• in:det1n.1t•l.y YithD t loH to the Atatho,m t.1 or th• d•&l•:r• an .,,., J\OW e.,tk 8()8 e ui &bl ®liu.t.;f.on wh:i Oh etm be p1,.ll«t to e&et'l ~i •Yery ca.a.a u they a.rl e., hue tar, t" l01U' ad.vie e1 will b• •:r ch app ttciated. V•JT trul,y yoara, .(s!~d) c. a_ I . ame.ll J .. P meU seietant T~ r -~ /,J;~/'?/~-·~·~·· Ii. . ,j.. n Mr. Kenyon GrfJgg,. Fielc} Be· re$entetive 321 c Street Maryeville , Celi fornie. 1 l'1 ..~ • 1'~11 natip~ ~t' ~ilita~7 J~e~~ na ZQ ·1 f i!r-~ D1\\'<>n ~~t'f!!; ch•~ P~:tii"~ a,,, .142 1:'( PQPUl&t r;;t 1i.t 11 te 1 ~ us Mor.ide:y, O;t- irj1 ton l, QO n r a. ~$port .rill~, t:t:Q '" s.n 1 ·i it $.1tu•t11~·'n a. P~8·ibllU.:r t+ltt Tlttll.t'f ~. fl.i i 1og titl '''1 a:it.e~ ~9 •lf~r.. t> bawe no d~tbJiti~ ~~t'1:r~e.:t;ion~ :t«*t. rJ't 1>b• 1U.tr1.a\,l,l tll~r•. •*"" To 1 lteo.d Otlie•, ' . ~j•cri.1 Eftcuee . 11'1) ~ De~•11t. nt..-..a to our ti•leptlOllic a<Xrt•l"At.ion ot April l.0 1. 1942, " ' ~h t.o' Wotm JOU fi>f .. !aqui.17 Mtl ... :ro-.1'"4 r.. Mr- Ynd. t.ow. "P"*••'lt a the !fo.-th Sbint.o T-.Pli•, GOD4•~ the et.ore&• ot th• Shint;bld• Vit,ta ngar<j • a saored nt.M. Th• ohrine wu built u & JllelliOJ"LU t.o Uhington tu"lfi ~ln, 1tl t 1e Nt,r of' the ort.h Al1t rte~ !Jhinto T•l.a at 133 Marth Central AWcliW!I • lo• Aop1•. It 18 ot J6;'lf.U'l8•• U'Chit.eot\Ar/O., ]J• t-.t. IQ\&&Pe 1 Ml il&8 built .a t a.Ht, U"" cl.Uding th•>nlo\• railillga! .to., ot· a.ppro~te..l)r 1.h• ~ it-•tllt' coatin& a1:tprmdat•1l.T . n... l.end on iol ti.hit •br:tn• CUJd &lint• t-~ DJ"• ,,ooo,. ,ooo. bu:U.t. la< own•d b.:.r the Soutihern .f~Uic Ra~ and. th• \,.,nrpi. bdld!ng ha• been oold to the 0 t.nolio ·Cb~ llotld J.oo..tlon. • intoned ~~ • ~ d+ll be arwed to not.h.e)L" t.bat ta.oU'tt1es. have not been pro'f'14e !or •t.oring such ... thit wt&iob vdll ~bt•dl;r · , 1rt· •to.-.g11 tor t)fla clurt.1:.ion or tht11 \lf&r 8M it wu a geet6d contact b(! IJ6l18 witJ ttw Ch'IJJ"Oh re~n. t.1on ot Lo• Angel•• tq a•oena:tn lhet.bflr 1.t Wl\1$• tor them to take ewst<>d7 ot tM ahri.Xl•• lh4t' Ohureh l'ederat.ic)n or t.q• Ang•l•• hu Wo.-med im&•• ~ that. mile they fll'IF.t ~t~ ot V8.J'i<No irlol.e, and ' tbf Je.'.l*'•tJ• ol:JWNJho 1 tb6l)" t••l t,h1e ebrln• b ot l.!CJ;"t0a.t4'r dlane~ than th ooul.4 poeoibl\Y,. ari.iclea of.' TM Cit1 Pu k Duraau cauld ~ to h&Y'• it. pl&c'd in the open but. pn-terc not t.o do eo and, ·Uftd r no on, WO\ll.d tbf)' ueume .an;y r ....porutbil'..1tJ", tMling thmct UQdQ\,'l;bted'.cy 1t 1llOUld l>e r..tbJect \o utJS ot vanda.U..m. 'l'h• NIMWal ot tM.a tor tJtonge would, not ?"fl' nt. ~ 4UUcult. pr'Obl.M a• it, n$.&lut aPFO:dllate 1f 50') pound8. 'lo ~ pre••itt.q endAla7o~ to uu,ri.alll it tbis ahfin• oon JlOIJ•lblir "- pl.u9!1 ~ QM ot ~' •:atai~"'-• buildinp. It this can b' ~' "'JIJ0\&14 a j iat..• lt 11J'Oll1'Wl<l diacnw. tbe eubJ•ct W'ith tbe ~,. oft:lAiala to uoertd.n il w 'w oul4 pq tor tbe illlCVtng a:penaea, Md, i t it. tdJ.l be nece•mU"Y to sf..ON thi&tt shriM at. a ,..gulas.- st.onge c~ 'WU'Ohouae, wbe~er .llCtri.tig a.Jid. st.orago e.xpen,.ee 'V1ll tM ;pd4 • There 1r et'lC~ piot.W"e ot the shrine ta.ken .-Uee, Ju. hn,, l9'lj. I•/ d\1~ th ~•dic.&torial Mft- ?ntd. c, Bold AIJe!.IJt-ant ~ 'l ~ 0t11 ~1,.-, r1i1.nd 1 l f.i. , ' L:Ia:ts~r:r .Only r;ic,e "8.JJ l)O , p :tov~l." o.(3 s1lob i'l)'Volved'" KR:B f'o or T'hit:> j.s not a. d1rec ti ve tml3 ( ~~01e ) tn·')t; tn BS.1· INDEX ''I ""'"''" .c~I': -· , I•"__:_ . , ; ........-----------------------------~----. ~.: ,. ; --=:.. .._.........__..........,.....,.. ----~--, __ ·~r, .._,,... ~ ~ Lt. ot e · e E ~~•• ·" ma 1i1 ¢~ • Xta.lian .!Vu~ tuill , Rto.. · o. v. elata 1t id:ut.ont Qctue1141 . ,, 'y •• i a- . lto• Dtr.•tio11t , O~J. , Q . ., _.,_. lelooetlon °'J:Ctf lae:flt,.• '"'O . 5 (ln 1 lbg 'f.,•:t1u1l, ll1u4. G....._p} ·'. lC AL COPY :,tN Cii~ll;R.Lt. Flt.Jil ~~ u _.... •6batatn ·tw poS..." 4>f' vt.n. -thta flll4 &tw ,,.. ,....,,.1 P•iloo • · l11t>....1 h 'h ,.,.. or P">~' •'-" l• O.l -..u11 , (I ) a.a • • n or • OI' leaa ·~.._...."° (. Me I , .....S.'1 A J&t•tn lo r .n• ., Qi ~ 1- · • · i ... r. - - a. ~- • 111 ~& c£ ~.~ !W9QAaliaai •lilJlll!flit. With mt.. lilt -.17 u-.. w ~ ..,-t- •a\' tlrbwD -. .._.., ---1. ..... ~-..- hfliI - - ~U44/l2/U +/U/'8 TO: Col,mel K4r.1t R, Bende W. pr<>bl•: n. ThOl!alls, Jr. 'l'h• Federal Re,,erve Sank a.eeiu to be !aced with a food (l) Th• averue Japaneee fa.ndl.y has a.equ1.r'd a. larg• atock of foods of v&riouo kinds, <3hief.1..y r:\>.ce, eu t\r, beao•. canned .flr;h and crab .raeAf•• (2) The Japs a.dvief!I th• be.nk repreeentative~ that when th_, attanpt to sell this food they are otfe.rd .only ridiculoua pr;icea •• low •u 10% or cost.. (3) Moat. ot thi!I food iteme, enn the canned gooi:t.e, will not. eta.n.d inde.fl.nate (4) Sale to the Q. M. Depart.cent seem. to involT• ~ CQIJlplicJations ot ass~bly, p&Y1JJ.erit, tre.neportatioo, etc. ;rn an atte111pt to aolve the problem a tentative agreuent •as reached wiU1 t;wo large groc:ery chain.a having outlets thro'1gh,.. out. tbe prohibit.~ t.rea. 'rneee t'irma •oul.d. f'Urnieh a 1$ of their several hundred st.ores end WO\lld srr~nge that th~3$ etoreit would P8\Y 10% below sholeaale f o~ alJ. ueeable food bro~gnt t(» them by evacuees. Before de/in.ate and arran&llJll9~ts ~ould be 111&de it •as n•ceeaar1 to get cle•rance frQDI, tAe et.ate tood authorities. Kr. Dutfq, tb• hnd ot the st.ate Food and Drug Act. with beadquart•t-e in Loe Angeles, wa1 talked t..z. over th~ telephone Fr..i:day, Saturda:y and aga.1n t<.lda,y, whim a .final answe.r was gi'Ven: {l) Th• etate food, fearing oabota~, are absolutely a.rad unlJlt e·r abl,y opposed to the sale of &fl3' food bJ evacuee & to a.eyone. th~ir enforcement unit ics em.all, their e.ff()l°tl ILO,Y' eva~u~· who e.t.tempts to sell arq food item• without & licen.e. (2) While ·n u be d1rected toward the pro.secut.1.on or It 1f0uld therefor·• seem that t.he coi.1ree open i• i.o the Q• .W, acquire the .food f.tJr their QWrl, an~ol"' Asttllltlbl.r and 'R•c:eption Center uae,. i\1 l l • l\l48 .,.._~ • 111.1.a:m. .. lI le ViO• P•a;.14'.iO'l~, ' s• ,·• .~-.4.. :a~n.t ot Fe~.• Jl'll.}i lt•aJ)odl~Uity .~" t-1 o '7't'Cl> cooi~e:rati:on l,.,, or p op(J ty IM'l1nl"ft e r.. ·t <Jd. Pro-o1d.on. $ .. to /' end e tf (>rta itt ~ .t .i lte t ·• tr.> Wt-e· av.r.1. eu·e• 1• :r ;i.•qt~crt101 " x ~ • .s· miv:n • Ool<>ll9 <i. ; • <.t .. ;J!! t. Ca.lot "t 't a.l't .,..., ••• KA.l•,- ..le• Ve&tl'el. lliloe.._ a ... , ..~fta>OOf 0.0 ,,..1-.i <If Fl'f.l.l'te e o .a mia. • Hal:lla Jtr. lu'lAn bu eent, - • la tr•lkiq to r..- • 0., or t.#o . • P•uo~o, an4 J. to).d h. h,&Ct . . . NbJN\,. cow of ht.a ru. •aJA lw t l•tt.Q h• vt11t1.t•cl wit. r.t t.,. &r.Jor 0.M l at t.~ 10 ,, aQftliMIJM 111 i1''- ~ this l ..,. _,~ • • of t.b.e ·~ •fth t.twa J.Dq t.~rs, ·both \h. mt.Ml a.btW&nU. tthl ....._ .rdwarda. . u..o n an ?ll'Uil ~I" on "• J.IJC ~ltl, dd j\i.81. ..- iihV \• :L • th&'- •*h~ll iAt f,_ MadUW ou ~I' u o-. tor t.en •re ~' .-.- t4• "'. • D'* .-old co tar w that. l tult• to oheek Ufl" ~ o to a!ft tll t.lw •Mt,IJll-.; _. kW aboatr lid.1 ,,..._. ., alld U t h • kl'• an ~ , • •ill be dom .., it. '""44 .,.. ~1..U, ~·~it.,o till t.'htail' ~ The m.ll.• ~ ~ 8": •hort 11.r an ...o '-U • 11. U t'ftRU•llt ·*"'·• t. ,_. __,.. Th9 -.. 1"~ MD . - i , dq t.o Ute •biJrrU'\1$19 arie-rt.oa., atl4 O\Ml" pl..aaq Uka \ M.,_ '~ ).Nt •t _. to .•PMk ot1 .-.~ tb~h t.h• d~f ·- ...... w haw b9en: '"'~ .t.. ,... tb1" ~ • 'lllHlc ....n.13111 at ta. .... .....-u ud OU' ~ I.ft ·. pl'Mt.U&U.J ~ ~ 1.t.• thq Wt$]. BA .bl ,,. d~-olMf• iur:.: t a ., - la 1'111 );ft~• tQ *j°'J' (ku•nl .0. of • ?th l tried to -1;Pl.Ain t)Ua flit.i .ion t,t) bl.m but. Pt"Obabl1° 1 d:Wnt;i ,f. Wf7 ~ Job• ot it. I 1fCRU'i4 up l1$' eq~ t. ~k~ t'> u though wt ~ ~1t.!9m f.• Mk•• woul.4 hie ·to 1?Jt•m1 th•• • r t ~ they ~i that D _ . a -.lJ. OMIC•nt~ , l"il#1t I&\ ltoMl. 4- f r - le c'.lfle-.d,t U n i!ue•n 'ti want tq rd. tlh#tlit. . ill, do it.. 1- tlMly .U :U.w 11'1 on• -e~t..r on Clift• •t.J"il¥trt,. it wCMUd M: no t.~ to .,hi 1A (¥t, --it.~ th:J.a ,.uor.. lmt qilt • do ... ~ \h"1' ...... 1" ., .b at• tt. re wtbU. eo t!lMN ~---mob•• \ct~~ · w-.""- ti~ •t.li1.,_i *"'• lt tJ1:Y ~c..._ wu to~ aut, ~ l.d I< • golN: Ml ·~ Uld Uwr- th.w· &~• OQw~ · ,_.. .o ~. .._..J ...... •tx• h• ~ t~I" · in tl)ia qet,,io , at1d t~ Qft.IJI 1nJ,r •• I.Tl paabibl L 'WI twrd. It th•1 ontt dfl1 tbu, am, ttwr "" ,,, to. _.... t.'hc out." po1flt1ofl t t.b,• U flT let ,._ ltl'aoft ll id 'Wt 41.t4 U fN ~ u pot•ll>lA, eq • colll.d at 'hiad ,,.., to Npl • t.he.. X tbJ.nk we e&n bUt. l • t'euiM t.tin; a *-1- ca..14 c;Olml ._. a c:tat.• ill poHlbl.J fo\U' or fiY• 4.e,a When all tb.41• Japan.•• et be out.. i i ~. ~. • dlultel'Glllllf t.o u · tot lwac .,.tore " ' e«NU hope t.o ~~bin l.1ke •!Xt.7 Mn, we .al al1 th.9 "n o cNW, • the7 an Qa , 1n to •it •l"OWld w•Ul.i,n.g l o'f' l.W to Piek p • .,.... ~n they teel. 1.t ~•i'bl•. 'th• balanoe ot t.~• onw ·:.\lld jug p c:t .t.Mir- htJ.te Mtf o t~.) ~ • "'h1l:l',111Lrda ot.bir j~e And ~ lo• •l1t1. d . ). * . , ROCll\~ ., •t. °"'•' la•• °"' °"' I APP:"° ' rd .. eJl.J,l. . . . .ui4 oolt. t.o bi.a llllltlt.ti•r. Oll'Vll.J.At ~ Wlul l c•tt.a.14lit tr~ 'Oat'l lA•• l C ppo4"(l to 1-•W ftil' •ut 1n ·t.. a~ut. tel\ 4eJ•1 ae • . wn. I vovl. eel ~ a \~t NiUd:nt _..,. t~ he~ i.f thiey ue oing t.11> pUll th••• . ., beeau• l 911ft•~· 'M1Vld ha._. t..o 117 ~o de •Ol'Mthing to kffp piUrat, BO :t a. t.1- Ub t ia. 1\ 'WaalA bif appncut•d t.,,._uwul_y u l cciuld,... W...,ion that .... to:r the Mxt dJd.t dq• t. Jallt • t.hia •i~b&tion, •tiia.U.• l'\q"I! ttey t.l'U.17' P.ACUIC IA 81 Im .u. ( $~~) " ~ a 00 '~ hv1-.i.. 'IJ)so .... 7U •, tloie f'~ • W. M. hd--1 fleewn kt* o kit Jhvloi•oo, CalJ..tomla tt Ni "f•--. MJAinif ~ fruoleoo D•• ~. ftd.•t Lt.n _ . 'tlflm 1n 1', QUJ:" lap pro ·i..,. &t · ~ _. nt..-nd. t.o on . . . .1 aOQ1orur !t hU o•~ t. M •ilnee fih&i, t ~t. 1* "'4,l, f, • \o lat lMto" JO'U OUl' p.l'0\>1-. ml ..,.. ..,.11t.1~ •• X -.,i haft liilU · Ill naa4t 1n p a ._. HU•t., 1 t till• t.1.nt~ u. t.omill• '"" ••be ·~ ~ u opeatu11 larP1J' on *" ,.,...,) OrUI'•· (Pl••• note I haft ' ·~ed. th• I tJd.nk I . . Al• t.n -.11 hlt or · en oa' ~a ha• • _.r1.u'ib1 Unc~ ..•""' & fl'M . t. '1Ml ol 1'\ 11 A-1-A. • l'l&'f• 1n ~ &t ~ ,....- ~ 11+ thq>• (•t. li.eut hall o.t ~- ~ Pff1U..) MU~ all r1t• llriftl ia #t. ... '\he Ja.p f. tllag1 1n ~l '* wl.Uap ... TCM know 1• looat.M •d.Ju«at. to QQ •.U.l. ~· 411'Mhl Poul EiU"boP .. Mft "*'on t.d.dl~~L -~---to P"'... OW" propat.r. So fl.I" •• ~ .,.,. . . . ~.~ . . .,.. 1*11Nt IM> •t.~iicm "' ~ ~ 7"* tn••• 1 t•• aon... ftl• Ubo:r attuat1oca hen l• -~ t. t (lu to tt\• r;M«l ot Mn ~ • . . ~•ad GD raUU.atr GIOQt..l'Q.ot.ion Jllil'03•ot.a Md Ul• bl.4b•l' • P •Mlle• ._ aow tt :Lt at..._.}T dllftelt f'ot' u• ·t o keep ~td. fti .,. ~ the mm\ <lqJ" an ..... ~ 'If &nd • w• not al.OM Jn \l\UJ . . . .1 fthn as-nt.ion.t .S.ld.l.alT e1t; will adf•• 11~ - ,...· ~ ~ . we .,.... ..-.pi.o-e tk• -.1, o~r bar • 1n U prob&bill.~ wUl •..W.t. tA ~ ~T.lna tq om-tall ~i~ b:J ~ owtam 4•~ ..ob u . ~ ....ul tor • ball ftQ· U\d \Mil, WtlNt ~ th• . . . to rut ,la~ ad.U, ftl7' · 1ard t•r- ~· ~- of \t\• 4i:i1 I&\ '11"' taM ol t • WtJ .._ O.J.rlc • ' t.,: \lw 1l'Ot.lUoWr.- ~ to ~ tMal" ~Mt~ to t.&M o.n of o af'Pli~ ~tell _,. -.i'l4. ~ ~ ~l• W, P. ~• • ~'4~ll' ot Qt. c. .t. ~~·· ~'°~Uqn, m"8•&1dl~ •t tNl. ~ ...... • W"• ti 4...QO, ~ ' l\ 1• t.h. •Ui ,Uoin ot \ho ,..'\ft_, ....,uiM Ur .,. tiak•• bmlid~•k ditQ.oultv - out ~ Itl. i i _. J*~ ill 1• ~rtac- ot igp ~ delair tn w ~ • • W'. 'If. Hal•· So mOh t'3' .... ~.. :t.on~ t~ c~ .ti. ~\ed. la a _. Joa• l .,. 1 11111 aot t• ._.. o.t ~ · tJAn • ' :t. in YI• of "1e • .,... 'b tt:Ull ...... &114 P,lu114 t.n ~ . . . . . . . . ~ ti'&~ ..... ( • 9' · I a ~l.Jr S.ll mW.} X -U.t ~ell VJ.ll.a~ Ii la.._ .,., .,.,.at ~ be aJ.pi 4' oeftzrt.R llft . . . . .net \M\\ - "" th• ~, tN&t. . . . . ~ \o ' ' U!.• P ,.,.,,• t!• 1*1'dt GOld..rol ~ fltNp lln4•r ~·· thA lap•• pend~ t \la IMIMime f.o mp').o1 ~ Na, di:lcn at. i . . . i opbton1 1• ,.,. ..-. ..--.i•l aft4 ah fl'oM, 'tb• ~ ot . • t•~ MW In oonn.CUMJ • 1t.h their bo ~ thi• uw. Ulan hniq no ol t CllfA &tall H i t ti\• O'&H ~· . Of ••• .,.,. MY\lt . . . . ill •t..--- "° ' or th• ~u. «r ~~ f(W .. nmib• or ~ ...... to ... lmt • 30 .,,.,,..., ~I b8Um. that lt I WN ~ blitOft OU*' Jap ~w e• ~ to btU t.h• ooat. ol k:-.p!N, UlM. ~ . ~ ll.l.oo• •-.t ftpWW'i•Wi fl'/ W3Ucl ~ ·~· p'r!Ort.ted .tu..ttcm.. n-c. b•lr,., to u.&a7 Wa ~-. ~,. •«"• I ..ii.Ile \hie • • bS., ~ up da11111 th• . _ . a:nd . \ ~· piNb&bl.7 a• • • dtt,.,...o•• al OJ)1N. in QOm••tAon t • ~1 tll... ~op.J.~ ... tl1•n..... ~ itb.• •fi*Ol\a.'toi' •t ........ NC•" .....,. o u.. u• .r.r.t.t ill dL tt....m. Wa.J"•,. M'•t.and.1 ·• lulr...,.r. I t-1 iltNJ,\ll.y · •"I JJ!'&~1u.l Ml.ut.1on• •• 'a. 1!1dt"lc•d out tn *"'ln an.• , ·:Wh 11¢ U ain.l.y 1J& h natioa •t. trc t.h• 'Nwts.t al. ·U. m«Nct.1 al qpl... in .,,.. 1llV' •.ttcrt Im\ rtt U.• . •1111DO U • fi"tlil t.h• GoW~t h'o• tti. bonibl• l•ol•-4 to ~ ...,.. at th .. 1ii " ..,.. . . . . d'l"'a.t:.\') ,,.t lA*I! .i., laft b7 no .-n•, td.ll 10lY• our labor probl-., th•" •xtJ••• "°"wo.mour intnJd 1111 n .. , • •nr sairt. or "d'tord "4• t.h• J.t*.0 eqpMl4'Afll. wt n th•• .... •t1'14 llflihi Ua• "'-cll.1ng ot h.1a i:nb1- I ..,_, hop!ltul to. tll_., .t.:U I'd b• u o, t.Q ..t.1.rel.¥ ....... • s. Thi r..ttio t •• 1 .,_,,. , 1 ...-•i- . . i tamb• at t.10hal..,. 'UhUtcto lib~ ll1lM: h)"Olf:l ~mi1~., ~l Un .... t.b. •• ,,. net l ~ to knolr t \h&r- • •• t le .tat Jar 1:r' "6 •~e.i 141' th• •.tPJI. rift. ,l.t. ~ , . . Bt'JLt1lft IN CIVILLJ.'..AN P-ERSODINF.Z All .a·iv!:iia.n employ,e~s rsb:QJ;'ds na.caded foll;' pD.YJ!"Oll ore ~omplatioh t,q Room #478, ilnm.edinteJ.,y; after tio /ll'ltlt>rdt ·necesmia:ey .Ofk: the p13t-aonhel pffioe • t'tl!IUl;'l..l wo:rk:ln~ h1.)ur$ on Vfedne.a day, 'Fbeae ~P<?ri~ ~'t oo'V'f;'I ... U1e pc.:r~iot'i f:t•am April l April 15 1 191+2 . to 15, .t"el;fUfH:J'\i~d inclus~ve . ?Jhe payx-1P)1 ,~E1 ea.Qhot be. l!QlllJ;>J.eted u:rrt1 l t:;l'.l wor:k r£;Jco:rids 'B.t"!!l l!ltWitii!:t"ted! -~ th~ls pron:rptnlil$$ ~1:\ e:x:pe.cJJ.te sal~ry Il'orma tl!lis. ,)natter :v11.;L~l t.lf.lJNe to pd;ymeht . r~q;uir~d are: 2 • De.ily lPer sGmnel Vfork Records ~leia:ae )116'fl! cex:ta±n t hp,'t all cot-rectly g:tvren on thet.i~ two dlltt~:l,la IW\!t. co111)?l(lr\l.<.~).y r~po~trs. 1 OQlilHS PORTER -IDe;rl'soru:iiel Off ice and ......._..__.....4J,._.,.~~- . .-..------....- -.......... r, ·;..-...:.._ _ _ _..,.....,..,.....,.___...,............!""'_ _ _ .,..,..~-------~ · .... ------·· ~ ·~~ ·""tf• ' • ..., ... ,,_________....,___ . ..-------·"--,,....,...__._~-------- Dualplion oJ Document Crou-lnde;re'll: ,, Jt· I '>!Q~ !.( ' ~..1 .Ml S l.1J 'IS I Jl'i. :t~ ti.I Ui~ntlfln~ ,, .tr Q. ~1 H.& t t11:dtl',1i;! VII 1 c.~ i( • ~;olor 1 ff . l, I.$ l t•.w C 1; . ~ ll A.f • 1. 1 W,Alt1'1ME mvrr. CON1"ROl. A.DMINJ. 'rRATlON 113 L M.t.ll.llt'r Si:11.n 11:r SAN F~JINQI.& q, 011..tll~l) l\NJJI '(,Te~1i~11c llLc>l'fnt 'II 'lrl6l l April U, 1942 MDIO TO: ~oriel. llaaa *"•lephon-1 thi• lliOrn!n.t and at.ated that be llad ree-.i v9d • r.piprt ~ GNiwal Colter bl fhc>enli ~iaoa, Whictl re~ri. •t.,:ted "?b• enl. Ree•JJ'V• .-n here naan 't ree•iv•~ •pee1t'1c iAstru.<:t.1on• ngarding IY&cu,. propert.y to be at.orM." Colonel Haaa requeate act.ton. A emplete r•cord ot the t.el~one ccmvtr•t~on • • dict&ttld to rout H.oreto&J!"J't F~ *'******* Peraonn•l e>·t t1.ce ot w.c.c.A. teltpbonttd requeeting ad.vice •• t.o t.h• at..t.uis ot Jlie• Ourt~e 1 bf the P. R. a. in 'Oa'ldAnd. • •• baY• ad.vie.a tlh• pereonnel• b•~ ·t ihat nu Cu.rtie b t.~ b• on ~· t;.hei)" ~oU,. Captain Biabop ad;v11es, U• t.hat he haa fQl'1$rded to Colonel Hua a r.ccum•nu.t.ioa that etorrag• r•ct:ipts tor oontr•ba.nd be depodted with. th.!' Federal R••~•• 'Bank by tib• Lyone Van and St.orage Co .. tor aate keeping. He request.eel that. •• provide him W'!lth tb• naae ot an. individual that tb•H receipt.• collld be sent to, We ba.- piaHd on to Captaill Bish.o,p t.l,l• iut.ruct10M recebed !Na 1bU ill tbia r-eprd. C!· l ••nnu••••••• S.~urtt.,r bas advbec:! 'Ve. through Jlr. McCar.rie that th.,t.b•' ot ebiflt.a cm wotk. Wt are wc>rli8' out. a t•ntatln .ac~edlil.• wbie" ehou:ld ptGYidra Hlief Mr. Knee of' 1&1'111. v. -.gre•abl• u~or4inalt tor tile tw TluO' ba'Y• t~ ott~c... av•••11 t,o, ~at.• tab u• ~ , .,., phone ....,... duri:ga OU" abmenc•, or to u.e ewnt OW" w••eat• u raueaeaey. •• ue ot th opi.niQri that.• can be .1&U,•tacte>ril;y worked out. (J A lt I ' li' . .• H la lGltO NDU : M:r . Agnew iniorl:ILed ( toG.~y t t b..1.1. t the Oe &r~a'I n.t o AA' c:iver the tel phone oto · V hJ.cle.a e v-:1.s ilfJ agt' lf.:m~nt tQr A$Ufi'1c:1 1 t to pernit ~ 11.. ueo ssa:r.y tb,• aa a.n ~ Vii.CUE · • purpos of et~ ct;tug 't itl tra. sf rs- IJ ag. nt tQ· do fQI' thl! s • tr1.u43 t.01· t less I) t pt'.if..c 1.t . ,. . c., " COPY Director At t.•n.t ~on ' A.ti ile Aaron, R•gio.a..l PA Repre.iee:nt.1.t.ive, San F...ancieco, California April 9, liugh J. Wade , terriiori&l Director, Juneau, Al.Ask& Evaeuation ot Japaneae from the Cont-inent'°l United States Terri~ory to the Alaslta The following x·adiog?"am was received by Oo:vernor E. L. Ba.rilf;t t f'rom tla,Jor Geno'l'al Simon B• Buckner, ,Jr. , Comrus:nder or .Alaska Defenoe~ I BY AUTHOR1.T"r: VMTED IN ME UNOF.R PROV1SIO.NS OF EXECUTIVE CffiORIJl 9066 OF 1'HE PRE:SlDENT OF 'M tJ S I AM DECLJ\lUNG TiiE ENTIR 'rERRI'l'ORY OF ALAS A A MI.LITARt AR.l!:A FROM WHICH ALL PERSOfllS I OF JAPANESJ!1 PARENTAGE 01'' GRE:AT£R DEC'dt:EE 1'f!AN HALF BLOOD AND AI.L MALES OV'.J;~ SIXTEEN" YEARS 0 D OF HALF JAPAN_ESS aLOOD WHETH1'J1 AMERlCAN Cl'l'IZENS Otl OTHER'HISE SH.ALL BF. EXCUJD D INST.RUCTIO~S RADIO WILL BE ISSUED THROUGH PlR~TI»G THESE PF..OP~E RESS A.ND TO REPO!T TO THE MOS'!.' CONV&nifl:rNT Aala! POST ON .APR1L 20 FOR EVACIJATIO. 'J'O TlfE ll S ~top J APAH1'",.Sl!l WOMEN LEGALLY MAWED TO WHL'1'1t MEN fl.RE BX.E>APT i'Ra.t THIS MOV'Ji,;MEN1 etop REQU ' A D AID IN RELIEVrnC. :PROPERTY YOUR ASSISTANci CA~· DJUB'IU!i.:N . ltia$1JL1'l~Q . I •"' DIS'.lllZSS AND tft<ll(' 'n'JIS AC'UON Acc.ording t.o th.~ l 4.0 :c;. .~ . ~ the'i·• {lt"e 263 .J apaneee 1n the 'l'et"ritoey-..l.4.9 r'4tiT,e 'bGM'~I~ '~ ft>.Ni~ born. ln the cieru,.o.s, ndat'W"e not 1no1 ,dinl ~1. e-! . oo4. ".Wert r.eport.ed &ucor-d'"' int to t.he of the ta.t;~e fl p~ •ll ~era e having any n•grto blood. Thlu the a~~ ti~-it :~ 14? mt1v• ~rn 'fOUld in.clud the!:'l of a • tdh•r a *t1ve ol" whit• r•c• woman. . . - 2 - Attached ie & copy- of a letter addressed to Major General Buckner pointing up eome t:>f the problem.cs whieh cazl be,. at thie time, &.nticipe.ted . n. is doubtful, however' it he •ill be able t.o anewe.,r all of these queat1:one; iLnd. we wond•ring :t! you could not mo~e readil.Y,: secure information for ue reg•rding t~e pans tor them~ eva.e\lees npon their arri ve.l in th~ States !root Gen~~&l DeWitt•e office. The Gov·ernor 1 o office inquired of Lajor General Suckner411d have bBen advised by- him that he doea not know the plan fozthe ee evacuees after au·rival iri the c:ontimmt~l Unite<! States. Rugh J. Forwarded ' --' " , I ot• Al1 sie t.ant Chi.$! o;f Str.'\.!'f, Civil Affairs Diy:,l.3.iot') WA.R'l'I. ·.ID CMI~ c r, THO!. Pl.Ui'llSTi 'i'IO~T 12,Jl ?la.tket StTef.l,t San Franoif;co, C1;1.lif orriia. 'l"slephone fC ondi.k.6 2-2611 Mt. U . M. f.ale, Vice PretJ; l'lt Fed.~re.l Ra1H.;rr~ &n.k 0£ San Frr.tnoi ~co Sana<Am<=i 1mr.l 3acrarnant.o St\li'eete Si:i.n ll're.nc1sco 1 Ca. ifornia Dear .?f.r . l-tale: / Your memorandum oi' ApF'il 6th, 1942, which :raised the <{t.i$et.i,on all! to- what, a.r r.a.ngl!lraeot co11).f.i be made tt:i etprEJ . .. rn~es 1 property, t:nrtictllarly t hll t )..e.t't on rers,te .int .i._....- -....., has b een rec~ i ve d ~ p:t·wn- As you mention, :i.n yo\l.?~ roemol."andt'lill t.he iht(!ttneee arre in a. acnrewtiiat <Uflferent poai'f;.iol'l than tht.i ev.a.cue~s . !,t:s this o.r 'ice "ITe,s ettt.ablished :tor evacuati.on pui·pooeP:1 it ie doubtful 1f we ha:vr:: the a. tho1·it,y to com.e to tr e aeaistance o! Ute inte:rn~es . Convel:'sat.ions were held with J.!r , r; . Jlowlta.nd of; the De- partment. of JU,stica,, and. .;~r . A. L . !lt onet' of the of..t:ice of the Alien P.t•operty Custodian . 'l.'he ooooensu,'J .m.ppm,i.:r.s t.o 'be that qt1.tJ.1stions concer-n1,ng t.hie storage of inte.r n~es ' p'rop-· ert.y- sh .lli be re.ferr'ed to thlfil Alien P.rope1·ty Cu!lt.oditil-n . Very t.rt:U.,y- you:rs.,. ( s) Karl It. I.~endet.sen KAill. • nE !OE1'S1i': Colonel, G.s .c. Assist.ant. Chief of Staff Cj.vil Hfa.irs Divisio~ .. , ~ f NED) w. M. HALE ll'~lllWWlllllJ.:I. ~ to l' I 'II: .clo• a .e~· Wcruti• . in :.:tn~~1~~ni ~l. · . t . ~jt> . l~t.kt" of :tn~rt4'1UU~e f~ .rdN11 (eigned) W. M. Hale A1 'H.. •,1 \94'r:>dl s, 1942 Carnptl.4M.l:lill ol int~t.ion l1•1At.ife to r~~t1.QQ f,tfa,:f :CT r l. Ora ~ or •r"] t.he aeit\llllpt1ion 1'} Iii -n ~Q tti. mat.ti•r ot dH,i g>ating tuU.iW.%7 a.r ~one• i.• one tor ·' a.Ni t.hat. thu bh.e fUfllJl'I• c·l ol"ifit.:a:t 1 Prubibit d Zor1ee and pe.rticuJ.&r f'.rocl&t¥ti.bM , <iorreeUon o. l llWill. nd •JC'totudo..c o , aa;)' 11tt)t. r d. o. 2ii it 1~ tl'MA.t. 11! and · necu•:l\,y ror- lihry A.r•••• to.t:'tb in Pll.bllc ll cMllfl.Unicat.iO'M, 4 t.a, !1le -.nd in.t.'t>.?Ut.lon li•&rlng upo-n thia ellbJ <it be ae embl~ tr>r the PW-J.'lO e of 1tudy and t.h& ch:te 1M.tion of. a. cm•l"tll. policy in. thit .. In additU!n to the • t . Pif.l t.ha.t alr•df been 1ueaalbll9d., 1 there .le a.. that ee<U!.t:Lone <Id thro th• 01vieion whbh hAv• bMO r4Jt. .tn'1<1 tJif variouo S• a f or la.oik ot Wormat.i9n is to where th~? •h01 ld b dtt.iofWl.l Uiete ot tl'li.• enwr nd tor•·int.t'diad w to"lf' th• PW-JJGoe of M.nd·Ung 4Ld- u1'•.rr'ed to th'e-ti•:!n: 1'ot :r-el.4t.'4td. tq • u1,. .ubjfft t.ti..,.,. 3. It i - -~n :i, Yo ve b ecn uni.~ t ~o·- tv for ~t.i.. J Colonel , ,.s$is ''iv:l - ff ~ "' "'"!.ef o.f 2 t r• slon.. ~f;;-.!r;;.. r:~ •t ,i; ;.·'4 ~. ~· COP! April 91 1942 JmfOfi.AIDIJM TO : Mr. J. P. Gilcbriat Ji'RCll: llr. Dan Mather, Jr. StlBJEtT': 1''om Suppliee .30()0 .. are 1hippins ~~niibt, s ecial delivery on tue "&ana•t~ • torm F.R.B.-4 to your Loe Angel•• o!tic•, 707 Soutfi Spring Street. 500 oopiee of' tona w.c.c.A. F.R.B.-2 and 500 copiee of form, W.C.C.A,. F.R.B.-J will be aent t.anort•ow to ,Your ott'ioe at 500 Ca.,l U'ornia Str•et, San Fl-&ncisco in care 0:£ )ho. Jlerer. Dan Mather .. Jr. ·----.,,....-·.-.-----~ ........__._... ... . :ai.-., ORt .i1c . i. .Oi:c-o tor, 1 enb.011011'. 1 e l K:ll.Od ' tl 1Jn A:uth<Ort\y w rt1 Le1111 r from tuthe:r 'f r er !r • :t''\• t 1 :1ip,1n~¥11 ,.. ~"¥ ~nol~a 4 Th e 1 G 4l()aeil ., a <lopy o'( e l ·ttor whio • rieeie1vaa b ou:r 11r. ClJJt , bu.t. wh1ah w e "11den't 1 to TO\l in1 nde fo'f: · , i•<>m Cl •· .- The latter 11 $~ 1t. ~ peer• ~ id, th1n t.ll~ J·'ll:l!'ied1ot1on <Jf your ••t 1v;L e QIJ..• 'Ii .cl Ol:l: Kia:r:'l tt • aolon•l • A••'t• a C~1v11, ~t n4e sen • 1 . a. . ti + 1e~ Qr ·te.:rt ·lra · 1 v·1 .on .. 0 0 p y 511 ,ae:y t.reet . nn t. '.r\kz.. G1•u i 't pJ?'ll 2,, l 91 4r2 '.t1hr·o u h t.he o ur 1t1s:1 of Go'V'•tnor Ol en'• Qt:fioe nd Qt clein tor ;,hdah l b.nve >e n given intor1 tiG:rti th ~ ot pr vmite t>y lew tro l~ il.lrlnos in Oali:t"or.n 1 .~ l nd . Q ninig o:r l No re the only one• l p:lnos tha tt Jer,Oll'1~noe ono .h. \11 tbe J:lq: l :ft 'by "th• 1' &ot1,1ble f,1QJ.<\a to C l•t:y OL the .l.iat ',10tol, QJ1 t1.,e t to U-te Jtl}1anGSe , it i~ d ~k ht tblf ·t 111 U Jil the wil.l fa?(!)~ wi '1: .re.g no 11'fornJ. ~ 1t1 mr 1 wn ,( :r e 'lent1&1 r111.Hl ot a.r n~ eavor, sl'H>uJ ,, thf 1l~. p1n.Q·8 d 01i1:te to try to re pl o• 11 J' •1poruU'5 . a ·t m:el'th · oo.~t ti on · l sulool , · o y rs :tn tlte "1'11U 1:p1nua :!.n oat 11l) l 9'IQ :t' , wlt.t oh i .n ol ud. ed .~ o rd ni . :tdelr known 811l!On6 th& Fi 1p1ti_os n t . r ,d · pe.r1 ntr ndent or -.¥ct ol•• , _, l f;:) n tb.19 Btl'lte beli v , par o .ni: ly, t ta t th, '1l1pino• ve1·y oon 1 ere t 1on h u... • due, to tl eii- er.1u1)Jll. eserv the Jt1.1te .l'~ a 1Ds~ · Q nnioh in. oc:Ht• atr tm l.oy J.ty tl"11&t tG that ot t ba "U" ttrscA to r ·X'-1mpl.a• 1 The ll ll1p1nQ. th· wnr and 1 V" l.1 rt tJ.y t.o \11'1n ·• hould n O' tor nca. el :v , tb.1 J y J ·u13 tt r, trn.o th~ ·nt1 tud ot yo1:1.r of "f e V .r,y sinoo .r ly• 1 ~o ard. J {. !.gne } J..u t111a r I rk r r or !dent1t1o · ti ou le I am. ne>w und r . o . ..(' B.l 80 fJal a be.r Of be · to th.a 'rr )>.iQjll!ir U.r l .-npt 1n TJ • .,, . Cru.z he i n t o t., t:et''tt •h• ••.rv rm:r' n.•. ;. lll ~.ttt.tu:nrt~ ,11cu~lM:. to,<n. ~ ut:tmt. " ft l ivic • •' •o1,G ~ 00: llen4tt •• • a. Q. Colo•l A ''t. b.1et Qt St tt 0£1S.l tta~ts lli~'-•1$D itll.l'\• Cl i l Oo~trol.. i(ar l R. S.alet.~a J. on r aj,4 Jl\t n t• t ·e r tr 1 000 , Unt'V ;f.Q1ty r. v. s . ll•enb~•rt .loirr, nor ot D1t n ••t• r n4 loo t loA lreo\o.r, art1. • to .\ut. cr1t,... A Q.op:r wa a,1.eQ turnLd.b.ed. O<Uonel rl • l•n .• t&•at d. t lit Chief t St tt. ca,.t). tt ire J.)1v1P.CitD• · ,.,11 Cpnt.t ol ··~O 1n1•tr iQr.i. rt.1 e 1iblio h ¥ ni.n 0 I 9 n . ou, 1n#.l1d4ntally, tor · owr b.o~ op1 a ot t.h.• 4'tJ:1.ol.o u ra, b.r . . . J.l 111, • .,.~~1 ng ,. Vic ,. t tul.nft •• le Pr e1d.ent 'O 'flll ~ • A s.,... aS. t 11\ lu ·gat tnlIVERSITY OF WAb"HINGTO Otfice ot the Publieat1on EditOl"' Seattle, Wa bimeton Mr .:a. T. s,_,a lederal Reserve Bank Beattle. Weehington Dear Sil•; The suggestion incorporated in this letter has met with thft approval ot ae"feral well informed citizens ot our <lOmm.u nity who coJilsider the bae1o idea sound. It treats ot the pos. ible e1aoaa~ion of the alien population trom 'the Pacit:io Coast ar as. My interest 1n tb,e problem. arises t':rom my experieti.ce as an educator 1n California and in he Hawai1en Lslands . I have had considerable expeT.'ience with the J'apW!lese 01' praot1oally all eonool age levels, both or the first and sec cnd generl'ltion. t.o the R~w1111an Islands I had oooe..sion to eoquaint myaelt with m&.n.y of the customs 1~..o.d ba.bits peculiar t01 these people. Tne problem sse s to be to provide an aree. where these people can be loa.ated in thte tntere,ste or our count ry's and their own weltare. Out or t,b1.a a.rises suoh problems as what partioll.lar land is, oooupation.s she. ll ·t pey e .n gage 1.n, how shall t;b.e y sus their family life? Will .t. t be possi,ble ten: tnsn not to become e. bur en on our economy and society? Current events do not indicate that any state is willing to have these people enter into its sooie.1 and eoonomlo lite. If thi" b e tr1Je• why would i t not be povsible ror t aoilitie s such as those afforded by the Parks sucb. as Grand Oe.nyon, Mesa Verde., Yellowstone, Glacier to be ueed. 1l1hese propert1e a f'i.rf; owned by the nation as a \";hole.. ';llhey provide immediately available facilities tor the aooommodation of these peoples. They suffiQient ly remote. Tney provide oppor·cun1t1ee t<ll' employment ot all kinds. The p.e.rks wi l l not be he p~tronized tor the duration ot th.e war, it a t all, ll>eosuse or the rubber shortage, gasoline rat1onlng, ana crowded rac111t1es. The ooncessione.1re.s ot tl1.e parks . he:ve a heavy· investment wb.ich · they surely would dislik·e to ha'Ve remain idle. Projects such as landscaping (i)'f t he pe:rks, Teoonstruot1on ot and excavation of c l. i t t dwellings, work well suited to the temperaments ot these aliens are ex,aznples of possible e.mploym!9nt .. Tl:le possibilities of suoh a program are , I believe, limitless and would certainly prci1vide tor hum.ane treatment of these peoples. Your treat?Il$nt ot this suggestion will be appreciated most :respecttully by the wr 1ter. If tl'ler~ 1 s .n y ser''Vic e which I me.y b~ ~'ble to of f er please feel ·tree to ee.ll tipon me. Yours ~ery E~erett (Copy ot letter sect to Mr. Eisenhower. with tr ~-ns mi ttal letter, 4-8-42 1 s~d to ·C olonel Be.odetsen. RBI t ruly, I. Rolff (Signed) Director at Publieations Uu1vers1ty of Waah1ngton • 0 ---- · :pr,. l. a• J. Q<GJ.? <:)11,I~ l n fl Colone'l e ~ndet•&Jt Li11t• Of l1 11n Ge 1 l - ~ 0• • $t •· ll.ttf of' 01v11 Atl'• Di'Vili .l'l d«U.$i r 1 til!'toted a.x' a.a. • 1'14 I 't m V1<Ht l?~e•14eu,.t t' 10 •o.'U•• P:r0pel"'t7 t>•: a:.1• m.ent .n;cl.o•·• d .~n. 4upl ice«te tQr po.e~1ble 1>1et"tn'•• to· tl.liJ.1talty atatbol'1 t1 a or 9 '1 'her ei · l'lcle& a(lino~rn pi: 11 3 l~4t. J,~t • :r d.ot!'J :tC'J co 1811 of •r• · oto IJ,enol!"nl hat M, 1c e by embe T. . •n~f Det nae C(Junc1l of t o Sgatitl~ ! b.ap l' t <iTap.-.. ese ~=e~1Qen 01tt ns lee ae. tb,• eult o bl\'t)..4 'bf i·~tfll~.1$~& ~Ut 'tlbG O,~G6 tor U$t 1~ KJ! _, l. tl(Jf:t:' pr.opo.11ttu, , oq 1e1t1011, . t o ~d i ti u. or th. · . too ,• ot J ll~l#Uil l•l'e m tbo, oo ;Leoti on ~o~ r • t 11 e rt d t ~Ii .l\4 re.loB•ttten ~~· ·&~..,, . uon•ets t1ons w1 h the prtn(lipal vH1d>lOMte.le t " U.',tll.) tQol\ in ,.,_a ·u .• ,, i tribu: o;r the1r- genera). m: . rob..amtla U•)..y :rapidly end ll 1 b.Qu t laldU 1.oe•. 1ncU•14ual. , howe•er . ere r9lu.ot4~t to. bu1Y Jap 1be 'Y'artotl• ttpeu Of .;J~j,)(lllel8:01 .tood tn;.c:itnl'l on .. 10- da7 'bes1a ., ond 1 in OOAl\t..,qUeJto • it 8.ppe~!fX'h ti'l t oen.e1d.CJ~able 11tool(a o.t' 8~c)b teeda will :i.·e~au l~ t~a ia I (.Jl!'t!f11),$r11 ~ l"'OO n~• ~ ot t,he .touill' l):r:lnic+pal .ll~rO;~l\S .fro, 1.!t~11ed 111 of aa,... taut res 4hi:~t-1butof• in· • b.Gl\ 90;1.\lliOh rf ~re dll'ff thJ:• st.r~Mdpo,.,l'.!lt, 9.'b; le..:u.n., t e ~':i'O.Jb••l. IJ)'!i 'h .~ r, • eJ•kJamoto p1~0are tQ ' a'Ye oo: .b ·ad• JJ liq\'lid tioa d :lng t l'$'tti:i lttt' tr enc.l,.om urf.t 'OOb,'JI et i:Jw.n:ttlle\tselii . n t io I ,r,. M1e~ol11cam wJ. th t:rttn• 1 ttal l t,er of' ~$.. 142. } 1$ a.. ll:\o :_\l'.fl~ I • JI\ ,f6 ' 1">¥ ~i.~1 11 · J..;y ;t.oc~~i.iPU j,,rt a~p'plJ.e at i11'.1+ r.·Q.c..'l.e fo ff ;.o ~ fiitn • ,.lattt pr,~.«:• be.l;t b• 1tti ..rgl!11i 11 e,J.,b•~ f t ~._ d.i•tri.b l;'.$, ~ ~_,-1-at.i.qi,.. "" J.1f tif.> ·t • l9t()~ .fl tJ.M'tle o~IJn>swi 0~ .. 1 t.b• ou.rt :.t ''I 0 • o er. t. t ti i!h- ~ cp,:. o1lo J,1 tt '1 D l111tt..•n· ·tfA ;ti S ONl:.·fU"ll ot Jr., t.l1.&1i, .t tt . 1..c tl.\r J .. 'tr~. I I P• l.·• uey. r1 OtJRTH AfWY NA t~ C;tV'.tL 1~3t co.wrnot ' AD~UNJl ''t"M'rlON Market S.til"eet San Fre.ric:it1co, Ca .forni.a: Te,l~phon• ~ondj.kti 2-261! April 7, 1942 'llOt Colon~1. .FRO.Mei W. R. '£hprnas, Jr • ' l{arl R, :Bantie't:.sen. Oispoe1tiqn of vehi.clH Acquired !i-ont Ev~cueee , At the present tlme, beyond thi,s ne rih o.f' the· Arm,t and agencies connected w:J,1:.h eva.<a.lation~ it. tSl;)enlS t pQ t no prov.i,s :1.on other than s ~riapping has been ma<te fl)r au.toinob:Ll,ee a.nd tru~ke ac- quired .t''t'O$ eV'/,loUe' s. The o!."fice of l1>r+.i6e Admi niiH,rQtion •;rnliltiva5 that. ~very ci'!r and t..rucl1: t1ill b 1 needed i .n the ever expanc.i ng war effort and it. is hoped that due conald.eration will. be given, to keeping in 1.::se every poseible vehicle. tlfl~a.ble Bearina :in mind thait stored cars espectnlly when 1;1uggested: stor~d deteria~ate ~apidlt, in th19 open, the !oUowing procedLlre is (1) Tne ar1ny to f 1.x.rnish t11e Fi!! era.1 Resal:'ve Ba.rue with a JJ.s·t of the types , meke:;i and models of car and true.ks it. ¢Jiirt use . (2) The 1ar R~locat.1.on Aut.hori.ty and othet· 4genei~li5 in the sam.e catogor~ furnish tne F~d.eral r;ieserv.e &rtk with their .re..,. quirernent :s of t.he vehieletJ. (J) rhe Federal Reserve Bank to be instructed to se11 all c r s snd tx·ucktl that are in usea'bb condition . Cl lo l• .. hto-l•• •1a11e 1• ol. l in, ~ 1 · ~pot 't ~e>. el!'tr :r~o•1,,etl the r'l b°'ti pX"OJ cJi ' e, ,., Jf$11:llr<U or ~ in ;:, o o<l~ r .e ctlo'1 le o,r V ~ hi c~l• : '.NC') ro~or ••)d.oJ.caa n 1.nto eu: tci41 a 1ih•r t 11:Jt11l• t. le 1'.rmy or f io l' l'L l!" rlge. ta b. tor tioo. 0 Cl !> T JlilCB. · l)TJM 1 • o~ 1••uo•~ Milton 1t•otor,. Qolo9l Wer lt•loot.\t1 OJl utta~ tr • 8e11tlet. .:0. Asslat. t ChiMt o~ t•~t C1,ll J\t'tal.r• Di•l•i.or.a. ern D t nae Oo ao Md Fo.urth AnllF SU81'.!01r : *• OUATIO E O. 5· .E'.ROJ C'l' l. 1ollow1n.g 11' e. repe:r'O or tb.e c·~h .lth& 1n tbU 1~ o~n eotion w1 ti'!. tll• bpye .Qt'OjtH'ft i a. otm 2 Jllotor 'Vebhlet WU$ •ale to the rm.1 an~ sre ehiote a. .teee1"f d ltn: te por rily sto ~ a~e, b. Ba.n d a\ Jranol•co. :Piropert,. W reb.ou.1urd. ' ' ' feJJ. 47 t ••• U.J ~ta rece 1t4 on4 Van Res• ?5 l,5 11t •totaee ia 1.u• b.el.d 01! nerel)n l Pl'"Operty weir A en:u.e, San re.™1::1, oo. T~••• uidt• •.><HH!lff appro~bl t el;p- 6 , ooo cub lo t•'t ot' •P ae. ( . gn,e ) 11. Vio• :Ara• rane 1 , ll lt• reside11t t -OFJ.~rcv: C(Fl" Oi£N~ M.L F~: • l.N ---------- Of .a~l DU lfO.u p o, w.J!'..:.:i i •.: t<. • .. m~ . I t. ~>oed '\.. U':' i~ r:)J ' (..,:, 1~1 Qf ~1 u~d) " 11.. l .tt0~:i Col•"Jn l , G(t '1"1 P.d 1~1:'1 ~i:1 .~ nt. i..'h1 .£.' l I~ c::l.-- Cy fl' 01 T ;~ v 4 . ,i'.J.' ;1 ~ t .. ' tt3 .. Corp .. o~· 1 t j, l. ~r '."/ · t , ~ Ul!• , ( , r ) ~.Vi)Wltic s lrt~n~~ \u a rb, ~ co.1ntit-5 t.tJ 1 C.J.. • .., (; • t, •J'l. '-'ft of ... ) ~ '"o.nt~,) ,.~ ' ) ) , ri• l , ~ I 1.e o Cl t· ty 1. Llt:: pa 't •n la r · o.f. l a o P I A.pril 7, 19~~ ..,...,,..,, · r;•• 'MEMO NDUM FO ~ :SUBJECT t ·rhe Federa.1 Securit,y ~gency (Mr . Mather) The Oepa~nent of Agricw..ture (l!r . McCarrie) 'l'h~ ~'ederal Res~I"V Bank o.f San F,ranr.iiaco (Mr . G-ilchris t) Civil. Control 1. For th~ pu.t~poH of proceseirig evacue~!l , C,i vil Control Ste.tiot'ls will be located in unit areas to be ev'l.cuated . Within each such atation there will be iu.clud.ed appropriate secti.ons to r-encler eervioes applicable to the l!leveral inbe:resr.ed civilian eenciee. The civili~n ageneiea concerned will provide for the personnel nd the inatruction of tne per3onnel assigned to these seotion5. Tho aupervis~r of each section will control all matters to tne senricers rendered b;.r hi:3 pn.rtil!ular agency. 2 ~ The l.t.dt.t!,l.,.e!.~!lr'.1.t.12~~9.~Y wi.U be t'.'.!..won~;:E:,te tor 'l".bl!) UJ.t.abliistunent., organization ant,\ opEl\C'a.tion of the Conl:.i"'!l)l St~ti.on as a whole . A n'l&.nnger• of. the Control St.a ir.m vrlll be n;m.ed S:r" the ' F;cf; Security Anenc.r. Thia manager will r(~ceive irustruct1ons witb refeirenc0 to the evacue,tion project from the military authoriti~e 8lld 'Will be r$eponaible for the diatribut.ion and execution of t he e :i.nstru.ction.9 by euperrl.sOTs of sections within the Contrt>l Station. 3. '!'he t:te·veral civilian agencierJ wil1 CQntrol the eervi~es render ed by their reprei9entat.i vee a.t Control StatiotllS bu.t , nso!a.r as the .and operation o · the inata.llitir.>n a.a a whole .ls oonoern• d, it b d1asired that '-.UEertlM!.!...~L.!..t_C tiorui b45 directed to ~S~ t.iheir ........;1,wttr1.u~ilo.o.a r 2m the ma1'.l4ge! of the Ci0ntrol Stat.ion.• KARI, R. aEND!'r.5EN c·clonel , Cl., S , C• Assistant Chief o:t' ata!.t' C.iv;il Atf'a.irs Divi.111.tpn ctvn CONTROL t.DMINlSTMT!QN LUI MM.UT' $1,",U IT'1 Pu:Nct~o.. CL\uFPl\.~1~ / ,,Td~h1111:e Kt,Nl!>IH 'M'.61 l W Mitt.MR . ' w~. 1. •· .o;u n•t Mr. li(a.ther ... l'Uh nprd to 7'011.r :reque •t f'or a •~17 of tome mq I a41"iH 1ou the 1'o1 lo"1nc; ~o 2000 Jol'ID 1'.R~B.-4 are being ellipped ai:r e11:pnu to<la;v to the '.Lo• AJJ.celea branch.,c•. J'.11.:&. . •~pl.! .. 1*Y• be&n aent to the 'O'.S.ll.S of'f1e:.e at Lawndale 8ir.t4 Down.91 And ll)Ore ar• to go. 2'000 each of :rormt 1.1..B. l, 2, 3. l!n4 • are b•h:c sent to yaoz S•attle office. /" !he JIUlllber. ot t Ol'Jlll tJ,b.tpped to ftlUZ' •ortlll&d. Qff1cH i ~k£ .c ~ Xhm Ma1i~r J'elea-al 8ecur1 t7 .Age,aq :Llalaon W~ime OSTil Oontrol JAmiD14tra\i~ ,p._ ___ ______ ~ I ___.,...... . . _._ . .,.... _________ _____________ _ , , _____ __... ____ __ .,.----------- ...,._.. _......,..._··----~-,------ 0 Vi. Ui$11, ·e .• liA'Ve GC4,?Ul'te, :tu hieh. J pld: •£ baY• d.e to le vt 1~1 tu,%")' ii r<e. 13., 1 befol'Et th :re w~ s tlfo: n 1l:l nee 9 t o··• pl n b v '1 in•• till 111. rt•peet l'f:JIOTal. operations out~1~ c , e ~ bu r no W) bl . to rec• to thEI st e o ·t w n Qci rations .. l"EJlta'ra tto~s It w.11..!. 'be i tt).e Ttt'.r$.a t•~• ·· ~l'lPti <ii t i.f yo 'rd.. ll , iv& t)). J..n,$t l).t c l.'18 , 1Ldvi101 4?l aQ<:1U'cingly. 't th e t ,l e' 1t et~ 1,;11 it y&u collld atl:•t · your ~1e·i;'ar flan· a'b'1Y• l.OQ 11 tie a. to tb. (Eller l r>oclic;v; '.1'4\$ a~:11tg: sucb ait."l" · yoi.t.r c fl!S ia .. r111.t.:t<>;n an •01111d Wl. o btediy lJ• •1. · ' wt\R.TIME CIVl L CON1'1il0l;, J\DMlN rs'rRA"!I(i)N llH MA1u wr S<r1t.11lt'I' $,1,~ FRANt li:<e.1!>, CJl\t.11!'01'.Nll\ Tttlt.pTum~ .K:LobfDl~u 212~1 ) Ap:rll 61 1942 .. J.. P. Gilchrl 1t. J"ro.11u - W. lt. '.UhoJDA•, Jr. There are oe-rtai.Ji. male.ea- ~. a t;ylea of a:u.tor.11obiiea wlt\oh tl:>.e Araq dota ncrt '\Ue· 8.1ld. some 01' tbesC! "Will 'be l94Z m.o&tla. Under the New Paeae~er Automo'b1le RaUpning Regulations., O»delT No• 2A e:ffeetive Ma:reb 2, 19~. ~11 l942 auto• mobilet :trreepective of rdl~e gone can b• sold onl.7 to an el'igible p ttrson e. oel't1fice.te .from a Ra.Uoning Board, or •11pet:reom• ~ •hion ls 11b~k to a dealer o:r ma:nu.:t'acturel". BaC6\IH of th1ue ealfl reet.1-iot.ion.111 1 ti t-. p~obable that financ.i1 compa.n.ioe 'trill bl'a :reluctant to 1"1fP088e•• 1942 wto- mobilea. I 8111 ad.vioed that &e a. :resu.l. t o.! bringS.l)g ~hi.e ;p:rocMr. lem to t'b.e attenHon oi' our OP.&. of'fice in J'&abington, D. . Rolf',' the head of the .mtom.obile 'D:lv1.tol1, U.a ~ h,ld preltxn.inazy d.houu iona with t;~ Reco.n1 tl"\1Ctto11 Finan.ce . Oor- If · ~~ ' :pC>:r.ation re.J.atire ta th.dr tak~ over thee-e cars 't,Q tba1l · ~:/ ·. ib,~ will bie devoted to eesenti&l use. T,b.e R. P. c. 1e reported. to 1 'be, recieptlve to t~ i<J.ea. c., ?: .,,. It is su.ggeat.ed that the propel.· 1'.clttal Reaerv:e :r3Mk o!fic1alB mi.gilt contact )4r .. ltugent t., take ad.vantage ot the worit :t. already' dono to the end. that. some plan ba coiiauma:ted. wit,b., a. o. C~w:;;Q£~¥ O&N~il""" iliW rf}i,~J , , "I I U1 A ' p y April 6, 1942 Ml.l'.liitC NDUM TO ~ COLONE.I~ KAitL R. t tTDJl~'l'SEN A55·istant. Chief of St.a.ft• Ci~il. Affairs Divi eibn i'feetorn Defense Command and r"ourth Arnl.Y' SlJBJEO'I! : 1. The b"etl.oral rlose.rve Bank o! un tr nci:soo iii beginn;l.Q,g to receive <.'olllluunica.tion~ .t':rom int in various or the intertw1.~mt can1pe reg•ard~na tha o! bbeir propet·t;ie.s wn1.c h 'l't'e1•e lert. behind at th~ time ot pro~r1:.y 2. 'le r-equestod t,o piok up and JBtore pex·$onal of s111ch peracms, pa.rtii.:ular~tY in cases Wher-e thei.11' poss*"os~oni!! l'ltl'e in rented pr-eo; . J. As internees are in a somewhat d~ffer~nt poai- tion .f'rotn eva.ouees, we v1ould appreciate receiving e.n e:xpre·s~ ion of t he attitude of the militat'y ~uthoritie~ reg rdi~ the handling of re quests oi' thia character ao f a r M the m.e.t.ter ot• db.rxmition of pror,,orty is cmcarned . The enclo1t13d copy of a date.ct ~ 1:1.:rch lB , 191...2 is typiea:.l •. letter ,t'rom. s~~.c.n . . hi It may be bO'f°ne in min , however , U·at requests may boa expected fro m Ite.l:La.n and German internees as well aa internees of J~pnne$e ~cestry . ( $) · • M. Hale o.rr:tc•> • r ~ ~; C ' NJ.! ~:D FOUaT}! A!tM? lt Chi.el' o.r Sta.ft, Civil ffairs Civil CQn~rol Administr~tion 1431 Market t.t- •bt ra.l'l:o :L'.'.teo, alifornie Te 1ep\11::ir e lenndike :l-2611 San A.pri.l 5- l94J! SUBJEC(Ti Federal R~·B};IO;lit.y .t'or Property P1·otect.ion 1. ~& 2. I h ve been th~nking ou.t loud to mya lf about. propl;rty priot.eetlon . The nccom · n1in.g ? o·tc~ to myse lt, a.r(;) fo'.rVlar<ied to you. .ffol'." -conoiea Je do iot r t1tg1u"o U1em. at! om.b6d.yi.n any a1J:8gest.;l.on d.eraUon. t.h· t the trying t.r o a~s i gned to you. h.~~3 not oo~,r1 emin~ntly well isch rge • toe r1i t. en ot ly as art eruiea.vor to re l:).x.s.m.11'\e our poeit,ion t1•ith a vfo1•1 t.o 'et.l:lrmini11g "rhet.her ou.r re sµ nsibilit:r in •3i'.fect, i s belnt: d,l..5c'1. r g~ o 1."tt< pl?r r. ps em.ph1uis on .forms :'il 1U.i p:rooeduro~ i.B renderix g obscure the primary o jective . ke City for the l may fj.nd it neo.esl!>..ary to .l.aav-a for Salt April ?th convention of feahrn St.a .es Governors JI in advance y t..a th-.L I ~iill not:. haw the of the time I h:.1(1 planned, it.. opportunity o • chat.t.i,ng with you Lo t propetty protection matit.ers until thtl l tter p:•.t•t of the week. ( si :ned.) .Karl 1t . Colonel , ndetsen Gener ~ l Staff , Assistant. Chief o'£ S tal,.'f, Civil /\ff it's Dtviaion (Note) iM.Jting of .irtds in all this (froln our 1 e•ve a.lI· 1~;). '.f ht1d I th past convers'l ,ions) but it. a ,just:. a "make-euren thought that jtuit. befor. the bi g push, a l.l ycur f>'EOple have the picture . K. rt . B. o.r ficl!l lil A• ·u 1'"'0t •TH A~rr 0£ A sia tav1t Ch:L f of ttJJt£' 1t Civil .H'fo.ire 1'ivie icn, Civil Control. Adin,inist";ra.t.ion, • '.'i'lE ·~t 1 l.:2,JJ.. l.arket dtx·eut San Fx•, Califo1·nu 'I'el ieiphone Klortd;tke 2-~6'11 April 5, J,.942 MltiM.O .ANDtn FOR.: Tho Und.\'Wsi ed ] va cu e .roper'ty Protection; Fe e1•e.1. st· aponaibility :for ~opud.y rotect.ion I 1 . II:. i raporte.d the.t.. in n~ny itiata.ncas th.J lo<!nl Sf!!l"V'iC~ offices o.t' the ~vacu"'e pro ptn•t.y prot'Jction de;pa:r·'l't..s of the Fed•Jral H.eserv 'Bank. hae con.C.inad its'°'U t(.) ordin 'ry businese1 advice, viz, 11you a.J.,•e adv;ised to ma,ke eome euit:tble arrangements for the sale or diopoaition 01' yoU.t' property." or 2. OOtJrise such uction does little good . It ip believed that more .,ct,i e •.nd car· l'ul pt•opert.y prott ction oe'.l•v;ioc should b11t rencltn·e<l~ hen .111.f'Hl. ia ta.cine,.t:.ioo ··it ii.ti f'i e uay& , pt :rnive a.dv,1.ce ia virtuall.y WQrt:.11lee s 1md the coal.. and .!'for:-t, invt">J.v;;.H:i t.o render i.'I. i" un.Juat.. i ..t'ied,. ) .. B~ sure to take this tip wi t:.h Mr , H.s le , $0 th~t it Oil!.t'l. oo e.:np-he.rfor prot:, <:: ction ia r:i.•'3 b~" far t.ha.n o.t: t 1pr-tssi ve" busineu$ advice . f1t~~ed tli.":ll:. th Feoe're.l. re~iio11ai~ilit:; t.h&t di:!lchar1~d thro e;h th(! rentlerin1; 4. A report should be recrnestijd a to ·1·heth~r tho fr~e·.e1ing pot'i;!r ( speci1, l olocked property re& .D. t.ioris) has b en appl:l.ecl . It ie inot' wdiob to beli ve t.hai:, in no i1 .:> t, . ne e n e htlre b..;en tlle 1"(¢ ~l th:r>~nt.. of unoont>oionu ble Ol' inequ.itnule c:r'*:iditor .. ction . If in no inote. ee it., h1:ts been nac::.<:H>sa.ry to a pply this po¥ el' tbel·~ i3 an iru.pli~ sut;1.:e::it,ion thrit p1·op rty .i:J!'ot.,c'bion. l!Hl'l'Viee doee t1ot runder .eutficient. advise or run. 9eepl.y enou~h to dfache.r ,,r3 th~ r.gsponsi bilUy · mposs rjn tb~ il'e.deral. Oov-ar nmei'1t t icre-by . Perhaps in 4901ne instances the intet-vie er does not fr.R..~ ~ thQ eV"acuec • s pr oblems bu.t 111artdy ~ 0 rs ~.btit the ~vucuee may the to pi•e:sunt, on his o 11 inol:.j.on .. Th.ta me.y vtel l l'85ult. i!.l tlr\l lo aa by thd GV'&.CUee Of hi,9 e.1..,u.ity in ~ OIO l:.hing Of V -:i lUO by Nl!l.t:!On o' th1:t f ct hut j.e d"d not, t.hrou l". hopeleo .-ne·s , report his si~ 11,1.tlon tote interviewer--it may be thr.; t t he losCJ could ha.i1e been or verted throUB11 pos · ,ivc :;.ction such 'l.;;; the appl' c~tion of tbe froeziro.f !>O rer to force a t'air sett.le.mer t . 'ibile the e)!;'..ietllnce of suc,b a situation is rebu, oi oourae, it is require<.l th .t cr.rti'fful eXE.Wtii: Lion be given H:•• 1 5. There s an ob\l'ioue di.1;1t>~11~ti.on bat een tteoeia.J. i·~f'onn!' nd ed.eral reapond.b1li.Hes fo1· fair 1g towud loJVt~ cu. os. Thee- tho\.lt:ht~ do not i• volve t.,b viewpoi.1 t of t~ie social reformer .. It doeo, ho\':evlll.r , e.m:ph19.ti-' ol;'l..11,y i nvolir-e the h~Uon th-'lt th1~.r~ ls a d .fin.1.t.e Fedex·FU. rr1-oponsibili · y for Ap~il 5, 194~ '1-ei°e Two preservine t'or the ev:aouee his eqidty iri hie pt-O,P'lilrty 'l"herever prrctie~l;ll~ h t l'r s pt·aserv . t.ior1 ~llElY' i tw ol'ViD so ie i 1· fi~1iteJ.y lef.le!Je'r he.1 ship on the cred.ito t'--the lat t:. 'l'' Iii poait.i(m beii:i1g m.uoh te.vore.d. ev n th~ beca e he is a potenti&l eheniy; he 6 . Th ev~c ~e ia b~ing mov b a pot•mtial en<'rn;y because o:t: his a.£'i'inity for the enem,y and net n.eces(Jarily becatWe of any over·t; acts . H:1d there b4~ n nriy O'V'tn•t acts on hie part he vould be interned, if a.n a.lien, oz· :Unpri~oned i.t' not . It tllim res,.., p<>m.1.ibility ie not r~cO "'lµ';lled , t~ie saHtds of reprie«ls ag j,ns t out• 'rnlcti~ r-e in tt11! I' ·~n.d.!$ or the enenty n.c d on our citi~en civllis.r e a.broad now in t bei.r .r d.e v1i1.1 be 130'141't'l upon f~ rtilu L't'ounds inde.eti . (signed) Karl R. Send~taen Colonel, General ;:,ta.ff , ssis t ant Chief of ta.ff Civil ::J 1.· It 1 c~ 9<T. , , du $.~ th . ~· b <> .( 2) ~ ~h .b fl\ T· '0 Gtlti. ·t t~ n.1~ p. p ril 7- 4,, l P1'J"~ttJ ll. Q ttl1& 'our) y ~ i n " lea ta 1~2• oo~~·- ~l..1en$., · 11•ns ·a n a ilJ:'), t~ S .-&! s .. th tt of 0 :U:f' J1'1i. ts t :1 ill e ~.HU~i 'be'-1 ' l>l;lt;>'Wds:t· { ) . ~J'j ~D .Ji!tL~.......,. All t pOJ."t · ni Cel1forni, 1 n 11n,t · A1ttt:~~ lln ell · t~blt!!h .· ~ d. t?r :t.rtni. fro c p 'bQth• a ndoon... l:.1'flln.s All Av~mA U11da:r:r ltne 1 · nd on the ~:.~ t ~n hy· ·he ~n I (')f aY b eu f:J'(E n~rth • ¢ •Y til v:rn."4it It n ch.$ t ·r j, · 1t~ ~Ol" ·th.,. .ll r f').'"'o 0?\t,!·ll R ,ey,, M .n t, .,here 4>fove ...¢ l.cis ~~w ~t st :f J p1Jne ~n b~ ~ ~ ' la:.t;itic t r.s n b t po.r t.on. o:f th O·on!Qt t C lifi :rn1 · oon ed ~l'ld enum rton~te l.).y ~ t :r.n $ta'b hJh.fl<f1 b t the •a SQUt1 $1Vt.f.:~ Juteb ·· e.n dfdt a"r that "' · e lly g•nGr ,,el ~, $ .a. e· (I;\ . t)t ,I 2~ l~ l'OX"l nlllll. t; tedi 2., 5 :t , , ,l .,,J. ~ () d y Ap't'l\ .t ~ ~d · .'.h ii' A'?X il. or th 1"'" 42 - fl,J , ttierm a ,qh 14, n.111,, eecq:r.1 t;y i , l-0:r ~ill es ta."bl •. , <tr ~- d 11 iti 1 C-0 t;.? ol 4:311 • 14'7th $,t r et ( ·iVl'M} i:; f :re ti lQct\t . ( 'l'it qi) t fill l;2 f.f o • '? . r 4J1 1vi1 ae~ ict e Southern. tn ~ " ?1" aec tor' '" 'l 1il1~11 ExcJ..usi ll Orrle~ tu'lc~#P ,ti)"1t.l~ 'i n tli'Q(: t 01)"" emb ~ tit eit\11(. w:t,1.l o ))OUJ:li t. ' lit~ .. l ·n e1, a '., ill • el·~ . . 1e~ (I Q p~ l' ,• .1 t g tral. .·i. b pf'Q"(' ortt r., wtll . ~· vi ,¢ n ovu• 'b e tl)¥, b~th •x~., lwted Koon~ ~ l!.l1:l:fl)n f'rom 1'il1 te;r·1 .T.. pti ti tiru,, m~adq_UG.r a '~ dt tor. th ·• ' · ~~ ea~h ,. v1HlU :t:t}h i.~1)4, A in61 v1t.\U4tl 11:t ing cUJ• · ete4 to r~ }otrt to .~ or .tioper Ct v1.t Cont:r.ol St.at1 11 fot p1"ooe1iaiUJ.'( b t an~e, a hdf.n6 {t n t' l , Cot sup c . 6, : h i e. dt :raxn;:t ly _. · al<.Ynt: otfettt~d b!f' h. t -ir1 c.,,11.:c rnt Se.etc tn lti •1 bl• · '~ t 'PI'· p~ red tha r•~~· n e , C1:.ili f ~ ths •lit ¢:.t:',1..\J•d t'u~~tiaru~, 'l 1 l•stl:a\.<t,'t M "i!li!t .. IQ~ \Yi h .ib.~ ~ f!Cle 0 , f>"m4!1t'$('RCY ;m. '¥' 'be n-e•dtd< i Min'· ,~ ~ ' ta.ah ,! 't!tS't'il:1;. ,qWsl. ~~.....'f.!lf }i, Lfi>• ,Angele Jlf de:r l al' ·p .. o ,ea 1 , evacu.eeG 1 ' t.t:rp·o 141 l 42 , tt e.ted l ire M,t.i. 1y su.c.:h. n der m.'t' e 2 1:1 • ol.ect• tion Cent r dur~l!l ·tn , the p-'to~•• 1 'Se~ n 1. ency. l. ty ce>tlo e • 1 c s•d. grO'. l n., h"J r i l rihu.t 9· o• c 't; io s p:r ~ t ~ Ca Nl .bl& t1t11 , 1t1 h the p 1·oprl 1~·ou of t,hi toi::i Cit Tk);. ~t:f.c 1.d •d 11.l(:.\ Co · n:nd 'nc! tern D :r .riut t'lt" t~ t &UQ"'\ t.l r Y• m. 1rnn lt i'l :r. t ~ qt $ I'\(' (~· f t il t QC f'i. i• tru. l' li~' J l 1$ I l ontu p L ~ n~rt,tfy er tn 1n 1~U'l'n '11.S '\ ce . ~· ;tgr.t t 'Q n 0- l .~ 1'ltl1Ci 1 l th..., -~ey I / (t;riginal in va u l fil e ) USU!Uf Imi&NSE ·~WA I ... . _ _............--~· !fi:ce of .Aede~iant Ohlet ot stat!» Civil"e Di:vie:l.on WARTIME C!VIL OONTftOL ADMIItUS1iiATION 1231 llarket Street Sea .Pran.cuce,, Cal.itornia l April 5, 1942 ...;.__.._,-~ Albert C. Agney, laquin GetJe ral. Counee1 ; Federal RederYe &..m< San Fra.neiaco, Oali!Qrrd.a •./ · ·"" lily • r lfr • .Agne'i" I hl)lve jl'OQJ'" etter of M.pril 3, 194'2; n•J;!lonlld"ffl t.o 1Jl3' letter of' April 2 > 1942 ; in which you en.close a :revi.e•d drart of p-ropoe•d letter t ·o r the 111£.g.m.ture of th.e COlllDlal'lding General.,, \'fe$teni IYefense Comm nd and. Fourth Arrq. l eorieur in the revi••d d:rat't and have fo:nrarded it to General De W'itt fl)l' aigiat.ure. If Mi approvea and. executee the letter, it will reach you 1n the near tutur11t. Sinoer'ly (signed) ~u:ra~ Ka.rl R. 1;3e~dete•n, Col onel, ~nera.l St•tf A•siatant o! Sta.ft Civil .A.!f~.U-e Diyiei,on. ( ,,, ·~~~1 ~._._c~ 1 ......................~£~1.....1l" ~....~ Jt; ••••_ ~ ~~---- ·--...-----·- ·------ ·--------------· .....------..----~----·.. ... W TDbl 0 1' M~lt COM.fl AfiD ~D OUR'l'H A:BM't artiJQ.e CiT 11 Oon trcol n. Ai;rll 4, 1942 MmdQR D JM FOR : 1 llr • Hale Ur, N•uatad t, · ~. iiewea Insp ectiO"l!I" Repo.1't ot 0 ntrol Stt.1t1oc sua;rFQT: :fro l. Tb.• ·tl.ooompan; r~ rn.o r and u.m. o'f peotlor~ ·O h.tef ot ·t..11 0 X.n11 p,.,otion Br nell, 1• •elt ... expl.a natorr- 2. I 't i• believed thet •hill ott1.o• ab6"'l.4 be e;ive.11 1.Jllfll,ediat attention w1tin • · vi-1 iW t o :r ..ntedf1Ag the reported cond1t1ona. ) .. Under oonsidetra ion 1a th<" d.e si t1e.t1on ot to sot s the atm.!ni•trator or the otf'1. oe, w·hoae. 1rtmary t unot1on o uld be aoor41n t1on nd. 11 s on between the ertitne 01~· 11 Control d 1.niat.»atig,n and that orttoe. Yo·ur oomm nts a. e· d aired. an ind ~ pendent executive ottiq~r •1 (Sign d) Xarl R. B~nde taen Colonel. . Geae roal St tt' Aa•1• ~anlfi Chief ot Sta ft C1vil Atrat rs D1•1•1oa a·~);C'fIC) ANJJ JIS C L B Oont~ol Warti e Oi•ll INS · TI0 tl 1 Lolll An :Illa eot on mad b. y : 54~ Roo , t~On'I' o:r 70? S)>Jtilig •le•• CH Adm1n1a'r tton COmtiOt Sf J 'r!ON St~41•t Ott.l it orcia ... 4-2-42, S A. • Oolonel •eek and lfajor Boldt. 'I' 1.s tbe · 'l'Ol •ta t1qp entioned i .o "t'la•h" r pol't ea 11eedln esaietanoe ta d.1 -.1 el • 11?.?t,.:> 4et11'i l lntol'!llfltion 1n.d1o t<es th 1·• t 1 e4enl R-ese:ne Bar:ik re pre eent~ ti vef 1 ho1'~ m.en1 ~rob l.•m• f:>'t :r~••ttlf:'Qle.n t in ,Ar1'°n~, Colorado r•.nd elaewb. "l" t11TQ.\v1n.g aever1.l. th 11atu14 lia,rianeae 'Who ha.4 m.atie p l~ns nd had the moi~ey we:re r "'r!ty t o go at their own xpense . They do not now wba to tell them. 'lf'.ba J'arm Loan peo ple ha.Te e1.m.j. l1e.r r obl•., • and a ppa.r r .l!lt4.:i: n t bav~ tao1l ~ t1e1 t o p r~teot the tarma ~ • eeA per iod ot e•ao~ e..nd tll• time t h'-'Y aan get rao er.)CH! to t ke, tll ocn over, ine:re a · eine -to b" ao one in oharg t th. tit"1ce 1 the lnpanea. a r e 1111~s aralll'ld, 1 g~~t1n ~ Qpn1"'11 otin advi ce ~~ d1tter nt eg nciee. ' a W ' .. .... , At tfle ti.11).e Pf the l.nsp iJ'tor•s v'i stt, in ad.d 1 ~1on ti.'> th Lo• J p e, 200 ta.ea, wom.en cnildren. o,ai11.e 1a uner;p ctedly trom, aa.a. Pedro. They "ere 1'elat1vea ot volllJl te..ry$ Who lta.4 AD$ l ft al~eady gone to Owen1 Valley. Report Humb rot individ~ \.. la h · ndle4 at th1s Stat1oa: Begiate~ed ~4 4e ed April 1st t or Owen• Valle1~ 420 Reg1a\ered 9r o~ to pr11 2nd, de11orted Ap.r1J.. 2tlS • 882 :t:xpect cl st:ra tio.u tor today 1"':vom Loa. Angel•• • • !000 Plu•, tzom BAA ,edl"o • 200 .4;pperently- OJ) ProYoet llar•hal oa d uty, Dietr1b~t1on: Gene~al De Witt Colonel Bendetsen Colonel ; aolon.i iasa Oo1ooel Waehburne (signed} Ol&ll4e B. Waahbu.rne Lieut. Qol. O.A.O. Ohiet or IaepeotioA, o. . n. 1iaa&~ Br•u1oh 't'he F ei"r~l Si\.H:lu.r1t.y Aget)Cllf i/$ :r-1.tquecrted to ~'r'aY'~~e ;,tn id-1) C~vil Control. S.t . t.1.~n la)" out. - tiio tnGi.t e tikim :ln ~1"" g~l'un•al i.Mt;M~r.s~~4N.l p ·t'Qgit'"M. ' ', 6 ~~Xld ~~~• io11t. Ma.rahal,, lfutern Pe! f'Jl lit! fi..l~tUorl.i ~f.' t,h• '.Pr~)VOtt-11 <i•e i:a' •ali1~100i~ili ', ·i Cc,nt¥rbl s t.lo.n .wttt rul't'11~'t· to, ~"w.ot a•ri r,au.1 tih c~ !•r-•nce ,tt), ~~- 1 , ~• iel••••l · pl"Qb;t. a ·ti)qt,d mt. ~o ,t hw lAUt taq f QU~: i& atJp,f'lllSt• i/J,r '~'.q• ~1u~~t1,.~1t ~ito J°M:t• ~· t p~ttj.,r ~ha•1! ~~, ptu\111~ ot: 7po.i$s · ~c,l p41.r,i !'.\If',, l'. ~ deQir~ f~ ~ ~he P:tto11 terie .i-itt ~~ vobli«JU. th lt lt'.! d.el!li:r pril et.b. 942. t¢ li.2 no·:~n and {i~ ...-r c 0 ii April. 3, 1942 Colonel Karl R. Bendeteen, Chiet ot staf t Civil A.f'tairo P1viaion, ~Hilt.ant l~l San 1 Market, Fm.f\oieoo, Calitelrnia.. My dtar C4>l(!)nel Bendet.a.,n.: l acknowledge your of April 2 1 1942, written in reeponae to mine ot llerch 31, 1942. In view of' the oircumert a.l)cee .tii(l)h you 21• cite., I ent.irely agree with your euggestion that tbei-e be omitted fJ:'Qlll the l.e~ter 'Which "" •:re seeking to obtain t:rom General DeWlt.t. any :11et'~t-ence to reimbursement or Federal. B.eeerve Bank of San Francisco. Accordingly I have ta.ken the l~berty of the suggeirt~d letter- to be signed by Gener11l DeWit.t and ba:nd you hereld th two copie .s ot the red.raft. In view o! tbe tact that. Public LAw No. 503,, 77tn becue effective Ma.rQb :a, 1942, we would like to have General DeWitt' a letter dated March ~.4, 1942. Oo~reea, you for your cooperation, and with since~• aeaurance" of our deeire to !:'flnder ev ey poeeible aeeiet&l'le• to the War Department· , (signed) Albert C. Agnew Albert C. Agne~, General Counsel EnclOS'U'tll, !Ci\:eb y Fafµl or !ETTER 10 BE Al!)Dl'tJilSSE» BI GB' DeWrrT '!'O FIDERAL RESERVE BANI< OF SAN FBAJJOISCO) (S~~ March 24, 1942 Fed•raJ. Reserve S&n Frenc:hco ~ C>! San Francisco C&l.i,tornia ~r~r / ./ Refe:reJilc• ie made t.o my letter dated March ll, l9l.2, adl;'!re111eed you, in which I authorize and direct you to t.a:ke all depe 'fh.ic:h Ui your ju~gment ar• neces.,aey or d~dr~b-le in ordE)r to earry out. the objective of the program dealing with the problem of evac'Ueee !rom Mi.l.itary Area No. 1, ae de~1gnated 1,1.nd e~tablished in my Pu.bli.c Proclamatiom No. l, to dated March 2, 1942. Last week tine Congress of t.he Ohited states enaot.l!.d 411d. on Jla.rch :21., 1942, the Preeid.enf. of the United Statee approved Public lAlf NQ. 503, 77th Cor:igres1S, the hrm3 ot nlcb whCl>Dlsoever sball. •ilter, remain in, leave, or com.rdt a..ny- act :l..n an;y mili~ary aroa <lr e.ny, zon• pre.scribed, the authority of' an e:x;e.Clltive order o.t the Preeiden.t ,, by th.i! 8eereta.r:r of War, Cill' by an:r military commander. dud.g.nat•d QY' the Secretary ot War.,. contrary to tl'le restrictiG.ns apP1,1cable to 8J17 euch area or zone or oontra.ry to t.he order of t.he Secretary of War or a.riy- euch .military conunander, shall,, if it a.ppears that he lmew or should havtt known of the existence and ex.tent of tbe r estrictions or order ar:id that this act w&e in violation thereo:t) be guilty of a m.isdem!:'anor and upon conviction shall be sul:iject to certain penaltiee stated therein. un• Accordingly, by vi:rtue Qf the addit.ional authority vesteq in ma Law, No . 50.l ,, 77tb Congress , approved by thtr1 President of the United states on March 21., 1942, a.s well ae by nrtue of all othSl' authority v·e sted in me 'by Exet:\.t.tive Order No. 9066, da.ted Feb.t-11ary 19, 191+2, t.he orders a.rid designation iasue·d b;y the Secreta.r,v of ar on FtbJ"'!lrary ~, 194.2, tlile underei.gned as a Military C-0mmapder to carry out the duties s.nd reepone.ibiliti111s embodied by eaid Ex.ecuti'Ve Order NG>. 9066 !or tha.t. port.ion of the t1ni~ed States embraced within t..Ae Weete:.rn OefenH Comand, and pi:ireua.nt te all. other autho.ritr vest~d in me, I hereby au:thorhe ami direct. you to oonti.nue to t.alue all e:tepa wb:l,ch in yeur judgmoJat are neceHary or desirable in ordtir to oarcy out the objeetiv-es or the program dealing with the problem of: evacuees f'rom the Weetle.m Defe.6ee Cownand and pa:rticula.rly Military A.rea. No. 1, embraced therein. Qy said Public Very truly· y<>Ure,, J. r... .oorm 'l', tie11t iena.r.Lt, 9ene ra1, Un.1t ed Sta.tee, Commanc.ll.r1g Origj.n&l lllid .£n va.&it lf.EST,ERN: al&n!ISZ OQMM.ANP A.ND' POUltnJ kRllY Ottic.e o:! Asd1i!!t.&11t Ch.i,el ot Stat:t, C:lY:U A.t'~aira Dil.vbi.9n WA.R'.?DEE CIV' IL CON'l'HDL ADM!NISTRAT IO~ 1231 arket Street San Francis~, Oalitornia April 2, 1942 .... Alberti C. Agnl'tw, Esquire ~..,...~llfi'fl' O.neiral CollJlael Federal Reserve Bahk ol San Francisco My dear Ur. Agnew: I your letter of March 31, 1942, i1l which you refer t.o the letter Jlreaen-ted !or General De!Yitt •e signature by Mr . Kale prior to hie departure tor the Eut. The pz-uentuion was tor the pttrpo1e ot con.terriJtJg upon th" Bank wbe.tever s,dditionl.l &uthortty ma7 tt."Ve be~n ve.sted. ili Gene f'a.l DeWi~ t. by Pu.blic Lt.w No. 503, 17th Cong:re,e e, approved llareh 21., 1942. The Fi.seal B'rancb. bas been calling upon all agene;les to submit budg4!t estimates !or their projected reimbursem.ent req,ui"'1'!ent.e in connection with the pro.gram. or evacuation. When. I pre0ented the lettoer, t.hie neceeeit;y for complying ' the new arose and I did not de.sire to disturb the present !'isoal arraiigemeat by placing bul"dcen upon you. I theretore IJU:ggeat that a draft of lettex- be prepa1•ed in which tbe subatance io ci:>n~rted to t.he veitting o:f any ad.ditiona1 authority in you which arie~n by r-eason of tb.e· p&s8age of th~ cited Statute rt t his is not satie.factor.r, then I sh&.1.l have the ot~l" letter signed with the n•ceasary fiscal revie1r.m ..,.nich calls !or the sublJliseion. ot llAY have a 'bndget estilll.a.te, I snaLl be happy t<> have your ~eiponH. Sincerely yours, (signed) Karl R. Bendeteen Colonel, General Sta!t Aee1etant Ch~ef ot st&tt Civil A£fairs Division t WES DJIJ''E Si C si~tl!Ult JUiD 70trll1'B Obiet ot Staff, CiY11 - - -~ ' ~ -- AR' 01; (jL OON'.l"aOL .ADM'! l$'1"RAIJI-! ---- ?~.,? •:rM't $t~ o't, B• 7l!'tt1ncieoo,t .o u1tom1a f ."ril 2 , .l , .. ~ .~ r W :roN: SU'BJIOT: , * - ..,._ Jed.,e R• e:r•• Bf3.nk at S .J'.1 Pro,po 6d "vacue• ; tomo'bile J'~ noieco oq,11,isi 'blo-n 'P l The aQo~pn~11118 torm ot 1natract1ona to eyaoueea ~eg~r4,... l. d;tapeaiti<>~ ot ,m.otor- 'Ttihiole ·, a.nd "'Agr$ement Regardii.!Jg P1spoesU;:loll ot u.,to)" 'V~b.iolel'I :t®m.• i• a,ppro"V•Hl. 1 hie ne Q•ss~:r 1n•tX"U4tta11a •a:'4' ~ ••.n g,i v•n to preo~ t.beso torme prt~b ·e.4 in qwan 1:t7. ins h While ftti' tuim.1n1 t.J! · tiY(iJ d.eta1.le rem 1n yet to 1>• aeiw'eloped , you are ad:rit5ed in aubstano• th t the J?l an as o~oei.,•4 in the ae()onqJ$nri, OO.PY ~t JJa6111o.r :ru.'l\Ull. for the Comma.nd.1.Dg ~ne;r. 1 b«ia b ea s.p vro.-.ed his 4 t 11 •r" ' . 'l'l>JB AJ;tmy 1• .u1,>t pe:.rm.1tted to p-UJ;-clu.\ee "h• p euJenge~ oar • I~ T oa,li.y pturohaae in tbe w11~"' (Olle'fl"O -.t, ord, Plp,outtl} • o~ wti:toh tne axim.a ptioe impo ed bJ' la 1• 7.50 . 00 •a.ah. ,u1/l in the ''med.iwn" (Bu.1o:k; , C)laysle:r., Olda,fbil• ) ela1,1a, U:l'on v..ilic.b. tho rn :l:imi pr:Loe limlt 1.m.'!;)os·e<!. b1 law 1• 11200 ·OO.• T'h• puro-ltal;\lee lfJt aq hets."ty p~ aenger oa.ra v1ill. hie a.utb1;>rize<l oAly Jlere o re era cla\flsit'ied as 01 med1um" !lllid where tbe pri ,p • 11.mitatioA is beorb•l. 4 . In the price of t1oJ.t.s qltot.ed, ao not appl:yi. t r~ok• a.n.d traeto1·s , be price lim;Ltia,.... s. PU1"cbase.o 1ll be maa.e t the a9pJ;'0i1.1ed l &lue but in D.O· ofu1e t.dll the eppralee~ .,. l.U.• e~oe~d t)l,e ata~. rd blu• 'Y a lu• '.for tb.e a:p:p:ropriate ar,a. In mal.1.Jil& a:pl?:raiea.le Ot.)¥JIJ.'1 4e'rait.i:oa will 'b• llftor&ed t ll'1$ 00~dit1oa as retitllot,11l8 e't'atl b1l.1tt "lli>r U.Qe . &. In. ao e-.eJ;tlt will pt.troba es bo sde u.n.frtr th1• pl.8.n 'ldLer• -.Jie .1.:ldebtodn•sl!I GI! i nst the car if. e qual to., e>:r e:;m:cte eda t~ appr•.t••·I Tlilu•~ In such noes tb• nol"ilJll pr4'.!cess 1. or reQ. 1a:ot ~• or r•poaee$ston. e :xel,'eiaed by ~tedit-ors will be perm1tt·e d to operato11 . 7. Plll' oha ee will n,ot be oonsWDJllat•d unle t:ltle is deli"Weret. • l,i.espone1bil1't 7 tor Gl'l1itd,l1ll'lg, the 4Q1y x•oUted inrl'truntnt• t .it).e .r~uit.e UJ,'>Oll ll'edftrel Itesen· Bc.nk ·or l'l~J:l haa4i 1loo... Vfb•r• eal~# ~e ooµ.s~t•d. t .ll aon," s ot titllll t:r.e..n.,rer • JP'J>l"Bfaal teel:I , :to.- , w1ll be d.eiuc t 4 ,(;r(.)Q. 'the )fl"QOl'lltHls .. WJaere ·illi ~-.i..e, ls not eoJla\lmllt,8te4 these ~noid111u1tal. expense will e l;)aor'bed and r•flect.,4 1n r 1.m.btU'si'.ble adm:S.nirS't;.ra.t.1•& IO%Ptuases Qf th.ti progr-. , Pede · l ' ieeer~ a. $t1bj~ ot An7 •. will be each B ~ biol•~ 110 He to tt~ttt;-(1 1.nat, -uq1iicn1s •. the ~u 1' 'F.t:t°. .IJt19l' ,, J'curth. 1.tle4 ue sooa a ,P% iat 01.tble ot tbs e.oqo1•1 t1on ot 111 auppl1e~ with t~• ocrtifl~ tea o~ ~itl• ;vita l'mT other nao••••rr deacriptlve 4a enabl1~ him to looate ,t yeh!ele. The u rter 'terr Four~a ~. 111 t e o••~ al1 Tebl~lo• piu-olw 4 b:y th 1 d~t-a.l Re er't'e. :a und~it t,bi plan. · 9, 'fh.e Goye ent will n1mb'1l"iJe eder~l ~sor,. ~ .B tor puro:h s pr1.c e ot the 'T ehi<tl• so JUll.'iJhoaed , tQge.tber with ne o•••~1' .incident l e'r enaes upo presents.t1o.n ot dul exec · t <>li'm. 1000 "OU.Oh.1'8 • • 1 10. lt i uute~stoo tb t th B eorwtr\lo ion 1.nanee. IJo.rp~l'tl.""' tion. ie 1,lli·n g to pu.rchaa 1942 oil.el p s e~er oara an.d. tn.a· .. Hale wil.l brl,ng wtth b. 'fro. W ·9'.b!ugto.n ·t he :necsessary ad n1•,.tt ... t1" d t ls. Not·w1tbllte.Dl1 t;ke ll in:gne ot h.e Re o atruo io~ J'ln~o.e Cot"~or t.1on to undert-:ik: &uoh, 1 1• l)el ' WJe4 4.eti.'r'bl · that n· o eh n e in tbi pla.Q b m.ade, ~1 • approprJ. ta djua-t.ment oan b r .e tel! to :t-etlect t·h~ ob.ange after· •• 1:b '. t 1 to say, H eonatJ;uo 1(.»n Y1 Oot >oration eoul.4 rol 'bu ae o ror 1?•2 ~u., ·wll 'r e a t e 1 OO\l.ld re im.:buti• you.r u.rc.111 . "' }IJ 1'41 11 n.d p~t or 1e " odels. r.n.e1Jhenio. l d$t .il.m :tor de;u:.-.&ry ot th.., o r tt t 111.r-=1 U.b eqn.e.n.t oozu.s mm t1.on of the trans ()t ioxas ill be ge 1, l.y a~ ~i80U S d 1n. oonfe1~enOG OJl :Pri l l, 1,42 , bet'We ll eaS1'"1h · "' r ~n, stroll&, Oilohri1St tot' the Federal. Res .rve · k , ell! ere ll. Bll 'rh t e C0lomel g and Col.on.el Bend•.rt er.i. for trus (Stg1H~4) JC ti):. 1• t<ul 11. Bend.etse.u • B md.<11tse ~l, General $t r:t A .1 tant Chi et o.t Staff Ci'fll 1"e.1 re D1 viaioa Colo r- L"R~TH .~---.;;.;.;;.~.=...;;;-.;;-=-....._...~;.;.;;.;.:--...~....,...,.~ Of tice of Assistant Chier q i!,.il i' ARMY ot Starr, ·~!!.!.£!. Div'd. t:~ Wt-#-...,_ __._ tE c;r.'v u:. OON'l'RO.L A.~1r~n:s.1'1f{.A'.fI N 12)1 MarkAt Street Si(i,n ' •reinc l eoo, Ca1.1f'o:rnia T'! 1eplionFH ~LoridiI~o 2-2 611 _,_ .... ·-· -~ WRANDU ~ F OR ; ub j ect: . .,,,_ 'r., Wtll 'iam ~ i:. '.Hele ~ederal Reserve Benk tie.a. ~·raneisao, ca .llto1~n1a Moto1· Veh;1cles of J.~vacuee 1 Oanf'.irming previous verbal. autnority a,nd pending a gre~ment as to det' .in 1te proc d u~e ot ·tJ'.1e , sev ral a g enc i es. involved i n evaQuat ion projeote, the Federal Re.serve Bank: is. c harged with the respooei bil1t.y oi' recelv ing , st o rin g a.nd g uard i ng all mot or v e of tho se pers na belng evac u~ted tro~ ~ilitary a~eaa or ~o .0~'13 w1.thi.r,i; the We-atera Defense Cotnmand. KARL :R . B.ENOETS'Erl s i 1.:;ned ) Karl R .. b;se.n Ca lone;l., G. S .C. ss1et•nt Ohief or Starr Oi vi+ Af f ·a l r s ili vis :Dn oo. rur:nt sne1;i.: rJ r . R i.<i Ne1J1stadt F~der~l ;3 ec ~r1~y Agenc y 1,rr. ' llton Eisenhower 'Nar Rttloca:ti-on Authority I XOOTaa~ PE!' ,NSE COMMANP AND FOURTll Am41 ~ Office of Asaistant Chief of Staff, WAR1~1 , ;, C!VIL C1~11 GOUTRO~ A~ Arta rs HiISTRA'l'ION · Aprtl l, 1942 --......- • JT!M RA DUM E'OR : All P111rsonnel., Mili t.arr artd. d; i vilia ., aaai.gnsd to, oo.aneo ed with, or employed by the Cl.i\t'il Atfflirai Di v1si n and the 'N artirne 01v1.1 CantJ"ol Admlni$t:t'a ti.on SUB!JPT: Disse,mi nation of' I nforrn.ation. ~1. It has com@ to my attention rroni rel lab le sources tqday , durin.g the Qouree Of plantl;ing tor 811 i!.'l\1'8i<;1.oo fl"'Ob'l. the 1 en .ll:rancisco area, the tentat.ive evac.uation zone b()undariea were deseribed in tb.e ·r eeence of e member o1' t4e Japauese-Amerioah Citizens' League, by- a ~ntbe,r o·f the civiliarL sta.ff'. 'I his illcident ooourr~cl p~ior to the tlm.e wnen the p;ropo$ed boL\nde.ry a.nd. th e p:rop01sed evacuation pro;Ject had been approved. The resu]..t was the Je.psnes~ conoeri1ed. immediately undertook to .n cti:ty other Japan.ese of what he had overheard by telephpnep ~z.. mignt have Eve,r.t u· the pro jeot had 'been. then ~pproved, tbe tlie$ emination of su.Ql:1 i ni'orniati,Q.n in advan.ce 6f the tirno for;ilication!;ld in ser1oµs eonsequ el;loea. All person~, wh.etller military or civilian, assigned. to~ serving with, or 1.o. any way connected wtth 'the Civil .Affairs IH 'Vision of the Warti..Ille Civil Control Administration, arP dtrec.ted to exero,ise ~very: precaution to i) the utrnos.t secrecy or into;rmat1on regerd lng eveo1.1a tioo schedul in,g and plan.o.1r.&.g. Sueh intor mat ion m~et n.ot. be d1sc u s~ed in the preaent of any person n ot offi.()ially connected with the proJ ect, or released for pub;t. ice.ti.on prior to approval r·o:r such rele·s ee. 'l' b.e se;r101.1aness of v,iolat'ions of this cUre,c tive o~nnQt be "'3· overem.pnasized . "'4. Loose talk may, coat lives, rn.ay retard the war eft'ort, may invi te serious di~~ot action. Aside from the llabilitiea impose-d b:f' law, ever:1 person has a. pat:t•iotio d14ty dur 1ng time o'f war, to exercise the uttnost discretion. and to avoid una tharized diaserntnatiop. or "llil i tary information. I ask · t hat each person wtto reads tlrts memorand tJLll brin i t to the atten.tlon of' a ll concerned so that no <:>ne will :fa il to be r eml nd.ed ot' hts or ber obl t gat ion in t,his connect ion . KAIJ.L IL EENJ.Y&rsm<l KAHL R. (El igned) E~1NDETSli ~ COLO qn G.s.o. A. 0. of S. C. A. D• • C. 0. A. Col. .l hr~ •• ~t.Hft., ._,Qi-.! a!. .Zt1 l\9JR ht~ C'rn rulT Ull 1ar'111\ ~J ~®, O;;;.l.ifOmia~ n r CGJ.mel Dclll•~ : • fill.e's da Prior t.o · rt~ tor t,he a to intome.d ae that he had <bUvu..d t. o t rd bt! addftud to tlda ter ich ! · d at • ot le.t1:/7 o-oute.r la . r w~ Int..erd~ Deft .. . ditignal authority~ inc~ tbl 'b1 Puhllc Law Jo. SOJJ '17ti'i Congnea, .appMVed b1 ~li t o! t}te tm;l\ced ~t..a on ~ 21,. 1942.. The clau• dr&tt. *1• I pnrpaffd. cont.&Ued th• Ntae rit..7 Gd. ~:rsoll&l. l.iabil11'.L"Tan\y ot au in .to f, 11.T on "- ~rt of G•v !)dlr. 4 · .oel'!3ed a• \ha\ in Ms p & vieu. letter et to us. had • oppg~\7 at p.i·•~ ilfC It you tr :it, \he. ~.tat~ o! letta to Gcwral authorlt-.y requested, this Jw int..0 ~ giv. ~ t latter UT be d1U'.8Prdfd• !! 1 h~.r, ~1tlal"" 70lJ. ar ve ! t e w:gguff4 lo Gito l'-1. 0. ;t doee not 1 • Whi»h o:cv.•• .tth )'OU '4t:1 . ~ Qe I ,.OU. ~hbk 'Ila~. li> {~d} ft.J7' \: .Ubat a. I !pa Gellel'al Qnannl OOLOMlf;L KApt'.L. :R~ BENDETSEN VERrF!CA~ION OF aEPORT REGARDING MOLESTATroN . OF J .APANJ!l.SE ,,.,.. / vi" l.. ll~fere~oe is tn.8de to Y"ou.r m.eunqrandum d,.ated 30, 19142 addressed to the attention or Messrs, wm.. M. ~le f Riob.a:rd N. N·wst~dt, and Lsure.noe I, I-Jewes oono~rn,ing ttie ab0·Ye·. 2. O'n ,in:q u1.ry we he ire been 1nf'orm,ed by our Sa11 :Be:rnerdino Field Represen tit ti va some !!l-'1.sit1f.ormation wes extended 1.nto the San Bernar'd 1no area tfirough. perh(!l3u1 t,he o.v er ... zealousneas o:i:' anothe.r tea.m. member in tlle S~n Bernardino office, who, in the rural p.opu,l~tion, ~ndioated that the need tor evacuation on the pQrt or t~e J~,Panese wee l.qun.ed,l ate. W.e 0.l' 6 . ru.r tber informed the t t.h1s situation he~ been e~nrif led and the repreeentative r~$pon eib1e ts n-0 lCJ11ger af;l oci~ted with, t 1hat o,1·r1c~. Our Field Re.tir~sentetive at San BeJ.•na.rdin.o, Allen, h.evin~ heard of t-b.iS situation prfitv:t.ous11, took steps to co;rirect it di ~lsouesion with: the p,olioe Offi0ere 1.n the commU11ity and Q.isous~d.on w,ith the team l!l.e'mber who v1as :responsible tor the condition. Colonel Byl'en vr. ( e;tgned) R. !! • E.v er,s on Assistant ..:;,..:;;;;;;..;;_:;:=_,;D~E=fi;,...!'.@.J!! co 11MA,...N.Q_}•l'·lQ '.D'OtfR;rn MY o rice ot Assistant Chi~f of Steff, __ _ ___;C:..:.:i~v-:::i:..:l.:- .Af:t tti ~l!;~'j~y l E:! 10p; WART!M..11!' CIVIL cro~tr·so;r. ADM,tN{$1'M':r'lQ'.N' 12)1 Market St~eet San Prancisc~, Cal i tornie telephone: KLo·. adtke .2-26.l.l ·arch )0', l.942. ~·· Wlllif:ill;l Hale , Federal R~se,rve Ba Richard N. Neµ$tadt, Fed~ral Security Ag~noy Larry I. Hewes, Farm Security Administration SfJBJECT: Veri fication of report of Japanese ( l) rega~ding rnol,atat;lon The. accompanying extract .;:;;t l~tter rea ei ved fl.ere is selt-e:xp~anato ·.ry.. 'l~he letter is from. ltpland, Cal:tforn La. I would appreciate y,our d:Lll'ectiag t.h~t an i nvestigation 'be rna4e th'l"«i>ug.t'1 your appropria:tf) field agents to determine whether it is possible that the actions or som,e team. in.ember may .nave beer,i mis· interpreted. It would be well to know if there is anything in the atate~ents underaoored. (2) Karl • Bendetsen Colonel, G. s. G. Assistant Chief of Staff Civil A.t'faire Division c -o -p -y \ ~·~ I "I wisl1 ta cp,ll your atten1;;1 n to the .1 .neffic·1 ent and cruel way ,in Wnic..ln. this queeti.Otl lilf evac~~a't.iOt'l Of 'the Japanese populotton is being hand.led in tn.1s- district. I feel sure that ypu would Wish to Wlla.t the SitUtatlOt'J is hel"e. "This is a question ve~y clqfie to the hearts o~ my husband and !llyself as we have had working for us for twelve years a Japanese gardener who hae lived :with his three daug.hters in the house on our lace whic.h Mr. fhitney built fot them. Thiir. man is now 68' years old aad has not been in Ja"Pan fior forty fo u.r year19. He is a Buddhist end would be an exem.ple in the slqiple devotion to his faitl1 for, rna.,ny Ctl:X:-i st'i.a11Q. lie, .nae been a, mem.b~,v of no Japanea.e organi.zations e:xoept, his church. He has haa eight da~ghters, one of Wbon died. ~is wife died when his youngest girl was born. He has brought up these girls to woma:nhood with no f?Utstde help . Tb~y cannot speak or raad Ja.p4.1Ulesei. '\Nell and can write no Japanese. IJ'he;y were brougpt tip to be Ame1·1ce.n tJ i tize.QS aod had tnougbt until. the last months that they were Am.erica,ns . ''This family has b~en highly respected in ur little community where 1t 1.s possible to know everyone well. !J.1here are, in fact, a nuaiber of Japanese families here as h19hlt respected and above any suspici0n ~s <Jur gardeJ11er' a fal'!lily. Tb.eee people lta~e do1H~ nothing to we.rrant ttJ,e sereral d~l..LliQ. tbey received from the aut,.ho~·itiee. a .man vtent around ~Fl:~ dill,eref1:1 Ja~~-t!§.LQ.omes,., tii Ins._th!m 1!2..§ read,y- to lea.y~~_!n ho.&1°!._f!gt~.~=-~.&.~e lr'!!l.,....~2~1d'. be ~rfns ne woman 1 o · one 'Uirough a tan1 tn.~>merjt to take them off, or -ttie very f lne YO.!d£.8::Iananese:In_~be"O£~!~. wfioh.~REened tone alone at tt1e tinie b~c.ame hff!terl.oe,1 WTin fr15ht •. ~ thought .tl\ie abaa.. who s.howe\\ no areden.'E aie fm!St have beep. some_sadist ~~was go:i.n5_ ll..~una t,!,lfo.s...~o t rigfite!L!:h.eJ'a,~~neae fo,r· his amusement. We were s 'u,!:: jrised to l\~ar l~!_t 'nisl'it that~ he wa~ sent ou~ from the o\t'flce In_ ' an Bernafdig~. I~ toll~ th!!~_.):ils name is $1';;loner , Th~ J~-~L .have b_!~~ bY-i-ol·tI~~, from. l3q_mga!_..S.~ ht:'a.r;l o!,_w~io.h is -~r...:,.)?ina~-L- Thil...J::!iav~-~!:Lso k?~en give.n_£fde;g~_frQ!!!._~:t· ~ i\lleg .~S~n, '.Be;r!18";rdinG !.-,r11e ~esult nas been _t~grea::te~:lt coti~.!2!!.!. "We are fortunate in tbis oomrnuni ty in havl-ng e.n excellent Chief of .Police who is honestly tryir1g to see that ti he Japanese are left some cl vil rights. He went to Saa Bernardioo yesterday wit h some of them . ~ one in the office in Sau Bernardino seems to k~ow jQBt what t he orders a re. hours notio The but epan~se wera told to be ready to lea~e on twelve hat l t mt ght be three or four weeks before they had t o . o. "'(ou can we l l ne how diff icult life is for thern the c i.r.o 1.tms't·e.tlc es • «I am wrlt 'ng you on the p~rt of you Will g:v~ thls ques t ion your ~Y huoband and mrse .f to d ~ nsideratipn. be~ und~r that ... r'a,1,ug~t .La tbE)' '' 'R~v0clt.Jt~o~1 au~ .m.i:t,e·' we;r~ ' pio,rr~et~ ~o t ll.Petl , :'Y1.~g,l;,nii$, ~~e.Q.ti~e¥;y sn,t:t M:t~souri, o.,r1& ct tn;y ~:r~ndp~:aen:t s b.ip.11J.,,r~g been' a eampafi iQ1n or Dan~ el Boo~,e· . we hflve a ,Sc»n wl'lo ~$ ta11· !J,>:t't"i<.H~T in tne Un.1:bed S~e.t~s ~'aval R~se,,rv~ an,~ wh..o i(s at. so~ewbere With tme At1anti.c le~t. VVe real i.Jr :represent, l suppose as real ,,;\m:erLc·an stock ais RX.i st.a. I .hope• that:. th. s g;twe & me the tiight to, ~end you tb.:!.s let,ter. 1 "Wl tl'l assurance~ of' Otl!.' l.Oytll.l ty- ~.nd oo•ope:rat1on, I reroatn,. . ••. ," n1reoiorl :r. Mr. ill - e: J~•hCi• Oue1o41U eloentio~ u•horitf Jte.l•, 1'14·1u:·.i •••n• aw CJ<. Bro n. Al1•n P7opert1 trom Mr. • · JnO~d l. ~~e ooo ~an7ins .R . T.homae , Jr •• ot 'ho Of"t'1oe· er Pr1oe Admin1strat1Qn., UI elt-expl•u1a 1;or7., e. Your rsaar~ end ~•o •nd~t1on 1• 4••i~e4. n th 'UQ:tted '.l'lu• pl•a •ou l.d 1nvolire ves11ing tt t1tl Sit&tMH by 't he 4U.•Jl' l?l"oJerty Ousto4le.n. o;r purohtuie· ~t bluo~boek Yalu~ o tho i' .me ana • leea a ~andl1ng ta~t~r throug~ eern.e; Karl R. Bendetaen Colonel• Q. a. O, .Aasio~ut Otttet qt St•tt Oi Tll 4f:t•1l"9 D1T1e ton •1 s W, • 'l'homa•, ;Jr. bjeo ' .A.t the pret1ntn.t t e 1 t ae · e t Ila an:y •n••1 •lien o.t a a:nc e'tJl'Y •!lo •i•b•• 10 ~t Je.~ or ot"Ur.ell •\.\t.QJJ.ob.:U.e . <J.~ ••tJ trut'k oan• b •~Plt18 a •P<>•• • powe:r·o·t•i!l.t toney,. .._..,_, th• ••l• (It es l11s q~u1t to'# tile t •ac\lll!lt Pro t:t:r'11J D'ip t w. eYacue•·• ha¥• .aYe:S.1.•4 the ••~iele in ques't1cu1. Oo.l. b1ef'l;r r or two r••• on•: b.•*'18•~••• ot thl• ur ftll@llm nt t: itie ot acs ~ belieT• t · t at ~ b 1•! •r1o4 b.e'Y (l) ~ te4 to loo i on ti.ere ~h&7 will b• •lll be ••\tled in 1ll h~ e l\ifJe of t 1r o~~e a4 i~uok• • us•, a th ( ) Xt tUll'ne<J over th•~ 1a no a v h.1ole •1.ll be •c1d o~ o t hat p:ttoe. ealf> en4 otber uncer e,;t;n,! ie• lll rr1aul ~ A.rt l•rge in Illdu.et1on ae-o.t re, •hue o•r• n4 tJ'tioub:tl1.ia 1 l'·t • an ran ... d. l mpounlled nd 1 aocumul~Uon• of t111~ wlll be <r1•cito clealer ln ne t ha t. a• tl1e •nd ot and u e• i:a.l"e g1veo IJ !:d11 e¥>p61't dp1Ji1o 111111 wo or t hr e these 'V'ebj. wo;x.· k bi a ,co pet nt JMttbQte :req itr an aver (!:O ot QD«!.I de,7 ' b :tore they art uable t end the t?ie7 . 1l.l. b• p ·1"" 01>1eally w<>rthl.e11:11 at the end or tout to :r1•e Qn.th1. l.•• ( L} Man7 o"r Ulld•T • p&Jlllent own ( 2) '1' • •J.d t~rr1 'tory. (3) Tber t Ind.uotion Oentere );..o qai merke t. will 'bO c <::oneGntrati n of c ra truck• yonc'.Uho rab1,l1t ·· tt> eb•ot'b or tt.te to '4) Who •en 1.d b •r tl)e 1.Qaltl ahoul. d there be a 4eetruot 1Y'e ti~•, •to1ia, ••1d, etiQ. 1 • • ~ n J"••t ot tn o ~ .in isi1 t • 111 t • unao\l.rl4n • •ctCl>DO.'DU.At&l l:J fJ't •tlU tt11161 '•hQ~04 ot Gare 114 trwtka• taC-$1J.•~ •'.ltl'l their 111'•• auiA be,~t•ri Yitatl.;y .• d tor trQt•pe):tt• 1,on, .o • i' .ta •t (!)pen. tl•14• ~11i.l A. augge.• ,t •d. rC1W1Md7 ie u •b.•lr 1) --.i-• l e.nt1 4.•t••• b...., b••01111· 10,,•:1 :tolloJuu wa• l•1n tQlh' o al 1 na~l.l •• 'ti at t •1 oannoi \.ru.Ok1 b•JQJld tb.e 1.n~uo·u. or1 •. (.a J $ave th•m tu.rii <>T'-'11" ~b ilr t1111.eJ• o:r ;pi., . •11;t • \.o b.• 0-srQa.t tt ·~ »riuee o ~· 4ete · •4 .b J a oor.o·~t-.nt. a,p,Pll"a.t•er, ,.._.ob pl' ~:t't to be •~b,ere bet•ee 131• ttQk' li•' R4 ourrent rke 1l p: ii> •.(& J t.lrtdl,1 'h GV QU&CJ i th the net: ;prooeed'11 Of 8tl0h 1t'et tlh,duotUg t't*11 b nee h dJ.ln char a, e ·tt , ®•• a·uo e t ·t!'u.q.l-t4. tot t eil" ( 4) Gi Ye GQT l'l'WOll t en011ea e euJ. "Ul't IJQ;p :r1lr:.1en , a il 1 alt o ntlon, ara ~d ( ~) B•toi.-e o•rs an4 tW(t depr aia 1'e n4ui1. &.r1tU$• al.• through e~te.bJ.1• 4 nd r pute'bl• cl• e.t-s, ------ C)I"~'h ~TJB,Jl:!'.c 'h ~e<lc cH::i rJt Jin Pr m.lrMon TO : ·'~\U. F1;rsr.i~lnu \I •' _,;,f, , )J:,_ ca; J0,11 19J 2 '' 1CCA and. 'ftfL-. oJ~ 1t0r;C1+, J?.~ . ' It i.'!I t 113 U' sir ¢ oi.' l?ot h otgr.~n:izl t.:Lott.s ti) 11\sep the F'll,b\l.j.e n "Vl1C'•1ili • .toi'l ~md t• i£1QC <>. ti~n , ir15ofal:' U..15 act.. :ton!$ , l .nf'or1ll Q. of:'it.i...:1-' '' J .. ;'ot h t h·; 1':c . . 1. ''...rict -·mA pr:o~..r :i.1rw J.\:r ,? n vi~al pi.rt ot' t.h1;. · "lituy ~tf ort I. 4. ~~o j1 :z-scn Mt'J1t:.: ct >:..~ 11th ''t::C,n will ~Uil.b·..: ~n;/ .-· eat..ion 'l(ithoi..t th'-" . .rnt htJriza.t.1 n oi' - '"i th :cQ.'\. \'1il.l i~ ·;.k·~ .1.' ~ :st.. r. c·!fton ~l . ~w;L~i; _. - c~n '011~£ "'iR/. EJ.1!:•.nh.c\. :r· . . d·::w.d~t,:.p;;n ·'!t:t1.:J th,cn ~·__r-~ Col. ..,.. _ _ ""--·---·-.,. ,.,l.,.,...,,..,,,,....__~w.., ' no p.:rson connect -:d lli thout. c l1:,::'.Jl"\:1 irom. • b~ t .. '()a~~ · ~~:i.n~~1 1i~ p~eG<i 7~Ja't~.q~ ·$ .c~if:ijftl'~ Se~~d~ot 'i• , p~l;l~~ 1N1la..t~p~$ 41+\XV~C!Je)~· < I f'QJ"' ' r , J ';l' fott .• • . an4 woo~. ~~ bcirnt ' a~ b pr,ees ' II I· Ml· .. La•e~~ · tnia;r ~n,~ are, a,:uthoriz111<1 to i$.eue ;!.r1!1!1:rm... 1·iil'lat.iorie l'IJ/!lM@er for ~JR·A , .eind ' ' j atiori to the press t s.tt9:c- app.M>lftl of ~heir r~speictiive s"'pe;d.ors.. Aft3: " I reli.M!J.5 i 13suad. ~Y- i,;ii.tbet" org4nitation i,i vrhl..Chl tht:il ' 6t .j.ntf:1r'i'lct,lr Olf 6l' Whio.h p~.a.lla d~;i!!e~tly btl)'.er ie .ll!entionedJ1 th~ \ Jo intl;r &p,tpf'Q•iacf. I \ ' Q/f, . ,--p,7, //' 0 ~~. ~~ .,, ~il ton Ei.senhow~r- na..vector., ~ ~ R~loeat~on Auttw;ri f,y., ( b'aou.a· ion Opt~t.1 Ool !l'liAtl lta.t•). lit ~hi ' 1 .1 J'J1da1on., ( ~~ t ~"kr&Qing t>I \.bl to QOntbm \lDAW"•:ieMcl M' &) , . ~ •l\- a.a Z-•~ u pa.,t.tcablAt, wtU de~~ .L • .ni1iift1 :P~ic Q04af, lll'YMl.'l4lti4ft '~ d<lb1* ult by 111.s , 1onea and •~ouati.on •~es., .(b) 'I: ti tt wtu Wcrm all, a •nci•a oome ne4 «.d tat' 1ni dvance ,a ~ r ~" oJ tM..- •Gh4'du.l . in t>.l"der tiha.t e\lc,b a nc:1H ~ .,,...,. th.• f~~ otpol"t\Ud.1:i7 t4) ·d •ftlo}> m.iru 4:0fl:~Ql 1t.J.t.ion ~ .-. per•OnlMtl ~ t.o ak.- c.t.hH• Mc• ,., &elm.i.nS.• at i w anan.--nt• .. a. Xt :b Wld•r•t~!Od ~...~ un: 11 l\• eubi.n pl.Jn b oh d:V1?4').ot noti•• w:Ul d•terr•4 cio"4.Qpt!U.l• lol.\'· will. ~ •ubidttll4 ~IF•••i•elt• l . 1!b• ·u nd•r1d.;,in_edi . b• unct•Prv.tatula that tM •" ()IL op9ra• t.iontt dJ:ri.oiQn will ada!bni•h all. c:tOftOermd t.hAt t.t-.m• tohed.UL•• .a re O<•rit.kl mil.1t&17 1n.fome.t.~ and all ~ on 1'ho l\a kncnrl..,. of t.1'e •~h4t.S\.\l«hf. o,r into 1'hoN bandit &dvanc• not.:loea ol 1'~o nhltd\Ll.ea a:t .,.,._ w:Ul tal<• tlftry effQ~t. to preyent 1 • distenlJ..Mt1m uttai.t~hor,Jsecl , . M• • '°' lol~ ,, ~' Ml\ Co.loMl, a. 8"' o. ~r ot \tit! C1'ril .ftatr 1. on Aee-iat.a.n' :tiv vx:mw OJ' mJO lPW OJ ~& rEOM G.~HE WO :rog, liJ.)QlJlll\l'.Plt?tt"lUS COID!'lllO',p ' 01~ WO 'AO:I?:rti::ttl!'l:lS$ .CQWb* · rnstaUCT!Ot~S ?N M.Dto T1i1l$ BQ, ~OH l"'Y(;lil rn S~XTH N~$Pll~ tt li'O.El.11.'Y !?WO Rl!l 'O'Slil 0) PROO~ ~'ll .P~~ tUi.i! l ' u~ruin 1D 0 f.&l ' '' FQ'Oll J';t\lll llltl:r.E ,EA~lt w:Pa ' . lU'!:VOIOlb S1i'OP JO' ~ lllxe:emp:r;~?J~ O;B' FD (}"tID lOUR Fl . N:tli!Jll f . JMJ1ws wttL mJ v~ r:~ oom~o1'1o~r :tilliit oot~TliOL sTO:e oo .v.f\U~:to . ' uoNs zou O'otfJl.iA NOR'rRW'.EST OO ~J,A. NqEl'nalf CiliLl/Fo,nNl . OO~JA SO~E:mRN OJ!lili'ORNI.t~ ,,um SOUTE1illili ~ F:OO~Pl'Illll\ SIO~R$ Wl,LL r~q lSSUUTG !lm!VIDL O~:BS ll'f OOlifli:EC'.tlIO:iT wxmg 0¢~f,].1ROli wr·.~a-u; G:EO<;RAF3iIC~u .LI ,ns O'.ll' •,TESTJGR\.IT DFEils;l!1 CCD~'ID QUO~ P'EQCt)•MlilNm 'q~lOEtlT'r }'.l} Ctt· ·.m;rR~'n111 F l'7!:inll:Jrt N'I1T.m A Z1'RO 71.lfo. Ul.DI:LJ':Zt1·TG ...~J?RO});l.UlATi· ~$E i~S n.$ SJ!l'r :FOB!.P~ I (tlnltPmJ JroWf- o~ ZEtw lM:j1li FI:ilT Q'.:tRou:i;,.AR ';o DA.Sa.' ' STOP AI.:LO'l'l'1EN'l! OF WNJ.)S U1\fDJ!JR .UOVE PROCUREMEPJ.1 ti.'U )'f~~ITY '.Bl!lt!! G- !Ssv;&D IllT liOM I~TAL Ji.l,10tll $ S'tOP IT IS DES:t;tOOi 11HA.T EXPJ'ONDl ~ ~ )'Uiims Uilf.Oflll EI'.I:lmR FD ONE .FOiJR JllVil DrI~~ b~ FA:Rl!llif WDC i~ l 1 LL OE:OERS P]EVlOi'JSLY .lfl/~ r.n Ol)Tlil :rotm nr.m u:rm cos:.ilJP~ IO~, ;,;Ll~;N QO\lll'l?QL :BE .AME~\'D.lilD !00 d,BJJIO.J~.'Illl ' ~J;tta•l~· ?. yn1~iry ~UQll A ~~':r,p Y.0, Q. ZERO· ~1)..S.H ' ~WO tnl~!ZiliJ<t ,U').?!WJ?ltE'.,di(l!ll .PU~<iSl!i '.il\U'M'mi:li~ Si;!OP TWO OOPllilS 0'1 1~lfDlll:O O:e.ll>E;!i WtLL Ji.LSC l3lll. .FO:a.i>Tts'~ 1 .AGP LEWIS A.G WDC & J'O{J'RWB ~y lm3Tmul DEFEUG-E C:OW:l'AND ARD fOtm.TU CIVlt AFFA.IRS Alaif' ~!VISION 1 March 29, 1942 · , ' l ~"~. 1 u~ . ·~ 1 .) · l .·-)- ~.lh " MIPltlil~~~ if'l ~,._,....,..:;,c~'t"l L~:~..-: .~~::-:-:-:1/!l!f._. ,~r;w. MAR-~3 i 1~ T~e fuily grr;>upa and indiv:id,ullls as deta<>rt~t'd llil ·, :ticlusian Otd6t" No. ~~ this hei.fll.dqu&~eJ"e' , dated Ult.oh 30; l94e~ evacuat~d t~om thei~ ~resent ~bodes and tr~nspo,ted to l411.fl-'114t1ai' '.Ri5oepti0p Cente:r during the perhd W.rob. M, 'lM2 ""ll be the. - April 2 , l 942',. 2 . The hdet'ti.l $eouri·ty Ag~inoy vrj.ll be reapontdble for ths orgarihati,on (!nd a&n.inistrat1on of.' & Civil Control Station at 107 '$ou1;b Spring StrHt, Loe A.n(;el.e1 , Oalifornb:, tor the purpoee cf p,r oQeuiing t}'le evsoirnes. The FSA is a.uthorhed to oall upon the of.'f1ao; of Ti!lH•gency 1!2nnt;;riI."l.ent and otheJ;' BtJ;8M'h 1s a.s be needed ~O· sstablisb t~u stat~ on, and will deal dir~otly with tho•• "o eente.1'.t ed, 3, The order ~fteeting th~s evacuation ,,,.ill dJ!~•9t that of. 4.'lV-l!!·rf will et~rt a.t, 8:00 ~.r.i.., Mpnllio.y. ~roh 30,, l9f,2,, and. that all. p'91~tu:ms evaouat•d u~1d~r ·the prQvbione of the order ·will be exolud~d frbm :t!ilito.ry Area lfo. l after· 12 o'clook no1Fn, P.W.'.IJ.,, April 2. 1942, p.ri>qe~dog 4-. novemel'lt of the evM1.Jees to the Ml.n:t.amu R.eeeption Oeritor will. be aoeompUahed aa f'ollowu Wetdn~sda.y. A.p,ril 1, 1942 ... 1000 evaoueoe Thurl5d,a.y , J\.prU 2, '.1 942 ... Rernai.nder of evaouee1 affeetod. by · tlil.e ordtr. 5. 4Ppro~1mately 2000 Pt't:sons ~il.l. me evacuated. pui"auant t 'Q' the for ego i ng ., e. MediQal e~~i~atians will be given all evaoue•s, berore their departure for th4! r,nl!lpt:i.on center, undev the 4ttperviston of 'the U. S .. Public Health s~ rv'ioe. 7~ Private transportation to th!i) r11toeptio1:1 oenter will not. be' AU ~ao.ueel! will be tt'EU)aported to the Jlo.riHbEH' ~.flcevtion .oent~:r e,is .scheduled i~ para,g roph 4 o:bove,, a.nd Wiill. h•· !'llmhhe<l a. 'bo:x 1Wt"h t&t th& noo:b mee.l en.routia,. utUlrted. . 8. Any ~'V~~U~.e, unable 't<I obtairt transportat10l'l to the .8te1rting po·1tit Qh< the de.~r of departure. !'or th~ raceptior:i C~l' •ill be £\l.m~ 1.•hed &t the time of procossin& at th.a Civil Control S~tiol'il, a street , "' ~ , - i .. µaed fe~ , su~A ~~nspo.rtai1;ipJ •. ff, r(u' ad!'ilitiqilllal inf.'l)rmatiio~1 ' re,l;a~iv_, to 'th.ltS. ,mtlmll)' Mllnl Unii,, ltoc'i>m. *-10, Nahl ~~p!i;y" to ).'Vacu&tl.on Qpera.t~.01'1$ 'Dh;ieion,, Pl~mi. Wh~teo!llb, Sl!.n Franoi1S100, CalU'o'rr~L•, Ptu~ne Ktond lee 2·'2Sll. inf lO • Distribution or this meq;tG>raQ!ium i• !!Jade to the ISipeoial ~n .he.rget Fedell'nl '.Eureau of' lmvest~1~e.thn1 Sar.i ~ano.isco ·Of~il'.Ht• (lb-'. Natt. O Piepe~J, It 1~ re~u•s~ea h~ ~~tify •il Qt~er Speet&1 .Agebts in Cbarg~ oon<1ei'?led,, with, thtt requt•t thf,t sb,t~ l\l';ld loo•J. pli;>liae ~e £ii.f ormed n p.r o~i+.l y acs prad ttcQ.hle by t:h~ni., lini. R. J3l!:N1,)'l:TSEN Colo.n el, Q·.S.c. ~ssistan't; C.b;i.ef of S1:la!':f Oivil AP£air6 Ohtr;ibution: CQ.rnmandin~ Genare.l, WDC & 4th A'rrrry AU See:bor Coiri1t1aude~s (informa:tiol'l' only) $ta.:fl:f' ~nd B.ranch Ha~d!i r,>f CAD Div~aion ~eade and Un! ts Qf WOOA l'ledqral Sec;:,µr1,ty A(;(') noy (Mr. R. Federal ntr. t .. l!Teus t~dt) Pnn R~se1V'e Win- M. Hale) li'e.rm S'ecuri ty Mm.inist r&.tlon (Mr. Lawrence I . HeW'(Je) Elnergemoy Me.nage&lent (Mr. Ra.lph 'l'hiampsort) Dep1u·tment of' Jµ;a ~ hs (Ml·. Tom c. Cl . rk) a.... 4 u~ ~ WDO and It,Purtn Arnw S. PUblio Health Serv1oe (Lt. Ccnl. H~rr ison) edenl Bureau ot Investigation (Mr. Nat t. P:lep&r') D1v~sioo Seeurity .Agenoy. ** • * " *To be, don~ by Pederal Security ~e~cY . **To 'bC. d01.1e by Fedc!u·a'l Re serve Ber,ik. Ase·~n,:b'.cy C~ebtie:ri ~·aeiliiu tt l. il1'J• fQllOl'Ji)llg U i!!ft /tJ up-to-dat~· 11t,t o.l Jtseembl;r O~t-r!\ torr w));~ h!•Vej beet~ iasl,led lil..nd which S:tl~ .tlOW1 under COOSb~Qti.~n ai:m'eetli.v,e~ C';con~tr-uct,io"' (•p~pe .:r.a•ima). ' r f Cape~ §.~a~f! !•.4lb±nston P\l,ya.11 P' Feit.' Gl'~unds Oolden Hop Yard neap }, Qtegon PO'.rt.l3nd ,Q;JJ:for,U.a llr~s.r.Ue, Sa<rram~nl,o {l5000l ( ,000 :Stockton Marrisvi.lle { 3000) ( 5000 ~~air Ground~ See's. 19 & 30., ' ., 14 N., R .4E~, (~. D.B, ~ K.~ abo~t one mil~ South (of brysvill•. Fair Gro\:l.nd.s 'I'W'l~k T.14~re M:ei·~ ll Eta.1(' Grl!>Uhda F'~:L~ Gro';:ls ' ~ir Gt:'O\md·e See , 1' 3.2 ,. 11 ~ 1:2$ •' , i't~tJP'O· · .F:1.ned'el" /Sat).ta. Anit~ Rtlce T.l."aok W$.ll1t1,,- go A.dv~n¢ ed tlepot ~ .Saline·s F(lit'" G:t·ound• Flil1r Grounde t-100!.omn Ariz~M Ctl.\Ve Cireek ltecy~r ( 2 ~0) ( 2$0) ' 54 No:rth. o;f ~.oeni.X 2~ mile>~ Southe:~ t. of PreMott / Karl a. Hendet, ~om. C olon~l ~ . S . C. /l.f!JtJ ' t • Chief of 1$taf.f Civil Arra1~s Piv . th6, , L.t.eaotl .Rep.l"ese,ntatiff of t.h~ Ag~ncy ~o~c~rin~d before t·~lee.aed I for pub-Uc tii'. on, KMU.. H. . S~WE'rSEN Colonel, A.. C. of ij~ ,P. JiOebel, Jr, Ca;ptain, CAv . Ad1jutant G.s.c. s.' c .A. D, Bendeteen. M. s. Eisenhower Mar~h 28, l9ilL.. You.r Uemor anda ot Marc 24 allli Maren 26 co;no-eraimg ieepons1bi11ty tor Property in Sto~$ge, Subject! th1s ,.,/~~ { ,;·' Mr. Glick: or my ot.t ioe attended ttie oentttrenc·e hel.4 in your conterenoe room on this su~Jeot. I understand from Mr. (}lick t .h at e:t tlli• conterenoe the tollowin.g c:i1stributioo of re•pensibiiity was 1 ,~teed upe>ll: 1. 'llhe led.eral Security Aconcr will be r~sponsible tQr $11 prel!minary ai"ransement 8 for stO'rage ot property or . evaeueea. This will include conferring w1 th the evl!louees, issuing tags tor all property to be plaee4 in storage., 8,13.d preparing lists or t.h~ property. 2. The Feder~l Reserve Bank of San Francisco w1ll be tor delivering s~cn property to warehouses, storing s,uch. property there in, and pToteoting the proverty while in w"renous~. reapo~a1ble '· 'fhe War Relocation Authority will recei'Ye tirom, the Federal Security Ageno-y l!sts o~ tm property de11Ter&4 to storage. It will reoei'Ve from the Federal 8eser"te :Sank of San franoisoo 1ntcrma.t1on. a.e to the wueho.\UJ~ in whioh the property is looated. The War Relocation Authority will thea be responsible for such. removal e>t the property from the warehollse as it may deotde upon, and will be re$pons1ble tor hav ins the propert7 transported trom the wareho· to the place ot pe~nent While I ebould J.i.u ~o a·e e the :l·e deral Oovermaent assume a. larger degree of reepo~eib 1l 1ty t ban that oo.ntemt1l,ted, the di Yiaion ot responsib.1 11ty as outl.ined tor the ~ooperathig ag~no1e 1 11 1atisraotJory to me. I ea gi 'fing. a copy of this memorandum to Mr.. William M. Hale ot' t.he Federal Reserve Bank of San :rra~c1seo.!. and to Mr. Ria.bard Nf.!uatadt ot the :rederal Securit7 ~ncy, :san Pranc i sco. oo;: Wm: a. Hele Ric~ard Neustadt 1 . Marshall, Fourth Arra;r Pro· o st Weshrn Oefen111e CQmim:1.nd hind J Res onai.blHy tor ac~ion regf.lrdine ex:cept.. iO'nt! , licensihg and exemption!$ .from cur f,,,w regul11tions . SUBcJf.(~· 1. At a conf .rence between the Commandinq; General , Cbh..t: ot Staff and th:e tmderisign Q. 1 it wa s determined that. fu~.o_!:siblity and authority in the field of e~J,;:.,g-J&l~~~r) ~JLl'ir.!!L~~w g1,U..1:1.!,i,1gns ie impos " d in the l'.r.~I?.Jtl.•. ~Ma. .~t\~ " l. 1, '(/,~Q.t F[i Q.efee~·iLfS l'tnd . ==-=-" -=-- '• 2 . At ention ie invited to Paragraph a of ProclJUMtion No . 3 with r d to enforcement . Fe9~rs.1Jiur .. a_~ o.f , Inve.stJ£j~tio "agent.~z b~ _g.Jl::_ '!..k q _qfi cia.J:l onJ...t by Y!ll-.!:.ed -ttatee ...P.t,,,triqt Attor:rie;y:!_. I is recomtri~nd ed that. & su1tr.b1.e U .aieon betwe~n your office, t,he Sector .rd Sub-sector Provost<!.ll on tile one hand , 13.nd th various Bureau of InV·\~stig@tion agencio . and the Uni 1::d S a. te5 District At torn :flB, on t,he other hand , should b6 1.mmediat~ly s:ind me.intained . Ur . Tom Clark ie rea dy ~nd wi.lling r.ull3r to coopera.t e in ie oo.nn(" c ti on a.nd he is: being fur n it:?hed wUh .:.i copy of this 0temor nr~ g dum . 3 . At the <:onfeir r1nce de~cribed a bove the CorruM.nding erieral ex.presaed his deeir~ that you be fully re sponsible for a nd under-tfl ' e to ,h~ Chil A.:lfairs Division cur·r .ntly advised of ell developments Pnd all interpretations and all eicem tions , exc pt ions an<i lie ensing (other tha.n in i. ndividual cases) made or ded.ded by you . Unless this lnformaticin is current , con,fue i on will resu1 where i:tny policies or prin1.::iples are establishe d which not 1~de known to the Civil Affairs Division fo r communicRti.on to tile Civil Oont.rol A.dtllinistration. . • As previously a,r·l' d and establiahlllld , proclamoti-0ns , e.xc;lueiort crders c:nd ofticial inattuctior.e.l ~)ulhtinfJ will be prepared under direction o the ..;ivil Affairs Divi:sion by ·h \fla.rtllne Civil Control Administration . ). L ec War lbne Civil Gontrol Administration representatives are being of the contents hl'lreof nd re be ng instructed tc rel'i;,r' all inquiries March ;~s , 194.:rl regarding>rut, 4'XWmpt1ons,, lic ensing and curfew to yow- office. A~ IS'OOn $6 Y'QUl'i' tield rt!p!'eeentatives a nd those of the S..,ctox- a.rd sub-sector ?rovl'>.at Marsh 111:1 have lJeen es it :1.e ur-g ntl.Ji' re<,Ue-at d ttv; t you. advhe Utie!I office oJ.' the l'l?.1Jn.ea .and add r·e13see of.' th4'! PW cons or o:fl:.1.cer e to when ihc::,tttl r"~IS in thi e fie l .d should be r ei'ened by Wartime Civil. Control Adminbtre.t.icn of!'ioe~ SQ that t.he ini'cr 1111.tion can be c QJ!lmunlcs.ted h:i thom~ ccincerneid i n t be 'na.rtlm.e Civil Control Adl'nini.etra.tion . Karl tt . Bendet~en Colonel, C .s.c. Aes i.eL:i:int; Chief of StP. ff Di.vH A! Division C~loael Karl R. Be~4eteen Ass,! etant Cb i1$f ot Sta:t'.t tor Civil AttatrtJ Western: Defense Co111r~Mmd M!llton s, ~ieenhower l>ireot11>r, Wen' Ro1oe,t1om. .Aut.h.'1:r1.ty DAB; ,S'.ttBJli.!CT ~ atter,n:oon - Jda.I!oh ,, es l 42 E~f!J __ trom #3 ge.11ere.l proir.ts1.ons. ~nd f4 or your .headquarters. ot froolama.t:tOn You will raoall our teleph.o~e OQrl.'t·e reatton or thle the advia~b111ty of eat"-bl1sh1.tig prooedeire$· r~garding ~e:r wh3,oh exemp'f;.1,one t!J\.ght be made tro'1 t,b~ g e;ne.,r~l prov1s1o:na ot l?tocl. ~t,io,n.s #3 ant fl4. l: ~ecommend tnat; epij oiol prov,.aio1ns be ttJAde tor tne toll,owlng class es of ca.see in adn11zd,ster1ng · the e~aouation proclamatlone: l. Tb.e Provost Ma;rahe.J. of the Weete.r n Defense Comm.and and the Provo et Marshal a ot the Sector Commanders in the Western Defense Ool'l!lrnand should he authorizei te~porer~ determents ot evacuation, 'nd. to mod1fy compliance With ou~few 1 in oases involving extreme b..ardsht:p or pe,ril to life. Ser1ott$ illne se is. a case in pe>in.t ~ to grant 2. Persons or ;apaneae ancestry e~ployed by or designated to assist the War tim.~ O:t. 'Vil Control Admin1strat io,rt. or the War Relooation Authority. or any federal ~genoy providing servloe s or assi t ance to t he Wartime Ci v1l Cont,rol M.min:tetration or the War, ~eloo'Jt1on Authority, sb.ould be ·e ligible tor exemptioQ to bo g.ra..nted by t.b:e Prov,oa·t Marshal, Western Defense Comm.and, or by ant ot tbe Provost M'a .rshals of the Si.~ Veral aectara wi thiQ such command; they should be te4 to trene,1 1'rom point to ~oint wLthin the Western Detense C~~4 wtltle pe.rtorming suoh ae;vi()ea or ass:tis tanoe., '· The federal Seour1ty Agency i,b.ould. be authorized to issue travel pernits to enable {;)eraon.s still within military areas to evacuate voluntarlly, where this is·ees ary 1 to make possible the reunicn or fam.ilifJa, some mem.bert;J ot which le tt the milt ta.ry areas be tore volQntefy evacuation was terminated. cc Wil.l ie.Jil 14. 8'91):e Richill;'d .tfeustadt MA\1 ~ 1 ~tM? 1. Tiro area.a in ·.he vicL"lit1 of Tenninal Island, Los Angeles County, Cilltornia 1 ?.ill b~ evacuated ttJf ail!e persons, both alitt a:na non:- illm~ during the ·peri-od of ~r-c:h Jl, 1%2 tc- April 5, 1942. 2. Tbe - dfll'"al Sacurity Agency ;dll be res ~nsiole or the est-blishcivil con rol station within , ch of the designated ment ttd sdmi:nist.rat icn o1 ttea.s. The FSA is authoriz~d to call lJJ'Oil the Office of Em"l"_genq 1£ana cement ci.nd!r Go.o"mlciea as mn:y b nec6ssary to fa.cUitat or-g-anization or hese stat.ions . coutac~ the Los Angeles ::-epresen ilve t.lo.nal in.formatisn on matters pe.rtc.inaddi for Agene1 Security of the .!ederal eva.c"Uati<m. the toing 3. i l l agencies -conc-er.n d will order nil be dated _llol)day, ll&rch 30, 1942 , and -will ecmpleted t, noon, ~ ay , pr:U 5, 19.!:.2 . A re-epon= "be direct that evaeuati~"t,_ and each indi viuual living, affected b!f th ami1y slole tAem er of each 4. 'fbe ~clusioo._ order, iiill repo:r-t to we proper 1..:ivil Control ...: ation menti.obed in ~agraph 2 ab-ove_,_ between hours of 8:-00 A.K:. and 5:00 P.M ., either 'f'u~sday , Jt:ll>ch 1 ! 31 or ednesda7, April 1, 1942.. racuati,on .5. as follows: t~ .Ass Friday, April ;, l9J,.2 - 500 :from ~ch ivil Cont.rol Stat.:on 11 rt " 11 A ril 4 , 1~42-500 11 areas. "f.ected a Snnday, April 5, 1%.2 -remainder of evacuees in Sat.~, 6. ~cuat.ed I t is contemplated that a_r:proximate ly J ,000 persons. lFill be. pursuant to the fo.regoing . 7.. Jled.iul e.xami..nati.orui will be conducted at tbe Assembly Center at ea th ,_:rt cit, .ho.ever_. th~ period of re .., • str .". t i n duri exceptional cases. ~~[""J":~~~l"P:~~!::'!l~!":!""'!'!:':''!"""!~~~r a. .Evacuees will b1" r.ivat\J aixtom:obile :in mitted to iroceed tQ the assemb}X area a~pervised ~ Provision will be :nade to comple ., groups~ - Centrol Station, L'lcluding all d tl• .register such au omo a sible subs uen.t transfer of title. Parking facilities nee~s:Bal7 fot--& ssembly (;en .. ei- cy &{Sencies appropriate- gua.r<is will be protlded a t concerned wh~re sueb vehicles will be immooilized. 9.. for 5lJ.1 &dait.ional i.nfon£tion relative to this memorandum appi.r Uiv:isionJ Planning Unit , ~ Fl"aacisco , 'alJ.f.ornia,. Phone llon ike 2-26ll.. to .EncuaUQD Operation~ ooa L.?O , Hotel Whitccmb, March 28, 1942 - 2 - IQ. x;1 .stribution of t.'iis memorandum is to the Spec_ial Agent in! Bureau o! invest.ig- tion, "n Francisco ffi.ce {Wr. Nat L.e Pieper), It ia reques~ed h~ natLf'y al.l oth:ar Spee-ial Ag~ts in t!ha rse conc:erned_, with the reques t. ttiat state and police be informed as ])rompt1.y a5 practic.a le by the.91. KARL tt • .BENDETS~ Colonel, u.s.c. A.aslstanl; 1..hie! o Aff Givil A.f!&irs Division Com-anding Gene:ral, . C & 4th Jn-rq All Secto-r -Gaumandera ( informa ti.on only) Bran~h Reacts of Dimi~n Read s and Unit s of Staff _ attd AD WCGA Federal Se-eu.rit7 Ageney (Kr. R. M. BeusUuit. ) Fedetl !!!S~Ye Be-nk (lb-~ YiR. V. Hale ) l'ld'm Sec:urit,. !daini.str1J.t.i-on (ltr-. !Aurel'l~e I . Hoes , Jr •i FlMl'ie?W7 »an&gellleht {llr-. &lim 1'bq&pson) De_partm_.t_-0! Justice {l&-:. l'ara c~ Cls-rk) U~ S . Ml.1-i;; Health tkrvicce (l.t. Col. Harrison) f\e : in uiry regaruing ,statement by F'arm Securt ty re r eseti.'tative i- t ~00 Calii'ol'ni.a Street . J::ou1~ I nave been .i,.ul'ol'me th Far~ Sec l~tity movement e> is .(;l by Mr •. McCur:l.':te 1 1st.ta tion is ,op io~ec tl:~ t l o the -- i" rm equl)ia:aent U ' such t'tum ectui Jmen.t ecessury for t.he O};.)eration of the fi.i.I'.tn . ~ 4;-· ?~-#o~~ .ek AU~·~ ,~. WESTERN DEFEN "'E COMMAND AND· FOUR."rH 4{tMY "'~ O!Ji,cc n f IWl.t.:mi Chief of St:atf, 5iCk ;, : .,,•.,. . -·-- W AR1'LME CIVIL CONTB.OL J\D;lMfiNlST TION. 12?.l 'M A& 7/ S't1Ul~1' 5111!.1 P'•Ablcraco. C.u.rno1t!4t1A 'rt Lfi>h on~'11.e 1· '.;6 J.1 11.a.~ch F'ROM: Mr. Oilchriat I bAve been u.r.iV'li.e ed by M:c·. cCarri~ of the J:'arm Security Admtnirstration the.t th~ f' .S .A .. i1' op osed to th.e mo vemll!nt 0! fa.rm eqUii;xn.ent if such .f~rm equipment ie nec.,c~sary £or the operation of tbe farm . Mr. M'cCaz·.rie , • t ..'WJ':.. dg n...oJt h!:!!'L w-i~tion over farm. !'Ud,her . <'"iqu.ipnent i ! such equipti'!nt is O~'fned by the Japanese em'"t'.rml- - Japa:n~ee insierte upon retaining his property . a~ s t ated t:.h&.t they eimpl;y dis aouc•age as nmcb its poesiblf' the movement. o! eqv.ipment neceel'.!ary f or contin:ued opera.ti.on. ... . I ha-ve been r e que ted by- Col. Bent;iets.en Lo a dvi.$e you t~i,-~_.J!..! ... ~2.J:_ebt e to~....J.!!~~f~.!£l!!..!.hl· r?.~~t one~ g.tven us. 14 These proc ma ions will be handed t o th liaison of iae~ p~io\. to the t iJne they are relea3ed for publica ti.on . In & like manner , Col. Betidetsen !Jl&i _Cj.,tld :P ft ~es ·::l ...,gf f a!yj, has inetructed all U_, " eueletype of new proclf!JMt.ions being ise~1ed. . • --- • • • Col. C. F. H&ll"l"ie of the Milih.ry Iotell;i.gen¢~ hae requeshd 0µr ~ocp erati~m in the turni ng ov r of rtJ.aps , pie ,ures of induett.1 81 t:1.rea~ and books on Ja.~nese ndust.ries. Also , pictures of Japa.neee uniforms. Col. Ha.rd..s will at a later dat ,Pe.r sona.lly cont.a.ct. Mr. Evereoa.. // ... ,Ja,eanet5e 9«=mtr&b.!-,_'!9._ 1. At ~ conference held this rno:rning, ~:tteuded by: Mr. Tom Cl.!!.rk., o,,pa.rtrnent;. oj.' Juetice Mr • R1 ~hard Neuatnd t. , P~deral Security Agency Mi- . P~ ree Oavi.e$,, F~d4!r1;1.l Seour·ity Agency Mr. J . P. GilchriBt , 1''edera.l rlf'lserv-El ~nk ir,i eontu!ction wtth the disposition of, ientnt vely &a follow~~ jj, wae agr-eed (~) Fed r~l Security AgenQy w~ll inetruot its repr~ senti.\tives at iaveey U, S. mBpiloym.e:n;t Ser vie! o.U:t c~ in tnie; VI B'tem Pefense Cqroman~ o1' con.ten,ts ot Proclwne.tiori. No. 3 and of th content.e of a p.rocl.amation to be iewued direct.i.n~ Japa..neBe a to the method of contra.l.><$:nd d,iapoei.t1on,. 1 " ( b) red6ral Secllrity Agency ill instntct ite employment tit'lrvice office repreaet tativee to accept contraband from J e.pane:se and to prepare rec~i pt e in te , delivering Oli)'>' to th o-wner, retaining one. The Agency rlll further instruct theoe reprt!:sentati ves to rrang with local warehouse cCllDlpa.nies o ick up the, etore t , and ii?' sue e. covering warehouse r eceipt. oil' t.J!l,f.! itet11E1 store·d. ( o) lfr. Tom Clark ba.e .a gc•eed ~d arr&nge for poaae ssicm to be t .a ken by the appropr-iete Urt1ted. Sta.tee ka.rshalls , The~e ~rshalls wot,;ld take poGeeseion o!' rece · pte, including 1 are- receipts~ probably U. $.Employment Service o.tfic r-opreec entr;tives should be instru~t. ed to mail these United States Ma. r~h~ll . NJCet .pts to t.he nearest ~, o C\1 l. 0£ the th11.t nQ enfo,l,'ll!~l!lrlt re!!tp-On$il?)il:l,tf will, be impl!liftifl'd by this a.r.r&nge.Jn$t Uf PJ) the, u. s. Imployment S~n··vice ciftio~r~ . Ai :px·ocl,,Mi~t~on W'i,ll be p'repar~d. t.h:!.s dat~ an:! copie:s wtlJ. b~ i?ypplie~ ~ , c<:ir~cqrn~~ ,t, the fi~st opportun;Lt.7 .. t sm 'cjelbeJ·tng a copy pereno~m deec~lbl!d abqv•~ ' ,It ;h 011 thie .memorandum Ul!ld~rsteod I K:aJ:•l R. B ndet,ee.ll Col'.cmel., G. 3 . C. , J,\sst . Chiat Qf $ta:f:f ~ Civil Atfa:1L- m Divirs.1.on ii ' ::n.oto ·1· M.'H.N dl·ti& ' l! 'lr..mlllllVllU..I TH AH!t? Or' SAN l \lf<JISCO, CALJ:kORNI.A .tr(~O 'PU:Sl,,IC PRt,)CL.- M .'J; IOJ WO. 4 pr ·.tt 'n., '1'01 'fh "Jh~ p~oi1l• ~tbiJl 'U\e bt;e;t.<1,1 o! . e.shington,,. fjr~gprt~ C~li.t:o ~' I Montana., Idah.o·, N•va.da • Utah md Ari~ona.,, 4.11t. tho PubliQ e~~eral:l1'" }.1he.rea:s, Br Public Proc'la.rnat on No. J., d.atf3d March 2, 1942,. this head- uartere, tnere was des gna.ted e.n.~ established M11itaT1 Area NWI\ber 1, and Wherpt, It is neee6'sary, in order to provide for tJ::ie ?J1el fa;:r4' the ord.e;I'lJ" evacu"'t.ion a.i re~ettlem.ent ~llld to i n.,ure of' J apanese migrating from Ullltaey Area N'o. 1, to t'i::st.riot and :regUlate suoh. migrations: NO , '.?HJt'l ~.r I, J. t . De :itt., Lieu.t(!lnant General , U. s . AJ."111¥ 1 by 1t ,, y o:r t he authority v ~ste.d i n m.e b7' the P:re.,1c\aot of the Un'.i.t4'd St.atH a,nd b;y t he Secret,ary of' W8.r ana. my p-01' JJefenae C<M:llllAnd , do mi prerog ti v. e ae Comma:,nding General, West ~:rn h~:r· •or dl!lclare thet the present s'ltua.tion r~quir u s a13 a - matter o! military nec•••ity that, COIDl11A!ln·c 1ng at 12 :00 miArdght, P . W. T.t March 29 , 1942, all a lien Japanese and persone of Japanese a noeetry who are within t he :i.ntits of J.l'ilitacy Area No. l, oe a.nd they l' hereby prohigited. !l!'am leaving that area pr.o~lcunation ell"' l: Ol' - any, p1.:1rpose until arrl to the 4tent tha. t a i'11ture order o.t' this head.quarter s Bha.ll. lf!O pemit or dir~c.t. Arij peraon violating l:.hie procla.m:ati.on w11.l be subject to the crimi.nal peQB.lties pr<>vided by Pub.lie Law No. 503, 't'lth <.:ongress, appro¥ed Mar~h 21, 1942, entitled : 11 An Act to Provi.cle a Penalty for Violation of l:l.eetr~c.tions or Orders with Respect to Pereons Entering, Rem..1.ining in , cor Gommitting Any Act in M.ili tary .Areas or- Zones • '' In the cas~ o.t' any alien em!3ey , ri.U 1n addition: be eubject to i.Jlmedia.t.e appreheneion and ;tnte:raD'J.e;nt. J. L.. DeWitt Lieu.t nant "eneral , U. Commanding . s. ~ Slil.Cb p E1rson ,. "l'Dq1J'll " t Hectdquart•r• Western. Dmns• ~omn1and and Fourth Army ,,..._..,. .o f s.,. '"'Ml.Co, Ccillfernl• Information end' Instructional Bulletin PRQCl!DURIS FOR OITAtNING EXEMPTIONS FROM EVACUATlON AND CURFEW !. 'l'he 001lUT1a.11cling Oenemtl hu,s nnuouncec1 that c t•tain diJ.81'1<lli ~)t }l(ll' onff mar roqllest 'txeinptfon i'.rotn or dtr~J'tn~nt o~ tll.e p:rovision.11 of Ptcmhu:natforui a.ttd Ci villa~ E:xclushm Ord~·11s n:s a:re t sued troni time to ti11.11.1 by or mad t" the authority· of Heruiqwi.rters, W st~H·n 1) fet'J.11~ Coml\'p ad, requiring the eytHmaijon:. ef Mrtl.~in classes of persons. bOJn prescvH>t:id ln.iiital"y ar()a.':l or zones. 2. Ferrill WDO:PiM 5 1mtltl d 1'AJl'pHcntion' ·f_Qr E11:11m'ption from M'trltu1·' , Evactwtiont 1 i<fontifles the clnsa·es of pe~ 0,11~ entitted to apply f'Jil.r xenit>Uor1 or ®f~rmeti.t from evacuation, ~nd p1·escrib(!s the pl!<>(l dm.: cR on<l the raitrt~· • of tbe pt·oof to be suhm.i tted £011 ~uch. c:xemy1tion. · 3. F'o1·tr1s o~ '' Ap pli •ntion ror Ji.h mptfon front Milita~iy Evoo111u.tion'' ( WDO:PM: I'>) will be tPnfb~ble cit till Unit d Post O!Ilces., O!'n<ie~ o·f th.c Uµ;itorl St1~t~s lmmigrntiort Servi<l" 1 llll(l ofl'ket! 17t11.int1tined by Wu.l'time Civil · ontrol Administ:r.n.t1on iu o.Jl of tho in t}ie We11tcrn Dcfen"! Command. .Area. Au.tho:r.i1.111i p1,11'soru will h~ on duty thcr11 durin~ u1m1ll hu 111 11s !tour~ to 1Uifrl$ qua'li'fled ttp1;1lic*ll~t~ .foJ.' c.i.; JT!'Ji).t.lull il1 th. vuova ta.ti oil of the ti.pjl1i •ation f<l'rmfl, 4'. When ceulplete<l, the qppHcntion -(orm WDO :PM 5 tog~the·r with uill o:f the deJllignilit~d 'Vroois re~ubed Ul conne •hl<11l th.erawltb, mtl.$1.\ ba t11ltm1 or mn:Jl(ld by ~he a.ppHea.nt to th• Seleetive erviee local Dra:ft Board il1 the area in which eipplicnnt re11ide11. 5. The lo<lel P1.·aift Boo,r:d, npan l"eecipt of the am>liM't:ion fomn will dete1·~ mine H nml t he i11d1l I ~i y of the prO<.lfs nttncbe1l tl1e1'oto. H found to be eom)llcte ~md H11ffleient, th locu.1 Drnft :nonrd \l~ill t'ran~mit tlle a.ppliea,tfon 1 with i'ta -r~e<lnn:ri ndcd ll·PP'.l.'O al, l;o 11 destg-tutteJ. Mlllttiry Oorl1.m'6:nd~l1' fo.r final del~isio11, Tf. tl1' nppJi at1ou is <11 approv d Ii · the Dv11£t 13oil.l!d, it will be r4,1tn.rned to tilte 1tpplicant. 6, H the d~s·ignn.te-0. Mtlita:l"y Oommmtder co1~<llill"K in the reeom·mecntfatlon ol the- local Dru.ft Boa:t•d1 .he will ir53ue to the npp-li eaot a p ·rm.It n.uthori:dng liim to c1.mdn11e to reside and to work in the proltibited. or. t~f$trfotcd. nrea, and to bo e~empt the necesaity oi! to ctJrlew reglil}ati'1lnn. ' · 7. Uthe o.pplfoatif.>n to1· ex6)mption b:om evJtcQa.t ion a.nd the supp0Jtti11f11 dooum~µts O.f1~ approv d by the desigmtt d Military om1u1u1der-, the np.i)~iol!l. ,tfon will be retafa,ed a.s a[lt .r.eeotd by the Millt,ary C~mma.nder. lf, on tbe other hand, tbe n.ppliee.tion ia dlsnppfoved by the l\filitory Oornm1.tnde1t it an.d all its snpportlug d oeumentrJ will be r~ u;n11ed to th ap:plii! .n t. 1 ·e t1l'lde s.t nd h t ie r·ta,1 d• 1n · } p:roc.$d'Ure 1":>'Ll 11 w~ll "' l ., t~ tn addl.<b1 n eh ng .4• L'!, f.i "' VJ-a eh('ttll ng !l,ousl\'Jh 14 ~ooets , ··alt• "l' q, :i a a1a,o ·ccQpt: pi."o.f'ei d s th t w i ch might e fc,~ttnd 1n a '.000tor ' :s pffi~· ·~ $U: .t 1so sto1ks o vi o ~nd1A , if ntist•'s o.t"f1(i•:.11 et '• urop rly box:ed,, • e.. Th,1 , of' cour19e, wtl iic inc'bid• it. 1.s i:t~t nded 6tl;1th1n o.f · P·• l'L ha'ble o semi-perish bl ,, J • 1 ot"' $~) I~ te&.d t'f t~ ~ .. 'F' !fLn~1 i:.o ( o<>,is into wei~eholul 1 U1 t? ·e al 1e.ou:rlii -t of tn. ,, ·o<>dm o ~., 1 .. A~e1uP wi.ll n.o t (!Jtt,ly tstak 1t61.'<t¢1. f\rtd del v J':' irtentiflte tibn .t1.• g t.~ he p aqf.!!fil U'f>on · te> the lll&Q eh•Ck .h gt)o~h. hous~·nc:rld. 1,or1ds, but ll!il.l li 'be •ar l'lo e ., i..tpon th~ eompl~ti ~ri or w"' t l he U, r. Relocl,'1 .1011 fn1tho ti ty , e d el,.~ ~red to 1 ubjeot to •r11e bo~e excepti ns .. f cour ~ , r f1 al deo1sio-r u1d w w111 i:v you ' ,he x. ct o:rd1rtg of the a. ~rut en t o th.II! mf!moi-on dum S SO n &.8 it i.., J'e'C'~ jNe(l b;T U$,. nc .csure v ;s;ot;ii I j11t I l cr.rry 4 ng out +.llr:t ""h !iO l tel • lit • p"t\f#( ' ' 1 ~.MJ~- 88j•ta tor J1rt J:. R._., Pa:ta S.OUJ'it.1 .Aainiat .Mt.icm ~1•• of treeaing powr ot a.p1o1A t.ur.:i propel"t r. / l. I hWs Had • • OOMi4-1'4Wd 7C'U1" M!llOl'u d• ot 11.r'Oh ~ , l9~ 2. Attcrr extt•.d•d OMl1'1ar&.t.1on ot :your lli.edon in, aona~t-iom the ~· ••Jeot, -.olQtn & • •.-or•du m da'-" Ma.roh, t'I , l 42• rela.-.1•• t;.o t.he ne•pomaibilit.y IA4 i;o..-ra of tb• '84. and the pl"lebl.6tia atte.nd.4'.nt upo'P tt..s u~.pli.11tb11urnt, t hn• cone \lded t.hat. ther4111 i• aeo•..ity ffJI" a :rwbiQn in th• u .t bod and circJ.1U tklo•• 'Wh•r•1n \h• f•••ain i ~·r i9 bo• •Allt'f:i•• d• ). In l'our rol•t.iona:hip wit.h the O'~ ~ :big Ge el'al. 11 " t• n h':f•na• Cocma.nd. and Four-th .A.r/1q, ;y·~u arct rott l"dad • a :repre11 oritativ• or \rut Pe • ~nt. ot Aq1..cultUJ:>Q • nd :t und•r• N?.d fro v ccmv r.a.tiiont " Y\"!V. ~ t., in e ;U.ahm•nt. ot m.Uai.on ufll. d t-ti• hp&~ nr.ent, ,.ou. s U.~ reprunont t.1ve 1 IU,"& Ml)lc, in.u all ()f th11 •a.ilab l• 4q1U"tu tl\al. • · 1e~s. In t.h$.a ClOnnoo'tion, l t tl'lt0l" ~ 1•tt.a.nd t~t. \h• rioul u al ar aoard.IJ tablien d. :l.n e;:toh ocu~n~:t 3r ol'••r ot t.b• D•orot. if of ric l.t.. ~, ha·r~ G. .1JbQltn:1rs p co~raln~ a l'a'pl" ,. nt•'"iv• e·f .v r;/ s. 111 ~0 ot Ut epo.1· .u nt ot grio lt.W"U. 1'be pr-1.m 111 bn .:l.tapcu•od upon t h OOl.nma.nd!ng G• i• li• t'l.t of the ~ao tion a ••'tlon of JU.l..l'c.&ry necs•••iif• , oocoar.p~iahluen\ qt 111.e >,i1H1on 1 ta h&rl pr<aMri «l that. it ah&ll b• CJ&r:r11td cut a) •ith t.h• ud.n.Ulwrt l.o.- in llll"i~ult.f.ll"al. pl'Od.ue-ta:n ooui.s.t ..n 'W1tb Pl"UPt. execatio n, Gd b ) rlt.b a ~ ot tair d:e.alir.i t.o e'l l oono•r lid. .tn l-.tte:r:- cue, l'IJ'Ot.eot!.o~ q[ t.h• p~1>1.:rti7 ln.terao t. of',eH and avoicUnc , so f&J' a.a prut.b-. Dl•, 4. 44l~I~ o.t ocenomi4c di.elocat. i.on ar Mjor phu~• of tn• pr~ibed et.hod. S• .lJt :r-oepon<tin 'two t.h• ,req~at. ot t.hQ GOllll.tandi?J. a.noi;-aiJ. t.o th• S•al,'at.a.l:",;r ot &J:", t. e ~ioultl.Ql'O P~eot nu 'h•r•tor e & the llliHion ot p.-rte~ t.h• lollotd.n gt a) To do evel")"t lng rttiae(.>nabl:y noetuuut.ry t.o pr4!Went Ul\1' orop lota aubeeq.u nt tipan .V-&0\Af'tion Andi t;,Q reduue to minim\flll the epollaa• or lo1ui or growing eropmi b) To u e st tiho e't'acueo 1n a au~$ti t.o ·t. rumt. of' &pft'4to r e. d a t.h 11 t lllo to pcr a rvo 1;.he 6V'aa:u.• • • •q,l.l1t:1 to t.1 fulldt able ISJ¢t•nt conai.&Jt lt 111 tli it.he ¢llo-f.a no.H in •HCh. OUGJ MO••._, to onr an4 •P••"• ,PNP41r\y Wbill"'•, ••enc• ol 11e0b. &01'~, gro'ldna CJO~ woul4 b9 ••ti.a.i.. or . . . .Md ev. 'h• wu-.•• cq\'l!J..\f• t..hOup ot HMO~l.• . . .kn••· 'WOul!i o'\h.-.rl•• cl-'c-io'J"&t.•. 0) :u tl,&,q 1n. t,ht 01• 6. lD t;>l"d.ff \o ao•-.pli•~ \tad• o\tjec\J1Y•• i~ 1• •• en al .U t.l'l• pc>11U fro ..,...••., avirualt.v..i p~ptri.T; e:ropa,, 1'a.N •d aerie liual equl~, 1-.~d W r1a4t)1 &Yailul• tor applioni._ in er-.... of ""._••i\~. bJA.--'• 1.nt..,..•t•• 7·. A• 'frh• Agric,.'.l..tural W'ar Dd•!'U haY• ..,._ orpnisaed :in e-.ih C0"1nt.r, it follow thJt.\ IUOll ~ U'9 .tatd.U&f' wi'l'l ~al pl"ObllftM ~ oo-ruUti.ou. fh,ey wo .have th• »i•.l'•<Onnel a.vul.ll!bl to prQlpt. im'••ii a.ti.on lall4. l""Galtlldat.S,otl Upon t.h• r4QQlllilMU'ldAt1on ot th• raz.a Se·ur:U.y l•ld qMt. l th.•r•toJ'!• pNJ'o•• t.hat t.b.• 11.& •. .ill&" ~r• M0.••"17 tio the a.o~OMplll~eat ot t.ll• objoct.1-..•• bo appU-4 enly '4JOl1 t.h• X'l6Qot1111oen4'.t1on. ot th• approptiat.• oount7 "" Boud:J t.hat auob. boedlt h• t.h final a.,-ttit•r H to wb.tner m· net th pow r to i'.re"o be tUrobed in. gi..,..n otu•. ie b4 hia wq _. th• '41:.101~ t k•'- to ".£'1: iltlli\t in ~ i.l'f.l'tanoe .-ill r ...... •11~ t.he eonaid@ed j·~•nt ot ralJ. •&ricul:t.w:- t.e;eneies . l~ 11-a.t•r!e.l t.o •het '"" th1. a.a•ncy """l?Oftl°G t() tn.oae 11 a suoJt rttcOl.l'illll•l'l t.j,.,c)rl ia t. ~e Fede.rflJ. ile&e.J"Yo. ~lit: ot · n !lr, one ot !k .-b4 a.nU or iaen•'1q, j.l,r whether it ia tn.e .ti.:t. a.g-errt. -ot 'h• 1ana Secnai-1t7•t~ationw lfal.•, fW"n.i•hin a oopy of UIQ:t"e. to ur. tU.lli• • •• rve Bank ot im ll'anciaooJ Mr. 1Ult.o lt.1e.eoho"!¥•t"; •r locat. on Aut. ~cu·.ity i ~. lid DO · ., O:l;r o 'X',_ ~ra.Qt.em Divb on, O.pwt.l•nt. • f Af;l'ioW.tur•J •tid J&-. Da't'~ Da¥ld1on, ehAiru.a, al.itomia ar Boarj. Oone\lH ~ l a l"< t.o. t,h• e~na Gar11tiial ••t•n P•ten•• 0Qf111Upd an:'1 lfourt.~1 l.nlf' t.h t. h• ~prvh t.n• pr<> M p~tJ4.n•d, Qcl t.ha'' ln I t.b•t&l¥.t ul 1ow .i'IU*•ton, •r• pro~rt.y 1- • .fri11•l'l" and o~r•t-' bT JQ\U' Al!..•'MY', tun49 be ud8 ,• for h opol:"d on. u tor tl'M hiririg of op•l"&t«>r111 ad !Qr t • ~D.ue ot t~ ct. d, • · 9. l&dera.1. Keu-1 • Colonel, •ia 4•Q • s. c. . t CM t ~? St•ff' ~il Attnir• »ivi•ion WESTiffii~ D~ COMMAND AND FOURTH AP..YY Off ice of Assistant Cnief of tarf CiVil Affiirs Division WARTT!.i'E CIVIL c mor. lU)MINISTRATION 1231 Mark~t treet San Francisco~ G8 lifornia Teleph-0ne KLondike 2-2611 March 'l7 , 1 • 2 MD.IDRANDUM TO : lfi". Armstrong Mr. Gllchri5t. Evacue-e Property Dept. This is a eopy of a tele-type message dated as of today from Col. Haas with th-e 'toll~ng 11otation: "Inform Federal R,.s~rTe th.rough rd. Gilcbrist o! tne atorige apace availa~le so thay will n~t overlook this in makitlg storage rentals in Portland." Mar. 2,, 1942, 3 11'""1'2 V Y9 CK l 9 8 S024 l EX RESTRICTED 9~06 a.m. HG Mew & l l Army Gorps ET LEWIS WN MARCH- 2"5 852.A COlmANDING GENT"~ WCD &;.4th ARMY PSF RESTRICTED PROPOSED SITE FOR TEMPORARY CAMP FOR XVACUEES AT PACIFIC INTERNATIONA LlVtsTOCK Ell'OSITIOll IN PORTLA!ID, OBS'GON, INSPR;TED BY REPRESENTATIVE OF DISTRICT ENGTIH!ER ACC-OMP.llUED BY REPRF.S"'NTATIVE F MS OFFICE. WILL ROUSE 6SOt ?E · PLE IN BUILDINGS. LARGE FA..tfKING AREA , VAll.ABLE FOR IMPOUNDING VE'filcr..t,ES OB. flII.L ROLD 1000 TENTS. 2Zo00 SQ. FT 8TOR..~GE---SPAG]~ FOR H01JSEffOLU G-0000-.....AVAILABLE ON SITE. TO ROUSE 0000 PEOPLE WOULD NEED ABOUT 200 OUTSIDE WASH RACKS, ,0 EACH 5 SEAT PIT LATRI~ n'.3 1t1'1 TH ROOFS, AND LOO SHOV R Hl:ADS. SPADE. A.."!fil DRAINS FOR ff"rl WERS EXIST IlI BUILDING. FACILITIES FOR HEATING MUST BE SUPPLIED. WATER ADJQ,UATE~ SF\'l.AGE .PERHAPS INADEQ.tTA1 ~ , BUT --- WRPSENTAT~ OF DISTRICT ENGINEER ~TATli'~ THIS CAN BE R?MEDIED. 2 MILE3 8 STRAND B.llULD WI R"'" F~.!OE ~EDED 'I'O ENC-L SE. RECOMMEND DISTRICT EMG INEER BE INS'rRUCTt D TO PROCEED AT .'0:9: 'iUTH CAMP FOR 6500 PEOP-LEAT THIS SITE. AI.THOUGH THIS &c~ B-Y 2000 THE NUMB~ EXPECTED FROM OREG-ON, THE ADDITIONAL BOUSL~~ FAQTLITIES ARE. 1IBCOMiaNDJID TO CAR FOR PQSBIBU INAf3IL1IT F 'NA.SHI~-UTON SIT'm TO Mm' ALL REQUIREMENTS. INSPECTION OF PROPOS~ ::>rr _ AT LYNDEN' WASHINGTON BY REPRJSn..~ATrVFS OF THIS HMDQ>UART~RS AND REPREs~I'ATIVE OF DISTRICT Em.INEER CONFIRMS USABILITY OF THAT SITE WHICH 'flAS PREVIOUSLY RE{;OMMENIJED IN TELETYP1t FROM TF.J:S HSADQUARTERS ON :.fARCH 22 JOYCE S 'f 9-05A 1l Jnl } V F.J9 905A 'l'Y2 1mW Laurenee I. Uew•H•, J .r . , Departnen~ oE 140 lisle, Federal R~senTe Bank, Agr~c~lture, I R. •• ~eu.tadt - A• c. Miller, Agency, Tom. c. Clark - WallaQit Howland, Department of Justice~ Fed~Tal S~QUl'ity Dr~ B. II+ Woode; Natt~ne.J. Resources Planning Board. J alm La:wler, Treas\ll"y Departlllef.'lt. Dean Jenninge, Office of Emergency M-riagement, R. 1. Nichols'o n, Prog:iteea ... - Ad~n11ti~ation.. ,__. _. .. ,.-..,_ _!o_r~e lU?i t. ___ h> , ~ ._ u t.L'. ~JJ- . -aceo1in ·~ - ... ~~ ( ~J~ ·-··"·--.. '!'he public: is en.titled. to a. coinplete and clear oi' the e.ctivitiee of the Federnl Government in evac~ting JapaneH and other persons from iailita.17 areas and in relocating them. Several agenc~ee ... ~ are involved in this program, each peJ.'f''bMlling a nec•H•O' runction. TQ make availa.ble the maximwu ~unt.. or. pertinent information, without conflict or dupl,ication., will require cloee eooperat~~on b$'1;.ween a,11 of ue •orldng 1n tn;b t'i.eld •. We thfrefore suggest that., beginning ilnmediattily, eacn ag~n<iy invqlYiecl elee.r with the Wartime Civil Control Adm.inietrat.:lon 1t.nt1 the Vfar Relocation Au.tb.orit;y all. int·o~tiona.1 m.aterial r.elatiDg to An.:V J>h$.se of the e-vMu.aU.on and relocation program. We undertak~ to clear such material promptly. ll'ith th,1.e in mind~ the Saa Franc1:.,19co in!ormation office of the War Reloaa.tion , Authority and th"' Preas Branch of the Wartime Civil Control Adndn1etratior:t hav~ been located in the e.ame building - The Whitcomb Hotel. .f:.!E.t4 . ~ Si~tt,_ 81Jo'!1. 481,, -~.!.. IE -~!! e g ~th~ Preas ~oh.. Q.C. rf~im! Ci"fi!_, _ ·'C()ntNl Adndnlitra ion. and Jghn Bird, Room 348. ie in charve of ' ?\lbli4' Rel:ationrf 'cYt"Jfu Relocation' A1J,t." orll;y. · · ,....P ....... ,. •• · of.. j •••• The coop'!Tat1on M. s. Ei•enhower, Director, W8.r Relocation Author'it;r. ·;<S (C.opy tor 11.r. Arm5t.romg) ' MElORANpUlt tor Colonel. ~s a!lld Colonel ' Su.bjeet • and evaouat:Lon 19ched\ St,oz-a:ge ep.ace ..__,__ ....... ....., ... The Fede~al Re~erv~ Bank has a.o¢epted. re~p,,:ittnil:!i..litt eucb et~ra~e ~pace as INl.y be necee4ary to pTov~de stol"$.ge for stock~ of goods , sUbshntia:l ht:)usenol , it~m.s , etc., or evacuttes. 1.. for acqu~rin~ 2. Some stprsg~ space ie already avail ble in the a.sistiSnbl.T .3. Will you <r.indly' provide f()r keeping tile Federal Reserve c~nters acquired and to be acquired • B>l.nk &dvia ed thr-ough its lia'i aon o.r fie er I Mr. Gilchriet' or the loc ati on of &JSsembl.y cente~ 8 , the times when tbe;r will be complete<:t or' oco\1pied G.114, U'!>le-,, tbe qUl.\nUiy o.t.' usable etiorage ~pt!ce. Kul ~t . Ber1d.eteen Colonel, G. A~sietent s. c. Chief of' Staff Civil Affairs Divis~om -con- 1. Be sure that;. the pl unit includes in:etrv.ctiono r~g&p(!1,ng th.e parking or cars tit. a:.ssembly- centet"s by- e'racut!lea .t'o:r im')oundin~ there, and to kee)'J th" lt'ec,terAl tte~erve Bank and the Feder·a.l Seou.rtty A<.irnin.tstre.ti.on a,d.v'i.Bed o;f' these in1Jt.ructd.on19 11'1 a~v~nce. 2 . 'Som.e of r~~bing the ee car·~ ee:oula be included in planning ullit instructions . l'hie is f.lartLcu.larJ.r d,e.sirable because 1,t may be trat the alteQ propert;>~ cu.13t<>dian wil.l. eubae,.. quet1ttl;r vest t..h t1 tl-e to all eiueh prope.rt;y 1.n the United Stn. tes 111.nd if so, t.h.e ~ct.ion can b~ ~aken by duar'lb'ing the property a.lreaidy de·:scribed i.xi the regiBtra,tion data. or :rec.e lpts . 3 , It mJ.ght. be well to e uth.oriu the f'edera.l. Reaerve '8ank .tield agf?nalee t.o advise evaeueea a.bout cS1r p.ariQ.n15 fs cilitie' -'% at assembly certte,..e A nj ta g:i,ve the I ~dt!:ral. t serve instructions in thilB regard. Karl R. Bendeteen Colonel, C. S. C. Assistant Chi~f of Staff Civil Affairs Div~ei~ WAllTIME OIVI1 C ONT'ROL A:0M!NISTRAT10l't 12)1 !i.{ar.k et Stireet San Jrancisoo, California Telepboile KLondike ~-2611 48.rcfi 26, 1942 M,EMORANDUM TO : !.fr. Ara:tS trong FROM: Ml'. Gilo.b rist, EvaQuee Property Dep•t 11 I nave b~en into:rm.ed by ooi. aendetsen tnat, beginning at m.idnigp.t, Sunday, March 29t,h, there will be no more volt.m:tary evacuation from atllitary area nwnb«l1l" one. At this· time 1 reeei ved permtesi&n from Col. Bendeteen to advise all ' of our r~prAsentativea of the foregoing. ea - r ., l mRA .~OmA Im. 1.. Half.I, :H•eaeral Reserve Be..nlc Mr. Ri chard Neustadt, Federal Security A _. ~noy • •H.lton F; r, 'H ar Relocatioo Authorlty ZN for ,Ir. , Stora of Japanese property till~ino· randu.m l. f{efer~ 2. In order to provlde for those oases ln whi ch ~~ anese merchants and r ofese .onel men ar Lnable to dis po se of ctated a prev io e is ma.d.e t tJa rot1 21.. , l 42, witn re ard 't.~ provision :t'or thfJ storage of hnusehold ocds ot Japane~e vacue~s. The soope ot tbe;r:-andl m on. its face ts 11 !t€1d to h oueenold oods. tneir a toe.ks and good:s on any r A sonnble bas1. a, storage of atocks or goods, w.are$ , mercllan<liee e,nd professional equipment, wh~n crated and pl;l.oked. ts authorized. J. Som.e stocks may inetlud perishable goods and o.ther unaccepta.bJ.e itema . St...>rage wtll be on the basis of a.ppll• cation :for perm· ss i(,>n t o store, a!'i.d approval of the application by local authority. The Q.iv i aion of responsibllity as set forth in the memor rldum of ·I areh 24th. will obtain s ugge stion only to the rnodiflcation proposed n t.he niemore.ndu.m o even date herAwith with respect to paragraph 7 01' the memorandum. of Ma,rc!i 24th." 4, ' KARL I:. BENDRJ;'SEN {signed) Colonel G •.8 ,C . Assistant Chief of Staff Civil Affairs Division sJo l , ~ l tt.: t;'!.ns ii:tlin ee! .. WESTERN D~PENSB COMMAND t\ND FOURTH ARMY Otfj.ct of Assi.IC/l,Jl.I: CM~f of Stn$', CMr Affair* Oiyia'i1>11 Wfi.RTT.MR ClvtL OON1ROJ. AOMlNf '::t~TlQN t 2 ~ MA11ir.11·t1 S'l'lll!llT 1$,v.t f;.AN.(/\il <>1 CMi.,tllOll.~ttl\ T ~tdphott11 K,Loblbl#:W! 2.· '24 l l Mr . R. E. :IDw"eri;)iOn, Aae1.eta..'1t Oaahier Ree~rve B~n!c (>f Sl\n en.~ F'l"anci~oo, California Federal. Dear F:raae:tsoo ~ . Evrer~ion: Ill HsponBe t0i ycu:r ·~e1:pJ.e!!!'t of March 23 ~·a a).<e ~il-· you ~over :t'U'-teen copio~ of eae·h of' the sta.ti19Uoail bu.lletlna so far issued by thi• Qt: £ice, and in the fu1ture will you to l'eeeive sixteen copies of such bu.1.latil1s, for dietl'i'buM.on to variow:; in yov.r orgtm:imtion. Very ~' ~.,, ra ·' t< Ohi.ef, Statitrtioa.l Division ~ST'kru O}llF'Jt;t-reHil' c OMMANP A.NP ~' ffice of Assistaat Onief of dt~ff, _ ___._0...,.l_v,il A.f\t 'at,rs Diy1.atou ,__,_. 11' !'ME c1v:r:r.. CvN'l"R 12.31 Mark: at L )).DMTNIS'.CRAT!ON <:; treet San franeisco, Calitorula 1 Telephone: Kl.on.dike 2-26ll Maron 25, 194.2 ~ r.1. p,ffl',MORAN'DUM for M.r. Subject: Reports to the FBI on substitut illiao1 Hale, rederal.. Reserve l3a.nk, San .lfrancieoo fa~mers Commanding G ~ eral h!!s directed me to req 1..J.est that you instruct your pro pr:?rty protection f'leld representatives 1irn~e1ged in t .h e e aouatl<>.o. P:!i"e>gram to do the fa.lllowing: Th~ ( a) Where substitute occupa.n ts o.f. propex•ty formerly occ:upied , rerrned, owned, rented o:r operated by Japa,nene llave been procured by your rapresentative, to furnish a list of' such persons to be the nea~est iSI office for checking and to t' a d l pli ca,telist th;ro us.ti ~ICCA channels to this Division for delivery to the Military Intelligence Div1aion . Karl · • BenQ,eteei:l • C Colonel G. Assistant Chief of Staff Civil Affairs Division WAR'rl!tf!E CIV!]'., CO JTROt AD:.p: ~l$Tli~l 123.ll Mal'ket Street ., Sian 1i:ra1noiaoo, Oa,ti:to;rmia ,. 1 el e pb.o n e: .KLotid Uc.e 2. ... 2 611 M:n:MQH.AlllDCTM TO: 500 CaJ.Xforrtia b• Arm.strong N treet 1 • :FRO a: Mr. J. F. G1lahr1~t We he,ve been not11" ied thait ' c-. 1 arry A." McCarrie will now act as liaison for tne .H1arm Security Administratio.n. Mr. MoCarrie l"'EtJlaces . r. Al. _,rop;is. The arm e->eeurlty room number is 1'469 1• ~nd tbelr exten~ton is "304~~ Cnptaun S$.ntto tt has advised rn~1 that a representativ~ p.f th1;1 R. ' · u., Federal Sesarv~ Bank:, 10? South. 11 pr, Street,. Los Angeles, Phone 6 Sarg~artt ~enny Rayee 1~ " What provisions h~ve · been £nlll.d:e for Tt1oitr 6716, extension ), teiepHoned to PasaQ.ena.,,o@i tije :ro lloWii.Ql.!P' atorlng or household eff~ots of e•ac~ees?". Sargeant Re.yes telephoned head uarters here. re ueld ting tha t this inquir.Y' be answe;t"ed by phone. Cap tai.n .5innott referred the inq.uiry to me w.i tl'l th follow i.n n<.:>tation; "#.U l you please pnone him, with the answer. .A'y ia tb.e 1i'edera1 l eservte b,ut maybe you. can te.11 him t h.roue;h whom 1t ;ls handled.', signed, Sinnott . I too.!$: this matter up w~tb. Cal. Bendeteen, w o stated: "A limited, hie storage e.mount of st rage .S'p aoe is available at Santa Anita. s apace is thi lhe.n evaoue~e. o!' se the ror ted spa.Qe will be ~llot uttlizedi, it w,l).l become t.tle re sp onsibility of tbe ~' ederal Eeser v'e Ban.k to locate additional warehouse fa.eilitiea other tt1an t.hol3e prov.tded at Santa Anita." I just come from a meeting with Col. Bendet d en, who stated that ae s,oon as da11. ta nLte. is ready e sees no reason why a. Japanese !'am:tly co l.d. not V()lttnta:rily rnove in lmmed.1.ately. Mr. Lawler a.l::so at t e,nded m:eeti.rig and it was dieoovered that the Bank wi1i alao be expected. to contract t'o.r draya:ge :from the point of origi.n (the home) to tne rece ption <i,enter ~ · f~i<i e of ~as1st'ant Ch;!:. et of Start~, ____gi!A !, ART i ..~· ff a~~ Dj, v,i, ~t£gj_ __ _ ci:vrt. e ar~·rR 0 L A.DMIN" STR.A'f. O.N 1231 eJ:rrit t ,s treet · San l'rw1e,1.e,co. ' Cal.1.:for nie •• Telephon e: K:Londlke 2-26ll t.iia~oh 'l10: Mr. Wllliam t, ~ 24, l. :J42 ~· ~~ Hale, Federal Ree .e.rve 13a,n)c, San Frano:L.arzo . Mr~ .tliohard 1.Neut;lt~d r Jeder1!l $ eoli.r;i t;r gen:oy, San li r~p,c isoo Mr. Milton Ei.senho wer, w.a r Relocati on Auth.ori ty I n the eva~uatiori of .SeHnbri dge Island o,nd in a J. l subsequ ent ~v~cuatic;me , the Federal Seourity Agency and the F ed~ral ne:3erve :Ban~ of San li renoii;1~0 are authdriz.~d aQd direc'ted to establis h and employ th e ro lloW ing procech.t. re 1 trt handli ne the storage of househo ld goo ds 1. t etaouPes : The Federal Reserv e Bank of San Jranaiao o is charged ~ith the respo as l b .Llity of obtainin g suitable storage space togethe r with auf'ficiP nt s taff' to handle the w a reh o us i ~1g of the hou.seho ld goods., 2. The Federal Res1vve Bank is charged with t'espons ibiU.ty of arra ngi ng !n any way thet l t aee:;J· f'i. t ror th ~ua. rd lng or s1Jch w arehouse~ and of ari.y pToperty not warehou sed, pend,Lng it.s li rlUiP.a.tio n. 3. '.Eh e Fede1•al Re s erve Bank r Sa..n Itra c isao i.s ch~rged with the respo bility of entering into cont~ra~ts 'for t,he rern.t:>va,l Of hou~ebold oods t o be st ured to the wa~ · ho~se, 4. 1 5. The .itederaJ. Security 6. 'rhe ll' ederal S<:M1..1rity Agency is c harge d wj,th the res ponsibi lity of !'.b.e l''ederel Sec urity- "'genoy is charge d wit h the respone tb1lit1 qf. regi ster ng evacuees wi1en they appear at the (,}i vil Control O't'f.iae . Eae1 evacuee wi l l be pro·v lded w'itil an mber tot" iden-tifi cagion. purpoee·s . Age~cy is charge d. with t.he respons ibility of obtailni tig from. the evac ~~.,e a l lst of the h · 111:1etlold effeo 't e wb.:!..c,b he d<esires to n.av"9 :stored. The n1..J.rnber ass tgned to the eho uld be placed upon this list and t he: s no u.ld ba. deli v·ered to tb!e ).l epresentati ve of the .l!' ederal Reserve Bank of S El'l ; ra11ci soo present 1.n ttle Civil Qont re 1 f.'f ice_ deliver ing t the evac uee ld entifiaa tion ta s to be placed ~goo Ea. c h ta shall b ar the number assi&rted to the his hot.isE-lhold "goods. evaouee . 7. Tn~ ederal. )i.eaerve ank Of San Frano i s(1.o , f ter u sing t.he list of. ho us hold i;r;;<mds f urnis,h ed by the ~' e de ecur ity ency- in m..o:v-in ~ the :f urniture tnto: st.o rage sriell. deliver t llat lLst to ttle. r epreae11 tativ0 Qf t he 'I ar 1telooati o.n 1_.thority or.e s n t irt th e Civll Ci:rntool ff ice . w l;l be cba:rg~d with, t e :tesp()¢ ib11 i ty ' $'b}Oh b.<n.taehold; effe01te tram .st~l'S@S ~O tl).e iit ~ettletnent ' ' ' ' bl}e e'tl!l'iOll)Se i~ L1lt:tmait·~l 1y SS·tftbl S::tH!d. e1do~tL014 . utltority 1 '~A L 'R. h,ar'l l ·.. erid,e t fl.en . ~. Q. S:$istant Chtet cf , "' taff o.t vil Affatrs DlVlte :ton Colon~l ' I ,, ...._....,__________,...__.,..____ . ... ...,.._-~..,..~ -~ .. ~ .. i· -~..,..,,...,...~"'rtt ~ ....-....,.....------- M!JMORA.NDUN 01 0 S'U'b jedt: l. Terupol"ary Induction Center Fao111ties, Nortnern Cal i:toraia Sector Conference at ottio ~ ot Assiatant ·C biet of Start, Civil A.ft81ra D1v11ion, Saturday, March 21, 1942, attended by the tollow1ng: .......... (a) ( b) ( o) 2., Division EngiAeer, South Pacitic Division ~hief of Sta:ft, G 4 and the '!ngi~eer, Northern California Sector Assiatan.t Ohief ot ~3tafr, Oivil A!''t~i:rs l>1viai1oa Following tentative agreeme.nt relative to the total. temwrar1 1'acil1t1es required and the distribution of s ~oh tac1l.1 ti ea was reached: ( ll) (b) ( 0) temporary tac111t1ea projected - 40,000 Immediate objective (with provision tor immediate exp·a nsion to 40 ,000) - JO, 000 Distribution Marysville fair grounds - capa~ity 3,000 Sacrameato fa1.:r groUDds - aapac 1ty 5, 000 Stockton fair grounds - oapaci ty 5 ,000 Modesto tair grounds - capacitf ~,000 Merced fair grounds - e•pacity 5,000 Fresno fair ground• - capacity 5,000 ( E.normo1,ia empty bui).dinga in Fr-es110 tor storage; Calpa1c Co. a.nd Thompson. Co. ) Pinedale - 6 miles north ot Freeno, east or 199 all new conatr~ction) capacity 5,000 T~lare fair ground• - capacity ),000 Bakersfield tair ground• - cap·a oit1 2 ,000 Sa11naa Rodeo groU.11da - oape.o1ty 3,009 ). Diviai@n Engineer, South Pacific Divieion will aubmi1t plan and recommendation as to total available capacity and tbe t1me req~ir&d to~ aceompiiab.ment ot capacities. Karl R. Bendeteen Col •1 G. S. C. Assistant Ch.iiet o.t Sta:tt C1v11 A!'tairs IJivia:tom Karch ....... __ , _ l, 1942 ............ . llO> ..,......,......... , 111' . UllOH.ANDUJ( TO: llJ>.-~'°O ,G ~~·~" TOML f.1 Ani"E'54? MR. HAL'E MR. EVE.RS ;:;;. , ..,,.,..,.,,.,,.. ~~~M~· ~~·¢ S IIBJECIJ~ : r H C'.EB.'I'AI.N IJ. S • E • S. OF'FI CES V. N· , :,, 1~~" f I • Mr. Arthur Miller of t;he Federal Security Agency requested Colonel Jltagill under date of Ma. cb. lS, 1942 to arrange to have ce·rtain of the u.s.E.s. ~o'Wltry locations, wh1ah are situated in :proh1b:i, ted a1·ea.s, made ac:icessible to ~ evacuees W'b.a are prevented. from. coming into thEJ zones i .lll.,... ~ .·· ·volv~d. 'rhe of'fice~ in questlon are set fo:tth 1n the ( . J memQra.ndum acconip~nying M:r· . Miller's letter. ~ In a.dditio11 to the mo.n mra.odum, the suggestion was made that the five mile travel limitation on alien$ prevents some of the rural reoidents .from g.e tting into town. We were 1nformed by Mr. Giichrist over tne telephone at 12:20 P.M., March 21 , 194~, that Col<>nel Eoekel states the Army has ap;pro"V~ed /l!r;o Miller's recommendatj.ons ~nd that publicity will be ~1ven in the local papers. in tne several communities affected, making .k.llovm tlie relaxation of present instructions. Furthermcre , communities will oe advised that persons may go aut of the iive· mile .zone for the :purpose of oontacti;ng "'J.S .E~ S · of1'1.CES where they Will Obtail "pink slipsll from the U.S.E. s. representatives wbich will give at those offices. evi~ence of their calls : 1t;:J. a;V J\ c) 1 ltalfan. O SGR:VJ.C:B llEQLJESll!D f3 D ~n-only Tta~J. .pemut and':~" _ofr~:t:e1!JO!'t - 0 fitiplu_ !en.t1n-0£0rion ....s.~ -·-o PropID"y ~~ @thirt • ( p«lft! DISPOSITION 0 0 sernce without nlerra! tl1IV_d ~ fu,u~ Q Referred to CJt, us. J.~ cllice 0 Relw:ai to another 'ill-cc.A: o!i~ - Q Net:.wk to ~dk (cnJain) .Re~.ui-e<- _ _ _.,.. --~------- UUfJ Mll!ICI llDmAL · R - .......... , I~ •. o.. ~ C.loiMl ., M !¢1 ,.Clla bthw 'C. Prcn'1~ Ir .. in Maglll j ·U •r ~cul ktit.i•aq tld W.t.• Lawtlll Atnn · tt'h•• ur..lpa\.94 t• (,.': " •• •' aW.m.a _,. th• :t. ,_, •• ,.. ~ lo,._ ~. •.._,l!lMI l'Obil4"4 ft• •ltlu• d lb: tat.a~=-. •nift ~ 19 W. Which h'• lotlat.t -d\~ •~• dalpt..._ t.a !I.' · .~ hauu•1 ...-. Uft44 lo tl'Mt atwbM ~. . . . t"-.,~ ~ Mr·· •t.(1.on• be'M aac,t~••• ·t o ' ld ,pri'OT!A.• ......w a" ............ a.wt..•, ....,,- •. ·t.t.•• • e w tl 'M lmolT. . isr. •fW.W•£c loa• of '1.u· 9f 1be 1~1\e4 a,Cl•&• tw ..... Glf!.C• e.\ JlllltiDte t t. amt if, 1# GOtud.d.wui., 'M ta. rCCl Mila .... \4 ~"- ......blS.eb l.whl ...... " . . . . .-.• ...i. . 1-t." >11 cw; lltae4 t.n t.b9 a.t,t.uta• _,al, ._ wq tm: Vile• tftr 0-dd• O\lltl' "°".. ••M••· r..--.t• a...i 1t;1Ui .,...... •t.b•&. r' t>f th• A·t;........, mM• th.• ~.. inNl"' .... b•• •PG'•..s.4 ... ~" ,, ,..,... Uf U. e:U.U. •o• 1 '9' t ~rU7 C'J>aJ'it'n4 .... Q....,:l U.TI ~ of \Ja• fr•.U.t 4.a\ed. ,...,..., 19, 1,42, - - ~\ t Dill QU• • · tM pt.r' I QJ.4i A '-Mt ~ •1 l~ Ll Ul1a . . . . .~1•• - ... ..... 0.... t:. .. -.... .._...,,_~ •. ~ *11• rtitl•~,...... '*''~· Ud 1· J\a\q .._*'1h•M$...U.... fhl lo.11-bi Uei. U. V.nUllll ' ke 1n ~Mlcl ~ , w &lTIMt ""'9 o1 ...... n1- , w-u • • u.... cdA•• lllC1o•' 1-•1.~ ....., l) .u.-..1 l"fMe • ._.,__. l o,_.. ••14 • tw ' ' ~TF~lm lJ"Jq_ENSE f MM,\Xl?,)UW · tlS'rf Ctf ice of Assis C ie.f ot S~~tt , ~ Civi;... At'! a.1ts 1nivirdit1Qn ~ •. AlcTJlul'~ , · ,c t VIt .teJ.1. 001'\Il'Ry. ~ AD UN ' ST.AA~!~. " Matl~et Sit~aet IS ~n ~"ra.nci so o 1 ~e. l,ifoll"t'lia Telepno·h e . (t¢ 500 Mr , l{Londike :2-2 611 • rch 2:0, 1942 (f';; a. i J, P!J=;7;:•), I Oolc~,1 enaetsen Lieut . Ool. l vanB ·1eut . Col . Boekel .·;r. Gilchrist. Mr. C..:>61S DI". Dedrick Mr . Cl ll rk r i J!!isennowerr Mr. Peal·ce Davies 'I · g~n c y , I ts ' lia1 son r e res~ntati•e to r tha ' ~~eral ~ eau ti ty pr e·pa red t Q ma.1ke any contacts you W1. ~tl Wfth Agency martl'b ers of tbe 1-!'e deral Regional Council exoept t bo ee u.ader t)'la 1 • s . Depart ent of gr t oulture. Contacts wltb r l c ul t1..11·e.1 Age11ci$a ·s l\o·uHI. be made th1"'ough Ur . Al. Co g .1.s of' Farrn Se ou r i.t;r Adm.iniS1.tretion, ~1a :laon rep res~ntat l v e here for that ~ . roup, l:l{ll the t''t:)llowing: ~d Oth er Ag enc les of the ra 1 ioDi~l Counoil tno lu~~ and. W8l 'f'ar~· Se'r v 1ces, Division. of Redr~at..L·on D vision of Soc i al ~~otect i on Div1sio11 of l'u.trition Oft ice of' De ten se ,He$ lt h ¥e deral Security Ag~ncy: Civiliafl. Conservation Cor,Ps u. S . uffice of ~duoation ? ational Youth a tra ti on u. S . Public Health Se:r;vite , So cial S~ourity B· a,ia.d. : itr$ fH.1r• Oi' CJ,~ d Age and S uit~~~ vo.;r !tnflura.tlp e E.rnpl.o yment Se ~u:ri t 1 Publ;ic Ass l etan'~e ederal o~ks Age.n ey ~ in~1udlas applicat i ons of commun:i~y f'tt.c~11tLe1' bi.ll, oom?mnly kaown· as L$nh~ui. io.t . ' ~,,u.rn 1 !1 1 Bui J,,di,ng Mm1nis t Public WQ. ks, t he ratlon :>ubl.:te 1Road·s ~ .d~blst.:rat i';ui . ~n4 .· ·;;11,t'Q+.~?" , ,o 1.k . . •: · \ · .i11 lj! < I ~ l l µ ~ ) 'I' I I { ' ' 1 ' £'~ J3endetsen. .L iel:Lt , 0Ql . '.ffJvans 'Lieut. Co ,1 . .Bo~kie1 n" C}i.lchrist Mr. Oogie: Dr ~ 'Oe'd ir ~ c ~ ur. c:tar~ · Mr. Eissnhoweir MR . P'SJA.RC'Jli DAVIES ' atiooat Rousing Aiitnin~stretion , incl.titli'n g Federal P1.lbl Le l"o'us.tng Author·1 ty (tort\'leirly u. • H'Hxaihg AtJrthority}. Natlcr~al. o~f1oe Rlil?sources :~ 1annin~ ,BoaFd of Clviliaa Defense Dep rtment 01' the Inte r ior , r at,;io(la.l Park 8 rvice DP J.»f;l::rtmAl'lt of ....abo r, Gtlildren.$. · ureau Administration Ve t~tens ll ta.te Colilrno ils of .Def'ense All State Agencies dealing with · el.fare and Health~ Education. Pearce Davies Liaiso n Federal Seouri t>y Agency '. 0 c p '{ ifice ot Asslat•nt Chief br jtaf~ , _ __Q.,i v 1 l. Ar~ a. i nLPl '\/'ts 12.!L_...............,_ 'U Jii:J, T 1: ['E: cr a•n '.I l~)l Cl ur;1rrwi .U~[ NI' 'l1RJ 1/I ' fA !i arket ·treet Ca ifornL• lr~~ol~oo~ elepllcr..1e; 1 ,Lo nd.ike 2 .... ~611 1 .~a rch 1942 ..._.._~IO"'jM#""'Jt; IBMOH IDDI tor 5ubjec : 1. ""h Mr. 2. '~l:r . • ill..iam I" . lLale e~e~al Re•erv~ Bank Evacuation or ~ainbridSe .,. I ~land ac oomp~rnyi ng aopl es oi" rnecnoi-andum to • r. .1...arry Hewes a.nd adt are self- :x plan.atory. " ~'L It ·a reqr estied that yo1.n; orp,a,nization ,artioi.pate f1llly in the pro:pm:.ed e vaotrnti on cf Halnbrid~e Island . as to your functions, it ia 'request'ild tha.t you full responsibil 'l. ty for th.e necessary staf;fing a,nd 1 Ol'gan zat1.oo of' th · general s~rv L ce indll.atj,on center t',o be estabJ..isl'l,.e d, presumably< o ttle Ba tnbr1dge J.:1~laod fer1:y landing ~1nd that Y•>U alee undertete toll reaponslb1lity for the following : J. Sp~<:lifioell.Y~ 1,.1,ndertake (a) c q uii.;i ion ot' slllta Jll".l space :t:'or the storage of pe r sonal property which evacuees cannot otherwise d : sµose of, sue h stora~e to be at the s >le risk of t.hf'I owners end tiJ include only th more substantial hoLsehold Lt ma, su ch as lee boxes, pianos, heavy dining room.~ living room, bed room: and kitchen furniture. Cooking utensils and other small i tem.s 1Tuusti be cr&ted, packed and plainlyrr.1.a.rkect. Bric-e-L!rao w 11 not be accepted . I .t is pos:s.tble 'that such spa:ce may be ava..llable on Bainbridge I$land. lt sQould be low cost . (b ) (c I Provision of suitable aivilisn gua rds to protect the storage against possible pillage or otner dil.rect action . • u.i table impo und:'.Lng s'pao e for au tomo b il. es, tI'"ucks, tractors and other mobile arm implements should be p r ovic).ed, pl'ie-sumab l.y- on ;B e,in.bri.0,ge Island; f.\nd an. system: established tQ il'lQl ude the fl ling f title certificates, the collect ion af aletributor bloQks and hiring of the neeesaary guarda. '. A:$ t.llt;t ..,vaoaation wi.ld: ·b(\1/ liast..;", th~ ~Pt'~ toet~qn of srau.:r "ep~cla.l. property" would, a:e~m to be appr()pr·l. a , ,e }.n t~e t'llaj¢1"1 ty ·Qf 'l?b.e ataff prc;iv,l.d.e(l, should 'be ()Spa~.i o~· render i ng :rap1:d s~rv lc e tn 'View of th,e speed ot.. th~ pz-opo,sed p~ ,gram .. I blo~lf , .tn1staJnce$ . 5~, j\ it, is necessary , E\rrar,i,g$tn~nte s hQU.ld b~ gu~rdit1g a.ny ;prop~rt;y left . o ell:ind. on the Isl·a nd ,.. not If, in your made for· ,.. a~a.tnst direo·t e..ction or pil.l.age.. espol:l·s Jbili.ty; of tq.~ local auth.011 it1es~ Primarily. thi.s is y'OU o ~ y'Oll'.r rep:tte~e1nte.ti,\re , attend 1;.he :t"ef·~rred. to in .Ji:>arf;i1graph ? 'pf t h e oop,y ot the memorandum, r!i:f :i;. H ewe~. It ls 't"·e quested tliat Mr. j1.ns .KARL R.. lf ENPlfrSE 1 Karl R. ( s l kined) Bendetee~ Col. G. I:> . C. Aas' t. Ctli et' of Staff C 1 vil .Af'fai ra Dlvis to.a c 0 p y m11lORANDUll FOR .MR • .LARRY I. HEWES stT:BJlllO'r: B~inbr,1.dge l'.slana. restricted .. l. 0ol'r.llland1ng Gener'll, Western Defense Oom:m.aiid and ?9urth .Army., desires to u,ndert,.k' the ~lm!llediate to~ced ••aou.a.t1o.n or all J'a.paneae now ;ue•14ent o.n Ba1nbr1dg@ lel'itl4, Puget SQun.d • State ot Wasb.1.ngton . The stat1et .1o~ ahow1cg the number of .r a.miliea and the oooupauiotts ot esoh !l;re attached \n lb.hibtt A. 2. You w1.ll note from the aocompanyi,og exhibit that t h.e,re are several tem.1 11es engaged in agx1cultural. pursuits. !t. is requested that you take Whatever action is neces s ary to p~~~i4e necessary $t&tt and procedure ror tb.e handl1ns and di&positiotli ot all e.gr1ou.l.tural property, including live s tock owned or oontrolled 'by Japaneee on Bainbridge Island within the 11m1.ts of the a:uthori ty a.s s1gnecl. ,-ou previously by General DeWitt. 3. It is proposed that an evacua.t 1on order wll l be poe teCl not later than Wednesday, March 2J, 194i. It is proposed, that all Jape.neee will be evaeuated wi tb.i;n tive da1s tromi tb.' date at posting or evaou!lt ion order. During th1 s int11:1r1m 1t is turther propoaed that all Japanese will be required to pass through a general. service o!'f'ioe established on the Island! pre•um111:Jly at the ferryboat landing, and t.ti at dQrillg t per1od none of' suoh persons will be allowe d to leave e:xoept by ep&c1sl permiss1on ot m.ilttery e:uthor1t1es. Deotsion ~s to who may lea-ve during this period will b e up to the Commandill8 General, NQ.rtllwest Sector, and will be permitted only in tb.e mo s t exoe,ptional cases. 4C.. Capta.1. ~ Truman Road camnencipg a. Young will be in Seattle at the Olympio S~turdey, 7our represeutati V$ 1~ Karch 21, 19~2, where either you or that region may reaoh him. -'· It ta requested that you or you_r representa ti'te be present to attend a joint conference of the i.ntereste d agencies to be held in Seattle on Monday, Mar eh 2.3 , 1942. 'J'or the time and place of the m.e e t1.n g, get in touch with. Capt in Young. Karl R. ~elldetseo Col. G.S.c. Assi s tant Chief of Statt Civil Atta1rs Division COPY U'.DOR.AliDUM ror Mr ,. Richard N. Neuste.dt !'ederal Security Mm.1n1stra:tion S~bjeot: Tb.e copy ot a memorandum to· Mr. Larry Bewe• o:t the J'arm Security Adm1n1stre.tion is selr-ez:planatory. 1. l ·t; is reqµested that you ar ra:nge tor psrti c1p . ti on ot th~ Pu.b 1.o Health Servioe ~nd ot.he r a.genci.e e under the. euper'f1mion ot th:e Federal Seoiari ty Agei;ioy in the evacuation of Ba1o.br14ge Islsnd.. 2. Speo1t1oally, 1t 1s desired that the Public Health Serv1c• undertake full. responisibility for the o;rganization,, ste.:tt'1ng and. establ.1sbment of a eu1 table medical e~am1.natipn aad. lnnocul~tion stati~n et the induction point, to be organ~ :tzed lo;y tll._,, Associated Federal Agenoies, .PI.'eSWJi;f!bly at the Bainbr\~ge Islan~ ferry landings. 3 .. lt is further reque sted that $pecit1:.o provisi.on be, t0r the oa:re, ho,s pltalization or dispoe1t1on et any pe,reQna amo11g the Japanese res1d enta on Bainbridge Island who require sueh attenti on, including all bed cases. 4. Further it 1e requested spec i .tically that suitable pro•1·a 1on be ma de tor a. registration system tor such, persons, including tb.e. issuance of suitable tags tor 1dent11'1aat1on or· 1nd.i •14uala, ta.Uy u.nits and p1·ope,r ty, such tag to bear a thumb print and a no tat ion as to 'Wbi~t.he r a medical ex1Qi,lnat ion has b&en perf 'Or m.ed. ,, ,5 .. It is reque s ted that you or your r~presentatiTe attet:ld tbe me€ t1ng referred to in Paragraph 5 or the copy ot the memoranchm to Mr. Larry I. ijew:es. Karl R. Bendetsen Colonel G. s. c. Assistant Oh ie:t of Ofit il A:ftairs Di:v1.s1on ·----"'""-~-"'-'-·-·---..... _______ , _,_.,...., ___....,__.,..... _..............._, _ _,,_.-.-----~ ...._ _ _ _ _ __ ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,. •..11. _ _,""_....,....,.... _ _ _•.,,.._ _ _ _ _...,._..... _ .. _ , . _ _ _..,._ _ ~_....,.._._ ............. ·----.. N-•--------·---------·-·..-------·-----·-·--.. . ------"""- Mal'Oh ).~ , le:,.a 1 ................_...._..,.,~~·... Dt11 :&:or Co . K'a1l R., Be cl tao u.bJoot; Lo4 tt,1011 of ocu. Serv:tcil 9tt1o•• or s a:r• or ab1rt~~on noant~etlon ot nd Oregon •biol Sapenes~ wttfi1n; rGOO:tMl n;d t 1o ru l. a. h t Mt,. Vernon tro "0 tt Tb t to o tiQ\il'M e. 11 nd Evere't t bo a oondt.1.ry o.f fio e oeni_, -0l".t~ , n1o~d f:r: m Po o lo nd. S eson 01ty- , l t~~ 1 be se.ooni ary i: • 01"$e;on. not 'b e t bli h d. 4, 'l'®t the o :ticH1 t s1noe he l'.e pp'5f.l . t o bo rto. .7'a pano e fl · ll tn this 01t 1mm.ed1 ·t lY en rroan.dine ooun.tiee 5 ., Ttt t a .Tapan $ o p.t•ovtston be mad She an n r a to e nd v:to d!'ord , sm 11 colonies of: t1or .l looa"tion at ot:fioee n a litornia • bU'~ e . ·~ now a uc!iyix g tne iniiio t1ori . $ to th \>est locetion of ael,"vioe ottiQea in tl1'-m ~ tat• 1'Q "'tozi ~n4 Ore on. Tl'ua f'ollovrtne 1JentatlY'i$ ~ ~ot u1 ol ,l.a.Q· tl0>nQ sub.iti:tt tor CQ1ito~1«•, 1. ,hat t::te .Pl1'1ma ry otfico ary Gf:f:lce .. 2. h t tho tho so 3.• 'I'hat t e Of.fie b0 con· o.ry • at 4.,. 'l'bat the at Ventur ,. t atook:to.n !8il"'9't<Y e 1 r..odi ti$ a. socond• O·Efl~e at So.nta 0 uz and i'.ont'$:t"ey be second· ry to tsonvllle and S811nas. ~ftio~ npt b .. e tablfshed. or it establ 1 l E'td St;i.nt B · r'bnra bi'! 8$0:0t4411ry to t' at eooi:ict1o:w7 ts .. The1. eutt 10 ,t.en t, t1tfi11 ~t ln4iO. 44lr1't e~ , "' Rht1ti'$:l4~ , · o at m:»t h a "beoa mau ·~o o,na11S• the ~ be bC)und rieJI ot ••l'()Pol1t , •re • lo·cot:t~~ -or ottt•e :tfi tkin 'tao · e11te OL!.>/ab pproy._d. 3/16/ a ... 1tIW • .,:t?l~f.lH taltt!w nacea11a,ry aat 1<>n'" 'rl' .ru~.m,.-tteo. b;y phon 5/J.6/4'2 br OX..'.D t9·\" • Ht1gl'les • Mil.lor'. Hal , Ol rk. Jt •· .. u,.. ll le tr., lll:r . L • :i , Mt' .. J.~ I),. · ill er · ltt. t . ooc1s rt . Piero Davi&s cscu fl•• •,, • l \ March 12, 1942 Colonel~ . . Ma~ill, ( { Jr., Provost li4Brs.hall, Offioe of the Prov~st Marshall, Headaaarters ~· e.stern .Defe.1se Co!Ilm.81ld and Fourth Army, Pr-esfdeo of Saa Francisco, Cali.fornia . Dear Sir; This wil ack nowledge receipt of you~ letter dat~d March 11, 1942, together with the thr~e maps which were enclosed. This i nformation will, Of COUI"Se, be treated in the utmost confidence. Yours very truly, W. M. Hale s1 ned} Vice President Armstrong;_gh Pr&i~e>.nt, Feclor&l tt s rva Bank &uloom an.1 &l.<1rainet:11ia Stl'oet& ean Fr ac 1 o o , o l 1r , tnd oat tho px• oritlo.a in Th attu.oho which o o at1on o mon It of J p nc e will b di~eotnd 1n lortoo?"'n nd. .)o· thol"n o l .roru1. and r J.\/:rnt t1. d faxe OIJr ti on in l t.U'li~ • 'rho 1n1'0l:'rna t1on. :f'rom t · Nort~1w~ot a'ho ld . rr1 ~ to& y and w1li o.lao 'be fur .. pi, hl'iMd yrJur otf"io • 1nt:o t "<Ul Our d·om'b&t eoni:t a otj Onr.t: lo~ the Co at 1a d id 'N Ghln ton nd Oregon"' orthorn Ca11forn1 seat l'l - From th0 l•orth '.M c 11forn.1 bound l."1 to ' cen r • nt llf 1 thu north rn l>0 1..indary of . rbtu.• Co t1 . So· t.hurn Col 1 OI"n1ll 5ooto1• ... t ia b l ~..o:rthVI st Soll tor - of' -1 11.f'ol"nj,.u , ()h1.n PY p~m1ttlirlfi! , 'it 1a .oa ilal& t i ·t -avaouata n m.1 it be 1n progr GI) s1mult noo l.7 fn a~ h SBO Gt' e pill ta Th0 rn t r1 1 i 11 catad on thtJ. er clo ed al. Dt>1U. t t • b l1cly a:nno.mood yr Go oon 1dont1 l until • P . " ILt. , Jn . Goli:>nal ,. In.t'antl-1 1 ProvQa.t r, "' 3 Incl , .,..,.. 1l, 1942 TO,: Mr. I. J. tawlv ,..._, I. R. T.bc.-1 ~ Jr,. SubJfat.1 Mo•• or U'eed Goods. Thi• atwrn.obll deite wer• made t.-o • large depariaent •twe, • large .turnit.u.r• it.ore ' and th• ottic. ot • m.tiQD&l tu.tnit.w• •••ociat.ien. Th• echedul• ot 4eprec1at.1on on aj>pli• U')oe• refiect• oplai.on fra. ~·•• •>OUre••t agy ,,, Ulf 10• Acldit.ional O.pnciatien R!E ~o• ·sto••• D&l" l~ lie~tgnatl)r• LOJ Vacua Cl.-nera L&undr)r lqµipa.nt l°' Until u.thor1.ti•• diecouraaed tbe pzoact:Lo•, Saft Frtinci... ot •luee at. 1"h1cb th97 fff;.)'t,Ud co hn;dt.ur• dealers lleed a •Bl.u• Book" aco•pt, trad.-ille of hrftitur• and l'UC•• Th• laet. Uet 1..aed., cow ot which 1~ enolo,ed., wait in Auguet., 1"8. A• ':lb• pric•• Ueteci ee b\q' prices Oft which the d.Ur expect41Cl to.· a protit, and •• aincf. that tP., it 1•• that there bA'ff beea price an. upward r,..S.•ion 1n t.bie Un Qt abou.I ~ BhcUld. be -4• to JtQFe nMrq, Ji•tlect th• price• an 1nd1Yld"9>l Jflould ~t tr._ a 'ncad•ler ~. illon&••• Pl••• 1.IMer•:t.and that. tb•e• pr1c~• Q'e in no~ ottir....,,. •t11T• •• • cd.-..1., but. av. pae11ed, .ion, \o TQU with t.h• thought that. lligbt pd•. rwp anct