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4. . •. S., r" ••·. {i.•1 •••s :P•~e~iel 2. 3., l•ra ee, ' i U.:S .~oyce~ ' ' "Ottie•• • Dav1es 1 FlW.eral fe~po:rar_y · ·- .. a $9ci~ ~~~lU'ity nrormation ~nte.?' hm. ireurt~- M.m.i.J.1 s tra t.1 o IOllatD.1 •tt11 1..... • Si1•dr1e4 1uc~ 1itS. l4 ' 24,,... J $h '\ t«t . .J'ill.g. \ J4J A...... 'I'll it•ll • t:ltU Si. • ~·o•t Ot la l4&. c 'aa - :J'ti~r• )21 t. li'ltt .. \i&rC: 01 Sa,6~••,.no l)JO 1 ISll~J"--n\ ¢ , ... t.oti (e.001'4. ~rf UJ ( S.con4•f'J' ott~o• tbr()qll _.laai QZ'\lS tJ J'rou;t S • •...,,... CO• .... U.. r'OQli ~a.Ga tbt'CJ b. l.1•• A· Ol IM X.~ '1'. O~• t.. • 1ottneo.n. L. H•QAt*loktt ·il.Ql't1-1~ a. t. V••:L• $. ~\ldQ 'P'41 Jl'l Colwab!ia 4'U'1 i , ¥ .ao12 &t.ookton 7... 7a,1 l'"J.s ia 16,l 'A ~Jl'tlll• oetoa St . h,lpo• Sto-tb~) 26 'f•a:rl S~. ( cieraduy otrto• tA A."•· " Lake ,. st. t~ . 'ln sa.nt Ro•• ~.. 201 N.Su:Jor:J.q,.,.111 24 VD.i t; 1t.t•bu.r1 aa~n-•1a tr•·.t 'QO If. Gu4•n • ;,182 ,ahl. , :&. B rol4 ~lot.GI.Mt '670 '01"d. stoo1'~• Otts.• 16'2 1J 1'••· K'la~•a'•J' 01.e,p,ao.~t ....... M•t•o *1t• Q~ 1260 tJ. lft~l• s '1 1•• a . l~•· U Z.W.qn 1 tl.1~- • '" o. ln•u , . . 1.:1&. Mero•4 l.O'J s . U••OA Qa• J!I. l'1•~1ll• t · l'tb .1J8J Clhiqq l783rt '$ JMIU4 11.s - 12t.1\ a • 480 l Gk: 1 . . . Oi;l.kl•,H'- I lo••o• C)lltn .L.. v l.1rus•) ·a,aon.'91, l• J 1271 O•o lobn 'f. St~•J' R~•• w ~ it18h• 1 X..laa4 s. 1 ' •k• w·,, q. Ho1-•• -,, i. IWP!i'•trt l&8r7•Y1l1• ' OaklaDJ 'fi•-11• '"•:11.0 tentl•l4 u.,.,., ta ~·•• iif 01."-AiP s or tnt4' c •• Saal'_.A\• B•orem•to ··t~.,s.1111 S.or.-n't Al. -4• Sttn lla:°'eo 1r.-•• Pit -'to• 1411••• to4* • f 'bs) • ·~· ( b >. ~·urah.e •• (t>t pur ,' • ( ,. , ) ••l• (~ ~ • •> 1$ put hu• ( C> pw: . ? e• le) r fh M / / FEDERAL RESER.'\TE BANK 0}.. SAN FRANCISCO I <f .. put the ... men on your mailin' 11st tor all in.fbTmin ti.on se,n t O\.lt·.. I :ro'ld J., . ariael:' 11' $ ~orter Seti ~ Port .~ ml; Or• n. ,ter l. ;1f 0111"1, 'l"Mt_. tMc11*:0t1,, ealUorM.•t - , t~itlt. t; ~2 Dtit\• . · an h ~r S'i~.t, t 1AI Cll- cioao,"iia.. ,,J l>HY..lf.IS ES TO BE ; ;.;;l'...i:.'f.:l~J~_...., _ _ _ _.{?:,,..'.... 'YMl.a.6ho & · _ __ Co., Seat..t l«t, ViGl!lhin,r.t,rm"' , Kenja Ito, Jackson Euildfog Seatt.le' Vi ashiri.gton fR ISF..S TO B ~lAK~ crr.r RELEASED A~O VIQIN11'Y lrit.~raiount.ain J parne~e Aa JSOI? ;t ~tott , 0gdan,, Utah J~pM.•$• limerican ~ New Vior.ld Newe A,getic;ir, Ogden, Utah Japanese A.1!11!1) oiati..<>n of Utaiih, Lake City, Ut.ah Jordan Japan8ee Schcol, Mur:ta.r, Utah, Mat $umo~ o Co • , Salt, City La~·e Sol.lth Utah Kyo~i Pric~, Utah: Sunset Japan~~e Ut,a.h Ka.i,, Scho9l, Cl a.r.fielq, U'C:ab Ya.Bui. 13'1;"oe • Hood River,, Oregon . /' Teru.boi Bro IS. 533 W". Burmside, P', -Ore eon . I .• 1Cn.ttti111 M'.:f,ll,•• 244 E. ls t. Street., Lo$ Angtlee, C•lif~fl'l:la. N"• tos ~el ! , Qreat. Fuji'l j~Jt ~· Loa lst Loe Ange:i,.ee, I Ai'4fmC ':f ,: Japsn.,ll• Ante·r-i.cai) ~oa..209, 258 E. noon .Ni >pon AmerU , &J.,. 210~ 258 ' ~ ~ let St., ,, st.~. , Calif'omi • Ldli Ang~ let 1 Ca.1.ito rn.U.. Ane$les,7•1!ornia. ... Miha;rs Nil!.tional Tre.ding C~ . # f". Los w. Pedl•o Building, 112 N. San P~dro St., Loe Angeles, Ca.11torn1a. / l.?'r. B. l-loruia, ( S\1.ieid.te) ~9i :E. let Street, Lo19- ~•le11 ,, Oalifomi • M&in Street, Ang~loe, Oal~torn'.lla~ L New Pa'.l1J.-ce Hotiel 1 lla ):eUer St:reet, Lolli Allieles, Califo:rnia. Japanese of OQDll.m"c.; Rooin. 406-411, 117 ~' San l?"IO St ... La.a .jl.ngelee·, California • $An '307 Jaekison StHf.t, Loe A.ngelee, California. 146 . Loe ~•lee. Ccl.ito'l"rl~•· Rootu :~03 , 117 N. 5&4 'Pedro St.,, .Angeles, ; e~lifo~rnt.a. ~~ZtlO Centr$1 Jtllpenese Aesocbtio{ Room )(.}l.,.JO~, 258 E. t. ' Or. Aj'ik •no, Thu~er, st~eet, Kph Wu"a.1 ( Room ZlO, 117 ~. San Ped Los CaLUormia.. / / Dr. Ta.tcaab:i F'U:t"U,d!aw& • 117~ Weller St~eet, ~ Cal1to~nia Los Angeles, / ' L.A. Japanese Ch.a.mber ot ColJl;lllerce, 100 s. Loe Angeles St., Lqs !J'lgel~8, California. L.A. K&ge)'l.ll'/4 & C'o. , / Ja;rJS.neee Uotal Asa ,Rooru 8, 248 E.. 2nd Sb·eot, 208 S. sari. Pedro St.;r·eet, Los Allg'ttles, Call.forn3.a.. Japanes e 104 N. Lo~ Ang les Angel~$, toe New~. Stre~~, Califoxrd.a.. •a..( l'As Ah.gel e.a,, C l.:t!' Ql"nia • 8-unl"is• Sod.a W-.t•r Co • 11 W. & F., Produc.e Co . "_.,,, U>a Angeles, Calitorn.i&. Loa General Supply Co., Hotel, 365 C•ntr:l'l, 5;t.6 E. th Street., Los Angel.«a, Cal1£ornj,a. s. 77";. ~ 11;),w Cet'.'ltral,, s. Lo~ Calltomia. Ange es St., Al!lgelee, Cali!'omi.a. /'/ Edison Aml.X Hotel, 347 S. Loe L~a A~l•• Kie hi taro MJ.itow,, '1'3.keyo M1ut°"',, )l? s. ~ro dway.,. St. 1 Ans•le•, OalifQrnia. Loa 317 s. Broadway, $~r~ 16'1~ Moneta, O~i!~rnia. Los Ange.tee, $c C(). 1 Wes•tern Ave., s. . California~ Ta·r o Olea.noire , 9l7 So. A.venue, Loi1 Angeles,. Cal.i..t'otni • Califotn~a. I' ' California. "$h01!fa Low Chop Suey, 718 N•. Vi.rfSJ.l St., Sa:saki, Kinu 1 L0s Angeles, Angele~J I~ine , EU.node Petroleum Co., n,-Am.eriean 541 • Spring ~~reot, Loa Angeles, Californi • 523 - 6th Street, Los Angelea, Ctlit'om.i.a. Chu..zaburu Ito, /' l90th & Western Avenue, Los Al:lgeles, CaJ..i! ornh. /' Jape.n T1n\ri:ut. Bul"e:a.u., J pane3e Institute of 2110 Corinth Avenue, ' . Los, Cali fornio.. Japanese Govt .. J!.v. J:lure u / ro dwa.y, s~ Loe Angeles, O.eliforni • 1151 ll5l $. Broadway, Lo• Angeles, Califomiai ~ Koh.e rHi Line,, Room 275, / Co~ , Myaeh,1. l~l W. 7th Street, Lrl$ Angeles, Ca.litgrnia. 1151 S. Broadw y, Los Angelee, California. IUppon 'l'&n·ke.t•s Co. 5;30 W. 7t.h St.r eet, Loll! A.ngelem.,. California.. ,,,,. .I I Pan Paci.t'ic 'l'l"ad H~ & NAiV. C-0. ; 701 C:i,t.izens aa.nk 'Bld.g 0 Loe Angeles, California. Union S.S. Transfer & ~igket 367 E. lst S~reet, toa Angeles, Cal; .. I ,/"... Sawteli~, Haril.a Co., 749 Tun~ 8tl!'eet, 'f erm.inal Isl11nd , Os.lifarn.i.e.. 4~ency, Onaka Syosen ({a\UhB, Room. 1004 621 $ . Ho e Str&et,. Los An eloe, C&li!orAia. Takuichi Sa,k~ ta, 711 Central Avenu~, Glendale, C lifornia. Union S. S. 304 Tl"~8te~ & ?icket Agency, • llBJ')leda St•• , Lo~ Angei~3, California . · Coa"'t i'iahing Co,.,, p' Wi.lmimert.on, Cal.lf ol"'n.i&. 1" Ha.ehimoto Clo., Ha.t· shita., Jim t., ?'.30 Tuna Street, T$~m.\nal lsl~nd, California 7)7 Tll.b.a street., Term.i.M.l !Gla.ndi' Basagpa Co., 1)9 1 - ( ' M.. Kwni1a, 7th Street, 46S Bx-oadway, E:J. Oent..rQ, Ca,U fo .•nia • SM Pedro 1 C .lJ.ti>rn.l~ .. $hiro.i oh1 KoyWll4, / Kyode Gyogyo K:iaeum Kaisha, Guadalupe, Cali!orni& . 117 N. San Pedro Str~~i , San Pedro, Cel.ifprni,a . & Co., ' "' San Pedro, California. akah~~a Nippon Suisen Kissen Kaiisba~ 109 - 7th tt'e~t., Sain Pedro~ California. NW'la.mi & Ywnada, / P.O. BQX. 8'4$ I Gu&.d&lupe,;rnia. ..........J,i lit.iro Q~$°.f'O KK 109 U 3t.r eet, S1.1,n. Pedro.; CeJ.i!<.11mia. ,~ / ?soi.fie Coa.'3·t P'ilsh Co., San Pedr"1,. Cal.ifor.nia. 'Rajo Corp. / San O.iegq, CaHfoJ'nia. &1.k.1.m.('.)t.Q .B-ros • / . lta1 'tfirmi,n.a.1 .'ifay ~ Te1ttna l Islaind, Cal.lto.vl'rl.a • Taniguchi & Co., ,,.,. 2552 K Street, San Dieeo, Call!om.t&. / .Harry T. Ts·Ufnll,gar.!,. 1 506 - 5th Street, Ban DiegQ. C~liforoia. 1 Pioneer Pacific 'l\ID!l Co., San Diego,. Oalittl>ntla. . ..._ Soutber.n Co.mtnercial Co . 2232 National Avenue , ·-...... San Diego / Cali.t'o't'n,ia • Tai'lieut;h.J. & Co. t 221-li · Street., San Diego, Cali.f ornia . T. Co., 6o3 Tun.a St.reet, Terminail I1'l.and" . Van Camp .>es FOod Co. , Sa.n DlegQ, CalH'ornia. 0 Resi et;'fl)t'' at l!o• ere or ay, Aooept ed ' I ,, · Regt~'fi.e~ et So ~dul.,,s of :ir-cir.,,e ~oporty Ue1d !l'M I ns ! I filQt;,t~n f.1t"d "1"11i ..1ifi•t!(ln R~po,t't 6to.t va,!Qitl(IJlC!I E~ , 11, l!JPM' 6• , C:r<>!,11 R• 1fel"eno~ 9n ~vaotiae Prctne~'.1' ~t r~ct EP 1 . Ci'V'i1 (JOn,t r()l, St6tio1l tp~ $ " M :Xn · ~tue t113b, . oa 'CO ~ Gl> J;"Si1:~1'$ ll~ t<>~J i~f,10$1 t1or ot MotO.f VenS c1e 9 Reg'istsr ol' 'Motor V hiobs IL0cept~cJ tor diapoi,:ttian ~o~ d,~16 ot Mot.o:r Vehic.l 6' O~l:t:v6 r~d ~ U,S.' J.\r U111pt1 • 4t.n Al!'rof & Welancea · (w·U1fie,) (~·llQ•) f b i.lo Ji • t {1} 11> i (2) ~a . ( J ), ·s 3 1 • f ah.tum ?t Ail l'> t!tto "1 lns tl'UQ ..J..,ns of1 ' 6 f, I W1:t ~~t.'t.1 '" for Block~ ng Un or 3.; p$Oial ' Begulat1on No. 1 ·11' · 4 l!:P •ta·, Mt.r:i, t lil'\Ht.0 \1 B tor l>1S} Ord tao:n Of ( l} Statem nt of Ino'3btedness Ow in· t o l: 0 ,P tS:t'ty Legal Owner ot i'l-Oto-:r Veb.i ale {Wll.1 te} {2) -.ditto,.., (wht ti e) lW 6 (.J .) ...~1tto"" (yellow} HiP ~ Q't)):''~O.f'(-'I 't~ lo Ind v-l. 4 Uii:l Stc>re e Tai P OQ~l Property Form 1:0-t~x Yeh1ole Ragi~tr~ 1o Ag'i•ee~,nt B.egerd tn~ Di~ipoai,tion "-r ---~.........~.----........---·~Zone ------ , ..... ---~.........--~------~~ tTin:Lt I -V-1 DatP Off1ae , OpP.n~d-----------~l94Z Date Ofti~e IM Clos 4 1~42 _.,...... ,.... ~-= 4.:L,~-1' ~.:..~1: .&.:l ~~ 5:,1515-~ 5-2~~!91.t!..+~. I 1 i9.L-2.f~· wi..w.:;c.:~-l---~~---'4---'--*"'~4"---4----.-+i~~4~~+--~-41-~~+-.-~-+:o . . or 2 rsbns ! --1112~.rY..i eV¥ re. of --i--·- ·-.. :Pet1~o ns ~F&s ~.!1..'~~L. .... _ ~·---- . . . . . ._. . --r· . . . . . . . . ,,.,_ ~--- +----........... i..-----· ""'l. . ___,._.t..._, _ _ ·--·-11-----'·- · ---- l~. --··-· =··~ --·--1~- . _...,.,_._....,._....,...._ _ _ _ __.,..,._,,_____......,..-...._......_._ ~,__ - -~ ,__ ........ i -+---+ ------- ----··- ___ ....,.,..__.. SW1Jma.r1zed Report of Operations ot ~bcve t.lnit Office fl"oni. date ot operlin~ t& closing 1942 (i! now in t:lperntion) ~ d'1t,,, or.. Total ~a.sea ' o~ees f.:.\S shown PY' ~ we~kly JP~Rbrt.s ~eseh~ed re by ¢lpli0~tion or . .i.auppl.eHumtal l!'eports Net cases handle-d and paas;tri.g throuqh .filea f or cloeiri.g Net ca.aea cloaod: att of _._. 1942 _ _,_ 142. Net oo..aes_in_p;ocess of. clo.sine ot P of oaaer.i in clof.lins a.~ of ~ l"'f,.Hm ta. ge prQcesa o.f . l94.2 ~umber of pex-sont; tnteX'-itie1¥ed Nuntbet- of pet'eons t"'epresentlild ____ -------· ------- Residenc-e131 Plats and Apa.rtmentG Baaihessee · Equipment and Merchandise Flurt').itur. 11.nd Fixtures Fa.rrne aru:l O;rchl\rd5 Genez·al Bakeries Be.aut 1c iana LiqUOl"/3 Car).llM·ie~ tl~spa.pera Churches Novelties Cl."aners Nura:er:tes Dry Goods Pe,akers Fert1lizera Flo1·ists Restauran:ts Gar.ages Sport Ga;iods l-Jqtela )A,\mdriee NO'l'Et Uarket$ Pro!essions All Others Above case ~ry includetJ relatlveq f811f PY ca.u.i::asian.s to bU,y or lease evacuee prop~n:·ties . Ti::i\'l::Ye hav~ n..o t requued the cu~toll'mcy follo'll'--Up for etloeing ~ 1n th~ 011e~ of sOJne, \Ulit o£rJ..o~i> in th., h-ead ottioe zc:>ne ar-ea,, a. t'eYI in.t11u.,v~w rep~~e oompihd at Ci'\liil Control S t1..ons are ahQ inel1.1d~d.. Thee~ wer., ttiroi,J,gl) l"e~J;.t4ng p1~,mpt ,...11t~t;ic;m .. :rtadil..;r QlQS I' $un.d.ry itemo recoiVabl!I - .A.clvancee 11,1.ccowit E\ l>1"1:tl'fi.lrty Depa.1·tme-nt • .. .. • • • • Oth~r d.e;i;>osite - lllvacue ia f\m\,\e. ~ •• ., • , . . . . . . . . , • ' ,. .' . ~ • • • $______ • . . . . $____ _ At the t im.e th.e. i£;x.(tlue!cn Order, affectiJ1.@ tti~ ~;-e I') ·i n which :rou pre:vi ua:ty re13tde4'1, wa~ tlle~ns ca.t'.ri d: ouh 'JoU. deliVeiiedl your tn It '/t v eh1ole to !:he fede:1H?1l Re~ar·v.~ Bra:~~ 1 ct 1 1 Sr:m F:ra11¢', .ae Ji' ·!sc~l Agent Of the· United Ste.te15., · f¢;r $1/ora8e a.t yQur own r:tsl< rar. wi thotat 1ns. ur~noe, with ttJ.e u~der that such stora.,e \volJ.ld iri a.n ct.pen are.a ~vb.ich woul.d. subjeot it to 010,re or l ess rapid ae.te;riorati n .. 'be V'i tb. the thou@ht in. mind that yo1.i. .might ha'Ve b~en heoitant ti") offer yo mot•r veh~cle for- snl.e to the Up.tted States Army at time, b~ c ause ybu had no assurance· r ·f 1;\he a.mount whf.o,b. y u would reQti3ive for it, we ~ave had. i.t ap'p.t·e.1$.fl,d ,. by tw"' lnde9end, ent appr~ise:r3. ~rm.y, ~h.rtn.1,@.b. this laank, is ,npw re~dy ~ff er, batHld on this app1·ai.Arnl, as fol!Qw~: 1 he 1 def 1nl te kn1"H1nt cf.1'e,r ed • • • ~ • • • • , • • , Less amount which will be acceptable • • • as !'inal payment by le ,al t)Wner , • • Balanoe to 'be remitted to reg'istf;lred owner . 4 to m.ak~ a t • 'IP_..._ __ Shiould you nr>w teel. tbat be oaooe ot the rapi.d deterlore1t !cm to wtr.ich yo14r car i .s sub jectea.. yiou are willing t,.,, accept payment E.1:$ tndi o·ated 13ib.qve, .Ple~se so indicate ttl the space provided bel~w. Please g1ve th Le m~tter y1:iur imed 1ate c01nsi(Jere.tid,m, as the .appraised. value, a.a m~nttoned~ 1~ based upon ian :tmmes.iate se).e to the Ar y and cannot. be held operi for M 1ndefln1 t .e perioo ot' t Youse very truly, ' tne ] 1ede1· l. Ri:lserve Ban.k: of Sa r Franc.1.sco, Ficasl ent of the United States I wish to sell I.llrY car tp the Army und~r ltern~tive ~· o. 2 1l1i'1.B-4 Oil tbe a'bove baa is i:nat.ead. o:f ba.v i:r:ig it held will. onstitutra :yi;>~l' aut!lorHy to effect $. h ;E'odet·Pil 1Ieejtrtfe B a:t S~ Frm,.1c1&eo ?ia;.cnl "·en .,( Un,~ ted St/Ate11 fl"Qp•rti-.r ~par me.n1i n. '.au.1ld1~ - .- ---· "font.Illy Renta1 (;i per ,_.,. ___ __ -------- ---· l':ronerty Stored. Ctv-il1.i;u lllxelU9i1n Order 'lb e ~ of Fmll,Uy Un~bs Hil.'1l1bur ·;i f P .cka~e~ Si;>nce Geo1xp1ed (Sq •. ·~ . ) ·1 '.Renr~t .\:'.a _____ __ _..... .. . . _.__.. ,. . oq. f~, ~---=--~--~~------~~ _,,__.._ _ ___ __,. ,.. _ _ . _... 5.lGN 0,1 h,. t;,.. 75 .. oo ea 750 00 (S P E C I M E Wt l .,.. ·..,,.....,.,_,_..,•.,._.._......,.___,___._.___ .__..,...__ .,.....,....,._~,,---...,...-T...,'0-1,11-A.-l..,..,.,,......._-+--.~-·~-,~-5-,~) . .. -= ·--~·=-===::.::::::li::::i!:;;::::=::;::=;o::;=:;;c~==:;.:i::::a:c:~r::::;;:;:~~:;=l~:.~ NeceJved frot:~ Dedel:!Al Reserve '.Bank pf San ~rOA.Ci~co, Fis cal .Agent of the United States , th~ ttoto.r Veohi¢ es a.b ove d~scri.bed. . r) ' Pr~as:Ldil) o . •a.n. F.i:·a.ncit3co, Ce.11.l . m~ t.h±:e eU.p 1'o);I nt1tll · 1 COt'U'l~~tion With this p1<J.p1a1·. A.11 n.o-te9 will b~ v.p~n>S :ihould .ave attached all ~co1•d.t& NUUB •. :!lJ CO!\iSWCW!.'V'st;r :r ·<>P tlO bot, om.. \ rlll be clrawn t n full width of th(I? _ net:ess.ary for inblligent a1:}tiot'l. ~lip b';!'lov1 ea oh pot.e . ) ..---._,_.,.........,..-....__.,.._...~·~.-..~-..........-~~-----..._~,~~.--~.,..-- ---~ ~~o~,·--~O~~-t~e..._,,__~f~'Qtn~.-..--.--T~o__.._ ·---~--~~---~~~~~~ei~OO:~E~k~s;......~------.-...-- 1 4/25/42 F.. a . ~C & 4th A. :odel eopy ot Vo cher No . 1QJ4i to cover l . a. put"oha.~e- of Japane.!!e 1.: uto 1obile hel'evdt.h . QM iO('J /+th A. d , J;m.te. as to Aney ap :.iropr :i,a.twi¢>n 1~nc:i. certif;l.cute ava.ila.ble funds ,i,@ respohaibility of F1.r1ance _, .,._,_w-~·--_,_..__,_~glt:?!!:L:;r/~~~!:.~.!'!}. Jl~~,'1l~~IL9..P.tTq~.J:!q :_f~~J~h. ~... _ 'l'he.--. i.a"&te.t" erfecta physical pa'YJnent oi' .. he l" iiea~rve &: I ____ f ,.._, I ,." c. Bank. e . :&~in~' Officer, wle.s .ern Det"nee! Fou~th-Al"fil,Y',, rill secure approval of A.c. of s., •orev~rrMim\~ · " ·~ b ~_ r.' ir~ ~l <'I • (o--;;e . ·-2; - v-ouch:rs'""~r; prep~r;a--fn .td-pll~at;· v;Mte - two ;1°1'lllow) y- Feder· l Resel"'ve B&nk, 1;.hfl!ltt {~ ••UC' ~ J..,th l'lley, vrho s pl':'ocelllsed to administr'a'tive oertificate a..nd .~ttachea 1')ect'lssaJ7 r,... Fttnance O.t'£icer,., cehing l'lfil port~· f,ben proces e.i! • r.:ey- 1 fol' final ae 't bn and. paymetit . , WC &. 4th o (J • , ' • J• . --·-- __..__ ·· ·- 1 ln.c l 1 ·ooel 11·ou ., ' ) .,Lr) ·• ..... ··- 1• 1 Q),.,Oj:J,.., I , cE.NER.U. .u:cOONTnrc OfTlft: PIU!IAIJDl'T cnt•~ r~r ~t ii! - of die u. s. _...______________________··--·-------····---·--·----·---· (Depiri:malat, b11.lftQ, WI ~~11-i) Vfludin preJ>aret/ al.,,.·.....,.,..._..,... $.-----·--·-·--·-·--·· THE UNmD Sl'lL'tES, Dr.. 0,, ---·- ··.----··--·-·-- -QllaftU~r ·- - - - - - - · r---- ..... i.--.~ ,____ _____ ...... ...,,...,... O..U.n - - - - - - --- t ____ ................,..... . . . . . _ .... _.......-..--.. ---....-.---... - ........ -···--·..---......... _.... _._ .. in-~ ----....,_.. ___ . _.... _ . .. _ ...............-~ ............... _,., ............... - .... . . _.__.. . . t'n ar Pro$'t. .1hn~NI ................... - .... - - ............... _ _ _ _ _ ....... .............. _ .... ,, _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,_ ........ - ... 1 .. .... .... ...... - -................. - ......... - -.. ......... ............................. _ .................... - .. --1.., ..... ,._...... -,.,... _,. ....._. ...... ______ ,.._ .. ., ____ ...... _ ....... - ..................... _ .... _ ....... -.................. _..-........................... .... _.,,._ .... ............... -.... .. --------- --------!-------·- ----··----- ---- __________,.,. ,________ ~ -------- ----~ _______,_____ coeT ACCOUNT 1~------------~.,....,-~-.--.,...--·---..,,...-..------.-----~---· Am-.' " S,.lftt.of .... -._ ....__ ,, __ ,, ___ .... ., ..__ ., __ ............. ,. ...... -................ - .. ",......... "' ..... ...... - ....'- ......... _ .. __ ........ - ..... ... 7-•7"'",.. .. -. .... "_... ,._....._.,,. .. ,. ... "" .... ,._ .........- , .........................- .. -r7 ...... ..,... .. "' ...... ,..,..,_._ ... _ .. -~ ..... _ _ _ _ ....... _.~- .................. ___ ___ ,... ...., ..................._ .., ...... - .... , . . , _ .... _ ....... - . .... ........ - ............. _ - .. - - - - ............... _... ............................. ......... . . . ,. ............................................ _ ..... i . -......... _ .. _ ....... ~ .... - .............- ,.~ .. ,..i .. _,f •., .. 1, ..... , . . - - - .... ... ..................... ~!"-· .. ,... ............ - ........... _ ..... ,._ ==..::.::.:=:.:.::.::.:.::.:.:=::;.:;:;.:.::::" . i •,. '""l•• .. .. ...,. _,. ........ . ,......,'"'""'"'"""' ••-• ., . ·--•"• -••.::.:.=:..-::..::..:.:::.::::.:""'.,."'"'''-""-1 _.,_ Paid by j Clad No. ·-··-···------~-·-· clt.t.d -------···---·-···- ··-----· lL ..... for$·-·-·-~----·--··--·-- :.1;:_of the Unitm St.11ea in&.- of pe.flMI l ~ 1.,..--....-........- .... ~,. ................... ..,. ~ . .-,..,.r-.,-.. ............_.,.... ... ~ ...._r..- .. ,., 19,......... .,.·~ ~l"'"-,.~l""'I' ~-~- ~--~-··--·----··,,_ ,, ~.:::::..:;::.::...:: :::=.::::.:=..=:.::..-..~:.:=.:.:..i....,-. ~j. .. .,.,. .. _ , . • • • - ... .._ .. ,._,.. -~ .. 00 l !' .. .:.~Pl...~-~~ .ct""...'!:..."'351.!11;': t'J"'.:i".:t-' ..\ ...:..:~, ,•......,....,."......,..... • ::;:.~ ......=t.'!t~~.-:.': ......,....... .......-....."- •!o--k ...,..-.,.,...,.......____ ,~~~ ,,., _ _ _.. ,..~ ~··-··~~·- ~.....W·~ ll>-17&l ....._.,.1·~~-- -i. • ..._...,....., ' ' .. - .... ...............,. ... . --- Pet' . . . -•--...... ,. . ............ _ .. _,, __1 ... - .................. __,. .. _ _.... __ ... _ ....... ,. ......... - ' .... ..... - .. r--··-·-.. . . ,. . T",ltle ·-·-·-----··· -·--.--·-···--·--·-· ···-·-··-·-·--.,.-··· M~l110D 1. oF OR ~C .bF. .kDVEM'ISING <S&.•71llor C.lle ~a~ ANMr illdYertli!li111 l.o.1Dew#p6pt!ll'11. :l. (µ.) ~r ad,,elt!Mln3 by otpo~ 1et;tfl'11 lll!\llt t.<> --···-(I.I) And by .O.Otifuotl ~Q, 1o, piil!ilf.u l,J 1\1$r , , , •'I (If no fti . 'w!!re m~t lff.1•!t i"1 ~t;faQ f.\o 1!1d'.wrlill~ll\. by, ·)rfmM ~r'11,...nt :'lio .det1.10f\1! 1 ~~-.thln.d111lllfl o~luloµ. mw t be mtld , 11w nll>tat111ri,on tho -certltlca!tii ot1 lshe J4d0 tJf tih~ v11uob1tl" 'W\U~ l>e ~':a'(o)(fi)" t.>r "2C4)", d-11t'Jen<IU:i~ "n wlUltbiar rir not n<>~lf \lletu po11tu.t,,} . W~1• O!lt 4ldvf!l'ihiin~, wa ' r An e:l,igency °'• ~ t<i J 'f'Ctiiilfog, i. Witbt>ut adV'el"Uafbg rn tL6clort.laru with · · r'fli:e wh.le~ o.sf!IW!l ~r iiQ tlu!? ~r aQ,d 'W1~ noll a.dtntt ol the <t.lay lhul'.dii11t Ii , u ' -r-r-------..---·..-·...,,··--..---·------·--······--·-·---- .,........:.. . . . ......~· ····,..,..-·--·••···---•··"- U. S., <Artf&.l flJlll 1n>.v i11 iih in t he JllE UNrun lfUUlOf , , ••••.• , ••• c-...~roil·~ a. ~n t...t 'Pouchir pr 'JWr!!tl al.. •nl ol .1.. ~tn~H By ._ ..... ---·---··-··-- -·-··· ST/tT~, .m..'If,,.Jt:ri& Dt., Seda~, <:, E;rl/ro?.e • '' 4 ~>Ct>o:E', .5 pa$sen:se~ ~ 1941, 8~,riia.1, 'ifiOQ-'4911.4 1• ~QUC>:t' ' f 14107504.,3 1 Stl\'te 1:1.oense l,5G~99 l Cti. J.Ee , Plyn101.1r,l'l., ~ 400.I ;', {5 1> ' 615.00 ea 750 00 ea 675 .oo e·a 7~ 0 3' pesf:'leniger, ~ Serial #ll1446l~X, Motor .,~ ?t'7li.t51, Stia e :Lce~se 1fi4XS9'0 194 e~ 1 fj I PO I E N") ' 0 I v I . r ....._..... - ,......_...~.L....-,_ 1425 OC TOTAL t=;::::;i::~'C;' ., YIM ' l i; ;;i;===t,.a:=.....,.......-.....,"" ;::il:c:::;:t :Z ,':- :...::;:r;.-= = Heneiv~d tron Federal Reserve Bank af San Fronaiseo , Fi ael Aeunt of I 1 1 ' i y 1 I II .....__ I he United Sta.v~e., ~~e mo or vehicl~s F.\bove de.filcfi,becl ~ --------~ ........._..,.i....--.,-...-1._ jl_\ ,:x.-:A ~ tw . '! At~\ ~ "' _,, _ _ ..)..... .;..- ... ~ .............t...... )N; lla'Y'• iiitervS.ewe<t a repr•••btat:t.vt ot th• l•4•raJ. B•••~ve »•bk t 6-n r~~1•co (11i •calr. •••nt) r•l•'t ding to~ ·•~o,.l"''tf iuter••t• 1 a:ad '.lfe r•@•1.1ted •¢T1c• 1-1 re •tri1otl, ("' er·~·· r , . ' / •• are an.- !)~ t be of '1'tm<>•·t •••11t-a'n,ce to you in ~••0~~11~ a • ti•factC)l"f •<>lutioa ot 70·"1" p.r obl•••, e.M. we want 10\1 to bow teat 110t end •1th th1• 1.ntetv1tWour int e1t\ o•• le •uc«••t tut Y@u o tour 1*•t tQ •olv• t • · problem• corulect~~ wit your •vacuatio~ but 1.f1 &tt•r dqlU }'OU~ ~.t, ,10~ tin.¢ t)ia:t )"O~ tJi~·t ao,f' Qrri"" ._. :(urtntl" d·v'-o• q1' tr you 1 Qt, ta.rl ,;lor.4, cu· p•raon. 1 tb Whom yo·u, 111utt 4••1, unt 1t ·~·'hrantagt) or ~'1'-'t 1• ·••1ng to· takit •• W'W1t' you to t••l tr•• to re~tll"n to t h:S.• ofri.~•· for turtb•r '5;d~1c• or s, :f'•• ll, 10 PAR AS I ARE CO~f0t'St$ 1 IOUR CA8ti IS »OT CLOSED TJH.'i:IL X,T IS CLQSID lH .A ¥Alflllia 'A~ ISPACTORY. TO '.fai PAA11ES IR i!*".rB1U:.eT .• tn• In en,y event,, plea•• J"•P~tt. \0 ;a that our reoord ot th• ti~.t •olut1on t11tacn•d illt11n,•• j~t htildi uy tie comp~•t•4• •·P :LaASE - ~1l hereiziafter eallM. lenor. And -~ .... - day of • be- lE"OEF.AL- llSERYE BANK OF SAli l'.RA1fCISOO, M fl.seal Agent Qf ~~ 'l1n:l~~d State"&i hereinafter ealla 1~i;at)Q. WlMSmR: That J.1*\tLJ>l' does hereby unto lessee and lesses does ll.erebt hire and fl'~m less-or tho$a certain pramis~a des ...r1bed as follow-eu to be us~ M mencing on the a ~"1'.rehouu and fer no other puI"pQ-Ss !"or the term o1' , and on the dey- of e.on:day of p!Jlalil.e in lawful mone7 of the UnHed ... at th~ to.tal rental of o~ and. in eandd:e-xation of .. he e-xecut1on Sta.tee of Ame-rica as foll-0w:13: day of on the hereof. recee:i!_)t of v.hich is here-Dy a.cknowl.e dgecl. and ~ of eaeh and eveey month thereafter o-n the and tttttil said. t-ot-.U ren..tal s.h.all ba- paid. lhU lelllh i.s lllda UJl!lQ. and sul:JeQt to t.b.e to.llqwing :PArlies hsrOo dD hereby !.e&:1199o Will PEl1" the rent- '1XT ho:lting t..rms, and eondit.iom. t.o wh1m Ue ~ bstcl.n Jti~d pl'QlllPUy ~ th!? ti=- 8Dll in ~~ lll!ll:mer horcl.n spoc.i.ii.O!l. aver of tbs t.ea. be:i:'ein ~ shtsll be a tan!iibQ~ hem lilOl'ltlL to l!ll?l~ only, ~ be an the teftls and. O®d!Uos ~ ~· .-ee~ ~ lll!9J barilln statea. will not usdetle .. t;be Whol@ or ~ pm of a.aid p..-ee.isel!i, or ¥1fi~ ~$ le:ese ~r ~ r~$ ~ by ~ion ob said precises, o:r ~ eey ~~~fens to- said ~sl!.S, or or al.lmir ~ !ll!O.e o! prope di~t..1.;; 01' ~use o'r ~ t_o ba 1.<Sld the sai.11 pres:iisoo far arr/ othor ~ tbBn that of o. ~e ntbo-i tao -W!U-ten consent of the lessor, ~~~ that t lesaoc &hall ~ tho rfNLt.• .tlt.haut. th~ p:tlor =en~ lMAOI' t.G _aaaign this le!!Ct to ~ tbet' g9'1'8:n:oeD"it:l ~ o:r ina~al.ity, of tmda~ . If al\,J l'l!lnt sMll be dUe aoi unpl$ld., or if. a d.eftml\ shall ~ than It shall bB ll.BlfUl ! T- thlt- l~e~r to ~er said _FOCis.s and: ~ b ~ o-t ~1: hel-ein tor: ' ren.--ve all pUson5 Md pto_ l'i}' t~... 'file: les~ee bas the right tQ cal'.lcel the within leasQ auring th9 te~m hereof , • on ~ .o - the three following datesf to-wit: 1 t~ upon noHee written , 01!' serrt:::ig at least thirty ~s priorleaso_r, se"tting forth les'S~-e-1 s intention to e:a:n~l. Such writ en not io.e s~l be ser-ve:d on. -1 enor br d~oaiting same. in the Sh.t$s mail_. pO:St&ge prepaid, alid.ree~a~ to the lesgor at and ~ n<>-ttce, demand, or comi:rJnica.ti-0n under or in eonne-ction with this leaso ~"' ~e sG?'?ed paBt Upon les~ .e by lcsSilr by depositing the sam.o ! · ~ho trnitca St~t~s mail, prepaid, addressed to the lessee at Les.see shall the O-'}tion to rene---w t~s fror. ~ar to- ~ ear for a year~, ~.:.~on the se.!9-5 · arJ:::a and. co:W..itions as those- ereiu _pe:ricd not to- exceed the case of cancell.a1:ion, s~r if s:Qupou-writ en notice to lessor give:i. as prescribed i at lea-st sixty ( 6o) ~ s 15e.fore · ~e e-~irat i on of the t en tne .• in effect. In the e.~:it of azl:'i re!le•Jtal, ihis lease iaa·· be canceled duri:lJ; ~ su.-eh r-ene'w'S.l tern: b • rt:t.t-~m n.otice to lessor of i:i-teGti~:i. s-o t.o do- give:;. at least t:tirt ~- d&,.vs ¥I"i:--r to the e.f!ective data of ca.:lcallat13a. Ia the e ent o.f en. ee-:i.cellEJ:t-i~ hereb ¥oviaed. , th.a r antel of per "'0-ilth shall be- dUe onl~ - tQ the af:'ective date of the cancellati ?:i , end the 1 e .. sev ~~11. n.ot- he lia.1;1.o for ths '~'ln,;,-n.t ,,f en.,- :r ent a.rt~r s-uc cai.<-cslla.tio~ date • 0 ~ :e--Mraunto _Iii W~ WRE!l.X0-1 ~ . __ r:b&bds . ~4 < ne.1J the ~ and~ ~-rat above vr-itten.. Sigaea. aea.l.ed., and. d.eli"'e~d. i; the pre&-e:i-oe o-f: u..t.. tJlttk R UNll::ill STATZ$ WAR .._Qt ~Q} fA,;42) I DE~tTt I B:[,l I irmr.r TO FOVRTH ,Ml ;y .IUi.D ·~ESTiiRN DEFz~qsE.J t ' = ·'' . I · ,SEl'da n ,, Chevrolet ~ 4 d;<Oor, 5 passlln~e· r l941 ,, Serial jf-1,S,0'034'R4~ Mot6.r ;z40 75643, State lloense 'l5G999 i ea t,75 .00 ea 750 00 Coupe, '.Plymouth, 2 door• 3, pa$5e.nger, 194.2 , ~e,ri.;tl rtll 74461-.X:J tfc:itor ;?B 7l Sl, State licehse }14xB90 (S P 1 E C I. i E '!) I t TO'rAL 11:25_ 00 Received from Federal Resex~e Eank of San Frencisco, Fi~cal Aeent of the lTni ted, t e r.:ioto:r vehicl,e s ebove desc.rib~d .. (Dati or Delliery) - . Res,eI"TI' ~ank 0£ Sa:l ha.rl!>isco l'iseal. Agent cf ~he U-nited St.stas E:v c,'U.~ I:>rtiperty D~par" 11t Jede~ ~ ~ {4-!i.2) f k'mffi ~:!I~ AC~·r::m J ! ··-------,~1~-,-+- · -- i I .. Tit: T ( WCCA 1't>ra- ~ J-4) .f; h.ecutfon f -~-~~s .is.lterna.tive J o. i or 2 , - - r-- "o,..,....__-ft'- l l i Date JJisposition ! -t· ··-··· -l---------t----------- --·! ---- -~ .......... - - - -· 1~--r - ! f -- · ~- i l t---- l ~-=---=-=~-----....--j--t--l~ 1 t 1 I t Iii -- -r----· ---- I - - - - - 1 · -- -·tr-__ -~----'f - -------...., I -------- --~---- Da ? of - --,i -- H1:> . She., t' (;_ - - ---j·-....f- Rsgiste-t'ed -Oi.v.ilian 1:f !-axil;r f O\mf:r i·um.ber i ::~);;:1 ---=-----4t-----+--~{;,! ""-'.P!iR 1 · - lff" ........... -------~~- -~--~ l j -.._.......- -~----- ~---+,----~:=-~. . . . . .-:---t'~~---'-----i-~~---------i~--~----~ +-J-------~--_~-+-I==--_......______ -_~-+1====---__-:----------t-~------J'.i--_~------~1 --,---===-~ -~ :::r _ - . : -----+. ·-r-------+--:- ---- --~-- _____________..,_._ ___,___,_..._J---------~--i":-----t- _.___+! ·1ttl.- -- --;- -----~- --- --- ------~ ~- i I --r,- - - - - - ---+----- -- - -----:i...__... __ I I _j ! J~ --!--.,- - -· --- - r J--=-___ J :.1 1'3J:ZCT : 1;0~ :..) TO AJ: ... r~ ..... ,;) itS ]' : ·arior v,.:.; .,..COL.:;;..., i.>J.:. TIJ,tl 0~1: '..t":""C · ~~ 'J. IOt; CJo:·T· r ;:.,) I: i ::OC ' ...'OEC rRiii - 3 /~:-p ·:.--c 1~0R:. : l''H ..,.4. - -· 11:·: J.TR 0 1 .._..-.....""' 'fou \ii 11 be furni shod m su ~pl " o t . :oto:t· ~ ehJ <!le.. !r. Lop~ction end Vo ua ti on Re ~1or ts (lor. E'PMu 6 flttucl sr.lJ and a1·e t'Qq1 e13ted to be l:jUided by tt1e follord.n , 'ff! ! in b.i; praiSin{LJ the :. IO tor 1rehioles ~ub:i.i tted for your consid.eration : 1. The top section of this far~ shoul4 be fill~ in \~·1th dat a: obtained d ix·eotly f'ro::. tl1e vehicle arid. I otteckeQ. er.;ainst 'the in!'orr.J..ation oohtaine d on ''"COA Form :e'R..1 -,,. You;r estirnate ot' r~con6. i t ·ion~1n11 oosts should bo O :i C> filled in item by item ~rtd tha total of these items , deducted ;from cul'.'rent .:1u book 'Whol~sale veltJese 'feeitive in the locality where the pu.rc sse is. - - 0- oonsw"lmated to deter~1ne Ap ra ised Veluetion . Your Ap ~ r a ised Valuetioh, thereto r e , ehOuld be the (t if:rer ence or such Dl uebo ok who;l.. e sr:.llt; value a:O.d t.he cost of r e conditioning. T.he oric,lnal of the Anor a i sal Repo11 t m,ust be ~ub mi t .ed. tc the office of' t.t/.i is rfo nk: cone er ned, :J Gtled A.4 vo 2. f :J;:: '? 3. 4. 5~ r J'ID:ii. r:· by both e prei~er~ . Und~r no condition should the identity and nati onality of ~ h e le ·al or r~c istered owner be re~pxded as o f acto r in th. appraisal . APPRAI 3 ' LS : In £ ene1 el t e r:. s the an raisals s,hould. be . r;.lOfl~ j.n ~~.e ctly_ the ts~;: e r,wnne r es a lo al d~Iler- w21;J..d ap12,r:eL~e '.l(chi o,Le-s in. the, l•n 2rr.-L.J:,....P O\.p-.· ce or 01.1~ i1ess 1'1 ~ . 1 Asid,e fr oi"1 any c onsi era ions of n:ar1~et oond,:i.t1ons. ' wh r.:uay be r~flected ln D.l ,u e booY. '.1holesale values, .apnr' u.:;it a~ ·. cturl e the . o ·sibil i ty o f t iese .110 or v ehic les belne, :t 0 turr1ed t o the .. ket. 3ven tho ch th..s appraisals arie t o ba os if •iade 1.n the "norr:1al course of b ;:3,iness'' s outl1l'!ed above , ne'li:ert. ! el es s they should not be tr eated as possj, ble '' t1·ade~in ~llovrnn.ces" 'outs 01Jld 'be oonside e' cs c~ . purcheses . 1 The prer:>ent condition of the motol! vehicle 111ust be into aonsideratlon and such nece~sery reco1ditionlncr costs estir.iated on the a ppr.aisa1 t'orms . The coneiide.t·at;i ritls srt&ll be tre~it - d: es if in the ~'n' cou1·se of bu.ainess'1 except in t1be ease Of' tire w.ear 1.u id Condition. You are :.requested to consider tht· rector arbitrarily 83 tho· gh tires 1ere still available at the p :i::ice existing as of .r anuar~.,. 1, 1942 . 1 t~ken Aside froM thie general o tline or aecess~ry insttuotions, you ere expected to drev1 u on 7our b.road knovdedge in this field as yo~ have bfi)en .hired as e rai..!'f l pecial ist s ano to his ettd the F'edere.l Reserve Bonk of S~n',lclscio tiuet rely qpan J'O\l.r c ood ,j dgment. --+-·~..,.....,_.,......_ ..........__.__ ~Od~~ .......-...,...u.-.-~........,.. ' '.Q¢'1fit ,lr,;~6J I -'~ _,,....~~r- :Wtitr1•U.r l!Tµrilber _...__ _ _ ..,,.._.,. __ _ t,!il,e&,~e " Date ' i'iiJr.~ "".......--'l'TT'.. ...........______ L±ca11e.e i:'o . . ,..., __ Sedal : o . leb.i;i:.1. :~o . WOTAL - ~ - - - $ --.._,,...,,.. . ,~ 'Blue Doolr. - W'hol,zi-g,e.J.i' V&!le •• ! Jiit 13 , cop.ti of Recon\:ii, --- <!! ·~·~~ .. - - - .... $. - . - i_ _..___ Appre.her : - - - - - · - - - - - -.....-.....:.;...-:--Ap;p ra, i.aer ---. _,_,__ __ ., ,re &1~e .reques d t01 ott'ier tb0t W(JCA ae t Jl"9Tt14'.e Plen~e ~etimate f'tJ'tur....;i requi.Tfenentsl" e;tve ua your es.t1. , ~~, .. lt 1tH'}.t '>VCC,A. with llP roxiim:rt.e nurn.\ler 1 cunven1enoe.,, t'o:r eaoh ~peretio d to 1~te o y ' rin;il:i.l;i!'L RJ4SERVE BANK F $,Ali i'R HO I..:.JCO :B''.!eeaJ. Arent o,f th~ tr~~ited S t.. ·tes ' vc1a,t, Pro:1e11ty .De:ia·rtJrten.t etr~otlons Tr.Ls is to cer ·ttl,'y t.~1at the ur1de..z:•oicr1ad the fo.l l o\it1c deaoribed .Jot.or vc.!+icle : es o.t.. ! :oto·t· V ;i. !' Df . v~ ...icle .__,,.._...,..________ I:J,t..,_f:..e •·. "'lbe11 t n~e 1 1 of Ve.hiole. ~ diSJCaittbn ·~ .icl.e ' the t?.e ist·ered Owner Ql' _ __..._..._....,._....,__ _ _ _ __ ~·-..-------- ! r e v,t ously deUveted to the Fodi;u•el Re er va 3··n.~~ r.H~ Sen F:re.nci(>c'' r '' Fiscal Auent of he t1.nited Si::.tea . .:>~id bank is hereby in st· t.t~ted to !"'1&.~~e ,he:,: follQWipg di.-:;ipo~i tion of cuo.h veh.Lcle: !211/~0 -ff) ~ ~ /t?o~~ ') 0 0 'l'he receipt fOJ;'tY del. vet>ed by setd bank at the delivery of the c~r ts returned tere~i th. ~(.........,.........,_ im.o they oo 1: iat h~ is er tt .led t .o l"el~e1 ...~io vehtole , in ec co (fand c ·.. l ., t~ tv~ ri bove n·tr~H::: '.lonei or Ue re· i:ste.r~d. o\.mer .nd ,'lereb:'/ c.ckno'li,letlGe:a .r.ecoip Ot' ~e cel1ver¥ of G~~h motor vehicle . Tt·.,~ ;,.;,t:..C.~r!lt .... nf;3d _ ::,.· e1;>~"' reprefHmte t t (;! o bove t, esc~ i bed .1otot1 __ ----- .,__ unuac"'· L ""'pri,l 16, 1942 Mr. . Eale : "Mr,. Watk.11'ls tn his t,elephot)e c. <Jnve 1~~ati0n regatid 1rl the two a.u tomobi '.Le:e a bout which I ' phoned y<m, rec..ueEsted thr.'1. t we pr·e}P re a. form 'for o'bt aini n g a rece1 t in connectio n wit automobilEs .11ch J:w,ve bee.n previously s tot•ed.' with and where subseque nt conditi on s tn:ake it nece sse. ry to nt ke· delivery of the automobiles in a mann r oth~r' h.a t indic .ted in their original req est. Wou l.d a. form such. as the cLt.ache<; mee l.IRllllD~1V1111011 fO~~~ APR 1 1942 1th your. Rpproval? ,..-- '. . . ' ;µ TIP ',~---""'"........... _...,...,"fl... f" _ _ _I"'"_ _ _ _ _ _ _.,...,...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.._..,._ _ _... , """"'~ ...... lil I• ~·-..,....,...,..., ___.,...____ ...,._.,...~---, -· _______. _________________........_..,,,,,,. ___ _______ _..._........... _ _ _ ,..,.~-..._.._- ......- - - - - - ,_. .... '------··-·· ..__.__,.,...__,,,, __ ........ ~ ""' _.._.,...,..... _____..,_ ______.____. _. .. l•· •-·•·- ''"''-•" '"""'.,,'-''"0...11..;flootboO•••.J..., (Oa.te} The 'fP11owing d.escrit.'ed motor veb,tcl, baa him aeln'e:red ·t&> thfi Federal Re&el"Ve Bank of Sa.11 Frtmdrte~, q F~ICal Agent of tht United $~te•, l>'1 t'he' ~ed QW'nei: :for dJ~po•it1011. In••u•uch as the :l'egia~ration eerti&ate ,i:ndi1=ate• that you are the legal owner, it fa req u.eeted th&t tht c.nter·JIOrtfon of thb~ tonn be completed 'by yo11 and ·re~u~ed to this bank in, ot'de-r tllat ptoper djspoeitiorti may be m•~e ot the vehicle o!' pirocee<llil therefrom. ll~aletl&re Owner~-·····--·········-·- ............... --......".,..~--- ..•··-··-.................. _. .... - ...-Addrees.,........ _______ ., ............................ _.. _.. .............. .Mak~.... ~................... - --· ---·- ........................... _................ M~l...~ ..,.-......... .. ...- ........-•• :Lii;:enee Number.....~...- ....................._... .. Motor ~'1J'U~...--.---·-·······"' .. Ser l ~u.mbel! ..,.....,,.................... .,,..Date aold-·~·--- .......................---·-·~ .... ~........ l"IE~ERA-._ RltSll .. VE 8A"4K 0,,. GAN P'ltANCISCO l"J•C.l/.. AClllNT OPTMS UNITG 91"A1U f'llt>ER."L ftE~ElllVI! 8AN:K Of' •Allf F'litAr4CISCO r1ilCAL A.GSl'IT Ol"THI: UNITU •TATU Ail At•l of the E ........,,,.,.~Jr• ... ···,.;lfo-••••lo/1 ••"•''......... ,, ..... _, . _._,~ .,,"j' '' ''"''-(IJllte) ac:u•. We hereby eeriify that the following l:nfo-rmatlon, as ahown. by our recorde, ia correct and that we, aa lcig'" o·wner.a of th.e vehicle de15eribed ~bov~ will '!'}!!~.R~ as t\nal ~;rment ot the btdebtf,Mi:nesa •B-.inst ft, the a1;rlollnt indicated aft~11 the captiion ''S.mTX'L,l!J;M.ENT :SAL.ANOE". CONTRA.CT OR MOR.'I1GAGE 0 0 DatecL....... ~............. ,.........- ...., ..,... 19... -.... , payments t-0 be made........,..,, ............. _....~ ..-·, (!l-l!, etc.) amount of $.... ., commencing ,.....,,............,.......... - .............. ,.............,.......19•....~ ... and matut- 11 ,,., ............. Original amouPlit of contract - - ~ - - Pald to date - - - - ~ - - - - - BAI..ANCE OWING ON CONTRACT - Less: l ·nsura.nce Rebate - - - Oariyfrlg Cha.rge Refund Ot'her Allowances .. Plua: lnternt to. . ............. ·--.. ,. ,_.. - - - ... . ................................ -., ' ::::.::.'.::X.::'"·• ..·····-··-• .. , $....................................... . '-·"l·· ·~·1••000 .. 0H•i"·"'"'0•'-'" f,.. ..... ,_.,,.. .......... _ ...,. ...... , ••••• , .......... . (D.ate> liElTTLEMEN'l' BALANCE (Amou"t which will be acceptable u prior to-.-............ ___ .............-.. ~ ..............................- •), ,i. . . ' ·-~~'"""'~'""''fOOH,..10•1,···i-1• t .. ••• !•"' '' ••·•••bO·o• •-••••-• tbi&TPiiYnlim mi or ----·-··- ... _ .... $ .....- ..... --..·-·~ ........ <Pa... ) ===-=:;r·.,== ... - - · - - · - - · - _ , . . . ...... ... . ........ . _.......... --·-···--· ------···H -00f ~ 0 0 0..,._ 10• •--·•U0 00 (;Nuoe of t.osal o.rur) ... Hho•••f ...... 0~-1"'''" .... f't'' ' '~''l'-·"•''•f••·-~~ ··-· ·-- -·--- - ~f'0000 000 ..... 0.. - ......,......... 10'000 _ ..... (A4cbeu) ,j,,..,,.._.... . 87_..,..., __.....__,.. ~ ... ----I"'-··-·-----·~·-· . . . _,_ . __,. . . . . . . ~--. .,.........,_. (Otrloilll Stl'~tu,•) ____ . . ,. ....____.,__.,.t.M•-··-··-,..···. .·.,,~ (nate) . . . ..... . .,_\. .,.""" . .__. . ,. ,. . . . . . . ~1 ~~··- .. 1~---- <N•m• ot:'ll.lv111m11H) . . . . .t.1·....,.-·.-r-,.... ~· ,,.i.,....,~,, ""'"fOH"'!'-,__r"'tt•_,, ... ,,,,,,,O o •~- · • -• ••O.., .,_,. ., •.,,_........, _ _ ., (Dal.#) The ioll9wing dei'9Cl'ibed mo: ol' v:eh$cle has 'Peen ·deliv4Jred W the Fede.-11 Bee«tve. Bank o{ S6n Jt,iaC!41 Agent o , the nltM!' State~, by th 1'qiafertld, ownejt f.Q~ d111pmt'1f19n. Ina1mw:h as the reptr1:tiou certi•cate iJJ~tp.1 that y,oo U18 the lepl oWllet. it 18 req uetlti!d that the cent.J)r ~n <;f thiis form be tompleted by you and retarned to thf11 lmnk irii order th. t ~oper r:lta~itfon may be . '.f~ncil9co, - made o1 tht! vehicle or ptoceedls therefl"om. Registered Owner...·-'··-······•-·····-···..,.... ,........... ,. __1·-··-.. ~ ........, ····-··~.....,.,~ ......,,..Ad.dreS... ............. _,.............. ,__ .............,............,...-~-Ma,ka... 1.,......~ ...,... ,.~· ··"'''"'·•Ir·'. ~·*l••1r···,··~"·-·,,.. ---t'·· .••• ,, - ·····It···'"··-., MOO.@.l .. , ... ,.,,......... ~."'"1--1·····H·•·--'~-r""' X,,iee.:ile' ~ tit.lber~........1ooii..,,.... r1 ~1 - .. j,_1-<f_,~..~ M'Qtor Number......."......... ,,.......... rrit-1 Number......... ,..,, .....-... ,...........Date t\ret 115(lld.~ . . . -·~-...................._...,..._ .....-...-......_.._... l"EDli.RAL. .. IES<VIE 9ANK OP' SA!'lf t'RANCfSCO .... ~AL AGCHT Ofl'1fH• l.IN11'11D 19TATU By. .....~.1 -t,,.w...............,-...... P'Et;>l:RA.L ftES.llVE •AMK Ofl' SAN P'llAl"CISC:O jfo.......... . ., •• , ... , • • ,,., , j, .. ...,,,,,,,.., P'l•CAL Ata&NT OP' TW'"' UNl'T'llD llTIA.JQ ,~ ............_ _ ,~,.-.----.. • .-,,. •• U•" •''°""'.,.°"'"',.' ' '""'""'-"'-'•-•••••• ... ~.., ••-•• - (D&te) Ae 4-enl of the E¥acuH. W~ hereby ~rtify that ·thf? f<>llQWi'ng lnfonnatlon, as l'ho~ by oyr- rec.:c>rdsr i8' Cbl"lleet and tha.t we, as legal owners of the vehh:le deseribtid above, will accept al! ftna.l payment ot the inde:bte<l11ess ..Wnat it, the amount indicated afte? the ca~tion •isETTLEMEN'F B.ALANCE". CONTRACT OR MOR'rGAGE 0 D Dated ... -.,.. ~~... .,..,, .........-................. UL .~. paym~nts to~ 1;1uade,.... -................- .....................- .....,.... in (MontWy, •tc.) amount u! $......__ ,. ......-..... commendn~...........,,. ............~..........................................19.......,., and maturing:.... ~· ..--... - ............ - .........- ...... w .. •···-·-~·--- 19 ... _.,_, Original amount of co~tra.ct •· ... - - Paid to date - - - - - - - BALANCE OWING ON CONTRACT Lese: - .. Insuranoo R~bate - - Ca.rrymg Charge Refund Other Allowances - - ' "••••••U••••-•-'•••••••• ••-•"' ' - $ ........ ,.........--~·- ........ . . $.......................,................. -· $- .............................. Plus: Interest to..........................-~..-.........._....... _.............. $................. ~··~······- .. ······· w ..t•> SETTLEMENT BALANCE (Amount which will be acceptable u prior tO---.. ·----···~....,.- ...... ~.~ ...... ~..................... ,.. •) · e~. . . -~ . . . . . ,,,1............ -.. '1'·· "'"t"· . . . -..·--····"··. .·--.. t\na paymentoii or ~--..----- • :.:-···•;:.:=;:;;.:,;;;;::;;;.;;;,;; (D&'le) ·-··--·-·-·..·-·-····-··--&;;;;·;;;-t;;;;i-o;;-.;;;-....--··---"·-····-·- By..... , .... ~·1·,, .... ,.................,._ ......._. . .,,.....~ ..,...._. ......._ ... ~ ...~ ......, ___....,...1""""'-1.·····-··t·....- .... ~otualal ~uir•) ......_.........,...... _._(ij;'{;j-...........,_.. .... - '--··-i. -····'1-"""--·" ~e fol1;<>Winr described U,ij>fol' vetl'icle h.,, been delive.-~ to 'th1r. F~•u B•.rv!9 Baiik oit S•n '.l'~aneiseo,. · b :t1bscal..Arent cf th4' Uniite4: Statu. by tl;i.e Mistered o~r" tor dis~~ l'n&amucb, ttle,regietratip'll cerii~te jndlcateJ that,,rou ~re the l gJJl o~er, it fs re~ uested that the centet''Pi)riicH~ , <>f tblS f <>mil be C4>mpleted bt y()u and r~umed to this bank jn Qrder tM.t proper' dis'Miidon may. b 1 made of the vebfele or prt, ed• ttum~trom. Regfatered Ow11e,...........1................~.,., ....... * ...-· · ..• ~.......... ,•._ .....,....•••. ..,:.1.. .......:•• A..,id:rea1J.:..H ·t-· ... ,... ..-...........,.~\ ·--·~--..·~-,,.~ . . . ~,.~··· ..·-··'!"...... MOEl~l..,._.J..,........_ ...................._ .. ,, ........- Liceoae N~l>er~ . .,t'~,, •...,.,, .....~~~-~··· H •• . . . . . . . . M.,lec........... ·-.. fi.t--- MC'Mr Nt.Jmber... _................_...,..-... JSerfal Nu·m ber...........*"~· w ............ D~te ftrat itQld,_- .. ,.......,...,.__~;.,........~....-_,,, .•:.......,,, .._,__ P'llPIUtAL AEa•llVIE BANK OPi ,.A,M ,,IUNl:JtBCO l"t.C~L A•IEilfT Ofl TH FEDIE"AL RE:saRv.i: BANK 01' SAN FRA"6QISCO &.,•·•r-1 · -·•...,.••t'f~·j··· l'leCAI. AClll,l>IT' OF T.,a !JNlT,.D •TATA U•HTllD ,.,.ATU ....··•~-··~··~• "'"''----t··-.,. (Pat11), ' A• A,pnt of i.he J;-vaewee* ..,.............. ..i..~....... .. w,,. We her~by cert;lfy t}l,at the follqwinff Jnformat~on, as sl?.own by 011,r recprd11~ is '1Qrr0ct ·imd that ll.s legal ownera of tb.e vehie~ deec:dbed •bove, will accept 11s 'ftnal payment of the indebted;h.e&~ aeaintlt tt,.the amount indieate<l after .the caption "SETrJ... ,EMll)NT B~LANCE''. CONTltAC l' O i\;tORT. "'AG.E o· amQunt 1.>f f ..............._.,..,,.... oi Dated ...................... ,..T ... .,.-..........- ... - .. 19,_... _, , pa;ymcnte to be m,ade..•- ............ -...............- ..,....,....,_.~tn {llf:qntlll7, tit.<:.) mmendng,__ ... ·~·-····..,-·,..,..-....- ..........._...,.......... 19....._ , and 0.rlginal amoullt of co~tract - - • - ,. - "' • - - - - - - BA.J'....ANCE OW ~G ON CONTBAc T Les": Jns11nnce Re~te - - - - - - - ·· Carrying Charge Refund - - Other Allowances - - - ~ ~tur- P,ajd to date - ~L ...........................;;.... $ ...,,. '"1. , ,........ , .,_ . 1#-lH •! .. ·•• .. -••••••• ,j, . ..... . Plus: IJ!terest to....h_, , ,o• ...,., "•••••-••-••••-••.,.••..-••O,.-..o•••••-·--1"-- ..................... - ... 1., .... '-... (Dlltl!) Oth~r °':· . •"" ............-::.:;.::. chthr1ea ... .................- .....................- ..·- ·-·-·.. (Speclty) l $ .......... ,, .. ,. ... -.. ~....._. ' SE'l'TLEM ENT BALAN<JE (Amou.nt which will be acceptable u prior ta .."..~...... ,........~ ... - ........ ,..,_ .......... -..........-<., ··--•). ' ·-t•-,. riJ.o.. ... ,, .....,,_,,.._ ••r'·h· 1ina payrn.~nt cmor , ................ ,... _,,,_., ,.,..,_..., ... (:0&1.e) • ...,•. ,.,~r ..-·....... __,.,,.. .. - --·-·--·-··· ...·····CNMll• .........._..... ............. or tA1al Owur) ,............. ~~.,....--~·-- ,A-o•.;,.;.i ..... ,,,,...,_.__, ..... ,,.. ............ ,.,..,_.,~, ~) -·-;.,.,_,, ""IF='-=====°" ···~ .,.,..,_, ...,.... _.,._,..._...,. ' , _,.,_,_"'' .... f .... 0 - 0 0 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .. By--·~···- ..-·-·-··~~........... __ ......;.o.~~- ............4---·-·•...._....-~··· ..~· <o.*~ct&l 811ill.ll!Lllr•> ' en~ Pl'ope l:"ty ·epa.i•tl; a.~~e " Sank Qf • fnmci co 3ent. of the 01"1.LCH! ci'l!.ai!!Je~ Qtviti~a ~qlusi0n O'rder l'T\.:mbsr _ __ Location · - _ _ _ _..,. ..,.- C' ty Jtate ______...,.__ ......__ 'l'elephon~ Ilo . _........,__ ere•d:t ·----.......-.....-- Dt1 e CJ..osed~ -·.....---· 04~ te o~ . .,.__,____. , . .,. . . ,. . .__. . . --- ~--· Day ,_~-\lti- '.l'ot1;1.l ._..,......,.~--- N ..unber of eva ue~ 1s ; • • • • •• • , • • • • ~ ••• • •• , • , Nurn'ber· p ! htitada of. I ·--1-_...,.... __. _......._ t a,m.i,J. ie s 1 ~ • • • • • ~ • • • •• • or in € t"V'ie rfEl; ~h.rtllbe.r On p1•0 1·~r-ty problems , inc1.11dingr ~ . PaOV06t , perm.tts i'CIX" storage : p:t'Operty sett lem.e n.t e • ., • • • , ••••••••••• • • • ----.. . ---·-~··-·-'+---+--- -·-· - ·- : .otor vehiqles: r·:o.. taken in o cttstoQ;( for sale to A1•rny: No. take~ .i.n.o cuatoct.y for stora. ~e : .~ · · • 'to aJ. nUlilber or vak icles rooein:id : .... , ~'lace of stor qec ·· - - ~ -- - ·-----···· .. __ __ --------ro.nrty ..;__, . ............_.. - 1areh~st:ld: itll!!bel:" o.f;ir: units: • • • , q •• • • ••• ••• N\..lmb<l.r t:>f pac?<i.geiH .. ~ •••• •• • ••• ••••• ~ ~ Approx.i.'.JlS,te ap::ice oc~upiod (in C\I. . ft . J Plr.!ce of st.oro._g$: ·-·-~--., -..-...., ·- ---·--"I- · ,. ,_. _. .__.. . .,_ -·------.i... ~"·-- P'-rojaot complete : --~-----.,....__ ___,..... Pro j ec: t incomplete =·-------·---r-'-'Remark$'.' _ __,____.....,..._ ---~-·-·-- .,_,...,____ Si.1i.'Xlatura ot &eproac.,nt11< t :l1tt-: in Char '#tt ?+ 41 .,,_ -cover!~ ,. Ertclo~-yed io a oop~r Of fa.rm ·vCC.A-l'R.B- 2 your pro erty placed in store .eat the indii:;ato on the fornw 'II e ['IO .!'LY' ,'. e eive.•d. .... agrees wi h t~'l48 list subz1!.tted by you . pl a 11,ndly rel!leip't of' t ;f1 enclosure b sign n6 and returnin . the enclosed ao~y or ~ 1 l@ ter. Yours very t~ul~ , Assistant Cashier . Heceint . ot the enclosure is aa~nowledged ' 'l5e.te Sj gnt~ture ber En lose~ la Cl oot)Y of fO~?fl WCC ,.;)Ftl9' Goverina yo:ut' p,r6p~rty ['la¢<qd ih ,sto1ae;e ~t The frope1ty r plaq~ 1ndiootetl on the rorn~ g~ees Wit h tbe li•t sub~ itted bV you , 'Kindly a ck no vled1:0 r.ecei pt o:r t.hE) enc los re the en-01 o:;;'ed cor.>y or this by" $lgo.1ntr. ~rtd ~·etu:r nin(. ,lett~tt .. Assistant Cesb1er. Date ' S!6.) E'nolot;Jed is a oopy ot for11 "~1c0A - FRB - 2 cove.rint, plc~ced. in storaa~ e.t the place ;Lt <lto · ted on · the f'brn:. The p.r ope:rty reoeii1'ed a @'ri<:Jes wl ·~h the lis.t s .ii ·t ted by you with, the follov~inti c:r.ce;itions : your ptop·e rty Kindly acknowl edge receipt nf the en~lnsure by sicn1ng and return ng t~e en loued oopy or this let er ~ Yo rs lfery, tru,ly , Assistant R~oei . ' t or tha enclo ute la aaknowledced Dt\ te Si ·;na lrfJ achier . e copy ot' form ~COA-l'RB .. 2 ac:l'v'e ,r:tn :Enc;r.Qsea " ; prqperi:., ,ple.aad in .sto.tttge et the pJ.1tHH't , indict.rted q~ the rorni.. Tha pi:toper ty ,t•,sc ~.iv- ~ ·~ste~s wit.fl the list · ~Lu> rru: tted titr you wi tl: tl115 tol ow:tns e:it\\'teri1~1.on$ ~ lCindl~,r a kn,r>VJl edge l."e eipt bf the en~)J"sute b'~r signlng a,n.d re tu.rning the· en losed copy o c tl)1s let, te.r ~ Yot~r s v~vy '1 Recei. t or ' ;, he enclbsure is t!lCkn01tvl:.,a . ed truly, f£X>ERAL RESERVE Ftsqu. AGmtr BANtt OF SAN FRANCISCO o•,... uwno STA'Qs Fanily Nt.tro.ber Enclosed ta the door key for .. remisce looa etl at f orme.rly occupied by ----------------....,___ now evacuate • who ha~ instructed us to forward the k:ey to you . You~o very truly , Assistant Cashi ~. .-...,,._..i...• l ......... ....................... ~......................................~ ............. ..........._.___,................ _,.........~ ~ now evacuated, who l'le.s 1rist.l1ucted us to fo.rward. tl?:e key to you .. . Theae .lo11trul!tio11a are not h~f.e'llded ~ •Jld ahal~ not fn m'Y manner Hmft th• 1en111rallt)' ot· tile authority iiranted by thA p~wor Q~ •tt.orney r.efe,Red1tp h•tef11. " , The, "1th.I~ descd'bctd p'i1:>~~ 1 ll deif.v.ered,·t,o t~e ·~tderal Bank of 18..n Fra1ud1co1 u Flteal uent of'tbe·Unlted Sta'telr1L•t the 10Jo rlak of tb1111ndei:tt~ed dd it I• •wr•·~ th•t :00' lfablli~ or re•ponaiw bllit,y ~h•ll bt11'.Uned by Ule Fecleral Reserve ,Bank 9t San tnranclaco fl.l• any ut 01 om.tisl:fon In. eoniiectlon wt't h ita care or diepoeitfon. Tb.e undtrrel~'!ld furlbt'l' ee• ~ .,.~mJ>ur1e the Federal Ruerve Bank ot S-.i Flanch1co, :P'l•c~l Asent ot· the United d;Jta.tea, ln full, for all cbar1e1 and ~HI ~eu~d: i~ conn,etfon \J'itb the cu~dy and diapo•~tl~n;, ot an,- of the foreJofBS p,rop.rty, •4 a(lt.J\orizea and ·tnrituct.,- ~~td bank, i~ it.I own. dbct~-?n, to make- dedµc'tio~• out ol th• proteeda of fne<11ne from ~ ot •uch property;, for Ut11·reimburrae.rrlent of 1u1;1h eh'uJeil· The uncloralirned furth~r ac,reee upon demand to. ad-n~ee to the, ,ed.e,nl Re1erve Bank o! San Franel•~., the ain,Ount of any ~el, 1tor,qe charfu morillg cbarsu. cutiQdiaitl coata, o~ other clhargea or e~penalea ine·11rr•d, ~r 'VVhJch it mar b11 neet11&.~J' ~ incur. in connection. with U1e di1posittan, care, ettetody, or pre•arvatton qf' th• property de1el'ibed J.ierefn. -.r.. •-1• °' ""'""'·-·•1<•'r'--··. . ' u•• ..... ..o.-•;•• ..,..·-~tl'f-...w 1 -. ,~ ... i""•'•••... ,...,..,_, .,....-f"'__,. ,_.,,...,,;.,., . 0 .. (it•• 1 • . . . . . , . .. . . . . ,,.~, • µ jf!j plff id ti '; 'ii; ~ . 'II!'!'" ..... t MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATION FORM N'ame- of Legal Owner: (if diffeTI1,ht.) _ _..._..,...,,.... Addtt111i of legal Owne~-,_~-· 'Licen~ • NUJPber,.... · --- ' u 1, Serial 'NumQtif,........,...,.....__._____~---- -·-·~--- Make of V dllcl Erigine Number _ _ _. Da.te First Sold...--~--,.... 'type of V11;J:1'c;l~T1'1""'+----- ~-----···,.....·-·-·-- . . . ( . t AcceB110rie& ('tt r.umhe1' ott Vf:h.icle): Fog tight~~) --·------ Radio..._,., 7 .,.....__..,~-~ Sp re Tire(s) - - - · - - - ~ Remarks: _,_,. _ _ _ __ -~- ---·-~- ............. _...,; ' • ··~-!. ..~~-----·-~- WAIV·lR I ...- - · •..,., • . _ . _ .. .,_ .. . . . . . , _ _ . . . . . . , . . . . . , _ . _ _ . , _ , _ _ _ _ ,.,_ '-r"·••- •-· 1 '!'he motor ve:hJde m: this fotln u dellvered to th.c J:iedtral R;eserve Ba."lt o( San Francisco. as Fiscal A~nt of the Ut1ited States, a.t. tht sol4i ,risk of the 'Ul1de.rsigned. It is a:gr~l tha.t no ltabJJi y or respon.sibUity ihaU ~ tt:1$11wned by th!ll Fede.ra.l lle11erve .Ba11k of. S 11 l!'nqclaco for: any act or 1>rni&sion lni conl}ection with its qiaposition. Jt is i.mdmt(:)Od tbat nQ iMuta.nce will be pro'rided Q.n t:1:d:ii pt!O[ler;ty. I l A WitneMee ___ ..___ _ for Dlit.era~ RICl,IPT FOR VIHICL I Place of Delivery.-~---~-·---~---·---- _--····-----------~--__,_.._._,..-·----~ .. 'Re.ceipi: pf tpe veh.ide deacdbe.d above. is hereby ai:knowfodged. Date...._ _ __ _ _ _ _ ,.-.....--____ - • Plac~ ·~---....,- -·-.-.-....,............._---~~--- -- ltepresmtfog tlte- Pcdttat Re.t~e BanJt of Sin f1'i.1f'lf:L~co, P ~cat A,gettt of the: United St.ot1e:1 • in St:Qrage I a,t._ _ _ _ __ _ _ --·~--· ........ -------·-.......-~- Instructions to Owner To be ai:cepte.d foi: ittQragc by the U'uite.d "Sµtes Government, !\he motrJr vehidie must ~ in, p optitr running order. • I ' ! 'J The proctdur~ for regil.iterl11g apd etorlng a motor vehicle f.s as follow11 : l, (1~) l'he Stat•? Mot0r Vehicle' l~egistr.itio1i Certiiicate f•~r thi$ ve:hicle-· tn~tr 'be' ',ll\Jbtnlttitd at d10 Civil C!intr<>l Statltm, a.l)d three c.opi~ of th:is ~ rm (FRB-3) will' then be prepa.rttd, I J M I ',1,1 I 1. ( with the Rl!gistr11tfor1 tog1:1ther (b) Tw~ 1"'..0piii:S of this form 1 Cert[til;':Q.t , will be ham1ed to th•! ei1acuce for his retention untd a.rriv l at tbti ~esign:i.teJ Aasembly Center. The thir(j copy will be retained a,~ the Ci~il Col').~rol Station.. will be given an identification ta~ which he (c) The e'Vt1cu.c . ··~ ~iJl ti ' sl!'i;u 1·~; I):' ,to the ilte!:.,i:J~g . ap~ratus · ""'v•ifi.kle. • .. -· ·· · ....... · ... ·· · ot th~ motor . · Jt.l!.t (d) Ot1 arrival ia.t th · -t.~ the · itva.cllee will 1 1y, d i:hv r to th~ repr~.aenta,~rve o th.e li1r.:deral R·~crve &.nli. l!Jh ~an Fr,rn-=W,:P th• ~WO CQl)i of• tbi.s £ ~·in, tl1c Re~11r t r.ttjon Cercillfate. , f\d tb<1 ktr,Y¥ to tl~e vehid~. 111 ~ Fl•,fai'a.1' ~e.serve B11ntt ·o( ~.11 Francil!<.:O will eheck a.ll nurnbers on t.he 6ol1ljl and j(i fouhd to be oorrecc will ackm.Jwl~dge rec.eipt of the motor vehicle by slgning un copy tJf the forJn ;1111u delivering it to thl! (e) 'l'he' r.epruenta.tivle' ofl th 1 evacuee. 1,1 J Jf the m<.?tor vehicle dei;cribed fn, this form iis l.ost, damag\!c..I:, or diel!troy~d a.a the test!Jt of negligl'i1ce while it i6 in the posi;e&Siort Qr c41ittid)I oe the St;.1.wt1, or any ageqcy actillg f,'>r it, the Congress 0f th.1e Unit.~ actiom ot .di~ beniifrt .Gf!:. :1:pprl'lprl1 t.lttiA; wU:l ~ ~ •t t.a: olone1 Kar.·1. ft.' s~ r.i who w:i.shera t,p that /'.ll'.lY e~~ ailien or dispose ~ti· lil.n ~\ltto.0:1t.»bUe o.r' t,ruok ca n, by l'ligning a pow~r-o -~ttorney, .h.a:ve ·t he IDv·~9\lf,l Prop~rt.y U19partntent. e ~t as hh et3.nt "m· tie eal.e 0£' the vehi~l,e in q).iel'!t:tQh. Only a few ev~e~ea have avai led themise)i ee err tl'th e,1•:rr11.r1ge.1r1en~ , ch.ie1'ly· tor ·t.wQ l"e onl!: ' ~tth-ert At. the preadnt 't.ime it of' Ja.p~nese t;i.,nc~~try (_) }!;vaeuea bel,;ieve th~t ~.:tt1~r a tpri~r Je riod . h:ey W'fl.~ be set..tled in$ loca tion whe·r e 't.b.e:Y w$.1l be pert11itt~d t.i:o umi:- , ll.~i will hav n ed o:t ,. their c.r. rv· t,l"u:c:k:~. ' ~::?.) It tuamed e ve·t• e n<.>, as:iur,nc~ ls.~ f~ o thtll v~)\icle ·~ill: .btt isot<:i (.)r ~ ~ "R:h'1it pl'ioe ~ · when ':[lt)eee anti ot,het"'!'; .. i nti s 1vill reault in 1\ar~e 11.0ct:llllull'ltions or ClU'8 81'lj:I true B i n !;l..o,n Cer ~ l"IS , ~her'6 they wiU be tmpour.ded a nd immobilized. /, la.11ge San P'rancL.. ~ o rJ.ea.l er in na ¥ and used cars gi v~e :;is hle exper t opinictn that at tbe end of t, w() oi" three mpnths t.besei vehia es l•ill require 1:1 n av-ij,ru ge or one aay •s 1 work by a coµip tent beil'or they fire usable, and t~M~ t they w;i.J bet ,' worthlees at th$ end 0£ .i'oU,r to five ntortth$ . ' '' I:> !ur"bher com.1;i..t,Q th~ p!7ob1em: (1) 'Many o! under a Myme.n:t ple.o. 2) th t~es~ fl.Od t,rucl,(s <.re being pu:rohaaed owner .. a. tim wi l he ti~ tt. r eel iovi\jr a Wide t r:r tocy. (3) 'l'heZ"e will be a c c;mcontr6.tion or car a ah.a t~· l~Kl!I .at tndur.itiort Cent rs .t r beyond t ua ty to absorb of tl e l,ocel market• • . (4) 'Nhc ~clilc b~a.:r 1tl~e los.a !!lholi d ~ her he a. de ivo. f'i.ri!t , s tora11~ ~ir ~;i...d, ete . 1 i , 1 '.t'be ill.t$t'11.1tt 4ll tine OP.I\. i?il. a '.),. thb .~I!! the uns ~dn~liltl ' econ-.<.:al.Q' et p1il.t"Ill.itt:lin<$' thtu1.,,a.ndci, (!)f car~ • nd trucke, ·tC1geth~i! iitn thei£> h.i.N.1s nnd batt.1ru:· e5, v't t&l.1¥ l?fe4(1M!\ 'oz: de en ". tr&•t.a.:Mon, t sit 111. open X1f.ll<ls until th.ey beean.~ ecr ' A tbei:r~ ea.:r-~ · ~ug~~~ted ~emedy ie as fQllows: (lrr) Ex..plid..o !uJ.l.Y to fill ev1.t~,_.eer! thia,t. ther canr10 e..nG]. t.r-ur;;lt$ be7ond. b~ 1~1duct1."n point. · . ' use ve tne.m t1..1rn over t.he ti.'t,,1198 ~f! 11 pink a:li. d 1 t:o t'he Go'v'all'runent .nt prices' to b$ d\.ll. tert11.i..riild: hy' a. ~ompi&tent' i;.pr)r hr'!· el", wb.ich yp:r,.,.cet!>· · r to ~1e aomr:i-whe:re tietween 'S,l:u~ Iao6k liet a.,-it;l. (2) 1 ~urr~n£ market prices . (3) Credit the eye.cue wi 'th the net proce ds of $Uch 1e-als 11 , f'ir(!t daducting aey b£i.l~nce d'U.e, a cha.:r~ e , ~ .c! . 1 (4) C';i()Vell'l)mt>nt Mgenc:ii.~s f!lngaged in V.J . C\l Hon, euc-h e.e the ~p,a.rtw.«mt. , f."ir~rt <:·'l.l:L on e..lJ. e~rs. and t.Jt.>uclto:. (5) J3erore ca r s :;')'..Ud rucka dep:raciA ,e ,un t11.y, a.v:range i.'c;a· thf§ir aa:t.e ttrt."11,mgp est.a lien d md. t•«oJm,i.tat>l~ dealertJ-. •, JO ~ACUE&S INS'FRUCTIONS = :::; - R:EGfRDlijS DISPOStitON OF MGTGR VEHlGill - 'tht ~"!!!cf- <:-cita /-""'"·my is-- aut..lioriu.rl, in its .:!i:;t~~ n1 pw:~ m:otoi ~idesAreni ~~ - ·~ e:tt<."t!atian. ilrotQr ~ ~ ~ °' ~. sold ~! ~fu a~ - ~ *. . · T.HJS IS ro CH.Tl'i'.Y_tlmt fut under.signcd.haueatland w:idersand the inst.rue> tfuns On ;he ~\'tr!e heR()f .r.Cg_arditig dY! ~ of th~~ -,,:ehicle described on ·. !'{3;.F,O?Il FRB--~wh.'r.:b 1' · un~ ha..~signecl~m:ntly ~with. Said instructioound th~ withe re\re~ of'WCGA I'orm fB.B-3 are-a {};lrtv thtS -agreement. _The' ~d ~ t ~ the a,f 'd motor vclude - acw..~iag J\lttmafute NQ, - -· set furth. oo the-'<~ htreof, and nqu~eilei:al P-.~-e Bank of San F-ranrnoo. ao heal ..'\~t of tU Unit~ tates, to att accordingly. H tl1£ ~~~ of::iru~ve ~ ~ a~peat:; to-said hanl, in rts-~-~icttlion,. 1.lllpossible .oriliifeasiblc_, said lank 1F 4~d to make ucll.othe.r disposnon tt ~d· JllOt-OF vehicle. a& it deems propci; - S,tj{f blQtot vcltlde ~ dcli~ted to-w~~ ~t the.sole &k ~f the undtrsg~ 4nd ft is j" lkhility Qr ~UJ:y ~H attach ID sairlSank for an ad <?t" Omi.s-~ in CQODrni!ln wirll the hndlins ot said mocw:-vclrid~ ot -disi:vsJtion of the p~ ~ t!mrnoL 1k _ ~ . ~d furtkr ~~~~the F~ tle~e &ulk n! .San r nuIQ5co. fiscal.Agsat_of llie United St:11ttsj mfull fQrau dWg'i:s;.ode..~~~~ ro mgnection with, ~>poomon of .said~- ~de,-~cl-3.cU~5 a.nd ~ -I':.~~ ta &duct from~~~~.._aJ~.f~ inl:'Ul:tea. - J :: z•~£. . :itlm _ pf said molt1i WiiJe ro t.a-s b:J ·en s& t MU!,j Te.r\ Ci viHa n. Cont r?l .Ad.m irastr a-ti on e alien s tmd. oltiE Bn$ .. !?!) Slq> ln tne a.~~ tion gf al Ja:pl1n13S g lowin le tne r-equ egt that yo-u coople~e ,iel'rlc~ and ~ t ~ p1!~~'Pt asS.istaile~ - we oe. o£f.i t;tion~ baf~r~ coming tn.t t~ f. r~ doc=ume11h er writt en ve.rif:ic~t1an ~f the -date ~~ ~ l\rl~ in_ ~ last sh4"Y .int• l. Do 7eu own 4~ y~~ own ~~-~~~~ hOJ:t~_......_..,._..~---=--..:.....o.;,---...~--....-~--'-----~ -~-~~--"'-~hame 1easeu._,____ ___ ___ _......,....,...__ __ ____,""""' _ _.,=-:-"""--~~---Value o! lttt~._.-.._-"........----"'-......;.._...._ __ ______,_......._ '! s -S. th~ 'ttm:t ed St.Ate s .. ~ _----~""'---' .-.-------~ ".....,.~...,. ~l~ Q.f ~~ov~ent_,._,~~---..-...--.-...------"""' -~------~~~~---- -CA ~~tgage ___...,.........._____.=--~~-...---~-.-~._.---~--~-~- Jfu.mmt~--~-----~-"'--~~~...-.--..---~---~~.....,. . . . ~-.....-.....,..,,,...-=---~--~. . . .---- ' 7., _Hel'l t ey: • ------- -----ind:-&litedn6'Ss - ~_ecJfy___ ___ ___ ___ ~--...,.._..--------------Do. )mu ii.Sh t.o c..Sel.l;-.-._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...,._.~-- a. -' 9', Do 11. .,__......,_....-_ __..,. -'-~---.......-.-~__ }"OU With- t<o appo int .Agent _ _ _ _ _ Do 10~ Risl:l - h. t;ran t ?o'trer '9f Ai.tto rney t o1' l'al'li l J\t.~nt._._,-.;;._ __.._........._..,.'"----.-~-~~ .......--- -i.. ~aW.t.m -2. r-iow · acre s~~----::-'"-"-~~---~~~----~--.....;;..........-:o...~--"'---~_....;~----........~-- <5: -O~er ~or .Renter~ ~-~------~~~--=----~~-~-------- - -....,...~ ;~----~~-------~-----..--- ·~r-'--..--.--~...,._~~----".;.;. ---~--........--"--~---T:r'Jle of _O~s." gt~Wll: and ~e of ~---~ ~--...---~-:...-~ ~-:-------~- --------------------- ---"" "---- -· ? rsvtla l. Pre-p.arty~~--~~~-------' .... nsoes and .M.d ress e!J:- .P.,.,lu.~.i ves ~ :itti.o trr asiii: et in .]'Clur :r: t M ;--1 ~- l I tb ·x ot ~~ 1.e• :re . . •11l·t ,./ J, -'\............ _/ I 5 ' CAL li10fWl,A LAMD 't:T.'rLP A...,SOCJ:J..'l'!ot: Of.f' $ of the 411 w·~ t 1" i:X.gc~t. ve S, er-et ry ·ifth s·t;rt!'let ~~e l.ell 191.2 M.t' • W. M. Hale Vice Pre!-'td~n ' '.F ~ije'.r. ..J. s r.v 091.f. l< 01.' $ n J!'t· nctsoo 400 $E1n.1Jo e St ·ot f.:itni. Fra.r ci..;Secy , Cri,.l HorrJ.iE ·Del'l.r MX- . I'.lJ le : 'l'h ta j, 111 tc con:!' -t"ln th 'mde.r:s · mn.d inl!' r ohed 'ff.I. tb you and M.T' • .Alb1. t I; 'E. A., ew, Get r:1 al. Cou1u:>el fo~ t~ e ~',::ld r,!'11 Re-a~ vi?< Ben.l.t:: of S n 1'"r1H1cisoo~ at~ ou Tll'"lll :lnr pf 4nr.c:1 ?.l . '!'hi.llJ:e ii:; iitc 101;1 ed copy of ra h 1;J "l'l:. in prooo ~" d to ~ lw tb1 to . te ~m r-g i · in vl ·Lem iti F.Jet f.'orth on thl!.I ~ecolld pagra !:\. ~te '\iPMa:trt 't,ha. t tl:rn F'~dert:.l fies ··r'li'0 Bab... of Sen li):-11<p1 1.bCO he.e»'a1Sd to co¢'Qt~r 1t.e wi.tb fie by $$t! M1 off ..c~ con:r of ~11 notl.C"11:1 d !"1i?nP t . ,. any i· "al 7T.'Qi'.l•rrty 0 riteNat<::'i.n E'S S~ci,t-!.l a10.'."'kir>d. i'rooert;,• . rt 1.$ y un, rBtiltt1d ,nf{ tha.t ,t ou l.'6 to insr,r'u~t or n1.n:ru1 t':!id '1 ~re JEtr:• tl 1•raonu ill both y our Sll't'l Frar..c~ i. : ('.'() eno Loli :!leS to th. s eff.f;!C • lt1s1k~d 1 Under this ~r:r gf:l"\11rnl:. VT .ff:Je th , i.' tihis offiae htU!J no-t received a notice dea1 gtl9. tinK r al tXropt3rty or 'lOl'!l" nt~res t tha-retn Ii\$ Sv~cial: Bloek. · Prop r ;• , this t'tla com o.n1.e1 in thiG S e.te '.' · fel eeu ~~ th: t l!lt..u:!h { t>opli'rt.y 1.5 tiot S ec.::tr.. ·~ B.lo1iik~d ro-til"lr 1 uL').)..e s thay be.~··~ .nc ·un), knowladlr!.e -.e th!! con If. the f o:ragoi:o. · ar.> tn co np.i. t vta'lfa, r:>l 1. l:Ht l'li e 1lB cc.ll~ct imr.i1< tsl;·r . I ver-' mt1ch . r c1 t,o coop re t.ion e ,t,ended t.o mo and t'-l~ l:,r) col i~ at?or.d t"l1.t"" • Wi h voW" erm::sid~:r ';t•jn aisoci.;;i.tio,n 131.\"t<l t t..s tes·.,.~ melttb c title oo pa.nil'! • ( s gtted) F'lo;d B. Ct\l'i ni CC o r. Alb~rt F. ~ew .fir . te.w:rence Lar~bee r • C • H ¥11'i! tkttl $ i.r~ $ of th~ C lHo A$socittton em'bo ~itl~ Gent.1 La.nd en ~ The Foda~al. Res~ v~ B.nk or an Fr~1c1&oo , (as r1 csl Age to! the Ulilllt t o e..u ·tb.ori t;y conf err~rl by li!acthm ( b) ;,f t.11. s. ei p.oU\t~e of •,he Colll!na.n-0 .ng as l!lmer.tde , a o the Er).em;)' Acr 'l."rl'!.di n., wi di a prqar D n ' Co 1u~ d. a:nd cuu·th. Al ,;y) be.& do G<!lnerti- of t $ rt l!l!'i -0th~w vac 11 • ( ~. lled irr~rn ·tss. 1.;r.1:1d tc r.ii.n;!. he loslil bizr J~ n.~ the:l.l' p,rdp .t" y p,nd to i?l~ot~cl·, "1r.t c:µ(llc na.t.ohl'J. :.:i" ) in the dLsi)o H:tc> 1hi!m frr.:1111 i:mra.i1· act.i10n oy un~cz·upuJr>tta Cl' l.\it6:rs s ek:tr.ii t o 't.!.t.k+! e.1~'Ve1.n. ta l!.l "t' thai:t• ~Utttli't.iol'l .. Uni ' d St.a Ls :nd ptLt' 1 1 Th. pro(~ram ~mte :i:-· l~~t.~. <io!'ilplo tie ,freed(:H. n is1.1o:s.i.n,g of p'·o ·l!:l:t'ty: 'he e-V'.aouP.1e i k:P.> Jr lvs. te •t.rr i g~rrtel'l.ttJ Ln+Je:t•a~~ t 1:'.o 1:'rnou.r .ged 1.n ht for hi:, d . nosi'tior.i o · irectJ.:; or th cn.11;h n ~.g.nt of' b own &election . Hem, 1!.l u· 19,11•r-o rl. te (tlt'l~1.tUg1:1 a..'J'.'t;; 1rwde for ts protection anq _J!!i. 1 'to :for~ I:. <U.. "'c t ion b:I' tJ.Jmc:vupul.01.m credit ~ors An t.o mininttJ•,e h s los~.s~a ~'1101ilrl :naJ/•t'r.t1.01-:.e v1~ h :s\l.~ . cre ... i.t<ir-1! ~ or o be~.LOU' o ~he tlV o. J.ei ffd.l , he DallJ'. 01 ;, _'fe'1._2!! h'is pro ...n.dy, ·eaitgMtit"L it l\1:3 f:3.1WSJi,,d ]J.,oclr,;J.!!9. ~r.Q~H't't;:c , by en o:r· ::nor!'.) of the foll.o·.,].ng methoc's : 2. 'Notif•.rl..r ~, pr·reo t<.ih nrcm• :n- :,• o ; • Not:tf•· • " c) e or m.o't's ro per y .. llcldi 1 ert.::ona 'h v . ng en j_nte-res 1 ~uch o ,q~o.r.Lo.t. t;.r>!~te~ o.f , q·~~.t Thmr._!_~n be n-0 £VJ;.,tl.dtkm. • d . ~~)..jna_,.E-_j_t w'tJh """~ct ~o B' .c:: 1.e'1 81.ock.~d f);;'1:>p~!:·t~~~.9.E!.JlX: l:t11~fJl'l~ie of · a:;.d. s~ .~:r$1&$].;z: r f em;,_to it ~j}~~JJ:... t.:Lq!i _g_~J. . Apolic.nt;t.o ~ to~ en c.n lican~es f.lTG 0 bt9 Bled w~;lh tn J'e1i~;r l 11?.ef.Jerve B/ii, Ut or San E':ran·'i'lt1,;.-J. of ll\. ch blink . of it · offioe~, ¢'l1i !'o· cisc;o a· o wil'L he r..o de1 "1 'in the r ~e: ·pt of" ·:ti ee not BUHteis t d trni · v ou ,.,.,,t .v thi s (),f.f:I.oe t;q 'lfho th· ·t the e , ae •$ t. thfl! x· lati :fr om tie e u4ti'i>r1$ Pln r. lee.ts s · JJ. b e ri?,c~ . ve!d b,t'/ you the 'l fotir · ve c truly, ma. 11.n.g B .... . Apri SUEJE T: ~'Vt;) 1 LI:CU: Rl '!i.)TF ,.'flO. OR!v:, i C FOO ' FRB-.3 USl!. OW MO' ;\ND AGRF~ EHr•. T Ri.G · t IFG DlS ·O·~ I TlON OF MO'J'OH 'V'''fiIO.L • ' 'CC.A: H'ORM '.£1'P.,B .. 4. One enpy ~t eeoh .ot the· f~rm, sh~uld be gi-ven to the his firs. ~iait. i~ ~rd•r that he m1gn stur:ly nem Ul?P ~n ud lcn o 4, the ocn tent~ .hereo-L Ey~<"\li!t'fJ • s .~e~1 o~tl Vi "' i hP The otateMi';t(").t Veni~l Re~;istra 1 n Cert ifi te' t' . , mue?t l::e,tEld at the O~'U:L+ C ntr l :.)ta . an $hQ~1J.d imrn:e lately b<~ cheeked t~ s~e ·.hat the own'B r 's .t!li ,n ~, t u.r~ pi;>f.lars <rn be reverse . velli and 1 ime Tbriea ol".'!pies of each ftt>rro $bould be p.repi. ed at h i e e her ins s. t .c · Forms .£!,_t@. . 3 a-nd FiiB-4. sleuld be sta1;led ~ , ethe + with the Reglstrati n c~~tifi ate , and ~#~ se s, te se u.rely qn h ~ n ide nt ifio · ti . ll t,a __ whi 11 b,e eva(luee "1111 bE olace in an should vehicle, r t m tho of appar~tus stearin o the- $V c· ee at this itne, ~>'it h lns · ru tlons c'envelc>pe a.nri<ie t..., bring a ll :11:' these do cuments ti;:i the dee i f~n.::1 ~ od e. tl')m bi le sto;r a ~ pniot 1J.t the p:Fqp er time. The- t.hi.rd s~t sho1,.1lo be ret :!.n.ted as oft i e nopiea. Ir Alterna ive .Io . 2 has bl'fen nd1.oate , and b.e ~..,,,a ue<=> irn '-21 t th s e l~g~ ~ . W( l"!f the m tor vehJcle, he a,n<I. 2 )r. pr f. aent the O nershi.p C4?1rt.1:t'icate, duly endorsf'd (lines .l l _ ~ev~rseJ and the Ownership Oertifl at~ sh uld be attech d to t he 111r-ie endcn:sernenq:dn:O t 'be Q t'i e set ot ~vCCA Form E .l:l-3 and lf'R.B-4. ex.a, tly the srun~ s the na.rtte ins ribed ill'l tne f ace r.;,f th~ f rm . Ir Altarn'.3 i ve Nt1,. 2 has b~ ell sel.e t.e d and , · he eva . uPfl' 1§. ~ the . ,esa ], ,wn.?r of the tnotor vehicle , tLe Ownership Cer ti f 1 ... CF.lte, be1ng in th hand.a itf the le _al o·. ner, vrlll "'bvi ou:Jly niit b~ available . !le1iverl of - ut' cb lea a t e , l C!e of Stor.!l ~ ~'reim the above , you 11vi:J,l o sE) rv e t.h t wt en he eva.C' f"e 1•rtvea a :t<h~ pla 1&. f st~r~Et ,, he nly , di> uments he v1ill , res.en', Wi.11 he the tag tc be pla ed'. n the stee ring p p1u:·@tt.1 ,, t~ ., .e s o·f ~cc F~rm JfRB .... 3 a.rd Il'llB .. 4 and the :Re ., istra.t,f n C(;l:rtifi-:ate . .11. hCC ,. ~i rm FRB-4 $h ·ld be thJs p .nt, Jill the r'i,u.m'bers appeuin th>;>rou J1l~r ch~ ked, tcgeth~ r with tll.e :tnf orma t.t o:n c . .ncer n ing •".l .~ass ri c s, etc . , ao.d ~ny ex eptiol').s sil uid be n te~ r.J i>·oth f:'')pie et: e f rm . !ns9e ti.on ano11ild be to· s ee th'.'lt 'he t ag i s s r;ipat-a us~ T e s .ti' ce pro vi ed, fer it .e eipt G 'l"el:r tied t,, steering on le e b<>th t~1'pte· s ) shou,ld be . . sb ou d be Tl e v em.J,in.tng se held · n delivered to he Ma£n brr 1ce of ~e ~vacuee Property De· par ra.ent,. together with the Res'-st;tapion Oer't fic~te F.tnd tl'I$ J<eys . for and ehicl.e 0 n ·~ CCA. Form FRe ... ' .ne set hei.;idec.l t o the e a .. uei~. 1t '11' ~ " . ;1 ' J\ddreat of ~cl Owm~---~--·-··-- ' Nllli'le of legal Owner {if difercnt) ___• :hddn'All!"of Legpl Owne~- • 1 _,. ___.,_ ....._R_,_.,. - J tJ r t ... ,. ·- 11 The mot.ol' vt.bide ducribed in th4, form 18 detiye~ OC> •Ule federal ~ie11e:rvi;, B(l.'llfQ of Sll'.a Frand~, aa Fiscal AgutJt of the United States, ai the t10le risk: of the widersJgned , It £8 agl'l?l!P that no HA~iltty or responsibility ~11.ll be wumed by tJi.e Pt.deral Rcae.rve Barut- elf Sa.tit Prii.nrl&.Q f~r a.!'l~ li.<.t or 9mi&f0n ln <:6nnectf<k. with it.! disJ?O!!ition. It is und¢1.'Stood J tha.t no insurana: will be prov'it;led on oro~. I' , ' I I f I I'°• J I l t Witnesaa -·--····-·-----....- -.. -~-~for I , , Il11te~atea ....._ _ _ .. _,_,...,!.,~......,.........·""-'""""--""" ....... -.-......- ____,.,..._,... _......,.._,. __ I' Piace of Deli'very._.__'..,._..~--'-"- ----~~--------·- . --·-····-· ------·--·--· ..•--..~--·-· ___ ------ _ Recll:ipt ot ~ vehicle described ~bove its hereby mcknowledg~.d. Instructions fo Own., To be accepted for l!tora~ by the Un:iti!!d St<ttcs Govl':rnment, the motor vehicl11 mwt be in proper running <m:ler. l•' f ,f . , 'the llroc:edure for registering and storing a motor vehicle ia as follows ! ti• ;J ' (a) The State Motor Ve ,icle Regiatn..tion <Artffi'ca~ for this vehicle ~~t be tl,l~lited at the. Civil C.Ontrol Stat~fXl, and thn1~ copi~ of his form ( FRij- J) will then be·prepared. 11 ... 1 I I l (b) Twc> coplu of thi'I form, gether w,itb. the- Reg stratim Certi&:ate, will be: handed to the evacuee for hi& reten~ until ar,rival ae the diealgnated A.l!Sembly Center. Ttue third copy will be retained a.t the CiVil Con.trot Station. (c) Thie evacuee will be given :u1 fdentUica.,tion t.a.g which Ile wilt tie oecurely to the ~eerin:g apparatus of tihe m.ot(Jr .,.. .. . ' 'vdUcle. - (d) Oh arrival at the ~mblt O!-.nter the evacuee will deliver to the re- eaw' et e ,'/le Ile Federal Rcse~ Bapk of San Ptanr:iaoo th~ two copies of this form, thll' ~is· · t111ttlori ~rnfkate, · tl1e: ltc?:yis tt> t~e vehidi?. • l 1 1 J ~e) Th ~pr~fie,r.;\~f~YI?- f t~ fe~er~l Rqerve ~nk; .~f ~~ Fr.inci!!Co w1ll check all numbers on the fOJrm and if, fou.nd to be correct will acknowledge recel~t of th~ motor vebide 1 by signing one copy of the form and delivering it to the evacuee. If ~~ motor 'llehide ' d~ib(ld in thiil form is lost, damaged. or ckstl'oyed as the liesult of negligence while it ii:. in the ~ion or custOd.y of t:he Uni.ted States, or any agency acting for jt, the CongteSs of the United S~teis will be. asked to talle appwpriat:e octiQI\ f~. ttii=. ben~~ c.>f c:ll~ owner. ' • ( t I ~It ~ ~ ~~i~k* .~ ~fitlcjQ <.:Ai1~~ 1 PF1inj*d It-I\ IUl&Ur:wct wi~~ve~ U:U'l bJ il'Veii, ~G: 1wa: ·~~ Wfl~ ~Ill ~~1.t .a.t il!O,~ ~\it~, ~~ , iµ~ v~rJl \!St:• • ro ~il>V~ the mot.~ 1V/~hl.clu nQvi: QW '\f.i~ ,QY , tllWr-.. t£'Wli'P¢Q f'P~ Ell~~· \yul ~o~ 1Pilo .ir , .'l')'u!., ll~~~ .~~I». ~-lnr ~ .~· 1,1 hl»ff~. ~ ' ~~ ~~~l/iv9'>: l»»~.,..r~ mu~t( JYtrb_i~le~ fro~ eva4'\lk&. ' , Prliqr , , : ~ evaC!l'1~~•. iu1Qt05:, ~~1M:lcl 1pll.~' ·Pe ·~·ed, ,lilJld:Pf (}t~i~ 411/JJ>Oaed •of by ~ t}'W~ ertv;~t~~y,.,, wJ~qµ~I ~~"J,°~m~itar ini:¢tf:J.'.~~lCt qr,;t.lllift~!µl®• J Tbt1 o~er tdteniatiw• pc~· 1ttr.d t,o the e"l'ai:\ie.e v:ino oviln~ ·~ m1~fo1'. •• of Srui, Jf.i;a,.c:hi;o, ,13 Pie~ll} 4 ..ti\ oJ ll)~ UJ)it$d Stll.t,a. fot.fl"lrllfl• al ~ ~ner'a1 ~. wltihout 1•'1•µrar1f.*~ 'ft,ijil;I) 4 9d411 ' w.~I~ .ll' 1b~ !'\'l-ra11~. 11\l • ll'I t}pen a,u• (llt ,.\~CllITTlbly 011mr• or !ieslg-n~d ~l11r.ea )', *1.'lci n,u11t 1rf~mmty' ~ uf it ¢1tra~r whJ~h wi.U «ubf.::Lt cnctor vehf;Jta f 'l • a. 1.n.o~e or i . t:;ipjd deten9ra&191!11 1 . .. I ,111,11,,,..,,jn 1-. "fo Qffcr hl$ rnO(l)t v !hide for< . > I I o I '•m - di<> m•& v11hklt 'th« will .~ llpptilii r.d try twi; ~i11intcre.g~lf Lhlllltd' ap.,r,nhr!rw 11el\fcl11', 11ot the apvra~ilt4 pri~~t w,hf •• ahaJI r.ioc, bowevc11, ucud tbc lllu11 BfJDk wl\ot~e Vj!.l:Ue in tlieJdeafjty ,Yl'her~ tb~ Plltc.l),3.8~, [ft C.QnUIUll~t~d. . ./ .PUll~SB OF MOTOR. 'VEHICLES BY 'l'Hn' UNITEP STA<Tfl..S '" · l( t:fu tu~"'' t1 NOT' Ll1c1 lqgdl l!!(l~t:,. nf tit-'! JllO~"" veh&dc!, in or~cr to ~48<: (pr n. $cUt to th~ l\rmy I e m1111t pr~w~t ·to tl'e felll• $aq ~tani;l9m, :u l'filr.Rl Agf(lnt at tilt '(Jn~· ekal .Re~rv& 'l)an.k Stlltd., nt the. Civil Con~rof S!ll~f)1'1,. or wd1 pfaec as ruay be or dh~d. ~c, fmtowm~: L 8'.tfd~bp cci;tilicJtie. ffu1y ~~tdor•J?d . './.. Thtl' agtu.mcnt 01i t!l.t'. ~verse hcrr.or, dilly 11lJncd' 11.nd witncuud. a . Sod\ «he~ autl}oriz.atiQn and ra uurance as m.ay be r.fl:qulred by ¢e Ptderai RaelfVe Bank of Sap Ftarici.tco, tlpl~d 1111: an frtiltlllll!V 1 '1' 1 ',l•! I 1 • I,\ I ll. f'f tl•e duoi~,~~Jt. Ta tjlf l~sd oa.1m11r e>f d1~ l"'o~or '1~.hfol~, /111 )M~t. I .' I · ' < ·,·I .( r' 1 I Ai' til?,ll l\o •he f91.,e:ao n~\ pi:efeilt. t11e ownernll-l1~ Gfltt!Ac~ , ..i>JIY1 1 11 p 1 , <t } J thl11)r'kd: ' " ' I· ' '\ ,, 1 ~ ' ' . · ~nd, :in i~ ~~~rttjon and a.t t~3 Qp~IA>n, th~ Al'lny may buy the m,atov ' lua rto equity, t;hq .t:jgplk r~f ~"1 c • diLl.'>I; ti,! ~ Q •M oi: ~~liu p~urce, 31 i.:iruv!d ·~ by law1 · will !'loc b1.1 r~•i.iited l'ir die 1111ai,Gdjall' <Jf ~he motor v~btcl•. ~ P!lleal Aire'.l\t of tl\e Stlter. ln i;ue tf,r. _,,ac12e.e it, n.QM'1' le~•l OW'1m, le m Ji Pe. e:t~rty 111i~.11 r• ettJ<>d th"'~ if tf\c i.nd~1'11f;dnea11- a.{llUnaf de oiot:or v.e:lut!e 111- ec!'ual tl1 or ' I , i tn.:;1.u ird hi i:he t01:r/U "m<1bi,)r vd1ide'' are ~h¢ f1)llowlng ; .i ' t.b11 evac;u¢1t1 .,,,.14'!'f~e!i , ' f·u ie\J¢:1t hp to' ,State• cm ~JM. foll:IJIV'Llig blWliJ . ,,~,4'11 ~ i~t!I U')1tlld< $¢16£~ . w~I J. 'l'o del.ivei' ~a,~~ 'Wb.lal.,to tftdt~ 'R,~t'W! 'J)i.1Jb < I 0 thafl\ the G~J'liiitd v1ab.11= •llO d~ l!t'tilhl' ~ollo.we: Aft,,,,...~ ' ' I 1 vuhitle llfjt a• " "t 1; 1 .1 1 I .,t r ' 1. Pwen~r ca,:•1 HI{ t ~o~ Ill. dium . !Ua~y p~uH!IJgitr r.11.\'• In 1.1~d~~ co c~~c: '7..1thin the pord1•11abie c~e.:govy moet: ~ dla~d' a• "•me9fo1r1", 1 1111 t)ie A.rlfl)! rt n r ~~ibi,tf~4Jd r:o purch~ ra~v ··111:.:iwy" pMf.ie11glir c!LtA. Z. Motlllrcyc:le1, ;I ~~ Bu11ees and tj'.;11~,!l.1 o(, '111 W~t.11, i1~~tudina pidc•\J,l;'I al\d trucka; a.rrd · t.-111!\QQJ"•, i,'!idudin1,1,•em.t•tr•ldJ; trild:ol'a• dt•lr.vow I lt le J)Ot ~nc11.n d~d f;q n~Jud~ ~ithin. «lf'1Jl'Op~lled Ql.9lOr v11b.1cfoe ~1r.itcd !.ltlly Ule t.etlD 1'mr>Cor vdiiclt'~ dlMI! for fo·D1· ~ra.tip.o. In th~ ¢'1'1!n.t: tqat c(1e t:tlci ol #DY,!11~ "l,tf;\iclr. i 1 aoe com pli:ud or 111,P,l' •1"11 mlt f1mlble, tb.11 f«d r~l R aerve Bank of 8~r;'I. P1ror.c:l~ 1 u '1'!1ic;111 ,l\g~nt ol die Vni~t.d· Staten, a,odug foe 114d a :i11~;llt uf t11c tV\lc1mi, t'\!illl!~'Vt'I! 01~ rlifht , -to el:ore eueh mOlioit vt:hl"I~ at tht owno;'11 d$k,. 111 111ir~11e ~forth, or tg rua.liie •1ich Mber dnpb~tlon ')( ~~h motor vcl1Mc a1 may, in j.t.I 9Dlt? dfs~t~o·n, ap11e;a~ to be j11ot and cq11Jtalll~., iq~ludli\~ die. d~ht to p. rmi tlu1 legal 1>w11~n of 11uch motor vebicle ·~ 1alt.~ .h 11 I ii:ai tci,."Omme {qr r\!'l,1P~C!,11Jon (11: ot.l11tn?il!ll. Jl i in~di;d th.lli tlrn a, \>~ re:OCl!<h,11TC "4!m pmvfde a. fonsilil~ 11.1e•n• llf prr>tccd:llg r;ba lnter1:¢.1 of 11v:ui:1~ee1 in their ntt:JtO'I\ vrbicl~. 'Wf bl.)µt' prnj1,1dla tl1 th~ J11ter;cu of o~he ra tlutl'nn, &nd clluJ will i¢cct :.11 cqlll• . t~hlot dli!ipo~td11~1 ol aui:.b ptaperfy. TH,IS L~1 tO CE 'l:lFY that thct ullderliped bu read and undcn!t;J.t'lda die uLBtlluci i:hle'· t'evenile: betm:>f rcga.tdm, the d\apl.'lllf~ori oE the motrn; ve,blde J~ribed on WCCJ\ 1ff~nt' '.PR.IJ-3 1• t to be att:adled bt!teta and•lllco.tporattd ~ rtfete ee bcr~rn if this A'P!e'~111t is aitned)' WM¢h the im~nfJned ha. " ~ned · concur~ tty· hmwitb. ' . ~ ott f I . l Sil il"lnitttu~~ arid'. thoee <'n ~h~ mi:ree of WCO A. F0db Fl\B? 3 m it we AfVCtaDcn,t. i ot tb~ '" ' The """1dereigJl~ dd\~11 ro dispose bf tbtt a,!6.telll4id m1.)f;w ve1Ucl4: a r-diug to .Atter11a.tive No. - - !let foJ1h on the revense fiereof, and re~udta ¥~tal Rea~ Sank. of San Fnr1cisc.o, as fiscal t\~o,t of the Uui~d States, to a~'t ll<:Cl.ltdlngly. I£ the aammpll.shmen.t of the :.lter~tiv~ herein liellecl:4td appa.ars to salJ Banlc., it11 ita $Ole cii.a:r11tfon, lmpomibl.e er not f ea.eible, 11o1id "Bank i• utbQrfa~ to oak~ a(ich other d1s~Olitfon of Bald iu ::tor vchi.d ~· it ~ pf<IIJU. Said mor:.or vehide is delivered to aald Bu.nk a.t tbe $>le .ria.k of cll.e. utl.jj~rnig.netf, 11nd it i4 l.ljp:~d t11at .on ' y o 'reiJJ)><)OlliNLif;y sl1all•attac:.h t.o oa.11.l l'jlank .f11>r ~Y acit o·r omia~· si~tk in. coru.~ectjan wUh. $~ 'bo.ndli11g of a11iid l;)lc)f;l!il"' vcl,iide or. d(sp&Jitio" r>f''~h~ prooet.ds f.b.eJ:f.,Of., I ' I Tfoe t:andwtraigned fu'rth~r 'g,t'ee.8, uptm dern;uid, t:o rcin').bur&e the F1sderlli ~c .B~,n.k <li San Frandaeo, ~! Agen~ of the U~\ t'-'fl $ta~s. in µll. for 11U chat~ ~ ld . ex:pel:\Sea fJ)c:urred in c.c.mne~foll "vith tile- disp0l!i'tii;>'1.of t1:1Ld .mooot ·vehicle:, and autborlz~ and i.nst~ucts 11a.!d Bruik to deduct ! rom t:he pr~x;e~d& of the s:ile of s:Uc.\ 111oi:.or vi:,bide any o! ~U.'11 txpet~ incu~d. f )Zamily No. ~ MEiAO:RA?:;"I.lm 1 Sv:B~I!lO']: - U6 l!f of Pe rtU>n(l.l l'l'cr;)e rt '" Jll':l rm ( ·11 M. F':R'.:a·- ~) 'T '-~liY~ ;£"ormlil will b~ $.'V'r. ilr.~blQ afJ ~l). •,/el'.'l'A oU ~lilB• e,n-<!i "tor all.;r w1.11. 'be to 1evai1:~~es b~,, th;µ r $"(;1:l"eea ~t~ 'ive 1d the ~"'ed~re.l Sec -'r'it.~· '' \!l.hCy $t e:u~m., at the tbte the ll'~il.Y To. :let iasG;.it:tH1CL. lt 1s e l i i&yfld t ~tat the "fo,.. stri'll.otio~s to Owne:r" fin:r the }!t'e]iarathn of tne :fa-rm R(C'e com:·!) att.d. s e1£ hf:l,.nde exple.n.e.tor;y. The e~a.cuteJ;> sbou.).d. takia 4 co -,ie<.i Q:f the :forr11. to h.:' pleiae of i'el!id.ert~e fQ'f comp letion, including the "l?01rGon-.l :?rQ~1e rt ~r I ;"to:r·- Lil1t 11 on th'.e r\ilva:J:"se of thl.l forin . !'!a.cueq ~ ti S oco~d V1,~i,n. Ul. eo'!)iea Qf the fo:rm sttpul,a be rar~\U' ed. t;~ ti.a :Jva.eue1" Pto ~H!'ll't ;i< :u~'.Pl'EH;e·n who should checlt: t hem fox· codo1·mity, delive:ri g o:ie cop1 to tb.e evac'll.~e t'or his record.. ts.ti~re , It abould bo a~plainecl to. tlle ova. ..u e a.t thin tid! , t:ia t a;.1~,r property not L10 1d.ed.. i:'l. the lnveutot;· List wi':t.l rtot be ta i.: .• n the resit.e". ce at the time lihs.t the ot~1n t teme re,.10vt:Jd t tterafrom. :ii'or e~vie : !:t: a. at.ova. refr1gara.tor or al'l! 0t 'lOr 1ts1n ia fO'l:4'1d S1.t the pla,~a o:f' rt.H~ ,- anti. :I.a not 1.nclWiod on tha l ·i.'V'a!'. tor~r Lii;t, it lft~U bQ $ su:.n11d. that euo\ ~ lit ml! bctong to the 1 ·.Hllo:rd, o:r t :"Jl.\.t propor arra.."l.g..:ime:nta ·ht.iivo b~o1!l me.d~ witb a !'ino.nco c:.ompsn , 6+- otl;i.e1· poraon , !oi their dii1rpositir.n1 . i:e1111a pr.zi.nt c;'l..ftJ_~ too .w·t1r0Jl,zlv e ~wtzed . It ahoula be e~la1ned to the avaO' ~~ th.At ~lL 3uc~ it ems ~~ atoves to ba stored. w1.tL1. us , stwuld. be c.iscm1;1ected and that 1·rberever ·ptn; n1e.~od.s a 1ould. be Cl'ated ,for the i r l>:irotectio ~'l. , aa •11e do not a.1:r reH;;;io,1a'l"o l.lit / fC"~ 11"1:'"'' .!,,..., e·t c . Th.~ e1vaim10e shouJd than 'li>e a;.iven a. su.ffic1.e;.1 1u.$b(!r o· Sto).~aa~ !Il • (I CA Fo1~r~ Ji!.1:1'.R.... 1), baa:ring $.n ll''l:d. e.t aJ.l tim.aa t ~1at t ha nu.:nber of l)i~ eoa ind1·Cl.:':.';tiiid. in tnl 1 ,tov1d"3d, for tbp.t pur~9 s1J on tho Live• tO,t".' !ii et , wO'UJ. <..~ ~1ot neceGs.avU~r indica.t.e the nw11b ".lt" of tF.igs ne0da4. For "'' XF.lJ!l!'1e : I a moving and. ator1ng a grw1t'.I. ~J, tne ni.r-ee legs &.l.·e l"'euloved therefrom, tha.1·et'ore , a. grtWd. piano m1f')lt requ.ire l.t s1:ora.go ta.e;s. :Li ~~ .. 1·ri~1e , a. bed will tl.):J.$iat of the h.eadboard , :i'ootboe.r cl. , s ide; Ta.ils , slatto Sl?l.' and;rast1 , Md. eouaeq_uc~zitJ.. ~iould r0q_u.ti·c st leaut 6 ta&s.. ..,..hf.1 atoraige ;c;a'-is mu.s t be c.;linpl<?ted q the evia.c e~, g'ivh\g: the :family nanle , Fa.mi.1• :fo .. and. th.e office of. ise'qance, i.e • • San F~anciaco. At ti.ipia urar. .gamente must 'bll! t ic t;:;iat the furni.tµre mover11 'l{il,l, access to the yropert~. 'If the fa:ey,a t,o tl.l,~ ,i;irer.ti.L'Jf30 are deliverei,i to us~ we. sho1.Ut3. imned.ia.t<1Jly attach '.rorrii VT J.7D "" 'fl'hLoh v~ not dra.i. n for this. pur9Qse but wi'}icb 'Ifill suifi01e unt 1.'l. au.en e. :f'<>~m I.las been prepared . :£he ~vacµee 1a Fa.m1l ~r ""'o . ahoi.:U.d. be how '!l'll this, fbrm, a.Iii well as hiz na.s: e and ad.ctre~rn - al).ciL mos\; im;.'>OI:"t~nt , tb.e ~ame and ad.~.r (;c of the ~e:raon t,., wh m ~4e key are t.o be re t,\W ~l.~d a.fhr the i''llrniture :i.8.s 'bee~1 reltl otre-d f:rr;m the }'.lremis1'lc . If the ~~Y !.' not e.e).11irered. to 115 the e va11n:::t&~ til'-St ndJ.(1a.te On the fOI't:i • thu nal!'li;; ~.nd. e.!l,dJ'<ilGG of th'l :J~:r:~on hol~;'lg, the ko:T. ~o 11'.!U'.~,t l'H1 lQca.tcd in tho int1cd..iate i~lnity .. - 2 .... ~ e Xnetr~o_X!e, 'l'tie :f. ,j.:ir~rt QQp~ of WCC,.A. :n~orm- :ffi'S-2 'be U:~l.ivel'ed to t e lPersort &iam "gitated. 8.$ ~ cootdi! $.tocll' fd~ t~te vart,oum ot?'ti11g c.~maa:r11 ; 'Ibo ~till. t~lta Ql! of tQe !~n.1.t'Q;re f'X"oJJJ this poi~Lt to the tiin'B< 'tia.t H i actual~. ;· (l..eltvere-d ·£ O"Jr 'l'he seco·nd eopy wiJ;l o& pl.aced Pi th otl;\.er s~rn,il ;~t f.orm$ t arr e& .ni.llA.,ricet'll.Jf, and de,liveted. to out• ;re·!it·•nent$t 'ive at the ws.z; . 'llhe ~ tir1'i co:py shQuld bm r etained. 'by- our np:resentaitive in the. 1~·cc.A. off;l.ce , 1.4'1 ~ nWMX'w81r$b'J. Ql,).~e. ioall~ ar nged. file . p~l~vorz Of~n~ture a~ Wai:_anouse ' Arr.a.n.gem.El'nt~ ha'Y'e bean, mad,a ·1i h the fll:i"~?.it'Ul-o movi ,'!g ;;ieQ;tle,. ot p:U;r t co ta.kc ~$ of the ca.rta,e but also t-0 p,roperly ate:o~ the i'l.U·x it'!lr'i9 :l:. r~ the wa,re·ho\ .. 'l'he'l!'efore. ve Will ;.1,o t re<J$i"·-;i t to tbl'l d.ri'V!fi!r of' th· vc-1.n fo;r tut-ni 1l~"e tiff the tail..i.g13.te. 'but !rat Iler wHl ~lte Otil7 o:f tP,e inve:ttoT:r e.m the :l''tJ:t'.,,.. nitu.x~ is stacked. On t,h.s tnventol'y Lit1\;. tmma11iately :f'ollo••tin ~ the descri-:;tion of t,h.~ e:rtioJ.e , the moving pconl,o ~rill b.dicata , in tile ~1:>lu.nn1 he~ded 11.A.rticla 11 ~ thl:i nur11b ta r of 9ieces which liU"e bl)ing d.ol 1.Ycl."ed., lh·u.nd. - For a.xa.mple : '+ O\ll" rep r!i!'s nti~th·e, i :i. ohe.oidng the geo. a il1to the w1u·.e~1cue e , wil 1, i 1')iiii oa. · ~ the n'ti.lnbal' of' pieoao in the 11 Re(i) ' d 11 , which El~ou.l d <lot·ir11Hi p o;id. •wUh thait inserted by· th~ 1,1:0ver • nd. we .'fill l"9lH:eipt ou :form provi d ed b~ the ll1"1""'"'ro fo:r the total numb"l!t> of pieces ind.1cated :1.n the ''Roe t 11 column, rather t.oo.,n the number d' pieces indicated it the colunm headed 11 .u:i1 .;e r of Ptoces 11 • A:t'ter the PersonaJ. Proper~y- I n'l'eLltor 1 L1 t tmlii bee~i checked , th.e cr.ecke:r w!Lll retain the list until the en1 of the day, or 1iorne ot her co.lV':..riant ti r..e~ to 'oi; deliirered to our repre Hntl'i:liive at the \·:oc.A office . o:t• the possibility t a great nu.mber of 1te1011~ , pa.rt1c~J.arl: refri(b'3ratora ,!. not bean co111:;iletel:' :ptUd :f'ol:', anci. it tJ lght t;hl:lr· i:la n!l1 c1Ji'lllCU-Y t .o exa.mirte these item/ill i'ot Serial l:los ., etc ., i~t co~m:Jc; tiotl. with c .,:.ims from the fin.a.nos companie.c;, wo :requeeted tl at hi atori~ tb.s f'Urnitu··e , li'efriger11tor11 b~ ph,ced as elO!h:!! to tne aisle s possible , Bo they wUl 'b~ rhQr1! raadJly- av.a.ilQ.bJ.e. Qif~ce Routin6' After the furnit'Urta has been 1:Jr-OJ>erly stored, recei:>ted. for to the movers, ate ., Mpies of W'OCA Form F:Rn-2 will be re.t urned. to the kia.iu 0.fficti of the ~vaouGe Property be:;>artroent 'for _>rC~Jer a.i$ trribuUma to the ~f~T Reloca..t1<.m Autl:tc.mLl:;y an.d. the eva01.J.e~ . ' I 'tpe ,,,pr~~rl:.11 ' dll3crlbitd I.>~ tf)e Wittie 11l£1e of tlb.l form. lo.:1twd_ at thit addrt"3' 11\verj a.bovrr '8 d.Uive~e.d to the F~durll.I Reat.rJe :Bib ) of l'> a8 Pldtlll ~11r.nt qt thf. Unite~, at ~he .ol.<i 11'•le pf tb.f.' undculgK1'-d;, lt I~ •urcl!d that no li•bUity or rca~,l.hlHty shal1 h~ n(,e Jr1trJ0~al l:t.~-~r'Vtt ll11t1k !)f 6,an llrat,d1cJ for liPV ac~ o~ oJ,rtJ.e.,f.,tt lf\ P'J/ll<lJClttif~ll With li:tl!pu•!t:ioR. ft hi ubdll.tatoqd. dlat , flletiillilce will b~ pro!Jidii-d on tl~I& property. S1'0JlAGI NOTl(!:I Tb.e H1>t c:.( iteme 11ppeal:irtg cm 1~ re'Yera '1de a{ tlila form 'fla'Ye ~n pLu:edl in •torage at tb.e plai:e ihdicate\f belqw with l'll.1* t-.wctptioQ. of th08!t l(lem1 bp0dlicaUy indi~ated 0,11 the re'ler~, 1de of thl• (prlJI u not fou1ld. or !ll>J delivere ~o tlt<e u~dei:'!ian«:d rt'prC.11e11tal'.ive p( H1;i l'de~a.j. Rirftrve 'Bank di San Pran.;)1~¢. Ill Plsi;lll ~~ Bt tl)f th~ lh'llted l!tlU:U, at "" ti.PC beln& or proper typ~ for •forage. TI\£ &tore.t_ l~j:µ!4 )U'e J.dt'.ntUicd as tf.> tbill t1u1uh~r o{ lttt1n1, ,crn , pr box~, ~t1d fl.tit ail lo the f:'Qntl!Jl~ tlllmpf. ~l<Jt1ep .,___.... ·------~~---·~---- - ·- R~pf'ele,..ting t•~ P~d11r11I Rutr'l/(' 81&11lc, of Scm Jl'rA~ci.~co, t.i.I ~!3ctl Ag6nt of tit.:: t.lni~~.« ..!rtm..:6... . r. .' 1. ------~-·----- ·------·----- ' INSTRUCTIONS JO OWNER r ~ ' pi.-opctey· Will btt aoiti>' fl>r · l(ofq~ by du! UnJ~lf Stat111P Ga¥l\qim~nt four ( 4) copies llf thil for~ rnu.t ~ 1illr:d in 11.nd .n.'1.i.rr.p.e4 tQ CIVll Con.trl.ll 51111.liot:i at' whir.» Yl)U \'e~latered for qvl\c1J11fl~n . On the hack of each copy the ltl!.lllf to bit Mt for r,age , must be -c1Uefl1lly lltted ltenia not un the p<i'Ot.r.1 l~llt shoo! d be wrktt.11 , il1 ~~~ blllllk 8patl"• provided on thJ11 form , "mall 11ut!d~ mmt bl! 51.\Clmely pad:.ed in cra.~1 or !>axe$ of not le111 than 'tlW (l) tublc fott capacity and 1111.U be lndlca.t.c-d eimply u tn number of bo;s:u, no •!:tempt being made tlil i:temi.-e on this (Qflll,, tb~ attic.I l!t tltitreiq. All c.ra~e• a.i\d botu arnlt ~~ .11¢urcly paeked a11d r.-iuitd, 1?ac.b1box;, cya~, or arf.i~e mu.t be IJ: n~Jied '11114'1. tag1 obW1;1ed Bc:fi>t11 llh1 me , frolll ~he Olvil Collr:tPI Stai-Jo4. ' '' , No ioo1¥ bundle•, of dpi;h~, linen&. u.t.e11wa1. or othu· "1all or 1Jn• I 'I ' 11.lblt&ntiat h(;J{t~.hpld tf,f.llM will bt a~.kptcd for 1UJn t . '.Flll'm frl)ducfil . fa.rm: in:ri.ehi1\1U1y\, au~ra.Qb11t.a, land, I ~lc!1 or peta m~t~ · ndt ('Jj~it'd a ~Mmal property on tl?Ji •fomi . ,, '' A(teu ..U c:Qpfr.1. tJJ. the {dbn ht,YC ~eJI itfed ip. ,and returned' w ~r; . o;,. .n Oon~tol . St11tlcu, ~oe .copy, diitcked fo~ u,n (lmnity Wltn tll<.1 otli.rt be given m the o.intt of t'hr properl:y, 'The ~PY d~li vm: d )::0 th« own~fl witi, b~ f!.itid~'~e merdy th.11.t! otBcr c.opie.•o:f the form have bl!~r.\ & .J;b(.: U!lle ~her owner mullt t~ave the lttyl t1> the plac:e w11ern t~e 1p,,-otver:ty i& co ht found, or make 1ur11ng~mc~ t ddi "' ph~ bfl i:n µ11: rtptetlt'l'lta.ti.'l'e of the Bvat\lee Property Departmtnt of the Ptudhal ~Krve Bank of San ;l?taridBGa befo>'t! leaving t.~0, a,ttll of his rt.aidenllll(' ~ceci, l'l'i!l i The COP1 dcllvtrtdl0 the owner·fy abowa thao of itl!;ti1, bon•1 and' ctatet ...-blcll the owner claiJnir b.e haa prepared for •bong~, lt •doe• n~ co11ftitut.e ~1 agr~¢ [f\'llep~o,ry. lt doe1 J16t dbn1titu~e a '\!etihod 11.t. ft does tr1Jt ~et:!ture 'lrllY' ~en« of CM tiu1111»f o ftC!.ltl11 actullly Aiottd ar oi the amtent,,- of boxm, r:r~~ llT' pacb ~l!· t>.rtnca" tlon of the fo.111rntrJl'lf' libt flf itethl nctuall y 1tQreo will be m•d~ ll" 11tor».g1? 1• ~pocbnl pllel1~J<, ' II. v~ifit>.d l'r Wilt ~ forW11'f11ed th own Cl'. ' The cofJr r1~ord tJfl4 of t~rt list m;,;l.ed 10 iM .o.,i:ef ,,,_'kl ..m·n111e ""' d Jh:llldr¢.iu,,r; IJ.11 ""'''""' preHrttii_d by h~"1r. -----.-~---- ~~~--· --------r<--..-->+- .....,.....-•.,_,..__,.._~.-....-......•-"-·-·-·-·-b-"'-'-•'-'' ------+..__,._..._.1---...--~- ,___·· ~~~-------~~_.,.~---~ .. .__....._-"'"'!...._,.._.___ .. -·' Plo,ttt b~le !(lt'1t1011 .....-..,.-- -.-j....;.,---;......;... ....;._ _ _ _+-----1-·-~-·~~-----.i-..--~-~~----r-~1-r-.--+--~"'-.....--lbt1 lor11 Llool.,.a '!' -~~ , ---·l-'-i;.,-;;;11--~·--.,-- ..-~+-~----t--..---+-. .,n~. ~.--;.._------+-----r------t- ·~--~....i.-~. ~-! ·~,~-·~- ~~ ~,...__._~ -~....,,:...;...._,..;,_;:..;;.;;;...;.:..;;;....;...,~~----1--~~~~---- °"'"'"t ...... -- --....--.jl.----1·------ '-'-'---- ---- _.._.__ . .~ .. ~·-~----·-----!~ •-xtlHftl ---------------·•·"-"'~.... -· - fill'~ 11..-k ___..__._I.;. -- -·- ~._._..._____ ._....._,_._....,. t -_ _ _ _ 1--,_..........._ -. .. ..·' _....,...,.._ _,.,...,.......,,,_~......,_-1-----..i-----...,:+~-.,. ,-r-1t>-"~ ftf •"'l4"' "'• .__.._1_.'"",_,,..../i.--~----....i ··~--_,.M>.,....,-·_.....,_~ _,-..L~.~-~•..-. ~· ... et.lit .ra1tw . . . . . . .:;:. ~ " :.- · -...+-~------ -.---.- --·+------ --..- r - - r--- ~--. --~ -....--------~~--..i-~~~--J--~~~- .:..~~·,_:_ ,.i.--,..+.,-~--1-·"-. . __.__t--1--- --- .....~~---~.:_ ..!...-"--f'!""""--._.,_,,.~---~----·---.---1. ____ _...._ __ ......_,;--.f'.--~----_,...- ~ > ·1 ; ... - --;;r- _ . ... ti! 1 If the l>il>~ penfn daimecl w have ~~n deliv~. and a.ct,ually w~ delive~d !iIQ!lf.,, ~11.~ed, or dt!jt~)'ll;~ , aa t~ r~~to~ .q~iWjll(e ,~:hil~ it i&.i1~ th¢ pote,e411iqn. « tustocl)! t}f ~· :U'J'li~ Sta~. or Qi.~y .ig!!"Q~y,. ~ng f<?.- ~tt , .. ' we O.>n~reJS of ~ ~· ·l 1, i!Jed S~tes. r I ' j wql ·pe ~ed i:q take appropriate a.c.tion for' the ~efit: of t.lie owner:a. I I { o~ m.tlTIC c 'tr ~~'..l!i W:t:C!AL ~-<' KM: - ~ _EE:.i--.Y f .. ~l~~~~~~~ . _________~~1 I :~~ ~ -~-~--~-=--1·--"'"-~~..........____. ~ ..---.;;;.........,_ I J !f l l ~- -I S.h11e of ?0S-£T:;G- IO ~:::C38 " ~ i ~'&Sc roste-d -J i !; -, -a., . -; It- I ,c j Offiee tnel'a Issued. PROP~-=:.·?! 5 ana. LQc~tion. f!lf noi)erty-- P.os-t ell 1 Mt.e 1 f Character l ~- i COj_),.- ~Q C:I;·i_A· -I ~ t ~ ~---~--- IHJSlfil:....._:L.,. SPbC- -J BLC'L:£:.Il f No ~ - i i t I i - . - - -~ F t - l- - l ; ,_ -,, ~-- - ' -~. ::.. .... - '.: . :: .. fp la I - ... - .. ' i ,-o"""r......_S_an FTan c-i · -aa~k ed.e-r_'4_1_fi~.e_s_e_r_ve-.,-]i= Fis R:E.GlS'fill c~ of J:i.cilit !'O: I CBS SFR~L.I. 15LOC- 1 Ageu t>f: the Uni.te:d. St tes iv -cnee Pr.:wert ""' .Ds_part~ i :r;s_ a;.~1sr: ; f.,J PRQP.. ~ Sheat :"o,. --- ornc-e- or Mailh1& i l j r f t 1 t j 1 I I -" l t ' . 3roneh of San. Fr ::-..!ln:is:c"° es --"'-~---~~~~--.,.. o- ~~....:~~ Q'.I PO ;RS -0:-- - '"'t·JZ: ~y ~,C{;dl .:..~ ~ .- " ""' • ;;;;;;II ! ·~ "' l t "' f~ ~, • L ! i .. i ,_. ~ ,. ~ -,' " I ~t -f -t -.,,, 6. ,. l l- l i ··- I t- 1 I ... - - t" i ~ ~-, ~ r - J I . .,._ 11!1 ------.. . . . $rooch of San i'r:mcisco of th.a uni t-ed. Sta' REOJ:S.'f ];R o.i: ~---=-~---~.,___~ ~ - es OF EVil"' '£.& >=.O~R:.."';'." thi JI ~ STO!i!G-h SCYNi!l./~ ... =~======'=-=====·==="--"' ·~· .::...::.=- ~~--~-~-="'::. .. ---=---.-=~-~- ·=·-=-=-"'"-----=-::==-~====*'=-"-==- -- -~-.- -•."::-:-i- --.-- - - - -:=>~=========~ j t =- · r==-_=,,,,....·~~-------~---~~~ ----f- - ---~ ------------~"" I J - I [ ~--·~~--1- ----. -~------'""-·-----+- l - i -~------ ~- ------- 1 -t-~ ~ -i ! - --- - - - - - - ____.i..;'---'----- ---'""'---"---'---- - ~~~----~-j +:.~~~"""":.......~~~ t -r---· r J f ---J f 1 --~---1--.....;.;...--...-~~~-=------~--------..~--~ I _.......--,,...;.....;~.........~'-'-'--'---~'~~-~--·~~l~~_;,;_.~.::.-""--'---~-=---1~i~~_.;.-:-~~.......;:...~~....-.:----~.........-'-'-"''--"-:--~~ --~~~1~---~-----...--------~1~-~-..---~-~~-------~~~~"-# ~~--~~--L--"--:.....-=.--"-~~--'.c:.;__-~::....-=---=-'--"'=-·--"-~'--...;.._---~-l l ! I ._ - ---"'.....:..~ .....- - - l._..:._ ___ _ _ --~'--- ---- t -"'""--==-- - Of ' IAl.1 ) I lh'• W. •· a..lA, V.lo. ~eldet. J'ie&rro.l. Be e.r"N Iara.le of &lo !"J'mlC11l CG ' 8-a. l'n.Qoilf!OO, Cal.Uorni con'YQrae.t.ion. ~ tAtff. lllOl"D,ia& I • ..-dlac to i .... or operate cu.,· .ad farm property, ~:!r-.•*414 'l'nast. ..od ,s.,w.ai1D U8o<d&.J.ioo •d/or C.pUal Cc•?llnJ/~, •• b&Vtt bi1 ,q 1NW.&r 1: l>r'~• to haw •~"4 tiy u.tiQmal• ll'tlbJ•ot.. to naouatlcm ordete wbo h~ve bon:oftd h'o111 ua on thA!t •curit.y of real eriat., Md are unab.'a. to ,;lean or otli•nu• d:l•poee eF their p!'o tT. ,.,.,mu,t to y<N her-ewitbi fO'lfU or ti.II a.Jc ot -.tjc CNr t41le~ OOftffOt to ••t.imutl. l•pm.•• 0..pJ. tal. Coaapu,y u pirll!rpared to oii,Mrat• 4az1d a&S.n ta!A tb.e p.10pert1• S.. <l'1l•at.ioi-1, but. th.911 1nai•i tM.t 1n. a.dd.1-.ican to 'th• •d'Q:Al coeti ot 1'.'tar and ut'Aldd• l" JJ1t.o the!.r opent1m• tbAIT ma~ be allond to cbaqe &1•in111ti \be coat ot ;, .,,_tloGe a ..........t u4 aupenh1C$ IM equ.twal.•t to 1°' of thA poet inc.e .h'om ~••• Thie te• 1• in. line •U.b their uaual ~. . for in.ab I . . jAfol'Md 'bT U.. Capt t•l .~, :J.,e 11tfl tbAn the t• oharpd bl" many otlMl'i tor e1.a11ar ope:rat1oaa. Jt,rl pllrpOH in b'ringin« tb.e1.u1 ~t~ ad \bf! • t ot ~" - tJi• ad .......-to abA.Jr•& to, T"JU:Z- • .\ ia to in'ri.t. ,YQ\11' opW•• u work..._, ~'!.'4int.at1ft 11' ~etiai ;;4 wh•tlaer ou1.idD reapecte ot th.- i'p.t&re ta ot J'•pell•M 9"Gl:teee, en the or not euoh a ..,,GJLpuat. and P*t"'t'1•~ r .. 'JC:Nld b• axis14.u.4 eqtd.t&bl.At ad Jut \lad•r t.M ·c.i~co. C..ptt&l Company la ann 0f tbJ tan t.hat. your ottl.a. .., b called 11pa:l to t qu.•U.00• 9'IGh aa •• are . _ \lrinc1nl beton )'Ol1..• end t.h.y wbh to 1" a11:nftd t.b&t th•tr aetbod ot b:cvll.1ag ~ •rties wUl 110t. b sub~•ot to crlt1,c 1n t.t.r by J'adeal. aut.l1 or1~• b1 .reaSGn ot a the n"1.1e:-.!'!!l:t,}'I at' 4pg a charge tor aupel"'ridon 81'ld llt!JlAfCoMD't. fi8 aboY• h tl.1cate4. Jn •llt,};>11'e11S10ll ot opin.i.on f'roa you Ql'l fJ:da llUbjeCt e.\ y.ou.r eGrlie•\ cadYmiCft will be vu17 mCh appreci,Jt, u •• now tu.n tn.•·t.e1u~~ns. ll'hil • 1Qa.plt&l ~ 11:U1. tllb over proportiea f 10 th.e & or· beth the bl:nk u -~ ad to th• moRfPt.C'Oil" of th• pll'Operty, llJ1d undu 141 Jd.ght cause lose to all pal"Ue4t 1n. inter et. a. P. A. Jq,_nr«, Vice \»t"ee1.deat. and Cuhim' .i Jl .tl I ~o b <l d ·hed by all o onoa l:';i.i.ocl; 1/Te rl'! ein.r' lo ! Ilb.E; s to i i the r o.l. es ~a:tq lo~i.n oa.r:d.ed a.t thii.s br"'1lmch in 0 01U'l.4'<?1 i o ptopertie" afl', rf!lq_uired. by 1 ;.l U~it~ d Sth}te a Govarnmant on. U hold b:f , A.rtJBr:l,.<$~.i'l citiZGtL'" or nc:it1,. oo d ia.te ly . Pha.Be ha'V!'a r~ll 1~ t1.e13 a!en m.d rf)turn 1.t i<o tourm vory truly 1 ~~ R. i:·. Boo.ton . Assit.rta:nt C shte r. 1W1vl lllncl . U6 ~.m·· (.. / -- WK vF UERICA m. CANT-At NATlOtWt TIWST AN SAVINGS A$SOCIAT!OH and/or or .llortgago.r named in- th:at ceFtai:n Deed of Trust or MQrtgage lYi'Us-w----;- ~'°" ltt:l~f)Qr shal.1 include the successor in interest of ei the.r and -when ~xt raquL_l"QS shill itrc1-®e t.he plural n.Ulftbo...r), hlll'-e 1nafter- ctUl ~ lien irn>-tru, in Volume - -- 1 -at hge , and __,_ _cru_'dea m_ent,_ aated State of California, GoU1itf", cf -,-..~-:o...of UfflciaJ. Records _ hereby infe...=--you -and represent.. I am not and will not be able t.o propcrq _ _-_ -a-r or -~ the pr-e!!lse.s Filbj.ect. to .saiq lien instt'-uaenL Tbe1"6fc;>ret In 9l't!~r -- t ~t1:ra ~ \U'!,}cy under1¥ing ~ indebteanus \o ni.d Bcl.U 9SI be protec-ted, _7® ue ~ to take o-ver-- the- supel°ViGion -and management of the sat~ pretaises, ~__nsicl.eration elf your Going SG, und-ersigned does hereby consent to- your tii1i - mi6es 1 s,nrl at your li.bMlUte and un~trolled di.Secretion yau are ~~ &SiUQ: e .a\'ltllotized -t __ .reference to said propert.q, but no.l required; ~i.Qr I, the part or pa.-rts, for such period or rent eithet- the whcde \Jran_ ~tr such terms as you may elec.t ; T0o re-pair oi" protect an"J t>iiilaings or '°th-e-r improvements and to the extefi nece5SCil'j, in yQUr ahso.l~ -di.scretion, tie iaanage, o~ra.te " -and ..ettte_J"Jli.Se possess and eont-rol s "<i premises; ?o pel'!°Q~ l!I\Y ana- all otJ:igr acts as are provided in the said lien lnStrnment ~o IJ4~ -extent tha-t, .and ac; loag as -yal1, ln your d!acre~an, _my elect. ..:r~ Arv -~~~ o-r expenditures sic:iered ~ advanc~s under saici 1 1& ®.:t &ra r~5o-0r to by you as her~fin a-uthorized. are t.o be con- inS~""ll!!i..:n.t apd -to be ~ecured thereby, and ~ income d-e:rived hereunder _pursuant to the terms Gf said l-ien inst-rumen-t be G,,r.edite:d i.-~ ~ indebtE:dn:ess secured thereby_. - Jou are -autii--a:riz-ed tc eoliee-t -or use~ aw:i tbe undsrsiened hereby T!Zleases a-111-.!!! o any .r- u d!:ls or to h..,e:o:ne due, or other incmne horeol' deri ~ -frQm Rid _ fw- 4 ,er relealie you. and both oi y-ou, frnm any and all_ claims by ~ ses W'.t<i ~ ~-: of' commiss:f on or oini.ssion perforllled pursuant tbatt-to,_ it :being the rea-oor:f e.t 11D1;1eu~~ _, full and a;bsGl.ute control of the ~sea intent httre.o.f to give. instrUI1en't. lien salli bF securea *_ yau Iou a.I:e w nted hereby- for the- use on sam ~mises --the right tp the excl.uaive uEe and eontr-ol or- the chattels and personal propercy- loea ted on said premise.a, a list- or wh:i~h chattels an__d pe.r-sn.nal property ia attached he-reto and made a psr-t h~~ n too\lt liabiM~ to the un."ll:er-signed for rental f o~ the use thereof, vr the of -~ .repair <-~ w same~ be~ as preventing y--ou from recording No"t5.-ce of Defau:Lt roceeding -with a sale under a D0ed of Trust, or to f0-re-cl:ose 5ball deem 6Ucil aetion ln e e~ent that in your- abscl"k"'t~ discr€.tion 1 11eeeli!18I'7 ·arA ~roper for your prot_ect.ion. ~:othin:g an· ~ ~atfon ·~-;;-mor-tgag_e --~~ herein shall -t o Sell - "" 1f ana -Wliei C'Uri"S-- a-ld-~-~-rizatlon i aet~ upon cy- BANK OF lJIElUCA NAT!OOAL TRUST AND - SAV- as _AS&OCl!"llOlt and/or CAPll~ ~~ T ~ W!_d in t.ha:t- event- the- t-erms: ad ~ -vi:sions hei'eof - shall ~e- i?TG~le on the part o-r · e- ~rsi-gned-, &a{! _~ ·:resatn fuH ~e ilnd effect until the lien im~t..:tument- i-s- &xtingui5hed. COlfSifiT 'l'O i.WE oa OPE&TE FAHi PBQPER'fl Bill • ~ ~-11:aL t.oo 1, ~,.._ BATIOIUL TBHS'r NBto.r or ( l't"U$tor_ (fr tlortgagor, cont.ext. r ~ SA vnms ASSOC IATI-ON ana/O.r' \DIPW. aq,Ui_i'" lol'~O!' n~d in. sbal.l~cl:ude - that ce~-t&in Deed ot" Tru5t Q~ Kortgage the successo!" -in trrtertl6 t of ei thet" and when shall i.ncl3.1::le- ~ pl'ural cnmnbarJ f herein fter callod lien- 11lf1ti'u.meat-, dated _ and recorded .., in. V'~ume ---,--• li"t P~ge _ oi' Offleial 1\ecords of Count;-,. St.ate of California., hereby inform y\>u and raprasent th5.t r am, ~d have been, ftn&n~ially o~ o~sttfa~. Wia.ble antl will no~ be .abJ.a to properly car-e for, fa.rm, or operate the premlae-s subject to said lien wtrtmentJ or harvest crops therefl"Ol:l. fhsrelore, in ~ that the security underlying my lndcehted:n~ss to said Ba."lk ~be protected, tou arti Mre-b( reqtt.asted to take over the Sllpe'~vleton ~d management of the Mid pt"e.mlses, and ln cons±JileTation o_f ~ll:r doing so, -the unde.r si.gned does hereby consent to -your entering said premises,, and at your absC}l.ute and un<;cQntrolle:d oi.Bct"etloa you &1"e &uthorized with. rateren~e to said property-, but not requirsd; lee~, Tc; e-t the.r \.he whole or any p&!"t or parts-, for such parlod anri upen Sllcu te.ruut as you may elect; "T,oocperat-e, tJ.nd rlil"!ll either th!! Whole O!' any pQ.I"t O?'"parts, and to the extent that, and so lo~ as~ :;ou ~ elect; .To la..'"V.est .and sell or other~ise dispose of any and nll crops pro.due~ on prairl:sas; 'fo remove any 't.!, vines, or other plantings which in youl" disc~lon •may - be Ullpt"Ofitahle to r(rtain; 'fo plant'. or rep-lant any of said propert,:r to trees, vines or other plantlngs; Ta repa.1~ or protect any buildings or other lm:provGmantsi and To perf~l*CI any arrd all othet" a~ t-s a5 are providsd in the said lien lnatruln.'ant t-0 the wct:ent that,. and as long as yon, in y-0u.r dL5Cl'9tion, my elect. .__ _.;:: ~ advr-<4tlees or expandlturas made by you as her-eta atLt®rtzed .at"B to be cons.i.ael'.'ed as- adva.nct$ said lien lns"lrument and to -be secured th!:ll"aby, and any or_incoite de-r-ived beraundg.r pr:ior to a .sale of said property pursuant to the- tet"lll& SJ£ $'al.d lien iwtrwaiJJlt. are to be cretlit~ to ~J indebtedness seeured thereb'J. or, and the unite-rto, an:/' Qlld an crops a.'ld f;ed alraady barvasted and. located on said ~ .re;nlses, and all crops and f.eed nott gl"Q'-'Lll.g or herliNl.fte.r produeed on tha pre.zaisas nnd -to any 11mtal due or to bheo::ie due, or other ~r~ttar derived tfutrefrom~ ana does fUrtbe.r :t"-dlease 7ou and both o~ 1ou, from any arul all ·b:I rMSt>n ef any .act of comml..s aioQ. or ow.l;;;sJ.on parfvl'118d pUr!rUAfit tii&rcgto, i being the in_t.ent hurttef t.o give yQu immediate, full .and ~bsol-ute control -0f the premlsa:s secured 11/ sairl lien instrument. -You ar~ signed tiareby authorhed oo use or sel1 or ethemse dts.pos.e I'~eas~s all You ua gran:t.E!!l hereby £or the uae and/r,r operation or said preaislM tM 1'lgbt to the exclnsiv~ use and control .vf the c:hii.-tt-:1ls,. ~rsonal property md .i'arsiing equ:ipment 19cated on sald p remises, a lls.t of whieh said chattels, ~r SQnal ;>roperty and farming equl/ment is attached hareto ud .made a part b&t-$:0ol', wttoout ll~Uit7 to the und!fl'S.igxted for rental for- th.e Use thereof', or re~l.r tJie filU&:e • !n ~ eTP..nt N-0tiee of Default and 0£ Election to Sell has been or ma,y be recorded; as provided in sai~ lien lnstri-.lment.1 anr advances or ~xpendi turea ade or L"lcOlle ,derived b&t'sunder, 1>~ the perf~:nnance or acy ef the acts he:rein autho.r:i~.d, .ahall .l.n uo wa1 be construed ~s a waiver or- such -Notice of Thllault. and. i:)f Eleot.Wn to Bell, but .sue~ notice remain effectlve f-0~ all purPOf>eS. U and ltheu this authorization is acted upon b7 IWf!\ OF AMERICA liATIOIAL arvrsros., 'l'BUS~ AND SAVIN:GS ASSOCU'.r!Oti and/or CAP11AL OOMP4H!, CALU'ORNIA LANDS then and in._that avant the terms and provlsioos. hsraof shall .be irrevoca:ble ~ ~ part t.he. unden;igned, a-1'.ld shall remain in f'ill force s:_nd g.ffect until the or llsn in&trument is e:xt~ahed. ~ ~ d11Mt . _ . . . ~ •• ~ 1#&¥'. ot1 ft to ofL••.1 ~ - OJ" ji\rQ• f# d9h n.r'1iMI ..taoh or ...- p.r.t • • a.DO ..-_.u_car o._.ri-. ai.s _, J am. Ul .-ope &Ill ~ •lthe,. tbe t~ lo»c- ... ,_ *Y tl.Mtt .. JI -, ••, - Jt1•1•UJ ..... ·~-N u~Wtle ._ ft'tab) t. ,11.ttw - er-aw~.., ta ...... ri.:19• pirOihioei ._ or~ ~l ~ ~- ,,,.-·~ ... ~~ v ...,. bptc• ;nt.-. ant h , . ,. . ~..u ..... .CJtt: .. ir-'• fJi' ~ -14 u.. t:t.Tmdt to ~ aa ~ •• 7w_. h 7Wf' ~. -r .i.n._ h * ..__ _,. I ?s 5t • ~-----t"--- .l9 - - -!"!I'·' it - l · UN"!T - ------- i 1 ,_,_,..._, . __,.~--- . I .. ,..-....... ~.. _ ... _. _ _ _,.4.,.._ -.,1.J._. ,.... - --1 ·- . .,. I .·-' l ~..................., ! _ --. __ -- ..._....._,,,_..._____ -----____ ....... - .... - ____ I _,...._ . ...,._,._1 ·~ . . ... , . ____. .,. ..----- ~-. ------:r-....__---~ -~ ~. ····-' - ·-- · ··~-·-·-·-·- --- . f I I _.._.. j,..,, -~ · ,, ____ ·· r. . =_._._._, ·--------.;.----...--,... __ - .... ., '"'"'"""'"- - . . . _ . . .,w. _ -~· l;. I __.,.......~- - ,.-.~-.....,._- ,--··-- - ' ,___ . , ...,..._. . : - ·· . - - _....~ ........-.f..-·· ~-..., ~..,.......,__ "r""1 -·. . . -- ·-.i-.--- . · -,.-----+-·-!•~·-~ I - ··w1f----- ...·- -- r·- - - ··- ..- - · - - - -- - -.. . . . ....- --'"""-{- - --· _.,. ......... __ ,,.._., _ _ . . .,. _,.i~~ -"'~·---~----1 -···- l------r·- ....··"l""·- .--···. . ,. . . ..."" L . . ......._._ __ ~... . . ._.. _._____ ., . .,., . ,. . . .. . . . - ... ~- . . s .ibm.I. t ' e frnd appi: oved : Si .n~ d = --.....,..,.__~----..........~- I ......._ Date ~~~ . '.J!~""'-' ·1 ...........,.-,....~tUR-~tEJ1Il~(..... ~ TO'T:1J."L , T '1 .Lt;~ 'l'Q'l·AL 'f!'IJ . PREV;tO U'~ 01~· ·r utATr'fE1 'I'O 1 _,_.,... • ._...J,-,.,. 1.Jd.._ -~'t.QJL. .,.....,_.. J.2.A_. _ l ·-·--"'-"---.......-..-~ s 1 ~ ~!t ..e 9~ ...... ___ ---- ·-·--.. . -· _.... .- ..... ~.~--...--'-~--~4 -···~~---····-. -~ - ~1\J2.~ . . ~~--~·-ein~~~2-- ...--~-····-------· ·--·-...~------]it;qu.1. • & .Md sA . ~- _.. ,.l•f-'"•'"'-"'--........... •---n--'!"'..,.._.... .-4~ - _ _.,....,, _...._,- ~~-·.,,_· ._........,_____ , , _.,.,_,.,........,_.,__.. ....,._..1~ --·--·-- .._ _,_ ·-IO\'--•....,....,.__ Far lli_~_d:__Q£.l'.l hl'.l l'.rd § (j i],l.l tQ.J........ - --..- ___ ____ - - - - · - ·- - .._. ..,. ........... _ .. _ . , . . . _ _ _ _ .._,.._. _ _ ..i,.._,.. ...u.-.,.-..... ...._.._.__._\ _ _ _ _ ._ _ , +~···-rl ~··- - ~...,.---~ ______ _____ ......_._·-·~··-- "'· <:3ubmi;!d c.mai a pr· ov~~ Si ned,; _ _ _ _ _...,,,.._ _ : ... ..................._. . . ·-,..... ··ii.., . . . ----- -·--·!' I"".-----~-----·-- b»MQ ~ ~ t a 7 t P tq>~~ ~- 't Q~ $ ~0~ Q orn y'' ... •'t l•, ..l••- "' it.~ · A.rsg4 41 \fl • • • ' ~ •• f~l1 U n • • ., • • -. • • ~ , · til . . . • · " ., • • sat t Lt\k• <:st. tr ~ .. _.. Q, , e~ I ~~ 35 8.11d. t.oa ~38 t ~el ff~e·i- a..... • • ·•·. , • s eattl..e,.•.•"' •. •.., •. ~ ot \OOQ · 00 d'•, • 1bO 11 • • • • Ol"~l an d • • Sek t· Lak & 1 iJ' o • • ~ ~Q I' o.,, r an ad41t 1ptu1'1 :0 -. :.!15 rt4 23th $!1.t ,o .. , jO . 4'11' tl .,, ~ _,....-;"'"-" Ob lf!a. I., .~ t.60 .5000 n• eJ4 ... 21-'* '· ~·~O ,000 '-ooo : ,,oo~ l~PO tt oM 100 ' lOQ 200 ~C)a . , , ~co .. .,,~ ' >:· >1=~~). ~co ~oo ·U ( ·1 tu'J.on.l,. oi«-.ret.' ;l-t·;L42' ,' qt 1C:G1t14q t~ ~ ·~~~t7 4001 Ott o ' "' ~· 4QOO ,2000 , ""° 2000 HOO ,000 ,coo I I Ii I I~ ' ' 'ill ~· ~ · ~ f~v"'r ~ ro ~&~o (~~·~) S4)0 10 eP.3 'f e;P;.t.. q; ff'P ~ . 11 ' '1~]~ ~$~r1se4tativ es i;~"1::o'Uf)''· .P'l"ox;i~: r·t:y '.pepal,"t , travelint ' ' ' '.RUmbw·el!nnent' ''ill P;e m~e )~b ~.Uld llepl;~ii~:rxt1.tvtive'~ for '$ <1J!lc i<lcnti ·to o f:fitr~.eJ bUBip.eslll-). po ~ t~jj). tel~ c~.t.·i!e:S, a d eiwll&r pe t 't8' ii't·~ma ,, How1avei·1i sta:t.~~:n:iery , of:.t'ic:a sup;riHeu sl' eµJ,Q.. not b · iaw•onased. lomt;t,lly ~!" f''U.Ch \'i!'l.\)plief!l w1\l 'Ii>~ fQ:rtai1 ed, '\po11 :r-oquejl!t 1 -p:y· the o:f',fi ae o:f th·i,o phor,1e IP?l°'A ci the r b~nk: W:l:tl 111"bieh ¥01\.l. are 1t,ffH'il.a. ted1 . Il~N\11e.,t,e .fo:ll' x·e±n,ip1!ltQGmon~ lil.ho14J.\l 'be '.!llA:bmlt~e\,\ tQ · ~l~r~ ·9ft,·h e• W'i 1i:b,,. W1h$¢hi $P'l!l, a,'/!~ nf'filbt~i tH~ , uo~n, ~a )O'O~d'l.?l'o ~;'te-\r ~11ls, lattt ,"dt;i.?{ p1!B erM::h rlX:J·~th,. .o r tne:.r·'tl'e· 1ru.bmHtrad ~ fl! :f;i.·9q\1:1~111:t~y- !l. t th~· f;i.itK;>'t;il'l t Of lll;V¢inao ~~~ a t d!tps1.,ra'b1Q~ ,, '1'he 0)1"llll1J i :tltJlllU f~Ji' t he pra(.~di.p.g c~l en~ r i:trO.P. t (0·11 a ~:rtcc lM G'ttllt~'1t toa) f!hOt\l«ir pd. . !¢lood,~.,. o.d 9n Form Jl ~7 in • Q.\lplicµf..t it; , in<! t'i~ ;ltT,l".ltWHl ~ccc:>~m t tt 50"1'11P · t:ts ' tim rul:U Q;f' qh@l'@'e . , :Four coptosa c;ir Form !l' 27' e.:r.•·;, ~tta.oft.Qd , to cthet" wi. th p/i.\.t,tiil1il 10 n.<! :L:l Q:f the bru.,~• e Earnings @;mi\. :4l~Gl:\~i1'$. ~iu:al , 'Tfh,.~~ outliiw. in d.~taiil 'thl) basis of :r,r~in-tbursem9nt f'o1· t:nav,o11~ and the, f!)B.n-nor h wh'i cn Form !! 27 aho:Uld be :vrepal."'~d.i' e:iq:i-an~f,l a JIJ~Jl9llBO o;t' tr,11!11'1;$;Ii)Grtut:!.on 'ta not td'1.mbw· ia ,.• ' . ,0 (a. $ h i ~ ,. ,.. - REQUEST FGR REIMSURSl!ME.NT OF TRAV"EUNG EX~SES m •or- m. ..-.. . .-.. . . . . . . _. ___. ,___ . . . . _ .. ~. . ¥--- ---~------~-..._. ·-··-------··_... . . . . . . ~ . ,. . . . . _... . _. . . . ~~. . . . ._. ., _. ______~,..... . . .__. .... ~~ > ... _ .... is~-·--:;-- ·--·~--- ·-·----. under au.tti4>riution 1rom-·----···-···-----··-··~----·--·~·~-····--------~----····~·-::___ _ a per itemized edwlnle given hdo.w. £or which payment ie hereby approved. ~-··-··-- ---·--·--- ~;-!iii --1 "'-'jf "· - -· ···---·-· -- ··--· .... "--··-····-- ··--·-·~----·-·--·--~ ITINERARY AND ITE'MIZED SCHEDULE OF ExP°E.N.SES ........................... . . . . . ( J'TTACR' RECt!PttEI Sn.LS FOl!t- ROTE. ACCO)(MOOATIOH9 A,."'l'D CASH tr-AR.Ea fl.AU>TO OTKER 'THAN EsT-l'&USl:fEO -lUlOAD, ~..A.M&RIP, ANO STACJt'. UNHJ ~ .-..,....~~--~~~~~---~~ SCHEDULE t"URPOSro"- TRIP: I --i----- CNAl!.C IXl"btSlt FWllCT.lON OR UHJ-7 NO 1 t t II ii ' j I tr r ! 1 f "i it i l! l - 1 I I -ti ! 1 l.~ ea:tS,Ullt da ~- ae1leRie ~it llJJ ~~Cot die~~ - Jlemem: Bak - - 'F~ YouCMD'lfa_ -_ --~·_..........~, ll'e~iJ2Ut; -·------~)---- - -·- that reilnMnt'Rlrt Ia due ftoa dse F~ i.Qot~: !l'h, ~ymbo·l • • denot'l:s )lead O:tti9!....Q!!.!x 7h& aymb~1 •t• denot~s !J;WJchea Qol1 A(; iU ~~~) !!O+YJ ~=::cture+ =· .,.... A,4V¢ce1 4cR®il't ,:po.vgJ, .J!xpenaH Al:t ,iM\XMSU tO' officar o.nd. employee~. a.nd. tr1:>jt'ls1, pµrchnsed on o.C'count bf tro.v,11ng ~ncpen.t:;,ee, shqulll be ~ged to "l>c:1ta 1·~ ed. to "Ourrent l:ii;penss1'. 0MZ.f;t'ls --'' and w 14 liM1l:nK1Gili!'l lxPstWJ~UI ll'p llowi,illg cl o.$ses ot expendit'UrEls t1,.ro conddei:vad r eirnburtu1bl0r , ~ ingu.r17~ ~ ~ b'Wl1P,i2U c q en (J .... lro.nspartat1on to llhd from deetlru1tion, fare - lowor or upper berth, Cl ~i1 ~e"oute and, vrhila nwo:y ft'om <i>ffioe ivhich ¢1.omi ailed, "'" s Hot$l. 1nelud1ng "'ir 4-t 0 9, ·~ " Saver.i conttuu.oue d.o.ylil Emd r.>ver ~ ~rn - Ae ~\~caes$.TY Vo.let sox-vice { a'Ui t apo~ing oti.Cl. preasirig onl.y) :· Trips co1u~bi11g one dcy oncl one night , tro.'lr-eting by o.u tonobUe - One !i!uit pressing Cl) rx: f -ti) 1'r1pe oonsur.iin 't1 QJ !iii! ~ Loundr-J ue~ice: l~u 'l'l'ipB of' 6 eontinu:o\ts Q.o,yu fror.'.l- office n t wh,ion dol!ll,ic1le4 - }l.~:me I two deys or tvr.o ts cans ec:uti~e tr~ve ling :frm:i office a.t uh.1ch doniciled - 'one au1t nree~1~ AU othel' tr!lpa I nci dental a:iq:>Qnaee such l3£ltr8pge ' Ti~s {include tips to w . 1 t 1U'1> ui th oeale) , T~ttiea'b h iva, 61\r far@. ,.. One s:u.1 t :i;>re ss1~ , p~r vr~~k ~s Telebl"C!IJ:'lt1, Te lephone onlls, Co& t. 6'£ trovolere' checks . P'o st Lge.. ~l"!ftlr6t T'qc a.ymb9'1 '.)lhe1 s'Y'JDllol ffe• •p 11 de11otes HeM Ott.lee Only d.eno.t es !!!'~ct es Only • :u 4~)sio-t•t.r =='""'====""== lS ~equ.eoJini Rtl.£!bUl's~11e~t or trrav~U ,tg !?Jeeris~' A fo:r retLmbursexn(Jnt for tre.V'eli.n,.g; ~~pens~s inc'\i~:rEtd by l!.l1'. i:>ff'iqe~ 9r tin;;ilioyee sli!.Q'U,l.a be ira.bmi t ttJt'l on l'onn JD 2.7 wh;lelt 13lw1.ll,d. ' 'be pr$pfllr,¢l :lll the f~:rm ouil'.Lned below: ~~(')l!M!I ot ' 'l'r~,I. ~°' ~ttei'ld ~rge st . . te "cie.nkers~ A.$BOG1l~t ~i().n O~nV'&~tio.n . e:r.p$nae !\motion o:r 11.\'}i t. nUl?lbEir ••••••• O.c tober 4. 4 " X,e:ft $""n !'r~lc;:isco El.ti ~.F .. M. R.R. tttld Pu.llman !tare :from SAA l!'1•el'lcisoo a. to l deal I and r-eti:irn. vi.a s. p. R. ( b;y blUJ,k WlUCher to OOIJl?SllY'l • • • $ , , f • 5-1 !«>tel ( :r e ~~t~ a.ttael;uJ·d 4.-8 Meah (4 WI})- ...... ,. , • • • • , • .. l;i,..g IncidentaJ..e ( tilil q to o).•teria, Cfll:>e, eto.) ~ · . 1lo~al a~enae.a of ·td:,i ;fo:t"' w. ic.h reimburJ11arne:nt 1s !il.: 1J'lit'OVed. • ,., p:ru;.ms .a1 • . I •' • $ 'OOJil BAl;iK: Qash ~dvance Vo\loher !lo. $ Trtms!)orta.tion. fu.ruiehed ... Vo'U.ahe·f '.ijo • To t~l. rd~ui. due 'be.;lk $ • C~~es tor hotel billa. valet, and. lrJ.i.tncil;y ae:rv1ce ~ Md ,f or ca~ £.are• o,n ~t.h.tit:i- ~hart eata.blishedi raUroe.d, 15t!Slllai iy.i, air and eta,;e lines, muet b& suli'~rted. by rectl1p ted 'billa~ .r.ho. r~~e1: ited l>tlle ahl!>'Uil.d •U.,.,:zx>r~ gB.ra~e charges a11d coat of ,za.sohne and oil, etc., n.ot :;,'d: on cred,:f. t aard.1 Wh1oh @re £1'1U'n.1dt.ed th~ :Bl;IJ!lt .. Shoul.& 1 t 'b:e neceuary h \J,s.a p-ti va,tely o~e-d a.atptnobil e OJ'!. b~• l;.lu.11n,e'8l.'l retpib·urneiMiht should oe mad,e ,tf,e ;pHv'i@d. j,,,n t'he · M~+ o! ~ iace~leneous lnatructi.on,a. 16 getund of MYanc'' ~ono\Jrrently the x.-"'t'UJ:l4 o~· n,et~d: nth the iseue Qf' the voucher in rwyn:i_,,,.d :oi th~ a:ecoU.f.l.~. tvensi_;,o.rt~t:ta:Q e.dvenc d. shOW,.~ 'b e ctu.e for and and c~"edi ted to "Deferred Chairg""• a _,.. . "• d · ~~:s ' ~pt.a~ llf.'tlls~ A.1>Pllc•:tion. No. 8. Fl......,_,,.._._,. 1:._., Ill' ~ ·l'e""ip ~elwn• .T nawdea...,~.,..,..,of Cndllt p..,,_.. . ~rt ............ fc' • ......._ 1e tJle Eann~ of ·Colfl or' Slh~ir .t.ola or llulllDn or •,.·1f'l1MNW.. 'F rom tlw tTm•ect Star., €ur"8q~ OI' die ~'Taal~, Widldr•'Y-1 or Expol'hl&fon of,,ow ~abq ln, .E'vldenee• .oC -; '* Indebtedniel• ow p'- E~d.m•11 of ~e'9hlp of Property.• °' 1'tlll t!ll• Go-Ylllfll~or ~' lll..S 111 irioltcat• with UJ4 ,l'd•l'l\I ituo1'1t11 b11~11i t.h1r tll.t& ~l1th•l11t Utii,·11 f,/uro1tt1111llloni!lr ol t.b~ urrt&r.>1"3i 11\o' 11011ffHl11n o~ t,be UnttlM! l!lt,11-t11,oi /n l<\lbl<ih th.fl iill.Pll~•·l\t ~111 1!<!11 or llM hJ~ •PJJll«•nli llfl.11 no htir~ i'el'll.S,Onoe l.'f prtn•t:l pql 'plllkl!e prtncli:itl pll\.-:e 91! bUth1e1141 0111 w-f!:ie:tpill. oll!ll?e or •f!ftnQI. rt (1'o 1Ht ~ec11tll# *ti• In. a J!'ell,11ra,. lt.1111'V• dtiltrfllll\ or •wih te1•rl"ory or po1111<1il•ti n tile. 1Lp.pU11a- of bu•lnv~• l•r l;lrln0Ln1&1 ulftC111 .,,. 1u1~111cy ttoo 1~W~ l>e flied 'f\'l'llbi Ula Fe<terat'.E!e11er~e Ba.nk cf New !'uril: (JI• th\!I !Ji~ Tl!llli S'llollllTARY rn ~derw R )I l'V• 'Qfi,~k .o't .StW 1'ra,r1cl•ll'01) ' mi !hlluhY, I , Waahln~n, D. C. ·~ In llC!COrda,ie. wi~JI E:rqeuttn ().r dr! No. 83ll9 of Ap-,Th 10, 1,9401 a~de<l, r~latfn!J t~a11s•>t111 In f<>'n •llll~anae etc.. 1l~d t.lle ·1r•irutatloni1 •11cl D\lllQIJ l••~ thnunde.r, ' l• 1indemrnt4! htil"ll!br •PP ~,. fol' • H~n111e to e.x-ecute. tit" ti' '!!IAl.atfon d&. .cri~ .A. ~& appllca11t fil..-i..-- .. ---·.....--•-· ....... _,,,_. ___...,.•_ ...........,,,.............. ~.,.. ...........,_....,....... .,.................___.._....,,_... _.. ~,,,.,,.,•.,•._... 1 (2) AJ!pll.cil.'tlt re-Ides 1&11 or, ln t!W callQ ct • -eorpo~atlon, ~attnetrllbip, aas~ia.tlon or other or1aniutlon, has ita princl1>11-l placit Qf busilte11S atl ( 'l) The natnAl of I• 'II ~ ' ..............,......................{~i';.';;~tJ'-··"-"·-....--·---·----~c-rt;)-···--· ·---..........._............-.,......_71!'1'.;tt;;)''"········"···-....··-··········-······ (3) Applfc•nt Is and has )leen a citizen a l -- -·..-·-·-··"·-···· ................'1"...._,_ ........._ iSiJ1,CC!.o-·--·-·1.. - .. - ...{,i\11Jll~I~) ( 4) The nation•ltt~• o:f the ' • 1-*f..~t.lo4·····-·· (Co~;u;:~·--~ ....... 1 .................... _.,~............__,....... , .... ,••_ ... .. ..........- -...._ ,_.._..,;_. •.,......... - .•·"'-"'1,_ ..... ---.........-·--·~·~·· ~ ( Yeil r ) (Uu.y) (II) '3Jn11;f! .....r,-·,-·,. -•·-~-,.-..,,,.,.. lJ. , ' · ; below: I ' ap[•llean~ ls---...- ...... ,..._.M ............._.._...,.,.._,_,, .....,.............,,.-....,....._....... _ .. ,_...... _....,...,__............,_._ ..... __ ...._ • • ,.._...,,.7....,....,_.__...,.........,....,••,.... , ....i-..,.·11-····~..,. .,...,..........--tll.111' app.liaap th& buabi.,1111 ot ' ) 1· . .. ... ,. ....................._.,,..._.,...,."'""1..,...""~"-···-···---·-- Bta.t";';~u;;;"')f"'b1~·;r~-;,-;;;-. . . . . - .......,., . Th~ l'PPlic:,ant ~e1drea 11 lleen8i: in or.du ha~ , b~n ' ·l .-...1o.... 1-""................. ;-~-···-'·~ ... ~~ .. ~1"f'1·..........,....... ""°, tr>' ($tata h1 detail thtt natl.Jn, pnrpqilb an1:' a.m~t of tAe transaction, and the nam~ 1 addrea$, natiorJalitiyU and extent of inter· eat o;t eve•'Y party, h1cludl11g tile appl!ea'll , lnvolnd or intereJJted tn the trana11etl~n..) •· - ... ~..........,,-.- Jil1tecu~.h·oe OM't1l' ~o. aa~o ol .Ayril · "~• emplpy,#d llel"lln. •""II ilelli0Jlll1>11• a:vp,..arl1141: In µ111>' I.I> tf1e l.O, lt40, aJ UJ1etu!e1l, and th/a . , , Fi~u1-.11h?r>• lu1d R.ullt,tlt'ill 'Jl!lued t~relllliliu· shell ••r.n tJI.• cra11t of• OCJ~'IJl)Ml.fJon. p11rt111trd1(p, or $tatl..m. s1Tll> ooui:l!JtJ' r~ wltlch•lllS ..!'.la wl!•""'!r f!on<llt. !Jll'Jll .::t ~!U:l)ll, r1ot..e11, d.ra.ftir, or 1; l .., 'all~ 1:c&intt7' o,,,oQ'.e cw ll\lll'4!' tilLt\u11111,. f.b,l~ c~ ~j:!IJS&tJo 1 r. · ot hulA~te: tt111 \lp\)l'Qirilmat.if ~l"• of _!-~llelr, llµf!~ orpi1.,~li111n '°"""'ltjl'r 1,)1»1.!.l'f~ll~f ~tr ~t~y or fnd~rre<!rt:s'· by · , , , ., ,Appjl~nt',i N~.,.,...,..~~ ...- l1 C'. The •1111--t' nii.._h arad= ta *trt ~~ ol:'lld ,tfllOI ·•!HM nran#litnedl In ,,._ Ballow .... •niv intAe""' tM= ~~D 11r U.,..., fli.r wiic1' --~is "plied .&Jr h~niq..ll ~1111 art a.111 •.at1JI~ .11• ~ .c> ~m l>!!low. 'O. The applicant X'e;pre$1!nta and warrant., tl1at •'ll the fac:ta lierein stated are eorToot nd.wtw.e and that he doos not have QQ:wl" edlt'u ot ~ny :tact.1.1 ill' eoni1~t.ion with s1Jeh .,p1'lia1.ion 'lf'bioh are not .fully ana a:ce~rately 1111t ,,)Mn~~ (.Mta.tili be)leto rtcheduL 11 r1f uny ~dditil>n,•l ma~r,.lal inl1orltna~ 4;1n.} 1 1,1), Thr., applicant represents and -w&r ranto that he ham l.:()mplle~, and ~;rreea tha.~ he will cop'1·$11:y. in all r flape.eb~ wttll Exeeu.-1ve Ordu l)i:o. 831:W, of A)l..,U lP, l~i~ aJ ame!¥lee4. aa4 =Ritcu..4~ona arid )J1&llnJrs lnuti4 ~il.erirw.Wlr,, a;n~ wiih •'nl' µidt aU lir c:e..,..,. h~u.ed to t~ avplicarit pura ~ t~"1'•'tl>, and/ witl\ r•ped ~ tlut ~.,.lfl,_•tion h•.r. ,~vuived. no m.;li,r applM:at.i'f" ot th• l1nder11i~~ll.!cl for a lieenae ~ been. t\lt'd or '' pell lnir, except u foUo'ffl: __ ,,.... , ~ . . . . . . .,,,. _____.,,,;.,___,,_..___.. ___,....,_._. _,..."....1•-·· (A.pplh:ant) BJ-·---..·--··..----··· ..·-··--······-..···-·--·-·--- ·-·"·""""--·"··--·..-· I, - ·- ..··----"·--- ·..·····-·••""" ----·---·-.. - --·---····- ···....., Dn oath, depose and 11ar that I au.i. the applicant: In the above ap-pli- eati?n for lie~~. or the. ...-."t~t;;t~· .,.!lti"Ti~';i;}'j;.""tq"";ii'iiil;;&i;t'r--··-··.....1,of....., ...- ...........,........_,_,,_,....('~-;n.-;-;;; ·apiiii;~---···-.·..·--·--· wM ~. the applicant. in tb'.e above app1lcatfo11 tor a liceai1e, and that I a:m duly authorized to m.akA! the !OTeeoing appltcatlon on behalf of tlie •p'plicant; that I have Pfilrao11al knowledge o! the fGu:t• as forth In ea.Id &PP,licatiitn and know the 1ame to bet true a·nd ac.catatei and that t do- not ~Ye knowledge of tny matel'lal facts inmet eonneetio·n 'With such appUcat£on which are n.o~ fully and accurately iset ~orth. heroin.. / ···-·---·-.........,_...................... . ._.,...,,_,_000_1,.,.... ..o, ___ ,_ ,_ ..,...~-- ...... ___ ($ls11~tur-ot ·a~l _.,,,....,.... ____............. -~~ ,, ,.. _,,W•fol--• -..••-r--.,...,,._,,,,._,,...,_,,.,..,_ _ ,.,.., Addt611&) Subscribed and aworn to before me this--··"-"-··-·· .......-,--..- day oL-·-"--··--·-·--.......,..... .....- ............. _........ __.., 194-..... (Notarial Seal) Hy r.ommlsalon ex:pl-reB...- ·-·······..-··---·--..····--··--..·-•'-·..,...·----- · ..--- Ret.'Omnu....,datlc>n . of Federal Reeem Bmk TO TliDl SECBETAB.Y 01' THE TREASURY : The aoove applie.atio n is forwarde d to tbe Secretary of the T~-ellL'!ury wfth the recommen dation that a licenM should oo (granted i:n the following amount....-... -...............~................................._,_·----···-· (denied. ReslJ!eCtfultv, FEDERAL R~S~RVE BA·N K Ofl' SAN fl'RANCSP O By... .__,...--._.wt-, .. ..,...._.. ,..._ _ _ _....... .......- ........... _ ..... ;,,_-.........,..---... pes·tim' ~tnt(:E s~ BLOcJE ' i»RoP~WiY f~rauant t~. $pec...t R*'gull1tion ~o. 1,J.ssued b.¥ th~ F~e~1 Reeerve,:S•11k of SJ.Ji F$11cisco. •'qY: &cquiaitio(4 di!PQ6itloh. o.; ~:r:ar.isfer o·t or othell' deallnt, in or with re!Jspe¢t UMttly pro~y' desig~at_,d &6 Spec-I BlQ<?ke<l Pro~rty' Ui · prqP,ibtt~d und~li p,!Jtalty of law unl~ft such tira~ctio'n. ii!. aothotized by l,\pp.ropriate Ueell81!~ Appileatlona for ii.ny auc)i Ike-Me m&'Y ~filed on Form TF -I J:>y any penon '!Vft'h the. offlee' or the Federal ~4rvf) •nk.of San Eranc.isco. Such, apl)lic;ations sho..,ld, 15et fl))rth (a) the intarest, i:f any, of the ap'pl'i~nt ~n tJle preper;iy; (11) t e details of t.b.e tn:nsaclion for w~ich a license1il5 ~uested~ lnelu·ct:in.r th.e ·ter1ns of any ptoposed settl~m4!Dt; (e) the manner in wl):ich ~h~ biterest ol t:he e1(acuee national in: the prope~ is beinJ prote~ted; and, (d) whe h~ 01' ~ot ~he evacuee naijon,ial 'is ii) -~~nt wt<t}l ~t:!· P.foP~.1$ed eettl.,men:t, f.lQEftAL •E'•at.V• ·~~,Qlll •A"' P'llA....C.ISCO f"l-..'"'Jwt; ,,...,. ," "' ~ U~l~llD 'Tft.,..,.. ~1'1NG I ·NO'l1f~~ SPlilCl.&I~ BLOCKED PROPERTY •' 'Pu·rsup.nt to Special R~~ijltion. No, l issued by the Fe<lf;lral' IJ;ea~rve 84nk of $an ~'ranciaco, any aequiJJitipn, d·iepo$ftion or trarµifer o! o..T other dealing ih- :0~ with r~spect to any property d~ igna.ted u Specta.~ ;$l~d Property 18 prohlbjted und~r ~nalty o~ )a:w ul)lesa such transac~ion is a11tbo~ by appropriate li~se. Applfoationa 'for any, sw:h ,li~nse rmLY be filed on Form TFE-1 by a'Qy perSGn '17ith the nearest om.~e of the Federal Re&erve lta.'9k r:tf Slln Francisco, Su~ applicatroM ~h~uld ~t ·fort'b' (a) th'e i terest, if any-,.of t,he applicant jn n~e p·r operty .; <b) fhe details of the t.r anucti0ll1for l"lhicb. a licen,$e liJ,tequ01Bted, inc tu.dip~ the tetms o~ a'ny pt'opps,cd $e.ttte~en~; ( c) the nµ&J' in whic~ the; .i'nterest o~ t~e evaciree n*1.t!"in tli.e P.l'\ll)erly' is. being protected; ~nd (d) wb.eth<!r or not tbit! evacue.e national i8 in -grf,?ement with the JWOl)(>f:led settlement. FEOERAL RESERVE BA~K C!>f"' SAJIJ-fl'ft<ANCO!ICO S'illlCAl.. AGIEN'r •01" itttll UH LTU> •T~TU fEIOERAL RESER.VE BANK o~ SAN FRANcr's co· I .J!rotlci! No, ....... .,....... . !.'led~ •Bloded JftuJMid.1 :O~AR SilRS': You aft he~eb;y noti.6ed that the prop~r, listed ~low is Speci11l :Blocked Pro~~: P u.nua.nt to S~d..-il Regulatioq No, 1 il!f.!lued by the Federal Reserve Bank ~f San Francisco, any acq d~ition, dis'}>OIJitiolli ot tral'l"fer of or oth~r dfl&lin.g i·n or with respect to any property· de$ian.1&ted $8 $pedal !Uoc~ P~perty la prohibited under pe~lty of law unle81!1 such i8 ,uthorl',ed by ~llproprfate ~nee. Applicat;ions for- any euch license. may be.1lle.d on Form TFE-1 by .any person W'!tlt the neaie t office at. the Federal Reae:rve Banko! Sa.n Franclaco.' Such applieation1:1 should set, fortt.a (a.) th~~ interest, if any, of the ap]>lican~ in the property t (b) the details of the tran~ction for Whl® 1.1. 1jceme is re.qllested, including the ~rmt'I at any· proposed settlement ; (t) the manner in which tbe intere&t ot th.e evacuee rmt,io;ut in the ptoperiy- is being protected~ and ( d) whet'ber ot not the All is in agttetiment with thE! prQpcus~d itettlernent. 'Vacu·ee n~tio'.n· 1 Youn very truly, Regulatlon No. l issued by th.e. Beserv~ .1' 3a1Jk qt San Frn~eitar.o, ~n:vi aequi1dtion. dfspo8it;lon or t,·a.nder C!lf pt oth r: d.ealing in or with rel'&pect to any prapemy de.lfjj'.n&ted u Spec.h.J. Blocked Property i8 prohibited Ullder penaltN of law u · esii 11uch transac>i Pu-rs~a:nt to Speeia I , tipn 14 autbor~d J.;y ap~;ro~rlate liceM~. , AppJica.tlo,_ tor licenat qiay b(! filed, on Jfonn TFE- by an.r pe:J'80rtw1th ~lJ~ neatest office oft~ F~e-ral Re8eJ'Ve.Bank of.S•n Frai'1Cfseo. Suen f1pplicatl01w should set forth (a) the inte~~. tf fl.IJY1 of the appli~nt in th~ property; (b) th~ details of the trltll$l.Cti.On for Wnfeh. a liceMe h1 requested~ inelu<\ln~ the tenmi of a:qy prop!>Med se.ttle~n1J'; ( e) the I®inne,r in which the · inter~~ of the e:rn~u~ Motional in the-property fg bei~g protected; .11<nd (d) w'bether or not tbe ' ev1;tcv,,ee JI• U"'nal i8 ·in l!LP'Ht:tt~n~ with th,~ pfdposed settle.tneJlt, ) I . l". Ii ' ~ ) O ' I l I I ' < ,, '/j t !r1 l I ' ,' f ,f • '.. 'I j, I• I r 1 I 1 ',. 'l. ' P1ti'su.n~i' t-O S~tal ~es111atipli .No.1 js•u~ by tht11 J.i,ed~'ral Re~ff,»."110 Ba~k 0>1 Sa.i .)1 (lill' ~~0, ·· ,·( '~ ~q~~!tlo1t,. d~porsjti'.9~',<>i-' ~~~er o:f ot <>t~~ . denlini .1~ o~ wJth re111pee.t tQ an:Yi 111r.:~ ~tty deflflD:ated & '\~h~J"l Btqe~ ,J.IQ~tty i~ Pi'.'Obi,bit~d, under Pen:aity of law,v,Jl}Al!A 8ueh it~ , ,Ji , ti~IJ. is authoff2-I Y ''p:groprla,t.e liCell8'., ' I , ' ' , Al.>r?Jf~~ionl iol';·~~r ·eh·lice~--~· ~ ~-d , ,FQr¢ TJtl)'t-1 by •n~ ~nl>~ with th~ ~~:r~t ofllce ~t ~.he Fedenl Beso~e. ~ ~:Sa11 Fra~c~"'°' SucJ:l sp,plicatfons ~ot~ld vl!et.:(9ttb ,(,a) f;t1e interest, fJ 1!-tlt, <>f t:tie ·•pplk.a~ in the.Pt<>~ttr.; (ib) the detatla Qf tti.& ttll!llSae~i~ fi)t wfltch a; li:ee'.DSe b·11'.~~· lnclttdfng tfu!:'~ ,.,~ ~JliY proposed settlement l (c) the in .~ bt~h. Uh~. in~r"'4~t>f ~h~,j,e11iQ.<l:q.~. national h•· tbe ·~ro~l'tf h• beinir pro~d; and .(d) wh'ether1er not the U ~v,ac~e na.iroul 'IJ.iJi Mia~eat wftb ·t~; propoied-ll~ttieni~~ ,j 'l , ; i f.: t I ' I ,, ' ,, I ' I' ' ' !" f ' l•I :1 , '(1, ~ ;,. ' ! Thia a@'r~e;rnent i1:1 entered into this.¥.................................... ~)1 of.•... _....~...- ................,............................. -... ····~ 1942, I• betwe!len... -~·· ,.,.............,......_.......-;..........--..."--"···" ...............,.....-....................;.....* ...,...,.,.-._, herejnafter riOCfe.rted J "debtor.'' and.....,,_ ....,......'................................ '•el' itot.'' ¥ ... I I • I to•• I ·~ 1-~............'...............~•••.• ., ....--.---••:. ..............., berei)U&ft&i rdeire-4 l<> ."' .... In conslde1te.tioh of debtor'$ joinb1g in an application under Special Rearulatio·n No. 1 .issued l;>y tM F'ederal R serve Bank of San i,rariei14eo, and in cpnsideratipn ot theit mutual conse11t, the lb(.)v.e na~ed debtor and creditor have entere.d into a 11ettleme:.nt 1tpon the !oUowinJ termf!: ._..., •• .,.,u .,_,_,,, • ..,,.....,,1....,,,,.,00.,_,, _ ,, .... ,.P.r't••-1 .. .. ,, ,.,,, H •o,• •o • • •••~ •- ..,.. , .. ._,,,.,.,, __ ,._.,,, ,,..,. ,..,, ( l>e!Jtol' ) ........,._...1.....,: 111 ···-·1••••• .... , -·r-•••1"' .. '~11.,,~••• !~'··· •,••·,..~-, ... _,,.. .. .,. •. _~ -· •'-r ••~•••r ( ·r~d 1tf.l~} ,,\ ·.o•IQ,l.. ••••~ •4~• "'" .,.,_. """Ncrseo 1"),,. " " ' " •Of' 1'1;tta, UNl:rSQ eTA.11111• .............. &, JJe....-..t. Pelitiorr f ~r Wo.cking UmJ.,, Special I ll__..d~oNo~ I The uruiersign <h~rtitles that ~I~: O 'tJ O O A'. Japan~t alien Ape.Arson of Japan A German alier> An. lta~iail alien <1.11,1Mrr. 1',X" th •1Jc:eiatrr •ttt11' 11.'l bl boa) and that he has. bee~ resi<itnr at....,.,,_,, ...,,, '"""'''""'"''"'"'"'°'Jt"~"'"'"'"'"'-M"'"''"'~o"''"V'"''"'"'''""~'-'"''""''"°' "'"''"" '' ' ' o~t.,I •. ,. ... ,, >•••• ........... •• ~ ''·''" • '•••;• + H••~••f"'•,_ ;,... ...... , •• ,.,.,, •• ,..1,.....,,, .• ,. ..... "•tH•I , i ' ,tlllt~e111t' •·••.WI ·1~~) ' -·60• l•f.,lik"l"""'''"'''-'"'I''"' '. >lo1••h•f•"•'•I•••• •~•""'"""'' "' .,,...,,,, '" L ft•I 1• tut l · he Qnder~igned 'repr~e;nts to the ,F.'ed~ral Re.~e,...¥e fJaink of San F'r-.?J.cii:sco that he ha$ been uns\Jctes ·fut in his attempts to rea1t,}) an equitable settlement with the following creditors: 'rt.~ uude.r1:1igned her\lby petitiorui. the Fe<le):'t!.l ltefJ l'Ye nank cf Sun f 1ranelsco to di.mb~nate tlte fo{fowing p-1101)crty as SJ?ccbil P1 operty: 1 D•ted th.i~-· , .,........ of .1.. .. ............... ~ ......... ~,.r ........... 104:,.... _., •.• ~ ... ,, .. _,,..,, ....... 1- ~ '"\'.Jl l.tU<lO) POWER OF A'M'OJtNE,Y T~ W&OM. lll' 1i!AT CON~, : ·fl'··\ The trnd•••irnect~· ............ ,. . . . 4'"'4~ · ....... . _ ......... ~ ...... ........... ,. ...... ............... _ ................ ,. ..... ,.,. ................... ..... ~.... _.~ q111tl'l!ld111t1 o,, ~•rtn•r,11blp) of............ ~, ........................ _.~ .................. _ ..,... < Str~ot '1' ................. .,,. Addrt1t111 in.. ~Ci· Cit¥ id ...•.....,............. ,.. 1....... : ............_ ......... ()ouoty; of.•..•••..••. ..•... ,..............- ........,..... ,, State~! ....................... ····"······•·········• ~::::e::f~1"~£;;··th;;·~~"&i=;l;;{;d~"Ud"l~·w;~·~;;;;;~nd·i~.;d-~lthi;"~~d;~·~i~;~:·~·d~·~~o;~~~ o~n~;~ l~~~e:!t::: · wJth .f~l dl11cr~tion i:. to. <J.ia.,.,nd, at.W :tor, col.le!>~ and re\:qjve •ll sums <:rt n11>ne11 dilbta, accounts, ltJVac?icee, b~ueat11> .iiivtd ~ide, royaltieit, enmdd e, -.nd •Ill' ot;h.r demand a what;ll(lever, a~ are now, ur which 11h~ll hereaf~ ~1:om" due owing, payable , 1 (If bel.qngi,n&' "" tlul uruler11larn~· ; toi tab all la.wflll pteana 'in the name ol. t)le undenip 11d, or ctherwlo o, for the ~ov,1u•y d:wireo11 to conl.promiae and aatlaty tiha 11a11J,e en.ti to !live eutftq,hmt eatlsfae tllons 11r diachargil11 tht!teflilr; tiu ba.rarafut coillt:radi, agrcie fom, •Wn, buy, Mill, mo!itira se by'J)Othtcate, manage and any and every way deeJ fa. and wUih, good.a, and m11-'r. 1 R:1td all othlt'r Jl(t!llQnal Pr0i~r:ty; to maua~e, ,,,_re1&in, cont11at'ht t, agree tor, purcb~ae a·n d exch.abge o.ny real propert y and to leue, 1Jub-1.a&H1 let, dl!miM1bi1org•i1tt ae,11, r~lea~, <?OtlTI!Y• mi>rtga ,., and hypothe cate the aame upon such ttrina end condi:t;lon11 anti 1~nder 1tucb C(>venanta aa 1&id attorne y &hall deetn nft'ellaa ry; to 1ub-l,aa ff. u11lenm l'tntl 1 covmantl1, ·butenturei1 •irr:eem ent• mor~p,esign, e:x~ut.e, <1.ell.ver and aclmowl.edg11 eueh dOOdlS, lea~ , ladlnr, MU., bonds, ~otell, recelp~11. evid•nce11 q:f! debt releas•u11 , and 11, hy·pothecationis, botl'..omries, chartel! J>a't'tlies, billa ()1. other h18trument11 In wrttinl' aa rnay be ruieeua ry or expedie ••ti.taa tions of mortf,9J!"1 jud'cments, M14 otheir pe t11, and nt in the premiteil; to substitu te attd •ppoint an attone 1 o'I/ attol!ney Ul1der eaid atto?ne)" witJi ttw aam.e o:r mo11e limit~· powers and to 11emove such ,aubB1iitut.e or iubatitu te11 at pleaa\l:l)e and to appoint another or otbe,: attom~11ti to appoint 11111>-arentei a;t1d to do all aet11 or thlng11 tlli!i:e11aary oi expadie~~ ln th~ absolµ¢e diacretil on of said at!;orney, or •\Jh•tltu te atto1"tleye, or iiub-aeents, iruliudlnrr but not limited to any a11d aU acts ne~e11aanr in oJtdcr to elfC1Ct the partial or compl11te liquidat ion of tho J> aJltl IUISl!ta 1¥f tne under& itned heretO"to:re ~nd U(!W.d under tho of._ .. .,. ............•,..•......• _.. ,............ ....••...• "..........,. ........,............ ............... ............. ............ .... .,,.-......., .. ,......• Mncii at ............ - ....,. .. .., .... f...... ,,. ... ............. ., ...... , ....... ~...., ... " . ................. ..r ...... , In tihe City ol............... ..................................................... ....., Cou11ty of ............. ~-··~.............,.............. ,., <J3tro~t. A.datulllt) State -0f............ .......................... ,........ lum!b)' revoking all !o:riner powe. u of attorney , 01• otlle,: u.uthori zationa. Glvinr oe.W. attQrney anti 11&id •'llbstitute or substitu te.., or 11.ny 11ub-age nt1 appoint ed by them oc any of them, fuli powe' and authorltlY to liq any and all aets or thine• riece11111•ry or ex1r.edient to ~ done ln the pril!miaoa, ali fully to aU intenta and J)U~Mll as the undeHig nl!d nJirh~ o)e collld do tf 1111r1on ally present , be..-eby ratltfln g and ~on:flrmt~ 1'11 that aaj.d at~mef, •aid 11ub11tltut. pr substitu tes, or uid 11ob-ap n.ta, shall lawfully M <JT caulk' to be d.o,ne by virtue hereof. ' The undcnr1 lp41i here}ly -aree11 to a:i1d doeti he11eby indemn! .fy and aave harn'lleall said attorne y, said 1u.batitut11 attorney is, or sub-ar nta, and all of them, tor anr matter or thin~ exetciH ot this power. This J")We-r of ·~tol'tley may~ J!~o'k.ed onlyd<me "11 cau&ed ·oo bo done by them, or ai;,y ot 1;bem, in the in-fact henuri.der. Upo~ lloti.ce by uid attorney -In-fact by written notice of tievpttation deliver~d to thfi attorn!! y.. to the und.etsl gned that it 11Ul'J!e11d<irs the 11rower• he11ein. l'l'&llted , m• ed. or delivere d to the l.ut known addre111 of. the 1.lllder11isned,, all fu.~er duties and obligati ollll of aaid attorne1Y iU.-fae:t: hen11n der 1~ll cease !~rib.with. Dated: ............ ............ .. ,. ......................... 194.•.•...• • ...... , ••• ,.. ....... ,, ....... ... .1 .... . ,. . . . . .... ,. .................. ................. , .. . ( lndlvld1211l'w .i.~ N~me) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !' ...... .................... ........ ..... . , doing buainesa under the name of ...... ...... ,.._,~ ....... ,.... , . ..... _......"' ....... ...... . .... ,..... ,.... ,............................. ................... . ...... ...,_................. ........ . .............. ............................. ..................... ... .................... .. ...... , ................. ... r ............... o "• • o • • • •••••.., •• ., .. ,. o• • •• ;., o o .,. o •• ,_...,,,.,.,,..J >•r • ''"'"' ... u .. o • o • •••-• ~ •• I •••• ,,, . " • .1; .. • . . . . . . 't .. . i. .......... , .. .... ..... f.._ . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... ... .. . . . . . . . ..... ........ . .. ~ .................... ......... 4' ,.... '""······!'" ....... ,... ...,. ...•. .. ••·• I> •" ' '""',,.• .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . , . , . . . . .. f . ...., .. l •• ,.,, ................ .... ... ..... "'- ~,· ., . . ... ,. ........... . ...... ., . ~ ....... ··~~ ... .. ••• ..... •. ....... -,._......... ,......,__._ ............ ............. ,.................. ........................ ,.l ..... I""'. __ ,, . .. .... ( tJ<.iusLltu twa; all Ute po.1·tnera Lb. reoe) • [f l'..UC'llJ.ed !))! a. poputuer *1lf.p, s,ll ilbow.ld. lllsn. '(0 BE ACKNOWLEDGED BF.FORE A NOTARY PUBU C ~ . . .. t~u1 tf I • '.11elo~·n•; t ervi ew t n1 Adµl·t: ,Mo;t.nor c ....... lei: l!'runt:i!ib I at ti ~e~•hip ~ Daile ll'f last entry int~ ,United $-t•tnuu ' ~~- ___....____. . . .,_. . . . . .._,.,_...______ ____...___ m ~ .. . (r y~:ie o:I il\'liai neJ!)·S"! ~¥tp.e~l!~'!;pf '.Pr9p~lil et11>rnh.i.:p: ClorpOTa~io.:n; Ji n.d.i V''i ' \ ~:t : ' I I I ~ ,,- eoo~~ a$ probl~m : ' V/A.JiTI...iE O!CJ .L Cdr-1'1.11~0!. A!:JM US'li 11';IO r ~..!JNSE' CCo/fl.lAND A.NP. Fuutf"l:i Alt\~ #i~~Tlr 1231 MA.!tr\B'r $T.Ht:J:l',l ', ~Ait F1M4 ffH$CO, C .LIF SAIT FFtANC;r$CO_., June l, 19~ ...- ...-Liieu.t , Ojt?tL, J ~ 1.,,. DeWitt~ cor.rnrAndir1$ the I • Weotem J:le.t'~tfo Co' 11ltlai.n4 ~nd Fourth Ar1try ,, 3.ltl:nounced todr.i.y Olfon,:lAiY') thG o 1.' the of\ Jap1~noae lie Wetijt coa.::it arn;i int from all 1;11pt.>rta.n:t in 1M:i~litl'! AreiA JJl«1 . l. ml;>ly o:r 1iel<;,>c.a.ti,c1;i;1 cunh;r1;1 wa::i c1.Jmplete, , ' I ' 'rheeie.f r.1~ti:es'U4tJ Tac, ma~ Portlf'iP~ , 5/,l.e,, Ban ?~i:ino · dnttl'l , bay a.1•.aa~ JG5a 1 Sacra.rMnto, Son Di eo and Los \11goJ.~ , The col..r p~r ans of ,Japanese a.ncet1t1·y a.utho1 •iz1,.;d t Q r onlJJJn ~nc.1 at l.i,bli.!rtr I r·epoM • :trrun.edia·t.tt1 l y;,,, all Jai.panesij wi'Cihpuj;, It W'as nlcso "xce. ti''*1 ot ~·e1.:io1·tcd by nt~~a.'.l')P the Comtnand ing o.C t •lntH'i .dni,,:1.1.m, t<;.l l:b,w Gv1h..ral that , 111ith thl\'J s in ~ lt:J Yolo Cou.nty, thort:i ''~:ro no .Jupr..m~se no t 'Ul'li;ier .stti.:·v-i . l'i.nco ii·~ the Ca.lifo't'ni · por~,.:l.on of Mllit l'Y' Ar~a No . 1.' II 1f:r~#1 il#II il'r . . T.. Iwa't•. lt'h11 2 Box l 9 "1r'.to·ole, o lit~ !ftil ari .i:rt °' 10ur oall • ' th.le «'t:r10~ ln , , erd.& 1.bt1t OI )'Gl,Jr fi~' ln . · ~ ·1' e I oont·•ct 14 Ur,. Oba ••, & ar·t , eCl1il!ii1 gent ~o• t.h · No e t1uJ'tlll"ie:n~ '9., •• er.ttl<> 4. 7eu. had cc.u1tatJ,ed 11 H-0me e~emt In: 'fu•l.o·e~. Lb•. ~t • :rt int ms e that hltt oQ P«ll7 la IJlO~ l)bltn •111111 'f.o 1ueu'l'w .Japf!tuue J)l'"o·pertt e,.. h.oye.-•l"' th. .,. l.$oe l>·~• O<U'ld! 'U:on. 1.n· 4ootlp•1n m~ wb&.ch In. tbta ln.• tono• l Jr. n. t .•P tov1rd1 ~lvl,t\f 1i J.e J'ia anl!llM lo.ktlfr h-.ett1t u .r•io• · • · 'ibi.l.e••rt~• to yQu~ 11~. attra,nc ,,. bet 1 a·.,.le to:~ st"-•*'"· .a11rl ne wo:ul.f coll ·•o'I )lt1 •Wi I l ru·rl<tt•k sa4 1f&Plt • ijovAl'1..ns not;e- t: :I' y~H.»• .,.e.:tiu'fh·ri. hb nent 08ft9<el1• t1o ,_,ti *"' . s 'ha' ' I flle ontt c.ondJ. ·t toA h · the. dl'ai attest -:it•cuee ·ue't g:t.V"• . broad toJ'fll o·• r <>t ·t qrn 7 to o•e lrt41vt u·a l '\Yb9 w1ll b 1il he Tidrt11 t1 nd1 ln th , even~ ot loes #jll b 11tbl ti0 1~ ti\ n OtUU:1fi7Y t,p«t:re the c\• 1 can b• •<lj~ate().. The com. 41u17 bet. t• on t'h1 dt1e tG t .h e· ru,-t th t thl!ly ant to eonolu4• .ill olal ct s '$<0:01' a& •·alble nd not have 1'o go to a lot ot _.(n1ble • •w '1-Ge a.n un•ntQ_,tHIU"l' dela7 d:r.11e t)ont ,: eting trie ~vaeue ai the v.&riot1• 1"41-Bfftil.4'· ent z-ea·• · 1 "° "° '-~clo1lng po•er- of t .t o:rrt•1 to:ratl •bi' M 'frill. .-1 tbe. requ1r.emeflt,e .Of tb.e I. sur~. oe CHlMftl'·• Jf f'Ott u • b: 101.i lioul ghe he 1:0 1<>v p r r· atto1Jl'tUJY a cop•1 .o the f1 IJ tll/lJijll"t\n.o CQ•P ·n7 '"'" r taJ.n .a . oopr1. 'tcu1 hou.ld s l ot so • one ln whom J'OU· r'flpo11.e a~a..,..te cnt1de·t.t• nd 'Who bas an \\ft u•atlctn· ble :r-er.n.1tatton . r· ~ .ea• r, Pre: l d JJi1' 0 f' t l!t Fit-" t D;~ t lon l 8 n ht '!'nlock, 1 1 t 1&"0'1f fl ,...,. hi<!>wov r t'l.o hlllt ta QJ t!d& a a J'eco~ ·n••~:e.Uon Q)l M.:t"'· · #),..,..,,. !Ila r· hav ci>nlr na•i t&:bl go:ntlel'# 1' on"• tun\ wbtl..e ha a P't&'re to, ®~ • ~y ~utab1$ m ,¢1< ·<h~pena.,bil• o1t:t.z tt X ••· not t,ir) a pwl1"lo11. :r 1 llf.H" d'.o I M'fe ~tliUlorlty to .J." '~oommend anpn& . k I to 0 1Q WOtJ.}.(t a e].u e illGJt-.e~eit'to" ·1' oi. ,,, ~.,.ll\, lb n I 1~p .ke· t1) you t i A otb ':Ir dr,v l"h01.l. ·ti11~ /.\It ~ ! 1m ·· 31\fidlpor ;yo.u o ef..Y' tho t ·t hi:i l'.Jre g:on f,;,~ ~rn l hod · the n:ro - t•,. ta. l:'{~t.1~:rn pr til iUm, ho ll'1ev¥" ;· Mr . ! 9dA-ti' t t'eC?. i V (i f.!l!Jf!l.e . t(), ~~t; y 2rt(l he ll t;;;.t111 t' '2 '~ l Will. ;ttou "' .P.1 ~ tl'lcr. . nd. ~iS ~ t hem. t: o mB il re. Hrir1 o:rPm1 um l'r ~· F.wk11; .&i $ :'JtPrr;1 n.t .8 ea ~ e< f0r same in t r:m ·e .. ·Ti t;in5· ., MARSH & 11oLJlLLAN liuu B:Uilding ,san r ruo 1a 09, .April 28' 194~ Mr·. M. N. M.e.ngels. Ae1.1 .tant Casie l", Fedler&], Reserye auk ot San 1raltlc.1•oo, s n#IOM and Sacramento streets, San J'rano1aco, Cal.trornia. • GENERAL AND ELEVATOR LIABILITY INSURUfCE HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY POLICY GL-~,8900 Mangels: Th1ta is to a~k:nowledge and thank you :ror you letter ot .A pril 27, your telephone oonv ersat1ona ·w t th rettreno.e to additional ~Ta<nlee locations to be inoluded u,ncter your General J.,1ability InBuranc.," ~ In our letter er .April 24 we advised you that we had reporte4 to the Hart to rd .f\,coide.tJt •111 Indemnity- Oempan7, a~ ot that date, all the locations where coverage ia desired; in order that t~;. CJY mJ.gtit be properly inspected to detemine p rem.ium charge a. In yol.D' letter ot April 27, how·e Yer, you h.a\"e repcrted a new location et 208-10-12 Third .Aveoue, seat e, Wasb1.ngto.n, and 88 we bad nQ preTioua knowledge at it we iDll'Je di at'ily the Hartrord eo that the ouat~r1 aur•e1 may be made. Very tl'U ly, (81"1e4) L. A. Ratto MARSH & McLENNAN fl> e :[ "l\l ~'l'<;>Pc:trl.7 D~1u•tmtult ~e B.e~ve . l'.3*1-n~ 400 ~t:!.,na~e str·~et San FX•tincts.o<>, C~.l,.:lflor•ni.a. Si,r: lruld ~ n $,200Q !'~r.e J.nsU~f1.ti.ce wit,P.. 'tf:te Ot•egco:'.L Mutu11l, ' ' Irul'~Qnae Oo Panr on . tl1e, t~r1u l:n.lli;tdi~g~ t~t ,I o'~~ :t ' f Ju.q:t reeentl"1 they:, 08. n;oell.ed 1, t wi ~·~out ' rr1'J.l. yol:l. J..ti.l,'l! t let to 1n:eu1. e my ln,e'" Qf s.ny ;Propert;r ~ J. 'tq' eX{.tllill':le; ·b;f.$n, , n~urance f .1 rm h,~ve aek~d 'b.ut. all. h$Ve t:no • oo f$ir, beooU,se I am ct Japa;ntu1& ,, ·t;b>.,acetit alt~otJ31l I 1ant. rui Am~l" lo~µ, ei •.1,,zen. It thtu"e 1!i , nQt ,. , I, •ny,· .flmn "1l.l 1ng t~ eoQei;>t, i .s t~$ne r\L'"I o•a1bj.J.1t7 ~,r ~ e Fe4: :ral Gov·er™'ttl·n t -un · e~w?·i t1~· ou1.1 :Pr<>per·otes ., ·1• be ot.t~e;r1 •no re ¥v1n.6 tb.e s11tnu!l Aru:1ot al'y awfi1t y'O"-o.r re,p~y, ;pro'l(uem. I ~ llat"'d A llOlAUaJ1, •• B"1141JC, Saa I'._ a.:t aoo , Calli or111e. J'or 1ou• iato~•&Qn tber• 1• l1•it•I bel.• • ••--17 '1t :t.••il-•I """rtl.•• te•••1»l7 aeq111r•4 ,f ot ..... ot nno• cn1••• ~r •lXIU< ,_..Jt,, ro" W'Jde)l, . . nct•iJ'• s•11••.l. 11 11111t1 •••Ml•• 'IM"~ lJl'O,p •vU•• ,.,. l>•a 1b9, eult.i-e• at prniq~• conr.•10"1•,no• aut 'G•p"Jlto OClllYeraa:blo••: · B!d O(t,S• Pr..S..•• loo ted at. '440 Smaoae itre• , Seo h'•ailo oe> Citlito~ Pr•m1•e• looe •4 •• 210 atretl 1 b YJWLOit~ • O..lUc;>:rJlk• 1111 111.\Moi&L Oeniei- Bull4i.QB, S$A 1N•U•1aoo, Calti"<i»•la ' Jatire bll.11AJ. et lS9J VU N• AftD • 1 a-. l':PM(IS.,ao t ca1,tt (} _. SU•• 1• • Ad! W•'6!1 ul15 • ' 1:t-1•••· 1n • '1 .laU BllilU.a.&, l ..o. Alfe•l••, c.11tQr'D~ 1-.i.s•• ln Yu Bur• BUiltUi.Dg II Lo• An~•le•' O•lU' om1• -....-,,.&re.bou• •• Jt• l••l 4lh Str•et, toag B•a•b! Ct•l.Uol\"D~ l<>t •4Jao•n' to :ll C•Jon l~f4., San Dibe'o, G&llte>rnii!I 1 ' ~aun b ll~ at '''Jut 11r•t s ... llJ 0•4t"1l . A'f'9au•. Loe ..ADgalea,, O&:u.t'o1'S1• ,~~-· '2£!1:St ll!I!!! P~ill•• 0,0 th. 'iJl'OU.114 .t loor Porter SW.l.41ng. POnl 1Ul4t O"P* Ap»roda:at•l:r '16.0 •ttU re feet a44i tloaal _... e•eei\d rl.ool' . ort•r BQ.1141.q, Port4.••• b~• t-ot adJoteing A••••llT Qent•r, PonlarXl, o-....a. !!••tie 8£!1!9 Pr-1••• 1 Col'llllbie ~:r••t) 8tiillll1ngw 808 2a4 AY•Ue, Seattle, lt will tte •w:r•o1a••4 1t you. 'fdll anap t:J ll n• • panf* • the a4cl11d.onal 1Ma'1one r .. -.ed to •boft. 1 4.,:r•••n:~• exeeqte4 r~ •aoh ~ iUll,. Yom- a •UJ t:ai J.J,, f lAi~i-1•'1'.) A•#1- t • • * O••hl•" We lHi't l'~ll.Ugwa.d wlt o~ 1rl&uraVice b~()Jf:f)rs ot" p :t>11e 11•• 111 i.1 ~;y t#OY•rtse un4 :r m.a~ reg~l r publlo lta·b 111 ty pol 1ey o~ '.P·t•• Jntaee r•n tod qr ltu~e d 1n O.Q~ect1on Vii th -.0"1i•• opa~iJ' o,_i.-.. •iil~tu~. 1notwu·ns •eae :r-~t•4 t~~ turnl t~1:r., orul tor e.u'iomob·11«t «tior•g • Suell Ce'VG Si& 1 art$u\1lte t"l"Olll ihe ~:r:teot1~$ fittr~& ot ·uie etas or r•n 'ta1 pell'J.Q4,, QTIUJ. thaug'h it ma.y rurt b0 Jt"eport.,4 to t~ j.neuronQ•. oo'-'1pt'Ul)1' -ullt'll d•:ins l..ete:r. !Nb,• n • ' ~· :port, h•I! be~n :r•.IH1rG:1T1Jd b3r the <'omrent,, ii. ~nape· ntort will. be eel\t 110. r.une7 th$, p:reinl~.Ht• 1n {.)rde;r tfi!I dca'ter n11 lil'le r te lij\e.r,. th$ pr~pel" 4·1uilarip'U.on or tho r~mt11uu11 ti.a the ~ti~-t !)av \l rtn C3t>taUle•1, an f.lnd.ti;raem. .n.t will. be attaobe<l te> ou~ pUb1ic l1tJb.:tli ty pol1t!y, ·n d thtt pl!a :Lll b. oo.wr:idared r 1 :bu.rebl.• e p r\ o'f the Elt'acu•e .?'70pertt Oepartm(!lq,t e:a:per.uuu. Su1oh 1il$Ul"ancut :ill be •;rr«,\~"d, tor by He~d O:ftic~ upon r o oei;pt ot ;vow• advice ot l'Gnfall. ot pre mi aes or are s. Ol.eiula tor r 1 nbu r a m1in will tt lao be andlet'l. f.l••"°•2. t,lil.,.\"OU#J;h Rea 01' i questi.on on 'vacue 0. 81a b.Alts b ·n ria:!.m. o-wne~ au.tomobi l. l.!'t e ·~ U0'nCll:l~l' otu· im.n1t~,.e qo-vtawart• . ~ n tas ~ ~ tdBl , tc tra;11• .... nht)•~ ·t.h• e:u.'fa·>mobU.e9 trem on lot1, 't1on to al!l.ot et"' ~ On.del"' ou f1xte · 4.&4 o·o er~e p(ll 1of (i:tun Ind mn.t i'i Y Oo.11 .nr o:r t<Jow York • N- 567906 ,. wa1 , oov~'rs . t o pol o:y 'Y$ • cor.'l!U•~1nt& Mt.troll i •. 10 e we~ Te prott.,l.lttion · U;p ·to $3001 000 ·f er bodily 1i1Jury l:le.bJ.l1 t7 Mel ' &, 000 tor property 4 11Ul8 l1111bility. wne h~ tho a · rs ¥te o),))r te:Jd by oui- owa e pl.oye~111 or b7 our q$ i s ·n ated uaontG no h VI) o otth • ot ~Hl tc moff the eors under our supe:r.viston.. I t; i s bel.1 v: d th t tn1a oove:rll@e is eut.t1cJ:e.ntly b~oad. \Q prot ct ua n th · movenuil>'Jtt of litVeoUeQs' mora ·pr0'\1''14e.d S\l.Oh p~t'e :i.:r-" mov . t 4o p u.r diraqttcm, Ille do r1Git .1.avo · ny insuran0e hci <Ht ;'· ~ protJ~o1ri.n@. U.15 aaeltJ, .t ti :r ~:tld tbeft a.t~ d qoll ini.()D• Sti@h co:v res• 1• not neoe•e. y~ 1he iat-& 11ocept~4A by u. w :l'th.01~t :itesponstt)::tli ty \:lnde:r- the 10~ ot ·the Q.utoniobi l tom e~:iu•out d by the •'9" eyuee . ta 70u:r de11Vertng a-p,pt-eoi• l)et · ttaif · to~ '1111 to XlP'P a o•~ t'Oll.~•1illS ae f;G tQ 1 h-.a '*4• ,Pll~t li!Jt •••cuat:lon progJtant :2. t 1-. n oea.$.e&Q . 01'1ag ot. such oai-' 11 "oi1.lg bu.41•4 by ' ou••14• ooaoern ._mploy(?Jd b7 u. . f;bett, .,r colll ion l.»llt beYe 1.Utbit ty fQr bodil.;y ,11ttJ' g.~ 11i ev it~ or 11\UU'td pol10'1 ll :01"/9 G p:tov1 e le br t n. r.. ~ Swttn.- e t<)mob11 s otu1md by eY owi~a to oen trfil. vn~ktne al'~• , , ·, • wn r• o,ute e:re "IQ bt ett>::.-&4. l>fl"'t11 al! Jf.Jbn t.. no 11e.bt11 t¥ tor tire , ·J1u:-1 or p o., ~:e ,p:r&n~e li1)D :tndelTl\tJ.1ty · 09m~)' llg <H>ntlnnJ:tt l1eb1.J..1t:t tor b(l)tUl..y t .1Ul'J a...,. e.# N0&1Y1 111do~ Be~ astf\\XlieR nou to cov 't.' under eond1 t1on cCJl'lfi.,'l'f4tt ·t on or otAtl1ned . oonip 117 tb t p~ti 1 o~r• wu1t whtch. wonlfl ,pri0vi<le neo •eary eove;r:ee~. w. ·llA..ttG LS ho• ' l!tl!.!Pr .M1RP ro M!r a, Hg It &•y I&9s . 1,1 Jor-k Mm! 'f<>\lt' r,bra, 10u:t c,on-ci-fi..e.r•i, l 't •b! ll ty 011.,.y " · ' ·r • lt•bll:l #;r • · property 'Jttj .A~l I r 1 ~'f :.i • ',ft ·· ' ' I lnci*• 4fi w1.i;-•• with r.,1'•~f;)no• ·lneu I • "'"'M. .l pro~rty.: .u, J. 1' e ot e,vo~u.__..' i;re.1 a-1 ' iq.yeW\iga'\i..OJl lndJ..• '4• till.a' th•) 1- m> 6ft•a1 piroP,.l!Wl 1.•old:l.'J6 ~wtifda oen ellatd.oa ht ell;@ l.U.u~n1oe ht; al.)., ootn.puie•. co apti~Sitt& bu;• 'b..«t 8eJUU:' aii, ' »t.ibf..· e t.at1.11lly. ;t \ .ie apphoi.ntli 1) , W <M.ild. eif M•Jr :pol 101 , Ul'L•• with. ool'ti?J.-i~fl, &re aoru llWJh ~ > -a.t "th• I • ' I va•~ 'lllle •t ptr@q;r\y ~a4 tbe pel'~nal propeit'~y •~,to:r n.-. uniu,u.el. 'hll:taJ11dr$ .ci:r;irt;ti.&)tdin. g ., ox•re1•• or on $ton 'llf •ompe 1e$. So b~ Qt aaei star.nse b•l.:leve yoQ Wi l l be,ve to .vi.ta net d1'ot11u1 w1~1 tu• ••8'1 oe•·• u; J..oottl t.·n.•• ags'<,1e11. Shot1ld. a117 Qft iii• '.i)G'A••• Ca'J'.1.1H!lll 'itloa qr roh••l ot 1n•tn'a.noe on 4' .. r-eal and pe:i'\Sen&l pl"o,Jte.~7. Co pant~• contaotfJCI: Hert. to- J't t'l!t lrl•urli.D qe C'o • 1J. a. .. · 1.N I~•·~~ nae Go. 'l':J •e1tlera fire lnsv noe Co. ~iew §!Ml!lffn l. gt a,. pshtre 11H I~flutaiioe 99 •. Ip.t!•r•im 0!111)1 :t1'11'd.t4§l thou&l'li o tntha~ e• uiTe wi~~ ~eterenoe to tbet~ o'l'ere.ll a.ttltud. t ,owar4 J pane••• tb• 1eneral 1mpres•ion glv•n 1• 'tti ~ J'apa'ne• p}"oJ)e:rty, l"~a1. or pe:reori l,. 1• 110~ be1n ·· ooept~d to'r il'tsuranoe. The I :rt:tord and 'l'rav... lere oomp.ut1.-• e.dmitt d tbs.~ ou~a1i4• Gt c•rtain Clllne•• th•Y ball alwars c0U•14ttctl o~ittn.t• , 4 )oo-r ~i•l( ncl that now, witb. tbe ~ft.I ha•a~d" except1on•llJ ~l.flh. ~n4 the Joes1btl1ty ot •• ot~c11 t.o 'J neae . e>pe;tM11. an ad41t1onal nelt ta:ato-1'. t.he1 were ..not U, fiowe•e~, s. cc ·p t.bis an1 Jap1u1e1ie bu 1ine11s. li~e In~u.r~ce waa p rtic~l rl1 •• . iTe. tlle oonveraat1on r"Y• led thfllf. tl'le7 had no taste tar 1 ,;pane•e bua~ne•• iJ4 1t migbt be a mWRed 'ha' tller are xu~t e.oeepting it. " Uamp·Q htr ll:rwit ln$t11•a.noe 1& l•~.rrtng 1\ u,p to· 11• agen._• 'ldlo P g.rutrallJ' r~tua1ng the b"1.•1ne•• . JI'• 'the Q mp~y 141ht oon 14.el' te l prop l't1 ~4ev '*e•r'ta 1.JJ. e.t>n~.t 1l1 on•". · ow•• a" 011t11l. Can~111tti2n: o oompt.n1· 1.n41• tf4 the.y were oons1.del!'tn ~· oan••ll 't ion o:t polioi•s,)' 1n to:aoc • altho1.\lb, O~ $ . :r1r-• ~.4 tho New Ha~1u1hil'tt Co. 1nt1Nt-4: trba.t. ill · •om.• b1•~ ncea tb.e can4lt1on• J>·• .t"te.lnug to 1nsur.a Japaneae. .P:t>opert1 ha ohangetl ao aater1ai11 ss o 11ecoeel,a.t• a revie• lll.D4 S. •0111• o o•1lat1o.a e. ltt:tRAli fJ9pUU:; ~4 t> ~o C'oJ.tdS,ti~• b·e !rta . OCl9j>~e4 tor 1Jt Japanese P•:t•on•l p:to1pert,7 13l•U • • •. bf .th••• L1QlnPU1••. ... -~- A..l:tte<l }J•e!tic4ltll.Ji .l t real ;pJrep .l\"t:Y • owned: r but 1.lll1Jl.A#$.•4 i.11 ·1 -.1 6•t.a • com •1'11 1•1•••• ·Whit• pereon ot 1'e 11 •nl. a 01 \11htb • b• a4. ••• a"e»\•11• lBY•~ oomp~7 ~11oete4 it olll.4 4•pell4 obYidl•l • lr•' • OP ~he nat e ot the rl•k •ld• ~Qa th.• lap•ne• ta~\o~ 4• ••oon4l7 , o~ how 'al.lab · ~~ Ul 441· ~S.Oll 111'.tlQelJ':". · • 4 nee1e t otot' p l hl>.•• ta 7c~ na-le , . . 11l a 004 neighbor 004. ooou1S a.... lll&Qage4 'b.,, • wel.1-known rea,l ••lt~a'\. e eo.mpa,x.y • owM-1 b1 a 11$-Patl.,~i bt1,t not 1••tall:V known to 'be la.par&••• ;pnpel't 1 , •'leh' be e good wi•t . uterine - · .nonal hazar4 ratio . ap ts. ~t••~t )~ · ·~ ~l $}( lDl?!!tP''I Ill~ C } ·, 11112:r1= ne e e.r oo-n icS •red poor r1•k e. \ th • tl e. 'l'be ·mor-.l. hazard 1e p1u•'t1.aularl)' hi on d prec t 4 •to~}(•, UJ.\llea bl• .P•:J!IH:>11al pro,ert)', or ~u!ll1aba.:n4cn~ 'I' al prop t't3'. po in <Jae ( l> ) 'l'b. t~ 1b1 1. 1 t )' o t 43.M • tio I• "'nese pr optn"tr7 ot 11.0l'e int.ett. lI' hoat1J..lt1 e le 1•9 ct· i~ere 1J11 aport•n••~ (e) a..,.:rta1n p ;robalo .to J. ta.oto haV alw Y• ,aad.e Ja:p n se ditt'~o\ll.t to SA.ti: t y 1n e l> io4 of iuu nee oo sider d d~u t!V tment oi- ••ttl•ent.. 'thi• l• n mor. pplioable '-\\ tlli• t111e. (a) l p ese pro rty , generally l'll. l"fl.o1 lr eegrega,e4. <t.-mun!ties, con:g.eat1.t4 a.r:e at adl. pom:ly . inta1ne4. b s. Dff"te» bee*1 ' a gcoo ~i•k• Tod8Y 11 peoke4 with unp:roteot.e4 peJOrS()JUU. Pl"c.'l'p.-r1W 'II O)" a iab &>ne4 , 1-t p:re ea-t• ad·l1t1onal ha-.rda . The boTe taotors were oi'ted aa rtaaon.• why J pan••• P?OP•'1l1 1• not conaidered 4es1rabl• • an 1n~~ranoe r11k. Q lly sp k1n • oa~41tionc ;e:rrtein1ug to •T ~ua~1on baTe hi••d. tl:ke :r1•k te.otor on p:r_,pert1 tha~. w"s al:rea4J' non.e ttlO WtlaolU b7 th ltl.'>l' u'bst tit1l tlre 1msur· nq.e Qo.m ipsnie• . . -tJ..' "I' M FOR1'LAND BBANCH APRIL ?, 1942 AGENCIES THl9 Cll'"'Y WO $1ATE lNSU~ANCE. CAN »E. PLACED wi~n MOST COMPANIES FOR JAf>A.NRSE GOODS E,TORED OUR WARE.rl00'$m BU'l: 0-T.Hl£a,Y, !$ ·~ I1"StJRANCE COVI'1ft..AG11! REFtrSJllD BY ALL 0() n?AN'f;!B THjr,;Sl!l AG~f/10!ES REPRlilSB:NT . COMPANIES RE:PB.ESlIN'l'ED l1WLUDE 1 H.AR'lTORD • U. S"' FIRhl, ST. PAUL , GLJ!!Niq FALLS, T.EAV~LEf!S, Al'l"'D NEW HAMPSEIRJ!:.. BYI 8PRI "'v l'IELD · E'!t'iE AND MARlltll A'.LSO RE ... J?ORT D AS CANO ~LL! G POLI:C'Y' PREVICUSVl 16.AC EACURON tR IT1l'EN . RE :f'OUR TEL e~Tli BE CA: CELI,ATIQN 01 INSl.Jl'1ANCE :PtlllASE GIVE<" US, NAMES OP' ClOMJYJUll:ES AtfD AG'FIETS IM A JEW S'PECIFIC OASES HALE T'.dlLEORAM RECJilIVJID April 7, 1942 Copy ,rt)uted to Mr. ' C.ANCELLJ\'l1ION Of FlRE ;rW~tJR,AfltC.'!ll ON ;rAP Al' .ESE RlfJAL .,All(D PERSONAL PROPiRTY BY LOCAL THIS I$ :BEOAUS$, OF ORD;ERS , CQ·P t delivered to Mr. 3.AN FRANCISCO. mAliUIAR'r .StTOOl!;STIO?~S? a.ALE .t).~~led lv~raon · REC~.tV~P WE UNDERSTANP FRO INSURl\NC:m' C-OMPANY' .S HWAD'Q,UARTERS ~UNY" OF WIUOlii ARE IN CI..lmK ' • To be Mr '. AG~NCIES~ by (!) #13 F·l253P ))0 YOU RAVE .ANY l'.NlfORMATION OR HO f ARE "'10U HANDL~NG 'l'~ffi1 PROBLEM'? llAOEACHRON R~l258F 4/ 7 8l'l.S'Wfere·d Di~ected to File ey Everson .!JI OW tTM TO~ FR()M; MR . ARl\ STNO.NCi It been eu gestl.1)d by :nl...r. ~new ir1 the 11 ht of inab ill ty ·t o ob ta in insurance ~roperty, that before we take eover~ ~ny e on. Japanese -owned. power ot attorney, we should. determine whether or not the property 1~ insured. 1 ' aJ1d:, tt it 1a not tr1au:red o.~d 1t is • mpos. eibl~ tc get 1l1ll!lill:'llt1 0~, we shq l bie e:xclucled from liab~J.i ty f'.r.orn in the su.pplernental ine.truot.tons . Or1g1 nal 'f Hed '1PQwe.r c'f Attorney" '-nr euob. failure EXP£NSE UNIT -··-·. .-u---~1~. . . . .~.·-·-- · I---~.,--~~~~~ tiai:rtaon~ _pJ.eah add th t'ollowilJ& to the- -•-Mento·1'"f o~ ttquiPJte}ft 1n use in Alien hoperty Ottice: i. .. L tttg s1he ~aw Walker J'iliag ¢ab in ~, llo. 86~ ;:: "( A:Pl':il l.O~ l.942- Plea!!-& add the rol1aJJlU6 to th~ UY@ntory ef eqtdpmant 1n mm -t.n. Al.i.en Pro 9l'ty 0.1'!'1-ce: 1 - stool T eaaury Departt:lent 110. 102 1/t "44"7'.t:> Karell 2 3 ,_ l -_ ""', PliHis.e a'1d -t-tte tollowing to tl:te iri.Yen.tory use ia ill~fi -Property or-fie~ £ , 1 - tinde.r ·oo~ -Typewriter M 50il83}·1l t ~}-Oti In-vent ory ~r ~4l equipment. 1n l!r. nt• 1•• % -~' !i.6 t'o \?le inttu t:Ol'7 ty Otf1oe : ct • Rf!1rs.D~P, ~ wiwl ·•i ~ ~ " .. '° II' 11 ' ~~ tdt:h ...... " . fl' ,,.. t.\Jil"'I' ft el, 11< t4:1tb. •J.l'SM· .. " " ,." " t ~ ft lWS..t.h ' n ~ .S•t l witft ·r u .PotJ.t · re t1t m. s"'""'l l"ltj t ~ :tdvel " with. with II• Ji fl ~\aft '" If it &riwl. ., , _ ,, ~t.l'$1gbt. t.l~ a • Al bu.k. "'1t;b • ,.. i:t•l. 'ld.tb • a. It tt ., .. ff:t~l ii " ~ Ill' ~ ~ II If If r, ··t~ b.Mk. II Po-.tiure n). ~ " • t lf!,b.t bi.\dk rittL ..... ( li,l(.,4'Nt,j,y. ) (. -~t.J;w«i) aw:tvc . rltih 4 ' ~~•tllilW " St. isbt. .. w k. wi tib • •n. # . . ii , ~ i ..l i ' !If ,. .s•ra'4bt ~ l ttt.J'fi~t ~ wJ.lh ..,_ ..... ' keSi; M ft If • • " fl/ lfltb aJ:'IM If ' • ,." "Ii " Cf SWiY•l '4\h a h ,.. tit tt H it fl St~ef'it ~ •iUl •CM D•a ,, ~leJ'S..oai; 6(;)11t • 60.. l)(}ll 60• Iii M ".. ,. " " ,'J.(Yf lCJe l°' . 1J6 .......... 161 "• 6o• Ila• " 61i" " ...... ' ' - ,~,.n.u ~·1 :rw.~.kdl l4 JU ~ ' -"' ~ W~t!t·~l9A rl$9 ·290 . :a&r . IS? m .•g,6a ' ' l It II II'· ,. ·~N It ". ~ , ~ #10 · ~in ' 26'. . 27~ . l;LO ~ " k! It t# It It OCl ll' 1.l.9;}49•3.l J64ll;J-U "1Jil.-J..U u )tl)C,4~9-U ·• . •,. ~. It' P.t• 'X'll>t ., • J699G,lWl4 4'~2) " ~(l,,.3$94-U 'It' 4tl Nm.Ml. ., •· Pi lif u 46S31~2-U ff, 1'D.tctni ..U~ •ehil'l•1 J.8069'4-l.2 i'8J,5'9'-ill 4$413?1-l: 3"200836 Ad.dit.iona.l .t~ni~ •M r.lQ.alot\ t> t ~ olllr on · uh r~ , -'l:lll or . • A.riuti"'1lf. l.oeu:.t.M, lfor '.riiSDn/rlis UipMDt •h~d be 1,one ._,. 'by . . Mr, :M0rrl son:· 'I'leese e:dd th& tollowin R: to th.e i.nveptot"y 0:£: ,etiJU1pment tn use 1n il1 el'l P.rop, rty crr1oe: l 1 ~ Dic tionary ¥458 D1ot1ona ~y Sta~d ff64 "' t«Jllo j ~ • ·111,e n 'Prcpel."1~ Of 1$ • I l .,.. t~ll 1 t\'f ·f/a,, ?llaroh 10 • l.9 2 -yTI 17 Mr. MoJ:>1•,1eonr Pl .c .ut d< d th 'f'ollowln6 to 'f,l.~e 11 i-r15ritc.n"y or. equipm nt; in llae in the Al.ien Propatrty Oftioe·1 i - twQ-4rawer opk f lin~ o · No~ 2J4 e · • ,• ( 1 1 M4i ., fl ' ~.• , ~ .. ., u Jl. I 5, ~Ji/ ti· ,. ' .. M • ~ ;ii ~t all prool mat1ona end r:ir sene~t:ll dist~!buUon a!aQi~.lld i>e <h ' r~ ,)l$nkh~~~ • 11.ed. to~ . VlQe Pr~~f. ~t G<ln(:ltJSl. MQtots Aee?entenoe Oo~; r'nt1CQ. 11"15· ·s.roAd•$J', ·• He'11 York C1ty J:I. S • C:$ •lH!l, G'.tn"· i•nl rotors Aoo.eptenoe ·~a l.:ront~o·ery et~e-t, San Jr.ran.Qi scrn 9 C<f orp.1,a,.. ,fir.. " Oa id.eon AgriA::~tllll"al Ad.Jus~ment Mto.n StrHt, A.dmln1et•at1dn •• C&' o rniJ, ""-1!'iil: ' Mr., 8\ 0:1!' Jb' .. Jrti.ft'ur .. f SOtcial Security Board 78' Jl.arket Street $a:n. Frsncieeo, California ot Calil..f 'ornie. .,tate Bu- 100 Bush"St.r eet San F:rane:t.El'oo, Mr. L. N. Cl!\.l!forn~ Sr~dges Oa.rumr111 L.eague or Calif 1;1rn ill 64 Pin~ st~eet · Fraacieoo, Cali!o;-nis San arner HB ld J. 1115 Po:rt,el" Building Pot"tland,. Oregon (toleiphone~Beacon-- 4121) Lrto•emce L. La.rrabee 458' ,.,,qi1th Spring \Street Lo~ Angeles, Cali:forr,1.ia. (t,el«Jph6ne- ' ii~hig$.l'l 1 ier.deU 89123) " l.U..l ) • Bu¢k, Esq ., Lao., 905 See:Urities, Seait t le.. ';'{as hington Atto, . .... 13 Mr. \'fya.t t, Gene;n.l Oq-m11el.,, Board of Govei'Tlor,e, of the .l:i'edenl iteserl!e o-yeteJll, Wannington, D.c • Mr. Oanlel h'1 1 ~ecu.t.iYe- Secretary, Jape.."lea.e American Citiaerut Lea·g ue 565 North Fifth Street San Jose, Ca.litornb ~ son- Monutti• oo. 'Cl. ha~tuck Ave. Berkel.ey, Califorlia .Att,ent: M.r ~ Oe.1"'1 St, ~nley J.E. Hatoh, V1ce-Prea1dea~ , Seou.;t~r first ~ational Bank ot Loa Ana•~··~ ~ead Otttoe, Terminal Annex~ .Box 2097 , L&a Angel••, C&l1fbrnia E. J' .Callist·e r, Ase1etant JJtec1et11~___. /~1J tl,...M}..t. Sea1lrit1 Fiest 4 ' 1'atllcffltfa&, <lttice Terminal A.r:lnex, Box 20~7 LOe Anf$•le•• C&l~f. a KElMO,flAND\JM TO Wt . Aru!STRONG FROi.111 MIL AG: E Marc)}. lS, 1942 In ord19r to r::t.Q'.11\ply with a"apl1ic request recei.v-ed from Mr . Walter W1a. · t , General Counsel , Benard of Governors or the Federal Reserve Syste'm, a shing ton, D. C. , l sh.all be indebted 1£ you will sen~ him 3 copies of tie Evacuee Property Control C;i.rculer .No. l 1ssll.ed today, and a similar .uumlJer of cq ies bf al! previoits circulars a.1:14 . intEit'-pffice me)llo1·a.nda. is sued in comee ti,on wt'tb this matter . ~ ....- Please aJ.s pla,ce Mr. Wyatt on )'Our mailing for 3 CIOpies of all doc\Une:rlts is.- sued hereafter . M eh 14, 1942 T® €JF1l'J:C~: ADDRESSED , AS 1?~ CEED LJ;:ST, 'l'he- f"9derel Reserve Ba~ of Sa.:a Tra1'1.Q1s co, as Fiscal AgtJnt , of the tr t1. 'Geel ~~te.tes 1 has been d&lesat•d. ~he, '1ut y ot as.s i ~lo Gel";, !talisp and 1[a~anase ~~1en~, aQ 1fl~ aS ~~rsons o1 . Jta.p~$~S t\npestr~, J;n ma).c~u.g e:rr4flieEJMnt~ tor eqt.Utt.1~1~ A1spositio);l ot t.ttieir p;PO!£HU.'tiie.s 1n conn"" 4t1on. ·wi tll theiI~ 4'1vaoo ·ti on r,r.~om the srene rea~n,tly designated as "mil1teyy· areas" by the mJ.11t.8.l'y who maintain gener·al s\aper~ision and d.:1reQt1on of the eri.t1,re program . 'l'.he p~or:i~:r·ty.-disr Qsal pl' of the pl1-~.n env1$1one ·volt1n'lft1 ry A,eti1Z1·.n. O'~ tiil.e ]Hll,~ ot eve:.cuee,. but its tult1l.lm~r1t 1n ~ cordanc$ with the s11idill.S ,Pi"i.rlqi;ples of e:r:1.can delll.oqra:cy wl.11 requtt'e t ,b.e\ll ;.:i.,nd wholehearte,d eooperat:ton of all who are in a posit icn to lenel tbeir support . '.It JJJ.'111.St be .reoognizeili that the problems ·whio.b. will oont~ont the .]'federal ~eser'V.e Senk o'f San, !ranoisco in the$EI additional Cliutie a, w:t th tll~ :pre~eure ot time toremost in our mlnd$ , diota:t,e that all e.geno.tes , incluoins the 'bamcs J.n the m111.tar y are ·$· be called upon to i-en.~~~ the1:r- u,nael.fieh b.el.~ in t.hieir solut:t on . W:e utust 11,. . a:S·k · 1011, and, 1our ort~a.n.;iza'tt1on to jo;Ln with u~ in 8ln ef,to:r-t. to\n"'~· et;H:-i ~;idy , _proper, and complete execution of' tfiu\\ prCJ$ram. Governmental, (Federal, state, e.nc1 .'\.oo 1) will al. o 'be· oal:.J.ed UJ?Oh :tor asa1stance. , U Wfi are e-no:l.o~ing t;t oo,9z,r of a, p;r~~e release whiob l1.a$ been :submitted to ·!zh~· otfie~ ot l.1eu.te:ciant Genera.l J. L. ;9eW tt ~, Co.n:m1~nd'.1n~ Ge~ ra.l , Neuta:rn D·e fense ild Four th ~y, for ~enere..t publ:i.oa,\.. tion. A mem.orandwt ts '3.lao enclceed whi.oh outlines Ce.l'ta;t.n gu1d11J6 p'Jl'1nc1.p] e r:; tor per:torm.anoe of t h e plan , end Wh.icn em:phaeizes our hope S,nd Glt,p'4!h, 1 t ·. Lt.ion th"it ee.oh b Wlk Will d .O 1tS part in t;; acaept.anoe Ot respp,.rli9ib:l;l.1ties d,~le ,ga:ted to it l:ly e'VA:Cueea, 8.$ well ~ $ 1tl th~ diaseminet iou ot information and ex:tensio.n of aas1staaee. tb,e mutup,l e shall. be a.n~ious to assist you at all times ln eol,.ving eonfronti,n.g ue .1I). the execution of the prog3,:1zam . Y6l,l:r s very truly, ;?:resident J oo on: pp f" t sk ,' ti dC~ll\ ~ • J • Y-0 I 17f. Etit, t . (Jq/}i!J~ll ' CO!l! ;!.:f · t.i rJn. nl Uac1 . c. J ~~ ~ vltt, :r ued. "- m11. 8&eoq d !1 ti n,J. v r nt l ~ ... r. o. 1J,, ....,...,......,__...o....o_,...~9t. 1 ! ti -· - V • ~ t~~<Ul • .:..!,_l'l.J·~~ go~FlU. ~ nyO.lll 11.k .. , f OytJr, t' tl 'W'1. u .• w1 t ll1 t.. ' ~ ~. 01~t· i.rt ~ Vi nd ........................tit!' !.U~~. rcsru~ .t.i · :r.a.no1.s <lo t• uo1a~o Comp · >'. , t ,, (.}1' ~H.m n ~ e ,x s r W'llOm K . I aOb.d • H • Tl r Ill.Sot. 1 or ano dH:J<i r: • • Cor. ~r'Q 1f . A. ~~.k '•; ~ nd fl' . ~ . 1..r • .t11 t N . l n l. l . n ill • tc;;:-i Oour1t.r { t.1. nu 'i.:4 · n~ ' .~ ;:j Gn t. l'JflUG .fl.' c c::: ~ f.. ur.Jc >O e>f' .~r (); t Y'., tt ·2 :II llll . l.-·.' ~ ta1.llont OdH•G t ~itJJ\V 1 ll• Uwik ..• tf . ~(~P• • r 1r<ii:!I. .d~t oot 5·~.. ;in~~ E. o n ~il Otmt. Vi ··t f. n• ddmn, IG.11.:r. i<>I:> ili ~ Villf~ J' , Pt Ji 4.. t :r. .. I o" n · · r1 , i :r . to. ,ot Cou.n11 l"" u.1_....,..'*-·............ 1 "" nk in roo Ct.1Ql"ft ft l re :tld O n~ :u,. ti •. J."QO 1111 tird n111s L!1;1t'.'. ft I~t.P ... c<t1.1~ B · l'I:' D.nk c t) 1, vi.e dl nd ... .u.t il~£ilt,, ,;Q,1S~ I Of!nby Uaio 8 ~ k.Ct 1 t, Ii .. • k ot $ no nt ... 1. ne:~' t Oo lri'." . t. t. . l Jr if i(HI C :t Bb,loJ.• • lQ!l :L ;.:it ti. t1 . Mt l k nf' Or. "o s 1l.1t ...~' . l • e. . . tJ!' J. J ,. U' ... ~ l • ll · Oit . St illJl,, V1e - ~l l!ij -~? .. r . iu lo-~ {J;.i.~J, a. • D. J, O~ ~~' c~ 11 Ql. ti.La, ~. •. 1o: ... _..,..._o,_'.?.~\l!!l:il tur J°.1-'.lb.h tit')~' J.~ OS. 1 ifon t' t UG .. eQOj(s .e,a ~rton For · t Or·t'.rv e a11 abo o 1.t·ie. ~i a, 11. ,.. .. l. 4ent e • vi o.e-rr011 d · ~1!, r'~ n., ''I' ld6nt T~111 b•t r 14Slrit V . J.d t r;J~t.)U't ~· ~ .u.o.J.. . ,. '* ~· "1.. .,. u .. J • • it . #r.tt4 , rt.l so n... l'l got \ • t 1 ..;,,_~~~% of ~or •. ~t~t~_c;ri~: ~t ! 0 O·o unty f i ,0 t N t~ Mal. D@u .: a~!U"'t. 11 ' ~Jll\!l,\l C tt~ x-e.l, Dan It: .t n lA r r~ ~ Jl £2..~u~~~ ' ifl i:t"t.tb k; ix·. t ll~rik n· Ilk. of 01" ·t .. · 1 .llt..nk • , rt,.:z t th\ 't:d;,~~~ 'l ij·~ t 1:!·~-1 02~.u ,.!@.~.. _t'ft Ir it t' b N ti ona c c;>lm;t i. 1 !lank I • J, ~tro ~th t 0 .., J~ J.bH~,f tv..<;U :.. · r.u on., !~· I r , ci1~h1•ur • : r~ id X'lit ..:..~.~~U· I~d1 n V l. e3 n nk ( !'Ci 111 'i· 'rano.t oo ~r il\O:i $(;If> nt 11» at ~ ' ,r t«t(~tli , ; t () t) • ' .xi tri.y . r 1· P,. • l 'i t,, J111,~ t j J..r·~t Qut '\( • ,:. }j .~~ , 11 lJ,.. ' e. . ialu ~u. l <XH l . Dll.lP,k • c· ~ t ·Ul. ·~. r~, .' 4' , .:..!l~~..£ouri.,tz i:ln l har lt: ~ 1-- .. ... t nk II • l • u\t •. i · a111~<1U~.!J. \"'"' C'Q .........~. /~~ . IAl. (J)l., b. n Or ry. r~.; . • I. l ' ~lJf11! (J l~~l.... rotij.t l l oree o .. ~,t·A• i:l4 (! 'It 1-2:.~!.. ot Da ri.• or '.;;J ~ land ,... .!,.~SI }!; • J ~ ' ' . I ....l ' I . ;; .. ,~U gkw1gi O'd:µn:t,- nb7 Union BM.k Mi1wa Oswego a~ Jl. .Tob.nsti>n. and Se 019 t,ary 1 A.~ .b.1,el!'' H. Z Oh e. w. $Wl47 au r1d rs,. l' J~ S~dilek~ s .i dertt Pre l?1"'oo1;ot , P.1;" aid·en.t· CL 11rtBQ,p 001.llltf B~.1$ P.!U·!l!l~,! Oo~ Ba. · ot Bend G£ F. t , ~or~ 1, Pre id~nt COl.1~ r n t Q,c;;i unity l3 :.i.n,k: l..~tt*·~1" nm Itlr:s·t. . Mt 'l. on 1 B gogi tx ~ Ient! sgyn,n: 0Qt e. 8~' GrO"fe EU&en• Spr1n,gt'ietd 1'1 et First H.. · W•· i" Jr.l ler, Vlo·~~.r e i<l.e'1t CJ sb.1 r at f onitl B nk:: ~foti ou. J. Qrt~g o.n Bml.k o t l:'h nk • aktn! V1oe- ~. Pl1. 1.d.en:t ct C s.hie r Rioba rd s.. Smith, Prea. H. L. . Fr·es1. den~ ~hMl 92@.U: .b '11'1' K .1lse)' ;Har.r burg ,t,,ba.®n of' l 'b n~ R lsey St te B .1.$ f 1.rst N ti<.n;.al B Scio Wlrst i~ttenai aank: So1.Q St te an~ 6ned4 S S.we t HQfll• of St;.edd B nk at Sweet Home ]l • B. W:Ll. lia1uoni res . 1'. M. li)ond . Cuen er J., ;] o. ., :R. E, D o. J. s . c. Cl(!')" I Ce.sb1el" l::r''Vlne p Oas.J!l er M'yero , V1Q <0 ·-l~r J> • edl1 1 Prei!ident. Thdl'.llp son, O& M·!!l" 1 (!.g. Cp ka.n 't:t •r•a!s ¥.ill Oit7 at •. Pa~ Sta·lem. Sil'Y~~ton GerVfJ.1'$ St. e B ]( Mill C1tt St te ,B Sh te B-atik of St . P ul ?lo~ e~ Truat Co. Cool~dge ld oOla~ne ~- X~ We~e o~th, Pr:eav ~· B. l.lli1 Vi'QePr ~ident & S. 1. Smith, Oasb.iet~~ • Bush. Preufdent a. r.., :Bried all, Vioe• res don't St .R J$ G Q fl. (contt. , 1 1fl8Ji!:. ,O~F B:M!l .¥¥!tQ' P.llt P~i-t.1 mi Btlnk bf Oa.titor n1 t N. A. . Portla,n4 Banl'J; ot S• l.f P.ortla.14 f(.)rt..l. ~ 'f qt-t·1&..rul, ' ,I• 1 t ·t.J. rat l><:irtland 0. Jjlo.nde M14 .ladepe.adenae ()m.tOuth 4 Bau Dt1il1!1.~ C:i 1 1er1ok F Gree~wood. M4f1.Atf$V ;1r$t !Jot:l~.nal .a \Ilk o't. , or ·t l t.tnd Qre,o;n £tut ua.L Se'V.ings Bllllk F o·irr 't la n d Tr U$ t anl tla•ill& J.\ .B n:k Title, ai~td '!'rust Oo.m,v 8111' Uni t.e~ Stat• s Nwt orrnl gg11t Dall Qouw J l! .. M ~k1a , Pros ident. . , :B .. , ii QNa.q!i;too., l're .$1de..n:t res,1d.,.,_t • :Sri~, , Oh :rlee R. ate Ge-~ . ~t • P11 2,ird&:u.rt 'h .. n .. P~y, :Fl' ai<S.ent, a. D1ek. P.1ul PPeaidcnt O~l)la.tx· ty B l. ;J. Or ve.n, Vi.oe?res!.d ent ,,.,t Gr1.!wl Rondo Bank lrit"et Nat 1o nal 80111.k u.k Fire ?f t ~con l l. o. B~rr y, Cashier 1, Well(e,r" Pre eld. cu:rt ci, r ,., Q. P wipl.l. · iQ•- R.. a .P:i:•~ tit .,J:lt ~ .ro.bJJ..sto.o ·e roe . , :Banke r , Inq .. !~tetAlns.t~.!.!. 'Ba.Ille ' I ae.~v l(!>tr rton e ti Gr crv e i'or4'RJt G~o V-$ ill81'01"Q Coyntz Wt ab;ington Oounty Bank F'-r t Se<au;rit;r ! .n.k li~r e'til Natl onal Bank Forefi-,. Grove N.'t;d. on.a.l .5111.nk Oomn1er e.1 l l at 1ol!l1ll Bar. k ca B&nk First Buk of '1'1.g~d w. J y L . Moore, Pre si.d ent Gibao~. Presid~at M. a . Jon.neql'l , Vi!l!te ... Pre sid$nt ~ Cash1&r J. A. Tb.ol' nbc.r ,gh. Pll' i;ddent ~1/m. o• cn.r· n • Pre s,14.ent ~ ir, Px s1d..,11t • !f ~ m nt1,, Oi.i.shictl' I ., }{. x-.l~}. , t~~t~ et Am1t:r Bai!ik I>a;yte>n Jlo&fl!UlTille Sh rid .n Bank o t D yton ' O.arlton Y~ill O rlton BtUlk tru .4Jn! ty Sta~e & Sa~inss l'ia.t onal. l3Mk ·· t1 onal ;fJlUlk: t•~JJ. t tfl ank 1.r~t tf ~ 1. rorbe t. , Vt ce-: ~~~ • 1dent 1 J. P•t~rs8~ , Pt~6~~ent S.he rm n, Pi:-& s 1de.nt Wo::r 00t , Pn aid:•nt $erogi:;1;n, P-"9 eiti,ent ' • ltnox, dr. llier $1:1p,pl.emet.~~1 1,1 st ot ~ liti'k,a to be re ·• on ot Pl"~l:lt'tm.S; 1 Q 1b:r .l?Ji'oh1b-1t. ed ZOtlf1: tr .f:?!lrl,Glm Co~al11e lif>l'.Ql.1 •& t'Q.l'l Ra$:ebur~ @_q ,!§SW~ ~~ B. Bo~th~ Pl"f.usid e nt F. swa.yze, a:.. w,. loere$ d'nt ik~9tn~ V!ee"" Pnh1id41n~t I. c:aen.ier lL~ a .¥!. I .t! St.i o .#;! .i1M1 2 . ll~11 a C1 rk Qq~tx ,., t t • ~ant ot B t tl• Ji> . L. CU:t1z•~e $it.a/ • B nlt; Ney H. Debb•, t t'le G't"QUlld (l , ·Bs~ ll.waao t N ion11l G-rQu 4. !td«g 19f .Lit l iUlg·eti...,ltt S V W e.htogton llationo VE1n1Jou er tlCQU'V'e E e 1:1ani: c·:~ -rk 0() · n.t f :f.fah •' Ya Qllt Ftrat Stf o Bonk "olde.ncl le W.b. itf/J .:• l. O.f1, f lo~eer $t ate Baht Seouri ty Sto.tq. Sca~kl l3' a ~ &· a sml.llsao11, c •h x O as~i~r ai'lQ. S.•o~etl!lry G~~ ier . • Pirsten~ur . Mor (!04 D ie·le • Vl()WJ Pre idont nd QF,1 &.hi.e ·r .Ll.oyd Duboia, J:r ,.. Vt.oeProaide.nt _ d Oe mhie J\.ru1 G. Ola u ,. 0 1 h1.e i;' !( A ,,SJ!.. ;r.: N 0 ~;, Q tr tOctl\~J:...11.!Aezj) ' Suppleu,ental tist or banks to pe added to main list by ' rea s.0~1 of tl1e J)tox1m1ty of suah ba1'lks to po:tnte). in Prohibf ted 7..ost "A2 -A29 :tn~~t 0ft;1eer A.ddres$eJ! Ooulee · ~1t.r trtd ·e;y Harbor Se•cui-1 t:r Stet' Bank San J'unn Co:unt.y 13.enk ' . T., ·lf 'l"wining, Gena C~ GOu1'd • Cae~ie.r Pres1.l'ient " es~t~t:;:.::an:1... ~ • ' ~l.-0. Milt 01'•S. • .h•~ OJ.2"·• :' •••as•ir ''O 4• , o n.tJ.,,- 4•ll•q· · s P go.a~.-. u aet o~I l>•·l ow, A,. t;. 6el1'•t1ao. au , •ll.woo wiib. a ot qa • w •klJ •ruie. 8 p · •.lle o••~ '50 •.Slea {J,.llold•• p •m 4 1.,_ co•). •• JJ•..S.~~•l)' iao\lsM•. · O·i.1 IM•1••°'-'• J, . 'rWlf• I "Y•i:-• 6. 1.t. I j ••"to,,._ anl, a~ ltY.•o.,• a.t.r••'• ti1 • :r:r.oa..,, »••1' i.w•i· •·~·ar • ti.n4l'J 4.•llT • ·II' a l.~41 ' 'pa .. ellfge~ I t.o h • I • Pritt•• wbo•e Id. n& Uure 1• ae.i lll)U;~ b 41'.l o•'• GP • ••e ly baal.a ~ ·I ) QO wi t.h • } SO a.t,l..e a ll•anQ• • ' s. f!• pe:r •i l !lt ovel:' '"' mile a (lnoltal ea 1 .i.naun.n qe ) , as li1"••1o'1 l 1 Aia oua ·~. ,gfJ8 •.lld oil fl.\'.14 1~ • T•111 tm l'r .• / ~,411/V'"-- •eie ten '.'t ;;; ~,."/L~·-<---<-? t !I~'G"l'•~ · O•lb bu•. ReQt•t'-« l~a.o.e , 2&1 ~ t4.'Yenawi sa~ t noS.100 ,. o lU' 6'-D.:S.,, t:n•t• 1dl.Y dolt•dr • 1~41 S Jiii a•agttl' Ni o . .. Cax!t who o e g.na1tr• u :sot out b-e.low •. Pit .a "(fffJtl.y b 1 or ,,,00 lWitb. a JSC mile U.ow oe , 89' mlJ.e: QY8)! j50 a1le , (.!,Ml •'$ 8 S nd oil t\ltd ln.!nr <Hlf} • s J>l"e•lota lY di~ I> ' ' 't XindlJ' •ielJ:rer lf1 l.94l. S ia ot pauengti~ Selaa 'Co 4.sna tur• 1.n .. .t. ou.t '1el. ow.• "' .iOO w1tb :SjQ .-11 e low- Of •~ j,0 Idle ti ( in.Ol.tid0$ 6~$ • Yi u.W. J d1$0 \~liH,(1>1.1. t" J very '111 ly 1 ,,,,~~ /ulle1stant Oa:tb1•~. mi! '"rir.:l'nlM' ~:L~il. C-01 ·t.rP.l q~l;.i~t.1,Qll $tr.o ·~ 11'-ancLJ.ql), e~ Tel(tphcms, ~l~~ ,...,~ 12~1 q~~~e~ ent.$l (l\1' oia..r ot , ' ' _. ' ~e::l.; fl't> ~Jim .~10.N to,,· 1 i,BlA lt.;)&:)1"$d!JE111t . ~1v•~ i·b,y !) pa. t..me1:1 .. . l'~d.e~titl lie1&f!V'iffll' ~f.nk. · & D~"~t\lrlt:,mt[P $":1t!GI l'Pt ,i,aoc, ~ . if"> . b ' ' fl., ~· ()wo 1. oont.. ed 11..n ya 11.lttet" d Apr-, th i't fQU aQ~nt,.m1~ \lib.:> pi·~1~;·nt. c:ir.1tiraot . t.b t. e 11 rutnt;a.tol1d :v e.114 en *"' int<> tl n!iPW ot wi ha ' p.-·1 ~~ U ~~t.faltion.111• . a~ th• rm.tea W!ln't1o d L! ia.ppl"C:W$d,. ' ut•• rl 1t,,, ~~dtl:d•t•fln Qol.orwl.., Q, S, O"' · moi•t~12t G:bio I of a~tl <l 'Vil ~ Di¥iil.if,>D FEDERAL RES'E RVE .B .flV.iCAL ACll'..NT Of1 "Jlfllli U ll'EO TATES ·Re.tti't ,fpt" ~~l. :t~ s. LitUi.l" ~. V~t1s, 1 .s t(lilvien~~t · 'trie . t,, 01n~.&. . 1ra.n9 i $C\'l , C· l .t tti. t:'S. t ,,.. I _____ _.._.,.......,...._, ____ ........, ,..-;.:.._;... ._, _,_.._,_. _________..._,_____ _____ -----------------------....,...---....._.,..-.. --~·------------- ~ Filed...__ _ '" > ..... - ~ ,....·--""-·---------w-.....-iii-- rn-..r"'I ~-_....,--_.-..__, _______ , - ~ · - - 1 1 . . - _________.... ,o ov TO~ Ref'l?rianee 1~ to oµ.r tel.epbon:t.,c motJVers~t;t.()n of tc,>df;ly asking ·t.bat· we g~t pljice:a cov~~ ing ttie ;r.~ t~l. of '.le a b~ conneotio,n w 1th C\.tr. 'EV"eouefil ro~ rty Depa rti:Q en. t a o t..1 vi ti e a • · sei-~1.Qe haV'e qu~ ed. us a -per oar per weei:(:, whl.ob. o6'VRrs P,liS, oil fl!ldi 1n:tn exsurirmoe and .P ermt ·ta dri Vlng the au tom.nbile 150 m.1 le·s. cess or 150 mile~, t het"e woul<l be en 1ad~.1 tional do~t o't" ll,! per mil.a . prioe 1' .I or The 11ertz Dri ~-ur - Sel.t' t22 .oo We l:it.nri! (\l s~us set.J the Subject With tbf3 Taylor Au la a·om;;pa.ny , a.nd: tl:te;y have eg1"ea'l tQ furnish U.13 wt th 1.940 9~ 1941 r.Hlrs ate.· tat rer1tal ~ost of $1 . 00 pe ;r ~taY' (241 hQtll"fii) per ¢er, plus 5¢ per mi ~, we to furn ls h. gas ., oil.<l e" er;t insu.t'an oe ccive rage . This wot1ld appeAr to us to be the most a.esir ble ar• range ent, and. it wo11ld be our l'El<l'onm1csndation that w~ ebnolu(.ltll arrac,gement e with to,his comi;e ny . (Signed) Frei C. Bol~ M.r. .A..rmet ro:ng <J.R6600 Cam sup;pL.t 6 oar~, (Plyrnouths--1~41). ~.lo m~,,lea per d.eyi, allow~ng 3o m1l.$.e,. ..tnythJng over 35 i et 7'1 .pe,x- miJ.e, {gs.so11n.e 1 ri~t inol.ude-d. ' ~P the chal'gea. ~2~ .50 7~ per w~ek, allowing 245 1',ll:iles. per mile (gaso11ne not 1n~luded}. Anythtn~ o~er M:r • .©vans Sr ... Can supply 1 0 oers. ~tft,.;;)0 e, p ·Gitl pe:r datEJ., mile OV'~l' 40 5/tlOP . L •. •3 allo~ 1ng 4,0· miles. m1 leis~ ( In¢lu~e4 <1>U. 1 , ;1}ls" ~P • .D.,l. per wee}!; al.lowing :}60 miles. 350 .i n1les. QBllJ JI 8~ pet' m.1lft. over (Incl.u.des g1~s &t o1)., &. ins.),. \ " ~ 17 !I TUl'Olf( fl!TRl'IT SAP!ll F"RANC!:ISC::"P, ¢ALI QRl!H~ .Alptll ~. 19~ J>eu , •us .._ )* our t•l.a;phont GOD.'f•lriit••lon 'ow l• rtprtl:lt to •".S.' fotL ou rat•• oil ~ 19)fi1 ..,.""' o"" . ~•'•'* 14 1-r~tb. rol_, ~· 111¥1 '9tt4e1. :D.ULT u~•i 4tl.oo ~J' 25 ,_..1.11.. I' 4-7 ot 24 hou.r• allovtn.s :tader 100 ld1•• R44Utona.l .mileage •* .11. OTe:r lOO ml}.•• .a,,c\1'1orwa1 Id.lea&• ••• 10. O..e11 2.00 all•• ~.a,. add~•• lf;O. atl,:!i •tl•• -~lo~ t«cl.t,tt~~ •tl, • ' '· j'·" ; ~ '*2•<X> per· ••* 100 ~ 'r a••a1ll..700 a1lea ·- 1144UloP-1. lill.ce l OiYw a," .09,. lloaWr Ba•••s $110.00 iMr •ntil, lQOO •il••· All .ad.1•$.ollal llil•... at .10. '(!HFiSSLBlR 'ft.ep9r .. a r t ulred. by Tr ~sUl!'1 Li1 ~ rim' $ T:re1,u1 r:r D f<Je.M..m.en • Uc,,,n et:i ,> w~ e filed p . t. av-ti bP.?'Jln m.a.ld. (l(t ys l'Jmtclt ii;: qoeoks to toa.kfl s 1 ih11.t. th(! repor~$ may i'>e Ull!!d t•e,fJbrts tll.pp:rop'.t'· the e l~en,1• hfl' · b·11 I~ s tio~r o.f t- torne:y :l gtven 1 ' by t.11 e ttt t.ome--.1 ~n t'a.~ ; ,,. or 'by th ra l ),,.(:', n e•e, l:t'I l).ll -0~51))$ wh ire ~eopet"ts Are ren~ire 1t1 by b~en. ~alied 'ta ol,11• ,t;.t.,enti on 'Y'lheJrli\ tn~ l .ceneiel?l bo1tti tQ !r ytJ a~ l the d~~ (A.i.l t equi.r.ed Qjl' the li<u.m$e t u• o the :fa.ct. ha.t ~h y no lc;in ?" have a<l'Oes:i to the· bookl!I cf .a~oount . Vfo havtl. ~vieqd :such to file the hp ~t.,, gi ring ti ;req,,"ed lZ'l1Ji,.vid: Jf.l s th at i. t wil he n .ess ry for th In.ot.<mefls lm.v . r.i.c::i te,d a.n.ri • tu~bl infol"lri.a.t.iorl ·t o tr~ b~G t im.e a.s the r ~cords r make 'lnY nec-ese1el:7 cor ec· of their b:LJ j t.y a.n agtd n a'V'. .i.l.abh . eris at ei.teh !n Ullllt5.n /5 l' po11ts t"'eo,l.ti d PY tsp~Qi.1 ;t. c Ot' by- ge t.(i!ra.l.. li.qenc S, <!* r~ h. \~ld , b$ ti. kl.\ln. o ae the 'o rn p't"(;i'J .•rib d h.d o g Vt9 , ll. diet«.U.a ~qurarated. If no 11p.o f.'lc fo -iu. h no.tne(j in tb~ l c1n1ftt 1 t,.hf(l>n. 'otm Tl''I!:li--l (lw' shou.'.l,d. 'q. 'fiiled . 1 ' nrllvidu~ls ho r111ral that the Lr ec.Qu.ntts loa.V'e been blocked j,n l"l'O )' m.!J.1 appl.1.<l tid!l on P'eI n. TF'E-l (Re rimed) "\llQ f..V. i.r req1;1~3t ill bf'~ eiv~n c4ref'Ue fltl eQmii· e a ion. 'l'hu appl.ica.tion shw-11 glve the naroes of. all t>a.rtie(:l ha'l:i.n art i'n t ?"Ht d'LJ'e.c\. -01" .tndi.r-e<.:.t , 'in the l.>looked j~CC;o1.m:t, t.he rlW of' th\it PliJl\f. !lnd th~ • na.-ne of thll'l a.noo\lnt I.ti, wh.i. ~h i:.rbe .unrts lll.t-· d pos,,t,~dt tht11 a.p;r:ir0x1Jnat.~ b,'!1.l. nc as oi' t.hEJ da,t~ th':i e.ppl. ~at.ton il'3 iiled, Mtl. on~lity of q.ll pi:wt:.1,as conQl'!t'OOO liil.1.d tihe. dn.t o t.heir- la,,gt ~ntr,y .he Ui:t:i.ted S at.ea, a.1.M the cirewn.e~enc'!!la urui~'ll' l'fJ'lich the aQaourit, w-a.e bl.1.:icked, tr.ige't.h r wH,h all othen:· pel"tli .nt ~.:tif'o1·rtw.tioo,. 1 The a.bov 1..nt't.>rm.a.t.ion ie; f':.trniabf!d as 2•eque,,.ted b;y· you in. ox.11r tele$1h ·re 1 0on1"•l<rfHJition thirt morning. · prol)?~~- 'tnat · tb:e ' ar6 o,loaed, be I wt tit •e"~e4 u.a.t;ll: · u1oh J ' ,, t~me J§M9BAND~-·fP1~...£~~~~-~,J.I;.~~~~ f StJBJ]lCT: et~-a,r I 0-~~~~-r;- Second of tne Committee on Bu1ld1ng, Saa ;Franc la oo Board, of Supervisors, 'rhu·ade.y Evenill.8 , April '2}.1 19·42 t to co~eider the qu.e.s.t1on of rehabil'i ta t111m of the J'al>el\lese (tue:r ~er The . meeting wee opsn~d by Sup~rv1, $or. MecPhee 'Who, me .nt:to11tng that no· aot19n hed yet df!Jiveloped tr<1>;m h:1 ~ '.!11~11 ~t tb:e last meeting, inqui .r ed of ~. ThyJ.e, Hee.1th Oe,.. pa~tinent Inspector tor the Oity of Sen Franeisco, if. Rny re• por~ wee sTaileble from that depart~ent. Mr~ Thyle st~ted thet an :1nspeo~1on h~d already been me.d e Of 728 build! nes 1n a 24 ulo¢1c S.rea bordered by O•:rarrell, Celi:t'orn1a.., 'l'tl.lmo~e, Eu14 Oct~Y1a Streets , isnd t.b.e.t a te r·eport would bl& ava1labl• ptob~bly for the next meeting. Mr. MacPhee then read a letter submitted by mem.lnere Of the Are.hiteotural Institute l,n the following ot the problem was given: From 70 to 80 per oent or the houaee in Japtown w1ll be vaCJated. From the stand point of clbll:lt,e and many ot.lle,r oons.iderat1ons, this is a o.hoice area of the 01 ty. Threa.t or a sll.Vl1 con.di t!on makee rehabilitation a neoeaai ty on t?).e tOl Bl'Q,U.lldB: For providing defense housi For lessening tire hazard For ~educing police costs For lessening publia health bazerd Jror increasing t Ile ta:x value of' the p1·~perty Rehabilitation , b:o ~eV'er~ cannot be attempted With.out a ol~ar-cut metbod o.f first gaining control o1' this pro_p~::n•ty , en:c:l secondly obtaining the ! 'unde f'!jr ,rehab111 tation. Suggeated met,,llod would b.e for the City to un,deir-wr1 te en arch1t~otural survey cf eaoh ind1v1duel bU1lding. ?%0~ this survey , suggestions would be made to eaoh prop•rty holder <ion ... oel:'nin~ nec-e$1;lar:y im.p.s:ovements. i\l'berevor voluntary ooope,retton could JlOt ~~ obtained, condeninat1on aotion thr.ougb the O~ty Hee~t.h Dep.artm.ent or some other pody co·u 1d be used. As to~ obtaining ,1"unds, such as 111.e.n tloned by !(r. Morrla end others at tbe last meeting seemed practicable. Tbis letter Qonoluded w1 th th~ oommeut th.~t au.oh soad.emi,a, views ~ere ollataoterietic of t.he United States Rousing author 1 ti e11 1!'1-d other Gov·e rnment ~genoiea end were 1m.... p~act1cable in thie inst~noe, and thet the City 1ts~lt ahoul4 handle the prot>lem with a v-iew to futu,te pla11I11~ be tore ~atlon W<>Uld be tek.&n out o:r 1 ts h.ands. S11.pervisor· Ubl coUllue~m.ted that it seemed to l'.li.m. ~ \ d11' ·~·t11o,nr, sbm.fJ,~oai.:r l ,f lu tha C'~t,7,\ ~ , .. i . a , p~i vatfll tfuil·C!l•:.r &fllc\i,oe.t• n:~4·. to ,'8tep, .,il:l .ail~ 'Quy t,h'tf , yet:t e liat, ,Jett•r•~n tat ' . •!1~le a.tea. Ji. l'epreatntatirr 011110 prop9ae'1 t'.Qet d'1.l'i.fl$ itlle i,1S:teiit-, a~u. aet,1en sl1ou1· b.e taken ~Q p~eve,ntr ,tae el"ell ~.rom eoin' downh11l ·&JlJ r.•et.•~ taan wee already eviden~ OJ' meJAo~1alt~.tng the pol1o• ~- ~ .pe.rtment ano. <>1-he.r ·depe.rtmer>.te tc:> tb~ ~tte11<t that Liquor n Q!rde.r td o!D~ 111' •elpo,n ari~ ·,rqol ball l,~,~eti,aee 11i1e ·eu.rbed,. I ' ! ,t ·q,e Heal till 1 t \ S'1.P•rT1sor ¥'.aOPhe~ ega~n Deptt~11m.ent- 011 tb.~ Mi'. 'l'h1:fe· ,' ot -tter ot , bow lpp.-g . ' ·1it yo~ '1 't~• t,e>.r eQpcl~tlon proqee4:l~:s 't;G b'ecQJll• ,~r·#,•o.tJ.vo $.~ a· · ~T•A. '' (1a7• •o~l~ 1 ~111s~anqe. M~. Tllq1e ' s:tai'e~ that •l th~>l.l8b '~ to b$ s.u-ffioie~:t. , t\h-$ o&W!rt e.~. t1oJ;iL tp. e~s1 tain s~oh 1 il'llOV'Ef ~as " , 'Q n.oto~io.ualy ' " a lo·n g drawn-qut e:f't,a tr. Mr. Christain repreA5"Snt1ti)S loo.el N:l~l1 est.,te 1Q• teriests, said that ±n hts ppin!on, t,lne Jedere.l Gove1nu11eint oug,tit to grant a loe to p.rope,rty 0~1'19!'$ i.b tb.1• are·•;. ·d d: in s;imil·a r e;irae.e e.11 oter tb.e 0Quntr1, 1'ln1oll 'WQul:d ~de the ·problem or·r t4e l!le:nda Qf loael au:t;he>rittea a.~ p.roT~d• · ._ low•·ooat m.ea~t ot: vo·I.~~tary rehab11itatlion o-t . e\lb·stando4· e;r ,e 'a•~ $u1e·r'('~e<>r Mae~~e tl'l,ouent tbl, ·w,a s ,e Yflr1 ~oo~f ~de&' : •1':d sugg•,st•4 th~~ w'b.lle t;;l)~· oommittH)l! V(fl~ wet.ting toi. a · , r ·•);>o!11't 1."rom. t.ll• tl••l th ''.D'9·Pe,rtment bero~e pl;IA', bJa ,pl!·e • pos4l ot l~a~ . week, th" auperviliJ();rs m.igl:lt be req_ueste4 t~1 • ask the Gove.roment to·r t,tie klind o:t b.~lp Mr. Chri~ta1.n menr 1 tioned to applr not only 'to rehabilit8tioB, ae welt., p~t to mortgage$ · T~ere . w,-re many other ool'llm,$11t1S from "fe.rtoue purti•~ llre·s,n:t :whiol dJd not reflect o:ftie:tal utte-11an.ce•'• but w,bl.oh seemed to 1,n41aa te what most ot the pe:opl.e p~e·.sent -.e~e aotua; t,b·i~~:t ns. ;for exat1:1..r;»le, Mr. Bo~~H·tu:i., "W.b!D ~·,\'>oke . ~t . the la.13t mee,( ,1..r,ig, onae agatn took t.M.49 t"to<>.r b~inglng o,ut tbe 1 p·olut that no1'f the Japenaee -wer·e going, it was all exee'.llen't ' ohabee to ktr ••p them OU~ and they ah~1J.ld not tet SU.Ch an Q)"'" . ,. portuitJ alip tbrQugh tne1.r fingers. In J!its Gpi;nton,. wJaer-· eve~ ·fihe ~apaa••• were,. prop•rty .,..• • ISeatrpJ'e4, tire b.azUdi• R• O!).Oe ~gain p.l'oeoeed t,,het the Ci ti e.ii;>n• ••~e ore•t•<l, etc. , Cieum· e.ll. th4' pJ:opertr via low cost, •ndi .reae l l 1 t to bu.1l"'et• (like Rosseau). , who appreciated the :ma..rvelcnu poes1'b1lt.~te-w , ro~ ~ea:u.tity1ni$ San l"ranoiscoit 1 :ro1; the pJ.eeting ,, :r ~ske¢l Mr• 'l'b.tle 1t h• cbul.4 me a rough idea on l'.U?w lll:UCb aubs·tmllafl~ prope:rty ill t4•1 • ·a s .a otually ow~ed ·oy J'~}'anes•' ~ Be · stated that nougn, bY' far , the pel>rtlon ot' the, s~beteu~d.~r« pnow•s own•d p7 white people, and tbat i• his es~imat1on, th6' Japeu;ittae had kept, tll•1~ pr·o pertJ; up Yery 1u!ll oQrud..d'.•J'• 1ms t ·ne t'llea·n • et their d.1s.: po$al. H intimated tnat t.bis wee not tor put>~t· cat1on, · p11t 1 t unddubtedJ.,y wpuld e.p peel" f one w~y, or another 1n tn_e,te report ~h~t the Bealtb; Depart""' men~ wo.uld ~e.nd,er. pert~ -wl~h. tb.ei T~ts. ••· ~dlld' metl~ing, tu,rth.el" im.~~esee<i the writer·' ' ta•t· t\\Jlat tne :real. 0 'bj'eotive . we,$ not that wnat , e:ppee •urtace, b~~ was one ot el1JJI1nattng t~e J$paneae ow• 1 upQn the e~ahi~ in the area an¢ ftevent1ng the J~panese fvom returnil:lg. To d:ate 1 es 1nd1cete·d b1 these notesJ there ~as been no eonst:ructi ve proposal for e bonifie!le reho.b,i.litation 'Whi~h pleoed the em,Phaais on ill ti.mate ,P roperty improvement. Dtlrir11 the oouree ot those prooee~ings, the ~apanese, on wnose pro• perty the entire discussion is toous~d, hev~ not been oQnaultea. , MJ;· e.'ii 1 who is the i!xecuti v-e Seetetary o.f tpe San, Fi'a~c1sl)o E:oustns Cci.n~ul1 . ~eea1lied e.t one p"C>i:nt f it~ 1. t .e,rd.ay ti''•·i;i$ sion • tnat ~lie q,1U:~S1~lon of pr1o,r.-i ·t1as WO\;l.l<l, rl.tlo 014t ~n,y la,rge s· o~1$ ~.provements, that very ~1.10.n. o.t t i e pro.~e;rty :We.a in the torin of Ji~pan'888 C<l>mJlllWli ty p.r opert1 deyelOl'.1•<1 thro\ oo,n.trloutio~, su9h , as;Y.M..C.A. t Y.w,c.A..,, Salvaticon Army Oent~r , etc., elid that 1t mi~ht be a good idea to ask the Japanese how they felt about it, Mrs. Stitomen W~$ politely ignored. A meeting wes o.alled :t'o:r .next Thu.tsday .tpril 24, LD:JM 1~4·2 Ke~tin.g bf the Comm.1ttae on Suild~Q.S• S'l.D Fi;r"'1'l.cieoo .B~ar/1 ot Super·deox-s, Thttrsl.\ay evening, Ai;>r,1.1 14, 1942?, to considett t.he qu.estion ot Iieha'b:11:1,tating t.tia l ap~nese Pl•:e~; quarter. 1,Pu.blio tr Heer1ng' O.! Hall Coll!l111 tt•~ ltQom P~M. to approximatel #t28 Ctty Hall, 5 7 ;p.14,. 11!~1Ube1~$ Of t he iuild.1~ Co n1pJttet1 1 Sup~rvisot s MaoPhea , Ub.l, and Galla her; ?;>.\"8Seo:t; members ot the Sa,p. Francisco Ple.nnins Co1111nis s ion; r!Spresentatives of vax·i0u.s bQildlo.g and real e st~te grou,ps and property owners or the area. Also a repre$ent~tive trom tne Al.le l'l P·r ooerty Ouetoi.'1. t~ ' s Of"fioe end the Federal Reset·ve ',Ba.nit o t Se.n Frano!.sco, ·t he '.tat t er represented. 'by the writ-er, L.. &. Dt1lb9 I D'et''ini ti on. of. th~ P:r;-o~lem: p~ oblem , as outli~d '!'he Comm.1 tte~ detire d ii he in ~ previous meet1~g ot the Board ot ~~1.ipe;rvisors, wnioh ~s, briefly, ~he ro~m.ulatio~ ot a plan for preven~itijl don di t 1.o~s in the "11 ttl.e Tokio" a.roe an<J sluin •T• and means ot rehabilitating the property ther-eo:n. T'his ar~a was rot.ighly def1 ned as inolufi.111-8 tl\e 2' blocks bordered by Ellie; C~ltforrn1a , Gough e.nd Filrtl.ore St:r·e ete. of Ao.t ion: Su;pervisors Me.~Phee and Uhl voioedi the ,1.dea that 1ne~uch as . tbi~ 'P .t°'ob l ~!b W&s . ·t .lle "Qovernme.nt ' s Baby" t.he F~H\er·al men :p;u~osen1' Would 00 doubt h i1tVe some 4'"0tn,tr\llot1ve aU.g• gestie>l),s . Both the Alien :Property Custod;iaJl and myaelt ind.ioat.e d t~at we wer• pree.e nt aa spectators to ascertain the t1n4i1:1g'a o't tbe oomml ttee . At the request ar !(r. Jlec> I gav• a, bri•t description ot the tunct!on.s 'of the Jlvacuee ProJ;>er ty Department,, I It was th.en propose~ that ttl.e problem be opened tor gc~ral d1aous31on. Speekers,, and ·t h,ei,r pro~oaale in briet wer~ as follows; Wr. Stone of the .Pli.a.nning CQmmissiQn. ad,-vocatie'<l that the aEea. be deol$ a de tense bous1ng , dietriot , tn~ prope.rt.y be- purQhaaed by condemnation and be eith.e,r ·4&.Dl10lishe4, prep~r"ltcr y to a 11ew b.ous~ prQje ot, or retvibil:l teted. . · Mr. Morr is, Secretary ot the 4.esoci111tion e>t HQme au1raers , :suggested e. plan in~lud:Lng .tOtl!l' steps: ap oint a loo 1 l~n~ oomm!saioa with power to ooJ:i,demn the property , s•oure Federal Funds to puro.b.a•• the property , &ell the proper~y to prt~ate com}an1ee, and sale by the pri1ate complllnies to i.nd.1viduals . Mr. By!ngton 1of tb.e .Tetferson"'te.Feyett«s Improvement . 0,1.ub stated thlllt !'hl.anc1Ji1S was the _p:rrlij.c~pa.l problem, and e·lt resaed e beU,e t: a bill recently ts.bled. by the State Leg1sl.ra.ture be revi,ed u.nder w, . majority of prop.e-rty own ra in e.ny given a;rea could s't up en urban development ao:.t"port\tion, oondemn tbe entire area. and :t'oroe rehabilitation or new oonat.ructioD. A. number of prop0rty owners present 1.n tbe aud1enc~ offered suggestions, euoh as sell1n.s tne ~rtJ6 to th~ Jiavy tor a Roep,.i~al, using it ae a soldiers~ 'ba..rraqks :I.ti gep.fil.r~l • throu~,1. ~ale to the lu111y• a·to . , ~to" their sentil'nea ro..tlowed the p$.tte.rn of remo~ing the .T~:t>anese ror all time, then rinding e. nte~l:lfl whereby they m.1gbt enhance the land val\le s in tlle aree or sell t neir prope·rty at an ettraot.1 ve figure . Noth.ins a.p e cit 1 o or a pract1~al nature was eu.ggeste d trom the ~ud1enae. Mr. Da'fe 'l,ets1.1no. PreDident of the local J'e.pan.ese..~e1·iean Citizen' a I,eague, asked to be r e oogn1z.ec1 by the c~ai:r and pre,.;:sented Whl'lt be termed fti repre• sen.t.at1ve view of the Japanese pro.t,>erty· awners in the area . He eta ed tha.t< many crf th.em had given: power of atto;rDey to either the Anglo Bank or 1;10 I.! Guy c. O~l.den, attorney . or i t' Q, real estate tirms. sucb. as Madi,ao.u and Burke. Be indicated the considerable investment whioh the Japanese had iJ1 tb.e area. in the torm ot churches, olubs, ~nd other buildings, and thr.t.1i his people definitely poped to ret.11rn. rehabilitation wes ne~e~~ar;r in. many instances was appreo1a.ted by bis people but the question of runds to b ndle i't end a souroe ot i neol!!tl to pay t ·x(S'e, iagency t'ee~. eto . dur1,ng ~ny period ot •aoo.noy presented tb.e. principal obstruction to such. a mo'fe. Mr. Tatsuno ooneluded that hie people to keep the property but would be · prere.rr oooperetile in eny plan to rehe.bi11tate tor defense housine waioh would not ~et1a1te17 eviot them tram the ar~a in t,b.e rutur~ and worries conoern1ng the type ot t enanc:;r t.n the area wou,ld be reliev~d bece.l.lse tb.ey t ·0 ;0 , prete.r"d not to al.low n~gre>etl e:r other· su.b-standaird t ·e 'na.nts to r enter the area 81ld. depreC!>~at~ ,t ta value and gene,relt con- · dition. Mr. Gallegher though.t some a::mtransement 'm igb;t be made wit h the Beo,htel Com,p any for housing some ot their worker a• M,r •. 1. t the property we.s reno'fated .. Sm.1th, Secretary of the San Fl"an431sco Reel. Estate Board, considerable d:a.ta on .band e.a to ,1?ereentase ot .Ta)?ane se!..P, e to. .tn· the area uJ!lder, quest.i on. He 1ndic.a.tedi t.llat the Board ned been wb.rk:i·n g oiit ways and means ot tak~ng aQ.vantage or the oppo;rtu.n1ty a!' f orded by evaouat1Qn to clean up the area but had ~at proposed anything until now tor tear ot in fer ing w1 t ,tl the Governmen.t ' s program . er~ lril"st step• eooo'.rcUng to Mr. Sm.1th, would be a ' oondem,na.tion law , such as mentioned by Mr. Byington , e.Q.d now 1 n operation 1n New York, Viopigam:, and Illinois. B' that h.e believed 1 t would be J"i&latively easy to get r-14 ot Japtown. H:e :proposed that San Fre~a.i~co, 1.tiJs An8eles, and Oakland seek: ena·c t•nt ot a: etate la'w along tbese lines. Th-t.J;.t the ,Tapan•e• have property rights muct, or oourse , be ooneld~rea, but he telt that alien races congresat in groups wss an unbea.lthy deve lopm.ent tor the city. litr. llvere, ( oC>n.nect1on not aaoertei.nedl said that obviously property cannot be s~1zed expe~t tor pul;>lio p 1ll'_p,os&-right of emminent domain. Th-e problem ts to find a reason, sucb es 81,;tml He thought the Ree.1th Department should be put to wt>rk to condemn the property, or at least make e. detailed r,eport on 1 ts it ion. I' M;r. Xnowle o. a)'l atohi'tf eot, told Mio. r.t'atenno t,ll~t vthat t.b.e Japanese needed wee to have e p1aA tor the rebabilitation ot the area drawn up by saiie oompete~t t.Uthor;i t:y ( &'1.0h as a.n al"ob.1tect) amd ~~us 1'.~e it out or the tl&Jlde . Qt lf)as intereet4!1d pextie s. S\l,pe.r v i,.soJ;" Uhl saw ,no i!ml111&d~f t• hope ot' soluti'.()n l>eo$.l.1EJ.e t~e ~ i ~r oou+ct D(l)t ra~.ep in and oondlttn,n without •i:th9ut .lllO~ey and o~ld not the t',u.nd:e ~ ~>ilO¢d. publ.1e purpose. 'I1his woul.d: r' time, However, the problem was :tmmedci'*te aru\ tbsretore it would aeexn ~ yroblem to be wprlted out pri-vately. 1 Supervl.Sot MoP~ee reoommended that a req.ueet by t.he 190-ard ot· S\\pervisors tor e. &!llrvey on the . ~0111atb>:llity ot advl!1.no1~ i!lt tow 1nt~,rfi'Bt :r·ates to 1ndiv~4ua1s b·e d.i:recte(l to the Home. · Lo~n Corporation. Ifl this w~v !nd1vtduAls 1;)0·'11\di :rehaoiU.te.te res1,dence$, flate, etc. an~· 1.t ooul~ be sx.pected that defense workera !tf ould provid• a ready · so,u:roe ot tenancy. Tn1s recommendation' was appro,.ved by Gallagher and 'O'h.l to be presented to the Board of S~perv1sors on Monday, April 20'', 1942 .. M:r. Rousseau, builder and representat1:ve of the Apartment Bpu~e Assooiati.on, $.tr.eased the oppo,rtq,ntty ot settlng t.he Japanese out a;nd. tr.m qu.t. lif.t teare·4 that San Francisco WCl.11d otne~wiae ~· a "Bts 'T okio''· T.ttat t~i.s would make a f"ine apartm•nt house district wa~ beyond a doubt if the Federal Govetmsent wou1d buy up the p rot>er ty at.Id turn 1.t ove.r t0 private interests tor r~ ... die'velop_meat. ' The meeting wae. conel uded ana another aet tor tpe .tollowt,c.g 'l'nursday at 4:30 P.M.. Following the nioeting Jfl'l'... Tat euno, Presi4ent, fit.11.d Ji!t. S.aka1 , Secreta~y •. of the Local J"e.pane$e ~riQl,n Citize'n que stioned lbe es to wl'la.t prote6t1Qn might b-e expeote~ ti1"om the Be.nk sb:oUld: de"lele>p~nt s be def'in,itely detrimental to their int.eres1.s, and . whet.her or not the Bank would represent t he11i when t~ey are e~acuated. I 1.n4lcete4 that :reap,ons,_bj tiitr top ·tne tutui"• ' Pll'?blems ~no1dent to eY~oue. t on; have not be,e.u, del,egat.ed b!ilt that l d,O t.ibted it' any Utld~-· t:\',d- vantage would 'b e taken of the 'J"a:pane~e .1n •1•1' or the GoTer•en't 'e expressed pQl. $:c;r ot pr().. teot'i111& evacuees e.nd tbe1.r property ,:t1ght·s. I •:ugg.eai;ed. ·t,b at ~hey a.d:vi~e th.- u~ asent,e ·~ tiru$tee.& ot thf!se Ci\e,1elo~mH11iet that ~el:'·he.p.a tb;& Ang~o Bank,, ~. Ce).4en, lht«Jd.~n ma .a~lte ,' and · ¢there m~,eb.t a,..rry. on t9r them at . mf!tetihg,s . i!!ti;i~ t 'bat they should 1n eny e1ent ;form. a o(:Qlllitte«J representing them as a f;our/ '?his Oommlt tee wn1oh oould be CH)l1ta.o ted. throUSh ite ohatrme:n, could tben make known wt slle s o:r tb..e J ap a:ne $e wno held t>x"o per tiy in the area under ctnest ton a'Ven though the group a- e. wno1' beoa~ aepal"t!lted. the I foreg,olll8 ts~ no doubt, ee,i t e,xplanetoey. '?ht w;rite;r• e O'N'll 1mpress1"ll ,j.$ that de'H lopments w•:t•e ttndtD! What ' m!.ght be etpe<1ted i.;ll a t1t'st JTJaet1ng.. F~t~e pl'opoG1ale should be more a1gn1f'ioa.nt ~ How$V1'f, . the ques t1011 aa to tlie tutu re role of the Bank has been implied on both the part or 'the Oommi tt ee a.rtd the Japanese. f);ifj• Apr 11 18 , 194 2 .A:pri l 16' . ' .W'. · ' v.•s. tol!' ~ole'W&l'fl in Be!'errine ~o i~qul.:r~ at the A thtd,t prop.o eed orr·i<iler$• Olup, f!'ol.lowing ar' eug ~dasi:ed possib111ties /J . . , ,~ wne:re eqldpment m16h1l be proo1,1r•d,: Tame.kt S•,sakil (Re'*tau1e.nt) G ud Se,orem.11mto Streete Fresno , Cel.Uomja ,/ . ~~· r· ..... • Toeb.1 ;K&taoka U·l otel ) . , ~· ..;.' lb5l Poe 't ~tt'eet 1 · ,2. ~', 0~ Sl!ln Frenc1seo, .' J!.et:.t.c lal Neta UtesteurfJ;~t) . · 3<L' ;East 7th St)l"ee.t l'lutord. , Oel'.1,t''omm Mirti. G. 1 ltb.oue . {Reebautan~;_R emi.n.e;· !t61ls~1) · , ''9 Peoi tt~ aven,. San l''renoi.soo, O·e li!'qrni!: gelen M:u~akami (Restaureot) 1411 fhLrd street Saoreen to, Gali'! 01'.':Clri.8 Mr . Mikeid.o Bl!rs. tdR.kco Ono (:ReetEtUl'ant) l91 N. Mt. ver~o~ street Ltnds~T. O~li~or.n!R .~"'ilf.'" '~.' 7'l' ti.IJtlJrl,.~ Gu~ Mt1ro~.11Ul.i ( :nesta\,\:renil 1219 - 20th Stree~ +.-<·" .pt' ,~ Su~y Liru'isar 656 Kee:im1 <street . se.n Fr~<~ •li'9, i Qal,ir ()1"11fa .. J' ' lo, ,1· I 'l'\·'t II f ,,', ',1. ~· " et rt-J "~ Tr.;/~ I.. ( ~es~~) ·' 1015 Glen'Wlll)od St~eet Delano, Oal.1f pr.n1a omi.a Teru Okawa1h1 {aate) 810 tr~k11n Street Yamasaki T0ll01ob1 (Ho tel ) S.eisuk:e 'Yoshi! (Restaurant eq'11P•nt) 688 - 22nd Avenue Oakland, om:IA O•klA nd, Oal it ornia 250-l/2 K Street $acremeato, Calitorl).18 ~irottcr1 (Hotel) 15 E. WeahiJJgtci n St:t"eet Stockton, Oel11 omia ii// Kl!lqt,to K.ojir,na (Re,at$ tix:t\.il"es) Ito Yoa~io (Re•taurant) 16 6c;>Uth Oien·neT StooJ.<:ton , 0el.1f 0rn1a tirose ' • ·-le 13 a~er sf1 e ld , O&l tf or.ri.:J;a l.4). No• Mt. V'eTpon Street Lindsay, "' ) I · , 0Abp , . ,,. ~i r. l.P Tat~ko okud. a (H. otel-R,st.e.u!t"ln.t E l '13· Poet. Street San ranci.11100$ Qal;l.tornia v~· ._,,.· .t)i •. JI· I•¥. ~· ~ ...,~........, ~ORAND'OM ?O~ ~. Al"m.stro.,.,l'LL.f.#1\ SUBJ'~OT: Re•e2~inat 0:1 Vil ,A.:r·t e.1r April 8, 1942 ' of Miltte~y J.rea~ and Zonea, Diyis ion ,Met:;e>rend-um Dat·ed 1, j I A sit\le.t ion ex1ets in M.arysT1lle whBx:e.i n t~e boundary line ot Military Areas l end 2 b.Uleot'a. J"apeneae popul·e ted area. A report on this $1tW!lt1on 1is due t 'o reach 1. us '.Monday, April :i;, from G,regg, QUl' rteld Repxeeentative, Mr .. 2. ~here is a posa1b1iity or a ~1mil~~ s1tuetton arising in Visal1!e.. llowever, we have no detinlte intor.mattwn, es yet, of the d1('t1c'1,J.lt1e~ tbere .. JCT:Jlf .' 1 . ... (}l'iKi CIVIL .bl?F,.,.!RS 'DIVISION 1".pril s. Hll'l~tl'\&A~t. ~ll\IJ:a• suBJECT: C®pile.tion or inforna.tion .rol::tive tor ·-o~-nno.tiao of Mi 11 tnry -rnd sones 1. -On the ~ssunption ~t tm S[:.t"bor ot c!esignnt ing nilitm'Y ~c.s -;nd the> cf $tu.dy +he tlct{}nrl.nation of ~ goncrcl. policy in thi.s trl.11 a.~u. irt tha corrcspondGnec and ur!ttl}n ro~mnontln.tions trot. hn.vo r ()nchad this Division, either dirac:t or by trnnsn.ittol from H~ Vkistorn Dofonsc O~.nd a.~ F-outth t.rcy. ln nddi tion to. thorC are co:JIJunic..'.ltiooS aeattored througr." tho Division .,h.icll bo-en rot,ai,nc-d by· vo.tlGUS Sue-ti~ nlmr$ ihOy should be rorr...rded !or leek o£ :hrl'an»tlon "'.. s w . w fur the pur_poso of h.'mdling !ld· di.tiaul rof'Ol?Gd to thorr~ not r ;>ktod to tbu subject ; l ~ directed tbnt ~sUOl:l-C~OjT\'lmic..,ti.oni:;, t:bkl 1 f'ilos -t::nd inf~tion rofcrrod to hcrotor-oro- be fON-!lrd.00. to G~pt.Un T:rmaan R. l:oung1 Roon 420 ~ to ro::ieh bin not later-- th~ hidny lipril i-0,. 1 1942, and that si-r:ilnr dis.position ho or- such ncterhl - reca~ in the f'Ututo. 4. fffi7 suggo:atiortS ar ideas -that-' WC~ porsonnol r:t:v on tho ~tto%' h::l,w ot tho rondjustn.cnt of m.U.f.crt ~ru;, prohibited c.nd rostr:tetod zonoa, whicll ~ M~ OCC'll?T0--1 t'O bin -by roc.l!l-On of pt'i'iieipntian in t>.Ctivitios of the DiVision, or -that OfJ3 haVS boen COU!l\micc..wd tb hin ortU.1y ft'on oiltsi® souroos, 'j'4J.l ba pla®d in th.CT faru of and;_- ~oITOd to Cap~ l'~ rlthin the tbn !!. nritton oono~.ndun spem.tioo in tho . ' ..... f"' .... I' - ,.. f . ! KMU,n~ ~ • J . ~·- ~ • CQlonc)., ~G~ S..\ C. Assistrolt GhWf or- S-t.Gft Civil E.ttclrs ~vision -I , . . . ,. . .- - " 1, .' Q .Q l y April 10, 1942 SUBJECT: Mr. Agnew info1."med us over the telephone today- the.t the Department t~ie ~ll or Motor Vehicles advises"eement torm 1e sufficient to permit us to do neoess.ary things as en eve.ouee' s agent tor the pur:poee ot e:ffect1n$ title trans.term. (signed) ArlJ18tro~g ,lptil 1~ ~- wte"•t C:Jt' ·cma _, ,• .,.. • to4 that ~ncl•• dlr•o-1 J"°P-1• ...,_ •o ~.z••ut••ll oppoei tit ' and th S, 1942 •it_.,., ,a.a. 'n. -..-..,, lllQIOWDOI 10&1 I'll th• 1 t notati• of' OGpi•• ft 'I'# it le '? ti'IMl Q.I' •.r• "••••r..liuln l0tr, to'lft ot:~eJ:ti• bit• .- ct. \D ~t.• l.i't·~di cot'Bor of th• ort~l 1 tter., anQ. of tJ;i,e co pi.las . '' ~~ '. ~,., ~ lllt~ I 1 ' ot If. . t tdr r:.o~ ··· 1 ~ ti ~" ~bllf b~OlMUIJ wtU h o! ·~ u::i.,• 1"""" 1 · Otic!I . Wi:t.lker I ' I l . v. ' ' ~1014; I •· .Amer::Lea11.1, T ·~at C110mpa.ny ' A.'n~rioan •.rrust Comp~ey and Cal.l.:t o:r la 13anke1ns1 B:. Ii . Cb1•1s.tensen Commercial Credit D. A. H:fl.Sly s . c. Er1tcb,er Oo.mroerci1:1l Crie 1 t Company P. E, . Dietz Com,m·ar~ial ' Jlt s. Case a. Evan,.s ij. Ba.,rl' ii"J.lce l H. .. ,E. ,) . u:. luve. · tm~11t • ' G-neral na:o,tors Aeceptal).ce Corpoi:tNi. ti;ton St;.anduc!l Oil C() oi Pac1f1c 'Ji'inan@e Co. Pe,<: Fina.i,11.c.e r.;o. Ji3{a'.l'Ile 't t Anglo Ce.,lj,forb.ici. Rus$~ll o. $'(Jlith R. £>eti(\l'rson C~,'l.iforniA General Ele.c tr1c Co1'l,tract Carpo:ration Mc~owan J. Hammill I. As•ee:hiti.Qn" Com~anr ,Nat.Lo~al Bank ot' .Atnericv N. T.. 8t s.. A ... J3aoJ.{ of Ani:~r±cei. 1~ .. T . & S . A. . Be.r.i~ M.t . ltim'ball of the Federal Reserve Bank of New Y6tk was in a.tten.denoe . This bank ~as . tepreeented by M~ssr * ale, Ever o~ and Armfi 1ntong • O\.Ul' p~lie:r o! encour-ag1ng 'the ev1.u:euee and. a.ll ,I1ersons "ea1ing with ~hem. t .o ~a t~1r o-w11 e~u,itap;J.e aJ;?l'!an~enif!lnts r~-.: gardi:r.t.g· i~l;H.1$~ t .!l\>n of tnei11 ptopert:tes W1as ca:rei'l:i~l:Y ~,xpl.E.d.ned., e.n d all of the p·ertl3ons 1.n at ter1d.t:. ncE ell:pree.$eQ. the d.esi~·e of tklei,t IJ.'.he~ ('l':X.Pl . 1neGi tna.t ' aa 'busito xnin1m1ze their loss11Hs b\.,tt at the 'be t'a:t.1· J.n their trea ment o:t' evacuees. own c.olacer!Nl~ to :fwtt.i~r prW1.>graUJ, . nes~men they we,:re a.ttenipt~ng sa:rne ti~e ar·e to It 'W~S e' ill,ed that app_ro :lmat J.y 50 ller (N.!!.O't o;f th• eve;<lU.e s crlf.l$.3;.~1•e to con ti.m1e ta hold. e properties "7hic!b a.t·e aubj ec. t t .o c.ond.'1t:ironal ·~alfS oo·n tratlts, wb1J.e thJ:1 ba).i!lnc& az•e ·i nte.-rcst.ed. in now settJ:.i.n.g th~1r prgpe.rt;Y interests i th a. vie.,,. tovv r.d re-c ove .... ing reasonable enu:i wher U1e·y- ar~ }1:.vesent . rt is apparent tnat considerable co;n:t'u:sion is _p,resent 1n the field, and we expla1,ned that ~llimerous oornp.laints froim eva·c uees have to our attention w rein 1 t 1.s apparent t.he contract l'lolQ.ers have le.ft the :l,..mpre:ssion w1 t.b tne e va cuee t at whether or not :t~,ir; va.tious cantracts are h1 good stbnding tP.$Y' ,snou.I.a be $ettled. for bi ~ull at t~.b,e p·rese11t time. 1 '1'ne 4qru:~;rn$ re1>::r.e s ented tb.fJ:t they e~pec t to ,f p11o a ' r;JG>l:f_cy of negotiatill$ directly With €Vaeue .s , arid Wher they C~ work o\it 1110 satiil!3factqry disposttion oi' e given "'n·oble.rn to coo.sult our variolill? 'ield representat.lves in the pres nee of the evacuees :tn tt\e hope o·f effecting a sett.lement satis.factory to all partiE:s •. e agreeq that tni~ would he a satisfF.ctory procedure . Al of tne cot c~r11s ;xp1'essed a. fear th t th~ . will be unable to locate their ebt,ors "J hen they hav . been reruov~d fro'lll evacuat d areas" a.nd we have a reed to inqui:t•e into the px-.o ce ure which we \,\nde:i;stt::i.n . :t.~1 to be estE..blished fa1· ar.mtf1!1.eting t 'h ese ' S:Z.-80~1,S . l:l matter · 01 au.tomobil s was .tsct1ssea to sorne ex.tent, pa:r·t.1cu a. r y the problems re. at;tng to the sal of 19,4.2 a t.o.mobiJ.e.s which dealers are relu.ctant to t a.k 1 'back into stock b ca.usE of the lim1t;ed sa e possibilities of s ch cars and heavy 1'loo..r stocks of new 194~ moaels. ''he Army purchase plan wo.s e pluine 1 t wa poin .et out tha. t a 011 U1e p rivate market .. Al tive ttitu .e . of the .w.nd tomobl.le s i:;o purc.hase,d pe~aons re s e11t d1splaye C:t 1scu.sse ; and wo~l d no 't go back cotnple te ' y coo,per ~ ... .0 .lilOO .0 2 '\\ b• ' t11 , , c:t ered by .u. ' ' . ••at• ~f fua4e tS , •r oo rol, · ~ .. It• e>t' l• •41'. •,. S t .b..ll. tao1'11U1u9Q"• r•rr•• °'"~ to~•! .ga tol4 1• 1•rt Ha.1 1Ut• • • IT•p&n•• •••o<ai~t.1oa a\ $ao1"9m ttlto bl!l.l.t a4•l1•4 . • W 1Dr th& 'be •PAD . . pop la I.on t ti 00\t.n' 1 appJl'e>x!.• tit 1 1,,i000 88 ua•4 1 u 1Mt t:6 l\\e 4UtllSlte t1 g ~· bl'e#ofari• ·''"· Q .f. FO'~ : Lieutanant H~~s L:l\-eutc.uHrn~ ·• Co lon.el b.v }'l~ C1:1» .tC:Li ·~ Goe b~,l :, 'OBJF1CT :· Mr . S.a.l>u i!ido , National Presio.ent o..f the Japti 1ese ttizens L~lti.gµe, 11;1i l undert , k~ distr'1.1·m1~r1cun bu·U1::>n· of 1:u 1Sti:.'~tionia , ,1:>1ess .li~el.EHdi~s 1.:J.:i. ."1 itl:icr11u;1.ticm re.L· i.:Lve to ~V~i.cua:Pion. ,, e:x.c.).~sioJ 01·q.ex>$, ' t:ir9,Perty vrotectt0rl At . µt:Ld crop prQtectio:n . In t :i.e dis tri ution ot in:t:'orJlid.tion cl.' the r~ature uescr1bed., rov1.sion sh.oul be rnude to insure its reacn1ng his or·gf.lUL:::.atio.1'1. ' h~ Adinin.istra t:tve Bru.nch uI1. tnrqugh it, the Press Bl'<.i.nch, sbeu),d e~t< bl1sn tne po,int of contact is maint<tinea., , ~~w. th t it aok oJ;' cu1~reit1t revort.. s this morn1p~ o, in W,1i;i.ttime Ci v·il Cont:rol. k4minis ·~v<:i.'t,ion t 'ie.L oi'.'iices.. .! ~m 1;1sk.i x.1g t.r~t o col;)y 01 ti'l:i.s me1n.or1..1rmum be e irr~ul ted to each .li1~isot oft' icef I 11.l;l.Ve ha.~~ ;Lnf6; of tbe as,socLd;;eo. :t:'euera.l serv ce s . l 'he Pr e s~ Br1u.r1c,n ar1u the ,ia,:t,so1i of.fict:;rs s aou.ltl eoor.<l.Lnate the dissemination oi' in1·o!'mti.ticm so trw.t t::t,ll conce:rneci are 1 ~dvlse tt~ of pn1t , in sLOulu ma~e or· p:r.•oi>e r coordipa tion. aric:l ci!J.ssemination al~ d~Velopments. Evbcu~t1on Oper~tions he Pl~xu11n.~ r~ncn, provision ot ir 1'or.1t11;i.tian to t;he lia.i:wn ot.tic•:ir • Liti.1so;n. 01' ... fleer shou11l irrn re, trn-ou~h tt1eir 1:;,g~ncj,es I the , i , rn·ea:.tu te, a:nd ;ii' necessary , t..he t J...egri!.iph:i,~ d.!1.st1:1 ... hut10l'l o,r ...n.ro1n1.atiou. regardiu~ M.l+: new developm(;;!nus to tneir 0 .elo. 01'1ices ano. ugents. Kar .L f. • Be~de1 tsen, .C¢1o.n e1 .. Mr . Unsworth., · ~e:rle~n {U~ban and Fu:m) · Ba,m.k of I Onlifq~niat "lt the re is n ' @.verase fitt would estimat.irJ it to ~' ~etween ,i .and ~'1r. or grass -but do AOt ha e many propert~~~ · under . •~ neg ement.~ . } 1: . ' ' I 1-t~<U.~on ~ . B~~rite, ~·~x Est~te Co i. <Crrb,a·n,} , . . ii 3<f. I (Mr~ Atwell · ~ ' of ·fK't'e>ss i,ncon;e qn u.rban real;. e·&te,t~L J;Ie.v·e one t rm witn l1tt1.e :Lncome ;Part1pu.le.tlT di.ftioult ,.._ oh&ree but ~. E:arl,ey E'.iee, riacu•ta (f' 1Jt'D1'} ' his ie v•rr State~ ~igh.~ Savings & Loan 17 0 5~ of ~l'osa pro~eads tor ~nag.ei:ne,iit (~fl'ne.':i:-ai m:anagetn~tlt ) ie • :t"3if ' f!.v~:r.~ge."' F rm. Ma.o.age,rnent Spe .c iali&ti: ,, Q.uot1Pe tlUa 0049 o,f Ethic$ ot tll& Ass·o aiatiQn. · .5~ ·. ts ~o ns1 dered a t•~ fQlJ • pUl.nfigenient, ov(i~aeet~, , c-p1le:~tton of: ren~s a.nA ~ c~op p.roceecJ,&, pa')"l!le'l:l.t &f ~·talli•e ~ etc... ~ (l'ee base,(i ·upon er,o•s proo~li'ds) 1 On v"·rY 1:tfieut~ Jobs .b~,ve, ~~a,r.¢~!1!·\ '1e ,.,. hi'.i.ti a is '7 f~ (whe1·e tnco e ie · 'f(;try l~/ 1.n relat1on to i:nallli.\~iit~nt. pto'bleni S1J.c~ ' '•• catt.le. ranolt, •to. } 'Truck• i ms ~ .5~ indi~idullly, 3i or· 4~ 1~ ~ ~reµ,. . 0 o 11,fornia Real 'Este.t ] ~oTZ: ~his rna.n rre17l,'e1:H~nt. ed S~-t,e q,f · C•lltornia in "appra.1$1.n:g ~oldi~s~ ot: Pl!\oitic St tes. ·rsa in&.$ it · l.o~ Co~ ~lVJ.¢08 FDltS'? l'lA.T!Ol:~iA.L J,«NlC 'lb'·· Jlid4le1P(,)JU ( 1a'J;'m llib•~ )' , <J,.erall mene.gemeli't ot i•p;rcved c.1ty l)Jropert;r - 5~ ot g1.'011s (1.t tbel'e is an 1no<!>me). Lee•· in cert.a .in case• .. •G·enGr~l "'Genetal mane ge m.on t of e.n1 'average ' tarm. l end. •cn.t t pf S1' wt t:t,t al lfjw~noe, ±'01· 1 pQ~ k:e t • e oe ts • . ~Verr dit' to Qite. en ave:f•g• on .:ta:r:xn :Pl'OJ$.l"ty,. '!"~ )' one case. • acre gl"ain r14n'h raqut:-in~ t1te.rke·t,.. ing e.nia. deta1l&d un~ge'nten\ from, tb.8 bank which he~ ean aharged almo~t ~o~. 2~, ooo "A good farm, w1 th good tenant and rn•neg•'l'; eoul~ be menaged at ~% eae1i1~ ~ 1gure would no t 'P·e e eu.1 de in any·: t:asta,noa .. of' '?% wo·u ld be too h1gb r or ,m any, n6 t bigb. enotagh tor a fe~.,.. " • .Aveioage 1ndiv1d~l Col.dwell & Benker (Mr~ Rall}~ (Urbe11) ••3% oa gro s s col leotio.ns, plus e:1:tr·e.s tor s;pee 1el ~ervice•." San Frenoisco Beal Eet,a te !ca.rd ($tn1th) (U~pen and rural) "~nip roved p;roperty ~ plus rent1ng end l.EIE14!1111f3 e Q1;1.t£1.isa:1ona.. General Mat.ia:gemen t fie.rely .e.ny t.o ~un higher 5~. t b.IJ,El ~% .. "N'o direct dtite on farms-checked w; a 1erg,e bank el'.:lid. they ~ndioate 10~ as e (.Nbt.e: Apparently checked with Jii1limum. Bank of .America) ll'etier~J.. (Farm) Land Bank ot Be r kel.ey: {Mr. Shields} "Has no int0rma.tion. which lle wou1:d oonsid'.er accurate . Most of his d. ~ta on a ~er a¢r~ besis, 1 . e., eit~us fruit~, il.OO an ecre per mo.~ 'e pe.rce.n tage1 ot reve.11. e o;ii. e ll'owf,ng ta~lll! •~e use~ ' 1u ~ b.t,s,1e, t , wou~d Pt·oiba1:i11· J~~r,~se &1'0U7ild . "l;t 1 t , ·t~ 7), soµte be :tug le·$$ , s . 'e few striking ~h:ts ver$'ge. ," ' 'l'!lOJi"e, and:' St.ibmitted ll>y: L. E.• JDake Mr'. S11ydf!r ~ <t.he manager' o.t' tbe. aonc~rrn, quQted ®~ a, basis oi' th.:t;ee paa senger cars,. fo·:lil.c> rates, 1 $4. 00 per day minimum with ~5 .m ile allowa.n9e . 11¢ per mile .for the first 100 miles allowa.nee) 10¢ per J,ess the 25 mile mile tor the next 100 miles, and 9¢ ).)er wile 200 13,nd Weeltty rate~ ov~:t . ot $2Al .oa with 150. tp.i.J.e a.llow1.1ncli:!'. 'fhe company wi l give 'lllS a. 10% d;l.scount on a company r te baiS1$, ana 1 it appe~rs. that a good mQi\ny miles ar~ 111 give us a 20% discount. tr~veled • GILCliRIS,T: SUBJ' · CT: SENT.A IVES ... 0.t\EGON FIELD REP OfilQQI ~her ~ t our than Po:rt1.,tu1 H:rra1ch o.t £:10 • ' • l~ • fOUC 1 E . V. Bi sberg. D. ii>. He 111g ll,. &.Ill ~ .g t' H. · • Nie,m: n Vi .t *'; 1'1 1•n& worth ~rc\lllch HU~ b en 1n eont.i..ct ;t1i1'0.r .tior, o .r ~ortlun o.L t1o • ~£,t', '%1 in~ to Qa nd 1·epl*e~Hi!nt.ati'Yera O ~~!· ot• u .. :;;. · w'1; 1n oaca l1<;>.tl W~l'.l'•.inta, b~ ~ ~,.. ppt1i1 ei; t y busin a·s 1~ slao 11~ Orego1~ . · 01· wtth. &$ ~ll '?J ·1 p .a. •. Repr sentf1t1ve:a ollo ·s: t fi a ttle s 11nd ... l • ti .. B. T. U, L. t cr.a.;E.8. mende !Oi• • -.'4'- il'l A. l! . 01$-0 'I' conua. y kiaw. ._ A. .. '.I . • • 'A . 1n& l nder.eon ~eilan o.ffices in at lte - ....,...- San .rranci1•co or.ri.ce Loa A FRO eel•• Ottiee r. Tera.Ctn A.n •troq •11. Statt - ll.r .. A.m.'Wo•• r .. .Bolcl 8tatt Ut.reb 11 1 19,42 MR. .UL& In ,l.l case in hie fr••1ri.Qff cont.-o •CWld•~ the provision• qr Special £• •2erc1• u1&t1on Vo. 1 1 an e tr.a .l.wa co,p y ~f .lottm IP-l• or :Fol."'an &P-2 •biebe"vi·u" 1a eap.107•d, 1 olald ~ uil•d immedlatel.y t.o C•11to:r:u! L~twl !• A.•- <. a·· cU eioa, J~l.l eat F'i !th Street~ Lo.a Angel••• T 1.a A• cia.t1 n Will •ttend'. to th• 41••e11li at1cn ot the lntoruaatiQn to the ap r~~ priate tttle co:mpanr.. Thi• a t1.o a 111 necessary ill Ol"d•r tha t the title•• of th• • t• 9'1 be promptly ad.Ti••~ ot clo'Wil• on title to r••l or J•~•Obal pro~erty creat•d through tri. axe~ciae of t~ ezing control. ; b 1 v:f/ San Franoisoo O~fice - - Mr . Am.brose .Mr • tlol:d Staff FlllOM M.R.. HALE M.arcb 21 1 1942 In .all cases in hioh f'r1Sezing co,n trcl im exerclsed. ·Ul1der the provisions of Special Regult:i ti on No . 1 , an ex tr blue cc;py of· F'ot·m EP-1,, ox· F©rw: FJ]?' 2 ~ whicb ever is employed~ should be ix1ailed 1'.,rnmedia tialy to Ca .l:l.t.. orni.a La:r.t<l Title J jS-, s¢01at 1on, 41i ~est Fifth Street, Los Angeies . Th.i s As sociation ill at·t end to the cU.ssemina.tion of the lnf'ormation to the appropriate title company . 'fl'lis action 1s necessary in order tha t the title companies of the . tate ad~ised of clou~,ia· on title to real or pers<:>nal property er~ ted. through the e:x:ercise 11>f fr eez:Lng control .. may be promptly ,., · " ~ ./ ' ·1-,. I ___..._~·-~-·-"~·---- Vice Pre15ide.n t ill .M:r. Dolph Winabre 1; • Yer.tu Sec\.l,, i ~ .Dt:vi s·i .O·U 1 1 , ( FI.look 980(), a41ks<1 w·het gen.$rel ty;pe of liie:re't\lre , eto.,, was bei.1!!8 pleoed be·fore tlu:t J"@:panese tne Itvaouee P.t'Qpe:rty Dep,t.;rtmen 1l ., ~s to the serv1o~ ot He in.t'e.rred that h• h imself did not know of c:iu;r fru:1at10.n.s to any extent a nd that son+e single publioi ty agency .mtgbt handle till or the ti.ate b~i,l:J.$ dtet,r:f bli.'ted il0 'the :l'e.)9QtiHU) by Q\i.'r 6lep·& :tti:fletlt, 8•our1rpy end Fed.e.: t"il 9~eiu•i ty' D1 vi s:Ldh.e. Joseph Tyl er go •· cl'J.lrc• 1 l••1• to • • ow t1o · oh ·• • y 1•. '•ttQ· t.iy 1 , ,, . •.-.ii......• tui • il.l.• ¥Qu.t a · -··' ... .•. ~• :t'•1'1on/ ,/ ' •A• n '>••rl 't)'' Ft. re1 ntrol P p. r ~ 1.B:r . H. n. .r,. ,r ~ ' !Un~l{ l ~:r I FROM: MR . PmHLE Re: &tpor"l:;p ot' ln.te:t·yie'Wa, I h.e:ve j tis t read over a. bou·t t:.~en ty l'e perts of :inte1"'V':te.w13 had with Jaipl!in-eae clients 0£ tl;~e .Elv111.01,.!1ae· .lrt'ol')erty D,inartrt'l.Gftl'f!. . I found" taliiCh report2 vex"Y en1ighte1un.g ill gett1n.g adequate ih. G~1 1''.lll OOth f.l.fil 'be!> tlna !)l!'o'Ql~ml3 J;Jeit'lg raised ~· Stieb, peraona attd the anmwera bAing ihen . I s~gest that y oi.i will w.en.l.1 to get copies oi' all /i!tteh re :.'lClrta a11d go over tho1n, a.t leaa·b d.uni?lf~ tb.~ i":ir t !'ew weeks -the organization i s !n operation . It see111s clear to me the:t thet"e is &i. guat ,ne~d of :aa.ti.on on the pa.rt o;f' tile interviawe1·6l ·.i n vra.rtoua typea l'.lf @r0blems . I 1.mdia:r~vruid, t.bfi! 13-y·~·tem ;ls t.o ~ot11.te tb.O inb~~ ..Let"¥:e:rs , ~t een irJ ter.v1erl!l3,, telephone calls, other w·0i.~k. , IJ,~~ n6t to 1 h$1ve one m.a.l'l ~pacia.lizir.ig in p~·oblemi;i. With raga.rd to laundry l. tb_i:nk, yo't.l will fit1d i.~· tn~ ~h , mta s t the o:i'i'ice not only have problem:s into of. the pei.•aona who cc:>m.e to raise l;Jut have a. great <leal of 1:ofora;w.tiO'o ·to f'11:rnish, mucb. oJ' ~ 'bu.sini.;-1135 ,, pur$eJtieffl 1 etc~ wnieh can be paseed on to the other people who c-0me into the office. In a ahol"t tim.i~ l.!l.IlY able mn should become t•acA.,;r e,xpert in Wo.ndliug the problem.a- conce1 ·ng one or m.ore types of ~ 1ness . distributed tQ a;ll tp.tereated p"3ll"f;lol'l.e.• t'' f1../. /(} The ir.i'tE!r\r1evr she.eta reveal that tna.:r:iy of trla p~ ]')le com; i~'tc the o~'.f:i.ce e.r'!~ pe:r'Sr.)OS daaipin.g t.o t\C~~tira the pli'opert.y of eveicueee . Th!Dli!e parsons a,r,) l>eihf{ told to ll:rooee il t.bxemgb r egul busineef.J and commet·ci.a.l che.nnal15 . '!'hu.s valuable oppc:>rturi i ·~;te~ f'o ev1.:1eueea 'to dispose of their p1•opei.·t y al'e being l ost . Tuuiledia·te eons.ide:rat:ion should bet given to establishing a li~ting proosd'l:u:"e wb.ell"eby M"f deai ·ing to bur propart.t of" ev-a.cuee.t:i and .any evae'Ct:een eai'ril'ijS to GGl.l prop.e1~ty may list such businasa Hes with the Evna ae Propert y- office , a cb list 'to be rnimeo~rapbed and µ "' / yr 1 u ,' / . , ~ l4, • ft .. • H th t wit• 11n1. r1 •d 41int _. 4 •1 d glad to ~Qn(•~ y you 8.!td h•lp cut 1n • ~ould b wa7 poum1bl.•. , r. J. f. i.; \ e 14 .be '.b• !nutr.e ted :hr bU1ins, "*P l!f'01'Je, dt' ~b• J p ntea• ntco'k r.;it nit u ·uta, Sa• eta' e•,&nt fl.:. i • .e , lla;rc h l.3,, TO: . F.HOM: .MR. ,M,EM:<Ofi~DUM 194~ .E\H.S'IROl~G e shoulu consider hb.vit1g "" li ttla stt1.m to ' note ou appropriate col.'re::i!JOUC.l.ence i tbe !act oi' .reference of the subJect m~tter, or ~n.rt 01' tne subject m'"'4.tter, to the l«.>rei.e:.u l:i'urius 0ontroJ.:. .Depc...1·tment, 11' the cox·responaence ix~coining 01· outgo in~) i~1 ~~ y way relates to that opera words, out· ..files should Pl'O,t>er!y re!lect ln o·tner I a clea rance i'rom t 'lat Ci.epa ttmen.t in a ,,5i ven case. A Cli'py of this le"t-te:r hae been referred to the Foreign Funds Control Dept . for in!ormstion and/or aetio'n• MB !'.RO¥~ !:R • S'f fiO »G eua.r e b en su · eat 111ty to obtain inau:r It h ot in prQp nd. 1 c~ t e.1• ine 'V'il ot t it is e. 1 r or \l.t'~d: a d etal~ded from n~ t it new • oover r y, t at before•• t ke erty e s hokld be in th d by powe~ the .~ on t ln thfll 11 Jap n oe~o ne4 ot ttorney. we l;>l"'OlJ~H·ty is 1r.t.eured, 1s ~t'J.pOs ible ~o . ~t ln&Ut'S ~<t:e,. 1 b1lity sup lem-0 t.a.1 1n.oiru.o t1ons. Orir-huu t'1led "Pow :r ot At or~e1~' ~rom sny auo 1 ilu 1 cop Ytork done for tbe 7reasury ruen should on m..1 Ullfold pap r (a nay be and on . oriei nal snd six carbons a4~ b e:ir.ed fJ'1"1T!" e C.on he file clerk} de-sired . ,I 14'!~~ llmLOE.All Dtl'll TO: JlROll: MR. aunm MR. ARMS RONG Please add t e !ollowing name to your iist of persons to whom general public in.formation will be sent: .. L. N,. E1·idge& Ca..nners League rj)t Cal1.f'Qmia. 64 Pine St:rei!t ,S an Fra.nci.sco, California,., Kl. AfillSTRONG We sh.ould hav~ a t:il• 1·or per80D.$, to publ;J:.e 1~1.fotmation should part1cu,lai"l'11 go, su~kl aa Mr~ Dave Davi49on Agr1cul tur~l iAdJ.u.~tment Admin1$tt-at1on 2288 Fulton Street Berkeley, California ·, Jil.r. N'e usta.dt or Mr~ Artnur ~iller Soc :Lal S·e Curi t·r Board Market Stre.e t San Fxumcisco, O'alifQrn1a 78~ State Bar of California 100 Bush Street San Francisco, Cal1forB1a Attached is a comm.un1cat1on tPc:>m t~ State Bar· Oal1$ornta along thos• lines. ot Jtr. 1'tlave :Vavidson .A&ricl,l.l tural. Ad3ustment J.dminis. 2~88 )1J,1 on Stre•t Berke1ey,. Califor~ia S•nd to Mr. Neustadt <oo aap1 e·a of' each of or the a bo"V'e·,. l'lr ~ A.r t.nur Miller ~ocial Se'(!'l .l;t'ity 7SS 'lla.rlttet Boatd Street Srf.4n· F.raneisco, C~liforni• , ·· FERERAI:.. RESERVE SANK OF S'A .N FRANCISC O· FlSf;;AL. AGE.NT 0,. THE UNITED $TA.TES .,. ?i1a.reb 10, 1942 PRgss RELEASE Lieutenant General J. L. DeWitt, commandin g general of the Western Defense Comma"Qd and Fourth Anny, annol'lnced today that th'! Fede.ral Reserve Ba:nk o! San Francisco. has beeµ ap~nted b a1!1dst Ja~nese and other evacuee1.1 situBcted within prohlbiWd or restricted m'llitaT;y areas in the disposition of their proper.ty. The Trea ury Departmen t and the mititary authorities have given broad powers to the bank to enable it to carry out the objeetjves of the program. Bank officials indicated that they are u'.Odertaking ~his prog.ram i.i,nder the direction of Genl?.ta.l DeWitt for th~ purpose of al!lsisting military authoritiel!I b1 clearing up the problem presented py thti war emergency. The F'ederal Reserve Bank, acting in conjunction with the commandin g general, plans to canyon the p..roject through the bank's extensive facilitielJ, as well as those of its branches in. Seattle, Portland, and Lo/.4 Angeles. The <ilbjective .o f thfJ p.rog;ram will be to bring about a fatr and just liquid~tion of that property which the evacllees cannot ~ke with them. The J;"'ed•1ra~ Reserve Bo.nk will establish other offices in the coastal n.reas in order that evacuees l'llay 1;eceLve impai1.ial coum1el tiind advice in their efforts to liquidate the~ property, as well as assistance in tne· eale or ~ther dispos.ition of their properly. These offices also will take strong measures to prot~ct the tivaeuee~ against u:n1.1crtlpulo1:&s l':reditors. GeMral DeWitt and Fede.ral Reserve officials .stated that the govemmen t d!>es not plan to take tttle to the property of the evacuees. On the· contrary, it i~ their intetttfo~1 to aid the eva.<!.uees in. a voluntttr,liquidation of their property at teasorui.ble prices azµi to protect them against indlviduals Who seek to take ad ut:ilge of theil' situation. If need be, officials $tat d, tht:i bank: will be prepued to take over tl~e coritrol of the property onde:r powers of attorney in order to protect the prop~rty interest of the evacuee. EvaA!uees will be encouraged to come in and discuss theit' problems rP-lntlng to the disp<:JsiW>n of their property. No one will be compelled to come in, but those desiring· tb.e bank's servieel.i will find competent ~nd impartial men prepared to aesi t th min their problems. Gen ral D Witt made clear that speed a:nd fairness ave the keynote11 of this progi·am and that expeditiou handling of tbe evacuee's property is es~ential because ot the urgency of the West Coast sltuatton. Officials stated that the Federal Reserve Bank will work in close cooperation with Federal, state, and local public agencies that may be called upon tor assistance in dealing 'Witl:l tbe prope,rty a evacuees during 1 the couue. of its liquid,a.tfon. Thee<! agencies have been or undoubte,(Uy will be called upolll by tbe tnilit~ry authorities to handle other aspects of the evacuation problem, such ais the tt'aMporta.t lon and the re~ettle m,ent ot n eva11uees and their reemployme,n t in new ai:'<lns. Bank.ii and other h1~tit1ltionJS in the various communitie s throughout tl1e West Coast area will be called upon to do their full part in bringing about a,n ord!:!rly and equitable d.isp(}siti<)J;I of the evacuee's property. Gen ral DeWitt stated that he had been requested by the Reserve Bank to Point out that Treasury Dt>,partrnent freezing regulations will ·n ot interf'ere with the program. This is particula,rll ' true in view o! the amendment to Genel'al License No. 68A being released by the Federal :Reserve Bauk. The General Lieeniae now permitM .Ja.,anese evaeuees. operating under such 1.iCEnse t(» dit1pose of their 'property without restriction. P'!:~ERAL RJ;SERVE BANK OF SAfiJ FRANCISC O I PlSGAL AGENT OP' THE UNITED STATlt9 ( ..,..-- f I • ~ 'I''·\ ' '- t t ' ' Ev~ .rr.ope,rty ~' ...... .. 1 '' ' Memo.r•nl•n•J.of Funct.Jons and Opekla l • of th.II! l!ltiicuee Properf.r Depari:meit& t:he Federal IJ~rv~ flank of Sall FtaltdM'O u Jl'iKal 'A.sent f>t tb.e 1.t"nl~~ ' Stai , aDd Sugge8tett' P~Un fC>t tboferl,~ion of Otlter Banbfn'.A~ 't nbitritlo. of E\'~ll'tiO. Pro~m. t at f 1 I f l l I ' I ' ' ~ ' r lff itl\ oper~Uons a.s F,f.s~l Agel)t of the United State1:1< ti'le F'~eral Reserv~ Bank oi San Fr1UJci11CO half ~e.tin'qelegat~ tn_~ duty of as1;1i~t42' J1,1it1an~s4, ~nnan ~nd IW.iJLn &liens a.lid persons ot lapane~ f.J!'~11,jcy evac~in~ .~Q.'11 the ¥S,1i~y ~e- wlUci:h hav~ b4}e~ <les~~JAA:d '1><l, H~q~ta .'ffeatem Deteme•Com.niand ad Pounh ~. Pre1ilti.o of 88li ,Fra~co~ CaJifenu~ ln ~~ ~mation No'. 1, ise~ trnthr liate GI Maroh 21 1942, IWl ._,rr~~ f.Qr' the '()l!OUleti.cri. preservatio n and·aguitable dtspoaition ot the pro~ holdingil 'o f such ~cneee. In 'Cllhi 1e>Pemtion, tbe Fedl!ral B~serv4' Bank of Sal) Fra.11clsco is sy~ject to' the generrd cU~~.:tl6ti hf the 'mtlitltry' authoHtie~. '1' ·~ r-·1 I /1 JI 1 t The following outline ot pracedure Wt.s bE.~n estf.lbJU:ib.eit f~ tb~ .1ufmi11is~,:p,~io~ of this I . l. The FederaJ. Beeeive Bank of .Sa.n Fr&D.cbcQ1will not take ~~e(fcsj911 9! i;>J'op~l,'ty oi Ji.Di ev~uee ..- ap alieJ'l pn.>~ cueto<lia~ bu.t will $erve Jarirely as~ advisor to the ev~ue.e,~n tlle ~t~,r; , . pt d~~Jti.o:o of hi" pro~rt;y, ·, , ., , 1 ~. AU,deit.l~B :with t'b~ 1 evacu~ \.,·u ~ o~ a pijrely volµnta.ry ~i11 And he wUi h~ve ·oomple e ' I h 1 I I j ,. .ffe~n} l~ . d1swsin,of i~pro~~Y· ,, , ' ,·, ~.. The eyacu,~~ ~ill . Pe encotJ.l'aged 1n hjs own int~res~ to makf# private arrange~~nts for, the~ v,oe1tion of h!S propetty by sale,1l '.'tse, b't' otlfor 'WProprfate m~ns by either: 6 1 ' ~ • •• (a) Independen t action df the evacu~e on h~ 'own accouJtt, or ri ~ .r.1.1 : 'tf ., (bJ 'l!fa·ough ·• n agent of th.e evaeu~·s own seleetfOtt. I r. h ., .fl. In the sel~tion of an aa-ent tlte Fedenl Re~hfe Bank of. San Francisco witl recommend ~e appointmen t by the evacuee ot irome person or instituth~n in which the 1 0yae~~ repo~s ooipfidence to represent his interests such as his bank, his atto,rney, or his real estate 5. If an evacuee is unable to otherwise arrange for the equitable disposal of his properly or for an agent acceptable to the evacuee to represeut him, the Federal Reserve Bank C.\f San Francl&co will give considerati on to accepting his pGwer of attorney. G. Each will be considered on its individual mfi!rits and di po11ed of on that buis. 7. ~11 advice and assistance possible wUi be provided the evaeu~ tiy the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, and it is expected that the- banks and others within the Areas involved who are approa.cb.ed by: evacuees for assistance will Hl<ewise extend. their full aselstanee and r.pope;ra~ tion to the end that the pUJ~t)Oae of th~ program will be completely serv~. It is recognized that the aasi•tance of the banks in the field will make for grea.ter speed in tbe e~eeution of the program. 8. The Federal ~serve Bank of San Francisco will endeavor to ~dv-ise and as1:1ist bank.sand others. whom t'h e evacuees select as th0ir agents in the performanc e <Yi. their agertcie . Obviously, it the banks and others witbin the ;Military .Areas who are 1.q;iproa,clled by evacuetes to act u agents will aeeept such agencles, the entire program will benefit. 9. From time to time the Federal Reserve Bank 01! Sa» Franc! co will dis1,5eminate s11ch infornia,.. tion and ln$truction s as wlll assist in the administrat ion of the plan. 10. Asslstanc>,.a will be provided by government al agencies•. ,both ll'~er11l and state~ in tl!.e adminSstra.tion of tht? evacuation plan, including those agencies handling aspects of tbe ~acuee f fj 4 1 [OV.EBJ problem. The e~acuees a·n d their ,,-ep.resentativt)S including their ag•mts should .8 "k thtr ,help of AlUch qenclee :fp·tr speciftc within fheir ttelda s11ch 1119 thmi~ arisfntr o~e ot ttie t..._t.. . 111e~$ of •J."Ol'ing, crops and other specialized problems. be 11. WhilE emphasis la placed on the liqW.datfon of the property holdiltl'B of the evacuee, he infarmed b;y the Federal Reeerve B~1nk of San F1anciaeo that he may retain ownership of Pf<>P.. erty !e:!t bt!hind if approp.riate arrangement• can be made ~or it11 protection and pre~atio~. 12. The p )),lf•m wiU ~ ~~ter.ed b,y1 the F~erl\l Jii~e &'1~ of Sa~, '"l'P,.c '"° t.h"'uarlt Its head ~ ~d. thi:pllJJl its brane~es. in ~ttht, WuhiJirto~ I Portland, Or~on · and lAM 1 wm .Anat.ei'.P, ~~ol'Jlfu; ~ 'we1i ,'14, •"1~~ o~h-f!f o~eis ~as· .m..~.r ~at~~lishe9 'in tt,.e ~ eas, for tho effideJJt turih~rance of its a.1m.1. The Federal 'Reserve 1'lllnk ot S11n Fh~nc~ hM t•tabli1bsd its Evacuee Property DeJ?&rtment in Sa.n Fr.ancisco, dallfhrnia~ at 600 Cali&fiifa t}-treet ill ,t hat cltF. , . , ~. It is mtend~ to und~e to forestall aetion by UIJSl!rQpulous e~~i~o~ which wou14 ~ minimize hta Jou@ to th~ Q:etrimenbl.f 'to the interest of the e~aeue~ and In all respects to < I gteaie8~ ~mble exten~ bi ct)tJneetiion with the ~f~position ~ hie property. ltl·lil ~tlt\ipa\id ~ ' tlwr.t tbt~ Wilt be uoOl'ilpUshed,. to a large ntent th"u1b. 111>peal t~ the P"editon. uut <Jf•fa · pip and the obvious n~aeit;y ·of complete cooperation I~ tJ\• ~U.~ of' Uae •v~ a.. tion pr..ogr!iim, Any caaes in wh.b:n a~ equitable 11~ttlf!i:ne,,t i" ~ot lijp'eed u.wn ~b~ld b~ ,, promptly brought ~o th~ ~~t1µ1.tion ot ~b~ Feder11-l ~eaerve ~i'nk of San FraneiBoo.1 Federal the l;>y provided 14. No conJp1dsion will be placed upon evaeueea to utilize the facilities • r. Re~erve knk o.f San Fianci1reo., but tht!Y ate invited to make 11ae o'f the-m·. Ban.k: 'l'be :foregojng are intended to set forth cemin basic principles which the li~ederal B&Betve acting in its capa@ity as F1fc&l Agent o:f the United States, feels to be imp0~t in Uie eftitlentr speed~ and proper 'execution. at it'$ 'duties. In the' CO'rid~ct of the ~'VacuaUOtWw ))Ian it IM"partjcularly d~1dred that the b.,_nk~ th:roughout the Avea~ will extend their full' coopedtiorr b1 the knbwledre tllat by wldespread assista.nee to the ev*1cuees the problem~ i'h~jdent to th~tr retriQval from 1the Areas S't11 ,be in<>pt, teadil;ir and. expeditio~ly solved. In their fulfillm~nt of tliett 11lace~ In 'tJ\la prowrarn, banks are req'U~ll~ tiQ give co~11l~er~tio~ to the ~r~e~ure M~ pri11ci'ple.s euumeJ'ated above. As th . program goes fo.rwai'd the Jfe~al ~~eiv~ ~nk Qf San, Franc~ pro~~ ·~l ~pmmnnlcafe to tti\\' banb additional suggestions artd outline" oi proeedl)J'e or C1banae.e .i n Pl.'~ll'e cal~~ted t<> Improve ita admin~tration of the ptogram and tQ provide pllbli~ circulation of clata clinct~. t:Qward 1tlr spet!dy accomplishm~nt. 4t ~e·n ~ion 1 1"11 $u'PJ$ots ,,:na:11 1 ea'l..' Po hlun. uil~OU;t' he attae d co:r;respon¢~1 ce ~ < ot a letter d ted ~ar-c .ll, 1942, ~r om Lawler, I" l.tx ~ ,t ~ll , Los. AJ.1 eles u.ttornies li!nQ tl'le x.tclo• das c:ribi:~ the .+ in, is 't'lf.:t'erre-~ l you 1;na.a µ,,ch &. lt a>J*l:HJ ...~., th ~ •om ~rev1o i ::i t :t' '1$&!l t1<Jn.s l.•·1.: gl':l.rd..1r.1g, t hte: "~11.l n.av h llov~~ ar So a~ t e at.te · of Ali tl Prope~t:r C atodian d, it 1:1 s eJl.b•· t u 1:i l&t 'il'.l rei) ;;tn~, t.h litt9r eserrve " t k o.t Snn l Jle r1n1ea be dv1 d. t ia t tnE Feder ie ·~ro rty ciaeo 1 not fj~in in t.ht1 cilprtc1. t.y o tie~ li$ l;·;taca.l Agent o.t t ne Uritec.i St.c\tef; C:US'tQd;t ,o'1 1r ;1.t, is cQt.\Oel!' rat fir that Wti' w d .'rata;nd t ,nr. t ti. e ' ea1o bt h&r:f 1r crted. e tu:b.lis ~ u iK t he Of·~')pet ty Cu.stodiKi.u b l). ~'.l. :t• 11 Leo :ii r , ·t 1.ilt u:rrt :Cic~ ot l":ivaer*eno y , na ~ ent , and,., 1 r:. Cro· le:; Ml!! been t'u.i.mt1.-4 ~ tl:l.1:J cuatodu:i;n. I~ nt11it,ot be well to ir ,c ta1:1.te tn t no c .t '!iee I ~ll ;vet been $Sti.b~is. h•d locall;y- •o t l."' as e know, b11 t t)1.a t w1ioult>tedl1 t r toi< ti-on aa ·~fo this w.att r wi l be .va1labJ.e th:r<0ug· t e P':t''tdSs in due t.h<t.1.t coLtr••· ~, El.10J" ~IDt'J'M TO M.a • ,_.....,,..,,.,,,._ ' IP. aonneetio.n w1 t:h. the requeis't a~ti~ed by ot M~. ~ve.rsc,u 11 'Mr. Mangels. that· thf.; w••te 11ap·e r of tlli e o:t't" iae be mai nte.:t ned in s.c oorda11oe lf'i th 1 bank p:rac ti ce and be stered along wi ~h bank: weste pape ·~. the ~ollo'W'ing arre.ngem.ent has be·eti R, e Mr. Menziee its ru~nis:hing U$ with sacks to b·e· . qsed by th1s 'bu1ld1)lg Jani tor. then be transpox-ted to the b~k The tJacks 'ff'ill ud turned over to Mr. Menzies ' custody for inspeotion Emd. .e tora,gl!) Ptl.l'J!H>&es. ....