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Portland. Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States Name :___________________________ ■_ (Print) Address: 'Q vS. \ / K (Street and Num b e r ) J Adult: A L S ^L ity)/ u <2^ Minor: Male: Female: Citizenship: Stats'! Date of last entry into United States Type of Business: Part n e r s h i p : P r o p rietorship: Corporation: ‘Individual: Handled b *Attach additional pages where necessary. ■ Valley Hotel f (Date) Telephone; Interview: Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States (Print) Address = / A d u l t : AMinor: ^ Male: (Street and Number) Female: Cit izenship: :ity (Suate) Date of last entry into United States: Operating under Treasury License now?: Type of Business: Partnership: Propr i e t o r s h i p : Corporation: Individual: Action taken:* Person L.tervie Address: Telephone Numbe r : a 1___________ ^ i f n L _______________ Valley Hotel Telephone: Interview: Name Fortland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal A"ent of the United States ________ Address Adult: ITinor: Jr'.sl e : Female: Citizenship: A j o (Street and Number) < 7 S' !ity) .ate Date of last entry into United States: Operating under Treasury License now?: Type of Business: Partnership: Propriet o r s h i p : Corporation: Individual: F e r s on 1 ,11 e r v iew * 7/? y s l sm : f r i * , Address: Telephone N umb e r : Principal property involved and scope of problem; A t a s • - W / 2 > ^ h y y # . /&<$ , Action taken: / i y ____ - -3- v 'Z- ' y j / / * ’ •** Bandied by; *Attach additional pages where necessary. cy, Valley Hotel Name r ' . (Date) Telephone: ***" Interview: BY T'lIIli .0 <tXL I lliJARTMiltN ‘i GOLDEN RULE REALTY / dm J. H. VAN METER, Realtor Resident Agent for Utah Home Fire Insurance Co. Standard Accident Insurance Co. Detroit, Michigan Branch Office 1709 N./E. 35th and Broadway Clones Noon Saturday GArfield 0066 Real Estate and Insurance 6224 N. E. Union Avenue Office Hours: 8 to 5 Saturday: 8 to 1 Atty f&r thes6 Offices . M. B .^ s M c H A N L J t e U t e C MUrdock 6004 BB«rcon'2174 M A Y X2/4S 194 D1HECTED Li>' THia MA1X. DlfiFAJft'i'MilUiX' i^ajiKAL RESERVE BANK TO MR PORTER BLDG. All Payments Due At Above Offices mt. Cli. DEAR SIR: WE ARE IH RECEIPT OP A LETTER PROM THE OREGON TRANSFER COUP ANY STATING A KEY FOR RESIDENCE 1521 S.E.ASH ST .WAS TURNED IN TO YOUR BANK. THIS RESIDENCE WAS FORMALLY OCCUPIED BY R O Y YOREZANE A JAPANESE EVACUEE AND FAMILY. AS I AM HANDLING THIS PROPERTY WOULD LIKE TO GET THE KEY.THANKING YOU TO PLEASE MAIL THE KEY TO J.H.VAN METER 6224 H.E.UNION AVE. PORTLAND,OREGON. THIS PROPERTY FORMALLY OWNED BY EDWARD WRICHT OF BLACKFOO IDAHO. AND BEING TRANSFERRED AT THE PRESENT TIME TO PEARL SHEPARD OF GOLDENDALE,WASHINGTON. Guard Your Credit As It Is Your Best Asset _____ A nmerad Insd, by Routine Advice I No Answer Required FILE ONLY WHEN SIG PORJlAHD BRANCH Evacuee Property Department June 4, 1942 Mr* George G. Van Natta, Attorney at law, Veazie-Gray Building, St, Helens, Oregon. Dear Mr. Van Natta: Receipt is acknowledged of your letter dated June 2, 1942 regarding the estate of rune H. ?Tanda deceased. ith. reference to the second paragraph of your letter, may we state that at the tire Cakuno Xanda was evacuated she was received at the arti e Civil Control Administration Assembly Center, North Portland, Oregon, and we are informed that she is still there. Since the chattels referred to in your letter have not been taken over by and are not under the control of the Government, it is possible that you may desire to get in touch with J'orris Goldstein of the firm of Goldstein, Galt on and Galt on, 814-16 Yeon Building, Port land, Oregon who, we understand, is the attorney for the estate. 7/e know of no reason why your client should not avail himself of any legal remedy which may be open to him. S. a * Mac' aeiron, Assistant Manager. ■ DIRECTED B Y TEE MAIL, DEtJAAXi*Utj^ G e o r g e G. V a n N a t t a DIRECTED B' A T T O R N E Y AT LAW V E A Z IE -G R A Y B U IL D IN G S t . H e l e n s . O regon TO MR, June 2, 1942 Federal Reserve Bank Portland, Oregon Dear Sirs: Re: Estate of June H. Kanda, deceased The Estate of June H. Kanda, deceased is being probated in tbe County Court of Clatsop County, Oregon. Ka.nda, a Japanese National,died as a result of an automobile accident last year. One of his principal heirs is his widow, Sakuno Kanda, who is presumably in a concentration camp some where. I represent Arthur M. Silva, who holds a chattel mortgage against a batch of laundry and dry cleaning machinery. The amount due on the mortgage is in the neighborhood of $1500.00. The mortgage was delinquent before Pearl^Harbor and delinquency still exists. So far as we know most of the chattels covered by the mortgage, which can be located at all, are in Vernonia, Clatskanie and Westport and they are not receiving care or attention such as would be required to protect our security. My client wishes to foreclose his mortgage by means of suit in equity in State Courts but I have been advised that the property of all Japanese Nationals is under your protection and control and that we are without remedy for the duration. Please advise. Yours very truly GV/HS ■Answered Ansd. by Routine Advie0 No. Answer Required Portland. Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States < A J Name Adult: v Minor: Male: ^ Female: Git izenshir: Address: (Street and Number) _________ L. (City (Goats) Date of last entry into United States: Operating under Treasury License now?: Type of Business: Partnership: Propriet o r s h i p : Corporation: Individual: Person Interviewed: Address: Telephone Numbe r : Principal property involved and scope of problem: q /JL u u / % o o 0; Action taken:* *Attach additional pages where necessary* Vemonia-Seaside Laundry & Cleaner Co (bat^f) Telephone: Interview: Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Victoria Hotel Operating under Treasury License now?: Type of business: Part n e r s h i p : Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Person Interviewed: a S r 's * J. £ ? ■F cA ( t i f f rv Address:________________________________________ Telephone Nuiriber:______________________________ Principal property involved and scope of problem: .# 4 * 40164*. jP&*U4!4*4, Q 4 * y £ * * y # /y n , < & ^ > s4***+ * < * * t* + y * + jr \ ^ 4 0 4 f ^ * ' . / r <> . y Action taken:* Handled by: is^aasss *Attach additional pages where necessary, Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States .../ / / , t <^7~~g> /? / /? S i— (Print) Aadress :ity) / r-i Adult: Minor: £1.Z (Street and Number) ___ c Male: Female: Citizenship / C ' •^ oat e ) Date of last entry into United States; Operating under Treasury License now?: Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship Corporation: Individual: Person Interviewed Address: __________ -f--* Telephone N u m b e r : Principal property involved and scope of problem: s -p & s -r v n Zip /S " /? _ Action taken:* Handled bv ^Attach additional pages where necessary y Victoria Hotel Name £_ (Dat Telephone: Interview: Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States _ T ___ /c A / r\ 7 & (Date) Telephone: Interview: o c+ (Print Address: ______________________________________ (Street and Number) ;ity J H* Adult: Liner: PO at e ) Date of last entry into United States: Operating under Tressurv License now?: Type of Business: Partnership: Propriet o r s h i p : Corporation: Individual: F erson I,tt;erviewed: n J IM - i t } Ad iress: Telephone Number: _________________ Principal property involved and scope of problem: 4c, j 2- r* Action taken:* *Attach additional pages where necessary O q Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal A g e n t of the United States YjI C s (pri'nt"j j j l CjLt^ * >idult: hi n o r : Male: Fern: l e : Citizenship: A a d r e s s :____________ (Street and Number f (City) Victoria Hotel Name: (Date) Telephone: Interview: £/ (State) ' Si. bate of last entry into United States: Operating under Tr-ensury License now?: Type of Business: Partnership: Propriet o r s ! i p : Corporation: Individual: F & TQ 01 I n t e r v i e w e d : __________________ ___________ _ Addres s : ____________________________________________________ Telephone Number: *-■* i Principal property involved and scope of problem: e -I *Attach additional pages where necessary ~i - Name »- ]/ > * & . X Lp Villa House Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States Telephone: Interview: u s * (Print) ndult: Minor: Male: Female: *•" Citizenship: Address (Street an d N umb er : .City, 4 eta) Date of last entry into United States: Operating under Treasury License now?: Type of Business: Partnership: P r o prietorship: Corporation: Individual: Person I ih rvi - ■ Address: fJ*/ Telephone Number ~zL Principal property involved and scope of problem: 2 (&!%/* v a o t t . ^ ?L /S^^. * r /vo V v' ' h //(e -if y -v— .. 3 r -Y ^ ~ X <M ^/ 1 ^ * 4 (. f <l t *( t j / 4*yt J '"v^l Vl. - tA*i**\ C< 4 w*. U r e*f*t ^ @ ^ . Auviuii OCLA.CU; ' M\ A> 1[_. in.— ^O / ^ r*x v J f i v v <•// ^ >_ l O /h < ^ r * c ir * ' 4d e J Vv /U r ? ? ^ ^ Wvv^t , Handled bv: ^Attach additional pages where necessary* ^ ,' j A « ^ Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States 6 (Dufe) A /V > Telephone: Interview: u r Name (Print) Address: / 3 ? eT ~ c £ V . / s- ’ (Street a n 5 . Number) A u Adult: Minor: s Male: Female: / y ^ (City) Citizenship #&te Date of last entry into United States: Operating under Teeasur; Type of Business: Partnership: Propriet o r s h i p : Corporation: Individual: . License n o w ? : Person I„tervieue.ij2 > ^ - U Address: S - Telephone Numbe r : Principal property involved and scope of problem: Handle *Attach additional pages where necessary V / __________ Portland Branch Federal Reserve 3ank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States Name: 'yUdzE. /j jif / ^ (Print) Adult: I'inor: Address (Street ant Number) /i /'t I * - \ . / r y _____ (City) Male: Female: Citizenship: State Date of last entry into United States: Operating under Treasury License now?: Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship Corporation: Individual: Person Interviewed Address: Telephone Number: Principal property involved and scope of problem: / j / Action taken:* Handlad by *Attach additional pages where necessary* ^ Villa House ze) Telephone: Interview: Portland. Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States Villa House Telephone: Interview: y* Adult: Minor: Male: Female: Citizenship: Date of last entry into United States: Operating under Treasury License now? : Type of Business: Partnership: p r o prietorship: Corporation: Individual: Person Interviewed^ l / / £ S U * U Address: Telerhone Number ____________ Principal property involved and scope of problem: 3L M K 4 4 Action taken:* Handled *Attach additional pages where necessary PORTLAND 3RA.XJH Evacuee Property Department April 1, 1042 Mr. Dean Vincent, Dean Vincent, Inc.# 315 i 4 4th Avenue, Portland, Oregon. Dear Mr. Vincents In view of the necessity for quick action in matters pertaining to the evacuation of Jepanese aliens and others of Japanese descent, we suggest that you check all properties coning under your supervision which are occupied by Japanese, either as renters, lessors or ownora. Proper disposition should be made of their businesses prior to the final evacuation order being issued. In many instances, these arrangements rill involve considerable detail n i take tine to settlo. This office stands ready to assist in any way we can in order to avoid the many complications that will develop should abandonment be forced on the evacuee, due to tii« and lack of foresight. a urge your cooperation. Very truly yours