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P0RTL1J; B R U C E Evacueo ' roperty Department March. 20, 1942 Mrs, ¥era MoCord, Representative of the Bureau of Public Assistance, Federal Security Agency, Portland, Oregon, Dear Madam: We are enclosing for your attention copy of letter dated March 16, 1942 from Miss Alberta Hall to the Federal Reserve Bank, San Francisco, ’alifornia, April 1, 1942 M r. E. E» MoKeea, Brice Healty Co*, 304 S, * 6th .venue, P or11and, Grogon. Dear Hr, McKean: In view of tha necessity for quick action In matters pertaining to the evacuation of Japanese aliens nc others of Tr anese de o n t , we suggest that you check all properties coming under your supervision which are Occupied by Japanese, either as renters, lessors or owners. Proper disposition should be made of their businesses prior to the final evacuation order being Issued, In many instances, these arrangements will involve considerable detail and take time to settle, This office st nds ready to assist in any way we can in order to avoid tuG many complications that will devoloo should abandonment be forced on the evacuee, due to time and lack of foresight. We urge your cooperation. Managing Director Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States M tied Address I nk /J ¥ ' JZ, (Street and Number) t^ Adult: Minor: Male: ft Female: Citizenship :ity) (S tat e Date of last entry into United States; Operating under T r*easury License now?: T?pe of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Person Interviewed: Address: Telephone Number :________________ ________________________________________ _ Principal property involved and scope of problem 1 !9 y A M r . j , a. W i ; H/- A ? t ^ & 0 0 Action taken:* *Attach additional pages where necessary. Frank Maeda Name (Date. Telephone; Interview; Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States [Date) Telephone: Interview: -Aar--? - Geo, Maeda Name : UZ (Print) C~*S AA Address //7 Street et and Number) Numb ( 3 ' r Y~ TCity Adult: ^ ~><L.*e>. Minor: Male: i Female: Citizenship: /) ate) Date of last e n t m into United States: Operating under Treasury License now?: Type of Busi ne s s : Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Person Interviewed: ■2 Address: Telephone Number: Principal property involved and scope of problem: i’4f* Action taken:* Handled bv *Attach additional pages where necessary. ^2^ / Federal Heserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States > % (Date) Telephone: Interview: ^ Name Address : ' (street and Number) O (City) •' Minor: Male: Female: Citizenshij , . (State % /Urt ./> Date of last entry into United States; Operating under Treasury License now?: Type of Business; Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Person Interviewed; Address: Telephone Number: Principal property involved and scope of problem; ~ •V Action taken ^Attach additional pages where necessary. ~t<h ■* George I'aeda s- A r t Magas a k a ¥V {jU p t /L ds* 0^ 4-yk^ iC aPte-r+ ^U L /A t^ -. **• A fM * tU — —&*— -C^L--*'“X? " -’ ^ (J ~Z£- A / t L ^ > j t ^ ^ J\fPt<Lt ^ y o'j /] "yy^i^L-p /~ mP -$ - ~¥i^*x o yb L> * * + * -* . “ £ / ' - - * ■ ' * * / ^ P L z m s U M / ( ^ S jL*#-***^-* ' ■ ' -------------------- - " ^ m X>- iA— *o^ &~~~ < /" *s^~ fi't- »>t #r? i ( 3 ^ ~ ...... <£^G -<9-^ . H L * ~ ^ * * . . Magnolia Ipts. Fortland Branch Operating under Treasury License now?: T ype of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Person Interviewed: Ad J re s s : Telephone Number: Principal property involved and scope of problem: /? r A u ✓<"<>.■<* t9* / ? 7-l Handled bv: *Attach additional pages where necessary. ~ t / '> Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States Name • 'SI 's- e )ate ) Telephone: Interview: (Print Adult: ^ Address - 1 ____________________ __ (Street and Number) t y t Minor: Male: *— ■" Female: Citizenship (State) Date of last entry into United id States: Operating under Treasury License now?: Type of business: Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Principal property involved and scope of problem: ,r Action taken:* *Attach additional pages where necessary* 2 Magnolia Apts J , . ypyfl f r f .................... i n, , Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal A^ent Agent of the United States iiscai V? S infill------------— t /* i-3 Name Miura (Date) Telephone: Interview: / (Print) Adult: Minor: Male: * Female: Citizenship: -*r /<%./ Address: (Street and Number ' j> ^ (City) (Suatef 1 Date of last entry into United States O ?o Operating under Treasury License now?: Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship Corporation: Individual: Person Inte rvi ewed: Address: Telephone Mlimber : Principal property involved and scope of problem: u Action taken:* -it *V >C . />~o ■' A.C v--' Handled by: *Attach additional pages where necessary Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States / **) */ y • Address f Vl 1 t l d < Z *y& f r \/ £ W (Print) T n, Adult: Minor: Male: Fernsle: Citizenship; / / Q - ^ -V. $<,. (Street and Numb er) <? i(City) i oat a Date of last entity into United States: Operating under Treasury License now?: Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Person Interviewed: Address; ________ Te1ephone Number: Handled by : *Attach additional pages where necessary. Main Jewelry Co. Name "“'(Date) Telephone: Interview: Lain Jewelry Co Portland. Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States A .Date* Telephone: Interview: Adult: Idrier: Male: Female: City) Citizenship •_______ ( .ate Date of last entry into United States:__ Operating under Treasury License now?:___ Type of Busi nes s : Partnership: Proprietorship Corporation: Individual: Person Intarviewed: / t / A l / / ? c £ ^ * / C / t V ' Address: A? V- Telephone Namte r : Principal property involved and scope of problem: r Action taken:* *Attach additional pages where necessary v V? J. Makita (See GreenGrocery) Geo Makino Action taken:* f~) non-led by: *Attach additional pages where necessary Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States Female: Cit izenship *Attach additional pages where necessary George Iviakino ITinor: M a l e : < & Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States Name — — ^*76 (Date) Telephone: Interview: George Makino v (Print) Adult: Aadress:___< * ?/■?. (Street and Number) linor: Male: Female: . (2ru (City) S Citizenship 2 0 •t:) Date of last entry into United States: Operating under T reasury License now?: Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Person Interviewed: Address: Telephone N umber: principal property involved and scope of problem: Action taken:* Handled bv *Attach additional pages where necessary. __ ______ Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States Name: -W- (Date) Telephone: Interview: v -------(Print) A d d r e s s _ _______________ ___________________ (Street and Number] (City) _______ [Soats) Date of last entry into United States: Operating under Treasury License now?: T?/pe of Business: partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Person Interviewed: Address: Telephone Number: Principal property involved and scope of problem: Action taken:* Adult: Minor: Male: ^ Female: Citizenship: - T. George J tikino (See Evergreen 3a sh Grocery) jr federal Deserve Bank of Ban Francisco Portland, Oregon nvacuee Property Department attention Ur. MacBachron Bear Ur. MacBachron: I want to thank you for your letter of June 12 regarding Japanese dictionaries and grammars. It was very kind of you to make the inquiries wiaich you did. When i wrote I merely had in mind a check of your records and hid not intend to put you to such extensive work as you undertook. Very *truly y o u r s , Douglas l^anke c/o Farallone Packing Company Pier 92 Ban Francisco, California %tiM4 Advk* Rtquired June 6 , 1942 AIRMAIL iilien Ponds Control Office Portland, Oregon Dear Sirs: Goold you put me in contact with the purchasers or present holders of the stocks of Japanese book stores? I am trying to find supplies of Japanese dic tionaries and grammers, which are important now in view of the greatly increased study of the language especially by the armed services. Some Japanese book stores, I understand, had been sold to citizens by their owners prior to evacuation, while others may still be in possession of the Japanese. If there is any provision in the control laws which would permit negotiation for the latter stocks, I would appreciate your advice. In case this is a matter which your office does not handle, would you kindly let me know to whom I should write. Sincerely yours Douglas 2. Manke 275 Park View Terrace Oakland, California Ansa. .*>■ Rtniin* Advk* JV5f An* war Required — ‘ PORTLAND B R U C H evacuee property Depart meat June 12, 1942 Pr, Dcuglas s, Manke, 275 Park View Terrace, Oakland, California, Dear Mr, ..anke: This will respond to your letter of June 6, 1942 in which you make inquiry concerning the possibility of finding a supply of Japanese dictionaries and grammars, e have had cur representative contact two or three well known Japanese at the Assembly Center in North Portland and through them have made extensive inquiries concerning the possibility of finding aictionaries and grammars, te also had our representative contact the present o ner of Teikoku Coti5 >any a general merchandise store formerly owned by Japanese but recently sold to a Jewish purchaser. At one time they had several dictionaries but we are informed that none is now available, e have located no grammars. he regret we cannot give you more encouragement but feel that neither dictionaries nor grammars can be found in this vicinity. Very truly yours, CM'.VH Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States X — _____________ (Date; Telephone: Interview: :Adult: ffiner: Male: ^ Fern; le: Citizenship ;•M e Date of last entry into United States: (Derating under Treasury License now? : Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Person Interviewed: :____________ '________ Address: Telephone Number: Handled by; *Attach additional pages where necessary. Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States V 4 (Date) Telephone: Interview : X " T M ^ '.c k A (Print) # Adult: >C Minor: Male: X Female: Citizenship: _____________ . Address: ________ _ __________ — ---------- ^ . (Street and Number) ^ (City) '-/Z (State) Date of last entry into United States; t Operating under Treasury License now?: Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual; X' Person Interviewed: Address • — ,— — ■*— •— i f -------------------------- --— ^ <55* ~7 ~ - — Telephone Number: property invoxveu. involved and scope of problem: Principal properly anu f-upc F f CjJ s *u iolm / '& C f ^ Action taken:* ^Attach additional pages where necessary, * f ? 4. i € t ^ ----------------- - Harry T. Marioka Name: 4 - / t ? - H A ;t U j 7/\ & • JK,sl/XsfriLju- f t p j f - T /f i ~ ~ a m J J bo-Q *~&L. 3 q l / tf t/ 7 cd' j o O A (gJ-CttV i^uZ^iL Jt0 M^sr & U Ji r l 1 5 5 3 (H) J /V r/>/o¥ {fflJL I i V'f'-f2~J(^Q 0'H • '>40 0 $ aJl~ybo o ^ 1 M .I - > / - > t o 6s/i <X ^ £ u c *,W l t*3to7L — 2 0 3 'W-6-fiei, >/~-*— r % u^Z^ /& fr -_ M < I h y A , iffbLeral Reserve Bank of San Francisco lFiscal Agent of the United States y" Adult: ^ Finer: Male: Female: Citizenship: Date of last entry into United States: Operating under Treasury License now?: Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship Corporation: Individual: -*V/ I arson. Interviewed: - '-, Address: ________ Telephone Number: s i ^ 7 Handled by • *Attach additional pages where necessary. p /e Marion Hotel Telephone: Interview: 539 South Ivy St. Medford, Oregon ...arch 28, 1942 Federal Reserve Bank Portland, Oregon Attention: Wartime Civil Control Administration Rear Sirs: Will you please advise us to whom we should see £.bout disposal of properties, and other important matters pertaining to evacuation. a s there is no WCCA office in liedford, we are unable to get much information , and are at a loss as to what to do. in case there is a mortgage on the propertv, and we are evacuated , and are unable to keep np payments on the mortgage, are we liable to lose the property through foreclosure? I would appreciate your advice, and any information you may have concerning Japanese evacuation. Thank you very much. Y Enclosure: Trp>T*Tr t.rnhr Stamps for reply via air mail. % -w. * outh A Name r o a ~ R (Print.) q. ^ S -LLJr\ U>Tcft n ,» C /> *) / y. V (Date Telephone: In terv iew : (Street end Number) Type of Bus ine s s : Partnership: proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Ferson I,tterviewed: Address: Telephone Numbe r : Action taken:* *Attach additional pages where necessary Mama’s Restaurant Adult: [,Tinor: Male: Aadress *— Portland. Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States ■S Mama’s Cafe (Dote Telephone: Interview: Adult: Ia nor: Male: Fem: le: Citizenship: Date of last entry into United States: Operating under Treasury License now?: Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Person I*,terviewed __ ____________________ __ Address: / j "XTelephone Number: Principal property involved and scope of problem: Action taken:* Handled by: *Attach additional pages where necessary L z m h i-y f / Portland. Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States q ! (DateT Telephone: Interview: 'f Adult: Minor: Male: Female: Citizenship: Date of last entry into United States; Operating under Treasury License Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: now'? : Person Interviewed 2 _______Z L _ Address: T? 7 _--- n.* Telephone Number:___ Principal property involved and scope of problem: Action taken:* Handled by *Attach additional pages where necessary f 0 Vi PORTLAND BRANCH Evacuee Property Department March 30, 1942 Miss Teruko Maruyama, 539 South Ivy S t•, Medford, Orecon. Dear Miss Maruyama: Reference is made to your inquiry of March 28, 1942 covering the disposal of properties and other matters pertaining to evacuation. Since your letter gives us no detail as to the property problems with which you are faced, we are unable to give you any definite advice. The only specific question you ask is regarding the status of mortgages on property owned by a person subject to evacuation orders. In a case of this kind it w ill be necessary for you to make some arrangements with the mortgage holder looking towards protecting your equity in the properties during the evacuation period. Possibly the amount s t i l l owing can be refinanced on a basis requiring no payment other than interest or taxes during the period. Perhaps the present mortgage holder would make such, an arrangement with you. The p ossib ility of renting or leasing the pro perty for sufficient income to take earo of the mortgage payments should not be overlooked. No information has been received by us up to the present time which indicates that any governmental agency w ill be empowered to make payments on debts of th is char acter as they become due and we have no reason to believe that such an arrangement w ill be made in the future, 've strongly urge therefore, that you use every effort to arrange the debt so that your equity in the property w ill be protected. Incidentally possibly you might receive some additional help through a discussion of your problems with the U. S. Employment Agency branch in Medford. services can be helpful. Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States Name: Address : / / > C?- Maryland Hotel [Date, Telephone: Interview: Adult: fc"'" Minor: Male: Female: Citizenship: f {Street and Number) & > 2 Z _ S (City) Date of last entry into United States; Operating under Treasury License now?: Type of Busi nes s : Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Person I •*tsmel5e 1 Address: Telephone Number: Principal property involved and scope of problem: *Attach additional pages where necessary. A 1 ^ 7 3 a A- l / X / j ____ t * Fortland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States Maryland Hotel 1 (Da-fee) Telephone: Interview: Adult :*" Minor: Male: Female: Citizenship: A (Street and Number} :it.y) (Soate) Date of last entry into United States; Operating under Treasury License now?: Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship Corporation: Individual: Person I n t e r v i e w e d U 'BiJ Addre ss : _____________________ _____ _ Telephone N umb er :, T~; s / $ ' y ? _________ ~q f f * O 9 Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States Maryland Hotel (Date) Telephone: Interview: Adult: ‘/ Minor: Male: Female: Cit izenshin: Date of last entry into United States Operating under Treasury License now? ,/f Person Interviewe d^ - Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: u S e t Address: Telephone Number: ■' - ? M O P Principal property involved and scope of problem: Von •^ Action taken Handled by ^ 7 Si€&*e**~~y* Cm-*Attach additional pages where necessary. \ Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States Name: / \(Datef Telephone: Interview: _____ (Print) Address = v - t ? ______ — ■ Adult: Minor: Male: Female: Citizenship: \ ~3 (Street and Number) m (City) (State) Date of last entry into United States: Operating under Treasury License now?: Type of business: Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Person Interviewed: Address: Telephone Numb er: Principal property involved and scope of problem: ***** V Handled by: '7,*ssf* ♦Attach additional pages where necessary, Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States Address: y p (Print) 1 - M A t/. B (Street and Number) - 7-------------------(City) /f Mary’s Cafe y Name (Date) Telephone; Interview: Adult: ITinor; Male: Female: Citizenship; ____ (State Date of last entry into United States; Operating under Treasury License now?; Type of Business: Partnership: P ropri etorship Corporation: Individual: w rv F suiscr; = )an\o S m ^ ■A t -Wo Address: Telephone Numb er : Principal property involved and scope of problem: l o/_ Vr) W %*/ "a*'-! Action taken:* Handlea bv *Attach additional pages where necessary. Portland Branch lederal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States y: *- Y Name: n (Print) * Address: ~ ~ Q j t j i on, £ (street and Number' * P Z Z U -J “ (City) Adult A liinor: Male: Female: Citizenship; ' Nate of last entry into United States; Operating under Treasury License now? : Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Person L Address: — 1 Telephone Number : Action taken:* Handled by; ‘Attach additional pages where necessary. 0^ ? Mary Cafe (E;»te) Telephone: Interview: nV *_ f Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisho Fiscal Agent of the United States 1$^ it- .u» Adult: Minor: Male: Female: Citizenship: Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: 'tf/tffi 7~o Address Telephone Number: Action taken:* *Attach additional pages where necessary. Mason Hotel (Date, Telephone: Interview: Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States Name = Address: ' Interview: ;___ :______ L _ . fprint) 3*1 • £ - //lert' i Xd (Street anI Number) (State -ity) Bate of last entry into United States: Operating under Treasury License now?: Parson Interviewed: Type of Business: partnership: proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Address: _________ Telephone Numbe r : Principal property involved and scope of problem: T tfajs ^ ' * ‘Attach additional pages where necessary. . Adult: Minor: Male: Ferns,le: Citizenship o K* O+ c O Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States -h i M Name r ai II £ m fa (D Telephone: Interview: ia (Print) Address : t\~t l - 3 Adult: Mnor: Male: Female: Citizenship: o *r ((Street P » AA+- and V-».3 "Number) NTV■»VO “VO^ —c>*~LJ,4a (it . (D~*'«. hty, -ate) r\ Date of last entry into United States: Operating under Treasury License now?: Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship Corporation: Individual: Person Interviewed: Address: Telephone Numbe r : Principal property involved and scope of problem: - V trt^ _ t/-~ <5^ ^ v- v.■ 0 £cr*?U v ^ $__ nTsT V r? 1' 1 <! J U ^ ^ L u ^ J o ^ -o, >15^ / ^ WXv M ^85jn< W X > r . Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States Name : / / Qf d U Address: (Date) Telephone: Interview: U ‘(Print Tj t - I 1 3 o x Street and- Numher} •—7—' / !ity) -f- f KQUl £?/ Adult: I'inor: Male: | Q( j iSuste) Date of last entry into United States: Operating under Treasury License now?: Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship Corporation: Individual: person Interviewed: Address: Telephone Number: Action taken:* Handle: *Attach additional pages where necessary - / y v Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco ' Fiscal Agent of the United States ■ - A M * . izLih.L L (Print) Address: __ -__________ ___________ (Stree-,t and. Number) " JjlfL lu L d 4 (City) /•---------\___ (State)/ Date of last entry into United States: Operating under Treasury License now?: Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Person Interviewed: Address: Telephone Number: Principal property Involved and scope of problem: / 1 i -"-Attach additional pages where necessary. Adult: Minor: Male: Female: Citizenship: Fat subu Name _ .f _C____ (Date) Telephone: Interview: Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States vS Aadress: / i ^ a Ao\ c A t (Print) c? 7s _____ ^ N .yy,^ _ _ _ _ _ (City) / (Date) Telephone Interview 4v« 'Street and Number) Adult: Minor: Male: Female: Cit izenship: at e Date of last entry into United States: Operating under Treasury License now?: Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: person. Interviewed: Address: _________ Telephone Number: Action taken:* Handled by : *Attaeh additional pages where necessary / V'' Shighachi Matsubu Name: / ■ F E D E R A L R E S E R V E BA N K O F SA N F R A N C IS C O fTO MR. fc.KKLL> iiV i*“ H E A D O F F IC E PORTLAND BRANCH Evacuee Property Department - K* Matsui lour letter of October 10, 1942 by KK. L>AVfc% 4 a l TA'vJL* TO MR----- date October 12, 1942 It w ill not be necessary at this time to make further inquiry as to the above named evacuee. Should i t become desirable at some future time to address any of the banks in Klamath Falls in this connection, we w ill of course, advise you. ............ Answered .....■...^...Ansd. by Routine Advice .... \./...No Answer Required F ile o n ly w h e n s ig n e d LH 1A (6-38) 23M 3-41 (11232) " Octal>:: r 13, V M S 3FFIGE VCiOUOO SOrO G I*ty b o ZV/li ■-* j li* *•* lo U i. llcrercnco it a 3c to your letter of October 3, 19/*2, re jae&tlng uu to supply you adfch ay iafoKo-bioQ v*e a y h.tvo in our* rujurdiag the i st«. Be ten £ ns • Dm rile end flu............. not a o a t io n e d t h e r e i n . i.e lx..vt h. u ao coat. ct site Liu nor _o ae h .ve any iafoiaaotloa regurcinj bio yroperty. Perttve ax ioouiiy a*iur:oo©a to one of the F U o b j&x aij;t briay oooc reunite -Jk, „o oh. II bo yleoaeu to .-lake ouch fwtiho? in *aixy I: ou oiusa to i- vo Uv cj u)# we are enclosing a copy of a letter addressed to us by the above-named internee under date of October 5, 1942 from Lordsburg Internment Camp. Lordsburg, New Mexico. Inasmuch as reference is made in his communi cation to property situated in Klamath F alls, we are wondering whether your file s would contain any informa tion regarding th is person or the transaction he refers to. Kindly give us your advice promptly, in order that we may submit the matter to the War Relocation Authority, within whose jurisdiction we believe it should fa ll. We are forwarding a copy of the letter to our Los Angeles Branch along with a similar request. o' .. ■-so .a ~ : Ol -*TO Q A 1 H uj G'cjE* l-'.- SJJ-. . £ -'ll■ .■' ;fc-k ,--371#C\. 9»;-t ... 2 * t: .0" ?iv-. .< • -•* . ... >: < i * f; 2 : >£;!€' . .?>■ ;; .3, .. c i -jh . ' . ■■ bA •. ,■ . ,j- .A.. a. c c p Y Matsui,Kitinosuke ISN-23-4-J-741-C1, Comp. 3-Co-12-B-6, Lordsburg Internment Camp Lordsburg, New Mexico. Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. Gentleman: Will you please to handling of the transaction, property to sale for me. My name is Kitinosuke Matsui, (Alien Registration Number 1993589). I had promise to sale farm-land at Klamath County, Klamath F alls, Oregon. Description of property, Sec. 12, TWN. 39, range 8, SW 1/4 NE 1/4, 40 acre. I sold to Mr. Charles M. Ohles and Amy Edith Ohles. Will you please to make deed out to above name, and Five hundred dollars cash to collect the money for me. I had deed of property, I le ft lodginghouse Rt. 1 Box 161, Buena Park, California, it might be lost with other things. Yours truly (Signed) K. Matsui Oct. 5, 1942. . tl -14V-W-CS-. - . .-ubO J.lvri:- ' Stl i -t :v l ' . oDaxonsil as. :Si.#090 1 - Ti -rltasd ol ,i^ v . i . i.4i • ex M - i 1 i/o^ .VT 'JO'1 ‘ £ sb oJ r: , u '?1 aedatrJ! «oii«*icraIs9ri neXIA) .K-.91.) tjBj>XI tvdm>0 iteidtiA Ja hnsi-w-s*i sic* t8 e g n si .WIT tSI , - iqoiq lo ^ oxiq i'iossd eelriO .M aelisriO . tM oef fcloa I ,« i m 04 ,4\1 :-i; • 11.1 X' >o 3,- -S fllg b o i eft e l I .0 lob \\x ,e . ? XL 6 . i. I . >d£ Qj tX^ioqo'xq lo besb b a d I .e a i o l ^?nom add * a/.iiiiti i M I o djb.. 3 ... ■ r- • PORTLAND BRANCH ivactiee Proporty Department June 4, 1942 Family Number 20056 :.:r„ Fred K, ?/>.tauraga, 'ar Relocation Authority, Tulelake Project, Tulelake, California, Dear Sir: At the time our representative talked with you at v iv il control station in Longview, W&saington, you apparently indicated to him that you would have no storage to be handled by the uovernraen*• iOu, no doubt, have changed your decision as the Transfer Co ipany delivered to who warehouse the five articles listed on the enoloaed personal property form, such articles bearing tags with your family number and name. the In order that we may maintain proper records, please sign the three enclosed on the "signature of owner" line and return all three of such copies to us in the enclosed envalope as soon as possible. Upon receipt these forms by signed, an official receipt will be for warded to you. conies of the us properly EVR:W form of EVACUEE PROPERTY DEPARTMENT April 3, 1942 MSISORAI®UM: SUBJECT: V isit to ABtoria and Seaside on April 1, 1942 Acting on information received from to* I/und of the Farm Security Administration and a telephone ca ll received from Mr. Clyde Tuel, manager of the United States Employment Service office at Astoria, Oregon, Assistant Manager S, A. MacEachron accompanied by E. V. 4isberg visited Astoria and Seaside on April 1, 1942. It was learned that a curio ktore had been operated at 474 Commercial Street, Astoria, Oregon under the name of Red Gate Curio Shop by Clifford Matsuura also known as C. Himufi Masa. However, upon visitin g the store we found that it was vacated and was informed by Mr. Tuel of the en^loyment office that the owner' le ft for Sherwood, Oregon sometime last week • The Red Gate Curio Shop located at 229 Broadway S t., Seaside, Oregon was also vacated and it was learned from a newspaper article appearing in the Astorian Budget of March 30, 1942 that A. Kyama Mason proprietor of the store and his family le ft for Hood River, Oregon on March 28, 1942. A v isit was made to the Astoria Branch, United States National Bank of Portland, Oregon and Manager C# A. Reynolds and Assistant '/Onager Harold Nelson informed us that approximately twenty-five Japanese, a ll sin gle, were working for the Columbia River Packers Association. '7e were assured by the Bank#s officers that should any property problems arise they would contact our o ffice. Field Representative Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States Name . ■ ___ ' ■ •”____________ ■ . (Print)/ • Address . A V /h \c t (Street ana Number) Numo A (City) (Date) Telephone: Interview: Adult:M Minor: Male: > Female: Citizenship: (State) (L n i f l Date of last entry into United States: Operating under Treasury License now?: n , Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Person Interviewed: Address:_______ _ Telephone Number: Principal property involved and scope of problem: ^Attach additional pages where necessary. T r a n s l a t io n From SAN T o... PORTLAND of Entries to be made from this copy 8 - 2 7 - 4 2 ........... FRANCISCO £ Jr', ’’ Copied and Transkted:.....«X..p^L.-y----*;^ (Date) F E D E R A L R E S E R V E B A N K O F S A N F R A N C IS C O Copy routed to Mr. F E D E R A L R E S E R V E B A N K O F S A N F R A N C IS C O Copy for Letter File T e le g r a m R e c e iv e d C h e c k e d : ......................... J j L . R E U R L E T A U GUS T 25 A D V I S E A T T O R N E Y ROEHR AND U S N A T I O N A L T H A T WE HAVE I S S U E D L I C E N S E NO SF 27 0 5 1 A U T H O R I Z I N G U AND F M A T S U S H I M A TO WI THDRAW $ 3 0 0 . 0 0 E A C H , B E I N G L I M I T ALLOWED A D U L T R E P A T R I A T E S O N L Y , ALSO P E R M I T T I N G WI THDRAWAL $ 1 2 5 . 0 0 ATTORNEY’ S FEES. A P P L I C A N T S SHOULD I N S T R U C T P A C I F I C T R A D I N G COMPANY D I R E C T TO PAY AMOUNTOWI NG T H E M . A C C E S S TO SA FE D E P O S I T BOX P E R M I T T E D UNDER GE NE RAL L I C E N S E NO 1 2 , MONEY OR E V I D E N C E OF OWNERSHI P OR I N D E B T E D N E S S COULD BE R E L E A S E D BY BANK ONLY UNDER S P E C I A L L I C E N S E AND CANNOT BE T A KE N OUT OF T H I S C O U N T R Y . C O I N C O L L E C T I O N COULD BE C O N S I D E R E D PART OF $ 3 0 0 . 0 0 L I M I T . EVERSON REC. 1 0 :0 5 cop. 10 : 5 0 Copy delivered to Mr. NO. 8 DAV I S MACEACHRON To be handled by Mr. CROUCH Mis. 75 (5-29) 83.500 4-36 (9157) 00 (Do not w rite in this .pace) *9 ...• 'uni i~L-t ,, ’ JCC£ i.\*jQO£U-& Gcuiee SbTtL £.'■'?<•*■ vU* Qi?C O A* /.„*• • . i-. . •'.» S d o o H i j n i . n ibc, in,.Oi *a yLou ji'Vs n y -Ax ,& y iy JBE* i£?• i <* "V•a X'ronolooci hno te x iy ir< m>. Liorcuso f* * tlxib the FIexjct- . H.. osvo u n : or.cfc Pror fr'ocLou ,i? :•? / i, ■; U exriain3 you ' n d your laauen d to • 11,‘xirvr •X. • ecenato, 'iii.- L In j tlx Unit ailojuu. mlult re. .itbLiicwa; o': v to 00 udou la paying,*imc&* u oocxi in \» e y-‘ur xr.oa.t p lie ,v *j r; ?oi-j « Jhi ilCCfli-O J} r'li.'-rd n’ ssy i'rco iso f isu iC ' **~t W J lt h icfo rc nee to ui jC. i JEjOUCI. j (JLIO Mv . *\pJ* to qy SI? utt; "J'■J-'*■1 ' * Jo iiiatx.C'.V-d iii-.-V t li -it-ioic,; il\ -' »V» •■~'\J J ~0 ,/ ■* odoi^ 1 Set -oj’vo Iv .1 , W.U 4.y ® uiocsicd coount, op .;'P~i.ii.ld ^ iii; *’■ C: u I r *ci o , :jn ’ orn K li-l . i*or fiutb^rtty tO dO DO i..’ !l.O'. vttjj jo a. .y i>. •Y— UliXii. ilBUv*y>J •the o rato r A ' fl1?f or in.; oi your evi'e ;!f.»..ocU :>(X:- in i-tc-tco H; io a. i . nk, Poi'bV. r,.i, rnti of the coin oolZc-obSUn oaclorxd ;J c \Cts, ..iiid a x o<.ijtuiy . ..„..xx: jod . ltd 'X i1 w'* '&ouch» u o v l ■o b cai ocxx XBte.i u.C'U iy vta* ;■ }ia i -o> t ..«LG- • Ay Cif <.v.r. iic ii oocX'CD to .'JK’ Ck- ’O x> tici to a to yo iu ltto d un,xr? . • ’■v»C O i ^ij O i«C'* i ; IXX&VCfr, .Ljouey ov 055OC£?C5tl* OX* .IdJluCi■iOuQCK O- -i.» *J*.. iC id iL i-X i i~£7 tliO tiii o f i l y UD- »r. -1? ww*>•»• ■•* Xl^oaj© Hu c nsot oc u ^.ct \.JUc- i i d county* TL coda col...• c .I -a cot: s bos rai taken out of SL oouutiy, UotCTCVf Or. IXCkW.u f«Xl u a w; • 'OnA~.»£» «*CXJQv)0 «i>- 1.. wlit. ti KtimL- tO <JO «w iO <0 0 */v..Luc o ' iii. coin colicctloo a. ecu*. IciCKOd c pc?& o zc eralttou to take etth you* the •'r> w.. I,n t v i •Oil. ,V C He The tlairxxi betco Suita* *Cj»M- «L*-,r-. IlZSL-S'-.**t»**. '■-‘iffy */w ban OvTjxrcxi uj•> X m . » Y " 1 ‘ ^ * . ■ ■• % * , ' T " * » , * "S T ' f\ Jvi OV — ^-,vj * ../* fvyv cooperate to in to a rji**-* w<U .Vji n l'* in 1*d:?r.* ■ * •' t< tn> -«# % o . .* ir— ' tn ttie w<^ \i"ju v*iLiuj Ixiv v>« la extxaaotlon cl li.i~A>0 - mJI -fj iOsjAili..*! JLsjlv *2*00 JiOCl;o...' co i/*v i '♦ »**«• ■c.*.nlttcx; to eie* cr*v Lisir vije* i .^i- mm- b* J 70.PX rto r to the reoeijt of Uii origin .1. :|:X*t ^ JAm tlitti vXAjLLkJ. . iCX-' to yen* EC:DB c KE&D offig: ugust 25, 1942 i 0 reign. Funds Control (The feilcoku Go ipaay) Attorney 0. C. Boehr tells us that la the liter port of July, 1942, ho 1‘ormuftioti to Uaata iiafcsuskiiaa at the Detection Camp, dissoula, Eoatena, for signature ana transmittal to you, trip licate copies of TIB-1, asking i'or a special license to aithdras cert: in funds from the subject com.>anyfs commercial account in the United States National Bank, Portland, in order to pay b ills incurred nd iuraish persons! expenses for Uaata Matsuakiaa and. his ..lie Fusi Matsu skins. These too Japanese are, ue understand, to be returned to Jap. n v/itiln the neat few days. If the license can be granted prior to repatri ation, it v.ill very greatly assist in piecing the affairs of the car; ny and its omers in an orderly condition. The only other action uhieh appears desirable in connection sith their six’irs is to obt: In permission to withdraw the contents of a safe deposit box at the Uni tea States U tional Bank of Portland, Tils safe deposit box has slread been inventoried and the bank tells us that it con tains nothing of v lue other t b n a s& 11 coin collection. Many of th coins Japanese ns the b.nk is not inioraad as to their value. Fund. Eatsuakin , st ates bl t ti a entire collection has only a ncain! valuation, bite wishes to give up the safe deposit box and tike the collection sith to J pan. her Attorney Boehr is bo~:y prep .ring n a. plic. tion for permission to do this but time sty not permit its being presented na acted upon rior to the d t e the Japanese lo vc this sone. Is there anything that c n bo aone to expedite the issuance of the license c.•-lied i'or and also to expedite autiiority to dispose o_. the safe deposit matter in the anaor indicated? Cince the time is short sill you please furnish us with available informa tion by wire tomorro: if ossible. EC:DB D ER A L R ESERVE B A N K O F SAN F R A N C IS C O H E A D O F F IC E PORTLAND s u b je c t : DATE Evacuee Property Department Tour letter December 24, 1942. We have endorsed the C ertificate of Title covering the 1934 Chevrolet truck, motor number T4101698, described in the communication accompanying your letter , and are returning i t for delivery to Mr. Duffy. A . .Answered Enclosure by Routine Advice .No Answer Require Directed to file vsurname) F lic o n ly w h en sign ed L H 1 A (6 -3 8 ) 2 3 M 3 -4 1 (1 1 2 3 2 ) Acting Assistant Cashier. 3 ; > r n o a A 3 ; • : *1 •; i o& dnsiJUf'i ■ . , v ©Xjjt^ l o 9d3D.r u'.T^r *.;J b-3-T.Ofc ?; £ ••)!(i -. 19C 'i»fi it .*•••.» ,• ‘ Tj d . iv l.? ’ T^dd’ i. '-•■■ox ■:r ,. . *c-n: . ; . ‘i-juj-r: >£•“ • ' •J *. . >o f ; 1 ' • ■> i t ■ -«’ C;J‘i i ’> "'T . i^*®v .-r> ■i. &Ui \tSi S T i ' . : d - U j T <C> drf-sdeiae Ki.' IS • .. December 30, 1942 Hr* halter A. Duffy Regional Director Faro Security /dnini str.:tion Terminal Boil cling Portland, Oregon Dear Mr* Bufiyi As requested in your letter of December 24, 1942, wo have endorsed said enclosed hflMiith Washington Cei*tificite of Title an a 1934 Chevrolet Truck, Motor So. T 4101696, Serial So. 6PD3203, which certificate was inadvertently is sued to the United States Federal Beserve B**nk, San Francisco, California. ECsDB UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FA R M S E C U R IT Y A D M IN IS T R A T IO N Terminal Sales Building Portland, Oregon 12/24/42 IN R E P L Y R E F E R T O Rll-WFA:CGW U. S . Federal Reserve Bank Porter Building Fortland, Oregon Gentlemen Subject: Attention: U. A. Menard Certificate of Title E. N. Crouch At the time the Japanese were evacuated from the coastal defense area, a loan was made to the above individual to purchase the chattels be longing to a certain Japanese. A mortgage was taken on the acquired chattels and as security, title was supposed to have been taken in favor of the United States, as represented by the Farm Security Adminis tration, on a 1934. Chevrolet truck, motor number T4.IOI698 , serial num ber 6FD3203, but inadvertently the name of the Federal Reserve Bank appears as legal owner on the title certificate issued. The registered owner, Mr. *-<enard, has now paid his loan in full and re quests that the Farm Security Administration, who is handling the collection of the loans made to purchasers of Japanese property under the ./CCA program, release the above truck to him. Since the United States Federal Reserve Bank was shown as legal owner in error and since the Federal Reserve Bank has no interest in the above truck, we hereby request that you release the certificate of title number D362615, herewith enclosed, by endorsing it on line 2 on the back and returning it to us. Sincerely yours ’-'/alter A . Duffy Regional Director READ OFFICE December PA, 1912 Foreign Fluids Control Attached a o f a le tte r ci ted December PA, 19AP, addressed A. Fully, regional director of the Fnra Security Administra also is a fici.te of T itle for the 30tor vehicle have no knowledge of this transaction other end from the conversation hich cm had ,/ith is copy to us by .'alter tion. Enclosed Certi mentioned in the letter. ;ie than froa the letter itself Er* Dufiy. and letter are referred to you since the certificate Hie certificate is issued in the name of the United States Feder California. i, Sen Francisco Ehc l. EC:MH -der / Fortland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States . Medford Hotel A d u lt : Minor: Male: * Female: Cit izenship: Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Person Interviewed Adi.ire Teleplione Numb er : ^ _______ Action taken:* Z? &~€hXJ y*yf& - <f«**S* * *Attach additional pages where necessary. Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States 1 ____ d»_ (Print) Address :___________________ _________________________ (Street and Number) a L _ Z L kl Adult: I.Tinor: Male: Female: C it izenship: .ate Date of last entry into United States; Operating under Treasury License now?: Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Ferson Interviewed: Address: Telephone Number Handled bv: *Attach additional pages where necessary. Medford Hotel Name (Bate, Telephone: Interview: Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States Adult: Minor: Male: Female: CitizenshiD 3oo .Street and Number) (City) Medford Hotel [Date) Telephone: Interview: r-rrf$ (Print) Name Address y ;ats) Date of last entry into United States: Operating under Treasury License now?: Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Person Interviewed: Ada ress: fO o L y — <r_^ Telephone Number: d t f r f t 3 c a P rincipal property involved and scope of' problem: 3 o ’T t u '& 'M ' /7 Xso 0 t " X -A W U € oo o Z J Action taken: v > Handled by: *Attach additional pages where necessary i Portland. Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United State; Name ■int Adult: Minor: Male: Fern; le: Citizenship: Address : J o a yp, < _ j V (Street and Number} ;ity & Ll l y its) Date of last entry into United States: Operating under Treasury License now?: Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Person. Interviewed: Address: Telephone Number: Handled by *Attach additional pages where necessary. Medford Hotel (Date; Telephone: Interview: Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States *"9 * Name: Telephone: Interview: dn'V'S /f£ (Print) Address : .adult: fTinor: Male: Fern;l e : Citizenship: f (Street and Number) ;ity) goats' Date of last entry into United States: Q.aerating under Treasury License now?• T ype of Busi nes s : Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Ferson Iaterviewed % Address: _______ T e1eplione Numb er : Action taken:* *Attach additional pages where necessary Medford Hotel * t Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States Name _____________' (Print Address Telephone: Interview: 4m*> - : ...______________ :___ .________ i _ _ (Street and Number) W f A t r f t t 'Z / ^ - / (r-1 1 / 4 ^ \ ( C i t y ) ( S t a t e ) ~ J vl Adult: Minor: Male: Female: Citizenship; Date of last entry into United States: Operating under Treasury License now?: Type of business: Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Person Interviewed Address: Telephone Number: Principal property involved and scope of problem: Action taken:* Handled by: *Attach additional pages where necessary ~ Portland Branch. Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States (Print) ~o Address (Street and Number) ___ ( 3 ^ ' T ' / :ity, Adult: ^ id.nor: Male: ^ Female: Citizenship (S uate Date of last entry into United States: 0 aerating under Treasury License now?: Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Person Interviewed* Address: Telephone Number■ /' Action taken:* 1/ *Attach additional pages where necessary. ____________________ •___________ Teikoku Hotel Name : / £ Z ! K a tUZ. (Dat€) Telephone: Interview: Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent 0f tne United States ^= 3 / 3 3 / Me rr iwe t he r Ilote1 Name : y y y (Print) Address 3 Street and Number C 3j _ 7 ^ (City) V Is oat: Adult: Minor: Male: ^ Female: Citizenship; Date <$£ last entry" in y i^to United States; Operating under Treasury License now?: Type of Business; Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual; Person Interviewed ■/ / ? £ U S-'l 0 Address:--------------Telephone Number: Action taken:* *Attach additional pages where necessary. Sg ...__ ATWATER S611 PROPER TY MANAGEMENT REALTORS PORTLAND, OREGON INSURANCE SALES LEASES W A L T E R W . M c M O N IE S 2 nd F L O O R W O O D L A R K B U I L D I N G P RESIDENT ALDE R AT S.W. N INTH A V E N U E M e t z g e r -Pa r k e r C o m p a n y REALTORS ATWATER 8611 200 WOODLARK BLDG. ALDER AT S.W. 9 th AVE PORTLAND, O R E G O N April 2, 194.2 Mr. E. M. Crouch c/o Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Portland Branch Porter Building Portland, Oregon Dear Mr. Crouch: In accordance with your telephone conversation of today with our office, regarding the securing of storage space for household goods of evacuee—Japanese, we wish to advise you that we have available prop erties containing from 5>000 to 1^5*000 square feet, at varying rentals. One building we have in mind, which we believe would be particularly suitable for your purpose, since it is of brick and concrete construction, is the building occupying the souare block between West Burnside Street, Couch Street, 13th and 14th Avenues. It is at present occupied by Packard-Portland, distributors of Packard automobiles, and by Chrysler Motors. The building is so arranged that it may be divided into four separate buildings, so that any amount of space you might desire could be taken snd absolute privacy afforded. There are two large freight elevators which can be used to take trucks into the building to any floor, as well as a passenger elevator. There is a ramp to another portion of the building. If we can determine what amount of space you will need, we believe we can work out a rental figure which will be in line with your desires. We should appreciate your advising us in some detail just what type of building, amount of space, and price per scuare foot which you can pay, so that we may submit full details on what we have available. Please let us hear from you at your early convenience. Yours very truly Walter W. McMonies METZGER-PARKER COMPANY c* s ? ‘ 3 J t n .- )/o -3 f 1 f\ % * V - > cT >. > / S xv w " />J~ /( / / o >1 " j £ , j " cs o % 0 y 9 a $ o y / > o S J*/. i / o O / / . 'yo c? 3 ^ * C w v ^r-n. v LOANS MENTALS A PPR AISALS PHONES: DAY 257 N IG H T 256 “THE MEYERS SERVICE” ESTATE A O -iA a ? POW ELL agency BLV D ., G R E S H A M , ORE A. M E Y E R S N E A R L Y 3 5 Y E A R S IN B U S IN E S S IN G R E S H A M F U R N I S H E S M E R IT O R IO U S S E R V IC E years IN o f e x p e r ie n c e PR O P ER TY V A LU ES M ODERN E Q U IP M E N T W O O D E D T R A C T FOR R E C R E A TIO N GRESHAM PHONE 256 * Id e a l R e s t H o m e A QUIET LIFE FOR AGED PEOPLE IX A CITY HOME IX THE COUNTRY 1945 W est Po w e l l Blvd. M r s . E v a . A. M e y e r s . M g r : G resham , O regon R easonable R ates GRESHAM TELEPHONES DAY 257 N IG H T 256 REAL ESTATE P R O P ER TY M ANAGEM ENT IN V E S T M E N T S LOANS Q U IC K SEARCHES OF CU R R EN T TA X RECORDS F U R N IS H E S T H E M E Y E R S S E R V IC E 37 YEARS IN ROLLS A. M E Y E R S IN S U R A N C E , A L L LIN E S OF M E R IT O R IO U S S E R V IC E P R O P E R T IE S OF TH O R O U G H LY AND T H IS S E R V IC E E X P E R IE N C E C O M M U N IT Y F A M IL IA R W IT H ABSTRACTS OF TITLE A U T O M O B IL E CHEAPEST SURETY ALL L IA B IL IT Y AND LIC E N S E D IN S U R A N C E BEST AND BONDS REAL ESTATE A LARGE C L IE N T E L E . BROKER S A T IS F IE D C U STO M ER S REFERENCES ANY BANK IN P O R TLA N D OR GRESHAM , ORE. ♦♦♦ L IN E S G R E SH A M , O REGO N April 20, 194-2 REFERRED BY MR. M acF.A£MRON TO MR A ni l X m \ S. A. MacEachron Assistant Manager Federal Reserve Portland Branch Portland, Oregon -xy San Francisco Bear Sir* I have your letter of April 16th relative to the cancellation by this agency of fire insurance policies carried by Japanese people in this vic inity. I think you have been misinformed as to the representative of the Oregon Mutual Fire insurance Company which is represented in Gresham by Burton L* Walrad. However, I am told that the Oregon Mutual Fire insurance Company did cancel all their policies in which Japanese people or their descendants were interested. The North British and Mercantile Insurance Company re presented by this agency did not cancel any policy but declined to accept such business under authority of Thomas B. Thompson, State Agent, Mead Building, Portland, Oregon. The Continental Insurance Company of New York cancelled several of our policies, sane of them having stood for some time, demanding that policies be cancelled and returned to the San Francisco office by authority of H. C. Edmunds on. Vice President, continental Insurance com pany, 60 Sansome St., San Francisco, California who was very emphatic about the cancellation of T ru stin g this such p o l i c i e s . is th e information you desire, I remain, Yours truly, Answered Ansa, b Rc+ciru A&A& r t Answer Rtqu.rtd V w u * jT5,K 4*Cn r 6 . > . ■ 1 . 1 «► \ *. . PORTLAND BRANCH Evacuee Property Department April 16, 1942 Mr# Archie Meyers, Gresham, Oregon# Dear Mr# Meyers: */e are informed that your agency has recently cancelled several of the fir© insurance policies carried by Japanese people living in your zone# ' The policies were, according to our report, issued by the Continental Insurance Company of Eew York, The Oregon : utual Fire Insurance Company and the British and Mercantile Company, Limited# ■ /ill you please inform us as to the origin of the orders cancelling theso p olicies. S# A# Macrae Assistant L ENC:VE Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: *Attach additional pages where necessary Lid-Columbia Japanese-American Citizens League Operating under Treasury License now?: A. Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco '(Date) Telephone: Interview: Adult: Minor: Male: ^ Female: Cit izenshir: Date of last entry into United States: Operating under Treasury License now?: T:•pe of Bus ine s s : Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: i Person Interviewed : Address: T e1et>ho n e Numb er : - Action taken * Handled by: *Attach additional pages waere necessary. -7*-------- 3 ” _____ Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States ^ Address: > C(Print) a.r4. Adult: Minor: Male: Fern: le: ____________:___________________ (Street and Number) ____________ (City C .Cleaners Name : (Date) Telephone: Interview: t/ :Soate) Date of last entry into United States; Operating under Treasury License now?: ! arson Interviewed: W .’T ^ Type of Busi nes s : Partnership: Proprietorship Corporation: Individual: Address:______ m m u n &__________________ Telephon e Numbe r : Principal property involved and scope of problem; Z7a/Si«-/r<? A.^ (r\ & ^ ar^J U y4x> 4 . KJt*$,r\\g00^ /?iw^ / 4v,v l> x <4- -sCaV a* /f v h S O / f i-y "“V'-vc? z lA o /L-V. /jod Handled bv: *Attach additional pages where necessary - /'7/ja " Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States Cleaners Name (Print) Address:^ > Adult: Minor: Male: Female: Citizenship ip:A 3 / / . y p (Street and Number) _______ _ (City) (State) Date of last entry info United States: Operating under Treasury License now?: Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Person Interviewed: Address: J O ^ 3 / )/ . Telephone Number: Action taken:-' Handled by: *■Attach additional pages where necessary. ^ >7 V V Name : !DateJ Telephone: Interview: ^ ____________________________ (Print) Address: / J > 3 - yV. Pado I igaki Portland Branch. Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States & Adult: *— £ Ia nor: Male: <*-" Fein: le: Citizenship ■ 3r) / 7“~ (Slata) States: ;e now? : Type of Business: Partnershin: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: I S ' Person Iutervii •••■;ed :/ ^ n Add res s: Telephone Number: Action taken:* ^ 2 Handled by: *Attach additional pages where necessary* * *4 Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States ft Mikado Bath (Date) Telephone: Interview; y1. y _______ (City) f Adult: Minor: Male: Female: Citizenship: (Soats) Date of last entry into United States: Operating under T ceasury License now?: Type of Business: Partnership: proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Ferson Interviewed Address: Telephone Number: Principal property involved and scope of problem: Action taken:* ^Attach additional pages where ne^e&bary. :S ---------- - Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States / / . A ____ _________________ LntL Sy Address Ki et :X __________ Id nor: (Street and Number) ~~P (City) K a ra Name Q (Date)' Telephone: Interview: X" Male: X Female: Cit isens hi; C (State Date of last entry into United States: Operating under Treasury License now?: Type of Busi ness : Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Person Interviewed: J ' / ~ Y Address: m . a * Telephone N ...mber : ' §rm ypr g «uvvv . y j * i * At Y a 'Y * . af r ?C A ( ' Y J &K i * <T ^ * /<* - //+« A. C f i & i f r * Action taken:* t y i L f f £ i . s t f -Yt / / *• v^ / % * « ^ vfj? , ^P^vrwtr y»^»*<-Kv //?«*/ r ^ *•■ A Y t v - ‘ / if! r c * y / v * ^ ^ / ‘ fait F Y * v^ . *r-%%K £ Handled bv ; , > ^ #) // c*rT^> f / S **”v.w* : * * r r e + J , / / t * .^ t I * .i t ~ 'A j Y tY e & f - X r s " </-X y — */^*Cr y / t ' / ? ** ? /^v *e /o -c / ^ Xa~£& * V j ? A s ti f i C >$ v s A <Yc sr * C A - 'tf if V iV ^ _ r *Attach additional pages where necessary* ^ y p /V r / /Tl-v <t? e <— . V ^ , n (j 'VO ^vi V J c.,_ J'f-~$~<—h. ^ 4 <! ys?/ /. >#£ ^ ■— *-; / ■^'■ ^ V > jStffri 'fjif'Ctf '— spkH*"<f< £ts /' />**/ 6 ^t. w g s A ^ t ^ t a x / j ^ 5 fY c ~ ~ 7* ^.<-f<_ /v, / e * / 1 ^ -f / e ? f-z V /!« ^<vf Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States V Mikado Garage (Date) Telephone: Interview: A dult: Minor; Male: Female: Citizenship Date of last entry into United States: Operating under Treasury License now?: o T ype of Busi nes s : Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: W Person <2-V Address: Telephone Number: Princ^al property involved and scope of problem: j ^ AM / l \ - y l J < L - ~ a 0 "V"* ' a_cXN - vv Vx t J Q~C. / ?A -*A a *'v - 4 4 *Attach additional pages where necessary C — T , ^ 4 a..v <■ n -TC^A-j Portland. Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States Name " (Print Address:/ w k Adult: Ia nor: Male: Female: Citizenship: o S.'yfr, / (Street and Number) . 7 (City ite Date of last entry into United States: Operating under Treasury License now?: Type of Bus ine ss : Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Person Interview • --------------------------------------------- ----- Address: T e1ep hon e Numb er : Action taken:* Handled \v *Attach additional pages where necessary. Miller Apts / 4 Date) Telephone: Interview: Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States -./ f i l l e r ' Address: /%■ p $ . /-T-V 71_L.\ ^f (Print) (Date) Telephone: Interview: Adult: Minor: Male: Female: Citizenship _________________________________ (Street and Number) :ity Miller,Apts Name / uate) Date of last entry into United States; derating under Treasury License now?: Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship Corporation: Individual: Person. Iutarviewed at :_____ *_____ Address: Telephone N nmbe r : $ Principal property involved and scope of problem: J O / S tc $ / '0 0 / ^ 0 o - ~ C Action taken:* *Attach additional pages where necessary. Frank Miller (See Milton Hotel) Portland. Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States s / & ^ y / / v / (Print (Print) j f j <51 Aadress:/ . > - _ o _________ __ (Street and Numb er) (City) */£~3 3a - ,So Milton Hotel Name: / 9/ / (Date) Telephone: Interview: Adult: *" Minor: Male: Fern; le: Citizenship^ ^ , (S oat cV ate of last entry into United States: Operating under Treasury License now?: Type of Business: Partnershin: Proprietorship; Corporation: Individual: Person1 Interviewed:^ Address: Telephone Number: Action taken:* *Attach additional pages where necessary M - a .* Portland Branch. Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States Name * f (Print) ■ _?p & - Address: N. W . (Street and Number) j* i} L * :ityT7 N/g. Adult: IvTinor ♦ Male: Femalej Citizenship: v </ 0:4 (State Date of last entry into United States: ; Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship Corporation: Individual: or. Interviewed: ^ ess: k Iz. Q -M.w. "Vama# ^ J r . /if r Telephone Number Principal property involved and scope of problem: W ^ v ^ ‘ 1. ^ ^ iv/oA-- / l * n ^ ( K ^ > i At < l / Action taken:* *Attach additional pages where necessary* Hinode Mishiya (Date) Telephone: Interview: Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States Adult: ^ Minor: Male: . < Female: nJit^zenship: i+ i^onahin • f 7 j 1v l± > xStree#b and Number, v* ity) Mississippi Produce Grocery 3 v (Date) Telephone: Interview: cA Name Aadress: ^ ' y/ v ■toy a / l ~ Date of last entry into United States; Operating under T r-easury License now' Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Ferson luterviewed : Address: 3 \ / - *1 y^j 3 / Telephone Number : /%U- ^ *>A ^ Principal property involved and scope of problem: CU?J f -c £- &+4~ (/ v y Handled by: ^Attach additional pages where necessary. < & { Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States Adult: ✓ Minor: Male: Female: Citizenship; Date of last entry into United States: Operating under Treasury License now?: Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Farson Interviewed: Addre s s : ________ Telephone N umbe r : Geo. Mita Telephone: Interview: Fortland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States (Print) Address > n N .y . (Street and Number) [City) / A v a (Suatel Date of last entry into United States: Operating under Tr*easury License now0 * Tape of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Person Interviewed: Address: Telephone Number: Principal property involved and scope of problem: Action taken:* Attach additional pages where necessary Adult: Minor: Male: Female: Citizenship; Shosaku Mitsuda Name (Date) Telephone: Interview: c F ortland Branch FeF eralnReserv0 3ank San Francisco iiscal /igent of the United States % (Print) Aadress: (Street an d Numb er ^ ;yr— -r— i (coats, Date Of last entry into United Operating under Treasury License now?: Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Person Interviewed Address: Telephone N amb er : Principal property involved and scope of problem: Adult; Minor; Male: Femrle; Citizenship Hitoshi Miura (Date)"’ Telephone; Interview; Name; (City) 4 Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States V/ * ■ t\<r-^r 'y p l (Print) e. " r ^ Address : ) r 0 Kozo Miyako Name ■ (Date, Telephone: Interview: Adult: Ninor: Male: Female:Y Cit izenshin /jf Street and Number ______________ (City) Date of last entry into United States: Operating under Treasury License now? Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Person Iinterviewed: Address: — Telerhone Number Principal property involved and scope of problem: Action taken:* *Attach additional pages where necessary ° ^ ’ f,, II PORTLAND BRANCH /vaeuee I rooerty Department March 28, 1042 MT* I . D. Mix, Cashier, First National Bank of Independence, Indap eadence, Oregon • Dear Mr# I'lxi Terence is made to your letter of March 27* 1942 regarding making loans to Japanese nationals in your vicin ity who are operating under the terms of general licence No* 68 A* There are no governmental restrictions that we know of which would prevent financing such a grower engaged in the production of hops, or In fact any other activity. It is noted from your letter that arrangements have been ’;ade for an American citizen (we assume this means a person not subject to evacuation under the terms of the present proclamation) to take over the operation in the event that the present operator is required to evacuate# :uoh an arrangement is permissible and as a matter of fa ct, we have been encouraging a ll of those corning under the terms of the evacuation order to make similar arrangements wherever possible. Consequently the entire proposed transaction would seem to be permissable under present federal regulations. Whether or not you have sufficient protection from a credit standpoint would, of course, depend on the relia b ility of the new operator and uoon the certainty of completing the necessary arrangements to carry on the operation in the event the present grower is evacuated. I. □ . MIX, C a s h i e r R. M. W A L K E R , PRES. lIR S Q T E D L i 3C.Au L. T H O M A S , V l CE -P R ES . B E R G I T T A M E S S I N G E R , A S S ’T. C AS HIE R iO TE D B Y I'l J ............L ^ L'- In d e p e n d e n o e ,Or e g o n . arch 27, 1 9 4 2 . jdi: Federal Reserve Bank, Portland, Oregon. Dear Sirs: Please advise us procedure in making loans to a Jananese National engaged in the agriculatural business in this territory and operating under general license No* 68A. This client is engaged in the growing of hops and will need some ^2,000.00 in addition to advances which he will receive on hop contracts to bring his crop up to Harvest in September. This bank is perfectly willing to make the loan provided satisfactory arrangements to safeguard us in event Japanese are asked to evacuate this territory. He has arranged for an American citizen to operate the farm at a monthly wage in event he does go. Ip event arrangements can be made for the loan ve will take a chattel mortgage on the crop and machinery and equipment to secure it. Please advise us by return mail if possible. Thank you. Yours truly, Cashier. by Routin* A dim*. _No Answer Rcquiu p oni v <'ir’NC , 7 .:ri & to H ~ Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of tne United States Address : Interview: i 3 J (Street and Number} a C ' .' Z Z L . (City) Adult: ' Finer: Male: Fern: le: Citizenship : / ■ - Suate) Date of last entry into United States: Operating under Treasury License now?: Type of Bus ines s : Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Person Interviewed' Address: T e1ep hon e Numb er: 7 > A Mizote Name: Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States —l-L T *- iA r>(Print) n o io £ £ u J to Adult: r:inor: Male * . Female: Citizenship: Address :_______ ' _________ y ____ (Street and Number) . " N \i City) f :te)‘ Mizuno Photo Studio Name: (Date) Telephone; Interview: Date of last entry into United States: 0 aerat ing under T r*ea sury License now?:____ ______ Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: P H£nit-e-rv±-OTnrd: Address: Te 1ephone Number: Principal property involved and scope of problem: ' / Handled *Attach additional pages where necessary Af IZ. M vn q Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States , A 1 . U &r r r\ <z & K. Farmers Market Name (Print.) Address : *v" / -v- - A .yy[ yd, rr\ K t It (Street and Number) S i f O l y ___________________ (City) y Adult: Minor: Male: Fernr.le: Git izenship: (soat e ) Date of last entry into United States: Operating under Treasury License now?: T ype of Bus ine ss: Partnership: Proprietorship Corporation: Individual: Person Interviewed : /7« f 3 y Address Telephone Number: Principal property involved and scope of problem: Action taken:* Handled *Attach additional pages where necessary M V Portland. Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the Unit e s t a t e s A /f&/9 j f ? f t /) < / 7~/ 9 (print) Address: Adult: ^ Minor: Male: Female: ^ Citizenship :_________ , _____________ _ (Street and Number) 3 J T </ (City) [State Date of last entry into United States: Operating under Treasury License now?: Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Person Interviewed: Address: Telephone Number: Action taken:* / / s Handled bv: *Attach additional pages where necessary. Montavi11a Cash Grocery ___ t_, (Date Telephone: Interview: Ruth Kawano Name: r Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States Date of last entry into United States: Operating under Treasury License now?: T yp e of Busi nes s : Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Person Iinterviewed: Address: Telephone Number: Principal property involved and scope of problem: X Action taken:* Handle&, b y ; *Attach additional pages where necessary Ruth Kiwana Adult: Minor: Male: Fern: 1e : ^ Citizenship Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States & S t / /y*? K t' 4~. 4(Print) Aadress f __ C? (Street and Number) (City) C Qj ^ ( Date of last entry into United States: Operating under Treasury License now?: Type of Business: .Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Person Interviewed Address: Action taken:* *Attach additional pages where necessary Montavilla Cash Grocery Name: Montavi11a Cash Grocery Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States Adult: irf*' f’inor: Male: Female: Citizenshipr Date of last entry into United States Operating under Treasury License now? Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Person I 3rV ir-v31: / j ; Address: Telephone Number: Principal property involved and scope of problem: --/ "s/i Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent 0f the United States Name (Print) Address : l l O L cf. k f • r-fi/ZK (Street and Number) (City) __ Q Adult: ^ I'inor: Male: Fern: le: Citizenship:/ s 4- / Er tfr *ZE (State) <5^4/ . *~?OcZ> £■> Date of last entry into United States: Operating under Treasury License now?: Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship Corporation: Individual: Person I“t0rviewe 1 ^ Y u r> / / f > • y y ^ s S a Address: / 3 ">>- c£ F M ' S ? Telephone Number : Principal property involved and scope of problem: JofO //^o. o - 0 Cr Montavilla Cash Grocery (Date, Telephone: i Interview: Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States Date of last entry into United States: Operating under Treasury License now?: Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Person Interview ; ! :_____ __________________ L Address: Telephone Number: Principal property involved and scope of' problem: si? ^ e r y Adult: Minor: Male: Female: Citizenship: Montevilie Telephone: Interview: Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of tne United States (Print) Address: Adult: Minor: 0 r/ Male: {City Female: Citizenship UZ 2 oats')" Bate, of last entry into United States; Operating under Treasury License now?: T yp e of Busi ne s s : Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: I erson I/iterview ed Address: /? Tt /Ifr.,* Telephone Number Principal property involved and scope of problem: AL Action taken:* Handled by; *Attach additional pages where necessary. Montgomery Apts Telephone: Interview: Name Portland Branch Hotel Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship Corporation: Individual: Principal property involved and scope of problem: / f t * *Attach additional pages where necessary 'r jjc ti Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco ~ ' Fiscal Agent of the United States A Name: (Print) f Adult: ITincr: •Male: Female: Citizenship: Aadress: (Street ent Number) (City) — (State Date of last entry into United States; Operating under Treasury License now?: Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship Corporation: Individual: Ierson Intervieved: Address; Telenhone Namber ___________ Principal property involved and scope of •problem £ 4 ? il SSSftf**s$pr- .vy Action taken:* Handled bv *Attach additional pages where necessary. *+ — Monetas Hotel (Date) Telephone; ^ Interview; Fortland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States Adult: Minor: Male: Female: Citizenship: Date of last entry into United States: 0 aerating under Treasury License now?: Type of Bus ine s s : Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Person Interviewed Address: Telephone Number Action taken:* Handled by: *Attach additional pages where necessary. Mowasten Hotel (Date) Telephone: Interview: POPTLAHD BHAROH Evacuee Property Department April 1, 1942 Mr* Chester A# Moores, Commonwealt h , Inc•, 41o S* W* 6th ATenue, Portland, Oregon# Dear Mr# Moores: In view of the necessity for quick action in matters pertaining to the evacuation of Japanese aliens and others of Japanese descent, we suggest that you check all properties coining under your supervision which are occupied by Japanese, either as renters, lessors or owners# businesses Proper disposition should be made of their prior to the final evacuation order being issued# In -any instances, these arrangements will involve considerable d tail :na take time to settle# This office stands ready to assist in any way we can in order to avoid the many complications that 411 develop should abandonment be forced on the evacuee, due to time and lack of foresight# e urge your coo )eration. Very truly yours, Managing Director Frank Moreshita Operating under Trensury License now?: T ype of Bus iness : Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Person Interviewed: Address: ______ Telephone Number: Principal property involved and scope of problem: J l v^/ Z ' 0 ' L ° "u / b x t c /c 77* ^ ^ ^ ivc-tJ. .$&-& ~ y ^ -> c < , Action taken:* *Attach additional pages where necessary. .A ? ,0 y/ss(&xe Roy Mori biro *Attach additional pages where necessary Trances Morioka, (See Newland Hotel) Kay 89, 1942 Mr. Hidehiko orloka, •O.C.A. Assembly Canter, Pinedale, California. Fa _ily Ziuiaber 16330 Dear Mr: e are returning herewith receipt for your property stored in our warehouse. Answering your notation regarding the listin g of your items on the personal property inventory l i s t , we wish to say that it w ill he best to leave the items as they are now listed . \;e riide the exceptions merely to be clear and to be sure that wa had received the correct pieces to be stored. Yours A. FacAachroh, Assistant Manager. Eve-CUfK Property Bepartaent June- 30 ^ I?4£ Mr. F# Morihiro WCCA Assembly G-;»t-*r North Portland* Oregon Dear Mr. Morihiro: I V.c &r^ enclosing ho ri with our Evacuee Property Depaptsicnt Check So. 5 in the amount of 05C5.OO covering '/ppmised v? in; bion oa 1939 Bitick Sedan eoid by you tc the United St, tee Aray as indie ted on the attached statement* fcvacuee Property Department June 30, 1942 Mr. Xoehimatsu Iforita %GA& AssmA&f Center aorth Portland, Oregon Dear Sr* Mori Us lie are enclosing herewith our Dvacuee Prop erty Department Check Ho* 3 in tu. mowit of $45*00 cov« ring a; ra is e ' valu-tion on 1933 Chevrolet Delivery Truck sold ty you to the United ot&tee Aray &e indicated on the attached statement. ortiand Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States frO ASS} / $ V Address: — /y / n / t f n ^ / t, g (Print) * /a f rtM (Street and Number) '•O , Utyj / Chiyeto Morita Name:--- (Date) Telephone Interview; Adult; Minor; Male; v Female: Citizenshipr at a ) ^ A O c / bate* of last entry into United States; Operating under Tr*easu?’y License now?: Type of Business: Partnership; Proprietorship; Corporation; Individual: Person Interviewed: S yyv rj Address; Telephone Mamb er : Principal property involved and scope of problem: U *Attach additional pages where necessary / -py </ Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States (Print) j/ jji 2 M _. ______ j V e (Street and Number) Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Person Interviewed: Address: _________ Telephone Number: Principal property involved and scope of problem: Action taken:* ^Attach additional pages where necessary. Adult: Minor: Male: 1,orris, Abe (Date) Telephone: Interview: / Name Address , / 7 / k > ^ Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States • _ Andres (Street and Number) ( £ :ity) • r - y ai-EtB) . ^ .adult: ITinor : Male: ^ Female: Citizenship: Date of last entry into United States: Operating under Treasury License now? Type of Bus ine ss: Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Person I . i t s r v i e w d /H.a.T~Q Address: T e1ep lione Numb er Principal property involved and scope of problem: i V Action taken:* Handled bv *Attach additional pages where necessary* Mt, Tabor Fruit Market Name: u _ i ____ ________ :________________ (Print) (Date; Telephone: Interview: 4 w Fortland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States Tabor Fruit Market Date of last entry into United States: Operating under Treasury License now?: Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Person Int erviewed: Address: Telephone Number =______ ________________________: principal property involved and scope of problem: Action taken:* Handled by: *Attach additional pages where necessary Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States Name: (Print) Adult: Minor: Male: Female: Citizenship Address: (Street and Number) (City) (State) Date of last entry into United States: Operating under T r-easury License now?: Type of Business: partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: P erson luter v i ewed: Addre s s: _________ Telephone Number: principal property involved and scope of problem: V Action taken:* / 'IS'ls&x ■T' 4 ■» Hand 1;3d by: ^Attach additional pages where necessary ■ fj Multnomah Creamery (Date) Telephone: Interview: w.n.-m mmm vaouee Property Deparfeaent April 85, 1948 Pr• illirm !U nocsor, Administrator, Pultnoraah County nblic elfare Commission, Panama Building, Portlaau, 0 rofjoa• oar l*r. Cosser: 'tecsint 1g acknowledged of your inquiry of /orril 17, 1942 regarding Kayoji Teuboi. Our file s contain no information ragartllng this person but iso are referring your inquiry to our m a ffic e in Pan Francisco# Ii our *aaa Office filti contains data regarding the subject aatter of your le tte r , *90 sh all r>ass the information on to you. cc: HEAD OFFICE ENC:VF CyJ M u l t n o m a h C o u n t y P u b l ic W e l f a r e C o m m is s io n P a n a m a B u il d in g M r s . L ee P a t t e r s o n G. C. K e e n e y E. D o n a l d R o s s PO R T L A N D . O R E G O N A. L. G R E E N W A L T , C h a ir m a n T. J . K r e u d e r F r a n k L. S h u l l O . V. B a d l e y W . R. G O S S E R , A d m i n i s t r a t o r April 17, 1942 Federal Reserve Bank War Time Civilian Control Division sorter Building Portland, Oregon Gentlemen: Kayoji Tsuboi who formerly resided at 7029 S. £. Gladstone, Portland, Oregon is a Japanese Who was taken into custody by the Federal Bureau of Investigation during Parch, 1942. Prior to the time of his being taken into custody Kayoji Tsuboi was a recipient of public assistance as follows: General Assistance from state and county funds from December, 1939to and including Pay, 1941, $68,755 Old Age Assistance from May, 1941 to and including February, 1942 at the rate of $30.00 per month for a total of $300.00. The Old Age Assistance was furnished from federal, state and county funds combined. A rumor has reached this agency to the effect that Tsuboi was in possess ion of considerable financial assets at the time he was taken in custody by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. If this is a fact, Tsuboi was obtaining assistance to which he wus not entitled and this agency would be entitled to reimbursement for such assistance. If, in order, will you kindly advise as to the amount of assets of Kayoji Tsuboi which have come into your hands as well as the proper procedure to be followed by this organization in obtaining recovery of the amounts ad vanced . Yours very truly 4 MULTKCFAH C0UOTY PUBLIC WELFARE COMMISSION* Yilliam R. Go&ser^ Administrator- T ^ JHH jRS f_AwmetrST jtx sd . fir Rntim* 4 JVe Answer Re v/ * r-MLY WHhfc BKSNFC Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States ^ 7 (j syS//' s'sj? w *c Name Mark Y (Date) Telephone: Interview: (Print) \dul t: ^ Minor: Male: 'f. Female: Citizenship: Address ■ -----------------------------------(Street and Number) (P c ^ C U ^ -J (City) °J (State) Date of last entry into United States: ( h i Z L c l S j l L Operating under Treasury License now?: _ Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: ^ Person Interviewed: _________________________ Address:________________L_______ ____ ________ Telephone Number: /,_____ Principal property involved and scope of problem: Action taken:* ...■■ ^ , .1 t Handled byf ^Attach additional pages where necessary, Portland. Branch Murakami Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Person Interviewed: Address: Telephone Number: Principal property involved and scope of problem: . Name: h l \ f (Print) m Address: (Date) Telephone: Interview: a m/ Adult: Minor: Male: Female: Citizenship: X, D .t/J. L # Vrf ? C1 (Street and Number) 7 (City) Yamako Murakami Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States (Kate) Date of last entry info United States: Operating under Treasury License now?: Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship: Corporation: Individual: Person interviewed: _ _ ________________ Address: Telephone Number: Principal property involved and scope of problem: JP* Sj rr *■* V 'Vi V <s/ ,s”2> ^/>-t v>^ Action take nr* Handled by: -^Attach additional pages where necessary, ■y G m t- Portland Branch Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Fiscal Agent of the United States ■ AT I O N f y z * •Sy1 : ftarrw Murakami V r a Name 05 (Date) Telephone: Interview: (Print) Adult: Aadress: ia. t (Street and Number) f inor: / l Male: Female: Citizenship; its (City Date of last entry into United States: Operating under Treasury License now?: Type of Business: Partnership: Proprietorship Corporation: Individual: Person Interviewed: Address: Telephone Number: Principal property involved and scope of problem: C / a " o t*C a -frp-'C’ -k° / JL —I 0-U^\S a -o Action taken:* ^ y- *Attach additional pages where necessary. x k-V/V Beceaber 26, 1942 Sr* Walter /• luff^, Regional Director Para Security Adsinistretion Terminal Sales Building Portland, Oregon Dear Mr* Duffy: jttachgd is a copy of & letter dated December 19, 1942, addressed to us by George SSuraiaatsu* The letter has ref erencc to the storage of certaiirfara equipment. Ve have passed the inquiry on to Mr. C*il* Lin v illa , repress ting the hr relocation. Authority, Seattle o ffice, but the enclosed copy of the le tte r is sa it to you since the f ile indicates that originally the Farm Security Administration extended some financing in connection with the sele of Mr. MuraafttM*s crop. Very truly yqftrfa, Assistant ^axuigar Evacuee Property Department July 16, 1942 Mr. Harold F. iSu^ch Arthur L. Fields Chevrolet Company Grind Avenue & East Ankeny Portland, Oregon Dear Mr. Murch; Pursuant to our today’s telephone conversation, we are attaching our expense check in the amount of $5.00 covering services rendered by you on June 9, 1942 in ap praising thirteen Japanese evacuee motor vehicles which were stored in Warehouse No. 5 of the Oregon Transfer Company, 733 N. W. Everett Street, Portland, Oregon. May we assure you that your services in this connection were appreciated. Very truly yours Enel. SR i PORTLAND BRA’ Evacuee Property Department Junj 6, 1942 I t . Harold F. Larch, Arthur L. Fields Chevrolet Company, Grand Avenue at East jokeny, Portland, Oregon. Dear I r. Lurch* Anticipating your services next Tuesday, June 9, 1942 in accordance with our telephone conversation of today, for the purpose of appraising l'o motor vehicles now stored in warehouse $ 0 . 5 of the ortigon Transfer Company, 7‘6d K. • Everett Street, Portland, Oregon, we are enclosing for your information a copy of Instructions to Appraisers together with a Motor Vehicle Inspec tion and Valuation Report. The necessary forms to be completed w ill be furnished by this o ffice. Also, we have available for your use the MayJune 1942 edition of the Kelley Blue Book. Should you deBire any additional infonnation we shall be pleased to have you contact this o ffice. / EVR:VF