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NS FCRM 8 10-1-37 1. AREA DESCRIPTION - AREA CrlARACTERISTICS: a . Descr ipti on of Te rrai n. SECURITY MAP OF Sacramento, Cal. Level with f avorable grades - no construction hazards. Favorable I nfluenc (s . Convenience to transporta tion, tradi ng a reas, schools, churches, etc. Homogeneity of improvements and social and income levels. Adequate deed restriction~. Charm of location and high standard of construction and up-keep. c. Detrimental Influences. High percent of land improvement leaves little margin for future growth. Limited market from J Street to Folsom owing to improvements being above popular price range. This docs not apply north of J, as residences arc more moderate in price. d . Percentage of land i mproved~% ; e. Trend of desirability next 10-15 yrs.U~p,__t_o_ __ static INHABI TANTS: Profcssi~nal and business executive type _ _ ., b. Estimat ed a nnual family income $~3~6~0~0:.........:t-=o_ _ __ a . 0ccupat i. on ________ 10,000 and up Foreignborn fami li es Nono%; _____ .JlJn _ c_ r _ i c _ an _ s _ _ pr edom inating; d. Ne~ro _O_ _ ; _ _ % c. b. 2. 3. e. Infiltration of Deed protected f. g. Populat i on is increasing Slowly decreas ing _ _ _ _ _ __ BUlLDINGS: 90 % PREDOMINATI NG stat ic _ _ _ __ _ _ __ OTHER TYPE OTHER TYPE Years Years a. Type 6 to 7 rooms b. Const r uc tion Frrunc, stucco & brick c. Average Age 12 d. Repai r Good ( oxcollont) e. Occupancy 100 % % % f. Home owners hip 87 % % % g. Const r ucted past yr. (l 937) 3 h. 1 929 l . Price r ange 1935 Price r ange j . 1938 Price range k. Sales demand 1. Activity m. 1929 n. o. 4. Relief famil i es _ _ __:N::..o_n_c=---- - - -- -- - 1935 1938 Years 7000-20,000 -1QQ% $ 100% $ 6000-16,000 ~% $ _ _% $ _ _ ___ % $6700-18,000 2Q_% $ _ _ % $ _ __ __ _ _ ___ % $ 6700-10,000 good $ $ _ _ __ _ $ $ 00-100 __.l00% $ Rent r an ge $40-80 · 80_ % $ _ Rent range $00-95 Rental demand q. Activity 100% • Good Rent r ange p. $ _ __ __ 95 0/ - - t:I $00-70 good 100% ma% $ % % $ $ _ _% $ $ $ o/, Good AVAILABI LITY OF MORTGAGE FUNfJS: a Home purchase b. Home build in g _.AJ!q:> _..._l _e_ __ CLAtUJ.'YI NG REf ARKS ·Dcvolopmont in area began in 1924, nnd hn.s shO\m steady gro,vth since t fiht tfmc: '-Tn ~ddition to ha vin& deed rest rictions, it is zoned single>-fnmily residences. Is a high degree of homogonci ty as to nrchi tccturnl types nnd stcnda rd of construction. Is tho city's most popula r district, that portion on 45th nnd 46th Sts. from J to¼ of a block north of Folsora Blvd.being pa.rticulnrly high grade. Although. nroo has a 90% land improven ent, it will remain 11 topstt for rony ycors to come. Population dcnsi ty i n aroo. is very below avcro.gc for t h e city a s a whole. .A:roo is accorded a lthi gh grccnn grade.. 6. NAME AND LOCATIOrfart of :Eilst Saci::nr_1onto...45th-47th SECUR ITY GRADE H to Folson --•=it-_ AREA NO . 1 NS FCRM 8 10-1-37 , I AREA DESCRI PTION 1. AREA CttARACTERISTICS: a. Description of Terrain. Level with favorable grades - no construction hazards. b. c. d. 2. 3. SECURITY MAP OFSacrw:icnto, Cnl.· Favorable Influences. Convenience to tronsport ation , trading ond rccrrotionn.l areas churches, etc. Particularly favored in being in close proxini ty to o. junio.r collo.:;c, high school, ancl GJ,".:tde schools. Nearness to downtomi centers ond to State Office Buildings. Detrimental Influences .Nono, fundor..1cntruly , but sooe evidence of a tendency touo.rcl hotcro 6 cnoous archi tccturn.l types. Percentage of land improved _§Q__ %; e. Trend of desirabili ty next 10-15 yrs. _U_,,p~-- - - INHABITANTS: Profossi/)nnl ond business acna. Occupation Sr. ond Jr. oxccutivcs; b. Estimated annual family income $ 2400-6000 c. Foreign-born families Uonc%; _ _ _ ___.:;.AJ;;:. .u. .: ;c. r_ .;; i...;.can -=--- p,:-edominating; d. e. Infiltration of g. Population is increasing Ra:picUy f. Restricted Negro liJ'onc ; _ _ % Relief familie s _ _ _N_o_n_c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ static _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ decreasing _ __ _ _ __ P.UlLDH!GS: PREDOMINATING 95 % OTHER TYPE a. Type 5 nncl 6 roons b. Construction Frnno & stucco & brick - - - - - c. Average Age _3_ _ _ Years d. Repair Good e. Occupancy f. Home ownership g. Constructed past yr. (1937) 161 h. 1929 Pri ce range $ 6000-10,000 --1QQ% i. 1935 Price range $ 5000-8000 j. 1938 Price range $ 5?50-9500 k. Sales demand $ 1. Activity m. 1929 Rent range n. 1935 Rent range o. 1938 Rent range p. Rental demand q. Activity _ _ _ Years _ _ _ Years a _____ % _____ % ___ ,., _____ % _____ % 98,.5 --'-----/) 94. _.;;._ OTHER TYPE a $_ _ _ __ 100% ~% $ _ _ __ _ _% $ ~% $ _ _ _ __ .All price rone;es i30od$ $- - - - - - % $ _ _ __ 100% _ _ ___ % _____ % $ _ _ _ _ __ - - - -- Good $ 50- 70 $ _ _ _ __ 40- 55 $ _ _ _ __ ___ % $ _ _ _ __ _ $ 50-65 $ _ _ _ __ --% $ Good in n.11 types $ ______ $ 100% $ _ _ _ __ _ lQQ% ----% $ _ _ __ $ _ _ _ _ __ Good AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: ~. CLA lffFYH.G RE};ARKS: Dovclopr.10:.. t of n.rca bccnn in 1925, subsequent su.bclivisi0ns being placed on tho unrket in 1926-27- 28-29-32-38, alnost rul co.rryinG dcccl restrictions. 7th Ave. wo.s clcdicntcd in 1911, but abuttinG prnpcrty '10.S never plo.ttccl. Is zonocl 1 nncl rosiclo,..tin.l, but over 95% inprovcncnts arc sinc;lo- Construction generally of [J.)Ocl qtuilitythor.10Goncity of social o.nd incor.10 levels is fair to eoocl. Incl uclinG hutched portion of o,rca., it is only about 25% clcvelopocl. Is the fastest grouinc section of city, one~. \7hen tho ho..tchccl porti,m of o.rcn is d cvclopec1, should be broken (lom1 oncl rc,;ro.dec.l. Thero is a hich-, r.rul ti- fo.nily clwollinG project in contoq_)lo..tinn for this section. Under the cirC'Ullstnnce$, it is f cl t a provisi'.>11ul ~!A~1E AND LOCATION s,1ni,1§ton P ark & Loncl Drive Terrace SECURITY GRADE __ .A_+_ AREA NO. -2 rn.tine of 1011 to o cO.ial r;rce,1 shoulc1. be n.ccorclec1. Is o.. keen COl:.'.!)cti tion for oort~ gos in area. by all lencline; nGencics, ancl bicl.dinc for l0ans is not uncor.1J:1on.Morc than 25% of cityt s rcsic:cntial construction in 1937 ,.ms in thia a.roo, 6. a. Home purchase_.Ar:ip __ l_o_ b. Home building_.AJ._._~_l_e_ _ __ Li- NS FCRM 8 10-1-37 l. 2. AREA CtiARACTERISTICS: . . f T . Level a. Descr1pt1on o erra1n. Detrimental Influences. Thero is evidence that 11th Avc..'luc nay bcconc a r.1ain thoro'U@lfnrc for heavy traffic. d. 50 Percentage of land improved _ _ %; INHABITANTS: Executive, business a . Occupation p:eofcssieno.1 . . Nono c. Forei gn-born families _ _ %; e. Infiltration of _Deed _ _ protectccl _ _ _ __ e. Trend of desirability next b. Estimated annual family income$ 3500-10,000 10-15 predominating; d. f. . . RnpicUy Population is 1ncreas1ng _ __ _ yrs._Ui_P_ _ _ __ Neg r o Nono ; _ _ % Nono Relief families _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ static _ __ _ _ __ __ decreas i ng _ __ _ _ __ BUILDINGS. Type b. Construction c. Average Age d. Repair e. Occupancy f. Home ownership g. Constructed past yr. h. 1929 Price ran ge 1935 1938 Price range Price range k. Sales demand 1. Activity m. 1929 Rent range o. 1935 1938 OTHER TYPE OTHER TYPE _ _ _ Years _ __ Years % _____ % _____ % % _____ % PREDOMINATING 6 to 7 roor.1 a. n. 6. Convenience to transportation, schools, tradine centers, churches, o.nd rccroo.tionoJ. areas. Horoc;onei ty of population ruicl ir.:pro venen ts. c. J. 5. . , favorable ~rules, no construction MzD.rCLs, Favorable Influences. i . q. . '171 th b. g. 3. AREA DE SC R I PT I ON - SEC UR I TY MA p OF Sac:i. d.I:lcn to• Col. Rent range Rent range p. Rental demand q. Act ivity Fron c, stucco, brick New to Years 10 Good 99 92 $ 20 7500-15, 000 $ 6000- 12, 000 $ 7250-14, 500 $ .All prices _iQQ% $ 100% ~% $ _ _% $ --=__% $ G()Ocl % 100% $- - - - -- _ ____ % $ _ _ _ __ _ _ ___ % $ _ _ _ _ __ $ Active $ $ $ 60 - 100 50 - 80 _80 _% $ % $ % 55 - 95 95 _ _% $ _ _% $ % $ $ --1.00% $ $ All prices G00 (1.. 100% $ 100% Active AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. .A.up1 c Home purcnase _ _ _ _ .Ar.-:g_)1 c b . Home building _ _ _ _ __ Thia o.rco.., ,1hich i s very spD.rscly settled, has ac1.cquatc cloecl , , ., . , CLARIFYING JWJW.~ions nnc'i. io zonct sin['.,l o-fnnily rcsiclcntinl. Tho olc'.cr porti()n cast of Lo:nc1.. Pnrk Drive was subclivi<lccl. in 1926 and tho nc\7cr pnrtion in 1938. Iq_)rovc;:1cnts gworclly conforr.1 both o.s t o type and aGc, and construction is of the hic,hcst gro.c:.c. This nroo. enjoys u high c~cc;rco of popul.:i..ri ty'. is uccordoc1• o. 11 hi(;h, grccn11 grade. NM·'E AND LOCATIONCollcc;c Tract nnt Loncl Park Tr::ict SECURITY GRADE- - ~ 3 AREA NO. ~ NS FCRM 8 10-1-37 1. 2. 3. AR EA DESC RI PT I OM - SECUR I TY MA p OF Sa.c:i. ..incnto , Col• AREA CrlARACTERISTICS: a. Description of Terrain. Level Hi th no constructi .-in ho.znrds. Ho.tche<1. portion bolou e,rw-lo of the c~.evelopod l)n.rt s of n.r~ b. Favorable Influenc~s. Schools, churches nnd trooinc facilities uaoqu.oto. true burden. Ch.:tru of locatio31. Highly c1co<1 restrictccl. c. Detrimental Influences. Inatlequntc tronsporto.tion: Beine outside city liLtlts, there is u luck of fire oncl police protection nnc1 no sc.10rs. Proxir.ri.ty to lo~ s\7aX.1J.) lands to the south. d. Percentage of land improved~%; e. INHABITANTS: Eicecutive, professional, a. 0cc u pat ion __nn_cl_ bu_si_·n_e_s_s_i:i_cn __ b. Trend of desirability next 10-1s Foreign-born families Fc17 %; _ _ _ __ _ N_on_o_ __ predominating; d. e. Infiltration of Doccl protected f. g. Population is increasing Rna_)ioiy decreasing _ _ _ _ _ __ Negro NonG ; _ _ % Relief families ____N_o_n_c_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ static _ _ _ _ _ __ __ 5 % OTHER TYPE ___ 95+ % PREDOMINATING yrs.UP · to st,·""'1t"""1~c,----- Estimated annual family income$ 2400-0000 c. BUILDINGS: Low OTHER TYPE a. Type 5 ancl 6 rooos b. Construction Frnnc, stucco & brick c. Average Age Me\7 to Wars d. Repair Goocl e. Occupancy 98 % _____ % f. Home ownership 65 % _____ % g. Constructed past yr. (1937) 70 h. 1929 Price range $ 4000-10,000 -1QQ% $ 100% l. 1935 Price range $ 37E0-8000 _QQ__i $ _ _% $ _____ % j. 1938 Price range $ 42E0-9000 ~% $ _ _ % $ _ _ _ __ _____ % k. Sales demand $ 42E0-6EO0 $ $ _ _ _ __ 1. Activity m. 1929 Rent range $ 45-60 n. 1935 Rent range $ o. 1938 Rent range $ 40-55 p. Rental demand $ JJ.l level ::; g_. Activity Larger size. Consid ered over-ir.iprov01·.1onts _ _ _ Years Good _ _ _ Years $- - - - - 100% Good 32.00-45 --1QQ% $ 100% $ _ _ _ __ ~% $ --% $ _ _ _ __ - - ---% 90- . I J(}/ $ --% $ _ _ _ __ -----% - G'-iocl $ ma% $ _ _ __ _ Goocl a. Home purchase _ _ .Aq?_l_o_ b. Home building_Ao.P __l_o_ __ 4. AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: 5. CLARIFYJN(; REt;ARKS: This is u ncu subdivision, locn.tccl in na.tural oak erovo.- rt is hi(', hly clcccl rostrictot1 bu.t is without zonin:1. Ir.lprovcu onts nntl populnti0~1 arc homconcous,. nnd construction is hiGh !!!hero is u mvor.tcnt on foot to obtain n. sm1er syston. This n,rco. has Dnny of the qualities of o. green urea,. but owin(; to c.otrir:icntnl i nfluences sot forth, it is docr.1ctl ino.clvisublo to a.ccor<1 bettor t hnn n hich blue c;rl'..(1.o. 6. NAME AND LOCATION _ _W_o_o_ (l_ l al _c_o_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ SECURITY GRADE _::B_ _ AREA NO. _l_ __ NS FCRM 8 l 0-1-37 AREA DESCRIP T ION 1. AREA CrlARACTERISTICS: a. Description of Terrain. b. SEC URIT Y MAP OFSacru,u1cnto, Ccl.. Level with no construction hazards. Favorable Influenc~s. Convenience to trnnsportation, schools, churches, trading and recreational ureas. Gcnerru. homogeneity of population and i~rovoments High quality of upkeep. c. 2. Detrimental Influences. Proximity to industrial district to tho north. PlD.11ning Commission has designated McKinley :Blvd. as future major traffic arterial nnd H Stroot already somewhat affected by heavy traffic volume. Above average density of population in parts of area~ d. Percentage of land impr oved~%; e. Trend of desirability next 10 - 15 yrs. Static to down INHABITANTS: Professional & business men, a. Occupation skilled artisn.ns,otc. b. Estimated annual f ami l y income$ 1800-4000 c. Foreign-born families Few%; _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ predominating; d. e. Infiltration of Largely deed pro-; tcctcd Population is increasing Slowly g. 3. f. Negro_-_; _ _ % Relief families _ _ __N _ o1_1o_kn _ o_,m _ _ _ _ _ _ __ st atic _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ decreasing _ __ __ _ _ BUILDINGS: PREDOMINATING ~ % OTHER TYPE OTHER TYPE a. Type b. Construction C• Average Age 5 - 6 rooms Frwnc, Rustic, Stucco, :Brick ( 33rd to D- Mo rth of Mdltinl ey 10 Years 2G Years d. Repair Good e. Occupancy ..;;.9-"'8_ _ _ _ % _____ % _____ % f. Home ownership 67 - - - -" _ _ __ _ % % g. Constructed past yr . h. 1929 Price range $ 4000- 10,000 --1QQ% $ 100% i. 1935 Price range $ 3600...8000 ___8Q_$ $ _ _% $ j. 1938 Price range $ 4000-9000 __filL.% $ k. Sales demand $ All prices, good 1. Activity m. 1929 Rent range $ n. 1935 Rent range 0 . /)f _ _ _ Years 9 % $- - - - - $ _ _ _ __ 100% _ _ _ __ % _____ % $ _ _ _ __ $ Active 40 - 70 -----100% $ 100$ $ 100% $ 32.50 - 55 ~% $ __% $ % 1938 Rent range $ 37 050 - 65 _2.§__% $ --% $ % p. Rental demand $ JJ.l pricci-:, i:f)Gd q. Activity $ $ J!.ctivc Home purchase Ample q. AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: ~. CLARI FYING REt:ARKS: 6. ~!AM[~ AND LOCATION _ _ M_cK_i_n_l_oy=--P_n.r_k: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SECURITY GRADE _ _ l3_ AREA NO. _2_ _ _ a. b. Home building Ample This n.rca includes subdivisions platted in 1910,11,22,24,25,26,29 and 1937. Gcnorolly deed protoctecl; restrictions havo expired on 32nd and 33rd Streets, but pattern is well establishccl.. Zoned portion single-family; bnlonco two-fnmilyo There is a steady sole os1d rental doroond for property in this aren, particuJ.o.rly on those streets abutting tho pnrk. The northwest section is somcnhat loner grnclc, m. th some evidence of 11 Jcrry building. 11 Tho urco. as a whole is accorded a llhigh bl ue11 grade. - NS FCRM 8 l 0-1-37 AREA DESCRIPTION 1. SECURITY MAP OF So.crumcnto, Col. AREA CHARACTERISTICS: Description of Terrain. Gcnerolly l0vcl 1lith no construction hn.zards. There is a low spot on 47th, 48th, ond 50th streets, between F and H streets, which sul>jocts this s0cti0n to backyo.rd flooding for short periods during a henV'J rainfall. b. Favorable Influences. Convenience to tronsportntion, schools, chuxchcn, n.nd trading centers. Proximity t0 highest grade district in tho city. District development still supervise~ by originol high-grade subdivider. Horoogo,ioous population. c. Detrimental Influences. Flood water hazard mentioned in 1-a. Maternity hospital located north~ost of area offers sofilo soles resistance to adjacent property. a. d. 2. 3. Percentage of land improved _§9__ %; e. Trend of desirability next INHABITANTS: :Business & prof cssionnl men a. Occupation&white collar workers; b. yrs .~U.P'-----to static Estimated annual family income $2100-3600 c. Foreign-born families Few%; None subversive e. Infiltration of g_. Population is increasing Rclpidly; Rcnnte 10-15 predominating; d. Nono Relief families f. Negro Mono ; _ _ % decreasing static BUILDH!GS: PREDOMINATING 95 % OTHER TYPE OTHER TYPE Years Years a. Type 5 - 6 room b. Construction Frnmc, otucco. brick c. Average Age 10 d. Repair Gooc1 e. Occupancy 97 f. Home ownership 81 g. Constructed past yr. 17 h. 1929 Price range $ 5000-7500 _1.QQ'.fj $ 100% i. 1935 Price range $4000-6000 ~% $ _ _% $ _ _ _ __ % j . 1938 $ 4500-6700 ~% $ _ _ % $ _ _ _ __ _____ % Price range Years % % % % % % $.Al.l prices , good k. Sales demand 1. Activity m. 1929 Rent range $40 - 60 n . 1935 Rent range $32.50 - ro ~% $ o. 1938 $37 060 - 55 .1Q.__% $ $All pric:01:. -~ , ,.,..., Cl 6. $ Rent range p. Rental demand g_. Activity $ _ _ _ __ 100% $ _ _ _ _ __ $ Active ---100% $ 1QQ% $ 100% % $ _ _$ $ $ Ar.ti VO q. AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purchasp.Aoplc 6. CLARIFYING RE~iARKS :Aroa consists of three subdivisions platted in 1926,29 ::md 1938. Population dc.11si ty is bcl0\7 o.vcrn6 o. Zonccl. 2-fw."lily rcsiclcntial, but o,1ing to dcecl restrictiohs, ~1hich arc adequate :.mcl strictly cnforcccl, in:q_)rovcncnts arc ~holly singlo- funily rosi<loncos. Restrictions west of 45th St. arc on the point of expiring, but pattern is clcfini tcly established nncl social price level uill protect. There is a eoocl cl.or:mncl for property in arou, ::incl. ilhile there is cvicl.enco of some cheap construction, gcncrolly it is of high graclc. The area is accor0.ccl a "high bluo11 r:;ro.clc. Hatchccl portion in oantcrn part will probably develop into n. loTTer grade. NAME AND LOCATION Pru-t of Sacr£UJ.cnto SECURITY GRADE B AREA NOP·_ __ b . Home building_NllJ?=~l=o_ __ % % NS FCRM 8 l 0-1-37 1. AREA CrlARACTERISTICS: a. Description of Terrain. Level with no construction hazards. b. c. d. 2. AR EA DE SC R I PT I ON - SEC UR I TY MA p OF Sacl-amen to , Cal• Favorable Influenc~s. Transpor tation, schools, churches, and trading centers unusually convenient. Homogeneous population and high pride of ownership. Many streets have great beauty and charm. Population density below· city average. Proximity to highest grade area in the city. Detrimental Influences. Qni to a sprinkling of large, old residences throughout the area.. These, however, arc high maintained. e. Percentage of land improved~%; Trend of desirability next yrs 3 S~t=a_t_i_c_ __ to uown INHABITANTS ;Professional. & business men, a. Occupation Sr.& Jr. Ex:ocutivcs b. Estimated annual family income$ 2400-5000 white collar workers Op Mono subversive predominating ; d. Negro None ; _ _ % c. Foreign-born families Few %; e. Infi l tration of - - -Remote - -- - - f. g. Population is increasing decreasing _ _ _ __ _ _ Slowly Relief families ____N _o_n_o_kn_o_wn _ __ _ _ _ __ st a tic _ __ _ __ _ __ :tam~ BUILDINGS: 4· 10 - 15 OTHER TYPE PREDOMINATING ~%WostOJPE§oR~~ & 6-7 rooms dwellings.l bu.n6-alow ct. Mnnsion a. Type b. Construction Frorae, brick & stucco Fro.mJ & stucco Frame & brick c. Average Age l5- 20 1_2_ _ Years 20-2·5 d. Repair Good Good Good e. Occupancy _9_8_._5 _ _ _ % Whole area__ - ___ % f. Home ownership _____ 73. g. Constructed past yr._3_ _ _ __ h. 1929 Price range $ i. 1935 Price range $ 4000- 8000 __filL_% $ 6400-8000 j. 1938 Price range $ 4500-9000 ~% $ 7000-8000 k. Sales demand $ 5()00-7500 $ 7000-8500 1. Activity m. 1929 Rent range $ 50-100 -..l00% $ 40-60 n. 1935 Rent range $ 40-80 ~% 0. 1938 Rent range $ 45--90 p. Rental demand $ 45-f.0 q. Activity Years /(} o, u n - - -- - - good 100 est. _____ % $ % 95 tt _ _ o, _ __ /J 8000- 10,000 100% $ __ 90 ~·(~:--,,1 O! -,;, $ ~% fair 100% 70 $ 35-50 Cood 70 $ 7000-10.5()0 _ $ · All prices, poor _ _ __ o, /J Clood $ 100-125 % $ ~% $ ~ ' Good Home purc hase _6_0_ __ % Poor 32-42.50 $ 35-00 10,000-15~000- - - - - " -100 % '~ _§Q_ % $ 6000-9000 Fair Good a. years None 5000-10,000 -1QQ% AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: 5 .AnJ,le mo% 60-75 60 70-87.EO 70 All levels -poor to fair :Poor b. Home building Ample CLARI FYINC; REt,;AAKS: Composed of 11 sub-il.ivi sions 0poncd between 1908 and 1922. Deed restrictions on early h u s expired. Present zoning is one family oost of 39th St., 2-fomily nest of ~19th , nnd no rth of J street multiples a rc oJ.lowed. Housint; is 95% one f runily. Al t hough construction nnd upkeep is high grade througl out, subdivision presents vru:ying styl os of architecture. Except for nge t h e easte rn part of t h is area would worrnnt o. first grade rating. Present r a ting is high blue. 6. NA~!f AND LOCATION Wright & Kimbrough .A.ddi tion SECURITY GRADE _ _ B_ AREA N0. 4_ _ _ % % NS F~ M 8 l 0-1-37 i. Snch.Alen to , Col . AREA DESCRIPTION - SECURITY MAP OF _ _ _ __ AREA CrlARACTERISTICS: Levol ,7 i th n0 construction hazn.rd.s. a. Description of Terrain. b. Trruisportntion, school o, churches, and trc.dinr; centers .\re .. conveniently nvailublc. deed restrictions. Homo, ~ I f Favora b u::t n 'J uen~ns ·t. . t s~ H1g.. . ~..,.. pride o f o\-i-ncrsm.p. , · p ronrm. · · ty to gcnci y or popu.i.o. ion n.,d rn~rovcmcn high- grade ureas A- 1 ancl B- 4. Population dcnsi ty below city .:ivorngo•. c. D t • Hcuvy traffic cm Folsom Blvd. , \'lhich is a. major arterial. Cemetery ond areas C-14, 15, und 15 is slightly dotrimen._ tnl and is to en.use some snles rosistnnce. al I e J!Poe:Rfiru ty n/o1 ~ff1::ami 2. g. i. . . slowly BUI LDINGS: Type b. Construction c. Average Age d. Repair e. Occupancy f. Home ownership g. Constructed past yr. h. 1929 j . 1935 1938 Activity m. 1929 98 70 $ p. q. 5. Years _ _ _ Year s _____ % % % ____ _ % 0000- 7000 $ 4000- 6700 -1QQ% $ 100% 80 _ _% $ 90 $- -- - - 100% _ _% $ _____ % % $ _ _ % $ _ _ _ __ _ _ ___ % $ $ _ _ _ __ Good Rent range Activity % All prices- good Rent range Rental demand % $ Rent range 45 - 55 $ $ $ 35 - 45 40 - EO ----1.00% $ 80 _ _% $ rna% % $ % _ _% _ _% $ .El pric:):.; - f::r,ocl $ $ 100% 90 $ $ % $ G0•:--cl AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: .Ample .Ample a. Home purchase _ _ __ b. Home building _ _ _ _ __ Except for t~o blocks between 38th ond 30th streets ~hich arc some>CLARIFYING RE~;ARKS : what older tho bnlu11cc of o.rou wo.s sub-clividcd in 1925. Altho'l.l.Q'l zoned for two fumily houses, deed restrictions limit building to one 'family units. Housing hn.s hic;h;rco of conformity us to typo, ugo and sound.'11.ess of construction. This is u hom 0 cneou s ond populnr r.10diur.1 priced s e ction . Grading is II high 6. OTHER TYPE 7 $ 4000-6000 1935 o. OTHER TYPE _ _ _ Year s uncl 39th sts. Good Price range 1. o.xcopt 38 t h 12 Price range Sales demand 1938 % Brick & frame, stucco Price r ange k. n. 100 5 - 6 rooms a. i. s t at ic _ __ __ _ __ _ decreasing _ __ _ __ _ Population is 1nc reas1ng _ _ __ PREDOMINATING 4. Sta.tic 95+ Percentage of land improved _ _ %; e . Trend of desirabili t y next 10 - 15 yr~~dl£,le"iiwn---:Business & prof0ssionnl men INHABITANTS: & whi to coll.:1r >1orkers 2400 3600 a. Occupation__ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ b . Estimated annual family inc ome $ None. Mone subversive c . For eign- born families __ %; ________ _ _ predominating ; d. Negro _ _ ; _ _ % Protected f . Relief families _ M0no _ _____________ e. Infiltration of d. bl uen. Ric'l.gmroocl nrn'l Ridge Pork 13 5 NA~!E AND LOCATION_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ SECURITY GRADE _ _ _ AREA NO. _ _ _ NS FCRM 8 l 0- 1-37 AREA DESCRI PTION - SECURITY MAP OF So.crnncnto, Ca:J.. 1. AREA CrlARACTERISTICS: a. Description of Terrain. 3. Gentle b. Favorable Influences. Tronsporta tirm, schools, churches, and tradine:; cc.,.;tcrs conveniently available . Nearness to city center. Steady dor.nnd for both purchase and. rental. c. Detrimental Influences. Proximity to lo·,rnr t~raclo n.rous. Lack of restrictions nnd sinclc fanily zoninc~. SU.bsto.ntio1 nuubor of lnr:10, old nnnsion-type rosiclcnces, ,1hich, ,,hile hi(;hly mintainoc1, have u t0.nclcncy to hasten cl~ cl ininG perfod of oroo. o.s u "1"1hol e. Percentage of land improved~%; e. Trend of desirabili t y next 10-15 yrs. -s~t_n._t_i_c Up to _ _ d. 2. Gcncrru ly level ;7ith no construction hazard. ~ruclc fron 22nd st. both cast nnd 1wst. INHABITANTS: :Business r.icn, clerical & whi to collor a. Occupation vrorkcrs,skillod ortisUI}s b. Es t imated annual family income$ 1800- f:.000 U:90~1800-3000 c. Foreign-born families Few %; Mone subversive predominating; d. Negro None ; _ _ % f. e. Infiltration of Romto g. Population is increasing slo~ly Relief families _ ___ U_on_o_kn_o_mi. _ _ __ _ _ __ st atic _ __ _ __ _ __ decreasing _ _ _ __ __ BUILDINGS: PREDOMINATING 90 % OTHER TYPE Few % OTHER TYPE _8_ __ a. Type 5-6 ro 2-4 f nr.1ily b. Construction Frw:io, stucco & brick Frnr:ic -~--- c. Average Age 1_5_ _ _ y ears 15 d. Repair Good Goocl e. Occupancy 9_5_ _ _ _ % .All types_ - ___ % f. Home ownership 5_5_ _ _ _ % n g. Constructed past yr. h. 1929 Price range $ 4000-6000 ___!QQ% $ i. 1935 Price range $ 3200-4800 _80_% $ j. 1938 Price range 1 3600-5400 _filL_% $ k. Sales demand $ All prices-good 1. Activity m. 1929 Rent range $ 30.. 50 ---1ill)% $ 100% $ 100% n. 1935 Rent range $ 25-40 ~% $ __% $ - - - --% o. 1938 Rent range $ 27,.50-45 _QQ_% $ _ _% $ -----% p. Rental demand $ All pri (:r;f; [P0<l $ $ q. Activity ti 7-10 l:'001:1s-r.mnsion typo Fraoc & brick 30 _ _ _ Years Years Good .._ _ _ _ _ % _____ % _____ % 9 $ Good - 100% 100% $ $ _____ % % $ _____ % __% Goocl $ Poor Goocl Poor Good AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: 5. CLARIFYING REt•iARKS: This arco. is ro1 outlyinr; district i:1hich hns been c1ovolopinc slov1ly for past ~10 About 40% of the nron. is zoned for t,10 for.iily µouscs, but 98~ of the hoocs sinc;lc fnr..1ily. Most of tho ln.r[:;c olcl Dru1sions arc locn.tecl on 22nc:t nncl 23rcl streets; they ore well nn.intuinocl and add character to the neip..hl)orhoocl, aJ. thou[;.li. not as desirable as the other srmllcr houses. 6. NAME AND LOCATION Part of 11 a. Ar.:rpl c 4. Home purchase 01<1 Ci ty11 b. Home building Aq>le SECURITY GRADE _ _B_ AREA NO .6_ __ _ NS FCRH 8 l 0-1-37 1. AREA CriARACTERISTICS : a . Descrip tion of Terrai n. b. c. d. 2. 3. l.j. . c: . 6. AREA DESCR I t' T I ON - S ECUR I TY MAp OF Sac... ,..t.icn to , Cru • Level ~ith no construc tion hazar~s . Convc.l'lience t o city contcr , trnns;)o rt..., tion,sch ools , churchcs Favorab le Influenc .:s . ion of cor.:ipctent Cl.."11<1.. trndinc centers. Dcvolop ocnt of district under sup~rvis di stin ctly olonG pattern sub-cliv iclers has had an effect of esta.blish in,-:; its in city fallora.b lc linos.P roxir.1.ity to city's hi@1 scho<1s.:B elow Detrime ntal Influenc es . populati on density. Proxir.ri .ty to busines s nnd lo,1cr r;ra.<1.e areas . Sonc sclcs rcsiston ce to proport a.butting high school on a.ccoUl"1t of noiso and stU£.':.ont c:u- purk~ng. e. Percenta ge of land improv ed~%; INHABITANTS: White collar workors , snoll b. a. Occupat ion businos s non. c. Foreign- born families Foo%; e. Infiltra tion of g. Populati on is increasi ng BPILDrnGS: Trend of desirab ility next f. predomi nating; d. Neg r o Nono; _ _ % Relief families _ _ __l_ifo_n_c_lm_o_r._m_ _ _ _ _ _ __ st atic _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ decreas i ng _ _ _ _ __ _ slouly ; yrs. Up to at=a.=-t-i =c- - - Estimate d annual fami ly income$ l 500-2000 None subversi ve consiclcr ocl rCCl)t~ 10-15 PREDOMINATING 95 + % OTHER TYPE OTHER TYPE 2-fnn.ily a. Type 5 - 6 rooo b. Constru ction Frru:.10, stucco & brick veneer ----- c. Average Ag e l_5___ y ears d. Repair Goo d e. Occupan cy 99 _ f. Home owner ship _____% 00 g. Constru cted past Yr .-1: h. 1929 Price range $3000-40 00 __!QQ$ $ 100% i. 1935 Price range ~750-37 00 _fill_$ $ _ _% $ j. 1938 Price range ~200-40 00 ~% $ _ _ k. Sales demand $.All prices - {SOOCl 1. Activity m. 1929 Rent range $ 35 - 45 __.100% $ 100% $ 100% n. 1935 Rent range $ 7.oo ~% $ --% $ % o. 1938 Rent range $32. EO - 12. 00 ~ % $ _ $ $ % p. Rental demand $ .All pr~.CCf; q. Activity FO";I p _ __ _ a _ _ _ Years _ __ Years _ __ __ % ____ _ % ____ _ % _ __ __ % $ - -- --- % $ _ _ _ __ 100% ____ _ % ____ _ % $ _ __ _ __ $ Good - {;'OOCl $ _ $ Goocl. AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purchase .Aq>lo b . Home building _Ar.Ip_._l_c_ __ This area consists of 7 su.ncl.ivi sions ~hich \':ere placed on oarket CLAIHFYING REt:ARKS : clurinG period frou 1913-27 . Is zonocl 2-fa.r.xily rcsident illl uith exceptio n of cxtronc north,1o stern section ,1horc ti-fauil y dwcllin{;s arc pcrni ttocl. Tho o.roo ,1as clevel► opecl under c & strictly c.'lforcc<l cloocl restrict ions, which have Goncrnl ly C..'Cpirecl. Iq)rOv01 ..cnts are 98% sint;lc-f w;1ily dwellin{~ s of r;;cc'.iur.1 price ranj~c, ,1!1ich arc ,1011 construc tecl ancl conforo to typo. P0pula.t fon consists of 1:ioclerate incono c;r0up 1'. is general ly h01:ogcnoous. Sclos 0J1d ronta.1 clcr.umc . is stendy. Mainten ance is of a.nd is a.ccorcl.od a n10,1 blue" area price cr>od quality. Is o. ucll reearded , popular gra.clo. B AREA N0.7_ _ _ SECURITY GRADE 1 1 ~A~ E AND LOCATIONHigh School Tro.ct ifTtt St.Cour t .NS FCRH 8 10-1-37 1. 2. 3. AREA DESCRIPTION - SECURITY MAP OF AREA CrlARACTERISTICS: a. Description of Terrain. ,,i th n0 Level construction hnzorcls. b. Favorable Influenc(:S. Tron~ortationt schools, churches, n.nll trn<linG centers conveniently o.vo.ilo.blo. Wi<lo-parkccl streets n.clrl chorn. Proxiui ty to city's Dain hie·,h school. c. Detrimental Influences. Lone period of devclopnent has tcnacu to proauco a ~idc sprcn.<1. in the D.f;es of iDprovc:':1cn ts. d. Percentage of land improved ---2.Q. %; e. Trend of desirability next 10-1s yrs._Up-"--,_t~o~-static INHABITANTS t,fixed whi tc collnr cl ericol to business a. Occupation & .professional b. Estimated annual family income $ 1800-3600 c. Foreign-born families Non~; _ _ _ _ __ _____ predominating; d. e. Rcnotc Infiltration of - -- -- - - f. g. Population is increasing Slowly decreasing _ _ __ _ __ 95 s tatic _ _ _ _ __ _ __ Type 5 - 6 roons b. Construction Fronc, r~stic, stucco & brick c. Average Age d. Repair Goon e. Occupancy f. Home ownership g. Constructed past yr. __1_6_ __ h. 1929 _ _ _ Years _ _ _ Years 9_9_ __ _ % _____ % _____ % _6..:. . 3_ __ _ % _ _ _ __ % _ ____ % 15 Year~ (non to 38 yrs.) Price range $ 4000-6000 i. 1935 Price range j . 1930 Price range Sales demand 1. Activity m. 1929 n. 1935 Rent range Rent range o. 19:M Rent range p. Rental demand q. Activity OTHER TYPE OTHER TYPE % a. k. Negro ?Jone; _ _ % Relief families _______N_o_n_c_la_1_o_mi. _ _ _ __ BUILDINGS : PREDOMINATING LI-• S<1c...·nnento, Cru.. ( cxch.1eli11G ovcr-inprovo~.1ents aroUJ.1<1 30th & ---1QQ';b $,_____ $ 2800-4200 ~% $ _ __ $ 3600-5000 ~% $ _ _ __ $ All pricos-13,-ood _ 100% 0 Trr) :ii _ _% $ % $ _ __ _ __ $ _ _ _ __ _ ____ % _ ____ % $ _ _ __ __ GoocJ. ro 35_- _ _ __ $_ __l_OO% $, _ _ __ $ 27.50 - 10 ~% $ _ __ _ 100% _ _ $, _ _ _ _ __ % $ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ % $ _ __ __ $ .All prices g0ocl. $ 100% -----% - ----% $ _ _ _ _ __ Good AVAILA13ILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purchase Aqplo b . Home building_fv_.·_::ip_l_o_ _ __ CLARIFYING REt-iARKS: This o.rcn. ,ms sul)<li vid.ecl in 1910t u mmbcr of yrs. nhoo<l of n.ctunl <lennnd for property in this location; this 11..'l.s ho.d the effect of slowing up <lovclopnont oncl Giving the n.rea a slir.J:.tly hcteroGcncous aspect in architectural ty1)es;os. If it ,rnrc not for this ond tho fo.ct thn.t c.leccl restrictions expired parts of the aroo could 1)c grn,clocl "lo,;1 {;rocn n. Tho o.r0<.'I. is zoned. singlo-fonily rosicl.on tiol. Construction o, r:u:dnta1onco o.rc of high quol i ty, uncl. there is n. steady clcnnnd, both for rontols nnd solos. Sor:w of tho rosic1.onccs give tho ir.1prossion of being over-iqrrovenents. T'no n.rea is accorcl.od a 11 high bluo11 GrO.<le. 6. NAHE AND LOCATION _ __ El_1:1_l::1u.r_s_t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SECURITY GRADE __ B__ AREA NO. _o_ _ _ NS FCRH 8 10-1 - 37 l · So.crx.1cn to , Col. AREA DES CRIPTI ON - SECUR IT Y MAP OF _ _ _ __ AREA CtiARACTERISTICS: Level ,,i t h no cons L-uctinn h.nznr<ls. There nro sono lon a. Descat>I3t!:;O!lno:t11tena.<t~cd. part of t h o area, uhich floo (lod in tir.1cs of hro.vy ruin foll. b. c· trnnsr>orto.tion, convmicncc to s ch0ol s of nll Favo1&n,h<=oJ, n\h16irtfrl'inr; Junior Co.Jil ef;c, churcb.e s, rccrc...-.t irmnJ., a."1d tradinc ureas . Beneficial affect of first-crude nrcas to the cast.. Hor_10::; populntion and inprovei., ents. Detrimental Influences· Ccnctories on t ho north ruicl industrial arco. on the ucst cause so,.10 snles resistnnc c to abutting prop erties. 00 ~~ Percentage of land improved _ _ %; e. Trend of desirabili t y next 10-15 yrs s~t-u•t~i-c-- Sr.Ulll business non, jr. executives, INHABITANTS: & uhi to collar workers $ 1000- 3000 a. Occupation _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ; b. Estimated annual family income d. 2. 3. c. subversivo . . _Nono Foreign-born fam1l1es _ %; ___________ predominatin g; d . e. Deed protection Infiltration of _ _ _ __ __ _ f. g. . . . . slowly Populat1on 1s 1ncreas1ng _ _ __ decreas ing _ __ __ _ _ PUlLDH!GS: _ _ _ Years _ _ _ Years Construction c. Average Age d. Repair e. Occupancy _____ % _____ % _ ____ % f. Home ownership 74__ _ _ % _ _ _ ___ % _____ % g. Constructed past yr. h. 1929 Price range $ 1935 $ 3200-3900 ~% $ _ $ L!-00O- 00OO ~% $ _ _ % $ _ _ __ 1930 Pr ice ran ge Price range k. Sales demand 1. Activ ity m. 1929 Rent range o. 6. OTHER TYPE b. n. 5. OTHER TYPE Type j. LI . stat ic _ __ _ __ _ __ a. i. 1935 1030 Rent range Rent range p. Rental demand g_ . Activity ~ }Tone Reli ef families _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 95 PREDOMINATING 5 - 6 roon Hone o,_ Negr o _ _ ; _ _ Frnr.10, brick & stucco 12 _ _ _ Years Good 1 ,J,f00- 5000 --1QQ% $ All prices, Good $ 10 0% 100% $- -- - - - _ % $ _ __ __ % _____ % $ _ _ _ _ __ $ Good. $ $ 15 - fO _l..QQ% 100% $ no 35 - t2...0 $ ·12. 50-•.17. 50 $ All l cv0l s $ _ _ _ _ __ _ _% $ ___ % $ _ _ _ _ __ 95 _ % _ - -% -· {1\.) 0<1 $ $ _ _ __ JOO% -----% - -- --% $ _ _ _ _ __ $ Goocl AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. .Anp1 e Home purchase____ ,Ar:q_)l C b . Home building _ _ _ __ _ , . . . , Th is area m.ts sub...clivicLed in rn25 oml is w:-g_~le deed pr o t ected , only CLARHYIN~i~•~:i§~ily dYrellinGs l)oinG perr.u ttod, oJ. t hough zonint~ is 2-far~ily rosic1cntin Thero is a steady douanc1 for i)ropcrt y in this area, both for ren tals and . It is thouc;ht t1' t ho hatched portion o:( aroo. ,1i1l c1cvolop olonr~ snne ccn0rnl lines \7hcn it is suhclivicl.ed C1.YJ.t LY\rkotccl. Con struction in t h e aroo.. is of generally :·;ooc1 i ty. Tho area is uccordccl n. "r.1oc:.iol bl uo 11 ~rD.Clo. NM1E AND LOCATION Riverside - - - -- - - - - SECURITY GRA°DE _ :B _ _ AREA NO. 9 NS FffiM 8 10-1-37 1. AREA CrlARACTERISTICS: a. Description of Terrain. b. c. d. 2. SECUR I Ty MA p OF Sac1· "i,.1011 to , Cul• Level ·,Ti th no construction hn.znrc1-s. Favorable I nflu.enc_c,s. Trru'"lsr• ion. sc~oo 1 s of o.11 gr:iclcts, ~hurchcs, trn~inr; o.n::cr rccroutionUJ. o.rros c()nvo..lli ,;n 1 y nv:nlu) 1 1 o. lfourncss o qi ty cc.Tl.tor nnc, $ Office Buildings. In path of city's £,ToTith. Bolo,;r ci ty1 s avornr;c donsi ty of population. DetrimetJ:t~ I fl Ir.1_pro.....-o,:icnts sor.10,1hnt hotor0:~cnoov.s o.s to a e;e o.nd architec.. sect.ions o f n.rco.; th · is . overcor.ic t () o. l o.rc;e ex t Ct"1 t ,,1y t urn ypen inuences cor"t'o.:i.n _ 1s hiGh quru.ity of upkeep oncl uo.intcnn.nco. e. Percentage of land improved~%; Trend of desirability next 10-15 Yrs.t_u~~~-- - to S t\.1,lC INHABITANTS: Sr:ioll husincss ucn , u:.1i to collar . \7orkcrs , skilled artis,.nnso . Est1mate . d annua 1 f am1. 1 y i. ncome $ 1000- 2400 a. 0ccupat1on___________ c. ~- AREA DESCRI p T I ON - e. Foreign-born families_-_%; N<me suhvorsiv_c _ _ _ predominating: d. Ne.i;rra~; _ _ % Sec no t'e t) v.1.v., 1 10 10 1 f. Relief families _ _ _ __ _ _ _1m_o_Wi_n_ __ _ _ __ Infiltration of Rouoto g. . . _rnpidly Population is increasing __ _ ; DIJlLDH!GS: OTHER TYPE ___ % PREDOMINATING 2 % 5-6 roor.1S Type b. Construction c. Average Age d. Repair e. Occupancy f. Home ownership g. (1937) 50 Constructed past yr. h. 1929 Price range $ l. 1935 Price range $ 2000- 3500 j. 1938 Price range $ k. Sales demand $ 1. Activity m. 1929 Rent range $ n. 1935 R ent range 35 $ 30 - ~% $ 1938 $ 35 - ·10 --IJ Rent range p. Rental demand g_. Activity OTHER TYPE FeTT c1.,,oll int:s, f cw lurGcr, sinr;lc fo.r:nly d.rcllin(~s. a. o. static _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ decreasing, _ _ _ _ _ __ Frnno, rustic & stucco. 1_2_ _ _ y ears _ _ _ Years _ __ Years 93 _____ % _____ % _____ % ro _____ % _ _ ___ % ____ _ % Goo(l 1000-5000 1 ---1ill)% 100% $ _ _ _ __ $ _'.?2__i $ 3200-4000 00 All prices - f,OOcl _ _% $ % % $ $ _ _ _ __ 100% _ ____ % _ _ ___ % $ _ _ _ _ __ $ Good $ ·10 - 15 ---1.00% 90 .Al 1 1 CYCl s .. a:,oc~ /}f $ $ 100% % $ % 100% $ _ _% $ $ $ Goocl a. lj. AVAILAnILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: Home purc hase .An;_)lc b. Home building _h_.~_l_o_ __ 6. CLARTJ.'YH,r. pr.t:AllKS· Moplo Pork Sectirm (so1,,t;b. of Nr:rkhnr.1) ulthouf·)1. plotted in.1910 har ohty · -:t oC:-6nTiy-1)0cnuc p0pul ·1r. Dcot: restrict i0ns have oxpir ed. Homeland section \7.1S subdivided in 1924 and restrictions arc still effective. Zoning throughout is for 6-fnroily houses but 1- family units prodominuto. Construction is good for price range roid tcnoncc is o.bovc o.verugc. Archi tocturo is fuirly uniform ez:ccpt in portions of Mo.plo Pork.. T"ncrc o.rc 3 ncgro families ,1ho own homes near tho eastern perimeter of Mnplc Po.rk, but this influence docs not vmrrnnt further pcno.:J.izing of the urea. In fact it is possible thot some parts of tho neighborhood will improve to better thnn its present medium blue rating. 10 NM1E AND LOCATION Mupl e p~~_ nn _ d_H_To_m_ol_nn _ d_ _ _ _ SECURITY GRADE __B_ _ AREA NO . ~ NS FCRM 8 to , Col. 10-1-37 1. 2. 3· AREA DESCRIPTION - SE CU RIT Y MAP Of _ _ _ __ AREA CrlARACTERISTICS: a. Description of Terrain. Level ,1i th no construction ho.zards. b. F I Conven ience to schoolo of nll grudes, including Junior avor~\1.0/J,1 4fi~dh·es, recreational ond tro.ding a,roas. Stabilizing effect of high grade o.reo.s t o tho cast. c. D . Ino.doquo.te tronsporto.ti·:m. Tenc}.mcy to,m.rd heterogei,cous etnii1p\fi\ifj_1bQ.,u~J}f11fu• is mi tign.ted and checked by bettor n.rous to cast. d. Percentage of land improved _ _ %; 00 INHABITANTS: Whi ~c ~llar. workers , artisans etc. . _skill a. 0 ccupat1on _ _ca. __ _ _ _ ,_ _ ~~ e. Trend of . desirability next 10- 15 yrs.~st~a~t~i~e= ---- b. Estimated annual family income $ None predominating; d. Negro _ _ ; _ _ % Relief families _ _ _ _Non0 _ _ knovm. _ __ __ _ __ _ c. 20 «~; _ _ Itnlinns . b orn f am1·1 1es · __ _ _ __ _ Fore1gn- e. Possible Infiltration of _ _ _ _ _ __ _ f. g. . . Slowly Population is 1ncreas1ng _ _ __ decreas ing _ _ _ _ _ __ PUILDINGS: 9 PREDOMINATING Type b. Construction c. Average Age d. Repair e. Occupancy f. Home ownership g. Constructed past yr. h. 1929 Price range j . 1935 OTHER TYPE _ _ _ Years _ _ _ Years % _____ % _____ % % _____ % _____ % Frume & stucco 20 70 $ $ 1938 Price range $ 1. Ac tivity m. 1929 Rent range 1935R Years 98 Price range Sales demand o. OTHER TYPE Fair to good k. n. 5+- % static _ _ __ _ __ _ _ 5-6 rooms a. i. $ $ $ 1938 R ent range $ Rental demand q. Activity 3000-4000 $ _ _ _ __ --1.Q.Q% $ 100% 1800-24.-00 ~% $ _ _% $ 2400-3200 ~% $ All prices - £,'OOd % $_ _ _ __ __ % _ ~ ·· 6. _ _ _ ____ % $ _ _ _ __ $ Good ent range p. 1 $ 27.50-35 20- 25 25-32.50 ~% $ 70 _ _% $ 90 --~ ()I All lcv·-:i::.::, ·- good $ 100% % $ % 100% $ _ _% $ $ $ o/, Good .ADJ)lc Ample (j . 1200- 2000 b. Home building _ _ _ _ __ AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS : a . llome purchase This nren. ,:;a,s first suhclividod in 1909, and wn.s developed u.i,dor CLARIFYING RELARKS: deed restricti,ms , .limit ing improvo1ncnts t o sinGJ_ o-family dwell i nf t hese restrictions have no\'1 expired, uml zoni!'lt;; permits 2- fumily d¥1ellin.GS, but very few such dwellinc s been constructed, and the o.ron is prodominnntly ::iinG].c family d,rnllinGs of mcdi1.U:a-6 radc construction, with hiGh of nnintennnco . Th0ro axe several ies of Jn:pnneso on 8th Street in the II yollo,1° n.rou to the v,est. The oroo is accorded n 11 10,1 bl ue11 grnclc. NAf<Ht AND LOCATION Pnrt of :Buth Trn.ct _ _ _ _ _ __ :B SECURITY GRADE _ _ _ AREA NO . l} NS FCRM 8 l 0-1-37 1. AREA DESCR I PT I OH - SECURITY MAP OF So.crnr.icnto , Ccl. AREA CrlARACTERISTICS: L ovcl ni th no cons tructi n hazards. a. Description of Terrain. b. F able I fl e .Convenience to tro.nsportntion, c:hurchos, Stnt o Officcs,and cci\.toiJ:c~proximity tc po.rks oncl schools of o.11 gru<.les, including Junior CollcGo. Hort10t;cncous populnti()n of upper mid<llo-class soci:il. ru.7.d income levels. O tt1?:tinc Det · menfal I fluence Improv roonts inclined to be hoteroc;cnenus o.s to age nJ1d arch teEtura typis m sclittcrccl sccti?ns of urea; this is lnrt;oly ar.1eliora.:tecl by tho oxc0llc.Ylt character of upkeep o.nd r.nintenance. Density of population and hic;h per- . cent of lnnd ir.:xprovoncnt . d. Percentage of land improved 9 5r%; e. Trend of desirability next 10-15 yrs.Sta tic to slo'71Y doim INHABITANTS: Prof~ss~onal & b:1-~iness men ; senior a. Occupation & Junior oxecu~ivcs , etc. b. Estimated annual family income$ 2400-4BOO c. 2. 3· Foreign-born families _ _ %; e. Infiltration of_R_cnn __t_e_ _ _ __ f. g. Population is increasing Slowly decreas ing _ _ _ __ __ J'UlLDINGS: PREDOMINATING 5. 6. 9o % OTHER TYPE OTHER TYPE _ _ _ Years _ __. _Years _ ____ % 5-G roor.1s b. Construction c. Average Age d. Repair e. Occupancy 98 _____ % _ _ _ __ % f. Home ownership 61 _____ % _ ____ % g. 12 Constructed past yr. h. 1929 Price range $ 0000-10 ,000 -1QQ% $ 100% 1 . 1935 Price range $ 3500- 8000 ~% $ _ _% $ j. 1938 Price range $ 4000-9000 k. Sales demand $ 1. Activity m. 1929 Rent range o. 1938 Mone; _ _ % static _ _ __ _ _ _ __ Type 1935 Neg ro Relief families ____N_o_n_e_ki_io_•_,m_ __ _ _ __ _ a. n. 4. None subvcrsi vc_ predominating; d. c. Rent range Rent range p. Rental demand q. Activity Frnnc, brick 8c stucco _1 _6 _ _ y ears Good .All pri cos - 90 % $ % $ _ _ _ __ 100% _ ____ % $ _ _ __ _ _____ % $ _ _ __ __ G)Od $ $ 4-0- 60 ---1.QQ% $ $ ~ - 50 ~% $ ___ % $ _ _ __ __ $ _ _ % $ _ _ __ Good $ 37. 50-57. EO $ .All l evels - 95 ~ _ _ t) {;\JOG. $ 100% $ _ _ __ __ rno% _ ____ % $ _ _ _ _ __ C--ood AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home pu .Ar.1plc b. Home building _.AJ:Ip __ l _o_ __ Cons:ists of all or pl'.rts of 12 subdivisioj_'J.s npcncd het ~100-11. 1907- 1927. CLAJUFYING RE~;ARKS: Portion south of 5th Ave. uit}1 fo~., exceptions is zonec1. for 2- fw:iily units. , Restrictions nrc oporo.ti;;o except in c nrly d.evclopncn t. Ir'lproveuents nrc lo.r(soly ,,ell built one fa.c1ily houses of hor:1ogeneous character. ' Salo & rc,.7.tcl dor.1Dl1d continues {;ood with prices risi:1i;. .Al tho1.1.t;h thc;cc n.rc a feu mxuc spots in the section tho o.roo is precloninnntly t1::1oclinl hlue11 ,1i th o. f czr blocks of better c;rado blue. NA~!E AND LOCATION Curtis Onks, '17ost Curtis Onks, SouthSECURITY GRADE _ 13_____ Curtis Onks, Tracts Tto 6, Heilbron Ooks & StoFrnncis Oaks. AREA NO. 12 NS FCRM 8 10-1-3'7 1. 2. Sal-..JOOnto, Cal. AREA DESCRIPTION - SECURITY MAP OF _ _ _ __ AREA CrlARACTERISTICS: Level ui th sor.1e1'.}.la.rc'. pan' in spots. a. Description of Terrain. Schools, churches, n.'ld center conveniently n.vo.ilable . E:or.:occncity of o.{:,O nncl architocturol typos of ioprov0:.1ents. Aclcquatcly clcc<l protoctcc1. b. Favorable Influenc(s. c• . tro.nsporto.tion. Population inclined to hctcrDetr~~lt;J.nflfA~!fu-rccnt of lnnd i1:1provQr;1cnt prccl '1<.los future ~o,:th. Dcacl- cnd streets o.nd nroxir.ti.ty to State Fair Groumls crrotc. sor.1e so.las rosistnncc. static 95+ Percentage of land improved _ _ %; e. Trend of desirability next 10-15 wrs.'1:J).~w=n1 ______ d. J3u.siacss r.1on,junior c:::ccutives, & 1800-2400 INHABITANTS: skillec'. p,rtison_s. a. Occupation ___________ , b. Estimated annual family income$ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ n0no None subversive Foreign-born families _ _ · %; __________ _ predominating; d. Negro _ _ ; __% c. Nono kno,m f. Relief families _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ e. Infiltration of _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Yes g. 3. Population is increasing _ _ __ PREDOMINATING 5-6 roon Type b. Construction c. Average Age d. Rep.air e. Occupancy f. Home ownership static _ _ _ __ _ _ __ 95+ BUILDINGS: a. decreasing _ _ _ _ _ __ OTHER TYPE OTHER TYPE Franc, stucco & brick veneer 12 ____ Years Goocl _ __ Years _ _ _ Years % _____ % ____ _ % % _ _ _ __ % 96 63 3 Constructed past yr. 5000-6000 100% $,_ _ _ _ __ 100% --1QQ% $ h. 1929 Price range $ 70 1935 3500-4200 _ _ _ __ % _ _% $ _ _% $ 1 . Price range $ 1938 4000-4700 80 % $ _ _ __ _ _ _ ___ % _ _% $ j . Price range $ ·Over $4000-only fair $ _ _ _ _ __ $______ $ _ __ __ k. Sales demand 1. Activity 40 - EO 100% $, _ _ _ _ __ $ ___l.QQ% $ 100% m. 1929 Rent ran ge 70 1935 30 - 35 ___ % $ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ % __% $ $ 0. Rent range 70 1938 37.EO - 45 _ _ % $ _ _ _ __ __% $ $ o. Rent range - - - --% All prico8 - (.;oorl $ _ _ __ __ $ $ p . Rental demand Good q_. Activity .Anple Ar~lc AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE F'UNJJS: a. Home purchase _ _ _ _ ; b. Home building _ _ _ _ __ T'ni s · is n f ai:i.·ly n ci7 o.reo. \7hi c:1. was snbdi viclctl in 1926 nncl placocl CLAIUirfI~lt«£tL~i~:KS;:j_)c~ culntivc dovclopncnt. There ,rns a cor.1J.... :".l'o.tivcly larr;c ar.1ount of forecJ,.osur cs cl:nring the c1.epr0.s sinn , o...'ld rc-snlc rce01·ll ho.s boon only fair cor:iinrod to other coq_)otin{~ -zo~1ing is 2-fw:.iily rosiclontiol, but dcccl rcstricti0ns liL1it ir:iprovc1:ients tn ch10l linG~. Construction is aocl.iuo to c;oocl quality, o.nc1 upkCCil ·is crcc1ito.blc. The arco. is out of tho of the city's pr0sont c;rowth, nncl there is u clisposi tion noon(; roru. tors tn vion the clistrict as o.n ovor-i~)rovoi:1oat. _Tho area. is n.ccortlod n. 11 1011 bl uc 11 r;.ro.dc. g. 4. s 6. ~! At, E AND LOCATION 1 13 13 :Boul evarcl. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SECURITY GRADE ____ AREA NO. NS F ffiM 8 1 0 -1-37 AREA DESCRIPTION 1. SECURITY MAP OFSncrw..c..", Cal. AREA CHARACTERISTICS: a. Description of Terrain. Level;- no cons·t;ru.ctfr,n haznrc1..s. b. Favorable Influenct.:s. c. Detrimental Influences. Limit ed transportation.. Convcnim.1co to schools of all e;r:1dcs , inclw.linG Ju..Tlior Collac o uhich n.djoins o.rcn on south, churches , trmlinc ~'"lJ.. rocrcutionu1 nroas . Acljnconco of one of ci ty 1 s 1)ost resiil.. ontinl districts . Proximity to business and in- dustrial districts. 2. 3. d. Percentage of land improved~%; c. Foreign- born families_-_%; e. Infiltration of g. Population is increasing e. Trend of desirabili ty next 10-15 yrs. Proble \ oru.~nce vacant; a.ti cal INHABITANTS: Small business men, a . Occupation jr. executives, etc. b. Estimat ed annual family income$ 2400-3600 Hone subversive ~eioote Negro Uone ; _ _ % Uono known Relief families f. Slowly predom in ating; d. decreas ing static BUILDINGS : 951- PREDOMINATING % OTHER TYPE OTHER TYPE Years Years a. Type 5 - 6 rooms b. Construction Frame & stucco c. Average Age 10 d. Repair Good e. Occupancy 97 % % % f. Home ownership 75 % % % g. Constructed past yr. 1 h. 1929 Price range $ 6500- 8500 _.!QQ% $ i. 1935 Price range $ 4500- 6000 __N_.% $ j. 1938 Price range $ 5000-7000 _.fill..% $ k. Sales demand $ .All pri cos - fair l. Activity m. 1929 Rent range $ 50 - 65 _.l..QQ% $ n. 1935 Rent range $ 40 - 50 ~ % $ o. 1938 Rent range $ 47.00 - 60 ~ % $ p. Rental demand $ q. Activity Years 100% _ $ % - - - - -- _ % $ % $ _ _ __ 100% _____ % _____ % $ _ _ _ _ __ "$ Fair All price& .• good. 100% 100% % $ % $ % --% $ $ $ Good Limit::id. Limi toe _ b. Home building _____ lJ- . AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: 5. CLARI FYING RE~;ARKS: This is a speculative subdivision which was placed on market in 1928. Zoned multi-family residontial, but docd restrictions havo a. Home purchas e confined improvements to single-family dwellings, which arc of good construction and generally conform to typo. Population is generally hom:>goncous, both as to social and income lovcls.- Tho low p0rccnt-'"'go of land dovolopmcnt, coupled wit h tho diverse influences noted above, preclude a definite as to future trond; the area is, t...-i,.orcforc, accordocl a. provisionnJ. 11 low bluo11 grade. 6. ~!AME AND LOCATION _ __C_o_l_l-'og=•o_P_l_a_za_T_r_a_c_t_ _ _ _ _ SECURITY GRADE _ _B_ AREA NO . _1_4 _ _ NS FCRM 8 10-1-37 l. 2. 3. AR EA DESC RI PT I OM - AREA CrlARACTERISTICS: a. Description of Terrain. S EC UR I TY MA p OF So.chunen to•. Oal • Goncrolly level rd th no construction ho.zo.rds, b. Favorable Influenc~s. Convenience t0 scho.ols, churches, and centers. Has appeal as close-In, semi-suburban district with low tax burden. c. Detrimental I fluences Limited transportation. d. . . 00 Percentage of land improved __ %; Outside city limits; thorGforc, ho city cnntcr. nnd police protection. No sewers~ Distoncc from no organize& fire e. Trend of desirability next 10 - 15 INHABITANTS· Sm...-u~ business m~, junior executives · ,1hitc collar, skilled b. Estimated annual family income a . Occupation ru-tiso:n:s c. None subvcrsi vc . . Fcwa Foreign-born fam1 1 1es __ .o; _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ predominating; d. e. Rcm:>tc Infiltration of _______ _ g. Population is increasing ___ _ Slowly BUILDINGS: Type b. Construction c. Average Age d. Repair e. Occupancy f. Home ownership g. Constructed past yr. h. 1929 j. 1938 OTHER TYPE ___ Years _ _ _ Years % _____ % _____ % % _ _ ___ % 98 67 $ Price range $ Activity m. 1929 Rent range Rent range p. Rental demand q. Activity 7 2500-4000 -1QQ% 1800-3000 ~% 2000-3000 ~% .All prices - fair $ $,_ _ _ __ _....::1:.::< 0-"'.0% $ _ _ _ __ _ _% $ $ _ _ _ __ 100% _ _ _ __ % $. _ _ _ __ % $. _ _ _ __ $. _ _ __ _ $ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ % Fair 20 - 40 -----1QQ% $ 1935 Rent range Years Fair to good Price range 1. o. 15f. $ Sales demand 1938 static ___ __ __ _ _ Fromo Price range k. n. - - a'° 4 ·- 6 rooms a. 1935 Uone Negro _ _ ; Hone knovm Relief families _____ __________ decreasing _______ 9&r % 1200-2400 OTHER TYPE PREDOMINATING i. f. $ Declin- yrs.+i~ng-- - - $ $ $ _ _ _ __ 70 15 - 30 _ _ % $ _ _ _ __ 90 20 - 35 _ _ % $. _ _ _ __ All prices - good $ 100% _ _ $ _ __ __ % $ _ _ _ __ _ _ % $ _ _ _ __ $ _ _ __ _ 100 % -----% - - -- -% $ _ _ _ __ Good a. .Ample Home purchase____ 4. AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: 5. CLARIFYING RE};ARKS: Acacia Park opened a.bout 1926. 6. NAME AND LOCATION _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ .Ample b . Home building _ _ _ _ __ Composed of two subdivisions; Colon io.l Heights opened in 1912 and Al though only coim'117. rostrict ions prevail in t he former the pattern is favorably cstnblishcd as one fwr~ly houses. Acacia Park restrictions continue. Demnnd for property is steady and the section is woll thought of as a popular priced residential district. Although the section is considered 1110w blu.c!1 , properties on Son Fro.ncisco boulcvord arc of high grade th:l.'1. the bo.lnnce of the nroo. Colonial Heights & Acacin :Park :B 15 SECURITY GRADE _ _ _ AREA NO . _ __ NS FCRM 8 10-1-37 1. AREA CrlARACTERISTICS : Level nith no construction hn,7,a.rds. a. Description of Terrain . b. 2, 3. Sac:i. ......ion to , Cnl • ARE A DE SC RIPTI ON - SECURITY MAP OF _ __ __ F bl I Convonicnco to schools of o.11 grad.cs, includinf; Junior av&ff.r ergo, n..illE!fcf~ch aroo.s •. Adjaccnco to Wm. Land Park.. Dcvclopmon t under supervision of strong subdivider. Adequate deed restrictions nhich arc strictly enforced. Low t.1x rate (outside city limits) .. c. Detrimental Influences. Inadequate trunsportntionr police and fire protection. Distnnco from c ity cantor, churches, and aclcquntc trading center.. Streets not yet fully improved.- d. Percentage of land improved~%; INHABITANTS: Business nnd prof essionru. a. Occupation nen b. 3600 Es timated annual f a mily i nc ome $ 2400• c. _ e_r_s_i_v_e___ predominating ; d . Foreign-born families_-_ %; _l_~o_n_o_,_s_u_bv e. Infiltration of Remote ------- f. g. Population is increasing Slowly decreasing _ _ __ __ _ Neg ro :None; _ _ % Relief families ____l_r_ on_e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ s tatic _ __ _ _ __ __ BUILDH!GS: PREDOMINATING lOO % OTHER TYPE OTHER TYPE _ _ _ Yea r s _ _ _ Years 5 - 6 rooms a. Type b. Construction c. Average Age _5 _ _ _ Years d. Repair Good Frnnc, brick & stucco e. Occupancy _99 _ _ _ _ % _____ % _____ % f. Home ownership 95 _____ % _ _ ___ % % g. Constructed past yr . 4 h. 1929 Price range $ 6000.;..8QOO -1QQ% $ 10 0% i . 1935 Price range $ 4200- 5600 __'.?Q__% $ _ _% $ j. 1938 Price range $ 4800- 6400 k. Sales demand $ All prices - fair 1. Activity m. 1929 Rent range n. 0. Lj.. Tr end of desirability next 10 - 15 yrs._U_P_ _ _ __ e. 1935 1938 80 % % $ $_ __ _ _ $ _ _ _ __ 100% _____ % _____ % $ _ _ __ __ $ Fair $ 40 to 50 _l.00% $ Rent range $ 28 - 35 ~% $ % $ % Rent range $ 35 - 40 _80 _% $ _ _% $ % $ All price;:; - t:,DOd. p. Rental demand q. Activity AVAILABILITY 100% $ $ ma% $ Good OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purchase _ _~)10 _ __ . .Anolc ~_ __ __ b . Home building __ This is a new area., having been subdivided ,;Ii thin eight LUt'1<~ iq:,rov0i.1c.,t r::n stly confi;1cc. to nnc. Frunci s Sts. Although beyond city lir:d.ts, restrictions pcrnit only 0nc fni-:1ily houses. Continued c:.cvelopr:1cnt is cxpcctcc1 t0 clL1inutc above c1.ctriucntul influe..'1.ccs. Although pattern of 1)uilcl.ings is not -r.ell ostnblishcc1 construction is good and O\mors arc of homgc.i,cous character. Fn.turc building r:ny worrunt an ir.:g;,rovcd rr.i.tinb of area. but present rntinr; is 11 provisbnal r.10tlin1 blue11 • Section is in line of city ' s crowtl-i. CLARIFYING REtiARKS : 6. NAME AND LOCATION Ehcrt Tract , Hc..'tc1 Tra.ct, :Bn.bic,_h_ _ SECURITY GRADE _ _ _:B AREA NO. _1_6_ __ rnl:11 I NS FCRM 8 10-1-37 AREA DESCRIPTION - SECURITY MAP OF s~c'l.u!.lc,, Col. AREA CriAR~CT~RISTICS: . River bottom land protected from high water by levees. a. ~JscPtPtH1 ~ta.rl&fifj%ter in periods of excessive rainfall; possibility of pressure aggravating this condition. 2. 3· Favo able In lu nc,- . Good so~l for sustenance homesteads. auto to :mc1ustriil and commercial enJ)loyment. Low truces. c. D t · t If Inadequate transportation. Distance to schools and trad1 e1£gmSgnters? lf~Bfe~f' sewers and : pa-ved streets. Heterogeneous population, improvements and maintenance. Slowly Trend of desirability next 10-15 Y~·+--to--- static INHABITANTS: Relief to Colll!lX)n labor. subsis1/enge Estimated annual family income $_--'~oor;;/¥o:\----a. Occupation 1 faxming ' · . f . 30 Of_ Indetorminato-some . c. Foreign-born am1 1 ies _ _ n; predominating; d. Negro _ _ ; _ _ % Mexicans d. . 30/)f_ Percentage of 1and 1mproved _ _ n; e. Infiltration of g. Population is increasing e. Possible Slowly Many Relief families f. st atic decreas ing BUILDHJGS: 90 PREDOMINATING % OTHER TYPE OTHER TYPE Years Years a. Type 4 & 5 rooms b. Construction Frame, rustic c. Average Age 5 - 6 Years d. Repair Poor to good e. Occupancy Hatched areas f. Home ownership g. Constructed past yr. h. 1929 Price range $ 1500-2fi00 --1QQ% $ 100% 1. 1935 Price range $ 1500-1750 ~% $ _ _% $ % j. 1938 Price range $ 1500-2000 ~% $ % $ % k. Sales demand $ $ $ 1. Activity m. 1929 Rent range n. LI. Accessibility by b. 1935 R ent range II % % % % % 15 All prices - fair 100% $ Fair $ $ o. 1938 R $ p. Rental demand $ q. Activity ent range % 15 - 20 _.l.QQ% 12.50 - 15 15 - 17.5') $ $ 100% % $ % $ _ _% $ % $ $ 100% ~% $ 80 at --P .All pr·i ~•~ ~~ -- fa1:r. Fair AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purchase Limited b . Home building Limi tcd CLARI FYTNG REfARKR · !l'his outside, hatched area Waz subdivided some years ago as a sus·tenan.~0 Jioincstead project, b1;.t its real development has only started in the past few years. !l'hcrc is no zoning nor dad. rcstr.i.ctions. It is said to fill a community need and to have fair prospects. With continued growth, many of tho detrimental influences will be overcome. Property in the area is said to have a fairly ready market. It is hard to conceive of tho area ever developing into a higher grade than the provis1onal "low yollow11 , YThich is assigned. 6. NAME AND LOCATION _ _G_ar _ d_cn _l_an_d_ _ _ _ _ _ __ SECURITY GRADE _ _ c_ AREA NO. _ 1_ __ NS FCRH 8 10-1-37 Sac, .Jlcnto., Cal.• AREA DESC RIPTION - SECU RITY MAP Of _ _ _ __ l. AREA CrlARACTERISTICS: Generally lovol with no construction hazards. 'Western a. Description of Terrain. portion slopes toTTard Western Pa cific Railroad. b. c. d. 2. D . ·proximity to Wostcrn Pacific Dnd Sacramento Northern etnmw&dk:J_nf~&e81o'gcncous nature of i~rovcmcnts, population and mn.intcnoncc. Some unpaved streets. . 40 Percentage of land improved _ _ %; e. Trend of desirability ne xt ])),vn 1 0 -15 yrs. _ __ __ INHABITANTS. Laborers & white collar · workers 1500- 1800 a. Occupation__________ b . Es timated annual fami l y income$ _ _ _ __ __ _ None F= None subvcrsivc ""« . c. Foreign-born fami· 1·1es _ _ ~; _ _ __ _ __ __ _ predominating; d . Neg ro _ _ ; _ _ % e. g. 3. F Schools, churches, truding arc..'"l.s, o.nd intcrurbon trnnsavora1i}o1:-J&&1he%¥ ·a vo.ilablc. Convenience to employment in Sacrruncnto nnd no,1 army air base. Subversive racial Mruiy Infiltration ofclements - o. possibil · f ty Relief families - - - -- - - - - - - - -- . Slowly Population is increasing _ _ _ _ decreasing _ _ _ _ __ _ s tatic _ _ _ _ __ _ __ BUILDINGS: 95 PREDOMINATING _ _ % OTHER TYPE OTHER TYPE _ _ _ Years _ _ _ Year s 5 - 6 room a. Type b. Construction c. Average Age d. Repair e. Occupancy 96__ __ ,% _ _ ____ % _____ % f. Home ownership 45 _____ % _ _ ___ % % g. Constructed past yr. h. 1929 Price range i . 1935 Price range j . 1938 Price range Frwne 15 _ _ Years _ Fair to good 6 $2000- 3000 $1500- 2000 ~% $ 3:l ,_ 700- 25£0 ~% $ $ .ill prices - fair k. Sales demand 1. Activity m. 1929 Rent range $ 1935 $15 - ·22. ro n. o. 1938 Rent range Rent range p. Rental demand q. Ac tivity --1QQ% $ 100% $- - -- - _ _% $ % $ _ _ __ _ 100% _____ % _ ____ % $ _ __ __ $ Fair 20 - 30 $18 - 27050 $ _l.QQ$ $ 70 __% $ 90 --% .All priccic: - g0od. $ $ 100'1, $ 100% % $ % $ % --% $ Good Limi tod L imi tcd AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purchase____ b. Home building _ _ _ _ __ , , . . , .Arca has seemingly developed without direction. It hus noi thcr CLARHYING RELARKS: zoning nor deed restrictions and lo.cks homogeneity. Thero is said, however, to be a fair purchase and a good rcn~nl dcmond. It is understood that u zoning ordinance is in process of preparation for North Sacramento. Thero TIUS a heavy default on loc-.'11 improvement bonds in this area, and a ln.rge amount of vacunt lots was forfeited to the bondholders. This area has some possibilities, but present situation docs not uarr:mt n. higher grade than 11 lo\7 ycllqw11 .• 6. North Sacrnmcnto ·s ubdivision C 2 NA1'1E AND LOCATION _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Nt'r.:.~-----:-- SECURITY GRADE _ __ AREA NO. _ _ _ NS FCRM 8 l 0-1-37 1. 2. 3. AREA DESCRIPTION - SECURITY MAP OFSacrainento , Cnl. AREA CrlARACTERISTICS: a. Description of Terr aln . Level vTi th no construction hazards. Convenience to schools, churches, trading centers, and intorurban transportation. Readily accessible to employment centers in So.cramonto and to new nrmy b. Favorable Influenc ~s. c. Heterogen00us impr8vcmcnts, both o.s to types o.nd age , nnd Detrimental Influences. spotted qunli ty of llUlintcnnnce. Proxirni ty to t uo railroads in gcstcrn o.nd northrrostcrn parts. Unimproved streets north of EI. Crunino Avenue. d. Percentage of land improved~%; e. Trend of desirability next 10-15 yrs. Static · to domi INHABITANTS: a. Occupation Laborers, uhitc collar; b . Estimated annual family income$ l500-2 400 workers, smn.11 business raan c. Foreign-born families Fcu%; Nono subversive predom inat i ng; d. Negro None; _ _ % e. Infiltration of_R_e_n_nt_e_ __ __ f. g. Population is increasing slot7ly decreas_ing _ _ _ __ __ Relief families _ _ _ _F_o_'1i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ static _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ BUILDINGS: PREDOMINATING ~ % OTHER TYPE OTHER TYPE _ _ _ Years _ _ _ Years _____ % a. Type 5-6 rooms b. Construction Frnmo c. Average Age 15 d. Repair Poor to good e. Occupancy 97 % _____ % f. Home ownership 35 % _____ % g. Constructed past yr . 15 h. 1929 Price range $ 2500-4500 --1.QQ% $ 100% i. 1935 Price range $ 1750-3250 1Q__% $ _ _% $ % J• 1938 Price range $ 2000-37f,() ~% $ % $ % k. Sales demand $ All prices - good $ $ 1. Activity m. 1929 n. Years 100% Good $ 25 - 37. 50 ___l.QQ% $ 1935 Rent range $ 20 - 25 ~% $ 0. 1938 Rent range $· 22,50 - 35 90 $ p. Rental demand $ q. Activity Rent range $ All pricon - __ ,., {;OOd o, $ ma% % $ % 100% _ _$ $ $ $ r.ood a. Home purchase limited b . Home b Ul"ld.rng Li;:ri. tocl 4-. AVAILA13ILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: 5. CLARTF'YING REt-iAR.KS: A lower middle-class nreo., \7i thout zoning nnd deed restrictions.. 'There were many clefo.ul ts in Iroprovomont District ]onds o.nd vacnnt property uas forfeited to tho bond holders. Nor th SacrQJ:J.ent0 is said. to a ~oning ordino..~ce in preparation, but it is not yet effective. Construction ranges from cheap to ncdium qunlity. The northern po.rt of <ll'ca has u very low percent of lnnd i,;'I_Prover..1ont, nnd it is possible that it rno.y develop into a higher grade. The area. as o. v1holo is assigned a 11 ocdial yolloy1 grade" . 6. NAME AND LOCATION No .Sncrru:10:nt o Subdivision No. 10 SECURITY GRADE _ _C_ AREA NO. _3_ __ % NS FCRM 8 10-1-37 l. AR EA DESCRIPTION - SECURITY MAP OF Sacr·.....ionto, Cal. AREA CrlARACTERISTICS: Level Tiith no construction hnzo.rds. a. Description of Terrain. Convenience to schools, churches , and tr~ding centers. Acccssibil i ty to Sncrar,1cn to er:~ployncn t centers Qnd non nri:iy air base. b. Favorable Influences. c. Detrimental Influences. Heterogeneous population, h,provoncnts nnd r::iaintononcc . Proxioity to s ~crw:ionto Northern Rnilrond on southern borcler. trnnsportcti0n to Sacrononto. . Percentage o f 1and improved _ 60_ a~; Laborers and INHABITANTS: \7hi to col lnr \70rkcrs a. Occupation _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ d. 2. 3. c. . b orn f am1. 1es Fore1gn_ 1 . _Fon a None P J : 1.SO!.IC e. Infiltration of g. . . Slo\7ly Population is increasing Possible PREDOMINATING Type b. Construction c. Average Age d. Repair e. Occupancy f. Home ownership g. Constructed past yr. h. 1929 i. 1935 Price range $ 18:>0- 2000 j. 1938 Price range a: k. Sales demand $ 1. Activity m. 1929 o. Estimated annual family income$ _1000_ _1800 _ _ _ __ POI tu:guosc & . . d Nigro . · 1omrna.t1Q!L;_ or ~ nct,rO fw:.11 ':l.cs-:rn- ' - - ., or_e pOSSIIY.i.y Relief f amilies 95 % ~ oaS t0rn par Mnny decreasing o, st atic OTHER TYPE OTHER TYPE Years Years Franc 15 Years Poor to good 99 60 Price range Rent ran ge 1935 R 1938 b. 10-15 5 - 6 rooos a. n. Trend of des i rability next f. BUI LDINGS: Static yr\o~a~,o~.1~,i~r--- e. $ $ $ Rent range $ Rental demand q. Activity % % % % % 12 2000- 38)0 1600-3000 --1QQ% $ 100% $ 100% ~% $ _ _% $ % ~% $ _ _% $ % $ $ $ 100% $ 100% ~% $ % $ % $ % All prices - good Good ent range p. % $ 20 - 35 ---100% 15 - 25 18 - 30 90 rx --"/J .tll pdco~ ~- ~-JC,Cl. $ --% $ $ (-;ood AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. I,ici tcd Home purchase____ Li1:1i tee" b . Home building _ _ _ __ _ CLARIFYING rmrARKS · No zon~ng or deed . rcstric_tions, al thou.{¢ zoning ordinance is s1:1-id J. , · to be in prcpnro:';ion for North Sncrnr.1cnto. Ioprovouonts aro r.uxecl ·.,: as to o.gc but \Fi th a foj_r clccroe of ty as to t YP e. Construct ion is cheo.p to r:iecliun qun1i ty. 'Fnis n.reo. is o.ssi{_,nod a uucdio.l yollow11 gro.dc. 6. NAf!E AND LOCATION North Sacroucnto Sul)(1ivision Mo.l SECURITY GRADE _c__ 4 AREA NO. _ _ __ NS FOOM 8 l 0-1-37 1. 2• 3· AREA DESCR I PT I ON - SECURIT Y MAP OF Sn.cJ.axtcnto, Col. AREA CrlARACTERISTICS: · · f T . Level _,Ti th no construction ha.znrcls. a. Descr1pt1on o erra1n. Convenience to schools,. churches, . troding centers, o.nd industrial cq:i loyr.1cn t •. b. Favorable Influenc~s. c. Detrimental Influences. Proxi1:lity to business district on the north o.nd lou, sm:u::q_)y district to the sout h. . streets unit\)rovccl. d. Percentage of land improved~%; De- e. Trend of desirabili t y next 10-15 C YfS in.111t, INHABITANTS: Locnl business n?1°1,~hi to collar a. Occupation \70rkcr~,skillca · b. Estimated annual fami ly i ncome $ lS00- 2400 _ artisons ' . Few "l\Tono subvorsi vo Nono c. Fore1gn-born families_%; _ _ ·•_· _ _ _ _ ____ predominating; d . Neg r o ~ ; __% Rem to f. e. Infiltration of g. Population is increasing Slowly RUILDH!GS: Relief families _ _N_o_n_c_kn_o_m1 _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ static _ _ __ _ _ _ __ decreasing _ _ _ __ _ _ 95 % OTHER TYPE OTHER TYPE _ _ _ Years _ _ _ Years % _ _ _ __ % _____ % % _____ % ____ _ % PREDOMINATING a. Type 5 - 6 roon b. Construction Fruuc c. Average Age d. Repair e. Occupancy f. Home ownership g. Constructed past yr. None h. 1929 Price range $3000- 0000 --1Q.Q% $ 100% $ 100 % i. 1935 Price range $2000- 3000 ~% $ _ _% $ % j. 1938 Price range 12500- 4000 ~% $ % $ % k. Sales demand $ $ $ 1. Activity m. 1929 Rent range n. o. 1935 1938 Rent range Rent range p. Rental demand q. Activity 12 Years to gt>Od 97 60 .All pr ices - $ $ $ 25 - 35 --1.00% $ 20 - 25 7_0_% 25 90 "'4 32o!5() Of --/.> $ Good - .Al.i. 1 cvcls 100% $ 100% $ % $ % $ _ _% $ % $ $ (-lood a. Home purchase !,ini tod b. Home building Lini tccl I+. AVAILAJ3ILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: 5· CLARI FYI NG RE};ARKS: No city zoning nor clocd. rcsi;ricti0n s. This o.roo has c:ovolopod \7i thout direction, nnd. iqprovoncnts, consistinG of sinGo-fauily dwcllin{;Sj arc uixcd. n.s .to typo. Construction is generally of r.1ocliUL1 quality, oaintononco is spotted~ Sona hones in the o.rcu arc of distinctly 1)ottor t:,'}_)O, nncl r..iaintonnncc shov,s high pride of o,mcrship. :11hc nroo is o.ssio:iocl n. 11 nodial yollo\111 Grado. 6. NAME AND LOCATION _1?_a_r_t_of_N_o_r_tl_1 _S_n._c_r_w:_10 ._ 11_t_o_ __ _ SECURITY GRADE _c__ 5 AREA NO. _ __ NS FCRM 9 ' 1 0-1-37 1. 2. 3. AREA DESCRIPTION - AREA CrlARACTERISTICS: a. Description of Terrain. Level ni th no construction haznrcl.s. Convenience to s chools, churches, proxini t y to Aroo B-1. unc. b. Favorable Influenct.::s. c. Detrimental Influences.Sona streets not ioprovcd•. Mixed t y-pos and ngo of ii-l- · prover.ion ts. Proxir.rl. ty to roilro::id on the nort h . d. Percentage of land improved~% ; e. trading centers. Trend of desirability next 10-15 yrs . ~Up...__ _ __ to static INHABITANTS: SrJall bu siness non , whi to collnr a. Occupation worker s , skillccl artis~s b. Estimated annual family income $ 1800-2400 c. Foreign-born families Fm1%; Nono subversive e. Infiltration of __R _cno_t_c_ _ __ g. Population is increasingmdoratcljY decreasing _ _ _ _ _ __ BUILDH!GS: PREDOMINATING f. 95 % 5 - 6 rooo b. Construction Frone,rustic, wd stucco c. Average Age 1_2_ _ _ years d. Repair Fair to goo cl e. Occupancy f. Home ownership g. Constructed past yr._6_ _ __ h. 1929 Price ran ge $ 3000-EO00 i. 1935 Price range $ 2 2E0-3EOO 1. Activity m. 1929 Rent range o. _ _ _ Years _ __ 9_9_ _ _ _ % _____ % _____ % 73 _____ a ;r:, _ _ ___ % _____ % ---1QQ% 70 % $.AJ.l prices - good Rental demand q. Activity $ _ _ __ _ _% $ _ ____ % _ _ % $ _ _ __ _ ____ % $ - - - - -- 100% $ _ _ _ __ _ Goocl $ 30 ... 40 -100% $ _ _ _ __ $ 22.00 - 30 _ 70 $ _ _ _ __ _ __ % $ _ _ _ _ __ $ _ _ _ __ --% $ All a;r:, pricw - r~od $ _ _ _ __ 100% $ _ _ _ __ _ $ _ _ _ __ _ 100% -----% _____ $ _ _ _ __ _ Good AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: CLARIFYING RE~iARKS: 100% $ _ _ _ __ Rent range p. Years $_ _ _ __ 90 % $ _ _ __ n. 1935 Rent range 1938 OTHER TYPE - - - -- p rice range Sales demand Negro Nono ; _ _ % st atic _ _ _ _ __ _ __ OTHER TYPE Type k. predominating; d. Relief f a milies= N~on_;;_o_kn.:=o~,~m,,;__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ a. j . 1938 4. SECURITY MAP OF Nor;i;n Sncrancnto, Cnl. a. Home purchase .AJ·.3plo b . Home building_Af-_'!)_l_o_ __ _ !IT? city zoninG ~cl very inu,·1.cquatc clco<1. rcstric~ions. In conmn all :.:u-oo.s in Worth Suero.non tr> save :B-1, this urea shows the lack of direction in its <.lcvolopr.1ont and. presents a r;encrol heterogeneous ap:pco.l'oncc , <1.uo ll'l.rgoly to lack of uniforui ty in type a.'11.d :· to,.'l.anco of ir.iprovo1:icnts. Corj.struction is of ncdiw:1 to c-,-ood qunli ty. Mcxt to Arro E-1, this is the •1cst area in North Sncrw:.icnt, o..'lll is ussi::;ncc'. u 11 hiQ1 y cllon11 gruc1c. \7l. t h 6. NAMf£ AND LOCATIONPnrt of North Sucrnncnto SECURITY GRADE _ _C_ AREA NO . _6 _ __ ,.,, .NS FCRM 8 10-1-37 1. 2. AREA CriARACTERISTICS: a. Description of Terrain. Level with no construction h0,zn.rcls, b. Favorable Influenc~s. Convenience to schools, churches, transportation, trndinc centers, rui~ recreational ~roos. nearness t o city center, Sto.te Copitol :Buildincs aro..'ts of industrial eq,loyncnt. c. Detrimental Influences. Proxiai ty t o railroad,. industry, ond business. Heterogcnoi ty of population, t;.,,-pc, size, and age of ir:1prove,.1cnts, nnd quality of oo.intcnrince. Hi@). llcnsi ty of po·,>Uln.tion in 2 southern tiers of blocks. d. Percentage of land improved~%; INHABITANTS: Mixed- fron executives to a. Occupation skilled. artisans e. Trend of desirability next 10-15 yrs. Declin- b. Estimated annual family income $ 1800-3600+ e. g. Population is increasing Slo\7ly static _ __ _ __ __ _ decreasing _ _ _ _ _ __ BUILDINGS: 5-6 roon 12 % OTHER TYPE _8_ __ UuL ti-± :21:uly, including sonel0-20 unit apts. 8 ... 10 roon Frw-.10 & stucco Frur.ic, brick & stucco Franc & brick 15 _ ___ Years 15 _ _ _ Years 25 _ __ Poor to (;ood Good. Goocl PREDOMINATING 80 % OTHER TYPE a. Type b. Construction c. Average Age d. Repair e. Occupancy 9_9_ _ _ _ % all types_ _ _ _ % f. Home ownership 45 _____ % g. Constructed past yr. _ _ _ __ h. 1929 Price range 11 $ 3000-5000 ti II If II _____ % ____ _ % _____ % s; 6..000-8000 -1QQ% "' Years 7 ---=l'-"'0..:::.0% $ ____' _ __ 100% i. 1935 Pr ice range $ 2500-350o ~% $ 4200-5500 ~% $ 7 _ _ ___ % 1938 Price range $ 3000- 4000 ~% $ 5000-6500 ~% $ _ _?_ __ _____ % j. q. . ing Foreign-born families Few%; _1_1o_n_e_ _ _ _ __ ___ predominating ·h d. NegroFew on % nort ern border- - ' - f. Relief families ___F_o,_,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Infiltration of Possible c. 3. AREA DESCRIPTION - SECURITY MAP OF Suc;r.u.non to, ~'11. k. Sales demand 1. Activity m. 1929 Rent range 4500 - ~oocl lktl:mrco - poor $ To $ All prices - Fair Sane o.s 11 k 11 $ 35 - 50 $ _ _ _ _ __ 35 - 45 -----1.ill}% $ 100% 7 _ __ $_ _ _ n. 1935 Rent range $ 25 - 35 ~% $25 - 32.50 ? _ __ $ ___ o . 1938 Rent range $ 3() - 40 _ _ /If -,o 80 $30 - 37. 50 7 _ __ $ ___ p. Rental demand q. Activity $ All prices •• r.-,x,oJ Goo(l AVA ILA13ILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: 100% -----% - ----% $, _ _ _ _ __ Gocid a. Home purchas~ir.iitocl b. Home buildiniir:1itod CLARIFYING Rm:.ARKS ;Present housinc prc(:.0::1i:1a.."1.tly l-~fn!.1ily lmt restrictions cxpirccl n.ncl zoning pcrni ts r:rol ti-fo.t.1ily cxcop t in nr,rthoust portion which is zoned 2-fnoily Oric;inally plattoi:1. in 1850 with no.ny lots 40x80. In en.stern porti,m alcinG 21st, 22nd , & 23rc.l stroots arc mny olc1, r.umsion tyl.)e houses , 25 ;rears or r:nrc of age i'rhich still house orit:;inn.1 o,~'ll0rs n.."lc.l ,,hi ch arc ,1011 nn.intained. A few scuttcrccl. blocks if bot tor loco.ted vmulc1 ,;10.rro:n t a 11 bl uc 11 rat int:;. Honcvcr, the area is very nixc<l o.ncl m:irrn.nts incliviclunl property consi<:.cration because of its of hor:-cGonoi ty. As a '\1ho 1 e it is r.:;raclccl "ueclial ycllo\711 • 6. 11 NAMg AND LOCATION _ _ P_o..r_t_ o_f_ O _l_cl_C_i--'ty:._1_1 _ _ SECURITY GRADE _ c __ AREA NO . 7_ __ _ NS FCRM 8 10-1-37 1. 2. 3. AREA DES CRIP T I ON - SECURITY MAP OF So.crnr.1cnto, Col. AREA CrlARACTERISTICS: a. Description of Terrain.Level with no construction ho.zn.rd cxccrpt srnll section of filled in low l.:mc"!. bctYrcon 11 D11 Street nnd iiicKinloy Blvd. b. Favorable Influenc(:s. Tronsporto.tion, schools, churches, trnclinr~. ond rccrootionol centers o.11 convcnion tly avo.ilo.tlc. Relative ncorncss t0 city center . Acljaconcc to Arca B-2 is n. stablizi!lc fnctnr. pr)::>uln.tion density below city o.vcrnce. c. Detrimental Influenc es. Hctcror;cneous type ond. o.{;C of iq_ ) rovcuonts due to slo\1 dovolopr.1cnt over lone; periocl. d. Percentage of land improved~%; e. Trend of desirability next irs. Up to sto:tic nn<l ti.own 1 0- 1~ INHABITANTS: Sn.-ul business non , a. Occupation white collo.r,skillcd b . Estimated annual fami ly inc ome $ 1800- 2400 o.rtisn.ns c. Foreign-born families Feu %; none subversive predominating; d. Negro 1'Tone ; _ _ % Relief families _ _ _ _1'T_o_n_c_ :m _ o_m_1_ _ _ _ _ __ e. Infiltration of _ ~R=e~1:n~_t~c' - - - - f. g. Population is increasing slowly decreasing _ _ _ _ _ __ s tatic _ _ __ __ _ __ R!JlLDINGS: PREDOMINATING ~ % OTHER TYPE OTHER TYPE a. Type 5 - 6 rooos b. Construction Frauc & stucco c. Average Age (nixed) 15-t- d. Repair Good e. Occupancy 98 % $ f. Home ownership 47 % % g. Constructed past yr. h. 1929 Price range $ 4000-0000 ---1QQ% $ - 1 . 1935 Price range $ 2800-3000 __:_m__% $ _ _% $ j. 1938 Price range $ 3600-4000 _filL% $ k. Sales demand $ All prices - eood $ 1. Activity m. 1929 Rent range $ 35 - 40 --1.QQ% $ n. 1935 Rent ran ge $ 25 - 30 ~% $ o. 1938 Rent range $ 32. 50 - 37.50 p. Rental demand $ All pr5.ccs •• q. Ac tivity ( vacant lots being built Years & ncw(up by Years _ _ _ Years ( speculative builders prinn.rily. _____ % _____ % 29 -=1=0..::.0% $ $ _ _ _ _ __ $_ 100 % _ ____ % _ __ _ ____ % $ _ _ _ _ __ Good 95 '.',', {:.'OO<l $ $ 100% $ 10D% % $ --% % $ °I, $ Goocl Home purchase Ar:;_ilc lj . AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNfJS: s. CLARIFYING 1mrARKS : Al thouc;h zonc(l 2-fo.:.ti.l:,-·, ir:r...;, n:::-o practicruly n.11 single-fro:► ily ch,cllinr;s. Sone clocC, restrictions arc still in cff. ,ct, but generally they have expired. Arco. consists of 5 su'bclivisions -rrllici1 ':Tore i:>lacccl on r.nrkct as follows: 1906, 10, 17,23 oncl. 24. Q;uolity of construction runs froi:1 cheap to 1:1.cdiur.1,but r.nintcno.nco is of high order. Is a stcacly so.le on<l. rcntcl clcr:und for propcrt;:i in area o..tid. a tcndc,,.cy t o ir.;:1rovc vo.cont lots with Goocl, r.iediu:1-class clwellinr;s in 4500 dollar pricer unf·; c. Many of these iuprovo:.1cnts ore boin{~ i:ndc by speculative build ors. Population is honot·;cnoous, ooth n.s to socio.l O...'>'l<l incor.10 levels. Arco. is accorc~e<l o. 11 hiGh yollo1111 {:;ro.cle. NM1E ANO LOCATION Part of Socrnncnto District SECURITY GRADE _ _ _ CAREA NO. _ a___ 6. a. b . Home building Aq_)lc NS FCRM 8 10- 1-37 AREA DESCR I PT I ON - SECUR I TY MAp OF So.cro.ncn to • C0-l • 1. AREA CHARACTERISTICS : a. Description of Terrai n . L evel ui th no constructi0n b.o.zarc1s. b. Favorable Influenc:.::s. and recrea tional centers. Convernbcnce to trnns:_)ortntion, schools, churches, trnclin0 Relativel y close to city center. Adjncence to arro :B-3 is stnbl izinc factor . c. d. 2. . d 70 a Percentage o f 1 an d improve--~; us t 0 typ e nnd nGc, duo to street. 11 D11 Tr end of desi r abili t y ne xt 1ot- 1K. vrs. ,Ura~ "::;>:i: S Ut'lC MU cCv.L i:ng 1500-2100 Estimated annual fami ly income $ _ __ _ __ _ _ b. f e. subvorsi vo_ _ pred opu. nat.lllQ' . : . .~ Ne.Qro 2, fan. _ None _ __ __ , ; _ _ ap ~ sec Lilt:trl ;;,(ling .twr:i.:11r~s1 lmo.m Infiltration o f _ _ _ _RC£JOto ____ f. Relief families _ _}Ione _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ g. · . _Slorrly Population is 1ncreas1ng _ __ ,,,.., 1.11. es Forei. gn-born f "'" FC\7 a·, ~ st atic _ _ _ _ _ __ __ decreas i ng _ _ _ __ __ nUILDINGS : 95 PREDOMINATING % OTHER TYPE _ _ OTHER TYPE a. Type 5 - 6 roor.1 b. Construction Franc & stucco c. Average Age 15 - 20 Years d. Repair Goocl e. Occupancy 99 f. Home ownership 50 g. Constructed past yr. 7 h. 1929 Pri ce range $ 3500- 4500 -1QQ% $ i. 1935 Price range $ 2500-3250 ...J2__% $ _ j. 1938 Price range $ 3000-3750 ~% $ _ _ % $ _ _ _ __ k. Sales demand $ All prices - goocl 1. Act ivity m. 1929 Rent range $30-40 1935 Rent range $ 22.50 - 30 Rent range $ 27. 50 - 37, 50 n. o. lj . e. INHABITANTS: Lo.1Jo~ers, skill eel lnborcrs whi tc _ collor oorkers a. 0 ccupa t i. on _ __ __ _ _ ___ · c. 3. Detrimental Influences . Heteror;cncous i qJroven ents, lJoth long poriocl of s10,1 gouth. Sorle unpa.vccl streets north of 1938 p. Rental demand q. Activity ond new _ __ Year s _ _ _ Years % _____ % ___ _ _ % % _ _ ___ % _____ % 100% $_ _ __ _ _ % $ --- 100% _ __ _ _____ % $ _ __ _ __ $ Gooc1 --l.QQ% $ ~% $ eo $ (JI --P $ .All prices •· 1;;,od. 100% 100% % $ % $ % --% $ $ $ Guod AVAILAT3ILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purchase Al.1:plc. Aq:>lo h . Home building _ __ __ _ CLAIUFXING rm~;ARKS· With the O.."<COJ.)tion of a s;:n.J..l ~ra ct nor t h of H st:eo~ oott1cen 41st nnc, i.12nd , tno l)alo.nco of tho o.ron ,10,3 openocl. pr i or to 1911 . Rcstr1ctJ.ons CY.capt on t he foroor have oX-)i recl. Zoninr, pernits 2-fruJily huildinc, but c.levclopnont is prinarily of sinclo fonily units. Construction is cheap to ncdiur.1 quality, but r_nintc." lance is ::;;oo<l. 2 nce:;ro fo.uilios live o.t 32nc1 nnc1. F streets, but reo.l tors aver their p resence is not dctri,lcnto.l oxcar t to a;:)Uttinc pr0per tios. Aron :sorth of D street is sparsely settled ru1ci. its <lcvolopnont is of quostional)le nature, pro1)ably no better than 11 low ycll0\·11t. The 1)oln.nce of this section is gad.eel tfneclial yellow11•• 6. % NAME AND LOCATION East Sa crn.1~10nto propor SECURITY GRADE _ c_ _ AREA NO. _ 9_ __ NS FCRM 8 10-1-37 1. 2. :3· AREA DESCRI PTION - SECURITY MAP O·F Sacx-o.ncnto, Cal. AREA CriARACTERISTICS : a. Description of Terrain. Level with no construction haznr<ls. b. Favorable Influencss. Troosportn.tion, schools, churches, nnc:; centers conveniently o.vailn.blo. Developed portion coq1nrati vcly nor, subcli vision un<1.or supervision of rolin~1lc firn of real tors. c. Detrimental Influences. Proxinity of ro.ilroad a,."lcl. levee is slightly retnrc:ant. Distonco to city center. d. Percentage of land improved~%; INHABITANTS: Skilled lo.borers to upper a. Occupation bracket white collar b. Estimated annual family income $ 1800-2lOO workers c. Foreign-born families :Blew%; Uono subversive predom inating; d . Negro Nern~ _ _ % Rcnoto e. Infiltration of g. Population is increasing Slowly FeH Relief families f. static decreasing P.!Jl~DINGS: 95 PREDOMINATING lj . Trend of desirability next 10 -1s- yrs. UpC--to sto. t-J.~ -- e. % OTHER TYPE OTHER TYPE Years Years a. Type 5 - 6 roon b. Construction Franc. rustic, stucco c. Average Age 12 d. Repair Good e. Occupancy 99 % % % f. Home owne rship 55 % % % g. Constructed past yr. h. 1929 Pri ce range $ 3000-4000 ---1Q.Q% $ l . 1935 Price range $ 2000-3600 ~% $ J. 1938 Price range :f 2750- 4250 ~% $ k. Sales demand 1. Activity m. 1929 Rent ran ge n. o. Years 14 $ All prices - r~orl 1935Rent range $ 22.50 - 30 1938Rent range $ 27.50 - 37.50 q. Activity 100% _ % $ _____ % % _____ % $ _ __ __ $ _ _ __ __ $ 100% ~% $ _ _% $ % 95 --~ $ _ _% $ % $ $ ()I $ All pri~cs •. • g,,ocl $ 100% Good AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: CLARIFYING RELARKS : $ _ _ _ __ Goocl _.l.QQ% Rental demand _ $ $30 -40 p. 100% a. llome purchase _ _.Ar. _~_l_e_ .Ar.-q)lO b . Home building _ _ _ __ _ r.urk,Jt the hn.tchccl portion of tllis area in 1896; u six,11 tract bot,·,ecn 54th ru,r1 56th no.s sttbclividecl in 1907; the bn.lo.nce of n.reo. wo.s sulxl..i vie.lo(:_ i:l 1925 o..r1d is adequately deecl restrict eel. Tho whole area is zoned, but ir.1prov0..i:1onts arc all sin..-:; clwoll· inrgs nhich confort.1 to type, construction being of oecl.iuu ty with high- grade uaintonunce . J?opulo.tion is hor:iccencous, both a.s to social and j_nco:J.€l levels. The future gro.dc of the :l1ntched portion of this nrcn. is problor:i.o.tical; the 1'cvelopocl part is accorded n. 11hiGh yellontt c;rnde. 6. NAME AND LOCATION A.1 o.bortivc o:~rpt ,ms to 53rd t o 5:8th Sts~ R to J SECURITY GRADE _ _ _c AREA NO. _i_o__ NS FCRM 8 10-1-37 1. 2. 3. AREA DESCRIPTION - SECURITY MAP OF Sc.c.1...ii:1 0.,,to, Col. AREA CrlARACTERISTICS: a. Description of Terrain. Level ..-Ii th no construction ho.znrcls. b. Favorable Infl uenct:s. Ad equate tro.nsvortu tion, schools, ch,;irchcs, ond trudinc~ centers. Proxinity to city center ant Sto.te Office :Buildinc . c. Detrimental Influence_§. RopicU y cl.cvclopinc; into rosit~ontiru. incor.1e pr()p,)rty district Old a..'rld nixec:. typos 0.1. sinr;lc-fanil~· ch:oll inc;s. At'.jaccnce to husiness ::incl cor:ir.1-Jrciol cli strict s. F.ic;hor th.."Ul city aver ne e of popult~tion dcnci t y . d. Percentage of land improved~%; INHABITANTS: . All t ;n,e s ( ver-:1 n ixed os to o\mcrs onc1· rent es r ) a. 0 ccupation b . Estimated annual family income $ 1500-EOOO¼ c. . born f aJT11·1·1es_/); Fev a _ _None subversive Foe r 1gn_ __ _ _ _ ___ predominating; d. e. Infiltration of _ _ __ __ __ f. g. Population is increasing Slo\7ly decreasing _ __ _ _ __ BUILDINGS : None . % k.rro wn' - Relief families _ _ _ _N_o_n_c_kn _ o_mi _ _ _ __ _ __ Negro static _ _ _ __ __ __ 5- 6 roon 25 10 OTHER TYPE - - % 8 ~T!ili.Rm~ ho...,.ao-s -to 14-30 unit apts. 4 - 6 unit Flats 30+ ____ Years 20+ _ __ Years Repai r to esoocl Fair to c:ood e. Occupancy _9_9_ __ _ % sinr,l e f o.r._ rl._l_Y_ __ % _____ % f. Home ownership 25 _____ % _____ % g. 1 _ _ __ Constructed past yr._ h. 1929 Price range $ 6000- 10, 000+ ----1QQ% i. 1935 Pr i ce range $ 3750- 6000 j. 1938Price range $ 4250- 7000 65 % PREDOMINATING a. Type b. Construction c. Average Age d. k. Sales demand 1. "Activity m. 1929 Rent range n. 0. lf • Torm Trend of desirability next 10-15 yrs. _ _ _ __ _ e. 1935R 1938 $ II It 11 ti 60 40_-_ro $_ _ __ 30 - 35 Rent range $ 32.50 - 40 $ All prices - e~od q. Activit y Goocl AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: 6000- 10,000 100% $ _ _ _ __ _ 100 % ~% $ _ _ ___ % 5000- 8000 ~% $ _ _ _ __ _ _ ___ % $ $ All prices - fair $· 35 - 50 $ Rental demand $ $ _ _ _ _ __ Fnir ent range p. _____ % % $ 4000- 7000 ~% All prices - fair _ __ Years 100% $, _ __ _ __ 70 $ 25 - 35 $ _ _ _ __ _ ---% 80 $ 30-40 - % $ _ _ _ __ iu.l_ prices $__ _ _ - :~00<1. $ _ _ _ _ __ 100% - ---% -----% Goo<l a. tcc1. Home purchase _ _ _ __ L i r.rl. t ,:xl. b . Home building _ _ _ __ _ CLARIFY ING REfARKS . This area is pa.rt of t h e old city and is zoned r.r ul ti-fx:.1ily resicl.011tio.I \!n t nout cl..oocl rcstricti0ns. As stntocl uncl.or 1-c., it is ra.pi,~ly; nn inconc property d i strict, O.."lci. price ro.n(;os (·;ivon r efl e ct spcculutivc lnnd values tro.."lsfcrs ate usu...'llly eff ected 111,on a spccuJ.o.tivc basis. The area. is ho.zo.rcl.ous fron n. strictly sinr;lc--fanily (t wcllinG standpo int, but to o.ctive rental clcr.101, for t his class of pr0pert;y· o.nd the Gcnero.lly hif)l ty of r.1.0.intonnnco, it is dcer.1etl r.10 re t o accord n 11 10,7 yol lon11 cr·oclo. 6• NA~!E AND LOCATION _ _ __ P_o._r_t_o_f_O_l_<l_ Ci_·t_y_ _ _ _ SECURITY GRADE _c__ AREA NO. _ 11_ _ NS FCRM 8 10-1-37 1. b. Favorable Influenct::s. Adequate transportation, schools , c1i:urches, and trading centers. Proximity to city center and State Office :Building. c. Detrimental Inf l uences. Rapidly developing into residential income property district. Old and mixed. types of single-family d.wellings. Adjacence to business ancl commercial districts. Higher than city average o-f population density. DePercentage of land improved~%; e . Trend of desirabili t y ne xt 10-15 yrcll~n+i~ng--- - INHABITANTS: Comroon laborers t o business and a. Occupatio~ professional men · b . Es.1t imated annual f am1· 1y 1·nc ome $ l000-3500+ , very mixed, both as to re:n.tors & ownors) c. Foreign-born families Few% ; Indeterminate predominating; d . e. g. 3. SECURI TY MAP OF·u.ic,."'lto, Cnl. AREA CHARACTERISTICS: a. Description of Terrain. Level with no construction hazards. d. 2. AREA DESCR IP T ION - Infiltration of Seo note below Relief families - - - -- - - - -- - - - - st atic _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Population is increasing Slowly, ilu<aecreasing_ to income rosido.11 tia'.l ct.evelopmcnt BUI LDINGS: PREDOMI NATING f. 15 OTHER TYPE ___ % ~% OTHER TYPE 10 8 - 10 room homes to 12-20 unit apts. a. Type 5 - 6 room 2 - 4 fam. b. Construction Frame, rustic Frame, rustic c. Average Age 2_ 5+ _ _ _ Yea rs _1 _5 _ _ Years d. Repair Poor to good Poor to 5uod e. Occupancy _9_4_ _ _ _ $ _____ % _____ % f. Home ownership _23_ _ _ _ % _____ % _____ % g. Constructed past yr ._4_ _ __ h. 1929 Price range $ 3000-7500 -1QQ% $ 5000- 8000 i. 1935 Price range $ 2500-5250 ___1Q_% $ 3500-5500 __...Z2% $ _____ % j. 1938 Price range $ 3000-6000 ~% $ 4000- 6500 ~ % $ _ _ _ __ _____ % $ 3000- 4500 Good $ .All prices - fair $ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ Years k. Sales demand 1. Activity m. 1929 Rent range $ 30 - 50 ___l_ill)% $ 35 - 45 n. 1935Rent range $ 22.50 - 35 _ _7~ $ 25 - 32. 50 __7_0% o. 1938 Rent range $ 2 5 - 4o $ .All price~ - good p. Rental demand q. Activity ... Undor 4500 - Good 100% Fair 1 00% $, _ _ __ _ $ _ _ __ _ 100% ----- % - -- - - % Good Good AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: $ _ __ _ _ 100% a. _ __ Home purchase _Limited Limited b. Home building _ _ _ _ __ ::. CLARIFYING REt·iARKS: This area is part of the old city and is Zoned multi- family residential ~ithout deed restrictions. As stated under 1- c., it is rnpidly becoming un income property district, and price ro;1ges given reflect speculative land values; transfers arc usu.nlly offcc·tecl upon a speculn.tivo basis. The area is huzardous from a strictly single-fo.mily dwelling struidpoint, but owing t o active rental demand for this class of property and tho generally high quoli ty of !llllintcno.ncc, it is deemed more n.ccurate to accord a 11 low ycllow 11 6. NAME AND LOCATIO N Old City X to R - 22nd to 27th SECURITY GRADE _a__ AREA NO. _l_:~_ _ NS FCRM 8 Sac-Jlllcnto, Cnl. 10-1-37 1. AREA DESCRIPTION - SEC URIT Y MAP Of _ __ __ AREA CtlARACTERISTICS: Level ni th no construction huzo.rd.s . a. Description of Terrain. b. F If Convenience to transportation, schools, churchcs 1 and 1 Reii5~~:s·Below city's n.vcrn.gc of populo.tion density. Neo.rnoss to city av~f3:~iiig con·~cr nnd Stute Office :S1.rildings. Stabilizing effect of adjacent Areas B-2 ond B- 4. C, d. ~ I fl Heterogeneous nature of improvements ( see 5 below). • Detximenta . 1 d 1. s t ric · t s. ..l:'rox1m1 y nto Qences. uusiness ond com.rn()rcin. . d 90 a Percentage o f 1 an d improve _ _ .o; INHABITANTS : a. Skilled luborcrs to ,ni to .; collar and smo.11 Occupation _---4~-~-.i--...~~ousinoss liypcs e. Stn tic Trend of desirability ne x\0 1<.d_oc-li¥i1liz;, _ _ _ __ 6 b. 1800- 2400+ Estimated annual family income$ _ _ __ _ _ __ Foreign-bor.n families.....!;.w9'.;_., .........~ - - -- - - - - predominating; d . Negro _ _ ; _ _ % ..l:'nl't pl'O tCCvvu., bu.dlliCG ? . f possiblo,not . t f. Relief families _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ e. I f 1 pf'oua.0.1.e n 1 ration o ~ ---·~~ - - - - . . . . Very st at i c _ __ __ _ _ __ , , ; decreasi ng___ _ _ _ _ g . Popu 1 ation is increasi ng o.1.u1uj1 Income Residential BUILDINGS: 20 % OTHER TYPE OTHER TYPE PREDOMINATING ~ % 2 ... 4 fomily 5 - 6 room a. Type Frrunc & stucco Frume & st;ucco b. Construction but 11ido 12 15 Years Years Years spread c. Average Age Good Good d. Repair c. 3· ~• 6. % % % % % % Occupancy f. Home ownership g. l Constructed past yr. h. 1929 Price range $ 4000-5000 __!QQ$ "' i. 1935 Price range $ 3000-3000 ~% $ 0000- 8000 j. 1938 Price range $ k. Sales demand $ 1. Activity m. $ o. 1929 Rent range 1935 Rent range 1938 Rent range p. Rental demand $ q. Activity n. LI- • 99 e. 70 3700-4500 ~% .All prices - good $ 5500-8500 $ 100% $ ~% $ ~% $ All prices - fair 35 - ff> ~% $ 100% $ 25 - 32.00 _ ____ % 100% - ---- % ----- % $ $ Good _ _ ___ % $ 70 70 25 - 35 _ _% $ % $ 80 32.00';.. 37. 50 95 30 - 40 _ _% $ _ _% $ $ l\.J.l J)J:'iCC:3 - s'OOcl. .All prices .... {~ ,d $ 100% Good 35 - 40 i 6000-10,000 Good ~)le .Ample AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purchase___ _ b. Home building _ _ _ __ _ Compo sod of 17 subdivisions 0:poncd botY1ecn 1898 and 1923 ,1i th no CLAJ(BA'fiI~-d.M''tl'~aevclnpmont. .Al though non and old o.rc interspersed, maintcnnnco of p1·oporti0s and construction is 6 oncro.lly good. Deec1 restrictions in tho hove o.xpirccl but development is prima.rily one fnrnily uni ts, largely o,;-mor occu:pied. Zoning in southern part p-:::rmits 2 family and the bulo.ncc multi- family units. Population is r::i.thor homogonOO':ts ::,.,s to social & i n come levels. Section is graded 11 high ycllow11 • 13 Part of Sn.cro..-::icnto C NAME AND LOCATION _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SECURITY GRADE _ __ AREA NO. _ __ NS FCRM 8 s~~-...u,.1ento, Cnl. 10-1-37 AREA DESCRIPTION - SECURITY MAP Of _ _ _ __ AREA Ct/AR~CT~RISTICS: . Level with no construction hazards. City owns some old a. ~r~'veiPf>l<e~ 9.fotn&r~ith and Mstreets, which are not su.itabl9 for building sites, whi"eh will in time be converted into a park, b. e· d. 2. 3. Ad.equate transportation, schools, churches, and shopping Population dansi ty below ci ty 1 s avera[;o. fl \1h 1,ii.Jri.c~t· city's growth. . I f Ha.ny dead-end and some unimproved streets in western\urnc 1a¥1h<i1P now subdivisions causes wide range, both in ago and architectural types of improvements. Population inclined to heterogeneity with subversive racial clements in spots. Slon Percentage of land improved~%; e. Trend of desirability next 10- 15 yrs. incroa· 1200-2100 Estimated annual family income$ _ __ _ _ _ __ b. c. b f . . 10 o,_ Latin Few · Fore1gn- orn am1 1 1es _ _ ,<); ___________ predominating; d ·sc~tr€&f>c4---; _ _ % e. Infiltration g. Population is 0 ? f Possible, but no Relief families _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ concun trat ion likel/ · .1ncreas1ng . _Slo,;;rly static _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ decreasing _ _ _ _ _ __ BUILDINGS: a. Type b. Construct ion PREDOMINATING _2% 4-5 room OTHER TYPE g. Framc,rustic,stu.:cco,brick Es+ 2 grou:psl2+ and no\7 ____ Years _ _ _ Years Average Age Poor to 5uod. Repair 94 Occupancy % % 55 Home ownership % % 21 Constructed past yr . h. 1929 Price range l . 1935P. rice range $ 1500- 3250 j. 1938Pnee . range $ d. e. f. k. Sales demand 1. Activity m. 1929 Rent range 1935 Rent range n. o. 6. bl ci'fi.9Fe'i-s.e INHABITANTS: Common laborers to white collar \;rorkcr-s . _ ___ a. 0ccupat1on ___ _ _ __ c. LJ- . F 1938R ent range p. Rental demand q. Activity $ $ 2000- 4500 OTHER TYPE _ _ _ Years _____ % _____ % $ _ _ _ __ ----1QQ% $ 100% ~% $ _ _% $ ~% ill prices - active $ 1800-4000 % 100% _____ % $ _ _ _ __ _ _ ___ % $ _ _ _ _ __ $ Good $ $ $ $ 20 - 30 --1QQ% $ 100% 70 15 - 25 __% $ 90 $ --I> 20 - 27 . 50 ill price::. ()f - !;)Ocl 100% % $ % $ % --% $ $ $ Good ~ l e for selected A~,ple for selected b . Home building properties CLARIFYING RELARKS: Composed of 20 subdivisions opened. botHecn 1893 and 1925, the new and old districts interspersed. Deed restrictions have lar~oly expired, but dov0lopmcnt was one family. Construction range from cheap to medium quality ilit h poor to good rnaintcnnnco of pro:9ertios. Ne·:, construction is lorgoly confined to 54th, 55th nnd 56th streets north of M street n..r1.d being sold. Y1ith FHA insurnnce~ Realtors consider this construction as speculative o..~d ovcr-inrP.roving. Tho 4 negro fo.milios scattered ruid considered to affect only o.djn.ccnt property. Tho area is o.ccordcd a 11loi/ yellow" grade. 14 48th to 58th - J to Folsom C NAME AND LOCATION _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SECURITY GRADE _ __ AREA NO. _ _ _ AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. prop8rties Home pure hase _____ ; NS FCRH 8 l 0-1-37 AREA DESCRIPTION - SECURITY MAP OF 1. AREA CriARACTERISTICS : a . Description of Terrain. b. Sacramento Level with no construction hazards. Favorable Influences . Trn.nsportation, schools, churches, and trading centers all conveniently available. Adjacence to Area B-5 is a stabilizing factor. Homogeneous population. Detrimental Influences. Proxir.ii ty to main line of Southern P.1.cific Railroad. fungor of c0m."'lerci al and industri:tl encroachment. Congested population west of Mth ~treet due to sub-standard size l<Jts. Many deacl-end streets, and "P" Street only partially improved . . d . Percentage of land improved-60%; e. Trend of desirability next 10-15 yrs. Declining INHABITANTS : Laborine class, white a. Occupation _ _ c_ol_l_u_r_\_ vo_r_k_c_r_s_ __ b. Estimated annual family income$ 1500-2100 C• 2. c. Foreign-born families Few%; L'ttin predominating; d. Negro None ; _ _ % (A Japanese owns a piece of residential income property; e. g. 3. Infiltration of Possible; not prop- f. Relief families able in any serious degree Population is increasing vr~ry slo71l:}decreasin g_ _ _ _ _ __ OTHER TYPE OTHER TYPE _ _ _ Years _ _ _ Years % a. Type 5 and 6 room b. Construction Frm:ie and stucco c. Average Age d. Repair e. Occupancy ~i...0..... 0___ % _____ % _ ____ % f. Home ownership _ .....6....Q,___ _ % _____ % ____ _ % g. Constructed past yr. h. 1929 Price range $ 3500 $4.500 ---1.QQ% $ · 100% $ 100 % i. 1935 Price range $ 2500 $3250 7<1> $ _ _% $ % j. 1938 Price range $ 3250 ~24000 9(% $ _ _% $ % k. Sales demand $ foj_r $ $ 1. Activity m. 1929 Rent range $ 52.50 - $40 ___l_QQ',t $ n. 1935 Rent range $ 22.50 - ,:~27 . 50 7(1J, o. 1938 Rent range $ :50 - ~i:?;7 . GQ 9(~ p. Rental demand $ ,111 g_ . Activity ~1=5~+_ _ y ears Good A]) pric<>s ,SJ my price8 - eood $ lQQ% $ % $ % $ - -% $ % $ $ 100% Liood AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: CLARIFYING REtiAR KS: 6. st at ic _ _ _ _ __ _ __ BUlLDINGS: PREDOMINATING ~ LI- · ? a. .aI.iple f ,,r selected Anple for :gron~rttef;b . Home building Qf.1lectet· Home purchase prcpertios ·I ni s area consists of five subdivisions r;hich wore pluceu on the market o.s follows: 1907, 1908, 1908, 1914, and 192?.. Deed restrictions h[.Lve expired on property east 01' Mth Street but nrc still in effe ct v:est of 34th St. Althc,ugh the ::irea is zoned twe-f:1mily residential, it is predor::1in'-mtly improved with single-f:1mily dwellines vf cheap to n1edium quality construction \·.hich, hov;ever-, ure well m;1into.ined. .l:'.J{cept for ug<; ·md obsolescence, parts of this area in the western porti.on vould ~-;arr·mt ,1 secon<J-gr:.t<le. ·rhe are.1 ns -i vihol e is accorded ;1 "110dial yellow" er::i.<Je . NAME AND LOCATION Folsu,J t o 11 R11 - west of 38th Str0e:tSECURITY GRADE C AREA N0.1=5:a,___ _ NS FCRM 8 l 0-1-37 1. 2. 3. AREA DESCRIPTION - AREA CrlARACTERISTICS: a. Description of Terrain. SEC URITY MAP OF Sacr,tr.iento Level vii th no construction h,... zards. b. Favorable Influenct::s. Transport-.1.tion, schools, churchi:s, ·.tn<l trading centers J.11 conveniently av,'lil:.i bl,e. Ac' joining Ar,~:1s B- 5 , B-8 · u. fJta bilizing fo.c tor . Popul , tion Consi ty belm, city I s ,-?.v cr·agc . c, Detrimental Influences. ProxiGi ty to r.nin line of Southerr1 Pacific F..:.tilrwd un1.; Bast Lnwn Camct1~ry ~nd Crcm:1.toriun. ;,iimy<l- en.J streets c:.:.use. by ruilroo.6 ,1hich is :tl so responsible for nR11 St. being tmp:ive,.J.. d. Percentage of _land improved~%; INHABITANTS: Skilled laborers u.ncJ. a. Occupation wbi ta calJ n work~rs e. Trend of desirabili t y next 10-15 yrs. St~tic to dovmw,trd. b. Estimated annual f amily income$ 1500-2100 c. Foreign-born families~%; _ _N.,.,0..,..,0...,e;......;"'""•1..,. 1b..u.~'c::.""ar...:'3u.i..,,y~n'--- predominating; d. e. Infiltration of-1.B~P~ ~~o~t~p_ _ _ __ f. g. Population is increasing Slowly decreasing,_ _ _ _ __ _ Negro None ; _ _ % Relief families _ _ _..... F=\~----- - - - - - static _ _ _ _ _ __ __ BUILDINGS: PREDOMINATING ___fili_ % ta 5 OTHER TYPE OTHER TYPE Years Years a. Type b. Construction c. Average Age 12 Years d. Repair Geo;.: e. Occupancy 100 % % % f. Home ownership 60 % % % g. Constructed past yr. h. 1929 Pri ce ran ge $ 2500 s-1000 -1QQ% $ 100% i. 1955Price range $ 1750 ~2800 -----+fl% $ _ _% $ % j. 1938 Price range $ £000 ~; :;:::oo --ae% $ _ _% $ % $ $ 4 l"QQD 5 k. Sales demand 1. Activity m. 1929 Rent range $ 25 ~5 _..1.QQ% $ n. 1935Rent range $ 20 21:; __.:JI:)% o. 1958Rent range $ 2:2 , 50- '7>? . 50 ---90% p. Rental demand q. Activity $ All pric@s - fair $ 100% Slow $ AJJ pricu, - eood $ 100% $ % $ % $ _ _ % $ % $ $ 100% G(•Gd a. Home purchase AiJ;iJ e b. Home building Ari:gle 4. AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: 5• CLARIFYING REt-:ARKS : 'Ibis area i:J conposed largely of tv.o sub<livisi0ns \,hich were pl:1.ce( on the oarket in 1910 nncJ 1911 with adeouate deco restrictions which e:i-.pired a few years ago . Zoning is two-far.1ily resid.o~tL,.l, but iMprovel!lents are pn.ctically all snall, single-for.iily clwelline;s in the price range. is of high quality, and pcpub.tion is hor:iogencous. '!'his is, in p,irt, '.l. buffer 'ireu, ~nd were it not for thG detrimental influences which have been not<:ld, ,\ large p..1rt of the "trcn coul(~ be clussec; as second eJ''.~de; us it is, a "medial yellow" gr:J.t!e is accorded• 6. NAME AND LOCATION_--Jl,E.i,;l~fil,lilt:;:..1iu1r~~....t~·1ng.A,C,1,..l-+1:au.ji.:.,(lg~ea!JiV.;.(,,'AUJ{)if,.;,.C~- --- SECURITY GRADE _ __.c..__ AREA NO. _l..,6.<----- NS FCRH 8 1 0-1-37 AR EA DE SC RI PTION 1. AREA CrlARACTERISTICS: a. Descript i on of Terrain. b. c. d. 2. L,wel v,ith no construction haz.).rds. Transportation, s chools, churches, mid sho,t1ping c,.mters conveniently avuiL.1.ble. ''ithin w,.tlking dist'lnce to State Office Buildings :..1,nd city center. Favorable Influenc~s. Danger or infiltration of r .tcial el ements and encroachment of commerce md busincs8 . Proximity to main Detrimental Influences. line of Western Pacific F... R. butw~cn 19th ..tnd 20th Sts . Belt line R. R. on 11 x11 St., and Southern Pacific R. h . lmd r:cst0rn Pacific R. R. spur tr,1cks on " R11 St. Mixed types and ago of i mprovernonts . Heterogeneous pc.,pulution ffi~in?a~ i1t0 1i1¥i111~p1-1>ri.~~ty. 70%; e. Trend of desirabili t y next 10- 15 yrs. Stati c to downward . INHABITANTS: Coi:unon and skill?d la.borers, a. Occupation wlut0 collar ,iorKers, a,ndb . Estimated annual fami l y income $1500 - 2100 sm:111 bus11mss men. ' e. 40 %; L[l.ti11r:tces predom i nating; d. Neg r o Yes ;1_ _ % Few, 01·innt:tls ,md Negroes un perimeter of ·-,ren. . Infiltration of Orienbls - slov:lY, f. Reli ef f amil i es _ __F_e_\,_' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ g. Population is increasing c. 3. SECUR ITY MAP OF Sacr amento Foreign-born families decreasi ng sl ody static BUILDINGS: PREDOMINATING _QQ__ % 6 room Type b. Construction c. Average Age 20 d. Repair e. Occupancy 97 % singl e-far;iily f. Home ownership 30 % g. Const r ucted past yr . h. 1929 Price range OTHER TYPE 2 to 4 room fb. ts a. 5 and 10 % OTHER TYPE Fr'.1me anc1 rustic 20 Years Years t<; gc:od Years uood None II II 1f II $ 3000 - $5000 ---1Q.Q% % % % % $ 5000 - 7000 100% $ 100 % l . 1935Price range $ 2250 ;$5500 $ 5500 - 5000 _1_0% $ % j. 1938Price range $ 2500 ~4000 _fil)% $ 4000 - 5500 ~0% $ % $ All prices k. Sales demand 1. Activity m. 1929 n. 1935 Rent range $ J 'l . 50 ~~30 o. 1938 Rent range $ 20 p. Rental demand $ All q_. Act ivity Rent range - --1S}_% good $ All prices Good $ 25 - f ~tir $ Fair ·:Ma $ -----2J)% $ J 7 • 50-~2 • 50 80% ~:·35 f>-r'j Cf!~ - 25 - 55. _..l.Q.Q$ gvnd $ 20 30 $_All i>~rices $ 100% 70% $ % 100% --30% - good $ % $ Good Gr·od b. Home buildin g Limited 4. AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: 5. CLARI FYING RE}-iAR KS:Thi s area is pa.rt of thv old city ·.m d is -;;i th<-,•Jt d00d rc:3tricti, .nG, Zoning per;, ~tulti-fo.c.ily d1.,ellings, but il'.lpr<.v'",J.0nts n·~ µredonin·.mtly singkfar,ily d\wlJ.ings of ch,np to r1ediurn qu·1li ty ~onstruction . ~bintt:m,.nco is g8ner;~1ly of g0cd Ciu·. 1.lity. L0nding is limited t o selected r isks . In the southY;est 3oction ...:.l0ng Howell and Y'.llu irripr0vm:1ents are c,f distinctly bE,ttor grade. -rh0 ::troa is v,~ry spctted, but there i s 'l stc:.tdy dom:md fer properties , be,th for purch.1G1;, o.nd rento.l, :ind it is not buli.ev <.<d. th<:: 11rea. is over- graded when it i.s accorded ,t 11 lm;, -yellcw 11 a. Home purchase Limited grade . 6• NAME AND LOCATION _ __,__,P,...,. 1rL>t"---'-" of..____,_Ow.l"'-r1_,C=i....,t~y_ _ _ _ __ SECURITY GRADE _ _ c_ AREA NO . _1_7_ _ NS FCRM 8 10-1-37 1. AR EA DESCRIP TION - SECURITY MAP OF AREA CriARACTERISTICS: a. Description of Terrain. b. S:1cr'lwento Level with no construction hr.1.z!':l.!'ds. Favorable Influencss. Transportation, schools, churcher-, '-1-nd shopping centen::: conveniently ~W<tiL1ble. 'iathin ,,;,,1lking distance to State Office Buil dings tmd city center. Detrimen tal Influences. Bj_sectod by ~1 goner ·,.l cor!lr.ierci:il z0ne ancl ~ lir.d.t10d ret:.ti.1 zone in eastern p2.rt. D:mger c,f infiltr1tion of subv:::irsive racial :,lemmts rnd. encroachf'.l.ent of commerce and business. Popul:1t:hu r.:c..t,,,n.h:J.t hetarc,g•:,n,'.)eus :md :tbc-ve city sver ugo density . t-.fiix0d typ0s :md agt:: of i.J_;_')I'O'lG<lCn ts• d. Percentage of land improved____llil_%; e. Trend of desirability next 10 - 15 yrs . Dc1rnSmall business r.1en, v.;hite ·., trd but slc-.l;y INHABITANTS: coll·1r ,,orkers, and sor:ii-skilled a. Occupation nrt.i s·-'ns ; b. Estimated annual family income $1500 - 2400 c. 2. :I. c. Foreign-born families__Emr_ %; L,1tins - nc,;nt~ subv,::rsj:vpredominating; d. e. Infiltration of g. Population is increasin g PossibiJity f. Negro Fev, ; _ _ % sc:1ttercd Relief families static decreasing Yes BUILDINGS : PREDOMINATING ___illi.% % OTHER TYPE 5% OTHER TYPE a. Type Lt b. Construction Fr:me c. Average Age 20+ d. Repair e. Occupancy 98 % % % f. Home ownership 50 % % % g. Constructed past yr. 3 h. 1929 Pri ce range $ 5000-5000 -1.Q.Q% $ 100% i. 1935 Price range $ 2000-3500 7("/JJ $ _ _% $ % j. 19238 Price range $ 2500 4000 _..80% $ % $ % k. Sales demand $ All f1ir $ $ 1. Activity m. 1929 Rent range --1.QQ% $ n. 1935Rent range $ 17. 50 - 30 __1_0% $ o. 1938Rent range $ __fil}% $ p. Rental demand g_ . Act ivity :m6 5 Fair Tncnrnc rr>si den tfo.l r•;Pr:l Years to Years Years good ;priCflS $ 100% SJ OV· $ 6;'.5 - 20 40 05 $ All levelt. - {;Gvd $ mo% % $ % $ % 100% - -% $ $ Gnnd 4. AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: 5. CLARI FYING REt-:ARKS: 6. NAME AND LOCATION _ a. Home purchase Limited b. Home building Li1.1it--,d Po.rt of the ol:i city, ;J.lthvugh r:evc h ,p;•10nt r:..1s slo;. Eastern section nut subc.ividu<i until 1910. Zcned· for multi-fo.nil y ccnstructi0n. ./1.rca, ·ts a -:;;hc:.i.0 , c0nft;r11 f ·drly ,;ell as t,, type, o..nd !'.u;,,tintcn·mce is bett8r· th...;.n hould be expected in such :m r.1rea. Financing lini kd ::is tc prc,porty rinJ indivit.uf.!.l. ·rh0 fev. Ncgrc fariilit;S ( t·1<.. km ,m) :ire s ·.tid tc, affoct values of c,nly :tdjt1.c~nt prop~rtias. Gr:.1<1ccl 11 le;w y8llm,·". __.,_p•""'ir'""t..._._.o.._f_,,c......1......1_._~~ · - · - - - - - - SECURITY GRADE _.u..,__ AREA NO . a....___ _ .....,J NS FCRM 8 10-1-37 AREA DESCRIPTION - SECURITY MAP OF 1. AREA CrlARACTERISTICS: a. Description of Terrain. b. c· 2 • 3. Level vii th no construction h:17,a.rds. Favorable Influenct:s. Adequate transportation, schools, churches, ·md tr:iding areas . Adjac,mce to Aru1 B-8 is n stabilizin£ factor. Homogeneous socia l ,.md incor.1e lev0l popul ·1 ti(,n. Below city ~w0rae:;e (;f pc-pula ti0n density. Ste.•1dy ue:nand f or property, both for purch:wu ·tnd rent'.l.L Detrimental Influences· "V" Str-3c t :incl cross streets uninprc-veJ e·tr,t cf 51st St. Proxir.ii t;y of northeast perit10ter of h.1tch0c part nr-rth of 11 S" k "GEm::m1l C0r1'llerciul11 z oning. flung :1ro:1 of retarueJ ~rovth . d. Percentage of lan,d improved_fil1%; e. Trend of desirability next 10-15 yrs. Om..:i.rd pc ssioly to hitlh ~r~de INHABITANTS: Sr.n ll business i:lcn, v,hi te cellar . a. Occupation Y.E·rkero, okillce.~ :1rtis:liis· Estimated annual fami ly income $ 1500-1800 c. Foreign-born families..LQ.E %; --=N~o=n=e~s=u=bv~e=r~s=i~v~r,3__ predom inating; d. e. Infiltration of _ g. Population is increasing f. ____.,_,R= er~1o ~ t=e..__ __ slowly Negro Nc,ne; _ _ % Relief f amilies ------=F....e'""v,_;_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ static _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ decreasing _ _ _ _ _ __ BUILDINGS: a. Type 4 :mci .5 r oom b. Construction Fr'lffit: & stucco c. Average Age d. Repair e-.___Occupancy ----±1-a-5-t-,..... Years --9~9h.crer---·% f, Home ownership 54 g. Constructed past yr. 15 h. 1929 OTHER TYPE ___ % --95.. % PREDOMINATING % OTHER TYPE _ _ _ Years _ _ _ Years _ _ ___ % _____ % _____ % _____ % Price range $ 3000 4000 100% i . 193sPrice range $ 13250 oOOO _ _% $ _____ % j. 193#rice range ----BG-% $ _ __ __ All prices g .-c:d except $ 11 V11 St,. frc;ntae;es 4$l_,h~---to 50th Streets _ _ % $ _ _ __ __ _____ % k. Sales demand 1. Activity m. 1929 $ 2600 3500 $ 25 55 --1.QQ% $ n. 195#ent range $ 20 25 ---::/-!J, 0. 193sRent range $ 2C.50 :Sk'..50~ $ All l:.,1.r0lc Rental demand q. Activity 100% $ _ _ _ __ _ Good Rent range p. $- - - -- - - gc.t,d $ 100% $ % $ % $ % $ % $ $ 100% Gt,e,d AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: 5. CLARIFYING REl•;ARKS : 6. Developed portir•n, Stockton Blvr.L to 57th St • .'.l.cts ;.J.s buff,:ir tc o.reo. "B" 8. Secticn's C:evelopmcnt was r otan1ed by 'tbortive atten,pt to built:': up the ha tchec! portion in 1888. Prc,xini ty t o f;1ir grounc'. s not seriously dctrir:ie ntal frJr fair opcr·1tes only 2 weeks u yoar. Deed rostricti,:,ns expire:..'!. :1m! zoning perm ts nulti-f:1r:1ily to 46th St • . m,' tv.o-frn:iily in b.:-1.l:i.nce of 11.rc.::,1. Houses .1re genern.lly SBJ.11, ono-faoily uni ts of chea:f> t o mcclium ty ul th<,u5h ,,ell r.m.intainetl. Owing to city's need. of i:'.lx_pansion, the few detrimental influences a nd grountl ava.ilable here, the section is consiJere~ to have possibilities, n.rnl is, NAME tttffl'E{~~~IGtccor deJ a :Jrovisiom.l "high yellow11 ~ ! T Y GRADE --,,,~ AREA NO. -4-lQ4---- Eli'1.hurs t a. Home purchase--A,;.r,:1p1:r.1l::t:1o- b . Home building .~Jple q. NS FCRM 8 10-1 - 37 1. 2. AREA SECURITY MAP OF Sac• ....1:iento a. CHARACTERISTICS: Descr iption of Terrain. Levc;l ; nc ccnstructicn haza.rc,s in (,:cveJ.Oi)C0 l;ortion. Somo places belui:, c.,rrude in hrt tched p.trt. b. Favorable Influenc~s . Adequate tra.nsport'1tion, schu,l, church, sh(>t)J:Jint', and recre-:t ticnal f::tcili ties. In linE", , f city ' s _{;r0sent l'.evclo.)tlent. Pc)Ulatic,n oc:nsity oolo\. city ' s average. c. Detrimental Influences. Pr'.)Xinity to Arca D-7 \.hich c,;ntrdns hic;h river levee, u_?on which a. r a.ilroad runs. Ag-::, fll1c1 obsol esc()nce of ir:rprova::1ents , whil~ not aµ,:,•1rent u,)0n cu;:;u(1l ins1)8Cti r:n , are an a ctuality. d. Percentage of land improved ~ INHABITANTS: a . Occupation c. e. g. 3. AREA DESCRIPTION - %; e. Trend of desirability next Cor.u:1on labcrors t o ___________ white cc.:llar 'Ht:rkors b. Estimated annual family income$ l 200-l 800 , t <$sdo~~:~;~ 20 %· Latin predominating; d. Negr_$? 1 . ; _ _ % - - ' Several J U,r)anese f u:.n.lies J., Infiltration of Subversive races . f. Relief famili es _ __F_e_w,_ _ _ _ _s_e_e_ 5_ be_•_l_o_w_ _ __ a possibility ' Population is increas ing _ _ __ decreasing _ _ _ __ _ __ static _ _Y_e_•s_ _ _ __ _ Foreign-born families BUILDINGS: PREDOMINATING ~ % OTHER TYPE OTHER TYPE _ __ Years ____ Years ______ % a. Type 5 :::mu 6 room b. Construction F'r~I'le & stucco c. Average Age d. Repair e. Occupancy 99 - ----/0 /)f _ ____ % f. Home ownership 70 _ ____ /)f }:) _____ % g. Constructed past yr. __N_o_n_e_•_ _ h. 1929 Price range $ 3000-4000 ---1QQ% $_ _ _ __ 100% i. 1955 Price range $ 1800-2400 ____§Q<J, $ _ __ __ _ _% $ _____ % j. 1938 Price range $ 2400- 3200 __QQ% $_ _ __ _ _ _ % $ _ _ _ __ _ ____ % $ All :;rices - fair 20 Years Fair t:: gcod k. Sales demand 1. Activity m. 1929 Rent range $ 27.50- 35 n. 1935Rent range $ 20 - 25 0. 1938Rent range $ 25 $- -- - -- 100% $ _ _ _ __ _ $ _ _ _ __ F:iir p. Rental demand q. Activity $ __l00% $ _ __ __ ~% $ _ _ _ __ ___ - -% $ _ __ __ -----% 900,}.) $ _ _ _ __ - $ _ _ __ - - ---% All :)rices - ~1,;od $ _ _ _ __ - 32.50 100% - % $_ __ _ __ _ 100% $ _ __ _ __ Good OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: 4. AVAILABILITY 5. CLARIFYING REt-iARKS: a. Home purchase _L_i_ · z_u_·t_:.-_'d_· b. Home building _LiniteJ _ _ __ _ ·T his ·.trea w:.ts subJivir~ed '.tnc.: ;_)laced en the no.rket in 1911 and 1912 . 0p1Jnecl in 1911 o.nt! 1912. 6. 10-15 Nc'w 7,cncd fer two-f'lmily houses , restric-ti, ns hr.tvint expired. H"uses nre lnrt;;e~.y . -ne-f;.J.nily uni ts of cheap t P metiiuro quality, well r1aint:tined a nC. t'f sii:iilJ.r conformity. Populaticn is hcr.ivgenu,us. The NeGrc, fm:,ily resides on the western )erimeter anll J:1;)/mese ,>ccu;,:>y le·.tt; nd t:;nrden tr::i.cts in the hatched ;:>,.i.rt of the area . Al thr :ugh 7th & 8th Ave. 1)r0perti es c.p1lear good the JJossi bili ty of infil tr;1 tion cf lower cl.1sses ancl the presence of ab<:,ve detrir.iento.1 influe:nces w1rr,.1.nts cmly a "lov.1 yflll~m" gracJ.e for the section. The hatched ~ortiPn is Ltrgoly un1>1::ttte;J ,1nL' un(er ;>rop0r handlint, cculc, develop into a NAME AND LOCATION r.1,xler<1te .:>r·ic<::,.:; secc;nd gr ::i.cle arcasECURITY GRADE C AREA NO. 20 Vill·t li.J. v1cra ---- NS FCRM 8 10-1-37 ARE A DES CR I PT I ON 1. 2. AREA CrlARACTERISTICS: a. Description of Terrain. Sacra:nen to Level with no construction hazards. Convenience to schools of all grades from kindergarden to Junior College. Adequate transportation, r8crDational and shopping facilities. Adjaccncc to areas of higher gr::ide is a st::tbilizing factor. b. Favorable Influences. c. Detriment al Influences. c. Negro Few ; _ _ % Some Ori en Infiltrat ion of Subversive r aces-;- f. Relief families _ __ F_·e_,._· _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ sloHly Slowly; decreasing _ _ _ _ _ __ static _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Population is increasing Proximity to 11Gstern P'lcific R:d.lron.d and shops, St. Josuph ' B Cemetery. Presence of scattered Nogro n.nd Oriental familie~. Spotted development ·,nd heterogeneous improvements, both as to age npd _architectural type.Dovmd. Percen tage of land improved...6Q_ %; e. Trend of desirability next 10-15 yrs. _ _ _ _ __ Smull business men, ward INHABI TANTS: 'Hhi te coll::i.r workers, a. Occupation skill0d .irtis,ms, etc .; b. Estimated annual family income$ 1500-3000 e. g. 3. SEC UR I TY MA p OF Foreign-born families Fo~~; - --=--1-~_ix_c_•d_ _- ___ predom inating; d. BUILDINGS: PREDOMINATING a. Type b. Construction c. Average Age 95+ % OTHER TYPE OTHER TYPE Fr::tr:ie, 1·u3tic, stucco, brick Mixed 12 2 grou-p_s_ __&Years also new _ _ _ Years _ _ _ Years 5 a nd 6 room 20 liood d. Repair e. Occupancy _ _9 _4_ _ $ _ _ ___ % f. Home ownership _ _ 4"""8_ _ % _ _ _ __ % g. 16-- Constru c ted past yr. - - h. 1929 Price range $ 5500-6500 ---1QQ% $_ _ _ __ i. 1935 Price range $ i;S00-4500 ~ $ _ _ _ __ _ j. 1938 Price range $ 3000-5000 ____1LO% $ _ _ __ _ _ _ % $ _ _ __ _ k: Sales demand $ All ,erices - f .tir 1. Activity m. 1929 Rent range $ 30 - 50 _l.QQ$ $ n. 1935Rent range $ 22 , 50-35 __7!) $ o. 1938Rent range $ 27 SQ Ll.7 50 915 $ p. Rental demand g_. Activity _____ % 100% $ _ _ __ _ _ % $ 100% _____ % _ ____ % $ _ __ _ __ $ blovi $ All pric•;s - good $ 100% % $ % _ % $ % 100% _ $ $ liood a. LJ. . AVAILAT3ILITY OF "MORTGAGE FUNDS: 5. CLARIFYING REt-;ARKS : This is distinctj_y a bordt:r-buffor, set up u.s a m,1rgin to adjoining high0r-gr'.tde·.1.s, mun;r of ~;-hose charac tcristics are r e fleeted in this ar~a. With th,;; exception of :.t strip along [4th St. between Donner \!ay .:.tnd Colev,.m Vl.ay, all d~od restrictions hr1v8 .:;xpired, :rnd zoning n0•.,.- pcr1:ii ts tv·:0- f :.1.mily residences; ho·uever, ccnstruction v:tries frcm che:. ,.p to good in v,.trious 1x1.rts, \.ith r.u1intcmance univGrs:illy gooci. If only ,, ty , !nnintonu.nce, .md type of i:;1prover:i~nts wcr~ t1ken into conGider'ltion, t,he ~tre,, \o:ould gr,tde frvn "hieh red" to "low bluc 11 , but Y1hen the dctrir.!cntnl influ,Jnces ·ir0 considered, it is believed th~t a. grade of "loP yellow" should be nccGrded . NAME AND LOCATION BoxJ ,.,r ·rrwt., ~1 yc'r .t'1rk, Wc.s.t_ SECURITY GRADE C AREA NO. _2_1_ __ Curtis Q(.:k~, Adc;.ition, Scuth Curtis Oq.ks. 6· Home purchase Limited; b . Home building Limited NS FCRH 8 10-1-37 AR EA DESCRIPT IO N - SECURITY MAP OF Sacrar.Kmto 1. AREA CriARACTERISTICS: a. Description of Terr ain. Level with no construction hazards. b. Favorable Influenc(s. c. Detrimental Influenc es. d. Per centage of l a nd improved-----i.s.%; Convenience to transportation, schools, churches, trading ~nd recreational area. Adjacence to higher-gr~de a r eds ~nd main High School and convenience to Junior College :.ire .'..:.ll stabilizlng factors. D:mger of subversive r:.i cin.l infiltration and encrouchment of business. Age .:.1.nd obsolescence of improvements. e. Trend of de sirabili t y next 10-15 yrs .;,.;8l~o:vw-;---- decline 2. INHABITANTS: ComrJon laborers to upper a. Occupation br,1 ck@t •pJ:iitCJ collar ; b. Es timated annual family i ncome $1500 2400 workers. c. Foreign-born famili es ---J,Q_ %; ---+.La-t?,H~nf¼-.----- predominating; d. Ne g r o ~ ; _ _ % scattered e . Infiltration of __P~e~s~a~i~b~l~e--f. Relief familie s ------t" n 1 ! - r - - - - - - - - - - - - - g. 3. RUI I,DINGS: PREDOMINATING _.a5_% 4. 5• 6, static _ _ _ __ _ _ __ Population is increasing vPry sl o?:lydec reasing _ _ _ _ _ __ OTHER TYPE OTHER TYPE a. Type b. Construction E'r~mw c. Average Age 30 d. Repair e. Occupancy 9/5 f. Home ownership 4!;- g. Constructed past yr . 17 h. 1929 Price range $5000 §000 _..!QQ% $ 100% i. 1935 Price range $2000=3500 ----9-e-% $ _ _% $ j. 1938 Price range $.2500 4000 -oo-% $ k. Sales demand $ .l\ll pric~s - good 1. Activity m. 1929 Rent range n. 1955Rent range o. 5 -~nd 6 roOJ:o Feh inCOh'~ residon tia.......- - - - both now and renodeled _ _ _ Years _ _ _ Years % _____ % _____ % % _____ % _____ % Yea rs Fn:h: to good % $ _ _ _ __ $ _ _ _ __ 100% _____ % _ _ ___ % $ _ _ _ _ __ $ Good .$ ma% $ % $ % $ _ _% $ % $ 3 ----100% $ $ 17, §0 30 ---!l--9'.t 1958 Rent range $ W't-. 58 57.!.:iO --00% p. Rental demand $ .".11 p:ci0.1S ' . g0od q. Activity $ 25 40 100% Seod AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purchase Ar.1ple b. Home building ----nfl:1¥f!ip0-lt-.o+--- Composcd o.f 35 or ?'l~re subdivisions which d1te from 1887 to 1925, CLARIFYING REt-;ARKS : the r::,1jori ty opened betvwen 1900 md 1910. Deec1 restrictions have expired . Zon0::d ·:mlti-f~1..mily in ncrtheast portion, 2-frnnily in balance of area. Dwellings are cho.:i. p to medium quality of CCJnstruc;tion and arc g-:mcr·tlly well'J.ined. Realtnrr; st:.1.te the few sca ttered. Ncgr0 fc.unilies ( six known) :.1re old resid.onts and do not affect values beyond adjoinine vroperty . ·rhe southtffn part of :1re'J. is sparsely settled and with proper treo.taent r.:1ight dev0l0p intc; a high0r grc.dt.l. ·rhe a:rc:1 is v:ell est'lblinhcd as an old, mi<lc.!le-cl·tss district v,i th 1. generally h-'.l.1omonioun p0pul,1tion. Although there is a ste1.1dy der:mnd for both purchase a!ld rcnto.l _2roperties in tho an~a, o,ling to o.e;c ~nd obsolescence, it is net deemed 1 NAME AND LOCATION o·,k Psirk (propPr} '.lnd lli gh1't-nd P:•rk SECURITY GRADE _ _ _ AREA NO . ...,:;,22--fensi bliJ to n.ccord higher th:m :t "le•,; yelluv; 11 grade. NS FCRH 8 10- 1- 37 AREA DESCR I PTION 1. 2. AREA CttARACTERISTI CS: a. Desc ription of Terrain. I~vcl with no construction hazards. b. Favorable I nfl uenc ( s. Convenience to transport-ttion, schools, churchus, a nd tradine centers. c. De trime ntal I nfluences. D~mp;er of subversive racial infiltr·ttion. Heterogeneous ch·tracter of devclopi1mnt . Mixc<l types 'md age of improvements. d. Percen t age of l and i mproved --60% ; e. Trend of desi rability next 10 ~ 15 yrs, Opwarc to <lec.11.ning. Co!"'..,"lon und skilled laborers, v1hi:.a collar clerical; b. Estima ted annual family income $ 1200-2400 wor ers . Fore i gn-born families -1.Q. %; _ __.... T,ou..u. t-.winu.__ _ _ _ _ predom i nat ing ; d. Nee-to Few · % fal'hi.1.ies (?' - Infiltration of - Scattered - not; f . Relief f amili es _ _F_c_v._(_ __f_a_m_i_l_i_e_s_l_m_o_vm_,_)_ _ __ likely to increa se to s0rious proportions . st a ti c _ __ __ _ _ __ Population is i ncreas ing slowly ; decreasing _ _ _ __ __ INHABITANTS : a . Occupation c. e. g. :1, SECUR I TY MAP OF &lcJ."1.mento BUILDINGS: OTHER TYPE _ __ % PREDOMINATING ~ % a. ~me s room OTHER TYPE Fev-i new t \'.o--f:unily Type 4 b. Constructi on F'r.:~ne, rustic, :i>t 1cco, b;rick c. Aver age Age d. Re pair e. Occupa ncy 99.5 % % % f. Home ownershi p 72 . % % % g. Construc ted pas t yr. _ _ 22~New cons true ti on h. 1929 Price range $ 77 50 to 45 -1QQ% $ 100% i. 1955Price range $ 15 32.50 ___2_0,, $ _ _% $ _ _ _ __ % j. 19:38Price rang e $ 15 36 $ _ _ % $ _ _ __ _ _____ % dwellings n.ncl largo , oJ cl homes converted in to ti.-o .m(l three_ _ _ Years f 'n~;j J yY~ JC uni ts. 1 Very oixeJ)20Years ) Nev, to 40 years k. Sales demand 1. Activity m. 1929 Rent range n. o. . Poor to good _JLG% $ All prices - good $ 1935Rent range $ 15 - 25 _ _7f) $ 1938Rent r ange $ 15 - 32.50 -~ $ q. Activity $_ _ _ _ __ 100% $ _ _ _ __ _ Gc,od _.lill)$ Rental demand $~4000 to $4500 pricH range • . $ 15 - 35 p. jn $ $ All prices - gocd $ 100% % $ % $ % 100% --% $ $ Gc0d a. Home purchase AL,ple ; b . Home bu ildi ng ;h,ple 4- AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: s. CLARIFYING RENARKS : Coiaposed cf 30 subdivisic.,ns oponec:'. as eJ.rly c1s 1896. Poor planning prevented succ.::ssful (~evel opr.1cmt and (:,3;:;d rostricticns ,1ere n0t enforced . Now Z(;ne'l f,:r tv-:o f ,.1~1ily houser;. Single f'1nil;y uni ts pr<:.:;.,'.ominu te ~nJ rang,; in quality fron vary cl11;:1.p to gooc: . Maintcn·mce is :::.lso spotty. Populaticn is mixed. Nuere f .mili:~s ure concentr:L ted be t?:een 5th & 8th Aves. on S:.m J ose. ·rhcir nresence h~s started u ctive resist:ince to furth0r infiltr-: itit,n cf :.i.11 subversive ~lu1:113nts . ,UthouiY} there ·1re a few street~ v,hich warr:mt i.1 11hit;h 1nd<3ial 11 yellow the section as u whole coes not 1-n.rr~1.nt bettor th'ln a "low ycllcv, 11 gr).J.e. 6. NAME AND LOCATION _ _E_.t_s _t _O_a_k_1_'·1_r_k_ _ _ _ _ __ SECUR ITY GRADE _ _ _ c_ AREA NO. _ 2_5_ _ NS FCRM 8 10-1-37 AREA DESC RI PTION - SECU RI TY MAP OF Sac.. -.1.mento 1. AREA CrlARACTERISTICS: a. Description of Terrain. b. c. 3. Favorable Influences. Convenience to trunsportcl.tion, schools, churcheg, trading and recreutiom.l n.r e:w . .i~ roximity to Hign School , J·unior College, Vim . L:ind Park , J.nd Area A- '.3 ure all stabilizing factors. In path of city 1 fl present development. Detrimental Influences. Proximity to hcstern Picific R1.ilroad shop and ya.rds. Het8rogoneous n:ttur1.; of development . Mixed types and age of improvements . Percentage of land improved _1Q_ %; e. . b.1 1ty Static T ren d o f d es1ra nex t L10~1~ vrsd _ _ _ _ __ 1. 1.,0 aoYmwar . INHABITANTS: Ski~lvd laborers and collur . _white a. 0 ccupa t ion _ _ __ _ _v1crkers __ _ _ ; b. Estimated annual family income$ 1500-2lOO d. 2. Level with no construction hazards. c. su bve r s ive Foreign-born families Few %; _ _ None predominating; d. _ _ _______ e. Romote Infiltrati on of - - - - -- g• Population is increasing f. - slov,ly Relief families _ _ N_o_n_e_ k_n_o_·wn _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ decreas ing _ __ _ _ __ a. Type 4 and 5 room b. Construction Frame '.'1.n d stucco c. Average Age _ l_5_+__ y ears d. Repair e. Occupancy f. Home ownership 51 OTHER TYPE _ _ _ Years _ __ Ye ars _ ____ % _ ____% % • Now construe tion h. 1929 Pri ce range i. 1935 Price range $ j. l938Price range $ 2000-3250 $ 2500-4000 $ lS J.n vmslcrn p.<i.rt :tnd of higher%price 3 - r:.i.ngH th·m given below. Constructed past yr. Sales demand OTHER TYPE Good g. k. 6. static _ _ __ _ _ _ __ BUILDINGS: PREDOMINATING ~ % 5. None _ _ % Negro_; 1750-5000 $ 100% 70% $ __ _ _% $ % ~G,t - % $ % ----1.QQ% All prices good. $ 100% $ - Pofr in section adjacent$ to r :iilroud. II ' Good 1. Activ ity m. 1929 Rent ran ge $ n. 1935 Rent range $ 20 - o. 25 - 35 ----1QQ% $ 25 __ 7~ 1938 Rent range p. Rental demand q_. Activity $ 100% $ % $ % $ 22 . 50-32.50 ~ $ _ _% $ % $ All Lwels - good $ $ 100% Gi:rnd AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a . Home purchase Ampl t! b . Home build ing Ample This ,ire;1 is com:9osed of thr~0 subd.iv:i-sic ns which ~'Jere aoortively CLARI FYING RELARKS: pl ;iced on the mo.rkct during 190G , 1911, an<.~ 19;;.:4 , Deed r estricticns have expired except ulung 7 th ,\ve. zr,n0d to ~ermi t mul ti,.,fo.rJily dv:ellings, but improvements :1re prr::dominantly small, singlo-f,1n1ily d\,cllings lf medium quality construction, ¥:hich are highly ;n:1intainecl. P0puli.l.ti('n is gcnGrally homogenec•us. Thsre is a sr:iall unplo.tted section south of 7th Avenue ~1nd cast of Freepc.rt Blvd . th .... t will develop into higher grade if pro_p(:;rly handled. ·This :i.rea h~1s r.iany f:tvor '.tble influsnces um.l sor1e very dctrimcnt;:11 ones . After due c<:•nsidE;r-.i. tic n, it .is n.ccc,rde<l n. "medin.l yell ov; 11 gra<le . ·I'he strj_p along the r:1ilroad is consiJ.ered hazo.rc!cus. NAME AND LOCATION of Freeport Blvd. SECURITY GRADE _ _ c_ AREA NO. _ 24_ _ Wr,ller k1y t c.: 9tn Avenue NS FCRH 8 St:l.1., 10-1-37 1. AREA CttARACTERISTICS: a. Description of Terrain. b. Favorable Inf luenc~s. c. Detr imental Influences. Level with no construction hazards. Convenience to transportation, schools, churches, and tra<ling centers. High percent of home ownership and occupancy. Uniform o.nd intelligent development in northern part. Homogeneous population both as to social ano. income levels . Age ~nd obsolvscEmce. Some streets not fully improved, mostly in south~rn part. . d 60 « Percentage o f 1 an d improve--~; Skilled laborers and INHABITANTS: white collar workers a. Occupation _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ d. 2, g. slmdy Population is in creasing _ _ __ PREDOMINATING 4 and 5 room a. Type b. Construction c. Average Age d. Repair e. Occupancy f. Home ownership g. Constructed past yr. h. 1929 Price range 1955 1958 Price range Price range k. Sales demand 1. Activity m. 1929 Rent r ange n. 6. /)f BUILDINGS: j. 5. Estimated annual family income $J.SOO-lSOO b. e. 1 . 4. e. f .l . 10 1°! tin d . . d . Negro _ _ ; _ _ % Fore1gn-born am1 1es _ _ ~; _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ pre ominatrng ; . knovm Remote f . Relief families _ _None ___ __ _ __ __ _ _ __ Infiltration of _ __ __ _ __ c. 3. ,.,.,oen to AREA DESCRIPTION - SECURITY MAP Of _ _ _ __ 1935 Rent range o. 1938 Rent range p. Rental demand q. Activity static _ __ _ _ __ __ decreasing _ _ __ _ __ 95 OTHER TYPE OTHER TYPE _ __ Years _ __ Years _____ % _ ____ % _ _ ___ % _____ % % Frrune 15+ Years Good 99 % 70 % 3 $ 3000-4500 . --1QQ% $ $ 2500- 5500 ~% $ ~% $ $ 2750-4000 $ All prices - good 100% _ $ _ _ __ _ _ _ % $ % $ _ _ _ __ 100% _ _ ___ % _ _ ___ % $ _ __ __ _ $._ _ _ __ good $ 30 - 35 --1QQ% $, _ _ _ __ $ 22.50-25 ~% $ _ __ __ $ 2'7. 50-32.50 90 % $ _ _ _ __ __ $ All prices - good $ _ __ __ 100% $ _ _ __ __ ___ % $ _ __ __ _ _ _ % $ _ _ _ __ 100% _ ____ , -----% $ _ _ _ __ _ Good AVAILAl3ILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purchase Ample ; b . Home building _A_m_pl_.-.._J_ _ _ 'f'ne portion of this o.rGu north of 14th Avenue v;as platted in 1911 CLAHIFYING RRLARKS:and 1,1'.ls develope<l under the supervision of a competent sub-Jivider. Some of the deed restrictions that "have expired J.-,2ve been renewed by mutual agreement of owners . 'This 9::i.rt is zonecl ti-.o--family resit:enti::1.1 except along Stockton Boulevard where r.iulti-fo.mily buildings aro permitted. ·rhe southern portion of the is outside the city and is but sparsely settled. It is without deed rHstrictiC'ms or zoning but is not believed to be in jeoparcly on this account. Improvements pr,Jdomin.'.l.ntly small, , single-family clr-,ellings 0f ch.:;~p t c. medium quality c0nstructi0n, \"lhich are well maintained . -r11e are~, is acccrLled a 11high yellow" gnide . 25 C NAME AND LOCATION 'TrLtct 21 an,1 Vin"1 Vista, etc. SECURITY GRADE _ __ AREA NQ. _ __ .NS FCRH 8 10-1 - 37 1. 3. b. Favorable Influenc~s. Convenience to schools of all grades~ Proximity to Wm. Land Park, Junior College , and areas of higher grade. In line of city 1 s present development. C, Detrimental Influences. Inadequate transportation, and public utilities, including street improvements~ Distance from .churches and trading centers. Sparsely :iJr,.. proved with heterogeneous archi toct ural types. 0-u.tside city with no zoning or deed restrictions. Percentage of land improved~%; INHABITANTS: Railway workers and shop a. Occupation employees & laborers e. Trend of desirability next 10-15ably yrs.Probu_p_w _ar _d_ __ b. Estimated annual family income$ 1200-1 500 c. Foreign-born families e. Infiltration of _ _ __ __ _ _ f. g. Population is increas ing Slowly decreasin g_ _ _ _ __ _ BUILDINGS: Few%; _ _N_o_n_o_ _ __ _ _ _ predominating; d. PREDOMINATI NG 95 Neg ro None ; _ _ % Relief famili es _ __ _F_o_v,________ __ _ % static _ _ _ _ _ __ __ OTHER TYPE a. Type 4 nnd 5 rooms b. Construction Frame, rustic, and stucco c. Average Age 15+- d. Repai r Fair to good e. Occupancy 98 f. Home owne rship 70 g. Constructed past yr._l_ __ __ h. 1929 Price range $ 2500- 3500 1. 1935 Price range $ 1750- 2500 --1Q.% $ _ _ __ j . 1938 Price range $ 2000-2800 ~% $ _ _ _ __ k. Sales demand $ Poor 1. Activity m. 1929 Rent range n . 1935 Rent range 4. SECURITY MAP OF Sacralllento, Cal. AREA CHARACTERISTICS: a. Description of Terrain. Level with no construction hazards. d. 2. AREA DESCRIPTION - OTHER TYPE - ----_ __ Years _ _ _ Years % _ ____ % _____ % % _ _ ___ % _____ % Years 100% $- - - - - - _____ % _ _% $ % $ _ _ _ __ 100 % $ _ _ __ _ _____ % $ _ _ _ __ _ Slow $ 20 - 30 $ 15 - 22.00 o. 1938 Rent range $ 17. 50-25 p. Rental demand $ Poor g_. Act ivity -100% $ _ _ _ __ __]Q_% $ _ _ __ 100% $ _ _ __ _ _ __ % $ _ _ _ _ __ --% $ _ _ _ __ 100% -----% - - - -- % $ _ _ _ _ __ $ _ _ _ __ Slow AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purchase Limited; b. Home- building Limited CLARI FYING RENARKS : Arca wn.s :prematurely platted. mony yenrs ago , o.ncl the western !)art .·• is not to exceed 10% developed. The OD.stern :pa.rt is more fully dovelopcd, mo.ny residents being employed by the Western Pacific Rn.ilro od. . Oning to low percent of land impr-oved,. it is not feo.sible to give n. defini to grade. The n.roo. is accorded n. provisional n1ow ycllow11 grade wi t h the distinct thou@t that under proper direction it will rooch a much higher grade in the western pa~t. 6. NAME AND LOCATION_ _ _ _cr_ar _le_t_o_n_ _ _ _ _ __ SECUR I TY GRADE _c_ _ AREA N0 ._2_6_ __ NS FCRM 8 10-1-37 1. 2. 3· AREA DESCRIPTION - SECURITY MAP OF iacramento, Cal. AREA CHARACTERISTICS: a. Description of Terrain. Level ,,i t h no construction hazurd.s. Convenience to schools . tax burden. of city growth. Low Favorable Influenc~s. c. Detrimental Influences. Inadequate transportation, centers, and pub:ic utilities, including fully improved streets. Outside city - no fire or police protection. No zoning or deed restrictions. d. Percentage of land improved~ %; Prob. b. . Trend of des1ra 11 1ty next 10 -b15 yrs.=,a--- - a Iy upwur e. INHABITANTS: Co~"10n & skilled laborers, ,1h1. to collar \7orkors , etc. b . _ a. 0ccupa t 1on __ _ _ __ ____ ; . Estimated annual family income$ l200- lSOO c. F0-w Indotor,rJ.noto Foreign- born families_%; _ __ _ _______ predominating ; d. e. Infiltration of_R_omo __t_o_ __ __ f. g. Slm1ly . . . . Popu 1 at1on 1s 1ncreas1ng _ _ __ decreasing, _ _ __ _ __ BUILDINGS: PREDOMINATING 95 Construction c. Average Age d. Repair e. Occupancy f. Home ownership g. 8 Constructed past yr. h. 1929 Price range $ 2000-3000 -1QQ% $ i . 1935 Price range $1500-2100 __.'.?2.__% $ j . 1938 $ 1700-2500 ~% $ Price range k. Sales demand 1. Activity m. 1929 Rent ran ge 1938 OTHER TYPE 4 & 5 room b. o. s tatic _ _ _ _ __ _ __ OTHER TYPE _ _ % Type 1935 Negro _ None; _ _ atJ Relief f amilies _ _ _ _ Mun_y _ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ a. n. Frnmc 12 Years _ _ _ Years _ __ 99 % _____ % _ ___ _ % 47 % ___ __ % - ---- % $ All prices - good $ Rent range $ 15 - 20 ~% $ Rent range $15 - 22.f:O 90 $ All prices - gc,od g_. Activity _ _% $__ __ _ 100 % - -- ____ % _ _ % $ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ % $ $ _ __ __ _ Good _.l00% Rental demand 100% $ $15 - 25 p. years Poor to good _ _ ()I IJ $ ma% $ % $ _ _% $ % $ $ 100% % Good AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: 6. In lino b. a. Home purchase .Ample 10 b. Home building _AUIP_ · -_ _ _ _ __ CLARIFYING REtARKS: This outlying arcn is very s~orsely settled, ro:1d_mony blocks arc unplatted. Pattern of area 1.s by 110 moons defin1 tcly forin0d . Existini:; im1)rovcmcnts consist lur 6 cl~· of small ,4 & !>-room, frwne dnellings of very cheap to medium qunlity constrnction. }.iony dwcllinbs arc of sustononco h0mestcad typo. Pnrt of aren. was subdivided by speculntors in 1909 ruid sales nude upon small drnm po.ymont . Thero m1s o. high for0clo sure rate during the d opression.. As oll of tho dotrimcnto.l infl uoncos notecl und'3r 1-c will Tu"ldoubtecUy be cured with further dcvelf)pment , the urea is tho-Qf;,.'1.t to definite promise, but u.YJ.der present of dcvol0pr:1Gnt, it can only be a.ccorclod. a provisi<mul 11 lov, yello,,11 grn.dc. NAME AND LOCATION Gould Trnct' Coloma Heigi tS, etc. SECURITY GRADE C AREA NO. _2_7_ _ _ NS FCRH 8 10-1-37 AREA DESCRli'TION 1. 2. 3. SECURITY MAP OF Sacrumento, -Cnl. AREA CtlARACTERISTICS: a. Description of Terrain. Level with no con structi0n hD,zo,rc'ts. b. Favorable Influences. Convenience to trunsportntion, sch(1ol s , church,Js, n,,,c1. tro.cling cc,.'1.tcr . Lorr tnx hurdc.,i. ( outsid e of city). In ccncrnl direction of ci ty 1 s grout h . c. Detrimental Influences . public utilities and irq:irovemcnts, including senors. Mnjori ty of streets have center puvinG only. Outsic1c city limits ::incl, therefore , h..1.s 1 im:i. tcd pol ice nncl fire protection . · d. Percentage of land improved~%; e. Infiltration of g. Population is increasing Trend of desirability next 10-15 yrs._Up........_,,__ __ sto tic, cb 1.m 1.10:rc.l INHABITANTS: Smnll business mci,, white colln.r a. Occupation workors,skillcci. nnc1 b. Estimated annual family income$ 1200- 1800 scr.ti.- skillod artisans c. Foreign-born families Fc\7 %; !srinc subvcrsivcpredominating; d. Negro Nono; _ _ % Rcr;ntc e. f. Slowly. ' Few Relief families decreasing static BUILDINGS: PREDOMINATING ~ % OTHER TYPE OTHER TYPE Years Years a. Type 5 - 6 rooms b. Construction Frnoo & stucco c. Average Age 15+ d. Repair Fnir to good e. Occupancy 97 % % % f. Home ownership 67 % % % g. Constructed past yr. 5 h. 1929 Pri ce range $ 2500-4000 _1.Q.Q% $ 1. 1935 Price range $ 1700-3000 ....'.lQ_% j. 1938 Price range $ 2000-3250 _oo__% k. Sales demand $ All prices - G'OOcl 1. Activity m. 1 929 Rent range $ 15 - ~ _.lili}% $ n. 1935 Rent range $ 15 - 25 ~% o. 1938 Rent range $15-27.50 2'L.% p. Rental demand q. Activity Years % $ 100 % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ $ 100% Good $ .All p r:i. co n - {J)O Ci. $ 100% $ % $ % $ _ _% $ % $ $ 100% Gooc1 a. .A.nplc b . Home building ..A.r-tplc LI . AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: 5. CLARIFYING RD;ARKS : .An old clcvclopncnt 0utsidc the city. Rostricti:,n s have expired & n.rca. is U.'1zon0c!.. Constructir,n is vor::,· chon.1) t o mccliur;i Gra<l.e ho.t u el l mo.:i..,tninccl. Thero sovornl ver y h it~ t=;r"lde houses (in·icos orJnitted o.bove) on Stockton :Blvcl. near Yoscr.1i to. These uni ts arc consicl.ore(l ovor-ir~rovouc,1 ts but they huvc a stnbilizini:.; offect on tho district . Aron fills o, definite need for se!'burbnn hor..1os nnc1 the section is t hot1t_:;h t to have possibil itics if UJ,plattec1• area is i:1cll hn.n.tllcd in r1.cvclopoont . Aron is accorc1od n. pr0visirmnl 11 Llo<1.inl yollon11 {;I'ade. 6. 1 t_o_H_ei-'-r'-;h_t_s_ __ _ SECURITY GRADE _ _c_ AREA NO. _2_8_ __ NAME AND LOCATION _ _ _S_a_cr_01_.1_a::_· Home purchase NS FCRM 8 10-1-37 1. AREA DESCRIPTION - SECURITY MAP OF So.crut1cnto, Cal •. AREA CttARACTERISTICS: a. Description of Terrain. Level \7ith no construction huzarcls. b. Favorable Influences. In general direction of ci ty 1 s gro..-,th, Ci ty 1 s average density of populn.tion indicates need of cxpnndinG rcsiQcntial areas. c. d. 2. 3. Detrimental Influences. of ir:iprovccl streets,. sowers .:u1d inn.dcquucy of other public utilities nnd ir.1provcnonts. Dist:u1ce fron trnnsportution, schools, churches trm:.inG ancl rccreutionnJ. ccn tors. Percentage of land improved~%; INHABITANTS: White collar uorkcrs a. Occupation anc1 laborers Trend of desirability next b. Estimated annual family income $1200-1800 c. Foreign-born familiesFew %; Hone subversive e. Infiltration of Problcr.ntical f. g. Population is increasing Slo,1ly decreasing _ _ _ _ _ __ 10-15 - predominating; d. yrs. Probl01. n.ticril Negro N°n° ; _ _ % Relief families _ _ _F_m_7_ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ static _ __ _ __ _ __ BU ILDINGS: PREDOMINATING 95 % OTHER TYPE OTHER TYPE _ _ _ Years _ __ Years a. Type 4 & 5 rooo b. Construction Frru-:ic c. Average Age l_5r _ _ _ Years d. Repair Fair to good e. Occupancy Hut ched ur~ _____ % ____ _ % f. Home ownership _ _ __ _ % _____ % _ ____ % g. Constructed past yr . _7_ _ _ __ h. 1929 Price range 1. 1935 Price range $ 2 000-3 ooo ----1.QQ% $._ _ _ __ --=l=0..::::.0% 16 50-2500 ~% $ _ _ __ _ _% $ J. 1938 Price range $ 1850-2 7 50 ~% $ _ __ k. Sales demand $ 1. Activity m. 1929 Rent range n. 1935 Rent range o. LI-• e. 1938 Rent range p. Rental demand (l. Activity $ All prices - fair % _ $. _ _ _ _ __ $ _ _ _ __ 100% _____ % _____ % $ _ _ _ _ __ $ _ _ _ __ Fair $20 - 30 $ $ _ _ _ __ 15 - 22.50 $18 - 27.50 90 --~ ()I $ .All prices - fnir 100% $ _ _ _ _ __ $ _ _ _ __ ___ % $ _ _ _ __ _ $ _ _ _ __ _ _ % $ _ __ _ __ $ _ _ _ __ $. _ _ _ _ __ 100% -----% -----% Fair AVAILAT3ILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. . Lir.rl. tcd Home purcnase _ _ _ __ Lir:ii ted b. Home building _ _ _ __ _ CLAJUFYING REfARKS · Since 1905 there hnvo been ciGht aborti vc a.ttcr.1)ts to develop subJ., · clivisfons in this hutched arcu; these efforts 1.rnrecl.oarly prcr.nturc. While there \7Cre 7 nm1 dwollings c0astructod. in tho arcu during 1937 > they were scattered a.~d largely of the sustenance honcstoad typo. It is itl)roba.blQ that t h is aron vlill be susccr)tiblc of successful dovolopnent until tho !:.tore fav()robly located nron s nearer tho city center arc i.10ro higbly developed. Tho area is a.ccorclod a prr)Visionnl 11 loy, ycllow11 grade. 6. NAME AND LOCATION of 57th - of 5th Ave. SECURITY GRADE _ _c_ AREA N0. 2_9_ __ l'IS FCRM 8 10-1-37 AREA DESCR IPTIO N - SECURITY MAP OF Sa.c.l. .....:icnto, Col. AREA CriARACTERISTICS : a. Descri ption of Terrain . 1. 2. In line of ci ty 1 s clevclop:.icnt. b. Favora ble Influen c~s . c. Detrim ental Influen ces . d. Percen tage of land impro ved~~ ; e. Trend of desira bility next Sustena nc e; INHA BITANTS: on _ __ _ __ _ __ a. 0 ccupat1 b. Estima ted annual family income Outsid e ci tr lir.1i ts. 10-15 Up yrs. _ _ _ __ 7 $ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ e. Non _o ; __ % 7 _%; ___ ___ __ _ _ predom inating ; d. Neg r o _ lies_ i fam -born Foreign ? 1 f . Relief familie s ___ __ _ __ ___ __ _ _ Infiltr ation of _____·_ _ __ g. Popula tion is increas ing Slowly c. 3. Level TTith no constru ction hazn.rcls. BUILDINGS: static ___ ___ __ _ decrea sing_ _ _ _ _ __ PREDOMINATING OTHER TYPE OTHER TYPE _ _ _ Years ___ Years _ _ _ Years a. Type b. Constr uction c. Average Age d. Repair e. Occupancy ___ __ % ___ __ ,, ___ __ % f. Home owners hip ___ _ _ % ____ _ % ___ __ % g. Constru cted past yr. h. 1929 Pri ce range $ i. Price range $ j . Price range $ k. Sales demand 1. Activit y m. 1929 ___lQQ$ $_ _ _ __ _ _ ,, $ _ _ _ __ ----1.00% $ n. Rent range $ _ _ $ $ o. Rent range $ q. Activi ty % __ /)I ,) 100% _ $ a. AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS · 5. CLAR I FYI NG REL AR KS: 6. NAME AND LOCATIO N_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ $ _ _ _ __ $ $ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ $ lQQ$ $ % _ $ <J, $ $ none Home pu r chase _ __ _ q. 100% % $ $ $ $ _ _ _ __ $ _ _ _ __ $ _ _ _ __ $ $ Rental dernand _ _$ _ _ % $ _ _ _ __ Rent r ange p. 100% None b. Home buildin g _ _ _ __ _ This is unc.evclop(){l ~crrit ·,ry Ol'llt is sot ~ a.s o. hatched area solely on uccoun t of its bcinG in the directi on of the city's ::.~ resent crootes t c' cvel ">p:·.10.,t. Future of uroo. will ccl. Is clcrpond lnr(;el. ;r upon l .'lD.llner in ,;hich it is c:.cvol0p 11 ,:;ro.c1.c. 11 yoll0\/ ncclio.l o.ccorc1od a strictl y :1rovi siono.l 30 C SECURITY GRADE _ _ _ AREA NO. _ _ _ NS .FCRM 8 10-1-3'7 1. 2. SE CURI TY MA P OFWash.1.,1 gton - Yolo County Suburb of Sncronento AREA CrlARACTERISTICS: a. Descriotion of Terrain Generally lovel - sor.10 lou .1cros neo.r river. Subject to nyc1.rostatic pressure clue to hiGh vatcr in river woul(°l flooi!. doop basc,.1cnts. b. Favorable Influenc(:s. Adeq1.1.a.te schools ancl truclinc center. Proxinity to all classes of cr:rployncnt in Sncr.:u:icnto and in Rico 1,;ills. Washinc;ton is on incorporated to"\7n ni th low ta.."'C burden. c. Detrimental Influences _Hetcrocencous population nnd ir.1provcr_1(.mts. Inn.c~eunte trnnsporto.ti1m, public utili tics, ru1<l stroot iq,r<1v0:.1c.,.,ts. Pressure of subvcrsi vo ro.cio.l olononts. d. Percentage of land improved~%; INHABITANTS : LahorinG classes t o a. Occupation '7hitc coll::ir workers c. e. g. 3. AREA DESC RIPTION - e. Trend of desirability next 10-15 yrs.Static b. Estimated annual family income $Rel i <,f to 1800 Mone predominating· d. Negro Nono ; _ _ % Mixture of Ori ontru.s,1-Ioxicnns,on(-:. ion-class Itol inns. Infiltration of Subversive races f. Relief families _ _I_4an ----'-y_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ hns occurred static _ _ _ __ _ _ __ decreasing _ _ __ _ __ Population is increasing Slowly Foreign-born families~%; :RPl LDINGS: PREDOMINATING 60 30 OTHER TYPE % % OTHER TYPE _lO_ _ _ Roo; houses Non- clcscript a. Type 5 - 6 roon b. Construction Frar.10 c. Average Age 30+ d. Repair Poor to eooc.l e. Occupancy 94 % _____ % _ ____ % f. Home ownership 38 % _ __ _ _ % _____ % g. Constructed past yr. Nono h. 1929 Franc _ 3o_+ __ Years _ _ _ Years Years pr)Or to coocl $ No sclos activity Price range $1500-3000 ---1QQ% $ 100% i. 1935 Price range $1200-2000 __§Q_% $ _ _% $ II II It % j . 1938 Price range $12f;0-2500 ~% $ % $ II ti II % $ $ k. Sales demand 1. Activity m. 1929 $Poor - nll prices $ 15.00-25 --1.00% n . 1935 Rent range $ 12~50- 15 ~% $ o. 1938 Rent range $ 12. 50- ~% Rental demand q. Activity Nono Hone Poor Rent range p. 100% 20 $ Fnir - o.l.i i,ricos $ $Usually o,mcroccupied - no rcntcl. $1.urkct for t his % pu.rposo. 100% $ _ _% $ $ s 100% Poor a. Home purchaseLinito(l · • t cc1 b. Home building Li::.ii 4. AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: 5. CLA[HFYING REt-iARKS: Cor.-?prises foe incor-~ '.>rnto(~ tn·.m of Washin: ton v:i t:tr a populn ti0n of ZOOO or :.:10ro people. Construction ro.nccs frrn:1 very chc.?.11 to ::oocl ax10. there arc no rcstricti•,:n.s or zoni:'.~ ~•!ainto.i7.u;1co is al s0 sr,otty. The particulo.r hn.zn.rc1. is 11 r o.cial 11 ; 30'% of the populace is f0roir;n, inclu<1-in{; Oric:1tru.s , ;,foxi cnns a...7.d lowcl.1ss It,'1lians. Alth"."l(_;b. tho s0cti0n is h0torocon00u.s Hith lod_-:,; ir:..c houses, autotrailer ca. ;--. s , fl~ts nn,.'. dv,ellihG units over stores its physical n.p1)oorancc is not as bad as ::1ii,~t 110 cx1iectec7.., Gr::ii.ed a 11uodinl rot7. 11 6. NAME AND LOCATION Washin- ~t on (BrM.erick) Yolo County SECURITY GRADE __ D__ AREA NO. _l_ __ % % NS FCRM 8 10- 1- 37 AREA DESCR I PTION' - SEC URIT Y MAP OF Snci .....lcnto, Col. AREA CtiARACTERISTICS: . . . T . Level f:wom blc grni,,.c ~md no construct ion hazards. a . Desc r1pt1on of erra1n. b. ~l;avora ble Influenc ~s. Proxini ty to inc:ustrial C1.!J.1loyncnt nntl tro.clin{~ centers • .t-1.CiOqU..'l'tO 'trruispor'ta1,1on nncl crr:u.".c schonls. Wnlkinc; (~istonco to city center• . n. l • Er/cr£H~i£bti~1 I fl Population <~.onsi ty coilsi(:_orn.bly hir)lcr than city avcr[¼-;c. 0~ i¥i.n¥i.~i¥-y anc~ coi:-norcc. Hotorogcaoous population. ~;c ontl. ob sol csccnco of rcsiclcntiol structures. Western Pacific rcnc'.ors o.lmttinc; rosiclcntial properties practicolly unsoJ.cablc , except o.t a. gront clisci:runt. . . . ThHmd . P ercent age o f 1 and 1mproved _90_ a.p; e. Tren d o f d es1rab 1. 1 1ty next 10-15 yrs . .,..,...,,.,..,,,--\ktlt: C. 2. 3. INHABITANTS: Cornon and scui- skilloc.1. laborers a. Occupation ___________ c. Lntin races For eign- born fam1, 1·1es _50_ %; _ __ __ ______ predominat ing; d . e. Infiltration of g. Population is increas ing has occurred Yes s tatic _ _ _ __ _ _ __ decreasing _ _ __ _ __ BUILDINGS: 90 % OTHER TYPE OTHER TYPE _ __ Years _ __ Years 5 - 6 roon a. Type b. Constructi on c. Average Age d. Repai r e. Occupancy 97. 5 % _____ % _ _ __ _ % f. Home owne rship 20 % _ _ _ __ % _____ % g. Constructed pas t yr ._ 2_ _ __ h. 1929 Price r ange l. 1935 Price range j . 1938 Price range k. Sales dema nd 1. Activity m. 1929 Rent range n. o. 1935 1938 Fet1 Ne ':l: · i; - -% tu.U IC$ Relief f amili es _ _ __tJ_fo_n':J_·_ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ f . PREDOMINATING 4-. 1000-2400 Est imat ed a nnual family income$ _ _ _ _ __ __ b. Frnr.10 40 $ 3000- 3500 _!.QQ% $ 100% $ 2250- ~% $ _ _% $ $ $ Rent range $ q. Activity ~% Poor $ _ _ _ _ __ $ % $ _ _ __ __ $ $ _ _ _ _ __ 100% _____ % _ _ _ __ % Slor, $ Rental demand 2700 $ 24.-00- 3000 Rent r a nge p. Years $ 25 - 30 17. 50-22. 50 22.50- 27 . 50 ----100% $ ~% $ % $ % $ _ _% $ % $ $ __ ,,, 90 ,All price.; - 1:0oc1. (JI 100% $ 100% Gooc't AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. . Liuitoc1.. Home purcnase _ _ _ __ Linited b . Home building _ _ _ __ _ 5. CLAJHFYTNr: J<Rt-;ARK~ ._ O~d o.r~ is ,,~ thou~ c'1.cocl rc~trictions , oncl ,1hilc z~nc<l ccnc:ol C--01:tr..tcrcit\I -&· r.'rul rosHlontial, the J.i~r0ve1:1oi1ts nrc prcc~m.n:,nntly srn(.;lofouily, fi vc ont1 six roor.1, franc rh:ollin, :s of choo.;:· t(l ,·.1o<liur.1 i ty construction. These dnollint-;s c.rc,. as n rule, qui to old , hut for n district of this kind have lJecn ·,1011 min eel. Population io very r.ti.:tct1.. Itn.linns ~)rot1or.1inntc but with n. s_prinkliI4.~ of Moxicuns, Ncl~oos , o.,,"'1(1 Oricntru.s. The subversive character 0f populatinn cons ti tutos the o.rO<.'l. 1 s 1.)ri:1cipru. hnzo.rc':.. The nrco. is accorc':.ocl a 11 ,:ioc'1.ial rcd 11 c;ro.c'1.e. 6. NAME AND LOCATION _Par_t_of_·_o_l_<':._c_i_t_Y_ __ _ _ _ _ SECURITY GRADE _ _ D _ AREA NO. _2_ __ NS FCRH 8 10-1-37 AR EA DESCR t,TIOI • SECURITY MAP OF AREA CrlARACTERISTICS: a. Descrip tion of Terrain . l • S0-cr x.1cnto , Cru.. Level ,,-,i th fnvor ,,,1110 cra.1'..c :me'. nr. construc tion ho.zn.rcls. Conveni ence to tro.nspo rtntion, nch0ols, church0s , tr::tdiaG Proxini ty to ~vlustri ru. c::;_)loyn::m t . Populn.tion 1~ cnsi ty tors. hfi¥"-◊l-i~½-b'.l.1;'ltn¥Jn'i:bri bclO\l city' s o.vcrat;e . F b. 1 1 _ Eitccssiv o c. Down- 50 ~w~ar~dld,-- - d . Percenta ge of land improved _ _ $; e. Trend of desirab ility next 10-15 yrs . Cominon & skilled laborer s 1000-180 0 some white collar workers INHABITANTS: _ _ __ _ __ _ income$ family annual d Estimate . b _____ _____ pation a. Occu Uone None Few _ _ ; __% Negro d. nating; predomi _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ %; _ _ families born c. Foreignsubversi ve races a definite b.i:zard f. Relief f a m i l i e s - - - - - - - - - - -----; --e. Infiltra tion of Yes static _ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ ng decreasi _ _ _ _ ng g. Populati on is in~reasi 2. 3. r 1_!l 1,DINGS. 90 OTHER TYPE OTHER TYPE Years Poor to good _ _ _ Years _ _ _ Years 97.5 ____ _ % _____ $ ____ _ % - - - - -% PREDOMINATING 5 - 6 rooms a. Type b. Constru ction c. Average Age d. Repair e. Occupan cy f. Home ownersh ip g. Constru cted past yr. h. 1929 Price range Frame 2o+ 44 i. j. 1935 1938 Price range Price range k. Sales demand 1. Activ ity m. 1929 Rent range % % None 2500-400 0 $ $ $ " $ 1500- 2000 2000-280 0 $ _ _ _ __ 100% ~% $ 100% ~% $ _ _% $ _ _ ___ % ~% $ _ _ % $ _ _ _ __ ____ _ % Poor (all prices) $ _ _ _ __ $ Poor 20 - 30 $ 15 - 22. 00 1935 n. Rent range $ Rent range $ 1938 o. 20 - 27. 50 70 __% $ 90 ()I --/J .All prices - fair p. Rental demand q. Activity - $ 100% $ _ __ _ _ rna% $ $ _ __ _ _ - - ---% _ _ :); $ _ __ __ --100% $ $ $_ _ _ r _____ Poor 1.1 . c:. 6. Limited Limited _ _ __ _ _ building Home: b. _ _ _ ::1se AVAILA13ILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purch ex.An area without deed restric tions and, '7ith exceptio n of the CLAR:tFMi~icRB!tARKSportion, wi1iet'i. is zon8d 2-f-:lill5.l y, and the half-blo cks on southern11 perimet er, zoned muJ. ti-famil y rcsicl.on tial , zoning is "genera l commerc ial " and heavy industr ial . 11 Improvem ents, arc gcnorall :· fairly \/ell-ma .intainod . Charact eristics of area similar to those of Arca 0-7. Populat ion, while of tho lo\1cr social and income l evels, contains but fe\7 subversi ve clements . Residen tial improvem ents arc largel y confined to distric t south of tho railroad. The area, on account of hazards mentione d. and general lack of appeal , is accorded. a 11 low red" grade. }1M1L 3 D Olcl City - 21st to 31st A\/D LOCATION _ _ __ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ SECURITY GRADE _ _ _ AREA NO. NS FCRM 8 l 0- 1-37 AR EA DESCRIPTION - SEC URI TY MAP OF Sn.crrunonto, Cal. AREA CrlARACTERISTICS : L . h f t· h d a. Description of Terrain. eve1 wit avorable grade ond no construe 1~n nzar s. b. Favorable Influenc~s. Convenience to transportation, schools, churches, trading amusomcn t ureas. Nearness to city con tor. Proximity to con tors of commercial ::m~ industrial Cll!)loymcnt. nnd 2. c. D~trimental Influences . Highly congested population '17hosc density greatly cxc'"cds city• s average. Presence in lorgo numbers of subversive racial clements. Encroachment of commerce and business. d. Percentage of land improved~%; Trend of desirability next 10 - 15 yrs. _D_o-_ _ __ clinmg INHABITANTS: All groups from relief to a. Occupation Oriental business a.~d; b. Estimated annual family i ncome $ Rcliof to profcss1oniil men & cxocut1vos 3600 n.nd c. Foreign-born families ~%; Latin JaI2_nn~s:'_ predominating: d . Negro ---w%" Yes ,· _ e. g. 3 e. Infiltration of Orientals has oc-. curred ' Population is increasing r.~1I LDINGS: f. Relief families decreas ing ( excl usi vc of business property) PREDOMINATING 45 % OTHER TYPE _ % ,, Many - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - Yes static 30 OTHER TYPE % 25 a. Type 5 - 6 room b. Construction Frame c. Average Age 50+ d. Repair Poor to ;fair e. Occupancy 95.5 .% singl c frunily f. Home ownership 9 % g. Constructed past yr .Mone h. 1929 Price range $ 2000-5000 --1QQ% $ 3500- 5500 10 0% $ i . 1935 Price range $ 1500-3000 _§Q_% $ 2250-3500 _§Q_% $ % ~% $ 3000- 4000 % $ % 7 - 10 room Apts.flats,rooming and lodging houses Frmne 00+ Years Mixed Years Poor to II II j . 1938 Price range $ 1750- 4000 k. Sales demand $ .All pri cos - fair 1. Activity m. 1929 Rent range Years Fair to g,uod % % % % 80 100 % $ _ _ __ __ $ Slow 20 - 30 ----100% $ n. 1935 Rent range $ 15 - 20 ~% $ _ __ % $ _ _ _ _ __ o. 1938 Rent range $ 17.50 - 25 80 $ _ _ % $ _ _ _ __ p. Rental demand $ All prices q. Activity $ _ _ 0/ J:) ·- r:!) 0 0. $ __ 1 00% $ _ _ _ _ __ 100% - - ---% -----% $ _ __ _ __ Good 4• AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purchase Limited ; . b. Home building Limited 6. CLAJHFYING. rm1:ARKS· This old area. is the 11mcl ting pot" of Sa?r::uncnto. It c?nto.ins . t'lie pr1ncip.:iI Japanese colony and the greatest concentration of lfogrocs m tho city. There arc no deed rcst1'icti0ns, nncl. zoning ir. for t;onoral commt-rciru u.scs. D.1011ings arc very ch eap t o mcdiur,1 construction . T'.ac qtul i ty of maintoiancc, for a district of this cho.ractor, is much above the averngc . It is stated that many buildings in tho area violat e tho Sti:!to Housing Act ond city h0using ordinances, and Grnnd Jury investiga tion is under uay at tho present tirao. Hctcrogonoi ty, ago and obsolescence of il1l)rovc,ncnts, and predooinnnco of subversive raci1.Jl clements arc the o.root s chief haznrds. Rated 11 lou rcd 11 grndo, NAM!~ AND LOCATIO N_ Par t of Old City SECURITY GRADE D AREA NO. 4___ NS FffiM 8 10-1-37 l. 2. 3 ARE A DES CR I PT I ON - AREA CrlARACTERISTICS: a. Description of Terrain. Generally level wi t h no construction hazards. City operates some large gravel pits in hatched portion of area, and this part would be unsuitable for residential sites. Adequate school and trading facilitie~. b. Favorable Influences. c. Detrimental Influences. d. Percentage of l and improved Inadequate transportation:, churches , and public utilities , including sewers and street improvements. Proximity to leve~ and Southern Pacific Railroad. · lO-% ; INHABITANTS: Unskilled a . 0 ccupation _ _ _ _ _ _laborers __ _ _ e. Trend of desirability next b. Estimated annual family income c. Foreign-born f amilies None.:t;; - - - -- -~ _: _ e. Infiltration of_R_e_mo_t_e_ _ __ _ g. Population is in creasin g Very sl 0 ;71 Ydecreasing _ __ __ __ P.lJlLDI NGS: f. 10-15 predominating: d . $ Deel in, yrs . .....,..,.....,.._ __ ing 1200-1000 Neg ro None ; _ _ % Re lief families _ _ __ F_e_w_ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ -=% static _ _ __ _ __ __ OTHER TYPE OTHER TYPE _ _ _ Years _ _ _ Years % _ _ ___ % _____ % % _ ____ % _ ____ % PREDOMINATING LI. S EC UR I TY MA p OF Sacra.mento• Cal· a. Type 4 and 5 room b. Construction Frame c. Average Age 25+ d. Repair Poor to fair e. Occupancy 80 f. Home ownership 31 g. Constructed pas t yr. None h. 1929 Price range $ 1800-3000 ----1.QQ% $ 100% $ 100% i. 1935 Price range $ 1500- 1800 ~% $ _ _% $ % j. 1938 Price range $ 1500-2250 ~% $ - - % $ % k. Sales demand $ 1. Activity m. 1929 n. 1935 Rent range o. 1938 Rent range Too small an $: 1.~.00 -17.50_ _ % $ improved area % $ to measure _ _ % $ variations _ _ % $ $ 15 - 20 p. Rental demand $ g_. Act ivity Rent range Years None $ $ ·· None $ 15.. - 20 _.l.QQ% Poor $ 100% $ mo% % % ~ $_ Slow AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purch:ise Limited . b. Home building Limited CLARIFYING RE}iARKS: Practically all the improvements in this area arc in the 2 blocks between 64th & Park Stroots which wore subdi vidod in 1907. There arc no deed restrictions, - and zoning p ermits 2-family residences; however, i~rovomonts consist entirely of four and fivo--,room, frame, single-family dwellings of below meclium quality of construction. '11.h.ese arc usually old and obsolete. Tho area is very largely unplattod, and land improvement is so small that it is difficult to clas sify. Cuing to its distance f rom city center, la~ of appeal, and detrimental influences noted, the area is a·c cordcd a 1110w red 11 g:ra~e. 6. NAflE AND LOCATION (No dosign_a_t_i o_ n...:.)_ _ _ _ _ SECURITY GRADE _ !)__ AREA NO . ~ - - - NS FCRM 8 10-1-37 Sac1-amento, Cal. AREA DESCRIPTION - SECUR ITY MA P OF _ _ _ __ 1. AREA Ct!ARACTERISTICS: a. Description of Terrain. b· Level with favorable grade and no construction hazards-. Transportation, schools, churches, trading and recreation~ f:rv8eitt>Ms Igtiut~~iently available. Convenience to industrial and commercial employment. .. Proximity to Area - D-4. Population density much above '9ft;filWe&,J-~Jg_flllj&£ySffil.bstn.ndard-size lots, many of them 401 x 80 1 • Heterogeneity, age n.nd obsolescence of improv0lllents. Presence of large aimunt of subversive racial elements. 80 Deel in d. Percentage of land improved _ _ %; e. Trend of desirability next 10-15 yrs.___..,i,.,.,n~g~-Common l aborers, Oriental INHABITANTS: business & professional Relief to a. Occupation -ffttm------ - -- ; b. Estimated annual family income $ --;z~4~o*Ot--- - 30- ot. Latin . . . c. Fore1gn-born fam1 1 1es--4e- ,o; _ _ _ _ __ -pr'.:dominating: d. Negro~; _ _ % c. 2. e. 3 Infiltration of Orientals - rapid; f. . . . . very Popu 1 at1on 1s 1ncreas1ng-sro-wry-; decreas ing _ _ _ _ _ __ PUlLDH!GS: a. Type b. Construction c. Average Age d. Repair e. Occupancy PREDOMINATING 5 - 6 room Rel ief families ____M_nn_Y_ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ 90 static _ _ __ _ __ _ _ OTHER TYPE OTHER TYPE Residential 2-4 family Frrunc Frrune 20+ 20+ Years Fair to good _ _ _ Years Years Fair to good 99.5 % % ____ _ % % % % 31. f. g. h. i. j. k. 1. m. n. o. p. q. lj . 5. 6. Home ownership 1 Constructed past yr. 2500-5000 1929 Pri ce range $ -1QQ% 1935 1750-3500 70 _ _% Price range $ 1938 2000-4000 80 Price range $ % All prices - good Sales deman d $ Good Activity 20 - 40 $ 1929 Rent range __.l_QQ% 1935 15 - 30 70 __% Rent range $ 1938 20 - 37.50 90 Rent range $ - - IJ .All prices - go;)d Rental demand $ Good Activity (JI $ $ $ 5000-7500 100% 3000-4500 3500-5500 $ 60_ % _ $ 70 - -% $ 100% _ _ ___ % _ _ ___ % All prices - fuir $ $ Fuir 20 - 35 $ $ 100% % $ _____ $ 90 --% .All prices - good $ - - - --% lQQ% 15 .. 25 $ 70 20 - 32.50 $ 3) ~ Good Limited Limi tcd AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a . Home purchase _ _ __ b . Home building _ _ __ _ _ This old district (no deed restrictions) is zoned for mu1 ti-frunily CLA~I'/J.O'i].Ji®.~tmi~llings arc very cheap to modillfil qun.lity construction. Maintenance is hig,.'1-gradc for tY.Pe of neighborhood. Is th o Ebon ton" Oriental nnd Negro residential district of tho city. A steady domnd. for dwellings for purchase and rent exists. Loans arc quite freely in area but limited to selected risks. Improvcr,1onts nre very ;;-dxod,ranging fron new to old ond obsolete,from sm,.'111 cottages to largo,old houses , mnny of which have boon made over into multi-fruilily dwellings. Many diverse influcncos,froo a mortgagee stnndpoint, 1:inke 'i;ho area difficult to o.ccuratoly depict; it is accorded a 11 high red 11 €$ Old City Lir.-ii ts-West of 16th D 6 NAM!.'., AND LOCATION _ _ _ _ _ __ SECURITY GRADE - ·-.~REA NO. ____ _ NS FffiM 8 10-1-37 1. to , Col • AREA DESCRIPTION - SECURITY MAP OF _ __ _ _ AREA Ct!ARACTERISTICS: Generally level. Du.ring periods of high Yrn.tor in tho a. ~i1I}id~ ili a£1tl"g@.r,,f basOJ'ilent flooding fron hyd.rostntic prcs-s Land in western po.rt nror lovco bolo,, grade. Adequ..-.te trons::;,ortntion, schools, nnd trading centers. b · fMi>ri½.W;r ~fi~~n.6ttmt. Pn.rk, high.or grade arco.s, and its roo.dy accessibility. Proxinity to high river levee upon which ore the tracks c · ~t,r~e_Af..#rd&f 1P!Wfj;3 · Presence of increasing nUL1ber of Heterogeneous in_provoocn ts nnd populo.t ion. 00 Percentage of land improved _ _ %; e. Very nixed - laborers INHABITANTS: to whi to collar work:b. a. Occupation~--------00 Latin c. Foreign-born families _ _ %; Orientals, slo~ly e . Infiltration of oeeurring ; f. d. 2. g. 3 pr'::domina t ing: d . Negro _ _ ; _ _ % Few Relief families _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ Yes _ _ __ __ st atic _ __ Type b. Construction c. Average Age d. Repair e. Occupancy f. Home ownership g. Constructed past yr. h. 1929 1935 1938 _ _ _ Years % _____ % ____ _ % % _ _ ___ % % _ _ _ Years to good 99 65 Mone $ 2000.-3EOO $1750-2000 Price range $2000-3000 1. Activity m. 1929 o. _ _ _ Years 20+ Price range Sales demand 1938 OTHER TYPE Frnoe end stucco Price range k. n. OTHER TYPE PREDOMINATING 4 - 5 roon All prices $_ __ _ __ - Rent range $ Rent range $ Rent range $ p. Rental demand q. Activity $ _ _ _ __ ~% $ 100% ~% $ _ _% $ _ ____ % ~% $ _ _ % $ _ _ _ __ _____ % poor $ _ _ __ _ 100% $ _ _ _ __ Poor 1935 6. 1200-1500 _ ·--- decreas i ng_ __ _ _ __ Pop ulati on is increasing _ _ __ a. j . c: Estimated annual family income $ PUl LDI NGS : i. ij. Trend of desirability next 10-15 yrs. _ __ __ $ 20 - 30 _l.Q.0% $ 70_ % _ 15 - 20 $ 20 - 27.50 .All level h 90 _ _% $ - f;v od J>_ - $ ma% % $ % 100% --% $ o/, i Good Lirn tod Lir.1i tod AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS : a Home purchase _ __ _ b . Home building _ _ _ __ _ The southern po.rt of this aroo. Y/US subdivided between 1909 und CLAW±lj N~uijE~ABJiS::restrictirms expired. Tho northern pa.rt is hatched and unplo.ttod Zoning porrtl. ts 2-funily residences, but i:.-provencnts consist uhololy of sm.11,, frDBe, singlc-fonily dwellines of chrop to n.odiUi-:i ty construction. Ma,intenonce is reuarkably good for this typo of neighborhood. This is a border-line or buffer area, D.Ild locci.tion ha.s little o.ppoo.l. It is questionable whether h.atc.i.' portion of .:u-oo. \7ill ever be developed as a residential district . The urea is accorded a 11nedial rec111 grade. NAME AND LOCATION W-est end :Bath Tract, etc. D 7 _ _ __ __ _ SECURITY GRADE _ _ _ AREA NO - - - -