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AREA DESCRIPTION &-,curity Map oL.1.Q~~---~gg;i,_~ll~...!&.w.!tl... _____ _ 1. POPULATION: a. Jl'l(."T(t1$lng _ _=Rap=i~dl~y~ - - Decreasin,,-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Scatic ___ _ b. Class and ~_K:>tion picture stars, . cxecuti_vos & tochnicianE..L.PFOfess_ioncl Income fi3600-$0000 & up . mid business men. d. Negro _ -c. Foreign Families_ Q___~ Nationali · _Q_i e. Shifting M Infiltracion _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~S.TI.\l.J!P.P.M...m..~------------ 2. BUILDINGS, a. T,Pe and Size PREDOMINATING .•• 85 f, 01HER TYPE Larger _type,__ _ __ __5,_6 &__ ? _rooms b. Consn-uction c. Average Age d. Repair e. Occupancy .90.0.~-- - - - - - .!1~%~ - - - - - - ( Own,,--o=pied .J19.:£,_ _ __ _ __ g. 1935 Price Bracket $ -- %,hang, It. 1937 Pria Bracket $ 5000-?ECO & up ··-·····~ $ 0000-7000.. &up .............. % i, 1939..............Pric, B,ackrt ;. Sales, Demand k. Prtdicttd Pn'ce Trend (n,xr 6-12 monllu) 1935 Rent Bracket ~-M.Q __J.'~.@.:r..d ...____ %chang~ {ichange ...,.}, ............ % . Static_&up_ _ _ __ 1937 Rent Bracket t.o.f...,.o.nJ;oJ.~........ n. .l.9.39.. ······-······ Rent Bracket $ -- o. Demand ..Go.o. ~ - - -- - - - ,...% ..... % p. Predicted Rent Trend 5,6 & 7 rm. $5000-$7000 & Uil (next 6-12 month$) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (Jxu, y,.) No ...E~L.T,,,., & Price J.!1!2,.QQQ...Lup.How SdUng .J!g_~.9.P.~ llansion tYPe a. HOL~- ~ - - - b. lruti...,,,,_.E.°"--··-• 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( ...~...:,,.) a. HOLC.•...... ~·····-·-···· b. JnniMi<,n,._.F_e,L. ···--·-· 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_..A!!!!!l&........._ 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.7,,J $M..9.5.. __ _ 1938 6. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA Terrn:in:: Leval to rolling hillside. No construction hazard or flood threat. Land i1nprovcd ro'f,_ Highly deed restricted and protected from racial hazards. Convenien ces arc all readily avail~b1.e with exception of transportation which is as yet only fair. street illq:)rovements aro still in process of construction. This area, loca ted on the southern rim of t he San Fernando Valley , was su~ divided some 15 years ago,_ and substantial stroot iIIJ)rovcments were installed. T'ne depression retnrdod dov.clopmen t. Under tha stimulus of wall directed prom:> ti onal. effort and FHA finDncing n revival started somo 4 years ago and it is no,1 ono of the 11 hot spots 11 in the Valley•. Construction and maintenance are of high quality. Architectural dosigns are harmoniou s. Locat ion is favorable ond attractive. Popul a tion is homogeneous •. Lots are generally of extra size ond sold on "homesito 11 basis und at widely varying prices according to size and loco.tion, The pattern of the area. is wall established and it is a ccorded a "lon greon 11 grade. 9. LOCATION ....... ~.<ci~~·-···--····-· SECURITY GRADE ..•l .•L~ AREA NO__ ¼L DATE:l/ZJ/2,9 ~ : This arco. is currently affected· in \7hole or in pa.rt by on .A.d valorem Tax District. Individual properties should be checked for this hazard. 4 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL-~..?-~~~--9..~.J~?.EE:~l-----·-····-1. POPULATION: b. Class and a. Increasing Shifting OT Decrr.asing_.__ _ _ _ _ _ Static .....·-···-·-· OccupatimL±3J-:i~~:~ :Xc:!~~:!~~c~Cll, ;~: c. Fottign Familie.s!l.?_~_'! e. RDpidly nnd d. Negro_}!_2_;i..Q.~ ln/iltfation _ _ _ _~Nonoappar131.t . ~ - - - - - - - - - - - -- 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING ••...85% a. T,pe and Si:te 5-7 rm.. b. ConstTuction Frrun.o..__ stucco_&_ mason_;-y c. ~~~~~y;s NatioM,lil·;,,___ _ _ _-=::_______ bun~0'.7S Average Age d. Repair Good e. Occupancy .9-ai_______ Owner-occupied ~-~-- - - - - - g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Pric< B,acktt $ 5400-SSOO........... !.~::::!t5QQ__ <!,change i. .19.3~L .......... Price Bracket i. Sales Dc!'Mnd k. PwJ;a,d l'ric< T,<nd (next 6-12 month..) 1935 Rent Bracket !lf,~- - - - 1,c~nge :(change 1937 Rent Bracket ~..r.coo.x:.d....ot_.._ ........... ~ .............. % n. -~-~-~_g____________ Renc o. Demand Bracket J.....r.on.tal.fL.________ ··--·-·- 1, __ _j p. Pndict.ed Rent Tf'end. (next 6-12 months) 5-7 rm. bungnlows 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (J,a,t .,,-.) No•.J?!;! ....T,p, & Pric< ...$.l21Q9..::$§Q.QQ ..How S.Uing ..R®dHY 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOLC........R.QAQ. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (k.. .,,-.) a. HOLC.._.Ji>llL........ b. Irnotuticns.....NO))O... b. lnstitutions_Jf.9Jl.Q. .. ___ _ 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, _ _ ,\mpJQ.............. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193..7.,j $._:;:;,.6.6 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTIRISTICS OF AREA: Level to slightly rolling. No construction hazards. In tho floods of 1938 tho Tujungn Wash broke from its regular chonncl and slightly do.m.god a strip 100 f eet wide in tho and northeast portion of ·this area. Flood control uork done since is to overcome any future fl ood threat. Lond improved: unhatched portion 5~, hatched porti on s;t. Deed restrictions provide for sing). c fetmily structures of minimum cost, roquiro architectural supervision ond uniform 11 sot baclcs 11 ond protect against racial hazards in perpetuity. Conv eniences o.11 roodily available, in cluding interurban transportation to Los Angolos City Center. T'nis new subdivision , which was placed on tho market a bout 3 years c.go , has dovelop.Jd rapidly, being currently one of tho community 11 hot spots". Construction and mn.intcna.'1ce aro of the highest character, and architectural designs are harroonious and of outstonding qUD.lity:. Populati on is holll)gcnoous , with high dogreo of economic stability. The location of the is favorable, nn tion picturo studios and recreational o.roo.s boing convc,"liontly accessible. It is thought that the area. ,vill continue its upward trend onQ it is therefore accorded a 11 low grocnn grade. 9. LOCATION .....!'..~,:!;ll_J!oll_=o~.... SECURITY GRADE.....J•.ts AREA NO..kcJL... DA'I'Ek.Z5c-.J9 CAUTION; This a.roa is currently nffocted in V7hOle or in part by an Ad am Tax Dis tr i ct. Individual propert ies should be checked for this hazard. 5 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL.L.Q..s....J.n~.§~--~2:im.~z _ __ 1. POPULATION: b. =-------- a. Increa.sing_~Rnp=i~dl~y'--- Static _____ _ Class and Occupatio'! Business & professionol men-L_~!!2.n picture acto r s , writer!?_,. __ _ & executives. Income $2000 to $75'.)() nnd up c. foreign Fami!ies_..JL.J Nationalities---- e. Shifting or Infiltration _ _ _ 2. BUILDiNGS, = - - - -- - - - d. Nezro·-·······.9.····~ _qpparen,t~ - - - - - - - - - - - - PREDOMINATING ___.?!?.% 7- B_rooms~- - - -- O'IHER TYPE _Few _5 . rm._•~S~om=•~- - .Frame1 stucco -~ JnASOnr;y_ c. Average Age 1..Y......._.- - - - - - d. Repair ..Go.o.~ - - - - - - - e. Occupancy f. Own.,.-oro,p;,d ..9.a,,___ _ _ _ _ __ $ 5200- 9000 ____ %change g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Price B,aclret $ 5000- 10, 000 &..."P ... . . .'1> .......... % i. ) .~.~\}__ ............ Price Bracket t.9~9-:-19.,.QQQ....%...:uP ..........%. ... _% j. Salts Demand k. P,ed;aedPriceT,end (next 6-12 month,) ____ i-'=-~~ 'l,change $ rental.........-.... .. .......... J, 1935 Rent B,acka m. 1937 Rent Bracket n. .19.39......._ ...... Rent Bracket o. Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend $ Hgt a '1, % $.area (next 6-12 months) .... 'f.. 7 & 8 rms. & cnri'Sion 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa,1 y,.) No.• :?,()()___.T:,p, & Pric,.$,(iQQQ,,tJ,Q,,.Q9Q.f..., S.IUng ... ~.~f>'l..j,lL...& ,,p 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. S. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (...3... :,,.) a. HOLC.............0 .. HOLC- .........0. b. ln,oo<rion.l.-._.Q.. . b. Institutions_... Q__ ___ .. 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_ .. _ .Allplo ............. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.'..,) $.liil• .6.a... 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA: Terrain: Lev el to rolling with no construction hazo.rds end no flood thr8D.t . Land in:proved 5&,t. Deed restrictions limit cost of improvement to cinimum of tAOOO to $10,000 accordi ng to location, provide for a.rch i tec tural supervision ond Wlifor!il set-backs, ond pro t ect ago.ins t subversiv1; r a cial elements runs in perpetuity. The 11 Hidden Villoge 11 section is said to hnvo a lowor i:tl.nirrrun cost for improvroents . Conveniencos nll readily av.:i.ilo.ble. 'l'hc portion of a.rea kno·,m as Toluca Lllke wao subdivided sotle 8 or 9 years ago , but intensive developmen t has t oken place \7i thin the pa.s t 5 years. The Hidden Villa.i~0 section is a recent mibdivision and is less thon 10% improved but grot1ing rapidly. In fn ct, this area. is one of tho high 11 hot spo t s 11 in the County. Constr uct ion .md no.inte.>tonce of excellen t qu.ality; nrchi tectural designs nre attrac t ive and ho.rronious, PopuJ. a t i.:m is hoooganeous, and a hi@l degree of cor.lOUlli t y pride is indicated. The location is admirabl e, being within walking dist.:inco t o both Univarsru. nnd First llo.tionnl Motion Picture Studios, and eo.ail y accessible from Ho lly-,70od nnd dom1to\m Los Angeles. Proxil'li t y to Lnkcsi de Golf Course and tho bridle trails and othor recreational f oo.turos of Griffith Park nlso favorable influences, This is outstandingly the ex>st desirabl0 area in tho Sari Fcrn.mdo Vnll ey and is accorded a 11 modial green 11 grade, 9. LOCATION North Hollys,ood SECURITY GRADE..J~;... AREA NO-.)...=L. DA'fE.2=.ilQ~_39 Toluca. Lnke & Hi dden Villog:e Dist. CAUTION: This area is currently affected in whole or in part by an Ad valoren Ta.'!: Dis t rict, Individual properties should be checlced for this hazard. 6 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of_k~-~--A;i.~el es County 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing Moderately Decreasing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sta.tic .... b. Class and Occuj.\.'ltion.....B.illline.s.iL.&'!;peapl..e....& c. Foreign Families ........Q__ ~ Nationalit:iesincxHne $3000-$6000 and up d. Negro ........O.... _.~ e. Shi/ting or ln/lltration _ _ _ _~,Q.t1.e...a.i1ia...en.~------ - - - - - - 2. BUILDINGS, a. PREDOMINATING j, OTHER TYPE .LW.€-el:....dw..ell.i.n_g.s_ ____ _ b. Co11struction c. 90 Type and S~ .S.t:u,1,;.@.......ll.at11.e...&....masan.r~- Aw:rage Age d. Repair e. Occupancy ~~1~ - - - - - - /. Owner-occupied .9.9%~--- g. 1935 Price Bracket $ 5!:;00-lOLOOO_& up~-~~u~e:e_ h. 1937 PTice Bracket $.6000-11.,f,Q◊ ...& .. up .19.39 . . . .Pric, B>-adret $§Q00cU,f,Q.9 ..kllP ............. % j, Sales Demand Fair k. P1.:dicted Price Tttnd {next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket $ N.Q._]1;!9Qr9, __ %..~~~-$.~ 't change 1937 Rent Bracket $ .of'. __ rep~aJ..s .......... %. .............. % n. .lS.3.9. o. ······-·-···Rent Bracket ...... % --···-···% ___ % ~Sc,t,,_at,.;icec_ _ _ _ _ __ J.~~--J}).~s_________ _____%. ··---% Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) 7-8 rms. 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No.....00 ......_Type & Price .$8.000~(ffow Selling .0.YV:!L~.r...9.1!-.U.t_ b. Insrirntions _______.F_e~. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOLC.......... 5 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (..o ..:,,.l a. HO>u..-...L._ __ b. InsriMioru ..... 1'..e.w...... 6. MORTGAGE FIJNDS,_ ....NDPI•........ 1. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $l000 (193'.Z,.) $.51-50. 1938 Terrain: Gently sloping to hillside and rugged. No serious construction hazards. Land improved 501, in north to 70% in south, average 60%. Deed restrictions are adequate , providing for minimum i~rovem.ent costs, limiting construction to single family structures and protecting against racial hazards; also zoned, single family residenticl. Conven iences are all as available as could be expected in an exclusive and sequestered neighborhood. . This area which lies along tho northern border of Bi;,.rbank nnd Glendale 1-ma subdividod some 20 ye(ll"s a.go, and has enjoyed a leisurely but steady growth without undue prorootionaJ. effort., Construction and maintenance a re of excellent quality. Architectural designs are pleas i ng and population is horrogeneous. In the section east of Columbus Ave. inprovellli.lnta will not average over 3 years, and JOOst of the new construction has been in this part. Many dwellings occupy extensive homesites; the 11 price range 11 sho\m, however, cover s only nominal land value. The location is a popular one not alone for its cltitude and vi0\7 but also on uccount of the horoogencity of its middle to higher incomr:i level home own ers. The upward trend of desirability of this area will continue for a number of years and it is therefore accorded a 11 low green 11 grade. 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA: 9. LOCATION'!':.ll_~3,5L•ml"'-~··· SECURITI GRADE.....l.,.I...~ AREA NO•...Ad .;_ig ~ : This area is currently affected in \vhole or in part by an Ad vuJ.orem True District . Individ.ual properties should be checked for this hazard. 7 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL_. __..1.9..~---~g_aj,_~-~----9.?.™1.J.Y.. 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing Moderately b. Class and OccutY-Irion ~:~:ess & prof c. Foreign Fdmilie.s _____ _Q __~ e. N a t i o n a l i t i e ~ - - - - - - - - - - -- d. Negro _______ .._<?.._._%._ Shifting or lnfiltration _ _ _ __ _~ll~on~ ...~.P.~.911-=t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, a. Decreasin,.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static ession~c=•··$~-½£lfs~-¥-~~-~'-·-·9.!9..~~-~-Y.2~..t. PREDOMINATING .. 85 ...\t Stucco, Frame, Masonry___ _ b. Conmuction c. Average Age OTHER TYPE 6-8 rm. bungalows T-;ype and Site __ 6 __ ycnrs _ _ _ _ __ d. Repair e. Occupancy ..99.f,_ _ _ _ _ __ g. 1935 Price Bracket $7_8)0-l0 .. 0OO & __ up %:c~~-e ~5;/,. h. i. l\l;P.Qcl5,0QQ &.J,:P .............. % 1937 Price B,ack,1 19.39 ···············-·Price Bracket j. Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket ........ % ____'!, $ ...4 .. u.P ............%. _S.ka.t-.i_c._ _ _ _ _ __ m. 1937 Rent Bracket n. ),.<J.9.~ .............Rent Bracket o. Rental Demand ~ a co.r~Lo.f________ %..£~~-'~ t,mys.cntDJ.s.... .......... $ ..inthi.• ...... ,_, % .............. % ..% ------ % area p. Predicted Rent Trend . (next 6-12 months) 7-8 rm. bungnJ.Oi7S 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa,,,.,.) No .....?0......T,p, & Price ...J.~Q_()_Q..§s...~.....How S.Uin/hmor built 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (....~... )'T.) a. HQ_ _ _2_ _ _ b. Institutions Very fe\7 a. HOL.'--- ~ Q_ _ _ b. Institutions Very few 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.!c) $..~!,..9.9 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, 6. MORTGAGE FUNT'S· .An,pl e Terrain: , Slightly rolling to steop hillside, where there are some construction hazards. Land irrproved. 00%. Deed restrictions 1 imi t structures to d,1eUings \7i th minir.lWll coat of $4000; provide for architectural supervision and perpetuoJ. racial protection. Conveniences are all as available as i s thought desirable in this class distr ict , This is one of Glendale's ne\7est ond best residential dis tr i cts and has sho vm r;rent activity in the past 5 yoors • . Construction ond maintenance are of excellent quality. Architectural design s aro harroonious and of high order • . Population and ir:iprovemcnts are both hom::)gencous. Proximi ty to Glenda.le Junior College, a very superior institution, is a favorable influen ce. Pri ce brackets shO\m above are nominal, as size of homesitcs vary •. Lot pricos are not stabilizod and arc said to have a wide range from $00 per front foot and up with a distinctly rising tendenc~·. The area is accorded a "medial groen 11 grade. 9. WCATION ............l\o.•om:>111\.o......... . SECURITY GRADE........ J.s.t. AREA NO....A...5.... DATEI!,/27.j.29 CAUTION : This area is currently uffected in vhole or in part by an Ad valorem Tax District. Individuol properties should be checked for this hazard. 8 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL_w_._..Al),:,,il.•·-·=·t;: ____ _ 1. POPULATION: a. lncreasiflg __ R.~!~_Y.... ____________ Decreasin,,.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static ..- - - b. Class and Occubation ..~-~J~_~..§;_..Pl'..Q.f_~12io~..r......~~illL-Il.Hnd.._ Income $3000-$6000 & up /eopl e. · Nationalitiel---- -=' - - - - - - - - d. Negro ___Q_~ c. Foreign fomilics .....9........... Shifting or Infiltrado,n....._ _ _ _ _~,..9J!Q...m:!PAr..ell,~- - - - - - - - -- -- e. 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING Awrage Age d. Repair OTiiER TYPE ..?tucco L f_rameL ...~sonr_y _ b. Consti'UCtion c. •. 90 _1, 6-7 rms. a. Type and Site .. Gooo.~ - - - - - Ji9,,_'_ _ _ _ __ _ e. Occittxincy ~ '- - - - - g. 1935 Price Bracket ,1No_t --~stablished ',(,change h. 1937 Pric, &ad«! $ _6000-8000 ...-···-·-· ·--··--"' $ 6000- BQQQ __.__. -··-··- 'I, ..19.;J9.·---··-·- Pric, Bmcket i. Sales Demand k. P,-edict,d Pric, T,<nd (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket ~-NrL.remr.d... .oL...... %change 1937 Rent Bracket $ rentals ................% n. ).2.~;I...................Rent Braduit $ in thi a _ ___.% o. Rental Demand ..fil..1.t.i ~- - - - - - .....% ___ % area Predicted Rent Tttnd 6-7 rooms (next 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa,t ,,..) No._.. _?_!). . __ .Type & Pric, .$.ol;QQ=.SJl©.Q__.How S.Uing _B,..,,l.i.J.x._ __ _ p. ~ - - - b. lru..,,_,___.Q.___·--···- 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, o. HOL.~- 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (...;,._,,.) o. HO=- ~ - - - b. lrutiO<tioru ___ .. _.Q __·-···----· 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, __.N!lJ>l&_. __·-·· 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (1931.,,.) $..51.•.ao.. ____ _ 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTER!Sf!CS OF AREA Terrain : Level to rolling valley between ranges of hills to north and south. No construction hazards. Land in-proved a>;f;. Deed restrictions are adequate and enforced; provide protection from raciD.J. hazards. Zoning is single family residentinl.. Schools, churches and trading canters are fairly available, Transportation , however , ia inadequuto. This somev1hat secluded nroo. is o. cong;:iarativcly r occnt development .-,hich has progressed rapidly undor the stimulus of welldirected proimtional effort and FHA financing. Con struction is stondnrd or better. lfain tononce indicates high pride of oi'morship . Architectural designs are cxcellont ond population is stable and horrogenoous. Lade of public transportation is areo.'s groa. t ost hrutdicap. Some possibility of inconvenience from flood conditions in seasons of heavy rainfall. Distance from business ccmters is a deterrent. Land values ore to be out of line with supply and demand . It is though t that peak of a ctivity has po.sood nnd, while future trend will continue upml.I'd, it will be slower but heal thy and constant. The area is nccordcd a "10,1 green" grade. SECURITY GRADE..!.~-~--:'.. AREA NO-.!-:§ ___ DATf.2~.§/89 East Glen Ooks CAUTION: !this area is currently affoctod in whole or in part by an Ad valorem Tax District. Individual properties should be chocked for this hazard. 9. LOCATION 9 AREA DESCRIPTION 1. POPULATION: a. Security Map of Loa .Angel.es_Coun~-- lncreasing _ _Sl_o_w~ly _ _ _ _ Decreasin.,__ _ _ _ _ _ Static.·-·-----·· b. Class and OccuJX1tion-~~-~-t ives,_professional & business ___~~. retired cap1tal1sts. etc. c. Foreign Familie.i_Q__~ e. Shifting ot Income $rooo- $lo,ooo & up Nationali · d. Negro. ____ .Q___ i lnfiftTation _ _ _ _~N:Q.!!~.! _en~t~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING _.[J{J__..J 7- 8 rooms a. T,pc and Site OTHER TYPE Estate & nnnsion tYJ?~..- _stucco , ___ .f.:r~... &.. 1!13,sonrx_ b. Corutruction _10- 12..xear_s_ _ __ c. Average Age d. Repair e. Occupancy .ll.ll.1'~ - - - - - - .lQQ.%- - - - - - OwneT-oca.:pied _a.::ei~---- .100,,__ _ _ _ _ __ 10-15 .z.eari;i~ - - - ..G:9.Q_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ g. 1935 Price Bracket $5000-8000 ···- h. 1937 Pric, B,ack,, $1000-10,000 & up .'le $12,000 & up ) •.~.<!~ .... ..... Price B,ack,, $1000-10,000 & up ····-····j, $12,000 & up j, Sales Demand Good k. Prtdict.ed Price Trend Static (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent &adret Poor Static $ No_record _____ m. 1937 Rmt &~ket ..............% $ 9~ .. r_en tlµ a n. ..lll.~9-................. Rent Bracket o. Rental Demand p. Prcdicttd Rent Trend (nen 6-12 mcmrJu) J. NEW CONSTRUCTION $10,000 & up 1.. No %change t . _renJ~.s..... . ............... % ·····--1, u,a,, ,.,.) No..•.."9. .....T,pe __.,, 6-7 rooms & Pnc,j_§_f90-~;Q_Q .. How S,Uin~~. .J>,,i.i.l:L_ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL~~0_ _ _ _ b. ln,ruution.,_.Y.\el::Z:...f<t~. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (....3...3f"J a. HOL.~~ ~ - - - b. lrutitictioru_.X~..J.!.W 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_..•.ll!!llle...•.•.... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (19J'l,-.) $.M..QQ. 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Hillside with many viO\T locations . Some oonstruction hazards but not serious. Land improved. 60% including largo est a te sites. Doed restricted to singlo family dwellings \vi th minimum improvoment costs, and protection against raciuJ. hazards in perp etui ty. Zoning conforms to dcod provisions . Conveniences are all reasonably available for this tYPC of neighborhood. Development of this area commenced some 20 years :Jl!JJ, and has boon gradual. It is currmtly experiencing ib groo..teot activity. Construction .:ind maintenance of excellO!l.t qual ity. A.rchitectural designs uro a:ppooling ll.nd population is homogcnous. Land is valued on homcsito basis and front foot prices arc not quoted. A number of large nulled-in ostatos uro located hero ond most inq:,rovoments have generous sites. Tho oroo is characterized by charm of location, oxpansivc vie\7S und ready accessibility. Thero oro no serious detrimontnl inf'lu.encos and trend of desi rability is distin ctly upnard. Th o aroo., thorcforo, is accorded a 11 10,1 grecn 11 grade. 9 . LOCATION E:Lst Glendale SECURITY GRADE.. ..1.~.~ .. - AREA NO_!:?.... DATif.?2J.~9 10 AREA DESCRIITION Security Map 1. POPULATION: a. 0L.1!Q.§... !Y.'!g_q:t._9_L9.9.\1F.~:------ Modero.tely lncreasing b. Class and Oa:ut,atiotL :B_usinoss __ & _p_rof cssionru ___ mon.,_rctired_p~012._l,.Q.,.....9Xqcuti vos~.. Incomo $0000 & up 2. % NationaJi,.·~---------- c, Fmeign Families .. ... 9. e. Shifting or In/lUYation _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,. QJJ,.O...@.Po.:r.®..t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ BUILDINGS, a. T:,pe and -Site . lQO__'f, PREDOMINATING OTHER TYPE ..Mansions __ &___estates_________ _ b. Construction Average Age d. Repair e. Occupancy .99.,,___ _ _ _ _ __ f. Owncr-occupied ...~ . ~ ~ - - - - - - g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Price Bracket -~----W.... 9.Jf~<lJi;:u,.@.. .193.9.............. Price Bracket $Jlrii;cs.on___th,is ;. Sales Demand k. Preclicted Price Trend (next 6-12 month.d 1935 Rent Bracket m. 1937 Rent Bmcket 3. .JL.Y.9M. ~ - - - - - c. n. _19.39 ...............Rent Bracket o. Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) '%change ....~ ....... % ............... % ·-·--- % __.s.o.o.. .l!.el.o.,~--- tJill.:t...i::1..•••• _ . .. }, % 7-15 rooms NEW CONSTRUCTION { yr.) No.....J~ .....Type & Price 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( 3.;,,.) a. HOLC. _}~~:·~t-· . . . . . . O .......9 How Selling ..Owner built b. Iru•--~•-~O_ __ .......... b. lrutitutio~~o~- - ............. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (19370.) $..oo.z., 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_ .•....M!PJ.• 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA Co. $44.42 - City $11.83 1938 Terrain: Rugged hillside and hill top. ·Many construction hazards. Probably 40% of acreage suitable for residential development is covered by present improvement ~ al though only about 10'.;t of the lnnd in the area is developed. Deed restrictions provide for minimum improvement cost of $7500, arc.'litectural SUJ,2rvision and raciol restrictions in perpetuity. Zoning is single family residentin:-~ . Conveniences are not readily available. This exclusive and sequestered dist:d.ct \Vas subdivided in 1925 and. has been slo\vly developed since that tioo. .A re-subdivision of some of the larger acreage plots was racently ,vith the mutual consent of all property owners of the area. This will undoubtedly stimulate further development as the district is very highly regarded. Construction, architectural designs and maintenance arc of the very highest character. It is not practical to designate a predominating type and size or to give price brackets as extent of homesites largely govern prices. In a general way it might be stated that estates have cost O\mers from $2;5,000 to $109,.000. Tho a.roa has been very corefully developed ond population • is horrogenaous, and ·hD.s a high community prid.e . Remoteness and comparatively small numb0r of improvements preclude assignment of the highest grade, but it is thought that po.ttern and prospects ore dofinito enough to warrant assignment of o. nmedial green" grad!-3. 9. LOCATION ....... Flintrid_g_e ....•......... SECURITY GRADE...1•1 .... .AREA NO•....Ac.8.... DATE.1,/._,;j_;,_g 11 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map o~-~...@~_g.§_QQ.~.1z__- 1. POPULATION: b. Class and c. Fordgn f'a n•.ilies ..F.!'l~J I!:. Shifting (f'f Decreasing..._ a. !RCTeasing_.. Modoratoly Occuparion_tr~i::~~ i; : : Nationalities -~~~!J.~!&1._.&_. __ i d. Negro .._.....Q___ None subversive lnfiltration _ _ _ _ _ _ __;Ncco=ne,,_,,ap~Pcar=en~t~-- - - - - - - - - 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING --~-j - ~-' 6 & 7 b. Construction . F:;:ame• .. stuc~ ...&.. masc;mr1: Average Age OTIIER TYPE ...?.., a. Type and Siu c. _ _ _ __ _ Static. es~icz~.~COie$~~no:o~t! ~ rooms 10_year=•~ - - - - - 9 & 10 rooms & up _.15 years,_ __ _ __ d. Rep,u, . Goode__ _ _ _ __ .. Goo.,d_ _ _ _ _ __ e. Occupancy Jl_8.,,___ __ _ _ __ _.98,,.____ _ _ __ __ f. Owne,,occ-;pied . 85% ···-- - - - -- g. 1935 Price Bracket ~..4WQa?@.____ h. 1937 Price Bracket 1939_.. _._ ,. .. _Pri,, B,acket ;. Sala Demand k. P,,dicred Price fond (next 6-12 mondu) '!e.'."'4~! ...i~.. ,~- -- - - - ~Jl.QQ.Q...,L\1'L '1,change $ 5000..8500 Good Poor _Static~ - - - - - - 1935 Rent &acket $ 1937 Rent Bracket $3=5--~60~- - - n. ~j!:}Q ______ Rent Bracket $3=5--~60~- - - o. Rental Demand __ Good _ _ _ _ _ __ p. Predicted Rent TTend ..fil.~].!.9~--- - - ~ llo rental _____ %5hmwe t ..;:@g~----~-~J~'!?.~..t~eg, .......... % (next 6-12 months) 6-7 rooms 3. NEW CONS'JT,-.JCTION (port:,,.) No ____ .fl;/___T,t,e & Pnc,JZ!l.99:11Q,QQ!liow Sell;ngQ'm.ey..c.11.\1.U!i...._ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL.~- ~2~ - - b. J...,rio,,Jcn,_,._,.E.o;,:_ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.. .e.:,,.) a. H0~- -~4_ _ b. J...,riturio,u ___...X~~ 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, ____ ~:C!! _______ .___ 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (1932~) $~~891938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREk Terrain: Level to hillside with no steep grades. no construction hazards. Land improved 50~ Deed restrictions have expired or will expire shortly; ho\vovor, there is a roovement on foot looking to renm1al of racial restrictions. S<'llools aro of good quality and readily available. Churches and t-rading centers aro somo.,hat distant from par ts of area. Transportation is inadequate; ho\vevor, this is t,vo-car neighborhood. !&is area which is composed of several subdivisions has boon slo.i-ly developing for 25 years or rooro. Activity has increased somewhat during the past 5 year s, the new inprovments being largely of tho bungalow type. Construction, mnintcnonce lllld individual architectural designs aro of excollont character. Tho \ddc range in size of inprovements detract., from tho harnnn7 "Of tho area. Population is homogeneous. Tho nltitud.e approximates 2,000 foet ond the location is particularly attractive to thoso desiring a high dry climate; on the other hand, proximity to tho mountains results in a summer climate soveral degr ees \7armer than in aroas to the south. !!his is aaid to offoct sal.abil i ty somc;-1hat. A.djaccmco to the Pasadena Golf Club and .Al ta.dena Rocroational Center aro favorable influences. Indications aro that the trend of dosirabili ty \Vill bo slowly upward for o. number of years, Tho area is accorded a 11 low green. 11 grade. 9, LOCATION ___¥~!;,_filndona ____. SECURITY GRADE...-.h.t .-AREA NO-A~~--.. DA-rm/.J.ilJ35J 12 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of__Ls>_•.AP.1sol..o,.. Gollllty.... ___._ 1. POPULATION: a. lncreasing _________ J~§Pl9J..z... ······-··-· Decreasins------- Static ... _e,=~------ b. Class and Omtpatio<i Prof essional. & b~!~~!.§..$~~-~M.1.™.._ c. Foreign Familie.s.!..2.~ ....'& e. 2. Shi/ting 01 Nationalities __ ...NQ.:n.e....!?.Yb.:v..e::-.s.iY.~_ _ _ _ _ _ d. Negro ..... Q ____ % In,filrration _ _ _ _ _ _ _.o.n.e...tippa.t:.en...___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ BUILDINGS, 90 % PREDOMINATING OTHER TYPE 6 __ &___ ? ___rooJ1).~.----- b. Corutrnction c. AtJerage Age d. Repair e. Occupancy f. Own,,-occuj,i,d g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Price Bracket ,. l939 .. j. Sales Demand Good k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bmcket $ Thi_s j.s___ not .Go.o,..•_ _ _ _ _ __ . ... l'ric, &acket m. 1937 Rent Bracket n. l.9.39._ ............. Rent BTacker o. Rental Demand %change ·••····•··% HQoo-aooo .% _Static,_ _ _ _ _ __ .............% $ _n_oighb...Qrhe}o_d _ ______ % ···-··-·--% p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) 6-7 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (prut :,,.) No•.l?.9_ ..Typ, & Pric,_$£Ql!0.~$.OO_QQ ..How Selling ..ROO<lUl!_._. __ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOLC._.... 2 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (..3 .. :,,.) a. HOLC..... ...2. ................. b. lrutitutioru.-.. -.0. ... . . b. lnsOtutioru_._.... 0. 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, ____.mJ.0, .. _ ........ 1. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $IOCO (193.1,; $._,ill.•80... _._. __ 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain:.. Level ui th favorable grndos. No construction hazards.,.. Land improvod 40%Deed rostrictions provide good coverage and pro.tection DGainst racial hazards. Good school facilities nnd churches nre conveniently available •. Trading centers are sor:iewhn.t distant and transportation is hardly adequate. This is a ne;; scctbn whos·c development has largoly taken place during the past fivo years .. Current activity is mainly in the eastern part and is very pronounced .. Construct ion ranges from good standard to extra grndo. Maintena"lcc sho\1s high pride of ownership •. PopuJ.ati:m is hon:ogenoous .. Asid.e fro@ a number of 9 and 10 room structures ruong Midlothinn Dr. irrprovements are uniformly medium sized bungalons ,, whose architectural designs are attractive•. AdjaC-\lltce to the Pasadena Golf Club is a favorable influence .. The general location of tho area is also a constructive factor. Aside from tempornry lack of adequnte trading facilities and transportation, tho area is singularly free from detrimental influences and ia,. therefore, accorded a 11 mcdinl grecn 11 grade .. 9, tOCATION N,.E. Al tadcna SECURITY GRADE .......1.s.t... AREA NO-.A~!Q . DATE'Y.1Q/::J9 13 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL-~.~ Angel cs Count y 1. POPULATION: a. lJ\CJcaring_ ~R~apLi~dlcc.Y,___ _ b. Class and Occupation.. c. Foreign Famifies~- 1 c. 2. D=w,in,,,__ _ _ __ _ _ Slatic -;~~{-1~-~iit"f6{~ =~a;~~~ ~~~6¾~$f~\c~~l.&J~~- oxecu ti vcs,____ Nationalitie~-- ~ ~- -- - -- - - Shi/ting or lnfilt,,ation _ _ _ _ _ _~ ~..9:lltLllPJ:!M..QTht,_ _ BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING a. T1pe and Site __§_, 7 & B rooms b. Construction _Frar-10 .. __stucco .. & _msoi;i,ry c. _ d. Negro _______Q...1:>. _ _ _ _ __ _ __ ..... 85 _'1, OTiiER TYPE 5 rooms A vetage Age d. Repair e. O.:cut, f, Ow,,,,-occup;,d g. 1935 Price Bracket $Vary few __________ cons true t ad h. 1937 Price Bracket $ ..19.39.... ....... Price 13,ack<t t.§,000.-10 000 j. Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6--12 months) 1935 Rent B,-a.cka ..l!,~P - - - - - - - - .5090•.10,000......... %..~-~-~g_e . .... % :{d,ang, 1937 Rent Bracket $__ rent.::J..__________________ ............%. ..19..39._________ Rent Bracket $ dist;rict ___ __ __ __%._ o. Rental Demand p. Predicr,d Rent T""'1 (n«rt 6-!1 months) 6 , 7, & 8 l'Cl.S• 3. ~"EW CON5'n ~·.JcnON {txut yr.) No. ___J~.9: ....T,Pe & Pric~~.$J~_QQ9.How Selling ..B~~!.!.Y._.. __ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.~.....)T.) a. HOJ C- ~0~ - - - b. Institutions..... . HOL.~ ~0~ - - - b. Institutions .......... ..:F.!-?.!I Few 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_ ...Mml.e....(!1!Al 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (1937,e) $§..~.lL..- ..- ... 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA Terrain: Lovcl with favorable grades . No constructi on hazards. Lund ir;iprovcd 60%. Deed restrictions provide for archi toctural supervision and protect against s ubvorsive racial hazards. Convonicncos are all readily available. This is a recent subdivision which ha.a grown very rapidly in t he fev, years under tho st ir:rulus of prorootional effort and FHA. Title II financing. While om10r occupancy i s very high , indicat ion s arc that in mst co.sos equities arc low, \Thich has a decided bca.rinG upon t he economic stability of tho aroo.. Construction and mintcnonce arc of cxcall ont chru:a.ctcr. Architccturol designs arc a t tra.ctivo and populat ion is hooog cn eous . Ic:provenents aro noticeably larger and rxiro ir.lposing on Orange Grove Ave. anc', l&:nmtain St. Thi s, ho wever , does no t aff ect the hurr.nnious app oorancc of the area.. Inc"tications arc that dovolopacn t of the area will progress along t he established pattern and it is thcroforo accorded a 11 l ow grccn 11 &;rade. 9. LOCATION. ___..,P~n~snd=ena=- - - SECURilY GRADE..., .~L~ AREA NO_ _id-1. DATI!;J..Hil.9 14 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL_._~.Q.§...SJJg@.Q.!LQQ.@~--1. POPULATION: a. lncrea.ring _ ___,Sl=ow~l~Y_ _ _ Decreasing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Scatic .....-------· .I!.~.~~ji!Ji~~SiS;66~~~~§.J-~U~.!§J_§_, . et_Ch_________ b. Class and Occupanon . c. Foreign. Families_.J~ __ .1:~ Nationaliti 2. BUILDINGS, d. PREDOMINATING a. T:ype and Ske Negro __ ....Q ____%® . P . - ~ . r . e . p . J ; ~ - - - - - - - - - - - e. Shifting or Infiltration __ .. 9.5...... % OIBER TYPE Mansion & estate _Ma~nry , __ frame __ &__ s~_cco c. _15_ yeo,a.r,cse.....__ _ _ __ Average Age .. G o o d ~ - - - - - - -~.9.~~ - - - - - - f. Owne,--occut,ied g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1931 Price Bracket l_!,_~~---···· .Price Bracket ...9 9 % ~ - - - - - - .ho.,.0.0.0....&.-1,p ...... ............ % ............ % $10,000 & up ............... % ___.,, j. Sale.s Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket $.tlo t ___a_____________ %c~!1g~ 1937 Rent Bracket $r_ental --·--·-···-·-·-··· ........... %. n. l..9..3.9. ................ Rent B,acket $wea~ - - - o. &>ntal Demand Poor ... s~_atic_ _ _ _ __ % % ·--.. % p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6--12 months) 8-12 rms. 3. NEW C01'!STRJCTION (past yr.) No~.?.Q....... .Type & Price _$18.~.;:9..Q::..._ .....How Selling ..Q.'ifil~r_Jm.i!.:L $20,000 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HO! C 2 b. lru•nmon~~O_ __ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (..~ :,,.) 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS:Ample within limits a. HOLC.... 18 .... b. Institutions._.... 0 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.?aJ 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, 1938 $.e§.,.6.2...QQ.w,Jy 56.25 Co. & City Terrain: Rolling to hillside and hill top. Very rugged with many construction hazards. Land improved-: 20% i.mhatched pa.rt; S,, hatched portion. Homesites usually run into acreage. Highly deed restricted, both as to improvements and population. Conveniences are all rea.sonably available for a district of this character. This area ho.a been developing intermittently for 25 or 30, and is still very sparsely settled. Its appeal is to very wealthy people who desire a sequestered homesi te. Construction is of superior quality; roo.intcnanco is of the best, and architectural designs exccllont. Population is hoxoogenoous. Property turn-over is extremely limited and marketability is influenced by consideration of sacrifice sales. Recent improvEroents have been largely olong Madeline Dr., Covington Place and the section lolo,m as Busch Gardens, and somewhat xoorc modest in size und occupy smnllcr cstatos. The area is a very oxclusivo one and could hardly be assigned less than a Uhigh grcen11 grade. 9. LOCATION.Son Raiael .. Dist,....... SECURITY GRADEl...•t':... AREA NO....,b!..Z. DAWJ..4/..~f!... Pasadena ~ : This a.roa is currently affected in whole or in part by an Ad valorem True. District. Individual proportics should be checked for this hazard.. 15 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oLLos_.Ang:clcs County 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing Moderately DccrtaSin,g__ _ _ _ _ _ Sc:atic _ _ _ b. CkuJ and Occupation_Bi.lsiness & professional men, r oti,!'_ed-P..Q?plo, Jr. ox9~Jj._y.Q~ Income $2000-$0000 & up otc. d. Negro _ _.9.__1 c, Foreign Familic.1_ .QJ Nationali · e. Shifting OT ln/lltTation._ _ _ _ _ _~, 2. BUILDINGS, a. T ,Pe and Site c. Awragc Age PREDOMINATING _ .§9..'t, __ 6 __ &_ 7 rm. __ _bun_gn].ow!l_ ___ _ OTIIER TYPE 7-9 .. rooms,._ 2 _sto_!:Y ___ _ ...F.1;,,nqJc.•.ll..C.<10.• Frarne,___ ~tucco .. &_ masonry _..l.Q_yoo.r.~-- - - - lQ ...Y..®.r.11:,_ _ _ _ __ d. Repair ...QQQ, .a ~ - - - - - - e. Occupancy f. Ownc,-oc,vpiod g. 1935 Price Bracket $5000-6000 1,dumgc $6000-7500 ••W,.,~ - - - - - _90 h. 1931 Pria B,ack,t $5500-7500 ._ .. 1' $7500-9000 i. lSJS...•.••.•..•. Pria &ack£t $5500-7500 .........• .,, $ 7500-9000 j. &oo Demand Good Good k. P,.tdicud Price Trend (nut 6-12 monihs) _$to.tic = = ~ - - -- - - §ta tic 1935 R,n1 B,ack,t $46-70_.•._ %change $60-75 $f(l-:-75 ____ _ . . 1> $66-90 ............. % ~66-90 ··-··-.,, m. 1937 Rent Bracket n. ~J.~~---·····-·····J~ent Bracket$~50_-_75~--- o. Rental Demand Fair p. %~~ ~!~ static to down 1 •...• % Poor s-g =""~------rooms ~Do 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (po.,1 :,,.) No•.fl:l......T,t,< & Pria .f600()_--_·-·····How Selling Omier built $10.000 & up b. I ~ O a. HOT C 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES(.~.. __,.,.) a. HOu,._ _o,,____ b. lnrtioaions _ _cF.,ce·c.•_ _ 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_ ..~.!~.......... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 qi~) $50, 9.L..._ _ 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREk Torrain: Rolling to hill side and hill top. Mony construction ho.zards in hatched portion. Lond improved 25%. Many homesitos of acrongo oxtont. Deed restrictions are in offoct but vnry according to subdiVision; oll, however , are bolieved to be n.mplo ond to protect agninst subversive raciru. hazards and provide for architocturol supervision. Convcniances are llll roaaonably available for an area of this kind. Dovolopment of this orco. has taken at various intorvals during the past 25 Under of financing during fe'l7 years there has been considero.ble building activity, particulo.rly in the section directly south of Blvd. Construction is of stondord quality or batter. Maintononco is of good qUll.1.i ty indico.ting pride of ownership. .A.rchi tecturol designs are pleasing ond popul a tion is hoDX>gcneous nnd of fairly subotontial moons. Deed restrictions pormi t of mu.l ti-family structures in designa ted loc.1tions ond thoro are several bungalow courts of good quoli ty a.t Ave. 64 and Colorado Blvd. Adjacence to Anand.ale Country Club is a favorable factor. Except in section directly south of Country Club there are no uniform paving regulations. This is o. pa.rti cularly hard nroo. to grade, particularly the hatched portion. However, Ave, 64 is tho now high speed o.rtory from Pasadena to downtown Los Angolos ond this factor i:l i tsclf has led to a sti.urulation of tho neighborhood. Con sequen tly, grading will be upon tho basis whore po.ttcrn is definitely osto.blished, a..'1d the assigned is 11 low groenn. 9. LOCATION .••;\/1.'l!!dcl• Sq£!~21L... SECURITY GRADE .. J..~.t .. c AREA NO-J\cU. DArul4ll§ Pasadena ~ : This area is currently affoctod in whole or in part by an Ad volorom Tn.x District. Indi vidual properties should be chocked for this hazard. 16 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of_~~~.hnJ~.~~-.~Co=un~t~y_ __ 1. POPULATION: a. Jncrea.sing,_~M~odccer=.a=.tccel=.Y"----- b. Class and Occ14~tion... c. ~:~·~:-6J.~i~:~:essio~~=~a~$-i5~6~!.&e:cutives and Foreign Families__Q__ j Nationali · d. Negro ____ Q_____%._ e. Shifting or lnfiltration, _ _ _ _ _ _~_q~-.!!-P:Q,~ar'-'en=t_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ 2. IlUILDINGS, a. .__61]_'(, PREDOMINATING T,t:,c and Si~e b. Construction __Frrune.1. __ & _ma.sonr3 c. . 8 .Yf>a.c,rs,__ _ _ __ Awrage Age OlHER TYPE 6 & 7 rooms 8 rooms & up Frame, stucco & masonry ... 5 Yeeear,cse__ __ __ d. &pa;, .Jloo•. • _ _ _ _ _ __ . Go.od,_ _ _ _ _ __ ,. _i!.2•. , ~ - - - - - - . ~C<., . __ _ _ _ _ __ O=pancy Own,,-oro,~d g. ~99~%~--- - - - - 1935 Price Bracket up $800().$s<) .. 0OO _&j %change 99> $6500-$10,000 --· \tchang, h. 1937 Price Bmcke, $9000-~25,000 . &.up ...... % $ 70Q0..$10 L00Q ....... ·-••·•·- % i. 13.39.............. Pnc, Bracket H.9,.099=.$?§,.999...& Je $7500~$10,~00 ··- ··--'(, ;. Sales Demand k. ~~l~~~t _§J~!.!..1<c_ _ _ _ __ 1935 Rent Bracket $Not a ________ %c~nge m. 1937 Rmt Bracket $rental district .........1' n. l.9.3~L-···-······Rent Bracket o. RrntaL Demand p. l'Tedicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) .) JI) ..... .Go-~o=d_ __ _ _ __ Good Static $Not_a --------·--·-- 6, ? & 8 rooms 3, NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa.,, y,.) No... fil .. .... T,pe & Pric•~~';;iO 7 &·uiJi""' S,Wng 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES(.~....:,,.) a. HOL.~- ~3~ - - b. 6. MORTGAGE ~-~~~.(~ $.re1.t.~ ..9-A~trJ.Q.~ .............i FUND&_Am.Ptiml'H~!'!. 7. HOL Owner built b. lmtih<tio"~---0~_ lruo_,,~,_ _ _0 ~ - TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 ~i:g;:.)$2'..~ -·-·-·- 8. DESCRIMlON AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREk Terrain level "i th favorable grades and no construction hazards. Land improved 601,. Deed restrictions are ample and rigidly enforced. Convro.1El"nccs arc all readily available. This ancircling area is on the whole somewhat nower than tho t\10 just previously described a.'l.d is not noorly so uniform in its improvements, The residences on San Pasqual nnd California Sts. are of largor size, while in tho Southwest part west of Courtland and north of Huntington Dr, are predominantly 6 and 7 room bungalows. In the balance of th o area. improvements are of mixed types o.nd sizos. Cons truction, maintenance ond architocturol designs are uniforlilly of high character. Population is homogone:rns . This area has b ean quite active during the past few years and land volues hnvc shown n rising tondoncy, Currently lots arc selling around $35 per f ront foot, Schools serving this and other San Marino areas arc particularly h i gh class. There is still much room for expansion in this area and indications aro that it ·,rill continue as a first grade residential soction for nnny years in the future. It is acco rdod a 11 modia.J. gr3en 11 grade. 9. LOCATION_._.~an Marino SECURITY GRADE.._.JI.t.. AREA NO- •id1•. qATEfil'1/.29 17 AREA DESCRIITION Security· Map oL-.L9JL~ii!...S1.1;1__g9_i,m:tr.._. __ _ 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing· Moderately !i~~~!::s!~~~ r~~c~=:~~i~~M~•-~F.. -~----·--·· b. Ckus and Omtparion.~~~~~o: 0 c. Foreign FamiUCs __Q______1! Nationaliti e. 2. BUH.DINGS, a. PREDOMINATING ... 75._1, T:,pc and Si:c;e b. Corutn<ction c. d. Negro ........ _Q___ %. Shifting or InfiltTation _ _ _ _ ____,None ..a.J2Parent,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Ave-Tage Age OTIIER TYPE ---~ ~6~r~o~om~-----5~ Frru:ne, stucco &...~~ong ___ MOJ'!-s~oi:i, ___ tYp~•--~20~%.. ___3 _y90X,_,s,___ _ _ __ d. Repair e. Occupancy f. Owne,-oo:up;,d -~.a,_, _________ g. 1935 Price Bracket $_Not _establ ishQd h. 1937 Pric, B=ka $ 7000-$11,000 .. & up ...... % ···---% i. .19.39 .......... ..... Price Bracket i3_~.Q~_$_+?. 1 .WQ___§.;_ up ....%. . ___%. j. Sales DerMnd k. Predicted Pria Y.rend -··~··"" - - - - - - - '%.:.~~-~ (next 6-12 mondu) 1935 Rent Bracket .s.,;.u.~-----l!!o.,___,,_.,.eru;.oL ___ %_,han;t 1937 Rent Brilcket $.n.oi,;l1b.0J:hoo.d..... n. 1~.!!l'q____ .·-·-··-··Rent BTacket o. Rental Demcmd 1,i:hange ...........~ 'f, _____ % _1, p. PuJicted Rent Trend (next 6- 12 months} 7 rooms & u;, 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past:,,-.) No.....1?9 .... T:,p, & Pria-:·~~&·upHow S.lUng ..J!oQ<!.U.Y__ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES UL:,,-.) a. HOL l •· HOLC...•... 0 .. b. InmlU6nn~•-~o~-b. Institutions ............0 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,__..l.•... w.i.1'!>.i.n. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (1931..,i $.1.9~.19.. limits Co. $37,59 ~ City $11.90 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain lovel ,-rith favoro,ble grades. No construction hazards. Tho Eaton ',7ash runs through area just west of Sierra Madre Ave. This " has never been considered a flood m< and nov, has been includ.od in County flood control program. Deed restriction a are said to be ample and enforced. Schools are readily und of excellent qunlity. Churches are nearby, Trading ccntcm arc distant and shopping is done by tclophone. Transportation is inadequate and lo.rgoly dcpendo.-r1t upon private conveyance, which, in district of this character, is not a great handicap. This soction has been largely developod \Ti thin the past 5 years and nhile still sparsely built up in po.rts ho.s groat hoodwny as a whole. Both Huntington Dr.. and Mission Blvd. are p.rteries to Los Angcl.cs, where many rcsidmts are in business. Construction, mintenance and architecturtll designs aro of hi€1l character. Population and irrprovoments -aro ho100gGJ1cous • .Ea!lt cf Virginia along -California St. and Lombardy Rd. to Sierra iladl'"e ll!l.d south on Sierra Madre inprovements m-e lnrgor and more imposing than in other p~ts of nrea. Lot volues are quoted at a minimum of $30. 'lhora is still considerable unsold land available for homesites n.n.d indico.tions aro tlul.t tho area. nill bo desirable for residential purposes for years to come. The aroa is accorded a. 11 low grocn 11 grade. 9. LOCATION ......Gh@man.J12g_q§........•... SECURITY GRADE•. .h.t..~ AREA NO-.Aalii. DATru./.J.2/:.39 ( :Ens t Pasadena.} 18 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of_#..2.~-~~el es Coim.ty 1. POPULATION: b. Class a~ c. a. Jncrcaring _ _ Sl_o_wl~Y~ - - - Decreasing.__ _ _ _ _ _ ,Suuic ___ _ Occupatim1-~~~~~~%i!:;~sts Foreign families .......~--~ & ~!~~~-soo.;~o}pr:esaional men, Na:ionalitie•~--------~ - - - d. N~ ···--·O __ % e. Shifting or lnfiltration-------~.9.l.J..(L®®J~-------2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING ... 95 y OlHER T\'1'E ___ Mansions~----b. Construction c. Average Age ..:io_;cow~---- - d. Repair _GQo~.- - - - - - - e. Occupanc, 99 Owner-occupied 99 g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Price Bracket j. J~~~---·· ...... Price Bracket Sates Demand k. o. -····· % __ :,, i. £:r.9.M.4!1.. J:ID.d.Joo,p.S~QI!-.......%. . ..F.o.Q _ _ _ _ _ __ Static P,.edicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent &acket $ This is not a 1937 Rent Bracket $ ran tal nei@lbor~.?.-~--- _J, %..,~-~~~ Rental Demand Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION { :,,.) No . .l.5......Type & Pri« $Z5.QQQ.ils.•1!11..Row Selling P.,m....J111,JJ.t._ p. 4. C>'/I•.RdANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. ~- 5/i..L:1. OF HOME PROPERTIES (..3.... ,.,..) a. HOLC- ...... 0. HOLC.......0. b. lruti""""'-'-·····Q····· .............. b. lrutitutions_ .. _....O. ..i')i<.TSAGE FUNDS,.Ai!!PL~----~···J.1aj_t7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.7a) $.'!~,.ML~•.h.l. 1938 ' .,C',Cl\li'TION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, T..rl'.'ain rolling to hillside and hilltop covered with large oak trees. No steep g:,:u:ies. Land improved 7B;ll",. Deed restrictions of hit;o.est quality are enforced. Zoning single family residential. Conveniences nre nll readily available. Collis P. Huntington ,ms the found-1r of this uroo. ond his old llUUlSion now houses the Huntington Library and Art Ga.llel'y. It ia ono of tho oost exclusive districts in tho country and merely to be a resident hero presupposes a secure place in the social register. Being one of the highest grade districts and so ,vidcly kno,m. a detailed description is unnecessary. All improvements occupy estates. Ma..>1y of thorn, in addition to the main residence, have guest houses and servants' cottages. This area is entitled to thG highest rating. 9. LOCATION ..... -=~~!~·-· . ... SECURITY GRADE. ..),§; + AREA NO.....A,,:1.§ . DATE1fX!,/~9 19 AREA DESCRIITION Security Map oL_.r.o.o...An!l!ll..o.a...l&Wl>Y....•-1. POPULATION: a. Increa.ring_,.J4?..9:.~fl:~.9J.Y......_, ___ .... J:kcreasin,.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static ..~---·····--· b. Class and Occupation..~f..~_) _\2:!!!.~.Q.~_!?...~..P.!.Q!'_~_~?:._Q_~3.1!,__)!~J..J1igh executives, _]:.2liF..~ ...L,_. active capi tolists. Incomes $10,000 & up c. Foreign Families ........9....%. Nationalitie,_______ __ _ _ _ _ d. Negro .....9.....-...% e. Shifting 01 Infiltration, _ _ _ __ _ _ None imparent,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING b. . 95 . ..'t OTliER TYPE _. J To,m house mansion 10 rooms & up ·.... !'l':'_rune, __stuc~ _& ~.1J.o_rµ-y a. T,pe and Site Construction c. Average Age d. Repair ....!190,.s.~ - - - - - - e. Occupancy .... 9.~,.,~ - - -- - ... 991,c ___ _ _ __ f. OwneT-occut,ied g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Price Bracket $..J..§,.Q9Q....%... JclIL .. i. L9.39 .. ..... . ..Price B,acket f .l.o,.OQQ..&...1':ll j, Sales Demand ___ Good~ - - - - - - k. Pudicud Price T rend (next 6-12 month.() 1935 Rent Bracket m. 1937 Rent Bracket %change ~_j{Q_t._ _g,_ __!:_@_tN....... f disj;rict ..... % ...~ ............... % ······-% %..~~~-~~ %. ...................... Rent Bracket o. Rental Demand Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No... p. .2.f?...._Type & Price___~_?..1..9.QQ. ...~...\l!How Selling Owner built 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL,'----'O'----- b. lrutioai<>•~-~0'--- - (S...... :,,.) a. HO,....__- ~ 0 _ _ _ b. In,titutioo., _ __,0c..__ _ 5, SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_-!/1)pJ.~... ~!JliJ~... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.?.c) $.~.,.'.W... limits 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain 1 evel to rolling. No construction hazards. Land improved f::0%, Deed restrictions ample and rigidly enforced. Zoning is single family residential, Conveniences all readily available. This area is roolly part of Oak Knolls. However, neither the improvements or homositea, while generous in size, are nearly o.s pretentious as in Oak Knolls prop er. Construction, maintenonce and architectural designs arc of tho highest q_uo.lity. Both population ond improvements are homogeneous. There ore still a number of b'J.ilding sites c and the section will continue to develop as a high class resident i al district for yoors to co me , Th e a.rea is accorded a 11 high groon 11 grade. 9. LOCATION Snn Mar ino SECURITY GRADEJ.,J.± AREA NO-.Acl7.. DATE.4/.l.2/~9 20 AREA DESCRIPTION Serurit?• Map o£._...~9JL.~AC!l:..~§._Qg.Wl_g___._ 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing Rap idly b. and ~ r i o n :Business & professional men, publ~c officials, Jr. e."Cecutives 1 and white collar workers. Income lJ_soo=loooo c. Foreign Families__Q__ ji Narionali · d. Negro. __ 0 __ % e. Shifting or Jnfilcratwn _ __ _ __ ~~one_a.:e~ar=en=t~- - - - - - - -- 2. BUILDINGS, a. Type and Ske 5 & 6 rooms b. Corut=tion Frame & stucco c. -~- years Awrage Age _El_~ PREDOMINATING -- OlHER TYPE Good -~& ~ - - - - - - f. Qwno,-occupi,d .9oi_______ g, 1935 Price Bracket ~ru,\LMUJ_ \t.~~K• h. 1937 Price B,acka !.OOQQ,,$1.fs)lL__ k. ~.:!,~!~,,::, since 1935 Rent Bracket 1937 Rent B,acktt n. .lll.:19·-···--··R<n• &ocke, o. ·-·· "' S~t=at~i~c~ _ _ __ _ _ _ 19 35 f!L~IT~'§.!!L !..~_/ i£~~~ $!5-}?5 ··---·········- ··- ...... .'!? $1S..~?5. _ _ _ _ _ ...J Rental Demand p. l',ed;cted &n, T,.,,,J .~ ;,.!i.~- - - - ~(noxt 6-12 months) $5000-$7500 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION {iwt yr.) No ......fP.9____ _Type & Price 5 & 6 roome__ How Selling Readily _,F"'e"'"-- 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( ..~ ...,..) a. HOL,'-_ 0.,___ _ _ b. 1 ~ HOL~- 0~ - - - b. 1,,,....,_,_,_ 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_...t,l'!!?I.~............... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $l000 (1937~) $~.....41.•...- 1938 ~ - DESCRIPTION AND CHARAcrERlSTICS OF AREA, Terrain level wi th favorable grades. No construction hazards. Land improved 701,. Deed restrictions aro auq:ile and are enforced, Convenie nces are all readily available, including intorurban transportation to Los Angelos city cent er. The nor.them part of the area is a recent subdivision, the southern part was subdivided some 10 or 12 years ago, but up to 3 years 8.{!J) there was but littlo activity, During 3 or 4 years this arOO: bns dovclopad into one of the county's tthot spots 11 • Construction, whi ch is largely accomplished by FHA Ti tl o II financing, is of good standard qwtl.ity and a.rchitoctural designs are individually attracti v e and colleotively harmonious. Both popul a tion and improvements are horroganeous. .An old church, with cemetery surrounding it ia situated on th.e S,P. Ry. betwoen De Salos nnd San Marino Avo., is n sl i ght drtmback to o.buttine; property. Tho Son Ga.bricl Country Club 1G a fo:vorablo int'luoncc, Present indications ore that the area will continue its rapid growth and 'Ifill expand into soma of tho adjoining vacant di str i cts, This aroo abuts on a.roa C-46 at extreme northooat corner olong Longden Ave!, but t h is is no dotrimmt to property situated there o.s ndjaccncy to the San Go.bricl Count!'y Club rror o thrul. offsots this dhadventago. Furthermore, homesitos in a.roa C-46 at t h is poin t or e intorsper s od with attractive citrus groves. 9. LOCATION._.Jl.!'!!.. Gnbriol ______ SECURITY GRADE...J.._L, AREA NO-A,1.6... DATE.9'/J2./.:J9 21 AREA DESCRIPTION ~iity, Map of_.l!9_!!.._:¥.!t;.~l~.!L9.9Wl~Y.:-----1. POPlJLA'hON: d. }rtc,easing_____~!)P~.~i~dl~y~--- Decrea.sihog...._ _ _ _ _ __ Static _____ _ b. Clrus and Occupat:iqn_~s~n~ss & · ro·feasionoi men ooVie & o~_er execu.tiv,cl.~.t----·- retirod capitclists, otc. Income 7500 & u;p c. Foreign Fami!ies....Q _ _1 Nationa!i · d. Negro ...... 0 ...,_i e. Shifting or lnfiltraticm., _ _ __ Z. BUILDlNGS, PREDOMINATING ·1:.10 rooms 100 ..% OTilER TYPE 2-~-~~-~~----!-~-~-~--~-~-~~~b. Construction c. Frnmc, stucco & masonry Average Age d. Repair e. Occupancy f. Owner-occupied 100j( g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Price 13radcet j. Saks Demand $_j;h_~.J.:.Q... i.LlliL______ 'it~~g~ established r.1arkct price tfo......tlli•...t:/l>.O... of ......--'1, d\101ling. Construction $._c.o.s:t_ __ p,r_ic.a_.$1.2.. 000............%. & up J:'.Q_Q,~- - - - - - - 1939 ... ........... Pric, B,ack,t .!.99i~ - - - - %change 1935 Rent Bracket m. 1937 Rent Bracket Jj,l_~i:!.......... Rent Bracket o. -~<1!anJ! $ rontol ·· ·····"' __J $neighborhood_ Rental Demand p. Pmlicred Ren, Trend (next 6-12 months) 7-10 rooms 3. NEW ·coNSIRIJCTION (p,,,t :,,.) No. 1.~ ........ Type & Pric,,~.2.._§(!!l__!_ip.How Selling 0-.mer buil 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL.~__o _ __ b. lnstitution>.<.•--O'--- 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( ..~ ... :,,.) a. HOLC..... .....0. b. In.sdrntion.L.~ ...... __ Q_ 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_.....M!P.l.e ... .... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (l932cJ U~ll0..... --··1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, oak grove. al.ig,htly rolling, with altitude rllllging from 600 to 750 feet from south to north. No constru.ctioU hazards. Land improved 20%. Dc0d restrictions provide for single family structures with a. minimum of 2fl00 sq4 ft. to be constructed under architccturnl supervision. Racinl protection is in perpetuity. Conveniences, including. recreational facilities, arc all as o.vailulio as is desirable for an uroo of this character. This subdivision is po.rt of the lSJ year old Rancho Santa ,A.'lita which was purC:hasod by the ur,ucky" :Baldwin many years ngo and is now pru:t of his ostato. This arco., A20, A21 ond A22,hnve been subdivided during the paet 5 years under the supervision nnd direction of Ro.yroond A. Dorn & Co. of Paso.dena, and conoidorcd m:>dol s for aingl e family residential subdivision s. 'l'his orca contains 103 homcsites , 23 of which huvc been improved. with othors in course of impri>·vcmcnt. The sites run from 2/3 to 2 acres ond are priced from $1.9!:0 to $55'0. Illl!):rovemonts, mainter,i.a.nce, architectural des i gns, o:nd charm of location arO idool, and population is hi{;hly homogcnous. Adjacency to .Aroa C-41 on tho north is not dotrimontul to this oroa us diffcrcrices in terrain, oml the hoavy grc,uth of walnut trees serve as physical borriers to influence, The· impr,, vonmts along Orange Grove Ave. in Area C-41 arc for the m:::ist po.rt, ol d but woll .. min tained 1i1. a.nsion typo d;1al.lings. The area is accord ed a "high greon 11 grade. 9. LOCATION_--'S~nn=to.=J\n~i~t=a_ _ SEa.JRITY GRADE.},.!~.. ~ AREA NO-<l:.:1.~-·· DATI0l??L39 22 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of_.1~_!L.A!!gaj,_~~..9.9.~~----l. POPULATION: a. Increasing · Rapidly b. Class and Occ~.:Q.rofessional I=~e c. Foreign FamilieJ ___ _Q_ ___~ $~~;;;:o~\,r:;ired --···--··-·-·-- Nationalit:ie,~------------ d. Negro ......Q. ...... _.%._ e. Shifting or Infilt,-ation, _ _ _ _ _ _~,_Qit~.--@.P-~.mJ,;_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ 2. BUILDINGS, a. 'Type and Ske PREDOMINATING .. 100.J, b. Corutructiun Frame, stucco & ma:~pnry c. Average Age .~ .IT~, __(new .to ... 5 yrsJ ... Repair Good d. O'IBER TYPE 7-10 rooms(estate & mansion tYE.~),_ _ _ _ _ _ __ Occupanc,· f. Owner«cupied 100% %~~~g~ g. 1935 Price B,ack,t h. 1937 Price Bracket · preclude suppl:fini ···· ··· $price brackets 1, f. J~~~ $$10,000.& .. up j. Sales Demand k.. P,-edicted Price Trend Static 6-12 month.,) 1935 Rmt Bracket $ Not_a_______________ ..............Price Bracket .$ Lack of sales ·-cro·st"-pr1·c-e··1s··frOiii ....... % Fair (next 1937 Rent S.racket $_r_E!l ta1 n. .i.~-~-~---····-····-·Rent Bracket $ _ne_i~borhood .~-- o. Rental Demand %chang~ </,change .......... _% ............... % ----·--"" % p. Predicted Rrnt Trend (next 6-12 m(lndu) 7-10 rms, 3. NEW CONSTRUCTTON (past :yr.) No~...;g). . ....•Ttpc & Price l!:.~QQQ_.<L~..How Selling .9:@..~ ....9.\!U..t_ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (..~... y,.) a. HOL.~- HO·~-~o~-- b. ln,a<uoon~•- ~ o ~ - ~0_ _ _ b. lnrti<uticns, _ _0 ~ - - 6. MORTGAGE RJNDs,_~Amp=l~•~ - 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (1937.c) $.19.,.?Q...-·-···-1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACfERISTICS OF AREA: Terrain slightly rolling liv e oak grove with perceptible grade from south to north. Uo construction hazards. Land iq:>roved. 35'%. Deed restrictions provide for single family structures with a minimum of 2000 sq. ft. to be constructed under architectural supervision. Racial protection is in p erpetuity. Conveniences, including recreational facilities, are all as available as is desirable for area of this character. Th:i.s subdivision is part of the 100 year old Rancho Santa Anita which was purchased by the late u1u cky 11 Bal d.w in nr-.1.ny af::,'O nnG. is now part of his estate. This area, Al9, A.21 and A.22 have been subdivided during the 5 years under the sufH?rvision wd direction of Raymond A. Dorn & Co. of Pasadena, and aro consi d orcd models for sing].e-frunily rosidential subdivisions. This area contains 224 homesites containing from 1/2 to 1 acre or more which arc priced from $1600 to $3000 • . T"ne location is one of great charm. Construction and maintenance arc of excellent character. Population is hom::>geneous and architectural d.esigns arc ho.rrronious and of exceptionally high quality. This area is accorded a 11 high grcen 11 grade, 9. LOCA.TION Son t n Mi ta Onks SECURITY GRADE....1.•.t+ AREA NO-.!:.?<l .. DATF.5i3.f[39 23 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL..!&§..A!!@.!J.I§••£..Q!lli'.!.X_.._._.. t. POPULATION: Ranid l y_ ··----- Decreasin,,.__ _ _ _~~- Static ______ ..._.. a. Increasing Income $3600- 7200 b. Class and Occ:uP<uwn .. Business &_ru:~na l men , e xe c uti ~¥....J...!l~.4....P:~..Q.P.l .e__ _ _ c. Foreign Families.......9---~ Nationalitie., _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ e. Shifting or Infilttation _ _ _ _ _ _~,. OM... .a,p,p_ar.!;l.n:~- Z. BUILDINGS, .-92.1 PREDOMINATING d. N,gro_ ..Q._.i ----------OrilER TYPE ··-···6- 8 __ r m s ~ - - - - - b. Constniction c. A t1ttage A ge d. Rtpair e. Occupancy .....lm"------- f. C>wna-occupied ·······l00%_ _ _ _ __ g. 1935 Price Bracket i h. 1937 Price Bracket j_ Sales Demand Fair k. Predicted Priu: Trend (next 6-12 mondu) 1935 Rent Bn:1cket Static -==~----_,Npt a %,chans::e 1937 Rent Bracket $ ... rental ·····-······-% J.229...............Pric, B,ackn -- L %change -75QQc}.Q,.QQQ..• ( change .............. % -·-·-.,, o. Rrnta! Demand p. Predicted Rent Trmd (ntxt 6-12 mondu) 3. NEW CONSTRUCilON {post yr.) No~ ____!.5. ____.Type & Price .i75.QQ.:12.,.9.Q9... How &!ling Owne r built 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, •. HOLc....._:..__ _ _ b. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS· A.>nple 6 to 8 rms (.3.. ,,-.) a. HO O lnmMion,,__~o~ - - b. 1~ 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193._7i$_ $. 20 ....••... 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain rolling and tree covered with gradual slope from north to south . No construction hazards . Land impr oved 30%. This area consists of p l atted tract containing 98 build ing sites o r lots, 29 of which are imp r oved, These tract s contain f r om 1/3 to 1 acre or mor e. Deed s provide that improvements are limited to single fami l y residences of not less than 1600 sq . ft , and a r e to be con- st r ucted unde r ar chitectural supervision , and contai n rac i al. restrictions wh i ch run in pe r petuity . Building sites a r e pr i ced from ~1450 to $2150 . While not quite so high gr ade as e.reo.s A- 19 and A- 20 the general characte r istics a re the same (see des cr ip t i ons of those ureas).• L owr Rancho 9. LOCATION Santa Anita SECURITY GRADE..J•L. AREA NO_A, ?.l DATilLd'].~9 . 24 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of ...l&.fLn~gd$!.S. ...C.9.Yn:t~.--1. POPUIATION: a. lncrcasing ____ !?_!?_~----~--J?.~l-9W: ··········-···· Demasi·,.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static b. Class and Occupation ____________ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ c. Fon?ign Families ...._______ _1., e. 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING a. Type and Size b. Nationalitie~---------- - - Negro, ________ .....% OTHER TYPE ... see ... Bbelm"~-- - - Construction c. Average Age d. Rezxur e. Occupancy f. Owner-occuJ>ied g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Price Bracket J, ...... _% ........Price Bracket j, Sakii Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket m. 1937 Rent Bracket %_change j, f -, ____ <J, ......... Rent Bracket o. d. Shifting or Infiltration _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ·---·-,--% Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6--12 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past )'r.) No..... ..T:,pe & Price _ _ _ __now Selling _ _ _ __ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. ..D b. Institutions _ _ _ __ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( ...-,:,,.) a. HOLC. ...... .0 . b. Institutions _ _ _ __ HOLC 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, _ _ _ _ _ 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.?i $__/.e_,gg__ J_._._t) 1938 8. DESCRlPTION AND CHARACTERI;'TICS OF AREA, Terrain : level with favorable grades and no co nstruction hazards. This area knovm as Santa Anita Village which has been recently platted contains 58 building sites, 24 of which are said to have been sold at prices 1"8-nging from $695 to t,1095 . There are no completed improvements in t his subdivision al though construction has started upon several in the few weeks •. Deeds provide for racial restrictions in perpetuity and limit improvemonts to 1200 sq._ ft. which must be constructod under architectural supervision. This development is being marketed under the same sponsorship as areas A-19, A-20, and A- 21, and the sarra general description and characteristics will apply to this area. The location, however, is not deemed so desirable, o.nd building requirements permits smaller structures. The area is assigned a provisional 11 low groen 11 Hatche d 9. LOCATION ...~P:.rr.t~.~~.!~1?:tU.~~- SECURITY GRADE. .J.~.t....:- AREA NO~.. -~.A:-:.?? DATEli-.::_g§,-:39 25 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oLl?.~-J~·!!.5:lcllos County 1. POPULATION: a. lncreasing _ _ ,_~.!!./0..~.~Y.... _, _____ -······- Inc ome ..,3bo~60(5'-&Up Decreasin b. Class and Occupatu,n Business & profossiono.l mon , exooutivos & retired pc~lo ______ _ i Negro ____ __ g_ ____'b_ c. Foreign Families .... 9.. ___ e. Shi/ting or Infiltration _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~N~o~nc~------ - -- - - - - Narionali"'·"-------- - - - - - - 2. llUILD!NGS, PREDOMINATING a. Type and Sqe __ _7-10 rooms b. Construction __Masonry & stucco ... 95.% c. Average Age 8 years d. Repair Good _ _ _ _ __ e. Occupancy d. OTHER TYPE _ .....99%~------ OwneT-occupied ·······.95%_ _ _ _ __ g. 1935 Price Bracket $ ... 8000- 2.Q...OO0 ____ 1>c:han;e '$change h. 1937 Price Bracket ~- ..~000-20.,000 ... ..... % j. Sates Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (n,,t 6-12 mont!u) 1935 Rent Bracket t _Jfo.t__.a__,__ ....% t ...r.i:mto.l....... .. m. 1937 Rrnt Bracket ····--·--·-·······-······Rent o. .S.tAti.c__ _ _ _ __ ...........% .....% Bracket Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) 7- 10 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCl10N (pan :,r.) No......3 .......Type & Price _$J.g_.,5.Q.Q=.,~ ......How &lling .~<J.:r.._,QµJJ:L .. 20,000 4. OVERHANG OF HO'ME PROPERTIES: a. HO O b. lnstitutioru 0 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.3 :,,.) a. HOLC•..... Q b. lnstitution.L. .. _ ................Q 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,- •.......MJPlo ......... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $!000 (193..7.➔ $.-5~.,1.Q ........ 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Te rrain : Hills ide to hilltop. Soma construction hazards . Land improved 20% out of a possible 6o/0 • Docd restrictions run 50 yours with provision for r onewnl. Provides for o.rohitcotural supervision cf plans for improvements o.nd p r otects ago.inst ro.cio.l ho.znrds . Conveniences arc all nvv.iln.ble tut not reo.dily so. This o.roo. ,-tiich is some 15 years old hn.s boon developed -without high prossuro p romotionnl effort, ho.s hnd a ston.dy though modor growth.• Construction and nnintonc:.noc of good character and architccturnl designs o.rc harmonious . ?opulo.tion and improvements arc homogeneous. Tho o.roo. occupies n sightly loco.tion whic h affords InD.ny view loc ations . Disto..nco from s chools nnd other conveniences is nn unfnvornblo factor but does not grontly ho.ndic o.p ns this is o. two-car go.r age neighbor hood. The o.ron is o.ccordod o. 11 lcw grocn 11 gr r.d e . 9. LOCATION ........ !'Plllonn........... .... SECURITY GRADE AREA NO•... Ac23 DATE5a.8s.39 26 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oLl.9L•fu:U~~-l~§...gQ):Y!'t;Y._,____ ,___ ._ 1. POPULATION: a. focrea.sing_.,_.. ,Ra...ill,Q.J,y_.____________ Decrea.sin· Static ________ Business and pr ofessional men , mirlor e xecutives , whi te b. Class and Occupatio,L ____9.9J,.lar._w~.:ts;.L_Irut9.m...l_~.QQ-~_15Q_oo"'-------- c. Foreign Families__ __Q__~ e. Shifting o,- Nadonalilit~ - - - - - - -- - - - - d. N, gro.__Q... _.'fe lnfifLTation _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2. BUil.DINGS, PREDOMINATING 100.% 01HER TYPE a. T-:,t,e and Si.;:e b. Constmcticn c. A\leTage Age ..-l¼..niu.:i;i ··--···-·-·······--·- ..-·---··-· d. R,pa;, .,.(i_Q,~---- - - - e. Occupancy f. Ou,ner-oro4pied g. 1935 Price Bracket ~.Loo.0-5J).QQ_·-···· h. 1937 Prict Bracktt f.J.soo-.woo.. --···· .......... .,, %change 'l, ,ha,w, ·-·--·% ..----1 k. Predicted Pnu Trend (next 6-11. months) 1935 Rent Bracket m. 1937 Rent Bracket ·····-··-··-···-·······-··Rent Bracket o. ____§_1;_{;._t.i!.'<_ _ _ _ __ f NoL•-···---··· $ .......r ent $ _o.r ea :(change %,.~, ______________ . .............% __________ ............. % __J~ .. J, Rental Demand Predicud Rent Tttnd (nu:t 6-12 months) 5- 6 rm Frmoo & Stucco 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa,r , ,.) N,._.J.O..__T:,t,< & Pric, J/,SQQ.:.Q'i.Q.Q.. _Jiow Selling .. _.QQ.<2,1.___ _ p. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL.~ - ~o~- - b. ln,titwio•~~o~--- 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( •..3,.,..) a. HOL O b. In,""'"'"'- 7- 6 0 6. MORTGAGE RJNDS,_.\ll'_p.J,•-·-········-·· 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.l) $_5s.,.7Q. 8. DESCRil'TION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Tarr : Love l with f avor able gr ade s o.nd no construction hn zo.rds . Lo.nd impr oved 80f.. Doed restr i c tions prov ide uniform sot backs o.nd minimum c ost of impr ovements , Pr otec ts aga i ns t r o.c iul ho.zo.r ds . Conveni enc as o.r e o. 11 r eo.dily o.vailo.blo. This i s :i COl:l!iuro.t i voly new subdivision whi ch wo. s pl a ced on tho rorko t within tho po. st 5 yea r s . Duo to n woll diroct0d sa l os c ampa i gn o.n.d tho stimul us of F'rlA f i nancing t h i s o.r eo. hns boen orw of tho "hot sp ot s 11 in tho ec.storn po.rt of tho County . Const r uc tion is of c xco l lont quo.lity o.nd mo.i n~ tonanco indicates high pride of ownership . Populo.tion i s homogeneous nnd o.r chitocturo.l designs aro o.ttr uct ,i vo o.nd ho.rmonious , Improvements , c ons isti ng lo.rgoly of Monterey e.nd Spanish typos , are of unifonn ago o.nd placement o.ddi ng chnrm to tho district , There nro no o.ppo.ront dotr i100nto.l infl uences .nnd tho o.r oo. is o.ccorded o. 11 100dinl grcon 11 gr , 9. LOCATION .......•...... _i'.o!llQ.IJ!l_.-·-······ ··· SECURITY GRADE. .l•t.... AREA NO_ ...Ac."4 DATE...5=-6.=39 (Ganosho. Flo. co ) 27 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oLkQ_~ __Ang_qJg_§. __.9.Q',!P.~.Y..... a. Ipe~if~ss~:~n!:~: -·-bu·s·iriCs~~~i;~tiVcS,- rCtircd co.pi~~stS b. Class and Occupcttion nnd_ woo.lthy o.rtists. Incooo ~5()00- 10 1 000 and up l. POPULATION: c. Foreign Families ....Q ......%. Nationali,.· · , ~ - -- - - - - - - - - - d. Negro ........9........ %. e. Shifting or InfiUTcuion, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _N o n o ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING .. 60 ..% OTI-IER TYPE a. Type and Size 7 __ rm __ b~~go._l_ow _ _ __ b. Corutn<cri-On Stucco, c. AtJeTage Age d. Repair e. Occupancy f. Owner-occupied g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Pric< B,ackct ...... Goo9,c.__ _ _ _ __ _ ..(igg_d~----- W39··· ....lrm,-c_•_ _ _ _ __ ·········100'/.,_ _ _ _ __ . Pric< B,acket .. JQQ% 10Q%,~•------ $... 9000-10 I.12,5QQ...on.\....up.... J 000 .... $ .. 9000. 10.,000 _ ... j. Sales Demand ______Sl.o•. u _ _ _ _ _ __ k. PTedicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket ______ Stu,. o.ill.._ _ _ __ ...• Sto.b.l.,,_ _ _ __ _ ~------.N.o.t...a___ '.%..!:.~~g~ f ...N.o:LL. t . . . r.on:t .......... % m. 1937 Rent Bracket ..............Rent Bracket o. Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend $ __.a..r_uo,_______________ ...............% % ····-··% (next 6-12 months) 5 ls.rgo $30,000-35,000 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pruc ,,.) No....<5. ..Type & Pric< .?.Q...7.c..rm...i'J.9.!Xl!ow SdUng ... .lilmcr....b.!Ji1t. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, o. HOLC..•.. ......0. . . S. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (..,-.,,.) o. $10,000 b. In.stitulions...........0 ............. HOLC .......... 0. ....................... b. In.stituricn, .Yory... 8, 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,..Amplc...,i.thin .. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.. $. ..52,7.0.....•....limits 1939 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA: Terrain: High plateau, level to rolling in wost near Po.lisades. Vory little construction huzo.rd. Lo.nd improved l5io• 'Dead restrictions provide for singlc-fa..;,.ily structuros, minimum costs rnnging from $5()00 to $30 ,000, urchitc ctur o.l supervision o.nd protects ugninst subvcrsivo ro.cial hnzo.rds in perpetuity. Convbnioncos tire not readily o.vo.ilo.ble, trnnsporto.tion being notnbly inudcqur,to,. This, ho•,•.cvor , is not o. serious hundico.p in a district of this typo. This subdivision wo.s pluccd on the llll.\rkct soroo little ti.Jrc ago by the Santo. Monicn Lo.nd & r Company o.nd is being developed inn vory orderly nnd dignified manner. Construction und maintenance nre of the highest typo nnd nrchitoctural designs nre tho last word in tho nr~.. Populo.tion nnd improvements highly homog0noou5;. Marino and mountain views o.lso ndd to the desirability of the locution. Lot vo.luos rnngc from $25 to $30 per front foot with some homositos nt much higher prices~ The nrcn ii:; sopa ro.tod from adjacent lcmcr grade nrons by c anyons o.nd stoop bluffs. Thero no dorogntory influence~ nnd , Vlhilo low percent of lo.nd development precludes other provisiono.1 11 hnt chod green" grude , there is ovory indication thnt ovcntuully it will merit tho highest Hutched 9. LOCATION ...~~n:~2-.ngton Pnliso.desSECURITY GRAD£... }.~.-~.... AREA NO... _.~_:-:.?5. DATE.2.:.~.-::~9 CAUTION: This o.ron is currently f'.ffoctod in uholo or in po.rt by o.n Ad valerol!!. --- Tn.x District. Individual properties should be chocked for this ho.zn.rd,. 28 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL.~9.!>....~&Q.!.2_s____9.9~;;!t.y______ _ l. POPULATION: a. lncreasing b. Class and Occupation c. Foreign Families __ _Q_i Income Decreasing l y $~~.:io, o66 Business & professional nxm , executives and rotirod cnpitali::rt: Nanonal,w·· ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING .7-9 b. Con.n=ticn _Jlz.J OTI!ER TYPE --2Ll r ooms Stucco c. Aue,-age Age d. Repair ·-m~-- ---- e. Occupancy f. Clwne,-oaupi,d _ 25%~------ g. 1935 Price Bracket $1Q 1009 o.nd u2.... 1,change h. 1937 P,ic, Bmcka tl.Q,QQO .. o.r4.... e.P..... ...........%. i. .1939.____________ Pria Bracket $10,000 _nnd __ uE.__ 1, j. Sales Demand k.. Predicted Price Trend (n.exr: 6-,12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket ...._ ..... % __ %. DormAnt Sta.tic~-----$ _ Not n_______ %change $ __ C'.reo._____ ---~ .............. % 1937 Rent Bracket o. 1, chang.: ___ .,, Rental D<mond Prdicted Rent TTend (nt:xt 6-12 mondu) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No ...• )5 .....Type & Price!§__!_Au~.P......How Selling Owne r built 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, o.. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (..3.... ,.,.) 0 _ _ b. lru.,_, ..... Vo ry fow .. _.. o. HOL.~- - ~ p. $12 , 500 o.nd up HOL~- ~ ~ - b. Irutitwtwtls Very fow ...., __ _ 6. MORTGAGE FUNDs,_,l/ll,:pJ 9._,,i,!.hJn.... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (19311:l $-2?~.59 1939 limi ts Somo hillside. to ing Roll Torrain: AREA: OF S 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACfERISTIC construction hazo.rds . Lo.nd ir.iproved 15%. Deed restrictions limit improvements otects pr nnd , supervision o.1 hitoctur c o.r for ovide pr structuros, to single-family . ago.inst subvorsivo ro.cio.1 hn zo.rds . Conveniences a r 0 not conveniently nvn il nble This wo ll concoivod o.rco. wns sul;d ividod som::, 14 yonrs ngo o.nd ho.s since ox pori l ol oxc of o nr maintenance oncod n consistent grovrth . Constr uction o.nd tor o.nd nrchitocturo.l designs ho.rmonious o.nd to tho charm of the d i strict . Population , which is lo.rgoly in tho higher income bro.ckets , o.nd i mprovomonts both hol'!'IOgonoous . Many of tho homcsitos o.r o of pr opor tions o.nd l\ro i mproved horticulturo.lly with citrus orcho.rds , otc . This l ocation . hns great chnrm with o. broo.d view of tho Pacific Oceo.n o.nd SMto. Monico., is Even its isolc.t i on , wh ile mo.king it ino.ccoss i blo nnd remote from convenionoes, if relicvod partially n fo.voro.blc fuc t or in this type of district . This will bo tho pro jected roc.dwny down Snnto. Monico. Canyon bocomos o.n l\ccomplishod fo.ct. Price bro.cknt shown is nominal o.s sizo of homesito governs • . Lnnd vo.luos , whilo not gone r l\lly so quoted , will r un o.pproxinnt e ly $30 per front foot . It is felt tho.t tho r o.tho r sevoro dood r 0striction will probably reto.rd imdevelopment o.nd thnt gr owth will bo slow. Owing to tho low porcont of lnnd 11 proved o.nd of definite pattern, the o.ron is o.ccordod o. provisiona l hrltoh:ld groan II grndo • Ha.tchod SECURITY GRADE....!•t.... AREA NO._,\::.s'> DATE2:2:'.l9 9. LOCATION._ ........!\iviorn CAUTION: This n r oo. is currently o.tfoctod in who l e or in po.rt by nn Ad va l orom To.x District . Individuo.l properties should bo choc ked for thi s hu za.rd1; 29 . AREA DESCRII'TION Security Map oLLQ.~...Mg,~_l,..§.._C.o.Mn:tY. 1. POPULATI0N: a. Jnctea.Sing ___ 11Qg~.r.-~t.~JY..... --······--··· .Dc.cttasin Static Business &: professional men, executives, · retired b, Class and Occupation __c_~_p~_t~Jj._~1h __moti_cm_p_'.!_g_t._Y£_~__jl£~_ill_s, etc. Inco~....$.QQQQ::.B?.LQQ9 c. Foreign Families._._Q__J~ e. Shifting OT ·Nationaliti d. Infiltration __ JP:f..:!Jt.r..~ t..i.9n....Qf...J1i&§!__ Q.!?.l9-1:lcY.....§9.Y.t.h....9.f... ..~.@§.~J..... __________ _ 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING ...9-l0_J'OOlf!___ g____s~_ 9 ry ,.. b. Corutructwn _____ Brick~___stu_cco Average Age OTHER TYPE .. 70 .}, a. T,pe and Site c. and up Negro _____Q_______ ~ 2 story variety of'.. __ siz~s .....l5...,Y.!;l,[l,,:C..~•---- d. Repair e. Occupancy Owner-occupied ... ...... 9<:f/4,_ _ _ _ __ g. 1935 Price Bracket $..12.• 50.0.~..15..,.QQ(Lup h. 1937 Price Bracket ~-l3.~5QO.~.l'l .• 550....up ............... % .193.9 ................ Pric, &aci«I $13,500-17,500... UP j. Sales Demand Good k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 mondu) 1935 Rent Bracket Static 1937 Rent Bracket 1:.~~~;_e. %change .....%. .. J, Not a ~change rent ............ % --~ o. Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) 8 & 9 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No .. .?.9: .... ....T-ype & Price~1JI..A.2.9_Q_1:!£_____._..How Selling Built on order 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (3 ,..) a. HOL.'-----''---- b. Institutions Very few a. HOLC•......... 4.......... b. 11•5~ ·-J;;r!/[i;ti;:s-t 1 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, Amp~~rn~;hin 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193..7.:) $_½,~t~-'-si'. S. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACIBRlSTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Rolling to semi- hillside. No serious construction ho.zards.. Land improved 50fo (70'/,, south of Sunset). Deed restrictions provide for single-family structures with varying minimum improvement costs in different parts·. Also affords racial protection. Conveniences are adequate for district of this type·• . This area represents the oldest development in West Los Angeles. It was subdivided from 15 to 20 years ago and has experienced a steady growt};t. Many improvements are comparatively old but the excellent character of mo.intenance h as kept them modornized • This is one of the best landscaped sections of the city. Construction is of the highest quality and arch itectural designs leave little to be desired. Population is homo geneous and t r,kes evident pride in their district. The recent influx of motion picture employees hns had the effect of raising land vnlues which arc now nvoro.ging better tho.n $50 per front foqt. Price brackets given nbovo are nominal and will vary o.ccording to .size of' homosite.· Adjaccnco to the swanky Riviera Country Club is n fnvornble factor. Vfuile vo.rying somewhat in different po.rts tho o.rco. o.s o. whole is o.ocerded o. 11 medinl green 11 9. LOcATION._);3.r.gnP!'f.2.9.!!..J:.~.K............. SECURITY GRADE...).f!: ..... AREA NO~----·A:::?7 DATE.-3::9.::~39 ~: This o.roo. is currently a ffe cted in whole or in po.rt by nn Ad valorom To.x District. Indiv idwil properties should be chocked for this hnzard. 30 AREA DESCRIPTION 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing·-·--··· Decreasi,..__ _ _~I,-n-co-,,.,--.$75~c!t5~(()lliJ.p b. Class and Occuparion....!:'.!:.9.:f..~Ssional &: bu~.?:~-~-~-..!R.~ lh. .. !=Jzt:ecutives, retir~5!...9.!:!-.E..~t.!1-JJs'!;:.~., . etc.: c. Foreign Familu!s ....9 .. _____% e. Shifting OT d. N,g,o._...-9......% In/iltration _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~noruLJ!lU?.g_r..~t~- - - - - - - - - 2. BUILDINGS, a. Nationali"•·~----------- PREDOMINATING 8-9 Type and Siz.e _8!2_~ room .. 2 st~ry_.. ____Stucc.~o_ _ _ __ b. Consrruction O'lliER TYPE _l,a_rger & smaller residences c. A\lel'age Age f, Owne,,-occwpi,d -·-··.951'~- - - - - g. 1935 Pria &ock< }.lQ.,.0.00c.l.2.,.5.0Q...up t,.~g( h. 1937 Pria B,ock< i..ll,OQQ-13,.759....up ····- .......% .. - ... % .ig:,9.... .......... Price B,ock, ! .U,QQOc.l},.75.0..UP ............% ___.,, _-99!!~----- j, Sales DetMnd k. Predicted Price Trend (nett 6--12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket L&-..~..o.L.___,.. %'"""'' 1937 Rent Brocket $...... hon,, ··-······-···· 1n. ········-·····Rent o. Rental Demar.d . ~=-·~----......% ............ % Bracket --·.1, ..... N.o._r .e.utaL..r:ang.a_.______ _ fudiaed R"" T,end _ .on>Jlll.<ho<l___. __. _ (next 6-12 months) 2 story stucco About 50% bui~ 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (prut yr.) No._)5.. ____ ,_Type fl Price _j_g.t.29Q_!!fl__ ... .How StUing P.2....9..r.g~X-~--balance selling fairly 4. OVERHANG ·op HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOLC. .........0. . b. '1",J,lMimu ..........Fa"'-··· ...· ......... p. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (....3.:,,.) a. HOL.~- ~ - - - b. lru""""'"'-······f•.w 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, _ _ ......A!lml• ........ 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.6,J $....56,.50 1939 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Rolling to hillside with intervening valleys or canyons . Many sites constitute construction hazards. _Land improved 25'/4 • .. Highly deed r estricted to single-ffimily dwelling at varying minimum costs. Also provides raoio.l protection. Convoniences are not readily available, v.hich is overcome to solll:l extent by ownership of ample private transportation . This area , which includes Tigertail Estates, Highland Hill and po.rt of Brentwood, was subdivided botwoen 12 ani 15 a.go• Original restrictions in part of o.roo. wore found to be too stringent and were modified, wh i ch has served to increase activity. Tho areo. o.s a whole ho.s shown slow but steady growth without the aid of high pressure promotional e ffor t . Construction nnd maintonnnco are of oxcollont chnracter. Architectural designs harmonious and popu lation is homogeneous. The area is aoioowhat isolated but this is considered a fo.voro.blo factor by present rOsidonts. Lot vnlues differ but nvcro.go around $35 por front foot. Tho nron is accorded a "low groan " grade. Brentwood, Highland Hills o.nd 9. LOCATION_'!_igortnil Esta.tos SECURITY GRADE... _~-~~---~ AREA NO~_:_g_~-- DAn....J.=Q.~}9 CAUTI ON : This a.ran is currently a.ffeotod in whole or in po.rt by o.n Ad vo.lorom --Tnx District. Individual propertie s should bo checked for this hnznrd.· 31 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of 1. POPULATION: a. Los Angolcs County Inc1eruing _____~El~l ..... ______________ Decrea.sirHr Income $ _ ~~ -·up···3000 1 00 b. Class and Occupation.J}~-~i~.§..§__~_..PI.Qf.~_:i,.QJll',_l men, Jr,.. officials & executives c. Foreign FamilieL..JL...~ 2. BUILDINGS, NationaUties, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ .70 PREDOMINATING a. Type and Size ..'f, d. 1 Negn>.-. ..9 ...... OTIIER TYPE 6-7 nn. bungalow Stucco b. Construction c. Average Age e. Occupancy .. m~-- - -- f. Owner-occut,ied .... .9o;;~- - - - - ..f~tr_to excellent g. 1935 Price Bracket ~ ..5.00.0:::.7.Q.QQ. %chan~e h. 1937 Price Bracket ~---·600.0.~.75.0.0... _, ... ···········-· 1, 1939 ....... Price B,aclret $ 6500-8000 .............. % j, Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket $ Few _rez:i,ta,l __units %,~hanJ{e ,£change 1937 Rent &aclret .$. 40 - 50 .............. J, ···············"' n. ...19:;9..............Rent &aclret $45 - .35 o. Rental Demand ........G.9•. s...~ - - - - - - Good . __ ~pward ···-·- . ·····- - % % Predicted Rent Trend ____§:t.~!;i9__t9..._1.un~r.d ______ _ (next 6-12 months) 6-7 rm. bungalow 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No .......3.Q..... _T:ype & Price J.§.5.Q9::2.Q9_9.... -How Selling Readily p. 4, OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOLC ... .. 9. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (. 2:,,.) a. HO,~-~0_ __ b. lrutitutions,_F~•~w_ __ 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_ .. . Ample . .......... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193..~~ $..5.e.,]9. 1939 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Rolling to rugged hillside in northern o.nd western po.rts. Some 00.ildi. . f" hazards. Land improved 20¼ of the 50% available for building sites. Deed restrioted to minimum of $5000 improvement cost. Provides for perpetual ro.cial protection., Zoning single-fo..mily •. Transportation limited to private •. Free bus transporto.tion to public schools. Churches o.nd trading centers not reo.dily avo.ilo.ble. This o.rea wns first platted in 1921~ or 1925 but development has largely to.ken plo.oe in past 4 or 5 years, . growth being retarded by litigation over title to canyon lo.nds, which hus now been determined. Characteristics: Young people; slight firo o.nd flood ho.z.ard .. This somewhat isolated district is developing quite ro.pidly. , Improvoments are well constructed nnd highly muintnined Architectural designs are uniform o.nd population, which is predominantly of the younger generntion, is homogeneOus. It is c. two-cnr gnro.go neighborhood, tots : 'ri:.lucs vary from $1000 to $1500.. T.he o.roo. i"s o. popul ::i.r ono o.nd trend of desirability is defin1tely upward.. CNring to low percont of ln.nd improvemont,. prosent luck of convcnienoe.s o.nd· minor ho.z.o.rds mentioned., · it is not thought feasible to acc·ord other thnn o. proviSional "low green" grade. 9. LOCAT!ON ...89M.<!!!>X.9.~-········ SECURITY GRADF.Je~...c. AREA NO•....~ce9 DATEJ.:J:}.9 CAUTION: This is currently affected in whole or in part by an Ad valorcm Tax District.,. Individual properties should be checked for this ho.zard. 32 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Mnp of.. Los_ Angeles ,County 1. POPULATION: a. Steadily Decreasin,".,-,--.-,,-,,--,~-~ Static ..... Business &: professional men-, capitalists, motion picture Income $.!Q.,.000 and up I stars, etc. lncrea.sing b. Class and Occupatioti executives, directors c. Foreign FamilieL..Q. ______1., e. Shifting OT Natu:Jnalities _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Infiltration _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ijf)JW ..fil?.E!IJ.'_~_n=t_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Z. BUILDINGS, 10()_% PREDOMINATING a. Type and Size b. Construction c. Average Age O11-!ER TYPE 10-15 rm Estate & Mansion types_ Stucco & Masonry 6 years d. Repair e. Occupancy ........9 . % ~ - - - - - ..... 95% g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Price Bracket i. .19.39 .............. Price Bracket ;. Sale, k. P,-edicted Prict. Trend (next Demand 6-12 %change $ ___ 2:5,.000 ___ and __ \!P . .............% _____ Good (see __ 'p!;J,l.ow) Jr.onths) 1935 Rent l._lil.Qi ..tL. 1937 Rent Bracket .t. ..r.ental. ..Rent Bracket o. Rental. Demand p. Pred?'cud Rent Trend (ne.\t 6-12 months) .......... % i._..tU:'.O.A .. _ . .......... % % ···-···· </, $40 ,000--150,000 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No•.... .60 ....Type & Price .l.Q.-:-l.5_.I:..92.llL .....HOW Selling -~'.n~l'_..9.!-:!}_!..-;.... Mansions b. lnstitutioru..-..·--·--·..f~:!1:.... -..._ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERT1ES: a. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.. 3.J'.) a. HOL.~-~~ - - b. lmcitutioru. ...........f.ev,. HOL O 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,...Amµk. w.ithin... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (1931.a.) $....5la,Y.Q.....- ...•. limits 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA: Terrain : Rolling to hillside - valley to rugged hilltops causing many construction hazards and high building costs. Lend improved hO% •. Highest type deed restrict i ons, which are rigidly enforced, protect in perpetuity against racial hazards and provides mininrum improvement costs and requires architectural sup e rvision. Zoning limits improverrents to single-family residences and provides for uniform placement of improvements. Due to t ype of occupo.ncy, trm sportation is entirely by privo.tely owned automobiles or taxi service.Proximity to Westwood and Beverly Hills provides conveniently o.vnilable schools,• churches, trading and amusement centers. This aren consists of three subdivisions: Bel-Air, Holmby Hills & Boverly Estates, r.11 of which have been developed within tho past 15 years in an orderly nnnne r and under efficient sponsorship. This area represents, without question, the highest type of r esidential construction· and nnintennncc in Los Angelos County. Homc sitos rnngo in size to from 2 to 15 o.cros., which sell for from $ 7500-12,500 per acre. Cost of throe r ocont improveIIDnts, including sites in Holmby Hills, were reported to bo $80,000, $100,000 and $110,000 .. It is noticenble that now construction is along con~vrva tivo lines but ropresonts the highest typo of urchitocturnl skill. Extcnsivo improvom0nts of loss pretentious cho.rncter, in a pric v of $25,000-35, 000, have to.ken place in Stone Cnnyon and tributary valleys in t ho 3 yrs •. Sal.cs domnnd in the area is good., It should be borne in mind,. however, t ho.t for salo purpos<::s there is nornnlly a high r e.tio of doprocia.tion from cost pric,,: in improvements of thG nnnsion type.. The trend of dosirnbility is definitely upward in this o.rco. nnd it is a.coordod tho 11 highest greon11 grudo • . 9. LOCATION~.o.l.c.A>h.J!'l>y_~I,1JssECURITY GRADE.•.!.s1'. .. ~ AREA NO-.-.o!d◊ DATE.3.::.!:3-9 Boverly Esto.tes 33 This urea. is currently affoctod in whole or in po.rt by un Ad valorom Tax District .... Individuo.l proportfos should bo checked for this, ~: ·AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oLJ•.2.§!.._¥.g~J:~~....9.~w.:i~Y--···----1. POPULATION: a. Increruing_._JJ.Qrtg_fJ!,t.9-1.Y.. ______.,_.... Decreasin,,__ _ _ _ _ _ Static Professional men, business and University executives, b. Class and Occupation ___l°.!3.!J!'J!!L~.2.PJ.Q.......~k~-!E_g_9~_$.2.QQ.Q::.lQ..;_000.aa,en,,_d_,u,,,p_ _ _ __ c. FOTeign Families ...... □ _'% e. Shifting M 2. BUILDINGS, a. T~pe and Size b. Nationalities, _ _ _ _ _ _ _---"- _ _ __ Infilttatum, _ _ _ _ _ :tf.9J1,~----~J?parept,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Constn«:tion c. Average Age d. Repair e. Occupancy PREDOMINATING50 ...'fl .... 7 OlHER TYPE xms . ... 8-10 .. rooms __ Br ick __ &_stucco 2 story Stucco & masonry 4 yr•·~----- ...4 Y{_2S_,_.- - - - - - ..._9Y .. ,"-'_ _ _ _ __ f. Owncr-occupied ....75%'------- g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Price Bracket J1....8000.al2.50.0..... f ...§9.9.9.:-:.3.-3 t.9.99..... . $ 9000-15 ,000 ...... %dumge . ............. % i. 1939 .............. Price Bracket j. Sales Demand k. PmUc&:<i Frke Trend (ncn <...l'l months) 193::, .'it.nt :Jracket ~--7.9 - 90 1937 Rent Bracket $ ~ 19}9................Rent B,ack,t $ ... 80 .. - 100 · - - o. Rental Demand .....••..G.Q9.!.S.- - - - - - f~ ir to good Fair Static ......S t a t i c ~ - - - - %..':.~~.$'~ 80 - 100 $ ,J,change ? _....% 1, 90 and up % ~ 90 and up ............... % Good P,.edictcd Rene Tttnd ·--.S.t.ati $t£1,t;i.c;_ _ _ _ __ (nex.: 6-12. months) 7 rm bungalow 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa,r -,,.) No ......3.5 .... T,r,e & Price ..~25.QQ..~...~E......How Selling .. p. ~~.;~.\.,i;e·t;;:) 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES l .3.....yr.) a. O b. !~ HOL.'--- ~ - - - b. Irutitution.s,_~Fc,oc,,wc__ 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_.........N!!E.l.~......... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (I93.Q:) $.-5e,..79............ . 1939 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACfER!ST!CS OF AREA, Terrain : Slightly to heavily rolling with some construction hazards due to fills and possible erosion. Land improved 40% of a possible 90fo. maximum. .Amply deed r estricted both as to improvements and population. Transportation is dependent upon private conveyances. Free bus to schools , churches, trade and amusement centers, one - half mile distant. This area was subdivided some 7 or 8 years ago under the sponsorship of the Janss Investm:=.,nt Corporation, high grade subdividers who have been principally responsible for devoloproant of a large part of the section known as "Westwood", Development wns retarded during its earlier years but has been activo during the pa st 4 or 5 years, The chfof characteristics of the district a re its isolated secl\.lsion and highly homogeneous populatiol)., Architectural designs are also harmonious and improvements and mnintono.nco are of good quality, Average homositos currently soll for a ro und $2500, according to size c.nd loco.tion, This areo. is somovtio.t ovorshndowod by othor more pretentious nenr 1\y nroo.s . ' Tho trond of rosidontinl desiro.bility of this section is u..>tqucstionably upwr.I'd and indientions that this will continue for mo.ny yenrs to coma. The o. is o.ccordcd n 11 rodio.l green 11 9. LOCATION .... Ilo•iY<o.od.... _ .............. .. SECURITY GRADE....... l,.t. .. AREA NO.....Ac3l DATE..3=.<c.3S ~ : This o.reo. is currently nffectcd i n whole or in po.rt by o.n Ad vulorem Tax District. !ndividun.1 proportios should bo chocked for this Mzard.. 34 AREA DESCRIP110N 1. POPULATION: a. 1ncreasing___i!]9doratoly Decreasit1,,__ _~ - - - Static.----Profcssionn.l & business men, oxocutivcs, (muny University b. Class and Occuparion __ j_'_i:;_gJ.1-J.U__.ffiQ.i!l~l.-§..ruoo....m.Qt.iQn._~j.1t9JJ:.Q_!;\.Q.)._gJlr.itiQ.S..-Q.t.~.-.... _. Income $5000-10,000 up c. Foreign Farrnlies ...Q. ____'t! Nationalitie-----~--- - - - - d. Negro ......_, _Q___ .%. e. Shifting ur lnfiltration _ _ _ _ _ _ _---"!'_, 2. BUILDINGS, a. PREDOMINATING b. Construction c. ......95...~ T,pe and Size .. Average Age d. Repair .............G.t1.2, _ _ _ _ __ e. Occupancy ..... .. . 98;1_·- - -- f. Owner-occupjed g. 1935 Price Bracket i...1.0.,.000..,.,15.,.000.•.- h. 1937 Price Bracket $11_,000-17,500.... . ...... .'!• i. .1939 . t!J.,.QQ_Q.: _?.9.,..Q9.9.... ...........%. j. Sales Detrund k. P,-~di.::ted P-icc:: Trend (r..ext 6-12 months) 1935 Rent .S'.'"acket ..... Price Bracket m. 1S'37 Rent Bracket ............Rent Bracket o. -- ·······O"f %change L ._ ____ Good l.Y.9.r..Y....f..Q.W_,,_ rentals and .$ .. most)._y for·-····swmnor only %.. 1:.~~~ ~._.Qn....lQ.:tSJ,Lb.'1..!i.ia -·--·- ..............'% % .............. % _._% Rental Demand p. Pmlicted Rent Trend (next 6--12 months) 8- 12 rms. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past 1f.) No ....20 ......Type & PriceU. ~.,.5.QQ:-_._ ....._How Selling ...Q!.!P.:.9F.__ Q~H:L 25,000 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOLC...... ... .0........ b. lnstitutions__ .. [g_:;v 3. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.3 ..,,.,) a. HOL.'-'--- ~ - - - b. Jnmo,non, __.. Few 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,E!'!PlQ.. "'.itoi~.. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.7c) $_..5.?,7.0 ..- ....... limits 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTER IS'ITCS OF AREA, Level to rolling o.nd low hillside with no construction ha zards. Lnnd improvod 70~{. Ample dead restrictions cover pcrpotua l rt-.cio.1 protection, limit improvement costs nnd provide for uniform 11 sc t bncksn. Zoning : Single-family rosidcntio.l .. Convonicr:.cos n.r o all roo.dily nvo.ilo.blc. This nroo. wt.s subdivided coincidently with ost n blishroont of University of Co.lifornin in Los Angelos o.nd vro.s p lc.cod upon the Iltlrkot in 192L~-25. - Tho topography oho.rm and desirability to o.roo. n.nd the influence of the nrca to tho north is pln.inly indicated by the similn.rity of improvcm:mts scC1ttorod throughout this district. Tho of the nron. is indubitnb ly effected by tho proximity of the University which londs to it nn n.tmosphcre of 11 i n tclligcncio. 11 which is unmisto.kablo. Construction l.'.nd maintenance indicate high pride of Oimorship. A< of a.rec. C- 71 with its frn.tcrnity a.nd sorority houses is not considcrod n dotri.m::intnl influence a.nd is in r co.lity o. protocticn • . This o.lso a.pplios to tho fringe a.long Wilshire Blvd., which is largely occupied with houses which in unison, both in typo of construction o.nd population w; this nron. This i3 CL choice area , with o. definite pa.ttorn nnd nn o.ssurod future and is n ccorded n 11 high grocn 11 grndo. 9. LOCA T!ON .......\'lc.s.twood.........-.. .. ...... SECURITY GRADE• AREA NO-.•.A.e;2 DATE..) -l-.3,9 ~ : This nrco. is currently o.ffected in who le or in po.rt by cm Ad vulorcm To.x District. !ndivirluo.1 properties should bo checked for this hnzo.rd,. 35 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of_ ..L.o.a....Angal.1uLCmmty_ _____ _ a. lncreasing _ _J~~nJ.d).:' ......_, ___ ,._ Dtcreasi,,.___ __ _____ ___ Static ________ _ Business & professional rren, white collar workers , b. Class and Occupanon ____.i1.z:.....fil'i.e.rudives etc . Incorre _fi000.=5Q.00. _ _ __ _ _ __ 1. POPULATION: c. Foreign Farnilies_.O_____~ e. Naticnalirie----- ~ ~ - - - - Shifting OT Jnfiltration __r_~.n!i.w::i.cy__t.o....high§]3.Lp.o.pulati.o-- -- - - - - 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING •.... 60.% a. Type and Si:te b. Construction c. Average Age d. _____s_Tuc.c..o_ __ _ _ _ Repair .......E.x.ue.llen.~--- - .......... .Exoel.len. ~_ _ __ e. Occupanc, ----98%~--- - - - . .. 98/o~- -- - - /. Own,,-oca,p;,d ____.£35,~._ __ _ _ __ -·~ ~ - - - - - g, 1935 Price Brackt:t l515Q::1.QQ9_._ ·-· %dumg, ···- -·1, 1937 Price B,ack,c $ 6500- BOOQ .l.1)}9-........... Pric, B,acket t1!l!l0cfl5.0.Q_... j. Sales Demand ..Jlo.o~-- - - -- _...E,J.r... J ; o ~ k. P,.edict.ed Price Trend ___U.pwar.~ - -- - - - ______l1p:w:ar.~----- h. 6-12 rrwndu) 1935 Rent Bmdret . ...• ........% (next m. 1937 Rent Bracktt n. J9..3~L............Rent Bracket o. Rental Demand $_...§5._09=1Ll1QO-. - · ~ Ll!SQ.Q~lg.QQQ_ _ _1, ~-6,..~..ll5-......... %dwns, ~- -FJ:1YLr.1mt.a.L.__ ~-~-~ -&~ $. ...JO... e.-90. ··········"' $ .unit G.. of····--···-··· ................%. L75 - 20 ···········"' $.. ...tM.s_J;ype .... _______j, Good,_ _ _ _ _ __ p. Predicud Rent Trend __ S"t;ia.tic t o _Yl2Yf8,rQ,_ ____ _ (next 6-12 months) 6-9 rms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa,,:,,.) N,...JQ0......T,p,, & Pru §.7500cJlLQQ0..How Selling 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. S. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (_.3.... )'7'.) a. HOLC~- ......J,L .. _______ b. HOL.-- ~ - - - b. IruritunO"'i< Institutions RoadHy Few Fevt 6. MORTGAGE. FUNDS, __Am.J?.!£.. Jf.HA) 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (19J_8_i $._5g_JQ. _ _ 1939 8. DESCRlPTION AND CHARACfERISTICS OF AREA: Terrain: Lovcl to rolling. Unguarded fills offer so~ construction hazards • .La.ild improved 5~ . Deed restrictions provide for perpetual racial protection , minimum impr ovom0nt cost and architectural supervision. Restrictions rigidly onforcod . Zoning follows lines of deed provisions which is single-family with mult iple ponnittod along Bever ly Gl on Blvd. and parts of Ashton Ave. Convanioncos all ro&dily availablo . This nron wns subdivided nl!rout 1925, but grontcst period of dcvolopmcnt has been in 5, and is now one of tho most nctivo ureas in tho community, and is r ecognized ns boing o. stable , hi,.,.); l y rostrict0d nnd dosirnblo neighborhood. Construction nnd mnintcnnncc is well nbovo nvoragc . Architccturnl designs arc harmonious £\nd populntion homogeneous . Lot v-.;.luo s, ,·rhich nro currently from $35 to 850 por front foot , hc.vo mtcriully incre a sed in 5 years und indications nro this trond will continue. Proporty irmoodiatoly o.djncont to the Emerson School, which is rapidly 0xpo.!1~i!lg ,. is considorod loss dcsirnblc on trot e.ccount . Becnuso of rnpidly incronsing populo.tion , Bmorson School in southwost part is being rapidly c xpo.nded f'-'1<l property immodintoly ndjncont is dotrim:mto.lly o.ffcctcd . Proximity to U.C .L.A. is a favorc.blo influence. It is stnted thttt 90% of non construction ho.s boon firu:mcod with FHA Title II funds . While r oo.lizing c. highe r is o. probability it is not thought that higher thnn CL 11 lov, graon 11 grade is justified nt present. 9. LOCATION .. ..woob-,ood SECURITY GRADE..•.!~,....~ AREA NO-A: .~3 DATE.2.:_g:~ CAUTION: This nron is currently n f fcctod in whole or in IX1rt by an Ad vo. lorcm 'fa.x District,,.., Individuo.l properties should be chocked fo r this hnzo.rd, 36 AREA DESCRIP'TION Security Map of. __L.o.1L.Au~eJ.~-~....C.,i;:i.i.oo..t~ ...-._ 1. POPULATION: b. a. lncreasing ______~_idly_. •················- Decua.Jin.,_~~~-~- Static Professional & business men, movie studio employees, Class and Occupation,s_t.§~ .. J~.:1;&,_-1.n.g.Qw.:i ~{3000-6000 and up c. Foreign FamiUes ...Ee.1v..1f e. Shifting or Infiltration _ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, a. Nationalities ..... .NQrta ....,s.uQ.v..~.r.,s.i:v..e.. . ap_p_ar.en,. , _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ ..29.. .'fo PREDOMINATING OTHER TYPE Type and Site b. Consrruction c. Awrage Age .......3.--Y~~u:.~- - - -- d. Repair e. Occupancy .........9.8%_ _ _ _ _ __ f. Owne,-oco,p;,d ........ .80%~-- - - - - g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Price Bracket _•L.500.0,,..700.a .... .l939 ...............Price Bracket !_..5.QQ0.-::.7.QQQ___ j. Sa!e.1 Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket I. ______f, ___G.Q..,, ..~ - - - - - ···-·-Upx1ar.----- $...N..Q.L~.t.a.Qli~b..R.d m. 1937 Rent Bracket L1'5. c. £o _ n. 19.}9- .. . ..........Rent Bracket L.L5... .c ...75. o. .% ............... % Rental Demand - %change ....G:o.o.~_ _ _ _ __ Pi-edicted Rent Trend ____ llp:v.-ar. ~ - - - - ~ (next 6-12 months) $5500-7500 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past :yr.) No ..... .J6 ____T,pe & Price .5:::9.... m ...b:µ,ng,,d-Iow Selling Rq~dil.Y - ··p. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL.~-~o_ _ _ b. InmMi<m~•-~o_ __ S. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (...3 ...yr.) a. HOL~-~o_ _ _ b. Institutions ..... F.~.1!.. 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_......ll•'J?.k... 7, TOTAL TAX RATE PER $100'.l (193..9.) $--5?,7Q.___. 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA Terrain: Rolling. Construction hazards limited to an occusional fill. Land improved 35% • . DeEld restricted and zoned for sini;lc-fo.mily residencos. Deeds also protect from subversive racio.l restrictions. Convonicnccs arc all readily available. This o.rco. was subdivided shortly before t he depression but develop ment ho.s largely taken within 3 yc Its sightly locution ho.s been fully taken advantage of in its platting o.nd its chunn. Construction, mo.intcnancc and o.rchi toctural designs uro much above uvoragc, undoubtedly due to the fact tho.t a largo percent "MJrc built under FHA supervision. Population, the majority of whom o.rc connoctod with the 20th Century Fox Studios, and largely of the upper medium inco:roo group, is homogeneous,. Lnnd vo.luos currently from $25 to $30 per front foot with o.n upwo.rd tendency. The o.rca. is a populnr one with o. decided upward trend, and is uccordod a. 11 10~·• green 11 gr::i._do. 9. LOCATION ...• Eoos. ~,U,____ CAUTION: J,s . . ..... SECURIIT GRADE.... s AREA NO-..Ac.34. DATE...}cia:.c.39 This a.rco. is currently o.ffcctcd L'l whole or in pa.rt by o.n Ad vclorcm Tux District. Individual proporties should be chocked for this 37 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL.Lo$•..higolo.s... ~ounty .•.•.- .•.... 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing ___ Deere.a.sin Static _____ _ Professional & business men, executives, retired people, b. Class and Oa:upation!liQ.• _ _lnrumo__j.3Q.Q.Q=.6:QQQ.J1uQ...J.l,,.,__ _ _ _ __ c. Foreign Fanrilies.__O_____~ e. Shifting or NationalirieJ, _ _ _ _ _ _~ ~ - - - - - In/iltrarion, _ _ _ _ _ _~,Qlle_ap~. • - - -- - - - - - -- - 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING a. T,pe and Site ....60 .. % b. Constncction ..•Jl.ti.o. .~~ - - - - - c. Average Age ······4""·"'~---- - d. R,pai, _____ GDM.~ -- - - - - e. Occupancy .m~----- Owner-occupied . __9.5,,.________ g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Price Bracket ,t__a500,,..11.•ooo....... .1939............... Price B,acke, $9000cl?,599..... j. Sales Demand ··---~-09,_,.d~----- - k. Predicted Price Trend ... ,?t_~~_ic __ t9. __ gp.r~.:r..d. ...•. __ _ (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket m. 1937 Rent Bracket .....Rent Brackct o. Rental Demand ~.bDll<h.'/QQQ.•.•. _.. . ............ 'I> ...... % $ I.Jot ~ r,;mtal _ ~chary:~ t_d_istrict.L___ No_loyc.l.Rc i ____$_§j:;_1;!,.b.l.i12bo..d.__ 'Ii ______ !fo.. 1, change $..75.00.c.85.QQ.• $ 8000-9000 Good $ Not a rental ,g change $_district. _____ No_ leyol.s .....'I>. $ established ··--· --------~ ···--··QQQ." - - - - - p. l¼edicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) 6- 8 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION ( yr.) No-.3.9. ____Type & Price ...i.l5.Q.Q::J£..,.5.9_9How Selling __M_~gQT.!!_~~..Y- HOLC _______ ..It. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPER1 L,S, a. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (3.... )T.) a. HOLC. ____ ....4 b. Jnstituaons_t'_~~-.l~-~X----lot s) b. lrutitwtio,u.J_QJ.C ..(~.Y..---·· lots) 6. MORTGAGE RJNDS,_A,sp_).e..., .J,.il;lJ1;<,.d7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.9.) $-5.?,.19.••_ 8. DESCRJJYT1ON AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Ruggod, rolling to stoop hillside, with docomposcd granite soil ,mich offers many building hazards. Rugged nature of a re o. precl udos bottor than 40% dovolopmont. Prosont land improvement 2:>%. Deed r estricti ons provide for minimum improvoment of $5()00 under nrchitcct's supervision. Protects against subversive racial influonco. Convcnicncos o.11 a.vnilo.blo but in many pnrts not roo.dily so. Tro.nsporto.tion is po.rtly la.eking and rosidonts roly on privnto oo nvoyo.nces . This o.rco. hns been highly exploited during tho pest fror yenrs o.nd ho.s beon the scone of considoro.ble nctivity. Irnprovcoonts , r,ltl. intono.nco ond nrchitccturo.l design; of oxco llont Population is homogeneous. Improvc ronts in Lookout section in tho extreme northern po.rt is somcwha.t ohco.por but is gro.ding up . Tho mont imposing horos in tho Sunset Plaza. district. Tho bungo.low type of archi tccturc is lo.rgoly confined to tho western po.rt of urea. along Doheny Drive. Tho lll!l.jority of construction hns boon the result of speetr lo.tivo building. Tho b etter view sitoo c.long tho foothills much in donnnd. Ar co. C-72 is from this o.ron by n high 11 cyclono sto.ck11 fence, which protects tho o.djo.cent blocks in this o.ron from tho subversive influonoo of tho lower grade neighborhood . Avoro.go lot values in tho area. arc to run from $2000 to $2500 c.nd land vnluos nrc quite sto.blo. Tho o.rca is o.ccordod o. 11 lew groan" 9. LOCATION .... Sll!l@O.t..PJ..q.,i,.....•........ SECURITY GRADE•..lsLs AREA NO.J.,-.35. .. DATEZ,,ZZ.s.39 CAUTION: --- Th is o.rco. is currently o.ffoctod in whole or in po.rt by on Ad vo.lorom To.x District. Individuc.l properties should 00 ohookod for this ho.zard. 38 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of..J.&.s....fuJg_l;!.l.~.§,__Q_g,m_"ty__. 1. POPULATION: b. a. ll'llT'eaSing ____ }.tQ;g~_;:-~_~§.lY.-········-·· Dea-easing, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sratic·-·-··-··--· Professional and business men, retired capital ists , Class and Occupation __ J!l9-1l.i.LP.~.2P..l!L_Q'.t;~.t.-.J:D9_Q!T~L.i2.QQQ:-JQ.,_Q_Q_9_.fill.tL~,~----- c. Foreign Families ________ e. Shifting or In/iltration _ _ _ _ _ _§.l'_e.nt.,_ _ _ _ _ __ .o_1 2. BUILDINGS, Nationali,..· ~ - - - -- - - " - - PREDOMINATING a. T;ype and Site .95.......% d. Negro ..... _o_'i, OTHER TYPE ...6-B __ room~ - - - - - b. Construction c. Aw-rage Age ___ __LQ...~fil".Ji:,_ _ _ __ d. Repair ..... .G.o.o.d .. e. Occupancy f. Owner-occupied g. 1935 P-rice Bracket h. 1937 Price BTaCket ~-!JO.QQ.,,lD,.000._&,_ ..up ............... % i. l939 .............. .Pria Bmcket ~Jl5.QO.a... .9,QQ.Q... j. Sales Demand .. _______________ k. Predicted Price Trend (ne.xt 6--12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket m. 1937 Rent &acket ···--··-··-······-·······Rem Bracket o. ·······-···% (change LJl.OLL :t..... $.._ ..a.r.!:1:.Q.. ______ _ ..% ....%. ___ '(; Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No ......6 . ..Type 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HO•~_ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPER11ES (.3.. :,,.) a. 8 rooms & Price. 1LJ,..Z.i5QQ..3:....1<P... How _sO_ _ _ b. Selling Owner built ln.mtutions HOLC. _ __.__ _ _ b. lmou,tions Few .f~ ... 6. MORTGAGE RJNDS, ..Ampl<;... t.o_ .... _ ...... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193_9.) $_,g.L79-·--·--·--· limited 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACfERISTICS OF AREA, Torrain: Hillside to rugged. Topography precludes higher tho.n 30 to 40% ultimate improvemont. Present lund improvement 10 to 15%. Docd restricted: Give f'Ull covorngo o.nd nro woll nnintninod. The o.rco. is quite isolated o.nd trnnsportntion, schools, training centers, etc. ure not roudily o.vo.ilo.ble. This is ovorcomo to c. largo extent by tho fo.ct tho.t it is n " neighborhood. This a.roo. ,·ro.s first subdivided in 19'25; wu:; not uctive until tho lnst four or fivo years. The nrou suffered considornbly from n recent forost fire nnd vro.s denuded of many trees. Improvements, ma.intonanoo iJ.nd a.rchitecturo.l dosig.n arc of a high charncter. Thero nre a few expensive home s on extensive view sites, notably Ginger Rogers' ~90,000 esto.te. Tho population is hemogenoous and construction is of tho b0st charo.otor. The vo.lue of tho nverugo · hOT11Dsito is to run from $2500 to $3500. Despite its distance from the city, o.nd lack of convcnicncos, tho is growing i n popularity. There is a slight flood hc.zo.rd in co.nyon locations. Th0 area is well sponsored ond desirability will undoubtedly by :mo.intainod for mo.ny to coroo. This is o. ho.tchcd a.roo. and is nccerdod o. 11 provisionn.l low groon" gr ndo •. (Hr.teh) 9. LOCATION .._..J)o.Y.o..r1y_Qro.•.'-····- _ SECURIIT GRADL.J•tc AREA NO-..A=3.9.. DATE...s:.?1.: 3'c ~: This is currently o.ffectod in whole or in pa.rt by o.n Ad vulorcm Tnx Diotrict. Individunl properties should bo chookod for this hazard. 39 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of __l-.9.ii...Ang,lil.l~./?. __Q_QW.Tt.y. _ _ _ 1. POPULATION: a. lncrea.sing_.......fu!..Pj9,.J,y__ ··········-············· Docreiuin,,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Suuic Business & professiona l men, retired people, executives, b. CLm and Occupation __f!!PY..¥'-1?.~9.P)~.....-~1;;.Q..!. ___!_;J._g_9.~~.9_QQ__t.9_l~.QQ9- and _)J,P.:_ _ __ c. Foreign Families_.9 .._J; e. Shifting or lnfi!tration_ NationaUties _ _ _ _--=---------- Z. BUILDINGS, a. T,pe and Size b. Construction c. AtJeTage Age d. R,pai, PREDOMINATING .. 50 % 9-_ll ___ room __ - __2 __ 1:1tory Stucco & brick ···-·-· 8.yearsL.._ __ .....~;x:.\l~.ll~.nt,_ _ __ .. . . ....Exc.e.ll.e nt..... .... .... . .m.______ Own,,-=up;,d g. 1935 Price Bracket b,.,.0.0.0c.ZO....OOQ...up %_cl,a,,i.'. h. 1937 Price B,acka h7,50.o.25,ooo. up ... 'I, 1939. . ··•-•----Price Bracket ~.?..Q_,.000-25,000 up ....%. Demand Sale, Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket m. 1937 Rent Bracket _/fil OTI!ER TYPE _____ Masonry&. $'\;UQ.CQ. f. k. Negro _____ Q......%. .7-8 .. room_ - ... 2_stor::, ---·-·· e. Oxupa~ j, d. ... ___ }?:Ur,h:t;__ J,p,f.i_l_t_r_EJ._'!;;J9.n___g_,L!h.U-d..§.h...R§I_Q,RJ~~------- ··--····90'/4,_ _ _ _ __ ___Fair t . .12.,50.a•.11.• so.o.. ....... $._l?,200-17,2,00. % ·--~ .... Good,_ _ _ _ _ __ Static $ $ 100-150 ? ....... % ~. _l5cc0-~2~50~-- </,change t ..,?.'.d.75. ... L:!35c-,=20,,,o,___ n. .1939.- ............Rent Bracket $... J5_Q.-::.?59. o. Rental Demand ...... G.R.9.9-~- - - - - - ... _,.Goode__ _ _ _ __ .._fJ:t.a.t.i9. ......Sta,ti.c~- - - - - p. Prtdicted Rent Trend ······-····% 3. (next 6-12 month.!:) B room::. &: up NEW CONSTRUCTION ( yr.) No........99. ... ..T,pe & Selling ..Readil_x_··-·-- 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.3.,,.) a. HOL.L---'~-- b. a. HOL,....__ _,,L___ Institutions b. Iruu...,,,, None Fev, 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_~!.L."P..~Q... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.9.) $....5?.,19... $10,000 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level to rolling, south of Sunset Blvd •. Hill~ to fl.&100 sharp grades north of Sunset Blvd. Construction hazards are in 00!110 ca.sos, including some large estates; thon improvements run.cunt to 70'f,,. The area is highly protected by deed restriction::: rod the zoning ordinances of the City of Bevorly Hi lls arc also considered highly protected. Convonicnccs all readily nvnilo.blc. Development of this nrcn be gan some yonrs a.go, nnd it hns boon a.n oxoccdingly popular district ever since. Improvom::mts arc of excollcnt chnra.ctcr Md tho older homos constantly being modernized. Mnintcnn.nee and architocturo.l design o.dd charm t,, the neighborhood. Tho plntting of th0 streets show· civic pride and udds to the o.ppoal of the whole district. This is a high income section, tho mo.jority of tho families boing in the higher bra.ckots of $10,000 o. yoo.r o.nd up • . Ma.ny of tho improvements o.i;-o quit0 protontious, being of tho nnnsion typo. Adjoining tho arco. on tho is o.n unincorporo.ted section of Los Angelos County (Aron C-73) which is of mo.terio.lly lower grade and is u detrilll0nto.l influence upon the abutting blocks in this area. This is lo.rgoly minimized, however, by Doheny Drive v.tiich separates the two nrcas o.nd tho fe.ct thn.t most of tho streets in Aron. C-73 do not extend into this o.ron. , Lot vu luoi; urc said to nvorn.gc $100 por front foot. Indications thnt this area will mo.intnin its oho.rm and popularity for o. grout mo.ny years to come o.nd it is, thoroforo, accorded o. 11 high groan" grodo. 9. LOCATION ...~l.U'.l,<>.t..!Ux<l,.......... SECURITY GRADE.:.l.,.t....+ AREA ·NO......i.a3.7 DA=c~.7.coS ~ : This nrca is currently affcctod in whole or in part by n.n Ad vo.lorcm Tax District. Individua.l properties should be chocked for this 40 AREA DESCRIPTlON a. Inaeasing_.... __ Bap.idly____________ Deaeasi,..__ _~ - - - - Static----Professiona l &: business IOOn, movie studio executives, b. Class and O.-cupacion ___ r.e.t.i.r.e.d...p.e.~....lll!l~.Q9--5QQ.Q.1mlJ!P _ _ _ __ 1. POPULATION: Narionalitk-- - - - - - - - - - - - d.. Negro __q___%._ c. Foreign FamilieL_.o._1 e. Shi/ring or lnfi!trarion _____________ .fii.gh1u·___ i.n~.. p.9P.YJ.At.i.@.. _i;noreasin,~- - -- - - - 2. BUILDINGS, ... PREDOMINA'ITNG b. Consn-uction c. Awrage Age e. Occupancy 85 ..% OTIIER TYPE ..J, - - ___5. ···S.t.uc.oo_ _ _ _ __ ____9 ...rooms room 5% & up lo% ...G o o , ~ - - - - - - f. Owne,-oca,p;,d g. h. 1935 Price Bracket ····9·<:>%~--(~s-ee-be-l-aw~) 1,cha"ll, !.5.099-10~000 1937 Pria Bracket ..193.9 .........._.Pric, B,acka 1' ; 7000-12,000 & up ....... j. Sales Demand Goo<l for hillside k. P>-tdicred Price fond (n.e.rt 6-12 months) Static m. 1935 Rent Bracket Not a rental 1937 Rent Bracket area . .......... Rent Bracket o. %,cJi.m,ge i(cha"lle No _rent a!.......... }, ............% levels established ___ 1:, ..__ % Rental Demand p. PTedicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months} 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa.$t )'!'.) No..,____ 9~T,pe fJ rooms and up Price $7500 & up .....J-low &Uing Readily 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HO·~- ~ ~ - - b. Instinaioru_F_ew_ __ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( ... 2..y.J _ __ _ _ _ b. Irutitutio,~_F_ow a. HO=_ _O 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS"-·--'Amp=ccl•'--- 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (1932..J $..22.,.2.Q... __ _ 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREk Terrain: Rolling to rugged hillside, , soroo construction hazards. Land improved 30%. Jloed restrictions vary from minimum of $3500 vrost of Barham Blvd. The higher roquiro100nts are in tho section of Burham Blvd., lol.ovm as Hollywood Knolls. Protection is providod against racial huzo.rds. Zoning limits construction to sin"glo-fo.mily residences. schools convoniontly availo.blo . High schools, however, aro som:iwho.t dista.nt o.s o.lso shopping fo.oilitios. Tro.nsporto.tion o.long Cahucngo. includos both intorurbo.n nnd bus service. Hovrovor, this is o. two a.nd throc- cc.r neighborhood. Any of convcnioncos will probably bo shortly suppliod o.s tho o.roo. io rnpidly dovolopin g. This o. wns first subdivided o.nd plo.cod on tho r:nrkot a.bout 1924 but its groo.tost period of growth has boon ;7ithin the four yoars. Improvomonts, mo.intcno.ncc o.nd o.roh it octuro.l design of high qun.lity1 population is homogeneous o.nd the o.rco. is inoronsing in populc.rity . Tho section is more pretentious tha.n tho ba.lanco of too a.roo. . Thero uo som ovcr-improvcmcnto in the section south of Cohuongo. Bl vd . ;lhioh gives it o. som:mhat spotted o.ppoo.ranco . This, hov,cvcr, •,rill b"o l arge ly ovoroomo by i-oason of th:l l a.rgo amount of noYr constrtction which is to.king pl ace . Tho o.roo. lies in tho path of the city growth o.nd "\'4"\ilo thero soroo dco.d- ond o.nd unimproved streets , this is t o be expected in an area v.itich io in tho procoss of development . Tho r csidont io.l lot values run nround $20 p<?r front foot, s0100 higher. Tho trend of rosidcntio.l dosiro.b~lity for tho 11 9. Al\"EA'. ~S'~ic..3fis'..eM?1~~~ L~,G-l'o'll.~ll:;~~lkiM~risl/c6klN'1Ni.JSt'~ii£~ o.ffootcd in wholo or in po.rt by an Ad vt.'.lorom 0 CAUTION: --- 0 This o.ron is currently Tux District. Individunl properties should be ohookod for this ho.z_e.1d• AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of...L.2§ __~g~l~_q_Q91111F.L ____ _ a. Increasing __Y:..Q9,_~r.~1;:~JY_. ______ ,__ Decrea.sin,1;-_ _ _ _ _ _ Sratic.·-···- -· Motion picture e:iceoutives and actors, business and b. Class and Occupation_pro,fessi9nal rren..._retired capitalists, etc . Incoioo $600010 , 000 up d. Negro.,_Q..........'fo c. Foreign Families.._. ___.Q._~ Nation.alitie,~-- - - - - - - ' ' - - - - - - - 1. POPULATION: e. Shifting or In{iln-anon _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--1!2ne __l!'-- - - - - - - - - 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING a. T:-,pe and Si~ Construction Average Age Repair e. Occupancy OTHER TYPE 6-7._ TOOJl1:_b~a.lows Stucco b. c. d. ..•.22..'J, ___e,.::l0 __ rm.2- story aingl9s _--99J,.__ _ _ __ . ...9.%~----- ... 95%~- - - - - ..--95'!'------- - $i?~~O~!i~r-- 1, change $ _12 ~000-16.000 ___ -------- ~ t:t_~.00.0-16 ,o.oo ·---·"' g. 1935 Price Bracket i. J.5.,QOO.c2.0...QQQj>p 'l,_ch_.,~~.'. h. 1937 Price Bracket (see below) hs,. .. µp Demand j. Sal,., k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracktt Finn Fi rm __ Ste.ti=•- - - - - - .. . 1937 Rent Bracket Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) St atic {chan,ve Not a ......... 1: rent __ 1., <I, .... Rent Bracket o. % 6 r ooms & up 3. NEW CONSfRUCTION (pa,t :,,.) No- ... ?5....T,p, & Price .Hs...529...!...Y~..How S.Wng .0,,,ner built HOL_.,...__ _Oe.__ _ b. Jn.srituriom.L_!.:Fec,w'----- 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIF.S, a. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (...3... yr.) a. HOL-'--- - ~ - - b. JnstitMt:iomL--'F'-"e:,,w_ _ 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_fomi.l•..X!!'A... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $!000 (193.~t $_ ....22.,.2Q.._... limits 1939 8. DESCR!l'TION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Torrain : Hilltop to rugged hills ide , r e sulting in llllny construction hazards o.nd high building costs. 25% of tho land susceptibl e to residential uso , is at pres ent improved . Lots must have minimum fronto.go of 100 foot and deed restrictions require o. rnininrum i.Jnprovomont of $10 ,000 limited to singlo-frunily residences. Provisions also protect a go.inst subversive racinl hnzo.rds. Zoning also limits co nstruction in tho o.reo. to single - family dwellings. This is a three-oar neighborhood o.nd transportation is dopondcmt upon automobilos which mo.kc schools , churc hes and shopping soctions o onvonicntly nvo.ilab).o • This area vms subdivided o.nd pluocd on tho mo.r kct about 12 yea r s o.go o.nd has slowly dcvolopcd ns n high, r esidential section. The l o. rgost porcont dovoloprrcnt is alonr,, Outpost Drive o.nd Sono. ldo. Rood . Construction, nnintonnnco o.nd o.rchitecturo.l des ign are of exoollont quality . Population is homogeneous and tho neighborhood ho.a o.n o.ppenl for those desiring view sites . In time of doprossion, this nreo. nnd others like thom, will undoubtedly suffer considoro.blo diminution in w. l uo. Utilities arc o.ll underground. Thore som:i uni~rovcd streets. Tho most Josirablo hemositos ho.vo v.lroady OOon dovolopod . Ros idontio.l l ot vnlucs•·:run $5() por front foot . It is boliowd tho nr ol'. will slowly develop for tho next 10 or 11 11 15 yonrs and it is o.coorded n low gr con grade . 9. LOCATION,____ SECURITY GRADE..J,.•Lc AREA NO-~c:l.2._ DATI€.:?!i::.29 ~: This o.roo. is currently nffoctcd in whol e or in pa.rt by o.n Ad vnlorom Troe District. Individual proportios should bo chcckod for this hg.zard. 1,2 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oLLo.s...Angele.s_C.aunt;y._____ _ 1. POPULATION: b. c. a. lnCTeasirig _______....$1.a'llly_______________ Decreasin....__ _ _ _ _ _ Static ___ _ Business & professional men , motion picture tec hnic ians Class and Occupation ____ ,A.nd..minor....e~v.a~,,,._~__..I.n~.o.J.00._$.3QQ.O.~S.O.QO up Foreign Fami~L..0. ......~ Nationalitie•~-- - - ~ - - - - - - - d. Negro .......O..... ~ e. Shifting or Infiltrario,~ - -- - - - - - - -- 2. BUILDINGS, a. Type and Site b. Construction c. A.ierage Age d. Ret,air e. Occupanc, ...•ll5... % PREDOMINATING .7.cll...r.ot<"'1l' -- - - - - OTIJER TYPE ...5 ..11; ..•Q. rQO.lllL. .. l@.._ _ ..r.O.OAlHi ...5%............ ...G.oa~- - - - - - f. Owner-<>eeupied g. 1935 Price Bracktt h. 1937 Price Bracket f ....15.0.0.-.10..,.500..•... -19-3-9-............. Price Bwd,,, } ..750.0.c.l0.50.0..... Sales Demand __.f.'_ __ _ _ _ __ ;. 1935 Rent Bracket La,_~100..-...... 1937 Rent Bracket t n. ..193.9.... ···-······Rent Bracket o. Rental Demand ---······- % %d,ang, .2Q cHQ.. 135 - J, ........ % ._%. 100 ______ Poo.~r_ _ _ _ __ Pttdicted Rent T,.end Static to down (ne.xt 6--12 monrhs) $10,000-12,500 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No._J,..Q. ______T:,f>c! & Price 7 & 8 r ooms How Selling 0.vne r bui lt p. HOLC .............2. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. b. InstiMWtls Few 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (...3: __yr.) a. HOL.~_ _6_ _ _ b. Instihaio'1s Few 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, _ ...~J@.............. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.§, $_"2..Q5.•_._ 193 9 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACfERISTICS OF AREA, Te rrain: Level except in Laure l Canyon and that portion lying north of Hollywood Blvd. The s e sectio ns offer sore construction hazards. 16~ of tho land subject to the residential dovoloproont is improved. Both doed r estrictions and zoning limit construction to s inglo-fo.mily r osidoncos . Doods also provide protection against subvorsivo r a c es . Convenionoos o.11 roo.dily o.vO.ilablc. This area wo.s subdivided o.nd plAced on the market 18 to 20 a.go, which o.ccounts for tho o.drni..·<:turo of old and now construction. However , improveioonts o.11 of good qunlity nnd plea.sing o. rohi tccturo.l design. :Mn intcnnnce indic o.tos a high pride of ownership o.nd tho populo.tion is homogonoous . Ylhen doed rostriotions expire in 1943 thcro may bo 60!00 cncroo.chm:mt of incore property in that section south of Ho llywood Blvd., ns this po.rt is zonod to multi- frunily construction. Tho arcn is considorod n sto.blo one with n w:i ll ostublishod pnttorn o.nd it is boliovod tho.t trend of dosirnbility will continue upward for tho noxt ton or more • A 11 low grocn II grndo i s o.ocord od . Sunsot-Courtnoy Enst side of 9. LOCATION¥.!:tl.e.!!!!Z2..I!.••...• SECURITY GRADE.lot..•~. AREA NO.....Ad,9_ DA~-39 ~ : This :i r on is currently nffoctod in whole or in po.rt by o.n Ad vnlorcm Tax District. Individual proporti os should be chocked for this ho.zo.rd . 43 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of_kos . An_g~le~•~C~o~un~ty~--1. POPULATION: a. Incrcasing_ .. _.N?.9.-~.!'-~!-~!Y.._. _______ ,._ Decreasin•-~- - ~ ~ ~ ~ Sra<ic Business&: professional men , executives , capitalists, b. Class and;.:.s..,,_~t_c--L-_J.1.J..9_Q~~.J:3_QQ.Q__ ,~.!!fl~.Y.-'.'1=r~d_ _ __ c. Foreign Families __ _n__~ N•aoo""""'------- -=-------- - - e. Shifting or InfiltTation ___________ Jfone.._e,, o~ntioipated~ - - - - - 2. BUILDINGS, a. T-ypc and Site PREDOMINATING 7 &:_ 8 __Q.2....1 ro_o.J'!l. ho_uses __··---····· b. Construction c. Alie-rage Age d. Repair e. Ckcut,anc, f. Ownc-occup;,d g. h. ......_G.o.o.~- - - - ______9$1!. _ _ _ __ ..........9-5-r:1,.__ _ _ __ 1935 Price Bracket $__ ..75QOc.65.0.0_____ %,hanJi, 1937 Price Bracket $ . $000-10 , 000 J, ·-19}9 . - ... .Pric, B,ad«t ~ .. _llQQD.s.lO~QQ.Q ... ········% j. Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (nat 6-12 mmuh,) 1935 Rent Bracket ~_'l'.hi.s_.is_ _________ ,, %c~nge m. 1937 Rent Bracket $.. not. __ a,____________________ ......... __ %. n. -----····-····-·····-&nt Bracket $_ronto.l area ····- ___ J. o. Demand ..... Goaj.~-- - - - - __.s.talic,_ _ _ _ __ Sta-tic to E-Pyre.rd __ _ p. Predicted Rem Tund 7-10 rms (next 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No.... ..f?.9... __T,t,e & Price .~8500 ~p_ .. -How &!ling "'change . ····-······% ---~ Readily 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOL~_..,__ _ _ b. lnstitutioru_ ..... ..¥.'.eyt_ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (...,3... yr.) a.. HOL.~_ ..,__ _ _ b. InstiMicns __ ._...f~~ 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, _ _______ 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1CXXJ (193...&t $_2?.,.1Q._ _ 1939 8. DESCRIPTlON AND CHARACfERlSTICS OF AREA, Torrain; Generally vory rug ged, with a.l titudes up to 900 feet . Many construction hazar ds which r esults in high costs . Land improved 3o% out of a. possible total of 6o7o. Doed r o strictod both o.S to construction costs , ;Nhich vary from $4000 to $15 ,000 , and racial ol cmmts , limited in perpetuity to • ·. Under-ground utilitios r equired • . Zoning : singlo - fnmily rosidontinl. Convoni- · onces o.rc o.11 quito r eadily ava il able in southern part, dooroo.sing to northwru-d , ns incom::i and con struction costs incre . This o.rca wo.s subdivided some 15 ago to moot o. dom.o.nd for cxclusiveiness uni seclusion. Engineoring o.nd pl atting hnvo been of high quality ond dovolopm:mt within past five years hll.s greatly enho.nocd the oho.ra.ctor of the district. Construction, mo.intono.ncc rui.d architocturo.l design hnvo boon oxccllcnt and at proscnt the w:,st and northwost portions onjoying considerable building activity . Lot pricos aro lo.rgoly governed by topography. Populo.tion is hon:ogenoous o.nd improvom:mts nro ht'.r monious. Construction hazards n..rc tho co.use of high building costs, but this is somovll:w.t offset by finnncing duo to l o.rgo interest in unimproved property 11 11 by the Bank of Amorico. and by appeal of this type of noo.r in soclusivo property to certa i n members of tho higher incoro group . On tho basis of present activity tho nrco. is o.nd upwo.rd oortai.'lly is dosiro.bility and outlook tho trond of o.ccordingly givon o. 11 low groen" . 9. LOCATION ... _.l'onc:t....I.ouru,o _____.. SECURITY GRADE_l§t..c · AREA NO-"'-chl ... DA'fE?.:~a9 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL....Loa..Angelas...Caunt,<c.---1. POPULATION: a. Increasing ___ ._.SlOl':ly._... _................. Decre'1$in,,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static .....-..···-··-· Professional &: businoss men,· retired capitalists, b. Cla.u and Ocacpation._,....~.~-~9.!:!.'t.~X~.L.-.~-9.•_ ....J..P..9..2.llltllQ...QQD__~m:l, __y " ' - - - - - - - - c. Foreign Familie5 .... _.Q__ ~ e. Sltifring or ln/iltration.----··-·-····---~l9.ruL.!!Pi,mr.ont,_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, a. T,pe and Size Nationali-·- - - - - - - - - - - PREDOMINATING _90 1, ~--::JO rooms b. Conmuction Stucco. °9rick_ &...tna.s(;mry c. Average Age ······-··-·l5...Y£S, _ _ _ __ e. Occupancy f. Owne-,-occupied OTilER TYPE .,_10 _'i, Lart, ... r ~ ~~d.~nce_s -·--·-·- ...95f.___ _ _ __ g. 1935 Price Bracket $_10.,.000 &: UR,.______ 1, change h. 1937 Price Bracket ~-J~_.,.SQ.Q... §::...JJP. ............ 'I, ;, .19,9............... Price B,ad,,i f.l<, 5QQ...,\,...OP.----· j, Sal,., Demand k. Predicted Price Trend {next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent &acket __sta.t.i~- - - - - - 1937 Rent &racket t . ...............% n. -----···-----······Rent Bracket l_.and__ ptic.fl...i.:ango .is__J} ___'/> o. Renral Demand .......n.o.t....e.s.t.abl.i.sho.cL.-··--···· ..%. _.G.O=-- - - - - - 1,change p. Prediaw Rent Tttnd (nm 6-12 mnnths) $15, 000- 35,000 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (Jxut :,,.) No•......7 ....Type & Price --6.,,JJLOJlll•......How Sdling ...0.,ru,.x:_l:!lill... 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOLC. ..............0 ........... b. !rutitudonL.....F.o,n 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.:1...:,,-.) a. HOLC._ ...............0. b. ln.stitutioru_.-... F.e.w. 6. MORTGAGE F\JNDS,__&.wlo..withi11. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193,.'/.~ $--52.-.'/0 _ __ limits 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACI'ERIS'TICS OF AREA, Level with favorable grades o.nd no construction hazards . Land improved 85%, Doed restricted to single - family dwellings. Minil'Ilum cost of improvements vo.ry according to locution. Unifonn sot bo.cks provided. Protected in perpetuity from ro.cio.l ho.zo.rds. Zoning : singlo- fo.mily rosidontial. Convonionces arc all reo.dily o.vaile.blo. This subdivision was plo.ttcd into large ho100sitos and plo.ced upon the market a.bout 22 years a.go o.s nn exclusive residont io.l district . High prossur c sn.lcsmo.nohip ;·,o.s not emp l oyed and tho o.roo. dcvolopod slowly but steudj,ly. Construction and mninteno.nco of the hig.l-iost quality . Architccturo.l designs nro harmonious throuj10ut . Population is homogeneous o.nd lo.rgoly of tho upper incorrc group . Authorities generally o.groo that this is one of tho best residential districts in Los Angelos . Many of tho improvements o.r o of tho mansio n type. Proximity of the Wilshire Country Club is o. fo.voro.blo influonc o . Owing to tho constc.ntly business along Wilshire Blvd. the southern tier of blocks o.djo.ccnt to it o.r o not considered o.s desiro.ble ns the r e st of tho o.roo.. Third St . is an arterial o.nd n traffic On account cf tho high percent of land improvod it is not felt tho.t the highest should bo o.ssignod. Tho a.rem is therefore nccerdcd o. "m:idio.l groen 11 . Wilshiro C0tmtry 9. LOCATION ...QJ_yJL!l.i,J1!sti.9L_ ...._ SECURITY GRADE.•.l•li ... AREA NO-.A"42... DA~;\9 45 ARE!. DESCRIPTION Security Map 0LkQ§._AIJ.MJ!l_s_q:.9_1}.ll1Y.-a. lncreasing __ J~!i-.P.!4!.Y.. _______···- Ckcreasin,":-,---,-~-~~~ Static.________ _ Reti r ed & active business &: professional men , tfovie b. Ckus and Oc.cl4pation exo c u t i ~ etc. Income_6.000- l0 1 000 oe r year and upward 1. POPULATION: c. Foreign Famllie., __ JL ..1 2. BUILDINGS, Nationalifiel _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ ... 80 ..% PREDOMINATING OIBER TYPE __ % .. 8-10 rooms b. Consmtetion Stucco , brick &: masonry c. 10 years At.'e'l'age Age d. R,pai, Go.od~ - - - - - - e. Occupancy ..__ 9 9 i , ~ - - - - - - /. Owntt-oco1tMd ___2-0Jl~----- g. 1935 Price Bracket l_.),Q,QQQ,,35~QQ_Q._ h. 1937 Price B,acket !..ll. ll!l.Oc38., 5.0Q.. .. l939............ Price B,aclre, $ D<mand ;. Sale, k. Pt-edictcd Price Trend (next 6-12 months) I. 1935 Rent Bracket 11 , OOQ.. }8 , 500 1,,han~, % ........ % _ Goqd~-----__ Stntic~ - - - - - '.,\>change % 1937 R,n1 Dmcket $ .80. - 170 .. ..... .. l9.}9.... .. ....... Ren, B,acket $_ BO ..... 115............ Rental Demand ..... Good_..(few __ avo.ila.ble.L __ _ p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 month.!) Jj;_Q..t.i.~c- - - - - , - - - o. ·· ··•··•······"' ·--"' ...........~ 8 - 10 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION ( yr.) No._-5.Q ______T:,pe & Price ~!§_.._000 _!Q, .. _How Selling __Qo..!Q~!__9uil ~ :;22 . 000 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOLC...........-1 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.. 3.,,-.) a. HOL~ - ~ - - - b. lnstiumo"~--◊~- 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_}i!lpJ~............... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 ( $_'ig_,JQ..._. __ _ 1939 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA Terra in : Rolling to hillside with som3 steep e rodes in foothi ll s c a using construction huzards. Lan<l improved 35;'{; out of a poss ibl e 70:::, , Deed restrictions covor both impr ovement c osts nnd r->.cia l eloments . Zoning is single -family rf.lsidential. Convenien ces nre as a.vailablo o. s i s 1 \os irnblo inn mu lti-car go.rage neighborhood. This nroo. was subdivided som::, 15 yoars ago , o.nd ;·,cs e ngineered and platted to contour r esulting in well nrrangcd rmd improved streets. Construction , mnintcnnnco and architccturnl designs of tho highe st quality . Population is of c. high chara.ctor nnd ma.ny of tho city' s wealth iest citizens rosido hero. Values sho,·m above o. rc sorncwho.t c onjocturo.l o.s sizo o.nd loc at ion of homcsito affects pricoo. This nlso applies to r entals ns quel. ity of tenant is n lo.rgo consideration . \'iith c.. convoniont locr-.tion, ideal building sites and high caliber deed restrictions, this o.rco. should continua indofini tely to r Mt a substru1tinl type of r esident . On the b..'\sis of present clevc l o;,mcnt and f\lturo prospects nrou is accordod a 11 high groon 11 gr ade . 9. LOCATION Los Feliz Hi lls AREA DESCRII'TION Security Map of ~os Angeles County 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing Mode rately b. Class and Occupation..J~.Y.-~.~~ss & professional men, retired people Foreign Families.__SJ., __~ c. 2. BUIWINGS, PREDOMINATING a. T'Jt)e and Site Income $3600 __ &_ up Nationalit:ie,~------------ __?,,_ .7 d. Negro._ .... O OTHER TYPE ···-··90'/, .% ____.12 & 8 rooms __Frame, stucco & masonry_ c. Average Age e. 6 years Good d. Repair Occupancy f. Owne,--occupied g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Price Bracket i. 193-9 . ............... Price Bracket j. Sales Demand k Pmlia£d Price T"'vl {next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket ~- ____Size __of ____ _ $ ..._ ..No._._ '!, 1937 Rent Bracket _____ % ..... Rent Bracket o. Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6--i.2 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No .....1 6, 7 ...... _Type & & a· nns Price .J.1-00.Q-::.lQ,..QQ.Q.How Selling ____ .Q.-me.r... built 4. OVZRHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL.~-~o_ __ b. Institution~•--"--- 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (... .3 ..,)'t'.) a.. HOL.~_ __,__ _ _ b. lnstituriotu _ _~O~_ 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_ ..........<\.mi,Jo........... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (1931.c.) 1938 $10.,_?.9. 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Hills ide sloping northeast with some steep grades and soma constructio!1 hazards •. Land improved 15%. Conveniences not readily available. Transportation by private conveyance. The seclusive nature of the aroa and its proximity to the Midwick Country Club aro favorable influences. The few present improvements in the neighbor hood indicate thnt in tilw it may develop into a popular high area of higher incorr.o population . F.atchcd 9. LOCATION._..M.on.t.o:i:"l[..l'm:k.. __ ···· . SECURITY GRADE......1.~.t .. AREA N0--"..::4[, DATElcJt~,'- AREA DESCRIPTION Sec'urity Map oL.J..ol! __ ~cl.o.~,y t. POPULATION: a. lncreasing_ ........J~p.i4ly ________________ Decreasin,g__ _ _ _ _ _ Static ...._. ________ _ Business & professional mon, minor executives, b. c,a,, and Occupatwn__,,;,;..1&..o.ol..lru-_o.l&r.i.od.'4.-"J&,.... lnomno.i~/,.QQ,,.5ll!,.,_,__ _ __ d. 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING .... 22 ..1., N.,,.,..•.. 9...•.% OTilER TYPE ..5-7 .rooms(largoiy 6ts) a. T-:,pe and Si:i:e b. C.O~ c. AtJeTage Age d. Repair .............. G.o.Q,. a_ _ _ _ __ ·-··-··-Z-..YG.9J::.S,_ _ _ __ e. Occupancy ····-· -98%~----- Owner-occupied g. ..95%~- - - - - 1935 Price Bracket ~----N.ow:...a.r:oi;i.._ _____ t.47'20-7000 .............. % --·-·-····% $.h759.c.7.000. ... ........... % ____ % h. 1937 Price Bmc"'· i. 1939. ............. Price j. Sales Demand __ G o o d ~ - - - - - - k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket ....-13.t.~.t.i,~-- -- LJ!gj;___ JL_____ _____ ',1,chan~~ 1937 Rent Bracket $ .....ronL............___ .............J, $ ·"""" -·---··--- ---··-·· 1, &ac"' ...... .. Rent Bracket o. Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) -\tchang<'! ........ ...... % _1.,. 6 rm bungalows 3. NEW CONSTRUCTTON (past yr.) No ... .35.Q____ .Type & Price j5.Q9_~15.Q.9. .......How Selling ...Ro.o.dilY ···--·· 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL.'---~o~-- b. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( ..3. ..:,,.) a. 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_.~Je. lnstifutions _ _,,_o_ _ H O • = - ~ - - - b. ln,o""'°"''----'O'-- ... .. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $100'.l (I9ll.e.) $...5u.,5Q 1939 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Te rrain: Level with favorable gro.dcs. No construction hazards. Ll\Ild improved 75%. Deed restrictions limit improvements to 1 ond 2 story single family dwellings with architectural control, unifonn 11 set backs 11 and protection in porpotuity ago.inst subversive raci o.l clements. Convoniencos arc nll readily o.vo.ilo.blo. This subdivision was po.rt of tho 11 Lucky 11 Baldwin Estntc and ho.s only boon on tho market for the past 2 or 3 yoars and, under stimulus of c. woll directed promotional effort rutd FHA Title II financing, hc.s boon enc of the community 11 hot spots" ever since. Construction and mainteno.nce aro of excellent character. Architectur a l designs aro individuc.lly c.ttrnct ivo c.nd harmonious o.s a whcilc. Population is hom:::>gcnoous. "While owner occupo.ncy is high, it is quite generally based upon a lOYr equity invoctroont which raises a question as to the e c onomic stability of tho district. While this a ron ho.s all the physical characteristics of tho highest gro.dc , thi:l factor coupled with its being surrounded by lower grade districts la nds to the assignment of a 11 low grcen 11 9. LOCATION Lciloort Pnrk SECURITY GRADE.J.5 .t.. c. AREA NO-.Ac/i.7.. DATE.z.!5.c.J. 48 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map o[ __ ):-_'?.!!'. ...~geles County a. Increasing Mode rately 1. POPULATION: and Occupatit>n c. Foreign Families ___ Q____ ~ e. Shifting 01' Nationalitie"--------'------None Infiltration ____ _ 2. BUILDINGS, b. Conmuction Average Age 20...J PREDOMINATING OTHER TYPE J -10 rooms a. T-,pe and Ske c. Income $5°'C50J~d....tip···-·· Decreasing Business & professional man, executives, capitalists, etc. b. Stucco &: frame _J___ y_ears Good cl Ret,air e. Occupanc, f. Owne,-oecupied g. 1935 Price Bracket $ 8000-llJ.000 %,change h. 1937 Price Bracket $ .. ssoo-17 ,500...... . ... 15...% ;. 193-9.......... $...§5.00c!.7,500... ........o ..% i. Sa!cs Demand k. Pm:licted Price Trend (next 6-12 montlu) 1935 Rent Bracket $N9.t. __1;1,_ _____________ %clian~e %change 1937 Rent &acket $ ... ront ................% ............... % Price 8,-adret ......!l.t,u,o._ _ __ __ ·······-·--·· ...... ·····-··Rent Bracket o. -·····-'!, Rental Demand p, Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 monthJ:) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past '.)T.) 2 story frame & stucco No......29. .....Type & Price .S.l25QQ.=.25QQQ.How Sellirig ____0.fil.~I.- ~.iJt 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HO,u_.._ ___,,___ _ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.3.:,,-.I a. HOL'----"-- - - b. lru<io«ion.< . ...........9 .. b. In,•cuticn~•- - ~ 0_ _ 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, •.......... ..!,,mpl.• ...... 1. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193/>=) $_5/1,50 ....-·- · 1939 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain : Rolling, hillside to hilltop . Topogro.phic ho.zards cost of construction in rony cases . Lnnd improved 50% of o. possible 80'/4 susceptible of devo lopment. Deed restrictions , including perpetual racial protection, a.dequnto o.nd enforced . Conveniences a r e a ll ronsono.bly o.vo.ilnblo for ::m o.reo. of this cho.rc.ctor. 'l'his o.roo. is fro m 15 to 20 old . It y,o.s moro or loss dormc.nt for o. number of but is now· showing o. rovivnl und uctivity has beon quite noticco.blc for 5 yours. Construction· is large ly supor sta.ndo.rd quality, o.nd mo.intonunco is of oxcollont quality• .Archit octuro.l do signs uro harmonious und plo.tting shows gr oo.t engineering skill. Popula.tion is homogonoeuc: o.nd community pride is evident. This is one of the best devclopmonts sponsored by the Los Angeles Invostm::mt Co. Homos ites sell for from $1500 up o.nd Imny e fford v iews of o. lo.rgo section of the city of Los Angelos. Thero no derogatory influences o.nd tho trend of dosirubility will be UEWffird for many to corrc . Th:: o.r co. is splendidly loco.tod a.nd is o.ccordod n "hi gh green II •. SECURITY GRADE.l,t ..± AREA NO._..AclJ! DATE.3~15"3 49 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map 0L...L.2.;L4.n&.~.l§.§....9.2~E---··--1. POPULATION: a. Increasing _______ R.i;i,_pj._QJy ..........- .............. Decreasin Sr.aric .......... Business & professional me.n, minor executives, white collar b. Class and Occupation __c_le.r..ic.ala..._~-t:;&..... __ J.!1£.g_:m~Li.~5.9_Q.::5.90,.,0c__ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ c. FOTeign Families _____!L..%. e. 2. BUILDINGS, a. ·~------=----- - - NationaU,·• d. Negro.·-·······Q ... %. Shifting or Infiltration _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _c___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ PREDOMINATING ....90 ... % OTIIER TYPE Type and Si:te ____Stucc.,oc__ _ _ __ b. Construction 6 months,...__ _ _ __ c. Awrage Age d. Repair .. J:forn._ _ _ _ _ __ ___ l . ~ ' - - - - - - - e. Occupancy f. Owner-occupied g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Price Bracket Price B>-acke, j_ Sales Demand k. Predicted Pria Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket .95%~------ $ ...... % - Stat ic to dcrwn 1937 Rent Bnu:ket ....... Rent Bracket o. Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend (ne:a % }55Q9.-7500 .... ........ % J, ...... % _'t, t._J:t:l this ...... area;___ _ _ _ __ 6-12 months) · 6 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION {past yr.) No......3..9.Q. ...Type & Price $5500- 7500 How Selling Moderately 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL 0 b. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.3 ,,.) a. HOLC..... 0 b. lrurirnrum, _ __::0_ _ 6. MORTGAGE ruNDs,..A,J;,J.~... (:r_;,1'i'b 1. lmtitutiomL_---'o'------ TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (li§Jr $1t,52.....__ _ 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA Rolling 11 up hill and dcnY-n do.le 11 • Serre slight construction hazards. Land improved 25%. Deed restrict ions , i ncluding prote ction in perpetuity, are adequate and enforced. Convenienc es are all readily available or in process of being so. This is a new subdivision wh ich ho.s boon placod upon the market within the past year , nnd is ono of tho "hottest spots 11 in the community.• Tho o.reo. shovm is tho first unit of a dcvoloproont which will eventually cover 2l sq. miles. Project ho.s boon carefully planned, o.nd platt ing, ,•.ihich follows contours of land, is pa rticulo.rly notuuorthy. Location is a favorable ono. Thero is evidence tho.t development has boon too rnpid and thnt nevi improvoronts are not being absorbed r eadily. It i s po::isiblc that spcculo.tivo builders mo.y have to reduce prices to compo te with other now improvements in th is section. Construction, most of which has boon fiMnco d through FHA Title II loans, io of high standard qunlity. Set backs arc uniform and nrchitoctural designs are individually attructivo and collectively harmonious. Population bids fair to be homogeneous . It is possible thnt c.reu may develop into higher grade but, 11 at present , it is not doom:id vtiso to accord bettor tha.n n provisionnl low green" grade:, 9. WCAT!ON.... Jlin.da<ll'....Hillo... SECURITY GRADE..l.•.t. ..,. AREA NO-....!d,9" DATE.3.:.15cJ,J 50 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of__.Lo..a ... Ang.o.l.Q..fL..G.o.unty. _______,__ 1. POPULATION: a. lncr<?aSing ________BQ.~;i...Q.),y ____________ .... Decreasing, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static c. Foreign Families ..... Q. _____ '& Shifting or ln/lltratiotL---··· e. 2. BUILDINGS, Nationalities, _ _ _ _ _~ - - - - - - - - - - ~ • . Q l l C....P..p~.r.9.n,., _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ PREDOMINATING a. Type and Site ... ]0.. .'f, _6-,] _room __ bungalows __ S_t1,1cc9 ___ & __ b?,"ick . b. CorutTuction ....Z.. y~_g.__ _ _ __ Average Age c. Occupancy f. Owner-occupied ............. . 9,u,o._ _ _ __ g. 1935 Price Bracket L .65.lXl, BOOO...-•• %change h. 1937 Price Bracket ~ .....1000,.850.0...... 1939. ................Price B,acket }_ ..7()Q_0.c.~5Q.0. j. Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend 6-12 f __}fo.YL ..• .% ....90.0.0al2.,.500 .... $ 9000 .. 12,500 Fnir ______ Sto.t_ic_______ Sto.tic months) 1935 Rent Bracket $ Not _o.____ _____________ 1,~liange J, 1937 Rent Bracket .__ Rent Bracket o. ....G.0.0. ....lOW.. ... e. (next .1,_______ ....G.®u......_ _ _ __ d. &pa;, $ ___ o.rco. Not a %change rent '1, Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 montlu) 15 7- 8 rm 2 sty $9000-15 , 000 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past >'f.) No......3.Q...___Type & Price .15._.9..::7__1:iJL........How Se/Ung o.,mcr built Bung. $7500-9000 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL O b. lruciMwn 0 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (..3 >'.) a. HOL..___~Oc......_ _ b. Institutions, _ __.,0c......_ _ 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, •...1\l>1,JQ ....... ......... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (I9J§c) $.•54.,5.0. ... _..... 1939 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTER[STICS OF AREA, Level to hillside o.nd hilltop . Some construction hnzo.rds. Land improved 50%, Deed restrictions cffcctivo o.nd protect ugninst ra.cio.l hnzo.rds in perpetuity. Zoning is singlo-fcmily rosidontio.l. Convonioncos a.11 reo.sona.bly o.vo.ila.blc. Streets nrc well plo.ttod o.nd pivcd. This is o. now subdivision having been plri.ccd upon tho mnrkot ;;i t hin the 5 yoars. It is well loco.tad and canto.ins :mo.ny boo.utiful view hcmcsitcs. Construction is genoro.lly super sto.ndo.rd qunlity nnd m..'l.intonnnco is of oxccllont quo.l.ity. Arohitccturo.l designs nro individually ettrc.ctivc nnd harmonious as o. whole. Population is homogeneous. This is o. well p l o.nnod o.rco. o.nd dovolopmcnt hc.s boon of u high order. lndico.tions nro tho.t tho district is still on tho a.nd thD.t desirability ,;r.i.11 for some to corrc. The o.reo. is uocordcd n 11 oodinl green" 9. LOCATION Oye,hill~--- SECURITY GRADE .. .1,.1' .. AREA N0•.. _,':,5Q DATE..3.cJ!i.c.£ 51 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oLL<>s•..Augal.o.s..J:.ount,, .•.•.___.__ 1. POPULATION: a. lncreasing ____~J4lY. .......--····-··-····· .Decr~a.sin,,-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static .. ______ _ Business & professional men , minor executives , b. Clru5 and Occuparion ___ v.hite collar clericals .•~ m e _ $ ~ ~ , x . _ _ _ __ c. Foreign Fa miUes_ __ Q_~ NlUiontditie•~--- ~ ~ - - · - - - - - d. Negro .........Q.J, e. Shifting or Infiltration _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~,,,.~ ---------- Z. BUILDINGS, 9Q...~ PREDOMINATING OTI!ER TYPE __ 2_ story~-- 8 ro.9~ _ __ a. Type and Site Few ne,v rluplexes along b. Ccrutn.rnon __ stucco~- - -- - c. .• __ ;!. _yca .L _ _ _ _ __ Average Age e. Occupancy ... Jmk~------ /. Owner-occupied -·-··97%~----- g. 1935 Price Bracket h. i. 1937 Price RfflCket 1999....-- ........ Price Bracket .....I! _ __ __________ i $ _ar.QA....•-··-·-····-- L ..5Q00.., ('5QQ__.. _______ _... 1, j, Sales Demand _ ____ Fe.Jr to _good __ _ k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rtnt Bracket , ___ N_Q._i;;_a_______ f£(~&_~ .... rent ............... ....... %. ___ St_a ti _ _ _ _ __ 1937 Rent Bracket .......... % ____%. o. Rental Demand Predia.ed Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa,t ,,.) p. N,.J,.OQ ... T,po 5-6- 7 rm stucco bungs . & Pric, _$5.QQQ=ll5.ll0...... How Soiling ....Jl.o.ruii.l,c.- 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOL.~-~ 0 ~ - - b. ln.ttitutions_ ____Q_ __ _ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.....3.,.,.) a. HOLC.- ~ - - - b. l>Uritutions- ..........0. 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,AmP.!.••.J.f.l!A)....... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 093..8.➔ $...5.2•.70 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACI"ERISTICS OF AREA, 1939 Terrain: Level . Uo construction hazards . Lani improved 4o%. Deed r estrictions govern improveioonts and provide uniform 11 set bncks 11 , architectural supervision and protection ago.inst ro.cial hazards, Convenionces are all readily available . This is a brand new subdivi sion o.nd is o.nothor of the F"rlA Title II "hot spots 11 • Plo.tting is o.ttro.ctivo and promotiono. l effo rt is proving effective. Construction is of super standard quo.lity and mainteno.noe bids fair to be of same oho.rnotor. Architectural desigrrn, mc:.ny of tho "Monterey type 11 , individually attractive and collectively harmonious . The district is attracting tho upper rrodium income croup o.nd is prospoctivoly homogcncoos . Thero a. fow duplexes in tho district , but , due to, they not inharmonious. The o.roo. is splendidly loco.tad and pattern woll established. However • l ow oquity ownership precludes higrer tMn o. 11 lov, groan " gr ade nt t his timo. 9. LOCATION ....!!q.,ajng~g-"-..~c1'..... SECURITY GRADE.J&t...s AREA NO-..J.\61 D A ~c,,,39 ~ : This o.rea. is currontly o.ffootod in whol e or in p::i.rt by o.n Ad vnl orcm True District. Indi viduo.l propcrtios should be checked for this ha.zo.rd • . 52 AREA DESCRIPTION Security M ap oLL.Q_a__~(1lu_C..Q1JlltY..----·a. lncrcruing_.•.. Ji~.P..idJy ···-·····--·-· DecTeasi,-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static ....... ____ _ Busin:l ss & proi'~ssional men, minor exeoutives, ..',-~1.g_.___ Jl!Q.Q~..JiQQQ_: :§QQ9~----Occufwion a11d b. Class 1. POPULATION: c. Foreign Familie.L._O_J~ Nationalities,_ _ _ _ _~ _ d. Negro ______ .Q ____ ,.,- e. Shi/ting or lnfiltration ___..Sl~t... i.n:Cil.t.r.~tJ.91LQf_~rican_ Jewtsh_ :families _n0:ted ________ _ 2. BUILDINGS, __ §;i.J, PREDOMINATING a. Type and Site b. Construction _StqQco ..- ... so~ ..f'.rru:no --···--··· c, Average Age d. Rtpafr Stucco J ye ars e. Ckcupancy -----9.a,~ - - - - - f. Own,,,occup;,d ______ 95%.______ g. 1935 Price Bracket . '.~-~I'. I6oo0,,9_000.. ______ % t55QQ=(,5.QO _ h. 1937 Price Bracket f.65.oo~.10.,..50.Q _____ , $6Qoo-1000 j. Sak.s Demand k. Predicted Price Twul ..19}9.. -... -....-.Pric, B,ack,, (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent BTacket 1937 Rent Bracket .. Rent Brack~t o. Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) _95l!_ _ __ _ __ ~-6.75.Qcll,Ol)_Q_______ _9._oo~d,___ _ _ _ __ Stablec___ _ _ __ __...S.t.c..ti.c.. __:t.Q...dJ::?i'in.__ ~_N.o.t....a..______ ;(,c~ge __ ,,___ ........... ..% $ ... rental $ _ar_o.a....·➔-·~--·- 7 &: 8 r ooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION {pa,t ,.,..) No ...20.0...__T:,p, & Pric, -i15llil=.l.?, 5QQ..How &lling ....Readily ___ _ HOL~ - ~ - - b. ln.stitutioru ___F.~l'L 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (... -,3: .. y.) a. HO=- 6. ~ - - - b. lmrititticr...s __Efilw. ...... MORTGAGE FUNDS,_.Ampla.._________ __ 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (1938.~) $-Sa.JQ_ _ 1939 8. DESCRimON AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Rolling with no steep grados . Uo construction hazards, Land improved 651",. Deed :restrictions limit imp1·ovcw.mts to single-family dwellings of a minimum cost of $1.J,OOO und protocts in perpotui ty ago.inst subvorsive racial oloronts . Convcmienoos o.11 rce.sono.bly avo.ila.blc for a district of this character • .This subdivision was platted and plo.cod on tho mnrkot so:rw 15 your:, ago; its growth nftor tho initial promotionnl offort wns erratic until about 4 yoars ngo V;?len activity bogo.n to increase. Curront ly it is ono of tho "hot spots" of the community. Construction and mo.intonnnco nro of oxocllont cirnro.otcr, Archi tccturnl do signs, p:i.rticulo. rly of new improvcoonts, individuo.lly nttra.otivo and hcrmonious a.s n whole . Populntion is ho100gcnoous nnd shown high dogreo of neighborhood prido • . Proximity to numerous motion picturo sttdios , Country Clubs , and tho Pncifio Mil ito.ry Aco.domy a ro considered c influences. '.l'ho locntion is n lso n fo.voro.blo one . Lot vo.luos o.round $j0 por front foot , Plo.ns under wo.y for i..mmodiato dovelop100nt of a soction botwoon No.tional Blvd.,· Motor Avo., Exposition Blvd. &: }.funning Ave ., to be known o.s Cheviot Knolls. This is inunodia.toly o.djo.oont to the area. end it is 't hought ,nu, . in tim.o, become o. po.rt of it. _ This is o. very dosira.blo o.nd 11 nctivo o.nd is accorded a. trodio. l groon 11 . 9. LOCATION_.J,l,ont.o_Mru:_..U..t~.-- ... SECURITY GRADE...J•.t ... AREA NO. __ Ac.5.? DATE2:'J3=.29 53 AREA DESCRIPTION 1. POPULATION: a. In.crearing Moderately b. Class and Occut,atiM Professional and business men, r etired people. Income$3,900- __ 7500 up c. Foreign Families ...... .9__~ Nationalities _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ d. Ntgro. __Q......... ~ e. Shifting or InfiltTation _ _ __ _ _ _ _N9:ne a_pparent~- - - - - - - - - - 2. BUILDINGS, a. Type and Si:te 6 & 7 rooms Atierage Age up lCf/4 Good d. RepaiT Occupancy (. Owne,-occup;,d -· _9Q'le~----- g. 1935 Price Bracket L6QQO:-..J5Q!)______ '1,,ha.,, .19:,\L ........... Price B,.,1<,1 & 6 years e. h. 1937 Price Bracket ___ j,_ 5% -···--· 8 r ooms b. Con.muction c. OTHER TYPE Multi - family ___ m______ $ 6500-2000 --~ -·- ____ _j, $.... 6500-.9000 j_ Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (n= 6-12 mon,h,) 1935 Rent Bracket $.__..f_QQ __f.ew________ '% cfu:inge m. 1937 Rent Bracket L·-····--·····-···· o. Rental Demand ·····-····.Ga o . ~ - - - - - ___ t.:t.a.t.i~------ ...........J, Predicted Rent Trend ..S.tat.i~·- - - - (next 6-12 months) 6 & 7 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (prut )T,) No-.....?.~L....T:ypc & Price ..Ji7.5.QO..:-.l.O.~.Q00How SC'lling ____ _lia~.d.ily. _____ p. 4- OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOLC-··-··-·-···Q_._._. __. b. lnsti"'"""-'_.Tu.cy_.c.,,_ __ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( ...3 ,.,-J a. HO=- ~ - - - b. lru""'"""-'--···-··-F-"YL 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_ ......MDlO ........... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.0~ $_5_?J.97. 1939 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Te rrain : Level with no construction hazards . Land i mnrove d 9()%. Doed restricted and zoned for singlo - farnily dwellings , multi - famil y st~ucturcs l)eing permitted i n limited dosignated area .\ Conveniences all readily available. Development of this well planned subdivision whi c h wns be gun just prior to the deprossion , lag&ed during its ea rl ie r poriod but during tho several y~11:ffs it has boon one of the community 1 s nhot spots" . Owing to high po rc ont of land improvement , activity is now slowing down . Construction , nnintE>nanoe and o.rchito ctural designs aro of oxceillont quality . Population is homogonoous and dood restrictio ns rigid ly enforced which lnrgoly account for its harmoniou s appoaran o and distinct npp0al . Oa spitc tho nrca's hic;h stato of dovolopmont , it is bcliovod that owing to the n r 0a 1 s location and the ovidcmcc of many years of f'uturo desir ability, it is entitled to a 11 low gro on 11 grndc .. 9. LOCATION-.tfil~su·=---- SECURITY GRADE..._l,t ...c AREA NO-.,\.c5~ DATE...~ /9 1 AREA DESCRIITION Security Map of....J..9.;;_~~i_g_~__9.Q..~]x_ _____ _ 1. POPULATION: a. Increa.sing_._Y.<rrY.,_.§!.Q'i:!.!Y_______ Oecremi,,.___ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static--···-- b. Cln.s.s and Occupation. Mi ll iona~res (active and retired) c. Fattign Families _ Q__ _1 e. Shifting 01 Inoo~ $5().L900 and up N-""""'-- - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - · d. Negro ______.9__~ Infiltration _ _ _ _~N.QJW~- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING a. T,r,e and Si.te _15 .. 98 _% OTHER TYPE ':)r ___ rao~e room rrtmsions b. C'.onstruction c. A11aage Age e. Occupancy g. 1935 Pna Brocket h. 1937 i. 1939·-··-·--·-····Pl:ice Brocket ;. Salu D,mand k. .Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 193S Rent BYocket Good lOoYo ........ - 100f.=· - - - -- Pric, 13=.., ~5Q~-~__Q_11J1..<L!:!1L %change !. W~QQQ..,.11<LYP- ..........1> $. 6.5.000 .. and..uP.. ..%. ____ Static~- - - - - $ . No reJ1.tal_s_______ %..~-~ -$~ m. 1937 Rent Bracket f. ____ J~_1,;;9.9.».t ..f.2.r______ ............ 'Ii Rental Demand . --···· o. - - - Prtdicted Rent Trend (nut 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (po.,,,,.) No...... .9......T,p. & Pric, _ _ _ _-_ How S<Wng _ _ _ __ p. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL.~- ~o_ _ _ b. lnsooawn-•-~o_ _ b. lns<ioaicn~•-~D_ __ O a. HO 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (..3... ,,.) Upon personal 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193!l=.) $..'is.,.!1Q....- -. 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, 1939 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACfERISTICS OF AREA, 1,<;.,,... Terrain: Level - No construction ho.1.ards. Lo.nd improved 95% out of possible 100%. Deed restricted both o.s to minimum improvements for many years to com o.nd o.s to subversive ro.cos in porpetuity. Zoned singlo family r c sidontial. Conveniences all roo.dily o.vailo.blc_. This is an extrorooly oxolusivo which vio.s subdivided somo 20 years o.go and so dood restricted as to preclude onyono without ample incoiro from becoming rosidonts. It is o. wnllcd- in aron of som::> 8 or 9 blocks, parked with provisions for a J))T front foot o.nnuo.l cho.rgo for upkoop. Needless to say, tho residents homogonoous. Construction o.nd mo.intone.nae of tho highest quality ond o.rchitooturo.l de signs nre harmonious. Prices g iven o.bovo of nooossity more or l oss conjectural n.s tharo is no ost o.b lishcd mrkct prices•, oonsidora.tions being n nr.ttor of negotiation.. This is to bo the most s ecluded district in Southern California. and , under tho circumsto.neos, it '"M)Uld be incongruous to _a ccord l oss then tho highest r os idontiol grndo . 9. LOCATION ..... Fn>w..llL.!'le.22... _ •.. SECURITY GRADE..l.o:L! AREA NO-.Ac5J. DATE..?±39 55 AREA DESCRIPTION 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing Moderately Decreasing Ir.come $600-~ 8.:rid U1) b. Class and Occupat'Wn ProfessioMl & business men, retired capitalists , etc. c. Foreign Families.__ _9. ______~ N£t.tionalities _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ None apparent e. Shifting or ln{i!tration __ _ 2. BUILDINGS, a. PREDOMINATING Average Age 10 years d. Repair Good e. Occupancy Dw,w--occupied g. 1935 Price Bracket 1937 Frie, B,ack,t f.....75Q.Qc.l0,Q.Q.Q.... ..1939 ........... Frie, B,acket f . .75.0.QslO.,.QQQ.... i- Sales Demand k. ~=:ii~~:~ .... 1935 Rent Bracket Llfot....a.... %..~-~~~~ ~..r.e.n.tal..... . ............%. m. 1937 Rent Bracket o. 6 rooms 15% Frame• stucco &__ ma~<;mry b. CortStrnction f. ·····---% OTHER TYPE .....5 & c. h. .. ~...... % Type and Size ... GQQO, ___,_ _ _ __ Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) 6 & 7 room 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa,t :,,.) No.... 7 .. ... T:,pe & I'ric, liQQQ-='l.QQQ .....How Sdli,g 9'!ner....e.'!.iJ,.L 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL.~_-0_ _ _ b. Irucitutioru•. _____Q 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.. .3... ,r.) a. HOLC ..... .Q__ Institutio.. - - ~ - - - . b. Ample up to 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, .•!'Jl,\Jl,mI1; ......... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193..8-t $.• 5.?,.30....•..... l\!39 8. DESCRI!'TION AND CHARACTERJSTICS OF AREA< Terrain: Low rugged hills and ridges with view locations. Some constrt1ction hazards. Land inq:,roved 50%; some homesites includo large grounds and orango groves. Deed restrictions arc adequate and effective. Provide protection against subversivo racial clements • . Zoning is single-family residontial .. Convcnioncos are not r0 adily nvailo.blc, transportation being entire ly by private conveyance. This area. is co~·(iposed of two or more subdivisions, all of which have bean placed upon tho market within the past 20 yoro-s. Jhevolopment has been steady und without the aid of promotional effort. Many now homos hnvc been during the past SOYore.l yours rang ing from modest 5-room bungalows to spacious mo.nsions surrounded by large grounds and orchards. Activity has boon most pronounced in the onstcrn and southern parts of the n re n . Construction is from good to extra stcmdo.rd quality. Mn intono.noo is of oxoOllont oh..'l.racter, ond nrohitooturo.l designs att ro.ctivo. Populo.tion is homogeneous v.nd loct'ttion · is a highly dcsiro.blc ono on o.ocount of its proximity to 1'1'.hittier College. The prioo rc.nges shmm o.bovo nomim l, being bu.sod upon an avornge size homesite •. This area is not o.dvorsely affected by Arcu C-134 -which a.butts on the west a.s tho rugged terrain affords a physical bo.rrior to influonoos from tho lovror gro.dc area. No dotrimonto.l influences vro ro observed and tho nrco. is a.ocordcd a. 11 101, greon 11 grndo. 9. LOCATION .........Eastri1.g_c __········- ... SECURITY GRADli....l.,t... e AREA NO....As55.. DATE..4.sa6.e~9 56 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oLJ .,_Q/L.!\n~lJ!£ ....C..o.un:t.y_ 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing_.............B!l..PJQ,Jy_......... .... . ..... . D«reasin,g__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static . . Naval officers, business & professional me n, . b. Class and Occvpation........... ___J.r.•.,. . J;!xi;iJ;:;fili.Y..<J.L...!l.i,:.Q,..::.... I;r~come $2000-5-090 __ nnd u " ' - - - - c. Foreign FamiUes ... . .. . .O... . .~ Nationalitie,~---~-------- d, N,gro.... .D.....% c. Shi/ting or -Jnfiltration, c·- - - - - - - - ~ • o l l e.... a.p.par.a,,.,..,__ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, ...20..•% PREDOMINATING -5.1....9... ~-7 OTIJER TYPE rooms ........ . b. Construction ....2...:Y,,.ot,·~L____ _ __ _ d. Repair .•. Go.o,.u- - - - - - .... 9.~~- e. OccufX,lncy f. Owner-occupied g, 1935 Price Bracket t h. 1937 Price Bracket l.J.,.5Q.Oa8000. . .. ---- .. 9~/4,_ __ _ _ _ i. 193-9 .......... ...... l'ric, j. Sale, Demand _ Good~--- -- - k. P,edict<d Prire Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket ······S .t.atk. . ..t,9:___ up:w.a..r.d....... . 13,ack<t m. 1937 Rent Bracket ...................Rent Bracket o. Rental Demand $ 4500- 8000. $ Nat...o... . __________________ %.};~~{~ _$ .. rental__________________ ........%. ......... % % 1, . Vi.ould. p. Predicted Rent Trend .....Jlpl"ta.r.a__ _ _ __ (next 6,.12 months) 5-6- 7 room 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa,1 ,,.) No... J.~5 ....T,p,, & Pric< .J5ll.0-°".ll5QQ. .... How Selling .....fu!.11>.\l.l,,c._... _ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOLC-. ..........0...·- ···· 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (..}.,,.) a. HOLC 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_...... .Amplo.. .... .0. b. lnstitunon.s _____Q b. Institutions ....... _Q 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (1936cJ $...35..,.67. .. 1939 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level. No construction hazards. Land improved 60%. Deed restrictions provide for minimum improvement costs of $4000 to bo constructed under a rchitectural supervision and approval of subdividers. Racial protection in perpetuity. Conveniences are not as yet fully provided but said to be in prospect. This area, ,-.ti.ich Yro.s formerly part of tho estate of the late Senator w. A. Cl ark, wns subdivided o.nd plaeod on tho markot within tho p..'lst 5 Under tho influence of high pressure promotional effort and F'"dA Title II financing dcvelopront has been very r apid n.nd it has come to bo most popular . Long Bouch suburb. Construction ro.ngcs from standa.rd to extra standard qual ity. Mo.intono.nco is of exeell0nt character nnd architectural designs o.rc individuully o.ttro.ctivo o.nd colfoctivcly harmonious. :Populut ion is homogeneous. Tho ho.tchod portion to tho northvicst is a separate subdivis ion which ha s just been plo.ccd upon tho roo.rkct. Approxinntcly 12 residoncos now in course of construction; judging from those improvements, will be more pretentious than those in unhatched portion .. Adjaoonco to the Lokowood Golf & Country Club is o. fo.voro.blo influence. Roo.sono.blo lot vo.luo s of from $12.5() por front foot up nrc said to have o.lso inorcnsed popult.rit~•· When oonvoniencos o.11 nvo.ilo.blo this o.rco. vri. 11 bo entitled to o. higher gra de ; nt present o. "low green 11 is o.ssignod. 9. LOCATION. Lakowood Villago . SECURITY GRADF....,.!t... : AREA N0•.....-~:.2? DATF..2::. 5729 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of_.!!9.E. __Ange l es County Decreasn...,.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Staiic .. -.... ___,_ a. Increasing Rap idly Businoss & professional men> oil company und b. Class and Occ,i.t,aaon __ re.firer_y_executives. etc.. .Income --~09~1590 and UJL____________ _ 1. POPULATION: Nationaliti-- - - - - - - - - -- - c. Foreign Families__._2.__1 e. Shifting Of InfiltT"""" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2, BUILDING& a. PREDOMINATING OTHER TYPE _ _1 6 to 8 rooms Type and Si.::e Frame-'- stucco_& 1nasonry b. Construcrio.n c. ...22-i Average Age d. Repair e. Oa:wpancy ___ m~-- - - - f. Owner-occupied ···-·951L..... .. g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 1',ic, B,ackn t ..-7.mQ.clQ.,QO_Q.... $ _ 70000 10,ooo ____ _ %change , .l.9W.............. Pria &ad,et j, Sale, Demand Good k. Predicted Price Trend Statio __ ____'f. (next 6-12 montlu) 1935 Rent Bracket ...............% __ ____'f. o. Rental Demand p. Predicted .Rrnt Trend 6 to 8 rooms (next 6-12 months) J. NEW CONSTRUCTION {pa.,t .,,.) No._ __ goo.....T,p,, & Price .a.'/a.QO-l,Q,500...How Selong ...!½>~.<\H.:t.__ _ HOLC _ _o~-- 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (. }.,,.) a. HOLC- .. 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS Ample 7. b. lns•-·-~o~-- - - ~O___ b. Insf;t~•--0___ TOT~o;;,,~ ~rJE!l Jt~ JWj~ $_5,s,_5.Q_ ___ _ 8. DESCR!l'TION AND CHARACTEI\!STICS OF AREA, Terrain : Levol, no constrootion hazards. Land improved ?r;J'/4. Highly deed restricted as to improvoment costs, l ooo.tion and architectural desii;ns and provides for racia l protection in perpetuity. Conveniences r easonabl y or r eadily available . This is the best r osidontial c.roo. in Long Boo.oh and is o. rcoont dovolopment. Construction is standard quality or better. Maintcno.nco of good quality. Architectura l designs a r e harmonious. Population is homogeneous. Adjo.oonoe to Virginia Country Club i s o. fo.vora.blo fa.ctor. Proximity to oil well s , r ofinorios, etc . is a detriioontnl influonco; however, no odors wore dotoofod and informed loc al opini on is tho.t this factor is not o. deterrent. Re cont drilling for oil , east of Cherry nnd south of Carson. brought in a. 11 dry wol l II a.nd a. mov<:1mont i s to b o on foot to get tho county to zone ago.ins t future opcrutions of this kind. If this is succes sful it is thnt vnoa.nt property of California aid south of Snn .Antonio Dr ive ,·rill b0 subdivided ond dovol opod in ho.rmony with thia o.r oa.. This is n 11 hot spot" nnd l ots a.r o s elling from $1000 ond up, o.ocording to sizo o.nd upwo.rd l ooo.tion,. Location of this o.rea is vory f o.vornblo ond n continued 1 trond is indico.ted. It i s thoroforo nccordod a. 11mo dial greon ' grade . 9. LOCATION._.fu.~ Kng_!!§_ .. ___ ,, ___ SECURITY GRADE.... ..lo:i;__ AREA NO....A,,S.6.. DATE.5-J:,.}9 58 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of.... Los __ AngEiles County 1. POPULATION: a. IncrWo~e-s·:d.o~ie~a~~;rness b. Class and Occupation executives, etc. ~ri;:as;=trre·(cC·apit8TiSf~--- Static Incoroo ~_22c,0::c0-:clc-0:,.,0"'0'-'0'-'a"n""d_U:,,P:..__ _ _ _ __ c. ForeiP,n Families.. ..Q.....'f~ National.iries ······-······-·-·-··· .. ················ d. Negro __ Q More moderate inoo:rre families are c cming in as e. Shifting O'I" lnfilrration a result of deed restriction modification 2. PREDOMINATING a. Type and Si~e --~~-~-!-~-~--:t.Y.P.~....9::C'!"§l.!.~-~g-~---- ·well built 6 rm. -to c. Ave,-age Age 10 years d. Repair Good TYPE 99% e. Occupancy f. Owne,--o=pi,d g. 1935 Price Bracktt J. ....'Z5.QQ..J!A9'....llJ2.... h. 1937 Price Bracket ....1.5.0.Q ...!.l,D.4..J,1.P...... .. 19o9.............. Pria &ad,,c $.... 7500 .and... up j. Saks Demand Poor to fair k. P1edicted. Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket Stu tic 1937 Rent Bracket rental '%..~~!'ge . ..............% .......... .... '/, Not a .. ........ % % area . .... Rent Bracket o. OTilER Stuc co b. Constrnction Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION { :Yf.) No ..,...?9. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES 6. ........'% BUILDINGS. % MORTGAGE RJNDS· c.3....)'T.) ....._T)'t,e 6 rooms & up & Price J §5..Q_9_~~-~..Y.P..Row Selling 0.mer built F •~w~-a. HOL.~-~O_ __ b. Jrutitwo,~-~ a. HOL.~- - 0 ~ - - b. lnstinaio"~-~F•~v~,_ _ Amplo 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (1931c.) $,-5~8~.5~0~-1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Slightly rolling to stoop hillside v.-ith many construction hazards. Land improved 10'/o out of a maximum of 50%. Deed re strict ions provide for minimum improvement cost of ©6000 ,,...ith construction supervised by subdividers. Restrict ovmership to tho Caucasian race in perp~!tuity •. All provisions aro strictly enforced. Deed r estrictions form0rly provided for a much higher minimum cost of improvcmont but W8ro modified as above soro 5 yours ago., Convonioncos c.r o very largely l n • . Schools, churches, trading centers o.nd transporto.tion all being inudoquato. This a rea wns formerly part of an old Spo.nish gro.nt which was tc.kon over by Frank Vo.nderlip, fornPrly Secretary of Treasury, who b egan o.ctivo development in 1923. CompurCd with othor sections of tho city d evelopment h..,;_s been exceedingly slow. Modification of dcod r e strictions o.nd FHA Title II finoncing ho.vo resulted in o.otivity being a.t n. peak at the present time. Tho loca.tion has grca.t charm o.nd offers u rrngnificont view of tho Po.cific Ocean. Construction ~nd mt'.intona.ncc of 0xccllont qunlity. Archi t0ctu:ro.l designs of tho best and popufotion is highly homogeneous~ Tho a.rou is protoctod from tho a.dverso influence of nrco. C- 161 to tho north by virtue of tho hilly terrnin. (Continued on noxt page) Pulos Verdes 9. LOCATION Est"tcs urrl Hollywood Ri;'ic rn Hutched SECURITY GRADE).e.L. AREA NO•. Ac59. DATE..3.=.?9c.39 59 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of . 8. ~ l o s Count.z DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA: (Cont 1 d. from previous pnge Improvements rnnge from expensive 6 room dwellings to rru::msions with lo.rge surrounding ostntes . Thero is no ,::ircdomino.ting typo . Ono authority ventures tho opinion tho.t "Po.las Verdes Esto.tos 11 is one of tho highest subdivi:";ions in Southern Co.liforniu. Tho northern po.rt of' this o.roo. (north of tho Po.las Verdes line) is o. s<' subdivision knovm n.c 11 Hollywood Rivioro. 11 • The churnctcristic~ oi' t his section ere very similar to those of Pnlos Verdes Esto.tcs ; ho,-.cver , deed rnstrictions ho.vo net boon modified o.nd minimum imprevmoont rcquircm::ints nrc so high thot lo.nd improved is only ubout 5%, nnd it is not believed thnt o. successful development is foo.Giblo until som::: adjustment of restrictions is This subdivision wus placed upon the nnrkot some 25 years o.g0. Under normal conditions this area , o.s n. whole, should no.kc r ap id strides during tho next 10 and it is us signed n 11 ho.tchod green II gro.dc . 9. Po.las Verdes Esto.tes o.nd Hollywood Hatched R=.iv"i"' orcc•c___ _SECURITY GR.A.DE _ _ls_t_ _ AREA H O . ~ D ~ ; ~ ~ AREA DESCRIPTION Se0:1rity Map of._Lg.§.._.~)&~~J!9..\ID.ty _____ _ t. POPULATION: a. Increasing _ ________ ~E.~.i.Y. .. __________ _ Dccreasin Income $ 000-B~rgnc---·- ---- 4 b. Class and Occupation __ rr,9-f~.§.§.!_9..nal & l?.Y-!'~_ss iren, executives &: retired pe9..Q),~--- c. Foreign Families__ ~ Nationalitie,~- - - - - - - -- -- - d. N,gro _ _Q_,,_1, e. Shi/ting or lnfiltrotion _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,__QM...J1.J2.P.fil:!int~ - -- -- - - - - -- 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING , 9_9 _'/, OTHER TYPE Larger structures a. Type and Site b. Con.m=ion c. Ave,,age Age e. O::cupancy g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Price Bracket j, Sales Demand k. Predicud Pria Trend (nv:t 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket __ 4_years~- - - -- __m~---- - - m~-- ---- L ~55QOc9.QQQ %change %change :{£~( J, m. 1937 Rent Bracket .. .......... Rent Bracket 3. o. Rental Demand p. p,..Jia,& &nt Trend (nut 6-12 months) _ ____1,,_ 6 t o 8 rm bungalows NEW CONSTRUCTION (po,,:,,.) Nn ...?0.. ..,.. _T:,p, & Pri<, _Ji,_QQQ,c la,ll0!l.How S.Uing _Qvmo,:_.l>_yj.JJ;__ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOLC... 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES t,_},:,,.) a. HOLC... .., 0 _.. _,_, b. ln.stituamu __ ,___,,_Q, 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,~ l e_,_, .... ____ , 7. TOTAl TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.1c) $..5ll., SlL_ _ 1938 8. DESCRlPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain : Hillside and hilltop with no s e rious construction hazard s . Land improved l o% out of a possible 6o% . Deed restrictions provide minillillm improvement cost and architectural supe rvision . Unif'orm set backs are set fort h o.nd ownership is limited to the Co.ucnsian raco in porpotuity, Conveni ences no yot Being o. two -co.r go.rage neighborhood tho effect of this is minimized . This o.rca wus subdivi ded within tho past 10 yenr;:; , but active dovolopment has occurred within 5 years, The loco.tion is one of groat chnnn o.nd affor ds a magnificent view of So.n Pedr o llo.rbor and tho Pacific Oceo.n beyond . Tho parkways beautifully landoco.pod o.nd we ll kept , Construction n.nd :mo.intcnnncc of oxcollont charo.ctor. Architocturo.l de signs nro hnrmonious nnd add groo.tly to the o.ttraetivonoss of tho area . Populo.tion is highly homogeneous. Tho subdivision is under t ho supervision us that of Po.las Ve rdes Estu.tcs. This is, in mnny r ospccts , tho 11 11 most d0siro.blo residential area in tho who l e harbor district , and its present pattern indicates a high first gr ado; however, m' to low por cont of dovoloptoon1 11 11 it c on only ho assigned o. hatchcd groon grade , o.t this tim:i , Hntchcd 9. LOCATION,__~oY.t_~--1.'!!.l.QJLYJ>xAo,L SECURITY GRADE.. 1,.I ...... AREA NO. ..&cQ,Q,.. DAT!Llcg ~,a: 6o AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map ofL..Q_§....-!IDG!?J~J?....9:.QJJil.~-----·- b. a. Increa.sing _____R,~J?.i4.Jy__________________________ Decreasing Static ..... Local merchants, business & professional men, Class and Occuparion.....llQ.~.P.i.te.l....exe.c.J.tli.v:.~.---e.rn;L.:ahl.t!lu;.Ql.U.r.___ w.WI..s.. __ fos..Qm~L.C.2.QQ0=.5.Q.00 c. Foreign Families._..F.e1,t/., 1. POPULATION: Nationalities ............... d. Negro ... D. ..... % e. Shifting or lnfiltration. _ _ _ _ _ _~,'ana ...appo.r..ene10._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING ... 90 .. % OTHER lYPE .5-6.. r_oom,,c _ _ _ __ b. Consmtction ..Frame ___ & _§_t_uc co c. ..12 ... Ys,.fl..t..,. - - - - - - Average Age d. &pair e. Occupancy ....t.o....g_QQ,~- - - - ....9.ll'/4,_ _ _ _ _ __ f. Owner-occupied g. 1935 Price Bracket t,,500._ .. _.. %.,1'!'~~.• %change h. 1937 Price Bracket f...3..500:::,5.0.00 ............. % i. +939 ............. .... Price B,acket U5Q0c50.QQ .. j. Sales Demand _Fair __:to . .ag~oc~d_ _ __ k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 month.,) 1935 Rent Bracket Static 75% ..... 1 m. 1937 Rent Bracket n. .1939. ...... ... Rent B,acket o. Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6--12 mDnths) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past $ ..30 -45 ····--··· ... .G.9.9•. s - - - - - - _S_tE!,tic,_ _ _ _ _~ 5-6 r m stucco yr.) No .....?2.. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (...3... :yr.) ....T,pe & Price.~U!9.9-=:55_Q9........ How Selfing --~~-~.r.....'g~Jtt;__ a. HOL.'-----"--- b. lrucitutioru.. _,___ Few a. HOLC.-~0~ - - b. lnstitutionL... Few 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_,,!!rnJ• . .eg .... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (1931.c.J $ ..5?.,.IQ.....•..... _ selected ris ks 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level with no construction hazards or flood threats. Land improved 45% developed. Deed restrictions have expired . Zoning limits to residential structureslargely single family. Con,rnniences are o.11 readily availaltle. (For background of cor:imunity sco Area description C- 3). This area was platted 11~ny years ago but real development did not bcr;in until a comparatively few years ago , its greatest activity having been under the stimulus of PHA financini:;. In consequence of this delayed devclop:.1c:~t of the aroo. uniformity of improvemonts arc fairly harmonious. Construction and maintenance of f to good character and the population as o. v,hole is homogeneous . Present indications are that the o.reo. is on the upgrade. aowcver , it is believed tho.t this is largGly temporary and that c. grade of 11 low blue 11 is a true reflection of the area. 9. LOCATION ..... S<m Fernnndo ...... SECURITY GRADE..2nd ...e. AREA NO•..B,l ... DATE...}"2;;"39 61 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of__ _l,_QJL.Ane:..~J.fc.~...9:.9Y.-.UJ.Y.. ______ __ _ 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing Moderately Decreasing Static ..... _______ _ Professional &: business men , public employees~ skilled b. Class and Occupation ___f!._!::t~.§~.!1!?...1.J_Ei._tirec!__p~_pJ~.-~--'.·Qi.j._~_~_oll~y ,vorkers Income t!5Q9.~ c. Fotcign Families._.f.~:i!..i e. Shifting OT Natumali~s ..... Ho~.....su_bvers:i,ve~---- d. 2500 Negro,. ___}?....... %. ln/iltTation.Af_~-~ ...~.P.P.~.r..~..n~J.Y... &.r..~.9Jµg_ ..~P.}~rd and extending to the North. Z. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING 5-6 b. Construction c. Atrerage Age ....90 .. 'f, OTHER TYPE ..•• l0'f, 7 rooms rooms Fra.ioo & stucco d. Repair e. Occupancy f. Owner-occupied g. 1935 Price Bracket $ 3000-l,ioo __..... %change h. 1937 Price Bracket I..35.QOcl..5.00. ............ ,,, ............% f3.7.50c50QO .. .... J, _______ % i. 1,1}9 ............... l'ric, Bmckcc j. Saks Demand k. PTediacd. Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket l. 80, %change ____{.;_QQ•• U- - - - - - - __ .Static__ __ __ LIQ.__- 40 -·-··------ _ </,change %,c~ge ..............% 1937 Rent Bracket n. l93.9. ............_Rent Bracket o. Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend (next % _G-oo_d _ _ _ _ _ __ ___ Static,_ _ _ _ __ 6-12 monclis) 5- 7 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa,c y,.) No .... 45.....Type & Pric, !,/,?c';Q~~75_(). ..... How &!ling ..Moderately_ Many 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, e. HOL~_..,0c__ _ b. lnstitutiom 5. SALE OF HOME PROPER'TIES (...3....::rr.) a. HOLC---'~ - - b. lnstitution,__lco'•c.c"--- 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, .• _ .. ;;,,>PJ~.............. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $!000 (1937:.) $ 55, 50 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACfER!STICS OF AREA, Te rrain: Levol with no construction hazard:i. Minimum flood menace. Land improv0d 65% . Deed restrictions arc old nnd said to b0 inadequate but protects against racial hazards . Zoning limits to residential structures - largely single - family. Conveniences aro oll re adily avo.ilc.blo including intorurban transportation to Los Angelos City Center. Tho tovm of Van Nuys .vas started sonD 25 to 30 years ago as a high powered roo.l estate promotion of the lm1ch o.nd lecture typo . Hm'lovor, it has ho.d o. good steady grovrth. It is now pn rt of tho city of Los Angolo:J o.nd a s it contuins tho branch City Hull for tho So.n Fernando Valloy it might be tormod the Municipal capifo.l of tho.t region. Thi.s nreu is tho best residential section of the conununity. Construction , po.rticulurly of newer improvements, is gonorc.lly of good qu~lity. 16.intcn::,nco usually shows pride of occupancy c.nd population is homogeneous. Wide spread in o.go r-..nd nrohitooturo.l designs give the r-. rec. o. somo who.t heterogeneous (l Spoct. Und.or stimulus of FHA finnncing there has boon c. substnntio.l amount of now construction in tho two years, tho ohnro.ct,ir of which 11 11 indic o.tos !'.n upt~'G.rd trend in the urco., and it is thcroforo nccordod o. low bluc grndc. 9. LOCATION Von Nuys AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of_J,!o.<?....Ang~l!3_§ ____Q.9.\.l_n.t.y_. __________ 1. POPULATION: a. Inereasing ______~ .!.41.Y_____________________ Decrcasin,g.__ _ _ _ _ _ Static .... ________ Motion picture executives, actors and technicians , business b. Class and O:cuf)(ltion_.~'ld_ profe_ssional men~-- - Income $2000-10...1_000 _~d - · • " ~ - - c. Foreign Familic.s ....f.QW._1? Nationalities. ...... Non_e____st11:)ver_si:ve~--- - - e. Shifting or Infiltration, _ _ __ _ .... None ___ e,pparen,~t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING a. T:ypc and Size .5.., 6 & 7 .. 85 1, rooms .5?....!·ooms b. Construction c. or me re 19% Atoerage Age d. Repair e. Occupancy .9i!l!,~------ f. Owner-occupied ···· · .9.~•------- g. 1935 Price Bracket $ None existed %change h. 1937 Price Bracket $ 5250-8500 ··-······ % .193.9. ............. Price Bracket $ 5250- 8500 __'f, j. Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) .. ..?.:!'..~_!:Jc_ 1935 Rent Bracket $ _Ho J~.c9rd ···--·-···· %.!?.~.8~ m. 1937 Rent Bmcket ...._Rent Bracket o. $ _.. of a.ri,y···- $ _.renta;t.s··--·-··-- .............. % ........%. .... ........% % Rental Demand Predicted Rent TTend (next 6-12 months) 5-7 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No.. J . QQ..._Type & Price.ili5.QQ.':'.§5.\£2 .....How Selling Readily p. Institutions,__o~--- 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL.~- ~ ~ - - b. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (...3....y.) a. HOL-~- ~ 0 ~ - - b. Instiwtions _ _,,0c.__ _ 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_.-..Al~P.l~.. - ... ...... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.7i 1938 8. DESCRlPTION AND CHARAC."fERISTICS OF AREA. $_.55.,.5.Q Te rrain: Level. No constr uc tion ha zards o r flood threats. Land improved : 25% if unplatted portion is eliminated. Deed restrictions are said to be of high order with perpetual protection f rom r a cial hc.zards, Conveniences are all reasonably available. This is a very r ecent .subdivisi on having been placed upon the mn.rket during pa st several Under stimulus of growing populo.rity of San Ferna ndo Valley locations, well directed promotiono.l effort o.nd FHA finuncing, growth of tho d istrict hns been very r ap id. Much of o.reo. is still in citrus orcha rds o.nd unplo.ttod, but aro to be in lino for early devGlopnnnt. Construction a nd mnint ono.nco are uniform and of high char nctc r. Populntion is homogonocu s and architectural designs nro harmonious. Ther o urc o. number of type homos, with extensive pa rked grounds sc r.ttor cd throughout tho district. Both Jacki.a Coo gan nnd Loui se Fo.zondo.. , of motion p ictur0 fnmo • occupy improvements of t h is kind . The price bracket shovm o..bove is nomi nn l, as home sites, which aro usually extensive, vnry mut orio.lly in size and p rice. As indicntions p0int to u highe r gra.dc this u r of.>. is a ccorde d u urovi::;ionnl 11 100dio..l bluo 11 gr i:do . 9. LOCATION ..S.ou.thuast..J[u.n_nuy.s..... SECURITY GRADE.....2nd. .... AREA NO~....~:.-.3.. -. DATE.3.=-~3.::·.39 CAUTION: This ::i.rea. is curre ntly o.ffo cto d b who l e or in part by an Ad vnlorcm --'fax District. Individuo.l properties should be c ho cked for this hn znrd. 63 AREA DESCRIPT10N Security Map of L_o:~---~.!l.~.l~JL9.9.~ll-------·a. Incres:11 b~=r~~!~ & profes~~~nme n , white collar ,vo;~:;-: b. Class and Occupation ______~~-:..g~-~ artisans , etc. Income ~)1500 to $2J.ct00=._ _ _ __ l. POPULATION: c. Foreign FamilieL...Q. ____ ~ e. Shifting or ln/iltration, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ None __ ~ppar.~•n~t~ - - - - - - - - - - 2. BUILDINGS, Nationalities _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ PREDOMINATING _?Q... __1, a. Type and Site _!!_~_5 b. Construction _§tuc_co ··-····· ·- - - - - c, A'tlfrage Age d. Repair /. Owner-occupied g. 1935 Price Bracket OTiiER lYPE room _m~------- h. 1937 Price Bracket i. 1939... j. Sal!S Demand k. l'ru!icted Price Tmul {next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket ... ... Pnce B,ack,, m. 1937 Rent Bracket ·······-··-Rent Bracket o. .m~---- --~...llmlo.YOloPo.<I..... ··-·- ··--% ~ _ _j, 2500-hooo Fair $ No rents ,J,cMflRe %change $ i n th is ··············1, ~ a r ea 1, Rental Demand p. Pn-dicted Rent Trend 4 &. 5 room (next 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONSfRUCTION Ct,rut J"f,) No~.~20 _ Type & Price $2500- 4000 How Selling lloderate l y 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: O_ _ _ b. 111.stitutions, _ _ _o_ __ a. 1-IOL.~_ _ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES Ci..,,.) a. 6. MORTGAGE FUND~th~~t·/l1t;,ite1 HOLC. _ _O~-- b. lrutitutio"~-~O_ _ TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 UJ'~i;>$_.5_g,_1!.8__ _ 8. DES(.'RIPT!ON AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA Terrain : Level anndy trooloss area with no construction hazards or flood throats . Lnnd improved 15%. Dood restrictions aro to exist . (Terms not lo o.rned) . Convenionc os nrc availo.blo but not conveniently so . Thero no sovrors nn:l rr.nny etroots n r e unimproved . This is r, recent sul•division , plnood on tho mo.rkot botwoon 2 and 3 yoo.r.s cqr,o . Ear ly dovolopmmt vro.s lo.rgcly o.ocomplishod through Vi{A Ti"clo I 3 finn.ncing but c urrently this ho.s been o.bnndonod o.nd FHA Ti tle II substitu ted . Constructi on ranges from stnrnlr-.rd to substnndo.rd qunlity . 1utintcno.ncc indiontos pr ide of 01;mvrship ::-..nd urchitocturnl d o signs arc nttro.ctivo • Popuktion, w!1ilo ,:ipnrontly homogeneous , is of tho low inconx: group ~ Improvomon'b; snid to be spoculo.tively b.l.ilt c.nd not moving rcr-.dily . Tho location is bnrrcn of vo r duro Tlhich gives i t n drab o.ppcarnnc o . The o.rcr-. is without ::i.ppon l nnd it:; patte r n is by no ooa.ns cstnblishod , it is therefore a.ccordod n provisionnl hutched 11 low blue" . lfo.tchod 9. LOCATION _._!,_~F.!!ll.iln_. __...• SECURITY GRADE....~4..c AREA NO _ _.f;:/i... DATE2::i'l::.29 CAUTION: This a.roe. is currently a ffoctod in Vlholo or in part by rut Ad Vl',lorom Tax District.. Ind i vidual proportios should bo chocked for this hnzo.rd . cl, AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of._L9s __ . ~n_g,~les County I. POPULATION, a. 1 ""~;1{,.,ssR:p~~;}0ssi0naf i c. Foreign Families ....SL ___ e. Shifting or Infil£Tation_______ 2. BUILDINGS, a. Type and Size b. Construction c. Avetage Age d. Repair e. ~.,~~tTon.p1c-fore·eiiploye~ skilled artisans• white collar uorkers, etc. Income $1800- 4000 b. Class and Occupation Occupancy Nationalities _ _ _ _ _ ____;:_______ d. Negro ..--~---·----~ None __ a,..,.,ao,rcee;,nt"-------------- 2.0 ...% PREDOM!NA TING 5-6 OTIIER TYPE room bun[alows _______5 years Fair to ·,o od .......s.TJ;'------- f. Owner-occupied g. 1935 Price BTacket h. 1937 Price Bracket i. 19-39... . .... Price Bracket j. Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket I. m. 1937 Rent Bracket ..19~9 ............. Rent Bracket o. Rental Demand .1> } ___ll,QQ.0.::.9599.. ............% ..... Ste.ti~._ _ _ _ __ ,n %change U5 - 50 _'.!, $3-o__._.4~-· L,5___ .............. % Good p. Predicted Rent Trend __,S""tascte.,iccc_ _ _ _ __ (next 6-12 months) 5- rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (po,, y,.) No....1.?'.J. .....T,pe & Pncei¼500-6500 How Selfing ..':'.?.~~E~.~lX... . _ __ HOLC.. - - ~ - - b. lrutituuon~,_ _O 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.3 y,.) a. HOL'--- - '= - - - b. lmtitutio 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, _____,1/,Et• ........ 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER ~1000 Few ~§~ii::) $.2?.,.§il. 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level with no construction hazards. The ee.storn portion borders Victory Wash and suffered some damage during the 1938 floods. Flood control projects since completed are said to have overcome this threat. Land improved 4o%. Deed restrictions provide for single-family structures and protect against racial hazards. Conveniences are all readily available. This area ,·ro.s subdivided bot-ween 10 and 15 ye.< o.go , but development stopped during the depression o.nd it wns only vri thin the 5 years that activity began Currently the area is going ahead rapidl y .. Construction is of good character, ani maintenance indicntos pride of occupancy. Nei.v improvements of bettor quality und architectural designs more o.ttrnctivo . Population is generally homogeneous. Tho area is characterized by its largo homo sites and well kept grounds. Diversity in age of improvements gives a slightly spotted aspect which, h owever, will bo loss appo.ront as further dovolopmcnt takes place. Tho aroa is favorably located and thorc is every ovidonco of a continued improvemont. It is thoroforo accorded a 1 ' :rrodial blue" grndo. 9. LOCATION North Holly:,ood SECURITI GRADE. ...... ?..~-~·-· AREA N0~-~.: .5 ... DATE.J.:29_:31 CAUTIOO": This area is currently nffectcd in whole or in part by o.n Ad va.lorom --Tax District. Individual properties should be chocked for this hazard. /J5 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of..Los ..Ai~,.,e les County 1. POPUlATION: a. Incr~:f ne-SS~_pitt1eiSIOriai ,0e:f"kTit~dfQbM-;···;,;iiTte·-·cor1a~ ··-··--··--- b. Class and Occupatior1-...... aru;l __ retired~ople. c. Foreign Families ....Q ......~ Income $1800-3000 Nationalities, _ _ _ __::_ _ _ __ d. N,gro .• .2. % e. Shifting or In.filtration, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _N~ne ..fil'J!.~_;r._e,.0n~t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING 5-6 b. Consttuction Frame & stucco c. 5 Atltfage Age .... 85. OTHER TYPE Fair to goocl d. Repair S'. ; e. Occupancy f. Owner-oc,c1,1Pfed ........... .75'fs_,_ _ _ __ g. 1935 Price Bracket $ .4000- /,500 ..... h. 1937 Price Bracker I.l.i590c50.oo ... . 1939 % room .. Price Bracket j. Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket m. 1937 Rent Bracket . J, $ ...... % % fl.iS0.0.::.50.QQ. .% J.5-.-..45-................ %,ha">!, $.J.,D..- 50 ......- , . . ,'I, ............. % % n. -l-939 o. Rental Demand ... G.o.o,.n_ _ _ _ _ __ p. PTCdicted Rent Trend ___S:t.a.t.i.o...._ _ _ _ __ ·········-····Rent Bracket (next 6-12 mo1,Ut$) ..........% 5- 6 room 3. NEW CONSillUCTION (!, yr.) No......7.5 . ....Type & Price .lli?.~_-:5§.QQ .....How Selling Moderately._ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL,'---"0_ __ b. lnstiturio Few 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (... 3... yr.) a. HOL.__ _2s___ _ b. Institutions .._. Few 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, .......1\'l)ll]..• ................. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (1931.:) $59..,QQ 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level with no const ruction hazards. Land improved 6Q%. Deed restrictions are said to exist limiting improvem0nts to single- family dwelling but terms are not definitely ascertained. Conveniences arc o.11 readily available. There are no sowers and rnany streets are unimproved. This arec.. was subdivided some 10 years a go but development was interrupted by the depression and was not ronewed until 3 or 4 aso. Since that time under the stimulus of demand for Sun Fernando Valley hom::::,, some speculo.tivo building o.nd FHA Title II fino.ncing, it has become active. With two distinct periods of development both construction and architecturr-.1 designs uniformity, o.nd the older structures detract from tho o.ppeo.rn.nce of the o.rco.. Construction in both pericds ~-ms of good quality o.nd mo.intcnr.ncc goni,r.qlly indicutos pride of occupo.ncy. Ylhilc now improvononts sco.ttcr od throughout tho ::i.rcn thoy predominate in tho northe(sst section, while tho older structures more numerous in the co:n:trnl portion. There is to be consider:1ble speculative building in tho o.ron which not boen sold and constitute an 11 • Tho nron is vrell located ond wore it not for nQ\\'◊r competing o.roo.s would probably mo.kc o. bottor shov:ing. Under th0 circumstnnces it ii:: felt thut c. 11 lm·t blue 11 grnde is o.11 tho.t is vro.rruntod . 9. LOCATION ...l!o.rth..Jlnl..lyv.o.o.d....... SECURITY GRADE .. .2nd-AREA NO...Jk6 ... DA1E..3c3!b39 CAUTION: This r: r er-. is currently o.ffcctcd in whole or in pnrt by o.n Ad vr,lorem --T~~x District. Individual properties should be checked for hn.znrd. 66 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of_..L!:>~...d!,ngel~.e;....G.o.mlt.y 1. POPULATION: b. a. Increasing._...____}~ru>},_QJy_________________ Decreasin,,__ _ _ _ _ _ Static ......·----··· Studio technicians , !_)ublic employees , business Class and Occ-.tparion .. _an_d __ professional_men _______ Income $2000-5000 and up c. Foreign Families .....0 ...-..-~ e. Shifting OT Nationalim··.,___ _ _ ___,,__ _ _ _ __ 2. lJUILDINGS, a. Type and Size b. Constr1«:tion c. Average Age d. Repair e. Occupanc, PREDOMINATING N"'"'···.Q·······% ....95.... :/> Owner-occupied .......... 9•.~,,,__ _ _ __ 1935 Price Bracket t . Unde:1r.elop.ed 11. 1937 Price Bmcket ~.-5.J,.90- 6590 ................% i. L9}9 ................ Pm, Bmck,, $5100 - 6500 .... ...............% j. Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) m. 1937 Rent Bracket ....... Rent Bracket Rental Demand OTIIER TYPE .... .5:-6 _room ___s_tucco__ _ g. a. d. Infiltratiofl, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ........N2DL.~.12P.§J:.'?.nt,._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ t . ot. ...r.e.ntfil..L,-~.-5.Jl... t h.~--- .. _____ .% ............. % ....%.. ···- ··· % ......a r . e , ~ - - - - - - Prediaed Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) 5- 6 rm stucco NEW CONSTRUCTION (pruc yr.) No •..~.9.9 ......Type & Price Ji5J.9.Q::QSQ.9........How Selling p. 3. Rapidl y 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL•.___ _,o,__ _ b. lnstitution.s._...9.. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.3 .. Jr.) a. HOLC. _ _O " - - - b. In.stitution.s, _sDc__ __ 6. MORTGAGE RJNDS,_···-· ·Aall!l.lo. .... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 {193.7c) $..5.s., §§ 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTER!S11CS OF AREA, Terrain : Level with favorable grades. No construction or flood hazards. Le.nd improved 45%• Deed rostrictions limits structures to single-fa:ri.ily d,·~llings and protects in peq::e t uity a c:;o. inst racial ha zards . Conveniences arc not readily available and many streets are still unirnproved . '£here is every i ndic ation that all the se deficiencie s will be supp lied in e. reasonable ti.Joo. This area ho.s been subdivided and d0vol op o,\ within the past 3 years o.s a result of the popular demand for San Fernando VE> lloy locations f'...nd case of financing. It is currently one of the 11 hot spotsn of tho community. Construction and ma intono.nce are of excellent charnctor. Architectur al designs uro pleasing o.nd harmonious. Population is homogeneous o.nd st£1.blc. Ho?OO sites usuo.lly c o n r.w d ius in size !"'.nd being o.ttro.ctivoly i2provod. Although bounded by t he Los A."'1golcs River on the south end the Tujungo. Yfash on the north and onst tho n.ron suffert:1d no damo.go from the 1938 floods. This o.reo. is popular o.nd is fo.voro.bly located and when convonicnco::; nro supplied it is thought will ,·ro.rrt\nt o. higher In the mco.ntimc, however" it is o.ccordod o. 11 high blue" dcsigno.tion. 9. LOCATION .. Nerth..Hell..Y'«ee<L.... SECURITY GRADE....?>,4....+ AREA NO.. ~c1....... DATE..J::.i25.c39 CAUTION: This o.roo. is currently o.ffoctcd in whole or in po.rt by un Ad vo.lorem --Tvx District. Individunl properties should ·OO checked for this hnznrd . 67 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL.Lo.1LAngo.le..s....Q_o_\.lll'cy_ 1. POPULATION: a. !r.aeasing _______;nqly_________________________ Decreasin•i ! - - - - - ~ - ~ ___ Sra_tic .....---••·--Business & professional JOOn, retired people , motion b. Cktss and O::mpatiorL...Pieture. minor executives_..__white c_ollar __ clericals'-etc_. _____________ _ Income $2000-5000 and up c. Foreign Familir,s__._Q __ ...~ c. Shifting or lnfiltratio,~--- - - - - ~ Wo.n~--.1~.p_p.a.._r.§,nc,t~-- - - - - - - - 2. BUILDINGS, Nationalitie,i, _ _ _ _ _ _ -... PREDOMINATING ·········--···-· Ne:;;T0 .....9.. d. .----~- .... 85_1, a. Type and Size b. Constmction c. Average Age .. 12._year.,_s_ _ _ _ __ d. Repair ..9:.Q.9..9.~------ e. Occupancy ____99½~------ f. Owner-occupied ·····6Q';,_______ g. 1935 Price Bracket i.45.0.0c55QO. h. 1937 Price Bracket t.L.75.0c575.0 .. .........1' ........... % i. 19}9 ~..J,152-5150 ............... % j. Sales Demand ____Good ··-"' k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6--12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket t.L.2 ...50.-::5.0...._QQ. __.. %,change <{,change tliS....::-....55..-•··-· . .... ......%.: ............... % Price Bracket m. 1937 Rent Bracket <fo~hange .... ~.tatic,_ _ _ _ __ n. 19-}9- .................Rent Bracket $.).15 - 55 ····-· % o. Renral Demand .....G o o , ~ - - - - - - p. Predicted Rent Trend ....S.:tat.i,"-----~- (next & !.l months) ..,..,_,% 6 - 7 rooms 3. NEW CONSTR UCTION (past )'T.) No... 7 ...........Type & Pnce._iQ.QQQ=_LQ_QQ. ..-.How Selling Owner built 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL. ~-~~- b. Institutions .._ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.... 3.. :,,.) a. HOLC..................0..... 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_.....J""!>k.... b. rev1 Institutions ... ... .f§!.!Y....... 7. TOT AL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.7.c) 1938 $5?.,.<'& .. 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACI'ERISTICS OF AREA, Te rrain: Level with no construction hazards or flood thr0ats. Larrl. improved 85t. Deed restrictions pr ovide for single-family improvements, uniform set- backs , and perpetual protection from ::mbv0rsivo racial hazards. Conveniences are all roa.dily availuble. This °"rem was subdivided scaoo 20 years ago and has since experienced an orderly dovel opnent. It is c ons idered one of the m:rnt stable residential areas in Sfln forna.r,do Valley . Construction and mn intonuncc arc of good chaructor. Improvements arc of hnrmonious designs und population is homogeneous . Indications e re that it will rotnin its dcsirnbility for mc-ny yours to come and it is thoroforo accorded o. "high bluo 11 grade. 9. LOCATION ....1/;nl'f!?_r.§.h~]l_.!~t~.:h......... SECURITY GRADE. ...?Pc9:....'.': AREA NO-.....~::-:.~ ... DATE...3.::JQ:.'1 ~: This 11ren is currently affected in wholo or in pllrt by an Ad valorom Tax District. Individual properties should bo chockod for this hc.zo.rd. 68 AREA DESCRIIYTION Security Map oLJ,,..o.§_@zgJ_Q.$.....Q.Q1n:i;~y_ ________ _ 1. b. a. Increasing _ _._ .. J~~P.i.4Xy _____________ ·-···· Decreasing . Static ____________ _ Skilled artisans, piil!lil.ic employees, -..mite collar workers, Class and Occupation __ mo~ion __J2__icture ~J!mlg_yees. Income f l 800-]000 e. Shifting or lnfilt7'ation, _ _ __ POPULATION: 1,. BUILDINGS, _ _~No~ .. n p p a r e n t ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - . .9.0. ...% PREDOMINATING a. Type and Size ..4.... . 5. & Frall"!6.. & __ 9_tucco b. Constn'.ction c. Average Age -5....Y..G:~.r-~•- - - - - d. Repair __ fuJ,r....:t.9.___ ggg_cJ.,_ _ __ e. Occupancy .._s!J%~----- Owner-OCCUpied ····1,;r1, ... g. 1935 Price Bracket t25Q.Da50.0.0..... h. 1937 Price Bracket L3oooa5500 •.. i. 1939 ................ Price 13,acket I . .~000.e55DO............. j. Demand ___ Fair___to, __ ,g.o.o.d_, k. Pm:licted Priu Trend (next 6-12 momh.s) 1935 Rent Bracket I-2;;..~~.Q. %.'c""'I!' 1937 Rent Bracket t2.7.;;o .•. ;;5. . .......% m. n. 1939.... o. ..._... Rent Bracket Rental Demand OTIIER TYPE 6 room %chan~, 'le .......... % % . ..............% ____. S t a . t i . ~ - - - - - I.2.1.,.5.a.. ~. ss..__ f, .'/> ......... % ____Goo.~ - - - - - - p. Predicted Rent Trend ... _.S.t a t . i . ~ - - - - (next 6-12 months) 5 & 6 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No.......75.. ____Type & Pnce _i/gj_Q:-.57.5Q ..... How Setting .....M9-9.~.r.~:t.~lx- 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL.~-~ - - - b. lrutioaionL.......l,lany . 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (}J'.) a. HOLC•....... .3. b. lnstitutwru ...._____ f.~.w...... 6. MORTGAGE FUNDs,_,\,mJ• ................. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (1937.c.) $..55.,5.9. 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Torrain: Level with no const r u:ition hazards . Flood c ontrol work is to have removed fl ood throat . Land improved 3o;1o. Deed r estri ctions are said to b e loosely draym but do protect from r a cial hazards. Schools , churches and trading centers conveniently o.vailuble and transportation fairl y so. This nrea which is bounded on the n orth by the Los Angeles Rive r was subdivided some 10 or 15 ago. Eo.rly devclopiront wo.s of poor class and o.ctivity wn s o.t o. sto.ndstill during depression yoars. With tho advent of FHA fino.ncing n revival took plac e , but it has only been during tho past fcv; y ears that its full stimulus ha s boon folt. During the earlier part of this period it is said that o. number of Title I cla ss 3 dwellings were constructed in the co.stern p~rt. This type of building has now boon discontinuod. Muc h of tm co..r lie r construction was substa:rrlo.rd vrith some "Jcrry 11 building but lator improvcmonts been of much OOttc r quality . l lo.intcnnncc is inclined to be spot t od, po.rticularly in the oo. storn po.rt. Better a rchitectural designs ho.vo gr oo.tly i:inprovcd the o.spc ct of the o.r 0a in tho p!'-st 2 yours. Population is inclined to bo slightly hc torogonoous. This is o. medium priced horo district, which is fo.vo r o.bly o.ffc ctcd by tho t,djoining 1st grc.dc o.rco. to tho south. Tho trend of tho o.rco. seems to be upward c.nd upon this theory it is nccordod n 11 low blue" gr ade . 9. LOCATION .• e.eo:l;h._~s~..~."Y§...•...... SECURITY GRADE..~nd ... c. AREA NO-..l b9.... DA~c.59 CAUTION : --- This a r ea is currently nffoctod i n whole or in pr.rt by nn Ad vo.lorcm T~x District. Individuo.l properties should be chocked for th is hnzo.rd. 69 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL1..oLAD&~J-~-~- .f..2.1-!P,!Y_______ 1. POPULATION: a. Static .. _ __ Decmuin Rapidly Bu siness &: profe s s ional me n , motion picture employees, Increasing b. Class and Oc:at(lation_ executives & clerical wor ke r s . z. c. Foreign FamilieL.l'.fil'L~ e. Shifnng OT Nationalitin I n coroo ~2500- 5000 .. None _subve 0 e __ _ _ __ lnfiltration, _ _ _ _ _ _~None __ a.2Earent~- - - - - - - -- -- BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING % .. 95 OTHER TYPE 5-:? .. room _bungalows ___ _ b. Corum«:tion c. Average Age d. Repair c. Occupancy _Stugcos...__ _ _ _ __ .51fZ.•. ~ - - - - - - _ffi%,_ _ _ _ _ __ g. 1935 Price Bracket ~ T.J.nd!',tY.elo~- h. 1937 Price Bmcket L .SDOCb.7500 ..l 939.... - ..... Pric., B,acka $ _5000-7500 _...... j. Sales Demand k. Predicted P,icc Trend '!:,change __'!: . ........ 1> Goo;,,d~ - - - - - - (m:xt 6-12 mondu) I. 1935 Rent 131-acket .............% m. 1937 Rent Bracket n. -19 }9,.....---·-···Rent Bracket o. Rental Demand 1, _ Sta,=·L...-- - - p. Predicted Rent Trend 5. 6 & 7 nn bung. (next 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa,t y,.) No .......75 ....T,P< & Pri<:, ._5QQQ=.759.0...... How Selling a. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.3..,,-.) ~-a. HOLC. _ _ Q 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_/2!,nJ..L......... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (1931::) 1938 8. Readily HOL.~- ~ 0 ~ -- 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, $.2.?J>lL. __ DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terra i n : Lev e l with no construction hazards or fl ood threats. Land improved: Hat ched port i on 1($ , un.lta tched 55%. Dee d rost r i ction s limit structur e s to singl e 11 11 f runily d,-.elling s, p r ov id0 fo r a rch ite ctural supe rvision and uniform sot baoks and pro toct a gainst subve rsive racial influences in perpet uity. Conveniences are all r ead ily o.vailablt1 . This area has been develope d in thu pnst few years by high cl a ss subdivid ors and under stimulus of promotional e f f ort and FHA Title II financ ing h c.s had a v e ry r up id growth. Construction a nd mai nton o aro of excellent cha r o.ctc r. Architoctur nl de signs arc harmoniou s , and popu l ation is homogeneous. This a r oo. i s Sl)londid ly locr.ted o.nd i t has mo.ny of tho snmo charo.ctoristics o. s o.r eo. s A- 2 o.nd B- 5 • '.'fr.ilo there a rc indi c ations o f upwo. rd trond, it is t h ough t t hat nt p r osont i t should be accordod n 11 hi gh blue " gr . SECURITY GRADE..2'1.~....t. AREA NO•.~=.1.9. .. DATE..2.c?.2.:39 9. LOCATION llorth fullyvrood CAlJl'IOlJ : This n r oo. is currently o.f f octod in "Whole or in po. rt by o.n Ad vo.lorom To.x District. Individuo. l proporti o s i:.hould bo ohookod for this hD.zo.rd. 70 AREA DESCRIPTION l. POPULATION: b. a. Increa.g~fine~1-!·~ofO_S.Slci'ric.1~~~n#iouoii-pl-6lUrC-m1iior Stacie ___ _ Class and Occupation ...____ oxcc~tivos o.nd o~oyoos - Incom:i e2500-7000 c. Foreign Familics_._9____%. e. Shifting or InfiltrtJtion, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _N~o~n~o~o~p~o~r~o~nt~ - - - - - - - - - - 2. BUILDINGS, a. National,.·~·~---------- - - PREDOMINATING Type and Site .Jl2._1 6-7 r _oo"-'m,__ _ _ __ d. Negro.-~---·%, OTHER TYPE Lo.r_g_or __d;o.ullings __ ~o% _ b, Corutnu:tion c. Average Age ...... G o o d ~ - - - - - - e. Occupancy f. Owner-occitpied ···-·.9qt,_ _ _ _ _ __ g. 1935 Price Bracket l5Q.Q0.,..75QO_.,.____ %,hang, h. 1937 Price Bmcket ~..550.Qc.8.000...... -...... .19.;$.............. P,.ia B,ack,t $.5500c8000..,-·········· j. Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 monrh.s) 1935 Rent Bracket ....%. Good,,_._ _ _ _ _ __ !11.Q.t___ _g__________ '1,chan~~ m. 1937 Rent Bracket ..Rent Bracket o. ............. % (change ............... % ..............% ___.1, Rental Demand Pmlictcd Rent Trend (llostly 6- 7 room (next 6-12 month.s) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (J,wt :,,.) No....?5Q. . ...T,P< & P,ic, _$.!,QQQ- 80().Q.• ...How S.lUng GQQ<l....._O.'filQ.L. built) b. ln.stitutioru_'1 .. o. HOLC......... .Q. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, p. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES <-3 ...,-,.) a. HOL. ~ - ~ - - - b. Insotutioru,_~0~-- 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, __limp_lc....-........ 7. TOTAL .TAX RATE PER $1000 {193..1-1 $ -5.?,.!,§___._ 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, : Level to hillside with sooo construction but no flood thre at . Adobe soil in p".rts . Land improved : ha.tchcd portion 10--/4, unhntchod 255'. Dood restrictions limit structures to si..'lglo - fa.r.,ily dwell i ngs nnd protects ago.inst ro.cio.l hozurds. Conv onioncos a.r e o.11 roo.dily o.vailt.blc including interurbo.n tro.nsporto.tion to Lof.i Angelos City Center a.nd bus service to Hollywood. This is n fo.irly new subdivision ,·.h ha.s recently developed very ra.pidly under stimulus of high p r essure pro1ootionol effort , spcculc,tivc building o.nd IBA Title II finnn cing . Construction rind rro.intcno.nco of good i ty . Architccturnl designs nrc c.ttrl:l.ctivo. Populntion n.nd improvements horoogcnoous. Location is excellent , rccrcn.tionc.l nroo.s , motion picture studios , dol'mtown Los Angelos !\rrl Hollywood being convoniontly accossiblo . Thero is to h::i.vo OOcn o.n o:xccssivo CIJ!IOW1.t of spcculntivo building with n number of such residences ovo r hnnging tho .mnrkot . Tho fo.iluro of tho Hollywood Country Cl ub wns undoubtedly en o.dvorso influonce . It is questiona.blo who~hc r tho po.ttorn of tho arco. is definite ly osto.blishcd , this11 11 being csp:ic i nlly true of the ho.tchcd portion . Hith nn into.ngiblo cloud of doubt 11 surround i ng the o.rou it i s thoug),.t bost to o.ccord a provisional l ow blue" gro.dc, although indic ntions ,·inrro.nt o. h i gher grndc. 9. LOCATIONJ!£l'[.o.o.d.... _. SECURITY GRADE.....2:mL.c AREA NO..... 6,cll.. DATE....3s.3.<l,-?. CAUTION : This nron is currently c.ffoctod in whole or in po.rt by o.n Ad v::..lorem To.x District . Individual properties should bo chocked for this hnznrd. 71 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL.L'2S...Allg.a.le.~ C.QlUl~-- a. Incrcasing_J4o.d9L.'\.t.c.lY.. ____________ Decreru:i,,..__ _ __ _ _ _ Static _______ Business & professional men , white collar b. Class and Occupatirm.___ ,_ ...,~.r.k~.X:.§..,; .... ___l_p..Q.Q..llJ.! L.ll.~3.QQQ____________ _ 1. POPULATION: c. Foreign Families .....F..ew_~ Nationalicies.---·······-··NO:tlii ....S.U.bY..e.r.tiY.tL _______ _ e. Shi/ting OT ln/iltration _ _ _ _ ____________ _No.ruL.ap.par.Bn:-_ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING ·- 85 1, a. Type and Size .5-6 r oom~ - - - --~'raror-.s....stucco& ma sonry b. Construction c. Average Age e. Occupancy f. OwneT-occupied .fll/4------ g. 1935 Pric.c Bracket t.~2,n-450.Q. __,.... 1,chang, 1931 Pric, B,ack,t !..35.QQ.c/.759. .. 1939 ............... Pria B,ad«r $.35.QQc475Q... .. OTIIER TYPE _J_5_J ___.F'.air... _tQ._g.Q,O.d. h. j. SaleJ Denwnd k. P,.edicted Pric£ Trend (next 6..12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket I. m. 1937 Rent Bracket .-1939-- ---- ... Rene Bracket o. Rental. Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) _-9.8%_ _ _ _ _ __ %change ...............% % l.25--=-1.,.Q...____ '.%._ch,,ni! $ 30. a 45.,_ ---·-·· . . . <f, $ 3ll... - ..lJ5....,______ ... i __ ___1, ··----.. % 5 - 6 nn bung . J. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pan ,,,) No ...?9.Q..... .T,p, & Pric, j_l;,o.Q9-...2Z5.Q....How S.IUng ... Readil;y__ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, S. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (3...... ,,.) a. H0~- -~2~_ b. ln.stitutions __.f~ o. HOL'-- -~ -- b. lnsoturicns .......Em... 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, _,\mJ;!lL ............ 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (19J1c.) $..Sl.J,9......__ 1938 8. DESCRimON AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA Terrain : Gentle hillsi de slope. No construction hazards, Land improved 65% . Deed restrictions are of a mode rate type ard protect ive provisions are inadequate . Zoning : single - fo.mily r e sidential. Convenience s a re all readily availabl e . This a rea was subdivided over 15 years ago , but dev elopment wo.s retarded by the depression , activity ,·ia s not renewed until tho a dvent of FHA fine.ncing . Divergonco in age and o. rchitccturul dcsi~s o f improveroonts gives the a r ea o. somwhat hete rogeneous nspcct; howeve r, construction i s gene r a ll y of goo d standard qual ity and muin:tonanc e indicates p ride of oc cupo.ncy . Popul ati on is r ea sonably homogeneous . The uppe r part of tho o.roo. is favoro.bly affec ted by o. djo.ccnoc to the high gr o.d0 di strict to tho north and with it s fav o r able location seems destined to retain its desirabili ty fo r rony years to COIOO . Grading range s from h i gh to low blue in its different parts and is thorofor e o.ccordo d o. "ioodial blue II olo.ssif' . SECURITY GRADE-2nd.... AREA NO_Jl.=.l-". DATE.3,01=39 This o.roo. is currently c.ffectod i n whole o r i n part by o.n Ad valorcm · Tnx District . Indi viduo.l prope r ties should 00 c heckod for this hnzo.rd . 9. LOCATION .... ~w.bonk CAUTION : 72 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL ___ I,o_s._.Angele.s..Jlounty_ _ _ _ 1. POPULATION: a. . Decrea.sin,g__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Scaac .... foa-easing_ .. _..___ Ra.pidly_ b. Class and Occupa.tion ___ Sk.illad_J3. r.:ti.aan.s._.lll0.t..i.~ic.:tur.e.,~---- co llar workers & small business men. Income $1800-3000 c. Foreign Familie.s... ..0. ___ _1-~ N a t i o n a l i t i c , ~ - - - - ~ - - - - - - - d. Negro __ .. Q__ ',(i e. Shifting or Infiltration .... . 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING At1e1age Age d. Repair ......G.o,.v ~ - - -- -- e. Occupancy 3. OTIIER TYPE ... F:re.roe___ &_ stucco .... , b. Construction c. ..9.9. ....'f, .99%~------ f. Owne,--occupied .. 951'~--- - -- g. 1935 Price Bracket $ %change h. 1937 Price Bracket t.2150-5000 . ............. % i. 1939 j, Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) ······-·· % ___ J, ...... % __ JlO.O•. v _ _ _ _ _ __ 1935 Rent Bracket $ m. 1937 Rent Bracket ~- ... N.o.t_ n. 19.22 ................ Rent o. Demand B,acket tchange - ..............% L ..e..tablishe.d.... ............. % ... f• -···-% p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) 4-6 rms. stucco bung. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa,t y,.} No ... ?59 ...T11>< & P,iu .ll9.Q.Q='2'2Q9...... How S.Wng .. Gggd 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL.~-~-- 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( ..3 y,.) a. HOLC•...........4 .... b. Institutions ..........0.... . 6. MORTGAGE RJNDS,_...l\mp.le.....(11!A) 1. .TOTAL .TAX RA.TE PER $1000 (193.Is) $..5.l,J.o. .....- .. 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Te rrain: Level with no const ruction ho.zards. Land improved 40%. Deed restrictions cover improvement::; and p rovide racial protection •. Zoning is single-family r esidential . Conveniences are all readily avo.ilable, sewerage system not fully installed as yet . This nrco. vias subdivided in seCtions between 1920 o.nd 1923 and solll0 street improvements such as curbs o.n::l ·walks were installed; however, development was begun too l ate to catch the building boom of thnt period. Most of the a roa wns subsequently a cquired by the institutions which fint..nced the subdividors, and devclopm::mt •,•,u::; not rcswood until tho creation of the FHA. '1-Yith tho 'Willing cooperation of tho institutiono.l owners and stimulus of FHA Title II fino.ncing, spcculntivc builders became active in the area and it ho.s been one cf the 11 hot spots 11 during the 2 or 3 years. Vfhilc tho'.l ho.s boen highly prorooted, construction, a lthough of tho speculative vo.ricty, is gonernlly of o. good standard gr n..dc and nninta:nancc sho-'l"S pride of O'.'morship. Archi tecturo.l design~, while not ,;,•holly uniform, aro nttro.ctive. Tho populo.tion while as yet unrogimontcd is inclined to be homogeneou s. Grovith o f the nroa ho.s been so rapid and highly promotional that, o.lthough 40% developed, it is n ot felt the po.ttorn of the dist rict is definitely osto.blishod, and for that reason a. 11 low bluc 11 grade is assig..'1.Cd. 9. LOCATION . .. Eurb:mk~--- SECURITY GRADE ..?14...c AREA NO•..E.c.U... DA.TE.3.c~~c39 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map 0 LJ,os Angel es County Decreasin.__ _ _ _ _~ 5tatic ______ _ Rapid ly a. 11\Cfcasing Profess ional & business men, Jr. executives, motion pioture b. Class and Occut,ation,. _____studio ___ direotors & te.c}:Ulicians, eto. Income $30~9-6000 __ &_ UE, 1. POPULATION: U Nationali,~·~---- - - - - - - - - c. Foreign Families __ e. Shifting or Infolrration _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,_..o_n~L~P.P!l,ren,-"t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING _'}.Q._._1, b. Coll$truction c. fwerage Age OTHER TYPE ~_rger homes 5-6 nn bJ.ngnlows .....Stu90~0_ _ _ _ __ d. R~fr e. Occupancy /. Owner-occut,ied g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Price Bracket ......95%_ _ _ _ _ __ L ..,uan.a.aooo........... ···············,,, i. 1939............ Pric, ;. Sal,, k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket }..!l.o.t....o..___ 1937 Rent Bracket $ ..r:ental_______ . %. .............. i _______________ Rent Bracket $ area _________ J_ ___i o. Bn,ck,1 Demand Rental -······sta±~·~ - -- - - (change Demand P,edicted Ren, Tttnd 5- 8 nus (next &12 months) 3. NEV? CONSfRUCTTON (past :,r.) No~.?59.. ____T,pe & Price J .55.QQ:-J,.Q....9:QQ_How Stiling _____B_~.1!Jy__ _ p. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, 5. SAlE OF HOME PROPERTIES U ...,...) a. HOL'----"-o_ _ _ b. lruon,000~,- ~ o ~ - - a. HO•=- ~0 ~ -- b. lnsriNtio~~ 0 ~ - - 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, ___ c!,!"R.l............... 7. TOTAl TAX RATE PER $1000 (19310.) $...'il.,/i9 ...__ _ 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA: Terrain : Level with no construction hn.zard s. Land improved 45%. This area is composed of two subdivi sions - Griffiths Park L1anor located north of Alameda St . and Riverside Ranchos to the south. Both of these subdivisions are v.ell and similarly deed r estricted. Mininn.un improvements of ~3500, designs and construction subject to approval of subdividers . Racial protection is also provided . Restrictions for a period of 25 Conveniences all r eadily a.vo.ilo.ble, including interurbo.n bus service and proximity to Grif.f':it.hs Park, with its recreational fo.cilitios and bridle trails. The subdivisions composing this arco. have been plucod upon the market within the past threo 11 and has since boen one of the community's hot spots"• Construction is of oxoellcnt quo.lity nni maintenance shows high pride of ownorship . Architoctural designs arc highly artis tic and ho.rmonious , nnd population is hoioogenoous o.nd congenial. Promotio nal effort ha.s boen po.rticul o.rly diroctod to young couples -who interostod in horsobnok riding, golf o.nd othor sports . This ho.s boon done by c o.p ita lizing on tho o.dvanto.ges a.long t hi s lino o.ffordod by the fncilitics in nonrby Griffiths Park . Ov1ing to its olovntion, udjo. concc to tho Los Angelos River does not const ituto a flood hnzo.rd. An industrial section, in which is loco.tad o. dairy ond public sto.blos , adjoins this nroo. on tho and is a. definitely unfnvor c factor. Lot values quoted at from $775 to $1100 per homcsite . Indicntions arc tho.t this areo. will o. highe r but it is thought tM t a. 11 high bluo 11 dosigno.tion moro nearly depicts the present situation. 9. LOCATION ...B~ur~bn=nk~---- SECUR11Y GRADE..?!>~.....•. AREA NO-~c.J.4 .... DA1.}:2::3l::39 AREA DESCRIPTION a. Incrcasin-¥ Moderately Dccrea.sin,g.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static .. _.. Business & professional men , s k illed artisans, motion b. Class and O:cu{xuion ___ l?.!.:?.!:~T.~...§.!!l.P!2Y~.~-§.l...~-t_9__, ___ l.gQQE.J..Q...j£Q.QQ.=.3.Q.Q.~O_ _ _ _ _ __ 1. POPULATION: Z. c. Foreign Families_._Q__ 'l! e. Shifting or Infiltration _ _ _ _ _ _ _!nt,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Nationolitie'--- - - ~ - - - - - - BUILDINGS, a. T:tpe and Site b. Construction c. Average Age d. Repair e. Occupanc, PREDOMINATING .. 9.0 .%. __..3._ years ____________ Owner-occupied .90ll~------ %'""·"''· g. 1935 Price Bracket L.2750a4500........._ .. h. 1937 Price B,acke, L30.00.c5QQ.O. ............. .% i. 1939 .........Pric, B,acket L3QQOc5.0.QQ .... .......... % j, Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6--12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket f_-30. ..~ ..l+;i 1937 Rent Bracket $.39- 5Q .. --- . 1, 19.39......_ ....... Rent Bracket $ ..30- 50 -----..--- --.---... 1, n. o. Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past OIBER TYPE .. .5. - 6 __ :rm__ bungalows %..E~~J~ §._t~.:tJc~----)T.) 5 &; 6 room No......5.9._ ....Type & Price ...$.3.?.5.Q_~QQ.QQ.... How &!ling ._ ... Ree.t;li).,y_.__ 4, OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (....3..,,.J a. HOLC. ......0. H O L . ~ - ~ - - b. lnstiturion.s.._ .......Q .. ............ b. !rno...,,,n, .........0 6. MORTGAGE RJNDS, .... ,'10,PJ............. 7, TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (1937") $,.5l..i,Q 1938 8, DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain : Level to slightly rolling. No construction hazards. Land improve d 5o%. Deed restrictions said to fully protect. Zoning largely single-family residential. Convoniona::s are al l readily e , includ ing interurban transportation and proximity to Griffiths Park recreutiono.l fu cilitios . This areo. was platted some years ago but its growth was sluggish until 5 years ago when under the stimulus of promotiono.l effort coupled with FHA Title II financing it become a ctive. Since that time o.pproxira:ttely 200 homes ho.vo been built in the o.roo. , Construction is of sto.ndo. rd quality. is of good character o.nd nrchite cturnl designs of new improvoroonts pleasing. Proximity to business, industry cmd lower area to the unfnvoro.blo factor:;, Population, while not hcte r ogoneous, is sorrcwhnt mixed and hcks c ohesion. Tho o.roo. is still desirable o.nd financial institutiona spank well of loan records in tho dis tr ict. It is acc orded n 11 low blue 11 grade , 9. LOCATION ............. Burbank ..... SECURITY GRADE, ...Znd ...- AREA NO....Jlc.15. DATE..J•.}l.-.39 75 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of_ ...Lo..s....An&.~.lfHl:..S:Jiw..\t.Y-.-·--·-··Static ____ _ a. Increasing-1.w.lU..4-l,y ________________ Decroosin Business & professional men , retired peopl e , cl erica'.\, b. Class and Oco•parion ___ mup_l&Y.!il~minor executives , Income $2000- 5000 & up 1. POPULATION: c. Foreign Famifies ___ Q .....~ e. Nationa.liti•~- - - - - - - - = - -- - - - Shifting m lnfi!tration _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __;,_QM....J!,,P.P.P.-_r._@t,,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING .. 90_ % OTIIER TYPE Few multiples b. Construction c. Awrage Age & 8 , 9 ,10__ rm . 2 story .-9:t.'\!<;_g_Q___ ::__JLQ.~.. frame .........6..Years~- - - - - d. Repair e. OccuJxtnc, ........9. ,., ~ - - - - - - Owntr-OCCUpitd ______a,a,..________ g. 1935 Price Bracket ~-4000-..5,0.0____ \t,ha»g, h. 1937 Price Bracktt !..4500.-6oo.o....._..__ ............. % j. s.i.. ___ Fai_r _to _g.oo_d ___ _ k. Pmlicud Price Trend Demand ___ .S.tatic_ _ __ (next 6-12 month.5) 1935 Rent Bracket m. 1937 Rent Bracket L.o ... , ..5Q ,tchange t.45 ..c.... 60.._ ...............% ____ % $ l 9.;\9 ............. Rent B,acket o. Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 month!) - ~t.~ic~- - - - - 6-7 r oom 3. NEW CONSTilUCTION (past ,,.) No... 175 T:,pe & Price $6000- 7500 ...How S.Uing Readily HOL.~- ~ ~ - - b. ln.stitiaionu.,_~F'-'e"'w_ _ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (3.....,,J a. HOLC.. _ ............Q. b. ln.stitution.s_ .._.. F~:~L.- 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, ___.Amp.1£ ..(E'liA ). TOTAL TAX RATE PER $100J (193.7..s) $...5.'s.5.Q___ 1938 8. DESCRll'TION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, _ Terrain : Level canyon floo r to steep hillside with some construction, draina ge and flood hazards , L0->td improved 60% of possible 85%, Deed r est ricted in part but provisions l oosely d r ami.. Zoning is moztly single - frunily with mult i - family permitted in parts . Availability of conveniences vari es with l ocation , from fair to good . Dovolopmant of t h is area, which be gan som::i 20 years ago , has been irregular, then distinct wuvos of activity hD.ving boen experienced, the la st of theso boginning in 1936 under stimulu s of FHA finnnoing , has been tho most intense and is st:i.11 under way . This intermittent ac tivity has resulted in a spotted nnd more or less inharmonious nspoot . New oonstruotioll is of much betto r quo.lity than the old, being of sta.ndo.rd quo.lity or hotter . This has ho.d the off oot of raising tho gr of the whol e o.r oo. . Maintonanc e indicates pride of occupancy o.n:l nrohito ctur al dosigns goncr o. lly o.ttro.ctivo. Thero o.rc mny soo.ttcr ed blocks located nonr o.rroyos or below c.tecp hillsides where thoro o.r o r oo.l fiood or l o.nd slido ho.zo.rds . Howovo r, well oonccivod control (Continued on next po.go) Vordugo SECURITY GRADE....~d.. . ~ AREA NO-.~-~-~(,-- DATE.2.~2_:29 9. LOCATION Wood l aruis : This o.r oo. is currently o.ffc ctod in who le or in po.rt by o.n Ad vo. lorom ~ Tnx District . Individual properti es shoul d be checked for this ho.zo.rd. 76 AREA DESCRIPTION - - --SECURITY MAP OF Los Angelos, Co.lifornio. 8. (Continuod f r om provi ous pngo) DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA: projo cts hnvo dono much to mi."l.imizo such dangers a.nd in many co.sos suoh hnzo.rd s mor e m:::nto.l thnn r on l . Lo.o Encinas Co.nyon proportios hnvo suffered most in tho past from this . Tho o.roa. is o.n isoln.tod ono nnd , a.s hns boon in:iicntod , is inclined to hotorogono ity • c.nd this i s pnrt icul nrly truo of tho section wost of Cnr..ado Blvd . Tho groa.tost o.ctivity hc.s boon i n the northern pnrt of the o.r cn nnd i t is thoro thnt most of the multi - family structures nro loco.tad. Those nr o built in harmony with other improvements n.nd not oonsidor od subversive . Tho o.roa. ns o. whole and tho surrounding hills more or l oss hor.vily wooded and, while apparently not s • oonsidorod , scorns to offoi· a. very dofinito firo hnzo.rd . The curront trond of dosira.bility in this nr c~ is di stinctly upwurd . but it is not boliovod tho.t rnovo100nt rill b o sustn i no d and it is thcroforo ao oordod a. 11 low bluo" grndo . 9. LOCATION Vordugo Woodl nnds SECURITY GRADE 2nd - AREA NO . ---- B- 16 DATE 3- 25- 39 ---- 76A AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oLk.Q.&.....fuM;§l:l~.iL.9.9.Y.!:1.tx. ____________ _ a. Increasing _ .....Ji29&r~.1f!-X.....---·-·· Decreasin&------,--~=-- StfUk-----Business & professiono.l men, vhite collar workers, m1nor Class and Occupation __ exe~_u tiv~s ,_skilled a rtisans, etc. Income $2000-6000 1. POPULATION: b. c. Foreign Families ...O... _,___~ e. Shifting OT Nationalities,_ _ _ _ _=---- - - - - - - d. Negro ......9.... __%._ Infilc,-ation _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,N,,,,on,~---·!,1-.P.="r~•=n~t_ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ Z. BUILDINGS, 85 % PREDOMINATING a. Type and Size b. Construction c. A tierage Age d. Repair .EL'.ir: ....t.o....g.o.O.JJ.______ e. Occupancy ..... 98%~----- f. Owner-occupied ··········Bot.···· g, 1935 Price Bracket f 40_QQ.,,~OO.Q __ _ _ h. 1937 Price Bracket 1939 ........ ... Price Bmck,1 ~----450.0.,,6000 ..... .............. % ............ % L4500.•6000.. ............... % ...·---· % _____ ¥ai.rs___ _ _ _ __ j, Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) ··-···Stutic,_ _ _ _ __ 1935 Rent &ada.' t L3.9...c...45 1937 Rem Bracket ~ ....,5 n. .l9-3-9--- ...........Rent Bracket L.liO · 50 o. Rental Demand ........G.o.o,.o_ _ _ _ _ ___ · 50 ···············"' ............% Predicted Rent Trend ........Stt\.t;i·" - - - - - (next 6-12 months) 5-6 rm stuccos Lo.rgely 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past :,r.) No.....?.5. ......Type & Pricel.5..Q;)Q.:_\22.QQ.......How SeUing .. Onner.l;>ui~ p. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL.e,____O"--- b. lru•tuciaru ......... Few 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( .3 ,,..) a. HOLC, - ~ - - - - b. 6. lrutituciaru ... .......f~W. MORTGAGE FUNDS, ___.,;,,i,pJ a .............. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (1931.s.) $.5J., 5..9.. 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Te rrain: Level ,· fo.vora.blo grades and no construction ho.znrds, Land improved 85%. Zoned single-f(\mily rosidentinl. Convcmicnces o.11 ren.dily ilable. Whc.t is to be the finest high school in the County is located in this :-.rea. . Development of th:i.s n commenced some 25 yours o.go o.nd it has mo.intained a. stoo.dy gr owth . Tho advent of HIA fino.ncing gr eo.tly incrensod o.ctivity and average age of improvements vros lowered JJL.<>..torio.lly. Constr uction ho.s beon of sto.ndard quality or better nnd r.l!l.intonunce, uniform s~t bo.ckst o.nd nrchitocturo.l designs . of conservative typos served to rotnin n uniform ::-..nd ho.rmonious aspect. Popul ation is homo geneous o.nd evidences c. high pride of occupo.ncy. Althou gh nnny improvom::mts grovting old o.nd o.ccruL>1.g obsolescence wi ll undoubtedly bcc oroo nppo.ront in n fow :,~ro, it ia th,..,t-.._--;ht tha.t on o.ocount of its o:xcollent locution th0 dovmvmrd trend 11 of dosirnbil i ty v.rill be ver-y gradual. Tho o.roo. therefore is o.ocordod o. 11modio.l bluo grndc . 9. LOCATION9im,tQ.Sl.<!.• Hi<!,lnns\..... SECURITY GRADE .. 2rnL AREA NO......B.cJ7. DATE.3c_25::39 Distr ict 77 : This urou is currently ::tffoctod in whole or in po.rt by un Ad vo.lorcm To..x District. Individual properties should be chocked for this ho.zo.rd.- ~ AREA DESCRIPTION Incrp~1es·srf~t~1ybUSTii8-S's ~:as~i te 1. POPULATION: a. b. Class and. Occupation collar workers, Stacie skilled artisans , __ _Eublic. eme_!o;y_:ees, etc. Income $1800-3600 c. Foreign Families ______ Q__ J.? e. Nationali~·~------------ PREDOMINATING .. 90. .....% 2. BUILDINGS, a. T,pe and Site 5-6 b. Construction Stucco c. Average Age d. Repair OIBER TYPE ___ Lar_g~r __ dwel~ings ___ %_ __ _ room Good e. Occutxinc, m~------ f. Owncr-o=,pred _951,_ _ _ __ -- g. 1935 Price Bracket h.. 1937 Price Bracket j. Sa!el: l)emand k. Predicted Price Trend {next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket ! ____~.Q__ .r.£!.C..Q.r.d..______ %_.c_~!!i~ 1937 Rent Bracket t ...aLr.rntal.:L...... ..............% ~---in....this. __ a.trul,__ · - - -- ..... .Rent Bracket o. ~ Negro ...... o.....f., Shi/ting or Infi:le,,ation _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~NoI1-e .. 8.:p.Pf:l:rent~--------- } .............. % J, ........... % ·--......% .....S.tati.~ - - - - 'i,change % Rental Demand p. Pttdicted Rent Trend (nen 6-12 months) 5-6 rm stucco 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No... _JQQ. ...Type & Price .~QQQ.:-.]Q.QQ_.....How Selling ..g~f?:_g_U·.Y·-·-·-·b. lnstituti.oru _ _~O~_ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL~•-~0~-- 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (...} ..,,.) a. H O - - - -- - b. Institutions..... .. .....0. 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_...NTIPlo ...C!l!A).... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193,c.) $....52.,5.0...._ ...... 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CJ:IARACTERISTICS OF AR.EA; Level with favorable grades. No construction hazards. Land improved 70%. Deed restricted to single-family dwellings with protective provisions as to minimum cost of improvements and racial hazards. Zonine; - single - family residential. Conveniences are nll readily available, including interurban tronsporto.tion to Loz Angeles. This is a. new subdivision which has boen developed within the last 5 years under the stimulus of promotiono.l effort o.nd FHA fino.noing. Construction meets the o.dministre.tion's requirerrents und nrchitecturo.l designs o. re uttro.ctive although it is obvious thnt sonl:l of them have boen built speculatively. Popule..tion,. which is of the m0dium inco.roo levol, is homogeneous, ar:rl nninteno.ncc ovidonces pride of ownership. Favoro.blc influences consistency o.nd newness of improveoonts , proximity to good schools , rogulo.r "set bo.cks 11 o.nd excollont stroct improvemonts. Ncgo.tivo influences: proximity to industry, Southern Pacific Railway o.nd Grand Contro.l Airport. It nlso might be mentioned that high percent of homo ownership is duo to lov1 equity fino.ncing and that properties from lo% to 15% overpriced.• The trend of desirability will, it is thought , be upwnrd until promotiono.l effort ceO.$cs o.nd will then beconn static. Tho nrea. is therefore o.coordod o. 11 100rlio.l blue II grndc .. Thoro nre n. number of multiple frunily dwollings in 11 business district'' shown on mo.p. (Glenonks Dist.) 9. LOCATION ........ Jll,ghl.nru!.......-.............. SECURITY GRADE...ic:nd... AREA NO........Bd..8 DATE..,."2+,09 CAUTION: This nreo. is currently n.ffectod in ,mole or in pnrt by an Ad vnlorom Tn.x Dis t rict. Individuo.l propcrtios should be checked for this hnzo.rd. Note: 78 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL.1.9..1LAP..&Q.J&.s. __ g_QJ.1.1li;y. ____ 1. POPULATION: a. Jncreasing_. __ MQQ..!;l_;r1;.t~Jy _________ ... Decreasin Static. __________ Income $2400-7200 b. Class and,_r~_lliffe_Q._.11.~QP.l&.........!l.r.... _~-~~<:::Y.ti Y-fil!+- c. Fo,,;gn FamW"-S .....a_..'.i e, Shifting OT d. Na,umali · etc. Negro ....... D....... % Infiltration. _ _ _ __ _ _ _~one....a.ppa.r.e:,=---------~ 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING a. T -ype and Site _ 85 ...% .9-?roo,,.m_ __ _ __ b. Construction c. Average Age d. Repair .... G.o.o.d. e. Occupancy ...... .98.%~---- - - f. Owne>--occup;,d ···· 85%...... g. 1935 Price Bracket $..50.0.0.,.65.00.._._._.._ h. 1937 Price Bracket t5,0.0c75D.D... i. 19}9 ~ 5790- 8000 j, Sale.s Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket ...... Price Bracket tch_a.~~' J, Fair Static $ 40. - 50 t,chan~e m. 1937 Rent 8'racket t.45....c...."5. ...........% n. 193-9-- .... -------- Rent Bracket H5 - 65 ..... _% o. Renral Demand ..•.. % -·__J, ......... % ·- % ......Qood,___ _ _ _ __ p. P1-edicced Rent Trend ____Stat :j.,_c' - - - - - - - - - (next 6-12 months) 6-7 room 3. NEW CONSTRUCl10N (past,,..) No..... .3.2 ....._Type & PnceJ6500-e500 How Selling Ovmer built 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOLC.... _ _o~-- b. Institwtions 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.. 3.,.,-.J a. HOL.~-~O._ __ b. lnstiturions_~Few=-- 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,-....A,'!'P:\~.. . . 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1D.OO (193.7.c) 1938 Few $.5I,5Q 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACl"ERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level to rolling with no construction hazards. Slight flood threat along southeast border. Land improved 80%. Deed restricted to single- famil y structures of $5000 minimum cost . Also protects a gainst racia l hazar ds . Zoning: single-family residontial .• Conveniences are all readily available. Th is aroa was subdivided in the early '20 1 s and has had a steady but not spectacular grovrth. Iti:i greatest activity has been during sevoro.l years under stimulus of FHA financing; Construction is of stroi.dard quality nnd better . lfoin t enance evidoncos h igh pride of occupancy. Architectural designs are ha rmonious and o.ttro.ctivo . Population and improvEnrcnts homogeneous. Proximity to Glendo."le Juni or College o.nd high o. r oo. to north and wost are fo.vorab l e influences. Flood control project has detrim3 :ntal effect on property immediately o.djo.oont . There io o. wide spread o.nd upvmrd trend of lot pricos, front foot v alues OOing from $3() up. The area is accorded n. 11 high blue " gr'ado., 9. LOCATION ..... .. .....Qlo.m!A19................ SECURITY GRADE...... ?n<i .. + AREA NO-.Jlc1 9. DATILl::i':/cJ 9 ~ : This areo. is currently o.ff cctod in whole or in part by o.n Ad vo.lorom Tax Distr'iot. Individual properties should be checked for this hazard, 79 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map 0£ Los Angeles County 1• POPULATION: a. 1 ~e1~i.~es:a&i~;;fessionaf ~~Ured b. Class and OrocpahOT! white collar workers, etc. Static-,-···----· c. FOTeign. Families .....Q......-~ e. Shifting or In{ilttarion _ _ _ _ _ _ _~No~ne~•~P·~•~r~e~nt~----------- 2. BUIWINGS, a. NationalitieJ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ...8.5 .....J PREDOMINATING Type and Size ..5.:.7 ·--~-Y.. -•_ _ _ _ _ _ __ b. Construction Stucco Average Age .9.. d. Repair __G o o d ~ - - - e. Occupancy .9%~ - - - - - - f. OwneT-occupied .....9 5 % ~ - - - - - - years 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Price Bracket ~ ... 5Q.O.Q::-..7.5Q.Q ............... % i. 19}9 ................ Pria Brncket ~-!,OQQc.7500. ..........% ;. Sale, D,m,md ___E.aiL.:t..Q_g.o.o.d..__ _ k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket t.No.t ...a..... L OTHER TYPE _Du.P1,ex __ and ___ larger hillside nansion room c. g. ____s_t.o..ti.c~----- . m. 1937 Rent Bracker - ... Rent Bracket 3. people, Income ~1800-3000 and up o. Rental Demand p. Predicted Rmt Trend (next 6-12 months) NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa,t ,....) No .. j, ..............% '!, % 6-7 room 25. ....T,tx, & P..ic, -~5QO.cBOQQ......How 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. H O ~ - ~ ~ - - b. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( j. ,....J a. H O ~ - ~ - -- SelUng ......ll<>.P.i.<UJL ___ _ Institutions ······-··Ferr -···-····-· b. Iru•tutioru .........Fe.w. 6. MORTGAGE FUND&...Ample ....................... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (19l.7:) $-..5l~09 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level in ,rest to hillside in easL Some construction hazards in west,. Land improved 50%. Deed restricted to single-family dwellings, with provision for multiple-family structures west of Verdugo Rand; also p rovides protection against racial hazard s. Zoning conforms to deed provisions. Conveniences are all readily available. This area wns subdivided in the late 20 1 s but ho.s seen its greatest activity since the advent of FHA financing. Construction and maintenance are both of good quality. Architectural designs are ho.rmonious and population is homoge1~'.lous. Improvements along Lu Loma and Woodbury Roads are "tops 11 and would do credit ton first grnde urea. East of Verdugo Rond improvements older, and the £ew multi-frunily structures nre looo.ted giving the district o. slightly spotted nspeot. 'f he o.reo. is go. ining in popularity o.nd with its high percent of horrc ownership will undoubtedly remuin desirable for to come. Tho area is o.ccordod o. 11 medio.l blue" grade. Chovy Dist. 9. LOCATION._.Yo.r.dug.o.Jlm,L...-... -....... SECURITY GRADE.......;;,,<! .. AREA NO.......llc2.0. DATE..3c29_c;l'J CAUTION: --- This arcu is currently o.ffccto<l in whole or in po.rt by an Ad vo.lorem Tux District. Individual properties should bo chocked for this hnzo.rd . 80 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of_.i.25?-.~g~X~.L9.9_1:ffi~Y----··---·- t. POPULATION: a. Increasing Moderately De.creasin,.,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sr.atic ...••·-··--··Business & professional men, minor executives &: b. Class and Oa:uparion.-..... clerical __ employees. Income $1800-3000 c. Foreign Families ......f.11:d Nationalities ........... Nqne ____ subvers.~v.•~----- e. Shifting or lnfiltration. _ _ _ _ _ _ _None_ 9.pparen,~t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING a. Type and Site b. Construction c. _5. to 7 ... 85. % room _....J:'~_i:r. ....~---·"'gos,odo,.__ __ d. Repair e. Occupancy f. Owner-occupied g. 1935 Price Bracket .....2 f i l ' - - - - - - .. .9.9½'-------%change h. 1937 Price Bmcket $ /.000-5500 .... i. 1939- .......... Price Bracket $__4Q_go-i::.500 j, Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket •·•···· . .% .....% ·-····· % ........ % ....S.t.ati.c__ _ _ __ m. 1937 Rent Bracket 3. 5% Multip les Frame & stucco AVeTage Age ....... n. ±9-39·-····- ...... Rent Bracket $~5.__ - _-5.o_ _________ _ o. Rental Demand ... }, ....% p. Predicted Rent Trend ____ S-t;ati..,·cc__ _ _ __ (neY! GU 1.'K.mth.s) 5-6 room Mostly NEW CO!,"i.3'Pi.CCTION (twt yr.) No~ .....?.9.. ... Type & Price_i.~!2.Q.Q.:fb..Q.9.... Bow Selling Owner built 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOL.'--- ' ' - - - - b. Instituticru, _ _c.Fe:.;wc__ ". SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.3 ..,.,..) a. HOLC..... ... .3. .. b. Instinaion.s_ --'-F"-ewc__ 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_. ..!•!1'1'1~ ........... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.7~.) $ 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARAcrERISTICS OF AREA 51.09 Terrain : Level in south and east to semi- hillside in northwest with some steep grades and consequent construction hazards. Land improved 5ofa. Zoning largely single-family residential with few locations permitting multiple family struc tures. Schools and churches readily available, trading centers somewhat distant and transportation largely dependent on family automobile. This area was subdivided a numlJor of years ago but its development was slow until advent of i-~HA financing. Construction is of standard quality with ma intenance generally shm·rtng pride of occupancy . Improvements are sorrirnhat spotted nnd while not heterogeneous lack appce.l. Population is moro or loss homogcnoous, being largely of the income level. Improvements o.leng Eleanor and Lilac Streets and in southern section ndjacent to Adventist Hospitul arc of somewhat lower grade than balance of district, '£he area as a whole is accorded a 11 low bluo 11 grade . 9. LOCATION CAU'fION: Glenmore SECURITY GRADE. ...?»<1...c AREA NO•...!'.::?.L DATE.2.:§.~_)9 This aroo. is currently affected in ,'Klolo or in po.rt by fill Ad valorom Tnx District. Individunl proportios should be chocked for this ho.zo. rd. 81 AREA DESCRIPTION Security 1. POPULATION: b. Cla" and Map o~", . .Q.Qunt,t.._ _ _ a. Increasing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tkaeasin,g.__ _ _ _ _ _ 5taric __ Ye..a.... Business &: professional men, executives &: Occupation.•......r.ilir~_=mo__t ~QQ.-'ll!Ll=----- - Foreign Families ._.Q_.~ e. Shi/ting or lnfilrradon, _ _ _ _ _ _ __.,, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ z. BUIWINGS, Nationali,"oe,_ _ _ _ _ _ _.,,___ _ _ __ d. Negro .... _0...% c. PREDOMINATING ...ll5....% a. Type and Site b. Con.srntction ..S:tucc.a....& _ c. Ave,-age Age _ ___ lD....y.e.a.= - - - - - d. Repair e. Occ:Mpancy -·~1%~------ f. Owne,-occupi<d ···..··"15%~----- g. 1935 Price Bracket t.600Qa.l2,50.Q...&...up \t.'.h_,,'.\'!.'. h. 1937 Price Brocket t75on.•.15,oo.o. .&..up .. _ ...... Price Bracket i. 1939 j, Saks Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket 01HER TYPE JU ..typ......t25.,.0Jl0.. -""<l...U.P %change ......% L ..,.000... &. up ...... % ____S . t . a t i . ~ - - - - - %.£.~~(: ....% ·······_% o. Demand p. P'fedicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 s,~te,accti,.,c:,..__ _ _ _ __ 7-9 room months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (Jxut :,,.) No ......5 ......Type & Price.Aoo.llli,.U,50.Q.How Selling ... !,.uilt.. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL.e,..._~--- 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (... 3...,r.) a. HO•u.-.-~--- b. Irutitutioru.....Y.ery... f.e.w..... 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,...lmp.lo...lllithl.n... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1()()() (1931c) $---51,.09.-limi ts 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Canyon floor to hillside with construction hazards. Land improved 25% unhatched portion; 5% hatched part. A highly deed restricted and controlled area with ample protection against racial hazards. Conveniences are not readily available• but not detrimental in area of its class. This somowhat isolated area. was subdivided some 20 years ago as nn exclusive and seclusive district. Prohibitive deed restric tions are said to have retarded devclopront. Construction and mo.intenance are of highest character. Architectural designs dignified and in keeping with natural charm of tho district, and population is homogeneous. Peace, quietude and dignity are outstanding cho.raoteristics.. Improvements nro less imposing in southwest portion.. Proximity to Chevy Country Club and uniqu0 loc ation o.rc fnvorublo influencos. Minor flood thrents in periods of hoa.vy rninfo.11 and cppo.rcrrt forc3St fire hazards nro undoubtedly derogatory fnctors but o.ppo.rently not seriously considered. Owing to low degree of activity and of popularity nn upwc.rd trend ia not oxpocted; continued dosiro.bility ·will, however, extend fo.r into tho future. Tho nrcn is thcrcforo a.ccordod o. 11 high bl uo ,, gr ndc • 9. LOCATION .•. Chcvy... Ch.so_....... SECURITY GRADE •..Znd.+ AREA NO•.Jb,2.. DATE.,.c2a-,09 82 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of__ L.o.o..,lni;e.l.•.•···g·"·l!ll'll- --··-.DeCTeasing__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static .. _1..~.L. a. Incrta.sing Busiress &: professional men, '\mite collar workers, b. Class and Occupation ____ J?JJPlic...!l.!!m.l~~~C?~.Q..~ $1800-3,~600=--- - - - - - 1. POPULATION: Nationalitks_. ......J{Qn~----~Y.9.Y~.r..~J.Y.~....... c. Foreign Families ...X~.Y.L% PREDOMINATING 2. BUILDINGS, a. T-:,pe and Site _.99 1, d. N,gro ... ...Q. ....% OTHER lYPE __5_&: __ 6_roorn,_ _ _ __ b. CorutTUerion c. Atierage Age _J.5..~ar.~•- - - - e. Occupancy .....97/4,._- - - - - - ..- G e > o d ~ - - - - - - .._WI,,_ _ _ _ _ __ f. Owner-occupied g. 1935 Pric, &ad,et l.3().QOd,5Qll.. ___ ._ 1,,hang, .....1! l.350.0.~.5.QQ.Q._________ h.. 1937 Price Bracket ............ % J.939. ······ -··· Pric, B,ad<et I_3500-5000 j_ Sales Demand ___ Fair to._,,_gocco.c,d_ _ __ k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rtnt &acket Static . ·········% 1937 Rrnt Bracket _% o. Rental Demand ____ Good_ _ _ _ _ __ p. Predicted Rmt Trend (next 6-12 months) ___ Stati1,;~----~ 6 room 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pan,...) No.... _l2...-..-T,i,, & 4. OVERHANG O F HOME PROPERTIES, 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (..)_.:,,.) 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS· Ample Pric, 2.22':'.9..:_6_(!22 ..._Row a. HOL.e,__ _c;o___ S,Uing Owner built b. lrutitutro1'1s Few a. HOL...___--=.O_ _ _ b. lru•uuioru _c.cFeccw:__ _ 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (1931c) $-53_,§g 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACJ'ER!STICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level with considerable slope from north to south .. No construction hazards. Land improved 90%•. Zoning: single - family residential with stated locations permitting limited multi -family structures. Conveniences are all readily available, transportation facilities being particularly good . Development of area began saw 20 years ago and district he.s experienced consistent growth •. Construction is generally of standard quality and maintenance indicates pride of occupancy. Architectural designs are inclined to be heterogeneous owing to age differentials., but irnproverents are not inharmonious . Population is homogeneous being largely of tho lo, medium income bracket. Tho area is by its nccossibility, favorable location and stability. Well kept go.rdons add to its· cho.rm and largely offsot a somov.hat crowded o.spoct duo to undersized lots. for o. This is o. populur ho?OO o.nd ronto.l o.reo. o.nd will its dosirubility 11 11 number of yoars to como . It is thoroforo o.ccordcd o. low bluo i;rado. 9. LOCATION Glendo.lo SECURl'IT GRADE. __.""4....• AREA NO_Jl=J2. DATE-3.=s9:.39 83 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL...b9.!...~~!.~!._9..2.~~~-----·- t. a. lncreasing_?4_ode r~t1tJ;t_ _ _ Decrea.sin,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static._.___ _ Business & professional men, executives, retired people, b. Class and Ow.,t,ation mi-t;e collar workers ellL_.1.!!Q..QI!IL.~4000 and up POPULATION: c. Foreign Families Few1, e. Nationalities.-----~..QlW.....§JJ.9.Y!u:.liY.§_ _ _ __ Shifting or lnfiUTation _ _ _ _ _ _~•o.rut._~~..r.i!:=------------ PREDOMINATING 2, BUILDINGS, ___ 8,5 1, .5-6 .. rooms~- - - - b. Construction c. Average Age OTHER TYPE .L~rger and_older _i;;ingle_s d. Repair e. Occupancy f. Owner-occupied __a,-_______ g. 1935 Price Bracket !.400_0,450.o.____.__ 1,chang, h. 1937 Price Bracket !.¥}0.Ch50.0(L_______ ______ % ;. _19_39__________ Pric, lliadoec $ LQ00-5000 __________ 1, j. Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (ne.u 6-12 mantlu) 1935 Rene Bracket $ 30 - 1937 Rent lliaci<et $ 35 - 45 ..19,19.-......-....... Rent lliaci<et $ 3.5._ - 45 o. Rental Demand .....F a i r ~ - - - - - - p. Predicr.ed Rent Trend __$.t.M.i"----------. I. ~ (next Fair Static 1'.!:.~~¥.~ 40 ·-·-·- ..... % ... J, % -·---.,, 5-6 room 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (,...) No._..75....._T,i,e & Pna, _M<l!l::55Q.0__ Jlow Selling~F•=i~r_ __ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOLC--~0_ _ _ b. ln.slitlaio,~~F~•w~--- (..3....)'r.l a. HOL~- ~ - - - b.'L..-..-·-·-- 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS· Amplo (FHA) .. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (19:il=.) $.5Q.,..i;i. __ 1939 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA Rolling to hillside and hilltop . Som:: steep gra.dos increase construction costs. Land improved 35%• Deed restrictions quite in their provisions, but afford ro.cial protection . Zoning: single - family residential. Conveniences all available but transportation is dopondont upon bus service. This a r eo. wo.s subdivided somo 15 years ago, but owing to rugged nature of terrain did not provo populo.r. In thd 2 or 3 you rs, howovor, undor stimulus of promotional effort o.nd :FHA fino.ncing, activity has y increased. Construction, po.rticuhrl y tho n:.:::w improvcrronts, is of good charnctor. Meli. nter>Jlnco in general indico.tos µ- idc of oecupo.ncy, and popul ntion is homogeneous. Arohitcoturnl designs and "sot bs.cks 11 uniformity o.nd this with widely varying o.gc tonds to givo tho r.rco. o. scmowhnt heterogeneous o.spoct . Proximity to Forest Lm•m Cemetery o.ffc ets adjacent prope rty adve rsely. It is th::iught o.rca will r cmnin dcsirnblc for somo tim::: to como o.nd it is accorded o. 11 low bluo 11 grudo . 9. LOCATION_ .... Glondolo --·-·------· SECURITY GRADE."'1.d ...a . AREA NO_J!,,24 DATEk-.23.~o9 84 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of~os .. AnfSeles County l. POPULATION: a. lncre~"sgine~p!d!;'ofessiona.1~zic;si~'£eCUtIVe·s:····5kfH8a-·- Static .. ---·---- b. Class and Occupation ....-.. -~E-~J.£~.s and retired pe_?ple. c. Foreign Families ...E~....1.> e. Nationalities Income $2000- 4000 and up None subversive Shifting or lnfiltration _ _ _ _ _ _Nc.,o""n"'e-"ap,,cae,re=ntc__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, a. Type and Site b. Construction c. A'LICTage Age d. Repair PREDOMINATING % . 90 OTHER TYPE 5-6 room stucco & masonry ...2 years Good e. Occupancy /. Owner-occupied g. 1935 Price Bracket $ __ Sparsely settl_ed%cha~e. h. 1937 Price Bracket .t ..45.90-5500 .. 19,9 .............. Price B,ack,e I.45()Qc259Q j_ Sales Demand ____Q-_09,sdc__ _ _ _ __ k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) ........... % ·-········ % __'f, .% Statico_ _ _ _ __ 'l,cha~ge 1935 Rent Bracket ............... % m. 1937 Rent &radcet . --- .........Rent Bracket o. ···-···% Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) 5-6 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa.,r ,,.) No ... 159 . .Type & Price -~9.QQ.:5../)QQ ... .Row Selling 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.3... :,,.) a. HOL.~_ _,O'---- b. a. HOLc__ _so,_____ b. Readily lrutitutwns_.,_Fe"-'w'----- !nm"'"° Few 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS'-····· .&\1DJe............ 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $10CO (1911.~ $ ..s.o,i'IJ. 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Rolling to hillside and hilltop with some steep grades, which constitute construction hazards. Land improved 40%. Deed restricted in larg0 part to singlefamily structures, uniform set backs and rac:ial protection provided. Conveniences are all available but not readily so. This is a conparatively new district whi c h has been largely developed under the stimulus of .F'HA financing.' Construction is of standard quality and maintenance shows pride of ownership. Populution is homogeneous and architecturul designs nro hnrmonious. D;Jproverrents along Shusta Street and Sage.more Way a re of noto.bly inferior qunlity to balance of urea. The locntion is o. sightly one and o.ffords mnny view bo100:;ites, f.'.nd is o.lso roo.dily accessible from dovmtown Los Angolos. Owing to those o.nd other desirable qualities the o.reo. is accorded o. 11 modio.l bluo" 9. LOCATION ......Glondnc:,lee... • _ _ _ SECURITY GRADE. ......?!"1 .. AREA N0-..~.:?5. AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oLb.9_~....~&~1£.LQ.Q~.!!Rl _ ___ _ _ a. Increasing Moderately Deereasin,,,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static.-..·•-··--· Business & professional nen, executives & retired b. Class and Occupation .._.....P.~J~lll~---A--Y~-~Uar_~.....-filc...._~..J120.0!k.5{}0.U...&...up .._.. 1. POPULATION: c. Foreign Familie.L __Q____~ Nationalities----~-------- d. Negro .......0 .. % e. Shifting or ln(iltration _ _ _ _ _ _ _~,ane....a p . p a r . e » = - - - - - - - - - - - 2. BUILDINGS, a. Type and Size b. Qmsm,.ction c. Average Age d. Repair PREDOMINATING __85 _.% OIBER TYPE ..5- A.o.r.go..___ _ __ :Z...lc8... r..o.o.m... & _._···-···- ...Fr..rune.,.._..s.t:u.c.~Q._& ....lllanS.iO=------ ..........fLy.e_ar.~---· ······-··G.o_o_.~_ _ _ __ e. Occupancy ·-··-··-·.98%~----- /. Owner-occupied ··········95%~----- g. 1935 ·Price Bracket $45.00-5000 -··· h. 1937 'Price Bracket $ 5250-5750 .... ........ % i. 1939 ····- ........ Pnce &aci<et $..5.s59c.5:750.... ... ....... % j, Sales Demand '1,,hang, ......f.n.-·~ - - - - - - k. ·Predicted Price Trend {next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket $ No _levels________ %change t/ichangc m. 1937 Rem Bracket $__ ~$tablisheQ..... ................'!> ............... % ·-·-!lt.•ti..O>------- ..% .................. .Rent Bracket o. Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6--12 month.s) 6 room 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa,t y,.) No ..... J2.5. ...Type & Pn« Ji,QQQc.6.5QO....How Selling _.Jlo.a.dily.. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOL.~-~0_ _ _ b. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (}.:,,.) a. HOLC..- .........0. lnstitutions_ ... .f.e.w..... . b. Institutions ......Few... 6. ·MORTGAGE FUNDS,-.~••···..ll".ri.A) .. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193...Bt $_56,.2.5_···--·-· 1939 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA: Terrain: Rolling and sloping from base of Verdugo Mountains, with high altitude above fog belt, and favorable grades. No construction hazards . Land improved including hatched portion 10%. Mruy subdivisiono are included in this area, all of v.hioh are said to have favorable deed restrictions v.hich include protection from racial hazo.rds, Trans portation is generally inadequate and is largely dependent upon private conveyo.nce. Buses rrnke schools readily available . Churches and trc.ding centers arc generally remote. This le..rge area. which is more like a '1 countryside" than a residential district, started to develop in tho early 20 1 s. A mnjority of streets or thoroughfares paved roe.ds without sidewnlks, and there is no sanitary sewerage system. Construction is of standard quality or better and maintenance indicates high pride of ownership . Populo.tion although cf wide income range is hom:>goncous. Architecturo.l designs generally individually o.ttractivo. FHA Title II fi:nnncing has been very stimulating and there is no evidence of high pressure promotional effort. However , indications tho.t activity will be slower from now on. The northern part of this area south of Fuirmount Plo.ce nod Hacienda Drive along Alto. Concda. Blvd. is developing rapidly ond gives ovidenco of developing into a. first grade area•. This wh!>lc 11 1Jountrysid0 11 gives evidence of nn upwnrd trend und, o.s a whole, scorns to ,'PJ.rrant a provisional 11 high blue 11 grado. La Canedo. North Chovy 9. LOCATION .......N.Rr.t.h...f.Un1'rj,s\go.... SECURITY GRADE. . 2n<i...+ AREA NO-..Bc2.6.. DATE.4:J••39 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of~Angtle.a Count;,_. _____ _ a. 1ncreasing_.J' .. _____ Decreasin,,__ _ _ _ _ _ Static_, ________ __ Business & professional mm, retired people, exec utive s, b. Class and Occ1tpacion..$.15Q.Q::5.00Q_lilld....up.... _ ... _______ _ 1. POPULATION: c. Foreign Families __o._i 2. BUILDINGS, a. Nadonalitie~-- - ~ ~ - - - - - - - PREDOMINATING __!)Q..,1 T"Jt>e and Si:te b. ('.,onstruction .F'r'.aJne . _stuc oo & ma3op.ry c. Average Age ___ ~ - - - - d. Rcp:lir f. Owne,,oaupW g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Price Bracket j. Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend ..19.39._ ............ Price 13,acket (next 6-12 months) ~~------ _Jl.Qf,~----- J, $ 4500-6500 'te,".a~g• L . 2250c27SIL .....% - - %,,..,,,, $ .J.o.. - .,.60 _,,.,,_,_,. ....J, Demand ( see below) L.:ooJl=25..QIL..__ m. 1937 Rent Bradrer o. .... fre.mec_ _ _ _ _ __ _...96.;.~---- L.35..:-55.. ____ . -l 9J9--- --·-···-•··Rent &acket ro_om _bung~lows __ ··--····9·,~--- - - - 1935 Rent Bracket n. _gQ-1 OTilER lYPE 4. & 5 $_1,Q __ L1.1~5_ci:,gg,.SQ_ t ,,..,,,, $. .20_. - 25 --·-- '1o ,,Q __,_ -··-·-.,, ----~t~·~----__..S.tat.i. p. Predicted Rent Trend 6-7 rm bung. & 2 stor y (next 6-12 months) J. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa,, y,.) No .._35. .. __T,r,e & Pri<,1._65.QQ::.(!QQ\?..._.Jlow S.lling Owner built & up 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, o. HOL~ ~ ~ - - b. lm<ituncn, Few 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (...3. ... Jr.) a. Institutions Few 6. MORTGAGE FUNDL"1n.J?e.~Jf!JAL 7. Tf.~ALJ;~ ~:8$ii~9i1000 W3fi' $--29,.K__ HOL.~- ~- - - b. 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: iiillside and h illtop. There a re no deed restrictions . Some construction hazards . Land improved 40%. Zon ing is single residential. Conveni - ences are available but not ro8.dily so . Transportation is by bus . Most str eets are improved but are generally shor t doad-ond thoroughfares emanating from Linda Vista Avenue. This aren was originnlly a. chicken ranch di strict , and its transi- tion to a r esidential section began ubout 1925. Street und othe r improverrents were ed throu gh nn issue of Ad vo.lorem To.x Bonds, populo.rly knovm as Mattoon District Bonds. This indebtedness in conjunction with the deprossion reto.rded development• and it Y/(\S not until the bond issue wns refunded o.nd tho o.dvont of the FHA that activity was rosu11Dd . Popul ntion , improvomonts, nnintonance and nrchitecturo.l designs aro all of o. heterogeneous Mc.ny of the old 4 nnd 5 room ro.nch typo bungo.lo;,ts aro still in ox i stonc e o.nd in spite of many new woll constructed dwellings they give tho nron o. spotted o.ppenro.noo . o from conveniences, poor tro.nsporto.tion facilities o.nd of deed rostrictions also unfavorable factors. Fo.voro.blo influences lnrgo number of h i gh grade improvement s, of bettor quality inhabito.nts, o.nd indicc.tions of continmncc of building activity. ilhile futur e is somewht'. t enigmntic , ond will not permit of first designation o.t this time, it is boliovod tho.t p rog re ss 11 11 ho.s been euffic icnt to wa rrant a modio.l bluo grade. Lindo. Vista. 9. LOCATION_l'M'l.<!.£!!!!.... _ _ ..._. ___ SECURl1Y GRADE....?mL AREA NO_JI,,~7- DA'fE.kk39 CAUTION : --- This nrco. is currently affected in whole or in po.rt by an Ad vo.lorom Tux District . Individu al properties shou l d be c ho ckod for this ho.zo.rd. 87 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of...J.._Q;;;___AP.£.';'11.§:.~_..Q.Q.J.mtY. t. POPULATION: Increasing_._.....h19:§.E1.r.~.:t.E!:JY_.... ____.. .Dt:creasin,,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static Business & professional men, executivl3s, retired people, Income_.$~000 _and up ________ _ a. b. Class and O:cttpa.riotL. J'i'hitQ.....collar ylerical.._ etc, c. Foreign Families .......E.e.~ e. Shifting OT Nationalities_____ .. N.9Xl§!! ....§.Y.°RY.~.r..§.:i..Y.!i',_ _ _ _ __ Infiltration _ _ _ _ _ _.JO.Ofl....ap.p.a.1:®.t,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING .... ao . 1, OTIJER TYPE ..2 .. 6 ...~ 7 a. T:,pe and Size b. Construction .Frame ..... _stucco __ & __ ma.;,9no:_. c. .. 22 .. y e a r s ~ - - - - - Atierage Age d. R,pai, rms .• _(so¥!El .. _______ _ mansion) _Fra;me ___ & ___ stuc,..,c,,_o_ __ - - - - - - - e. Occupancy ...95%,_ _ _ _ _ __ f. Own,,--occupred ..B 5 % ~ - - - - - _9.Q%~---- g, 1935 Price Bracket HZS0c90.QQ.. _ %change $),09.0-69.00 ···-- %change h. 1937 Price Bracket f.75.00cJ.0.,.9.9.Q. W39 . Price Bracket ~--1500.-::lQ_.Q.O.O... _____ .9.~~----- $ /,?SQ-6259. ............%. $ J,5.00-6500 - j. Sates Demand ___ £='--- - -- - - k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket $ _50 -75_ %change $ m. 1937 Rent Brnck,t $75 .-..'l.0 .............J, L.31,~ n. ..1.9,-9-..............Rent &ack,t $ 75 o. Rental Demand p. PTedict.ed Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION {prut ...~ t i & . - - - - - - -95·-·---- t . . .3.7.,5Q....c.. .55. % _ __Q_t_a, in winter s0uson $..':.~11it~ .J, ·····-···· % _ Statis ~J.le:t.:t.a.r_ 1,n___ 5 nn dwlgs. $4500-5000 'ltintor .How SelUng"-1Y-- >"·J t-;•&7g···;~'pe & Price jj rm 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, 35 - 50 $~ggg-. a. HOLC•.............O........ b. l,uritutioru..•..•.f.ow 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (..3 .. :i,.) a. HOL...__ _;__ _ _ b. ln.uitution,•....... FOlll.. 1938 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_.....Ampla... . .. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193...7.t $.1;MO. County $36.90 City $11,90 8. DESCRITTION AND CHARACIBRISTICS OF AREA: Terrain: Level boach land si tuo.ted along east bank of Arroyo Seoo. No construction hazards. Le:nd improved 9C7%. Deod restrictions have largely expired except provisions pr otecting against subversive racial eloments. Zoning is single - frnnily residential. Conveniences are all r eo.dily aw.ilnblc.- This o.rco. has been slowly developing, without high pressure salesmo.nship, for the 30 . Muny origino.1 owners are still residents, occupying tho palisades overlookinG the "Arroyo Seco" in which is locntod tho fo.r - fail'Cd 11 Roso Bov,1 11 o.nd loss knomt but important 11 Uu.nicipnl Golf Courson, This nroo. is popular with retired people and visitors seeking winter quarters. Improvcroonts, whilo heterogeneous on account of age, splendidly maintained. Under st imulus of FHA Title II financing there ho.s boon quite a little activity in new construction during tho past few years. This has been of good quality and hns boon largely concontro.ted in two compo.rntivoly snnll sections - one located botweon Co.nado. Blvd . and Howard St. of Chunning Way , and tho other between o.nd Wcstgo.te St~. cast of Amanda Drive. Those ne...-1 improvom::mts ho.vo ho.d a favoro.blo influence upon tho a roo.. Unfo.voro.ble factors the fourth grade o.roo.s to tho vrest. which ore heavily in.filtered with subversive ro.cinl clements. Deed protection ago.inst the so ro.cio.l ho.znrds protect this o.roa from direct contnminn.tion but, novortl'eloss, o. bo.d influence. Efforts o.rc being to overcome this ho.zo.rd. In many respects this a. ran ho.s first grade qualifico.tions but o.go o.nd tho racio.l situv.tion precludes assigning bettor thnn o. modio.l blue, 9. LOCATION Bost side of SECURITY GRADE ...2!"!... AREA NO....... ~.:E~ DAT!illc..2::39 ~~ ~ AREA DESCRIPTION a. Inaeasing _______§.l9.Y!1Y---·-----·--···· Decreasin,,.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static ..--..·-·-··Business &: professional men, skilled art i sans , b. Class and Om¢arion_&nd white collar workers . Income $1.~.3.Q.00 and Ul2,. _____ _ t. POPULATION: c. Foreign Familie.L..~~ e. Shifting OT Nationalities.. .. ... su_bv-ersiw_ _ _ _ __ lnfikration _ _ _ _ _ _ ~o.n.e.. J t r u ; ! r u : ~ n ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - PREDOMINATING 2. BUILDINGS, __ ?5. 1, a. Type and Site ..5.i.. 6 &...J.. rooms ___________ _ b. Constrnction .. Frame_._ stucco_&__ ma sopr;y c. OTHER ITPE __ ....:!, Lar__ge outmode d_t,YEes __ B,9 & ...l0 __ ro9rns _______ _51! lOJL At1eTage Age d. Repair e. Occupancy _____ ':W,_ _ _ _ __ f. Clwncr-oro,pred ·--·- ·751 . ~ - - - - - g. 1935 Price Bracket L;1250,_5.ooa.._ h. 1937 Pria Bruck,t !..}50lk5500--.--.. ._...._. 1, .. 1<,39 ........-.... Pric, &acket $ Y590 ·5500 ... _ ......-.......1' ;. Sale, Demand __ Goode___ _ _ _ __ k. Predicted l'ria Trend (next 6-12 month,) 1935 Rent B,acket $~5.Q___ 1,chan,< </,change S...30.. - 60 ........._... ...... 1' ·············"' .1£!.,.._____ .... - .... 1o ---~ I. m. 1937 Rent B,acket ...... Rent B,ack,t n. ..l.9W,....- o. Rental Vf:mand $ -30. - -.Sta.tL.~-----p. Predicted Rent TTend 5 & 6 rooms (next 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (post .,.,.) No ......35 ......T,P< & P,ice .i.4500.~15.QO .. ..How Selling .. _...1fo.d.or.oto,4 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, _ a. HOL~- ~ - - b. lrutitutions ___....&_w____ a. HOL.~- - - - - b. /°""'n.s .........F.e,'L ........... 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.. J . :,,.) 1938 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_.......""11).!e .......... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (1931~) $..49...54...... _._ County $37 , 54 City $11 , 9 0 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain : Level with favorable grades . No constructio n hazards , Land improved Deed restrictions have expired but nx:,vement is on foot to cover area with protective racial restr ictions . Zoning is single - family r esidential . Conveniences are all readily avai lo.ble . This area has been doveloping steadily for more 85%. than 25 years and is still oonq>o.ratively active. Construction is of standard quality or better and maintenance indicates o. high pride of occuponcy. Populo.ti on is homogeneous, tho district being pe.rticulo.rly favored by the business men of tho connnunity . Variance in size and tyJX)S of improvements gives a hotarogoneous aspect to parts of area . Convenience of loco.tion and stability ore outsto.nding Proximity to Golf Club and Alto.dona Rec r eati onal Center favorable influences. Provo.lencc of o.gc and obsolesconcc derogatory factors. Indications that tho o.roo. will r emain dcsiro.blo for o. nurnbor of to core and it is o.ccor dod o. 11 100dio.l bluo " . 9. LOCATION ....Jl.2rth...!'.llli-9.Q...,;!.___ SECURITY GRADE ....<nd..... AREA NO-..ll.c29.. DA~ 9 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map nf I. POPULATION, a. Los Angelos County lncrea,mg_ ... Sl.a...:t,,........................ Dec,«uin,.,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sratic ....·-···-·· Business a.nd professional men, retired peoplo. city b. Class and 0-..cupation*-••emp.leyo.e.s.,!lli;Q_lilQ..._iJ.JX;i~.9.Q.Q.. ____ _ c. Foreign Families_.f.Q.."!...1., c. Shifting 01' 2. BUILDINGS, a. Nationalitie,,_ __,Nc,ono=...:.•uc,cb,.:V:,Cr:..:•c:ic.:.vo=----- d. N,..,....o......J, InfiftTation, _ _ _ _ _ _ _~N~o~ne~u=•=.r.:.•ncctc__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ PREDOMINATING b. Corutruction c. Average Age d. Repair 01HER n:PE ... 75 ...% J!, 9 .. 5,..6...&...7....r.OOID.O.... Type and Si:i:e & 10 rooms ... ..F.r..M'fl.+.~j;!J..Q.Q.Q ...&..00§.o..nQ' _ __ .......... Eai.c...ta ...g.ood e. Occupancy •···· ..91c•c__ _ _ __ f. Oume,-occ,,pied g. 1935 Price Bracket $ ..2250·4500 --······ ;!,change h. 1937 Pri<, B,acket ~. 2500-5000 .............. % t.5000-6500 .19}9............. Price &acket $ 3500-5()00 ...........% $ 601/o $. 4500- 6000 5000-6500 j. Sales Demand Poor to k. Predicud Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket Sta_ti,,•~----- Stri.tic $ 2.5 - 45....... ·--··- %change L1±2- 50 $change ··-··· 50 - 60 ............... % 50 ··-··-- 50 • 60 . ___1, 1937 Rent Bracket $ W .. • 'P n. l9:%L .............. Rent &acket $ ..30 · o. Rental Demand ...G.o " " - - - - - - - - p. pc:!~1~:0~;; .~tt\.ti.~----6-& 7rooms-~St~•~t~i~•---- - - 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No......?5. ...T:,pe & Price $6000-8000 Fair Hl)U,• Selling built 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL.c...._ _,,6_ _ _ b. ln,titutionu.•--'F'-'e"w_ _ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (..l ... :,,.) a. HOLC. _ __;c__ _ b. ln.miwio"' tinny 1937· 6. MORTGAGE RJNDS,_.....e!\lPJ.e................. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.~...) $_49..~44.... __ County ($37 .54 - City $11.90 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Torrain: L,;vel with fo.vorablo grad0s. No construction huza.rds. Lo.nd improvod 85%. Homosites o.verngo largo. Deed restrictions have expired. Zoning is lv.rgoly re sidontial. Conveniences o.11 roo.dily avo.ilo.blo . This o.rco. ho.d its beginning soma 35 o.go as a suburbun district of smnll orchard hom:is. Mnny cfthc original owners were rotirod peopla of modoro.te income. This sto.bilizing influence is still uppu rcnt. Construct ion is uniformo.lly of sound cho.rnctor. Mnintono.nce, vihilo somJwhnt spotted, is gencro.lly of good quo.lity. Populo.tion is highly rospccto.blc o.nd homogonoous. Improvcioonts of IllD.ny periods o.nd is heterogeneous from tho standpoint of arch itoctural designs. The price bro.ckots shovm abovo uro nominal us sizes of homositos vary groo.tly and front foot values not well esto.blishod owing to sales being upon o. building site basis. It is o. close question us to tho grade of this a.reo.; in rmny respects it is "definitely declining 11 • Howeve r, the typo quo.lity o.nd ronount of recent now construction coop led 'With its proximity to rapidly growing o.rons, scams to wo.rro.nt tho o.ssigmoont of o. 11 10,·1 blue 11 9. LOCATION .N,E, ..Posadon,,. ..& Alto.done.. ••. SECURITY GRADE...?!>~....: AREA NO•..~.:2.Q... DAW.:li.,.:29 90 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of__ J,_,9_;:;__.,1P.:i,g~1ft.§....9.91lJ}ty_ 1. POPULATION: a. lncreasing ...... ~gQJ.1JY...............-............... Dccreasin," ' 7 - , - - ~ - - ~ ·Static .... _. _____,.. __ Business & profe s sional :ioon, public errployees , skilled b. Class and Ckcupation ___~.r.~J~!t~......~fil.t.~...9_Q.Uf:l_r v,,orke rs & ret ired_J?.~tl~.!.-...!.PS.Q.~___$J29J t o $3000 & up c. Foreign Families....f..~.Y.L.% Nationalitie5.- ..........~one ...l?ubve rs ive cl. Negro. ______9___ %. e. Shifting or lnfiltration, _ _ __ __ ___j'.N2l;l~ __ appa r a n t ; ~ - - - - - - - - - - - 2. BUILDINGS, a. Type and Size b. Construction PREDOMINATING .5. 6 & 7 85 _% OTHER TYPE r oo ms __ 15 ·"' ---~---~ -~----~- __up to mansion type ___Fram.c.1 __~_t u cc o __ &_ rrnsonry .......5.....:@:ar s,_ _ _ _ __ c. Average A ge d. Repair Good e. Occupancy .. 9Jl'J~ - - - - - f. Owner-occupied g. 1935 Pric, &ack,, U,QQ.O.c.S!lQQ.. __···-··· h.. 1937 Price Bracket f.lJ.500.~.6.QQQ_______ ......%. 19)9........ _ ...... Price 8'-acket ~.4500- 6000 . _ .....%. 1,chang, Demand j. Sale, k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket $ ..25 - 45 ·-·-·-···-· 1, chang, 1937 Rent Bracket $ .30.. - ..50 .. . .... .. , ...........% .... ......... % n. .1939.............. Rent Bracket $ _.30 .- ..50 ·- ···--- --·---·% o. Demand ······Jl9.Q,;.l- -- p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) --- ___Sta:= · '-----5, 6 &; 7 nns 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa,,:,,.) No..U5.... . Typ, & Pric, ~.5.QQQ.c.15.QQ........How Selling Readily 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOu...._--"0'--- b. Irutitutiorn: __ .. ..f.~~..... .. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.3... y,.) a. HO b. ln.stitutioru ..... Xaw.... 2 1938 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, __.•.,'."! 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193-1..c) $b&,.00. County :J:36 .90 - City $11.90 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Le vol with favor able grades and no c ons t r uction ha zards. Land impr oved Dee d r e st r ictions which cover importe.nt parts of E\. reu are ampl0 , well enforced o.nd prote c t a.g o.inst r ac i o.l hazo.rds. Ccnveniencos nre e.vo.ilo.ble but are not o.11 reo.dily so. This far- flung and ir r egulo.r nrco. is lc. r gely of rocent dov olopment, In tho pe st few under stimu l us of FHA Title II fina.ncing it hc.s boon, n.nd currently is, vory n c tiv0 in the const r uction of small to medium sized homes . Along Orange Grove Avenue tho improvements arc m•ro .pr o-.ontio us c.nd r ec.Uy lend n b a ckground to the mor e modest impr ovements on the side and other streets. Construction is of standar d to bet te r qunlity . Ma.inteooncc is of g ood ter- o.nd indiea.tes high pride of oc c upo.ncy . Architc ctur o.l designs , while individually o.ppealing, som:=m hat in unifor mity of designs , being a mix ture of one and t-vro- story structures , which gives to some purts of the urea a somewhu t hoterogoneous aspect ~ The '1rod 11 nreo. to tho c a st ha s no influe nce upon this o.r oo. no tho two scpn ratcd by the 11 Eo.ton •·-1noh 11 which is quit o wide at this p oint, This n reo. i s by no me a ns fully deve l oped ond shou ld not be diso.s soci nted from the 11 gr c en 11 o.roo. whic h it surrounds, o.s it is probable thut in time pn rts of t his r,ro o. will bo joine d t ho 11 grccn 11 uren . Th is nroo. is more tho.n 11 still desir abl e " 11 but cnn currently only be nssignod n "modio.l blue grc.dc .. 40%, 9. LOCATION_P_,._sn_d_om _ _ _ _ _ SECURITY GRADE......2'>.d. AREA NO•....B.:21.. DATE.~:_JJ.1:;l? 91 AREA DESCRIPT10N Security Map of Lq;,_. __ ~geles County 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing Moderately Decreasin Static ............·-···· Business & professional men, executives, retired capitalists, b. Class and Occupation _____E!'. _t.2.!. __ !n.c:i:9~_5.Q_QO-lO 1 000 and up to $J.LOO=0L0~0~0_ _ _ _ __ e. Shifting or Infiltration,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N.op.e ___!lppare:;r.1.ct~----2. BUILDINGS: PREDOMINATING, stucco b. Construction c. Awrage Age ...... _.31L~-~ -r~,~---- 3 years d. Repair ········· G9od,_ _ _ _ __ Good e. Occupancy f. Owner-occupied & (Nominal see below) %change 1935 Price Bracket $....-7.QOQ.-~l.l_.,_QQQ___ h. 1937 Price Bracket !.. 75.00.~lZ.~.O.QQ____ , ............... 1, $.aooo-, ·- . W39 .............. Pric, B,ock,t t ..75.CO.s12,00.Q ............. j/, L_(lQ.O,HQ...9..0.Q__ . j. Sales Demand .....Poo,,___ _ _ _ __ k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent &racket $_7.a._,__llQ_ $. Vea .few_crxisted%change ....J3.ta.ti. .u _ _ _ _ __ '!,change $__ __ 1937 Rent Bracket t .BD._.__.p;.._ $... 65 ...,....9.0._... n. 193.9. $80 - ,25 $ 65 " 90 o. Rental Demand ...... Rent Braclret 'f, --·-"° Good OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (....2. .,r.) 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, masonrY._ ·····-·····f8%~---~- g. p. Predicted Rent Trend ··- Static (next 6-12 m.onthJ) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No..... .15.. 4. ..... 60.}, 10- 12 rooms a. Type and Size Amp,e _..T'JPe ...-.§1~.Y..3:~....t.9_ ...~~t.2:_ 6, 7 & a·r.ns & Price $8000- 10 1 000 f-Jl)W Selling Ovmer built a. HOL.~_ _0_ __ b. lnstitutions, _ __;_Fec.ow,___ _ a. HOL.L - - - - " - - - b. In.stiaaioru 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (If§¾r Few $.3',9_~ 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS O F AREA: Terrain: Level to rolling. No construction hazards . Land improved 85";L Deed restrictions have expired in parts of ar(38. except racio.l restrictions, Zoning is single-family residential. Conveniences are all readily o.vo.ilo.ble. This area together with "Grand Ave. District 11 constitutes the old aristocratic residentio.l section of o.nd has o. nationwide reputation. Many of the structures arc 50 years old. ApproxillD.tely lo% of improvements are of the mnnsion typo occupying from one to five acres and costing in some co.sos up to $1,000,000. A typical structure of this kind is the 30 to 40 room residence of Phil Wrigley, which occupies the vih.ole block on the west side of Orange Grove Ave. bot\wen Arbor and Lockho.ven Streets. Uany nationally lmovm co.pto.ins of finance and industry homes in this o.roa. During tho past severo.l years new o.rterinls hnve boon · constructed which greatly o.ceelern.te o.uto trnv,d to Los Angeles. This ho.s o.ttrncted Los Angeles business and professionl.ll men to this area and rnn.ny new 6 to 8 room hoioos hl\vc been constructed. The now improvements have been largely built along Bradford & Bellefontnine Sts. in the southern pr.rt of o.reo. below Columbia St. Lot vo.lues in the nreo. run up to $125 per front foot on Orange Grove Ave. o.nd rnnge from $30 to $50 per front foot in tho nrea ns n whole. Thcso prices soem out of propcrtion with lot values in other parts of the city. Vfuilc this o.reo. Ms mony of the qunlificn.tions of n first o.roo. o.nd the district will undoubtedly its dosir.ability o.s o. single-family residential section for n great mo.ny years to come, the o.vcrngc ngo of improvements tmd the largo number which 11 for snlo 11 precludes assignment of better than a 11 high bloon 9. LOCATION . .Or,ngo....er_QYLil.Y.• ......... SECURITY GRADE ..2nd....t. AREA NO-.-~_s,2.. DATE.l,.a_;i.,a.9 92 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of-.J:'.2-~ ...~~ ~J~_§____q.9_~:\;::y ________ ··-· 1. POPULATION: a. JnCTeasing Slowly Dccreasin,g..__ _ _ _ _ _ Static ...••··-··-····· Business & professional men, retired people, Jr. executives, I~£Q~j?;2,~0~0--5~00~0~•~nd~uLp_ _ _ _ __ b. Class and Occupation c. Foreign Families .._X~'.'5.1 Nationalities .. ......M.9.Il:~.....?.1!.'l=>Y.~e~r~s~iv e ~ - - - - - e. Shifting or Infj!rration .. _________~No_ne ___a _ p p a r e n : t ~ - - - - - - - - - - 2. BUILDINGS, a. Type and Site b. Construction c. PREDOMINATING __ 80___% _20 ... '/, ..f.r~ ..t....!ltUCCO &: tnaSO!!r.Y.. Average Age d. Repai-r e. Occupancy f. Owner-occupied ......... 9ood _ _ _ _ __ ............85% L5.000a6llQQ........ %,han~• f . 6000.a.75.W ........... .'% g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Price Bracket i. l',,9- .......... Price Bm,k,r j, Sales Demand ....Fa.~·c__ _ _ _ __ k. Ptedicted Price Trend {next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket .._stati.~--- -- ~-,,o.. ~ . .6o........ 1937 Rent &acket $40.-15 .19.39. __________ Rent Bracket $ ).,0 - Rental Demand ...G.O..Q,~.- - - - - - - o. OTilER TYPE 6 to 8 rooms .... % ... %,hang, % ......... ...% 75......._ ··-· ,..___.,%, .......% p. Predicted Rent Trend __.S.ta.t.~.~-----(next 6-12 months) 6 room 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No......39 .. .,..Type & Price_~_75..QQ.=§Q_QQ ..... How Selling ◊.vner l:::uil t 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL.~--2~-- b. lnstitutiC""u 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (... 3....)'T,) a. HOL,L----'-- - - b. Few Institutions_ ..... F~w ____ _ 19376. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_...... A'11?J~.............. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193§.. .) $.../iB_,.~Q ________ _ County $36 .90 - City $11.90 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level with no construction hazards. Land improv0d 85%. Deed restrictions are still in force in enstcrn part of area. Zoning is single - family residential except four blocks in western part , Ym.ich is zoned to permit multiple family dv.ellings. Conveniences are all readily avnilable. This is an old area lying partly in Pasndena o.nd i;nrtly in San Marino. It is o highly regarded medium priced district o.nd ndjncence to Cal-Tech and better grade areas to the south, together with proximity to Pn::ie.denu Hig..h School and Junior Collogo are very favorable ini'lucncos. Mru1.y professors and scientists connected with Cal - Te ch are rosidonts. Construction is of standard or better quality, rnaintemnco is of good character, population is homogonoous and architccturo.l designs aro harmonious. Thero o.r0 many student bonrding houses o.nd multi - fnmily dvli:lllings which are dotri .. monto.l influencos. Along Arden Road and in co.stern part of area there are a number of more pretentious homes occupying good sized homcsites. This is a som:,wha.t difficult a.roe. to judge but after ti:Jcing all fnctors into consideration it is assigned o. 11 :n::idio.l blu0 11 grade. 9. LOCATION ... Cal - Tcch_µ;istL ...... SECURITY GRADE._?P.-d.. . AREA NO•.~c..3.3. . DATE.u.c5c.39 93 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of.1.2.§....~_gQ.!.2.§. __9.9.y._nty________________ _ 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing_,........ §,1.1.Y... -···········-•-···-··-·· Decreasi Sea.tic ...._...... __ _ Capitalists - both active and retired - business & b. Class and Occuparion __p_:rg_f.e:,;;_§j._g_~L.lllfil!J.....§.Xe:.9..illi.iY.!lUL... lQ...QQQ_~p;L.1!.P.----- c. Foreign Familifs ..f..e:_yc_~ e. Shifting or lnfi!n-at:ion, _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ 2. BUILDINGS, Nationalities. ...N2ne___ ,S_i.\P.Y.e.r..~.:i.Y,. s._ _ _ __ PREDOMINATING _100 'f, 8 rooms & up - town house a. T ype and Si~e ?!i@_§.!.QJ1..§.:....~..~t~t9..,_~~-------- Frame _.__ stucco Construction Average Age d. Repair ........G Q o , ~ - - - - - - e. Occupancy ·········-.9·6%,_ __ _ _ __ h. N,gro ......Q ......% OTiiER TYPE & __ mason,ry b. c. g. d. _one....Ap:p.a.r.f.l.nkl,...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Owner--occupied .... . 9W,,_ _ _ _ __ 1935 Price Bracket Nominal, dependent on size of home site ~.......'.7-000....a.nd.. .up._... %..~~.~~.~. J~----- 1937 Price Br<ICket f ....J;jO.O... Md...up ...l93.9 ............. Pric, B,od«t $...7:,:>2.""d...~P.... j, Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend {next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket m. 1937 Rent Bracket n. 1939 .............. Rent Bracket o. Rental Demand .............% Poor Static Rentals on caretaker basis: nominal rates $ _JS.and.up_·-· %.chan~e ,$_ _ _ _ __ !tchange $ ..... 80 .. and_.up··-····- .............. % $ __ 85.•rul .. up ....... ......_.'f, p. Predicted Rent Trend -·-······.S:.t.a..:t.i,~----(next 6-12 months) 8 - 16 r6oms 3. NEW CONSTRUCilON {past yr.) No.J:9. .......T,pe & Pricelb:.w_JJ_Q.,_QQQ.... How Selling ..9Ym.'?..r...J?_1:l_"il:!_ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (....3...:,r.) a. HOL O up b. Institution Few a. HOLC ..... ..1 ············-···-··· b. Irutitutioru .......... Few ... . 6. MORTGAGE RJNDS, ....~J.~.. ~J:!;.hJ.r,. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (1931.0) $../.8~89. limits 1';38 8. DESCRil'TION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level to hillside with no construction hazards. Land improved 75%. Many homesites are several acres in extent, with average frontages of from 60 to }00 feet. Deed restrictions were ample and are believed to be still in force. Zoning is single•frunily residential. Conveniences are all readily available . This o.rea some 25 years ago was ono of the first grade areas of Pasadena and it is still highly desirable , many original ovm.ers still being residents". Improvements run up to $100,000 and mrui.y are quite imposing. Construction is of excellent quality and mo.intenanc0 is of a high order. Population is h oioogeneous and architectural designs ure harmonious. There are a number of residences offered for sale by those desiring to move to newer locntions. Age precludes o.ssigning better than a " high b lue" grade-. 9. LOCATION SECURITY GRADE...•..S!l~... •AREA NO-...~c24. DATE.4:Jc3.9 94 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of Los__ .Angeles County $t.atic __ __ Decre4.1int a. Increasing Modera t ely Business &: professional men , re ired peop le, skilled Incoroo e1500 to $3000 and up b. Class and Occupacion artisans, etc.. 1. POPULATION: c. Foreign Familie,.....Q. __ ~ Nationali,·.· ~ - - - - - - - - - -- - e. Shi/ting or Infilti-ation, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ll=one O.fil)aren,..,tc.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, a. Type and Site b. Construction PREDOMINATING 5 &: 6 ..•....851, OIBER TYPE 7 to 10 rooms room __ Frame &: stucco c. At1ei-age Age __ __ 5_ years e. Occupancy -·--2?!!~----- Good Ownn-occutntd ·········.95~'-------- g. 1935 Price Bracket ~-35Qlb45ID..__ 1,,hang, h. 1937 Price Bracket !..4002.=SQQQ___.. $ % __ _ __j, 4000-5000 TSee 'below) j. Sales Demand ______ Go.~od,,__ _ _ __ k. P,.edictcd Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket $ I. m. 1937 Rent Bracket Static T~i~_is not___ ..............% .......% ~- ___ di_strict __ o. i.£~~i!: .$... _ a_J·ental _____%. -·--1, Rental Demand --~~----p. Predicted Rent Trend $4500- 6oOO &: up according to size of/ (next 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (po,, ,,.) No._._.35....T:,1>< & Pri<:e _5._&...6_i:.o.w1i.._How S.IUng •..CNme..r....buil HOU...- - - " - - - - 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (...J ..;,,.) a. HOLC- ..•.•••...• 2 .•..·-···-· b. l,utituao,u __ Fe,•·····( One figure) 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_..A.;,pl.e.............- 7. .TOTAL .TAX RA.TE PER $1000 (1938-) $-J9.DO..Ga.. 1939 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain : Level to rolling. No construction hazards. Land improved 60%. Many large homosites . Deed restrictions providG against racial hazards, and supervision of improveioonts , etc. Schools, churches and trading centers are reasonably available. Tra.nspcrtnt ion is limited to interurl:nn line on Huntington Drive., This district was originally developed by citizens from Michi gan , Illinois and Indiana. , which o.ccounts for its name. Earlier developments wore large size dv.ellings surrounded by snnll acreage estates . Later iaprovomoni:Bhns consisted of well mo.intuined J; o.nd 6 room bungo.lov,s of stando.rd construction and a.ttructive o.rchitectur(ll designs. While not a susteno.noe homestead a., pro.ctico.lly o.11 homositos of sufficient size to permit garden tro.cts and srell orchards.· Populnti.on is homogeneous o.nd evinces a gone r o.l community pride. The price brackets shown above are nominal only as amount of land involved governs prices..Adjo.c ent high o.roo. to the west is a. fnvornblo influence . - So~ scattered chicken ranchos in tho area is a detrimental factor. Irrlica.tions that this c.rco. will r desirable for nnny to coim a.rd it is accordod o. 11modial bl uo II gr • 9. LOCATION .• J!.\~'1.Ut,ylor.Jl.i. ._1;.,.... SECURITY GRADE..•..;a,<1.... AREA NO__.JHS.5 DA.TE.i.i=.l:Z=39 95 AREA DESCRIPTION lncrTi~tneii·!~~;;;•reSifoliat 1?::ri~si~~-tire-d·--ce:pit8IISt's'~-- ;~e°c;UtIV_e_s_. a. b. Class and Occupation 1. POPULATION: w½ite collar workers , etc .. c. Foreign Families ___ .Q___ J~ Nationalities.... Incom $1800-5000 and up . ..... _None subversive e. Shifting or Infiltratic,n, _ _ _ _ _ _ _~N0 , = n • ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING JO __% OTHER TYPE 30 <f, 8 to 10 rm .. 2story. a. T.,pe and Site 6 & 7 rm bungalows······-···- --~?~'.- old mansio~----~1pe, b. Constn«:tion Frame, stucco _mul~iple~ __ &___ ?':'n~a~(}w_ c. Average Age 20 years d, Repair Good e. Occupancy f. Owner-occupied g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Price Bracket & masonry courts . ea·. $..J,.Q00-6009 - ---· %change .............. % ..19}9............. Price 13,acket $ 4500-6500 j. Sales Demand -... F a i r ~ - - - - - - k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket l.35 1937 Rent B,,acket $..4.0., .. 10 .. l. n. 1939-- . .........Rent Bracket o. %change - _60 _____ .............. % %,change tM - 10 Rental Demand p. Pmlicted Rent Trend ....S:tatio,_ _ _ _ __ (next 6-12 months) 6 & 7 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION ( ,..) N,.....}Q .....T,pe & Price _i,9QQ.Q,c75QQ_ ... How Selong ..Q,mor...e~.H.L 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (..3..,.-.) a. HOLC--~2_ _ a. HOL..___~2.__ _ l>. In,mution, ............MMY 6. MORTGAGE RJNDS,....mpl.o ....bMt ....... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $IOOO (!93J., ) $..52,.~. selective 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Leve l to steep hillside and hilltop. Some construction hazards . Land improved 907; unhatched; 10 hatched average 5()%. Many improve..-nents occupy large horresites. De e d restrictions cover largo part of area and ar e said to be enforced. Zoning is largely single-family residential. Conveniences are o.11 r eadily avail able. This is one of the oldest sections of South Pasadena, early development being in the nature of small esto.tes. Tho area is far - flung following to sorre extent a hilly section knovm as Monterey Hills .. It is a popular district with those having busiress in Los Angeles, and its population to a gr eat extent is made up of Los Angeles business and professional people . Construction ranges from stando.rd to suporsto.ndard quality. Maintenance is of good charo.cter and in many mitigates age and obsolescence. Architectural designs of iII"f)rovem.cnts are of great varie ty ond this, together with a l argo vo.r e in age, gives the asomewhat heterogeneous o.spoot . Population is fairly homogeneous, although there is a wide differential in incomes. The o.roo. contnins nnny largo old live oak treas vdl.ich add to its charm o.nd desirability.. Convenionccs to Los Angeles is omi of tho location's chief o.ttractions. \'lhi l o development hns never boon vory active its growth ho.s boon quite steady and there a r e i ndications that its trend of dosirnbility is still upward. However , until this is more n.ppr:rcnt than at prosont it is thought bost to assign to tho o.ron a 11 modio.l bluo 11 grn.dc. 9. LOCATION ....J.l.®wr.Q.l/..JiUl.<L....... SECURITY GRADE......2n.d... AREA NO-..B., .;l.6. DATE.l.,..,.llc;l9 CAUTION: --- This nron is currently affected in whole or in pnrt by nn Ad vo.lorem To.x District . Individunl properties should bo checked fo r this huzo.9i• AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of__ J,1.9..§....~~l'?.iL.9.9:!P.'}:\::y___ ._ 1. POPULATION: a. lncreasing, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Deaeasin,,,___ _ _ _ _ _ Static ..-.~-~-~--···· Business & professional nvm, active and retired b. Class and Occupation __ qa,p_iYlisTJL_,tl:ecutives,._etc._ Income fiOO0:WJJ0 and, _uJ;!._ ________ _ c. Foteign FarniUes _____o. _____ .~ Nationalitie,s_ _ _ _..c-_ _ _ _ _ _ __ e. Shifting or lnfil.tration, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2. BUILDINGS, a. Type and Site PREDOMINATING .99 ..J? OTI!ER TYPE 7:-;I.O ___ r m s . ~ - - - - - b. Consmu:tion c. Average Age d. Repair e. Occupancy ....._Good~------ ..... m~-----. . 001,,_ _ _ _ _ __ f. Owner-occuPied g. 1935 Price Bracket t . 5500.".".95,QQ__ &;__.up ~-£~~~- h. 1937 Price Bracket t . .60.00.-.1.0.,,.000... .& up __ ........ % ........... % .. 1939 . . .....____.Price Bracket $ ____ 60Q0~l0 ,000 .. & up ........... % -····· % j. Sales Demand k. Predicted Pri« Trend ______Sta.t.ic,_ _ _ _ __ (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent .Bracket $ m. 1937 Rent Bracket o. -1J.5-- - 6a.,,________ % ..,.~~~~ ~----..50 ...:-:-.. _7.5_____________ ....19}9 ............ Rent B,ackct L:;<L..a•...75 Rental Demand .....M.o.o,. o_ _ _ _ __ .........% ...% p. Predicted Rent Trend _____..!:l:tat.ic1L_ _ _ __ (next 6-12 month,) (4) 6 rm $6500 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past )'T'.) No..5 ............T:ype & Price .J..J~.n§J_q:rL. ........How Selling __Qyl_ll~.r... Jm.Lh:L_ type at :l,;25 ,000 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HO 2 b. Irutirution.<-...f.•1'.... 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (3.:,,.) o. HQ,,,__ ~ ~ - - b. Institutions__. __ ..f..~.Vf.... ... 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_.....<\t1ml•................. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $!COO (19:ll.c.) $51.,59 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level with favorable grades. No construction hazards. Land improved 9~. Deed restrictions have expired but pattern of improvements are definitely established and racial hazards are at a minimum. Zoning is mixed singlc-fo.m.ily and multiple fo.mily. Conveniences all re adily available including rapid transit to Los Angeles. This is the most popular ro1d best district in South Paso.dona and , although some 30 years old, many original owners are still occupants. Construction is l n rgely extra. sto.ndard. Maintenance is of a churo.cter tho.t offsets age and obso l es cence. Architectural designs , with few exceptions, -"..TC attractive o.nd !\S o. whole o.rc hc.nnonious . Population is homog e neous. Tho section bounded by Monterey Roo.d, Garfield Avenue, Onk Avonuo nnd Milan Avonuo would o.lm:::>st merit o. first grndo clo.ssificntion. The o.roo. ns n 'Nhole will tmdoubtcdly trend towc.rd rental properties on account of tho no.turo.l ndvunto.gcs of its location, being not only close to conveniences o.lso to Los Angelos tro.nsporto.tion. Lot vnlucs uro sto.bilizod nt nround ~25 to $ 30 o. front foot. This o.reo. should retain its dcsiro. 11 bility for mo.ny yours to come o.nd is nccordod o. "high bluc 9. LOCATION ........ So.uth.. Eoao.doxm...... SECURITY GRADE ...2nd ....+ AREA NO ...B=..>1.. 97 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of__.}9s _Angeles County l. POPULATION: a. l~i:fnessM:d;~:;::~IQ.riii:1 ~~e,C1S~etired b. Class and Occupation artisans, white collar ,•10rkers, etc. 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING a. T"Jpe and Site .?.., Frame 6 & people, skille~· ..····--···· Income f:51800.. 3000 &: up -2.'!.._i OTHER TYPE 7 rooms & stucco b. Consttltction c. Average Age e. Occupancy f. Owner-occupied ........ 80f.~-- - - - - g. 1935 Price Bracket $3500c515!!.._ h. 1937 Price Bracket $ 1,000- woo ..... . .19-,9.............. Pri<, &acket $ 425Q-62.50 ..·-······ 8 years Good j_ Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend .... S.:ta.tic_ _ _ _ __ (next 6-12 monW) 1935 Rent Bracket m. 1937 Rent Bracket t;lll ..~.. 50.... n. .19J9----·-·-····...Rcnt Bracket $...30 - ..50 o. Rrntal Demand p, Predicted Rent Trend ................% ...........% -- ·-·,,, --·~ ......s.tati.~------ (next 6-12 months) 5 &: 6 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (po,t ,,,..) No.......59 ...•Typ, & Priu .$lm.Od:i!l.O.Q. ....•How S.lling .•.•~..•~U,c __ _ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOLC-~ ~ - - b. ln.1•"'"""'······.E•.1< 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (..3....:,r.) a. HO=- - - - - b. Jnstitutioru •..... .fe.>!'f..____ _ MORTGAGE FUNDS,. . ..lo...1:rn.AL 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.ll.➔ $_J.e..J,4 ..__ . 1939 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, 6. Terrain: Level with favorable grades, No construction hazards. Land improved 6of,. Deed restrictions prcwide for cost of irrproverronts, designs and uniform sot backs, and protect against racial hazards in perpetuity. Convonienccs nre all readily available, This aroo. wns subdividod in 1925 ani its development was €.rrested by the depression. It again o.ctivo some 3 years ago and number of improve ments ho.vo pro.ctico.lly doubled since. Los Tunus Drive , tho mnin business thoroughfare , traverse::. the uron and is o. traffic he.znrd, The re c.r o also o. number of multi-family structures along this street, Construction is of sta.ndnrd quality or better. lio.intonnnoo is of good cho.r actor. Architectural. designs nro individually o.ttr nctivo, but two pe riods of o.ctivo dovelopmcnt - 10 yenrs a.pnrt - hnvo ho.d tho effect of nnrring the uniformity of improvoroonts. Populntion is o.pparcmtly homogeneous . Proximity to So.n Go.brio l Country Club nnd higher grade nrec. to tho north nro fnvornble influences. Although topogrnphicnlly and dood protected a.go.ins t the l o.rgo Mexico.n district to tho south this is do omed o. dotrinPnto.l factor . The t\roo. contains mnny lnrgo old live onk troes v.hich ndd to its o.ttrc,c tivonoss. Their gmtrled old trees border Live Onk Ave. nnd nnko of that thoroughfare n shaded nrbor of g reat cha.rm. This area. is certainly a dosirl',blo one o.nd indications a rc tho.t the trend is still upwnrd . Howeve r, it is beliovod thot n 11 modic..l blue II grt'.de is rroro in keeping with its Liva Oo.k 9. LOCATIOK.•.s.'!'!...Q~2r.J2..L....-..... SECURITY GRADE.-M.... AREA NO•.•fa;lll. .. DATEk.l.7s.>9 98 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of__.1.9..lL~~.~JLQQ1:clJ1.!y_ ____ _ 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing, _ _S~l~aw~l~Yc..__ _ b. Class and Occupation c. °'"'""''".,_______ $catic _________ Professional ti business men - retired people Incom:, $1800- Nationalities,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Foreign Families _Q.:-_ ~ 3000 up d. Negro...9____ __,~ e. Slufting or In{ilm:uion, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _=None ap_Q_aren,~t~- - - - - -- - -- 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING 2,:.7& OTIJER TYPE Frame, stucco, n-e.sonry __ _ b. Construction c. •. 90.. 'I, 8 ~oom 20 years Average Ag.! Good d. Repair e. Occupancy f. c:>wnn-occupied g. 1935 Pria Bracket h.. 1937 Price Bracket j. Sales Demand ___ P._Q.Q,~------ k. Predicted Price Trend ······~.tatie<,...._ _ _ __ .. 9.f!f.~-~ - - - .. 85%. (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket L:,u..~45- ,o . .. 1937 Rent .Bracket t ..:,,..•... n. .193.9 ············-··Rent Bracket $_.35 -...50_____ _ o. Rental Demand p. l'Tedicr.ed Rent Trend ............. % $c..__ _ __ _ ___ 1, __.m._lll_ti.~---- - 6 - room (next 6-12 months} 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past ,r.) No_§?____ .....,_T'JPI! & Prict $6'J00- 70CX) f-J.ow Selling Owner built 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HC1l C---◊~- b. Insti:Mion~•--F~ew~-- 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (..__}p.) ◊ -- b. a. HOL.~--~ 6. MCRCGAGE FUNDS: lrutitutwn~•--F~e~w'---_ Ample ( FHA) 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.L'.) $...2.!.-.!i.Q __ _ . 1938 8. iJ&Cf..imON AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA Te rrain sloping to hillside - no steep grades or construction hazards . Land improved 75%. All conveniences, ho-wever • transportation is not readily available. Elevation varies from 1000 ft. in southern part to 1133 feet on extreme north border. Many improvements are over 30 years old and still occupiod by original. owners . Tho city o.s a whole is to be fc.vorablc to those suffering; from pulmonary woakno ss and many such have l"!oll'OS in this o.r eo. . i'opulo.tion is homogeneous and vary sto.ble in, construction and maintcnanoo aro of good quality but age and typos of improvonxmts uniformity and gives to tho o.roo. f.1 heterogeneous . The o. r oa is accorded a 11 roodinl bluo 11 9. LOCATION._... _J>i.<m:~-1.~.r_.__... _ SECURIJY GRADE. ... 2nd.. AREA NO-lb,')... DATE..k2&. 99 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of __~Q.ILN..\.K~J.§.~... .9.9.!:ID:tY. ________ __ _ 1. POPULATION: a. 111C1easing Rapidly Decreasin,---~~~-~- Static. Local business & professional men, retired people-, Income $1800-3000 and up b. Class and 6ccuparion ___~hite collar clericals• etc. c. Foreign Families ... J'.'.t~ Nationalitie.L..... _ .......... None __ subv=•r~s,._,i~v•'----- 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING 5 &: 6 . 85.... .%. d. Negro .... 0. .......'f.: OTHER TYPE rooms b. Ccn.stTMction c. Awrage Age .. .f-l)._ir.....tR._,g_.99_4 .... cl. Repair e. Occupancy .........9.B'f.,_ _ _ _ _ __ g, 1935 Price Bmeke, ~....3500.,4$QQ. h. 1937 Price Bracket ~--3.1.;{:).~5Q.0.0 ... . ~----3?.50!:'.50.00..... .. B5f. _ _ _ _ _ __ %change .............. % J, i. 1939 .................Price Bracket j, Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend {next 6-12 months) -----Stati~----- 1935 Rent Bracket ~•.,w.~42_.50 ______ %chan~e .............. ,% 1937 Rent Bracket .Ren, B,aeke< o. Rental DerMnd p. P,-edicted &>nt Trend (next 6-12 months) ,, __ % fl7.,59.c/,1.,5Q.... ___. ____ §tP.-.t.iQ,_ _ _ _ _~ 5-6 rm stucco 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past ,,..) No......J.Q9. ..Type & Price J/J5Q9:::-.QQQ9........How Selling _...M£~~.!'..~.:l&!.Y_ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: 5.. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.> :,,.) a. HOL..___ a. _e,__ _ _ HOLC. .... L. b. Irutitution.s, __F~•w~-b. Institurioru . .... .f.~"!".... 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_...__Nffi?J.~..Jf.M) 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.7.c) $_"9.,s9. 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level to rolling. Hillside nbove Hillcrest Blvd. No construction hazards. Land improved 60f,,. Deed restrictions covering part of area provide for single-family structures and protect against racial hazards. Zoning mixed but largely single-family residential. Conveniences are all reasonably available. This is the best residential urea in M.onrovio. and has slowly developed over the 35 or more. It is currently experiencing its greatest activity. Improvements are extremely heterogeneous both as to a go and type. New construction is of good quo.lity and of attractive architectural designs, Maintenance genoro.lly indicates pride of occupancy, Population is largely homogeneous. The many old outmoded dwellings scattered throughout the aroa gi vos it a spotted uspcot. Thero are o.lso u number of small acreage citrus groves. It is thought tho.t the o.rca will remain dosiruble for a number of years to como and it is accorded a "medial blue" grade.· SECURITY GRADIL 2'>d AREA NO•. B.clp .. DATEz.?:.2.9 100 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of_. Los..__ ~gcles County t. POPULATION: a. l~~gine::p!d~~ofessional b. Class and O:cupatio•• c. ~~~i~\nor··{;xe-CUHVe·s:-··-- Suttie white collar clericals, etc. Foreign Families ... -~~~ Nationalities Income $1800-36o0 None subversive e. Shifting or Infiltration, _ _ _ __ _ .)~one - a new area 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING 5- 7 a. Type and Size b. OTIIER TYPE .....100% rooms Omstruction c. Average Age d. Repair e. Occupancy ..l? months Good Owner-occupied g. 1935 Price Bracket ~..Jb:i,1_~.v.e.19.~_<:L....... %E~-~-~t-~. h. 1937 Price Bracket _$ .............. % j. Sales Demand k. Price T,.end (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket ..19.39 ............. Price B,a,ket t..11;,00- ?500 'lo change ............ Jt Fair Static to down $ No rentals ,f,change 1937 Rent Bracket .......... Rent Bracket o. f _____ i n __ n d ~hborhood___ % Rental Demand Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 month.!:) 5- room 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION Qxtst yr.) No....~.Q ·•·-·~·.T:Ype & PriceJ~4500-7500 p. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES 6. MORTGAGE RJNDS· (2 ...,,..),w Selling Slowly a. HOL..__~O_ __ b. lnsntution, _ _cco_ _ a. HO lnsticuricns O b. Ample (FHA)... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 ~§ ~::) 3 O $ 4L80 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARAC!ERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level. No construction or flood hazards. Land improved 15%. Deed restrictions are ample and include protection from racial hazards . Conveniences are not readily availabl e , transportati on facil i ties being very poor. This area was subdivided sooo 3 years ago and al though stimulated by promotional effort, speculative buildin~ and FHA financing has exporiencod onl y moderate activity. Adjoining to the onst is an addit ional 56 acres awaiting subdivision which ,·rill, in time, become part of this area. Improvem3nts, many of which wero owner-built, are of good construction nn:i attractive arch itocturo.l designs. Indications tlw.t the are n is not o. popular location and the necessity for the subdivision is que stionablo. There uro a fc;, speculati vcly built dwollings ovorhnnging the market vktich seems to confirm the opinion that n.ctivity in tho nreo. has passed its peak. The pattern of th€.l c.rca is not dofini toly fonnod ond, pending further devolopm::int, it is accorded o. provisiono.l hutched 11 lov, bluo 11 grade. Hatched 9. LOCATION .•~rn. ·a SECURITY GRADE ...~...... AREA NO••~c.41.. DATE..5c.?.c.39 ( Bo.ldwin-Stockcr 101 AREA DESCRIPTION 1. POPULATION: a. Increasin&-·-~~r.!.~~Jy_______ Decreasin,.,__ _ _ _ _ _ Staric -------·Retired pe ople , busines s & professional men , mi nor b. Class and Occupaaon _____ execut_ivos ,. __ white __ co lla r cle r ic al:i .. ___ Income iJ2 2:)0:4900. & lfil_ c. Foreign Families____Q____ j~ Nationalities-..... . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ e. Shifting or Jn.filtration _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _None __nppai::-ent.~--- - - -- -- 2. BUILDINGS, -~5.. ~ PREDOMINATING OTIIER TYPE a. T,Pe and Si;::e b. ~ c. Awrage Age Large dwelling s .....f.r £!.me & s tucco ..... 8._ye ar s~- -- - d. Repair c. g. h. Goo.d~- - -- - Occupancy ._9.M~----- Own,,.-oca,pi,d ...........95.:i!~- - - - - 1935 Price &ackct $. ... 350.0.cS.OJlQ__.___ %,hang, 1937 Price B,ackct L .31'. ..19,9 .............. l'rico &acke, L . }]50.c-550.0 ;. Sak,D,mand k. PTedicr.ed Price Trend (next 6-12 months} .......% - ······· % .. . ... ....% ___% _ ...stat~ · ~ ----- 1935 Rent Bracket $.£5.. - 40 ...-····-- %,hang, 1937 Rent &acket $.2~0_-_J~i~,_ __ n. ..193.9.......- ,_.,_Rent Bracket $ 30 - o. Rental Demand · p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) Good 45 'tchan~e ..% .............. % ·-····"' ····--% ... S t a t i c ~ - - - - - ~ 5-6 r oom :,, NEW CONSTRUCTION (post ,r.) No .5.9.________T,,pe & Pnce lL25Q-6o00 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.. .2 ...yrJ 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, ..~.!.~......... f-l'>'AJ SeUing 0.-mer built a. HOL.~ __O _ _ _ b. lrutiturion-•_ _ Fe~w_ _ a. HQ-_ _ o _ _ _ b, Institution-• _ _F _e_w_ _ 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (19/ Jg 9 $...4h ?Q....- - 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level with no c on struction hazards or flood threats . Arca as shown is a.bout &:/fo developed (inc luding citrus acreage). This is a r easonably homog.:rnoous area of well designe d ond oointnined dwellings secluded from traffic and reasonably adjacent to all conveniencos . hlost of tho a r ea is well-restricted . The o.r en possesses a definit e cho.rm nnd appeal f r om a r esid entia l standpo i nt , and homes i tes well lundscapo d o.nd supp lied wit h t r ees . Incl uded in the o. roo. a r e both sides of Baldwin Avonuo , whi ch i s built up in o.bout the snmo type of irrrprc vcm::rnts , o.nd nlono ,rou l d merit o. highrlr tho.n the 11 lov, blue II o.ccordod . Arco.din 9. LOCATION ...B9§.QIDP.J>.¢_ _ _ ._ SECURITY GRADE..Zm...c AREA NO~ .. DATE.5=3=}9 CAlll'ION : This aron i s currently o.ffoctod in whole or in po.rt by nn .'1.d vnlorom --Tnx District . Individual properties should bo checked for this ho.znrd . 102 AREA DESCRI!YTION 1. POPULATION: ..... Decreasin,g.__ _ _ _~ - - Static._._____.. Income $1200- 3+00 Small ne rchants , vlhite c olla r cl erical s, ski lle d artis a n_s !=)~C a. lntTta$ing ____ ..~.PJ:IJ.!.Y.:,. b. Class and Occupation _Nol').e ... subve rsive~ - - - c. PREDOMINATING 2. BUILDINGS, _4 a. Type and Site & 5 _90 '1, r oom Stucco b. Construction c. d. N,g,o .•..Q...... J, Shifting or Infiltration _ _ _ _ _ _~None -~par e_n:t~ - - - - - - - - -- - Frame 6 mo s. t o l __ year Average Age ·-t5~,--ex_c_e-,ptc-cth,-o_s_e_ _ vacant f or_ sal e ... 1ow.~-- - - -g. 1935 Price Bracket ....... % h. 1937 Price Bracket _$ j, -19-}9--- ········-·Price Bracket $ ____ ;;:=;on-5000,._____ j. Saks Demand __ £.o.o~-- - - -- k. P,edict,d Price Trend ............... 1- _ _llcnn:mar.------ (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket $ No.t...a________ %chan~e 1937 Rent Bracket ~--··r.en.tal .._________________ .............. % n. .1939 ...... -······Rent Bracket o. Rental Demand ·············"' ··-······ .,, p. Predicted Rent Tttnd 5 rm stucco (nt.xt 6-12 month.s) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pan ,-,.) No....l 5l!....•T, p, Iii Price ~=5.QQQ..•.How S.Uing ...ol<1YilL-.--- 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL~~ ~ - - b. lnstitutions- .... Q_....• 5. SAlE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.3 ..,,.) a. HO~- ~ - - - b. Institutions ....• . Q 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,.lllnplo_(.ll!A)....-.. 7. TOTAl TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.1..➔ $4.l..00 otherwise limited 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain : Level with no construction hazards or flood thr eats. Land improved 15%. Deed restrictions oxist , but terms are not !mown . Conveniences are not readily available . Many streets unimpr oved . This is a recent subdivision ..a d :1u s had o. rapid d ovolopmont unde r stimu lus of high pro s sur o promotion , spe culativ e building a nd F'riA financing . Constr uction is low gr ade standard , Architectur a l d esigns arc attr a ctive . Som3 homosite s a r e oversize permitting sustonnnoe hon.ostond s . Indiootions are that spe cu lative building has outrun dcnw.nd cmd that activity will dimini sh , It is thought that in som:i ca sos four - r oom structur e s boing o.dvcr tisc d ns five rooms . Thero is 11 question o.s to thl.! uocd for this subdivision and whc-th c r tho location is a good ono. As po.ttern of o.roo. is not osto.blishod it is only thought possible to o.ccord o. provisionnl hntchod " low bluc 11 . (Dor oon Park & So.nta. Anitn Vista Ho.t chod dcvolop100nts) 9. LOCATION .•.....Ar.o.J> __··-·-·-···-- SECURITY GRADE..-?n<i.... Al\EA NO.~.=/t;l.. DATE..'i=2c.39 103 AREA DESCRII'TION Security Map oL1Q_;;_ ~,g_~J~.§_QQ!!J::Lcy..____ _ 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing Moderately Decrwsin lncorre 82.L.oo-5~ up --- ' _ _ __ _ b. Cfa.u and Occupation. Busines_s_ & professioMl men, o.rrl retired lJ()OJ?.~.-'-- c. Foreign Familie.s _____ _Q__ _.1 e. Shifting Nationalm,·e' - - - - - - ' - - -- - - - d. N,gro........Q .....% or In/lltmtion, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _None a_p2.arent,,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ PREDOMINATING 2. BUILDINGS, a. Type and _____5.-6 ~ __8:j__J OTilER TYPE rooms b. Construction 10 (new to 30 _yzs_. ) __ c. A\leTagc Age Good d. R,pa;, Occup;incy ·---- 9,e,_,_.- - - - - f. Own,,«euj>i,d e. g. 1935 Priu Bracket .., .._00%'------L359Qs4J5Q..._.___ %,hang, h. 1937 Price B,ack,1 f. . .3.75Qc5.009 ........ .. j. Sales Demand k. P,ediaed Price Tund (nnt 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket .19}9. .............Price !l,-ack,1 m. 1937 Rent Bracket n. J929............. Rm, o. Demand !l,-ack,1 i change L.37.50.., 5.QQQ... - - - - L;;s_,-c..45.. '!, ,hang, :(change L40..-....;i:L. ..............% ............ % ~.40 - 50 % ____1, Good ___ Stati c _ _ _ __ _ p. Predicted Rent Tttnd 5 & 6 rm stucco bung . (next 6--12 monch.s) Hnw S.lung O,mer built 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pan y,.) No ..2~. ..._T,i,e & Pri<, $4500- 6000 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.2 .. :y,.) a. HOL.'--- - ' - - - - b. lrutitiaionu.,_ __cOe__ _ a. HOL.'--- - 'o'--- - b. lmo"'°"""-'_ __,o'--- - 6. MORTGAGE FUNOS,....=""l'='~•--- 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (l'l_iJ~ $..l!~-'2.9...__ .. 8. DF.SCRIPT!ON AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Te rrain: Level to rolling . No construction hazards , Land improved 70% . Deed r est rictions are of good character and protect against racial hazards. Conveniences are all readily available , well laid out and landscaped streets . Develop- ment of this area began some 25 or 30 years ago but its greatest activity has been in the past 5 years, Construction is of excellent character and maintenance is exceptionally high grade. Architectural designs uro ut tro.ctivo ond hannonious . Popula tion is homogeneous . Prox imi ty to Pomono. College and Sc rip ps College for Women, bat h nrtior>..nlly lmown institution::; , is a. distinctly favoro.ble influence . Wh ile the uge difforcmtinl of improveIIDnts is great , it is minimized by th:J qunlity of upkeep t-.nd ropnir, The nr oo. ho.s nnny of tho quo.lificntions of o. 11 11 fi rst gr d istrict but it is tho.t o. high bl uo is moro in keeping with the situ~tion . AREA DESCRIPTION Sea1rity Map of___ J.-9.!? ... A:t.:!-~1~-~ County I~~fn~~-~e;:~~;~sione.l ~~~ti-r°e-d-i}eoi)le -&: - - Static 1. POPULATION: a. b. Cla»and Occupatwn ___ white collar workers. c. Foreign Families......f.~Jt.~ e. S1ti{ting or lnfi!n-ation____ ............. ·-·-·····-·····-··-···None_ a:Qpar.~en,et'--------- ---- - 2. BUILDINGS, a.. T,Pe and Site b. Construa.ion c. Atoeragt Age d. R$Iir e. Occupancy Income $1000- 4000 end up Nacionalitie.1 --·-···-mm.~. subversive f. Owner-occupied PREDOMJNATING __ 5-6 .. 80 _ 'I, O1HER TYPE Larger (2 story) room ····- Frame _&_stucco ..___)5... yearsc__ _ __ .•• •97:.{,_ _ _ _ _ __ -o5"'°''--------- g. 1935 Price Braclu:t L .3QQQ.,..425Q._.____ h. 1937 Price &acket !....3.<SQc.5.QQQ___., ..l~.9---- ........ Pria B,ack,1 $ __ 3250-50J)O ······-·· j_ Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend ("'-" 6-12 1935 Rmt Bracket 'I, chan,rc ·--·-·-··"' ~ -----___ Stat 1.·•' ·· ············"' 1937 Rent Bracket n. o. .l 9:l9-···-····-·Ren• B,ackct $ ...25 _____f - 40 -·----- Rental Demand .••..o.l.l\l;.lc,~----~ 5-6 room 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pas, )".) No.J?5. ...... T,P< & Pria j/12.Q.Q.: 2'?.QQ ......How S.IUng .I;l?d_•c.!_t~..1.L.. p. Pmlictd Rent T""'1 (nut 6-12 month.,) Few 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL.'-- - - ' - - - b. Irutituticns 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (3.....,.,.) o. HO•=- ~ ' - - - b. lnstitutioru,_.o.F"'ew,__ _ 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, ......k,n.m1e............... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 \~~ C.) $..5.?..,7.Q___. 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARAGJ'ER!STICS OF AREk Terrain: Level with no construction hazards. Land improved 85:f. . Deed restrictions Are said to have oxp ired, Zoning is n.i.xed , i s generally single - family residential. Convenience:, are all readily available. area whi ch is some 30 years o ld is a substantial and popular district. Tho section north of Lincoln Ave . and cast of Gar ey is som:::whnt nowor and better than balance of area.. Under the impetus of FHA finnnoin ~ th er e has boon quite a little a ctivity during the past sevo r o.l years . Construction is gono ro.lly of stnndo.rd quality . Mnintcnnnc e , while somovtio.t spotted, usually in<lioo.tcs pride of occupancy . O.·ting to vndo spread in o.gos of i mprovonxmts the aron presents o. somowMt hctcrogc noous aspect . Popu l ation , while not nltogothor horoogomous, is fairly so, Owi ng to consi dor e run.aunt of now construction o.nd pr ospe cts of its cont inua.nee and the gonoro.l stability of 11 11 tho area it is o.ooorded o. roodiul blue gredo . 9. LOCATION ..... Pomona,___ _ _ SECURITY GRADE.._.?!>.<!. AREA NO--~=/i5. DATE...5±.3.' 105 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of__.La.s ...An.gele..a ....C..o.unty_ __ _ 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Zkma,,..·,.___ _ _ _ _ _ Static ..-.1~-~--. b. Class and Occupation ______ J:/hit.§.....Q.cllar-..Erk~_r__$..., __§.kil1§:Q._J_$.._l?.9LL.. tr.~.d-~mfp.____ Jn.9_Q~.Jz15Q!?.3000 c. Fareign Families__Q_______% Nationalities, _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ - -- - d. Negro .....9... ....J~ e. Shifting er Jnfiltration, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~N.2.21~.... ~PP.~.r..~.nt.~--------- 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING b. Construction c. Average Age OTIIER TYPE ... 70 __1, . 5-6_nn __ bune..,_a,,,l'-"awce..__ __ a. Type and Size __Heterogeneous collection _____ 8_years~---- ········.f..~¥c....._ __ _ __ d. Repair e. Occupancy f. Owncr-o=pi,d g. 1935 Price Bmdo:et h. 1937 Pric, B,acket f..}5.0005000...... ............. JI, ............. .% bungalows %change i. l',39 ................ Pric< &<Uket t . }50Da5Q0.0...... j. Sales Demand .. Poor _ __ _ _ __ k. P,,ediaed Price Trend I. 1935 Rent Bracket (next 6-12 months) 'l,change $ 35 - 45 m. 1937 Rent Braclret .1939.... o. Rent Braclret $ ............... % .......... }, 35 - 45 .... ..% Poor (distance & lack of Rental Demand transportation) p. ~ ~ ~,::~ ~s~ ·t,,_atoc,ic,c_ _ _ _~ ~& 1 5 6 rrns..--- - - - - - - ). NEW CONSTRUCTION (past 1r.) No ..._..??. ... T-,pe 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOL.~_....e..._ ....... b. Institutions Many (....2.. )'T.) a. HOL.~- ~ - - - b. lnstitution5 Many 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS· Li.mi ted & Price $4000-5000 How Selling }.!oderate ly 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 \~!i::) $..2?,JQ 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain : Level to rolling and hilly. Many construction hazards. Land improved 5% as a whole, 30'./4 in unhatched portion. Deed restrictions are nebulous and inconclusive. Conveniences are not readily available. This area was subdivided and placed upon the mnrkot soJID 15 years ag o and development has not been in koeping with the naturo.l a dvuntu.g,'El s of the location. Construction and mo.intenance nre heterogeneous with but littlo uttent ion to architectural design. Mruty of improvements are of the sunnne r s ea side vuricty and popul at ion is to soioo extent of seasonal cho.rnctcr o.nd could hardly be classified o.s homogeneous. Unfavoro.ble influences include distance from convenie nces and lack of public transportation, street improvements and sower system, and incompetent dovolopmont GUido.noo. Tho very low percent of development gives rise to tho thought that many of those deterring factors mo.y yet be ovorcomo and it is upon this basis tha.t this o.roo. is C\.ccordod a provisional "hatched blu0 11 grade . Wo st Pucific 9. LOCATION CAUTION : Pnlisudcs Hatched SECURITY GRADE...2 nd...... AREA NO•..~.~.4? .. DATE2.:i::1z This a r ea is currently a.ffoctcd in v.holo or in part by o.n Ad vo.lorom Tax District. Individml prop.)rtios should be checked for this hazard. 106 AREA DESCRIPTION 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing Moderately Decreasin,s - - - - - - - - Static .._ Small business rren , minor executiYes, skilled artisans & b. Class and Occupation._.:rfuJ:te collar worker~__ _;tl!_q_q_~ ~~•1~800~~to~t£Y,~o~o_ _ _ _ __ c. Foreign Families_. ___Q_ ___ J~ e. Shifting 01 Nationalities _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ d. N,gro...... 2..._.'.f, Infiltration 2. BUILDING& a. Type and Si:z:e b. Con.muction c. Average Age e. Occupancy (. Clwn,,-000,pred f;j ... % PREDOMINATING 5:-6_ room_ _ _ _ __ g. 1935 Pric, B,ack,, L35QQ0.l,Q_Q_Q....... h. 1937 Pric, &aok,t 1.. 4000cL.500........ .% i. -19}9- ... -···-····Price Bracket ~ ....40.00.::-.45.0CL_____ ....% j_ Sales Demand ........Ea.~·~- - - - - - k. Predicted Price Trend OIBER TYPE __ Larger ___~yrel lings·-·····-····-···- %ohang, (=6-I2nwn,h,) t ...?7. ..S.Q=35.. %..,1!<>~I! m. 1937 Rent Bracket $., .....39._ '." 40 .......______ ........... J, n. l.\)}9 ................ Rent &ack,t $ o. Rental Demand 1935 Rent &ack,t 30 - 40 ·---·-- .......... }, _____ r, ....% p. PTtdicted Rent Trend (next 6--12 months) _____ .S.o.aa.on~a1~- - - 5 & 6 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past :yr.) No ........35. .....-Type & Price fili:?59.=QSQQ ......How Selling Mode r ately 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOL.~-~0~- - b. Jrutitunon~,-~P~•=~- 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (..3.... yr.) a. HO·=- - 0 ~ - - b. Institutions _ _~Fe~w~_ 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, ___ .fu,nJe .............. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.§⇒ $2,}Q. 1939 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERb'TICS OF AREA, Terrain : Hii;h level with favora ble grades. No construction hazards. Land improved 45%. Deed reiltrictions exi st but are nebulous owing to change in pro-vis i ons. Zoning is single- family residential. Convenienc es are not readily available - a srre.11 neighbor hood trading center is nearby but transportation, which is important to a district of this type , is lacking. TMs isolated area wus subdivided some 15 years ago and was fornorly r estricted fo r religious purposes and sold on 99 year lease basis. This , together with other provisions, has now been changed and the o.roa hns shovm incre a sed a c tivity in tho past few years, largely under stimulus of l+'llA finnneing. Construction is generally of standard quality o.nd maintenance indic ates pride of 0\'1!10rsh ip. Improv ements, owing to ago, give the nroo. a som::::who.t hetorogonoous uspoct, and population is inclined to be hete r ogeneous on o.ocount of scasono.l churcctor of occupancy. Uniform 11 sot bo.cks 11 and mo.rino o.nd mountnin viows nro fo.vor-!l.1ile fo.otors. Luck of sowers and paving is be i ng r om::::died but c.t o. cost of about $250 per lot. This being o. incoxoo neighbor hood it is not thought tha.t '.lnY grant progress will be nndo until better o.nd mo r e direct highvro.y facilities and transportation n r o provided. The areo. is a ccorded o. 11 low blue II . 9. LOCATION ... ...l~.ngJf!.sLf.Jlti~!\g,QJ! .... SECURITI GRADE. .... ~.... ~ AREA NQ._J~d-1-7.. OATE.2:..?.:'.:3.9 CAUTION: --- This n r eo. is currently o.ffec t od in wholo o r in po.rt by an Ad vo.lorem True District. Individual properti es should 00 c hecked for t hi s ho.zard. 107 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of_b.2.§....~~J~ s County 1· POPULATION: a. 11~~~gin~;i!l~rofessional ~~~~xecutiveli motfon-p-fcf~---·•··---b. Class and Occupation artists & directors, etc. Income $5ooq-10,ooo &: up _________________ _ Negro .....Q.......•.% c. Foreign Families ___ Q_____ , e. Sh.ifring or Infiltration _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ij9p&,.J1.P.P~..f~nt~----------- Nationalitie,~------- 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING .90...% a. T'Jpe and Size 8-9 rm, sing! e story b. Construction Stucco, frame, bricI, c. Repair e. Occupancy .... ..99'!e~---- f. ··········•····95JL ... _ _ __ 1:,chan,:e g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Price Bracket t.6.500.A.up.... . l9.} 9 .............. Price &ackee $. 8500..&... up ... j, Sales Demand k P;::; ............. % .....%. Fair ~nw::~1 __,,Sc,cta"'t'-'i"-o_____ 1 1935 Rent Bracket $ Not a %..£~!:li~ ,tchange 1937 Rent 8'-acket t.l'.~n.t ...........% ............... % .........Rent Bracket o. OTHER TYPE 2 years Average Age d. d. __ --1, .....%. $ ar~a Rental Demand p. p,.edicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) 8 & 9 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (Jwr '.)'1'.) No... .3.9 ····-·.Type & Price jJQ.tQ.9_0_.~--~.P...How Selling -~~9_<!_~T_~~!¥. __ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL.~-~Q~-- b. lnsticwtion~,-~o_ __ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.3.. :,,.) a. HOL.~- ~ 2 ~ - - b. lnstitutions. _______ _Q ___ _ 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS· Amp le 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 %3 ~1 3 ~$~52~•ec7Clc__ _ 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Te Hillside to Canyon bottom - some construction hazards. Land improved 15% out of possible 75%. Deed restricted to single-family structures architecturally supervised. Ample provisions for racial protection. Conveniences are not readily available, 'Ymi ch is not a great handicap as this is a two or more car garage neighborhood. This area was formerly developed as a Botanical Garden. This project was abo.ndoned some years ago and subdivision followed. Growth has been so.tisfo.ctory and, currently, building is quite r apid . Construction o.nd maintenance are of excellent character o.nd architectural designs are harmonious and a.dd to charm of aren. Population , v.hioh is lo.rgoly in the higher income brackets, is horoogeneous . Lond is usually sold on homesite basis but runs from $25 to $30 per front foot. Detrimental factors include; luck of conveniences including transportation, flood hazard owing to ino.dcquo.te facilities, danger of co.nyon or brush fires, and paving. It is thcughttho.t high roquiroments in deed restrictions may prove o. deterring factor. With the pattern not dofinitoly osto.blished this is o. difficult area to grndo. It is , however, assigned a provisiono.l "hatched blu0 11 grade. Ho.tched 9. LOCATION .. ~~9.Y.!l.l_o_,'~){2A...... SECURITY GRADE.... ?!>~ .. AREA N0-.~.::.4§.. DAru.:..6::39 CAUTION: This arco. is currently o.ffectod in whole or in po.rt by nn .Ad vnlorem Ta:x: Distriqt. Individuc.l properties should be checked for this ho.zo.rd. 1()8 AREA_DESCRIITION Security Map of Los Angeles County a, Increa.sing Rapidly Decreasin Income $ll _ ggigc----··--···-·300 3 b. and Occupatim1___ y_~_g_~-~~Lpr ofe ssor s I Jr, executives, skilled artisans, etc• 1. POPULATION: c. Foreign FamilieL. ..Q____ ~ National,m·· ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - e. Shifting or Infiltr~n----- - - ~ ~ q n e___ appa~ent; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, a. Type and Ske b. Construction c. Average Age d. Repair PREDOM!NATIN_Q ..90 . .. J Stucco & frame 3 years ................. Good ______________ _ e. Occufxlncy . ....... . 9.~..,~•- - - - - f. Owner-occupied ······· ·····25%~---- g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Price B,ad,,, $ 6500-7500..... .19}9 ...... .... Price &acket $.si5.QO.c7.50Q j. Sales Demand -···· ....:t.Q....g.oo.d. k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bt-adret t __.Not... .a....._ 1937 Rent Bracket %change New ... % ........... % _j, .........% ... S:t.e..t.ic._ _ __ _ _ ~c_hange .......r.ant. ..____________ _ ···-···-···--·-·-······Rent &acket o. 10_..% OTHER TYPE 5 rooms __§:::.7....E.?.?J!'!...!>~t'/'.:}t?.Y~.. .............. % --~ Rental Demand p. Pre.dieted Rent Trend (next 6-12 montN:) 6 & 7 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pas,:,,.) No.....75 .....T,P< & Price.$.15JlQ.-,90QQ ....How &lling 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPER"DES, 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.. jy.) 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_•... .8Jnple ... a. HOLC.......... 0 ............... b. lnrniutian.L.Faw:_ .._ a. HOLC•.... ......0. b. lnstitution.s ..._Eel\C 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193...8t $--52,.50 1939 . 8. DESCR!IT!ON AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain : Rolling to hillside with intervening valleys or canyons. Eastern part is lower altitude and has broad valley floor. Some construction hazards in western part. Land improved 30% ( greater in east, less in west). Deed restrictions provide for single-family structures with minimum cost of $4000 , and also protects against racial hazards. Conveniences are all available but not readily so. Transporto.tion is lo.rgely confined to private conveyance•• Thi:; areo. was subdivided soma 12 years o.go , but ho.s seen by fo.r its groo.tost activity during the past 5 years. Construction and !Ilr'.intenonc c arc of oxcellont quo.lity and designs arc ho.rraonious. Populo.tion is ho:;vgoncous and of good cho.ractor. Land vo.luos o.vcro.gc a.round $22 per front foot. Lack of adequate conveniences is n distinct hnndico.p to n district with o.n income rnngc of $1800 to $3600. The aroo. will undoubtedly its dosiro.bility for imny, o.nd ,voro it not for tho hnndicap ll'Cntioned would first grade , o.s it is, a 11 high bl uo" grade is boliovod to be all tha.t is warranted. 9. LOCATION ..B.r.cntm.o.d.J:!c.ighl;_....... SECURITY GRADE,.....?!!.1....+ AREA NO•....~c/.9.. DATE.3.::Q.c39 CAUTION: This nr ca is currently 1:.ffccted in vfuolo or in po.rt by cm Ad vo.lorem --Tax District. Individuo.l properties should be chocked for this hazard. 10' AREA DESCRIPTION Secur ity Map oLJ~.Q.~....~"!p;eles County l . POPULATION: a. lnGTI3~:r;es~o:e~;~~~~sional : .~i~~UT:i.VEi"s"~·-·-u~·i;-~r~A~-- Static-···-··--·-··· b. Class and Occupation ....J:aculty member s.. c. Foreign Families ___Q ______~ Income $ 5000- 10 , 000 & up Nationalities, _ _ _ __c:__ _ _ _ _ __ e. Shifting or Infiltration,_ __ _ _ _ _ l~.2-~----~EP.,~•~ r =•n=t~ - - · - - -- 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING ....BS 'I, ·-· 5_ &___ 6____r99m a. T:ype and Site b. C»utruction c. A t:erage Age ···-····..S.tua.c . " - - - - - - Repair e. Occupancy f. Own,,,oocupi,d g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Price 13,acke, !. 850.D.clO,QQ.Q..... .. 19~9 ..............Prio, &acket t ..a5.0.0cl0,.0QQ.... . .. G.oo" ' - - - -- Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend ( ~ 6-12 months) n. o. ·-·'!, lg% ----···-2.. y.e.ar_.__ _ __ d. j. - - -- OTHER TYPE --- .m~---··· .. 9 0 % ~ - - - %change ........ % ..___ '1, 1935 Rent Bracket t ___ No.t..._a..__,__ 1937 Rent Bracket $.......r ental. __ %change ...................... .. Rent Bracket Rental Demand Predict,d Ren, Trend (next 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No......9. p. 7- 8 rm. singles ..........Type & Price J.9.9Q9~-:.lQ..,.Q9.9...How Selling Readily 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL......__ _,,_o___ b. ,.,• .,,..,.,~,-~o___ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( .3. ,,-.) a. _,,_o_ __ b. lnstitutions_ ~ O ~ - - 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_ ..!emll•. .................. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (1937~) $,_56= . 5~0~-- 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Ro ll ing to rugged o.nd st eep. Many construction hazards. Land improved 30ft out of possibl e 65%. Dee d r est r ictions limit improvements to sing l e - family dwell i ngs of mininrum cost and protects a gainst rac ial hazards. Zon ing is singlefamily residentinl. Convenienc es all distant and inadoquate. Th is o.rea was subdivided o.nd placed on the 1rnrket 3 ago and under stimulus of well directc( promotional effo r t und FHA fino.ncine; developed rapidly for o. tililc but has slowod down soroowhat at pro s ont. Homos nro r.ttra ctivc o.nd construc tion is ex cellent; o-wne r occupo.ncy iEl high and mo.intcnancc of a high order . Population is homogenoou: and o.rc hito cturo.l d e signs harmonious . Practically all improvoronts occupy view sites , the best of which hovrovcr nro al r oo.dy built upon. Topography is rug ged with many stoop a r royos •. This o.r ca is more or loss isol o.tod and it is thought tho.t future dovc l opmont will bo slovr •. Lack of conveniences is lar gely ovc r coIOO 11 by ample c onvcyo.ncos .. The o.rcn is c.ccordod o. 11 high bl uo grade • . 9. LOCATION Br cntvrood Hcif!.h..~!L ..... SECURITY GRADE.._...~~... +AREA NO~-~~_;i.9_ DATE.J_: ,?.:.:/~ CAUTION : This aroo. is c ur r ently o.ffc ctod in whole or in pnr t by o.n Ad vo.lororo To.x District . lndividuo.l properties shoul d ho cho cked f or this ho.zo.rd . no AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL_J...9. §.._,WM__!Q.§....Q.Q~°U--. 1. POPULATION: a. IncreasinB Moderately Decruuin._~- - ~ - - Stat:ic ..·--···-··-· Business & professional men, retired poople, white collar workers & skilled mechanics .• ___ Ino~$!_800,oo1590. _____ b. Cl.ass and Occupatwn c. Foreign Families ___Q__ J, e. 2. Nationali~·~------------ BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING a. T,t,e and Si:::e .. 2:::6 b. Construction .60 .. % OTHER ITPE _.l....~..Jt..r..oom room - 2 st ory Stucco Fralffi & Stucco Average Age 10 years d. Repair Good e. Occupancy g. 1935 Price Bracket ~ /;QQQ.=559.Q h. 1937 Price Bracket I.459Qc,QQO .... i. 19:,9.... f.5000c6,0Q j. Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket ...2h:t....S.t......:t.o_____ _ Burlingame c. d. N,,..L ..Q.......% Sh;{ting or Infiltration _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ None apparent_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Good 29-le~----. WA...... ............2EJ1,~----- ····· ..8%_ _ _ _ __ f .. lQ % Good east to 21st St. 7250.c925Q...... . ......15..~ Leooaa.lQ..QQQ........ ......l.ll..% Good east to 21st St. ____Jfo.M:....e.a.s:t.. _t.o..21.aL.s:t.... _ _____S.:tl?rt.ic_ _ _ _ __ L,,. ."_,.o %,hang, l., ..............% $...60.........90 ..... m. 1937 Rent Bracket L4o.• 55 n. 1939-.. .. --•-·---Rerit Bracket $ o. _Demand ... G.o.o.~ - - - - - - !15_ -..6o.. .........__ % ............%. t ..65.~..100..... p. Predicted Rent Trend ___.S..tat.ic... ......S.t.atlc ...:t.cL.d!ll'fil__ _ _ _ (next 6-12 months} 5-6 room 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa,1 ,,,..) No.......7.9. .....T,p, & Pm, .J.5Q.Q.Qc15.!l!l ..... How &!ling ..R.~"'1:ils...... _ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIE£ a. HOL.~-~6~-- b. lnsrinaions.._ ..F.s!.l'f. ___ _ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (...3...yr.) a. HOI~- ~ - - - b. Institutions _ ... F.9.YL.. . 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, __,,,,pJ.•... .Lf!!Al . . 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (1938c) $.!il,,5Q ... 1939 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level to rolling with favorable grades. No construction hazards. Land improved 80%. Deed restrictions pro vide for single-family construction and protects against racial hazards. Conveniences are all readily available. This rather extended area was subdivided sorre 20 yea rs ago and has since had a favorable development. During the past few years under the stimulus of FHA finnncing it has experienced increased activity. Construction ranges from standard to extra quality and rno.intenance is of excellent character indicating higtl pride of occupancy. From 17th St. west improvements average older and arc loss ).mposing. Between 17th&: 21st Sts. is n section that would almost rate first grado , and this same class of development is extending from 21st St. east , vtiich is the newest po.rt of nren and tho scene of the nnjority of tho no-w construction. 1Nhilo incomo lcvols vary in different sections tho population ns a whole is homog0ncous. This loco.t i on, which is a dosirc.blc one., offers many nnrinc and mountain view homcsitcs. Proximity to tho beaches, Brentwood and Riviera Golf and Country Clubs arc favorable infl uencos... Rent vnloos, us is natural inn. senside comm.unity, are somowh.o.t scnsono.l in chnro.ctcr. This nrcn , ns hr:.s boon indicated, r o.ngcs from low blue, high blue to modio.l blue from wost to oust., is ac corded n 11 :m:Jdinl bluo II grade . Santa Monica 9. LOCATION ..l.l.2.cJ;.h_e.L!fan1'fillo_$.t., SECURITY GRADE ... 2.nd... AREA NO-...Bc.51 DATE.,,,,.;1~}9 CAUTION : --- This nron is currently affected in whole or in part by an ,>.d vn lorom True District, Individurtl properties should be c OOckcd for this hazard. 111 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of Lo~,.~Angclos County 1. POPULATION: a. Increru~\ne:~d:r:~~~ssional ~~:15i~~ti0i1"f)TC"·e ···--··- c. i Foreign Families... ___ g___ Type and Site: b. Construction c. Atlf'rage Age. up No_ti:~--~=ar~•~n~t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ..... so_% PREDOMINATING 5-6 room bung?lows ___ _ OTHER TYPE 7-10 rm. bungalows and "2....Story Stucco Stucco .}_ years Good d. Repair e. Occupancy f. Own,,-occup;,d ....2.~.., ~ - - - - - .. 9(Jf; t g, 1935 Price Bracket J...45.0.9'.'.'5.5QQ..... h. 1937 Price B,ad,a t.5Q00-6oOO ..........%. .. 1939 ......... Price B,acke, $..5000-!>000.... .............%. j, Sales Demand )'.'.:•o r to fair k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket 1937 Rent Bracket o. & d. Negro ________ !?.__~ Nationalitic,~---------- e. Shi{ring or Infiltration 2. BUILDINGS, a. Sratic Income $3000-6000 Jr. executives, retired pe_~~e, etc. b. Class and Occupati(>t, 7000-12 , 500 1, chan~.c $ .. soqo_-1.3 ,,2.00 ·--···- ____._% $ % 8000-13,500 .•.•. .__ Poor .. to..f~ir _ _ __ _____S.t . a t . i ~ - - - - l.Rentals.__________ %...~~~i~ _____________ _ $ Ren ta.h -·-•·-----· 'I, change f .....nat.. ............... % --·--·· 1, .......... ___________ Rent Bracket !_....e.s.t.ab.lishe..d. __ !;h.e.4.,...,. Rental Demand .......... A r . e = - - - - - ···--·Ar..s:.~o.n ... _ _ _ __ ···-··-·sele.c.ti----...........~.e & 6 room 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (J,a,c ,,.) No......75. .. ..T,Pe & PriceS.SQQQ,-JlQQQ... .... How S.Uing . . Mo.<!•;:~!_o)y.. _ p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) HOL.'-_...,__ _ _ b. Instituaon.L.. F~~' 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (. 3... :,,.) a. HOL~-~ - - - b. ln,ticution, .... f•w ... 6. MORTGAGE FUNDLAmpl..o ....LFHA.l .... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (1938.c) $-.5.~.,.7.Q 1939 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain : Rolling with no constru ction hazards. Land i.mproved 40% including hatched portion. Deed restrictionG per mit mult i ple-family structures on Gretna Green Way ; balance single-family dwellings with minimum cost of $3500. Provides racial protection . Zoning conforms to deed restrictions, Conveniences are all readily or reasonably available, This area vias subdivided and placed on the market so!OO 20 years ago , but was largely dormunt during its earlier years . Real developroont has taken place since 19;4 under stimulus of FHA fin.a.ming. Construction and ne.intenance are of good quality . Low co st requ irements have tended to give area a spotted aspect as most improvement cos ts aro above 06000. A broad spread ih size of dwellings also contributes to this appcaranc o . There is also a wide spread of income which affects horogeneity of the population. Wh ile p roximity to National Soldiers Home dctrirrnntally affe cts tho ho.tchcd portion, the loco.tion of tho aroo. is advantageous , be ing convenient to So.nta Monica, VI0stwood Village o.nd the Univorsi ty of Cal ifornio., Los Ango l os. This o.r on gra.des from 11 low'' to 11 high blue 11 in different sections o.nd is t her efore given a 11 mcdiall blue 11 designation .. 9. LOCATION ~: ""'1.. Wc st &•to SECURITY GRADE... AREA N0-~.:.5-~.. DATE.2:1:3,9 This aroe. is currently o.ffccto<l in whole or in p o. rt ·by an Ad valorcm To.:x: District. Individuo.l properties should bo chockod for hazard . 112 ARfy\ DESCRIPTION Security Map 0f....Lllli..-4n,g.e.le.~.Jlo.unt.JL_ 1. POPULATION: a. lncreasing _____ )~!>,_pJi;!.!Y......·--······•·- Dcc,-easing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ StaQC. __________ _ · Young P\.lsiness executives; professional & business b. Class and Occupation __ ~.n...2L~Ji1LQ.Q.ll.%X._Y.t2f.k:.~r.§.e... ___ lrr<2Qfil!<..YI!--------------·-- c. Foreign Fa"!ilies ..O_______~ e. Shifting 01 NadonaUlie$ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ l~filtration _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,.®..P.a.r,.n:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING ..25.......1' OTHER ITPE ..5-Q ...rm. bung_a lows a.. T:,pc and Size b. Construction c. At>erage Age _____.5_:year§,_ _ _ __ d. Repair .... F.~i.r....t ..o... g.Q.O.d e. Occupancy t.J.:rruna St}ICCO __ ...9.8%~·------ Own,,-occupied ··········B5%~----- g. 1935 Pric, B,acke< t4.<59cQQQQ •. h. 1937 Price Bracket ~.Ja50-6500 ···············"' ········-·% .. 19,9. ..............Pric, B,acke< $..i.J.7.5!lco5QO. ..15.....% •·•-·% j. Sales Demand ....oo~------- k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket $ 35 ...- -50 -··-····-· %,hang, j(chang~ 1937 Rent BTacket f4o ,55 .......... % ............% %change ··-· S . t a t . i . ~ - - - - - n. 19}9------····-······Rent Bracket Ua. - 55 -·--- ··--- % o. Rental Demand .G.o.=------- p. Pudicted R..>nt Trend ·····"' .li.tat.i~------ (next 6-12 months) 300 E. of Harvard 5 & 6 rrns ..... .T,p, & Pria .Jl55.0.0.=Q5.QQ. ...• How &!Ung ... .R..<;\H,Y....... 50 W. .of Harve.rd 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOLC..... 0 b. lnsti<utioru.... f..°"···· . 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa.,,:,,.) No .... L 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (..3.. :,,.) a. HOT c_~o___ b. lrun<utioru._... F.e.w..... 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, __ ..<\mgle .. . 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1CXXJ (1913.,.) $.5/,.•,50 1939 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACI'ERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level to rolling with consid erable elevation in northeast part. Land improved 75%, Deed restrict ions limit ir..provements to single-family dwellings, provide for minimum costs and protect against racial har,ards. All conveniences readily available. This area was subdivided approximately 15 years ago but development wa.s negligible and until 1935 when, under stl.Jnulus of promotional effort and FHA Title II financing, the dis t rict became one of the 11 hot spots 11 of Santa Monica-. Constructi on and nnintena.nce of excollent quality. .Architectural dosigns of n<,•w· improveioonts harmonious, o.nd population , most of which is younger married people , is homogeneous. Prox imity to tho Brentwood Golf Club is a favorable influence nnd adjacent to declining o.roo.s is nn unft..voro.blc factor. The o.rea is very close to being first grade, but presence of a number of older structures nnd unfo.voro.blc factor just mentioned seem to vro.rro.nt nssigruoont of o. 11 high blu0" .• 9· ch~¥ib1]f'Nt~f-¼§·~ii-::f~~-~~~~:e1iEl~i,~~1Jd0Ptl~i~r·+:n~r~:t-!?1d ~~1~~39 - -- Tnx District. · Individual prapcrtios should bo checked for this hazard. 113 AREA DESCRIITION Security Map of. Los Angeles County l. POPULATION: a. Incmuing ........~..!~½':........_.., _____________ Decreasin,.__ ~ - ~ - c. Foreign Fanulies __Q__..1 a. Typt: and Si.::e CoNtnu:tion c. AtJeragt: Age e. Oa:up::ancy Incom:i $1500- 3000 Nationalitie,~-- - - - - - - - - - - 2. BUIWINGS, b. Static ... Skilled mechanics & white collar workers, largely b. Ckus and Occuparion~BPJ.~~2....Q..f..Douglas Airc r aft Co. PREDOMINATING ... 90 <f, .... 5.. roo==~- - - - Frame & s tu~eo _____ _ OTHER TYPE .J & 4 rooms Frame __..5.. __ yoars f. Owne,--occup;,d g. 1935 Price Bracket $.... l~~w.._di_~.t.r..iQ..t.___ %change h. 1937 Pric, B,ad,n f_4UOOa45.Q.Q_______ _ i. 1939 ............... Price Bracket ~-_J~o.0~450.0 .. __ j. Saks Demand .. ... G . = - - - - - - - k. Prtdicted Pria Trend %change (n<,t 6-12 mondu) 1935 Rtnt Bracket %chang~ $ New area . 1937 Rent Bracket n. 19.}9 ..... ···--·•·-•Rent Bracket o. Demand P,-edicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION {past p. 1, .......1 __ Static_ _ _ _ __ 5 yr.) No... /.J.?5. ......T:,pe & room Price.J4.Q.9_9.::bi:29.9. ....How Selling Readily -4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: Fe_w_ __ a. HOLc-_ _,_O_ _ _ b. Institutioru_ _ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( .. 3..:,,.) a. HO•=- ~0~ - - b. I ~ 6. MORTGAGE RJND,-,s-~~Arnp~,~l~e_ _ 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 ~i~:) $..2!3.,_CQ___________ _ 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA: Terrain: Level. No construction hazards. Land improved 4o%. Deed restrictions covering the several subdivisions in this area differ sorrewhat but i n genorul limit improvornents to single-family dwellings and provide uniform set backs . Protection against subversive rnoial elements is included and in sore oases multi-family structures a:re permitted in stated looo.lities . Conveniences o.11 o.vo.ilo.ble but net readily so in somJ po.rts of area • . Transporto.tion is ino.dequo.te. This extens ive area, which includ oa o. number of subdiv isions which have been devoloped within the pastl6 yco.r:; , wns only spnrsely improved until sonn 3 or 4 yonrs ago when , under tho stimulus of Douglo.s Aircraft Co. expansion o.nd FHA financing , o.otivity became very brisk go.ining in vo l woo until 11 currently it is one of tho hot spots" in the conummity.. Construction is gonora.lly standard, mJOting FHA rcquircmonts . Maintonanoo is of good quality nnd population i: homogeneous. Improvemen t s nro of attractive o.rchiteotur a.l designs a.nd the a.rca gcno ro.lly is of ho.rmonious appcnro.nco. Stroot lighting nnd paving, sewers and some sidewalks not yet all prov ided but arc to bo on tho w.1y. Thero arc som0 low spots in western :p1rt which mo.y prove to be a. dro.inngo problem . Thero o. fow small multiple -family structures in the area and two or three years a.go a. smo.11 munbar of Titlo I homJs vrcro built. Thoso vdll not bo inoroa.sed as prosont FHA policy docs not permit mixing Titlo I a.rd Titlo II construction. Lot vn l uos run from $10 to $15 pe r front foot o.nd to be rising. This is an nttro.ctivo workingmon's a. nncl. when its pnttcrn is moro dofinitoly fonncd should be broken dovm o.nd 11 regro.dod.. In the moQntimo o. 11 lm'1 bluo is uecordod • . 9. LOCATION Clover Fiold Add. •···· SECURITY GRADE....?:i1.~....: AREA N0_!! DATE..l:..2..:2.! CAUTION: This o.r co. io curr0ntly o.ffoctod in wholr:i or in pnrt by o.n Ad va.lorom To.x District . Individuo.l propcrtios should be chocked for this hnzo.rd. --- ll4 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oLJ,.g_§... __ ~g_~-!~_s County l 1 business l. POPULATION: a. Jncr~n~fess~:;!~ b. Clan and Occupation ____ and vti.ite collar workers. c. FMeign FamilieJ ...f.:QY[.~ e. Shifting 01 r:~~-;r::execunves···-- Static __,_____ Income ~1800-3600 & up NotionalirieLitalians (not subversive) - • - - - - - - - - -on=•-•=p~pa=r~•=n~ In/iltraaon _ _ _ _ _ _ _=N= Z. BUILDINGS, a. Type and Site b. Ccnm-uctwn c. Average Age d. R,pai, PREDOMINATING ..90 ... % OTiiER TYPE - ._---1. __ _5- & 6 rooms Frame & stucco .... 4__ years __ o~r~l=•="~-Good e. 0:cupancy f. Clwn,,-000,p;,d ·················9·Ql\_ _ _ __ g. 1935 Price B,aclu:t l.\:1:e.O... .§.R{l..f.M!Y._ 1,c~ng_~ h. 1937 Price Bracket t.hQ.QQc.55QQ.... i. 19-3-9............... Price Bracket f __,4Q.O.o.~55_Q_Q__ j. Sales Demand k. Predicted Frice Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket .....29ll~---- built .............. % ·······-% ···-"' -·····Sta.ti.,___ _ _ __ ~---Yar.y_..f.e_w____ ,S, chan,ge 1937 Rent Bracket n. -l~---······-·······Rent Bracket o. Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) ___S.tat.~·~ - - - - 5 & 6 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION <Pa,t :,,.) No.. 15.0 ..-Type & Pna _$L5!J.!b.6oo.0•....How &lling -·-~fil\<iJ.1,'_ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HnI C- - ~ 2_ _ _ b. lruonuwru, _ ~ 0 ~ - - - 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (..} ...,,.) a. HOL.~- ~ -- - b. lruonuimu . ...... Few 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_.Amp.l•...(E!!A). 7. TOTAL TAX RA TE PER $1000 (193..H $.J.6.59...--. 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA: Terrain: Level with favorable grado: No construction hazards. Lru'ld improved ?<Yfo. Deed restrictions provide for types of improvements, uniform set backs , architectural supervision and protects against racial hazards in perpetuity. Zanini?: is singlo - fa.-nily residential with provision foi trading center at intor::;oction of Hollron ·Avc. nnd Ramonn Blvd., and nrulti- fa.mily dvrollings in specified blocks • . No structure can occupy less than 5000 sq.ft , Conveniences all readily avo.ilo.blo, Int0rurbo.n tro.nsportation to Los Angelos is particularly good o.nd faros cheap. This o.roo. was subdivided SOI!D 12 or 14 years o.go but thorc was vory littlo dovolop:roont unti:). 1935, Sinco that time, unde r stimulus o'! vrell directed so.lcs effort o.nd FHA Titlo II f i nancing , the district has been some,·IT'n' of o. "hot spot". Construction is o.ll of sto.ndo.rd quality or better. Maintenance shows high pride of evmorship •. Archi toctura.l do signs attra.ctivo nnd hnrmonious, Popula.tien is homogonoous, la.rgely commuters to D.os Angolos, Lot vnluos are oompnrn tively ronsonnblo running around $20 por front foot, Thoro o. few smol l mu lt ipV, family dwellings in tho co.stern po.rt, lo.rgoly a.long Hollmnn Avo ., but those blond ,rith single-family in;irovomonts, Owing to its closeness to Los Angeles o.nd tho convenience o.nd choo.pncss of tro.nsporto.tion, tho future of a.rcn seems a.ssured , It is o. fo.vorito lending territory for o.11 cla.sscs of 100rtgngc institutions. Tho o.ron south of Hollmo.n Ave • . is of distinctly lowo r quo.lity o.nd tho.. improvomonts oldor nnd loss ho:mogcnoous, This sa!OO criticism co.n bo directed a.t the extreme \'IOStorn portion of i!n~ ~i~r~~c~~~r~r;~~~~l~: :~or:~~~n;~nth~u~~~~:xi ~:i~n~r:~s~~f~ ~fi• to 9. LOCATION .....AJ.h.:unbco____···-····· ·· SECURITY GRADE..?ml....:t.. AREA NO......~.: 5.5... 11DATE!i::l§.c.3' 115 Hovrovor, it is thought thnt the best reflection is a of uhigh blue • Tfi:t AREA DESCRIPTION 1. POPULATION: a,. Increasing See bel ow b. Cku, and Occupatw,,,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Narionali,~·,,___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ c. Foreign FamilieL ___~ e. Shi/ting or In.filtration _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, a. Type and Site c. Average Age ,. Occupancy f. CJwna-oeo,p;,d g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 /'Tic, Brocka ····-··-······Pric,1 Bracket PREDOMINATING ··-···-·-"' OTIIER TYPE See below ---··"' $ ~ - -- - - ............ % Sales Demand j. J.:. P,-ei:hcted Price Trend (next 6-12 month,) 1935 Rtnt Bracket ',Jchange 1937 Rent Bracket ..................Rent Bracket o. Rental. Demand p. P,, dicted Rent Tm><I 7 rm bungalows (next 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No ...5. ... ..... Type & Price ..$. ow Selling .....~e.§....Q.§J_g)L_ 4." OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOLC._ ········--··Q····-·····-···· b. ln,tiaawru ___.___ Q_....-·--·- 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (..3._:,,.) a. HOI.C-.-··-·-···· Q- ... _.. _.. _ b. lruriNtioru __ ._...l'f!W____. 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,-..~.•.o_J,ol OY<. __ .. _ 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (19lle.) $.52.:ZO. 1939 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, 'Ter rain : Same as area. A- 31. Land improved 30"/o out of possible 90% maximum. This is the southern part of area A- 3 1 and is physically the same and is identically the same in othe r respects. It is segregated fo r the reason that it is ne c essary to give it a l ower gr nde owing to its immediate ndjacenc y to U.S . Soldie r s I Horne Cemetery a.nd t o t he gr eat ly i nf er ior deve l opment i n C-65 ndjn c ont to the west o. s we ll c.s to t he f r r nit y hou se o.nd dormitory sect i ons of t ho .u . C. L. A. campu s in C-70 to the . This detr irwntal infl uenc e hlls proved o. ll'.lltorinl o.dvor so factor in interesting pr ospe c tive purchase r s.. The o.r ea is 11 nccordod n ,,provisi ono.l medial blue grade for tho reasons indicated. 9. LOCATION-....!'l~:\e,.QQ<L_·---··-· SECURITY<l ..... AREA NO--1ic51.. D A ~39 : Th i s a r ea is curr ently uffcctod in whole or in part by rut Ad valorom ~ Tax District . Ind i vidual properties shoul d bo c hocked fo r this hllzo.rd . 116 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL.1.o.LN.l...&Ql..QJLQ.Q_µ_pt.y ___________ _ a. Increasing _______fu!i:i.i.Q.Jy _______________ Decmu:in...,._,_~~ -~- Static _______ _ Business &: professional men, vihite collar workers, b. Class and Qxu~ ____ m9tio~_pj.cture JLMQ19...Vee§..._etc. Income ~l000-3600 1. POPULATION: Foreign Familits_Q_____~ Nationalitic·~- ---~----- 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING a. Type and Site ..5 _&: __ 6 __ rooi:l b. Construction ___ Frame &: st~cco _______ _ bungalows c. Average Age ____..fLY-f;IN._~.----- d. Repair ·-·-·· .. :.t.o... .&..Q2s;L ____ _ e. Oxupancy __ ...9J:/l_ _ _ _ _ __ f. Own,,-occupi,d ..._.60'h~----- g. 1935 Price Bracket L}500.e500.Q.. _. __ h. 1937 Price Bracket .t.h0.00~55.0.0 ... __ k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 rnomhs) 1935 Rent Bracket $ 1937 Rent Bracket $ n. Rental Demnnd p. Predicted Rent Tmul ..7 ______ '!, & --~ roo=m=•---1~~¼___ _ Small, mul ti-frunily _2/!_ -,,,1,a.,, __ Moderate!,y _up _l.9_39_____ ........ Rent Brocket o. OIBER 1YPE 3~ - 42_____ . %change (,~, % 40 .-...25 -----$ /JD - 55 ·-·---· ____ '/, - ····-% ............... % ·-·--·8:.t..g.:t.i.9---12_'WJ~.r-4_ 5 & 6 rm bungalow (next 6-12 mondu) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (J,a.,c y,.) No..•1?5... _T,p,, & Price J/J59...9.::§5_0Q....._How S.lling Readily 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, o. HOL.c-.._ ~ 2 ~ - - b. 1 ~. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (} .. :,,.) o. HOL. ~ - ~ - - - b. lruti.....,~•~F~•~w_ __ 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS· Ample 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $100'.l (193~..::) 1939 $..5.'s,35_.•...---· 8. DESCRJPTION AND CHARAcrERISTICS OF AREA: Terrain : Low lying level to rollinf in eastern pa.rt. So!OO fill3 con3titute construction hazards. Land improved 65%. Deed restrictions provide for minimum cost of $3500, a..>td sets up r acia l protection . Both rostri ction s and zonini:; limit improvements to single - frunily res idence but provide for I!Rllti-fnmily dwellings on Bovorly Glen Road and business struc-tures on Westwood Blvd.. Convenionoos aro o.11 readily available . 'rhis o.rea was subdivided about 15 years o.go. Early development ;vas not rapid and many of tho improvements durint; that pe ri od wore of quest ionable construction. 11 During the 11 5 years activity hos steadily incroascd and currently it is o. hot spot • In tho oldor pc..rts nrco. presents o. son.:rwhat hctorogonoous nppco.rnnce owing to divorsi ty of a.go and typos . Now construction , hovrovcr, has minimized this dofoci o.nd in nowor portions improvements , mnintono.nco e.nd o.rchitocturo.l designs harmonious and of much better quality. Yih ilc there arc a number of mul ti- family structures thoy o.rc of tho smaller types o.nd are confined to definite sections . This is a. toodium incom:i of ll'Odoro.toly pricod horoos.. Lot vnluos range from $20 to $25 per front foot and those low prices ho.vo attracted o. numbe r of spoculo.tivo buildors . Mortgage institutions report highly sntisfo.ctor: l ending oporations horo . Proximity to u.c.L. A. und 20th Century Fox Studios, a:; woll as tho new Parrunount Studio, should insure sto.bility errl o.n upwnrd trend fo lios in th:i c rrony years to coioo . Whilo soroowlmt spotted in parts the nroa 11 tho comnunity ' s growth and is thought to bo cntitlod to a m:idio.l blue" grade. SECURITY GRADE..... ?:<i.4.... AREA NO•....~.:5.~. DATE..2=.~,, 9. LOCATION .....Jfostwo od ~ : This o.roa is currently o.ffoctod in who l o or in pnrt by on Ad valorcm Tax District. Individual properties &h:Juld be checlrod for this h::lzo.ra 117 AREA DESCRIPTION Secut;ity Map 0£._J,2J':....MK~J.~§. __g.9JmtY.... _____ _ 1. POPULATION: a. lncrea.sing ___ _?Jg!fJ,Y. ........ -·-··--···· Decreasi,,.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static ......•-····-··· Professional & business men, executives, b. Ckus and Qccuparion._}"_~_~J.r§...<L.P~..._filQY.j._~_ _p_e_o...ILl_~t.i;..,__!lJ&Q!!t:l~Q.Q.0.::.60.Q.Q___&d!P---·-·· c. Foreign .Families ....Q. ____~ d. N,gro...... .0...• % Nationalities.-.... e. Shifting or Infiltration _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,.9mL~.p.par..e.n. ., - - - - - - - - - - 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING .... 65... % OTHER TYPE _ _ 'fo .0 .room .....?5.%... . 5 & ..... 1Q._.:r.!l.l.~.....9r..... m9.r.~.. -......l.@__. (Mansions) b. Construction c. At1erage Age d. Repair ....f..G.i.r. ...tQ__ gO.Q.d. .... e. Occupancy ...... _955.~'----- f. Ownet«cupied g. 1935 Price Bracket $. ..50.Q0.c.65.00.__ . %dwnge %change h. 1937 Price &acket t ..60.0Q,9000..... t ...6000..,._9_QOO..... ............ % ..... _.....% -1939 ............... Price Bracket Demand j. Sale, k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) <f, ............. % __ .fil._CJl'I._ _ _ _ _ __ 1935 Rent Bracket $ _5.9~ 70 m. 1937 Rent Bracket $60 - 80 ·-··· ...... ,,, ............ % $.. .60... -.80 ....... ........... % ___ _'f, n. 1939.... ...Rent B,acket o. Rental Demand --··-·· %change .....F . a . i ~ - - - - - - Pmlicr,,l Rent Trend ........S t a t ~ · - - - - - (next 6-12 months) 5-6 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (Jwt -,,.) No. ... JQ .....Type & Price S.60.QQ=.OOQQ ..... How Sdling ....Qv.mor....b.\/.il.t p. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.3 .. ;,.) a. HOLC--0~--- b. lnstitution, ....l'ei<...(:manJi.... lots, a. HOL.~-~--- b. ln.moau,n.s ...Many .... 6. MORTGAGE RJNDS, ... 1.t!'!II~4........ 7. .TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.a➔ $._52•.70 1939 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACI'ERIS'ITCS OF AREA, Terrain: Rolling to steep hillside with many building hazards. Land improved 25%. Owing to topography l,10% will be maximum improvement. Area on the whole is well restricted. Conveniences all available but not readily so. This area was subdivided in 1920 and ho.s been slowly developing since that time but has shovm diminishing activity ,·lithin the last 3 years. '£ho rugged terrain has had to do with the development of tho areo. and will handicap further activity. Improvements in tho northern po.rt arc less attractive than those in the southern seetion and a few 11 cll..bins" will be found o.long Kirkwood Drive . On tho whole, cons t ruction and maintono.ncc is of good quality. Popu lation h omogonccus, the area having a distinct ::i.ppcal for people in search of viow lots. Tho average lot value in the area is probably o.round $1500. It is possible in time that this o.rco. should be broken dovm and gradod At present, however, it is treated as a whole and given a "roodinl blueu grade. Hillside north of Sunsot and west of 9. LOCATION ....!•o~.r.oLQ.o..cy_on.... _ ......... SECURITY GRADE....i<nd... AREA NO•. ..B.c5.9 DA=cl.•..;,.9 CAUTION: This nr cu is currently affected in whole or in po.rt by un Ad vnlorom --Troe District, Individuo.l propertie s should be ohcckod for this hazard. 118 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of.-12.?__~~J__~.!'!....9.9.~J.rtz__________ _ 1. POPULATION: l,. a. Increasing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Decrea.sin,.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sratic ... X~-~---Business & professional men, well-to-do retired families, Cla.,s and Omtpation __ hiJ•;hlL ~Jd l;t.ed movie _technic~s L etc_. __ Income. $2._000-5000 ___up c. Foreign Families__._Q____ e. Shifting OT i Nationali.~·~------------ lnfi!n-ation _ _ __ _ _ _~!'J.2n&...~.P.I!~X.~.;:;:t~----------- 2. BUILDING5' PREDOMINATING 6 b. &: ····-··Stucc_o~_ Construction .... 85 % 7 rm bungalows _ _ __ ______ lO_years~---- c. Average Age d. Repair e. Occupancy f. Own,,-occup;,d .... ,>5% g. 1935 Price Bracket ~.625Qc.n5.0... . fl. 1937 Price Bmcket t.,./l.o.0.0..... ............. % ;. 193-9 ...... ........ Pric, Brocket L1.oo.o,./l.o.Q.O .... ...... % j. Sale, Demand ._ Fai,c.__ _ _ _ __ k. o. OTIIER TYPE 8 rooms ...99'/4_ _ _ _ __ ~=: ~~1 1 __ ,S_tati~- ..... % ......J ---- %.,i,,,ni;, 1935 Rent fuacket '!_J,;5 - 6 1937 Rent B,ack,t $.5Q.c 70 ..l9W.............Rrnt B,acket $. SO ...-... 75 ·-·- Rental Demand .....G . Q o ~ - - - - - - .% - .% % ·············"' PTedicted Rent Trend ___.Sta.ti~--- - - (ncxt 6-12 months) 7-8 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pan )T.) No.... .5 ..... T,p., & Pric,~.QQ,.9.,QQ .....How Selung ....Ro.•<IJ.l,:,c.. _._ p. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HO=-~0~-- b. fostitutioru_ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (3... ,,.) a. HOLC....... ....0 .... b. Institutions .__ ..F.e.w. 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_.........~.lo ........... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193..Br $..52,1.Q 19},) 8. DESCR!ffiON AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREk Terrain: Level with no construction hazards. Land improved 95%. Both deed restrictions and zoning are of a fairly good protection. Conveniimces are adequate and readily available. This area was platted in 1915 but actual development did not begin until 11 or 12 years ago. The area is located in the City of Beverly Hills. Construction, maintenance and a rchitectural design of high charncter. Population is homogeneous nnd improvements harmonious. Land values run from $40 to $50 per front foot. This is a very stable and desirable district nnd might be rated first grade were it not for tho fact that it is so highly improved and encompassed by income and business districts . Under those conditiona, it is felt thnt the nrco. should bo o.ccorded o. 11 medinl bluo ;, gr ade. 9. LOCATION CAUTION: Clifton Wny o.nd Pnlm Drive SECURITY GRADE.....?n<! .. AREA NO--B.=.QQ.. DATE.3=.l=.:V This area is currently nffoctcd in ,mole or in part by o.n Ad vnl orom Troe District. Individual properties s h ould bo chocked· for this he.zo.rd. 119 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map 0 fJ,os An_ge~es County 1. POPULATION: a. I~~~ine;~d:r;;:1rssrOili1~~initfnor--·exe·c·unve·s·;-- Static .. __________ _ b. cti:us and Occupation c. Foreign Familie.s....Q..... c. Shifting O'f white collar workers, etc. --\nrN.t~liron of Infilrration, __ predicted. 2. BUILDINGS, a. 7':,pe and Site b. Con.struction c. Average Age d. Repair e. Occupancy Income $1800-3000 inharmonious Jewish el8ineiif'" d. Negro _____ ?._____'fo.. Thought remote. PREDOMINATING . 90 _.% OTHER TYPE 6-7__ nn _bung,_•~lo~w~•--Stucco 8 years Good 8% f. Owne,-occup;cd g. 1935 Price Bracket h.. 1937 Price Bracket j, Sales Demand ___ F.air to_good~--- k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket !.J.& __ 6o -·-·-·-······· %,hang, 1,chan~e ...% .......... % __ $..t.~t.i(;.,_ _ _ _ __ ~change ............... % __.% m. 1937 Rent Bracket n. --l9J9----····-····Rent Bracket o. Rental Demand .. G:Q.Q,~.- - - - - - - p. Pmlkr,d Rent Tmul _s\i•tio...UlOl'<...l;Jl,llaL_._._ (next 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past ,r.) No... J3. ........T:,t,e 6-7 room & Price l75_9'.J::9QQQ_ How Selling Fair 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL'------"0_ _ b, Institution..._,__,F-"'ew"--- 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.. 3 ... :,,.) a. HOIC_ ___,0'--- b. /n,tit,,ri,m.,_,__,F-"ew.!!...._ _ ... 7. TOTAL TAX RA'IB PER $1000 (193..~.t 1939 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, .••... Mt~-1.e. $.5l',1Q Terrain: Level with rather inadequate drainage, owing to lack of grade-s. Adobe soil offers a. slight construction hazard. Land improved 9o%. Deed restrictions offer full protection and zoning is also favorable. Conveniences are all adequate and readily available. This area was subdivided some 12 years ago and it developed very rapidly. It is o. populo.r district and construction, maintenance o.nd arc hitecturo.l dosign aro of high order. The popu lation is hom:i-geneous and improvements are uniform. Lot values run from $45 to $50 per front foot. Wilshire Blvd., which bisects t:00 o.rca, is a distinct traffic hc.zo.rd. While this area ho.s o. high appeal and is very populnr, the fact tho.t it is almost complotcly dovolopod procludeis better thM o. 11 modial bluo 11 clnssifico.tion. to Gregory 9. WCATION!>~.lli01!.Jc.o~.~•···· SECURITY GRADE ....?il4.... AREA NO-~cs>.l..... DATE..2::.!d9 CAUTION: This o.roo. is currently affected in whole or in part by nn Ad vnlorern --'£0.x District.. Individunl properties should be checked for this hc.znrd. 120 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oLJ:..~.~---~~-!~_§__ C 0 ~ou~n~ty~-l. POPULATION: a. Incr~i~ess & professional =,4:{ion picture exeouti;!'1sti,c&_~~E..._ b. Class and Occutxition technicians and retire,g_p~e • _ Income$.L..000-8000 &: up Naaonalities, _ _ _ _" - - - - - - - - - - - - Foreign Families_Q_~ c. e. Shifting or Infiltra1:ion,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~.9..n.~.. JilU!.§e.r§Jl!i,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, a. PREDOMINATING Stucco Stucco b. Constntction Average Age c. d. Repair e. Occupancy f. g. __._9§1,,____ _ __ --··-·9.w,,__ _ _ __ O..uncr«cupied ··-··--···15%,_____ __ ___]5~%~----- 1935 Priu Bracket ~Jl'iQQ.c.U...SQ(L_.. '1, ,hange !.950Qcl.2.,.S.QQ._._ j. Sales Demand k. Predicred Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket l. t.6.5.00cllU!Q_Q_. _J % tll500-10J)OO -· ---"' ..-Stati..~-- - - - - --- %,hang, ~ 100 - 125 ..19;5.9 •..... _ .... Ren, &e«ket .............% .,, $ 100 - 125 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPE.S.TIE£ SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES c5-_y.) Amp l e __.stati..~------ no - 85 </,change $ 75 - 90 n5 - 99 .... % -·-·-·.,, Good Good Rental Demand Static to down Predicted Rent: Tmid (next 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCl1ON (past-,,.) No- ..2Q ..-T,i,,, & p. 6. MORTGAGE R.JNDS· ·····-····· % $.950Qcl2 ,50Jl. $ ... 9Q - 115 m. 1937 Rent Bracket o. __ Exce llen,.,,t~ - - - ········--···Exce ll.ent .19,9.............Pric, B,acke, 5. .. _so ...% Type and Size Static to do,,,n 5 rm bungs . 2 sty Price ~~~...!2.. ..._How Soiling ~e!:.'<.ni;!Y__ _ a. HOLC.·-·-····-· Q.......•...- ... b. Jru-,, Few none offered fo r a. HOLC,--~-~!~ ....~~--Y-~t._ b. lnstitutio"~-~F~ew~TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (\_9~) $_5.?,JQ.. __ _ 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Torrain: Level with favorable grados.,· With the exception of a few filled lots , there are no constr,J.ction he.zardl'.;. Land improved 95% . Thoro are adequate deed Convonioncos aro all roo.dily restrictions ond tho nroo. is poI"lW.Ilontly zoned. o.vo.i l nblo and the stroots pe.rticul o.rly woll improved. Tho nr oo. wns sub• divided o.bout 15 ~\go and hns ho.d o. uniform dovo lopmont . This is o.n unusuo.lly ha.rmonious dovolopment , architocturo.l designs, construction and rrnintono.ncc bobg of o=-:ocl lcnt qunlity. Tho popul t\tion is homogeneous und exhibits o. high pr ide of ovmcrshi p . Mo.ny of tho homes ntill oooupiod by origina l owners . Much of tho now construction in tho c.roo. has boon in tho southern po.rt of tho nroa and vlhilc not quite so imposing ns t ho o ld improvoronts, ero uniformly good . Olympic Blvd. is o. tro.ffic haze.rd . Avera.go lot values uvora.go 11 around $70 par fi'ont foot . This nroa. hns all the qualifications of a. "groen a.roe. but , owing to o. far~o pc rc ontngo of , it is not thought thlt bettor thnn a 11 high bluo 1 grndo should be o.ccordod. Olympic Blvd . &: 9. LOCATION ..!>.11..P..r..i.Yo..._ ...-•·· SECURITY GRADIL.?!!.4...• AREA NO-1'c'2? .. DATE3.~!.c.39 121 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of Los_ ..Angeles County t. POPULATION: a. Jncr~~gness and professiona~gs,iitttudi"O-teCh"n fCTinS, Static __!~!.__ _ b. Cla.ssand Crotpation___~_!~red_peoole, etc . Income $3000- 5000 and up 1 c. Foreign Familie.c JL .. e. Shi/ting or lnfiltration _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _=~c~~r•_n_t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Z. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING a. Type and Site 6 - 7 rm bungalows b. Corutn«:tion Stucc o c. _?_O_j, OTiiER TYPE 10 years Average Age Good e. Oo:uponc, _2f!%_______ Owner-occupied _.-75:.~'- - - - - - - ~- 1935 Price Bracket $ t?q00- 7..500 ichange i. 19}9....•.- ...•.... l'riu Bmdu, j, Sales Demand k. I¼edicted Pri« Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket __ Static,_ _ _ _ __ m. 1937 Rent Bracket $ ..60 - .15·-··-····- .1939.... _ .........Rent Bracket I.60 - 75 o. Rental Demand ____ G o o d ~ - - - - - - p. 7:!rictetl~~~ ,_§j;_~j:_i,_c~----6-room $ 6500- ll.500... ............ % ~"'!'!'i! ............... % .....% .... % ·---~ 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION {prut yr.) No......~ ······-·.Type & Price .§.159_Q.:-.fl.5..0.Q .....How Selling _____ g~~_ ,;i.!,t,Y.,,__ _ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL-- ~ - - - b. I ~ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ~3..:,,.) a. HOL......_~o___ b. !Mi<udoru_ ....Few.......___. 6. MORTGAGE FlJNDS, ___..\mll.lo.......... ..... 1. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $!000 (19J!lc) $.5?~79_ 1939 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level wit!'! no construction hazflrds. Land improved 95}~ . Highly deed restricted and permanently zoned. Single-fai.1ily residential. Conveniences are all readily availo.blo and streets are exceptionally well improved . The area was subdivided some 15 or 16 year s ago and has hv.d a uniform devoloprrent since thot time. This area i n one of tho'.::! best small home bungalow areas in the whole com~ munity . Construction, maintenance and architectural designs are of excel l ent quality . The populc.tion is horoogeneous and improvements har monious. Olympic Blvd, is a trarfic ho.zo.rd . Area will retain its cha.rm as a r e sidential section for a grant many to coroo. Lot values o.verago around t'-45 to !l50 per front foot. Duo to the perccntni;e of land improvcm:mts, it does not seem fonsible to o.eeortl the a r ea better thnn a 11 high blue 11 r,rade. Olympic Bl vd . &: SECURITY GRADE....~.... + AREA N0~.:22. DATE.2- 1 :39 This c r en is currently affected in who lo or in part by an Ad vnlorcm True District. Individunl properties should be checked for this hnznrd . 122 9. LOCA11ON Dohenv Drive CAUTION : --- AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oLl2..L~-!~QQ~-·-- t. POPULATION: a. lncrtasing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D=,a,;,.,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static~-Business &: professional men, Jr. executives, motion b. Class and Occupatimi_ __ pi£.,ture e.!!fil_+.QX.ees. Inco~20~0=0-•5~0=00~•~ni~u~p_ _ _ _ __ Q_, c. Foreign Famifies ___ Na · d. Negro_Q_ ___1, Multi -family residences are encroaching and threat e. Shifting or In/lltrcuio,§J.UUU!:L~Q..aj,.§y~.r.9--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING _.§5_1, ~ OTIIER TYPE 6-7 room __ St~cc~o_ _ __ __ b. Construction c. Average Age 20 years d. RepaiT ____ Good~- - - - - - Stucco e. ~ncy _97%_ __ _ __ f. Own,,,-occvp;,J ___ 6o)i~- - - - - g. 1935 Price Bracket L . 8';;00~.10.00.o_.. %,hang, $ 475-0-6000,_____ %change 1937 Price Bracket !.10 .•000.-.12.500.... $. 5500~2000 - -·- ............ 'I, .193.9..... .......... Price Bmrk« $ .10,000-12,500 .. j, Sales Demand _ §J_ow.~-- - - -- k. Predicted Pria Trend (n,,t 6-12 month,) 1935 Rent Brad:et $ 5500- 7000 Firm Static 'change m. 1937 Rent Bracket o. .............. 1, . .....9.=------__(,@_ __ _ __ Rental Demand $... 55. - 70 .............% $50-65 --~ Poor P- ~::~l~~~ __.D.ownvmrd ? & room;-Dovmward~----8 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (Jwt yr.) No._._.5. ___T~ & Ptice .J2Q9()-lQ..._QQQ.How Selling Owner built 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERT!E£ a. HOL~-~2~-- b. Irutibaio'1s Few 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES C.3 .. :,,.) a. HO=- ~ -- - b. lru•1utions Few 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, ...... ~D1<................ 7. TOTAL TAX RAU PER $1000 (193.Jl.t $ 52. 70 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, 1939 Torrain : Level to hillside with a canyon in the hatched portion . There are comparatively few construction hazards. Land improved, exclusivo of hatched portion , 9()% . The nreo. is deed restricted er.C. is protected against infiltration of subvorsive racial e l eirents . Deed provisions and zoning limit construction principally to singlo - frunily residences with multi -family residences being permitted in certain state d locations. Convonicnoos are all readily available. This arco. was subdivided and plac('ld on th0 market about 25 ngo o.nd is a popular resident ial district. Type of improvomcnts cover o. wido ro.nge, running from fivo -room bungnlows to ten -room, h~ - story residonc('ls 1 some of tOOm being of tho mo.nsion type . JdE,. intonanco is uniformly g ood o.nd nrchitocturo.l design is generally so . Populntion is homogeneous o.nd tho area. as a whole givos tho improssion of boing ho.nnonious . Rosidontio.l lot vo.lues $40 per front foot. While permitted in saoo parts , thoro o. ro very fow multi- fo.mily dwollings o.nd these conform to tho gonero.l pattern of tho neighborhood. Age nnd obsoles conco,vrhilo minimized by cxccllont upkGop, prosont. It is believed , howeve r, that the nreu wi l l romnin dosiro.hlc for o. number of to como, nnd is , therefore accorded a 11 mcdinl bluo 11 grade. 9. LOCATION ....tle..!.l.:lffil...e<I.B..Y!!,._§s.e-sECURITY GRADE.......?!:,t!.... AREA NO....!!::s>.4... DATF...£.?!d, CAIJl'ION: --- This o.roa. is currently o.ffootod in whole or in po.rt by an Ad vnlorom Troe District. Individual properties should bo chocked for this hnzo.rd. 123 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of_!&U\tu:o.l&L~o.wJt)L ____ t. POPULA'TION: a. Increruing _______ §J.2.Y.>'.l.Y.. .... _ .... _....... Decreruin.<-- , - - - - - - - - Static--·-·--· Business and professional men, 'White collar b. Class and Occupation_vt:2.rffirs..,___§_k _~.2..__lnc.maa_..fil.800:.3.QQQ ._ _ _ _ _ c. Foreign Familie,1-_Q_l e. Shifting or lnfi!tmtion_..~fil.h._p__~_Y.lati! to.. ..abaut....5qt.,,_________ _ Z. BUILDINGS, Natio11al.ities _ _ _ _ _~ ~ -- - - - - rREDOMINA TING .. _2Q_j O'IHER TYPE 16 rm . pr edominant - 3 bdrms. l bath) a. T,t,e and Site _5-6 room bungalow_ b.Cmutn.aion ____ 12 __yrs~,_ _ _ _ __ ····-··g5%_ __ _ __ g. 1935 Price Bracket ~-1.5llOc5'5.Q..___ .__ '1,,hange h. 1937 Price Bmcket,6soo.... --·--· --·--· 1, j. Sales Den.and ___ _ _ __ __ k. Prtdict.ed Price Tund (nm 6-12 month,) 1935 Rfflt Bracket l.4o~,a_-·-- 1937 Rrnt !l,ack,t $ 1, n. 1939···-····-·······Rrnt Bn,ck,t o. Rental Demand _ ._...Stati.~- - - - - :!E~ ! %,hang, 50~ ..6o -····-..·-·· ......'/, Weake r than L5o__, ... 6!L·-·l, ____ _)!, .......% ____ Gqod,_ _ _ _ _ __ p. Predicted Rent Tttnd .....§.t.%l;.i.~d.Qw.Il___ _ (next 6-12 months) 6 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION ( ,,..) N,.....2 ·····--T>P< & Pria J./!2QQ:J2.C!Q .....How S,Wng Owner built 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOLC-'- ~ O ~ - - b. Jrutitwti(,t,1 Pew 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (__}_yr.} a. HOL.~- ~ - - - b. lruritutilru Few 6. MORTGAGE FlJND& _ _.....~!.~-·-····· .... 1- TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 UfJ t> $_5,g_,_JQ·-·--· 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA Terrain: Level with no construction hazards . Land improved 90'/4 . Deed r estric tions and zoning limit improvements to single - family dwellings . Deed µ-ovides p rot ection against subversive racial ele1.ent s. Conveniences are all readily available , transportation being supplied by buses. Vevelopment of this uniform bungalow neighbor hood was begun some 14 o r 15 years a go . Construction is sound , maintenance good and Archite ctural designs are genera lly pleasing. The large percentage of Jewish poop lo is said to a dve rsely affoct the homogeneity of the population. Adjacence to multi- family a r eas is a detrimental influence . Lending institutions report a satisfacto ry loo.n experience in this aroo.. 1"/hi lo there is not much room fo r further developm:)nt in the aroa , i t has by no 100ans lost its charm and appco.l, and i:ridico.tions are that it wi ll remain o. dosirablo neighbor hood for a nwnbe r of years to come. It is therefore o.ccordod a "low blue " gr ade . 9. LOCATION Rosewood - Lo. Jolla District SECURl'IY GRADE.-!?.n~L:. AREA NO-~£l.2. DATE_~=.~ 124 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of_L.9.!i../\~g.~J§.§... .9.9..WJ.JY_..._________ _ 1. POPULATION: a. Incr~~ess ~12..~~r--;·s·Sioll&f ~~v£~te cOllar workers , Stade _____ _ b. Class and Occupat:ion_§.kJlW.~tlj.sans, etc . e. Shi/ting o,- Income $2_500 to *7500 & up lnflltration _ _ _ _ _~ I ncre~s~.ng_ Jewi sh ___po~p~ul~•~ t~io~ n ~ - - - - - - Z. BUllDINGS, PREDOMINATING __ 90 1, a. Type and Ske ..5 ..1-.roo,~ms~----- b. Corutntction . Stucco~ - - - - - - c. OTIJER TYPE A\lefage Age d. &pa;, _Good~------ •. 991,_ _ _ _ _ __ e. Occutnncy f. Owner«cUpied _.751,__ _ _ _ __ g. 1935 Pria B,acl<ei t..!Jooo- 7000 h. 1937 Pria B,aci<ei !._2000- 8000 ...% .... _.J• ;. 19.3.9 ................. Pric, B,acl<ei $ 5000- 8000 . ..... .% ... ,_% ;. Sale., k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 month.s) 1935 Rent Bracket L 45 1937 Rent Braclu!r $ 55 -..:15 ............ n. L9}!iL----·---···Rent Bracket l.55. .::_75._ ___. _ o. Rental Demand ___ G o _ 9 . Q , ~ - - - - - - p. ~l~n::tfu7 Demand 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past Good Stat ic - _6o ___ _ %,change .. ...% ___ .% $_ _ _ _ __ ..... i $_ _ _ _ __ __ % -st l\ti. ~ - - - - 5 ,.-6-&: 7 r ooms _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ yr.} No- .9. ····-·--T'.Ype & PriceJ.5.129..:2.9.9.Q....... How Selling Owner built 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOL. ~ - ~ - - - b. lnstitiawn~•_ _F_e_w_ _ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( .. 3..:,,.) a. HOLC.-.........4... -------- b. ln,titwtwn, ____ ..F~!'..... 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, .......A••mJ.~.............. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.~::) $..2g,. l'< ........ _.. 19}9 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Te r rain : Level with favorable grades; no constr uction hazards . Land impr oved 85% . Zoning is for single " frunily dwellings with multi - family struc tures permitted in southe r n pnrt between 2nd & 3rd Sts . and on a few b l oc ks on Oakwood and Rosewoo(l Avenuos i n northern part . Conveniences are all r eadily avo.ilo.ble. Transportation being supplied by buses. 'l'hat part of area north of Bovo rly Blvd. we.s sui:ldividorl in co.r ly 20 1s, and improvoTOOnts uniformly of tho bungalm'T type . The section south of Uoverly was openod up within 10 years o.nd has many twostory dwellin&s • However , th0 A.roa as a whole is cMracte r izod by residenc es of good construction , mo.intono...'1ce which sh0\'1s pride of ownership , o.rchitccturo. l designs which c.rc harmonious o.nd o. popul o.tion which is in gcnor o.l homogeneous , o. l though infiltr o.t i on of Jewi sh fo.milics i s so. id to be s ozoovho.t disrupti ng . Tho o.rco. will be o.ffc c tod by decis i on of County supervisions r c l o.tivo to zoning tho unincor porc.tod district to the south o.nd west , v.hioh is nmv boforo t hat body for dotorminc.ti on. It is believed tho.t the notion tnkcn will o.ffo ot tho gr o.dc of tho nroo. . Without to.king this factor into considoro.tion , the nron is nccordod o.n 11 ns is" grndo of 11 modio.l bluo 11 • 9. LOCATION .t/i,ygrJY=!ElliL.D.!J1~J SECURITY GRADE......"1l!L AREA NO _ _l!c_t>Q DA'Jl&..~ 5:}9 125 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of_½§_M!g~.!9_~ __Q.9.~tY. __________ _ 1. POPULATION: a. lncreasin$'. Slowly . Decrearin..,_,._~~- - - Static---··--···· Business & professional mon, white collar workers, skilled artisans• etc. Income $2000-5000 & up b. Class and Occupation c. Foreign Familie.s.J:~!L~ 2. BUILDINGS, NationaUtie,_ _ _N~o~ne~•u~b~v~•r~•~i~v•~--- - PREDOMINATING a. T:,pe and Size 5- 6 r m bungalows b. Constntction l-'raroo & stucco c. 15 A verage Age _8() __ _1 d. Negro_2 _____..1_ _ _'& OIBER lYPE 7 & 8 room 15% years Good _____m~----- e. Occupancy f. Clw=-oca,p;,d g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Price Bracket .19;59-.. ...... ... Price ll,ackn ;, Sak, Demand l P,cdict,d Pric, T,rnd (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket m. 1937 Rent Bracket ..25% ______ ~ ..5000- 7000 _.,... 1,chang, $ _6Q00-8000 .. . $ Ji5. - _6o ·-·- %change t..25... : .. 75. Rental Dvnand ____ Fair_ _ _ _ _ __ p. Predicr.ed Rent Trend Static to downward o. (next 6-12 months) 'fochange $.._ 69_00- 800D 5~ 6 - 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (p,,,t ,,..) No.......\< ......T,t,e & 7 room & Pric, .~2QQ:-§2.QQ .....How S,ll;ng <A·mer built 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOL.~--0~- 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (..3. ... ,r.) a. HOL~ - ~ - - - b. Institutions - b. lnstituno,,~~F~•~w_ __ Few 6. MORTGAGE FUND& __!!!')E.!~ ...............- 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193..!J.1 $_'.,g_,]Q, __ _ 1939 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA Terrain : Level . Slight construction hazards results from adobe soil which causes plaster cracks, etc. Land improved 90% . Zoning is single - family with duplexes permitted in certain parts. Conveniences are all readily available . This area ;vas subdivided in tho oar ly 20 1 s aft<:lr the depression; selling effort wns renewed o.nd the district is now qui to thoroughly improved with single - family residences largely of the bungalow type o.nd with a sprinkling of duplexes in certain b l ocks . Const ruction o.nd maintcnanco are of good character and archi tectural designs harmonious. Incro o f Jowish fo.milios is to advorsoly o.ffoct tho horro gonoity of tho populo.tion . Current lot valuos will avcro.go o.round $40 por front foot. This c.reo. will be nffoctcd (but in l oss dogroo) by the f'Uturo of tho county territory to tho montioncd in description of r.roo. B- 66. Attontion is P.l so co.llod to the proximity to tho most o.ctivo pnrt of the Vlilshiro business district, which is both a. dctrimnto.l o.nd o influcnco . The o.roo. is nccordod o. 11 low bluc 11 gro.dc . 9. LOCATION ..'.l.U,.hi!:o.,1'.,oJ.r.f.tJS_, .... SECURITY GRADE..,_.?,,,;\. -AREA NO_ . _l!::§J DATE.?.'.'.£5..c.39 District 126 AREA DESCRIITION Security Map of_L..Q?_4TI.g_~l~-~--~9.@~-·--·- t. POPULATION: a. Increasing_.__§_!_<n!~.Y. _________ Decreasin,...,__ _ _ _ _ _~ Static _______ _ Professional & business men, motion picture executives IncOiruL$5.QQ9JA<LUQ.wa.rd ____ _ b. Cla.u and Occupation __ and __ artilli.L_c~lists.._etc. e. Sro{ting M lnfiltration _ _ _ _ _ _ _R ! ; ! l ! l Q t ~ ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2. BUILDINGS, a. PREDOMINATING 7-9 T,pe and Site Average Age d. RipaiT ____ 12 __ yyars,_ _ _ _ __ e. Occupancy _...m _______ f. Owne,--occupied ....-9%_______ g. 1935 Price &ad:ct U,!lllllcl.l,5QQ__. %clwc"f, h. 1937 Pric, Bmcka L1QQ!l.c.13,5.00.. _... .% ~...1'.000cl3.,.5QO...... . ............1' ••l939-··-···-·Pric, OTIIER TYPE Frrune, stucco, brick & stone b. Construction c. ..85 .. '1, room llmcl<,t j. Sales Demand __..£ f . a i ~ - - - k. 7~~ ~~;:~ ___ Static_ _ _ _ __ l. 1935 Rent Bracket $ Not _a __ m. 1937 Rent Bracket $..rE:!ntal n. ___ .... _ _.. _ ________ Rent o. Rental Demand 1 Bracket is~ .Q.~ %. $ neig,.l}_borhood _ ______ 'fo... ... ,1, --··J ..... G o o d ~ - - - - - - __Y._~r.i~=b=•~--- - Predicted Rent Trend 7 rooms &: up (next 6-12 month.s) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTTON (past yr.) No,_Q ______T'Yf>e & Price i§.QQ9...J!ID'.!!!.r.9:..How Selling ..-~~.!"_-2!!.U.1p. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIFS (..3. .._yr.) a. HOL.c.....- ~ ' - - - b. ln,titucions..-.-·~~X.....•_ _ a. HOLC,_ ___.___ ..Q. ··-··-··-~ b. ln.stitutioru_ .. _.. _M_~Y--·-··--· MORTGAGE FUNDS,2!!'~J.,, ..,.,;,JtJ,L 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193Z=.) $_5.?...:Z.Q..__ 1938 limits 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACfERISTICS OF AREA: Te rrain: Steep rugged hillside •. Construction hazards cause high building costs. Land improved 25% of a possi. ble 45% in unhatched portion; not over 10% for a.rea a.s a whole. Deed restricted both as to cost of improve rrents and racial popul::ttion. Minimum building requirements are $10 ,000 in some parts . Zoning follows dood r estrictions. This is a multiautomobile nrea and is only 5 minutes drive to Hollywood wOOre all conveniences are all readily available. This o.rea was subdivided about 15 years ago o.nd shows its greate st period of development during following 5 years. Since its initial o.ctivity grCYYfth has lo.rgely depended upon tho specialized dom.o.nd of those seeking this partioulnr tYt>c of neighborhood. Tho o. r oa is chnro.cterizcd by its winding po.vod stroots with stoop grades nnd confusing locations . Construction and ma.intcnnnco, while of oxccllont quality, is exceedingly cxponsivo owing to excess ive costs below t ho sill lines . Architectural designs nro goncro.lly p l easing o.nd the nr o nis not without oho.rm. Mortgagee institu t ions limit tOOir finnncing to high rmrgin loans . Size and topography of individuo.l site s g ovo r n lot prices . Thero is a high porccnto.gc of horo ownership ; houovor , owing to the very limited nnrkot forced sal os are likoly to bo ®do on n basis fo.r below reproduction costs. It can rendily be seen that the future of o.n o.roo. such o.s described is clouded nith doubt o.nd it is folt thnt whilo it has nnny of the cho.ractcristics of n. first o.rca , mting to hnzo.rd=i r.iontionod nnd risks involved, it should 11 not bo nccordod bettor 11 m::idio.l bloo . 6. 9. LOCATION_ ..Ho.ll.;'l,l,.odhnd... __..... SECURITY GRADE ....2n<l... AREA NO_.J,~i;,.!1 . DATE.Zs.23.~9 127 \REA DESCRIPTION 1. POPULATION: a, Increaring.-..- ...... J½\12.~.2".!.Y. ......... ~----·· Dccrea.sin,,__ _ _ _ _ _ Static Business & professional men, motion picture artists b. Class and Occupation..... ~.n.fL~~-9.l:!E-.iciavs, white colle.r workers, etc. Foreign Familu:s .....9______ ~ c. e. Siu/ting or & up d. Negro .....Q___ ..___ ~'.~ Infiltration _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N.QIJ.~tp.Earent __ _ PREDOMINATING 2. BUILDINGS, a. T;tpe and Size b. Income $1800- 5000 Nationalitie,~-----~- _ _ _ _ _ _ Construction o.. At>erage Age .5.., 6 & 7 .. 85 __1, rooms}e_, stucco &: masonr:y:_ ....... .11 years ........ ~'air ___ to __g_ood __ _ d. Repair e. Occupancy f. Owner«cupied g. 1935 Price Bracket $.5000- 7000 ··--- h. 1937 Price Bracket t.559.Q:-:.15.00..... ........... % ;. 19•39·-····- ........ Price B,-ad«t $..55.0Qc.7.500... . ............... % j. Demand ___Ea..: . ~ - - - - - - k. Predicted Price Trend ____ S.t.ati.c.__ _ _ __ (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Brocket m. 1937 Rent Bracket n. 3. 19-'.9--·· - . Rent &racket o. Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) %.,iu,~~' 'i,!=hange $ Ii,... c ....65 ..........--··-· ............% ............... % I.45 ~ .6.5--..... _.__ % $ .!,o - ._6Q_............. ___ _j, _G_oo~------ __ ..S.t.e.ti.~_ _ _ _ __ 5- 7 rooms NEW CONSTRUCTION (past )'I".) No..... J.?5... T:,pe & Pm --~55.9.9_7_eQ.Q_Q ..... How Selling J.#.9.9.~r.-~.!~!.Y. H O L . ~ - ~ - - b. lnstitunoru ____ Ji~Y.....________ _ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES C-3... ,.,..) a. HOL.~'--~-- b. lnstitution.L ......t.~nY....... . 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_ .....J\w11l• ............. 7. TOTA1 TAX RATE PER $1000 (!931c.) $5-~,-7Q 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARAcrERISITCS OF AREA Terrain: Level to hillside slopes in southern portion with north~rn part much more rugged and with J:'l.any constructio n hazards. Land improved 751·Q. ZoninG is largely dngle-family residential with multi-family structures permitted in stated blocks in southern pert. Conveniences are all from readily to reasonably available. This o.rea was subdivided about 25 years ugo, and developed rapidly under stinrulus of promotional effort. While still a good o.rea it ho.s lost much of its earlier popularity. ConGtruction is of good quo.lity and mo.inteno.nce indicates pride of owne rship. Although widely differing in income range, population is of tho bettor cluss. Improveroonts are by a vride rang'in o.gc and urchitccturo.l designs. The area ho.:; experienced quite a little building activity in the past 2 or 3 years krgely due to FHA Title II financing. Rcntnl demand is oxccllont and tho trend, porticulnrly in the southern part , is townrd incorro properties , Tho o.rou is protected from the o.dvcrso influence of area D-28 to tho wost by rugged tcrruin. Owing to age, obsolesoonoo und som::ivdi.ut mix.od churo.otor of uroo. it is nssignod n "low blue 11 gro.dc. 9. LOCATION .... ~2U:r,:!2P_<L................ SECURITY GRADE.2nd...c. AREA NO-Jlc69 . DATE2a.2.},.;59 128 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of_l,,.2..~-.Ami'~i-~LQQw.1!;.x _______ _ 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing Moderately Decreasin,.__ _~~-~ Static .. ______ _ Business and professional men , white collar wor kers , b. Class and Occupacion ... _....motion __ p~_cture _arti_sts , etc . ___ I11_oome. ~2000- ']500 allfl.. up _____ _ c. FO'l'eign Familics__Q__~ e. Shifting OT Nationalities.__________________________ ln/iltration _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.Ql.l~L.G~.P.ar_im;_,__ _ _ _ __ Z. BUILDINGS, 6 b. Conm-uction c. & 7 ____ 5.5 _Lf,1.rg_~r __ dwell.i.ng_s ______. 10,L Average Age ......Good~- - -- Occupaiu:, ---·-··---9/l'!_ _ _ __ f. Own,,--occup;,d --·-- -·-·-··75%._ - - - - ! ...SQ00:~:65.QQ_____ - %change $.. 6000- mo ---·-·-··· .............. ·"' g, 1935 Pric.e Bracket h. 1937 Price Bracket j. Sales Demand k. Predict.ed Price Trend {next 6-12 months) __ Static_ '!;;o __ do.YfilW'ard ____ _ I. 1935 R,nt B,ack,, $ _.50 :- 1937 Rent Bracket Ho.., .w._ ...19}9---·-·-······Rcnt Bracket $. 60 - 99 Demand .. G_ot;>d~------ .. 19:lJ......._Pri<, o. OTIIER TYPE -2...£..~ .. dwellillfS rooms --···· r'raioo J..•• stucco .. & .. ma~onry d. RepaiT e. _§Q_ __ ~ PREDOMINATING a. T,pe and Size B,ack,t p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 monrN:) _]S)____ %change . . . . . . . .% ··--- ..........% ____ J, .~ _ Static to dovmwar.d. ___ _ 6 & 7 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION {past yr.) No.... J:Q______Trt,e & Pnu .M.5._Q.9_:-_1~~-----.How Selling~~!:. bui].._!_ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES t..3.... yr.) a. HOL. ~ - ~ 2 ~ - - b. butinaioru_ .Many a. HOL~- ~ - - - b. Institutwn.L .J~P.-:Y. 6. MORTGAGE FUND$, __.!:_j/;li_!.!'.~-·······--- 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (1931c.) $..5.2 ,10____ _ . 1938 8. DESCRWTION AND CHARACfERISTICS OF AREA: Te rrain : Level to rolling ani stoep hillside, from no construction hazards to expensive construction . Land improved 80% out of a possible 95~ . Doed restri cted but varied requirements with some expirations in southern part. Zonin g is gene rally single - family with some multiple family unit s permitted in southern part , vii th provision for trading centers along arterials . Conveniences are all readily available , with transportation somewhat in somo sections. Pnrt of area wo.s subdivided over 25 ago and o.11 of it bGforo 1920 . It :is one of the oldest purts of Hollywoo d o.nd wus a ve r y popul ar dist rict o.t ono timo . Tho aroc. is traversed b~, Highland Ave. a.nd bounded on tho or~st by Cohuengo. Blvd. - two henvy trnffic o.rtories - tho l o.tter protecting t he o.r c.:n from the adverse i nfluence of nroa D- 28 to tho cn st. Construction o.nd mnint~no.nce ur c genoro.lly of good qunlity . Improvements arc hotorogonoous o.s to a.go , sizo o.nd c,.rchi toc1:urnl do sign . Populntion, whilo ho.rmoni ous, has o. wide spr ead of income , with occupo.tions from bottor so.lo.r iod white eollnr v.orkcrs to 1·.00.lthy businoss and profossionnl mon. Tho topogro.phy is uneven and spotted, tho ccntr o.l portion is fo.irly level nnd bo.l!l.nco of nr o:::. is rolling with stoop grndos nnd rugged hills in spota . Proximity to Hollyw:•od Bowl is o. dotrimcntd i.nfluonco . Th is is an ox tromoly difficult o.r on to gr udo o.nd thoro is a wide diver gence of opinion runong authorities fl.\Iiiilinr with tho district . An o.ttompt to brcnk do.-m the a.ran resultod in confusion. . !t is cl oo. rly o.n o.roo. whcro co.roful individual o.ppraisnls should bo rodo . Ovring to a.go o.nd hotcrogonoity , ~~~g;d~/!tl1-Lbi/M~UC\~n~ency town.rd mul tipl€l - fo.mily structures, the C'. rco. is 9. LOCATION .. __.l'!uill.oy~~.s..-.. SECURITY GRADE.._2.nd. .. a AREA NO_ll_~70- D A ~9 CAUTION: This nroo. is currently o.ffoctod in whole or in po.rt by o.n Ad vd.orom To.x Distr ict. lndividu::U proportios should 00 chocked for this ho.zo.rd . l:l'9 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of...LQ.&.....t\ng.e.le.JS....C!.o.l.l.nt)[.. a. lncreasing __··-··----·-······..... Decreruin,g...__~-~~- Static .. -..Xf:§__ _ Profes sional & business men , retired capitalists, b. Class and Ocwpation _____exflt:.ll..t.i~.e..t£i..__ lru, ~5000-10i200 and u,·e' - - - - - - - 1. POPULATION: c. foreign Famiues .. Q. _______~ e. 2. BUILDINGS, a. Nationalities _ _ _ _ _ _..,...cc___ _ d. Negro . ......9,. __ 1, Shifting or Infiltrotion, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _None __ apparen~t_ _ _ _ __ __ Type and Size PREDOMINATING ..~5 ..... ~ OTHER TYPE 8- 10 rooms b. Construction c. A.vcrage Age d. Repair ....... .G..9..9..rJ....•. e. Occupancy ··---9&1.,_ _ _ __ f. Owner-oo:upied g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Price Bracket l>,lQ,.O.OOc.35,.QQQ.... i. 1939- ................ Price Bracket ~.!.9.,000-3?,000 j. Sales Demand"'·_ _ _ _ _ __ k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket ... s t a t i . , c ~ - - - $75 - _J,50 _____________ %change 1937 Rent Bracket $.lQQ_ .., ....l65...--..·-- --· n. 1-9.39- .... -•--· ... Rent Bracket o. Demand f . 80.0.Qc.20_,.(lQ.Q....... j!_,"'1n~e 50 ft~- i"~t %change basis 'I, ...G.9.o. ~ - - - - - - Predicted Rent Trend ..$±ti.ti.c;_ _ _ __ __ (next 6-12 months) 8 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCDON (past yr.) No... _..3 ···-··T:ype & Price ...f:U_a.9.QQ..._ ..... _How Selling Owner built p. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.3. .. yr.) a. HOLC. _ ~ 2 ~ - - b. lnstitutions_~F•~\7_ _ HOL,c;.__ __;~-- b. lnsticution~,--F~e,~·,_ _ 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, _____ /l!m)Jc.. 8. DESCRlPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA .... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.~.1 $ 1939 Terrain : Level with favorable ~rr.des and no construction hazards . 52 - 70 Land improved 95% - Deed restrictions provide for sine;le - f1unily dwellings to cost a minimv,.1 of $8000 , and protects against subversive racial hazards in perpetuity. Zoniug is single-family residential. Conveniences are all readily available. This area wo.s su bdivided about 18 a.go and has been a highly regarded district from its inception . While nrice ra...'1.gc shown above is on the basis of a. 50 foot lot, most building sites uro larger; current lot values are around $50 per front foot. Construction o.nd m:i.intono.nce. aro of cxccll0nt quality , sot bucks uro uniform, o.rchi tecturo.l des igns n ro harmonious o.nd population h01rogonoous . '.:Tuile not a.n nrtorial highwuy , Highland Ave. carries heavy traffic , which o.dvc rsoly nffo cts dosiro.bility of properties on thnt thoroughfnro. 'fhL; is ono of tho best residcntio.l nrcns on the nest side nnd would bo given first grndc if it vioro not so completely developed. It will u desirable rosidontio.l c.ron for many yenrs to come und is accorded a 11 high bluo 11 grndo. 9. WCATION ....'.i.iloh1r.o..J2).~t..... .. SECURITY GRADE....2:n<!....+ AREA NO. ..Uc1l . DATE.:c2/.c,39 130 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map 1. b. 0£ Los Angele s Coul:}~:l. Increasing _ _~ - ~ ·--············ Decreasin..,_,_~-~~~ Stacic .....~!c3..;!. __ _ Business & professional men , retired people, high Class and Occupation. __ grade white collar workers , etc. Income $2500-5000 & up POPULATION: a. c. Foreign Famifies.__ ___ Q__1. e. Shifting OT Nationali,.·_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ d. N,gro .•...0. . .. '/, ln{iUTation _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N_gn~....§.lm.a..x_~_µect _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING ... 85 % OTilER TYPE a. Type and Size b. Corutn<aicn Fr a...-ne , stucco &: masonry c. 25 A verage Age years Good d. Repair e. Occupanc, /. Owner,occupied g. 1935 Price Bracket $ ]500.- 1~.,ooo h. 1937 Price Bracket $ 9000- 15,000 ...... <1, .1939 .... ... I¼, &ackct t2.QQQcI5,QQ9.. .. ......% j, Salts Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (n.ext 6-12 months) _Poor_ to _fair ___ at_above ___ prices Good at sacrifice figure. ... $ta t;i,c .. t9. ___ dQv.m\·tar.d ....-···-··· '!,change 1935 Rent Bracket n. 3. 1937 Rent Bmcket t . 9.0 .. c.•.125.............. .193-9 Llls....s ....120............ ·········-·····Rent Bracket o. Rental Demand .....G.o.Qd _ _ _ _ __ p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) ___:~_t_qt.iQ.. _to_.dQrul.Y:£e.r.d NEW CONSTRUCTION (pose y.) No ....3.. .. .. ..T,pe & 7 & 8 r ooms Ptice~5.QQ::J__Q.sQ!'&.. How Selling .Q{m~r.... P..!-th!J.. _ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOL.~- ~ - - - b. Institutions_ .....Yan_y 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( . .3,,-.) a. HOL~- ~ - - - b. Jrutitution, ..........M•ny. Ample on restricted 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, ..ppr.•i••l....oL. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193..8~ $...52, ..70....-·-· land value 1939 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terr ain : Level with favorable g r ades and no construction hazards. Land improved 95%. Deed restrictions have le.rgely o:qiiruc':., \•rith exception of rac ial protectivo p rovisions . Pattern of distr i ct well defined and zoning is single- family residential. Conveniences arc ull readily cwo.ilo.ble. This area wo.s subdivided close to 30 years o.go, with platting following contours and uniform set backs provide d, and ¼US cons idered a very dcsiro.ble r esidential locality up to c.. fow years o.go . Cons truction is of good quc,lity :md mo.intcnunco is of ,. h i gh order. Architectural designs a rc hf.lnnonious and popull).tion , mo.ny of v.hom original ovmo rs, is homogeneous . West of Irving Blvd . this area. closely resembles o.rco. B- 71. West of that thoroughfn r o , however , improvements of somov.ho.t lower quo.lity. Third St. is seemingly o. montul hr,zo.rd , o.s pr ope rty vo.luos und rentals bettor north of tho.t thoroughfare. While desirability is still unqu::st i oncd , there is rm evident l01·roring of lo.nd values and consoquont lov.ering of rnurkot prices. The o. s o. whole is u ocordcd n ;,mod i'.'.l bluo 11 gr ade . Windsor Squa r e 9. LOCATION ... SECURITY GRADE..... Znd .. AREA NO•..B=.'./2... DATE....,..l.1.:},) 131 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL1:~~.J~·?:~e les County a. Increasing 1. POPULATION: Slowly ·······-· Dccrea.sin.__ _ _ _ _ _ Sratic.·--····-··· Professional & business men , executives b. Class and Occupation___~mJ...-r.~..' ~ru&.!......1.l).9.9.TIL~__B}SQQ__~pd u=p=wn=r~ d ~ - - - - - - c. Foreign Families.__ ..Q_____1.! e. Shifti ng 01 Nationalities... d. Negro .........o_:f,, Infilt,-aticn _ _ _ _ _ RemQt~.....::... .hiW)lY....d~e.d...r.ft..§trj,_g_t_~_g_~- - - - - - 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING .. 90._'f, a. T,pc and Si?c . 7 .. to9 ..rooms~--- b. Con.,!TI<c!ion . Stt:.9.CO_ & br :i,c k;_, c. Aw:rage Age cL Repair .G:9<:>d~- e. Occupancy OTIIBR ITPE ___ _'j,_ ---- ············-·9.65L......... f. Owne,--occup;ed g. 1935 Price Bracket t ..7-QQ.O.::l5..,.QQ.Q_______ %.F~-~i-~. h. 1937 Price Brad«!t L6500alo, 500... ........ j, Price Bracket $._J35.0.0.'.:'.l6..,5.0.Q.. j. Sales Demand .. .. G.o.o.~---- k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket $ ..6.o.. - _.QO ____________ ,._ '.%.E.~~J{~ t.-7-5--._..,.... l..OO......_..__.... . .. -· . %. m. 1937 Rent Bracket ···l9>9·····-······R"'1 &ack,1 . .Sta.ti.c,_ _ _ _ __ % $ 75 - . 100 ···-·-· o. Rental Demand ... . Q.q g d ~ - - -- (,change ............% $~ - - - - - .1' -- p. 3, Predicted Rent T rend ... St~"tic _ _ _ _ __ (next 6--12 months) 7 & 8 rooms NEW CONSTRUCTION {past yr.) No......?.. . . ..Type & Price ,~9000- 12 ,ooo How Selling 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES {.3: ..._yr.} a. O,,mer built HOL.~ -~2_ _ _ b. Jnsticutio•~-~Fe~w~-- a. HOL.~-~2_ _ _ b. Irutitution5_~F~•~w_ _ 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, .•..- ·•··"'".Pl e......... .... 1. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193B.c) $..S.?,.79. 1939 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain : Gentle slope to south . No cons t ruction hazar ds. Land improved 75%. Largely zoned and deed restricted to single - family dwellings ; al so dee d pr otected a r;ainst subversive racial elements . Conveniences are a l l ree.dily available. This area was subdivided some 15 yoars ago; within the past 10 years scverc.l l argo a o reago estates have b0on r esubiivided. This has resulted in consider able activity within the past 5 years . Construction, nninteno.nce and architectural cl.csigns are of high quc.lity . Population is homogeneous o.nd improvements e.rc, genera lly uni f orm. Tho western part of aroo. is of slightly newer and better character , and tho four blocks betwoon Nornnnd ie and Hobart , in which is loci;i.te d Laughlin Park proper , might b0 giv0n a higher grade were it of sufficient siz0 to wurrant such troo.tment . Thero ore o. few dup l cx0s o.nd multi - fo.mily structures in tho eastern pt,rt " seve r e.! mode r nistic apartment heu~os on o.nd just off f'rnnklin Ave. These multiple - family dwellings in keeping with tho nei ghborho od and nre only permitted wit.hin o. limited district. Tho c.reu has m:i.ny of tho quulifica.tions of ::-. first grade o.roo., but this slir.,ht tendency tovro.rd multi- fumily dovelopment lcc.d3 to tho boliof tho.t a "high bluc 11 grndo is more in keeping with thv future trend . 9. LOCATION ..... Laughlin hrk SECURl1Y GRADE .. S!'e. .! AREA NO- .•.~_cJ3. DATE.?.c.?.B:0? 132 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of.J&§._..A;o~!..l'!§.Jl.9..1mt.Y._ _ _ _ 1. POPULATION: a. lncreasing __~idly__ _____ Decreasin,,-._-,cc---_ _~ _ Stadc ----- Business & professional men, Jr . executives and b. Ckus and Occupation white collar workers . c. FOTeign Families._,_Q._1 - 600=,c0_ _ _ _ _ _ __ Income $.~25~00~ Nationalibt$,_ _ _ _ _ ___:__ _ _ _ __ e. Shi/ring or Infiltration, _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING .... 80. % _.I5~ OTHER TYPE 5 ..6 to ___8_rooms,_ _ __ room bungalows b. Construction ....6..~.•,.,,_ _ _ _ __ c. Awrage Age d. Repair e. Occupancy f. Own,,-occupi<d g. 1935 Price Bracktt L45oo-aooo h. 1937 Price Bracket !_ 5000-9000 ..1939............. Price B,-acka f ;. Sales .Dtmand k. Pudicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket m. 1937 Rent Bracket n. ..19,.9.......•....... Rent B,-acka o. Rental Demand ____.G.o.o,.~_ _ __ _ __ ·-··9BJl,_ _ __ .._.B!Jf.,,________ ···"-' -····~ ..-% .............. % 5000- 9000 ___ S t a t i c ~ - - - - $ J,5 - ilQ-·······-···· :l,,hang, J, J, ___ J-' ·--·-·~ t.5.0....:::... 9.0.... ______ _ L5"'0_:-'----"8;;_5_ __ Good .. Stat;,ic'---- - - - 6 & 7 r.J., sinG].e s (next 6,.12 months) How S,/J;ng Readily T:,pe & Pric,46000- 8000 NEW CONSTRUCTION (past:,,.) No.. 50 p. Predicted Rent Trend 3. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOL.'------'0'----- b. Institttrint!s 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.,-3..:,r.) a. HOLC- ....Q........- - b. Few ln.stinu:ioru .. _ ...f~~?. 6. MORTGAGE FIJND&__,\mplo.....- ......... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.(lc) $...5?.&Q.•·--· 1939 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Hilltops and hillsides. Construction hazards in lll(Uly places. Land impr ove d 40% out of poss ible 85%. Deed restricted largely to single - family improvements with nrovisicn for multiple- f'ami ly structures in definite locations. Zoning conforms to deod rest rictions. Conveniences are all reo.dily available exc ept transportation which is only fairly so; hov.ever, this is lar gely a twocar neighborhood . This area wns subdivided some 15 years ago o.nd has experienced a more or less spasmodi c devclopnent , its greatest activity havint; beon sinco the advont of FHA financing. Construction is of go od qunlity o.nd mo.intenance shows pride of ownership . Population is homogeneous and generally economically sound . There is a. of uniformity in a rchi tccturo.l designs o.nd promotiona l effort on tho part of sponsors leaves something to be dosirod . This undoobtedly o.ccounts for a sooming of building pr ogress. Although dead restrictions permit multifamily structuros in sto.ted locutions , thero ero as yet oompnrntivoly few such improvonxmts . There is n wide vnrio.nco in size nn:l price of homesitcs , but vnlues boon quite stnble for tho 3 yonrs . Thero nro a fcrw Jo.po.nose gnrdcncrs in tho o.r oo. but thoy nro not considered perllltl.llOnt rosidonts. Scattered throughout a number of blocks which could bo graded II A11 , but tho o.ron ns o. viholc is o.coordcd o. "high bluc 11 grade . 9. LOCATION.I',ccc.J,o,ko....Qi,.h_.... SECURITY GRADE. •.?n<I....+ AREA NO....!l.,.14... DATE.2=J.,..39 133 AREA DESCRIP"l10N Security M11.p of_J,_9..s Angeles County 1. POPULATION: Rapid l y a. Increasing Dcereasint{ ·---,..... ·····----- Static .... - -- -· Pro f es siona l men , minor executives , smal l b. Class and Ocmpation .._, __busine s ~_me_n whi te c ollar workers , etc. Income $1800- 5000 c. Foreign Families._.Q _____..'f! c. Shifting a,- 2. BUILDINGS, a. NationaUtie,~- - - -- - -- ---- d. Neg,o ...••Q.....•i Infiltration PREDOMINATING ...75 .... % 15% r ooms Lar ger dwellings b. Construction ____Frarr.e & stu cc o c. Average Age ....5 vea.r,~,~ - - - - - d. Repair e. OccupanC')' f. Owner-occupied ····- 1, OTIJER TYPE 5 6- U rooms Type and Size 5% ...aQ%._______ %change g. 1935 Price Bracket }.45QO.cBQll.Q. ._..... h. 1937 Price Bracket f..5.G:00:::9QQQ_ . J, ..193.9 ............... Price Bmdret $ 5000- 9000 ··········"' j. Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next %,han~e Go od 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket ~ 1937 Rent Bracket t.50 - 90 n. .1939- .......... Rent B,adret $ 5 0 ., 90 ······· -· o. Rental Demand ......G.Q9.•~- - - - - - 45 - %...~-~ !}{~ 80 . .. 1, ...............% ....% % Predicted Rent Trend ___.$.b:ti,.~_ _ _ _ __ (next 6-12 months) 5 to 8 r ooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past :rr.) No......l QO ...T-:,pe & Pria _$.5.5.9_Q.:9_(?.QQ........How Selling p. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (3:,,.l a. HOL.~- ~ - - b. Iruliturion a. H0,~- ~ 8~ - - b. Institution Read ily Fev, Few 6. MORTGAGE FlJNDS, ...........,\mpl.o .... .... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193'..,.) $ 52 . 00 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Te rrain : Thi s area oc cupied 1-l se ries of h i lls su rro1.u1di ng Silv e r Lake . Te rrain is except i onally r ugged with many precipitous building site s which present many c onstruction problems and hazards. Land improved 5c:,fo of a possible 80% . Deed restricted to single - famil y dwellings with provision for multiple - family str uc tures in sti pulated parts . Zoning conforms to dee d restrictions . Conveniemes are all ree.dily avo.ila ble . The major portion of this area was subd ivided some 14 year s ago and dist ri c t has experienc e d e. steady gr o;,.rth with uctivity pronounced sinc e the adNont of the FHA f inanc ing. Con st ruction and maintenanc e nr(? of good quality . Population consists largely of fami lies in moderate c i rcumstances . Tho district directly wost of nnd overlooking Silver Lako is lt particularly sightly l oco.tii.on and hn.s been the sc ene of gront a c tivity dur ing tho past s ovcrnl years . The topo gr aphy of th o urea prote cts it f r om the subvo r sivo elements of o.djo. c ont lower grade o.roo.s. The immed iate futuro of tho distr i c t appea r s to bo fnvornblo but p c-. st development hC\s been somc:n-lho.t r ugged ind icating o. lack of pr oper direc t i on nnd ;voll plnnnod pror.l.Oti on . Vfuilo c c r s cntt ored pnrts might be a cc orded 11 11 a hi rnting tho a rou, ns o. vlho l e, does not vro.rrnnt bet t or thnn n nx:dia.l bluc gr Silv er Lo.kc o..nd 9. LOCATION.Mor.o no.l!iwJ.@s\.L ... SECURITY GRADE .....~ .. AREA NO•...B:.TI... DATE2JJI;z? AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of_ .. _Los_~g_§.~e.s ... Qg:cinty ________ _ 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing Slowly Decreasin>i<,----~~--- Static ......•--·--·· Business & professional me::1_, railroad employees, b. Class and Occupation retired __ peqpJe and vhite collar __ workers. _ Income .. l:?.QQQ-4Q0Q. ____ _ c. Foreign Families ... .0..._....1 Nationalitie,~----~------- d. Negro.......9. .......% e. Shifting or .lnfilrration ..___ _ Z. BUILDINGS, a. T:ype and Size PREDOMINATING90 .. 5 % to 8 rooms b. Construction .. Fra,me -st.,icco ___& _masonry c. ... .lO __ y ear,_s_ _ _ __ Average Age d. Repair e. f. Owner-occupied g. ...f..ri.J.:r... J.Q__ J;Q.9.9,_ _ __ Occupancy .. B.5%~------ 1935 Price Bracket ~.·--·-··-·- %change h. 1937 Price Bracket .?..40.0.0.::-.7.50.0... i. l93.9 .............. Pric, fuacket $4000-7500 j. Sales Demand k. Predicted Pr.ce Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket L m. 1937 Rent Bracket ...........% ...... % $ Not a _________ _ 1,change $ __ rentfll ..............% $ _.district., . JJ:ijJi9ult o. --·-..-.. % ____'!, .............% '% ---~ Rental Demand p. P,.edicted Rent Trend __r·. a 0 1 ' " ~ - - - - (next 6-12 months) 6 & 7 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (lust yr.) No. .+.5 .Type & Price~5DQ::::95Q9__····-How Selling . Owner .. built HOLC.... 2 b. lnstirutio,,~-~o_ __ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES {.... 3...yr.) a. HOL.~- ~ - - - b. Institutions ........ .f.i:rn:. 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, ..-..... Ltm.\.t.•4........ 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.6c) $_5:a.,:15 . 1939 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA: Terrain : Series of hills and dales, with mnny sightly view locations. Thero ru-e sore sharp grades causing o. certain amount of construction hazard. Land improved 5% . Zoning is very largely singlefamily residential. Convenience to sch::iols, churches, trading centers and transportation varied, but gcncrRlly inadequate. Very few streets improved. This o.ree. has been subdivided at vurious during the past 25 , and grovrth has been slow. In the past fevr years, under stimulus of FHA Title II fino.ncing, activity ho.s increased com:idcro.bly. There arc s omo seven hills within tho o.reo. nnd improvomonts o.rc scnttc rcd in groups of 10 or more d\'rollings throughout. Tho smaller dwelling s usually in tho valleys while tho !!lO re imposing structures occupy the hillside view locations . While sorrr:, of tho improvements old trey gonero.lly of good quality construction ,·rith satisfactory ranintennncc. Population varies e_roo.tly :ind there is very little cohesion bot-ween the various smo.11 settlements. Tho area is o.dja.cont to two street cur lines, and bus service is o.lso Numerous ponnit quick (10 minute) o.uto tro.nsportation to Los Angeles Civic Canter. Climatic c onditions nre favorable o.nd topography lends itself to viO"l! location homos itos. Hith its many fnvor['.blo influences., and absence of dotrimonto.l fo.ctors., tho o.rco. seems ideal for intelligent development. Ho;vevo r, there is no intlica.tion of nny such activity nt this timo. Upon tro bus is of the present scattered improvements and seemingly favornble po::;sibilities, the area. is accorded r-. provisional hntchod "law blue" grndo. Hntched 9. LOCATION .. .J!t-.l'!o.sbin;,;to.n. .. _. .. SECURITY GRADE ......2nd.. AREA NO.. _~c72... DAT!Us.6.c.3.9 135 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of~Q-~- Angeles County l. POPULATION: a. and white collar workers. c. Foreign Families ....X~vr% e. Shifting 01 5tadc ······---·- ~1as-s1~lii~·. hus1ne··ss ~:'":~\-1re·a people 1 b. Class and Occupatimi Income $1800- 3600 & up No~n~•-•~u~b~v•~r~•~iv~•~- --NationaUtie--~ Infiltration Possible __ tti_re~_t_of __ encroachment of apartment houses, etcc. 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING .•~2 . Je a. Type and Siu _.5 ._6_Ji:_ 7 b. Construction .. Frame~ stucco_& ma_sonry c. At1CTage Age d. Repair e. OTIJER TYPE rooms .....-9.65:'.~·- - - - - - f. Owne,-occup;,d ...Brn,,.-_ _ _ _ __ g. 1935 Price Bracket 1....350D:~55QQ______ h. 1937 Price Bracket !,..3.7.50':':.5.75.Q .193.9. ......... Price fuod,,i } ...2.75.Qc.2.722 j, Salt! Demand k. Predicted Pnr.e Trend (next 6-17. months) 1935 ~nt Bracket •t~l~-~R-~. ··--·~ ..% . Good Static ~==---- -l_.30 - __ 2') _____ i.~-~S-~ m. 1937 Rrn1 B , a c k c , $ . 35 .. c ..55 ............................ ...% . l ~:)9.. ... _ ....&n1 B,acket $ .. 35 - o. Rental DeJMnd ...... _G-9_9.d~--- -- p. pz.::aeli~~;:,'1 .............% ----- ., 60 ·- - - - ____1, n. _Stati. ~ - - - - 5 ~ & 6 room _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1 3. NEW COi.•.•Sr.1J.JCTION ( yr.) No~.J QQ .... _Type & Price ...§.Y..5:9.Q::22.Q.Q ....How Selling ..!..<:.~~:..~.~_?_;l_ ... 4. OVEKil.<\1-10 OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOu__ _,,__ _ b. lrutitutimu_:cFe"'w' - - - - 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (... .3..,T.) a. HOL. ~ - ~ - - - b. lrutitution,..... Few 6. MORTGAGE HJNDS, __.A.'ll!)lo.............. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.JaJ $J..6~oQ. 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain : Level to hillside and h illtop. No construction hazards . Land improved 75%. Zoning is mixed . Largely sin~le - fumily (30% ) and duplexes (40%); mu l tiple family (20%) and apartment houses UO%) . Regardless of zoning , however , the c.rea is pr eponderantly sinlle - family and patto r n is well established . Conveniences are a.11 readily available , inc luding interurbo.n transporto.tion to Los .Angeles . Dcvelo~mcnit. of this section ho.s boen under way in an orderly fashion for a number of years, but it is bclievod that it ho.s 0xpericnc od its greatcs t activity during the past 2 or 3 years under stimulus of IBA Title II financing . Construction runs from stnndo.rd to extra standard quo.lity; mo.intonnnoo is of oxc ellcnt c haracter • .Architectural designs individuo.lly o.ttr c.ctivo c.nd collective ly ho.rmonious , Population o.nd improvements homogeneous , This area stood up particularly well during , tho depression o.nd r dont inucd in demand during this period , Ros idontial lot vnluos rango bot-ween $20 o.nd ~25 per front foot• Due to rental donnnd n nu.":lbor of lo.rge old housos have boon c onverted into ront ul units and o. number of small multiples huvo boon constructod . This nroa is f'e.vorably influoncod by othe r high e;rado areas i n noo.rby cities to tho north . Tho o.rco. is o.ccordod o. 11 mcdial bluo 11 gr . NO-.~.:TI. ... DATii:f.:.~~.:.29 9. LOCATION .... Nor thwo st Alhnmbrn SECURITY GRADR......?1>.d... AREA part by an Ad v c.lor om CAurION: --- This aroo. is curruntly affo cto d i n vhol o or in Tax District . Individuo.l properties should bo chocked for this hnzard . 136 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of_k92.._h:ngol os County t. , ~ - ~ - - Static .._______ ,_ Decreasi~ Rapidly a. lncmuing Business & professional men, wtn. te collar worke rs b. Class and Occupation_~_n9- skilled artisans. Income ~1500-3600 POPULATION: N~May~i!!\~-:,;~~::!: families nea r R.R~ c. Foreign Familie.s_f!!_'!!..1 e. Shifting ur Infiltration _ _ __ _~None O.PJ2.arent PREDOMINATING 2. BUILDINGS, a. Type and Ske & _2_Q_1 _ _j,_ AWTage Age __..F~U'.. to __good _________ _ _ d. Repair e. Occupancy ___...2f!%~--- -- f. Ownet-occupjed . .... 00%~-- - - - g. 1935 Price Bracket $ ..3000-/600 h.. 1937 Price Bracket $ ..3250-5.000............. . -1939.... .... Pria B,ack.t ~.3250.cSO.0lL......... Sak., Demand ......Ea~o.Qd... ____ Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket $-25-..~40_____·- · 'f, ,hang, · k. OTIIER TYPE 6 room Frame & stucco b. Conmuction c. ..5: t;:'!~st---~ m. 1937 Rent Bracktt --- '1,,hang, .. ..........% $. _ . ....Sl:ali. c.__ _ _ __ $.30 .. - 45 ·-,.... ,tchang, ....% .. % __ _,!e !..3Q_cc_45..___ _ __'!, o. Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 __-1.2~.:tlc,_ __ _ __ 5 months) & 6 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa,, :,,.) Nc .....15. ......T,P< & Pria j ~ : , Q .......How Selling ..f"'.~c.•!.."-1,,'._ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOL.~-~0~- - b. Institwtio,,~•-~F~e~w_ _ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( .. .3.. ,,.) a. HO,~- ~i,_ __ b. Instituticns __F~•~w~- 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,...&>.P!LllliAL. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (19Jl~l $_4.i>.,52.... _ _ 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level with some low s pots, but generally favorable grades . No cons t ruction hazards. Land improved 75%, Zoning is mixed ; appro:dmo.tely 40% singlefamily, mininn.un 5000 sq. rt. pe r family; 40°/o duplexes , minimum 2500 sq, ft. per family ; 20'/o large r mul ti - fo.mily , minimum 600 to 1000 sq... ft , pe r family. . Regardless of zoning area is 95~! single - fami ly. Conveniences are all readily available including r apid transit to Los Angel es, The western portion from 6th St, o.nd north part from San Mo rino Ave. were subdivided and is well built up with moderate sized bungalows , The southeast section south of Sun Marino Ave, and east of 6th St. is tre lg.ost ch oi ce po.rt of area o.nd wo.s put on the mnrket about 10 a.go but developed very s l owly until 1937, but has grO";m r::i.pidly since that time. This is a highly regarded district n.nd, although it is inclined to be heterogeneous both as to population o.nd improverrcnts, it is considered as boing still desire.blo ns a pl.nee to live . llo.intono.nco , vmile somowhat spotted, gonorally indicates pride of occupancy, Owing to its favorable location this is a good rental o.rea . As a consequence a number of small multi-family structures ho.vo been built in tho western section of o.rca , In 5 or such o. mntter this o.roo. will probo.bly hnve to be brokn n dovm and po.rt of it given n. 3rd oln. ssific o.tion , At present. , 11 however , it is deomod e to assign to the a r oo. n s o. v.holc n low blue" grade. 9. LOCATION Alhambra SECURITY GRADE.....2:n~.. -AREA NO....Jl::I.~ DA'IW:'~3-9 AREA DF.SCRIPTION Security Map oL.!:-.2..~ Angeles County 1. POPULATION: a. Incrt:asing _ _M_o_d_er_a_t_el_y~- Decreasin,.,__ _ __ _ __ Static -......_..___ _ Inco?OO :i;.1800- Small merchants, business men, Jr. executives. b. Clas5and Occupation 3000 c. FDYeign Families _____<;>_~ e. Nat:iona~·~ - - - - - - - - - - - - 90 ..•'.fe PREDOMINATING Frame & stucco b. Constrnction Average Age )9-12 _yrs•~---- d. Repair Fair to good e. Occupancy Owner-occupied ...... 851,._ _ _ _ _ __ g. 1935 Price Bracket Bsoo-';600 _____ \t,hang, h. 1937 Price Bracket $4oo.oc6ooo ............. 1939 ....... Price Bmd<et $1.,.QOQ0 6o.OQ. ..•... j. Sales Demand ___fai.r_t.Q __ g.Q.Q. ~- - - - k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 month.,) 1935 Rent Bracket LJo.~ ..SQ. .% ··- ···· % ____ '.fe ..........% ____§ _ _ _ __ t . .35....c.•.60_ m. 1937 Rent Bracket o. 01HER TYPE .5- to 7 rooms Type and Size c. n. Negro ..... o_j, Shi/ting o,· Infiltration _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~N~o~n"-e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2. BUJLDINGS, a. d. 1.93.9. ________________ Rent &acket $ 35 - 60 %chanµ .i, ·____ ····"'% ----~ Good Rental Demand Predicted Rent Trend -"-St~•~b~l•~---~~ (next 6-12 months) 5-7 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past :yr.) No.... }Q_ ......Type & Price .Qlf500-7000 p. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (..1 . yr.) 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS· Ample How SeUing Owner built a. H O ~ - ~ - - - b. lrutitutioru _ _F_e,_·,_ _ a. HOL.~--4 ~ - - b. lnstitutio<1~•_ _F_"'~"-7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 Cy'4~-1 $~Q 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level with favorable grades. No construction hazards. Land improved 90% . Deed restrict ions are said to govern impr ovements and protect age.inst racial hazards. Conveniences all roadily e.vailo.ble. This is one of tre older Los Angeles Investment Co. subdivisions und has had o. steady growth-. Owing to fo.ct that area is rapidly roo.chin g sutun.tion point, activity has been declining, Construction is of good quality and muintonanco indicates high prido of oocupo.ncy. ImproveJn:lnts consist of well built homos of l nnd 2 stories with ground well lo.ndscaped. Stroet s arc woll plo.tted wit h ornamenta.l trees in pc.rkings o.Irl electrolier lighting system through:>ut. Population is homogeneous. Mortgagee institutions ro r;u rd tho area highly. Tho oxtromo southern portion of aroa is slightly less nttractivc . A grade of 11 mcdiol blue 11 is o.ccordod. 9. LOCATION .......•J,,i,.0c!J.s...i!e.s!J.......... SECURITY GRADE. ....i'P.~ .... AREA NO-...!l.c72 DATE..3.:15.-::.39 ~ : This urea. is currently nffoctod in wh:>lo or in po.rt by un Ad vo.lorcm Tax Dist rict. !ndividunl properties should 00 chocked for t hi s hnzr-.rd . 138 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL.Los_Angeles County 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D=,..,,.·.__ _ _ _ _ _ St.atu: ..!.~--Cl erical , white collar workers, ski lled labor b. Class and Occwpation ____!cdesmen , Incorre $1500-2400 and up e. Shifting or Infiltration _ _ __ _ _ _ _ ~ ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING . 80 .. j, Frame & stucco b. Construction c. OTI!ER TYPE _ 2 story_ a. T-,pe and Si2:e 15% liu lti-family 5% A wrage Age d.Repa;, . 9.!r/2~-- -- /. Owncr-o=pied g. 1935 Price Bracket f..30DQc4QOO_.__ %Ehang~ .45%.. h. 1937 Price Bracket !...3.Z.5Q::L5.00.. ___ _ i. ..J.9.."1..-........ Pm B,ackor L3s5.0.c.459JL. j. Sales Demand k. Pmlictt!d Price Trend ._S:tatio,_ _ _ _ __ (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket ~__2Q_,,_35-___ . %dumge ........% m. 1937 Rent Bracket --·~ o. Rental Demand Good~------ Predicted Rent Trend __ _§~!1:_'!;i,~c_ _ _ _ __ (next 6-12 months) 5 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION {past yr.) No.... J. ____T,pe & Price J4.92.Q:1-!5.Q.Q. .. .How Selling O,·mer built p. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS· (2. ...:,,.) Limite d a. HOI...___ _o__ _ _ a. HOLC•....• _!>. b. lnstitutioru, _ _cF=.•wc__ _ b. Institutions llany 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193§.c) $ 52 . 70 1939 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREAs Terrain: Level with favorable grades . No cons t r uction hazards . Land improved 90%. Deod res trictions rirovide for uniform set backs , E;Ove r n improvements and prote ct from racial hazo.rcls. Conveniences are all readily available . This sub division was placed on the market by the Los Angeles Investment Co . over 20 years ago, o.nd has shovm n favorab le dcvelopmont . Construction o.nd mninteno.nce is of good sto.ndo.rd quality . Arch i tectural designs , uniform set backs o.nd well improved parking strips givo to the area a harmonious aspect. Population is goncro.lly homogeneous and (;Xhibits com;:mnity pride . 1.iulti - fo.mi ly d-rellings quite numero1.,.s o.long Lcir:nrt Blvd . end Go.r thwuitc Ave . These are mD.into.ined in keeping with other improvcroonts in tho district . Lot:, usually ho ft . with values ranging o.bout $15 to $20 por front foot,. The o.r co. is o.djo.ccnt to tho Cronshaw Blvd . businoss district. Age uni growing obsolc sconco p r c cl udo o.ssigning higher than c. 11 l ovt bluo: 1 grade . 9. LOCATION CAUTION: South,rost SECURITY GRADE....?.~~.. ·AREA NO•. _Jt:§.Q. DAm:_15.:29 This nroc. is ourrontly nffcctod in ,mole or in po.rt by o.n Ad vnlorGm Tnx District. lndividuo.l proportio s should bo crocked for this ho.zo.rd. 139 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oLJ~9!Ll~-~Jg_ s County l. POPULA'TTON: a. Incr~~r~ss8:.P.~~;~ession nl ~~fi"or executives·, - - Statie ___ _ b. Class and Occu~n- "41ite collar clericals eto . Inco1re S:2500-6000 c. Forei'.lrt Families._._Q __ j~ Nationalities, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ e. Shi/ting or In/iltratio11, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-'0No~.-.!~-J1::Q.Y._ .ecn=t~--------- 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING .. 95 % _6 __ rm ~alrJ','fS ··-··--- b. Con.struction .__ Stuc_c.o~------ c. Average Age e. Occujxtncy OTilER TYPE __ 5 a. Type and Size room_bungalows ____Good,_ _ _ _ _ __ f. Owner-occupied •.••9flle...;- - - - - ·-····95%,___ _ _ __ g. 1935 Price Braclca L5QQOc..65Q!l. .._ %,hang, h. 1937 Price Bracket L,,Q.O.c7.0.QQ...... ···············% -···········% i. 1939.............. Pri« B,a<ket L5500-7000 ___J, __ _'1, j. Sale, Demand Fai r le. P,.edicted Price Trend (nm: 6--12 ·months) 1935 R,nc &<1eket Static I. ~chan_ge 1937 Rent Bracket ........ JI n. -····- -·- ·-·---··-•Rent Bracket _____ t, o. Rental Demand p. Predicr.ed Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) 6 rm stucco bunga lows 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past )T.) No.J~Q______T,t>e & f>rict: _i£Q_OO-~QQ_____ Jfow Selling Built on order 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOL..__ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (..3.....y.) a. HOLC·--···-··-···4 ·······----- b. lnstirutioru,_ _c_l~e,_,w,___ _,Oc___ _ b. Institutionu.•_...cFc..ccc:w_ _ 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, ___~11PJL ......... 7. TOTAl TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.7.⇒ 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, 1938 $AM Terrain: Rolling. 11 Up hill and down dale 11 • Some construction hazards. Land improved 70%. Deed restrict ions quite gonern.l ani effective , Zoning is single-family residcntinl. Corrvonioncos aro reasonably o.vo.ilablo. This district wns subdivided by Los ktgolos Investment Co . somothing ovor 10 years o.go but wns very inactive during tho depression. Grco.tost activity has boon during 3 yoars due to FHA Title II fine.ncing. Construction r£>.ngos from sto.ndo.rd to super sto.ndo.rd quo.lity. ?io.intcno.nco is of good chnr o.cter. The o.reo. consists of o. series of hills o.nd vnlloys , and improvom:rnts on the hillside o.nd top of bettor o.nd more oxponsivc construction tho.n tOOso in the vnlloys . Hillside lot vo.luos arc o.lso higher. '£hose fuctors o.ccount for tho wide price spreo.d shovm n.bovo. Dosiro.bility sho.dos off from -wost to Adjacent to tho g.roon a r eas to tho north o.nd ~st aro fo.voro.blo inflooncos . Some of the older utructures nro over 10 of age c.nd construction is not of o.s good quality as }:ntor irnprovo rrcnts . This, cmd tho difference botwoon h ill c.nd volley improveroonts, detracts from tho ho.rmonious of tho nrco.. Mo.ny blocks in tho district would qualify for first ro.ting but, to.kon f',S c. whole, tho nroo. docs not justify higher tho.n u 11 roodio.l bluo 11 . 9. LOCATION ...........lnglo.m,i<L...•._ ........ SECURJTY GRADE.....?<!~..... AREA N02::.fl.!.. DATE.2c.!J.t:29 CAUTION: This ar0a is currently uffoctc d in who l o or in pn.rt by o.n Ad vo.lorom --To.x District. Individu[l.l propertios should be chocked for this h::-.znrd. 140 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of_L.o_s_~.l.~JL..C.Q.1,1,n.,"!zy: ______ _ 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing_J!QQ._1!~i9J.Y.. _ _ _ Dum:uin,,.__ _~I~n-c-om-e~Cl~S~2f.()Q__ _ b. Class and Occu{"1rio11.... .\'ff'ii:tLc_ollar, clerica l & skilled workers• me chanics I etc . e. , j h f ~ ln/HtTacion _o.Ll.Cl'.";.o.m.e: __ _gr_Q1.1p.s. ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2. BUILO!NGS, PREDOMINATING ... 90 % 4& 6 a. T,Pe and Si.:e b. Construction _Frame &_stucco _______ _ __ - c. Average Age d. Repair e. Occupancy f. OumeT-occupied _____ 75'$. ____________ ,,,.. - - - - g. 1935 Price Bracket J_.2500,.,,30Q(L___ h. 1937 Price Bracket f.___30_00,,,35.oa.......--···L,ooo.~3-500. ......._ i. 1m•··········Pric< &acw j. Sales Demand k PTedicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent &acket m. 1937 Rent Bracket n. . .j.\199.. ........Rent &acket 0, RmtaJ Demand p. 3. rm frame & stucco %~~nge __ .Sta:'"" · = -- - - - %,hang, Lm..e...JO..__...... $ .25. - ...35 ---···-----· ................% .............% ~25..c...35..----· ..._ ... '> ...._% Downwar d bee au se of Pudicted Rent Trend ______ ne:w _______ _ (next 6-12 months-) 5- 6 ro oms NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa,t y,.) No •..75.......T,t,e & Pric, ~QQ=5.5QQ.....How S.luog .....£'Q.Q!!..__ _ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (..J..,,..) a. HOL.~- ~ - - - b. lm•tution,.•,;: HOLC--~0_ __ 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_.....t\mpla................ 7. TOTAl TAX RATE PER $1000 (193&) $..54.SQ.. •.. _ .... 8. DESCRWTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, 19?9 Terrain: Level to rolling. No construction hazards. Land improved 60% . Deed restrictions provide U.'lifonn set baoks , limit i.lllprovements to singlo - fem.ily structures and proteict against subversive racial elements . Said to be not rigidly enforced . Conveniences are reo.sonably available , This area was subdividod by Los Angeles Investrent Co . some 12 years ago . Early improvomonts were largel;v 'in eastern part und consisted of frruno structures. Under stimulus of FHA Titlo II financing there has boen qui to an o.ctivo developID3nt of wostern po.rt during past :.ovoro.l years . Construction vo.ria s from poor to good sto.ndo.rd quality . Haintono.nco , Yfhilo spotted, is gcnorally of o. so.tisfa.ctory ch:lre.ctor . Populo.tion is ho.rmonious but improvcmonts, on o. ccount of diffe rential, inclined to bo slightly hotorogon0ous . A l ur ge chicken ro.noh and p'Oultry dres s ing nlant is located southeast of nr oo. und is a eomowho.t unfo.vornblo f o.ctor • Tho ~mount and improved quality of improvoronts during past fow years havo improved the cho.ractcr of this o.rca find permits o.ccordingly of c. "low blue " grade . 9. LOCATION •. };g_g,)owood SECURITY GRADE.......?.Pd ...-AREA NO-....~c!l?. DATElc.ili:.3.9 CAUTION: This o.roa is currently nffo ctcd in whole or in po.rt by an Ad vo.lorom Ta.x District . lndividuo.l prope rti es should be ch:ickod for this hazo.rd . 141 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map o£._~9JL!in&~.l~.$. ....9.R.\!1I~~----1. POPULATION: a. lncTCasi11g. ___ _____~Q..4~.!.'.~~-~J..x_____ ,___ Decreasin,...,_-~- - ~ - - ~ Professi onal & business men , white collar wor kers, b. Class and Occupation skillsd _artisans...._fil;c, c. Foreign Famifies__Q_i e. 2. Nationalities,_ __ _ _ _---=-. _ _ __ d. Ncgro ____Q___ '-?. Shifting or InfiltTation _ _ _ _ _ _ _~,f.Qne...~PP~.r.,.n,. ,._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ BUH.DINGS, PREDOMINATING a. Type and Size __5-6 rooms~----- b. Construction _Stucco~- - - - - - c. ---·---···-·· Income_ll80Q::3.6o0,,__ _ _ _ _ _ __ ... 90.% OTHER TYPE Awrage Age d. Repair e. Occupancy f Owner-ocmt>ied ···-·85o1,.__ _ __ g. 1935 Price Bracket t.J500, 50.QQ._.. _.. \1>.,i,,,•I•. h. 1937 Price Bracket j, Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend %change ____ _ 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket {next m. 1937 Rent & acket $.. 35.. - 45 ··-·--· .. ... % __ '!, n. 19}9-............... Rent B,ack,t $ .35 - ...!.5..------ o. Rental Demand ··-·· __~....go.a.,.__ _ __ p. P,.edicted Rent Trend ____Stat.i.~------,-- (next 6-12 5-6 months) rm bungalows 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past y,.) No•.... 35.. .....T, pe & Price };45.9.Qc.0099 ... .How &!Ung 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (•.3:,,.) a. HOLC_ __ Readily HOL.~--~2~_ b. 1rutitutiont Fevr g~- b. lrutiMwn.s llany t. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_ ... &ml.l•··· ............ 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.7.c) $..5?..,.1Q 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, 1938 Ter rain : Level. No construction hazards. Land im!lroved 90%. Deed restrictions govern improvements , P" ovide for uniform 11 set backs 11 an<l pr otect against subver sive rac i al element s . Conveniences all readily avnilable . This is a well planned district , with goo d streets , which ,·.as subdivided sonn 15 or more years ago 1 and is now nco.r ing complet e d ove l opll'tlnt . Constructi on is of high standard qual ity o.nd mnintcnunce is of good charuote r. Harmonious o.rchitectural des igns and uniform 11 set backs 11 a dd greatly to the appenrnnco of the district . Population is of tho iocdio.l income level and is homogeneous , There ore a number of multiple - family structures soa ttered thr oughout the nrea o.nd these , coupl ed with high percent of dcvelopmmt , procil udc higher than n 11ioodinl bl ue 11 grade . 9. LOCATION ...... Southwe st CAUTION: . SECURITY GRADF......?~-~··· AREA NO-.l3.• §J.. DATE..3- l6-."1 This nren is our rently nffocto d in v.ho l o or in pe.rt by nn Ad vnlorem Tax D:st r ict . Individuul properties sho.uld be checked fo r this he.zn~ AREA DESCRIPTION Incrc'J?~ress~!:iymen, I. POPULATION: a. retir!f'~;\e, arti5ts, Sr.ct!iL--··--·-·· b. Class and Occupation_ authors and business executives. Income S5000 and up Q_l NegT(L..9______ ~ c. Foreign Familics.__ e. Shifting or In/i!tration, _ _ __ __ _ _ ~f.9.~~ ..ImI>.Q.J'.~.n~,- --------- - 2. BUILDINGS, a. Nationwa~lin~·es'- -----=------- . ··········-·- ...!.~93 PREDOM!NATING d. OTIIER TYPE ___,,, 8 rooms & up T,t>e and Site b. Construction Stu cco & masonry c. AVCTage Age e. OccuJxmc, f. Owner-occupied g, 1935 Price Bmdcet h. ....95,~•~------ 1937 Price Bracket .. 19,}9............. Price &acket $ _8000-15,000 ..&. up ............ % j, Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket $ 1937 Rent Bmcket $ a rental district•······-· 1i n. --------------·Rent Bracket ~ Rentals are on o. Rental Demand This is not %cMflg~ -·---~ ······- -% .. __,,, caretaker basis, p. Predicr.ed Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa,,:,,.) No... e5. . . .Type 6- 8 rooms & Pric,_!~_Q<l~_QQHow S.Uing Owne r built 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL.~- ~ - - b. Instituticti~•--.c.o_ _ SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (_,,3.~y,.) a. HO•=- ~ ~ - - b. 1nstitution.s,_~F~••~"- - 5. 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, _ _ _ _ _ 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193..._) $_ _ __ 8. DESCR!PTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Hillside o.nd hilltop . Jtany construction hazards . Ocean view homesites . Land improved 10;! . iJeed restrictions e;overn improvements, provide architectural supervision and protect against suhve rs i v0 r acial olemonts. Conveniences are largely inadequate with transportation lacking, which is not particularly detrimontal owing to p rivo.toly owned automobiles. This subdivision was pl.need on 1ho JJ1D.rket in 1927- 28 as c.n oxclusivo district. The depression interrupted promotiono.l effort o.nd tlovelopmont wo.s slow . Rocontly activity ho.s revived sorrcwh:lt but now residenc es hnvo boon loss imposing than original improvements . Construc tion and maintona.nco arc of tho highest quo.lity. Archit e cturnl designs uro imposing nnd popul&.tion is high clans nnd hom:igoncous . Proximity to oil wolls und tnnk farms t o the south o.n:l. cast, o.nd outlet to out f ull sower n mile to tho south, nro dot ri.m:mtn l factors and cro!'.te sales r os istencc. \',hilo loco.ti.on of uron is n sightly one, it is OOliovod thnt much high pressure exploitation will be nooossnry to dovolop it into a class of district which wc-.s origino.lly intended . The v.roa is nccordcd u provisionnl 11 hc.tchod high bluo 11 grudo . Hatched 9. LOCATION....PJ,e,ce...!!.e.LE~y___.... SECURITY GRADE...ano... c AREA NO-!l.c.lll..... DATF3=.<.la3.9 143 AREA DESCRIIYTION Security 1. POPULATION: Map ofYos ~es_Cou.fil_Y _ _ _ a. 1ncreasing Rapidly Decrearina: Income $1500- 25~ -------·--· Whi te co ll ar wor kers, ar tisans , airport & oil f i el d empl_oyee~ , etc. c. Foreign FamilieJ_Q_J Nationalities d. Negro__Q_ __ ~ b. Class and Occuparior, e. Shifting OT lnfilt,-ation _ __ _ __ __ 2. Bt-1LDINGS, None.. ap=ar = • n = • ~ - - - - - - - -- PREDOMINATING a. T'JPt and Si~ 5 22_.__1 OTiiER TYPE r ooms b. Construction __ Stucc o ~ - - - - - - c. A~age Age _J:½ ye ar s e. Occ1'pancy ...Q.o.oP.~ - - - - - ·-·29;;_ _ _ _ __ g. 1935 PTice Bracket $ New a,;r![! a _______ ~ change h. 1937 Price Bmcket ·-··-·--- 1, 1/• C -193-9·-··--··-Pric, &ocket LU!OO.c4,QQ __._ j. Sales Demand _ _G.c_o,~ - - - - - - k. P"'lict,d Pric, Tund (n= 6-12 month,) %change Stat i o to down 1935 Rent & ocket m. 1937 Rent Bracket o. Rental Demand p. Predicted Rt:nt Trend (nm 6,.12 months) 5 rm stucco J. NEW CONSTRUCTION (prut ,.,,.) No. __ 39_Q...._T,i,,, & Pric, ~~ ..-.How S.lung Readily 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (_,._,.,,.) a. HO~- ~ o ~ - - b. 1 . . -...,_--" o_ __ HOL. _ _ _O~-- b. I ~ 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_ ....~!.I... .L!Tu<)i. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (l_9/J~$_25, JQ 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACfERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level to slightly rolling . No constrtction hazards . Land illlproved 15% (o?dng to r apidity of growth area is only T>artially hatched) . teed rest r ictions gover n impr oveimnts , provide unifonn set backs and pr otect a gain st racial hazards . Convenienc es Bro all r eadily available , This o.reo. was subdivid ed sollll 6 yeur s ago , but little development took plo.c e unt il 1937 . Si nce tho.t time a ctivity has been most pronounced . Construction is of standar d quality . Mnintcnanco is of good cha r acter , and ur c hitcctu r o.l designs o. re ploosing . Improvel!llnts nre o.s yet quito sc ntte rcd , mo.ny streets nre unimproved and sowers nre lo.e king . Proximity to a moo.11 oil fie ld to tho wost , o.n v.irport t o tho southeast , o.nd presonco of a br ick yo.rd in no r section a ll unfavorabl e fo.ctors . It is stated thnt de finite stops bo ing t o.ken to airport and briokytl.rd romovod._ Populnrity nnd po.ttorn of district arc fai r ly well established , but per c ont of development is so low and smo.11 equity om1orship is so univorso. l, t ho.t it ie not deomod wise t o accord othe r tho.n a. provisiono.l 11 low blue " 9. LOCATION Grrunoroy Park SECURITY GRADE..~.~·-·~· AREA N0..2:!12.. DATE.2:l~9 AREA DESCRII'TION Security M ap oLlP.2._~ c l cs County 1. POPULATION: a. Increaring, _ _R_opL1= · d~ l Ly_ _ _ Decrea.sin,,.__ _~1-nc_o_m_c-,..1500~~0···----- b. C lass and Occupatio•, 'Thi to co lla. r VK> r kerc, nir port 0mployocs , skilled a.rtiso.ns , otc . c. Foreign Families _ 9 ~ e. National;.·.,· - - - - - -- -- - - Shifting ur In:filtration, _ _ __ __ _ _ __Nonc __ (\ppnron,_t 0 2. BUILDING& PREDOMINATING _2 a. T:it,e and Site b. d. Repair Occupancy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ OTilER TYPE 6 rooms Stucco ConstTUetion c. A11eJage Age e. & •.. JOO% 6 months f. Oumtt-o=pi,d g. h. 1935 Price Bracket ! ______ 1937 PTice Bracket ...193.9............ Pric, B,ack,t $ 4250- 5750 ..... j. Sales Demand Slow k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-1 2 months) Static I. 1935 Rent &acket m. 1937 Rem Brochet $ 1,cha,t1'\e No ............... % -~ o. Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 montru) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (prut )".) No ... ..75.. ._Type Iii 5 &: 6 r ooms Priceli.!?5Q:-5..75Q......H = S.Uing 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ~.3.:,,.J a. HO,u..._ Slowly HOL.L..._--"o_ _ _ b. Inscitution.l,_-"..o_ __ __,o~-- b. In.stitution~•-~O~- - 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, __ er,mJ.9•...Lllil-.L 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (1931c) 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, $.2<',.IQ. Terr Level . No construction ho. za.rds . Land improvod 155'. Dcod re strict ions govorn imp-- ovo.oonts, provido uniform sot backs nnd protoct o.go.inst ro.cio.l hazards . Convonioncos aro nll ronsormbly nvo.ilablo . Mo..ny streets uro unir:iprovod and sowers lo.eking. Thnt por tion of tho aron west of 'io ste r n Ave . vJO.s r ecently plo.cod upon the zr,.:i.rkot and , under tho stimulus of vroll directed promotionnl effor t c.nd FtlA Title II firumcing , he.:; l\l.rcady nttc.inod u do volopncnt of over 15%. Construc tion is of hir,h sto.ndnrd quo.l ity and a rc hi tccturo. l designs arc plor.sing o.nd bi d fair to being harmonious. Tho o.roo. is designed to o.ppenl to the lower rrcdium income gr oup . Adjoeoneo to the Dyce r Airpor t is n dotr imonto.l factor. However , court o.ction ho.o begun to force removal of tho airport nnd , if this is accomplisho:1, it will benefit tho C'.rco. . While h::>mo ownership is 1 ~, equity invostroont is vary low and bri ngs into que stion tho economic stability of th:> distr ict . Tho nroa is c.ccordod n ~tchcd 11 low blue" gr ade . ~.h Hutche d 9. LOCATION _9.~9L&L '"le.soJ.!lJ<!,m.... SECURITY GRADE...2:i<Lc. AREA NO_..Jl.=l\6. ~ AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of_½l~-~~J-~~--.99.w!.tr ____ ,_,_ 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing ____ ~.Pi~JY......·--·····--···· Decreasin,s - - - - ~ - = - Swtic _ _ _ Incorre ; 1500-2500 b. Clas.J and Oroqiation Skilled and semi-skilled artisans, white co llar workers , etc • . 2. •· ~ l'am:ltes .....Q____~ e. Shifting o-r Jnfilt.Tatu,n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,N,,9ne a.J2E.!!"Jla..c nt"'----------- Nadonalitie- - - - - - - - - - - - - BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING a. Type and SQ'.e ..2 rooms b. Construcrion Stu cco c. Average Age 6 months d. Repair e. Occupancy 100_.\I. Good .J.Q.=---- --- f. Owner-occupied .Jow.~--- -- g, 1935 Price Bracket $ h. 1937 Pria Bracket ~~-"_ " _ __ k. Pmlicted Price Trend (next 0-12 monrh.s) ..•§t~:\i..~ - - - - - - 1935 Rent Bracket $...Jlot~ m. 1937 Rent OTIIER TYPE Bracket n. _________ Rent Bracket o. Rental Demand 1,change NeYl'.f!.rea ··- $ .r~nt______________ $ area _ _ _ _ _ p. Predicted Rent Tttnd (nut 6-12 months) ~ change jl,,hang, t,change .%. .... \1. _ _1, __1 5 rm stucco 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION ( yr.) No ..,.;;:5, ..•••T,pe & Price jL,Q~5.Q._ .How SeUing ...,_,,Ke:~.9.U..Y.--4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.. 3. ,,-.) a. HOLC- ....... 0 ·····-···· · b. lrutilution, ___ .•Q a. HOL.~- ~ - - - b. lrutiuaion, ..............0..... 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,__~l•·····--· 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193ilc.) $-52...7.Q_.... 1939 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Ter rain: Level . No construction hazards. Land improved 5%. Deed restrictions govern improve:mcnts , provide lllliform set backs a.nd protect against racial hnznrds •• Conveniences a r e as yet inadequate . Many stroets unimproved and s ewors lo.eking. This subdivision ho.s just been plo.cod on the mnrkot nnd seem::; to have a r eo.dy o.ppoo.l to the workers in nonrbv factorios rutd Los Angelos Uunicipo.l Air port (Minos Fie ld ) . I 1??provonxrnts arc to be 100"/o by FHA Title II insured l oons• nnd construct i on is therefore of good qua l ity . Pr oximity to ai rfield, oil wells o.nd oil refineries dotr iloo nto.l influoncos. Pnt torn of urea. is by no moo.ns csto.blishcd o.nd , thorofo ro, only o. provisional 11 low bluo 11 is accorded. Hatched 9. LOCATION ..... ,\i.Q>ll!:.V..l!I:k.•........ SECURITY GRADE.2nd....c.. AREA NO-..ll.a.81. DATE.3.=-tif9 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of__L.QlL.:!9..1-L~l~§....9.9.l:lD.t.Y.---·--···· 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing Moderately Decreasing__ _~ - - ~ Static.·-·-·--Professional & business men , minor executives , office b. Class and Occupation workers, etc. c. Foreign Families... _9_1, Inoooo ~l800- 3600_,ae,nd"--- -"u"'---------- Nationalitie·'-------=-- - - - - - - - - 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING .:15.....J a. Type and Si;:e ___ Stucco_ _ _ _ __ b. Construction c. Average Age d. Re-pair OTIIER TYPE 7 rm bungalows & _2 __ storie.~.- '3:µplexo & ______ _ near Pico Blvd . e. Occupancy f. Owne,-occup;,d g. h. 1935 Price Bracket 1937 Price Bmcka !..15.0.0.c575.0........... . lO.......\I> .J93L ... ...... Pric, Bmck<1 }_;i000- 6oOO .. 10 ... 'ii, j. Sales Demand ___Go~od~- - - - - - k. Predicted Price Tr1md (n= 6-12 montlu) 1935 Rent Bracket Stabl e m. 1937 Rent Bracket ··············· ,,, n. .l9;U. __... R<nt Bmcka o, Rental Demand $ 4_0. - ..50 _.. -···....J,, ...... 'I, Predicted Rent Trend _§..'t~.!:J,-.ec_ _ _ _~~ (next 6-12 months) 5 & 6 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pas, ,,..) N,.. §2 ...3,P< & Priu .!~.75..9.:§2.QQ .......How S<Uing ..!'J<l~c".!?lL p. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOL. ~ - - ~ - - b. Irutitwnm1c Few <.. t.:vr.) a. HOL~- ~ 2 ~ - - b. Institutions Few 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES 6. MORTGAGE RJNDS· Ample 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (19Jil.::) $ 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, 1939 52 ,70 : Level to rolling. No construct i on hazards, Land improved 75,:! . Deed r estrictions gene rally limit impr ovements to single - family dwollin[; s , but provide for mult i ple structures in dosigna.tod locc.t ions . Als o govern s et backs and protect against racial ho.zard3. Schools, churches , r ocr:oo.tional a.nd trading centers conveniently nvailablo . Transportation is furnished by Pico Blvd . bus lino . Aroa was subdivided and placed on the roa.rkot soro 15 yoars ago , but has oxpcr ionc ad its gr eatest a ctivity durinG tho 5 years. Much of now deve lopment has be en tho r e sult of FHA firmncinG •· Construction ond muintcrw.noo arc of good charo.ctcr. Architccturo.l designs nre harmonious ; population is homogonaoos , The ago difforontio.l in improvom:mts is mitigo.tcd by quality of upkoop .. Tho nru.lti - fumily dwollings (mostly duplexes) in northe rn part do not o.ppo.rcntly affect dc siro.bility, Proximity to pn.rk s , country clubs o.nd motion picturo studios fo.vor9:blo influence s, Tho o.roo. is a ccorded n 11 high bluo" . TE3=1;;19 9. LOCATION ......Q,,.s d .!>DSL::...f.I9_Q......... SECURITY GRADE.2e4....±. AREA NO...~.7.~~.. DA AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL-~<2LAP..r;gJ.9_JL..9.9.~~Icy._.:_ ___ _ o~i!~!is. ~i~n l . POPULATION: a. Incre~ ?ic white wo r kers , skiiTe'dartI~ b. Cltwand Occupation factory executives , etc , -Incone $1800- 3000 and up c. Foreign Families ....J~~..w%. Nationalities.-.... ........~.2-~.~-..§~_1?Y.~.r.-~.!Y..~'----- s-~--· d. N,gro._.0. ......:f, e. Shifting or In.filtration, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _None _apparent,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, a. Type and Site b. PREDOMINATING ..5. & .....95 1, OTIIER TYPE 6 r ooms Construction c. AWTage Age d. Repair e. Occut,anc, Good f. Owner-occupied ..... 90%_ _ _ _ _ __ g. 1935 Price Bracket ! ...35Q0c55Q.Q__ h. 1937 Pric, B,ackn tJ.o.QOc60.QQ .....'!> .. 1939 .............. Pric, B,acket fJ,0.0.0., 6QQQ ···············"' j. Sales Demand k. P,-,d;ct,d fu, T,end (next 6-12 moruh,) 1935 Rent Bracket l.39_c_/15. .... 1937 Rent Brackec $40 - 59 1,chang, ;(change ·······"' ___ ...'?, o. Rental Demand ...............%. _ ___1 .... Good,_ _ _ _ _ __ p. Predicted Rent Trend .... ~:t::Q,'J;ic~ - - - - (next 6-12 months) 5 & 6 rooms 3. NEW CONS1RUCT1ON {past ,-,.) No._g5..Q.........T,r,, & fu, jlJg:iQ:~Q.......How &lung 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HQ,._.__ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (...2.. ,-,.l a. HOL,'-- ~ - - - Readily _ , ~ - - b. lnstiaaion~,~F~'e~'"--- 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, - ........'"-'i>J~ .......... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (liJ~i? $-2s.,..19... - ......... 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Te rra in: Level wi th favo r able grades . Uo construct i on ha za rd s . Land impr oved 65% • . Dee d r estrictions are adequate and inc lude prote c t i on against racial hazards . Zoning is preponde r antl y single family r esi dential . Conveni ences are a ll r eadily availuble , exc ept in extr eme so uthe r n pa r t which is new and onl y partially devel oped . This area i s over 10 year s old but was largely dormant until 1935 when , under stimulus of FHA Title II fino.ncing , it bee.rune o.otive and for past 3 years has b:len a 11 hot spot 11 • Construction is of good stnndard quality. Maintennnce shows pride of ownership . Architectural designs are pleasing . Both population and improvements houogenoous . This is a popular distric t with Federal , Sto.te , County and City omployoes o.nd officials . An air port to the wost of tho d i s trict has boen o. somowhat unfo.voro.ble fo. ctor, but 11 movomont fo r its r omovo.l i s to bo fnvoro.bly rogo.rdod in officia l circlos . The l oco.tion of the aroo. is sightly o.nd fc.vornble, but thorc is some doubt tho.t p r csont favorable dovo l opmont ,·Ji ll c ontinua. It is thcroforo accor dod o. 11 high bluo 11 gro.dc •.. 9. WCATION ___§outh..""'2.§..t____ ._ SECURITY GRADE...~o!l....:': AREA NO-.ll.c.il9. DATE...i:,Jld9 11,B AREA DESCRII'TION Security Map of .. Los_.Ang_o l e~ CouIJ.t Y 1. POPULATION: a. ____ _ lncrcaslng _ ______ ~_].._cg_Y. ...................... Decreasin Sfaric __ Business &: professi ona l men, minor executiv es , I nc ome $1800- 3000 b. Class and Occuparion ____ ,-tiite _collar & s ervico worke rs. c. Foreign FamilieL..9_ j Narionali,·.·~- -- - - - -- - -- - e. Shifting ur Infiltration, _ _ _ _ ···-·---------- None!l!.par ent,_ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOM!NA°l1NG b. .95 ...% OTHER TYPE ..5-6.. r m__ bun,.g.,,al00ow=•--- a. Type and Site Constfflction c. AveTage Age d. R$1ir _2 yeJJ,r__~• - - - - - - ,. O<cupancy -~ f. Owna-occup;,d ...95J\_ _ _ _ _ __ g. 1935 Price Bracket $ h. 1937 Price Bracket $ 4500-6000 ...- ... ..19}9 ...... Price B,a,i<,,, tt.soo-6000 ··-·····-· ;. Sal,, Demand __QQQ<\,__ _ _ _ __ k. P,-edicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket $.._JJnimJ;lt.QY..e.d........... ~-f-~!.'.S'~ 'l,change t15.=....QQ.__ _ ...............% ...............% ___ '!, ___.1 ~------ 4000- '25W ·-······ '!,,hang, <f, ..... .... $ ·······-··- - ·- - ·····- % _ _ ...1, __static,_ _ _ _ __ m. 1937 Rent Bracket n. _J,9.3:t_____________ Rent Bracket o. Demand $ 45 - 60 p. Predicted Rent Trend ~ S~t•=t~i~ c _ _ _ _ _~ (next 6-12 month!} 5- rm bung . 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past ,r.) No .... }.?._ ?....._T,pc & Price_(¥.!7_?_Q: 6.2_Q2... -..How Selling 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( .?..0,.) 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS: ---· ·- Ai.,pl e a. HOL.~- -- a. HOL.'---- --=-- - Mo derately b. lnstitutions. _ _ _ o_ _ - b. Institutions, _ _::_O_ 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 C lJ'f,? $,,5~2_.7~0_ _ _ _ 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Te rrain : Level t o r olling . No construction hazard s. Land impr oved 50"/o . Deed re stri ctions limit imp rover.ien-t s to singl o fami ly str uc tur e s. provide uni fo r m set backs and pr otect a gain st r a ci a l hazards. Convenie nc e s are o.1 1 ava ila ble but not readi l y so. This is l a r gely a new subd ivision ,vttich has been plac e d on the mnrket i.•rithin the past 3 years . Unde r stimulus of well di re c te d sales c ampo.i gn and FHA Title II fino.ncing tho aroo. ho. s e xpe r ienced groo.t ac tiv ity in trn past 2 year s . Construction is o f good stand ard quo.lity . Cho. ro.cte r of mninteno.nce is not yet c le ar . Arch ite ctu r a l de signs a r e fill.nnonious and p l oc..sing . Populnti on i s hoioo gene ous . Improvements , while gene r al l y goo d , a r e somcwho.t bettor and mor e imposing in we ste rn purt . Lot vc.luos run o.r ound $20 per f r ont foot . Loc ati on is not an appealing ono and platti ng l oo.ves s ome thi ng to be desi r ed. Tho presence of o. la r go milk d i s t ributing plant ad joining th e nr oa on tho sou:t}l. i s o. d is tinc t ly unfo.vor o.blc fa ctor. Many of the o.ttr ibutos of n f irst aron oxist har e , nn d it is currentl y u 11 hot spot 11 • Hovrover, aft er rev i ewing o.11 fu ctor s it is not f e lt tho.t highz r tho.n o. 11 mo dio.l blue" gr i s wo.rra.ntcd. 9. LOCATION ....!.L\_J; --·- ··· SECURITY GRADE.....""'1.... AREA NO...Jl."9.0. DAW.::.'n,i9 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of_Ji9..1}.••. !¥1E~-~-~--~---g2.Y.n'Y.Y.... 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing Slowly Income :,sl ~2lj:00- 5 I:kcreasing b. Class and Occupation Uotion picture studio employees, white collar workers FOTeign Families.....~ .....-~ NatioMUtie,~-----------Uone e. Shi/ting or In.filtration.,_,_ 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING 4&5 a. T1pe and Siu b. OTHER TYPE rooms Constr«ction c. Awrage Age d. Repair e. .Y.O_j Occa.tpancy Owner-occupied g. 1935 l'ric, Bwckei !,u.\J.1' h. 1937 Pria Bracket $ .J939 ..............l'ric, fu<>eke! $. 2500~ 3750....... j. Sale.s Demand k. Pmlicttd Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket m. ....%. ·····-· % .............. % ........• % ~-(:~~ )(change Fair -~ta.tic to down ~ Sparsely built 1937 Rent Bracket o. Rental Demand p. pc::~l~~!;:1 Good ~•~ti~·•~----4-& 5 t -~S 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No. ___ .2.2_ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, 5. 'l,chang, SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (..3 ..,,-.) _____Type a. room_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Hou• Seiling .. X~~-~~-~~- & Price (-i2500- J~OOO HOLC. _--.:0:......_ _ b. lrutitutionu.s_ __;:o_ _ b. lnstitutions _ _-"-o__ 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, Limited oxcep"7 TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (1937.c.) $ FHA 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA 52 070 Terrain : Low lying level. Serious drainage problem create s slight construction ho.zard. Land improved 15%. 3chool:; , chur ches and tradinr; centers are reasonably available. Transportation is inadeque.te. Some unimproved and dead-end streets. Deed restrictions are suid to bo inndequate but do protect against racial hazards . Developrnont of this a.roe. started sorrc o.go but it remained lo.rgely dormo.nt, until soroo 3 years El.GO when , under the impetus of FHA Title I & Ti tlo II finnncing, a period of mild activity began. Construction runs from poor substc.ndo.rd to stundo.rd quRlity . Fl~\ loo.ns ! been muinly under Title II, o.lthough quite a fow Title I loc.ns wore else built. Popu l a.tion, improvoroonts o.nd muintono.nce are o.11 inclined to heterogeneity. Tho o.roo. occupies c. low-lying but woll-positionod loco.tion, o.nd is accorded o. provisionu~c-~ci 11 low bluo 11 gro.dc • solely upon tho high per cont cf now sto.ndo.rd quo.lity improvcmonts . 9. LOCATION ......l&L;lngoJ..c.o__··· SECURITY GRADE.?>,Lc. AREA N0.-~9I. DATE.3.,:)3=.:F,J 150 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL-12.L.~~!_~.~ ..E.9£.II~Y- - -···--l. POPULATION: a.. lncreasing __ ······M_~.~.r.~'!:.i;,_!X .......... DecreaJin,-~ - ~ ~ - - - Static ..•. Business and professi onal men, motion picture _ etc . Income c1500- 3000 b. Class and Occupanon_emJ?..l QY..eesL..fil'illed artisans4 c. Foreign Famifies.__Q__ _.1. e. Narionali.™·~- - - - - - - - - - - - d. Neg,o. __ Q.••.f Shifting ur In(iltTation _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _N.9ne....a..Ppnr~nt.~- -- -- - - - - - 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING ____ 95\1, OTIIER TYPE a. T,pe and Site b. Con,m,ction _:::.tucc-o_ _ _ _ __ c. Average Age .. 3 ;y:ears_ _ _ _ __ d. Repair _Good~------ e. Occupancy Owner-occupied g. 1935 Price Brndret h. 1937 Pria Bmcker see below t .BQ .. JJ10.c1<,,.t.J__ $ %.~""~R.•. 3250-4500 ...... 1> .........~ %cha~ge i. L9.,,....... ......... Pria &acket $... 3.29.Q: 4729 ..._. j_ Saks Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket ... J1ood for new improvements otherwise only fair --~~t;_ic,_ _ _ _ __ 1937 Rent Bracket $ ..• rent...... ________ _ ... J, n. ----·-·-·······-·--·Rent Bracket $ ____ a_rea ____ _ __ __'!, o. Rental Demand (c"'°'¥ p. 3. fudicted &n, Trend (next 6-12 months) 5 & 6 rooms NEW CONSTRUCllON (pa,1 -,,.) No.......75. ......T,p, & Pric, jl.,QQQ.-:.'25.Q..Q.. .. ..How &/Ung 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HO•~- ~ ~ - - b. lnstitutioru I<'ew 5.. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (3. .. -,,.) a.. HO~- ~ - - - b. Institurioru Few Rapidly 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, .......h!nl?.l& ................ 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (I93§c) $.5.s.,:L.4... 1939 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERJSTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Low level, constitut i ng dr aimge p r obl-,m, and sl i ght construction ha zard. Land improved 25:,~ . Deed re~trictions limit improvements to single - family and protect against r a c ial hazards . Conveniences are o.11 o.vo.ilable rut not readily so . This c.reo. was subdivided o.nd pl a ce d upon the ma r loot som3 15 years o.go . An Ad vo.lor(;lm bond i ssue ho. lted developm:mt until it was elimino.ted approxim11tely 3 years a.go . Sin ce thnt t irre, tmder stimulus of l ow price d lots (:.;10 to $15 pe r front foot) and F!L'i. Title II financing , the ur ea ho.s become very o.ctivo . Aside from soroo 40 or 50 structures about 15 yonrs old, improvements a r e practic ally new. Construction is inclinod to be substandard e.nd oven FHA Title II houses are barely standard . Mn intono.ncc is of to good quality . Improvomonts attro.ctiveao ss , architocturo.l des i gns b eing without uppoa. l. Locat ion is pono.lizo d by oil wells hnlf mile to south and tho big L . G. H. motio n picture studio on tho north, with low-lying undovo lopcd territory on south nnd west . Thero n re a few duplexes along Jnsrnino St . on ern border. While there arc CL numbe r of unfavoro.blo influences, current activity and lCNr o.vo r a.go ago of i mp r ovcnoonts p l us optomistio ~ttitudo of r oo.lto rs, tho o.oo o f o. '1l ow blue 11 gr 9. LOCATION .....9.~1~<!£...9.i:!';y..~Jc... SECURJTY GRADE._g_~.L: AREA N0~:9.~. DATE2::lJ.:l9 CAUTION : - -- This a r oo. is currently o.ffootod in wholo or in part by on Ad vo. lorom Tax District. Individual pr oper tie s should 00 checked for this hnzo.rd . 151 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of_._12..~ __ !filg_~J~..~....Q.Q..imt..Y. _________ _ t. POPULATION: a. Increasing Ranidly Decrettsin Hotion pic ture studio employees, skilled a r tisans and white collar workers, Income ~1500 .. 2400 Sratic ---····-·-···· b. Class and Occupatinn c. FoTeign Familie.s.....Q. ____~ Nationalim·· " - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - d. Negro ..........0 % e. Shifting or lnfiltTation,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.....,,Noeen~-~.P,~P,e•r'-"e""nt,___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING 100 % OIBER TYPE a. Type and Size Stucco b. CorutTuction c. Average Age d. Repair ___ l _year _ _ _ __ Good .......JoQ'fo,,,._ _ _ _ __ e. Occupancy /. Owne,-occupi,d g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Price Bracket .. l9}9... . Price B,acket j. Sales Vt!mand k. PTedicted Price T1'end (mn 6-12 month.,) 1935 Rent Bracket L ............ 10o%e,,_ _ __ %change ......% ~ ... .J 2000- 3000 Good Static $ Not a 1937 Rent Bracket ... ···-···-.l~ent Bracket o. Rental Demand p. Pr«licted Rent Tmui (next 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (,,-.) No...9.9. __ ...Type 4 &: 5 nn stucco bungalows & Price $2000-}000 J.1ow Selling Readilv 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL.<-------'0----'----- b. lnstitu:W,n,.._ _----'--- 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (2....y,.) a. HOLC . - ~ ~ - - b. Jrutiturioru ................. 6. MORTGAGE FUND£!.\!4>J~... : ...1)~.!.~.. I7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193§.:) 1939 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, o $..2.?.,_Jb.....--·· Terrain: Low lying flat . A distinct drainage problem creates slight construction hazard. Lund improved 201/~ - Concentration of improvement s on thr ee street s, balance sparsely improved . Deed rest r ictfons give wide- latitude in mutter of improvements but limit to single- family dwellings and prote ct o.gainst racial hazards . This is u new area and cornreniencos a re as yet all inadequate and dis tant . i.inny dea.d- end o.nd uilimprovod. stre0ts . This o.r<m is u promotional enterprise which is bein~; n.lmost viholly finenced with FHA Title I loans . It is currently in the p r imr ry of devclop:!lent. Construction is ve ry largely substandard. Archi tecturnl do signs are plonsing .and harmonious. Lot values run arou.'1d $ 7 per f ront foot. It is l ocated in undovolopcd te rritory, much of which is l O"l·t lying o.nd Convenience to industrio.l employment , particularly three motion picture studios , is a. faYora.blc fa.otor. Oil wells nre looa.tcd with in one h:-,lf mile to tho wost. It is rm oxceodin g ly hard a ree. to grade but, 11 after roviowing ull facto r s , it is t hou[<p.t best to give it a provisionul 10\·r bluon dosignntion. 9. LOCATION ...... S:t.uo.i<> SECUR!IT GRADE... 2.nd.. c AREA DATasl5d .9 ~: This o.r on is currently nf foctod in vihole or in pc.rt by nn .·ld valo r cm Tux District. Individuul properties should bo oh:ickod for thi s hazard. 152 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oLJ-.:~.~----~-&~.!.~--~ County 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing Slowly Decreasing Income ~-7,co-an~------·---·· b. Class and Occupation Professi onal and business men and capitalists~ executives etc. e. Shifting or In/i!muion None a PREDOMINATING 2. BUILDINGS, a. Type and Stucco & masonry 12 year s Average Age Excellent d. Repair e. OTIIER TYPE ~ _rooms and up Si:i:e b. Construction c. 95 ____;1\ Occupancy Owne,--occupied g. 1935 Pr.a Bracket $ __ 0000- lfLOOO_QP %':hange h. 1937 Price &racl::et ~.J9..,.QQQ:::.15.J_QQQ__ y.p .. . .1959.. ........ Price Bracket ~..!9... Q9.Q::-J5.J.9QQ....~P .. _.......%. j, Sales Demand k. Predict.ed Price Trend (next 6-12 month5) 1935 Rent Bracket % Poor,'-------- ___'-- - - - - f_To.Q ... f..ew:.______________ %...~-~~~ m. 1937 Rent Bracket o. Rental Demand p. P,,edicted Rent Trend 3. (next 6-12 nwnrhs-) NEW CONSTRUCTION (past )'T.) No~...6. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.3 ..:,,.l 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, Ample .........Type 8 rooms & Pnce fil5.,.Q00...§.:. .:1.nLHow SeUing ·--~-~--_built a. HOL.1_.;.__,,o_ _ _ b. Institution.L ..Y..~.r.X...f.§!Yf___ _ a. HOLC......... .O. .. . b. .... _ 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 !\f}i1 ~$~52_•~70_ __ 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terr ain: Level , no construction hazards. Land impr oved 85%. Fully deed restricted. Conveniences all readily available. This a:fea was subdivided some 15 to 20 years ago and developed ver y rapidly. Improvements were lt1.rgely owner - built and construction , mv.intcnanc e and architectural designs are of exc ellent quality . Population is homogeneous and area is harmonious in ap;_;oaranoe . l.iost homes in area are sti ll in the hMds of original owners . Proximity to Fremont Park Pla ce and lffilsh irc Blvd. are favorable influences. The High School on the southeast border is somewhat detrimental to adjo.cent property . The substantial nntur e of impr ovement and p opulation, coupled with high prid e of ownership exhibi tod indicate s a n e xtended period of dcsirab :D ity. 11 The o.reo. is , therefore , o.ccordcd a 11 high blue grade. 9. LOCATION ...Jfil>hicg.J)_i...ot;_, ____ ...... SECURITY GRADE..?'><!.. .:':. AREA NO•. ...!lc9/i. DATElc.2.:3..9 153 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map 0£.l.&.L&igo.l•JL.P.oimty_. ____ _ l. POPULATION: a. Increasing, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Decrcasin b. Class and Occupac:ion_ Profe s5:ional Static .. Yes __ _ l n co~ $5000- 10 ,000 & up &: b usiness men, Ofil)italist~ecutives,_etc . __ c. Shifting or lnfiltTation, _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~ne:_.a~n:.~---------2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING a. Type and Si~e f3- 10 ___ro_oms _..'J'i.. _'/, OTHER TYPE aaj __ U,P. b. Constrnction ..f,)tucco ...o: ... c. Average Age .....15~.-YJ).~X: . • - - - - - d. Rtpair ·····;;~~.f'.ll.fil}j;,_ _ _ __ t, Occupancy Own,,-occup;,d g. 1935 Price Bracket $ 8000-12 1 000 t:. up%dwige h. 1937 Pric, B,ack,t §...9000- 15 , 000 &_.up .__.__1 $ 9000- 15,000 & up···- i. l939-·-·······-····Pria B,ack<t ;. Sale, Demand Poor k. Predicted Price T1end (next 6-12 nt011.tli, ) 1935 Rent Bracket Static m. 1937 Rent Bracker ..... ________________ JUnt Bracket o. ····-··'I, ,f,change Too few .. }, to L_~stira9. te ............... % __ 'f, $ .•.. . --- % Rental Demand Predicted Rent Tmtd (ntxt 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (Jxut ,,.) No.•..Q_ . .-..T:,p, /!I !'ria - - ~p. --"°"' S.lUng _ _c:___ _ _ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL...__ .-,2s___ _ b. I~ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.) ...,.-.) a. HOL•.__ _,__ _ 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_ lio d"">!t~<!.---·· 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (19:tlsJ $.5£Lil9...._.__ _ 1939 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain : Level, no constru ction hazards. Land improved 95%. Fu lly deed protected both ns to improvement s and population. Conveniences nll readily availc.ble . Thill nren v;t,.s subdivided some 20 y enrs ngo nnd wns immediately popular. Construct ion , Illl\int cno.nce nrrl o.rchitectur(ll designs nre of excellent cte r , Populntion is homogeneous and improvements o. r o harmonious. Proximity to Wilshi re Blvd. o.nd Fremont Po.rk Place fo.vornblo influences. Area is o.ccorded o. 11 h i gh bluc 11 grndo . 9. LOCATION ...J Y1A~-~9.!:...§9.~!:~----··-· SECURITY GRAOE...~<L.!. AREA N0~.-11=95.. DATE..3.=2.:-..3.9 154 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map o ~os An__g_oles County _._____ _ 1. POPULATION: RapiC:ly a. Increasing DeCTt ruing I ncome $3000- 6000 Staiic ..-····---···- b. Class and Occupation..P.r.-9J'.~_:ttl.9.ng_l_Uµ_§ J.n~.§_§__~fu. lT!.Ovie executives & te c hnician~·-··--·· Naticnali,~·~- - - - - - - - - - - - c. .Foreign Fctmi!ie.s_Q__%, e. Shift:ing OT 2. BUILDINGS, .... §5_1, PREDOMINATING 6 & 7 OTHER TYPE ~ --~pl exes & 4 - family r ooms b. Corut=tion _St u~co _(~o100_ f'.r.arre) _______ _ c. Average Age ____9._ __year s Stucco J-1..Y.:ea r s Good Good _ .. . 9 . f f i ~ - - - - - - _9...:a,;~------ ..... '/5%,_ _ __ _ _ . ..5Q'/4~------ f. Owne,-occupiol g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Price Bracket $ .6000- 75.00 $.. i .Q ,.0.00- 20 •.000_ i. 1939----- ......... Price Bracket $.9000- 7500 ..... $.10~000- 20 , 000_ j, Saks Demand k. =l~~tfut __S.t a•=·~ - - - - - -~:tfi.:l,.9.,__ _ _ __ L 1935 Rent Bracket i ...4o..~5--- %.~-~!.l~~ t .:;.o. o...15........... .. ..... 'fo $ aooo-16 , 000 n. J.232................. R, nt Bt-ack,t o. Rental Demand p. PTedict.ed Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCl1ON % ·-·-3 __J_'.ai.,._r_ _ _ _ _ __ m. 1937 Rent Rmck<t $ ,20. c..15 ................ .fe ~-3~-=~5...R.~\l.lli t $ 50... -.. 90 ".......... " $ 40 .- ...75 ... "............ :t~.~ .!I~ ............... % ............. <f> Fair Good Sta.tic Multi- farn . $1200.:-22500"""------ Sta.ti c 4o 82.........T,pe & Png,,? '.~~i;oo~OSdUng _ _ _ __ 7 (past,.,.) No..... 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOL 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.3.,,.) a. 6. N,,ro .....9........'.fe d. Infalrration, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~,-9.M. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 b. lruritutin"s Ve r y few HO>LA..-- - - ' 6 " - - - b. lnstiturlol\$ ___ ..... )r~ MORTGAGE F\JNDS,........, !l'i1-~.-· .... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 ( 1939 $.5.e,.19.........._. 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level with no ocnstr uc tion hazards. Land imp r oved 9(],1,;. Well conceived and h i ghly deed rostricted, p r ovision being for multi - family dwellings in definite s cattered districts and str eets. Convenienc es readily available , inc l uding Cartha.y Circ le ; an e xceptional trading a nd nmusement c entEl r . Developmont of arco. bego;n betweon 15 und 20 ye£ ago but a ctivity slaokonod mo..ter inlly 11 durine; depr ession . For past f ive yea r s o.rea has been one of community ' s hot spots" . Latel y , o. l ~rgo percent of improvernonts hnvc been income pr operties , tures struc theso , estrictions r dood to Owing . es x e l quo.drup o.nd duplexes la r gely in haIT.'l.ony with sini:;le - frunily dwelling s- . Const!'u ction , nnintenanco o.nd arohi tocturo. 1 des i gns of exc e llent quo. lity . Population is homogonoous o.nd improvom:mts hn.nnoni ous . Olymp i c o.nd So.n Vicenta Bl v d s . o. r e definite traffic hazards . 11 11 11 Ports of this area might justl y be o.ccor dod a '' l ow gr ccn or high bluc c lo.ssifi oo.tion . Thi s is po.rticu l o.rly true of Alv ira. St . o.nd o.djo.cont thor oughfo.rcs from Whitwor t h Drive South ; howovo r , owi ng to th~ prcval oncc of inc om:, pr oper ties in 11 11 tho o.roa o.s n vrhol o, it i s c. s signcd o. low blue gr udo . 9. LOCATION Ccr thay Ci rcle Dist . SECURITY GRADE.... _?t:i~... - AREA N0~29.. DATE..2::.!..Q::39 CAUTION : This nroo. is current ly c.ffocted in whole or in po.rt by o.n Ad vo.lorcm Tax Distric t . Individual propo r tios should be chocked for this ho.zo.rd . --- 155 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of_L.Q.§.A•n.€,eJ_g§_,Q.g_.tJA:tY...______ _ a. Inaeasing_._______ J.(~pJ9,Jy________________ Decrea.rin Static _____________ Professional & business men, white collar workers, b. Class and Occupation .. ...l?.~.-1.l19.9me,,,_,$'-'l"-80,o0c:-.L.200=0c.:ac!n,:,dc.:ueip'---------- 1. POPULATION: c. e. Foreign Families ..F..e.\Y.•..'&'?.r.'!L.}!3.Y!:~.-----·····-···············-·············· d. Negro O '% Said t o be sli ght infiltration of well-to-do Shifting or In/iftration. _____ immi,gr.~nt....l~.W.l?...Jn:!,;9. __ ~p~_r._t)!l._~µt}10.~u~•~••~• ~ - - - - - - - - 2. BUILDINGS, a. PREDOMINATING b. Construction c. OTHER TYPE ..Bo .•. <f, _6 ___to __ 8 ropms,__ __ T,pe and Size Stucco_ & Qnok ___'f_ Multi-family 10% 5-: r o oms l0i'o Average Age d. Repair .. _9._qgd'-------- e. Occupancy .....9 . 7 % ~ - - - - - f. Owner-occupied g. 1935 Price Bracket !50QOc850.0....... h. 1937 Price Bracket 'f.s.QQO:J..Q,OOQ . i. .!9.3..9................. Price i. Sale..s Demand k. Predicr.ed Price Trend I. 1935 Rent Bracket ~-)li...-.-15.. ...-. m. 1937 Rent Bracket $ •· 19.}9.... • .. Rent 13,ack<t $ 50 - 90 o. Rental Demand ...... _G9.9d,___ _ _ _ __ p. Predict.ed Rent Trend ._.f-3-j:;atic~----- 65%~---- Bracket %change .....% }6000-l0,000 . .fair. to ·-··"""'OOc,dc..__ __ Static (next 6-12 months) (next 6-12 50 - 90 6 months) & 7 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past :,r.) No~......?.2 ....Type 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOL.~_ (2..:,,.) a. HOLC'----'-lc,9c.__ _ b. !n.ttitutio,n,___cF.c.""::___ _ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES 6. MORTGAGE FUN)")S• Ample & Price ~.7000- 10,000 How Selling Readily _.c4c..___ b. lrutitutw'l s Very few 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 q~~~~ $ 5 2 , 70 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrai n: Level with favorable gr ades, No c onstruction hazards . Land improved 85%, Deed rest rictions and zoning differ according to location, ve.rying from s i ngle - family to multi-family residential apartment houses. Conveniences all r ead ily available, The easte r n po.rt of arco. was subdivided sonx:i 20 years o.go; the balance being of more recent deve loprrent. Const ructio n o.nd maintenanc e of good qua lity , improvements g oncro.lly hnrmonious and populo.tion homogeneous, Mortgage men report sutisfo.cto r y lending e xperience in nreo. with l ow percent of fore cl o sur es . Thero i s o. sc o.tto ring of res idential i n come units, mostly duple x es o.nd qundruploxes. It is thi,t o. number of these units hnvc boon rented during tho past year to responsible immigrant Gorrntm Jews.. In view of tho o.go of improvements , substanti nl chgrr,ctor of populati on o.n:l. good loan r ecord, the urea is deoroo d entitled to o. 11 modial bluo 11 gr ade. 9. LOCATION.L>.~.!:QJL.!,....Q~n.i&...... SECURITY GRADE ....g!le .... AREA NO-.k.9.7... DATEJ:9_c29 156 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL-1.Q.'.'L ~~-~.l.~.?___Q.9.!:\!l:~~L.. _____ _ 1. POPULATION: a. lncreasing, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Decreasi ScmicJ'.~§--.··· Incorre $3000- 7500 o.nd up b. Class and Occupation ____ Profes;;:i.on,al __ &: business _me_n...a... retired __ c@ital~st_.~_,__ exec~tiye_~ ... etc . c. Foreign Families ... X~ ..°i? Nationali · None subvers iv e d. Negro.-..9. ....... _.%_ e. Shifting or In/iltration, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _=N~P.~.-~.P,=•rc,ee,nt"-------------- 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING45% a. Type and Site .8:::19 ...r.9..Q.J.l),S,._- - - - - b. Corutruction _§t.uc.c.o.._~___ :b.r.iQ.k_ ____ _ c. Awrage Age, ____ lfl__yr;._~r.!.>.,_ _ _ __ Stucco & frame d. Repair .....G_oQ,~---- e. Occupancy .. 98%. .. f. Owner-occut,-.ed g. 1935 Price Bracket $_65.00-.12,000 &_µp'1,_~~ ng_e_ $4500c7000 h. 1937 Price Bracket $ 8000-15,000 ..&. up ...... ...% $ ..19~9-- ............ Price Bracket $_J~QQ.9.'.:J5.,,_QQQ___ §;__ _,µp ... 6.a;L_ j_ Sales Demand ___ PooJ' _to ..fai r_ _ __ k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket .....Ste.. l i . ~ - - - - - m. 1937 Rent Bracket 19~9-· .......... Rent Bracket o. Rental Demand % •-·-• ____ %change .5.000-7500 ···--··--· ·-··---··· % t.2000-7500 .f~_,,ir~-----.....s t e . t i c ~ - - - - - !..,5 ..,.B.Jl...--···- l35 - 55-·----··- i(,hange $.60 -...90 ·-···· $ 40 - ............... % l .6o...,.... 9Jl Uo - w ...J h l , ~ - - - - - - __ __ G o o d ~ - - - - ti) -·· ··--% p. Predicted Rent Trend S:t;;e.tic _ _ _ _ __ (next 6-12 montfu) :Multi- family 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No..3. .... _._Type & Price JlSQ9.9_1;1.:::.00QQQ_How Selling Owner built 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (...3. ..:,r.) ........... b. Jnstitution.,_,_ _,_Fee,w'-- HOLC. ........J.Q___ __............. b. Irutitutions_~Fe_,c,.,_,_ _ a. HOLC~ a. _g_ 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_.!\mp..l.< .............. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (l9J/lc) $....5?.,.7Q..- . 1939 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Te rrain : Level to rolling with no construction hazards. Land inq;)roved 90%• Provide f o r multi-family improvements north of Eighth St. and minimwn size of sin gl e - family dwellings in othe r blocks of districts, also protects against r a ci a l ho. zo.rds. Conveniences ull readily available, This area wns occupie d by the Lo s Angeles Country Club until some 20 yenrs ago when it was subdivi ded. Subsequent doveloproont was very rapid under stimulus of well conceived promotion . Improvements hnvo been largely ovmer-built and construction nnd mn intonanc c are of good quo.lity . Deed provisions account for uniformify of sizo of improvements which give urea u harmonious and is o. lso r esponsible for homogeneity of populo.tion. Proximity to Wilshire Blvd. trading a rcu is a favorabl e influence. Owing to of activity o.nd difficulty of esto.blishing definite land vo.lws in nrcc,, the price rtmg es given o.bove aro t onto.tivc in their nuturo.. Tho o.pproo.ching expir at ion of dood restriction s is o.lso o.n unsettl i ng factor; however., it is thought that n r on wi ll remain dcsir nblo for roo.ny y ol',rs to come. The nroo. is o. ccordod o. ttlow bluo" grndo. Old L.A. Country Club occupied this o.roo. until it wns subdivided. · 9. LOCATION ..Goµ_~t.r.,, ..Q.l.J,J>.•.f.ecl< . SECURIIT GRAD!L?ll4..s. AREA NO•.!l:::9§..... DATE..3.:939 157 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL}~.?..~---~?.!..?..~---~-?-~n.~Y..._____ _ lncr~~gfes:~;!:~y 1. POPULATION: a. &: business ~~~iki°ITed Sradcb. Class and Oo.:upotion _______ ar~is~i;ts & v.tiite collar workers. Income $2000-5000 c. Foreign Families .. .!f.~.'?.1:-~ Nationalities _ _=N=on=e~,u=b~v=er~s~iv~•~-- 2. BUILDINGS, ...?5 PREDOMINATING a. Type and Site 5&6 ...~ OIBER TYPE Multi-family rooms b. CmstTuction Stucco c. Average Age ...!Lyears Fraoo & stucco 8 years d. Repair __ Good,_ _ _ _ _ __ e. Occupal'IC'y .....92% _ _ _ _ _ __ f. Owner-occupied -- None ap arent e. Shi/ting or Infiltration ____ . _____G o o d ~ - - - - - - .7.Q1,_ _ _ _ _ __ g. 1935 Price Bracket ~-..L2.0.0.~5.5QQ_________ %.E!~!'.!K~ $ h. 1937 Price B,ack,t $ ..500Q-6ooo ........... ............ % $..75.00- 10,000 i. 19;19. .............. Price B,acket $ 5000- 6000 ..... ..J, L,000-9000 Poor _____ Fair __to g~o~o~d_ _ __ k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6000-8500 ------- Static 6-12 month.,) $ 22 - _ 40per __ unit.%c_hange 1935 Rent Bracket 1937 Rent B,.,,i<,, t)i!. ....c.. .55..... . 19;9 . .. . . Rent B,ack,t $ l,o • _55 ·-·-··- o. Renraf Dcma1td p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) l ..2.5 - 50 " ..............% ··-··1, ... ...Static;: 5 &: 6 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION ( yr.) No ....?.1. .......T,pe ... .....% 30 .. - 45.....".... ···-·-i _....Stab~·c ~ -- --- $ ~"ir:oc:tlling 6 ~ lu~~~~~~~-::t~g. Rapidly 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a, HOL.~-~--- b. Instituoons .. _...Y..e.r.y....f.~.w.. _.~_ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (..3.,,.) a. H O L - - ~ - -- b. lrutitutioru_.........E•w. 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, .....M\P.lO........ ......... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.B.i $5.Z...7.Q 1939 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level with favorable grades. No construction hazards. Land irrproved 75%. Deed restrictions ani zoning provide for 1 arrl 4 family dwellings in designated blocks. Conveniences all readily available. Development of area was begun in the early 20' s but owing to poor sponsorship and poorly conceived restrictions which have apparently been enforced in a haphazard Mnner, the area has never been as popula r as its location and advantages would seem to warrant. Cons t ruct ion, maintenance and urchitectural designs, v.tiile good, are not of the h ighest quality. Population is generally homogeneous . Location of multi-family dwellings, largely duplexes, are not confined to definite streets but o.rc scattered throughout, dotracting from tho harmonious nppcarance of po.rts of the areu and leaving tho improssion of a lack of uniformity. Although soxoowhat lo.eking in o.ppcaLemd active dcnnnd, the area is thought to be a stable one arrl is a ccordod a 11 low· bluo 11 grade. 9. LOCATION Pico and Fairfux Dist. SECURI1Y GRADE....?.~.~....'.":' AREA NQ __~:::-9.2 ... DATEi""::~_Q:::3.9 158 AREA DESCRIP110N Security Map oL L~s --~_gele s County 1. POPULATION: a. lncr1~'iines~o~e~~~t¼%sTOiia'J. ~~~fi1.,;e-c·o'.l.lar Static b. Ckmand Occuf)(lrio workers, skilled artisans, etc •. Income $1:;00-2400 c. Foreign Families .... £~Y- Nationalities e. Shifting or In/lltrarion, _ _ _ _ _ _ __,,N,,,on"'e'--'a==-•r,_,e"'n'-"t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING .2.9. .....J OIBER TYPE a. Type and Site b. Co11.struction ..... Frrure. & __ stucco ___ _ c. ... 8 y€!ars~--- Average Age d. Repair e. Occupancy f. Owner-occupied g. ·-··· .&:9.Q9. ...96$....- ··-- ..75%,_ __ _ __ 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Price Bracket t . ~~-5.9.:::35.90.... i. J.9.3.9.._ .............Price Bracket $ __ 2250~35Q0 ______ _ j. Sales Demand __ fai,r_ _ _ _ _ _ __ k. I. P,edict<d Price T,end (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket ·LW. - m. 1937 R,!llt Bracket t ..22,50.c35,.QQ .....% ........... % ···-··-·1 ···· ····· ··"',\:t;.;\._c.,_ _ _ _ __ %change 30 ...............% $ 22.50- 35.00 .. ___ % o. Rental Demand ... X!J,Jr_ _ _ _ _ __ P- 7:!cteti~!;:;'1 ~S~t~•t~i=c_ _ _ _ _4_& 5 room _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past :yr.) No ......?.2.. ...T,t,c & Price $3000-4000 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (2. ,,.) 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, __ fa<>P.!c.~ .......... How SeUing;r F~ev~ , - a. HOL.'--- ' o ' - - b. Irutitutiom; _ _ a. HQ,u.,._ _~0_ _ b. Institutio,~~ F e~w'--- ....... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (If§·iq $.J,o_,OQ. 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain : Level to slightly rolling. Heavy adobe soil constitutes slight construction haze.rd. Land improved 60%. Deed restrictions are said to be moderately effective and protect a gainst racial hazards. Conveniences are all reasonably available. Many streets unplo.tted. This is the best r esidential section of Monterey Park o.nd the northern part is son:o 15 years old. Developtrent has been fairly active during past 2 or 3 years. Construction, maintenance o.nd architectural designs, while not of the best, of fair quality. A few FHA Title I homos were built in tho district, but this typo of improvement was discontinued. Population and improvemants fo.irly ho:r:10 gc ncous and district gives the impression of being on the This is o. fnirly go od medium priced aron which should desirable for tho next 10 or 15 It is thoreforo assigned a 11 low bluon gr . 9. LOCATION ........M.on.tor.o,e..P.ack ..... .. _ SECURITI GRADE._.2nd....c AREA NO,_ll,J.00. 159 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL_J.,_Q..~--·~g,!:1.1.~.§___.Q_g_y_ntY:.. ·--·-··--1. POPULATION: a. Increasing Rapidly ··-·····- Dectea.sin,g_~------ Static ...... _______ _ Skilled artisans, white collar and b. Clas5 and Occupatio11 ....J)1._9_!:.<?➔1.::l ...~!.2B.C.~.!'.§...,___!_ng_~__j,12~~Q-~ni .u,s~ - - - - - -c. Foreign Families._._f.'9-Y!..'.& Nationalities____ ...........)°!Qn~....§.1\\:I_Y..~X.sJy_e~---- e. Shifting or InfiltTation _ _ _ _ _ _ _~W.Qne....~.P-~.r-~.n:t_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING ..§5.•.... %. OTIIER TYPE . 5__ &_6_ rOOJ!l.~'----- a. Type and Ske b. Construction c. ..... 7 _years~- - - - - Atlfrage Age .... 9.R.9.Q. _ _ _ _ _ __ d. Repair e. g. h. Occupancy Owner-occupied .....60$_ _ _ _ _ __ 1935 Price Bracket 1937 Price &acket ~---350.0.-:-4.750............ .............. 1, -•..........% .. 19.,9. ........ .. Pric, B,ad«1 t.35.QQc4.759._ .. .. ............ % __ j j. Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 month.!') 1935 Rent Bracker I. ____ Static_____ m. 1937 Ren1 B,acka .1939............ Roni !l,ack,1 o. Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend (nexr 6-12 months) $ __ 20 - _3,5__________ '1ochq.ryge $....22,5Qc51 ..5.0... ...........% 49 ...... _ ..%. $ .... 25... - Good~----- ··-·•·· Q" t : a t i c ~ - - - - 5 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION {past :,r.) No .......3.9.....T:,pe & Price -l?JJ:5.9_Q::·.hl.5.Q ..... How Selling .....~;Q~~S.f!,i.~~.x4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, 5. SALE OF HOME PROPER11ES (....3,,.) 6. MORTGAGE F1..JNDS: Ample a. H O L ~ - ~ - a. HOL.~---~-- b. Institutions . .......... Few 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (191.Bt $....57..-.4.G. .......... 1939 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA: Ter rain: Level with favora J'_l le ~rades, no construction hazards except those occasioned by adobe soil. Land improved 4(Y,{. Deed restrictions cover part of a rea but are of little effect except for protection a r,ninst racial haza rds. Zoning is very sketchy as area is under county government. Schools, churches and trading centers nre conveni ently availo.ble. Trnnsportation is dependent upon bus service. This creo. consists of o. number of subdivisions ranging in age from 5 to 15 years. The .southeast s e ction wus a speculative subdivision; t ho streets w-ere improved, sidewalks and curbs put in und e ven ornammto.l lighting was installed, but sales promotion produced no activity and the project went sour. Undor stimulus of FHA firul.ncing it is beginning to show som::i signs of life. It is thought the.t street o.nd other improveoonts wcr o too elo.borato f'or tho people who would naturally bo o.ttructod to tho location. In tho bulo.nco of tho nroo. , street and other improvements woro of much more modest cMr nctcr nnl it hns ho.d o. rapid dovelopm:mt. The nron is c. well located workingmens district, most of the population being employed in o.djo.cont tire o.nd rubber fo.ctorics. Construction is gcnoro.lly of stnndard quality. Mo.intcnruice indico.tos pride of occupancy. Architectural designs arc attrn ctivo . ?opulo.tion o.nd improvements o.rc hooogenoous. Thcr0 are o. number of srno.11 multi family dwolling s sco.ttorod throughout. Tho indications arc thc.t trend of desirability will be upvro.rd for o. number of yonrs before leveling off. However, luck of economi c sta.bility, coupled with evident tendency toward income properties, lco.ds to tho c.ccording of a alcw bluo 11 grade. 9. LOCATION . ... B.cJ.srulo=...Gn.r.dans.... SECURITY GRADF..2nd ...c . AREA NO.....B.101 DATE.l,d9,,.;9 CAUTION: This ru-co. is currently nffoctod in 1ti.olc or in pnrt by o.n Ad vetl ororn --'l'o.x n istrict. Individual properties should be chocked for this hnzo.rd, 160 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of~os Angeles County 1. POPULATION: b. Cki.u and a. lnCTeasing_~H~•p~i~d~ly~-- Decreel$in,.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static ...---·---- Occupation White c oll~r workers:.1..._skl,_lled a.rtisan~~ncome c. Foreign Families ..f~_i e. Nationalities ____N.9J1!;!. __!!Y.~.g_ __:;i_:y_"g_y~.§JY..8_____________________ d. $~gg- up Negro ,_()___ .. _%., Shifting or In/iltrcition _ _ _ _ _ _ _None .a . i w a r e n t ~ - - - - - - - - - - - 2. BUILDINGS, a. TyfX! and Site .90 '1, PREDOMINATING O11-IER TYPE _,5_ room_bun~g•~l~aw~•~- - b. ConstTuct:ion c. Atierage Age d. Repair e. Occupancy ..._ 9 _ ~ - - - - - - Own,,-occupi,d ·-·-····'5%~---- Good~------ g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Price Bracket j, Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 monrh.s) 1935 Rent Bracket ~muiY.a.ilabMl. %..E.~~s~ 1937 Rent Bracket f_JQ···-'-··35- ............ J, 1,change t . . . . ··-·-·-· ·-·-····-·--···· ·---···- % __ j, _St.a . ~ · - - - - - - - IJQ__c_,5.__ _ o. . Rental Demand ... J i . o o ~ - - - - - - p. Predicted Rent Trend -1, __,,, % (next 6-12 ,nontlu) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (J,a,c :,,.) No... -"5.....-T,P< & P,~e .5._.U!l..t).0QQ.....How Selling .. _.Jl-".•!iJ..lJL- 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOLC.... _ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.. }.:,,.) a. HOLC· --··· _,,___ b. lruocution.s._ ... _..f .o,,,_ _.Q b. lnstitution.s ____ .......Q. 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_Ampla._.. _ ....... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (\_9§.j~-t $_/JQ,QQ ___ 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain : Low lying level. Adobe soil and svrompy spots create slight construc tion hazards. Land improved .40"/4 . Oeed restrictions covering cost and time of improvements and protecting against racial hazards , arc apparently enforced . Conveniences are all r(:!adily avo.iluble, including interurban bus service. There is no local transportntion . School s o.rc especia lly good . Many streets not improved, This is n workingmen's district evidently developed to meet demand of white collar clericals nnd minor executives connected with the Montebello oil fields located ubout a mile to the north. This has been fnirly active a rea for 3 , SOITO 150 new homes having beon built. Construction is of stnndo.rd quality, but o.rchi tocturo.l do signs something in appeal , The o.rea is too new to properly judge of population o.nd rno.intenonco . Proximity to oil fields is o. fo.voro.blo rather than dotrioontnl influence. A dniry looo.ted to tho of uroo. is unfo.voro.blo fo.ctor. Tho uron is still in dovolopmont stage o.nd , while indications nro thc.t it will bo n good workingman's district , it is thought wise to assign o. provisional 11 low bluo 11 grade. 9. LOCATION_·-·--~9.nto]!2.!!.Q...__ __ .. __ SECURITY GRADE __?!!<L.c AREA NO.-~c...0? DA.TEJ.c.<.Q:--39 161 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map ofJos Angeles County b. Class and Occupation OT Nationalirt~·•L'_ _ _l~lo~n~•~•~u~bv,_.,e~rocs1~·vc,e_ _ __ ~h~200Q-- PREDOMINATING -· 95. % 01HER TYPE 5 r ooms a. Type and Site .4 b. Corutmction _Frame'------- & d. Ntgro __Q.. _.. _$ rent ln/iltTation _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~N~ol').e,~an Z. BUILDINGS, c. Income White collar and factory workers, artisans, eto. c. Foreign Families-.:f.~rl e. Shi/ring Decreasing Rapidly a. In.creasing 1. POPULATION: Average Age _Fai r g~o~o=d_ _ __ d. Repair e. Occupancy .... 9&1, .,_ g. 1935 Price Bracktt $ _S,p_arsely l}..!;l;ttled',(,change: OOz, h. 1937 Price B,ock,, ..193_9 ___ ..,_,_f'rice B,ocke< j. Sale.s Demand k. Predicted Ptiu Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket L m. 1937 Rent Bracket ! ..225.Q.c3.7:t'l.... $ %change . 2]50-4000 .. _,__ _ Static $_?Q_-_}O,_.. ... $. 25 - 30 ----- ------ % o. Rental Demand ..... Good _ _ _ _ _ __ ~--9.t!l.t.i.~.- - - - - , - - Pudicr.ed Rent Trend 4 & 5 rooms (next 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pas, y,.) No._J,p_____T:,pe & Price...Q3~Q.. _.,How Sdling ~_l,'. _ _ p. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOL.~- 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (_..3... y,.) a. ~0_ _ _ b. lnstitutiori~•-F~•~w_ __ HOLc..__.., .....9 b. Jnstituticru_~F•~"--- 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_.....l..-"!l.I...~__ (F.\f.,\) 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 C\9J~~) $.51..,/iQ ____ _ 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain : Level with favorable grades, sandy soil . No construction hazards . Land improved 5o% including hatched portion . Deed restrictions are in force and protect against racial hazards. Convci:iiencos are all reasonably available . Development of this arou began somo 10 ycnrs a.go, but it was not until several projects were stnrted, which vroro firu:mcod by FHA Title II loans and restric tions we r e plo.ced , th!::.t there vro.s any roo.l activity . New constr uction is of stnndnrd quality , but older improvoroonts \'Tore lcrgely substc.niurd. Mnintennnce is some-.oha.t spotted but usuo.lly of good chnrncter . Tho population , which is on tho whole homogeneous , is composed of skilled o.rtisuns employed in nearby rubber a.nd tire fo.ctorios, and otOOr industries. O.ving to mixture of oldor structures nnd difforcnoo in nrchitecturr.l dosigns pnrts of tho nreo. hnvo o. somm'lhnt heterogeneous o. apcct . In the soutOOnst corner is o. new dovolopmont whor e 14 or zooro h0100s of good quo.lity nro in course of construction. Present grovrth indic a.tos tho.t this dist rict will in dosirnbility in tho course 11 11 of tho next 10 yonrs. Tho o.ron is o.c cordcd o. low blue 9. LOCA11ON .. ______~gJ,,.e.<!.en>_______ .. _.. SECURITY GRADE...2mL.c. AREA NO-~c.l.03. DATil,,J.S!=.39 CAUTION : - -- This r.rcr. ia currently o.ffcctcd in whole or in port by nn Ad vb.lorom Tn;,; District, Individunl proportios shou l d bo chocked for this hnznrd,. 162 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of~os Ar~ele s County a. lncreasing __ .......J.i-1\ ........... ________ Decmuin,,.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static .._ Business & professional men, skilled artisans, factory b. Class and Occupation __ ,.o!'•>,lla.r..J:I2.r.k~.rL._e_:t..◊__._.. _InQ.QJll.1Lil00.0=.3Q.QQ .. 1. POPULA.TION: Nationalities _______ ....... None ... ~ubversii'-'·v~e_ _ __ (see below) c. Foreign Families ..f3ll'L1 e. Shifting OT Infiltratioi- - - - - - - - - • ~ · n e - ~ i u : , . -_ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, a. PREDOMINATING . 90 'I, O1HER TYPE 4.•. 2, ___ge_q _ rooms T:,pe and Site b. Consmtction c. ______5 A\lerage Age year.~•- - - - - d. Repair e. Occwpancy ..__9a,,______ OwneT-occupied .........001'_ _ _ _ __ 1,cha11ge g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Price Bracket . J939.... ...... Price B,-acket 3000- 5000 j, Saks Demand Good k. i'T,dict,d Price Tm,d (ne,.t 6-12 month.$) Static established .....,0.00a5000..... $'change 1937 Rent &acket n. __l9_39 ___________ Rent Bracket o. Rental Demand p. 7=:1~~~ .t....3.0 - 50 $.__ ..3.0 - 50 ... ..... %. .............. % ------~ ... J, Good -~St=•~t~ic~---~5~rooms 3. NEW CONSlRUCI10N (past y,-.) No._...4.Q. .._Type & Price $1i25O- 5000 HOLC... , _ _o_ _ b. How Selling Owner built Institutions __ .....~'.~.¥. . 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (... 2.,.,..) a. HOL,__ ~ o ~ - - b. ln,now,ru_~Fcc"'.c.'-- 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, Ample 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1CXXl (lf§t) $_4':> ,.9.~ 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA: Terrain : Level with favorable grades . No construction hazard s. Land improved: unhatched portion 35%; hatched part 5:fo. Deed restrictions cover unhatched portion and protect against racial hazards. Schools , churches, and t ro.ding centers convoniently available , Transportation is by bus und private conveyn.nce. The section north of Whittier Blvd. is new o.nd highly restricted . It is built up attractive 5 and 6 rm bungalows. Botweon 9th St . o.nd ·,'ihittier Blvd . the o.reo. is restricted and has been developed within 10 yeurs with 4 o.nd 5 room bungo. lows. The hatched portion is unrestricted o.nd but spo.rsoly dovelopod, but indications are tho.t northern portion o.t will develop in co nfo rmity with unhatched po.rt of area . To the southwest o.nd onst of the lower po.rt of the hntched o.roo. o.nd possibly invading it somoviho.t scattered sho.cks, housing fo.milics of Moxico.n o.gricultural le.borers . Tho following o.pplios to tho unhatched portion of o.reo. . Construction is sto.ndv.rd high gr ade . Mnintono.ncc is of good cho.rnctcr indicating prido of occuptmcy. Architocturo.l designs oro att ractive o.nd ho.rmonious . Popu lation and improvomonts n.rc homogeneous. t,•ontobcllo oil fiold, which lies about ono mile to tho north, is o.pparcntly not considered o. detrizoontnl influonce. School fo.cilitios o.11 gra.dos o.r0 particularly good :;md o.rc o. constructive fnetor. The futuro of tho hatched po.rt of nroo. i::; very nebulous o.nd hr,s not ente red into tho grnding of tho a r ea . Tho o.reo. (unhc.tchod portion) is o.ccorded a _11modic-. l bluo 11 . 9. LOCATION ..Msnt.2.\>QJ..l&..c.l'2.•L .. SECURITY GRADE.....2".<L AREA NO•.~.c..l<l,. DATE.k26.c31 163 AREA DESCRIIYTION a. Increasing __._M_Q..<l~r-~-t~J.Y_____ Decrea.sin·,,,___ _ _ _ _ _ _ St.atic _______ _ Business , professional and retired people, b. Class and <Jccutiation.~LQ.9.l.lar v~rkers . Income .fil,§QQ::}60,~0~•~m~u~p~---- 1. POPULATION: c. 2. Foreign Famitie,......E~ BUILDING& a. Nationalities_ ___ ...Ni:ine.....G1!ltY.!ilf_~Jy~ PREDOMINATING T:tt>e and Si:i:e b. Construction c. Atierage Age ..... 3.. .Y911t.__ _ _ __ d. Repair ..... .0.0c."'-L_ _ _ _ __ e. Occupancy - .....9.ffi.____ _ _ __ f. Owne,-oea,p;al ______.95%,,_ _ _ _ __ g. 1935 Price Bmcket f, Not cstablishod ',{ du:inge h. 1937 Price Bracket $65 00.. 12 ,500 ... 193.1).... ........ Price &acke, $ 6500-12 , 500 .... ..... ............ 1> j, Sales Demand -· FaiLr_ _ _ _ _ __ k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket ....!it..tJ,..~- - - - - - m. 1937 Rent Bracket $ Not•·--- %change $...ron1'<>.L................ ...............% .............. % ...- ..1' _ ..._ ......... % o. Demand p. PTedicttd Rr.nt Trend 5-6- 7 &: 8 nns (next 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No... _J5 .... .Tyf)e & Price ~5Q.::.~QQ9.How Selling HO•~_ _,,_o___ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (3 ...,,..) a. HOL.c;,.__ _;,___ _ _ b. b. 0;mor built l,uri<uti<m.,_,_~F,_,cw"'----l,uanuio,u...... .X"!<... 1939 6. MORTGAGE F\JNDS,_.,\.'JP.l,o... ........... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.6.,; $...59,.91....__ County $37 . 30 • City 822 , 37 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA Terrain : Rugged with steep grades and many construction ho.zo.rds in northi•rcst ; lovol to rollin~ , no construction hazo.rds in bo.lo.nco of o.reo.. Land improved 151o. Docd r or;trictions rogulnto improvements o.nd protect ago.inst ro.cinl heznrds. Zoning is singlc - fo.mily residential. Convonioncos, while nvn i lnblc , o.rv not readily so . This is r. compr.,.r:..tivcly new , tho upper pnrt hull a nwnbor of l::l.rgo typo homos and is very spo.rsoly settled. Proximity to the Whittie r oil fields is snid not to be o. dctrim:mtc.l influonoo, but it is believed will undoubtedly prove :. r otu rdcnt. The bo.ltmoo of tho o.ron is improved ,·.i th 6 to 8 room, 1 and 2 story duellings a. mixture of 5-room bungalows in the po.rt. Construction, mninteno.nco and nrchitecturnl doc igns of good ch~rncter. Pnttern of aron is not yet clonrly defined , o.nd will probably, in timo, require n further bronkdovm but, for tho present, it is folt tho nllocntion of o. provisional 11 hntchod blue 11 grndo 'ilill meet roquiromonts. Ho.tchod 9. LOCATION ....Y./hH ii._c;:._.__ .. ___ .. SECURITY GRADE....2rnl .... AREA NO•. Jl.cJ.95 DATEk.?2:.39 164 AREA DESCR!ffiON Security Map of Los Angeles County l, POPULATION: a. Incr~s ine s b. Class and Occupation c. FOTeign Families_._ ..J~ e. Shifting OT ~1}-~;;'fe ssi ona~:~n¾li te collar·-·----··---- Static----·----- clericals, skilled artisans, etc. Income $1000-3000 Nationali,~ae~•----N~on=•~•u~b~v~•r~s_iv_e_ _ __ Infiltration _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~No=n=•-•=··"~r~•=n~t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Z. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING OTIIER TYPE ...Jl.O.J' a. Type and Size .5___6;__6...r.0.0-_ _ __ b. Constnu:tion ...E',.... s:t.JMJ.QQ ______ _ 7 rooms...... ····-·· 1$$ __ Apts. &: mul ti-fa.m. 3% ..e. ..r.9..1im§... .1;i:114•..9.Y9:r..... .11t_. c. Average Ag.? e. O:cuponc:, f. Own,,-occup;,d g. 1935 Price Bracket $ .. .3750-5900 ---- %,hang, %change h. 1931 Pri<e B,"'k,t $4000c5500...... . .. ...%. ........_% i. 19W ..............Pri<e B,"'ket $ .4000-5500 ... j. Demand ____ k. P,.edicted Price Trend ..9 . a a , ~ - - - - - - - -·-9.B'lo~-----.651"~------ ____ % .. ...........% to ___ good (next 6-,12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket m. 1937 Rent Bracket n. 19}9........... Ren, B,"'ket o. Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) L;nL~-45.. t ..3!:i-.,,,___50 .... .J, !..3.5.. c. .5.Q. __.__ % -~S=ta~t=ic~---~5-7 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa,,-,,.) N, ...'J5......Type & Pri<,~4500-7500 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ..%. __ % (....3.:,,.) How Selling -~-~~.r_<>:~~ 1.L.. a. HOL·---~0_ _ b. Institutions a. HOu,._ _~o_ _ b. Few lruoO<tio.. _ _~o_ __ 6. MORTGAGE FUND£ __;1mpl• ......... 1. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193..7.1 1938 8. DESCRIJYTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, $.lil_,5./3_ Terrain: Low lying lovel. Heavy adobe ::;oil results in some construction hazards. Land improved 65%, Deed restrictions, while lacking in some respects, govern improvements imd provide protection against subversive racial clements. Conveniences nll readily o.vnilablc . Somo streets in western po.rt not yet improved. That pnrt of nren 00.s t of Bron<lwny was subdivided o.nd a.bout 50% improved in 1927. The eastern pa.rt i::; n vary recent dovcloproont, hnving only 15 dwellings completed· V[ith 35 more in •>roccso of construction. '.Cho re is qui to n little activity in tho co.stern section also. Now improvements uro quite gcncrc.lly f'il11lnccd by FHA Title II insured loans nnd construction is of good to oxtrn stnndo.rd quality. Mnintcnnncc nnd nrchitocturnl designs nro of oxcollent quality and populr.ti on is homo• gcneous. There ore four smo.11 npnrtmont houses in the older section which designed to conform to single-family improvcroonts. Land values ro.ngc from $20 per front foot upvro.rd, which is considorcd sornowho.t high for tho locution. Dosiro.bility is on tho nnd 7 room stuccos with 2 baths arc selling for o.s high o.s $7500 . Tho o.reo. hardly v10.rrnnts n first grade but is given o. 11 high blue 11 designation. 9. LOCATION ... 'ih.l:t;.ti9.r_.§.alrnr1L ...... SECURITY GRADE•..(;,;4... .+ AREA NO...Jl.c.l.0 DATfillc.22::39 165 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of....L.o.s.._f..nge.lfl.S....C.@n:l;;y: ____ ________ _ a. Jncreasing ________..Rap.idlY. ......_. ___________ Decreashl Static ......·-···-- · Local business & professi onal men, re t ired people, b. Class and Occu/iation._.Y.fili.t JLO.allar_1'lO.J:ke.r..s.., __.§k:i,llrl..i:!-_:r:tJ_s_~.[l.§._,.___~t_~_ Ip.come ;)l 500- ?40_0 up c. Foreign Familie5 ...Jiaw.% Nationalities __ None ___subvei:~ivo~----- d. Negro ..... ~ ........% 1. POPULATION: e. Shifting OT None ap lnfiltrtltion 2. BUILDINGS, rent PREDOMINATING OTHER TYPE ....90...% a. T,pe and Size Larger dwellincs c. Atrerage Age -···-······3--Y.aar...•_ _ _ __ d. Repair ........ _:to ... .go.od. .._ e. Occupancy f. Owiier-occupied g. 1935 Price Bracket ······· 9"% $ No basis h. 1937 Price Bracket $ 3000- 4000 .............. % ............ % i. L9}9 ............... Price &acket $....3000-40 00 ....% ....% j_ Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 montru) 1935 Rent Brocket o. ·······981-,~ - - - - - - %chan,11;e -· · · · G o o d ~ - - - - - - %change .. <f, ........... ... % 1, ........ .... % 1937 Rent Bracket t . 25....d&. ..;i,939... ...... Rent Bracket l ..2,. .c ...4.0. Rental Demand ....G.OQ • ~ - - - -- - p. Predicted Rent Trend · (next 6-12 months) 4 & 5 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION {prut ,7.) No...5Q.. ..... .T-.,pe & Pn« J3250 - J.i.250 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (J....J>.) a. HOL 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_.~J.~....L!1½.l HOLC. ·····•·••o .. . 0 How Selling Rapidly b. Institution 0 b. Institutions Few ... 1. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (li~l? $"'4°c..c-.=.61, __ _ 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA Terrain : Level; no construction hazar ds. Many attractive hom.esites among citrus groves . Land improved Li5%, DeGd r estrictions cover building cos ts, provide uniform set bo.cks and protect from subversive racial clements. Conveniences inc luding rapid intcrurbo.n trnnsportation to Los Angeles , are readily o.vo.ilo.blo . Al l str eets o.r e not improved arxl sowers a r e l o.eking. This is o. r ecent subdivision placed on tho lllCl.rkot within the past 5 years , o.rxl p romoted o.s o. rural suburbo.n district of Los Nlgoles. Development under tho influence of FHA Titlo II financing, has been moderately a ctive o.nd has resulted in fairly rapid growth . Construction is of sto.ndo.rd quo.lity.Mab tcnonco hicls fnir to be of good . Archi tc cturo.l designs in kooping with tho citrus ~rove envirorunont o.nd is appoo.ling . Popul!\tion, many of "Vmom employed in Los Angolo:, Or o.rc r eti red pooplo o.ttructed by the modoro.tcly priced lo.rge homcsitos, is homogeneou s, Lots a ro sto.bilizotl o.t prices r o.ngi ng from $10 to :;,,15 pe r front foot. A nwnbo r of the i np rovements lo.rgo o.nd older, be ing -the orchnrd homos ot originnl ovmors. Improvements 11long 7th St . o.nd in southern po.rt of a.roe. lose uniform in o.nd n.r o gono r o.lly loss o.ttr active._ Indico.tions n rc thnt this district hns not ns yet rcnchod its pcnk of nctiVity o.nd vrill fu r ther cxpv.nd to the north nnd v~st. This is tho bast and most promising po.rt of no,me y nnd is a ccorde d o. 11 modic.l bluc 11 9. LOCATION_~D~own=cy~--- SECURITY GRADE....?11~... AREA N0•. "-::.12} DA'Tfa,.1:.22 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oLJ:i2.?__:~~!~.§....9.2.~.r..t.Y....1. POPULATION: b. a. Increasing Class and Occajxition c. Fmeign Familics._,.Q____ .~ e. Shifting OT Type and Si?;e Repair e. Occupancy .... 90 .% 01HER TYPE rooms I stucco & masonr:y: Good 9.5%... 1935 Price Bradctt h. 1937 Price Bracket 1939. j, Sal.cs Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-~2 months) 1935 Rent Bracket . Price Bracket m. 1937 Rent Bracker ··-··········-·-·····Rent Bracket Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend 3. Jr. executives etc. d. N,gro .... o.....% ........98""~•------- i. o. $lOOo-~··e,na:-~p 5 f. Owner-occupied g. 5&6 Frame Average Age d. Income Nationa.litres _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ PREDOMINATING b. Constnletion c. Decreasing Infoltration _ _ _ _ _ _ _N~o=ne...~P.Pf;l:.1:'"~nt_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, a. Slowl y Busine ss & profe ssional men, retired pe£P.le f ...4.~59c55QO .... t4a50.c550.0.. ---~-t.a.ti _ _ _ _ _ __ $.__ N.o.La.. ___ '!,change t.r.en±.al.._, ______ _ } .............. % -- % ··-·--·-· 'I:, .. .9.9.Q~.- - - - - - - .....9.ta..t.i,c._ _ _ _ __ (next 6-12 months) 6 rooms NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No........3... -..Type & Price .]Q_QQ_Q=.Q2QQ ......How Selling ..~fl:l_C.I....1?.'!-!.!l:L. H O L ~ - ~ - - - b. Irutitution.s.. _.. _...E.1::1.~ .. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (... 3..:,,.) a. HOL.~-~2_ _ _ b. lrurinaionL... e 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,~·_ _ _ _ _ 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (19.tH $..JJ9,f?J......... . 1939 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACfERISTICS OF AREk Terrain : Level; no construction hazards; good soil. Land improved 75%. Deed restrictions provide for unifo:nnity of improvements and set baeks. Protect against subversive racial elements. Conveniences, including rapid interurban transporto.tion to Los Angeles, arc all readily available. This area was subdivided some 10 ye P..r s and was quite active for a brief period. It was largely dormant during tho depression years but, under influence of FHA financing, became fairly o.ctivo some 3 yours ago, but building ho.s apparently again slackened during tho past year. Construction, nnintono.nce and o.rchitoctural designs are above average in quality. Populo.tion ond improvom.onts givo the impression of harmony and thorc is cJvidcnt pride of ownership, and the surrounding citrus orchards also lend a certain chnrT.1. Regardless of nll these favorable factors tho a reo. seems to popular nppcul , probably for tho reason tho.t it is strung along n single street which is a heavily traveled nrtery. Competition with the well promoted now area to the vmst of Downey mny ril. so be nn adverse influonco. Tho nreo. gives tho inprcssion of being o. misplc.cod dovolop1l¥lnt, and in tho absence of intelligent promotionnl effort, it is thought thnt it will dccroaso considerably in desirability within tho next ton It is thcreforo c.ccordcd o. "low blue 11 grndo . 9. LOCATION ..... Downe.,__ _ _ _ SECURITY GRADE..?»~....:. AREA N0•.8-cJ.9.f DATE.5c1l'l{ • AREA DESCRIP110N Security Map of __ J,iQ;LAns~.!~..§ ....9.9.~.n:t.Y. t. POPULATION: a. lncreasing ____ Ji!l:P..!511:.Y.. ___________________ Decreasin....,__~~~ ····----- Static ____ _ b. and Occupation Minor fa ctory officials, professional &: business men and skiJled artisans. Income $1800-3600 Nationalities _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ d. Negro ... Cl . ..% c. Foreign Families._ ____ Q____ '.%. c. Shifting or Infiltration _ _ _ _ _ _ _~None __ ap_Il!1.reJ:.l~t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, a. ...92... .'f PREDOMINATING .. 5. Type and Site OTilER TYPE ._5_% &: 6 rooms b. Construction c. Average Age d. Repair e. Occupancy f. Owne,«cupied g. 1935 Price Bracket h. .. 9.9.9.cl_ _ _ _ _ __ ...90'"/4,_ _ _ _ _ __ 1937 Price Bracket $Hone ___buiJ~. ................% . ...... % ·l-9}9 . ............ Price B,ack,t ~ lib00-6000 ............... % ·······-· % j. Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend Good Static (nel! 6..12 months) $ No record 1935 Rent Bracket ~ of any rentals m. 1937 Rent Bracket -······ ··-·-·······Rcnt o. &racket Rental Demand p. p~~=~~:~~~ $ in this area __ ... 'fo. ~!f.?. ____T,pc & Price ~4600-6000 4. OVERrlA>lG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL~-~O_ __ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( ...2.,,..) Ample _<f, Stat1-·c_ _ _ _~5~&-6 rooms_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 3. NEW C0.\/3T9.UCTION (past yr.) No..... 6. MORTGAGE FUNns- ...............% --------~ How Selling Readily b. Institutions _ _O _ __ a. HOL.~- ~ - - - b. ln,ri,uw,n,, _ _O ~ - - 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193..71 $_41.,?.Q. 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain : Level , no construction hazards. Land improved 50%. Deed restrictions provide for minimum improvement cost of $3000, uniform sot backs and racial protection in perpetuity. Zoning is single-family residential. Conveniences all available but not as yet roadily so. Trunsporto.tion is inadequate. M...--.ny otroots nrc still unifuprOVOd·. ~1ith tho oxec ption of n few older residences in co.stern part, t h is is o. now subdivision which hns been plo.cod upon the market within the 3 ye" rs, n ni is to be ono of tho most successful promotiono.l efforts which has boon initialed under F'HA Title II finD.ncing. Construction is of good stundnrd quulity nnd 11'1!\intcna.nco bids to be of high chnro.ctor. Architecturnl designs nrc nttructivo o.nd harmonious. Populntfun is homogeneous. Improvonxmts occupy lots 50 ' x 120' nnd streets o.rc inclined to bo no.rro.v with limited po.rking strips, Wlich hns th:J effoct of giving tho nreo. o. somowhut crowded nspe ct. It is to be tho policy of the subdividors to mo.kc no so.las to persons hnving incomes of less than $1800 par year._ .Lot vnluos ro.ngc from $17.50 to $20 per front foot C\nd nre SC\id to be selling r c::i.dily• . Indications thnt development will continue o.t o. rnpid pnco. Tho locntion is somcvho.t isolo.tcd o.nd po.ttern of district is not ns yet definitely establ ished. Thoreforo n grndo of 11 low bluo 11 is n ssignod. Norvo 11 Po.rk 9. LOCATION City o f Boll SECURITY GRADE...?,,<! ... c AREA NO•... ~c.W:1 DATE3c.J5"1) CAUTION: This nrco. is currently o.ffo ctcd in whole or in port by o.n Ad vnlorom - -To.x District. Individuo.l properties Ghould be checked for this hazo.rd. 168 AREA DESCRIIYI1ON Security Map of_J,.£L~~J£.L.~-~-~ty___ _ 1. POPULATION: a. Increa.sing ________}I~P.i.4Jx ...-..·-····-········ Decreasing__ _ _ _ _ _ Static---····-··--Business &: professional men, minor executives, b. Class and Occupaaon __..i2k.UJJ;_g_.Jtr..ti~n.L....eJ..~-~.m.e.....UOOQ~3.6QoJnl.._u..,__ _ __ c. Foreign Familie.s ___ faw-1~ e. Shifting OT Nationalities ........_ ..........None...:> d. N,gro .......O. % InfiltTation _ _ _ _ _ _ _~,.one.... a p p a r . e . n : . ~ - - - - - - - - - - 2. BUILDINGS, a. T:,pe and Size b. Construction PREDOMINATING ....25.Je OlHER TYPE .......Q...y.§_fil'_§,_ _ _ _ __ c. Average Age d. Repair ...... GQ_O~---- e. Occu~nc, ____ 99)!_ _ _ _ __ f. Oumer-occut,ied ......... 80%_ _ _ _ _ __ g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Price B,adet t!,259-5500 .............. % - ······% .19}9 ............. Price &acket ~4?5.Qc.55.Q.O.... ............... % ___'f, j. Sale.s Demand __G.9.o.<i~------ k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6--12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket $,. ___30_~--.4(L.__ _ %change ....S:t.1;1,:ti.Q._ _ _ _ __ 1937 Ren, &acke, t . .~s . . , ..L.5--. n. -l93,9. ............... Rent Bracket i_.;i.5....-. ...4~- o. Rental Demand ........G . a a ~ - - - - - - ................% ............... % .,, ___'& Predicted Rent Trend ......- - 8 . t a . t i ~ - - - - (next 6-12 months} 5 & 6 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION {p,m :,,.) No........75 ....Typ, & Price ~475il=625Q ..... How S.Uing ....•Ro•o.iJ.y_··-·p. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOLC,.................0 ·······-- · b. lnstiamcru._.- ..-Q .. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES C3. .~.) a. HO•~ _ __.,__ _ b. Irutitutioru.... _.Fe.v,.... 6. MORTGAGE RJNDS,_ ...J\mplo.. . 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.1,l $.~2.BD 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Torrain: Level with no construction hazards. Land improved 75"/,,. Deed restric tions limit improvements to single-family dwellings, provide uniform "set backs 11 and protect against racial hazards. Conveniences are all readily available. This is the newer section of Walnut Park and, under stimulus of FHA Title II financing, has developed very rapidly during the past several years. Construction is of good standard quality, with mainteno.nce showing high pride of occupancy. Architectural designs are attr active and ho.rmonious. Population is homogeneous, Location is desirnblo with no detrimental influences, Thi s is the most popular o.nd bost residential district in this vhole section and easily qualifios for a 11 modinl bluc 11 grado . 9. LOCATION_ .... Walnut Park SECURITY GRADE..•.. ?!!<!.. AREA NQ__~c.UQ DATE3c.12=3? 169 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map 0L..Ls:!~-.A."1ge.le..a....C..o.\.Ul.ty.. _. _ ____ _ a. Increasing ______ J.~!!:PJ,.9.!.Y..________ ··········-· Decrcasin Static--------·· Loc al busines s and pr ofe s s iona l men, mi nor offi cials , b. Class and Occupation____ JYh.iJ.~.!,;_QJ..l.fil:.-»rM_l,;:!-l.I:,L.._§ -:~L~... _.etc ~.J.D.QQfil_EL.t l5Q.Q~ 21,00 up c. F<mign Familres.X~YL._%. Nationalities. ············-·Non~s ul,wers ive d. Negro._.{L__ ____%. 1. POPULATION: 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING 5 a. Type and Size _J_ year s Average Age __ Fair .. t o _g_ood ~ - - - d. Repair e. . . 9fJ</.,_ _ _ _ __ Occupancy f. Owner-occut,ied .6[!'/2~----- Mat toon lHstr icts %cha~ge_ estimating p r ice range g. 1935 Price Bracket $ __pr:ecl1,1d~------·-- h. 1937 Price Bracket l..!>•.fo.r.•....J.93.L..... 1939 . O1HER TYPE Stucco b. Con.rt=tion c. . 90. % rooms .. l'ric, B,acke, %change $ ...... . ....• . % .............'te $ 3500- 4500 · -····"' j, Sales Demand k. PYedicud Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket $ 20 -30 1937 Rent Bracket $ 25 - ..35 - · n. 1939. .... -··-·······Rent Bracket $ 25_- .3 5 · - · - -········ <f, o. Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) Good %.change ... Stati c~ - - - - 5 r ooms 3. NEW CONSTRUGnON (past yr.) No......9.9 ..Type & Price $31;00-4500 How Selling HOL.~- ~ -- - b. Irutitutio 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES {...3. ...)T.) a. HOL.~- ~ - - - b. Institutions 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_. ....... fl!n1,J•······· Readily F'ew J~':Y 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193•.It $.-M.&t! 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terra in : Level , no construction hazards. Land i mproved 65% . Deed restrictions , with t he e xcep tion of protect ion a ga i nst racial hazard s , are inadequate and in some parts non- e x istent. Zoning is mixed, but patte rn is predominantly singlefamily r 0 side ntial. Convenienc es are r e asonabl y availo.ble with exception of trans p ortat i on v1h ich i s inadequn te and expensive. However, this handico.p is to be in pr ocess of being over come. This is the best po.r t of the i nc orpora ted town of Southgate , dove l opIIDnt of whi ch bcgo.n between 15 and 20 yenrs ngo . This a r ea wns ove r bur dene d with ovcr lo.pp i ng Ad Va l or cm tax distr icts , which r oto.rdod deve l opment until the bonds vrorc r odecmod and nn o.djustmont in the oc.r ly purt of 1938. Since. then building n c tivity , unde r stimulus of FHA Title II financ ing, ho.s been ver y gi-oo.t , po.rt i culo. r ly in southwest por tion , and a complete reversal of trend ho.s taken pl.n ee. Const ruction. of ol der dwoll i ngs were of only fo. ir standard quality, but cu rrent building is of muc h high.o r quality . Mo.intonnnce is gene rally of good chnro.cter. Owing too. wide d iffe r entia l in ugo nnd a rchitc ctur o.l designs , the o.rcu hc.s n. sorrowho.t heter ogene ous aspect . Populntion i s inc lined to be homogene ous . Tho o.r oo. i s p r imnrily n h i gher income wor kingm..'1.n 1 s distri c t o.nd is o.dmir c.bly lo cnted for such u so. I t i s felt thc.t t he present upwn rd t r end will co nti nue nnd upon this bnsis tho aren i s n cc or dod o. 11 l ow blue 11 9. LOCATION . .. ~9-'!tM~E................... SECURITY GRADE...?.')<!.... - AREA NO•... ~=.lJl DATE..3c12=:'9 ~ : This o. r ou is cu rrently nffoct .od in whole or in po.rt by nn Ad vnl orom Ta x District. lndividunl propert i es shou ld be c ho c kod for this hnzo.r d . 170 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL...L.9.1L_N]g.QJ_Q..i?.•.•9.9!:!.~_tr__ 1. POPULATION: a. Increa.sing _______g~,J2J-9:.1Y......... ______________ Decreasin•!<----,~-~~~~ Static Local business men, public officials, skilled artisans, b. Class and Oo:upatimL..J'actory executives., ____ etc_. Income $1000-3000 c. Foreign Families_.F.ew ..~ e. Shifting <JT NationalitieJ:...-·•·· ..... N9ne .. subv~r~_ive,_ _ _ __ ln/ittration _ _ _ _ _ _ _;~---------- 2. BUILDINGS, a. Type and Si:te PREDOMINATING •. 2'.i ....'f OTHER TYPE __ _j_ _5.....4'? 6 rooms b. Construction c. Average Age d. Repair e. Occupancy f. Owna--occut,ied g. 1935 Price Bracket h, 1937 Price Bracket .19.~- ............ .Price Bracket j. Sales Demand k. P,.edicted Price Trend {next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket I. ....... GoodL___ _ _ __ . .99:J,_ _ _ __ ....9,g;;,___ _ _ __ None existed '%.~~~w: .t !poo-5500 1, ......... % ... ,_.. % . 4000-5500 Good ...static,_ _ _ _ __ %change ............... % 1937 Rent Bracket o. Rental Demand ...... Goo .~_ _ _ _ _ __ P,.edicud Rem Trend ·---~tfl.tJ,9.,_ _ _ _ _~ (next 6-12 months} 5 & 6 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (part:,,.) No.... ?99 .....T,pe & Pricefilf?2Q.::515.9......How Selling p. Readily 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIF.S, a. H O = - - " - - - b. I,utitutioru, _ _~O_ __ U .. :,,.) a. HO,U...--"--- b. lruti_,,~,-~o~-- 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, .......\mpl• .................. 7. .TOTAL .TAX RA.TE PER $1000 (193.. 7.1 $ 1938 52 ,70 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level with favorable grades . No construction hazards. Land improved 55%. Deed restrictions are ample and include protection against racial hazards. Conveniences are all readily available. This area wns subdivided some ago, but o.cti ve de velopment ho.s only been under way for the several yoars. Since that tiroo it ho.s beon more or loss of a 11 hot spot 11 , Construction runs from medium to good sto.ndn.rd quality; while character of rno.intono.ncc has not yet been osto.blishod, indications arc tho.t it will show pride of ow·ncrship. Architectural designs arc gonoro.lly attractive, but seem to lack hnnnony. This, however, mny be on account of tho large O..'Uount of now construction undor WJ.y. Although 55% dovolopod, tho definite pattern of tho nron is not o.s yet clearly defined o.nd fina l mny be h igher than tho 11 roodio.l bluc 11 assigned. 9. LOCATION ... Southwost . ..... SECURITY GRADE .....?.~1 AREA· NO...Jl:P.2 DA.TE.3:!,!J::J, 171 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Mar, oL~.o.,5.....@,g~_l/HL.G.o.Y.nty.. __ ··-------·· 1. POPULATION: a. Increa.sing __ ..... !i.9ll.i!.1JY...·-·--··-·-······ Dccreasi11,g_~--~--,--,--- Sfiltic ____ _ Local business and pr ofessional people• white collar b. Cfass and 0:cu.p.:lt:ion.Y!'!?.£k~:r..§1.s ___q_lQJ,.l~4..J!£:1i.i.§! .. ~~ - - - - e. Shifting OT Infiltration __ 2. BUILDINGS, a. PREDOMINATING Type and Siie ... .5 .. 99 % i;-ooms _ _ _ _ __ b. Cons<=tion Frarre & stucco ··-···· c. Atterage Age d. Repair e. Occupancy __ Lyear,_ _ _ _ __ ....Jf_o_o.4 .. _ _ _ _ __ ..... 9.8;l_ _ _ _ __ f. Owner«a¢ied ... _.90%~- - - -- S.3750c4900 ·--·· g. 1935 Price B, h. 1937 Price j, Sale$ Demand Good k. Pmlicted Price Trend (nm 6-12 numtlu) 1935 Rent Bracket Static~----- B,ac4s J93l ............ Price &ack.e, $ '1,_change %chang, 4000-4500 .......1, ............% • ..4000-4:;oo rf,cfiange $_ _ _ _ __ 1937 Rent BTaclret o. OTHER TYPE _ 4 rooms,_ _ _ _ __ .. 1939. ........... Rent B, $.JO, 0.0-40. 00 ··-· Rental Demand .. .....G.9.9.9-~------ ········"' ··--·1, Predicted Rent Trend ···- Sta_tic~----,-(next 6-12 rru:mt/u) 4 & 5 rooms 3. NEW CONSIRUCI1ON (pa.rt y,.) No.....1.7.5 ....T:,t, & Price Ji.~72?:J.?5.Q ... How SelUng . ReadiL\'....._ p. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOL.~ - - 2 ~ - - b. Institutions_, .. Few····-··-·--·- 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.. .3.. ..:,rJ a. 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,~.1~.. ..l.!'.<½) HOLC._... b. lnstitution.s... __ ...Few __····-·-··--· 1937- ..... 7. .TOTAL .TAX RA.TE PER $1000 (193..~) $_52~Q5..... _._ County $37 .80 - City $l4.25 8. DESCR!PTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level, no construction hazards. La.rrl. i mproved 80%. Deed rostrictions protEict a gainst racinl hazards, govern s0t backs and control improvements in a l oose way. Zoning is sin gle-family residential, Tro.nsportation is by bus on Atlantic Ave. Schools of all grades arc good and conveniently avo.ilable . Churches, recrcationo.l o.roo.s o.nd trading centers reasonably nvailnble. This is a recant development, l:cint; prodico.ted upon FHA Titlo II fino.ncing, Construction is of standard quulity . Ma.intcno.nco shows prido of ownership. Architccturo.l designs nro ho.rmonious, o.nd populution is hom,gcnoous. Stroot po.ving is not ns duro.blo as it should b e . Tho southorn oxtonsion of this nrou is known o.s 11 Atlo.ntic Villn.gc", whcr0 24 new dwollings (4 rooms but sold ns 5 rooms) hnvc recently boon constructed on n modified 11 bungo.low court" plo.n; hmoositcs being smnll, but plctttod on the pc.rkcd di3trict idea with narrow winding thoroughfares nnd not around o. common court. of privacy is apparently o.n ebjoctiono.ble fcnturc. However, this po.rticuln r tro.ct hc..s seemingly found reo.dy snlo nt price s of from $2800 to $4000 . Indications urc thnt this o.rer-. ns £". whole will oxpo.nd to the north o.nd 1.thilo there is cvidonco of o.n upwo.rd troml in tho o.rco., it is not thought to WJ..rro.nt better than o. 11 low bluc 11 grade. Ho,.;.ghton Po.rk & 9. LOCATION ... oit.!!'.!l'2L'!.U1':>K9_ ... SECURITY GRADF. ..?nd ...c AREA NO-.Da.ll;I DA.TE5.~s.39 172 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL..LQa ..-An&e.le.a._ri.o.un.t;}!"________ _ a. 1. POPULATION: lncreasing __ ...~!..2.~J.x ................. __________ Decreasin Sfdii<: _______ ,._ Business & professional men, retired people, oil oompany b. Class and Occupacion ___e_M_c;_iliYJ~§~.,_.....1.n.c0;mt;,__j_Z;QQ0::.5000 _and u , l ' - - - - - - - - c. Fo,-eign Families .....Q____ ~ e. Shifting or ln/i!tTation, _ _ _ _ _ __.,_one....f.),w. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, Nationalitie,,__ _ _ _~ - - - - - - - PREDOMINATING _ 90 ...% a. Type and Site b. Corunu.ction __ Frame .stucco ___&___masonry c. AWTage Age --········18..:y..ears,_ _ _ __ ...t.o... _g!:l.O.d. d. Repair e. Occupanc, /. Owne,-oo:upi,d g. 1935 Price Bracket ~-.5.0.QO___ ~n4._yJ;l_ __ . %change h.. 1937 Price &acket f__QQ.Q.0...Jm.t;l__J.11?........ . .......%. .. 19-}9- ............ Pric, B,acktt toQOO .. ,uil.ap..... .............% .. 9.8%~----- ;. Sal.e.s Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 month.s) 1935 Rent Bracket 1937 Rent &acket ..193-9.... OIBER TYPE .Rent Bracket . . 95%~----- .... S.t.a.ti.~-----~J-15 ...and.-up--·-···-· ichang~ ..1, t.50..and...up. ____. ...... !..50.. and..UJt--- -···-··- % o. Rental Demand .. -Eair.....t.o ...go.od.. p. P"dicted Rent Trend ...I.!a,Hs<'-----~- (nen 6-12 month.$} 3. NEW CONSTRUcnON (past yr.) No ..... J5. ............. % % 6 to 8 rms ....._Type & Price_$.5.QQ9_:l-Q.1.9-99Jiow Selling Owner built 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL.'-----=~-- b. ln.stiMions Few 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (... 3....yr.) a. HOL.L---~0_ _ _ b. Institutions_. Fe::,y 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_.._.!\>,i>J~..... TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (1931cJ $:.5s.,.5.0.....- ....... . 7. 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain : Level, no construction hazo.rds. Land improved 75'%,. Highly deed restricted both as to improvements and racial qualifications. Zoned single - family residential. Conveniences are only reasone.bly available. Transportation is limited to bus service and private conveyance. Trunk sewers are not all in. Ttiis area, wh ich occupies a bench overlooking the Virginia Country Club, is upward of 20 yef;rs old. It wo.s dormant for e. nwnbor of years but, under stimulus of FHA Title II financing and rapid development of adjacent areas to the east, it has become\ mildly o.ctive during the past few ye ars. Construction of both old and new improveroonts is of stn.ndo.rd quality or better. Maintenance , while a little spotted, is generally good. Fopulo.tion is homogeneous and mnny improvements of mo.nsion typo with well kopt grounds. hrchitecturo.l designs, howovor, differ greo.tly rmd arc not harmonious. Some of tho old homes ru1d look slightly 11 fre.yodn. Proximity to oil vmlls is detrimental factor, on account of odors when wind is from thJ ir diroction. othorwise tho o.roa has an excellent loc n.tion. Adjnccnce to Virginia Country Club is o. fo.vornblo influence. The largo amount of lnnd in tho aron. o.nd quality of new improvements indico.tes the possibility of o.n upvro.rd trend; however, of proper scworngo system, coupled with spotted mo.intcnc.nco precludes n. better rn.ting tlmn 11 mcdin.l bluo 11 • Vir ginio. Country 9. LOCATION .. 91~.!>...c.•.e.Q.~&•. .... SECURITY GRADE-.•.~110.... AREA NO-U.=.l:U.. DATE5.=.3:.;39 173 AREA DESCRiffiON Security Map of__L.a.a..~e.le..5_C_oimty________ _ 1. POPULATION: b. a. Increasing ____ JW-J?JJ!JY ........ ··········· -· Decreasing_-~-------,~-- Static ________ _ Professional & b usiness men , mino r oil well executives , Class and Occupation ____:w hi.t!L£.91.b,.LE!'.ill§.~t.Q..,__J_p..9..Q!!!_e_ _jg5..QQ:-,-..5Q..Q.O~----- c. Foreign Fami/ies..F.e:w....~ Nationallties _ ······-· None ___subv~;i:-siy e~ - - - - e. Shifting or Infilttation _ _ _ _ _ _~i9:ne..JiP.PU.en . ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING ... 90 . 1, OTIJER TYPE a. T,pe and Si:i:e b. Construction c. A verage A ge __ Fram~ & __s t u cc_o_ ........7 years,_ _ _ __ d. RepaiY ........G.o.9.~ - - - - - - e. Occupancy ······9.l'm~----- g. 1935 Price Bracket $ ..3500-5000 .....-··-· % ,""",~· %change h. 1937 Price B,ack.t $ 40oo-5750 ...............% ............ % i. 1939 ................Pri« 8'ack.t t./iQQQc575Q .. ............. % j. Sales Demand ___Good_ ·--·"' k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket $ .. 35..- 1937 Rent BTacket $ .4Q. - 50 . . . . . . . . .. ..% ... .1.,,.__ _ _ _ __ n. 1-9:}.9-... - __ ....Rent Bracket o. Rental Demand _ _ _ _ __ 45 . . . %,,,.,,,, ............% ....1 p. Predicted Rent TTend ......stati.~ - - - - - (n.ext 6-12 months) 5 & 6 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past ,,._) No ......4.Q ......Type & Price .i/!.5Q.Q:::fl5.QQ..... _H ow Selling _Qx.lQ.~_t_ ..P.!d..ttL 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOL.~ -~o~- 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( ..3 ... :,,.) a. HOL O - b. Jrutitutioru .._. __ ..f.§:~Y"- b. lru""""""····· Few 19376. MORTGAGE FUNDS, _A,mJ;,.!cL!lJA) .... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 11936 ) $--5.?.,5.Q s; County $37 .80 - City $14. 70 DESCRIPTION AND CHARACI'ERISHCS OF AREA, Terra in : Level with favorable grades. No construct i on hazards, Land improved 85%. Partially , at , deed restricted both as to improvezoonts and racial hazards , Zoning is single - family r esidential. Conveniences are only reasonably available with transportation limited to bus service. Some of the street improve ments not up to standard . This area has been developed within the 15 , but ha.s had i t s greatest activity during the fcv, years under stimulus of FHA Title II financing. Constr uct ion is of standard quality. Maintenance is good cho.ractc r, nnd a rc h itec tural d e s ign:; arc e;enera.lly harmonious. Population is homogeneous. Improvcnno nts o.r e sorrewha.t better quo.lity north of Bixby Road between Cnlifor.nia & Long Beach Bl vd ., with mixed and lower gr south of Bixby Road between Atlantic and Long Bel1 ch Blvds. Discontinuance of oil well dr illing to the east will benefit this distri ct and encourage bettor quality improvements both to the and north. Parts of this area might be entitled to 11 "low grcon 11 gra de wore it not for proximity to oil wells and refineries to the south. Nearness to tho Virginia Country Club and higher grade area to tho north favorable influcncos. Tho nroo. is thought to have a favor nblo o:x:poctanoy o.nd is assigned :i "medial bluo 11 grade . 9. LOCATION .. No<tb_L9.01:.J½.<!sh...... . SECURITY GRADE.2nd.. AREA NO-Bel .lo. DATE-5a.}a.,S 174 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of..... 1..Q.:L~.l~~L.G.9.1J.n.t_y_________ _ a. Increasing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Decr,a,,;n,.,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sratic ____I~L~---· Business & professional men, retired people, minor b. Class and OcCajXltion __ ..i;:!:?5.~.9-~'.tiY.~.L.....~.tlfJ__tfil?.~.J3QQ9..:.2.Q.9.Q_~..4.~u~------- I. POPULATION: c. Fareign Families .....Q. _ _j Nationali-·------------- d. Negro ···-··o··"' e. Shifting or !nfiln-ation _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,_om{l,.r.flnt._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING a. T:,pe and Si.te 5 to 7 b. Constnlction __ Fram:,_ &_stuc,~c~o_ __ c. _____3 :y:ears~----- Average Age d. Repair e. Occupancy OTIIER TYPE _ _j,_ $_ _ _ _ __ %,change ..9.9 ...... % rooms ..G.o.Q Q . ~ - - - - - - ......9..,_ _ _ _ _ __ f. Owne,--occupied ····· ·8 0 % ~ - - - - - g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Price Bmck<t f...45.0Qc75QQ. ..............% ·-····% ..193\1 ............ Price &ack,t $.400.Qc.7.Q.QQ ··············"' Sales Demand ·····-·-·"' j. .......fQor.. (..••···'•low) .. k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months} 1935 Rent Bracket -·······S.ta.ti~"----- I. $_ _ _ _ __ 1937 Rent Bracket f. l.i0....-:,...6.o______ ..........% ~ .1939.. $35. ·" ..;il.·-··--··- ···-·~ o. Rental Detrund . .... Rent B,-ack,t p. Predicted Rent Trend (next ......P.9.9.r..... (§.~£1-...b.d.QWJ. _____ _ ... Static~"_ _ _ __ 6-12 month!) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa.,t ,,.) N, . .9 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (}.,,.) 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_•...~~"'g.eA .......... .............Type & Pric< _ _ _ _~ow Soiling _ _ _ __ a. HOL.'----"o_ _ _ b. lnstitutions_~F•~w_ __ a. HOL'---~--- b. !"'""''""'~'~F~ew~-- 7. .TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (1937c) $._.53.,/,Q 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARAcrERb'TICS OF AREA, Terrain: Hilltop and slopes. No construction hazards. Land improved 35%, Deed restrictions govern improvements and protect against subversive racial elements. Conveniences are only roasone.bly available. Street paving is substandard and sewers are lacking. This is a post- depression subdivision, occupying a low hill overlooking a city park and golf' links. It was quite popular and was developing rapidly until drilling for oil commenced just east of this aren. This stopped activity and caused a slump in values. It is said that very recently the well "came in dry1', If furthor drilling is o.bandoned it will favorably nffcct the district. Construction is of high standard quality and maintenance is of good Population is homogeneous, and architecturnl designs are ho.rmonious. Pending definite determination of oil well dovclopmont the area. is accorded a provisional 11 rncdio.l blue 11 grade with indications that this muy bo increased with future ft1vornble development. 9. LOCATION ....... Hydo Pnrk_···-· .... SECURITY GRADE-.....f;n<l... AREA NO•. tlc.lJ.ii.. DATE.5.".!c~.;l9 175 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL..L.o_iL~l.e.!i....G.Ql.lUty.......1. POPULATION: a. Increasing _______M..9..9.~.r.-~t:f.JX ................ .Decreasin,.__ _ _ _ _ _ Static .......------·Business & professional men, executives, retired b. Class and Oc.cupatio». . - ...1?.~9.Pk....~-2..~n.!.Q.f~r.bJ:t~....QQll.!':l:....Y!.E'. 1$:ff_§_, . __ _!n2...o~jgs_Q.Q~5.QQQ._JJlL c. Fmeign Families ... . ...t~.w.~ e. Nationalities ... . . J~.9..Ile.....§!J.QY.~t.!i.i..Y.e_ _ _ _ __ Shifting or ln/iltration _ _ _ _ _ _ _.,lOJle.... ! . l . . p . p ~ ~ n : ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2. BUILDINGS, a. PREDOMINATING --75...--1, 01HER TYPE ---~ __ 5 __ rooms _ _ _ _~-~ ..9.•.. 7 &_8_xoQD)S __ Type, and Size b. Construction c. A verage Age d. Repair ...G.o.o.~---- e. Occupancy . ...98i! ... ··- .. 15%_ _ _ _ __ Owner-occupjed g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Price Bracket i. 1939- j. Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (ne.."<t 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket LWOQcJ~,509.... ..Pricl? Bracket ~.J.o....::.. . .BQ______ _ m. 1937 Rent Bracket :$_50...:::. . .9.Q. . __193g______________ Rent Bracket o, ............... % t.7.QQQ::-.l.~.~.5Q_Q_ ~ jt"chan_ge .............. % ___ _j,_ ········•·<I' 50 - 90 ......... % Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Tttnd ____ S t a t ~ i c ~ - - - - 5 to 8 rooms ( 6-12 nwnths) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION {past yr.) No..5.Q ..... .Type & Price ..'.?.229_Q;:,J,/±,.Q99..How Selling ___ ?~~:!~!..-3?&li. HOL-_ _t~,_ _ b. Institutions 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( ..3 ..,,-.) a. HOL...__-~16~-- b. lrntitution, ........feYL. 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, Ample Few 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (19:llc.) $.53..,.21........._ 1938 County $37 , 80 City $15.51 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level to rolling, no construction hazards, Land improved 85%. Dt.od rest rictions vary in dif fere nt subdivisions, but all said to be effective and to protect aga inst racial ha zards. Zoning is single - family r e sidential mu ltifamily structun~s permitted in stipulated blocks. Conveniences arc all rell.dily available, This far flung area. might logically be broken down into 3 or 4 smalle r areas but the :•,rade of eac h would be the srune, That section along Ocean Blvd . is vi ew p roperty nnd improvements gcncrall:r large old residoncos, many of the mansion typo , with a number of now h igh class apartment houses. In the part north of Brol'.o.dwuy and wost of Re dondo i mprovements will average larger and older than in the sect ion north of Livingston Drivo. Sorrc high class multi-ff.l.mily structures will ho found in both these soctions. Thnt po.rt cf tre area east of Livingston Drive and Uioto St , improvements, whilo of the same gcnorul class as rest of area , will o.vorug0 newer o.nd a lo.rge po.rt of tho now construction has OOon in t his section. Thero aro a number of 4 - frunily dwellings in thic district. Construction o.nd mo.intonanco throughout tho area arc of cxcollont quality. Archit e ctural designs of single a nd multi - fam i ly structures o.rc harmonious. Population is harmonious o.nd pride of occupancy is very evident, Lot prices range from if40 to $ 100 por front foot. Several snnll soctions of one or bvo blocks in the urea might be clo.ssificd o.s first grndo, but the ar e a as a ,·,hole is definitely c.·"high ·bltl.o 11 grade. 9. LOCATION ..J>!!eJ,,:h1& .... .. SECURITY GRADE....2nd .. + AREA NO._Bs.11.7 DATE..l,:l,.e}~ 176 AREA DESCRHYITON ~i~e~;:r;:~~~ssional 1 1 • POPULATION: a. = ~ v a l officers, white b. Ckus and OccuPation workers, skilled artisans , etc. Income $2000-5)00 an::l up ~~a·r--··--.. N~-~N~o~ne~,u~bv=er~•~i~••~----- % d. N,gro O c. Foreign Families__]~~1 e. Shifting or Infi:ltraticn, _ _ __ _ _~P~o~pu=la=ti~o=n~grading_ __ u,=,a=r~d~------- 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING a. Type and Size 5 b. Construction Frame & stucco c. Average Age & .. eo ...% 6 rooms OTHER TYPE 7 ......5... Y& & 8 rooms Multi-family 1or. --- d. Repair ···G.o.o,..•_ _ _ _ _ __ e. Occupancy .....96%.. L,•.e....b.el.oY<) f. Owne,-o=pi,d g. 1935 Price Bracket t.35.0..0cSOQ.O_ ____ .__ %_cha~~!. h. 1937 Price Bmck,r l . 4.QQOc.55.0.0 .......... ...............% .. l93.2.............. Pri" &aci<e, $4000-55.00 __ _ ..............% .-7@_ _ _ _ __ Good,_ _ _ _ _ __ j. Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend {next 6-12 months) _____Static'-------- 1935 Rent Bracket $_.3Q.:_l,5_ %..'.~I! ~.. 35 - 50 ...........% .... ....% Us Fair -···-· % --·----% 1937 o. Rent Bracket Rental Demand 50 in sUllllller ......G.o.o.d p. Predicted Rem Trend __ Jita:t,~·~----(next 6-12 months) 5 - 8 rootns 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa,,:,,.) No..i,5 .........Type & Pric,_$45Q..0.=1.0~Q.QQHow &!ling .. __ Rapidly __ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOL.~-~--- b. Institutions_, 5. SALE OF H01ffi PROPERTIES (....} .,yr.) a. HOL.~- ~ - - - b. lrutitutionL... Few Few 19376. MORTGAGE FUNDS, _____../\1npl.•. ........ 7. .TOTAL .TAX RA.TE PER $1000 (1936..) $......5.3_,_?} ______ _ County i 37 .80 - City (;15 .4 3 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA: Terrain: Level elGvation only few feet above sea level. In case of a tidal wave property in this area would be seriously jeopardized. No construction hazards. Land improved 70"/o. Deed restric tions vary but all arei said to be effective and afford protection against racial hazards. Conveniences are all readily available. This area is composed of subdivisions known as 11 j3elmont Shores " and 11 Naples 11 , both being in the nature of high grade beach resort deve lopments. However , there are an increasing nwnber of permo.nent rusidcncos being built, o.nd the areo. has been very o.ctive during t he 3 or!~ y onrs. Cons t ruction is of high standard quality o.nd maintenance is of good character. Architocturo.l designs genernlly attractive but undersized lots and irregular platting giv es perts of area. a crowded aspect. Owing to of uniformity in size, lot vo.lues ho.rd to estimate; bused upon a 120 ft. depth thoy will probably rungo from $25 to ~50, probably more for frontages on the Riva Alto, which o.rc 30 ft. with little depth. In spite of shifting no.turc popula tion give s tho impression of homogeneity. Occupnncy is irregulo.r an:l ch:l.ngcs with t he seasons; for the so.xoo rec.son not constant o.nd brnclrots shown o.bovo nrc only nomino.l o.nd upon o. yearly basis. Across the Marino Sto.diUJTI., which borders on tho northeast, some producing oil wells, but they nre c.ppnr ont 11 ly not considorod n dotriloontnl factor. This urea will grade from 11 low11 to high bluo 11 in different po.rts with spots showing a "yellow11 tin.go. However, on the whole, there is ovidcntly o.n upward trend of desirability o.nd it is believed to In0rit o. 11 roodio.l bluo 11 9. LOCATION ..~O>.!'"m:t...'l...ho.D>.•---~--- ---- SECURITY GRADE.-~d... Naples AREA NO-~c.ll6. DA.TE..5aL.=3.9 177 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map _ 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing ____ JW.,p.i.QJ.Y.....-.•·······--·· Decreasing__ _ _ _ _ _ Static .... Professional & business people, skilled artisans~ b. Class and Occupaaon ____,Ir_.___ ___e..t.c..____I ~JU.000=50.QO_ _ _ _ _ _ __ c. Foreign Families .....f..E}_Y!.~ Nationaliries ..___ .. _____ll.o.rut. .. s.ubY.flr.s.iY.~---- e. Shifting ot In/iltration _ _ __ _ _ _~, a p . p a r . . e . n . ~ - - - - - - - - - - - Z. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING ...9.o._.'I, OTHER TYPE 5 ..ti: .. 6 ..ropm,s,____ _ __ b. Const,wcticn c. Average Age d. Repair e. Occupancy ..F.air...JzLga.od 97%~----- f. Owner-occupied g. ·········6%_ _ _ _ __ 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Price Brack«!t t.J.5.90-5590 i. 1939.... $..3.5QO.c55.00... j. Sales Demand ___ Goo, .~_ _ _ _ _ __ k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket·,____ _ _ __ .Pric, B,acket ............... % .. % $_ _ _ _ __ $;:;o .-...1'5.---····-·-· ..............% ...........% n. 19}9................. Rent B,acket $ .;,5... - 50 ·-···----- ···--·--% o. Rental Demand .... ....good... ________ m. 1937 Rent Bmcket ·······--- % p. Ptedicted Rent Trend ____S t a . t i . ~ - - - - - (next 6-12 months) 5 & 6 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa,t 'ft.) No .. 125. . .. T:,pe & Pric,./jl.,aD.Q,..6.',00.......How S,Uing±tly.... b. Irutitutioru_ ..... _Few 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOLC ........ .0... . 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (...3.. .,,.) a. HO=- - - - - b. lrutinaiorn . ....... f•w 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, •.......Ample. ............ 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (1931s) $.o9.,.l7. 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, : Level with no construction hazards . Land improved: Hatched portion 1%; balance 65% •. Deed restrictions vary in different parts, largely limit to singlefa.mily, with multi-family permitted in stated locations. Zoning conforms to deed restrictions •. Conveniences all readily available. '£his area \\(l.S subdivided over 20 years ago, but most active development has taken place within the past 5 years. This is tho best residential section in Compton o.nd recent construction which is of good cho.racter o.nd amount has definitely raised the grade and incree.sed the size o.f the anrn, 1·tnile those now improvements nre fcund throughout the area, the greatest current activity is in the section north of Rosecrans where som::i 75 new dwellings have recently been built. Tho population of tho area is ho.nnonious o.nd architectural designs o.rc pleo.sing. Improvements arc goncro.lly uniform as to type o.nd size but not ns to o.go. Mci.intenanoo is of good quo.lity. Thero o. fow multi - family dwollings but the,y do not seem to affect desirability. Tho hntchcd portion in till southern part has recently been subdivided o.nd is to be improved with 50 single- family dwellings. The o.reo. is o.coorded o. 11modio.l bluo 11 grade. 9. LOCATION _ _C _o_m~pt_o_n_ _ _ _ SECURITY GRADE......~---· AREA NOh.!t:.!J9.. DA~➔~!l:-.39 AREA DESCRIPTION Security ·Map of_1.QIL.&1,g.§!l1;.t)>, ... \;_9J,1na _______ _ 1, POPULATION: a. Increasing ______ g.§E_!1JJ'. ..._________________ lJecre<Um·fl.------n-co_m_e_$~- -oo--J~---·····---·· 1 15 b. Class and Occupation.. F£1:_ctory. ~oremefu skilled_ artisans & white colla:r;-_ worker§.-..~,----- c. Foreign Families ..f..~:IT_1 Naticnalities ........ None ..subver!;l_i:~~'------- e. Shi/ring or lnfiltration _ _ __ _ _~N,;m1;1 __ a.pparent_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING a. T-ype and Site ..5. b. Construction . Fra~-- c. & ....95.Jc OTHER TYPE 6 rooms & _ stuc,c0ccSco_ __ Average Age d. Repair ..... G:.9.Q.4~---- e. Occupancy ········ o~'------- f. Ownet-oo:upied g. 1935 Price Bwck.t $J.25(bWl.O.O_..... h. 1937 Pt;c, B,ack.t .Lns.0.450.0..... ............... % •·•93-9 •·············Pt;c' B,ack., f.3.750,4,na ..............% j. Sales Demand k. P,-edkted Price Trend .....S t . a t i . ~ - - - - - - (next 6-12 ·months) 1935 Rent %.'"""•' ~ .25--35--- ------- %,change Bracket 1937 Rent B,ack,t $ 3.0.-...4.0.............. . ............% ...............% .19,9..... ... lknt B,ack.t !...3() ..• .•4Q··-··-· ......... % .......... % o. Rental Demand ......\l".n,oa.._ _ _ _ _ __ p. Predicted Rent Trend __.B.tat.ic....t.o...CUlwnwar.d.- - - 5 (next 6-12 months) & 6 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION {prut y,.) No ..... JQQ....-T,i,, & Pt;cc~!JQQQ::.c5).9. .....How &lling ...fy,_p_t<!J.x HOL.'----"-0_ __ b. Inscitutioru ...-.... Few 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.2.J'.) a. HOL.'----"-0_ __ b. InscitutionL . .....f!3.YL. 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS· J\mple 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (1937.s.) $_{&,.17. 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND ·CHARACfERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain : Level with no construction hazards. Land improved: lo% in hatched portion;· 45% in Deed r estricted to single-family d,;rolling s. , Zoning, singlo-fnmily dwellings. Conveniences all available. Transportation some whnt distnnt from ca.stern part. This is a compa.rntively new district nnd has been lnrgcly 'developed with the nid of FHA Title II finnncing. This ho.s been n very a ctive district for the two, but ho.s slewed dovm in the scvera.l months. This is a new nren cf moderately priced well constructed homos, practico.lly nll of which have been built in the 3 ycnrs. Th e population is homogeneous. c shows pride of owne:rship o.nd nrchite:cturnl designs nro harmonious. The necessity for further improvcmsnts in this o.reo. for tho present is questioned. The pattern of the ho.tehod portion ho.s not been as yot definitely esto.blishcd. The ureo. is accorded n 11 low bluou grude . 9. LOCATION..ffg_1,!.j;_h_9_t;i,.§i9.Dl... Q.Q.t!lJilJ~:mSECURI1Y GRADE..2nd ...~. AREA NO~.....B.~.120 DATE.3~17.-=39 179 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oLJ,.Q.L!~~l.9.s..Jt.@nty.. ____________ _ 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing b. Class and Occupation c. .Foreign Families.__Q_ _____ ~ e. Shifting M Moderately Decreasi,g__ _ _ _I~n-c-ome-~$1J~5Q·Q()·-·- Professional and business _men.-__e.nq retir~.Q.Ple_ _ _ __ Nationalitie~-~---------- 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING a. T,pe and Ske .5-6 .90. _Stucco _& _fra~ __ c. .....5 years_ _ _ _ __ Awrage Age .1, % OTHER TYPE ___ g.9_¢_ _ _ _ _ __ d. Repair Occupancy _m~ ------ Owner-occupied ··-··..9s%~------ g. 1935 Price Bracket $.l.i.250~_5_5.QQ._______ %:.~~l~ h. 1937 Price Bracket 1939 .. ... ...... Price Brdeket ............ % --- % ~--4500:,:6.000..... Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 rnonth.s) 1935 Rent Bmcket t.Ew,,....i£...An-y.,... 1937 Rent Bracket rentals to tbe...£.o.und-··•·•·---·--- ···-······-······-······Rem Bracket !.in..:this.._.._.. _.··- -- Rental Vt!mand ........ a . r . e ~ - - - - - - p. FTedicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) %_change $_ _ _ _ __ j_ o. Negro .....o. ___ room ___ bungalows b. Constn«:tion e. d. Infiltration _ _ _ _ _ _~ ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - __S t a t . i ~ - - - -- - %.':.~~-g~ ........ % ···-· ..'& . ___1, .i 5-6 nn stucco a ..........T,pe & l'rice~.QQQc"5.0Q. .How &lung .. Qwru, 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa,,:,,.) No ..... 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOLC..... .. ...;I .. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (3 . :,,.) a. HOLC.........0 ..... b. Institutions .... ·-···-·Q . b. Institutions ·········--··.O 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_.....Ampl.o ............. 1. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193..1,l $_,52...'/!l 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Hillside sloping down to level seaside. No particular construction hazards. Land improved 15%. Deed restrictions are reasonably protective. Zoning is single-family residential. Conveniences ure all moderately avo.ilo.ble. This is a new area which has been developed within the past 10 years. Growth vro.s retarded during the depression but during past 5 years there has OOen fair activity. The location, while somewhat isolated at present, is -favorable and affords a magnificent ocenn view. Construction and maintenance are of good quality. Architectural designs are of a hi gh order and population is homogeneous. Proximity to a U.S. Military reservation, with its well kept grounds, is u favorable influence. If devolopm3nt continues along present pattern tho area mo.y vro.rrunt o. 11 low green 11 grudo but, o.t present, it is thought that a 11 ha.tchod bluo 11 designntion best reflects the situation.• Paseo Del Mar Hatched 9. LOCATION Section of San Pedro SECURITY GRADE.... ?11.<! ..... AREA NO....~cl21 DATE3.c2la39 CAUTION·: --- This o.rea is currently o.ffccted in whole or in part by o.n Ad vo.lorem To.x District. Individual proportios should bo checked for this ho.zo.rd. 100 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oU9.§___Ang.!;!JJ?JL.G.Q.\!Ilt.Y________ _ a. lncreasing ___¥._QS!~r.~!~JY........... -.. ··- Decreasi Static .....••----Professional & business men, executives, skilled · artisans, b. Class and Occuparion __:r_E!l_~_;_r~4._P.AYY officers, etc. Income $_25_()_Q_~~-$4,,o,,,o,,_o_ _ __ 1. POPULATION: c. Foreign FamilitL.D ___ j e. Shifting OT Nationalirie"------=--------- Infiltration..__ _ _ _ _ _ _______,}J_Q.Il!il __~ _ p - ~ r ~ r i . t ~ - - - - - - - - - - 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING ..9.9. ......1, b. Con.,t,uctwn c. Awrage ·Age d. Repair e. OTIIER TYPE _10 __.,, Larger singles a. T-.,pe and Si:::e Frrun~___ & sJ~_ucco .. and ....:fe~.--1)).).).1 tiples ·-- ...... JiQ9._.\L__ _ _ _ __ Occupancy Owner-occupied g. 1935 Price Bracket i ...~500.~4750_____ h. 1937 Price Bracket ~.-4000,5;D,0_. ;. l9'.f9 ................ Pric, B,adret tl;)oo,5500.... j. Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend 1,cliange .....% ........ % ·------'f, ... . S t a . t i ~ - - - - - (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket $_ 1937 Rent Bracket t . 4o - ..19}9...........·.,Rent B,adret $_ o. Rental Demand ....... 9:.o.o•.~_ _ _ _ __ p. PudiC".ed Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) 35-_..,__ 4 ____________ %change 5 50-·--·-.. Lo - 55 ,Jchange . . J, - .............. % ____ .,, ..1' ....S.t.abl,.__ _ _ __ 5-6 rm stucco .... .:..Type & PricS9D0-6500 How Selling ··-··~~~!.:-.!?~.H,!;. 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (lwt yr.) No .. )5. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (... 3.y,.) 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,.-..... <'!m:>le.. .. a. HOL..__ __,Oc___ b. lrutinaio»u.._ _,_F,,_e,e,,_ _ a. HOL.e,,___~o_ _ _ b. Irucitution, ........ X<m.... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE 'PER $1000 (193.7.c) $._.5?.,..7.Q...--..-· 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS ·op AREA Terrain: Level to hillside, no construction hazards. Land improved 80%. Zoning largely single-family; multi-family permitted in parts. Conveniences are all reasonably available. This o.roa was platted and placed on the market some 20 years ago. Development was gradual ulltil 1936 ,'lhen building became quite active for a time. Location is excellent ani affords a sweeping view of the harbor and Pacific Ocean. This area constitutes the best residential district of San Pedro proper. Construction o.nd maintenance are of good quality. Architectural designs are harmonious, and population is homogeneotrn. The multiple family structures, both us to design and :maintenance, are in keeping vrith the district. This urea is in the line of future growth and it is thought t);n t it wi 11 expand to the north and eust and will retain its desirability for many years to corno-. It is therefore assigned a 11 high blue 11 grade .. 9. LOCATION ..... ~~~..!'£.<!!:£...................... SECURITY GRADE. ..e~<I...! AREA NQ_.~c1?g DATE.Jc.6.?c.}) CAlITION: This o.roa is currently uffoc:tcd in whole or in part by an Ad vo.lorcm True District. Individua l properties should be chocked for this 181 AREA DESCRIIYrION Security Map oL...Lo.a..~o•.•C.o.unt,c.••._ ...... Static----a. Increasini-.-..-~Qfil.Y.--------·· Decreasin Agricultural workers , whit e collar s, local business & 1. POPULATION: b. Class and Occupation __ .pr.o! onal ,rep c. Foreign Familie.s_F.1uL1 ~- Shifting OT Im;ome $1000 to $2J.LQO"'--------- Na:ionalitit.J._______ .,. ___ l{ane....s.ub:'l".e.t.S.iY.e,_ _ _ __, __..tbr..e.a:t:.,______________ . Z. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING a. T,pe and Size i .2Q.• OlHER TYPE .lu):-5...1:.2,. •. ~ - - - - b. Const114Ction .....l.8..~oru:co,_ _ _ __ c. At.>erage Age d.R,poi, e. Occupancy ... 98%~ - - - - - f. Owntt-occupi<d ······>>1-~ - - - - - g. 1935 Priu Brad<et }..1500e.3Q.00...._ . %cha•(• h. 1937 Price Bracket !.l75Qs35QQ......... .. 1939............. Pric< fuacler L l15Q.s35JXI......... ........ % ······-··% j. Safes Demand k. Predicted Price T,.end (""" 6-12 mont!u) 1935 Rent Brackd !._~_31._.__ 1937 Rmr Bracket ~. 15 " n. --1939--...-----Rent Bracket !..15- •.2.~ ..- - - -·-·"' o. Ren,al L 1,change ···-···'t, ___.s..tat,~·~ - - - - - %,hang, :(change 2, •......-.... ................% ··············"' -·"' Demand ...s.tati,,_____ _ _ _ __ p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa.rt ,r.) No._Q ..........._Type f!I Pric.e - - - ~~ow Selling ---''--------- 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL.~- - ~ - - b. lrutitsaioru ___ ~YL __ .. __ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( ..-3.. :,,.) a. HOLC..............-4............ b. lrua"'"°"'··········Q········-· 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_ ..L.imito.<l. ......... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (1931,) $..!iS.,49.. 1958 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACI"ER!STICS OF AREA, Terrain : Leve l. Ho construction hazar ds or flood threats . Land improved 15% Zoning : Mixed small town. Conveniences are all reasonably o.vo.ilo.ble, including interurban transportation to Los Angelt1s City Center . This a r ea was developed during the early 20's as o. sustenance homestead dist rict of small business center. It is 30 miles from Los Ange les City Center. Canoga Park has the usual heterogeneous charac teristics of a small tovm. Lending be lieve d that agencies report an unsatisfactory exper ience hore , end it is not 11 future of community is a bright one . The area is o.ccorded a l ow ye l low'' grade ,. 9. LOCATION Canoga Park SECURITY GRADE.3.r.Lc AREA No_<;,-1__ DATEi:,.'3::3.9 HE AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of.1&.§.-~1~..LQ.9~!1"\;y__·---·a. lncreasing_JJ.~.r~J;~J,Y.._._. _____ Decreasin,.__ _ _ _ _ _ Static _ _ _ Local merchants & professional people, farmers, white b. Class and Occupatwn ___.Q..Q.lig workers. I02.ome $1200-?4:,:,00'---------- 1. POPULATION: c. Foreign FamilieL..Ee.n.1.i Nadonalitit.s ________ None __ subversive --------·------ d. Negro ___ 9.___ %., e. Shi/ting or In.fiUTation, _ _ _ _ _ _ _-1~@~---~.P.P!!-.r.~m,=•----------PREDOMINATING90 .% 2. BUILDINGS, .Frame_ & _stucco __ b.Omst=tion ____ 8__ year,_,_ _ __ __ c. At>erage Age d. Repair e. Occupancy f. Owner-occupied _____aos,_______ g. 1935 Price Bracket ~_l_150=3Q.QQ___ '1,,ha,w, h. 1937 Price Brocket t.2000.•}5.oo____ ··-·····J, i. 1939-·· ........... Pric, j. Sak, k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 month,) 1935 Rent Bracket I. !l,ack,t o.mand m. 1937 Rent Bracket ..1.9.31)•....- ...... Rent B,acket o. OTilER TYPE .4-..~. .5. ....t.QQ!1; _ _ _ __ a. Type and Site jchange fZ.OOO.c35JlQ...•.-.... __Fai.:c__ _ _ _ __ __ )?.t.a.t.i·,,____ _ _ __ $..J.7_50..,0....-....... %cha,w, ....... J, $ ..20... - . 35 __ f.. 2,0e...c·c.....,352..__ _ % Rental Demand __.S:tA:ti..~---- p. P,.edicr.ed Rent Tttnd (nexr: 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past:,,.) No.J5. .. - T,P< & Pric,.2 rm $4000..... .How S.lling Owner built 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL.~- ~ - - - b. ln,ti....,., Few 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (....3:.-31.) et. HQ,ulCc;.__...,__ _ b. Jrutitutions Few 6. MORTGAGE RJNDS,~!t:·;~~-;;;:~ks7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 t~lJ=> $..22.,.4.!l.. .__ 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain : Level . No construction hazards or flood threats. Lani improved 15%. Small town mixed zoning. Conveniences are all availo.ble, including interurban transportation to Los Angeles City Center. Tho inters£Jction of tv-ro arterial highways o.nd o.n interurban line is probo.bly the oour se of the dovolopment of this rural community, which is located 23 miles from Los Ane;elos City Contcr. It is to bo growing in popularity as o. sustenance hoioo stoo.d district. While o. certain amount of heterogeneity is in evidence, tho town ho.s o.n appeal that is lacking in mos t rural communities. Construction mnintena.nce are generally good and the nrea is npparently on the upgr ade . 11 Tho nroa is accorded n '1ha.tchod yellow grado . Hatched dn,,__ _ _ SECURITY GRADE ..3..:1:".~ ..... AREA NQ__~..:?..... DATE3...:~ii§:9 9. LOCATION, _ _c,Roe,sc,c"" AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of_}Q.:L.~g~J..'?..::J.._Q.9.~µ_'!;y__________ _ 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing Moderately Decreasin,-~-~-~~ Stati;:._______ _ White collar workers, skilled artisans, hospital and railroad employees. Incoire $1500-2200 b. Class and Occupation c. Foreign Families_~~:!1:.-~ e. Nationalities .... ................... None subversive Shifting or Infi'ltration _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N._Q.n!L~lW.!l.!':~.n.t~---------- 2. BUILDINGS, a. PREDOMINATING ..4::·5.: Type and Site _Fr~ __& _stucco __ b. Construction c. Awrage Age d. Repair e. Occupancy . 85 ...._% room . 20 __y e a . r s ~ - - - - - ..9.8%._ _ _ _ _ __ f. Owner-occupied _<;!)%,_ _ _ _ _ _ __ g. 1935 Price Bracket t.J75.Pcsa5.00.. __._._ h. 1937 Pricr B,acket t.saO_QQc?75.9.... . .J.939-•-· .......... Price B,adoet I._zg5.Qc3QQQ .... j. Demand k. Predicted Price Trend %.'-""·~·' ......S.t.e..tic_ _ _ _ __ (next 6-12 months) o. 1935 Rent Bracket l.15....~--.25 . >f, 1937 &nt B,acket t20...c ..JO..._ ...1939................Rent Bracket ~...20....-.....JD_, ___ _ Rental Demand ..... O : o = - - - - - - - ...% .....% -----~ PTedicted Rent Trend __..S.tat.i~-----(next 6-12 months) 3-4-5 rm stucco 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (J,a,c ,,.) No..... 25 . _._T,pe & Price .$J.800.l,ona .......H= &!Ung;;._ p. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOLC- ......0 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (}.. ,,.) a. HOLC.... . . 0 . ....... . b. lnsti"'"°"'·-··-···Eew. b. lnsti"'"°"'···-······.Eaw... 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_.A,q,.lo.__on._......... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (19Jl.c.) $.52,:ZQ_ selective basis 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level. No c.onstruction hazard or flood threat. Land improved 30%. Zoning: Single family residential. Conveniences are all readily available. This area which is some 50 years old includes the older section of San Fernando which is a separately incorporated community. The town is the center of an extensive agricultural district, which is its chief economic support. The County Tubercular Sanatorium nnd the Veterans Hospital, which located in close proximity, o.lso contribute to the support of the colTIDl.unity, nnd it is the trading point for tho farmers nnd miners of tho Antelope Valley. The o.rco. has had n ste o.dy growth but ouing to its ago is chnro.cterized by obsolescence. Thero ho.s boon quite 11 little new construction in tho aron in the fow years, much of it hnving boon fin.n.ncod through FHA Title I Class 3 loans. Largo grrunds with rnnny citrus trcos minimize tho hctorogonoous a.spcct of the a.rea, which is o.ccorded a. 11 low yo llow 11 gra.dc. _ 9. LOCATION So.n Fernando SECURITY GRADE... 3r.d. c AREA NO_J:.s.3.-... DATE3.c25.s39 181, AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL_.L.o.~...Ang.ele.s.... Q.QJ,mt.y ____ a. lncreasing____M_@_'2.:r.lll~ty____ ............. Decrea.,-in Static·····-···-· .. . Local busi ne ss & profe s sional men, vihite co l lar b. Class and Occupation....__!;!._rnL..§kJ.!.l~.5Lfil:ti!l.!P.1.~.!.-._·!n£.9Ji'.lfL1J-.5Q..Q.:-.5..Q.Q.Oe...-_ _ _ _ _ __ 1. POPULATION: c. Foreign Families.-.f~.w...~ Nationalitie$... ....... Nqn,e ___subver.sive,_ _ _ __ e. Shi/ting or lnfiltration,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ron-.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. BUILDINGS, a. Type and Sh;e b. Co,ut,uction c. A verage Age PREDOMINATING ... 80 ..._% __5- 6 ___r oom.,~----- d. N, g,o.._ ...Q....... fe ------- OlliER TYPE __.1, .. Jt..r9.Q~•. ~- - - - - ' ~ ~ · - ... 15: ... Y~-~rs,_ . _ _ _ __ d. Repair e. Oa:upanc, /. Owne,,-occuPied g. 1935 ' Price Bracket h. 1937 Price Bracket $ 3000- 5000 i. l9-39 ..... .Price Bracket $ ,000- ljQOO ______ _ i. Salts Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket __ Stat.ic,_ _ _ _ __ $ .. 20....- .. .35. _ 1937 Rent Bracket t ...25....~----40.. n. l.93-9-----···--····Rent Bracket l_..25....-::... ll.5..-.... o. Rental Demand ... ...Good,_ _ _ _ _ __ p. 7::: ~1~~;"~7 · ·-· st ..... J, ........% ---··% --·-% nti&.- - - -74- 5- rm stuc-co_&_f_r_am, _ _ _ _ __ 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No... J5. ........Type & Price .~?.5.Q.Q:71.J:QQ.9......How Selling ... _Owne r . bu ilt 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIF.S: a. HOL.~ - - ~ o_ _ b. lnstitutions.._.. _._._f!!!W. .... 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( .J y,'.) a. HOL.~--~◊-- b. 6. MORTGA GE FUNDS- Limited excep:!: 7, FHA lrutitution.L.. Few TOTAL T A X RATE PER $1COO (193-7:::) $.5?.!!.7Q 1938 8. DESCRll'rION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level with no c onstruction or flood hazards. Land i mproved 35%. Zon ing : Mixed residential by practically all dnglo - fumily . Conveniences all readily available . This area has been slowly developing in o. mo r e or less hetorogoneous manner for the 35 or !:O years . Under the stimulus of FHA financing activity has increased matcrio.lly in tho past 5 years. Construction is mixed, ranging from standard to substandard in quality . M.o.intenance indicates pride of occupancy. Architecturo..l designs d i ffer widely both as to type and ago . Recent improvoroonts of much bette r quo.lity and~dosign , givi ng the o.roa the of boing on the upgrade. Population is generally ho.rmonious. Along Bro.nt Avenue, which is tho best residential thoroughfore in tho city , there some dwellings of highc.:r quality o.nd o.ppenranc e than in rest of o.rcn, but proximity to l'.roo. D- 1 and P. E. Interur ban lino offse ts the bette r g r nde, The nor th and se c tions nrc tho dosiroblo pnrts . Some of tho mw improvements nre suid to hnvo boon fine.need thr ough Title I 3 loans. Although showing soup ir:'lprovem:mt the o. r on hns litt l e appoo.l and is o.c c ordod o. 11 nv)dio.l ycllow11 grade. 9. LOCATION··-···· ........... SECURITY GRADE ...3t<l ... AREA NO• .\O_a.4_... DATE3.s.?5c.39 CAUTION : This ercn i.s currently effected in whole or in p!1.l"t by an Ad valorom Tnx· District. Individunl proper ties should be chocked fo r this hazard . 185 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map. of_L.o,!.tG....G.P-1.uity. ...--·--·-· 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing __ J!2.4~.r.~t.~1Y. .... Dema.sin,;-- - - - - - Static .... Income $1200-2000 b. Class and Occupation __~-~UJ.s!..(l..!!..t!;isans, pq_l;il_:i&_...fill)J2l.Q,YsL~§._$__.Yfil.~~~Ll'!Qr.kflr.s.. ____ _ d. 2. BUILDINGS, a. T-:,pe and Si:te PREDOMINATING _9.0 ..... .'f, N,,,,,.__.9..........'f OTiiER TYPE .4 & 5 rooms Framo & stucco c. AtJeTage Age 15 years ( new to 25 __yrs.) d. Repair e. Occupancy f. Owner-occupied g. 1935 l'ric, &acl«t $.2000-'\500 ..... h.. 1937 Price Bracket $ ~500-4000 j. Saks Demand k. Pmlicted Price Tmu:f _ ...... % ___% ....S:t.a:t.ic.... ta....dmm. (next 6:12 months) 1935 Rtnt Bracket $ 20 .. - __ 35 ____________ %change 1937 Rent &acl«t $ 22,50- L.o .............. ...............% ~ 1939 .............. Rent &acl«t $ .25..- ...1.,5 o. Rental Demand .....- . ...........% .....% .......... '/1, ..S..t~.t.i.~----~(next 6-12 months) 6 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (/,rut,,.) No....... .25.... Type & 1r'n n~i~~g:. toow S<lling ..Moderate ly_ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOI C b. !rutitution..L........f~:v.L. _________ _ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (..2....:,,.) a. HOLC...........4 p. Predicted Rent Trend 30 2 b. lrutitution.s __________ .F.c.w..... 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,1~};'{¼I~j ...... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (~~~~ $...55.,5.Q.. 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREk Terrain: Level with no construction hazards. Parts of that section botwcon Van Nuys Blvd. and Hazel tino Avo. have heretofore been subject to floods from the Tyrone Wash , but this danger will be minimized it is stated upon completion of flood control proje ct now undor construction. Lnnd improwd 70f,, . Docd r estrictions arc said to have expired . Zoning limits irnprovomonts to r esidential structures, lar gely single - family. Conv-cnionoos aro all readily available . For background of area s oc descri ption of B- 2, This is the older section of Van Nuys o.nd is he terogeneous as to population, improvements and l1Ulintonance. During tho 1938 floods the section described above was subj ect to serious drunc..gc and it is practically impossible to secure financ ing in. that po.rt. Tho improve me n ts o.long Hayes, Hamlin a nd Gilmore St:;. of Hazeltine Ave • . outside of flood district , new and of much llrottor character tho.n bn.lanco of area. On th.:.: theory that tm flo e d hazard in tho o.reo. hns been mitigate d, .it is o.ccorded o. provisiono.l "me dial ycllow 11 • .. 9. LOCATION .........'Lon.J!~YL.............. SECURITY GRADE.... 3nL AREA NO..... Q.c!i.. DA!]g=.23.c.39 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map 0L_L.o.s....Angel£:.1L_C.aunty. a. ll'ICTeasing ________________S.lQw:ly.... Dt:creasi1,.,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static .... Small business roon , white collar w:orkers, b. Class and Occupation_skille.d,....e.t.c... _____ lrutomiL:ilSQQ-:i:.240.!L 1. POPULATION: c. FOTeign Families ..f..~ ...%.! c. Shifting or Infilcratio,~---- 2. BUIWINGS, Nationalitie,<------"N'-"o"'ne'-"su'°"bv=•ce rs,,i,_cv~e_ _ __ PREDOMINATING ... ..75 ..'f a. T::,pe and Sit:e 4.,.5 room bung_~lows b. Construction __f rame 15 & Average Age Repair Poor to fair ..9§%,___ _ _ __ e. Occupancy f. Owner-occupied .......30:&~--- - - g. 1935 Price Bracket ~ h. 1937 Price Bracket ~...!2.759-3500 ............... % .19}9 $.Jooo-3500 .... ................% Saks Demttnd k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket o. ······ 10% structures years c. ;. OTI!ER TYPE 6 - 8 room dwellings 15% --~~-!-~-~-:.t~-~J.Y- stucco d. .. ..Pric, &acket N,gro ..... .9.......% d. %change 2250- 3000 ......... % ·······-···% Fair.....~tati,a. c _ _ _ _ __ l.ZQ... ::... .10 .............% 1937 Rent Bracket t .25:...c....35 ..19,\L ..........R<nt B,acket $ 25 - /,0 ····-· 1, Rental Demand p. Predicted &nt Trend .. Stat ic,.__ _ _ __ (next 6-12 month!) 4- 5 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past :yr.) No ...5.5.. . .. _Type & Price. $3000- 4500 How Sel.ung Moderately __ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. H0,~-~6_ __ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.. .3. ..)1".) ,a. HOL.~c- ~ ' 4 ~ - - - b. Institutions ...... }:~/:J.Y..... G. MORTGAGE RJNDS, ...!lmP1,....f<>c ............. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (1931c.) s elected risks $.5e.,.!& 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Te rrain: Level.. No constructi on ha zards or flood threats.. Land improved hatched por tion 5%; unhatched 55%. Zoning mixed; p rincipally single - family dwellings. Convo::mionces are all r eadil y o.vailable , inc luding interurban transporto.tion to Los A."1.gelcs City Center. SO!oo streets poorly improved_. This is the old town of Lankcrshim , nnd in many r espe cts is a co mmunity entity in itself.• Dovclopmont started some 25 or 30 years o.go .• It is located at tho intf.lrsection of o. main arterial higIPNlly and the P:. E,. Interurbo.n. Impr ovements nro hotorogonoous , orO\·rdod and generally poorly maintained. The n r co. is charactorizod by ago and obsolescenc e . Pro ximity to industrial o.nd business emp loyment and accessibility o.rc favorable influences. Recent development indicates c slightly upv""rd t r end , but it is not believed that this wlll be w.intainod nrul tho area is o.ecordcd a 11 lcw yollow 11 grade . 9. LOCATION ....... ..!.,ao!<o,. ,hi.m.......... CAUTION: SECURITY GRADE..;ird....,. AREA NO-.. Q,.6.. . DATE..3=.¾2.,0, This o. r cn is currently nffcctod in vthok or in purt by on Ad valorem Tax District . Individual p roportios ::;hould be cheeked for this hnznrd,. 187 AREA DESCRIPTION 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing,--~---- Decreasin,,.__ _ _ _ _ _ Static .. .X~L§.... Business & professional men, retired capitalists~ motion picture executives, etc. Income $)4000-10 1000 and up. b. Class and Oc01pction c. Foreign Families ____ 0_~% Nationali,·w· ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - d. Negro ......~ ...... %. e. Shifting or In/lltration, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, a. PREDOMINATING T:ypc and Size _.7-8 80 % structures _Frame &: stucco b. Construction c. Average Age d. Repair e. Occupancy f. Owner-occupied .. ?. years ____ 80% .... g. 1935 h. 1937 Ptice Brueket _ ,P_,_75.0.0:::J.l.,.O.QQ....l;\.Ud up_ ....... % .l9~9-- .... _____ P,-ice Bracket ~ 9)00- JOOO and up .............%. Price OTI!ER TYPE 6, 9, 10...r~o~o~m_ _ __ 80:m.e· duI)lex rooms Bracket ;. Sales Demand k. L Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket m. 1937 Rent Bracket o. Rental Demand ............ % ......... % Poor Ste.tic to down $ Undeveloped t_change .............. % ....... % p. Predicr.ed Rene Trend (next 6-12 mDnths) ......... Vai,L_ _ _ _ __ ...:?..:!arttc~----8 rm · stucco 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pti.,;e :n-.) No ..... ) .........Type & Price .__ t J:QJQ_QQ......... Ho1.11 Selling 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.3......_yr.) a. ◊.mer bui 1 t _,,O_ __ b. lnstituti"'"'----"o ' - - - HOL.'--_....c,,.0_ _ _ b. lnstitutioru _ __,Oc__ _ a. HOL..___ 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_.... Re.,.tcl..e.1'e.4 ... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 ( $.5?,.0§ 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA: T0rrain: Low level. No construc tion hazards but u dofinit0 flood threat (see below). Land improved 30%. HighlY deed res t ricte d with porpetuul protection ago.inst subversive racial hnzo.rds. Conveniences &11 readily uvo.iln'olo. This compuro.tivcly new urea comprises one of tho ror..l estate tro.godios of Los Angeles. It was placed upon tho 1inrkd; some 5 years ugo o.s o. h igh clnss subdivision und under tho stimulus of o. well plo.r.nod promotl.onci.l effort dovolop0d ro.pidly, At tho hoy doy of its o.ctiv ity, cruoo the floods of 1938 and nlmost over night dovo.sto.ted the district o.nd , o.t temporarily, blighted its future. '£rn.ppod bctvrocn tvK> mo.jor washes it suffered severely und , whi lo uctuul to ~rovcmonts wore tively slight, grounds wore ~vusho:id out, in sonc cuscs practico.lly to tho front door steps of tho residences, bringing terror to the inn~tes . Much control wor k hc.s boon done since und it is !Jolicvod that t ho flood dungor hns boon l o.rgoly overcome. Howeve r, tho mcnt:::.l hc:.z1:c!'d remains nnd will continue until ::mother flood senson tests the efficiency of the flood control projects . Construction is of th o highest a...'ld n.rchi tocturo.l designs t:1ro works of o.rt , Popu lo.tion is homogonoous n.rrl mnintcn~cc shONS high pride of o;•mcrship . Tho locntion, in o.ddition to ra ndy :::.cccssibility , is heavily woode d a.>1d k-s grcnt UG.turc,l cmrm. It is thought possible thr.t the c.rof'. will c:xporicncc u r cnu inso.nco , but under present conditions n provisionc.l 11 ycllovr11 grc.dc in o.11 thc.t is justified. ProvisioT11.1. l 9. LOCATION ..... J{Q.r.:th..Jfo.lly.rro.QtL...... SECURITY GRADE AREA NO~...S:.7•.-. OAT&.:.3.9_:3.9 CAUTION: Th is aren is currently nf'fcctcd i n ,;.,hole o r in pc.rt by nn Ad w..lorem 'fax. Diotrict. Individunl proportico :;hould be checked for this hc..raad.• AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL.b9.!L...t\;.!g~J~-~..._G.9.W!..t.Y--..·-··--····-· 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing_·--····~Jightly Deercasin[l: Static. Business & professional men, skilled artisans, Income $.!5.Q0- 3600 & up_ b. Class and Occupation_~'.fb:.~.t.':'__ l i;:gJJ._ar & clerical Yrorkers, etc, c. Foreign Fami!ies .....f.!;l?L~ e. Shifting 01' Infiltration Nationalities...............~.9..~.~---·!?Ybversive knoWJ:?:......................... d. Negro .... c:> ......% Some Mexican & Japanese in business section ..~J.9_tJ._g_J#nk~.r...G:hJm ...g.2.ri.~..tAt!,2.:t.~.§....~ ....~.!n:§l:.~t_,_._ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMlNATING _..85. 'I, a. T:;i,c and Site b. Consrn«-iion c. Average Age...J'air __ to __gqod .... d. Repair e. Occupanc, ..9.Q'h,_ _ _ _ __ .. J.iQ%,_ _ _ __ f. Owner-occupied g, 1935 Price Bracket ~...@00- 5700 h. 1937 Pm, B,ack,t t.4900- 6200 .... % ···---·% ~ .. 4?50-5500 ............... % ·-··-··-% 1939- .... P1·ice Bracket j. Sales Demand k. Pmlicud Price Trend Poor ...... Sto.ti~c_ _ _ __ (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket 'l,change ........... % m. 1937 Rent n. _19.p-9........- ......Rent Bracket o. Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) $ l+O , .. .50 .......... _..... ............... % ----· .....'.!: %,., ~ - - -- 5- 6 room 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past :-r.) No ..... )5 . .....T'Jpe & Price ..!Jl.!g59..:-.55..QQ ....How Selling 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES t..3....)'T.) 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_ ... J,.tmtt.e.<\ .......... Poor a. HOL..c...._ __;2~-- b. lnstinaion"•-~Fc,'ee,w_ _ a. HO''-'---~'--- b. Institutions Few 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (1937.,.) $.55.,5.9. 1938 8. DESCRI.PT[ON AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level. No construction hazards but flood thr0at ( see below). Land improved 35'/o. Deed restrictions are to be generally ample. Conveniences all readily ava.ilablo . Developm:mt of this o.ron hogan some 15 or 20 years ago and there arc o. number of homos in the northorn part along Bloomfield St. and Valley Spring Hood V<hich arc 15 or more years old and arc showing o. dm-mward tendency. This is also truo in th0 po.rt south of Ventura Blvd . The i"loods of 1938 did re a l do.1nago to tho newest nnd best pnr t; of the district, lying betwoon Victory Wash and tho Los Angeles River. Po.rt of this district is still more or less isolated on nccount of wt.shod out bridges which not yet boon replac e d. The best part of nror~ includes Brooks View Drivo and Bluff'sido Drivo nnd intermedintc thoroughfares. Construction in this section is novr nnd of oxcollont qunlii;sJ, with ho.rmonious urchitecturnl design:.. Prior to tho floods of 1938 this particular portion would probably h....'l.vo ro.ted first grnde. Howovor , physicn.l do.nm.go nnd m:mtnl ho.znrd whi ch it caused hns seriously nffcctcd tho a rea I s dosiro.bility, o.nd , v.h.ilo it mc.y come bnck owing to its oxcollont loco.tion o.nd flood control work that is being done, under existing conditions n provisiono.l 11 y ollov/' gr~do is all thnt seems justified. 9. LOCATION .....J.I:!1tY..9..r_~~...9J.tY._ .......... SECURITY GRADE...3.r..4.... :: AREA NO-...-Q.::tL. . DATE..3.::3.0::-3,;l CAUTION: This o.roo. is currently nffectod i n vJholo or in po.rt by nn Ad valorcm Tclx District. Individuo.l prope rtieo should bo checked for this hnzo.rd. 189 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of.Ji.Q.§....~~.l,QJL_C:.Q®ty. ___ ,______ _ l. POPULATION: b. a. Increasing Moderately ....... De.creasi Static--··· Pensioners and retired people; local business men Class and Occupation _______and_ Wlite c_ollar workers. __ Income 015.00-3Q_OO __ a¢_uQ... _____ _ c. Foreign Families .. ..F!iln..% Nationalities_ . ... .. .....N.o.w.....§.µ);>_Y.§l.r..s.Jy_!;l____ •.... d. Negro.... .9 ..... 1" e. Shifting or Infiltration, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Non,e __ auparent,_ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, ..~Q.% PREDOMINATING ____ 201, OTIIER TYPE .5...~oom __ bung_a~ow __ _ a. T:,pe and Site b. Construction c. Average Age e. Occupancy f. Owner-occupied g. 1935 l'ric, Brncket $ 225.Q- 2.700 __ 1937 Price Bracket ~...2500- -:,000 .1939 ........ .... Price B,acket $.2.00<l.c.3.00.9. .. . _____ e-10 __years~-- ,... .. ... f a i , ~ - - - - - - h. ....97'/.~----- j. Sales Demand k. P,.edicU?d Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket 65JL .............. % ·--· % ··--···S.t.{!.tic,_ _ _ _ __ ~......l1,SO ....s30 ) $.. 20.c .. 3.5. m. 1937 Renr o. ,i, ........... 'I, -19}9 ... ........ Rent Bracket $ .20...c ...3.5. Rental Demand ........G-.Qa,~------ p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) .. S . t . a t i . ~ - - - - 4 rm. i 2250 FHA Title I 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No.....J.75. ....Type & P~~.2.0~()~2.~:qTi~ie .N.9.4.£!:~"l:.~J..Y.... _ 6 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOL O b. lnstitutions Many Slfing 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES <...3. ... :,r.) 6. MORTGAGE RJNDS· a. HOL,~-~ 8 ~ - - b. lnstitwions Ample ( FHA) . 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1()00 (193...7t Many $.5.2.,10 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACJ'ERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level to h illside; construction hazards in hillside locations. Recent flood control projects are said to havo overcorre flood hazards. Land improved in area as a whole lCf,/4; in unhatched portion it is 45%. This nret.\ is particularly popular with thoso suffering from pulmonary and respiratory afflictions, and o. hospito.l for tho treatment of such troublos is loco.tad in tho area . Improvcm::mts heterogeneous a.s to typo, size , nnd maintona.ncc. Population is inclined to bo inharmonious. Since the arcn wns clcc.rod of M. vo.lorom bondod dobt soil):) two yof'.rs o.go , there ho.s boon quite o. little activity in the a.roe. largely under stimulus of FHA fino.ncing and now improvements arc of very much better class. In the hatched portion of area o. number of pretentious homes of tho country estuto typo vtlich occupy spo.oious grounds. In tim:.: this area will undoubtedly have to bo broken down into n number of sm:tllor o.rco.s and r cr;raded. In tho meantime it is assigned a nm:Jdio.1 11 yellow grado. 'fujungo.- 9. LOCATION ..S.unhnd..JJ..i,.trl.o.t........ SECURITY GRADE.....3rcl AREA NO•....G.c9 ..... DATE.ils3.c39 190 AREA DESCRII'TION Security Map of_kQ.~-~~t!!!.§._Q.Q!:!.rrtx______ _ 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing Decreasing Rapidly Income h 00:~ 5 b. Class and Occut,ation_Sk;lled __ & __ unskilled labor , movie workers, white c o llar. Shifting or In/ilrration _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~None_ a:2,l)_arent~- - - - - - - - - e. 2. BUILDINGS, 9,> % PREDOMINATING a. Type and Size b. Consrruction Frrune & stuc_9.9. __ c. Av~ age Age __ g_y_ears d. Repair _____Go_o d~ -- - - - e. Occupancy __ -22%~-- - - -- Owne,--occup;,d .....95lL_ g. 1935 Price Bracket $ - h. 1937 Price Bmclret ;. Sale, k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket ___ Stati~•- - - - - - 1937 Rent Bracket $.. .... Not. n. --l99-9 .............. Rent Bracket t ..~.,t,!>_U,h.•L- o. Rental Demand p. Predictd Rent Tmu! ..193~ ............. P-rice 8,-ack,t (next I::kmand 6-12 OTIIER TYPE .4-6 r ooms $ 2000-3500........... .............'!> Good months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa,t :,,.) No.. 29.9 %,change ,J,change ................% ............... % ....1' 4- 6 r ooms ....Type & Pric, _jg5QQ::JiQQQ....Jlow % S.IUng _Go~od~-- 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOL~- -0~-- b. lnstitutiori~s~P•~w~-- 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (...3.. ,r.) a. HOL.~ - ~ 2 ~ - - b. In.s-ticutioiu~F~•w~ - - 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, hmlll..~.Jf!!/•. L . 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (1931=> $..5..l.,M 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Te rrain: Level with no construction hazards . Land improved : hatched portion l ~ ; balance 40~t Deed r estrictions: Thor e are no tmif'orm restrict ions. Zoning is 1.o.rgely single- family . Schools, c hur ches and tradin g centers reasonably available. Transportati on is geno rally inadequate , and sewors are lacking. St r eets havo no uniform typo of improvement. 'fhere was an abortive attempt to deve l op this a.reo. in 1923 and , while sorre str ee t imp rovements we r e insta lled and a number of lots sold , fovr impr ovcmonts resu lted . During the d epression most of the so subdivisions were takon ovo r by ths: institutions hol d ing blanket liens a.J:!,8-inst thorn . Upon the adv ent of FHA financin g this section attracted tho attention of speculo.tive b.iildors largely because of l ow lot pr ic e s and fo.vorablo terms ,Wlich could b e obto.inod from institutions , mostly 00.nks , which ho.d o.cqui.rod and W'l';! r o holding the prope r ty . The ro.p id cxpo.nsion of the Lockheed o.nd Vega Aircraft plants, which o.djo.c cnt to this o. r oa , croo.tcd nn a bnormal dor.nnd for housing o.nd thi.s , couple d with the bogim1ing of FHA Ti tlc I fino. ncing of smo.11 now dwellings , so stimul o.tod construction of di:.c ll ings tho.t during tho 12 months it ho.s literally r oa ch ed boom proportions . Thero nrc 9 distinct Titlo I projects or concentration in this o.roo. o.s wall c.s scattered imprcrvomonts thro ughout tho ho.tcrod ( Continued on next po.go ) 9. LOCATION ..•.• lll,rl!!!,l.J!; __ .____·-·-- SECURITY GRADE..3.ciL. AREA NO_.~-,J.0__ DATEi.-c.3l-=39 CAUTION : This C'.ren is cur r ontly ~ffoctcd in Td10 lo or i n po.rt by an Ad valorem Tnx Dis t r ict . Individun l proportios shou ld bo checked for this ht'.znrd. 19 1 AREA DESCRIPTION SECURITY MAP OF Los l3eles County .3 . J)BSCRIPI'ION AND C!IARACTEHISTICS OF ~'IRE.'.: (Continued from previous page ) portion. The quality of construction of these Q.wellings ranges from first class substandard to "Jerry built" and s hoddy. High pressure p romotional effort is the rule and terms vary from nothing to ~100 dovm with balance payable in 94 monthly installroonts. Prices range roughly from 02000 to t 26oo. Practic ally 10/$ of the act i vity in the area is of a speculative natur e and this factor in itself seriously clouds the future of the district . Und er the circumstances outlined it naturally fo llows that the populat ion is extrerooly heterogeneous. A I1Rjority of the residents are young people ,·,ho have not yet o.ttained economic stability and , should the airplane p lants mentioned curtail ope r ations, it would inevitably result in numerous abA.ndonments and foreclosures. It shoul d bo stated , however , that the plants mentioned have a treoondous back log of orders and indications p oint to still further expansion of operations . Authorities differ widely as to tho classification of this area, but , aftor reviewint; all tho unc e r tainties and detrimental ih c tors , highe r than a. 11 mcdial yollow 11 is hot warranted . 9. LOCi,TION._ ---"B::,urc;b:::•'-'nk:,___ _ _ SECURITY GR.\uE~.\REA NO . ~ DATE--2.:.2.!.:.22_ 191-A :REA DESCRIPTION 1. POPULATION: a. increasing Moderately Dec,,asi,,.__~I~nc_o_m_e'$'"'1~50~0~-=25Jotatic ··· b. Class and Occupation ... :!1-eronautic technicians, white collar viorkers I skilled workers. c. Foreign Familics ....!~.!!..i Nationalitie.s.-...'?.~.~ti~.:r.~_9:_)!~xican fe.milies d. Negro....!?. ... .... 'J?. of further subversive racial elements not expected. 'l'h0 e. ~ lnfiltrationl~e.ll~..M ...f.M'§.:l;;.I.';i.9.t __ ..iit__9_o_11:!;h§!fP:.... portion Z. BUILDINGS, a. T"Jf)e and Si~ PREDOMINATING ... 90.}, ...'fe OTHER TYPE _4 . - .5 _room b. Construction c. Averag<! Age d. Re~ir f. Owne,-occupi,d g. 1935 Price B,ack<t f.l750.s35.0.0_ h. 1937 Price Bn,cket !...L800.c3.00.0.... ............... % .1939.............Price &ack<t t29QQa.49.QQ .............. % j_ Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 monthd 1935 Rent Brad:et 1937 Rent Bracket ..... ... 40~L>- - - - - - !..15 .s- 20..... tm. .s.... 2s... -.. ···········"' .......... % $ 25 - 35 o. Rental Demand p. PYedicted Rent Trend Good ... 9t_?,t;_; um'far.9- ... (next 6-12 monchs) 5 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No.._..'?5..... _.. _T-ypc & Price_~3500-4.000 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOLC. ...... 0... 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (...3.... yrJ a. HOL.~- . b. Haw Selling Moderately __ Institutions Few to many =2_ _ _ b. Institutions Few to many MORTGAGE FUNDS,_ ..'\m.E_),c_.(_>'!i,\).. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $lrol (1937:_) $_2t,./;9 1930 ,,. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACfERIS-ITCS OF AREA, Terrain : Level with no co nstruction hazards. Land improved 30%. There no deed r est rictions and zoning is uncertain. Conveniences arc all reasonably o.vai lo.ble. Boin-; suburbo.n in charo.cto r, majority of the streets are unpaved and sewers arc net in; other utilities arc installed . 'fho developm:int of this nrca begun u number of ago es o. sustoncmce homcstco.d d istrict and romn ino d more or loss dormo.nt until tho recent expansion of the Lockheed Aircraft Co. The dcm':l.nd for housing u.ttructod many ae ronouti ca.l workioon o.nd activity in the area incrcuscd. FH.1. finan cing is o.vailablo in tho o. und ho.s nruch to do vrith its grov..ring A.Ctivity . .A large pl'rt of tho oldor co nst ruction wus of substandard quality but r ocont inprovomonts have been of bettor cho. ro.ctor. Mo.intenanc e and n rchitccturo. l designs hnvc o.lso improved. Populn.tion is nondescript but enjoys high::r income then in average workingmons distr ic t. PricG bro.ckets shovm rtbove o.r c nomino.l o.nd do not reflect oxtrc. size of hom::: sitos, mo.ny of uhich u r e of a.cruo.g,c proportions. Proximity to the Unitod Airport a.nd Lockheed Aircra ft Co. mnk:cs locution of [crco. o favoro.blc fa.ctor h.ns undoubtedly bcGn responsible fo r its recent t;rov;th , nnd :furthe r expo.nsion of' these p lo.n ts vti.11 nruch to de wi t h i ts dcvclopmont . Upon tho thoory future desiro.bility vti.11 be upwr.rd the area is a ccorded o. 11 provisionnl yollow" gro.dc. Provisiono.l 9. LOCATION_~B=ur~b•=nk~--- SECURITY GRADE. ..3.r.~ AREA NO• DATE(§i'31.,.39 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of_ ..L.Q.§... .i!M.i,i:;~J..~.~---_<;:_9.w.1-tx_ _________ _ u. Increasing _ _______ M.o.d.f:..r.~.t.~J.y___ ,. ________ Decreasin>![--~~-~- Static ... Skilled labor, aircraft mechanics, factory and b. Class and Occupation ___ .'mli.kJ;<&t.h___ 00ec-ee2,c00,,0c___ _ _ _ _ __ 1. POPULATION: c. Foreign FamilieL.f.~--~ No.tionalin,·.~--N~o~ne~•~ub ~v~•~r~•i~v~•- Shifting or In.filtration, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _N~ on~•~e.p_p,_a_r_en_t_ e. 2. BUILDINGS, --- 80 ...% PREDOMINATING a. T,Pe and Site - OTIIER TYPE ....4 - 5 rooms --~-~rger residences Mu lti-fa.-nily b. Con:struetion Awrage Age --·····18__ year:s~-- - - d. Repair ·····~J.r.._t.9____ g_9._9._g_ e. Occupancy f. OwneT-occupied ······.451,~------ g. 1935 Price &acket $ .sO0D-280~ ... . h. 1937 Price B,acke, t.2toQc3.0.00 .. .. ......... 1, ..1939.. ............ Price &acket $ 2100-3000 .............. % c. d. Neg,o ... ~ .... .. 'fc _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ;. Sales Demand Fair k. Predicted Price Trend Static l~~- 11 5% %,change (next 6--12 months} 1935 Rent Bracket m. 1937 Rent Bracket n. ,.1959....... _ ...... Rent Bracket o. Rental Demand $ .18 - 39 tchange $ .18 ... - 32.50 .. ...........'/> uo - 35 1, ...•..... % '%. E'Tedicted Rent Trend .....!?.t.~:Ug~----(next 6-12 month5) 5 room Built 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION ( '.>'t.) No ...§.9. .. ...._T:ype & Price __~_l.g.?.Q_.._ ........ How Selling ... (}l:!-._.O.fdcr -··p. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOLC.... - ~ - - , . SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (....2..:,,-.) a. HOLC............/J. .... b. In.sritution.s ..._)1ca.l:!-.Y.•.... MORTGAGE FUNDSd,!!A) ... 7. TOTAL TAX RATI PER $1000 (1931.c) $..5.l.,_l<Q. 1938 i, DF.SCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Te rrain: Level with favorable gr a des. No construction hazards. Land i mprove d 75%. The area is without deed restrictions nnd zoning permits mul tiple family structures. Conveniences are al l readily available. This is the older se ction of Burbank and \ Yll.S subd iv ided some 25 ago. Devolopmont has r evived considero.bly under t he stinru.lus of oxpnnding mn.nufo.cture a nd FHA Construction is of standard quality o.nd mnintc:nance is gone ro.lly of good charo.ctcr, although obsolo:3Ccnco o.nd o.ppo.ront . Both populatio n o.nd improvements o.rc hetero geneous. Tomporo.rily the or ca is on tho but it is not thought this fo.vornblo trend is por:gtmont and o. gr €tde of 11 ITl)d i nl yellow 11 is thoroforo e.ccordcd. 9. LOCATION .....B~.r~.!l~. -······- ········. SECURITY GRADE.. )Ed ...... AREA NO•..f:.!.?.... DATE..!Jd.c.39 CAUTION: This o.roa. is ourrontly cdfe ctcd in wholo or in part by o.n Ad vo.lorom Twc District. Indi viduo.l propert i es should be chocked for this ho.zo.rd. 193 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of_1.QL.Aoz..~l~~-·J;g_\!ll.W__________ __ _ 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing Moderately Dtcrea.sin,g..,.- ~ - ~ ~ - - 5uttic ______ _ White collar workers, skilled labor, aircraft b. Class and OccupatioiL.~.<1h.~~9.h fac"?)ry & WPA workers. lncoJ11:1 $700-1800 c. Foreign Families .....F.fil'!'..~ e. Shifting 01'" Infiltration PREDOMINATING90 ...% 2. BlJILD!NGS, _Frame & _Stucco _____ _ b. Construction c. OTilER TYPE Fe_w..f:., .f~OlJl, ....some ___ _ a. T :,pe and Site Auerage Age d. Repair ____ Po.o.r .. to ___ g_ood e. Occup::mcy ·-···9()% _ _ _ __ /. Owner-occupied .....50'/. _ _ _ _ _ __ g, 1935 Price Bracket hoo.o.=.2oou___.__ %,ha,... $ ·--- ·---··- h. 1937 Price Bracket 1120.0=.;;oo.o..... . $ ;. 19½> .. ... ..... Price B=ket $J.15D.c3Z5.0. i. Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket $. 12.50 - 22·-·····-· 1937 Rent Bmcket $ •....•. % --- % ......¾.a t-·~ - - - - - n. ..193.9---- .........Rent Bnlcket o. Rental Demand .15 %,hang, =. 21.50 ----· ...............% Predicted Rent Trend ___ St~ti c~ - - - - (ne.xt 6,.12 months) 5 rm stucco & fi'ame 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION ( yr.) No......SJ:9.. ___Y.:,pe & Price __ ··-··-i_4Q.QQ__ ........How Selling .}fodera.tely _ p. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, - S. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (...3.....)'7'.) a. HOL~- - ~~ b. Institutions_ ...... ?.l:a!!-Y a. HOL.~- - ~ 2 ........ b. Institutions_ .....J,i~ny 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_h~J~.9....~.~~.~pt7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (1937=.) $.5,,40.. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACfERISTICS OF AREA, ~~ Terrain: Low level with no cons t ruction hazards. Land improved 50%. Deed restrictions are inadequate and short lived. Zoning in Burbank due to lax building code is questionable. Conveniences are a.11 r oadily available. There a number of unimproved streets. This area was subdivided some 15 or 20 years o.go and has never boon a popular location and is probably seeing its greatest activity at tho present time. Tho construction of older dwollings is of substandard to 11 shack 11 construction. Now improvmncnts on the contrary are of' good qUD.lity o.nd pleasing architectural designs~ most of the hom'.ls being built with FHA Title II financi ng. This contradictory condition is responsible for the wide spread shown above.. There is also a wi,do variance in both price range and mnintonanco. As a no.turo.l soquencc of tho foregoing , population is hctorogcnoous. Proximity to the S.P. Ry., Gro.nd Central Airport.,. and industry to tho north wost nnd business to tho soui;h arc unfo.vorablo faotors. Near ness to omploym::mt is a favor £;.b l o inf'luonco and currant building a ctivity ilrli catos n.n upwnrd trend . Tho i ndustrial pro gross in Burbank and consequent dc!Tflnd for housing is also a cons t ructive ihfluoncc. Ai'to r weighing tho pros und cons of tho si tuo.tion it is not thought th.i\t tho rec ent improvom:)nt in this distr ict is sto.blc o.n:i the nreo. is therefore o.c corded a 11 low ydlov/1 gr ade . 9. LOCATION _ _ Bu_r_bn_nk _ _ _ _ _ SECURITY GRADE...Jc<!.. c AREA NO... f.c.1.3.. DAIB1t~=39 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL.Lo..a...Ang~il.s. __ QQJ,m:ty______________ _ 1. POPULATION: a. increasing_J.4.~r.a.t.e.l.y______ ,. __ ..... Dccreasin Artisans, white collar, b. Static .. semi-skilled, retired Class and Occupation ______ h,aalth....s.eakw:6.,._pr..o.f~Li:!-.n.<L.RY§..l@.[§._ffi~....!!l.9..QID.~...!?J.?.QQ::. . ·1· % c. Foreign Famt!-tes.P.e:2L..... . .• . Natwnabtres ...-.................. lfoJ:;Le....aub:mr..alY.. d. ~~Ef~f port ion 2. BUILDINGS, a. PREDOMINATING only OTHER TYPE _1.5 % .F.r.a.,ne....&. ..a:tu.c.c.o. _______;i,.ng ___ l\.9.!&~J_Qyr.._ __ c. Average Age d. Repair e. Occupancy f. Owner-occu/,ied ... w % ~ - - - - - g. 1935 Prie< B><d,, La9.QQ,-.4Q.QQ_ %change h. 1937 Price Bracket ~... 25.0.0::-l.iSQ.O. .1.9.39............._Pric, Brocket t ..~5.Q9.c45QQ .. . .......... <f, 1,!,_ _ _ _ __ ·-97%~----- j, Salts Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) ··---·-% % ...§t.1.1,ti,....- - - - - - 1935 Rent Bracket $ 1937 Rent Bracket $ ..25... - n. 1939----- ..........Rent Bracket $ .25 - .4Q··-----·-- o. Rental Demand 2Q._-.-3ll ·-···· .i,J_··-··-··---· %,hang, %chang~ .... J, ...............% --·--· % --~ p. Pmlicted Rent Trend ...... $.tat.i.~-----(next 6-12 months) -4-6 rooms NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No._.J,.3.9 ...Type & Price ..1?.5.Q.Q.-5.5QQ ...Row Selling 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. H O , = - ~ ~ - - 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (....3.. JTJ a. HOL " 77 Negro .......... •··-··-- T-ype and Si~ b. Consm«:tion 3. ·- 1)5 __ % $2JOO 6 Mode rately b. lnstitution.s ... __ r~'Y". . . 1937- $48. 67 MORTGAGE FUNDS:...1.imi:t~.d..J~L ....... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $10C() 093.§. ..) $_1~_Q_~q_§£~J:rto. s0lective $34. 70 La & Co_. DESCRIPTION AND CHARAcrER!STICS OF AREA, Applies to unhatched portion only except when specified. Terrain: Level to rolling with favorable grades; no cons t ruction hazards. Land improved 1P%. Deed restricte d in parts but provisions loosely drawn; protection against racial hazards bcli0vod effective. Zoning largely single-family with limited multi - family in parts, Convonionccs all rensono.bly avo.ilable, This area might be termed a heal th o.rea .• It has considoro.ble clcvution and is o.bove fog district, and was first developed some 25 y(!ars a.go as a resort for those suffer ing from pulmono.ry o.ilioonts . Recently, under stimulus of FHA financing, mnny new rosidonces of suburban cho.ractcr havo been constructed, but it is still viewed o.s a 11 heo.lth 11 section o.nd o. number of so.nitariums and small cottages for the troatroont of tubercular disease arc found in tho 11 hotchod 11 portion. Construction 11 ranges from stand a rd to substandard quality o.nd mnintonance nvoro.gos only nfnir • Population and improvements arc extremely hotorogcneous. This characteristic is even more apparent in the hatched portion of tho area where lo.nd development c.vcrngos loss than 10% o.rd improvomcnts from shacks to mansion and estate type structures in tho foothills.. It is difficult to predict the future desirability cf an r;roo. of this; it will probo.bly remain as it is now~ o. 11 low yellow" grade. Montrose I Spo.rr Hts. 9. LOCATION ..J)1'<\_),_n__C_!'.2Je9!l~2. . ~: SECURITY ·GRADE ..... 3r<\.. .-•AREA NO•. _.9.c¼ ·oATEic.?~cJ9 This a rea. is currently affected in whole or in pnrt by o.n Ad vo.lorcm To.x District.. Individuo.l properties should be chocked for this ho.zurq.. 195 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of-1.ila.._"""°lo.:L.~o.unj;y_..____ . 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing_.... _J!i.g_ Q.~J::!'l:t~lY........_... Decreasin,,.__ _ _ _ _ _ Static ..__________ _ Income $,;;15 00-2hOO up b. Class and Occupation __ j):Q.ID....9.k.ill..~-~:i:ti.§filts;to 'l}u§iness &_professional __ c. Foreign Families ....Q__ i 2. BUILDINGS, a. T:,pe and Size Nationalitie,_____________ 5-6 room b. Const'r'.tetion Fram0 & stucco 12 years .....sing,=l~••~----- d. Repair ...Yoor ___ to ..zoo.~d~--- e. Occupancy ·········.97l~•------ /. Owner-occupied ·········75%c..__ _ _ __ g, 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Price Bracket j. Sales Demand k. P,,edicted Price Trend (next 6-12 month.~) 1935 Rl-nt Bracket $ 25.. - .4G._ .. ·-·-·· %.E"""·~' t,35 .•. .so ·······-··· ............. % l939 ............ Price Bracket m. 1937 Rent Bracket n. l9}9- ........... &nt Bracket o. Rental Demand p. p(:~l~~!~ Negro ____ _(}_ _______%._ ·- 85 _.% PREDOMINATING c. AVl?Tage Age ire:r;i._____ _________ _ d. %change f35.QO.s5QQQ.... .............. % ~...3250:::-lJ.750..... ·· ·····% ---·S.tati.~ - - - -- - $.35 .. ··•·· .....% - 59--··-·- --·--'! Fair to good L~ea.sonal) __S~t=•~"=·c____S-~6~m stucc_o_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pasc yr.) No......!.5.. . -...Type & Pnce~500-6000 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (?.,,..) 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_,',,,Pe.~..J!'!JA) ..... How SeUing .Jiio~erately _ a. HOL.'----'2' - - - - - b. lnsticutw!"-'_ __c_Fe'"v'-,_ _ a. HOL,.....__.=___ _ _ b. Jn,u<u6o,n,__.c.Fccew~_ 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (1937.:) $ 1938 56.oo 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level canyon bottom with favorable grade; no construction hazards. Land improved 6<$. Zoning is mixed but mainly single-family with limited nrultifamily. Conveniences are all fairly available. This areo. has developed from an eo.rly beginning as o. sumrnor resort o.nd hD.s developed slowly during the 25 to D. yeo.r-round residentiul neighborhood. Flood ho.zo.rds ware formcrly n distinct retardant but, with commencement of o. permo.nont flood control program in 1935, four of this ho.s subsided o.nd remains lo.rgoly o.s o. mental unfo.vornblo influonco. Under the stimulus of FHA ing and its glon- liko oho.rm the a.roe. hns experienced o. distinct up.,nrd trend during tho past sovernl years. With tho background outlined it cnn bo readily soon tho.t improvom:mts, populo.tion and mnintonunce, vhilo groatly improvo<l, nro still very hotorogcneous in cho.rnctor. Conflicting influences me.kc it oxtromcly difficult to predict the future trend of this o.roo.. Tho heo.vy ruinfull nnd rrnny floods of yeo.r nffocted this district udvorsely. :Natural oho.rm and conveniences to Glendo. l e Junior Colle.go ure favoro.blo influences offsetting to some extent t.'10 ncgo..tive fnctors indic!l.tcd. Despite the popularity o.ttai:ncd by tho area in 1937 it is folt tho.t it reached its poo.k nt thnt time u.nd thu.t it will oxporionco o.n off11 11 setting decline which Yiill continue. It is thcrcforo accorded o. low yollow grr-.dc. 9. LOCATION.Y 0 ~~.u,:o Knoll, SECURITY GRADE..3r<i...c AREA NO•...QcJ5.. DATEJ.c!;.~=33 CAUTlON: 'fhis r.roa. is currently uffccted in whole or in part by o.n Ad VC\lorcm To.x Dis t rict. Individual properties should bo chocked for this hnzo.rd. 196 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oLL9..$. __Arl,g~l.~.?...-\IQ.1,1J!."t.Y a. Increasing, _ _ _ _ _ .. -·-· . Decreasing:---~--- Static .... J.~-~---Business and professional men, white collar b. Class and Occupation _____ workers...__skilled arti sa.n§..r_et~.• Income $1200-2400 & up 1. POPULATION: c. Fo,-eign FamilieL..F.'.1:1.w..'%. e. Nationalities.._.. .............Jl<?,:ne ___ sut>Yers.ive~---- i.. BUILDINGS: OTIIER TYPE ___5., a. Type and Site 5% Multi - family .... 8 b. Construction c. d. Negro .....9._ ....... % S h i f t i n g ~ ....Qf'....l.Q.vrer.... in~9:llll! ..~.9..UP.1i...Jn.t.9....g1'..~~,.-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ lg% rm. frame Average Age d. Repair e. OccM.panc, --98%~----- f. Own,,,,occupi,d ···· 6.0'/. g. 1935 Price Brac~t }..:,2.50-l,.500. __ h. 1937 Price Bradret J..J500., 5000....... .19:,9 .. ...... Price &acket $ 359.Qc.59.9.9. j. Sale, Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket '%change 1, ............... % ____s_t~ti.Q,_ _ _ _ __ f.20..~... .38...5Q.• .........% 1937 Rent Bracket Bracket n. ..19J). ____________ Rent o. Rental Demand p. 7:!~1~~::1 $ 25 - 4D $~----- .. _% Good . ._?.t~,."t.,ic,___ _ _6~5--6~rm $4000"-~ 5=5~00~------ 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past,,-.) No.J5. ·····-··T'pe & P.ricet&556:E~666How Selling ___f!,pderately _ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL,L-.---"~-- b. lnsdrutions.______ F..e:w: 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES Cl ...,,.) a. 6. MORTGAGE HJNDS, .......Amµle ... . HOLC.............6 _____ b. lnstiMioru..... .... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (1931c) 1938 r'ew $-5.L,.Q2 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain : Level with favorable grades; no construction hazards. Land improve d 9~. Deed restrictions have e xpired and zoning is ll'.ixcd but pattern is definitely single - family. Conveniences are all readily available, including interurban trm1sportation to Los Angeles •. This l a rge section is one of the oldest residential districts in Glendale and initial dcvelopm:mt was over 25 years ago. It has alwc.ys been he ld in high regard and is still a rospocted nreo.. Improvements quite generall y indicato pride of occupancy, although onnstruction vuries from standar d to substandard with oconsione.l wallbonrd nnd mud sill type with numerous flat roof dwellings .. Thero aro compurntively few mul ti-family dwellings but o. distinct tendency to build r ental units behind dwellings (on rear of lots). While there arc no known subversive r acial olcmmts ,. tho population is very heterogeneous, income levels OOing quite dive r se. Po.rts of the section lying sout h of Glenoo.ks Dlvd. and oust of Centro.l Ave •. end o. number of blocks lying north of Stocker between Pacific Ave. & Brand Blvd . of bettor que.lity tho.n tho bD.lo.nco of tho urea, which , o.s o. whol e ~ is in a of slov, de cl ine and is accorded a "1nodinl ycllow11 grndo . Glendo.lo 9. WCATION ....P.oilli.c.=-6.rnnd....... Glonoo.ks District SECURITY GRADE.... ,rd AREA NO__ J:cl.6 DATE;,=21-•3.9 197 AREA DESCRimON Security Map of_19..e... Ar..g~J-§..§:___Q.9.1:J_n:!.;Y----·-----Decreasi:11,,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static a. Increasing ___ )~.9..9-§!X.£!..~~J.Y.._ Income $1500- 3000 b. Class and Occupation ___ Busines_s ___&_profession_al_ men.,__ artise.ns_a_ __ white collar:.. workers~-- 1. POPULATION: c. FOTeign Families ..... _Q __ ~ e. etc. Nationalities .................. N.9.n~____rn.bY..e.r.,~JY..e,_ _ _ __ 1, d. "Negw . . . . . . Q Jhl~- In/iUTation.-o.f...m.v.l.t.i; __ atr.u..Q_:t\U:~~. . . . . . . . f.;mr.9_~c.hma.nt....Q.f.. J;iJ.tain.e.§.1,i.._a...... threat. PREDOMINATING 2. BUILDINGS, . f'8 ·-·% a. T1pe and Size .....5:::2....f"J!.<2.JA. _ _ _ __ b. Construction ... Fri¥!le &_stucco ·- 15 .% -·· structµre;;c..._ _ _ __ c. Average Age d. Repair .....F.,@,.i:r....t.Q ....g.0.20..... e. Occut-ancy ..... 913%,_ _ _ _ __ f. Owner-occupied OIBER TYPE ···- Sca.t~er:~d... :l.arg_er .. singles ... 50%~----- g. 1935 Price Bracl<Lt l.<5Q.Q:,35QQ. %change h. 1931 Pria Bmclre, t.309.0.s400.0. ··- _% .. 1939 ...... ..... Price Bracket ~--3.0.00:::4.00Q ·---"' j, Sales ~mand ....F.a.u:c__ _ _ _ __ k. PT-edicted Price Trend (next 6,.12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket ....."-------- 1931 Ren, &ack,, Lm . a_l,o..• $c..__ _ __ $c..__ _ __ ..19,,_9-.............. Ren, B,ack<t $30.-.40.-..·---· o. Rental Demand ......G . a o , ~ - - - - - - p. Predicted Rent Trend . .....S.t.ati."-------- 5 (next 6--12 months} & 6 room (some multiple family structures} 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pas, ,,.) N,J_,5 .... ..Type & Price _Sli5DO.a550D... How Selling .......Ma.d.era± 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOLC-..........0..... 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (....3.,,.) a. HOL.'-'----'---- b. Irutitucioru_ .......M@.Y. 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_!>"'E1~.Jlil1'.}. 1. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (1937c) $.5J.,Cl9.. 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Level with favorable grades ; no construction hazards. Lond improved Deed restrictions ha.vo expired or shortly will. Zoning : mixed residential. Conveniences all readily a.vo.ilnbl0. This area vias subdivided some 25 years a.go and was o.t one time a popular home district and is still well thought of• und has oxporioncod some activity in the few years, largely due to the stimulus of FHA financing. Construction varies from stu.nde.rd to substandard 11 11 with some Jerry built dwellings. Mixed typos , o.rchitectural designs, ago o.nd obsolusconco give tm o.roa. G soroowhat heterogeneous appearance . Population is genero.lly homogeneous o.nd mo.intono.ncc shows pride of occupo.ncy. Accessibility of locution o.nd rising lc.nd vru ucs indicc.tes u trend toward multi-family structures. While retaining soro still desirable sections the area as n whole ho.s lost its appec-,1 nnd is dofinitoly declining, o.nd is thoreforo o.ccordod o. 11 mediv.l yollowu grade .• 80~. Chevy Dist. 9. LOCA110N .. Q.!e.~s!.~1L................... SECURITY GRADE ....;\rd.... AREA NO-.•Csl7. DATEJ.ic;\.s.¾) CAUTION: Thi:; nroo. is currently n.ffo<ited in whole or in po.rt by an Ad valorem Tc.x District. Individuo.l proportios should b0 checked for this hezurd . 198 AREA DESCRIP'TION Security Map 0£.._L.o.LL,,A,,p,g.ak.&....C.m.ui..ty_.._ t. POPULATION: a. ..___ _ Increasing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Decreasin,.____________ Static .... X.a..s..... White collar workors, cloricnl nnd public employees, b. Class and OccupatiorL.l.c..'!? ..&.....:I!:A..J:l!2t.k.QX'_s....__I.nQ.QmLaJ_O_Q__ t.Q....fil...8.Q..~------ facign FamiUeL.fOYl.~ e. ~ * In/i!tration ..,_...o.f. ....sub:v.1;'l...t .br.e./J..~-------- 2. BUILDINGS, a. Nacionali•"········ ......N.onc... ,.ub.xo.r.,.i..Y.Q _ _ _ d. Negro . ....0 (Said to bo 2 Jo.po.nose o.nd 1 Mexican frunilios} % c. PREDOMINATING T-:ype and Size b. Construction .85 % ..5.c6.. rJ>o~------ .Fr.nmo.. ..&....s:ta.:.c.c.n ••... s.01110..•.•shac.k.s. c. Awrage Age d. Repair t.o.. . f . n i . ~ - - - - e. Occupancy ······')5',~'- - - - - - - f. Owner-occuPied .....1.iJ);i~------ g. 1935 Price Bracket ~-- ?250-30 <;X)________ h. 1937 Price Bmck,t t ~5.9Qc.35.0.0.... t ...s590.c35Q.9. 1~}9 ............ Price Bcack,t j. Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 month$) 1935 Rent Bracket Lgo - 39 1937 Rene Bmcktt $ ...20 - 30 $ _20 - . .39 n. .l93SL ............. Rent Bracket o. Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) %change 1,change ...% ·-~ .. _% .............. % Poor to fnir .. Stq:t;ic _to __ down ___ _ %change ··-·-·-- ........% ... S t c . t i . ~ - - - - - 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa,, y,.) No • ..5. Duplox ..•.. T,p,, & ~~~~;J~~~lp&;°"' Selung .. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOLC.... 1 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (2... y,.) a. HOLC. !0 b. 0,mor ... buil t lru•"'"°"'- ..Many b. Institutions_ ...M®.Y. .... 6. MORTGAGE FUNDs,_'c0.>:.'....:!.~~o.d. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $!000 (193..7:l $-5!..,Q'l. 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA Lovol with no construction ha.znrds. Lo.nd improved 95%. Zoning rW1s from single - to multiple-fnmily rosidontio.l. Convonicncos nro all r ea dily nvnilc.blo. This is one of tho oldest )Xl- rts of Glende.lo nnd whilo not blighted has lost its nppca.l .• Popul!'.tion, improvements nnd muintonnnce all highly hotorogonoous. Age o.nd obsolescence nro outstanding characteristics. Tha.t pnrt north of St. is slightly better qua.lity than ba.hnc0 of district. This a.ran will probably remain stf\tic for a. long period with an increasing nu.'Tlber of incom:i units being o.ddcd. A 11 low ycllow 11 is accorded. Gl0ndulo - focific Avo. 9. LOCATION..Gol.e,:~Jlg_..§:t.,.!!I<.t., .... SECURITY GRADE. ...;lcd..,c AREA ·NO-...Cal.8 .. DATE;J-,28,09 199 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of.1.0.~....Al\.g.1;:1.l~§.....C_@n..t.y. __ 1. POPULATION: b. Class and c. a. Incroosing_........§JQY.!'.!Y........._, ____········-· Dccreasi Static .. Small business men, white collar workers , skilled Occuparion ____ .1,md.. .11.n.s.k.Ul~il ..l{\):)Q;: ___ &;_Y{!:A...Y!.Q.fB!.r§_.____ _J_n_gg_~Q.Q~Q..Q_______ _ Foreign FamiliesY~Yf---~ 2. BUILDINGS, a. T:ypc and Size b. Construction c. Awrage Age d. Repair e. Occupanc,· Nationalities ............ N9ne __ subyeri:;iye._ _ _ __ ._80_.'I, PREDOMINATING 4- Frame Jr. _some _stucco __ _g:µtmoded sin{'les and few shacks ·-·-· 29 _year:.s ····-····-· ........ £.Q.R.r....t_q_g_gg_g ______ _ ...99.i.~------ f. Owrn,..,.,occupied ... 30"/.,_ _ _ _ __ g. 1935 Price Bracf<et $....l.75.Qc.Z'./5.Q____._ %change h. 1937 Pm Bracket t.?.0.0.9.:-.3.QQ.Q ..........% ..19.39 ........ . .Pric, B,ad,et ~ ..?0.00c3QQQ .... ............ % j, Sales Demand _Poo.r .to ..f a i r ~ - - - k. Pm:l.ieted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Brocket t_. l]_•. 5.0_=._3.Q.... %,change $ -· 20 ·-- _35 ·--·-·- ····-······-· 1, I. O1HER ITPE __ Income, __ s_:tt~.c~ur_e s, ___ larg_e 6 room %change ...... % ___ 1, $ _. ___ _ .)3.t.'i!..t..i.c~----- .......... % 1937 Rent Bracket n. 19:?9 .... ··-·······Rent Bracket o, Rental Demand --···--% ...... 0.o.o,~------ Predicr.ed Rent Trend -·-···S t ! ! : t . i ~ - - - - ~ (next 6-12 months) h-6 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.} No..J.5.. ..Type & Price ..&.;;;:5QQ.:- :59QQ ..... How Selling p. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOL,,____ _L____ _ b. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (... 3...:,,-.) a. HOLC..._ ....... 17 _.J~9.9:.~.!:.~t.~J_y__ lnstitutions ······- Uap.y b. Institutions .... } ~XlY. ..... 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,.J,_i.m\1'•1 ..• .......... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (1937.,) $5.l,_Q9 selective 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level to rolling; no construction hazards. Land improved 93%. Deed restrictions have expired or are nearing expiration, Zoning: singlo - fanily residential with linited multi - family structures provid0<< for in certain locations, Conveniencos aro all r e adily available. This large and somevbat encircling area was subdivided over 25 years ngo. It developed slowly and is now declining in the sumo manner. Constructi:On is mixed , running from substandard to standard. !,iaintcnance is o.lso spotted. Population is naturally heterogeneous, ranging from fa milie s of lo-.·1 mc diwr. incom:::s to those on relief . I mprovements diffor widely, boing somewhnt better in that part of o.roo. oust of Eo.glodo.le. Both Chevy Driv e and Verdugo Roo.d truffic ho.z;.:rds. Tho o.roo. is cho.ractorized by obsolescence nnd slow doco.donco, and is there for e accorded o. ·11ov1 yollov,11 g rc4de. Glend a l e 9. LOCATION_~ruo.Y:ic..i:ho.oo•..~--· ...... SECURITY GRADE.....,:lcd.- AREA NO...C_c.19. DATE.Je29 a.39 Arcr,ti r. Dist. 200 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL..Lo.s.. ~e.Le.a....G.o.unt.y...___________ _ Ir.creasing ________S.J.Qwl.y ______________________ Decreasin Static .... Business & professional men, retired people, artisans , b. Class and Occ-"pation ______ l.a.b.Qt'.~x:.s.•...l'}JEA_~.s.,___1.n.c_oJD.e. ...fil.2QQ..~2lJ.QQ_.ii,_J.J,P 1. POPULATION: c. e. a. Foreign FamilieL.5-----~ Nationalities ..........Y.1:1.ry ... .f..~:w.... §Ji!;!Y..~.t:§.JY. d. Negro. 0 Possib ly few Japanese & Mexican families along borders Shifting or Infiltration ___________ NQ®. ...~.P.P.~_:r._9.nt....Q\l.t....!?.9.tJi,__.Jtr..~... .P.Q.?..~JJ>Jee_._ _ _ _ __ 2. BUIWINGS, a. T'Jt}e and Size b. Consi-ruction PREDOMINATING .. 70 ...'%> ..5-6 . room,~---- - % OTIIER TIPE _Multi-fa.m • ...stn,i_c._~--.•-~o%. including duplexes, 4 -fan ...S..IA.L.~P:t.S. ..•.... ~---1).~_g~.!.~----~-s. 7-10 nn. 2 story 20% .20 .t.o. 25 ... ~ears __________ _ ___ l.8.-Y~fil'..§;,_ _ _ __ c. Average Age d. Repair e. Occupanc, f. Owner-occupied g. 1935 Price Bracket f.2,0.0,.400.0._. ... 'fe,/u:l~e Nominal 7- 10 rms I..4500c9QQQ_ '/,_c./u:l~I! 1937 Price Bracket ~--.30.0.o~,450,0 _____ _ .............% $..50.Q0~.10.•.0.00....... ..1939............ Price Brnck,t t3QQQ.c45.QQ.. _ ....... ......'/> S. 5000: lQ,000 -··· h. ... . 9.8%•~----.. 6@,_ _ _ __ ··•······6 0 $ ~ - - - - - j. Sales Demand ___ Fai,~r_ _ _ _ _ __ k. l'Tedicted Price 'f,.end (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent &acket ___§_!j._gl,,j;J.Y....\i..Qml______________ _ L m. 1937 Rent B,ack,t n. 19.39 ............. !(mt B,ack,t o. Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend $.s'i. •. 35 --·· %chant, j, t.30....c ... l.i!l I}~O- _l,~o_ __ ....... % Good Fair Static Sta.tic to dovmward (next 6--12 months) 5 rm stucco 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No~ .... zq_______ .T:ype & Price _______ Hatv Selling ..!~?.?.~.:..~.!~~)'.:__ _ ~!:+]Q~ ......... . 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL.'----~2c.___ b. Institutions Many 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (..2...:,,-.) a. HOLC. _ _~6_ _ b. lnsntuti<>ns Many 6. MORTGAGE FUNDs,_il;,>p."3_..?A ...... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (19J1c_) $ 53.40 selected risks 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACI"ERISTICS OF AREA: Terrain: Level to hillside and hilltop . (up hill and down d o. le). Construction hazards scattered throughout. Land improved 50¾. There are no deed restrictions and zoning is mixed but largely single - family residential ;vi th spotted zoning for mµltiple - fnmily structures throughout. Conveniences are generally all readily avo.ilablo. This is one of the older parts of Los Angeles o.nd ho.s been dovclopod in a very ho.phc.zo.rd ma.nne r. It is so oxtromely spotted that it is impossible to describe tho area and present a clco,r picture of it. Construction rangco from standard to substandard with some 11 J c rry building". Jfa intenonco in gcnoro.l is fair with pride of occupo.ncy being indicated in many instnnccs. Thero is a wide sproo.d in age of improvements, old and now dvrollinga being mixed throughout an:l. in soroo districts spotted with resi dential incoroo proportios. Obsolosconce is observed in most po.rts of the area., North o.nd west of Occidonto.l College and o.djacont to it is o. Sl111lll district of largo old dwellings of rorc imposing chnractor, but o.go and obsolesconoo preclude a higher grade than thn.t assigned to tho nroa ns ll. whole. Location , accessibility nnd p roximity to Occi<lontic.l College arc favorable influoncos. Toking it o.11 in !;l.11 tho chief c of this nondescript a.roo. is hotorogcneity, c.nd this n.pplics to popula.tion , improvcmonts, terrain nnd stoto of repair. - The nroc. is n ll\rgo one o.nd in time soroo of the dis t ricts, which ore least improved D.t present, mo.y r ntc a higher gr In the moa.ntirrc it is thought thc.t u 11 100dinl yollow 11 dosignntion is the proper one. SECURITY GRADE ... 3r<J... AREA NO-.•9.a?0 DATE.3.c~,9s.39 201 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL_l,g_~ ... b.1~~J~.~---Y.2.~RtY.-··--· 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing Slowly Decreasing__~~~-~ Static ... Professional & small business men, clerical and other vlhite collar workers, etc, Income $1500-2_5,cOO~----- b. Class and Occupation d. e. 2. BUILDINGS, a. PREDOMINATING .?-6 T1pe and Size .... 85 ..% OTHER TYPE 4 rooms Stucco & fre.r.e b. Construction c. Negro._ ..9. % Shifting or In/iltrruion _ _ _ _ _ _ _~None __ ~ p a r o n t ~ - - - - - - - - - - rooms _puplexes Average Age d. Repair e. Occupancy ..X~ir: ... to ...zood___ _ f. Owner-occupied %change g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1931 Price Bm,k,t {3250,/.?5Q .. ....... J, .1939...............Price ~.. 3.75.Q:::h?59.... . ............... % ;. Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracltet I. -·-·· % _j, L;;s_~..30 1937 Rent Bracket t . 3.Q .., . ..35. n. .l.932.. $ _)O ___ - _35 o. Rental Demand Rent Bracket .....% ......... ... % _ .% .....'b. Good p, Predicted Rent Trend Sto.tic (next 6-12 months) 5-6 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUC.."TION (Jxlst '.)'T.) No.......?.5 .......T,pe & Ptice-2J±QQ_<?:5.5..Q.9. ....How Selling ..... Headily ___ _ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIF.S: 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (..3.....,,..) 6. MORTGAGE FUNflS• Ample a. H O L ~ ~ - - - - b. In.stitunon~-F~•~"~-a. HOL. ~ ~ - - - - b. lnstitutio"~~"~•v~,_ _ 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 %~~:J $ .•.5.?,_I§. __ _ 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain : low level 't!it!, favorable grades a n:l no construction hazards. Land improved 85;,. Zoning : single - family residentio.l ,·Tith sco.ttere(l locations permitting multiple family structures. Convenio'1ces all readily available, including interurban transportation to Los Angolos . Development of this area began over 20 yours a. ~o o.n<l it has me.intainorl l. ts popularity us a lower rrcdium income district. It is chnro.c torizod by its uniformity of improvements , maintono.nce v,-hic h ovid.oncos pride of occupancy, n.nd the homogene ity of its population. Owing to it::, accessibility to plucos of employ. ent it is p&rticulo.rly populo.r o.s a rentnl miighborhoo d . Proximity to tho recroo.tional facilities of Griffiths Po.rk is o. particularly favorable influence. Construction while gonero.lly s tand ard indicates somo 11 Jorry building." The a.r<H'- has rrnny proclivities which suggest o. higher but all factors consid e red it is thought that a 11mcdial yollow0 is o.11 the,t is vro.rrantod. 9. LOCATION ....G).pndalc .................. SECURITY GRADE .... .3n! AREA NO_Q.c2l. DATE3.c.S:.6.c39 202 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL_LoJ;;__ ji,:n_g~_lQ.?. ....Q.Q..w.:t:l;;.Y. 1. POPULATION: a. Increa.ring ______ §J9.~{J..y_ ......... Decreasin ·-·-- Static .... _ Incorre $1500-2000 b. Clrus and OcC1,pation... J:.1J.hlJ!L~!tll}J.Q.Y.~~L...~r.!;_i§!'Y.!..~..-~Jj;e collar clerical~-'--~-~£.,.. _________ _ e. Shi/ting 2, 01 In,filtration _ _ _ _ __,.,o.n~.... !\.PP§!..r.!,;l.D.t~ - - - - - - - - - - - - BU!WINGS, PREDOMINATING ...135....'J., rooms~---- OTIJER TYPE __J_.,__ __Q_ L.7. ..!"!!'!.• singles b. ConstrHCrion ....... 15.,,_ _ _ __ d. Repair e. Occupancy f. Owner-occupied g. ...l:Air....t.o... .go.o. " - - - - - ......6.a,,,_______ 1935 Price Bracket $.2250-.3-2,a._, 1937 Price Braclret }2500- .: ,,00. ................% ....... % -.1999 ............. Price Bracket Ls500c.3500 ............... % ..... % j. Sales lkmand -....Fa~ · ~------ k. Predicted Price Tmtd {next 6-12 months) 19.35 Rent Bracket $ _20 -__ 35.. %,cM71:ge 1937 Rent Bracket _$ 20 - 35 .%. n. 19,9. ......... . !kn< &acket $ .. 20 .- ..3 5 ............... % o. Rental Demand •.••.G.Q>. .. O\L.._ _ _ _ __ h. __ S t a t _ i c ~ - - - - - p. Predicted Rent T,.end .. _iit.a.ti..s . _ _ _ _ __ (ne:a 6-12 months) 5 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No....?......... ..T-ype & Price ._.J45.9Q._ ...... ... How Selling ◊{mer built 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOL,' - - - - - " - - - b. Institution.,_,_~Fc,oe,w_ _ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( 3.J'.l a. HOL.e,.._ _~6_ _ b. Institutions 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, ..........,\mr>J~ ............. 7, TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.'lc) $ 52 .67 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain : Gently rolling to low hillside . No construction hazards. Land improved 55%. Zoning is lA.rgely single - family rosidential with spots pE:lrmitting multiple family structures . Corrvcnienc0s are all readily available. This is an old e.rea, devolopmont of which began som::i 25 years ago. It has g rown slovrly without pro motional effort. Construction, \'ihilc differing widely in size, ago and designs, is generally of sto.ndard quality. Mo.intono.nco indicates prido of occupancy and popult..tion, which includes many public employees, is gcne rnlly homogeneous . Proximity to Forest Le.vm Cemctory advorsoly uffo cts a djacent property. The o.rco. hc.s no pnrticulur !'.ppco.l. Its location JIID.kcs it easily nccossiblc from dovmtown Los Angeles nnd it is thought that its future trend m:i.y be tovro.rd mul tiplc-fo.mily structures. Inforrocid o;_ )inion va ries widely us to grndo runging from low third gr udo to low second grade ; it is thought howovor nn nccorduncc of o. "medial yell0'.•1' 1 dosigna.tion is o. t ruo indication of its f'uturo dcsiro.bility. Flctchor Drive & 9. LOCATION Verdugo Roo.d Dist. SECURITY GRADE.......3.f..~... AREA NO~.. Y..:.?.? DATEd.::.3.=3.9. 203 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of.Los. ... Ani;;y_ a. Increasing ____ ........Sloslly._...... _ .............. De-creasin,,-_ _ _ _ _ _ Sumc Income ~700-1500 b. Class and Occupacion ___};_.__r..e,'A.~rkar.s. ___________ _ 1. POPULATION: NaricnaUti" -···B.~.,.,Jan,.,..}eY!.!, & Mexicans . d. Ncgrn ......o......'fo Few Japanese along bordering busines s street e. Shifting or Infiltratwn _ _ _ _ _~Uone ___ a:1w_a r e n t ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - c. Foreign Families ......¥.'.~-~ 2. BUILDINGS, a. PREDOMINATING ....... h- 5 T,pe and Size ·-·· 80 ..% Frame & stucco b. Construction OTIJER TYPE 2 & 3 rooms rm.' . _?O_°! shacks, a few 6 rms. • & scattere~---· 20 years small multi-family c. Avemge Age d. Repair e. Occupancy f. Owner-occupied g. 1935 Price Bracket ~...!5.0_Qc?5QQ ...... h.. 1937 Price Brat:ket fJ50Qc?80.Q Poor to fair .......... strut?tur~••~-~- ... ·-··-30J\~----- .....% %. ..............% ____ 'f, j, Sales D.!mand ____ P,.o_o_ _ _ _ _ __ k. P,-edicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket $ 1_5 . - 22 • 50 .....S . t a t i ~ - - - - - - 1937 Rent Bracket $__.1.5 .-... 25 j, n. _19_39_______________ Rent Bracket $ _1_5 _- _25 ·---% o. Rental Demand ········· .% ...% p. Predicted Rent Trend __ St{l.tic_ _ _ _ __ . (next 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past :yr.) No..3. •···•·-·•Type & PncJh9..QQ=...5. __r.m.,___ How Selling. -~-er __ bu_ilt HOL~-~o_ _ _ b. Institutions .... .......M!l:-PY ... 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.J.:,,.) a. HOLC, -~o_ _ _ b. lrutilUriaru ..... !"9;,;;:..... 6. MORTGAGE RJNDS,_.k½i!.e.<!\. ... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $!000 (1937c) $-5.?_,fQ selective 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACI"ERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain : Hillside and hilltop in western port ion . Somo steep grades cause construction hazards. Land improved 40% (7(1'/o in eastern pa.rt; 10;, in vreste rn ) . Zoning : Mixe d residential. Conveniences are all reasonably available . Trans portation confined to buses on Figue roa and York Blvd. This is an old unattrac tive area which has do •ro lopcd slow l y ·.-,ithcut dire ction. I t is characterized by steep grades from oust to west , many dead ond and unimpr oved streets and a general hotcrogcnoous aspect. Construction range s f rom substandard to shac ks in northeast po.rt, Population , improvements and repair ::-. re o.11 hotorogcnoous. The nreo. ho.s many of a fou r th grade .district and is at present on the ver go of 11 blight 11 , Tho loco.t"i.on is fnvoro.blo, however , und there rre.ny view and semiview loco.tions in tho wustorn pnrt, ::-.nd it is thou< that those rnny in time hnve a. fo.vorab l o infl mnoo , Consequently, tho arcn is accorded o. "low yollow 11 grado . 9. LOCATION Glondnlc SECURITY GRADE.... 3.c!!....- AREA NO_,..\Oc23.. DATElic3.s39 204 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL.J!.9..?..J\,ng~)--~§_.Q.2\m~X---------·-·1. POPULATION: a. Jnc,easing Mode rately Decrl!arin.,__,__ _ _ _ _ _ Static .... Business & professional men, v.tiite collar \'.orkers, b. Clan and Occupation c. skilled artisans & retired pe~ple . Foreign Families ____9__~ 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING __ 2 to 7 ._90 _.J r oorns d. Negro .......9. ....:f, OTIIER TYPE 8 rooms & up Frame, stucco & masonry b. Construction Awrage Age _ 15.._years~- -- - d. Repair ... P.o.Qr .. to _gQod e. Occupancy __ . 9!,f,,_ _ _ _ __ c. Inco~ H800- 3600 &: up Naticmnli~·~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - f. Owm-.-occup;,d g. h. 1935 Price Bracket 1937 Price .Bracket .1939.. ............ Pnc, &aci«t $. _3000- 5000 i. Salts Demand Fair k. Predicted Price Tund (Mxt 6-12 months) 1935 Rmt Bracket Static $ 22 ._.5.9::3_5____ _____ %chan,;e 'l,change 1937 Rent Bracket $ 25 -: . 40. _____ ,.... m•-- ................% ............... 1' $25-.. - ..M __ ,1 __ __,1 n. i9w............ &.,,, o. Rental Demand n,..,.,, ___ p. Predicted Rent Trend ___§_t~:tJ.~._ _ _ __ (next 6-12 months) 5 &: 6 room 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION ( )'I'.) No ..f?.Q __________T-ype & Price ~ Q Q Q _____ How SelUng _)i9_~~-!:.~~~J.L_ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL~- ~ ~ - b. Inmtunon~,--~F~e•~'_ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (..3._._yr.} a. HOL.~- - - 2_ _ b. fostitutions ___. ··-·· .)~Y....,_.. 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_ .../\mn1~........... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.1.1 $.3.e.,.9_Q. .921rn!Y 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level to rolling with decidod slopo f r om north to south. Mo construction hazards , Lar.d improved 40%, taking into consideration a number of S!l'\8.ll citrus or c hards , Deed restrictions have expired upon about 3o% of area and balance expires January 1 , 1940. A well coordi no.ted effort is being made to have racial r6st rictions renewed or extended, in perpetuity . This is unincorporated territory under County gove rnment and zoning is inadequate. This nrca is handicapped by inadequnte tro.nsportntion and shopping fncilitics. Schools aro good end rco.dily availnble and church facilities nro . M8Jly dead ond and unimproved streets. Sewers nro lacking. Wo.ter is furnished by a mutuo.l wntor system be l onging to owners of record, This district wo.s origino.lly n section of &no.11 lemon and ornnge groves . In tho early 2ofs somo of those located between Fairoo.ks and Olive Avos. and Mc.riposn and Palm Streets vtcro subdivided by Jnnss Construction Co., who proceeded to construct a lnrgo number of 11 Jerry bui l t 11 5 to 7 room dwollings which were sold upon a socond mortgage basis in =i. "ballyhoo" crunpaign. Theso i.mprovc-monts doprecio.tod very rapidly o.nd given t his po.rt iculnr section o. 11 shopworn 11 appearance and tho v.tiolo arec. o. bo.d rcputo.tion. During the sovoral , under the stimulus of FHA Title II fino.ncing, several subdivisions in tho northern pa.rt of tho a r ea have boon placed upon tho market.. Probably 150 of these 5 & 6 rm dwellings htwc boon constructed since 1936 nnd have greatly improved the aspoct of the whole o.ror. . It is dif fi.cult to firodict tho futuro trend of this o.r en , but it t n provisionnl grnd%E ' / : ! u ~ ~~;di_s J..'JIBe'No~:Qc.21.... DA'I'Ek6,-.39 9_ 11 .W. Alto.dam. 205 \."oc'i>.'rJdl:f' AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL__ J,.Q.§...APg.~J.!?.~... .9.Qg.n·tc_._ 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing Slowly Dccreasin,__ _ _ _ _ _ Scatic ..-·······-·· Retired & active capitalists, executives , business & b. Class and OccutJation_ professional men . Income $3000-:-19..iQQ_Q__ ~!!.<.L.ll.P_t.2._J5Q..,.Q.c.Q. __&.....-.. c. Foreign FamilieL..9 .......% Nationalities _ _ _ _ _ _ __cc _ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING a. Type and Site c. Average Age d. RefXUr e. Occupanc,· OTIIER TYPE ..5.., 6 }'(~:~e~;u~~~o~r0-~.Q~Y.. b. Constrnction & 7 rooms .. 20 _ % ~.@. _,8'-"toe....,lccO_,rc,o,,om'"'s'----"lafo,,,, 1o ·•- -~ 20 years ............ lOOJ!'.~ - - - - Owner-occupjed g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Price Bracket ;. Sales D?mand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracker .. P.,.ice Bracket m. 1937 Rent Bracket ·······--·····-Rent Bracket o. ..81:! ... 'fo Mansion Estate ty"Q~--- over d. Neyro. . .0...... .'fe Rental Demand ..... JPQ¼~ - - -$No_establislieiL. '%..~~-i,t~e market valUO j costs run $....f.r..9.m...t5.0., QQQ_.:\;o ................%. $500 ,000 according to ~-...§.;\..~_g____ Q,f. ___ im;p.r.O.Y.!,:lmc.nt..s. ....'%. and extent of estate ....S.tatic...t.a....dovmrre..r.d ____ _ $ No basis for rentals; $ whun vo.cant J, arc in $ chnr_g_e of-····-··-·- .'fo servnnt staff or caretaker p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) 5- 7 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION ( yr.) No . ......?.9. ____Type & Price _Q5Q.Q.9::.7.5Q_Q____ .How Selling .... Qw1t~..r. ... Q.1-dJ,t.. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOL.~-~0_ _ _ b. Institutions_ ...... Few ... . 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.... 3,.,..) o. HOLC,- · - ~ - - b. lnstitutioru ........h.w 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_A.n.>!>10..'"\thin, .. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193/a.) $J6.•9(L.County limits 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA Terrain: Level to rolling with a from north to south running from an elevation of 2000 rt. to 1500 ft. No construction hazards .. It is difficult to c::;timatc the land improved a·ting to fact thut homcsitcs r un from l to 20 acres, Deed restrictions ho.vo expired u9on 75% of e.ron nnd more will expire on Jnnunry 1, 1940, An effort to renew or extend provisions providing rncinl prott}Ction is m:ioting with success. This unincorporated territory is under County government whose zoning ordinances inadequate. Public transportation is inadequate , shoppini; centers a re distant from p11rts of area. Schools are good and readily avo.ilable , and church facilities are convenient, Up to 1905 thisarea was largely citrus groves , and development began by the purchase of these groves by eastern people for winter homes , who replaced the ranch homes with imposing mansions, This , by and large, is the pattern of the area. Many of the old citruz groves have become walled in estates, Construction i~ of a high order , being super standard. Maintenance , likewise, shows high pride of possession , Archite ctural designs, as well as landscap i ng, are individualistic and add glamour to tho district , This area gives evidence of having been tho 11 melting 11 pot of the upper income brackets of tho nation ,. This is indico.tod b:v the ( Continued on next page ) 9. WCATION Al tndonn SECURITY GRADE.... 3.r.<L.+ AREA NO•....Q.=.~5.. DATE1.c.6 c.,9 2o6 AREA IESCRIPTIOll SECURITY MAP OF Los Angelo s County 8. DESCRIPTION ALTu CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA : (Continued from preceding po.go) wholesale manner in whic h indigenous plant life of the var ious sections of our nation have bGcI'!. injected into the decor ative features of those various estates. ilorticultural and flor iculturo.1 novelties of all sec tions of tho nation have been introduced into tho decorative scheme of the vnrious holdint: s. Tho over greens of tho eastern sco.boar d and Pacific Northwest arc particularly in cvidonco, and on New Eve , Santa Anita Avenue is ablaze with an electri cal displo.y from these ovorgrcons whi ch bordor that thoroughfar e. Thero is, however , indications of o. transition in tho area . While !TW.lly o r iginc.l owners still residents , properties are more rutd mere passing into control of 2nd and 3rd generation owners . This is definitely suggested by the fact tho.t within tho pust few sove r ul of these old estates, which for various reusons , bec ome f\liennted from original ovmcrs , have been subdivided; the old mo.nsions d ♦molished turl loss pretentious structures and grounds hove tnken their place. This is particularly obvious in tho district bet.vcen Co.lrworo.s and Muriposo. Sts. o.nd Santa Anitn. nnd Bl Molino Avco. In this district at ono old estate has boon subdivided and 20 new 5 to 7 room bungalows of modern design o.nd extrn standard construction have boon erected on generous sized lots to to.kc tho plv.ce of the old improvements. Demolition of another origirui.l old mnnsion was observed in another part of the o.roa . V/hat this portended could not be leo.rnod , but there is no doubt thiJ.t this district is in u transition period. If imn.giru:.tion vtorc allowed full swny, bused upon recent dovelopmonts, n 1st grnde might logically be assigned , based upon rosidontinl 1losiro.bility over the next 10 or 15 years. However, the area u~, o. whole r,ives no such optomistic indico.tion rmd , bused upon present definite prospects , it is thought thl\t all that is justified iG n grndo of "high ycllow 11 with the sucgostion thnt n future survey will break the area down into scv c rnl gro.des . 9. LOCATION._A,.cl,_,t:,:nd:,,,__ _ _ _SECURITY GRADE_ 3_rd_ +_AREA NO.~ DATE l~;t~~ AREA DESCRIIYTION 1. POPULATION: Moderately Decreasina- - - - ~ - ~ Static ---·· Income $1500- 2400 and up Small business &: prg_.frut§.!~J._.~ :Q.,_ __ ~x~titl!l!!.§..a~;!.J~~LQ.OJ.l~r. ________ _ worke r s . a. Jnc:i-ea.sing b. Class and Occupation c. Foreig,: Familics )'..l~W..._'& Nationaliries__ J!g_v.~----·~-~.'\?.Y_l;!:.f.~JY.~~ 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING .1±.L..5. a. Type and Si.:e - ---- ~0 .. <f, 6 r oom &: b. Const'l'Uetion c. -······20 :ye a rs ______ _ Awrage Age d. Repair e. ·····-·-·G o o . ~ - - - - - - Occupancy ·-··· 9··"··~- - - - - - ··-······g··~· ~ - - - - - ·········5·\lll_ _ _ _ __ ---~------ g. 1935 Price Bracket $.2000-350Q..•..._ %,hang, h. 1937 Price Bracket !...2QQQd .............% .J.939.............. Price B,ack,r ;. Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend {next 6-12 mo nths} 1935 Rent Bracket .J.939. __ o. Rental Demand ·-······ Rent $ .2000-3500 .. t.,aoo. 4~0.0. ..___ _'{, _.J.:~J.,_r_ _ _ _ _ __ _St!!ti_~----$..•.35: $... 2Q....c..•35 ...............% 20 - 35 % Bracket p. Predicted Rent Trend (nt:xt 6-12 months) $_.3.00.0.""5.QQ $ .3900.-450.0_.. Fair 1937 Rent Bracket n. 500.. __ ..S:ta.t · - ./;5 ---·· :('""2'R' l .....35... , •./.15 L .35....,...45 ...... % ······-·.1 ____, S t a : t i . ~ - - - - - 5 & 6 r oom 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (J,a,r ,,-.) No....35...._.Type & P,u, _$.,5.0!)=4500... _How Selling .J,!Qdernt.e.ly_. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (...3. ...,11.) 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS: Limited a. HOL~ - - 2 ~ - a. HOL.L--_ _.___ _ _ b. lnstiMioru . ...... F.ew.... . 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $!000 (193..1.➔ $....h8~80._..- - 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, T<,rrc. in : Level ; no construction hazards . Land improved (including some acreage estates) 40%. Doed rsst!"lctions have expired on approximately 50'/4 of o.rea but active efforts being to re - rest rict owing to threo.t of subversive racial infiltrntion . Zoning in tha t part south of Uonto.nv, , which is in , is sin ele - fnmily rosidontia l. e of o.rea is in Altn.deno. o.nd only qui>.te Countr zoning obtains . Convenienc es o.11 ronsono.bly nvo.ilo.ble . Some str oots rel' undedico.tod o.nd others urc not fully improved . This is o.n ol d cit r us orcho.rd section v.ihich hns o.ppo.rcntly dove l opod without p r opor dirGction or sponsorship . Tho uroa is well loc ated a.nd ho.s fo.vo r ablo soi1 1 cli.mntc o.nd topography . Construction is gonoro.lly of good quality o.nd mo.intonn.ncc 1 while spotted , usually shows pride of o,mcrship . Populo.tion is inclined to hote r ogcnoity , although o. number of notables including Sinclair Lowis of litoro.ry 11 and ep i e 11 fruno r eside in tho district , Tho aroc. c.s o. 'Whole lacks h..'1.rmony £'.nd this together with tho thront of ro.oin l infiltrnt ion is responsible for acco r ding a nlow yollovr" grndo. . 9. ~ 1.iontano. & Lincoln LOCATION Avo . Distri ct SECURITY GRADE...3rLc AREA NO•. ~.026... DATE...ld,..$ : This r. r co. is currently affected in whole or in po. rt by nn Ad vnlorom Tnx Pistric t . Individur.l propcrtios should be oh ocko d for this ho.zo.rd . 207 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of L!J_S .. ~geles County I. POPULATION, a. Incteasing_~S~l~°"=,l~y_ _ _ Decreasin,.<-- - - ~ - - - Static·-·-····-···- Income ...)1500-5000 up Busine ss !, professional men and reti red pezLl~•--- - - - b. Class and Occupation c. FoTcign Families .....9...,, ___~Pos ~~liredcrease of re sid;ntial ihcome e. Shifting OT' In{iltmtion d. Negro _____ .9_ ____ _%.. structures and enc roachment of b~u•~i=ne~•~•~---- - - - - Z. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING .70 ...'f, OTHER TYPE ..5., ...6....~...'J.....r..Q.0.ffi.ij __e.. . t.9....l0....rn9.m..s .._4:....1JP........-- b. Construction .F.r.llmfl.~.... s.:tuc..c.a ___& ....F.r.~.m!;!.,_,y c. ··--·-···20... ;jl.e.a.r..s... _, _________ ,,_ a. Type and Size Mansi on type AtJeYage Age e. ..... .}Q_.y.ear. ~ - - - - ... ___ Fa,i r ___to __ go9d d. Repair ... _fa,ir to go od Occupanc, ..............9 B l ! ~ - - - - - Own..,,,.-occupied ..............G.!1% g. 1935 Price Bracket t.3.QOOc1'5QQ..... !.4QQQc55QQ... h. 1937 Price Bracket f.32.5o c1.7.50 .. ~ .. .J.25.Qc575.Q j, Saks Demand k. PTedicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket l ..9.!1%~----- ~,t,._ r _ _ _ _ _ __ ·-···Fair. a:t_ bar gai n .Prices .... Stati c~- - - - - ..... St{J.t_ic to lower $ 20 _- JP ____ _ ~...3.5...::. l,5 m. 1937 Rent Bracket $...g5....::... .5.Q n. ..l.9.;i-9..............Rent Bracket f._?:.L5~-~50~-- ............... % ··-··% o. R<..'flta! Demand .... 9.QQ.~.- - - - - - - p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) ... _J_tat.i.~---- -·-- ~...M - so $49c.5Q ..... % ....._% Fa,•._r_ _ _ _ _ __ .§tg.t.t.Q,_ _ _ __ 3. 5 & 6 rooms NEW CONSTRUCTION {pa,t ,-,.) No......?5 ....T,r,, & Price .Jl.~5QQ.c.7.9.00.... .How,g .J\9_<!&.r.•~.e\.Y.._._ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERJ1ES, 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES <..3. ..yrJ a. HOL.L-.._ _,,,_8_ _ b. lnstitutions.-·-···-.f.!ilJ'!. .... a. HOJ C 13 b. lnstitutions ..._ .... . J'.'.\'!.Y.{ 19376. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_ .........A.!'!'1• .......... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $!000 (193. .8) $.M_,.6.Q County $36.90 - City Oll.90 8. DESCRIPTION ANO CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA Te rrain: Level with distinc t grade down f r om n orth to south. No construction ha zards . Land improved 90';'% . Doed restrictions us to character of ir.lp rov ements have gene r ally expired but r o.ciul r estrictions in many c ases a r c still in force . Zoning is mixed: 5/8 single-family residentiul ; 2/8 permits duplexes ; and 1/ 8 cont:lcrcia.1. Regardl ess of zoni:n.g, hovKivcr, a r ea is prepondcrc.ntly single - fo.mily rosidontiul uni p:-ltte rn is definitely ostc.blish0 d . Convoni0ncos £'.re ~11 r eudily available. This section wus subdivided many ago and wa.s o. ve r y popular distric t 20 yours ago und is still highly rcgc.rdccl . Hany of tho lr.rge old residences sti ll occupied by ori ginn.l owners , who people of m::ians . Con s truction is gon cro.lly supor standard a nd quality of mP.intonanoc is oxocllont. In foot , this is a chief characteris tic of th0 o. r oa. Arc hit0cturo.l designs arc r oproscntc.tivc of m.'1.ny periods u:nd consequently h:\rmony nnd give the uroa u somowh~t hctcrogcnoous aspec t . Popula tion is gcne ro.lly substM.tiul, r.l though not e.l t ogethe r homogeneous in character. Whi le the porcent of land hprcwomont is high this is scxoowho.t on nccount of tho high avero.go si,,c cf hcrrc sitcs , whi c h o.r o • suo.lly well k opt . In tho southern part of area there arc n numbo r o f types of multiple fo.mily i ncome structures which undoubtedly indicates the gene r al future tcmdcncy of tho a r ea. as a whole. !'foile this district h.."ts boon 11dofinitcl y declining" for a number of yours tho process hc.s boon a very grnduo.l ono and pre s ent indications a r c tho.t this trend will continue indefinitely . Therefo r e , tho c.rca is accorded a 11100dial yEillow11 gr ade ., 9. LOCATION No • Pasadena SECURITY GRADE .....3e<L. AREA N0•....9.=.2.7.. DATEJJ.c.~c39 208 AREA DESCRIPTION l. POPUL'\.TION: a. Jncroosing___ ....... .Slowly........-........... Decreasin,-------- Sraric ......-..•-··-·· Business & professional men , retired people, white collar b. Class and Oo:ttjxtti.on ____ w.orkcr..s., S.l5..00::· 25.QQ. __________ c. foreign Famiiies.__.f.e.w.'% e. 2. Nationalities .....J' JI.Y.b.Y.!i!.X:.;:i.iY.,_ _ __ Shifting or Infiltration .. pREDOMINATING T:,pe and Size b. Constncction . 90 . ....'f, Average Age d. Repair ...E.a.i.r....t.o....g.Q!>.~---- e. Occuj)anc)' ····97%_ _ _ _ __ Owner-occupied .......6.Cfl..o~------ g. 1935 Price B,acket L25.QOs40.QQ_. __ ····· h. 1937 Price Bracket t.27.50:::4250_ ...%. ...19.;5.9 .... ......... Price B,acket J. . 30.0.QcI,2.CXl . .:le %.,I,,.,.'!!.' j. Sales Demand Fair k. Pm:licted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket Static _ _ _ __ 20 - 40 ...%. 'foc.hange }, 1937 Rent Bracket o. OIBER TYPE 5.,.~----6.....r..9..Q,, •.~ - - - - c. _19.}). Negro .....Q.... ..%. -•--•---·•········· .... & p . P . 8 . r J l l l t ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - BUILDINGS, a. d. _____ Rent Bracket Rental Demand s .. 25 - 40_ ............... % __j,_ -···--··-·"' ..... G.99.~ - - - - - - p. Predicted Ren, Trend ..-~:tA.ti.Q,_ _ _ _ __ (next 6-12 months) 5 & 6 room 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No.......!.9. ..T,pe & Price 3l15QQ.:.9.99.9.... 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPER11ES: a. HOL.~--~-- 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (....3...;yr.) a. HOLC.,... ... ?.... How Selling ?J:oderafoly._ b. Institutions _ _f~•w~b. Instituti.::m.s .._ 1937- . .F..~.1! . 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193....~) $._W_.J.J-1. ......... County $37 . 5/.i. - City $11.90 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, Limited Terrain : Level with favorable grades; no c onstruction hazn.rds . Land improved Deed restr ictions he.vo expired. Zoning is single - fe.:,iily rcs:i.dentin.l vrith duplexes and stores permitted in a specified E>.nd limited numbe r of locat i ons . Conveniences are o.11 r oac\i l y uvnilnble . Transportation dependent upon bus service . This somewhnt fur flung a.ran wu.:; developed some 30 ycnrs a.go • . That section north of ·wa.shington St . and e,ist of Hill St. we.s se ttled by members of the Nuzo.rcne Church, Yihich mo.into.ins n collo go in the o.rco.. Construction runs from substnndnrd to stnndard qua.lity. L\':o.intennnce is spotted but generally of good cha.ra.ctcr. Populntion a.nd impr ovomonts nro on the ;-iholo heterogoneous . That port of tho nrca ,mst of Chester Ave. botwcon Clc.remont nnd ·?inshington Sts . is of be t ter cha.rn.ctcr thrm balance cf ni·en. It is not belicYod thn.t there is much future for tho areo. but indiontions nro tho.t further de cline uill be very slow. A grade of 11 low ycllovr1' is nssi{;n0d • 80"/o. 9. LOCATION ......;l.cnp._ .... SECURITY GRADF.Jcd..c. AREA NO•.Qc2.e ... DATEkJJ.,,.,J, 20') AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of.__I,..9..L~~nz~.~§_J!.@nt.Y.----·------ 1. POPULATION: a. l11CTeasing _ _ ____________ . DecreaJing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static . .X~JL... Bu s iness and professional men, artisans , white collar b. Class and'P.A .Yfo.r.k&s..._.f'_t.◊._, ____lD.Q..QJlltL.~1QQ_};.9. ___ W..Q!,_______ c. Foreign Fami!ies .... F.e:w:..i e. Nationalities . .._ .............§.iY..e_ _ __ N,gro d. O ...% Shifting or Infiltration __ ...Y.~:¥....P'adually trending to lower i ncome ~!.'.'.?.~.?~ ' ---- 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING a. T :,pc and Size 7 , 8 and 9 room b. Construction Frame, stucco c. At>ffage Age d. Repair e. Occupancy & .. 60. % GIBER TYPE 5 & 6 room 15%·ge····o1ir··ou1:m·cx1ea ·······-i0% JT111sonxr._ M.u ~t i-:f~.m~.~y .. .~.~.c.~~-<l.i.J?_g ·"apts·:··;····i;ungatow·Courts~:· et c. 15% Owner-ocmpied g. 1935 Price Bracket $ 2500- 5000 h. 1937 Price Bracket ~--?5.Q0- 5000 .193.9 ......... ... P.,.ice Bracket $.._?5QQ:::.29.QQ____ _ j_ Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket m. 1937 Rent Bracket 1, chang_e '!,change ,,, ··-··-··· % }, .'.!> $z5 - llll·--·--- ·-- %,h<i~, %change ............ ....$.t.i.1;!;,ii;.c__ _ _ __ ...............% $.30 ..c ...15... -.-·-·· ············% - -- % o. Rental Demand ....GQ.O•¼.- - - - - - Predicted Rent Trend ...$.:t§..t.i.~---(next 6-12 months) l Bunga.lov, Court 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past )'f.) No.... .5. ....... .T'Jpe & gg.•-.... H0tu Selling ..0'.il.~r.....Qhl.U,.t._ p. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOL 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (..5 ...yr.) a. Prictt~Qg•,:i5 8 b. HOL.c.;.__.-1<.___ b. Institution s_ ....... Yrmy lnstit-utioru ............}foJ),Y. ... 19376. MORTGAGE RJNDS, __.J,JmUo!L. ·-· 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $HXXl (193..6) County $.J0.,.44_._·---· 1137.54 - City ~11.90 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARAGfERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain : Level with favorable gr ade.. No c onstruction hazards. Land improved 95%. Deed r est rictionn protecting ego.inst subversive r acin.l elements cover property in certain purts. These ,78rc pla c ed volunti:~rily by prope rty owners a few years ago to prevent infiltration of Negr o families . Zoning pe r mit s I!lllltiple family dwolling s. Conveniences are o.11 r eadily o.vailnble . This area is 50 year s old and was developed as a me dium inc ome dis t rict. Yf!iile thc r t:i is still considerable home ovmcrsh ip it is more und more becoming a. rental o. ren. Its p roximity to the do-wntovm business district is therefore n fo.vo r ablo fa ctor., whic h ovorweighs the throo.t of business c:ncro=--chmont . Tho easte r n oo.rt of the area is outside the City of Po.sadeno. nnd i:; under County govcrrunon't . Fopulo.tion , improvoments and a.rchitoctural designs o. ro heterogeneous .• Il. a.intcno.ncc , while spotted, is generally of good quality. tinny of the l a rgo old r esidences have been converted into boarding houses and multi - fo.mily dvrollings.. Apo.rtmonts and bungo.lcm courts in the ~re lnrgcly of medium clnss. It is bolievod thc.t further decline will bo very gradual and it is t\ssignod a. 11 low yollow 11 grnd0 .. 9. LOCATION .. XQ.e~'.!Q.!2'\...-···········-- ... SECURITY GRADE... 3x.d. c AREA N0-._9.c.29.. DATE1alO~J9 ~: This area. is currently o.ffcctcd in whole or in part by un Ad vnlorem Tux Dis t rict. Individual properties should be checked f or this hazar d. 210 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oLLos Angeles County Deaearin,g...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static ________ _ a. Incrt:asing, _ _S_low=lLy_ __ Incomo 83000 and up b. Class and Occupation _ Business __ &...£.r..Qfessional men.__capj.talists....__ and retir_e.4. people __ I. POPULATION, c. Foreign Familiel _____9__%. Nationalities,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ d. Negro. _____ 9.___ %.. e. Shifting or Infil1Tation, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~N~.u~.P.12~x..~1:r~----------2. BUILDINGS, a. Type and Si:re b. Constru.ction c. ..• 80. '1, PREDOMINATING .. 8-10 _rooms,_ _ _ __ ....F'r~m~..L.StU<~c.o _& __ masonry ···-~-~-r£~....~n.§J.9.n...t.n.~....~----·-mu1ti- ramny 55'~ ___.3Q years,_ _ _ __ Awrage Age d. Repair .. Xi;;.ir._i~L.t,Q9,M.- - - - .... f~.i.r....t _Q_.&.9.9..d,_ _ __ e. Occupancy _____9f;f,~-- - - - - ....9M. _ _ _ _ __ Owna-occup;,d .........Ba%,_ _ _ _ _ __ 1935 Price Bracket L15.eQ-9QQQ......... ......8 , w • ~ - - - - - 5 &: 6 rooms l315Qs5Q.QQ.............. '1, ,hang, 1937 Price Bracket t ..SQQQsJ.Q,.0.09...... ......... '1, $.).QQQc55QQ_......... . .......... % -1939-------···-····PTice Bracket f ..5.00.QclO.,.QQ.O....&. up........... 't lJ.ig,□=55QQ____. ..........% g. h. <f,chan~.• ;. Sak, Demand k. Pudicted Price Trmd ___ S.tat.iJLto_dmvn_____________ _ (next 6-12 month.:!) 1935 Rent Bracket L45 - 75 n, - 50 J... .50 .- ....100 .... ~40 - 55 m. 1937 Rent Bracket n. .l\l;,.\L..- .... Rent fuad«t o. Rental Demand ....F.~.. · ------- $ ...50 - . 100. ........ .. ........ 't tchange ...............~ ..........% ........F.lJ.1~.t.\.l.ll.:te..G...b.atlLlls.. j;;a.. _E).,y.9..tµ.~t~.ILR2.:th_!,l,.§ ....filL rental &: demand at rental & demand at _dif'.ffu:onLaoJ>.s.ozu; __ _ __dil.f.e.r..e.nLI.e~--(next 6-12 months) 8 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (Jxut :,,.) No...... U ....T,pe & Pri<, ~O.Q"1..0.,.QQQ ..How S.lling ...Q>w.<Ll'-1!.i.H.. p. P,'"°"'d R,nt Tmul 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOLC... ........? ... 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (..3.....)'TJ a. b. IrutitutionL. ___ ,.. _Eecw.. HOL.~- ~ ~ - - ·b. lrutitutioru ....- .....F'arl 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_...Amplo.. ............. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.7, $_5Q..96....... _ 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACfERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level to rolling . Uo construction hazards . Land improved 90fo. Deed restrictions have expired with exception of racial restrictions in purts . Zoning is very largely single- family residential, with certain sections permitting multiple family structur e s . Apurtmo:mt houses and hotels , Conveniences are all ree,dily availo.ble , This area is po.rt of tho o ld aristocratic r esidential district of Pasndeno., which ut one timo had a nation-wide reputation. The northwestern part occupies n ove rlooking the Arroyo Soco . :tlv.ny structures 50 years old-. Construction is of highest quality and m..'\intonnnco, whilo spotted, is generally of a th:1.t minimizes the effect of age llild obsole6c<mco . ?4r.ny original owners still occupy their rt)sidenccs. Tho Visto. dt)l Arroyo Hotel , nn nll year rolllld re:,ort, occupios the block on the wost side of Grand Avo. from Colorndo to Ellis St, A number of apartment housos o.rrl bungalows o.rc oporo.tcd in connection with this hotol. The o.ron has been dofinitoly declining for n nwnbor of years o.nd is slowly trending to residential incomo structures. Howovor, the tro.nsit5.on will bo o. long drawn out proccsr, nnd tho o.roo. will retain its desirability as o. single - .frunily r0sidontio.l district for many years to como o.nd is thorofore accorded a 11 h igh ycllow11 . 9. LOCATION .... £<\"""-"""-·-·-· Grand Avenue .... SECURITY GRADE...;ird ..• AREA NO...!i.=.¾l... DATE...kJ.JJ.= '9 211 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oLJ&.s__~~l.9JL_g_g_gnt~--------·-a. Increasing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Decreasin,"-c-,---,-c-,-------ccc- Static ......X~~---Bu s ine s s &: p r ofessional rren , a r tisans, -white c ol l a r b. Class and Occupation'!....-1.!!£...o_~_j_},?..Q_Q::gl&Q____?.,.!:l-_ci.~E..._ l. POPULATION: c. Foreign Families .....f9YL~ Ndtionalities ....__ d. J~2J}e subv ersive Negro _______ Q____% e. Shifting or Infi!tTatiOfL .. _________ Indic ation __ of __ dr i.f't ..'~9 ). qwei:: _income_l~ •~•~•l~•~----- 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING a. Type and Site _.5 , __ 6_&7 .. 40 . .% OIBER TYPE 20;~ ap t s. bung . & 10 nns . Average Age d. Repair e. Occupancy __ .25 yeer s ~ - - - - ~ - - - - ..... Fa.:i,r... to ..zo9d_···-··- ··-·······973!,~----- Owne,-occupi,d .. ... .50% ........_, ______ · -..- 65~•---$ 5000- 7500 %change $ 5500- 8000 .._. - ..- .. % g, 1935 Price B,ocke, L 30.0.0.c,5QQQ. __ _ h. 1937 Price Bracket !....:35..0.0::.-5.500.... ;. 1.939...... .........Price B,ocke, $.. 2500- 5500 j. Sale., Demand k. P,.edicted Price Trend (next 6-12 montfu) 1935 Rent Bracket ....... ..%. L5500- sooo ..19W .. ......Rent B,acke, o. Rental Demand p. ~:::etif:O!;; Static Static $__.. 25 % Poor Fair 1937 &n, B,a, ket - 50 L~O - 75 ....35~-~ 5~0_ _ $_ .. ,5 - 50 .............% $....J+O ., __ % L !,o - 75 5 §t~~j,c & - 75 ......Type 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (2 .. :,,.) a. HOL.~- ~~ - - b. Im.._, FUNOS:_,tlfcl~c:"·· .. . 7. ...............% ·-- ~ 6 r oom~S~tcc•tc,iccc_ _ _ _ __ 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No.......?.5. 6. MORTGAGE fam . Fr amo 1 s" co & masonr y b. Construction c. 40 % «"mllltf- ~--.2, _rgorrw,____ _ & PriuJt4!zQ?- 6o.Q_9. .....How Selling ~fod~i:-.a~ely._ HOL~-~l~0_ __ b. In.stitun-0,~_F_c,_•,_ _ _ Few 1937- TOT~!u~y~V-.0E~ i1m ~~{~efo$_/H.~4.9..._. __._.. 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain : Level with grade from south to nor th . No constructi on hazards. Lund improved 95%. Zoning p0nnits multi - family north of California St., but L:iprovement:3 arc r;cnorolly limited to single - family d,-.ellin~s in southern p:1 rt. Conveniences ur c n l l readily available ; uren is outstanding in this respe c t. Thi::; is the old medium class r osirlentia. l section . While there arc still mnny ovmcr oc cupied dwellint;s it is r apidly losing its desirability as o. singlc - fa.."'llily rcsidontinl distr i c t , I.\Ild 11 bost use 11 is rapidly running to rcsidontinl in como structures . It is one of the best rontul o.reas in tho city I.\Ilcl 20% of structu r es r,ro o.lroady of this type. These , however, u r o c.11 loca.tcd in the northe r n p r-rt of the !'.r 0a and consist of rrcdium grnde sinnll upo.r tment houses , bungrtl ow courts , 4 - trunily flats nnd o l d rosidonccs c onver ted to multi- family use. Improvomonts o.rc hctorogcncous as to o.go , typo , size and mnintena.nce . Populc.tion is mixed both as to incomos n.nd soc in.l levels. The southern pi'.'. r t cf nrcn lnrgoly on ount of zoning will , it is th o ught , hn.vo n p r olongod po r iod of decline, cmd sorrn pc.rts of it mi ght be ossigncd n higher grudc . However , the uron is u na.turnl entity und is uccordod o. 11 low yollow 11 grudo . 9. LOCATION.... Po.sudcno. SECURITY GRADE.3r4....c. AREA N0..., ~3J.. .. DATEli.: .El2 212 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL...1.2.§. __.fu}g~!§.~--.9:.2~ASl_____·-··1. POPULATION: a. Increasing Decreasin,,-._ _ _ _ _ _ _ St.atic,------·-- Slowly ''hite collar workers, artisans, s ervi ce employees b. Class and Ocmpation___ and small business roon . c. Foreign Families.__..f.Q.~ I ncorre ~1200-2400 Nationalities,. .. ......... Jf.9_r,~... §.\Al>.Y.!3~r~,i~v~e_ _ _ __ d. % Negro..... CL e. Shifting or lnfiltration _ _ _ _ _ _ _~None __ a p _ p J i r e n t ~ - - - - - - - - - - 2. BUILDINGS, a. T-;pe and Size b. Construction c. At1erage Age PREDOMINATING 5& 6 .... ..72...%. 'fo OTHER TYPE r ooms __ ] __ Fr_ame & s"b.l cco & 8 _rooms Mult i-family .. 15% lo% _____ 1.5.__ y e a r s ~ - - - - d. Repair e. Occupancy ··-····961\._ _ _ _ __ f. Owner-occupied ····-·5,;i,;~---- g. 1935 Price Bracket ~35QQc450.Q. _ -·-··- \tch,,n~e h. 1937 Price Bracket ~),!\'.)00-5000 i. 1939 .... ......... Price Brcu:ket i.4?.9.9.::-.'.:P..9.9 .. j, Sales Demand ....F.a· - - - -- - - k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket m. 1937 Rent Bracket %char,ge ....... % ............ % ............ % .% _Jl:tat.ia.... }_ 25_-..l,.5 t . J0... ·--···>0·-· i, .....%. ..............% n. 19~ .... ······-·····Rent Bracket ~-.30 - r.;o o. Rental Demand .....M.o.Q ~ - - - - - - p. Pmlict.ed Rent T1cnd (next 6-12 months) .___S_t.a:ti!~--- - - . - % 5 & 6 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past ,r.) No....65. .........Type & Price __$J15QQ::.li0.00 ..... How Selling .... J~Q~.f.-~.!:~l_y__ 4. OVERHA.NG OF HOME PROPERTIES: 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES t-..3...yr.) a. HOL~-~ 10~- ~ b. Institutions .._.... . .f~_w:...... a ... a. HOLC- ........... b. Institutioru .. ___......f~1·L .... ......... . 1937- 49.37 Inside 6. MORTGAGE RJNDS,-...i\rnpl o...L'1!AL 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.8.) $_.;\8, 1.,5....Qi.ct.c_. County ~37 .54.. city side 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACfERISTICS OF AREA, 011. 83 Ter ra in : Level with no constru ction hazard s. Land improved 80%. Zoning is mixed , but more than 50'% singlo- frunily residential. In the western po.rt apartmont housos arc })l;lrmittod i n certain blocks and in he.lance of area fou r-family flats and bungalow c ourt::; arc P3rmitted in northern part . Convcnionc cs aro all readily available. This is one of the older residential districts, and bo r ders upon tho business district. Easte r n part of o.rca is outside City of in Los _>\..ngdos County territory . Under stimulus of FHA fina.-icing nctivity ho.s incrco.scd roo. t orio.lly during tho 4 Construction, po.rticulnrl y that whi c h is new is of ztando.rd quo.lity. Unintonuncc, while s potted, i::; gcnoro.lly of good c haracter . PopuL1tion and improvements arc heterogeneous , Thero is little ho.rmony in architccturr.l designs. Proximity to Cal - Tech , Po.sndona High School ruid Junior Collcgo arc favorable i nfluences, Adjnccnco to tho business ,~i:itrict is a mixed fuctor , This is o. favorite rental nrea and seems destined to become rm outsto.nding mult iple famil y district. '£he cnste rn portion is now0r :.i.nd s omowhat bottor quf'lity than tho pr-,rt west of iiill St, This is et highly spotted r..roo. o.nd o. block b~- block r;rc.<lin;; on ba.sis of present dcsirnbility would n. Vlidc ro.ngc . From tho standpoint of future desirability , however , it could not be accorded hi c;hc r thun o. 11 low yellow" grndc. Pnso.<lcna High School &: 9. LOCATION._.,1r.,._.C_9.U0.£:9_..!l.Let...,.... SECURITY GRADE..Jrd... s AREA NO•...Q.,.32 DATE..b.h3.9 213 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL.1!.Q...'-L,_@r;.'il-1~.~-·-·Q9.~!:}.ty______________ _ a. Increasing, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Decreasin Static ..."f.~~ 1:.mall busines s men , v,hite col le. r worke rs, s ki lle d b. Class and Occupation_a_aj __ ,~ s_k ille d labor.a.. \'rPA__ worke rs, Income $700- 1800 1. POPULATION: c. Foreign Families._ ..fQ.w_i Nationalitie.\ .... __ None....~:t-1bve1•sive,_ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING d. --- Negro . ......... of .... 80 ...'f, a. T..,pc and Sizt ..P..~pl ex & other mu l tip1.~__s l<"'rrune &: stucco b. Construction c. Average Age d. Repair e. Occupancy ........ .95%,_ _ _ __ Owner-occupied ... ··-· ········1..o.%,_ _ _ __ g. 1935 Price Bracket Ll.7.50-3250 h. 1937 Price &racket $ __2090-3500 ..19J9............. Price &acket J..?990.:35.90... . ;. Sales Demand .....Poo,r~- - - - - - - k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket $ .l5 - -30 . . ..... . J, L l? - 35 m. 1937 Rent Bracket n. 19.3.9. ............... Rm, B,acket o. Rental Demand $ .20 ...: ...35 ·----·-- ..............% .% ···----·% p. Predicted Rent Trend ~S~t~•t~i~c_ _ _ _ __ (next 6-12 months) 5 r m bungalov,s 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No....?..9. .... ..Type & Price.J!:i-.9Q9_: !£?~.Q. .......How Selling 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (. } ,.,.) 6. MORTGAGE RJNDS, Limited tfoderately a. HOL.~ -~2_ _ _ b. lmtitutiom, _ _ Fecc''c..'_ _ a. HO!C--~l~0_ _ b. !n,ocwon,, __h~!an=-y_ _ 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $Hl00 (193.7.c) $ 51 , 50 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain : Rolline; to hillside ; no construction hazards. Land i n pr oved 60% . Zoning is mixed usually permitting multi- family structures an.-\ business on certain streets. Conveniences ar{~ all readily available . This is o.n old area and it is not thought thflt development war.: ever o. directed one . As o. consequence population , improve ments , mainteno.nce and archite ctural designs n.r o all highly hete r ogeneous . Construction rane;es from. substanda r d to d quulity. lhintenanc e is spotted and only fai r at best. Although o.djacent to Pasudeoo, it is separ ated f r om it by a ro.ngc of low vacant hills and is vrithin the city limits of Los Angeles . New c onstruction in the ur ea wo.s la r gely ulong Avenues 63 , 6l~ , 65 nnd northe r n part of Av e . 66 , which constitutes the best per t of tho urea . While there are still nnny home ovmors in the o.r cu it is rapidly be c oming n. lower rentc.l distri c t. Infiltr c.tion of subver s ive ro. c io.l elements is OOliGvod to be r emote , and gradual de c line t•r.i.11 c ontinue over a long period. The urcu is a c c orded n " low yellow " gr o.dc . 9. LOCATION .....lligblnruU'ru±........... SECURITY GRADE ......3nL AREA NO•.. Q., 33... DATElidJ.,J9 ~ : This arcc. is c ur rently o.ffectod in whole or in po.rt by nn Ad vo.lorom True District . Individual properties should be crocked for this ho.zo.rd . 214 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL_1..o.& ...!.\.ng.e.le..§..__Q_oJ.Ulcy.._______ _ 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Decreasin,,.__ __ _ _ __ Sr.atic.--.X.~.L Bus ine s s ani profeos i onal men, white col l a r b. and Occupation ___ worke r s J. s killed artisan1t.,._etc !___ In~ome .Q l 200-~500_ _ _ _ c. Foreign Families __ E.<c?.!.'.!._~ Naw:mal.ities•.......-... _}!9n~ ___subv~r.sivec__ _ __ d. e. Shifting or ln/Utration _ _ _ _ _ _~None. a.epa r e _n t _ _ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, a. PREDOMINATING __.5-- 6 Type and Size c. Average Age Repair e. Occupancy OIBER TYPE room bunga lows __ !~come_, ___ _30 __ y;3 a r s,___ _ __ rm 2 story . _al ong_ __ lton:te r e_y ___R_o~d _ __ .. ·-···65% g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Price Bracket j. Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rene Bracker $ 1937 Rent B,ack,t $...?5. ...,..l.19... ichange Poor to fai r Stati c n. 19.3.9------·--······Rene Bracket Rental Demand 20- 37. 50 %change 'l,change ............ .% $ 25 "'.' .. L~ _________ ·--·--.'!,, ...... Goqdc__ _ _ _ __ p. Predicted Rene Trend (next 6-12 months) ----~t_a t_ic,e__ _ _ _ __ Fow ants. & b ung. c our t s 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past :ir.) No... _J_ Q______.T':fpe & Price ~~20~~~00 How &!ling __ }~~9-~-~f~-~-c::.±Y._ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HO 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (....3. ..yr.) a. HOL.'--- ~ - - - b. 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS· 7-9 ····--··987,'-------- f. Owner-occut,ied o. % __Jf:r a.~ -~ _s_tuc co b. Construction d. N,gro .... Q. _ _ _ _ __ Limi ted •nl selt, otive 7. 1 b. ln,onaw Few lnslitution.s ..._. .. .Hf!..!.!Y. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (1937.c) $..5.1, 5.Q.. 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, To r rain : Level to rolling; no construction hazar ds . Land impr oved 90%. Deed restr i c tions have expired and zoning is mixed. Conveniences are all readily This is South Pasadena ' s olde s t distric t and was fonoorly a high grade area, but he.s boen on the de c line for 20 or more. It is still well oonsid Eir od and lar ge l y homos e r e owoo d. Construction is f: Cncr ally stundo.rd to extra quality . Ho.intont'.nc El is extroI110ly spotted but is usually fairly good. Popula.tion, improvements and upkeep i s growing more and more hcte r ogonoous . The nor th<rnst and southwest sec ti ons are of somewhat lower r;rado ·with Mission Road definite l y trending to n residential income thoroughfn r o. Indicntions v.rc that aroa f r om ::;tn.udpoint of singl c - fomily rosidcntic.l will slovdy docl i no und that moro ond more it wi 11 bo c orre o. r osidcntial inoozoo a r co. . The pr oposed Freeway Arto r io.l is routed throogh tho o.ron o.nd should bo of nntc r bl benefit to it i f it mntcr ializos • . The nr cn is or dod o. '1:t:10dinl ycll ov,11 gr r\dc . 9. LOCATION ____South P~sndcno. SECURITY GRADE.....3<SL AREA NO•.... Q.c3/.,.. DATF..lJ.c.ll: .3:l 215 AREA DESCRIITION 1. POPULATION: a. In.creasing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Decreasin,,-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static_ ......Yes Skilled and wtskilled artisans, white oolla.r workers b. Class and Occupation ____ IDJ.d._1/E.4..J' ___LllQQl!ill_;-1Q..Q.:.l5~00~--------d. N,gro_ ..Q.....'.fe .. J1..p.par_en~----- - - - - - 2. BUILDINGS, _99... 'f, PREDOMINATING __ F.r.arne....&_._a.t~.Q..O.• b. ConstTUction At1eTage Age ···-·-25 ..s.e:.a.r.~----- d. Repair . . .Fair:.. e. Occupancy __ .99:,;~------ f. Gwn,,--o=pu,d g. 1935 Price Bracket $ __ 1800-2509 ________ h. 1937 Price B,acket I . .a000c?l50..... c. _ 10 __ % OTHER TYPE . 4...&..5...J.:O.Q,-~---- a. Type and Size 1nr.~------ .1939. ... ... ..... Price &acket 2000-2750 j. Sales Demand Poor k.. Predicted Price Trend (next 6..12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket Stat ic %chan~e ·--·--··--% ............ % %change 15 - 30 %change . ... % ··----·-·"' $ --·-··--···--·-··-·- ......% m. 1937 Rent Bracket n. .1939. .............. Rent Bracket o. Rental Demand p. ~:=~1~:~:;:: 17.50-32.50 ·······"' ·---·-"' ·-··--··.,, ···- Good _ _ _ _ _ __ c~----$'3000-4250 --------- _ S~t=•~ti=· 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION {past 'JT',) No ......~9. ····--Type & rnce 4 & 5 room How Selling 0.mor built 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOLC-. b. Institutions 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (}....:,,-.) a. HOLC._ b. Institutions..... !~any 1.t:}!lt~ 6. MORTGAGE FUNDs, .. Few 1. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 <l.9/ J1 $_4~,IJO 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS 01' AREA Ter ra in : Level sloping to hillside; no construction hazards. Land improved 60% .. Deed restrictions have expired. Zoninr, is m'Lxed, but is largely single-family and duplex with o.bout 20% of area pe r mitting larger multiples . This is a s0100-what isolated area and conveniences, while available , are not readily so and trans portation depends on bus and interurban. This a r ea, located on the easter n side of J..:rr oyo Se co, was subdivided mc.ey ago as something of a religious co lony. It ;•ro.s never o. succes sful venture and development has been very slow. Construction r uns from standard to substandard quality. Mo.intonancc, while not of expensive charactor, indic ates pride of occupo.ncy. Improvements run f rom new to hO yoo.r s of nge. Architccturo.l designs, thoroforc, of o. wido r nnr;e a.n<l gives tho arou & heterogeneous nspoct. Population is general l y homogeneous, Lot vo.lues und ~10 per i'ront foot, This nreu , while old o.nd poorly loeo.ted,is not lucking in oho.rm and is fo.r f r om being a blighte d aren . It is accorded e. 11 low ycllow 11 gr ade. 9. LOCATION- ..•.11en""1.-......--··--···- ..... SECURITY GRADE .. J>e.o..... AREA NO-...Cc.35 DATEi.i.cll., J:J 216 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL ______J~.9...~...M.g~.*,~-~---·99..1:¥!~:i. _____ _ JTff ea.-···-··· l. POPULATION: a. Incrrttnf:i8d~~~tft~--·empi0j6e~:~{te collar workers & b. Class and O:cu/x-Uion.__ artisans~,~I~n~co~m~•~$~1~80~0~-i$3~60=0_ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ c. Foreign Families ______ Q__~ Nationalities _ _~N~o~n~•~•~u~b•~er=•1~·•~•~---- None ap~ar=en~t~--------- - - e. Shifting or Infiltration 2. BUILDINGS, a. PREDOMINATING T,pe and Size A~age Age G9.9:•.~- - - - - - - d. Repair e. Occupancy f. Owner-occupied g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Price Bracket $'-"----- :1:!3'.9_9 ......... Price Bracket ~ 4000-5000 j. Sales Demand Good k. Predict.ed Price Trend (next 6-12 month.s) 1935 Rent Bracket $A~~ _owner <l, Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend <f, Static %change . ... .1, % J.29.~---···-·······Rent !wacket o. . . .% ............% 1937 Rent Bracket n. OTI-IER TYPE _Stucco & frame b. Construction c. .... 100'.!\ 5-6 room bungalows (next 6-12 months) .% ..........•.. % 5 & 6 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCilON (past yr.) No.....~-~- _____ .Type & Pria- $4000-$5500 .How Selling Readily 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL.L-...._...:0:__ _ b. lm•w!ian"- - " 0 _ __ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.3 .y,.l a. HOL.....__ _,.__ __ b. lnstitution.1 _ _,0c.....__ _ None 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS· Ample (FHAL. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (i~~.) $fas.'\~r~r·· 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA Terrain-: Level valley with g·entle slope from north to south and hillside slopes on east and ;vest. Uo construction hazards. Land improved 701,. Deed restrictions limit improvements to mininrurn cost of $3500 provides for architectural sup ervision and racial protection. Zonihg permits s ingl e-family and duplexes, but t here is only single-family at present. Conveni ences are all readily available, including cheap rapid transit of Los A.rigeles City Cen tor. This is a new subdivision recently placed on the market by the Huntington Land & Improvement Co., who originally purchased it for a short interurban route from Pasadena to Los Angelos . This route was di scarcl.ed and it lay dormant as a swOJDpy tract 1n1.til it ;ms included in a WPA projoct 1 cleared and drai ned. (Ho\f this was accomplished was not researched). Aft or this improvement the area. nas platt ed and placed upon the mnrket as a high grade 11 commu.ters 11 subdivisio n. Under the stinrulus of promtional effort and. FHA Ti tl o II financing, great progress has been made in its develop ment. Construction runs from standard or better grade. Archi tcctural designs individually attractive und hnrmmious as a vi'hole . Population bids fair to be homogonoous. Owing to the convenience of tho location to the ncr.1 Los Angcl es City Civic Center the aroo is a popular one ,1ith City, County, State nnd Fedoral employees. Land vo.J.ues ore not stabilized but run from $10 to $15 per front foot-. :Because of the speculative nature of the enterprise and low O\mership equity (Continued on n ext page) 9. LOCATION . ... !i"".Um;1;9.n....YU1~ .. SECURITY GRADE ....~r.d... AREA NO....Cc,.3.6.. DATH/.ll/.39 Los Angeles 217 AREA. DESCRIPTION Security :;n11 of 8. Los Angel cs County D~CRIPTION Arm CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA.: ( Continued) provided by FF.A financing, COUfllOd with the fact that it is engulfed by un old district of lo wer grade (El Sereto), it is thought that this area has already passed its peak of ct esiro.bil ity and is therefore accorded n 11 higb ycllow 11 grade. 9. LOCATIOll Fl'untington Villa S:EX:URITY GRADE~AREA. N O . ~ D A T E ~ Los .A.1gcles This area is currently affected in whole or in pa.rt by an Ad volorem Tax District. Individual properties should be chocked for this hazard. 217n AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of.._.. )~9..~...M!-.P:<'J. es County a. Increasing Decreasin Static ___ .¥..~.§..__ Skilled & unskilled labor, few retired people, public 1. POPULATION: b. Class and Occupatron __ J;l!l;i,P.l.9.Y..Q.Q~.........~_lJHL.$l.Q.QQ~1lfil,,0_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ c. Foreign Famil.ies .... f.9.'K%.! e. Shifting 01 PREDOMINATING 2. BUILDINGS, ____ 75 __% 6-8 r0ora 2 story Average Age Poor ___ to_fair~--- d. Repair e. ·-ir-ro·o·ni-ln.mga10Ws Frame & stucco b. Construction OTilER TYPE exes a. T,pe and Size c. d. N,gro _____ O___ % Nationalities .......................N.O.JliL.$.1,'l,°QV..OI.".eJ.Y.~L Infiltration Probable future trend will be to residential income propertiqs. Occupancy f. Owner-occut,red g. 1935 Price Bracket $ 1800-2000 %c~nge %change h. 1937 Price Bracket $2500-2750___________ -- ________ 'l, --------" .Price Bracket .1939..... j_ Sak.s Demand k. Pmlicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Brackee Poor it change m. 1937 Rent Bracket _$_17.,E0-32._50 --····- n. $ 17. 50-32.t EO.___ o. .19.3.9.. ······- ._ ..Rent Bracket _____% ~ 2000-2750 ,, --- - ____% ...............% __ .%. Rental Demand ..S..U\.t.i.-~-----4-5 rm. bungclows 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past,,-.) No.. J..Q ... ..Type & Pricei.?P.9.Q~f.9......How Selling 0\mer built p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (...~.... :,,.) a. HOL-~-~0~-- b. lnstirutioru a. HOL O b. Fcvr Institutions._ .... Few Limi tcd & 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS'------•-• l••!Jy_9_____ 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (19J_c,J $_!l?,_~_3_ 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA Level to hillside. No construction hazards. Lond improved 60f Zoning is largely single-family with some duplex and larger multiples permitted along Huntington Drive. Conveniences arc llll rco.dily available, including interurban to dovmtown Los Angeles. This is the better part of El Sorot10 from which it is separated by a hill. It is from 35 to 40 years old and ha,s never been 11 high grado 11 • Construction is 10,v struidard grade. Mo.intcnance is spotted and at best only fair, Population, improvements and architectural designs arc hcte1·ogcncous. Lot val ucs run from $10 to $12 per front foo t. Owing to conve.YJ.ience to Loo Angeles City Center it is a g'Ood rental location ond future devolopment should be along that line. Tho area is accorded a 11 lori ycllow 11 grac1.e. El Sereno-East SECURITY GRAD£ ____ 3r_~---~ AREA NO•. ___2:::3]_ DATE..5[~/3_9 Los Angol es This area is currently affected in whole or in part by on Ad vclorcm Tax District. Individual properties should be checked for this hazard. 9 . LOCATION 2AUTION: 218 AREA DESCRII'TION Security Map of_ ___!:@_~:_@_g~--~!L..Q9_1,1:!':j;y____ _ 1 · POPULATION: a. b. Class nnd Occupatio WP~~J::;-· Incrs:!,i\ busi;:ss men. skil~e~tisans, lab~rers & Incoll}~..£7.QQ.7_$),_§9_0~---------- c. Foreign Families .....!?.. .....'k e. Nationalities ... Ital_ians .. - ...fossib~y few _Mf;l:X:ican:. families d. Negro ......Q. ... _.% Shifting- or Infiltration _____I.iaf.U~:r.5i!!?.t>: ... Q.:L_1;1_µJ;i:v..e.r.~J.:v..e....r.a&.i.d._.eJ._em,en_t.s....a. ...P.Q.s.e.ib::i..l.t!;y__________ _ Z. BUILDINGS, PR:EDOMINATING .....85 .. % a. Type and Site _5 ___& __ 6___ rooms_ _ _ __ b. Construction .Fr<¥11.e &___ stuc09 ____ _ c. Average Age _12 _x..ea:r~•------ d. Repair e. Occutxincy f. Owner-occupied g. 1935 Price Bracket t 2000-4-000 h. 1937 Price Bm,ket ~..33.o(b¾?.OO .... .l.9.39. ...... ....... Price Bracket $ 2250-4200 j, Sales Demand _Poor k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket $ 20-35 OTHER TYPE Mul ti-faroil~---- ~.B1'~- - - - - - §Q%_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ··-·····% __ _j, Static,_ _ _ _ _ __ $c.__ _ __ $ 25-40 m. 1937 Rent Bracket n. )J!.;3_~---· ··-·· .... Rent Bracket o. Rental Demand %change .....% .............% __ __j, ____%. $ 25-40 p. Predict.ed Rent Trend .Stat_:i,c~-----(next 6-12 months) 5 & 6 rms. 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No.....9. ........._Type & Prit:c _ _$.3500-$5000 How Se!Ung Owner built 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (...~... yr.) 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS· Limited a. HOL.~--0~- - b. Instit:ution-~F•~w~-a. HOL~-~ 0 ~ - - b. Institutions_._ .. Fe_>, .... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193?c) 1938 H.~.,.®. 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Generally level, with some grades, No construction hazards •.. Land improved 501,. Zon ing is mixed and inadequate. Conveniences are cll readily available. Some streets not improved._.,. This is ono of the older sections of San Gabriel and has developed into a nondescript 11 buffer 11 area, of mixed singlefamily dwellings, low-grade nrul ti-family structures, bungalow courts and auto can;is. Construction is inclined to be substandard, al though there some standard quality i~rovemcnts •. Population is heterogeneous as is also general appearrui.ce of area. The favorable infl ucnce of better areas to the north is oore than offset by the detrimental influence of the main line of the Southern Pacific Railroad just below its southern border und proximity of the large Mexican settlement •.. Al though not blighted there· is little future prospect for the area nnd it is accorded a 11 low ycllo'.7»· grade. 9. LOCATION San Gabriel SECURITY GRADE.....etil..c ARE.A NO•....Cc.J8... DATF,jj.J.Z/.39 219 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of~._+.!Q.§__ _P.}_g~J.~~---Q.Q.~-~:l..1. POPULATION: a. Increasing Moderately Decrea.fing.__ __ _ _ _ _ Static .. _____________ _ :Business & professional men, skilled artisans & lovrnr paid b. Class and Occupation .. ____l~J.t~.QQ.1!.¥-...L'l'J1!_.!/QX!• Income $700-$~?..0..Q ________ _ None subversive. May be f e•• c. Foreign Families .....~-~--~ Nationalities .... Ja_ps __ ~ear __ business. diJ>t:r~_ct .. QP..... d. NegTo._.....9....... %.: Alhambra e. Shifting or Infl!tration _ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, _;,_O.ll.f!.JWJ>.QX.00]~---- PREDOMINATING .... 85 ...% a. T'ipe and Site b. Conwucrion c. - - - -- - -- __ 15__% OTHER TYPE 4-room bungalot.s, ..s!~!.~~~!? & nru.l ti...f ami~.Y. Frame &_stucco __ Average Age d. Repair e. Occupancy S,%,_ _ _ _ _ __ f. Owner-occupied _FJJ_%c:__ __ _ _ _ g. 1935 Price B,ocket $ 2700-4000 h. 1937 P-ric, B,ocket $ 3000-4500 i. ~-~-~~ ··········-······Price Bracket J 3000-4500 j, Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket %change ...... ___ % ............. % ___ _j .% Fair $17.00-35 1937 Rent Bracket $__ 25.00-40 n. l.J.:39..... _......... Rent Bracket $ 25._D0-40 ---· - -· o. Rental Demand .Good._ _ _ _ _ __ ........... 1, -~ ti- Predicted Rent Trend$tatic,_ _ _ _ __ _ (mx~ 6•• !2 months) ~6 room 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa.,, ,,,.) No....?9 ..... T,pe & !'-rice i.1!L;9.c_$!!.\599. ...How &!Ung .....1.!2.'!l',i,!.tll'.__ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOLC..... __5 __ b. lnsrit'UtWnL ....F..~~. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (..~... )"'.} a. HOLC .. J.9.. b. lnstitutions _____ F..e.Y!. Limited & sOl:ective 6. MORTGAGE RJNDS,_<l:"_,<m.tX•. ~.•. A,.. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (19370) $.li?.•?.~ 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACI'ERISTICS OF AREA, · Level to hillside and vacant hill tops.. Some construction hazards. Land improved 25%. Zoning is predominantly s i ngle-family ,1ith many blocks permit• ting duplexes and some zoned for larger nru.l tiplcs . Conveniences are all roo.dily available including rap id transit to Los Angeles City Center upon both Huntington Drive a.'ld Vnlley Blvd. Development began in this a rea many yours ago bu.t has never had uny particular direction. During the past few yenrs under stimulus of FHA f inancing (both Title I & Title II) quite a little activity ho.s developed. Constrt'.ction has a wi de range of quality running from standard to poor substandard. Main tenan ce is spotted and is only fair at best. Population, improvements and orchi tectural designs arc all heterogeneous. Nmr construction ,1hich is generally of good quality is largely in four .. districts: between Minto & Thelma near Huntingi, ton Drive; Chad\·tick & Templeton st .. : Lombardy Ave. olong :Endicott ncm- Ithaca, nnd along the winding hillside streets on the south slopes of tho hills to the south of Volley Blvd. This devolopmcnt inQicatos that in time this area should be broken doViil llnd regraded. Currently, however, it is treated us a wholo and accorded. a 11 medial yellow" grade. Chadwick Dri VO Templ cton St. Di s.t. 9. LOCATION ..!ag.~...<:!!1.~~------------------- SECURITY GRADE .... 3,.d .... AREA NO-Cl,,39..... DATU/..ll/~9 CAUTION: This area is currently affected in whole or in part by an Ad valorem Tax District. I n divi dual properties should be checked for this hazard. 220 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL_~s>-~...-A.:P:6eles County 1. POPULATION: b. a. Increasing _ _.,... _~idly Decreasing..__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static.-·•-·-···Business & professional men, whit&--collar workers, skilled Class and Occupation. art~9'ans &_facto;t:Lworke~ Income $].J00-~400 &11:R _____ _...... c. Foreign Fa,nilies ___ l!?:!..~ e. Shifting or Nationalitia__ _ ....~\'.rn,.e.... mfi;l:y_!;!,;:$JY.~. ···························-· cl Negro ______ 0______% Infiltra.tion _ _ _ _ _ _ ___,,,_ . 9.D..e__i;m.uar.en:t~------ - - - - 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING a. Type and Site .. 95. '!, b. Corutruction _Frame_ &__ s_tucco ·----······ c. .9Years,.__ _ _ __ Average Age OlliER TYPE _5_ .. ~ ___ G___ rooms~---- d. Hepa;, e. Occupancy f. Owner-occupied .9.Q,-__ _ _ _ _ __ g. 1935 Price Bracket $__Not ___ established %.~~na,e h. 1937 Price Bracket .J.9.39 ............... Price Bracket j. Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend ...% $_2000-.6000 .... ~-?.-~9.~_§QQ9 ____ _ .......... ....% (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket :(change ..............% 1937 Rent Bracket n. .1.9.3\L.. . .._Rent Bracket o. Rental Demand __ '1, L®.::~p() .F.aj,.r_ _ _ _ _ __ p. Predicted Rent TYend .filstli.9c_ _ _ _ _ __ (next 6-12 months) 5 & 6 rm. 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No......?.9..9. ...T;1pe & Price. $3000-$6000 How Selling Slo;1ly 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL.e,__ __.:cO_ __ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (..~... :,,.) a. HOL,'-'---"0 _ _ _ b. Irutituticru __] _e'-..... 6. b. lrutitutio,n,.,__,,_F~•w~-- MORTGAGE FUNDS· Ample (FHA) . 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (19£c.) $-~.,_l.Q_ 1938 B. DESCRIPTION Al'.'D CHARACJ'ERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain:: Level to rolling. No construction hazards. Land improved OO'fi. Deed restri ctions designate types of improvemen ts, provide uniform setbacks, and protect i on from subversive racial elements. Conveniences are all reasonably and readily available. Some dead end streets. Many poorl y and cheaply constructed street improvements. Part of this district was originally subdivided a number of years ago, but nas far from successful.., During the past 4 yoars under the stimulus of FRA. Title I & Ti tl c II financing a number of speculative builders have op erated in t ho area and. it has been consi dered one of tho community 11 hot spotsn. Construct ion ranges from substandard to standard quality.. Architectural designs are individually attractive and usunlly harmonious au a whole. Population is inclined to be heterogeneous, and v,hile ovmer occupancy is, equities average so lo,7 as to threaten the economic stability of the area. Practically all improvClllents ore being constructed by 3Peculativo builders uhose profits are said to be largely dorivod from arbitrary increases in lnnd prices. Sales aro being effected by ·11 high pres surc 11 methods o.nd thoro is ovidcnco of increasing saloa resistance., as many completed dwellings remain unsold. Tho section east of son · Gabrial Blvd. appears to be the roost promising part of the aroo.. The section lying north of Chestnut Ave. west of Del Mar St., lmov,n o.s sun Gabriel (Continued on next page) San Gabriel Village 9. LOCATION ... L§.2.,. __ $.§!_~,;,,]>:,:J.aj,._ SECURITY GRADL.~r<L. AREA NO.C,,'40... DATE3/.l7JJ,9 221 AR;J,1. DESCRIPTION Security Mqp of 8. Los Angelos County DESCRIPTION AllD Cl!ARACT:;RISTICS OF ARFA: (Continued) Village, adjoins n lo\1-grade Mexicon section ond. is engulfed by it on three sidos and in ad.di tion is in proximi. ty to the Paso.dona. Sen'or Form. This ambitious project is sponsored by Percy Bilton, Inc., which is said to be financed with Dlgl ish capital . Informed sources very ge:norolly consider this a misplaced inve i.tmont that is doomed to failure . Although most of the improvements are now and fairly well constructed , when the loco.tion, chnracter of popuJ.a.tion, lack of appeal , and le.rge numbor of completed dwollings remaining unsold arc taken into consideration, it is not dee.-ned wise to assign to the area higher thn.'l a 11 1nedio.l yello,,11 grade. 9. LOCATION Snn Gabriel Village & So. San Gabri ol S»:URITY GRADE_lmL_il.EA. NO. ~ IlATE 4/1?/39 221a AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of__.!i!?..~.--~g_aj._~fLQ9.~Jy______ , 1. POPULATION: a. lncreruing Slowly Decreasin,,.__ __ _ _ _ _ Static--··-··- Business & professional men, white-collar workers, retired Income $1200-$2000 & - ~ - - - - d. N_______Q __J,_ c. Foreign Familie$ ..F..'E."!L.1 Nationalities.--•· .... ....... Jf_9ne .. s1,1bv~~ive _ _ __ b. Class and Occ,.:f>ation ..P.~P.!..~• laborers, etc. e. Shifting or Infilrration _ _ _ _ _ _ _~N.Q.lJ..e...allP.?J.:.eAJi _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ PREDOMINATING 2. BUILDINGS, a. _Fr~e b. Construction c. ~ __ s_tucco ______ d. Repau- e. Occupancy f. Owner-OCC1Apied g. 1935 Price Bracket }2.2.00.~a.WQ._ h. 1937 Price 81'acket ~.OOQc.1.000. ... __ ___1, ],_~_ .. Maj.__ti_~_'f._~7¢.,;t._y__ __9_%. _ _nJ!~ - - - - - 21?% ______ i. +.~~~ Sales Demand Poor .. to _.fair_ _ _ __ k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Brlleket $ 2.f;,-35 -----···-··-··-···· Bracket %_change %c:hange j. I. 01HER TYPE ~~_g~ old __ 25 __;r.~ear=•------ Av...>rage! .................Price ____ 80 ___% 5,.,6 room Type and Size ~000-5000 ...S.i?.::tiJ£~-----%.c~n~e $ 25-40 m. 1937 Rent Bracket .J~.31L.... - .......Rer.t Bracket$~~2~5-~40~--o. _Good Rema! Demand Predicted Rent Trend ...S t a t i ~ c ~ - - - - (next 6-12 months} 5-6 room 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION {patt ,,-.) No. __1~--- ...T,i,e & Price _$9,QQQ::$.§Q_QQHow S,lling Owner built p. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HQL _ __ O ~ - - b. Institutions________Few 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (....~... )"!".) a. 6. MORTGAGE FUNnS· HOLC~----···· 0 b. Institutions..... F.~E' Limited., except FHA 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193?.") $.fil.,j(J_ 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, r:~:!:: ;~~~i~c;~ 0 0 ~:~1- :iin!1:a ~:~~=~~~!iio! i~ ;:::c;;o~o;-::~;iy nhle.. This far-flung area is extremely spotted and there are \1ide divergoncies in characteristics o.nd. there are scattered blocks throughout \'lhich mrnld qualify for a higher grade than assigned... Along Ornngo Grove west of Baldwin arc several old mansions occup~ing extensive grounds. Construction and maintcnnnco are generally of good quality a.'"ld population as a \;hole is stable ond harmonious. Lack of uniformity as to ago and n.rchitocturo gives tho nroo a heterogoneous aspect. Many semi-retired people suffering from tubercular and asthmatic tendencies reside in .:irca .. Tho area is accorded a 11 medial yollo\Tr 11 grude •. The few subvorsive racial elements in the city confined and scattered throughout that portion of city shom1 as the business district and so zoned. 9. WCATION .... Sierra _Madre_ SECURITY GRADE . 3cli... AREA NO•....Cdl.. DATLJ]?._f!}_e9 222 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of__ l. POPULATION: b. CfaSJ and Jp _s__A,t},gQ!.9_it.QoJ~L~Y._ 1 a. ~i~-cd.- pOO~i-~;.Ytubm'-cui~{~J1da 0-..cwpation 1 ... skillod-·&sairi!~ii~--- artiSM$~1Q.,_Jnco~filE()0-$. 2400~- - - - - - - - Hostly non-oubvoraivo NatioMline.t ___ _(p_QJl.siblLJ.w..ll~JIL_______ d. c. Fo~ign F,!71- t. Shifting or Infiltration.____ ., __ - - - ~J~lo~n~o~®~=E"'~·~en~t~ - - - - - - - - 2. BUIWINGS, a. Type and Siu PREDOMINATING _.!_~_j, Ntgro __Q__ _1 O11-IER TYPE 4-5 room 6-room Frruno .!..!'.~ - fov, stucco Bungalo,1 Courts B-10 room ~ 2 story 18 yonrs shacks Dupl OX.OS c. Awragt Agt _Poor to fair t. Occupancy f. Own.-,-occup;,d _9_2i... - - - - _691. g. 1935 Prict Brac~t h. 1937 Pritt B,ack,r i. SaleJ DetMnd Poor k. Predu:ud Price Trend '"'"' 6-12 montlu) 1935 Rrnt &ac~t Static $ 22BJ-3SJO____ _ ___ .1, __ 1, ___j, $ 20-40 __ <f, n. )J/.~;!__ .............Rent Bracket $ 20-40 ·---,,, o. Rental Demand Fair p. Predicud Rent Trend _S~t~a~ti~c~ - - - - - - m. 1937 Rent Bracket (next 6-12 months) ···"' -----~ 4-5 rm. stucco 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa.,1 ,,.) No......~...._ Typ, & Pritt $3200-$46:JO How Selling .•..l~.<l_•Ea~...L 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL~ - -3~ - - b. I~ '&3-,,.) a. HO=- - - - - b. lru......,, 5. SALE OF HOME PROt1l_~~ 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_.!~.£9-'..!!~-··- ). TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1()00 F°" <Wli.) $.~ 20 ---·· 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Leval t oxcopt in nort.' \7hcro it is sloping to hillsido . 'ff:)'i dcvolopcd. No oon s truction hazards oxcept fl ood washes a t >1oatorn and oo.storn aid.cs of area. This is o. tyPiCO.l. small tow area conprising dwellings of every ago , typo and desci·iption . In order to properly brook area. up into homogcnooua o.rcas 1 it would require innumerabl e small o.roo.s. Mnintcnon co in a.roo. ns a whole is just fair. No\/ construction ia scattorod throughout o.roo \7ithout roe,-o.rd for ncighb9rhood desirabili ty. Thero uro innumerabl e doo.d- cnd stroots occo.aioncd by lack of railroad over or wtdor pnoscs. Al th0ugh t ho nos torn half of the area is separated from t he oo.storn half by the business district , it boars the same gonor:tl. chro'o.ctcriatics nnd is subject to the saruo influences. All conveniences adjacent t o l'.3'.)St of o.rea. Small soction in northoost olong Vnllc Vista ond Norumbcga is below thei a.roo. o.vorogo. A number of sanitariums ond 11 rost homos 11 located in t ho foothills in po.rt of a.roa, but is too snnll to e,Todo sopnratcly. Tho soction south of Whitooaks and of Shrunrock is for above th>J oroo. avcr0t,"'C but is aloo too small to grade soparatoly - mst of Il8\7 construction is concentra ted her e. 9. LOCATION ........!fonr,;_yj.JL.______ SECURITY GRADE...~•-• --· AREA NO_..C,,,l;l_ DA,TF.f;~ ~: This area is currently affoctOO in \7hole or in part by an Ad volorem Tox Dis tri ct. Indi proportics should be chocked fo r t.liis hazard. 223 AREA DESCRWTION Security Map oL____ J•s.?.!>.. ~bfil..9.~ ...9.9.)J!l~----·------ Incr~t·mer~~~:-:-~srfriie°drzcr:':1-skillcd J~ 1. POPULATION: a. o.rtis@s, b. Class and Occupation m r kcrs_; etc •. In c me_i_?Oe,0-,=$1,_,80 =0_ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ c. Foreign Families __ _?. __~ e. Shifring 01' Nationalities_____ ,.__ ... ..... MQXi can~- - - - -- 2. BUIWINGS, a. Type and Site b. Corutruction PREDOMINATING ..85.. % c. Average N(e d. R.epaiT e. Occupancy f. Owner«cupied .ZQf._ _ _ _ _ __ g. 1935 Price Bracket $.XL'9."Z?.l,,l. _____ ,,. %,hang, h. OTHER ITPE poor to ___gi;,od~ - - - __g_~i~ - - - - - - - 1937 Price B,ack,t $ . ?Q00-?500 ..1939 ... ..... Price B,acke, $ .. 2000- 2500_,,,,,,.. j. Sale.1 Demand Moderate k. P,ol~red Price Trend (ne,i 6-12 month,) 1935 Rent Bradcet Static t. - Infikratiol,~-- - - - - ~•-.9.JJ.9:...@.P..{!J.'.~_1:,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ 'Jchange f, m. 1937 Rent Bracket ____1, o. Rental Demand ..Ac.tJY.e,_ _ _ _ _ __ Predicted Rent Trend .M.a:ti.c,_ _ _ _ _ __ (next 6-12 months) 4-6 rm. stucco NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa,, l",) No .. .?9......Type & Price ..$;l9_Q_Q.::.$J!3.:;Q.Jiow &!ling ___ J/atx...__ ,_ p. 3. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES U>.. :,,.) a. HOL...__ _,,_O_ _ _ b. ln.mMi<,n,_h~..--·-..--a. HOLC............... '1 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,.,\,'."Pt~....(TI!A) ..... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193'.?c) $..19.•.il<2 ... 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain level - no construction hazards. 60~ developed, Flood hazard at extreme east s ide of area. Extremely heterogeneous area - shacks to well-maintained and IOOdern dwellings . Considerable acreage plots devoted to citrus fruits and poultry raising. Many of irrprovements are very cheaply built - typical property would not rate above average, Included in the industrial area are a small number of Mexican faoili es concentrated along 2nd St, south of st. Joseph, Conveniences at hand but transporta t ion is poor . School a and stor es are limited in southeast portion of area. Ne\v construction of better type concen trated on Floral , Forest and Haven Avenues al thollf;h new construction grouped close to Huntington Dr, and along l st St. sou t h of Huntington. Some Mexican concentration along Alice, Genoa and Lucille Sts., extends between Santa Anita and 1st .Ave. ZO mil ea from downtown Los Angeles. 9. LOCATION.,,... _,l.r_cl!fil/! _____ ,,_,__ SECURITY GRADE.....3:'.d ... AREA NO_.Jb,l;l.. DATE.5~ 224 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of. ____ ,__!!.9..~.. Al1:g.aj,~!?.....C9_"µgj;x_ .. _______ 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing Moderately Decreasin&-,-~ - ~ - ~ ~ Static ____________ _ Business & professional men , retir ed people , skilled artisans, white-collar clericals. In£9_~QQO~OO ,L__~."----- b. Cla.ssand Occupation c. Foreign Families__l'._~1-i c. Shifting O'I' .... )lone subv r~iy _ _ _ __ 0 ··-··-···J!o.n.o._.®.1>..:,mi,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Infiltration __ _ 2. BUILDINGS, a. NationalitieL.. PREDOMINATING ·-~Q._1 OTIIER TIPE 4J .... 5 _& _6 ___ ;rooms ______ _ T,pe and Si.te b. Construction Frame & stucco c. A verage Age 14 years d. Rf'ptiT e. Occupancy ------ Fair to good _?~.1'~--------~.s.%c________ f. Owner-ocaipitd %,hang, g. 1935 Price Bracket $ 2750-4500 _- -- h. 1937 Pria &acket $ :J000..4750··-·-··--·- l93~ ............... Pria faacket $ .3000-478! ;. Sales Demand Ji2.o .d~-- - -- - k. ~;:Cictti1~~7 ~at,~· ~- - - - - - 1935 Rent & $ 25-45 1937 Rent BTacket $ 30-50 n. )~-~-~1! _____ ,..... Rtnt Bracket $ 30-50 o. Renral Demand .Good~- - - - - - - p. Predicted Rmt Trend ..S ~ a . 1 ~ ~ - - - - - - (next 6-12 months} 1,ch.ange ~change ........ % ___re ..... .........% ____i 4-6 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past .,,.) No... 19 .....T,p, & P,;c, _$_3_\;!?Q,:c!iQ_QQ ...How S,IUng _..Mo_s!_er~_t.eJ.y__ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL.___~o~- - b. lru....,,.,_J'...,_. __ ... __ _ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( ..~ ...,,-.) a. HOL.'-- ~O~- - b. InstinaionJ_ .....,~--···-···-·- Ample but 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS· selective 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193..7; $.41.ll(L 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level with no construction hazards or flood threats . Land in:q:iroved 60%. Deed restrictions have expired. Zoning mixed but generally sin gle-family residential, Schools , churches and trading centers are readily available, Local transportation facilities are inadequate but interurban service to Pasadena and Los Angoles is ample. This area is some 25 to 30 yoars old, and its development has been gradual , and largely without direction, Numdrous acreage tracts scattered throug,.'1.out are devoted to citrus groves and poultry r aising. FHA finan cing bas stilID.llated building and the past five years have probably been t ho nx>st active in the area 1 s history. I nprovemcnts are heterogeneous as to age, tYPo ond. const ruction. Maintenan ce is generally of good choracter 001.d indicates pride of occupancy. Al though there is a wide spread in incoruo, population ia largely hoirogencous . New construction is of good quality and architectural designs are attractive. The location of the area south of Hu.'ltington Blvd. and its proximity to Santa Anita Park and race track is a favorable influence. Price brackets shown above are nominal only , as size of homosi tes vary greatly and arc a material price factor. All things considered it is felt that tho area is entitlod to a 11 high yellow" grade. 9. LOCATION _ _cA=.rcad==-ia,,___ _ _ SECURITY GRADE.~.r..!!...t. AREA NO-~4.4.. DATE5/_2/J?,.9 225 AREA DESCRIITION Security Map of_~~!.._@gol es County 1. POPULATION: a. Increasin; . ti>deratoly Decreasing · = ~ -~ - - Sratic-----·--·-·Rotued people, small ranchers, skilled artisans, etc. Income $1500-$3000 b. Class and Occuparion c. Foreign FamilieL. __ _Q__ ~ e. Shifting OT Nationalities _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ InfiUTation _ _ _~None __ flEP_arcntc__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING '1, No predominant typo ( soe line 8) __9"'"8 rooms b. Construction _Frame & __stucco _ c. J.B_years~ - - - - - Awrage Age d. Repair e. Occupancy .~aj_ _ _ _ _ _ __ f. Owner-occupi!d ,_?f'/f,_~----- g. 1935 Price Bracket Price brackets Swo:uld... be_________ h. 1937 Price Bracket 19~9 ... ·········-··Price Bracket OTIIER TYPE 1:,c~nge misleading as of la..11d vary Demand j, Sak., l P.,dicted Price Tmul (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket m. 1937 Rent .%. .. ......... J, Fair Static $ ~er:ital_~_ba~od_ 1,c_hange tJ.1¥.E:@..Y..Jli?.9..!!....§,iZ!;! __ .......%. ............... % -----~ n. ..l.93.9__ ... ·-· ...Rent Bracket $ of ___h9mes_tqad _ o. Rental Demand ...G.o..Q-.- - - - - - - p. ~:~1~~!~ ··---~ ...S.tati~-- -5- 6 _r_m_.on 1/2 a_c_r_o_ _ _ _ _ _ __ 3. NEW CONSTRUGnON (past YT·) No~ ....§9 .......Type & !'Tice _$.1?..f;Q=.$.~_@.....How Selling _.R~~g,gy__ _ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOt....__..,0c__ _ b, lrutitutions. __ ....¥.§Y! tJ_·><·) a. HOLC... 5. SALE OF HOME PROP~f;;5 6. MORTGAGE RJNDS,_(9_tl]_<;;l!.i.~.~--·-· 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (1931~) $_41...!l\L. limited) 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level. No construction hazards but possible threat of flood along a wash which runs b et\vcon 8th and 10th Avenues, Land improved 35'% based upon 1/2 aero homesites, Docd restrictions have expired and zoning is mixed; · however, area. is predominantly single-family rosidential. Convoniencos are avo.ilablo but not readily so. So\1ora are lacking and a majority of the streets are not yet plo.tted, . The area is some 30 yoars old and was developed as on orcho.rd district. It has gradually grown into a sustenance homestead. soction, ;1i th lands solling from $1000 to $1000 per aero. There are fmv, if any, homesi tes of less than 1/2 acre• . Scattered throughout are numerous poultry farms, citrus and walnut groves of various sizes, While price ranges are not feasible, nominal vnJ.ues run from $1800 for rui 18-year old 3-room cottage and 1/2 acre to $6000 for an 18-year old 8-room 2-story residence and 1/2 acre of land. Needless to say population, improvements, age , architectural stylos, construction and maintenance are all of a heterogeneous naturo. New construction, which is largely confined to the district ;ves t of Second Avenue and south of Valnctt Avenue is of good quality, having, with few exceptions, been finan ced with FHA Title II lolll"ls OJ1d built under FHA supervision. While tho area has many detrimentnl factors, tho volume of new and bettor improvements seem to warrlll"lt assigning a 11 mcdiol ycllow11 grade. 9. LOCATION ..... -l)l.....L~J..o.... __... SECURITY GRADE._.3r.d .... AREA N0.3=.1.;,, DATE...5/..1Q.9 . 226 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL___ k?._~_.M._6:el es County 1. POPULATION: a. ll'ICfeasing Moderately Decreasin,,__ _ __ _ _ Sratic __ Retired people, small business men, skilled & clerical labor. b. Ciru, and Ckwparicn .•• .. ·-·····-····.Inoome...$J.20ll,,.$2B.OO..£...,,,,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ c. Foreign Families.J'.!:l:!!....% NatioMlities,..- ......... N_one ___ s,.,,ub,cvcser=si,__,vcee_ _ _ __ e. d. N,gro ...9. % Shifting or Jnfiltration _ _ _ _ _ _ _,,,,None __ a.P.Paren=•------- 2. BUILDINGS, a. T:,pe and Size PREDOMINATING . i-1 .. 85 ..% b. Cons~n __ Frame & ~-~CC9. c. Average Age __ 12 __ years,,___ _ _ __ d. Repair e. Occupancy g. 1935 Price Bracket 011-!ER TYPE __ Larger size· home~.:: 5 & 6 room Fair ..~J1'------ - - - - ···~·~'----------- h. 1937 Price Bracket t'!Q9Q~5QOO•.. __ 193~ .............. Price Bracket $ :l000-5QQO • ............... % . _ .... _% ~·r;;c1~~~--r·;c~~ ~-~~-~i t·e J'.a.:j,.___ _ _ _ _ __ j. Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend - - - - - - (next 6-12 months} 1935 Rent Bracket ~=20~-~35 ~--- m. 1937 Rent Bracket __1~3~ ............ Rent Bracket o. $=25-~40~-- - ... ........% ~$~2~5-_40~--- ····-·% Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend _Sta_ttc_ _ _ _ __ (next 6-12 months) 4-6 rm. & ½ acre homesite 3. NE\V CONSTRUCTION {past yr.) No......?.9.9.. ...Type & Price..$_~§99::.$.§.~9. .... .How Selling ... Uoderately _ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOL.'----=---- b. lrutitutions .._ .. Few 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( ~.y,.) a. HOL.'--- ~ - - - b. Institutions ...... Few Ample but 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS· selective 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $!000 (193'.H $.il•..00 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACJ"ERIS'TICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level with no construction hazards. Flood Control Board now working to eliminate flood threat in southwest portion. Land improved 40% including citrus groves as part of homesites. This area is under county government and zoning is limited to requiring minimum of 0000 sq. ft. of land per famil y. Convenience!! arc all available but not readily so. Thi s area consists of an unincorporated comnru.nity known as Te!l]?le City, which has slo,vly developed over the past 25 or 30 years. Under the stimulus of FHA financing: and the elimination of a 11 ?!,attoon Bonded Dept. 11 it has had its period of greatest activity within the past few years. There are many poultry farms, citrus and walnut groves of varying sizos scattered throughou t tho area. Population, improvernonts, age, ' architectural designs, maintenance and quality of construction are all of a heterogeneous character. New construction, ,vhich is largely under FHA supervision, has been in considerable volume and has bcttorod grade of area and increased its desirability. The small section of this area lying to tho \vest of San Gabriel Dlvd. is of slightly better quality, being developed in small horaesites interspersed with citrus groves, but this small nci@).borhood suffers from dead-ond streets to the west and the hazard of the high- speed traffic artery, San Gabriel l3lvd•. to t he east. Ho wever, it i s not thought foasibl e to accord better than a 11 mcdial yel l ow 11 grade. 9. LOCATION Temple City SECURITY GRADE.'>re. . .. AREA NO•. _C"4li. DATEJ:if;i/3.S CAUTION: This orea is currently affected in \1holo or in part by an Ad valorem Tax District. Individual properties should be checked for this hazord. 227 AREA DESCRil'TION Security Map 0£. _ _b~.~- ..~~?,geles County 1. POPULATION: a. 1ncrt.asing __________¥.9..£.~.?lJaj._y________ Decmuin,__~-~~~~ Static ......- - Retired public employees, skilled & unskilled labor, white b. Class and 0:-cupation ..........9.Q~J&r....!'!.Q.!:l<;_qr_~_J..~.£&.~JL~..$.?..OOQ...!.J!P.c__ _ _ _ _ __ c. Foreign Families _. _____ Q_~ Nationalitie.J _ _ _ _,=------- -- e. Shi/ting or In/ilt,adon _ _ __ _ _ _~N-"'on"'e'---"ap,=or~en=t_ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ 2. BUILDINGS, a. T,Pe and Site b. Construction c. Auerage Age _.!'.°-__j PREDOMINATING _ __j,_ Frame - f aw stucco ....!.)'ears d. Repair .. Fair __ to_-@ _ od_ _ __ e. Occupancy --~=- - - - - - - C>u.,ne,--oc:cupied OTHER TYPE 4-5 room bun~o_ws __ ____ _ 801, g. 1935 Price Bracket f!_9.QQ:.~.Q:9.9.... h. 1937 Price Bracket ~ l 7E0-3f:O0 i. l.<a.3.9. ................Price Bracket ~l ;. Sale, Demond k. Predicted Price Trend %change ....·.% 7 E0-33JO _.,., .... _ ~ __ ..:f: ...... % ~ J i _ _ _ _ _ __ (next 6-12 montlu) 1935 Rent Bracket $1_5-?5 -----·-·---·-" %'change %change .............. % ___ .1 o. Rental Demand ... Fair_ _ __ _ __ Predicu-d Rent Trend ___S..l~.li____ _ __ _ (next 6-12 months) 4-5 room 3. NEW CONSTRUCTTON (past :tr-) No---~-- --·~Type & PriuJ?_£:9__Q-.A_4QQ.9....How SeUing __ 9_~_!;':f___ ~jJ._1._ p. 4- OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOL~~0~--- b. ln$titmions _____ Few 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (..9-....y.) a. HOLC._.......Q ..... ... __ .... . b. IruritwtionL... f.l;l.Y.( Ample but 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, __ ~."1,-~,;;Jy.~----·-· 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.7:j $;,il.,ZQ....C:,,~--- 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level "ith no construction hazards. Possible flood threat as area lies between two major washes. Lond improved 60~. Being under County government only zoning restriction l imits to minimum of 5,000 sq. ft. lond occupied by single family. Conveniences are all available but not conveniently so . This area is the ne\1er part of EL M'.lnte and hns been developed ui thin the past 10 years.Several years ago n U.S. Housing authority low-cost housing project consisting of about 200 smoll s i ngle family d\'•ellings were located here . Th i s is a secluded area with 1.:;rell laid out and shaded streets, \1hich add charm to tho neigb.borhood. The area was originally developed under high pr essure procxitionol offorts and construction is very largely of substandard character. Nowor construction, ho \1cver, is of hotter grade and mnintenanco indicates prido of occupancy. Population is homogoncoua as to tYPe and architectural designs fairly uniform. The low tax rate shovm is a favorable factor but lack of dood restrictions and proper zoning is a dotrimental influence. Owing to poor location ond substandard construction it is not thought thnt higher than a 11 modio.l y01low 11 grade is justified•. 9. LOCATION _ _ EL _ i,_ b_ n_ t o_ _ _ SECURITY GRADE.--~-~-~-·-·· AREA NO.£::."'!?___.. DATE..9/.~[9,~ 228 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of.__l!_9_?;_A/}.gg es County 5~iM·~---·· a. lncr~t~cs!~¼!'i~◊r~¾fciii_ai m~e~~1llod artisans, whitc b. Ckiss and Occut,ation._~icul tural & WPA workers. ___ Jncome $900... $2600 l. POPULATION: __ .. ... 1';.?:n-9 ... subvqrsivg _____ . Foreign Families ..X9.~~---~ e. Shifting or Infoltration ... _,_ In.f'. i+.trc!:t..!2n ...9.LJllJ.RY.~)i':.tV..O.. _~~-g.9_§___g, __.t~.9:9:t...Qg:!; __ g_Q_1,;. __ Q..PP..W.:.~l.. __ _ at this time, 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING ss_i d. OTI!ER TYPE ----·-'!! 3-5 room bunfll:loyrn ___ _ a. T-,pe and Site'llll~ - f §:II stucco b. Construction c. Nationalities ..... Negro ....... }}......%.. c. ....Shuaks,_ _ _ _ _..cft!,. ·--~-- years Average Age d. Repair ...~9.2.!:. ....~.--FR.9~d_ _ __ e. Occupancy . 96--9~~- - - - - f. Owne,-ocrup;,J g. 1935 Price Bracket $1000-3000 65-70$1 h. 1937 Price Bracket $1250-3500 i. l.~3.9. .. $1200-3500 j. Sales Demand __ Poo.~ r _ _ _ _ _ __ 7:~~1~:J~ .. 1935 Rent &acket ,$~10~-~30~--- %change ~change 1937 Rent Bracket ~12. f0-35 ............... % k. . .. Price Brach:t ..1.~~-~····-··-··-··Rent o. Rental Demand Bracket ~Ji.Q.~!Ps._- - - - - - g_?••~50~-~3=5_ __ __. % Fair p. Predicted Rent Trend . S:!iatic~--- - - (next 6-12 months) 3-5 rm. frame 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa,i "ft.) No....J,W......Type & Pri<,_t,_~Q:,.$..4Q.QQ_How S.Uing ... .M~4."!:~)'ft_y_ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HO-_ _o ~ - - b. ln,tit,<tions_~o_ __ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.e ."ft.) a. HOLC.........Q ................ b. lrutitutioru_~0~-Amplc but 6. MORTGAGE RJNDS· selective ..... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.7.a) $_:ill.SO ..!&.._ 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level, No construction haznrds. Threat of flood from washes on eastern and western boundaries. LMd irr:q:irovod 25% or more according to ruoount land allocated to indi vidu.aJ. irr:q:irovemcnts. No deed restrictions and zoning under County guvcrnment only \1ith provision that each family sholl occupy minimum of 5000 sq. ft. Conveniences are all fairly available.. No se\mrs ond many streets unirrproved. This area has had a sparse development for some 20 years but it is only in the past 5 yours that it has had any noticoo.blo activity. Development has been along II sus t 0nan ce homestead" 1 incs, and homesi tes wxry from a fraction to 20 or more acres. Ne\7 construction r anges from standard to 11 jerry built 11 • Thero are also mruty 11 homer.Uldo" .dwellings which have been in course of piece meal construction over a period of years. Popul a tion, irrprovemonts, types, size, age, maintenance and quality of construction are all of n heterogeneous character.• Lacie of restrictions and zoning leaves the area ,'li thout protection from infil tra--tion of subversive racial elements and nondescript improvements, While FHA improvements hnvo been benoficial to the nrea and has raised its quality, it is not deemed sufficient to \7arrant better thnn a "low yollow 11 grade. 9. LOCATION ~: El Uonto SECURITY GRAD!l..9!.4... ~ AREA NO•.. _0,,4~. DATE..fJ/1/'J.9 This area is currently affected in \1holo or in part by an Ad vulorem Tax District. Individual properties should be checked for this hazard. 229 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of_~L~o•~A,~~g~el=••~Co~un=ty~1. POPULATION: a. Increasing_~---.,..-~~ Decreasin,c----=c----,--- Static ....J~iL Business & professional men, white collar workers, retired b. Class and Occupation-E.~I?.t~.-..~.1~.-_l!l.9_Q.~~--$}._~-~~.OO~---------- c. Foreign Familin ...... .Q____ Jf Nationalities _ _ _ _= - - - - - - - - d. Negro .......O. ·•---~ e. Shi/ting or In/iltration _ _ _ _ _ _~No~n~•~ap=•p=or~cn=t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING a. Type and Site _P,--6 b. Construction Frame & stucco c. Awmge Age d. Repair e. Occupancy .... ~O .• % OTHER TYPE . 10 ..% room __:t?i,m_g~qwa. 15 98 Owner-occupied g, 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Price Bracket Price Bracket j. Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket 55 $ 2750-4000 <f, $ 3000-4250 f 3000-4000 .............. % Weak S~atic ~------ $25-35 ___ _ %change $...30.':':'_4Q__ _ ...............% n. J_<q_9.~----····-····-·Rent Bracket $.~30~-40~--- ........... % o. Rental Demand 99:9..4_ _ _ _ _ __ m. 1937 Rent Bracket p. Predicted Rent Trend _Static _ _ _ _ _ __ (next 6-12 months) 5-6 room 3. NEW CONSTRUcnON {pa,t ,.,.) No•...:<!:.........Typ, & Pru,, ..•l4£l.Q.Qc$..;i.fP.9 ..How S.lling ...AfL.e9).L_._ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL.~-~0~-- b. lnstitutions _____~Y. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.3... ,.,.) a. HOLC. . . .. il .... b. ln,titutwn., ....J,la,,y Ample but 6. MORTGAGE FUNDo.... .~•.,.<l.,,tY.e......... 7. .TOTAL .TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.7➔ $:lll•.ZO. ..Co........ . 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level. No construction hazards. Flood threat remote. Land improved BO%. Uninc.orporated comn:runity under County government and zoning is inadequate. Pattern of area, however, is well established and is predominantly single-family. Conveniences are all readily available. This is the oldest and best residential section of El Uonte and has been slowly developing over the past 25 or 30 years. Construction is gsnerally of standard quality and maintenance indicates pride of occupaJ1cy. Population is homogeneous. Streets are well-shaded and improved. While i nprovernents differ widely as to age and design they are generally harmonious. Proximity to the 11 rod 11 area to tho northwest and lack of deed and zoning pro tee,.. tion are the roost detrimental influences. The area is definitely declining and it is not thought that better than a 11 modial yollo\v 11 grade is warranted. 9. LOCATION.. El Monte SECURITY GRADE._....~:"-~ .. AREA NQA __Q.-::.~~-- DATEW.M.~-~ ~ : This area is currently affected in whole or in part by an Ad valorem Tax: District. IndiviC-:.ucl proportics should be checked for this hazard. 230 AREA DESCRIYTION Security Map of Los Angel es County 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing _____MQ~!'.~.~-~ Y.-·---·•··· Decreasing__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static ....._____ _ Local professional & business rnen, execut i ves , & higher paid b. Class and Occupation .....:o!~~-!..!t:.£QJ.J.E~~~---1.!!9.Qffi.~.J$.LE;Q~_~,s0"'-- - - - - - - ....... None subversive ··-·· e. Shifting or Infi!r,ation _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _JJ.R.llJl..1!P.1).EIJ'_e}_t~ - - - - - - - - - 2. BUILDINGS, - ~1';__1 PREDOMINATING &--6 room bungol ows ______ _ a. Type and Size OIBER TYPE 1_½.-2 . story ~f;trooms __ _ b. ConstTUCtion c. Average Age d. R,pai, e. Occupancy ____Q9_Q. ~.- - -- -- - 99\t 85% g. 1935 Price Bracket $ 2750-4000 ··--····· h. 1937 Price Bracket ~..W.QQ.-.-.4.~;9. .......%. .l9.39 ·······-·-···Pric' B,ack,, $.3000- 42::0 ....%. j, Saks Demand _J'.aj,;,__ _ _ _ _ __ k. Pralicud Price Trend '1,change %cha_n~e Static (next 6--12 montlu) 1935 Rent Bracket $ 25--35 m. 1937 Rent &racket $ 30-40 . $30-40 --~ n. .!.~_9J______________ Rent o. Rt:ntal Demand Bracket ~ change '!, ...... % __ ._1, ___ Fair__ to __ .~gp~o~d_ _ __ Predicttd Rmt Trend --"Stc,a~t~ic~ - - -- -(n.ext 6--12 months) ~? rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa,1 ,,..) N,._}?._ ...Type & Price $4250-$5500 How S<i/ing ...Q~~.-E\!ill_ p, 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, •. HOL.<_;__ _,o'--- b. 1.,....,.., Fe» a. HO•u...- --"-0_ __ b. Institutions ........f'..eyf . 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.3 . ,,-.) .Ample OJ.t 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS· selective 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.7-=l $_.fil.~4,Q__-·-·--· 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level \rl th no construction hazards , Very poor soil in western part , Land improved 00</,. Convenimces arc all available, including interurban transportation to Pomona , Pasadena and Los An gele s. This is the bost residential section of .A.zu sa ond has developed sl0 \'1 ly dur ing the past 25 years or n:oro. The section north of 10th St., west of and in cluding botn sides of .A.zuaa Ave., hns o. higher elevation t han t he rest of tho comnruni ty, is somm1hat no\1or ond is somer what bett er t hon the rest of the area. Con struction and t cnan cc is generally of gooO. quo.lity. Population is hom:igcneous, Owing to age differentials, o.nd variety of architectural des ign s, t ho area prosont s a somm1hat heterogeneous aspect. Land value approximately $10 per fron t fo ot . Tho area is definitoly de cl ining bu t \7ill probably retain its pre·a cnt status for a number of years t o come, Therefore a 11 higb. yollou 11 grade is accor doc4 9. LOCATION .. _._P.:ppor Azusa SECURITY GRADE-~;nL± AREA NO_ ..C,,_;I, ... DATLI,/_fi/.",l9 231 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL_......l.!Q.e..~ tq~.--9.9-~J_y____ ____ 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing _ _ __ _ _ _ Decrcasin,,.____________________ Staric ..... YE:s .. Local business & professional men, white collar & factory b. Ckm and Occupar:ion _________~9..r.k.~:r..§... __e.t2...-1.0.QQJfill...$.J..aQQ."=$..a1Q_O~--- - - - -- -- c. Foreign FamilieL..f.e:w_i Nationalities. .................... N.o.n.e... ______ .... . e. Shifting or Infiltration"a.t.i.on ... 12f....Mexi.can.s...! ...a...di.f..tin.c.t..... threat. 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING a. T;1pe and Size 4-6 rooms b. Construction Frame & stucco c. Avtrage Age .... as ...% 20 years _Fair d. Repair e. Occupancy f. Owner-occupied g. 1935 Price &racket h. 1937 Price Bracket tJ? 00- 35:>0 ...........% . l.Sl.39 .......... Price Bracket } 1750- 35)0 ...............% j, Sales Demand k. P,.cdieted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket m. 1937 Rent Bracket - ~.i OTHER TYPE _I:,arger 2-story $ 1500-_3 2~- ---- _Static~- -- --:{change ........... % .$... l~Z.{L. n. .l9.39. ......-....... Rent Bracket $=15-2~~5_ __ _ o. Rental Demand .. Good ... ..........% ..i ·---··% p. Predicted Rent Trend ..St_atic_ _ _ _ __ _ (next 6-12 months) 4 & 5 room 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION { -,,.) N,._...3.........Typ, & Pri"' $2500--$4000 How SelUng Owner bu ilt 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOL._ _ _ _ _ _ b. lnstitutiQn5 Few b. Institutions ............!.'.~:!.......... $33. 60 Co. 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS· Limited 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $!COO (193.Bc) $.19.,.11....G.\..l.:L. 1939 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (. 3.-,,.) a. HOL 3 Terrain: Level with no con struction hazards. Land irrq.uoved 751'. Mixed zoning largely s i ngle family. Al l conveniences, includi ng interurban transportat i on, are readily available. This is the oldest residential sect i on of Azusa. Part of the area is 40 years old or llXlre. Construction ranges from substandard to standard .. Popula t i on, improvements and maintenance are all of a heterogeneous character. The area i s accorded a 11 low ycllow 11 grade. 9. LOCATION_~A =z~u~sa~ - - - - SECURITY GRADE...-~.t.~..-~ AREA NO~.JJ::§1 DATE5J.?.!/_~9 232 AREA DESCRIITION Security Map of..- ...~?.-~---~J;el es County 1. POPULATION: a. Increa.1ing ModeratelL ___________ Decreasin11-c-~~-~- Static ...·--·-·· Business & professional men, \7hite collar 1vorkers, artisans b. Class and Occupation ____ &_laborers. __ Income .. $1000-$..3009 &___,,.,___ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ c. Foreign FamiUes_J_~_i e. Shifting 01 NationaUties. ____ _ None_ subver_si ve d. 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING ... 80 ...% b. Construction Average Age d. RepaiT e. 5-6 room 20 % O1HER TYPE eta. & Bung. a. Type and Siu c. Ncgro ......9......1' Infi:lmition _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _N_QX!-.~.•.?.P.Rf¥:.<,P.}_~ -- - - - - - - - - - ·incorno-·¥ _1:..._?....~-···~···£~...A.!f.lj!;.S_•.. 15%. .. Fr_~e_ - __ nev1er --~ e ___ stucco ____ 22 ___ ye;).ra,__ _ _ __ ....F.a!.r.....W....@.0.9. Occupancy f. Own,,-occup;,d g. 1935 Price Bracket $_2Q00-3Q00 ···-· h. 1931 l'ric, &ack, !..i:2,;Pc.3250... .1939. ..... ... . .Price &,ack, $ 2500 .. 3500 j. Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket %. ...... J, _§t_a tic $ l _P,-,,?5__ <!, change m. 1937 Rent Bracket $...Z.Q:::.:30...... .............. % n. $ ?Oc.3.P.............. - -.. o. .193.9.............. Rene &aclat % ..... 1, ----- ',I, Rental De1Mnd .Sta.t.;i.,...__ _ _ _ __ &-6 room 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION ( )'f.) No,.... ~ ......Type & Price ._.$.%2QQ!'.'.$.!?..~Q.. How Selling __ Q~?g.9.F. ...lm.JU_ Also a few small multiple-family structures 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOL O b, lrutitutionL .......Jr.9s! p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( e.,,-.) a. HOL 0 b. lruocu<ionL .....F.9l'!.... .AnJ?lo but MORTGAGE FUNDS,_... I.<i\g,t~Y.9..... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (1937c) $.fil.,10.. 1938 8. DESCRlPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, 6. Terrain: Level, sloping from north to south. No construction hazards or flood threats. Land improved 65%. Zoning is mixed , but generally nrul tiplo family. Conveniences, including interurban transportation, arc all readily available. Eiucational facilities are particuluxl y e,uod. This o..rea. covers the entire town of Glendo ra, except the section allotted to the Mexican population a.nd to \7hich they arc rigidly confined. The town is over 40 years old. and is the center of a rich citrus orchard section. Citrus land ranging from $500 to $600 with fully improved groves selling a.round $1000 per acre. Lot values run $10 to $15 per front foot. Irrg:irovemcnts range from new to 40 years and arc heterogeneous as to ages, tYPos ond sizes. Population is that of a farm comnruni ty and is generally harmonious. Construction and mo.intcnance is predominn.ntly of good character. There has been quite a little now construction during the past few years, the bulk of it being in the northern part above Foothill Blvd. The area, al t hough spotted throughout, grades gonernlly from 11 low y(lllow 11 in the southern part to 11 high yollovr11 in the northwest section. There arc two blocks north of Leodora St. along Michigan Ave. which would b o rated second grade if tho district were not so srno.11. The area as a ,1hole is accorded a 11 modial ycllovr11 grade. 9. LOCATION ...........Gl-""dor.<L ..... ....... SECURITY GRADE....3r.d .... AREA NO-...G_:'52. DATE:'/.5/_3? 233 AREA DESCRiffiON Security Map oL __ L9...§...AD.&Gte.~ __QQJ;!.!lJ!:l. _____ __ _ a. Increasing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Decreasing__ _ _ _ _ _ Sratic ......~-?-~Small business men, whito collar workers, skilled labor & b. Class and Occupation_J_2!!...r.?_~.t.F-.9.\!..1'..QO....Rl.9.._.....ln.9.Q.filQ __$J9..Q.Q.J;.Q __ ,.$_?,90,cO_ _ _ _ _ __ 1. POPULATION: c. Foreign Families ..[Q.YL~ e. Shifting OT Mexican - No concentra~ion Nationaliries d. ·Negro ...... ~ ...%. In{iltration _ _ __ _ _ _ _N_o_n e__ ap~p~ru-_en_t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, 95 ...:l> PREDOMINATING OTIJER TYPE a. Type and Size b. Construction c. Average Age d. Repair e. Occupancy Frame 28 years ..P.9.9..r ....0.._J_{ljp,_ _ _ __ 100~ g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Price Bracket $1250-2750 .............. % i. _li!.3.9........ ......Price &acket $1200-275} .............. % j. Sales Demand _Poor. k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket ...Sta.tic m. 1937 Rent Bracket ... ~;i~ ............. Ren, fuacket o. $.l.000-2EO0 .... % 1, %change tJ.Q:::g_R:_ ············"' tJ8.o -------"' Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend .S Ja.ti,., _ _ _ _ __ (next 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONS1RUCTION (pasty,-.) No ........ 9 ......Type & Price _ _=._ __,.,ow 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, b. lnstitudo,~-F~•="~-- 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.. .e ,,,J a. HOLC.... Selling _ _ _ __ a. HOLC...... ........2. 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,.J,J!'1H94.A ..... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193'.H $..W,..® .. selective 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Level to sloping. Land i~rovcd 60%. Arca i s surrounded by citrus groves. l"IJro vcrncnts arc ch.ea.ply c0nstructcd and heterogeneous in character. Sctba.cks nr>t W1iform. Arca. is la.eking from tho stnndp oint of r esidential desirability. In come l evels arc low in communi ty and \7ill probably range from $1000 t o $2000 per yoa.r . Arca is declining ond there is little hope for i~rovcmant. Some d,Jubl ing up of ics res iding in area.. Thero arc a f ew sco.ttercd families of Mexi cans living in t ho marginal sou thcm boundary of the area. The area is accorded a 11 lo w yellow 11 grade. 9. LOCATION, _ __,,S,eanc...eDcc,ima=s_ __ SECURITY GRADE..;3,4 .. ~. AREA NO_...Jl-:.!>1 DATE ..o/!J}',;!j 234 AREA DESCRIPI1ON Security Map of__ ,_.!~.Q-~--~ ~-q!L,County 1. POPULATION: a. lncr=.ig1-bUS~~~~~cn·.-·-~i:1~:1 semi- skill cd '.70rkcr~~tiL.--- - b. Class and -Occut,ation ...• J_l}_9.9.1P..Q....$~QQ::_sg_~o' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "!. % BUlLDINGS: PREDOM!NA.T ING a. T,Pe and Site - - - - - .. 85 b. C-onstruction c. Avt1age Age d. Rcpai,c. Occupancy Poor to fair --~_?~~------ - f. Owner-occupied - 65-_70% ~ - - -- - - g. 1935 Price Bracket $1700-2500 --· %,hang, h. 1937 Price Bracket $2000- 2700 ............ ...........J, k. Predicr.ed Price Trend (nt'xt 6-12 months) 1935 Rent &acket $ 1 ?. 00-25 --··-· m. 1937 Rmt &ackt:t n. _:i,~_3.'iL________ Rent Ewacket o. Rental Demand %dumge $_ _ _ _ __ ...S.t.cJ.i.c~ - - - - - %,hang, t.?0~-~30~- - $~ 20 ~-~30 ~--- p. Predicted Rent Trend __ Hntic~- - ~ - - (ntxt 6-12 months) 5 r m.. stucco bungalous 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (p,,r ,.,..) No•..!.Q...•.•T,i,e & PriaJ~_Q0-3750.....•H= S,lllng 0m1 cr built 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: S. 6. a. HO~C~---~0~ - - b. Irulitutioru ........ _Fc;1, SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES {...§ ..)'T,) a. HOL~- ~ -- - b. Institutioru: _______ ~_Q.!7_ Limi tod but MORTGAGE FUNDS,_§J>]...Q.~HY.C....... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (!93.7,c) $ =..· - · 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Level to slightly sloping; no construction hazards. 6~ dovoloped. This area was originally built as n trading ce.'1.ter in t he oidst of an cxtonsivo citrus bolt. Construction. of dwellings is rated as frorn cheap to medium qUlllity. Thora is no concentration of Mexican famili es in tho area, P eople populat ing area responsible t ypos with limited moans . Generally tho irrprovcmcnts arc being maint ained in fair condition \7i t h only an o ccasional poorly i:nin t ained d\1clling~ Arca i s heterogeneous in character. Setbacks not tmiform. 9. WCATION ......_1nvez;i.Q....,.. __.__ .... SECURITY GRADE...:ir.d ... AREA NO.,_C=."4. DATE...5.,&-,.;Jll 235 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL..lP.~ ___N_iJQ_~ ___ C~OUN'l'{=~-- 1. POPULATION: b. Class and a. Inaeasing _ __SL_I_GHTL __ ~- - Dec-ca.!:ing__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static.------ ~vic~~~~=~~,~~~~s~:~~~ c. Foreign Fami!ies ...1'.~!1 e. Shifting OT Nationalities Ma,vbe few better class Mexicans :ite d. collar & Negro ..~~!.!-~....~ In(iltTation_ ....... _Non~.faP~ar=•~nt~- -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - 2. BUIIDINGS, PREDOMINATING __ 75 J, OTilER TYPE 8 room - 2 story 5-6 r oom ~alows ····----- ? & b. Const=tion Frame & Stucco Frame & stucco c. 22 years Awrage Age Fair _to -~good=~--- d. Repair Owner-occupied -~~~- - - - - . .fP1_______ g, 1935 PYice Bracket $ __ 2500-4000 ----·- 1,dumge $ 3500-4500 h. 1937 $ 2750-4500 ..... % $ 3750-4750 --~ $ 3000-5000 ............. % $ 4000-SOOC __.J, e. Occupancy Pric, B,,acket ,~~-~............. l'ric, B,,acket j. Sales Demand Fair k. Predicted Price Trend Static (next 6-12 ichange Poor Static mondu) 1935 Rent Bracket $ 27 .50-45·---···-- (,hang, 1937 Rent Bracket $ 3();-47, 50 .... n. l9.39.. _________Rent Bracket $ 30,-50 ............._ ___ _J,_ o. Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 $ 30-50 - - - - -·-"' Good ~------_ Stati~-- - --,-- ____Sta.tiq_ _ _ _ __ $4500-$6000 month.,) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa,1 ,,..) N,•. lQ__ ....T,pe & 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOtr~-~N=on=•~- b. Jn.stitwons 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (...~..,,-.) a. HOLC,- ..- .. _.. None .. _. __ ··· b. Iruti~a--- .. Few ·-- Pric, 5-6 nn . ~ .ifow Selling Owner built Few 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_......M!Pl~................ 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.....) $..4~,;,Q_..- ...- 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA: Terrain: Level, with favorable grades. No construct ion hazards . Land i mpr oved 90% 1 Zoning i s mixed , but largely single family residential . Conveni ences are all readily available . This is a college area and develo~nt , which began some 40 years ago , has been co i nci- . , dent with the growth of Pomona and Scripps Colleges. In addition to the single family residences mentioned above there are several bungalow courts , small apartment hous es , fraternity houses , lodging and boarding houses in the area. Construction is usually of standard quality . Mai ntenance , while i nclined. to be spotted, is gener ally of good character. Population is homogeneous and highly cultural . Stree ts are wide I well improved. and l andscaped. w'nich adds charm to the location . This area has many of t re attributes of a second graie distr ict including a h igh degree of stability . However, owing to the heterogeneous types of i mprovements, and wide spread in ages , it is thought that a 11 high yellow" grade more nearly conforms to i ts characteristics. 9. LOCATION _ _C_l_ar_em_on_t_ __ SECURITY GRADE... _.~!'.~..f AREA NQ_Q:.®-··· D ATE§./_§/_~~ 236 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL_._.LQ!I..N!G:i:!,!J$.....!:!l.1ll!!cL......_ 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing __ ..-....Jl~r.~t.§1.J.x.. _..... _ DecreaJin•&--- - - - - - - Static-..--..·-- b. Class and Occuparion_~~~~.QJ.$i~W:{I§c,(trtisans & c. Foreign Fami!fa.s ...f.~JI.1 ],abo,,,r,..,ee=r_es_ _ _ _ _ __ Nationalities ___________ ................N9..n§ ....mJ.9.Y~EJY..~..... . d.. Negro.J!.9nJLi e. Shifting or In/iltration, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,.,Qn.e..../;lJ;!P.~.!?.n:t,._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, a. Type and Site b. Constn«:tion _.2Q_j PREDOMINATING OIBER TITE 4-6 r.~oo~m~s_ _ _ __ Frarq0; & __Stucco __ _ lQ __ yQ..!:g'__~s_ _ _ _ __ F,,,jJ-_.1,l_.i.®!\~ - - - e. Occwpancy ~i,_____ Owm.,--occupjed 9n;L g. 1935 Price Bracket $ h. 1937 Price Bracket amount of la.rrl included $ in homest eai 1, NOminai value Or i mpmt only i. 1939...... .......... Price Br4Cket j. Sales Dtrnand k. Predicted Price Trend I. (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket Diff~s wi~-- 1,change $20(XHQJO __.. ,.,__ ·-·····}, _$.1filJ.s.- - - - - U@D:t.~_o,r~_f.sl1Y 1, change m. 1937 Rent Bracket <J,c_hange ············· "' ___ _1 o. Rental Demand imvolved.. p. Predict.ed Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION ( JT.) No. 3 Improvement cost only· $30((} ....T-ype & Price 5 r ooms How Selling Owner built 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HO,LuCc.__N_one _ _ _ b. I~ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.:3 .. :,,.) a. HO,u...- ~ - - - b. lnsOMions Few 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_~i~ctr0e ......... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (l9f(9i $,_4?,;,Q 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACI'ERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain~ Level with favorable grades. No construction hazards. Land improved : unhatched portion SJ%; hatched 15%. No restrictio ns or zoning. Conveniences arc all available but not conveniently so. '!his is a sustenance homestead area thaf has been slowly developing over the 20 or 25 years. Construction is inclined to be substandard but i s not 11 J erry buil t 11 nor 11 shacky 11 • Maintenance indic:.itoo high pride of O\·mership. Popul a tion is harmonious 000. thrifty, ard. are said to rove mado a good r ecord during tre depression. Improvements occupy homesitcs of one or m::irc acres. permitting chicken raising, garden plots .:md small orchords. While t he future of areas of this character i s usually clouded. it is felt safe to accord this area a 11 mcd.ial yellow11 grade. 9. LOCATION, _ _~C=lor=em=o~n~t_ _ SECURITY GRADE_;3.;:-_Q-____ AREA NQ __ Q:~--- ?t,,~L'J..~ AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map 0 ,f__LO_S_AN_G_EL!S __c_O_UNTY _ _ __ 1. POPULATION: b. a. Inc.Teasing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Decreasi,.,.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static.Xt.L.-,. Class and Occupation_ All __ types c. Foreign Families.-~-~~~ e. Shifting or In.filtration ____ _ of occupation - Inccme $10C0-$3000 & u:p NationaUtieJ None subversive _ _ _ _N_o_n•~~_ar_en_t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, OTHER TYPE .5-:-6... roqm,~._ _ _ __ _ a. Type and Si:re .. 30 ,,, Every_ Qonc~i·{abl.E? .:tYPE:l... of residential structure. b. Construction c. Average Age ~.9..lJ!$. ...iD.C.9.m.g~---- d. Repajr e. Occupancy f. Owru,,,occup;,d ?af,._ _ _ _ _ __ g. 1935 Price Bracket $ 2250--300) %change h. 1937 Price Bracket $2500-3200 _......... ~ $ 2000-3250 ____ j, 25%~------ .l.~~~.........Pric, j. SaJcs Demand k. P,.,dict,d B,ack,1 Fair Pnc, T"md (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket m. 1937 Rent &acket 1939............_&n, B,ackec o. Rental Demand Static $15 - 00 '{,change $ 20 - 30 $_ _ _ __ $20 - 30 $_ _ _ __ Fair p. Predicted Rent Trend _S~t~a~t=ic~----~(next 6-12 months} Diversified ty;,es 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pan :,,.) No.)9.... ...T,p, & Pric, .J?.ci£Q--.J7999 ..How Sdling Q.w.l:!~.!'. 1/l!i-_Lt___ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HQ _ _ _ _ _ _ b. lruti«aions_ ······-·Fey~_.__ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.. ~.:,,.) a? HO! C 6. MORTGAGE ruNDs,~li.~i;;.···--·· 1. None b. lruti"if'/fJ'···-- ... ...l@W. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $HXXJ c191... J $_:59.,.Q:l...... ___ _ 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level with no construction hazDrds or flood threa t. Land improved 75%. This area comprises the entire tovm of Covino. which, because of its small size, prohibits breaking down area into degrees of desirabil ity. The town itself is static as to growth ruid future, being another Valley citrus center. Dwellings are heterogeneous but streets are well laid out - set backs are uniform and there is a gonerD.lly pleasing aspect to the entire community. Business section is well laid out Md handy to ent ire area as are schools, Absence of zoning has not harmed the residential. hazard. Better ted west of the are no Mexic0ns presence, areas ond city is not growing fast enough to moke this u future t ype dwellings arl:l scattered throughout but arc l:lrgely concentra~ City Park. Lot values run from $6 to $10 per front foot. There in this conmunity and there is an unwritten law prohibiting their 9. LOCATION _ _ _ Co_v_i_na _ _ _ _ SECURlTY GRADE........3Ed.. AREA No.Q:~?. rJ-t/lF!!J.~f.3'3. AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map 0£ 1~ POPULATION: b. Class and c. a. Occupation~~;1~~~~ i Foreign Families ._.~___ e. Shifting IDS ANGELES o:JUNTY Increasing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ur D.,cr.,..,,.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ few Maxicans Nationalitic J. In/lftTation~fi~1t~~!lf{}1d;;~/~-)'ilrrore Place - Z. BUILDINGS, Stmic ._X~.§ .... white collar workers, laborers & WPA workers PREDOMINATING ....85.....% Negro ....~~~-~-'.& Currier onl olo~ OTI!ER TYPE __ _!5~ b. Construction Mostly frame - fev1 stucco Mu1 tiples, duplex, b~~low,. courts larg~___ g±~--)~ c. Average Age . 25_ year~•~- - - - - story frame dwelli~-~- 4-6 room a. T,pe and Si;;:e J. RepaiT .. 96j6_ _ _ _ __ e. Occupanc, wt,_ _ __ Ownet-occupjed g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Price Bracket ;. l9.~9........... Pric, &acket i. Saks Demand k. Prnlicted Price T,end l. (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bmcket 1937 Rent Bracket n. 1.93~-·-······-······R,nt B,acket o. Rental Demand %change ···············% $ 2000-3000 % $1_7.,.5()-~Q ~.. ZQ::-.37.-..0(L ... $ 20-37 • EO Fair p. Predicted Rent Trend -~.t?:~j._c'-----~. (next 6-12 months) 4-6 room 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (prut ,-,.) No ..... :42 ... _T,r,e & Price $27 50-$5000 Row S,Uing 11.~d_e"."!:~L- 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOLC__N_'o_n_e_ _ b. lnstitutions,_Fe_w_ _ __ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES(..~.. :,,.) a. HO 6. MORTGAGE FUNDs,_rli¼1it,:f'd •·• 1. 4 b. lru""'f/™a-F_e,_,_ __ tOTAL TAX RATE PER $!(XX) (193.) $.P?.,.79.... 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level. No construction hazards. Land· improved 90%. Zoning is mixed residential. ,Conveniences are all readily aVailable. This is the old section of Pomona nnd is over 60 years old, ond many. former residents have moved into newer districts, ond this exodus is sti11 continuing. The age of dv101lings has been considerably lowered by volume of new construction ,~,hi ch has taken plnce in tho past several. years. These new improvements are of modern designs but construction is inclined to be substandnrd. Both populo.tion mi.d improvements ore extremely heterogeneous. Lruid values range from $10 to $15 per front foot and property values seem inclined. to hold up remarkably for an ro-ca of this type. The:: infiltration of Mexican f,anilies is confined to a small section in the extreme western po.rt and is not thought to be serious nor is it believed tho.t it v:ill extend further, The area is declining very slowly and this fnctor together with the continuing volume of new construction is responsible for according a 11medial yellow11 grade, 9. LOCATION _ _P_o_mo_n_a_ _ _ _ SECURITY GRADE .....9.f9:.... AREA N0-...9.::-:.~. ~~~P,/_$/_q_9 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map nf 1. POPULATION: b. Clas.sand a. LOS ANGELES IXJUNTY Increasing _______ Sli&:ltly ······- .... Decreasin,.__ _ __ _ _ _ Static_ Occupation~~~6*6L ~6-o~!~7oo~l~ 1-orlrers & rotir ed elderly c. Foreign Families .......~----~ e. Shifting o-r Infiltration ___ Mexicans Nationalitit d. 1 Negro % .~.f.!·lH-t t:::!n~~ further infiltration of subversive 2. BUILDINGS, 801, PREDOMINATING a. T:,pe and Site 4-6 rooms ___ ::D 'I, OTHER TYPE 3rm., 2 story, 7&8 rooms b. Con,tn,.:ri,m Frame c. At1eTage Age 24 years e. Occupancy f. Own,,-occupi<d g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Price B,acket $ lc()C,-2000 ............... % _1939 .............. _Pric, B,ack,e $ lc()(}-2c()() ···-"' Poor to fair 95 $125(}-aJOQ Poor j. Demand k. Predicted Price TTend (next 6-12 month,) 1935 Rent Bracket $15 - 25 1937 Rent Bracket $17 .5(}-;)D .193.9 ······-····R"'t B,ack<t $ 17 .5(}-:3D o. Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 month,) ........... % _ _'}, Static to down Fair ~S-"ta::ct:::ic=------4-5-6 nns (Title II) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past y,.) No.....:3/5... . .Type & Price i_:l()QQ;j!£JQ... _How S,Uing .J,!:>,\~E_~t~:!)'-·_ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, o. HOL.'--~"---- 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( ~ .y,.) a. HOL 2 b. lrur:i~µ.s~Fe=w_ __ 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, Limited. & 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193..... _) $__ 5?_,_7_Q_·-·selective except nlA 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREfu Terrain: Level with no construction hazards. Land improvei &::/fa. Z.oning is mixed but generally single family residential. Conveniences are all readily availabl'i. This is one of the oldest areas in Pomona, developnent having begun over 50 years ago. It is suffering: from excessive age and the fact that it is on the 11 wrong side of the tracks":. _ It is largely surrounded by business 1 industry and Mexican and Negro districts. Construction is quite generally substandard and maintenance is spotted and orilY fair at best • . Both population and improvemer:i-ts are extremely heterogeneous. A new subdivision is being attempted on 5th and 6th Sts.west of Myrtle and about 20 new improvements built during the past years. Local real tors express the opinion that this is a misplaced. developnent. The few Mexicans and Negro families are largely adjacent to the 11 red. 11 area wast and south and is said not to be a threat to··the greatest part of this area. Indications are that the further decline of this araa will be slow and that it will not become entirely blighted for many years to come . Therefore a 11low yellow 11 grade is accorded.. 9. LOCATION _ _ _P _ o_m_o_na_ _ _ SECURITY GRADE._3rd, ; AREA NO•.Jc~~-· DATE'!!l1L~ 240 AREA DESCRIITION Security Map ofL~ W=S-'AN-='ccG-=ELES=_COUNTl'==- - 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing _ _ _ __ _ _ Dtt:reasi.,.,.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sratic _ Yes__ b. Class and Occu.parion._ ... __ . Artisans, white collar workers - Jncomc $800--~ - ----· c. Foreign Familics __ L~ Nationali-·~--~M~••=xi~·C=""="=•_ _ _ _ __ d. N,gro ..Y<>!"'..~ ~o~n~e8llpar~•n~t~- - - - - e. Shifting or Jn.filtration ________________~ N a. TytH: a.n.d Size 100 '1, PREDOMINATING None predominant - cvory gg_nccivablo typ5?·········--··· . b. Construction Franl:i - Z. BUILDINGS, c. Repair e. Occupancy f. Owner-occupied g, 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Price Brac~t i. J~3.~······---····.. Priu. Bracket j. few stucco Av;,.-rage Agr. d. • k. OIBER TYPE L ____ }homestead Poor Sales Dfmand Static Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket $Rentals_depend _ ',(, change $On amOU..Y).t m. 1937 Rent Bracket n. .ti!.~~ ·······-······_f(ent o. Rental Demand p. PTedicte:d Rent: TYerul (next 6-12 montJ...s) Bracket .............. % ... ......... %. ,,, $of land -·-·-·% All types up t o 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa,, y,.) N, .. J.?......T,P< & Pric, __ .$.6flQQ............How S.Uing Qv,ne!:__Qaj,ll.__ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOLC.....•....• $....•..•.... b 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.3....:,,.) a. HOLC_ .......... 3.....- lnrtinaicn~,-~Fe=v'~- ..-. b. lnrti•1rs• Fow 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,.!JmU.'l<! ./\..• _.... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (l9L.) $_5),'/Q. sel ective 8. DF.SCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level to rolling and hilly. No construction h,'lznrds. Lc.<">I'ld improved 15%. This is n small fram rurl. 11 sustcrumce homest el'ld. 11 areo. mid -properties arc largely owned by the lower income la.boring cl ass . Tho oreo. has never developed very rapidly and probably never will. However, it v.111 not deteriorate r.!lpidly either a.s the foreign element is not comi ng in. In the southwest corner is a small hillside-hill top dcvelopnont known as South Hi lls - sporscly dcvolopcd and far di.stunt from city. Lack of street improvement s , conveniences ond inaccessibility, plus t he general run~own condition of the properties are o.11 detrimental i nfluences . Future dcvcloµnent is uncertain Md a 11 hat ched ycllow 11 gra:lc is accordOO.. Hatched _ _ _ SECURITY GRADE. ..~---~~~-· AREA NO-.Q:?.Q_. 9. LOCATION_ _ _ _P_omo_na ~~-~ AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map nf 1. POPULATION, b. W3 ANGELES COUNTY Increasing, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Decreasin,,__ _ _ _ _ _ "-ratic ..- Yes . Clas., and OccwpatimL~~f,led. mechanics & technicians - fu ncomc traiesmen & movie anployeos. Nationalities None subversive as Aircraft Co. ·~ d. c. Foreign Families~~--~ e. ~lnfi!cration of subversive racial 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING ... 'JJ .•.% 5 __~oom __ bung,,.c,,alccoocw~s_ __ Average Age d. R!pair e. Oca~pancy f. 0wn.,.oca,pied g. 1935 Price &ackot f 25C0-2?EO ';i,change h. 1937 Price B,ackot $ 2'700-3000 ... 10.1> ty0e s 1 1,;;tc. &ack<t ;. Sale, Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (ne,t 6-12 month,) 1935 Rent &ackft l_Q33......._________ Rent o. Rental Demand ... - .. % • 2'700-3000 Slow =~ :~~-- - Static to down ··-surrmer4b---::xJ···- -----··----·· $ $ \Vin ter 25-30 1937 Rent Bmcket n. -~~laio~:~~:--~i~~:;. of bungnlows, multi-family _dwellings of vnrious 11 years c. !~il.~.............. Pri« OTHER TYPE _dv~ellings_ ,____ 6 - ~--? . !'?om ___ _ Stucco & frane b. Corutntction Negn>-!i~i:i~i elements is believed to be remot_~---------·---·-· %change Su~er 50-55 Bracl«!t p. Predicted Rent Tttnd (next 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION $ Winter 25-30 .........J, 1, Basis of yeor l.30:-35 $ 40-45 $ 40:-45 .. ········"' . .... % Good - in season ··---- St.'.!.tic ...._ _ _ __ 5 rm, bungalows How SeUing :,r.) No-...?._ ,-.--T1pe & Price $45(()- :000 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (_~ __ ,r.) 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, Limited a. Otmer built · __ _ __ b. ln.stitucion.s _ _,_Fe:::,:w;_ HOL.~_ _O F:::.:ew~._ _ a. HOL.'-- - '0'-- - b. ln.stirutiofu,_ _,_ 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1CXXl (l_9}:j~ $-Q.6~.ciQ __ _ 8. DESCR!PTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Hillside to level canyon bottom. Some cons truction ha.znrd.s. Slight flood ond brush fire hazards in spots. L:'.lJld i mnrovad 00,, out of a possibl e 'dtJ'fo. Zoning is quite inclusive and t rere ~e no deed restrict ions. Tronsport:!.tion is d ependent upon private conveyonces, Other conveniences are fairly available .• This nrea, \',hich is composed. of Rustic ond Santa Monico. Canyons, began to develop between 17 and 25 yeors -') gO, _ I t has gro,·111 like 11 Topsy 11 with but little, if ony, • dir .;ctional supervision. During p...'"'\St few years a better type of improvement has been noted, IID9rovoments and construction nre highly he.terogoneous, Maintenance, however, is gcnerolly of better quality than might be expected. and indicRtes a pride of ocmrpancy. Population is of mixed character. The avt!roge front foot value of lots is around $30. There is a certain cha.rm in the location of this orea ruid the combinntion of mountain and seos.1,.ore atmosphere is attractive to many people. '!here is evidence of on upward trend in the area, which might be termod the r enaisssnce of a beach resort or su.nner colony neighborhood. It is upon this basis that the area is accorded. a 11low yellow 11 grade. , SECURITY GRADE ...~d,,.. ~ AREA N0-9c§J,. DAru/.§}_?§ 9. LOCATION San tu Monica and -Rusu C Conyons CAUTION: This nrea is currently affected. in whole or in part by an M. valorem Tax District. Individual properties should be checked for this hazard. 242 AREA DESCRII'TION Security Map of__ Lo.s....Angel.e.a.JJounty. 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing_~----- Decreasing___·-· -------''----- Static.·-····1-1HL b. Class and Occupation __.Retir.e.d.. .and.. .p.r:o.fe..s.s.iona.LpaQ.P.~......-.JMOlll.ELfil9.QQ.-:5QQQ_~rn~.-YP----···· c. Foreign Families ___Q____~ Ni®'"""'""------=-- - - - - - 2. BUILDINGS, a. Type and Site PREDOMINATING __J b. Corutruction ... J'.rame ____._ __ _ __ c. __ 20 __y e a r s ~ - - - - - Average Age Owner-oo:upied g. $...Jl0.00...~oL\lJ, . .....,,nI'. h. 1937 Price Bmcket li....9QQ.9..fill0 19?$- ..... ·-·······Pr.ce Brar.ket $._9.9.Q.Q __f!..~ ..!!.P._____ j, Sales Dem4nd .... Poore.__ _ _ _ __ k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6- lZ months) 1935 Rent Bracket m. 1937 Rent Bmdret ....20 <J, _& __8.._r.~oo=m::::s:..__ __ .7<:r$,_ _ _ _ __ 1935 Price Bracket i. I. Negro .....9.. ...... --~ OTI!ER TYPE ...80_.% 9-12 rooms d. UP....... ............%. L6o.. M<!...ap_. $...35..And....Yf;L $'-------~ ~.P __ _ n. 193.9 -· . -·······Rent .Btacket $____ 75 _and o. Rental Demand ... .F~ir__ on lease basis ............% __fo Predicted Rent Trend _S~t~•~tl~.c'-------(next 6-12 months) 7 & 8 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No··-···?. ... ___T-ype & Price ~9000-10 ,000Hotv Selling 0.mer built p. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.3 ..,,.) a. HOLC.....• 3.. 0. Institutions ....'l a. HOL.<,..._ _.____ __ 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,h,pl-e....withi>e ... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (!93.~'.j $~"9_,.',Q limits 1939 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain : Lovel top of l1igh mesa overlooking Pacific Ocean. No constru::::tion hazards. Land improved 90%. Deed restrictions limit ir:iprovements to singlefamily structures anc~ protect a go.inst racial hazards. Zoning is single-family residential. Conveniences are all readily available. This is one of the old better residential districts of Los Angeles, having been subdivided son-a 25 years ago . Many horoos are still occupied by original o,·mers. There has OOen but little activity in recent years. Construction is substantial in character and maintenanc13 indicates high pride of ovmership. Architectural rlesigns nre le.rgoly outmoded, Populc.tion is highly homogeneous and inclines strongly to elderly people. Mo.ny of the improvcroonts occupy oxtensiVEl homesites which are highly developed horticultura.lly. Land values, which average around /;30 per front foot, me.tcrio.lly uffect prices; consequently, those set forth nbovo nominnl only. Tho area is cho.ructorizod by a mo.gnificont locution , o. dignified nppeo.ranco, n.nd economic stnbility. Tho trend of desirability is definitely 11 downvro.rd but very slowly nnd the o.roa is, therefore, ~cco rded a 11 high yollmv 9. LOCATION .....oonm..llonio.~--·····--·-·· SECURITY GRADE.. .3t<L+ AREA NO•.•C.aha.. DATE.3.c.6."39 CAUTION: This nrco. is currently n.ffectcd in whole or in port by cm Ad vo.lorem --To.x: District. InJividutll properties should be checked for this hnzo.rd, 243 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of..Ln.s..)\.~l.f...s....9.9.i.m:ty_ 1. POPULATION: a.·-····- Decreasin...,_,~- -- - - Static .... Professional & business men , skilled artisans, Inco me @1800 to $3000 b. Class and Occupation_.~'m.i ~ co par v.orkers..,_J!_tc. c. Foreign Familie.s._...fl;!.YL~ e. Shifting or lnfiltration Nationalities ..... ... __ ;N._9._;1_1;1,.__ §!1'!.?.Y..!?X.~.iy_e ~ - - - - 2. BUJill!NGS, a.. Type and Size b. Construction c. ..... % iJ,g,o ..... .9 PREDOMINATING ... 5::7 .... so.. % rooms ... Fr.rurc... 4: _st~o;::_co.. __}.!ulti - fam. struc . ___ )0/} ... Average Age d. Repair e. d. ...... Nqµe____a p p a r _ e n t ~ - - - - - - - - - ..... ... to __ _go od Occupancy f. Owner-occupied g. 1935 Price Bnul.:et ~--400.0.-::UlOO_ h. 1937 Price Bracket .}.Ji500~6.500_ 1,939 ........... Pnc, &aek.:, L4500-6500 j. Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket m. 1937 Rent Bracke[ n. ..19.~- ······-···-·Re11t Bracket o. Rental Demand Poor to f air %,change ............. % t .3.7..,5Qc.55 'f $.. $_ _ _ _ __ .....% ·-- % P1edicted Rent Trend _._Stab_q~----(next 6-12 months) Duplex 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION {put :,-r.) No ......4... __Type & Price .§.§.Qp_Q.:-_25.Q.Q ..... Hoo• Selling _...9::m~_i.:-__ p_~?:.!.t. p. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (...3: __,.,..) a. HOL.~'--a. - - b. Institutions_ ..Few ..... HOLc-- ~ - - - b. Institutions__ .. Few 6. MORTGAGE FlJNT1S· Amp l e to . 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193... e; $.-..5.?, .lQ limited 1939 8. DESCIUPTION AND CHARAcrER!SllCS OF AREA, Level with favo r able grades; n o constrootion hazards. Land improve d 85% . Deed restr iction~ as to type· of pl'ope rty have· -exp ired ·.so far· as buildings concerned. but protection against racial hazar ds are still in force . Conveni ences aro nll re adily available , This is one of the old residential areas in Santa !fonica, having been subdivided son-e 30 years ago •. Deve lopment was slow during its earl ier years, but it was a 11 hot spot 11 in the early 20' s a.ntl there ha s been some activity C.ur ing past 5 years . Since deed restrictions e xpired the trend has been to multi- famil y structur es . Construction of single-family dwellings has been quite generally of stanlard quality but many of the rrrultiplo family struc turns a r e said to be poorly built. Ma intenance is spotted but in general shows fair pride of oc c upancy. This is a popular rental district arrl inclined to he seasonal in character. Tho rentals shown nominal and based upon average prices. The area is slowly declining, but land values, which are currently a.round 130 pe r f ront foot, rising and nre partie.lly offsetting deprocio.tion and obsolescenc e . , Location is a desirable one with goo d dro. iru::Lge and Hn ocean view. Tho ar ea is a.ccordod n 11JI"B< ycllov/1 grade •. So.nta Monica Wilshir e- ·,va shington 9. LOCATION ........t.o_JfantJlllO.. _ ..-- ·-··· SECURITY GRADE.-3rd ...... AREA NO-.s:23 .. DATE.3.=-1=39 CAUTION: This a r ea is currently o.ffc ctod in ,•hole or in part by c.n Ad valorem To.:x: Distr ict. Individual properti e s should be cho cked for thi s ha zo.rd. 21:J., AREA DESCRIP'110N Security Map oL._!!2,L@.g~J~1:!.. _g.Q\l.P.t.Y..___________ _ 1. POPULATION: a. Increa.m'\a _ Moderately Decreasi11~ Income ~1000- 2L.65ratic··-· b. Class and Occutxit:ion .... .'!)·_~4.~-~P.?:~1!,.._9l:..~~!.£t.!Y9..~~.!'.§.J fow ¼i1ite collar workers ··-·-···--· c. Foreign Families__.5___~ e. Shifting or Infi!trariorL Nationaliciedf.9..11~.--!?.1:-!P..Y.QX..~JY.Q..i....P..Q.~_:;;jl;!J;Y. .. J 9Y'-.. .......... d. Japanese & Mexicans a l one; eas t ern boundary Aroa 3 to ca st. PREDOMINATING 2. BUILDINGS, __4 room b. Average Age d. Repair e. Occupancy ...Bo_% _.!,'5-._'t OTHER TYPE bungalows ----··· _15 years Fnir ............251~~---- f. Owner-occut,-.ed ···········j·51L ... 1935 Price Bmcke, $ ..2750- 3000 _$. 3000- 3250 Ji. 1937 Price Bracket i. 193-9 ................Price Bracket j. Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket }.. .2999.:.3.?.5..9.... . % ··•··· ·····% __ .Sta:t.ic ........ 1, ...'t 1937 Rem Bracket o. %. Corurruction c. g. Negro ....Q Pr_ol;ial;ile future infilt r ation 9f_ subver~ivc rncc.~s~f~r ~om~-- Rrntal Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend .,._.>t.n..t~ ic~----(next 6- 12 months) 5 rm . bunglllows ··( FHA) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No ......?5. .......Type & Price ]Jd.5..Q.9.:5.Q9..9. ....._How Selling }:·~9..~.9.!.~!5~!X. ..._ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (2... y,.) a. HOL.~-~o_ __ a. b. Institutions }"'evr HOLC..•....4. 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_ .......~Pl.? ..... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193. .7.t 1938 $_.2?.,.J:Q 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Torrain : Lnvel with favorable grades and an occasional ravine, No construction hazards, L~1d improved 60% out of a possible 9Cf;~. Convoniencos arc all readily nvo.ilable, This area wus subdivided approximv.tely 20 years ago, and dovolopod as 11 roodiurn priced district , Construction and mo.inteno.nce arc both spotted , but is gcnorally of bettor quality in tho wJ stern and northern p«rts than in balance of urea . Tho new com;truct ion is illrgcly in this section o.nd is of much bettor charo.ctor tho.n tho older improvements, indicating an upward troend, Lots average 50 feet and front foot values range from $16 to $18. Population u:nd improvements o.r o both more or lo::;s hotorogonoous . Tho o.r00. is assigned a 11IOOdio.l ycllow11 grade. 9. LOCATION..~.r.,mt1<.0!XL!kil;ht.L... SECURITY GRADE.... 3r.d.. CAUTION : AREA NO•._l!.a.64. DATE.,l..,Ja.}9 This urco. is currently nff'cctod in v.ho lc or in po.rt by an Ad vo.lorom Tax District, Individual pr operties should be chocked for this hazi:-.rd . 245 AREA DESCRIITION Security Map oL_.bQ~-...~·eles County 1. POPULAllON: a. Incrg_s~f¥essio~~~e~~~e~~siiie·s~~~ite"·-·c·or1a·r···· ··--···-·-- Statie Income 81800- 3000 b. Cfass and Occupa.tiM workers, skilled artisans , etc, c. Foreign Familie5 ___ Q____%. 2. BUILDINGS, NaticrnaUii-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ PREDOMINATING ... 85 % O'!11ER TYPE 2 story dwelli~... 12","_ a. Type asul Siz;e b. Construction Stucco c. Average Age 2 years d. Repair Good _p_~P.~~!:'..~.~- ................................ 3% --· e. Occupancy /. Owner-occupied ........9o% .... g. 1935 Price Bracket $_.}75Qc4?5Q. __ h. 1937 Price Bracket $ 4000+,500 . l.9}9----···· . Price Bracket $..J1.0DO:::l.600. j, Sales Demand ... k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Brad:ct ~ ...No:t...a 1937 Rent &racket ~--·--r.~nt ______ _ - ... % ~-c-~i.': -·--- % ············"' ....S.tat~·~ - - - - - ...... .Rent Bracket o. $_ _ _ _ __ ..............% --·--···"' .............. % ____ % Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) 5 rm 3. NE\V CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No...35. ....... Type & Price .J)lJ.5QQ.:-5.QQQ. ......How Selling ..._.. Rar,id.ly_. __ 4. OVEIUIANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOL'---~o~-- b. lrutitutionL ..._ .. J.~:w. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES(_..} ..:,,-.) a. HOL,'----~-- b. Irutitutioru .. _ ... _]@... 6. MORTGAGE RJNDS, ... ..&,pl.e.... (.Fl!A) ... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193... fi~ $_.5!,.,QQ,_._, 1939 8. DESCRIP"flON AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA: Terrain: Level wi th no construct ion hazard s. Land improved 2(Y:;. Deed restrictions limit bnp rovements to single family dwellings at a minimum cost of f; 3000, and protects against su·~versivo racial elemen t s. Either deed provisions are loosel~· drawn or vrea.l;:ly enforced , as there ow: eight 2 - family fle. ts in the area . Zoning is also single-family residential. Conveni ences are available but not roadily so. 'rhi s aree, formerly an old bean :·a.nch, is R. premature ~i..bdivis i on which was opened up in 1928. Little progress wis in development until after the depression, and Carly improvements wore o.f poor quulity construction. During the past 3 years, under the promotional stimulus of spcculutivo builders and HIA Title II financing, there Ms been quite n little building activity of much bettor characte r. Howeve;r, tho mixed old a::d new construction gives tho a.reo. a hetcrogonoous a.spect . Thon.J is a h igh percent of 01Vnor occupancy c.nd nnintenance indicates pride of ovmership. Tho nortmrn portion , v:hJro most of tho new construction has taken plo.ce, is of bottor grade and location than the southern part which is adjacent to the Sawtelle Military Cometary. Altrough in proximity to many high grudo residential districts, the a rea is colorless and g ives promise of becoming a. slowly dowloping area. ;-Tith no pe.rticuln.r appeal. Improvemonts aro scattered and with tho low percent of land improved the pattern of tho area has not been dofinitoly ostablished. Authorities differ widely as to the futuro trend of dcsira.bility and consequent grading, Thc rcforo, tho nrea is assigned a 0 provision.a.l ycllov,11 Provisional 9. LOCATION .... _S_@2.Q1'.::e2J?" _.. SECURITY GRADE ... .3r.d AREA NO __ ,.c.6.5. DATE..3.c3c.39 CAUTION: This area is currently affected in l'lhok or in pnrt by an Ad valorom --'fax District. lndividunl properties should be checked for this hnzurd. 21,6 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL_L.o.a.__~~le:.s....C.Qunt~----·-----·1. POPULATION: a. Increa.sing ___........H.QQs;;rJtt~l:l"..-......... Decreasin,,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Seatic ......·------Small bu sine ss men, skilled artisans, white b. C/ and Omipation ___ .9_Q_lJ.~_.YrnXk!_:!),'.§_.£....§QJ!~...X.'2.U.r_1?_4....l2.22.P..l~,--··Jn.Q..Q.m~--~1200- 2000 c. Foreign FamiUcs ......Eoa.u~ e. Shifting or Nationalities s.ubY..e.r...s.i.v.~'------- d. Neg,,>.-. ..0 .......'f, Infiltration ·······-·-·N.on~.--a..s ...ya:t.... :-:-....r.!3.&.t.r.idi.on.&...~t.iU .. .in....~-f.ff:.9.t.,. 2. BUlLDlNGS, PREDOMINATING ....85 % a. Type and Size . 5:::.7....r.:.9_9.ill§L......_ _ __ b. Constmction ...F.r.amfL.{/._..,s.t.uc.Q..Q........_ c. A verage Age ....3.Q... Yfl1!-I..i:i:~ - - - - ._mMJtJ.R.l9......f..g.m;i,.Jy ...9_t.:r..\.l.9.::... _?.o.o.:r...J;.o....1'.!-! d. Repair .. ... Q.o.ns.t.r.uc.tio.!l.. __ e. Occupancy _J.\.lthQuf.,b....thc.r.a...a.r.a ... f. Owner-occupied _.g.o.o.d_.a.p!?.r.tmrnt._.hQJJ.s.e..s ...._ g, 1935 Pnce Bracket L25ooa.,.750 .._ h. 1937 Price Bracket t.2J50 c4000 ..... . J,.93.9 ...........Price Bracket $.___2750-L~ooo j, Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-1 2 months) 1935 Rent .Bracket Poor to fair Sta.tic to down ,tchange 1937 Rent Bracket ~...?5... :-.Ji:9-....._ ..l939. ···-· Rent B,adret t ?5..,..49..._, o. Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend %£~~i.! ... . .J, .Good.__ _ _ __ ............... % % --·--·· % _ .... SttLtic·--·--···-- (next 6-12 months) Bungo.low Courts 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No ......3. ....... _Type & Price _~_!..5_Q9_JLqJ:..........How Selli~g .. 0.me_r .. b ui_lt unit 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a- HOL.~- ~- - 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( .3:,,.) a- HOLC. ..?. . ········-···· b. Institutions,_~,•~•w~- 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_ .. .Ye.El'. ...l.i~\.ic>.1 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $IOOO (193....~~ $...-5?,.19. . 1939 8. DESCRlPTlON AND CHARACTER!STICS OF AREA, Ter r : Leve l with favorable grades ; no c onstruction hazar ds . Land improved 85% . Deed restri ctions a.s to buildings, etc. have e xpired , protection ago.inst raci&.l hazards still in force . Convenionees are all readily avniluble. This is o. very old a.ref'. and was subdivided 30 or more yea.r s ago . Since expir.1ti on of building r estrictions the district has inclined strongly to multiple family str uctures . Construction o.nd maintenance of single- family dv.,ellings are extremely hete rogeneous , to which o.g0 o.nd obsolescence has o.dded its toll. Population is also ).nclincd to hetorogenoity , but -is gpnernlly highly respe ctable. !Aany of the improvo1~n ts indicntc prid e of occupancy. 'i'ho loco.tion is n o one and i s popular as n r untal district with th0 worki ng clo.ss0 s. The o.reo. hns decl ined very sl owly , but is now on the verge of bc;: coming blighted. After r eviewing o.11 factors , it is conclud e d that tho truest reflectio n will be given 11 by assigning n low yellow 11 gr . Santa. Hon ica 9· L§lU~r1d?:N·-·¥~i~&;~;~q;o~~r~~~~~c~~~0~~0 ~·or~J\·; 'i~a;t0 bY9~·6AJ'~~;~::3.9 - -- Ta.x District . Individunl properties should bo c ho c ked for this hllznrd. 247 ~REA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL ....:W.§ ...N l ~ COUNTY a. Increa.sing_.,_.........M9.4.~r.@J~JX. ... ·-- .Decreasii.,,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ SM& 1. POPULATION: b. Class and c. Oixupation.-~~8~-i-9:n:z65~~white Foreign Families ....~ -~ ---~ 2. BUILDINGS, ... 25 ..% PREDOMINATING a. Type and Site d. Negro... 0 .%. OTiiER TYPE 5 rooms Frame and stucco b. Construction c. collar v.Qrker~, laborers, e tc. None subversive Nationalities ....12 __ years·-··- A verage Age d. Repair .. 9.6,,,__ _ _ _ _ __ e. Occupancy f. Dwnff-occuPied ... 40%... g. 1935 PTicc Bracket t==- h. 1937 Price Bracket .,939 .Pri.ce. Bracket I.300.0c3500 ...............% ',! $ 30 ~'t'...-3500 j. Sales Demand Poor k. Predicted Price Trend {next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracker Stattg__ J_?Q::30____... %.E~!~~e. 1, m. 1937 Rent Bracket n. l9.3.9... ···-•-·····-Rent Bracket o. Rental Demand $....?.l.,}:-0-::~Z.t.QQ. ... l~_r,__ _ _ _ __ p. Predicted Rent Trend _.§.t.?-tis,c~--- - (next 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION { yr.) No..... %?. ... ..Type & Price 2'5(X}-$40(X) How Selling 5 r oom 1, atel;r. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOLC.... _N~o~n~e_ _ b. Irutitution,~_ _lj~any=- .e . ,. . ) a. HOL 6 b. Institutions.... ~-~ 1938--9 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $Hl00 (193.....) $P.:'.!.,E .. ..- ...... 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (. . 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,.~i;oi ted 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Low level with drainage hazards i n parts • . Land. i rr:proved. 45%~ Deed restrictbns limit i mpr ove,.1ent s to single fanily s truc tures . Schools and chur ches are conveniently available, trading cen t ers are somewhat distant , and transportation is i nadequate . This area was subdivided. some 15 ago ani has made slow progress sinc e , Lately there has been a little activity under F'rlA. Title I finmcing. Construction ranges from substondard to standard qual ity , with some evidence of 11 J erry 11 buildiP.g, Tho pr ice brackets above contempl ate dwellings (lf st~ld.nrd. construction. Mnintenance very generall y indica tes pride of occupancy. PovJJ.a.tion ond improv ement s are both i nclined to be heterogeneous~ Lot values oi-0 around $10 per front foot •. While trend of des irabil ity hn.s been slightly upward for past fiv e ye m- s , it is not believed that this will continue 8rld the areo. is , therefore , accorded o.. 11 low yollow 11 grnd.e .. 9. LOCATION..........~LY!!!1!.9.9.._........ SECURITY GRADc..0.r.<1. --. AREA NO-....Cc.$.?. DA Caution : TF..~i.~l~.9 This nre,\ is currently affect ed i n whol e or in par t by an Ad valorem Tax Dis trict.. ~ndividual properties should be checko:i for :~s ,hazard. AREA DESCRIYTION Security Map of ··- ·· LOS ANGSL"E OOUNTY 1. POPULATION: b. Cla~s and 2. a. lncreasing,~_ _lb=occidl=,,Y_ _ Decreasi1,,g_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static .... Occupa:iorL..~~~~~:d$~ci4~0 laborers, WPA workers, etc~----- - - - c. foreign Fa.milies _____ J_ Q__~ e. SIU{ or Infiltration. __ ·--~J9.-.~P.-9.~...Q.f.....?.A....~9dUS of Japs as district deve~_9.p_:;_____ _ BUiLD!NGS, PREDOMINATING a. Type and Site 4 and 5 rooms __§ years Average Age d. Repair e. Occt:.pancy OTIIER 1YPE ..... 90% Frane and. stucco b. Constniction c. d. Negro. .. O_......'% Japrui.ese Nationafir:i,.s Owner-occupied 2§;/,~- - - - - ..§(1%,_ _ __ g. 1935 Price Bracket $ No market-Mattoo~c~_n8_e h. 1937 Price Bi·acket $ ·····-··- · 1)39 ............ Price B,ack« t?!;!XJ-4Q<Y · ·-··········· Dist . ..... . !I ....~ % ........ ...... ·--·-% j. Sales Demand Foir k. Predicted P-rice Trend (nen- 6-12 month.,) 1935 R,.•,u Bracket Static $ 20.- .30 ... 1937 Rent Bracket $20 . - .30 .. ....: ... .% n. !.~-~-9... ...........Rene Bracket $20 - 30 .. - ....• % o. Rental Demand ...........%. L Fair ····--,,, --~~!uocti,,,cc....,_____ 0 p. P,.edicted Rent Trend (ne,,t 6-12 mondu) ··500-$3500 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past ~,...) No .....~.99...__Type & Prie£ 4 & 5 rooms How Selling .. ?;bder~tely 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL 3 b. lnstituriv Many Many ..... b. lnstitutioru 193&-9 Ample (FHA) 1. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1CXXJ (!93 . .) $52. 70 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (..~ :,,.) a. HOLC.. 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACfERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain : Level, DJ.most swamp land. No construction hazards but possible drainage problems. Lrnd improved lo% to 15;t An 11 ad valorem tru:: 11 district retarded develoµnent until recently in parts of area. This si tuat .'. on has now been clenred wd area is r apidly becoming a low priced r.orkin©ne.n 1 s district. The Jops in the area operate leased garden tracts, ond as development tokes place they arc being pushed out. There are quite a number of third generation Mexican land owners wh::> le o.scd to Jap gardeners . These are pretty generclly steying in district and may prove of sufficient influence to adversely affect area. New improvements, however, indicate a 11 10'.'I yello\·.' 11 development. Since Januory 1939, n. mnnber of cheap Title I dv,ellings havG been built in the ar ea. Deed restrictions have cxpirOO.; zoning is spotted, ranging from single family to multiple family, vd th mu1 tiple construction pennitted filong Venice a."ld Washington Blvds, Schools, churches and trvding centers are available , but transportation, at present I is inadequate and expensive. Lot vfilues are currently around $10 per front foot; Hatched 9. LOCATION.......... Barnes City _ SECURITY GMPE .. :3':d.... AREA NO._C_: §~ ? DATE!:.L:3/.3 --V-afitlon--:t • Thi s area is currently affected 1n who 1 e or in part by an Ad valorcm Tax District . Individual properties should be checked for this hazard. 249 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map c,f 1. POPULATION: Occupation_ ~~½~*:··-~a_~~~;:~s!~~~ ~~~-6in~~H~~.:-~iM-~s~p\~hite collar b. Class and c. FOYeign Families.~~-~ e. Shifting or Infiltration N a t i o n a l i t i e ~ - - - - - - - - -- - - d. Negw.~.'?-~-~---·%., Better class of peqpl~--- com~ng in, but slowly 2. BUILDINGS, a. LOS .ANGELES COUNTY a. 1ncreasing_~M~o~d•~r~a~t•~l~y__ Decreasi:lg___ _ _ _ _ _ Staric ....... _______ _ PREDOMINATING ~ T:,pe and Si,:e ... .00 ... .'f> ___room __ cott,gges ___ _ OTHER TYPE ___ 5_ &___6_ ro~m.-btmga).ows b. Construction Frame Rrame and stucco c. Average Age 12 years 5 years d. Repair e. Occupancy 9~i_______ . 9fut~------ Oumcr-occupied "~----- . ?rdi~------ g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Pric, &acke, $_1500-2500__________ ~-~~!.!&.~. ;. J.939............ Price &a,ke, j, Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket La:J.c2!L 1937 $ .35c30.. ... 20C0-30QO .....% ~ ..?P.C0-3000. . ....% Fair_ _ _ _ _ __ Rent Bracket % $4()00-50()() ............. _Faj.r __to_good~--- $ 30--4Q._____ ······-· ii ,hang, ...?R......% $ 35-45 % ~35-45 n. 1.~~~---·····- ····-Rent Bmcket 25-30 o. Rental Demand Seasonally __ gpoq_···· p. ~~:~cre; ~~th,s7 -·---····· % $ 400():-5000 .10 ............... % -~ .. FB:i;- ··-~-q good{ seasonal) __?t~tip to_dqwn_..($~~$~~ . . Sta t i c ~ - - - - - 1 3. NEW CONSTRUCTTON (past yr.) No..... }.Q_____.Type & Price 6-? rm.~.:.How Selling _Go=od~-4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (..3 ..,-,.) 6. MORTGAGE RJNDS, Limited a. HOJ c ___N~on~•-- b. Institution,~F~e~w_ __ a. HOLC. .... 1-?0 .n~..... b. Iiti9't&--9~Fe=w___ 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.....) $_§?,.ZQ.. Terrain: Ts;pical canyon topography with varying construction hazards. Land improved. 3r:J% of the 00% available for building sites. There are no deed restrictions nor zoning; however, terrain and iso lation are -protective elements. Transportation limited to private automobiles. Free bus service to public schools . Churches, trading and amusement centers are remote, the nearest being Westwood Village. Originally opened up some 15 or 16 years 8€fJ as a small 11 cabin 11 type project. This area has improved considerably in the past few years and nev1 construction is now more pretentious and of nroch better quality. In consequence the area is extremely heterogeneous, improvements varying from two-room cabins and shacks to new modern 6 & 7 room bwlg:alows. There are very few improved streets and the majority shown on the map are nonexistent and are topogra:phically impossible.. Platting has been largely arbitrary, contours being followed as im9rovements were made. In this respec t lack of r estrictions has been a decided detriment, Beverly Glen Blvd., the principal thoroughfar e , is a through trunk highwey, and well traveled, but is narrow and winding with a number of steep grades. 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA ( Continued on next page ) 9. LOCATION Provisional Beverly Glen ... SECURITY GRADE. ..... ~.r:'1... AREA NO•.\c.o.~.... DATE.~h/:fl 250 AREA D!SCRlPTJON Secutiry Mop of . I.OS ANGELES COUNTY 8, DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA: (Continued from page 2EO) Lot volues run from $500 to $650. Real tors state that corrrpeti tion of FHA Title I financing has adversely affected both price and rental values. This area, in coJ'!JJlon with other canyon developments, faces the hazards of fire , floods and steep grades, Am1)le forestrati◊n , coupled with rustic scenic beauty , lend charm to the neighborhood., These natural ad.vantages, together with prospect of n, favorable developnent of adjacent mountainous sections, con s titute elements distinctly favorable to the future of the area, Under the circumstances it is felt that only a 11 provisional yellow 11 grnd.e should be accorded. 9, LOC:,TION Bev<..T ly Glen Provisional SECURITY GRADE~ AREA NO. C-69 g'[f!'//1/39 AREA DESCRII'TION Security Map of_ .. U2~..MGJ!:l¥§.(X)])!1.:E(•. _ 1. POPULATION: b ' c. Cla.s a.¥__________________ Decreasing__ _ _ _ _ _ Static ......________ _ nd Occupation Business and professional men (FaC:ulty members) students & -irnIVel'Sfty employees, Income $4000=$12000 Nationalities_. _____ .. None subversive sa Foreign Families.__~_!_i e. Shifting 01 d. Negro _____ .9_ _____% fofi!u-arion, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ No_n_e~ap.u~ar=•o:.nt:___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING a. Type and Site 2 and 4 unit OTiiER TYPE ....... 70.% .. 20 % 6-8 unit multiples ~-~-~-~!~.~----- b. Construction Stucco Brick & stucco c. Awragc Age -~- years 3 years d. Repair .q<lod. Good e. Occ,;pancy .9§,~- - - - - - - f. Owner-occupied .~ .. ~- - - - - - - g. 1935 Price Bracket 15 ~ Not established '%change 1937 Price Bn1eke, .$ 95'.Xl--lSXJO .mW ............... Price B,ackeo f.9.IX.1l=IE<JQ'.l.. j. Sales Demand Fair k. Predicted Price Trend (next ~12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket $ Not .. establis;tted %..!:.~!1_ge $ Not ...establ i~ed $c~.mge 1937 Rent Brac~t $ 35-80 ..per .. uni.t t. 1-0:?!? .P~I'... W!i.t ............... % 1~39 .......... ....Rent Bracket $ 35-80 ._ o. Rental Demand ... Go..9.4~------ p. Predicted Rent Trend ... Stati. .~- ~ = - - : - - - - : - h. !. n. .............. % ·······•····% $15,00()-,25,000 ............. % $15LCXJ0-25,QOO... . .... -:!, Fair .$..~atic Sta tic 1_1 Multiples of 2 or more units (next 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa,, y,.) No....J,.~. ....Type & P,~,.iJ,Q,.QQ!L~...\l!LHow &lung Jlwner .. built_ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOLr~-~N=o=n•~- b. Jnstituaons __···N.Qn~. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES C9.....)'f.) a. HOLC.·-···· None ....... b. lnstitutions_ ..... No.11.e.... 1938-9 6. MORTGAGE FUNDs,_.Ao!wJ&..oD. ..... ...... 7. .TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193......) $_52.70... reasonable basis 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level to hillside - some fills cause construction hazards. Land improved 2D% out of a possible 00%. This is a well restricted. neighborhood, with concurrent zoning, provides for uniform 11 set backs 11 and racial hazards, etc. Conveniences are all r eadily available. Bus transportation on Wilshire Blvd. This area was platted shortly before the depression , but principal development has taken place in past 2 or 3 years, being occasioned by growth of U.C.L.A., which is its chief as set, It is predominantly a well ordered multi-family district with some fraternity buildings and student boarding houses. Lot value s are increasing '1:1,eing currently fro m $60 to $80 per front foot in readily access i ble portion. Proximity to U.S. Soldiers 1 Horne and a cemetery are detrimental influences. The area is accorded a tthigh yellow 11 grade, 9. LOCATION We stWood SECURITY GRADE...~rd f AREA NO•. ic79. DATE~[ 2f~9. CAUTION: This area is currently affected in Y!hole or in part by an .Ad vat.orem Tax District . Individual properties sho-..1.ld be checked for this hazard . 251 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of 1. POPULATION: a. IDS ANGELES OOUNTY Increa.sing_~M~o~d~er~a~t~el~y__ Dccreasin,g__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sratic ... b. Class and Occuparion ..Mcal business & professional men, white collar workers & minor executives. c. Foreign Families ...... O.... e. _i Income $4C00=$1.a::>oo Nationali · d. Negro .......Q. % Shifting or In{iltraf.on, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _N_on_e~app~ar_en_t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING Average Age d. &pair J, 01HER TYPE __'!, .Single .. f . ~am"'i"'l,._y_ ____ccl5e,% Stucco & masonry b. Constrnction c. ....80 Multi-family a. Type and Sii;e ___3 years boardi~cehccoccuccseccsc.__ _:5,:,% Good (excellent) e. Cc. :pancy /. Ov r.e---occupied g. 1935 P1icc Bracket h. 1937 Price Bracket .1939... Price Bracket j, Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend ~ 85CX) & up ............... % ............. % ...........% __....1' Fair to good Static to upward. (ncn 6-12 months) $ Not established 1935 Rent Bracket l.~e;l... . .... Ren, &ad,et %.£~~-~~ :P.."1:. ui,i..t $ 40 & up m. 1937 Rent Bracket ........% _ .. _% 'fo ......% $40&up o. Rental Demand Good t,. Pc::re:1~»:o!;:; Static to ~~~¼s··-srze·mu1ti-fariiII'~y~------ 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa,, :,,.) No........?<J. ....T,t,< & Pric, ...~~t:QQ._&.c...11PLEow Selling Owner built 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (...~.,,..) 6. MORTGAGE RJNDS· Ample a. 1 __ HOL,,C_ _N_on_e_ _ b. Irutitutionu.,_ __:_Fe,::•:.. a. HOI C None b. lruti,r:•!rg'----"F-"'ew::__ 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.......J $ 52. 70 8. DESCRil'TION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level with favorable grades; no construction hazards. Lond improved ?Cff,. Zoning permits multi-family structures. Conveniences are all readily available. This area has been developed in the past 15 years but greatest activity has occurred within the last 4 or 5 years. The U.C.L.A. has been a stabilizing influence and stinrulus. The area is somewhat far-flung and improvements vary in its various sections, with fraternity and boarding houses predominant in its nor thern part, duplexes and small multi-family dwellings in the southern portion and apartment houses of varying size occupying tte strip along Wilshire Blvd • .Architectural designs lack uniformity and range from the conservative to u1 tra modern with a few freak types thrown in for good measure. Sprinkled throughout the area are single family dwellings of good construction and design which are r apidly becoming Under conditions described it is logical that wide spread values in lots of from $00 to $100 per front foot should prevail. The tendency of this area is definitely toward residential income properties, However, the influence of surrounding areas is such that their present high character seems assured for an indefinite period. Therefore, a designation of "high yellow11 seems justified. ori...f 9. LOCATION ..............'11.J!§.t.l'!'.QQL......... .... SECURITY GRADE .... AREA NO.....Cc?l. DATES2L2J,;:,_9 Caution: This area is currently affected in whole or in part by an Ad valorem Tax District, Individual pro9erties should be checked for this hazard. 252 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL__ W§...M~....9.QW:'!'.It. __________ _ 1. POPULATION: a. lncreasing ___________ .M.9.9i'?.f.@-.~-~J...Y.._______ Deerea.tin,g__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static ...... : ~=:~:~.:::::~~~~:!..~~~skm§_~~t~S~ei e. white :ol:ar N:ke~s·:~c. Shifting or lnfilrratiorL. ____________ ... N.9.t\!;!___?.P,P.~~n.t,._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, a. T:,pe and Size b. Construction PREDOMINATING OTHER TYPE .. ..5Q.J! 4 room bungalow __;D-lpl ex - 4 room ~-~-~-~---··· Stucco &_....:.fccram=e_ __ Stucco __ lOye.,,,arcosc___ _ _ __ 20 years c. Average Age d. Repair e. Occupancy f. Owne,--occupied .J;i'i, . 59% g. 1935 Price Bracket $ ___5000~--- $ 2750-300) 1937 PTice B,aciw, $ .. 6CXJO ... 1939 ................ Price Bracket ~._5EOO _ _ _ __ h. Fair Good -~r,'i,'---------- ..J!IJ '/, ~ 3250-3EOO ............... % $ ····- '/, Poor j_ Saks Demand Fair k. Predicted Price Trend {next 6--12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket Static to dov.nv,ard L ......... % 3250-3EOO Sta tic to dO\·mward $20-25 $30 --35 11 $ 27 ,50-32,50 ... '/> n. 19.39. .. _. ______ Rent Bracket $ _30--:- 3_;) 11 $ 27.50-37.50 .. -··· 1, o. Rental Demand ..... ~air ___ to __ fE.ccodcc__ __ m. 1937 Rent Bracket Good p. P.redicred Rent Trend Static to do\'lnward Sta.tic to dovmward (next 6-12 month,) $6000-$6EOO 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past :yr.) No....~.?. . . ... _T1pe & Price ._':L!:!"r!.!.~-1?.t~.@--fow SellingMod.erately 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL.~~'------ b. lrutitutions, _ _F~e~w_ _ HOLC~ ....... 1 ... b. Instina:ions Few 1938-9 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,~·-~Amp=l=e_ _ 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193... ) $ 27 .00 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES C.3.:,,.) a. 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISl1CS OF AREA Terrain: Level to rolling, semi-hillside in northern port Where there is slight construction hazard due to contours. Lm1d. improved 85%, Owing to fxt that this orea is largely in county territory, there is little zoning protection, The small district north of HollyviciQd Dr,, east of Hancock, offers limited deed protection which is enforced.. Conveniences are all reOO.ily available, This is one of the oldest sections of West Hollywood,- development having begun over 25 years ago, In the northern port of the area, the older bungclows on semi-hillside lots are being replaced. by neV1er Md more pretentious improvements, Generally, the area was developed 1::y speculc.tive buyers and construction is Of nn inferior quality. Mcintennnce, however, is of a good character. Both improvements and population are inclined to be heterogeneous. Tow to the influence of the surrounding area, it is thought that the part of the area. north of Sunset Blvd. gives promise of an upward trend of desirability . Average lot values in the area run approximately $25 per front foot! The area is accorded a 11medial yellov: 11 grade . 9, LOCATION ......\'l;l§.Ut>.!J.X'!20._.. . SECURITY GRADE...9!'.4..... AREA NO•.9::.?.~... DATilffg7/_~9 253 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map (I{ 1. POPULATION: b. a. I.OS ANGELES COUNTY Increasing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Decrean,·~< - - - - - - - Static ____ Ye~--- Class and Occuparion .. iri~~~l~0:$/1Etx}J.. whit_e collar ..:':"'O:rkers.. c. Foreign Families ___:_ _____ ~ e. Shifting or lnfiltTation._ NationaUties__________.Qn~... M~_?,:;JG.~ .. .f?.UJ.U d. ·······~~-:t;-~-;ri~~~-e...Jni.UtnitJQrLJ?.~.C.AY§j}___Q.f..l~.. 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING . SQ % Negro .. ... 0 __% .9.f,._ _ _ __ OTIIER TYPE .l,!11UidomHY. ................f/J,.. a. Type and Si:i:e .l'r.>me_/llld....s.tuoco.. (mo.tly stucco,._·_ _ _ _ __ _ _ b. Construction c. artisans..,,__et_c . ..15.,war. ~_ _ _ _ __ A\/tl"age Age ..Fair....._ _ _ _ _ __ d. Repair .99:,.___ _ _ _ _ __ e. Occupancy Owner-occupied .&0%'----------- g. 1935 Price Bracket $ .3000- 4(X)() ----···· h. 1937 Pme Bracket $ 3500-450:l i. t~9.~---· i. Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) I. 1935 Rent Bracket $ 25-35 %change '(,change 1937 Rent 8,-acket ~ 30-40 .............. % ..............% ).}9.9.________·······Rent Bracket $ 30-40 ..% o. ... .l'Tice Rental Demand Bracket i %change "f clia~~e '.f, ......... % 35CX)-450() ·······-·% Fair Static ....1 Good p. Predicted Rent Trend __,Sc,ct,,_at,,i,cc_ _ _ _ _~ (nm 6-12 month.,) $4000-$50:lO 3. NEW CONSTRUCT10N ( yr.) No......?... _. ..._Type & Price 5 rooms 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. How Selling Fair HOL.e,.__ ___,3"---- b. lnstitMtio,~~F~ew~-- 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES L.3.. yr.) a. HOLC........?.... . b. Institutions.-.. Fev1 1938-9 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_ ..l!~mUg<\_ ..... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193. .) $.~.[XL..- ... .. . 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level with favorable grades and no construction hazards. Land improved 90%; Dbed restrictions , if they ever existed , h8.v e expired and , located in unincorporated county tcrri tory, zoning is sketchy at best. Churches, schools, trtmsportation and trading centers are all conveniently available. However, the pattern of the area is quite well cstahlished :md its proximity to Beverly Hills will undoubtedl y continue to be a stf:'.bilizing inf:l:uencc. In fact, the indic:->.t ions ore t hat t h is stimulus is tending toward on ui::,v,ord trend in grade. \Vhile the area is predominantly single fooiily in its meke-up, there has been some encroochment of cheaper class duplex0s and four fD,11ily flats. Improvements are of fair chnracter but some inclined to be heterogeneous which is also true of the popula tion. There is an inclination toward overcro'.'ding and there arc mony where two bungalovts will be fqund on one lot. Lot values run from $20 to $25 per front foot ruid are snid to be in good demand which is also true of rentcls. Lending institutions report favorable experience in the 1Jrea 0 Owing to lack of deed or zoning protection, its proximity to a lower grade area to the east and business district to the south, it is felt that the orea should not be .atcorded high.Br than a 0 1/:lw C11 grade. 9. LOCATION ..Los. Ang_~~•..fq!!!_l_!.Y. SECURITY GRADR.~rd,.~ AREA NO•..C::.7~ DATI§/.?_7h9 254 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map o,cf__ LOS __ AN_'G_ELE_S_CO_UNTY_ · _ __ I. POPULATION, ..... Decreruin,,,___ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static a. l=m,Mo.dei::at.ely._._ b. Class and Occupatio11 Local business men~-----~~lled and unskilled artisans! _____I~~-~~-:___ _ urban employees, white collar workers, etc. Income $!~- Foreign FamilieL...0 ......% Natumalitie,,_____________ d. Negro..............O.'fo e. Shifting or Infiltration __ , .......... I.ndicc!-tion ___ of infiltration_of __ J~:;vish. ..::f?Tiiliese.__ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, a. Type and Size b. Construction L:, Average Age d. Repai-r e. Occupancy f. Ou•ner-occupied PREDOMINATING ...... 65 % 5 and 6 room ~§½g~-~---__ § t_ucc~ _ __ _ __ plexes-···· ...... s~1;-1,=c~cc~- - - 10 years 12 years ...... ~ir to_.•gp = od~--- ....~@~O~d~ - - - }?'J,. _ _ __ 93 _ &fl,_ _ _ __ 19%c___ __ $.woo-= g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Ak, Bruck<, t .4?00:cf;JOO ....% 1939......... bk, llwcket $ ... 42!50-.E<JOO ............. % j, Saks Demand _____ Fai.~r_ _ _ _ __ k. Predicted Price Trend (nexi: 6--12 monUU} 1935 Rent Bmcket .......~.t.a.tJ~ ...................... -... ·---··· $(\500-600() $.. 3!:>-4o___ ........ n. l939·-···-··-·······Rent Bracket $ ___ 35-45__________________ o. Demand ____.Static to slowly down .............. J, $ 30-35 %change 11 .............. % -·-·-"' % Static to downward 5 rm. singles 3§ ·-·-·-··% 5500-6000 Poor _____S.t.a.t.i 3_ NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa,t ,,..) No . ~ -· $ .. 2~30_per uni~ m. 1937 Rrnt Bmck,r p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months} OTHER TYPE story - 4 rm.unit du- $4500-$5000 · r.."'5 ~:a_~i.exetliixi(q~500SdUng ..!Jo~~E.",.\~,:_ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOLC. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (...3 ... yr.) a. HOL . J,... 2 b. Institutioru,_;_F,cew"----- b. lnstirutions ...~'.H.. 1938-9 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, Limited to amp½_e TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193......) $.1',Q)_ 8- DESCRIPTION AND CHARACfERl&TICS OF AREA Terrain: Level with no construction hazards other than the fact that there is much adobe soil. Land improved 7f:J%. The ar ea is deed restricted but provisions leave much to be desired. Conveniences are all readily available . This territory was originally pl aced on the market from 15 to 16 years ago but has developed quite slowly. While pr edominantly a single family neighborhood , the r e are many mu1 ti-family dwellings. scat t ered. throughout; most of than being duplexes. The section south of Melrose is newer and most of the new construction is in tha t part. These i mprovements have beun largely built by speculators and are of only fair grade. Many of them remain unsold, The lot value is around $20 per front foot. Owi!"lf?: to the f a.ct that the area is located in unincorporated county t erritory, there is a possibility of an infiltrotion of subversive racial el ements. It is thought t hat the area will remain static for at least 5 years before any further decline takes place , The area is accord0d a 11med.ial yel l ow 11 grade. AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL_!Pll.. ~.~.QQ\ll-~1. 1. POPULATION: a. Mod.erutoly _____ Decreasin,,,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static ...·-····-···· Increasing b. Class and Occu~on Small business meI!.t_ skilled artisans, white collcr worker_sL etc, Income $2000-$3000 c. Foreign Families ______Q_J} e. Shifting OT Nationalities d. A.{-ITl~rg~-~-~-§__.r.?.P.9.!'.~.aj, on borders lnfiltratiOJL .. 2. BUIWINGS, PREDOMINATING .. so... % OTI!ER TYPE b. Construction ___ Stu,c=~co~ - - - - - Stucco c. AWTage Age .. _)_Q_..x~•=ar~s~---- 15 years d. Repair .....G99d.~- - -- e. Occupancy ...92%~ - - - - - f. Owner-occupied . ?fd>. - - -- - - g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Pric, B,ack<t L'.1500::.8.500 t.7500c8500.. i. 1939 . . .. .... Pric, &aci<et Sales Demand k. PTedicted Price Trend (next 6-12 mondu) 1935 Rent Bracket Good .•.9.?.%.. _ _ _ _ __ .... 40%~ - - - - - $ .. '1(X)()-EOOJ ...... % ···········"' 1,cli.ange S .450Cr5500. t,4500:::,;;oo _ Fuir Fair ___ Static to dom Static t _3~5 .wr . WU t %~ha~_ge $ 35-40 ....... .....'f, $ 40-45 1937 Rent Bracket $ .. 40-15 ...... "- -··· n. 19.39.____________ Rent Bracket $ _40:::4g o. Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months} .... 25 .% 5 and 6 room __ bungalo\,s ____ 5 room Duplex flats ;. Negm ... ____Q____%._ in industrial __11 -·---·-- •-·· ···-·- % $...40-45 ,,, ··········% Good ... J;}_t.1:t,t_ic Stat~i~c_ _ _ _ __ 5 rm. stucco duplex flt.its How &11,ng MQ1CE'J"):i..•_ 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa,t -,,.) No.J.f! ........T,ix, & l',;c,$8500-$9500 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOLC... 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES {. ... ~.. )')'.) a.. None 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_ ...M>PlC.. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193......) $..4l.,.00.......- . .._ b. In.slitutions .. ···-··J'.QY.L ..... . HOL.e-_ _.__ _ _ b. In.stitution.s_ ... ....... Fe"Y. ... 1938-9 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERIS-ncs OF AREA, Terrain: Level vtith no construction hazords. Land improv0d. 9<:f/,. This area leaves much to be de sired from the stnndpoint of deed and zoning protection but is sufficiently developed to establish a definite pattern.. Conveniences all available but t ransp:>rta tion i s somevlha:t inedequa.te. The area was first placed on the market 14 or 15 years GgO.. The area l:ns steadily developed as a predominantly rnul ti-family neighborhood with the exception of 18 blocks in the southern portion Y.hich is unincorporated. county territory. The area is located in Beverly Hill$;. The single family residences in the area are well constructed and maintained. However, both population and improvements are more or less heterogeneous in character. Ad.jacence to an industrial area is en 00.versc influence. Lot values run from $40 to $45 a front foot_. The area is accorded a 11medial yellow11 gradE?. 9. LOCATION 3rd St,& Dohen.v.. P-i:,.. SECURITY GRADE. ......:ii:<:\ .. AREA N0-..9:::?i/.. DATE?i.?§/?[J CAl1rION: This area is currently affected in ,vholc or in -part bY an .Ad valorem Tax District. Individual properties should be checked for this hazard. 256 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of 1. POPULATION: a. LOS. ANGELES... COUNTY_ ••..•• lncrcasing_...... ___ :&:i,1;!J9J.Y....-............ Decrea.sin,,__ __ __ _ Static _________ ._.. b. Class and Occupation_~F.~t~~-1·9_1;.~--~ cc c. Foreig,1 Families ......O. __ J e. Shifting or Infiltration _ b~~~~~-~~----~-,..i,!;~~~ p eop~..;, movie executives, 1,,ecuu1 c1ans ;-etc. 2. BUILDINGS, .u,core ,:Pu\.Jl...,\.f-q,.1.'0 , 000 o: up Nationalities, _ _ _ _-=._____ d. PREDOMINATING &:-7_ r9om OTHER TYPE .....00.% Dupl,~•=x•=•~-- b. Construction Stucco Stucco c. Average Age ;5 years 10 years Good Good Dccut,anc, 9~~ - - - - - - 98_% Owner-occupjed M~----- 1935 Price Bracket d. Repair e. 791'~---- - i 6250-6750 h. 1937 I¼, B,ac/0,1 i. 1939.............!¼, B,acket $_g_ ,000-13,000 $H ,000-13,00). gq_. 000· 12, 500 j_ Sales Demand Fair Good k. Predicted Price Trend P.2'.iYU~---- Sta tic g. (next 6-12 mone;hs) %d~nge $ 7000-7700 ...... .'!> i .. .'fe 7000-7750 $ 65-90 per unit ~-~-~!!$'~ m. 1937 Rent Bracket $ ..65--90 • "............ ...........% 60•75 n. l.939 .............. Rent B,acket $. 6Q-85 • " ....._ . -10. % 60-75 1935 Rent Bracket o. Negro ....... _Q, ____ %._ ·············,.;r..en:,,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ $change ................% _Jo Good Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Tnnd R9.J.m. Static~----(nm 6-12 montru) $12,000 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No,_.f:!.J_ ····-··.T;,1pe & Price ..§Jg&,g_Q[_ ...........How Selling Fair 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOLC......11~~~. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.9.....yr.) a. HOL b. Institutions l b. None lnsUtutions__ t{Q.Q9 .... 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS'-····-·~)& .. _... . 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 tiir=~ $_.:ie_,.?Q 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level with no construction hazards. Land improved 75%. This area is located in the Ctty of Beverly Hills and while deed r es trictions ar e lacking, city zoning is highly protective. Conveniences are all readily available. This tract was subdivided and developed some 12 or 13 years ago_._ The area is zonei as a nrul ti-family residential d istrict and it has prGdomina"ntly developed. along those lines. Improvements arc largely duplexes, . construction and maintenance being of high quality. Archi tectuxal designs are pleasing and improvements are harmonious. Popul ation i s homogeneous. Recently,. there lui.s been a tendency toward lerge i mprovements, containing a greater number of uni ts. Single family residences are cxc:cllently maintainod. and assure high pride of ownership. Lot values are around $80 per front foot. Olympic Blvd. constitutes a traffic hazard. Al though having all the qualificat ions of higher grade,_ the admixture of multi-family ond single family dwellings is thought to preclude better tbml a 11high yellow 11 grade. a 9. LOCATION Beverly Hills SECURITY GRADE ..,l!:.4...f AREA NO•..(!.::76... DATEEL?§J.39 CAUTION: This area is currently affected in whole or in port by an .Ad valorero Tax ----·· - - District. Individual properties should be checked for thl s hazard •. 257 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of 1. POPULATION: IDS ANGELE, COUNTY ·········-· Decrea.sin,,.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static ....!£~- a. Increasing _ _ __ b. Class and Occupation __ ]µsincss & men, .. m-}.-rl.Q.!'___ Q~~ executives and other mute collor viorkers. c. F01eign Familics ......Q____ ~ e. Shifting OT d. Negro_,. ______Q___% InfiltTation ... P.~n.m.w.._JajJJ_'.t;_r_~:j;J9.g__gJ ___ J~-~-§!h.. J.?.IDJlJ.~-~----::-....P.f.QQ_aj?_l.Y.J-_~. QL.... population now being American citi zcns of that race Z. BUILDINGS, a. Income ~seo,...:p..:iv,..N Nariortali · t? _ room __ dup_l~.x~•s~--- Average Age d. Repair e. Occupancy OTI!ER TYPE - -~.~ 5 room b~=al~o-"-ws~-- Stucco b. ConstTUction c. ......f'P.f PREDOMINATING T,ipe and Size Stucco 8 years lQ_.7em-s Fair f. Owne,-o=p~d $3500-E(){){} g. 1935 Price Bracket $60cp~ 7'-'00=0_ _ h. 1937 Price Bm,ket ~.J.WJ-SWJ ..... ......11> $4500-6000 -···--% i. 1.93.9. ................ Prkc Bracket $ 7500-SEOO J, ~4500-6000 ___ % j, Sales Demand ...F~_r... to __gp~o~d~--- k. Predicted Price. Trend (next 6-12 month.s) 1935 Rent Bracket Static to down l. Static $32,50--35 m. 1937 Rent BTacket :$40-42.50 11 ..............% $40-42,50 .......... 'I, II ....._% $40-42,50 1, n. J._9._39. . ·····-·······Rent Bracket $40-42.50 o. Rental Demand ... Fair ...~w~o~d~--- p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 montru) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION Fair to good Static to down <Prut,,.) _Fair .. to ...~I\Occod=.._ _ __ Static to down $5000-$7000 No._J?... .....T'Jpe & Price 5-6 Rm.~_:How Selling 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOLCk_ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.. 9.:,,.) a. HOI C None None b. Inmrwg 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,,.·_..:Amp=l:.::e_ _ 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193-j-:J 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Slowly . b. lnstirntions;_..:Fc::eccv,_ __ Few $_:i?.,~9 Terrain: Level with no construction hnzords •. Land improved Bo% •. Deed restrictions in this area offer only fcir protection as zoning is m()re or less inadequate and. subject to cha.--ige •.. Conveniences all readily available and street improvements are above the avcr8€B.. Develor,ment of this area began from 12 to 15 years ego . During the boom period in the ms, speculative building was done [lere. The area is very spotted and improvements are an admixture of single and multi-family dwellings, duplexes predominating, Construction, maintenance ani architectural designs vary greatly and give to the district a heterogeneous aspect. Population is inclined to be inharmonious. There is said to te some sale and rental resistance in the area owing to recent infiltration of a number of Jewish families, The institutions report that operations here have not been altogether satisfactory. , Olympic Blvd. is a traffic hazard • . The area is accorded. a 11 low yellow 11 gr-ad.e. AREA DESCRIJ:YTION Security Map of~_ _LO_S_ AN _ G_ELES _ _OO_UN'l'Y _ __ b. Class and Occupation:~{~~~~~:e~~~~T~~Jre ~~~~loyees, white c. Fo,-eign Familie.s_?.__.__%. e. Shifting OT Nationalitie.J 2. BUILDINGS, _?!l__:!, PREDOMINATING a. T ypc and Size 7-9 _r09lfu.. .?-__ story _ b. Con$tn.iction §.~Y:9.QO~-- - - c. Average Age Negro ____~____ %._ OTIJER TYPE ~'c...[Q.9.!A ..Q~ows S~ucc;:o~ - - - - - 18 _years~- - - - - d. Repair Fair _ to __ gpod~- - - - Fair __ to __ _good~---- e. Occupancy 9.~~--- - - - 9~~ - - - - - - f. Owner-occupied .40%~----- ~ ~- - - - - - g. 1935 Price Bracket $.,.5500:,_9.QQQ_____ %change 15.0lXl::-.6?50 h. 1937 l',ic, Bmcket l6,Cl()(},l0.,.000... . ... 1.0 ....'./e l.5~7=. 19.~9 ........ l',ic, k. 3. d. lnfiltration _ _N_o_t_ic _e_a_ bl_e_en_c_r_oachm _ _e_n_t_o_f_in_c_ome __ imp~r_ov_emen _ _t_s_ _ _ __ B,acket $6000-10,000 ....'.le $ 55()(}-7500 Sales Demand Poor Poor Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months} 1935 Rent Bracke, Static to downward Static to downward ~.§.!j~-~7~5_ __ 1937 Rent Bracket $ 75 - 85 <f, $ 65 - 75 ___ '.!, n. 1932............ R,nt D,acket o. Renial Demand p. ~:':~1f~~7 ~ 50 -65 Fair P.J.!~!t'-!@rd.~--&-8Un_i_t_Mul_. ti - f!'·"'i;_n1i"y~w~ard=- - - - - - NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa,,:,,.) No.....~ ..- ..T,r,e & Pric,$:)J000..$25000,.,~ ScUing Owner built 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOL.~c_ _N_o_ne_ _ b. <-~ . :,,.) a. HOL 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES 6. MORTGAGE RJNDS· 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Limited 7. 3 lnstitutwn~ _ _ F_ew_ _ b. ln.stitufiot,s 1938-9 Few TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (19L. ) $..5?•.7Q.. Terrain: Level with favo r able grades ruid. no construction hazards.. Land improve:! 901:,,. About half of the area is zoned for multi-family dwellings and the balance single family,. Conveniences all readily available. This area was subdivided. and placed on the market some 20 to 25 years ago and its earlier development was almost wholly single family residences. Lately, hovrever, improvements have run quite strongly to multi-family construct ion and t here are qui tc a few l mg3a:p:1rt:rent houses i n the area. 'lhe best of these are on Havenhurst and Crescent Hei ghts and are of Class A construction. While many of the old homos are highly maintained. Dnd are still in original ownership, the trend of the area 6 ~s::!;~::~o=/~~it~~t;~ur!:c~~ tf~:cr~/~!l1u:st::a;~! $40 t o ~ per front foot which militates against single fomily construction in an area of this character. Real tors state that FHA financing i s having tho effect of lowering rental values 'llhich is very noticeable in this area. It is thoue...,ht thc."l.t the tr end of dcsirabili ty in this area will remain Static to slowly downward for the next ten years. It is, therefore, accorded. a 11medial yellm7 11 grade. AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL.JPS ..@~.W.lllIT.l'................ 1. POPULATION: Decreruing,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static .. _J:~.~--.. a. Increasing ~!-b~e:'.$i~.:;~~-~-'-gf:i~~n~~-~=:-s~~:~:. b. C~s and Occupation ___ c. Foreign Families_. ____.Q___% N a t i o n a l i t i c , ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - e. ~ In/tlrration._9.f.....Y..~!!!.@....:f.~.!Je.!.~_§.J...P.!:'_<?..'!?.§.~·J:9% of total now. of income properties indicated. 2. BUILDINGS: PREDOM!NATING Construction c. AVeTage Age Rep:ur Occupancy OTHER TYPE __ .__ '!, _ 55% 1935 Price Bracket $ ___;35()(r6()(X} ____ '%..~~!li;e h. 1937 Price Bracket ~---~.7._(m____ ...15 ....%. l,.9~~ ................. Pric, &ackn $ 4250--7250 5 ....% Fair j. Sales Demand k. P,,.edicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket $ 40 - 50 1937 Rent Bracket $45-55 Static to dov-m . Rene Bracket %.~"~' .........% __ _<& Rental Demand Poor to fair p. Predicted Rent Trend Static to down "5500--$8000 month.,) 3. NEW CONSTRUCI10N (past yr.) No.......?. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (. 3.y,.) 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS· ... .... % $45-55 o. 6-12 %. .... \l.$5!~ - - - - - g. (n'-'<% O 18 years Oumer-occupied ~939 -····· Negro Encroachment ____ '!r<¥0e ___~ stucco b. e. people · 5-7 room bung~ows a. T:ipe and Size d. •..... 90'.;t d. Amnle ..... _T1pe & Price Er-6-? rooms How Selling Owner built a. H O L . ~ - - - - b. Institution"-•_.;:F_;:e_::_w_ _ a. HOL..__ _cc.5_ _ b. 'ii~-''l!g'-----'F'-'e"'w_ _ 7. TOTAL :TAX RATE PER $1000 (193 .) $ 52, 70 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terz:ai n : Level with favorable grades and no construction hazards. Land i mproved 9()%. Zoning is somewhat spotted, being generally single family , however, with multi-family construction permitted. in stated locations. Conveniences all readily available and proximity to dovmtown business district is also a favorable influaice. This area was subdivided some 20 odd years ago and its development was rapid. It is one of the oldest sections of Hollywood and the trend is quite decidedly toward rosidc:. 1tial income properties. Many sections of the area are entirely built u:p with 5 and 7 room bt:i::-..e;al.ows \vhich are well constructed. and maintained,. This is particularly true i n the northwest section~ Mortgage lenders report an unfavorable leriding eX':lerience in this district with a m.unber of foreclosures upon ,...ti.ich losses were taken. It will be noted that the P. E. Izy-. runs diagonally thru. the area and while this adds to trru1s)X)rtation conveniences, it is said to be distinctly detriffiL."'ntal so far as sales are concerned. This area presents a borderline case ond. in many respects is entitled to a 11 low blue 11 grade. However, there is very little opportmi.ity for further development and it is thought ~ t the area is al.ready slowly declining. Therefor0, a 11high ycllow 11 grade is assigned. 9. LOCATION _ _H_o_l_lY"_,o_od _ _ _ SECURITY GRAD!'... ~:~f AREA NO•..Q::.?9.... DA-rrf!).Zt;_/3.9 260 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map 0£ 1. POPULATION: IDS ANGELES COUNTY -·-·- a. lncreasing_~M~o~d~•r~a~t~el~y__ Decreasin,,.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static. ___________ _ b. Class and Oxutxition. _____~-~~~e~$i~.;rkers, skilled artisans, factory foremen, etc. 2. c. Foreign Families_ !_Q _ __ ~ e, Shifting or Infiltration BUILDINGS, a. Nationalitie Jewish i~i_g;:~j;s_... PREDOMINATING 4-5 room T-:,·pe and Size .•..90. % c. AVeTage Age __ .......Fair __to.....~go~od ~ -- - d. Repair e. Occupancy f. Owne,-occupi<d . g, 1935 Price fuacke, ~ ..%XlO::-filQQ ___ h. 1937 Price Bracket $ 4750-6CXX) ..M,_ _ _ _ __ 1.939. .................Price &acket j. Sales Demand le.. Predicted Price Trend %change ~...47iXl.=6!lOO.. . ....Fai...~- - - - - - (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket .... ~Jatic.~- - - - - 1937 Rent Bracket LZ/5::50_ 193~. } .... Rent Bracket %'"""•' L.30"45__ ...........% ... ..... ..% (softer) .......% 35-50 .1' Fair Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend (ne,i 6-12 month.,) __ St_a_t_ic_ _ _ _-,,. SJ00..$6uw 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past :yr.) No......~-~- .....T;1pe & Price 5 room 4. OTIIER TYPE ~~-?.~~---- . ___ !?___r~•ar=s_ o. Negro ........9.. .....%. Stucco b. Conmuaion i. d. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (. 3. ,..) How Selling ______ F.air.. a. HOL.---2~-- b. Jn.,rinuwru........Fe>v.. . a. HOLC.,.... l5 b. ln.,cin«icnL.....Fc.w..... 1938-9 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,.- .....&n:,l..9................ 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (19L ..) $-1Q.,.QQ...GQ.ll!!_ty 8. DESCRIPT!ON AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level, with no construction hazards. Land improved. 90'%,. Zoni ng permits limited to multi-family dwellings. Conveniences all readily available. Development began in this area some 16 or 17 years ago and it has been built up quite rapidly. Population is quite largely Jewish in character, approximately 40% of the inhabitants being of this race. lots are sub-standard and improvements \'ihich are predominantly 5 room dwellings, are crofflied. The section between Santa Monica Blvd. and Willoughby Ave. is older and roost of the new construction has beon in tho southern part of the district. Most of the new multi-family construction is in t h i s part. Average lot values run around $30 per front foot. The typo of construction is generally good and development has been fairly uniform. This is a popular working-man 1 s district am, while declining, will probably maintain its stability for a number of years to come. The area is accorded a 11medial yellow 11 grade. 9. LOCATION .. .. ... ;NH~oiliist.sEcuruTY GRADE.....~rd.... AREA No•.Q::.B.9.... DAmJ.?4&9 261 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map ~f I.OS ANGELES COUNTY' 1. POPULATION: a. Incrcasing _ _ _S_lo_w_l~y_ _ _ Decreasing_ __·-·- b. Class and Occupation Business men. white collar workers,etc. !.Q..~ c. Foreign Families ....... e. Shifting ...... f-0.% PREDOMINATING a. Type and Si:::e b. Construction Average Age OlHER TIPE 5 & 6 room bungalows 2 & 4 unit multi-family Frame and stucco Stucco l_?._ years 10 years Faj,r... JQ___.~fP~od~----- d. Repair e. d. Negro ....9.....% or lnfiltTarion _ _ _ _ _ _I_nc~r_e_as_i_ng ___ J:~yli_~ __ .P.2,,_pul=a"'-t1"'o"'n~--· --- 2. BUILDINGS, c. Inccme $:iooo=-'$6000 Nationalities N'one subversive Occupancy f. Owner-occupied ... 9crfo______ ~'·"·'--------- . ?r,%.. _¥!!,_ _ _ _ __ g. 1935 Price Bracket $.75()()-17,500 h. 1937 Pric, fuacket $ 9000---20 ,ooo . . .1939.... f®<Xr?0,000. . . l'ric, fuadrer $ 5500-6500 %change ........... % $ 6000---7000 ........ % ... % $ 6000---7000 ....... % j. Sales Demand ___ Fai,r ___ to _good~--- k. Predicted Price Trend {next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bmcket §JJ;H~~----- Static $ 45-65 ..Per .. un#t, %..~-~~-~': $ 4fr60 ·····-·······% $.55-65 .............% .......... % $gfr65 .. % 1937 Rent Bracket ~ ..;50---?0 _____ u_________ n. l939............... Ren, llmck,r $ p()--70 ................_ o. Rental Demand . . .rm.r.. . t.9... gQ_Q.4........_ 11____ .Good ... :f'\ir .. to. i,:,od p. Predicted Rent Trend .. S.ta.ti.c_.tQ._d.Q..vmwar..d __.. __.. ...9..t.2-:U9__t.Q...£&YID.'!'!.@"'.9(next 6-12 months) 2 & 4 unit mu1 ti-fanily 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa.«,,-.) Na..J,Q ...... T,pc & Pric,~.?5QQQ ..How &!ling. CJw!ler _1>\g_lt 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOLC. ........... .N9.D.IL... 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( ..3...,,-.) a. 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, ... ....ADwla.... b. Institutions ....F.~~··•·· .. b. ln,riMioru ...... Fe.w ... 1937-8 .. . 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193. .....) $...52.•.80 HOLC. 8. DESCRIPTION AND CID' RACITRIS'ITCS OF AREA, ........3..... Terrain: Level with no construction hazards. Land improved 9(J%. Zoning is for multi-family improvements. Conveniences all readily available, Transportation is supplied by buses. Mea was subdividBd. and placed on marlwt around 1923. It was at first largely a single family neighborhood, but latterly i mprovements have been principally dupl exes tmd quadruplexes. Recent construction has been of good quality but there is said to have been much 11 jerry building 11 in the area in its eorlior ye(;\.!'s. Maintenonce is spotted but generally good. Improvements are fairly i.mif'orm. The increasing concentration of Jewish families is said to be a derogatory influence and this, together with the predominance of multi-family dwellings, leads to the conclusion that the area should not be accorded higher than a 11 low yellow 11 grade. AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL_.l!)§_AllGE!ES COUNTY 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing_~Ra="~ •-i~dl~y~-- Decreasin,g__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static_. _______ _ b. Ckus and Occupation __ ~6-~'$2~~ional ;ren, white collar workers, etc. c. Foreign Famili<:?s .....?~-~ e. Shif,.ing <JT Infiltration None subversive Nationalitie Negro ......~?.~~%. d. Jewish population _ in~reasing, now amounts to about 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING .. 70 .. _% 6q% OTllER TYPE Multi-family a. Type and Size 5-6 room ~5~V.:.~ b. Construction Frame & stucco Frame & stucco 12 years 10 years c. Average Age d. Repair ___)fair __ to ... ~@~od~--- e. Occupancy f. Owne,,,occupjerl nie~-----.'\9iec_______ ·g. 1935 Price Bracket $5QIJ0--6000............. %,hang, $.. 7500-10000..... h. 1937 Price Bracket -~ ----~-~-~-- ............% $ 9000-12000 1_9_~9 .......... Price B,acket $ 5500-6500 ····••··<I' .2'$~----Duplexes j. Sales D.!mand Good k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket Static $ 45-60 %chan~e 1937 Rent Bracket $,c....c_55-6=-c'~5_ __ ............... % ~~-~-~- ........ .......Rent Bracket $ 55--_6~5~--- m. o, Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend (ne,x 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa,1 ..... % $ 90CXH2000 ._._'f, Fair to good Static to dom1ward -·-·% .. _F~ir ... to. g~oo~d---~ • %,hang, Static to dow11V1ard • .• -$5750-$8250 per unit 1, change $ 45-65 $ 5()....70 II {$'1>0 a,rerage) fl •~~•···•-,,, Fair to good Static to d0tmward rd ~t~ft'1l1tfm:-~t;-~~. ./How Selling Q:,'!l~t.l>~lL 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOLC............. Z..... 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES {....3 ..,>J a. 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_ .....}.mplo.. . 7. b. ]n,tmawn,_ .........F.e.w. HOLC ............ 9... . ......... b. ln.m"'"""'··············F•w........ ··-· 9 52 70 TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193 ....) s/ $-····•···········-- 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACrERISTICS OF AREA: Terrain: Level with favorable grades,. No construction hazards. Land improved so:%,. Zoning is predominantly single family, balance rrrulti-family. Conveniences all readily available. Transportation is supplied by buses. This area has been developed. within th0 -past 15 years. The western part was formerly an oil field. Recent construction has been largely in this part , principally along Orlando and Croft Avenues, snd. has consisted. pr incipally of modernistic style 2 to 4 family dvrcllings.. Construction and maintenance generally of good quality. I mprovements along Crescent Heights Blvd., La Jolla and Svmctzcr Aves. arc more uniform and of better architectural designs than in other ports. Tho trend of improvements is toward income properties. Population inclined. to be heterogeneous owing to high percent of Jewish inhabitants. The matter of zoning the district to the east of aroa, which is in County territory and was formerly occupied by the La Brea oil field, is before the County Plan.riing Commission, and a favorable determination will favorably affect all adjacent pro'Xrties and an ad.verso decision will have the opposite effect. This area is undoubtedly declining but current opinion is to the effect that it will remain mor e or less static for a. number of years to come. A 11medial yellow 11 gr::ide is accorded. 9. LOCATION Wilshire-Fairfax...... SECURITY GRADE.....~.r.t! AREA N0-9.:.~?.... DA~1{,'fJ _CAUT __ I 10_N: This area is currently affected in whole or in p:i.rt by an .Ad valorem Tax District. Individual properties should be chocked for this hazard, 263 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL_ ... !,OS ANGELES COUN'U -··1. POPULATION: --=---- Static ..J~JL... a. Increasing, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Decreasin,g._.._ _ &qzrofessiarnl_men ..Motion _pk_tureemployee;3_L. __ _ white collar workers , etc. Income $1800-$3600 & up. b. Class and Occupation ..........$S c. Nationalitie.L....... __ Jfone ....~.ub.v.~r.sJv.. Foreign FamilieL..I'ewi d. Negro ..... No.n~%. e. Shifting or Inflltration __ ..... ..el.eme.nt.~....imd. _______ encroachment of business 2. BUILDINGS, .. 55 ... _% PREDOMINATING -··· 5-.. &..6_rqoi:ns .....,. __ b. Construction ····-··Fr-am~.--~ s~Ucc_o c. Average Age _______ 20 _year=s_ _ _ __ d. Repai,. e. Occupancy __ ,40_.% OTHER TYPE ._.7._ - l.P rooms a. Type and Size Frame and brick _... 25 .. years .r~Ar.._~9. __ m_¢. Fair .t&.._.s@eCO,c;d,___ __ f. Owner-occupied - ....Rf1%.~'-' - - -- - -······98%,___ _ __ §fffi,___ _ __ g. 1935 Price Bracket $ 4!:()Q-:-_5250 ______ _ %chang.e $ 5500-6250 h. 1937 Price lhacket $ 5000-6000 .. ... ....% $ 6500-7500 i. t?;,;?. ...... ........... Price ~ --~ - · ·· ... ....... ..% $ 6500-7500 j. Sales Demand Fair k. Predicr.ed Price Trend (next 6-12 months} 1935 Rent Bracket Static .. 985' all.. tYJl.<'.S.. _... Bracket m. 1937 Rent Bracket %change Poor Static ,$~3=&-4_,,5,___ __ %change $ 50-60 %change ~ 37 50-EO .......... J, $ 55-70 ........ ....%. ·-·-···-·% $ ~70 n. ~~~'.3--·-······-······Rent Bracket $ 37 • 00-50 o. Rental Demand ... Good p. 7:!ti1~!;;1 ~S~ta~t=i"-c_ _ _ _ _6Ea:>-$7000-=Sccta,,_t,_,i"c_ _ _ _ __ fair . fffJ,_od_ _ __ 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION { yr.) No......?: ...... _Type & Price 6 rooms How SellingOwner built 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, 2___ a. HOLC. _ _ _ b. lnm""""', 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (....3.y,.) a. HOL b. lrutitutioru_ ..... M!'!'Y.. 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,, ___ .AmP,~ ... ...... 6 Many 1938-9 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.....) $El.•70. 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level, with no construction hazards. Land improved. 9ff/,. Deed restrictions have largely expired. and zoning permits up to 4 family dwellings. Conveniences are all readily available. This area was subdivided. soroo 30 years ago with ample deed restrictions, most of which b.w"e now expired. Two business thoroughfafes (Hollywood & Sunset BlvdsJ traverse the area and a third (Franklin Ave .) forms its northern boundary. Some high class apartment houses are located upon these arterial h ighwa,ys. Off the business stree ts the area is zoned to permit 4 family dwellings , but ill"![)rovements are predominantly old single fa'l1ily residences, many of whkh arc still occupied by original owners. Construction is of sound ctlaracter and maintenance generally shows pride of ovmership, Architectural designs are antiquated rurl type of improvements vary greatly in size. Popula tion is beginning to incline toward heterogonei ty. • Area is said to suffer from improper drainage and to be infested wi. th tcrmi tes. Incr easing lot values is partially offsetting depreciation and obsolescence. On the basis of l to 4 family dwelling area it is accorded a 11medial yellow 11 grade. 9. LOCATION_~Ho~l~lLyw~o~o~d_ _ _ SECURITY GRADE. ...}r~ AREA NO_Q:?_3_ _ DATif:f?J[3-9 264 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map 0£ 1. POPULATION: LOO J\NGELES COUNTY a. Increasing __ ,.,...M.9.fl:.€!:.~t.~lY_____ ,... Decreasin,,.___ _ _ _ _ _ Static ..... b. Class and Occupation Business & professional men, whi~e, collar workers , radio & movie empl.oyees, etc. Income-·$I800:::$3000 up c. Foreign Fami!ieL.5 .. ___ 1> Nationaliti'"'s None subversive known d. Negro ..... o... -~ e. ~Infiltreuion..2.f..._~-µ'Qyersive racial elements and encroachment of business a threat. 2. BUILDINGS, a. PREDOM!NA11NG 01HER TYPE l4u1 ti-family dwellings lf/% fl% Stucco and frl:ll?lC b. Construction c. .. so.....% 5-7 room ~~al~o_w~s_ _ T.,pe and Size 28 years Average Age d. Repair __ f_aj.E, ____~9 ....{E~O_d_ _ __ e. Occupancy n-"-------...®% f. Owner-occupied g. 1935 Pru;e Bracket $37c.0-6000.•...•••_ %change h. 1937 Price Bracket ~?CXX) .........% i. !.~.0.~ .......... _P,ice j_ Sales Demand Good k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6--12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket Static $ 35--50 '%,change m. 1937 Rent Bracket $_ 40-55 .............. '% ...% n. !_<p_~~-······--······Rent Bracket $ 40-55 o. Rental Demand -·--"' ......% Good (particularly in ......................... o"ast-·of 'nrear··· &racket %change .. ~ ,f, $4!:(()-7000 ......•....% Static to upward (next 6-12 months) From single to mu1 ti-family 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa.,1 ,,-.) No...!:~ .......T,r,,, & Pm, $6()00--$30000).fow &Uing Owner built p. Predicted Rent Trend 2 _ __ HD,L-L---=. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES(... ~.,,-.) a. HOLC- ... JO. 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_....,\1!1\>l,~ b. lnstitutioru.. _.. Many b. lruti..,;nn, 7. TOTAL TAX RA TE PER $1000 Many triri::;i $.22.,.?Q 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level with favorable grades and no construction hazards. Land improverrent of 90% precludes upward trend of desirobility for single family dwellings. Deed restrictions, which are far from adequate, are rapidly eJqiiring and zoning permits multiple family housing in mDnY parts of area. Conveniences are all reed.ily available. This area is one of the older parts of Hollywood proper and was subdivided some 20 years or more ego. It :nus since been built up with 5, 6 and 7 room dwellings. Since deed restrictions began to expire the trend has been strongly to nrultiple frniily dwellingsj in fact , single family dwellings in this area are considered an under-improvement. From Sunset Blvd. south to Fountain Ave. between Wilcox Blvd, & Highland Ave. there is a strong Catholic concentration which favorably influenc es prices ani demand in that neighborhood, Proximity to industry on the south and "business 0 n the north, while decreasing desirability of single family dwellings, has a stimulating effect on land values. Ad.jacenco to the center of the growing radio broaicasting industry has been a favorable factor, pro-ticularly upon rentals. Construction is of good quality and maintenance, while somevlhat spotted, is generally good. Improvements as a whole are inharmonious. Population is inclined to be heterogeneous, (15% being .American born Jews)wi th indications of increasing number of lower class residents. La Brea Avenue, vthich traverses the area, is a business street nnd a traffic hazard. The area is accorded a 11 low yellow" grade. 9. LOCATION ... _l:!?),1~.99,......... . SECURITY GRADE... 3rd. c AREA NO•..Q::.El4,··· DATE2/?/±/~9 ~ This area is currently affected in wh::>le or in part by an Ad valorem Tax District. Individual uroperties should be checked for this hazard • ..._ ~ 265 AREA DESCRI?TION Security Map of___:J:!9:.§. __AJl_g~J-~2....9.9..~~------1. POPULATION: a. Iner-ea.Jing Slowly Decreasing_~~-~-~ Static ..______ _ Small tradesmen, white collar & studio workers, skilled b. Class and OccujXltion ____ artisans. & technic_ians. ___ Incomf.l $_100~$gooo .,,&Lup,,.___ _ _ __ i c. Fm-eign Familie.L.!..!t.~ Nationalities_______ .......... :Nope __ subver~ive~---- d. Negro .. .... o....'fo e. Slufting or ln{iltration __ Inf'il tration __ pf. __ l}Ubv_ersive.races.__ensroachl)lent.. of ___ il;'ldustry ..... and business a real threat. 2. BUILDINGS, ... 90 .% PREDOMINATING a. T,pe and Size 5 & 6 rooms b. Corutniction Frame & stucco c. AWTage Age d. Repair e. Occupancy f. Owner-occupied ...oo.,,•_______ g. 1935 Price Bracket $ 37fP-0000 ________ %.:.~~!!I.~ h. 1937 Price Bracket $ 4;_()00-_9000 ;. 19.39 ................. Price &acket t.999Qc!/~Q .... j. Safes Demand k. Predicted Price Trend l. 1935 Rent Bracket m. 1937 Rent Bracket (next 6-12 months) OTIIER TYPE -··-·~ ·--····· r. _J, Jita<i..L..... $ .30-40 ·-··- %change ,tchange ............% n. l~.:P.__ ............... Rent Bracket o. Rental Demand ··-~ ..G:9.9..9.-,_ _ _ _ _ __ p. Predicted Rent Trend ,Sit~.ti_c .. ~!L~ard. (next 6-12 months) 5 & 6 rms. 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (po.,1 y,.) No......~ ......... T,r,, & Price J.§.l/l9::t/.QQQ...How S<iung .9wner built 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (....~ .. y,J a. HOL.~-~4~-- b. Institutions. ____~;! .._ a. HOLC..... 13 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (!93.ll,,} 1939 8. $..liZ.,.79. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level \vi th no construction hazards. Land improved 90%. Zoning permits mu1 ti-family dwellings. Conveniences are all readily available. This area was subdivided some 20 years ago and development was very rapid. Construction ranges from good to substandard with some 11 jerry building11 • Maintenance is very spotted, being fair to good we st of Las Palmas Ave. and poor to fair in balance of area. Thi s, to gether with wide range in a ge of improvements, gives the area a heterogeneou s aspect. Population, 15 to 20i of which are Jevlish, is inharmonious and indications are that it \1ill become rrore so. While thes0 are comparatively fe.v multiple fa...-iily structures, the area being prcpondcrontly single family duellings, tho trend is to,1ard that tYPe of improvement. In fa.ct, with lot values around $40 per front foot, construction of 5 & 6 room cottages is hardly practical, even at prevailing high rentoJ.s. This rentru. situation has been largely the result of increasing employment in the rootion picture and broadcasting studios located. in close proximity to t he area. Regardless of favorable p:dice trends tho desirability of tho aroa from the standpoint of single family })6mes is downward, and, in view of the numerous unfavorable factors, tho area ts-"'itccordea a n1ow yellow 11 grade. 9. LOCATIQN ......•l!oJ.LYJ,QQ<L_........ _ ... SECURITY GRADE ..3rd ...s. ARF.A NO•.•..G,,.85. DATE.2/2.!,/.;39 266 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of_____!,.2.!._Ang!M.§!LC9J¥.!~L- - 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing- ~- - - - - Dttttasing..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sraric~ Small business & professional. men, white collar workers, picture & radio studio erqplovees Income $1 Brnb.$2fil0 b. Class and Oo:upation--8.Qlli.n c. Foreign Familics .. ___ _Q_~ e. Shifting or ln/£LI:acial_ Naeionalio,·,__ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ a threat. 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING _f1f,.1, b. Constrnction c. Average Age Occut»ncy Frame & stucco __ Mul tip_ l e structures 10:$ __ 16_y~s~ - - - - - f. g. 1935 Price Bracket $_=00Qll._ ~.~ h. 1937 Pria Brcicket ~ OOQQ:,l!QQQ ___ - k. Pr«!U:tm Price Trend {next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Brackt:t $ 45-5L______ 1937 &n, B"'""" $55-60 ......·- ·······-··· 19.3.9._______ Rent Brackec $ 50-.QQ_______ o. Rental Demand ...Go.QJ~-- - - - - p. Prtdicced Rbtt Trend _ Static to downward ___ _ n. _J_ _ Fair_ to__,goo9,_ _ __ cl Repair e. OTHER TYPE _ L_a,m:_~____r_W .d.en.c.e.s. ___;;s_ a. T:,pe and Site -~ _s_1;.~J;l.~__ :t.2.__.dQ.\mrmr_Q._ _ %change ...........% --- ~ (ntxt 6-12 months) {,change .......... % --~ 5 & 6 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTTON (pa.,,,,.) Na_ ..!L __T,p, & P r i c e ~ o w S<lling~~.L 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL~ - 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES l ..~_,,.) a. HOLC-J.Q_ _ _ bs ~4_ _ _ b. Jn.,Olutioru-=- - - ln.m"'"°"'--·!,!ony·_···-· 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, _ _ .Ampl•--·-···· 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.!b) $...liil...7Q....- 1939 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain : Leval with favorable grades and no construction hazards, Land improved 90%. Thero are no deod restrictions and zoning vnri es from singl<rfamily to multiple family rosidontial. ConvE11icn cos oro all road.Uy a vail a bla. This area \1f.lS subc1.ividcd soma 20 years ago and hci.s developed into a district of medium priced ono-s.tory homos. Construction ia of standard qunl ity but there is ovid onco of somo "J orry building11 in tho ol dor rosidenCos. Maintenance is generally good, particularly in the southorn portion and section \7cst of Ardon Ave. , \7hcro p ride of O\morship is qui to ovidcnt. The presooco of a number of 4 fomily d,1oJ.lings and some largo apartmen t houses detra ct from tho gencro.l appearonce of the area. There are somo scatterod ltisl and 11 dovolopmcnts uhoro irrprovemon ts Ol5c of hi&hor quality and rooro dcsirabl e; thes e , hor,ovor, are too sllllll to eogrogo.te. Populution of a rea. is mixed nnd is only horrogcnooue in sections. Tho motion picturo studios on the northorn boundary favorably affect values and rentals . The recent l ocation of a radio can ter in tho vicinity has also boon a favorable influence. a cence to tho 11 red" o.roo. to tho north constitutes a trond of an infiltration of subversive r~cial cl.em.ants. While dofini tely declining as a ,1holo, many parts of this aroo. aro still desirable and for this reason it ia assigned a 11 high yollow 11 grade. 9. LOCATION.• _-==..__-··· SECURITY GRADE-o.r.o...± AREA NO.J,,aJi_ DATFZ/.~ 267 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of_ _ Ji9..~_,Ml_gQU)~_9.Q_i,w._~x._.__ _ 1. POPULATION: b. Clan and a. Increaring _ _ Slou!Y.._ ____ Decreasin,...,__ _ _ __ ~~ Sta,;c _ _ Business & profcssiono.l men, high class l1hite collar Occupation c. FOTeign Fa1nifies_ , '7orkers, etc. 0_~ Income $25'0-$0000 Nationalities _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Shifting or In/iltration __ Infiltrat_ion _of._Jtm1sh ,.familie1! Je not~ceablo,~·- - - - - - 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING ~J a. Type and Siu 2 & 4 fomily dnelling~_ b. Construction .~PJ.cco c. 12 Atltl'age Age OTHER TYPE Si}lgl o-frunil':L _______ ~~-~P~!:J!.'!9.lJ.~.... 49.:µ&~.~-- .... J?,%.. __ d. e. OccMpam, g. 1935 Price Braclctt L9QOO-lb.QQQ.__ ic1ia~! h. 1937 Pnc, B,nck,t llOOO-l SJ200 __ j, SaltJ Demand _Slow~- - - - - - - k. Pndicttd Pnc, T ttnd (nen 6-12 months) 1935 &n, B,ack,t .fil;U;.;,.,.k,.Jl,<L..__, U.<>e!>l...J,.e,:..-1,ni:t_ %,hang, 1937 Rent Bracket $ 40- 75 __ _It - -··· 11 ·-·· n. .l.S.3.9..______ Rent .&racket ~.3Q=.'Z.Q_.!!_____!!...__ o. Rental Demand ______'f, ...•. %. _ __ 1 p. 3. Prtdictcd Rent Tttnd Static to do·.m'ilard __ (nut 6-12 months) Duplex NEW CONSTRUCTION {pa.,t ,,.) N, ....?____T:,p, & Pnc,~.§QQ____ How S.lling~..~~~£!L.. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HO·~- - " ' - - - b. 1~ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (...~...,,.) a. 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, H0•~ ---"' 2 _ _ _ b. l ~ 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (l918c-..) 1939 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, .AnJ>le $_g.1.Q...... ___ _ Torrain: Level uith favorable grades. No construction hazards, Land improved 90,,;. Doed restrictions permit mu.ltiple-fomily structures and protect against subversive racial elements. Zoning is nrulti- family residential . Conveniences of highest quality are all readily available. This area was subdivided about 18 years 8,f'P and has developed into one of the best and mat popular muJ. ti- family districto in t he city. The predominant type of improvgnent is duplexes generally of ? to 8 room units and quadruplexes of 5-room units. Construct ion and maintenance are of excellent character and architectural designs are harm:,hious. Population is of the u;,per medium income group, approximately 2oi of which are Jewish families , The southern half is considered roore desirable and CO!IQllldS bettor rentals than the northern part. This is probably on account of its proximity to the widely known 11 Miracle Milelr trading aroa along Wilshire Blvd. Land value s nro firm and vacant lots havo sold as high as $].00 per front foot. Tho apartment houses in the area aro l argely located in the southwest pa.rt. Tho block cast of La Brea A.vo. between 2nd & 3rd Sts. • which has long boen occupied by a horticultural nursory, is now in process of being subdivided. Deed restriction s ho.vo not as yet been disclosed . This aroo, if Jud.god from the standpoint of dooiro.bility o.s n multi-family rosidontial district , would bo given a high bluo gra.d.0 1 but as a single family area it is accorded a 11 high yollo\t 1 grade. 9. LOCATION_!lollYllOod Dis tri ct SECURITY GRADE...3<.cL+ AREA NO..Jl,llJ...... DATEZ/2-31.39 268 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of__L_Q...$.....@£~-~-~-_QQ_w.:i,~---- ~:t-;~!:-· 1:;~:hi l. POPULATION: a. Incrpa;!;fessional & bus:in·e·;s te collar workers, b. Class and Occupation service worker_h_~~.9.:.... _-1!1.£2.!!'!!~L.ih.~J.9.=~8?9-.!__\ ; P . _ , ~ - - - c. Foreign Familia __ .9_~ Nacionaliries _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ d. Negro ______ Q__ ~ Infiltration of subversive racial elements & encroach:nent e. Shifting or Infiltraricn _Q!__~\!.l!!.?.!;lJ~.!L.?.:..JM..~t~- - -- - - -- - - - - - - - 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING a. Type and Size 5-? rooms b. Construction Frame_ & -~_tucco c. ___!:Qi, Average Age cl. Repair e. Occupancy /. Oumer-occupied g. h. OTI!ER TYPE __fil ...L?X€;el.Y.... frame _ 25 ..Years~----Fair~ - - - - - - _______ .l,l,,__ _ _ _ _ __ -~~-,..,_ __ 6Q,.,.,________ 1935 Price Bracket $ 4750- 6500 $ 6000-8000 1937 Price B=ke, $ 5000-7000 f. 6500-8500 l~3~----·-··-···-Pric' B,acke, $ 5000-7000 $ 6000-8500 j. Sales Demand __ POOJ;' It. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 month.s) 1935 Rent Bradcet !~-9Q___ .. ___ _ $.Jij;-9() $55-80 $80-110 50-75 $75-100 L m. 1937 Rent Bracket to faj.r__ _ __ n. 1.~.9~-----·-····Rent Bracket $ o. Rental Demand Fair __ to_~go=od~- - - - p. Predicted Rent Trend Static to slowly dorm•,mrd %_change ··-···-·% -- ___f _ Poor __ n t above prices ·-··-·----·· js change Fair _Dowward _{.g_Q_w:l::t:L __ (next 6-12 months) 5 & 6 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION {past yr.) No...-~. .....Type & Price $5500-$7000 How Selling 0..mer built 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOLC. ...... ~ .. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIF.S (..3..,,.) a. 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS~·- b. lnstitutions_-~y~-- HOL-~- ~4~ - - b. lruti-ru-~Man=y~-- ~AJ5>=l=•-- 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 ~i~:1 $§l,.7.Q____ _ 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level with no construction hazo.rds . Land improved 95%. Deed restrictions if they ever existed expired , and zoning is mu.l ti- family residential. Conveniences are all roo.dily available. This area wo.s subdivided ubout 30 years o.go and has dcvolopod wi th.out o.pparent direction. Originally u single-family district tho presen t trend is distinctly to,,ard residcnt iol income properties of various t ypos o.nd sizes. Construction vo.rics from standard to 11 jorry buil t 11 o.nd"tcnruico, whil e generally in qW:Uity, is spotted. Improvements arc hotcrogcnoous in chnro.ctor ranging from single story bungolo\vs to old 8 o.nd 10 room d,;-rnllings and rrw. ti- fumily structures. West of Gramorcy Place in southern part homes ore uniformly large a..'ld outioodcd but fairly ma.intained and lnrgely O\mor occupied. PopuJ. ntion is zroro hornogenoous th.on varying types of impro vem.mts ,1ouJ.d indicate. While dcfinitoly docl.ining and largely lucking in uppclll., it is thoue;ht t hn.t t his area ,,ill rosist threatoned ra.ciol infil tra.tion ruid oncroachmont of busi11.css for n number of t o come. It i s therefore accorded a 11 mcdia.l yollo\111 9. LOCATION West of Wcs:to>:lL..._. SECURITY GRADE--.. ~•-~.. AREA NO_C,,JlJL DA~r,/;;9 bet. T1ilshiro to Beverly AREA DESCRIPTION S;ecurity Map of_.J.J?..t..Mg~..~!_ Q.9.wi,J.~- - - ar~i~:~, ~e l. POPULATION; a. Incr~ified white workers, small busi;e~··ruid b. Class and Occupation ...H, professional men.J_ ____ Jn£.O~~-$.!.?.QQ::~~~0_ _ _ _ _ _---cN;;-o-n_e_ d. Negro.~_Q}!!ti Z. BlJll.DINGS, a. Type ttnd Site b. Construction c. Average Age d. Repair e. Occtcpanc, PREDOMINATING -~Q_fo OTHER TYPE ·--~-- & 6 rooms __Fr~e ...~ ... stucC9 ___ 20Jears~ -- -- - _J7%~ - - - - 35% g. 1935 Price Bracket $.3000-0000________ 1, cluznge h. 1937 Prico B,adret ~ .3WJ-5EO0 ...............% J.~-~---·····-····-···Pnce Bracket ~ 3750-5500 ....% j. Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Tnmd (next 6-12 montlu) Fair ___Static 1935 Rent Bracket m. 1937 Rent Bracket n. .l.9.3.9:. ___________ Rent Bracket o. Rental DeTMnd p. P,-edicted Rent Trend %chanie \(change $35-EO ........ % -----.% ..........% ___% Good~ - - - - - - - - - - (next 6-12 months) 5 & 6 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION {Jxut y,.) No...l,9.Q ....T,p, & Pri<eJ.i1l.QO-=.i®.QQ...How Selling .. M~d-~,.~.,~L 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOI~ -~1~7_ __ b. Inslittttioru_ ......~.Y-··-··-- 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (...S...:,,.) a. HOLC - ......... 19 b. 1nst:itution.L_..J¥.IP.:Y...... 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,-....- .•~ ,.~.......... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.!,:) $_5ce_._7,9______ _ 1939 8. DESCRlPTlON AND CHARACIBRISTICS OF AREA, "!!orr~n: · Laval with favorable and no construction hazards . Land iIJt>roved 90%, There are no deed restrictions and zoning , while ma.inly single-family, also permi ts all ty-p es of multi-family residential structures in differen t parts and is also 11 spot zoned11 for bu siness and provides for numerous institutional developments. ri.w of the lorge3t hospitals in the city are located within the area. Conve.>J.iences are o.11 readily available. This area was originally largoly occupi ed by the old Sullivll!l Farm ond ,ma subdivided appro::cimntoly 25 years ago. Divided by und surroW1d.od \Yith business thoro~orcs t his far-flung area contains a miscclluncous orruy of mu1 ti- family residential development; however , tho predominating ty-po of r usidonco is 5 & 6 room dwellings •1,hich are genero.lly of stond.ard construction und fairly uell maintained. It is to bo one of tho community's best rental districts. Rwrors of scattered J.;iponose and Negro residents were not confirmed as nono ware located except upon the business thoroughfur cs. Thero is a concentration of Jm1iah frunilies between Melrose a.'ld Sunta Monica Blvd. of Wostorn Avenue. Tho population in gcnerD.l is hetorogeneeus, as is also the aspacts of the improvernonts .. . There is a pcrconto.go of O\mer occupancy and many homos still occupied by origincJ. ovmors. There is a docidod trend at presont touard busines s and incomo proporties; ho,,cvor, it is thought that the mo.jar pa.rt of the aroo uill remain predominantly single-family for many to come. The area is accorded a 11 modial yellow 11 9. LOCATION. __ Jll'>Jl.U!oll:mo.9.o......... SECURITY GRADE._e.r.L . AREA No--9:,_~JL. DATF21g§fJ9 270 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of__ J•.2.!Ll\11..B:~~§l_._99.~YL..---·· 1. POPULATION: a. Incresktfied b. Clan and Occupati.on Foreign Fami!ieL...Ji___~ c. e. Shi/ting 2, 01 In{iltTation Nationalities __________JJ_aj,__:!-:.@.~~&~J=""~s~- - emplot~~·;-etc~ d. Negro._!{Q!!-.~-~ kno1m __ _?~,i PREDOMINATING 5 & 6 rooms T1t>e and Size ~.rrune & stucco b. Construction c. te-~f5~ whi workers, civic Income $1200 to $2000 Infiltration of J~anese_&_ N~oes _is a _th~ea,-t_ _ __ BUJLD!NGS, a. a!~~:!:s, Average Age !'.c .ir d. Repair e. Occupancy g. 1935 Price Bracket i 3000-3800 %change h, 1937 Frie, Bmcket $ 3300-4200 ..,,.,,... }, $ 3000- 3800 ·-······-· __ i. 19.39 ......._______ Price Bmcket j. Sales Demand le Pudkred Pric, '1,charige .%. Trend (next 6-12 mmuh.s) 1935 Rent Bmcket $~2~5--~3~5~ - -- m. 1937 Rent Bracket ~.?..?.~-~::'.2.?..!.~ -- . ..!Q % .JQ__ J, n, .l.'@.Q.~---·-·-······Rent Bracket $ 25-35 o. Rental Demand ___Poo~r_ _ _ _ _ __ p. Pudicw! Rent Trend _]?:;l ;m·?ard,_ _ _ _ __ (next 6--12 months) 5 & 6 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa.,t yr.) No.....-.~---·-·.T::;pe & Prio' $4500-$6000 . ...-1, How Selling M£~-~~E.!~~1'-···- 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOLC....... .9 . b. lruritutioru Many 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (..~....yr.) a. HOL. ~ - ~ - - - b. Institution, Many 6. MORTGAGE FUJ,.nS· Limited ,,, 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.~ 1939 $~.•.ZQ.. 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACfERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Hill tops and slopes with steep gro.des , some running ns high ns 20~. Uany construction Land irrproved ?O~ ou t of a possible BO%. Deed restrictions onct. zoning: provide lo.rgcJ. :t for single fo.mily dmlil ings ',7i th nruJ. tifrunily permitted in parts. Convenienc es all readily available. This area was subdivir> cd some 23 years ago to provide homes for people of roodost meuns uho cie sired closo-in hill sido properti es . The area ,1ns popular during the building boom. of the rai0dlo 20 1 s and developed rapidly. Constru ction is generolly good and Ill.:lintcnonce , vrhilo spotted, is fair . Architectural. designs are unattractive, beine ln.rgoly of the fl a t roof box d esign. Ho s t of the streets narrow and ,1inding, nxi.ny of them terminating o.t the cr est of the bluff on the northern boundary. Tho populution is said to be homogeneous . There arc a number of rnuJ. ti- family dwellings in tho l0\7or parts of tho o.roo . While t hero lms b een building activity since the advent of FH.A financing, the area is definitely declining nnd, o.s more attractive locations of similar character arc no\7 available , it is not bol ioved thllt a higher thon 11 modial yellow 11 is warron tad. 9. LOCATION East Holly,,ood _ SECURITY GRADE....~r.!!..... AREA NO-.~SlL DATF:Jb./.;l'; 271 AREA DESCRIPTION a. Increasing 1. POPULATION: Moderately Decreasing__ __ _ _ _ Static-.•----·- b. Class and Occupation Skilled artisans and white-collar workers. c. FOTeign Families------~--_% e. Income $1200-$2~0 Nationalitie,~--~R~u=•~•1=·an=•------ Shi/ting ar Infiltration ______________________~N=on=eapparen~t~------- - - - - 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING 90% 01HER TYPE 4 to 6 rooms a. Type and Site b. Construction Frame __ & _stucco ____ _ c. A1,erage Age _20 __yea,,rs,___ _ _ __ e. Occupancy .~7.1,_ _ _ __ _ __ f. Owne,-occupkd .19%.... - - - - - - g. 1935 Pric:e Bracket $ 2000- 4000 __________ h. 1937 Prici:! &acket $ .2250.-4500 Fair i. 1939 ............. Price Bracket i . ~?.!?.?.:::.1.;:QQ___ j. Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months} 1935 Rent Bracket $ 20:-_35 -----·-··--··-·· 1937 Rent Bwicket $ 25-10 .... n. l~~----··-·-·····Rer.t Brackec $ 25-10 o. Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 nu>ntru} l. ~-<?.~.i:!~~- ........... % .%. ..............% ·--% Fair __ ,fil_~_gg_~!]_,,1;P:-YM..9:.. __ '.%...<?.~~-~~ ..? ... %. $_ _ _ _ __ ..........% ·-···-"' _... - ... %. §..1;.ti,:H__g _ _ _ _ _ __ 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION {prut "JT.) No..... 9.9. . ___ .Type & Price -~-!:~§.r..l-49.9.9 ..How Selling ....M9..1:fil".{!.tiLY.. _ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (...3 ... ,,-.) 6. MORTGAGE RJNDS,_.,',J>lJ?J~....... a. HOL. ~ - - 4 ~ - - b. lrutiturions_.,_._F..s!!L_ a. HOLC...... . ... b. Institution.s ______ _..F.!?.Yr. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (1936a) $.!2?.Jl.Q 1939 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Rolling to steep hillside. Some construction hazards. Land improved 55% out of poss ible total of BO%. Deed restriction s, if they ever existed, have expired. Zoning per-wits multiple-family structures. Conveniences all readily available. This area was subdivided. soma 25 years ago and marketed as a medium priced ,,orkingmans di strict. It ,vas more or less static for a number of years but has recently experienced ron01;1ed activity. Irrprovements are principally rrodest single family duellings , but there arc a number of slTlrul apartment houses , bungalow courts and multi- family dwellings largely hlong Echo Park Ave. The mixture of ol d and new construction causes a \1ide range in age and architectural t;ypes and gives the district a h~terogoneous aspect. While maintenance is of fair quality, obsolescence is nevertheless qui to noticeable, Populn.tion i s largely native born Russians of .A.mcricon parcnt~e with but li ttlc probability of subversive infiltration. Recent ne,1 constru ction has been of substantial uroount and distinctly better qunlity and design, 001d indicates an upv,a.rd trcmd; and, for this roe.son, the area is accorded a 11 low yellon 11 grade. 9. LOCATION .Elysiru1 Park SECURITY GRADE ..i.r.!l...c AREA NO-.Jlc.91 . DATE2./.27/39 272 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of_..... !a£~----~-~eles County b. a. Increasing_, ______§.:1:.Q.:~lz...... _____ _ Decrea.sin,.____~~~,-------- Static _______ _ Retired capitalists, business & professional men , and Jr. Clau and Oxu,paaon __ executi ves...___Jncome $2000'---"'---""~--- - - - - - - c. Foreign Families __Q__~ 1. POPULATION: e. Shifting M Nationafi.,•"--- -= -- - - - - - - Infilnation __________ ........ - - - - - - 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING _ '!Q_:}. a. T,pe and Site lQ ro9ms ____________ _ OTilF.R TYPE Apt. houses, flats bun_gl.ow __ ct:& _ &. multi- __ b. Coruo-uaion ..__ family resi dences,.i.ol<........ . c. _2 5__ x=ear=•- - - - - - _5 __ to _l0 -1:ears ______ _ AWTage Age d. RepaiT e. _Q9_q_!i_ __ _ __ __ Occupancy .rY.ll.i.c.ol.J.."4..,.m--=il.-- Owne,-o=pi,d · <>g"om~i-n~al~- - - - - ....1!\lJ..t.!.~!amilY. .mY.el.U.n&e•. g. 1935 Price Bracket $ 6000-10 1 000 %change $ 13, 000-36, 000 h. 1937 Price Bracket $ 6000-1!.L0OO ··-··- ________ 1, $ l 7, :,J0.-42~000 _ _. __.!,_ .l.9W .............. Pric, B,a,k,t $. 6;i90~11,000......... ........ '1, $ 16,000-40, 000 ____ _,,, j. Sales Demand ..Eoor-excwt _at __ sacrific~ k. Pwlicred Pric, T,end _Static_ _ _ _ _ __ (n= 6-12 month.,) 1935 Rent Bracket $ 60- 80 __________ 1937 Rent &acket $..65-90 ---·-·-·---··--· ...l.0.....% n. .19.3.9.. .._ ....... Ren, B,a,ket $ 65-90 _____ . ..l.O...'.i, o. Rental Demand - - -- -- 1, change .. _Poor _to _fai r _ _ __ %change .l'.O.O.L .l!>..ia-- - - - Predicted Rent Trend ..S..ta.ti.~- - - - - .llo.\m ..(J.aoi<....o.f_dema.ud)._. (next 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No._____ .Q ........Type & Price - - ~ -~rnow Selling - ~ - - p. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL~- ~ - - - b. !Mm<twru_ .....E.o:,r. _ _ _ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (...3... :,,-.) a. HOLC........J.~ 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, ___ .AIJ!pl.o.......... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (19~) $.f>3~79... 1939 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level witil favorable grades and no construction hazards. Land in:proved 9 5% of possible 100~. Deed restrict ions are expiring and zoning varies from single-fami l y to unlimited residential. Conveni ences are all readily available. Th is ax:ca co rl!)rises several subdivi sions which were placed upon tho market from 1904 to 1910 ru1d dovoloped into part of Los Angolos' IIXlst excl u sive resi dential district, Owing to its v ery favorable location , when deed restrictions begnn to exp i re some 10 year s ng-o , multi- family structui·os b egan to appear. The transition from an excl u sive s ingl o-,family neigtlborhood to a residential income district is procooding in ouch an orderly manner ond the nmcr structures are? so nearly in keeping with the neighborilood that thero has been a minimum disturbance of singlefamily r esiden tial values . Theso multiple housing structures said to be the m::,st uniform and well - bu ilt in the city. The area is surrounded by major arterial~ upon whi ch ou tl y ing bus iness establishments nre located. 'Ihird Ave., ;1hich travers es the area, whil e not a busin ess street , is an arterial thoroughfare and n trn.ffic hazard. Whil e 8 to 10 room 1nonsions ar c scattered thro ughout tho area, practically all improvemen ts in the district north of Third and west of Normandie Sts. arc of this type. In tho district north of First St. between Kenmore lllld Normandio Aves., ther e is a concentration of \i'eJ.l constructed 5 room bun@llo,1s, having an nvcrage age of 20 years. Construction, mainten001 c e and architectural designs of all types of inprovcments arc of cxcellont quality. While the area is definitely declining from tho standpoin t of single fomily dwollings, it is felt 9. LOCATION Wilshire SECURITY GRADE...~1'.<\..t AREA NO.....G=~il ... DATEZ/2Jll.;l9 ( Con,tinued on next page) 273 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of Los Angeles County DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA.: (Continued) t hat owing to the established character of the neighborhood, its favorable location and the economic stability of its home ovmers, it will remain a desirable residential district for many years to come. The area is therefore accorded n !!hi gh yel low 11 grade. LOCATION ITil shire SECURITY GR.ADE~ARFA NO. ~ DATE 2/28(39 273-a AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL_.~ ..~2.~..A!!seles County a. lncreasin~ -Decrea.sin -Static .....!.~_f!_. Retired -and active business & professional men, white-collar Income $20QQ...L_~---------- 1. POPULATION: b. Class and Occupaeion _____~-~~~..t etc. c. Foreign Famifies___ ___q:_f Nationalities ..... ................ ~_one __ subversive~--- 2. BUILDINGS, a. PREDOMINATING ....00 .,'f, 8 to 10 rooms T'JPe and Sire OTliER TYPE 25 % Apt. houses, mul t:i:famiiy . &___ bungalow __ CC?~_ts ________ _ Brick & stucco b. Corutructum c. Average Age d. Repafr ,. Occupancy .9..~}ac__ _ _ _ __ f. Owner-occupied .;9ic......__ _ _ _ __ 1935 Price Bracket t~QQe90QQ .... h. 1937 Price Bradret f.4®0cJO,Q09 .... .... $.20,000-J,f;(),000. .r~_q_"p_ ~ 4000-1:0,000 $ 20,000-150,000 Poor .... Price Bracket '%change $ 20.LO.Q.0-:JSO._OOO_ %change g. ....- ..... % j, Sale, Demand Poor k. Predict.ed Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket "-$-"'.-0,c-~7~5_ __ _ '!,change $ 30-100 .......15% $.. ,l5-lQ0 .............% $ 35-90 ..... - % Static Static 1937 Rent Bracket $..~~5-c..~90~--- n. .l.9..3iL ..... ______ Rent Bracket "-$__,4=-5-~9~0_ _ __ o. Rental Demand Poor Predicted Rent Trend .s~t~•~t1~ · c~- - - - - ....Decl_inin.~----(next 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No.....9. .... ....Type & Price _ _ _ ___now Selling _ _ _ __ p. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL,\..,.__ _4.:__ _ b. lnstitutio,..,___..,Fccecc.w_ _ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (..3.. a 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS· ,,..> 3 _ _ b. Institutions_ ......... Few ___ _ HOL,e,.__ _ .:_ Limited 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193\lc) $.e?,§Q.............. _ 1939 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level with grf.l.dual grades. ·Uo construction hazards. Land improved 95%. Deed restrictions have expired. Zoned to perrni t lllUl tiple unit residential structures. Conveniences are all readily available. This area was subdivided between 1900 and 1905 and was originally highly deed restricted and developed into one of the best residential scctionc in tho city. Upon expiration of deed restrictions, construction of residential income structures nas very rapid. At present the · eastern part between Coronado and Al varndo Sta. is predominuntly high-class multifamily structures. 'Jest of Coronado in;irovcrncnts are largely old sing].1rfamily residences, many of which still in originul. O\mership. In this section construction, mo.intcnancc arc of excellent qunlity and lend charm to th~ district. Third St. is an arterial thoroughfare nnd is a trq.ffic ho.zurd, Recently, vacancies in nrul ti-fnmily structures is said to shom1. considerable increase and rentals in the higher priced apartments have dropped 10% or roore, Tho trood of the aroa is decidedly to\mrd income structures and its appeal as a single-family residential district is dofinitoly declining. The area is accorded a 11 medial yollo\v11 grade. 9. LOCATION Lafayette Park SECURITY GRADE.....~.n\..... AREA NO.....Ce.$.o.... DATE3LZZ/.:J9 274 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL_.- ~~-~- ~-~eles County a. Increasing -.Decreasin&------"----- Stafic .. _!!:l~ Business & professional men, white-collar workers, skilled b. Class and Occupation artisans..1. etc. _Inco~ ~200-$2\)00,___ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Mostly Italians - fe,1 Russians, c. Foreign Familie.s.....!.Ll NationalitieL.....M~.i..G.a.P..s._a,u_Q,_.J.®.3~--- d. Negro ____ J _____ %._ 1. POPULATION: e. Shifting or Infiltration _ _ _ _ _,_._n.r,i.t,~_t.i.on...oJ __!i.~L-·--····------- ···- 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING _19. ____'f, OTHER TYPE AP ts~ __,_f}.a,ts~ bunga19.W ..~.ts Frame, brick, stucco & ..A..e.tnfo_;r;:~ed con~a:.e.t.e_________ _ b. Com"""""' c, Average Age d. Repair e. Occupancy f. Owner-cccut,ied g. 1935 Price Bracket i.;3~0-6000 %change $ Various h. 1937 Price Bracket $ 4000-6500 ........% .J, $ of from poor ___ to __ f{l.irc __ _ __ ..N.Qn,e_JQlQL.:O~ - - - - '1-,c~nge A \1ide ~read - - -- ___'(, $ 4Q_9()-~EO j. Saks Demand Poor Poor to fair k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket Static -~ta tic L$~30~-~6~0_ _ __ -·- ·_1 $fo,000-150,000 ~ l.9.39... .. . -······Price Bracket i. 'I change $ Various %, change ranging from n. J.~.~~.. ·····-······Rent Bracket ......... ..% t~?-~60~- - - _ __ % o. Demand Fa_ir,_ _ _ __ __ _ m. 1937 Rent Bracket $ 20-100 ~~3~5-~65~- - - p. Predicted Rent Trend SJ:;13,_t,J._c;__ _ __ __ (next 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa,,,..) No....... .9. . .....T,p, & P,;c, _ __ up ............... % $ 20..90 ·--"' .F_f!ir.__ _ _ _ _ __ ..S.t.a:t.:t.._c_ _ _ __ _ _ _ How 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOL....__ __,_4_ _ _ b. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (...S...:,,J a. HOL.<--- ~2~- - Selling _ _ _ __ Institutions_ ... _.Fen··-··-·· 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_....J,J.!ll~:\."4.... . 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $JCXXJ (193.El,-) $.~,.$!). 1939 8. DESCR!PTION AND CHARACJ"ERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level to rolling with some sharp grades. No construction hazards. Lond improved 80%. Deed restrictions have expired. Zoned to permit multi-family inprovements with some locutions spot zoned for business. Convonicncos all readily ilo.blo. This nroo \Vas subdivided between 45 and EO years a.go, and 'wn.s at one time n. high- class residential section. It later became oil-producing torri tory ond many shallow oil wells were drilled . As those stopped producing, zoning ordinances rt erc enacted prohibiting this type of development. Since that time development hus been steadily toward mul ti-fwnily improvcmonts. These cover many sizes o.nd ty-pcs o.nd rru1.g0 from high-class apartment buildings to mediocre flats rutd bungalow courts. The area. is extremely spotted and both popul:.:i.tion and improvc,., icnts are heterogeneous. While some zections of this o.roo are definitely on the verge of blight ond infiltration of subversive races is m::ire than a threat, it is thought that a mrc nccurnto reflection would be given by according a "low yellow 11 grade. 9. LOCATION . .... J,os .An..! SECURITY GRADE.....:lr.d.~ AREA NO•..Jlc~A.. DATE2/2.Z/2,9 275 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL..._..LQJi.AnE.Ql..e.§....QQM.t;L __ _ I. POPULATION, a. lnmanng_._1,\1.l!.m;1o..L ......•,a,;ng__ _ _ _ _ _ _ s,,,,;, Factory \70rkers, artisans, railroad \.orkors, b. Class and Oc:cupation _____ _______ Jn_g~_J,_~ __$.L~QO::.$,W_,'l.\l__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ c. Foreign Familics._._9. ______%. Nationalities .......__,_ _ __ d. Negro ____Q.......%.. e. Shifting or In/lln-atwn _ _ _ _ _ _ _-"o.n.e. ..;c_en,.___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2. BUIWINGS, a. PREDOMINATING ....90 .. % OTHER TYPE !? __&__ 6_rooms _ _ _ __ T;1pe and Size b. ConstTUction c. Average Age d. Repair e, Ckcupancy .n:£ _______ f. Owne,--oro,p;ed .. %l,.e__ _ _ _ _ __ g. 1935 Price Bracket ~ ..2200-3500 _______ h. 1937 f\rice Bracket t2000- 375Q %..~~~,~.. .Jo ··············"' i. 19.39 ............ Price Bracket ~...?..f.9..9.~~.?..~..... j, Sales Demand _Poor. to ___ fa;ir_ _ __ k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6- 12 month,) 1935 Rent Bracket $ 20-35 -······ m. 1937 Rent Bracket n. J..9-39. .............. Rent Bracket o. Demand ···-··-% __.13 $__ 20-35____________ _ ............... % i,~20~-=35~--- . - ...13 ..fil..9c.:tt9,_ _ _ _ _ __ !>-7 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCI1ON (pa.,t :r,.) No.... 1./5 .. ..T,Pc & Pnce..$.49-Q.R,:$.§Q_()(). .. How Selling ...M<>.<!..e,t:!!_t_'1!L_ p. Predicted Rent (next 6-12 months) 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOL.<----"-0_ _ _ b. Institutions_ ... Many ·------ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (3...,,-.) a. HOL.'------"-0_ __ b. Institutions ........ _Mo,ny _____________ _ 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (!93.El:c) $..9?.,.$9 ...... __ _ 1939 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACrERISTICS OF AREA, 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS· Ample Torrain: Rolling to hillside and hilltop. Many construction hazards. Land iroprovod 65%. Zoning is single- family residential. Transportation is inudequata. Schools, churches and trading canters are reasonably availo.ble. Streets arc narrow und lots are irregular in shape. Parts of this area has been subdivided o.t various intervals over the past 30 ycnrs. The hatched section of the area is kno,m as ~it. Washington and has an exceedingly l'lJ&'gcd and broken terrain. Not to exceed 10% of this section is improved, althoU@l it contains many excellent vim, locations. The balance of the area has developed zoore rupidly. Population of o.roa contnins IllD.Il.Y rnilroa.d employees und is incl inod to be honogeneou.s . Archi tcctural d'Clsigns vo.ry grca.tly nnd construction is gcn erolly of a lo\,- stondard quality. Maintenance is spotted but usually of fair cho.racter. The area, whilo not dofini toly declining, apparc,.-i.tly has but li ttlo future, al though location is favorable. There is u wide variation in grades , running from 11 low11 to 11 high 11 yellow in different blocks. It is therefore assigned a 11 mediol ycll0\711 grade. 9. LOCATION .....Ysl:d2l£<?....QQ!ll."lE._.... SECURITY GRADE.....3.r.!l.... AREA NO•...Cc.9.5.. DATE;J./..6L35! 276 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of____ J.9..!LW$!1_~!!._Q.o~!L_- 1. POPULATION, a. l ~ e d ,.;~~~•• whit&-~ workers , small b u s i n ~ ~ b. Cl.wand Occupation professional men. Income $1200-$2400 c. Foreign Farnilies_ 5_~ Nationalitks_ _ __jf.9.p.__e_Jn!P_v:~...Qv~- - - - e. Shifting or ln/iltration~ - - -- - -- N.QD..e.JmP..rn,,___ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING _.!3.2__1 OTIIER TYPE _!~-~ 6 roo=m_ _ _ __ b. Construction c. A\leTage Age d. Rq>oir e. Clccupo.ncy Frame &.. eiucco .~.$_(0J.L•l.n!:l.e., •.s.1~- _mi,_ _ _ _ __ g. 1935 Price Brad(rt ! .?000--3500 h. 1937 Pric< B,ack,, $ 2700-3700 _ _ j, ;. l.S..3.a _··--··-Pric• 8'ackct $ 2700-3700 ·--- ··-··-·-·-j, j. Sales Demand l'N.~r_ _ _ _ _ __ k. Predictul Price Trend (n= 6-12 mont!u) 1935 Rent Bracka m. 1937 Rene Bracket Static ~..!.-=;,t~.. --........ n. J,Jt~...- .... ,... Renc Bracket$~~30 ~ - 40 ~--- o. Rmtal Demand ..........% ____,,, ......... % ___ __1 _QQ_od_ _ _ _ _ __ p. PTedicud Rent Trend _fil.tli"'c _ _ _ _ _~ (next 6-12 months) 5 & 6 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (J,a,t y,.) No-...?Q__T:,p, & Pria $4000-$500Q.Jiow S.Uing Moderately 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HO=- ~6~ - - b. I ~ 5. SAI.E OF HOME PROPERTIES t,_:l_y,.) a. HOLC.-_..1§. _ _ b. /nnmawn, _ ~ l- - 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, __.!,~~i-~~~······-···· 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (19:J!!:.) $lil~89•. 1939 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA Terrain: Rolling to hillsid.e and hill top. No construction hazards, Land iIIJ)roved Zoning is mixed but largely s ingle-family residen t ial.. Conveniences are all readily available. This area was subdivided over 25 years ago , and has always been a medium priced trict. Construction rongea from stnndard to substandard. Mo.inteno.nco is spotted but generally of go od character. Owing to wide ~e differential improvemen t s hll.vo an inhn.rtronious aspe ct. Popul ation is inclined to be hotoro g(Sl. ooua . I nprovomcn ts along Monte Vi sta st. and south ol der thnn balance of area. There is a section botwem Mesa Avo. Md P iedmon t, cast of Ave. 61 , which is of better qual ity Md of higher grade. This also might be of several sections in the north and western part of a rea. In fac t, grades run f r om 11 low11 to 11 h igb. 11 yollow in different parts. Tho line of the .Atchison . Topoko. & S.'.ln t o. Fo Railroad bisects the lower pa.rt of o.roo. and unfavorably affects that section , Location of a.roo is a fo.vorablo factor. Figueroa St. is on arterial highway and traffic hazard. The area is a.cco rdod n 11 modiol yellow 11 grade. aoi. 9. LOCATION __ ...!lighlond Park SECURITY GRADE..._e;_g,_. AREA NO....lc96 D A ~ 277 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of___ J:i.2.~--~gel es C.Oun ty 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing Moderately Decmuin&-----c~--c----c-- Sratic _____ _ Small business & professional men , artisans, laborers & b. Clan and O=paaon __ ~_SQ)l,µ-~..._ ....In.ol>..,_eJl.eQ_il=$_:,QQQ_&,_..~ - - - - c. Foreign Farnilit5]_~--~ Nationalities_ ----·-·-···-·No.n.e... aubY.e.r.siY.~ - -- e. Shifting or Infi!tranon _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ None appar_ent~- - - - - - - - - - 2. BUILDINGS, a. _..Z.~..1. PREDOMINATING 4, ... 5 T,Pe and Site OIBER TYPE _01 d 7 rooms ~up___ & 6 rooms 201_ __ Apt!,,.. __ & IID.1.1. t~-fami_~.Y....QS b. Corutruction _15 _years,_ _ _ _ __ c. Aw-rage Age d. R,pai, e. Occupancy f. Owne,-occup;,J g. 1935 Price h. 1937 Pnc, B,acke, i. +..~-~-1L ......______ ___ Price j_ Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (ne,z 6-12 mo,u/u) 1935 Ren, B,acket $2&-4Q _ _ _ _ _ . 1937 Rent Bracket ~.19 n. :\.9_3_9_ ......-....... Rent Bracket ~ c1=5_ _ __ o. Rental Demand ..Jlo.Q.."-- - - -- -- Bracket $2000-;00Q ...1' ·-·-·- .............. % ~000- 5000 Fair . Static %,hang, '/,change ...........% __ __j, Predict.ed Rent Trend .filati"--- - - - - (next 6-12 months) 5 & 6 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pas, :,,.) No...../;!l···-··T't>< & Pnc, .$4Zfil=$£QQQ.. Jfow S.lling _ R""'1i4..--··p. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL. ~ - ~ - - - b. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (...3...~J a. lnm!Ulioru_ ..Le1/...--.--···· HOLC ___ J.Q ...,. ______ b. lnstitution.s ____ ..F..e1'L 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,-.....Am!ll& ......... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (1937.c) $.1!l~'il' 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA Terrain: Level to rolling ; no construction hazards. Land improved 8~. Deod restrictions have exp i r ed . Zoning is mixed. Approximately 20~ singl o-family, 40% duplexes, 40% multi- family and apartments . i~inimum per family ground coverage; singl(?ofamily 5,000 sq. ft.; duplexes 2 , f:00 sq. ft ,; mul tiplos 600 to 1000 sq. ft . Regardless of zoning the area is over\vholmingly single-family dwellings. Conveniences are all readily available, including intor- urban sorvi cc to Los Angel os . This is t he original residen tial section of the city of .Alhambra and in llXlst sections is qui to heavily buil t up . Construction runs from substari.dard to standard and maint enan ce, while spotted , is generally of good quality. Population, irq:irovcmcn ts and arch i toctural designs arc inclined to be heterogeneous. The eastern plll"t of o.roa is IOOro sparsely scttlod and the greater po.rt of the now construction hns been in this section , While there is still a heavy percent of home ownership there is a strong tendency toward rental. properties. Thero four blocks east of Garfield north of Mission Road nhich contain 12 Negro families , who have lived in this locat ion for many years. This is the only Negro concentration in tho city and informed opinion is that this small settlemen t detrimentally affects only abutting blocks to the north and east. The arcn is so small that it \Tas tho11&ht best to treat it in this way rather thon by setting up a separate area. The area as a wholo is \7ell regarded and is assigned a 11 medio.l. yellow 11 grade. 9. LOCATION._._ Alhrunbra____·-·--- SECURITY GRADL.Jr.d.... AREA No_c,,,97_ oATEW/.?,9 278 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of--1t9_1L~.1Jl~.lLC.Q:iJn.!:L_ _ _ 1. POPULATION: e. a. Increasing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Decrca.rin,g__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static.-1Q..L- Shifting or ln/llLTation _ _ _ _ _ _~ ,»,al' ~ -- - - - - - - - - - 2. BUILDINGS, •... 90 .% PREDOMINATING c. Average Age Q_ld_ _ _ _ _ _ __ e. Oc:cup.:incy ~.~i_ _ _ __ OTIIER TYPE :P.2.9..r.___ _ _ _ _ __ f. Own,,«cupi,d ·~ - - - - - - - g. 1935 Price Bracket $ 000- 1000 _ .._ _ %,hang, h. 1937 Price Bracket $.700-l?Q0 ;. 1n~·····--··-.1'nu B=ket $ 700:-1200 ·-· ;. Demand Poor k. P,edia,d Pric, T,end (next 6-12 month.s) Static 1935 Rent llm,ket $ 5.00-lb.fiO___ 1937 Rene Bracket ~7.e"0- 15.00 _______ ..'!! n. l~.W.•...•....••. Ren, B,acket $7.E0-1§...Q.0 . __ ___1 o. Rmtal Demand Good_ _ _ _ _ __ ··, %change ;,change · · ·········"' --"' p. Predicted Rent Trend .St;;i._1;i.Q_ _ _ _ _ __ (next 6-12 mondu) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pan y,.) No.....9......T,pe & Priu _ _ _ _~,ow Selling _ _ _ __ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOLC... ....IL........ _ b. Jn,noaum.,_ ••.J:J>"····-··-··· 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.~ ..y,.) a. HOL.~- ~ - -- b. ln.m-nL•........F.OE 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,.-.-.lli>.n.o.•.•.•.... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (1932:) $5Z...:za__.. 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Torrain: Level. No construction or flood hazards. Land inprovcd soi. Conveniences nl l rro.dily available. This is an old blighted orca populated very largely by Mexican 1/l.OOrers \1ho so C!q:>lo ymcnt is highly seasonal. Improvemont'J nro uniformly nondescript - shucks , cvidancing no pride of occupancy. The nroa has many cho.ractoristics of a alum section ond is o.ccordod a 11 low rod 11 grade. 9. LOCATION Son Fernund.o SECURITY GRADE.~. ~;J>,.:- AREA N0_!1:.,... DATF.'§B,.fi/.29 349 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL_._,!,_C?.~...~g_fJ!..Q.§_.QQ.:w.i.tr_____ _ 1. POPULATION: b. a. lncrea.ring _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Decreasihg,~ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static __',(~- Class and Occupation c. Foreign FamifieL...J.!?_~ Fann laborers and orchard workers Nationalities__ ·----····MQ;.iJt:W.Ui:~- - - -- - d. N,gro ...•..JL.'!>. e. Shifting or Infi!tration _ _ _ _ _~,.Q;t).Jl...a,p.x:!a.r.en. ~- - - - - -- - -- - -- 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINA11NG --··- ~ OTHER TYPE __,,,. a. T ,Pe and Site b. Construction c. Atlel'age Age d. Rtpair e. Occupancy f. Owner-occupied g. 1935 Pr-ia Bracket ~cl,ange h.. 1937 Price Bracket ····-··.,, ..... Price Bracket j_ Sales Demand k. PwUcted Pme Trend (nm 6-12 mo,uh.,) L 1935 Rmt Bracket 1937 Rent Bracket o. ..............% '1,change ___···"',, $c.__ _ __ $_ __ _ __ Rental DetMnd Predict.ed Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past,,.) No ..... ........T,pe & ~--~~-.J?~Q.!!'.......How Stiling _ _ _ __ p. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOJ c~~o ~ - - b. Irutitutio, _ _~O_ __ S. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (....~ .. :,,.) a. HOLC.•..... Q.• ··---- b. lruti,.,.,,,,, _ _o_ __ 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_ .....~.2!'~ ................ 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.7,c) $ 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level. No construc tion hazards. Land irrproved 10i eliminating orchards. This is a :~exican settlement which has developed upon the locati on of an old abandoned subdivision \1hich was platted and promoted some 25 years ago as a high class suburban resort . The enterprise involved tho expenditure of considerable cap ital , but was unsuc cessful. The promo ters went broke and the subdivision was abandoned. Mexican fann l aborers n:oved in and oceuf)icd t he old residences and to day goats graz e in the streets and cactus plants aro g r ootly in evidence. The area has no residential significance .'.lnd is merel y set up as a matter of r ecord. Hatched 9. LOCATION.-..X~coin,,_f_~!L_.... SECURITY GRADE....4th ... AREA NO..lle2..•... DATE~ 350 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL_..L9_fJ.....AM'fil..~JL9.Q.Wl.tr_____ _ 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing _____ fil.~;l:..Y.__ .. ,.. _.... _______ Decreasi,,.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Suuic _____ _ b. Class and e>ro,panon __:f.~m laborers & ifPA _:«o rkers, . Inco~?;,OO,,:-::,$e,l,.,200"'----- - - - c. Foreign Families_ .19__ ~ e. Shifting or In{iltration______ 2. BUILDINGS, Naticnalities ____________..!~.~t~t@~-- - -- - - .... 85 % PREDOMINATING 4 rooms a. T1pe and Site d. N,gro .. __ 0 .••J ..JA.4t9.9.<.UJ2IL.W!i....~.~~---t1Li.~.~q_y_!p...__ _ _ _ __ OTilER TYPE 2 & 3 __ ro_Qms~ - - - - b. Constntction c. A\leTagc Age d. RepaiT ..:e.Q.Q.L..~ai-_ __ e. Occupancy ..ll.6,,.___ __ __ __ f. Owner-occupied ...:JO·., . - - -- _ --- %,iuc"{, g. 1935 Pric.e Bracket $1000-2000 ___ ···· h. 1937 Pria Brocket $1200-2250 . 1939 ..............Pria B,<><ktt $J.200-2,lf{) j. Sales Demand ..:Poor~- - - - - - - k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6--12 months} 1935 Rent Bracket $10-20 ······"' ............... % ---·--·--··· 'f,,chal!ge .......%. __.-1. o. Rmtal Denwnd __ Fair to __p;o9_d ~ - - - p. PTedicted Rent Trend _.;iJ_9,~ic _ _ _ _ __ (next 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No .....J} ___ ......T,t,t & Price_4 rm~EQ.9 ....How Seiling Owner built 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL~- ~ 0 ~• ._ _ b. ln.stia.aioru S. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.. _P.. y,.) a. Few ________ _ HOl C-~0~ - - b. Iruritutioru _____f_~------····- · 6. MORTGAGE RJNDS,~·-~o___ 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 ~i~it> $.J).o•.W. 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level. No construction hazards . Little or no flood danger. Land improved ?~. Zoning permits industry in southern part. Conveniences are all readily available. This is an old blighted area with a large Mexican labor popUlation. Construction is substando.rd to 11 sllackn. Maintenance is 11 spotted 11 and only fair ut best. Improvements along Erwin St, are of somewhat better quality, Proximity to indus try is rather a favorable influence. The area is accorded n 9. LOCATION 11 m(..>d.iol rOO.U e;rade. Van Nuys SECURITY GRADE...1~!L. .. AREA NO-l,:__L.. DATE'ei.?;?~ 351 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oLJ1_':>.§...~.iI™--~.!LQQ_W1!¥. _____ _ 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Decrea.sin,g.__ _ _ _ _ _ Static ..~ - b. Class and Ocmpanon~icul tural & canner.LJ!.Qrker~_comroon laborers, UPA workerA Income $600-$1000 c. Foreign FamilieL..?..U e. Shifting OT!tTalion_ 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING ._.J.'§_j, OTilER TYPE a. T,Pe and She b. Constniction c. ~cks .Fi:ame,_ _ _ __ __ Average Age d.R,poi, e. d. N,egro ____ JJt.i Nationalities_J!l'._~;J.9.~_!l_1Qf.;.::.J~Q§ :.Q..J.~ .E_9..9_;c___ _ _ _ _ __ Occupancy f. Owner-occupied ..lO•~--- - - - - g. 1935 Price Bracket $ 500-1000 %change h. 1937 Price Brocket $ 700-1200 · -- · % .BW..............!¼, B,ack,t $ 800- 1500 ············ ·%. ;. Sala Demand k. Predicted Price Trend L (n= 6-12 mondu) 1935 Rent Bracket $ 8-JJL_._ .. _... :/,.,.~~~• 1937 Renr B,acker $ 10-20......- .........- ..- . ........... '!, $c..__ _ __ ....... J, n. J.~~~--------·---Rtnt Bracket $ .l.Q-2CL...___________ 1' Sc.__ _ __ __..1, o. Rental Demand _Go~o~d_ _ _ _ _ __ p. Predicud Rent Trend ..SJ~~J.P~- - - - - - _____ ~'~! Static (next 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa,r ,,.) No ......0 ....._T:,pe & Price 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ,~.....:,,.) 6. MORTGAGE RJNDS,_...........0. . . How Stiling HOL 0 b. lnstituticMs 0 HOL 0 b. lnstitutio•u 0 ..... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.?c) $.li.?,..e.L.__ .. 1938 8. DESCRIITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level. No construction hazards or flood threats. Land in;iroved 85~ Convenimces are all readily available. This area is from 25 to 30 years old and many of the improvements are about that old. The district is utterly blighted from tho standpoint of residential. desirability. Population is made up 100'.% of subversive racial elements, with very meager incomes . Construction ranges from substandard to shack, The area is accorded a 11 low red 11 grade. 9. LOCATION_ ..Lnnkershim SECURITY GRADE..1.; )l..c AREA NO-l?::~-·- DATE'2i.?!2J~9 CAUTION: This area is currently affected in whole or in part by an Ad valorem Tax District. Individual properties should be checked for this hazard. 352 AREA DESCRIJYTION Security Map of_l.,.9_!3_~g_~filL.QQ.w._i..tr_ _ ___ _ 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing _ __ b. Class and Occupation Factory c. Foreign Familie, __I.Q!Lf _ _ __ Dtcreasin----- -- Static.._Yea __ work~~~;:bo$~t-;r~~sans & 17P,..,Ae..._ew,eorc,,ko,or'-'s'--- - - Nationalities_____________~~ls:M,.____ __ _ d. Negro ___ Q___i c. Shi/ting or Irifiltratron ..._._ . ...........lP.f.U, __ _;r,ac_o.a ..1.L.thr.eo..t,~---- 2. BUILDINGS, a. Type and Ske b. Construction c. Average Age PREDOMINATING .•• 95 ..% Frame 20 years __Fai~r_ _ __ __ _ d. Repair c. Occupancy -~~1,~ - - - - - - f. Ownc-occupi<d ...~9.~~ - - - - - - g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Pric, B,ack,, iJ. 700-2250 i. 1939.. ,.--····-······PTicc Bracket $20QQ-2000 j. Sales Demand k. Predicted Priu TTend (next 6-12 month.s) OTIJER TYPE 4 & 5 rooms 1,change .... ...~ .......... % .% ...- ...1 %change :(change Static 1935 Rent Bracket Uc.?.• 50-17. 50 1937 Rent Bracket V,_q.00- 20.00 ............% ..........1, o. Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend (ne.xt 6-12 months) ....S:t.aUc,_ __ __ _ 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa,, y,.} No .....? ......T:,pc & Pric, ..JLl!'l...$.?.~.Q.... .How S,!Ung 9.~<rr.. .l>!!!J...t... 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL~~ 0 ~ - - b. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES C:L.j-r.) a. HOL.~~ ~ - - · b. Instinaioru __ F__~Y!_________ _ lrutiturion,1-___ Few·······-···-- - 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_'LorY.. lJm.Uo<i. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193 7.,i $fil,7Q.. 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain : Low level with no construction hazards . Land inproved 90i. No deed restri ctions in effect. Zoning: Limited incomo residential., but inprovcmcnts arc predominantly single frur.ily. Conveniences aro all readily available. This old area is n:ore or l ess a residential island in o. sea of industry. Rocont industrial revival baa favorably affected this district , .Age ond obsolescence ore the chiof cho.ractcri stics of this o.rea. In;irovcmcnts, while substandard in construction, arc fa;_:::-1y maintained and evidence a certain pride of o\mcrship. Popul a tion is of the loY1cr income level a but on the whole to be iooro or less horoogoncous . Rcgurdloss of these favornblo qu.clitios the arou is blighted by its location ond is thorofore accorded a 11 high rcd. 11 grade. 9. LOCATION __ Gl. on_ dal._e_ _ _. SECURITY GRADE~.tll ..:': AREA NO.~~. DA~L~/.':39 353 AREA DESCRIPTION St!CUtity Map of__J-1.<2.!?,.._@_g~.t~.L9.!?.W}J.Y. _ ______ _ 1. POPULATION: 11. l11CTeasing ___·-·-----······-·----·-···--··-· Decreasing__ _ _ _ __ b. Class and Occupation $tatic ______ Yea Servants, s~:~: f~~f;()~tisana & !1PA workers c. Foreign Families ...~C)._ j Narionalities.... _.J{~l~-~--§.:-.!!.~~.!t~~ d. e. Shifting or Infiltration _______ ... Both __ Mexi~ __ & __ Nego __ _popuiation_increasin,~- 2, BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING a. Type and Siz.e % ..•.85 4 & 5 rooms Negm. ____'¥.}. ____ ~ - - - -- O1HER TYPE 2 & 3 room shacks 11 6 & ? singles b. Corutrnction -~~E~....Q.;l,.4....9..1!~.~.4..~.g.. residences c. Average Age 25 - - - - e. Occupancy ~o-..~- - - - - -- - 35_..veara~ - - - - G@eral.l.Y POP,t' ---··-·--- - f. Owner-occupied ;io%_plua..... g. 1935 Price Bracket $1000-_2 000 ______ h. 1937 Price B,acktt Sl 700- 2700 <!, $1700-275) ............... i %chan;e i. l.~.3~1... ____ ....... Price Bracket j. Sales Demand k. I. PTedicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket $ 2.Q-30 ·············% n. 19.39,.,_, _______ Rent Bracket ~ ~~~ ..•• 1, o. R£ncal Demand Fair~ - - - -- - - p. Predicted Rent T,-end S.'H!.1iJ,,!.:~-- -- -- 1937 Rent Bracket Static __ to downward (next 6-12 months) 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: 6, . J, _ _ 1, 4 & 5 rooms 3, NEW CONSTRUCTION {pa,t ,,,.) No •...3 .........Typ, & 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES '!,change U?.... yr.) MORTGAGE FUNDS, •.......... L.i.1.1!\Je<l, Price.$?.'1.!;Qcjg.!ifil. ...How SdUng Owner built a. HOL.~a. ~ - - - b. lrutitutions_ .. __1'.fil!__.__._ HOLC........_Q·······-····- b. lnstitution.s..........F.e.w. ..... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (!93Zc.) $•.::"Q •.ZJ.... - ... County $11. 90-Ci ty $36.89 1938 8. DESCRlmON AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level to rolling; no construction hazards. Land improved BO%. Zoning is mixed; single family , rm.ll tiple family and busin e ss. Conveniences arc all readily available. This ol<l. unrestricted area has long been inhabi tod by tho servant clas s who ,1cr0 employed by woalthy familios in thci higher grade areas to the west and south. This district was originally much smaller but constant infiltra t i on into other sections as deed rostrictions expired has created o. real menace which is gr e..."..1..}.y concerning property o;mers of Pasadena and Al tadena. Popul a t i on , i q:irov e.."'\Cl1 ts and rre.intenanc e arc all highly hctcrogenoous. Many parts of t h e area ::::oned for business arc honeycombed ni th single family d,rnll i ngs, many of thorn of the II shnck: 11 varioty, which are occupied by Negroes and other subversive racial olO"D.ents, The adjoining blue area to the west is protected from the subversive elements by deed restrictions. The o.rca. is bligtl.ted and its futuro is a matter of concorn and doubt. A movement is on foot to re-restrict in perpetuity ndjaccnt oroo.s which are not o.a yet affected. Tho aroo. is accorded a 11 mod1ol red 11 grade. 9. LOCATION_ •.F.~.-..-·--··-- SECURITY GRADE._ '.ltll..... AREA NO-1l,-.6 .... DATU/.,;/;;{} 354 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL~Q..~---~gQd._Q.§___~2.~~y_____ _ t. roPULATION: a. Increasing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Decmu;.,,.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sratic ..J_~§_ __ b. Class and O:cupation c. Foreign Families_.~-~.!-~ "· Shifting OT Infiltration Skilled ortisons, letter carriers, laborers , & l7PA ,vorkc.!:_§__ Incomo $?00-$1800 NadonaJitits Mexicans & Itol ions d. Negro.. _§ ____%, Indications of increasing subvorsivo racial ___ influoncos __________ _ Z. BUILDINGS, a. Type and Size PREDOMINATING __ 90 '/, OTHER TYPE _5 __ &__6 roo=m_ _ _ __ b. Construction c. Average Age d. R,po;, Fair ... ~.!i,.,,__ _ _ _ _ __ Occupancy f: Owner«cupied .e~:t~------ g. 1935 Price Bracket $ 3000- 4000 h. 1937 Price &acket $ 2?E0-3?EO .1 939 $ 2?E0-3?EO ........... Price B,ackn j. Sales Demand k. P,edict,d Price T,md (next 6-12 montlu) 1., ............... % _Poor 1935 Rent Bn,cket $ 25-35 m. 1937 Rent Bracket t?!l-..35 n. .l..9-3.~L-----··-··Rent Brocket $ 25-35 %change ..... J, ,,, '/, _-1, __ Rental Demand Fnir _ _ __ __ __ p. Predicud Rent Trend _Static._ _ _ _ _ __ o. (next 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION {past ,-,.) No........9 ......T,p, Iii Price _ _ _ _ _How S,!Ung _ _ _ __ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL.~_ _o ___ b. JMtio,rion~,-~F•~w~_ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.3 ..,-,.) a. HOL~- ~ - - - b. lMti'""°"'- ......F°" .. MORTGAGE FUNDS, ___!,.!,,aj,J.Q<l. ......... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.?,/ $....~.•??......_ Co1mty $11.90-City $38.3? 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, 6. .., Torrain: Lovol ' favoro.blc grades. No construct ion hazards or flood threats. Land improved 85%. Zonod single family residential, All conveniences. This nrca is favorably located but is detrimentally affected by 10 owner occupant Negro frunilies located in center of u.roo. north and south of Bell St. between Mo.rvista. and Catalina Aves. Although the Negroes arc said to bo of t ho better class t.heir presence h1s caused a. \ of selling in the nrea and it seems inevitable thnt O\mcr<>hip and property values uill drift to lower l evels. Construction, maintenance and architectural dosigns \'l'hile not of the highest tYPe are gencrnlly of good quality. Tho area is accorded a 11 high rod. 11 solely on account of racial hazards. Otherwise a medial yellow grade would have boon assigned. 9. LOCATION _ ..X<.>_sadona _____ SECURITY GRADIL1.!!L+ AREA NO-.Jl=.L. DATE.fill'¥} 355 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of...Lo.~..A!>.gf>l,.g.l>.J,o,,i,,t:L ..- - - 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing _ _ _ _ ····--·---····· Decreasing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Stadc ...Yos __ b. Class and Occupation_Railroa.d...._farm & t7PA workors, laborors..t...~•~•~~~-_ _ _ _ __ Incomo $700-1200 c. Foreign Families ... .2Q___~ Naaonaliries_. _______________ _M~j,_q_gn_ _ _ _ _ _ _ cl Negro _____.Q.___ e. Shifting OT 1-. Infiltration ___ ............ An _isolatad. .. Mexican _aro=._ __ __ _ __ __ _ 2. BUILDINGS, __ J.Q._1 PREDOMINATING 2-5 rooms OTilER TYPE 4 & 5 rm. workingmen' s homes Frnme of fair construc- b. Consm«:tion Shack c. Average Age Nondescript e. Occu~ncy .9_~~-- - - - - - - f. Owntt-occupi,d .?Qi____ ___ g. 1935 Price Bracket !_500- 1000 ___ %cha,cg• h. 1937 Pnu B,acka $ 600-12.50 --·---·· ··--·-·· 'I, .1939 ............... Price &acket $ 600-1500 j. Sale.., Demand k. Predicud Pric.e Trend J. 1935 Rmt Bracket tion ____ Poor (next ..J, Poor St atic 6-12 mondu) m. 1937 Rent Bracket $ 7. s:>-~00 -·--· ~_change $.10,0Q-l 7,.50·-···-· .. _'f, n. .l.9.3~L..___...... Rcnt Bracket $_10&9-17.,00 __ ___i o. Rmtat Demand .Fi:Jr _to __ gqod~ - - - p. Predict.eel Rent Trend ..S.t~_'!;i_9_ _ _ __ __ (n,xt '1,change t/,change .............. % ·--"' 6-12 mondu) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION {past -,,.) No.......-9. ......T,pe & Pnc, _ _c__~flow &mn, _ _ _ __ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ~.~ .. -,,.) a. HOL.~- - 0~ - - b. ln,ti"'"°"'-O_ _ __ HOJ C 0 b. /n.,ti..,;,m_,_ 0_··_ __ 6. MORTGAGE RJNDS, _ _~0_ _ _ 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $!000 CfJ:l;;> $.1!3.,?Q_ 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA Terrain: Level with no construction hazards . The Eaton Uash is immediately west of area but since Flood Control System was installed in the past few years it is believed. to hn.vo eliminated flood hazard. Land improved 70~. Zoning is mixed, mostly industrial. Convcnicmces are all IIX)re or less reioote. This is an old Mexiccl!l community. 'I!hat po.rt south of Foothill m vd. is dovelopod with cheo.p shacks occupied by Mexican s of peon class. Tha t part above Foothill is in;:,rov ed with chea;i !>.vuses occupied by botter clnss of Mexicans and other subversive p opulat ion •. The area as o. whole is thoroughly blighted and approacheo slum conditions. This samo low class population and improvements honeycomb o.djacent industrial and business districts. The i:u-ea is assigned o. 11 10\v red" 9. LOCATION.__Lomanda Park SECURITY GRADE..1.t~.-~. AREA NO•....ll::L. DATLJJ.l.gj_;g 356 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of_ ..Los .. An_g9los....Co=un~t~y_ _ 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Decm,,;n,g.__ _ _ _ _ _ Static ..... Yes b. Class and Occut-ttion Servan ts, service wo_r~~!:.~ la.borers & tlPA workers Income $700-1200 c. Foreign Families .....~-~---~ Nationaliti,., Moxicnns & Japanese d. Negro .. _.@_____ .%. Mexican & Negro _pppuln.~ti~o~n~i=n~cr~ea=•1= ·n,~- - - - - - - e. Shifting or .Jnfi!tTation 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING .£., a. T,pe and Site ...85 .. % · OTilER TYPE 4 & 5 room FrD.Illo, stucco & shack b. Construction c. AtJeTage Age 40 years d. Repair Poor e. Occupancy J .c..~ - - - - - - - f. Owne,-occup;,d 1935 h. 1937 Price B,ackei ti?.OO.c.3000. ...% __ .1! 1?3.~...............Price fuaclrec $1250-3000 ............. % j. Sales Demand Poor ··-"' k. Predicted Price Trend l'ric, Bmclre1 %change g. $1QOO.c2.00O... (next 6-12 months) $10-20 __ 1935 Rent Bracket $_ _ _ _ __ 1937 Rent Bracket $.lf>-25 .... n. l.939 .....•..... Ren, B,ackei $10-25 · · - - -· - o. Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) .......... % ___,, Fair .Stntic~------ 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No ....?.... ...T'JPe & Price_i_J_~1.@7..@......How Selling Ot.mor built 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL. ~ - ~ 3 ~ - - b. lruli"'"'1ru•. .. Fem ....... 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.~.... :,,.) a. HOL~- ~ 2_ _ _ b. lruli"'"'1ru_... Fo.w 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.Z:l $;l_?..'H;_ County $11.90-City $26,64 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACfERlSTICS OF AREA, 6. MORTGAGE RJNDS· Lirni ted Terrain: Level to rolling. No construction hazards. 1 and inproved 90°,t. Zoning is con:mercial, business and industrial-. Convanicncos are oll rea.dily available. This is the 11 melting pot 11 aroo. of Pasadena and, while zoned for business and industry, is honeycombed uith poorly constructed cottages ond shacks, That portion of area .rhich is graded is residential 4th Grade and is o.lnost wholly given over to single fa.>:1ily structures, but tho adjacant business ond industrial section is also infil-l;ratcd with similar structures, which are occupied by Negroes, Mexicans ar.d Japonesc. The grade areas t o the west are protected from subversive races by deed restrictions, and na.>J.y ccrvnnts in those d istricts are residents of this area. This nrca is thoroughly blighted and a slum clearance project is under di scussion . It is graded a. 11 l ow rodN. 9. LOCATION ..... Pasadcna·-·-·-···· SECURITY GRADE....i.t_l1....~ AREA NO-...k~ ... DATI!'t.L.~ ~ : This area is currently affected in whole or in part by nn Ad volorer.1 True District. Individual properties should be checked for this hazard. 35? AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of~os ..A? County l. POPULATION: a. Increasing _ _ Sl_o_wl~y~--- De.creasin,,___ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static. b. Class and Occupation_~!?.!ASL~.§,Q..lJ._Ql_rgw-i--1-llhi~JL..@.l1.¥.......&_§_er_Y.i.~....JI9J:km:.s,.__ la.borers, etc, Income $900-$1000 Naticnalities.--;;i;IJ.~...& Negro ... .. ).___ _%. c. foreign Families ...F-~?._.'f e. Shifting or InfiltTation _ _ _ _ _ _ ,_QJ.lfl...;:fIDJ;,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING ··-· BO '1, 4 ___&__ 5 __roop,_._ _ __ b. OTHER TYPE Multi-family and bungalo\1' __ _co:u,r_t~ ~ __15 __ yexr.~•----- c. Average Age d. Repair J'.99..:r. _J;o _ f a i r ~ - - - e. Occupancy ~ai~------ f. Own,,--occup;,d g. d. .. 20•.•.~ - - - - - - 1935 Price Bracket $2200-3_EO0 h. 1937 Price Braclret f.?.?.;P-3EO0 ...% i. 1.9.39. ___ ... ___Price Bracket $2200':'3500 .............% j. Sales Demand _.P._Q_g__r_ _ _ _ _ _ __ k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) ...St.a.ti.. ~ - - - - - - %change 1935 Rent Bmdret 1937 Rm, B,ack,, f?a,-3•..•s____ n. l.9.3.9__ ··········-··Rent &acket $2=5-~3~5_ _ __ o. Rental Demand p. Predict.ed Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) $_ _ __ __ ,change .............. % --- .,, Good ~S~t=nt~i=c_ _ _ _ _ __ 4 & 5 roor.:J. 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No.... JJ.. .....T-,pe & Price _@.L®=.~~---.How Selling ..0..@.9.L.Jnt..P.J;__ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL.--~o_ _ _ b. lnmtution.,.-·-···X•,, 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES(~:,,.) a. HOLC--~0_ _ _ b. Jn,ntuooru . _ .. F.o.~... 6. MORTGAGE FUNDs.Lirni ted & 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (1937_,.) $..3a~R1 solective 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Torrain: Level with no construction hazards. L.311d iqproved 9oi. zoning perr.rl.ts lirni ted size r.rolti-fonily structures with single-fa.oily only in southeastern pa.rt. Conveniences are illl readily available. This old area was developed as a workingr:1.en1 s area of homes but for a nUL.1ber of years has been oore and raoro inclining to\'l'o.rd residential. incorao structures. It no\v has three large bungaJ.o\v courts and a. nunber of flats, fill of aediocre grade. There are four Negro and a nuuber of Japanese families in the area ond in the lower part there is a sr.all .::olony of Mexi can railroad laborers living in cabins owned by the Southern Pacific Railway on its ri~t of wtX:f. Population, ir:proveuents, maintcnunce, ngo and tYPos aro all extrcncly heterogeneous. Location adjacent to a heavy industrial district is subversive. The o.roa is 11000:rtlod a 11 oedial red 11 grade. 9. LOCATIONPaswl•.!10.-··- ·-·- ...... SECURITY GRADE. .....4~.4.... AREA NO-...!l::lO._ DATML7/.3J 358 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of. ____19..§..:.-Mi~l.~§...QQ.1¥1.Ef______ _ 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Decreasing__ _ _ _ _ _ 5tatic ___ Yes __ b. Class and Occupanon __ Sk~_Ued_.. ~ unskilled_labor..L.. IPA wor~~rs.., e;,tca,__ _ _ _ __ In come $700-$1200 c. Foreign Families--~------~ Nationalitie.L........-.............. J'.El; ·····-·-···- d. Negro. ______ z... _.%. e. Shifting or Infiltration _______ .............. N~go_es __ n:oving__Qµt ___but ___ slow;l,._Y.:_ _ _ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING ..... 90 __% Type and Size b. Construction _Frame &S:~<;co~--- c. Average Age .20 .Years _ _ _ _ __ d. R,pa;, OTilER TYPE 2 & 3 room shacks ___________ a. ..F.<N_r_ _ _ _ _ __ e. Occupancy ..9.~~'---------- f. 0wne,«cup;,d g!'Jf,,_____ _ _ _ __ g. 1935 Price Bracket $1000-3000 --- h. 1937 Price Bracket $1200-3200 ..193~... ........... Price B,acket $l2E0-,,:-~3,,,2,,EO'----- -······% ···········"' ............... % ___i Poor_ _ _ _ _ __ j_ Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket $ 12, 59-2? 00 ....• 1937 Rent Bracket $..l5•.QQ,,a5,.QO... ......... f, ,tchange %change ............... % ____.% . ~ ~3-~ ............... Rent lwacket o. Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend _Q.i.~E9~-----(next 6-12 mcnth.s) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTTON (past ,r.) No ....} . ....... Type & Price Ju·st buildin§.Jow SeUing 0\mer built HOL.c...___,0c__ _ _ b. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (....~ ..,,.) a. HOL...,____,0c__ _ _ b. lnstitvtions, _ ___,Fc,•cc"-lnmo.doru .. _ .. "\!lnY..... 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, _ __,O'----- 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193?c.) $.fil.,..eQ 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREk Terrain: Low lying arroyo bottom. No construction hazards but definite flood threat. Land improved 3~. Zoning is mixed but generally permits nrulti-farnily structures. Conveniences are all reasonably available. This misplaced development is quite old and evidently started as a squatters settlement. It is located in the bottom of the Arroyo Seco, and in a heavy flood year might be entirely vlipod out. Construct ion ranges from 11 shack: 11 to substandard quality; Population, irrq:irovemcnts, mainton.ance and architectural designs are all homogeneously bad.· The proposed 11 Freewayi• projected as a high speed arterial is routed through this area and some informod sources advonce the theory that the area will bcnofi t from such a project. This is deemed pure speculation ond the area is assigned a 11 meditll rcd 11 grade. 9. WCATION .•....BJ€,hlel}.<L!'J,,E......... SECURITY GRADE.4th. .... AREA NO-lldl... DAwlBle:J 359 \REA DESCRIPTION Security Map 0£_1.9_?._~$910s County 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing b. Class and Oxupatw11 c. Decr.ea,in,,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static Uoderntoly m'A & whi t~COllllr work~~s, labororo & retired Foreign Fami!.ies_,_?.Q____ f Income $700-$1EO0 NationalitieJ.......~~_tgm._§ ___-::_J'g_!L.4°.Q-l?.@_g_~_Q________ P99.P1s~~----------d. Negro .......?. _____ %. e. Shifting or Infiltration .... ___ Qori.:tJ1g1.ed __.i.¢'il tration _of _Mcx.~c_a,ns _& __N~gl".Oes~----2. BUILDINGS, Some income 25 years Average Age Poor to fair d. Repair e. OTiiER TYPE __ 3_ rm. ____6 .!m.____ bungalows ___ _ 4-5 room & stucco b. Ccn,<=tion c. .... 9Q ..% PREDOMINATING a. T)·t,e and Size Occupancy Oumer-occupied g. 1935 Price Bracket ~1000-3200 %, change %change h. 1937 Price Bracket $1800-3500 ............... % -··········% i. l~.3~---- $1800-3000 .......... % j. Saks Demand ---·"' k. Predicted Price Trend (next .. .Price Bracket 6-12 months) SJ.ow Sta.tic ~ = ~ - - -- -- 1935 Rent &acket .g2. 00-30.00 %change 1937 Rent Bracket ~1.5:~0Q..,:;¥)_1.Q.O. __ ···-· .............Jo n. 19.32................. &,u Bmck,t $15. 00-30 . 00 o. Demand p. 7:;1:Uiif~~~ $change ........ % _jl, --··· 1, ~S~t=nt~i~c_ _ _ __ _4-_5 rm. bungalow Largely 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past )'f,) No....?.............Type & Price_$..~QQ:-_-@..Q.9....How Selling O\mor built HOL.-_ 2_ _ _ _ b. lnstitunon-,~F~"'='--- 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.:?...... )'T.) a. HOL,,._~3~--- b. lnstitution.s_ .....Fg,.7 .... 6. MORTGAGE FUNDSJ,J..mJ..t<J<! ..El!'<'@.t 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.70.) 1938 FHA $._Be,.?~ 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level to hillside with somo grad.cs rui.d consequent building hazards. Land improved &Ji. Zoning is mi:ccd but· lo.rgoly s i ngle-family residential. ConvcnicnccH3 are all roo.dily avnilabl e incl c.lteap transportation to City Center. Many plotted streets are not improved... This is n vory old section, mnny of the improvements arc 40 years old or roore. It was first known ns Bairdstown but is now called El Sercmo. It has never boon fully developed. Construction runs from low standard to II shack". Maintcnnncc is spottod and is only fair a.t best. Both popUlation nnd i!(!provcmcnts arc extremely heterogeneous. Tho location has many o.dvruitnges and parts of it may yet develop into a desirable rental district. Under present conditions it is not feasible to assign bettor than a 11 high rod" grade. 9. LOCATION ~: El Sereno SECURITY GRADE...11;h,.± AREA NO-.!l,-Jc~.... DATI!!/lJJ.~9 Los Angeles This aroa is currently offoctod in whole or in part by an Ad volorom To.x District. properties should bo checked for this hazard. 360 ARFA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL_!B._~..~ _gel es County 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing_ _ _ _ __ _ Dccreasin,,,__ _ __ __ _ Static ...±.~£.- i~~-~-o~ !:-;.~ •.~~~t-'c$ce;SC~'-'s~to=&.. ,$is-!eeo~;~o=rk~•~r~s________ _ b. Class and Occupation _ _ _ c. Foreign Families ......~--_1., e. J§Banese Nationalitie 9(}\f.Am&icrui-bO"i:,;-··ccM~ex~i-c-an-s-- - - Shi/ting or ln/iltrarion _ _ _ _ Uone __m;>_parent._ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, a. T:,pe and Size PREDOMINATING d. Negro . .....0 ...... % _ _ _ _ _ __ __ .?0 .. 'fe OTilER TYPE ·--~-' 4 & 5 rooms b. Conmuctum c. A\le1age Age d. Repair e. Occupancy _40 _oi: OO ___;y_ears __ __________ _____ f..O..Q.r~----- - f. Owner-occupied g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Price Bracket $ _750_:-2~50 .... ...............% .......... % i. :t,:.;!_3.9.. .. .......... Price Bracket $ _71:D~22p0 ____ .......... .% ··- ··% j. Sales Demand k. Predicted Prire Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket $ lQ,,ZO ---·· .. I. Poor~- - - -- - . Stati~c_ _ _ _ __ m. 1937 Rent Bracket $..J.2 •.50~25. QQ ..... .. 1, n. l9..39_____ .... . Rent Bracket ti.2~ 5:lc2MQ.. _ .......... % o. Rental Demand ...Go.o.~- - - - -- - p. Predicted Rent Trend ..S.tati~-- - - - - (next 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION {past,,-.) No ..... 9. .......Type & Pricc--~-~ow Selling~~- - - 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (....;3,..yr.) a. HQ,u,.._ ~O~ 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,·-_ _O~-- HOL _ _ _O~-- b. InstitutionL..f~ - - b. lnstitution.s ....X .~!'!'. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (!93Zc) 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA $_o2.,.l'9. Terrain: Level. No construction hazards. Land improved &Y~. Zoning is negli• gible. Conveniences are all readily available. This is the original San Gabriel settlement which was establ i shed at the time the Mission of that name was built in 1776. As it was in the b eginning the neighborhood is distinctly Ma,;:ican and some of the decend.ants of the original inhabitants still r eside in the area. Wi th the exception of a f ew res idences occupied by these old f amilies, there i s no apparent pr i de of occupancy or ownership. The vast majority of the popul a tio n , while .,Amcr i cnn-born, arc still 11 peon Mcxicn.ns 11 , and constitu te a dist i nctly subversi ve r a ci al influen ce. Many of tho Mexican-born inhabitants were repatriated during the d epressi on und their places in many cases are said to have b een taken by hybrid Mexicfl?ls of American birth who arc a distinctly less dosirabl c type. Construction and maintenance aro uniformly of poor quality and area ha.s on extremely shabby and ill-kept appearonco. This aroo. is considered a to this whole section and pressure is being oxcrtcd to confine the population and keep it f rom infiltrating into other districts. The area is accorded a 11 modiol rcd 11 grade. 9. LOCATION .... San Gabriel ........... SECURITY GRADE.... A.tb... AREA NO•.Jl,:Jg_ DATE.4/,.Zj39 361 AREA DESCRimON Security Map oL _ __ Los ..,An._gole1>County_______ _ 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Decrea.sin ____ _ __ _ _ Static __ Ycs ··- b. Class and Occupation Farm lnborers, railroad conm:m l nbo~_WPA ,vork er.J!.,, __ o_tc. ____ _ Income $700-$1200 c. Foreign FamiUeL. __fP__i Nacionafities_.(lAO"S"ti;.?~:¼~rc!n-···citizcns) d. Negro _____ aQ____%, e. Shifting or InfiltTation.)!'!&..9.~...JlJJ,);>..Y._9.r._!?.1.Y..'Lfll~(,'!J');.'t!J....W..~g,r._«;L.R9J!l9:tn ..P.O+.:.'!i._nQ&...._________ _ 2. BUILDINGS, businoss district. PREDOMINATING ... ~_1 3 & 4 r ooms b. Construction OTIIER TYPE ~-~ . Shacks .... ·············---· 10:t, . __ Mostly _fr~o _ __ _ c. Avaage Age d. Repair e. Occupancy f. Owner-occupied . fll1,~- -- - - g. 1935 Price Bracket $1000- 2000 _ _____ '%,chani:i:e '/,change h. 1937 Price B,acket $10()()..2250 ............ . ....... ..%. - -···.1 i. l~.3Q ........... ..Pric, B,aclret $JQQQc2250. . ...%. ·-j, ;. Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 momlu) 1935 Rent Bracket $12~ 1937 Rent Bracket $1:;.00-;,o.oo........... L ..l.O.Q~- - - -- -- __ sinti.~c_ _ _ __ _ OO- .l.7.....00.____ %c_hange .............% ~change .J, ·--·.. . . %. p. Predicted Rent Trend ...S.tati_ _ _ _ _ __ (next 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION ( yr.) No .....-9.... _._Type & Price _ _ __ ~,ow Selling _ _ _ __ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. 5. SAlE OF HOME PROPERTIES (...~..:,,.) a. HOL.<--_...,5~ - - b. lnrn"'"°"'-····.X!?!! HOL.___ _,•~ - - b. ln,ruwioru_ .... . Fcw ..___ _ 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, _ __,0~-- 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 1w;r $5.9.,?Q 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Level. Land improved SY;(. Convcnia--i.cos are all available. This is rui. old Mc.-..::icon orchard l a borers dist rict , \7ith as nondescrip t a lot of d\7Cllings as can be imc.gined. Construction runs from 11 11 to substandard <7ith a very fe\7 stando.rd 5 room oottn.gcs. The best homes genor o;mod by Negroes , who con sti tuto a largo portion of the home O\m crs. These arc usuo.lly railroad laborers, t-'. aintenanc:o is notable by i ts absence. This hetorogm oous and blighted area, on uccotll'l.t of high porcont of home o,mcrship and fairly good loan record, is accorded a 11 modial red 11 grade. 9. LOCATION- .-.. f!onrov\i>___._..... SECURITY GRADE..4.~..... AREA NO-lH.4. DATE.,J.2/.".39 362 AREA DESCRHYTION Security Map of. ___ Jt!?_~--~g·~-~-~--P~oun~ty_ __ 1. POPULATION: a. lnctea.sing _ _ _ _ __ _ Decrcasi»s--- - - - - - Static ....J_~~--- b. Cla5s and Occupation A€:t'icul tural and other cormoon labor, skilled & unskilled Income $700-to--$1"000 Nationalities .. ............. M:axican_____ d. Negro __ F..~Y!.. _%.. --ana:-·-@1 workers. c. Foreign Familics ....%L..i 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING a. T;1pe and Size b. Construction ...Frame~ - - - - - - .. ?-?... l::ears_ _ _ _ __ d. Repair ...P..o.o.~ - - - -- - e. Occupancy 99'1,~---- - - /. Owner-occupied 10 g. 1935 Price. Bracket J 600-1000 h. 1937 Price Bracket $ 800-1800 .J, ....1' %,change i. l.;!.3~................ Price Bracket $800--:;I,~.0() j, Sales Demand _ None_ _ _ __ __ k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket $fi m. 1937 Rent Bracket n. l.9.39. ··········-····Rent Bracket o. Rental Demand p. Predi.:ted Rent Trend (nexr 6-12 months) O1HER TYPE ____ ):fuacks Aw:rage Age c. 3. ...?.~ ..J, ~-' 4 & 5 rooms OQ-lf:. {)Q --···-··- %...~-~~~': $7,,opn............ %'change ..... .......% ......% % . % $ 7 .BJ-?.000 ·- _..S.tat.ic~-- - - 4 room frame NEW CONSTRUCTION (past '.Yf".) No.-.....9. ......Type & Price -...i~.@.Q. .._ ······-·.How Selling N9.n.\?_'!'.f!.g,m.t __ HOL._ _ _ o___ b. Irucituticn-,_~0-_ _ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.3....:,,.) a. HOL-- ~ 2 _ _ _ b. Iru•uaioru.._.....Q 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_ .......LJmH.o.o...... 7. TO':'AL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.7,l $38.7.0.... CO~-· 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level. No construction hazards. Threat of flood from Wash on western boundary. Land improved 25%, No restrictions or zoning. Conve.'liences are all r eadily avail able. Thi s is an ol d Mexi can peon laborers district, located adjacent to the El Mont e business di strict . It is wholly heterogeneous and nondescript in character. It is assigned a 11 low red 11 grade. 9. LOCATION ....._!.!...J@n.t~................ ~: SECURITY GRADE ...4.t!L.c AREA NO•..... lel.o DATE0/.'1/..',!,2 This area is currently a:ffectod in whole or in pa.rt by an Ad valorom Tax District. I ndividual properties should be checked for this hazard. 363 _\REA DESCRIPTION Security Map 0L_!,.Q.L~g,cles_QQ_W1_~_ 1. POPULATION: b. Class and a. Increasing _ _ _ _ _ __ Occup.:uio'I c. Foreign Families ......?.£!__%. e. Shi/ting OT lnfiltration _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, )1,ir·?... _ _ _ Nono _a : Q p f t l . I ' a n t ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PREDOMINATING a. T,pe and Siu Deaeasin,,.___ _ _ _ _ _ _ Suuic ..}:9L. WPA workers, laborers, and small tradosmon Incomo $700-:.$1000 Nationalities.._....... %. __~.fll?.~j~9~--- d. Nesro.----~--~-'f!. -~__i, b. Conm-uction . FrWflQ - __ some ... stucc.o ____ _ c. _.18 ...Y~ars_ _ _ _ __ Average Age d. Repai, .. ..Poor . to . f.a.1.~ - - - - e. Occupancy ...ll.!l~ - -- - - - - f. Owne,,-occupi<d ..-60,,__ _ _ _ _ __ g. 1935 Price Bracket $1500-2800 h. 1937 Price Bracket $1800-3000 ............... % $1800-3000 ·············% .Price B,ack,t k. Sak., Demand Poor to fair Pria fond (next 6-12 month.s) 1935 Rent Bracket $15. 00-27, 50 m. 1937 Rent Bracklt OTHER TYPE 4-6 rooms ichange -·-..--.% ____,,, §BJ.j;Jc~ - - - - ----- $10.0~_;30"09 _____ %c~nge ............ % n. l.~.Z~······- ........ Rent Bracket $18,00-30,00 o. Rental Demand ___ Goo4~- - - - - - ........... % ____ % p. PTedicted Rent Trend _S~t_a_ ti~c_ _ _ _ __ (next 6-12 month.I:) 4 1 5, 6 rm. stucco bwlgaJ.ow 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION {J,a,t y,.) No._1.5_. ____T:,pe & l'ria....o.-""___.,__,oQ·U..- . , &:Ung .,__ _wx_ .._ $1700-$4000 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a.. HOLC..........0..... -............ b. lmlitution.s_._._o_ __ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.~..,,-.) a.. HOL-----~ ~ - - - b. lnso-m ....._. .o ... 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, __ ... - ... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $!000 (1931~) $-49~00..-...- -. 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERJSTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Leval. ro1, devoloped. pouJ. try section with good water facilities. Ho.ny people in area are employed in citrus groves and largo rock crushing plants ndjacent to comrmmity. A limited number of residents arc omployed in Los Angolos. Improvcmeilts arc gencrcl ly hotorogenoous in churactcr v,ith a. general lack of suitable IDD.intcnonco, Aroo has a vastly superior rental than sales histot:y. Values in the town for homes low because of low-income earning ability of its residents. M.any small acrea&c tracts arc scattered t hroughout the hatched area. No uniformity of improvements is apparent,. Mexicans arc scattered throughout area. Iri;,rovcments general ly of substandard construction. 9_ bOCATION. Baldwin Park .... SECIJRTIY GRADL~.t_h_.+. AREA NO_i:1c..!..§._ DATFEl@ _A_UTI_0_ NN : This area is currently Qffoctod in whole or in p'1I't by on Ad volorom ~ax District. Individual properti es should be chocked for this hazar~. 364 AREA DESCRIF'TION Security Map of_ ~ ~-Ml~~L9.9~~y_ _ _ 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing _ __ _ _ _ _ Decrea.sin.g....._ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static __!.~. ~1:-;~:~ ~~~~rorsin~~~!o$~o~-:~r~~-~ -!!~-<?.~~9..7_~9.-~_t.__ _ b. Class and Occuparion ... c. Foreign Families ....J!<?..J! e. Sm{ting OT Nat:iooali · d. Negro. ____ 9_ __~ Mori cans Infiltratiofl. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,tf.Q_no~ -- 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING b. Constmction .J'rn..ma_ _ _ _ _ __ A11e1age Age __25...Years, __ _ _ __ ...P..QQ.~ Repair Occupancy _J,_ OTI!ER TYPE ------ 99~1,_ _ _ __ 30% f. Owner«cupitd g. 1935 Price Bracket $ 400-1200 h. 1937 Price Bracket ~--~-1:?:::'.~.!?.29. i. 19~9 j. Sala Demand k. Predicttd Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket I. --------- ..... 851, c. d. - 2-4 rooms a. T,t>e and Site e. - .......Price Bracklt 1,change 1, - ....... % ___,,, ............... % ~500-lf:OO Poor l~.~.9 . o. Rental Demand ...... Ren, (change p. 50-15,00 m. 1937 Rent Bracket n. Sta tic $..'.!., 00-12 . 50 B,ack,i p. Predicted Rent Tttnd (n= 6-12 month>) $?,l'Q.-15,00__ .. _ ...........'1> $_ _ _ _ __ ........... % __ .,, ___ Good _ _ _ _ _ __ __SJQ.:tic~ - - - - - - 3. NEW CONS'IRUCTION (pa,, y,.) No......J ........T,i,, & Pria-9...!"l~Q.. _How &Umg 01mcr built 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPER'TIES, a. HOL.~- ~ - 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES(~ .....) •. HOL~- ~ -- - b. - - b. l,utiomon~ ~ 0 ~ - - lns•-..~ - ~o_ _ _ 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_.1'91'.Q .................. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193-~-➔ $_;,Q_~4Q_. _ _ _ County $33.60-City $16,80 1939 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Level \? i th no con struction hazards or flood throats. Land ilTJ?rovcd. 70'1,. Mixed zoning. Conven i an ccs arc o.1.1 y available. Thi s is on old area \7hi ch u as developed a s a Mcricon district. Irrprovernents ore substandnrd, many of them being nothing but shacks. Thero io vary little att~t a t maintenance. Ho mositos aro gen eral l y l arge pormi tt i ng chi ckens, goats and i;ardon tra cts. Many of the Moxie.on frunilio s urc ol d residen ts and a number ore home mmors. Tho oroo. is a ha.zardou s one nnd i s a ccor d ed 11 mcdi un r ed" grade. Thero arc also a number of Mexican f amil ie s livi ng in t h e business and indu s trial section nort h of Foo thill Bl vd. 9. LOCATION Sou th Azusa SECURITY GRADE._H!!..... AREA NO..Jl::l,.L DAra/..'9/...e'J.. 365 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map 0L._I,..Q..~1Y}g_q!.._9J1__QQ.~.!L__1. POPULATION: a. Increasing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Otcrea.rin,.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static ...J..9.!__ b. Class and Occupation ___ .........Farm_laborers.t..JIPA1-rel ief. 2. BUILDINGS, 2-4 rooms b. Construction Frame c. -·9-~_1 PREDOMINATING a. T ,Pe and Siu Income $700-$).200 OTIIER TYPE __l()__1 5 & 6 rooms AWf'age Age d. Repair e. Occupancy _J~i~------ f. Owner-ocai.pied __ 2.Etf,~ - - - - - - g. 1935 Price Bracket ~ 400-1200 %change h. 1937 Pric, B,acket l_SJ0-120Q .% $ 000-1200 ___________ i. l .939........ _ ...... Price Brocket ;. Sal,, JJ,mand k. Pttdicttd Pritt Trend (ne,t 6-12 month..) '1,cha_nge ...%. _s_tatic~- - - - - 1935 Rent Bracket tchang~ 1937 Rent Bracl<t?t f..?.•. !:ll=l.l;•.0.Q n. 1939_ ·······-····Rent Bracket p.SJ-15.00 o. Rental Demand ............... % -~ Good p. Predicted Rent Trmd ~ St=a=t~ic~-- - - - (next 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa.,1 y,.) No.. o........-T,i,, I!/ Price----~•""' Stiling _ _ _ __ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL~_ _O_ _ _ b. lnsti<urion.~_o_ __ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (... 3 ,.,.) a. HO=_ _O _ _ _ b. !ruriwtion,~_0_ __ 6. MORTGAGE FUND~s-~~ o_ _ _ 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 ~i1;⇒ UJ:>,.iQ 8. DESCRlPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level. No construction hazard or flood threat. Land iuproved 6&,t. Zoning is mixed. All conveniences are reasonably available. This old area was devel oped as the Mexican section of Glendora and all inhabitants of that nationality are confined to this district. Construction runs from 11 shack" to substandard. Many of the Mexicrui families nro old residents and a number of them home ownora. The area is extremely heterogeneous both aa to population and improvements, with very little effort at maintenance._ !&:lst of the homeaitcs hAve a garden patch nnd chicken yard. The urea is a hAza.rd.ous one ond is assignal a "medial rod. 11 9. LOCATION .. _.. _ @.!!!_d!)_m_ ____ .. _ SECURITY GRADE.--11;!,_... AREA NO_!!:,!,~ _ D A ~'¥!. 366 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL...L.Q..5....ilJJ.&.el...e.G....C:OJID..tx.. ____ _ 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing, _ _ _ _ _ __ b. Class and Occut,atwn WPA workers, form o.nd othor lnborors.1.. Incomo $700-~200 __ e. Shifting or lnfiUTation,_ _ _ _ _ _ _~.9.n~---QP.I!.w;-_i;m._:t,._ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ 2. BUILDINGS, a. Type and Si:::e PREDOMINATING --~Q...j, b. ConstTuction ]rame.(many shacks) ·-- c. _ 25 ___ y_eurs,_ _ _ __ Average Age d. RepaiT OTHER TYPE 3-5 rooms _.Po.o~ r ------ e. Occupancy f. Owner-occupjcd g, 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Price Dra.:ktt $ 500-iooo ________ _ i. .19.39............. -1¼, &acktt ~ ..fP9:,l.fPQ. j, Saks Demand k. Predicu:d Price Trend {next 6-12 months) 1935 Rrnt Bracket l!?:J.. ~5_ _ __ n. 19.39....... ________ Rent Bracket t::;,,1.~- - - .. J, I:;,.15~- - - _ i o. Rental Demand _Stoo4Y.:_ _ _ _ _ __ 1937 Rent BTadret p. .......J. ·-·----.,, c~- - - - - - Predicted Rent Trend ..~~P.:~.1=· (next 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION {past )'T,) No........9. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES 'tchange (.9.... ,.,.) ....._Type & Price _ _ _ _-.,,ow Selling _ _c __ _ a. HOL,< - - - "- - b. JnstitutiQ,,~•_ a. _,o,____ HOL,'-'-- - '0' - - - b. ln,titution~•- - 'O'--- - 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_·__0~- - - 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 <ti3 ~-i $~.L1Q....._ _ . 3 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA Level with favorable grades. no construction hazards or flood threats. Land in;>rovcd ro;t Aron i s engulfed by industry and citr us groves. Cons truer tion substando.rd to shack. Improvement s extremely hotorogcnoous. Main tenance very poor. Population consists very largely of Mexi cans of the poon tYPo• 9. LOCATION ...,_....S.M...PJ!ll!!.§__ ,_····- SECURITY GRADE....4th ... AREA NO-.D-..3..9.. DATEr,/..B/.39 367 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of_J:!9_~--~ -g~_Q_?.____QQ.~S::l ___________ 1. POPULATION: a. lncrea,ring _ _ _ __ _ _ Decreasi.,.__ __ __ _ _ Sratic ..X.Q.?.__ b. Class and Occupatinn, c. Foreign Families __Z,~---~ e. Shifting 01' i7PA workers, fa.rm and other laborers, ~ n g house workers. Income $700- $1200 Nationalities____ ........J~~i_g§Zl a d.. Negro. ___ S/..___ i Jnfiltration _ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, b. Corutrnction Average Age _ _ N:one _appnrcntc__ _ _ __ __ _ __ PREDOMINATING _.90 .. 1, OTI!ER ITPE Shacks, 3,4 1 5 ra._ bungalows a. Type and Sitt c. _ 25 years Poor .JJlQ1 _ _ _ _ _ __ e. Occupancy f. Owne,--occupied ....! ~ ~ - -- - - - g. 1935 Price Bmcket $ 500-1750 _.__ '1,d,ang, h. 1937 Pri« Bmck,t $ .:00-.Z0OO ·-···-··- ··- --·-"• $...eo.o.~zoo.O...._ ....... ......~ i. 1939..... ······-···-Price. Bracket j, Saks Demand k. Predicted Pf"ia Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rmt ·Bracka $c__ _ __ ',(,c~ge Nono __ Static' - - - - - - it change .............% 1937 Rent Bracket ·-·--·'.!, o. Rental Demand p. PTedicttd Rtnt T-ren.d .s.t.o.:ti-2.~- - -- - (ne.."tt 6--12 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa,t :,,.) No.......9 .... .. T,t,,, & Price - ~ ' - - ~ • o w Selling - 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOt..__ .....,0c___ b. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( ..~ ..:,,.) a. 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, ~ ' -- - !nm"'"°"~'__0~-- HQt.__~0_ __ b. lrutiturimu ..- ....Q·-···· Nono 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.7,j $'1~,fil. 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level. ?Wp developed.. Arca is engulfed by industry and citrus groves. Every eoncoivnbl o type of cheap and vory cheap con s truction has been empl oyed in this area. Mexican rosidonts arc of the peon types. Main... tcnonce of homes is poor. 0 _ _ _ SECURITY GRADE...-1.~~--~ AREA N 0 ~_ 9. LOCATION _~L~u_ V _crn ~~ 9._ DATF.?M_'@ 368 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of~o_a A.'1geles County 1. POPULATION: a. lncrcasing _ _ _ __ _ _ DeGTeasin,,-_ _ _ __ _ _ Static _Yes ... b. Class and Ocwj,atit>n c. Mexicru1 laborers - e. Shifting or Infiltration a. T:,pe and Size ConstTUCtion Average Age 25 years Poor R,pa;, OTHER TYPE Me."{ican shacks b. Occupancy _100. % PREDOMINATING c. d. - -- - - - Moxican area .1m_reading_ out to east an=d~ •=o=r~th~ - - - - - 2. BUILDlNGS, e. Income $600-$1000 NarionalitieL _____________¥.~i.9:SD=•- Fottign Familie.s.__~Q~ /. Owne,--occ,,p;,d g. 1935 Price Bracket ~N<;> ____markot h. 1937 Price Bracket ______ %change i. 19.;3.!L_____________ Price Bracket ~N:~m~rgtl. ___raµ_go ___ _ $500-$1000 ~$_ _ _ _ __ j. SaleJ Demand _:t{on.~- - - - - - k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket _J)tatic 1937 Rent &acket $_5-15 _ n. l9..39....... ______ Rent Bracket ~lP~- - - o. &ntal Demand S.t.~- - - - - - - %change _ __ ...............% _ _j, .............. % L .... ____ ----~ p. Pudicud Rent Trend ~·~- - - - -(next 6-12 mondu) J. NEW CONSTRUCTION (po.,,,,.) No•...0. ........T,p, .& Pria - =-----'"ow S.!Ung _ ___c=-..._ _ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (...,a.,,.) o. HOL O o. HOLC......... 0..... b. lnmomon,_...... o b. lnstiturioru ____ ---···Q 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, __ J!2!!.~·-···-·--·- 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (1931.s) ~Q__ _ __ 1938 8. .DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA Torrain: Level.. Lond improved 70'1,. This is an aroa completely occupied by Mexicans (peon type) and a. few Negroes. 9. LOCATIQN_ ~P_ooo _ n~a _ _ _ _ SECURITY GRADE... _'!_ ~~--~ AREA NQ_Q:,?.L OATEf..~L~ 369 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of__ L.Q.!!._m_g_e]..-9JL.9.Q.~]Y____ ._ 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Decreasin,g__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static .. Yes _ b. Class and Occutution~icon & Negro laborers & relief cl!_.ents~~oor white laboring class • Income $60o:$IoOO c. FOTeign Families __ ~ Nationalities Moxi can d. Negro ______ JQ_% e. Shifting or ln/iltration ______ Af:~.. J _~---A--01>_9±_~~.~JY...~A~--~-O,....~!?..~--£Q·--~-9 h...%.~.~ -~r.~.----·---····-··-· 2. BUILDINGS, a. T,Pe and Site -22.--~ PREDOMINATING Shades to 5 rooms b. 0,nJtTuction Fram,e,____ __ __ c. Average Age 25 years _Frame,_ _ _ _ _ __ r:. Repair Poor c. Occupancy J~~- - - - - - - Owner-()ccupjed .?.!%,~~- - - - g. 1935 Price Bracket $ 500-1200 '1, cMnge h. 1937 Price Bracket $ 500-1250 1, c l.9.39.......•...... Pri<e B,acka $_f,()0-,2f,()_. j_ Sales Demand .P.Q.Q~r_ _ _ _ _ __ k. ~=t1~~1 .filn.iiJ....__ _ _ _ __ 1935 Rent Bracket $ 7 • 00-15.00 m. 1937 Rent Bracket ~cltange ............... % $ 7.50-20. 00 ..% n. 1-~!?~-----·····Rent Bracket $ 7 • 50-20.00 - ---~ o. Rental Demand Good p. Predicted Rent TYCnd c~ - - - - - 0S~t~ot~i~ (next 6-12 months) 3. 1'.1EW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No....... .9..... ~ . T-ype & J>ria _ _ _ _ _ f-Jow Selling _ _ _ __ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL b. !Mi""""" Few 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (..~ . .,,..) •. HOL.~- ~o~ - - b. Jnm...,,,,, Fffi, 6. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1CXXl MORTGAGE FUNDS•~·-~N=o=n•~- 7. O (i~J{' $2.!.19. 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Lovel. Land iOJ)roved 70%. This is another aroa wrtich has degonera tcd due to infil tro.tion of Mexicons. It differs f rom tho other Me."{ican district in Po mona in tho.t the improvements \'ferG not built in the typical MoxiCllJl farm labor shack tYPe, but are the rel ics of a once acccpto.ble neighborhood. 9. LOCATION._._pom,na _______. SECURITY GRADE.1I!L ..• AREA NO..ll,,~L DATE.fill~ 370 tilEA DESCRIPTION Security Map oLI!P_~~~_QQ~!l._ _ _ _ 1. POPULATION: a. Increa.ffllg _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Decreasina----_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static._.Yes _ b. Clas5 and 0:cupaao,i~~-7n~~~-i~A workers & nondescript c. Fmeign Families a:> e. < d. Negro_],2._~ Subversive raci~ elem,,,en,,t"-'s'--"in,.,,oe,cr;,cea,c,s""i""ng 0 _ _ _ _ _ __ 7._ BUILDINGS, 1. Mexicans & Japanese Nadonalitits Shifting or Infiltration -~~ PREDOMINATING OIBER TYPE T,Pe and Si:i:e 4 & 5 rooms Lar~er dwelling~--- Corutn«:tion .Frame & stucco_.&_ shack Jlul ti-family structures Average Age _9.6 _ _ _ _ _ _ __ JQ1,c___ _ _ _ __ g, 1935 Price Bracket h- 1937 l'ric, $ 800-2000 &acket "/o~hange --·-·-1, $ 800-2000 ----··- l.9.39...-·-··-····Pric, B,acket Demand !_~00~-~==- - Poor j. Sak, k. P,-~d Price Trend Down\iard 6-IZ montlu) 1935 Rmt Bracket $l0-20 \l,chang, 1937 Rent Bracket $l_0-20 J, _1, ·----"' ---~ (next n. ±-~-~J.... ------··Rent o. Rental Demand Bracket $1.~0-_20 _ _ _ __ Fair p. PTtdiaed Rmt Tttnd Static to do\1D. (=t 6-12 montlu) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION CP,,,r :,,.) No-.0. .....-.T,i,,, & 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS- !lone fL_,,_) l'ric, _ _ _ _~-•" s.m,., _____ "- HOL,'--- - ~ - - b- Imo.-, Many "- llany HOL'--- ~l~0_ _ b- lnsti<""°"' 7_ TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.~.'.:) $..f!?.,29___ ._ 1939 8. DESC!llPTION AND CHARACTERISTIC~ OF AREA, Terrain: Level \rlth no constr..iction hazards. Land improved 8~ wi th a large oroount of vacant property adjacent. Schools, churches, trading canters, recreationol and nmusemunt areas and trnnsportntion all conveniently nv.::i.ilable. This is rapidly becoming a ttslum11 area and is invested ,,,ith 3Ubvorsive racial 1n£luoncos ond is oncroo.ched upon by business ond indus try. north of Wilshire is free from r a cial hazards but is n district of chonp rooming houses nnd apartments with small business and professional shop s scattered throughout,. Land values in strictly rosidontial distr i cts arc aro'Wld $7.00 to $10 por front foot. 9. WCATION_,_§_'!!!_~_JJoni~----···- SECURITY GRADE-.--1.1;1!....- AREA NO__le_?.3. DA~l.J},!_9 ~: This area is currently affected in whole or in pa.rt by an Ad val.orom Tax District. IndividunJ. proporti es should bo checked for this hazard. 371 AREA DESCRIPTION 1. POPULATION: b. a. Increasing _ __ _ _ _ _ Decreasins-- -- - - - Sratic .... _.!.~~--- Class and Occupation Laborers, e. Shifting or fofiltradon empi~~:: $;a~~~;;~' PREDOMINATING 3-4 room dwell ine:!?: b. ConstrucaQn Frame - few otucco d. R,j<,fr e. Ocoqiancy g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Price Bracket $1.~Q-2990 .... . 193.9...............Pric, B=k<, $1!:90-2000 j. Sales Demand k. Predicted P1ice Trend {next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket ~i>l=J.2.fil_ 1937 Rent Bracket $,!,.§• n. .i93.9_. ........ ... Rent Bracket o. Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend (ru.-xt 6-12 months} OTHER TYPE 5 & 6 rooms ____ __._ _j, .. _,lful=""ticc-:.cfam=i~ly~-- 15% ~~-- _20 __ Year~•- - - - -- 20. ~ -- -- 3. .. 80 ·-·-"' a. T, pc and Site A verage Age Negro ______ _3 ___% Continued infiltration of su.bversive fore_ign elements. 2. BUILDINGS, c. s Home, semi-skilled ,rorkers.!'.. .. Nationalities Mexican• Japanese, Italian, Slavic d. c. Foreign Familie.L--~--~ - -- ....... . % ·····--···- % .... % ... fo 1, ,1,,,,"''•oo........ _.. J , .. ..% ______ fo _fil_.a.:!;tc~- -- --- NEW CONSTRUCilON {Jwt :,r.) No....J. ..........Type & Price ......JE..~E~L---········How Selling 0,mor built 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. H0·= - 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES {...~ ..yr.} a. HOL~- ~3~ - - b. lnstiwtions_~F~e'"~·_ _ ~ - -- b. lmi:itutions_ ..........Fe:,1 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_ ..• .1!9M....... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $IOOO (19W.s) $J;?,.7Q.......--·· · 1939 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terra.in_: Levcl with occasionru ravines. No construction hazards. Land i n:;p rovcd 70% of a maximum of 9~. Thora are no docd r e strictions, and zoning vari es from s i ng.lo-family to light industrial.. Convcnionces are oll readily available. This area wo.s subdivided bet,1een 25 o.nd 30 ago and was never o. choice district. Construction r.:lllgcs from substandard to sha ck ond ma.intcnanco is notable fo r its uniformly poor quality. Population ond in:provemcnts arc both highly hotcrogon oous. Arca is adjacent to t he Veterans ' Hospital and Old Soldiers• Ho me. Part of it has been rocommondod for a slum clearance project.• Lot val ues range from $12 to $14 per front foot. Tho area is cntiroly blighted and is accorded a 11 low rod" grade. 9. LOCATION Sa"tellc Bi strict SECURllY GRADE....1~....- AREA NO-.ll::?.4. DA&n_;, /.!J3/,/_.e9 3 7 39 CAUTION: This aroo is currently affected in 11hol e or in part by an Ad valorem Tax District. Individunl properties should bo checked for this hazard.• 372 AREA DESCRIIYTION Security Map oL-....!,.9..~---~g~JfL.Co=un~t~y~-a. Increasing 1. POPULATION: Slowly Decreasing__ _ _ _ _ _ Static·-·-··-·····-··· b. Class and Occuparion ____Skilled artisans, white collar \vorkers 1- WPA workers, sill.µl ____ _ bus iness men, etc.. Income $700..$2000 c. Foreign Families ___g;__~ Nationafifies. ___ M~i.~Ji:i.....'1.~P-~-~-$.~....ffe.....U.aj,.__:!,_@._~---·· e. Shifting or cl Negro _________'!...%. Infiltration. ___i;i.!Q!!..Jnsg:_~~~---Q_:f.. __§:\.l,lt'l.Ol'.13J.Y_q:__ _;r_~_g_~.~-- - - - - - - - 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING .85 ..% _5 __ &___ 6___roomsc__ _ __ b. Construction c. __:~i.2.e.~i•------ Average Age d. Retxur ..F..Q9X.... .'!i:9_J'.ai,~---- e. Occupancy ..~ § 1 ~ - - - - - - f. Owner-0ro¢ied ..?.91'--------- g. 1935 Price Bracket $?200-37 SJ . __ .... i ....?.QQ.~9.@.. h. 1937 Price Bracket i. 1.9.39...... ____ j. Sak, k. PTedicted Price Trend (nut 6- 12 month.,) 1935 Rent Bnicket f_l!,:,'l_g_ 1937 Rent Bracket $.J.S..;JQ - ...... .. Price Bracket ...%. $__2009-3500 ··-···---·- ............ % ___'f, ............... % Demand 1939 _ ......... Rent Bracket o. 1,change %,hang, Rental Demand .. stati.,,_ c _ _ _ _ __ :(change %change $ ' - - - -- - ~$..:lc.::S...c;J()cc__ __ Fair Predicted Rent Trend __.s,.,t"'at~i~c'-----(next 6--12 month.s) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past y,-.) No......?.9. ...._.T.,·pe & Price _?~§:~~9....Bow Selling ..Mfl_~-~~-~i~Lp. 4, OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.~. :,,.) a. HOL.~-~2_ _ _ b. ln,ti"""'n, .. _ .. ~;c. a. HOL.<C-~ls,6c__ _ b. Institutions _._.. ~X 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS· None to limi t"7! TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193?ccJ 1939 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACfER!ST!CS OF AREA, $..M.,.il9_ .....- ...... Terrain: Low level to rolling. No construction hazards. Some drainage problems. Land improved 9oi. Zoning varies from single-family dwellings to commercial structures. Conveniences are all readily availablo. This is a very old area, 40 to 00 years a t loost. It is located in both Santa Monica and Los Angelos Ci ty. Its growth has boon gradual over the period of its existence. Population and improvements extremely hoterogenoous. Maintenance is spotted, being lorgoly poor in character with little evidenco of pride of occupancy. Mo st of tho new construction is substo..'1dard and much of it is of the 11 jerry built" variety. Crowded improvements in parts of the area constitute a dis tinct fire hazard nnd give district a 11 slum11 aspect. Many 110rtgago institutions will not operate in urea.. Tho eastern po.rt of area is generully better grade than the balance. The area is bl i@lted ond is accorded a 11 low red" grade. 9. LOCATION, _ _,V_,,en,cic,ccce_ _ __ SECURITY GRADE.......t!,h...,- AREA N0.....!1=.?.o. DATE..Z,l:;jo'; CAUTION: This area is currently affected in wholo or in part by nn Ad vnlorem Tax District. Individual propertios should be chcc.kod for this hazo.rd •. 373 AREA DESCRII'TION Security Map oL_'.f&_!L.AP,gol es County 1· POPULP.TION: a. Incrcasin~lt1ioi"Gi-S~-'WP".i"-WOZ:k0r~&eis1~<-•ch-co _ m_be-,r-•- - - - Static ......!§3.!!... b. Class and Occupation c. Foreign FanUlieL_}._ ij In<Xlmo $700-$1200 Italians, Mex i cans & Jap_?J:1:.~-~-~- ...... Naricnalitin e. Shifting or Infi!tTation d. Neg,-o __ ., __.9_ __ %. Subversive racinl_gr...9_up=•~i=nc=r~ca=•=in=~- - - - - - - - 2. BUILDING& __9r:J__j, PREDOMINATING 01HER TYPE 4 & 5 rooms b. Constncction Frame & stucco c. 25 yoars Average Age d. Rtpafr Poor to fnir .. e. Occupanc, 97 f. Owne,-oea,p;,d g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Price Bracket $1800.-2400 i. ,~.~~--·-········· Pric, B,ack,t j_ Sales Demllr.d k. Pmlia,d Pric, Tttnd (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent &a.ckt $18-25 1937 Rent Bracket $1=8~-~2=5_ _ __ <f, n.. J,~-~ -----·-··Rent Bracket $1=8~2=5~ - - - ____ i o. Rental Demand $]-800-2400 Poor Dovamard p. Prtdicted Rent TTend (ne.xt 6-12 months) %change $_ ______ _ ..........% _ __i . Stnli9~- - - - - 4 & 5 room _ _ __.Type & Price $2800-$3~0 How Stiling O,mor t 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past :,r.) No......?. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIE& a. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.~ ...yr.) a. HO 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS· Limited HQ _ _ _ _ _ _ b. b. Jn,tiruci,m• Many lnsritutioru Many 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (19Jf!:c) $..§1..?Q____ _ 1939 8. DESCR!l'TION AND CHARACI'ERISTICS OF AREA Torrain: Level, sondy 1n wostorn part and inclined to be BVlampy. No construction hazards. Land improved 40'.£. 11:n. old area inclined to be II shackyl 1 with nondescript population in western part. :lib.stern part is cl so old but of al ightly better grade. Subvorsivo population scattored throughout. Proximity to oil uells is detrimental influence. Schools, churches, trading centers, recreational areas and transportation oJ.l available. Included in this area is the old Venice SWllller resort and it is thtl.t proIIDters aro seeking: to r<3Vive and popularize it, but failure is predicted. Lruid vD.l ues are around $7...00 per front foot. 9. LOCATION South Venice SECURITY GRADE.... 1t~... AREA NO..l!,il§... DATEM.'eJ..:J.9 374 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of__~2-~.--.N.).~el es County 1. POPULATION: a. ~---IQ~---- Increasing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Decreasin,,.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ b. Clms and Occupatirm Factory laborers, traction employees, low income w~c __ oarnera , some clerical. Income $3.000-$1000 c. Foreign Familie.J~.Q____ ~ Nationalities ............M9J-ico.ns .. 4...J@an.~-~.9.... d. Negro·-··-·····~---% e. Shifting or lnfiltration _ _ __ _ _~N_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING ......75 ..% T:,pe and Size b. Omstruction Framo & stucco c. At1eage Age 25 years ----~ 10:( __ § rooms fJf,_ 10%_ .. Poqi: ___ to_f o . i r ~ - - - d. Repair e. Occupal'IC)' .J.~1'. Owne,--occupicd ..:lQ,,.__ _ _ _ __ g. 1935 Price Bracket $2Q9Q"'.'_2000 ----···· h. 1937 Price Bracket $225002750_ i. l.9:59... ............ Prico &acke, ~.o.Z.50~.2.750 j. Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Tmul (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket $20-25 1937 Rent Bracket ~?5-30 I. MuJ. ti-family ---~-!?.... t!?..9.~---~-g-~_9.~-~----···• a. _ _ _ _ __ OTIIER ITPE %c~~~e ..... <f, Poor ___Sta_t~_c __{ ~~e below) .. Rent Bracket j, ....... % $2_'2:,.£9 o. Rental Demand .. G o o d ~ - - - - - - p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 mo1,ths) ______ _ 'I, -----~ 4 & 5 room 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past :yr.) No.......?i. _....Type & Price $3000-$4000 J.rl)W &llingOvmor built 4- OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOL<-....,_~No~n~•-- 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES l~-----~-) a. 6. MORTGAGE FUNnS· b. ln.stitutioru~~F~ew~- - HOLC-~N~on~•~- b. Inscitutions_~Few~- - Very limiteoi. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 C\9~.~ $~4~1-~0~0_ _ 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA Terrain: Level with no construction Lund improved 90%. This is roi unincorporated urea located \1holly in cou."l.ty territory a'1d has no deed or zoning reztrictions. Convenicncos o.11 roo.dily available. This is an old area originally developed by the P.&E. Ry. as a tcrmincl ru1d has ho:ncsites for the employcco. It has gradually c..lianged to a workingman. 1 s area. a.'1d latterly thcro has bocn a te.'ldoncy tm7a.rd a little bettor grade due to favorable developrac..;.t in surrounding territory. This area is highly heterogeneous both from a sta.s.dpoint of population and improvc."!l.cnts. The prosence of subversive racial L'"lflucnces and. houses of doubtful character, together v.ith age and obsoloscenco, precludes bettor than a 11 rcd. 11 grade. 9. LOCATION West HollY\7ood SECURITY GRADE.c<I~...~ AREA NO••.IJ.::?.7. .. DAwii~l~9 375 AREA DESCRIITION t. POPULATION: a. Increasing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Decrearin,g.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sratic __ X.!;l:fL.. b. Class and Occupation_~..§..!As'..§.!?___~_Jl~_fessJ.2.n.aj,_..!!!@...._..!!! _qQ.+,_!..~. worke:r.§.L..-~.UJ._eg__ c. artisans. etc. Income $1800-$3600 & up National.itie'-----=----- - - Foreign Families ..... _Q__~ d. Negro..........Q.....%. e. Shifting or In.filtration _ _ _ _ _ _~,.one...appa.r.en . ~ - - - - - - - - - - 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINA11NG .. 90 .. }\ OTilER 1YPE ___ 5-7 __ roo~s_ _ _ __ b. Construction c. AWTage Age d. Repair e. Occupancy f. Owner-occupied g. 1935 Price Bracket $4000-6::00 h. 1937 Price Bracket $475Q..7250 ............. % ............% i. 19..3.S............... Price Bracket ~J~000-_7 ~o ............... % -· ;. Sales Demand __Poor k. Predicted Price Trendstatic,__ _ _ __ {ru:xt 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket $ 40-:p() ____ _ 98 fO %change 1937 Rene Bmcke, $.'15c6.5 .. n. 193.9................ Rent Bracket f_~_R-:-.7Q._ o. Rental Demar.d ....Go.o.,.~_ _ _ _ _ __ p. Predicted Rent Trend --~Qlt~J.;?,.&J.~.-~.R~.r... Jri;:a9ket (n~Xl. 6-12 :(change ·······<f, ··•········· % _1, j. . .% mo1;ths) 3. NEW COM3Tii_:"CTION (past :yr.) No........Q........T,pe & Price _ _ _ _ _ How Selling _ _ _ __ 4. OVEFrlANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL.~-~--- 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (..3-....:,r.) a. HOL.c;__ _..__ _ _ b. Institutians _... -...... 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,. _r.,Y... U"!Ull<l. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.6,o $fil..7.0.-..·--1939 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Side slopes and bottom of a canyon. No construction hazards. Land improved 6~ out of a possible 90%. Conveniences are all reasonably available, including proximity to downtown Hollywood. Street illJ)rovements are adequate in southern part of area, but in northern section many of the thorough.fares are dirt roads, This area. was subdivided about 25 years ago and its greatest development was prior to 1925. Since that time Mulholland Dam at the northern boundary of the area has proved a definito hazard to desirability, for while engineers pronounce tho dam safo thore is a wide spread popular feeling to tho contrary. Construc~ion is generally of high grade and maintcmance sho,vs pride of occupancy, Population is fairly homogeneous, and many original o,mers still occupy their homes. Improvements are characterized by age and obsolescence. There is a wide divergence of opinion among authorities regarding the grade of this area. However, tho psychological hazard of th e Mulholland Dam is tho"U€ht to be a prime factor anQ,., in order to 11 flag 11 this influence, the area is accorded a 11 high red 11•• If ho\vevc;:, as some contonQ., the reservoir is discarded with the establishment of the water supply from Boulder Dam, there will be a sharp upturn in the grado of the nrCQ.. 9. LOCATION ......•. !!QJ.lZ\'9..Q.<l._......... SECURITY GRADE.......!ltht AREA NO-.ll,2B.... DATF.Z/.~39 376 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL_J&.§...!!!Kol..o.LC9.lllill'..-.-1. POPULATION: b. a. Increa.sing ____.fil..!.@.~J,y______ ____ Dtcreasin.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static _________ Class and Occupation.J~h~..t~_CQJ]..M__\.!.9_t.1-&~-.;:.~_.__roo_y..1_Q_~--1'-~_Q__9.llm.l9.Y..QQ§..._fJ._eX:.Y.i.Q..Q._. _________ _ Income $1200-$2000 workers, artisans, etc. Nationalities..............O:t:i.entill.6-..& ...M.axican.s. .. ___...................._. c. Foreign Families ....lP____i d. Ncgro .. ___F__qw__ %._ e. Shifting or Infiltration _l.11(.U.t.rsrt.i2lL.O.f....0.1:.i.En..tal..s....incr..ea.aing_,___llu;.:o.a.cJlme.n.t....oL.__________ business & industry also a threat .EJ OTHER TYPE PREDOMINATING _so ... % 2. BUILDINGS, 5 & 6 rooms Multi- family structures b. Corutnu:tion Frame & stucco of various types _____________..__ _ c. Awrage Age 22 years d. &pair e. Occupancy f Owner-occupied g. 1935 Price Bradcet o. Type and Site _J!.J.~-- - - - - - ...............% h. 1937 Price Bracket i. 19.3.9......... ........ Price Bracket $3?00-?Q00 ______ _ j. Sales Demand _Fair to _gQO<l,.~- -- k. P,-,dicr,d Priu T,<nd (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket i~.:;,,m_____ _ ~change ~.:ll:b.55. ................% m. 1937 Rent Bracket ____ Rent Bracket n. 1939 o. Rental Demand J, _ _ __ $~3().._55 Good ---·····% __'!, ----"' _ S=t=a=t1=·c ~ -- - -- p. Predicted Rent Trend 5 & 6 rooms (nat 6-12 months) T,p, & Priu$.olll.0,,$2QQQ.. ... How S.Uing ..0_,m.o,:_1fil).ll. 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa,t ,,.) No.... e ... 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOLC. ........... IL. . ........ b. Iru-..__!\my_._ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (....:l.y,.) a. HOLC.......15 b. Institution$ ...... _Many__ 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,...L.!@H.e.<!............ 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (1938,.) $...fil.•.7.0..... _ _ 1939 8. DESCRil'TION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREk Terrain: Level with no construction hazards . Land improved 901,. Deed restrictions, if any, have expired. Zoning is mixed , but generally permits multi-family structures. Conveniences are all readily available. This area \70.S subdividod about 1912 as a low rental workingman Is district, Construction ranges from sto.ndord to II jerry buil t 11 • Maintenance is goo.orally of poor quality and popula.tion is extremely heterogeneous and includes mo.ny subversive racial and social oloments. Mul tiplo family structures, of which there many, generally of low grade and poor character; some of them located in the lo1rnr eastern section are said to be op erated on a 11 bawdy houso 11 basis. Japanese and Filipinos are scattered throughout the aroo with a concentration of them on strcots north of HollY,.700d Cemetery, which is also an unfavorable influenco. Mexicans are located in tho blocks adjoining the cemetery on both its east and '17ost borders. Tho soction north of Sontn M::mica Illvd. and west of Gower St., lmown as the Cole Estate Tract, is of much batter character than the r~st of the area, and piHces and rentals aro materially higher. Were it not for a scattering of Japanese ond Filipino residents this section would bo ontitled to o. higher grade. The area as o. whole is assigned a 11 medinl rod~ grade. 9. LOCATION __ )!~~-o_d_ ___._ SECURITY GRADE..,1..\4..... AREA NO-Jl,.;l~... DATF2J.M/.;J9 377 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL_··-····~-Q.~.-~g.9tit~.... 9.2~Jy_______ 1. POPULATION: a. Increa.sing, _ _cSl~o'-'""'-ly"---- DtcTeasin,,.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ S - b. Class and Occupation White collar workers, gardeners., servi_<?e ~loyees, laborers, ···(:i'tc. c. Foreign Families ...... ~_/?, __~ Z. BUIWINGS, a. Inconi0-$i006.:lf50(f_____ ___ Jap~csc Nationalities PREDOMINATING Type and Si~l! b. Construction ..... 90..'f, - d. Neg,-o ...... ·· -~-Q.'.1.'. OTHER TYPE 4 & 5 rooms __Fr_runc~------ c. Average Age d. Repaif" e. Occupancy f. Owner-occM.Pied ....3::l,,.__ ______ g. 1935 Price Bracket f2~9.c:!QQ!L.... .. '/,change h. 1937 Price Bracket i _ q_?.00.7:'.1-.?..00..... ...... 1, i. 1939. . .......... Price Bracket $3000~-4500 ............ % j. Sales Demand _ Poor._ _ _ _ _ __ k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket $ 20-35 %..~-~-i~ 1937 Rrnt Bmcket $25-40 ...............% n. N3.9.......--······Rent Bracket $2f>..40 -----··-···-·- o. Demand . _Fair %change ....... % ....f, ... Do•~~mrd ·~----- ..... % .... 1, ······-"' p. Predicred Rent Trend __..Sitl..t.i. .__ _ _ _ __ (next 6-12 months) 4 & 5 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa,1 :,,.) No ... "·· .. T,p, & Price ._$,l9..Q.Q-::_M];Q9. ..How &Uing -~!\>.~~!'.tQ~.L- HOL.~-~3~-- b. Instirutions._ ..... Few·-···- 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( .. ~.:,,.) a. HOLC............. 8 ··················- b. lrucicutioru . .. ..JIMY .. 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_ ..........0. ...... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (19370.) $.52...J.Q 1938 8. DESCRimoN ANTI CHARACTERlSTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level to rolling with some steep grades in northeastern pa.rt. No construction hazards. Land in;:iroved 90%, Tho fe,7 deed restrictions nhich have not expired aro irregular and largely non-effective. The major portion of area is zoned for singlo fo..'llily dwellings, but multiple family dwellings are permitted in scattered sections. Conveniences are all rcn.dily availo.ble. This district was subdivided over 25 yours a.f:.""O o.s a popular price home district and has largely r.iaintained the charo.r:teristics. Many of the improvements . arc of substandard construction and maintenanco is spottod, being generally of a poor qunl i ty. Scattered throughout the area are a nu.r:iber of small 11 :S" grade apartments , bung:olo,v courts and other ruJ. ti- fa.o.ily dnollings. Tho population is highly heteroceneous with mre thn.n a sprinkling of subversive rncia.l olemonts, there being several concentrations of Jopweso nnd Negroes within the district. There is also quite a Je,1ish population n.djacont to the syn0e,""'Or,11e ,,hich is locotcd in the northern part. While by no moans a slum distric t, the area is dofinitcly blighted and is accorded o. □cdial rod 11 grade. 11 9. LOCATION .......~e.•...A!IB.<>l..OL....•... ... SECURITY GRAD! AREA NO•...Dc.30... DATE?./Z.a/;,9 378 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of___J;,_Q§...Al..1~_!i..QQ.@.~------ t. POPULATION: b. Class and a.. Increasing, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Decreasin,,.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5latic __ Ycs __ _ ~ . . . . 1 - Foreign Families _1_Q__j whi to collar uorkorsL skilled & Wlskillcd Incona $1000-$2400 ortis.nns, lnborors, etc. d. Negro ________J,__1. Nationalities.. ___ J'!~tg~,1}.§ ___§.:_.!.~.AJ:t@.a 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING ....~. ..'!, OTIIER TYPE .... 4 .. &,_ _ __ b. Construction c. Average Age,_______ Poor f. °'"""'"""pied g. 1935 Pric, B,-ack,r h. $ 2Q00-3000 _____ 1>changc ichange j, -·-··~ 1937 Priu Bmdret $ W;lQ-3000_. __ ····· .1939..............Pric, &acl,e< $ 2§00-3000 j. Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (nett 6-12 mouths) 1935 Rent Bracket m. 1937 Rent Bracket n. .193.9..._ .... ,..,__ Rent Bracket o. Rental Demand p. Predicted fwlt Tmul (next 6-12 months) ..•......% -·--_j, _____Static $ .a:?.00-35.oo ________ 1d1ange $ 22,00-40,00....... ......I.!1.% <f, ~'-OOQ _ ----···,, ]!Q..:!11-.~"------- - - 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past :,,.) No....? ··-····TYP< & 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, 5. .•.•. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (..g.. ,,.) Pric, 5 ma. $4000 How &lling O;mer built Many a. HOL.~- - -3~ - - b. lnstitudn"' a. HOLC.... _ ...•..5... In.stitutious __ ._J-§.,JY..- ..-··-- b. 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,~L_lJ,,;!t_o.d... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (1937c) 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREk $.!1?.,®.•·····-··-· Terrain is canyon bottor.1 D.lld hillside with rue.,gcd contours and r.iany construction hu~ards. Land iaprovecl 40% out of n possible sinr,lerfar:iily but is porr.dttod in ports. Convdllionces aro all readily available. This area v1as subdivided sone 25 years ac,-o, 'but ho.s developed very slonly 1 and has never shO\m nny 1;rcnt anoun t of acti Yi ty. Construction varies fror.1 substand.nrd to st.:l.'1dard with aor.'le shn.cka in the can~n bottou olong tho Pncific m.octric Ro.ilvrtcy. Maintenance is spotted but i:;cncral ly of poor qucl i ty. Population is hotero~encous and r.lf.llly arc of tho lov!Cr inconc group. The subversive racio.l cl euen ts are coapnrntivoly fou ir. nlll.>bcr a"l.c!. arc l o.rc;cly in the c.:inyon botton. While this area is not entirely bliOltorl, it is thol.1(,;ht that tho trend of c~ csiro.bility ·,7111 continua doimna.rd. The area is accorded a 11 high. roe. 11 grade. SECURITY GRADJL.\ ...+ AREA,ll... DATEl1Ll./_a~ 379 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL_.J,..QJL.@&aj,_~§ ....QQ.~j;.Y.._ .. ___····- 1. POPULATION: a. lnC-Tcasing _ _~Sl=o~w~ly~-- Decreasin,,.____ _ _ _ _ _ Static .. ,--·-···-··· b. Class and Occupation .. --~t¼;-~r~~m!~iWI-$~$~~~ers, artisans, c. Foreign FanuUe.1 ......~--i e. Nationaliats____________M~t~~-:?....~...?.?..P..~.~-~-~-----· etc. d. Negro _____<!........~ Shifting or In/iltration _ _ _ _ _=No=n=•~1=·n=d~_~ted __ at __ pre=•=en=t~-------- 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING OTHER TYPE ......951, 4 & 5 rooms a. Type and Site b. Constn«:don ____ &__ st=u=c=co~- - c. Average ·····15_ years~- - - - - Age d. Repai,e. ._.9_1.,.__ __ _ _ __ Occupancy f. Owne,-occup;,d g. h. $ 2000-3000 1937 Price Bracket $ _2~ffl-_3f£>9 ... ...... % ..19.39.............. Price B,aci<a $ ..2200-3500 .... ............... % Dem.nd j. Sak., k. P,.edict:ed Price Trend (next 6-12 month,) 1935 Rent BTacket l. m. 1937 Rent Bracket n. o. ...m.,,________ 1935 Price Bracket _19.39 .. .. ___Rent Bracket Rental Demand ...•..••.. % ····-·:k ..J~_oor .... S t ~ t i c ~ - - - - - !J.e,fil.,;J.7,IO. . t1:;.00,,2:;•.QQ. $.],S 00-ZS %.c."4nge .. ......... 'f, 0/)...... ......QQ.o..~ - - - - - - _..S.tal.i.c....k...dOJmlla.r.d._._ (next 6-12 months) 4 & 5 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION {pa.,t y,.) No...l..9. .......T,t< & Pric<-$?.Z!;!l4.4.9.QQ....How SelUng ... §lowl'l............ p. Pmkr,d Rent Trend 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOLC. ....... ..l..... 5. SAlE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( .~ y,.) a. HOIC--- - - b. lrutiiurioru ....M"'1Y. b. lrucitutioru... M@Y.... . 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_.J,Imi.t.o<l. ······-·· 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (19320.) $_m•..zo 1938 DESCRIPTION AND CHARACI'ERISTICS OF AREA, 8. Terrain: Flat, low lying (river bottom). No construction hazards. Land improver" 40\t '!'here are no deed restrictions and zoning permits multiple family dwellings. Conveniences: Bus transportation on Riveraitle Drive, Grade schools, churches and shopping centers are all available. High School is some distance away. Thie area was subdivided some 20 years ago and was doveloped as a workingman 1 s neighbor hood. Construction and maintenance are of ordinary quality and quite spotted, giving the area a heterogeneous aspect. Population is of the low-income laboring group. Formerly the area was subject to flood, but recent flood. control work is said to have overcome this difficulty. While zoned to permit linll tiplo dwellings, there arc but "'£.ow of such structures, and those are m:istly cheap rental units. Tho economic unstability indicated by the low-family income and the large ruoount of foreclosures \Yhich hav e taken place over tho past few years , coupled with tho presence of a limited 0.1rount of subv0rsive racial elements ll!ld a possible flood hazard, does not wo.rrant higher thnn the 11 high red 11 grade assigned. 9. LOCATION Riverside Drive SECURITY GRADE...~~h.. f AREA NO_. .!):~2. DAr£i.~./.3' 380 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of_ __ J.,_QJt..AP-€e1_Ei!~'_ _ _ __ l. POPULATION: a. IncrsfXifed b. Class and Occupation ~~:~s, labor er1:.~ ite collar & WPA work ~~··· --Income $7Q.Q.-= '"00e, 0'--- - -------- c. Foreign Families __ ~ c. Shifting or lnfiltration...2!_1.?..P.P.....~ .!t.!L~Q 2, BUILDINGS, Nationalities__ JapanE !93&_R uoai~ - Some_Mexic:a ns.. d. Negro_ J,.9J ..~-~--J:.~.tQJ.,..,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PREDOMINATING a. T:,pe and Site 4 & 5 rooms b. Constfflctum Frame c. A\let'age Age ?.? _years _ _ __ ., _!fl_'f, stucco & d. Repair Poor __ to __ fair~ - - - - e. Occupan c)· ~.~- - - - - - - f. Owner-occupied g. 1935 Pria Bracket $2000- 3000 ---·-··- '1,,hang, h. i chang, 1937 Pm, B<,d,n ~2200- 3700 ..,.... __-1, i. 1.9.39 ........ _..... Price Bracket }2200- 4000 j. Sales Demand Poor to fair k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Reiit Bracket $20- 30 1937 Rent Bracket $22 ,._00-35, 00 ... J, $_ _ _ _ __ _.,, n. l.~3~---··-·-······· Rent Bracket $~2~0--30 ~---- ___'!, $ ___ % o. Renral Demand 3,%_ _ _ __ .........%. 1, ·-···--····'1, Static _to _downward -·-··--· %change Fair~ - - - - - - - p. Predicted Rent TYend ~JID~!!J:Q._ _ _ _ _~ (nut 6-12 months) 5 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (),wt :,,.) No,.l,.?........-T,P< & Prir, $4000- $4000 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPE RTIES, How S,lling Moder atelr_. a. HOLC -- ~ 5 ~ - - b. Institutic m~,-~M= any~ - 5. SALE OF HOME PROFERTIES (.....~.:,,.) a. HO= - ~ ~ - - b. lrutiru tion,_ ~Man= y~6. MORTGAGE RJNDS, ____ J,.!!!>!,J ~~...... 7. TOTA i. TAX RATE PER $1000 (1931.-::) $e?~$Q__.._. __ 19.38 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERI STICS OF AREA, Terrai n:• Rollin g to hilly in northw est par t. Very few constr Land irrprov ed 90';t. Deed restri uction hazard s . ction s have very largel y expire f amily in some parts, largel y permi ts muJ. tiplo family d and zoning , while 11 struct ures and is spot zoned 11 for busine ss. Conve nience s are all readil y availa \?as subdiv ided b et\7een 35 and bl e. Thi.a area 40 deed restri ction s bognn to o:q>iroyears o.l!J) as a nndera to income distri ct . Sinco an infil tratio n of subve rsive and has since gainod in volume olcma nts starte d and has dofin itely lowere d living is evid enced by tho genera lly standa rds. Thia poor qualit y of mainte nance in a large part of the aroa. Improv ements , vlhilo old , uro of stand.a.rd constr uction . Popul ation is extrem ely hctero gcnoo us . thoro b eing a conce ntratio n of Jo.panc ond one of Ncgroo s west of Al bot\7(:)en Bellev ue and Beverso s0uth TOOiplc St •. ad.di tion to thoso conce ntratio ly Blvd. In ns Thos e a.dv('.rso racial influ.o nces there is a. sprink ling of Ru.ssia ns mid Mo.xicc.ns •. ,1hich ore notice ably increa s ing pressa ge lower values , rental inevit ably s and a. rapid decrea se of reside While not blight od in i ts entire ntial desira bility . highe r than o. "high rod" grade ty it is not felt that tho area fies for •. 9. LOCATION .. _,. Los Angel os ___ ,. SECURITY GRADE...1'.~_..+. AREA NO_ll: :;i;l DATlf2/_'],j?fJ 381 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of_Ii.Q.!L~~+_~_!! ... ______ __ __ a. Increasing 1. POPULATION: b. Clrus and Occwpatim, From Slowly bu:!::: ~r~~oi;~~$~~ m;:Uflto WPA workers. Very mixed. Narionalities_..M~J.9.~-~.1 ....~~-~Ji¥1-.~....{t.J::9.J~.-~...J~.~- d. Negro _____ JQ__ ~ A fe\7 Orientals ,. Shi/ting OT Infiln-ation ___ Shifting to....~bv~siv~ __ racial .. elements _al?,d_ lower ___ income _ groups. 2. BUILDINGS, OIBER TYPE 35 % PREDOMINATING .... 40 ... % A.pis·. ,fiati;'Gimgalow · 5:-'.-.7 ...rooms _ _ _ _ __ courts & multi-family a. Type and Ske Frame, stucco Frame Frame & brick b. Construcoon c. FOTeign Famities_?Q. __1 c. __ 30_ y e a r s ~ - - - - - Average Age Pool;"' ... '\;Q... f a i r ~ - - - - d.R,poi< . ~,%._ _ _ _ _ __ f. Owne.•occut,ied .3ftf,.. _ _ _ _ _ __ g. 1935 Price 13,acket h. 1937 Price 131-acket $3000-cOOO .... .J, f.?.i.fP.':'.'_4.!2QQ___ ..........1> i. 1.9.39............ Price Bracket j. Sales Demand k. P,-edicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket $4200-12000 & up %change $47 cOcl.3500. &.. "I! None at a fair price .Jitatic Static Z"Unit rental) $15\00-35!00 ·-·-·- ~.'-:.~~-~~ 1937 Rent Bmcket ~ __ 25.{)0-S)~Q.Q,. __ ._ $:X,.0Q..45,00 ..........% n. l~.3.~L. ..... ________Rem Bracket $. 22. 00-45LOO ·-- $17,S0-40.00 -·-----% o. Rental Demand p. Pmlicr.ed Rent Tmid .._S..t.o..J,.ig_t.<L!'.l:9JID1'?Jl,r.d.. ...- ~.~.~.H..9_ _ _ _ _ __ (next 6-12 months) Single & nml ti-family 3. NEW CONSTRUCTTON { :rr.) No.......~..... ....T,Pc & Price ..J~.?-~-::fil:Q.9.Q.9..How Selling Slow 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HO•u..._ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (9.....,,-.l a. HOLC..... 15 _.,_2_ _ _ b. Irui;...,_., Many b. lnsrmaion.s_ ......M@Y.. 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_._.Y•!:i.. U!llH•il 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.?c) $.JiJ.,_8_0... -·······1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARAcrERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level to heavily rolling in northwest portion \1ith many steep ,.. which constitute construction hazards. Land improved ooi out of possible total of 8~. Deed restrictions have generally expired. Zoning is spotted and varies from single family to commercial use. Conveniences arc 011 · readily available. This area was subdividocl some -40 years ago and has long sinco lost its desirability a2 a residential area, and io extremely hoterogeneous both as to population and ing;>rovemcnts. Architectural designs va:ry from 4-room cracker boxes to framo, stucco and brick nrul ti-family structures. In tho northm:.:st portion, which is protected by topography, will b-e fo'..llld a small section along Kensington and F.dgewarc Roads \7hich has bettor quality of both population and inprovements. In tho southwest part. \7cst of Belmont Ave •. and south of Bcllewe Ave. is a concentration of Negro families which is gradually expanding. For four blocks on each side of Temple st. througlout the district is a. large population of Russian and Polish J1=l\7s. Thero is a settlement of Mexicans north of Temple St. in the ca.stern part of the area. The area, \Vhile definitely blighted, ho,s some sections which arc still in tho declining period and, for this reason, it is accorded a "high red 11 gro.dc. 9. LOCATION Los Angel es SECURITY GRADE..4.~~.+ AREA NO.J'::.3.4... DATTi!J.??/~9 382 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of___.L.9.§_Ang~-~"-·_ _ _ __ 1. POPULATION; a. Increasing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Decrearin,.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static ..Yes .... b. Class and Occupation e. Shifting or Infiltri:uion _ _ _ _ _ _ _Uone __a _ p . ] 2 _ a r e n t ~ - - - - - - - - - - - 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING OTI!ER TYPE Constrt.tetion c. A\.oerage Age d. Repafr e., .S. 2 . ~ - - - - - - - 2§%_ _ _ _ _ _~ f. Owner-occupied g. ..... 9.9..'~ 3-5 rooms a. Type and Site b. Incorn~ __ $700-$1EO0 Laborers & WP.A. worker~ $ aoo~2000 ... ·-- %.,~!"~ 1935 Price Bracket 1937 Price lhackei tSOO,.,ZOOQ.. ............... % .!.~-~~----······-····Price Bracket } 800-2500 ............... % j. Sales Demand _v_~ry _p~o~o~r_ _ _ __ k.. Predicted Price y,.,end (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket $10.00-22.00 (change J, ···-·····'f,_ h. Static to downward 1937 Rent Bracket $}2. 00-25.00 n. !.~-~~---···-• $12.00-25 .00 o. Rental Demand Poor p. ~=ttl~.o!;:;d =S~ta~t=i~c_ _ _ _ _ __ Rent 8,-acket 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa,1 ,,...) No.......o .........T,pe & Pria, _ _ _ _~ow &!Ung _ _ _ __ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( 3 .. ,,...) 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS· None a. HOL O b. lnsolUlions a. HOL'--~- - - - b. !!any lnsolUlions•.... ldar)_y 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.?.C, $ •. 92,§9. 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level to hilly with some sharp grades which constitute construction hazards. Land iil:!l)rovcd 55% out of possible total of 85%. Deed restri ctions : An unrestricted district which is also lacking in definite zoning. Public and parochial schools, churches, trading centers, recreational areas arc all conveniently available. Depon c,cnt upon bu.s line on Figueroa St. for tra.YJ.sportation. Within ;volking distance of Civic Con tor. This is an oxtromcly old area ;1hich was never higjlly regarded .:llld is now thoroughly blighted. A part of it lmovm as 11 Dog to\m 11 is a typic..1.l Mexican peon district. Although thoro are a far, old fairly presentable homes which are still in origincl ownership, tho area. as a whole is dilapidnted and inhabited by a big.lily heterogeneous and subversive population. The area being thoroughly 11 bl ightod.11 is accorded a 11 10;1 red 11 grade. Elysian Park and 9. LOCATION ...Jlog to,m District SECURITY GRADR.....1t.h -AREA NO....lloo.o.5.. DA=!..ZZ/.3.9 383 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL__ J._g_/L@gl;lJ,.~-~----QQP.A.~Y1. POPULATION: a. Increasing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Lkcreasin<------- Sratic ... .X.9.~---- b. Clan and Occupation Artisans, \'1hito collar worker._~,.. laborers, WPA workers, etc. Incomo $700-$1500 Nationalitie$_).~_aj,J!¥}_§,i ....R:U.-.§.~Jans & Mexicans d. Nt.gro ·•--•·J-.% c. Foreign Famil:ies .......!9..Jf e. Shifting or Infiltration Encroachment of bu_sines~_defiJ:?._itc ___ thr_G<!t~·--- 2. BUILDINGS, a. Type and Size PREDOMINATING .. _.90}, ---- OTHER TYPE 7 to 9 rooms b. Construction c. Average Age d. Repair e. Occupancy f. Owrier-occut,red ~?1"c__ _ _ _ _ __ ?0% .. g. 1935 Price Bracket $¥):)0-55()0 h. 1937 Price Bracket ~-~-::Y.:.L':"5.~QQ __ ;l,Q_:;39 ............ Price Bracket $4illC-,6500 j. Sales DeJMnd Poor k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket 1937 Rent Bmcket }3;,-<;0 n. lS..39 ................. Rent Bracket f;.iQ,-55 o. Rental D.:mand fair,c_ _ _ _ _ _ __ p. Predictd Rent Trend .SJ_~t"-'i~ - - - - - - 1,cha_nge .....~ .1' __ j, ............... % Stat!c to dom1 ........... .. % .-....1 (nexc: 6-!L ,nonths) 3. NEW CO~STR.UCJ10N (past yr.) No...... .Q ......._Type & Price - - - - ~ o w Selling _ _ _ __ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOLC. .. - ~ - ~ b. lnstitution.1... ______ }4~.Y........ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (. .. ~.:,,.) a. HOLC...... 10 b. Irutitution.s _____ __ M@.Y..... 6. MORTGAGE RJNDS,_YO.!-Y.),\nii.t.e.d 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.'.1~) $_Qi!,..7Q 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level with favorable grades. No construction hazards. Land improved 95~. Deed restrictions have oxpirod. Zoned largely to parmit llDll ti-family residences. Conveniences aro nJ.l readily available. This area ,vhich ,ms subdivided some 45 years a.go has been steadily declining for many years, and is characterized by decadency l.llld obsolescence. Mrui.y of tho large old homes been turned into boardi ng and lodging houses or have been converted into nruJ. ti-family uni ts. In:q:,rovcmcnts were originally of good construction but, owing to a very poor quality of maintenance, ore in many cases in a dilapidated condition. Population is heterogmcous ond subversive racial elements ore increasing. In the eastern portion, which is within walking distance of the dO\mtO\m business district, there ore a number of medium grade apartment hou ses. Many streets in the area dcfini to traffic hazards. The trend of this blighted area is still dovm,1ard and - oncroachment of business ond apartment buildings would be a favorable factor. The area is accorded a 11 modinJ. red 11 grade. 9. LOCATION ··-··•0.§_.4!1_g_<,:\_o.•.---·-···· SECURITY GRADE ......4.tlL AREA NO-._.Il:36 DATF2/.2.Z/.39 384 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of_ ___ - - 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Decreasing_ Static., ....___ _ Slowly b. Class and Occupation._ WPA & Service workerJ!.e__Low income level $700-$1000 d. e. Shifting Of' ln{iltration _____________ _ 2. BUIWINGS, .... X••• .... Negro,_._9._ '1, Jl.•• 8 below.~- - - - - - - - - - PREDOMINATING •..•.J. a. T,pe and Sizt b. Cmstruction Al.l.....'tY.P.e.~~ - - - - - c. Awrage Age .9.9.. OTHER TYPE =-- - - - - ps:,_o,.__ _ _ __ .ilQ,,,_________ f. Owne,-occupied g. 1935 P,.ice Bracket $ See below ___ h. 1937 Price Bracket $ ......... Price Btacket ~change " ·--··% $~"--- - - ............... % ;. Sale.s Demand k. Pudicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket $~'-'- - - - · 1937 Rent Bracket J~"-- - - · .....J, n. ------------···-Rent Bradctt $~'-'- - - - · o. R,nt,u ··-1 ... 'I> ... J, _ _,,. -··-1 Demand p. Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONS"IRUCTTON (pan:,,.) No.....9.......T:,t,e & l'ric, _ _ _ _~l-low S.Uing _ _ _ __ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES C.~---Jf-) a. HO~- ~ 0_ _ _ b. lrutitutioru 6. MORTGAGE FUNOS· None O b. l>Ulioaio 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (191.?.1 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Few Fe\, $2?,.79........- .. Terrain: Rolling hill top. No construction hazards. Land improved 98i. Deed restrict ions have expired. Zoning permits busin<:iss and lie,:J.t industry. Conveniences are all readily .available. This is one of the older and practically obsoloto s ingle family residential sections, having had its beginning 50 years or l!Dre 8.€:0· It has bocn through all the phases of d0cline and is now thoroU&}1ly blight ed. Subvcrsivo racial clements prodominato; dilapidation and squalor aro overY\iherc in evidence. It is a slum area ond ono of tho city's molting pots. There is a slum cl earan ce project under consi deration but no definite steps have as yet boon taken.. It is assignod. tho lowest of 11 low red11 grade. 9. LOCATION ••..•• .lll!!,k--"LIUlL•.•...• SECURITY GRADE...•4th..., AREA NO••...D,,3.7 DATEZ./ZZ/.s,9 385 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of_M9.Jt.Angf¥.Q.~....9..9.-™!~Y.. _____ _ 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing Slowly Decrearin._,_ _ _ _ _ _ Static ...- - Factory workors, railroad m<m, artisans, lo.bor ers & WPA b. and Occutatio'l workers. Incorno $700-$1000 c. Fortign Familie., ____20 9:, e. Shifting or ln{iltnztion_ NarionalitieJ-___ J~_Q?.;.!,~.\™-J-.@:!1~~- - - - d. Negro_fg,i?....%.. scattorod J?.~2.Y.9!..~J.Y9. ...!'.P.:-.9.!.QJ......OJ.9.!.fl.mJ.Ji..JA9~!}£~,-- - - - - - - 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING b. Constn.cction c. Awrage Age d. R,pai, e. Occupancy __ _!!9._j 4 & 5 rooms a. T ,pe and Siu OIBER TYPE Shacks Frrune .!l--71~ - - - - - - - f. Owner-occupied 2~--- - -- - g. 1935 Price Bracket $[800-2700 1,_cMnge h. 1937 Price Bracket $3000-3000 ... 10% $l()0<l-:JO00 ........ ..... 10 ... % !~.39........ . .. ... Pria 13,ack,t j, Sale, Demand k. P,«licte,I Pria fond (next 6-12 months) .f.Q.Q_r~------- ..5:ta.~·~- - - - - - 1935 Rtnt Bracket (c_hange 1937 Rent Bracket .. J, ___'!!. o. Rental Demand ..Fair,_ _ _ _ _ _ __ p. Predicied Rent Trend ..S.t.Q,.ti~._ _ _ __ _ $2500-$3500 _____T,pe & Price ~~---How &!ling ---~.!-9.!!!l__ (n,xt 6-IZ month.,) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No....J.?. lru•""'""• 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL.~- - 4 ~ - - b. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (. ~..:,,.) a. HOL.~- ~ 10 ~ - - b. 1ru0-.. 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, Limi tod to 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.7.::) none 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Many Many $~,.?.9......---- Terrain: Level to rolling ond: lllllsido . No construction hazards. Land improvod 85%. Zon i ng is mixed, but nrea is prodominantl y aingl&--frunily res idential. Convon ioncos arc all readily available. This is an old workingman. 1 s district which has developed over a period of 40 or fO years. Construction is very generally substandurd and mnintonanco poor. Population and improvomcnts arc oxtranely heterogeneous . Proximity to railroad yards and industrial plants is both a favorable and unfavorable influence. Parts of area. are r ap idly approaching II slum21 conditions . The area is dofini tely 11 blightod11 and is a ccorded a 11 medial redu grade. 9. LOCATION Lincoln Park SECURlTY GRADE...1~h.... AREA NO_Je~. DATE.21§/A~ 386 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL__l&j_A!l.&.~.e~•~ - - - 1. POPULATION: a. g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static~lncreasiftg _ _ _ _ _ _ _ °""'4,1,,.. b. Clan and OcatfJOtion_Da.y laborers, factory worker s & WPA worlcers . Income $600-~ Mexicans ,. Famgn FamWa-19J 2. BU!LDJNGS, a. T,r,e and PREDOMINATING Site b. Construction c. Al.'Cfage NadonaJitia__{.!!!!!l.lC~ic:an-born) Age d. Rtpoit t. Occupancy f. Own,,,-<><=Pi<d ..?.., _fil;_,1. N..,.,_2_~ OTHER TYPE __ Subs t andard_~o .. _shack..__ _ .. 25 _years~-- - - - _w_______ .20% 1935 Pria &aok<t $000-1500 h. 1937 Pria &aok<t $750-1800 j. Salts Demand ,l'o.~or~--- - - - - o. d. 3 & 4 room shacks g, k. P,edla<d Pria Tm,,t (next 6-12 mondu) 1935 Rent Bracket · ··-···- Static %change (change 1937 Rent Bracket $ lQ,00-?2, 00 . ..........% .............. % ..19.3.9..._,, ..._.,... Rent Bracket $_).0.00725.00 .. -·---- % ---~ Rmtal Omwnd ...F.ai_ _ __ _ _ __ $ 10.. 00-20-Loo ,_, .. __ -~tati,,_c_ _ _ _ __ Pm:lict.ed Rmt Trend (nut 6-12 monuu) No_Q. __Typ, 11 l'ria----~""' StlUng _ _ _ __ :,,.) (pa,t 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION p. b. I ~ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOI C 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ~-~:,,.) a. H0~- ~ 2_ _ _ b. !Mi'""""~•~F~""'~--- 6. O MORTGAGE ~ 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (19:lZ::) $ 4 6, ~ - 1938 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level with favorable grades, No construction hazards, Land improved ~ . Zoning for light and heavy industry, Conveniences are all readily available. This is an old Mexi can and manufacturing neighborhood. Whether industry invaded a Mexican settlement or whether the Mexican.a encroached upon an industrial district is a moot que stion. The result is they are inextricably mixed. The district is the poorest residential. soction of Alhambra and is characterized by a heterogeneouij popul a tion and improvemen ts . Practically all of Al hnmbro. 1 s aubvoraivo population is loco.tad here . '\'ihilo there axe a few fairly presentable 5 room cottages on tho outskirts, ahaclcs nnd hovels predominate, giving tho area a slum appearan ce. The rapid ancroo.chln~ t of industry during the pa"Ut 10 yeo.ra indicates that in time this will bo considered in no sense a residential aoction. The aroa is assigned a 11 low rod" grade. 9. LOCATION .......!.1.~rn___._ SECURITY GRADL4.t h ..-AREA NO......ll--...39.. DAm/.lB/,3') .9!.Y!!Q!:!: This aroo. is currently affected in whole or in part by an Ad valorem Tax District. Indi vidual. propert ies should be checked for this hazard~ 387 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL __ .I&JL~lill.~1.~.iLQ9_i,mJy____ _____ 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dec,-ea.sin,.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static .. J..~JL..WPA, relief, skilled workers, mechanics. b. Class and Occupation __ .... Income t!0D.=iJ..:001_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ c. FOTcign Families .._JQ__ .1~ 2. BUILD!NGS, a. Type and Site b. Construction c. A~ierage Age d. RepaiT e. Mexicans,. ___~·"'··,.,s,___ _ _ __ Nationalities PREDOMINATING .....75 ..% 4-room bun~.=al~o~•~•--- d. N,gm ..... 0 .. % OIBER TYPE 25 % ··-i to 6 rooms - sha"ckStO _bungal~ws __ - ___ egg 1'.a.J.1.~~-s, squatters• hovels, etc • . Fr8!)le_ - _some stucco 20 years __;poor Occuplncy f. Own,,-occupied '%, change g. 1935 Price BradU!t h. 1937 Price Bracket $1 700-2200 i. 19.3.9 .................. Price Bracket $.I. 7.:0-22f() j, Sales Demand _fo_,cor~--- - - - k.. Predicted Price Trend ............. % ... % __ j, 1, (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket m. 1937 Rent Bmcket n. ..l~-~~---·- ......... Rent Bra<:ket o. Rental Demand $ 15-20 ..........% $ ..15-20 ...........--··· -·· .. _..1, ... % --···"' p. !Tedicted Rent Trend _,Sc,t,cat,:,ic::cc__ _ _ _~ (next 6..12 months) 4 rm. bW1galows 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (prut yr.) No......~ ... _._Type & Price $2E00-$3000 How Selling Owner t 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (....~ ..:,,.) a. HOL,.___ _ _ _ _ b. Institutioru,_c.F•cc.w_ __ HOL.<.-_.c.o_ __ b. lnstitmio"''--"F-"ei_,- - - 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_ ....J!@.o............... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $!000 (1939...) $..li4..IO 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA Terrain: Level to rolling. No construction hazards. Land in:q::,roved 40i. Zoning is mixed, princip.a lly single-family residential. Conveniences are all readily available . This is an old section - started many years ago as a chicken ranch section, soma of which still remain. Construction ranges from 11 shack. 11 to fair quality standard. Maintenance , while spotted, is generally of poor character, Populat ion and in:q::,rovements are extremely heterogeneous. Dwellings range from shacks and shabby cottages to better types along main thoroughfare. It is said that the area was blighted by an ad valorem tax district bond issue which has been rGfunded during pas t year . In the process of this the county and city of Los Angeles acquired nmch property, Much undeveloped lrui.d plus relief from ad valorem bond taxes may stimulate the arro; however , other subversive influences a us adjacenco to oil wells and industry , proximity to city and presence of inharmonious ra.cioJ. clements, rG11.ders rui. in:q::,roved grade highly questionable. Therefore, the area is accorded a 11 medial red 11 grade. 9. LOCATION,_-"rn=gl=• __ SECURITY GRADE. .....~.tll AREA NO-!l::."!l.... DATE. 3/14/39 ~ : This area is currently affecteO. in whole or in part by on Ad valorom Tax District. Individual properti es should bo chocked for th i s hazard. 388 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of __ J&JLAt1W~.;i_ _Qq_~~L _ _ 1. POPULATION: a. Incrp~c'try workers , artisan~;i"orers & wP.A.. workel's. Scatic _ f ~ Income $700-$1000 b. and Oxupatio.. _M~J_~~•- - - - - - - c. Foreign Families ..- ~.9_1 ,. Shifting or ln/il1Tatio,1,._Jlexican __ !:ci._:ftl__tr.ati9n & further _ enC£2.ayhment _of_ ind,ustn~ 2. BUILDINGS, NationalitieJ ______ PREDOMINATING •.. 80 % OTIIER TYPE 4 room duplexes.L._shacks a. T,pc and Site . Stuccp. & __ frame ________ _ c. A1.1eTage Age d. Repair e. Occupancy ... 15_yearq_ _ _ __ _ ...F.9.o.r_ _ _ _ _ __ ..~.a~----- - ..:,.Q.%,_ _ _ _ _ __ %change ~~~ ....•...... % -~ _J g. 1935 Price Bracket $1200-1800 h. 1937 Price Bmcka $1E00-2000. __.... ,. 1939..........•..... Pric, fuacka ho00--2000 j, Sales Demand PM.r~-- - - - - - k. PnuUcted Price fond (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket .. St.~t_ic._ _ _ _ _ __ m. 1937 Rene Bracket n. l9..39 _____________ Rent Bracket o. Rental Demand _ .. $15-20 ...._ ....% $15-20 . $1&-2=0_ _ __ __:}_ .....S...1i.a:t.i.~ - -- - - Predicted Rem Trend 4-rm. stucc.o (nc~ 6-12 months-} 3. NEW CONSTRUCl1ON (pa,t :,T.) No....1.0 .... T,t,e & Pria .~?.:;Q:-.~::QQ.•How Selling .. Q.~§"_buil L p. __,O,____ b.,rioru_...••Em!....•••.- 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HO•u..._ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.o....:,,.J a. HOL~- ~ - - - b.,rioru..•......E.fil'L••.••• 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_•....lio.~.L........... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193lL) $~ElQ.···-· 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level to sloping. No construction hazards. Land improved 90%. Zoning is mixed , but area is predominantly single-family dwellings . Conveniences are all readily available. T' area is 2.0 years or rrore old and has never been a popular r esiden tial district. Construction is nondescript ranging from 11 shaclc 11 to substandard construction. Population is he terogeneous and borders the subv ersi,;e . An in t erurban and railway line bisects the area and along Redondo Blvd. residences are interspersed with light industry. The \vhol e area has the aspect of being shoddy and cramped. Adjacence to Inglewood Park Cemetery is a detrimental factor . Proximity to fadustrial eqiloyment is a favorable influence and helps rentals. Tho area is definitely blighted and is a ccorded a 11 rncdial red 11 grade. SECURITY GRADE..~..t~...... AREA N0.11:-.!1-... DAT6!J.l!'!}.?!.9 9. LOCATION .. Southwest ~ : This area is currently affoctod in whole or in part by an Ad -valorem Tax District. Individual properties should bo chocked for this hazard. 389 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL_LQlLA.=..ES ..C.0l/.N.IT 1, POPULATION: e. a. lncreasing ______$.:J..9._'!'!.fX.. ____________________ Decrea.s:inog__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static. __________ _ Shifting or Infiltratk,n, _ _~N~on~•~ap:P~•~r~•n~t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, a. PREDOMINATING T:ype and Site b. Construction OTHER TYPE .... - .... }, ~_possible to desiEP:?:~~-~---· to substandard c. Average Age ~5 d. Rep.:ti-r Poor to 20 years e. Occupancy f. Ow=-occupkd g. 1935 Price Bracket $Im:prq_vements Qre %c~~e_ h. 1937 Price Bracket ~-~J_4.~....t ....9.2.IJ,Hr.),,J,_9 .ti9.Jl ...... 1' too varied as to type, ;, 1939 ...... Price Bracket ........... % to estimate prices of ~.r.~_qg."!).J.ll9..ttr,l.g_______ ................%. classifications j. Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket ~lQcl7.,.5L... .,,. __,,, ..Poo.~- - - ...._____ _ _ _ _ __ .<f, 1937 Rent Bracket ~lD.-20 .... n. l..93~. .. .. .... . .fun< &acke, $10-20 o. Rental Demand . .F.ei..c...._ _ _ _ _ __ ............... % ,,, -·---,,, p. Predicted Rent Trend ..S.t.ati.uC-----~ (n,,i 6-12 month.,) $1500 - $2000 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past )'T'.) No...4 .......__T-:,pe & Price...4.-I.9.001.~--- ....... How Selling ..QY!D.~.:r.....P.gJ.:.!.~- 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL-~-~0_ __ 5. SAlE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( ...3.:,,.) a. HOLC... ._ l 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS: ______~QA~--- b. In.stitutionu_____,O'---- .. .............. b. In,o""""",--o"'---- 1. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 ~i9l~? $..4?.,.?B. 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level with no construction hozards. LE:md improved 60%. This area has grown like "Topsy" arrl there is little 11 rhyme or recron'' to it. Populo.tion, improvements and maintenance are extrenoly heterogeneous end leave little f or which to hope. This thoroughly blighted area is ass igned o "low r ed " grade_. 9. WCATION.Vl~s.t.J.fl#lewood SECURITY GRADE... .4'A .. : AREA N0_,~:4?.... DATill.:::ti'::3.1 C.A.UTIOM: This a.Dea. is currently affected in ;vhole or in part by an Ad v ~:!.r; roci Tax District. Individ'UD.1 properties shoulcl be checked for this h~~~d. AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of ____LOS ...ANGEI,.ES _CO~T:( 1. POPULATION: a. .... . ... Decreasin,g...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static ......._____ _ Increasing ____ filawly...... b. Class and Omi.pation ____Artisens, laborers,_ f iu1J1 _and _WPA_ worlcers - I ucome$7ClQ.-1200 __ _ c. Foreign Families. ___ 25 % Nationalities Mexicans, Japanese & Italians e. Shi/ting or lnfilt'ration. ______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __JJQll.~ ....®.J?.e.l':fill.t•_ _ _ __ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, a. PREDOMINATING ·-··80. % O1HER TYPE .4....@cl.. 5..X.99.fil..e.S_ _ __ T:,pe and Size b. Construction .Frf l ! ' 0 0 ~ - - - - - - c. Average Age ..15 veers-·-···-··· d. Repair .. P.QQ.Lt.O....!.a.l..l·' - - - - - - - c. Occupanc, 9...v:;L__ _ _ _ __ f. Ol.uner-occupied ..?.5 , " - - - - - - - - g. 1935 Price Bracket $1300-1750 --·--·-· h. 1937 Price Bracket ~500-2000 ... ...1> i. 19:,9 - .. ......... Price B"'cket $1500 - 2000 ..... .. % j. Sales Demand _J?.oo,.c__ _ _ _ _ __ k. Predicted Price T,-end (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent &acket ho •.OOd§...00.,______ %cha~e 'lo change 1937 Rent Bmcket ho.oo=J.7.•?Q·-··-..- .... .J, ............... \>\ n. 1939····-- .........Rent o. Rental Demand p. 7~:Cfl!il~e:~~7 Bracket %change ..St.ati.c__ _ _ _ __ $l0.00-l7y'iQ ___ -·-"' --·-..·-· % ¥,a ir ._Stati,cc_ _ _ _ __ 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No...~~.!?:~ ..T,pe & Price _ _ _ _~ow Selling _ _ _ __ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOLC.. D b. lnstitutions _ ___co__ (3 ..,,..) a. HOL l b. ln,ritution, .... . ... o. . 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_.......l!QM........ 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 ui1.3.7)i. .59.,..o.6. 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA Terrain: Level. No construction hezards. Lend improved 25%. Conveniences fnirly availeble (schools readily so ). This a r ea which lies inside city limits is prnctically part of f a rm lands which extend north, enst and south of district. Construction and maintenance i s "spotted ", there being scm<:i fairly well built cottages whose repair sl:Pws pride of ownership, Genernlly, howevElr, both pop~ation a nd improvements are heterogeneous I with e. liberal sprinkling of subversive racial elements. The area is accorded o "medial red" grade . 9. LOCATION ES§:\_.H.Y!:\.ll2mL ..._.. SECURl'IY GRADE... Mh.... AREA NO.... Pc43... DATE3c!--7.:.39 391 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL ..._.!•-~ MtELES cou:NrY 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing_ ...... Moderatel1...... ... Decreasin,g__ _ _ _ _ _ Static ..•...... ___ _ b. 1 Class and Occupation . . ~iii;a:~ t;a:_! ~~-r::iri?{J,11::t~;;~r~·l~!-~-~~~~$~~;500-;------ c. Foreign Families .... e. Shifting OT ..1.5...1 Nationalities ....... Me.xic.ans.,;,_t;ID_~.$..~.. -4....:!;1~11~.~~----· 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING ···-~ % a. T,pe and Site ..4...&...)_..r.Q9Jl_l_S,._ _ _ __ b. Construction ...F.r.ame~------ c. Average Age ...12.. - - - - - d. Repair _ __ e. Occupancy 41,,,_________ g. d. NegrrL..-9......... 'fo lnfiltrarion, _ _ _ _ _~I9Jl.~ ...e.P..P.~.:r..~nJ~----- - - - - - - - Owner-occupied .. 300,.~- - - - - - - 1935 Price Bracket $..1400..,,1.8.50............. %cha~~ !l.6.00.:::2.l.QQ. _........%. $.1600-2100. . .....% h. 1937 Price Bracket OTIIER TYl'E Shacks and other nonde - .ar,;.:rJ.P:1!....g.Y!~!JJA.£§ ....... . i. 1.939 . ............ Price ;. Sales Demand ..Poor~ - - - - - - k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rene Bracket ....Static,_ _ _ _ __ 1937 Rent Bracket $J.5,00c20 , 00 _ ..............% ........ .% n. .l939.. ........ Rent $ i i::..00 -20.00 ---·· % --·-- % o. Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend B,ack,t B,ack,t ...F a i . ~ - - - - - - ._.Stat..i.c.__ _ _ _ __ (next 6-12 months) $1500.... 2500 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No........ 3.Q. ....Type & Price.4...!!.n.£.3...~ ..·...Row Selling HOLC. ....... 2 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( .. 3.. :,,.) a. HOLC~ ..... 9 .. .... 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,,_._ Largely Ovmer built b. lnstitution,~-~O_ __ ... ······-· b. Institutio Few 1937-8 $_.S_e,3§... _,Le,iru,,, ,,., · tc,ce,,_d_ 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193...) 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terra i n : Level v1ith favorable grades - no construction hazards. LEmd improved 30%. Zoning very sketchy and subject to frequent changes ; predominantly single fe.mily . ConveniEmces in unhatched parts ere fairly &vr.ilable . This orea i:::1 lergely in Counti territory , just outside th e Enwthorne city limits. Development of this section as a suburben fanning district began mE>nY years 0.E:,0 1 but its pres - ~ ant r es idential ch::irecter b egnn less than 20 years rgo, Much of the l1atched portion is still in sma ll fenns and considerable part of the unhnt ched portion is •. ~-· rural in its makeup. Under thtlse circumotanc us it i s not surprising that popu lation , improvements and mointonance are ext r emely heterogeneous. Many Japanf::lse gardeners and Mexi c an form laborers ore found in the outlying districts . Oil well e nd tc1nk farms occupy odjncent territory to the west. The arco is assigned n "mediol red" grade. Southern Hawthorne 9. ~OCATION and suburbs SECURlTY GRADE. _.4tll.. AREA N0•..1h 1:'\ ... DATI2.:1J.:)9 CAUTIOU: This o.reo. is curren tl y uffectecl in "17hole or in part by an Ad 39 2 vlllor'3ll Tn.""< District. Individufil pr0pcrtios should be chcck:ccl for this hazarc'l.,. AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of ______ _LOS AN:iELES COlJNI'Y a. lncretising ________ §.!9.~-~X ......._ ............ Decreasmi< - - - ~ ~ - - Static ···-------·- I. POPULATION, b. Class and Occupation Oil wall workers , laborers, truck farmers & V-1PA 1•1orkers Income $700-$18o0 c. Foreign Families ... JS.% Nationalitie.s.- . ..........M~_;1cans, Japanese &_J_~-~!~-~~-s d. Negro _______ 9.___ .. _%. e. or Infiltraiion _ _ _ _ __ _ l=•o=n=•~•~P,~P•=r=•=nt~------- 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING ...80...%. a. Type and Si:te _____Fram,,•~----- b. Co11Strw:tion c. At1eTage Age d. Repair 0-TI-IER TYPE _.l;Q_% sha.cks ·and other DOJ?:desc_r:iJl~ .. d_v,ell~Dft;S ..... __ Poo r ___ to_..fa.i:r.... e. Occupancy f. Owna-occui,red ...25iL %change g. 1935 Price Bracket tl250.cl7'.)Q_ h. 1937 Price BracJ«•c $ .. 1500- ;;ooo .....% Lisoo-2000 ........... % i. 1.939... j. Saks Demand k. Pmlicted Price Trend (next 6- 12 months) Pnce Bracket ....% ·---·-"' .. _Poor,___ _ _ _ __ 1935 Rent Bracket 1937 Rent Bracket $.12 .• 50-20.00 .1939 ......... $ 12.50-20.00 R,nt lliacket o. Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend (n,,t 6-12 montlu) ..........._% Fair ._.St~ti~c_ _ _ _ __ $1750 - 2500 ...... .Type & Pria .-..4 & 5 rooms How Selling ..~m~.:r_..1?.).;!.U_~_ 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No .....!.§ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL.~-~--- b. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (...3 .yr.) a. HOLC....... Institutions ...-. ····-·Q······- J................ b. Institutions.... Fe~ 1937-8 6. MORTGAGE RJND& __ L\'l\U•.<l ....... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.... ) $.5.4.,.29. 8. DESCRJPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level to hilly - no construction hazards. Land improved 1~. This area is under county government and is vii thout definite zoning and has no deed protection. It i::: very sp&rsely settled and is largely given over to a r-1•iculturnl uses. Oil wells and tank forms are loc a ted in its northern boundary . Popul&tion, improvements and maintenance ore heterogeneous anG ere lereely of poor quality. The future of the district is indefinite but ther1:< is little rec.son to believe th;: t it vi ill improve . This hutche d ar0n is given a provisionel "low red" grade . 9. LOCATION Southwest Hawthorne SECURITY GRADE. .....4~.~··· AREA NO-...!~.:-.45. DATR.3.:~7.:.39 CAUTION: This arao is currently off'ected in ~1hole or in part by en Ad valorem -- Tax District _. Indi vidue.l prop .; rties should be chocked for this hazar~. 393 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map 0 £ 1. POPULATION: b. Cf.ass and c. LOS ANJ.!!;LE.S coumY a. Increasing, _ _ R_ap_i_cll_Y _ _ _ Decr.:asin,,__ __ _ _ _ Static Occaj>ation ..-~i0·~f~iiiii-~-{.:.;~~-~al men , Foreign Families.. _ ?.____1, Nationalities.. artisansf white ________ coll c.r v:orkers d. Negro ...... 0 ...... _% e. Shifting OT In/iln-ation, _ _ _ _~O.n.$. __.e.pp_i;;_r.s;n,~----------- - - 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING OTIIER TYPE ..100.% __ _j a. T:,pe and Site b. Constntcrion c. AtJCTage Age .IJ.nd!:.X... l ...'J.i:.!;l,~- - - - d. Re?lir .Good_ _ _ _ _ __ e. Occupancy .. lQQ.f,,_ _ _ _ _ __ Owner-occupied g, 1935 Price Bracket ~~-~- - - - h. 1937 Price Bmck.::t i.~-~-- - - i. 1939....... ........... Price j. SaU!s Demand k. l. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket n. 180-9---- . ......Rent Bracket o. R.mtal Demand Bracket %,change t.315.Q.:::409.9..... None 1937 Rent Bracket ·····-···"'j, ~- --3\rea p. Pmlicted Rent Trend 4, 5 & 6 (next 6-12 months) 3. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (....3.. yr.) 6. rooms NEW CONSTRUCTION (/xUt y,.) No...44......Typ, & Price _U!2c.M229.... How S.Wng MORTGAGE FUNDS,_F)!i\ Title I See below JJQn.e___!'QLe~1.• a. HOL.,_ _0 ~ - - - b. In.stitutio,.-_ _o _ __ a. HOL.<.-.---'' - - - - - - b. Institution"-•- - - ' - - - - 7. .TOTAL .TAX RATE PER $1000 (193. ...) f!ot est. 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain : Le ve l with no construction haznrds.· Lruid i mproved 20%. Deed restricted both as to construction and populc. t ion . Conven ience s a re ovailnblc but not readily so. Tho 44 new improvements in tho arefl have been f inanced under FHA Title I v1ith s econd cry financing . Down payments ha ve bee n on the be sis of a-10% minimum. Construction ond arc hitectura l design hove been above FF.A Title I nve roge &nd popula tio n i s of good queJ.ity. Development vms begun under the assumption that an Ad v0.lore'1 d istrict indeb t edness would be s a ti sfo ctor;i:ly d ispos ed of but it v-1as recently found t hf:t this V'Ould not be the c ose . Development , there fo re , c eased and t the si tu&tion a t present is u complic1 ted one . If, us and '"hen the Ad va lorem ind0btedn,;ss is fl djusted , tha grode of the ~rea will be o.dv, nced and it is s a i d that the Title I ClaGo 3 financing may be chnnged to Title 2, a nd t he secondary f i nancing wiped out. Under the circumstance s, th~ o.reo. is a ccord ed o. ''Provisional Red " grade . Provisional 9. LOCATION Alondro Villes_'?_ SECURITY GRADF...... 4th... AREA NOllc49.. .... DA.TES.::.l,__Q:-39 CAUTION: Thi s ure a is currently affected in v•hole or in pv.rt by un Ad Vf..lorem Tnx District. Individua l properties should b e checked for this hazard. 394 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map nf l. POPULATION: a. = LOS AJJGELES COUNl'Y Increasing_}~~?.9:~!'.~~-~!,¥. ______ ______________ Decrea.sin,g__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Staoc b, Clas$ and Occu~on .Airplane factory \\Ork0rs1-_motion picture conman labor, c. Foreign Familics .....5. .......~ e. Shifting or lnflltmtion, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Slight____ infiltration,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ertisnns, etc. Z. BUILDINGS, a. Income $1000 to $1500 NatiDMliries_.............M~.2;j,g_~)}§....~.:!')..t.J_taj.J9n~.... PREDOMINATING Tyt,£ and Size b. Construction ..J.'i. .\t __ bungalovis ..l..5,... Y..l;l.W.:§,_ _ _ _ __ d. R,pafr ..POQ.r....t.Q... - - - - e. Occupancy f. Owner-occupjed ~8%,_ _ _ _ __ _ _ . 60-65% g. 1935 Price Bracket $2000-25.<X' .___ _ h. 1937 Price Bracket $2250-3000 .... ..J.939 . . ... .. Price B,ock,t ~??50c3000 . j. Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 mondu) 1935 Rent Bracket ~20.00-3..0 •.00 1937 Rent Bracket ~S:2,5..0s35.,QQ....__ n. L\)3'). ............ &nt D,ock,t o. OTHER TYPE ._l'j_ '> Heterogeneous collection of shacks I bungolow -·-·-courts, garege barres, etc. __ Framec_ _ _ _ _ __ Average Age c. d. Negro ······-· 0 __ 'I, $22.50-35,00_ ..._ %change %•.ha~s• .. J, % ... _% ..... % Rental Demand P,-edicttd Rent Trend __ S t a b l e ~ - - - - - (next 6--12 months) 4:..5 room stucco 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION {past yr.} No ...?9. ..T1pe & _Pri~9.9_Q.::.$.~5.Q........How Selling p. Readily 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL.~--0~-- b. lnstitutions,_,.M,,,any"'--- (3..... yr.) a. HOLC--~~-- b. Institutioru,,...cMccany"'--- 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES 1937-8 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS·Limi ted & seleCl,i "l'OTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193... .. ) $..47.,.9.9. 8. DESCRIPTlON AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA Terrain: Level to slightly rolling. No construction hazards. Land improved 45%, Deed restI'ictions only protect against Negro race, und zoning is mixed ond unsatisfactory. Schools, churches c.nd trading centers conveniently available. Transportation is inadequnte. Many deod end streets, some unimproved. This subdivision was platted end pleced on the market some 20 yeers of!J) . Hoviever, n number of improvements are 40 to So years old. This hes never be e n a popular district nnd, under stimulus of FHA 'ritle I md Title II nnd expe.nsion of airplane industry, is currently expe rie ncing its greatest t1.ctivity. Con struction r1mges fran "sh ack" to standard quality. Mc.intenance is spotted but at best ·only fair. Population and improvementR are extremely heterogeneous. The compuratively smell part south of Ve nice Blvd; is tr.c best section of the area and contains most of the nev1 construction, . The area is definitely blighted ond is therefore accorded a "high red" grade . 9. LOCATION .. . W•.:LF.•!......- ·····-··· SECURITY GRADE ..M.h... c AREA NO•..Rc4.7... DATE3cle3=39 Caution: This area is currently affected in whole or in part by an Ad vnlorem Tax District. Individual properties should be checke:d for this haze.rd. 395 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL_. _ !,,oS AFGEI.i;:s 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing _ _ _ _ _ __ coumy·--··- Decrmsing.....__ _ _ _ _ _ St.atic ___ !_~~--- b. Class and OccMpaticn Small me_rchants , art i sans , service and VIPA workers I ncane $700 to t 1500 c. Foreign Families __ £:~ Narionaliries Japonese & Italians d. Negro _____'j____1i. e. Shifting or lnfiltratic,n ___~':!!>.!.~-~:sive racial elements, yarticularly Negroes ,. increasing Z. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING 75 _j, -··-5...orui.ii a. T:,pe and Site and multi-frunily .... Freme c. OTHER TYPE Sm~~l .. Apt~.' ..L .._bungalov,_~s 10 to 20 years Average Age Poor d. RepaiT e. Occupancy __s<lf~- - - - - ·-•5.%_______ f. Ownn-oo:itpied g. 1935 Price B,ack,1 $..2500s35QQ __....... %change '%change h. 1937 Price Bracket J_-3QQQ.".'..49.QQ.. ...... .. ..... 1, ----··- % i. 1939. ······-····-·Price B,acl<,t ~ ..2zoo-3600 ___.J, ....% Poor k. Prediaed Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracl<£t m. 1937 Rent Bracket __Static__ _( i:iee .. below L______ $ 20 •.00-30,00 ··-·-· t ??,50c32, 5!L _ '.>(change %change .............. % $_ _ _ __ _ o. Rental Demand ..J?.QQ,~ -- p. Pmficted Rent Trend ..-stat.i.c....:t!Ldo.w.n..._ __ _ - .............. % .. -.- 1 ~-22,.5Q"3<Ll!Q._, -·---· % - -- (next 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION {pa.,t yr.) No..... N.'?.n~....T:,t,e & Prico _ _ _ _~ ,ow Seiling _ _ _ __ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOL~- - ~ - - b. Jn5titution~•-~F~e_w_ _ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( ..3...,.,.J a. HOJ C 6. 32 MORTGAGE FUNDs,_._.J1£n~· --·····-·-- 1. TOTAL TAX RATE PER b. burinwoo, s10co 0 <~JE}s-5.?.&Q.__ 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain : Level, no construction hazards . Land improved 95%. Zoning varies frcm single family to light industry . Conven-Unces ell readily available . Development of area began over 35 years ago . It was never of hieh grade und trend of desirability has been downwo.rd for a number of years. Population , improvement s ond maintenance ore extremely het-.rogeneous. Owing to comparative nearness to down town bus iness district, increase in land values will probably tend to stabilize prices . J.1.ready the area is rapidly develop i ng i nto e low - grade apartment house end business district. The presence of Rosednle Cemetery he s attracted numerous funera l establishment s . The area is accorded a "mediol red" grade . 9. 1.0CATION.1'.6c'!1.Jcngton -Vennont SECURITY GRADIL..4,.h.... AREA NO__!'::_4§. D A ~ AREA DESCRIITION Security Map of.._....... L9.$._1\.J,Wi.~$....Q.Q.Jmr.X. ________ _ 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing ____ . ----~--§!~J..Y...... __ ........... Decreasin b. Class and Occupation Studio t11orkers, artisans and laborers. c. Fo-reign Families ...r~~---'1~ Z. BUILDINGS, None subversi.-'v-=-•---- Narionalitic PREDOMINATING ..4....~-~ 5 a. Type and Site Static·····--·····- Income $1000- $1800 .....9• 1, OiHER TYPE rooms Frame and __ Stucco __ b. Construction c. Average Age cl. ·Repair ...P.9.9..:r. ...tQ... J.~Jr.___ __ e. Occutxmcy ,.97%,_ _ _ _ _ __ .9,a.,,___ _ _ __ Owner,oa:upied g. 1935 Ptice Bracket _ h. 1937 Price Bracket f.2000c30.0.0. %chan~ ....% i. l.939 ........ Pnc, j, Sak., Demand Poor to fair k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months} 1935 Rent Bracket Static &ack,1 F000-3000 ········"' 1937 Rent Bracket o. Rental Demand ... ?..oar to fair Predicted Rent Trend ___S t a t i e , c ~ - - - - (next 6-12 months} 4-5 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa,i ,.,,) No. ..?5 ... .T,P< & Price J?,?5CJQ,J)J_Cl?.2 ..How &!Ung .. .....010.Y!lY.......... _ p. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES L) ...J'I'.) a. HOLC ........ ...... N,,; ....... b. lruticutimts_ ...... .E..~~~ a. HOLC.. ...........Nr.m1L...-... b. lnstitutions... ..N9.t.....t.n..9.w.n......_ 1937-8 6. .MORTGAGE RJNDS, ...........Limit.ed ........ 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193 ) $5?,.7.9. 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Flat meadow lfmd, consisting of hea:vy adobe soil. La Ballena Creek, which bisects the areo from east to west, is the storm drain of the entire west side of the City of Los .Angeles. Soggy, adobe soil constitutes construction hazard. Land improved 20%. Single family residential. Conveniences all available. Development of area bcgcn some years efp v·hcn several old frrune dwellings viere moved into the area. In the pest 18 months, a numb er of dwellings-, financed through 'F'HA Title I end Title II loans, .heve been erected. Meny streets unimproved and impossible in wet weather. Construction 1s cheap and some improvements are J e rry- built... Mcint-=rnance generally poor. Population end improvements heteroge .n eous. La Ballonn storm. drain is said to constitute a slight Clood hazard. While this area constitutes an ill conceived development which should never have been subdivided, the great preponderance of nevi construction and lack of racial hazard would seem to warrant assignment of a "high red" V-ade. 9. LOCATION ......~• Ballena Creek SECURITY GRADE.. 4,h.+ AREA NO....P.:.49. DATE.3::c!..Qc.39 CAUTION: This area is currently affected in whole or in part by an Ad valorem Tax district. Individual properties should be checked for this hazard. 397 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map 9f_____JA).§___@g;.JJ',§. __ Q9_~y_ __ . 1. POPULATION: b. Class and a. ....... . Decreasing__ _ _ __ _ Static ___ Yes_ lnaea.sing _ _ __ 0:cupadon.,._i·~~-~~-iE~9.~;~2455r1.!ce workers , c. Foreign Familie.s._..?_Q__1 e. Shifting OT PREDOMINATING a. T'Yf>e and Size b. Constrnction c. At-vage Age Negro _____ .45_~ __99_j OTIIER TYPE _.5 and 6 rooms FrrulJ.~•- - - - - -- d. Repair e. Occ1-lpancy ._9/lll,_______ /. ~-occupied .. ">5'!·~-- - - - - g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Price Bracket .1939... ········Pri<• }.25000359.Q.... Bracket j, Salts Denwnd k. PTedicted Price Trend 6-12 d. Polish Jews Infi!tTation ____ l'J'~grg_~~---?..:V...<:Llfil!~!J.~.~-~.-J!!.i;t!:9_1;!_~!n£!Lg:um=•ro= u• ~ ------ 2. BUILDINGS, (next smoll merchants &. laborers NatioMlities___ ,........i!~P..!m.!!~--~ - ~ -~~.!.!:Yl and $. 255)0 - 3500 _ month,) 1935 Rent Bracket $ 20.00~27,.5.0 ____ 1937 R,nt Bmcket I ..25,.00c.35,.QQ.,____ n. ,.193-3·--·-·--··R,nt &acket o. Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend i . ~-~~!':I.~~ ...% L?5,00s35&Q__ __%. 1, ............... % __ % ..... Good~- - - - - - __ fil.a:.~·"'--- - - - (n,n 6-12 month.) $4000- $4500 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No......4 ····-·-Type & Price .. .... How Selling ...JJade.r.ately..4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOL.~- - ' > - - - - b. lnstitutionL.Y.~X.Y ...f.~.....•._ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( ..J ..:,,J 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTIRIS11CS OF AREA, Terrain: Level with no constructio n hazo.rd . Land improved 90%. Expired deed restrictions. Large ly single family zoning . Convenience s all re::-.dily available. Forty years Bf!P this was a @Od medium priced residential district but since deed r estrictions expired sane 10 ye ars ago it has rapidly become infiltered with negroes end Japanese. Improvene nts con sist largely of obsol E: te Ca lifornia style bungalows which have been f a irly well Dlflintoined. The area is highly heterogene ous both es to populf·_ t io n end improvements. It is consider ed the best Negro reside ntial district i n t hu city. This i s p~·. rticule. rly tnw of tha t part west or v:estern Ave . Owing to s t a bility of values ond evident prido of ownership, the a r ea is accorded e "high red" grade , 9. LOCATION J t.fferson and Arlingt on SECURITY GRADE.4t.~.. <: AREA NO.Il=.5Q .. DA~=-1..:,C.}9 AREA DESCRIJYTION Security Map of LOS PJiraLES COUNI'Y I. POPULATION, b. Cla:ss and Ocmparion__ se:r~c e._.workar s , clerks , labore rs, et c. c. Foreign Fami!ies ....___ gQ_~ Nationafirn•e,__ Income $1000-1500 __cMcce=xi=·c-=•=ns: __ _ _ _ __ e. Shifting or Infiltration, _ __cE:::n=.cro=•=-chm=•ccnt~o.c_f_cbccuccsi=n=-e=ss';:i:=n.:_cre=•=••:...·_ 2. BUILDINGS, ...65 ... % PREDOMINATING a. T ype cind Site __ _2'.i__1 OTHER TYPE 6 to 8 r ooms ......5 rooms ...........5% .. b. Construction Frame Multi-family c. Auerage Age 3.5._.7ears A~p~t_s_ . _&_f_l_a_ t s_ _ _l~?.1.:._ d. Rer,air Poor to Fair ~_u_nga~l_ow_co_u_r_t_•_~5% 10% e. Occupancy f. Owner-occupied 15.% g. 1935 Price Bracket $ .. 2750-4500 ____ h. 1937 Price Bracket t .39.QQc475Q i. l..939 ............ Price &acket $ 3000- 5000 j. Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend l. 1935 Rent Bracket ;{chnn~, J, ......... % ___ .'f, ... ....... .% Pear Down (next 6-12 months) m. 1937 Rent Bracket n. 1939.. . ....... Rent B,acket o. Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) ~$__.2°"0ec-4s,0, __ __ (change .t..?.5::45_______ _ ............. % L?.5c45.. ...J, ;Fair ____$,,t,,at""ic,C~----- 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No.J~~A~ ... _T-.,pe. & Price _ _ _ _~,ow Selling _ _ _ __ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( 3.,,.I a. HOL._,'--'' -- - b. IrutiMion,~-~F~•w~_ a. HOL.'--- - " - - - - - b. i"l."'.13f_'.s ]~:,, 6. MORTGAGE RJNDS, ____No.n.a................. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $WOO (19L.J $ ...5Z.,.8.9... .. 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level. No flood or construction hazards. Land improved 95%. Zoning is mixed , largely multiple unit st ructure~. Conveni enc es are all readily a vaila bl e. This is an old area , some i mprovements being 50 years or more old. It was never a high class district and has be en steadily declining for many years . It is now rnpidly becoming a cheap re sidential income and business dist rict. Const ruction is largely substandard and ma int enance i s gener ally of poor quality. Population and improvements ore both highly heterogeneous. The area is blighted but i s generally above the slum class . It is accorded o. "medial red " grade. 9. LOCATION ......!&~..Ms.•l&•_.......... SECURITY GRADE... M.e.... AREA NO-!lc5.l... DATE.3.-:i>.::3.9 399 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of__ ···-···· 1. POPULATION: LOS ANGELES COUNTY a. Increasing, _ _ _ _ _ __ Decreasin,g__ _ _ _ _ _ Static __ Yes-· ~!fan.1-~l166" -:J"~tf~b~s_, low scale clericals, b. Class and Occupation.... 1 factory workers,ete c. Foreign Families ...AP.....~ Nationalities .......¥.-.~-~~~~E-.7...t../.~panese o.nd low class d. Negro ..... 50 _ 'I, Italians e. Shi/ting or Infiltration ____ --~D..t;;J'Q.~9.l:m!-~P..1i. ...9.f... J.JJ4.~§.:l!.!'.Y.. __!!__ J).}_ r e=•~•·~-------2. BUILDINGS, 011-!ER TITE . .....5 a. Type and Site Frame b. Construction c. rooms Aiierage Age d. Repair e. Occupancy f. Owner-occupjed g. 1935 Price Bracket ~-9..99.:.?J.5Q______________ %..~~~~.': h. 1937 Prit::e Bracket ?P</> j. Sale.1 Demo.rtd .:Eoi. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ k. Predicted Price Treru:l (~ 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket Slo..Y.1ly__ .1lQ1'1.n.... _ _ __ .....?Q%_ _ _ _ _ __ %change ..... .,.....1' n. l<J.39··-·-- ...... Rent o. Rental Demand $g5.oo,30.CIJ --·- %,hang, $?.7,50-35.00_.._._ ....J.3....% m. 1937 Rent Bracket Bmck,t ........... % _% I<e7L~0-=35,.QQ____ . ·--_% ...F.a.i.~------- p. Predicted Rent Trend ..S_t-Jrti,.9~-----(next 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No...3........... _Type & PriclL..:gg_~._kQ9..9........How Selling 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: .5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (3 J'.l a. HOL.~-~--- b. a. HOLC... ..74. .... b. Slowly lnstitutio,~~F_e,_o_ __ /n,nrutio Few 8 ) $._5?,_8Q 6. MORTGAGE FUND&-.....l:19.µ.~ ................ 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $HXX,1((9t 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA Terrain: Level. No flood or construction hazards. Land improved 90%.• Zoning is mixed, but improvements are largely single family dwellings. Conveniences are all readily available. This is the "melting pot" area of Los Angeles, and has ·• long been thoroughly blighted. The Negro concentrotion is largely in the eastern two thirds of the area. Original construction was evidently of fair q_uality but l ack of proper m~intennnce is notnble, Population is unifomly of poor q_uali ty and many improvementc are in a state of dilapidation. This eren is a fit location for a slum cl ec,rance project. The area is nccold EJd a "low red" grade, 9. LOCATION Central Ave.Di 5t · SECURITY GRADE. ...4~. ~....'.":' AREA NO-..!?.:]~... DATE.2.:.2.:}]. 400 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL __.. .. - · .. ..W$..ANGJILllS.._C.QUNr1. 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing ____ ······-··,$'lcWJ).y __________ .... Decreasin,,__ __ _ _ _ Static b. Class and Occupation ..l.~:WJfi.U.l.'Q.1'.Q..~i;;jo1ml.._&_.Jlu,s.irulll.S._m.e..n., ..,.-lVPA..____ _ workers, e tc. c. Foreign Families._ __ 5Q. ___~ Income $700 to $2000 9.Ud up Nai:ionaUties..Euss.ian.,._.P..o.lish ..&... .. d. Ne,gm .........l ____.'i Slcvs, Greeks, Amorican Moxicans,Jnpanese and It elians e. ..... . ...... _$._\ll>_V.~.r-$.:!..YQ.....f ~.Q.i!il.l._.lJlqn~n.t.~---.1.n.G.r~-~-~.Ln....__ _ _ __ Shifting m Infiltration 2. BUILDINGS, a. PREDOMINATING .... 40 ... % OTHER TYPE 41.. -.5___ &___6___ ..,roo=m.e.s_ __ T1pe and Size ?.L...3-..~A~ ...4....!'2'?.!lL ..~.t.?&f!t32% Apts. & other multiOld c. rooms and up 10% .f99.r ...:w__ J.~1:r....... . Repair e. Occupancy f. Owner«cupied g. 1935 Price Bracket ~ .0.0.,,.3250 1937 Price :1?..?.5.~0- 3~5~00~-- .J.939 ···- ......._Pric, &acke, ~?SO.a35CJ:l ... j_ Sal.cs Demand k. Predicted Price Trend p. P,.edicted Rent Trend L _____ .... .%. %change ~25,00c40.,.llil .. _... .Rent &ackct Rental Demand ............... % ~,50"-35, QO m. 1937 Rent Bracket o. %change Poor (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket 3. 7 A~rage Age d. h. ......._?Q% f.~~.l.l' b. Construction $25 ,.00 c~O. oo··-·-·-.. Faire__ _ _ _ __ St<;._t1.,., ·c~ - -- - - - (next 6-12 months) $4000 $5506 NEW CONSTRUCTION {past yr.) No...?.5 ·····-·-Type & Price .,5 __im,_g._~(u·,:29_I11E.How Selling OWner built 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOLC ..........3. (.3 ,,.) a. HOLC.. ......... 33. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS, Limited b. lmtitution,_Mw,y ... . 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER b. ln,tiMion., ... Fe" $1000 cfef{.7_)B$ 52 •Bo 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA Terrain: Level to hillsid e with generally favora ble grades and ccm_paratively f eiN construction hazards. Land i mproved 90%. This is a ''melting pot 11 e r ea and is lite r all y honeycombed with diverse end subversive racial elements. It is seriously doubted whether there is £> single block in the ar ea which does mt contain detrimental racial el o::im.ent s, and there a re very few districts which are not hopel essly heterogeneous· in type of improvement und quality of e • . Schools, churches , trading centers , r ecreational areas E'.nd transport ation er e all conveni ently availa bl e , i\'iany of the thoroughfares are fl rt eria l in char acter and constitut e traffic hezards. This ur ea i s viholl y in the City of Los Angeles. It is hazardous resid>2:nti al t err itor.y and is accorded a generel medial red grnde, although in mEmy parts slum condi t ions prevail. The Federr,l Government, in conjunction with the city government aro undcrtnking a slum cle arance project cov erin g 41 e.raas in the extreme northeast part of the area. 9. LOCATION Boile Hei ghts SECURITY GRADE.. ... AREA NO_.fJ:53 _ DATE4.:.l.9.:3J ~ : This Meo. is currently affected in whole or i n part by an Ad \,_'al,orem Tax Di strict. Indi vidual pr0pertios should be checked for this hazard. 401 AREA DESCRIITION Security Map nf 1. POPULATION: a. LOS Al-lUELES COUNTY Moderately Increasing b. Class and Occupation Business & Professional n:i-en , ...lab9;t"ers~ ___ ortisans, white collar and WPA wo rkers. Income $700 to $2000 and up c. Foreign Families ........59.J Nadonalities....Ru.s.s.;lan •.. J;\ k.:..nn.oni.o.n d.. Negro ...l.___ .. ,_.%.: Jews, Mt::: xicons,_ Italians, Greeks, Slo.vonions, et c. e. Shifting or Infiltration _______ ..................Sub:v.c.r.s.iv:.o... r .ac.ial __e.lemant.s. ... inc.x.e.asc·Cllf<-- - - - 2. BUILDINGS, ....5Q ..'J, PREDOMINATING OTIIER TYPE a. Type and Site .4, ...5...on.d...6....r.QOlllS ....SOte.l.J. >llook•··· .. ··-......3,9%. b. Conltrn:ction .Fr._am.ELaIHL.S.t .UC.CQ ..18...y..ears___ . Apts. end other .... !llUHJ..c.f.,..ilY...................l.5J!. Old 7 rooms & up 5% c. At1aagc Age d. Repair Poor to fair e. Occupancy .9.71!_ _ _ _ _ __ Owne,--occupied ..25%_ _ _ _ _ _ __ g. 1935 Price Bracket }.2Q00-325L- ... %.,ha~~'. h. 1937 Price Bracket f2259c3.5Q.9.... ............. % i. Demand ..J2QQ _ _ _ _ _ __ k. Pmiicted Price Trend _ (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket <$chang~ 1937 Rent Bracket t25.oo..,40..oo... .19-39 -······-·-····Rcnt Bracket }.25 •.00.,4Q.OO....._ o. Rental Dtmand _ _ _ __ p. Predicted Rent Trend n. (next 6-12 momh.,) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past ..J, ···-···-··"' ...Stat-·_ _ _ _ _ __ $4000- $5500 No.....45 .. .....Type & Price ._.)....&__6... Selling )T.) 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (3 .. J<.) a. HOL'---...;;'---- b. a. HOLC.........37 .... lnstitutioru...... _..M!lllY. ... lruo"'°"nL.... Few 1937-8 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_L.lJi1H.e.d........... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193...._) $.-47_70.·-·····b. 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARAcrERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level to hilly in northern part - level to rolling in southern part; while generally favorable there are numerous perts in northern sections which present construct i on hazordso Land improved 75%. This area while similar to Area D-53 lies en tire ly outside the City of Los Angeles and is under county goverrunent. There ere a number of small districts whe re type o.nd charact e r of improvement would warrant a higher grade, but racia l l\azards a re so great that higher then "medial red" could not be a.ssign ed. All convoniences. Most of what has been stated regarding Arca D-53 viill also apply to this area. 9. LOCATION Belvedere Gardens SECURITI GRADE. .... 4.t.~.... AREA N0.?.:.24..... DATE±:~~.:_;$9 ~ This area is currently whole or in part by an Ad valorem Tax District. Individual properties should be checked fbr this hazard. 402 AREA DESCRIIYITON Security Map of_j._Q$.. .l!N@.Lf$.. __Q.QW.ID. 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing _ ___c _ __ b. Class and Occupation ... Decreasin,g..__ _--=----_ _ __ Static ...X£~---- Laborers, Farm, Oil well and WPA wo ikers. Income $7.~-~000 __. d. Negro ..... . O.... % e. Shifting o-r Infiltracicn .. _____ ..... Jione ___ aj)p~rr;:int_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING a. T>'Pe and Size b. Construction c. Average Age. d. Repair e. Occupancy ......90 .. % Substandard to shack __:!5....Years Poor _11% f. Du,ne,--<>CCM.pied g. 1935 Price Bracket $450-nll~... h. 1937 Price Bmcket $.500 -1200 i. 1939..... $5.00_-~12~00~- - ....... %, j_ Sales Demand Poor k. PTedicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracl,et Static ?Qif'---------- ... .. Price &acket .......... % .... _,!, .. J, $10.00-1.5.00 ···- % '?.99.rc....._ _ _ _ _ __ Demand p, Predicr.ed Rent Trend (next 6-12 mondu) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (prut %change ..% $.1.9,00:_15,00..... . 1937 Rent Bracket n. l93.9---·······-···-·Rent Bracket o. OTHER TYPE ...2... to4~ro=o,,ms"------- $..'tJJ.J...,:Ce...._ _ _ _ __ )T,) No~.N9.A.1L ..T,pe & Price _ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: S. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (3 .. ,,-.l 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_......1!0110..... __c_ _ _ How Selling _ _ _ __ a. HO·~ - - ~ o_ _ b. lnstitution,~~o~-a. HOL O b. lnsti!Utions Few 1937- 8 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193 ....) $..4J..l+ 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACfERISTICS OF AREA> Terrain: Level low lying . Some adobe soil causes slight construction hazard Land improved 35%. Conveniences are available but not readily so. Ma ny streets ~~~p~~=e~;vei~~d i: :~x~!d p~~:1;0o~a~ ~~~~rw~:;:1::~!~a::a!n~n r!:1i~~~:se of Improvements are nondescript in character, with little or no maintenance . The are a pre sents a highly heterogeneous aspect. Simil ar dwellings f\nd population are SCFJttered spf\rsely throughout the district to the south and east. The Mexican population is said to b8 of bette r than avert.;g<:> type •. The area is accord ed a "med i al red" grade. 9. LOCATION __ M9::iI~-~£~Y.-1:.§.~---·- D1st. SECURITY GRADE...Mll.... AREA NO.. l!.c55 .. DATE..4c2.8.~39 403 .\REA DESCRIPTION Security Map of___...1Q2,__Jlliy..filiJicLQ.9UlJ'IT_ _ _ 1. POPULATION~ a. Increasing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Decrea.ri'"'<---- - - - - Sratic .. ___ Yes_ b. Class and Occupation. __ .Oil __ wel,l_ worker.!h_!'..§. end_WPA workers-Inc9me tJ.700 -1200 __ c. FDTeign Families _____5Q__i e. Nationa!itics____ .M.EJ!Z.:l..!..J;\XHL~....W.. $.l?.1.12.l ..~... .l\;am ...9.P..rn d. Negro ......... Q __'k_ Shifting or In/Un-ation--1,1~_;d..<:nruL.s.tu.CL tQ... .b.e.... d.1m1.n1Shi=---- - - - - - - - 2. BUILDINGS, ....til.% PREDOMINATING a. T:ype and Site b. Construction c. Frnme_ andJtucco _ of .~onq~sc.:i;•ipt... chorocte;r ..15...Y.!;lars .. or Awrage Age e. Occupancy f. Ownet«cMpied 2().%,_ _ _ _ _ _ __ g, . 1935 Price Bracket ~.12..~0.-.1800......... h. 1937 Price Bracket h500.a.2000 g500-2000 '1,chan~• more... $.~OO.a.900 ....... % $600.a.lOOO ..• ;_ l.939 ............... .Pria B,ack,t j. Sales Demand k. fudicred Pria Trend ___!3tctic (n"I 6-12 month.,) 1935 Rent BTacket $10.00-20. 00 ··--· 1937 $12 °50-25. 00 _______ _ $5 and up ....... J, $12,50-2.5. 00 ·-- · ~5... IH1:9 ...¥.P __i ...S..U..t~""--- - - -- .. Stati~c_ _ __ __ m.· Rent Bracket ...l939 .... ... . Rent B,acket o. Rental Demand p. Predicted Rem Trend (n.txt 6-12 months) $600-1000 Poor Poor Stat ic to down %change 0 J. NEW CONSTRUcnON (past,,-.) No..J~Q~-~..-T,t,e & Price _ _ _ _~ ,ow Selling _ _ _ __ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.3 ..:,,.) a. HOL HOL.~- - ~ o ~ _ b. Institutio.. _ _~F~•w~-- l b. Irutiturioru 6. MORTGAGE FUNDs,_ ...... N.o.n ............... 1. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 Few u~l 3ili'i 4°.,.0.0. 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACIBRJSTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Low lying sandy bottom located between Rio Hondo and Snn Gabriel River, withe definite flood hazard . Lond improved 6Q%. No deed restrictions or zoning. Conveniences are re as onably ava ilable. Trensp:>rtntion limited to bus service on Whittier Blvd . Thia is an old Mexi can settlement which also contains a mixed white population generally of Southern European extr action. Construction i s from "shack" to_. substandard quality, with some improvements good enough to seem mis placed . b!exic an population is said to be abtive average. There i s no hope for this area , but indic ations are that it will remain static for a ntunber of years. It i s graded 11meidi EU red 11 • 9. LOCATION .. __ Montebello ---····· SECURITY GRADE..4th .•. AREA NO_p.::;b. DATBl::.? £c39 Suburb ~ This arae is currently affected in wb:>le or in part by an ,;d valorem Tax District . IndividU&l properti es should be checked for this hazard. 404 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of__ I:,_9S ANGELES COUNTY 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Decreasin,,.__ _ _ _ _ _ StaticX'.:~--- b. Class and Occupatio" LaOOrers, farm and WPA yrorkcrs. c. Foreign Families ....~!?.9. ...~ Inccme $700-$1000 Mexicans d. Negro, .._ ... o___ <;, Many American born - impossible to differentiate e. SMf~1l'I" In{ilerarion.9:f... £!?..P.Ji.§.,____.;•.~_PJJ1:t..§....@sL91J.:rJc__§.)s.!_r1,m?.<L.~Q;~_$.__ JggJg_?J9.9:.~~--- 2. BUILDINGS, a. T::,pe and Site b. PREDOMINATING .. 100. % OTHER lYPE ... ?....1:2....5...t..9.9.m.~ • - - - - Construction c. A\leTage Age d. Repair ____5.Q _q_;r-•. mo_re__.Ye 111·.s e. Occupancy f. Owne,,,oro,p;,J ___ 5Q%.... ( g. 1935 Price Bracket i.u,P....t.o....$1.QQQ._____ %change h. 1937 Price Bracket l,939 ..........Price &acket ___ .... % S.UP $1000 ... Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent &acket l_I'_P Static to $10 1937 Rene Bracket $ ... UP to $10 n. J.93.9.............. &n, &acket L1!.;, o. Rental Demand Rent Tund (next 6-12 months) ---~ Poor j. p. P1edicttd 3. Nationalitit.< to $10 .....% .............. % ...__.% ·-----% Good -~St~•=t~ic~----- NEW CONSTRUCDON (,,..) No.,..N9.A.~....T)'t,e & Price _ _.c..,_ __now -=---- Selling _ _ 4. OVER,IANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL.<.,___ _.scO_ _ b. lnstiMi,oru._ __,,___ _ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.3 ..:,,.) a. HOL,'-----"---- b. lruri,,_, 6. MORTGAGE FUND&_........ Jlcea ................ 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Lovi Lying level. Scxne adobe soil. 0 ~i~?} $_470~ Lend improved 90%, Many dwellings have small acreage adjoinin{;, Deed restrictions end zoning are lacking. Conveniences are all readily available, including bus line on Whittier Blvd. This is an extremely old Mexican shack district, vihich has been "as is" for many generations. Like the "Anny mule" it has no pride of ancestry nor hope of posterity. It is a typical semi 'tropical countryside "slum". The area is generously accorded a "low red" grade. San Gabriel 1.'!ash 11 9_ LOCATION & \ hittier Way AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of._ ..J,.QQ_.AlfG.~J.$.-~ ...C..O.P.W;IT__ 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ZJec,ea,in,___ _ _ _ _ _ Sr.atic ....X~-~--- b. Class and Occupation.J'Lhit..~---9..9..U~.l'.- "!Qf...l<,ftr..?..,...Jll'j;J§.§J!-.h._l?..£2.r~:;:§._~ 1J'Pl}.__ ~.'9..rkers - 2. Incoroo $700 to $1500 c. F0teign Familie.1 .... 20...% Nationalities .......................... ..Mex1.c.1uw._____ _ d. Negro ........ ?. ___ <J; subvoraive e. Shifting or InfiltTation. ___.Qf.___J_µr.:t;M .:r/..~1;J.~l...~J.~m.~.UJ!iL~.IJP., continued encroachment of business and industry BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING ..... 80_% OTHER TYPE --····-- % a. Type and Sizy ....... . ..2._and ..\(s..•-· H>% Multi-family b. Corutruction'!i:iJ.Q.C.Q.} __ .~t+.Y.QJµ:r.~.?..... c. Average Age .21..s.e.ariL. li_13-;r_ge old ... residen.ces d. Repair P.Q.or....t.o....fa.u:._ _ _ __ e. Occupancy -97~------- f. Owner-occupied ··"·9.%_ _ __ _ _ __ g. 1935 Price Bracket t.lO.OOa2QQQ._________ h. 1937 Price Bracket .1939 ...... Price 8,-acl«,1 $ 1000-2250 ... % ______ % .........% ___ % Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bmcket t.12..5iH7.50 _____ %.,_",,",'!< 1937 Rent Bracket $ 15,00~20.oo o. Rental Demand 10% %,hang, j. .l939. ............Rent . ... ..... _.Jg% Poor Bracket .. - - $ 15.00-20.00 1, .% ___ }; ___%. Good p. Predicted Rent Trend ··-~~-~~t~ic~----(neu 6-12 months) 3. NEW '20NSTRUCTION (past yr.) No ...... .Type & PricA...!.?.9!!!-~_Sf.?..5.2.?.How Selling Owner built ?. ........ b. lnscituti,tt,~•_ _F_ew_ __ 4. C \ ·:f•V i.ANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOL-_ _ __ 5. SALE ('F HOME PROPERTIES (.2.,.,-.) a. HOL'-----'---- b. I1lf.9r,f:<t--F_e_w_ _ 6. MORTGAGE FUNDs, __!,~,nit_ed __&_s_e_lep,ti1'e>TAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.... ) L5.9.,9.Q.______ _ County $37,30 - City $22.60 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level. Adobe soil occasions slight const:ruction hazard. Land improved 70%. Zoning is mixed but very largely unlimited residential. Conveniences are all r e adily available. This is en old district of he terogeneous improvements end population. The pert north of Whittier Blvd. is more or less engulfed by business and industry and is sanewhat infiltered by Mexicans end Negroes. Improvements are le.1·gely nondescript in chc ract e r and are cheap in construction . South of Whitti .ar Blvd. improveme nts consist of cheap small dwellings with a number of 2 and 3 room shacks. 'l'his section of the area hl.\S e. l a rge Mexican population. The e r ea is definit e ly blighted and is accorded a "m~di a l red" 9. LOCATION Whittier ------ SECURITY GRADE......4'.~--- AREA N0•.1!.:'.i?.. DATE 4- 2G-39 406-- AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map ofL_ _L~0~S~AN='G=ELE=s~c~o~u~NIT~-1. POPULATION: a. lncrearlng _ __ _ _ _ _ Decl'easin,.__ _ _ _ _ _ Static .. ~~-- b. Class and Occupation Loool business & professionel meni..._doiry fonners, lr:borers, and V.'PA workers. Income $700 to $1800 c. Foreign Families ...____tQJ~ Nationalities.-.......M~_;*.9.!,\l!~L.~R¢.....§....f.~_l~P..~.~~-~~---· d. Negro. ___S!____%._ e. Shifting or Infiftration _ _ _ _~NoJJ.E:!_ql?seryed _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING _.2 ___~__3___r@.m___ §t@_9!rn______ £9~ Era.me_ _ _ _ _ __ b. Construction c. Average Age .L~.r-~.r.....9..J.._g__Q~!!?9.% d. RepaiT e. Ocoi.pancy ··9b·~------ f. Owne,,oo;upi,J g. 1935 Price Bracket ~.. .!· 500-2000 %change h. i937 Price Bracket $_1. 759-2500 .............. % $ __ 175.0-2500 .............. 40%~--- - - i. ~-93.9.... _·······-···Price Bracket j. Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (""" 6-12 %change ,,, Poor St lltic momh.,) 1935 Rent &racket m. 1937 Rent OTilER 'ITPE ···-· 60% a. Type and Site $ Bracket n. l..9-3-9-...... ..... &n, o. Rental Demand B,ocket p. Premctcd Rent Trend 10.00-17•.5~ ··- %,change §... ..15•00-25.00 ..............% ~_ _15,00-25,00 % ............... % _____:?, . Stetic~--- - ~ (next 6-12 months} $2000-$2-500 3. NEW CONSTRUcnON (past yr.) No.._ .~.9... .Type 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (... 3-:,,.) a. HOLC................ 0. & Price 4 rooms HOU! Selling ..Q~XJ.§.r_Jm.!.l.i.._ HOLC-.. _ .......... 0 _ ... b. Institutions _,_ ......F.e.w. 1937-8 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_.Limitod ........... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193-...) $...'i2.,!,0......... _, __ __ 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACrERISTICS OF AREA, Torroin: Level, No construction ha znrds . .Lend improved 30%. Inodequate county zoning . Schools, churches , trading focilitics and intorurbnn tre.nsportotion are conve nie ntly nvailnble. .Meny stree ts unimproveC.. Sewers ore locking, This area covers the old agricultural community of Artesia, which has developed slowly and viithout appercnt direction •vsr a long pe riod of yeors. The area is proctically dormr.nt, al though some ne w building apparently of the FHA Title I class 3 vo.rioty was not ed . .P opulntion e nd improvements nre heteroe,eneous. Construction and maintenance a re l e rgely of substcndard qunl i ty. There is n slight concentration of Mexicen ftunilies and sano Japnnese in the southwest section with mony more residing in the country-side• round nbout whose children attend the local schools. The area can only be occo rded a "high red" grade. 9. LOCATIQN _ _ Ar_t_•_si_a_ _ _ _ SECURITY GRADE......4~.~... + AREA NO..E.:.5.~.... OATE...5.l~/.3..9 407 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of _____ LOS .M1GELES __ COUNI'Y ___ _ b. Class and Occupation __ .... Fa_cto;i;x._worker.2.,,__ lelxlrer9.L-1@.&, workers - Income$1._00-$1500 c. Foreign Families .....25.._'& 2. BUILDINGS, a. T1pe and Size b. Construction c. Avaage Age d. Repair Nationalities-......M~.~-9.~H.§....~--J..~-~)J~an~•~---- PREDOMINATING ... 90 .. % OTIIER ITPE 4..<cn<l•.5...."9.9.!!l... ....F..r.w.n.~•-----_28 ..Years,_ _ _ __ .....P..oo.r....t..o... 1' •• 9l½\ _ _ _ _ __ 3. Owner-occupied ....35% .... g. 1935 Price B,-a.cktt $...1500-2250 h. 1937 Price Bracket !...l.7.5-0.c2.5-00 i. +93.9............... Price &acket $...l.Z'.\0:.250.0. ;. Sales Demand k. Pria Trend {next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket %change ........... % ··········% ...... % ·-·'f, Fair $ 12 •. 50-20.00 1937 Rent &ac.ket L,5.00-25.00 n. l.939.............. R,ni Bmd<et $.15.,00·25,00._. o. Rental Demand p. Predicr.ed Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) ...........% ···-·· % -·-· % ____ $ t a t i c ~ - - - - 4 EJ,nd 5 room NEW CONSTRUCTION (,wt yr.) No......20 ....._TJPe & Price..$2:§00...,..$4.QOO.....How Selling --·---.SloyJ]_y. __ _ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOLC...........6 ..... b. lnstitutions_____ .F.e.11,1... •• 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (... 3 .. :,,.l a. HOLC•..... 24 b. l l 9 ~·········M•ll.Y. 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS:Limi ted & 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193..... _) $.-.47.,.QQ.-.. solcctive 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACfERISTICS OF AREA< Terrain: Level, some lO\'J spots, .m construction hazerds. Lend improved 75%. Zoning is very mixed ranging from single family residential to heavy industrial. Conveniences are ell readily ovaileble. Some str..iots end sewers lacking, also many dead end streets. This old area, Vlhile preponderantly residential in chnre.cter, is honeycombed with industry and business.:, which is "increasing. Population is larf:ely composed of low income workingmen, with an increasing number of Negroes and Mexicans. Construction ranges fran "shack" to low standard quality. Meintene.nce is only fair at best. Both population and improvements are highly heterogeneous. The area is blighted ond is ac corded a "mediel red" grade. Florence 9. LOCATION ... .irulusJ;citl..D:Ls:t... ... SECURITY GRADE.....4th.... AREA NOJlc.6Q.... DA~ 3 9 408 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of 1. POPULATION: a. LOS .ANGELES COUNrY lncrcasing. ____ ,___§.!9.!tJ.Y. ....... --- ......_. Decreasing..__ _ _ _ _ _ _ $tatic .. - ..····----- b. Class and Occutxttion..... s.ervice ... workers..., tcctor.l._hanQ.§_,_ lE:bor.ers & l'.'PA_ v'Orkers.--:- _________ _ Income $700 to $1200 c. Foreign FamiUe.s._ __?._5,...1 Nationalities_____________ ,. __ J1~.,.;;!..9..P.Jl~L&....l..ru2!m~!!~....... _ ···•·-·- d. Negro _____ :J>_ __%._ e. Shifting or In/iltration2.~~Y.9..:r.~!.!.~... _:r.~9J.Ql_ __ ~l..Qm.~~i!LJ~Jl...<!._M_groaQ;m!l@t ...9.f..J.R4Y.J:rtry______ _ and business increosing. PREDOMINATING _ .•.95.ta 2. BUILDINGS, b. Conm-MCtion c. Average Age .98,<,,__ _ _ _ __ Occupancy f. Owne,-=upied .~~----- g. 1935 Price Bracket t.80001800. ___._... %CM<>$' h. 1937 Price B,ack,, hooo•.200.Q j, Sales Demand Fair k. Prtdicted Prio? Trend (next 6-12 moruhs) 1935 Rent Bracket S t n t i c ~ - - -- -- .. l .939 ....... Price _-1, ..FQQ.r.________ _ d. Repar, e. OIBER TYPE &ack,t 'l,c_ha_nge $1000-2000 ,t,change m. 1937 Rent &acket o. Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 numths) --~§._t._._ _ _ _ _ __ 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (prut :,r.) No......!? 4 & 5 room ...._Type & Price Jl~5f!':_2.,50 _...How S.,lling ..9.~!;}~r-~..U:L 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOLC.. ............. :, .... 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (. ..3.,,.) a. b. lnst.itutionL...._, __.EfillL HOLC...........-40 ....--······ b. ln.,a<uticn., ....•....... Mru,y. ····-· 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_.. _._Eone...- ... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $100J cfif.C!) 8$ ~ - - · 8. DESCRlPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA Terrnin: Level ~1th some low swampy lend. Sane construction hazords. Lend improved 50%. Thero ar e no de"'d restrictions Fl.nd zoning is mixed, rnneing from single family r es idential to henvy industrial; and also bu ing portly County and pt,rtly City controlled. Schools, churches and treding centers (ire reasonably ttveilcble , but transportntion is inndequo.te end expensive. Many streets are un~ improved and many ceo.d ends, Se·wers are largely lacking. This aree., v•hich is locded in both County and C'.ty territory, is kno,,,n as the V'c.tts distr'ict. It conte.inG one of tru lergos t concentrf, tions of Negrofls in Los Anfeles County. There ore o.lso many Mexicnns and Jopanos o residents, thu li!.tt er usue.lly ocoupying garden trac ts, largely loc<! in the southern portion. Construction is preponderantly subst enda rd and much of it is of the shack variety. Meintenance is of poor chr.ri:ct.::r. Popul1c.tion end improvements ore highly heterogeneous ond, v1hile slum conditions do not es yet prevo.11, the trend is definitely in thet direction . A high voltage power lino traverses o portion of the aroe and is an added detrim(:)nt. Businoss and industrial stru ctures nre scottered throu@'hout tho district. The area is thoroughly blightad and is c.ccordod a "low red,.. grade. 9. LOCATION _ _ _,•_at_t_s_ _ _ _ SECURITY GRAD&....4!~ __:_ AREA NQ_D-b~... DA'IEH.2:39 409 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of_ ...LQS..JINC.EL!:S....C.QUIIIL...- . ... 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,. Decreasin,,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static .. _\".~§. __ _ b. Class and Occupation_.Ar.tJ§.§!J..S.,,....J_~Jp~~r.$.-,. __ otLwell .. Y1orkers Ate. IncomE? _J;t;;Q0-2400 ·-·-· c. FOTeig,i Familics.,.... l.O. ...~ e. 2. None Nationalities. ................... M.exi.s;.an.s._____ Negrom9.Y:'.ll..%. Shifting or In.filtration _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , BUILDINGS, OTI!ER TYPE a. T:>"Pe and Site b. Consrntcrion c. Average Age ...P_o.o.r....t.o.... __ d. Repair e. d. Occupancy 9~-------- f. Owner«cupied .351,~------ g. 1935 P1'ice Bracket !..20.Q0~3Z-5-o_________ °%..~~-'.!¥~. %chan,S"e h. 1937 Price B-rackrt .i.25-00.::-.375-0....__________ ............ % I?.5()()~375~ .%. ...% ,. l,939 ....... ...... Price B,ock,t j, Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months) Static ~=~------ 1935 Rent Bracket $~2~0_-~30~--- 1937 R,nr Bmcl«r n. 19~---······-·····Rent Bracket o. Rental Demand .. j, Fair ... .........% }.25c3.5-.. ig5.::J.=0_ _ __ ............... % % ... 1' ...O - O o d ~ - - - - - - ~a~;; p. ~ : ~ ._fil~t.i-_ _ _ _ __ 1 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past )'7".) No ... .NQ!l-.~.....Type & Price·-··-·=-·----·- ....... How Selling _ _ _ __ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL,'----"--- b. !Mi""'°"' 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.3,.,.) a. HOL'---~ ~ - - b. 6 MORTGAGE FUNDL .JIQllL . 7. TOTAL ;,~~n~fir.i~ Few lni':i3'/-g-·fe~, ~H~'\\~9idJc;5?,95.-·-· 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level to rolling. No construction hazards. Land improved 190%. Zoning is mixed, ranging from single family residential in northern part to industrial in southern section, Conveniences are only reasonably available, viit h transporta• .• tion largely limited to buses, The western pert 01' area is over 20 years old and is quite heterogeneous from \'lalnut to Lime ; improvements consist of medium class bungalows with en average age of 12 years. East of Walnut improvements are fairly new medium class bungalows. South of V!ardlow Road in western part im:provements are v;;r·y much mixed, older residences being mixed vrith light industry e..nd oil developments. The industrial section to the south contains some 1500 oil wells and old residential structures are scattered throughout. This is e border line area and were it not for the predominating hazard of the oil field, would grade all tht: way from "medi al yellow " to "low red". Under existinf. conditions it canmt be accorded better thnn a "mc6inl red" grade. V!ardlow Road and 9_ LOCATION Long Beach Blvd •. ·nrsn•Tc .~?? VATE...2:3.:;>9 SECURITY GRADE ...4!h..... AREA NO, ..0 410 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of _____ LQ$ ..A:traLES .. CO\Jl'JTI 1. POPULATION: ·--· a. Increasing __ ________ _ .. l'.:kcreasi"'<--- - ~ - - - Static ... ---~---- b. Class and Occupation..Al:t.i~.rul.$-'_Q.i.1....¥!§'.J.l......Ji.!il.illC~_k",__~_:tJ__!_'!;_LJ.Q]Jfl!'...~~~-t§J Petty__Nnval c. officers, etc. Income $1200-2500 Foreign Families ..._ 20.1 Narionalitie.s ....M.ex1.c.o.rui., ...1.®.ane.§.e....~ ...lJQ.__]J_@$... FJ;P..!l).e (_f~w __ stucco j__ b. Consrruction c. Average Age d. Repair d. Negro ......5...-.%·s.&. Multi-family 10~-- .. J.7-. .•- - - - - .. P..Q.Q.!'....t.9.._J.tix_ _ __ e. Occupancy .s8%~----- - f. Owner-occupied g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Price Bracket i. l..939 .............. Pric, ;. Sak, Dema.,J k. Predicted Price Trend {next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Iwacket .2.'i%~-----%change ll,ack,, i2000.-::27~0- ··············% $2000- 2750 .... <f, ........ 1, ···--··· 'I, Fair h'j..00.,2/-~U--··- '/e.,h.,nI• h7..fP~Ju•.ao........ n. 1939.. $17,50-39.00 o. Renea[ Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend $ ...St.u:t..i~------ 1937 Rent Bracket . ... Rent B,ack,i $ _ _ _ _ __ ·········• ·•1, __ ·-·--% ...S:t.nt i ~- - - - - - (next 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No.......59. ......Type 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. 5 rooms & Pncet3.5...C9~Q ....How Selling .. _.MS?.g.~_:r.~!,<?J.i'._ HOLC.......3 .... . b. Jruticution.s_.F~.w... HOLC... ... }8 b. Jrurit>.aionJ __.F.e.w... _ 1937-38 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,;!f;!~t;"" ...... 7. TOTAi. c~~,;1~.t1;R_$~~/;i;;:tJ~•IIQ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (...} .. y.) a. 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Tc1·r a in: Leve l to rolling v1 ith notic eable slope from north to south, No construction hazards. La nd improved 80%. Zoning is mixed, r E1ngin r, from single t o light industrie l. Ho'>1ever , area i s ove rvihclmingly single family rcsidentifll . Conveni enc es are all readily e. This areo is very old and h ue s lowly developed into a laboring man ' s district, wi th a highly he t ero geneous populetion. A rno. jority of the Mexican, J ~tponoso mid Negro r esident s of Long Bench ur e C.omiciled in this orea., During the past five yours re sidential. buil d ing h.E'.s been modE: r at e ly a ctive. Constructio n is geno rclly of substand8rd quality and maintenance is spotted but usually of poor cha r a ct or. Improvement s include many shack~• dwellings and o. number of low grade A.partme nt houses &nd othe r multi - fo.mily structures. Land va lu es o re low,• gc nernlly r a nging from $8 to $10 per front foot. The Negro popu l a tion is more or l ess conc cntr11t cd clonr. Cal iforni r.! Ave. ,. but Mexicans and J apane se are scc.ttereC throughout. Proximity to the down town business soction falld i ndustri·nl employment is a favor i.:.blo f c ctor. It is a good cheap rental district~· Tho subversive influence of the Si gnal Hill oil fi6ld, which is t:djacent on the north,. i s reflected throughout tho or ea , which is accorded a "me dial rod" grade., 9. LOCATION._._.JBng Beach SECURITY GRADE. ....4tll .. AREA NO-.J!c93. DATE..5c4::39 4ll AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map · of __ LOS _.ANGELES __ COUNI'Y ______ _ _ __::__ _ _ _ Decrea#n,.__ _---=-____ 1. POPULATION: Swic$"ii'fu·. b. Class and ~ r t 1 S ~ ! . J . . J ' . e t t y Na.val office r s,etc ~ Income 2.5Q9_ rew 1, c. Foreign Families _ e. Nationalitie.s•.... h.P.P.!i.:r.~.P.-j;_l,y___mn~'-------subversive 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING _..5 and 6_r~----··---- b. Construction ·····Fram"sec...__ _ _ __ Awrage Age Foir d. Repair e. Negro .. ... 0 __% _SQ.__j a. Type and Site c. d. Shifting o, In/iltration ___ .. __ ~!}.9_;?;9._!,\S.flm:~_;i1L.9..f....llgJ,.-L.in4.M.§.1i.r.Y....m!i....Q.~J.n~1_~ - - - - - Occupancy f. Owner-occut,ied •.... Z.c, . ~,,__ _ _ _ __ g. 1935 Price Bracket L27_5Qc,\QQQ___ %,han_~• %change h. 1937 Pri" Brockrt ! .300.Qc45QQ..___ _ ___ J, $..3QOOe4500 .. _.. , ... % .. 1-9-39...........,Pnco B,ack,r j. Sales Demand k. fudicted Prico T ,end (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket _ _ _ __ 1937 Rent Bracket $. 25.40 -···-----.... 1,change n. 1-9:l:J--..·---·Rent o. Rental Demand ...QQQ.SI..- - -- - - - p. Predicted Rent Trend ___$.j;J\.t.1...__ _ _ _ __ B,ack,t U.5.-:.~--..- 'l,change ............... % '!, _ _.,, --1, (next 6-12 mondu) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (prut :YT-) NoJ.f9_l).!,L.•T:ype & Price - ~ ~ -~ow Selling _ _~ - 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL-'--- - ~ - - b. lnstirut'ions_J:9.. __ _ 5. SAl.E OF HOME PROPERTIES (.3 ..:,,-.l a. HOLC....................'). ___ .. b. 6. MORTGAGE FUND· ln.mtutions ...... ... Fe,. .... 1937-8 7. TOTAl. TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.......) $... §4+49 ...... _ .. _ County $37.80 - City $16.65 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain : This area occupi e s the top of a l oVJ bluff overlooking the Los Angelos River and industri el section. No construction hazards. LaM improved 90%. Zoning 1:s mi:xed , but area is predominantly singl e f emily residential. Conveniences are all readily available . This is one of the oldest sections of Long Beech which l ong ago lost it s r.ppcal r, s a resident i al district. It has for a number of years been sl owly devel oping into on inc cme prope rty area . Improvements are generally old and in many C?.Scs l ot velues, whi ch run from $20 to $30 per fr~t f oo t, are e:reeter thnn V3lue of improvements ; EU though construction ~M ma intenance are better than is usually found in this type of neighborhood . Age and obso l escenc e contri bute much to tb Ei he terogeneous oppearuncc of the dist rict. There e.r e many medium cless apartme nt houses , bungal ow courts and other multi-family structures . Tho oreo. is a popular on e , wi tb tho mar ried port i;.m of the Naval enli sted personnel and is c good rental section . 'l'hot p~1rt north of Seventh St·. is slightly more desiroble tht-.n the bnlanc e of the area-. Howe ver, the area as a whole is no t enti tled t o bet t ~r than a "high r ed" grade. 9. LOCATION _ _ ymg Beec!L,_ __ .. _ SECURITY GRADE.-4tho AREA NO-.!l:-_(,,i DATE...5=4=39 412 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of 1. POPULATION: c. .......... L.0$..J~lGELES __ C'.OUNIT ___ _ a. Increasing _______ M9.9.~_rnJ~.:t.Y______ Foreign Families_ __ 3Q ....~ Decreasin,g__ _ __ _ _ Static .... ____ _ d. Negro .Jew_% Nationalities ....... e. Shifting m ln{iltration _____ TI)._fJ,1.A!-.... 9.LJ1~&t!?... J.¢;J!tr.~.!.!.QP from areas to north• 2. BUILDINGS, a. Type and Site PREDOMINATING . 85 ..% OTHER TYPE 4 ttnd5.. room~s_ _ __ b. Construction c. Awrage Age 2.0......Yfr.P..r..~s_ _ _ _ __ d. Repair p9._9._r ,__ _ _ _ _ __ e. Occupancy 9.5u~ - - - - - - f. Owner-occupied 3Q%,_ _ _ _ _ __ g. 1935 Price Bracket .___ h. 1937 Price Bracket ! __700.:::1400..... i. l.$39 ................ Price Bmd•ei L8Ci0- l 500 j. Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend {next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket 'lc.,h,;.~,. t, ·-········ % __<f, ............ % Static '{,change L.1.00.iz.50 ....% 1937 Rent &,ad,e, t.-7.•.00• .1.5.00 n. 1,931, ........ Rent 8,acket $ o. Rental Demand .... ]):ti. ~ - - - - - - - p. Pi-edicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months) .............. % % 8,00-18,00 ·-··· --···-~ Stati." - - - - - - NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa,, ,,,..) No....15 ........T:,t,, & l'ria<\-..I!l.Om..$2.QQQ ..How &!Ung ..... .§JQ~:\>...... Mostly owner built 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL.--- ~ ~ - - b. ]n,otution,. .0.. 3. 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( ....3.,,,..) a. HO! C 5 b. Jn,19~-"e'-~ 0 - - - 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193......) $•.~3.,00. 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level with no constructio n hozerds. Land improved 30%. There are no deed restrictions nnd zoning is mixed. Cvnveniences arc ell only .fairly available . Svwers :.nd tro.nsport tttion are inadequcte west .,f Ar~be J..,;e, Thi.:. is an old blighted laborers district with serious subversive racial influences and threats. However, neYJ ronstruction is of a type indicating an upvmrd trend. This contradictory f a ctor is l e rgely explained by present Of!Se of new residential finencirl€. The prospects for this area not bright and while a "medial red" grode is assigned it is believed that its downward trend will continue. If population density increeses it may easily develop into a "slum district"• 9. LOCATION Northwest Compton SECURilY GRADE...4;.h .... AREA NO•.P::~5. DATE3::,.7::39 4-13 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of.._ __... _____ LO~ AN(IBLES ___ COUNI' ___ _ 1. POPULATION: a. lnCTeasirLg_ ~S=lo~w=lLy_ _ _ Ow-ea.sin.__ _ _ _ _ _ Staac b. Class and Occu1~11ion ~;~-0::1~ c. Foreign Families __ g5___ ~ e. Shifting O'I' gardeners,. tradesmen and longshoremen, d. Negro .. 0 %.. lnfiltration _ _ _~C~on=t=i=nu=e=d~i~n=f=il=t=r=at=i=on~o=f~J~•~P•~·--------- Z. BUILDINGS, a. ~~~~~1j 7 Nationalities ..!~panese - few Mexicans .....6.0 ... % PREDOMINATING OTHER TYPE ...4oldroom .sho.cks .8 Type and Site 15%_ ___ room __ dwellings ______ ... J5.%. ... b. Construction J.5... ,.e.oi:•~-- - - - __ ~ ...roOffL bun,galo~s ··-·· 101._ c. Average Age d. Repair ..E.oo.r....t.o.~fA,~---- e. Occupancy .. ')8..,.__ _ _ _ __ f. Owner-occupied g, 1935 Price Bracket h750,25.01L h. 1937 Price Bracket !20.00,2750. J, ....~ i. 193) ................ Pria, &acket 1?Q99=3Q99 ···············"' ···---· '1, 600:~------- ;. Sales Demand k. P,edicred Pria, T,md (n,n 6-!Z month,) .. 1935 R,nt B,acl<et $..L5c2.5.--····-·-··, 1937 Rem B,acl<et ~20.c.3Q. ...............% n. ~939.. . . ... ___ Rent Bracket $20- 30 o. Rental Demand Good st,,u _______ ··············"' ~ ....... '1, Predicted Rent Trend S~t~e~t=ic~----,---c (next 6-12 months) 5 nn.stucco 3. NEW CONSTRUC11ON (pa,, y,.) No...5. ...........Type & ~Ql_c.R4QQ9.... .H~ Seiling OWner built fJ. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL~-~- - b. Institution.,_=•~•'' _ __ (.3...:,,.) a. HOLC............l.l, l"f;3i".'!J'-~••~"~-- 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ..... b. 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_!,',<<1t~.~.ii........... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193. .....) $~6~o~.1=7_ __ 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level with m construction hazards. Lfin6. improved 60% .. There are no deed restrictions wiC. zoning is miscellaneous. Conven!.ences are all reasonably available. The toun of Gardena, whi ch is the center of a thickly populated farming Section had its inc eption some 30 years 0go. It is surrounded by small farms, truck D.nd flower f!'Ordens, which ure l a rgely oper1Jted by Japanese nnd Mexicans. Thero are olso a numbe r of oil wells and tonk farms in the vicinity. Construction and of med iocre qua lity, a nd both population and improvements heteroge neous in chr r i!cter. Present indications are thf'. t the Japanese and Mexican popul c,.t ion •will incre nse. The town, Wwever,. wh il e of low grade, is not entirely blighted und is accorded a "high red" classification. Ga rd ena SECURITY GRADE ... ...4t.h..• AREA NO_.!'.:?.§... DATEl::?9:.39 CAUTION: This area is currently affec ted in wh:>le or in part by a n Ad valorem Tax - - - District. Individunl properties should be checked for this hazard. 9. LOCATION 414 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map oL_J,Q§ ....IN=-•--g·Q\[N,IT__ ..•.. _. 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing _ _~ b. - - - - Dtcreasing..._ _ _ Static ....:£.fij!_, Class and Occupation Wh ite collar employe es, factory ·, oil and \'IPA worke rs, etc. c. Foreign Families_ 15.-i e. Shi/ting Income $700 to $2000 NationalitiuJ1~;!1;.t9..!m.~....l§2!A.<t..l..~.ll.l?.),_ _ _ __ OT d. Negro, __<?.______ ~ lnfiltration _Continu ed ___ infiltra tioJ). _of subvers ive __ racio.l elemen,~•~•~·- - - - 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING 4 a. T,pe and Site nnd 5 .Jl5. . 1, room b~alow a____ _ b. Cons ~ c. OTHER TYPE Shncks & multipl e familJ.: dwell ins,= • - - -- - - Awrage Age ?.Q. ye d. Repai, Poor ___tg f a i r ~ - - - - e., 93l!'------- f. ?.<l%'-- - - - - - - g. 1935 Price Bracket ~l<.5Qc2l!9..Q______ '1,chang, h. 1937 Price Bracket $1500-3000 .._ ...J, k. Predicted Pru:e Trend (nm 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket $12.50- 22,_s_o ______ %dw,s, $15.00- 25.00 __ 1937 Rent Bracket n. lS33..._..___R,nt o. Rental Demand __(;1_.u..__ _ _ __ B,a<kn p5.oo- 25,oo ········% ____ 1, ..% ____ 1, p. l'Tedicted Rent Trend ~S~t~" ~ti~c'-- -- - - (next 6-12 mcnths) 5 rooms 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa,, y,.) N,..8___ ..._ T:,p,, & IY.c,6QQ0.::4Q.Q.Q. .......How &lling ...Q,»~-~.r_..~.~JJ:L 4. OVERH ANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL~~ 6'-- - b. I~ 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES l 3 ...y.) a. HO-_ ..,__ _ _ b. !n.,ti....,.., __ ......X~w. 6. MORTGAGE FUND£k ..im1i<! Lon<l____ 8 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 $!)8,.59_ selecti ve 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACl'ERIST ICS OF AREA, Terrain : Beach l e vel to hillsid;;: ~ No constru ction hazards . Lnnd improve d 60%. Zoning vari es and is genera lly inadequ ete . Conven ienc es are all reasona bly evoilab l o includ ing interur ban transpo rtation . The section of this area st,:,.rtcd to develop some 45 years ogo LOO has be1::n slowly creepin g up the hillsid e ever since . This is a typico.l rescrt area, and is extreme ly heterog both os to popul!'i tion and improvements. eneous COI!Struc tion vari es from "shock" to standar d quality , with little or no attenti on to erchi t octural design. Mointen nnce is g0ne rally of a l ovJ order. The section in the southea st port of Redondo north of Juanita Ave. and the section Beach in Hermosa Beach eest of Crunino Real, of Pier Ave. are of be tter quality north then preclud es a higher grade. The Mexican be.lo nce of orea, OOt proxim ity to c il t•iells populr,t i on Vlill be lnrgely f ounC. i n the many a rroyos which trovers e the area. The ores as a whole is blighte d and is accorde C o "medial red " grade . c\'317::, 9 , LOCAT ION North ReC:ondo Beach & Hermosa Beach SECURITY GRADIL 4~h- · AREA No_ _l!:§L DATE...2 ~-~_:39 415 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of___.... _J.f?.f..~t~$....J!.Q~X. 1. POPULATION: a. lncrearing_~S~l~ow~l~y_ _ _ Decreasin,,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Static .. ____ _ shC'p employees 1856~¼I5~Mf!XiC.aM ..... --···· b. Class 11nd Occupation ....¥~.9.-~.9..!Z._f~{{-~ c. Foreign Families .... _25-_% Nationaliries & laborers d. Negro.,_Q_ . __ %. c. Shifting or In/tltTation _ _ _ _~on.e... a J l l l B r . e n , ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - 2. BUILDINGS, • 90 ... % PREDOMINATING a. T,Pe and Si.;e b. Construction ..•...Le<>m.o...•h•oKL....... _ c. At1e1age Age ...J.5 ..: , e a r ~ - - - - - d. Repair ... .P.oor....:to.._.f.a.i~·_ _ __ e. Occupancy ..\)8,.,,- - - - - - - f. Owne,-oca,pied .. JS%.~- - - - - - g. 1935 Price Bracket $7C1J - 1750 ·--·-·· '1,,ha"/1, h. 1937 Price Brocket !75Q-2000 .Price Bracket j. Sales DetMnd k. Pred.ict.ed Price Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket OTI-!ER TYPE ..4 ..n>Ow.;,.._ _ _ _ __ ........... % ~..759_ "'.'..?.®. J, ···-·-% ........... % Stati.~._ _ _ __ _ .............% m. 1937 Rent Bracket ······-·% o. Rental Demand p. Predicted Rent Trend 6-12 months) 4 nn. Frame & Stucco 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa.,1 :,,.) No.....5 ........ T,pe & l',ia __.$.22.5(L........ How &!Ung ..Owne.r...buiU.. 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, a. HOL.~-~0~-- b. lrutitution.L• ...!i'..o,,...• 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.3 ,,-.) a. HOL.~- ~ - - - b. lruritution.1-._.... F.e.YL.... 1937-8 , 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,_.!,.!mUee ............ 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193....) $....,;:-,.78 3. DESCRIPT[ON AND CHARACfER[STICS OF AREA Terrain: Level with no construction hazards. Land improved 70%, Conveniences: Schools, churches and. trading centers conveniently o.vnilable, This area was developed some 25 years ago by adjacent industrial plants to house employees, and dwellin~are still largely owned by them, This is one of the older residential districts in the town of Torrence , which is primerily an industrial comnunity. This is a rental £.rea, vory fe;•i dwellings being owner occupied. Population, improvements and maintenance are all extremely heterogeneous. Construction is substandard and some are of the "shack" variety, The oree is accorded a "medial red 11 grade, 9. LOCATION ..... ... '.!'.~.!'.,.•.@§. __·············· SECURITY GRADE........4to AREA NO-.R=~fl... DATE.3.::..<.Q::39 QMIT.!; This area is currently affected in whole or in part by en Ad valorem Tax District. Individual properties should be checked for thi41gazard. AREA DESCRlmON Security Map of__··-··1&_$ Al!Gll!Js§.WYJ:!l'.:L .•._ 1. POPULATION: a. Increasing._._._..§..12,'!'.JJ:I..____ .... _________ Decreasi,..________ Static ..________ _ t7.~__:-__ _ b. Class and Occupation ___ F~9herma.n.,._ :\,Qneshoremen, WPA ond dock workers. Inc5=l~(;)__ _ c. Foreign Families ....5.9__~ e. Nationalitie.1..._."f._g.P.~......M~.X.t~.@.!LJ>±1,fL.f.-.9.!?:::!:X.P.~. ~~j-~tfai'18~ers1 2. BUIWINGS, a. ve-~:~!~:1!:~::ns __ §'.L.i PREDOMINATING d. $1500 Negro ........-.5..... %.'. OTilER TYPE Most],._y ____ ~_}l_~_c):{s_ .. w.i th some Type and Si~ multiples b. Construction c. Avetage Age d. Repair .... F.r.0111£L.&. ..S.t..v.c.c.Q e. Occupanc, f. Owner-occuPied g. 1935 Price Bracket l.800,2000.-··-·---- %change h. 1937 Price Bracket !!L.000.3-0.00... -W%- - - - - - - .. Pri« Bracket ;. Sales Demand k. Predicted Price Trend (ne,.1 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket Rent Bracket 25,~------- $_1000-:300.0 .%. --····-·% % ............... % .Eoo.~------_S.t.ati~------ $.2.o.:,o.. ... %change }20.3-0.. ··············"' n. l-9,39-- .............Rent Bracket 120~3-o ____'!, o. ..F.air... t.o. ... goo.~---- 1937 Rental l>.'.?mand p. PTedicted Rent Trend .. S . t a b = - - - - - (ne.xt 6-12 months) 4 rm.Bung.(4 rm.FHA Title I} 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION ( )'T.) No,. ___ 2Q.. .... .T-ype & Price $.ZQ0_0-=-2:SQ..Q........How Selling .M9_(:!t_r~~.91Y.__ _ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES 6. (3-.,,.) a. HOLC ............9 b. ln.stitutions __··-···o.-._- a. HOLC-~0_ _ _ b. Jnstitwtion.s Few 1937- MORTGAGE FUNDS,_L.!"'H•.e .......... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (191.....) $..5.?.,-79.. 6. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level to sloping.. No construction hazards. Land improved 80%.: Zoning varies greatly and quite generally permits all types of residential structures, Conveniences are dl readily availeblo. This far flung area includes the oldest pa.rt of San Pedro and is no,1 almost whclly a workingmens district. Construction is generally substantial to "shack"and maintenance shows but little pride of occupcncy. In the southeast section there is evidence of slum tendencies; on the other haud, . the. northwest . sc.ction ..i~-~f. disU:actl:,- ,,better quality than the br,lence of··the arou·-11nd, if it.'1'1erc .i:iot tor tii.e''Pi-ese·nc·e of subversive racial elements, this part would warrant a higher grade. "l'aking the area as a whole, both popul1:-tion and improvements are extremely heterogeneous and there is no evidence of future desirability. Therefore it is accorded a "lOVJ red" graG.e. 9. LOCATION San Pedro SECURITY GRADE....4~~..:. AREA NO.P.c6.9 .... DATE.2.:.?.1c:3'J ~ : This area is currently affected in whole or in p ert by an Ad valorem Tex District. Individual properties sh:..'ulC be checked for this hazard. 417 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map of 1. POPULATION: LOS ANGELES C.O UN'I'Y a. lncreasing_~•~lo~d~•r~•~•~•l~y__ Oecreasin<------- Static .. --·-·---- b. Class and Ocmpation. __ Hafbo.r ~;rk~rJh.. __ serup.en.,_ __ oil well_ & WPA_t\O"-r:,ke,e,,_rs,c.,____ _ _ __ Income $700-$2000 c. Foreign Families ___ .39___~ Narionalities...-......Ms!Zl..~t!!D..$....§..._"l.~.n~!?..E;l~--- d. Negro ... ...Q ...... % e. Shifting or Infiltration _______ Subversive elernents_increasJ,.H .. " - - - - - - - - - - - 2. BUILDINGS, a. Type and Site .....50....% PREDOMINATING ..4::5 ... F.90=m~s_ __ __ b. Construction ]rame ...t.__stucco ______ _ c. Average Age ..20 y e a r s ~ - - - - - d. Repair e. Occupancy f. Owner-occupied g. 1935 Price Bracket h. 1937 Price Bracket OTHER TYPE ~~y shacks I auto courts ..~ l l ~ - - - - - - 25,~------!..800.251l(L..___. %change ..............% }, i. 1939 ............. . Pnc, B,acket $ 800-3000 j. Sales Demand ....S l o w ~ - - - - - - k. Predicted Prict: Trend (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bmdcet $ 10-20 _ .... %change 1937 Rent Bracket $ .1.5-25 ................% n. 1939 ... .. ... Rent &acket $.15-25 ·-···-·-··-··· o. Rental Demand ··········% ...._.?, % p. Predicted Rent Trend ....S.t.fl:U~._ _ _ _ __ (next 6-12 months) 4 nn . (largely FHA Title I) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa,, :,,.) No•.'e.Q ..........T,pe & Price i?5®-··-··-··· .Bow S.Uing ·-R~~gJJ:i.... __ _ 4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, 5. SAlE OF HOME PROPERTIES a. HOL.-_-0_ _ _ b. Jn,titurio,u__Q_ (...3 .. ,,..) a. H O L - - - - - - b. lrutitutions __··-····.f.~~. 1937-8 6. MORTGAGE FUNDSec\!ni.t~<:! ..!s.~~•~';:t; TOTAl TAX RATE PER $1000 (193 .... ) $-55.,AO. 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARAcrER!STICS OF AREA, Terrain: Low level to slightly rolling. No construction hazards. Land improved 25%. Conveniences are all reasoncbly avail€1ble , including interurban transportation. Street improvements ere limited. This nrea , which includes Harbor City which is part of Los Angeles City, and U-mita which i.s Los Angeles County territory, is a typical oil well and workingmens district. It is a comparatively old settlement and improvements, popule tion and maintenance are extremely heterogeneous. There has recently been quite an influ1 .of new population due to expansion and increased oil i~cll activity, f'.nd this has 'caused an active demand for hOusing which has been partially supplied by new dwellings financed under FHA. Title I. The area is entirely blighted and is therefore accorded a 0 low red'1 grade. Lomita (in LA. County) 9. LOCATION Harbor Cit7•i!,.A,CiSlC1.JRITY GRADE..4th.c. AREA NO•....D.c.70. DATE.:,=20,39 Cii.UTION: This area is currently affected in wlDle or in pert by an Ad valorem Tax District. Individual properties should be checked for this hazard. 418 AREA DESCRIPTION Security Map .oL_..._LQB._ANGELES....QQ11!1J:Y_._ l. POPULATION: a. Increasing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dec,ea,in.,__ _ _ _ _ _ Static .....¥.~?___ _ b. class and Occupation~~!! .. tradeSlllen 1 raili-oad,oi~ well_,_.I!!_~neryj dock, factory and -V1PA workers. Incane $700 to $24,00 c, Foreign Families ....?.5...._%. Nationalitie.L...!.§;.'P.~...J!D.9.-...M~B.9_~-~s d. Negro ······- 2 e, 2. BUILDINGS, PREDOMINATING a. T-y~ and Size ••'l.5....% OTHER TYPE .'.... .5 _room .. bungalow_s ···--·--- b. Corutrnction ··-·Stucco. and so~~ __ frrune c. -Average Age _____12 __ y e a r s ~ - - - - d. .'!!. Shifting or Infiltraa,'>T! Repai1' e. Occupancy . .9,5!~- Owne,-oca,p;,d - - -- ..6Q%_ _ _ _ __ %,""",!' g. 1935 Price Bracket $J.25Qc4WL.._... h. 1937 Pric, B=kct !.~5.00.04500.... . ........ % ....1 .1939 ... B5Cl:l.c45.0Q.... .............. % ··-·% .. Price B,ack,1 j. Sales Demand k. P,,dicted Pric, T,end (next 6-12 months) 1935 Rent Bracket $ 22. 59.=3.o. oo . %.'.""~~• 1937 Rent Bracket t?5,QQc35•99... ........... '.f, .l939---···-·-······Rent Bracket $.25.00 -35.,00 ··- - -..1 n. %change Poor St.nt ic to down % L ... _____ ·-··% o. Rental Dcmand FD.ir_ _ _ _ _ __ Static to slightly up p. Predicted Rent T,-end .... becnuse_ ofoLl f ~ (next 6-12 months) 4 nn. (largely FHA Title I) J. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa,1 ,,.) No.......J5.....T,P< & Pric,_.•.•te5..00_..........How S.lling .....B~~<l\.lL... _ OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES, 5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.3 ..,,.) a. HOLC. ............. ..... 1 .... b. lrutitutions_._.MP.!lY. a. HOL'-------'}--- b. lruu.-m.....Many.............. ...... l!iJ37-38 6. MORTGAGE FUNDS,.1!mH~<l....<m<l .... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (19L.. J $...5?..,.99 .-·-···-· selocti ve 8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA, Terrain: Level "''i th no construction hazards. Land improveC. 60%. Conveniences are all roadily availuble, This area, vihich covers the b!lrbor town of lf1 ilmington, contained several different grades of r0sidenti a l 0.iotricts up to 2 years ago, when a flush oil field embracing the town was discovered.. Since that time the whole C.istrict has been literally engulfeC by oil wells. Older construction ronges from stand ord t o substanCard. Recent dcmani for housing h~.s been so great thi:. t considerable low grac!e construction, financed under FHA Title I, ho.s token place. Owing to conditions described, population anC.. improvements are now exp·emely. fteter,ogenoous, and infiltration of subversive elements is rapidly increasing. The are a is now a typical oil well development Wld future residential desirability is non-existent anC. it is therefore aecord eC. a "low red" grade. 9. LOCATION .... ._!11.!cm_!~gto.n__ ············ SECURITY GRADE.41'h.c... AREA NO•.•...D..:71, DATE3c?J._-:39 -~ This area is curr~ntly affected in whole or in part by an Ad valorem Tax District. Individual properties should be checked for this hazard. 419