The full text on this page is automatically extracted from the file linked above and may contain errors and inconsistencies. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MADE IN U. S. A. Patented U. S. A. No. 1,484,611 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 •- vER v3/4-E. AL • .1nsi. State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) .I Total production and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 4 5 Whol sm ! e trade--net 1929 1935 7 38L0 oct .249 7 11)ft_1919 1929 County toI 1).14"-3,c,(71 4-12_ Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1955: Total primary production (f?(04 Manufactures IN.- _.6 Population Minerals . (ea J-V,SliAtER Ere 5(s) 54,0 , 4 700 04 204 343 Yif 14'161 4144- :2..03 203 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: —20 9 , 10 12 Farms 3L3'4 .4.14727-1D g4\v 3 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis cf2 51c h 3ff& 4(45(, 5,363 1,. c 379 6,462s) Economic _____ Revised: 4....,, 34 classification code Original: 1929 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, Montana /3/a- fl DR County State Value I 9 Retail trade--net sales , 3 Who!nle trade--net A C?? l II s5 7815 f 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures _ Minerals — _§ fq Chief urban center in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 Total production and trade 1921-1933 Population , County JP5--1919 (0 V12- ;2irri_ Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1955: 45l0 ili-t 2,(x1 54 36s /141 Percentage change in value of primary production 8 12 1919-1929* 7 3 el 9 11 _ Urban center 7 10 1929 Farms. i+ L.-04Lc-A sEct , LI u5-rocK HAY SuGfiR Bee-15- 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,94,i N4 WO1 zi5" 33G0 43.1 ZIA-14k., .2,5c0 I Economic classification code 1929 Original: t55Z._ 57c-d .2,a-2. Revised: 3L-1 N Form B-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Bi-n( N Montana State County Value i 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 5 Manufactures 7 iI,giLl' .2,915 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1955: (EA) Minerals 1.2Ici 73 6 470 02.1g0 770 I io.3 -- e—oA L County Urban center 1/415 ..6 JI2./1919 tiEC,-1_ /vErr L.- — 12 production 1919-1929: 6'3 9 1 I _ /0 143 Percentage change in value of primary 4,3 8 10 1929 1115 /05 Total primary production Population gi't 1 Whols:t:le trade--net 4 in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 Total production and trade Chief urban center , Farms \Ai 4-ICA-T FL-Pi)( 13 Lit(E-31-tpck Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3 ,660 521 1I 1, 34 I Iltgoi 3.9`31 ‘0047, 372 b541 2‘10 , Economic classification code 1929 Original: 1 6, Revised: 3(c, Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1333 Bo Montana, State Value Total production and trade itgg2- 9 Retail trade--net sales , 3 Whol: tale trade--net es 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures _§ 7 (07(0 --- 3o3 Fre in thousands of dollars) 303 Population 1-4.1 1919 1929 County Urban center .i2•11 S'17 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: )191 r) Q-2t ) Minerals 41-0aSa-VEI? Chief urban center i929 1 935 1 w County ...‘ 14)-2_ jc)2. 2o3 20'3 203 .203 -42— Z210 '771 / 17 11 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: - 3? 8 i 9 10 11 12 13 733 Farms 1— I v ESTOC—K N-A Y Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3 023 .218' Lyn 032_ 1,43-2) , Economic c 1 ass if icat iirez,code Original: 57.3 3(4 Revised: q36 1329 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Montana R Bo ni State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 . . 5114 1 919 Total product uc in and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales , 3 Wholale trade--net sales 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures _6 Minerals ac.8. L_ 7 P1Rot,c-0/4 8 Population 1929 County Urban center .11 g951 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 4,501 3,43 ‘7. 1 1 14,i 7a2- 70 .4,155 ,3,66 4,4s2 92 :41 i2c)40V2.0 :3 5-ii 35 35 171 9r7 141:05 3,1.52. Liw 5 7.Q(4- 11013 52i Percentage change in value of primary Production 1919-1929: -gg 9 10 11 Farms L.. t V E5-roCR NAV v aufas DA,RY 13 12 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .25-7 54? Economic classification code 1929 Original: 30 Revise: (45 ,k giacQz-LkAm- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis eak BcL.LttL___- Form S-313 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Montana R.T£R State County Chief urban center (----- Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 I Total production and trade 7 Retail trade--net sales , 3 Whol : fa!e trade--net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures . _6 G)ht‘ Population 0-1919 i,333 3cr-f- 4,184 4.81ff NA NA. 1929 County Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: - 54 53 -- Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 , a iLgD 9 10 II 12 Farms 1131 I— 1 V e-s-roc.K H At' 13 Woo L— Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis aiiiMic 58 ' .I 1,3(43 .._. 4,31 c2i5 2C,-7 V12- ircq Economic classification code 1929 Original: Ott Revised: \ Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 LA-5 montana State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 sales Total primary production 5 Manufactures _§ 7 8 /11311-Y i SiT4-5 trade--net 4 Minerals 0.4:41 i..- ao.Lilsi‘voz ET. "5"1919 .NNIT4t VliSisk TA° Qs/504 , FE 44- Q,05 1929 1 935 Total productian and trade Population 1929 3 02,C-001•1-Pt" County 4i, I Wo 87 V--2__. Urban center Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1955: tliaEk -Lig C ) ‘g35 6,io -25 Mo4W5 11140.15 91,46 ctiq yyl .2i21:4 I 0(4- 444 ig4,3 b.5 225 17147 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: Sg 9 10 Farms 11 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NT PIT _ktcli -3,--yoi Economic classification code 1929 Original: FL' Revised: "? 1 N PLUYAAT Lp.TP d611, IN ithVILED isCONjmIG Total urban non-service employment: Employment in otner iron and steel: 4,29 1,471 Judith basin and Petroleum Cdountieo tabulated witi. Fergus counties 11.z1-. because they were organized from part: of ti,em after 1JP:i. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Montana Stat• Chief urban center County Value (in thousands of dollars) 1935 I Total production and trade Retail trade--net sales 1 3 1 929 01-1919 g;2479 /1-1, 0'7'4 ZOLA 3/4;X) o $ 1 114 3j74 ‘ 9 ...6 7 County Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: Wholesale trade--net Total primary production 5 Population 1929 Manufactures 4151 3t4 I —941 ___ min,rais 0- 0 AL — 1254 cz4-) .: NEIL — -,-- i'VErs-L, — LI 1 No --- NCGL_ Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 8 .232- 9 10 11 Farms w A-7- 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis LAtiC0 (0,569 goo I-604-3 6,zID 1:714 Economic classification code 1929 Original: 02 Revised: 32_ Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 ATM!tang, /4(LE-5 c_kfs County State Chief urban center Value (in thousands of doll3rs) 1929 1935 1 Totalproduction and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 4_331 )34(0 3,10( Mhols:f a!e trade—net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures Ylrl _§ SP-1919 I 5,310 I 7 ---/ 7:1/C1 Population 1929 County I242_. Urban center Percentage change in value If production and trade 1929-1935: it401 (,(0-1 2A-63 dit2 a2104 Minerals ._5Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 c25 9 . 10 11 Farms aft-r-r-LE (all t.2(2 ;44 5 2,43 eiCs LLM Economic classification code 1929 Original: 55 Revised: 12 10v 13 WO°1— Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis la? / q5 W2-175 8 ' 3 , _ Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Montana State County Value I 7 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholae trade--net sales 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals _- in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 Total production and trade .2.ci05 Chief urban center Population 1929 1919 County 0 -.&-E 6,243/3 Urban center VALLEY 1,361 7('1 6 154 ) — --- Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 21t049 .2obl .. , co L) N1 7-"Ne CIS* 4 1 1, ok, . . _ .54 -- - --- Percentage change in value of primary --- production 1919-1929: 8 — 1 9 10 II 12 Farms S / 1 WHET I--1 VES70C-K Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 13 Economic classification code 1929 G):Z Original: 1/340 014 .276, 747 0214 3,23 Revised: Z . _ Luniels County tabulated wita bheridan and Valley Counties because it was organized from parts of them after Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 State %Iv so r./ a A-E.NDIV County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 4 5 WholAnle trade--net IV i929 1935 Total production and trade 45(V'2-' a?170 I 5-048 .Viirl c1bo C.- --20 ( I 01 (CA-) ett.481 141 _- OA d•-' 1 1 o2 4( Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1955: 444:3 Cszc* ' ) Minerals 7 1929 Ciggl Urban center 4 6 _- County 1 9 19 al3L11, Total primary production uc Manufactures Population litM&L- A I -2-g 70C, — -- Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: iWg-i-- 3Y 8 9 10 Farms 11 WHET 12 CA-TT LE 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 712- r.5 2a(c, 09,'05 2,1-tiS ' 1,201 - 4443 1,42.2.- Economic classification code 1929 Original: 14(:, Revised: el Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 EL. ANAcc)ND ft C-a Lo ate Chief urban center County Value (in thousands of dollars) , 1 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholeae trade--net sales 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 0 clQ43 4 7 County f Urban center g),51 005 1 1.511 353 i 403 i (:): 2-Ct 3 //t4C /4 Percentage change in value of product ian and trade 1929-1935: —(01 f-i,i201 / 310,NY (-TA) A• O 2.92 _§ 10- 1919 1929 1 935 Total production and trade Population 1929 Minerals a-olo/SIi_VC-KV-rt_ 1 13 113 94 Tri 1011 35.94 1212- 12 13- 3047 301 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: I - 8 9 10 Farms li 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis rLT N-T" ipio 604211/Economic classification code 1929 Original: 5 .-A Revised: -77 "S vasu,.A_ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis \Cl,at .2-,ts-Axioltutaik cLQ 0-cdAAA_ A-1211D4"--4- Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Monfort,: State Chief urban center County Value (in thousands of dollars) I 2 Retail trade—net sales , 3 4 ,1929 1935 L Total production and trade 1.3s3 C ti.6/ 415g1 Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-I955e illi°3 Wholeae t l trade—net NA- PIT Total primary production _6 Manufactures 1/4.5:A) — 1929 county 010-1919 (SA) 3,, - 7 C2 cif A,ri) /2-6, 'el 5 Population minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 160 8 9 10 11 3Yq Farms W14EGT 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ... • /2_ a,1/4M tiqg f(55 wc, Economic classification code 1929 OQ Original: Revised: 3a, Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1321-1333 LE-Vv1 5 --ra fERC,-u 5 State Value (in thousands of dollars) 1 2 Retai I trade--net sales 3 1_03'6, LI,21 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals -- 7 a 11 12 ' Lv-01-P, 1/..-VERatt_ 16,531 _ 5,Ow _ •,-- 4-„ ,th Coi,n+ites; r7,210i5...v.7= ,„.5,),tti product i 4° 1 ' ''' i ---1/-0 i531 4713 riL4a2i5 I,02. /0z707,_ ei71_1_ /0 10 Percentage change in value of primary 747 1 production 1919-1929: (0,016 Economic classification code 1329 .21 i nick:tar:8'evy4-.nAktou cr---tAL'IN:ucLuA=1:4de‘lele Farms vJHEA-TLi t/CSTOCi-< Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 13 14 County f_. terMS (4$ 5,6 /CY -1htfiewy4b a n center 535?' mai CtA. SIn item Percentage change in value of ,n and trade 1929-1935: af3V.23 its'oct 35 !o,q L. 9 10 42'eti Whols:nle trade--net Population 1929 0 1919 1929 1935 Total product in and trade t.) Chief urban center County 4ii4ti- 6-7-71 1,22.3 (I(.09 b3a7 ..,703 6gyik Original: Revise: 46 8-7 „ N Judith Basin anu Petroleum counties tabulated viith Cascade anu Fergus counties 1J1Jbecause tney were organied from parts of them after 119. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Montana County Value I 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 Illholae trade--net sales 14 Total primary production 5 Manufactures _6 7 Minerals G oi__E> stLv -re at. Chief urban center in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 Total production and trade AIA L(5 pc-1_1_ FLATI4EA- State 141811'29:510 I I Population 1929 1919 County IT ic1,l4L, SEE- Urban center M1551)()1-141 gi357 3,041 co oiv.-1..--: , v .. -200 6/° ( IL Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 1.g10 —e2.5 .3,a7Lti .3g7 387 63404 1.2,8% 4173 413 1.473 (473 Percentage change in value of primary ....._ production 1919-1929: 7 a 9 10 Farms II DA r IR,Y" 12 )4 AY 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 0H Eft-c- 1,75o igici 3 1 L-1-. 51(0 5-1 3 34,7 ,37/ i,-770 3M Economic classification code 1329 Original: Revised: zio V5 , A Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Montana in thousands of dollars) I 2 3 Retail trade--net sales , Wholesale :ta;e trade--net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals /(1164 7713 2,167i 14i 124 County Urban center 0201-1814- 7co 0i is , g55 , Percentage change in value. of production and trade 1929-1935: 3,3425 _trili 15-7o Population 1929 rtg_1919 1929 1 935 NI Chief urban center County Value Total production and trade Bo Z_EM A Q.FkLLPT State 3391 3351 A 4130e - — - 11 362- Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 8 -15 9 10 11 12 - Farms 3.30zVF5-7-0CPC 5 „ 2(0,1 idyl 5944 Original: -Hint 1,LILI I W 4-1/4.-I' WO 63iS ihsiK glilt 4032— Li 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Economic classifici)tion code 1929 Revised: 5c1 Vq- . Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Montana GA RnE1-0 State County Value in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 I Total production and trade 9 Retail trade—net sales 3 4 5 _§ Wholesale e trade—net /, i:36' 4..1 ittA County r ..2 7 - 8 574a,N1- Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: -35 ,2,110 0-A") _ .. aitit) t4rAk) ) a-) ‘g- Minerals 1929 Population Ilgt_1919 Total primary production Manufactures Chief urban center ti5(20 34 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 I6 8 9 10 11 12 Farms 1.--IVESTOC 1. K WOOL 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ,z31 0ii '70,04.3 1094 cf51 31r1 2 . 8t lago, Economic classification code 1929 Original: 04 ReviseJ: 3 ( -t N Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Montana R a-ucle_ State Chief urban center County Value (in thousands of dollars) 1935 I Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 4 5 Wholesale trade—net 1929 -5f 151 3,a33 i 03g' (otAx-) Manufactures pc--TRou m 7 _ CI25 Urban center il(;pi Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 313 5 Total primary production Minerals County 1V--1919 -,------ 111 _§. Population 1929 1 13 3,/ 1 3 3, ) 123 it* -- _ __ 73 3o . . ., Percentage ___- change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 8 SZIO 9 , 10 II Farms 316 27k 42672.307 1t 514EE p WO01.- 13 wHeAT 12 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 -7.-5 1.4l4 4103 -2 (-15 2/7 4,i7 Economic classification code 1929 0 LIOriginal: Rev i A ea_L.Q... 6._;z4,e_oi 'Bc Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Istontma C---OLDE/N) V Stat• Value 1935 1 Total product i on and trade ? Retail trade--net sales 3 5 Manufactures _§ 1,5104 Minerals Urban center 5k-e. 02/5 Q-ouNTY Cc,61-) — County 1.44 moss-EL...sow /73 51 Total primary production Population 1929 (VI ---------- 19 19 1929 741 Chief urban center in thousands of dollars) Whols:tale trade--net 4 L_L_CY County Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: — 53 trAe) 4t Li I — ___ Percentage change in value of primary -- _ production 1919-1929: _L1 8 9 • 10 11 Lictri Farms Li vas-roe-K 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ..a.3 S'1 60 `‘2"1 35:?" Economic classification code 1929 Or 1(2 Revised* , 3Li Golueu Vuiley uounty tc,bulateu with 2ausse1she11 arid Sweet6r:. Counties 1.91-2 because it was orgauieo from parts of them after Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 County ate Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 4 Wholetale trade--net 5 _6 7 8 410-1919 1929 1935 Total product in and trade 40‘e.8' 3,14 I L 051 Ittoo 1S i g5 Total primary production Manufactures Minerals 0-01.AS iLvri? Eic M A N Gli-tXsiE a.035 14( . 03 37 i 3 County Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 53 7'Z 78`278'2. 752. ...._ 9 10 _2351 132, 76,gt Percentage 7 6sy 30 change in value of primary production 1919-1929: --«2(2 - Farms X1 .-1 I:12) Pk 1:451,. Economic classification code 1929 Original: 3(0 Reviuelt 12 1929 Urban center 111Y3 (ea) _ - Population 1-i,rw 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 37i 37o 511 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Montana L State Value I 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholeiale trade—net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures _§ Chief urban center in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 Total product an and trade 4V RE County W,1919 , 5 45 1 ot-tas gb 4334- 5,q55 ‘LO-39 4.?Ole BiCs-2. 15102- /3,4;25 e.oA L. NEG4-_, County 1929 ‘3L-T1 5 Urban center Percentage change in value of product ian and trade 1929-1935: Minerals 7 Population NE&L — -23 -213ga to‘Co --d Percentage change in value of primary _7s,production 1919-1929: 8 9 10 II Farms WHEW-I- 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis i 2Cig /217 3:72-V iW/2:22 -1 341-1- L2 Economic classification code 1929 Original: Reviselt 3 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 ,ontana, rE FFE R50 Ni St ate County Value in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 I Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 5 Manufactures 7 /61_7 /(0 7--• Total primary production _6 02:774- Wholesale trade--net 4 Minerals 3-oLDiso.41ER Eit 47-3 974, 7Vo Chief urban center R Population 1929 19 1 9 County Urban center a: C101 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 11903 131 1,445 \v-1- 1514 403 473 4-13 473 R51.11 /5f ?(:)? ,, ?0/ Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 8 -213 9 10 11 -4 7r7i.i.- Farms CR-T-CLE 020'7 1t wo jig ?(:7 ogl Economic classification code 1929 Original: 3‘:, Revisel: 12 I, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ik Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 z7itI1Thl4s i/V Montana Stat• Value in thousands of dollars) i929 1935 1 Total product ian and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 Whol:tale trade—net 4 Total primary production 3,o 75 : t- '' -- Ra-u5 / /8"1 c°°N Tv' 6 Minerals 7 8 /5o a0L-DiSii-YEPek, ..ii _ Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: /50 1381 4, County TY..st9 CI e..0fi L--- Population 1929 -57 U.* ) 3-E E L . 30( 0, gz4 Manufactures /14- 19 1 9 7 4(75 i 5 Chief urban center County 11 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: KY 1:710 9 10 11 12 /, 581 Farms icv--r c-A--r-TLE V/ 1 4 )0 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis b 1 Lk 35,8v 27b3 g'f'D 965 547, Economic classification code 1929 Original: Reviser i6 35 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 I-AKE 'Vont na, State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) Population 1929 -- 1929 195 I 2 3 Total production and trade 4,311 2,(0(et41(2_6 Retail trade--net sales Wholesale trade--net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures j 1141919 1,5b0 _2491 E.• Ai/SSO Ul.h- 457 coon/TY County Urban center Percentage change in value. of production and trade 1929-1935: -2- 373 42-1 L2I Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 P7 8 9 10 11 12 Farms bfrfAY //1+ V I--I VE5 TO Ci..c 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 0 21S30 ... 56 / 40 8'2-7 753 539 l2gif q2-7 20o 1 Economic classification Original: ;2-eir Revised: /3 ode 1929 Le kdounty tabulated with Flathead and iiiissoula Counties 1ia-23 because it was oranized from darts of them after Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Fore S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Montana Lk,jS Af 25 (21-14?1‹ State Chief urban center County Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 1 Total production and trade 2 Retail trade—net sales 3 4 Zt5/4 .0.-1919 14100 1043 407lo Total primary production 42C15p1, 5 _§ 7 Manufactures Minerals it1(3) gi5 Cyo Ll*i L_vER04 ,2j5 _I(2gri4 VA114- 11646 Mt, 0,Lf(,0.440 1929 County 37,21 10,11 Wholsva ! e trade—net Population Urban center i it g/O 3 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: -2.3 12,on S',(011-1Yrr 045 Percentage change in value of 6 ,.45 production 1919-1929: primary 8 73 9 10 11 — Farms /,/02 1..-1V Es-r-ccK 12 t-h1Y 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 0 214/1 1 W3C3-2.. 742 1101-1 5-819' 4v,iv5 ;2,2:24 Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revised: 'S * gliCIA •kxL4-1C.L'‘AJg 4 , /14 U ez- tr aFek 4 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis c_f Q3-t 1a,-} 64.4, ,A- z.e" AA- /(AcvcAcucL_ Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Montana E State Chief urban center County Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 I Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 52.3 57' Wholesale trade--net g-20_ 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures _§ 1919 .02(7lie 4214/ I ; Population Caif) County Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1955: 0i ___ Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 4i+ 8 9 10 II 1929 ... Farms Ii it+i( ithicft----r 12 3 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 6(8 / A421 1,3/(0 772_ ,N42.. Economic classification code 1929 Original: 4, Revised: 3 N Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 montans I- I 19Q-0 L County State Value 1935 1 Total production and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholetale trade—net /52- 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures _§. 5.acf3 Minerals 7 e9iN1-1> Sii-Y ) . 111_ 1919 RQ.,1t,. 93 '13 County -5,`75-2.(4-4.3 138 Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 30 J,e2/7 (Tik) Population 1929 in thousands of dollors) 1929 7.4 ( 01 I.5<a Chief urban center 1fjCIR3 Ak,‘,1 Abbi 3.--tigi 631 I lo 0,0 Gyl I (0 Ito Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: -36 8 9 10 11 Farms 413 494- 5Lt0 Economic classification code 1929 ' Original: 0 ----1LE. 12 ifFi-Y Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CiLi 104 /19 ( ^P /41 Revised: , 0 & o EVLOYMENT LATA USED IN REVISED EGONOmIC CL Total rural non-service employment: Employment in forestry and fishing: " lumber and furniture: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,195 517 440 IFI i, Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 7.7( n1.1,na State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 1 Total productian and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholeialse trade--net 11/ 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures _§ 1Lit35 .6z3 1919 County 3.2(46 7cri. Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1955: 5'11 la (.Y.A- Population 1929 141 4/ -55 /.62V (a I Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-19291 7 10 8 9 10 Farms W 44 C--- 4-112 CA-TT-LE 14-14V 11 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 71t5 ),Y17 47 711 02242 IZ'S . I-3 1421 1343 154 Economic classification code 1929 Original: ReviarAt id, .32.- Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 MA DI 501•1 State County Value in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 I Total productian and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 Who' s:ri se trade--net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures J . ‘,330 1301 1:0g5 7 CAW $i WE:Rat 73' Z, 401g Population 1919 5,244 1 kiA° Minerals Chief urban center 1929 County Urban center Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1935: 24141, 3g21. VI Y1 314z342 344;4_342_ Aal I _ I1 lei 378, Percentage ,production change in value of primary 1919-1929: -21 8 9 10 11 Farms 1--.1vE5T0 C-I-c 12 iff0( 13 WO DFederal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CI 1,0L-fg/ 1(12—/ /71 b 51 44144g 3315 141144 Economic classification code Original: iI(049 1,227 Li'77 Revised: 044 Li 1929 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF SANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 State County Value I 9 3 4 5 _6 7 GZO ar3 Retail trade--net sales 5%1 Whol:tale trade--net in thousands of dollars) l / el 1929 1935 Total production and trade NA Chief urban center 1919 f/To Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: g16 Arr L11 TA-) Minerals egoOLA> 5R-11 EVcat, / 3-2-- ti.1.4-2) -?*)- II (.. 111:1_ -- 41E--&1-- 1929 County .PQ Total primary production Manufactures Population ..._ —30 ••?/ 3.31 105 — Percentage change in value of primary _ production 1919-1929: 8 9 10 11 12 1.4--)La- Farms Li V 657t,c_4 41 ( 4Y WOL13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Wri 349 icrxi woo -).,7_1( Economic classification code 1929 Original: cl/C7 55 i Revised: c)(AL 3 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 -Montana /vii NERA State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of doll -arm) 1929 1935 1 Total production and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholesale trade—net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 7 Minerals GoLc7eSinTERAtt.„ County Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: caNP (CA) -... 6 1121--1919 751 If4,2 32- 5,f3 35/ 74 --- Population 1929 ) 150 g i 2. 23 I2 G23 23 23 _24 +11 332 2 .0 02c) Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: -41 8 9 10 11 Farms 73' 11-AV 33 lb ‹.3 Economic classification code 141 original. 5(... 1929 Revised: 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Ilk Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 M 5.50u MI S5o State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 I 7 3 4 5 Total production and trade Retail trade--net sales Whole ae ale trade—net Q-A025 11(075 4-110 Total primary production 7 l -T-.A'49-V 1.46,1D Z0,8121 1 Ale_Lorioe II,L1451 "II.C. 15I i-VER 0-,-0 LI) 7730 S: 61 Urban center Pecentage r change in value of duct in and trade 1929-1935: Mifj ‘42.- -15 WW5Y ___ Li-2-. at._ County k3V /NCLOD6N4110tDoC45. Manufactures Minerals 1929 wr , pr 420/q3 5441 5 , 6 _- Population Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: ,__ 7 8 9 10 Farms 11 C_A -r--11-6 12 ii- AV 13 /7111 RY Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 11163 q04 3, 40 112- 11273 3.114,50 0735 35L, -3,6 .5 Economic classification code 1 929 Original: 5(0 Revised: "I- Lace Gounty tabulEted v:ith Fiatnei.:c and iviissoula. Counties 1.1'0-2J because it wa.s organized froni parts of tneL, after Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form 5-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, Montane, 1921-1933 u5-5e L State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 4 5 6 ....- ,-- 4-_(4"DP 1,14-7;- wholesale l trade--net lI Total primary production Manufactures Minerals 1929 19 County i0 7 I / NcLu Urban center t ii 4ozvett, v91-(41--.2 90 jiwm Li 42450 Percentage change 1929 1935 Total productian and trade Population 72, 1.3( 1.3 I'8') in value of productian and trade 1929-1935: E14S VIS CO. -31 6,7J7 701 °4 19-2-302 R5934573 0( 9,231 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: :-.,.-.2:-.341 15r1:3 FgY-T3 KL 8 -. Lt 9 10 Farms II citv-r-r-LEwt-IE 0--r 12 15 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 40S3 Zo* 24- & O CI giliit c.281 .230 1103 Economic classification code Origino: 30 Revised: 5/ 1929 Golden valley County tabuiateu vdith diusselshell and bwebtgrass Counties because it was organized froth parts of tc after 1.1J. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Montana TA RIO( State -ro ti L.-1 VGs Chief urban center County Value (in thousands of dollars) 1935 1 Total production and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales I 1.034 CIPZ1 Total primary production 5 Manufactures Minerals Urban center 5;137 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 7 0LCIS!LAE&--4,4k- 4)31I 1 TV -31-1- li344 51 I 1 4grlY .P.r/5 2-75 10) 922_ IA Wholsnale trade--net 4 _6 _County 1 929 .2sLijI1114-1919 31 / I 3 Population 1929 1.7A I,151 I1 11 1,t5(0 50 1 9 11 5 0 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 8 —(5 9 10 Farms 11 E5-1-00---K 12 14 Pr Y Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 13;1)5 glf50 ;;;:illt 649 I‘09 I 47.2.2. 7/ i_ -.191:4 Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revised: 55 0 _ COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 pE --r-R.o tA) M County &con f-1 State in thousands of dollars) Value , 1 Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 .2'" lOg Total primary production 5 Manufactures Minerals PE --rgc,LE.c,iti 7 _tte. 1919 5-EE 2erl 46it FERa U 5 2( DI C 0 uni TY 040 Wholeialse trade--net 4 _f, 1929 1935 1:3 ( q.200 Qq1"1.) Chief urban center 373 393 Population 1929 County Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1955: -so Crrd*-) 55 55 qo5905 ?OS riv5 Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: A 8 9 Hi II 6,25 Farms I.-- i VE 3ToC.4.< 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3,x7 itC"Cif KA i-154,, Economic classification code 1929 Original: 11 Revised: 55- Judith basin 6.rici Petroleum Counties tabulated with kdascacie aria Fergus Counties 119--4. because the were ort,anized from ?ext.'s of them after .1.19. T rjzoktoo-,,..k Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis eca— Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1333 State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholeia l e trade--net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 _- 7 ypl_ 1919 1929 1935 Total productian and trade ‘07ie County Urban center 414155 ( 1'22-. 3J-1-1 gi5 0215(5 95 Population 1929 Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1935: 203 4-244) _ Minerals Percentage change in value of primary 420 (1.-OL:QS 1 LA ER4/4.. Zi AO __ ..... ___ production 1919-1929: a 14 9 10 11 1 . Farms L-1 V 3-11 Es-r °cis-- 2 iiii 13 UM EA-1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T15 taz.-- .33‘1.2 3,611 4//4 4i-7z) 1MMEM 272.4.1 Economic classification code 1323 Original: IC. Revised: 3c_i__ Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1321-1333 `, !inn b.S-R State Chief urban center County Value (in thousands of dollars) . L 1 9 3 Total productian and trade whoi:fale trade--net Total primary production 5 Manufactures Minerals 7 pg -TR6LE-Oki 8 C-04L. County 1121 1919 .------ 11411. Retail trade--net sales 4 ...6 1929 1935 1929 Population Urban center III-ri k62(P 3.039 .2T4-21 3,521 Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1935: 160 - 5,0310 acE1 201 517E 1,124 I;12-Lf 40 ____ 57g /,‘?-_(1. 1:1 -Li — NE -U- #. 6-1-- — —2-2.-- IIto I Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 1'71 NE-G-1— 9 io 11 Farms W 46 A--r 12 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3(2-7 1.ci6la 3,390 2303 1469C) 1:'6-I Economic classification code 1329 0.: Original: Revisedt 5 CD _ (\-3,...ef.,.J._&,f,,,,_ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis - Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Montana R\\Jt PoW State Chief urban center County Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 1 Total productian and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 4 5 6 _- Wholesale trade--net ( 1 10" ; -Zli NA 1919 Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935e Sri _e 1 t:0 --__ 1929 County gi(pict Total primary production Manufactures Population .ice 1,1- —70 On, 31 Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 614 9 , 10 Farms 0--A-rr i--E12 1-1-A-V 13 Vic ol— 11 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Z'D5 3149 I-Xi i tg" Ct C)0 21(444" 7'b5 700 1355 Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revised: I() 30 -,N Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 o %NELL. gont:Inl State DEER.1-cc>a-E County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 1 Total production and trade 9 Retail trade—net sales , '' 4,71 2 1,? 4 Li- Population lif 1919 1929 County 4.,• 3381 12 Urban center 3, 5/ clZag5 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: Wholetale trade—net et 0 2 0 • -7 I 4 5 6 -7 8 4 4 6-1 14 as.'i 1 li-I a 1 1 aI Total primary production Manufactures Minerals ilEkvit_ CrOL-1),5IL- p/-ti) Ph 6-re. tRCe-K- (vi , 78F '71'-f 7L-1 u...t.- 4... -2.7 4 17 Percentage change in value of primary __ __ production 1919-1929: ____ --7 9 10 Farms 11 1--( i ,.in' -2 vEs-rocfc 12 /-1-6Y 13 /1()( 54) I-Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 5-41 Fio 221 ,..2,042 14037 'tact, 4(0444 2 3-1 1 3,0'g3 Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revi.eJ, .!1:45. 0 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 PR Fs oP, Montana Stat• County Chief urban center I Value in thousands of dollars) 1329 1935 I Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholnale trade—net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures _§ ).0425 4Ct_Li Urban center I9-7gii+ Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: / 43 11 cla0 55 G2t) __ County Illii-13319 -.?73'O it 1-2-1 Population 1929 T -72— -705 tax Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 103 9 10 ... Farms II cA-r---r I--c 12 Hfry 13 byi-10-7. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3'71 744 3 1311 091 3,3 07 Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revisal: lb 30 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 P,AVALL-1 Montan State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollors) 1935 1 Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 Whets:tae l trade--net 4 Total primary production (n1530 ..z _11(v43 ; 42(150 5 Manufactures 6 7 Minerals 1929 10,005 3,04-1 1929 County Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: gV1 /,g95 I,AS — 46 Golz7SILV --. Re)t, 6..1919 11,71 4/21_, Population 146 700 -- - -3-2- (0,356 Percentage change in value of primary --- production 8 1919-1929: -2C 9 10 11 12 2.411'5 Farms bfti R Nr" A PpLE-5 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis n) 64R BCC15 14,1'76 3;4314- 5Y/.7 i, ioz -2,5 4177 `ft? .273 5(24, Economic clessifica . Wn code Original: ReviaaJ: 8//.4 1929 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Montana State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 1 Total production and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales , 3 7,272- Whoim! e trade--net 631 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures ,..(!, =5,000 ‘a35 Minerals ia 4(00 350 1 Si13 Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: t,V2-4 I,24 -- __ Ne„.4.- Q-04 1.- 7 County 14_7Y:12919 5,217 "—(1d Population 1929 41E4-t- — -.3() 3,517 1Lts" in value of primary -- Percentage change .--- production 1919-1929t 8 9 10 , . 1.70(0 Farms 11 idfic—A-7 12 0--rii A 0-IAN 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis sue,-A R BeE-05 _37'7/ Ay!' 15-Le 1,453 5z-11.1?4, 3zaf cz4,07 Economic classificatiori code 1929 Original: Revised: -4 3G, Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Montana R SEVELT State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1935 I Total production and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholn:le trade--net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures j i --1114(- 4,090, 1,339 3ta '-O.4 t— Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: 0(2( 'fp ft-ei_ County 10,658/ 60 ---- Minerals 7 1919 1 929 5,410 Population 1929 Oa ___ ___ ,.... -451 3,35? ¶141 (L4 r i_l_ Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 8 —12- 9 10 II 12 Farms 1g4b7 14 E-Frr 02149 CAT-1-1- L.15- W 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis :0344 zei5 214311 Economic classification code Original: I/739 -3f3 1929 e)-a701a Revised: 3 , N Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1953 s E.1210 I> State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals -- County 0 13) / L 43( Urban center I,,4::q •a Co I0 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: '2415 Total primary production 1_1919 4,10C-7 Wholefa!e trade--net 4 el 1929 1935 Total production and trade Population 1929 -1i4P 485 CW 63 (--61) 123 1A3 044=1*--) 1301,330 Ir L467 /X30030 _43 3to5o 77cil -- Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 C.-04i-- 33 8 9 10 11 12 Farms 1,I VC5-7be.:11 1419 V 13 WOOL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1.3- I eoc,-7 ;ZJ7J1 230p, :MI 4333 nr2q- 4/1.3 ..,511 385 Economic classification code 1929 Original: 1(0 Revisal: 35 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 SA Id DERS t ana State County Value 1 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 Wholetale trade--net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures ' .._6 7 Minerals Population 1929 County (121 1 919 3I350 5,04 Urban center lIVIO 0-7 0 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: k,74 G(01 /13 00191.-1:>.Sli-VR .0C- in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 Total production and trade Chief urban center // 3 I ci5 Aili l,ctt3 1,113 ____ ___ __ -33 rill 115 --- Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 8 9 10 11 12 Farms /0 10 Lk .---A-1- -1-1.--E- Q6(-1- 33 Nil N. q!5 31 (-73 4bev ZDA I Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 13 li3g6 004 R1,-- 1102+ Economic classification 1929 06 Original: ReviseJt 63 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 14 ' vi 1. 1•\.' . 3, 1 ,.: . ' • • 1 '," _: : Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 514401(D/1 A/ State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 1 Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 Whols:ialse trade--net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 _- 3,1810 LISS 1,01-- Minerals c°7-139 /5 ,2q. 24 Population 1929 15....J9 19 County i 11 Ogg- 5-CE _07 VA L-LEY 3505 CovAl-TY Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: riri 71 *IT 1716, '-io Lid 40 75 Percentage change in value of primary ---47F5 production 1919-1929: 8 —I 9 10 11 12 9(,,o Farms IVO EAT r7A-r--r LE 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ig/i7 .207 3,WD3 A3ocl 02,047 '365 L4504!A Economic classification code 1929 Original: .2 Revised: Daniels Ldounty tabulated with bheridan County ano. Valley Countie:3 1.1:4-2b because it \Via:3 or6anized froth parts of tiic,1ftx Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 s LvE R Boy,/ Montana St ate County Value in thousands of dollars) 1935 1 Total productian and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 Whol s:tale trade--net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures _6 Minerals 7 G.014) 1 L-VOQ. izAt- 8 MA NGA N E SE Chief urban center 74024 a4V5 a5Y36 1929 „i 1919 County /L1-01(,Urban 3(?,(07._ 3623 center 5i,9Gct 37,53 2._ - IW 76.2D0 '72,j7 3 5447, •II 736 21,?3(, 1929 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: %WA TVA 43 ca() (40,0106,900 52rioi 4 (05,b$Kb :647 .5'7,/07 742 741- 9 10 Population Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 5 (27`111 .1 Farms 11 N'I NT ,5-b9 73( 0 , Economic classification pode 1929 -35a Original: Reviselt 12 3 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis X5 Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 5ri LL IvIeW.ana, State Value 1 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 Total primary production 5 Manufactures _§ 1 929 _3 Minerals 1C1 13212. Wholetale trade--net 4 Chief urban center in thousands of dollars) 1935 Total production and trade ict-rER County 575 CA 2-4- Urban center 4?,004:04 Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: `17(0 ... 2t+ County 11A-1919 ,A042 gd) Population 1929 56 53 53 6:3 Adoco '13 --_ -yo Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 8 13 9 10 11 12 Farms LtVESTOC--W i+ AV IVNEA-T 5 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis h 81024,82Ei 14.36 355 3.269 11025 523_5 t .241:3 Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revisel: 1G 3L-1- ‘;i4.t 1 -ick,LQ_ t Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis _ Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 51,0E-E-rQ-RA s5 State Chief urban center County Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 1 Total product in and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales 3 4 5 6 _- 275S17 1•06 : 0 Wholesale trade--net II 5 li Population 1929 1919 County Urban center 4.(71‘ 5EE change in 4,21 1144)13.56:LAAILLPercentage product in and trade 35'1 ea3c)N Te Total primary production Manufactures value of 1929-1935: —32-- at* (03 al o 110 _135 Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 7 1919-1929: 8 — 1 9 10 11 Farms LI V65-rock 141,1 Y 13 WOOL 12 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis li(003 685 56. 0248" 52° 720 •1 0 2 6077 ‘117 .2g6-1 z34.5 Economic classification code 1929 Original: D ( 4. Revised: 3 (-1-' Golden Valley County tabuiateu with iwiusselshell anu bweetglass Counties because it was organizeu from parts of them after 1J-l9. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 Montsna, -TE-co State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) Population 1929 4 1935 I Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 Total primary production 5 Manufactures _§ 1919 County q,i5' ti5g Urban center OVigLf ki5Orl Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: Wholetale trade--net 4 1929 300 ,q/130 _g 3,74,6, 1,631 L' ) 12;3 1 1-1 1 tck% asi+ Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 131 9 10 11 Farms */ 14"04-1-- 12 I--( VES-roe-k Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4og c91 153 7I Lif I -1 1 3515 1,945 1,347 Economic classification code 1929 Original: /47 Revised' 32_ Form 8-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, (,,TIts.,tift, 1921-1933 TC)01.- 177: State County Value Chief urban center in thousands of dollars) Population - 1935 1 Total production and trade 2 Retail trade--net sales , 3 4 Wholesale trade—net Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 7 Minerals PE---fR ol--5,-)Ikk 8 Lc)4 t.- 1929 1919 CU ,gLi" N4(46( 60g_ti 18'51 Ag(o`f 1:40(ag 149h10 LetiO Al6e.,--L- County - Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: ‘2002_ 74 6 Cu-) 1929 OE.* LOY1 I:037 14327 4322. 4.32gfr'4,32-g — 2-2-651t: 2L: Percentage change in value of primary --- production 1919-1929: 4203 /Vg4 L--\ 9 10 11 12 Farms Wffg 11--7L,vf-s-rock 13 1 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 14510 ,5-7i 563 2:230 ic/R5 itt61 530 Economic classification code Original: 3if Revised: 5-2- 1929 (1).QA-z-0QQAAAA0- HA.: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 VIontarn, -T-RA-Sti RE Stat• County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) I 9 Retail trade—net sales 3 Whols:ialse trade—net 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures _6 IVA 1919 1929 1 935 Total production and trade Population 1929 County ...------ 7g2 1,2-53 ;213 _i7:3 NA NT I Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: sti, cgdt) qi -38/ 624. hat4- Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 34 9 10 11 12 481 Farms Fi& --iS 1-- I VE5T0CI( 13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis i-t/ i19 7010i /63 ‘;21,,, Economic classification code 1929 Original: or:1 Revised! q ...50 \ Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 -roTontCtrs V4LL- Stat• County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1 935 1 Total production and trade 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 4 Whol:tale trade--net Population 1929 /-reA,4 1945,/0 County rj.c..eurki:ban center ctiti N w i 61341 1-1-141.4 ;4A414, c ouri-ry gbLI7 %t-733 Well4A7rcentage change in value of AiiiiSti5ifig•OtWiAtiproduct i an and trade 1929-1935: -3,ola Total primary production _i/5 eiAt) Manufactures .111,44--1 gt I Minerals ift) f1-1- 7 tag C-c, ( ii 6- __ 4Ia — 44o Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: -- I 9 10 11 12 Farms er 01:44 s-rock 1 -1 L1E• WHCA-T I/4-V Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 13 7'140 02-7o 3,304 (2,LAio A i51-_ c,if I, 292 Economic classification code 1929 Original: Revised: 344 • Laniels bounty tabulate° vdth ,•dherician ana lirdley Counties xts of tn1 Ster because it was or6anizeo fru Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1353 WHE 14-T LAN D liTnrit State Chief urban center County Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 1935 1 9 3 Total productian and trade Retail trade--net sales County 1/4-4919 Urban center g(i9C1 /4132 15-2_ Percentage change in value of productian and trade 1929-1935: *hole tale trade—net ill 4 Total primary production 5 Manufactures 6 _- plf (PW Population 1929 51•1 4024 ) , (V4r g1300 a43CIO Minerals .111-of 55 1.43 D Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 2-$1 , 9 10 11 12 Farms 18/61 514 EEP 3/ WOOL-- 237 3 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 116'43 112g WS 3445 1, 111.4- Economic classification code 1929 original: Revised: 33 arm S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1333 bfemntl/N1 WI C314-0 X State County Chief urban center Value (in thousands of dollars) 1929 935 1 Total product uc trade 2 Retail trade--net sales and 3 County 110-'1919 iaS i-i5 .05.5" tHi< .270 F1+5 II I Population 1929 Urban center Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: Wholerle trade--net 4 Total primary 5 Manufactures 6 Minerals 7 1,92,3 production , ___ oil-L_ .... 40 511 ,- Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: N151a-L._ tit—CA_ — 51 8 r 9 10 11 12 Farms WilE4--r LivE5--roe-t( 3 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 443 ss' 190 J3414 1,255 e.,--37 35o 8.5(0 Economic classification code 1329 Original: -----, Revised: O Form S-38 COUNTY ECONOMIC DATA FOR STUDY OF BANK FAILURES, 1921-1933 BILLL r.) Montana State County Value I 9 Retail trade--net sales 3 and Population _jig-1919 L44-iclq- 5073 724- 170:i , Total primary production 5 Manufactures iiI 0g2 "-- 4101 1929 'O/735 County Urban center /tIVi 3ff° Percentage change in value of production and trade 1929-1935: Wholeialse trade—net 14 _6 in thousands of dollors) 1929 1935 Total prod trade Chief urban center ITN: -- 67 i4A0 15,(% '101511c15 t° Minerals Percentage change in value of primary production 1919-1929: 7 8 9 10 Farms -r 11 BEETS-1 12 AA/V 13EA n.k5 DAIRY 3 W H E- Ft 506AR Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2g7 Lits-I,070 0233 407 5324 ',at,'" '102),272- ..-Pnif Woill Economic classification Original: Revise: code 1929 57 Sy N