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• Rider "Asi. (Add galley 68 L. W.) Since chapter 54 of 1903 only shifted tc the travelling auditor and bank examiner, those supervising duties which had been in the hands of the secretry and treasurer cf the Territory, it was doubtful if under that stFitute the uuditcr who had exercised supervision over trust ccmpanies could be properly deprived of the powers he had formerly exercised; Chapter 96 cf 1909, however, provides in Sec. 9 that trust companies are tc be placed "under the direct supervision of the bunk examinee:: On the strength of tnis provision the digest even with respect to trust compuniee treats the travelling auditor and bank examiner as the only supervisory officer. Under , that ch. 4pter 96 of 1909 refers to the official simply us "the bank examiner"; his full title, as stated above, is under the act establishing the office "travelling auditor and bank examiner". Rider "B" (Add galley 73 L. W.) A 190:n amendment allows the incorporation of a trust company in any city, town or village of less than 7,000 with an acturOly prescribed capital stcuk cf nct less than $190,000 of which not leas than !::)50,000 must have been actually paid in (1909, Chap. 133, 1 and 4). ..2- Rider SC". 6(i. L. W.) (Aad The banks m:.!ke .;..nuLtry and tirria-annutii reliortu inJz. uuditcr and JiAly in the form prt,Lcribt:a by tne b.znk exunink,r, whic'n ruport BilCW6 ruscurceu 4nd liabilities ciFiy spor'ir :d by th6 ex- at tnu cicut rf basince;3 on :)!6inr, and must bf: trmismittud to nim within five days afte:r nix 1- It m.;st bc in a lccal newspaper uost. (190"::), Chap. 'Ai, 1). Tnk; fcreu,inziat enctment tc; 1,rcs:ribe thc in forcu whioh aftcr drcvidinc Rider "L" (Add callty 69 L. W.) bwik exaniner visits bunk acin buiiiness in -xrlel)t naticnal banks at leaLt annally, and oftener if neGeL,sry in crder to fr4.;i. fall inveetijation intc -!, Chap. 96,). its conOition (19(YThis lute ernictment dces not materially onanje the cldur one anther which he :vJs reAuired to flidur "F" ;11ey 68 t. W.) (Add c;, If it upearu tc tLe bmIR examiner that any bk is inucl'rL:At (;io dfincd in 19C9, Chap. 96,7) it iu his dAty tc ;c1Terncr :rid if it appears tr the cov,.rnor that rt.:1-,ort tc the c uuch proccd,ne is necess%ry, hc directs the bunk examiner to take ontArir, cf the bunk anj of its property. The cxwminer -3 there upon mFlkes a thorc;uzh exeminution and rortu tc tho thit the bank can not r- ,,5umc: bi- governor, wYlc if fcti ri c: it v,odi 6.1)ti3 to th rlLsb tcra, tnt, attornej uvi,t fcr a receiirer. The brink ener,4.1 to aminer Nitn the LLcv:.rncrl'6 onsent 4ppcint a deputy to t,ike crir6e of ;;.n insolvuht tnc , i)ointr')unt of a re';uiver, nc bank, howeTrer, to of relmuin in -:/ : .Jt,luty iotir tnan ninety days.(190. i, Chap. 96, 4), it A bank may voluntarrilly the control of its examiner by ,o6r,ing d uffaira under notict3 on Ito dcoru Chap. 96, 5). If it appears that the oapital of a bank has be.en impair d, ttiu exuminer notifiezi triv. bank to make tht', .mpattuD6, 8). ment iocd in ninety days (1.9091 Chap. ( Riar "G" (Add ,11u.y 3C; T. W.) Unr. tne 1909 st'Atute the bank examiner before taking charge of a bank must examine it ,,fairs before ceivranip proceedindsare. instituted and may make an exanination of any bank which io voluntarily liquidated (1909, Chap. cd6, A and 6). Maur "Ws (Add c,alle:" 7 T,. /.) EoL 13(11-:u III for tilt. at..tute rellired r- V thu 1009 .;xarrirwr tc rcpert to in8o3Irchoy of CVk;rtLe hk to th incs, cirAtirir nGce:31.3ry; ,rcceodrit1 institute reeiiiershif, i- dep4ty tit; .Act 1.11 tempeTHry T.Lr;eivt;r if Ior for tn(:. :;rovision allowing brik voluntrily in the hands of the to place xaminer; ',Ind for those und•r wnich t. hank etaminer re.luires impairnent of capital to o, 2:000 ainety days. (191 Chap. 96, 4, 5 and 8). It i are provisions ( not altc :-ther clear that the to EP4vings bankb; the statute st4tes that °for the 1;urpose of exhrination and regulaticn tie ',revisions ed to trust of this :_ct are hereby made applicablc and extend comphies, btaikL,'baildine, and ben azsccdfticno, turritcri1 iastitutions; it i5 itd all the intent and purpose by this 6,cticn tc place the instItuticno under the direct 9). The supLovision cf tne bank extImin,r (1909, (Thap. 96, by the older provision also noted under 34nks III for action examiner ,vhen he considers a r;rper ..tion in roi unsafe cendi- tion to continue business, applyinG cle_rly to 1),,rars (280, and 1905, Chap. 54, 9). In provisions of tn.; CerlipilLtd Lan ii en4qted that when the capital of a savinj: bank is imp:Aired tc the extent of 2'7 per cent by re ....son cf bad 1or r othr-vise the sav- inzLs bank nuut settee to do business unless its capital was made /Nod by ansessment within sixty days or rcduced equal to the irnpairment (266). 2ider (.1thi _11 ey 71 L. W. paragraph f(1 tne possiblt appl ication of chapter 96 of 1909 to wivinjs b;inks. Und r that ch, Apter "all btAnks h,Jretcfore or heneafti;r crganized uner the 2.;;w3 of the Territory including private bunks "must m,ke semi-nnu1 reports in X, .nuary dud jltly in the form . prescribed by t.te ux?.Aminer, exhibitin„; rz.sourots and liab11itie6 at the close of business on 1. pt da:y specified by thf; c:xaminer, rports tc be t, 'nurnitc;d within five days after the rclucst and tc be pub3ished in local ne, spaper (1909, Chili). 96 1 : 1). St; It is dubtful if thL 3anc 7urae:.. of chu9ter 96 of 3909 mkt;i this proviLion for reports applicuble to sovings banks; the prc7isions cf the following paru grFJphs tnLrefcre, still bt in fcroe. Pider "J" (Add ghl).cy 72 L. W.) If savines bFAnks umier cn.J!pter 96 of 1909 ttey luired to report serri-annual ly re tbjcct to the pennity cf 4L0.00 pt: r day during any uelkty in m. .king a report (1909, , Chap. CA, 1). Rider "V" (Add g, ..11ey 73 L. W.) IJnir cnapttr 96 of 1909 the bunk exumintr must "visit each and every bank &lin e, business in the Territory cf NcAl Uexico except national banks" ;At least once a year, 'Mow and oftaur if necei,sr.ry, tc miAku it invetAigation lntc ccndition (190g, (flip. 96, 2). ithr "L" (Lid 71 L. W.) If 8, ,vinds bankL subject tc tti rgu1aticn feutures cf cha:)ter 96 of 1909 tnu bexnk ux, .mincr when it appuaru that 4 ovingu bank blumk ib insolvcnt takcs chari;c: and au uccn as possi. trscrcLi6h cocAmin4ticn; :uc cxuminuo WInks in 7cluat:Ary liluidaticn (19)9, CiLip. 96, 4 Laid 6). !N" (Add galley 73 L. W.) Thc pit i)rcvisicnu cf chLptcr 96 of 1909 are bit. tc trust ocn.p!-irdus: If it any Um it appeDrs tc the bank exin:r that a bank in inr,c1, runt hc reports tc the ccvernor 4nd it uppcars tc the gc-rurncr that sucn a procecdin6 iu necessary, nu dirccts thL cx 6,mincr tc t-Lke char.., the towminer thun exminLs thcroughly unU nv.k 1. return tc tjhu 6ovLrncr, who if ettsfted that , tric company. (1..n not reuw-t-: husincuu cr :)tly its icbtJ, the i,ttcrnuy eent,rul Lc procccd fcr 4 uppcintmunt tbt; exNmincr nitLy pi t.e trIt ii receivcr, pending whcse a.ffairb cf tnt. ccmpnny fcr act loac,r tmn nintty dc:ys in c'rir6e of ;',t t;pecia.1 t.puty (1909, atqp. 96, 4). A truLit ccmpwiy mAy v:Aunturily lAnctur the oontrcl of t•:, ...i.rr)iinLr by poL,tini,.. doors (1909, ChL.p. 96, 5). itki affairs Ty; tiot., on its When if it appears that the capita1 of a trust company h'isbeGn impaired thu notifies it tc mke the im. pairment good within 90 days (1909, Chap . 96, 8). Th,3 prc,,isicns rf thu p%rugraph were law before the ,n., ctment cf Chapter 96, of' , 1909 with the powcrs and duties nehLioned in the hqn..3 or the territcri, A sinr;k: thuy zuem not to bu redealed by onaptur 96, they are becw ditor. substLtatddfnr the territcr ial It ia pcsibl th .,t tn-i3 oubstitutdipn m&y not be batc.-,thr cifined by zuctior:. ? of nhap tirr 96, which provides t "fcr the parpc vision. 6 nd rqr,711ution the nrc. :by made 5,pp1icubl tc ).rid It i. of Lximination p.m- 4nd Lxtended xxxxxxx tr intent and jAirpose of this auction to thc;.;c institutions under the dirent supe rvision of the brnk Lxmintre. Rieer "N" (Add galley 74 L. W. Chapter 96 of 1909 uprlyine, under ite expret;o teilms to trust conpanies requires them to make bemi-annual reports in J .Linw...ry iind July to the bank uxminur in the form which pre.,,Iribus exhibiting resoara nnd liabilities at the close of business 4 past day specified by him, the report to be trunsmittd within five day ftr the rcluest and to by puznlished in a local newspaper (19 09, Chap. 96, 1). Under provisions legialit urc trust companies were ro. luired to report to the terr itorial auditor. .8- Rider "0"' (Add galley 75 L. W.). The penalty undev tiLe 1909 stiitute for :ailing tc rcpert is $50.00 a da.y during dela;y (1909, Chap. 96, 1). , Rider "Pw (Add glley 74 T.. WO The bank examiner under the 1909 statute visits every trust company at 1e4tut annually and oftener if necessary for the purpose of making a full inve tigution into it (1909, Chap. 96, 2), condition He eXamints thoroughly when he takes possession prior to the institution of receivership (1909, Chap. 96, 4); and he examines any voluntary procedins liquidations (1909) Chap. 96, 6). The above provision for regulrir annual examinations is a purallel to tnu earlLer , 1, zi:1%tion which r(quired the examiner to visit at least once in each ytaar without prior notice "each of the bunking, savings, and other moneyed corporations oreatcd under the laws of the Territory" and thoroughly examine tnem (1903, Chap. It seems to overried, however, still another earlier stxAtute wftich required the uuditor semi-annually 4nd at such other times as he detmed necessary, to make a thorough ex.. amination into the affairs of every trust company either personally or through a suit:Able person appointed by him (1903, Chap. 52, 12). "r • REPORT _of The Of /, nditiam of the". C. 2` of business on the day of r ./ ,/ 6 /it (4) 6ir 1/ 4 i11.-<_12-ce,e . A‘,4-4 _, at the close , 1909. 1)ou.sus. Ors. RESOURCES. 1. Loans and discounts: (a) On demand, unsecured by collateral (b) On demand, secured by collateral c) On time, with two or more names, unsecured by collateral d) On time, single name paper, unsecured by collateral e) On time, secured by collateral „ y• )y (f) Secured e al estate ortgages or other liens on realty 102. Overdrafts: 7' (a) Secured (b) Unsecured 3. Bonds, securities, etc., including premiums thereon: 1. Domestic securities: (a) United States bonds ' (b) State, county, and municipal bonds (e) Railroad bonds (d) Bonds of other public-service corporations including street and interurban railway bonds) (e) Other bonds (f) Stocks 2. Foreign securities: (a) Government bonds _ (b) Otiwr securities _ _ _ _ 4. Banking house _ _ ttL) _ 5. Furniture and fixtures 6. Other real estate owned 7. Mortgages owned 8. Due from national banks 9. Due from State and private banks and bankers, trust companies, and savings banks 10. Checks and other cash items 11. Exchanges for clearing houss 12. Actual cash on hand:* 71P-' 1 (a) Gold coin (b) Gold certificates...... (c) Silver dollars (d) Silver certificates (e) Subsidiary and minor coins _ ( )Legal-tender notes_ _ _ f iona -bank notes _ _. kr-90 I-' 2 4/C1 cal O0 O0 Zio o q cO LIABILITIES. 1. Capital stock paid in /7q • 0_ 2. Surplus o_ 3. Undivided profits (including accrued interest and any other amounts set aside for special purposes, except Item 15, less current expenses, interest, and taxes paid) .O11ti 4. Due to national banks /0 i/ 7 5. Due to State and private banks and bankers, trust companies, and sayings banks 7 4i.9 6. Dividends unpaid q_ 7. Individual deposits subject to check ' 7a/ 8. Savings deposits or deposits in interest or savings department t 9. Demand certificates of deposit /L l / . 1 117 ,/ 0 t 2 i - - --'.9-i 7' 10. Time deposits, including time certificates of deposit 11. Certified checks _I / i 12. Cashier's, treasurer's, or secretary's checks outstanding _ _ . __ ' 7 --- ! 7 -5 -S 4 .64.?) p,1/ 11 13. Notes and bills rediscounted 1 4f) o Y 14. Bills payable,including certificatesof depositrepresenting money borrowed 4.0 0 ?--0 ,. 0 7 ay 5 -1 15. R served for taxes s 6 / 1,3 1/7-'1\3 .3 :1-4.--a-ci-e 2 ‘745 12 ( 7 7 , f. 6 : 2. / _ 7$ 4 : 077-1-_4-1 3 l'' ' 0 5 i'_---9-. .c ! /142 .44,.i i i •If the record for these s is incomplete for the date mentioned, figure them by using the same proportions as cash of current date. tSavings deposits may be defined as deposits (a) which may be withdrawn only on presentation of the pass book, or other similar form of receipts which permits successive deposits or withdrawals to be entered thereon ; or (b) which at the option of the c,ornpany may be withdrawn only at the expiration of a stated period after notice of intention to withdraw has been given; or (c) upon which no interest la allowed until the funds have remained on deposit for at least three months. certify hat he ab _ (president or cashier), of the above-named bank, do hereby e statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. -e -et To indicate the character of your bank, please put check mark ( v) opposite the proper name in list below. National bank. State bank. Mutual savings bank. Stock savings bank. Private bank. ['an and trust company. • 1 2-0 f. a /',O7//,7 President or Cashier. 54/'\ -r A, /3 t). 4-lie4c;-7;e ' Ae--1 1y44.0/. 1-s;ite Mt;f3 ICPX~V. yeed, 64;-/ye,,c41,(i-;* 44 ‘f#A fd-cf-f 44- 4Afr-ti• , e cC-‘e 121,1. * ‘ 0 , 4c t o(oor /Ali rhiAte 1,4 , 1 141`itti 1c6444elytt413,,ft, 1 / L t / Ithtt .46p Central!erbzrd Detitschen Bank- II rgfitt " 4iXt f‘4 4,c( g /Pr/, ti if(('7/d1 ( /Pk K4k (S,i1Z, Ail-- riz;f l 4/4A 444444 erd Xtf 1;7 4/4,; 114: --A 444,,4i74;4 l & if 771 4'iv Iv /fri la Datschen Bark- nnd Bnkle rbel 4/14 52 Cauerstranue. Charlc:tenburG. APPO PS.i"."1.°*4 errn R chtsanwalt Wittner. Dorobeenetranse. 6. ,09. pray 1S Travelaticn of the German Post-Check Law into BnaIish. (about 5000 words) 85, 210.111.0wWebW.O. s!=eirj=l=latail. cif t e United t ( .. On Hie of t'll1.21 States. , da z/y /7/5 ff9 band Cent cpd Bakiergovertes kl,es Deutschn x/ 1. 4, 4ff 444iiiaailti.q pup 1ziki uppiaquil /\\ r" \ \ \\ i` 4., 14 , •so (I çp13JO.t colovoin TY-T- Tnaoi.o) : 9.1 ;.10:7",„ _ U I.1 c jn ul t3tr)" fOuepk,"?:t , no ( fluciicTizle4 t U G101411Du runz N t puY1 Olriciov!„ 21.11:oot.t)o leal . g OYU. t o''ultIoAca oT4 14 so e eJno !02U 311077H y•4;1:': .21; : jo pAej-SluoAollPW . (s. qaq pn..“-) nq ')1 '00 gueTao4 j mns 4 Sap : pri:NAT,,,..t , ' ) p , .4140U0, . 1.11i; UOT qgct.=13 1 AIn0 a 1. Geheimer Justizrat Dr. Riesser ordentl. Honorar-Protessor an der Universittit Berlin. Lichtenstein-All6e 4. Central berlin %Aliib,cjen - Deut".ehe3 :ierf; und Ba n 1 t)I'S Ey. Teloph.-Adresse Amt VI, No. 1053. Telegramm-Adresse Doctor Blesser Berlin. ' 0 4 .-r %)(4aL 4/1 ":">41"gr7 1 4— p5 ;4 1"41 /AX ' y Z P"4 hi 14L444- ,15' "• 0 17" • -F , • 41 K. K. No. Fernaprech-Anschluss: Amt V1 No. 834. st17/ GUSTAV KNAUER Hofspediteur Sr. MajestAt des Kaisers und Konigs und Sr. Kaiserlichen und Konigl. Hoheit des Kronprinzen des Deutschen Reiches und von Preussen. BERLIN W. LONDON E. C. Wichmann-Strasse 5. Lutzow-Ufer 31 Fenchurch Street 109. e". 4•0 843. 844. PARIS BRESLAU rue Geoffroy-Marie 5. Friedrich Wilhelm-Str. 24. Berli W 62, den A ( F rouiri Von Sendung de 4" empfanden Sie anbei / mtehstehend verzeichnete Giiter gegen V thlung untenstehenden Betrages : —0 11.111 NO TA. •ht Nachnahme . . . . Fracht Rol;geld Stetter Az beitslohn Bottchet lohn Zollabfertigung . Rollgeld zurn. Lager Rollgeld vom Lager Lind • X viwge Porto Uehet weisung . Mark erhalten (iustav Knauer, liotspe, N 1 111111.'"II.L. : # Mb bpltr n Sr0,1 ohne Cmladuno 1)01.1115izeti. - IN 4 • 'Wig N.PAIiis. LoilooN,ikom, CO STANTINOPEL GUSTAV KNAUER Hofspediteur Sr.. Majestat des Kaisers und KOnigs und Sr. Kaiseri. uni Kiinig,LHoheih. des Kronprinzen des Deutschen Reiches und von Preussen. Bahn-Spediteur de.r. Konigl. Militar-Eisenbahn, Berlin-Scheneberg. Spediteur des Vereins Berliner Kiinstler und der Grossen Berliner Kunstausstell ung. Mitglied des Internationalen Miibel =Transport =Verbandes. Alleiniger Vertreter desselben fur Berlin, Breslau und Paris. Feste und sachkundige Vertretung an alien v,-rosseren Matzen der Welt. BERLIN W. Wichmann-Strasse 5. Liitzow-Ufer 31. Qop cab. LONDON E. C. Fenchurch Street 109. 16* PARIS rue Geoffroy-Marie 5. Telegramm-Adresse: Speditionshaus Berlin. 'VA BRESLAU Friedrich Wilhelm-Str. 24. Fernsprech-Anschluss: Amt VI, 834, 843, 844. 4 FV,1 KLETT, REIKIN SW. Quittung. Mark 260.— fiir englische Ueberset— (in Worten: Zweihundort und sechszig Mark) ler nDie Organisation zung von Geh. Oborfinanzrat Waldemar Muel and" vom Centralvrband des Krodit und Zahlungsverkehrs in Deutschl fiir Bechnung der National des Deutschen Bank— und Bankiorguwerbes erhalten zu haben, be— Monetary Commissions of the United States scheinigt hi Be drBerlin,(.1 Mai 1009. 6, Y ,..,-.4 c /0 4.r.,, , r t,Zr 4 i '... .- 1 Centralverband des Deutscben Bank= und Bari Berlin N.W. 7, Dorotheenstrasse 3" Einsel Zfruiben. 427g- 44, # 4 a, 2/6,7 Prkc d> 4#00X,;4,41/ 247',y, „ow, rnrayvvi71 r, 7 444 z,l, r 4, it 4. (.2h 9;11 (61.,z7f ( e-4.0,4,2 / P4. • -,- - , /49, /7/,,/, 7_ s- /7I _ ( gz 0/ 4-- -r-4 C t1 --10: 12 / 1 1 4 * // / 0 dtiefe-1:4 € K171a-4 c ge//7 v /;(d y,4/2 e 41. el: f ; 7 le7 Z (WI( e --c_ ff7, f ite c ; eef,e 4/. C:9 7 /f -L ZW:„ffc_4_ ,revrtr. des Deutsche Bak- aud 8.,likiergewei tes abignium 4;‘) //' • E/de/7f, e/Yty 7 -3 LL i / • tics Mod des Deutschen Bank- nod Bad gevez bes (Nidetngew V , ir-41 - 4,----/..-,-,-, `.,,,,"1-",,#, _ ,, _,------ (fOry"- iff - ) - , —,------) ,6— 9X.'. 17 ale:e/-„ai,i4-7 7 //.-.-t- „_-.--,%;(1 — 1 1 07 1 7 1 41-/-W/ "Y f 1/ 1- Z DetAz_ t tWo - IP-e4/44-1:12 frAr 411 4 / . 14/7 - 4_„ //r eiet,w/ 1, 7 4"1 ! Jr 0 • orban des Deatieben Bank- and Ba filingetrquer V.r _ 4 ,dii,a,,44t,.4.a.,„ 40 ‘‘k - (do.4 ‘,4e.e) z/x / 771- ‘1441.4, /(4veyi Ar,a? r/i4 4r,,i 4,dt/4 a Ji A, Li_ 41. 74,Zed 6,4444.1 ie,/ 14, 14, / el l 6,i4A/ /, 1/4 a,.. #44,1171).-f/fp/ 2„‘, e,(4 2r- ?Set,4•47 tWI &. wa .-2•: 2 1W Q--rge 4 , % zaa04/01 0,* 741,/ // i< 7/frw%wiO,,otr",‘,,vizi4e ioed 2ef#,t, . dati;44, 4» , / 7. 14- -1;71 t ( ///1( -tt-449 7o. tw,* ;7‘ 4 4 /3 eif74/7- cS‘d-&„li.4/ „ 4 //g.w r:f4-‘ W"- , 0,44. /11 44 t ow/07-/Af) learfrt 6 el' tX t /07 , oe" f ') 9 ----) ( ,et'sti , , or;iet eez7 ' - erl ._„z4-G-Ide f zeica ciK'of e - -e-e~t" (. ;-ex-A77e0y1 7 e--e C-1460 "P A-' 1) r . p _ ,„ .3- z,, ,c.c-4 - i , , Xicie es644) 4 '12 / -g- :fel ,7 // - - 7,,, 7-,--} a4,, FX -7 2 f edoliew tdeoe, 44e/ e -e , (.} 7erbes -2 „„„; 0 4;4, /)-7,-,1- /?.),,7 6" _/&47 .‘-aor44 •"— .; hd/4. edam zte44 krZe • , 9 4i2 44....0IANI .11I1M IIP e. 111, 251, 1L 4 , CentralTorball 1_1(-11w1 Baticrgewerbes 1 6r-f-(71 -4-/( /d7/- /cficf, %ff/AS 7 Z4 /;4417 freia.7fte. dt,ei4e. 1 /re., 4 4 4///7 41 , 744- '1 %-er/ A 14 dalt4;kK )0‘ °°'''f4A-vr‘ des Dent• : /ç7 11 d - ikek 64%ed2I(o 7-C4 4 # cA.d.ewk.(1kefrt Owini-11 /17A/1Y, / 'iS 7I7.7 /.„.ke,kf ItOW , I elAri ! Iff 7/. k74r1/, ,/ e , ii "tri rs.--t-t, , vsrband les Dentscli aferbes 42' 4 i)0aili :114% 1 1-4 ,1 edn--b1,14 414ravt t r , 4 , * ioAdtk, /111,10LA 44,44.4.„42, 6 ,‘ /61 werbes '(/ 47 /-4 ----- Cep. des Deutsch nal B:Eliuguierbui fak /6" - /pi ,s It / 4,_ 14,1A la,det iteoh it/4- rit /4444 i;l4,L 7 •$64 fi / d_vr la A /47,,,‘ a4/ii /i / ;-‘ _e_ 7 xff ,,r,"*"- i., / 4 , ,. *4.,1 4i, x#,-voirif 19 v4Ay /870- /, ,0 opf- 4, z<frti-yote. N — , 49 71 'cz1 , / 4 ‘G/044` 0(Gf , 010 E -ecV47/1-f C ' S4 ( koly " /4 4(07,ctii/ /49 4, 0/9;-.14/, ,efe t 7 I ff'"' "t"'" " f r e,y1 ‘,d/t L 7s' des DeotschlCentralverband P.t.)r P-Ekiergentbes 4 e;r1 --Orli * , -1- * if/4. „, , I . . .,ni.!:,...., 44i' A,T-----., „... - i I I-3 ._' x, ;71ii,ttr ,f4 4*-- ott,-,-7,; off,44,l 7 4, -1,A, v ‘ /1 7/ /ate(Z 7A - — Yf• t- /-Aito-f - prct 7 e i azy Zie`Ge ‘e ,~ 1 -44 7 /4 &1 ‘ 41 Ife - ( 71, -' ;9,16 -ge giVfr4x; u?":" 4'/t / -4/(i" c% 7 0.;( . . ii -e 7-#. ____........ _.1, ....../ : .. : ,...... ,7 7 -‘riff .: /7 f ---/ ‘f.e.(4* / 4-itetli, "if-flit4 /,• / tI4 11J • • ,„1):.1. CentralYerband dos Deutschen Bank- Ind Bankiergewerbei ra ads Verdi). i/v , eff , Ava lAtt:feve ete9,40, ,e4r (");- 97 , tt4 dean aw4 h.o/ tho .8 • )2a 277V1 74-) ••• p-29--/wei4.97 7 -14 9 7 61 y 04 z , i iry 4o2:--ny :z p, aa-w-fi kAr edr; z /7464'4 , g l (/ /gx/I-A ; • • - y 010, • Zfrge y, v 144;e(-4, kr), 401,-1,i/4‘47 . ,eLt,f , / ggY . 0 ga 17(.190 : 4 , 1 '• Ca D2Z; ,42Z,gdnr ,-.aft)(,) . . E "I.Y1 I • I / 1 f,f) d SIX; aylb . 3 gooicunvo / uawag 1 2 fr zigda&' r , (31 7V f ) I 4 ) Y "7 719' bY 11 en‘ ,r i2urc ,j (LA,. - DS P s Uf4•4 A*: Resolved, That our experience during and since the panic of 1907 has convinced the members of this Association that such aisastrous culminations of the periods of expansion will be best prevented by the operations of a Central Bank of discount and issue, and that we urge on the Ionetary Commission the earnest consideration of the organization of such a bank. San Francisco, August 2, 1909 4 WHEREAS, the National Monetary Commission is now engaged in the study of currency problems, with the purpose of proposing reform in the monetary system of the United States, and has been making investigations in various countries of Europe and in parts of the United States; and WHEEEAS, the methods in vogue on the Pacific Coast and the habits and customs of the people here have developed along lines differing, in some respects, from those of other localities of the United States, Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED: That the San Francisco Clearing House Association respectfully urges these conditions upon the attention of the National Monetary Commission and earnestly requests the Honorable Members of said Commission to hold sessions for the investigation of these conditions in the City of San Francis !o, as well as in other cities of the Pacific Coast. And be it further RESOLVED: That a ComLittee of this Clearing House be appointed to bring this matter properly before the members of the National Monetary Commission, and to that end that they put themselves in ccmnuncation with the representative commercial and busines:; associations of this city 4 to secure the co-operation of the latter. SAN FRANCISCO CLEARING HOUSE ASSOCIATION San Franci-co, August 2, 1909. WHEREAS, the Nation!A. Lonetary Coission is now engaged in the study of currency problems, with the purpose of proposing reform in the monetary system of the United States, ::cld has been making investigations in various countries of Europe and in parts of the United States; and WHEREA, the methols in vogue on tLe Pacific Coast , and the habits and custoll:s of tilt „eople here hnve developed along lines differing, in soe resects, from those of other of the United Stptes, Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED: That The Merchants Exchange resectfuily urges these conitions upon tie attention of the NationA. Monetary Commission and earnestly requests the lonor,-.ble LemberF3 of said Commission to hold sessions for the investigation of these conditions in the City of San Francisco, as well as in other cities of the Pacific Coast. And be it further REsCLVED: That p committee of The Merchants Exchange be ,l,pointed to bring this matter properly before th# . rembers of the National Monetry Commission, and to that end th...t they put themselves in cozunication 1';ti tbe representptive commercdal and business associations of this city to secure the co-operation of the THE LERCHANTS EXCHANGE ,-) / 7 Seer .ary.