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Report to the Fc::d :;r<;Jl I.-3serve Board
by the Ldvisory Comrdtt;;,-, of Governors
of FedGrDl Heservo Banl:s, on th~: soca.l.led 11 Claiborne-l,darns Chock
Collection Plan"


.Aug. 1,

1923 •

In compliance with :-,.our requ0st that we should rreke a statement of our
views on the three subjects discuss~d ot todDy's conference, we be~:S to advise
you as follows:
.Amended he§,-ulati.on "J" suggested by !,1essrs. Claioorne
and Adams on J~halt of the Ccmrdttee of Five on Exchange
of the American B..mkers• Association.

***** **~ ** ** ''-*
We are entirely and unanimously opposed to this plan for the
(1) It '.vould reinstate and perpetuate one of the most glarin 6 faults of
the old banking system - the creation of a. ficticicus reserve.
(2) It would b~ a substantial abandonment of the pa.r collaction system
:md ·.vould pave the way for tl~e :rr,position upon the'- comm~rce ond business of tl18
country of an annualcharg~ of over $100,000,CU).
(3) If immediate av::Jila.c.ility ·.vere to be given ·oy -:ach bank on all items
in its district there ·.vould probably be a.dded to the float over $300,000,000,
calcula.ting simply on th8 basis of the present .;~eekly cor.sol ieioted stD.terr.ent
of the System. In :pra.ctice this float would u:; enormously increasea.
Human nature being what it is, it is inconceivabls that bsru:s ·.vould
not take of the unusua.l opportunity afforded thc;m. Inst~ao of forivarding to their own Federal reserve banL checks psya ble in other Federal
reserve districts, thay would naturally send such :.. tsr.~s to cor :•espondents in
other Federsl Reserve bank citi.::s, which correspono<:>nts could deposit them in
their Federa.l reserve banks and receive irr,;-:Jediat:; credit :Jr.d ::;va.ila.bility
without being :oubject to the exchan[s2 charge. This vtould result in giving
irr,rr.ediats crcdi t and ava.ilabili ty for practically all checks, as received at
each Federal reserve bank or branch. It is also evident that it would make
possible unlimited "ki t·ing"- ·
(4) .As these addi tiona,l credits would be either checked out or used to
reduce loans; there vvould not only be a. reduction in the re::;..:rve ratio of the
Federal reserve system but ther.; vould be a still further very large l";3auction
in thr;; actU<:Jl Nserves of the merr,ber b'-'nks which were pre.ctically cut in half
uhen the Federal reserve system was established.
These obj7ictions might L>e elaborated and various other;;; might be cited,
but the mere -enumeration of ~ho;:;e stated above seems sufficient wholly to condenri tha pLm. In vievv of these; considerc;tions and of the f\:crther facta wr.ich
vere orought out at the he9ring todsy, this Comrittee r~s_r.,actfully and earnestly
r::comr:-:::nds that tha Board prom_;,tly announce its rejection of the l).roposed plan.




;"'' .,/


Effectiva d.s.te of J,rnan.ded 1\Ggula.tion .11 J 11 •
In view of the fa.ct tha.t a. revision cf the phra.seology of amended Regula.tion
J seems desira.ble, it is recornrr:end:;d that t.~e postponemerJ.t of the effactive
date for this 1\egula.tion be continued until further notic~.;es in pra.ctice of making collections on
ba.r.ik:s. not willing to remit a.t pa.r.

In order to conform to the :fullest pos.sibla e.xtont to the spirit, a.s well a.s
the letter, of the recent decision~ of the Supr-1me Co·~ut of th:J United States in
tha par clearance, it is rdcmnr:euded that thd use of a.gents other than banks
for the pur.~:~ose of ro.aking collections a.t par of items upon non pa.r-remitting
banks be discontinued in any district a.ny such pra.ctice IDEI.Y novr exist.
(Signed) Geo. W. Norris,
(Signed) J. H.,
(Signed) . J. B. McDot'.ga1,
(Signed) E.~· Fancher,



P. G. Harding,

(Signed) Chas . .A. Peple .
.Advisory Comrnitte.3 of Governors.

The Federal Reserve Boa.rd,

Washington, D. C.