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February 12, 1935.

Dear Sir:
The Board has "been advised that the Reconstruction Finance Cor­
poration has adopted the policy of requiring the written approval of
the various supervisory authorities at interest "before the directors
of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation consider requests for ap­
proval of capital reductions submitted "by "banks in which the Corporation
has a financial interest.

It is understood that the various Loan

Agencies have "been advised "by the Reconstruction Finance Corporation
that in the case of State member "banks the instructions have reference
to approvals of the plans "by the State Banking Departments and the
Federal Reserve Board.
The procedure to "be followed in order to expedite the handling
of such cases has "been discussed with the Reconstruction Finance Cor­
poration and for your information and guidance there is inclosed a
copy of a letter sent today to the Federal Reserve Agent at ITew York
with regard to such procedure.
Very truly yours,



Chester Morrill,

X -9125-a

February 12, 1935.

Mr. J. H. Case,
Federal Reserve Agent,
Federal Reserve Bank of Hew York,
Hew York, H. Y.
Dear Mr. Case:
Reference is made to your letter of January 28, 1935, re­
garding the procedure to be followed in advising the Reconstruction
Finance Corporation of the approval or disapproval by the Federal
Reserve Board of plans for reduction in capital submitted by State
member banks which are subject to a condition of membership requir­
ing the Board's approval of a reduction in capital.
In accordance with a request from the Reconstruction Finance
Corporation, the Corporation has been advised which of the State mem­
ber banks in which the Corporation has an investment or is committed
to make an investment are subject to a condition of membership re­
quiring the Board*s approval of a capital reduction.

It is understood

that the Reconstruction Finance Corporation will advise each of its
Loan Agencies of the names of such banks in the respective districts
and that the Reconstruction Finance Corporation will refer to the
Board for approval of proposed reductions in capital only plans of
banks subject to a condition of membership requiring the Board's ap­
proval of a reduction.

It is understood, also, that in order to ex­

pedite the consideration of such plans of capital reduction of State

M r• J • H • Case — 2.


member banks requiring the Board’s approval, the Reconstruction
Finance Corporation will advise its Loan Agencies that all such
plans submitted to the Loan Agencies should be promptly submitted
to the Federal Reserve Agents and that plans submitted to the Re­
construction Finance Corporation at Washington will likewise be sub­
mitted to the Federal Reserve Agents.
The Reconstruction Finance Corporation has also been advised
that the Federal Reserve Agents have been authorized in the circum­
stances and within the limitations described in the Board’s letter
dated December 15, 1934, (X-9048) to approve on behalf of the Board
reductions of capital notes or debentures or preferred stock issued
by State member banks in any case where the Board's approval of
such reduction is required.
In order to expedite the handling of requests for approval
of capital reductions of State member banks in which the Reconstruc­
tion Finance Corporation has an interest and which are subject to
a condition of membership requiring the Board's approval of a re­
duction in capital, it is suggested that the following procedure
be followed in all cases, whether the requests are received from
the banks concerned or are transmitted through the Loan Agencies
of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation:
In cases where you are authorized under the pro­
visions of the Board's letter X-9048 to act on behalf of

Mr. J. H. Case - 3.


the Board, it is suggested that you advise the Reconstruction
Finance Corporation of your action in the matter, sending
the original of your letter to the Reconstruction Finance
Corporation at Washington and a copy to the Loan Agency.
In cases where you are not authorized under the provisions
of the Board's letter X-9048 to act on Behalf of the Board, it
is suggested that you forward the request outlining the plan
to the Board, together with your recommendation in the matter.
You will, of course, Be advised of the Board's action in the
matter and, in accordance with the suggestion of the Recon­
struction Finance Corporation, advice of the Board's action
in the matter will also Be transmitted to the Reconstruction
Finance Corporation at Washington rather than to the Loan Agency
of the Corporation.
Although the procedure outlined above contemplates that formal
approval will Be given only in case of Banks subject to the condition
of membership requiring the Board's approval of the capital reduction,
it is expected, as requested in the Board's letter of December 15,
1934 (X-9048), that you will endeavor to keep yourself informed as
to any proposed reductions in the capital stock or capital notes or
debentures of State member banks, whether the Board's approval is re­
quired in such cases or not, and-to take such action as may be appro­
priate in any case where the proposed reduction would'not be to the


Hr. J. H. Case - 4.


"best interests of the "bank.

Very truly yours,
(Signed) Chester Morrill
Chester Morrill,