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Reg. D-8.
(Copies to be sent to all Federal reserve banks)
February 5, 1938.
, Vice President,
Federal Reserve Bank of
Dear Mr.


This refers to your letter of January 25, 1938, and inelosures, requesting aavice as to how member banks in your district should classify for reserve purposes certain "personal loan
It appears from the sample account book and note form of
National Bank,
, that the member bank makes loans to individuals through its personal loan department , taking in each case a promissory note payable at a specified
date in the future, and requires the borrower to deposit with the
bank a specified sum of money each month until the total of such deposits equals the principal of the loan, at which time the accumulated deposits are applied in payment of the loan and the note is
canceled and surrendered. It is also understood that the borrower
is furnished a book in which his monthly deposits are entered and
which contains the following provision: "This book is subject to
the terms of signed agreement made _________ day of
and has been assjgped to
National Bank as collateral".
We understand that the agreement referred to in the account
book is the note evidencing the personal loan, which contains a provision that upon default in making the monthly deposits the note, for
the full amount thereof loss a credit for such deposits as have been
made, shall become due and payable at the election of the payee.
It is our understanding that the borrower is not permitted
to withdraw the funds deposited under the above plan and that interest is charged by the member bank on the full amount of the personal
loan until maturity.
With reference to the question whether amounts deposited by
the borrower constitute deposits for reserve purposes, your attention
is invited to thm ruling oublished at page 538 of the Federal Reserve
Bulletin for September, 1931, which held, on similar facts, that funds
deposited in "special accounts" in order to provide for the repayment
of personal loans are deposits within the meaning of section 19 of the


Reg. D-S.

Federal Reserve Act against which reserves must be maintained.
This ruling was reaffirmed by the Board on July 11, 1935, in a
letter to the Federal Reserve Bank of
. Accordingly, reserves are required to be carried against the deposits
described in your letter. Since it is understood that interest
is charged on the full amount of the loan until maturity, it seems
clear that the monthly deposits can not be considered as partial
payments on the loan.
You also ask to be advised as to how such deposits should
be classified for reserve purposes. On the basis of the facts submitted, it is our view that the deposits evidenced by the book in
question should be classified as "time deposits, open account" provided the particular contract made with the borrower provides that
deposits shall be made during a period of not less than three months
as required by footnote 2 of section 1(d) of Regulation D. If a
case should arise in which the contract r-,Tith the borrower provides
that deposits are to be made during a period of less than three
months, we will be glad to consider the question of classification
upon receipt of a full statement of the facts of the particular

Very truly yours,
(Signed) L. P. Bethea
L. P. Bethea,
Assistant Secretary.