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Sec. 5136 E.S.-15
(Copies to Be Sent to All Federal Reserve Banks)
March 13, 1940
Federal Reserve Bank of
Dear Mr.

, President,


Reference is made to your letter of March 5 regarding
, a prospective
applicant for membership in the System.
It is the Board's view that the provisions of Section
5136 of the Revised Statutes do not make it necessary for a bank
applying for membership to reduce excessive holdings of individual issues of securities to within the limitations prescribed
for member banks or to dispose of nonconforming issues acquired
prior to membership. Furthermore, it is not the general practice of the Board to require, as a condition of membership, that
banks bring their securities account into conformity with Section
5136 and the regulations issued thereunder. Whether requirements
should be made in an individual case depends upon the circumstances in that case.
With regard to the
Bank, it appears
from the information submitted by you, and from the latest report
of examination of the bank by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, that the bank is in good asset condition except for
its securities account, and the securities account does not seem
to present an insurmountable problem. The total carrying value
of securities represents a relatively small portion of the bank's
total assets and provision has been made for probable losses in
the account. Therefore, if your office is satisfied with the
character of the new management and with its ability to effect
the improvements needed, the Board would not make any requirements of the bank regarding the securities account, unless, of
course, the bank is now subject to requirements imposed by the
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or the State authorities
in this connection.

Sec. 5136 R.S-15

With respect to the other question presented in your
letter, the Board is not inclined to the view that the filing
of the application for membership by the __________________ Bank
should necessarily be deferred pending the outcome of present
efforts of the bank to adjust and improve its securities portfolio. Such conclusion is based on the fact that the bank is
apparently in acceptable asset condition and under capable management, and on the assumption that better progress can be made
by the bank within the System than without.
If the bank files its application for membership, it
will, of course, be necessary to clear the case with the office
of the supervising examiner for the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation and it is assumed that you will ascertain, also,
whether the bank is subject to any requirements which the State
authorities may have imposed.

Very truly yours,
(Signed) L. P. Bethea
L. P. Bethea,
Assistant Secretary.