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Nov. l, 1923.

Mr. Dawa s , Cha.irn:an, Exami na.t ion
From M:r., Gene:ra.l Counsel, Faderal
Reserve :Boa.r.d

Power of the Board to Adopt
a. Policy with Reference to
B:t"anches of Sta.te Membe:t"

You have ret}uested my opinion a.s to whether or not the Federa.l
Reserve Board would be a.cting within its legal rights if it should
a.dopt the following :t"esolution:
VJHEBEAS, the Federal Reserve Act contempla.tes a. unified banking
system in which Sta.te and na.tional banks can pa.r.ticipate on
a. basis fair to both, and,
WHEREAS, Sta.te banks in Sta.tes have been perr.1i tted by
law or regulation to in Sta.te-wide branch banking,
while na.tiona.l banks are restricted by the Federal Sta.tutes
from es ta.blishing branches or offices beyond the limits of
the city in vi.nich the bank is lo ca. ted , and ,

the :Boa:rd believes tha.t this results in an inequi ta.ble
situa.tion which renders it impossiblt;;J for na.tiona.l a.nd Sta.te
banks to exist together in the Federal Reserve System on a.'competitive ba.sis unless the powers of Sta.te and
na.tional member ba.nks to in branch ba.nking a.t"e
reconciled 1 and ,

WHEREAS 1 in the interest of the successful administra-tion of
the Federal Reserve System, it necessa.:ry and desira.ble to confine the opera.tions of mer:1be:r banks within
:reasona.ble te:r:r.i to:rial limits, a.nd ,
WHEREAS, the Federal Rese:rve Boa:rd is authorized by the Federal
Reserve Act to prescribe conditions under whiCh applying
Sta.te banks rrJB¥ become members of the Federa.l Reserve Sys tam,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, tha.t the Boa.rd continue herea.fter
a.s heretofore to require Sta.te bank:s applying for admission
to the Federal Reserve System to a.g.ree a.s a. condition of membership .tha.t they will esta.blish no branches except with the
permission of the Federal Reserve Board;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, tha.t a.s a. general principle, Sta.te banks
with branches or a.dd i tiona.l offices outside of the corpora.te
limits of the city or town in which they are loca.ted or
territory contiguous thereto ought not be !).dmitted to the
Federal Reserve System except upon condition tha.t they relinquish such branches or additional officesj



BE IT FI:JB.THER BESOLVED, tha.t, a.s a. gene:ra.l principle·, Sta.te
banks which members of the Federal Reserve System ought
not be permitted to establish or branches or addi tiona.l offices outside the co'I"J)ora.te limits of the city
or town in which the bank is loca.ted or terri tory
contiguous thereto;
BE IT 'FURTHER RESOLYED, tha.t in a.cting upon individual al;)plica.tions of Sta.te banks for a.dmission to the Federal Reserve
System a.nd in a.cting upon individual a;pplica.tions of Sta.te
banks which members of the Federal Reserve System for
permission to establish branches or additional offices, the
Board, on and after February 1, 1924, will be guided genera.lly
by the above principles;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, tha.t the term 11 terri tox-y contiguous thereto11 a.s used a.bove shall mean the tex-:ri toty of a. city or town
whose cox-po:r.a.te limits a.t son:e point coincide with the
co:rpora.te limits of the city or to'Jll in which the parent bank
is loca.ted.
:BE IT 'FURTHER RESOLVED, tha.t this resolution is not intended to
a.ffect the sta.tus of a.ey branches o:r additional offices established p:do:r to Feb:rua.ry 1, 1924.
rr..As I interpret it, this :resolution would not establish an absolute,
ha.rd and :rule a;pplicable in a.ll, but would merely s ta.te
general principles fo:r the guidance of the Board in a.cting upon individual which a.:re presented to it. Being merely a. sta.tement of general
p:rinciples, it would not bind the :Soa.rd absolutely to a. definite cou:rse
of a.ction in eve:ry tha.t. might a.:rise in the futu:t<e, and the :Soax·d
could make exceptions in any individua.l in which such general
principles a.ppea:r to be ina.pplica.ble •
.After tho :rough investiga.tion a.nd caxeful study of the :Boa:rd' s power
to p:rescribe conditions of membe:rship, I l"endered an opinion under da.te
of July 16, 1923, in which I reached the conclusion tha.t, in admitting
Sta.te banks to membe:w:-ship in the Fecteral Reset'Ve System, the Fede:ra.l
Resene Board ha.s power to prescribe such rea.sona.ble conditions of membe:rship as in its disc:retion it deems necessa.x-y o:r advisable in order
to ca:r.:ry out the b:w:-oa.d purposes and policy of the Fede:w:-al Resex-ve Act
and is not limited to such conditions a.s are necessa.ry to ca.rry out the
exp:ress provisions of the Act; and tha.t if, in the exe:rcise of its disc:retion a.nd judgment, the Board believes tha.t a. condition should be· imposed upon an applying bank px-ohibi ting it fx-om esta.blishing branches
Without the Board's consent, then the Board may legally and va.lid).y
p:r-esc:ri l:e such a. condition a.s a. prerequisite to membex-ship. I a.lso exp:ressed the opinion tha.t, when the :Boa.:l'd ha.s px-escribed such a. condition
and the bank in question ha.s a.ccepted i t a.nd become a. oember of the
System, the Boa.:rd ha.s a. x-ea.sona.ble d isc:retion in dedding whether o:r
not to penni t tha.t bank to establish a. pa:-rticular branch; and tha.t if



it believes that the establishment of a. pa.:t"ticuls.:r branch would be
inconsistent with the spi:t"it ox- purp0se of the Federe.l Reserve Act,
then it rre.y pX'operly de cline to pex-mit it.
In that opinion a.ttentiol.l. we.s celled to the fact tha.t in a.cting
upon the a.pplice.tion of a. Sta.te ba.nk for admissi.on to the Fede.t'al Rese.t've System, the Fede.t'a.l Reserve Boa.J:'d is exp:cessly X" to conside:t' "whether ox- not the corpox-a.te powe:rs exero:i.sed a::.-e amsistent
with the purposes of this Act." That :requi:rer:Jent of the Act we.s discussed in p8Xt as folloii'/S ( 17):

"If any of the co:rpora.te powers of the epplying ba.nk a.x-e
not cons is tent with the pttl.'poses of the Fede:t'al Rese:rve .Act,
then the :Boa:r.d is authox-ized to :reject the applica.tion o:r. to
px-escribe conditions of admission to membership to x-econcile
these inconsistencies. It is clea:t· the.t the Fede:r.el Resex-ve
Boa.rd is to exe.rc~ise its ovm d isc~e tion in or x-ejecting a.pplic.a.tions or in prescribbg conditinns. It is also
to exeX'cise its d isc:retion e.s to wha.t conditions of membex-ship
to prescribe. If the Fede:ra.l Reserve :Boa.rd in the exex-cise of
its discretion end judgrr;ent, believes tha.t a. condition
is necessary in ox-der to make the powex-s of a.n applying bank
consistent;. with the pu:rposes of the Fedex<al Reserve Act, it
rrJ3.Y px-escribe such condition. * * * It is not indica.ted in the
Act what powe:r.s a:t'e inconsistent with membership a.nd the Fedex-al
Rese:rve Boax-d, therefo:t·e, must be the judge • 11
It appears from the x-epox-t of your Committee rec.ommending the
adoption of the above x-esolntion· tha.t the p:t'inciples sta.ted in tha.t
resolution based upon two p:r.opositiClns: (1) That one of the funda-mental pu:rposes of the Federal Reserve Act is to cx-ea.te a. unified.
system of bar..king in which Sta.te and ne.tiona.l banks can exist togethe:r
on a basis faix- to bothj and (2) that the admission of Sta.te ba.nks
to the iFedera.l Resene System with the unrest:rictRd povve:t' to engage
in Sta.te-wide bx-a.nch ba.nking is inconsistent wi t.h tbis pu:rpose of the
Act, beca:nse i t cJOeates a. competitive situa.tion under which national
banks cannot continue to exist.
If the Boa:?.'d thus finds that the power of a. pe.:rticula.r bank to in State-wide branch banking is inconsistent with the pu"-'poses
of the Federal Reserve Act, i t may, undex- the principles set forth
in my opinion of July 16, refuse to adrr,i t any pa.x-ticula.:r Sta.te bank
having such power o:r. it may edmit i t only on condition tha.t it a.g:ree
not to exe:t'cise such power except with the Boa.rd' s consent •

Having the powex- to impose such a. condition, the Fedex-al Rese:rve Board must necessa.x-ily the powex- to e.dopt genex-a.l principles

-4fol' its guidance in a.cting upon ind ividua.l case Which is
presented to it. Ina.smuch as the a.bove quoted :t'esolutionpurports
to do nothing rr.o:re than this, I am of the opinion tha.t the BoaJ•d would
be a.cting within its legal :rights in adopting such a. :t•asolution.
(signed) Waltel'
Gene Counsel.