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October 27, 1931

Federal lie serve Board
Mr. Smead

Topics for j o i n t conference of
Governors and P. H. Agents

The Board's l e t t e r X-S940 of August 11 requested each Federal reserve "bank
to advise the Federal Reserve Board, in advance of the next j o i n t conference of
Governors and Agents, of i t s t o t a l expense in handling s e c u r i t i e s of member
banks for safekeeping during the year 1930, or as close an estimate of such
expense as could be made.

The f i g u r e s furnished by the Federal reserve banks

are as follows:
Hew York


St. Louis
Kansas City
San Francisco
Total (11 banks)319,516

•Bank s t a t e s that i t seems impossible f a i r l y to estimate the expense
but t h a t i f the e n t i r e cost of the Custodies Function were taken,
p l u s considerable p o r t i o n s of the cost of P r o t e c t i o n , Registered
Mail, and Non-Cash Collection Functions, a s u b s t a n t i a l amount
would be arrived a t e a s i l y in excess of $100,000. However, i f
safekeeping f o r member banks were discontinued the p o s i t i v e savings would not exceed $1,000 per y e a r .
#Estimated savings i f the safekeeping function were discontinued.
An examination of the r e p l i e s to the Board's l e t t e r which are attached
hereto i n d i c a t e s that the f i g u r e s furnished by the several banks do not
represent in many instances costs of the same operations.

Some banks con-

fined t h e i r estimates to a portion of the cost of operating the S e c u r i t i e s
function, while others, in addition, included some of the expenses of the
Don-cash Collection, Registered Mail, F i l i n g , Accounting, Auditing, and
General Overhead f u n c t i o n s , under the theory that such expenses are an c u t -

— 2 -•
growth of the "banks' safekeeping oparationls*

f o r example, the reserve banks

c l i p a l l the coupons on "bonds held in Safekeeping and then, a c t i n g on
i n s t r u c t i o n s from member "banks, send most of them out f o r c o l l e c t i o n .


adds m a t e r i a l l y to the expense of the Hon—cash Collection f u n c t i o n .
For the Board's information, t h e r e f o r e , there i s shown "below the cost of
operating the Vault Custody u n i t of the Securities function a t each Federal
reserve "bank.

These f i g u r e s , which were compiled from the semi-annual

functional expense r e p o r t s furnished the Board, represent the cost of r e c e i v ing, vaulting, coupon c u t t i n g and delivery of s e c u r i t i e s and the maintenance of
the immediate vault records t h e r e o f .

While these f i g u r e s are thought to "be a

reasonably s a t i s f a c t o r y measure of the cost of the safekeeping service, two
points should he "borne in mind,

( l ) They include the cost of handling

s e c u r i t i e s owned "by the "bank or held as c o l l a t e r a l f o r rediscounts, also sec u r i t i e s held in safekeeping f o r Government and other o f f i c i a l s .


s e c u r i t i e s are l a r g e l y Government obligations and consequently the cost of
handling them i s r e l a t i v e l y small.

(2) The f i g u r e s do not include any expenses

connected with t h i s service incurred elsewhere in the hank, f o r example, in
the Registered Mail, F i l i n g , Auditing and Non-cash u n i t s .

In case the Federal

reserve hanks discontinued the safekeeping service f o r member hanks there would
he some reduction in these costs although the reduction would no doubt be small
i f member banks continued to use the Federal reserve banks f o r c o l l e c t i n g
maturing s e c u r i t i e s and coupons.
Expense during 1930
Custody u n i t of the
New York

a t each F. R. Bank (including branches) of the Vault
S e c u r i t i e s function
S t . Louis
Kansas City
San Francisco

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The amount of s e c u r i t i e s held in custody f o r the account of member "banks
"by each Federal reserve "bank may "be h e l p f u l to the Board in t h i s connection and
accordingly such amounts are given "below.

In a few instances the f i g u r e s , which

were taken from the most recent examination reports a v a i l a b l e , include c e r t a i n
s e c u r i t i e s held in safekeeping f o r Government, State and municipal o f f i c i a l s ,
nonmember p a r - r e m i t t i n g banks, e t c .
.Amount of s e c u r i t i e s held in safekeeping f o r member "banks, e t c . . "by each F.R.
Bank (including branches)
New York

(11-15-30) $169,685,000 Chicago
(7-18-31) $224,141,000
( 4-11-31) 520,863,000 S t . Louis
(12- 6-30) 271,798,000 Minneapolis (2-17-31)
( 3 - 7-31) 164,477,000 Kansas City (6-30-31)
( 3-24-31)
47,258,000 Dallas
(1- 6-31)
(10- 4-30)
44,906,000 San Francisco(6- 6-31)

Deputy Governor Attebery of the S t . Louis bank s t a t e s that the following
appears upon each acknowledgement issued to member banks covering s e c u r i t i e s
l e f t for safekeeping;
"Theft, burglary and holdup insurance carried by the Federal
Reserve Bank of S t . Louis i s in a limited amount and covers
money and negotiable s e c u r i t i e s owned by the bank in addition to s e c u r i t i e s held f o r safekeeping. In the event of
l o s s , the amount recovered through insurance w i l l f i r s t be
applied against l o s s of Federal Reserve Bank property and
only the excess w i l l be available f o r pro r a t a d i s t r i b u t i o n
against l o s s e s of member banks. If a member bank d e s i r e s i n surance p r o t e c t i o n in addition to that outlined above, i t
must arrange the same d i r e c t with i t s own insurance companies."
In h i s l e t t e r to the Board, Governor Calkins s t a t e d that he thought i t
would be h e l p f u l to the Federal reserve banks i f the Board would inform them
concerning the circumstances under which the loss r e f e r r e d to in Board's
l e t t e r X-6940-a was sustained