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Ex-Officio Members W. P. G. HARDING. G O V E R N O R PA U L M . WARBURG. VICE G o v e r n o r FREDERIC A. DELANO ADOLPH C. M ILLER CHARLES S. HAMLIN W ILLIAM G. McADOO Secr etar y o f th e T r easur y C H A IR M A N JOHN SKELTON W ILLIAM S FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD Com ptr o ller o f th e C u r r en cy WASHINGTON H. PARKER W ILLIS , S E C R E T A R Y SHERMAN P. ALLE N . A S S T . S E C R E T A R Y £-327 and F is c a l A g e n t ADDRESS REPLY TO FE D E R A L RESERVE BO AR D August 13, 1917♦ Dear Sir: The Board has received the fallowing communication from the Secretary of the Treasury} nIt seems important that close attention he given to shipments of gold and to remittances to foreign countries, and I am therefore requesting that the Federal Reserve Board communicate with the Federal reserve hanks urging that they keep in touch as closely as possible with transactions of this character and report them to the Board for my information as well as for the use of the Board.” You are accordingly requested to continue the close supervision that you have hitherto exercised over shipments of gold and remittances to foreign countries. It seems especially desirable that you request the hanks and foreign exchange houses of your district to keep you advised of transactions of this kind, in order that you may tabulate them and report them to the Board. Legislation is pending which, if enacted, will give the Federal reserve hanks the legal right to call for this information® Very truly yours, Governor.