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JkLSWSOF iL s e r v ic e d e s ir e i DO M ESTIC _________ C A B L E TELEGRAM FU LL RATE DAY LETTER DEFERRED W ESTERN U N IO N N IG H T NIGHT M E S S A G E _________ LETTER ___ NIGHT v LETTER WEEKEND LETTER Patrons should check class of service .d e sired; otherw ise message w ill be transm itted as a f ull-rate A eommanication. f J CHEC K ACCT'G IN FM N. T IM E FILED J . C . W IL L E V E R . F IR S T V IC E -P R E S ID E N T N E W C O M B C A R L T O N . P R E S ID E N T Send the following message, subject to the terms on badt hereof, which are hereby agreed to OGEES UTAH AP?JL» II 1936 Mil. JOHN N PAY TDK PELSILEHT FEDERA^. itESEitVE b&NS MISHEAPOLIS M MIME30IA TENTATIVELY PLANNING SP J6iL THKUSLAY IIS MINNEAPOLIS STOP SfclGU-L TO i'lKLT FOR INFOiiiiAL» DISCUSSION IXLtECToRS OF BANK TOGETHER FilTH iiEADING BANKERS OF MINNEAPOLIS AND oT PAUl, STOP WIRE M JQNLA1 AT FIRST SECURITY CORPORATION OGDEN UTAH IF &}Ct± ARRANGEMENT ENTIRELY CONVENIENT ANL AGREEABLE TO YOU iid S ECCi.ES NIGHT LETTER CHG M S EGGEES AOCT. ip jjg q u i c k e s t , s u r e s t a n d s a f e s t w a y t o s e n d m o n e y i s b y t e l e g r a p h o r c a b l e