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Not for Publication before
3:00 P.M. 2ST. Sunday
January 25, 1948










Camille Gutt, Chairman of the Executive Board of the International Monetary
Fund, today made the following statement:
"The French Government has engaged in full and frank consultations with
the International Monetary Fund regarding a plan for exchange adjustment,
which would require the approval of the Fund. The essential features of the
plan were the following!
"The par value of the French franc would be reduced by 44.444 percent,
which would result in a change in the rate from approximately 119 francs
per U.S. dollar to approximately 214,

At the same time, a discriminatory multiple
introduced whereby U.S. dollars and certain other
readily sold for dollars v/ould be bought and sold
fluctuating rates which v/ould differ considerably

currency practice would be
currencies which can be
in a market inside France at
from the new par value,

"French exporters would be permitted to sell in this market one-half of
their export proceeds in the designated currencies, the other half being sold
to the French monetary authorities at the official par value. French importers
would be permitted to buy in this market the designated currencies needed to
pay for non-basic commodities. In addition various "invisible" transactions
would be authorized to take place in this market, including exchange transactions of tourists, capital transfers and other non-commercial remittances.
"The Fond agreed v/ith the French Government that a change in the par
value of the franc was necessary, and indicated that it was prepared to concur
in a devaluation of the franc to a realistic rate which would be applicable to
transactions in the currencies of all members of the Fund. In this connection,
the Fund has noted with satisfaction the budgetary and fiscal measures
directed at internal monetary stabilization which France has taken in recent
"The Fund gave careful consideration to the proposal to establish a
market in convertible currencies along the lines indicated above. The Fund
had no desire to be rigid or doctrinaire in its approach to this matter,
particularly in view of the abnormalities of the present situation. Despite
serious reservations regarding a sj^stem involving fluctuating rates, the Fund
explored various alternatives designed to meet in so far as possible the

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objectives of the French authorities. The Fund was not, however, ablo to
agroo to the inclusion in n narkot with fluctu ting rates of any part of the
proceeds of exports, "s in its judgnont this entailed the risk of serious
ndverse effects on other nenbers of the Fund, without bcinp; necessary to achieve
the objectives sought by the French authorities.
"The Fund felt that there would be sco^e for conpctitlvo doprccirtion in
the application by one country'- of a fluctuating rate on exports to one rron
while other rates ronain stable rnd other countries maintain the parities
rgreed with the Fund, f'uch a syston, operating in an inportnnt trading country,
would encourage trade distortions and night c^st unwarranted doubt on the real
strength of riany currencies through the nppnrorvt discount appliod t>> thor.i in
the French systcn,
"The Fund ferred that the widespread adoption of such a syston would
result in oxchango uncertainty and instability c:v\ produce r disorderly
exchange situation fron wh:lch all nonbers of the Fund would suffer.
I'hilo recognizing the difficulties of the French position, the Fund
felt that the solution oust be found through cooperative efforts to
place currencies on a sound rnd stable basis.
"The French Govcrnnont found that it could not accept the ••.lodification of its proposal suggostod by the Fund end has :^ow infomed the Fund.
that it has decided to go forward with its proposal notwithstanding
the objections of the Fund. The Fund regrets this action by a country
which collaborated so effectively i:i the Fund1- establishment and
whose cooperation has been a v::lu~blo asset,
"The Fund will continue to work with Trrncc in seeking a nodification of theso oxchango prncticcs in order to ncot French needs within
the frnnowork of the international monetary ^rrangoncnts established
by the Fund Igrecnent."