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Jammry 13*

It Im* always bmn bsportant and 1* now otore important than
ever thatftft&hFe&oraX Reserve Bank have an adequate ©oonomio depart^
9*«nt hoaded by a full-tiis» economist* JDa general* the purpose of mm
a departsaent i s threefold? to serve th# Board of Oovernors* tlie lank*
and the publio•
fit* Board of Governors in i t * work &*«&» to fe*v» m
of •Qoaoalo d©reiop«©ats in th«i viuriou* regions of the oountr/,
w#ll *s ic tho aatloxi *« A whol©. It i s difficult for peraone
for th» develoiKsadiat «a4 tr*n»i«i*s*io» of «uoh iuTorafttios to th« Bourd.
•This r«fuir«« tb« miitt«gt«m« of ro«#&n^ dopftrtwentu with *t«£f#
to dflToloo u&& jaftintftia th« infojnMtloii, 1B r#o«Jit J M M th
through tho ooncSuot of m*saorou» spot aonro^i, to $r«*«&t on «hort
iafonaatioia oovorius region* throughout tho ©oimtr^. th» oo^l«t#*
of *u©h «urv*y« ha»« honr^or, booR liait«4 in «oa» distriots by tho
f«u?t tJmt th« WMwarisfa 4#p»rts»at» of #os» -of th« B*»it« woro not ftdoqu&toly
«qui^jp©4 to supply tho asoMtsiur^ iaforaatioa «^ni»8t % baokgrouttd of ooat i i
t t with l#«4«r* in 4i*triot «Bt«rpr!**s•
to Bmrtt the
fh» roaomroii 4op«r1»»ttt of «aoh Hoservo Simk mitt k©#p Bank
offioiale iaforntd «# to ©oouomia d«v«Xop»«at* both withia th® <ii»triat
and smtioimlly. E*oh B*ak tisould Atnumo & position of I«*d«r«hlp in it*
end to do this th* of floors should leoup in olo*# touoh with
and fimwooial derolo^aonts in la^ortftrat rogion* In thoir dilttrlot.
fh© S^st«»v« wsrk «4d that of o*oh d*Ak I* mmh broiulor than tho puroly
ttftohosioml fu^otioxs* of bank oforfttiom^ fl*o*l Rgoaoy, «ad tho like. Im
the dovolopmout of sM>a«rUry m& oro^it polioy* oojatidorfittiaa wi*t bo
to th« i«fort«nt probloa* that *ri** 1B ooanootion with Indus try*
sad fiimnoo, wd o&ofe Sank s%t«t hmim it* affioors infor»*d on
i f th«y *ro to t»k» •» aotiiro part in doaisiom* th*t aro
within & $ivm r«£lon* B*ak' official* a»mt Imvo not only tiio imawlodgo
gained from oontaot with b*®&tif$« btaiiJS«*»attKi, mad ^thor« in tho locality but
al«o timt provi«lo4 by tho ro*#«roh d«p*Tta*-at ia It* ooatiauon* aad
appraisal of oooaomio oonditiims throughout tho district.
offieials oust «l*o b« kopt fully inforaed o» rational &«
«• looal devclopssenta «o t!wnt# *he& o»#ting with tho Board of 3oror»or* or
with tho f*«dor*l Qpm Markot Co»aittoo to consider Systssi polioy* oaoh aay
ooatrlbut© fully to th# diious*loe. and s#o that ?robl«jaa ia^artaiit to hi*
district are viewed in their proper perspective and ar« given full oonsidor

* 2m
To sorvo the public
If the Sank* are to oocmpy ft position of leadership in their
own eesysraitlee, they wast be reeogaiied MI authorities on affair a within
thoir districts. This can beat be aocoagplished by building up a research
departaa&nt which will know conditions IM i t s <iistri©t thoroughly and will
be available for consultation with Federal, State, and local governmental
agencies* private organisations* wid individual* mho are Interested In a
knowledge of what is &oi»S oa in a cOMsamity. At preacnt th«r# ar« no
other »uch agooolos to whioh on© nay go for information on local developnont«. the Federal &e«erv* Banks have already aad* aoau» plaoe for the»•elvea l a this reepeot and Have been of real seryioe to the publle# but
the work ahould be expanded further* the pr&ftent program for regional
coononio ettidlee ehould do miob in this direction i f the Banks develop
their staffs sufficiently to do the work and i f the result* «o far as
possible are mde available to the public and the public i s inforaaed of
this fast.
EEUTI05 OF guivKl; or (Xi7WSmu& to
Frier t o 1956 the researoh department a were under the supervision
of the chair awn and Federal leserve Agents« l a the l a t t e r half of that year
the research departsaaiita were transferred t o the Banks as a jmrt of the
transfer of the non-statutory duties of the Chainaen and Federal ftomwr**
Agents to the operatiftf, ds^art»snts of the Banks.
At the t i » e t h i s transfer was aade there was s e t forth, i s the
l e t t e r s sent t o eaoh Sank authorising the shange, a s e t of principles to
l»overa the operations of the research departments after their transfer
from the Agent f s department t o the- Bank* Briefly these principles stated
that the Board expected i t s Division of Koseareh and S t a t i s t i e s t o keep in
olose touch with the a o t i v l t i e s of similar desartnenta at Beserve Banks and
would expeot full cooperation i n the System*s work l a t h i s f i e l d . Hew
projeote of an extensive nature proposed by a Bank should bo worked out in
cooperation with the Board*s 01vision of Eesearoh sad S t a t i s t i c s , and fro«
t$m t o tisae the Board would request the Banks to oooperat© on special
studies of orlaary interest to the Board* the Board would continue the
praetioe of reviewing a l l publications of the Federal Reserve panics dealing
with amtters of more than losal interest and requiring approval of the
Board before they are issued. The budgets of the research departaent* oontlmaed t o be subject t o advanoe approval of the Board and a l l appointments
of persons to supervisory positions in the departments regained subject t o
Soard approval.

thu« th« Board retained «up*rvi«ory oootrol cnrtr the roewuroh
iid oould, At i t s di»or«tioii» withdraw th«sa from the Bimic«.
In th« ©vejst that & f»d«ral l«a«rv* B*nk « M unwilllag to est&blieh an
rftse&rch dep^rtsrsoast or to allow I t *uff ioient fu«d§ t e oftrry out
4«»sied <*«se»tiaX b^ the io*r4, th« d#pfijrtia©Et oould at Any
p\it under the Chfdrwms «fco is the Xonal ropr»*eatntive of the- Board